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Filename: 20220807_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 7, 2022
1236 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the ongoing fight against globalism and the importance of standing up for truth. Despite facing lawsuits and being removed from major tech platforms, Info Wars continues to grow due to an awakened audience seeking the truth. Jones encourages listeners to join the fight against globalism and stand for freedom, highlighting critical issues such as mass starvation, collapsing borders, and forced injections as part of a total war against civilization. He also promotes his book "The Great Reset," which exposes the threat of globalism and provides a playbook for fighting against it. Finally, he addresses the persecution of Alex Jones and Info Wars, stating that this is only a distraction from the real issues at hand.

And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going
to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe, you got one!
We're live from the front lines of the information war.
It's Alex Jones.
Sunday, August 7th, massive four-hour transmission lined up. Spread the word, Patriots. You are the Paul Revere's of the 21st century and a battle for the future of humanity.
For less than 20 minutes, Alex Jones questioned the official narrative of the Sandy Hook School shooting because for the so-called
Truth or Community, that was the big story. And so he did his job and covered the story. Just like he's done for the other 1.8 million minutes of his career.
Alex Jones has been questioning the official narrative of the corrupt mainstream media and exposing the authoritarian cabal hiding in the shadows for 28 years.
And over time, this revival of truth has grown into millions worldwide. Alex Jones expanded his broadcast by selling a line of products focused on healing from the toxic world of a corrupt system,
which has allowed Info Wars to remain a free public broadcast to combat the dangerous lies of the mainstream media.
In 2018, with zero evidence of their wild claims, a George Soros-funded lawsuit was filed against Alex Jones and Info Wars.
Four months later, big tech removes Info Wars from the internet. We were meant to be destroyed four years ago, but thanks to an awakened audience that cares about the truth,
the Info Wars signal has only grown stronger. And now they are no longer hiding the fact that they are standing on the graves of dead children and using their grieving parents as a political weapon to silence all of alternative news media.
I ask that with your verdict, you not only take Alex Jones' platform that he talks about away, I ask that you make certain he can't rebuild the platform. That's what matters.
Take him out of this discourse, of this misinformation, of this peddling of lies and make sure he can't do it again. Alex Jones is patient zero for our society's inability to speak without lies.
He is patient zero for alternative facts.
And according to Judge Gamble, acting like O'Brien straight out of George Orwell's 1984, the judge decides what is true.
You may not say to this jury that you provide the support. That is not true. You may not say it again. You may not tell this jury that you are bankrupt. That is also not true. You were already under oath to tell the truth.
You've already violated that oath twice today in just those two examples. It seems absurd to instruct you again that you must tell the truth while you testify. Yet here I am. You must tell the truth while you testify. This is not your show. Do you understand what I have said?
Yes. I believe what I said was true.
Yes, you believe everything you say is true, but it isn't. Your beliefs do not make something true. That is what we're doing here. Just because you claim to think something is true does not make it true.
There's going to be a large set of plaintiffs who are going to be dividing up the corpse of Info Wars in the bankruptcy estate.
The decision to terminate the Info Wars broadcast is not in the hands of this crooked cabal. It is and always has been the will of our audience that decide our fate. The Info Wars audience has mobilized and awakened the world to the threat that is globalism.
And with your continued support, we will keep going. Join us now and support the Info War.
Absolutely. We got a hell of a broadcast line up for you today. Wait until we get what we cover when we come back. I'm not letting them distract me from the main issue.
The great reset in the war for the world is the book that the government doesn't want you to read, that most of the big, powerful companies trying to control your life, the big tech companies, they don't want you to read this book.
They want to control what you think, what you do, what you read, but you don't want that. And Alex Jones doesn't want that. And this book shows you what's happening and gives you the sort of playbook for how to fight against it.
And so by buying this book, you're going to prove that censorship doesn't work, that freedom is alive in this country. This is a central reading. And, you know, I would go right now and buy it before the censorship kicks in.
It's not going to be available in bookstores. It's not going to be available in libraries. They're going to try to take it down from every platform that they can, but they're not going to be able to do it.
Prove that censorship doesn't work. Buy the great reset. Thank you, Alex Jones. I really appreciate you having me on and I appreciate you writing this book and getting the information out there.
I am honored and blessed to be here in the Crucible in the arena with you this evening. This live Sunday, August 7th Worldwide Broadcast will be here for the next four hours.
And just remember, the power structure is working around the clock to silence this information. He's working tirelessly to stop the populist pro-human voices that stand against their great reset and the new world order.
The new spending bill has been passed in the Senate. It's being sent back to the House of Representatives. The Neutron's treason and treachery has a lot of to happen.
In it is shutting down more coal plants, shutting down more oil drilling, shutting down more energy development in the United States, and is a certain death blow to what's left of our economy if you think the nation is already in trouble.
And there's a bunch of gun bans inside the legislation as well. This is hellish.
Now I want to explain something here that's very critical in the hierarchy of what I believe is the most important issues you may agree you may disagree.
During the weekday shows this week we'll be up with the phones up a lot to get your take on all this, but number one issue is a relationship with God and being a good, decent person.
And after that we see the temporal issues taking place. 64 million extra people, the UN says, starving to death the last 32 months during the globalist lockdown in the third world is still ongoing.
The collapse of civilization. 60 plus million is starving to death. Tens of millions around the world have died after taking the COVID shots.
I'm going to show you mainstream news insurance company press releases coming up next segment. So mass starvation and collapse the third world flooding the first world run by the UN.
The replacement migration. Tens of millions dying from the poison shots already. Imagine how bad it's going to get.
Then the collapsing borders, the wars, the fentanyl being shipped in the pedophilia being promoted via drag queen pedophile time.
The list goes on and on of the attack happening on our civilization.
And when you look at what they're doing, it's total war against our civilization.
Senate passes sweeping tax climate change package. We'll go to the house next. It hires 80 plus thousand IRS agents in the legislation to target blue collar and middle class people to shut down small businesses.
What do you think the lockdowns were for six months in 2020 and longer in places like California, New York over a year saying small businesses are not essential, but big corporations are essential.
That's designed to destroy small business. That's designed to consolidate power. That's designed as siege and economic war.
So in the hierarchy of issues, mass starvation, new lockdowns, forced injections, mass death, the eve of World War Three, huge wars taking place around the planet, the proxy war in Ukraine, the collapsing borders,
tripling of the average of suicide, crime rates exploding, George Soros buying up thousands of DA's and counting attorneys having them stand down for real crime,
all persecuting their political enemies. That's all huge. And down there at the bottom is the persecution of Alex Jones and show trials.
But then why wasn't the number one story off and on, on Instagram, on Google, on Facebook, on Twitter in the last two weeks, Alex Jones.
Every day we friended number one, thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of articles, every corporate TV station, every network lying about us, attacking saying we're the enemy, we're the problem, shut us down.
Don't you see it? When they talk about Alex Jones, they're talking about you. When I say this, you need to really let that sink in.
They see me as the populist resistance. They see me as everything they hate.
Pro-human, pro-God, pro-family, pro-truth, asking questions, not daunted by them, not intimidated.
They see that dauntless spirit, that indomitable spirit as their enemy, because they hate you, whether you're white or brown or black or gay or straight or old or young or where you're from.
They want to break your will and they want to dominate and control you.
So I am extremely honored to be under this massive attack because it means I'm over the target.
But in this hierarchy of attacks, 60 plus million starving to death and tens of millions dying from the poison shots and all of it, why am I saying Alex Jones is the least important?
Because individually, this is not important. What happens to me?
But when you realize that if they can silence us and they can surveil us to enforce the censorship, they can silence you.
And on CNN and the New York Times and the Washington Post and MSNBC, I've got the clips. I've got a stack of news right here.
The Democrats crow. They brag like a rooster at dawn. Alex Jones is the model to shut everyone down now. We're going to ban their speech.
And so the attack on Info Wars is not the bottom of the hierarchy. It's the top.
Individually, it's not important in the scale of things. But when you realize what they fear, you being vocal, you have encouraged that they're trying to chill you and trying to intimidate you and trying to scare others from telling the truth,
then you understand that our speech and our resistance and our non-compliance is beyond paramount.
It is essential. It is critical. It is key, key.
We cut through their lives. We cut through their propaganda. We know who they are. We know their plan.
And we know how to stop them. And we will do it together with God's spirit and blessing.
So I want all of you listening today. The power of us coming together is unstoppable with God's energy.
But God is a free will God and will only do this if we ask and say our Heavenly Father, we ask you to cleanse us.
You ask us to connect us to your great will and lead God and direct us.
And we ask you now in a unified prayer to pray for justice for the children and justice for the innocent and for the great awakening that's happening to expand at record levels
and that a hedge of protection be put up for all of us that are standing against this satanic force.
In the name of your Son, our Savior, Christ Jesus, amen.
You will simply say that prayer in unison together that God, we cry out to you for direction.
We cry out to you to send us the Holy Spirit to stand against the spirit of evil. We can't beat Satan as individuals.
But together with God, we are infinity more powerful.
So that's what people need to understand is that I expected this. I've known this. I've told you forever this was coming.
And I've understood the bargain I made and how the Holy Spirit was so honest that you really want to fight tyranny.
You really want to take it on a point like range. You really want to mobilize the people. You really want to be that person.
And I said yes. And I was shown the aftermath and what it would mean to me personally. And because I'm imperfect and I'm a sinner,
my best efforts can still be twisted against me because Satan is the great accuser.
But it doesn't matter. God knows the heart. Just as you knew King David's heart.
And so I said yes to that commission more than 25 years ago. Art of Honor a few years.
I remember sitting there in that Waterloo ice house after a two hour show I'd done.
I was eating chicken fried steak by myself and drinking an iced tea.
And I just got like the down low while I was sitting there and was like, this is what you decided. This is what's going to happen.
I'm ready to back you. You're going to be able to do this. But are you 100% on board?
100% on board. And I said yes, sir. And it's all happened just like God said it would.
God's in control not the Satanist and they will pay for what they've done.
But that's a side issue. We're doing this for the innocent children. Massive news straight ahead. Stay with us.
The great reset in the war for the world is the book that the government doesn't want you to read.
That most of the big powerful companies trying to control your life, the big tech companies, they don't want you to read this book.
They want to control what you think, what you do, what you read, but you don't want that.
And Alex Jones doesn't want that. And this book shows you what's happening and gives you the sort of playbook for how to fight against it.
And so by buying this book, you're going to prove that censorship doesn't work, that freedom is alive in this country.
This is essential reading. And you know, I would go right now and buy it before the censorship kicks in.
It's not going to be available in bookstores. It's not going to be available in libraries.
They're going to try to take it down from every platform that they can, but they're not going to be able to do it.
Prove that censorship doesn't work. Buy the great reset. Thank you, Alex Jones.
I really appreciate you having me on and I appreciate you writing this book and getting the information out there.
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The globalists are fighting around the clock to destroy the family, to destroy heterosexual relationships, to annihilate our marriages.
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The leading up frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The design collapse of our civilization is taking place to make us poor, to make us homeless, to make us absolutely susceptible to turning ourselves over to the great reset and the casual society now being announced.
ABC News, NBC News, they've all announced again you will soon take microchips to buy and sell.
That's coming up next segment.
I told you two years ago they would soon be promoting cannibalism as a good thing from the New York Times to the Washington Post, the CNN, we have those clips as well.
But let's hit the big issue.
Again, mass death, mass murder, the New World Order, that's the top story.
But if they can silence us and censor the leading lights that are fighting this tyranny, then they can succeed they believe.
They wouldn't be trying to censor us if we weren't effective.
So look at some of these headlines.
This is from WFYI.
Insurance executive says death rates among working age people up 40%.
Huge, huge numbers.
Insurance group sees death rates up 40% over pre-pandemic levels.
That's been out for eight months now.
Mortality crisis ensures he rise in non-COVID deaths, the biggest in history.
More than we're lost in World War II.
Mortality trends rise among questions for life insurers.
This is mainstream news.
And then there's this local KUSI news with Dr. Kelly Victory, who's a medical doctor.
And she lays out the numbers she's now been censored off of Twitter for daring to talk about it.
That's coming up.
I'm going to read some of the comments too on the YouTube video from morticians and others and what they're seeing.
But this is so insane.
It's testing to see if they can kill us.
Logan's run style.
Seeing it will accept it and just rolling this out.
It's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, it's rid of your immune system, causes blood clots, infertility, cancer.
That was in the October 2000 document from the CDC.
They even told you what it would do.
It's satanic.
They've got to post what they're planning.
And if you want to see the censored video from KUSI, it's posted the live show feed from today under the live show feed at infowars.com.
So take that video and share it because she's put her reputation alive on the line.
She's only covering all the main line admitted insurance actuaries that confirm, triple the deaths that we saw in 2020 that we've seen in 2021 and now in 2022.
It's an eight minute report.
Here's just a few minutes of it.
U.S. life insurance companies have reported an overwhelming and unexplainable increase in all cause deaths among 18 to 49 year olds.
Along with that, there's also been an increase in certain medical diagnosis such as miscarriages and Bell's palsy.
Here to give us her take on the new data and what she believes could be causing the rise in numbers is emergency medicine and disaster specialist Dr. Kelly Victory.
Dr. Victory, good morning.
Great to talk to you as always.
Good morning, Jason.
Thanks for having me.
Okay, we want to make sure that anytime we talk, we want to make sure the information that we have is accurate.
So let's start this interview by telling us, I've seen your correspondence here.
What is the source of the information that you're about to present?
Well, this information became available to me or on my radar last week following a hearing with Senator Ron Johnson, who was looking at sort of what he calls a second opinion on the entire response to the COVID pandemic.
The medical data was released by three career military physicians who got the information from the military database that collects what we call ICD codes, which are the diagnosis codes.
And these physicians had a feeling they believed based on their own observation that they were seeing a significant uptick in certain conditions.
So they actually went back and called the database from the military on certain conditions over a five year period from 2016 through 2020, notably containing one year, 2020, of the full blown pandemic.
So they looked at 2016, 17, 18, 19 and 20 at the prevalence of certain conditions, including things like heart attack, blood clots to the lung, miscarriages, those sorts of things.
And they compared it to the incidents of those same things in the calendar year 2021 and saw an alarming increase in certain things.
For example, they saw a 270% increase in myocardial infarction in 2021, a 300% increase in incidents of Bell's palsy and of certain neurologic complaints, a 470% increase in pulmonary embolisms, blood clots to the lungs, and many, many other huge increases that they found alarming.
Now, no one is saying with any certainty, Jason, what is causing this, but we certainly would be remiss as scientists if we didn't look at that and say, there is something going on.
What happened in 2021 that was so different from the previous five year average that would cause this massive increase in certain medical conditions?
And again, you can go to the CDC's own website in October. It's still on their site. Two years ago, 2020, they predicted it all.
So let's go over some of this. Look at the comments on YouTube when people had to say, her Twitter account has been suspended, which means she's 100% on the truth.
The only reason to silence someone is because you fear the truth continues.
Philip Paulson, when exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you're being ruled by criminals. Edward Snowden, Black Sun, the doctor should be all over the media. She is to be commended.
Another one, she raises a good point about people reacting to inquisitiveness about the sudden spike, asking what's going on.
Some people would rather attack her than hear her, and those people can fuse and worry me to the no end.
As a funeral director, says funeral director, EJ, I can tell you that we did have many more deaths in our location in 2021 than 2000, and it goes on and on.
They're trying to silence military doctors, this AI technology they have, calling for whistleblowers and conspiracy theorists, which in the past we call good doctor scientists who recognize patterns, question all aspects and speak up when the data is collected.
And it goes on and on, folks. You got to read every comment. Every comment I read over a hundred today is awake. The globalists are in trouble. We're winning.
But I usually the crew can pull it up and it's not their fault. I just called for it real fast. There it is. They found it.
It's on the CDC website. FDA COVID-19 vaccine safety surveillance planning and what they predict would happen. And they go on in the document to talk about adverse reactions and what they predict heart attacks, microcarditis, blood clots, cancer, autoimmune disease,
Guillain-Barre, narcolepsy, stroke, which has all happened. And we have the senior scientists who retired a year before they started. Dr. Michael Yeadon at Pfizer predicting an all-in-law suits he filed two years ago.
This is a smoking gun. And this is why they want us silenced. Because we're telling you the truth. We won't stand by while they kill little babies, record deaths in little babies.
Now taking the so-called vaccine and all the fools that serve the system for power thinking they're getting ahead of everything doing this.
We're going to cover the economic collapse by design, this new Senate legislation that just passed into the House and more and how the media is openly promoting cannibalism as we predicted coming up.
People say Alex Jones is crazy. He's a conspiracy theory guy. He's a nutcase. He's got these rants and all that. What they miss is that this guy's ahead of the curve on so many different topics of signal, not noise.
If you look at the signal and you compare that to PBS and NPR and BBC and we'll do what Alex Jones put out there versus what your collective body has put out there.
And if you're a Senate human being and just watching it, you say, well, Alex Jones is ahead of this. Not only that, he kind of explained it.
You are one of the great thinkers of this. That is very rare. You've got to go back almost to the revolutionary generation and see that.
In this new book, I've got to tell you, when Tony Lyons first approached me, I read this thing. I go, this is it. This is no Beatrix.
You're not going to be flipping pages or you're going to be having a pen out and you're going to be underlining stuff.
The Great Reset by Alex Jones. Order your copy now at Amazon or infowarstore.com.
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Vitamin mineral fusion back in stock 40% off at infowarstore.com. Vitamin mineral fusion.
At a 2019 food conference where topics included whether humans were too selfish to live sustainably,
an economist suggested cannibalism could be a viable solution for climate change and that we could start off by eating our pets.
School of Economics Professor Magnus Soderland says that eating human meat from the dead might help save the human race and that we could overcome the taboos against eating each other by simply trying it out.
And today a new company is boasting their lab grown artisanal salami derived from human flesh and several articles normalizing cannibalism have recently been published by the mainstream media.
The Wikipedia page leads with the benefits of cannibalism.
Where it says in environments where food availability is constrained, individuals can receive extra nutrition and energy if they use other conspecific individuals as an additional food source.
This would in turn increase the survival rate of the cannibal and thus provide an evolutionary advantage in environments where food is scarce.
This may be true when there are no other food options, but when there are, it is never favorable for any species.
Cannibals are at risk of related diseases such as Khuru disease, similar to Mad Cow disease, a neurological prion disease caused by cannibalistic consumption.
And when there are other food options cannibalism will always be the most challenging.
Studies show that cannibals tend to eat the young because it is the easiest and they tend to hunt outside their own gene pool as a way of decreasing the competition.
Cannibals are constantly at war with their own species and animals have evolved various protections against this barbarism.
Cannibalism is the ultimate expression of barbarism, the absence of civilization and culture, extreme cruelty.
One could argue that the whole purpose of civilization is to increase the amount of food available to keep humanity from turning to cannibalism.
Because who on earth wants barbarism over civility and compassion?
The New York Times published a piece entitled A Taste for Cannibalism and they promoted it by tweeting,
cannibalism has a time and a place. Some recent books, films and shows suggest that the time is now.
The article promotes a list of recent movies and shows about cannibalism, suggesting that perhaps we should all take the cue and give it a go.
As if pop culture decides the destiny of mankind and maybe it does, there is definitely a herd mentality that finds comfort in blind obedience
and will do whatever they are told by the authoritative state emerging from the shadows and the mainstream narrative is now normalizing cannibalism.
So that's what is coming if we continue accepting their offers.
It will be like the film Soylent Green, which was set in 2022, or like the film Cloud Atlas, wherein a dystopian government processes the dead into food to feed the wretched masses.
Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
Ladies and gentlemen, two years ago, I did the Eat My Neighbors rant and I says they collapse society, they're going to promote cannibalism,
because I know their plan. I made films off their own documents and now here we are in the year 2022.
See all of Greg Rees' incredible reports at band.video and infowars.com.
So let's put the full show headline of it. We can for viewers right now. I'll read it for radio listeners.
But that's where we are. They want you to accept pedophilia. They want you to accept owning nothing, having nothing.
They want you to accept eating bugs and all of this to get you to give up on your life force and common sense.
Sunday Live. Dim's rammed through massive spending bill weaponizing IRS like it's middle class and imposing great reset measures.
It can't get more predatory than this. These are true psychotic monsters that point at those of us that oppose them and say,
we're bad for questioning the big events when almost every case they have staged the events or provocateur the events.
So is Alex Jones the villain like all the corporate media tells you or is it Klaus Schwab?
Is it Bill Gates? Is it Prince Charles? They fly around on private jets. They live like kings.
But they tell you you should starve to death. They tell you you should go away.
This has been their project. It's been their operations. How I can predict the next phases of it.
We can get off this ride though at any time by recognizing how predatory and how evil, how evil these people are.
Now we've got your Hernandez joining us. He's an amazing reporter. He's got hundreds of millions of views conservatively in his videos.
And he's now being censored and banned off of YouTube because he simply showed drag queen pedophile time events where they admit they're grooming our children.
They say we're grooming your children. He'll join us next hour.
Because remember they claim they care about the children all day.
What they want to do is destroy the children's innocence. That's coming up next hour.
But let me go ahead and mention this because we're front and center in the news.
Whether it's Texas or Connecticut in blue city controlled zones.
I'm being sued by Soros back Democrat operatives for questioning a mass shooting 10 years ago.
And I'm the worst man in the world. I didn't lie about WMD's on purpose.
I didn't promote pedophilia. I didn't human traffic children over the border. No, I simply said gun owners aren't to blame for mass shootings.
Criminals and crazies are.
But look at this headline. UN warns of worrying and dangerous conspiracy theories.
The UN calls for censoring anyone questioning open borders, elections, gun control or forced injections.
Alex Jones and a 65 million fine. It's not even right. It's 47 million. It's captured 5 million, but it doesn't matter. That's meant to scare you.
And now we have raw story and ABC news and the New York Times all saying Alex Jones lawsuit verdict is bad news for the conspiracy viewing host at Fox legal expert.
Another headline, Apple news, top of Apple news.
We need honest reporting, less conspiracy theory and more facts, which they give us why Alex Jones is only one who lost big in the Sandy Hook verdict.
And they're going to say we're going to silence everyone in the Apple news story.
The Sandy Hook lawyer says it's time to take Alex Jones out and everybody else like him.
And it goes on from there. But thank God that Charlie Kirk and Mike Cernovich and.
Jack Pasobic and.
Steve Bannon and countless others have come to our defense realizing it's us today. It's them tomorrow. Representative Taylor Green says info works founder Alex Jones being politically persecuted.
Roger Stone calls for contributions to help Alex Jones after $45.2 million verdict.
Hernandez coming up says what happens to Alex Jones is criminal. He was the first to be censored by big tech everywhere.
Now he is the first to be persecuted with defamation cases that set him up to lose all because of free speech.
And we've got more coming up, but I am honored to be in this position because I believe in you and we're going to win. And Texas caps these things.
All we need is the money for appeals. All we need is the support through the bankruptcy. We're going to keep fighting.
The money you donate, the money you give buying products will not go to them. It will go to keep us on air.
If you're buying this book, you're going to prove that censorship doesn't work, that freedom is alive in this country. This is essential reading.
And you know, I would go right now and buy it before the censorship kicks in. It's not going to be available in bookstores.
It's not going to be available in libraries. They're going to try to take it down from every platform that they can, but they're not going to be able to do it.
Prove that censorship doesn't work by the great reset. Thank you, Alex Jones. I really appreciate you having me on and I appreciate you writing this book and getting the information out there.
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info wars has been vindicated. We've been proven right. World government, the new world order is out of the open. And now more than ever, the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast. The forces of anti-human, godless new world order are out of control.
So now realize we have pushed them out of the light. We have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset and they are so scared. So while you still can, because any day can be our last broadcast, spread the word about the show, share the article, share the videos, and please fund us while getting great products at the same time at infowarstore.com.
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But whatever you do, pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to win.
Thank you so much for joining us. Now spread the word my friends. We're involved in an epic historic battle.
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Think about that. The enemy is running thousands of articles a day and hundreds of TV programs conservatively trying to shut us down. Why is that? Ask the question.
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So if you'll simply spread the word about the live feeds, if you'll simply support the broadcast, if you'll simply support the products at infohorsetour.com, it's game over.
So let's play these clips back to back. This is Bannon talking about what Trump's going to do if he wins again and how they were caught flat footed six years ago and I believe him.
And then we've got another clip here. We're going to air it back to back of Harriet Hagman, who is set to defeat Liz Cheney in the run, that congressional seat.
Powerful stuff. Let's air these back to back.
That's why Cash Patel, this great patriot. People think Cash is just a genius about counterterrorism and national security and everything like that and he is and he'll be the head of the CIA in the second term.
But Cash understands the administrative state. This is more than a bureaucracy, right?
This is an organic thing that's grown. It has its own courts. It puts its own legislation out in the federal register. It has its own enforcement capability.
It's an absolute government that must be taken apart brick by brick.
And Cash gave us, Cash showed us how, actually this has been reporting it.
Remember, we have 4,000 political appointees in any administration. Roughly 1,000 have to be sent to confirm. So they're going to take a while. 3,000 can hit the beach day one.
In 16, obviously it was a come from behind victory. We didn't have this. We didn't have the troops. We hadn't really gotten organized like that.
But now we have no excuse. This is why you have all these great think tanks coming up. We're going to have a well trained cadre of people that will hit the beach day one.
And their number one thing is to start taking apart the federal bureaucracy brick by brick.
We're fed up with the Green New Deal and the socialists who created it. We're fed up with the attacks on our fossil fuel and energy industries.
We're fed up with an open border. We're fed up with human trafficking. We're fed up with fentanyl flooding our country.
And we're fed up with illegal immigration. We're fed up with critical race theory. We're fed up with boys competing in girl sports.
We're fed up with the liberal media, Twitter, Facebook, Google and YouTube for blocking conservative speech.
We're fed up with our government and universities censoring conservative thought canceling debate and rewriting history.
We're fed up with the corruption in the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, the CIA, the NSA, and the Vice Court.
We're fed up with mass mandates, vaccine mandates, the CDC, the NIH, the WHO and the misinformation campaign surrounding COVID-19.
We're fed up with Anthony Fauci. We're fed up with the politicians in the elitists in DC who are getting rich while the middle class falls further behind every year.
We're fed up with Joe Biden with Nancy Pelosi. We're fed up with the January 6th Commission and those people who think that they can gaslight us.
And we're fed up with Liz Cheney.
We are putting everyone on notice. As of November 8th, we're taking our country back.
So the globalists are in free fall. They're desperate. They're losing. And they think that they can target the Alex Joneses of the world and shut us down and demonize us.
But they'll be able to intimidate everybody else to not speak up. But I bet on you a long time ago, and I know you're going to win.
It's going to be hard. It's not going to be easy. But we're going to win together.
Now coming up, we have Drew Hernandez, who's exposed the government pedophile rings and is being censored.
And then we've got my Connecticut lawyer and the Sandy Hook anti-free speech globalist takeover situation joining us.
And then Owen Shroyer is coming up as well. So it's a big broadcast. We still have left. And we have so much more.
The illegal aliens being shipped by Texas to New York City and DC and they're freaking out. We have the videos of that. That's coming up.
But before I go any further, I'm going to tell you bottom line. We're not backed by George Soros. We're not backed by the Democratic Party.
We're not backed by the Rockefeller Foundation. We're backed by you. And we will never give up. And we know God's in charge.
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Because we're a rallying point. We are something that globalists hate because the spirit we have is the same spirit you have and they want to shut it down. And there's nothing I want more than to never bow to these people and never let them win.
We played you earlier. We'll play at the first five minutes of the next hour before Drew Hernandez, a beautiful soul, joins us.
Where the lawyers for the Democratic Party say, once we silence Jones, we'll silence all of the conservatives, all the populace, all the Christians.
They said it in the fake trial where I was already found guilty by the blue haired crazy gentlelady. She actually wears like blue wigs, SJW.
People say, man, how are you taking it? How's it going? I expect to be attacked by these people. I expect to be persecuted, but I expect, because I know who you are, that you're going to support yourself and your family and not let these bastards win.
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This is the real outlaw. This is the rebel. This is what we support. And I want to thank all of the patriot, conservative and nationalist leaders.
It lets me know there's a lot of good people from Tucker Carlson to Joe Rogan that have been backing us in this fight that realize they're next if we fall.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
For less than 20 minutes, Alex Jones questioned the official narrative of the Sandy Hook School shooting because for the so-called truth or community, that was the big story.
And so he did his job and covered the story. Just like he's done for the other 1.8 million minutes of his career, Alex Jones has been questioning the official narrative of the corrupt mainstream media and exposing the authoritarian cabal hiding in the shadows for 28 years.
And over time, this revival of truth has grown into millions worldwide. Alex Jones expanded his broadcast by selling a line of products focused on healing from the toxic world of a corrupt system, which has allowed Info Wars to remain a free public broadcast to combat the dangerous lies of the mainstream media.
In 2018, with zero evidence of their wild claims, a George Soros-funded lawsuit was filed against Alex Jones and Info Wars. Four months later, big tech removes Info Wars from the internet.
We were meant to be destroyed four years ago, but thanks to an awakened audience that cares about the truth, the Info Wars signal has only grown stronger. And now they are no longer hiding the fact that they are standing on the graves of dead children and using their grieving parents as a political weapon to silence all of alternative news media.
I ask that with your verdict, you not only take Alex Jones' platform that he talks about away, I ask that you make certain he can't rebuild the platform. That's what matters.
Take him out of this discourse, of this misinformation, of this peddling of lies, and make sure he can't do it again. Alex Jones is patient zero for our society's inability to speak without lies. He is patient zero for alternative facts.
And according to Judge Gamble, acting like O'Brien straight out of George Orwell's 1984, the judge decides what is true.
You may not say to this jury that you comply with stubbornness. That is not true. You may not say it again. You may not tell this jury that you are bankrupt. That is also not true. You're already under oath to tell the truth.
You've already violated that oath twice today in just those two examples. It seems absurd to instruct you again that you must tell the truth while you testify. Yet here I am. You must tell the truth while you testify. This is not your show. Do you understand what I have said?
Yes, I believe what I said was true. You believe everything you say is true, but it isn't. Your beliefs do not make something true. That is what we're doing here. Just because you claim to think something is true does not make it true.
There's going to be a large set of plaintiffs who are going to be dividing up the corpse of Info Wars in the bankruptcy estate. The decision to terminate the Info Wars broadcast is not in the hands of this crooked cabal.
It is and always has been the will of our audience that decide our fate. The Info Wars audience has mobilized and awakened the world to the threat that is globalism and with your continued support we will keep going. Join us now and support the Info War.
You have the decision in your hands now. You spread the word, you pray, you buy products, you never surrender, we will win. If not, it's a fate worse than death.
There are only 75 points left in the three-point series exclusively right now at 1776point.com. And for the final 75 people become founding members for this big project we're launching in the near future, you'll also get a personal signed piece of art I made of the Sheepdog chasing the wolf in a personal message.
It's your last chance to get all three points at 1776point.com. This is history happening now. Info Wars thanks to your support is changing the world and this is the final 75 three-point set exclusively available at 1776point.com.
For this information it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Info War.
For Hernandez. Feeling like a woman.
If you're a radio listener, the Pito armies are now literally parading children in public with men with giant fake breasts, children on stripper poles.
I mean this is satanic as it gets. This is their religion and now they're censoring people across the board that expose it.
This is an open window ticket asylum taking over. And I've got some breaking news for you here that just came out today. God help us.
He was arrested. Counselor who organized drag queen showtime arrested for having sex with 15 year old student.
Political correctness hampers crackdown on child sex grooming.
Breaking YouTuber moves drew Hernandez anti-grooming videos for hate speech.
Weiner says gay shouldn't avoid sex parties orges during monkey pox though they caused it.
Thrust out STD clinic struggle to handle surge in monkey pox patients as the U.S. operate grows. Christian high school in Manhattan at a church hosted mandatory drag queen in place of church service.
Trans activists pledges to send hormone drugs to youth across state lines.
Quote gay couple charged with using adopted kids to make child porn.
Victor or bond the president of Hungary says less drag queens more Chuck Norris.
And it goes on.
From there.
James Lindsay blacklisted for Twitter for criticizing the left the grooming of children talked top academic.
Meanwhile we have a video will play at the start of the next segment of the wife of John McCain saying they all knew Epstein was raping children but they covered it up.
We'll show you that video.
Drew Hernandez is an investigative reporter commentator and host of front lines.
Andrew Hernandez live drew h live dot com and he's being censored for exposing this evil attack big tech is complicit.
In every crime we can imagine drew Hernandez. Thanks for joining us.
Alex thanks for having me man. Good to see you and shout out to the Info Wars family and Info Wars Army and the getter chat and worldwide.
I mean here we are Alex you're no stranger to censorship. You're no stranger to exposing the petal file rings and the petal groups here in the United States and worldwide.
But as of recently here with my own little Lane my own channel on the turning point USA channel YouTube decided to take down six episodes and three on my own personal channel.
We're all specifically reporting on the majority of stories like the ones you just read off and the clips when I was at Pride LA literally exposing these drag freaks on floats offering loop to children.
YouTube drew a line in the sand and they took down six episodes that were exposing the groomer agenda because they called it hate speech which everyone watching this is like yes Drew we know that's what YouTube does.
They've drawn a line in the sand.
What's interesting right now is we're going to continue to push back right now because we are going to continue our show on rumble as well.
And by God's grace we're going to have our show airing every single night on real America's voice every single night on the app and everywhere you could watch it at 7 30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
That's 10.
By the way we're we apologize for having to show this for TV viewers but radio listeners are lucky not to see this but we have a response.
This is happening to children. This is going on.
Exactly Alex. I mean see this is this is what they do. This is why censorship is an obvious slippery slope because of free speech.
But it also can damage the innocence of children because there are legitimate stories like the one you just cited in Arizona legitimate stories of children being raped by people who identify in the LGBTQ community actual groomers.
Now you can't report on that on YouTube because that's hate speech.
So who do you think takes advantage of that Alex you know the answer.
Let's just say we know big tech big techs run by pedophiles the whole new order is so this is just incredible.
But what happens here is anytime someone comes out and reports on a genuine story on YouTube big tech here on social media or whatever you actually call a groomer a groomer.
That's offensive and we don't want to hurt the feelings of the gay people or anyone that might identify in the LGBTQ community.
They're now hiding behind that.
So now we have actual pedophiles and groomers that are getting a pass because now they could just hide behind the LGBTQ community and the rainbow flag Alex.
So that's why this is the total depravity and they're going to censor anyone doesn't matter what you politically affiliate as whether you're left or right gay straight doesn't matter if you come out and call out groomers on YouTube.
You're going to get silenced and canceled and censored and you're you're going to be the platform which is not anything new.
But we're talking about the innocence of children.
You cannot report on this on YouTube anymore because it would bring them down if it was shown they want to do it instead of their children.
Again, every day they're busing the drag queen story time raping children.
I've got stacks of articles showing us.
And Alex, you and I have both talked about this and reported on this.
They're open about it.
They're not offended by being called out.
They're not offended by oh you're slandering us for being groomers.
Oh, it's not them about being offended.
It's about them being.
They go to city councils and say we're grooming your children.
Disney Disney employees and producers are on record on zoom meetings literally saying we have a not so secret gay agenda.
Targeting your kids through our content through our movies through the stuff that we create through our art.
It's because again, no grown adult wants to have sex with them.
These are literally organized predators.
And they know they could get away with it because they just hide behind the rainbow flag because they've set themselves up as this protected class.
Listen, I don't care.
Gay, straight, trans, whatever.
You go after children.
I'm going to expose you.
I don't care what if there's an R next to your name.
If there's a D next to your name.
I don't care if you are.
That's right.
They bit not more than they could chew.
But pedophiles can't help but go after kids.
So they're making their move right now through Hernandez.
How do you see this unfolding?
I mean, I think this is going to continue to get worse.
I think we're going to see more innocence continue to get violated because now you can't come out and report if there's a genuine case of a child being groomed and raped.
And if it happens by an LGBTQ identifying person, it's going to be censored.
It's going to be shut up.
This is what they did against Rhonda Santis in Florida.
He implemented anti child grooming, lost to protect children.
That's where it came from and they come out and they slander it as being an anti gay bill.
They hide behind this Alex and now they're hiding their pedophilia behind the LGBTQ flag and the rainbow flag.
I think this is going to get worse because now you're not able to call this out and especially what's happening with you and Sandy Hook as well.
I mean, what's next?
Are you going to get sued for legitimately reporting on a story of a child being groomed and raped by an LGBTQ person?
I think the answer to that is possibly yes.
The new precedent is being set by Alex Jones and this is for anybody in the media.
It doesn't matter if you're left or right.
If you are targeted by this regime and you go out of line, you think out of line, you speak out of line.
You are literally in the crosshairs.
This is what people do not understand.
Well, the left wants to abort all the kids.
They can't kill after abortion.
They try to ruin with this.
I mean, this is literally a cult.
It's a death cult.
It's a sex cult.
It's a disgusting perverted cult.
They're obviously targeting children in many ways and they're not going to stop and they're open about it.
And they just want to silence anybody because they want people to think that it's normal.
This is Sodom and Gomorrah level type stuff, Alex.
And I'm not going to put up with it.
You're not going to put up with it.
The chat and the followers and the listeners are not going to put up with it.
I don't care what you identify as politically.
Do not let anyone target the innocence of children.
Well, that's right.
They're censoring gays against groomers right now.
So it seems like everything's accelerating.
If it doesn't seem like it, it is.
Drew Hernandez, we come back.
What's next if they're openly promoting pedophilia?
What will they do next?
Drew Hernandez is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones and FullWars.com.
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People say Alex Jones is crazy.
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And if you're a sent in a human being and just watching it and you say,
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
It is critical to realize that all this pedophilia is a psychic vampirism and is the energy of
these evil creatures that are attacking us.
And here is the widow of John McCain just a year and a half ago admitting that she and
Senator McCain knew about Jeffrey Epstein was doing.
We all knew about it, but you did nothing that I first exposed it 15 years ago.
So remember, when you're against info wars, you are literally supporting the rape of our
children and those attacking us, we know are in bed with this.
Here it is.
You know, it's like everything.
You know, it hides in plain sight.
Epstein was hiding in plain sight.
We all knew about him.
We all knew what he was doing.
But we had no one that was, you know, legal aspect that would go after him.
You were afraid of him for whatever reason they were afraid of him.
Because he was blackmailing so many people, but it's our job not to be afraid and we're
not not giant judgments, not lies, not prison.
We won't back down.
You're Hernandez.
We got eight minutes left.
I'm going to give you the floor, my friend.
You're always on fire.
Lay out what we're facing and what we're dealing with.
Alex, I think the next step here is parents need to pay attention to what's happening.
They're openly targeting your children.
They're opening wanting openly wanting to groom your children in the public school system.
Okay, I think the next step here is obviously the media is going to be censored.
Any independent voice, any sane minded individual that's speaking out against this grimmer agenda
is now going to be silenced on social media.
But we always see what happens on the internet begins to happen in the real world.
That's what happened with you.
I think the next step as well is people probably will be sued for exposing a gay pedophile
or an LGBTQ pedophile or anyone that identifies with that community, which they probably will
start to do just to hide to continue to target children.
But the next step, they're already doing this, Alex, is they're going to target the parents.
If something happens to your child in this public school system, if your child gets touched, molested, or raped...
Oh, remember in Virginia where they raped the girl?
It turned out to be true.
Obama came out and defended it and they set the FBI in.
It's already happening.
You're right.
Exactly, exactly.
It's going to happen on steroids, Alex.
And you won't be able to say anything, you won't be able to defend yourself legally,
you won't be able to come out and defend your child because if you do, you're a bigot,
you hate homosexuals and transsexuals, and you hate the LGBTQ community.
No matter what happened, if your child got touched or groomed, you need to shut up and put up
and just listen to what we want you to do.
And think about the political grooming of that, the ruining their innocence.
This is literally a political party signed on to pedophilia.
Think about it, Alex.
I was reading the Bible this morning.
I was thinking about you.
I was thinking about the Info Wars family and the crew, the great crew that's behind the
control room right now.
I love every single one of you guys.
I'm looking at the getter chat right now in real time.
They want you all to know they love you, Alex, and the crew.
I was reading the Bible this morning in Acts chapter 5, and when the disciples and the
apostles were preaching the gospel, they were teaching the doctrines of Jesus, they were
getting persecuted, they were getting arrested, they were losing their freedoms, and God kept
helping them and intervening by divine power and divine intervention.
But eventually they stood before the council and the religious Pharisees were saying, we
told you guys not to teach the doctrines of Christ, not to preach in the name of Christ.
We told you not to do this.
And their response was, we ought to obey God rather than men.
That's exactly where we are right now, Alex.
The Apostle Paul also said, those who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer
Here we are.
We're witnessing it.
It's not just preaching in the name of Christ.
It's living in the name of Christ and preaching the doctrines of the righteousness of God
in Christ.
That's where you've been for decades, Alex, pushing back on the central theme of Bible
prophecy, the second coming of Jesus Christ, which is accompanied by globalism, a one-world
religious system, a one-world government, and a one-world dictator.
Andrew, I have a bunch of clips.
They're everywhere saying you'll take a ship to buy and sell now.
It's all being fulfilled.
That's where we are.
So it's no surprise that we're moving into a time of persecution.
I don't think the West in the United States of America has experienced some harsh persecution
like we see in the Middle East or in times past, in the past 2,000 years that the church
has experienced.
Now we're moving into that direction.
I mean, you take a look at this show trial with you, Alex.
I was shocked looking at that closing argument against you.
They made one statement, and the statement that so-called attorney made was, I hope we
never see someone like Alex Jones ever again.
It's too late.
It is way too late because we are all Alex Jones.
I am Alex Jones.
Everyone listening is Alex Jones.
This is way beyond the name and the person of Alex Jones.
These are American freedoms.
This is the spirit of freedom that will carry on that brought us to this point right now
in 2022, that birth this nation.
It's never going away.
No matter if they kill you, if they kill me, they put us in prison and blacklist us for
the rest of our lives.
There will be a million others to sprout and take our place.
It's inevitable because that is the human will to survive.
That is the human will to be free.
This is what these people don't understand.
They could try to persecute us all they want.
All that's going to do is cause more of us to rise and to speak up and push back on this
satanic agenda and show us who is the real and show us who is the fake, Alex.
So be encouraged.
I totally agree, brother.
Please come back on for a full hour this week.
The amazing work you're doing.
I don't get a response to this, since I mentioned this, here is Clip 7.
Here they are, microchips to buy and sell in Sweden, there it is.
When Elias Brodeburger goes to work, he doesn't need ID and he doesn't need money.
In fact, much of what he needs to get through the day is hidden right there, just below
the surface in his hand.
Do you like the touches?
Oh, weird.
Yeah, it's like a grain of rice.
A grain of rice.
Embedded in his hand is a microchip that serves as his keys, his ID and his wallet.
Yeah, it's all in chips.
I just like to get around the building.
Let's buy snacks.
Yeah, exactly.
Let's buy some snacks.
So I can't open it.
So what I need to do is I need to...
So they talk to you like you're a monkey.
Oh, look, you get snacks when you have it.
The point is, this is their control grid.
Dr. Hernandez, I'm going to show the whole clip here, but just in closing your comments
on this.
I mean, there it is.
I mean, the Bible foretold this, Alex.
It's clear.
None of us should be surprised.
How incredible is it?
Two thousand years ago, John on the Nala Patmos had a literal vision that an angel gave him
and now it's here.
And now it's here that there will be a mark on the wrist or the forehead that humans have
to receive as an act of worship and the number accompanied by it is 666.
That is the number of the mark of the...
And we have to submit to what the world government says to even have it work, which is a social
credit score.
And not only is the technology there, Alex, but the spirit of this is there as well.
Post 2020 and the so-called pandemic, we saw the entire globe willing to bow down to tyranny
in the name of safety and security and to save lives all because of a virus that came
from Wuhan, right?
So I think the whole world is prepared to bow the knee to a one-world religion, one-world
dictator, a one-world system and economy in order to save their own lives.
That's right.
They shut the economy off to bring us a submission and then tell us, do this and you'll be taken
care of.
I know we're honored to be censored for exposing these people, but how do folks find you or
it's uncensored?
So right now you guys could continue to follow me for now on Twitter, DrewH Live.
It's the same on Getter and Truth Social, but my show will continue on on Rumble on
the Turning Point USA Rumble channel and also on Real America's Voice, wherever it streams,
you can go find the app.
I will be streaming my show every single night at 7.30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
That's 10.30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
I can't wait to see you guys there, all the Info Wars family and Alex, I can't wait to
see you soon.
I'll come out and see you very soon.
Drew, your spirit gives me hope.
I love you.
I want you to know that.
I love you.
I love you, brother.
I'm here for you.
I love you.
We're going to do this together, folks, we're coming for our children, they're going to
ruin us.
All right, Norm Patis joins us on the biggest show trial in history.
There is nothing, there is no more epitome of free speech than right here and that's
what people recognize and resonate with and as Ward said, you're not going to find a
better place for information.
You might not agree with everything, you might not agree with all our perspectives, but we
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InfoWars has been vindicated, we've been proven right.
World government, the New World Order is out of the open and now more than ever, the forces
of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast.
The forces of anti-human, Godless New World Order are out of control.
So now realize, we have pushed them out in the light, we have pushed them out in the
open and they are so upset and they are so scared.
So while you still can, because any day can be our last broadcast, spread the word about
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But whatever you do, pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children
and pray for free speech and justice to win.
Thank you so much for joining us, I'll spread the word my friends, we're involved in an
epic historic battle.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God, it's Alex Jones.
So, we have a corrupt corporate global fascist power structure that launches all these illegal
wars, torture, narcotics trafficking, the evaluation of currencies, you name it, and
they need to legitimize themselves.
So they're mad at the independent media, they're mad at the public asking questions, they thought
their old corporate media would survive during the age of the internet, it's not.
So they pick a few things I did out of context to blow up as huge crimes and then try to
openly say, we're going to shut down Alex Jones and we're going to shut down everybody
And I have a stack of articles, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Slate.
I have more than 15 articles saying, we're going to shut Alex Jones down, we're going
to shut Tucker Carlson, we're going to shut Joe Rogan, we're going to shut everybody
down and only allow our truth.
And this SJW judge in Austin last week said, don't say you comply with discovery, you're
a liar, I decide reality.
And don't say you're in bankruptcy, that's not true, no we are, I decide reality.
Like O'Brien in 1984, quite a moment to be alive, but here's one of the plaintiffs lawyers
in Austin Friday, in closing statements, he said, take away his megaphone, shut him
down, shut others down like him, here's just a small part of his hour long closing where
he said, this isn't about Sandy Hook children, it isn't about the parents, people questioning,
it's about silencing opposition, standing on the dead bodies of children.
Here it is.
I ask that with your verdict, you not only take Alex Jones platform that he talks about
away, I ask that you make certain he can't rebuild the platform, that's what matters.
Take him out of this discourse, of this misinformation, of this peddling of lies, and make sure he
can't do it again, that is punishment, that is deterrence.
That's silencing, that's silencing.
This information spreads six times faster than the truth, according to what we heard
on that stand.
I always do that over there.
Alex Jones found a way to monetize that, boy did he find a way to monetize it, and in
monetizing that, he made a wealth, a huge, huge amount of money.
I hope that we never see someone like him again.
I hope that with your verdict, he can go away.
Alex Jones is patient zero for our society's inability to speak without lies.
I believe it.
He is patient zero for alternative facts.
You heard it on that stand, Ms. Carpova on that stand literally used the words alternative
facts or alternative reality, something like that, sickening.
So you could teach a college course on that two minutes.
You need to silence him so we have truth, that's tyranny.
And then they misrepresent what we said, and they say, oh, he's made all this money.
What line about WNB's in Iraq?
Are puberty bloggers for little boys?
It's all lies, but it shows where they're going and what they're doing.
So I asked Norm Pattis, who is our lawyer on Sandy Hook in Connecticut coming up, to
spend a few segments with us to lay out why folks are calling this the show trial of the
century and what he witnessed and saw.
Norm, thanks for being here.
Go ahead and just start front to end, if you will.
Yes, so the case began as an ordinary tort action, a personal injury action, although
I guess you were a Texas lawyer, Mr. Raynell couldn't refer to the lawyers as personal
injury lawyers.
They found that offensive, and the judge sustained that objection.
But it began as an ordinary case involving misstatements that the Sandy Hook families
felt you'd made about their children's deaths.
And you did make some, and they comprised a very small segment of your total broadcasting
And I think Mr. Raynell calculated it something like 0.15% of one percentage point, not 15%,
but 0.0015 of all 10,000 hours of broadcasting you've done in the last decade.
But yet, if you look at Sandy Hook and Alex Jones online, you are the Sandy Hook guy.
And at trial, they showed isolated snippets of your Sandy Hook presentations to try to
inspire passion, prejudice, and sympathy for the plaintiffs against you, and they succeeded
in some regards.
They were assisted by unusual rulings from the court.
You were subject in Texas, as you have been in Connecticut, to what are known as in Texas,
at least as death penalty sanctions.
You suffered a default.
And that default was because you were unable to satisfy the plaintiff's lawyers and the
judges with your business records, with the ability to retrieve information about how
info wars had historically operated.
And they contended that your inability to do that was a lie, or willfulness conduct.
And that because you lied or engaged in willfulness conduct by failing to disclose information
they asserted you had without proof, you should suffer the inability to defend yourself.
Now, I've been involved in your cases for the better part of three and a half years
now off and on.
And I have spent weeks, maybe months at this point on the campus there in Austin, making
every effort to comply with discovery orders.
I've interviewed people, spent a couple of days once just walking around trying to figure
out who did what I've asked many, many times for records of people who have them.
I've searched for the answer to every question that the Connecticut plaintiffs at least have
put to you.
And when we found them, we gave them.
But when we couldn't find them, we didn't lie or make them up.
We just said, we don't have them.
And so they went to a judge and said, we don't think they're telling the truth.
They must have them.
Look at the gross revenue there.
Forget the expenses you have, the taxes you paid, the alimony you paid to your first wife.
Forget all of that.
They just took a look at the high number and they said, with 80 people there and this kind
of money flowing through, this has to be like IBM.
It's not.
It's not.
And the court didn't believe it.
And so there's a perfect example that's laid in the litigation.
This arose about certain ledgers that you had produced in Connecticut.
And you brought in a certified public accountant who'd once worked for a major 500 fortune,
Fortune 500 company.
I'm not going to mention his name.
You gave him complete access to your books.
He addressed some of the shortcomings and they called him a liar.
And the trial judge, without any contravailing or countervailing evidence, agreed.
And as a result of your inability to organize your firm to their satisfaction, you lost
the ability to defend your speech, even to present to a jury the meaning of your speech
in what it meant.
And where it gets worse, I believe, you know, I didn't get a chance to watch every minute
of the Austin trial.
I tried to watch as much as my schedule permitted from up here in Connecticut on YouTube.
But I saw a moment where the judge said, I don't know if she said it in a jury's presence
or if it was only outside the presence of the jury, that as a result of the so-called
liability default, the court reached the conclusion that you had no defense and therefore imposed
liability on you.
You were never charged with being disorganized.
You were never charged with wasting money.
You were never charged with being too charismatic for your own good and not having an MBA at
the helm or a better organization.
What you were charged with was speech, offensive speech.
And the plaintiffs were to prove that as a result of your offensive speech, they were
approximately harmed.
That is, that they suffered legal harm, that your conduct, your speech checks were a substantial
factor in the harm that they endured.
At trial, the jury didn't get to hear much about your defense.
Yeah, let's explain that, I'm found guilty by the judge and then they come back and they
tell them I'm guilty and they don't let us put on a defense.
What this means, the precedent it sets with Norm Pattis straight ahead, it's just unbelievable.
But look, it's par for the course, folks.
The globalists are committing crimes, they're taking over, they can't win if people have
free speech.
That's why they're coming for us.
We'll be right back to you.
Let's go, Alex Jones.
He's a conspiracy theory guy, he's a nutcase, he's got these rants and all that.
What they miss is that this guy's ahead of the curve on so many different topics of signal,
not noise.
If you look at the signal and you compare that to PBS and NPR and BBC and we'll do what
Alex Jones put out there versus what your collective body has put out there and if you're
setting a human being and just watching it and you say, well, Alex Jones is ahead of
this, not only that, he kind of explained it, you are one of the great thinkers of this.
That is very rare.
You've got to go back almost to the revolutionary generation and see that.
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Including a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back my friends to the Alex Jones Show, final segment before Owen Shroyer takes
over with Sunday Live 69PM Central and remember the forces of the globalists are battling
around the clock to shut us down.
Just two years ago they would never have people get up on TV and say, yeah we want to silence
him and everybody else, but now they're doing it because they're so desperate, this is not
a sign of strength, a sign of weakness.
So I asked Norm to come on, in this case they've sanctioned five or six other lawyers off
the case, they're trying to sanction Andino, the lawyer here in Texas, they're trying
to sanction Norm, they let the other side do whatever they want, attack any lawyers
that support us, you've got to have a lot of balls, he would stand up in those fights,
they appreciate Norm doing that, but Norm, we talked this afternoon, I said please come
on, you said no I want to wait, I said please come on, repeat for viewers and listeners
just what you saw in the trial and just the basics of a trial where you're already guilty
in America, guilty until proven guilty and the type of things you saw.
It was troubling to me because if the court reached a conclusion that you did financial
data that you were not forthcoming, okay, issue your sanction, we'll make our record,
we'll take it up on appeal, I like your odds on appeal in this case.
Just one example, Alex, no one could believe that we didn't have our fingertips, a complete
record of every video that you'd ever done.
Guess what, many of them were stored in social media accounts that were deplatformed and
your intellectual property was in effect stolen from you, I mean, maybe these properties
We 100% fire and forget, we put the report out and that's it.
And nobody wants to believe that, they think you're NBC or CBS and that you've got a complete
When I first came down, I thought, okay, I'll ask somebody to flick a switch and out the
data will pour, it didn't happen because it doesn't exist and the trial court held that
it did because it didn't exist, you were liable and you lost the right to defend yourself.
I mean, for example, at one point, the other side obtained an order from the court that
you could not offer evidence of your net worth.
And they hired an expert who was able to come up with an inflated figure that is near as
I can tell, bears little relationship to reality.
And you were prohibited from responding to that.
So the judge said, I make 70 million a year, I don't make 3 million a year.
And he said, and he said that I have 270 million net worth and we couldn't respond to his speech.
And in closing argument, the other lawyer, after asking to put tape as it were over your
mouth on that topic, then commented on it, said to the jury, Jones didn't tell us anything.
Well, what he didn't tell the jury was he didn't tell you anything because we barred
him from doing so.
Yeah, let's slow down there.
They get up there and they say it's time to silence Jones and everybody liking him.
But then Andino, they say he's going to be sanctioned because he said this isn't about
Alex, it's about everybody, which is true.
So again, that's a key point.
The closing argument was shocking, in my view.
The jury returned a significant verdict of, I think, $4.1 million against you in compensatory
That in and of itself is vulnerable on an appeal.
But it's like one-thirty-seventh of what they asked for.
They asked that jury for $150 million, excuse me.
No, but then they asked for $3 million.
And then in punitive damages, they appealed to the jury's passion, prejudice, and sympathy.
And when they weaponized that closing argument into a general assault on freedom of speech,
I think they crossed a line that no appellate court should let them cross.
This was a case about you.
What was it going to take to punish you?
What was it going to take to deter you?
You were never patient zero in this case.
You are Alex Jones, the proprietor of InfoWare and Free Speech Systems.
That's who was on trial.
And, Norm, let's talk about that briefly.
Patient zero is the government killing Kennedy and the majority of Americans not believing
Patient zero was the government lying about WMDs.
Patient zero was Jesse Smollett.
Patient zero was the NBC reporter, Brian Williams, saying he was shot down a helicopter when
he wasn't.
They've lost credibility because they're a pack of liars.
Well, you know, I think that what if the goal is to make independent media look over its
shoulder before it criticizes the mainstream narrative, that verdict, the verdict that
was returned, is chilling.
Now, I don't think it's going to stand.
There are damage caps in Texas, and it's unlikely to be more than $1.5 million as to punitive
damages unless the court goes out of its way to punish you by writing new law on your back.
And it wouldn't surprise me to see that happen.
But you know, from where I come from, or ordinary people come from, $1.5 million is a lot of
And if that's the price of being a critic, if that's the price of raising uncomfortable
questions, if that's the price of saying of the great reset, no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I want to be autonomous in my own home.
I want to make decisions about how I live.
If that's the price of saying no to microchips in your hand and social utility and social
credit scores, you know, I don't think many people can afford to pay.
Well, absolutely.
Look, the frustration is, I'm not the super rich guy they're saying, I wish I could beat
them easier.
We're totally maxed out.
But they, again, think by intimidating us, by crushing us, they will intimidate everybody
That's like Hitler bombing London to make him stop the war.
It made the Brits go from 90% anti-war to 95% pro-war.
Why do these authoritarians think intimidating people is going to make them go away?
Because it works.
I think many people will choose security over liberty.
And it takes an extraordinary person to do what you've done.
And that is to say, look, here I stand.
I can do no other.
That's what Martin Luther said when he nailed the 99th Theses to Wittenberg Castle's door.
I don't always understand everything you've said.
Because I don't agree with it, but I respect your right to say it.
And I want the right to decide for myself whether to listen to you or turn you off.
For the Sandy Hook plaintiffs in the Texas case to say to the jury, we want to shut
We want to shut him up.
And people like him.
Because for several hours, over 10 years, you went on a speculative toot that turned
out to be wrong and it hurt some folks' feelings.
I get that.
And maybe the jury concluded you had to pay for some of that.
That's the jury's right.
But the plaintiffs did not acquire the right to engage in a wholesale attack on the First
Why are they so arrogant saying we want to silence everyone?
I mean, it's so authoritarian.
Because we're coming to an era, I call this new era in American life the Republic of
There are those who decide they know best what we should do, how we should care for
ourselves, what we should eat, when we should sleep, what masks we should wear, what vaccines
we should ingest or be forced to ingest, because of the science.
We believe in the science.
That will tell us how best to live together.
And I think this was a vanguard action in terms of the Republic of Virtue.
If you can silence the outlier, if you can cripple the person who's got outrageous opinions,
then people will be afraid to think for themselves.
That's right.
I'm extremely honored that they picked me as their test subject.
I mean, it's not fun.
But Norm, this is where I want to be.
I mean, because to see it...
And I like being right here next to you with it.
You know, I don't know why there's a world rather than not these grand philosophic questions
and have intrigued people for thousands of years.
How should we then live is a theologian's question, a moral philosopher's question.
Here's what I do know.
I don't know the answers to these questions because they're profoundly difficult, but
I don't want government.
I don't want the mainstream media.
I don't want large corporations deciding...
Yeah, that's a cult.
Let me ask this at closing.
For myself.
Let me ask this at closing.
Where do you think this goes next if they get away with this?
Well, I mean, I was stunned.
I listened to you as I was preparing to come on.
Joe Rogan?
Tucker Carlson?
Then Fox News?
I mean, what are we going to have?
The New York Times editorial board deciding what we can eat for breakfast and what we
should read.
There are lots of ways to win the competition for ideas, but trying to bankrupt somebody
into silence isn't what I think the marketplace of ideas needs.
Gut level, I see this, I think if you've said, this is a sign of weakness.
I don't see this as intellectual strength.
They want to silence those that are challenging them.
Well, you know, one of the things they said is speech is free, lies you have to pay for.
Now if they can show that you get engaged in misconduct, speech that was untrue and
it hurt people, that's always been an exception to freedom of speech since the beginning of
the republic.
But I think that when you decide that you can eliminate the concept of proximate cause,
and listen, let me make this one last point out, there's one moment where the judge said
that because of discovery defaults, you abandoned the right to defend on the merits.
The jury was never told that.
The jury was never told that because of bookkeeping problems, you defended your right to defend
on First Amendment crowns.
That's outrageous.
That is lying.
It's a very dangerous precedent.
All right.
Norm Patis.
Thank you so much.
How do folks find your podcast?
Law and legitimacy.
There it is.
Law and legitimacy podcast.
Give us a five-star rating.
We'd appreciate it.
All right.
Thank you, Norm.
All right.
We're going to go to break.
Owen's going to come in here for two hours.
He's loaded for bear.
Share the articles, infowars.com, board slash show, band dot video, TV, radio station, everywhere.
And please keep us on air.
We have a plan to bank reps.
We have a plan to stay on air.
We can hold them up, you know, in appeals, everything for years.
But if we don't have money, we're going to shut down very soon.
I mean, we are very close.
So please, if you support what we're doing, I love you and I thank you.
I'm not guilty.
I'm saying please help me.
Please help me fight for you.
Please fight for me.
We're in this together.
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Want to thank the crew for the great job they've done.
We're going to go to break.
We have a special report coming up from the last 10 minutes of Owen's show that Owen
takes over.
If you say Alex Jones is crazy, he's a conspiracy theory guy, he's a nutcase.
He's got these rants and all that.
What they miss is that this guy's ahead of the curve on so many different topics.
The signal, not noise.
If you look at the signal and you compare that to PBS and NPR and BBC and we'll do what
Alex Jones put out there versus what your collective body has put out there and if
you're a sent in a human being and just watching it and you say, well, Alex Jones is ahead
of this.
Not only that, he kind of explained it.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
That is very rare.
You've got to go back almost to the revolutionary generation and see that.
This new book, I've got to tell you, when Tony Lyons first approached me, I read this
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This is no Beatrix.
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The Great Reset by Alex Jones.
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There is nothing, there is no more epitome of free speech than right here and that's
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You might not agree with everything.
You might not agree with all our perspectives, but we cover all the information and there's
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Thank you for that, Ward.
Infowarsstore.com, by the way, the products he mentions, infowarsstore.com is where to
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I mean, look at the hair and beard support formula, folks, this is a joke.
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My barber appreciates hair and beard support for men.
I go.
Thank you.