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Filename: 20220612_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 12, 2022
1640 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses concerns related to drag queen story hours involving children. He criticizes the globalist agenda, mainstream media, and liberal values. The author also highlights an incident where a transsexual man grinds his hips against a police officer during a gay pride parade. Additionally, he encourages viewers to support InfoWars by purchasing merchandise such as t-shirts and coins featuring his branding.

Big Brother mainstream media government cover-ups you want to stop tyranny well
so does he live from the info wars.com studios it's Alex Jones and now your
host Owen Troyer. Unfortunately for the second straight weekend I'm gonna be
having to cover the perverts and the deranged demented activity at the hands
of the LGBTQ plus pride month brigade which is really too sad for rational
normal gay people or queer people out there whatever it is they don't want to
be involved with this don't want to be involved with child abuse don't want to
be involved with all the propaganda don't want to be involved in the culture
wars just want to do their own thing and be left alone like everyone else but
no they're gonna use you to groom and indoctrinate children so that their
identity growing up is all based on their sexual whatever's that have now
been injected into their minds the different ideas instead of principles
like courage or integrity or honesty or bravery family loyalty hard work no it's
gonna be all about what sex you are and you got to ask yourself how is gay
pride month now the second maybe the biggest thing in this country and you
might say well what are you talking about I doubt there is as much government
spending and organizing and everything that goes into these events I was
thinking the only thing that comes closest maybe Christmas folks there are
hundreds of gay pride parades hundreds and look at the size of these things
look at all the corporate sponsors now so I literally have hours and hours of
this from over the weekend so I'm gonna come back and let you know what's
going on but I mean quickly though on the political side of the spectrum Joe
Biden is an absolute political disaster his approval rating is quickly heading
into the 20s historic lows we're talking Congress already crossed that
threshold long ago so the government isn't just an abysmal failure everyone
is seeing their gas prices go up their energy prices go up their grocery bills
go up probably their paychecks go down because their taxes are also going up and
no matter how much the Democrats try to blame Putin or blame January 6th or
keep playing the blame game it's not sticking anywhere it's like the old
saying I am rubber you are glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you
that's the Democrats right now and and even with January 6th and even with
January 6th they're not changing any minds in fact neutral or inquiring minds
are saying why are they still bringing this up and if you knew this was gonna
go down why did you turn down the National Guard and why did you turn down
having extra police on the scene that day this isn't adding up and this doesn't
affect me anyway at least that's how they view it a political witch hunt the
Democrat Party weaponizing the government against its opposition does
affect all of us but a lot of people won't understand that but they do
understand their gas bill going up and their electric bill going up and their
grocery bill going up and their kids coming home from school with sexual
propaganda and racial propaganda and no no amount of blame gaming by the
Democrats and Biden can fix the damage that the Democrats have done to this
country and themselves a lot of listeners have told us it's hard to find out of
the thousands of great items and enforced or calm all the storeable food so
we've made it easy with our great partners that supply us with the highest
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And the progress we've made over these past years there's still work to be done
so to those of you out there who are still working against equal rights leave a
message for you you think we're sinful you fight against our rights you say we
all lead lives you can't respect but you're just frightened you think that
we'll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked funny just this once
you're correct
we'll convert your children happens bit by bit quietly and subtly and you will
barely notice it you can keep them from disco warn about San Francisco make them
wear pleated pants we don't care we'll convert your children we'll make them
tolerant and fair first I didn't get why you'd be so scared of us turning your
children into accepting caring so buckle up ladies and gentlemen on this Sunday
June 12th and let me just give you a fair warning I just I don't even know
how to properly explain what it is we're about to show you today because here's
the deal I'm gonna tell you the serious nature of it all and I mean you're gonna
see some of this stuff and it's gonna make you nauseous and sickened but I
mean folks you gotta understand we're only human here at this crew here at
Infowars and I mean some of this stuff is just belly laughter worthy okay I mean
when you've got when you've got linebacker looking you know NFL athlete dudes
dressed up as leather daddies dancing to Beyonce grinding for children and see
and that's where it gets ridiculous is the aspect of the children and so that's
when you start to get nauseous and sickened by this but it's just I mean
there's just so many different levels of ridiculousness to what's going on now I
mean look at that big fat Cleveland steamer coming at you yeah look at that
big old daddy dump truck slaps his butt shakes it for the children I mean folks
this is this was happening all weekend long again so here's the fair warning if
you don't want to watch this stuff I don't blame you okay I don't want to
watch this stuff I went to one of these events here in Austin yesterday I was
there for about an hour I saw he on say perform I mean folks it'd be like if I
got into you know a brawn panties and said I was Shakira okay I mean it's just
but it's he on say probably better than the real thing since it's a dude since
men do everything better than women now men are even better at being women than
women so I saw he on say yesterday better than the real deal better than the
real thing there there you go there's some of the stuff that we're gonna be
showing you coming up on the transmission today so I don't blame you if
you don't want to see it I don't blame you if you're tuned out I understand if
you're even like why do you even show this stuff because folks nobody else is
covering it and and it's all oriented to children it's it that that's the
driving force and if you guys go to the end of the video I uploaded yesterday
you'll see he on stage performance I was getting down I was getting down to some
he on say oh yeah and you can see Taylor Hanson and a couple other friends of the
show were out there and they stuck it out those troopers stuck it out they
were there all evening they had to see about 30 different gay drag show for
kids events and I didn't I had to he on say was it for me I said once I've seen
it hi he on say I think I've seen them all and you really can't you know that's
just that's just the one for me that was it I saw he on say said it's better than
Beyonce I'm done but so it'd be one thing if I wanted to come in here now I
mean look I'm gonna laugh I'm not gonna lie I mean some of this stuff is
ridiculous I mean 350 pound dudes and leotards you know humping the humping the
ground for children I mean and there's a level of humor in that you know so
there's a level of wow these are perverts this is grooming children and
then there's just I gotta I mean I don't want to go completely crazy let's at
least let's at least look at the humorous aspect of this but even I feel
dirty doing that even I feel dirty doing that because this is child abuse on a
mass scale with the guys with the mask with the veil of liberalism and
tolerance and gay pride you can have all that stuff without the child abuse
thank you very much but they can't why can't they because that's what it was
always about it was always about perverts and groomers having a sexual
revolution that once they get the children involved they can come out of
the closet as minor attracted people formerly called pedophiles and then
they've blurred all the lines of morals and sex which of course they don't
believe in creation they just think we're a bunch of randomized cells so
yeah just go out there and stick it wherever you can that's that's their
sexual revolution and then it's your sexual identity of ooh what do you stick
it in or what do you stick inside of it and then here's the flag for you you
don't have a nation's flag anymore you don't have a you don't have a sovereign
nation-state you're from that your forefathers help build no no no you've
got a hey where do I stick my pee pee or wee wee and you here's my flag because
I live in the global government now and my identity is of is my sex and so again
I'm just rolling the b-roll here I'm gonna come down and go down the list got
about 15 of these videos I'm gonna go down the list when I come back in the
next segment really focus we're also gonna be joined over the phone by Savannah
Hernandez for a segment she's still on the ground in DC where they had one of
these major events yesterday she got just stunning footage it was in DC it was in
Dallas it was in Austin it was in Houston and then another one another one
where was this one there's two over the weekend head of drag queen story hour
organization arrested for child porn that's from the national pulse oh really
pedophiles are gonna try to hide amongst the crowds of all of these other
sexual perverts to get access to children when they have these events for
children who could have seen that coming oh it's already happened multiple
times and oh it happens again will convert your children Brett Blom a
former head of the cream city lgbtq plus thing I mean they should again I'm not
trying to be this is not a pun intended but they rub it in your face cream city
they have miss kitty litter go around reading the kids miss kitty litter again
I don't even know half these sexual references that they make I'm no church
mouse I know what cream city means I didn't know what I didn't know what kitty
litter meant but found that out the hard way might have something to do with a
dirty Sanchez oh we're from cream city we're here for your children we're gonna
bring them to cream city with us oh that was a pedophile oh shocking shocking
that I'm shocked at Brett Blom the former head of cream city lgbtq plus
foundation that runs a drag queen story hour for kids program was arrested on
charges of possession of child pornography and was trying to put it on a
social media messaging application who could have seen it coming and then I was
talking to mass resistance Houston activist Tracy Shannon and Kevin Witt
and they've got one in Houston again I believe it wasn't Houston and they just
broke the story earlier today guys will you see if they have it up on that I
don't know if they have it up on their website yet they were telling me they're
gonna break it maybe check mass resistance Texas or mass resistance
Houston they did they busted another one oh and it's even worse and they send me
the criminal records of this drag queen for kids like seven drug dealing
convictions multiple prostitution convictions and one sodomy crime against
nature so yeah so open Nancy Pelosi was on RuPaul's drag race and says this is
what America is all about that's right folks what I tell you that's the
Democrat part that's the left that's the globalist what is it all about America is
not about freedom freedom of speech right to bear arms self-government no no no
rugged individualism created by God no no no America is now all about what you
have sex with says Nancy Pelosi no who no one wants to touch ladies and gentlemen
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you still can leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's
alex jones
go and see San Francisco go and turn up that disco you'll forget you were ever
upset these are just all the family friendly events for kids over the weekend
here you're seeing on the screen oh yes four children all the different kinks
can be explored by your kids down thanks to the left liberals democrats not a
kink they won't tell your child about and show for them to as this was
happening all over the country this weekend and I I I'm really at a loss
wrapping my head around the fact that because I'm trying to argue myself out
of this conclusion but more time and effort and corporate sponsorship go into
gay pride month than even Christmas now because I was thinking about that when I
went to the gay pride event for families for kids yesterday here in downtown
Austin I was there for about an hour during the day did some filming with
Taylor Hansen and others the videos up on the war room channel there's some
funny stuff there I saw he on safe performance better than Beyonce folks
you can't even imagine you know men are better women than women now so thank
that's that's modern-day feminism men can be women and they're better at it so it
was really just some mild stuff when I was there there wasn't much going on
there wasn't much in attendance but later on then I got pretty wild and we got
some footage but how how do I wrap my head around the fact that I mean it's
just true gay pride month is now a bigger corporate event national event
than Christmas even here in Austin we do some stuff for Christmas we got a
little park we put a little big Christmas tree up we do some Christmas lights
you know we got a little Christmas stuff might happen you might even have a
little Christmas parade and stuff down at the park 4th of July we do fireworks
got a big band that shows up place the national anthem all kinds of festivities
Christmas thing lasts about three weeks maybe four July 4th stuff usually does
you know it's that weekend and then of course on July 4th but I mean this is
the whole month every weekend every weekend in multiple areas huge pride
events and look there's your puppy kink and all the little puppy kinks come out
and they have their little puppy kinks on their on their strollers and on their
leashes and with their their doggy masks on and they go up and they pretend
they're little doggies and they have the kids pet them hey look at least they was
there was one drag queen story time over the weekend they've pretty much
eliminated the story time so how do I how do I wrap my head around that fact
I'm I'm still in denial of it so let's just start showing you some of this
footage this is a lot of this is from Savannah Hernandez who joins us in the
next hour she's still in DC covering some of the madness is going on there let's
start this is clip one this is the pride parade in DC and they're marching right
down through DC and they've got a nice transgender man the Ted breast surgery so
three bulges and this guy's clothes and and he's going around topless and to me
what he does to this police officer is assault the police sexual assault the
police officer to should arrest this individual immediately but oh it's
liberal oh it's gay oh it's pride month so you're allowed to get away with sexual
assault in the name of pride month now here it is in clip one
this is a transsexual man walking around breasts out and then goes up to a
police officer to grind on a police officer backing into him tell me that
that's not a tell me that should not be assault are you kidding me you you go up
to some random person in the street and you put your ass into them and you shake
it in the air that is that is at the very least lewd there there is lewd
conduct charges there that is that is absurd and I feel bad for that police
officer that has to be embarrassed like that what what a what a what an
embarrassing thing to stand there you're trying to work as a police officer you're
actually trying to protect these people you may not even agree with them
disagree with them who knows and you understand they're at this event and
some pervert some dude that decides to get breast implants comes up and tries
to shake his ass on you I wish he would have thrown that dude to the ground and
arrested him and taken him in right there for lewd misconduct in public
because that's what that is and that's what all of this is see this is what
liberalism has done this is what the democrat party has done but this is the
culture of liberalism well beyond gay pride folks has very little to do with
gay pride in fact that is that that should people have their lives ruined
people have had their lives ruined because they step into the woods at a
ballgame to take a pee and some and some parent calls the cops and says that
man's urinating in the woods and they end up getting a lewd misconduct in
front of in front of minor's charges because there's kids playing soccer at
the park he goes back to the woods to take a to take a leak okay that goes on
that that that happens you can say that's good or bad that that goes on and
okay that'll deter people from peeing at public events for sure or peeing in
public you get one lewd misconduct charge that'll stop people from peeing in
public you know are you that's legitimate or not I'm saying that goes on but
oh you're at a gay kink event oh you're at a gay pride parade oh you're a
liberal and so now all of a sudden you can walk around naked grinding on people
how is that not lewd misconduct in front of minors you're you're walking around
you claim to be a woman you're walking around in the fog with a with a you got
the old tuck job going on and you've got your your fake breasts out shaking them
and you go up to a police officer and you try to grind your ass on him you
should have been arrested on the spot and I feel on my heart breaks for that
police officer that has to deal with that embarrassment that is just
disgusting oh here we go guys let's show them the puppy play gear guys we're
gimme clip to it's the puppy fetish time it's gay pride though come on now all gay
pride here comes your puppy fetish look kids we tie each other up in leashes and
whips and chains and we pretend we're doggies and do doggie things do you
know about doggie things you know about doggie style we're gonna teach your kids
all about doggie style we're the puppy kinks because kids don't I mean you're
you're tuned into the Alex Jones show you're you're a you're a full grown
adult you're tuned into the Alex Jones show and I'm sure everybody knows all
about putting on doggie play masks and doing it doggie style and then puppy
kinks but no probably not most adults don't want to know about you wanting to
pretending to be a dog and and doing doggie style puppies puppy fetish kink
most adults don't want to know about that but there you are promoting it for
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leading up front a assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones
we now take you live to the central Texas Command Center and the heart of the
resistance and now your host Owen Troyer
you know we could just let this this bad this trend of degenerate liberalism
phase out because it it it only has a finite amount of time it can't exist it
will phase into oblivion undoubtedly problem is it's gonna drag us into
oblivion with it and we'd rather not go there so we've got more of this
activity for you unfortunately before Savannah Hernandez who had to experience
a lot of this for herself in person that's always fun and a lot of it was
in DC Andy no shares this video this is a drag queen story time event they still
do the story time every once in a while every once while that was kind of the
that was kind of the gateway into it is oh we're reading stories to them it's an
academic thing don't you know now it's just straight up drag drag time dance
time for kids strip time for kids stripper pull for kids a kiddies first
stripper pull with a drag queen crities you know kiddies first lap dance on a
drag queen you know drag queens first kiddie time at the bar I mean it's not
gonna lick itself so that's what's going on here and but hey sometimes they
still do the the story time like here in clip three of course it's all the books
are all about gay how kids are gay
oh yeah two two boys and they're gay they're all happy and I mean hey you know
it couldn't be it couldn't even be like somebody just reading the book I mean
this dude could be just you know in normal clothes does he wear that every day
of his life is that maybe I don't know I guess that's his normal clothes see it's
all about let's just really show the kids it all full exposure here look you're
you're gay look I'm gay look I dressed like a woman and it's all about how gay
we all are and look you got I mean that in that one shot alone I see I think 30
gay flags pride for kids pride for kids
yeah you know you asked kids from the 60s 70s 80s heck even most kids probably my
age oh when when was your first kiss who was your first kiss it's like oh you
know my first girlfriend in high school and in my car oh you know my first
girlfriend freshman year and we were in a movie theater no we were we were under
the bleachers at a football game high school football game high school dance
you asked kids these days I kids winter's your first kiss it was a it was a
it was a puppy kink at a gay pride parade it was a drag queen story time the
dragon princess kissed me on the bum bum oh oh when when was your first kiss
little Johnny I was at the I was at the gay pride parade and a man came up and
started shaking his butt for me and he kissed me on the cheek it's my first kiss
my first kiss kiddies first kiss at the gay pride event it's like oh there was a
whole line above men wanting to kiss me when I was eight years old at the gay
pride event like oh yeah you asking kid my age oh yeah football game dance and
okay pride oh and I love this too we've got them they all they they get a little
confused and so they start to merge some of their current things together and so
they've got their you their support for Ukraine because they don't want to be
total frauds or they just support the current thing and put it down you know
like a kid with a new toy for a week or two you know nothing kid likes his new
toy plays in about a week puts it back into the toy box get something new they
don't want to fully show you they have the mind of children the IQs of children
so oh oh look we still remember Ukraine too like hey you know oh we still
remember Ukraine don't worry we still remember Ukraine where they don't let
you be trans they didn't let you leave the country if you were trans and they
don't really do the gay stuff either but oh there guys give me the audio the
Ukraine yeah we didn't forget Ukraine just because we're so much gayer than we
were last month look we're gay with Ukraine too oh I'm so gay with Ukraine
oh I'm the I'm even gay with Ukraine oh yeah yeah man like oh oh my gosh I'm so
gay for gun control too like I'm getting gay with gun control okay I'm getting
gay with Ukraine I'm getting gay I'm just let's see how many because it let's
just see how many activism things we can get gay with today so we're just totally
we're gays for gun that's gay with gun control gay with Ukraine like we'll be
gay with gay with gay with Islam too like oh oh whoa whoa so they had to throw
Ukraine in there it's like hey whoa we still like Ukraine come on we haven't
forgotten all about Ukraine we're hey we'll slide them right in we'll jelly
Ukraine right up and slide them right in hey oh I'm the organizer of the gay
pride parade it's like oh guys we've got a group of Ukraine activists they're
getting gay with Ukraine um where do you think we could fit them in do you think
we could fit them into the gay pride march oh yeah I think we've got room
right in between the puppy kinks and the sex slaves yes yeah let's put them in
between the puppy kinks and the dominatrix sex slaves yeah yeah they
all fit nicely yeah I like that yeah I like that juxtaposition there that'll
be real good let's do that oh oh and don't forget guys we have the Texas
ticklers guys give me and clip five here let's look at the the tech let the
Texas ticklers this was in Austin Texas you know I tell you what they uh so
they it's for kids guys these guys are dry humping the air I mean if I again if
I went into a strip club or a gay bar saw something like that I'd I'd I'd laugh
and I wouldn't really be interested but I wouldn't be surprised it's like oh
hey there's a family friendly event down at the public park and then bingo the
Texas ticklers whoa whoa hey whoa what are you doing there you didn't warn me
doc oh sorry yeah you didn't know the Texas tickler was coming what do you
think Texas tickler means folks you think that's child-friendly a little
Texas tickler for kids hey kids let me tell you all about the Texas tickler
let me tell you all about the Cleveland steamer hey kiddos we're gonna tell you
all about the dirty Sanchez
I'm gonna stop right there they made this public park I mean do what they made
this public park in Austin they opened it last summer it's pretty they did a
pretty good job there's a bit of a problem they're having because they the
whole thing is really confusing the layout and they got construction on
multiple ends so like there's no street access to it so it's hard to even get in
the thing but I mean you know it's a nice little concert venue they have there
and I know and I'm leaving yesterday and I and I know that people have a
hard time finding it because I've been to this venue before and I can tell people
are kind of walking around confused and they can see that I had come from the
event and they and people start asking me they're like hey where how do you get
in and they didn't really know how to ask I talked to three different groups
people they didn't really know how to ask so say hey where's the event one said
hey where's the parade one said hey where's the party and so they didn't
really know what to say so I responded the same way every time to them because
I didn't know how else to say it either because there's all kind of stuff going
on in Austin Texas on a weekend all kind of stuff so I really didn't know they
said hey where's the where's the event I said you mean the gay thing yeah that
they knew they are said yeah the gay things in there they hey where's the
parade oh you mean the gay thing so yeah yeah it's over there thank you hey where's
the where's that party oh you mean the gay thing yeah yeah the gay things right
do they got to go over there oh thank you the Texas tickler kiddos the Texas
tickler next we're gonna tell you about the puppy kink oh don't worry folks I've
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William in California people are asleep and program controlled I agree how do
you make the sleeper awaken William hi Alice thanks for taking my call can I
plug I was real quick hey I'm in my 50s and I did the work of 25 30 year olds and
I worked them into the ground and you wanted to why and I've tested this and
I've taken your B12 and let me tell you when I don't take it I pay a price I
really do I take that B12 and I am electric man I can run 10 miles I did
some pretty heavy work with a highway department and my friends will attest to
the fact that yeah per guy in his 60s you know pushing 70 I'm and I know I'm not
just blowing smoke here the B12 saves my life
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones
this is totally normal what you're watching nothing to see here not a
pervert not a sexual deviant I mean what talk about illustrative a sexual
deviant leading a bunch of children around a parade our coverage continues
from the madness over the weekend I'm sorry that for the second straight
weekend my theme for the transmission is how the perverts are grooming your
children but no one else is really warning you about it nobody else is
really putting a light on these cockroaches so we'll continue to do just
that here is more from Taylor Hansen he was at the drag queen for kids show the
pride event here in Austin Texas and this is yet another drag queen going
into the crowd and getting right up in the children's faces and clip six what
is the purpose of this even yeah there's the kiddos yeah get right into those
kids yeah notice spots the kids from the stage and then goes right down in front
of the children I'm sure that wasn't the plan just happened that way hey let's
just play music let's just play some 80s music or something or some 60s just
you know let's just put a let's put a man in drag called for kids that's
good entertainment it's like again they have a whole month of this crap all the
corporate sponsorship all the big events it's bigger than Christmas now they can
just had a normal day they just could have I mean why not adventure time for
kids discovery time for kids learning time for kids music time for kids like
anything anything innocent anything normal they could have taken all the
funding they could have had great bands playing they could have they could have
little Disney performances of their favorite movies and stuff like that
mascots running around they could have done you know normal stuff we could have
spent the millions on normal activities for kids and and wholesome activities and
actual family-friendly stuff and actually I'm learning experience no because
it's all about sexually grooming the children so we disguise it as a family
friendly thing but we all know what's really going on it's not about the kids
it's not about having fun with the kids it's about us it's about us sexualizing
the kids that's what it's really about it's not about the kids having fun it's
about us subjugating the kids because we're leftists we're liberals we're
Democrats we need to subjugate things we need subjects the kids are our
subjects but imagine all the fanfare they have that big beautiful park there's
a little park there too a little playground all those booze and everything
they could have done an event that that would have actually been awesome for
kids but instead they use it to groom and sexualize and indoctrinate them kids
don't know whether they're having fun or not they don't know what's going on they
just see a dude coming up to them dancing around singing laughing and they're
so okay I guess I'm having fun now daddy says it's okay for this person to be
touching me I mean what is this folks you're just singing on the screen it's
just it's out of control but I mean imagine imagine they actually like had
a fair maybe a poll I don't know put up a ferris wheel or something I mean God
forbid no it's all it's all got to be gay activities all month long not carnival
games or anything like that no cartoon characters or anything like that I don't
know maybe some maybe maybe a petting zoo maybe the kid pet the ponies you know
pet the little lambs feed the goats I mean I'll go to a local farmers market
they'll have a little petting zoo out there for the kids oh at the gay pride
stuff no it's all about let's get kinks and and let's get gay dancers and let's
get tranny dancers and let's get top and bottom surgery performers and let's
let's show the kids that that's what we're gonna do for the kids that's what
we're gonna spend the millions on that's what we're gonna do the planning
with stuff children are actually into stuff that's actually themed for kids
that kids have loved forever no we're not doing that we're making it gay alright
let's continue here's a child in the front row as the drag performer for
children is dancing in front of them requesting that the child touch his
breasts in clip seven
little kids in the front row as this dude pretending to be a woman does a
strip tease
because this is what kids want they want I mean you you you go talk to kids see
that oh yeah he looks right at the kid and goes yeah look at these how do you
like these oh my gosh that you see it at the beginning of the clip here looks
right at the kids is how you like these puppies oh jeez oh my gosh alright take
it take it down take that off the screen
this is so ridiculous I'm sorry man I just can't believe it man I just you
know I feel like I'm not that far removed from from being a kid I mean I'm
only 32 so I'm you know I'm 20 years removed from this stuff it's not that
long ago this was never going on no nothing anywhere near this and you know
what whether whether it was straight kids or gay kids you know what we all
like the same stuff we all like playing the same games we all did it look at
does that kid look at like he's having fun right there that little girl see that
you know that that is everything right there that is everything that little
image right there guys guys pull that back for me right right before that
you'll see there's a group of ski it's all I'm telling you this has nothing the
only purpose this search for children is grooming them this is all for the gay
community this is all for these demented adults does that girl look like she's
having fun or is it all the parents around her all the parents all the
leftist liberal Democrat parents around her who are the ones having fun the
little girl the little kid or the parents it's all about them it's always all
about them it's what I mean I look I can sit here and I go go down the list of
negative characteristic and character traits and personal traits and it's it's
a liberal that possesses all of them that's just more proof right there the
selfishness but again just more proof they're showing the images the kids are
having fun at these things the kids don't want to be there they're forced to go
there and it's all the adults that are the ones having funds and they just
pretend it's for kids because they're grooming the kids because they have they
have a level of sexual perversion and and and deviant in them I think that's
pretty obvious at this point but hey if that little girl was maybe on a fairy
like a ferris wheel or something or a merry-go-round maybe pet naponi you know
you think she'd be having fun or maybe there was a performer singing like one
of her favorite Disney songs like from frozen or something like that you think
she'd be having fun then yeah because that's what kids like and that's what
kids have always liked but see we're not we're not having this event for the
children are we no we're having this event for all the adults and we're just
pretending it's for the children when really it's just all for the for the the
gay selfish needs of the adults that also have an agenda to groom the children
they brag about it here's another one guys let's go to the drag queen here
dancing and doing the splits just shaking that stuff for the kids in clip
8 oh yeah here comes big daddy dump truck
yeah for kids I mean are you kidding me
folks I just I'm at a loss who wants to see some Oswald cobble pot looking
freak in a rainbow leotard in a wig I mean folks this is like and it's just
right there literally humping dry humping the ground right in front of children
spreading his legs like a stripper for kids guys it's all for kids though okay
well that was fun oh and I've only gotten through half of the list so I've
got more coming up here folks no one else is covering this stuff I don't blame
quite frankly but we're gonna warn you we're gonna warn you the liberals are
coming the liberals are coming and they're coming for your kids and they're
coming with some of the most perverted deviant stuff that you have ever seen
and we haven't even had enough time in this hour to cover it sadly more coming
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Infowars.com is tomorrow's news today and now your host Owen Troyer
well the Biden administration is playing the blame game for the
absolute economic devastation that has happened since Biden took office of the
Democrats look over and there's no hiding it though everybody knows what's
going on here's a compilation of Biden trying to claim because remember they
admit oh yeah inflation's high it's Putin gas price is high it's Putin but
then they say it's the greatest economic cover ever so here's Biden lying to the
American people the Biden administration telling you how good it is
I would have put food in a table for their kids to be able to have a little bit of breathing room
as my dad would then say with a little breathing room to give families just a
little bit more breathing room providing some extra breathing room for families
my dad would just say just a little breathing room we're just looking for a
little bit of breathing room as my dad used to say just a little more breathing
room in order to provide a little breathing room for millions of American
from us finally have a little more breathing room, even a little bit of breathing room
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more breathing room to give them just a little bit of breathing room
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Just a little bit. A little bit of breathing room.
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We're joined on the phone line by Savannah Hernandez.
She's actually still in the field right now in Washington, D.C.
There's all kinds of craziness going on this weekend in D.C.
Including yesterday, a lot of the footage that we played in the first hour
was from Savannah Hernandez at the D.C. Pride March that they had there.
So the man walking around with his breasts out and his tuck job
with his little underwear there, grinding around, humping the ground,
in my opinion, assaulting an officer.
And all that other footage captured by Savannah Hernandez,
she joins me now on the phone.
So Savannah, you've seen a lot of this activity more and more
over the course of your career as a journalist in the field.
Was this maybe the wildest that you've seen here?
The kinks, the puppy play, the drag queens, the men with their breasts out,
the children, I mean, just try to put it all into perspective for us
that weren't there.
I think the best way that I can put it in perspective,
everything that I witnessed is, I feel spiritually depleted today
after seeing everything that happened at our nation's capital.
Again, we had children that were as young as one to two years old
that were marching in this parade.
And then you had grown men with their breasts out,
working on police officers, and the crowd hearing the kids on
as they marched, the newborn babies that were clad in rainbow gear
as the parents had them attend this event and watch all of this happen
was just insane to me.
And, you know, it took me a while to even digest what I saw.
As a grown adult, having to witness that was horrific,
so I couldn't imagine what it would be like to witness this as a child.
I'm in front of the White House right now as well,
and we really have been conquered by the LGBTQ community.
The federal building, the Treasury Department,
currently has an LGBTQ flag flying alongside the American flag on top.
Which version? I mean, there's so many versions now.
Does it have the Ukraine flag in there?
The OG original version. We don't have the Ukraine flag with this one.
Just the rainbow.
Wow, well, they need to get with the times.
That's bigoted against trans and other sexual groups like puppy kinks and stuff,
so they should probably change that.
Yeah, and, you know, again, it was just so disturbing to have to witness everything,
and there's still large amounts of the LGBTQ community walking around D.C.
And what happened to public indecency?
Didn't people used to go to jail for that type of thing?
There were people walking around naked in the street
or just straight up in their underwear, exposing themselves to children,
twerking in the street.
The entire event yesterday smelled like weed.
People were openly drinking in the streets.
It was like a giant block party,
and there's children just playing in the grass alongside all of these adults
who are essentially pumping each other in the park.
I'm sorry to be vulgar, but that was what was happening during this event.
So, again, the only words I can use to describe this are horrific,
and it really just shows how much we've degraded as a nation.
We've been conquered by this community.
They're targeting our children. They say it's straight out.
And what are we doing to counter any of this?
Nothing. We've been conquered. Their flag is flying everywhere.
Well, that was my point in the first hour was...
And it really is. It's larger than even that.
Any of this activity that we see in the name of gay pride
or trans-storytime or any of this other stuff,
in any other circumstances, it would be criminal.
In any other circumstances, it would be considered indecent, lewd conducts,
probably even an arrestable, finable offense.
Here's a perfect example. The video you shot of the gentleman
with his fake breasts out jumping around,
and he goes up and he tries to twerk on a police officer.
I feel so bad for that police officer.
That police officer should have turned around and knocked that guy cold on his butt
and arrested him for public indecency and lewd activity in front of a minor
and see how he liked that.
Oh, see, so you're allowed to do all this illegal activity, lewd,
misconduct in front of minors, all this other stuff, because it's liberal.
It's gay pride. In the other circumstance, you'd never be allowed to do that.
But if it's, oh, if it's liberal, gay pride, okay, yeah, public indecency,
lewdness in front of minors, it's all good.
Exactly. And they kept spouting, love is love, love is love.
And I said, okay, well, what does that mean?
Because there are hundreds of minors in attendance today.
Again, I think the youngest child that I saw,
maybe one or two years old, toddling along, being hyped up by the crowd,
holding a little rainbow hand-drawn sign that I'm sure, you know,
his parents drew for him.
And again, it's like, oh, love is love.
You just love whoever you love.
And that's what these people are doing.
And that's what they're perpetuating in our society.
And it's just, it's horrible.
And, you know, the best part about that video is that man found my Instagram account
and said that I was transphobic for the way that I framed the video.
I said a man with breasts that's apparently transphobia.
And because of Instagram, I can't call that out unless I want to get completely deleted
off the face of the earth for exposing this type of corruption.
So, um, that's big tech.
That's the modern day.
And of course, we have the mainstream media and every single major corporation in America
propping up this same community who has dodacity to say that they were pressed,
that they're the ones that are the victim in society.
It's ridiculous.
People have gotten arrested and charged and had their lives ruined in some cases
for going behind a dumpster to urinate.
And then they'll get caught and they'll get fined.
They'll get public indecencies.
If there's kids around, they'll get lewdness in front of a minor.
They can put them on a sexual predator list for going to take a leak behind a dumpster
in a woods or something.
But, oh, you do it.
You're liberal.
You're gay.
Like, then it's okay.
Any other circumstances, this activity would be considered inappropriate.
And here, there's so many different levels of the child abuse.
And I don't know if you catch this in real time,
but when we're going back and we're watching the footage,
you can tell most of the children seem very unhappy at these events.
They seem like they're drugged there.
It seems like their parents are forcing them to do this.
Even that video you talked about where it's that little kid walking with the rainbow up,
you can see the parents have set it up.
It's like a movie shot for them.
They have them walking there alone.
They're walking in front of them filming like it's a movie shot.
These parents, these adults are just using their kids to virtue signal like,
oh, look at how great I am as an ally.
I'm sexualizing my kid.
I'm grooming my kid.
Aren't I great as an ally?
Oh, look, I'm going to put this on social media and get a bunch of likes and a bunch of shares.
I mean, how many of you realize, yeah.
And you know, the indoctrination and the brainwashing of our youth was so apparent.
I interviewed two young girls, probably 15, 16 years old.
This young girl tells me, oh, well, I'm queer, and then I thought I was canned,
and I thought I was bi, and then, you know, now I'm trans-masked.
And she just goes through this entire list of all of these fake ideologies and fake sexualities
that this community has created and pushed on these young children that just want to feel loved and accepted in life.
And again, because instead of, you know, raising up children in a traditional home, traditional family,
they are now being victimized and attacked by this community because a lot of them don't have strong parents
who are raising them properly.
They're latching onto these ideologies, they are confused, they're upset, the LGBTQ community loves to tout how high their suicide rates are.
It's because they're degenerate.
It's because, look at the lifestyle that they're promoting, look at what they're doing to children.
They can't be happy, and I could see it in all of their eyes.
They were soulless, they were sad.
I didn't like being in that environment.
It drained me.
I'm still drained today having to be around these people who are pretending to be happy and pretending that what they're doing is a good thing
when in reality they're all mentally ill degenerate.
Yeah, and just watching the footage, it doesn't look like the children are happy.
It looks like they're forced to be there.
And, yeah, then they see a dude humping the ground in front of them with fake breasts.
It's a little shocking, they tend to stare.
That doesn't mean that they like it.
Savannah, where can people see all of your videos?
Because it's impossible for me to even play them in this two-hour show.
People can find my videos on TrueSocial at SavSays or on my YouTube channel, SavSays, Instagram at Savwith1n.
And again, go share those clips and videos because it's only a matter of time before I'm completely banned again
because I will be accused of targeting the LGBTQ community because I'm showing the world what they are doing to children.
Was there any pushback in D.C. at all yesterday?
Nope, the police were enjoying their time.
And again, I think I was in front of the only police officer who didn't look like he was enjoying it.
But even the fire department was marching in the parade. Muriel Bowser was marching in the parade.
So the government fully involved with this.
And like I said, the LGBTQ flag flying alongside the American on the majority of federal buildings here near the White House.
My word.
All right, Savannah Hernandez.
I know it's not fun to have to go and be a part of that stuff.
It's just so toxic. You don't want to be anywhere near it.
But you've got the best shots, I would say, from the D.C. event.
And so we thank you for it. We thank you for joining us out here.
And stay safe. Stay sane out there, Savannah Hernandez.
Thanks, guys.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, believe it or not, we've got more.
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I told you over two years ago, the globalists were going to have massive inflation
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Take action.
The internet and talk radio are on fire with the slogan, Alex Jones was right.
People ask, what's it like to be vindicated?
Well, it's actually very sick feeling because I knew this was coming.
I tried to stop it.
And now everything I've talked about is going to become more important than ever
because the globalists aren't hiding anymore in policy reports and documents.
It's now out in the open.
Klaus Schwab said last week that they rule the earth, the Bilderberg group founded Davos Group.
So now the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching the children counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and your financial support
because without you, info wars would not be here.
I want you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war
and you are the reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you and salute you again for all you've done
and ask you now to redouble your efforts.
The head of Drag Queen Story Hour Organization arrested for child porn and yet another.
How many of these Drag Queen Story Time, Drag Queen Dance Time organization leaders
have criminal records, prostitution, drug dealing, solicitation of a minor child porn possession, all of it?
Can't swing a stick at one of these events without hitting one of them.
We've got more, believe it or not, we've got more.
Let's check it out now.
We go back to DC where a marcher notices a group of children and says,
ooh, children, I'm going to really get freaky with it in clip 10.
Oh yeah, that's nice.
Ooh, a group of kids are about to walk by.
I'm going to bend over and show them my ass.
It's liberal, it's liberal, it's liberal.
It's liberal, it's gay pride.
Any other time it'd be public indecency, lewd misconduct in front of a minor.
But if it's liberal and gay pride, then we'd love it.
What a deranged time we live in.
What an odd thing.
What do they just sit there and scream because they're waving their flags?
What are we cheering on here?
We're just celebrating how we're grooming children.
What are you talking about?
Here's more of it, guys.
Let's keep the fun rolling in clip 11.
Oh yeah, let that kid be trans.
Protect trans kids.
Just footage of all the kids they have parading here.
It's just so infuriating.
It's just so despicable.
They just scream and wave their gay flags.
Any of these children seem happy.
Here, let's bring out the strippers.
Let's bring out the youth strippers.
Of course, that'll do it.
I'm not seeing many kids that are having that much fun.
All these children, they don't really seem to be having much fun.
You know, they might like something like, I don't know, maybe like a petting zoo,
or maybe like a hay ride, or I don't know,
stuff that kids have been doing in America having fun for decades.
Here's the child abuse right here.
Oh my gosh.
Here was the interview Savannah Hernandez was talking to.
The interview she was talking about in the last segment,
where they've got the youth so confused, folks.
When you've got an individual this confused,
do you really think they have a shot to be successful and prosperous?
And I'm not trying to be rude to this young girl.
She's just been blasted by psychological weaponry and bisexual weaponry.
And so this is what happens.
Do you think this individual has been well prepared to succeed in the world
in clip 12 by her liberal colleagues?
I'm gay.
What age did you know that you were gay?
I think at like 10, I knew that I, I think at 10, but I wasn't like,
I wasn't clear on my gender.
I, I think it was around like 10 as well when I started questioning
if I was bi.
And then since then it was kind of like a slippery slope because I kept,
I was like, am I bi, omnilezbian?
And then I kind of like came to the point and recently I've been like.
Now pause it real quick.
These girls seem to be about high school age.
Young girls here.
And they don't know what they're saying.
Oh, maybe I was gay when I was 10.
They don't know what they're saying.
It's all a fad, folks. It's all a trend.
Think about how many trends and fads you go through when you're a kid.
Think about all the different things that come and go when you're a kid.
One day you really, you're convinced this is who you are.
The next day you're convinced this is who they are.
But see, with the sexual stuff, it's all promoted.
It's all propagandized.
It's all injected.
And then it's all enforced and reinforced so that they try to carry it with them forever.
Do you think these people sound like they're prepared to be adults on this planet?
Do you think these two are being prepared to succeed in this world by their liberal indoctrination?
Let's continue.
Like am I pan?
But then I, like, I think now I'm starting to realize that I'm queer.
But yeah, it was, it started around 10.
So pause it.
What are we talking about?
We're talking about sex.
Let's just, let's be clear here.
We're talking about sex.
How do you know if you're a pansexual or any of the stuff they're talking about?
What do you like to do?
I mean, do I have to have a biology lesson here?
So, oh yeah, by the age of 10, oh yeah, I liked pansexual folks.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you what they claim pansexual to mean.
A 10-year-old is not a pansexual.
It's all a fad.
It's all a fad, like, if I'm 10 years old and I watch the Ghostbusters and I think I'm
Dr. Venkman.
And so, you know, I run around with a little outfit I've got on and a little toy I've got
pretending to vanquish ghosts.
Or I'm playing Star Wars with my friends and we're building forts in the basement.
We've got little guns and lightsabers and, oh, we think we're Star Wars Jedi knights.
Let's pretend it's a fad.
I'm not still pretending to be a Jedi.
I'm not still playing with lightsabers.
Oh, maybe I am.
I don't know.
So the point is, it's kids and they get shown all this different sexual crap.
So it's not, oh, I'm watching Star Wars.
I think I'm a Jedi.
Oh, I'm watching Ghostbusters.
I think I'm Dr. Venkman.
Or even with sports.
Oh, I'm watching my favorite sports.
I think I'm a basketball player.
No, it's all sex stuff that they can introduce to.
And then they see it all over the world around them with all the other propaganda.
So it becomes this fad.
But then how do you keep the fad going?
Well, you're constantly changing your sex, see?
You're constantly changing.
So that's how they keep the propaganda going.
They tell the kids, they show them the propaganda, they bring it in as a fad.
And then they give them all these different flavors and tastes and colors to kind of change around with
so that they never leave the table.
Here, let's finish this clip.
It started around 10.
It wasn't fully formed, but I guess that's when I realized, wait, that's a possibility?
I am genderqueer, transmask and queer.
What's transmask?
Transmask is people under the non-binary umbrella identifying or presenting mask.
What about you?
I'm trans and my sexuality is unlabeled.
I use he, him pronouns.
Yeah, and I use he, they pronouns.
Tell us what you guys identify as.
We're asking everyone here today.
Gay, fuck.
What is it?
Sis, gender male.
There we go.
I don't know.
Gender, gender neutral or gender fluid.
I think that's what they say.
I don't know.
I'm confused.
Gender fluid?
I don't know.
It's all made up.
It, I feel like, honestly, honestly, it should not be a bad thing.
Like, I've talked to people who go with they and them.
I'm like, well, in the grammar of things, how would you want to represent yourself?
I was like, I mean, I guess it.
Because it's like, you're it, you're the it.
Like, it shouldn't be a bad name.
It should just be owned.
I identify it.
Do you see her?
Pronouns are he, him.
Sometimes you stay.
I don't get it.
I'm sure these people are going to be smashing successes.
They've all been built for success here.
You know.
Hey, what's your experience?
What experience?
I'm gay.
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Waging war on corruption, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
All right, I think we'll be able to cover the rest of it here in this segment,
the rest of the videos that we still haven't gotten to, including, I mean,
perhaps the most ridiculous ludicrous, absurd marketing campaign you've ever seen
in your life from Postmates.
This one is, oh boy, wow.
But let's finish up some of the sights and scenes from the events.
Here's one more from Savannah Hernandez.
Attendees, explain why it's a good thing that kids are being groomed at Pride Marches.
I noticed there's a lot of kids in attendance here this year.
Are there always this many kids and also do you think it's a good thing?
And it is a great thing because I feel like making sure that children are aware
of what is around them is important.
Oh, gay sex?
Just because you are around certain things doesn't mean that you're going to be persuaded
to be a part of things, but you should be aware of that.
Wow, you're that dumb, huh?
To live around you.
And if you're not capable...
Have you heard of nurture?
It's a developmental problem.
And this is...
This is a guy in a cheetah costume, by the way.
Some of the kids who maybe saw some nudity here, maybe saw some twerking.
What do you think about that?
Sometimes when you grow up, you see some nudity.
Do you understand that?
It helps you to understand who you are.
Sometimes you're going to see some twerking.
I absolutely love it.
I work at a Montessori Daycare.
Yeah, pause it, guys.
Yeah, come on, man.
Every once in a while, kids are going to watch a 400-pound dude shake his ass in his face.
Come on, man.
Yeah, you know, kid walks down the street, sees a guy, sees a guy, you know.
Doing the old meat cycle there with the old male member.
Kid walking down, gets a little lewd misconduct.
So that's the deal, guys.
Hey, you're, you know, if someone tries to hit you for a lewd misconduct,
you're taking a leak at a ballgame.
Just say, whoa, whoa, gay pride, bro.
Gay pride.
Hey, gay pride.
Maybe you can have a little rainbow flag with you.
Police starts to approach you to write you a ticket.
You're taking a leak, you know, outside of a ballgame or something behind a dumpster.
You whip out that gay pride flag, start waving it.
Whoa, whoa, buddy.
You don't want to be a bigot.
You're not going to arrest a gay pride marcher now, are you?
It's like, whoa, sir, I'm sorry.
I thought you were just peeing back here.
That would have been sexual lewd misconduct in front of minors that are down the street here.
But I didn't realize this was a gay pride march flaunt away.
Go have a golden, go to a golden fountain down by the kids if you want to.
Sir, I didn't realize you were gay.
Excuse me.
My bad here.
I thought you were back here trying to take a leak.
That would have been a crime.
But you were back here showing the kids you're Johnson because you're gay?
Right on, brother.
Excuse me.
Pardon me.
We're going to work at a Montessori Daycare, and we are a very open sexuality base.
We're going to the Daycare.
Oh, we're open sexually with our kids.
Natural children that are non-binary, very queer, and it's just a beautiful city.
So I'd love to see it here as well.
Thank you for the chance.
Guys, it's fine.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Guys, look here.
All right.
I've got a little, I've got a little, this is a little sound pack.
I don't know what we call these things.
A little sound receiver here.
See this?
This is a binary system that you have here.
Here's one end of the system right here.
Right here.
Give me a doc cam.
Let me just explain this to the liberals.
They appear, maybe they don't get this.
It's pretty simple stuff, but liberals, guys, give me a doc cam.
This is a binary system here.
I've got one piece and I've got a second piece right here.
Notice how this one piece fits into the other piece whole like that.
See that?
And now I've got sound.
Now the technology works.
Now the purpose of the binary system works as intended, just like our binary systems.
Is that a good one for you there?
Good little example.
Do you get it?
It doesn't work any other way.
Yeah, like the airline telling you how gay they are, like, yeah, if I try to plug two
of the same parts into one another, guess what?
You're not going to take off the plane, are you?
Because it didn't work.
So there you go.
But let's continue here with them telling you how great it is that kids are there.
Well, they get the chance to see such a diverse culture.
They get the chance to be open to whatever their body.
What was that?
Oh, God, stop it.
Bring it on back.
Wait a second now.
You saw it too.
Guys, rewind that one back for me.
I don't know.
We got to identify whatever that was.
Oh, my God.
Don't even make me say it.
Is that a dildo tale?
What the hell?
I mean, that's the thing is I'm watching these images just flash across the screen.
I mean, this person is walking around in a rat tail.
Is that a sex thing?
I don't want to know.
Here's someone.
They got their partners on leashes.
They got them with like chains and whips.
I mean, keep it in the bedroom.
Why is that such a big thing?
Keep it in the bedroom.
I don't want to know that you wear a rat tail for sex.
I mean, oh, oh, oh, I get it.
All right, you put your partner on a leash and you drag them around the bedroom.
Keep it there.
I mean, what is that?
Guys, if you are seeing what's on the screen, I just, they have, they have like dog sex kink
parks where sex kink dogs go and pretend their puppies and play in a little dog park with
other puppy plays.
I don't want to know that you wear a rat tail during sex.
Where do you, folks, she's wearing that out in public.
Where do you think that's been?
What type of degenerate, disgusting activities has that rat tail been a part of?
And now she's out wearing it in the streets?
Has that thing been properly cleaned?
Oh, these furries that they like to do their stuff inside their costumes, like that's their
whole thing.
They don't even clean those things.
They run around hugging children with them.
There was another slide in that, in that video montage where there's like a little boy like
dry humping a grown man.
I mean, folks, I'm like, I don't want to see this stuff.
I'm sorry.
Oh, the rat tail got me.
All right.
The rat tail got me.
You walk it?
I mean, now I'm just, I mean, there's so many questions.
I mean, what are you doing?
You walk into your local sex dungeon?
Yeah, can I get the rat tail?
Yeah, you got one.
You got one of them rat tails.
Yeah, I was at an orgy last night and I saw someone run around in a rat tail.
It's really hot to me.
I didn't know maybe you had some lying around.
What do you, what is that?
Oh, it's the doggie tail.
Oh, that's the doggie tail.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, yeah, I saw someone run around in a doggie tail at my local orgy last night.
Yeah, I was getting whipped and beaten.
And I noticed, I noticed somebody ran by with a doggie tail.
So I was thinking maybe I should get myself one of those.
I barely remember it.
I was, you know, as part of my kink is being beaten half to death.
I'm going to teach my kids too.
It's great.
I'll just go back to the clip.
I can't even.
Their body or their mind is telling themselves.
They get to learn that at such a young age and I love that for them.
A lot of people like that are, claim to not be homophobic say that like,
they shouldn't get their kids involved.
They shouldn't get kids involved with this type of stuff.
But I think that like it should be adding little kids to it.
It kind of helps normalize pride.
I like, I'm so excited for our future because I know that it's going to be open and like accepting.
And I'm really like happy that it's even positive right there.
See, that's that folks.
This is this is really why it's such a threat.
Because we're not talking about building a future of prosperity.
We're not talking about building a future on innovation and technology and expansion and consciousness.
No, it's gay.
What the future is all about?
Where do I put my private parts?
And how do I use my private parts for pleasure?
And that makes them feel good.
You, a normal person, see civilization collapsing around you.
Them, a demented freak show says, well, at least we're all going to be gay and having sex.
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There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
So some of the final bits and pieces of our coverage from the gay pride parades and marches
and the grooming and everything that comes with it here in the last segment today,
I'm going to show you.
And then you've got a Houston parent who brought up a situation at a Houston independent school district
that is not good, that is now going to be investigated.
The Texas governor has said he's going to investigate,
looks like some more child grooming going on in the schools there.
So we'll have that for you too.
And then Postmates put out perhaps the most ridiculous marketing campaign you've ever seen.
And we're going to play that clip for you too here as well.
A reminder, folks, Harrison Smith taking over after this.
He's going to take your phone calls.
He's got a bunch of news coverage for himself.
And remember, everything we do here is brought to you by you supporting us at infowarstore.com.
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And your support there will support the transmission.
All right.
Here is some of the last stuff from some of the events from over the weekend.
What they're doing to your children at these drag shows, these Pride events, clip 14.
And of course, it's the Drag Queen for Kids Dancer, leading children in a march.
Very illustrative, isn't it?
Satan leading lambs to the slaughter?
Yes, in many ways indeed.
And quite literally, when you talk about the genital mutilation,
that they recommend for these children and promote for these children.
Simply incredible.
All right.
Now, listen to this Houston parent.
I believe this is either a school board meeting hearing or a city council hearing.
I can't tell, but either way, Governor Abbott has said he is directing the Texas Education System to investigate this story.
Houston parent claims one of the teachers takes his kids to an adult drag show.
Here it is in clip 19.
My son attended some Houston MSDC.
His teacher, Mr. Patrick Peetler, he was his chemistry teacher.
He was also a writer for About Magazine and LGTVQ Magazine.
He published an article with a lot of students and a lot of students without authorization.
He recruited my son.
He also took my son to a drag show when he was underage.
He took him to a drag show when he was underage and it was really bad.
It was a really bad experience.
He also put him next to this sex offender or he was out there with my son.
There's a lot of stuff that nothing got done.
I have a lot of info, a lot of videos, text messages.
Police, HSD has a lot of messages.
It was really bad.
Here's some of it.
An eight-year-old boy.
Here's how it is, folks.
A lot of these drag queen performers might not be the bad guy.
They might be innocent enough just into their thing and they get invited to go do this stuff and they figure it's innocent enough.
There are those out there that are predators and there are those out there that have friends that are predators.
You're just seeing this inappropriate, this adult-themed drag show that an educator took his eight-year-old boy to here on the screen in front of me now.
The governor has said he's going to investigate this.
We'll see how that goes, but that's what they do.
There's a small percentage of people involved in this that may be innocent enough.
The people organizing it at the top, they know exactly what they're doing.
They know why they're targeting the kids.
There's always a friend or a colleague that they bring in later on in the process that happens to be a pedophile.
Either convicted multiple times, prostitute, a drug dealer, a child porn distributor, every single time.
Oh, yeah, we're doing drag queen for kids.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, they bring them all in and then they invite their little friend over who's got that pedophile background.
And it just keeps happening.
Now, this is Postmates.
And I believe Postmates is like a food delivery service.
I've never used Postmates.
Guys, am I right about that?
It's a food delivery service.
And it's probably one of the bigger ones, I would imagine.
It's one of the bigger ones.
Probably not after this, though.
This has to be one of the oddest marketing campaigns.
And by the way, they've been very active on their social media accounts with this as well.
Like here, here's a post from them.
We're tired of heterosexual sex being the main focus of sexual education.
Homosexual sex, specifically bottoming, is all too often omitted and stigmatized, not this year, happy pride.
That's because there's nothing biological about that.
Heterosexual sex is the biological reproductive system.
That's why it's taught, because that's what it is.
Sticking your wee wee in the exit is not biological and nothing to be proud of.
I mean, I'm sorry, man.
I just can't help myself.
I was going to make a really disgusting joke.
But I'm going to withhold.
I'm going to stop.
So here's Postmates letting its users know what foods that they can eat that are good for bottoming,
a.k.a. anal sex.
Eating this pride.
Well, if you're a top, it seems like you can eat whatever you want.
But if you're a bottom, you're expected to start.
Not this pride.
You know what, guys?
Postmates restart it, because here they say,
oh, if you're a top, you can eat whatever you want, but not if you're a bottom.
Let me actually give you the actual science.
If you're not having anal sex, you're good to go.
If no one's sticking it in your exit, you're going to be quite all right.
So no, it has nothing to do with topping or bottoming.
If you don't want to worry about getting poop on you,
don't have anal sex.
Don't put your wee-wee in the poop hole.
See, they're going to, oh, oh, it's so unfortunate for bottoms.
They don't know what they can do, because you know what happens with the,
so we're going to try to give you guys food that you can eat,
because you're so discriminated against.
All right, play it again.
I will shut up.
What are you eating this pride?
Well, if you're a top, it seems like you can eat whatever you want.
Yeah, if you're not having anal sex, you're good to go.
If you're a bottom, you're expected to starve.
Not this pride.
Introducing the bottom-friendly menu of Postmates.
We teamed up with Dr. Evan Goldstein from Bespoke Surgical
to bring you a menu of bottom-friendly foods backed by science.
Insoluble fiber won't help you feel cute,
so avoid things like whole grains, wheat bran, cauliflower, potatoes, legumes.
Hold up.
Are you just fully diving into those beans?
The problem with these foods is they don't dissolve in water,
which could cause a traffic jam in your digestive system,
making a mess of your evening.
Speaking of messy, it's a good idea to avoid dairy.
I cannot handle my toast right now.
Look at her.
If you're going to eat something insoluble,
give your body about 24 hours to process all of it.
Soluble fibers and protein are the key to having some good, clean fun.
These all digest easily and slowly while feeding your gut.
What's that clean fun you're talking about, Postmates?
Why don't you say it?
Why don't you just say it?
There's no right or wrong way to bottom, but if you're planning on getting...
Oh, it's all wrong. Believe me.
The bottom-friendly menu on Postmates has the kinds of foods
that could keep you feeling good.
And then they do all their leftist promotion,
leftist promotion at the end of it.
I'm sorry, it's just so ridiculous.
We do entire ad campaigns
for people that are about to go get their butts plugged.
Wow, Biden's America, folks.
How's their stock looking after that?
Do they have stock options?
My guess is it's tanking.
My guess is it's bottoming out.
You know what I mean?
All right, there you go, folks.
There you go. If you're worried about keeping your crap in your britches,
call Postmates for when...
You know, your little friend with a rat tail shows up for your orgy.
All right, liberals, gay pride. It's all fun.
I've been claus Schwab said last week that they rule the Earth,
the Bilderberg group founded Davos Group.
So now the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching the children counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth
and your prayer and your financial support
because without you, info wars would not be here.
I just want you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war
and you are the reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you and salute you again for all you've done
and ask you now to redouble your efforts.
Thank you so much for watching.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.