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Filename: 20220809_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 9, 2022
2308 lines.

The host discusses recent events involving Donald Trump and the Deep State, addressing potential threats against the former president. He mentions how the weaponization of law enforcement and judiciary systems is reminiscent of historical bureaucratic paramilitary coups that led to the collapse of nations such as Rome, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, and communist China. Infowars also addresses the ongoing attempts by globalists to control power and manipulate information through censorship and propaganda, emphasizing the importance of books like "The Great Reset" in exposing these agendas and empowering individuals to resist them. Additionally, the show covers recent legal developments involving Jeffrey Epstein's former lawyer and the potential connection to child molestation blackmail rings that control major institutions such as media and Hollywood.

The globalist coup is likely to be finishing up the Republic as we speak, but humanity is striking back.
Info wars. Tomorrow's news. Today.
Last night, the political commissar arm of the Deep State Democratic Party raided with over 100 armed paramilitary soldiers in armored vehicles.
The private resort home and apartment of the true president of the United States, Donald John Trump.
Bernard Carrick, former police commissar in New York, is a very smart, serious man.
And he says he believes the Deep State will now try to kill President Trump. I've been saying that for months.
The globalists want to plunge this country into a civil war. We need to stop that and we do not need to shoot first.
In fact, we need to have massive discretion. That is the greater part of valor here.
We are in the middle of the great reset. The globalists want America to collapse.
This is a time of maximum danger with 91 days left to the midterms.
As the entire country begins to wake up and turn away from the Deep State, they are desperate to turn over the chessboard because they are losing.
We have an incredible live broadcast coming to you from the embattled Info Wars headquarters in Austin, Texas today.
We have Stephen K. Bannon joining us for a full hour in the second hour.
We have Roger Stone and Robert Barnes giving exclusive details.
And Barnes is a Trump lawyer coming up at the bottom of the hour.
I'm going to do Jack Pasobic's show with Charlie Kirk for the first 30 minutes of the third hour.
Owen will come in and host for that 30 and then I'll be back with another special guest we've almost lined up for the transmission.
What a time to be alive. The weaponization of the judiciary, the weaponization of law enforcement, the weaponization of the Justice Department.
Anybody that's read a history book knows most nations end with bureaucratic paramilitary coups.
Whether it was Rome or whether it's horrible collapse of Venezuela or Cuba or whether it's North Korea or communist China or Nazi Germany.
This is the disease that kills great nations and we have it.
We have political, cultural, spiritual cancer, ladies and gentlemen.
The New York Times, The Washington Post last night said, oh, there's a federal law that if a president mishandles documents, he can't hold office again or any federal employee.
It's preposterous. Trump, of course, is calling this all a giant sick joke, but they're going to try to call any documents he has classified and bar him from running.
You talk about election meddling, not letting a candidate run what they tried to do with Marjorie Taylor Green or Paul Gozer or countless others is the purest form of election theft in everyone's face.
And now they're openly saying they want to bar Trump, who they barely were able to steal the election from almost two years ago, to not being able to stop the clear landslide that's coming.
But make no mistake, this is a globalist declaration of war against the republic and against the process and against the separation of powers.
And as I told you yesterday before this happened, I said they're going to move on Trump. They're going to move on that country.
They're going to engineer controlled power outages claiming Russians launch a cyber attack. I have studied the enemy and I know they're playing.
They're going to hype up monkeypox and all the rest of it and try to roll out new quarantines and lockdowns, which they're now announcing.
It is all going down. The Democrats and the deep state and the lawyers and the system has been given a green light by the big central banks to take down America and that they will then be rewarded for their criminal activity.
But the people quickly are discovering the great reset than W.E.F. Worldwide Cube of the U.N. and they are energizing themselves and others. So you are living in an incredibly dangerous, historic, but also empowering time where we choose which side we're on.
The great awakening are the great reset. Strap yourselves in until everybody tune in now.
The great reset in the war for the world is the book that the government doesn't want you to read that most of the big powerful companies trying to control your life, the big tech companies, they don't want you to read this book.
They want to control what you think, what you do, what you read, but you don't want that and Alex Jones doesn't want that and this book shows you what's happening and gives you the sort of playbook for how to fight against it.
And so by buying this book, you're going to prove that censorship doesn't work, that freedom is alive in this country. This is a central reading and, you know, I would go right now and buy it before the censorship kicks in.
It's not going to be available in bookstores. It's not going to be available in libraries. They're going to try to take it down from every platform that they can, but they're not going to be able to do it.
It's true that censorship doesn't work by the great reset. Thank you, Alex Jones. I really appreciate you having me on and I appreciate you writing this book and getting the information out there.
Multinational corporations backed by criminal mega banks are taking over the planet right now and collapsing human civilization for forcede population.
The people of the world have already been hit by a lab made by a weapon and a vaccine even more deadly. Major insurance companies have announced plans to sue vaccine manufacturers for the hundreds of billions they're losing because of the record mass death.
This is mainstream news around the world and President Trump is their main target because they know he's set to win and win big in the upcoming election in two years.
And they know 91 days out from the midterms he is energizing candidates and 98% of the candidates he backs are winning and the vast majority are good candidates. Some aren't.
But there is a revolution attacking the one party unistate or uniparty through the populist movement that Trump wrote in on that is threatening the neocons and the rhinos and the satanic Democratic Party.
Here's the huge news. The judge that authorized this unprecedented raid on a former president who had already said he was going to run for president again.
Was Jeffrey Epstein's main lawyer for 24 years. Mr. Reinhard. You think that guy might be blackmailed? I don't know. Our Smurfs blue. The Santa wear a red suit.
The bears crap in the woods. This is the type of scum. This blackmail ring we're dealing with come out mainline news that Britain has been controlled for 50 years by child molesting blackmail rings.
And then Maxwell and his protege his daughter and Epstein exported that system of blackmail and control here to America.
Oh, but the gasoline Maxwell trial wasn't televised to protect the pedophiles and the names haven't been released of the client list. We know who they are a who's who a big tech a who's who of Hollywood openly going to be part of pedophilia to be in the club to become made members.
And that's what all of this is about. You should be proud you support info wars. You should be proud that these people hate you and your family because they are the scum of the earth.
It's incredible scores of publications came out from Newsweek the Daily Mail and said Trump has been rated because of Alex Jones cell phone. A my cell phone was not given to the plaintiff ambulance chasing lawyers in the Sandy Hook kangaroo trial.
That's a lie. Be the fragments of text messages in a discovery we turned over years ago are from 2019 and early 2020 and have nothing to do with January 6.
But they don't care. They go forward with that news.
That's why he was rated. They have the other false story that Oh, a president can't have his presidential papers. What do you think presidential libraries are for? That's what presidents house them.
And the idea with no evidence that Oh, the National Archives. So we think some of what you've got your personal notes and things belong to the US government. You've got to give them back.
And Trump was in negotiations to decide what he should give back if anything. And this is his crime. Not the broken border. Not the tens of thousands of children a month being smuggled across for sex slavery Senate report confirming it.
Not the evaluation of the currency. Not the wars are starting. Not the hundreds of billions laundered through Ukraine.
Not drag weed pedophile story time. Not the hundreds of thousands of fentanyl deaths a year. Not Hunter Biden's laptop saying he's under Chinese government control and command.
Not Biden not knowing who he was yesterday on the tarmac and couldn't even put his shirt on or jacket on. None of that's an issue. It's all that evil Donald Trump. Absolute fraud.
The deep state knows the world's breaking with them right now and they're in full panic mode today.
We have a huge lineup of incredible guests. Stephen K. Bannon for a full hour, second hour will cover the waterfront.
How about Trump's brain? He's as close as it is. Trump does his own thinking. But if you want to say somebody's Trump's brain, they always said I was Trump's brain.
I was energizing the populist movement, exposing the globalist. Trump's brain, if he has one, and I don't mean that sarcastically, he has a separate brain that isn't his.
He's Stephen K. Bannon. He'll be joining us. And we have another Trump brain, another Trump advisor, Roger Stone, bottom of the hour and another Trump advisor, Robert Barnes, bottom of the hour as well and then more today.
Wow. We got a lot of clips we're going to play as well.
Sebastian Gorka has gone along with the neocons and attacked me when I was being censored and he supported that. And I forgive him for that because he is a very eloquent smart man.
And now that things become so clear you can't work with the system, he's come out with very eloquent two minutes that I think is the best two minutes out there on this.
That's coming up next segment. And we've got Bernard Curric with the most important information.
When it's one specific item, Gorka overall gives the best analysis, but when you talk about specific threat, Bernard Curric, former police commissioner in New York, very smart man saying, look, he's read the tea leaves, they're going to kill Trump.
And I would add and probably Biden to get a civil war going, which we're fighting to stop. It's like I thought to stop January 6. So that's all coming up today. Mitt Romney's attacked me.
Other establishment blackmailed people have attacked me. We're going to be getting to all of it.
Coming up today. But let me bring up a rallying point.
Info Wars is in bankruptcy, but Info Wars has a plan through bankruptcy to stay on the air indefinitely because we have laws in this country that you can't file lawsuits on somebody just to shut them down and silence them.
And that's why right now we need more funds than ever to fight these show trials and to have our appeals and to fund the bankruptcy, which costs a lot of money.
And so I'm asking listeners to go to infowarstore.com. Now, we put the book, The Great Reset Up for Pre-Sale. It starts shipping in a few weeks. The Great Reset in the War for the World, which is already number nine on Amazon.
These are go number one on infowarstore.com. And we put up a few thousand copies that are going to be signed.
And I thought, you know, how about we do a fundraiser where I'm going to print this week a little special card that goes in each book with a special message engraved on it.
I'll come up with a message and then I'll sign each one specifically. So the earlier books that people ordered are just going to have me sign it.
But everybody getting the book forward will get it signed with a special little card that has some original art that I'm going to produce the next few days.
And I said, we need money desperately. If folks want to support us, it's $100 to get a signed book. We need the money. It's all going into the fight.
100% against the globalist infowarstore.com. And it was very buoying yesterday. It was very empowering to see you come through without me even plugging the signed books or $100.
We sold 340 plus books yesterday. And so I'm going to sign every one of these. If we could sell 10,000 books that are signed now, that would be the equivalent of a money bomb
and would keep us solvent in this fight. So if you want a piece of history and the blueprint to the Death Star and the new order operation, go now to infowarstore.com
and get a regular book or get or both the signed book. Everybody that already paid $40 for a signed book, you're going to get your signed book.
But if you want one with a special engraved sticker that we're going to put in that has original art and my signature with a special thank you,
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Bodies Ultimate Turmeric Formula and so much more. Thanks for keeping us on air. It takes money to fight a war and you keep coming through.
And I thank you and I salute you.
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Info Wars has been vindicated. We've been proven right. World government, the New World Order is out of the open. And now more than ever,
the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast. The forces of anti-human, godless New World Order are out of control.
So now realize, we have pushed them out of the light. We have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset and they are so scared.
Well, you still can because any day can be our last broadcast. Spread the word about the show, share the article, share the videos,
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So whatever you do, pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to win.
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What a time to be alive. What a time to be in the arena.
Thank you for joining us on this live Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 transmission. Let's put the live show feed headline up there, because I think it really says it all before we start drilling into these incredible clips.
Emergency fall of the American Republic broadcast. Deep State officially establishing globalist dictatorship. The amass arrest of patriots. Tune in now.
And that is what they've already done on January 6. It's what they've announced they want to do. They are coming for the people of America, just like they arrest people in the UK who criticize drag queen storytime. They come to your house and they arrest you.
That last week, they are completely normalizing all of this garbage.
Now, let's go ahead and go to Bernard Curric, former New York police commissioner, saying the quiet part out loud. Powerful multinational banks that have created thousands of trillions in fake currency know their Ponzi schemes going down.
They want to collapse it, blaming on us, blaming on global warming and have us accept a new global digital currency that tracks and controls everything we do, the social credit score, the universal basic income.
So they're going to try to use the collapse of their system to take over. And they need America and American weapons to back that power up worldwide. They'll then phase out American power and merge it into the UN.
But we're not going to let them do that. We're going to take the Republic back and use the power of America via ideology to push my operation that I've been promoting for 15 years, operation 1776 worldwide.
I can tell you a lot of smart people who are patriots but are a minority in the Pentagon and intelligence agencies believe my plan is excellent and it has been adopted just so you know. That's a lot of what you've been witnessing the last decade.
But I don't work for these people. I am a philosopher and an idea man that puts ideas out that I believe you will want to adopt. And when you adopt them and when others adopt them, it becomes a movement. And that's my job.
So so much coming up here today. But here's Bernard Kirik talking about the reality of how much trouble this Republic's in. But if the globalists make their move, what they're starting to do and we don't go along with it, it's going to backfire on them big time.
They're not doing this because they're strong. They're doing this because they're weak. Here is the former police commissioner.
If you remember back in 2016, when I went right before he got elected, I was in Washington DC, I was at a couple different social events and I heard people talking.
They said the Democrats want this guy so bad that they wouldn't put assassination behind it. And I'm going to tell you something.
They've tried impeachment. They've tried another impeachment. They've tried one investigation after another. This is about one thing. This is about stopping him from running in 2024.
And I'm going to tell you something. I'm not into conspiracies. I'm not into anti government rhetoric.
This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly afraid for Donald Trump. I would not put assassination behind these people.
There you go. Here is a compilation we put together two years ago, right before they stole the election from Trump. And the American people, when they said the intelligence agencies are going to get him, we're going to kill him, we're going to take him out, he's going to be destroyed.
We're going to play this compilation and then come back with Roger Stone with exclusive inside intel analysis on what's happening. But here's the compilation.
A so-called anti fascist website is encouraging, quote, all manner of physical violence against Trump supporters and capitalists. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?
It's an actor dressed to look just like President Donald Trump as he's assassinated on stage. I'd like to punch him in the face. I'll join a million other people surrounding the United States Capitol.
I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. This is a national emergency. Joe Biden says he is concerned President Trump will try to steal the November election.
This president is going to try to steal the election. This is a trial run by the president of the United States who may be organizing to not accept what happens when we have the election.
If he loses and I expect that he will, then we have to be prepared for what he is going to do in the immediate aftermath of such a loss.
Whether he knows it yet or not, he will be leaving.
Here you have four chiefs of staff coming out and ripping the skin off of Trump. And you have so many rank and file military personnel saying, whoa, we're not a military state. This is not who we are.
If he's not elected, is he going to pull out his military? Is he going to engage us? It's already alluded to. There may be a civil war.
He is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country.
These are not acts of peaceful protest. These are acts of domestic terror.
Terror? Seriously, Mr. President? First of all, I think it's the obligation of some executive branch officials to refuse to carry out some of these orders.
Just because he might not want to move out of the White House doesn't mean we won't have an inauguration.
You take on the intelligence community. They have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
I promise you, I'm absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.
Government's going to kill this guy.
So I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you'll see me for a while.
A lot of very, very rich enemies, but they are not happy with what I'm doing.
But I think that we have one chance to do it and no other president's going to do what I do.
Ladies and gentlemen, what an incredible time to be alive.
I want to play clip 7. This is Gorka. We'll actually get to it next segment.
Who does a really good minute and a half boil down of what's happening.
We also have some amazing news that ties into all this.
CNN of all places has just reported that they do not have my phone.
People think really they don't have your phone. They say they have it. They just lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie and lie.
Look at it. Possum. Oliver Darcy. They don't actually have my phone. I told you they don't.
I shouldn't be laughing. It's just so serious.
It's like hard to believe how much they lie and then later they got to admit, well, actually we don't.
January 6th is going to get him. It's got all the proof. It's got him and Roger Stone, you know, snorting cocaine off hookers' asses.
None of it is proof. Absolutely none of it.
All right, we're going to go to break and come back with Roger Stone, but this is just an insane time.
The energy level is off the charts.
Please share the word. Tell everybody to tune in now on your local AM and FM stations, TV stations, and infowars.com,
forward slash show, and band.video. Roger Stone is exclusively coming up. Stephen King banning.
This is going to be one hell of a broadcast. You want the inside baseball? How to save the Republic?
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Guess who the judge was that signed this unprecedented crossing of the Rubicon?
A SWAT team raid with armored vehicles and over 100 men on the President's Marlago, Florida Palm Beach compound.
Judge Bruce Reinhardt, who signed the warrant to raid Trump's home at Marlago, previously worked for Jeffrey Epstein for decades.
This is unbelievable. It's all on infowarshot.com. This is an emergency broadcast.
Yep, the irate against Trump signals deep state coup has begun.
Alex Jones is your host. Thank you for joining me.
And of course, Roger Stones here with us and Robert Barnes riding shotgun five minutes in the next hour
that Stephen K. Bannon is joining us today.
We've got a lot of other big developments and facets of this.
Roger joined me for an emergency broadcast last night while he was at a gala with General Flynn.
And he joins us now that he's had time to really concentrate and look at what's happening.
Obviously, it's all about Trump not being able to run for office. Again, they have a specific code.
They're trying to use 18 US code 2071 concealment removal or mutilation generally.
And that means of documents, spoilation.
Roger Stone, thank you so much for joining us and Robert Barnes.
Alex, it's great to be here. Several things are very clear.
I now know that the president had lawyers in negotiation with the National Archives in a dispute over whether the documents in question
belong to him or whether he had some obligation to return them to the government.
I have a very, very low regard for the lawyers conducting those negotiations on behalf of the president and clearly those negotiations went nowhere.
This also tells me quite interestingly that they must not feel that they have a prosecutable case against President Donald Trump regarding January 6th,
which I think was plan A in terms of their ability to disqualify him from becoming a president.
As you point out, 18 US code 2071 would specifically prohibit him from running again for president
if he were convicted of concealing, destroying, or removing classified or federal documents he was not entitled to.
Now, Mark Elias is the attorney, one of the attorneys who orchestrated the theft of the 2020 election.
He also represented Hillary Clinton when you recall she destroyed multiple cell phones and destroyed with bleach bits a computer that included classified documents.
She, of course, was not prosecuted or rated as Donald Trump has now been rated.
Elias, I think, just said the secret part out loud.
So the purpose here, which I guess would have to still go to the courts because they have denied Trump due process here,
but were Trump to be convicted of the destruction of federal documents as implied in a piece by Maggie Haberman of the New York Times yesterday
who claims that Trump tore up these documents and flushed them down a toilet, then that would be a basis to deny him access to the ballot in 2024.
Roger, I want to go back to you and ask Big Picture what this means for the midterms and more and what you think Trump should do.
I want to bring in constitutional and trial lawyer also worked on the Trump campaign during the stolen election period documenting what was happening.
Is this not classic election meddling to actually try to disqualify the candidate before they are ever even voted for?
Like we saw with MTG and others with Mark Elias and other lawsuits they filed.
I mean, is this not proving their election meddling, trying to bar a candidate who they know is popular, Robert Barnes?
Yeah, two things. Mark Elias is wrong. That statute cannot apply to the president of the United States because of the Constitution.
So constitutionally, that statute cannot, there's no statute that can disbar the president from running.
The qualifications for the presidency are set by the Constitution. Congress cannot add to them.
And so what this, you know, to the degree it's a despairing desperate attempt by Mark Elias to backdoor in a way to keep Trump off the ballot.
It will fail as past efforts he has made has failed.
The only thing he succeeded in was in stealing the 2020 election.
Now, I do think this is a deep state operation disguised as a democratic operation.
The reason why I say that is the idea that anybody would go execute a search warrant for whether records temporarily stay at the National Archives.
Under the law, they return to the president ultimately anyway, tells me that this was not really about what they're saying it was about.
That I think the president had documents and information, classified documents and information that he could legally declassify and that he was legally entitled to have
records that are embarrassing to certain deep state operatives.
So embarrassing, they would risk the blowback of a search warrant raid while he wasn't there trying to go in disguised and not show who they were until they got to the doors sneaking in and conspiring with the Secret Service in advance without letting the president know
what was happening or what was taking place because I think Trump wisely took some records that would benefit and protect him that exposed deep state operatives.
I think they were escalated against him.
Absolutely, I want to get Roger Stone's take on that.
Roger, what do you think this signifies?
This signifies serious desperation.
And then I want you both to answer this question.
What do you make of it being the Jeffrey Epstein lawyer being the judge that pulled the trigger on that?
I mean, Epstein was a bipartisan deep state operation.
We know I think that adds credibility to what Robert Barnes is saying.
Because we don't know what the content of the documents here is, and that puts us at a disadvantage in terms of analyzing it.
But there is growing desperation as the Democrats look at the polls and they see that the voters are rejecting Joe Biden and his horrific policies and their impact on the country.
And they would like to change the subject to whether Donald Trump has broken the law as the overriding issue in the upcoming elections.
And frankly, I think this overreach is backfiring very, very badly politically.
There's no due process here.
This raid was, it's amazing how quickly CNN got there, by the way.
Did you notice that?
I, having lived through this myself, I understand the sense of violation that President Trump must feel at this moment.
Until you've had 29 heavily armed FBI agents storm your home at six o'clock in the morning, brandishing fully automatic M4 assault weapons, you haven't really lived.
What does this signify big picture, Robert Barnes?
I mean, obviously desperation, but they're going to be this brazen, this wild.
What do you expect to come next?
Well, I think that the President must have, we'll find out if the President wants the world to know what's in those records, he can file a request of motion for return of seized properties.
That could potentially disclose some of the information documentation, at least by reference.
I mean, he himself makes a reference to this being both a Democratic and deep state operation in his public statement.
He refers to the war he's been waging against the administrative state.
That's basically phraseology for the deep state, and that it's covered up by the Democratic administration that's in control here.
And the people that had to sign off on this included Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray.
And as you know, Alex, Merrick Garland's history goes all the way, deep state ties go all the way back to Oklahoma City.
Now, these are deep state operatives and Democratic operatives wanting to do a hit job on the President, breach parallels and precedents.
We've never done before. We have never seen this happen in America ever before.
And that's my next question. Clearly, as I say, across the Rubicon here, this has never before been done.
Roger, we're going to break in 45 seconds, but we'll come back and ask Barnes this, but you first.
Gut level, what else is the desperate deep state going to do 91 days out from their waterloo with the midterms?
Well, what this proves is that anything is possible.
I'm still waiting for the next pandemic.
Clearly, they're trying to ratchet up a monkeypox as a as a ruse to enable Biden to sign an executive order that would bar all in person voting, for example,
allowing them to again manipulate the vote through mail in voting.
The fact that they are willing to raid the home of a former president demonstrates that there are no limits to what these people will do.
All right, we'll talk more about that and what comes next.
What we can do to expose this fraud straight ahead with Robert Barnes and Roger Stone and Stephen K. Bannon joins us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
There's a bunch of these clips but just the last week, Trump really foreshadowed what was about to happen,
the weaponization of law enforcement.
Just like you saw the weaponization of the judiciary against us in that kangaroo trial where the judge said
I was guilty and instructed the jury to find me guilty.
I mean, that's a mistrial in any free country right there.
But here's just one of the clips of Trump predicting what was about to happen.
We are a nation that has weaponized its law enforcement like never before against the opposing political party.
We are a nation that no longer has a free press.
If I renounced my beliefs, if I agreed to stay silent, if I stayed home or if I stayed in my basement,
the persecution of Donald Trump would stop immediately.
That's what they want me to do, but I can't do that.
And I will not do that because I love our country and I love the people of our country so much.
That's right. They don't get we can't back down because they're so evil and hate the country and want to take control of our lives.
Let me ask Robert Barnes this in Roger Stone.
Talking to Roger two weeks ago on the phone, he said I think they're going to indict him for something they just can't help.
But he said I hope he announces sooner rather than later because it'll make it even more obvious if he's officially running.
What is your intel? What is your research? What is the next shoe to drop Robert Barnes?
Will there be indictments not for this, but some of the other fake investigations they've got going?
Not if they're smart, but as Roger notes, there is high risk that with the current folks in charge that all bets are off.
And we're already seeing unparalleled actions being taken almost all the January 6 criminal prosecutions.
A lot of the charges have never been brought before are in exaggerated charges.
People being locked up without any chance of trial.
What happened in Roger's case in many was unprecedented.
Steve Bannon's contempt case, there hadn't been a criminal contempt prosecution in 40 years.
So we're seeing things and then what happened is you know Alex in your case.
And as I told folks yesterday, just as you were the canary in the coal mine for what they were going to do to the people on social media,
they took you off, then they took out President Trump, then they weaponized the legal system against you
and now they've turned around and weaponized the legal system against Trump.
It's parallel, it's predictive.
And so in that sense we can continue to see and anticipate crazier conduct and crazier actions.
But if they're smart, they will see the public blowback on this that is extraordinary, that is all across the entire globe,
that has made a mockery of the Biden administration, that has exposed the criminality of the deep state.
And in the end, when they opened up Trump's safe, there was nothing there.
So if they were there to get documents that Trump had that implicate the deep state or Democrats and criminality or both,
they probably did not get those documents yesterday.
So hopefully there's enough public blowback so that this does not escalate and accelerate in a dangerous direction as it can.
Roger, your take on this.
Well, this is the very best example of our two-tiered justice system.
Eric Holder refuses to testify to Congress about fast and furious.
No charges are brought against him.
Steve Bannon refuses to testify about January 6th.
He's going to jail and not for 30 days.
Sadly, I know the DC system.
The judge there will give him the maximum that she can give him.
It is amazing.
Hillary Clinton destroys cell phones, uses beach blit to destroy computer records that are classified.
The FBI investigates no charges are brought against her.
Yet we raid a former president's house.
We become a banana republic.
There is no limit to what the deep state and their Democrat allies and the fake news media like those clowns at Seattle and who claim that they had their cell your cell phone, but they don't.
And even if they did have it, they have nothing.
There's no limit to what they will do to hold power.
This election scares the daylights out of them.
They're assuming that if there is a Republican majority that that Republican majority would launch an investigation into all of these things.
It was very telling to me that my friend Matt Gates yesterday called on Jim Jordan to challenge Kevin McCarthy to become speaker.
If Kevin McCarthy is elected speaker, none of their crimes will be investigated and nothing whatsoever will happen.
That's right. Our revolution is not just against the Democrat deep states and all those people. It's against the rhinos.
Now, let's do some housekeeping here with Roger Stone and with Robert Barnes because there have been hundreds of news articles, actually thousands, saying that my cell phone was given by my lawyers to the Sandy Hook ambulance chaser people.
No, it was some text from 2019, 2020, because we turned it over to the lawyers and the search for the search terms showing we did comply with discovery.
They sent that over to the Texas case and there was a few things that were raw in there that hadn't been searched, but nothing incriminating, nothing bad.
I said the worst thing is my wife, like in a bikini or scantily clad. I mean, that's my wife. It's not dirty. It's not bad to have a picture of your wife or say, hey, look how good my wife looks.
That's what normal heterosexual married men do. We show each other pictures of our wives. We're proud of our wives. We're proud of our families. We're proud of our children.
We're proud of our dogs, our cats, you know, our cars, everything. They're proud of us.
But notice all these thousands of headlines that I had had my whole cell phone turned over. So I had to tell all these friends of mine, no, it's not my cell phone. It's just some text.
It was a mistake, but it's a fraction of what they claim. It's not a phone from two years. It's six months of limited text. It's a lie.
Well, here is the possum, Oliver Darcy, having to admit this today. Now, I've been saying this since last Friday that it's a fraction of my phone and there's nothing there.
And they're finally having to admit it. My phone has been reportedly sort of the Associated Press turned over to the January 6th committee, but there's nothing in there.
And no January 6th, nothing past April 2020 here, not two years of a phone, six months of a phone. Here they are admitting it.
And so it's really a shocking series of events. Breonna Alex Jones, I'm sure, never anticipated his phone records ending up in court. Nevertheless, ending up on Capitol Hill.
What's their interest with his text messages?
Yeah, they're very interested in Alex Jones because he was a central player on January 6th. He was at the Capitol. He was seen riling up protesters.
So they're very interested in what he was doing and who he was talking with. Unfortunately, we don't believe these text messages actually include things sent on January 6th or in the immediate lead up to January 6th.
I think the most recent message is our understanding is that it was from mid 2020. That said, it's going to help the January 6th committee for sure paint a web of contacts.
Who was Alex Jones talking to? I'm told that these messages indicate he was talking to people in Trump's orbit. Who are those people?
You know, it will definitely shed light on his activities.
Two years worth. Who's sweating this morning, Oliver?
Yeah, I think probably a few people are sweating. You know, Alex Jones, like I said, was apparently in contact with members of Trump's orbit.
And I'm sure he was in contact with a lot of other people, you know, right wing media stars, and they probably were telling him things they don't want to come to light.
But we're just being even in contact with Alex Jones, you know, he's not necessarily someone that mainstream Republicans or right wing media figures probably want to be associated with.
So I'm sure they're all worrying that these messages that they exchanged with him could eventually be leaked or come to light during these hearings.
Well, notice in his Twitter, he says, I'm told the Alex Jones text indicate he was talking to people in Trump's orbit, but the text apparently don't include text messages from January 6th or the intimate lead up to it.
Or the immediate lead up to it. So more false news, more fake garbage and not two years.
Sandy Hook lawyer claims Alex Jones sent intimate photo of his wife to Roger Stone.
I don't know if that was consensual. My wife called me this morning once I got to work. She heard about this. She said, I want you to put my picture out.
And I heard you said I look pretty good. What's a Texas saying? That looks pretty good. No, I mean, she looks super good.
And so my wife's quite proud of herself. A man with his wife is bad. Men being proud of their wives is bad.
But drag Queen pedophile time with three year olds that don't give consent to sit in the laps of convicted pedophiles. That's okay.
So I'm not going to release the text with me and Roger, but there is the evil image. Let's put it. Let's put it back on screen.
There it is. And look, Sandy Hook family's lawyer confirms that a naked photo of Alex Jones's wife was in the phone, but adds that Alex Jones, the naked photo was wife to Roger Stone.
Ron Fliposkey gets it wrong. No, Ron, you're a lawyer. Correct yourself. She's in a bikini.
Now a woman in a bikini is dirty and bad. And the plaintiff's lawyers want me criminally investigated for a picture of my wife in the bikini.
But drag Queen story time is okay, Roger.
Well, first of all, Alex, I wouldn't be very concerned about anything that Ron Jorkowski says.
Secondarily, I think your wife looks terrific. There's nothing inappropriate about our text messages and certainly nothing pertaining to January 6.
So Salon, The Daily Bee, CNN, these people are epic liars. They're distortionists.
Don't ever confuse these people for journalists.
Look at Oliver Darcy. Look at those beady little eyes. What a little freak.
Dude, no one's watching you and no one believes you.
All right, Roger, stay there. Five more minutes with you and Barnes for closing comments.
And please come back on again tomorrow. There's so much to talk about.
Hang up. Let's do five more minutes on the other side, but I just want to say it.
That's a Texas saying my wife looks pretty good. No, my wife is super awesome.
It looks like a Greek statue. You see those Greek women, the statues, and you actually look at my wife with her clothes off is what she looks like.
I'm proud of her. God made her and I'm not ashamed of it.
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Key factors are to continue to reach out in the court of public opinion, continue to respond so that people understand the degree of outrage of what occurred here.
And because it cannot happen it will escalate and they will accelerate unless we in the court of public opinion maximum pressure on everybody at every level of government to respond and react.
And we need substantive policy proposals. We need a new church committee from the newly elected Republican Congress and they need to commit to it so that it's there in 2023.
We need to look at scrapping the large parts of the FBI and the national security state, removing DC as its own federal jurisdiction that needs to end.
And the president needs to look at having a Jim Garrison style special counsel to investigate the deep state.
Trump should announce now that he's running and he should start declaring now his intention to clean up the deep state with specific policies like these.
Perfectly said Robert Barnes. Amazing. In fact, let's put that little clip at the front of the whole interview. Thank you so much. Talk to you soon, my friend.
Roger Stone, the three and a half minutes we have left. You had a lot to say.
Well, first and foremost, my greatest concern is for President Donald Trump. He's been a friend of mine for 42 years.
He saved my life because he recognized that I was the victim of a completely fabricated political prosecution in which I was framed solely for the purpose of putting to providing false testimony against him, which of course I refuse to do.
The president needs much, much better lawyers, smarter, tougher, more capable lawyers.
If he has the same kind of lawyers he had in his two impeachment councils, he's going to have problems.
He had one brilliant lawyer in the Ukrainian lawyer. The rest of them got on the stage and they made fools of themselves.
You may recall when one of his lawyers said Joe Biden won the election fair and square. Well, that was not the president's view.
So my number one concern is for him. Secondarily, for those who think, perhaps in the deep state or in the Democratic Party, that this raid on Donald Trump may have dimmed in his enthusiasm or discouraged him from running for president, you don't know Donald Trump.
If anything, you have absolutely galvanized him in his commitment to take this country back and return us to our constitutional roots. This was politically an enormous mistake.
Egged on by Andrew Weissman, egged on by Mark Elias, egged on by Lisa Monaco, the number three person in the Justice Department. This overreach has backfired badly with the American people.
For the first time, I'm getting text messages and phone calls and emails from friends of mine who don't like Donald Trump, who did not vote for him the second time. But now they want him to be president again, because they see the overreach.
This has been, I'm not a lawyer, but this has been one of the greatest political miscalculations that I've seen in the 40 years I have been in American politics.
Incredible times. Absolutely. Trump is a fighter. And we played that clip earlier where he said, look, I could just go away and they leave me alone, but I can't give up. They hate America. They hate you.
And I'm the same way. It's like, they're trying to dominate us and take us over. And that's why I can't give up. People say, how do you have so much energy? Why don't you back down? Why does nothing intimidate you?
I mean, like they're beating us in the face. What am I supposed to do? Roll over and piss on myself? I mean, I don't even understand how other people actually think it's heroic to fight tyranny. I mean, it's like sucking air into my lungs, Roger. It's what we do.
Well, as I think it was Richard Nixon who said, the grace next comes not when things go always good for you, but when you are tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, because until one has been in the deepest valley, one cannot appreciate the majesty of the highest
mountaintop. He also said a man does not is not finished when he's defeated. He is only finished when he quits. I know this. I know this about you, Alex Jones. I know this about myself. I know this about Donald Trump.
And with that is Skype cut out. We'll have to have him back to tell some of those great Nixon stories. All right. Stephen K. Bannon is on fire.
People say Alex Jones is crazy. He's a conspiracy theory guy. He's a nutcase. He's got these rants and all that. What they miss is that this guy's ahead of the curve on so many different topics of signal, not noise. If you look at the signal and you compare that to PBS and NPR and BBC and we'll do what Alex Jones put out there versus what your collective body has put out there.
And if you're a set in a human being and just watching it, you say, well, God, Alex Jones is ahead of this. Not only that, he kind of explained it. You are one of the great thinkers of this. That is very rare. You got to go back almost to the revolutionary generation and see that.
In this new book, I got to tell you, when Tony Lyons first approached me, I read this thing. I go, this is it. This is no beach read. You're not going to be flipping pages. You're going to be having a pen out. You're going to be underlying stuff.
The Great Reset by Alex Jones. Order your copy now at Amazon or infowarstore.com.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic. It's Alex Jones.
Everything this corrupt establishment is doing to me is all about preserving their power and control over the American people. They want to damage you in any form, but they really want to damage me so I can no longer go back to work for you. And I don't think that's going to happen.
Never before in the history of our republic has the Federal Bureau of Investigations raided the private residence of a former president. That is exactly what happened a few minutes ago.
What does it mean? Number one, it is final unequivocal proof to all Americans, whoever you voted for, that the FBI is now the political police arm of the Democrat Party and this administration.
Not of the old man in the White House, who is not Composmentis, but of the radicals and the ideologues that have taken over the Democrat Party. Secondly, important to you, if they can do this to the President of the United States, the man who won 74 million votes, they can do it to you, to anyone.
And lastly, most important of all, it means that they have failed. They have tried everything else. Two impeachments, a January 6 committee, spurious charges, allegations in New York, and they have failed to stop President Trump.
They are desperate because they have failed. He is running. But rest assured, this act by the FBI, by Merrick Garland, the DOJ, and the White House that had to approve all of it, is a declaration of war against peaceful American citizens.
74 million of them. This is not America. Stay strong, my friends. God bless.
If you remember back in 2016, right before he got elected, I was in Washington, D.C. I was at a couple of different social events and I heard people talking. They said the Democrats want this guy so bad that they wouldn't put assassination behind it. And I'm going to tell you something.
They've tried impeachment. They've tried another impeachment. They've tried one investigation after another. This is about one thing. This is about stopping him from running in 2024.
And I'm going to tell you something. I'm not into conspiracies. I'm not into anti-government rhetoric. This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly afraid for Donald Trump. I would not put assassination behind these people.
That's the former New York Police Commissioner, Bernard Kirk, a very serious smart man, another very serious smart man. If anybody was Trump's brain, it was Stephen K. Vannon helping lead the restoration of this republic.
And he joins us with a balance of theourwarroom.com. Don't need to go to his naval intelligence service or what he did on Wall Street or what he did in Hollywood or what he did for the country.
He joins us now. A man who needs no introduction. A true patriot who's trying to make a political prisoner, simply forstanding up for the sovereignty of the president and the executive branch.
Steve, we could talk about so many facets of this, but for me, it's the deep state desperate trying to finish their coup, trying to secure the last stolen elections so they can steal the midterm and the general elections in two years.
This, to me, is a sign of major desperation and they're trying to make you a political prisoner right now. I am very honored to be in the same company with you being persecuted as well.
Thank you, Stephen Vannon.
No, Alex, I think you've nailed it. What people are not talking about enough is that this is desperation. They've tried everything else.
Look, you see what they're doing to you. The world sees what they're doing to you right now. They've been doing it to Trump and this is a desperate move to send a bunch of jackboots.
The FBI is now the new American Gestapo. All the great legacy they had of anti-communism and what they did for the good of this country over many decades has just been affirmed in the trash heap over the last 10, 20 years.
And this is outrageous. To desecrate one of the most iconic buildings in this country, much less a presidential resident, and to do it the way they did it with uparmored, with weapons drawn, cracking the safe, all this drama to try to show a point.
It's an act of desperation. Here's why, Alex. They check the numbers. They realize this fiasco of spending and tax orgy that has passed means nothing to the people in this country. The polling is horrible.
They're about to get the tables run on them by MAGA in what, less than 90 days, we will take over Donald Trump will announce and be the next president. And so they're pulling out all stops.
And look, you said it, Bernie Carrick's a very serious guy. He's not a guy who's into conspiracies. He's a very straightforward former police commissioner.
And I agree. I do not think it's beyond this administrative state and their deep state apparatus to actually try to work on the assassination of President Trump.
I think I think everything's on the table. I think his security ought to be at the highest has ever been. And honestly, I think he ought to. And I think he should have flown down in Mar-a-Lago this morning, walked out there at noon today and said, Hey, I'm running for president
of the United States. Suck on that.
Well, that was my next question as his former top advisor. What should Trump be doing right now?
I think what he should do is action, action, action. I don't think there should be any more of the tweets, no more of the true social stuff. That's all nice. They put out a video last night. No more videos.
We're beyond that. You know, they're trying to not just put you in bankruptcy. They're trying to liquidate info wars, which is obviously one of the major new sources out there for the MAGA movement.
They're trying to liquidate info wars that putting Peter Navarro in chains like a common felon, what they did to President Trump is outrageous.
Look, you're playing right now. I think it's a beautiful film. And I appreciate the people that made it. We're beyond that.
We agree. We need to see the general George Washington 2.0 in the field, taking it to him.
We need to get to Mar-a-Lago, the exact place that they desecrated because it was a desecration. They did it on purpose. They understand Mar-a-Lago, resonates, not just MAGA, but to the American people, one of the great buildings in this country.
And we've had so many iconic moments there with President Xi and Abe, who just passed away, you know, the moment of standing up to the North Koreans on their missile shoot.
So many important things happened there to go and desecrate it the way they did, particularly over this administrative issue with the National Archives.
They're clearly there. As you know, Alex, on a fishing expedition or a planning expedition, I wouldn't put a pass into a plan to stuff.
This is a criminal. The FBI and the DOJ are essentially lawless criminal organizations.
That's key. Let's start over there because you're laying out a lot of key things second by second.
Exactly. How do we know 100 agents in there with their long history of planning things didn't plant something classified?
You're absolutely right. 100 guys or how many guys they had, they're all over the building, all at one time.
We had a few Secret Service people there. I think Eric Trump and a few administrative people were there.
But you don't know. You've got to be watching them the entire time. As you know, I mean, we got, we got swatted a couple of weeks ago.
And when guys go through to do their thing, you've got to keep the hairy eyeball on them. I don't think it's anything beyond any group that would go to a magistrate.
Not the federal judge in charge of this, but go to a magistrate who, oh, by the way, has deep relationships with Epstein and other nefarious characters to go to him to go to a magistrate,
not even a real federal judge, but a federal magistrate to get him to sign off on this and then to go in there like they did, completely lawless.
But what you did is so key. Planting. They don't even need to plant it there. They hauled off dozens of boxes. God knows.
We don't think leftist bureaucrats are going to plant something. We're crazy. They just lied last week and said they had my phone.
Scenic reported two hours ago. They do not have my phone. Yeah, I know they don't. They just made that up, Steve.
I mean, they'll make anything up.
You said that a couple of times. You said it on a show. I'm glad the fake news is finally catching up with no.
They could put in an SITK document in the middle of it and say, oh, this was something, you know, some war plan against North Korea.
They could do anything. They could plant things. They could put, they could put bugs. I think the whole thing's got to be swept, double swept.
You can't look. They're the new American Gestapo. It doesn't, it hurts me to say this as a kid growing up as an Irish Catholic kid in Richmond.
There's so many, you know, individuals, you know, the Irish Catholics who were, the mix who were FBI agents.
So it hurts me to say this. And I know there's a lot of great whistleblowers there, but the agencies turned to a lawless, the new American Gestapo.
All right, Steve Bannon, literally 1776, a mastermind with us right now, warroom.org. We'll be right back and cover the waterfront with Stephen K. Bannon.
Thank you so much, Steve, for joining us.
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Steve, I kind of want to give you the floor for the rest of the hour.
And talk about the big picture. America and the world is at a crossroads right now. What should the American people do in response to this unprecedented police state raid on Trump?
And then instead of me asking questions, I want you to just monologue here and let us pick that brain.
Listen, what I was trying to say there is that one of the reasons the response for you on the show the other day was so big is the fact about your book.
And I do think that one thing that people ought to do right now is get the reset, the great reset in the war against the world.
And here's why. I think everybody out there needs an analytical framework.
What Alex Jones has done has given a frame. I've got to tell you, Alex, the response.
We saw a lot of books on war room. We have an audience that's very well read.
And they always want the latest thing. I've never really seen a response.
I told Tony Lyons that you're a publisher. I've never seen a response.
And we've had some big, you know, the Peter Navarro book, the Naomi Wolf book, we've had some big, you know, taking things to top sellers.
I've never seen anything like this. And here's what, we need action, action, action starting immediately.
And President Trump needs action, right? The Republican leadership needs action. Time for talk is over.
But I think one of the most important things for your audience, and this is what the great response on the war room was,
is that you set an analytical framework that puts what I call this ideological and political war in perspective, right?
You actually walk through the evidence and the data in this book that sets up exactly what we're up against.
Because remember, yesterday, a lot of people said in the introduction, saying the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party,
Democratic Party is a very small part of this. This is the administrative state.
And this is kind of a merger of state capitalism, these oligarchies in big tech, big media, big pharma,
combined with an authoritarian administrative state, and you haven't had regulatory capture, you've actually had the merger of those two.
We have taken on the Chinese Communist Party model, which they've perfected.
Remember, we were supposed to change them by letting them into the world WTO, most favorite nation,
things that you've been documenting for decades and decades and decades.
Well, guess what? It didn't happen. We actually reverted and took their model with the World Economic Forum,
the Party of Davos, the City of London, Brussels, NATO, and the U.S. government.
This is what we have now. The Department of Justice and the FBI are just part of their law enforcement apparatus.
And that's why I call the FBI the New American Gestapo.
And so I think the first thing people should do is get the analytical framework and then all the information you get kind of falls in.
You can weigh and measure. So, yeah, I understand how this piece fits. This piece fits.
Remember, you can't be trained for this. You've got to embody this and learn it yourself.
And that's why I think the book is so powerful. And I think for right now, people ought to get it and study it.
I think there ought to be study groups put up about this.
I think you ought to do more in lectures about this, particularly about certain chapters of the book.
What I love about what you've done is it's not a lot of speculation. You actually go back.
You go back and take all the best works out there, deconstruct them, kind of re-merge them together or re-put them together.
And then everything is footnoted. You've got footnotes or references to basically every point that you make in the book.
And I think once people have the analytical framework, that's what I think they're even going to be more set for this fight we have ahead.
And the fight we have ahead, your audience, what they can do is become force multipliers, right?
They can help push your content more, get more people to the site, then start volunteering with all these advocacy groups that are out there,
whether it's Second Amendment, Right to Life, parental rights, school boards, the precinct strategy goes precinct.
You've got, it's now time to become an absolute activist. Put the channel changer down.
Once you've got the analytical framework, what you see the direction is take action.
And I think that President Trump from the top up, I think President Trump's got to start taking more action.
I think it's time now for action. You know, the video you showed earlier, that little film they made last night, I think was terrific.
It was very beautifully made. But the, you know, the country's not declined.
The country's in a collapse right now. The country, we've had to manage the client of our nation for decades and decades and decades.
That's right. We're debating whether we're in a recession. This is a design, great reset collapse in their own words.
Exactly. So it's not, so we don't, I don't think we need to play nice anymore.
I think we need to play the same type of Smash Mouth. And by the way, it's color inside the lines, but you've got to hammer, hammer, hammer every day and be relentless.
And right now we've had, we've had too many people that just have lacked the courage to go into the arena and say, hey, look, I'm doing this for my country.
Right. This has happened before in the Revolution, the Civil War, the Great Depression, World War II.
This is the, the fourth turning for this nation. There's no guarantee, Alex, no guarantee whatsoever.
Steve, talk about that because, because you're committed, I'm committed. People ask how we do this.
Well, I'm not going to sit by and watch our country and our future destroyed. You as a man, you commit and then you follow through.
Can you explain that to people?
Let's talk about commitment for a second and just the process of how life goes. Once you commit to something, you're going to be shocked about, hey, this book appears.
I start to hear this podcast guy. I joined this group. You know, I hear about this group. I joined it all of a sudden.
I got, I got, I got camaraderie and I knew friends. Once you commit to a path of action, the way life is, certain things will open up to you.
That's why you've got to commit and you've got to commit in fighting for your nation and trying to save this Republic.
You have to commit body and soul. You have to say, hey, this is what I'm going to do. I'll put the tennis racket down and put the golf clubs down.
Right. I've only got so much.
You gave a powerful, your most powerful speech. I think I watched it three times at CPAC a few days ago last week.
I've watched it three times and I had my family watch it. We play clips here because you explained we got to dig these bureaucrats out.
We've got to defeat them. We came in in the, as you said, the first Trump administration outgunned over, you know, attack now going back in, you know what to do.
You understand it. That was really, really powerful to get across to people.
The administrative state, look, just winning an election, just like in 16, they're not going to pat you on the head and say, this is terrific.
Trump's back in office and he listens to Alex Jones and Steve Bannon and they're going to make all these changes.
No, these people control the most powerful nation, not just on earth.
They control the most powerful nation in the history of mankind and they are not simply going to toss you the keys and say, what a great idea.
You know, the ideas of Alex Jones and Steve Bannon won and we're going to let you drive this for a while.
They will not do that. You have to go dig these people out.
And that's why you have to take on and deconstruct the administrative state.
We have to cut off their funding by getting rid of the Federal Reserve.
We have to go all out. Every day for these people is Stalingrad.
Okay. They sent the jackboots to one of those iconic presidential residences in our nation's history.
And for the first time in our nation's history, they essentially kicked down the doors and said, we're in charge, not Donald Trump.
There is no limit to what they do.
And you heard Bernie Carrick in your introduction say that and Bernie Carrick is no guy that hits the panic button.
We got to go to break long segment coming up.
I want to talk about what no limits means and what tricks you think they're going to play and what every listener and viewer can do.
I want to go through China and I want to go through the situation in Ukraine.
I want to talk about the economy.
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And once you realize it's a war or powerful interest that want to cut you out of the decision-making process
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Stephen K. Bannon is our guest for another 25 minutes.
We're so blessed to have him here with us.
You keep getting back to the central point that there's no limits with this deep state,
with these bureaucrats trying to maintain control because they see they're losing control.
Negative and as scary as things are, especially for those of us on the front lines being attacked
or trying to take out the leadership, people got to be positive because at least we're fighting back.
We've got a fighting chance.
So quantify that for folks of what it means to have an enemy that has no limits.
Well, look just look what's happened since December of 19.
Looking to that year of 2019 is the greatest year for workers economically since World War II because of Donald Trump's policies.
And look what happened right after that.
Look at the CCP virus, but more importantly, look at the administrative state in the United States' response to that
with the lockdowns and the mandates and the mass mandates and the total hectoring.
There's nothing.
They don't have boundaries.
And they don't need science.
They don't need data.
They don't need evidence.
You know, if you go to your book about the Great Reset, you back everything up with a reference.
You back everything up with data.
They don't do that.
They always move the gold post.
There's no balance of what they would do.
They have a propaganda arm, which is the legacy regime media that will spin it anyway,
whether it's MSNBC or CNN or the New York Times.
And by the way, they've always said about you, you're a conspiracy guy.
This guy's crazy.
And I just keep telling people, go back and look at the evidence.
Go back and look at the track record.
Look what Alice Jones, you've been talking about transhumanism for 20, 25 years.
You've been talking about it since even the first experiments kind of started.
You've been talking about this kind of new world order and people say, that's a conspiracy topic.
Well, just look at the world economic form.
Look what they're laying out.
Look what they keep saying.
They're the ones that came up with the concept of the Great Reset.
So if you look at the facts that you lay out and you look at the opposition, the opposition will do anything.
Yesterday, they took for the first time in our country's history, in the history of this Republic,
they sent the jackboots of the FBI down there on a bogus search warrant,
not even signed by a federal judge, signed by a magistrate, a judge magistrate,
a federal judge magistrate, but it's a magistrate, not even the judge in charge of the case.
And then did all the optics up there with the huge cars and the rider trucks with the guys in the back
up armored with the weapons for a guy who will not only be in the next election,
will win the next election, they know no bounds.
This is unprecedented in American history.
It's almost unprecedented in Western civilization history.
They know they have no boundaries.
And why is it about Trump?
Alex, and why is it about you?
Because Trump puts them in the room, not in the room, not in the deal.
And for all of Trump's flaws, and Trump is very flawed as you are and I am,
he's a very imperfect instrument, but he puts you in the room and gives you a voice,
not the room, not the deal, Trump puts you in the room.
And what you're seeing now that they are desperate and they're nervous
and they understand they're losing because there's a greater awakening going on.
People, no matter how much they try to deplatform you or war room
or all these other great podcast sites and people doing these forums
and talking to each other and interconnecting, no matter if you're off of Twitter,
you're off of YouTube, you're off of Facebook, the content's getting out,
there's a great awakening, right?
And they can't stop that.
No one's ever been able to stop the American people when the American people
in the righteous indignation knows the direction it wants to go.
Couldn't stop us in the revolution, the Civil War, World War II and the Great Depression.
Or the Cold War, unstoppable.
And that's what they fear now because they understand that the jig is up, right?
On the administrative state as an apparatus, the central apparatus
for the world economic form, what I call the party of Davos,
apparatus to control everything.
Look, she went to Davos three days before Trump's inauguration.
He gave the speech and laid it all out.
He laid out the whole thing.
He laid out the network they were doing, the One Belt One Road, how it was all interconnected,
how it was totally antithetical to the West.
I remember that.
There were headlines where him and Herman von Rumpi met and they said
the EU and Davos with China will defeat Trump and America was the headlines.
Then we had the Washington Post headline, we must destroy Trump.
GZP must destroy Trump to save America.
These are just outrageous declarations of war.
But you also say about what they will do.
Remember, everybody, Davos is really about, you know, they got the bankers,
you have the hedge fund guides, you have the media, the marketing people,
the accountants, all the big consultants, Booz Allen, McKinsey,
you know, Arthur D. Little, all of them.
But they're all in the same business.
They're all in the information business.
They're just in different aspects of how they monetize that business,
whether it's a hedge fund or a law firm, a accounting firm, a consulting firm.
So they have total information on what's going on in the world.
They gave a standing ovation.
They knew about the Uyghurs.
They knew about the organ harvesting.
They knew about the crushing of the house Christians of the evangelical church,
the underground Catholic church, the Lao Bai Jing, the slave labor, right?
They knew about Falun Gong.
They knew everything from Tibet to Manchuria that the Chinese Communist Party is doing.
And they gave them a standing ovation.
They said, yes, this is exactly this network effect with China as the manufacturing arm,
everything else, either a contributor of resources or markets,
basically, you know, Western Europe and the rest of the world as a tributary state,
they stood as one and gave him a standing ovation.
And the Financial Times of London, the Economist, all of it said,
this is essentially the model for the future.
Donald Trump's inaugural address, which will go down in history,
the American carnage laid out the Westphalian system.
No, we're in nation state and mankind's best freedom
as a sovereign citizen in a sovereign country called a nation state.
And Donald Trump was a throwdown to the elites in this country
that have sold us out every day for the last 30 or 40 years.
And this is what this fight's about.
And here's the thing.
What they're going to try to do is go you into doing, you know,
becoming violent or doing things that are as that.
We have two-thirds to 75% of the people in this nation support us.
Hispanics and overwhelming numbers.
African-American, particularly African-American men
and overwhelming numbers.
Asian-Americans and, of course, the deplorables
and the Trump movement and all of MAGA.
United is one.
We control this country and we will control it for 100 years
and set things right.
That's what the, this is all about action now.
This is all about getting out, getting involved, getting engaged,
becoming a force multiplier with shipping out information
you hear on war room or info wars or wherever else
your favorite site is.
Push that out.
And Steve, I want to be clear because listeners are tuning in,
millions are tuning in right now.
Millions always tune in, but millions are tuning in now
because you're here.
People are so excited about this.
They're more excited about you being on the one Trump's been on.
They literally know they've lost history.
They know they've lost.
And you're right.
The real mainline poll numbers,
30-some percent of Democrats support Biden.
95% of Republicans don't support him.
Minorities are waking up and rediscovering America.
The globalists have lost unless they can trick us
into a civil war or violence.
That's my big concern.
What do you see them trying to pull?
They're going to try to pull all kinds of stunts.
They're going to try to goad people.
They're going to try to be all types of action.
But look, let me say,
I know you got to go to break in a second about,
about what they're doing and about their desperation.
Your trial would not have been a global media event, sir.
If they were not desperate to destroy certain people in this movement.
They made your trial in a small court in Texas,
an international global main event with massive millions of pages
and traffic, stories on the Guardian,
stories on the front page of the Times of London,
all throughout the world.
They're absolutely desperate.
And they know what they need to do today.
They need to decapitate the leadership.
And that's what they're trying to do.
And they will, they're going to pull anything.
Nothing is beyond these people.
Nothing is beyond these people.
That's why you always have to be on guard
and you have to keep your sense about you
and do not let them goad you into any action,
which they will try to do to make sure that you cross any line
that then they can jump on you and then use against you to destroy you.
We got one more segment, Stephen.
It's so great to have you here.
Again, you're one of the greatest minds of modern times
or, you know, all time here.
I've got a lot of questions, but I'm going to,
we have a 10 and a half minute segment coming up.
I want to try to just let you host the segment
and really a call to arms politically and non-violently
for our listeners and viewers about what we need to do
and the crossroads we're at because
listeners don't need me to tell you.
We're going into the most threatening time,
not just in America, but the world's history,
but people are waking up and we're not caught flat-footed.
So there's a way to navigate this,
but how do we do it without triggering a civil war
and total collapse? We're right back with Stephen K. Bannon.
Stay with us.
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All right, coming up here in about 10 minutes,
I'm going to duck out for 30 minutes,
I'm going to Charlie Kirk and Jack Busovic,
Owen Troyer is going to take over.
I'll be back for the last 30 minutes the next hour
and the fourth hour to take your phone calls here today
than our war room with Owen Troyer, 3-6 p.m.
We have the host of the war room, Stephen K. Bannon here with us.
And the war room is a term used for political campaigns
or military operations, that's why it's really the best name.
We're all in a war room and recognizing we're in a war
is, as T.I. Joe says, half the battle.
So Steve, in the last eight, nine minutes we have left with you,
thank you so much for the time.
Obviously we're at historic crossroads right now,
we have the initiative, we can win,
but people have to have faith and as you said,
don't let them trick us into violence.
I want to just give you the floor for eight minutes or so
to give an important message to the probably 3 million people
tuned in right now.
Well, look, I think it's a time of action.
Alex, you and I have talked about this,
we're at a hinge of history right now.
And don't believe what you hear Steve Bannon say,
don't believe what Alex Jones said.
A year ago, projected out that a Gestapo-like force armed
would have gone to Mar-a-Lago and ransacked,
essentially ransacked President Trump's home,
the first presidential home in history,
with authorities in there, it boggles the mind.
But you have to understand, there's this French poet,
I quote at the time, he was volunteered
for the French Army, World War I was killed at Verdun,
right off the bat, he was a journalist and a poet.
He said, the important thing is not to report what you see.
The most important thing is for you to see what you see.
You have to see reality right now, what's going on.
And don't take all the spin and everything you're accustomed
to the thinking about.
And it's most important for audiences,
like in Alex Jones' audience, the great Info Wars,
and also War Room, to become evangelists right now.
What you have to do is bring in that consensus ring,
not just people that totally agree with you.
You have to take the information you have,
and you have to start pushing it out to your neighbors,
your workers, the people you bowl with or plagued off with.
You have to help awaken them.
A great awakening is kind of a network effect.
And that's what we're going through right now.
And Alex, quite frankly, that's why I'm really a huge proponent
of your book, which, look, I just saw a month ago.
Tony Lyons knows that the War Room,
we always loved getting the hot new titles,
and he gave it to me.
And I was just, I was blown away by it.
And what I told my team as we headed it around,
I said, this could be a great tool right now
for what we need in this phase.
We need a great awakening of the general population,
but clearly people that are devotees or followers
of info wars in War Room are kind of that cadre,
that tip of the spear.
And you need cadres.
You need a vanguard.
But that vanguard must take leadership.
And so everyone out there today,
you can't wait for Donald Trump.
We've already put so much on his shoulders.
One guy can only do one thing.
You can't put it on Alex Jones.
Look, they're trying to destroy Alex Jones.
You saw last week.
And I'm not arguing about the case with the families.
That's a separate thing.
That's what Alex is doing with those families.
I'm talking about a much broader thing
of what they tried to accomplish, right?
And making it a global effort and actually looking,
not just to destroy a man,
but actually destroy the network that he's built around it
to shatter it, to make sure it can never be vibrant again.
And so right now, the most important thing
for this audience to do is to burrow down,
get as much information as possible, do your work,
and to become an active part of this,
become an active part of a cadre,
become an active part of a vanguard
to push forward and take leadership.
Remember, in the American Revolution,
what a third of the people were kind of on the side of the Patriots,
a third of the people were hardcore Tories,
a third of the people in the middle kind of seeing
how this thing plays out.
Same thing in the Civil War.
Any great effort always starts with a relatively small group.
And look, we have, you know,
I totally disagree with our opposition,
but they are absolutely believed to the core
of their being that they're right and they're not going to give up.
One side's going to win here and one side's going to lose.
We're not going to all of a sudden have a great Kumbaya moment
and hug this out.
You can't hug this out
because we have two different ideas,
two different visions of what this country is.
It's either the Constitutional Republic
that's been handed down to us
on every Patriots' grave for 12 or 13 generations,
that it's our responsibility and our duty
to pass on to future generations.
Remember, Burke said,
we have as much obligation to those that came before us
as those that come ahead.
And right now, your moment in history,
so many people that watch this show
or so many people that follow Alex Jones
or watch the War Room have said,
you know, if I was around in the American Revolution,
I'd be right there.
I'd be at Saratoga.
I'd be at Valley Forge.
Or, you know, if the Civil War,
I'd be at Cemetery Ridge.
Well, now's your chance
because you're here for the second battle of the Republic.
You are here for the greatest battle.
And by the way,
as much as the Patriots in 1776
had long odds against then
the Greatest Empire on Earth, the British Empire,
today it's actually harder.
It is harder because you have the combination of technology.
You had these oligarchs in big tech,
big media, big pharma,
combined with an authoritarian state.
They have, you know, the social credit scores.
They have all the technology.
The odds are here are long.
But the reason I like our odds
is the people on our side of the football,
the values on our side of the football,
the grit, determination,
and just basic cussedness.
Well, one of the things I like most about Alex Jones,
just that kind of American cussedness.
You're not going to beat this guy.
You're not going to beat him.
Impossible. You cannot beat him.
And that's why I'd like the folks on our side of the football,
Alex, and I got to tell you,
right now, your audience in the Civil War
is our audience at War Room,
plus all the other great podcasts out there,
all the other great conservative sites,
have to come together.
And these can't be half measures.
And I'm not talking about violence.
And the left knows that.
Right now, we unite.
We run the fricking tables in November.
I'm talking about 100 seats.
I'm talking about winning South Texas,
the Rio Grande Valley,
taking D plus 10, D plus 12 districts,
get an overwhelming majority in the House,
take the Senate, take every school board,
every election board,
every canvassing board,
every medical board in every state,
every town commission, every town council,
the House of Representatives in your state,
the state Senate, the House, the Senate, all of it.
Run the tables and start the second Trump presidency
on January 1st of 2023.
We have a six-year presidency to clean this country,
to clean this apparatus out,
and particularly clean this government out.
And we do it, and I got to tell you,
once we do it, we have investigations
and we cut them off with money.
And by the way,
not just run them out of the government by impeach
and then bring criminal charges
and let them see what real justice is.
This is a time...
There's no longer a time for choosing.
This is a time for action, action, action.
You have your agency.
Divine Providence only works in human instrumentality.
You've got all the access.
There's been 114 billion people, roughly,
I think, in the history of the Earth.
You've got to ask yourself today,
why did God, in all his wisdom,
put me here and put me now?
Why did he give me access to infomores?
Why did he...
Let me hear some crazy guy named Steve Bannon.
Ask yourself that.
Ask yourself why you became a follower of Donald Trump.
And then commit, commit, commit
to being the vanguard and the cadre.
And I will guarantee you one thing.
We will win.
We will save this republic.
And 100 years from now,
they will talk about these vital years in American history.
Well, Steve, I'm just so honored to be working with you
and President Trump and so many others.
You're right.
There's Team Freedom and there's Team Demon.
Everybody should visit your website.
Where is the best place for people to find your show,
your books, your films, everything you do?
Just go to warroom.org or go to find me on Getter.
I'm putting up stuff on Getter all day long
on the social media site.
Just go there or go to warroom.org.
You can find us.
We're almost as banned as you are, Alex.
Not quite.
Oh, I know.
Everybody's got to first what you're doing.
Steve Bannon, thank you so much for the time.
Thank you for standing up for America
and we'll talk to you soon.
Yes, sir.
Well, that was a very satisfying and informative interview
because I want to beat these people.
And that guy is on the front lines.
Owen Shroyer takes over for 30 minutes
while I'm on with Jack Busovic and Charlie Kurt.
Then I'll be back.
I'm doing like six, seven interviews a day right now
to beat the globalist.
And then I'll be back to take an hour and a half of phone calls
in about 35 minutes from now.
Separately, we sold thousands of copies of the signed book
that's going to be shipping soon.
And I thought, wow, thank you, listeners.
You'll get all those signed for what you bought them for.
But everybody that orders the book now
that wants to be part of a fundraiser keep us on air
because we're barely operating.
We're going to have a special little plate piece of art
I'm going to do in the next few days.
It's a little printout.
And I'm going to sign that with the art I make.
Everybody that buys the book now signed at infowarstore.com
as a fundraiser will get the special signed book.
Everybody else that ordered the signed book will get theirs.
But that's just a signed book, which is great.
But the fundraise we're going to do,
even though it's a Herculean effort,
I'm going to sign these things.
5,000 of these special signed books
because we need the money to stay on air.
I don't want to lay our crew off.
I don't want to give up this critical juncture.
So get your signed copy of the great reset special signed copy
Get vitamin mineral fusion.
Get bodies, ultimate tumor formula.
Get X2.
Get it all and keep us on the air.
But look at the great Owen Shroyer.
Look at him right there.
Let's punch him up.
Owen Shroyer.
Look at that American patriot.
Abraham Lincoln reborn.
Abraham Lincoln at 25, even though he's like 30.
Owen Shroyer takes over 30 minutes.
And then at war room, his war room, 3 p.m. central.
But I'm going to go to break here, do another show,
and then come back.
Thank you so much for your support, folks.
History is now infowarstore.com.
We'll be right back.
And so by buying this book, you're going to prove that
censorship doesn't work.
That freedom is alive in this country.
This is essential reading.
And I would go right now and buy it before the censorship
kicks in.
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It's not going to be available in libraries.
They're going to try to take it down from every platform
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But they're not going to be able to do it.
Prove that censorship doesn't work.
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Thank you, Alex Jones.
I appreciate you having me on.
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If you are receiving this transmission,
you are the resistance.
And what an honor it is to be back here
filling in for Alex Jones.
Oh, I'm sure we're going to be with you
for the next 30 minutes to an hour.
Alex is stepping out to do another interview right now.
We'll give you the details on that shortly.
So in the meantime, I will be filling in.
Now, what I want to do is open up the phone lines.
Alex does intend on taking phone calls
when he comes back in studio.
But let's go ahead and get the callers lined up now
so that when Alex gets back,
we can have callers on the line
and he doesn't have to waste any time.
Plus, I want to take some calls today
as well.
Your response to the raid last night.
Let's just keep it topical.
Your response to the raid last night,
877-789-2539, 877-789-2539.
Your response to the raid.
And let me kind of just give a brief response here
and I'll rehash it when we come back from break.
At first, when I saw it
and I filed a breaking news report for Band Out Video
right after I got off air hosting the war room,
you know, it was kind of the first big news story
that kind of really got you going.
Kind of got the blood pumping
and put you into a different mindset.
Hadn't really been a development or a news story like that
in a while.
And this one hit heavy.
And so at first there was obviously anger
and frustration and outrage
to see that this is what's happening to our country,
just the corruption right there in broad daylight.
A prime time raid made for TV,
a publicity stunt, a show raid
meant to hurt Donald Trump,
meant to hurt the American people.
And then after that kind of first rush of emotion,
which was more negative,
there was then a positive rush of emotion.
And it's kind of a dark, twisted thing,
but it's like being on a battlefield for years,
a bloody, messy, horrific battlefield for years,
but you're out there with your comrades,
you're out there with your fellow Americans,
your fellow patriots,
and you're just like,
when are the reinforcements arriving?
And you're just out there day after day,
year after year,
waging war against corruption,
waging war against propaganda,
explaining everything that you're seeing in front of you
as it's playing out, explaining it for years.
And then just boom, in one event,
like the flick of a switch, all of a sudden,
I turn around and all of a sudden on the battlefield,
are thousands of other people
that now understand what's going on.
So that's kind of a sick thing to say,
hey, people are getting onto the battlefield with me now,
they're about to get bloodied and bruised and destroyed,
now I might be able to win the war.
It's kind of a sick thing,
because you don't want people to go through what you're going through.
You don't want people to see the evil
and to go through the tribulations of battling it
that you've gone through,
but there's that sense of relief
that the reinforcements have finally arrived.
So I watched as I'm watching the news all night,
I was like a fiend last night,
I had all my monitors up, like fully clicked in, ready to go,
and I was stunned, Darren McGreen comes up to me and he says,
hey, did you see the David Brock interview on MSNBC?
And I'm thinking, how did I even miss that?
I was too, I was like focused on news like election was happening last night,
but we'll have a clip of that coming up later.
You won't believe what David Brock said on MSNBC.
But I'm sitting there and I'm watching the political
overton window shift closer to Alex Jones was right
than it ever has before.
And we can connect this to the censorship of Alex Jones.
People try to connect this to the alleged text messages
that the lawyers claim they got that they didn't.
No, but when you turn into Fox News
and you see them saying we need to abolish the FBI
and you have Republican congressmen and women going on air
saying we need to abolish the FBI,
this is one of the darkest days in American history.
And just guess who Alex Jones is about to go on air with.
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What do you make of that?
So the Overton window moved closer to Alex Jones was right than ever before last night
with the raid of Donald Trump.
It moved so rapidly.
It was like a blur witnessing it as I'm just having my Twitter feed refreshed every five seconds
as I have all four main cable news networks up on TV in front of me monitoring their coverage.
I mean, Fox News has never sounded more like infowars in its life than it did last night.
Everybody in the conservative movement, whether it's all the different factions,
the Republican loyalists, conservative ink, the far right, the conspiracy theorists right,
the center right, the liberal right, all of them finally in unison, all of the voices,
all of the emotions finally in harmony.
What happened last night to Donald Trump was awful.
And this is a lot of people that don't even like Donald Trump.
What happened to Donald Trump last night is one of the darkest days in this country's history.
And while even saying that is kind of sad because the Democrats still have political prisoners
that they're keeping in jail and torturing.
I mean, you could argue that's worse, but this was a much larger spectacle.
This is a much larger story.
This is having a much greater impact.
And at this point, how do the Democrats recover politically before the midterms
and then in the presidential election in 2024?
It's never been more obvious.
They're the bad guy.
It's never been more obvious that there is a deep state.
And it's never been more obvious that there is blatant and direct measured political persecution
in this country aimed at conservatives, Christians, Republicans, and Trump supporters.
Never been more obvious, totally undeniable.
But see, the left doesn't deny it anymore.
The American left has now accepted their role as the bad guy.
They have now accepted their role that they're the tyrants.
They've now accepted the role that they have to play to have their ridiculous pipe dreams come true.
So let's reevaluate to understand the liberal left progressive Democrat ideology again.
Now, you have the deep state operatives that are basically puppets or paid goons.
Then you have the globalists out of the World Economic Forum.
And then you have the true ideologues.
And you need to understand these people because these are actually the ones that are going to be the ushers in
the world of the global government in the United States of America if they're not recognized and stopped.
Because they're the front lines.
They really believe a lot of them, not all of them.
We're talking about the ideologues.
They really believe manmade climate change is going to kill the planet, folks.
They really believe it.
They really think they're fighting some sort of fascistic.
I don't even know what you would say, fascistic.
I mean, they call it Nazis.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
There's no socialism involved with it.
But okay, they think they're fighting a group of racist, bigot Nazis.
And they really believe manmade climate change is going to end the planet five years ago.
So they really believe this stuff.
And I know it's a hard thing to get inside of that head to enter that deranged mindset, but they really believe that.
So you've got to understand the lengths that they will go to to fight that evil and to stop that manmade climate change have no limits.
They've justified all the evil that they will do to accomplish their goals because they truly believe manmade climate change is killing a planet.
And they truly believe they're fighting the next Hitler.
They really believe this.
And so that's why all of their evil is out in the public to see.
And that's why they justify all of it in their own consciousness because they really think they have to do this to save the planet.
They really think they have to do this to stop the next Hitler.
Two things that are obviously outrageous, totally untrue, totally ridiculous, totally deranged.
That's who the ideologues are.
Essentially the useful idiots of the World Economic Forum, globalist puppets that are operating above them.
So when you understand that ideology and when you understand that that's the top priority, whether they're an FBI agent, a judge, a lawyer, a teacher, a media member,
always the radical liberal left ideology will be the top priority.
So all the evil that you're about to see these people engage in, they justify it in their own minds.
Even the globalists in the World Economic Forum, though they justify it for different reasons, they just believe in population control on planet Earth,
like we saw in the Georgia Guidestones.
So it was incredible.
Now in the last two weeks, really, America has never been more polarized.
It was polarized after the Alex Jones, Sandy Hook judgment.
And now it's being further polarized again by the Donald Trump raid,
which though has actually united the right wing and the America first wing and the conservative Christian wing more so than ever before.
Now I did a getter live last night after this and everything basically that Steve Bannon said I was in total agreement with.
Trump should have been doing a press conference, if not last night, today at Mar-a-Lago.
He should have flown in as many Republican representatives, media members as he possibly could,
handed all of them, fly them all down to Mar-a-Lago, get as many Republicans down there as possible.
Where's Kevin McCarthy? Where's Mitch McConnell? Fly him down to Mar-a-Lago, have a press conference,
and announce you're running for president to end the corrupt federal government. Boom.
I mean, they just kicked the door wide open for the most epic presidential announcement since Donald Trump came down the Golden Elevator.
Now here's the problem. I don't know what's going through Trump's head. I don't know who's in Trump's ear.
But it's stunning to me that if Donald Trump does intend to run for president, which I think we all believe he does,
and hopefully he has people in his ear that are winners, how they have not judoed last night's Gestapo-level raid of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home,
how they have not judoed that into the most political force of a presidential announcement of all time.
I just don't understand. Still no press conference. I don't think McConnell has even said anything yet.
Kevin McCarthy with a milk toast statement, but others have stepped forward and made pretty big statements.
And so that's why I say the Overton window has moved closer to Alex Jones's right than I've ever before seen.
You had thousands of people outside Mar-a-Lago last night in support of Donald Trump.
And of course, Donald Trump released that epic video just hours after the raid.
Not sure that was intended or planned that way, but that's how it went down.
But now it's all confirmed. There is obviously a deep state.
There is obviously corruption that runs deep in our government at all levels.
It is obviously being used and weaponized against Trump supporters, against conservatives, against Republicans.
And the country that we love, the country that guarantees freedom and prosperity,
and self-government and independence for we the people, it is gone, folks. It is gone.
Our number one fear as Americans should be a corrupt, gigantic government that can be used and weaponized against the people.
And that's where we're at now. People flee other countries because they're so afraid of their government
going after them or their family or their friends or their neighbor that they flee other countries and come here
and they wouldn't even care. They would gladly live in poverty. They'd gladly live in a shack, a shanty town,
as long as they could get away from their corrupt government going after them, their friends and their family.
But now that's what happens here. And people don't come to this country for freedom.
They come to this country for free stuff.
And then the citizens get persecuted as illegal immigrants get to roam free, lawless.
Never before has the corruption of the United States government been more obvious.
Never before has there been more of a unified American people calling to shut down this corruption immediately.
Info wars has been vindicated. We've been proven right. World government, the New World Order is out of the open.
And now more than ever, the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast.
The forces of anti-human, godless New World Order are out of control.
So now realize we have pushed them out of the light. We have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset and they are so scared.
So while you still can, because any day can be our last broadcast, spread the word about the show,
share the article, share the videos, and please fund us while getting great products at the same time at infowarsstore.com.
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But whatever you do, pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to win.
Thank you so much for joining us. I'll spread the word my friends. We're involved in an epic historic battle.
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We're about to start taking your phone calls on the Trump raid last night.
Alex Jones doing an interview right now. Just wait till you find out who it's with.
I don't think this interview happens last year or the year before or the year before that,
or even maybe not even the Jones-Bannon combination that we've seen so frequently now.
The Overton window has shifted so close to Alex Jones was right.
I'm just witnessing it at light speed and it's absolutely wild.
Now, I don't know where the Republican Party goes as far as a response to this.
We've seen a lot of good responses from Republicans. We've seen a lot of milk toast responses
and we've had a lot of silence from leadership like Mitch McConnell.
But the voter base, this is only going to draw them closer to Donald Trump
and even more avid in their support of Donald Trump.
Myself included. If I was on the fence between Trump and DeSantis,
I'd say this definitely pushed me on to the Trump side of the fence.
We'll see what happens from here on out, but man, you know, I was on OAN last night.
I don't know if anybody from Infowars has ever been on OAN as a guest before.
Like I said, the Overton window is getting closer to Alex Jones was right than ever before.
By the way, the judge in this case used to work with Jeffrey Epstein,
a Democrat appointed judge, I believe it was Obama that appointed him,
and used to work with Jeffrey Epstein. What a coincidence.
What a small world, kind of like how Hunter Biden's lawyer works at the same law form
as Liz Cheney's husband. It's a small world.
By the way, do you know where the most billionaires per capita reside?
Why? That'd be Washington, DC. I was actually looking that up last night.
I was curious how many billionaires this country has because, you know,
the IRS hires 87,000 agents supposedly to go after billionaires.
Well, how many billionaires are there? Not 87,000.
No, I think there's just a couple hundred. I didn't do the math, but I was stunned, of course,
more billionaires in California and New York than anywhere else.
That's where the greatest margin of the rich and the poor exist in Democrat run states
like New York and California. And then there was DC that had the highest billionaire per capita.
Wonder how that happens. Wonder how that happens.
So, we now go to your phone calls in response to the raid.
Let's start with James in Oklahoma. James, you're on the Alex Jones show. Go ahead.
Yeah. It's not really surprising that they did something like this.
Mike, you know, threw us off a little bit, but it certainly did knock us down.
He's not the only guy, obviously, in their arena.
And I think that the governors and the sheriffs are the ones that are going to have to step up to the FBI
and other agencies that are just simply doing things that aren't just and all right.
Yeah. And this is a territory where I think the Chinese would love to see us go.
We don't want to have a civil war in this country.
But there is no doubt that the move that the deep state and the Democrats pulled last night
drew us so much closer to a violent confrontation that we want to avoid at all costs.
I mean, you know, I'd rather go violently into freedom than peacefully into slavery.
But I'm certainly not looking for a civil war here at all.
That's the last thing we want. That's the last thing we need.
That's what the Chinese would love to see, but what the deep state and the Democrats did to Trump last night.
If they don't see how that turns the temperature up in this country to almost a boiling point,
then they really are so out of touch with reality. It's insane.
But I think they know what they did.
And that's why there's Democrats on Twitter last night today saying anybody that suggests violent responses
to what happened last night needs to be arrested immediately because they want to disarm you
and they want to turn you into their slave. They want to turn you into their subject.
Like they can do whatever they want to you with the corrupt government and you just have to sit there and take it.
Right. And that's why we need the governors and the sheriff's department to stand up to this tyranny, basically.
I mean, is that the answer to do this peacefully?
Is that sheriffs and governors step up and say this is out of control
and they just cut ties with the federal government like a redeclaration of independence?
It's a start because there's more than one piece where a divided nation for one and divided power.
That's why the judicial system, the executive and legislature, that's why you have those two, at least those two to begin with
and others need to step in and try to do something peacefully in that manner.
Yeah. And I guess that's really the million dollar question is how do we resolve this peacefully?
Because that's truly our goal here. That's our challenge.
But throughout human history, when governments get this corrupt, sadly, I don't know if there's ever really been a peaceful means
of ending such government corruption. So hey, but maybe America can set that example.
Maybe America can once again set the standard worldwide and we can show how to peacefully and politically
rid ourselves of a corrupt government. But that is truly the challenge.
And maybe that's the answer, James, is sheriff stand up, governor stand up and sheriff say we're the law enforcement head now in this state.
And governors say we're declaring independence against the federal government.
The federal government and any of its federal law enforcement officers have no jurisdiction in my state.
I mean, that might be the way to solve this issue of blatant deep state government corruption weaponized against we the people.
That might be the way to do it, James, but that's the million dollar question. Thank you for the call.
Let's go to Derek in Virginia. Derek, you're on the Alex Jones show. Go ahead.
Yeah, how you doing? First of all, man, I want to say, man, you guys are heroes, man, regardless of what happened to persecution that you all have been under.
I mean, it's just unfair. And I thank you, man, for y'all just being warriors.
But I want to say I called in a couple weeks ago and I asked Alex why didn't him abandoned link up.
He said that Bennett had said some nice things about him, but it's totally was on Bennett.
So I'm just glad that them two have linked up now because I don't know if you all know it or not.
We look at you all as our leaders. You all are the leaders of this movement.
Yes, we won't trump to be the president. We hope he run, but man, they put him back in office.
They don't kill him, man. It's going to be even worse than it was the last four years that we had to watch all that they put him through.
So it's just really time to fight, man. The gloves are off. We have to trust God. We have to trust them for war.
And we have to mobilize. That's what we have to do. I mean, it's a war. It's on.
Jim Jordan last night said that he's had more than 20 FBI whistleblowers come to his office or the Republican offices
blowing the whistle and corruption at the FBI. There needs to be hundreds.
There needs to be hundreds of FBI, hundreds of federal agents that need to come out as whistleblowers, maybe form a union.
I mean, this is ridiculous. I mean, how can see, and that's, and that's why people have been so adamant about explaining how dangerous the radical left is
because we knew all along this is the point they would reach totalitarian, authoritarian control, weaponizing the government against their political opposition.
Yeah, and I wanted to say too, oh, man, we're going to need God to get us out of this because anybody can go read in the book of Genesis and the book of Exodus
how the people back then had a spirit in them just like the Democrats where they enslaved God's children because they were scared to God's children
was multiplying more than them. And so they took him in the bondage and the Democrats have that same spirit.
And that's how we go. We're going to have to God is going to have to help get us out of this along with the info war.
But thank y'all guys for being warriors for being mad. Y'all guys going down in history, man, whether y'all realize it or not.
When it is all said and done in the books of Red Man, Orange Shore, Alex Jones, Steve, Abandoned Info Wars, the cast.
Man, you are a genius, man. The fact that you are still in business, you don't have co-commercials.
Well, that's very kind. And I appreciate that, Derek. And I mean, that probably mean we turned out pretty well, actually.
The great reset in the war for the world is the book that the government doesn't want you to read that most of the big powerful companies trying to control your life,
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But whatever you do, pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to win.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You want to stop tyranny? Well, so does he. It's Alex Jones. And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Our Alex Jones is finishing up his interview. He'll be joining us shortly to take your phone calls and cover some of the latest breaking news.
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All right. Before Alex joins us, I will take another phone call or two. Let's go to Joseph in Maryland.
Joseph, you're on the Alex Jones show. Go ahead.
Brother, can you hear me?
Yes, we've got you.
Hey, what's up? I just think that this rate of Trump is a false flag or maybe just a distraction to help gain support back for Trump.
But it's honestly baffling to me that people still support this guy. They forget that he rolled out the shot.
They forget that he pardoned like 10 or more Israeli spies, guilty of espionage, money fraud, bilking.
But everybody heard that he pardoned like Lil Wayne and Kodak Black. But nobody heard about that on the news.
And it's just baffling to me. I think that Trump wasn't stated as president by the CIA.
And I respect you guys for waking me up to the mass and the shots and whatnot, but it really goes a lot deeper than that.
And I think Alex works for the CIA special operations as well.
That's why he says that you guys are the tip of the spear because the special operations command icon is a tip of the spear.
Well, I mean, look, tip of the spear is just a saying and look, here's what's so crazy about it to be.
And I've tried to explain this before.
I know I'm as real as it gets.
I don't have any history of working for the government or anything like that. I'm totally organic, totally real.
I know Alex Jones. I know him as well as anybody. I see him as much as anybody.
All right, so you're welcome to call in and say Alex Jones is Bill Hicks or believe he works for the CIA. That's fine.
I'm just telling you it's not true. Alex is not controlled opposition. He's not some sort of government asset.
All right, now, people can think that I'm fooled and that I don't know what's going on, but I'm just telling you from the front lines, shoulder to shoulder with the man that that's not true.
Now, as far as Donald Trump is concerned, I don't know Donald Trump. I don't talk to Donald Trump.
I certainly understand why people would be skeptical of the rise of Donald Trump and why people are skeptical of everything.
If you believe that Donald Trump was controlled opposition from the beginning, then I'm not surprised, Joseph, that you believe this entire thing is a false flag to get support back to Trump because it has done just that.
But I know people that know Donald Trump. I know people that have known Donald Trump for a long time.
I know people that talk to Donald Trump and the Trump family regularly, and they all tell me he's the real deal too.
And I'm inclined to trust them. But believe me, I understand where you're coming from being cynical and skeptical of everything.
But I totally get it. The world is that corrupt. That's fine. Don't trust Owen Shroyer. Don't trust Alex Jones.
But hey, like you said, the information we're putting out is the real deal. That's just undebatable.
So that's that's my basic response to that if you want to finish out your call.
Yeah, I'll say one more thing and then I'll jump.
I'm going to beg all the listeners that are listening right now to go to bitchfood.com and watch Europa the last battle.
And then go to goymtv.tv. Thanks, Owen.
All right. Now, see, people will call and say, you censor callers, you censor people. That's how you know it's all fake.
Didn't censor Joseph at all? I'm glad he called in. We want to hear from all perspectives.
Let me just tell you, when I when I see and I read some of the stuff that they make up about me and they make up about Alex Jones,
folks, it's hilarious. Okay, it's just hilarious. And I don't want to be, you know, it's not even a you don't swing down type of thing.
It's more like I just don't want to be rude to these people. It's just all of these pundits and commentators out there that dedicate like every day of their life
to try to figure out the secret behind Alex Jones or Info Wars or Owen Schreuer.
There's no secret guys like I just I couldn't it couldn't be more open. Like that's what's so wild about it.
It couldn't be more open. There's never been a more transparent news organization and there's never been a group of individuals that work in a news organization
that have have been more probed and searched and spied on and anything by the government and leftists.
Like that's what's so funny. They literally have all of our bank records. They have our emails, they have our phone records, they have everything.
Don't you think if there was something there, they'd give it up or I guess that just proves it's all controlled opposition too.
So you're you mean but don't you see how now you're in you're in this state of insanity where where nothing can ever be real.
And again, I get it. The world is so corrupt and upside down. I get how it's that way.
But that's it. We won't spend any more time. Let's take another phone call. Let's go to Brandon in Michigan.
Brandon, you're on the Alex Jones show. Go ahead.
Hey, Owen, can you hear me?
Yes, we've got you loud and clear.
Okay, cool. Yeah, I mean, listen to that guy that just called in.
It does make sense. I understand also why everybody's getting so confused about things.
But I really think that a lot of that's just it's all distraction at the white noise in the background when, you know,
there's there's some pretty key points that are actually factual that that we need to focus on this whole thing with Trump.
Obviously, that's just a political move. They're just trying to scare him away from running, in my opinion.
Oh, and I think they're I think they're doing a slow build here and Julie Kelly has really been prophetic on this.
I don't know if she has inside information if she's just that ingenious covering this. But she's been saying they're going to go after
an indictment or even try to arrest Trump. So I think they may be doing a slow build to that.
The rate of him may have been such a disaster they may pull back.
But I do believe that that was their plan eventually to either indict or arrest Donald Trump before the midterms.
Yeah, yeah. And I mean, honestly, they can put whatever they want in all the files that they have and they can turn around and use the, you know,
the Alex Jones case that we that we're watching also unfold to, you know, go after him in other ways.
And then this is just going to turn into just one big, you know, monkey pox, covid lockdowns, power situation and all that crap going on.
And so I mean, this is multifaceted. And I think people really just need to stay local, stay focused and really just focus on the fact.
All right, Brandon, thank you so much for the call.
And again, the over 10 window has shifted so close to Alex Jones was right now that I think a lot of the mistakes that Republicans and even
Trump made in the past of underestimating the Democrats, underestimating the deep state, not truly understanding the stakes.
I think that the haze is starting to lift on that. I really do.
Let's squeeze in quickly. Mike in Florida. Mike, you're on the Alex Jones show. Go ahead.
Thanks, Tony. I respond to the guy a couple of callers ago, you know, we're in an age of information now, we're literally it's all out there. If you want to look at controlled opposition and who's being funded and why they give certain information out,
why they pick people against each other, you can just go see that for yourself. Look at the World Economic Forum. Look at Davos.
Look at the Bilderberg group. Look at everything that actually exists and is actually real.
And I can tell you for my 17 years of research, not $1 and not one point focuses back to infoborx or Alex Jones. It just doesn't.
Well, why don't you just hang right there, Mike, because we got to go to a break, but Alex Jones has concluded his interview.
I'm excited that he did this interview because it just shows finally the conservative movement is starting to come together and harmonize.
Alex Jones back on the other side to take your calls in this epic day in American history.
People say Alex Jones is crazy. He's a conspiracy theory guy. He's a nutcase. He's got these rants and all that.
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Vitamin mineral fusion, leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones.
Thousands of years ago happened in Rome. It happened in Venezuela the last 20 years. It's happening here again.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, about to go right to your phone calls. Info Wars is in bankruptcy.
And that's to prove the federal courts everything else we have hundreds of millions of dollars like they're claiming.
These lawsuits are designed to shut us down, which the Democrats have said on the national news in which they said at the show trial last week
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But we are selling the book The Great Reset. You can get a special signed copy as a fundraiser at infowarstore.com
with a big markup to keep us on the air $99.95 or by the book for $20 something in Amazon.com.
But I'm going to sign every one of these. It'll be a Herculean effort.
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an unsigned copy for $20 something or a signed copy for $100 which will help us stay on air, pay our legal, do the bankruptcy and stay on air for years.
We are literally in your hands. Thank you so much for your support.
Please don't let me prove myself right about our financial situation by us shutting down or laying off a bunch of folks.
We are so close to that. You have, as my word and on my children, may I be struck down by lightning if what they say that I have $270 million or I have $5 million is true.
It is a lie. This company has no money for payroll and barely enough money to buy product in the future.
We are on the edge, but that's where you're supposed to be in the fight for freedom.
So please support us infowarstore.com. You have the coup against the president, the coup against the election, the coup against Trump running again, total election meddling.
All the polls show he went by 20 points right now, so they want to kick him out. They want to indict him before that can happen.
That is election meddling. They are guilty as charged. They are caught red handed.
All right. We got Ed. We got Rule. We got James. We got Daryl. We got Irene. We got John. We got Sean. We got Jefferson.
We got you all. And I see you're calling in about the raid on Trump and all the rest of it, the insanity, 90 days out from the midterms.
But I want to ask you, do you agree with Bernard Kirk, the former New York commissioner, police commissioner, that they plan to kill Trump? Damn right they do.
They want to kill you. They've launched bio weapons against our families. I have a stack of news articles.
Mainstream news reporting insurance companies set to sue over mass deaths from the vaccines. Let that sink in.
That's coming up next hour and so much more. But let's go to your phone calls right now.
But part of the reason you called was to talk about the raid and why it happened. But will they assassinate Trump? How do we stop that?
Because Trump's not perfect, but he's not under their control. They don't like him.
Let's talk to Ed in Illinois. Ed, thanks for holding you're on the air.
Mr. Jones.
Yes, sir.
I salute you and I appreciate you.
I appreciate you.
Alex, you know, when I find out about you, I was, you know, who I was thinking, who does something like this?
And I ended up finding Alex Jones. And just to see when you were younger, Alex, I'm currently 22. And just to see how fearless you were as a young man,
gives me a lot of motivation to go out there and really be a powerhouse as well.
Well, I appreciate that. You know, God gave me a lot of strength for a reason. And so I'm not arrogant about it.
But God really gave me a lot of blessing for this mission.
Yes, sir.
And but Alex, I did call about this. I feel it's a big old, you know, little media hype trying to get anyone really involved with Trump trying to silence them.
They silenced you. They've tried to at least and you're still able to get through it.
Now for Trump, it's to see if anyone who supports Trump and they're still trying to knock down the red wave.
There is a civil war inside the deep state.
And there's a civil war for the future of America happening now.
And I was reading it said Bush is X guy or whatever X.
I forget what it was, but Alberto Gonzalez saying that this was probably appointed by some of the highest and intelligent agencies to go after Trump.
It's like, no, no crap. They want to get him.
The high elected these people as if the president can't have classified info even if he had it. It's just insane.
Exactly. And I just I appreciate you, Alex, and and all the things that you're wanting to go through so that we can be heard and I
And I love you and it is a sheer pleasure.
Thank you so much, brother. James in Ohio. James. Thanks for holding. Go ahead.
Yeah, I think Alex with the organization, you and all of us have built together here.
You've approached the window where you have given so much information and have brought everything dark that's going on right now to the forefront where they can now spiritually shut you down.
And I think it's more important than ever for us as a part of this to keep you on air because what that that raid with Trump signified another phase and what they're moving to next.
And it's my opinion that they're going to go after the US dollars, the reserve currency and a crash that they're going to release the second phase of this by a weapon.
And they're going to be looking dependent on something to distract us all and so they can move in their systems.
And I think it's extremely vital right now that we all work together to keep you on air so you can expose this and do what you do what you do what you do best.
And I think I just call on everybody here to pray for pray to Jesus for discernment on what's going on right now and to move in the right direction because these next month are going to be critical with how this.
Well, that's right. It's not just everything. Info Wars is built towards happening now. It's everything for you and all of us together and you're right.
All our work over 28 years is building towards ahead right now and Satan isn't in control. God's in control. And that's why we're still here. God bless you, sir. Thank you, James.
Let's take another call. Let's talk to John in Florida. John, welcome.
Thanks for taking my call.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, so, you know, I had a couple different comments. I mean, definitely about, you know, the rate. I think, you know, the whole thing. It is a slow buildup like Owen was saying previously, but, you know, the court system and judicial system is, you know, losing faith from everyone, you know, nationwide.
And it's not even at the federal level. It's at the, you know, local level too. And, you know, some of the colors are correct when they say, you know, the local sheriff can step out and, you know, step up and.
You know, hopefully help out some of the citizens. But, you know, if you look at Trump and Mar-a-Lago, you know, he's in Palm Beach County. It's, you know, you talk about a Democrat, you know, area that, you know, that's Palm Beach County.
And even the stuff that PBSO has done is, you know, horrible. So, you know, at some point it's like, you know, what do people do to restore faith in the Justice Department?
Well, that's part of the globalist plan is take control of the institutions, have the institutions commit incredible crimes, and then undermine the institutions.
I'm not anti-government. I'm anti-globalist-occupied government. So, I don't blame the FBI or even the judiciary or any of this. I blame us letting criminals get in positions of power and seize that.
It's like Hitler took over Germany. Well, that overall wasn't the German's fault. They got the blame. 20 million of them got killed. They paid the price. But I blame Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Well, it's the same thing. I blame the Democratic Party and George Soros and Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Charles and, and, and, and, and, and Clow Schwab for what they've done.
And I hope the FBI and the police and others realize that we don't want to war with them. We need to start this.
But if they're dumbing up to follow the orders of the globalist, they have signed their own death warrant. Not by me, but if 1% of us fight back, they'll be wiped out, which is the globalist plan.
That's how you bring down America as a civil war. So I ask the question to listeners, how do we stop the civil war, John?
Well, you know, that's something I've been thinking about as well, because, you know, once they drive us to civil war, then, you know, that's when, you know, our country will collapse or, you know, new lines can get formed that, you know, isn't in the citizen's best interest.
And, you know, of course, if there's a peaceful, you know, resolution, we need to go and, you know, do that at all costs.
I agree. But I would say my spirit feels something else about to happen. I'm really concerned.
Yeah, and it's concerning for everyone, especially, you know, if you look in, you know, look into things or even follow current events, you know, like overseas news sources and stuff like that.
Oh, war with China, war with Russia. We are collapsing. We have lost God's blessing.
Yeah, and it's, you know, terrible. But anyway, you know, thank you for taking my call and, you know, hopefully we can, you know, help everyone out here.
Thank you, John. God bless you. Yeah, we're on this together. We're all free sentient souls with free will, living this incredible experience that God gave us.
All right, hour number four. Tell everybody tune in however you can. When you do that, it creates shockwaves.
When those who tell the tune in tell others to tune in, it changes the world. When they tell others, we have victory. Change reaction. Hour number four.
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I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And he's allowed me to go up to the mountain.
I've looked over and I've seen the promised land. I may not get that with you, but I do know tonight that we have a people who will get promised land.
We got to come together. Whether you believe it or not, you got to decide whether you have dominion over yourself.
I believe that the majority of the playing people of the United States will day in and day out make fewer mistakes in governing themselves.
And any smaller glass or body of man, no matter what they're creating, will make in trying to govern them.
You got to decide whether it's God that's going to have dominion over you, that you get orders from, or whether some other human that's jacked into the evil force is going to have dominion over you.
What we're talking about now is like a second industrial revolution, but the product this time will not be textiles or machines or vehicles or even weapons.
The product this time will be humans themselves.
Are you pro-human or are you anti-human? You are the human resistance to this alien takeover.
And again, when I say alien takeover, I don't mean some little tinfoil flying saucer crashing in Roswell from Alpha Centuries.
I'm talking about the transmission in the universe of God's order and God's will, or do you choose to serve the agents of death?
And like Martin Luther King said, we're not going to judge them off what color they are. We're going to judge them off of the character of their actions and deeds.
So I'm going to say it right now, real clear. I love everybody, no matter what color your beautiful skin is, what I care about your heart and your guts and your mind.
And you're under attack by these Satanists, and they want to kill you, and they want to kill your children.
And I say we set our differences aside, and I say we come together, and we beat these people, and we smash their technocracy, and we build the future together, and we can do anything with our real diversity.
These enemies tell us all day about diversity. They mean divided and conquered groups of people, separate from each other.
This bill is supported by all of the Democrats, House and Senate. It's just a filibuster in a way. So in a way, if you really, truly want to honor Dr. King, don't dishonor him by using a congressional custom as an excuse for protecting our democracy.
But I tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, and you ain't black.
That term will be the future war with the robots and the AI. What you're hearing now is the entire future, and everything they tried to stop us from doing.
Our supremacy will not end with this planet. We will keep all the stars. We will colonize. We will green dead worlds. We will go interdimensional. We will unlock the secrets of the universe.
God has laid them out like Christmas presents for his children, and I am extremely honored to be in the fulcrum and the heart of the fight to bring our race, the human race, in a race for the future.
And we will break the enemy. We will break the pedophiles. We will break the Satanists because God already sent his own selves down here to show us he could do it.
God would never ask us to go through an optional course. He wouldn't go through, and now we're going to go through what Christ did, and we're going to go through it, and we're going to be destroyed, but reborn on the other side.
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DietForce from X7 is exclusively available at InfoWareStore.com for 40% off. I want you to experience DietForce for yourself. I can't wait for the reviews because it's worked great for me.
At a 2019 food conference where topics included whether humans were too selfish to live sustainably, an economist suggested cannibalism could be a viable solution for climate change, and that we could start off by eating our pets.
School of Economics professor Magnus Soderland says that eating human meat from the dead might help save the human race, and that we could overcome the taboos against eating each other by simply trying it out.
And today, a new company is boasting their lab-grown artisanal salami derived from human flesh, and several articles normalizing cannibalism have recently been published by the mainstream media.
The Wikipedia page leads with the benefits of cannibalism, where it says, in environments where food availability is constrained, individuals can receive extra nutrition and energy if they use other conspecific individuals as an additional food source.
This would in turn increase the survival rate of the cannibal and thus provide an evolutionary advantage in environments where food is scarce.
This may be true when there are no other food options, but when there are, it is never favorable for any species.
Cannibals are at risk of related diseases such as Khuru disease, similar to Mad Cow disease, a neurological prion disease caused by cannibalistic consumption.
And when there are other food options, cannibalism will always be the most challenging. Studies show that cannibals tend to eat the young because it is the easiest, and they tend to hunt outside their own gene pool as a way of decreasing the competition.
Cannibals are constantly at war with their own species, and animals have evolved various protections against this barbarism.
Cannibalism is the ultimate expression of barbarism, the absence of civilization and culture, extreme cruelty.
One could argue that the whole purpose of civilization is to increase the amount of food available to keep humanity from turning to cannibalism, because who on earth wants barbarism over civility and compassion?
The New York Times published a piece entitled A Taste for Cannibalism, and they promoted it by tweeting,
cannibalism has a time and a place. Some recent books, films and shows suggest that the time is now.
The article promotes a list of recent movies and shows about cannibalism, suggesting that perhaps we should all take the cue and give it a go.
As if pop culture decides the destiny of mankind, and maybe it does, there is definitely a herd mentality that finds comfort in blind obedience,
and will do whatever they are told by the authoritative state emerging from the shadows, and the mainstream narrative is now normalizing cannibalism.
So that's what is coming. If we continue accepting their offers, it will be like the film Soylent Green, which was set in 2022,
or like the film Cloud Atlas, wherein a dystopian government processes the dead into food to feed the wretched masses.
Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
Aborted babies incinerated to eat the UK hospitals. Soylent Green, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
But now children are literally being passed through the furnace in order to fuel hospitals in the UK.
They are being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and prosperity.
The powdered flesh from dead babies. Some people believe they can cure disease.
Because of its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply. Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted. You must evacuate the area.
Well, that the shareholders of PepsiCo, Big Builder Bird Group company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So enjoy the flavor.
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.
I'm for assisted suicide. I'm for regular suicide. I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
Is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient, would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that credit for medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in? Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents. That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way. The scoops are on their way. I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life. You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
We've got to stop them. Come on!
That is the secret of Soylent Green.
Soylent Green is people!
Hello Americans, I'm Paul Harvey. If I were the devil, if I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I'd set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first. I'd begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of the serpent I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please. To the young I would whisper that the Bible is a myth. I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square. And the old I would teach to pray after me.
Our father, which art in Washington.
And then I'd get organized. I'd educate authors in how to make the lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could. I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the devil I'd soon have families at war with themselves.
Churches at war with themselves and nations at war with themselves until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the blame.
The president of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellects but neglect the discipline emotions just like those run wild.
Within a decade I'd have prisons overflowing. I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse and then from the houses of Congress.
And in his own churches I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people. You keep telling me to shut up. This isn't a game.
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct, I would convince the young that marriage is old fashioned, that swinging is more fun,
that what you see on TV is the way to be. And thus I could undress you in public and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
Now you know the rest of the story.
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What do you make of that?
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The great reset in the war for the world is the book that the government doesn't want you to read,
that most of the big powerful companies trying to control your life, the big tech companies,
they don't want you to read this book.
They want to control what you think, what you do, what you read, but you don't want that.
And Alex Jones doesn't want that.
And this book shows you what's happening and gives you the sort of playbook for how to fight against it.
And so by buying this book, you're going to prove that censorship doesn't work, that freedom is alive in this country.
This is essential reading and you know I would go right now and buy it before the censorship kicks in.
It's not going to be available in bookstores, it's not going to be available in libraries,
they're going to try to take it down from every platform that they can, but they're not going to be able to do it.
Prove that censorship doesn't work.
Buy the great reset. Thank you, Alex Jones.
I really appreciate you having me on and I appreciate you writing this book and getting the information out there.
I wanted to air some of those key news pieces during that last segment, but now we're back taking your phone calls, the order they are received,
what a historic time to be alive.
All the Globals are trying to take over our society and our civilization, but humanity is awakening and fighting back.
Ryan and North Dakota, thanks for holding here on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
Oh man, it's just crazy. How are we all doing?
All right, tell me about it.
I was reading about this, I was talking about the raid on Donald Trump and it said that they were bringing in a safe cracker
and when they opened it up, they found nothing in there.
I saw that report as well. I mean, the president owns his papers, this is all just made up crap.
This is Joe Biden, his son selling us out of China and Ukraine and Russia.
Exactly, and with us being sold out, now they're trying to shut him down for president and we all know Donald Trump is one of the best presidents
in the United States getting us back on their feet and bringing back jobs and also starting the Keystone pipeline,
which brought millions of jobs back to the American people.
Yeah, his only big failure was going along with a poison shot.
I'm so glad Bolsonaro's come out against it, so as to say as Trump needs to do that, but regardless, the deep state hates his guts.
They do, and they are doing this, I mean, and this coup that the Democratic Party has gone on is wanting at nothing to stop him from running for president
because we all know that they're in a corner, right, being cornered and we're coming back hard, we're going to pull some big time.
Beautiful, Ryan, thank you for the call brother.
Let's talk to Raul in California, thanks for holding, sir.
Hello, hello, I thank you brother.
Good, go ahead.
This whole red and Trump is ridiculously absurd, it's actually like they rated me.
I have a couple of ideas to fix this nation.
One is it's not going to have to take place in accounting levels.
Right now, the state and the federal government has actually not done their job in terms of us, so therefore we must divorce them.
So therefore, multiple cities within states will actually get together and fill out a petition to say, you know what, I should article separation from the county saying we're not going to be part of this county, we're going to form our own county.
I mean, I think the lead legislatures and governors and counties to say we don't recognize the Democrats that have hijacked the country in a coup. I think you're absolutely right.
This country is being taken over, this is them trying to submit the coup they had two years ago with the election theft, you were 100% right role.
We need to establish a third Continental Congress because we had two Continental Congresses during the Civil War, so now we're in war right now and we've got to establish a third Continental Congress.
The minute we do that, it destroys the current government we have right now.
And the delegates that could be running this Continental Congress are all the patriots, the patriots they have talked out against the elections.
Well, that's why I said they should start impeachment even though they don't have the votes because it creates a bully pulpit to expose Biden.
And I feel that the two top dogs that will run the third Continental Congress will be Distances and Trump.
They will be the top dogs to run a third Continental Congress and the less better, they better not do anything to Trump because the minute they do that, the third Continental Congress will be established and with that, their power becomes void.
You're right, we need a new Continental Congress, not a new Civil War, but the states announcing the federal government's illegitimate and reconvening America.
That's the answer. Great idea, Raul. Amazing. Darrell in New York, you're on the air. Welcome.
Hey, thank you for taking my call. It's an honor to speak to you, sir.
Honored to talk to you.
I just wanted to comment on the Trump raid, obviously, completely ridiculous. And what they're doing is they're just trying to put more media propaganda out to have people have a negative connotation of Trump.
Not that he was the greatest and the best and the most perfect president ever. Obviously, there were things that could have been done differently.
But the real reason why I wanted to call is I think there's a gentleman that you should maybe have on your shoulders. His name is Alex Epstein.
Alex Epstein, no relation to Jeffrey that I'm aware of. And he wrote a book called Fossil Future, and it's about the case for fossil fuels.
And he brings a lot of good statistics and things that are not being talked about.
Well, sir, we have enough clean burning coal around all industrial society at current rates for 5,000 years.
And all it puts out is carbon dioxide that's ancient carbon locked in the earth that made the earth grow better.
If they triple carbon dioxide, there's more oxygen, humans live longer, plants are bigger and healthier, animals are healthier. They know this.
And they are literally listing a life-giving gas as bad.
Yes. And another thing I, you know, you had a couple of callers on earlier about what do we do? And I just wanted to talk about what they're doing.
You know, even at the most local levels with weaponizing this climate change thing.
I live in an area here in New York where now they have banned the use of the equipment that I sell. I sell commercial power equipment.
And, oh, we have to go to battery, battery, battery. And they premise the whole thing on, quote, unquote, pollution. And then, oh, no, no, no, wait, no, it's noise.
Oh, no, now it's back to pollution. And they come up with false statistics.
Meanwhile, China and Mexico and India and other countries have zero cuts. It's designed to shut us down. It's called seeds. God bless you, brother.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sean in Florida. Sean, you're on the air. Welcome.
Alex Jones, the man, the myth, the legend, you are a hard man to reach. And that's the half reason I'm calling of all the shows you've been on.
You've been on Rogan, you've been on Tim Pool, you've been on, you know, Steven Crowder, their most popular shows, right? Have you in them?
Like if it says Alex Jones, any of those names, boom, top five viewers instantly.
You are the product is always in stock at infowars.com, right? I would love to see and I guarantee you other folks would pay for content with you behind the paywall, whether it's phone calls, whether it's a roundtable with like, you say you barns,
oh, employer, et cetera.
No, we're probably going to launch a subscriber base deal. I just have this thing where I want to put it out for everybody.
And that's what we're trying to do. But I, but I hear you, I'd rather just sell products and stay on the air for everybody and be on all these radio TV stations.
But I hear you, brother, that that's one thing we're looking at. I just instinctively, I don't like charging for the content because there's enough ads on it.
But we could do commercial free podcast or subscriber, which is amazing.
But then you're kind of preaching the choir. You see what I mean?
Kind of, but at the same time, just that candidness, the candidness is the reason that you were so popular in all those shows. I got to see Alex Jones relaxed, hanging out, you know, smoking some Joe whiskey, just hanging out talking, right?
And that could be the product you're selling. You don't have to censor information from the public, right? Like not, not give it out for free.
You could just have the subscriber base. The folks have been with, I've been with you for 15 years, right? We love you. Spent $1,000 with you. And hey, thank you. Love you too.
Don't want to see you go away.
Brother, thanks for keeping me in the fight. I've spent almost everything I got. I'm down a couple cars in a house. I sold my nice fancy house. I bought us an investment.
I'm not against wealth. I think it's great for everybody, but we are maxed out. We need people to go to infowarstore.com.
If people get signed copies of the Great Reset and the War for the World, then infowarstore.com. But great ideas. Thank you so much, Sean.
All right, Jefferson and so many others. Irene, Carlos, Ventura, Mark, Eric, John, Ty, your calls are all coming up in the next 30 plus minutes.
And then the War Room with Owen Shroyer coming up 3 p.m. Central Standard Time. Then weekday mornings, 11 a.m. We kick off our own broadcast.
And of course, American Journal, 8 a.m. every day with the great Harrison Smith and all the really killer guests he has on. We'll be right back. Stay with us.
Info Wars has been vindicated. We've been proven right. World government, the New World Order is out of the open.
And now more than ever, the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast. The forces of anti-human, godless New World Order are out of control.
So now realize, we have pushed them out of the light, we have pushed them out in the open, and they are so upset, and they are so scared. So well, you still can, because any day can be our last broadcast.
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But whatever you do, pray for justice, and pray for freedom, and pray for the children, and pray for free speech and justice to win.
Thank you so much for joining us. I'll spread the word, my friends. We're involved in an epic, historic battle.
People say Alex Jones is crazy, he's a conspiracy theory guy, he's a nutcase, he's got these rants and all that.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I don't want to sound like the judge gamble on you, but just because you believe something's true doesn't make it true.
Does that sound like an echo?
Yeah, it does.
Okay, I'm trying to tell you that Robert Barnes needs to be contacted on this Jamaican thing.
Chapter 2, Article 3C of the Jamaican Constitution says that Kamala Harris is a Jamaican citizen at birth.
I don't think Robert Barnes is aware of this.
If he were aware of it, he would understand that she would be at best a dual citizen at birth, so she can't be a natural born citizen of the United States.
Just make him aware that she, under the Constitution of Jamaica, is a Jamaican citizen.
Chapter 2, Article 3C.
Well, I mean, she's obviously a puppet, so what does it matter at the end of the day, Jefferson?
Well, it means, under Title 18, 242, they're all in violation of their oath under the Constitution.
Please, just bring this to Robert Barnes' attention.
I will, brother. Thanks for the call. Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mark in Texas. Mark, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, big fan over here, brother.
I want to let you know that you are a spiritual leader in this fight that is happening right now.
I want you to know that they can take everything from you, but they will never take your essence, your truth, and what you stand for.
They're coming at you full swing because you were onto something.
They would not be wasting all this money on trying to platform you and slam you if there was absolutely nothing behind what you say.
And I just want to encourage all your listeners to buy stickers.
You have stickers for like 100 tax stickers for like $10.
Buy stickers, paste them everywhere around your city, everywhere that you can find.
Spread the word because, you know, social media is going to censor it.
So one of the only ways to spread the begin full wars logo and awareness of what is happening is through, you know, brand representation through merch and stickers and things like that.
Now, you're right. We're going into tyranny and info wars is a focal point and a symbol of the resistance.
That's why they want to shut it down. Thank you, Mark.
Let's talk to Irene in Canada or no, Florida. Carlos is in Canada.
Irene in Florida. Go ahead, Alex. Yes.
A privilege and a pleasure talking to you, brother.
Nice talk to you. Go ahead.
Yeah, so I just wanted to say two things. One that I am from an immigrant family and it's a little girl when I learned about America and the Constitution, I have grown to love it.
Like I was born here, but it is so sad to see how people are fitting in the glory of this country. It is very disheartening to be honest with you.
And another thing I want to say is I want to thank you so much for everything that you're doing.
I apologize for years. I'm actually a nurse, so I listened to you a lot during nighttime when my patients are sleeping. So I just want to thank you for absolutely everything that you're doing and the truth that you're bringing to the people.
And another thing I want to say is with this thing yesterday, I'm just worried, you know, that they're going to plan some information in there on Merrill Argo and try to get Trump for something that he didn't even do.
Oh, you think these criminals might frame somebody? Absolutely, Irene. I agree with you.
Yeah, that's, you know, and like I said, you know, I come from a country that's real, real corrupt. So I know I corrupt this and it's so sad to see, you know, of course, no country is perfect.
But what happened yesterday, I felt like it was the end of our republic, to be honest with you, Alex.
I agree. It's us turning into a third world country. Thank you so much. Now let's go to Canada. Carlos in Canada, you're on the air. Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex. I had the pleasure to see the documentary, Alex's War, and I feel I've gotten to know you better and I recommend a lot of people get to see the documentaries very well done.
Alex, I'm going to be making some very important phone calls the next few weeks because I believe that the time has come. I'm a scientist by training, but, you know, a lot of scientists who know better are not coming forth.
I think in large measure because they worry about their funding and they worry about their future. I'm past that age, but I am capable of dealing with many of the subjects that are dealt with.
One of the ones that have been hidden from you and from under and the public and particularly worldwide is the idea of why the carbon emphasis on CO2 and the emphasis on the carbon footprint and the gardening of hydrocarbons in particular.
Do you know why, Alex? Tell us.
Well, I'm going to tell you because they're not telling you. If you look at the technology, which is very well the future in the fourth industrial revolution, if you're thinking like the world economic forum people would have thought or capitalists that are, you know,
bent with greed until they no longer see what's good for them. The primary material that is used in 3D printing is carbon, carbon fiber, carbon polycarbons, carbons in the large molecules and plastics.
Are you aware of that?
Yes, I am. So they want a total claim on all manufacturing.
They want to control it. Russia, of course, is a prime target, of course, because of the wealth of the nation and the size of it.
That's not important. What's important is that they're trying to garner and to make sure that the use of carbon is controlled by them.
Just like once they try to control uranium as a source of energy. And who controls energy controls the world. You know that. Money is secondary.
Based on that, I would like to talk to you about the second thing, which I mentioned as a call, with the fact that President Trump is in the most serious mortal danger in his life and he should be protected.
I'll tell you why. There is a very good reason why if President Trump is killed, the American people will unite against the killer.
And the killer can be made to look like Iran for his involvement in the killer.
They're hyping up Iran's going to kill Trump. They'll use that as a cover.
Correct. And the cover is clear. It might play golf, a little drone made in Iran. Of course, it was made in whatever Middle Eastern country can make good drones.
But they can have them knocked off. And then, of course, they have enough of these agents infiltrated at the all government levels to be able to control the narrative much, much better than when President Kennedy was assassinated.
And that is the reason why I believe President Trump, we should be concerned about him, talk about the possibilities of how he could be assassinated and how he could be covered up, make that exposed.
And the reason why they went after him so soon after you is because they tried to shut infowars down in the courtrooms and they failed.
So then they are desperate. They're moving on to the second stage. And finally, and this is why I believe from here to November, President Trump should be very, very guarded.
I hear you. Thank you so much for the call, brother.
Oh, and Shroyer is coming up at 3 p.m. of the war room. It's such a historic time. I want to thank listeners for keeping us on air. We need funding now more than ever. Please get out of mineral fusion. Please get bodies open German formula. Please get a signed copy of the Great Reset in the War for the World as a fundraiser at infowarstore.com.
Please spread the word about the articles in the videos. Please get Vaslo Beatz. Please get X2. Please get Ultra 12. It's so amazing at infowarstore.com.
You've done incredible jobs. I actually feel embarrassed coming to you asking to keep in the fight, but I'm not embarrassed of the victories we've had together. The world is so ready for the truth right now.
So now more than ever is the time to support the Info War. Share the articles, share the videos, share the reports from Band-Aunt Video and infowarstore.com.
Buy the products at infowarstore.com and know you are changing the world. We are changing the world together. What a broadcast today.
Stephen Bannon, Robert Barnes, Roger Stone, all laying out the facts of what was really going on. People are understanding the New World Order attack. They're understanding the Great Reset. They are coming together. It is an amazing time to be alive.
So thank you all for your support. We've got some key reports coming up. And then Owen Schreuer and The War Room at infowars.com forward slash show. All these broadcasts are key.
Owen is on fire. So is Harrison Smith. I want to salute the crew. Critical information straight ahead in the final segment. Stay with us.
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The Great Reset and the War for the World is the book that the government doesn't want you to read that most of the big powerful companies trying to control your life, the big tech companies, they don't want you to read this book.
They want to control what you think, what you do, what you read, but you don't want that.
And Alex Jones doesn't want that. And this book shows you what's happening and gives you the sort of playbook for how to fight against it.
And so by buying this book, you're going to prove that censorship doesn't work, that freedom is alive in this country.
This is essential reading and, you know, I would go right now and buy it before the censorship kicks in.
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I really appreciate you having me on and I appreciate you writing this book and getting the information out there.
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By officiating the unproven theory that petroleum oil is a non-renewable fossil fuel,
the oil companies were able to adjust the price accordingly.
All the way into the peak oil scare that foretold the calamity of the world soon running out of oil,
which further benefited the industry's oil pricing schemes. The wells never did go dry,
and the ones once emptied filled back up.
So the science we have today favors the abiotic theory over the fossil fuel theory,
which is that oil is a natural renewable component of our ecosystem.
And we see this in our oceans, underwater methane lakes deep beneath the surface with their own unique thriving ecosystems.
And so the story changed from the world will soon run out of oil to the world will most certainly end if we don't stop using oil.
And because nobody seems to know what science is anymore, and most people just do as they're told,
the world is about to end for millions of people and probably more,
because our civilization is built upon fossil fuels and the powers that be are turning them off.
Winter is coming and Germany is set to be very cold.
Angela Merkel saved her political career by appeasing the anti-nuclear movement and shutting down Germany's nuclear power.
Out of 17 plants, they have already shut down 11 and are still in the process of shutting down the rest,
removing 25% of their power without anything to replace it, because their green deal turned out to be a failure.
After all the hype, Germany's dependence on fossil fuel is at 76%,
so they are temporarily switching back to coal and oil.
But that's a real problem because they've neglected their own fuel industry and become dependent upon Russia's.
And the German government would rather have the country freeze to death than buy fuel from Russia.
The German economy is based on highly innovative production, which requires a great deal of energy that they no longer produce.
And so running out of fuel will quickly collapse the German economy,
which will cause a tsunami of economic destruction throughout the EU and the world.
And the German government is letting it happen.
They could leave some nuclear plants online, but they still plan on shutting it all down by the end of this year to stay green.
Some anti-carbon environmentalists are saying that nuclear power is the greenest option.
And maybe that's true, but none of their schemes add up.
So far the green agenda has only successfully accomplished making people feel good about themselves while they destroy their own society.
The EU and Britain are actually reverting back to burning wood as fuel and claim that it is carbon neutral, which is a lie.
Societies have steadily evolved towards a cleaner, more efficient energy starting from wood, the least clean and efficient,
and moving to coal followed by oil and gas.
And now nearly 40% of Europe's renewable energy is wood, which mostly comes from clear-cutting forests in the United States.
This new green deal is a complete lie.
It's just another part of the creepy elite's great reset.
These elite bloodlines want a new cashless society, but one more like the Middle Ages,
which for these spoiled inbreds, is the good old days.
And if they succeed, it looks like Germany will get there first.
And in the midst of all this chaos, the German government is focused on allowing children age 14 and older to change their gender and first names
without parental permission once a year for as often as they want.
Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
After being deleted by YouTube and social media in 2018, most people did nothing to defend Alex Jones or Infowars.
Instead, they obediently learned the new rules and rationalized their submission as a necessary evil.
As a result, things have only gotten worse for everyone, and without any recourse, they are about to get much worse.
Alex Jones is now Patient Zero for America's new de facto justice system, brought to you by the fear, complacency, and inaction of the people.
Because we take it, here's how we can all expect to now be treated.
Even though Jones never mentioned their name and the parents never sought a retraction, Alex Jones is being sued for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress
by parents of children who were murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
The rest of the plaintiffs are federal agents, and the legal team is comprised of highly politicized members of the anti-gun lobby
who have admitted their intention is to silence Alex Jones.
So with this new precedent, if you dare question the official narrative, say for example, the school shooting in Valde, Texas,
then someone can sue you into oblivion for emotional distress, but it only gets worse.
The plaintiffs claim that Alex Jones was the perpetrator of the Sandy Hook Crisis Actor conspiracy theory,
which is demonstrably false. After all the censorship and deleted videos, one can still find hours and hours of video content
compiled from hundreds of sources, all questioning the official narrative of Sandy Hook.
It was arguably the most discussed conspiracy theory since 9-11.
And over the course of seven years, Alex Jones spent less than 30 minutes discussing it.
We know this because it's all part of the public record, but these radical judges do not care about evidence.
I am not currently representing Alex Jones, so I am free to speak my mind.
They're already, apparently, I've heard that the plaintiff's lawyers are complaining about me speaking out about the case.
That's how corrupt these plaintiff's lawyers are.
They're political hacks standing on the bodies of dead kids to line their pockets and take away other people's political rights.
And I find it disgusting what they've done.
And so, but in this particular context, Jones has produced more discovery than anybody.
I can't find anyone that produced more discovery than he is, and yet they pretended that he didn't.
Why? Because they built their whole case on a big lie.
Both Judge Gamble in Texas and Judge Bellis in Connecticut have found Alex Jones guilty without ever holding a trial
or hearing any evidence, which is worse treatment than anyone has ever gotten in America, including Charles Manson and Al Capone.
And their excuse for this abomination of justice is they claim that Jones failed to provide them with the incriminating evidence that they imagine must exist.
Whatever that mysterious, unspecified evidence is, both judges have stripped Jones of his first amendment right,
but Judge Gamble has gone much further.
Judge Maya Gamble comes from CPS, who has been exposed for human trafficking and working with pedophiles.
Gamble helped publish CPS propaganda, praising the state's authority and advising parents that it's normal for their children to lie about being abused in foster care.
In the Alex Jones case, Judge Gamble has ordered that the words first amendment and free speech cannot be used by Alex Jones, his witnesses, or even his lawyers.
He is not allowed to defend himself.
Judge Gamble has instructed that the jury is not allowed to hear about the emotional trauma caused by the mass murderer who killed the children.
They are only allowed to hear how their trauma was caused by the words of Alex Jones.
And during jury selection, not a single juror thought the media has ever treated Alex Jones or Info Wars unfairly.
And any juror who questioned the $100 million amount casually discussed by the plaintiff's lawyers were kicked off the jury.
Alex Jones was canceled from social media in 2018 and is now being canceled from the U.S. Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And because of our complacency, everyone else is next.
And in case you were wondering, the way we used to do justice was a thing called innocent until proven guilty.
It relied upon the burden of proof, and it was pretty good.
Reporting for Info Wars, this is Greg Rees.
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