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Filename: 20220811_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 11, 2022
2309 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, InfoWars under attack, new globalist lockdowns planned, corruption in the Democrat party, warning about Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab's plans for the world, and criticism towards Republicans and other politicians for not commenting on the FBI raid on Trump's home. Steve Kirsch, a lifelong Democrat, discusses why he can no longer support the party due to the deadly vaccine they promote. The speaker criticizes the existence of the FBI and calls for its shutdown. InfoWars filing for bankruptcy due to lawsuits amounting to $49 million is discussed along with potential assassination threats on former President Trump and current President Biden. Alex Jones encourages listeners to stay informed, support alternative media outlets like InfoWars, and protect personal privacy with Faraday cages available at InfowarStore.com.

We're finally here. We're inside the New World Order. A tyrannical corporate world government
is publicly taking over the planet, cutting off the resources and imploding the borders.
And Info Wars is under more attack than even major presidents that have been resisting the
globalists like Bolsonaro and Trump. And why is that? Because they see me and Info Wars
as the archetypal populist threat to their system. And they've been able to trace back
much of the modern movements fighting them to us. And that means to you, the viewers
and listeners. When Trump says they've got to get through him to get to you, he's telling
the truth. And when I tell you they've got to get through me to get to you, that's exactly
what's happening. So I wanted to thank you today for your prayers, for your support and
for your steadfast dedication to freedom and your defense of Info Wars. We are a family.
We are in this together. And we're going to be persecuted because we stand in the way
of the New World Order having its way with our children with their entire anti-human
transhumanist agenda. So again, I wanted to take a few minutes out to just let you know
how much I appreciate you and how amazing this fight has been that we've been in together.
And now as we prepare to enter the depths of hell, as a nation and as a world, as we
go into the fabled New World Order predicted in revelations of the Bible, it's more important
than ever to understand that God that made the universe and made us is in control. And
this is part of his plan to test us and to test the faithful. I'm not perfect. You're
not perfect. But we actually love God. We love justice and we love the truth. Think
about Marilyn Albright, Hillary Clinton's mentor bragging to Leslie Stallum, 60 minutes
that, yeah, she ordered the sanctions that killed 500,000 children. And it was a good
price to pay. That's who these godless, bloodthirsty, evil people are who claim they have the
moral high ground and try to tell us how to run our lives, how to raise our children.
And we stand in defiance of them and we've had incredible success together, resisting
their tyranny. But the greatest tests are now upon us. So please today and tomorrow and
next week, spend a few minutes every day in quiet contemplation, as I do, thinking about
the cost that innocent children are paying around the world as they starve to death by
the tens of millions because of the lockdowns that were put in place by the IMF and World
Bank. It's those central banks that are now preparing new lockdowns. And that's why we've
got to stay on air to be able to oppose these monsters because our credibility has exploded.
We were supposed to already be off the air by now. The globalists knew that once they're
planning to operation, everybody would look back at our films and our articles and our
reports and our warnings and the thousands of interviews with experts and would understand
that submitting to the new world order and the crises they're creating only puts us deeper
into their control and only makes the chains that much tighter and heavier. The only solution
is getting back to God. The only solution is understanding and committing that we must
prevail against this tyranny. God's watching. The children are counting on us. And I again
wanted to spend a few minutes thanking you for your steadfast support and I wanted to
ask you again to re-double your efforts to share the articles and the videos and the
reports for infowars.com and Bandai Video because the enemy hates it, the enemy fears
it, and the enemy knows that if the truth comes to get out, their program will fail.
All over the world, the new world order is running into massive opposition. They admit
they're in deep trouble. And that is because of your incredible efforts here at The Spirit.
So for myself and the entire InfoWars family and you, our family, I salute you and I thank
you. God bless and good luck.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the InfoWars and say, I don't know what's going
to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe, you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alec Jones.
Sold out for more than a year and a half because of supply chain breakdowns. Our best selling
product, Super Blue, is finally back in stock, the original available at infowarsstore.com.
It only came in three weeks ago and already half of our stock has sold out, so thank you
all for the support. But Super Blue has a lot of fans. And you can get four, 40% off
by itself, but when you get it in the trifecta with our activated charcoal toothpaste infused
with essential oils, so great for your mouth and gums, you can get it for 50% off with
super coral whitening toothpaste as well. So get the trifecta for 50% off together or
40% off individually at infowarsstore.com. You'll have great health with your gums and
your mouth and your teeth and you know you're funding the tip of the spear in the fight against
the globalist. Super Blue being sold out for more than a year and a half, finally back
available at infowarsstore.com.
You found it, the tip of the spear. It is the Alex Jones show with Owen Troyer. I've
been thrust into the host chair today and I've got some big developing news stories,
but they're so much bigger than just a 24 hour news cycle or even a week news cycle or even
a month news cycle. We're talking about world changing, world altering events that are happening
right now. And when I just kind of look at the waterfront of it all, it really is every
issue is now a pivotal choice for the American people or for the world rather, but let's
just say for the American people on where we want to go. Do we want to have a medical
tyranny where our corrupt establishment can basically just send us to death with a vaccine?
Do we want to have a government tyranny where you can just be politically persecuted if
the regime sees so fit to destroy your life? Do we want to have an education system for
our youth that's not an education system, but in fact an indoctrination system and on
the more darker side of it, a sexual grooming system where they just groom children for
their own sexual desires in the classroom? And everything I just said is clear and present
right now, right now. And I've got all the examples. You've got Steve Kirsch who was
on Fox News last night talking about how he can no longer be a Democrat and he talks
about the vaccine. I think it's obviously deeper than that, but he talks about this
deadly vaccine, how many people are hurting, how many people have been killed. And so when
you see the World Economic Forum advisor, Yuval Harari say, we just don't need the vast majority
of the population in today's world. You have to understand this is what Info Wars has been
warning about. This is what Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari are telling
you. You're not needed. They own the planet. You're dead. Or you might as well be dead
as far as they're concerned. There are demons among us. And it's wild. I'm sitting at dinner
last night with some friends and we're just talking about how liberals are grooming children
sexually in classrooms and just how disgusting and how sick and how twisted that is. And
we're at a decently busy restaurant and we're just like, you know, what's even weirder?
Some of those freaks are in the restaurant with us right now. I think that's a good idea
to teach a six-year-old girl or a six-year-old boy all about different sex types and sex
toys and sex orientations and all about the sex the teachers have over the weekend with
their sex partners. Make them pledge allegiance to the gay flag in Pride Month. You're like,
wow, that's despicable. That's really fudged up. But they're everywhere. They're liberals.
They're Democrats. They're here. And they're destroying us. But see, people are really
starting to wake up and understand just how evil the regime is, just how corrupt the Bidens
are and the true intent of the Democrat Party right now in America. And so here is Steve
Kirsch who's been a lifelong Democrat and a Democrat mega donor discussing why he can
no longer be a Democrat last night on Fox News.
Here, Steve Kirsch was a Democratic Party mega donor. He says he's given more than $20
million to help elect Democrats. And now he might just be jumping ship. Steve Kirsch
is an entrepreneur, self-made success story. Enjoy this now to explain his reasoning. Steve,
when did the Democratic Party start going south with you?
Well, when they violated my trust, Brian. They told the agencies, the FDA, the CDC,
the NIH said that these vaccines were safe and effective. And when I started seeing
my friends die and be injured and I started looking at the data, there was no question
that this vaccine is the most dangerous vaccine ever created by man. It is 1,000 times more
deadly than the smallpox vaccine. And that's too unsafe for people to use. And I could
not get even a single minute in front of any Democratic congressman. The best I got was
that Rokon gave me to a staff member who took two months to get back to me. And when I asked
if she had read what I had sent her, she said, no, it disagreed with the CDC. So it's not
right. And so I didn't really read it. So that's as far as I ever got.
But you didn't stop there. You did your own research. What did you find? What did you
find was effective? And what was the reaction when you put it out there?
Well, what I found was that hundreds of thousands of Americans have been killed by this vaccine
and millions have been injured. And, you know, they're clearly, you are more likely to be
injured or dead from the vaccine than if you were unvaccinated. So what they're saying
and what the reality is, is completely opposite. There is a conservative radio show commentator
his name is Wayne Root. He had a wedding eight months ago, and he had about half conservatives.
And they're all pretty much conservatives, okay, but half were vaccinated and half were
not vaccinated. And he found that of the hundred people that were vaccinated, he had 26 people
who were seriously injured. And he had seven people who died. And in the unvaccinated group,
he had zero and zero. So see, yeah, we don't know. That is statistically impossible, right?
If the vaccines are safe, right? So we don't we. Now, Brian Kilmeade is a bit of an establishment
hack, in my opinion, who is a conservative commentator on Fox News, hosting for Tucker
Carlson, who's off this week. But thank God for Tucker Carlson's crew, getting Steve
Kirsch on. And thank God for the gumption that Tucker Carlson and his show has for making
sure the truth gets told, even though you know some of the big sponsors, corporate ad
buyers and top execs at Fox probably don't like them bashing the vaccine like that.
But what have I been saying this week? We've been tuning into the war room, I said, Fox
News at night sounds more like info wars this week than ever before, than ever before. So
that's kind of the time period we're in now. We're in the info wars paradigm of understanding
current events, politics, more so than ever before. And it was the raid of Mar-a-Lago
really that pushed the Overton window that far. And so I see that as a great victory.
I see that as the reinforcements arriving. I see that as the truth finally rising to
the top, despite the attempts to chill free speech, censor free speech, bully, intimidate
and terrorize people from speaking the truth. It all comes from the American left in our
modern political parlance. But it was info wars that was groundbreaking. It is info wars
that's been set for destruction. You know this. Another way info wars is having a victory
right now is Alex Jones new book has been on the top selling charts on Amazon since
it was released for preorder just under a month ago. And we're about to launch a fundraiser
at infowarstore.com. Alex Jones is going to be signing thousands of these books. I think
the final number was 5000. Alex is planning on signing thousands of the great reset and
the war for the world by Alex Jones. He's going to sign them and we're going to sell
them at infowarstore.com. The latest fundraiser to make sure that free speech can stay alive
and that info wars can beat the internet censorship of the totalitarian democrat left regime.
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world. But I said, go to Amazon, because it's the number one book chart in the world. And
if it goes to number one, not a political, not of history, not of US history, it's already
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All right, I've got a whole stack of news here I want to get into on the raid of Mar-a-Lago.
Alex is going to be joining me at noon, so 40 minutes. And it's just hilarious. Democrats,
just you are the bad guys. We know you're the bad guys. You're the communists. You're the anti-American
degenerate culture scum rotgut of our civilization. You're destroyers is what you are. The American
left, Democrats are the destroyers of civilization, the destroyers of world. And that's what they're
in the process of doing right now, destroying the United States of America. And so the coping
that they're attempting right now to deal with the American people waking up and realizing
who the bad guys are, realizing who the Nazis are, realizing who the authoritarians are,
the totalitarians are, realizing where the corruption runs deep. It is the Democrat party.
It is the establishment regime that is allied, unified with the American left.
And so here's Eric Swalwell trying to cope last night. He puts this statement out, just ridiculous.
He says, the FBI didn't broadcast. They searched Trump's home. They didn't even send agents in FBI
jackets. The only reason we know it happened is because Trump told us the FBI didn't try to
embarrass Trump. The guy who politicized it should be the one who shows the warrant. Eric Swalwell.
I mean, just what an unmitigated lying douchebag. I mean, what an absolute scum.
What an absolute lowlife lying cockroach Eric Swalwell is, a traitor to this country,
a traitor to the human race, a traitor to his own family, his own lineage,
a complete disgrace to the human race. Oh, the FBI wasn't trying to embarrass Trump.
Nobody would even knew it would have happened. Eric, they showed up with 30-plus agents with guns.
Oh, they were, they pilfered through his wife's wardrobe. You pervert freaks.
They are perverts, by the way. I mean, aside from what they do to children to get their sexual rocks
off, I mean, it's like they made this whole big deal. Alex Jones had a picture of his wife on
his phone. It's like they make this whole big fuss about a picture of his wife. They go on multiple
news outlets talking about it. These people are perverted freaks. They are sexually perverted
freaks. Of course, they want to sexualize children. But for Eric Swalwell to sit here and act like
the FBI was trying to do things above board, what a joke. And they didn't give Trump's attorneys or
Donald Trump himself the warrant. And guess what? Swalwell, the judge that signed the warrant, came
out today and he actually demanded that the FBI give Trump's lawyers a copy. Because they didn't.
Even the judge that signed the warrant admitted that Trump's lawyers did not get a copy of it
and made a statement demanding that they do. Sorry, Eric, you're wrong again. But oh, I guess,
you know, the FBI is showing up at Mar-a-Lago for 10 hours with guns drawn in trucks with dozens
of agents. I guess that's the FBI trying to do things above board, right? Because it's not like
they could have just asked Donald Trump for documents. It's not like they could have just
asked Donald Trump for corruption and done things amicably. No, this is Eric Swalwell. I mean,
look at these images of all the FBI agents out there flashing lights and everything. And Swalwell
says they weren't trying to embarrass him. They weren't trying to do this quietly. What's Eric
Swalwell going to lie about next? Here's the rest of the news on that. The deep state corruption
Democrat running the FBI and all the other alphabet agencies continues to be put on display.
The FBI delivers subpoenas to Republicans who question election theft. So you're not allowed to
question an election unless you're a Democrat. See how that works? You're not allowed to question
an election unless you're a Democrat. Then you're expected to question it when you lose. But if
you're a Republican and you question an election, how dare you? The FBI is going to come out and
come after you. Now, here's Megyn Kelly just showing you once again how despicable the media is.
Megyn Kelly goes ballistic over FBI raid against Trump, says it's BS, says it's about January
6th. You know, that's nice, Megyn. Megyn really thinks she knows how to go where the wind blows,
doesn't she? When she thought it was advantageous for her career to attack Donald Trump and be
anti-Donald Trump, she did it. Now she thinks it's advantageous to support Donald Trump. And so
she's doing it. Just shows you how corrupt two-faced the media really is. Rand Paul suggests FBI
may have planted evidence at Mar-a-Lago. Thank you, Rand Paul, for being willing to say it.
Donald Trump said it as well. And they've got the whole thing on tape, by the way,
ladies and gentlemen. And the FBI told them to turn the cameras off. They didn't.
And so Eric Trump said that he has, or they have on camera, FBI agents behaving improperly. So I
don't know what that means. They have the footage. The feds thought that they turned the cameras off.
They didn't. How's that for a taste of your own medicine? Tulsi Gabbard speaks out against it.
FBI raid against Trump, a blatant abuse of power. Thank you, Tulsi Gabbard, for telling it like it
is. Indiana Republican who was born in the USSR blasts FBI Trump raid as KGB-style tactics. Yeah,
it's hilarious. The American Left calls everyone Nazis. The American Left pretends like Russia is
still the USSR, you know, tyrants. And then the American Left goes out and behaves like Nazis
and communists from the USSR and the KGB. It's funny, they point the finger at all their enemies
saying, Russia and Russian, Nazi, Nazi. And then you look at their playbook and it's just got nothing
but communist Nazi playbook plays in it. It's all they do. UFC president Dana White and top
fighters slam FBI Trump raid. Well, thank God for the UFC and Dana White because you're not going
to find another professional athlete in this country saying a damn thing. They're all either cowards
or morons. And you know what? I know that a lot of professional athletes tune in to this transmission
and our broadcasts. You know, somebody's going to have to break the barrier. And Aaron Rodgers kind
of pushed it and tested it and Kyrie Irving kind of pushed it and tested it and Jonathan Isaac and
there have been some other players making some statements. But man, oh man, and I get it. You
don't want to bring politics into the profession. I actually appreciate that. But in case you haven't
realized, the politics have already been brought into your profession. They have drag queen story
times at ball games now. So that's what's going on. But hey, the UFC isn't afraid to tell it like
it is. The UFC isn't afraid to stand up for America. Good for them. Now I've seen this theory
brandied about. And well, okay, the theory is that there's a rat in the Trump team or at Mar-a-Lago.
Mar-a-Lago rat informant told FBI what documents in Trump's possession and where to search during raid.
But you know, I'll come back to this on the other side.
But you know, what if Trump put out bait? What if there was a supposed rat inside Mar-a-Lago,
but it wasn't actually a rat? It was just a decoy. It was just bait. Because you know how
easy it is to trick a Democrat rat, right? Sold out for more than a year and a half because
of supply chain breakdowns. Our best selling product, Super Blue, is finally back in stock.
The original available at infowarstore.com. It only came in three weeks ago and already half
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Finally back available at infowarstore.com. Alex Jones expanded his broadcast by selling a line
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wars to remain a free public broadcast to combat the dangerous lies of the mainstream media.
Alex Jones is patient zero for alternative facts. Do you understand what I have said?
Yes, I believe what I said was true. So I don't. Yes, you believe everything you say is true,
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So I'm seeing a narrative forming here or conflicting narratives or battling narratives,
if you will. Is there a rat inside of Trump's people inside of Trump's team? Is there a rat at
Mar-a-Lago? Or potentially did Donald Trump set a little trap for the FBI? Maybe not even for
anything too consequential in its purpose, but more of just a hey look what we can get them to do
where he just says to maybe a couple people on his team hey somebody tell the feds that I've got
this in my safe or somebody tell the feds you heard I got this over here let's see what we can get
them to do and then boom they jump and do it. Or maybe there was somebody inside of Mar-a-Lago
that wanted to try to rat Trump out to the feds or maybe Trump was trying to smoke out a mole or
a rat he had inside of his team. It's really odd because still to this day the topic is so radioactive
nobody wants to touch it. The Republicans, Trump's 11th on a press conference. Christopher Ray had a
press conference yesterday discussing something else. Somebody brought it up. He basically
balked at the question. Mitch McConnell's not interested in commenting. Kevin McCarthy sends
out a couple nice tweets that's it. So this thing is so radioactive nobody wants to touch it.
And the fact that the feds don't even want to make a statement makes me think maybe there is
something there that they got set up. Maybe there is something there that they fell into a trap
and that they've been severely embarrassed here because how can they not have a press conference
on this? I mean this is one of the biggest things. And we all know that their goal is to destroy Trump
so why wouldn't they be wanting to brag about what they've done and to demonize Trump further with
the activities unless it was a total bust for them. Unless it was a total swing and a miss for them.
And we're learning more about what they took. A cocktail napkin, a birthday menu, some letters,
some memos, some maps, but really nothing consequential. Nothing that they claim they were
looking for like classified records. So again where they set up was Trump smoking out a rat.
Was there a rat that thought he had something but it wasn't there? Why is nobody commenting right now?
But see we can't trust the FBI. We can't trust the FBI at all. At all. And any FBI agent that
it isn't totally corrupt needs to be leaving the Bureau or turning into a whistleblower like dozens
have. But so even though Chris Ray didn't want to talk about the raid at Mar-a-Lago yesterday
when he did a brief press conference at the Omaha offices of the FBI, he did victimize himself.
He did turn the FBI into a victim. FBI Director Chris Ray won't discuss raid on Trump's Florida
residents but says he is concerned about threats against agents. Oh, so the FBI can threaten the
American people all day long, but the poor, poor FBI is the victim. Ah, the poor FBI is the victim,
yes. Of course they are. But then what happens today? Story developing right now.
At the FBI office in Cincinnati, someone apparently fired shots and tried to break into the Bureau.
So, oh, what do you know? Christopher Ray doesn't want to talk about the raid, but he does say I'm
worried about threats to the FBI is what I'm worried about. I'm worried about the FBI. We're the
heroes here and the victims. And then 12 hours later, someone in goes and tries to shoot up the
Cincinnati FBI building. Now, it's initial reports that nobody's been shot. I don't think anybody's
been killed or anything like that. But, oh, it's the FBI. They can spy on us. They can lie to us.
They can set us up. They can frame us. They can raid a former president's home in a political
persecution attack, but they're the victims. And then the next day, oh, look, we got a shooter at
the FBI in Cincinnati. Now, see, this is a very delicate balancing act that we're in right now.
Because really the standard I think in human history has actually changed. We are in some ways,
or we like to believe at least, that we as humanity are more civilized now than we've ever been before.
And I think you could make arguments either way. But as far as being domesticated and really having
certain primal survival instincts just beaten out of us and chemically castrated out of us,
we're more civilized or rather domesticated in that regard. So why am I saying this? Well,
you don't have to go back too long in human history where if you had a free people or a republic
like you have here in America and you just had an abusive, authoritarian, tyrannical regime that
was persecuting people, imprisoning people, destroying their lives, killing people. I mean,
you'd probably already be seeing violence consistently and groups forming and skirmishes
and a lot of bloodshed in the streets. And we're not getting that. And I'm glad because we don't
support that because I do want to think that we're more civilized. I do want to think that we've
advanced as a species. Not that being domesticated isn't advancement or revolution, but that transcending
the need or the urge to engage in violence to accomplish a means to an end.
But so is the FBI
a terrorist organization? Is the FBI an anti-American organization?
Is the FBI a criminal operation? Yes, yes, and yes. Abso-fricking-lutely. Now, does that mean
the average FBI agent needs to be under gunfire from civilians? Absolutely not. But see, I'm not
going to sit here and let the FBI turn itself into the victim. Hell no. The FBI is the bad guy.
The FBI are the criminals. So that's why, and I'm glad for the most part I've seen it, not everywhere,
actually, some conservatives, some right-wing commentators, I won't say are advocating for violence,
but they're echoing the hymns of Andrew Breitbart, the late great Andrew Breitbart,
hey, you want to try to destroy our lives? You want to come after our families? You want to come
after our fortunes? You want to come after our freedom? War. But see, you started the war,
didn't you? You started the war when you started politically persecuting people.
You started the war when you started politically imprisoning people. You started the war when
you tried to false flag your political opposition like Jesse Smallette or like the kidnapping
of Gretchen Whitmer. You are committing acts of war, not Trump supporters, not conservatives,
not Republicans, Democrats, liberals, leftists, progressives. You are the violent agitators,
you are the violent actors, you are the ones trying to start a war, and you're the ones trying to
cry a victim. So that's why we have to be smart and patient here, and it's not going to be good,
folks. Democrats, liberals, leftists, the regime, the establishment, the government,
they're going to kill people, they're going to imprison people, it's going to get real bad. But
I believe our path to victory is to sit back, let them do this, let them exhaust themselves,
let them show them, show the world that they're the evil people so that when the time comes,
we can politically, peacefully, legally, lawfully remove them from power and imprison
the criminals that belong in prison. So armed gunmen tries to break into the bureau at FBI
in Cincinnati, and they'll certainly use this to demonize Trump supporters, they'll certainly
use this to demonize conservatives, they'll certainly use this to turn the FBI into the
victim here as they're engaged in more criminal activity, terrorist activity than they've ever
been involved in in modern American history, and now they're trying to be the victims.
Would you, would you put it past the FBI? I mean, who knows what they've got out there with MK
all truck going on? Maybe they've got people brainwashed, but would you put it
past the FBI or this regime to send some stooge to the FBI office with a gun to try to victimize
the FBI as its approval rating goes into the negatives? I wouldn't.
So they're not boiling or heating up the herbs that are known to have these natural effects.
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I don't care if you work in a cafeteria or pump gas or whether you're a farmer, a rancher, a doctor,
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it every year. 30 different tax returns, 30 different answers, 50 different tax returns,
50 different answers and almost all of them just screw you over, especially the big firms and the
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understanding this and knowing this. So it's a very important situation with inflation and all
the things out there hurting everybody to be able to do things tax-wise. It's legal and lawful
that allows you to keep more your money. We wouldn't even be here if I hadn't gotten great tax
advice in the last few years. The only way you fail is not writing down the URL jonestaxrelief.com,
one word, jonestaxrelief.com or call 833-900-4285, 833-900-4285.
The great reset in the war for the world is the book that the government doesn't want you to read
that most of the big powerful companies trying to control your life, the big tech companies,
they don't want you to read this book. They want to control what you think, what you do,
what you read, but you don't want that. And Alex Jones doesn't want that. And this book shows you
what's happening and gives you the sort of playbook for how to fight against it. And so by buying
this book, you're going to prove that censorship doesn't work, that freedom is alive in this country.
This is a central reading. And you know, I would go right now and buy it before the censorship kicks
in. It's not going to be available in bookstores. It's not going to be available in libraries.
They're going to try to take it down from every platform that they can, but they're not going
to be able to do it. Prove that censorship doesn't work. Buy the great reset. Thank you, Alex Jones.
I really appreciate you having me on. And I appreciate you writing this book and getting the information out there.
It's really a work of art. I mean, I give them credit, actually. I'm stunned. I'm in awe.
I'm in awe of it. Eric Swalwell claiming he's the victim. He's publishing death threat voicemails.
He claims that he's getting, again, I don't trust Eric Swalwell. He's a known liar.
I bet that Eric Swalwell is faking it, just like Jesse Smallette fakes a hate crime,
just like the FBI fakes a kidnapping of a governor, just like Democrats lie and fake everything.
Oh, how convenient now. Democrats publish voicemails they get of death threats. Oh,
how convenient now. The FBI has a gunman show up at their Cincinnati office. Oh, yes.
But see, here's the thing.
There is karma in the universe, and there are consequences for actions, but
you know, there's going to be people
that are going to see those voicemails of death threats to Swalwell, whether they're real or not,
or see gunmen going into the FBI, whether it's legitimate or not. And they're going to say good.
They're going to say good. This is what the Democrats deserve. This is what the feds deserve.
Now, you're not going to get that messaging here. We're not violent revolutionaries,
never have been, never are going to be. I'm not going to fall into that trap because I believe
similar to January 6th, the raid or an angle to it is they want to trap conservatives and
Republicans and Trump supporters into violence so that they can further politically persecute them
and imprison them. I've learned that lesson. I got set up on January 6th. I didn't even do anything,
and they're still persecuting me over it, and I've been imprisoned over it,
destroying my life over it. So I've already fallen into the trap without even stepping foot in the
trap. I didn't even step foot in the trap. I just happened to be there when the trap was there set,
catching people. And so they just said, well, we're just going to get you to. So I've already
been caught in the trap that I didn't even step in. So I recognize that I see it. I'm not going to
fall into it again. The Democrats want us to call for violence. The Democrats want us to engage in
violence so that they can send the corrupt Gestapo federal government after us to continue the
persecution of Trump supporters. So I'm not going to fall into that trap.
But I will say there's a there's a weird aspect to this where it's almost like
I don't even know how to describe it. It's almost like if they did come in here and shut
infowars down tomorrow, even though it would be an awful thing for America, it'd be a horrible
thing for free speech, it'd be a horrible thing for the crew members here. It's almost like
now is the time that they would do it. In a way, it'd be like the greatest thing they could ever do.
Because it's like this whole thing is such a minefield right now. And we've already had so
many limbs and arms and we've been so battled scarred and wounded. I mean, folks, that's why
you hear Alex so many times talking about it'd be a relief to shut it down kind of sarcastically
tongue in cheek saying because we've entered the paradigm now where it's it's it's not infowars
next year's news today. It's now everyone's info wars. Now everybody sees what's going on.
And when we've been through it so much that we're not going to fall into their traps.
But at the same time, there is going to be organic anger. There is going to be organic
frustration and resentment and hatred, quite frankly, to the Democrat Party and to the federal
government, which they deserve. They absolutely deserve. But I don't want to fall into the trap
that they're setting for us like January 6. I want to stay the course. I want to continue to
awaken hearts and minds. And I want to continue to influence and inspire other people to do the
same and run for office and vote and organize and activate so that we can peacefully politically
take our country back and restore it as the constitutional republic that it is.
That's our goal. That's our path. I want to stick to it and not be distracted.
But just know the feds are going to set up false flags. Absolutely. The Democrats are
going to set up false flags. Absolutely. And they are looking to 100% in trap conservatives,
in trap Republicans, and in trap Trump supporters into violence. Absolutely. That's what they're
trying to do. That's why Swalwell's sharing his voicemails. That's why the feds are talking about
the gunmen going into the Cincinnati FBI office. I would say that it's fake, personally. But I
don't know that. It could organically be a gunman going into the FBI office that's sick and tired
of the FBI corruption. It could organically be an American citizen calling up Eric Swalwell,
calling him a effing piece of s, because he is. But we cannot fall into their trap, ladies and
gentlemen. We cannot give them what they want. So we have to stay focused on the goal. Stay
focused in the right mindset. Know what they're trying to do to us. Understand the trap they're
trying to set. Know they're going to stage false flags. Know they're going to try to bait us into
violence. We cannot do it even if you believe it's justified. And I understand where you're
coming from. Even if you believe that it's still a trap. It's still a trap.
Now, meanwhile, and this is this is what's really so frustrating about it, too. American
cities are dying. They are dying. They are just bleeding out. And our leadership doesn't give a
damn because they're too busy going after Trump and his voters. So Trump pleads the fifth in
questioning from the New York Attorney General, Leticia James. It's obviously all political
persecution. There's nothing there. They can't even get prosecutors to take up the case, folks.
They can't even get liberal prosecutors in New York to take up the case because there is no case.
I mean, there's not even a breadcrumb for them to satisfy their hunger.
So American cities are dying.
And then you've got Democrat bastards like Ed Markey, who goes in front of cameras this morning
and says, if you can't afford gas, buy an electric car. They can't afford an electric
car, you a-hole. They live paycheck to paycheck. They can barely afford a tank of gas and you're
telling them to go out and buy a new car, you dickhead. See, and that's organic anger that I
have right now because I don't like seeing American cities pummeled into poverty and pummeled into
desolation and pummeled into violent crime because of Democrat party policy and a world
economic forum agenda. That angers me. That ticks me off. That breaks my heart. And then I have to
look at these bastards like Eric Swalwell and Ed Markey puff up their chest like they're the victims
and puff up their chest like they want to help this country as they're stabbing us in the back
every chance they get. And then every city Democrats runs turn into a hellhole. Every American
city run by Democrats turns into an absolute hellhole and they're still going to tell you,
we're going to get Trump. We're going to get those Trump supporters. Meanwhile, you look at the
cities they run, they are falling apart. But hey, guys, as Trump is being politically persecuted,
as you're being politically persecuted, as Democrats are rounding up political prisoners
and murdering people, Joe and Hunter Biden are flying off to another vacation. So Joe Biden
takes 20 days off a month. Joe Biden goes on vacation to his beachfront mansion every weekend.
And now after taking 20 days off last month, he hops on an airplane with the entire family on
Air Force One to go on vacation with Hunter Biden. Now, is Hunter Biden's child going to go that he
had with the stripper? No. He doesn't make child payments to that mother that he abandoned and
that child that he abandoned. They don't get invited to the family events. And also, it turns
out when Nancy Pelosi went to Taiwan to inflate her own ego in her final run as a congresswoman,
she took her son there too, you know, to engage in a little insider trading, make sure they know
that their stocks purchases are going well. They want to know what's really going on with China and
the microchip companies. So she flew her son over there with her too. And she just says,
oh, he was just my escort. These people are so corrupt. It's unbelievable. But folks,
we just got to pray. We got to stay focused on the agenda. Stay focused on the mission. Do not
let them distract us. Do not let them bait us into violence. Do not let them false flag us into
submission. That's what they're in the process of doing right now. So Alex Jones coming up in the
next hour, ladies and gentlemen, you can get a signed copy of Alex Jones new book, The Great
Reset and The War for the World. He's going to sign 1000 of these books. You can get them at
infowars.com, infowarsstore.com exclusively. This is the latest fundraiser that we're launching.
We want to be on air. We're burnt out. We're torn up. But we want to be on air and ride this
thing out till this country is saved. So the latest fundraiser, get your autograph book at
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possibly be. Ladies and gentlemen, this is our best selling product because people love it. We
first launched it four years ago. I was like, okay, that's another item. It's high quality
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and it funds the info war. So sold out for more than six months. Vitamin mineral fusion is now
back in stock for a limited time and infowarsstore.com for 40% off because I want you to experience it.
I want you to get it. I want to move it out the door and hopefully get more in the future.
But who knows supply chain breakdowns, it may not happen. So get your vitamin mineral fusion
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40% off at infowarsstore.com. Vitamin mineral fusion leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the new world order. It's Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones, for example.
Alex Jones, the four rank conspiracy theorist who was a parent.
Alex Jones.
Stop Russian. Stop wars comes to mind.
Reputation is amazing. I will not let you down. You will be very, very impressed. I hope.
Alex Jones owes $50 million all for his lies about Sandy Hook. And while we've been reporting
that story from its inception tonight, we dig into how this is actually a larger warning
for other liars and conspiracy theorists in our society and our politics. It's a rebuke
and a punishment that we believe, according to a lot of legal experts, will set this new precedent.
But jury in the Alex Jones trial ordering the conspiracy theorists to pay $45.2 million.
Tonight, a Texas jury punishing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for his lies,
ordering him to pay $45.2 million. Jones is basically paying the penalty. Being held
financially liable for the lies about that massacre, which go along with a whole wider
profit approach to lies. I ask that with your verdict, you not only take Alex Jones' platform
that he talks about away, I ask that you make certain he can't rebuild the platform. Take him
out. He is patient, zero for alternative facts. Now, what does this mean? An illegal limits and punishment for other individuals who make lying and conspiracy theories part of their business model or politics.
We've seen this all the way up to the insurrection as a huge part of American life. Well, Fox News is clearly watching this closely.
They are facing this suit by Dominion Voting Systems for over a billion dollars about false
perceptions and what they say is deliberate lying that could basically bankrupt that whole company,
given Fox's huge megaphone. We're talking about the reckless promotion of lies with Malice,
and that's what Jones does, the cases prove this. It's been proven over and over again,
not just from Sandy Hook with 9-11, truth or truth or wisdom and everything else.
And so I think if you're in that line of work, you have to watch your back now because this
jury has sent a signal that we're not going to allow First Amendment rights to protect
the promotion of reckless disinformation and propaganda. He lied to make his money,
and he's lying to keep his money. Right now we see Dominion not just suing Fox,
Dominion Voting is suing OAN, it's suing Newsmax, it's suing Rudy Giuliani,
it's suing the pillow guy, it's suing Sidney Powell. You'd have to be really worried because
they were, as essence, doing the same thing. Back now with some breaking news involving
Fox News and a billion and a half dollar lawsuit. Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox News for
$1.6 billion over the new agency's claims. It rigged the 2020 election. The defamation lawsuit
accuses Fox News of fabricating the story in an attempt to boost ratings. It is the latest win
for defamation lawsuits against MAGA media's role in pushing conspiracy theories. That same judge
appealed Dominion's lawsuit against Newsmax last week. I think there's even a bigger issue here
than you raised in the introduction, and that is we've seen conspiracism take deep root within the
Republican Party and the conservative movement over the last 5, 10, 15 years. Alex Jones helped
put it there. He wasn't the only one who did this. Trump did it with brough tourism, so the whole
conspiracy theory industry has sort of subsumed the Republican Party and the conservative movement,
and now we're seeing out of this one jury in Austin, Texas, that they're saying,
hey, we're going to try to put some guardrails up and put some brakes on this, and I think that has
ramifications for a lot of people other than Alex Jones. As for those text messages, Rolling
Stone reports, the January 6th committee is now planning to subpoena them as it looks into Jones'
role in the Capitol attack.
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It's amazing. Try it today.
We're now into the second hour of the Alex Jones show. And Alex, I got to say, I am,
I'm extremely proud of us right now. I'm extremely proud of you. I'm extremely proud of this crew
because we learned the mistake from January 6 not to fall into the deep state trap of violence
when they try to provoke us. And so after the raid at Mar-a-Lago, we've been voices of reason,
voices of peace. And now today, you have all the Democrats and all the left wing media saying,
Republicans want violence. We need new January 6 committees. We need new subpoenas of all Trump
supporters. We beat them to it, Alex. We came on in and we immediately said, we cannot fall
into their traps. We cannot call for violence. We need to stay peaceful, stay political,
stay on message, stay on point. And so now all of this puffing up of their chest claiming Republicans
want violence is going to fall on deaf ears because we didn't fall for their trap this time, Alex.
Well, that's exactly the reason I'm here with you today. I'm taking care of some family issues.
I'll be back with you. And I saw the special guest those tomorrow that I'll be hosting Sunday
at 4 to 6 p.m. live and Monday as well. But you're here today doing a fantastic job. As you know,
Mike Adams is coming up with some huge breaking news, but I had not talked to you
today while I was traveling to visit some family that I needed to see. And I was planning to come on
just reading the news and say, look, they're trying to provoke us into a physical war.
That's clearly their plan. We need to stop it. As we said on Monday, as we said on Tuesday,
as we said on Wednesday, and so exactly what we said on that Monday night emergency broadcast,
it's an hour and 18 minutes long, would be that they would try to
go to us into violence or claim we're going to engage in violence. And then they stage the
false flag or they provocateur something. So you are dead on and we are tomorrow's news today.
Yet again, we don't say that to brag. Once you know the enemy mindset, once you know how they
operate, very, very easy to beat them. Once you understand they only have a few plays that they
run. And so here we are on the precipice with 89 days out from the midterms of the whole world,
not just Americans are waking up to the new world order. And we've got to be asking ourselves,
what are they going to pull next? They're obviously trying to provocateur something violent
against the FBI or against the Justice Department. They're trying to post their Jan 6 narrative,
but polls show 90% of Americans think the Jan 6 death committee is a fraud. And so
it's just not working. The larger question is with 89 days out from the midterms,
what are they going to pull next? That's why I've said, I believe the deep state may kill Biden,
which we're totally against happening, as a pretext to really try to trigger a civil war.
And or Trump. So they might actually kill both of them. And you even have Bernard Currant saying
that for our police commissioner. I mean, we're very respected, very serious man.
See, man, I agree with me. A few days ago on the show on Tuesday, that's a major,
major threat that we're facing. And so this is a big, big deal. So I have a clip ready from
Biden on the show a few days ago, where he talks about this threat. And also the Bernard Currant
clip to understand just how desperate deep state is and what the few plays they have left in their
hand of cards. Here's that clip. I do not think it's beyond this administrative state and their
deep state apparatus to actually try to work on the assassination of President Trump. I think
everything's on the table. I think his security ought to be at the highest it's ever been. And
honestly, I think he ought to, and I think he should have flown down in Mar-a-Lago this morning,
walked out there at noon today and said, hey, I'm burning for President of the United States.
Suck on that. If you remember back in 2016, when I went right before he got elected,
I was in Washington, D.C. I was at a couple of different social events and I heard people talking.
They said the Democrats want this guy so bad that they wouldn't put assassination behind it.
And I'm going to tell you something. They've tried impeachment. They've tried another impeachment.
They've tried one investigation after another. This is about one thing. This is about stopping
him from running in 2024. And I'm going to tell you something. I'm not into conspiracies. I'm not
into anti-government rhetoric. This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly
afraid for Donald Trump. I would not put assassination behind these people.
All right. So, Owen, we're not tuning our horn here. We're not that smart. We know the enemy
blueprint. We're trying to get everybody else to realize we have the enemy blueprint so they can
learn about it and we can stop it together. I've been saying for the last, as you know,
six months that they're going to assassinate Biden at each day. They're going to try to
assassinate Trump. And now they're saying, oh, the Iranians are around Mar-Lago. They're planning
to kill him. Yeah, right. Oh, the Russians are going to kill him. All this other garbage,
because they think if they kill Trump, they can get the American people to rise up and be violent,
which is the last thing we want. If they kill Trump, like they killed Martin Luther King
or Malcolm X, and yes, I'm comparing them to those people, if they definitely are rebel,
if they do that, we do not need to riot. We do not need to kill people. We do not need to attack
FBI buildings. We need to expose them. The deep state did it. They'll probably have some crazy
left-winger do it or some disaffected right-winger do it and blame the people. Same thing with
Biden. The white supremacist or some loon do it. They just killed Abe because it turns out he's a
Christian closet right-winger. That's how all the Japanese news, the Japanese cabinet just resigned
because they're really Zen Buddhist on average. It's pretty freaky for them to learn that their
prime minister, the Japanese president, was a closet right-wing Christian, which we can all
look at and tell what's going on. They just purged the government because they're right-wing
Christians and thought out they are. That's what's happening is there's our conspiracy of right-wing
Christians, the one of human future in God, and there's a satanic conspiracy. This highly trained
individual with this hand-made, incredibly well-made, so they couldn't trace it back to him, gave it to
him, 12-gauge shotgun, two direct hits on a 10-inch shotgun. Those who don't know, the 10-inch shotgun
at over 40 feet, more than 40 feet, is just an incredible shot. That was an assassination
of a pro-America leader. China is definitely involved. It's the same thing happening here in
America. I believe, and I know from all their pre-programming and the national securities
that they've set up, they want to kick off a left-wing right-wing civil war. The left-wing
will lose. The right-wing will lose. The Bilderberg Group, the Davos Group, the stabilizers
will win. Now, my predictions, six months ago, of the assassination plan on Trump and Biden
is starting to crystallize, because if you look at the enemy battle plan, that's one of the main
cards they could pull. Mass shootings, the paper-bottom curer stage, ass bombings, power outages,
claiming the Russians hacked the power grid. All this is pre-programmed. We're being told it's imminent,
and it's about to happen, because the Jeffrey Epstein, Mossad, British intelligence,
globalist combine that's above the countries, it's like specter. The heads of our intelligence
agencies are specter, and then the agencies don't know they work for specter, but the new
old order in Klaus Schwab is specter, literally. That's why Ian Fleming wrote those books,
he was number two at OSS and MI6, explaining how this really worked. And so specter's real.
Hydra's real. Sexual symbol is a hydra. That's why in James Bond, it's a hydra. They're fighting,
and they're making their move right now, but they're exposed, and they're extremely desperate.
That's why media matters, and the New York Times, the Washington Post are all panicking, that the
entirety, basically, of right-wing leadership and real patriots have signaled to America,
their pro-America, anti-centorship by coming out and endorsing info wars in just the last
few weeks with this show trial, because they know they're next. So it is now officially recognized
that info wars is the narrative of America and populism, countering the globalists. And I don't
get the credit for that. The crew and the audience of activists supporting us and God gets the credit.
I'm incredibly humbled and blown away being in this position. They see us as the top general,
our operation. They see us as the quarterback, and it's a great responsibility. That's why I need
your prayers to stand up for us. I need your prayers to spiritually give us discernment and
back us, because we've been given an incredible task here and incredible weight. But I take it on
willingly, but I want to just thank the audience of activists for this, because now America and
the world is not being caught flat footed by the new old order. We are in a fighting position,
politically, spiritually, culturally, to understand what's happening. But
discretion will be the greater part of valor and not getting tricked into a violent civil war,
which is what they want. If that happens, we'll win that too. But the point is, that's not my job.
I leave the awakening, not any type of military operation. I'm not involved in that because
those can go so wrong. But culturally, we're winning. And that's why they want to overturn
the chessboard with violence. So many people over the years have walked up to me randomly on the
street and said, Super male vitality is incredible. Why does it work so well? And the answer is very
simple. It takes from Chinese medicine and other ancient traditions, known herbal compounds that
boost libido, stamina and energy. And it comes from cold pressed herbs. So they're not boiling
or heating up the herbs that are known to have these natural effects. It's cold pressed. It's
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're back here on the Alex Jones show. Alex Jones with us from
the road, Owen Troyer in studio. It's an honor and a privilege to be with you here today. There are
three things happening right now that I believe Alex are in indicator as to where we're going next.
One, you have the New York Times with the top promoted live stream on Twitter right now with
the headline, Alex Jones isn't alone. Why is disinformation so appealing? Well, what does
that signify? They're coming for everyone next. They feel like they've got Alex Jones. They
haven't. They may strike him down. They may strike info wars down. We'll just be more powerful than
ever. But so that just tells you, okay, they feel like we've got Alex. Now we're going after the
rest of them just like with censorship. That's happening right now. You've got Twitter that
just released a statement saying starting today, we'll begin to enforce the civic integrity policy
in context of the 2022 midterm. So Democrats are planning on stealing the midterms. I mean,
that's what that means. And then big tech is going to be there to make sure nobody calls it out.
And then the third thing happening, Alex, there is an armed standoff of gunmen at the FBI office
in Cincinnati. So he could be organic. He could be a federal provocateur just false flagging it.
I don't know. But I'll say this, Alex, there could be 100 gunmen outside the FBI, whether it's
false flag provocateurs or organic, that does not justify the FBI's existence. We cannot let the FBI
victimize themselves into 100 more years of corruption in this country. I'm not for violence.
We're not calling for violence. The FBI needs to be shut down, whether there's no gunmen or
1000 gunmen outside their offices. Well, that's right. Most third world countries and other
great nations as well have fallen when they have federal police forces that decide to take over.
And federal police forces always decide to take over. Usually within 50 years of being created,
I'm surprised the FBI's been around like 100 years. They're just now getting around to taking over.
But they've got political bosses that are doing it. So yeah, we're becoming
Venezuela. And absolutely, they said in my kangaroo trial last week on national television,
they said, our job is to silence him and everybody else likes him. So that's what this is.
They're doing it openly. They see us like a Roman standard that they want to capture. And
then once they've done that, they believe all the other dominoes will fall. That's why it's so
exciting to see so much of the libertarian, conservative, nationalist, populist leadership
getting behind info wars, understanding what's happening. But again, let's just keep asking me
on the street at the airport, are you going off air? $49 million. How are you going to pay it?
There's a cap in Texas at $5 plus million. And they got two more suits. They'll get the cap on
those. That's the good news. The bad news is I don't have $2 million cash myself or in the company.
And so we'll have to postpone some of the appeals and we are out of money. And we're in the bank
currency so we can file a federal report and show all this. They can stop lying and saying
I have $280 million or whatever the latest BS is. So this is an incredible moment to be alive.
That's why we will stay on air. It was to support us. And I had no idea that we offered the book
signed. The books are coming in next week that we ship out the weekend to that late August.
The Great Reset in the World for the World that this could save us. I had no idea. I thought
people buy the unsigned book five to one. They're buying three to one signed book
set of the regular unsigned for $24. I said, well, let's have a fundraiser. Let's charge $49 for the
signed book. Unbelievably, we've had 7,000 orders of the signed and I'm going to sign these. I think
I can sign like six, seven a minute. We're going to do this. We're going to video take
like a marathon and be trying to do this, but I'll sign 50,000 books and it saves us.
At $100, we make about $86 on each book. And for credit card fees, we make about $82.
If we sell 20,000 books, that's a couple of million dollars. That will push us over the edge.
Plus, it'll push the book to number one. It's already in the top 10 on Amazon. So when we
sell books on Amazon, we get a couple of bucks to fund things. But when we sell the book with this
SaveM4Wars markup money, which is a fundraiser, you know, just on the PBS sells a coffee cup for
50 bucks. Another coffee cup costs $5. But you're getting the coffee mug, you know, you kept PBS
on the air about what you want to do. They get taxpayer money on top of the weed on. But that's
how they get over any budgetary problems they have is, oh, get a t-shirt for $100 and a coffee
cup for $50, get this book for $200, get this set of books for $300 and become a Platinum
member, $1,000 for PBS. Well, the Commies know how to fund what they're doing. Do you know
how to do that? And I'm not patronizing. It's up to you. And you've been coming through. We're
selling. I'm kind of scared of this because I'm going to sign them all. We're selling right now
600, 700 books a day, 20,000 again, get delivered next week. And current rates will
sell 15,000 sign books, 5,000 unsigned. And that literally puts us to the pace of the bankruptcy,
pay through these next two trials. People saw I had limited two lawyers. People go, oh, my God,
the other side had like 15 lawyers. Well, you know, lawyers have put on a case cost hundreds of
thousands of dollars. And the people say, well, Lauren, why don't you have more people? Because
folks, we're maxed out. I have literally spit myself down to almost nothing. I'm not complaining.
I trust in God. I trust in you. If those want to make donations at infowars.com,
forward slash crypto, that whoever did that months ago with a big donation,
saved us so far. Spalled donations and saved us as well, infowars.com, forward slash crypto.
But go to infowars.com and get a historic signed book and know whatever happens to info wars,
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That's there. That's one of the thankful listeners and our affiliates on TV and radio and all the
crew and everybody because this is a real fight. They admit info wars is what they want to take
down. They see us as a symbol of America. I'm actually extremely honored, extremely blessed,
be persecuted like this and I mean that when I say it. I'm the happiest I've ever been. I'm sad
for America. I'm sad for the world, but conversely, I know where I'm supposed to be. So I want to
thank everybody for keeping us in attack formation. We're on offense. We're not on defense. We're
going all out. I just want to thank all the crew and the producers from Scott and Daria and Matt
and I want to thank Owen and I want to thank all the editors. I want to thank all the researchers
and everybody because we have the most evil out of control forces on earth trying to take us
down because they want us to be conformist. They want to send a message to everybody else
that if you stand up, we'll destroy you like Alex Jones. But finally, even a lot of mainline
Republicans get, we've got to back Jones. We've got to back info wars because he's the beachhead.
He is that retainer wall. He's that sea wall holding back. And it's true. God put us in this
position. You as a listeners, by working through you put us in this position. This is historic
what has happened. So thank you all for your support. And if people just ordered 20,000 signed
books, that gives us into the black to pay for the bankruptcy, which is expensive and pay for
the next two show trials and stabilize things and keep going. So people ask, will you still be on
air 100% because the viewers, analysts are out there going to infowarstore.com. So don't stop,
don't quit, never surrender, share the article, share the videos. But more importantly,
than giving money or even spread the word, pray for a global awakening. It's happening.
The globalists are desperate. They're not winning. That's why they're trying to trigger a civil war.
I want to hand them a time to you and Mike Adams and so much more coming up. Thank you so much.
We really love you, my brother. Thank you, Alex. And you just said something there that's been
really kind of just sitting in my consciousness for the last couple of weeks. We are the non
conformists. I mean, that's what this really is. We're the non conformists. We have an audience
of non conformists. We're not going to conform to a corrupted rotgut culture. And that's why
they hate us, Alex, because we are not conformists. The establishment wants conformists. That's it.
That's it. All these leptists posing at the Atlantic and the New York Times like they're
rebels and they're cool. They're fighting, you know, Dr. Evil. They're fighting Lex Luthor.
No, they work for Lex Luthor. They work for Klaus Schwab, the literal Nazi villain.
They work for the evil. They have all the power behind them. They have all the banks.
They have all the media. They have all the censorship. They're launching the wars. They're
promoting the pedophilia. Sold out for more than a year and a half because of supply chain
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And now the tip of the spear leading the fight to take back the nation. It's
Owen Troyer. You're listening to the Alex Jones show. Rand Paul was on Fox News last night commenting
on the Mar-a-Lago raid. He had this to say, trust so much the government that we've gotten to the
point where, for example, do I know that the boxes of material they took from Mar-a-Lago,
that they won't put things in those boxes to entrap him? How do we know their lawyers weren't
allowed to see the boxes go? They weren't categorized. Thousands of documents were taken.
Yeah. How do we know that they're going to be honest with us about what's actually in the boxes?
How do we know that was in the box before it left the residence if the lawyers weren't allowed to
see everything? So, you know, they've lost a great deal of trust. And it's...
Now, luckily the security cameras were still on at Mar-a-Lago. So potentially
some, if not all of the activity will be on camera. But when they're pilfering through
Melania, Trump's wardrobe, you know, maybe going in there, giving it the old panty sniff,
these perverts at the Fed, at the FBI, I don't know if it'll all be on camera, but at least
some of it will be. And thank God for Rand Paul and thank God for the others that have been
willing to tell the truth about what this raid at Mar-a-Lago is. It's a political witch hunt.
It's political persecution. It's all about the midterms. It's all about stopping Donald Trump
and anyone after him from running for office, running for president. It's about scuttling and
silencing and censoring and chilling free speech in this country for anybody that might stand up
against the corrupt Democrat regime. And they're showing their hand right now. The mask is off.
They've accepted their role as the bad guy. They've embraced their role as the bad guys.
And they love it. They love it. And somewhere clanking around in their empty skulls is this
idea that they're saving the planet for man-made climate change. But that's just the excuse that
they bring forward when they want to enslave you. Oh, man-made climate change, we got to enslave you.
But see, as I said in the last segment, folks, they're showing us their hand. We've got their hand.
New York Times today saying we've got to censor everybody else off the Internet,
just like we got rid of Alex Jones. Twitter saying we're going to be monitoring any election
claims during the midterms from here on out. So basically anybody that says anything Democrats
don't like on Twitter about midterm elections is going to be removed from Twitter's platform.
No comment from Elon Musk on this yet. Might be interesting to see if he provides commentary.
And then you had the situation at the FBI office today with a gunman out there apparently firing
a nail gun at agents. So it might be organic, a deranged individual out there sick and tired
of the corruption in our government. I'm not advocating for violence, but I'm not going to
let the FBI become the victim in all of this. Whether there's one gunman outside the FBI or
whether there's a hundred or whether there's a thousand or whether there's a hundred thousand,
the FBI are not the victims. The FBI is a corrupt, criminal bureaucracy that needs to be disbanded
and shut down permanently. Are there good people in the FBI? Yeah. But I don't understand how you
can be a good guy inside the FBI anymore. I don't know how you could still
clock in and clock out every day or be rank and file every day in the FBI and look yourself in the
eye every night and know and know you are working for one of the most corrupt institutions in American
history. But see, I get it. Everybody needs a paycheck. Everybody's got to be a slave.
So, oh, well, you know, I can't quit because I got to make money. I got bills to pay. Well, all right.
But just know you are working for maybe the most corrupt institution in American history and certainly
right now just in the focus for everybody calling out government corruption. But we can't let the
FBI turn themselves into victims. Certainly, that's what they're trying to do right now,
whether this gunman is organic or a false flag plant provocateur. The FBI are not the victims.
Now, innocent people getting hurt at the FBI, we don't want that. But you're working for a criminal
enterprise, you're working for a corrupt enterprise, and you're just not going to be the victim.
You're not going to be the victim here. You're the bad guy. You can try to pose as the victim,
and I expect that to come. But they set this self up. They set this whole thing up when Merrick
Garland refused to comment on the raid at Mar-a-Lago, except to say this is turning the FBI
into victims. We're now facing threats of violence. Well, let's see. I mean, the FBI threatens
Americans with violence every day. The FBI stages events and lies to Americans every day.
See, that's what it comes down to. The government is allowed to lie to you. You're not allowed
to lie to the government. The government's allowed to run false flag operations, violent
operations. You're not completely backwards from where it's supposed to be. Now, you have to be
alarmed at what's going on at the IRS. They're hiring 87,000 new agents. And remember, these
Democrats are the ones that want to defund the police. They're trying to backtrack on that
hilarious. I mean, there's just hours and hours of footage of Democrats saying they want to defund
the police, not to mention all the rallies, all the riots, all the looting, all the burning,
murder attacks on police officers. They loved all of it. They promoted all of it. And then
they realized, well, this isn't really helping us politically. Let's say that the Republicans
wanted to defund the police. So that's just the ultimate level of Democrat party policy.
Democrat party politics is just lie as big as you possibly can, even if the whole world knows
it's a lie. But think about this danger where the Democrats want to defund the police, which,
for the most part, the police are the good guys. They're in local jurisdictions. They have some
form of a relationship with the communities that they're policing, at least, you know,
long-term officers or, you know, commissioners or sheriffs and stuff like that. There's a
relationship in that community. There's an understanding there. There's a local community
aspect to that. So it's a lot harder for that to get corrupted. And it's a lot
harder to cover up that corruption, not that it doesn't go on. And, you know, it's funny too,
you know, all the leftists that are anti-police, all cops are bad. And then they also, you know,
say, hey, police plant evidence on people all the time, too. Sure they do. But, oh, they won't
mention anything about the FBI. They won't mention anything about the Mar-a-Lago raid,
because they think they're part of the team now. And so, see, that's what it's all about.
Why does the FBI or why does the U.S. military put out black lives matter statements or pro
antifa statements or pro-sex change statements? Because that's them waving the flag that, hey,
we've been conquered by you. We're your team now. So they got to get rid of the local police
that have a relationship with the community and are a lot easier to have oversight and manage.
And they want to defund and disarm you and make sure you don't have security.
And then they want to hire 90,000 IRS agents and they put on their job listing that they're going
to be carrying firearms and willing and able to use deadly force. I mean, if you don't see where
that's going, then you really have no foresight at all. Defund and disarm police that are the
actual connection with law enforcement to local communities and then replace them with a soulless,
faceless, disconnected, bureaucratic operation that has no loyalty, respect, or connection to
local communities that will just come in, run rough shot, shoot you, take your money and leave,
and then you'll have no idea what happened, no idea who did it, no means of oversight,
no means of justice. And if you don't see how that's obviously their plan here,
then you might be a liberal because that's clearly the plan.
And that's what Barack Obama talks about, federalize the police. This is it, folks. They're
federalizing the police. They're turning the big powerful intelligence agencies into
Democrat weapons against the people and then they're going to remove the local law enforcement
and replace it with federal police forces that you'll have no oversight or connection with.
The great reset in the war for the world is the book that the government doesn't want you to read,
that most of the big powerful companies trying to control your life, the big tech companies,
they don't want you to read this book. They want to control what you think, what you do,
what you read, but you don't want that. And Alex Jones doesn't want that. And this book
shows you what's happening and gives you the sort of playbook for how to fight against it.
And so by buying this book, you're going to prove that censorship doesn't work,
that freedom is alive in this country. This is essential reading. And, you know,
I would go right now and buy it before the censorship kicks in. It's not going to be
available in bookstores. It's not going to be available in libraries. They're going to try
to take it down from every platform that they can, but they're not going to be able to do it.
Prove that censorship doesn't work by the great reset. Thank you, Alex Jones. I really appreciate
you having me on. And I appreciate you writing this book and getting the information out there.
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All right, still no justification for the raid at Mar-a-Lago, which tells you there's something
more to that story and we're not getting it. And I've kind of theorized as to what
might be going on with that earlier in the transmission. But just the radioactive nature
of that story and the fact that nobody's willing really to address it publicly tells me
that there's something underlying there that only few people know. So I would say that Donald
Trump probably knows something and a few people in his inner circle and or the FBI knows something
or a few people at the FBI know something. And nobody wants to let the cat out of the bag right
now. Somebody thinks they have the upper hand or somebody's waiting for some leverage before
they make their next move. But everybody's saying neutral on this. I mean, it's like if you're
watching an epic chess match, nobody's touched their pieces in days. And that just shows you
whatever that last move was like, whoa, that last move was so mind blowing. Nobody wants to even
touch the board now. So what is it? Was this just a total swing and a miss by the FBI?
Did they think they had something there and didn't find it? Was it all for optics and then
it totally backfired? Did Trump set a trap for the feds? Did Trump set a trap for a mole? Did
he smoke a mole out in his own team? The lack of a move since the raid tells me there is something
there that we just don't know yet. Because I don't know how you have that biggest story.
I mean, as far as impact is concerned, as far as real world people's lives impact is
concerned, it's not that big of a story. But this goes well beyond that. I mean, I would say the
January 6 prisoners that are being tortured by Democrats and jail cells right now, political
prisoners, I would say that that's much worse of a situation on its face than the Mar-a-Lago
raid. But the Mar-a-Lago raid is so big and has so much gravity and so much implication
that it probably is the biggest story in this midterm election news cycle. And nobody wants to
get out ahead of it now. Nobody wants to steer the narrative into the next direction.
This whole thing is a knuckleball, folks. But for the American people,
any rational American person that's just not a total brainwashed leftist libtard
knows that what happened at Mar-a-Lago is just further proof of the political persecution against
Donald Trump, further proof that there is a deep state, and further proof that our government
is gone completely rogue, completely rogue and is no longer serving the interest of we, the people.
That is what's going on. And then you've got the liberal left. California University hosts
segregate orientation. Yeah, you've got all these major universities now where they have
graduations for black students and Hispanic students and white students segregating the
students the reverse of Martin Luther King's dream. Of course, it's liberals that go the opposite
way. Liberals are the ideology of regression, not progression, regression. So they're regressing
back to their roots of bigotry and discrimination at universities. They're also turning any classroom
that has children in it and is run by a liberal teacher into sexual grooming centers.
And then they have their therapists and their counselors go on social media and post videos
saying we need to be standing up for pedophiles. And they say minor attracted people
are the most discriminated against people in the world. Oh, really?
Really? Adults that rape children are discriminated against? I'd say that's a good thing.
I think if you're a child abuser, you need to suffer severely. And I think if you're a pedophile
child rapist, you need to be eliminated. No more sense in having you with us on this planet.
If you're out there raping children, if you're out there as a pedophile,
grooming or raping children, it's time for you to suffer severe consequences. But they're so
emboldened now, they're so emboldened now that they've gotten away with so much sexual grooming
of children, so much child abuse of children. They're going for everything, folks. They want
the right to have sex with children. That's what this is all about. They want the right to have
sex with children. And you know what? It kind of just hit me, actually. And I've never really
heard this before, but it just hit me like a bolt of lightning right in my head right now.
Are all of these people really pedophiles?
Are all of these individuals that are sexually grooming children and
doing this stuff to children actually pedophiles? There are certainly pedophiles out there. I mean,
Joe Biden has certainly exhibited pedophilic behavior on dozens, if not hundreds of occasions.
But are all these people really pedophiles? Why would they be pushing to groom children? Or why
would they have this desire to have sex with children? I think it just hit me, folks.
They can't find a single consenting adult that wants to get anywhere near them.
And so they know the only shot they have is a brainwasher child.
Still pedophilia. But I don't know why that just hit me right now as I'm about to go to this video
because I just noticed it's like all these people that are promoting pedophilia
as minor attracted persons, sexual orientation, they're all disgusting fugglies. And that's it.
But they know that they're never going to find a consenting sexual partner or have a loving
relationship because they're fallen souls, because they're demons. So they know the only
chance they have is to groom children to have sex with them. My God, you liberals are sick.
So here's an example. This is a sex therapist and counselor who says pedophiles should not
be called pedophiles, but minor attracted persons as a sexual orientation. And it's the most
discriminated against group in America. Yeah, I would say pedophiles should be discriminated
against. But liberals who are promoting pedophilia because they want to engage in sexual acts with
children are trying to say it's minor attracted persons sexual orientation. And they openly
say it on the internet like in this video. You see her pronouns and I'm a professional counselor
and sex therapist in Erie, Pennsylvania. And today I want to talk about minor attracted persons
pedophiles. And I want to talk about minor attracted persons pedophiles. They are probably
the most vilified population of folks in our culture. Good. And most folks are making incorrect
assumptions about them without actually knowing much about them. And those assumptions create
harm for an already marginalized population. You may have noticed that I'm using the term
minor attracted persons sometimes abbreviated to maps, instead of the more commonly used term
pedophile. And I'm doing this because the term pedophile has moved from being a diagnostic
label to being a judgmental hurtful insult that we hurl at people in order to harm them or slander
them. I also prefer person first language that recognizes that any label we might apply to a
person is only part of who they are and doesn't represent everything that they are. We are all
people first with many different facets or parts of ourselves. And this includes folks who are
attracted to minors. So to start with, let's talk about what a minor attracted person is or who
they are. This term simply means that the person has an enduring sexual or romantic attraction
to minors. They've not chosen this attraction, just as the rest of us have not chosen whatever
our attraction is. You don't get to choose to be heterosexual or to be gay or whatever you are,
and you don't get to choose to be a minor attracted person. Some minor attracted persons
are attracted to a specific age range of minors, while some are not. And some minor attracted
persons are exclusively attracted to minors and are not attracted to adults at all. Some minor
attracted persons are also attracted to adults. Now, notice the crew points out she's got some
weird demon painting behind her. And I mean, folks, when you're openly promoting pedophilia and
saying it should be called maps as a sexual orientation, there's obviously something wrong
with you. You're a dark twisted soul. But you know, it just makes me go back to the WikiLeaks emails
because we all saw the emails that talked about pizza related maps. And of course,
it made no sense to us. Why would you have a pizza related map on a handkerchief? Maybe map
didn't mean what we thought it meant. Maybe map didn't mean like a map where you try to find
where you're going. Maybe maps in those WikiLeaks Democrat emails meant minor attracted person,
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, folks, thank you for joining me. Mike Adams here filling in for the third hour here on
the Alex Jones show. I want to thank Owen Schreuer and Alex is on the road. So I'm hosting remotely
also today. We've got a bombshell segment for you today. We're going to change the pace, change
the topic, and focus a little bit here. We're going to go on offense in terms of bringing you
new breakthrough information that is game-changing for our world. It's going to change the entire
dynamic of energy. It's going to take away energy scarcity from the hands of the globalists. It's
going to set humanity truly free with more energy. It's a very big deal. I attempted to have our
guest on last week, but because of changes of schedule, we were not able to get him on the
show last week. He's able to join us today. We'll bring him in at the top of the next segment,
coming up here in just a few minutes. You're going to learn why the government has been
suppressing this technology for decades and why they are unable to suppress it any longer.
The truth is coming out. This technology is validated. It's now confirmed and it's been
publicly demonstrated at a physics convention. People's minds are getting blown because this
means that humanity can no longer be controlled by energy scarcity in the way that they used to
be controlled. This technology, which we're going to describe here, will share some pretty amazing
announcements. It is not going to replace, however, diesel engines. It's not going to replace combustion
engines in tractors or trains or jets or anything like that, but it produces excess heat. This
excess heat can be used to heat homes, to heat buildings, to heat even military installations.
With some additional engineering, it can be used to heat water to spin turbines to generate
electricity, which is exactly how nuclear power plants work. This breakthrough is going to be able
to replace ultimately nuclear fuel rods, and yet it produces no excess radioactive waste like
nuclear power plants do. This is a breakthrough, decentralized, new, scientifically validated
system of energy. It does not release any carbon dioxide. Not that CO2 is bad for the planet.
I mean, plants love CO2, but for the greenies on the left, they'll love the fact that it doesn't
produce any CO2. It has no emissions whatsoever. It's clean, it's abundant, and it can be made
decentralized. It is essentially going to be rather easy to manufacture and replicate all
across the country. And also, for the record, by the way, what I'm about to share here,
I have no financial ties to any of this technology or any of the companies involved
or any of the patents or anything like that. That's not what this is about. This is about
breaking the stranglehold on humanity that is created by the globalists who are engineering
food scarcity, energy scarcity, financial scarcity by shutting down small businesses,
and so on. They're trying to strangle humanity by taking away health freedom,
taking away your right to speak, and so on. We are fighting against that not by just playing
defensively, but now you could say offensively by humanity introducing new technologies that
break the mold, that shatter the paradigm, and that will change the history of the world forever.
This is such a big deal. I'm very proud to be able to announce this and share this with you
on Infowars.com because it once again shows that Infowars is the leader in new media.
You'll remember one day, oh my gosh, I heard that on Infowars, and Infowars had the courage to break
that news among the very first. You're going to remember that because this is going to change
the entire world. It's going to change the dynamics of geopolitics. It's going to change
everything about Russia, Ukraine, the Middle East, oil, all of that, and it's going to give
America, by the way, even more energy independence because it is American scientists who are the
leading engineers and developers of this technology right now. This can put America
back on the map, back in the lead of breakthrough science that can change the world for the better.
So this is great news, and I know sometimes we need some positive news.
That's exactly what this is. You're going to hear all those details here coming up for the next hour
exclusively here on The Alex Jones Show, and I'm guest hosting Mike Adams. I'll also be hosting,
I believe, a part or all of the fourth hour with a different guest and some different topics as well.
So stay with me here on The Alex Jones Show. Spread the word, tell everybody to tune in,
break through information that's going to change the world for the better. Stay with us. We'll be
right back with that news and more.
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Waging War on Corruption. It's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
All right, welcome back folks to The Alex Jones Show here on infowar.com. I'm Mike Adams,
joining remotely hosting this hour and the next with breakthrough information that is a game changer
for our world. It's a game changer for freedom and abundance, and we're going to jump right into
it so that you know the full details. Now, I will kind of caution you that the first time I heard
about this technology, I thought that's impossible, that it couldn't possibly be true. There's no way
that it could work, but this is not some kind of fantasy. This is validated, confirmed, publicly
demonstrated cutting edge science, and it's called low energy nuclear reactions, or LENR.
And there are some very, very wealthy people and some very intelligent, some of the highest IQ
people in the country are right now working on trying to develop the theories that explain the
phenomenon that is confirmed to be happening, which is the generation of excess heat using solid
state hydrogen hot tube technology as it's called to generate excess heat at room temperature
by converting a very tiny amount of mass into this excess energy. This is going to set humanity free
if we can get it fully commercialized and shared with the world and stop the suppression of this
technology. Now, I've got a special guest joining me who has been involved in this technology for
many years. I've been following this also for years, and yet this is the first time that we've
talked in detail about it here publicly, but our guest is going to sort of, he's been in the meetings,
he's briefed the scientists, he's seen the reactions, he's seen the power plays, the investors,
the money plays, all of it, and he can bring us details that you won't hear anywhere else.
So this is a world exclusive of a breakthrough piece of technology that's going to change the
world and help decentralize energy, which will break the stranglehold on humanity by the globalist.
So let's bring in our guest who I will call, well, James, James, are you going public with
your full name at this point? You're just going by James, you tell me.
Well, I'll go by James Martinez, it's okay.
Okay, all right, okay. Well, James Martinez then, and I want to thank you for joining us today,
especially on such a short notice. Now, let's back up because a lot of people have never heard
of this before. We need to bring them up to speed. We need to explain what is cold fusion,
which is really no longer the term used for this, what is meant by low energy nuclear reactions,
and specifically tell us what has just been demonstrated, validated, and announced
at a physics conference that proves that this is real. Go ahead.
Well, first, I want to say congratulations to this network because I planned long ago to make
sure that this network would be the one that would make a sort of formal announcement.
And that was through David Knight, who interviewed the chief executive officer
of the leading cold fusion company now in the world many years ago to prepare everybody.
Because it was always my contention that this technology be discussed before it comes out
rather than when it already comes out. So I want to first say that. So this is important for people
because I know that this network is under a tremendous amount of scrutiny unnecessarily,
I might add. So this is once again the Info Wars family of freedom fighters and so forth
were correct on this. So that's that's first thing I want to say. Second thing is I got involved
with this in 89. I had heard from colleagues of mine at that time that there is going to be
an announcement. It's very vague when I was told about this. I thought, you know,
this is going to be an announcement regarding the energy sector. And that came from the late
Dr. Andre Breharge who told me and all of it came true. So in 1989 when I first saw the announcement,
I'm not a scientist. I'm more of a media ecologist. So the concern for media ecology is the effects
of technology on culture and what it does and how to prepare for the effects of when something
like this happens. So in 89 when I first heard about this, my first reaction was, well,
the career of these two gentlemen, Stanley Ponds and Fleischman, who's going to be destroyed
or they will be killed because of the effect that that announcement had on the nuclear industry
at that time. The nuclear industry has lost tremendous amount of money. So let me just add,
you're referring to the Fleischman and Ponds announcement in 1989 where they demonstrated
cold fusion at room temperature and it originally made, I think, the cover of Time Magazine at
that time. And then it was very rapidly, quote, debunked by the physics community establishment
and the hot fusion advocates who said, no, it's impossible. You can't do this at room temperature.
We need billions of dollars in funding to do this in another way. But I'm sorry to interrupt,
but I just want to provide the background context. But since that time, then both of these
pathways of scientific research have progressed quite dramatically, both hot fusion and what was
called cold fusion now called low energy nuclear reactions. It's just that hot fusion requires
billions and tens of billions of dollars in funding and they've made a lot of progress.
But then low energy nuclear reactions is done with, let's say, only millions of dollars instead
of billions. And it's a much simpler technology. And yet both of these pathways are now validated
as ways to produce excess energy. Are they not? Absolutely correct. The conflict is basically
what you just said. It's the big business versus the new science, which is cannot be ignored anymore
by the establishment because of events that just took place a couple of weeks ago at the ICCF 24
event where they demonstrated this technology. Tell us about that event and the website for
that is that ICCF24.com. Is that the site?.org. I'm sorry. ICCF24.org. And that event was a
gathering of physicists all presenting papers and theories and some demonstrations. And this
sterling engine powered by this solid state low energy nuclear reaction system was demonstrated
for people to see. What was the reaction? And we have a video of that, by the way, that our
producers here can show. But what was the reaction when people saw that with their own eyes for the
first time? Well, there wasn't much of a reaction because most of the people there that were attending
were all the leaders in the field that came from all over the world. They already know this is
going on. They've been known it's going on for quite some time. The emphasis wasn't so much on
whether or not they had a device they're working on that was there, but it was more on still the
ongoing fencing that is going on between old consciousness versus new consciousness and
the power struggle that exists between the two because of something that is interfering with
everything that is greed, monopolies, patents, control, etc. Those matters when it meets with
this do not mix. And I want to say this for everybody, because this is the most important part.
The most important part is most of the people that were attending this were probably 70 years old
and up. They're all old men who committed their entire lives and careers to seeing this thing through.
And the unifying thing that brought them together was they wanted to leave something behind
for their children and for the world, which is why they spent enormous amounts of time and
sacrifice, which people have no idea the level of sacrifice that's taken to get this far. And all
of these older gentlemen were from all walks in different countries. I get that James. I'm sorry
to interject. Let's remember that our audience does not yet know what you know about how this has
been validated and how this is real and all the people you're talking about. They've known for a
long time because these experiments have been replicated by the United States Navy, laboratories
in Japan and Russia and so on all over the world. We got to go to break here shortly, but when we
come back, I'd like you to talk about how do we know that this is real? What is the evidence that
this excess energy is being produced? And then who is working on the physics models that can
actually explain this and what's going to be required in terms of expanding our current
state of understanding of fusion and the table of elements and how things work in the real world
because we're going to have to rework some of our knowledge of truly the laws of physics. So
stay with us James. I appreciate you. Thank you for your patience. We'll be right back after
this break with all of those explanations and more straight ahead. Stay with us.
The great reset in the war for the world is the book that the government doesn't want you to read
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones show. I'm Mike Adams and we're having a science breakthrough
conversation today. And I know it's difficult for us to talk about this right now with the
weaponization of the IRS targeting the American people, the rogue nature of the FBI just off the
reservation going insane running a war against conservative America and all of Trump's people.
I know that the dollar collapse is approaching and they're going to try to
thrust all of us into a central bank digital currency control us. And I know that we're fighting
a defensive war, it seems every day we're trying to just stop the tyranny that's marching upon us
day by day, step by step. But we can't just win by fighting a defensive war on every issue
affecting humanity in the future of human civilization. From time to time, we have to have
breakthroughs of new solutions that actually create decentralization and reduce our dependence on
globalism or centrally controlled systems. In fact, this was the whole idea behind cryptocurrency.
What about a decentralized currency that the central banks can't control so that we can buy,
sell and trade with each other using a peer to peer non centralized system that is not easily
a shut down by the powers that be. And I think that's been proven they can't shut it down very
easily, although the Treasury is now outlawing some of the Bitcoin mixing services, you know,
just to make it more difficult for people. But what about energy decentralization?
That's what we're talking about today. A breakthrough technology that was really first
demonstrated in 1989, but it was difficult to reproduce at that time. And it goes back to
Fleischmann and Ponds at the University of Salt Lake University of Utah, Salt Lake City. But
since in the decade since this has now been refined, it's been validated. And it's not a
it's not a miracle replacement for oil. Let me be clear, this does not replace combustion engines
in any way. What it does is it produces excess heat. So it has to use a little bit of energy
itself, but it multiplies the effect of that energy to produce excess heat that can heat buildings,
heat water, heat, you know, on ranches and farms, greenhouses. Look about what's happening in Western
Europe right now where they're not getting the natural gas from Russia, because the Nord Stream
One pipeline has been shut down to about 20%. A big question in Germany, you know, in France,
in Spain, in the UK is how are you going to heat your buildings this winter? They're taking short
cold showers now because they don't have the heat just to heat their water. Well, here's a solution.
And I brought on James Martinez because he is the expert who has monitored this situation for years.
He knows that this is a solution that's proven that is ready to be licensed to boiler companies,
ready to be adopted worldwide. It's here. The future changes from here forward. So James,
welcome back. Thank you for joining us today. Talk to us about how we know that like I said
before the break, how do we know that this is working? What's the proof of this?
Well, I would say for the people that have never heard this before,
first step is go to watch the 60 Minutes Interview that took place many years ago where they
validated all of this. All this was validated primarily in the United States at SRI International
for a long time. It was not something that was done immediately and people did not jump to conclusions.
This has gone through an enormous amount of scrutiny by many, many people for a long time.
SRI International is where the internet came out of. It's also where other technologies that
have profoundly changed the entire planet came from there. I know the people involved that
handled the measuring of the accessi, Dr. Fran Tanzella, who did that. And he was so impressed
by the findings, as is many other people, that he's now dedicated his rest of his career to bring
this forth. Now, there were other third-party verifications with other people in all over
the world. One of them was Andrea Rossi out of Italy. There's multiple countries that are
involved with this and been involved with it for a long time. And the fact that we've arrived at
this position where now people are going out on a ledge and putting everything on the line,
saying, okay, here it is, now the conversation is totally different. Our conversation now,
and I would tell everybody, because one of the most important things that took place at that
event that I attended is I got to meet Rob Duncan. Rob Duncan was the gentleman in the 60 minutes
interview. And he was the gentleman sent in to measure the measuring stick, so to speak,
to measure the calorie and to show and prove there was accessi. He was there. And I sat next to him
with a bunch of Navy guys and other people that were attending. And I got to hear the story about
what happened after that interview was done by 60 minutes. I even called 60 minutes a couple days
later, actually, to tell him what's really going on now. And Rob Duncan, he said, very simply,
just check the data. I read the data. I looked at the data. I follow the data. That's what we're
supposed to do as scientists. And then he went into the whole explanation of what happened after
that interview took place, which I didn't know about. And none of the other people at that table,
I was with heard what happened to him. And the intellectual threats that were made because
of that coming out piece of saying, yes, Pons and Fleishman were correct. We've got accessi are
profound. And it's science. So for for a couple of decades, I'm sorry to interrupt, but this sounds
a lot like when doctors were talking about what works to stop COVID, you know, included the late
Zev Zelenko talking about quercetin and zinc and vitamin C and so on. And of course, that was
immediately suppressed because it would have saved people and reduce, you know, hospitalization and
death by ventilator and so on. So here's something that's just like that, but it's been going on
for decades where here's a solution for humanity that's actually kind of simple. You know, you
don't have to have a multi-billion dollar hot fusion reactor with, you know, magnetic levitation
fields and all that stuff, which is what the hot fusion people work on. You can do this with
with some, I don't know, some palladium and some special materials, but at room temperature in
something the size of like a toaster oven or maybe a little bit larger, like a like a mini
fridge or something. So this has been suppressed all this time. And you've seen that, right? I mean,
you've seen scientists just blacklisted from the industry for daring to talk about the true data
they saw. Yeah, that is the main problem. And it has been the main problem in this field, because
there's too many people that are gaslighting others at the very top from intellectual rooftops
saying this can't exist and this is what reality is and so forth. And the scrutiny that scientists
have to go through in this particular field, it's still there in a minimal level now. It's very
minimal. But I've spoke to a lot of guys there, including young scientists that were speaking
to me and saying, you know, I'm going to be going and doing my doctorate at a major university.
At a major university in England. And what do you think? Should I do it? Should I do it on
L.A. and R? And I looked at him like, what are you doing? Of course you should do it on L.A.
R. Sometimes you have to forget your head and grab your balls and get on with it. Where is your
courage? I mean, are you seeing what's going on here? Are you are you aware of what has just
happened here? And they were aware, but there's still this level of fear from authority figures
having to do with this. But it's too late now. We're past that. We're way past that.
This is a profound change in the human condition. How is this going to be rolled out then? Is it
going to be licensed to companies? Are people going to be able to have like home boiler heaters
that they can license? Or are they going to be major manufacturers like big industrial
manufacturers licensing this technology and putting it into commercial buildings?
I mean, we're about to go to break, but tell us how this is going to look as it rolls out in the
years ahead. All those discussions have been underway for a long time. It's going to be the
heating market that comes first because it's the easiest entry that's okay. All right. Hold that
thought. We're going to go to break. We're going to come back and we're going to talk about what
this means for Western Europe, for Russia, for geopolitics in the world, and maybe peace for
humanity. We'll be back with those topics and much more. Sold out for more than a year and a half
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
We now take you live to the central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It's Mike Adams. You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
All right, let's let's back up folks because I haven't done a good enough job yet of describing
the monumental global change that this is going to cause all around the world.
I'm going to bring in a term that you probably never heard before. It's another technology
that can be coupled with low energy nuclear reactions and together they generate electricity.
And this can be decentralized. You can have power without a power grid. This there's some
engineering required. This isn't like an off the shelf thing you can buy yet. But let me introduce
you to this term and we have our guests continuing with us James Martinez. But the term is thermo
photovoltaics. Thermo photovoltaics. Now thermo photovoltaics, this is technology and this has
all been demonstrated by MIT scientists. There are patents on this. There's a lot of articles
out there in the science world all over the science websites. Thermo photovoltaics,
it's a special kind of system where you have a substance usually a special alloy that when it
is heated it gives off infrared radiation. And then you have special you could call them
solar panels but they're not solar they're photovoltaic panels that generate electricity upon
exposure to those infrared wavelengths. Okay so you got me you got you got something getting hot
and it kind of glows with infrared light and then this light is picked up by this panel and this
panel converts it into current just like that. It's heat to electricity and based on new information
about this that I just read last week and covered on my own show on my own website the efficiency
of this process is now approaching about 40 percent which is unheard of. I mean that's a breakthrough
and what this means folks is that if you can produce excess heat which is happening through
low energy nuclear reactions which is what we're talking about that's our guest James.
You can produce excess heat you can convert the heat into current DC current like what comes off
a solar panel except this system folks runs 24 seven whereas solar panels obviously only work
when the sun is out and even not very well half of that time because the sun's at the wrong angle
might be clouds or rain or whatever and you know wind turbines don't work when the wind isn't blowing
so all this green energy stuff that's out there it doesn't work more than half the time more than
half the time low energy nuclear reactions excess heat combined with thermo photovoltaics that can
produce electricity instantly on demand 24 seven with no carbon emissions no radioactive waste
and this technology exists right now and if I sound excited about this yeah heck yeah I am
this is a game changer so James let me ask your opinion on that I'm sure the scientists you talk
to they understand that if you have heat you can generate electricity through systems like the one
I just described are they already thinking ahead about how this could be used to create off the
shelf electricity generation systems they're already producing electricity I was there and
when I met with the navy guys and other science guys that are involved these are the guys that
were already talking to 60 minutes following up with 60 minutes on what was going on I came up
with three guys were standing right in front of me and they said James we're producing electricity
we don't know how but we're producing electricity now what do we do and what do you mean they don't
know how I mean but what are they saying the problem has been is that with something like this
it has to do with the recoding of language recoding of perception and then getting everybody to agree
that this certain thing is happening and then getting everybody to finally once they got to that
point move forward in a systematic logical way and Google is financed massive millions and millions
of dollars into the research into this in fact it was those that particular company that produced
the nature article that was very very important in terms of they wanted to be able to make sure 100
that this was producing access heat now we've already produced electricity in very small amounts
and these navy guys have already done it as well we're past that point but the problem that exists
right now and it's not really a problem it has to do with semantics and that's what science
is arguing about behind the scenes all right so so if I could translate this in a lay person terms
this phenomenon is real the phenomenon is observable it's reproducible access heat's being
produced and from that there's some small amount of electricity it's being produced the problem is
trying to agree on the theory the model that describes the reality of this phenomenon so physics
is a system of models just to let our viewers know physics is not reality when when physicists
talk about oh our formula says this and this and this you're modeling the world you are not the
real world reality is created by well god and the cosmos you know it has its own way of doing things
physics is just trying to describe the cosmic truths that are out there the interactions cause
and effect the flow of time and all of those things and physics has to constantly change its
language its models its understanding the expansion of knowledge I mean think about it we went from
Newtonian physics to like string theory in theory quantum theory nobody can even explain
quantum computers and yet the national institute of standards and technology the nist is running
I think like 16 qubit quantum computers maybe it's 32 qubits I think google is running like
56 qubits now no one can explain how that works but it works it's reliable is that kind of a
good metaphor for what we're dealing with here you hit it right on target absolutely correct
there's a delay switch with the commercialization and deployment of this this could have been done
and out the door many many many years ago but the problem has been about what I just mentioned
and also the disruptive nature but we're supposed to be in a disruptive state as a species as a
human family so this has begun now I mean the only clap that I heard while I was there is when
ARPA announced that they were going to be putting money in research into this to the people that
were there that was like a big deal they're like wow we do have a reason to live now we're validated
all these old science guys really so excited by that but isn't this see this energy abundance
runs contradictory to the current goals of the depopulation globalist because they want to reduce
the population of the planet by seven billion people or more and in order to do that they have
to shut down the economies they have to engineer food scarcity mass starvation they have to shut
down the energy infrastructure which they are doing so if I mean doesn't that explain why there's so
much suppression of this because if if people can replicate a relatively simple easy to build I
shouldn't say easy I mean it's taken many years and a lot of money but easier than hot fusion for
sure but if this can become widespread it kind of makes it hard for the globalist to take everybody
out by cutting off the power grid doesn't it absolutely correct when roger roger banister
broke the four-minute mile that was impossible but moments later everybody was doing it
this is so far out of the box now and there's so many people involved in multiple countries
and research and development in this that it's you know this is too late we've passed the
the danger zone and a lot of people are going to figure out how this works themselves and they will
model what the leading company has done in certain forms because that's what we do so I've been
preparing the public for a long time I've spoken all over the world about this I've spoken to the
British government I've spoken there's there's multiple countries that are involved in this
and that are just waiting for the birth of this new baby to be born and that's very close now
but I might add and I want to say it here for this audience because it's really important
because I had private meetings with people there and everybody's pretty exhausted
the science guys especially the US guys and they're saying now and they're suggesting that
if they don't get cooperation from the United States meaning the people of the United States
they're going to go to Europe as they should because we have been discussing this in public
for a very long time here and abroad and that's because Europe they're they're waiting totally
supportive of this there's Nordic countries that have already invited these scientists
over there and they've been in negotiations all of this has been underway behind the scenes
for a very long time sorry to cut you off we're going to go to break but there's an easy way
to get US government funding for this company just make Nancy Pelosi a shareholder all the money
will come flowing right in and it'll be a done deal by the billions so yeah there are solutions here
that are easy easy to find uh you're watching the Alice Jones show we'll be back right after
this break with more on the topic of abundant energy for humanity so many people over the years
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thank you so much for joining us i'll spread the word my friends we're involved in an epic
historic battle people say alex jones crazy he's a conspiracy theory guy's a nutcase you got these
rants and all that uh what they miss is that this guy's a head of the curve on so many different
topics of signal not noise if you look at the signal and you compare that to pbs and npr and bbc
and we'll do what alex jones put out there versus what your collective body has put out there and
if you're a sent in human being and just watching it you say well god alex jones is the head of
this not only that he kind of explained it you are one of the great thinkers of this that is very
rare you got to go back almost to the revolutionary generation and see that in this new book i got to
tell you when tony lion's first approached me i read this thing i go this is it this is no
beetry you're not going to be flipping pages or you're going to be having a pin out and you're
going to be underlying stuff the great reset by alex jones order your copy now at amazon or info
war store dot com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
the powers that be used censorship and deep platforming to try to enslave humanity through
engineered scarcity whether it's food scarcity energy scarcity information scarcity or technology
scarcity and that's why it's so crucial that this platform info wars dot com continues to exist and
that's why i support this platform and its existence and its hosts and the questioning
of everything because where else are you going to get good solid information about how to prevent
coveted or what questions we should be asking about these so-called vaccines or what we're
talking about today low energy nuclear reactions major scientific breakthrough for humanity that
is clean sustainable energy that can help power our economies for you know millennia to come if we
if we don't kill ourselves first in nuclear war but this platform is so necessary to get that
information out because all the other mainstream corporate media of course they're all controlled
by the deep state controlled by the corporate interest controlled by the ccp in some cases
you know the new york times it takes money from the communist party in china to run propaganda
pieces disguised as news i think the washington post even did that as well it's it's truly insane
to support this platform and one of the things you can do right now that's very effective and
actually pretty cool it's a great idea alex jones new book the great reset as a fundraiser
this book is available signed by alex himself i think it's a hundred dollars at info wars store
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for the world by alex jones so if you go in there get a copy of that book it's going to be signed
every signature is you know unique it's not like a machine signing it it's it's alex jones staying
up late signing it and you'll be able to show this and and really treasure this because info wars
is the platform that is saving humanity from the lies the propaganda the disinformation of the
controlled media propagandists and the depopulation anti-human globalists so this is history of the
making folks and that's why i'm having my guest on today this is the last segment with james
martinez thank you james for your patience but it's almost difficult for us to accurately describe the
monumental changes and that's my question to you now what's going to happen geopolitically in our
world when this low-energy nuclear reaction technology or lennar le and r as you say when this
becomes applied commercialized to replace natural gas for heat and maybe eventually start to replace
coal or fuel rods and nuclear power plants i mean i know it's going to take a lot a lot of time but
what does our world look like with those changes well those type of discussions have been in the
planning pages for a very very long time and i just want to make sure for the record that i say this
that on world water day in washington dc one of the panelists that is going to be heading up the
committee on the environment and green technology and so forth as a woman by the name of phyllis young
she's the senior elder of the Lakota sub tribe she has been the supporter of this technology for
quite some time it's going to be mentioned in her talk regarding the relationship we have with water
and not as just a a means for our own health but the spiritual applications and also
how to unite the world under this new condition that we're in i mean we're in a totally different
position now in the conversation should be altered entirely i want to make sure that people understand
that some of the biggest companies in the world that you hate are involved they know that this
changes the situation entirely because it's the great equalizer and this is going to be
everything's going to be redesigned and people know this so there's been discussions with other
countries i've discussed this with the swiss government in their city planning office about
what this is going to do with construction what it's going to do with cost of living what it's
going to do with business in general what it's going to do to the alteration of currency i've
had people from the crypto world i've dealt with for years i warned everybody way way way in advance
so that when this day would come when this device was put out before the public not in a lab
that this great change was take place this is already started i mean most people do not think
in terms of how technology alters human behavior and biological impact culturally and what that's
going to do but for this particular matter this has got to be discussed early before it comes out
and it should be put before all our elected employees all the responsible parties that govern
our energy policies how do we make sure that this doesn't get monopolized by those evil
corporations that currently control society i mean we you and i we're all about decentralization
we'd love for the people of the world to have abundance whether it's abundant water energy
fuel heat food everything but you just said something kind of scary that there's some evil
corporations uh getting their hands into this and they have the money they have the power they
can censor how do we make sure we don't become slaves under their control of this technology
well some of them have gone through consciousness changes because this when you know it's reality
and know its capability the conversation is quite different i had private conversations and i was
there specifically at this event to talk to people face to face about their where their
philosophy stands and some of these people have tremendous financial wealth tremendous and i was
pleased to see that this moral compass is in the right the right place that's why i went to this
event it's very important because we have a chance we have a second chance to the right thing for
humanity here because you cannot be you cannot lecture the public and lecture the world about
saving the planet if you don't provide a real solution and they could have saved the planet
a long time ago a long time ago so none of that works and if you're not providing a solution and
giving a direction for people to go that makes sense then what are you doing so their arguments
and the things that they've asserted are meaningless they're meaningless they always have been well
right i mean they're out the government's out there telling everybody to buy electric cars like
that's going to solve the problem it doesn't solve any problem what's going to charge the cars
you know and then the cars have no range i mean you tried to tow a trailer on an electric
four to ev truck and you get about what 80 miles and you're done i hope your vacation is real close
by because you're not getting very far i mean it's a joke and then there's not enough lithium mining
and it's dirty mining even in the world to provide the batteries that would be needed if everybody
goes out and buys an electric vehicle so you're right it's a joke they're not providing real solutions
but even this solution that we're talking about today le and r this is going to take many many
years to commercialize produce distribute support the kind of evolve the feature set evolve the
amplification of the excess heat and so on and this is not an instant magical solution either
well money drives things and if certain amounts of money are applied at certain pressure points
this thing can be in the streets in two years a lot of discussions have taken place behind the
scenes with huge companies about the amount of time it's going to take where this type of technology
to be put first how it's to be applied partnerships with companies what it's going to do to markets
and profits and what is profit under this that's a big philosophical question because the amount
of energy this thing emits from this very small amount of water is profound people can run their
houses for like 10 years for minimal costs and what is that going to do that's going to change
everything and that's where the discussion should be right now most people are not even aware of that
but i would i would just assert to everybody that they're they don't know about this to go
look at the data do the research most of these people that are doing this they're how do they do
that open about please come check us out where they find the data wrong give us like where do
people go to look at this is her website is her presentation to uh they can go to brillo and energy
they can go to a number of websites that are doing this they talk of a very open source
but brillo and energy they've had people flying from all over the world all over the world have
come in to see that and seen every step of of advancement that they've gone in there's going
to be a a a podcast that is going to become public shortly it is going to go into the
financial aspects of this from the people that actually deal with it which is me and another guy
and you're going to get to hear what really is going on in the financial world and the negotiation
world and the legal world and the patent world all of that stuff and what is really going on
because people don't get to hear that and they do know but it's been going on for quite some time so
that it is proceeding before i'm sorry to interrupt but we don't have much time left
the only input to this system as i understand it is is heavy water i mean you correct me if i'm
wrong and and it it only uses a microscopic amount of mass to be converted into excess heat i mean
it's almost nothing it's imperceptible is that right or you're correct yes so so people would
have to change out the heavy water once every decade or what how does it work yeah they'd have
to change out the water all of that is uh been discussed behind the scenes people are this is
this this is a great moment for humanity that's what people should recall from this i just suggest
everybody just look at the data do your own research you will find out the truth okay thank you
james martinez thank you so much for your time we're out of time here today folks we've got david
dubine coming up next hour about food scarcity and again thank you james that was all about low
energy nuclear reactions lenr do your own research we'll be back with david dubine straight ahead sold
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and with your continued support we will keep going. Join us now and support the info war.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's Alex Jones.
All right folks welcome back this is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones show I'm Mike Adams your
host and we're going to be interviewing David Devine coming up about food scarcity the engineered
mass starvation and famine that's being wielded against humanity also we're monitoring the apparent
live announcement by Attorney General Merrick Garland and he is being I think sort of forced to
respond to accusations that DOJ and the FBI have become insanely weaponized against the American
people and as soon as he goes live with that we are going to probably bring you a snippet of that
live announcement and certainly comment on that as well so continue to stay tuned here to infowars.com
or band.video and you won't miss anything that comes out of Merrick Garland's mouth that's for
sure and my guess is that the FBI is now trying to play the victim because I believe that there was
an armed person that was trying to enter an FBI office earlier this morning and hey for all we
know the FBI sent one of their own people to do that because that's what they're best at doing is
actually you know being provocateurs of these kinds of events so probably an FBI guy trying to
raid the FBI office so that the FBI can play the victim and claim that they're not rating anybody
it's it's just so insane so we're going to bring you that information as the news is breaking here
and while we're waiting for Merrick Garland to speak we are going to talk about food scarcity
and how you can survive or navigate this massive famine and starvation that is being thrust upon
us and in fact that's the theme today is how the globalists are trying to depopulate planet earth
through so many vectors including energy scarcity which is what we just talked about last hour with
James Martinez but also of course food scarcity fertilizer scarcity and now they are at war with
the table of elements and this is going to be a focus of my interview with David Devine for the
next hour the table of elements noticed that at first the globalists were attacking carbon they
said oh we're at war with carbon carbon is bad they said oh carbon dioxide is a pollutant that's
what the EPA said that's nonsense carbon dioxide is actually food for plants it grows more crops it
grows rainforest it grows flowers for pollinators like honey bees you know you would think that
people on the left would love co2 it's the green molecule for planet earth but no they say it's
a pollutant but their war on the table of elements is not limited to just carbon now as you've seen
in the Netherlands they're at war with nitrogen oh suddenly nitrogen is bad too there's another
element that's bad i mean what's next are they gonna say oxygen is bad for the planet well
they kind of already done that with co2 the o2 is oxygen obviously they're gonna say water's bad
oh hydrogen is bad next i mean give me a break we're just gonna start banning the table of
elements well we're made of the table of elements in terms of our physical cells and molecules and
atomic elements we are carbon based life forms obviously the fact as far as we know every life
form in the universe is based on carbon as far as we know certainly here on earth the insects the
animals the plants the trees the rainforest that we're all supposedly trying to save they're all
made of carbon this is if there's a war on carbon it's a war on life and that's what it really is
so a war on carbon is a demonic or satanic war against the creation of life represented by god and
that's what this ultimately comes down to it's a war of evil versus good it's a war of the luciferians
the destroyers which is you know the greenies and the governments and the depopulation pushers
versus those of life who protect life who are pro-life who are asking god for protection
who are pro-humanity pro-civilization pro-freedom pro-free speech pro-first amendment second
amendment and so on that's what this is and so everything that we discuss here is just a different
rendition of this epic war between pure evil and pure goodness or pure uh knowledge awareness
awakening love life and info wars is on the side of humanity and god and life it's that simple
and all of those who are trying to destroy info wars are aligned with satan they are luciferians
they are child murderers they are blood thirsty demons that are trying to destroy humanity and
claim planet earth for themselves so yeah this is an epic war we'll be right back with david
dubai talking about food scarcity stay with us here on the alex jones show fourth hour
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you found it the tip of the spear it is the alex jones show with
mike adams all right right now attorney general merit garland is addressing the nation in answering
some questions some accusations about the doj and the fbi being weaponized against the american people
we don't yet know what he's going to say probably something along the lines of uh claiming they're
not the bad guys even though they clearly are but let's go to that just for a little bit and see
what he's saying right now we'll come back with analysis and also our guests coming up can we go
to that right now authorized by a federal court upon the required finding of probable cause
the property receipt is a document that federal law requires law enforcement agents to leave with
the property owner the department filed the motion to make public the warrant and receipt
in light of the former president's public confirmation of the search the surrounding
circumstances and the substantial public interest in this matter faithful adherence to the rule of
law is the bedrock principle of the justice department and of our democracy upholding the
rule okay i i got a kind of law evenly sorry faithful adherence to the rule of law this guy
is going to lecture us about the rule of law are you kidding me the lawless doj the lawless fbi
there's selective persecution and prosecution of anyone close to trump or conservatives or
christian or pro second amendment groups this is this is outrageous americ garland doesn't
represent the rule of law he represents lawless chaos he represents a despotic evil regime that
was not even properly elected that stole their position of power and is wielding it as a weapon
against the american people i you know look i'm sorry i can't sit here and watch that i don't know
about all of you i can't watch that so look let's do this the producers here at info wars
they're going to keep watching this if garland breaks some major piece of news that isn't just
him reading some script and lying to us then we'll bring you that information is that sound
fair uh until then let's get back to reality and talk about what's really going on but just
just so you know americ garland is claiming that he's upholding the rule of law and that this was
a proper search warrant well hey if that's the case where's the the raid on hillary clinton and
all her emails where's the raid on brock obama's mansion and all the documents that he refused
to give back where's uh what about the raid on hunter biden and joe biden because of everything
that's on his laptop and we we could just go on and on uranium one the whole deal but of course
you already knew that because you're well informed so we're just going to move on here and see if
something comes out of that so shifting focus to the food scarcity topic today we know that they're
trying to starve us out so yes the powers that be are wielding government as a weapon against
humanity they're trying to commit genocide here in america and they have deliberately shut down
the energy infrastructure transportation logistics affecting fertilizer food farming
the supply chain of tractor parts and agricultural equipment and they're doing so while claiming
there's no food inflation whatsoever while the news yesterday said eggs are up 47 percent
but kamala and joe biden claimed that it's zero percent inflation for july well let's see zero
versus 47 percent hmm that's a pretty big gap i think 47 percent that's inflation and 47 that's
kind of like kamala's iq i think uh maybe joe biden's functional iq but nevertheless jokes aside
let's get down to some serious issues here our guest today is david dubine adapt 2030 is his
channel david thank you for joining me on such short notice it's an extraordinary day i i appreciate
you coming on to talk about what's happening to all of us as genocide is being carried out against
humanity yeah i appreciate you having me on and what we're seeing right now is a full distraction
from the impending tidal wave of food unavailability food price rises arm security guards in your
stores in the final implementation of a digital rationing card at the end of the year so if this
is inbound there would be a lot of resistance against it but if the distraction factors 11 plus
on the other side think about how much this has taken away from those looking at the grain shipments
refused coming out of the Baltic sea you know these grain shipments coming out are being refused
now either stolen grain or subpar grain that can't even be used for animal feed and they're trying to
paint rosy pictures of all the exports are up and running don't worry about it everywhere you
look the southern hemisphere the amount of ash down there that is going to dent greatly yields
moving forward the world's hopeful that the southern hemisphere can produce enough to get us out of
this conundrum but as it looks right now it's not going to happen the southern hemisphere is going to
experience worse for the size or shortages because supply chains have not caught up and they're going
into the planting season in another month and a half or so you got all the ash from the tonget
eruption that's going to cool it has cooled temperatures data wise already provable and
the pesticides and herbicides are going to be even tighter supply when we come to the southern
hemisphere but they have a exponential factor of ash into a volcanic wintered light version
happening right now that is not happening or occurring in the northern hemisphere so traders
looking at the southern hemisphere you know this is going to be a frightening scenario when they
realize planting time that the yields coming out are going to be so record low that there's no way
to alleviate any shortages they're lecturing us about global warming what's actually happening
is this ash is circulating blocking out the sun to some significant extent i mean it's not necessarily
visible with the naked eye but in terms of actual solar radiation that's reaching the surface of
the earth and being converted into plant energy via photosynthesis that actual number is diminished
and you're saying that that's going to affect crop production and also temperatures in the southern
hemisphere uh that's no one's even talking about that in mainstream media they're just pretending
that warming is the problem look how hot it is you're saying the the opposite problem is going to
we're going to face the opposite situation here in the coming months well it's already in play
and that's the reason i could present some data because now there's data to fill in those
gaps of what would have been based on a historical precedent when you have a large volcanic eruption
of a vei 6 planet cools there's an enormous amount of news articles coming out saying no no no this
time it's different it was water vapor because it was an oceanic eruption and this time it's going
to warm the planet not cool so the last million years of data that you have that volcanic eruptions
cool the planet i'm sorry it's different this time this is a special one don't believe that last
million years of data just believe us and every event you're seeing on the extremes could be also
explained through magnetic field anomalies as the sun's stepping down or magnetic fields wandering
northern and southern hemispheres and the magnetic wander all perturbing or making jet streams and
cloud cells bunch on top of each other and go into different places again it's a distraction
they're feeding you an excuse glove warm glove warm glove warming but when you talk about magnetic
field intensity and things just so far out of our control it's a civilization cycle on a reset again
governments are riding on top of this natural cycle you got to distract in order for it will work
so the populace doesn't panic before you need them to panic and once the panic you're talking about
a reaction solution a catastrophic food failure you mentioned a timeline the end of this year
you mentioned uh digital food rationing cards would be implemented before the end of this
year i believe you said that now now to me that that sounds even more concerning i mean i thought
they're going to do it sometime next year but are you seeing like the incoming crop reports being so
poor that there's going to be food uprisings and price controls and rationing before the end of this
calendar year can you confirm that we'll have some numbers from yesterday three basis points down
versus estimate on corn yield so far putting it at 170 million 172 million that's already down from
even what the road even the dismal estimates at that were just oh it's going to shake the market
and it's down three percent just in the first week so what's considered like the harvest
report you know before they had crop tours where they were out looking at the wheat fields looking
at the corn fields looking at the soy fields and those are reports that come in during the growth
and maturation phase well now we're actually into the harvest reporting and every day and week that
we move forward especially with wheat out of Kansas and other parts in central grow areas
including parts of Texas drought drought drought and those bushels per acre are looking at 2025
bushels per acre western Kansas when the average is 62 55 to 62 they're looking at really big losses
across the way here in canada also said they're grain traders and had sold to the usda for over
estimating 15 percent of what wheat yields would be out of canada and this is all coming in right
out of the harvest season manipulation by the government to overstate production in order to
try to drive down prices and make americans think there's not inflation but this is only going to
backfire as soon as reality hits the supply chain here um look we'll talk about that on the other
side we're going to break but folks stay with us we got david divine here about food scarcity we'll
be right back after these messages we brought the game changing product previously only available
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you do pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech
and justice to win thank you so much for joining us i'll spread the word my friends we're involved
in an epic historic battle leading a frontal assault on the lives of the new world order it's alex
jones all right attorney general mary garland has just given a live talk to the nation and kind of
lecturing the nation he says that he personally approved the raid on trump's private residence
course he doesn't call it a raid they're not allowed to use the term raid or recession seems
like there's a ban on words that begin with r under the biden regime isn't that interesting no
recession no raid i i i wonder what else uh will be banned coming up but you're not allowed to talk
about a raid garland says he approved it so i just want to give a round of applause to merrick
garland for helping trump get elected in 2024 and helping trump have his record fundraising
a burst of activity following the raid on trump's private residence merrick garland who falsely
claims to uphold the rule of law is really working almost hand in hand to get trump elected and to
wake up the american people about the abuses of the rogue fbi which even now members of the u.s
congress are saying should be completely defunded dismantled disbanded and if trump does into the
white house in the next election if he runs he hasn't officially announced yet but if he runs if
he gets elected he's promised to just gut the federal bureaucracy which is exactly what needs
to happen and you've even got arizona governor candidate carrie lake who deserves your support
by the way saying that it's time to essentially nullify the rogue federal agencies in the state
of arizona she's absolutely correct about that now just shortly we're going to go to our guest
david dubine thank you david for standing by but i got to bring in something else
some shocking photos of the irs training their agents to shoot and kill americans these photos
have come out in the 2021 annual report of the irs what's called a criminal investigations unit
it's irs-ci you see these photos these are irs agents this is in the annual report there's a
rifle team of irs agents planning to raid and shoot americans and then there's pistol training
and you notice that they're using handguns against multiple targets those are the americans that
they're planning on shooting and then of course as info wars has been covering for the last day or so
the irs put out a health wanted ad that required new hires to be willing to use quote deadly force
against the american people which is another way of saying they want to have employees who are
willing to kill americans willing to fire upon americans and on top of this the irs just this year
just between i believe it was february and may of this year they purchased seven hundred thousand
dollars nearly in ammunition and that's something like five million rounds of am i forgot the exact
round count it's many millions of rounds of ammunition including ar-15 ammo shotgun ammo
nine millimeter pistol ammo and this is supposed to be for bean counters who tell you how much you
owe uh the irs is building a private army that they admit is there to have people who are willing
to kill americans and the fbi is running a selective persecution series of raids and arrests and
confiscations only targeting conservatives while covering up the crimes of democrats while covering
up hunter biden's laptop while protecting hillary clinton no matter what and we're supposed to
believe from the doj that we're watching the rule of law no we're watching the rule of lawlessness
the tyranny of lawlessness everybody sees it everybody sees it and frankly trump's standing
is stronger than ever and we're seeing candidates like carol lake and members of congress who are
now just standing up and saying enough is enough we've got to stop this tyranny we've got to take
america back peacefully and nullify these rogue federal agencies that are completely out of control
all right i just wanted you to see those shocking irs photos the irs is training to kill you they
are that's i mean they admit it that's in their job listing their training to kill you okay going
back to our food scarcity topic again we got david dubine joining us from adapt 2030 i want to thank
you david for your patience there's a lot of breaking news happening today but you were just
talking about the ramifications of this incredibly engineered food scarcity emergency and you believe
that by the end of this year we're going to have a digital food rationing cards i'll go to you in just
a second but i want to add james rickards just did an interview with kiyosaki where he talked about
he even gave a date i think he said december 12 or december 13 of this year there would be a switch
from the dollar and cash would be outlawed and they would bring people they would force everybody
into the central bank digital currencies that aligns with what you just said david that you'll
be in a digital wallet and they'll control what you're allowed to buy and where you're allowed
to even spend your digital dollars it's a nightmare scenario your comments please
well instead of taking our country back we need to take our planet back
this fight between light and dark that exist in front of us all bear to see now it's about
taking our full planet back not just a single country and different words are words that you
were mentioning that are going to be for bolt and well rationing will be another one you can add
another one there won't be rationing it'll be like well you're just limited to this particular amount
of butter for this amount of time for your family and think about digital rationing cards it's so
nefarious because in the old days a child could walk down with their family's ration card and get
it from the store keeper but now they're going to be using digital facial recognition for you to
unlock that card which means only the person who is validated to use that ration is allowed to use
it but they have to go to the store and what happens if you're sick or you become invalid because
whatever reasons how does that transfer to another to be able to utilize that it doesn't it's a one
use for one person only and another thing that's really shocking for me is you know i will give
you a way to re utilize the funds how about a Manhattan project for farm inputs for herbicides
pesticides think i'm not a fan now don't get me wrong i'm not a fan of polluting our planet and
doing agribus the way it is it does provide the yields we're going to switch eventually but the
way it's done today we are so lacking in those inputs that it is going to affect the amount of
food for production for ethanol for animal husbandry and what for human consumption foods
are what about our own farmers can't we spend billions of dollars sending it over to waste in
different nations when we could use that for subsidies for our farmers for our own diesel fuel
on our own farms to provide food for the american people and then to export i mean is it too much
to ask to pull back and then provide for at least the very base of a society the basic food
stuffs to be manufactured grown and distributed in a nation so that we can remain strong is that
a little too much to ask well it is too much to ask of this administration david to answer your
question they're sending billions of dollars over to ukraine which is only resulting in more
ukrainian young men innocent men dying because they're not properly trained on these weapons that
the money is vanishing it's disappearing roughly only 30 percent of that money is even getting
two weapons that are on the front lines but at the same time the regime will not fund protecting
our border or enhancing our railroads or investing in like low energy nuclear reaction technology
that can create energy abundance and so on you know it's it's so twisted it's obviously engineered
we are being cold we are being starved to death and you know i gotta say david you're on top of
this more than anybody i know you're you're monitoring the news we got to talk about how
people can get prepared against this because of what's coming it's going to be catastrophic
the food shortages and the food inflation even if the food's there who's going to be able to afford
it i'm sorry david we're going to go to break here in just a second but when we come back we'll go
right to you unless garland interrupts we'll go right back to you i want you to tell us about
how are people going to eat when this happens like what is that going to look like the riots
it's if you think that's going to happen the uprisings the lines you tell us what you think
america's going to look like we'll be right back with david divine stay with us
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alex jones with mike adams i forgot to mention when we were showing the photos of the irs agents
training to kill americans that the irs is also impersonating police you notice that their shirts
are emblazoned with police and then irs-ci that's irs criminal investigations the irs has no authority
no constitutional authority whatsoever to be a private police force to run around with weapons
of war as the democrats say on the streets of america to try to confiscate from people coerce
people threaten people and yet the so-called inflation reduction act is going to now add
87 000 irs agents that's a military-sized force and as we know confirmed this is not exaggeration
some of those new hires are demanded to be willing to kill americans and that's what the irs is doing
they are raising an army of armed enforcers of federal government tyranny that is a fact
that is 100 confirmed by the irs itself in their jobless and there it is they have to be
willing to carry a firearm be willing to use deadly force if necessary so so david divine
your channels are adapt 2030 on youtube and other platforms so what you're seeing and i know you
follow all this news although your focus is food but you know we're seeing that government is trying
to commit genocide against the people of the world not just americans but all over the world
food is one of those vectors so i asked you before the break what is america going to look like this
coming december january and february as this food scarcity situation worsens go ahead sir
i'm going to pull up this book here because we need a history book the great depression at diary
they confiscated people's homes for as little as 87 dollars owed in federal taxes or land taxes
at that time the green deal that we know now as the new green deal and the new deal that was put
forth for public works projects to get people working again so you mentioned the new dollar
well how would people accept that there'd still be a division of hey i want the old dollar and
what happens with the new dollar well what they did was they started paying people in these public
works projects the new money if you will the new what we understand now is just a printable dollar
versus being backed by gold so shopkeepers had to start to accept it they went away from the physical
coinage which was demanded earlier they paid everybody in the public works project in that
new form of currency they didn't change the name though it went from a gold backed into just a
printable paper which we know now print on demand fed notes and that was the whole key is getting it
a general circulation through public's works project yeah the wpa and then once they had that
then everybody else had a following line to accept it and that's how they got general acceptance
to move forward you know i look at a lot of understanding these patterns and how they're
going to implement new the new is the old there's nothing really new under the sun it's just a
re uh reformulation of the old acts add you know your chemist you know add an extra molecule over
here and call it something different but it's nearly the same we're going to see the same
things happening now how does this go to food well if you're going to go to the digital then
everything that will be bought they'll require you to use the new digital to buy the food food will
be the weapon more the monetary instrument of value of trade to get you into the store or allow
you to buy the food will the new be the new monetary weapon it'll be a hybrid this time of food and
digital you know dollars or central bank digital issuance is that they're still going to go call
the dollar it's just as different as a gold back note versus just printed paper with nothing behind
it except the faith of the fed this time they're going to switch it they're still going to call
it a digital dollar but i assure you it is something very very different not good becomes
the leverage to force people into the digital currency system and once people accept the digital
currency then they can be slowly starved of food by putting calorie limits because they're
monitoring everything that you're buying like oh you've hit your 2000 calorie limit today or you've
hit your uh 80 a week on gasoline limit you know once they control your digital currency they control
everything and they can limit everything and they can tax you and find you automatically even without
you participate they just deduct the money out of your digital wallet i mean are they going to be
successful in your view of convincing people to go to this or are people going to be so desperate
they're just going to say please give me any way to feed myself that's right what you just mentioned
is probably step two or three down the way the first is going to have to be everybody getting
them to accept it first now if you put that stipulation there that to buy food you have to
use the new digital dollar and that will be the purchase mechanism for your food then the acceptance
will be there and then a couple steps down the road months or a year later then they can start to
quit those thumb screws on you and that make you comply but you know between here and there what's
going to happen could they call force majeure on some corn deliveries and then they can limit the
ethanol supply which would then degrade the fuel supply across america and there to be even less
fuel but then it goes back and rolls into the basic food stuffs which allows a further market
collapse to bring us into the digital issuance because they need something massive massive
like we have never seen in history to bring in an entirely new system where everybody understands
in a day or a week or a month unanimously that we have moved to a new system completely and
there's no old system to go back to you don't question it don't ask we are at the new system
only that's the only choice forward it's going to be happy that gargantuan of a collapse to get
the ship for the public perception not only in america but globally for a settlement instrument
because i don't see people walking with bags of gold across the border anywhere it's illegal to do
that but protecting yourselves also means a new era a new era of food prohibition in other words
criminalizing the buying and selling and trading of food using anything other than the required
digital currency so they're going to have to criminalize you know local farmers is oh you're
a potato smuggler now we saw you selling potatoes in the walmart parking lot you know that's a
that's a crime now you're going to jail you potato smuggler um don't they have to mass
criminalize all of the local food systems in order to enforce this nightmare scenario that you're
describing you have to crimp it enough to cause the starvation and cause the panic to get you
now at the beginning i really believe that you know knowing what the problem is going to be this
is going to be a purposeful and you said it a bunch of times too it's a purposeful collapse
a purposeful uh pulling back on the availability of food with a perception of shortages now when is
it that they release the strategic food reserves across the united states i think we've got 1.5
billion pounds of butter and this sort of thing it's a strategic food reserve when does that get
released and who gets it but if you know all that's inbound then you should already be out there
buying your farm tools because here if it gets to that point in december and the entire planet knows
this is happening and all americans understand it you only have probably a couple million farm tools
in america a couple million shovels a few million rakes and hoes but you're going to have 40 50
million family households that want to get those same items so if there's 50 million households that
wanted you got two million available shovels that means 48 million are going to go without and you're
going to need everything you can and then you're going to need to a way to store it dehydrate it
whatever way you want to preserve it for a future date or a later date for usage you know anything that
you have for storeable foods and i know you've got the ranger buckets there anything that you can keep
for long-term storeable foods in case you can't get to the supermarket you're gonna have to grow
your own food so seeds are going to be coming incredibly valuable and then you know i've had
the same discussion what about seeds are those going to be coming illegal as well because you
know there are some places now where they're saying hey you use those chinese seeds now we need to
backtrack those and then if you have the chinese marker in there it's like a dna marker in some of
the vegetable seeds that came from china they're allowed legally to come and rip your gardens out
and i do believe that's in minnesota they passed that law there are all kinds of seed restrictions
state by state across america right now it's it's illegal even to ship many different types of
seeds to many different states by the way uh so you're exactly right david i think they're just
going to tighten the screws on that and then basically outlaw home gardening to the extent
that they can get away with it so that means people are going to have to go to gorilla gardening
which is kind of like a world war two tactic i mean i you know because because i used to live
in taiwan i know people who are old enough to have grown gorilla gardens in taiwan under japanese
occupation at that time and the only way they didn't starve to death was they had a little secret
like sweet potato garden out behind the trees or whatever that kept them alive i know people like
that i've heard those stories directly that's what's going to happen in america based on what
you're describing and and the average person has no clue final thoughts on that point it's not what
i'm describing it's what the general media is telling you but you need to connect those dots
across the wider narrative you know they have to put it out there so you find dot number one
and you see and then go back through history and this great depression was such a good blueprint
of what is about to come and how control was gained over because you think in the 1930s how free and
wild and wonderful and everybody was so generous and gentle and they confiscated homes for as little
under a hundred dollars okay there was one more segment david stay with us for one more segment
we'll be back got to go to a break more with david dubine on the other side of this segment stay with
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order it's alex jones all right final segment for the fourth hour today on the alex jones show
info wars dot com and band dot video i'm mike adams the founder of natural news dot com and
here's a fascinating headline from the gateway punnett just came out here it is the gateway
punnett dot com dirtbag alert a g garland threatens americans who attack quote integrity
of the fbi really a laughable concept basically admits they got nothing in the raid so that's
breaking news they got nothing in the raid nothing that they can use nothing criminal because
trump did nothing wrong and it begs the question did trumps team actually bait the doj and the fbi
into this raid and they fell for it because they were so hungry to try to get something on trump
where they baited into this and they were suckered in and by the way we have confirmation that most
of the security cameras in marlago were still running so there's video of the fbi conducting
this illegal unconstitutional raid on trumps private residents how much you want to bet we're
going to start to see some of that video coming out pretty soon we also learned that the fbi
rifled through malania trumps lingerie collection you know like a bunch of perverts which of course
is not surprising given what this regime stands for so uh this is what we're looking at now and i
think trump just outplayed them yet again trump is now more popular than ever he has more support
than ever he's got more fundraising than ever happening right now and america is beyond angry
and that doesn't mean that anybody should take up arms against the fbi or anything crazy like that
we got to do this peacefully but people are ready to defund dismantle remove from power these out of
control loose cannon rogue agencies that have no constitutional authority whatsoever this is why we
need to win elections get people like trump get america first candidates back in charge of this
country and then gut the entire bureaucratic corrupt system just gut it gut them like a i mean
financially speaking like uh like gotten a fish just reduce it 90 percent there goes your funding
you know good luck go go chase that down the street anyway continuing now with uh david dubine of
adapt 2030 talking about food scarcity david the situation that you're outlining and i want to
encourage people to watch your videos and your analysis you got a lot more details in your your
youtube videos and other platforms as well but the picture that you're painting is pretty dystopian
it's it's a nightmare scenario for america and i agree with you if people don't have food and
seeds and know how to grow food they're not going to make it through this what's going to happen in
your view especially to those people who are in the cities who have a relatively little self-reliance
if they don't have stored food what are they going to do that's a good question because at
that point they have no choice there's no choice b at that point and speaking of an integrity check
for agencies how about we ring in the usda for a minute there you know the usda's mission statement
is to stabilize markets it's not to give you the truth about crop production crop yields or what
carryover stocks are estimates are estimates it's to stabilize markets so as we look across how
many lives are being told to prevent panic it'll be okay in the city sure it will i mean even if
you had a large balcony could you grow enough food i do not think so even if it was automated
and then what choice does that give you then you look back through chapters of history when
cities were encircled or we could talk about the hole in the door where all of the crane was encircled
and the wheat farmers were starved to death we could go back to pollin we can go to any city you
want to crock we could talk about the ghettos we could talk about anywhere you want through history
when they encircle the city you starve to death generally there's no other choice you either do
what they say or you starve and they're going to let you die right there they won't care if they don't
take you away first because you'll be a problem at that point you might incite others but the whole
way around this is getting ready and understanding these problems are here and looking beyond what
the news is feeding you especially with this corrupted climate science that we're seeing
where temperatures stations are in parking lots and they're they're trying to weave together
excuses for when you're seeing these extremes now like for just an example here over the i'm only
talking nine days of news heaviest rains recorded hit buildings so hard in yemen they collapsed well
that's a desert event ioto volcano in japan erupting for the first time after 1 000 years
heaviest rain falls in soul in almost 200 years death valley a year's worth of rain in a day
pakistan eight times the normal amount of rain and we saw what happened in kentucky now you've
gone to has record rains and this just continues on and on these are the effects of what's happening
with a decreasing magnetic field on our planet and if you know that magnetic field is going to
continue to decrease further that these weather extremes are going to continue to amplify into
the once in a 2000 year event every storm system coming through this is why the ancients were
terrified of the skies and they built dolmens across the planet they're still these cycles and
they've left them to the to us in legend lore and stories petroglyphs and i'm surprised we
don't take a look at what had happened in the ancient times now it's provable that the magnetic
fields in a wander state so the more these cloud cells are bunching up the more cosmic rays are
creating new cloud layers from 18 000 to say 23 000 feet there's an entire new layer of cloud
being built across the planet that's now looping and interplaying with what is traditionally our
jet streams and cloud cells that go from zero degrees at the equator up to 30 north and 30 north
60 north and then up to the arctic and the same would be for the southern hemisphere now there's
an entirely new I gotta add to this cloud in there sorry sorry but I gotta add to this David
on top of this remember they're doing carbon sequestration which means they're building
these massive machines to suck co2 out of the atmosphere which is a form of terraforming folks
this is beyond geoengineering this is altering the atmosphere of an entire planet this is terraforming
they take out co2 add it to everything you just said David where there's a weather radicalization
because of the weakening magnetic field or the magnetosphere around earth so more electromagnetic
energy penetrates in certain areas in an unpredictable way by the way from the sun so you have more
floods more droughts more radical weather more high winds perhaps more hurricanes and tornadoes on
top of co2 coming down because they're sucking it out of the air and plants need co2 to function
it's photosynthesis folks so crop failures are being engineered into the system on top of the
natural uh shall we call it space and that's not really space weather I mean it's it's earth's
magnetosphere but that's a natural event our crops are going to be devastated worldwide go ahead
there if you look at the ryan river it's below shipping levels now where the river has gone so
low and many rivers across france are impassable for any types of traffic yet they try to continue
to tell us there's going to be record crop production coming out of germany and france
in these same areas that are experiencing once in a 500 year drought so even what you're seeing now
and then uh have a number for ukraine here only 20 of all arable farmland was planted this year
so these hopeful stories of the ukraine is going to produce and all these exports coming out to
offset shortages just don't make sense and then if I could add one more thing you know there's an
inbound current flow from our sun and that's how we get you know the aurora borealis or you get the
australis borealis which is the southern hemisphere uh lights southern lights there's outbound flows too
if there's too much electricity in the crust and the the atmosphere and the crust are a different
charge and they're overcharged our crust is going to release and when it does it comes out
and actually those field mines in space but as it's coming out it's electrified and those clouds
in that regional area are being affected with microclimate systems being more highly charged
which would put more uh cloud particulates and more formation of heavier storms in certain
locales and this is the outbound current flow is something to think about too and that generally
happens uh 40 degrees north or south latitude is the heaviest outbound current flow the heaviest
inflow is obviously going to be at the poles but it's a it's a dual directional uh current here
it's not just one way so then when you start to map out where the outbound current flows are and you
look at the crop production zones under those knowing that regional weather systems will be
affected then you can start to see that it's a pattern and you can map it out and if you do do
uh some GIS mapping or whatnot you can start to put pins on the dot and then you start to look for
red sprites blue jets and these electrical events above thunderstorms that will show
you there is indeed an intensified current outflow and then you start to go hmm a lot of
crops are going to be lost there too so everywhere you look you do extremes on everything but a lot
of it's electrically driven not co2 not co2 not you it's the sun and it's electrical and you
can't tax that and that's a great summary david i try to deliver so push back against
all right you've you've nailed it uh if people don't wake up now they never will mass starvation
is coming across our planet people get prepared or you won't be able to make it through this and it
means learning how to grow food and also having some food stockpiles as a buffer but you've got
to be able to grow it david dubine i want to thank you for joining us today your channel is adapt 2030
and you've been watching the alex jones show fourth hour today here on info wars dot com
be sure to get a copy of alex's new book the great reset at info wars store dot com
signed editions are available thank you for watching today god bless
people say alex jones crazy he's a conspiracy theory guy's a nutcase he's got these rants and
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at info wars store dot com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones