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Filename: 20220619_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 19, 2022
1271 lines.

In this Father's Day edition, Alex Jones discusses the various ways in which globalists are attacking humans and the biosphere. He mentions how stock markets are being deliberately crashed to consolidate control, with large central banks issuing quadrillions of currency to create massive devaluation as a political weapon or neofeudalism. The Federal Reserve has announced the impending implementation of a digital currency tied to all aspects of one's life. Amazon is creating an insider club where people have to pay money to buy staple goods, which could signify food shortages and rationing. Joe Biden's fall further symbolizes the collapse of America as the globalists orchestrate it. The Moderna shot has been authorized for six months and up, with schools in blue state areas claiming it's mandatory despite its ineffectiveness and potential consequences such as blood clots and permanent genetic alteration leading to infertility. The EPA announced that there are dangerous chemicals in the water causing health issues like infertility and cancer. Jones emphasizes that humanity is facing a planetary corporate fascist takeover with forced mass depopulation as the final destination, citing the leak of COVID-19 from a Wuhan lab as evidence. The video discusses social credit scores and carbon taxes. It criticizes the FDA for approving experimental shots that don't work and erase the immune system. It discusses concerns about the Wuhan Institute of Virology and estimates the worldwide death toll of COVID-19 to be above 18 million. The video argues that globalists have moved their legal program to China so they could blame them for releasing the virus if it ever came out. It accuses the UN of causing millions of deaths through lockdowns, starvation, suicide, and complications from malnutrition. The video highlights the recent introduction of a stronger Moderna shot for six-month-olds and up, calling it "unprecedented depopulation" and "unprecedented evil." It emphasizes the need to hold those responsible accountable and urges listeners to share information to expose the truth behind these issues. The video also promotes products available at Infowarstore.com to support the body's immune system.

It's Sunday, June 19th, 2022, Father's Day.
And I want to salute not just the fathers of the US and the fathers around the world,
but all the parents and the grandparents and the aunts and the uncles and the brothers
and the sisters and others that have stood together for our children and our human family
going into the future.
The globalists are attacking the human structure at every level, but not just humans are being
The entire biosphere and carbon, the very basis of life forms on this planet, is being
outlawed and curtailed as we speak by the forces of the New World Order.
Now on this special Father's Day edition, we're going to cover some of the giant developments
that are unfolding.
First off, it is now admitted that the stock markets, the world are being purposely crashed
to consolidate control.
It is admitted on record that the large central banks have issued quadrillions of currency
to create a massive devaluation as a political weapon or a form of neo-futilism to make everybody
dependent and bring us to our knees to bring in the new global digital currency.
The Federal Reserve announced last week that we told you for decades was coming that will
be tied to all of your political, cultural and spiritual and economic activity with
the social credit score enforced via the carbon tax and the vaccine passport system.
There's been a big development I'll be covering next segment and that's Amazon is creating
an insider club now, we have to sign up and pay money to be able to buy staple goods in
the future.
Translation, they're preparing for open food shortages and food rationing.
That's coming up.
Obviously, it's a big story that Joe Biden fell down again, came to a complete stop and
then just fell over and then hopped around later that day to show everybody how incredibly
agile he is.
The man is emblematic of the design collapse of America.
He was put there to take the blame for the collapse when it is the global that are orchestrating
it all.
It's key to make that fact, doesn't mean we like Joe Biden, doesn't mean we don't want
to impeach him, doesn't mean we don't discredit him, but we have to understand he is nothing
but the distraction or the red cape that the Matador puts out in front of the bull.
It is the Matador and the sword he holds in his hand that is the real threat and this
entire broadcast is about exposing that.
Obviously we'll be covering it in more detail coming up, but out of all the big issues we're
breaking down here, the most central is this.
We'll be covering it at the start of the next segment.
The Moderna shot, the same contents mRNA gene therapy as the Pfizer, but three times stronger
has been authorized for six months and up.
Now schools in blue state and blue city areas are claiming it's mandatory.
This is an unprecedented crossing of the Rubicon.
It's admitted that it doesn't work, it's admitted that it erases your immune system,
it's admitted that it causes all sorts of blood clots and permanently infects not just
the DNA of the child, but that will pass it on into future generations.
This is part of a larger plan tied directly to infertility and sterilization.
This is the long-term UN project to develop a vaccine to lower human population.
You can just search engine on the UN's own website, birth control vaccines, and you'll
see decades and decades of research and more than a hundred different shots that they call
vaccines that have been developed to target fertility and to lower fertility or erase
fertility in humans.
They also have so-called vaccines that they've been giving different animals for decades
that do the same thing.
That's what this is.
That's coming up.
Also, the EPA came out on Thursday and said, hey, guess what?
There's a lot of really deadly chemicals in the water.
Even though we say that the EPA and FDA, that these are at safe levels, that they're really
not at safe levels, and they're causing what?
Infertility, cancer, all sorts of gender confusion and more.
Yes, the chemicals in the water aren't just making the frogs gay.
It's sterilizing them and it's sterilizing us.
We'll be right back on the other side, infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
The internet and talk radio are on fire with the slogan, Alex Jones was right.
People ask, what's it like to be vindicated?
Well, it's actually a very sick feeling because I knew this was coming.
I tried to stop it and now everything I've talked about is going to become more important
than ever because the globalists aren't hiding anymore in policy reports and documents.
It's now out in the open.
Paul Schwab said last week that they rule the earth, the Bilderberg group founded Davos
So now, the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching.
The children are counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and
your financial support because without you, infowars would not be here.
I just want you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war and you are
the reason humanity has a fighting chance.
I want to thank you and salute you again for all you've done and ask you now to redouble
your efforts.
It's Sunday, June 22nd, 2022.
Thank you for joining us on this live Sunday broadcast.
We have some very dire announcements to make here that when you put them in context with
a larger picture, it becomes crystal clear that we are facing a planetary corporate
fascist takeover whose in-game aim and final destination is forced mass depopulation.
So let's start breaking it down right now.
It's being reported by hundreds of newspapers very quietly that the WHO chief believes COVID
did leak from Wuhan lab, that's the headline, after a catastrophic accident in 2019 despite
publicly maintaining all hypothesis remains on the table.
And if you go back just a few years ago, they would censor you and shut you down and kick
you out of social media if you even mentioned that despite the fact that top scientists
all over the world that scan the virus pointed out that it was man-made of five different
viruses or chimeric and that Peter Dazek under Bill Gates and Fauci's funding have been developing
the exact same groups of virus combinations in Chapel Hill, North Carolina going back
in 2014-15 that the project was illegal so it was moved to communist China and they even
specifically call it COVID-19 in their records a year before it was ever released or it was
ever named COVID-19 officially.
That's what's so frustrating about this is that they know this is all there so they're
quietly letting little pieces out and so they're the fact checkers, corporate and governmental
in big tech and big dinosaur media censoring and stopping anybody that tried to talk about
this when we had total evidence and then calling his criminals and calling for our arrest and
saying we're spreading fear and then now the EU is reporting that Tedros, the head of the
World Health Organization, told them two years ago that he knew it came out of a lab in a
catastrophic event whose chief police COVID-19 did leak from a lab after a catastrophic accident
close quote 2019 despite publicly maintaining all hypotheses are made on the table.
Well no, first they said it came out of the wet market out of the grocery store that had
a lot of animals in it and then they said they didn't know where it came from.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have the documents from 2017 when the Pentagon was approached
by Peter Dazik and this group saying we want to give you weaponized, aerosolized spike
protein, we want to spray it in Chinese caves and the Pentagon said that would cause World
War III with the communist Chinese, what are you talking about, that's a bioweapon attack.
So they were trying to frame the Pentagon back then by trying to get them to be involved
in this so when they all came out they could use it as blackmail against the US government
but now they've just used it to blackmail the planet, cause massive lockdowns, bring
out forced inoculations, bring out the World ID vaccine passport that's the platform for
the world social credit score and carbon taxes.
It's now all official, all announced, all there and how vindicated are we yet again
that back in January of 2020 and February 2020, Info Wars was the first to break this
information along with Zero Hedge and of course Dr. Francis Boyle but we're not taking victory
labs because now that we're 30 plus months into this, they are simply moving on to the
next phase and the next virus, they're going to release in the next lockdowns and the FDA
quietly Friday said now we're going to give, notice on Friday evening, we're going to
give children as young as six months old these experimental shots that they admit don't work
and erase your immune system, this is so incredibly criminal and if you try to point
out the studies that it actually hurts your immune system and makes you sick, well then
they censor you as well and call it disinformation, this is truly criminal activity on a mass
Director General Tedros confided to a senior European official, the mail on Sunday first
revealed concerns about Wuhan's Institute of Virology, worldwide death toll of COVID
pandemic now has made it to be above 18 million, you got right from denying people basic treatment
and vitamins who initially ran into lab like fears and conspiracy theory accepting China's
official story.
So the globalists moved their legal program to China so they could then have plausible
liability and blame who they wanted for the release if it ever came out that indeed they
did release it.
This is the crime of the millennium and we must have congressional hearings, we must
have Fauci holed up on lying to Congress, he must be indicted, the House of Cards must
come down or the same group of criminals is going to continue to launch these types of
attacks over and over again until we stop them and they're gearing up and getting ready
for another one.
So think of the value of enforce, think of the value of what you've done supporting us
and keeping us on the air over the years because we have been the main center of resistance
to these criminals and what they've done and remember all the censors and all the leftist
media and all the trolls that bullied you and bullied us and attacked us and fought
to censor us and shut us down and tried to silence us, they now all have blood on their
hands with this as well and remember the lockdowns, the UN estimates have killed more than 40
million people from starvation alone, millions more from suicide, millions more from complications
of malnutrition and they all have blood on their hands.
They launched a very recent, they're the ones trying to build on our ashes their new system
and now they're coming with the Moderna shot that is three times stronger than the Pfizer
shot, the exact same mRNA system to devastate six month olds and up.
This is just unprecedented depopulation, unprecedented evil and we must not let it continue.
They hope that because we're 30 months after they launched the first attack that everybody
just goes back to sleep now and forgets that this happened and just has no memory.
The globalist engineers, the social engineers are counting on you not having a memory but
you do have a memory.
So what's interesting as Joe Biden is falling off bikes and stumbling upstairs and falling
downstairs and not knowing who he is, he's just a puppet and it is the UN, it is the
big banks, it is the big corporations that are anti free market that are medical, biomedical
tyrants that want to have control of our bodies and literally rape our rights and our freedom
of health, they are the ones that have authored this, they are the ones that are guilty of
this and they are the ones that must be brought to justice for this.
I want to take over for the balance of this segment and the next and I'll be back at the
bottom of the hour with other key reports but this is just so insane and I want to thank
and salute all of you for sharing the articles and videos and reports that first broke at
info wars.com and banned on video because without your action, the globalist would not be on
their heels right now, would not be running scared and would not be pointing fingers at
each other, they would just be moving forward with the same old lie that, oh, it came out
of the rainforest because of global warming or, oh, you know, it's because the unvaccinated
got people sick or, oh, it came out of a wet market, no, it came out of their bio weapons
labs and we have the proof, we have the genetic scans and we have the facts that they use
that release to then grab power and control and launch the expansion of the new world
We're going to go to break here in a moment.
I want to take over.
I'm going to be back with more news.
I want to just thank all the listeners for your support.
I want to encourage you again to take the archive of this live feed once it's posted
at man.video and to share it and tell your neighbors, your friends, your family, perfect
See, we were right, vindicated again.
We've been vindicated on so many fronts and we are only going to be captured in this
tyrannical system at a higher level of tyranny until we continue to hammer this issue.
They're losing this fight right now.
The fact that they launched this attack is coming out.
But if we don't press the attack and the information war and get it out, they're going to launch
new attacks.
Separately, we have the ultimate immune system package, four amazing products that will bring
your immune system to the next level for 60% off at infowarstore.com to get them together.
We also have the info wars trifecta immune system boost with three of those great products
at 50% off and of course, we also have X2 back in stock that's so key if your immune system
is more for 40% off and that also keeps us on the air.
So thank you for the support.
Now, support yourselves and support your body and be healthy at infowarstore.com, infowarstore.com.
We'll go to break and come back with Owen Shroyer.
said last week that they rule the earth, the Bilderberg group founded Davos group.
So now the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching.
The children are counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and
your financial support because without you, info wars would not be here.
I want you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war and you are the
reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you and salute you again for all you've done and ask you now to redouble
your efforts.
Info wars has made history.
You have made history in your support of info wars and one of the biggest tools we've had
to circumvent and override the sensors has been patriot apparel so we can identify each
other so we can spread the word and so we can push people to websites like info wars.com
so they can understand the globalist plan and how to stop it.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, two months ago we announced we're blowing out of all of our
designs of t-shirts, some of which go back more than 25 years.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And we take you now into the Info Wars World Headquarters here in Austin, Texas.
Is it a big deal that Joe Biden falls down the flight of stairs walking up to Air Force
One not once but twice?
Is it a big deal that Joe Biden has to switch shoes to a pair of special geriatric shoes
when he is at a European trip and conference?
Is it a big story that Joe Biden craps his britches and needs to change diapers when he's
meeting the Pope?
Is it a big story all of his gaffes?
He forgets where he is.
He's constantly mush-mouthing it, marble-mouthing it, saying things that don't make any sense
lying through his teeth.
Is it a big deal that Joe Biden goes on vacation every weekend to Delaware where he's riding
around on a bike and now falls over as he's approaching the media?
Is any of it a big deal?
Well, no.
As isolated incidents, and it's not a secret that Joe Biden is suffering from severe dementia
and Parkinson's and who knows what else, but the thing that is a big deal is that every
day that the Democrats and the American Left refuse to try to re-chart their course to
get back on the map and get back to reality and get back to common sense and get back
to integrity and morals and fact, they just continue to expose themselves as the lying,
corrupt, degenerate, mentally unstable individuals that they are.
So now, yet again, the media and the Democrats are forced to defend Joe Biden who can't even
ride a bike.
Now, think about it.
He goes on a vacation every weekend in Delaware.
Every weekend he goes on a vacation in Delaware.
He has taken more vacation time than any other president.
So every weekend he goes.
But they like to set up these little moments for Joe because he doesn't really have any
He hasn't done anything impactful.
He hasn't done anything historic.
He doesn't really make himself available to the media.
So they have to set up these moments and they have the fake little staged White House area,
but that doesn't really do anything.
He doesn't really have any moments there either.
So they have to set up these moments for Joe so they can have some sort of a media puff
piece or some sort of public presence, but make it consumable so that it seems like a
common man thing that the average American will see and resonate with, oh, he's riding
a bike.
Oh, he's eating ice cream.
It's Joe's ice cream social again.
Oh, remember when they tried to put him on the golf course and they staged that whole
golf course shot and he almost took his own head off when he hit the wall straight into
a rock?
Yeah, there's Donald Trump having a little fun with Joe Biden unable to stand on a bike
and falling over on truth social.
But see, there's other angles to this like I'm going to be covering coming up.
Yeah, let's see the media.
Let's see the Democrats defend Joe Biden's health.
Let's see them run this charade that Joe Biden is going to be running again in 2024 like
that some sort of a realistic thing.
The guy literally falls over on his bike.
And just for a kicker, what does he do as soon as he's able to stand back up and regain
his focus and consciousness?
What is the first thing Joe Biden does?
He finds a little girl to grab.
No exaggeration folks stands right up sees a little girl and oh yummy and goes in for
a little snack time.
Yeah, get on down there.
Wow, there he is, what do you expect from old creepy uncle Joe Joe president?
Are you okay?
Oh, oh, hi little girl.
What's your name?
How old are you?
Want to go for a ride?
Want to go down to the beach with me?
Have you ever gotten sand in your underwear?
I'm just President Joe Biden asking a little girl these questions.
So pretty incredible stuff, but you can't even make this up.
I mean, if you wanted to set Joe Biden up for embarrassment, this is exactly what you
would do.
You would have a media gaggle set up for him to ride up on a bike like they clearly staged
means obviously staged there what the media is just there waiting for him to pull up on
a bike like please, that's completely staged.
But if you wanted to set Joe Biden up to embarrass him that that's the way to do it.
Oh Joe, come right up on a bike, yeah.
And then oops, up Joe falls over and then it was Hey, let's have a let's put a 10 year
old girl right there too.
So when he first gets up, you know what he's going to do so the world can see him do that
If you wanted to set Joe Biden up for failure, that would be how you do it.
So it's almost like too good to be true like somebody wanted him to take this fall.
But that's not even the story.
The story is they now have to defend Joe Biden and they have to defend how he's destroyed
this country.
They have to defend the fact that they're putting pedophiles and perverts in libraries
and school classrooms, giving them access to children, they have to defend this.
They have to defend causing your gas prices to double and triple.
They have to defend causing your grocery bill to double.
They have to defend causing your energy bill to go up.
And so that's the real story here.
The only people that are telling you Joe Biden is still the real president or even fit to
be president are just lying to themselves and lying to you and just living a life of
And that's why they're liberals and Democrats.
That's the life they've chose.
So okay, yeah, Joe Biden can't climb a flight of stairs.
Joe Biden can't ride a bike.
Joe Biden can't hit a golf ball.
Joe Biden can't go to Europe without pooping on himself or needing to switch shoes to geriatric
And Joe Biden can't be around any prepubescent girls or boys or he gets a little too excited
and needs a little grab time.
But the whole world is watching this, all of America is watching this.
And when you compare and contrast, because more people have been paying attention to
politics in America in the last eight to six years than really a long, long time.
So people watched what was going on with Trump.
They were paying attention.
And it was even because most people had it so bad under Obama that they started to care
But then there was Trump who was just like a break in the matrix.
So then everybody started paying attention.
And then there, of course, was Joe Biden and the Biden administration.
So everybody can see what a disaster it is having Democrats in control and Joe Biden
in the White House.
But even more so, juxtaposed with what it was just like for four years under Trump.
So is it a good thing that Joe Biden is such an embarrassment for this country on the planet?
No, for this country, it's actually really bad.
The embarrassment, the world leaving us behind now because our president is a joke.
But America has another opportunity to wake up and realize it.
Ladies and gentlemen, in the last 30 months, we've witnessed the globalist hit humanity
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Thanks everyone.
Thanks for watching.
I'll see you in the next video.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to this special June 19, 2022 Sunday edition of the Alex Jones show,
our Father's Day edition. Again, thank you for joining us. We're about to lay out
some really chilling information that we knew was going to happen that we warned you 30 months ago
was going to unfold because it's part of the globalist battle plan and they admit in their own
light papers that this has been their operational objective the entire time. So here it is,
another major signpost on the road to food rationing and food shortages and of course mass
starvation and collapse in the third world. And remember the statistic that just came out last
week that one quarter of Central America in the just the last decade has migrated or invaded
into the United States and are being now organized by the Democrats, permanent underclass and to
out vote the indigenous American population of all race, colors and creeds. This is the
replacement migration plan of the UN. But that's a separate issue that ties into the
destabilization operation. Here it is, Amazon launches its invite only based ordering program.
Amazon is launching its invite based program for high demand items that are in low supply.
But remember first there was no shortages but but now there are shortages. First there was no
inflation but now there is inflation. We care about making sure bad actors don't impact the
shopping experience in our stores for genuine customers. The company wrote in Twitter posts this
week announcing the start of the program. So they're going to surveil what you buy and what you do
and then decide as a social credit score whether you're allowed to buy stuff on Amazon and then
it'll be invite only into their system and because they have dominance worldwide even above Walmart
in a supply chain they shut down all their competition basically. They'll have the goods,
they'll have the products and then they'll be able to gouge you because nobody else will have them
while they spend the whole thing through the social credit score that they're actually making
sure you don't hoard and you don't buy too much. So welcome to food rationing. Remember what the
Davos group said 30 months ago. They said COVID will prepare you with the lockdowns for climate
lockdowns and food rationing and government ministers in Europe. The UK and Australia said
that was coming next and remember you're going to eat bugs, you're going to own nothing and you're
going to like it. And people laughed and said I'll never do that. Well you will do that if that's
all there is and so in Europe, the US, everywhere where the globe is in control, they're now having
government sponsored and corporate sponsored programs to the school children, elementary students
saying how fun it is to eat bugs and they're starting bug eating classes and bug eating
events in schools to brainwash the children. So the children are being taught they're another
gender, to get sterilized they're being taught to eat bugs. This is the dystopic system but look
how Amazon spends this. Oh, to make sure you're not hoarding we invite you in and then you're
allowed to get the items that all the smaller businesses and smaller groceries tour change and
mom and pops can't get and then with all the carbon rationing and things that are coming up in the
future you'll be non-essential, your business won't be able to operate but they will. Total vertical
integration, total corporate fascist monopoly system. Amazon is launching its invite-based
program for high demand items that are low in supply and it just goes on to say the site is
already showing request invitation buttons on high demands like Sony's PlayStation S5 and it goes on
from there so it's not just food but it's also a lot of other products as well and so there you go
that's that's how these monopolies work that's what the public is is being prepared for and in
fact not being prepared for we are now in the midst of this today and it's only going to get
worse until we realize that during the lockdowns companies like Amazon and others doubled and
even tripled their profits while small mom and pop businesses and even large regional businesses
went out of business hundreds of food processing plants in Europe and the US have blown up or had
planes crashed into them magically there's all sorts of other industrial espionage going on
and if you look at how the CIA attacked Guatemala it was declassified back in the 60s where they
even released crop eating insects and other things to make their economy implode you look at what's
happening here you can see that this is the great reset this is the UN program of deindustrialization
and starvation that is being launched against humanity now this is the most important point
and I make it for the 10,000th time because if we don't understand this we're going to lose
we understand this we're going to win this is all a coordinated globalist operation people
ask me on the street I see all over the internet how does Alex Jones know the future how does he
predicting everything and how does it come true basically exactly as he said it would because
I'm not predicting it it's a globalist battle plan so last week the Environmental Protection
Agency came out and admitted what has been known since the 1950s in this country and that is they
are adding chemicals via fluoride not just hydrofluoric acid but other chemicals heavy metals and
serious toxins in with the fluoride and simply calling it a fluoride product then there's all
the other runoff from chemicals that the EPA and others do not ban and then other chemicals that
aren't bad for us but are good for our industrial society and food production and our way of life
they do restrict so here is the Washington Post the EPA warned that a group of human
made chemicals found in drinking water cosmetics and food packaging used by millions of Americans
posed a great danger to human health and regulators previously thought oh now the plastic liners are
low in fertility now they're killing the sperm count now they're causing mutations now they're
causing cancer it's not just the frogs that are becoming sterile it's the shrimp and the fish
and anything else that comes into contact with this and yes us but then all the late night comics
make fun of me and the left does and jones is crazy he says there's chemicals in the water that
are bad for you because they don't want you to know that but now it's being forced out on the open
so truly yet again tomorrow's news today they don't want you to know about this stuff they
want to continue to target you and now they're coming for six month olds and up at the controlled
FDA where they've had to have five different rounds in the last two years of resignations
on the Food and Drug Administration's board because the majority of the board was voting
against giving children the mRNA shots because they warned it wasn't effective children don't get
that sick from covid and that it had serious side effects so think about what they've done now now
they're going after six months and older because then liability protection under federal law kicks
in for the so-called vaccine makers so they're hitting us from every angle and we've got to
warn parents we've got to warn people when you see them in grocery stores or church or at the
soccer league or at the swim team or wherever you are you've got to break through that wall where
you never talk about serious issues you talk about sports or netflix and you've got to bring this up
and warn the parents so that they can have the moral courage to say no when the schools try to
then make the shots mandatory because after they authorize the shots then they try to make a mandatory
and that's happening all over the world and remember it's big pharma becoming your doctor with
bill gates trying to force control over your body now i'm going to hand them a ton over to owens
shorter to host the rest of this special sunday show i'll be back tomorrow co-hosting with owen
in studio i should be back right around uh show time tomorrow take care of some very very important
business and spending uh some family time but i really really want to thank all you for your support
and just remind you we've been vindicated again you folks were right it wasn't just alec shown
that was tomorrow's news today it was you it was tomorrow's news today we're on the right side of
humanity and i want to thank god for all god's blessings and god's providence and i just pray
that we continue to be given providence and victory over these tyrants and i hope you'll
pray with me all right god bless i hand a baton to owens shroyer the answer to 1984 is 1776
info wars has been banned arrested
did that attack and threatened because we are effective the great awakening is here
go to band dot video download the videos and share support the information war at infowarstore.com
and never give up the fight
info wars dot com
there's an old bedowin saying that's thousands of years old and it goes like this trust in god
but tie up your camel hunter as thompson put it this way pray to god but row away from the rocks
if your boat is going towards the rocks pray to god that you don't get smashed on him and killed
but also try to row away you can't just sit there like a jellyfish and it's the same thing with our
immune system god helps those who help themselves we have a lot of amazing products on sale right
now at infowarstore.com like the ultimate immune support pack our four best-selling products
together at 60 percent off we have the trafecta special three of the best selling items for 50
percent off and x2 sold out so important for your immune system back in stock for 40 percent off
for a limited time because you have limited supplies in fact one of these items we only have
2 000 bottles of so the ultimate sale will probably be over just a few days take advantage of this
and boost your immune system now protect yourself and your family at infowarstore.com
the globalists are making their move their great reset is here they're coming for your
children they're coming for the value of your currency they're coming for your national sovereignty
they're coming for your very bodies with their biomedical tyranny they're coming for your free
speech they're coming for your privacy and ladies and gentlemen they're coming for your right to vote
and have your representative in government that you and your fellow americans choose
the new film the seminal film the most important documentary ever made in my view 2 000 mules is
now available on dvd with expanded extras at info wars store.com you can also get the
powerful film with other documentaries discounted at infowarstore.com everyone needs this dvd in
their library to show everyone you know we have the tools to bring these criminals to justice
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2000 mules every single person listening to the sound of my voice needs to listen to me very very
carefully the nestices are made the most important documentary in the us history 2000 mules that's
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and how they're planning to do it again now ladies and gentlemen with all the censorship going on
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we have the film available ready to ship to you right now at infowarstore.com and we also have
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there's discounts to get in game blue pen for global enslavement and so much more at infowarstore.com
get 2000 mules by the nestices now at infowarstore.com everybody that's watching this needs to support
alex jones needs to support info wars and band.video you know the bible says let another mouth praise
you i'm gonna do that right now alex jones has helped so many people in this industry you guys
have no idea how many people have got their first start like savannah hernan is how many people
have just been put on a launch pad to outer space because of alex jones including myself i've been
given so many opportunities because of this man and because of this platform and i would probably
not even be half of where i am right now if it weren't for alex jones i mean i've been able to be
on podcasts with alex and joe rogan and tim cast the super tim cast irl listen what i'm saying is
do not take alex jones and band.video for granted because you don't know what you have until it's
gone we need to support free speech systems right now so go check out the store go support their
store go support info wars leave a donation right now don't wait until they're gone
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
meet you for coffee at the elementary schools we laugh about nothing as if summer gets cold
yes ladies and gentlemen joe biden crashed his bike this weekend just like he's crashed the us
economy and we got a special report coming up on that for you in the next segment the end of oil
and gas in biden's america they told you they were going to transition out of modern day industry
they told you they were going to end coal and natural gas biden went around telling everybody
on his campaign that they were going to do this and then they said this is going to be transitory
and now your energy bill goes up your price at the pump triples and you say hey i don't
like this this doesn't work for me and the very people that planned this and told you they were
going to do it are saying hey we didn't do this poodin did this and then joe biden crashes his
bike symbolically as he has crashed the us economy but you'll want to watch this latest
gregory's report coming up in the next segment it's another great one now
i've got some other news to get to here on this sunday edition of the alex jones show
and i should be having i should be having a guest on with me leigh strannahan to discuss this further
of course patrick halley's broken this as well project veritas joe biden's daughter ashley
spotted with jill on father's day a story of her diary and showers with my dad make the rounds
and in that diary she talks about how it was inappropriate the way her dad would shower
with her and she wonders if this wasn't sexual abuse and you know what it might have led to
and then the media says oh it's not real it's not real it's fake and then the fbi runs over
to project veritas to confiscate it and tug of carlson is covering it and that's why they hate
him so much because he has an audience of tens of millions and they don't like people knowing the
truth about the biden's the biden's hunter biden probably a lot like his dad joe i would imagine
addicted to drugs addicted to porn addicted to sex likes to do it all at the same time
yeah the apple doesn't fall far from the tree tug of carlson torches joe biden over horrifying
claims of showers with sex addict daughter i wonder how the biden's became like that
oh you know like hunter biden sleeping with his sister-in-law and then when joe biden was asked
about that he said oh i fully endorse it wow well what could make what could make that situation
worse hunter biden sleeping with his sister-in-law what could possibly make that worse oh yeah his
brother had cancer when he did it man what a guy oh the biden's adventures with the biden's
are we having fun are we having fun apparently the white house staff is not having fun
and i've been i've been covering this but uh it's now making the news at a national level
the burnout is real burnout they say biden age reportedly tapped out as white house faces staff
upheaval pre midterms uh folks that's a false narrative it's not about burnout it's not about
them being tapped out okay the info wars crew here works harder than the biden administration
i promise you so it's not about burnout or tap out uh they don't like working for biden they
don't like working for harris they realize that they're worthless or their tokens or they're being
mistreated so they quit and it's very telling i mean you get a job in the white house with the
president or the vice president you think hey you you see that to the end that's a big resume
builder experience builder connections to be made and these people are just quitting dropping like
flies from burnout burnout jill biden takes a vacation every weekend and half the days is
done working by noon burnout give me a break we're burnout from what he's done to the country but
they say oh there's nothing happening here you this is the greatest economic recovery ever
you're in the greatest economy in world history under joe biden everyone's looking around like
where what where is that going on no biden crashed this economy like he crashed his bike
like biden advisor blows off recession fears i love this one americans are not realizing how
successful our policies are we don't realize it guys we don't realize how great joe biden is that's
your fault you you haven't figured out how great it is paying three times for gas at the pump
that's your problem man that's not biden's problem that's yours or gene spurling going on msnbc this
weekend telling you you don't realize how great it is it's like oh i don't realize how great it is
you know pretty much everyone i talk to now if if if we start talking about finances or
economics or stuff everyone i talk to is saying the same thing financially they are in a
a much worse place than they were two years ago and it's sinking fast you got a 401k
goodbye you got retirement you got savings see ya you had some crypto that was doing pretty well
it was it was going up maybe maybe you were making a little money forget about that that's dead
and now people are dipping into their savings to pay for things that normally they could afford
because of the slow death by a thousand cuts that the biden lighthouse is inflicting us with
right now but then gene spurling the biden advisor goes on tv and says you just don't
realize how good it is this is your fault you just don't even know how good it is you're like oh wow
oh silly me me losing money duh it's great what am i thinking i was confused guys and thank god i
tuned into msnbc at the right time for gene spurling of the biden administration to tell me how great
it is gee gene i just paid a hundred bucks to fill up my tank it was 40 bucks two years ago
i thought that was a that was i thought that was a bad thing that's my bad i'm sorry biden
that was fantastic that was the greatest thing ever oh man my electricity builds up like 25
percent this year alone i was complaining i should have been thanking biden man oh you had
a nice 401k you had some savings you had some crypto it's all gone yeah have you thanked
joe biden for that yet i mean come on man see i would have been confused because i didn't want
to live in the upside down reversal bizarro world that liberals live in where having more money is
a good thing and having cheap energy is a good thing they think cheap energy is a bad thing
they say low grocery bills low low gas prices that's bad you having a big 401k you building up some
savings you maybe getting a little quick turnaround on some crypto that's bad stuff folks that's free
market capitalist prosperity that's bad don't you know that's been a curse on you that's been a curse
on this country all the prosperity we've had joe biden is a blessing so when you're poor and you
can't afford your mortgage anymore or your rent payment or your car payment or you're dipping
into your savings just to pay pay bills now be sure to thank joe biden for that
no gene spurling goes on msnbc says americans don't realize how successful our policies are
yeah how boy why would we not realize that beats me how can i not realize how great
biden's policies are how did i not realize that oh that's because they aren't that would be why
why that's the one stocks in biggest weekly loss since 2020 yeah since the pandemic since the
pandemic since the fake pandemic oh stocks are tanking too i mean that's what i'm saying i i'm
just talking to people that uh aren't even really that politically charged i mean they're common
sense people that understand what the democrats are doing in this country but i mean they're not
really politically charged but uh yeah you leave you lose a large percent of your 401k you lose a
large percent of your stock or your crypto or your portfolio you see your bills going up you realize
that way of life you thought you had is is dwindling you don't think they're gonna know what's going on
no matter how many times biden says this is putin's fault americans are starting to pull back on
travel and restaurants msn and it's all about how people aren't going on vacations flying getting
haircuts building pools adding extensions to their houses because they can't afford it it's a good
thing you don't realize how good it is treasury secretary jenny yellen insists recession is
not inevitable and inflation likely to come down wow uh so let me tell you this uh we're already
in a recession actually so i guess she's right it's not inevitable you're already in it and
inflation is not coming down anytime soon it's going up ladies and gentlemen high quality
storeable food is back in stock ready to ship right now we've not been selling food for three months
because it was taking several weeks for the food to get packaged delivered to you most of their
companies are completely out but now they have a large spectrum of high quality food ready to ship
everything you find at prepare with alex dot com or prepare today dot com is in stock ready to ship
so go to prepare with alex dot com or prepare today dot com and order your high quality storeable food
right now ready to ship to you and your family with the inflation happening with the food shortages
with the wars with the collapsing wars everything's happening is one of the most
important as you can make is to have high quality storeable food water filtration air filtration
more and it's not just those items it's hundreds of other high quality preparedness items and
survival items right now and prepare with alex dot com that again redirects to prepare today
dot com i would not procrastinate ladies and gentlemen one of the most important things you
can do is get ahead of inflation now because the inflation is just beginning you know it's going
back to what we all thought was going to happen in the 90s when the internet and mobile technology
first came out which is we thought you know this is going to level the playing field everybody's
going to have access to the same information everybody's going to be able to freely communicate
that information that's our goal to get back to that place where we all have access to all of the
information we all have the ability to freely communicate that information with whomever we
want whenever we want and we don't have to worry about anybody tracking what we're doing and trying
to judge us or categorize us or figure out some way to go after us because of the conversations
we're having because of the internet searches that we're doing because of the the the discussions
the people we want to talk to about these things so that's our goal is to help people take back
their freedom by helping them to take back their privacy and so that's really what we're trying
to do and so I hope that everybody listening will check us out at boltowireless.com that's
boltowireless.com if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
America is already suffering a food shortage which can be felt by rising costs and emptying
shelves at the grocery store but this is a cakewalk it's going to get much worse the writing as they
say is on the wall any reasonable person can see that this is all being done deliberately
over 10 000 cattle just died and we are told that it was due to 100 degree weather and in just the
past 17 months nearly 100 deserters have mysteriously befallen the american food industry dozens of
catastrophic fires burning down food processing plants in multiple cases caused by small aircraft
crashing into them thousands of tons of meat destroyed over 2 million turkeys have been destroyed
over 40 million chickens have been destroyed and with the rising cost of fuel farmers are unable
to harvest their crops and it's only just beginning remember joe biden promised he would shut down
oil and gas i have one final would he close down the urland would you close down the other way
i have a transition from the oral ministry yes oh i will transition that is a big statement
because i would stop why would you do that because the oil industry pollutes significantly
i said here's the deal but that's a big statement well if you let me finish the statement because
it has to be replaced by renewable energy over time over time that's the biggest statement okay
because basically what he's saying is he is going to destroy the oil industry will you remember that
texas will you remember that pennsylvania oklahoma vice president biden let me give you 10 seconds
to respond and then i have to get to the final question vice president biden he takes everything
out of context but the point is look we have to move toward a net zero emissions um but kiddo
i want you to just take a look okay you don't have to agree but i want to look at my eyes
i guarantee you i guarantee you we're gonna end fossil fuel and i'm not gonna clock it
and they are making good with their radical promise except there is no alternative energy
plan the biden administration is doing everything they can to shut down all fossil fuel in this
country and not only will that stop people from driving all public transportation all shipping
and all industry will come to a halt millions will lose their jobs and hundreds of millions
will starve to death whether you like it or not civilization is dependent upon oil and gas
and our government is turning it all off we are also still suffering a baby formula shortage
and what little we do have is being sent to the open southern border for the tens of thousands
of hungry foreigners being brought in unchecked and flown to already struggling cities across america
and after several countries suspended the moderna vaccine for adults due to safety concerns the
united states fda just unanimously voted to inject your infant children with the deadly shot
your government is trying to kill you and if anyone thinks this is hyperbole or fear mongering
they are not paying attention or they are in shock the only solution we are being offered
is to vote even though we have a rigged election system and two parties that work for the same
corporate establishment starvation is coming fast and people can only survive a few weeks
without food and so what exactly will we do if the so-called red wave this november fails to turn
the tide reporting for info wars this is greg reese
biological attack is imminent imminent it's going to happen it's not a question of
of will it happen but when it happens a bio weapon release could be the thing they'd release
to bring in a world government to counter a global problem and the un has said that a global
pandemic is the only thing that may save their world government this is a biological warfare
agent that had leaked out of the wuhan laboratory there is very little contemporary study in the
world of the planet's ruling class not in communist china not in mexico not in the united states not
anywhere is there a real study of the planet's ruling class and that's done by design the large
central banks that basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics that look
into say the anglo-american establishment the founder of the builder bird group the trilateral
commission the united nations the whole project of the ross shawls and the rock folks until 10 years
ago the media said the control corporate media the builder bird group didn't exist well now the
builder bird group is public and its former head shown the steering committee is claus schwaab
and he has set up the gray resetting global government and if as a liberty movement worldwide
we don't address the globalist head on about the fact that they are worldwide authoritarian
corporate takeover we don't have a shot we do expose them we can beat them easily
waging war on corruption you're listening to the alex jones show and now your host owin shroyer
well what have democrats liberals and now they run the government so the fbi department of homeland
security been telling you about warning you about as the biggest threat white nationalists yeah
it's white nationalist and trump supporters you need to be on the lookout for but then what does
reality tell us oh no it's actually the left that is violent and it is the democrat party historically
that is known for domestic terrorism but because the republican party you know really i guess what
it comes down to is the republican party has been riding the gravy train for so long that
they just let the democrats engage in the domestic terrorism without calling them out but we have
republicans or it's via the republican party that populists that aren't in it for money or power or
fame but to actually save this country are starting to get into congress that's the marjorie taylor
greens lauren boberts paul gossars ran pauls and others matt yates that actually understand
what's going on but back to the issue at hand
aside from the violence look at the hypocrisy here us capital police arrest
steven colbert staffers at house office building charged with illegal entry oh
oh now they're liberal democrats so they probably won't be punished at all but
but and there's there's still a lot of details lacking in this story the media is probably
going to try to cover it up the democrats are probably going to try to cover it up but
what we're supposed to believe is that well we know that steven colbert's team of riders
and staffers did not have press passes to get into the building or to cover the january 6th hearing
now apparently they had been interviewing a member of the democrat party i guess this week
i forget which member it was a lesser known member of the democrat party and the story
you're supposed to believe is that they tricked that democrat staffer into letting them in the
building and that they were claiming oh we're just here to interview the congressman and then the
staffer lets them into the building now i don't believe that because they got called they were
got they got called the police were called on them because they were walking around unescorted
and the actual complaint the call was that they were disruptive now tell me if you're an if you're
a staffer or an aide for congressmen are you going to let someone into the building and then
just abandon them does that add up to you not to me but that's the official story and so then
they're roaming around trying to get access to january 6th apparently being disruptive end up
getting arrested now for me personally i'd say okay give them a citation maybe maybe you could
arrest them i don't even think they probably deserve to be in cuffs quite frankly but okay
you know escort them out of the building give them a citation maybe a fine community service
in court whatever i think that's perfectly justified and that'd be justice to me but
see if you're a republican or a conservative and you do that it's not so easy so will it be
the easy way out for these steven colbert staffers my guess is they won't even have a charge or a
fine or nothing and so it'll be yet another again yet again another example of the two tiered justice
system the two tiered justice system democrats are above the law there's no white privilege in
this country it's liberal democrat privilege but they're also the terrorists pro-abortion
activist and blood soaked outfits folks literally it's this weird thing they do they cover themselves
in blood i don't get it but that's what they do i guess it's all about shock and awe and then they
carry around babies little baby dolls covered in blood too and this is supposed to be a pro-abortion
event folks these people have lost their minds they're they're literally deranged monsters now
and they go out there with like makeup smeared all over their face blood smeared all over their
outfits and baby dolls covered in blood and this isn't a pro-abortion event i'm sorry how does smearing
makeup on your face have anything to do with your rights how does putting blood all over your body
and over a baby doll have anything to do with a right and how is that pro-abortion i mean you're
showing the world you like killing babies i'm just not getting it but why should i try to understand
what these deranged lunatics are thinking they're psychotic but hey they just try to
assassinate supreme court justices they just published their private addresses they publish
the addresses of their children's schools democrats vote to not give them extra security because
they're trying to kill them and then they send their wild deranged wacky-eyed nut job psychotic
protesters out there with blood-drenched clothes and baby dolls and and smeared makeup all over
their face and somehow this is supposed to convince me that i should be in support of abortion
an interesting strategy us abortion ruling nears us supreme court erects barricades
to the public now why would the supreme court have to erect barricades around their building
why would that be are trump supporters coming to town are the proud boys organizing an event
hmm oh no that's right it's democrat terror season forgot it's the liberal summer of rage
fat guys do we have our drop ready i should have been on you guys with that it it is the
liberal summer of rage though so they're raging and the supreme court has to build a barricade now
to protect themselves from democrat terrorists but does the fbi investigate that does the fbi
comment comment on that the liberal summer of rage oh never heard of it i don't know about a
liberal summer of rage i'm just building uh walls around the supreme court for no reason at all
oh i'm building walls around the supreme court because the christian catholics the pro-lifers
are about to come out here yeah oh who believes that and they're out there posting their signs
all over dc calling for a night of rage i mean i'd be a mastermind if i was planning all this
like for a show stunt i mean i would deserve an award i started i deemed this the liberal summer
of rage months ago and started running it as a talking point and and that little stinger you saw
and and and now they're actually calling it their summer of rage their nights of rage i didn't even
plan it this way i'm a i'd be a marketing genius i wish i had that much control no they're that
predictable i know them better than they know themselves i understand the liberal psychology
so much it's excruciating it's excruciating to know what goes on in these psychotics heads
and to know what they're going to do next liberal summer of rage and now here you go dc called
action night of rage it's one of their banner night of rage you said you'd riot
to our oppressors if abortions aren't safe you're not either who's oppressing you who's
making you have sex who's making you get pregnant no one that's called rape that's a crime no one's
debating that but it's our summer of rage and so we will rage you guys didn't you hear they're
they're building walls in dc and and businesses are boarding up in dc because the christians are
coming to town because the christian conservative trump supporters have come to town in the white
nationalist oh no that's right it's the democrat terrorists again that's what it is
that's the one the liberal summer of rage is upon us and they're allowed to do it they're
allowed to put out manifestos where they say we're burning churches we're burning pregnancy
centers they're allowed to put up flyers that say it's time for us to rage and riot but oh you
stand on the steps of the capital the fbi and the dhs are coming for you and your family and spying
on you and getting all your records wow the globalist are bombarding us with propaganda and with
spiritual warfare and with poisons and chemicals added to the food it's all come out and they're
doing that not because we're weak but because we're made the image of god the creator and we
are powerful and the social engineers fear that so much so that's why i repeat that famous internet
saying that nobody knows who first came up with the boy is it true the propaganda would not be
necessary if the situation was hopeless they need all their propaganda and all their lies and all
their evil and all their cultural death because they know we are strong and they know in the end
they signed on the god of this world who is a loser and that's why it's so important that
everybody keep info wars in the air now more than ever because even if you don't believe in god
what the globalists are manifesting and setting up is shape and we are opposing the one world
government and the mark of the beast they just announced cognitive dissonance is a major issue
amongst the left it can be very stressful dealing with facts you refuse to accept if you have a
family member suffering from this degenerative mental condition buy them a bottle of ultimate
fish oil from info wars store dot com studies have suggested that fish oils and fish oil
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digestive system recent studies have suggested that high epa and dha fish oil can stimulate
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family and now i can have a logical and calm discussion about actual facts that pertain to
reality get your ultimate fish oil for a friend family member or yourself at info wars store dot
com there's an old bed one saying that's thousands of years old and it goes like this trust in god
but tie up your camel hunter s thompson put it this way pray to god but row away from the rocks
if your boat is going towards the rocks pray to god that you don't get smashed on him and killed
but also try to row away you can't just sit there like a jellyfish and it's the same thing with our
immune system god helps those who help themselves we have a lot of amazing products on sale right
now at info wars store dot com like the ultimate immune support pack our four best-selling products
together at 60 off we have the trifecta special three of the best-selling items for 50 off an x2
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now protect yourself and your family at info wars store dot com the internet and talk radio are on
fire with the slogan alec shones was right people ask what's it like to be vindicated well it's
actually very sick feeling because i knew this was coming i tried to stop it and now everything i've
talked about is going to become more important than ever because the globalists aren't hiding
in any more in policy reports and documents it's now out in the open claus Schwab said last week
that they rule the earth the bilderberg group founded davos group so now the fight's out in
the open they're making their move because they know they're behind schedule we're going to win
this thing god's watching the children counting on us i just want to thank the viewers and listeners
for your word of mouth and your prayer and your financial support because without you info wars
would not be here so you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war and you are the
reason humanity has a fighting chance so i want to thank you and salute you again for all you've
done and ask you now to redouble your efforts leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new
world order it's alex jones
we're back here live on the alex jones show alex jones is coming up later on in this transmission
christy lee hosting sunday night live tonight as well you know ladies and gentlemen band
dot video is really blowing up more and more people are seeking out the information that info
wars is providing than ever before and obviously band out video is the place for all of our videos
and our archives going back for years now since we've had to build our own platform but it's also
the other great hosts and musicians and artists and comedians and reporters and everything else
there too now we we pay for that we we bring people on that are banned on social media
like savannah nandes and and we give them channels on band out video because we believe
their work is important and needs to be seen and we are happy to pay for that we're happy to pay
for that bandwidth we're happy to house all these other great people on band out video but it's
expensive so just remember it's not just info wars that's being supported when you shop at info
war store dot com and when you support some of the sponsors that we've had on as of late
you're supporting free speech in general you're supporting an entire plethora of reporters and
hosts and comedians and musicians that are getting banned everywhere else but that we say hey you come
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pack and it's 60 off at info wars store dot com we just said hey what are some of the best things
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that can be used for future purchases so that's big stuff info wars store dot com everything we do
here is made possible when you support us at info wars store dot com all right we've got some news here
let's talk about what's going on in ukraine is getting worse is getting better and by the way
there was a i think a general in the uk that just made a statement two guys i think the daily mail
has a story i don't have it on my desk basically he's telling his troops to prepare for world war
three with putin we guys find that for me to bring it to me right now or just put it on the screen
either way it's fine but here's some of the other headlines there the craziest thing about seizing
russian super yachts is that the u.s has to pay for them biden's national security advisor says on
hot mic well i don't know if that's the craziest thing i mean yeah we are paying for them uh
that's that's our operation biden's illegitimate illegal war against russia in ukraine it's it's
ongoing yeah thank you guys there it is on the screen though that's the headline i was talking
about prepare to fight and beat russia in a third world war britain's top general warns new u k army
commander tells troops to brace for european land war in tub thumping message as tyrant putin menace's
ex-soviet states now i don't want to go too off into this i broke this down at length on the alex
joneshow friday and i i explained where the geopolitical pieces are falling but i'll just
say it like this folks do not fall for the mainstream media narrative do not fall from the lies of the
democrat party they're gonna pretend the lies of ukraine were just just a little sprinkle on top of
the big lie that's about to come the lies of ukraine were just kind of a little window dressing
on the big lie that's about to come and they're gonna try to convince people in europe and america
and canada because those are the only leaders that are going along with this and i guess maybe the
only people that are dumb enough to vote for it or support it and they're gonna say oh we're gonna
defeat putin it's gonna be easy putin's a bad man dictator tyrant he has no support and i don't
know what a kinetic war might look like i just know that's what the story is gonna be that's what
the narrative is going to be that's what the promotion is going to be and what they're not
going to tell you is that actually most of the planet is with russia and putin that's the just
of it i'm the gist of it i'm just going to leave it right there for now because i don't want to go
into it uh so deeply i covered it on the friday show of the alex joneshow but so it's a hot mic
and the biden advisor admits that yeah basically biden's war against russia and us going and
seizing all these russians property is illegal and we're paying for all of it well no what's
crazier about it is not that we're paying for it i mean we pay for things much crazier than this
sadly what's crazy about it is just how aggressive and illegal it is the us just going and seizing
russians properties are you kidding me and they think that's gonna they think that our leaders
are so stupid they think that's gonna force these russians to cut ties with putin or throw putin
under the bus it's gonna do the opposite really joe biden you're gonna go steal someone's yacht
and you think that's gonna make them hate putin especially if you're you're you convince people
that it's because of putin that they have these yachts and they're so rich so boy they might like
putin if that's the case don't you think if that's what you believe you think they might like putin
so you think that the all these millionaires these russian millionaires whose property you're
illegally seizing you think stealing their property is gonna endear them to you you think that's
gonna make them like you or do you think that's gonna make them turn to putin and say bomb the
hell out of this guy i wish i could say that in russian because that's what's happening
they're not going to putin saying you're bad man you're bad joe biden take my yacht i blame you
putin like joe biden says oh your gas prices are going up america's taking because of putin nobody
believes that but see no putin gets it putin i don't know what's going on with his health maybe
it's a serious thing maybe it's not but he's on a serious crusade to end the new world order
putin lambass the west and declares the end of the era of the unipolar world do you understand
that he's promoting nationalism he's promoting sovereign nation states and freedom and prosperity
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to get 2000 mules today i'm a humble person and i want to say that i'm just a man but i'm not just
a man just like you no matter what color you are whether you're a man or a woman you were made by
the creator of the universe who had a plan for you who has a destiny for you that's why the system
hates you and fears you that's why they hate me it's because the spirit i carry is one of justice
and truth and courage and honor and will and love my friends the enemy's coming after me not because
i'm a loser but because i'm a winner they're coming after you not because you're a bad person because
you're a good person because you love god and god loves you and so i signed up for this i signed up
for this fight and i'm not a victim i'm an overcomer but i can't fight this fight without you that's
why i want you always remember that i appreciate you and i thank you because info wars is your
fight info wars is your baby it's the thing you built we did this together so god bless you all
let's keep fighting leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
you found it the tip of the spear it is the alex joneshow with olyn shroyer
how could this be info wars next year's news today world health organization chief believes
covid did leak from a wuhan lab after a catastrophic accident oh all this accident yes in 2019
despite publicly maintaining all hypotheses remain on the table so now even the world
health organization and tedros are being forced to admit what we knew all along that covid came
out of a lab and so you have to ask why did they intentionally cover it up why have they
been lying to us about it all these years and then why come out and admit that that's the case now
but calling it an accident oh how laughable is that that's like uh you know if you had an insurance
company and let's say you had insurance policy with this company for 20 years and then on monday
you called up your insurance agent and you said hi i want to up my policy to the highest most premium
thing in case my property my estate uh burns to the ground by fire that uh i get fully reimbursed
cash and said okay we'll switch that policy for you and then tuesday your entire estate burns
to the ground do you think your argument of it was an accident is going to hold water or do you
think the insurance company is going to have an investigation and find out that that was staged
it's like oh it was an accident really then how'd you have the covid 19 vaccine contracts
oh it was an accident really then how did you do uh world event 201 talking about the pandemic
and calling it covid hmm it was just an accident but you seemed to know the accident was coming
so i guess that doesn't make it an accident at all does it no no it doesn't an accident he says
that's nice so they lied to you for two years and then they just lied to you a little bit more
well we can't be fully honest so when are they going to be fully honest and tell you
yep we made covid in a lab yep we released it intentionally yep we used it to conquer the world
yep we used it for population control and the vaccine mandates when are they just going to
be fully honest and just tell you all that like info wars said from day one slowly but surely
they'll slowly admit everything we reported was right and now they're telling you after
year of the night years of denial a report indicates that the head of the world health
organization believes covid 19 came from a lab in wuhan china wow no kidding you figured it out
now when are you going to tell us the vaccines are killing us confirmed visor visor covid vaccine
reduces sperm count in men another adverse effect of the forced vaccine tyranny again it's all an
accident but they had all the contracts signed right before the accident magically happened
they just had it all ready to go ready to go and now they're giving this clot shot that's killed
more than 35 000 people according to government data to children experts and republicans call out
the cdc for approving the covid jab for america's youngest children citing a lack of efficacy data
or maybe they should show the data maybe they should show the document releases that show
the blood clots and the heart problems and the gion beret and everything else that comes with it
that has skyrocketed since the vaccines came out i mean can you imagine let's see here uh the number
one side effect of the covid 19 vaccine is myocarditis and the covid 19 vaccine was released
in december of 19 and since january of 2020 we have seen a 10 000 increase 10 000 percent increase
in myocarditis boy what could that be linked to who could possibly figure out this great mystery for
us they want to give those to your kids and then every day you have the sudden adult death syndrome
that's what they call it sudden adult death syndrome don't dare call it a vaccine death
another tiktok star geopastion dies at 19 19 19 healthy young girl sudden adult death syndrome
sudden adult death syndrome keeps happening this southern uh sudden adult death syndrome
just keeps happening it's amazing isn't it just amazing stuff and you know it's nice that there's
one hollywood person one big actor who's just taking on these lies head on and and putting
his voice on it and his face on it and is not ashamed or embarrassed at all probably more
so than anyone else honestly and i'm not saying there's not other good ones out there i think
rob schneider and some others but russell brand is probably as far as a hollywood actor you know
hollywood celebrities are concerned russell brand is probably number one in in putting his will
against this new world order putting his will against the lies when it comes to covet and
everything else so uh here's russell brand talking about the dangers of following the science in clip
11 here's an interesting fact though if you believe that vaccines are the best thing in the world
and that the necessary solution to the problem of the pandemic and i know there are people that
believe that as well a significant number of people believe that then shouldn't they have
been made readily available in poorer countries or does it only matter that richer countries have
access to that medicine there's a problem there particularly when these ideas are couched in
neoliberalist politics they're all about fairness and sharing and kindness and whenever there's any
cynicism and doubt you're a conspiracy theorist you're a nutter you're against progress follow
the science we've just heard the problem with following the science is that the science follows
the money that's the issue science is a subset of commerce truly objective science as is being
suggested here independent networks focused on scientific endeavour of course we want that
you'd have to be an idiot to sort of deny the effectiveness of bloody geniuses in laboratories
looking at cells and examining the behaviour of viruses and medicines although i would suggest
there are some evidence that implies that that should be conducted with extreme caution especially
if you're near a wet market all sorts of stuff comes out of those things but science within
extreme commercial and financial imperative we just accept as normal because none of us appreciate
the water that we swim in this is our reality so we just oh it's just normal yeah big business
shareholders we don't do the research if it's not cost effective we've grown up on that but it's a
problem when you present it as medically effective socially responsible personally necessary there
are many many questions that are left unanswered and not questions that are going to be asked by
claus schwaub at the bloody davos wf puff piece factory that's primary intention it seems to me
is to create a globalist technocracy limit your individual power your community collective and
even national power russell brand on his show and podcast really a great follow i enjoy his content
and he's a true classical liberal that is just against big centralized government against corporate
greed and wealth and just doesn't like the planet being lied to i mean that's what a liberal used
to sound like against war against big corporations against actual fascism i mean that's that's
russell brand but now oh they call russell brand a right winger now simply because he doesn't want
the world to be conquered by some guy in a star wars clown outfit who wants you to eat bugs named
claus schwaub or some guy named bill gates who says he's gonna depopulate the planet with vaccines
and then tells you how great his vaccines are it's like oh wow you can use what did you just say oh
you must be a conservative you must be a trump supporter uh no that's just called common sense
actually and so that's where we're at but the truth is outside of europe and outside of north
america nobody's really falling for this crap folks that that seems to be the trend to me
and really it looks like these other countries have been waiting for a for a new kind of
access of power if you will to emerge to push back against the corrupt western regime that has been
slowly morphing into the globalist corporate government and now it looks like russia is kind
of taking that role and then china is following them and then saudi arabia is following them
and then india is following them and then iran is following them and now all the dominos are falling
they don't even necessarily have to have common goals or common politics or common governments
they just have to have the common understanding that the western regime that's been in power
and the force on this planet for decades has gone wacko has gone completely psychotic and is now
trying to turn the planet into a corporate world government that they control let's not do that
let's not do that and your media and your politicians are trying to act like none of
it's going on because they're in on it ladies and gentlemen in the last 30 months we've witnessed the
globalist hit humanity and hit humanity extremely hard it is beyond critical that everyone listening
to the sound of my voice protect yourselves and your families to the greatest extent possible
and these two new sales do that we have the ultimate immune support 60 off when you get
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point is is that it's good coffee and we've got it and the farmers don't let the Mexican government
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
waging war on corruption it's alex jones
the puppet new world order minion joe biden sat in a wall
the puppet of the new world order biden had a great fall and all the puppets horses and
all the new world orders men not even claus schwaab could put him back together again
radio's narrative for months has been that joe biden is falling apart you just heard
bench pierce it falling apart and there he is riding a bike out for a bike ride
President, how are you feeling?
How are you feeling, sir?
There you go.
How are you feeling?
Finally, tonight, I want to say a few words about Joe Biden coming to a complete stop
and then losing his balance and falling over.
This isn't just emblematic of the design collapse in the United States or how he's been positioned
to be the fall guy, quite literally and figuratively, in the scapegoat for this globalist program
of deindustrialization and collapse.
It's not just that.
It's emblematic because when you watch the crowd cheering and hooraying whenever he knows
how to drive a car or ride a bike, they are basically just fawning minions, most of the
political operatives that are camp followers of his criminal regime, and then when he gets
back up, they cheer, and when he does three little hops later in the day at a church to
show how amazingly spry he is, they then cheer again.
These people are pretending they're part of the power structure.
They're pretending they're on the winning team, and they're pretending as long as they
prop up this zombie-like creature that they somehow will be fulfilled.
All they got to do is look at their 401ks, all they got to do is look at the stock market,
all they got to do is look at the value of their dollar, all they got to do is look at
the collapsed open border in a quarter of Central America now living in the U.S. All
they've got to look at is the crime statistics, all they got to do is look in the mirror and
know that they are chumps, they are suckers, they are fools, including the White House
press secretaries, including Joe Biden, including everybody that works with evil and pretends
they're on the winning team.
That goes for Obama, it goes for the Rockefellers, it goes for the Rothschilds, it goes for
Claus Schwab, it goes for all of them.
They can pretend to be God, they can act like dictators all day, they can try to crush
little people, and then propagandizes that they are savers, but at the end of the day
they're parasites who ignore their own common sense, and the spirit that God gave them,
and they've turned against what's good and decent, and they've bought into the big line,
and so they, along with the rest of us, will be very, very badly hurt in that process.
So that's really what this is emblematic of, and it's very, very sad that this is going
on, but the behavior of the sycophantic crowds is really what is illustrative here, more
than his falling down, it is their blind worship, and then going against their own instincts
and their own common sense, and what they see happening right in front of their faces
that is really, really scary, because yes, he's got dementia, yes he's addled, yes he's
stumbling around and falling down, yes he doesn't know where he is at the time, yes
he's a puppet, but isn't the joke really on the people that are fawning after this,
and it'll bind anything.
That's what the globalist system is, it's a murder of logic, it's a murder of the
programming God gave us, it's a murder of our own life preservation instincts, and
to go against that, that's everything they teach us, humans are obsolete, humans are
dirty, humans are bad, we're entering the post-human era, that's what Harari and all
of them talk about, and they want us to just buy into this idea that we should just roll
over and be slaves to the globalist, or be part of the slave master class and feed on
our fellow humans, we're at the end of the day, we end up destroying ourselves in the
Alright, Sunday Night Live is coming up, two more hours of live radio and TV, I want to
thank Alan Shore for doing an amazing job, I want to thank the Listerers and crew for
all your work, without you it would be in a lot worse position, so God bless, and I hope
you have a great Father's Day.
And Alex Jones is back tomorrow, so you've been patiently waiting, and he will be back
tomorrow as honored as I've been to fill in here, or try my best to do so, Alex will
return tomorrow, and you know, he said something right there that was so key that brings me
back to where my mind was at, and really where my heart is still at, my mind isn't quite
there anymore, because you know, the mind thinks the heart just beats and feels, but
now the real joke is on those that actually believe Joe Biden, the real joke is on those
that actually believe the mainstream media, the real joke is on the people that put the
Ukraine flags in their bio, the real joke is on the people that fall for all this propaganda,
and see I realize that those people are on, they're on my team, I mean they would, they
would believe, they would have you believe, they would argue that they're on team good
versus evil, they would tell you they're on team freedom versus slavery, whether they're
being honest about that, it's a whole other debate, but no, the real joke is on them,
the real joke is on somebody that cheers for Joe Biden thinking he's doing such a great
job, the real joke is on somebody that thinks it's Putin who's causing all the problems
in this country, the real joke is on them, and I don't want the joke to be on them because
those are my teammates, and the analogy that comes to my head, and this is why it's so
frustrating, I like to win, doesn't everybody like to win?
Yes, actually, it's been psychologically proven, most people like to win, but I don't think
you need a psychological evaluation to know that, most people like to win, so it's like
I just use sports analogies because that's the world I came from for politics, so I just
use sports analogies to explain cultural, political developments.
This is like if you're a defensive football player and the offense is about to run a screen,
and you're the middle linebacker and the captain of the defense, and you tell your other linebackers
and you tell the linemen in front of you, and you say, hey, a screen is coming, they're
about to run a screen, and they all turn around and they say, they're not running a screen,
look, they're lined up to pass, they're going to pass the ball, everybody knows they're
going to pass the ball, and you say, don't pass rush, they're running a screen, do not
pass rush, they're running a screen, oh yeah, right, and then okay, and then nobody listens
to you, everyone pass rushes, they run a screen, and they get an easy touchdown, and you're
just sitting there saying, I told you they were running the screen, I saw the screen
coming, you pass rushed anyway, and now they scored a touchdown, the joke's on you, but
see the jokes on all of us, sure, I could sit there and point at my defensive line and
linebackers and say, ha, ha, look, you guys, you guys fell for the screen, ha, they scored
a touchdown on you, but then I'd be an idiot, because they scored it on me too, that's what's
so frustrating, you really think when they call the population on this planet, they're
going to give you an olive branch, you, they look at you as the dumbest people on earth,
you liberals, you believe that the world, you thought the world was already going to
end, Barack Obama tells you the sea levels are going to raise 30 feet, he buys beachfront
mansions, you guys are jokes to them, you really think they're going to invite you to
their party, you really think they're going to invite you to whatever elitist events that
they think they're going to have when they conquer the world, you really think they're
going to invite them into their armored redouts or underground bunkers, no, no, and that's
what's so weird.
It's like they really, they really think they're fighting the 1%, but then they're the complete
stooge is of the 1% of the very rich people they think are so bad and so evil, they're
the ones that are there being their willing foot soldiers, and it's just like you realize
you're going to get crushed in all this too.
That's why they're on the same team as I am, because we're all, we're all set for destruction,
we're all, we're all set to become slaves, we're all set, we've all been sentenced to
death by the New World Order, so we're on the same team, and that's what's so frustrating
because I don't want to see my team fall for the screen pass when we all know it's coming,
and that's what's going on, but it's just, this is a perfect example, this is a perfect
example of them falling for the pump fake screen pass, House Democrats propose 1,000%
tax on AR-15s, and liberals love it, Democrats jumping up and down, oh so only rich people
can have guns, like do you not even see what you're doing here, and it's all in response
to the Uvaldi thing which turns out was a police stand down, I mean I don't know how
to describe it, it's total police stand down, police went 77 minutes without trying to open
the door where a shooter was inside killing children, and now the Uvaldi officials have
hired a law firm to block the release of all these records because it's so embarrassing,
but hey, take innocent people's guns because the police stood down during a mass shooting,
okay, Christy Lee coming up with Sunday Night Live.
There's an old Bedouin saying that's thousands of years old, and it goes like this, trust
in God, but tie up your camel, Hunter S. Thompson put it this way, pray to God but row away
from the rocks, if your boat is going towards the rocks, pray to God that you don't get
smashed on them and killed, but also try to row away, you can't just sit there like a
jellyfish, and it's the same thing with our immune system, God helps those who help themselves.
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