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Filename: 20220804_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 4, 2022
2562 lines.

InfoWars is a show that focuses on fighting against the petroleum oil industry's pricing schemes and promotes the abiotic theory that suggests oil is a renewable natural resource. The show also discusses the imminent New World Order, urging prayer and free speech. Alex Jones was found guilty in his lawsuit, and the speaker believes the legal system is being weaponized against dissidents like Jones. They compare America to 1912, when empires disappeared due to arrogance and poor decision-making, and believe we are currently in a World War One scenario with corrupt elites who could lead us into global war and famine. The speaker encourages their audience to support InfoWars by purchasing products from Infowarstore.com or taking advantage of sponsor offers. They also discuss the need for preparing for the collapse of the world's fiat currency system, promoting products that can be used for survival. Finally, the speaker addresses their own financial situation and expresses the need for support from their audience to avoid laying off people or shutting down operations.

And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going
to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe, you got one!
Of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
By officiating the unproven theory that petroleum oil is a non-renewable fossil fuel, the oil
companies were able to adjust the price accordingly, all the way into the peak oil scare that foretold
the calamity of the world soon running out of oil, which further benefited the industry's
oil pricing schemes.
The wells never did go dry, and the ones once emptied filled back up, so the science we
have today favors the abiotic theory over the fossil fuel theory, which is that oil
is a natural renewable component of our ecosystem, and we see this in our oceans, underwater
methane lakes deep beneath the surface, with their own unique thriving ecosystems.
And so the story changed from the world will soon run out of oil, to the world will most
certainly end if we don't stop using oil, and because nobody seems to know what science
is anymore, and most people just do as they're told, the world is about to end, for millions
of people, and probably more, because our civilization is built upon fossil fuels, and the powers
that be are turning them off.
Winter is coming, and Germany is set to be very cold.
Angela Merkel saved her political career by appeasing the anti-nuclear movement, and shutting
down Germany's nuclear power.
Out of 17 plants, they have already shut down 11, and are still in the process of shutting
down the rest, removing 25% of their power, without anything to replace it, because their
green deal turned out to be a failure.
After all the hype, Germany's dependence on fossil fuel is at 76%, so they are temporarily
switching back to coal and oil, but that's a real problem, because they've neglected
their own fuel industry, and become dependent upon Russia's, and the German government would
rather have the country freeze to death than buy fuel from Russia.
The German economy is based on highly innovative production, which requires a great deal of
energy that they no longer produce, and so running out of fuel will quickly collapse
the German economy, which will cause a tsunami of economic destruction throughout the EU
and the world, and the German government is letting it happen.
They could leave some nuclear plants online, but they still plan on shutting it all down
by the end of this year, to stay green.
Some anti-carbon environmentalists are saying that nuclear power is the greenest option,
and maybe that's true, but none of their schemes add up.
So far, the green agenda has only successfully accomplished making people feel good about
themselves while they destroy their own society.
The EU and Britain are actually reverting back to burning wood as fuel, and claim that
it is carbon neutral, which is a lie.
Societies have steadily evolved towards a cleaner, more efficient energy, starting from
wood, the least clean and efficient, and moving to coal, followed by oil and gas.
And now, nearly 40% of Europe's renewable energy is wood, which mostly comes from clear-cutting
forests in the United States.
This new green deal is a complete lie.
It's just another part of the creepy elite's great reset.
These elite bloodlines want a new cashless society, but one more like the Middle Ages,
which for these spoiled inbreds, is the good old days.
And if they succeed, it looks like Germany will get there first.
And in the midst of all this chaos, the German government is focused on allowing children
age 14 and older to change their gender and first names without parental permission once
a year for as often as they want.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Rees.
All right, all eyes are on InfoWars, and we've been the number one story in the country.
The last 24 hours, you get explosive details of what in the world is really going on.
Let's bring it in.
InfoWars has been vindicated.
We've been proven right.
World government, the New World Order is out of the open.
And now, more than ever, the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast.
The forces of anti-human, godless New World Order are out of control.
So now, realize, we have pushed them out of the light.
We have pushed them out in the open, and they are so upset, and they are so scared.
So while you still can, because any day can be our last broadcast, spread the word about
the show, share the article, share the videos, and please, fund us while getting great products
at the same time at infowarsstore.com, books, films, t-shirts, great supplements, vitamin
real fusion, body sales and matrimonial formula, Ultra 12, a diet for so much more right now
at infowarsore.com.
But whatever you do, pray for justice, and pray for freedom, and pray for the children,
and pray for free speech, and justice to win.
Thank you so much for joining us, and I'll spread the word, my friends.
We're involved in an epic, historic battle.
It's Thursday, August 4th, 2022.
The jury is out in Austin, Texas, on how guilty I am.
I can't be found innocent, the judge told him at least 20 times, including in the jury
charge yesterday while I sat there in the courtroom.
This man is guilty.
I say he is.
Now go find out how much money.
They said they wanted $3 billion yesterday, and they've gone up from $150 million to $3
Might as well be at $3 trillion, or $3 quadrillion.
It's unbelievable.
Even in their closing statements, they said Mr. Jones makes $300 million a year.
I thought it was $160 million a year, and it just went on from there, an incredible
Now, obviously, it was the top on Twitter, the top on the nightly news last night, the
top story in the country, Alex Jones.
And why was that?
Well, this isn't really about what I said questioning Sandy Hook.
In fact, I wasn't even sued for those statements.
We were sued for statements Owen made simply reading a zero-hedge article.
But in the charge where the judge finds us guilty, it's Owen's statements, which isn't
defamation or anything.
In my view, they'll be reading a zero-hedge article questioning Megyn Kelly's report.
But what's the big top story?
Why is the international media tuning in right now to try to take edits of them about to
say and misrepresent it?
I'm sitting there in their cross-examination of me when I was the final witness yesterday
morning, and the plaintiff's lawyer said, do you know what perjury is?
And I said, yeah, I know what perjury is.
I'm paraphrasing all this.
And he said, well, you've engaged in perjury.
You told me you'd look for Sandy Hook text messages in your phone, and, well, we have
your whole phone now, and we have the Sandy Hook messages.
And I said, wow, this is your Perry Mason moment.
Tell me, please.
What it is?
Well, your lawyer accidentally sent us 10 days ago or 12 days ago, whatever it was he
I'll play the clip in a moment.
Accidentally sent us your whole phone, so they're going, hmm.
And I go, well, I do know that I gave the Texas lawyers and the Connecticut lawyers the current
phone I had when they subpoenaed it a few years ago, and I dug around and found one
of my old phones and just handed it off to IT and said, whatever the search terms are,
give it to them.
And it turns out that they gave them to them in six-month chunks up in Connecticut so they
could search for the group of terms they gave us.
But notice, I was defaulted for not giving them anything.
They got depositions.
They got hundreds of thousands of emails on every subject you can imagine.
They've got my text messages, which they already had in Connecticut.
And then when my lawyer in Texas became joint counsel in Connecticut, a few weeks ago, they
sent him the whole file.
And while sending some of those files over to the plaintiff's lawyers, they sent over
some files they shouldn't have, mainly the medical records we got in depositions of some
of the Sandy Hook families from our depositions.
This has been a long litigated fight.
So that is wrong.
It's a big mistake.
The lawyer owns up to it.
But the text messages from Alex Jones are from 2019, the end of the year, and a few
months into 2020.
Nothing about January 6, like they're saying in the news.
Because yesterday we heard this, we went and looked at the file that was sent, pulled it
up, looked at it, I read through it.
That's it.
Nothing there.
But they get up and say, well, of course, what's going to want to know about this?
And this morning they got up in front of the kangaroo court and said, I've been contacted
by a bunch of law enforcement, judge, please don't cut any of the feed this morning.
They're all watching.
And the January 6 committees involved, and by my ex-wives involved, haven't talked
to her in years.
And just, it's a free for all, ladies and gentlemen.
And none of it's true.
Absolute, absolute bull.
It is not my whole phone, and it is not me perjuring myself or dodging things.
Because as soon as he said, oh, we got your text messages, I went, well, of course you
got it from my lawyers.
Because I gave it to him.
And I said, I've gone through my messages.
That means I've given it to my lawyers to say here, because there's nothing on my phone.
Hardly ever talked about Sandy Hook.
And then there's like a Paul Watson text to me about, hey, this article looks like BS.
It's like the Sandy Hook stuff.
You might want to take it down.
Some story about COVID that turned out to be true.
But the point is, is that this is insane, totally and completely insane.
And it's the globalist using lawyers at every level of society and bureaucracy.
That's what Agenda 2030 is, to just shut down all their competition.
And so what's being used against me is going to be used against you.
Now, my lawyer here in Texas, Andino Rainel, this is posted on infowars.com, or it's about
to be Paul Watson's writing article about it, filed a protective order injunction already
tied back to the previous protective order from December 2, 2021.
And it lists his email to their lawyers right after they accidentally sent him the wrong
file, which happens all the time, saying disregard that, don't use it.
We'll send you the right link while they downloaded it and waited and did use it.
And saying, hey, that's got medical stuff with the Sandy Hook people in it.
Don't download that.
And they didn't care that when it hadn't still happened.
And so that's what's unfolding right now, and it's just insane.
Absolutely crazy, the point that this country and this world has gotten to.
And the hysteria around January 6, I tried to stop January 6.
Everybody knows that.
I've done big rallies all over the country, and the hysterical glee when I walked out
of the courthouse yesterday at like five o'clock with dozens of TV cameras lined up, smiling
and laughing and screaming at me and saying, reporters saying, you're going down.
Chan six has got you.
And of course, they made sure to bring up court this morning.
This is.
Part of his phone, not the whole phone now.
And Roger Stone is in there.
Oh, oh my God, like, hey, Roger, come on the show.
Or, hey, Roger, what's going on with this totally innocuous stuff?
We went and looked at it.
I already know it's innocuous.
They've already been through the phone.
They got it 12, 13 days ago or the fragment of the phone.
And when they put their supposed badness about me up there on television.
So that's what's going on here.
And they want to use these proceedings, as I've always said, to try to gen up something
And that's what they're doing now.
I'm trying to say you're being referred for perjury because you said there weren't Sandy
Hook text.
No, I said I've gone through them and that's what we've done.
Hand it over.
But I got to tell you the experience with the legal system, even when the lawyers mean
well, is just a nightmare.
And when my lawyers make mistakes, it's the end of the world, when their lawyers do whatever
they want, well, then that's okay.
And that's how they weaponize these things.
But look, folks, don't tune in here to hear about just what's happening to me.
You tune in to learn about what's happened with the New World Order, what I think is
coming next, and what is unfolding in society.
But if you want the truth, I don't know if it's up there yet.
We can check infowars.com.
I just talked to Paul before he went live.
He said it was going up in a few minutes.
You can find the article that Paul's doing about this number one story in the country.
We've got it.
It's as big as Hunter Biden's laptop.
It's over.
It'll have all of the information, him and Trump and Stone planning everything in January
six and hip, hip, hooray, and wow, this is like finding the Holy Grail.
And then of course, none of that is true.
It's a year before January six and has nothing to do with it.
And if anything, I say more radical things on air than I do on text messages.
And the idea that there's some type of criminal activity on there is preposterous.
And again, as soon as he said, you know, got your text messages from your lawyer, I'm
like, yeah, get them to him.
Well, we got you now, boy, you said you didn't have any text messages.
No, I said I'd look for all the stupid Sandy Hook stuff and give it over to the lawyers.
That's what I said.
Ladies and gentlemen, how these people operate.
Meanwhile, the crackhead Chinese spy, Hunter Biden's free with the red button.
World Wars has been vindicated, we've been proven right, world government, the New World Order is out of the open.
And now more than ever, the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast.
The forces of anti-human, godless New World Order are out of control.
So now realize we have pushed them out of the light, we have pushed them out in the
open and they are so upset, they are so scared.
So while you still can, because any day can be our last broadcast, spread the word about
the show, share the article, share the videos, and please fund us while getting great products
at the same time at infowarstore.com, books, films, t-shirts, great supplements, vitamin
real fusion, body cells, maturmeric formula, Ultra 12, diet for so much more right now
at infowarstore.com.
But whatever you do, pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children
and pray for free speech and justice to win.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I'll spread the word, my friends, we're involved in an epic historic battle.
The globalist great reset or the war for the world is here, but humanity is not being caught
flat footed because of info wars and because of your support.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is now more important than ever as we reach the critical heart of
the battle, that you spread the word and that you support liberty and that you warn people
like you've never done before.
We have come so far together.
Please help keep us on the air.
We're under massive attack right now, but we're going to win with your help.
We're going to overcome this with your help and with God's blessing.
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Taking a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
They're coming for me because they have to get through me to get to you.
I swore this fight.
I'm of good cheer.
I'm actually very proud that we're the number one enemy of the globalist because we represent
populism and Christianity and the human resistance.
We represent a pro-human future with the exclusive on the top story in the country.
It's even all over the world being reported.
It's supposedly my phone has fallen into their hands and it proves everything.
It's bigger than Hunter Biden's laptop.
It's all over.
Exclusive with the documents is at infowars.com and summit.news.
But here is part of the Perry Mason moment yesterday that wasn't.
So you did get my text messages and it said you didn't, a nice tray, I mean it says not.
Yes, Mr. Jones, indeed you didn't give this text message to me, you don't know where this
came from.
Do you know where I got this?
Mr. Jones, did you know that 12 days ago, 12 days ago, your attorneys messed up and
sent me an entire digital copy of your entire cell phone with every text message you've
sent for the past two years and when informed did not take any steps to identify it as privileged
or protected in any way and as of two days ago it fell free and clear into my possession
and that is how I know you lied to me when you said you didn't have text messages about
Sandy Hook.
Did you know that?
See, I told you the truth.
This is your Perry Mason moment.
I gave them my phone and Mr. Jones, you need to answer the question.
No, I didn't notice that, but I mean I told you I gave them the phone over and just said
And you said in your deposition you searched your phone, you said you pulled down the text,
did the search function for Sandy Hook, that's what you said Mr. Jones, correct?
And I had several different phones with this number but I did, yeah, I mean that's why
you got it.
No, Mr. Jones, that's not what I have.
My lawyer said it to you but I'm hiding it, okay.
Mr. Jones?
Mr. Jones, that's-
Just answer questions, there's no question, Mr. Benson also only asks questions.
Mr. Jones, in discovery you were asked do you have Sandy Hook text messages on your phone
and you said no, correct?
You said that under oath, Mr. Johnson, didn't you?
I mean I was mistaken, I was mistaken but you got the messages right there.
You know what pertinence is, I just want to make sure you know before we go any further,
you know what it is.
Yes, I do, I mean I'm not a tech guy, I told you I gave in my text money the phone to the
lawyers before or whatever and so you got my phone but we didn't give it to you.
No, Mr. Jones, one more time, please remember if you need to answer it for the minute if
I need to know that you can't do that but you testified.
You can invoke your fifth amendment and of course my lawyer should have got up at that
point and said and I'm not attacking, it's just a fact, show us the deposition.
The guys deposed me, Benson's deposed me, said three years at four times and I've deposed
four times by Connecticut but I never talked to them so I'm defaulted.
They've got all this stuff and I did search one of my phones and he didn't have Sandy
Hook stuff in it and then they came back and said, well they're saying you're hiding it,
do you have any old phones?
Tour the office apart and I just said here, go search it and give it to the damn lawyers
because I wasn't talking about Sandy Hook, I don't care about Sandy Hook, we don't cover
it other than when they force us to and it's just so incredibly sick that I sit there and
give the damn lawyers all the text messages and then they send it over to Connecticut,
the Texas lawyers before the new one I have never even gave them the stuff I gave them
or that's what they claim and then I'm sitting there in the final witness in a trial where
I've already been found guilty by the judge for not giving stuff over and my lawyers give
them the raw text messages of six months from 2019 early 2020, that's the reality and then
I see a text message from Paul Watson saying this story sounds like Sandy Hook bull, a story
about COVID, how is that even pertinent, how is that lying about something?
We get tens of thousands of emails a day, I don't even have an email at InfoWars because
I can't keep track of it, got rid of it over a decade ago and everybody knows that but
I'm going to say this right now, this is the annihilation of justice and as I predicted
they want to find something criminal in all of this and if being wrong in a deposition
which I really wasn't wrong is criminal, what is it to get up as they said in his closing
statements that I make $300 million a year, we haven't made $300 million in six years gross
and then in the closing arguments to the jury, the other lawyer said, Mr. Jones today on
the stand said FBI agents murdered the kids at Sandy Hook and everybody goes what?
When my lawyer got up he said you just saw Alex on the stand earlier and when you deliberate
you should go pull up the video of that and as for that testimony, Mr. Jones didn't say
FBI agents murdered people at Sandy Hook, their lawyer got up and said this man today in front
of you said FBI agents murdered children, what in the world?
You talk about perjury, you talk about crazy but see they know they control the appeals
court, they control the Texas bar and they control that Soros left his judge so they
can do anything but that's okay, I'm not here to keep my head down, I'm not here to sit
on the sidelines, I asked to be in the arena, I prayed to God to help me expose the new
world order because I want to stop these globalist pedophile rings and I knew the mark of the
beast was coming and I knew it was the right thing to do so I'm not like all these other
so-called men that aren't the arena, I'm in the arena but I want you to know I am fighting
for you and for my own family and for all of us and I need your hope, your prayers,
I need your support.
Today or tomorrow after the jury comes in with their first verdict then they have the punitive
damages and they'll testify again on net worth and I'm going to tell the truth, the whole
truth, nothing but the truth and you'll hear about everything I've got at that.
I was there this morning with lawyers making damn sure everything's listed, how many cars
I got, the house I got, they put my cell phone number out, everybody's, I got to get a new
number now, they put my cell phone number out in court yesterday, home address is all of
it, this is all part of my persecution, that's okay, Christ said pick up your cross and follow
me and if you're following me you're going to get persecuted.
I know this life is a flash, this is a test and I'm sure not perfect, believe that but
I mean well and I love God and I love justice and I am extremely honored to be here and
this is exactly where I wanted to be but I want to ask you at this part of the most intense
fight beginning at the crucible is I go into the middle of the enemy hyenas to literally
tear me to pieces, you think this is bad it's going to get a lot worse, I told you a long
time ago I will be destroyed, I told you that 20 years ago, I told you that 10 years ago
because they're coming for you next and when they're annihilating and killing billions
of you I want you to remember that I fought for you because through this fight coming
we will overcome these people, I won't overcome them in my lifetime but many of you watching
will and yours, they're going down, I am in the arena, this is where I want to be, this
is the way to go down baby, this is just the beginning, my destruction will be spectacular
and it will be a light to others to lead the charge into the future for our children.
Info wars has been vindicated, we've been proven right, world government, the new world
order is out of the open and now more than ever the forces of Satan are trying to shut
down this broadcast, the forces of anti-human, godless new world order are out of control
so now realize we have pushed them out in the light, we have pushed them out in the
open and they are so upset, they are so scared so well you still can because any day can
be our last broadcast, spread the word about the show, share the art, we'll share the videos
and please fund us while getting great products at the same time at infowarsstore.com, books,
films, t-shirts, great supplements, vitamin refusion, body cells and maturmeric formula,
Ultra 12, diet force so much more right now at infowarsstore.com, but whatever you do,
pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech
and justice to win.
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Eating a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance, live from the infowars.com
studios, it's Alex Jones.
I signed up for this a long time ago, I signed on the dotted line, not with the devil, but
with God, and God showed me the path forward, and I chose this path and everything that
was laid out before me is now proceeding in God's plan.
You've always got to remember that Satan has control for a limited time, but it's all part
of God's plan, remember that, and they're laughing at you when they're lying about you,
when they're attacking you, when they're hurting you, when they're killing you, that in the
end, this is all just a test, it wasn't all just set up by happenstance, this planet,
the cosmos, our free will, it is a beautiful gift from God, but with it comes great responsibility.
All right, let me say this right now that I'm going to hit the news that they don't
want us to cover, or they want to distract me with all these lawsuits and attempted
criminal charges and January 6th garbage and lies, because they want us out of the game,
they don't want us rallying humanity and awakening humanity.
We just saw big developments with massive wins by hardcore patriots in the primary election
Roger Stone joins us, star of the next hour, then Robert Barnes, Owen Schreuer, and so
many others.
And we're also waiting for the jury's verdict on how guilty I am, you're guilty until proven
guilty or in the new blue city, blue state systems, and again, people ask, why do you
live in Austin, my mother's family's from here.
I grew up in Dallas and grew up here.
I love Austin, it's a great place, but it's controlled by the globalist now, and everybody's
welcome here in Texas, we love you, but it's kind of hard to leave a place when your ancestors
have been here since the 1820s.
My family originally, before they moved to Waterloo, which was what Austin was originally
known as, lived in Gonzales, Texas, and were in the main fight in the first battle of Texas
And my mother's side of the family raised Colonel Travis' son, the heir's family, and
so it is hard to see the fall of many areas of Texas and hard to realize that I need to
pull up stakes and get out of here as soon as possible.
But we don't have the money or the systems to move this operation at this time out.
They're kind of doing us a favor with all the attacks with an infrastructure this big
and not be able to continue it on unless we get massive increases in support.
But one way or another, I will go down fighting, ladies and gentlemen, and will not whimper
because this operation is carried out against us, because again, I asked for this, and I
knew we would have victory when triggering Great Awakening, that in the end we'll bring
down the New World Order, but you got to pay the piper, you got to pay the boatman.
You want to go into hell to free the captives, you got to pay Charon, and I have paid, and
I will pay, and I made that deal.
So my destruction is victory.
Now we want to stay in the fight and fight as hard and long as possible, and I pray
for God to give me strength to be as powerful and as effective as I can in this key moment
when the forces of true evil come for us, come for you.
So I'm going to hit some more news on other subjects, but I'm going to say this right
I didn't know how insolvent we were six months ago.
We didn't have outside accounting firms.
We had trouble sourcing products.
We had leftist groups that bought up some of our main suppliers.
They held on to our money as a joke for a year, one big outlet that we've been using
for seven, eight years that was owned by some great folks previously.
We learned that was the case.
When we said, give us our money back, they said, no, we're not going to.
We had to get lawyers involved.
We found that the grace of God, even bigger top labs in the country, two of them that
are actually listeners, and so the process of 10 of our bestselling products are starting
to come back in.
But that will still with the numbers we've got to get us into the black with the expenses
we have take a few months.
I need money now just to pay for the bankruptcy we have, which will allow us to stay on air
and operate and reorganize despite all these kangaroo courts and fake judgments that clearly
they've engineered that I expect to happen.
And so right now is a decision you have to make.
As God is my witness, if I put everything I've got into this operation, it will only
run in another two months.
And I have to have that as an emergency backup just to defend myself personally because obviously
I'm carrying the ball and I'll be able to continue to do this through other platforms
that I don't own, but we want to try to keep this platform going.
And so this has been an ongoing long-term boxing match or wrestling match with the globalist
for many years, and it's brought us right to the edge of collapse at this point.
And so it's very simple and you've come through so much, but we need to massively increase
the capital coming into this operation daily so that we can stay on air.
And I don't want to have to prove it to you by shutting down some of the shows, laying
off a lot of the crew, and curtailing what we're doing at this key part of the battle
when we are one of the only organizations that built the satellite uplinks, the radio
uplinks, the servers, the encoders, the infrastructure, the studios, the brain trust of the researchers,
the journalists, the editors, people like Gregory, people like John Bowne, and countless others
we've supported like Paul Watson.
But it really is up to you at this point right now whether we continue on because the extra
money that came in the last six months was enough to pay off past debts and get up to
speed and order some product that is starting to turn it around but not quick enough.
And so they put these headlines out there claiming we have all these millions of dollars
when we don't so that you don't think we need support.
So I just tell you now, I need everybody listening to go to infowarstore.com and get a 2000 mules
film, get an Alex's war documentary, now shipping, to get an end game, to get a body's
ultimate turmeric formula, to get bottom of mineral fusion, to get diet force that's a
great system of natural compounds that speeds up your metabolism naturally in a healthy
Really all this stuff's top flight at infowarstore.com, you can also go to infowarstore.com, at
the top there's a link that says help fund the tip of the spear.
You can make a one-time donation, a multi-time donation, and I've never done this but I've
had dinner with some really wealthy people and I've talked to them and I've never really
twisted their arm but today I started making phone calls saying listen, if you want to
donate and you want to support us, now is the time to do it because we are in the thick
of the fight right now.
They're cutting off the infrastructure, they're cutting off the energy, they're imploding
the borders, they're not coming for everybody, they're attacking everybody now and they don't
want us on the air with the new lockdowns they're getting ready.
They don't want us on the air with the new election fraud they're about to try to engage
in in 96 days in the midterms.
They don't want us going in the 2024 election mobilizing the people and so the orders have
come down from on high and big money's being spent by this Goliath force to shut down this
So I will call this Operation David.
You are King David.
I am King David but we're not kings of our kingdom yet under Christ.
We are the little shepherd out there standing against Goliath and I need you to help us
fill our sling with that smooth river stone and help keep us focused and funded into this
critical fight.
So I really need to see massive support both telling people to tune in and purchasing products
and praying for us if that is your choice.
It is your choice to make right now at the most intense part of the fight, everything
we were built for, everything we've done in 28 years, all your support coming to a head
right now to our die time.
Spread the word about the show, buy the products and pray for it if you want to keep us on
I am in your hands.
This is beyond the bat signal.
It's up to you at this point.
We need money to continue the fight.
We still can because any day can be our last broadcast.
Spread the word about the show, share the article, share the videos and please fund
We'll get great products at the same time at infowarstore.com.
Books, films, t-shirts, great supplements, vitamin real fusion, body's ultimate turmeric
formula, Ultra 12, diet for so much more right now at infowarstore.com.
But whatever you do, pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children
and pray for free speech and justice to win.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I'll spread the word, my friends, we're involved in an epic historic battle.
There is nothing, there is no more epitome of free speech than right here.
And that's what people recognize and resonate with.
And as Ward said, you're not going to find a better place for information.
You might not agree with everything.
You might not agree with all our perspectives, but we cover all the information.
And there's nowhere else really that does it like we do here.
Thank you for that, Ward.
Infowarsstore.com, by the way, the products he mentions, infowarsstore.com is where to
get them, folks.
And we do have the best supplements.
Just like we try our best with our news coverage and our information, we do the best with our
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I mean, look at the hair and beard support formula, folks, this is a joke.
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By the way, it works for me.
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I want to move it out the door and hopefully get more in the future, but who knows, supply
chain breakdowns, it may not happen.
So get your vitamin mineral fusion infowarsstore.com today and keep info wars on the air.
Vitamin mineral fusion back in stock, 40% off at infowarstore.com, vitamin mineral fusion.
Making a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
It's a good news is people like governor to standards are coming out and saying transgender
terrorism. Targeting children is child abuse, chemical castration. That clips coming up
next hour. The good news is we've seen patriots sweeping the primaries like with the gubernatorial
primary in Arizona. We're going to be looking at all that with Roger Stone coming up next
hour and so much more. But let's look at this stack of news. This is just part of the
economic news. Widespread civil unrest looming in the UK over cost of living. The angrier
world that Klaus Schwab talks about. Video, Biden Energy advisor claims it's just factually
not true that gas prices were rising before Ukraine invasion. Ninety percent of the rise
was before it. Total lie. But that's all they can do. Just like they said, they have my
entire phone for all these years when they don't. It's not true. Mexico also suffering
inflation. To stop inflation protests, Panama fixes prices of groceries and medicine that
will cause food shortages. And it just goes on from there. Almost 40% of Democrats voters
say Democrats have run the economy to the ground. See the Democrats look at the blame.
Yeah, they deserve part of it. But their boss is the new world order. The great reset at
work, the dystopian transformation of the food industry. Big article up on infowars.com.
This is the designed controlled collapse. Meanwhile, China has said it's war if any
high level US government official, including an ambassador, goes to Taiwan. Pelosi goes,
I think she should go if she wants. She can visit wherever she wants. And she says it's
because she's a woman. I mean, they inject that crap into everything. And it just goes
on and on and on. But the good news is everywhere. Hollywood tried to force its leftist ideology
on people. Get woke, go broke. Warner Brothers decides to shelve woke 70 million Batgirl
movie. Economist warns job openings are about to fall off a cliff. That's just some of the
economic news as they wage war against our finances, against our sustainability, against
our independence against our children against our families. They're at war. You know, when
I walked out of the courthouse yesterday, where they just said they had my whole phone
and the law enforcement want to know about what was on it. And none of that was true.
When I walked out there and there were dozens of TV cameras with people behind them hissing
and saying hateful things and laughing and saying, you're going down. These are main
line reporters. It didn't make me feel bad to have all these people saying mean things
to me. It made me feel bad for them because of what they are involved in and the system
that they have signed up for and how foolish they are and how they've bet on this as they
said, January 6 is going to get your phone. You and Trump are going down. Oh, this will
make Hunter Biden look like a good guy. All delusional, all based on half truths, all based
on disinformation, all based on garbage, but they don't care. They don't stop. And they
wonder why their lives are destroyed. They wonder why they have no future. It's very,
very, very, very sad. Now, here's the other big news I'm going to be getting into, including
right now. This is the good news. These are the real hearings that matter. Not that Alex
Jones questioned a mass shooting or not that there was a riot at the Capitol and so we've
got to have martial law. We should be spending the whole show today on this. And that's the
gain of function hearings that they just had in Congress where they have all the documents,
the government bureaus under George W. Bush and under Barack Hussein Obama. And then under
Trump, he killed most of the programs to his credit weaponizing viruses to even be race
specific and kill certain races of people. Big breaking news on that will be playing
clips. Rand Paul, Congress is not allowed to know about top secret gain of function
research committee. And we've got more on that. I love these modern articles in these
studies. Evidence suggests genetic manipulation of COVID-19. And then they describe how it's
got five P shuttle gene injections that show it's a cloned virus and that it's had other
viruses added to it. I mean, you know a 57 Chevy's man made versus a redwood, or you
know a duck is natural versus a carburetor. You know that a frog is biological and not
man made for now versus a shotgun. And they knew this two and a half years ago. They scanned
it at major universities and said, my God, this is man made. And now we have Fauci in
documents admitting he ordered gain of function production. This could end humanity as we
know it. Certainly kill hundreds of millions or billions of people and the fear and collapse
from it will bring us into total collapse, which will lead to mass starvation and war.
And that's today's live show headline. You know, you think our live show headline would
be about Alex Jones and the truth about his phone and wasn't really true. But no, no,
it's about all of us. Planet officially plunging into mass starvation, economic collapse and
worldwide war. So I'm staying at my post despite the fact my guts and my flesh tells me get
my family and run to the hills. Imagine being the idiots serving this system in the crime
ridden collapsing cities they live in undermining their own future and thinking that those of
us trying to save the ship are the bad guys. It is so sad. I'll say it again and the decision
is really up to you. I know that if we cancel the war room and American Journal and lay
off a bunch of crew, they will suddenly get a bunch of donations of support. Do you really
want me to do that? Because I'm going to have to in a couple of weeks. I mean, do I need
to, I mean, I'm in official full bankruptcy with the federal court filing things showing
we're out of money. All I need is money to fight these next two show trials and pay for
the bankruptcy and that will protect us and we'll be able to go forward. But we need the
money at the level we were to operate. And that's why they flash headlines up everywhere
that are 100% false that we have $5 million or $300 million or any of this crap because
they want you to think that we have all this money when we don't. It is up to you to see
through their lives. It is up to you to bolster the front lines of your defenses. We're the
gate on the castle that the dragons shooting fire at and clawing at and trying to get through.
Info Wars is the soldiers at that gate shooting arrows at that dragon and throwing themselves
up there and moving boulders in to try to block the hole in the wall. That gate goes
down. They're able to stampede and intimidate everybody. They take the whole fortress and
believe me, you'll be in a whole nother world. Your money is going to be worthless. Your
freedom is going to be worthless. You'll be under new lockdowns. You'll have no future.
If you don't bet on Info Wars now, you are insane. And quite frankly, I'm exhausted.
Part of me just wants to watch it, just give you guys what you want. But I know the listeners
have been steadfast, you know who you are. But for all the middle class people and all
the wealthy people that have been sitting on the fence while widows and blue collar workers,
the salt of the earth of this country are busting their ass, spending part of their
paycheck to buy our great products. Shame on the wealthy and nouveau rich that are sitting
there thinking you're insulated. You're going to find out you're not in this new French
To go to info wars.com right now, get a t shirt, get vitamin refusion, get the great
super blue toothpaste back in stock and body's ultimate turmeric formula. Get it all while
you still can. But it's here. No more beta test. We're inside the NWO now. And it's
only to get more insane, but we're going to win in the end. We'll be right back with
our number two with Roger Stone, Robert Barnes and more info wars has been vindicated. We've
been proven right. World government, the new world order is out of the open. And now more
than ever, the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast. The forces of
anti human, godless new world order are out of control. So now realize we have pushed
them out of the light. We have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset and
they are so scared. So while you still can, because any day can be our last broadcast,
spread the word about the show, share the article, share the videos and please fund
us while getting great products at the same time at info wars.com books, films, t shirts,
great supplements, vitamin refusion, body's ultimate turmeric formula, ultra 12 diet for
so much more right now at info wars.com. But whatever you do, pray for justice and pray
for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to win. Thank
you so much for joining us. I'll spread the word, my friends, we're involved in an epic
historic battle. The number one selling category in supplements worldwide is fat burners is
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The operating system of the sax coberg gotha families, which is the oldest bloodline of
European bloodlines in the world in which all European bloodlines agree are their progenitors
going back to their founder, Vlad the Impaler. Count Dracula is the recognized head of the
entire dynasty. These royal highness prince Charles, who can trace his ancestry back to
Romania's dark and distant past. The allergy shows that I'm descended from
Vlad the Impaler. So I do have a stake in the country. As it were. And so this house
of the dragon that flies the dragon, the dracool, rule the planet. Just like revelation tells
us the dragon and it's allied with the other dragon, the chat comes and its goal is feudalism,
though the high tech overlay. We're developing through technology and ability for consumers
to measure their own carbon footprint. What does that mean? That's where are they traveling?
How are they traveling? What are they eating? What are they consuming on the platform? So
individual carbon footprint tracker. They tuned. We don't have it operational yet, but
this is something that we're working on. Total biometric surveillance. We want to stop this
epidemic. We need not just to monitor people. We need to monitor what's happening under
the skin. And if you go back to the Aztecs or the ancient
Chinese or the ancient Europeans or the ancient Africans, everybody behave the same. You had
cycles and you would get cycles of society building up, developing technology, agrarian
systems, developing towns and cities. And then the cults take over, the high priests
take over and they always use environmental reasons for the reason that they have to dominate
and demand human sacrifices and control over the public.
So the Illuminati is basically just an extension of the mystery religion system, the whole
type of philosophy. Yes, it was a way of hoarding knowledge and power to a few special people.
And how do they hoard the knowledge? Well, when I say knowledge, some of the knowledge
is pseudo-knowledge and some of the knowledge is actually scientific knowledge which enabled
for instance Christopher Columbus to be certain that he could sail across the Atlantic and
hit land. He was associated with the Knights Templars, which is one of these secret societies
associated with the Illuminati. So you've got different types of knowledge, but some
of the knowledge is actually bogus. It's just claimed so that they can get people to join
whatever mystery religion they're trying to offer.
And the UN and others at the Club of Rome in the 1960s, early 1960s, said we're going
to bring back the superstition of the pagans. And we're going to teach people they're bad
and teach them they're evil and teach them that they have to pay and teach them that
old people have to die and babies have to be killed because there's too many people.
So that we have a barbarous civilization that's the opposite of the Renaissance and Christianity,
but one that is kill and be killed. And we believe this is the natural system of survival
of fitness, social Darwinism. And so we're going to bring this back. And that's the real
system we're transitioning to now we hear about a transition. So they decided to get
rid of that and replace it with the old authoritarian model, a barbarism that has the exact same
features, no matter what color you are or where your ancestors came from, humans act
the same in these cycles over and over again.
The satanic rituals that they carry out, which are horrendous traditional rituals, blood
sacrifices, requires a certain level of insanity and disassociate ability. If you were a normal
sane person and you had to participate in the higher level Illuminati rituals, you'd
probably go crazy. It's absolutely essential that they maintain the bloodlines.
These are religious sacraments to these people of power over you. And they don't like the
fact you're straight and strong. They don't like the fact you're good. They don't like
the fact you're hardworking. They don't like the fact you want justice. They want to hurt
you. They want to dominate you to fill that empty spot in their heart.
Thanks a lot.
day to be our last broadcast. Spread the word about the show, share the article, share
the videos, and please fund us while getting great products at the same time at infowarstore.com.
Books, films, t-shirts, great supplements, vitamin real fusion, body's ultimate turmeric
formula, Ultra 12, diet force, so much more right now at infowarstore.com. But whatever
you do, pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free
speech and justice to win. Thank you so much for joining us. I'll spread the word, my friends.
We're involved in an epic historic battle.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
When you fight the globalist, you defend humanity. You stand up for the children in America. The
New World Order comes for you. Yes, those that serve evil call us fools for standing up for
what's right, but we can't help it. It's in our bones. And we've got incredible economic
news. We're going to look at the big primaries that happened yesterday that are terrifying
the establishment. We're going to look at the nationally televised hearings they had today
where Roger Stone was drug into my Sandy Hook kangaroo trial where the judge has told the
jury more than 20 times, I'm guilty. How do you get a fair trial of that? Just any other
place in the world, folks, including America in the past, if a judge said you were guilty to a
jury, it was a mistrial. So to break all this down and more is a man who's been through the
fire even more than I have. And there's not many for what we stand up for is Roger Stone.
But Roger, you're forced yet again. I had you coming on last night. I talked to you and we
said, hey, let's get you on about the election, about the primary, about the midterms, 96
days. But now yet again, they're not telling the truth. They say that there's a phone that they
have bigger than Hunter Biden's laptop. And you're in it. And it's all there in the January 6
committee. And it's a fragment of my phone given over in discovery in Connecticut with a bunch of
text messages that is from late 2019 to early 2020. Nothing to do with January 6, but they don't
care. They're going forward with it. Your response to that.
Well, Alex, I have no concerns whatsoever about anything you and I have ever text message because
you've never said anything inappropriate. We may have a comment on how attractive a particular
woman is. There may be some locker room talk there. But even that's not troubling. Alex, they're
going after you the same way they went after me for exactly the same reasons. We refuse to
shut up. We refuse to be silenced. We refuse to stop talking about freedom and our constitutional
liberties and calling out those who would cancel them. So my heart goes out to you and your
family. I've been exactly where you are right now. And frankly, you need help more than ever
before. Don't buy into the lies. Don't buy into the distortions. Don't be.
They did the same thing saying you had hundreds of millions of dollars. All lies.
Yeah, no, it's absolutely untrue. So folks, Alex Jones needs your support. Info wars need your
support as never before. This is really, it's not even about the subject of the trial in my
opinion. It's just never to silence and destroy Alex Jones. I've been there. I've walked this walk.
I know what you're going through. And to watch the corporate media with these corrupt judges
and others all working in concert. They truly are, as Trump said, the enemy of the American
people. Well, here's the good news, Alex. Jesus Christ will deliver you just as he delivered
me. Jesus Christ can discern good from evil. He knows who stands up for his values and his
teachings. He knows that you are fighting to maintain this as a Christian based nation.
My family and I are praying for you and your family. And frankly, everyone there at info wars
never give up the fight. We want my friend. Let's talk about these primaries last night from
Arizona to you name it. Let's run through it with one of the top political analysts in
America. Well, what we saw in Arizona was the exorcism of John McCain and the McCainites.
It was a top to bottom victory. At this point, Kerry Lake has covered carried every county,
but one, of course, in Miracopa County. The last time I checked, they were still counting,
but the nomination of Mark Fincham, his secretary of state, the resounding reelection of Wendy
Rogers, the Republican establishment is crapping their pants across the board, whether it is
Michigan, whether it is whether it is the house races. This is Donald Trump's party at the
grassroots. All these stories that you've read front page story in the New York Times a couple
of weeks ago about how Trump is losing his mojo at the grassroots of the Republican party
that's completely disproved by yesterday's primaries. But here's the one thing perhaps
the untrained eye doesn't notice. The turnout in Republican primaries are breaking all records,
whereas the turnout in Democratic primaries is anemic to say the least. That shows an
enthusiasm level, an intensity level that does point to a blowout victory this November.
So their attempts to destroy Trump, you, myself, and Governor DeSantis and others is just a temper tantrum.
Well, in the case of the January 6 hearings, there's no question whatsoever, this is actually
galvanized and strengthened Trump at the grassroots. There's actually been a...
Even the Atlantic, even the Atlantic, Politico did polls and admit that.
Yeah, all the polling I'm looking at demonstrates a substantial uptick in the intensity of his
support. I frankly think if they did this to dissuade him from running for president, it's
having the exact opposite effect. I think that it encourages him to run for president.
Let's be clear, you were here July 1st and said Trump was going to probably announce in July.
He did say, I'm running, I'm just not saying when. So your prediction was true.
Yeah, I still think this is coming. There's a lot of legal and political complications to
his becoming a candidate this year. I do think he does not want to divert attention and support
and money from the candidates who are on the ballot this November.
I agree, but what about them wanting to indict him? If he announces now, generally they won't
think this is too obvious. I don't think he'll divert attention. He should travel.
He should get right back on the road. He should go into overdrive.
Well, of course, the Attorney General said in an interview that they would not be deterred
one way or another on his political status and as to whether he was a candidate.
I don't think it'll make a difference. If I were him, I would announce my candidacy
literally the day after these November elections, but that's just me. It's also interesting
that even in those few places where Rhinos got reelected, it was only because the
America 1st candidates were split or vote was split among two candidates.
So for example, Dan Newhouse, perhaps the single worst piece of crap in the United States House,
a guy who voted for impeachment, a guy who voted for the January 6th committee,
a guy who voted for the COVID-19 database, this guy won only because the Trump vote,
the America 1st vote, was split between two candidates.
But if you add the majority, or I should say you add the vote they each got,
he would have been a loser. Across the board, this was a smashing win for Donald Trump.
Which is only going to make the deep state go crazier. What do you expect to happen
in the next 96 days?
Well, I'm not an attorney, although I did read yesterday that the president's lawyer,
former lawyer, Pat Simplone, was summons to the grand jury.
I don't know how they picked through the executive privilege issues there.
Look, they seem hell bent on doing something that would disqualify Trump as a candidate.
And I think that is growingly obvious.
As for the attempts by the lawyers in the Texas case to somehow tie this into January 6th,
I have no concerns in that area. As I have said many, many times,
any claim, inference, implication, or accusation that I knew in advance about
was involved in or condone any illegal activity on January 6th, just a lie.
Nor was I involved in any of the legal machinations regarding delaying the Electoral College vote.
But still, I get attacked on page one above the fold in Sunday's Washington Post.
Well, that's right. The Washington Post, the New York Times,
have all got front-page articles that it's over for Jones and Stone and Trump.
We have the phone and they don't have a phone.
They have text messages I turned over in discovery that they act like are like some big secret.
It's just incredible how desperate they've gotten.
Unbelievable. Thank God we're still here to tell the truth.
Roger, stay there. I want to do another second one. You want to talk about Biden?
They're clearly trying to get rid of him. Who are they planning to bring in?
What are other tricks they're going to play in the next 96 days?
The iconic Roger Stone's our guest. Stay with us, Roger Stone.
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Ladies and gentlemen, it is now more important than ever as we reach the critical heart of the battle that you spread the word and that you support Liberty
and that you warn people like you've never done before.
We have come so far together. Please help keep us on the air.
We're under massive attack right now, but we're going to win with your help.
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We are now living in the void sliding towards collapse in the strange space between what we've known and what's to come.
It was more than 30 years ago that I discovered the Globalist Plan and their documents, and
I decided that I believed in humanity.
I decided that if we warned the people and began a mobilization, we could defeat them.
And now we have come so far together, we've got to continue on.
Roger Stone, Joe Biden, that's obviously their big problem.
They knew he was a puppet, but he's degenerated faster than they thought.
That's the big wild card with 96 days out.
Can he hold on?
He's degenerating again at light speed.
What is your intelligence sources and your own great research telling you?
Well, an even larger problem, of course, is the constant Chinese water torture of more
and more information about the illicit business dealings and perversion of Hunter Biden.
If folks have not followed the extraordinary reporting of Miranda Devine at the New York
Post, it is breathtaking and there's new information every single day.
Joe Biden told us he knew nothing whatsoever about Hunter's business dealings.
Turns out that he met with Hunter's clients on 14 different occasions.
We have now absolutely established that he is the big guy and that he was getting a piece
of the action.
So the combination, it seems to me, of the disaster of the Biden administration policies,
record gasoline prices, food shortages, crippling inflation, embarrassing defeats and retreats
around the globe in terms of our foreign policy, Afghanistan, for example, combined with the
weight of Hunter Biden's epic corruption, which, by the way, he is yet to be prosecuted
I mean, Paul Manafort went to prison for lobbying without registering for Ukraine.
Hunter Biden lobbied for several nations without ever registering, certainly had contact
with policymakers and decision makers in Washington on their behalf, including his father, the
vice president, he never registered.
So you have to wonder when will he be prosecuted or do we have a two-tier justice system in
which they only pursue Roger Stone, Alex Jones and, say, General Michael Flynn?
Roger, I can ask a thousand questions in the six minutes we have left, but what else is
front and center on your radar screen?
Well, I think you raised the central question, which is how long will they put up with Joe
In other words, once the New York Times and the Washington Post and the legacy media begin
reporting on the epic corruption of Hunter, the handwriting is on the wall.
So the only real question here is, when will he be removed under the 25th Amendment?
Will that happen before or after the election?
I would argue after.
And does he pardon his son, his brother, perhaps even himself on his way out the door as his
cost of leaving, as the condition of his leaving?
If that happens, as you know, Kamala Harris immediately becomes president of the United
States, no, she doesn't need to be sworn in.
Lyndon Johnson did that famous charade on the plane of him being sworn in as president
just to twist the knife in Bobby Kennedy.
That's what that was about.
She would then be entitled under the Constitution to appoint a vice president, but that vice
president would have to be confirmed by both the Senate and the House.
And therefore, in this next upcoming election, we don't know that that would be possible.
That, of course, is an argument for removing Biden from office legally prior to the election,
while they still have the ability to confirm a vice president.
Who could that be?
Well, I have said repeatedly, I think Michelle Obama is going to be the 2024 nominee.
This would be a way to position her for that nomination.
She would be the most likely nominee if that scenario were to play out.
What are some of their wild cards?
Provocateurs, false flags, new wars?
I mean, they are in desperate straits.
All the numbers show their own party is completely turned against them, so their own people don't
go out and vote, even if they use dead people voting and illegals voting, just like we saw
on last night's primary, that's not going to push them to victory.
Well, I think we have to keep a very close eye on the monkey pox pandemic that they are
openly predicting.
Oh, you've been saying for six months, right before the election, they launched a new pandemic.
They've already, blue states are already trying to shut things down and put masks back on.
And I think they're looking for some excuse under which, theoretically, President Biden
could sign an executive order that limits us to only mail in voting.
And we know how that works out.
And you predicted that.
He just instructed with an executive order last week, the Puzzle Service Prepare for
permanently delivering ballots via the mail.
There you go.
So, look, I think that they would like to avoid a free, fair, open, transparent election
at all costs.
I really think they recognize, particularly after yesterday's seismic results, that they
are in deep trouble in the upcoming election.
Spend two minutes on that because when we post this demand out video, I'm going to put
this clip right now up front in your own words, how seismic yesterday was the primaries,
Roger Stone.
Well, first of all, just Republican turnout broke all records.
There is extraordinary intensity and enthusiasm among all Republicans for these primaries.
Democratic turnout was anemic.
Secondarily, the Republican establishment, the Rhinos, got beat virtually every place,
not only Arizona, but in Michigan and elsewhere.
So the establishment knows that they are in deep trouble.
There is a red-title wave coming.
There is no question about that.
And I think there is growing panic by the Democrats to figure out some way to head that
Could it be a war sparked either through Ukraine or through these provocations with
the Chinese conceivably?
Could it be a pandemic that limits us only to mail-in voting and open invitation for
voter fraud?
That is a possibility.
Here's the one thing that is absolutely clear.
The Democrats cannot head in to a free, fair, honest, transparent election because they
know that they will lose.
I agree.
I'm trying to figure out a headline, because we're live right now, millions watching.
I want to post an abandoned video and get millions more to share it.
What is the headline?
Roger Stone.
Primaries point to a November red tsunami.
Absolutely so.
Primaries point to November red tsunami.
That's right.
Perfect headline.
Thank you so much.
We'll talk to you very, very soon.
Give it your website real quick.
We have pushed them out in the light, we have pushed them out in the open, and they are
so upset and they are so scared, so while you still can, because any day can be our
last broadcast, spread the word about the show, share the article, share the videos,
and please fund us while getting great products at the same time at infowarstore.com.
Books, films, t-shirts, great supplements, vitamin, mineral fusion, body cells, maturmeric
formula, Ultra-12, diet force, so much more right now at infowarstore.com, but whatever
you do, pray for justice, and pray for freedom, and pray for the children, and pray for free
speech and justice to win.
Thank you so much for joining us, and I'll spread the word, my friends, we're involved
in an epic historic battle.
Info Wars has been vindicated, we've been proven right.
World government and New World Order is out in the open, and now more than ever, the forces
of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast.
The forces of anti-human, godless New World Order are out of control.
So now realize, we have pushed them out in the light, we have pushed them out in the
open, and they are so upset, and they are so scared, so while you still can, cause any
day can be our last broadcast, spread the word about the show, share the article, share
the videos, and please fund us while getting great products at the same time at infowarstore.com.
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formula, Ultra 12, a diet for so much more right now at infowarstore.com, but whatever
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Transmission from deep in the heart of Texas, U.S. resistance against a global corporate
combine, empowered and funded by communist China, allied with the big megabanks that set up communist China in 1949.
The communist Chinese have taken control of U.S. telecommunications infrastructure, the
communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood, the communist Chinese have taken control of
the main universities, this is all confirmed, this is not a drill.
Big Tech and Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the communist Chinese government, they've
officially become state-run, Apple 100%, Google is now making the transition and announcing
a merger in total worldwide censorship, they are now beta testing using me as the strawman,
a demonized version of Alex Jones to do that, this is happening, this is not like the other
probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would
adapt to censorship by just putting up with it, now this attack is thousands and thousands
and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks, this is a tight traded dose,
reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt and overcome, subversion, paradigm manipulation,
in layman's terms they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed, we adapt
to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression, now when the megaton hits us of the total takeover
we try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing it's a lethal dose if we accept
the dose, total internet of things, integration, global social score, complete command and control
system, it is the virtual reality AI platform system, now attacking the united states with
traders inside the major security agencies, blocking Trump's resistance of the program
and attempting to stop us from removing the tentacles of the chai comm slash big tech banking
combine emergency situation, I have been chosen for destruction because I brought you this information
and have been battering ramming it out as much as I can, they want to double use me as they always
do in any complex system of mathematical deception where every angle of my good is turned against
us, so they take what I've said being sincere build me into an insincere person in the straw man,
I'm a person that cares about life and children and is against these wars and so they make me a
herder of children and then they build me into this lie to then set the distraction while they're
actually censoring all of you to make a debate about Alex Jones, so even if I didn't sell out
to them they now use me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction, I have now
been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and it's being used against you,
only your full understanding of this key will break you free from this paradigm, I have given you
the transmission now break free, I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every
form of tyranny over the mind of man, Thomas Jefferson, if you are receiving this transmission
you are the resistance, you know it your guts, you understand it archetypally, any champions
that stand up for human liberty and a pro-human future must be destroyed because the enemy can't
have leadership, that's why supporting info wars, that's why sharing the links and articles,
that's why praying for the broadcasts, that's why buying products and info warsore.com is
beyond critical because we are your champions, you are my champions, if you hold me up, if you back
us we will continue to have devastating victory against the enemy, but if you don't realize
how important you are we'll fail, I played that clip because I shot that four years ago
right after we were de-platformed, I shot it, it was a rant on a live show, that's unedited,
they just added video over it, that's the spirit talking, that's total truth, that's the A game,
that's what you live for, that's why you want the Holy Spirit, when you're in that zone it's
incredible and they don't want any of us in that zone, this broadcast with our guests and our
callers and myself and others, we are about getting into that zone, this is a focus on liberty and
I talk about how they incrementally turn up the tyranny so you don't notice it like the frog in
the pod till it's too late, we're about pointing out we're in the pod and just like I made that point
they've been attacking us so long it becomes like yeah they took his banks away, they took him off
the internet, yeah they attacked him, yeah now they want to arrest him, yeah, you just get used
to me being chewed up, it's kind of like yeah he's down there getting chewed up, you don't realize
I'm at the gate of the fortress defending you because I love you, I'm not a hero, I can't
watch these people do this to you because I am you, I have a feeling of empathy just like you do
so now I need you to take action and not procrastinate, yeah it's great to have the number
one book on 25 charts and it's up in the 20s now on Amazon, isn't even out until later this month
but the money we get from that two three dollars a book is negligible, it's about
our intellectual information being number one in their face showing the vote of the people, yeah
Alex's war, there's some theaters around the country called the number six on the iTunes chart
now that it's out, went to number two on the preorders, that's all great, fine and dandy
but this broadcast and what we do every day is the real tip of the spear and we need your funding
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grassroots, they have the new world order, they're printing presses, we don't need all the funds
they've got, we just need to stay on air and we have a plan to stay on air and we can pay for
these kangaroo trials, we got to go to a little arrest us and if we can pay for the bankruptcy
and go through that and show the courts that there's not all this money it'll all go away and show
that it's just them wanting to shut us down which the Washington Post, the New York Times this week
said the goal is to silence Alex Jones, they're using Sandy Hook families as pawns and I saw that
two days ago when I did a live video in the morning saying I think Scarlett Lewis and I think Neil
Haslund are real, I've been around them for over a week, we questioned all big events, we didn't
create the Sandy Hook questions, the government lies did but I think they're real people and I
believe Sandy Hook happened and I appreciate them and I'm sorry, they edited the tape to say I hated
them, she got up on stand believed it, once she started crying said I'm sorry you're right oh my
god and then her lawyers went over to her and to Haslund and snapped their fingers like they were
dogs and said get over here yesterday, so they're panicking and that's why they came out with this
fake phone thing, that's why they're doing it. Robert Barnes, you're riding the shotgun into the
end of the next hour, thank you for co-hosting, you've knocked it out of the park, I don't want to
talk about us all day, I want to talk about the elections, I want to talk about the primaries last
night, I want to talk about the economy, I want to talk about Trump, Biden, Ukraine, everything
but first you're loaded for bear on this, what do you make of the latest chicanery?
What happened yesterday was an attorney admitting in court in this case the plaintiffs lawyer that
he violated fundamental rules of the professional conduct and ethics that govern every lawyer
and in the process was encouraging and incentivizing the January 6th committee
to violate 4th, 5th and 6th amendment constitutional rights, so under the rule every lawyer gets
information that's not supposed to be given to the lawyer, every day in America, I've got that
many many times, I've been fortunate never sent anything to anybody they weren't supposed to get
but I have received it frequently and my ethical and professional obligation when I see it's
something I wasn't supposed to get is to let the other lawyer know, return the information and
delete all copies, in fact this is so recognized, we'll later on you know talk about what Andy
Griffith used to talk about in the 1960s, that's how well understood and universally understood
this is, you cannot illegally benefit or profit from information you illicitly obtained even
if it was by accident or mistake rather than- Especially if the lawyers tell you in 10 days
they told them that day that's not right, send it back. Yeah it said I mean what it was communicated
it was yeah that's a mistake discard the link and what does he do instead what this plaintiff's
lawyer in particular has done repeatedly which is flay an ambulance chaser thoroughbred oh well
I don't know if I put thoroughbred it looks more like you know a leprechaun on him on meth but I think
he looks more like rubble stillskin yeah I mean one of the most disturbed human beings I've ever
been around when I walked in the court he was hopping around like a like a bunny on meth
screaming bobby barns bobby barns bobby barns this they put a clip of you yesterday yes they did
they managed to only play five seconds I wonder why they wouldn't play the whole clip it's all
the clips for five seconds exactly because the whole clip would have told the whole truth which
would have it led to a hold on we're gonna play that clip you mentioned we talked about it of uh
Andy Griffith and then we're gonna continue with this because this is insane completely the whole
top story in the u.s. Alex Jones's phone oh my god it's all over it's not my phone it's not even
true what you hear about us they was the globalist great reset or the war for the world is here but
humanity is not being caught flat-footed because of info wars and because of your support ladies and
gentlemen it is now more important than ever as we reach the critical heart of the battle that you
spread the word and that you support liberty and that you warn people like you've never done before
we have come so far together please help keep us on the air we're under massive attack right now
but we're going to win with your help we're going to overcome this with your help and with god's
blessing please go to infoworkstore.com and get this book many many many years of research have
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diet force you need to take this product it really works leading a frontal assault on the lies of
the new world order it's alex jones
what are you talking about we bugged mr blake sale you what we bugged the sale with our own
tape recorder just listen to this i can't listen to that but paul i can't listen to that i'm not
permitted but paul you don't understand opi i can't listen to this now i told you about eavesdropping
but paul this is different yes it's worse you overheard a conversation that was supposed to
be private now i can't be a party to that but paul if you just listen to this opi i can't listen
paul you're erasing a tape that's what i mean to do you bug the conversation between a lawyer
and his client now that's violating one of the most sacred rights of privacy but paul no buts
but if it helps the law opi the law can't use this kind of help and that's exactly what they've
just done plus there's nothing there so that they lie about what's on the tape the next step
well that was obvious because of the cross examination questions he tried to have his
you know big you know perry mason fake perry mason moment uh the where he's trying to say oh i have
some incriminating information and you're waiting for it and it's there's nothing that there was no
incriminating information like i gave my lawyers my cell phone exactly and and and after looking at
it stuff he's not supposed to have stuff he wasn't supposed to look at stuff he was supposed to
destroy stuff he was supposed to return what can you come up with basically nothing i mean i mean
that's it well they january 6th it even though it's text messages for 2019 right oh exactly which
is the january 6th committee once again misusing and abusing its power and here they used uh the
plaintiff's lawyer to illegally access and illicitly obtain information and those that don't know
they're announcing they want oh oh yeah they're already that that's their nature that's what
they're going to do but it is a violation of fourth fifth and sixth amendment rights and it shows
how out of control the january 6th committee has become just as this trial i was talking to someone
here in austin today doesn't have a bone in the fight doesn't really care it's someone that's a
part of a well respected community here in austin and he had watched part of the trial and his
reaction was he'd never seen anything like it that didn't they understand that they couldn't push it so
far to make it look like a kangaroo court uh my occasional compadre viva fry who's a canadian
lawyer again doesn't have a bone in the fight has has described as one of the worst trials he's ever
witnessed and he's been critical of me before what she should be absolutely i mean he's not he's not
part of the alex jones world he's just someone that's a canadian lawyer that had to flee canada
because of what they were doing to his children in the vaccine mandate context but as someone who
has an independent mind and his reaction response to watching this trial is that it is one of the
worst kangaroo courts he could ever imagine and he's someone who's not prone to using a hyperbolic
rhetoric it means that's what he is saying that's what he has witnessed i described it as 19th century
australia is how this courtroom looks like which is all railroads and kangaroos and that's because
that's what it is it is a case that has made a mockery of the rule of law it is disrespected
did you see their closing arguments there so they go he said mr jones will stand this morning
that fbi agents killed the children and i didn't even say anything like that no and my my lawyer
and something goes he didn't say that the jury i mean the like this man makes 300 million dollars a year
yes i mean it was one ridiculous statement after another ridiculous statement i remember the cross
i was in the courtroom when they were cross examining uh oh and shroyer where they went
kind of nuts and pointed me out and all that jazz it's bobby barnes deer they go look at him he's
right there absolutely i've never seen anything like this i mean this just keeps they're like look
he's right there why do they hate you so much the i mean he goes all the way there too they're like
oh yeah i mean i think nobody's called me bobby since i was 10 years old so i mean it's some sort
of peculiar obsession of a lot of these people and i think they don't like anybody fighting back
in the court of public opinion they don't like anybody they have this weird camp following a
people that look like mutants oh i mean when i when i i mean it it looks like house with
thousand corpses all these weirdos following around this is a very weird group the vibe is very
very disturbed i you know the i had not experienced that kind of negative weird vibe as some of the
there were people random so-called press people in the courtroom that were busy staring at me
half the time when i was there i mean it was just weird dynamic these are disturbed people in my
view these are people that oh the new york times lady is so disturbed i mean all of the oh yeah no
question she was more obsessed about asking any question other than a question that concerned
the constitutionality of this trial and that's what we've seen all the way through and if we
want to talk about people that have spread fake news that caused real harm probably nobody in
the world has done more of that than the new york times they've lied us into almost every major
war and conflict we've ever got into it's led to the deaths of tens of millions of people you could
argue hundreds of millions when you include their cover-up of the soviet famine when you include
their cover-up of aspect of what was happening with the Khmer Rouge with their cover-up of what
was going on in communist china they are really they have real blood on their hands and yet here
they are attacking and trying to demonize and take you off the air because you expose their
lies that's what they're most concerned well the jury's out with the judge at least 20 times saying
he's guilty you will find him guilty she read i never heard a jury charge like this man is guilty
you will decide how guilty well i think zero hedge an article today put it well it's guilty
until proven bankrupt i mean that's basically the nature of the what the court proceeding look like
and that's where people who've watched it who have again don't have any major interest in the case
or thought maybe i was overstating what was taken up taking place have written back to me saying
they've it's far worse than i even described i mean the buy you had people on the left celebrating
that the judges against alex jones the judge is supposed to be the referee imagine if you
tuned into a football game and then the all the referees were wearing one team's uniform and telling
one side they can you guys pull up we may have to bleep it for later next hour idiocracy court scene
oh because that is fairer than this no doubt i well you tie it all in they want to build a
world that looks like idiocracy news got on this computer go have them we've got a bleep version
because i actually put when the judge defaulted me like six months ago i put a statement out on
default we've got a bleep version at the end i mean it's that's fairer than this yeah absolutely i
mean people have been sending me different clips of different crazy trials very kafka-esque trials
and saying that these trials end up understating the reality of what it is to be well that's why
they see me laughing in the hall and stuff and they go you're not taking this serious you're not
scared i'm like dude we're already screwed of course i'm scared of you you're like cancer yeah i'm
just like i'm already going down the ship i'm not like gonna sit there and bitch about it i mean
as another person put the other day uh the uh another i think was dr benjamin braddock
put out that you know the even a soviet show trial looked better than this trial in travis
county texas and i think in my view the court overstepped its bounds the plaintiffs lawyers
pushed the court too far and did things that look egregiously bad because they are egregiously bad
all in an effort to not only use you as an example to intimidate people who raise questions about
institutional narratives and expose organizations like the new york times that keep lying us into
war and lying us into mass famines and lying us in the lockdowns and lying us into mass destroying
me will rehabilitate them yes it will end it will shut out and suppress and censor for all time
important and influential dissident voices it will intimidate i saw a tweet we'll cover it later it's
like if they can't assange you they trump you know they can't trump trump you they outshines you
exactly then that's precisely what's going on it's it's just a different level of it and the goal
is to weaponize the legal system people forget this is how new york times versus solovan came about
the way it came about was southern sheriffs corrupt southern sheriffs were suing civil
rights organizations and related institutions that published civil rights organizations and
trying to sue them into oblivion that new york this is the democratic party suing black people
too that's exactly we're standing up to them and the democratic parties are the same trick they
went after donors and nblacp versus patterson they went after civil rights organizations directly
in new york times versus solovan they were doing it all over the place they're weaponizing the
legal system to suppress censor and punish dissident speech so that the audience couldn't
hear that voice and to intimidate the audience from supporting those independent voices that
robert i can't help but i just i'm with the people i'm betting the people no matter what happens
now we're gonna win at the end i think this is blowing up in their face i think so because
anybody who watch these proceedings cannot look at that and say if i were alex jones whatever
you they may think of alex jones what i want this judge is my judge what i want this court
proceeding is my court proceeding what i consider this due process of law what i consider this
protection of freedom of speech what i consider we can't even bring evidence in they just randomly
brought stuff off my cell phone in exactly i didn't tell the judge well it's the reason why i called
this is a five second clip of bobby barnes well that's why the exactly that's why i called it
scripted they didn't want to cover the rest of that they wouldn't play any of the rest of that clip
because they know that it's scripted when they won't let us put any evidence on but they can't
it's scripted when you got three movie cameras staring at everybody in the courtroom well that's
three movie cameras like 15 other news i mean oh there's other cameras in there there's a bunch
of other production facilities going on the judge all mics up it's a live set it's literally a live
set and when you're allowing even lets them shoot the jury last time i heard the jury
wasn't asked permission that exact i didn't see any evidence of that and then there's literally
i saw myself a camera staring right down at the jury oh he has a hbo has a big giant camera right
aiming at the jury and these are movie cameras folks i mean the critical court cameras or small
cameras giant notice like these are yeah exactly people tell me the camera this one guy has like
a 500 000 camera oh those are expensive cam those are really like you're on a movie set like i said
it looked like it's a movie camera it is and these are movie cameras of a movie production crew
and what they're doing is they're using these are the cameras that are on tom cruise movies
exactly and and they've designed a court it's like why is she letting in evidence that has
nothing to do 90 percent because it's all theater absolutely it's her hbo debut exactly i mean if
if this was a legitimate trial you don't have such selective uh evidence being introduced other
evidence look bottom line the judge is the wicked witch of the west and the plaintiff's lawyers the
flying monkeys i'm sure i'll see that in court tomorrow ha ha ha burn in hell new world order
our free speech will beat you a thousand times so go ahead and fill your political hand and i'm by my
way info wars has been vindicated we've been proven right world government the new world
order is out of the open and now more than ever the forces of satan are trying to shut down this
broadcast the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize
we have pushed them out of the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset
they are so scared so well you still can because any day could be our last broadcast spread the
word about the show share the article share the videos and please fund us we'll get great products
at the same time at info wars store dot com books films t-shirts great supplements vitamin
real fusion body cells matrimonial formula ultra 12 diet for so much more right now info wars
store dot com but whatever you do pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children
and pray for free speech and justice to win thank you so much for joining us i'll spread the word
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
by officiating the unproven theory that petroleum oil is a non-renewable fossil fuel the oil
companies were able to adjust the price accordingly all the way into the peak oil scare told the
calamity of the world soon running out of oil which forfeited the industry's oil pricing schemes
the wells never did go dry and the ones once emptied filled back up so the science today
favors the abiotic theory over the fossil fuel theory which is that oil is a natural renewable
component of our ecosystem and we see this in our oceans underwater methane lakes deep
beneath the surface with their own unique thriving ecosystems and so the story changed from the world
will soon run out of oil to the world will most certainly end if we don't stop using oil and
because nobody seems to know what science is anymore and most people just do as they're told
the world is about to end for millions of people and probably more because our civilization is
built upon fossil fuels and the powers that be are turning them off winter is coming and Germany
is set to be very cold Angela Merkel saved her political career by appeasing the anti-nuclear
movement and shutting down Germany's nuclear power out of 17 plants they have already shut down 11
and are still in the process of shutting down the rest removing 25 percent of their power without
anything to replace it because their green deal turned out to be a failure after all the hype
Germany's dependence on fossil fuel is at 76 percent so they are temporarily switching back
to coal and oil but that's a real problem because they've neglected their own fuel industry and
become dependent upon russia's and the german government would rather have the country freeze
to death than buy fuel from russia the german economy is based on highly innovative production
which requires a great deal of energy that they no longer produce and so running out of fuel will
quickly collapse the german economy which will cause a tsunami of economic destruction throughout
the eu and the world and the german government is letting it happen they could leave some nuclear
plants online but they still plan on shutting it all down by the end of this year to stay green
some anti-carbon environmentalists are saying that nuclear power is the greenest option and maybe
that's true but none of their schemes add up so far the green agenda has only successfully
accomplished making people feel good about themselves while they destroy their own society
the EU and britain are actually reverting back to burning wood as fuel and claim that it is carbon
neutral which is a lie societies have steadily evolved towards a cleaner more efficient energy
starting from wood the least clean and efficient and moving to coal followed by oil and gas and now
nearly 40 percent of europe's renewable energy is wood which mostly comes from clear-cutting
forests in the united states this new green deal is a complete lie it's just another part of the
creepy elite's great reset these elite bloodlines want a new cashless society but one more like
the middle ages which for these spoiled inbreds is the good old days and if they succeed it looks
like germany will get there first and in the midst of all this chaos the german government
is focused on allowing children age 14 and older to change their gender and first names
without parental permission once a year for as often as they want reporting for info wars this is
greg rees
info wars has been vindicated we've been proven right world government the new world order is
out of the open and now more than ever the forces of satan are trying to shut down this broadcast
the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize we have pushed
them out of the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset and they are so
scared so well you still can because any day can be our last broadcast spread the word about the
show share the article share the videos and please fund us while getting great products at the same
time at info wars store dot com books films t-shirts great supplements vitamin real fusion
body cells metomeric formula ultra 12 diet for so much more right now info wars store dot com
but whatever you do pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for
free speech and justice to win thank you so much for joining us i'll spread the word my friends
we're involved in an epic historic battle waging war on corruption it's alex jones coming to you
live from the front lines of the info war all right folks coming up in a minute we've got exclusive
footage inside the austin courtroom of the kangaroo court that nobody has seen yet this is
coming up in just a moment you're definitely gonna want to watch this satire alert those that
know what satire is this is a joke coming up robert i want to finish up with the kangaroo court
to move into world politics the big primaries last night biden the war the economy but let's
read a few tweets that are at the top these are some of the top tweets millions of retweets total
robert barn says hate alex jones all you want but no one should welcome a trial
that tramples the first amendment punishes speech about the second amendment ignores
due process under the fifth amendment denies a trial by jury on truth under the seventh
amendment and violates ac privilege turning client privilege here is jordan shantel the alex
jones show trial is a preview of what the regime intends to do to anyone and everyone who doesn't
conform to the narrative dr darin j beaty regime is thirsting for precedent alex jones case
so no one can question official narratives on the internet again as it comes out they stay
january 6 election wizard says well the texas justice system is doing to alex jones isn't
justice it's wrong another commenter says the alex jones trial appears to be nothing short of a
kangaroo court at this point scott adam says joe biden has done everything alex jones is accused
of doing in the senate good trial making up stories that demonize specific citizens a dangerous way
find people hoax russian collusion insurrection hoax name three the first one won biden the
presidency covet 1984 says regardless what you think about alex jones please remember
he was the canary in the coal mine for online censorship they deplat formed him and many were
okay with it at the time how many people have been deplatformed since is this trial setting
another new precedent and it just goes on from there robert barnes your take on that and we
have a clip from the trial today i mean i think what you're seeing and witnessing is a travesty
of justice but it's a precedent that is on uh very perilous for ordinary people's constitutional
liberties and rights because if they can do this alex jones then they will do it to everyone else
this is what we said back in 2018 and what happened two years later the president of the united
states was deplatformed across social media so what they're doing here is showing that they can
weaponize the legal system the way the old southern sheriffs used to do in the 1950s and 1960s
to suppress civil rights dissident speech where they weaponize the local judicial system to create
crazy verdicts and judgments in politically motivated cases that were contaminated by lack
of due process and trial by jury here we're seeing the same thing but on an entirely different scale
i have not seen a case that is so uh that has no regard for the rules that cover in the rule of
law i mean just as one simple example just the other day they played a tiny clip of my uh prior
presentation they failed to present the full context that's a violation of the rule of complete
point of five second clip five second clip completely out of context wouldn't play the whole clip
because the whole clip would actually undermine of course their case the rule of completeness under
the federal rules and state rules of evidence requires that they play the whole and let's be
clear they played a clip of me out of context saying i believe the kids died and i apologized
edited to say i thought they didn't die basically and the judge wouldn't let us play the actual
segment exactly so you've had complete by their own definition altered video evidence allowed to
come in that creates a fake news story out of this theater of a trial for the future documentary
that's going to be made that will be based on misinformation in the courtroom because only
one side was allowed to be presented only one side and that one side often had altered videos
and just another example the court suggested that somehow any statement ever made on info wars is
a statement of info wars that's never been the case in order for there to be party opponent
admission exception to hearsay evidence the person has to be a corporate officer and
authorized individual not everything said on cnn makes cnn responsible for that statement
the same is true here my statements are my own statements when i went on pierce morgan that's
not their statements exactly that that would be like them suing pierce morgan and blaming pierce
morgan for what you said in the interview with him that's how that has never been the rule of law
that has never been the rule of evidence how have they gotten the judge who they just made the head
judge of connecticut the one persecuting us she has been made the head judge of connecticut
how do they get these judges to do this i think it's in part because the professional class has
a class prejudice and bias against populist voices that challenge institutional narratives
that's part of it the other part of it is there's a cultural a culture of authoritarianism
within our judiciary that's very dangerous to liberty always has been going back many centuries
that's right let's look at a few of these headlines it's on info wars.com exclusive
the truth about the alex jones phone records and we have the actual documents there for you info
wars.com get those and spread them here's the actual court filing on what really happened
exclusive january 6 to many prepares his opinion alex jones text and emails that happened before
january 6 a little fragment of stuff they have it's not my phone and it goes on and on and on
so they are really really panicked what do you think the next minute before we play this clip
of their attempt to claim i'm involved in perjury when i gave my phones over the lawyers there's no
evidence whatsoever perjury perjury alex jones was innocent is innocent and will stay innocent
they can attempt to railroad any court proceedings if they want it won't change that reality
the look they i mean you talk about a gotcha moment when you set up a gotcha moment you're
supposed to be an actual gotcha at the end of it there was no gotcha it was look at this and this
didn't relate to anything that you had said it related to things that didn't even relate to sandy
hook so the uh just because the word sandy hook were in it was like 50 different sandy hooks across
america in terms of towns so it had no bearing on it there's no evidence of perjury there never
was any evidence of perjury that's why they just have a headline of his him making the accusation
but no substantive evidence because it didn't happen it's another fake news narrative about
that's right we're gonna shift yours into the big primaries that happened last night
biden ukraine is so much more but here is actual footage no no i'm joking this is satire
this is less tyrannical than what we're actually facing here it is from the great
mike judge's film idiocracy we'll be right back he would soon discover that in the future
justice was not only blind but had become rather retarded as well
i'm fixing to commensurate this trial here we don't see if we can't come up with a verdict up in
here now since y'all say you ain't got no money we have proprietary obtain for you on him caught
appointed lawyers so put your hands together and give it up for riko and you're my lawyer
says here you are robbed a hospital why'd you do that yeah i'm not guilty that's not what the other
lawyer said what the listen you got to get me on the stand okay i can explain everything we can
take him to your house we'll show him the problem i came here no prosecuted why you think you've
done it okay number one your honor just look at him it's all like a five we've got all this like
evidence about like this guy didn't even pay at the hospital and i heard that he doesn't even have
a tattoo i know and i'm off you've got to be shitting me but check this out man judge should be like
guilty peace
judgment what are you objectifying oh come on just get me on the stand okay um your honor
um i object that this guy also broke my apartment and you know what else i object that he's not
going to have any money to pay me after he pays back all the money stole from the hospital
don't say i stole you're my lawyer and i object i object that he interrupted me while i was watching
oh my god i'm pretty sure we have a mistrial here sir i'm gonna mistrial my foot up your ass you
don't shut down please listen please listen i didn't steal anything i was part of an army
extra joe stated his case logically and passionately but his perceived effeminate voice only through
big gales of stupid laughter there you go so they think they've got me on trial as you said they're
on trial has been on trial in this case from the get go and unfortunately the verdict is in already
on that and the justice system has failed its constitutional requirements and obligation
all right let's shift gears out of the kangaroo court they've got going on austin texas with a
railroad operation all railroads and kangaroos into the big picture we're kicking ass the new
old orders in trouble and that's why they're crap in the bed i'm alex jones with bandot video
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i could ask a lot of questions but first what is front and center for you
i think the risk for taiwan of war coming is gone way way up because of nancy polosi's drunken
asian tour so you look at it alexander mccorris of the diran was pointing out that the great chinese
concern is not taiwanese independence but is a nato or us a military base in taiwan or them having
weapons that they would consider the west threatening china rather than the other way around
and she said they're just scared of a woman no they've always threatened if any top tier leader a
speaker of the house a senate majority leader or a president went that was war exactly and this goes
back i mean we know the history i mean in the early 1800s china you know experienced one of its
unparalleled unprecedented events at the time which was being devastated by the opium wars and foreign
powers taking them apart in ways they'd never really experienced for those that don't know
describe it there was like in 12 different sectors the french sector the british sector
the us sector the german sector the dutch sector i mean that country got very humiliated oh it for
a century from about 1820 1830 to about really the 1940s when saigon would literally had four
different sectors run by four different countries its own prime city its cultural beacon was
taken apart by colonial powers that was taking place the opium wars basically the british
forced drugs onto the chinese population and use that to take over absolutely and so they remember
that they remember the humiliation of it and the same things been done to us oh absolutely now the
chinese ship fentanyl is a return oh exactly they consider they think in 200 years it's a return
favorite yeah they do they're patient they're very patient and because of that the they uh what
they're talking about i think you're not going to see an invasion of taiwan you're more likely to
see a blockade of taiwan because they can surround they're already doing war games today
where they're showing how they can do a blockade how they could shut down the air traffic shut down
the sea traffic taiwan's entirely dependent on china for its economy they could crush taiwan overnight
and what they're suggesting is that they will do so if they think the biden administration will
stumble and bumble into some global war and the biden administration is not ready to defend taiwan
is not ready to wage war on china we shouldn't be even like trump said why are we messing around with
an possibility of a nuclear war with another nuclear power we should be focused on limiting china's
social influence limiting china's economic not letting them buy farmland next to every military
base exactly not letting him and openly putting up spy towers and not letting there will be swat
teams in there right now oh complete and what if i set up a spy tower by military base what i'll
never do i would be swat teamed in a week oh pentagon knows that's going on yeah you'd be
swatted the very next day the uh and so that's what's taking place and they should know better
but instead why are they letting the chinese set up spy bases everywhere i mean i think there's
conflicting they want china to be their subservient little factory worker and because china's not
willing to be so that's why you saw george soros last year call for regime change again g they
they like the china communist party model they just want them to be subservient to the globalist
agenda and not have their own independent agenda and they think they can cause regime change just
like they thought they could do in russia but they're willing to risk global conflict global war
global but obviously china is even bigger further russia oh no doubt about it well you now have
russia investigating whether or not the covet nineteen was connected to a us aid program in
wuhan russia has announced that they're inquiring whether or not the evidence that they've discovered
from bio labs in ukraine has led to additional information that may implicate fauci and other
connected parties while their congressional hearings finding the same thing so why are the
globalist starting fights with the midwest conservatives rural people factory workers
blue collar workers the russians the chinese trying to cut off people's beef i mean if i
wanted to be a bad guy i would do it claus wabbs doing oh yeah no doubt he's like a he's a poster
boy for evil but i think the nature of what their objectives are is their arrogance you have kind of
intellect so it's total arrogance they're in their private jet trillionaire bubble exactly and you
have intellectual incest it's like the hapsburg empire at the end remember when the their jaws
were going like this and everything was messed up because the uncles kept marrying the nieces
kind of like the egyptians at the end you can't marry in her family that long you can't have too
many trees and with that genetically comes mental illness and arrogance exactly and what happened
the austral hungarian empire along with the ottoman empire within four years between 1917 and 1921
disappeared four five six centuries off that they had been established off the off the planet and so
you're seeing the same thing now you have the same group of people at the top that don't know what
they're doing that are willing to bumble and stumble us into war because their arrogance
succeed either incompetence exceeds even their and then they send Pelosi to project power i mean
if trump went to taiwan the chinese would have rolled over and crap their branches because they
would have thought wow they really mean war right they send her it like it's enticing them to war
yeah it's a bumbling stumbling effect at trying to control someone that they've unleashed they
unleashed china they took china from five percent of global manufacturing in 2000 no electricity
exactly the 25 percent of global fact manufacturing now they they are the leading manufacturing
supplier in the world they control and monopolize many of the supply chains of essential ingredients
in the world what they need our fuel and food and guess what what biden administration has just
cut our power off while shipping a roll to them exactly and align china deeper with russia this
means that you know what is where can they get fuel from russia where can they get food from russia
where can they get fertilizer from russia so because general flam was right they'll get the
russians on our side defeat china that was the obvious smart move but that wasn't done they've
done just the opposite they've reversed the equation so that now china and russia are closer together
than they've ever been before and the net effect of this is america is weaker and more at risk
than ever before i agree the global minions are done but the higher ups know what they're doing
i mean why do you think they're doing something so bad i think there are people that do understand
what they're doing but they misread the landscape so i see the and the few that do read the landscape
remember kissinger went to the world economic forum and said time to get out of ukraine you know we
got to get an exit ramp this isn't going the way we wanted to but those people don't control right
now the biden administration is what happens when idiocracy becomes right three months ago in the
same week first the pope of the kissinger said we started to get out it's wrong which is it because
they didn't want to take over russia they know they're losing like napoli and their hitler exactly
they understood they had to get out it didn't work it backfired it was undermining the globalist
agenda around the globe but it's too late because what happens when you put idiocracy in actual
power we have a dementia candidate as president of the united states of america you get this people
forget world war one we should be ramping up us energy production we should dominate what's trump
knew exactly they have such a weird leftist hate of america and supremacy because the leftist
didn't used to run it if i was evil and took something over i wouldn't hate it anymore be mine
well like they have some type of they run the country and they're running it in the ground well to
them america is just a tool it's just a weapon they don't care about american well-being american
pride the american but don't they get its power is directly connected to theirs they should but
they basically think of themselves as part of a global it's like let's say we're 200 years ago
and i got a horse that takes me you know from my farm to the market and the horse is beautiful and
it's strong and i'm kind of jealous of it so i shoot it the head well it doesn't even exist
wait to think about it it's 1912 all over again you know in 1912 you know within a bet within a
decade four empires the british empire the auto uh also the Ottoman empire the austral
hungarian empire and the russian empire all disappeared off the planet of the earth because
they were arrogant exactly and we've got the same thing now a lot of people had to go through some
tough times i mean they unleashed not only world war one they unleashed the they planted the seed
Hitler for global central domination in terms of banking and finding communism better reserve
at communism fascism natiism all were a product of the decisions they made in 1912 and i agree
mainline top historians admit we're at a world war one scenario right now that's exactly what we
are and we have the same kind of incompetent corrupt elites who are willing to bumble and
stumble us into global war and global famine in order to achieve their denuded and diluted objectives
wow is there a way out of it robert barnes will give his great historical gravitas on this and
we'll look at the big primaries that happened yesterday and the exit strategy for biden and
so much more and some great stuff this sanis has been doing straight ahead
info wars has been vindicated we've been proven right world government the new world order is
out of the open and now more than ever the forces of satan are trying to shut down this broadcast
the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize we have pushed
them out of the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset they are so scared
so well you still can because any day can be our last broadcast spread the word about the show
share the article share the videos and please fund us while getting great products at the same time
at info wars store dot com books films t-shirts great supplements vitamin real fusion body cells
matrimonial formula ultra 12 diet for so much more right now info wars store dot com but whatever
you do pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech
and justice to win thank you so much for joining us i'll spread the word my friends we're involved
in an epic historic battle we are now living in the void sliding towards collapse in the strange
space between what we've known and what's to come and right now the most important thing to remember
is don't panic stay calm because now is the time that we must get our bearings and steer the ship
onto a safe sound course there is nothing stopping we the people from making our own rules
and building our own society all we got to do is survive the crash and right now we still have
time to prepare the world fiat currency system is racing towards zero it's time to convert it into
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we sold out of this for almost a year but we made a major purchase and it is now in stock
for whatever your need is at info war store dot com you'll also find instructional videos
more information at info war store dot com or the bio pros dot com made america powered by god's
great creation it is amazing and it funds the info war leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the new world order it's alex jones
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance live from austin texas you're
listening to the alex jones show
we've got some big news to break right now but you already heard this for a year here so you're
not going to be surprised plus you don't need me to tell you that you know in your gut we'll
break it here in a second but first off during the little break i went up back and got another
cup of coffee and i was thinking why do i feel so weird and why do i feel so calm and not worried
about this jury out with them asking now for three billion dollars no it was 150 million
yesterday in the afternoon they asked for three billion they say i make three i i make 300 million
dollars a year and i'm sitting there it's like two million a year and i pay for all these lawyer
fees and have nothing in fact i've been paid over a year in the bankruptcy that's going to come out
like wow jones has never paid himself from over a year trying to keep things afloat and sold
everything he had uh you know his main house everything because obviously i love this place i
love my crew i love the the listeners what we're doing but i was sitting there during the break
all the coffee was brewing at the cup and i was thinking what is this weird feeling i'm having
it's this why am i not worried about me because the whole world's collapsing 64 million people the
un estimates in the last 32 months starved to death from the lockdowns i'm not a starving african
or somebody in venezuela and i feel sorry for those people because i know i'm next and so
things are so bad doom is so insane that my problems are minor compared to other peoples but
why are we important because we're exposing who's doing it and trying to stop it and that's why
we're precious and that's why you're precious so i'm gonna tell you bottom line it's been a long
fight and back in 2016 i just finished a divorce i had almost no money about 300 000 in the bank
and with the type of bills i have and things that's nothing but my divorce was over you know
took care of my ex-wife the court ordered it everything we had had to buy around the business
but back then if i would have tried to push products like i do now we would have had hundreds
of millions of dollars in surplus but i didn't and so i have this guilt when i get up here and
i say we are down to the wire we could lay off people in a month we could start shutting down
if you don't support us well i've been in such a long battle the last four years that a i get mad
i didn't try to make more money back when i could we weren't any platforms and then b
be a part of me just wants to just say okay i've done my job i tried but i can't give up
so i have to come and beg you and i'm begging you because i don't want to give up and i know you
don't want to give up to really understand don't listen to them we don't make 70 million dollars
a year gross and we sell products that's only part of that's profit i don't have anything
in any comparison to what they're claiming i don't do this for money i was offered glinbeck's
job before he was created you see we have the number one political book right now the number
one political film right now i'm gonna make money off that film other than the dvd sales we have here
and i'm not bitching i'm just saying if i was trying to make money the kissager group tried to
hire me in front of my producers 15 years ago i'm dedicated to you and this long battle people
kind of get used to Alex Jones is always there and i've had family members who were just really cool
like my dad's favorite uncle he had five had four uncles and and his dad so my great grandmother
Moon Jones she was a Comanche Indian part of she was about 75 percent Comanche beautiful woman
she was alive when i was a little kid and she had five sons and my dad's favorite was the youngest
the baby Leonard Jones and man he was a badass he looked like John Wayne and they you'd see him
they looked better than John Wayne he's like he was a kid like what the hell are these guys he's
has a walk in the room all that six foot three freaking dark skin blue eyes black slick back hairs like
damn these are the men that just arrived i'm like a men are getting weaker i'm like way weaker than
those dudes they were like badasses like my grandfather was like to one point like the
army boxing champion and i would sit there and see these guys and and the reason i raised that is
is i see how far we've fallen and and and and what we've become and it absolutely disgusts me to see
what these men fought for and what they were and what they did and to see us losing all that
makes me disgusted and i forget the main point i was going to make about it it's just this
that a lot of people fought for the freedoms we've got right now and everything they built
and everything they did is being flushed down the toilet and i started telling the story about
my dad's favorite uncle and i forget the story i was even going to tell maybe it'll pop back in
my head in a second and i'll tell it next segment but it's just i can't let them down these were
good men and women these were good people and they were the salty earth and if we had them now
if we had your grandparents a great grandparents right now we wouldn't be in this position ladies
and gentlemen barns i'm ranting here what do you want to get into next no i mean i i think it's a
good point and i think the some people had asked should they continue to be supporting info wars
given all of the things that are going on and the answer is yes and the beauty of the info
war store dot com is it's something that makes you healthier wealthier and wiser regardless of
the circumstances so that's the utility of it you there's something on there that you can find
that is good for you that makes i mean it was amazing watching this trial where they were critical
of this and i was telling somebody big big media is backed by big pharma big media is bad big media
sells products that they have no idea they can't vouch for them they can't vet them right and often
they're bad for people they make people's lives worse the food quality is decreasing our cognitive
capabilities collectively across the globe trying to create a real world idiocracy so the genius
and beauty of info wars model is you go to something that has been vetted that has that can be
vouched for conscientiously and that does make you a better person that does make you a healthier
person that does make you a wealthier person because you're able to buy product substitute for
things you already are using or need to use you get it at competitive pricing and in the process
you support independent content creation free of big pharma free of big corporate sugar daddies
free of corporate control free of the censorship that also comes with that and it is empowering
that is a model that can be replicated all across the world and marz four years ago i had you
with an outside law firm look at our books and what did you find we don't have a bunch of extra
money if you were worth 300 million dollars you wouldn't be here i mean that's the reality of it
right i mean the reality of it is then you can buy politicians you can buy all the lawyers you
want you can buy all the defense you want you can buy all the press you want you can buy all the
coverage you want you are not an easy capable target you're only at a target because you're
an authentic independent dissident voice and because you don't have tons of money but instead
reinvested constantly in the ability to get the message out platforming new audiences platforming
new speakers platforming new content creators to make sure that new independent information
gets shared and they just saw the political effect of that the lead resistance to the lockdowns to
the mandates to all of the illicit attempts to violate our core rights to put us under mass
house arrest and strip us of every constitutional liberty was the audience if this is an audience
empowering network this puts power back to the people and that's why they are so terrified of
it and are willing to weaponize the legal system to try to censor and suppress it i got a lot of
news i want to hit with you and we'll take a little bit of the next hour away from the next
guesthouse because i want to hit the midterms i want to hit russia and ukraine i want to hit
these dissonance clips i want to cover what else you want to get to oh we got to talk about
economic news i mean the fed continues to sink the economy they may blow up the stock market
blow the housing market in the name of curing inflation that was caused because they kept
printing printing printing printing printing you will see with ukraine ukraine is collapsing
the question is how quickly does zelensky golden pair shoot out to his nice condos in miami and all
that money that was detailed in the pandora papers comes back to him how much of the deep state of
the ukraine aid is just a deep state black book budget that is actually going back to deep state
operators to undermine us here in america that's just part of it i just love america i i i it's
i can't stand i'm hating it and killing it oh of course and it's important people remember
if you hold the line the front of the line is the audience that's why they can't stop and kill
the american dream because you continue to make it possible to live it's a war folks
so be it info wars has been vindicated we've been proven right world government the new world order
is out of the open and now more than ever the forces of satan are trying to shut down this
broadcast the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize
we have pushed them out of the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset
and they are so scared so well you still can because any day can be our last broadcast spread
the word about the show share the article share the videos and please fund us we'll get great
products at the same time at info wars store dot com books films t-shirts great supplements
vitamin real fusion body cells metomeric formula ultra 12 diet for so much more right now
info warsore dot com but whatever you do pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the
children and pray for free speech and justice to win thank you so much for joining us i'll spread
the word my friends we're involved in an epic historic battle several years ago i approached
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we first launched it four years ago i was like okay it's another item it's high quality
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and it funds the info war so sold out for more than six months vitamin mineral fusion is now
back in stock for a limited time info warsore dot com for 40 percent off because i want you to
experience it i want you to get it i want to move it out the door and hopefully get more in the
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info warsore dot com today and keep info wars on the air vitamin mineral fusion back in stock
40 percent off at info warscore dot com vitamin mineral fusion leading a frontal assault on the
lies of the new world order it's alex jones
take the highway to the end of the night
end of the night take a journey to the bright midnight
take a journey to the bright midnight end of the night
end of the night round well it broke we knew it would abc news
the u.s. declared health emergency over monkey pox outbreak mask lockdowns forced inoculations
it's all being announced the blue states already started the new lockdowns the new mask
right ahead of the midterms robert barnes yeah it's no surprise that's i mean why i'm working
with bobby kennedy to sue the fda challenging children's health of uh children's health defense
challenging the fda here in the western district of texas bobby barnes and bobby kennedy that's
right exactly maybe that's where they got the bobby phrase theology from but the uh also suing
in the eastern district of tennessee also suing on behalf of brook jackson against
the fizer for its completely illicit ways in which it went about engaging in the clinical
trials of the covet 19 vaccines what do you make a burks coming out and saying we knew the vaccine
didn't work what a devastating admission extraordinary i mean and we have to wonder
like credit to the attorney generals of louisiana in missouri now those suits by the way are being
joined by the people from the great barrington declaration they are now adding their own names
to the suit against big tech with their collusion with government particularly with fauci and burks
and everyone else trying to suppress independent medical information and now the head of fizer it
says we didn't know it would work we had courage and just did it they're so you bought off our
government and made us take it in fact that's their defense their defense in the brook jackson
case is it doesn't matter if they forged information if they fraudulently submitted
certifications if they lied under penalty of burgery they submitted documents that were not
truthful and accurate even though those documents were required and material and essential to the
contract being issued in the taxpayer money being spent it doesn't matter because the government
hasn't done anything about it afterwards so the ordinary person the taxpayers according to fizer
can't seek any remedy or relief for their own criminal level behavior involved in covet 19
vaccinations solely as long as somebody at the pentagon is wink wink nod nod in on it with them
that is the claiming immunity completely the same thing what is the fda claiming so we're
suing on behalf of young children say as young as six months old from being injected with this
covet 19 vaccine that is not the traditional definition of a vaccine and their study's out
at destroys your immune system absolutely not safe it's not and doesn't work their own clinical
testing doesn't allow them to say it's safe their own clinical testing doesn't allow them to say
it's effective so what's the real agenda behind these shots i mean we know they're linked to
infertility i think on the legal side their main objective is simply to establish their
right and their power over you that's right a month ago the fda said we may just start doing
stuff without tests exactly in fact they are actually declaring that future boosters are going
to be approved without clinical testing in the same standard that has been previously required
so their goal is hey if we can't be sued if the fda can't be sued as long as they say emergency
then why even have studies exactly they're just going to start scrapping them and this is an fda
that turns around many of its key high-ranking employees and then go and work for the same big
farm this is a revolution against due process and checks and balances and safety standards
absolutely it's an attempt for the government to assert legal right and it was always the left
that was for that now they're against it yeah absolutely i mean i will take whatever corporations
say immediately that's liberal exactly they become big pharma propagandists and to the degree they're
saying that they have the power i mean i had someone reach out to me in texas yesterday that
their their wife is threatening their ex-wife is threatening that if they don't agree to
inoculate their nine-year-old child that then there'll be negative consequences to that parents
custodial rights that's what's happening all across the country so the goal and objective
is to establish the legal principle and the legal precedent and the legal prerogative
of the u.s. government to unilaterally declare that they own your body and your child's body and
could put in it whatever they want whenever they want wherever they want however they want
that sounds like the ultimate cult to me oh no question it's why you know this goes
always back to the early 20th century the rockefeller foundation's obsession and its
connection to the nazis the whole goal was to be able to show the state's right to control your
body cloak it pink and purple hair and women judges and oh it's liberal oh absolutely and
they make it about health and safety and protecting you're gonna cut yourself testicles off it's
liberal well i mean there were Jewish ghettos that you would drive into during world war two and
some way and part of the way they kept people from knowing what was going on in the nazi
oppression of those ghettos particularly in parts of poland was they said uh this is a quarantine
zone this is a public health danger so they've often used the excuse and pretext of public
health remember they used it to take away the right of people to use natural medications while
the nazis were busy giving all of their soldiers in their panzer division as much crystal meth as
they could possibly absorb i mean you're even hanging out little chocolates with a little
meth in it i mean just to get them drived up and roved up so you you have the state the goal is
the state's control of our public health the state control of our public food the state control of
what goes in our body and ultimately our body because if you don't own your body what do you
own it's back to chattel slavery and the legal principles and purposes behind it and they're
trying to reinstate this neo feudalism to recreate this new world order that puts them into the elite
power in strips of strips us of all of our core freedoms that's right it's a revolution against
checks and balances and civilization how do we counter it uh continue to well first of the
court of public information there's a reason they're waging massive lawfare against alex jones
and infowars because this works this works when people rallied all across the nation against the
lockdowns it ultimately led to the reversal of those lockdowns when people protested in mass
against now they're trying to bring them back exactly they're and they're gonna keep doing it
because it's gonna be a constant test a constant tease how much can we get away with how much
can we do how much can we achieve how much can we attain what's back to the early 20th century
the big difference between now and then when i tell people that this should be a white pill moment
not a black pill moment for what's going on in the world is nobody fought for the conny bucks of
the world nobody she had cuz she had compromised counsel that was really secretly working for
the other side nobody cared about the women that had their lives taken away from them their futures
taken away from them their ability to have children taken away from them they're having
ancestral legacies taken away from them nobody fought for them nobody did today millions of
americans because they continue to share and support the information that that's right we've
got major opposition that's why they're so scared oh no doubt and they think they can destroy a few
of us that'll intimidate everybody i've noticed the more i fight the more we inspire people
oh yes it's very much dylan thomas esk i told people the very beginning of all this is that
those who believe that you know alex jones will simply go gently into that good night and not
rage against the dying of the light as dylan thomas so eloquently stated for his father on his death
bed is someone that's misunderstood who alex jones is and what inforce is about but as important
what its audience is about this has been a half decade now of smear campaigns lies libel's defamation
attacks attempts to de-platform attempts to de-person the individual dirty tricks every one imaginable
and they have all failed to deter the audience from continuing because the audience is our will
i'm just here if you want the fight to continue we need you to share the articles and videos pray
with the broadcast and buy products and enforce where i come i'm leaving it all in the field
i've done everything i can i love the crew i love what we're doing but we are literally treading water
right now and starting to duck under the water a little bit and start swallowing some water
so we need you to go to infowarstore.com now you need vitamin mineral fusion you need bodies
you need diet force you need the great super blue toothpaste and the other great toothpaste the coral
calcium whitening toothpaste we have and the great activated charcoal toothpaste you need
all these products like x2 and ultra 12 and brain force plus at infowarstore.com without you we will
be shut down these are products you need i'm telling you we need support now we're in your hands
you are in our hands together collectively well as my great great great great granddaddy's
colonel prescott said at beacon at bunker hill don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes
and that same principle in premise is is what the audience has kept and sustained and maintained
this and now we're to the point not literally shooting but they're the whites the eyes are here
the world government's out in the open they're taking over now is the time for full activation
right you can't do that better than spread the word about this broadcast and keeping us on air
exactly fight back by sharing information fight back by supporting info wars at infowarstore.com
which makes yourself healthier wealthier and wiser in the process people ask me sometimes how can
you support different products because i've been buying them for years because i like the products
because they're good products because they make us better that's why it's simple the highest in
nutraceuticals out there let me ask you this the last five minutes for paul joseph watson takes over
we'll get some of it now but what about the big primaries we saw yesterday populous sweeping the
victory i mean big big news i mean well i hope joe kent will be able to come back in washington
there's always anomalies in washington because they have a lot of mail-in balloting and mail-in
balloting as the new york timeset in 2012 in august is an open door to various forms of shenanigans
but look at good news for blake masters in arizona good news for john gibbs in michigan
good news for kerry lake in arizona good news for eric schmitt in missouri hopefully these
populist candidates or candidates that made populist promises during their campaigns will
keep those promises and will continue to revolutionize american politics and take over the republican
party and return it to its populist constitutionally oriented roots in ways that can be meaningfully
impactful for our future going forward absolutely how do people find your own syndicated show
that's so popular sure so if anybody wants to find any of the content i also there's still
templates up for people who may need them if there's going to be another round of vaccine
mandates or another round of mask mandates so i recommend that you go to viva barnslaw.locals.com
that's viva barnslaw.locals.com and that's where you can find everything well i appreciate you
in around one of these show trials being here and it's a real jury folks but the judges already told
them i'm guilty 20-something times so the jury's out well obviously tonight it breaks will be here
if it's tomorrow we'll be here hopefully but they're trying to shut us down we have a plan
to stay on here but we need your support right now at infoarstore.com
info wars has been vindicated we've been proven right world government the new world order is
out the open and now more than ever the forces of satan are trying to shut down this broadcast
the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize we have pushed
them out of the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset and they are so
scared so well they still can because any day can be our last broadcast spread the word about the
show share the article share the videos and please fund us while getting great products at the same
time at infowarstore.com books films t-shirts great supplements vitamin real fusion body cells
matrimonial formula ultra 12 diet for so much more right now at infowarstore.com but whatever you do
pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice
to win thank you so much for joining us i'll spread the word my friends we're involved in an epic
historic battle the globalist great reset or the war for the world is here but humanity is not being
caught flat-footed because of info wars and because of your support ladies and gentlemen it is now
more important than ever as we reach the critical heart of the battle that you spread the word and
that you support liberty and that you warn people like you've never done before we have come so far
together please help keep us on the air we're under massive attack right now but we're going to win
with your help we're going to overcome this with your help and with god's blessing please go to
infowarstore.com and get this book many many many years of research have gone into this the great
reset and the war for the world available right now at infowarstore.com there's also signed copies
available as well we've got a lot of other big projects we're working on that are about to start
launching as well but this is the cavalry because we need the funding and you need this book because
it warns the world of the globalist plan get the great reset at infowarstore.com if you are receiving
this transmission you are the resistance Paul Joseph Watson takes over from the UK in T minus
six minutes Robert Barnes tells you to me your host Alice Jones wanted to get to January 6 big
article up on Gateway Pundit Ray Epps recruited me political president writes tell all letter
from prison about his experience with the operative Ray Epps that they won't touch and now we've got
more January 16. Yes Darren Beatty of Revolver has news that is inside information that the FI knows
a lot more information about who the supposed January 6 pipeline was and really is other
information and they're hiding that information and the question is why would they be hiding that
information it was always sort of weird the whole dynamic of those pipe bombs that never went off
they're easily discovered that they couldn't find the person they couldn't connect it to who it was
there was a lot of inferences that maybe it was an inside job or someone who is an informant
someone who is an instigator someone who is an infiltrator someone who is on an FBA FBI payroll
directly or indirectly as many in the Whitmer and Trappman plot disclosed we're finding these
sabotage devices too easily exactly I mean it reads like Pat Khan part two I mean goes all the way
back to after the end of the Cold War the FBI needed an excuse for surveillance and big budgets
and so their excuse was we're going to create a militia move in the United States it's going to
be called Pat Khan we're going to infiltrate existing organizations recreate it ended up with
informants and infiltrators connected to Oklahoma City cover that up for the better part of a decade
and a half and when they couldn't get militias to do it they infiltrated motorcycle gangs
and led them to order them to do it exactly and this goes I mean this goes back to her militia
precisely I mean they did it at multiple levels and it looks like they're recreating it all over
again redoing it all over again not only with the bogus domestic terrorism charges as FBI whistleblowers
have exposed that they're trying to dummy up fake cases that don't exist or that it do exist but not
as domestic terrorism cases or in the other context now we're seeing everything related to January 6
they're hidden all the video 14,000 hours of video almost all of it hidden from public view
what's on that video and now according to Darren Revolver there's inside information that reveals
and discloses they know a lot more than they're telling the world about who that person was and
this comes on the news that the Defense Department was up to something something they were so scared
about they did what the Secret Service did after the John F Kennedy assassination and what Hillary
Clinton did when she was caught delete delete delete delete delete so major problems and
questions of corruption the FBI that continue to get out to the public well I just want to thank you
for being here and the great crew keeping us on air 28 years folks and now we're halfway
into 2022 and it's only you the viewers and listeners and your prayers and support to keep
us on air so think about how critical Info Wars is today to how many things we've done we are
writing the talking points to challenge the globalist here our information is being picked up
everywhere our information is more important than ever so thank you for your word of mouth
share the articles and videos more than ever please bribe the products at m4store.com and
please spread the word about the broadcast it's so critical no doubt make yourself healthier wealthier
and wiser because as I often say you need to hold the line and then and because the audience has
held the line that's how people powered press continues to exist in America it only exists
because you make it possible it only exists because you choose to take actions with your money with
your words with what you do and there's this weird paradox now we're inside the new world order
some people are like well okay it's real now you know no now's the time just because you're awake
doesn't mean other people are people are really ready for this now now's the time to share the
word now's the time to financially support the broadcast oh no no doubt about it I mean we have
mass protests in the Netherlands mass protest in Panama mass protest in Sri Lanka the globalists are
losing in a wide range of places all around the globe this is the time to continue to strike back
the reason why they're so over the top so desperate criminalizing everything weaponizing the legal
system to go after dissidents and key leaders in the dissident information source is because of the
success of you the audience and the people in resisting this tyranny the answer to 1984 is
always and still is 1776 you're the one that makes 1776 a reality because you have heard
paul reveres cry and you've answered that cry and if you continue to then paul reveres freedom
stays alive in america 10 second protection what do you think the jury comes out on my trial uh
I think it may be a mistrial if it's an honest honorable jury I think that a mistrial is the
most likely outcome given the nature of this particular case and the fact they weren't allowed
to hear most of the real evidence bobby barns that's what his enemies call him he's robert barns
thank you so much paul joseph watson takes over you're like myself and so many other people on
this planet especially as you get older you gain weight even if you eat a lot less i gotta tell
you info wars is only about bringing you amazing products that really work so we looked at the
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transmitting from the summit studios in the united kingdom you are listening to joseph watson
here's the fourth of august 2022 we are live once again and we are performing once again a kind of
somber victory parade because we've been proven right yet again we warned during the initial
lockdown phase we've warned during the furlough which in the uk was basically the government
paying people to sit on their backsides and do nothing for about a year we warned that supporting
the current thing in ukraine would cause economic devastation pain in the pocketbook and now they're
talking about mass civil unrest and riots for years and years to come we see that being predicted
in the uk what we see happening in spain is in a way even more absurd of course spain predicated
much of its economy on net zero on the disastrous green economy over a decade ago that led to 50
percent youth unemployment 25 percent general unemployment well now in spain they're being
told by the government shops businesses hotels that they can only have their air conditioning
at 27 degrees or higher at the height of summer spain's a pretty hot country by the way i just got
back from greece which has an almost identical climate and as you can probably see almost burnt
my face off we're talking 35 degree to 40 degree temperatures in july and august outside so now
spain bans air conditioning dropping below 27 degrees celsius that's 80.6 Fahrenheit for you
americans inside this is going to apply to all businesses all hotels all shops for the time
being they're saying oh we're not going to make private citizens do it we've already seen in germany
the association that controls around 460 000 properties a landlords association was saying
they're going to directly control people's thermostats and yes you can do that now with smart meters
and in private homes they're going to prevent people from having their air conditioning low
enough to be comfortable 80.6 Fahrenheit indoors when you're working indoors that is not comfortable
many people would say it's dangerous but again because spain vehemently supported the current
thing with their socialist government they supported the lockdown their economy is now
in a mess once again the tourism hasn't come back quickly enough so now they're having to impose what
is basically energy rationing and we see this spreading throughout europe your on news reports
the rules will be mandatory in all public and commercial buildings including bars cinemas theaters
airports and train stations and again it's in the name of limiting dependency on russian gas
that was a major reason for it but it was already in full swing before with the energy skyrocketing
cost the inflation as a result of the economic devastation caused by lockdown no more was that
enforced in europe than in spain where they literally had drones patrolling beaches telling
people to get off the beach they had riot cops beating people in the face for not wearing a
face mask they had laws which said at one point spaniards had to wear face masks in the sea while
they were swimming in the sea it was a law that you had to wear a face mask outdoors for months
and months in spain they weren't really totalitarian on this they wrecked their already fragile economy
as a result and now this and the businesses the hotels the bars the cafes caught not enforcing
this 27 degrees celsius minimum air conditioning indoors 80.6 fahrenheit if they don't do it they'll
face fines of up to 600 000 euros 600 000 euros which of course would completely devastate most
businesses in that country your news talk to andrea castillo will work at castey on university
he said right now perhaps suggested by the heat wave you're experiencing i would say that 27 degrees
will still be very hot perhaps we could work at 25 degrees but not at 27 and again as i had mentioned
before germany's largest residential landlord which owns 490 000 properties will impose energy
rationing that will cut heating to tenants at night they're saying in summer the air conditioning
or in winter sorry can't be put above 19 degrees celsius which for many older people is going to be
very dangerous meanwhile in the uk breitbart reports cost of living crisis inflation will
accelerate to astronomical levels we had the bank of england come out today and basically say that
we're heading into a at least a year long recession by the end of this year 13 percent inflation
levels other think tanks are talking about 15 percent inflation levels people's energy bills
have tripled or will triple at least by early january by 285 percent again with people already
struggling with the fuel costs already struggling in terms of the impact that lockdown had on the
economy 285 percent increase on energy bills dual fuel by january 2023 says the findings
seen by the times newspaper said the growing economic crisis would see approximately seven
million families living from paycheck to paycheck with gas prices and food costs are expected to
drive inflation to at least 11 percent and again the bank of england saying basically 13
percent recession by the end of the year which will last at least a year now what impact will
this have well we had the poll tax riots back in 1990 where there were massive riot civil unrest
especially in london that is about to return according to both campaigners and financial
analysts widespread civil unrest looming in uk over cost of living crisis there's a whole
movement now which some people have questioned because it has quite shadowy backing some suggesting
it has george soros backing there's a whole movement in the uk being voraciously promoted by
the mainstream media which is basically telling people from october 1st when these energy caps
increase people paying around 1700 pounds a year for dual fuel to eat their homes that's
going to rise to 3600 by january 283 increase on march levels this activist group is encouraging
people across the country they say they've got 75 000 people signed up already they're raising money
themselves from this of course it's called don't pay uk suspicious thing is though it's getting a
lot of promotion from the mainstream media people have pointed out that if people don't pay their
energy bills if they cut their direct debits from october onwards that's only going to cause more
energy companies to flee the market it's going to create more of a monopoly and of course that's
only going to lead to higher prices bp of course and shell have announced record profits a british
petroleum its biggest quarterly profit for 14 years but again you have these hard left activists
shifting all the blame onto the energy companies no doubt they share some of the blame but again
they're only reacting to the energy crisis to the restrictions that have been caused by the
economic sanctions on russia in the name of supporting the current thing you'll note now
as i've noted that whereas in upper middle class areas across england people were very zealously
click keen to express their support for the current thing the latest current thing to sanctimoniously
virtue signal in support of ukraine by hoisting giant ukraine flags in their back garden now the
places you'll see these flags aren't in poor areas in northern england you won't see many of them in
you know barnsley where i near where i used to live or rather you will see them in the richest
most privileged upper middle class areas down in the south in the southwest i've noticed some of
those flags have started to come down now because even some of those people are starting to feel
the pinch i'm going to come back in the next segment and get more into this because financial
analysts and campaigners who are behind this don't pay group are saying that we could see a repeat
of the 1990 poll tax riots which actually caused the government to reverse their policy
and 51 percent of brits in a new poll think that there will be mass civil unrest at some point
this year because people simply can't afford to pay their bills anymore summit dot news we'll be back
we'll go away i don't care if you work in a cafeteria or pump gas or whether you're a farmer a rancher a
doctor a lawyer or a millionaire fortune and money magazine have all done these profiles you see it
every year 30 different tax returns 30 different answers 50 different tax returns 50 different
answers and almost all of them just screw you over especially the big firms and and the big
tax groups because they're part of the system and they don't want the general public understanding
this and knowing this so it's a very important situation with inflation and all the things out
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important thing to remember is don't panic stay calm because now is the time that we must get our
bearings and steer the ship onto a safe sound course there is nothing stopping we the people
from making our own rules and building our own society all we got to do is survive the crash
and right now we still have time to prepare the world fiat currency system is racing towards zero
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strong and at the ready go to preparedtoday.com for the essentials storable foods water filtration
first aid power and more at preparedtoday.com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new
world order it's alex jones
live from the summit.news headquarters it's paul joseph watson
so we have a cost of living crisis in the uk stack flation occurring basically rampant inflation
with an economy heading into recession meanwhile of course we have our own government continuing
to provide red carpet treatment and a free taxi service to record numbers of illegal migrants
coming over in boats from france with iPhones they get free accommodation they get free food
they get free money while the rest of the population the actual native population can go
whistle they're now talking about civil unrest at some point this year and this is the first video
on that subject cost of living crisis riots let's roll it unlike the french british people
aren't very partial to rioting but when they do it can get pretty tasty on this day in 1990
serious violence broke out in london during a protest against a new council tax called the
poll tax such scenes could unfold once again as we approach autumn and winter with the fall out
from the cost of living crisis threatening to boil over into the streets a shocking new poll
commissioned by the more in common group is ringing the alarm bell a majority of brits think
soaring energy bills petrol and diesel hikes and runaway inflation will lead to actual riots in
major cities 80 think people will have to resort to shoplifting to keep their heads above water
and 70 believe people will simply start refusing to pay their bills three quarters believe that
people being unable to afford to heat their homes will lead to deaths i hope waving your
ukraine flag was worth it exactly as predicted while the media has all but abandoned its
interest in the current thing the actual impact of western countries throwing their weight behind
prolonging that war will lead to financial bedlam and poverty for many for years to come we all
warned this would happen and we were all told to shut up and support ukraine while now it's happening
mp alex shellbrook described what he was seeing on the ground in his west yorkshire constituency
quote what i've been seeing on the doorstep for the last six months is absolute fear in people's
eyes they are terrified as to what is coming down the line they don't know how they're going to pay
it the tax burden on the average brit now stands at a 70 year high the resolution foundation says
inflation in the uk will hit 15 percent next year massive increases in fuel and energy bills are set
to soar well into 2023 oh bp's doing just fine though they just reported their biggest quarterly
profit for 14 years nearly seven billion pounds between april and june more than triple the amount
it made in the same period last year people are becoming increasingly destitute increasingly
desperate as what little income they have continued to evaporate families are being forced to choose
between paying the electricity bill or putting food on the table oh but at least pretentious
upper middle class virtue signalers got to feel good about themselves by hoisting ukraine flags
in their back gardens at least we all supported the current thing and at what cost well we're about
to find out aren't we how are you coping with runaway inflation and the cost of living crisis
how are you planning to save money by just turning the heating off are you on the edge of poverty
i'll be reading your responses in the comments below now of course the uk is a little different
to america because in america although of course democrats continually deny it their
runaway inflation was occurring before the russian invasion of ukraine in the uk though and
generally in europe the inflation skyrocketed immediately after that invasion and immediately
after our governments of course pledged basically to prolong the war in ukraine so again you got
left wing groups blaming energy companies completely omitting the fact that it was our
government and it was their uh current thing mantra in general that precipitated this crisis of
course the lockdown exacerbated it the furlough exacerbated it prolonging the war in ukraine
exacerbated it all things that the hard left in this country and many other countries supported
meanwhile in america poll finds only one percent of americans see russia as major problem one percent
were 17 percent the inflation as the most important problem meanwhile biden administration to declare
monkeypox a public health emergency that just came out a couple of hours ago and yet the san francisco
public health authorities declared a monkeypox emergency there yet they encouraged gay orgies
to continue and this is a video we have on that subject this is called san francico let's roll it
it crime plagued junky infested whole san francisco is being very well san francisco
last week city officials declared a public health emergency over the spread of monkeypox
remember when they did a similar thing for covet you weren't allowed to visit your dying grandparents
you weren't allowed to attend their funerals you weren't allowed to go to the theater the gym
you weren't allowed to attend church but a public health emergency over a virus that almost
exclusively affects gay men what advice did public health bodies give in san francisco go out and
congregate with thousands of random people and enjoy homosexual orgies yes really san francisco's
king confetish festival also known as door alley went ahead as normal before the event state senator
scott weiner shared a handy helpful guide which explained how despite the spread of monkeypox
people should continue to engage in degenerate group fornication with multiple people at sex
parties take a friend to the dungeon going to sex parties with people you know and planning on who
you'll hook up with can be one way to reduce your risk if you're able to have open and honest
conversations about monkeypox symptoms and possible exposures talk to the people you'll play with
ahead of time about monkeypox but also things like hiv prep and sexual health testing keep in mind
that condoms can reduce risk of monkeypox but not eliminate risk entirely since monkeypox
rashes legions can show up all over the body lovely stuff they even told gays who think
they might have monkeypox to merely cover up their bumps before attending the orgies again
all in the middle of a public health emergency over a virus that is almost exclusively only
infected gay men this is the equivalent of telling elderly care home residents during the first wave
of covid to just pop down to their nearest neighbouring care home and shag all the other elderly
residents once more we see political correctness being elevated way above public health lest we
forget the first british monkeypox patient who openly admitted he caught it after having gay sex
with 10 new partners in the space of one vacation the world health organization said that summer
festivals should be limited to stop the spread of monkeypox oh but not gay pride parades which it
said should go full steam ahead again despite 99 percent of monkeypox cases being gay men the who
was seemingly more concerned about the deadly threat posed by racism as a result of the virus
being called monkeypox in the first place and don't forget this is all happening while they
prepare to ramp up mask mandates yet again and get us ready for a new round of lockdowns as we
head into the autumn and winter it's all a sick joke and the punchline is you it's all a scam
it's like when the doctors and nurses in new york and other americans it is at the height of the
first covid wave got went outside the hospitals and literally applauded the black lives matter
demonstrators who were congregating in huge numbers because the threat of racism apparently
was more important than the threat posed by covid it's interchangeable infectious disease
experts in sweden are now criticizing the official gay pride parade organization there
because they're having a gay pride parade and on their website there's no mention whatsoever of
monkeypox they say it's not our problem we've got nothing to do with it despite the fact that again
99 percent of monkeypox cases are gay men who have had sex with other gay men but apparently
you know strutting half naked down the street in front of children is more important than
stopping the spread of a virus summit dot news we'll be back in a moment
the globalist great reset or the war for the world is here but humanity is not being caught flat
footed because of info wars and because of your support ladies and gentlemen it is now more important
than ever as we reach the critical heart of the battle that you spread the word and that you support
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info wars has been vindicated we've been proven right world government the new world order is
out of the open and now more than ever the forces of satan are trying to shut down this
broadcast the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize
we have pushed them out of the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset
and they are so scared so well you still can because any day can be our last broadcast
spread the word about the show share the article share the videos and please fund us
while getting great products at the same time at infowarstore.com books films t-shirts great
supplements vitamin real fusion body cells material formula ultra 12 diet force so much
more right now infowarstore.com but whatever you do pray for justice and pray for freedom
and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to win thank you so much
for joining us i'll spread the word my friends we're involved in epic historic battle leading
a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
now there's a deluge of bad news of course every day but it's important to remember
and to cherish the victories which in terms of this woke agenda we're seeing on an increasingly
regular basis day by day week by week month by month especially in the context of the entertainment
industry which i'm going to get on to later another big budget movie having a massive flop
not even being released because it's so inscrutably dreadful and that is back girl we're going to get
on to that later but similar context in terms of entertainment of course premier league footballers
here in the united kingdom started performing the take a knee stun immediately after the black lives
matter riots in london specifically where they literally attacked police officers and the response
of some of the police officers in london was to take a knee genuflect and bow before them
then we have the sight of premier league footballers multimillionaires performing the same gesture
and then the pundits the political class ridiculously claiming that it had nothing
whatsoever to do with black lives matter despite the fact they did it literally days after police
in london were seen performing the gesture in response to black lives matter riots george
floyd riots well now that narrative is collapsing finally of course we saw it during the euros the
2020-21 euros last year where the england football manager gareth southgate after the england team
reached the final seemingly deliberately picked black football players to take the crucial penalties
against italy in the final of the tournament because he seemingly wanted to have the final word
on this bubbling controversy that colored the tournament which was take a knee unfortunately
for him and england supporters all the black players missed their penalties i guess he should
have just given it to the person best for the job not because of their skin color but now
premier league football is likely to stop taking a knee for blm and in fact this has been confirmed
since i wrote this article that premier league footballers are likely to stop taking a knee
this upcoming season after the gesture lost impact following a number of damaging revelations about
black lives matter no least of course the fact that their entire leadership is basically grifters
who have just cashed in on the movement to buy multi-million dollar luxury homes in the whitest
areas of america that they can find and of course the attendant fallout from all the riots from the
summer of rioting which we won't forget in america which claimed dozens of lives from june 2020 onwards
and of course caused record billions in property damage well now because of course some sections
of supporters have booed take a knee it's lost its impact even if you think its impact is some
limp-wristed anti-racism stance they're abandoning it they're going to do it for the first game
they're going to do it for a few select matches but by and large this performative virtue signaling
gesture before premier league matches which of course command huge audiences across the world
not just in the united kingdom is now dead and done meanwhile though uk police chiefs as authorities
need to stop wasting time investigating people being offended and this brings us to our next video
where a british army veteran in the united kingdom was actually had police show up at his house put
him in handcuffs arrest him because he shared an edgy meme on facebook let's go to this video now
this is the meme police some people still think that it's sort of a joke that police in the uk will
show up if they post something on social media that someone claims to be offended by oh you may
you got a license for that to eat but it's not a joke it happens all the time and it just happened
again 51 year old darren brady was arrested for sharing a meme on facebook deemed offensive to
transgender people he didn't even post the meme himself he shared a post by actor and political
commentator laurence fox the first time police showed up at his house they demanded he attend a
reeducation course to atone for his sins his sin being hurting the thiefies of some hysterical
bedwetting sack of shite and the second time police showed up at his house this happened no just
which culture police would realize how ridiculous this is what did it need to come to because i
don't understand i posted something that he posted you come to arrest me you don't arrest him why is
it come to this why am i in cuffs because there's something he shared then i shared because someone
has been caused obviously anxiety based upon your social media taste that's why you've been arrested
look at this prat if someone has been caused obviously anxiety someone has been caused
anxiety he says it like he's got the moral high ground you're literally arresting someone for
hurting someone's feelings not bad you're literally the thought police not like there are any real
crimes taking place is it not like two in three burglaries aren't even investigated by the police
is it not like car theft has effectively been legalized because only 0.5 percent of cases
lead to charges is it oh but there's plenty of time to investigate playground insults and memes
posted in private whatsapp chat groups brady's arrest was witnessed by harry miller he was
previously interrogated for retweeting a limerick about transgenders but miller won his case the
court of appeal ruled the guidance police were working from breached millers human rights the
uk college of policing then revised the guidance and yet police are still being dispatched to patrol
her feelings why and what does this tell us about the balance of power in our society the lgbt
community is so marginalized that if you make fun of them the cops will literally show up wearing
lgbt lanyards to arrest you for it yes so marginalized likely next prime minister list trust has
promised to put a stop to police wasting their resources on investigating tweets believe it
when i see it the chief constable of greater manchester says police should stop wasting
time investigating tweets just because someone claims to be offended he presides over the most
improved police department in the entire country maybe police in all the shot should listen to him
and concentrate on fighting actual crimes rather than putting people in handcuffs for posting edgy memes
now the point i made in the video was the police have been told by the official police guidance
organization to stop doing this list trust again the probable next prime minister says she's going
to put a stop to it but it keeps happening it was an actual story that a former police officer
was arrested and given 20 weeks in jail because he shared offensive george floyd memes on a private
whatsapp group private it didn't even post it on the internet there are laws in the uk which say
nobody can even release your private communications that is a crime yet they did that they arrested
him they put him in prison for private jokes on his whatsapp text messaging service absolutely
incredible and again you know over 3000 people in the uk arrested every year for tweets this
continues to happen they're not investigating the burglaries no resources for that your car gets
broken into you get robbed there 0.5 of those cases result in charges they don't care about that they
are the thought police and it's still happening in fact i'm going to come back with another video
on that subject after the break meanwhile though daily skeptic reports covid vaccines are killing
one in every 800 over 60s and should be withdrawn immediately says leading vaccine scientist
covid vaccine boost is in older people are killing one person for every 800 doses administered
and should be withdrawn immediately this is dr. Theo Shetters a vaccinologist based in the
Netherlands and again as i mentioned last week with the excess deaths in the united kingdom
you plot the graph of fourth shot covid boosters onto these excess deaths in the Netherlands
and the graph almost matches exactly interesting that isn't it meanwhile of course joe biden is
just being announced again basically i've lost count at this point has tested positive for covid
again so this is basically the third time in the space of the last two weeks that quadruple
vaccinated biden has tested positive for covid again it's a sick joke and you're the punchline
we're going to come back in the next segment now talk about that girl and why it failed this is
summit dot news don't go away info wars has been vindicated we've been proven right world
government the new world order is out the open and now more than ever the forces of satan are
trying to shut down this broadcast the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control
so now realize we have pushed them out of the light we have pushed them out in the open and
they are so upset and they are so scared so well you still can because any day could be our last
broadcast spread the word about the show share the article share the videos and please fund us
we're getting great products at the same time at info wars store dot com books films t-shirts great
supplements vitamin real fusion body cells matrimonial formula ultra 12 diet for so much more
right now at info wars store dot com but whatever you do pray for justice and pray for freedom and
pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to win thank you so much for joining us
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broadcast the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize
we have pushed them out of the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset
and they are so scared so well you still can because any day can be our last broadcast spread the word
about the show share the article share the videos and please fund us we'll get great products at the
same time at infowarstore.com books films t-shirts great supplements vitamin real fusion body cells
maturmeric formula ultra 12 diet for so much more right now infowarstore.com but whatever you do pray
for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to
win thank you so much for joining us i'll spread the word my friends we're involved in an epic
historic battle we are now living in the void sliding towards collapse in the strange space
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today dot com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
live from london england it's hall joseph watson with summit dot news
so the chief constable in manchester england says that the public is sick of the authorities
investigating mean tweets he says there has to be a stop to it we still have it happening of
course as you just saw veterans being harassed handcuffed arrested by police for sharing memes
on facebook well someone else who was at least cause defense in the past few days on twitter was
gary linica which was particularly funny because he's one of the denizens of the woke mob regaid
routinely trying to call other people offensive for their opinions and comments well the backlash
hit him this week and now basically he's being cancelled he's desperately backpedaling because
he made a tweet which dared gently upon on words it wasn't even a joke at the expense of women's
football it was a pun on words but because women's football here in the uk is being shoved down our
throats left right and centre everyone is basically mandated to like it he did a funny pun on words on
twitter and he got absolutely savage for it but again kind of person he is you have to have
zero sympathy for him this is gary linica is cancelled let's roll it well it couldn't have
happened to a more deserving candidate perma woke in beseal gary linica has finally been
cancelled by the same social media mob mindset that he helped create his crime well linica
unintentionally dared to undermine the latest current thing that everyone is supposed to care
about and be deeply supportive of women's football yes our esteemed regime social engineering
overlords demand as much servile genuflecting in honor of female soccer as they did blue and yellow
ukraine flags at the end of february the english women's team winning a trophy by kicking a ball
in a net is being treated by the media as if they'd collectively found a cure for cancer
personally speaking i don't care about women's football and never will the quality is shall
we say not exactly on a par with the men's game so now you know what they're going to make me
watch in the reeducation gulag linica unwittingly fell foul of the mob after he tried to respond
to the england player removing her shirt with a witty quip the lionesses have only gone and done
it the x-football are tweeted kelly is england's heroine brawn on oh no the outrage for this lame
joke linica was treated as if he'd revoked universal female suffrage seriously gary an epic win a game
changer for women's sport a call to arms for young girls who've been told they can't and you minimize
this gory that's a joke about a women's clothing underwear casual sexism is right here and the
lionesses deserve this the backlash was swift and linica quickly deleted the tweet note that he
didn't say anything particularly offensive and merely made the same kind of cringe pun on words
he's done a thousand times before about male footballers but again his egregious transgression
represented such an insult to the mob because it dared to make light of the deadly serious new
current thing that everyone is mandated to be respectful of and reverential towards today it's
women's football next month it'll be something else the lesson is clear don't make fun of the
current thing or the mob will make an example out of you now linica has come out since and
basically said he refuses to apologize you already deleted the tweet you freaked out
wet the bed and deleted the tweet after about five minutes so in a way that's already a pathetic
form of apology let's go to this next video now though because there's a huge wave of anti-woke
basically backlash in the entertainment industry in hollywood and it's developing it's accelerating
over recent months we've had massive success of films like top gun maverick while the ones that
have pushed woke messaging the regime enforced social engineering dogma have consistently
fallen flat on their face and it happened again but it not only happened it happened to a film
that they refused to even release because it was that bad despite the fact that it cost 90 million
dollars to make this is the truth about batgirl here it is they're calling it the most expensive
movie to never actually be released warner brothers spent more than 90 million dollars on batgirl and
yet it's never going to see the light of day not even on their hbo streaming service the official
line is that by cutting its losses now warner brothers will save money on promoting the film
and can also recoup money by filing it as a tax expense true enough but that doesn't explain why
the movie was so dreadful in the first place with test audiences reacting to the film like someone
had let off in the cinema we don't have to dig too deeply to find out why people are sick to the
back teeth of being browbeaten with the message and this crap had it in abundance it was yet
another trojan horse for intersectional woke gobbledygook a star of the film was some no-mark
diversity hire a little known afro latina singer-actress whose only previous film had been an abject
failure the screenplay was written by christina hodson an ultra feminist previously panned for
producing men hating guff batgirl's best mate was a transgender character played by a transgender
actress another reasonable diversity box ticking exercise batgirl was directed by adil l rb and
bill alfala they were also behind the tv series miss marvel an excruciatingly sanctimonious
right on snorefest about a muslim pakistani american teenage girl who is bullied at school
until she developed superpowers miss marvel was panned by comic book fans as an insult to the
genre which is shamelessly exploited to amplify woke social engineering dogmas and the exact same
thing happened again with batgirl you'd have thought that the directors or the people paying
them to make the movies would have seen that as a wake-up call evidently not but this represents
yet another massive white pill get woke go broke used to be somewhat of a boomer cliche but at
least in terms of the entertainment industry it's more true than ever before marvel's mega
budget movie eternals was pandas overly preachy and it crashed and burned buzz light year which
piggybacked off woke messaging was a colossal failure top gun in comparison a movie that refused
to panda to identitarian drivel was a global smash here disney is hemorrhaging subscribers and going
boss netflix is having to jettison woke content to stay afloat while networks like paramount plus
are prioritizing quality over political correctness and they're doing just fine so we know why batgirl
failed it deserved to fail because just like a plethora of previous flops its creators were
more interested in lecturing the audience than keeping them entertained let's hit a final few
news stories here in the last three minutes of the show swedish military says supporting
gay pride parades just as important as defending country yes even though they're apparently faced
with the menace that is russia they're faced with hordes of unintegrated migrants that have
basically created low level civil war in sweden it's now the most dangerous country in europe in
terms of gun crime having been the safest 20 years ago before they let millions of people in from
north africa and the middle east while now the swedish military is asserted that supporting
gay pride parades is just as important as defending the country from foreign attack
they launched a campaign proclaiming gay pride festivals to be more important than ever
and one of the core values of the military in uncertain times wait a minute isn't the military
supposed to be non-political people get court-martialed they get kicked out of the military if they're
found to express political sentiment bias in one way or another that's the same standard across
the western world yet you're expressing not only support but saying it's equally as important as
defending the country from terrorists and foreign adversaries marching in gay pride parades how is
that not political and again how is it not yet another illustration of how the lgbt movement
while it still claims to be marginalized and oppressed is backed by every major corporation
cultural institution government and indeed armed forces in the west absolutely incredible
all also in sweden which has bigger problems than the military supporting gay pride parades
actually some good news here swedish migration minister wants to limit non-nordic population
in troubled areas of course this was a proposal first mooted and indeed now being implemented by
neighboring country denmark where they're actually demolishing entire areas of migrant
ghettos and forcing those migrants to move out because they've created parallel societies that
breed crime and social dislocation the much-vaunted no-goes no-goes own areas that the mainstream
media once claimed were a conspiracy theory of course now you have routine violence in sweden
routine migrant riots in sweden and in other european countries while now their migration
minister anders jegerman has suggested that sweden should follow the example of denmark
denmark says that at least 30 percent of communities or only 30 percent of communities in fact
can be non-western the clear majority 70 percent need to be westerners living in each of those
individual communities while sweden has suggested they're going to implement that to a lesser extent
they're saying a minimum of 50 percent of residents of any area would have to be swedish or from
denmark island finland or norway this of course is after the swedish prime minister a left-wing
feminist came out and said that mass migration had utterly failed so a lot of good news across
europe war room is next that's going to wrap it up summit.news.gov sold out for seven months bodies
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of the new world order it's alex jones