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Filename: 20220830_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 30, 2022
4070 lines.

The speaker discusses the fourth industrial revolution, focusing on technology advancements in areas like brain research and nanotechnology, as well as changing existing systems. Addressing equity issues is crucial for solving global problems, and Mike Lindell is highlighted for his work exposing surveillance by intelligence agencies in America. Whistleblower information from Dennis Montgomery reveals how the CIA and FBI have been spying on Americans to manipulate elections and insider trade; however, this information has been discredited by the establishment. The speaker encourages listeners to trust a small group of patriots working to save the nation and spread information.

This program contains language and sequences some viewers may find disturbing.
The nation and all of our freedoms hang by a thread.
And the military apparatus of this country is about to be handed over to SCUM.
We're beholden to SCUM.
And the Russian SCUM.
Listen, please listen.
If you don't, if you won't, if you fail to understand,
then the same incredible terror that's menacing me will strike at you.
The function of all life is survival.
Oh my God!
They're coming!
They're coming! Help!
They're coming! They're coming! Listen to me!
Listen to me!
You're next, please!
You're next, they're in danger!
Please listen to me! Something terrible!
Please! You're next, here they are!
They're already here!
Help! You're next!
They're coming! They're coming!
The seed is planted.
Terror grows.
At least if we wake up, we can get you when you sleep.
Sit up!
Invasion of the body snatchers.
All of a sudden they're growing like parasites.
Is it contagious?
It's a real homie.
It looked right after you.
You're looking at it as if it was human or not human.
Now, the classic fear begins to grow.
We're being cornered.
In a modern masterpiece of science fiction.
The barricading streak.
Invasion of the body snatchers.
The land of the walking dead!
If you are receiving this transmission,
you are the Resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
You take on the intelligence community.
They have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.
It's one giant incestuous circle of corruption.
Look, the CIA is a rogue agency.
The White House and the President
are citing simple words.
We have to start getting ready for insurrection and civil war
because they're really pushing it.
What are we going to do if they kill the President
and then order their local governments
and their local federal branches
to come arrest thousands of resistance leaders?
If they kill Trump, it will move Trump.
It will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a female high-level regime.
This is a national emergency.
Important instructions will follow.
This is an emergency broadcast from FEMA.
In compliance with the United Nations,
the Department of Homeland Security
has declared more civil war.
City officials have called for military help.
Planes and troops are expected to arrive
within the next two hours.
If you are receiving this transmission,
you are the resistance.
It's Alice Jones.
World Food Program warns of global food catastrophe.
Looming global catastrophe.
The world could run out of food by 2023.
Major studies say.
And the reports go on and on.
We told you this was a designed program
by the globalist two and a half years ago.
We told you energy and food prices would explode
and now they're up more than 40% in the U.S. alone.
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So go to preparetoday.com
and ask yourself and your family while you still can.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's Tuesday, August 30th.
We have 72 days out from the midterms
and the Globals are getting ready to make their next move.
The most banned network in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen,
they're preparing to launch the next phase
of their operation.
They're trying to trigger an all-out hot civil war.
But we know their next move
and we can stop them together.
Let's start.
I want to start with a clip from Facebook CEO
Mark Zuckerberg on Hunter Biden
and then talk to you on the other side.
The FBI,
I think, basically came to us.
Some folks on our team,
it was like, hey, just so you know,
you should be on high alert.
We thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda
in the 2016 election.
We have it on notice
that basically there's about to be
some kind of dump
that's similar to that.
So just be vigilant.
I mean, it sucks.
Because it turned out,
after the fact,
no one was able to say it was false.
So the FBI says it routinely warns people
about potential misinformation.
I wonder
why they didn't warn themselves
or the FISA court in 2016.
you had a really good high-minded discussion
with your last guest.
I'm just going to get really to the bottom of all this.
Most Republicans,
including me,
believes when it comes to Trump
there is no law.
It's all about getting him.
There's a double standard when it comes to Trump.
What happened with Hunter Biden
is that the FBI
weighed in to make sure his story didn't break
for the 2020 election.
We now have whistleblowers at the FBI
telling Senator Grassley
that they were told to slow down
and back off Hunter Biden.
And I'll say this,
if there's a prosecution of Donald Trump
for mishandling classified information
after the Clinton debacle
which you presided over and did a hell of a good job,
there'll be riots in the streets.
You know, I'm a simple Monty Guy senator.
I think people ought to be treated the same
without regard to political ideology.
And I remember that Jim Covey press conference
really, really, really well.
The next 71 days,
we're going to see some very violent fireworks.
I would predict
racially motivated mass shootings,
attacks on power supplies
being blamed on the right wing.
They intend to bring in
a full dictatorship
in the next 71 days.
And we are all
strapped to this thing.
This is such a dangerous time.
And I would advise the globalist
who are mid-level
that think they're about to have a leftist revolution,
the globalists don't actually plan
at the higher levels to have that.
They plan on having a civil war that brings down America
and you'll be the fall guys.
The left are going to be destroyed
in this process.
You're being set up
and I would advise
the leadership of the FBI
and the Justice Department to
use your heads.
They're going to stage provocative events
to further demonize Trump
and populists
in America, period,
tying us to Trump
and tying us to the violence.
That's why they need to get us off air
ahead of this.
That's why they're so desperate to do it
and the Democrats have filed in federal court
to seize control
of Info Wars last Friday
claiming we're a criminal organization
and all these lies
with no evidence and no real facts
they've been given the orders
by their higher ups
to get us off air
because they need us off air
when they stage the attacks,
when the globalists stage the attacks,
when the deep states stage the attacks
when the deep states stage the attacks.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's game time.
Hundreds of years of powerful
corrupt forces
working to overthrow the U.S.
and now they're making
their move.
We have an incredible transmission
lined up for you today.
The talking heads
are parroting that America
is entering a civil war
that Republicans are fascist
and semi-fascist.
Biden is set to have a national
address coming up in a few days
where he will try to
basically outlaw
the Republican Party.
They know there's a major
They know there's a huge political
realignment and the globalists
are making their move
right now.
They're trying to
try to finish this country off
but it's not going to go well.
Okay, so we have
that stack of martial law civil war
I'll be getting that at the bottom of the hour.
We have DeSantis
who just gets it.
Coming out and saying
they're planning new lockdowns
and new virus scares
which they admit they are
all quarterbacked by the U.N.
And we've got to
force a reckoning close quote
to prevent
They think you don't have a memory.
They never got rid of the lockdowns
in some part of the world and now they're getting ready to bring them back here.
I've got a stack of news on that.
We've got to get on the ball now.
The orchestrated economic collapse
has already killed the U.N.
admits and the numbers are accurate.
I've looked them up.
60-something extra million people.
Normally 15 million die a year.
It's been over 30
plus million dying a year
the last three years with this crap.
Those are real people, folks,
mainly children starving to death.
And they're pushing
force inoculations to come to the U.S.
If you're a legal alien, you can come right across.
And now all over blue cities and blue states
like D.C., the District of Criminals
40% of the black students
are going to be expelled
because they're refusing to take the experimental
poison shot. I say
bravo to those black parents
that know about the Tuskegee experiment
and who love their children.
They should all be suing that school district.
They should be calling for the arrest
of the violation of
the Nuremberg Code and the Geneva Convention
of forcing experimental
injections on people
where the mom and dad are working
extra jobs
in this inflationary depression.
And they're told you got to take these shots
or you're kicked out of school.
And it gets worse.
Then D.C. says they're going to call truancy
officers on you and arrest you.
That's forced injections.
That is criminal
as hell.
While the left claims they love black people
all day long, they're the ones that ship
narcotics in their neighborhoods.
They're the ones that push gangster rap on MTV.
They're the ones that broke up the black
family and they're doing everybody else's family now.
And I love black people. I love white people.
I love everybody. I don't see color
when it comes to the soul.
And it makes me enraged
at the left
in how they are the most racist
scum of the earth.
The most anti-human, anti-baby, anti-god.
They've got the wavos to sit there
and tell those of us
they're trying to stop this that we're racist
fascist when that's exactly
what they are.
We're going to go to break
and I got to air this because it's so powerful.
It's a little five minute clip off Sky
in Australia.
And they knock it out of the parks. We'll come out of break next segment
and play it.
You know what I mean? Joe Biden's
semi-eliterate response
to semi-fascism, Sky News.
We're going to play that and then I'm going to get into
of the insane news today.
Thanks to the listeners.
We're still on air. Thanks to
the listeners and all these
fake courts trying to rig us
and rig these
trials and bankrupt us.
we're able to do Chapter 5
which will keep the company going
And only the real amount of profit there is
will go
to these kangaroo operations
and they're enraged by that.
They're enraged
that it's coming out in court. I haven't paid myself
in a year and a half. They're enraged
that I don't have all these millions of dollars.
They say I do.
But we have to make the company profitable
in this 13
week bankruptcy. We're now in week 5
and we are profitable
and they are going
crazy right now. Thanks to
you supporting us.
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People say Alex Jones is crazy.
He's a conspiracy theory guy. He's a nutcase.
He's got these rants and all that.
What they miss
is that this guy's a head of the curve
on so many different topics
of signal, not noise.
If you look at the signal
and you compare that
to PBS and NPR and BBC
and we'll do what Alex Jones put out there
versus what your
collective body has put out there
and if you're
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well, Alex Jones is the head of this, not only that,
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and of course he is misusing it
to attack half the country
when he was asked to clarify
what he meant by semi-fascism
he gave a semi-literate
What do you mean by semi-fascism, sir?
You know what I mean.
Yeah, that's Joe
not going to get much sense out of him
let's see if the White House
press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
can give a coherent answer
to what the president means
when he condemns Republicans
and Trump supporters as semi-fascists.
Only semi-fascism
come in.
Is this something we're going to hear more of
that phrase? Is this something the president is going to embrace
or is there any sense that
it was a little impromptu
and it's going to turn into
a kind of basket of the horrible thing that he regrets
and that tries to be quite about?
Look, I was very clear when
laying out and defining
you know, MAGA Republicans have done
and you look at the definition
of fascism and you think
about what they're doing
in attacking our democracy
what they're doing in taking away
our freedoms, taking away
wanting to take away our rights
our voting rights. I mean
that is what that is. It is very clear.
are doing what now?
They're the ones attacking your freedoms
and trying to take away your votes, okay?
This Orwellian claptrap
might work with the demented resistance crowd
who still think Russia stole the 2016 election
same people would know that fascism
is a system of government
where opponents and critics are suppressed
and attacked. It's a
coordination of individual interests
for the supposed good of the nation
including the regimentation
of society and the economy.
It's using the police
and other government agencies
to come after your opponents.
Sound familiar?
We've seen our hopelessly
politicized agencies
like the FBI and IRS have become
acting as the Democrats
enforces. Then there's the bulk
of the mainstream media and big tech
platforms which act as the Democrats
propaganda arms.
If you want to talk about semi-fascism
then look no further
than the FBI's role in pushing
the damaging Russian collusion hoax
for years to undermine
the election and presidency of Donald Trump.
Look at the FBI's complicity
in suppressing the Hunter Biden
laptop stories before
the 2020 election. The full
extent of that complicity was revealed
by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
this week.
The background here is the FBI
I think basically came to us
some folks on our team was like hey
just so you know
you should be on high alert.
We thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda
in the 2016 election
we have it on notice
that basically there's about to
be some kind of dump
that's similar to that so just be
And the whole report is on infowars.com
and it just goes on from there for another
few minutes.
But think about that you call something
Russian propaganda
which would be terrible
if the Russians were actually manipulating things effectively.
The Chinese
are a hundred times more effective. The
Russians are a hundred times more effective than that
But then they come and suppress the vote
they suppress information
in an election is what they're claiming the Russians
did and of course
it's recordings of Hunter saying
I'm under the command of the head of Chinese
and I'm ordering three hookers
tonight and I give
a certain percentage of the money to my dad
and my dad has sex with my sister.
I mean
and it goes on and on.
I mean I started getting into Hunter's laptop
back during the election
and I made the decision that
I've never looked at child porn
I've never seen stuff like this
and I'm not looking at it and I told my crew
I said
we're going to wait for other people to dig into this
we're not
this is so illegal that I'm not even
looking at it.
And that's who you've got
is a bunch of compromised pedophiles
ladies and gentlemen
Jeffrey Epstein was the tip of the iceberg
running this country and the world
into the ground
and they've gotten away with so much
they just don't care anymore
that's why Zuckerberg covered his butt
and that's why the FBI came out days after Zuckerberg said
we were told to shut this down by the FBI
and they said yeah we do that all the time
yeah I know you do
I remember five years ago
congressional hearings
in the House Armed Services Committee
and Senate hearings
saying Alex Jones is a Russian
with no evidence and no proof
and then they used that to debank us
and deplatform us and harass the hell out of us
they figured out that wouldn't work and so they go
oh well he questioned a mass shooting let's make that who he is
and hype that up and sue him for that
now they admit that model is to be used
against everybody else
to shut down anybody that stands up to him
because they can't get away with this
monstrosity, this takeover, this authoritarianism
this inflation, the open borders
all of it
if there's voices of opposition
so they say well our new world order
is unpopular
what are we going to do
to counter
the people that are criticizing us
and it's simple
we'll just outlaw our opposition
we'll just demonize our opposition
that's what you do when you're losing
in an open free society
that's why next segment
I'm going to drill in
the incredible announcements
of martial law and terror
that are coming and the Democrats
and Biden set to give a speech in two days
saying Republicans basically
are an outlaw group of fascists
he's already saying that
they're going to make their move because
they're weak with 70 days out
now if we put enough heat on them
if there's enough expose of it
then they may back off and not do it
if there's enough FBI whistleblowers
and I wanted to say this at the start of the show
and I forgot to but let me just say this
I don't lionize federal agencies
I don't lionize anybody
I lionize individuals that do a good job
but we've seen hundreds now
of senior FBI whistleblowers
lose their jobs we're now learning
in the last year and a half
we're just now learning their names
going forward and saying
we were ordered to hide the Hunter laptop
we were ordered to cover it up
we were ordered to go intimidate people
telling the truth and we don't like that
so we're very close to winning this thing
and they know it
I do not lionize the FBI
it's controlled by the globalist
are there good agents?
Absurd fricking lootly
do I lionize the military?
no because the top of the military
is run by the new world order now
but is the average military person
the salt of the earth?
the people I know in the military
are committed hard working
incredibly dedicated people? damn right
the best people I know
my family and my friends
are veterans
badass people
and they've been removed
from the positions of power in this country
and the tyrants that hate this nation
have been put in charge
and we're going to take this country back
and we're going to take this world back
with God's help
but there's going to be a fight in the process
and I want to fight it intellectually
I want to fight it economically
and spiritually
and geographically
by where we move and what we do
never fires first loses
but I'm telling you
our enemies are losing and they're going to get violent
they've already burned down billions of dollars
they're already calling for more violence
and now they're saying we're about to get violent
which tells me they're about to pull
the fake Whitmer kidnapping
times a thousand
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I don't say this
try to impress listeners
I say this because it's true
and I want you to be impressed with what you've done
not by me
I can tell you why the left hates us so much all over the world
and it really is what happens in a vacuum
but I can tell you with what's left
of the US resistance to the military and US intelligence agencies
and I can tell you in the resistance movements around the world
I am recognized as the leader
that's how the universe works
it's a metaphysical thing that happens
people decide upon a leader
and this has really happened in the last year
but now more and more mainline people are saying
and I say that with great trepidation
I say that with a lot of concern
because I'm just an average person just like you
but I'm dedicated to freedom and I've been involved in this
for more than three decades
and I'm committed
and I've shown that I have an understanding of the enemy's overall plans
better than probably anybody else out there
and now
the main value of this broadcast is not just what we do with the general public
waking them up and what you do waking them up
that's incredible
but it is the fact that in the agencies
not just the US agencies
but in other agencies and corporate boards around the world
decompartmentalize how the New World Order operates
and we're giving people a blueprint
of how to take down the New World Order
and all glory
goes to God
and to his son Jesus Christ
but that reflected glory
goes to you
I want the listeners and viewers
to understand something dead clear
are the reason we were able to do this
this crew is just as important as I am
all of us are one unit
working together towards this victory
that's why we're under such attack
that's why we're being lied about
that's why we're being demonized
and we're rag tag
but I can tell you I gotta be really careful
what I say and do these days
because I never made mistakes on purpose
I never got things wrong
on purpose
I never spun things on purpose
but I wouldn't take the position I was in
years ago, incredibly influential
seriously enough
so that I wouldn't weigh exactly what I said
and what I did
because I wouldn't make mistakes on purpose
but I would tune in later
or I'd hear something I said five years ago
and I'd say that was really wrong when I said
now it was maybe 5% of what I did
but when you've got that much power
like Spider-Man says
the great power comes great responsibility
those little mistakes can be magnified
and used against us
so I apologize
for the fact I'm self trained
and then I am just swinging for the fences here
but all my intention has been
for humanity
and all my intention has been for you and your family
because if my children live in a free world
yours are too
I believe I love you
and I am 100
total percent
committed to you
I am a good person
I love God
I love justice
I have good intent
and I know you do too and they want to tear us down
and say we're a fraud and say we're a lie
and say we're a scam
because they don't want you to believe there's anybody
else good out there
let me tell you something
our universities are full of good people
our factories are full of good people
our police departments are full of good people
even the justice department's full of good people
the banks are full of good people
the farms are full of good people
the psychological circles
are full of good people
every industry, every culture
culture, every system is full of good people.
They're misguided, they're misdirected,
but they're good people at heart.
And that's why they wanna tear this broadcast down,
because they don't want you to believe
the little guy has power.
They don't want you to believe
that we can stand up together, but we can and we will.
In fact, guys grab that Bugs Life scene
where the grasshopper explains,
oh, one ant stands up just ignoring big deal.
But what happens if all the ants stand up?
And that's why they wanna knock me down
because they wanna knock you down
and because they think if they could destroy me,
it'll be some message to you that it's hopeless
as if you're like them.
Santa Ana, who was a dictator,
who the Mexicans later overthrew and killed,
thought of he murdered the Texans at the Alamo
and took the few survivors that were badly wounded
and executed them, that it would make Texans be scared.
And his own commander said,
sir, you don't wanna kill the survivors,
you're gonna piss people off.
And he said, he threatened them,
it's on record in the Mexican history books.
He said, shut up, kill him.
Because he was a tyrant and he thought the way he thought,
he thought by killing those people,
he would intimidate people just like Hitler.
World War II, Dunkirk drives the British forces
out of France, bombs their ships as they try to escape,
starts bombing the mainland.
And while Hitler was bombing military targets,
the British had lost three, four, five, six million people
depending on what number you look at.
In World War I, they were anti-war.
They knew Britain had started it,
so the average Brit did not want a war with Hitler.
But as soon as Hitler started bombing civilian targets,
they went from 90% of the Brits being anti-war
to 99% being pro-war.
And that's why the globalists don't understand
how things work because they think the way they operate.
They think the way their psychology operates
is the way everybody else does.
Because that's the hierarchical system of intimidation
they live in.
But we don't live in that system.
And so their attacks on us only make you stronger.
And if we fall, if we're destroyed,
we've done so much damage to them,
Info Wars is to be celebrated.
If they kill me tomorrow,
or indict me and put me in jail tomorrow,
which could happen, do not take that as a defeat.
Take that as forcing the enemy's hand
and forcing them completely out in the open.
And I don't wish for those things.
But we see the archetypes in history
and in culture and in literature.
And you have that Obi-Wan Kenobi moment
that happened for real in Gallipoli thousands of years ago,
with 300 holding off tens of thousands
from the invading Persians.
You have the Alamo that really happened,
many other cases that happened,
and you have the cheesy episode for a Star Wars.
Obi-Wan Kenobi wants to be an example
to the rebels that are about to escape.
Plus he knows he can't get out of there,
he's gonna hold them up.
So he goes ahead and lets Darth Vader strike him down
because he knows that's gonna energize the rebellion.
And then his spirit is gonna be even stronger
with them in that ritual.
And so I don't wanna get killed, I don't wanna die,
I don't wanna get imprisoned at a fleshly weak level.
But in my spirit, I just say bring it on
because I'm gonna complete this mission.
And together we will defeat
the Antichrist World Government System.
They'll have their five minutes of fame,
they'll have their year of control,
they'll kill billions of people,
they're already killing us, it's gonna be hell.
But on the other side of that is pure victory.
So I'm honored to be here with you.
It's a real blessing to be the real deal with you.
You're real, I'm real, we're together,
they're scared of that.
We come back, what about the other real deal,
Ron DeSantis, who's saying we gotta get ahead
of the next lockdown, we gotta stop the great reset,
we gotta start the new world order.
I've called for him to do it, you called for him to do it,
he's doing it, we're winning, stay with us.
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a better place for information.
You might not agree with everything,
you might not agree with all our perspectives,
but we cover all the information.
And there's nowhere else really that does it
like we do here, thank you for that Ward.
Infowarsstore.com by the way, the products he mentions,
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We need a reckoning.
We need to go on the offense now.
How do we do it?
Governor DeSantis is paving the way, a true leader.
Info Wars, tomorrow's news, today.
But there was that ant that stood up to me.
Yeah, but we can forget about him.
Yeah, it was just one ant.
Ooh, one ant.
Ha, ha, ha, you're right.
It's just one ant.
Yeah, boss, they're puny.
Hmm, puny.
Say, let's pretend this grain is a puny little ant.
Did that hurt?
Well, how about this one?
Are you kidding me?
Ha, ha, ha, how about this?
this you let one and stand up to us then they all might stand up those puny
little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out
there goes our way of life it's not about food it's about keeping those
ants in line that's why we're going back does anybody else want to stay there
goes Hollywood flying out to bully you there goes the school boards flying out
to bully you there goes the Democratic Party flying out to bully you there goes
their whole system trying to put you back in line trying to make you submit
and trying to go out the leadership of the pro-human resistance and destroy us
to scare you into submission but you're never gonna let them do that you're
just like me you burn with liberty burn with the power that God gave you and
DeSantis understands that the full videos on info wars.com DeSantis warns
we need a reckoning to prevent future lockdowns absolutely they're coming back
they're gonna do it again it's their main move I told you in films decades ago
specifically what they do because they're so arrogant we have the battle
plans we have the enemy battle plans here's the status governor I'd like you
to respond to dr. Fauci have a quick sound bite here dr. Fauci cannot let go
of this idea that somehow lockdowns were this model of success even though the
science says otherwise take a listen do you regret particularly the last one the
shutdown the sweeping shutdown that some said made things worse no I I don't I
didn't shut down anything and the record will show Neil that we didn't
recommend shutting everything down I don't think it's forever irreparably
damaged anyone governor he just won't let this go this idea that lockdowns were
successful despite the fact you're the governor of a state where the average age
is a lot higher and we fared better than some of these draconian lockdown states
and he criticized me every step of the way Dan he criticized us for having
businesses open he criticized us for having beaches open he criticized us for
having kids in school over two years ago we were the only big state in the
country to have a hundred percent in person he was a leading advocate for
school closures he tried to sow fear in the population and scared a lot of
parents and he did have a constituency at first almost everyone was following
him then as more people saw he had more people that that rejected what he said
but he still had a lot of people that actually believe what he was saying and
he was wrong on all the important issues and my fear is if the Republicans take
control they need we need a reckoning on all this because I think people like
Fauci what they're gonna say in the future is oh we didn't lock down hard
enough that's why it didn't work and we can never go down that road and that's
actually what Bill Gates and Fauci said we played the clip last week in the rest
of that clip Fauci says he was never for lockdowns then we played more than 14
clips I'm saying the lockdown wasn't strong enough a lying murderous criminal
that created the virus and released it and created the poison shots mass
ratings vaccines he is a murdering killer at the level of Adolf Hitler that's
not talk that's real he did that to you he did that to your family I want to give
the toll free number out next hour I'm gonna take your calls on the great
awakening and how they're hyping civil war and saying Republicans are gonna
stage terror attacks and riot and do all this garbage you agree with me that
obviously if they stage the Whitmer kidnapping and other events they're
gonna pull this and if you agree how do we stop them maybe you disagree we don't
screen your calls other than a clean phone line you're ready to make your
point toll free number to join us 877-789-2539-877-789-2539 first-time
callers yet again 877-789-2539 when the show ended we had two or three
callers left on hold you can get back in you go to the headline 877-789-2539
but let's look at some of the new news on the poison shots just today
vascular and organ damage induced by mRNA vaccines irrefutable proof of
causality and it lists a whole bunch of mainline studies including the Lancet
Medical Journal I mean this is happening this is not debatable now unvaxxed
Coast Guard cadets give it 24 hours to leave campus and it just goes on another
university reinstates mass mandates flouting CDC recommendations San Diego
State University State Department explains usefulness of US bio weapons labs
in Ukraine which they denied and said did not exist that's just some of the
news and then coming up after I take some calls major international indexes of
studies of countries with higher beef consumption particularly have the lowest
levels of strokes and cardiovascular disease including heart attacks yeah no
wonder they don't want you eating red meat everything they've told you is a
lie that is coming up and don't forget the big headlines out of the British
Medical Journal and others yesterday that nine out of ten dying in the UK
Scotland Ireland and England have been double or triple our quadruple vax nine
out of ten same numbers out of Australia same numbers out of Canada New
Zealand Germany France the Netherlands Italy the United States I mean it's
real they're really killing everybody you don't need even see the statistics
everybody knows people having strokes and dying from this crap little kids are
having heart attacks all over the place you're like so why do they do that why
did Hitler take over so trying to kill everybody there are people in history who
just have a power mad desire to kill people in fact I have a whole stack of
articles here from the Associated Press from what National Geographic you name
it of all these cultures whether they were white whether they were black
whether they were brown every time a civilization got to a certain point a
priest class would rise and demand the killing of children particularly first
born boys that's coming up into the next hour and guess what the major studies by
major scientists and archaeologists and sociologists and anthropologists have
found the priest class were taking hallucinogenic drugs and believe they
contacted off-world gods that told them to do this but me where did they get the
idea to start killing everybody it's National Geographic off-world gods told
them to start human sacrifice I've talked to multiple well-known people I
won't say their names that have gone to the highest level ayahuasca rituals in
Peru and in Costa Rica and in Austin where you'll have 50 people 30 people
hitting on the event who will all have the same hallucination while they take
the drugs that's not a hallucination when they all see the same thing and where
do they do these rituals at ancient sacrificial sites that are
interdimensional doorways that's the real story we're gonna go to break ladies
and gentlemen thanks for keeping us on air you got one week left to get 50% off
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or store.com want to thank you all for your support hour number two straight
just look at these headlines from Reuters world phases unprecedented global
hunger crisis UN chief says going into 2023 world food program warns of global
food catastrophe looming global catastrophe the world could run out of
food by 2023 major studies say and the reports go on and on we told you this was
a designed program by the globalist two and a half years ago we told you energy
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if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
waging war on corruption crashing the lies and disinformation money through
friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. central we are the typical spear we are the info
war all right I'm gonna get into more of this in the third and fourth hour I'm
gonna take your calls coming up next segment but they're really trying to
censor people that were tricked as children to transition to another sex
but you can't really do that and I'm not judging adults want to do that I'm not
hating people a lot of nice folks that you know like Blair White and people you
know who are nice folks and I'm not judging them but pushing it on children
is an attempt at sterilization and that's what this is and so there's
nothing on Twitter Instagram Facebook you name it that they censor more than
this information is people that say I regret what happened I regret what was
done to me it causes health problems it does so many things it's like that South
Park episode where the guy thinks he can be a dolphin and they you know do all
this he's not a dolphin ladies and gentlemen so I went into the doctor one
of my finger cut off they put me in a mental institution or if an anorexic
went in and wanted to be given you know methamphetamine they put them in a
mental institution but if a little boy a little girl wants their testicles or
breasts cut off well it's totally liberal we should all do it so here's
someone that regrets it that they're trying to censor here it is
in my life and I realized it's been a complete hell my life has just went down
the hill ever since I had so-called bottom surgery trying to be a woman and I
regret it I regret 100% I regret too that I ever saw it I was chance that I
ever saw it I could be a woman you know and I wish I could go back and not have
any surgeries or medically transition or taking hormones to be honest like this
transition has costed me so much of my health both mental and physical as well
as certain relationships in my family it costed me job opportunities it costed
me a career that I could have had I don't know if you guys know it but I do
have like two master's degrees and I'm a CPA and honestly like this whole
transition and my whole like trying to be a woman saying completely derailed my
life and right now I have osteoporosis scoliosis I have a lump in my breast I
have one inch vagina and yeah so it's like I have no sex drive I'm trying to
transition I'm taking testosterone injection at this point but I can't go
on a facial hair like nothing is happening I mean obviously I still like
wearing makeup and stuff but makeup and hair it does not make a woman so I've
been so delusional for all this years and I just wish my family and friends
weren't so supportive of my transition you know I wish they sat me down and
talked to me and said like are you sure is what you want to do maybe you'll grow
out of this I have so much to say and all the things that I say are not gonna be
like perceived well by trans community but I don't care I'm leaving trans
community at this point identifies non-binary person and your pronoun is
fine if you see me as a man that's fine you can call me he if you see me as a
woman you shouldn't I'm not a woman I thought I was one but I'm not sorry like
honestly I just don't know what else to say and I know some of you guys thought
I was trans and you guys looked up to me maybe and like but I have made a huge
mistake that I cannot take back I completely miss my sex drive I miss my
penis and I complete up whatever I sacrifice so much financially and like
I've been through so much trying to get this approximate approximation like
really bad approximation of female genitals and that's what it is and I've
been delusional this time but they want to admit to myself because I did an
irreversible change to my body and I just had to roll with it because I had no
other options and unfortunately as a trans community has became very toxic at
this point I've gone too far nobody my opinion doesn't count because I am
everybody knows that high-quality fish oil does fantastic things for a
cardiovascular system for your brain for every part of your body but what I
don't see being promoted is the fact that it has natural psychotropic effects it
certainly does for me I take a couple of these capsules an hour before bed my
sleep my dreams are amazing now there are actually some studies out there
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thank you all for your support you're really going to miss out if you don't get it
it's hour number two
crashing through the lies and disinformation it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the
front lines of the info it's hour number two of this live August 30th Tuesday
broadcast I take it as a badge of honor when people like Bill Maher attack us it
shows we're over the target 24 things you don't know about me Alex
like I oppose abortion because I like to see suckers born every minute I've been
anally penetrated by aliens so many times I carry lube my theory is that the
diary of Anne Frank is nothing more than a nasty Airbnb review my go-to snack is
onions and a handful of unmarked medication I have a line of camouflage
that works so well I can't find it anywhere in high school I was voted most
likely to secede I believe the moon landing was real but nuts landing was
great my drag queen name is misinformation
we're now well into hour number two about to start taking your phone calls
if you just joined us a lot of stations to just carry the second third fourth
hour it's all over the news Biden the puppet president the third administration
of Joe Obama Joe Obama's the real name with Michael Obama up there is said to
give a speech Thursday that the right-winger fascists that are about to
totally take over and want to censor you and control you but that's what the
left is all doing what is your response to this where you think it's all
going here's some of the headlines that deal with this Alex Jones predicts
leftist false flag ops targeting Trump to derail reelection campaign video
Lindsey Graham warns of riots the criminal charges brought against Trump
the media then runs that saying Trump's calling for riots you read the article
he didn't call for riots they're getting ready to stage something ladies and
gentlemen 43% of Americans think civil war likely within a decade the next U.S.
civil war is already here we just refuse to see it says the London Guardian
Biden to deliver primetime address warning Americans rights are under attack
and it goes on and on and on we're taking your phone calls right now ladies and
gentlemen the order they are received let's talk to Maverick in Oregon Maverick
you're on the air yeah ladies and gentlemen you better know right now that
you are under corporate siege these people are coming for every last right
you ever had and you better get things right right with God because your time
is running out you just picture an hourglass right now in your living room
and just imagine all the time going out and that's the time we got left here to
be free and the home of the brave because I live in the city that never
stops rioting the city that never stops capitulating the city that never stops
you know sleeping Portland is now just a safe haven for the criminal underworld
and drug addicts and everything alike but I just want to tell everyone right
now that it's your last chance you better you better get with get right and get it
right now because your time's up and it's coming our time of reckoning is
coming as human as God's children I agree America is under judgment so is the
world yep and yeah Alex I just pray every night pray for you I pray for
everybody let's come together let's let's build the real community and that
that's us the America freedom let's share with the world the world back let's
take the world back it's the war for the world the great reset the war for the
world Maverick incredible points thank you let's go to Tennessee let's talk to
Tom and Tennessee Tom go ahead hey thank you you know it's not it's not a
matter of preventing this it's not a matter of avoiding it because we're in
the middle of it man and we can mitigate and we can organize but we have to
realize that we're we're at war and we're in about seven or eight separate
totally separate ace symmetric wars with these people exactly they hit you with
a bunch of different wars they admit that and see man had said it yesterday he
said the collapse is already here there's no meant there's no mitigating
that started there's only mitigating how bad it's gonna get and the faster we
wake up and say no to everything they're saying turn back our pipelines turn back
on the coal power plants that would fix so much just financially right there but
if you don't if you don't control the border turn the power back on stop the
fentanyl stop the pedophile drag queen story time we don't have stop the
funding of the police if we don't stop all that we're done well we can we can
organize folks to get people into the war that they're most interested in
because a mother is going to be interested in education protecting the
children talk about the eight different exaggerates about eight you're dead on
brother you're really smart to describe what asymmetrical warfare is first and
then describe some of the different wars that are happening all right well an
asymmetric war is a is an actual war but it's totally on balance and it's not
recognized as well because you've got it you've got an actual military kind of
thing happening on the one side on the other side you've got usually far more
people and far less weapons and far organization so the wars were that the
high-level wars were in our intelligence public I think my opinion
intelligence public health government and finances so within intelligence is
everything from propaganda to what's happening with government agencies you
know one thing that defines a dictatorship to me is executive orders
executive orders to equals dictatorship so public health another very important
one of course we know that we're senaculation medical IDs education
brainwashing turning kids against their parents teaching kids are evil because
of what color they are absolutely you just go down the line yeah and the other
one just to cascade down its economic attacks big pharma weather disasters with
geoengineering been going on with the military for many years election fraud
propaganda with a mainstream media cyber attacks food shortages energy you're
being hit from every side and in the club of Rome and the Bilderberg group
DeBose Braggs they're doing it that they say we're doing this as part of a
transition our enemies are admitting to it and what you've done what info wars
has done for many years and your guys may not really think about this or have
run into it but you guys are using a reed law reads law of communications it's
an MIT thing that came it's the it's the one the newest one after Metcalfe law
but reads law says that you can take a totally distributive network with
meeting all the people that don't know each other cities I've never been to
spoke and you know all of that and you can combine them into actual networks if
you offer two things one is communications the other one is coordination
when you communicate and coordinate on a common goal and that's the other rule
and that's why they fear info wars it's not me it's this group we've built
together that they fear this yet the exact right you're building network and
those network then when you've got those networks built you can begin to use
network strategies of communication so how do you know all this were you like
in army special operations or how do you know all this no it's just research for
many years I'm also in a company called search apps and we're we're building
support and command and control technologies for law enforcement we're
just now launch and an amazing thing happened to me a year ago when I that
last time I talked to you guys we we were working on a tool for the elections
in 2020 and we we never got it launched and we didn't need it as it turned out
but the amazing thing is about a month before the elections I called and talked
to you and during two minutes you had me mention our URL twice and we had 300
thousand hits on our site within a day now we've been we've been spending a
year getting ready for this and I'm I'm VP of research on a lawyer former
entertainers and matter of fact and and and I'm retired I'm 81 years old I
remember who hop along Cassidy is and people for Anahali and Amos Mandy but
I've been studying warfare for years especially in the Rand Corporation and
swarming and the kinds of things they do there you know that thing you just play
the comedy thing with the ants that's really key because what info wars your
experience has been first they've ignored you then they've laughed at you
then they thought you and then you win yes sir God bless you vitamin mineral
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thanks for your support ladies and gentlemen if millions of people get
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turmeric formula leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order
it's Alex Jones
that last caller was amazing he had five and a half minutes no matter how good
the calls are I'm gonna read the next call we don't just give people a minute
so I'm drinking I'm gonna try to take a lot of calls this segment Jake in Arizona
you're on the air go ahead come out Trump's blind spot that's right hey Alex
I'm so happy to be on with the leader I think you've been a leader a lot longer
than the last year by the way at least in since 2015 2016 in my mind only raise
that we only raise that because now it's recognized but whatever resistance is
left that they say it publicly they say it privately it's a big
responsibility but it's recognized that this this show the callers the guests the
crew it's not just me we are recognized as a leader you are recognized as a
leader Jake well it would it would depend on who you asked I suppose at what
time but anyways Trump's blind spot okay there's a couple things we can all
agree on the vaccine still taking victory laps on that outrageous you know
Ivanka and Jared also a problem the pardons disconcerting but one thing I
think that we gloss over frequently is the Las Vegas incident the shooting and
what came out of that you know like for example Sandy Hook your wall be
Columbine all these things are still floating or percolating bubbling up in
in popular culture right they don't want us to question Sandy Hook that had a
lot of questions or you've all be the state police head says it's a cover up
they don't know what happened same thing with Vegas they still don't know what
happened exactly but nobody really talks about it and what was the outcome the
outcome was banning bump stocks like bump stocks caused that that horrible
tragedy and now it's emboldened the ATF to raid citizens to come in and with
warrantless searches without warrants exactly no you're absolutely right they
don't want us looking into these mass shootings that happened under Trump and
Trump came out against the bump stocks it you know it boggles my mind but
basically there are a couple of really interesting artifacts that have been
allowed to remain in the you know in the social media landscape and those are
from Dan Bilzerian and when he's questioned about this when this topic
comes up on various podcasts like full send they shut him down immediately I
think it would be a great piece for you and him to get together and discuss I
agree to try to get Dan Bilzerian on the show it'd be huge thank you Jake let's
talk to Phil Phil in Washington go ahead hey Alex welcome my concern is you
speak a lot about you know if they put you in jail or prison or they try to
say do you think your listeners I am a listener should be wary of of that or
of a free crime because absolutely they're gonna put everybody on new
lockdowns with a social credit score ID system so we're all becoming prisoners
we're fighting the new old order because it's about making us all prisoners
regardless of what show you listen to they want to make everybody a
prisoner's conservatives Christians liberals populist communists black
white doesn't matter speaking of prisoners I have had my freedom taken
away and I have been locked up so I know what it's like and some of your
listeners I don't know if they actually know what that is like try being locked
in your bathroom with a toilet in a sink and relying on everybody else to bring
you food whatever I mean it's a big deal and I think better than freedom is
being free and that's what I realized about being locked up it's been since 2007
for me but I know what it's like so I hear your brother and I appreciate your
call anything else you want to add he's gone all right Markey in New York Markey
go ahead hi Alex welcome oh I can't believe I got through I just want to
say one thing about Trump just keep in mind the population we're dealing with
and that he can't just throw that whole you know chunk of voters out that are
still you know die hard for the vaccine and I was going to try to get a hold of
you in late June early July about you know the only way that they could really
indict him is by admitting the vaccine was bad and I can't believe that they're
doing it now but the Democrats push force in
and making the military and kids taking Trump's against that he should come out
completely against it now that that's the right thing to do it is the right
thing to do and I'll tell you why if the sand test is on a whole different you
know bubbles and Trump I'm going to be voting for him absolutely another thing
I wanted to bring up I'm not sure if you remember your dreams or not I know this
sounds funny I have experience with astral projection for years and I believe
you had a dream in around June 25th and I connected with you I know that sounds
crazy but if you remember your dreams I'd go ahead and explain it and if not
then I mean I mean the some dreams are a war game in your brain others are your
spirit going out interfacing with other spirits so tell me what tell me what
you saw so you were it was in Texas it wasn't familiar to me it was familiar
to you and it was like at a park or something like that but it was there was
small pebble gravel kind of paved path like around some trees I only saw a
little bit of it I was sitting up on this electric box maybe you had like a
gathering or something and you were looking around and you were glad that
people were there but you were still worried and I talked to you and I I got
your attention and you looked up at me and I said hey you know what I just said
I love you and I grabbed you by your big old face and I just gave you a smooch and
then I left and I think it was around the time that you woke up because it was
probably around like four or five o'clock but I'm an hour ahead of you I'll
say this my most important work is done when I'm sleeping it's amazing I dream
most people dream in the end of like a seven eight hour cycle I dream for the
minute I go to sleep constantly a hundred percent the entire time and so I
heard you're saying that's heavy stuff marine thanks for the call all right
let's go to Sid in Washington Sid you're on the air go ahead yeah I got you
little birdie I'm angry I've had enough of these people they are a bunch of
Christian murdering scum building giant death factories keeping babies alive
selling their body parts how long do I have to put up with these people I go out
and face these scum they literally crawl out from under rocks they got green
looking skin and they run around screaming wheel of Satan we want to kill
babies I have them on video thanks to Alex Jones and God bless you today I want
to thank my Heavenly Father for an amazing Armageddon hold on Sid this is
too good I'm gonna put you on hold I want you to sing the whole song when
you come back that song said like a hundred million views they take it down
everywhere what do they even call that song it's Bon Iver Alex Jones look it's
it can you bitch shoot Brady on it's time to take over you know the Trump love
hate reaching new depths as he hangs up on the Vax info calls and you inspired
it as death jabs incorporated goes on this is the it's coming to a head the
battle of all that's it's it's it we're on radios we got 15 minutes ads an hour
14 minutes we got to go to break we're gonna come right back to you people ask
me why do you have so many breaks we're showing hundreds of radio stations we're
the old media that we stayed on the air when they took us off the internet those
we still had hundreds of radio affiliates we love them so we got to work
with these folks we love them they'll very soon I'm gonna start a podcast three
four days a week that is commercial free so look for that with calls
everything else that's coming but said don't hang up I want you to sing us the
Bon Iver Alex Jones song when we come back from the start then we'll get your
point say what is just look at these headlines from Reuters world faces
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program warns of global food catastrophe looming global catastrophe the world
could run out of food by 2023 major studies say and the reports go on and
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or call 833-904-285-833-904-285 leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new
world order it's Alex Jones from the front lines of the information war it's
Alex Jones nobody I mean nobody's got colors this amazing ha ha shit in
Washington began to sing that Bon Iver songs been on about six years that had
like 30 million views on YouTube 50 million views on Facebook they took it
down got re-uploaded to like 10 million views last time I checked it something
like 8 million views on Twitter I don't even pay attention to it I just see it
everywhere we're talking 100 million people conservatively have heard this
song they put this song on Spotify two years ago for about three months it had
over a hundred million listens or downloads and then they took it off
Spotify but everybody else I say everybody thousands of people I know of
have gone on and redone the song and so Sid called in and was singing the song
live over the phone and it sounded so it's always playing guitar at the same
time so shit take over right now and perform it for us all right Alex but
you know you got to let me do it my way I entered that contest that was one of
my ultimate videos it was on your site for some time got 3,000 views thank you
for that but I'm the most banned most canceled I was kicked off the air for
using the G word in the year 2000 and I was sitting can you back then but I
predicted all this essentially the resume five years ago saying every life on
earth depends on this but it could be Rwanda times Bosnia to the 10th power
in the United States if we don't listen to the people who are studying the Bible
about this battle of Armageddon how the masses will be restless under their
restraints and then what you're going to see is literal vampire potbelly goblins
I run around coming after my spirit gets close to that evil and I feel it go
ah we're such self-centered crap we don't even notice how itself rising up
against us people pouring in millions of the very worst kind now Alex I'm
actually not upset about it I have predicted this because I stand on the
shoulders of great we have been knowing this no I'll read you something real
quick the thing that's going to happen the crisis will be reached when the
hitherto upholders of the law shall become violators of the law and resistors
of the will of the majority as expressed by the ballot fear for the future will
go the well-meaning masses to desperation and anarchy will result when
socialism fails written by I said I appreciate your call I want you to play
the song you did okay job and I appreciate you we we can't get to the
next amazing caller who's about to have a next we don't take these calls in fact
I'm tempted during the break I went to the bathroom and got a cup of coffee and
I'm like man I should just have like a three-hour show every night where I
don't talk and I just take calls because our callers in fact I'm doing it
we've already got it all set up we've been ready for a while we've had so much
going on we're gonna launch a new show very soon that's like where I cover a
few articles and then we take three hours of calls without me even commenting
basically that's my goal because it is the listeners that are incredible let's
talk to Paul in Michigan Paul you're on the air welcome yeah thank you Alex
thank you for taking my call let me first say that your crew is amazing that
invasion of the body snatchers video that was in there is just truly amazing
that's about six years old but yeah that was a Derek Green that's a powerful
video and all of your video all of the clips it's a takes a lot of time to put
those together they're amazing so what I want to say basically is this is that
yesterday you had a guest on who really pretty much spelled it out that these
people want to turn humans into biomechanisms that they can control
well I said that yeah that was not really merit what's incredible is they
admit it I mean on international TV yeah they admit it and they're very bold
about it and they are very arrogant about it because they think that that it's
just so unbelievable nobody's gonna believe it it's just too science fiction
for human for this planet so they they're just gonna throw it at us but
something she said that really stands out and this is where I believe that the
Bible and Jesus and Jesus's messages comes in is that they live off of our
misery they just throw anything that they can add us as long as we're miserable
as long as we're full of hate and anger there's even a Star Trek episode where
this alien comes on board and as the humans and Cleans fighting with each
other just to get the spiritual pain I think that's really what it is yeah and
there's also a Disney movie I think it's Monsters Inc where the monsters live
off of everybody's hate their fear so it really is just pretty simple and Jesus
his message was to love God love your neighbor but not love like the Disney
movie love this is love like a power this is like I love when I hate my
enemies I'm not powerful but when I am sad for them but overcome them I'm
strong incredible points thank you Paul Brandon in California you're on the
year Alex can you hear me I can awesome man just want to plug it to you real
quick amazing haven't been sick in years if there's one thing anybody gets that's
it and yeah here in California I travel all around Southern California haven't
really met too many Biden supporters maybe one out of a hundred still see in
masks oh yeah they don't even exist it's a total fraud wait you're telling me that
Biden didn't win the election yeah I'm pretty sure that they don't never let
California go I mean you know what I mean it's like the gas gone they just
threw that out and I I haven't met anybody that you know wasn't against that
guy so yeah it's unfortunate California pretty much seems hopeless at this point
they even you know so we're Ozzy Osborne's leaving because of the crime in
California yep and he's going to the UK which he has even higher crime rate yeah
I think he's probably just gonna go hot out in the middle of nowhere you know
he's probably I think he wants to die in England that's where he's from so well
that's what he said but my point is is that they wrecked the system and they go
hide from what they've done Henry Ford wasn't a perfect person but he got we're
gonna pay our employees triple what other people do to build an economy so
they can buy the damn car but see that's Americanism versus globalism
globalism just says we're gonna kill your ass well we're gonna we're gonna fight
back against that like they want to kill us what do they think trying to kill off
seven million people's gonna do they may get 90% of us in the process but the
other 10% are pissed off and motivated they're gonna get Klaus Schwab yeah I
agree and I just I know doesn't California have the most electoral votes
I mean the I just don't see him yeah it does stayed up and I don't see him ever
given the state up and California's fallen it's very sad it's an amazing
state thank you Brandon all right let's talk to Dean and Iowa Dean you're on the
air hey there Alex how's it going we're in the middle of the fight now brother you
betcha all right I'll try and paraphrase here and be quick so all right I'm gonna
cite my things here as well my documents first of all if you go back to
March of 2020 March 26 specifically there was a patent put in place on the
website patent scope.wipo.int that patent number is WO 2020 060606 that's a
cryptocurrency system using that's the Bill Gates cryptocurrency system thank
you yep okay good just getting some background information that is a
Microsoft technology script there okay jump forward to this summer on the World
Economic Forum they have an intelligence fueled approach to content
moderation and that is just it quote-unquote baked in artificial human
intelligence devices and then that just ties into humans operating with the
servers through 5G. That's how submitting to their programming becoming
biological slaves. Right so I have a little bit more here so go forward now
to the Inflation and Reduction Act and what was hid in that which was the so
called Chips and Science Act now what did they give to the Chips and Science Act
76 billion dollars so if you chase that down and see who you know they give 76
billion dollars to the Chips people so where are the Chips people that's Intel
other processing folks like that but if you see who owns most stocks in these
types of things like Intel who owns Intel excuse me while they of course trade
through everything else just like everybody else through NASDAQ so then
if you look forward into that who has the most shares in NASDAQ while met up
companies Facebook their fourth on the list but number one is Hutt 8 mining
corporation. Alright brother. Ladies and gentlemen if millions of people get this
book our funding problems will be over and it's starting to happen that's why I
said yeah go to infoworkstore.com get the book and start shipping in a couple
weeks the great reset in the war for the world but I said go to Amazon because
it's the number one book chart in the world and if it goes to number one not a
political not of history not of US history it's already number one over 40
categories like political science you name it 40 plus categories is number one
ladies and gentlemen drumroll please of books in the world the great reset in the
war for the world is one two three four five six seven eight nine we are now
number nine in the world this is major this is political this could fund our
war chest just go to Amazon.com everybody and buy ten copies send this
blueprint to the Death Star and the New World Order because you read this you
know their whole plan how to stop them get the great reset in the war of the
world now it's gonna go to number one what do you make of that
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gentlemen we have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow
the United States government leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new
world order it's alex jones
the government has nothing to hide why are they so afraid to answer a few
I'm on a mission that you'll never forget
3,000 people felt I've ever met
We want Compared to them and all that we've gained
Stone kinder s**t about them
Tourist fed
Lightlight lightlightlightnightline
Lightlight. Lightlight. Lightlightlightlightline
Surprise surprise
An eventful guest
Studio Nexthoul
Bang a line
Right now we're taking your phone calls.
So Dean, finish up your point about COVID tyranny.
Yvette, so, all right, so I've worked on these campuses.
I actually want the largest data campus on the planet
in Iowa.
I've seen these buildings, I've been in these buildings.
These are the largest data farms, like I said,
on the planet, definitely in the country.
All these vaccines, everything is tied
into collecting all this information
to put into these servers.
That's why they got paid the $76 billion.
It was a parts order, a P.O., basically,
to store that information of the people, of the planet
to basically create duplicates or copies
in the future if needed.
Sure, so they've outsourced MSA, they've outsourced MSA Spine.
Oh, 100%, this goes down to, like I think you said before,
the molecular level, they can tell what's in your body,
what's your body temperature, where'd you go yesterday?
What are you planning on doing?
Why, how come you're, you know, you got nervousness?
Why is your body temp going up?
We can tell that you're lying to us.
It goes way, way deep, and I've seen it firsthand in tangible.
Like this, there isn't another chip coming,
there isn't another round of vaccines potentially coming,
I don't believe it's already there.
People have put it into their body, it's already,
it's already the ball's rolling.
That's right, that's the interface,
there's the graph feed on side, thank you, Dean.
Jeff in Oklahoma, you're on the air,
welcome and thanks for calling.
Thank you, Alex, 50,000 watts of unstoppable power.
I'll tell you, the first time I heard you
when I bought a radio from a garage sale,
or a stereo, a boombox,
and I was putting out a small broadcast,
it'd go like 10 miles.
So anyway, I thought that was pretty awesome.
And so I've been listening to you
and I was thinking about my dad
and how Trump reacted to, you know,
you don't want to hear about it.
I don't want to hear about it, you know.
Well, that's directly from Trump, he said.
Fine, if you don't like what I've done,
I don't want to hear from you again.
Right, well, my dad is Trump's age,
maybe a year older.
He's not Trump, but he's been successful
and all that, really smart.
All my family, first cousins and all my family,
I mean, I went to a family reunion
or just to get together and they were like,
really worried about me about not getting a shot, right?
And I'm like, well, it's not FDA approved, you know.
If it gets FDA approved, I might get it, you know.
And they were thinking I was going to die
and my sweet young sister had a major stroke, you know.
And they are still, what do they call it?
Stockholm syndrome?
Oh, about it, you know.
Yeah, and I looked that up and I kind of, yeah,
figured it out.
I mean, I heard that term one time, you know,
or whatever and it's just, it's really,
it's not good, it's not a good deal.
So I love everybody, you know,
I still get around my family,
it's not a falling out or anything, you know, but I'm in.
I still consider your baby sister got super sick from this
and they're still pushing it.
Coma for six months and God bless her,
she's up and about now.
Well, if she takes another shot,
She had two operations.
she's dead as a doornail.
Was it Moderna or Pfizer?
I don't know.
You know, I don't know that.
I was thinking about that.
I don't know.
I just can't get that close to them.
I just don't bring it up around family.
I still go around them.
You know, I'm not my mom even and.
That's so sad.
Well, they just can't face it.
Their government's been hijacked and it's out to get them.
Thank you, Jeff.
God bless you.
Let's talk to Michigan.
Let's talk to Stoney in Michigan.
Stoney, go ahead.
Hi, you know what?
We got 350,000 or more people
that are out of power here since, oh,
I don't know about three o'clock yesterday.
And it's given me a little opportunity here
to read a few books.
I want to promote your book,
which I'm still waiting for in the mail.
But the real Anthony Fauci,
well, I was reading it by candlelight and that was good.
I got you plugged in to a little jumpstart thing here.
No, the reason I was calling is also,
you know, I got a neighbor that's got a generator
and I was pricing these generators
and I'm thinking, okay, that's great.
As long as you got gas, you know.
That's why the answer is one of these big propane tanks.
Those can go a year, but yeah,
everybody needs to get prepared.
Oh, I mean, I lived up on a reservation for 22 years.
We always had propane and we always,
and I'll tell you what, in Michigan,
I don't know how many outages I've seen.
Now I'm hearing a beeping going on in my house.
I don't know where it's coming from,
but no, this is really frustrating.
Oh, the smart meters are tracking everything you do.
Yeah, I don't know where it's coming from.
It's like a high-pitched beep and there's no electricity
in the house.
And also I got your radio, you know,
your portable radio I ordered.
That has come in handy for me here, you know,
because I had no information at all last night
from anybody, you know,
and actually they did not even talk
about a tornado enrichment.
And if you look that up online,
there was a tornado and it was super huge.
There was salting civilizations, Tony,
but we got God, we're together, Tony, we love you.
Thank you.
Spread the word about the broadcast.
The coordinates of resistance are infowars.com.
Let me explain this.
We would not even been able to fund our operation
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But what we do have in stock that I don't have to sign
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But as soon as this show's over today,
for three hours, well, I've got to interview after this,
but as we interview, I'm gonna sit there
and sign over 1,000 books today.
We signed a few thousand.
We've got 15,000 books to sign.
And we're, I'm gonna get those suckers signed.
And I appreciate your support in the fundraiser.
That's all coming up.
Mike in New York, thanks for holding your own the year.
Alex, thank you for taking the call.
Just wanted to start off by letting you know,
I just mixed up my daily health cocktail
of Vitamin Mineral Fusion X-2 with my Biotru Selenium,
feeling good.
And wanted to get into the whole Trump thing.
So something that I haven't heard mentioned,
seems like everybody's coming close to this,
but the issue with Trump, as we know,
is the man has a massive ego.
He's rare, if ever, to admit
that he's done something wrong,
especially when he believes in it.
Now, the reason why I think he's so fastly holding to this
is a touch of the Stockholm Syndrome cognitive dissonance,
because he's not only been championing this
and helping to create it,
but he's also taken the fact.
And that's the key point of this,
is that he's injected his own self with this,
taking the booster.
I'm assuming most of his family,
if not all of his family has already taken this as well,
he is not going to turn around.
Oh, I know he's done.
And again, he's a scared of germs.
He's a famous germaphobe.
Roger Stone confirmed that for me.
But then he'll take something big, pharma concocted?
Oh, absolutely, it makes no sense.
But that's what I think the key is,
is that he's not only just helping to push this,
but he's also taking it.
And this guy's not going to turn around and say
that he's-
So what do we do?
What do we do, Mike?
Something deadly.
I think that we should, if you support Trump,
you should support Trump and just either get over
the fact that he's-
I hear you, thank you.
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Leading up frontal assault on the lies
of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Get up, stand up, a gate from the Rosa Planner.
Get up, eject, let's change from the face of madness.
Get up, eject, let's change from the face of madness.
Planet, planet, planet, planet, planet.
And when the caller raised this,
I thought of this song, Order One.
It's a song about 50,000 watts at the top of the tower.
Let's play that the next segment.
There were special guests who will announce in studio
coming up next segment.
Right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Brandon in California, thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex, how's it going, man?
Good, brother.
Just want to say I love your show.
By all the products, got the book, got the DVD on the way.
I take the supplements regularly.
And I follow Anomaly on Twitter.
I think I had him on the show before.
You should consider bringing him on again, man.
He posted recently an executive order
that was signed by Trump in September of 2019.
And this is two months before people started
faking their deaths in Wuhan.
And this executive order was to,
it's September 19th, 2019.
I don't know if you can have the crew pulling up
and put it on the screen,
but this executive order was to modernize
the influenza vaccine in case of a pandemic.
And in my opinion, I think the man was setting up
warp speed right there in front of us.
And the people we're dealing with, Alex,
are a generation removed from the same people
who assassinated a president and brought daylight
at a parade in Texas.
So if we're sitting here thinking
that Trump is really a threat to these people,
I think we need to reconsider everything,
especially based off this executive order.
And, you know, I'm looking for like a DeSantis Gabbard.
It's time for us to come together,
you know, look at your loved ones that voted for Biden,
hug them, tell them you were wrong, you know,
and that it's just, it's just time we all come together
and find us a real leader to take back this country.
Well, it's true that Trump energized the left.
And the left doesn't care now, though.
They have this will destroy America,
but I hear what you're saying.
I appreciate your call, Brandon.
Melinda, in Oregon, last caller of this segment.
Go ahead, Melinda.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a little muffled because I'm way out in the middle
of the forest of Oregon.
You sound great.
You sound awesome.
Okay, so I've got a little bit of a different take
on the Trump situation, I guess, with the vaccine,
just because I've read through revelation
like three times in the last 30 days.
And what I'm finding is that, of course,
I'm sure you already know that the vaccine itself
is a pharmacia, which is the translation for magic
or spells, and we get that for our pharmacy, right?
And what I'm finding is that it says
that the light of a lamp will never shine in you again.
The voice of the bridegroom and bride
will never be heard in you again.
You're merchants, we're the world's most important people,
by their magic spell, all the nations were led astray.
So in my eyes, what I'm getting is that
these people aren't gonna see it, okay?
So Trump, not that everybody's a lost cause,
of course it took it, but there are gonna be
a lot of people, they are not gonna have the eyes
to see this at this point.
So praying for them, of course,
is obviously our best line of defense,
but what I'm finding as far as America goes,
it's falling under the horror of Babylon.
So we know that the horror of Babylon is described
as a woman on many waters with a golden cup in her hand,
drawing in the multitudes of different languages, right?
And we have the angel saying, why are you so amazed?
I'm gonna tell you the secret about her, right?
And it says that she will be punished.
So the angel carried him away into the spirit
and he saw the woman sitting on the beach
and it was said that she would be destroyed.
So because of her sexual sins,
and because she led the whole world astray, basically.
And with Trump, we're finding that he falls under
that whole merchant thing, right?
And so it says the merchant who became rich
from selling from her will be afraid of her suffering
and will stand far away.
So they're gonna run.
They're not gonna hold that for us.
They're not gonna, you know...
Melinda, incredible call, thank you.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide,
it's Alex Jones.
At the end, what the fourth industrial revolution
will lead to is a fusion of our physical, our digital,
and our biological identities.
In 10 years, when we are sitting here,
we have an implant in our brains.
And I can immediately feel because you all will have implants.
You all will have implants.
Around 2030, I would say that by then,
definitely the smartphone, as we know it today,
will not anymore be the usual kind of the most common interface.
Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.
Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.
FDA approved the first electronic pill,
if I can call it like that.
So it is basically a biological chip that it is in the tablet.
And once you take the tablet and dissolve it into your stomach,
it sends a signal but you took the tablet.
So imagine the applications of that, compliance.
The new accounting is what we call blockchain.
It means digital.
It means having an almost perfect record
of every single transaction that happens in the economy.
This new money will be sovereign in nature.
Most people think that digital money is crypto and private.
But what I see are superpowers introducing digital currency.
The Chinese were the first.
The US is on the brink, I think, of moving in the same direction.
The Europeans have committed to that as well.
Where are they traveling?
How are they traveling?
What are they eating?
What are they consuming on the platform?
So individual carbon footprint tracker.
Individual carbon footprint tracker.
Humans are now hackable animals.
You know, the whole idea that humans have, you know,
they have this soul or spirit and they have free will
and nobody knows what's happening inside me.
So whatever I choose, whether in the election
or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will, that's over.
Free will, that's over.
That's over.
And you have been at the forefront
of this fast implementation of the new innovative drive.
The second difference of the first industrial revolution is
that it is not just one technology.
People say sometimes, yes, it's a digital revolution.
No, it's not just a digital revolution.
It is many other areas.
It's brain research, nanotechnology, and I could go on and on.
Life sciences and so on.
It's a fusion of the physical, the digital and the biological world.
That's really the essence of the fourth industrial revolution.
Now the third change is the fact that it is a systems revolution.
It is not so much a product revolution
where you bring out new products or create new services.
It is changing existing systems.
Just think of Uber or Airbnb
or of shared economy.
It is not a new product, I repeat,
but it's a system as such which is changed.
It doesn't just change what we are doing.
If you look at the first three solutions,
it made us more productive.
It helped us to communicate faster, to communicate with more people,
to help us in our consumption patterns and so on.
But the fourth industrial revolution is actually changing ourselves.
It's changing not only what we are doing, it's changing who we are.
But it's also equity that goes hand in hand with self-interest everywhere in the world.
Because if we don't solve those equity problems, we're all going to be affected.
And that's what it means when we say it is now a global commons issue.
Equity and self-interest come together when we want to solve the water problem
just like when we want to solve the problem of the climate crisis.
They go hand in hand.
And that shift in thinking is also necessary.
Equity is everyone's interest.
Everyone's self-interest everywhere in the world.
Can I add something just based on what you just said?
That's also, of course, true with COVID, right?
It's not only as healthy as our neighbor is on our street, in our city,
in our region, in our nation, and globally.
Did we solve that?
Did we actually manage to vaccinate everyone in the world?
So highlighting water as a global commons and what it means to work together
and see it both out of that kind of global commons perspective,
but also the self-interest perspective, because it does have that parallel.
It's not only important, but it's also important because we haven't managed
all of those problems which had similar attributes.
And water is something that people understand.
Climate change is a bit abstract.
Some people understand it really well.
Some understand it a bit.
Some just don't understand it.
Water, every kid knows how important it is to have water
when you're playing football and you're thirsty, you need water.
So there's also something about really getting citizen engagement around this
and really, in some ways, experimenting with this notion of the common good.
Can we actually deliver this time in ways that we have failed miserably other times?
And hopefully we won't keep failing on the other things, but anyway.
And these mysterious conglomerates of metal
make their final appearance in the dead.
All over the world, coroners are now finding that the arteries of the vaccinated
have been clogged with mysterious growths,
non-organic masses made up of conductive metals such as aluminum, sodium, and tin.
This is what's most likely causing all the organ failure and heart attacks.
Heart attacks in our children.
Two days ago, I flew out my first 10-year-old with a heart attack
and I had to fight the doctor in the ER because he's like,
10-year-olds don't have heart attacks.
And I argued back and forth for 30 minutes to force his hand to get an EKG
to find out that he had almost a complete STEMI,
which is ST-elevated myocardial infarction,
for which you could see it lit up on the 12-lead EKG.
And he's like, well, that's not possible.
And I'm like, well, he was just vaccinated yesterday.
It is very much possible.
At any given time, people are getting a hold of me
and the nurse advocates at American Frontline Nurses to help advocate
because, as you've seen, there is victim shaming that, oh, it's anxiety.
Oh, it's this.
But in actuality, if they put down that it was a vaccine injury,
the physician, the corporation, the hospital, the clinic,
they actually won't get reimbursed.
So it gets labeled as anxiety.
According to the whistleblowers, the doctors are lying about the vaccine deaths
to make a few thousand bucks.
Is that why Trump has been pushing the deadly shots,
killing our own children for a measly million dollars?
Now that the truth about the deadly COVID vaccines is finally starting to break free,
the mainstream media is shifting their narrative
and blaming it all on President Trump.
And they've already laid the groundwork back in 2016
when the herd was told to believe that Trump is literally Hitler.
We should look at Adolf Hitler in 1929.
He was a kind of a funny kind of character that said the things that people were thinking.
Where Donald Trump takes it, I have absolutely no idea.
But Donald Trump is a dangerous man with the things that he has been saying.
You might argue that Trump is innocent, but he doesn't.
He brags of all the lives he has saved.
The herd will believe what they are told to believe.
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It works incredibly well, 95%, maybe even more than that.
It works incredibly well. It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine,
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I recommend you take it, but I also believe in your freedoms 100%.
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people that do get it get better much quicker.
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So guys, good to have you here with us.
Mark Moss, I'm going to be your show later today.
Your speaker educator, host of the Mark Moss radio show and podcast,
and you've got your sidekick, Alex Veske here with us today.
So much to cover, so much to get into.
Ultra-rich promoting communism.
What's that all about?
Well, we just figured that, you know, the Communist Manifesto is a book
that's been so pervasive it just won't die.
It's become one of the most read books in both political science and economics,
which is saying something, especially how bad it is.
And the ideas just won't seem to go away,
and we wanted to kind of dig into why that is, why it's so appealing,
why it's so wrong, and we think if we could highlight it,
most people would realize how bad it is,
whereas today we kind of have these people like the leaders of BLM saying,
we're trained Marxists, but have we really understood what that is?
And so that was kind of the purpose behind the book.
Well, that communism is big trick in the last 20 years and say it doesn't exist.
And they roll the whole thing out.
Yeah, they just want to rebrand it, put some lipstick on it,
call it something different.
Now it's stakeholder capitalism, now it's the equity,
but it's the exact same ideas just continually tried different.
And the Russians could never take over.
The Chinese couldn't take over under communism,
but they're taking over under this now.
Break down the great reset in Klaus Schwab and why your book exposes that.
So we want to expose the ideas and really what it is, is this collectivism.
So it's instead of having individuals that can think for themselves,
that have free will, that can have ideas and creativity,
they want it to be under the guise of collectivism.
And through collectivism, they can take over all the means of control,
all the means of education, all the means of production,
and then control people like their automatons as opposed to being individual people.
And so what we did is instead of trying to appeal to that lower level of people
saying, hey, it's not your fault, you're a victim.
You can't get ahead because you're oppressed.
You need us to come and save you.
The book instead highlights the opposite of that, which is like,
no, you have things to offer, you have intellectual capacity,
you have ideas, you can get ahead, you can think for yourself.
And so it's really a message of hope, I guess.
And that's why they're trying to shut down economies
and create a big cloud and pivot operation,
is they want people to be desperate to accept this new revolution.
Yeah, they want to break down the family.
They want to break down the church, they break down the community,
and even break down youth.
So you don't have any safety net.
You don't have anybody you can depend on.
And so then the only savior is the state.
You depend on the state.
And we've seen this tried.
Which wants to depopulate you.
I want to kill you, so let me take control of your life.
Yeah, and so we see that.
So Karl Marx started attacking the family,
saying that the family is only for the means of production.
The rich, they don't care about the women.
The community property, all of these things.
And again, just tearing that down.
Today, of course, now it's an attack on the family, the same.
Now it's even an attack on unborn children, right?
And so it's the same ideas just recycled.
Well, lay out your book, then.
This is important stuff.
Yeah, jump in, Alex.
Well, when we set out to write the book initially,
what we, we struggled with taking the original communist manifesto
and just tearing apart point by point.
And we decided not to do that because it's easy to rebut Marxist points.
I mean, first of all, he just contradicts himself every second paragraph.
But secondly, he bases all of his ideology on premises about people that he doesn't understand.
So he thinks that, you know, some magical class called the bourgeoisie,
you know, the supposed rich or the property class just blank at the enemy.
So what does that actually mean?
Does that mean if I was born to a father who has a shoe shop,
now I'm, I should have that taken from me?
Well, they're attacking upper mobility.
They're saying the fact that you can become successful, that's evil.
You want to freeze everybody in their lower class.
It's, it's easier.
It's easier to bring everyone down to the same level of equality
than it is to allow people to rise up because that's messy.
So if you're a central planner, think about it.
Do you want a bunch of people, you know, running around and
If you're a feudal lord fighting the Renaissance,
you don't want a big enlightenment.
You want to suppress people.
This is just the modern version of it.
That's it.
I think it's even more stupid than what happened in the feudal times
because at least in the feudal times, the, you know,
the noblemen were the actual warriors and things like that.
Today, who are these people?
The morons in the bank.
Well, exactly.
The old days of nowhere had to go out and like fight foreign armies
and kill people.
They don't have anything now.
Now they just sit there and, you know, you pay for everything.
You fight, you pay the taxes, you lose your money on inflation
and you own nothing and you're supposed to be happy.
I think there's a couple ideas in the book that are very relevant
for today's time.
And one of them specifically is that the book highlighted the
struggle between two arbitrary classes, the rich and the poor.
And today's cultural or neo-Marxism pits everybody against everybody.
So now it's black against white, gay against straight,
male against female, etc.
And so we were all at each other's throats.
We're all at each other's necks.
And so it's the same ideas.
And so if you can kind of peel that back and see what their strategy is,
what their plan is, you can understand that a little bit better.
So I think that's a big key.
And we want to say that, no, look, this isn't the case.
Like we're all individuals struggling against the collectivist
trying to pull us into groups.
I agree.
We've got powerful elites using collectivism.
Because the truth of the John Birch Society is that
it's elite, powerful groups running communism.
That's exactly right.
Trying to use this as a way to gain momentum and to gain power.
Another real powerful, and this is maybe one of the more powerful ideas
in the book that I think everybody could benefit from,
is that today you see a lot of people might see the same problems
in the world today.
But one group thinks that more government or a different government
or a better government might be the answer.
And some people recognize that no, government is actually the problem.
And so what we do is we kind of break down politics and we say,
look, capitalism is not a political modality.
Capitalism is just natural emergent order.
We naturally want to become more efficient with resources that we have.
And buy what's the best.
And buy what's the best.
And so we know that resources are limited.
And so, right, I might carry one rock at a time.
Then I invent a wheelbarrow to move 10 rocks at a time.
And that's just capitalism.
And capitalism always exists even in communist societies.
There's black markets in prisons.
In preschools, kids are trading chips for sodas, right?
So there's always capitalism happening.
And politics, socialism being left, fascism being right, doesn't matter.
It's all collectivism.
And politics is always like a parasite trying to drain off the resources of capitalism.
And if you think about it as a parasite, a parasite tries to attack the host without killing the host.
But maybe through the Russian experiment, it killed the host.
Maybe through Germany, it killed the host.
In China, it almost killed the host.
And they brought a little capitalism back in.
And now China is still kind of getting along.
And I think if people could-
That's right.
Enough capitalism to keep us alive.
So it's almost like that parasite isn't killing the host.
And I think we have some diagrams in the book that lay this out visually.
And I think if people can understand that, hopefully they can understand
that it's not politics or different governments that did the answer.
More government, it's actually less government.
Government being the problem.
It's just crazy, though, how you see the ultra-wretch pushing communist programs.
It's so obvious they're creating monopolies.
Well, that's the thing that communism creates, is that it wants to remove
the competitive nature of a free market.
So when you step out of the way, nature doesn't have any monopolies.
If nature had monopolies, there'd be just the lion or just one form of species.
What ends up happening is you end up getting fair competition in nature
where you have this kind of dynamic equilibrium.
Now, what we do with politics is we create one central monopoly
through either a central bank or a government.
And then that kind of skews the game.
So imagine playing a game of poker where you've got eight other players on the table
and one of the people can make whatever bet they want
and every time they lose, if they go all in, they just get some extra trips.
And they can just continually play.
And in doing so, what ends up happening?
All the other players in the game, instead of playing a good poker game,
they actually build alliances instead with the person who's getting the free chips.
And then all of a sudden the game doesn't function on merit.
Well, that's a perfect analogy. Let's talk about that when we come back.
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All right, so the rich and powerful in the world, what monopolies are pushing communism?
Mark Moss is a speaker and educator, host of the Mark Moss radio show and podcast.
YouTube, Mark Moss.
One, Mark Moss on Twitter.
Radio Mark Moss, iHeart.com.
And you've got your co-author here, Alex, here with us.
You've written this great new book that I can't wait to read.
The Uncommonist Manifesto.
So explain to people how the power elite are funding communism and why they're doing it
and then to contemporary terms with a great reset and where all this is going.
Well, they're funding it through taking over the means of production,
which has always been the original method, right?
So it's taking over the means of production.
And so as Klaus Schwab would say, it's kind of the reincarnated Karl Marx.
He talks about the public-private partnership.
And so they're using it through the commercial banks.
So in the Commonist Manifesto, Karl Marx lays out 10 points of communism.
What it takes to install communism.
Of course, number five on that is central bank controlling the means of credit and money.
And so they've taken over control of credit and money.
And they've created this organizational chart with the BIS at the top.
And then using the BIS, the IMF and the World Bank,
they use monetary policy to now push these agendas.
Which is the SEGs.
The ESG, right?
So like as Mark Carney said, companies that don't adopt these ESG narratives will be,
as he said, quote, unquote, economic roadkill.
And so they're forcing companies to comply.
And that's kind of the public-private side.
So on the public side, on the company side, the private side,
they're using these ESG narratives and mandates to control the businesses.
And then on the other side, we have the social credit score system,
like the Chinese system that's going all across the United States,
North America, Europe, developed world.
Even I saw Canada is now putting these into place.
And so that's controlling the people.
And so using these systems of control, then they can extract wealth.
And I think that's really what the system does.
It's found the best way to extract the most amount of wealth
and exert the most amount of power and control, again, without control.
And what's incredible is they sell it as for the people,
but communism creates hell holes.
Communism creates hell holes.
Because of incentive systems.
Exactly. The incentive.
So if you want to equalize everyone, and this is always the floor of communism,
and we're watching a video here just before it started where they're talking about,
we want to do it right this time, a global commons,
and we want to make sure we don't make the same mistakes as last time.
It's like, how many times do you need to try and create an equal class of people?
And again, they're not even trying. They know that's a lie.
Well, they do.
They all fly on private jets while saying you can't have recognition.
Correct. Because some class of people needs to be the ones who mandate and set the rules.
This is what communism always does.
All sorts of collectivism does is equalizes everybody to be just some dumb, blind,
lemming, you know, like an NPC, and then some basically decreed ruling class.
Because I just want to make one point here is that there is a place for good leaders.
Like, there is a place for good business leaders, good entrepreneurs,
and good leaders naturally rise up and they lead people.
There is no place for authority by decree, which is how the world functions today.
It's people who have unearned authority.
They have authority just because some...
Like Prince Charles. He's pushing all this.
He is. And he came out of nowhere and he's back talking about AIDS all of a sudden.
Now he's pushing the whole climate change thing.
And so they're pushing these narratives that they continue to push down our throats
and meant to control us and really through scaring us right through fear tactics,
which again, back to the original Congress manifesto was the poor.
The poor, you'll never get ahead of fear.
So how do we counter these people?
So I think the way we counter these people is exactly through the work that you're doing, right?
We counter these people with the...fight fire with fire if you will.
So if you look at the way when communism really seemed to fall in the 70s and the 80s as the USSR fell,
it kind of went underground.
And it went underground and it kind of resurfaced in the American institutions.
And it...
As environmentalism and wokeism.
Environmentalism and through the colleges, right?
And so now the professors there are teaching Marxism and so forth.
And so I think we fight fire with fire.
We counter it with the same thing, through education.
I believe that truth wins, that good ideas win because they're better,
which is of course why they try to censor us.
They know that their ideas can't win.
They know the only way they can win is through censorship.
And so we have to continue to shine the light on them,
continue to expose them and continue to provide better alternatives, better ideas.
I mean, to add to that, if we want to understand how to defeat them,
you need to know your enemy, right?
So a lot of people run around, they talk about communism,
but they haven't even read the communist manifesto.
So I'm going to read out a couple of points. Marx has like his 10 commandments in the communist manifesto.
So point number one, abolition of property in land
and application of all rents of land to public purpose.
So abolition of private property.
So just stopping right there, Karl Marx says that...
You'll own nothing and like it.
You'll own nothing and like it.
He says, if I summarize communism in one statement,
it would be the abolition of private property.
Like Klaus Schwab saying, you'll own nothing and be happy.
It's the same thing.
But, but Leonardo DiCaprio and Klaus Schwab fly around and run it all.
They're allowed to have it.
That's it.
So it's one class who gets the other class who doesn't own anything.
Second, a heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Third, the abolition of all rights of inheritance.
Number four, the confiscation of the property of all immigrants and rebels.
So if you don't like it and you want to leave,
well, all your stuff is ours.
So all of these things.
And the problem is, and this is one thing that drives me crazy,
is people point to America and this and that and say,
oh, see, capitalism is failing.
None of this is capitalist.
Like we have a progressive...
They're trying to make the system fail.
They say, this is a transition.
Turn off the coal, turn off the gas, turn off the infrastructure,
collapse the borders.
It's not working.
Well, they're making it not work.
They're forcefully making it not work.
But the one thing that we have, and there's that meme that says,
who radicalized you?
And it's like, you did.
The state did.
And what we're seeing is a lot of people who thought they were liberals
or thought they were Democrats are all of a sudden going,
wait a minute, I see what's happening here.
I see what's happening in my hometown.
I don't like this.
I no longer want these policies.
And it's because they never really thought through where this really goes.
And to the point that Alex was making,
seven of the 10 points of communism are in the U.S.
So when people say, wait a minute, capitalism is what's failed.
Capitalism is at work.
Maybe we should try something different.
It's like, no, no, no, no, no, no.
We have communism now.
If you don't like it, this is what it is.
And the biggest piece of proof is Amazon, Google,
none of them even pay 1% tax, but we pay 40%.
They literally wrote this to screw us.
And so that's part of what we talk about in the book as well,
is that we want this permeable system where people can move up in society.
But what we also need is where people can fall back down through society.
But through the fiat money system that we have today,
the Amazons of the world can, as Alex pointed out in the analogy of the card game,
they can buddy themselves up with the bank.
They use the fiat money system to continue to print themselves more money.
And they never failed.
Yeah, go back to the card game because it's like a monopoly game
where they have unlimited money.
That's the Achilles heel.
If you're the monopoly player who just, if you're the banker in the monopoly,
remember, it even says it on the board game, right?
The bank never goes bust.
You just write some more money.
And that's why they want lockdowns.
The banker of small businesses is just hanging on.
Like, well, we got money, but we can't shut them down.
That's what that's about.
So this is where I believe the Achilles heel is such important.
So most people who know me know that I'm a Bitcoiner.
For me, the one Achilles heel that we have is to basically starve the beast.
You take the money out, stop using their money, stop using US dollars,
stop supporting that same system and move the product of your labor onto a standard
that is non-controllable, non-manipulable, non-inflatable, non-taxable, the whole lot.
And then what happens?
Like imagine feeding your jailer.
It just doesn't work.
And that's what we're doing.
We're consistently paying them for the privilege of being locked down,
of being told what to do, of owning nothing,
the rest of the things that are with that.
Yeah, that's exactly what we need to do.
We have to starve the beast.
But I think also, like I said, if we highlight these ideas and say,
look, you guys think you want this, but you haven't thought through where it is,
now we're seeing it firsthand.
Three of the 10 points are attacking the food, taking over agriculture.
And we see in Sri Lanka, we see in Holland, we see in Canada what's happening when you take over.
And now we saw in the US two weeks ago, they raided the Amish Farms.
Like it's coming for you, no matter where you're at.
And it was laid out.
Three of the 10 points, talk about that.
This is coming for you.
And if you're not OK with that, then you should really understand
where all these ideas they have are pushing us towards.
Well, you guys are really great thought leaders and experts on what's happening
and what they're doing to us.
But we'll go to break and come back.
How do we counter them?
Well, we have the idea.
Like I said, we have, we've laid out our own 10 points.
We've laid our own 10 points of exactly how we think we can un-communist the world
and beat them.
And so we can go through those as we come back from the break.
But it's not as hard as it would think.
Again, it's fighting fire with fire.
It's turning their ideas upside down on them.
It's the education.
It's the money.
It's the parallel systems.
It's the continuation of living outside of their...
And it's realizing the more we give in, the worse it gets.
It only gets better resisting.
You don't negotiate with terrorists, right?
They're always going to want more.
The Un-communist Manifesto, the book available everywhere.
We'll be right back. Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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What do you make of that?
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The Ten Points of Countering Communism, the book, The Uncommunist Manifesto.
What a nightmare, funded by the elites in the last 200 years, 160 years or so.
Wanting to counter the renaissance and the human awakening that the elites couldn't deal with.
Gentlemen, please continue.
Let's do it.
So, in the book, at the end of chapter two, we've got...
Basically, we took part of the structure that the communist manifesto had with his Ten Commandments.
And we did the Ten Points of Uncommunism.
So, we start with, obviously, the absolute preservation of private property rights.
But I'm going to read out number four and five here.
The abolition of any and all central banks which use fiat money and credit expansion
to enrich themselves at the expense of the population of users.
And number five is a movement onto a common organic emergent monetary standard
which cannot be managed, controlled, ruled, or issued by any group, organization, institution, or nation.
And I think, for me, this is, again, I'm going to bring it back to Bitcoin.
But this is what Bitcoin...
Private elites should not have the first use of money.
No one should. No one.
Not me, not you, not the private elites, nobody.
Money should be just an ingredients of exchange.
It needs to sit outside of all of our reach, because then you can play a fair game.
Coming back to that poker analogy or the monopoly analogy, if no one can touch the bank,
if no one can touch the money, then you and I compete on merit.
Yeah, why? That's not about communism collapses. Why play the game if it's rigged?
Right, exactly. Nobody wants to. Nobody wants to play a game that was rigged.
I like to go back to Henry Kissinger. He told us...
But isn't that what communism collapses? Is it no one wants to play a rigged game?
It's exactly what... Well, and it doesn't work. The ideas won't work.
Back to Kissinger.
And so left on their own means, though, fall, but Henry Kissinger said,
you know, control the food, you control the people, control the energy, you control the continent,
control the money, you control the world.
Now, Henry Kissinger taught Klaus Schwab in the university, and so...
Klaus Schwab is his minion.
Klaus Schwab is his minion. He learned from that.
And so control the money.
And so the central bank digital currencies are an additional step to centralizing the control of money
on top of the central banks we already have.
So we're saying, no, we need to go the opposite direction and take that control of the money back into our own hands.
And then you see Biden forgiving student debt for worthless college degrees,
which creates massive inflation. They know exactly what they're doing.
Just today, there was an article that came out by the Fed.
The Fed Now payment system, Lell Brainard, vice chair of the Fed, said today
that the Fed Now payment system should be up and running by next year.
That's right. So explain what that means.
Yeah. So basically what happens is people, we talk about all the time, the Fed printing money,
money printer go bird, the inflation production act, they're going to go print all this money.
That's not really how it works, right?
The Fed creates reserves that go to the commercial banks, which are the J.P. Morgan's, the Wells Fargo's.
They create the money through creating loans.
Now the elites are going to give themselves direct money,
but program the tokens where you can spend it with them.
That's correct.
So what they want to do is bypass the central banks,
and they want to take over the means of money so they can give the money directly to the people.
And then to the point you made, Alex, is that the CBDCs will be programmable money.
So, hey, if you don't spend the money by Friday, it comes back to us.
Oh, by the way, you can't spend money.
And that's the ESGs.
Well, that would be the central bank digital currency, the controllable, programmable money.
No, I know. But then they decided I would spend it.
Sure. So then let's say, hey, Alex, you've reached your carbon score this week.
No more gas for your truck.
You know what? You've eaten too much red meat this week.
No more red meat.
And you've dialed in to admit that they can surveil everything you do.
Yeah, well, they don't even have to surveil.
Surveil is like after the fact.
This is programmable where it's automatically set where once you meet that threshold,
you can't even move forward with it.
So it's even way more nefarious than surveillance because it's before.
So this is slavery on steroids.
It's slavery on steroids.
And so they wanted to control the means of credit, the central banks, and they have,
but this is one step further with the central bank digital currency.
All the social control to it.
And then there's all the social control.
How do the carbon taxes fit into that?
Right. So now we've already seen like master cards making deals where they have credit cards now
that track your carbon score, for example.
And so when you've reached your carbon score for the week,
your credit card gets turned off.
But it all goes back to controlling that money, that central bank,
the creation of the central bank, which we want to replace.
And I would say, I like to say that without the freedom of payments,
there is no freedom at all.
Right? We have the freedom of speech, supposedly.
So how is their power grab going?
Well, it's going very well for them right now.
And it's only continuing to grow.
But at the same time, it's also falling apart.
So I said before that it doesn't work.
And so you can't just print money out of thin air.
And you can, but you get...
Well, plus they're all flying around on jumbo jets,
and have palatial matches, and five kids,
but they're saying we can't.
Is that the ultimate hypocrisy?
Well, it is the ultimate hypocrisy,
but their work is more important than yours, Alex.
Of course, they need to fly on jets because they're trying to save humanity.
You're not doing anything.
So you don't need to fly anywhere, right?
That's the story they want to tell us, right?
So they're important.
It's important for them.
But think about that.
They're saying, some people are saying within the next five years,
most people won't be able to fly around the country anymore.
Because your work won't be essential, right?
Your work isn't essential.
Now, they need their private jet to go to Davos
to tell us what bugs we need to eat next.
But our work isn't essential.
We don't need to fly.
Or we can fly one time a year.
How would humanity sign on to something like this?
They threw fear.
Well, I mean, how did humanity sign on to wearing a fucking face diaper
to go and eat at a restaurant?
Like, if you asked me three years ago,
or someone told me actually three years ago
that you will be walking in to a restaurant
wearing a face diaper,
and you have to show your papers just to eat,
I would have told you,
no way in hell anybody's going to do that.
The restaurants will go bankrupt.
Or they'd be taking a military offering,
not taking shots,
but 40% of black kids in DC can't go to school
because they won't take a shot to admit kills your ass.
Yeah, that's right.
But people did it.
People did it.
The NPCs did it.
And this is the thing.
Human adaptability goes two ways.
People can adapt to freedom,
and they do that by growing as an individual,
or they can adapt to conformity
by lowering their standards
and becoming another one of them.
Now, what you said is so key.
I once had a meeting for three hours
with the head of one of the big banks,
and he said, Alex, you don't get it.
They're going to adapt to slavery.
He kept laughing at me.
What you just said is it.
They're getting us to adapt to slavery.
That's it.
And this is why it's so important for people like you,
for the books you're writing that we're writing,
is to wake people up so that they remember
that you need to disobey.
One of the biggest virtues,
and they've tried to tell us that this is not a virtue,
that following orders and following rules
is a virtuous thing.
No, resistance is innovation.
It's a pushback.
And I love this new world called contrapliant.
It's the opposite of compliant.
I think it stems from counterpliance,
but it's the idea that you are actively non-compliant.
And that, I think, is a virtue,
because that's all great men.
That creates innovation.
It does.
Every great innovation has come from
saying no to the status quo or no to the average.
The other thing is that one of the ten points, again,
is control the means of communication.
Of course, they need to control the communication.
If we look at the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s...
I was about to hit that as an example.
...the church in the state, they lost control
because the printing press got the books out there.
Now, Gutenberg killed that.
That was the technological innovation.
And no matter how many people they labeled heretics
and killed them,
they couldn't stop the revolution that happened
because of the freedom of information.
The Internet has done the same thing.
And you were, in my opinion,
maybe the first martyr that went down.
You were the first person wiped off the face
of the mainstream Internet,
but you're still around today.
We have these tools today, and back to the heretics.
Are they going to do podcasts?
I'm going to launch, I think, some of the heretics.
I'm an anti-global heretic.
Yeah, you are.
And that's what you'd be labeled today.
They're not really killing people today,
but they're assassinating their characters online.
They digitally kill you.
They digitally kill you, that's exactly right.
And so they want to control means...
How do we counter digital assassination?
Well, you've done it.
You've set the model.
I mean, you're setting the model
that we all need to start applying today, right?
It was Robert Barnes.
He's a constitutional attorney.
He told me, we need to pretend or imagine
that we were a Jew in Germany in 1929.
A couple years before...
That's exactly what de-platforming is.
They did that to Jews.
Right, and we need to, like, prepare for what's coming,
and you've kind of set the path,
which we're going to get into later when we talk about that.
But I think as far as defeating this
for the real defeating, in my opinion,
we also have a playbook.
So just like we can see where communism was tried
in the past in the...
Freedom's playbook's so powerful.
Instead of freeing out what they're doing,
how do we counter it?
Right, so the Bolshevik Revolution
showed us how dangerous Marxism is.
25 million people starved to death.
But we also see how the USSR collapsed,
and that's also a playbook.
So what happened?
In the 70s and 80s, the USSR collapsed.
Two things that I think happened.
One, what happened is because communism was so oppressive,
people formed parallel structures, parallel societies.
We can't change the media, mainstream media,
but we can build our own media network, as you've done.
Which is what they admit in journal documents.
They fear any new independent system.
That's correct.
We can't change the FDA and the food system,
but we can grow our own food.
We can't change education,
but I can pull my kids out
and I can homeschool them over here.
So the way that we win is we opt out of their systems,
education, media, food...
And we gotta run now.
And we have to run now.
We need to build these alternative systems up.
Right now, today, we...
We'll take woman's intuition.
All my wives are political.
She goes, you gotta get out of the system.
We gotta move the country.
You gotta raise farms.
We gotta leave.
Every woman I know is like, leave, leave, leave.
They have that instinct.
Yeah, that's right.
And so by...
When we stop playing their game,
it's like, we're in your house right now.
And if you said,
hey, Mark, you're too loud.
You go outside.
And Alex, I don't like you.
You go outside.
Then you don't have control of us anymore
because we're not in your house anymore.
And we can go start our own party.
It's the poker game analogy again.
Get off the table.
Go start a new game.
Simple as that.
So what do you make of the women,
particularly I've seen,
have an instinct to break with the system?
I'm saying that.
And as Hitler said,
he was a bad guy,
but he said, as women go,
so follows the world,
the women are just one away from us.
Well, I'm not sure what a definition
of a woman is anymore, Alex,
but they want to blur the lines of that.
But I think, you know,
biology tells us that men typically,
yeah, follow the women, right?
I'm just saying,
I'm seeing it.
Women are done.
I mean, I think they're afraid.
They're done with the system,
you're saying?
They're fed up.
My wife certainly is.
That's for sure.
I'm just seeing it everywhere.
Like, women are like,
they're checked out now.
They're like, we're not doing this.
I think women see through the BS
a little bit easier.
We'll be right back.
All right.
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I'm gonna make sure he gets a Ferrari
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There's only one person
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Alright, you guys are gonna host
a segment ahead of Pete Santelli
taking over at 15 after.
Very impressed with the great work
you're doing.
I've already saw some of your work,
but good to have you in person.
Mark Moses,
you guys finish up at the point
you're gonna make it.
What are you gonna cover next segment?
Yeah, I think,
what we can cover in the next segment
is really a playbook,
and what people need
is they need information
and education,
but they also need to know
what to do next.
And we can kind of break down
some of the steps that I think
are very important that people
can take right now in their lives
to start moving the needle
and moving back towards freedom
and sovereignty.
Yeah, I think, I mean,
we spoke about parallel systems.
Me being the Bitcoin guy,
I'm just gonna talk about Bitcoin again,
because I think number one is...
It starts with the money.
Yeah, it starts with the money.
You need to start moving the money
out of the hands of your jailers.
Number one, and then number two is,
don't expect the process to be easy.
Like, don't expect,
oh, you know,
I just buy some Bitcoin
on Coinbase and sit there.
That's not what it is.
Learn about a wallet.
Learn about self-custody.
Learn about how to do a Bitcoin transaction.
Learn about how to get off the network,
so that way you are on the Bitcoin network.
That's a completely parallel network.
When I'm on Bitcoin
and when my wealth is in the Bitcoin
and if you want to get paid,
I can send it to you.
It doesn't interact with the old system.
It's completely...
But what about the point
that the globalists always had cash and stuff
so they did Bitcoin as their new black market?
No, Bitcoin is cash.
It's literally digital currency.
No, I understand.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing.
I think the globalists are actually dominating
and driving down Bitcoin as they got too powerful.
They're building it as a backdoor for themselves.
No, no, no.
They're building...
Their backdoor is crypto.
That's the thing.
I think what he's saying is
they're trying to drive the price down
so they can accumulate
and that's also their back.
They're saving.
I think their bigger play
is using something like Ethereum or Cardano
because there's an organization or an institution
or a foundation that they can leverage.
You can't leverage Bitcoin.
There's nothing you can do to leverage Bitcoin.
You can't push the lever.
You can't change the amount.
You can't do any of that.
But if it's Ethereum,
you just go knock on Vitalik's door
and say, hey, this is what we're going to do.
You go knock on...
Increase the supply.
You can change the rules there.
And this is the whole thing.
Bitcoin was that discovery point.
It's the zero to one moment
that gave us a money which cannot be co-opted.
So that is so, so, so important.
And I implore everybody.
Go and figure out,
understand how this thing works.
There is so much resources out there
and just go read and understand.
And don't get caught up in the crypto garbage
because that's just jumping from the fry pan
into the fire.
You're swapping out a clash swab
into a couple nodes who have the same delusions of grandeur
who want to run everything.
So that, for me, is like the primary.
And so sort of like you mentioned,
like coming out of the Renaissance,
and really we saw the separation of church and state.
And we talk about the separation of money and state
because money is that tool that really allows them
to have the too big to fail,
allows them to continue to build the prisons,
the digital penopticons, et cetera.
And so there's a big piece there.
And again, without the freedom of payments,
we don't have the freedom.
So I can't send my kids to any school.
I can't use any medical system I want
if I can't pay for that.
Let me ask this.
Why do you think Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates
would run this bio attack,
kill so many people and be the authors of it?
Is it just pure arrogance?
Because it just seems crazy what they've,
they're so hated now.
Arrogance and stupidity.
Arrogance and stupidity, the hubris.
So I think one of it is like Bill Gates
and the hubris to think that man can control the climate.
He wants to block the sun out.
We can control the weather?
Like we're God?
Like there is no God, we're God,
we're going to control the entire climate
and the atmosphere and the sun and everything?
So the hubris that they have, I think.
You know, it's something, is it evil?
Is it ignorance?
Is it arrogance?
It's hard to know what the answer is.
Obviously, a lot of these people are driven
by this mathusian fear spell,
that the population is going to increase so fast
and the supplies are going down.
But we've proven that that's wrong.
Population is topping out as people come out of poverty
to have less kids.
Technology allows them more resources.
There's also a projection thing I want to say,
is that if you're a person who doesn't know
how to have self-control,
I mean, you look at Bill Gates.
He's got man boobs and, you know,
he's got this massive gut
and he's telling people how to be healthy.
So I find this with a lot of collectivists
and government types and all this sort of stuff,
is that they have an inner lack of belief
in their own capacity and they project that outwards.
They think, you know, I can't run my own life.
They project their lack of control out.
And then they think that everyone else needs to be controlled.
All right, gentlemen, you're going to take over next segment.
And then we've got a special guest host
taking over today here.
Who do we got in the fourth hour?
Pete Santelli.
All right, folks, we'll be right back.
You guys take over.
Thank you.
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Let's do it.
Let's do it.
Let's do it.
Let's do it.
I'll frame it up.
All right, all right.
I think we're coming back in.
We are on air.
We are.
We are doing the Uncommunist Manifesto Takeover
of the Alex Jones Info-War Shore show.
Stop the fever.
So here we are.
We're taking over the show.
And this is a big show.
This is a big segment.
Thank you so much, Alex, for giving us this opportunity
to do this.
And it is so important.
Of course, Alex leads the charge.
He's talking about the World Economic Forum.
He's talking about the Great Reset.
He's talking about all the problems that are coming to us
today, and they are real.
And as he's saying, they are not only real,
they are becoming urgent.
They're coming into our lives faster and faster.
And we wrote in the book, Alex and I,
we've written the book, The Uncommunist Manifesto,
which I get, communism sounds like an old idea.
It sounds like something that happened in 1917
in Russia with the Bolshevik Revolution,
or maybe in Mao's Communist China,
even though today we still have in China the CCP,
the Chinese Communist Party.
So communism is still alive and relevant,
but it's actually more relevant today
than most people have really given it consideration.
So Klaus Schwab talks about you own nothing be happy.
Karl Marx said abolition of property.
That's the same thing.
Marx said we'll take over the means of production.
Klaus Schwab says it's a public-private partnership
and we'll just control everything.
And so it's alive and well.
Now, the one thing that Alex said before he handed over
the reins to us is that things are getting bad.
Things are getting urgent.
It's accelerating.
And it certainly is.
Part of the reason why it's accelerating
is because as this control starts slipping,
they have to squeeze even harder.
So if we look at a parallel in history,
I think there's lots of parallels for different parts of it.
But in the 1500s, the church and state had monopoly
and power and control over the people.
But 70 years earlier, the Gutenberg printing press came out.
It was a new technology that unleashed
a decentralized information.
And as the church started to lose its grip on the narrative,
because people were getting the information,
they had to squeeze harder.
So they said, hey, we're losing grip.
So what are we going to do?
We have to fight back.
Well, let's squeeze even harder.
Let's say that anybody talks out is a heretic,
and we'll kill them.
And then as that happened, then more people saw that.
And these martyrs then led to more people wanting to push back.
And then the state had to squeeze even harder.
And it's this equal and opposite force kind of thing.
And the funny thing is, as they squeeze harder,
I think of this holding something slippery,
like that slippery goo stuff that the kids have, the Play-Doh.
And the harder you actually squeeze it, the more it slips.
And you actually, they create the counterforce.
And this is something interesting.
I want to read here.
We've got a quote in our book from our friend, Comrade Lennon.
So Comrade Lennon, someone we shouldn't be quoting,
but this quote is more relevant today
than any time before.
And it's important.
Let's go for it.
The best way to destroy the capitalist system
is to debauch the currency.
By a continuing process of inflation,
governments can confiscate secretly and unobserved.
So just pause there for a second to destroy the capitalist system.
A lot of people think that we live in capitalism today.
That capitalism was good, but now it's bad.
But he said to destroy it.
If we want to destroy it, we have to debauch the currency
or destroy the currency.
So if we want to destroy capitalism, destroy the currency.
And we do, how do we do that?
We do that through secret confiscation or secret theft.
And that's through inflation.
By increasing the money supply, we secretly steal.
And by secretly stealing, we destroy the currency.
And by destroying the currency, we destroy capitalism.
Well, and here's the second part of the quote, right?
By this method, they not only confiscate,
but they confiscate arbitrarily.
And while the process impoverishes many,
it actually enriches some.
And that's exactly what we were talking about earlier, right?
So it confiscates arbitrarily,
meaning who they choose to affect.
We want to get this person and not that person.
Arbitrarily, and most people become impoverished.
But the few...
It actually enriches some.
Read the last part of that quote.
So as the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month,
all permanent relations between debtors and creditors,
which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism,
become so utterly distorted as to be almost meaningless.
And the process of wealth getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery.
That's the last part right there.
So the process of wealth getting.
So we all should be trying to build wealth in our own lives.
Wealth is our life battery.
Wealth is my ability to have calories or to live without having to make daily gains.
And so I have cows.
Those cows could allow me to live for a year off the food.
I have a house that provides me shelter.
So that's my wealth.
And so it says the process of getting wealth or getting assets turns into a gamble.
Gamble. I mean, you gamble.
It's all over TV.
People are gambling with houses.
You know, they're building them, they're flogging them,
and they think they're getting rich.
But what's happening is actually the purchasing power of the money is actually depreciating.
And couple that with a rush towards assets because nobody's saving anymore.
At the end of last year, we saw in America,
we saw that we had the record amount of job quits, people leaving their jobs to leave the workforce.
We saw a record broken, another record broken, another record broken.
And where were most of these people quitting their jobs to go?
They were going to trade options on Robinhood and trade cryptocurrencies.
So gambling was the best form of getting wealthy.
Now that kind of frames up where Rat, as Alex Jones was saying before he left,
things are really deteriorating at a rapid rate.
Now look, I think hopefully one thing Alex tries to promote as much as the fear that's out there,
and we should be fearful because things are urgent.
But there's also massive hope.
Okay, so let's end this on a message of hope because we got the table,
and we're going to say what we want to say, and I want to leave everybody here with hope
because I believe that we win.
I believe there's hope and prosperity for my kids and my grandkids, and I feel good about that.
But that doesn't mean that things are instantly going to be better,
and that doesn't mean that we don't have to fight. We do.
And so it might be worse for me temporarily, but it's going to be better for them.
So how do we do that?
Well, first of all, I think what we need to do is have some patience
because we're going to have to go through this period.
But if we kind of look at it on a longer lens and kind of step out 200, 500 years,
humanity I think in some sense was going to have to go through this.
We were going to have to go through the fiat experiment.
We were going to have to make the mistakes we were going to make.
We were going to have to orient ourselves so people with low moral integrity and questionable integrity,
they were going to play the game to win without realizing that they were actually playing the game
to lose ultimately for the rest of us.
So all of this stuff was going to happen.
And I think it's really important to take a step back and say,
all right, we need to lay the foundation for the parallel system.
We need to lay the foundation for the future for our children, for our children's children.
And this requires making ourselves independent once more instead of compliant.
Yeah. And that's exactly the key that you said is, well, a couple of key things that you said there.
So one, the parallel structures.
And I've talked about quite extensively on my own show how we're seeing the blow off top of socialism.
And so blow off top, if you look at financial markets, if you look at the dot com boom of 2000,
for example, the housing boom in 2008, and the markets are going up almost in a parabolic fashion,
and then eventually they blow off and they blow off because they run out of buyers.
And what we've seen is we've seen that with with communism or socialism where, hey, nanny state,
handle my kids' education for me, and nanny state, handle my retirement for me,
and then, oh yeah, handle my healthcare for me, and why don't you just handle everything for me?
What about the roads? I don't even know how to build roads anymore.
Just handle everything, and we've given everything to the state,
and there's really not much more they can take anymore.
The zeitgeist of the time is autonomy.
The zeitgeist of the time is autonomy.
Yeah, and that's literally why we wrote this.
This is a book about the zeitgeist of the time.
The world has swung, and you use this analogy all the time,
because the world has swung all the way towards centralization, towards dependency,
towards basically, I kind of envision the entire world as like a just-in-time supply chain, right?
Is that everything is just stretched to the very bare edge, and everyone is dependent.
There's no more independence. There's no more autonomy.
So the antidote is the opposite.
Personal responsibility.
Simple as that. Personal responsibility.
This is the renaissance of responsibility.
And that, for me, when I think about Bitcoin,
I also think about responsibility, go-up technology.
And we're sort of preaching to the choir here.
You guys are watching Alex Jones. You're watching Info Wars.
You have taken personal responsibility for your information.
You're not watching CNN, so you've already taken the first step,
but have you taken the second, third, fourth step? What are those?
What are those? Well, you've taken personal responsibility for your own education,
your own information. Have you taken personal responsibility for your own education
or your kid's education? Are they still in the government-run public schools?
If so, pull them out. Put them into a homeschool pod.
Are you still in the government-sanctioned food, the FDA food,
or do you know your farmers getting your own produce and your own meat?
Are you still...are you still using the government's money?
Now, give me an example of this real quick.
And actually, we're running down, so I'm not going to give you the example of that.
But get out of the system. Take first responsibility in every area of your life.
Build your relationships. Get your food, money, and so forth.
And we've got to run. Pick up the Uncommonist Manifesto. Check it out on Amazon.
And that's what we've got. Thanks for letting us know.
Uncommunist.com as well. Get yourselves some free bonuses there.
Thank you for watching.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the 4th hour of the Alex Jones show. I'm your host for this 4th hour, Pete Santilli.
It's great to be back, actually, since the last appearance that I made.
I've been memorialized as one of those individuals that was speaking at a time when I wasn't allowed to speak. I was gagged as a result of the trial that was going on, the sham trial in Austin, Texas.
And I made an appearance and there were things that I just couldn't talk about.
It was one of the most uncomfortable moments, I think, in all of my 11 years as a broadcaster.
If you don't know the name Pete Santilli, I'm host of the Pete Santilli show.
And I'm so proud to be filling in and helping out Infowars.com, the Infowars team, who, as we all know, has been subjected to the levels of attack, of course, on multiple fronts that we've never seen before in our nation's history, attacking the independent media.
And I'm, again, not only proud, but I'm also going to tell you that this particular segment that I'm going to bring to you, I've been trying to get as much information out over the past couple of weeks as I possibly could as to my direct involvement.
And I'm going to say that I've been blessed with certain things landing in my lap coincidentally, while at the same time trying to do my part as an investigative journalist, as a broadcaster, to make sense of what the heck is going on in this country.
And for the past couple of years, my direct involvement with Mike Lindell, his team, having met him on January 5 of 2021, out in front of the Capitol, my life has changed certainly for the better.
Since that interaction with him, he came on my show, I invited him on, I looked him in the eyes, and I recognize that he is one of our nation's greatest patriots.
There can be no doubt about it. But since then, my interaction with Mike Lindell as a broadcaster, as a member of the independent media, has been to do my part to help deliver the truth to the American people.
And as we all know, Mike Lindell has been through the meat grinder, as they say, has been attacked to no end.
But he has a great relationship with the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, thankfully.
He's maintained that relationship over the years, and he's been one of those trusted people that has been given some information dating all the way back to January 9.
Now, I'm going to take us through in this, the remaining balance of this hour, some very important information that most people have no clue about as to what was going on over the past couple of weeks, and leading up to that.
That has everything to do with how President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States, is attempting to stay in the trenches, to help save our country, and to expose the able doers that have subverted our US Constitution by the likes of people like John Brennan,
by the likes of people like Clapper, and of course, these deep status have been operating behind the scenes for many, many years under the old Biden administration.
All right, so where do we begin? I mentioned to you that I met Mike Lindell.
I'm not here to brag to you in any way, shape, or form as to my relationship.
I'll say that our relationship has been framed up because over the past couple of years, there have been two incidents that landed in my lap.
Holly did. I'll never know. I will just call it a blessing from above that I was exposed to potential sabotage of Mike Lindell's efforts to help save our country.
Two incidents. One was back at the Cyber Symposium, where I was a witness to a massive Intel operation out on the floor of the Cyber Symposium from CIA and doing all the wrong things and all the cameras and the mainstream media out on the floor of the Cyber Symposium
to essentially capture the identity of those individuals that were in the room at the Cyber Symposium and secondarily to be standing by that if Mike Lindell had presented the information he was given on January 9th of 2021,
he was actually being set up to be arrested.
These are the facts here. These are absolute facts. If Mike was right here, he would share this with you. These facts have just recently come forth that there was national security protected.
It's actually under a little known state's secrets privilege that information that Mike had received on January 9th, 2021.
If he had put that on the screen during the Cyber Symposium just a little over a year ago, that the FBI was standing by getting ready to arrest him and his team for violating the state secrets privilege.
He found out about this at the last second and there were saboteurs that were mingling among the crowd and it was just absolutely amazing how we watched these operators make mistakes right in front of us. We caught them trying to sabotage and this is what they did.
They were standing by waiting, his trusted attorneys, what few that he had around him, trusted individuals, had him hold off on doing that so therefore he was not arrested by the FBI.
That basically fell right into the hands of the deep state operators in the Intel community because they immediately pounced and used that opportunity to say that Mike Lindell, the crazy pillow guy, has failed and they went to the media.
They immediately launched this massive operation campaign to discredit him, to say that the information he had was bogus, that the individual quote-unquote that he had received it from was discredited, so on and so forth.
So they attacked him. They basically had him boxed in. He couldn't have won either way, either be arrested by exposing it or by not exposing it to be discredited by the Intel services.
So, fast forward to a year. Now, recently, most people have no idea what just happened within the past week, but I'm going to bring you some of the most important highlights of what happened just within this past week that lead directly to the possibility.
We've got just about a minute or so here as I open up this segment. When we come back from the break, I'm going to tell you that there are high level active duty as well as retired military officials that concur what I'm going to bring to you.
That there is a possibility because of what President Trump knew about what Mike Lindell was entrusted with and had in his possession, that President Trump may have been raided as a result of this information that just came out a week ago.
I know this because I was directly involved in conveying some information, subverting some sabotage, working directly with Mike Lindell on the front doorstep of this moment of truth seminar in Missouri.
There were efforts to sabotage him, that my communication with one of the most important people on planet Earth and that video is contained on Band-Aid video on my channel. You can see it. It was a conversation that I had with a gentleman named Clinton Curtis who invented electronic voting machine fraud.
Clinton Curtis was important in the scheme of things, but because I had contacted him, put him in touch with Mike Lindell, those that have been listening, acted shortly thereafter.
You will be absolutely shocked. Never before has this been presented outside of my show. I'll be presenting it right here to the InfoWars audience and it's going to cause many, many questions especially as to what's behind those redacted black bar lines.
And the Dave State will not want me sharing this information with you right here exclusively on InfoWars on the Alex Stone Show. Stay right there and we'll be back right after this.
People say Alex Jones is crazy. He's a conspiracy theory guy. He's a nutcase. He's got these rants and all that.
What they miss is that this guy's ahead of the curve on so many different topics of signal, not noise.
If you look at the signal and you compare that to PBS and NPR and BBC and we'll do what Alex Jones put out there versus what your collective body has put out there.
And if you're setting a human being and just watching it, you say, well, Alex Jones is ahead of this. Not only that, he kind of explained it.
You are one of the great thinkers of this. That is very rare. You've got to go back almost to the revolutionary generation and see that.
In this new book, I've got to tell you, when Tony Lyons first approached me, I read this thing. I go, this is it. This is no Beatrix.
You're not going to be flipping pages or you're going to be having a pen out and you're going to be underlying stuff.
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For the Alex Jones show here in the fourth hour, I'm Pete Santelli. By the way, I'll give my website just in case you're interested in finding out where I'm at.
I'm so proudly placed on Band-Aid video. You can find me. Most recently, we just launched our channel on Band-Aid video to bring you the most important interviews that I've done over the years.
You can find me at Band-Aid video. Of course, you can go to ThePeteSantelliShow.com to find our archives.
Now, let's start off first and foremost by explaining what I'm about to share with you.
I would absolutely never even bring anything, especially under the scrutiny that Alex Jones and the Enforced team is under.
I would never bring you anything unless it was 1000% backed up legally, factually.
So what I'm going to share with you is you could probably accept if I said that great aliens were in charge and the UFOs are going to be landing tomorrow, you would accept that.
That would be much more palatable than what I'm about to share with you as to what's been going on behind the scenes.
Now, let's lead off by telling you that there was an individual that had come to Mike Lindell.
Because Mike Lindell is one of our trusted great American patrons, a great Christian American patriot that loves his country.
He has been an advocate for President Trump. He's seen some of the very, very bad things that have been done to our country.
He's invested tens of millions of dollars to do his absolute darnest to bring the truth forward.
So he was trusted with information. Now, let's back up before I ever met Mike Lindell.
As a result of a completely separate case with my Bundy cases and another legal matter, I had established in January of 2019.
That an individual who was listed as a witness as part of an investigation that was going on way back then in a completely separate matter.
His name was, and don't Google him because part of the operation was to discredit this guy and you're about to find out why.
And it's big. It's one of the biggest stories of our lifetime. His name is Dennis Montgomery.
So discredited. So absolutely, I would say, pummeled by the mainstream media, The New York Times.
They deployed all assets to discredit Dennis Montgomery. One of the most brilliant programmers.
And in fact, back in 2019, I had established that he was not only credible, but he had supplied.
Because he does love our country. He's a patriot. He supplied information as a whistleblower.
Where he designed a software program to go get bad guys.
And that software program was turned towards the American people by John Brennan James Clapper as an independent private contractor with the highest level of security.
You can go look it up at the presidential level, SAP level, SCI. This is a private contractor, a man that designed a software program, an absolutely ingenious one, predictive analysis program that allowed him to go find bad guys in the Middle East.
And when he discovered that upwards of 20 million Americans had been under surveillance, including, do you remember when President Trump sent out the infamous tweet?
That he discovered that his campaign was spied upon.
And then on to his presidency, sent that tweet out. That message had come from either directly from Dennis Montgomery or by way of Admiral Rogers.
Dennis Montgomery had blown the whistle about the surveillance. Brennan was behind it. Brennan and Clapper were certainly behind it.
So years ago, back to 2015, Dennis Montgomery in fact sat down and I've been able to verify this.
I have actual testimony that has been, it was declassified and released.
James Baker's special counsel for the FBI actually testified to Jim Jordan that in fact, that this Dennis Montgomery had come forth, had supplied his materials.
That he was blowing the whistle to the government, didn't know where to turn, didn't know who to go to, but a judge had had walked this through.
His name was Judge Lamberth. He set up a meeting with the FBI special counsel, James Baker, who just so happens to be involved in the Russia, Russia, Russia collusion thing.
So you know where that went. Dennis Montgomery and his testimony is three hours with the FBI. They had come forward, did not cite the Fifth Amendment.
He was forthcoming on everything under the penalty of perjury, gave testimony that the CIA and the FBI had been spying on the American people.
He had evidence of that upwards of 20 million people. And in fact, they were involved.
This cabal have been using his software to also manipulate the elections. That was another piece of the pie.
And on top of that, that software program was used by the criminal cabal entity running Wall Street for the purposes of insider trading.
For corporate espionage and something called front running where they could seek an advantage because of the high speed nature of this computer system with his software that they could make trade to become very wealthy.
All being run by our Intel services.
Now, I've also been able to verify in the federal court system, they had admitted that they had possession of the 47 disks that he supplied, 32 terabytes.
That it was in safekeeping with the OIG, the Office of Inspector General.
That the three hours of testimony to the FBI was in fact being stored as well, but nobody ever followed up on it.
Dennis Montgomery became frustrated. He was being attacked and discredited.
He was told by the court because of national security reasons. He could never speak about it.
He could never defend himself against this massive set of attacks because he was a whistleblower by the intelligence community.
And there were books written about him. New York Times came out against him.
Same fashion that they're coming after Alex Jones and discredited him and anybody associated with him because he tells the truth.
Dennis Montgomery became frustrated and saw a path to find somebody trusted that could grab this information and possibly get it to the 45th President of the United States.
And that was through Mike Lindell.
Now I'm going to tell you what happened this month.
And this is the bombshell of all bombshells.
That once again, early August, there were attempts to sabotage the credibility of Mike Lindell, his upcoming event in the moment of truth that just took place a couple of weeks ago, last weekend in fact.
And as a result of that sabotage, he was going to come forward and there were only three people that knew about the bomb that he was about to drop.
And that was the 45th President of the United States, Mike Lindell, and Mike Lindell's attorney were going to drop the bomb so that no sabotage, no matter what they were attempting to do, could ever subvert what they were going to do.
President Trump was aware of this. Not only do I believe that President Trump was aware of it, there's proof of it.
On Truth Social he announced, please tune into Mike Lindell's moment of truth.
The President of the United States in an open meeting with a group of people, multiple people confirming, when the name Dennis Montgomery came up, President Trump responded, why do I keep hearing that name?
President Trump knows who Dennis Montgomery is. Why do we know that? Because Dennis Montgomery is the one that blew the whistle on the surveillance against Donald Trump before he became the President of the United States.
So Dennis Montgomery's name has been important to him and the surveillance technology that he designed and developed was very powerful. It's a predictive analysis program.
He blew the whistle on it and the intelligence community attempted to cover it up.
So early August of this year, in advance of the moment of truth, there was an attempt to sabotage Mike Lindell's moment of truth in the same fashion they did with the cyber symposium.
But of course, they were going to fail no matter what. We succeeded, ladies and gentlemen, in subverting that sabotage.
I say we. It just landed in my lap. I don't know how it happened. No, I know how it happened through the blessings of the Lord. I'm going to give all due glory and credit.
I pass this information on. I put Mike Lindell in contact with Clinton Curtis on August 7th of this past month.
Mike Lindell met with Clinton Curtis and it was such an important meeting that they could not have. I helped and set up that meeting.
The following day, the deep state was so concerned about it, we now believe, ladies and gentlemen, that it was as a direct result of that meeting taking place and what was to happen during the moment of truth that the raid was initiated on Mar-a-Lago.
And now all of the powers that we also believe and suspect behind those black redactions exists. What they were looking for was President Trump's knowledge of this surveillance.
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Hey ladies and gentlemen, welcome back. This is important information. I'm going to bring this home now. I've set the stage.
And before I do, I'm going to hold this up. I'm going to tell you, practice what I preach here.
I bought two t-shirts. One of them has gone into a frame.
I suggest each and every one of you do the same by two t-shirts. I think Alex Jones should launch a campaign to have him autograph some t-shirts.
But I put one in a frame. Alex Jones was right. I want each and every one of you to consider that the only way that I have been able to survive for 11 years, and I've been under attack.
I'll tell you, we could spend an entire hour talking about my attacks. Go to infowarstore.com. Pick up a copy of Alex Jones' recent release, of course, via Amazon.
I think we've made a point with the people. Purchase a t-shirt. Purchase the book. Let's support and fuel the info war. It's all being done by way of the people.
We're going to lock our arms. We're going to deliver the truth. And I'm about to deliver some right now.
And this happens, of course, the great reset, the book that Alex Jones has published and released.
When that achieves the level of success in the rankings on Amazon.com, guess where that comes from? We, the people.
Alex Jones being able to fight these legal battles against the deepseid comes through. We, the people. Go to infowarstore.com.
I always ask my listeners to do the same thing at a smaller level on my show. And that's why I'm able to deliver the following news to you.
Let's summarize. President Trump was aware of the surveillance of his campaign. And then now we know that his presidency was surveilled as well.
That was thanks to the work of Dennis Montgomery. He attempted to blow the whistle. The FBI again covered it up.
James Baker himself almost got caught in a lie in testimony to Congress. He had a backtrack. He gave testimony on October 3rd.
I think it was of 2017 and then came back October 18th, corrected the record and said, yes, in fact, that Dennis Montgomery was a whistleblower.
Judges that certified, they did nothing wrong. Do not, whatever you do, do not Google Alex Jones expecting to find positive information.
And Dennis Montgomery to find positive information because the establishment has done a great job demonizing and discrediting them.
Why? Because Dennis Montgomery refused as a patriot to allow the use of his software technology, the most sophisticated at the time, advanced software, powerful,
predictive analysis software that was used on multiple levels to go get bad guys to be used against the American people.
He blew the whistle. President Trump was aware of it and has been aware of it for quite some time for several years.
Now, Mike Lindell has been entrusted with taking this information forward to bring the 47 discs that he had received and had been entrusted with.
President Trump, I'm going to say he was aware of what was to happen last Sunday because he tweeted it out.
I was told by Mike Lindell that there were three people that knew what was to happen.
So President Trump has been well aware of what's going on.
Now, this attempt to sabotage Mike Lindell's moment of truth summit was subverted because I contacted Mike Lindell directly and I put him in direct contact with Clinton Curtis.
24 hours later as a result of that epic and important meeting between Mike Lindell and Clinton Curtis.
Mike Lindell flew out to speak with him in person and I probably set up a skiff and speak securely.
But President Trump's Mar-a-Lago was rated.
Why is Clinton Curtis important? Why is Dennis Montgomery important?
Because they are the patriots that are bringing the truth forward about what the Intel Services has done to our country.
It's a coup d'etat being launched by the likes of people like John Brennan.
That same John Brennan that allowed 9-11 hijackers through the Jeddah Saudi Arabia station overriding his assistance station sheet.
That John Brennan that used sophisticated software technology as a private contractor with a company called TAC, T-A-C.
Using contractors' copyrighted software to weaponize it against the American people.
That President Trump is aware of this technology being used against the American people and spying on the American people.
And of course using that software technology to obtain Epstein-level blackmail and leverage over both Republicans and Democrats in the halls of Congress.
They were surveilling Supreme Court justices.
They were basically surveilling and digging up dirt on our federal judiciary.
If you ever wondered why our entire system is corrupt, it's because of this software technology that was used to surveil these people.
Then they hold that as collateral over their head and they're able to get votes from people such as Chief Justice Roberts for Obamacare.
This has been in the making, in the works and being used by Obama himself.
I want you to go look up the following.
I'm going to tell you where these servers are stored and I was told not to mention this.
Because nobody will go near this facility.
It's called Fort Washington in Maryland.
I was told by a retired colonel in the Air Force and others within the military to never mention that location.
Because Fort Washington houses the most sophisticated servers that are surveilling not just our enemies, but all Americans right now.
Especially if you're a flag-waving patriot, you're deemed to be a domestic terrorist.
They're surveilling you.
They're collecting all of your data and they're using that against you.
President Trump is well aware of what is at Fort Washington.
Fort Washington, Maryland.
You can go look it up.
It's basically a CIA special training facility.
The address is at 10530 Riverview Road.
And I suggest that none of you go there.
Nobody go there.
Don't go anywhere near that place.
It's one of the most dangerous places.
A CIA office of special technology houses these servers.
And I'm going to also tell you that Dennis Montgomery, by court order by the FBI,
was to deliver all of his discs after he gave that testimony.
And here's the clincher of them all, ladies and gentlemen.
The bombshell of what there it is.
There's the facility overhead of the most dangerous surveillance technology on planet Earth being used against our foreign adversaries.
But most importantly, being used to overthrow the United States of America, Fort Washington.
Dennis Montgomery was ordered to deliver his discs to the FBI agents.
I think it was either, I think it was Miramar, if my memory serves me correctly.
Regardless, enroute while he was delivering his 53 discs.
Ladies and gentlemen, they contained evidence of spying against the American people.
Also, election fraud and meddling as well.
53 discs were delivered enroute.
Six of those discs were opened up and removed.
And only 47 of them arrived.
And 47 were submitted as part of his whistleblower testimony.
Six of those discs that were missing just so happened to have forensic evidence,
documented proof of Barack Obama's surveilling the Israeli intelligence services and government.
And those six discs were missing, ladies and gentlemen.
Six discs, the most surveillance technology available.
And of course, why would Barack Obama want to surveil the Israeli government?
Well, if you consider what the actions were of Hillary Clinton and Victor Pinchuk out of the Ukraine.
Victor Pinchuk, oligarch, taking highly specialized steel
and delivering that to the Iranian government in violation of the Iranian sanctions.
Victor Pinchuk, Congressman Steve Stockman, thrown in jail because he was aware of this.
But he was able to get me information that he filed with the Department of Treasury
that she violated the sanctions and she helped deliver steel to the Iranians in violation of the sanctions.
And then you look at Joe Biden is hundreds of millions of dollars in money laundering out of the Ukraine.
And then you look at the Mujahideen al-Khalk terror designation.
It was lifted by Hillary Clinton.
And then you look at the support of the Muslim Brotherhood by Barack Hussein Obama.
These are Israel haters. These are Iran supporters.
These are people that are running guns to the Mujahideen or in Benghazi from al-Qaeda and Libya to be shipped to the FSA in Syria.
Dennis Montgomery had all of this information.
I'm here to say, do not Google Alex Jones.
Don't Google Dennis Montgomery ever expecting to find out the truth.
But the truth will set us free, ladies and gentlemen.
And the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, knows about all of this.
And he's going to bring it forward.
I'm here to tell you, don't trust any plan.
Trust that there's a group, a small group of patriots that are going to save this nation.
And not even a fear of deaths or prosecution or persecution or any of that stuff that they're doing to us will ever stop us from saving this great nation.
So help me God.
Join together with us here on Infowars.
Join together with us by sharing this information far and wide.
That there's a possibility that the FBI busted President Trump's door down on August 8th because they wanted to get this information.
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