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Filename: 20220803_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 3, 2022
2412 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses topics such as the upcoming primary results in Arizona, the situation in Taiwan where China surrounds the island due to Nancy Pelosi's visit, al-Qaeda leader's death (who had died twice before), and the Inflation Reduction Act. He also talks about his court case involving Sandy Hook parents and expresses his regret for doubting their existence. The speaker then discusses various news topics including free speech, government control, political divisions, election fraud, military manipulation, and the importance of common sense solutions like lowering taxes, securing borders, and allowing good guys with guns to protect against bad guys with guns. He promotes several products available on InfoWars Store such as Diet Force, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, Bio Pros septic tank cleaning product, and encourages listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing these items.

Ladies and gentlemen, Owen Troyer here live from the Info Wars World Headquarters in Austin,
Texas on this Wednesday, August 3, 2022, I'm going to give you a layout of what's coming
up in the next four hours on the Alex Jones show. And then in the next segment, Alex is going to be,
well, we're going to be playing a previously recorded segment from Alex with some updates.
Well, I'll just leave it at that with some updates coming up in about six minutes. That's
from Alex. Now quickly, I've got Bob Barnes in studio with me, or now known as Bobby Barnes,
I guess, as he's gone back in time. He's Bobby Barnes now. He's going to be with me for the
first two hours. We got all kinds of news to cover and discuss. We'll talk about the primary
results from last night. I think there wasn't too much to take away from last night's primary
results except for in one race. And that was the Arizona governor race. And I do believe we can
take a very important data set from that, compare it to what we saw in 2020, and then do a little
foresight into 2024. All the other ones are kind of, I don't really think too consequential as far
as presidential elections are concerned, but the Arizona governor race, I believe was. So we'll
discuss that as well as some other primary results from last night. We are in bizarro world. Okay.
I don't even really know how to explain it. Whatever's going on with Nancy Pelosi in Taiwan
right now is truly bizarro world stuff. China is now surrounding Taiwan. And I believe it's mostly
just saber rattling, but you've got a drunken fool, Nancy Pelosi, an old hag flying over there to
saber rattle and feel her oats, being in Congress for like 600 years now, going over there for a
photo op, going over there to do insider trading with her and her husband's chip deals. And the
White House says we don't stand with Taiwan. They tripled down on that yesterday. Then Biden said,
no, we do stand for Taiwan independence after Kirby twice said they don't. Then they said,
well, Pelosi is acting on her own. She's speaking on her own. She doesn't represent the country.
She doesn't represent the Democrat party. Really? Cause she flew over there. I'm pretty sure on
Air Force two was it? So that's interesting. That's just part of the bizarro world stuff that we have.
Now I briefly mentioned this yesterday, but I, I caught, I caught a lot of flak yesterday
after the show saying, why didn't you cover this? The al-Qaeda leader that they want to give Joe
Biden credit for killing yesterday had been killed previously twice. Now again, I covered these
stories and I actually read deeply into these stories. And I told you, if you read the stories,
they actually admit that they're not positive. The guy was dead. Now they're saying they're
positive. He's dead. I'm not telling you to trust these people when they said he was dead four years
ago. I'm not telling you to trust these people when they say he's dead now. It's just more of the
bizarro world. How many times do we have to kill this guy to give some politician a little
popularity boost, which didn't work for Biden, by the way, if that was their plan.
Although it's an odd thing to basically admit that you have turned over the country of Afghanistan
to al-Qaeda, which is what led to this individual being hanging out on some sort of a patio like
he's schmoozing in the French Quarter or something. And so they go hit him with this, this missile
that chops him up. It's what we're told at least the CIA was tracking him folks, the CIA.
So the CIA saw that he was dead twice before, never said anything. Now the CIA, who's obviously
been monitoring this guy's activities for decades, now they say he's dead. So it's more bizarro world
stuff there too. The Biden, what was the name of the act? The Inflation Reduction Act is going to
increase inflation and increase your taxes. No, not just on the rich, but on everyone. So that's
nice. Democrats just, they just hate you, I think is what the thing is. And then you have this whole
let's shut off the energy to save the planet proposal that is really coming into fruition in
Europe. And some countries are saying, okay, we're going to do it. Other countries are saying, no,
we're not going to starve our people to death. And then what will America do? So that's all
coming up. But Alex Jones coming up in the next segment. And then Bob Barnes joins me in studio.
It's the Alex Jones show. Stay tuned for all the latest news and developments.
Any day can be our last broadcast. Spread the word about the show, share the article,
share the videos, and please fund us while getting great products at the same time
at infowarstore.com. Books, films, t-shirts, great supplements, vitamin, real fusion,
body cells, nutrient formula, ultra 12, diet force, so much more right now at infowarstore.com.
But whatever you do, pray for justice, and pray for freedom, and pray for the children, and pray
for free speech and justice to win. Thank you so much for joining us. I'll spread the word, my
friends, we're involved in an epic historic battle. And it's time for humanity to stand up
in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this,
but you want to fight, you better believe you got one. From the front lines of the information war,
it's Alex Jones.
It's Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022. I'm recording this at about 7am in the morning. Robert Barnes
is about to take over with Owen Schroyer, and others, because I'm going to be in
the so-called court of this judge here in Austin, Texas, who's fully weaponized his judiciary,
and is doing things that no legal scholars that I've talked to say they've ever seen before.
So this is the murder of justice if they're able to complete this fraud, and it'll affect everybody,
not just in Texas, but across the United States as the left weaponizes the judiciary.
But I wanted beforehand the baton to Robert Barnes just break down some of the amazing things
that happened yesterday, because this was like something out of a Perry Mason episode. As many
of you know when you tuned in yesterday, I said that I believe Scarlett Lewis is a real person,
and I believe that Neil Heslund's a real person. I'm 100% sure of it now, because I didn't have a
lot of questions previously after I spent a week with him in court and watched their mannerisms
and heard them talk, and I said I'm really sorry that I ever did question Sandy Hook,
because I can see that it really hurt their feelings. I'm not the guy that first questioned it,
I didn't send people to harass them, I never sent their names until this trial started.
Sure, the media's been lying, there's been a lot of disinformation, but it doesn't matter.
I still hurt these people, and I had no idea that they were wanting to reach out to me and
wanting to have closure for a long time until yesterday for sure. So let me tell you about
the incredible thing that happened yesterday, but first let me tell you about the horrible thing.
So, I just mentioned it. I'm on air yesterday for the first hour before I went down to court,
because I thought they were going to have the psychologists and psychiatrists on until lunch,
so I could go here, Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis after lunch, but they finished early,
Heslin went on, he was upset that I wasn't there, I'm told, because he wanted to, you know,
address me directly. Meanwhile, I did the first hour of the show, as everybody knows,
and on that hour, I said what I just said earlier and the videos there for all to see,
that I believe they're real people, that I believe she's real, someone edited that 10 minutes
down to about a minute and a half and made it look like I was saying she wasn't real.
They cut off where I say I think she's totally real, and when I apologized and then edited it to
where it sounded like I was saying that Heslin was stupid, which is not what I said. I think he's
very nice and very friendly and very old-fashioned. The guy's a bull rider, I mean the guy's really
just a, you know, country boy, and so I said I believe they're being manipulated by these lawyers
and by these big Democrat think tanks and gun control groups, and then, ladies and gentlemen,
it all happened. So I said that on air, these different organizations edit the tape, bring it
to her during a break, and say Alex Jones was attacking you the whole show saying you're deep
state and not real, but here's just a clip of it. So they lied to her, told her I said all this,
then showed her and edited two minute tape, then the judge let that be brought in, and the judge
is now saying she's probably not gonna let us bring the full clip in. Whatever the law folks,
you've got to play the full clip if someone who plays a small clip, especially if the small clip
is not complete and is designed to confuse somebody. This is the very definition of why this should
air. So I was saying I think they've been manipulated, I think they've been given edited tapes, I think
they have been conditioned that I'm the devil and attacking them, and then they did the very thing
that I was starting to figure out they'd done, and then it got worse. She gets on the stand
and says, you've been attacking me for weeks, you've been saying I'm not real for the last
few weeks, you said I'm not real today, she starts basically getting tears in her eyes,
she believes it, but then I got on the stand and I said ma'am, they edited the front of the tape
and the back of the tape, I said I think you're completely genuine and I'm sorry for your son's
death, and I apologize, they edited that, and I said you need to find out who gave you that clip,
and I have a scene suspicion who it is, and I pointed at her, you know, entourage and understand
that I've never said your name until now, and I've never said your son's name, and I'm sorry if my
questioning things hurt you, but you need to get to the bottom of what's really happening.
Then at the end of the day after the judge chewed me out and called me a liar and did all this other
crazy stuff, it's a whole other subject, Scarlett Lewis, we're waiting for them to leave because
we don't want to, you know, get in their way of, and they come over to our table and she has a bottle
of water and a cough drop for me because I've got some laryngitis, everybody's noticed on
the area of torn larynx, I got to get it worked on soon, and I shook her hand, I said I'm sorry,
she said I understand, she has tears in her eyes, and the old Hezlen came over, I shook his hand,
and I said please find out who edited the tape, please see the real tape, I said, you know, see
the fourth segment of my show yesterday, please, and they were nodding and Hezlen had tears in his
eyes, and all of a sudden the lawyers jumped in between us and they go, they go, this isn't gonna
happen, this isn't going on, no way, and everybody can see the tape, see the video, and even
national media is now saying that I yelled at Hezlen that he was autistic again, which I didn't
do, one of the lawyers said I've got an autistic son just injecting that, and I said well maybe
I'm autistic too, but the whole point was they're being manipulated, and we caught this all happening
red-handed, then it got even worse, anybody who was watching saw it on TV, the judge stopped
the last 30 minutes of my testimony, pushes the jury out and looks at me and says you lied on the
stand, you said you're bankrupt, and she said, and you lied and said you complied with discovery,
and I said well in my view I did, and in my view I am bankrupt, I'm out of money, and we have filed
for it, and she said I'm gonna instruct the jury that you're a liar tomorrow, I mean it's unprecedented,
then she ordered my lawyer to violate attorney-client privilege and tell her about our private
conversations, which is just unprecedented, I mean this is like a turn to force about
to violate people's rights, it's unbelievable, and I just feel sorry for everybody, including
these whacked out leftist and lawyers and the judge, I mean they are all just over the deep end
and have no idea what they've done, she also made this really weird statement where she said you
believe everything you say is the truth, but it's not the truth, I decide what the truth is, wow,
but that's my defense right there, I do believe that I'm trying to tell the truth, I don't believe
everything I say is the truth, we're all infallible, we're all human, we're all sinners, but they all
know I meant this, they all know that most of the time these big things happen, there's some kind of
weird stuff going on, they all know Jesse Smollett didn't happen, they all know WMDs and Iraq didn't
happen, they all know the Gulf of Taunton didn't happen, I mean they all know Operation Northwood
was a plan to stage the deaths of kids and bombings and shooting people and blowing up airplanes,
I mean they all know that most Americans question JFK, 90% national polls, so Robert Barnes going
to take over, he's going to get the trial because it's so historic, the first of a whole bunch of
show trials and then he's going to cover World News, what's happening in Ukraine, what's happening
with Hunter Biden, what's happening with Pelosi and just what's happening with the borders,
got a big show lined up for you David, please pray for us and please just pray that the truth
you know gets the American people so that this type of deception can stop because
they're accusing me of being a mastermind and being all deceptive and things,
this is deception and they've literally got these parents
in a bubble feeding them disinformation and manipulating them and it felt so good to shake
Heslin's hand and shake Scott Lewis' hand and to see how scared and panic the lawyers that have
been controlling them were inside the court and outside the court because they were waiting like
hyenas when I came out and they all were trying to smile and act you know powerful and act like
they were you know cool guys in junior high or something but their eyes all looked extremely
fearful because they know their house of cards is imploding, the truth is coming out, infowars.com
tomorrow is news today, Robert Barnes takes over on the side, please stay with us.
Whatever you do, pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for
free speech and justice to win. Thank you so much for joining us, I'll spread the word my friends,
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men, I go and see them quite often now. Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
You can run on for a long time, run on for a long time, run on for a long time, sooner or
later you've got to cut you down. We're back in studio now on Troyer and Bob Barnes,
this is Alex Jones in court today, we'll just leave it at that Bobby Barnes won't we and let's
get into the bizarro world that we're in right now, let's go down the stack of news, let me first
start with this to kind of just get us going here, pull fines only 1% of Americans see Russia as a
major problem, all the propaganda, all the time spent, all the demonizing, all the blaming,
1% of Americans see Russia as a problem, that tells me the propaganda is not working,
but it also tells me that the Democrats don't care and the media don't care, they're going to
continue to push their Russia BS narratives even though nobody cares, most people probably can't
even find Ukraine on a map, they might not even be able to find Russia either. Well I mean there's
a scene from the Lord of War where the character, the brother of Nicholas Cage's character, the
merchant of death that Biden's thinking about sending back now to Russia in exchange. Oh that was
that was based on him? Yes, I did not know that. And remember his brother does that, he's doing so
much cocaine, he does a whole map of Ukraine in cocaine and basically that's Zelensky on a daily
basis, I mean that's how he's doing his life. Interesting. So the, I mean his wife reportedly
is already here in the US, he's got property in Miami, close to a billion dollars disclosed in
the Pandora papers, all the different information and little entities, I mean this is a guy who
so believes in his country, he has pretty much none of his money or assets in the country. There it is.
So the whole thing is a crock, it's a joke, it's an embarrassment, Russia's going to win, there's
the mythology that Russia was losing was some of the worst intelligence reports,
since the killing yesterday of the third or fourth or fifth version of killing Al-Zahari.
However many Al-Zaharis there are. I mean, reportedly Joe Biden and they brought it,
they had so much time because he's just chilling, Al-Zahari, he's like, hey, I've got Taliban's
now back in control, I'm going to just chill on my balcony, drink my little tea, say hi to the
neighbors, hit on the, hit on the local girls when you can see their eyes, you know, that kind of
thing. Maybe take a go at the goat down the street. Yeah, yeah, all of that and it has all this
free time, so much so that he's out in public, this guy's been in hiding for 25 years, but he's
out in public now just, you know, smiling at everybody, supposedly, so much time that they
could build a little model building and they could build the model building and take it into
Biden because Biden is so careful and conscientious about like not killing seven people and aid worker
and their entire family say just last year. With a mistaken, a case of mistaken identity?
Exactly, he's really careful, in fact, he's so careful he wants to make sure that there's no
construction damage that could cause any damage to anybody, so they've created a little mini building,
they take in this little mini building and he looks at it and says, how's the lighting?
What's the weather like? How do we make sure the materials don't, because they can predict the
weather? Yeah, of course, of course they can't, so they, and they had time to do all of this and he
had time to take care and before they did it, he had to check off everything to make sure it was
the right drone weapon, even though their drone weapon, as you note, that they disclose they use
this, not exactly the kind you use to be precise. Yeah, it's more of a large destruction, it's not
massive scale, but it's more than just you're trying to hit one person, you're doing significant
damage. Well, remember the smart bombs? Remember that? Always murder the line from Wag the Dog.
What's interesting is, you know, you have Alex Jones in the trial that will not be named in the
courtroom that cannot be talked about today and you look at the broad scope of concerns, look
at what Wag the Dog did. Wag the Dog made fun of all of the claims that our governments have
related to war and the precision and their official narrative on these kind of events.
Here you have the official narrative is, okay, no, he didn't die of natural deaths in 2016.
Okay, no, he didn't actually kill him, though he said we did in 2020.
Now we really got him. This time we really, really got him now. And he got it a story that
all sounds ridiculous. And it reminds me of this. And the timing, don't forget about the timing,
Biden's approval ratings crashing, Biden's popularity crashing. He hasn't had a victory in
years. They had to give him something. He's celebrating low gas prices. They're still record
highs. They had to give him something. Well, especially an intelligence community that's
been made a joke at over the last two years, they were completely wrong about what would happen in
Afghanistan. They were completely wrong about what would happen in Ukraine. Completely wrong
about what would happen vis-a-vis Russia and the economic war against them. Completely wrong about
what was happening in aspects of China and Taiwan and North Korea. So they need to say,
see, we're useful. See, we're important. We can still find the terrorists. We said we killed
four years ago and kill them again. And that's sort of the narrative in the pitch in the main
line. But it reminds me to wag the dog also because I always thought Clinton was winking at the world
when in 1999 he goes in and bombs Serbia. And the basis on doing so is refugees fleeing
in the winter. And women refugees fleeing, Albanian women refugees fleeing. The irony of that
is that was in fact the entire premise of wag the dog. A president caught in a sex scandal creates
a fake war with Albania based on a fake refugee fleeing conflict from the other side. And yet
that he, I mean, Clinton just re-scripted. He took the script and he's like, watch this,
I'm going to take wag the dog. I'm going to do it for real. And nobody's going to say boo about it.
And that's exactly what happened. And now we're seeing Biden do the same thing. So Clinton does
still have another advantage over Biden. Biden has redefined vaccine, redefined recession,
redefined inflation. But as Clinton pointed out in a popular meme, he still hasn't managed to
redefine what the word is, is. And so Clinton still has the top of new definitions that are
going on in the country. But all of this, what it shows with Russia, what it shows to Ukraine,
is that our elites don't know what they're doing. They don't understand the world,
and they're going to risk World War III in the process because they're that incompetent,
that incapable. I mean, they sent a drunk idiot to Taiwan knowing it might risk war with China.
Yeah, that's to me the next bizarro world event that we're covering here today. But the headline
from Town Hall, I think sums it up. Joe Biden's Afghan drone strike won't save Dems from midterm
pain. That's what this is all about. It was all about the Democrat Party. It was all about Joe
Biden's approval. It was all about trying to give him a win. And it didn't, it didn't give him a win.
And even if it's true that they've killed this guy finally for the third or fourth time or whatever
it is, even if that's true, the narrative coming out sacrifices that you turned Afghanistan over
to Al Qaeda and the Taliban, there's no way of getting around that. But yeah, for folks that
are just tuning in here, Al Zahari has been declared dead multiple times before 2016, 2020,
now 2022. I've got all the news stories in in front of me from over the years where he was
declared dead. Here it is in 21. Here it is in 2020. And yeah, it just, it just, it goes on from there.
And by the way, they have no DNA proof. They claim to have video proof. But I haven't seen
any of that video proof yet. And this is why people are skeptical of governmental and institutional
narratives. Ever since the Kennedy assassination on major events, they are usually more often than
not, you can assume they're lying to us. Because more often than not, that's what it turned out
to be. Just like what exactly was the Defense Department, along with the Secret Service,
as soon as Biden comes in, what's the first thing they're doing on their phones related to what
they were up to against Trump after the election? And January 6th, delete, delete, delete, delete.
Oh yeah, we got that story. We got that story coming up today, too.
And you look at that, you look at the elections. Now there's some good news yesterday, some white
pill moments yesterday. Kerry Lake came back in Arizona. It looks like that is a, the most
significant election for 2024. As you were mentioning earlier, big win by Blake Masters,
big win by John Gibbs, knocking off Peter Meyer, that pro impeachment person. Eric Schmidt,
probably a decent candidate, kind of endorsed by Trump, wins in Missouri.
Yeah, that was an interesting one. Yes. Well, we'll cover all the primary news coming up
as well. But when we come back, I want to get into the situation with Pelosi in Taiwan and China
is so bizarro world. And it just shows how dangerous Nancy Pelosi is that she would risk
the entire safety of the planet for her own ego, for her own ego and her own profit. Nancy Pelosi
would potentially start World War three. That woman is a threat to humanity.
Info Wars has been vindicated. We've been proven right. World government, the new world order
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an infowars.com frontline report. If you are receiving this transmission,
you are the resistance. And now your host, Owen Shroyer. I'm really at a loss at this situation
with Pelosi, China and Taiwan. I want to just read through these headlines and get Bob Barnes
to weigh in on it here. Maybe we can try to make sense of it. The most sense I can make of it is
that Nancy Pelosi is drunk on power out of her mind in her old age. Maybe she's got some dementia
or something else going on and she's been corrupt for 50 plus years. And so now she just sees this
as her last kind of go. Might as well make the most obvious insider trading deal on ships worth
billions of dollars I can before my time as a congresswoman is over. My husband just got caught
with drugs and alcohol and system driving. But don't worry, we got that dropped. Here's some of
the headlines. China summons USA Ambassador overnight says Washington must pay the price.
That's for Pelosi's visit to Taiwan. And I guess Pelosi saying Taiwan is independent while the rest
of the Democrat Party in the White House says they aren't. Taiwan accuses Beijing of air and
sea blockade. China has completely surrounded the island now. After Pelosi departure, China
surrounds Taiwan. And then I'm not surprised by this, but I just think it's an added element here.
CNN, CNBC and Associated Press Bureau chiefs meet with Chinese Communist Party propaganda
group in July. So maybe they were even planning this whole thing and having a roll out in the media.
But I don't even know what to make of this, honestly. It's Nancy Pelosi in her own arrogance
with her own ego making this trip to Taiwan potentially could start a larger conflict.
This is our world war star. And I mean, believe me, last thing I want to do is
see Nancy Pelosi in office for another minute. But I also don't want to see her plane get
struck down. That would probably be worse, actually. And so she goes over there. The White
House and John Kirby speaking the White House three times say we don't believe in Taiwanese
independence. This was after Joe Biden said that they did and they would stand with Taiwan. So he
lied about that or they're lying now. Either way, they're lying. And so China says, well,
wait a second, Pelosi goes over here, says Taiwan is independent. That's a direct affront to China.
So you must pay the price. I mean, where are we at here, Bob? I mean, this is just total
insane clown world stuff. Our politicians are behaving like lunatics. But what you have is
sort of a quartet of perspectives. One is sort of what's going on in the Biden administration.
The other is what's going on with George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the globalist cadre.
Another is what's going on in China. And another is what's going on in Taiwan.
Let's start with the Biden administration. Biden administration really believes that
they can topple any government they want any time they want. They believe that they are in
control, not anyone else. That's why they thought that the Ukraine war would be an easy win for
their puppets in Ukraine and a massive economic defeat for Russia that was going to lead to
complete regime change in Russia. Didn't happen. But I believe they thought the same thing here.
Pelosi goes over there, rattles a few cages, Xi gets toppled, and they get someone that they
think is more docile, more subservient, more corrupt, more complicit with them and their
interests. And that aligns with the globalist interest, George. Do you think Pelosi really
believed that? Yes. So I have no doubt. I mean, these people are she's that out of her mind.
That they're completely that out of their mind. They believe ludicrous. They believe insane
things. I mean, yeah, men are women. Exactly. Well, I mean, an example, that's where some of
them align with aspects of Taiwan. The current Taiwan independence movement, the group that
runs it is kind of woke. They have like a, you know, a gender confused individual as a high
ranking official in the new independence Taiwan, right? So you got this weird dynamic dynamic
going on with Taiwan independence. You got old school Taiwan independence that just don't want
anything to do with the CCP and other ones that want to be woke stir, you know, sunflower movement
kind of crowd. So that has its own little dynamic that throws a wrench in everything. And then you
have China. And the issue with China is China is no longer willing to be the globalist factory
worker and keep their head down. The globalists love them as long as they are doing the bidding
of globalists doing the agenda, using it as an experiment on how to socially control people
with a social credit system and all the rest. But once China decided to be independent of
Klaus Schwab and George Soros and do whatever they felt they were interested in doing,
that upset them and they wanted to bring them back to you. Not to mention not to get you off
track because I want you to stay on the track. But now China and Russia are starting to form a
little alliance, a little partnership that is a huge threat to the globalists.
Well, this is why Putin, this is why Trump said getting into a war with Putin in Ukraine made no
sense. And this is why Trump says what Pelosi is doing in Taiwan makes no sense. Because Trump is
like all you're doing is creating the key allies, our adversaries and forcing them into an alignment,
an economic alignment, a political alignment, a military alignment. And what is that going to
do? That could break the back. You have one of the biggest fuel and food and fertilizer suppliers
in the world, the biggest nuclear arsenal in the world, one of the biggest militaries in the world,
aligning with the biggest manufacturer in the world, the biggest supply chain monopolizer
in the world, the biggest, by the way, the biggest provider of everything that goes into
electric batteries and solar panels. That's who climate change politics helps. It helps China.
But China doesn't care that much about it. That's why it keeps turning on the coal factories.
That's just and by the way, the China. China is a total proof that the carbon emission
net neutrality or whatever it is is BS. The more carbon they emit, the more forestation they have
in China. Yeah, oh, exactly. They don't they only believe not that it's I mean, their air is polluted.
Don't get me wrong. They have a pollution problem. But I'm just saying this whole carbon emissions
causes global warming or the earth to die is just not true. Exactly. Like the current Biden
budget package that encourages and incentivizes with tax credits and other financially lucrative
deals, the climate change green economics actually enriches and empowers China. So it's like there's
these contradictory messages coming out. And the reason I think is they have no problem with the
CCP running China. They have no problem with China continuing to dominate manufacturing and
monopolize supply chains. Their concern is China being economically and politically and militarily
independent of the globalist interest, such as what happened in terms of them aligning with Russia
in the Ukrainian conflict. So they want to punish them and discipline them. And what they don't
understand is this is not the China of 2000. We are no longer in that position. And that was Trump's
point. We got to focus on economics with China and not get into a war with China. We got to focus
on separating Russia from China and then having Russia aligned with us rather than China. And
because what does China need? It needs food and it needs fuel because it in it has to import them
at massive levels. Who can provide it? Russia. If Russia is aligned with us, we have real leverage
on China. Trump was that close to a peace deal with North Korea. But for John Bolton interfering
and interrupting, thanks to that nitwit CIA hack, John Hannity, who disguises himself as a news
broadcaster on Fox News. He does wear the CIA emblem on his lapel. I mean, oddly does. I mean,
it's like the guy's really hiding it. He is the reason John Bolton got in the White House. He's
admitted this. He's conceded this publicly. So I think it reflects and reveals we have one of the
most incompetent administrations in American history. People like, oh my gosh, that's not even close.
Oh, in fact, that's what people like the Durand. People can follow them at the durand.locals.com.
Alexander of course, just the other day was laying out the reason why China's paranoid
is because of the early 1800s. The Brits came and forced opium on their people. The various
empires were divvying up the great China's China civilization. They are paranoid of that happening
again. They're not afraid of Taiwan or Taiwan's independence. They are afraid of a NATO base
being located on Taipei 100 kilometers from from the Chinese shore, especially with the
Chinese military expansion into the South China Sea and everything they're trying to do right
there militarily. But just let's finish it off with Pelosi. I still just, I can't even believe
it. Is she really that out of her mind? Is she really that drunk on ego? Is she really that drunk
on power that she would fly over there for her own self satisfaction and risk potentially starting
a larger conflict with China? Well, the answer to the Nancy Pelosi question is the same as Hunter
Thompson's answer to Bill Clinton, which is the Hunter Thompson famously said, the question
isn't what Bill Clinton is addicted to. It's, is there anything he's not addicted to? And with
Nancy Pelosi, the question isn't whether she's drunk on power, drunk on ego or drunk in general.
The question is not what she is drunk on is when is she not drunk? Or how drunk is she? Exactly.
And I think the reality is that she will literally has the capacity to lead us bumbling and stumbling
into another global world war, much as we got into in World War One. World War One was a
bumbling, stumbling, tripping into the war that led, by the way, to the death of four empires
that had been, that had lasted for as long as eight centuries before they were wiped out in four
years. That's the kind of incompetence we have. We have a combination of intransigence and incompetence
in the White House. We have a guy who's not only admittedly dumb, he's now a dementia candidate
running the most powerful country in the world. And that's what you get a drunk Nancy Pelosi,
bumbling and stumbling us into risk of World War Three. Literally, she probably smells like a brewery
as she, that, that witch smile as she gets off the plane, waving to all the people of the planet,
making it all about her doing insider trading. And now the situation with China is even worse.
So it's crazy, folks. These are our leaders. These are our leaders. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi,
old, drunken fools that are leading this country down a dark, dark path for their
own selfish desires. It's really sad. It's really pathetic, really dangerous.
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I really got to say, I'm just at a loss at how deranged and insane our leaders are. I mean,
you take one look at Nancy Pelosi. You took one look at Joe Biden. It's just we are really at a
dark point in this country's history when those two have any power at all, have any influence at
all. But we got to move on. And I want to get into the primary results from last night, just some
of the highlights. Kerry Lake wins in Arizona. She makes a from behind comeback. It was kind of an
odd thing actually when I went to bed last night, probably just after midnight, she was behind. I
thought it was over. Kind of has the old Biden phenomenon happened for her actually, not as
egregious or obvious, but when you wake up and the results have changed. You then have the Trump
impeachment Republican Peter Meyer loses to John Gibbs. So I think it's going to be good. I think
John Gibbs is going to be a good one to get in there. You had a Trump endorse Eric in Missouri.
People weren't sure it was that Eric Schmidt or Eric Greitens. So either way, Trump wins, whether
it was Greitens or Schmidt, Schmidt won. And I think I really don't like the way the Republican
party did Eric Greitens. I got to be honest, I think they did him kind of dirty. We'll talk about
that as well. And then the Democrats do not want to commit to Biden in 2024. That's very telling.
That's because everybody knows he's a disaster. But Bob, let's start in Arizona. Now we both agree,
we didn't even talk about this before the show, but it's pretty obvious to anybody that follows
politics that the governor race in Arizona was the most important race when it comes to measuring
where we might stand in the 2024 presidential elections. But I think there's a little carry
over there from 2020 because I want to look at these numbers. Republican turnout last night
in Arizona for the governor race was 636,593. That's how many people voted for Republican.
On the Democrat side, you only had 482,024 voting. So that's a massive difference. That's not a small
margin. That is a huge margin. Now, Biden won Arizona allegedly by 10,000 votes. By 10,000 votes
is what they say Biden won Arizona with in the presidential election. Now here you are, not even
two years later, and Republicans have a massive margin. I mean, what is this? Like a 20% plus
margin over Democrats in the governor's race? To me, that shows more evidence that the results
of 2020 were inaccurate. But leading into 2024, you got to like that if you're a Republican. You
got to like clearly having, and it's a distinctive advantage as far as the turnout last night was
concerned. Yeah, there were several things to watch. One was to watch whether or not Kerry Lake won
in Arizona. The early numbers suggested she was going to lose, which was a shock to pretty much
everybody because all of the data suggested she should win by double digits. And the fact that
it was close. Now it may turn out to not even end up being that close by the end. Her lead keeps
expanding and expanding and expanding. So we'll see what it ultimately ends up being because
that was like Trump in 2020. And then early on, the reason why Fox called Arizona prematurely
is because Biden, the Biden votes were the ones that for whatever reason got counted first.
And then Trump's votes started to come in and come in. Same thing happened with Kerry Lake, but
it's big because you need a governor in Arizona in 2024 who cares about election integrity.
We didn't have that in 2020, not in Arizona, not in Georgia, not in Wisconsin, not in Michigan,
not in Pennsylvania. Arizona is now going to be the first state to flip through someone who cares
a lot about election integrity in Kerry Lake. So Kerry Lake is a very big win in Arizona. Same
with Blake Masters, big win in Arizona. Blake Masters is a populist candidate backed sort of
along the JD Vance model. Blake Masters has been more anti-war than others, more populist on trade,
populist on immigration, populist on issues of culture, very pro-Trump, wants to have meaningful
election reform in his state as well as across the country. That was very good news. Another
Trump-endorsed candidate, John Gibbs, took out Peter Meyer, the pro-impeachment Republican,
woke-oriented Republican there in the Western District of Michigan. It there, too, looked
like Meyer was going to hold on early, but then the votes really came in and Gibbs was able to top
it out and prevail. In Missouri, and Eric won, this time Eric Schmidt instead of Eric Greitens.
Eric Schmidt has done a lot of great work as Attorney General. That's why Trump split kind
of his endorsement between him and Greitens and just said, I support Eric. But the reason he didn't
fully endorse Schmidt is because originally he was inclined towards Greitens, and the
Greitens got hammered, as you note, by a very dirty, sleazy campaign waged in Missouri by
Carl Rove and others that defamed him and improp-made improp-is the second time he's
been a victim of a defamation and legal hit. And that's why I kind of wanted to focus on that.
And to me, there's hope in the Republican Party because real people can get in there and change
it up. I do believe that. We can get rid of the Rhinos. We can get rid of the Deep Staters. We can
get rid of the Woke Commies and Democrats pretending to be Republicans. But Greitens
first got set up by the FBI. The FBI ran a sting operation and set him up. That all came out. He
lost his position as governor because of it. And Schmidt was a great Attorney General, so, you know,
he threw his hat in the ring. But it's like, here's why the Republican Party can't or won't save the
country right now. You had Eric Schmidt and Eric Greitens in the same race. Those are two heavy
hitters that should have been spread out. But for whatever reason, the Republicans wanted to
destroy Greitens, so they went after him, a Deep State attack. And then you had a third candidate
in there who I thought was good too, Mark McCloskey. They probably should have inserted him into a
house race somewhere. Would have been better off. But he falls off the table behind the two Erics.
Now Schmidt's going to run against one of the Bush, BUSCH family, one of the Beers.
Anheisers. Yeah, one of the Anheisers. Now, you're from Missouri, so...
Yes, I'm very familiar with all of this. Very familiar.
Yeah, so the... Do you think... I mean, I think the so-called political experts, the 538s and
8 Selvers, et cetera, think she has a chance. I don't think she has any chance. What do you think
happens in an Eric Schmidt general election against this person who's got ceaseless money from the
old beer Anheiser family name? Obviously, the name recognition helps, but I don't think it helps
enough. I think Schmidt is going to probably win this Senate seat pretty easily. I don't think
it'll be too close. And you know, the Bushes, when they sold Inbev, actually a lot of people's
taste soured to them when they sold out to Inbev. A lot of local people. Now, obviously,
the Bush family's done a lot for Missouri. I'm not saying that. And there's a lot of great people.
I've been friends with a lot of them over. Very generous group of people, but still a red state.
And I think that Schmidt has enough going for him after being the attorney general that he
should win this thing pretty easily. I think the most disappointing result was in Kansas,
where it appears the late media campaign, over a million dollars in late media ads,
to convince people that the amendment they were voting on, which was just an amendment to
authorize the state legislature to limit abortion, actually was a complete and total ban on abortion.
And even the polls showed the yes vote leading just a week ago, the late million dollar money
bombardment by Planned Parenthood and the rest. But isn't it amazing how the propaganda works?
Yeah, it's a testament. Why do they want to take out Alex Jones at InfoWars? It's because look at
what happened on the Kansas abortion bill, where people didn't even bother to read the actual language.
They don't even understand the issue. And then thinking they're voting on a complete
ban on abortion when they're just voting on the power of their state legislature to decide
the issue of abortion. By the way, they did another redefining moment. Was it last night or was it
Monday night, where they have, you know, the end topic pregnancies, right, where the baby's
in the fallopian tube. That's not even considered a viable pregnancy. That's not even considered
an abortion. That's considered a different medical procedure. So it doesn't even come into abortion.
That's not even when totally separate issue. They've now rewritten, I don't even know the
key words to search guys, if you're looking on the internet, I was reading it last night.
They've now rewritten the definition of end topic pregnancy to trick people into thinking
that those are going to be banned with these abortion bans. I mean, they're rewriting definitions.
They're re, I mean, we're in 1984. Oh, no doubt. I mean, because doctors often use the language
abortion to describe miscarriages as spontaneous abortions, they're confusing ordinary people
into thinking these new bans on abortion are like what you've heard a doctor say.
So anyone who's experienced a miscarriage is misled to believe that suddenly they will be
called a criminal because of what that is not at all the case. That has never been the law.
The law has always been clear that that is in what's covered. What's covered is the direct
deliberate killing of an unborn child. But what the Kansas learning lessons should be because of
the media bias, because the big money's on the other on the pro abortion side, they need to create
indisputable laws that can't that anybody can look at and understand go for the popular majority.
And the popular majority position is the heartbeat position. Once an unborn life has a heartbeat,
you can't abort it unless there's an emergency of the life of danger to the mother, which is,
which is the law in most of Europe. Yes. But yeah, they keep lying about that. Now,
Democrats will not get behind Joe Biden in 2024, despite him saying he was running.
Why would that be? Well, because he's terribly unpopular. The problem we have is Richard
Barris is no not Biden. Biden is still the most popular Democrat amongst other Democrats.
That's the problem they have. They wanted to replace him. I mean, Hunter Biden is so likeable.
Well, my view is the guy to watch for who's the deep state favorite. It's Pete Booty Booty.
He's their favorite candidate at edge. Yeah. Booty judge. Yeah, exactly. To see if he can.
There's a lot of jokes about him coming. But the but they will try to replace Kamala Harris with him
if the deep state has their way. They probably would like to see a boot and edge booty judge
Harris ticket, maybe even yes, because they can't completely throw a Harris under the bus.
So I believe they'd like to. I don't think they'd like her to be around either.
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Socialism failing to work as it always does in Venezuela. You talk about giving everybody
something free and all of a sudden there's no food to eat. And who do you think is the richest
person in Venezuela, the daughter of Hugo Chavez? Hello. Anyway, oh, and to Vin Scully,
classic all time classic. I mean, he's even better than the the famous one for the the Chicago Cups,
the who I'm blanking. I can see Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, I met Harry,
Harry, many years ago in Chicago. Oh, he was a character. Oh, absolutely. But he was more of a
character, whereas Vin Scully was an old school, great professional, absolutely, who wasn't afraid
to say his mind. He couldn't say that today. No, no, no, no, no, no, that. And why is he
commenting on that? Because of how many Venezuelan people were escaping Venezuela, including
several that became famous players, including famous players for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Yeah. And there were a couple of players who recently, when the latest foods, you know, starving
people, riots broke out in Venezuela, a couple players from Venezuela made statements about
how grateful they are to be Americans now and how grateful they are to live in a free country.
Media didn't really like to cover that. They don't really like to give that any attention.
But you know, it's amazing. You're not going to really get any broadcasters like Vin Scully
anymore, I'm afraid. You're not going to get the Harry Carries. You're not going to get the Jack Bucks
because all these broadcasters are trained to not say what they see or not say what they feel
and just say what's politically correct. And that everything else follows that. Everything else
in the training to be a broadcaster now flows through the political correct lens or the
political correct voice box. So you're just not going to have grades anymore.
Not at all. In fact, I mean, ESPN has purged anybody who's not woke from being there.
And excuse me, but when I tune into a ballgame and I hear a woman and a broadcaster click,
I'm out. Exactly. Well, especially they get the worst voices. They're horrible. Why not get
there's plenty of women announcers that have good voices that you could sit there and listen to.
And that are good at their job. Exactly. They could sell the sport. Well,
I mean, like the reporter who finally had to leave ESPN because of all the problems,
the sideline reporters there for like 20 years, but get her name. I'm blanking on it.
There's Sage Steele. There were Sage Steele. There was Michelle Tafoya. Michelle Tafoya.
Yeah. Yeah. Remember how many? I mean, she was a good sideline reporter. She was great.
Siley got the information, got the intel, couldn't stand being there because of how politicized
it had become. And that is true throughout all of it. You can't just tune in and enjoy the game.
There's going to be some politics somewhere in the game. There's going to be some politics
by the end now. I mean, look at Kirk Schilling. He should be in the Hall of Fame. I mean,
this is a guy who came out with the bloody sock. I think that was fake. I don't know.
I'm a Cardinal fan. I'm a Red Sox fan. Oh, I was. I grew up as a Red Sox fan. My family did.
So that was one of the, that was the greatest series of all time from a Red Sox fan perspective.
Here's one of the all time great pictures. I mean, this guy intimidated the New York Yankees.
Two World Series. Two World Series with Arizona and with Red Sox. And yet he can't get into
the Hall of Fame. Why? Because his politics doesn't fit. Because he's a conservative.
Yeah. He appears on Breitbart. Can't afford that. And so that's, I mean, it's become,
and even though ESPN continues to suffer from it, NBA continues to suffer from it.
We were talking with Ryan Kinnell. He pointed out, I mean, there's been a 75% decline in the NBA
ratings and the finals over the, since Michael Jordan's departure. I won't even watch the NBA.
And that's despite the population going up, not down. So that means that they don't care because
they're on in China. Exactly. The, even though China, they'll never satiate and satisfy China.
China finds the Wolkster stuff to be ridiculous. Yeah. Well, they don't allow gay stuff.
No, I mean, they don't allow, they don't. I don't think they really like black people either.
There's a long. Not in China. Unless they're playing basketball.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So I mean, I mean, their history of racism, their history of
chauvinism, their history. I mean, disproportionately, girl babies were killed during the World
Dial there. All of that. This is not a society to model anything after. And yet.
What was the NBA chosen model? What was the name? There was, I think it was a Reds broadcast. I think
it was Tom Breneman. They came in early. Do you remember that? They came in early from a break
and he said something about how the city had gone like to crap or something. He's like,
this city is a hell hole now. And they came to Hot Mike. He's like, uh, sorry about that.
They fired him. It's true. The cities are hell holes.
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Thank you so much for joining us. I'll spread the word, my friends, we're involved in an epic,
historic battle.
Live from the infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones show. And now your host, Owen
Troyer. And we're back here. Our number two of the Alex Jones show, Owen Troyer, Bob Barnes
with you. We're going to play a clip here that I find hilarious Republicans complaining about
Donald Trump and how he uses the money that they fundraise off of his name. That's the
ironic part about it. The Republican party, man. It's, uh, we really need some new leadership
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at infowarstore.com. All right. I want to play this clip real quick, Bob, because I find this so
funny. I don't like having to sign up for all the notifications, but I do. I get all the Democrat
notifications. I get all the Republican notifications. They both annoy me just as much, to be honest.
But I find this hilarious. Now, I probably get 10 emails a day from directly from the GOP or
Republican, this Republican, that everybody uses Trump's name, his image, his name, this. I'm sure
you see it too, right? They all have Trump. Yes. So now the Republican party has a problem
with the way Trump is using some of these funds. Here's Jonathan Carl explaining that
situation, how the RNC is fighting Donald Trump right now. I've been paying Donald Trump's personal
legal bills. Some of these related to his businesses in New York, $1.7 million more than that,
just since October. Most recent payment we know of, more than $50,000 last month.
So now they're making this threat and Republicans really don't want Donald Trump announcing
that he's running for president as they had in the midterms where they think they're going to do well.
Yeah, this is really something, a threat from the RNC quietly said, we found out about it,
that they will stop paying his legal bills when he or if he announces he's running for president.
The big backdrop here is they don't want him to run, announce he's running before the midterms.
They want to run midterm campaigns based on Joe Biden and the economy. If Donald Trump announces
he's running this fall, it messes with that strategy. So they're saying you do that, we'll
stop paying your bills. All right, so forget about George Step on all of us and Jonathan
Carl's political takes there. It's about as valuable as a poopy diaper. The story here that's so
funny, every email I get from the Republican Party features Trump. Trump this, Trump that,
his picture, his, you know, everything, Trump, Trump, Trump. They've been fundraising off of
Trump's back since the last presidential election. Now guys, see if you can pull up how much money
the Republican Party or the GOP has raised since the presidential election. I mean,
it's got to be all, it's got to be like hundreds of millions of dollars off of Trump's name.
Now, do you recall when they were first doing this, Trump gave them a cease and desist,
and he said, stop using my name to fund raise. They said, basically F, you were going to do it
anyway. So he said, okay, fine. Well, then I want some of those funds. 1.7 million of probably 250
million that they've raised, 1.7 is a lot of money, but it's small drop in the bucket.
Well, the backstory on this is the Republican National Committee raised a quarter of a billion
dollars, 250 million right after the election to support, they said, election challenges and
contests. To my knowledge, none of that money went to the lawyers bringing election challenges
and content. And by the way, not to play Trump's defender here because he doesn't need it. He can
defend himself, but I see the, I see a lot of commentary saying, what did Trump do with the
money? What did Trump do with the money? It was never Trump's money. The Republicans were
basically putting on a Trump mask saying, give me money. I'm Trump and then just stuffing their
pockets. And I know this firsthand because Trump and people around Trump had recommended me to run
the election contest and the election challenges in November of 2020. Talk to Mark Meadows, then
chief of staff at the White House, talk to a range of other people who are in the decision-making
process, including the president himself. And then, but Ronald McDaniel controlled it because
all the money was at the RNC. So the only people who could make the final authorization for who
would do election contest and challenges were at the RNC. And she chose not to hire any of the
people associated with our team. And of course, we know what happened to the election contest.
They all didn't go anywhere. And it's because of who they chose because they wanted to hijack that
money and spend it on other things unrelated to the election contest. A lot of people who donated
got agitated. And you're right. Since then, my guess is they have raised collectively off of Trump
since he's been elected over a billion dollars. Well, that's why I went with the 200 or so million
because that was the last number I saw. That was just the, but that was probably like a year and
a half ago now. That was just right after the election. I mean, they've raised hundreds of
millions more and it doesn't count all the money they raised while he was president. And it's
important to note all of these legal cases stem from him being president in the Republican nominee.
So the Republican National Committee should be the ones paying all the legal bills for all of this.
And they never backed him in the public square. Not only that, the other aspect with this is
they probably want to because as long as the RNC is writing the checks, the RNC controls who Trump's
lawyers are. The moment those lawyers don't have to depend on Trump, Trump maybe hires his own
lawyers. His own lawyers might take a much more aggressive approach, both in the court of law
and in the court of public opinion. And the RNC doesn't want that to happen at all. So it's a
bluff. They're faking, hey, Trump, we're going to stick you with a bunch of million dollar legal
bills unless you keep your mouth shut until after November because we think it would net help us
when in fact what would net help us is if actually Trump did declare the ordinary Republican. But
this is also a bigger part of a scam that's happening. Kevin McCarthy is trying to suppress
the number of good Republicans who win. He wants a majority, but not a big majority because the
more not in America first majority. Exactly. He wants as few America first populist in the house
as possible. And he knows as long as it's a slim majority, he has enough institutional
establishment votes that keep him and his agenda in power. The moment that we get to 2030, 40,
50 plus Republicans in the house is the moment Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, they even though Paul
Ryan's no longer in the Congress, he is over at the board of Fox News. He is on a bunch of think
tanks. He is an old buddy of Kevin McCarthy. They're still running their anti-Trump agenda.
They lose their anti-Trump agenda. So the real reason the Republican National Committee doesn't
want Trump to go out and endorse and declare his race and say he's running is as you note,
can't be because of the base because they use Trump to raise all their money.
It also can't be because they think he's going to cost them votes. They know he's going to help
them get votes. Most votes of all time. They're a Republican. Exactly. They don't want a bunch
of Marjorie Taylor Greene's and Lauren Boeberts and Paul Gosar's and JD Vance's and Blake Masters
and Kerry Lake's in office next year. Now, is that aside from the politics of it, is it an ego
thing too where McCarthy realizes these people are much more important than me? I'm the Speaker
of the House, but somehow they're outshining me. Well, completely. I mean, we have an old model
that we shouldn't be following anymore. Used to be the Speaker of the House was there because
he could raise the most money. Now, because of grassroots funding and what Donald Trump has
shown, use Trump, you raise money, all of a sudden McCarthy is useless. So his power base is really
gone and he's operating off of a deception that he has power that he no longer wields. And that's
why he wants to keep a slim a majority as possible with his few MAGA candidates running as possible
and winning as possible. So the real scam and scheme is keep Trump from getting involved in
declaring his candidacy so that they limit the number of Republicans that went office not to
improve the number of Republicans. Yeah. And I guess the other leverage that McCarthy might have is
if you do have a slim margin in the House, his ability to wheel and deal becomes important.
Whereas if you have a larger margin of America firsters, they're not going to go check on with
Kevin McCarthy's approval for anything. He's basically going to become defunct as a Speaker
of the House, which really I think the Speaker of the House needs on the Republican side needs
to be someone who is willing to stick their neck out and make the court of public opinion the
political battle. Info Wars has been vindicated. We've been proven right. World government,
the New World Order is out of the open. And now more than ever, the forces of Satan are trying
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it's worked great for me. All right, Bob Barnes and I talking all the latest
news here. Glad to have you along for the ride as Alex Jones is again in court today. We may be
hearing from him before the day is done. I will be hosting the war room by the way, but Alex may
be coming in after he's finished on the stand for today. We'll be giving you the updates there.
I want to get kind of back to the Trump thing that we were discussing in the last segment,
Bob, and then we can start to move into some of the other news. Like for example,
Andrew Yang, and I'm glad Yang is doing this. He's starting the third party. You've seen this,
the fourth party. Thank God Yang is doing it because that's only going to take
votes away from the Democrat party. That's kind of the way I see it. And so I don't think that
really hurts Republicans, but what does hurt Republicans is weak leadership like Kevin McCarthy
and Mitch McConnell. So let's say we start to get some of these America firsters,
common sense, non-squish Republicans in there. I kind of view John Gibbs that way.
Obviously Blake Masters. I think Joe Kent did not win last night. I think he took a...
It's only half the votes are counted.
Okay. So we're not sure about that.
Washington, though. Their ballots come in slow.
Okay. All right. Well, the point is though, if we get some more people like Marjorie Taylor-Green,
Paul Gosar gets... He gets back on the ballot last night. He wins in his primary.
What is the process of getting McCarthy out of Speaker House? What is the process of getting
Mitch McConnell out of his leadership roles? What can Republican voters do, or the listeners of
this show do, to try to spur that so we don't have a defunct, dead-duck Republican majority,
hopefully, in Congress coming up after these midterms?
I think it's a combination of continuing to support populist candidates and populist causes
in the most informed and intelligent way. Let's look at it as an example. Joe Kent's race.
So Joe Kent should have easily been in the top two. And the only reason he's right now in a close
third, still a lot of votes yet to be counted, is because they ran a bunch of fake ads pretending
another candidate was the Trump endorsed candidate in the race. Who was it? And it was solely meant
to bring down Joe Kent's margin. And was that Republican ads?
A Republican. But it was supposedly Republican. The reality is, or the person ran as a Republican.
But the person running did not have Trump's endorsement.
Was it one of the Democrat-funded Republicans that we saw?
It was that. Plus, there was some other, we don't know fully the scale of where the money
came from, but it appears some of it came from Karl Rove and other type groups.
So Democrats.
Exactly. Functionally.
Third blossom.
And that's what people need to continue to be more informed. And that was the only reason
why the Kansas Abortion Amendment goes down. The only reason why Joe Kent didn't trouble at all.
The only reason why it was even close with John Gibbs and Peter Meyer.
The only reason why it was even close with Kerry Lake is because it's clear that the big money,
big media influence, still has a lot of influence over even Republican primary voters.
That's what happened in Georgia. In Georgia, they didn't know who Trump had endorsed.
So they ended up voting for a bunch of candidates that Trump opposed.
Because there had been such a swamp of media and money on one side of the aisle.
So to counterbalance that, it's doing what the Info Wars model does.
It's having independent information independently sourced by the audience.
That's why when the audience goes to InfoWarsStore.com and buys products that make themselves healthier,
wealthier and wiser in one clean, neat step, they're also making the world a better place.
Because the key is having more Info Wars type information out there. More models that use
Info Wars and replicate it as a template to create their own independent information in
their own local jurisdiction in order to counterbalance the influence of big money and big
media that we're witnessing create this continued Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell type dominance
of the Republican Party. It's a dominance that's breaking apart. I mean, in Arizona,
Kerry Lake was able to break through, but was able to break through because enough ordinary
everyday people got the message out. Was able to look past the big money campaign,
look past the big media campaign, uncover and discover the truth and put a myth.
Same with Blake Masters, same with JD Vance, same with John Gibbs. But they all faced uphill
battles originally and initially because of the institutional opposition they faced.
So we need to continue to poke holes in the dam that they are trying to control and gatekeep
the information from getting out to the people because that's the most important aspect of
getting a more informed, more self-educated electorate, creates a more self-empowered community
and constituency that can in turn elect more mega populace to positions of power and influence
to get the McCarthy's and McConnell's out of power.
There's no reason why Joe Kent shouldn't have won that race last night easily. And I mean,
the votes aren't all in, but it's not looking good, unfortunately.
And the one lesson that I think future Republican candidates need to take away from this as well,
you know, it's obviously harder to win a Senate race than a house race, but you look at Myra
Flores, you know, she didn't really get much media endorsement or much media coverage at all
until she won. Then all of a sudden everybody wanted her on TV, then all of a sudden you started
seeing her here and everywhere. But before that, she really was kind of, you know, underground.
I think the lesson to be learned here is, hey, you know what, it's great that Kerry Lake has
a huge social media presence. It's great that Joe Kent has a big social media and media presence.
I think that's a good thing. But you have to remember, you're running a local race. You
can't forget about that. Most people that are going to see your content on Twitter or on Fox
News aren't going to vote because they don't even live in your state. They don't even live in your
congressional district. And so I think that the social media phenomenon and kind of the popularity
contest that comes with this tends to overwhelm traditional techniques and techniques that we
know work. You got to remember, you're running a local race. Most of people that see your stuff
in media are not going to vote for you because they don't even live in the state or the district
you're in. And I think that that might have been a case with Joe Kent. Now he did run a good ground
game. I think his story is more of a Republican stabbing in the back and not getting behind
him. But I think with Kari Lake, I mean, her race should not even have been close.
Oh, no doubt. And I think it shows the big media, big money influence is still there. And we still
have an uphill battle with that. But what the Info Wars model showed was particularly during the
pandemic. How did you all of a sudden have these indigenous, organic, authentic grassroots
rebellions all across the country showing up at protests at state capitals all across the nation
that began and originated and instigated the protest against the lockdowns against the mask
mandates against later on the vaccine mandates put all of that into motion. What that did was
because it was the Info Wars model. It was people who are Info Wars fans who stayed connected to
their local community, stayed organized in their local community so they could quickly get active
in their local community. And we need to continue to duplicate and replicate that model all across
the country in populist aligned constituencies and organizations in order to be able to maintain
and sustain that. It's why the only reason why Info Wars is still here, not supposed to be here,
is because of the audience keeping it afloat and alive by going to InfoWarsStore.com and getting
products that they already need and want at a cheaper price than they can get at its nearest
competitor for comparable quality. But we need to replicate that continually and consistently,
create communities of common interest that continue to organize in the old American
revolutionary style so that when Paul Revere comes writing through, enough people hear him so that
they can take action to help change the world in the right way. And I also think, you know,
they say politics is Hollywood for ugly people. I may have butchered the phrase, but it goes a
little something like that. You know, what I see happening too is, look at the congressional baseball
game, Democrats get beat 10 nothing, but it wasn't just the final score. I mean, they're losers,
like they're awkward, they're ugly, they fumble around, they look like goblins and ghouls. Like,
the Republicans need to embrace the optical battle here. Like when political debates first
started airing on television, people understood, our candidate's got to look good. Like, he's got
to look good. That's a major factor. I want to see it. I want to see, because you're already
seeing, look at the Biden administration, look at the Democrat Party. It's a bunch of ugly people,
it's a bunch of weird looking, old decrepit looking. The Republican Party needs to embrace
a strong human man, a beautiful woman, and just start getting into the battle of optics again.
I actually saw a lot of that last night. I think that that's kind of what's coming up in
the Republican Party right now too, because really, it's also just shows good and evil.
The universe has a weird way of showing you.
Info wars has been vindicated. We've been proven right. World government, the new world order is
out of the open. And now more than ever, the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this
broadcast. The forces of anti-human, godless new world order are out of control. So now realize,
we have pushed them out of the light, we have pushed them out in the open, and they are so upset,
and they are so scared. So while you still can, because any day can be our last broadcast,
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spread the word, my friends. We're involved in an epic, historic battle. Infowars has been vindicated.
We've been proven right. World government, the new world order is out of the open. And now more
than ever, the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this broadcast. The forces of anti-human,
godless new world order are out of control. So now realize, we have pushed them out of the light,
we have pushed them out in the open, and they are so upset, and they are so scared. So while you
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share the article, share the videos, and please fund us while getting great products at the same
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exclusively available at 1776point.com. Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones. Broadcasting live from the UN stronghold, Austin, Texas. You're listening
to the Alex Jones show, and now your host Owen Troyer. Boy oh boy, I really don't understand
anybody that likes big government. That's a mystery to me. Who wants a bigger government? Who wants
more government intervention in their lives? Anyway, Pentagon wipes January 6th text from
phones belonging to top military generals court docs reveal. That's amazing because now remember
the Democrats and the mainstream media were saying secret services covering something up,
they deleted the texts. Now the I believe the official statement from Secret Service was just
part of normal protocol to clear out these data from the phones. I don't know if that's true or
not, but nonetheless they attacked Secret Service. They said it was an act of terrorism for Secret
Service to do this. Do you think the mainstream media will be saying the same thing about the
military deleting January 6th text? Do you think that'll be a story Bob? Well and the amazing thing
about all this is it's clear that the timing of this wasn't to cover up things people did on behalf
of Trump, but to cover up things they were doing against Trump. So then it's okay. Exactly. People
should ask if the Secret Service really deleted the text that would embarrass Trump and that's why
they deleted the text. Wouldn't the January 6th commission have run all over that and subpoenaed
that right out of the game and they subpoenaed everybody else no demand. Speeded my mother.
Exactly. My poor innocent mother you jerks. You're gonna pay, let me tell you, you're gonna pay in
hell for doing that to my mom. Good luck. She's a saint. You come after me, that's fine, not my mom.
That's who they are and yet they never subpoenaed until the very end when they knew the texts were
gone, the Secret Service subpoenaed. Oh how convenient, yes. What it is, it's very simple.
The anybody who studied it and looked at January 6th could recognize right away
there were likely government informants, government infiltrators, government instigators,
aspects of QAnon movement had that tattooed all over it, that this was an algorithm that was
really designed likely by a government source to try to manipulate information and emotions,
to try to manipulate narratives, to try to get people to do things that were against their
self-interest or the interest of the cause that they were campaigning for and those all
part and parcel of it. Why has the government still not disclosed who QAnon is? Why has the
government not turned over QAnon discovery to the January 6th defendants? Probably for the same
reason the Defense Department was busy doing pulling the Hillary Clinton and doing delete,
delete, delete, delete, delete, delete because they have to because the Defense Department is
involved, the aspects of the police were involved, the Capitol Police, just look at some of the
so-called heroes of the Capitol Police. They were all Trump haters. They showed up, you know,
having F Trump T-shirts with Kathy Lee Griffin who I'm busy suing for the Covington kids.
But you know, they would, if it was the reverse situation, they would never call a witness up
that voted for Trump. They'd say, that's bias. But oh, you are an F Trump shirt? That's not
biased. You get to be called as a witness. Exactly. I mean, it's almost as much of a joke
process as a certain trial that shall not be named and cannot be named as that's going on right now.
So it's the same kind of process. Either they want to keep the exculpatory information out,
they want to misinterpret and misportray and misperceive the information as inculpatory that
really isn't. And it's all about government complicity and involvement with it. When I
talked to Alex before January 6, worrying about the possibility of it being used as an event
to undermine the Trump cause, to undermine the cause of election integrity that's independent
of and separate from Trump, the, I thought there could be no concern because the Capitol is the
most well guarded building in the world, especially on January 6. Yet magically, Capitol Police
disappeared. Magically, there were no National Guard outside the Capitol. Magically, no other
means of security, the seventh floor of the FBI accidentally misrelayed the wrong information
to the Capitol Police. And by the way, we have the documents that Pelosi and Maryl Bowser both
rejected Trump's request for 20,000 National Guard troops. They lied about that. And if I'm
not mistaken, wasn't Pelosi caught deleting emails and text messages too? She deleted
things. I mean, to date, we have not seen what it's so either she deleted them or destroyed
them or either way has not produced them. But she's not been subpoenaed so she can erase evidence
and that's okay. Exactly. That's what happened. Same with Mitch McConnell. I remember that night
talking to people who are organizing, talking to people in Congress about the challenge because
I was there to help organize and make presentations to members of Congress as needed about why
constitutionally there is a right to challenge whether or not the election and the electors
are constitutionally qualified electors from a constitutionally qualified election.
And the, and that goes beyond, you don't have to prove fraud for that. You just have to prove
that somebody voted that wasn't constitutionally qualified. Ballots were cast in a manner that
were not constitutionally qualified or the ballots were counted in Canvas in a way that was not
constitutionally qualified. And in the context of the presidency, that's what the state legislature
sets, not anybody else. Yet everybody was at the same question. Everybody's like, why is McConnell
not worried about this? It's like, I mean, he's going to lose a lot of votes once the real issues
are in front of him. A lot of people don't want to go against Trump publicly. No, we kind of know
why. We know Pelosi and McConnell weren't worried because they had inside information
about what was supposed to happen that day. They wanted it to happen that day. And even
though public opinion polling shows, the people who went in, even according to Harvard and other
groups that did studies on it, said these people did not go in to obstruct the proceeding. They
did not go in to insurrect anything. They didn't go in to cause a coup. It's just the opposite.
They wanted to make sure Congress went through their constitutional duties and exercise their
constitutional powers to make sure this election was a constitutionally conforming election.
That's what they wanted to do in support of Trump. Not anything illicit or illegal,
but they were able to mis-portray it and mis-perceive it that way solely and wholly because
Capitol Police instigated some of the behavior that day. That's the key. That is actually the
key right there. And I was reviewing some of the footage actually this morning. I don't know why.
It just popped up on my timeline. And so I was reviewing some of it. There is zero doubt that
that Democrats or Feds or Antifa or whoever had their people on the front lines instigating
police, had their people on the front lines instigating to go over the barriers. You had the
ray-epsis of the world saying we're going into the Capitol. That element did exist. Very small
fringe element most likely paid or promoted provocateurs to be there. But really, when you
review the footage, even that was not that effective because even when they had their
first Antifa groups or Feds storming through the barriers, it wasn't like a big storm. It was still
kind of very reserved. Like people looking around like, I don't know if we should be doing this.
And then, you know, the people in the black saying, come on, ray-epsine, come on. And then, okay,
they march forward, cops make another barrier. And then again, if you watch the overhead footage,
the crowds of people are very reserved actually. Like there's like a 10-foot gap between the
police line at the first when the Capitol gets breached. By the way, we weren't even there
when this was going on. We were still at the ellipse. And there's like a 10-foot gap between
the police and the large group of people. Because you can tell at that point, they're not really
sure what's going on. They're not really sure if they're supposed to be there, but there's a million
people. So they just kind of get herded into this. And then you have people in black fighting with
the police and then everything kicks off. Police start lobbing grenades into the crowd. There was
one guy that caught fire. I'd never seen this before. They hit him with like three grenades.
Boom. He goes up in flames. And so now all of a sudden they're getting hit with grenades. They're
getting hit with rubber bullets. They're like, what the heck is going on? And that's what really
popped the whole thing off. Yeah. And you see that that's why they've been trying to hide the 10,000
plus hours of video footage the U.S. government has concerning January 6th. Because, hey, you're
allowed to do that. If that was going down against the Antifa BLM, the cops would be bad. But when
they do it against Trump supporters, they're good. Oh, no doubt. I mean, the hypocrisy has been over
the top. I mean, the only place that may be worse than the District of Columbia in terms of jury
pools, judicial bias, prosecutorial prejudice, may be a certain county in Texas currently. But
other than that, what you saw was a complete evisceration of certain principles of due process
and discovery. Why? Because they can't let the full and whole truth out. Whenever you see any court,
prosecutor, police, government, public official, hiding information and documentation from the
court of public opinion, from the court of law, from a court of jurors, you know that that's
because that information is exculpatory and counters their institutional and official narrative.
If the 14,000 plus hours of various video footage from all over the Capitol that day
helped their case, they would be releasing it all of it now. Instead, they're hiding it in mass.
Because if they told the truth, it would reveal a very different narrative. Because it even goes
further back. What was supposed to happen that day is people who were coming from the ellipse
to come to the protest were to come to the protest across the other side of the Capitol.
Where there was a stage for speakers. Exactly. Instead, as they're coming down,
they're being misdirected into the wrong place into the Capitol to create this compressed crowd.
With ray ups in the front. Exactly. Where they can't move, they can't get around,
they can't get outside of it, they can't breach it. And all of a sudden, they're being forced
into January 6th. And that's why they got to delete all those...
Do you think, I mean, just quickly, do you think there's any way for the Republicans or anybody
to judo this? If they're serious and sincere, they'll start doing it after January 6th, 2023.
All right, Bob Barnes with us another segment. Don't go anywhere.
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get yours today at theironpatriot.com. Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
Talk this one up with the Alex Jones was right list. He was right about this decades ago,
specifically in response to the Patriot Act. FBI whistleblower leaks bureau's domestic terrorism
symbols guide on militia violent extremists citing Ashley Babbitt. Leaked FBI list reveals
gads and flags, second amendment, revolutionary war imagery as domestic terrorism symbols.
I remember just going back, I wasn't watching Alex Jones at the time, but when I would watch
older Alex Jones shows from post 9-11 in the coming weeks and then past the Patriot Act,
he always said this is going to be used against the American people. It's going to be used to
demonize American symbolism. Just totally proven. Now, I don't know if this is the same FBI whistleblower
that leaked the documents to the GOP about how the FBI was targeting conservatives and how the FBI
was pressuring DA's and other investigators to label Trump supporters domestic terrorists,
but this is right up the list. If it's not the same FBI whistleblower, it just adds more power,
I think, to this information coming out that multiple people inside the FBI are trying to
warn America. So, I mean, what is your response to this? So now if you have an American flag,
a Gadsden flag, a second amendment logo or anything like that, the FBI considers you a domestic terrorist.
Well, there's two origins for this. The first is the Pactcon FBI conspiracy to create a fake
militia movement in the United States in the early 1990s to infiltrate and instigate violence
as a pretext and grounds to justify its surveillance and its budget in a post-Cold War era.
They denied that existed. They claim that they withheld the evidence during the Oklahoma City
various trial proceedings. They withheld it from the public and only got disclosed,
I think, in 2008. They finally revealed, oh, yeah, we actually had a fake militia movement.
What came out in the Whitmer trial recently? The FBI has recreated a fake militia movement
they had people taking fake oaths to in order to instigate and originate and create crimes that
didn't otherwise exist. What's stunning about what you're talking about, and I mean, we need
a master list, honestly, it might be out there, but there needs to be a master list. The majority
of mass shooters had prior contact or the FBI was aware of them, or there's been cases where
there was a Dallas shooter a couple years ago, you just mentioned the plot to kidnap the governor,
literally were FBI plots. It was literally 100% FBI agents that ran the whole thing,
and then whoever was not a fed that got caught up in it, they end up getting charged.
Oh, exactly. And if you go a little bit further and you go a little bit deeper and a little bit
wider, you'll find there's another parallel to all of this, and it's called the so-called labeling
of illegal tax protesters. This was the IRS chose to label people who raised questions about the
legal scope of the income tax and its application to them as individuals were being secretly labeled
ITP illegal tax protesters inside their internal IRS databases, and then they were being discriminated
against, being targeted for audits, being discriminated against and denied their due process rights
under the various due process laws that apply to the taxpayer bill of rights passed in 1998,
so on and so forth, from some litigation that I held brought that led to an end to that,
because it was a clear due process violation. Remember, then go back to Lois Lerner creating
a Tea Party and target list that actually originated out of targeting so-called tax protesters.
Same deal to use, weaponize the IRS to go after people who are dissidents and their political
adversaries of the then Obama administration. Now look at what's happening. We're seeing a
parallel of it again. We're seeing the FBI with whistleblowers reporting and disclosing
that they're being encouraged to dummy up fake cases, not go out and investigate a crime that's
reported, but go out and either create a crime by entrapping someone into doing a crime or simply
relabel something, a crime that it isn't solely in order to meet their performance metrics,
which require they identify a bunch of people as domestic terrorists who in fact are not actually
domestic terrorists, and labeling political activists in that category as long as they're
the political adversary of the Biden administration. You're going to see the same thing now happen at
the IRS level. There's a reason the Biden budget has a bunch of money for a bunch of new IRS agents
to go out and harass and harangue people. You can bet that they're going to be targeting
the political dissidents, those who disagree with the Biden administration,
those who question and contest the institutional narrative on any topic of importance to the
Biden administration. So we're going to see what happened in the past come back to us in real
live time. You know, I want to be historically accurate in my description of the modern day
Democrat Party, and I'm not the most well researched historian, but I've learned a lot over the years.
And where the Democrat Party is going right now, it really is. It has all the earmarks.
It has all the trademarks of a totalitarian, authoritarian, oppressive, and eventually
murderous regime. Everything that they're doing, the censorship of their opposition,
the imprisonment of their opposition, the persecution of their opposition,
the lies and the propaganda that they tell 24 seven, their attempts to steal and rig
elections. I mean, I just see all of it. The false flags, the false flags. I mean,
just these small, I mean, don't act like that wasn't a Democrat playing false flag to demonize
Trump supporters. Come on, man. So where do you look at the Democrat Party right now as far as the
history of evil on this planet is concerned? Because to me, they're like one or two clicks away
from being as murderous and evil as some of the most evil murderous groups this planet's ever seen.
I think the greater danger isn't just their politics and their policies, but it is their
lack of competence and capabilities that they could lead us bumbling and stumbling into another
global war. And this time a global war with two nuclear powers in Russia and China. That to me is
the most imminent existential threat that they present. Now there's like a Pelosi getting on
a plane and going to Taiwan for a photo op exactly like funding a neo-nazi corrupt regime regime in
Ukraine and trying to trigger Russia in every way possible to trigger a potential nuclear war
with the greatest nuclear arsenal in the world. By the way, the Biden administration announced
550 million for Ukraine two days ago. Today they just announced another 185 billion. Yeah, I mean
just the money is pouring in and why get it's a deep state budget that's basically meant to come
back to a lot of US connected politicians and enrich the hunter-bidens of the world. The fact
that we're continuing to funnel arms, dangerous arms into a conflict that will only lead to
escalation of that conflict creates undue and unnecessary risk. And we do this right on top of
trying to do something in the Balkans just as early this week in Kosovo, which is what led to World War
I, what got triggered there. So these people are so incompetent and so dangerous in their policies
and their political preferences that they could lead as bumbling and stumbling unintentionally
into global nuclear war. And that's if they don't screw up the planet with their various vaccines
that are not really vaccines that are portrayed as safe, that are not portrayed as effective,
that are not. And we're seeing more and more accumulating injuries. How many doctors in Canada
have to die? How many people have to continue to drop dead celebrities, sports stars for unexplained
reasons? They will be literally, sudden adult death syndrome is somehow a thing now. New thing,
yeah. I mean, it's called sad. I mean, you couldn't make this up if you were like a dark version,
a nihilistic version of Babylon B, you couldn't come up with these headlines. And yet that's
what's happening. So between the public health arena and the foreign policy arena, that's where
they pose the greatest risk of serious problems at a lasting level for the entire globe.
Isn't it surreal though? I mean, it's so surreal to be witnessing all of this and I mean, to be kind
of in the center of it in a way right here at Info Wars. I mean, I can't even believe it
coming from somebody who really hasn't even been political or following news for maybe but 10 years
now. I mean, it's just wild to think about the history that we're living, to think about the
history we're witnessing. Men are women, men can get pregnant. I mean, total political persecution
just outright lies and propaganda from our government, from the mainstream media. I mean,
it really is twilight zone science fiction level dystopia that we're entering. And you just hope
like, when is the awakening going to happen? I mean, we're still humans, we still have
consciousness, we still can think critically like, when does the mass awakening happening,
realizing where we're going right now if we don't reverse course quickly?
What we're seeing is sort of little episodic moments of some of the worst times in world
history all happening at the same time, whether it's the eugenics movement of the early 20th
century and World War One and the rise of Nazis and socialism and fascism and communism in the
1940s, whether it's in how the brutal South responded to civil rights movement with weaponizing
the legal system against dissidents and civil rights activists, whether it's the criminalization
of political disagreement, which we've seen only sporadically in the history of the United States.
We're seeing all of this happen at the same time. Why? It's not because they have great power.
As Michael Mallis said, the fact that you could have a guy wearing a buffalo hat be considered
a scary insurrectionist in the middle of the Capitol and that you have a dementia candidate
like Joe Biden as president is not a sign of the strength of the system, just as their retaliatory
methods are not the sign of the strength. It's a sign of a despairing dying system that knows
it is at the end of its rope because the mass public, the great awokening led to the great
awakening and the great awakening is going to revolutionize the world, but they're going to
do everything imaginable to stop that from happening before it actually reaches critical mass.
So that's why you're seeing such global risk being taken by the globalist in general,
whether it's war, whether it's public health disasters, whether it's incompetent politicians.
We will indeed live in interesting times because we have people that are waking up to the reality
of the world and trying to make a difference every way they can.
So now realize we have pushed them out of the light, we have pushed them out in the open and
they are so upset and they are so scared. So while you still can, because any day can be our last
broadcast, spread the word about the show, share the article, share the videos and please fund us
while getting great products at the same time at infowarstore.com. Books, films, t-shirts,
great supplements, vitamin real fusion, body cells maturmeric formula, ultra 12,
diet for so much more right now at infowarstore.com. But whatever you do, pray for justice and pray
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vitamin mineral fusion. If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
By officiating the unproven theory that petroleum oil is a non renewable fossil fuel,
the oil companies were able to adjust the price accordingly all the way into the peak oil scare
that foretold the collect of the world soon running out of oil, which further benefited the
industry pricing schemes. The wells never did go dry and the one once emptied filled back up.
So the science we have today favor the abiotic theory over the fossil fuel theory, which is that
oil is a natural renewable component of our ecosystem. And we see this in our oceans,
underwater methane lakes deep beneath the surface with their own unique thriving ecosystems.
And so the story changed from the world will soon run out of oil to the world will most
certainly end if we don't stop using oil. And because nobody seems to know what science is
anymore and most people just do as they're told the world is about to end for millions of people
and probably more because our civilization is built upon fossil fuels and the powers that
be are turning them off. Winter is coming and Germany is set to be very cold. Angela Merkel
saved her political career by appeasing the anti nuclear movement and shutting down Germany's
nuclear power. Out of 17 plants, they have already shut down 11 and are still in the process of
shutting down the rest, removing 25% of their power without anything to replace it because
their green deal turned out to be a failure. After all the hype, Germany's dependence on
fossil fuel is at 76%. So they are temporarily switching back to coal and oil. But that's
a real problem because they've neglected their own fuel industry and become dependent upon Russia's
and the German government would rather have the country freeze to death than buy fuel from Russia.
The German economy is based on highly innovative production, which requires a great deal of energy
that they no longer produce. And so running out of fuel will quickly collapse the German economy,
which will cause a tsunami of economic destruction throughout the EU and the world.
And the German government is letting it happen. They could leave some nuclear plants online,
but they still plan on shutting it all down by the end of this year to stay green. Some
anti carbon environmentalists are saying that nuclear power is the greenest option. And maybe
that's true, but none of their schemes add up. So far, the green agenda has only successfully
accomplished making people feel good about themselves while they destroy their own society.
The EU and Britain are actually reverting back to burning wood as fuel and claim that it is
carbon neutral, which is a lie. Societies have steadily evolved towards a cleaner, more efficient
energy starting from wood, the least clean and efficient and moving to coal followed by oil
and gas. And now nearly 40% of Europe's renewable energy is wood, which mostly comes from clear
cutting forests in the United States. This new green deal is a complete lie. It's just another
part of the creepy elites great reset. These elite bloodlines want a new cashless society,
but one more like the Middle Ages, which for these spoiled inbreds is the good old days.
And if they succeed, it looks like Germany will get there first. And in the midst of all this chaos,
the German government is focused on allowing children age 14 and older to change their gender
and first names without parental permission once a year for as often as they want.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Ries.
InfoWars has been vindicated. We've been proven right. World government, the New World Order is
out of the open. And now more than ever, the forces of Satan are trying to shut down this
broadcast. The forces of anti-human, godless New World Order are out of control. So now realize,
we have pushed them out of the light, we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset
and they are so scared. So while you still can, because any day can be our last broadcast,
spread the word about the show, share the article, share the videos, and please
fund us while getting great products at the same time at infowarsstore.com. Books, films,
t-shirts, great supplements, vitamin real fusion, body cells metomeric formula, Ultra 12,
diet force, so much more right now at infowarsore.com. But whatever you do, pray for justice and pray
for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to win.
Thank you so much for joining us. I'll spread the word my friends. We're involved in an epic
historic battle.
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All right. Man, oh man, let's start playing some of these video clips that we have here.
Joe Biden, his new Inflation Reduction Act turns out to be a giant lie.
The Biden tax hikes would shrink the economy, kill tens of thousands of jobs, lower wages,
and worsen inflation. That's what the researchers that have read the actual act have determined.
And so Joe Biden lied. He lied about the bill and he lied about not raising taxes on Americans
in his campaign. And so here is a short clip put together showing you how Biden lied about not
raising taxes. President Biden breaking his promise not to raise taxes on the middle class.
The Senate Democrats looked to fast track a bill that multiple now nonpartisan experts say
would raise taxes on nearly all Americans. Give you my word as a Biden, no one making less than
$400,000 a year will see a penny in their taxes rate. The average tax rate for nearly
every income bracket would increase. I want to impose any tax increase on people making less
than $400,000. Taxes will rise by $16.7 billion in 2023 on Americans earning less than $200,000 a
year. No one earning less than $400,000 you will pay a single penny more in federal tax. Joe Biden
just drawn the line at $400,000 a year. The committee does say it would raise taxes on people
below that line. Yeah, Joe Biden, he's a liar. Democrats, they're liars. They are the political
corruption that this country needs to rid itself of. Even Obama said in, he was 2008 when he was
campaigning famously Obama said, you don't raise taxes during a time of inflation. You don't raise
taxes during a time of recession. Funny, even Obama knew that. And now the Democrats are doing
just that because they want to crush you. Don't you see the Democrat Party is all about crushing
you. Why do you think the poorest parts in America are all run by Democrats? Why do you think
cities that are run by Democrats have the highest crime rates, the highest poverty rates, and the
highest homelessness rates? It's by design. That's Democrat Party politics to crush you.
Because you're a bad human. Don't you see you're inherently bad because you're a human. You're
inherently bad because you're an American. And so therefore Democrats are here to crush you.
Get it? Better figure it out before they flatten us all. You're seeing it in real time.
Let's stick with this clown administration. Let's go to Karine Jean Pierre. Here she is
trying to promote the monkeypox vaccine in clip 20 and just ends up embarrassing herself.
I really need them. And so if you think about the 737,000 and the 300,000 plus that we have put
Yeah, she can't even talk. She can't even read off of her little pad that she has all of her
answers on. Oh boy, oh boy, by the way,
everybody knows that the monkeypox outbreak is is a direct causation or a direct correlation
to gay pride month. Everybody knows it. They were having their gay orgies. And now there's a monkey
pox outbreak. And they just say, Hey, you know, don't stop having gay orgies. That's not your fault
that you're spreading monkeypox. That's everyone else's fault. So they take the COVID approach
and say, we've all got to be locked down. We've all got to respond. We've all got to get the
monkeypox vaccines. Even though we know it's 99% of the cases are gay men having gay orgies.
And then there's a couple children that quote unquote had contact with gay men.
But hey, they want you to be afraid of monkeypox. They want you to take that monkeypox vaccine.
And then here's Karine Jean-Pierre embarrassing herself again, trying to make a joke about Joe
Biden's second or third or fourth bout with COVID or whatever's going on with him. Or he has cancer,
dementia ads, you know, it's a whole thing here's Karine Jean-Pierre failing to make a joke. Well,
the day's still young. You never know. But what the president is making a joke. Clearly it wasn't
a funny joke. I will try harder next time to be more funny. But look, he is continuing to work
from the residents. And I just want to share, as we all know, the president is fully vaccinated.
He's fully, he's double boosted. He was on treatment for Pax Lovett. And because of that,
still has COVID though. Our press secretary is a cabbage patch doll.
Our press secretary is a cabbage patch doll. Our president apparently has cancer or dementia or
permanent COVID or who knows. He's a joke. Kamala Harris is a cackling, bumbling idiot.
We've got a clip of her fumbling her way through a public press address yesterday. We'll play that
coming up. You've got multiple men in this administration that think they're women. And
you've got a drunken, decrepit, reanimated corpse, Nancy Pelosi flying around high on her own ego
that could potentially start a larger conflict with China and is certainly, certainly spitting in
the eye of China as her family makes millions of dollars in China. And she does insider trading
with computer chip and processor deals. Yeah, this country is in big trouble with the Democrat
party, not just in power, but existing. The, the very ideology of modern day liberalism
is a threat to all things that are pro-human, pro-freedom, pro-reality, pro-truth,
and in all things good. The Democrat party and modern day liberalism is a threat to all things
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You want to know why you had the final result on the abortion vote in Kansas yesterday?
Let me just read to you. Let me just read to you what was on the ballot and you tell me if you
have any freaking clue what you're voting for after I read this. So yes or no question on the
ballot in Kansas last night because this is subsection 22 if you voted in Kansas, regulation
of abortion. Because Kansans value both women and children, the Constitution of the state of
Kansas does not require a government funding of abortion and does not create or secure a right to
abortion. To the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States, the people through their
elected state representatives and state senators may pass laws regarding abortion including but
not limited to laws that account for circumstances of pregnancy resulting from rape or incest or
circumstances of necessity to save the life of the mother. Yes or no?
Do you have any idea what you're voting on? Do you know what a yes or a no vote means in that
situation? I can't make any sense of it and by the way this is what our politicians do to us
all the time. Whoever writes these things on the ballot, I don't get it unless the idea is to
intentionally deceive the voter. I don't know why they word it like this and really I mean look I
know how corrupt our politicians are. I know how deceiving and backstabbing and how much resent
they hold for the American voter in their heart but why would you want something so confusing on
the ballot if you're trying to get people to vote a certain way and now they don't even know where
which way they're voting? Did any of that make sense to you? I almost want to just open up the
phone lines people in Kansas and say do you think you voted right on this issue? Do you even know
what a yes or a no on this even means? But here's why I think here's why I'm pretty confident this
is written by liberals because they play a standard game here that pollsters play or that people that
make online polls play or that people that write these short essays that you have to go vote for
that don't make any sense. So they say because Kansans value both women and children right out
of the gate so that's all you're going to remember out of the gates. Oh I value women and children
and then at the and then what is the last thing? Save the life of the mother.
Now what do you think people are going to do? Are they going to vote yes or no when all they're
going to comprehend from that is value women and children save the life of a mother? How do you
think they're going to vote yes or no? That's all they could comprehend from this gobbledygook
that's on the ballot in Kansas. Of course they're going to vote yes. Now I don't even remember because
I just read it again on air. You vote yes you vote no I don't have a freaking clue what you just
voted for but guys pull it up for me so I can make sure I'm accurate here. I believe it was yes
that one it was like 60 to 40 I think in Kansas last night. Will you guys find that for me and
pull that up? Kansas is a conservative state usually a red state. I mean as long as you're not in
I guess where are the college towns there it's like Manhattan and where's the other college
town I can't remember so it actually ends up being no that wins. Now see that surprises me.
I think that the trickery of the wording there would get people to vote yes but maybe they were
so confused by the trickery they thought they were being tricked so they voted no. I can't tell you
after reading that whether a yes or a no is pro-abortion or anti-abortion or anything it doesn't
make any sense but no wins and they say see people love abortion in Kansas see it proves people
love abortion. I don't think people even knew what they were voting for and by the way I believe
there was more evidence of that last night when you look at some of these results most of the
people that go to vote probably have no freaking clue what they're voting for. I would say half the
people that go vote don't know who's running don't know what's on the ballot they just go vote and
just fill it out and that's part of the problem here and quite frankly that's what politicians
from both parties know and that's why there's so much corruption because they know the average American
voter is ignorant and so that's why they run all kinds of deceptive ads and propaganda to trick
them and to pull at their emotional heartstrings knowing that this ignorant voter is going to go
in there but it's going to remember maybe one ad or maybe one thing that tugged at their emotional
heartstrings maybe that's abortion maybe it's something else and then they're going to go vote
and they don't even know what they're voting for and that's a big problem that we have is ignorant
voters but you're not allowed to talk about hey should you have to be informed to go vote should
you be able to read to go vote should you even know who or what you're voting for to go vote
you're not allowed to do that that's considered racist and then when you realize all the other
things that the american left and the democrat party has done to our country under the guise of
fighting racism that's been so damaging maybe you go back and reevaluate that maybe you do
now i said i would play this kamala harris clip so let's go it now here's kamala harris on a zoom
call addressing some uh young americans or i don't know i mean this woman is so pathetic this woman
is such a joke the democrats think well joe biden isn't really a good thing so let's get rid of him
but then they see who's in the depth chart behind him and it's kamala harris and they say whoa
actually never mind we'll stick with joe biden imagine that you're so abysmal you're such a
joke that the democrats would rather have joe biden remain in power with the lowest approval
ratings of all time then go to kamala harris who has the lowest vice presidential approval ratings
of our time uh here's the latest embarrassment from kamala harris in clip 23 that's the vice
president well can we give it up for the first second gentleman of the united states of the
look at all the learnings and i'm listen let me just i want to talk about my husband for a second
my husband i love my husband um what let me tell you one of the things that has been so
wonderful to see about who we are as democrats and who joe biden is when he said i know that a
woman can be vice president right is that with that came another history making event which
is there is now not a second lady but a second gentleman and what that means let's think about
it because i'm gonna talk for a moment in a moment about what we stand for as democrats
oh and a lot of what we stand for if you want to step back and think about higher taxes communism
killing babies open borders the possibilities possibilities have an ability to see what is
possible what can be unburdened by what has been no you are the burden you literally are the burden
on human potential you are the governor on human possibilities well have you noticed
why do democrat women always talk differently depending on their crowds have you notice that
aoc does it hillary clinton does it kamala harris does it even amy clobachar has done it
reshita to leave why do they have different ways of talking depending on who they're talking to
have you noticed that they have different ways of speaking and because their frauds and their
phonies so they hide behind changing the way they speak to pretend they're smart info wars has
been vindicated we've been proven right world government the new world order is out of the
open and now more than ever the forces of satan are trying to shut down this broadcast the forces
of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize we have pushed them out of
the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset and they are so scared so well
you still can because any day can be our last broadcast spread the word about the show share
the article share the videos and please fund us we're getting great products at the same time
at infowarstore.com books films t-shirts great supplements vitamin real fusion body cells
matrimonial formula ultra 12 diet for so much more right now infowarstore.com but whatever you do
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but humanity is not being caught flatfooted because of info wars and because of your support
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battle that you spread the word and that you support liberty and that you warn people like
you've never done before we have come so far together please help keep us on the air we're
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now infoworkstore support is changing the world and this is the final 75 three-point set exclusively
available at 1776.com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
live from the info wars.com studios you're listening to the alex joneshow and now your host oren shroyer
you know if you really want to see how evil the current establishment is if you really want to
see how evil the democrat party is i just encourage people just get a little politically active
that's all you got to do just get a little politically active here's an example the louden
county parents that go to the school board meetings what happens to them democrats call
them domestic terrorists show up at their houses threaten them boy that didn't take much did it
they just showed up at a school board meeting next thing you know democrats call them domestic
terrorists so that's why i'm always encouraging people to just find your own outlet find your own
way to get involved find your own way to get active it's not going to be media for all people it's not
going to be school boards or running for office for all people might not be activism for all people
but find find your lane find your role and just get a little politically active you got to america's
in trouble right now freedom is in trouble right now our way of life is in trouble right now just
get a little politically active just take a single political action and you're going to find out real
quick how evil the american leftist they are going to come after you and you're going to be stunned
it is going to be a major awakening process and that's what the case has been for a lot of americans
that have just just gotten a little politically active maybe they go to a school board meeting
maybe they go to a city council meeting maybe they run for office maybe they start a podcast and
then what happens all the sudden you've got this massive group of liberals and leftists coming
after you're trying to destroy your life and then you realize wow we really are dealing
with serious political corruption and evil in this country and you know here's just another
example steel dossier accused trump associate of trying to buy russian oil shares actually bought
by hunter biden linked firm and i've talked about this before how the entire trump russia
collusion narrative which was made up and written by hillary clinton and her campaign
might have originally been targeting joe biden and all the narratives about the hookers and
the bank deals were actually all meant to target the biden's because it really all came up during
the presidential primaries of 2016 and it was hillary clinton trying to remove joe biden from
the process and it worked and they ran a hit piece on biden in the new york times early or late in
2015 or early 2016 i can't remember they ran the hit piece talking about biden and his connections to
russia and his son's connections to russia just a little blurb in the new york times kind of just
a little threat little threat from the clinton's letting the biden's know we'll come after you
with the long knives we know what you and hunter are up to in russia we know about the hookers and
everything so the biden said okay we don't want any of this we'll back out hillary it's yours
and then all hillary's team had to do was replace the name hunter biden with donald trump
and they all ran with it so i'm not of the firm belief that all the russian collusion bullcrap
that came from the clinton campaign about trump was meant for hunter biden but i am certainly
curious if that is not the true origin story and when you see this it adds a little more confidence
in my belief that the entire russian collusion story was actually about the biden's and not trump
so yeah oh it was donald trump was doing business with this bank donald trump was doing business
with this russian oil firm uh no it was actually hunter biden with the bank accounts with the
russian oil firms with the mayor of moscow caught human trafficking that's the biden's
so there it is just yet again every dang time every single freaking time man
all right let's do this this is an odd one here donald trump bed mister golf course
hosts the hosts the live golf tour and there's a bunch of kerfuffle about this right now the
saudi arabians basically buying professional golf and all these golfers are going over there
because they make a lot more money and basically the live golf tour has come up so fast now it's
competitive with the top professional golf tour in the world for years the pga and so trump has the
live event at his golf course and by the way it these live events seem to be like the most fun
events everybody's loving it they embrace tradition they embrace american culture and freedom and
everything you don't really get that as much as the pga they got to be a little more politically
correct after all so there's these trump chance that break out four more years chance that break
out f joe biden chance let's go by brandon chance tucker carlson shows up marjorie taylor green
shows up i think maybe even matt gates main appearance trump's driving around giving funny
comments to the media and this just enrages liberals i'm telling you folks i'm telling you
and you know i i try to be a little more you know info wars has to be the voice of urgency
in all this we just have to be as the people that hit the front lines and hit the barbed wire first
we have to be the voice of urgency and that's legitimate that's that's real but see i i i
realized something and this is why a lot of times i like to back off and chill out and and relax
the democrats and the liberal left hate more than anything else you having fun
the democrats and the liberal left hate more than anything else you enjoying life
that is their ultimate pet peeve when they see americans enjoying life when they see
conservatives and christians enjoying life it boils their insides like you can't even imagine
and yeah that's what you get that's video compilation you have on the screen right now
do you want to know why liberals are so angry and raging all the time because they hate seeing
you enjoy life they hate life they're miserable they want you to be miserable with them so when
they see donald trump and tucker carlson and margie taylor green and a giant golf tour having fun
having drinks having fun chance having laughs they are enraged so a lot of times i just like
to back off and say hey you know what let's have some fun we're all on this planet together we're
all in this crazy world together there's a lot bigger things than us out here sure we like life
we like freedom we like prosperity we're going to battle politically to ensure all that
against the democrat plan to destroy us but so now all the sudden funded by both republicans
and democrats they're running anti-trump ads because he has the saudi arabian golf tour at
his golf course so now this ad is going around television all the sudden saudi arabia's involvement
in 9 11 is a big issue to our establishment and to democrats and republicans they never
seemed to care before but now they're running this ad against donald trump in clip 27 there's
a murder on 9 11 i live every single day without my father fb i files show the saudi government
was involved this golf tournament is taking place 50 miles from ground zero it's disgusting
worse than a slap in the face you're taking money from an evil regime these are 3000 americans that
were killed on american soil how much money to turn you back on your own country 200 million sure
i'll forget about the atrocities i'm never gonna forget never gonna forgive the golfers for taking
this blood money so that's a 9 11 justice thing uh that's sadly now being used as a political weapon
against donald trump really sad but oh when it came out that it was saudi arabians i mean who
knows the truth about 9 11 i mean you know 10 passports or whatever 10 ids of saudi arabians
on top of a mountain of rubble and molten lava perfectly preserved for the investigations to
take place if you believe that okay so they say saudi arabians did it saudi arabian government
do it but now it's a golf tournament more than 20 years afterwards and that's what you're upset about
not the weapons that we've been sending to saudi arabia for years not the deals that we've been
cutting with saudi arabia for years democrats and republicans both not the saudi arabians
destroying yemen with the weapons that we give them no no no no no no no none of that's a problem
now that donald trump has a golf tournament donald trump has a golf tournament at his course
from a saudi arabian golf league and now the now all the sudden saudi arabia's involvement in 9
11 is a big deal and now we're gonna run national ads about it to demonize donald trump these people
are such phonies it just makes me sick i can't wait till we rid ourselves of these phonies the
world is going to be such a better place oh my gosh info wars has been vindicated we've been proven
right world government the new world order is out of the open and now more than ever the forces of
satan are trying to shut down this broadcast the forces of anti-human godless new world order are
out of control so now realize we have pushed them out of the light we have pushed them out in the
open and they are so upset they are so scared so long you still can because any day can be our
last broadcast spread the word about the show share the article share the videos and please
fund us we'll get great products at the same time at info wars store dot com books films t-shirts great
supplements vitamin real fusion body cells of a turmeric formula ultra 12 diet for so much more
right now info wars store dot com but whatever you do pray for justice and pray for freedom and
pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice to win thank you so much for joining
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lies of the new world order it's alex jones
ladies and gentlemen i have to remind you about prepare today dot com
i'm seeing more videos than ever and i'm getting these messages from people that work in agriculture
and farming saying hey our price to pay uh here is is quadrupling since biden got in and those
prices have not really hit the market yet food prices are still expected to double in the next
year and that's just what's going to be available on the shelves so we've warned about this we saw
the coming supply chain issues it's all part of a globalist world economic forum democrat agenda to
starve you out and make you poor and then force you into the massive city civic center super
cities like in judge dread and that'll be the only place where you get access to food or water
or air conditioning or heat in the winter now we may not ever get to that dark place where the
democrats and the globalist want to take us but that's the course we're on right now so
i suggest you go to prepare today dot com and prepare yourself folks get the emergency food
supplies get the emergency water supplies get all the emergency supplies at prepare today dot com so
if we reach that dark place you won't be forced to go in to these globalist ghetto dens in order to
survive because that's going to be the last thing you want because that's going to lead to serfdom
and slavery and that's where this globalist plan goes and then of course just depopulation by illegitimate
rule too many humans on the planet you're consuming too much energy you just got to die but if you can
be independent in this coming globalist democrat agenda then you might be able to survive it so
let's hope it doesn't get there but in case it does you're going to want to have emergency food
supplies go to prepare today dot com and get yourself prepared all right um quickly i am
going to be hosting the war room coming up i i tend to take a lot of phone calls on the war room
today we haven't taken too many phone calls this week so i'll be taking a lot of phone calls
coming up on the war room another great video at band out video from badass uncle sam xl pipeline
worker reveals how gun toting feds forced his team to abandon job site and how serious and
scary it was that situation you can find that on badass uncle sam's channel and band out video and
so here's the truth a lot of americans are suffering because of the inflation a lot of americans are
suffering because their jobs have just been shut down or null nulled and void by our politicians
by democrat party policy whether it's shutting down the oil sector uh energy sector or whether
it's just all the covet madness that is that's never gonna go back to normal people are struggling
but oh whoopee goberg she thinks she's got it out this is one of the dumbest people in the history
of television she thinks she's got it all figured out why people are struggling struggling so much
in clip 22 slam on young people but if you have worked your behind off you've tried to move yourself
up the ladder you talk about people can't get gas they can't buy food they can't put their
children through through any kind of college that's because they're paying off these freaking student
debt so oh everything student loans everything is student loan debts that's the problem now folks
as somebody who's who did have uh i mean right on the verge of six figure student loan debt
they actually make these things extremely manageable i mean you can get you can be like
a hundred thousand dollars in student loan debt and you can get it down to like paying
less than a hundred bucks a month and you can even defer the payments as long as you want now
the whole thing is a scam don't get me wrong college degrees about 90 percent of them are
totally worthless the entire university system now is 90 percent just indoctrination um
but to sit here and act like college student loan debt is the reason why people are struggling in
the economy is absurd and again it just shows how out of touch with reality will be goldberg is
i'm not sure she's ever had to take on that show that's grounded in reality at all everybody knows
again it's being in student loan debt sucks don't get me wrong but you can defer them you can get
your payments down as low as possible it's not student loan debt that is crushing this country
economically it's not even on the radar map but notice what she mentioned before she blamed it on
student loan debt she said food prices going up energy prices going up gas prices going up
oh well what's that the result of democrat party policy that liberals like whoopie goldberg vote for
by the way do you think whoopie goldberg ever had to worry about student loan debt you think any
of whoopie goldberg's family if she has it would love her up to worry about student loan debt of
course not she's got millions of dollars but she's going to tell you why you're struggling financially
as she votes for all the policies that cause you to struggle financially and then goes on tv
like the arrogant bimbo that she is pretending like she cares about you pretending like she has
any clue what's going on in your life it's really pathetic that the view is still on television
isn't it that show should have been canceled years ago i you know i just can't get off of this it's
just it's stuck in my crawl now i just you know i the thing that separates info wars from everybody
else and and i don't know if it's the actual ability to have foresight accurately like a great chess
player would have but but in the political realm or as it's just that we're willing to go there
we're willing to open those gateways in our mind and we're willing to broadcast what we find here
on the air so just like info wars sadly has predicted all the bad things that have happened
and because of democrat policy republican policy globalist policy world economic forum build back
better great reset policy just like we've been able to predict all the bad things that would come of
that it's easy enough it's just a cause and effect but we can have that foresight we can broadcast
that knowing that that what the plans are i can do the same thing with with good like i can see
how the world can get it be a better place just like that just like we can see all the things
that are causing america to become a worse place just like we can see all the things that are
causing the world to become a worse place i can see all the things that would cause the world to
be a better place and it's that's what's so frustrating in my head and and maybe there needs
to be a change of operational thought process in my head where we've already shown you all the bad
things we've already shown you what's going to happen we've already shown you where it's all going
maybe we change our vision of foresight to the good of the future the potential good of the future
and instead of the potential bad that we've already now experienced i mean we're living in the alex
jones world we're living in the new world order we're living in everything alex jones said coming
true now uh that's why he's battling for his life right now see how that works but see i can see what
could be happened i could see what could happen that would cause things to be better you get the
view off of television indoctrinating women that watch it every day do you have any idea how much
better this country would be that's just that's just like a fraction of a fraction of the good
if the if people in america understood the true history of the democrat party if people in america
understood the true policies of the democrat party they would not vote for them anymore
if people understood that tuning into the view you're getting a sewer rot of intellect they wouldn't
tune in they wouldn't have any influence if people knew that cnn and msnbc and all these people were
literally fake news they wouldn't tune in they wouldn't have that influence and the world would
actually be a better place and that's what's so frustrating and i was talking about this to alex
stein last night how we can get along with liberals even if they hate our guts we can
disagree vehemently and at the end of the day still want to break bread and and accept that
we're still all humans on this planet sharing this experience together they don't have that same
sentiment they hate you they want you dead and gone but see that's what's so frustrating is
is i just realized that it's their policies that are destroying us i just realized that if their
ideology that's in the way and if we got rid of it it wouldn't be a problem common sense stuff
like lowering taxes common sense stuff like having a border common sense stuff like going
after real criminals and making sure that they can't get back out to commit violent crimes again
common sense stuff like a good guy with a gun stops the bad guy with a gun
common sense stuff that the liberal american democrat left has completely removed from the
conversation and demonized as an ideology all common sense stuff the democrats destroying
the nuclear family the democrats destroying the major inner cities and i just can see the world
without any of it i can see america without any of it i can see the world and america without
any more democrat policy without any more liberal influence and i mean folks it's the most prosperous
society that you've ever imagined will actually have innovation will actually have new engineering
will actually have new sources of energy will actually lower the poverty rates lower the crime
rates all of it and it's just these damn democrats and these damn liberals and these damn globalists
standing in our way because they hate you i don't have hate for them i want us all to experience
what the world can be but they're sitting there like the little devils minions that they are
wanting to destroy humanity info wars has been vindicated we've been proven right world government
the new world order is out the open and now more than ever the forces of satan are trying to shut
down this broadcast the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize
we have pushed them out of the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset
they are so scared so well you still can because any day can be our last broadcast
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right now at info wars store dot com but whatever you do pray for justice and pray for freedom and
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if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
you remember how earlier i said all you gotta do is just get politically active even to a small
degree and you will find out very quickly how evil liberals and democrats are a ron johnson
spokeswoman is finding this out the hard way alexa henning she says the washington post reached out
to me at 10 18 a.m asking for comment i replied at 10 49 a.m asking for a deadline and at 11 0 7
a.m i get a would be for today story goes up at 11 0 8 a.m without my comment the hit pieces were
already written they don't care about being for a fair telling you folks you just start taking a
little political action just a little and you will find out the true evil forces that exist in this
country politically they will be through you and you will learn real quick who are the good guys
and who are the bad guys all it takes is just getting into the arena and slowly but surely
more people are figuring that out now quickly what did i tell you in the last segment about
the death cult known as liberal democrats here is ari fleischer on fox news and and this is true
this is what the left is banking on a total death cult and a commitment to people to believe in their
death cult to drink the jim jones kool-aid here it is from ari fleischer especially during the
august recess but that's also going to mean that that republican senators will will have to use
parliamentary maneuvers to keep this thing afloat through the vacation i hope they do that
yeah i i don't see how this is a political winner for the democrats unless they're counting on the
left wing base of the democrat party that just thinks the world's going to end in 12 years
or now i guess we're down to 10 or 8 for them to no longer sit on their hands and get out to vote
because of all the hundreds of billions of subsidies that are going to cause is that
i suppose they support but the bigger damage too is this bill really should be named the
raised taxes and pushed the economy deeper into recession act i have never in my entire career heard
of somebody who thinks it's good public policy to raise taxes here as the nation is entering a
recession that prolongs recessions that doesn't stimulate the economy that doesn't give you the
help that you need it makes things worse and why for really what's essentially corporate welfare
this is a gigantic spending bill to give money to green corporate welfare and that's what so much
of the green industry has grown up into without subsidies they would never be competitive would
never exist and the more subsidies you give them the more they're just hooked on government
and that's what this bill does and joe and look the proof is in the pudding here because
if liberals and democrats really believe the nonsense they pushed about man made global
warming or climate change or ice age or whatever is there promoting the latest phenomenon of the lie
they never live by what they claim they still drive cars they still fly on planes they still
have air conditioning in their 10 mansions they don't they don't live any of the things they believe
they'd go live in caves they'd be living out on the lake on a river on a creek but no they're not
because they know it's all a lie they just want to scare you into giving over your freedom they
just want to scare you into giving over your future your fortune your wealth they want to control
you but that's what it is they have to convince everybody that the planet is going to end in
12 years and then use that fear to control you and then just kind of put it in another way
you know they keep saying they need our money to fight global warming they keep saying they need
our money to do all this stuff they want to raise taxes and meanwhile they just give all this money
to ukraine so they've pretty much admitted that the dollar is fake they've pretty much admitted
the dollar has no value actually at all and they can just print it out of thin air so then tell me
why are you still paying taxes why are they still asking you to give them money to stop climate
change if the world is going to end in 12 years or eight years or wherever we're at and they can
just send endless gobs of money to ukraine why are they coming at us for money they admit the
dollar has no value they print money at will they say the world is ending in eight years so go live
in a hut and then print 20 billion dollars and stop asking us for money but see because it's all
alive folks it's all about controlling your life and making you a slave in the name of manmade
climate change i'll be back hosting the war room in an hour taking your phone calls kate dally
takes over the alex joneshow right now on the other side of this break
the globalists are fighting around the clock to destroy the family to destroy heterosexual
relationships to annihilate our marriages and the studies are all clear the number one cause
of marital splits is that there's problems in the bedroom and the number one issue men have is a
rectile dysfunction ladies and gentlemen the left makes big jokes about this because they don't want
people having lasting good loving relationships they want to break up society and we are so excited
to have the number one natural male enhancement pill in the world available as a major sponsor now
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again get yours today at the ironpatriot.com hi welcome back to the alex joneshow i'm kate
deli your guest host from kate deli radio the kate deli show oh i have so much to talk about today
there's so many things i want to hit on hopefully i'll get to all of them uh i'll try but i i do
want to talk about a trick being played on the military right now and i also want to talk about
theories on the election there's some theories i want to go over uh with you but this is where i
want to start uh i was looking at this and couldn't could not believe my eyes again so i don't know if
you guys caught it most people don't because it's the commonwealth um it's over across the pond
and uh the commonwealth games of 2022 and again another opening i don't even know what you call it
why an opening ceremony i guess i'll call it a ceremony an opening ceremony just full of
weirdness uh like the worship of bail like the calf or the bowl with the huge horns and the red
blood eyes and and the audience members dancing around this thing like like they could not wait
to show this thing off this thing's huge huge and what do the bbc commentators say it's full of
light it's a symbol of free oh my gosh a symbol of free i don't even know what to say to this
except that we're in this time right now and we're not even noticing what is going on these
people are on the ground dancing and and bowing and making these horn signs to the to the bull i'm
sorry what does this have to do with sports what what in the world and they've got this so they got
this giant bull blood filled eyes you know chained and and and it's so i don't even know the word
for it i all i know is i like a little bail you know when i'm watching a good old game a london
squash want to want a little lucifer worship with my summer games when did our sports events become
this that's what i want to know because uh i don't know what they're going to do at the paris games
are the paris games of 2024 we're going to do a real human sacrifice and call it good and everyone's
going to dance around and act like this is a symbol of light too i i don't know this is nuts the
commonwealth games are referred to as the friendly games okay and these friendly games are like this
multi sport event so prince charles kicked off this this fun thing and and of course bail what was
bail you know if you read the old testament the canaanite god and of course uh why why did why
did we do that well creating idols and participating a lot of sexual immorality and sacrificing the
children you know the stuff we're doing now anyway at the 2012 olympics i don't know if you guys
remember but it was the hospital beds the green the grim reaper you know was that uh was that
foretelling or what did they know that was coming or what but also i just wanted to mention that
we've had these different games and i don't know if we're just the frog in the perpetual boiling
boiling water or what but something's wrong when we do not even notice what we're doing it has
nothing to do with sports give me a break what does it have to do with anything that we're playing
but i i i'm gonna i'm gonna wager with you guys that when we get to the 2024 olympics
it's gonna be bad it's gonna be the opening the opening ceremony everybody talks about
because i'll bet you they do some things very similar to this but you know it's interesting
as we're watching this play out and all these these these little sheeple they're dancing and
acting like it's the best thing they've ever seen what i what i was thinking was the bbc was
sitting there saying this is a symbol of light a symbol of freedom and i sat there and thought
this is how they do this all the time every false flag everything what you're seeing on the screen
well it's not what you're really seeing we're going to tell you what you're seeing right with
everything everything i've even brought up on this show it's basically we're here to give you this
auditory response as you're watching these things and we're going to continue to say it
it and continue to say it and continue to say it until you believe what we say and not what's
right before your eyes so the election fraud it was right before our eyes we all saw it right
but then they wanted to tell you you did not see it you didn't see it don't bring it up you're not
allowed to talk about it in america right now you're just not and no politician will discuss it
no one will even say a word and why because it goes all the way down to the city races a county
races state races that's why that's why they don't want all of their races known and so they don't
want to they don't want to look and see and one thing i will tell you about the election fraud
that's going on right now in every county mine included is the numbers are way up of turnout
so where turnout in my community was 26 on an election year right like 2016 2020 right on an
election year that's when it's the highest out of all four years everybody kind of comes out of
their closet in their basement you know to vote okay to do their duty but here's the deal usually
it's around 26 percent 25 percent and that's how it's always been it doesn't even matter what's
going on in society this county here was up to 50 percent some counties 100 percent and here's a
clue some counties 110 percent but you're not supposed to notice it you're not supposed to talk
about it you're not supposed to see it you're not even supposed to ask why and here's another here's
another hint for you if this was actually something that was occurring and we had this phenomenon
going on because even if you go back to the beginning of this country we still only had
about 25 percent because it was property owners okay so the numbers really haven't changed very
much most people they're sheeple they just don't care okay but if we had something phenomenal
going on like the 50 percent that we were told happened even in my own community well they would
be shouting that from the rooftops giving themselves a bunch of high fives and saying oh my gosh
we've made a history we've doubled the numbers not just up by a couple percentage points because
people have piqued interest because we have king fraud a lot in hormon at the helm no
because we're looking at across the board in america the all the rates are really really
high this is how they get some fraud in besides for the software problems this is what they do for
fraud they're actually padding the votes and making it look like they have these huge huge
turnouts so in your county i challenge you to take those numbers go to your county commissioners
whatever county you're in and say why are the numbers high because they're high all across the
board and it isn't because people are waking up it's because we have a problem and this was in 2022
all the numbers were high in the swing states it was like a hundred percent in the counties of the
swing states a hundred percent show up even my dead grandma really a hundred percent wow
that is the most phenomenal turnout don't believe it for a second don't believe it for a second so
this is where the american people have to step in and now start voicing some of the problems and
this is a problem that they're sort of padding over in the news oh yeah there was a 50% turnout
don't look here anyway on with the article this is what they're doing they're trying to tell you
don't look here totally normal we're not even going to specify that this is abnormal see what
i mean this is how they're doing it so go to your county commissioners and say you know what we have
a very very very big problem i also wanted to mention that the military is getting tricked uh the
military they're ignoring the court system completely ignoring it right now and this is a warning you
need to tell people about if you have friends and family in the military i have family in the
military always have here's the deal they're ignoring the courts on the vaccine mandate even
the court said you know sorry you can't do this what they're doing is they're saying okay well in
30 days don't show up for work military member because if you don't have your shots and you don't
have your your paperwork then we're going to get rid of you anyway and what it's doing is it's telling
the servicemen don't show up just don't show that's the trick it's a don't show trick so then they
can say they didn't show for work now you know we've got to they've gone AWOL now we're going to go
ahead with proceedings and we're going to um we're going to charge this military member make sure
that your military member friend or family keeps showing up for work and ignores what the military
is telling them because the court's already cited the fact that the military is going against that
says volumes to me and it should say volumes to you their numbers are very low people are not
signing up like they used to but then again we also have to question why do we have a full-time
military all the time in this kind of world with with what we have going on but also you know did
the founders really envision that or did they envision an army that was trained but ready to go
when when necessary it's a whole nother topic but i just wanted to let you guys know about the fraud
going on and how they're telling military members not to show up so that they can condemn them to
AWOL status and that's how they're getting rid of people so make sure your military member shows up
for work shows up for work regardless of what they're saying about the vaccine mandate and with all
the deaths coming in i know people are finally realizing that yes these shots are full of everything
judy mykovitz said last week hiv leukemia it's a death shot be right back on the alex jones show
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steer the ship onto a safe sound course there is nothing stopping we the people from making our own
rules and building our own society all we got to do is survive the crash and right now we still
have time to prepare the world fiat currency system is racing towards zero it's time to convert it
into hard assets now including food water and survival gear to keep us strong and at the ready
go to prepare today dot com for the essentials storable foods water filtration first aid power
and more at prepare today dot com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones welcome back to the alex jones show i'm your host guest host kate dally from
kate dally radio dot com glad you're joining me and uh those supplements that alex is always
talking about they're fantastic get extra get extra right now why so while supply chains are working
that's my biggest advice to people right now get ahead on some antibiotics get ahead on some
supplements the more supplements the better let's get away from pharma as much as we can but wow
we really need to stock up right now i'm talking about bail worship in the last segment i just
wanted to to remind you guys you guys remember 2016 new york when the the 50 foot replica of bail
went went on international tour and landed of course in new york in new york of course it
lands in new york because where else would it go and uh i just remember i remember doing a show on
it and thinking are we really here this is good we have a real problem recognizing the time that
we're in and i think a lot of us just want to just get through life and and you know have our
kids and go to work and it's stress enough just worrying about everything you have to worry about
and making the bills let alone figuring out where we're at with our society right now it's kind of
scary but uh i just i wanted to bring this up because i really actually am a fan of reagan always
was a fan of reagan um but and i'm not really poking at reagan i'm just poking at what he's saying
and you know there's a clip that keeps going around and i think ted cruz even put it out on
a meme and it said basically you know a recession is when you lose your job and of course a depression
is when our recessions when your neighbor loses a job depression is when you lose your job and of
course jimmy carter needs to lose his job that's recovery okay so they have been um posting this
everywhere and i've been seeing this but the other part of the speech is what bothered me and i wanted
to bring this up because it's a really great lesson and a lesson that we seem to go along with but
we never ever talk about we don't we don't realize the truth about this lesson in his speech that he
gave that day he said now he was talking about us and he said they helped to build the magnificent
city across the river our forebears okay they spread across the land building other cities
and other towns and incredibly productive farms they came to make america work uh they didn't
ask what the country could do for them but what they could do to make this the refuge the greatest
home of freedom in history but then he said then he said his answered all this misery he tried he's
talking about jimmy carter his answered all this misery he tries to tell us we're only in a recession
not a depression um as if definitions words relieve our suffering that's true but then he
said this let it show on the record that when the american people cried out for economic help
jimmy carter took refuge in a dictionary now you really could look at that and you could
look at king fraud a lot you could say we're doing the same thing right now and we're kind of
along the same lines but i brought this up because when he said let it show on record that the people
cried out for economic help we were never supposed to get economic help from our government we were
never supposed to be crying out for anything and what that speech did was it sort of reinserted
this wrong belief that we as as members of a free capitalist system were supposed to be able to
strengthen that and not have government compete with us like in you know the yellow pages test
when you can go into the yellow pages and if government has an entity that does it then
if you find it in the yellow pages you shouldn't be doing it too for government well the problem is
is that we have been trained seriously trained to think that our government are the ones that we go
to for economic help that the president controls the economy he doesn't and he shouldn't and it
should not be this way and so that's why i've always brought up you know what about the states
why aren't the states controlling their oil you know within their states why are we always
looking to the feds when i was at freedom fest i interviewed a multi-billionaire okay and of
course he even reiterated the line about well the feds are in charge of gas and what that's the feds
no it's not it's not the feds it should be the states should be sovereign states but we should
never be crying out to our government for help i also wanted to bring up because we're talking
about presidents um you know this this election and what's happening right now and ever since 2016
it was kind of a weird turn of events was it wasn't it and so when we looked at hillary i remember
the saying she didn't think she would lose and i remember thinking something's really wrong with
that statement because the presidencies have been controlled for about 120 years started with
kernel house and behind the scenes pulling the little puppet strings and so a few got through
but they've always managed to get in the chosen candidate from one of the parties team a team b
and when one party you know when one side gets a little upset then they throw in the other team
so to them to those that really run things it's team a team b and so what if the whole
faked election fraudulent election was sincerely faked what if the whole thing was faked and we
brought this up i think gosh years ago um when um when trump got into office but then i really
actually started really liking trump and i really started liking what he was doing and you i thought
he was doing what he could in a very corrupt system which we know that if the president exercises
more authority than he has then that's not okay either it's always in congress's lap right but
congress doesn't want you to look there so all eyes are always on the president of the united
states now we have feeble what a joke king fraud a lot and hormala at the helm miss uh she and her
and i'm wearing a blue dress this is who we have at the helm but maybe they wanted it this way
maybe this was supposed to happen maybe as they swing us from the the right to the left to the
right to the left you know we spent eight years with clinton then we spent eight years with bush
and a lot of bad stuff happened under bush and then they gear us to accept obama half black
president with no past um and no birth certificate really i mean let's be honest and uh and of course
they brought him in as a moderate said he would get rid of the nsa but he didn't and he wasn't
going to and he only strengthened it and so you saw all these things happen and people are sort of
geared or like cattle and cattle guards you know we're sort of geared to the right and then to the
left do you guys remember when the tea party was at its helm and who did they stick in newt gingrich
newt gingrich was sort of like the fall guy he was supposed to go in and basically squash the tea
party most people don't realize that but uh but if you really examine history you'll notice that
whenever people started to rise up there was always somebody there at the helm as a leader to squash it
and so they knew that we would probably see right what was right before our eyes and election fraud
and be very upset because this was the most visible representation of it this was a in your
face citizen representation and so you know was it always supposed to go like this is this why
nothing's really happened is this why politicians are silent was it what is everybody playing their
part and is it gearing us more to the right so that again we get squashed because what was the
message of january 6 the whole fraudulent thing that happened at january 6 courtesy of our fbi
it was don't protest don't go anywhere don't go anywhere don't do anything just be worried and
sit in your home and sit in your recliner that was the message otherwise we'll ruin your life
fraudulently and give you trumped up charges and so people are afraid to speak out they're
afraid they're afraid of being targeted but what if that was the whole point what if the whole
entire thing was spanked and everybody played a part what if hillary was actually supposed to win
and they actually thought trump was their guy and they'd get him in and have him do the things
they wanted him to do what if he actually did have a change of heart see there's lots of theories
behind this and i always leave room for a miracle for somebody to change and for somebody to kind of
take on something new and i did feel like that got done but it's kind of interesting when you look
at all the different theories behind how big of a truman show are we actually in just thought i would
say that just to kind of get the wheels turning and i know you probably already thought of this
but now now that we're in 2022 maybe this is a really good time to sort of reflect on the last
120 years the presidencies are always bought be right back i'm k dally the globalist great reset
or the war for the world is here but humanity is not being caught flat-footed because of info wars
and because of your support ladies and gentlemen it is now more important than ever as we reach the
critical heart of the battle that you spread the word and that you support liberty and that you
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in the strange space between what we've known and what's to come and right now the most important
thing to remember is don't panic stay calm because now is the time that we must get our bearings
and steer the ship onto a safe sound course there is nothing stopping we the people from making our
own rules and building our own society all we got to do is survive the crash and right now we still
have time to prepare the world fiat currency system is racing towards zero it's time to convert it
into hard assets now including food water and survival gear to keep us strong and at the ready
go to preparetoday.com for the essentials storable foods water filtration first aid power and more
at preparetoday.com the globalists are fighting around the clock to destroy the family to destroy
heterosexual relationships to annihilate our marriages and the studies are all clear
the number one cause of marital splits is that there is problems in the bedroom and the number
one issue men have is erectile dysfunction ladies and gentlemen the left makes big jokes about this
because they don't want people having lasting good love and relationships they want to break up
society we are so excited to have the number one natural male enhancement pill in the world available
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info wars has been vindicated we've been proven right world government the new world order is
out of the open and now more than ever the forces of satan are trying to shut down this broadcast
the forces of anti-human godless new world order are out of control so now realize we have pushed
them out in the light we have pushed them out in the open and they are so upset and they are so
scared so well you still can because any day can be our last broadcast spread the word about the
show share the article share the videos and please fund us while getting great products at the same
time at infowarstore.com books films t-shirts great supplements vitamin real fusion body cells
mutomeric formula ultra 12 diet for so much more right now at infowarstore.com but whatever you do
pray for justice and pray for freedom and pray for the children and pray for free speech and justice
to win thank you so much for joining us i'll spread the word my friends we're involved in an epic
historic battle leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
welcome back to the alex jones show so glad you're listening in today i'm k dally your guest host
and happy to be with you i'm hoping i'm hoping you're having a good summer i really am because we
need to reprieve from some of this don't we this is kind of the biggest vacation time of the year
and i hope people are actually vacationing and and and realizing that we have a lot of blessings
in our lives too to be really grateful for those things because it's important it's important to
always have gratitude even though you see the country burning down and what are the politicians
doing over there watering flowers or they ignited the match whatever we're still in the situation
together and i do believe in you i believe in the american people i really do all you have to do is
travel around the united states just don't go into your major cities um but if you travel around the
united states it's a beautiful a beautiful place with really really great people and i also wanted
to say this about is the whole thing faked right because if you haven't thought of that you know
maybe we're too steeped into tribe mentality and that's exactly where they want us they want us
arguing they want us fighting over over what biden said today or hormala or whatever and you know
when they when they show them on camera see this is one thing that really got to me when they show
them constantly saying those things you know they're they're showing the missteps all the time they
want you to see the missteps they want you to see that he has dementia they want you to see he can't
read a teleprompter they want you to know what a buffoon um hoary lady that kamala is they don't
even like her who do they send over to taiwan nancy no one even wants nancy but she was the best of the
litter i guess and kind of reminds me of aoc's race when they interviewed 10 000 people and aoc
for for the job the theater production of congresswoman and they picked her this is all on on video
you can see this they picked her because she was the best and the brightest yeah aoc anyway can you
imagine what the other 900 99 it were i i don't even want to think about it but but we're in a
situation right now where we are told something but we're seeing something different we're told
we're a free nation we're still told that we're an exception but but what is actually going on in
our country and for 120 years yes they have bought the presidencies yes it has been very very controlled
can anyone get through to the presidency without being their guy or like in herbert hoover's case
herbert hoover when they got him they actually thought he was going to be the guy they wanted
him to be because he was pretty entrenched into these people but the problem was was he kind of
had to change a heart in office and he started doing things and listening to people that were
not part of the club not part of the mothership you know uh the cfr and so what did they do
they demonized him by calling it hoover's depression that's how that came about hoover's
depression and so yeah there have been people in history that have had a change of heart or if they
ever tried to out uh like the cia tried to out things uh jfk um or you know i'm his brother or
several presidents several presidents that had mysterious deaths you know if they if they try
to turn they kind of let them have it or let them have it but can a president get in no no
not unless they think they can control you or they think that they can control the puppet
strings because we know they're not actually running the country right we know that hormala
brought a lot are not running this country and i know you guys know that and so what it comes down
to is if they can keep you focused and in the tribes then they can still loot america right
which is what they're doing trillions of dollars disappearing just all the time right the day before
9 11 last year we had and this year we had trillions of dollars missing we have black holes
like nasa and all of these places where money is basically laundered so we have a lot of situations
where the i guess the they are able to loot it and loot it while we're focused on this
peripheral stuff over here and that's how it works so right now they want to keep us kind of geared
more to the right and this is why i think they're showing biden's frailties biden the lunatic uh
the lunatic left and everything is transgender and nobody knows what a woman is and nobody knows
what gender is i think even some liberal progressives are going seriously and so why do they want to do
that is it easier for us to bend to the right a little bit is it easier for us to kind of get us
to this point where then we sanction some sort of hero on the right to go in to save us this is the
problem though it's never going to save us it's never going to save us nobody's ever going to
save us we are we're the only ones that can do it and we need to do it in mass january 6 if millions
of people would have shown up 20 million people would have shown up do you think they could have
gotten away with that do you really think they could have gotten away with it because i don't
think they could have too many people would have shown up and that's why more and more people need
to show up all the time and that's really what's going to save this country is it's going to have
to be the silent majority that shows up that actually says we're not going to do this anymore
and get out of the tribes i think that's one of the big ones i'm still a registered republican in
my state because i have to be but i know what the party is about and i know how they control and i
think that's the biggest message is how do they control and it's kind of like the delivery system
of two messages let me explain why you have a defund the police which now all the liberals are saying
well we don't really mean it and then we have back the blue do you think that might be from
the same people because what does back the blue do it goes to the other way in the extreme back
the blue is there to say cops you can get away with whatever you want even if you become a
federalized unit it's fine no more local police it's okay we back the blue back the blue sounds
patriotic they want it to sound patriotic but the problem is is that it gives a blank check
that's not okay that's saying that no matter what you do it's okay because now we're so desperate
we need to back you you know never in my life did i ever feel like we had to say that we believed
in cops because pretty much all of you just figured that you know cops should be there right why back
the blue did back the blue was that really the message they wanted to get out was defund the
police the coin was that the was that the part of the message that you know yeah we're going to
shove this out front but really what we want people to do is say back the blue look at you've
all day right why did they show you that why did they say to you that the local cops screwed up
and it was ice that came in to save the day or the feds because they want to go to a federalized
police state i think both messages were devised by the same group i also think that they do this all
the time it's the bait and switch so everybody rushes to the defense of cops it's kind of like
saying i believe in books you know i will back the books well do we not have books of course we
have books but if it's a slogan then people think it's in trouble that's how it works they aren't
in trouble we just need to recognize that they're trying to impose more federalized police on us
than we already have local cops usually are not going to be the ones in a red flag situation to
take your gun local cops are usually because we're they're accountable they're in your neighborhoods
and i'm not talking about the badge heavy cops we have enough of those i'm talking about just
good cops i know you know some i know some but the deal is is that we kind of are giving them this
blank check and people are using it to get elected so what do they do i back the blue
just back the blue and then we go oh they must be a conservative and oh they must be a good guy
or a good woman if they just say back the blue it's a really great tactic pro life used to work
they used to just say i'm pro life and then everyone would go yay pro life but i'm never
going to do anything about it so same kind of thing it's a tactic so be careful of the tactics
i'm always looking at at things like this and thinking oh my gosh are we seeing what they
really wanted us to do in this case because you've all day was this great case for them to say
oh local cops will always mess up you really need ice you need ice to just be lingering around for
no apparent reason and they can come in and save the day i hate that message because i want the
local cops because i know they're more accountable and i know they won't screw me over in red flag
and we're gonna definitely have this red flag they're enticing the state so much since
biden signed that that they want those they want every single state in this great union
to take on red flag and red flag is absolutely the opposite of the constitution it rips apart so
many uh constitutional protections of god given rights and we have to be really watchful of that
it's a real disgrace and so you can just call up on anybody and get their guns taken and they
have to fight to get them back and really without a warrant judge just signs off on it it's a whole
system and they're gonna get really good at it for the patriots in this country i mean what's
better than to call up on the on a patriot and say oh yeah i think you're unstable yeah right
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welcome back to the alex jones show and kate dally your guest host and kate dally radio dot
com all right so if you're just joining us because i know people jump in and out of the car or
whatever the situation is i'll catch you up it's really quick actually we are literally
worshiping bail at every sports event now why sports i don't know we just are we better recognize
what we're doing as a world i sure hope we do this stuff cannot fly we cannot live in a world
where we're worshiping the very things we were warned about not worshiping give me a break um
also government has no authority to control the economy none whatsoever but we are trained
that government is in charge of the economy they're not and we need to get back to educating
the masses on this and get them out of that control mindset because we are the ones that
that that do what we do and that that's what built america on free enterprise so i also
wanted to mention the trick the military is being played the if you the military is not going with
what the court said they're actually going against it shame on them and they're telling people if you
don't get the vax 30 days you can't come back to work so people are not showing up and then what
they're doing is they're claiming that they went a wall has nothing to do with the shot right
they're just claiming they went a wall to get them out don't fall for it tell a military friend or
family member show up just keep showing up okay don't fall for that trick and it's really sad
that they're playing a trick like that when did our military become guinea pigs i don't know
and to all of you that have fought to all of you that are out there that are part of our military
you know god bless you because i i love our military i just don't want to see you guys get
messed over also get out of the parties nothing has ever been repealed in a hundred years why is
that because the train only moves one way both parties are in on it both parties behind the
scenes are one party and so you'll never see anything that we complain about on the right
is conservative ever get repealed there's a reason for that and there's a reason we have
huge omnibus bills packed with billions and billions and billions of dollars and how do
they get them through they just say it's for the military it's an easy excuse and we have a lot of
excuses as to why we can't get anything in that actually goes back to liberty and so in our freedom
and this is why the left the leftist communists i'm talking about the communist diehard communists
have really really seek to ruin this country to destroy it right from the inside out that's all
they're doing but the right isn't doing anything it's kind of like the capital police 140 officers
i guess just stood there with their arms down getting punched i guess um there wasn't a mark on
anyone else uh so it's kind of a one-way a one-way fight and if the right were actually as invested
as the left wasn't destroying the country if the right was standing up for we wouldn't be in this
pickle we wouldn't be in this hot mess that we're in so and back the blue is a tactic back the blue
is a tactic um and i think it's a tactic to actually serve up the left believe it or not it's really
not about supporting cops it's about supporting a big heavy federalized police force is really the
game behind back the blue and uh we cannot change things in this mess until we get out of the tribe
mentality into the parties it's not about is our guy gonna win it's about what do they do
once they're in there regardless of the party as we can see with people like the schmuck romney
you know um what a disgrace to our country and uh says he's a republican he's not he's not he's a
liberal progressive and always has been but he won't admit it i don't like liars i want he won't
admit it and so we have a problem with who's who's right who's left who's blue who's red
because that's not the way it swings anyway so we really need to start calling out these tribes
i also want to say this um there's another uh there's another kind of weapon on the left
that i've noticed see i'm a mom and i'm gonna i'm gonna speak from that angle because i've
been seeing this over and over again and it's called the word kindness okay you've seen nothing
but those be kind t-shirts be kind slogans everybody's telling you to be kind my first
thought when i saw that was why were we unkind when did we become an unkind people i don't remember
that i everybody i know is kind why are we being told to be kind well here's a thought for you just
as a mom and as a christian i have to say this because it's driving me nuts when i go into the
stores and i see this especially at like target i mean all these stores selling this this uh
this word over and over again from what i can recognize what i found i grew up in california
and i grew up around a lot of liberals so i still have liberals as friends believe it or not
we just don't talk politics uh so i noticed that parenting skews to a way of saying
my child is kind therefore i'm a good parent because my child is kind this is why they're
dragging them to drag shows this is why they're implementing the everyone's different and unique
and you've gotta love everybody because it's all about how kind you are that's the measuring stick
okay the focus if you will is on kindness it's really kind of strange because what happens
is is i know that i was raised in a home where kindness was just the result of everything i was
taught right it was the result so i was taught you know you taught integrity and character and trust
and uh the commandments and you're taught about god and you're taught about all of these things
well kindness just comes out because you're taught really good healthy things as a kid you know and
so now what are they doing the focus is on kindness and let me give you kind of an example of this
there was a story about a guy who was raised this way thought this way very very very liberal and
everything was just about patting himself on the back to be a kind person so he goes down to the
border and he has a marxist front company a marxist front company okay totally deceptive goes down
to the border and puts out food and water for all the illegals and the gist of his message was the
illegals just i don't know got helicoptered in i guess and just sort of arrived and so he needed
to go help it wasn't because they did something illegal crossing the border no it was just because
they just arrived and so he had to go and and take on this burden for himself and he had to go
into a very deceptive company and go in and deliver water and food as if he's the nicest guy on the
planet i think this is what happens when you teach kindness but you leave out all the other stuff
like god like i don't know the commandments like uh like anything uh that i was taught
you integrity honesty character that's usually what parents hard work that's usually what parents
are raising their kids with but the focus to be on kind produces a person where it doesn't
matter what you have to do the the means to an end the means don't matter because it's all about
can i justify my level of kindness in this moment then i'm a good person you know five five year
olds don't need to go to drag shows that doesn't make them a nicer human being the only thing
that's happening there is the parent and their own personal glorified weirdness is saying look
at me i'm a wonderful parent i'm i'm uh i'm embracing everybody kid doesn't need to go to a drag
show honey and why are they going to a drag show most importantly at the age of five they should
be home playing with dolls or trucks and being a normal kid but this is what it's all about see
they come in on the guise of kindness to sell you a box of rocks that says um basically we're here
for the uh everyone's a bully and we're here to train them to be kind when really it's just a
promotion of lgbtq in the schools please get your kids out of these schools if i could do one thing
different it would have been to homeschool i wish i would have i wish i would have i didn't know
enough about it and my kids were already in that system and then we when they came home we had to
reeducate them from all the falsehoods and socialism they were taught and now it's even worse
get your kids out save your kids from the system but this focus on kindness see what it basically is
is if you identify any immorality because you were taught right and wrong be kind is the slogan
to basically shut you up it's basically there to say yeah you know you're not allowed to say
anything because it's unkind so doing that sort of check like hey what about right and wrong
because i know if i if i come across somebody and i feel like well that's wrong or maybe i was
taught that something was wrong i'm still going to be loving and kind but i'm also going to state the
truth what be kind does is squash the part where you tell the truth and it's just total acceptance
of anything and everything and that's what they're teaching their kids anything and everything no
boundaries no right and wrong just be kind and you get a giant gold star it's wrong on a lot of
levels but it's a really easy twisting and all of these things that i'm noticing all the time
with the rhetoric and the changing of words and the changing of definitions that's going on right
now reagan was right about that the changing of words is the twisting of the meaning behind
the words and what they really mean to say we've got to save our kids from this nonsense have this
discussion with your kids at the dinner table and see what they have to say because everything
that they're surrounded with at school as we're about to go back into the school season is all
about be kind don't stand up for god don't stand up for anything don't say what you mean do not
say anything that's right or wrong just simply smile and be kind and let it go that is not the
right message for our kids our kids need those boundaries they need to know right from wrong
it's very simple but be wary of the kindness overload that you're probably noticing too
i see one more t-shirt i swear with the kind of i'm already kind that's one of the nicest people
you'll meet you guys thanks a lot for listening alex joneshow k deli your guest host thanks you guys
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