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Filename: 20220718_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 18, 2022
2909 lines.

The speaker discusses bill 4350 which they believe prohibits potential whistleblowers from providing evidence of crimes within military and cybersecurity sectors without permission from the military. They accuse the bill of trying to disconnect the military from the American public, define extremism as those who support certain symbols or express opinions on topics such as elections or lockdowns, and suggest that this is part of a globalist agenda to give dictatorial powers to the president. The speaker also discusses InfoWars products and the importance of independent media outlets in providing alternative perspectives on current events and exposing corruption within government institutions.

That's right, and it's a brand new mRNA vaccine, so mRNA, that's never been done
before, right?
Oh no, it's been done before, it just never made it out of the testing phase because all
of the animals kept dying, but it'll be different this time.
How so?
We're not going to do the animal testing, so you're just going to go straight to testing
on humans?
Yeah, you can say that.
I mean, even so, don't most vaccines take years to develop and decades to test?
It's here, the vaccine is here.
That's right, it's here and it's 100% effective, no transmission, no infection, you don't
have to wear a mask or stay locked down anymore.
Wow, really?
Yep, that'd be except for the things about the mask and lockdown, yep.
Okay, but it's 100% effective?
That's right, 90% effective, and frankly, 85% effectiveness is really incredible.
So it's only like 85% effective?
Not quite, it's more like 75%, but hey, 65% still very good, I mean, they said we'd never
even get to 50% effectiveness, and we did almost, so 40% really great achievement.
So it's only like 40% effective now?
For a bit?
A bit?
I mean, it wears off, so, well, after how long?
Like 4-6, 4-6 what?
Booster shots a year, okay, so it really only works like right after you get the shot, well
not right after, because we don't even consider you vaccinated until two weeks after your
second shot, so.
Okay, so it takes like a month for the shots to work, but it wears off, and even then it
only gives you mild protection, but you have to get boosters that also wear off, you still
have to wear a mask, you can still get COVID, and you still have to stay home, and there
are rare but serious side effects, and all of this over a virus that has a survival
rate of over 99.5%?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, I never said anything about serious side effects.
Are there, though?
There's certainly none I've ever discussed, yeah, but have there been reports of serious
side effects?
No, no, no, I mean, except for like AIDS or whatever, say AIDS?
Yeah, yeah, basically you like get AIDS and then there's this hard thing where your heart
explodes and sometimes half your face falls asleep forever, and almost everybody gets
extreme nausea and pain at the side of the injection, sometimes they just die right there
at the injection site, but we're not sure that's caused by the vaccine, so we will not be
looking into it.
I cannot believe that pharmaceutical companies would actually release this to the American
Oh no, it's totally fine, they're completely indemnified against any wrongdoing, so they'll
be fine.
Look, a vaccine is literally the only plan I have, so it's happening, it's coming out
and everybody's taking it.
Even if it's risky, even if you have natural antibodies, even if it doesn't stop transmission,
you are taking it.
Wait, but you said it did stop transmission.
Oh, did I?
No, I don't think I'll be getting that shot now.
Well, what if I offer you some tasty french fries?
Hmm, okay, well what if I throw in a single glazed donut?
Ah, you drive a hard bargain, well what if I give you a chance to win one million dollars?
I mean, I feel like you're just trying to exploit my desperation at this point.
I mean, look, this is about bodily autonomy.
Oh no, that doesn't exist, we checked.
Checked with who?
Well, the experts, obviously.
And tell you what, what if I tempt you with not losing your job?
Oh, so it's going to be mandatory.
Oh, nobody's mandating anything, it's entirely up to you whether you take the shot or whether
you lose your job and become a despised pariah unworthy of basic decency or life-saving organ
Yeah, I feel like you're forcing me to get this shot, nobody is forcing you, just take
the jab.
I'm not going to take the vaccine, just take the jab, I feel like I'm being forced here.
Take the jab.
No, no, no, you know what, I don't deserve this, I have a right to my own body, maybe
I'll go protest.
A protest, yeah, that's fun to say, do you like having a bank account?
I'm just asking, do you like having access to the money in your bank account?
What are you saying?
All I'm saying is there's no reason for you to be scared of a little needle.
Nothing to do with it.
It's the only way to stop this pandemic, but you said it doesn't stop transmission.
Exactly, that doesn't make any sense.
Got some people who are so stupid, you're not trusting the science hard enough, look,
it's not me telling you to take the jab, it's actually your sister Sarah.
Yeah, your sister Sarah is requiring a vaccine to go to her wedding, so she works for me
Oh god, I mean, it's like a once in a lifetime event.
All right, I guess we'll get the vaccine.
Wow, what a coincidence.
Where are the children?
This report just went live a few minutes ago at Band-Aid video, we'll have it posted on
the live show feed to next level.
Everything Harrison Smith says in it is actually stuff they've put out as official policy worldwide
via the UN taking over your body with Klaus Schwab.
The vaccine pitch meeting is at Band-Aid Video and InfoWars.com where they're at back.
The globalists are doing everything they can to destroy heterosexual relationships, to
annihilate the family, to split up marriages.
And if you look at the studies, the number one cause of marriages breaking up is the
fact that the men cannot satisfy their women in the bedroom.
It's that simple, ladies and gentlemen.
And even if you're like me and hardly ever have a problem, I mean, all of us, one point
or another, do, that's just the truth.
The liberals will make fun of that, but everybody knows that's true.
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Thank you so much for joining us on this Monday, July 18th, worldwide broadcast and
I must be completely honest with all of you, I am completely exhausted right now because
I actually read the bill yesterday before the show that they've introduced to the National
Defense Authorization Act spending package, the defense bill.
And then I did a lot of research that I'd already done years ago, but went and checked
it and talked to some legal experts I know, including constitutional lawyers and also
Pete Santilli, that's one of the best researchers out there on this.
And it was worse than I thought.
And there's really not any words to describe how horrible this is, but the bell is really
tolling for us all the end of the republic and total tyranny worldwide is here.
It is stunning to look at the U.S. code that they list in the legislation, the legislation
says that it turns the president into a dictator that for any domestic military operations
that Congress gives up its oversight to the military, just that alone is double whammy
of classic tyranny, the military acting in and of itself and the president having dictatorial
power outside of Congress.
And then the rest of it just gets more insane from there.
It says in the first five pages that they're preparing to go after domestic extremists,
not just the military, but outside the military and that outside advisory experts, the ADL,
the private law center, the Democratic Party will direct the military on where they go
and what they do and that no civilian courts or Congress have any oversight of that, including
rape in the military.
I mean, this thing is just a cornucopia of stunning developments.
And so I spent four hours last night after my wife and my daughter went to sleep reading
this till my eyes were bloodshot and I've got a massive folder of information that I forgot
to send to the crew before the show, so they're printing it off right now, I'll have it next
I was sitting there five minutes for the show and I'm like, where's that folder?
Oh, I forgot to send all the links to them, but I've got a bunch of it right here as well.
So to say this is the biggest thing we've ever reported is an understatement and so many
even conservatives and patriots and populist and Christians are saying, well, they've been
trying to use the military for a long time and yeah, we've known about this stuff going
back for a long time.
The difference is, is that they're moving to go operational and you see the whole climate
we're in and they're telling you that the biggest threat is domestic groups and they
already stole a major election in front of everybody and we're in the middle of a global
financial meltdown and war with Russia.
This is happening.
They're intending to now implement everything that's been beta tested and set up before
and the martial law, the lockdowns, the forced inoculation, all the stuff we've seen the
last 31 months was just the training wheels or the window dressing or the dress rehearsal
for what we're going into right now.
I mean, there is no doubt they're already trying this, there's no doubt they've already
done a lot of this and even we have senators and House members in Congress now saying this,
so it's not Alex Jones' opinion.
This is beyond stunning, beyond stunning what we're about to be laying out here today
and then it ties into everything else that's going on with the shutdown of the borders
or the opening of the borders, the collapse of the borders, the shutdown of the energy,
the attack on our children, the feds saying they're going to go after people at PTA meetings
that said they don't like critical race theory, the purge of the military.
All of this, ladies and gentlemen, comes together with what's currently happening with the midterm
elections out 113 days.
We're already under a dictatorship.
We're already under martial law.
We're already on the stove with the heat turned on, frying in the pan, but the heat is climbing
very, very fast and now they're putting the lid on.
So it's on big time and I'm going to spend my whole three hours today going over all
of this.
Pete Santilli is going to be joining us in the third hour today and you'll be assured
that all the rest of our hosts and researchers are on this like white on rice.
But this is the big one and massive exposure of this and major gubernatorial statements
and major legislature statements and major think tank and lobbying groups are starting
to come out as well and the public getting in an uproar, a peaceful uproar about this
can kill this deadness tracks politically and most importantly blow up in their face
and really reverse a lot of what is happening.
But again, six days ago Adam Schiff introduces an amendment that is sponsored by the party
into the NDAA they have the votes to pass and they pass it usually months before the
fiscal year ends in October.
So that means they'll try to pass the NDAA here in just the next couple months for the
next year of military funding.
You always hear about Port Barrel being added to some of the bigger spending bills and that's
what this is one of the biggest, if not the biggest.
But this isn't your regular Port Barrel like money to this district, that district or $15
million to study shrimp on treadmills, that's a real thing, there's video of it, there's
articles about it.
That stuff's ridiculous but you know $50 million to study how to make Reese's Monkeys
Trans, that stuff's dangerous and bankrupts you but it's harmless compared to this.
This is just inserted in there like you come home, sit down with your wife and children
and you say oh by the way honey I killed the neighbor with a pickaxe a couple of hours
ago and I'm passing the salt or hey honey I've got 12 women buried in the basement,
I thought I'd tell you about that, I've been killing people every year for a while.
I mean they just, oh by the way this makes it where the office of the president is above
the law and the Pentagon does not have congressional oversight over any domestic operations and
not Congress, no court, anyone has any jurisdiction, they have total immunity to everything.
Just like Pfizer, those are their poison shots from Moderna.
And I saw a lot of comments on M4 Wars, a lot of comments on Band-Aub video going you
know Jones, we don't want to hear this, Biden's a joke, he's about to be out of office, he's
not going to be a dictator, really he stole the election, he's a puppet.
When I say the president the legislation doesn't say just Joe Biden, it's a law, it says Gavin
Newsom or Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi, the word is it's Gavin Newsom, I haven't said
that for years but now it's the main line news, it's a dictatorship of the deep state with
a puppet president and most dictatorships actually aren't run by a real strongman, they're
actually run by a bureaucracy and a deep state and that's what this is.
That's what this is and it isn't just for Biden, the bill doesn't say Biden's going
to be given this power because the comments are like he'll be gone soon, I mean I'm not
scared of Biden, he falls off a bike, Biden's a placeholder and the next president will
be a placeholder of the deep state bureaucracy establishing a dictatorship, if Trump even
tried something like this I would 100% opposing, if Reagan tried this I'd be against it, anybody
but this is the Democrats doing this and it's cut and it's dry and they admit it and they're
saying it's no big deal, this is the most outrageous thing ever and they've got the
votes to pass it, to pass the NDA right now.
So that's where we are right now ladies and gentlemen, we're going to go to break, I've
got the folder and we're going to be going over all of this news and all of this information
when we come back but if we're lackadaisical about this and just say well with all the
other tyranny, what's it really matter, you don't understand, they're locked, they're
cocked, they're ready to go and we need to create a huge stir over this and get Congress
moving against it which is already happening, they've really overplayed their hand, this
is outrageous.
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Meeting of frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
Thank you.
We have IMF World Bank documents from 2001 where they were planning the next 20 years
to try this on major western countries and use their control of finance to shut down
the world economy.
Pretty bombshell, deep state democrats caught ran-handed inserting martial law and presidential
dictatorship law into 2023 in DAA.
Now I want to lay this out again, in this port barrel, in DAA amendment, they've got
stuff about sexual harassment in the military and they've got stuff about extremism in
the military and a lot of members of Congress since Friday are focused on that but Senator
Grassley and others, and we played the clips on the Sunday show, are focused on General
Milley telling the military in the last month of the Trump administration, don't follow
his orders even before January 6th and that he was in command.
And the Pentagon working with democrats to kill the inspector generals and others investigations
of the military and FBI on the ground in D.C. that day in plain clothes which we know was
going on because I have folks that work here that have been in special operations who recognized
and talked to people they knew that were there for the U.S. Army and others in plain clothes
at the Capitol.
So while I was trying to stop people going in the Capitol, we got thousands not to, thousands
of U.S. military and FBI including snipers sat there under orders and stood down just
like Uvaldi and just like Parkland and just like so many other places, incredible.
And Owen Shroyer trying to stop people going in, not going in, is facing years in prison
and they're going ahead with his trial.
That's how insane this is and that's a microcosm but the key is it says no more oversight by
Congress or the courts of military operations in the U.S. and the section states that clear
cut then later it talks about other specifics but it's a blanket check but they put in the
little subsections about finding extremists in the military and only the Pentagon will
prosecute rapes or whatever as a diversion, it's still important but as a diversion from
what it really does and Pete Santilli is with us in the third hour, a legal eagle laying
all this out and it ties into all the previous martial law legislation and when you look
at the code numbers, it links back to that and activates military courts for martial
law in America and that's what you saw in the aftermath of January 6th with the fence
and the 30,000 troops and all the rest of it around the Capitol was a beta test and
the announcement of the Capitol Police setting up offices across the country as their own
Stasi investigative group and it says that all those agencies including the Congressional
Agency and the CIA and another 16 agencies will advise with civilian experts from expert
organizations and it lists U.S. code in the domestic extremism operation of the FBI and
the advisers being the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. So
the Democrat Party, Deep State Globalist Arms, the Commissars in control of the military.
It's like if you go to the Texas border and there's giant facilities that can hold 10,000,
20,000, 30,000, some of them people at a time. Some of these are the size of six, seven bigger
football fields. We've flown over them in a helicopter and just showed you these giant
complexes and the border patrol is not in command. There are NGOs, the same NGOs, the
same director of an NGO in Europe that ran the collapse of the European borders and the
10 million Muslims they brought in. That head guy that works for the Soros Foundation is
in command at the border and we got video of all this and they admit it. So this is
martial law being quietly rolled out and here's the key. Congress is already investigating
the usurpation of the president when it was Trump. So you say, well, I thought the president
was becoming a dictator. The president's a puppet, but Trump wasn't a puppet. So the
actual power behind the throne, the military and the globalist, Nick's Trump's command
without him knowing it, that's now confirmed. That's mainstream news. Incredible bombshell
by itself. So with Trump, they were usurping the power, but with a puppet, they want the
puppet to have that power with no oversight by Congress or the states or the courts. I
mean, this is unbelievably evil. And of course, Adam Schiff is the guy that introduced it
and you're like, well, it won't pass. Really, it has the house leadership behind it. It's
an amendment in the Port Barrel, the National Defense Authorization Act for sective vote
on in the next few months. And right now they have the votes in the House and the Senate.
You notice with the last spending bill or the last emergency bill, they put the bill
out that's 5,000, 10,000 pages long, depending on the bill, almost 4,000, and they get two
hours before the vote. And they'll remove an amendment and then add an amendment back.
And that's what they're doing. We need people on this like flies on, you know what, flies
on Hillary, flies on Obama. This is an amendment to HR 7900. We are going to continue, ladies
and gentlemen, to track this as it unfolds throughout the broadcast today. I want to
come back though and tie it into the new UN emergency that we told you was coming. Now
the UN says there's such a declare a monkeypox global emergency. And we have all over the
world, the globalist operatives announcing new lockdowns and more. We've got that. We've
got the ongoing shutdown of the economy. Biden and the Saudis telling him, hey, you've increased
oil output already. You don't let the refineries operate at capacity and you shut off the pipelines.
And of course, I'm not from the Saudi side. I'm not. That's a fact. I mean, that's, it's
not the gas stations. It's not the oil companies. They're not perfect. And it, you know, it's
the policies of this great transition that we're in right now to bankrupt our economy
in the great reset so they can build back better on the ashes of it. So that's all coming
up today. We've got a really big, big, big transmission lined up for you. And I also
intend to open the phones up next hour. And then Pete Santelli is going to be with us
in the third hour to go through all the background U.S. code. I've got a huge red folder right
here. All the background U.S. code. When it mentions a code, we got to go read the code.
And we're going to be going over the report on confronting extremist activity with the
Department of Defense. And then once they get control of the military with that cult,
then they expand that purge into the general public, setting up domestic courts for the
American people. And so much more. We're going to be looking at it all today. This is groundbreaking
into the Republic stuff. But if we are aware of it and we speak out against it, the globalist
can and will be defeated. We can do this together. Infowars.com, Tamaras, News Today, Band-Ought
Video, and so much more. We've got some really special reports that are extremely special
that we put out coming up as well. Stay with us. The globalists are doing everything they
can to destroy heterosexual relationships, to annihilate the family, to split up marriages.
And if you look at the studies, the number one cause of marriages breaking up is the fact
that the men cannot satisfy their women in the bedroom. It's that simple, ladies and
gentlemen. And even if you're like me and hardly ever have a problem, I mean, all of
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It's eleven fifty-nine at Radio Free America and this is Uncle Sam with Music and the Truth
Until Dawn. Right now I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the
occupied zone. The chair is against the wall. The chair is against the wall. John has a
long mustache. John has a long mustache. It's twelve o'clock American, another day closer
to victory. And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
But they took a lot of people away. People that they thought were going to make trouble
for them. People that had guns or things they wanted. They just took them away. Where?
We had education camps. That's what they call it. So part of it is we have to break through
our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families
or families are recognized as kids belong to whole communities. I have decided we really
need camps for adults. And we need to have camps that you all run. I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register. Now they were taken to race tracks
and fairgrounds where the army almost overnight had built assembly centers.
I'm a sorry citizen. I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the US would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of consultation with a lot of people that start power weapons.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability
and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal
to the United States. It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community.
It's what we're doing here and let's not kid about it. We're building a domestic army
because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying Patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty. It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
See you there, boy.
Alright, let me just do this right now. Let me just do this right now.
Because if I don't do this, we won't be on air very, very soon.
That was an important promo we ran because it shows how we've been predicting what's coming
and what's unfolding. We had to run that because a four minute break wasn't enough time for me
to deal with the finances and keeping the bandwidth paid for and the satellites
and all of the bills that come into something when you have to build your own infrastructure.
And I'm not bitching and complaining. This is your choice to make as viewers and listeners.
If you want to keep us on air, that is your decision and it's up to you
and I'm not mad at you if you don't make donations and if you don't buy product.
Because a lot of this has been my fault for staying focused on news and information in the last few years
while supply chain breakdowns happened and a bunch of other stuff went on
to where we didn't get product, most of the products in for over a year and a half
and when we had plenty of product, we made enough money to not spend half our time trying to raise money.
Then I got a bunch of big donations a few months ago when we declared bankruptcy
and I thought that would put us way into the black.
It didn't because we were three to six months behind all these major bills
and almost lost the whole operation.
So now I've been up here seven days a week.
I'm not complaining. I'm telling you, I was up here 10 hours yesterday.
I was up here 10 hours on Saturday.
I wanted to do a Saturday emergency show, had the guests lined up, had to cancel it
because I had to go into every aspect of this operation of where we can cut this or do that
and I put 95% of the money I have and I don't care about money, I care about victory,
but I am out of money.
I can pay in the rest of the money I have in my private bank account
and it wouldn't run this place for two weeks.
So we're out of gas, that's a fact and I should probably just not even do the show right now
to deal with this because I've got a great crew and great people, but man,
it's like herding cats.
It's absolutely like herding cats and I've literally got accountants and people telling me,
listen, if you spend every dime you've got, you're not ever going to even have money
to even do anything and it doesn't matter because I don't care.
We're going under martial law, all this is going down and it's very simple.
If listeners would simply go buy a bunch of products and if we got $100,000 extra a week
with the three trials I have coming up and the supply chain breakdowns and all of it,
enough products going to come in in the next two months that we know everybody wants,
that we'll be in the black and I won't have to sit here and do this.
And you know, a big part of me has been doing this 28 years and wants it all to fall apart,
but I'm not a quitter and I can't give up because I'm not going to give up with a gun to my head.
I'm not going to give up with the threat of lawsuits or criminal investigations
or them inditing two of our crew members and trying to indict me with open grand juries all over the news.
That doesn't even threaten me, even though I care about my crew,
but the jacking with money and sponsors and financing when I don't care about it drives me insane.
So I want to first thank the listeners for your support over the years and tell you,
it's very, very simple. We've got the accounting and the business plan,
because it's a business that funds this, that will have us secure in the middle of all this insanity
well into next year if people will simply now just go to infowarstore.com at the top banner
where it says support info wars and make a one-time donation of $10, $50, $100, $20, $5, it doesn't matter.
Because then we get 95% of that money.
With products, everybody wants them discounted, we always sell them discounted, buy them,
and so we sell them at a discount, but then enough money doesn't come in to pay the bills.
I'm not bitching. I'm just telling you that we need your support.
We need your support right now.
And you know, the good news is, body's ultimate turmeric formula,
the highest quality turmeric came in last week, and that really helped us start digging out of the hole.
Because people know it's great products, been out for eight months, seven months, you really wanted it.
And then, we had a product developed over the last few years that we finally got in,
that's the cleanest, and I mean the best healthy fat burner system.
I've lost almost 40 pounds in three weeks, in three months, with just the samples that came in three months ago.
Now, Diet Force Plus at infowarstore.com is in.
I don't have time to go over all the concentrated compounds that are in this, go research it.
This is a high-end, healthy diet pill that also makes you feel great.
It's 40% off out of the gates, infowarstore.com, Diet Force, infowarstore.com.
We also have a lot of other great products at infowarstore.com that's almost sold out, like X2, like Ultra 12,
the highest quality vitamin B12 out there, the highest grade, show amazing for your whole body.
And what's going on in this world, you really need these products.
And I can just tell you that I want to thank you for all your past support.
I want to encourage you now to understand that I am working seven days a week to fight these bastards.
And when I say I work 10 hours a day on the weekend, folks, I was working when I got home at night.
I worked probably 14 hours yesterday, and I'm proud of that.
I wish I had more energy. I wish I could fight harder.
I know I'm right. I know it's all going down.
I know what we do is totally critical going to this period of human development and expansion.
And I know we're going to make it through these people, and I'm going to give every ounce of my energy,
but I know my time is better spent in the arena politically fighting the new world order and not literally,
literally spending five hours to six hours a day jacking with trying to fund this operation.
It is torture, and I'm not complaining.
I'm just simply saying I'm at the end of my rope, and I'm not playing around here, ladies and gentlemen,
that everybody just thinks we're here for 28 years, and we write the talking points to the resistance,
and everybody knows we're the biggest black sheep. Everybody knows we're the main rebels.
Everybody knows, except the spear, all I'm telling you is I need to stay in this fight.
You need to stay in the fight. I need you to go to infowarstore.com and donate.
I need you to buy products right now. It's up to you.
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But with our new product from X7 Diet Force, we got the very best concentrates of these known natural essences that show amazing things for your body.
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And it's not just an American populace, pro-God, pro-family, pro-capitalism movement.
It is the tip of the spear.
Now most revolutionaries throughout history, including George Washington, robbed British gold shipments and they engage in all sorts of other brutal activity to win that war.
And it's all endorsed today.
And everybody thinks they were heroes and I do too.
We're not robbing gold shipments.
We're not robbing banks.
We're not taking hostages.
We're selling products to fund this operation.
And I cannot express to you, the viewers and listeners enough, how big a game changer we are.
I mean info wars is known now to be over the target.
We have the greatest credibility with worldwide resistance movements from Eastern Europe to Brazil to the United States to Australia.
And it's you the listeners and viewers that endorsed and commissioned and backed this operation to do this.
And all the glory goes to God.
And we're now living in the new world order and it's takeover.
We've stayed on air through all the attacks they wanted to software and they've done everything they can that would take days to tell you about to do it.
And I don't take that as a victim.
I take it as them swinging for the fences because we're effective.
But also get very, very angry.
Because I know what they've done to me because they want to get to you.
And I look at my children and I don't want them to live in a world like this.
And I want to beat these tear tyrants and we will be them.
The only question is how bad is it going to get until we do.
But I don't want us to get too comfortable with the fact that we all know about the new world order and we all know it was coming.
And we just expect Tucker Carlson to always be there.
And we always expect Alex Jones to be there because when they cut the lights out, when they launch their nuclear war, when they pull their next move, that's not going to be happening.
But we have a real chance if people wake up to what's happening and recognize in the sea of tyranny the key movements they're making, where the daggers are, where the knives have been pulled out.
We won't just defeat this new world order.
We will absolutely defeat it.
It will backfire on them in every way.
And they admit I've got the head of the UN saying we got to stop this information.
It's life and death.
Our whole world liberal order is about to fall.
We're losing.
And it's because they are losing and they're pulling out all the stops to shut down the organizations and groups they know are kicking their ass.
And if there was a standard that they had of this army and the enemy's eyes, they say it's Donald Trump and info wars.
If there's something that sends them into a crazed fury, it's us.
And why is that you got to ask the questions?
Donald Trump's not perfect.
Neither am I.
He's big time wrong in his poison shot.
He even said last week at a rally, well, I'm not supposed to say the name of it, but I'm still proud of it.
But at least he knows it's a shame what he did.
He won't say the name of it anymore.
But because of his populism and trying to be president and trying to secure the border and trying to secure the dollar and trying to secure the military and not wanting to persecute people for political speech and not wanting to censor, he's the enemy.
But who writes the cultural talking points that Trump and now Rogan and all of them pick up?
Info wars.
So I can sit here all day and cover news and information of how they're doing it and why they're doing it and where it's all going.
But if we don't value info wars, if we don't value the reports we're putting out, I mean, that's my own crew and myself.
If we don't really realize that we really have the answers, we're going to lose this fight at this juncture.
It's going to get a lot worse before we win at the end.
We're going to win in the end.
You can see the trajectory.
The question is how bad is it going to get before we turn the tide and deal with all of this?
All over the world, they want to make people totally poor under their control.
I have stacks of articles on it.
All over the world, they're cutting people's energy and food off.
I have stacks of articles on it.
And to me, it's just so frustrating that it should be so completely self-evident to everybody, not our great audience, not you beautiful people.
And I mean that you beautiful people.
Every race, color and creed, aren't you?
I love you.
You have the same spirit I do.
I see you.
I know you are.
We are kindreds.
We are brothers.
We are sisters.
But I look at the left, getting off on collapsing things, getting off on wrecking the country, celebrating America falling apart as if they think they're going to take over the wreckage after they've wrecked it when they can't even wipe their own rear ends.
When they can't even find their butts with both hands to watch their satanic delusion is extremely frustrating.
So I know we're going to win in the end and God is in charge of all this, but I got to be completely honest with you.
The next phases of this new world order takeover are going to be so horrible because I have all the pieces.
You have all the pieces.
I think you already know what I know, probably many of you greater understanding than I do, that it's very hard for me.
I'm a truthful person.
Very hard for me to tell you the different scenarios and what's going to come next because when I say this, it's like going to the hospital and they say grandma's going to die and you're there when she dies.
I mean, you hate to say these things out loud.
And so I'm not choking right now on air.
It's just to preside over this, even cover this feels dirty.
I mean, this is so horrible.
But if we don't tell you how horrible it is and show the proof, then you don't have a chance to stop it.
So I'm not doing this to be dramatic.
Crew knows this is 100% real, but I can't do the show right now.
So let's come back with that Gregory's report in the next little segment that he did.
It's so powerful.
World War Three and the imminent collapse of the US dollar that will come out of break at six after will play the new Harrison Smith piece.
You know, he put a piece out six months ago that got tens of millions of years went super viral.
Got a man on Twitter where he does this back and forth with himself as two different characters about what a fraud the vaccine is.
Well, now the new one, the other one was platinum powerful.
The new one, the vaccine pitch meeting is so insane and so real because every word he says was official policy and official lies.
That's coming up at six after next hour, then I'll analyze it after but realize everything he says, everything he does is something they said and did and it's true.
And it's all the gaslighting put together there in one spot and then I'll be back about 14 after and I'm going to control myself and I'm going to start the show back over again.
I'm going to begin and just go through all of it in a mechanized forward facing way and I will not actually take calls next hour because all this has to be covered.
And I'm going to go ahead and just turn it loose and separate myself from it and just tell you the truth.
But I might have to go throw up first because let me tell you something.
Their plan is to kill 90% of us by 2030.
You think all the collapse and all the setup is seems bad yet folks.
We're going to look back on this like it was a vacation.
And I feel guilt that I can't convince you how dangerous this is, how real this is.
And I'm mad at not just people in my family and people around me and the general public and the crew who I love.
I'm more mad at myself because I get it.
We shouldn't have to deal with this.
It shouldn't be this hardcore but it's up to us in this generation and now and we're about to go through stuff that made World War II look like a cakewalk.
Look like a Sunday drive.
That's the truth.
They're going to kill you and kill your family.
And I can't get the average person to realize, particularly those that serve the system, that if they don't get their heads out of their errands, it's over.
Every show can be our last now.
Every broadcast, we're up to the end game now.
I'm going to come back next hour.
I'm going to control myself.
But man, it's do or die time now folks.
The churches, the politicians, everybody better wake up or roll over and die.
The globalists are doing everything they can to destroy heterosexual relationships, to annihilate the family, to split up marriages.
And if you look at the studies, the number one cause of marriages breaking up is the fact that the men cannot satisfy their women in the bedroom.
It's that simple, ladies and gentlemen.
And even if you're like me and hardly ever have a problem, I mean, all of us one for another do.
That's just the truth.
The liberals will make fun of that but everybody knows that's true.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The area on Twitter wrote that everyone who touches Zelensky resigns, which is interesting.
After failing the UK at every opportunity to serve globalist interests, Boris Johnson resigns as Prime Minister.
To which the Russian Kremlin expressed good riddance.
Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who helped deliver Italian weapons to Ukraine and rallied support for Ukraine's entry into the EU, announced his resignation.
Last month, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kalas expelled the populist center-left center party, claiming that she needed to form a new government to support Ukraine in their war against Russia.
And on Thursday, Kalas officially resigned as a formality to form a new government, which he has already reached a consensus between the center-right reform party, the social democrats, and the conservative fatherland party.
To form a new three-party government to support Ukraine.
And Sri Lanka's president, Godabaya Rajapaksa, who supported the Ukraine despite sanctions crippling his own nation, emailed in his resignation after fleeing the country.
Beyond resignations and beyond meet and greets with Ukraine's puppet president Zelensky, we have also just seen the assassination of popular anti-globalist leader Shinzo Abe.
And the dramatic loss of confidence expressed by the people towards Macron, Trudeau, and Biden.
What is happening here?
On Celia Farber's The Truth Barrier, Catherine Austin Fitz explains that we are seeing a clean-out or political castration of leaders – Draghi, Johnson, Biden, Macron, Abe.
Their political capital is exhausted, and or they will not push the next wave aggressively.
Mr. Global is looking to bring in a whole new round of fresh, meaner leadership.
The next wave is total collapse.
And it's not easy to find people willing to be the fall guy for the destruction of a nation.
It takes a special type of person, which might explain why California Governor Gavin Newsom visited the White House right after Joe Biden was shuffled off to Israel to mumble about the Holocaust.
Biden is even unsettling to the stupid, and this entire operation requires stupidity, so things are going to keep getting stranger.
But it probably won't last much longer, because the global financial reset is now imminent.
Sri Lanka was just the beginning, and it looks like South Africa could be next, followed by everyone.
The fiat fractional reserve banking scheme has been robbing the people blind for decades.
But eventually, all the money runs out, and the financial pundits are all saying it's this year.
The dollar has just reached parity with the euro, and fudging the numbers will no longer work.
They have only one solution left, and that's war.
War has often been used to save failing fiat currencies, and having no other options, the psychotic bureaucrats in charge will go to war with Russia,
which will only hasten the financial collapse of the West.
If it comes to World War III, then it will be the final death blow, making way for a new system.
Which means that unless you're holding on to real money, you will soon be broke,
because all that paper in our wallets and numbers on our screens is going to soon be worthless.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Ries.
So the only way you fail is not taking action today and ordering Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula at InfoWars.com.
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So you're just going to go straight to testing on humans?
Yeah, you can say that.
I mean, even so, don't most vaccines take years to develop and decades to test?
It's here, the vaccine is here.
Oh, already?
That's right, it's here, and it's 100% effective. No transmission, no infection, and you don't have to wear a mask or stay locked down anymore.
Wow, really?
Yep, except for the things about the mask and lockdown.
Okay, but it's 100% effective?
That's right, 90% effective, and frankly 85% effectiveness is really incredible.
So it's only like 85% effective?
Not quite, it's more like 75%, but hey, 65% still very good.
I mean, they said we'd never even get to 50% effectiveness, and we did almost.
So 40% really great achievement.
So it's only like 40% effective now?
For a bit.
A bit?
I mean, it wears off.
Well, after how long?
Like 4 to 6.
4 to 6 what?
Booster shots a year.
Okay, so it really only works like right after you get the shot.
Well, not right after, because we don't even consider you vaccinated until two weeks after
your second shot, so.
Okay, so it takes like a month for the shots to work, but it wears off, and even then it
only gives you mild protection, but you have to get boosters that also wear off.
You still have to wear a mask, and you can still get COVID, and you still have to stay
home, and there are rare but serious side effects, and all of this over a virus that
has a survival rate of over 99.5%?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, I never said anything about serious side effects.
Are there, though?
Certainly none I've ever discussed.
Yeah, but have there been reports of serious side effects?
No, no, no, I mean, except for like AIDS or whatever.
Did you say AIDS?
Yeah, yeah, basically you like get AIDS, and then there's this hard thing where your heart
explodes, and sometimes half your face falls asleep forever, and almost everybody gets
extreme nausea and pain at the side of the injection.
Sometimes they just die right there at the injection site, but we're not sure that's
caused by the vaccine, so we will not be looking into it.
I cannot believe that pharmaceutical companies would actually release this to the American
Oh, no, it's totally fine.
They're completely indemnified against any wrongdoing, so they'll be fine.
Look, a vaccine is literally the only plan I have, so it's happening.
It's coming out, and everybody's taking it.
Even if it's risky, even if you have natural antibodies, even if it doesn't stop transmission,
you are taking it.
Wait, but you said it did stop transmission.
Oh, did I?
No, I don't think I'll be getting that shot now.
What if I offer you some tasty French fries?
Okay, well, what if I throw in a single glazed donut?
You drive a hard bargain.
Well, what if I give you a chance to win $1 million?
I mean, I feel like you're just trying to exploit my desperation at this point.
I mean, look, this is about bodily autonomy.
No, that doesn't exist.
We checked.
We checked with who?
Well, the experts, obviously.
Tell you what, what if I tempt you with not losing your job?
Oh, so it's going to be mandatory?
Oh, nobody's mandating anything.
It's entirely up to you whether you take the shot or whether you lose your job and become
a despised pariah unworthy of basic decency or life-saving organ transplants.
Yeah, I feel like you're forcing me to get this shot.
Nobody is forcing you.
Just take the jab.
I'm not going to take the vaccine.
Just take the jab.
I feel like I'm being forced here.
Take the jab.
No, no, no.
You know what?
I don't deserve this.
I have a right to my own body.
Maybe I'll go protest.
Oh, protest?
Yeah, that's fun.
Say, do you like having a bank account?
I'm just asking.
Do you like having access to the money in your bank account?
What are you saying?
All I'm saying is there's no reason for you to be scared of a little needle.
Nothing to do with it.
It's the only way to stop this pandemic.
But you said it doesn't stop transmission.
That doesn't make any sense.
Some people are so stupid.
You're not trusting the science hard enough.
Look, it's not me telling you to take the jab.
It's actually your sister Sarah.
Yeah, your sister Sarah is requiring a vaccine to go to her wedding.
So she works for me now.
Oh, God.
I mean, it's like a once in a lifetime event.
All right, I guess we'll get the vaccine.
Wow, what a coincidence.
Where are the children?
The vaccine pitch.
It's posted on the live show feed on info wars dot com.
It's on post info wars dot com.
Next level powerful.
This is one of the best informative videos out there.
It just shows all the real statements they've made.
All their gaslighting.
And I think Harrison Smith playing the part of that globalist douchebag.
He could be the new White House press secretary.
I mean, the gaslighting, the in your face lying.
Man, that satirical character makes me hate Harrison.
I love Harrison, but he is a damn good actor.
And he wrote that really well off of their real statements.
That is pure veritas and absolute Jim band on video info wars dot com folks.
You need to get it.
We get emails like is it all right if I posted on my Twitter or I copy it to YouTube.
No, it's not all right.
We're begging you to there's no copy right here.
Everything's free to air for radio stations, TV stations, just carry the feed.
Just get it out.
All right.
I'm going to cover all the news right now.
And I'm going to tie it all together, but you don't need me to tie this together.
You can see what's going on here today.
But in the National Defense Authorization Act, an amendment's been added by the Democrat
party sponsored by Pelosi and chef.
So they're trying to pass it.
You know, Democrats introduced bills all the time that people go, that's just one cooking
No, this is the party doing this.
And it says, oh, the president's a dictator and domestic operations and the military can
do whatever it's wants and has no oversight by Congress, which is in the Constitution,
the end of pasta, comma, Thomas.
And again, the spin as well.
Biden's an idiot.
He's not a dictator.
Yeah, no, he just stole the election to get in and has opened the borders and imploding
the dollar and starting wars.
And it's a pedophile and but he's a puppet.
The bill is transcends Biden.
It's a law, meaning the next president or the next president or the next president until
it's repealed.
Do you think they ever repealed dictatorship only by the collapse of it?
So with the global collapse going on with the new world order with them telling you power
outages and Russian cyber attacks are imminent and right wingers are about to engage in terror.
One threat, the military's needed against the American people.
Then they introduced the legislation to do it.
That's a big deal.
And our own people call me and say, oh, they've tried this for a long time.
And now they're doing it.
Look at where we are.
There is a worldwide financial bubble that they've built to buy up the world and now they're
going to implode it, hoses, savers, bring in the great reset, bring in the universal
social credit score, the universal basic income, the carbon tax, it's all been announced.
It's all happening now.
Well, they'll never get forced inoculations except medical workers and military and most
other countries.
And well, if you want to fly around to the country and it's all ready happening.
And they've got all these followers and people pretending like they're part of the power
Pretending like they're not going to be completely and totally and absolutely screwed by this.
So Pete Santilli joins us the next hour.
We're going to drill into that legislation and tie it into the larger globalist takeover
This is so critical.
That's coming up.
Next hour.
When we come back, I'm going to tie it in to the next leg of the new lockdowns.
I'm going to tie it in to the economic shutdowns.
And the UN calling for censorship of the American people and just so much more here today.
But I'm going to say this again right now.
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My job is a lot easier than it used to be.
They wanted to stop there a long time ago because they knew when the new world order
went operational, people would really start listening.
Now, we've had different globalist leaders say for a year they're going to bring back
When Biden has said a new variant is coming, new lockdowns, new pandemics are coming.
You mean more of their tyranny to shut down the world economy, to bankrupt more people,
to make us dependent on them is coming.
World Health Organization may declare monkeypox outbreak a global health emergency.
And then now they're saying they are going to declare it a new emergency.
They've activated the panel and say preparing to declare a new emergency for something that's
not even proven to be monkeypox and mainline science points towards vaccine side effects.
New York City opens mass vaccination sites to combat monkeypox outbreak.
Total hysteria and they admit it's almost all quote gay men that have it.
Watch a mass mandate looms LA hospital officials mock COVID media hype.
Germany to reimpose mass mandate in September.
Told you that was coming despite COVID wave already losing momentum.
It's the armband of their party of fear, their symbol of control.
It's like the Nazi armband or the Trump mega hat.
I'm not saying any of them themselves are bad.
The Nazis were bad.
The symbol is not bad.
A mask isn't bad, but making you wear it's bad.
A mega hat means you support American freedom.
It's not bad, but it becomes a symbol of the party.
Major study confirms COVID vaccines alter women's periods.
That is a major study out.
You can read all about it at infowars.com.
We already knew that, but here it is.
And former top Trump advisor who was also anti-Trump.
Deborah Birx has come out and said, yeah, it came out of a lab.
As if we'd heard it tell us that.
New York City, though, is again hyping.
The monkeypox represents 30% of the U.S. cases total.
FBI launches inquiry into NIH funding of Wuhan lab email show two years ago,
but did absolutely nothing.
That's just some of the news.
Exclusive billions continue to be laundered through the National Institutes of Health
to China's Bioware for a program for gain of function.
It all continues.
Gateway Pundin has a great report breaking all of that down.
Canadian court rules.
It was legal.
It's a dictatorship of their to deny a vaccinated person organ transplant.
That's the social credit score.
That's mass murder.
That is absolutely insane.
France court ruled and the government voted.
Macron is a minority leader now.
By that, it's a parliamentary system.
So he has about 30% of the vote, just like Trudeau.
But he's still in control of the executive,
but the main parliament voted against vaccine mandates.
And so that's starting to fall apart, but not in Canada.
It is really the gold standard now of absolute total tyranny.
We're going to look at more of that here in a moment.
But right now, let's look at this group of stacks that all tie together
with the energy shutdown that is taking place right now.
Dutch farmers.
Netherlands, a pilot country for the Great Reset Agenda.
And that's their mainline top activists and leaders in the country are saying.
And what are they doing?
We are not slaves.
Farmers in Italy and Spain and Poland join Dutch protesters
as the governments impose the same worldwide union,
a Gen 21, Gen 2030 program to shut down their farms.
Some farmers are having to kill 90% of their cows because of their farts.
The government lists their farts as bad and then bans them.
Meanwhile, satellite images show global crop declines except for Russia and China.
So all over the world, globalist policies have shut down crops except Russia and China.
China has shut down a few cities that ship stuff to the U.S.
They've not shut down their farming or their oil refining or anything else.
They have ratcheted that way, way up. That is the global scheme.
WTO, IMF and World Bank called for trade restrictions to be lifted to minimize food crisis.
So after they know the three years of lockdowns worldwide,
as many areas of the world went on for two and a half years,
after they run these policies,
now they want to take the restrictions off food imports and exports
because of mass starvation now that it's too late.
And it goes on and on from there.
Coming up, I've got some really powerful information.
On 50 years of failed eco propaganda predictions that have been absolute frauds
will be hitting all that very important information and tying it into Biden
and his energy clamped down the U.S. on the other side
in about three months we'll get a break, but here's some more reports.
Saudi diplomat, head diplomat, dodges on boosting oil production,
claims high U.S. gas prices due to Biden policies.
Well, that's an okay headline in four wars.
I didn't write the article, not bashing who did,
but Saudi Arabia has boosted oil output the last three years.
They boosted it again last year.
And what their ambassador said is the truth.
He said Biden has shut down oil exploration and refining in the United States
and the pipelines, and that's why.
And that's admitted in the industry, why?
It's not the Saudis.
It's not the local gas stations.
It's Biden and the Great Reset and Klaus Schwab
and this big transition they say we're in.
Oil prices blame for inflation when the driver is really food.
It's a zero hedge.
Bloomberg markets commentator.
But it's not even food that's gone up so much more than fuel.
It's that they've devalued the currencies. That's the main driver.
And it goes on from there.
So we're living in quite the moment, but here's a key bellwether article.
Western dominance to be replaced by bipolar world order,
ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair says.
The Big Bilderberg Group operative tells you they're replacing America as the main power.
So they're running America with these policies into the ground by design.
UN Secretary General fighting misinformation, a matter of life and death,
particularly American disinformation about vaccines and more,
except everything they've told us has been a lie and we know that.
They really are panicked right now.
We've got a few of these videos coming up too.
World Economic Forum says gas prices must go even higher to save democracy.
Yes, it saves the people by bankrupting them.
Another compilation of Klaus Schwab two years ago saying the supply chains will be destroyed by COVID.
No, the lockdowns did that.
And that that would create the great reset, the collapse they wanted.
Isn't that simply amazing?
But when we come back, oh, do we have a stack of information that's so critical,
dealing with the lies that the Club of Rome and Bilderberg Group have put out
since the early 60s about scarcity to sell you on the idea of being poor,
to sell you on the idea of them controlling every facet of your life by doing just that.
It is all coming up, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side of this quick break.
And if you haven't shared the URL in FullWars.com today or banned on video,
please do it because it's so important when this fight will be right back.
The globalists are doing everything they can to destroy heterosexual relationships,
to annihilate the family, to split up marriages.
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is the fact that the men cannot satisfy their women in the bedroom.
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The globalists are doing everything they can to destroy heterosexual relationships,
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And if you look at the studies, the number one cause of marriages breaking up
is the fact that the men cannot satisfy their women in the bedroom.
It's that simple, ladies and gentlemen.
And even if you're like me and hardly ever have a problem,
I mean, all of us at one point or another do, that's just the truth.
The liberals will make fun of that, but everybody knows that's true.
But whether you rarely have any issues or have them on a regular basis,
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The Bible says, let another mouth praise you.
I'm going to do that right now.
Alex Jones has helped so many people in this industry.
You guys have no idea how many people have got their first start like Savannah Hernandez.
How many people have just been put on a launch pad to outer space
because of Alex Jones.
Including myself, I've been given so many opportunities because of this man and because of this platform.
And I would probably not even be half of where I am right now if it weren't for Alex Jones.
I mean, I've been able to be on podcasts with Alex and Joe Rogan and Tim Cass, the super Tim Cass IRL.
Listen, what I'm saying is, do not take Alex Jones and Bandot video for free.
Do not take Alex Jones and Bandot video for granted because you don't know what you have until it's gone.
We need to support free speech systems right now.
So go check out the store, go support their store, go support InfoWars.
Leave a donation right now. Don't wait until they're gone.
It's a time for the past million years. It has advanced and retreated with clockwork regularity.
If we are unprepared for the next advance, the result could be hunger and death on a scale unprecedented in all of history.
What scientists are telling us now is that the threat of an ice age is not as remote as they once thought.
During the lifetime of our grandchildren, Arctic cold and perpetual snow could turn most of the inhabitable portions of our planet into a polar desert.
In 1977, the worst winter in a century struck the United States.
Arctic cold ripped the Midwest for weeks on end.
Great blizzards paralyzed cities of the Northeast.
One desperate night in Buffalo, eight people froze to death in marooned cars.
That bushnell was on the road that night.
The traffic just absolutely stopped.
I was afraid of being stuck in the car all night long with the cold and the wind running out of gas and then what?
I think that if we had to go through a real bad winter just like we just went through, I think we'd have to think about moving someplace else.
Move where? The brutal Buffalo winter might become common all over the United States.
Climate experts believe the next ice age is on its way.
According to recent evidence, it could come sooner than anyone had expected.
At weather stations in the far north, temperatures have been dropping for 30 years.
Seacoast's long tree of summer ice are now blocked year round.
According to some climatologists, within a lifetime we might be living in the next ice age.
Of the nine planets in our solar system, only Earth has conditions favorable to human life.
The reason I wanted to show that from the late 1970s with Leonard Nimoy is that was real.
We know there's a 12,000 year ice age cycle. We're very close to it right now.
It is true that human greenhouse gas emissions in the industrial revolution last 200 years has raised temperatures, maybe a point.
And they've done equations, the real climatologists, the real meteorologists, that show that we've been holding it up.
We've been terraforming the planet to stop it.
And they've lied, and so we're having the hottest summer in Texas record.
But now they've gone back and looked. I remember playing football in two days in the late 1980s.
They had to cancel it in Dallas because of weeks of 115 degree temperature.
And I saw the thermometer on our back porch at my house saying 115.
Now they say 110 last week is a Texas record.
Even though in the school I went to, somebody died of a heart attack, one of the football players in 115 degree temperatures in what, 1989?
And three died that summer in Dallas until they suspended the two of days.
I experienced the 115 degree temperature about three o'clock in the afternoon.
I experienced two of days being canceled, which I thought was greater, cut to one a day.
I know it hit 115. So I knew weeks ago when they said, highest temperature ever in Texas, 110? That's a lie.
There's a lot of viral clips out there going around right now in England.
Yeah, they're having the hottest summer in over a decade, but they've had it hotter than this many times.
They used to show it as sunny and yellow on the meteorological weather man boards.
Now they showed us red and call it the end of the world and say there's no power because they're cutting the power off.
It's the same blueprint, the same playbook everywhere. Here's a clip.
Here we're looking at around 21 or 22 as a maximum temperature.
But in the Southeast already we're a degree or so higher than yesterday, so we can well equal the record high temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.
By the time we get to Sunday, the heat becomes more widespread across the UK and temperatures in the mid 30s.
Temperatures in the mid 30s this week, they say is the hottest ever in England.
You just saw a report from decades before with it two degrees higher.
They're lying their asses off.
I have looked at a thermometer on the back porch of our house in Dallas, Texas when I was 13 years old and not wanting to go to the second round of two of days
and seen it at 115, but the media says 110 highest ever.
Liars, frauds, scammers, manipulators.
Here's a headline.
1971, New Ice Age is coming. New York Times. Wrong again. 50 years of failed eco lies.
And this is an article that backs up and I'm about to read on air.
It's an excellent article. I'm going to link to it in the live show feed from cei.org.
And it's got the 50 years of lying, the 50 years of the floods are going to destroy the coast and the water is going to raise 10 feet and acid rain is going to kill you.
Every one of the articles here I'm about to just read the dis info points from.
This is the best recap of the history since 1966 when the club of Rome put out the climate hysteria in 63.
And within three years they had the whole media behind it they own.
1966 oil gone exhausted totally in 10 years.
66 67 dire famine forecast for 75 68 overpopulation will spread worldwide 69 everyone will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 89.
1970 world will use up all the natural resources by 2000.
1970 urban citizens will require gas masks by 1985 1970 nitrogen buildup that's why they're banned the cows everywhere will make all land unusable 1970 they're banned the cows everywhere on that line.
Decaying pollution will kill all the fish.
1970 1970 killer bees.
1970 I saved by 2000.
1970 a miracle subject to water rationing by 74 and food rationing by 1980.
But they're gonna do this artificially now you see this is their excuse 1971 new ice age coming by 2020 didn't happen either.
1972 new ice age by 2070.
1972 oil depleted in 20 years.
1974 space satellite show new ice age coming fast.
1974 another ice age 1974 ozone depletion a great peril to life.
1976 scientific consensus planet cooling famines imminent.
1977 Department of Energy says oil will peak in the 90s.
1978 no end in sight for 30 year cooling trim.
1980 acid rain kills life in all lakes.
1980 peak oil in 2000 1988 regional droughts that never happened in the 1990s.
1988 temperature in DC will hit record highs 1988.
Maldavi Islands will be underwater by 2018 they're not.
1989 rising sea levels will obliterate nations if nothing done by 2000.
1999 New York City's West Side Highway underwater by 2019 it's not 1996 peak oil by 2020.
2000 children won't know what snow is in 2000 2002 famine in 10 years.
We don't give up eating fish meat and dairy.
2002 peak oil in 2010 2004 Britain will be Siberia by 2024 now it's the hottest ever they claim.
2025 Manhattan underwater by 2015 2006 super hurricanes 2000 and it was the weakest hurricanes ever after that.
2008 Arctic will be ice free by 2018 it's not it's biggest ever climate 2008 geniuses Al Gore predicts ice free Arctic 2013.
2009 climate genius Prince Charles says we have 96 months to save the world you see AOC saying that later.
2009 UK Prime Minister says 50 days to save the planet from catastrophe 2009 climate genius Al Gore 2013 prediction of ice free 2014.
2013 Arctic ice free by 2015 2014 only 50 days before climate chaos 2019.
Hey Greta we need you to convince them there's really going to happen this time and that's just some of it I mean come on people.
The real problem is genetic engineering and radiation and blowing up power plants and nuclear war and collapsing currencies and deadly poison shots.
Stay with us we'll be right back.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
It's number two on the top Apple chart right behind Top Gun.
It's Alex's war a documentary about the Info War that hits theaters.
The 29th of this month. The left is freaking out.
It has hit number two on the Apple charts.
That is so critical. That is scaring the hell out of them.
Right behind Top Gun right in front of Justice League and Elvis. Here it is.
I'm Alex Jones. The story you're about to see is truth. This is reality.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
I'm the most banned, most immunized media person in the world.
Alex Jones is a fake and he's a performance artist.
I'm perceived as a clown, to nut, to maniac.
On his website Info Wars, he touts Aaron Neuerborn, the sickest, most offensive theories.
Alex Jones claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
Don't you stand for America, sir? He said me and Hillary are demons.
Ain't that something? You're burning hell!
I met him back in 1990. I knew right away he was going to be a star.
How's my Hillary?
I saw all these conspiracy theorists that were talking about the New World Order.
I thought, that's what I'll do.
Hey, Alex.
Yes! The New World Order!
Was that attack on humanity that I saw early on that I really wanted to wage war on?
You're lying to the public. It's disgusting.
When she tastes that.
There's no going back.
Everything's a war. That's the way the universe works. And everything is propaganda.
I don't trust Donald Trump, but I agree with probably 95% of what Donald Trump says.
Your reputation's amazing. I will not let you down.
That's when the media took the gloves off.
Alex Jones said the Sandy Hook shooting, which claimed the lives of 20 children, was fake.
I try to tell the truth and sometimes I'm wrong.
Did the New York Times get in trouble?
Were consciously lying about WMDs that then led to a war?
Killed tens of thousands in conflict? No.
The attempts to platform us to fail.
They'd have the CIA and the FBI following me around.
Now we've got to destroy Alex Jones. We're not playing games here.
This is such a historic moment together, USA!
It's all just insane.
Okay, let's put me in prison for questioning, okay, even though that's my right.
In fact, let's execute Alex Jones. Let's put him in front of a firing squad and pull the trigger.
I have a sick feeling, actually. I just know what comes next.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't own this film. I'm not invested in this film.
But on its way from a factory in Chicago right now are 20,000 copies of Alex's war.
And I got to say, it brought tears to my eyes watching the two-hour, 11-minute film.
Everybody wants it on DVD because you don't want to be able to censor it.
You can get it discounted with 2,000 mules. Everybody needs in their library, in their archive.
Get Alex's war. It'll start shipping July 29th, that is only in about 11 days from now.
The truck gets here in three days.
On Thursday, we won't start shipping them.
We'll have them packaged and ready to ship to you on the 29th.
And film is avant-garde. Film is the real cultural battle.
And I said no to a lot of documentaries, but I had seen this filmmaker's work.
And it isn't a puff piece. It's not even pro-Alex Jones.
It really shows what we've done.
And it's very important. So I hope you go to infowarstore.com and get Alex's war now.
So you'll have it in your archive.
I can tell you that this will break in the news in the next few days.
There have been sabotage at movie theaters in Austin and New York and Los Angeles
where it's going to premiere the 29th.
Glenn Greenwald is coming to Austin this Saturday.
They're doing a screening of it. I'll be there.
And I told them that you're going to have thousands trying to go.
And that's already happened. So they're adding more screens, the rest of it.
But the point is that's just a screening or a premiere.
But they're really, really scared of this.
And I appreciate Glenn Greenwald having support for free speech.
And he's going to interview myself and the director of the film.
And we're going to interview Glenn Greenwald coming up this weekend.
So that's all set to happen. But this film is right behind Top Gun in pre-sales.
And that's great for the filmmakers.
It's great to have freedom to be so popular.
And there's been a lot of chicanery behind the scenes that they've asked me not to get into yet.
But it's been unbelievable what has gone on with them trying to stop this
that is set to go to number one behind Top Gun.
Can I explain that again? Top Gun on the charts is number one.
It's not just Apple. We are number two.
That scares the system. It shows how incredibly popular freedom is.
And I'm very, very excited.
But if you want to be the first to see it, infowarstore.com, Alice's War.
And look, I miscalculated, you know, I thought that if I bought, I mean, I told the next to Susan,
I said, hey, give me 60% off on your film.
I want to buy 20,000 DVDs from you.
I think your film is so important, Proving Election Fraud.
And I bought 20,000 and we've only sold like, I don't know what it's, 12,000 of the DVDs.
I mean, it's incredible. It proves fraud.
You show it to your church, show it to your school, show it to your neighbors.
That film is just sitting there at infowarstore.com.
So we have the two films together.
So you have them in your archives so they can't delete them, so they can't shut them down.
It's so simple, but Alice's War is doing a lot better than I thought.
You know, to Susan's film, Great Film, it got up the top 30 on platforms.
This film has gone to number two behind the biggest movie they're seeing in history now,
bigger than Titanic, bigger than Empire Strikes Back, Top Gun, which I thought,
you know, the first one's really cheesy.
I'm not a huge Tom Cruise fan.
I don't dislike him.
You know, he's against the drugging of kids and all the rest of it.
But he, you know, he's a, makes people wear masks on the set and there's a primadonna.
So he's a weirdo.
And I know a lot of the inside baseball from Martin Sheen and the Miho Vestavez.
He lived with them for two years before his career took off.
So I know a lot about Tom Cruise.
But Maverick, Top Gun, Maverick, I went and saw, I was like, wow, this is actually pro-America.
This is, this is not anti-America.
And I guess you're so used to anti-America.
You see something that's pro-America.
You go, wow, this is great.
Biggest movie in history, Top Gun, Maverick, and we are number two behind it.
What message does that send to the globalist?
People are sick of you.
They're done with you.
All their SJW movies are flopping.
Hollywood is imploding.
You can get 2,000 mules, The Order of Death, The Dark Stickers of the Side of Bohemian Grove, and Alex's War.
Four films, three DVDs for 50% off as well in FullWarsHore.com.
And yeah, I'm sitting there promoting products because they're great products you already need and we need to stay on air.
Please support our local AM and FM stations, spread the word about them, support their sponsors, tithe your local station.
So many stations have taken us from being on at night to live because you're making donations to stations that never got donations before.
Keep it up, folks.
We've gone from 150 affiliates, our peak was 200 years ago, to almost 400 right now because of you.
Keep it up, listeners, and support those AM and FM affiliates as well.
And the TV affiliates and cable affiliates that are picking up the show.
The left is so upset about that.
When I'm in debt positions, they're like, who are your affiliates?
Where are they?
What are your satellites?
How do we shut those down?
And I go, it's free-to-air cupcake.
Anybody, whether you're a pirate radio station or commercial radio station, whether you're a TV station, I don't care.
It's all free-to-air, meaning we own the show.
We put it out, but you can do whatever you want with any of it.
Edit it.
Slice it up.
Make a film.
I don't care.
We don't go after anybody for using our material.
We want you to use it.
We beg you to use it.
We believe the power of the people is paramount.
Now, I spent a lot of time in the first hour on this and Sunday night the whole show on it.
They've openly are trying to make the presidency a dictatorship over the military domestically.
We're going to expose it next hour.
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The number one selling category in supplements worldwide is fat burners, is weight loss formulas.
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American Providence is careening off the rails as it is diverted by a spineless tax money pit salesman from California known as Adam Schiff.
I think it's okay that the president is reported to have helped dictate that lie.
You might think that's okay.
I don't.
As the Washington Times reported, Representative Adam Schiff wants a defense policy bill to include language blocking Congress from oversight of the military and National Guard,
in some cases of domestic deployment.
The exemption from Congressional oversight is focused on the domestic deployment of troops, but Mr. Schiff's freeze for the Pentagon could impact a range of oversight from border security to the January 6th riot at the U.S. Capitol.
The U.S. military is not allowed to be involved in any way, even the most minor way involved in domestic politics.
So this suggests the U.S. military under Joe Biden is involved in domestic politics.
Well, we also know, Tucker, from Reporting by Newsweek that said that military assets were involved in January 6th, even leading up to the events of January 6th.
What was the military doing?
And we know that the military was fully hostile to Donald Trump.
His own military leaders, including Mark Milley, were completely hostile to the president at that point.
Ray Epps, not Jacob Chansley or Joe Biggs, should be the poster boy for the supposed insurrection on January 6th.
As Revolver News reported, Ray Epps has turned out to be perhaps the only person nailed dead to rights confessing on camera to plotting a preplanned attack on the Capitol.
On both January 5th and January 6th, Epps announced multiple times at multiple locations his upcoming plot to breach the U.S. Capitol.
We need to go into the Capitol! Into the Capitol! No! Be smaller!
Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed!
Tomorrow, he then spent many weeks attempting to recruit hundreds of others to join him.
On top of it all, Epps was seen leading key people and managing key aspects of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds himself.
Far! It's that correction!
Please spread the word!
Alright, no, Dave, but one more thing.
Yes, sir, can we go up there? No?
When we go in? Are we going to get arrested?
Leave us here. We don't need to get shot.
Are we going to arrest us all?
During the fog of war of the events following January 6th, Ray Epps and the actors surrounding him were hunted by the FBI in the New York Times.
Now Epps isn't even mentioned during SHIF's January 6th committee hearings, and now the New York Times has painted Epps as a victim of conspiracy theory, creating its own conspiracy theory.
The piece describes Ray Epps as a disappointed Trump supporter. Well, here's the only thing. Ray Epps, as far as we know, did not go to the speech.
Here is the alleged Trump supporter, Ray Epps, who traveled all the way from Arizona to Washington, D.C., and doesn't even attend the speech.
Meanwhile, 69-year-old grandmother Pam Hemphill from Idaho, who suffers from breast cancer and has no criminal history, just began her 60-day sentence.
Mom, what do you have to say to the American people as your last words before you go in?
Keep your faith no matter what's going on in your life. God's with us no matter what's happening to us. Do what's right and help make this country better again.
Your government wants you to know it hates you as they cover up further evidence.
According to the Intercept, the Secret Service erased text messages from January 5th and January 6th, 2021, though the Secret Service maintains that the text messages were lost as a result of a device replacement program.
The letter to the Intercept says the erasure took place shortly after oversight officials requested the agency's electronic communications.
The United States wasn't forged by bug-eyed corporate prostitutes.
The revolutionary fortitude of the invigorating human spirit imbued in the Declaration of Independence are alien concepts to those who would twist the very character of our nation to fulfill the half-baked whims of their foreign, globalist masters and their dwindling party.
John Bown reporting.
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We are living in an incredibly historic moment right now.
Yes, different elements of the federal government in the last 60 years have tried to have the military encroach on domestic operations. Yes, they've tried Rex-84, and Garden Plot, and Cable Splicer, and yes, Obama said he wanted domestic security force.
It's as big and as strong as our military, but now we see troops around the capital. Now we see the main threat being American extremists. Now we hear they want to ban our guns.
They want to ban all out in the open, but what will be the pretext of that?
So last Friday I saw news articles about a bill of an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, the big defense spending bill, introduced by Adam Schiff, and I just went off the articles.
I didn't read the bill yet, saying, oh, they don't want the government to have oversight, they don't want Congress to have oversight, and the president becomes a dictator, whoever the president is.
And yeah, the courts won't have any effect either, and then I read the bill this weekend in page three it says, and I'll show it to you, domestic extremism.
And then it links to U.S. code dealing with not just military personnel, but the American people and military tribunals, and then it lets the military rape people and not have due process.
I mean, it is scary as hell. It's got purged the military information that you name it.
So Pete Santilli is a former Marine. He was involved in Rex 84 Gardens Plot and Cable Splicer and all the rest of it, and he's been a talk show for a long time.
He's done a great job analyzing the police state, also been a political prisoner.
They had a release from jail for everything that happened with the Bundy's in Oregon and obviously they're in Nevada as well.
And so I was talking to him last night this morning about the subsections.
I was going through them too, and you read one thing and the media is like, oh, they don't want congressional oversight about the military at January 6th.
That's only part of it. Or they don't want oversight about this or that.
No, it just gives them carte blanche. This is martial law.
When they say the president is in charge of the military domestically with no congressional oversight, they're supposed to be congressional oversight.
The president launches a war, supposed to be a declaration of war, not as an authorization of force, but now they're saying domestically no debate, no discussion.
That is martial law. That is taking the safety off on the gun to our head.
It's HR 4350, an amendment that the Democratic Party leadership is pushing.
And Pete Santilli in the next 45 minutes is going to go over all of this bombshell martial law plan announced to install Biden as a dictator and use the U.S. military against Americans to suspend congressional oversight.
And again, I get a lot of comments on Info Wars and video saying, well, he's a puppet.
That's the whole point. It's not just Biden. It's any president. This will be law.
And then the globalists will control that puppet.
It'll probably be Gavin Newsom. So to lay it out in the next 45 minutes is Pete Santilli.
Talks to your host is on, right? Pete, thanks for joining us. Let's roll through this.
Okay, Alex, I want to back up. We're going to go back and forth here.
First, let me give everybody an indication of, like, why do I know about Rex 84?
When I was in the military, I was an air winger. I was in the air wing on the, basically, the aviation ordinance side of the military.
And I actually had an accident. I had undergone surgery. They took away my air wings.
And I had a desk job. And that desk job, believe it or not, because I had clearance, I had a TS clearance in the military.
And my job was to take a manual, essentially develop a manual back in the day we were typing.
Computers were, you know, were used for communications back to colonists when I was overseas.
But to develop our federal continuity plan coming from Rex 84 as to how we were to get our weapons from the flight line
at our military bases to the magazines and the deep underground military bases.
Why is this important? Because the federal continuity directive is how FEMA was born.
I want everyone to remember.
For COG 1979, this is when the deep state really starts taking over.
Oh, yeah. Now, if you recall, back then, hey, you know, we were at, we're in the Cold War.
I'm a, you know, Cold War veteran at the time we were concerned about the potential for civil unrest and things like that.
If we had an economic breakdown because we watched, of course, Russia as they started to unravel.
But here was the purpose of developing FEMA in the event.
And actually, I'll never forget this because it was written into the precursor to why they were developing the federal continuity directive.
That we had national security vulnerabilities.
Because of the fact that we came away from the gold standard, Kissinger went to Saudi Arabia and struck an agreement with them to buy up all of our debt
and sell us cheap oil.
And in exchange for that, we would agree not to tap into our natural reserves.
This is a fact.
It's in the federal continuity directive as it was being developed.
Back then, they essentially outlined what could happen with our supply chain disruptions immediately.
For instance, if Saudi Arabia turned on us as they basically gamed out that very quickly, if we decoupled from the petrodollar,
our supply chain disruptions, the banking system would shut down within a 72-hour period.
We could have a situation where there's civil unrest.
And now the Davos group in Biden is doing that on purpose.
Look at where we're at today.
Everything that they had predicted as to why we needed to prepare as to continuity of government back then.
It's called the FCB-1 is happening right here and now today.
And that's why those of us that have lived that are studying it know this.
Our battle plans to protect ourselves are now being used against this word for word.
That's exactly right.
Now, let's fast forward.
I said we're going to go back and forth here.
Let's fast forward to the other day.
The documentary filmmaker, Christopher Emery, was on Owen Shroyer's show.
And he had mentioned that he saw you and I getting together, talking about the deep state and many other things.
That's the corruption, the experience that I had with learning about their operations, their entrapment operations,
their social engineering and basically their joint terrorism task force missions.
And he said, you know, I wanted to come forward.
I need to reach out to Pete Santelli because I have, you know, I have information and knowledge as to what happened during Oklahoma City.
Now, let me say to you that I'm a long term listener.
You already know this for decades for, you know, 20 plus years.
I had come awake to a lot of things.
One of which was he introduced me to the movie A Noble Why.
And in A Noble Why, it was laid out.
If you haven't seen it, everyone needs to go watch Noble Why, that's your homework assignment, and understand exactly where we are today.
Because the methodology that they employed during Oklahoma City bombing, you can rinse and repeat the same exact strategies that they used to infiltrate organizations.
They'll recruit, hire, train, develop white nationalists.
They'll supply bomb making material where they were supposed to supply inert materialists.
They'll plant an attack on Governor Whitmer's house the launch January 6th.
They're running that playbook, but not just to get Bill Clinton re-elected with an Oklahoma City bombing in 95, which he admitted got him re-elected,
but to bring in permanent martial law.
That is exactly right.
Now, with the Oklahoma City bombing, Chris Emery, when I started talking to him, just before you had rolled out what's outlined in 4350,
he said, I have basically evidence that, not that Timothy McFay didn't perpetrate the act of blowing up the building,
but he wasn't the only person that was involved.
And there's plenty of forensic evidence and other evidence that government operators from CIA, FBI, Southern Poverty Law Center as an FBI,
they're an arm operating as media of the FBI.
They're an intel gathering group.
So this is important as it relates to...
Yeah, they're getting ready to run this play, but 50 times bigger right now ahead of the midterms, with 113 days.
And you can literally, Alex, as you were laying it out yesterday, I'm literally pulling 4350 down.
And I did a quick search, and I wanted to see the extremist or extremism term.
122 references.
Essentially, they're setting the stage, if history repeats itself, setting the stage to implement this continuity of government directive.
They're going to purge the military of extremists, and then they're going to weaponize the military, of course, to go get us extremists.
Now, what's most important, and we'll talk about this on the other side of the break.
I then went and tried to determine what their definition of extremism was, and guess where they redefined it?
After, of course, January 6th, an extremist is essentially anybody that waves an American flag,
don't tread on me flag, sings the national anthem, so on and so forth.
An extremist is an American is the enemy, it's a declaration of war against the American people, and it makes Obama a dictator.
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The eugenicists over 100 years ago were very public about their plans.
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So let's cut right into the chase.
Most governments fall in military coups throughout history.
It's the norm, not the exception.
And we've had a long train of attempts by the deep state the executive to take over.
We have a puppet president. We have them demonizing the American people.
We have legislation introduced and added as pork marrow to the National Defense Authorization Act.
They're trying to pass the next few months to say the president is in control of the military domestically with no congressional oversight.
They try to divert off into sexual harassment cases, stuff like that.
But it says domestic military operations.
Absolutely unprecedented.
And it singles out the right wingers, the right wing extremists, which as Pete Santelli said,
investigative reporter, is everybody that resists this new rule order.
So let's start getting into HR 4350 and Adam Schiff.
Adam Schiff, couple of elements related to Adam Schiff.
If you start digging into the implications of what Schiff called for,
essentially if you look into it, they're going to prohibit.
And we're going to have to relate back to the November 2020 election.
If anyone in the military, in cybersecurity, internal whistleblowers to any of their crimes behind the scenes,
if they provide evidence, gather evidence,
that if it's done without permission of the military, that that evidence cannot be used in a court of law.
Essentially relating back specifically to the possibility that there were whistleblowers internally
that indicated that there was a military and intel operation going on in the November 2020 election.
So they're trying to prohibit any potential whistleblowers internally.
How are they trying to disconnect us?
There's a two-fold effort here in this 4350.
Not only do they want to purge the military of extremists, they want to disconnect,
of course, anyone in the military from anything having to do with the American public.
For instance, if you click on, and it specifically references extremism,
for instance, if you click on a Don't Tread on Me flag,
or any article that is favorable to the extremist agenda,
you're therefore considered an extremist and could be either disciplined or discharged.
And this is in the legislation, not just to make the president a dictator, the office of the president beyond Biden,
not just to not have oversight, but they specifically say, when you're reading it,
that we're going after the extremist and the military is preparing for a war with the people.
I mean, it's totally credible. It's an indictment of them. Why are they so desperate to do this?
Because they're operations that they run over and over again, and we cannot deny the fact that these are globalists
that have been trying for many, many years. They've set this stage for decades now
to set up their one world government, this globalist agenda with the UN.
They have the ability right now if they were to give Joe Biden or any other president
the power through this 4350 to indefinitely detain enemy combatants or extremists without due process.
They've got tools by which they can round up Trump supporters,
that the military will be purged of extremists. Of course, they will have their eyesight
and have no qualms whatsoever in going and getting their political opponents.
And by the way, Pete, you and I are both trying to stop violence.
We're winning culturally, spiritually, financially. The world's waking up.
No, the globalists even admit that. But think about the FBI and the CIA and the military.
They're not stupid. Ordering the military out to try something like this would destroy the military
and cause a total civil war. They couldn't hold Afghanistan.
The Evaldi police couldn't go in and confront one shooter.
So the way they're set up, they will get destroyed,
which I can see is the Klaus Schwab plan to try to bring this country down.
How do we stop this?
Well, first of all, we need to expose them for who they are and the documentation is there.
I mean, A.G. Garland right now, he was put in place as the attorney general,
having a lot of experience as to how to cover up this operation that we know.
He helped run Oklahoma City and he was involved in Fast and Furious.
And he's directly involved in covering up the evidence on January 6th.
I have whistleblowers right now that are begging to come forward in the legal system
to tell in the court of law that they have facial recognition of friendlies
or federal government operators that were the majority of the people at the frontline breach.
They want to come forward. Nobody in our legal system...
I should have added, you've been really a great salute on this
and you've been communicating with the Republican lawyers, the Trump lawyers.
This is all out there. Tucker Carlson started to cover it.
Absolutely. We have the ability here in a court of law to expose this.
Through the Bundy Ranch trials, you know, they were concerned about...
So that's why they don't want any jurisdiction in civilian courts of military operations domestically.
So a lot of this is a cover of their ass.
They're already running military operations illegally.
They're already having a burdensome military.
But it looks like Congressman and Senator Grassley are right.
They're saying this is a cover-up of Milley who admitted to CNN for a month.
He was really president and overrode Trump.
He said that publicly. It's not debatable.
That's exactly right. Now, imagine this. They have a history of entrapping Americans,
of creating terrorist events. We can name them for an hour.
They have a history of all that. If they can bring that through 4350
and giving the president the ultimate powers and the military, of course,
the ultimate powers to surveil any potential extremists.
As a matter of fact, buried in there, Alex, you may not even know it.
It's outside of Section 529.
They've given the GAO, the General Accounting Office, the authority to do and the Treasury to do background
researches as to how, quote-unquote, extremists are funded.
Extremists is basically how they've defined it in December of 2021.
There was a document that was titled, I have it here,
Report Encountering Extremist Activity within the Department of Defense.
That was put out in June where they listed the American people as terrorists,
and the FBI followed suit a month later saying their main mission is fighting right-wing terrorists.
The definition, questioning elections, questioning lockdowns, reports and occupations, or open borders.
This is the Mayak Report on steroids. I'm going to read an example of what they define as an extremist on page 11.
You can go right to it.
Knowingly displaying paraphernalia, words or symbols in support of extremist activities.
Knowingly, what is it? Oh, tattoos, bumper stickers, whether on or off military installations.
Well, 4350 gives the GAO and the Intel Services the ability to surveil anybody outside of the military that is a potential extremist.
And then, of course, database them for roundup as enemy combatants.
Now, what are they ultimately headed towards these globalists? Alex, I'm going to tell you something right now.
I have it documented. It was buried in the Clinton Archives.
Bill Clinton set the stage after they formed the Federal Continuity Directive
that in the event of civil unrest or the scenario that we talk about where the military is having to come in and gun confiscate,
that that would provide for them to turn over our sovereignty to the United Nations peacekeeping forces because of the global instability that would be created by...
Pete, I made police state films at the time and was so unsophisticated.
I didn't know I was being given leaks from the military against what Clinton was doing.
And then I was bitching at the military and finally they came and visited me, not once, but twice at Jones.
We're the ones that gave you that. We're against this grow up.
And I was like, you know, 28 years old, so I didn't understand it all.
But absolutely, that's what's been going on here.
Military is on our enemy. It's the globalist taking control of our military trying to do this right now. We'll come back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, Pete Santilli worked in COG and Marine Corps. I'm a leading expert on this and he probably knows more than I do.
I don't put BSers on this show.
So the next two segments, I'm going to try to just turn my mic off and let him talk about this.
But he's just like I am and it's good but it's also bad because the general audience is smart but they're hearing all this.
What is this about Rex 84 and Barton Spicer and COG and FEMA? Cutting to where they are now, they're actually activating all this.
How do we stop it? How do you think they'll try to trigger it? You've gone over it, I've gone over it.
I've never seen such naked admissions of, I mean just the president will have the power of the military, no more congressional control.
That's the end of Pussycoma taught us. My listeners, I love them. They're like this can't be real, he's an idiot.
It's not him, it's the president, whoever they put in, Gavin Newsom you name it.
This is dumb, this is a total indictment of them and I know it's insane but it's happening because they know they stole the election,
they know there's a political realignment, they know they're in trouble.
So let's talk about more of what this legislation does, what they may do to trigger it and actually get it into place
and how we stop that with legislatures, governors, members of Congress because they're eating around the edges.
Hey, Milley said he was the president, that's a military dictatorship. Well that's because they didn't control Trump.
Well then now they want to control the president with the new president, with the current president, explain this to them Pete Santelli.
You know, I'm definitely going to explain in the following fashion that for decades they've set up the legal framework
by which they can get us to where they are right now, this effort by the globalists to surrender our sovereignty to sector.
This has been their goal the whole time and the fact that they didn't get there and we've been warning of it means we've been fighting them
and stopping them, people are like well we've been heard about this forever, yeah now it's here, that's my point, I'm sorry I'm ranting, go ahead.
That's okay, but there's been this incremental process by which and these people that are right now, we see Merrick Garland,
he has mastered the fine art and by the way I could literally say that in a court of law we could have him prosecuted
for his involvement in the cover up of the Oklahoma City bombing.
There's plenty of evidence that is contained in those archives that shows that Merrick Garland covered up all the details,
not necessarily exonerating McVeigh, that's not what we're looking to do because those guys, of course the evil extremists that want to go
perpetrate bombings and things like that, we want them to be held accountable.
The main thing I want to go after and highlight in today's episode is that these intel agencies, as in the FBI,
their partners in the intel services, as in the SPLC, okay this is important that SPLC-
Are you surping Congress's power of the purse and oversight, this is a deep state coup?
It is a deep state coup, they've written it right into 4350 giving the quote unquote the way that and it's coded,
most of these I call them chimpanzees that sign off on 3200 page bills that they didn't read, those are elected officials,
they have no idea the work that you've done Alex, the work that I've done in a relatively short period of time to research
this bill and what the full implications are.
Biden essentially is set up right now, look I'm going to put on the screen right now, PDD 25, okay,
will allow by them redefining extremists, of course, it will allow them PDD-25 will give Joe Biden the opportunity to pick up the
phone during civil unrest and say we've got a civil unrest concern of international importance, of course,
and call in UN peacekeepers and thereby surrendering and having our military even be subservient to the United Nations peacekeeping forces.
So what does it say in PDD on page 26, it says that such operations and actions under the UN chapter 7 do not require the consent of the
state involved or the parties to the conflict.
What does that mean?
He can go right around Congress, they can bypass all authorities even within the military and take us to a UN peacekeeping authority
above and beyond everything.
Why is January 6 important?
Well, because January 6 was used for them to set the pretext to redefine, of course, what an extremist is.
They published a report in December of 2021 calling basically half of Americans, if you wave a flag or support President Trump,
you are an extremist.
Now we know that they have been involved in this document, it's not a conspiracy theory, it's from World Trade Center.
The first bombing in 1993, they allowed their FBI operatives, allowed explosives to make it to the World Trade Center and that was done by the FBI.
They helped facilitate that.
Some of the training was done by Department of Interior federal agents.
So they know how to bring these extremists to the point to where they're going to cause the chaos and the civil unrest and the pretext by which they're going to pick up the phone and call the UN and call them in.
That's what the ultimate goal is.
It is very, very well documented.
The continuity of government directive also includes and we've already seen them experimenting with it with the release of the China virus out of the Wuhan lab.
They've already tested continuity of government procedures and communications.
There was a point in time where we took our northern command.
The top communications officials within the military were bunkered up and isolated and quarantined in Cheyenne Mountain.
They've already practiced this continuity of government communication system just with the release of the Wuhan lab.
They said that they didn't want to expose them.
They're still continuously rotating those military officials in and out of Cheyenne.
So everything that they've been doing now for decades, setting up the legal pretext, of course, experimenting with how to perpetrate these, not necessarily, I say a false flag.
They're absolutely, well, they're happening.
They're false flags, but the perpetrators of these government operated hits upon America to demonize us.
Of course, like with the Oklahoma City bombing and Waco and Ruby Ridge is to get us to the point to where we're on our knees asking them for a solution.
Continuity of government requires that we go to them for food.
If you're not prepared, there's a level of preparedness that you must maintain so as not to happen.
That's what you're getting at.
COVID was just the training rules for this.
Canada's under martial law.
Much of Europe's under martial law.
Places like Australia under it.
This is all globalists run.
They admit it.
And for the first time ever, they've got legislation to make the president a dictator over the military domestically.
And they say the enemy is us.
This is just no other document ever even compares to this in the climate of global collapse and the climate of stolen elections and the climate of the midterms.
In all of this, that's what political parties do when they're out of power or want to stay in power.
What's happened in thousands of countries.
You know, there's hundreds of countries, but it's happened over and over again.
What's happened thousands of times in history is now happening to us.
It's textbook.
Absolutely textbook.
They're already planning.
They already have their people in place.
And I'm also going to say that Bill Barr is also as a former CIA agent.
He's worked for the CIA.
Go look it up.
Unless they're Wikipedia, Wikipedia on Bill Barr is wrong.
He was with the Central Intelligence Agency.
Started out there through the Bush several administrations.
His most recent post prior to becoming attorney general was in fact Kirkland and Ellis, the world's largest law firm.
What was he doing there?
Well, Kirkland and Ellis was actually responsible for the merger with Dominion voting systems and state street capital.
He had a conflict of interest.
He should have recused himself having anything to do with Dominion voting.
We'll come back and get more into the documents for Pete Santelli, but here's the bottom line.
You talk about the facts all day, what they did, what they didn't do.
The point is they're openly saying there's going to be a civil war.
They're openly saying they want war with the American people.
They're openly saying that right-wingers are about to engage in all this terrorism.
And now they're saying the president's going to be a dictator and can run military operations domestically against us.
What do we do with the governors, the legislatures, good people in Congress, the media to raise the alarm and point out what's happening?
Because they're already admitting in Congress, oh, under this, Millie was a dictator for a month.
But they don't need a dictator.
If the president's their puppet, they'll make him the dictator.
So this isn't speculation, folks. This is happening.
The question is, how are they going to launch it?
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There's 350 million people in this country and statistically mass shootings only kill a few hundred people a year.
Still too many.
But NBC is reporting close to Indianapolis star, four dead including suspects at the Greenwood Mall shooting in Indiana.
A lone gunman with a long gun killed three people before an armed bystander killed him in the Greenwood Park Mall
and they don't want that information known or understood.
That's just more of the information we should be covering.
But listen, when I say Pete Santill is a lot like me, he has all this knowledge, he wants to show you all the facts and back up what he's saying.
It's a long history of this, but on a scale of one to ten, the police state announcements being made right now are an 11.
So everything the deep states wanted to do, they're now getting through.
So forget how they might implement it.
It's unconstitutional to say the president is over the military domestically with no congressional authorization.
They've got to have congressional authorization in the Constitution for any military operation.
So them doing that is trying to let the deep state control the military to do whatever it wants, a blank check.
We have a little bit of that with the 1947 National Security Act creating the CIA saying no oversight except the Senate.
Well, then they start spying on the Senate and the tailwags, the dogs.
So that's really what this is, is the full bureaucracy being above the law.
But then with the express mission, Adam Schiff says of war against the American people.
It's just the moby-dick of whales.
I mean, it is so over the top when I read the bill that I just haven't been able to sleep over it.
I mean, you can see all the preparation, the global collapse, say there's going to be domestic terror, all the provocative operations.
It's all building ahead.
Let me ask you this, the leading investigative journalist has been covering this for a long time.
How do you think we stopped this?
We're covering it here, listeners need to get upset about it.
We need to share the articles and videos we're putting out.
But don't we need Congress to take action, governors, legislatures?
What are the processes that our borders totally collapsed?
Total losses, millions coming across every few months.
But they're saying the main threat is people that question election fraud.
That tells me they're getting ready to steal the next election in the midterms and 113 days.
How do you see them triggering something and how do we counter them?
Well, I mean, all of the things that would lead to the ability for Joe Biden to pick up the phone
or President Trump to even pick up the phone and call for UN peacekeeping troops.
I don't think President Trump would do that.
Explain again, that's in the executive orders and on the books.
Yeah, I mean, it's right there.
PDD 25 is buried in Clinton's archive.
I mean, it is there with the UN, the nation state doesn't even need to provide consent.
He can just do it with a telephone call.
Well, what would cause that scenario? Civil unrest? Civil war?
Yeah, my listeners will be, well, that's Bill Clinton.
No, it's all on the books.
Just because Biden might leave in a month or two years, it's law till it's repealed.
It's on the books.
It's all on the books and 4350 itself is unconstitutional by declaring essentially
by their definition of extremism is called half of America
or the political opponents of the current regime that's in place.
That right there is insightful and provocative of a civil war division in our nation.
So they want this, they need this.
But Alex, I do need to say something.
I need to make sure that I nail this, by the way, because I don't want anyone coming after you
because you had me on to talk about Dominion voting system.
This is a fact in our nation's highest level attorneys that are looking into this told me,
don't worry about Merrick Garland either.
You need to worry about also AG Barr.
It is in the public domain that AG Barr, right before he assumed the position,
what he didn't do was disclose whether or not he had a conflict of interest
because every single attorney that's hearing our voices, they know that before he gave testimony,
before the January 6th committee, in opposition to President Trump,
that he should have disclosed that.
So that's kind of egregious in legal circles.
But these are facts and Dominion can't...
I know, but I know you want to go after Barr and Garland on their minions.
Big picture, let me ask you, I want your view on this.
How do you think they trigger the martial law takeover?
How do we stop it?
You know, there's Alex, I keep hesitating, I keep avoiding answering that question.
You know why? Because if I were to tell your viewers right now
that they need to pick up the phone and call their senators and call their congressmen and women,
those are the people that were seated with the machine that we know is election fraud for many, many decades.
These people were put in place, whether they're Republicans or Democrats.
We need to purge the system.
What we need to do, we need to flesh out the ones that are going to stand up in opposition to this 4350.
You know, Marjorie Taylor Greene, she'll do it.
I know she's going to be totally oppositional to this,
especially the way they identify and target extremists.
How many Americans right now have somebody who is serving in the military?
All families have someone somehow, some way.
What, we're not to communicate with them because you might be waving an American flag?
This is absolutely awful how they're dividing us and separating our military from having any communication with the general public.
Here's another thing. They've also incorporated red flag laws.
There's a fight out in the public for that, but guess what?
That's right. There's red flag laws in this legislation, HR 4350.
I mean, that's what I'm saying. It's insanely evil.
They're sneaking that in.
They're giving the intel services and the general accounting office is authorized,
surveilling Americans to determine how extremist organizations are funded.
And I'm going to say this, and it's not just to plug info wars.
We have to keep independent media open and alive.
We have to be able to do subsequent visits between you and I to expose what Jesse Trentadoe told me six weeks ago.
I can't talk about it right now. I'm under a gag order.
Pat Khan, we need to inform the public of what operation Pat Khan is.
It's an FBI operation where they were setting up their own white nationalist extremist KKK organizations in order to quote unquote under the pretext of investigating others.
But they were breaking the law.
We saw what they did in Michigan.
Their lawbreakers in my case up in Oregon, a Portland leftist jury found that first batch of defendants.
They acquitted them. Why? Because the only people that broke the law were the FBI agents.
We need true reform within the federal Bureau of Investigations.
We've got a long history over and over again of many false flag operations where the FBI has literally participated.
On the line Pete Santilli, this shows they're desperate. How do people find your research in your show?
You can go to thepeetsantillyshow.com.
PeteLive.tv is my website where you can tune into our live stream.
And Alex, I want to overemphasize this point. Let me show this to you. I have this right here.
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Alex Jones introduced me to that documentary.
And let's keep info wars open, flourishing so that we can deliver the truth to the American people
and even our elected officials that have no clue what is in the 3200. Do you think any of them read the bill?
Oh, they passed the last spending bill with two hours. Thank you, Pete Santilli.
I appreciate you joining us. Powerful information.
Next hour is coming up. Joe Salente, but I want to finish up here.
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All right, final segment here on this Monday Worldwide Broadcast.
The days all just blend together.
I worked seven days a week in this fight because history is so critical right now.
But we will continue on the war room at 3 p.m. today, and with American Journal,
with Harris the Smith knocking out of the park at 8 a.m. weekdays,
to be hitting HR 435-0 to make the presidency of dictatorship
with domestic military operations against the American people.
We will continue to hear HR 435-0.
That's our job. I don't know why so many times it's us that's my threat,
and you the audience that spreads the word.
It scares me that nine times out of ten are the detonator, the progenitors,
the fire starters, the people that kick it all off.
I don't want to be in that position.
Every time I want to just ease back and not fight as hard because, you know,
other people's jobs, I've been doing this 28 years, I realize,
it's our job to be the winners.
We've been given from easy and fire.
It's all to the glory of God, but we cannot do without your word of mouth.
So take the Archives of Sunday show.
I did a great job, I think, breaking it down.
There's an at-first hour, there's a two-hour show.
That's on info-works.com, band-aid video.
I hear some of the headlines.
Global Bombshell, Marshall Law Plan announced to install
Biden's dictator use U.S. military against Americans
to spin congressional oversight.
They've been trying this a long time, but now they've purged the military.
They want to purge it further. They want to come after us.
This is an indictment of everything the system is doing.
It is insane. It is admitted.
They're having congressional hearings where they go,
Millie, you were a dictator for a month and ignored the president.
He told CNN that. Now it's all admitted.
I mean, they're really coming out of the closet,
like with the pedophilia and the open borders
and the collapsing dollar and the war with Russia.
They're making their move, but we can raise the alarm
because clearly in the next 113 days,
they're going to trigger something big to try to bring this in.
But if we put enough heat on it and if we expose it enough,
they're going to be forced to back down from what they're doing.
They're testing the waters. They're testing the purge.
They're putting up trial balloons. They're beta testing.
They're seeing a little float right now.
We've got to let them know we're watching their every move,
like the sting or police song.
Then we should come in as the next intro to Gerald Salente
with that famous Sting song.
I forget the name of it or police song.
Everything you do, I'm watching you.
Every breath you take, every move you make, I'm watching you.
I know that's on the computer. We haven't played it in years,
but that's exactly what's going on.
Separately, the energy cutoff. Look at this.
Germany won't survive winter without Russian gas.
They've got government warming stations.
They have government cooling stations.
Report Saudi Arabia doubling purchases of cheap Russian oil
and selling to the U.S. while Biden won't let us bring out our own oil.
Rand Paul blasts Biden for begging and battling down to the Saudis.
And it goes on from there.
But all these globalists, like the head of Italy, the prime minister,
Mario Draghi, they're resigning everywhere.
So that is a good sign overall.
We have the audio and video we never got to yesterday.
I should have played it.
Maybe Gerald Salente will if he wants to.
It's a two-minute clip.
But Biden threatened ex Ukraine president when he was the president
Poroshenko with assassination and invasion of he cooperated with Trump
on the money they were stealing through the loans.
That is the money laundering.
All right, the top trends forecaster, Gerald Salente,
is about to take over.
But man, everything we've done for 28 years on air is coming to a head right now.
This is such an incredibly critical time.
And all I'm asking listeners to do is do what you keep doing to change the world.
The enemy recognizes Info Wars as the most effective organization against them
because of you and your word of mouth and your support.
So take the live feed at infowars.com,
and man.video.
And restream it.
Take clips out.
Share it.
Whatever you think is the most impacting,
whatever you think is the most powerful,
I'm not telling you what to do.
It's all free to air.
Just take it and rum the ball.
Like they said, the Revolutionary War.
Don't wait for orders from headquarters.
Go to the sound of the guns.
This is an information war.
And the great general, Gerald Salente, the top trends forecaster,
takes over on the other side.
Then as I said, war room in 55 minutes, Owen Schreuer.
The only way the ball gets carried down the field is when you share the links,
infowars.com, four slash show.
Great job with the crew.
Our affiliates, our sponsors, everybody else.
This is unprecedented.
This martial law legislation.
Gerald Salente, I'll break it all down straight ahead.
Please stay with us.
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We're not going away.
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The tyrants are getting weaker.
One of my old friends, Gerald Salente, the best selling author, researcher,
top trends forecaster from trendsresearch.com at Gerald Salente on Twitter,
takes over the balance of the hour, Gerald Salente.
Alex, thank you so much and thank you for all that you're doing.
And what you're saying is perfectly clear.
And every step you take, it's also what you do, everybody listening.
Every step we take, because they're watching us.
And the products, the services, what info wars is giving you,
you need not only for yourself, but to keep the movement moving.
And they're going to do everything they can to stop this.
Before we go into this, I mean, before I end this,
and I want to go into that video that Alex was talking about,
about Biden doing the Ukraine shuffle over there, the deal.
Look what's happening over here in New York.
Talk about martial law.
You got some little clown, a little clown or nobody of nowhere.
Again, filling in for the other clown, little Andy Cuomo,
this huckleberry, huckle, whatever his name is.
Yeah, they want to pass a law.
They made it a regulation, which actually would have become a law.
Had it not been for this great woman, I don't remember her name,
who's a lawyer who stopped it, that said these, quote,
health officials could officially lock you down.
That's right.
They don't have to test you, do anything.
They see you're transmitting a disease.
They're locking you down or putting you in a quarantine camp.
Oh, if only a woman was in charge.
I'm tired of that crap.
Good and bad comes in all of them.
Race, creeds and color.
Shut it.
Because, again, a woman just defeated a woman,
a great woman lawyer, went after this huckleberry,
by the way, her husband's involved with the gambling syndicate.
Yeah, played attorney general or district attorney, whatever.
District attorney up there around Buffalo.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, hey, all the New Yorkers,
all you libtard freaks, all you people.
I'm from Brooklyn.
You're not from Brooklyn.
You people aren't the people I grew up with.
The Bronx or Yonkers, you cowards.
Hey, what did Huckle do?
Oh, they just shoved through this thing over there
where the bigs could get all this free money
because they're going to build the economy.
And she took, what, $800 million of our money or more
to build the Buffalo Bills new stadium?
These are the freaks you got in control.
Now, let's go back to what Alex is talking about,
the new martial law.
They're doing it everywhere and at different levels.
Health officials, official pieces of crap.
That's when you see the word official and pieces of crap.
These are little low life boys and girls
who can't get a job in the real world,
suck into the political system.
There she is.
Oh, he is.
That is L-O-L-Lola.
This guy got more chins than Chinatown
and he's telling me about health.
These are people who can't get a job in the real world,
fail in the real world and suck into the political system
and they're telling us what to do.
Get that in your head and they're bored
and they become arrogant when they have this power
just like they try to pass this law in New York.
And now they're doing it with the militarization
right out in front of our eyes.
And that's why every breath you take,
every step you take, you're watching you
and it's up to you to change it.
And what am I going to do?
And what am I going to do?
Oh, God, when I hear that from people,
what are you going to do?
How about growing up and doing something?
How about becoming a real man or a real woman?
If we don't fight and unite for freedom, peace and justice,
and I'm saying fighting as a warrior
for the Prince of Peace in a peaceful way,
we lose end of game.
What Alex is talking about, this new martial law,
cannot be more dictatorial
if only Lenin was back.
If only Lenin ran the United States.
Hey, look, they got a guy to play a comedian in Ukraine
and his role as a comic on TV
was to play the president of Ukraine.
We could get a guy like Lemonhead,
the guy on CNN.
We could run him and he could become president.
He could put any freak you want.
You want to see how stupid Americans are?
You want to see how stupid Americans are?
Just take a look at Byte.
I'm so glad Trump is gone and I am too, Byte.
Didn't don't agree with Trump as Alex knows.
Gerald, he said you say anything you want.
He was them up until he started the assassinations
of Iran, what he did with Venezuela,
and the tax deal for the rich.
1% got 82% of it.
And he didn't build the infrastructure
and he stopped on the wall.
And then you had Obama, the Nobel Peace of Craft Prize winner.
Folks, hope and change, you could believe it.
Yeah, small change.
You got change, you got penny,
because that's what I'm going to give you.
Oh, no, then we had George W. Bush.
Another little daddy's boy, born on third base,
started a home run.
Oh, he's talking about the huckle that took over
from arrogant little Andy Cuomo, the daddy's boy.
I just came back from the city yesterday,
visited my sister in a nursing home,
coming back over to Mario Cuomo Bridge.
Costs us over $3 million to rename it after my daddy.
Your daddy's a piece of crap.
My daddy, I'm naming the bridge after him.
And it's only going to cost you $30 million.
Oh, there's the other arrogant guy,
little his brother there.
One big club and you ain't in it.
You got it, everybody?
That's what it is.
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, bullets, bombs, and banks.
These are the freak loaders that are in charge of our lives.
Oh, and Hollywood.
You little freaks over there at Hollywood.
You gave little Andy Cuomo an Emmy,
because boy, oh, girl, oh, Lola, did he know
how to play dictator of New York with his BS lockdown baloney.
The COVID war that destroyed the lives and livelihoods
of billions of people around the world
brought to you by arrogant Andy Cuomo.
I had a rally here when everything was locked down.
Boy, do they hate me.
I died, by the way, from the rally back in July of 2020.
And so did everybody else.
This isn't really me.
No, no.
Let's see.
Zuckerberg created me.
I'm a medecine there.
And I'm holding a peace and freedom rally this coming Saturday
up here in Kingston, New York.
Judge Andrew Napolitano, Scott Ritter, Gary Null,
Phil Geraldi, the five, the hot damn band, myself and others.
If you don't do anything to unite for peace and fight for freedom,
you deserve to rot in hell.
End the story.
Save it for somebody else.
You don't want to support him for worse.
Don't do anything.
Don't go out for the Starbucks coffee instead.
You better support Occupypeace.com.
We'll be right back.
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There is nothing, there is no more epitome of free speech
than right here.
And that's what people recognize and resonate with.
And as Ward said, you're not going to find a better place
for information.
You might not agree with everything.
You might not agree with all our perspectives,
but we cover all the information.
And there's nowhere else really that does it
like we do here.
Thank you for that, Ward.
Infowarsstore.com, by the way, the products he mentions,
Infowarsstore.com is where to get them, folks,
and we do have the best supplements.
I mean, just like we try our best with our news coverage
and our information, we do the best with our supplements
as well.
I mean, look at the hare and beard support formula.
Folks, this is a joke.
I mean, we're giving this thing away.
It's 75% off.
By the way, it works for me, and in case you haven't noticed,
the hare and beard formula is working for me.
Quite well, I might add.
Quite well, my barber appreciates hare and beard support
for men.
Thank you very much.
Hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show.
Yep, and 1776.
Now, that's a 1776.
I went to PS76, by the way, in the Bronx.
I ran away from kindergarten and crossed the Boston Post Road
at four and a half years old, hated every day of government
But anyway, 1776, the American spirit that you're not
allowed to talk about anymore.
We have sent out nearly 40,000 press releases all around
the world of Occupy Peace and Freedom Rally this coming
Saturday on the four corners of freedom, Crown and John
Street in Kingston, New York.
1776, the Constitution that was written for Kingston,
for New York State, when Kingston was the first capital
they wrote it here.
Over 70% of America's Constitution comes from that
Right over there, I could almost, I probably could hit it
with a rock if I threw it, is the courthouse where that
Constitution at that site was written.
John Jay, the Supreme Court judge was a judge over there.
I bought three of the most historic buildings in the
United States, the only place on each corner where there's
a pre-revolutionary warstone building, because the seeds
of democracy was sown here.
And that's why I bought them.
There it is, four corners.
And I own three.
And I bought them only because all four stone houses at
this intersection built between 1663, 1775,
prior to the Revolutionary War.
And I bought them because I was looking to leave the
country at one time, because I got fed up with the crap.
Back in 2010, in the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner,
the murderous Barack Obama.
I want that guy Gaddafi out of here.
I want that guy Assad out of here.
No, oh yeah, how about the Afghan troop search, folks?
Anyway, make a very long story short.
It was in Berlin in 2012.
In Germany, it was at the height of Western civilization.
The 1930s, culturally, scientifically, philosophically.
Berlin was grander than Paris before it was bombed down.
Think of the great German names, Bach, Beethoven,
Fogg, on and on, the philosophers.
I'm saying to myself, why didn't the people stop this
before the joint was destroyed?
President, bombed away.
Where were the people?
Where were the people?
I'm an Italian to say that my blood is Italian,
my heart's American.
Where were the Italians to stop a Mussolini?
And now, Italy is one of the most submissive people
don't fight at all.
Lost it.
I don't even like going back anymore.
Breaks my heart.
Last time I was there in 2015, the World's Fair,
brought to you by McDonald's and Coca-Cola.
It was a disgrace.
I had fans over there and I went with my cousin Vinny.
Actually, I do have a cousin Vinny.
And they're all complaining about the bureaucracy.
I can't paint my house the color I want.
I can't cut down the street.
I can't, I can't, I can't.
I said, what are you guys doing?
He said, what are we going to do?
And my heart dropped.
And that's the America we're at.
What are you going to do?
It's up to you.
Yeah, I'm angry.
You bet I'm angry.
I'm angry at the people that aren't doing anything.
What does it cost you?
What does it cost you to buy the products that you need from InfoWords?
What does it cost you to subscribe to the Trends Journal for $2 a week?
A week.
This week was only 175 pages.
No ads.
I can't read 171.
Hey, hey.
Got something to read what you want to read.
This is, we're telling you what's going on, what it means,
and what's next, and maybe what you want to do.
Oh, you want me to donate to Occupied Peace?
I want to occupy Peace.
What's wrong with you?
I got to go to, when I was a kid,
a slice of pizza and a soda.
It was 25 cents.
Today it's like about $4.
Could you afford a slice of pizza?
We're in critical times.
World War III has begun.
Keep sending more and more of our money
to keep bloodying the killing fields.
Russia's not going to lose.
I'm totally against the war, totally against it.
As a matter of fact, when we come back,
we've got to play that clip that Alex Jones has
of Biden talking the deal.
And again, his son there, Hunter.
Hunter for Coke.
Oh, and John Kerry,
another arrogant little boy of nothing.
Another member of the club.
They married the Heinz lady and Chris Heinz.
Biden and another guy did a deal
right after they overthrew the government
of Victor Yanukovych in 2014
with barisma energy and put them on the board.
And what does Biden's boy know about oil
or the Heinz 57 kid?
Zip zero nada.
But they only made about $30 million.
So let's calm down.
We have a million.
$30,000 a month.
Biden was getting anything.
He made 3 million bucks.
And look at what Alex Jones and the staff have to do
to earn money.
Look what I have to do.
To put a magazine out and earn money.
Oh, and by the way,
where are the billionaires for peace?
Hey, Musk, you got a lot of joy.
You talk a lot.
Hey, Bezos, where's the BS?
Oh, you got the Washington Post.
Oh, yeah, to tie into the government.
Where are the billionaires for peace?
Not a penny.
Not a penny for peace.
Only more war.
Again, when we come back,
we're going to play that clip that Alex Jones was talking about.
So again, you want to see how stupid the American people are?
Take a look at Biden.
Put that poster that out of his mind cat up there.
And boy, all you libtards, all you're so happy Trump is gone.
Again, as much as I don't like Trump,
because of who he is in a lot of ways.
If Trump was president,
I believe there would be no Ukraine war.
Again, I call it like I see it.
But instead, we're at war.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones
You're listening to the Alex Jones show and now your host Gerald Solente
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones show yep yep and the one that that that new
Weight loss product that they have that's a must
That's a must you know you think I am Italian. I
Love to cook. I could eat macaroni every day. I do what I can to stay in shape
The older you get the more you got to do
The better you have to get on your diet the more you have to work out I increase my workout someone I used to do it
I try to do them every day
Because you got to stay in the fight don't want to end up as a
inmate in a nursing home
And again, I went to see my sister yesterday breaks my heart
and matter of fact, I'm getting her out of there hopefully and I'm bringing her up here to live with me and
So you got to get in staying in shape staying shape. I mean the crap that people are eating
You know anyway
Go go to info wars. They got these great products and I mentioned before we're gonna go to that video of
Saying what the deal is this guy for the shanko by the way
Use another oligarch and the oligarchs run Ukraine and is one of the most corrupt countries
In the world not according to me according to the studies done. You guys got that video
All right, let it go
In other words Biden does not want Ukraine asking for more money from Trump doing so would cause Trump to look into the details
Yeah, you got it your economic and political security
And here's your trends journal from
As the United States we wrote about it as it was happening
the overthrow of
the democratically elected government of
Victor Yanukovych and you know it was behind it Biden just mentioned it the IMF
The international mafia excuse me monetary fund
Hey only the Italians have the mafia. What's wrong with you salenti? We only can make fun of the Italians
Italian lives don't matter
No, we could a we can make it talk like this. We can make funny. Hey, do you?
Yeah, I had enough of that crap too. I don't like that stuff
See it was the deal
As I said, Ukraine's by the daddy could look it up the most corrupt country in Europe and among the world
After the Soviet Union broke up
It's been downhill for Ukraine
They've been busted out and
And the United States they had the Orange Revolution back in the early 2000s
They put in a Western cat people got fed up with that
They put in they voted for Victor Yanukovych and he won but the country was in dire financial straits
So what do you do? He went to the IMF and
EU and he cut a deal with him to bail out the country and
And Putin didn't like that because they were moving back into the EU and the deal was
Again all in details in your trends journal just the facts
That when the Soviet Union broke up the deal between Gorbachev from the Soviet Union and Reagan and Gorbachev and Bush senior
And was that NATO would not inch move one inch further. That's the quote not one inch further
There was 16 of them then there. I think there are 27 of them now. Anyway, so
Putin said listen, I got a better deal for you
I'll give you a lower interest rate than the IMF and EU were giving you and I'm gonna cut back your energy prices
Yanukovych says hey, that sounds like a good deal for me and that was the beginning of the end
Victoria Newlin, Jeffrey Pyatt caught on the phone
F you to the EU
We're putting Yats in there this guy Yats Yatsenyuk a little boy of nothing until they bought Portoshenko in again
By the way Portoshenko is also being brought up on charges
Violations that he's committed and had gone back to Ukraine to show that he was gonna fight them
He has a track record of being allegedly
Allegedly so I'm not
Saying he did it as
As being a money mobster in a lot of ways again
another oligarch and that's who runs
But they don't talk about this in the media
So going back to Ukraine today, their foreign minister came out and said yeah, we'll do a peace treaty after we defeat
Russia a
peace treaty
After you defeat Russia
You're not going to defeat Russian
Russia controls over 20 percent nearly 25 percent of Ukraine
Hey, yeah, we're gonna get it back. No, you're not. Oh
They're taking down that statue of Catherine the Great and
When did that go back to like the 1700s even you two come countries have been going on it for that long and
You want me to get involved as an American?
You ask anybody about what I just spoke about
The overthrow
They don't have a clue
They could tell you
the batting average of 95 percent of the ballplayers
What team they're on who's winning who's losing how many games behind the second-place team is?
And don't have a clue about what in the world is going on
You're getting that from info wars I go to info wars every day
I want to say what are these? What are they where they got there? What could I learn from them?
What could I pick up where they have that other people don't have I?
Go to drudge drudge is a drudge man. It's the perfect name for it now. What a drudge. Hmm. I
Want to see I want to get I want to get information from everybody all over then I'll decide
I think for myself and that's the motto of the Trends Journal magazine think for yourself
And that's what info wars does
Think for yourself that's what the Trends Journal does think for yourself and
And now is the most important time of our lives to think for ourselves
But most importantly it does not take a majority to prevail
But rather an irate tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men's to Samuel Adams
That's us
That's Trends Journal subscribers
Trends journal calm and that's info wars
We're it and we could beat them. They're nobodies the little boys of nothing and little girls of nothing
I got to be equal
the little boys of nothing again
Kingston, New York
This Saturday
The Four Corners of Freedom
John and Crown Street to a clock and again. I'm an American. I believe in George Washington
No foreign entanglements the general and the president who really thought
The globalists are doing everything they can to destroy
heterosexual relationships to annihilate the family to split up marriages and if you look at the studies the number one cause of
Breaking up is the fact that the men cannot satisfy their women in the bedroom
It's that simple ladies and gentlemen and even if you're like me and hardly ever have a problem
I mean all of us one point other to that's just the truth the liberals will make fun of that
But everybody knows that's true
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There is nothing there is no more
epitome of free speech than right here and
That's what people recognize and resonate with and as word said you're not gonna find a better place for
Information you might not agree with everything you might not agree with all our perspectives, but we cover all the information and
There's nowhere else really that does it like we do here. Thank you for that word infowarstore.com by the way
The products he mentions infowarstore.com is where to get them folks and we do have the best supplements
I mean just like we try our best with our news coverage and our information
We do the best with our supplements as well. I mean look at the hair and beard support formula folks
This is a joke. I mean we're giving this thing away at 75% off
By the way, it works for me in case you haven't noticed the hair and beard formula is working for me quite well
I might add quite well my barber appreciates hair and beard support for men. I go and see him quite often now
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order its Alex Jones leading a frontal assault on the lies of the
New World Order its Alex Jones and now your host Gerald Salente
Hey great being on the Alex Jones show and as the cover the trends journal another Anthony Frida
Genius work who does
Stay in the mainstream
Stay stupid
That's it
Stay in the mainstream
Stay stupid
He's brilliant. You look at it closely. It's it's amazing what he does and that's what info was that's what we do
It's a trends journal. We're taking you out of the mainstream
And the mainstream is just gonna take it down the toilet
Important product, you know, I've been on info was a lot of years and their new
Diet force to me
This is really essential
42% of Americans are obese
Let's go back to the COVID war that they never would talk about who was dying from it
Type 2 diabetics
Obesity respiratory ailments those are the champions
Trends journal dot-com. We only stay with the facts only stay with the facts according to the CDC
Hey, if they say it, it must be true
61% of all the 1 to 17 year olds that were hospitalized for COVID
This diet for us is essential. There you go America
Boy, you know
Maybe after like a cat like that would go out you put them on a spit
Cut it up. You don't have to bury him. We could save some money and we could feed the poor
Yeah, I mean there's a lot of meat there to sell
You know, I grew up. This just didn't didn't exist you look at the pictures from
Woodstock back in 1969
You didn't see any of this stuff and now it's everywhere
It's more it's so important, you know, by the way if I got elected I want a fat tax
That's right. The more you weigh the more you pay. I
Don't want to pay for your problem man and women
Because I do the data and I know how much
It's driving up our health costs because you're overflowing
The medical system in detail in your trends journal over the years
Facts facts from institutes
It is so important this isn't like, you know, oh
I can do it. I don't have to do it. I don't want to do it
You need to do it diet for us if you're not in
The best shape
Then you're not in the best head
Period paragraph. If you're not in the best shape, you're not in the best head. Now
Let's put it all together because I'm a turn forecaster and our system of tracking trends is making connections between different fields
If you're not in the best shape
You're not in the best head and right now you have to be in the best shape of your life
We are going through a socio-economic and geopolitical crisis the likes of which we've never seen before
Could Washington have crossed the Delaware the general fighting a real man that fought not like little Obama
Or Biden or Trump these are the real fighters out there
Or Clinton or bushy boys
What Clinton or bushy boy?
Could you cross the Delaware
Looking like those people
Hey, how about Lloyd Austin the current the guy that that that's the department of defense former general Lloyd Austin
Guys look like he's carrying a little bit extra weight Washington on the Delaware going across those little boats. Those things are a sunk. This is so important
If you're not in great shape
Then you're not thinking right you can't fight the best
Die for us
Not in the best shape
Not in the best head and this will help put you in both
So all things are connected
It's really important because we are in the fight for our lives
United we stand divided we die
World War three is begun
Get to senior head
If I asked Alex the folks some info was to give me some weapons so I could go kill somebody you're an accessory to the crime
United States and NATO are doing all their accessories in the war against Russia
And you're hearing the crap coming out of their mouths about nuclear wars on both sides
And again as we wrote in the Trends Journal study came out last week or two weeks ago a nuclear exchange between Russia and the United States will begin
A new ice age that will last for thousands of years
And remember when all else fails they take you to war and the economy is failing again world war two great depression
calm bust
were on terror
Today the Dow is up over 350 points. I
Just looked when I took a break it was down about 280 points down
It's artificially being propped up
It's a gangsta band. Oh, Selenity you call get these wrong sometimes. Yeah, I get them wrong
Hey, they didn't teach me about zero interest rate policy of quantitative easing
In economics 101 a graduate school. They made up this crap
They're gonna raise interest rates. What are you talking about? You got inflation rate at 9.1 percent according to John Williams shadow stats more like 20 percent
And they got what an overnight rate of 1.75
Who you talking to
This thing's going down big it's going down hard. It's going down heavy
We're doing all we can if we don't unite for peace and freedom. We're done finito
So support info was info wars stores calm and come to the rally
This Saturday starts at 2 p.m. In
Kingston, New York a peace and freedom freedom rally
Featuring myself judge Andrew Napolitano Gary. No
Phil Geraldi the hot damn band and others will have vendors here. It's free you come you buy what you want of course, but it's free and
If you can't make it we're gonna be streaming live and
Spread the word that's the most important thing as well
occupied peace calm
occupied peace calm for the information
We need you there
We must unite
United we stand divided we die
We have
mentally ill people in control
They just got rid of that little freak up there in in over there in the UK
And they throw a couple of other letters and beginning with an F and a you and a you know
That's the freaks that are running and ruining us so go to occupy peace calm our freedom
Peace and freedom rally
We need your support and do what you can to donate
Whatever you can
Look the oligarchs are taking over the world
You look at the election going on in Illinois for governor
All multi millionaires and billionaires putting in the dough same thing in Wisconsin and the little daddy's boy. They're running
Daddy got giving me the money daddy's giving me the money
We could outnumber them
We could outnumber them and beat them, but we only have to do it if we do it together
Again United we stand divided we die
support info was info wars stores calm
Go to it get the products
They're helping you and they're helping info wars and trends journal calm trends journal calm
Oh, it's a 30-day money back guarantee
So when you buy for $2 a week if you want your money back, we'll give it back to you
No magazine like it in the world nothing comes close and again
My favorite is the diet force because that's the force we need
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You're not in the best head
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If you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance