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Filename: 20220608_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 8, 2022
3035 lines.

In this video, Alex Jones discusses potential shortages in food and resources due to overprinting of money for the Great Reset, which he claims will lead to inflation. He promotes high-quality, storeable food that can be purchased through his website PrepareToday.com. Other topics discussed include criticism towards Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey for potentially promoting anti-gun agendas and encouraging listeners to support InfoWars financially to continue their fight against globalist agendas.

It's Wednesday, June 8th. The year is 2022. I'm your host Alex Chance, reporting from
the road. I'm about to lay out information central to saving our freedoms and liberties
in this country, but more importantly, saving not just our lives, but the lives of countless
other people around the world who are in much worse positions than we are. And if we allow
their regions, their nations, their countries to collapse, they will then be used as the
ultimate weapon with replacement migration to bring down what's left of the Western
world and the Christian ethos that threatens the globalist satanic order. Now, I'm going
to have our great archivist go back more than 25 months, goes back 30 months, and find
the countless clips where I said when the first world collapses, when the first world
collapses, the third world dies, and where I specifically explained that the lockdowns
across the world are going to cause massive shortages and that the overprinting of money
by design for the Great Reset will cause inflation. We specifically called it, and I specifically
told listeners hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times, and you heard it, that you need
to get high quality, storeable food that lasts for many years when your money has value so
that in the future, you can beat inflation that way. It's one of the only ways to do
it. Food prices are up more than 30 plus percent in the U.S. the last two years. They're up
over 100 percent in many parts of the world. Massive food riots from the Middle East to
the Pacific Ocean to, I mean, you name it, it's happening all over Africa, Latin America,
you name it, and now it's starting to come here. Now, a lot of people last, Alex, the
last three months, we have a plug to prepare at Alex.com. Why not? Well, because they were
buying a ton of food, they were getting it in, they were getting it ready, and I only
promote high quality, storeable food when it's ready to ship. And that's what we've got,
the biggest company and the biggest distributor in the world, powering our operation, my
company. Well, guess what? They got a ton of food in, almost nobody else does. It's packed,
it's fresh, it's ready to go to you right now at PrepareWithAlex.com that redirects to a
very important URL I'm about to give you. PrepareToday.com, the website is PrepareToday.com.
And listen, I'm not harping on how right I was because I want you to think, oh, Alex,
Jones is so smart, he's so great. No, I was trying to stop these people 30 months ago,
25 months ago, 20 months ago, 10 months ago, six months ago. They're following an exact
battle plan. They're following an exact operation to make food scarce, to make the population
of the world angry, and to break down society so they can bring in their world government,
their world castle society, their universal credit score, their social credit system,
the carbon taxes, all of it. I mean, this is it. It's now all out in the open. Yeah,
it was in white papers 20 years ago, and it was in their battle plans three years ago.
We are now living this. And so people should garden, people should get prepared, people
should move the countryside if they can. People should take a second job. I mean, people,
you do whatever they can to get ready, get prepared, because the further we go into this
new world order, the worse things are going to get. And until people realize that they're
the ones doing all this, they're going to keep posing as the savers and only make it
worse. And you know I harp on that all the time. We've tried to stop this, but now we're
already in it. And now we may be able to mitigate it, but there's no reversing it. I can tell
you that now. So ladies and gentlemen, get prepared at preparetoday.com or follow the
link, the hyperlink that'll redirect you when you go to preparewithalice.com. High-quality
storeable food at the lowest price, ready to ship to you right now in stock. Preparetoday.com.
Preparetoday.com. It's a 360 win. It keeps them for wars on the air and helps us continue
to fight the globalists and their whole operation and try to give them the blame for what they've
actually done. So it's a 360 win. Only way you fail is not getting prepared. Get your
storeable food right now while you still can before prices go up even more. Prepare with
Alex.com. Prepare with Alex.com or preparetoday.com. We'll be right back with Alex Royer.
We'll be right back with Alex Royer.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones show, and now
your host, Alan Royer.
You know, I gotta tell ya, as I'm aggregating my news this morning, laying it out on the
desk in an orderly fashion, I'm just, I'm just at a loss. I have to say I'm just, I'm
just at a loss. I don't think, I mean, not in modern history. I don't think there's
ever been a time in modern history where we're forced to put up with so much nonsense that
in any other circumstances there would be an instinctual reaction and response that
would stop what's coming. And there's so many different examples of it, whether it's
the Democrats telling you that they don't believe in the Bill of Rights, they don't
believe it's absolute, kind of a big deal. The continuation of violent crime rates, sky
rocketing in every Democrat city. Another day, how many days straight do we have record
high gas prices now? That continues. Food shortages, baby formula shortages, wide open
southern border. I mean, it's all these complete disasters that normally you would react, respond
to, try to get it under control, but because these disasters are actually Democrat party
policy, we allow it to happen. And we just have to sit here and suffer. I'm just, I really,
I'm just at a loss. I can't wrap my head around it. And we have Mitch McConnell, who's about
as useful as a poopy diaper. Where's he on any of this? Haven't heard any comments from
him? Where's he the speaker, the minority speaker, Mitch McConnell? Where's he on any
of this? Where's he on the wide open border? Where's he on the inflation, record high inflation,
record high gas prices, supply chain crisis, stole a bunch of money in Ukraine, got away
with it. Ukraine's going to lose the war soon. And we just sit here and take it and
suffer. And we don't even have justice. You don't even have justice in this country. It's
it's an unmitigated disaster. And, you know, of course, I'm sitting here looking at it
all just like, wow, we are, we are f u c k e d, aren't we? We are. They are really, they are really just coming to give us the old bend over and take it, aren't they?
So I don't even I don't even know where to begin. You've got the Democrats right now having hearings
where they call up a bunch of liberals from Uvalde, Texas, they screen them all so that
they can only get the result that they want. So they make sure that every every person they
call to testify in front of Congress today is a Democrat liberal. And they're all saying
the same thing. You need to turn your guns in. Okay, so let me get this straight. Obviously,
it was a tragedy at that school. Nobody's denying that. But because of some kids dying,
I lose my rights. What is that? Where's the logic in that? Where's the where is any sense
common sense in that? Hey, kids died from a shooting in Texas. So turn your guns in.
What? Hey, look at these dead kids over here. We don't believe that the Bill of Rights is
absolute. What? What what what what does a school shooting in Texas have to do with
me other than I'm sad that this happens. And it's a horrible tragedy that we could respond
to and make sure doesn't happen again. With the obvious thing having well trained, brave
armed guards. But no, instead, it's hey, look at these dead kids. You don't have a second
amendment. Hey, look at these dead kids, turn your guns in. Hey, look at these dead kids.
The Bill of Rights isn't absolute. What? We put up with this crap. Liberals actually
believe this crap. And you think you can just go wrangle up Matthew McConaughey to do some
you think you think liberalism with the southern draw is going to be more attractive to us?
Is that is that what you think is going on here? Oh, let's try liberalism with a southern
draw. That'll do it. You know, I have no problem with Matthew McConaughey, quite frankly. But
see, it's this whole thing like why is he even at the White House? What is he even doing?
I suspect it went something like this. Democrats had meetings, and they said, What can we do
to convince Republicans to turn their guns in and give up their God given rights? What
can we do? And they probably thought, Let's try somebody who's kind of centrist, kind
of popular, maybe a Texan southern draw. Let's try pitching gun control and ending the second
amendment with a southern draw. And so they either landed on Matthew McConaughey or they
were already in talks with Matthew McConaughey. And they probably said something like, Hey,
Matthew, you can do a great thing here. And if you do have political aspirations in the
future, we can help you out. We're the Democrat Party. We rig elections. So we can help you
out on that. You scratch our back, we'll scratch yours. So they go and recruit a Hollywood actor
to go to the White House and tell you to turn your guns in. Because some kids died tragically,
horrifically. You just you just lose your rights now. And so it's all controlled. And
see, that's why they're doing these January six hearings tomorrow night. It's the same
thing. It's all made for TV. It's all a show. And it's all propaganda and it all has an
agenda behind it. So they want you to turn your guns in, they want to end the second
amendment. And then with the January six stuff, they want to make sure Trump never run again.
They want to make sure any Trump supporter can't run again. They want to scare Trump
voters from supporting Trump. They want to scare Trump donors from donating to Trump.
They want to scare other American patriots that might want to run for office out of doing
just that. It's all party politics. It's all party propaganda. And it's sick, folks. We
have a we have a sick, sick thing in this country called the Democrat Party. It is a
terminal illness. And if it's not removed from this body from the United States of
America, it will kill us. And you're already seeing it. They want to take your second amendment.
Right? How do you think that's going to go when you disarm civilians and defund the police?
How's the southern border looking? Wide open southern border plus a welfare state. How's
that going? I've got news on that today, by the way, as well. And your only hope is that
maybe we can finally have a fair election and vote these scumbags out and vote these
anti-American communists out and vote these Democrat lying, deceiving crooks out. It's
your only hope, isn't it? Because what are you going to do? Are you going to run from
them? They're going to come find you. And even if you run from them, they're going to
price you out of existence. As you see footage there on the screen from the latest caravan
coming in, there's two caravans coming in right now, by the way, about the same size.
And now Mexico is facilitating it because they don't know what else to do. Mexico tried
to stop it. Mexico was working with Trump to stop it. Now the Biden administration is
doing nothing but facilitating it. And so the Mexican president says, okay, fine. Well,
facilitate it then. And they're now ushering in now. If you come to the southern border
of Mexico, they now give you your papers so that you can travel through Mexico. Because
there used to be a process. You get stopped at the Mexican border. They might stop you.
They might detain you. They've got their own thing going on. Then you'd have to convince
them to roll through. Or you hope you're with one of these big groups and you can just pressure
or power your way through. But now Mexico is just saying, okay, you know what? The Biden
administration wants to have a wide open southern border. Fine, we'll facilitate it. So now
whenever anybody comes into Mexico and they say they want to get to the U.S., Mexico gives
them their paperwork so that they can get through the country without any obstacles.
Yes. And of course, then there's the globalists that are intentionally crashing the entire
planet's economic system so that they can buy it up for pennies on the dollar and conquer
it and put you into a global government slave state. It's all happening, folks.
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So I did it. I signed up for the Austin Marathon. I've been training probably not as much as
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Eating a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones.
Are you enjoying the show? No, not the Alex Jones show. I do hope you enjoy this transmission
today but no. Are you enjoying the globalist show? Are you enjoying the Democrat psychopath
show? You having fun yet? There's no business like show business. Calling up Matthew McConaughey.
Hey, let's tell Americans we'll take their guns but with a Southern draw. That'll work.
For ABC's news executive James Goldstein producing the January 6th committee primetime hearing.
Isn't that nice? They get it right at primetime. I'm that workout for them. They get it right
at primetime. They hire an ABC news executive who covered up the Epstein sex trafficking
to run it for them. Made for TV event, baby. No business like show business. President
Biden sets Jimmy Kimmel live in studio guest appearance this week. BTS fans praise K-pop
band's milestone White House visit to combat anti-Asian hate. It's funny they don't talk
about the anti-Asian hate once they learned that it was being done by non-whites. They
dropped that like a hot potato, didn't they? Because they just hate white people. Ah, yes,
it's, oh, ladies and gentlemen. I mean, I'm just, here you go. How about this? How about
this for you today? A San Francisco middle school brought a drag queen named Jizz to
perform for students today. He deleted the video but not before I saved it. This is the
kind of psychotic derangement the left is currently engaged in. Here, guys, let's show
you. Do we have the video ready? Here, you want to see a little, let's sew you a little
of drag queen jizz here for kids. Drag queen jizz for kids. Go ahead. All right. Drag queen
jizz for kids. It's not going to look itself, you know. It's not going to look itself, you
know. And I mean, look, I've got a whole, I've got a whole stack of this crap. I've got a
whole stack of perverts getting access to children and dancing for them and touching
them and doing strip shows for them, taking singles from them. I mean, what the hell is
going on here? Here, guys, let's just, I mean, here, let's go ahead and roll clip 14. I mean,
this is, this is liberalism. I think maybe we should just embrace it. Let's just embrace
liberalism today. And you just saw drag queen jizz for kids. So that's nice. Democrats bringing
drag queen jizz for kids to your school. And here's another drag queen collecting singles
and dollars for kids because, you know, we're sexualizing the kids. We're liberals. Guys,
roll clip 14. It's beautiful. Oh, yeah. The performers are kids. It's a kid, kid drag
performer now. They've done it. What's next? Kid prostitutes. So now you have kids doing
strip shows for drag queens. Yeah, liberal. Yeah, pride. What kind of hell? What kind
of satanic hell are we in? And how do we get out of it? I can't watch it anymore, guys.
Please. I can't do it anymore. That's fine. Thank you. What I'm saying is like, I've only
done this for almost seven years now. Alex has been doing it for more than 20. I mean,
it's not that I'm at my wit's end because I like hosting a talk show and communicating
to you. But I mean, it's just, I mean, this is just ridiculous at this point. We let adults
turn kids into strippers for their own entertainment and for their own pleasure. And we call it
liberal and we call it pride. And somehow that's okay. But I mean, if we can't stop
that type of pedophile activity, of course, we're not going to close the border. Are you
kidding me? We can't even stop pedophiles getting access to kids and calling it pride.
Calling it liberal. So but oh, I'm sure we'll stop the southern border. I'm sure we'll have
justice in this country. Yeah, I'm sure that's how it'll go down. No, we are, we are getting
seriously judged right now. And you know, I'm just, I love life, but boy, oh boy, if
God just decided to wipe us all out right now, wouldn't you understand why wouldn't you probably
even agree? We're murdering babies by the millions every year. We're turning them into strippers
and prostitutes for liberals for Pride month. And that's the thing is this isn't even a
political issue. This is not a political issue. This is a human and humanity issue. This is
a culture issue. It's a political issue. And the fact that it's the left, it's the Democrats
doing that. They're the ones going full pedophile now. But this shouldn't be something we're
even debating over. There shouldn't be a there shouldn't be a policy debate here. This is
clearly inappropriate, borderline pedophilia, certainly child abuse, but it's liberal and
it's Pride month. So we accept it. I'm just sick. Oh, there's a story in the Chicago
Sun Times that says, why should we ban child porn and not guns? Not even kidding. Comparing
child porn to gun ownership. That only happens with one person and that's a Democrat. That's
a liberal. These people are sick. They must be there. Their thought process, their ideology,
their policies, their politics must be completely eradicated from this country or we're all dead.
Forget about it. If modern day liberalism is not completely eradicated from this country,
you can forget about it, folks. It's done. We're done. Yeah, there it is right there.
Why restrict child porn and not guns? Chicago Sun Times. It's real article. You know, some
saying is I got all the news in front of me. I can sit here and I can read headlines all
day. But it's like I can't even think straight because of how insane it all is. So I'm going
to take this break and just kind of take some deep breaths and I'll actually come in and
cover the news in the next segment here. But it's the same stuff. Democrats want to take
your guns. Democrats rigging court cases, record high gas prices, record high inflation. Democrats
rigging elections. We've got that. We've got a big political corruption story. FBI seizes
retired generals data related to Qatar lobbying. That's a big one. You know, so another Democrat
caught stuffing the ballot boxes. Democrats cheaters, liars, thieves, criminals, pedophiles,
crooks, demons. And we just sit here and put up with them. That's good. We're just, we're
just tolerant.
I want to take a minute out to address the viewers and listeners of M4 Wars and to remind
you that we've been vindicated and that world government and its tyrannical aim of depopulation
is now out of the open. Everything you and I have done together has been distorted. And
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I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported info wars financially with
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and the fact that we're not caught flat footed during our major takeover is because of you.
Humanity has a real fighting chance. I just want to thank you all for buying products
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new renaissance that's counter the great reset by going to info wars store.com and clicking
on the donate button and giving today. Thank you so much for your support. Please take action.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones. From the
front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I've also seen the statement said on Twitter and other places on the internet. That's
basically what real financial planners and stockbrokers who aren't scammers are telling
people right now. And look at what Bill Gates is doing. Preposition before this, even before
he launched the pandemic, the pandemic with Klaus Schwab, the new world order out of Wuhan,
noticed that they were already buying up land all over the world, farmland. And now he's
telling you, like we warned years ago, he would do, oh, sorry, you're not going to raise
regular beef on this or regular crops. It's going to all going to be GMO. It's all going
to be synthetic. It's all going to be laboratory. So he says he's buying it up so that no one
can use it. Exactly as we told you years ago. He was doing because it's all part of
a sustainable development agenda 2030 to 2030 goals. And they have been implementing this
whole thing in our face. So if you go back 30 months ago, right through to last week,
I have been warning and harping on the fact that we are going to see hyperinflation. We're
going to see food shortages worldwide. We're going to see collapse of the third world. We're
going to see the UN organizing tens of millions of hundreds of millions of people to flood
into Europe and the United States. And now that's not coming. That's here. So that's
why we expose them. That's why we talk about the new world order. That's why we talk about
the globalist when almost nobody else will in Congress or anywhere else. Finally, Tucker
Carlson talks about it. Finally, Joe Rogan talks about it. Finally, a few senators like
Rand Paul are talking about it. But even Rand Paul is like, no, let me tell you, world government
does exist and they want to take our freedoms and they're behind this whole operation. And
you know, they're behind Trudeau's administration up in Canada and he's a dictator. The time
for spud and feeding people is over, folks. We're under globalist attack. It's that simple.
Now that said, I'm going to have the archivist go back and not just get all the clips where
I make the statement when the first world collapses, the third world dies. But the specific
analysis I did, I remember even back at CPAC over two and a half years ago, specifically
laying out how the famine would come, how the food prices would explode, how when in
a country people spend 50% or more of their paycheck or their money, their earnings on
food, you always have massive riots and collapse of society. This is a known operation and
Klaus Schwab and others are bragging about it. So we're going to get those clips together
and play those for you so everybody can remember what I said so you'll remember what I'm about
to say right now. If you think inflation is bad right now, if we don't stop what the
globalists are doing, if they don't stop all this money printing, if they don't stop
the next lockdown, they're already starting to set up and prepare, you'll see triple the
food prices. You'll see triple the inflation within a year or two. Guaranteed. In fact,
most mainline trajectories are showing similar numbers of that. So if you bought storeable
food, you got high quality food, you got the liberty quickly, you kept us on the air, you
made a very, very, very, very, very smart move. And I would encourage people out there
who haven't gotten high quality storeable food or only got a little bit to get it while
you can. Now a lot of you probably noticed, I've not been promoting storeable food for
three, four months because I know it's been sold out almost everywhere. I know everybody
was basically backlogged and I'm not going to sit there and tell you to get storeable
food when it's not in stock, ready to ship to you right then. And our supplier is the
biggest and the best of the country and they were only a few weeks behind. Well now they've
made so many giant food purchases into the future and they have so much pull in the market
they were able to get a ton of food in and now they've got all their major lines stocked
ready to ship to you right now at preparewithalix.com which hyperlinks over to preparetoday.com.
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has done, they're committed to this and they're ready to ship it to you right now. It's the
entire My Patriots Supply interface, it's just their shopping cart but then that way
we get credit to keep info wars on the air. You get the full service, best prices, everything
at preparetoday.com or preparewithalix.com and we're extremely excited about the fact
that they have a ton of food in, that it's packed, that it's ready to go, that we've
got the green light to start promoting and selling food because A, it's something you
need, B, it helps funder operation and keep us on air and C, the new old order does not
want you being self-sufficient and able to take care of yourself and take care of others.
So just as important as a firearm or water filtration is storeable food, you absolutely
need it and this is the place to get it, preparetoday.com. The entire new old order agenda is betting
and is hoping on the fact that you will still sit there on your hands or flat footed and
be caught by these people. So again, I'm going to lay it out very, very slowly. It was a sure
bet that my storeable food in the last two and a half years, when I told you it was an
emergency and that massive inflation was coming. And it is a sure bet right now because this
is an awesome company with high quality food that is one of our biggest sponsors that's
ready to ship to you that has it in stock. The only way you fail is not going to preparetoday.com
or preparewithoutwitch.com and checking out the amazing lines of food I almost forgot.
This is the greatest part about it. Working with these folks, they have put their entire
spectrum of high quality survival gear and preparedness gear, not just produced and made
by them like the Alexa Pure Breeze and the Alexa Pure Pro water filters and all that
top of the line quality products, but hundreds of other amazing products in the industry
of preparedness that they're able to buy in bulk and pass the savings on to you. And then
that also then helps us stay on air by you doing your preparedness and survival shopping
at preparewithAlex.com or preparetoday.com. In fact, I cut some ads about this the other
day but I kind of dropped the ball because I didn't take the point that this has literally
every different type of high quality preparedness item you can imagine all in one place at a
low price and it keeps them forwards on the air. So, preparetoday.com, you don't want
to be sitting here in a year or two when inflation is so much worse and there's bigger food
shortages and when you think baby formula will not be on the shelves a problem, this
is all a design collapse with these food plants being blown up and burned up all over not
just here but all over Europe. This is the extinction rebellion cult that is funded by
the big banks trying to take down civilization so that we go to our knees and they can come
in and give us a universal basic income to control our lives. That's what this is. It's
the plan and it's here. So, again, the only way you fail, ladies and gentlemen, is not
taking action and not getting prepared. Now, I feel so good about promoting this. I feel
so good about giving people high quality food and low prices and also keeps on the air.
361. I want to thank you all for your support. Please visit preparedtoday.com and now I want
to show your takes over. You know, it really is serious, isn't it? People are really looking
at what they can do to survive this coming collapse that seems inevitable now. And actually,
guys, I want to go to a different clip here instead because I'm short on time. You know,
it's not just the danger of the policy that's going to destroy everything. It's the denial
of reality by the modern day left. They think everything's great. But of course, it's Matthew
McConaughey worth millions of dollars. He has armed security. It's Robert De Niro worth
millions of dollars. He has armed security. Here's Robert De Niro with Stephen Colbert
talking about how great the country is right now with Biden.
But what about like, I know that you have a fair amount of, you have emotions about politics.
You have thoughts, of course, first. Those are emotions. I know you have some anxiety
about state of politics in the United States. Having a new guy at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,
has that, have you sleep any better at night? Yes. Yes, I love watching the American people
get crushed by inflation and energy prices and open borders and Democrat collapse.
He got us into calm waters. That was always the idea. He's doing a very good job. A good
job. It's a tough one. I couldn't imagine. I could imagine how difficult it is. I have
decisions in my own personal life that I imagine that what he goes through is 100 times that.
And so, no, he's doing the best he can. And we got to get through a bad period. Period.
Oh, it's a bad period now. It's graduation season. One thing you and I have had in common
with a couple. So, there you go. Oh, everything's great. Everything's good. It's a bad time.
We'll get through it. Oh, will we? You with your millions of dollars in multiple mansions
and armed security. I guess you'll be fine. Won't you, De Niro? While the rest of Americans
are getting crushed by inflation, crushed by energy prices increasing, crushed by the
supply chain crisis, crushed by the taxes and the open borders. But hey, De Niro's
doing great. So, I mean, who cares? The Internet and talk radio are on fire with
the slogan, Alex Jones was right. People ask, what's it like to be vindicated? Well, it's
actually very sick feeling because I knew this was coming. I tried to stop it and now
everything I've talked about is going to become more important than ever because the globalist
aren't hiding it anymore in policy reports and documents. It's now out in the open.
Like Klaus Schwab said last week, that they rule the earth. The Bilderberg Group founded
Davos Group. So, now the fight's out in the open. They're making their move because they
know they're behind schedule. We're going to win this thing. God's watching the children
counting on us. I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your
prayer and your financial support because without you, info wars would not be here.
I just want you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war and you are
the reason humanity has a fighting chance. So, I want to thank you and salute you again
for all you've done and ask you now to redouble your efforts.
Thank you.
So, when I first started taking survival shield, basically I was 275 pounds. I was overweight.
I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe. I was barely holding on to a job and I heard
Dr. Group on their show and I listened to it. So, the first one I got was the original
survival shield, the X1. And it worked pretty good. And then shortly thereafter, you came
out with that. You had, you know, with a deep burden source, you know, and I got really
excited about that. So, I took it. And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to like
literally like my brain was enlightened. You know, I could think again. I could connect
with people again. And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back
and I religiously take basically all of your supplements. They're all absolutely amazing
supplements. The one I like recently is knockout literally like if you want to sleep, just
take it. It's amazing. It works. But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves
clean. We have to break free of the globalist system. And the only way to do that is to
take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother. I thank you so much for your call and Godspeed.
FreeWorldOutlet.com. That is a very important URL for InfoWars supporters that want to get
great products and save massively. FreeWorldOutlet.com is an amazing organization that we have partnered
with who is helping us purchase more products in the future so they can sell our products
at a greater discount than you'll normally find at InfoWarsStore.com. FreeWorldOutlet.com
is amazing. We're partnered with them. And things like DNA Force Plus that have been
sold out at InfoWarsStore is available there. Things like X2 being sold at full price, 40%
off at FreeWorldOutlet.com and so much more. Here's some of the others. Knockout sleep support,
50% off, Brainforce Plus, 50% off, Ultimate Brone Broth, 50% off and so many other specials
you won't find anywhere else. But FreeWorldOutlet.com. FreeWorldOutlet.com and keep InfoWars in
the air while getting great products.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
So I monitor the liberal news so you don't have to. And there were three big issues last
night that they were all covering. It was like MSNBC and CNN were both reading off the
same script. It was, we got to take the guns, listen to Matthew McConaughey, big promotions
of the January 6th made for TV event that they're going to be running. They're a big
propaganda surprise. And then with, there were midterms last night, one of their other
big things was calls to address crimes and homelessness and key races. And it was so
outrageous, I had to take a picture of it on my phone here, because they're sitting
here a bunch of Democrats talking about what they can do to get rid of all the violent
crime rates in Democrat cities. And of course, we know the answer is get rid of Democrats.
It's that simple. Get rid of Democrats and you'll watch crime go down. They don't seem
to understand that yet or they're, but it's, so they admit though, they admit that violent
crime is overrunning Democrat run cities and then they have segments saying, well, what
can we do about it? Well, it's your fault. So why don't you just leave. But we do have
some breaking news right now, a big update. Let's get our latest update on the liberal
summer of rage. That's right. It's the liberal summer of rage. Armed man arrested near Supreme
Court Justice Kavanaugh's home allegedly made threats against him was another Democrat attempting
to commit a political assassination, much like James Hodgkinson. Remember that the media
covered that up. They didn't call for gun control after James Hodgkinson. Democrat tried
to commit a mass murder of Republicans. Remember that one? Let's see what kind of news coverage
a potential attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh gets. But guys, let's recall where
would an individual get such an idea to go and try to kill Brett Kavanaugh? Guys, maybe
we should ask Chuck Schumer. I guess. Oh, okay. We don't have the video. So that's a
big swing and a miss for me. Great. All right. Well, I wish I had the video, but it's Chuck
Schumer basically threatening Kavanaugh. Maybe we'll have it later. Liberal summer of
rage continues. Oh, okay. Let's play it now then. I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want
to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price.
Democrat terrorists. You won't know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.
And who are the domestic terrorists again? Democrats. Democrats. Do you know who Kathy
Boudin is? Yeah, hear about the weather underground. What was the other gal's name that was running
that who then influenced Obama and the Boudins? I mean, literally, the weather underground,
a Democrat terrorist group, and then the son of one of those terrorists that killed police,
burned billion, building to the ground becomes the San Francisco DA that was just recalled
last night. We'll have that coming up, but it's the liberal summer of rage. Buffalo Pro
Life Center fire bombed by radical pro-abortion activists. Liberal summer of rage. Vandals
leave bloody trail. Red graffiti at pregnancy clinic. Liberal summer of rage. Asheville police.
Mountain area pregnancy services vandalized threatened liberal summer of rage. Democrat
domestic terrorists. Kelly McBreen asks at infowars.com, what if conservatives fire bombed
four Planned Parenthood facilities in a matter of weeks like Democrats just fire bombed pregnancy
centers four times this week? It's the liberal summer of rage. They're domestic terrorists,
but they're allowed to do it. And you don't get hearings. You don't get arrests. You
don't have big made for TV events. Democrats are allowed to be terrorists. Although every
once in a while, every once while there is justice, San Diego grand jury indicts 11
Tifa militants for attacking Trump supporters during Patriot March and Pacific Beach. Don't
worry, they'll get a little slap on the wrist probably. It is the liberal summer of rage.
But see, here's MSNBC's Nicole Wallace. She's one of the greatest grifters in the history
of television media. She was a Republican during the Bush years, then she was a Democrat
during Obama. And now she's just a committed anti-Trump liberal hack. So listen to what
she says here in clip 10 about political domestic terrorism replacement theory has become political
ideology. Frank, if Mr Whitfield's mother was killed by foreign terrorists, the Democrats
and the Republicans on the committee would be promising him the moon. What is I mean,
is it as obvious as it seems that domestic violent extremists are an important part
of the voting coalition on the right? I mean, what is the structural impediment to hardening
the homeland against domestic violent extremism? I know the impediment. The impediment is
that you won't admit it's you. You won't admit it's Democrats. You keep trying to stop Republican
terrorism. There is none. It's Democrat terrorism. Why don't you re-aim and refocus on the Democrat
domestic terrorism? And then you'll find the problem. Let's see. Guy just tried to kill
Brett Kavanaugh threatened by Chuck Schumer. Democrat domestic terrorism for pregnancy
centers firebomb this week. Democrat domestic terrorism. James Hodgkinson tries to commit
a mass murder. Democrat domestic terrorism. Trump supporter killed in Denver. Trump supporter
killed in Portland. Trump supporter killed in DC. Democrat domestic terrorism. The entire
summer of 2020 Democrat domestic terrorism. I'd love to see the rap sheet. I'd love to
see the side by side rap sheet of so called conservative violence versus Democrat liberal
violence. Yeah, you would have a 300 page book on Democrat terrorism and you'd have
one page on Republicans and that would just be January 6th, which they lie about already
anyway. And now Biden's Homeland Security issues heightened threat advisory because
of fears of a mass casualty event if Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. So who would
be engaging in terrorism and a mass casualty event or a mass casualty violence? Who would
be doing that if Roe v. Wade was overturned? Is that going to be conservatives, Republicans
or is that going to be Democrats and liberals? So at least Homeland Security is being honest
here. Democrats are about to engage in mass terrorism again. So at least there's a bit
of honesty there. Democrats going to engage in mass terrorism, but they already are. We're
already in the liberal summer of rage. So I guess maybe the Department of Homeland Security
is going to try to stop the summer of 2020 from happening again. Maybe when Democrats
burned cities to the ground and murdered dozens of people, injured thousands of police summer
of 2020. We remember that, right? $2 billion property damage. Thousands of police hospitalized.
More than 24 murders. Democrat domestic terrorism. Maybe the DHS wants to stop the Democrat
domestic terrorism this time around. Maybe I wouldn't get your hopes up though. Seattle
Principal Stonewall police after man terrorized school. Folks, you can't even figure this
one out. A guy hops the fence, overloaded on drugs, going around rifling through children's
backpacks, harassing them, grabbing them. The guy calls the police. The police show
up and then the principal doesn't cooperate with police and lets the guy go. Then one
of the kids comes up. The police are sitting there stunned talking to this liberal principal
who just let a criminal get away. And then a student comes up and says, oh, he stole
my backpack. And then the police say, okay, well, we're going to go arrest him now. And
they leave the principal who tried to stop them from doing that. Liberal summer of rage.
Swedish city rocked by suspected arson rampage as cars building set ablaze. Diversity, diversity.
Liberal summer of rage. One dead, 30 injured after fatal car crash that runs in a crowd
beside a church in Berlin. They're saying that they don't think this was a targeted
deal, but it's right outside a church. We've seen these events before and well, we'll wait
and see. But I think we have a pretty good idea what's causing the violence in Sweden,
what's causing the violence in Berlin. It's not locals. No, no, it's not Swedish people.
It's not German people. Is it? Here we go. Here's one for you. Um, guys, let's show
you clip nine here. Here's a nice youth who, um, he doesn't like white women. So he just
decides he's going to knock a white woman out for fun. Here it is in clip nine.
It's over. Nice. Listen, this is going to go into the parking lot. Yeah, listen. Listen,
this guy ain't gonna smack. Look, this will have you. So any of you bitches fucking that
stupid. What a problem white supremacy is. Man. Oh man. If only we could do something
about this white supremacy. Notice how nobody around that woman came to her aid either. A
couple of black kids just knock her out cold. Everybody stands by and watches because you're
not allowed to talk to a black person. You're not allowed to touch a black person. They're
a protected class now. Don't you see? No charges will be filed against that individual because
whites are the problem. White supremacy is the problem. So, uh, you know, forget the
crime statistics, forget what happens in Democrat run cities. No, we're just blaming whites
for everything. See, a lot of listeners have told us it's hard to find out of the thousands
of people. We've got to say no one's been
quality, survival, and preparedness items in stock at low prices ready to ship you right
now at preparetoday.com.
You can also use the URL, preparewithallix.com, and it takes you there.
Take action.
You know, it's going back to what we all thought was going to happen in the 90s when
the internet and mobile technology first came out, which is, we thought, you know, this
is going to level the playing field.
Everybody's going to have access to the same information, and everybody's going to be able
to freely communicate that information.
That's our goal, to get back to that place where we all have access to all of the information.
We all have the ability to freely communicate that information with whomever we want, whenever
we want, and we don't have to worry about anybody tracking what we're doing and trying
to judge us or categorize us or figure out some way to go after us because of the conversations
we're having, because of the internet searches that we're doing, because of the discussions,
the people we want to talk to about these things.
So that's our goal, is to help people take back their freedom by helping them to take
back their privacy.
And so that's really what we're trying to do, and so I hope that everybody listening will
check us out at boltowireless.com, that's v-o-l-t-a-wireless.com.
Thank you.
And so Infowars has a solution, folks.
We don't want you to go into this unprepared or blind, so that's why we're informing you
and now arming you with the tools to prepare yourself for what many view now as an inevitable
Please, all of you out there watching and listening, remember how many times I've been
Remember how many times I told you exactly what was going to happen and it did happen.
Thirty months ago, I told you there'd be worldwide food shortages and massive inflation because
I was reading what BlackRock and the Bilderberg Group and the Davos Group were actually talking
Not in their public statements, but in their policy reports that are public, but not widely
So the biggest thing you can do now is get high-quality swirble food and it's back in
stock ready to ship right now.
So write down this URL I'm about to give you and take action and protect yourself and
your family.
Don't be dependent on the system with the storm that's coming and that's already here.
That is one of the most important URLs for your future and the future of your security
and your stability and your independence.
Now, folks, you know for decades I have believed in survival and preparation.
I believe we should grow gardens and should know how to use firearms and should know how
to fix electrical systems, you name it, because going into the future if the globalists have
their way and they now are, during the Great Reset, most of the major infrastructure is
going to be slowly shut down.
So we've got to get ahead of that curve.
Now, swirble food is always a must-have.
There's a lot of fly-by-night companies out there, but I've always gone out and found
the very best sponsors and the very best products to bring to you, the very products that I've
researched that I use.
And instead of just going to infoworkstore.com, which still has the products linked on it,
we have created with some great partners, preparetoday.com, so it's a one-stop shop,
not just of the highest quality swirble food with the largest selections, but also hundreds
and hundreds of great survival and preparedness items at the lowest prices you're going to
find anywhere.
And it also sponsors InfoWars, it keeps the First Amendment and the fight against the
New World Order going, so it's a 360 win.
You can also follow PrepareWithAlex.com and that URL now points at PrepareToday.com.
All of you that the last 30 months went out and bought swirble food made such a great
Food prices are up over 30% in the U.S. and even higher in other parts of the world and
they're only going up.
That's not a safe bet, that is a guaranteed.
The central banks of the world have done this by design to bring the people to their knees.
So when I told people at the beginning of the COVID lockdowns that it was going to cause
worldwide food shortages and collapse, we were right.
And those of you that bought swirble food in the last few years have saved a lot of money.
I would get involved now and get your swirble food taken care of and other preparedness
items and preparetoday.com while you still can and keep it in force in the air.
Don't procrastinate, don't wait, don't be dependent on the system.
So there you go, folks.
I don't know what's going to happen.
I don't know how bad it's going to get.
It's not going to get better though.
Not with Democrats around, not with Joe Biden in the White House.
So smart people are really kind of looking at their current situation and saying, hmm,
what should I do?
Do I have storeable food?
Do I have an energy source?
Am I going to be stuck in this inner city?
Do I have land that I can live off of?
These are all the questions.
Do I have a preparedness kit?
These are all the questions people are asking because that's how bad America is now under
Joe Biden.
Maybe worse than it's ever been.
And man, oh man, if it wasn't our committed duty to be here every day, I'd probably be
getting out into the woods.
I would probably be finding whatever part of this country that puts me the farthest
away from a Democrat liberal.
I don't want to be anywhere near these psychotics, not even close to them.
We have created a one stop shop to get the highest quality storeable foods ready to ship
that are in stock with hundreds of award winning certified preparedness survival items.
That's why PrepareToday.com is a one stop shop.
You can also follow PrepareWithAlex.com, it takes you right to the same site and it's
our huge sponsor, funding or operation.
So Americans and others can get ready, be self sufficient and fund the info award while
saving massive amounts of money on critical items they need and of course getting things
delivered to them quickly because it's in stock.
The only way you fail is not visiting PrepareToday.com.
There's not a question now whether you need this or not, you need it.
Or it was just a backup plan and insurance.
This is an insurance.
This is survival.
PrepareToday.com and I'll see you there.
Ladies and gentlemen, high quality storeable food is back in stock ready to ship right
We've not been selling food for three months because it was taking several weeks for the
food to get packaged and delivered to you.
Other companies are completely out but now they have a large spectrum of high quality
food ready to ship.
Everything you find at PrepareWithAlex.com or PrepareToday.com is in stock ready to ship.
So go to PrepareWithAlex.com or PrepareToday.com and order your high quality storeable food
right now ready to ship to you and your family.
With the inflation happening, with the food shortages, with the wars, with the collapse
in wars, everything's happening is one of the most important as you can make is to have
high quality storeable food, water filtration, air filtration and more and it's not just
those items, it's hundreds of other high quality preparedness items and survival items right
now at PrepareWithAlex.com that again redirects to PrepareToday.com.
I would not procrastinate, ladies and gentlemen, one of the most important things you can do
is get ahead of inflation now because the inflation is just beginning.
PrepareToday.com now is the time folks and with what we see going on at the southern
border it's only going to get worse, it's only going to get worse.
And now the Mexican president is basically deciding he's going to facilitate the invasion
of America too because he doesn't know what else to do because they invade his country
just to come up to America, they expel resources and energy and effort and manpower to try
to stop their country from being invaded.
Well now they're just saying, all right, if you're coming into Mexico to get to America
we're going to streamline it and we're going to give you your paperwork so you can just
come right in and go right up.
There used to be a bit of a process, there used to be some obstacles there, they're
getting rid of all the obstacles.
I don't even blame the Mexican president for this quite frankly, he's trying to take
care of his country so I understand why he's doing it.
So he's basically just like, all right, fine, Biden wants to have a facilitate an invasion
and drug trafficking and child sex trafficking in the southern border, fine.
I'm not going to let that hurt my country though so people come through my country,
we're just going to usher them right through it, we're not going to, we're just going to
just say, okay, you're in, here's your paperwork, just go on through.
So that's nice, caravan leader Luis Villagran, caravan leader, who do you think pays him,
tells Fox News that Mexico will be issuing 1000 temp work visas a day to the migrants
starting tomorrow, which means they can travel freely through Mexico and many will simply
head to the US border.
Hey, look, someone's invading our country, whoa, that's just Democrat party policy,
calm down, pull 73% of Trump voters believe Democrats are trying to replace white Americans
with immigrants who vote for them, absolutely correct.
And so that's just a sign that people are waking up and they know what the Democrats
are up to, because that's exactly what they're doing.
That is 100% exactly what they're doing.
It's a, it's a humanitarian issue any other way you slice it.
But when it's Democrats looking for votes, then it's a good thing, see how that works.
So yeah, the kids getting raped and trafficked and the drug abuse and everything, you know,
that's a small price to pay for, for Democrat power, small price to pay for Democrats to
remain in power.
Caravan leader calls on some of the America's attendees to work out migrant focused immigration
This thing's a complete joke folks, the America, the summit of the Americas.
I don't think Biden's going to attend it.
The Mexican president said he's not intending it.
So it's all a joke, basically it was supposed to be a serious thing to deal with the fact
it's like 25% of the Central American population has now illegally immigrated into the United
States of America in the last decade.
So they're going to have this big summit to kind of hash it out and work it out.
And the Mexican president was like, what is this a joke?
We know what the problem here is.
The problem is United States politicians.
The problem is the U.S. has a wide open border and a welfare state.
That's the problem here.
So if you're not going to address that, then I'm not showing up to your summit.
In Snub to Biden, Mexico's president won't attend U.S. hosted summit of the Americas.
Well why would he?
Why would you waste your time with liars like Joe Biden?
Why would you waste your time with criminals like the Democrats?
You wouldn't.
And so he's not.
So America says, oh, we're going to have this summit to address why all these Central Americans
are moving to America.
And the Mexican president says, we know why they're going to America because you're telling
them to and you're giving them free stuff.
So if you're not going to be honest about that, then I'm out.
Smuggler caught transporting kidnapped migrant baby in Texas.
HSI agents rescue one year old girl from human smuggler bound for Dallas.
What do you think?
What do you think that girl's life was going to be like?
What do you think her future would have been?
Another victim of Democrat politics.
She probably would have been a sex slave the rest of her life.
Thank a Democrat for that.
We build the wall trial ends in mistrial jury deadlocked.
This is actually a very important thing, folks.
Democrats try to rig court cases.
And so they had 11 liberals on this New York jury and one conservative.
And they were trying to destroy this man who funded the we build the wall thing.
And then they had a bunch of false claims, false accusations saying he stole the money.
It was all fake.
Timothy Shea.
It was all fake.
It was all just liberal smears and Democrat attacks.
And so the left knew that they weren't going to win the case.
The Democrats knew they weren't going to win this case on merit.
They weren't going to win the case on fact.
The only way they could win the case was to rig it and cheat just like everything else
Democrats do.
So when they found out they had one conservative on the jury, they fought for weeks to kick
him off the jury.
And then it even got so bad that the judge had to sit down with the juror because the
judge was just hearing crazy stuff about the juror.
So the judge was like, all right, well, maybe this is a concern.
I'll listen.
Judge sat down with the juror and said, hmm, these liberal jurors lied to me.
There's nothing wrong with this juror at all.
He stands.
He saved an innocent man's life, Timothy Shea.
Timothy Shea would have been another political prisoner of the Democrat Party if it wasn't
for one conservative nullifying the jury.
So there's a lot of important lessons to learn there, folks.
And do not, do not forget the importance of jury nullification.
Thousands of unvaccinated border patrol agents fear for their future.
Oh, you're going to get fired from your job in the Biden administration if you don't
take a vaccine.
But all the immigrants coming here illegally, are they vaccinated?
Do they have to be vaccinated?
But the border patrol that that is the now human traffic control, the border patrol is
now the human trafficking control run by Joe Biden.
And they have to be vaccinated, though, or they lose their job.
And of course, this is all just more of the purge.
This is all just more of the purge that we know is going on.
In fact, Jim Jordan is talking about this now.
Let me come to that briefly.
Nightwing populist in Sweden proposed the repatriation, re-immigration of the hundreds
of thousands of Syrians, Afghans and Somalis that have failed to integrate in Sweden are
long term unemployed and live on state benefits.
Absolutely that's common sense.
If you're just going to come here and suck off our system and destroy our culture and
destroy our cities, you're not welcome here.
And that's what 90% of this immigration is now because it's it's not even immigration.
It's it's political weapons systems and invasions.
Remember the story we just read fire bombings for an entire week in Sweden?
Yeah, those are the illegal immigrants that go there and just and just muck things up
and have no go zones and rape women.
So they're saying, hey, why are we letting these people here?
They don't care about Sweden.
They don't they don't appreciate our culture.
They just rape our women, steal our stuff, burn our buildings to the ground.
Why would we want them here?
Liberals, that's why.
And so here's Jim Jordan.
New whistleblowers alleged the FBI is purging conservatives at the Bureau.
One agent they purged was a decorated war veteran who served in Iraq and Kuwait.
The FBI had the audacity to question the whistleblowers loyalty to the country.
Now, Jim Jordan lays it all out here.
But the brief of it is like, I don't know what's going on with this FBI seizing the retired
general's data related to Qatar lobbying, I'll come up and cover that later.
Is that an example of a good FBI agent that's still left that hasn't been purged by the
deep state or is there something else going on here?
But what Jim Jordan is talking about.
And you know, I know a little bit about this because I'm involved, but I'll just leave
it at that for now.
There are many FBI agents that know January 6th as bull crap.
There are many FBI agents that know the Democrat party is the worst thing in this country.
And so the leadership at the FBI and Merrick Garland and the Biden administration and Chris
Ray is doing everything they can to make sure there are no Republicans, no conservatives
and no Christians in the FBI, because they know they can't do what they want to do if
they have conservatives or Christians in the FBI.
And what do they want to do?
They want to target, harass, destroy, imprison their political opposition.
Christians won't do that.
Conservatives won't do that.
So what is the FBI doing?
What is Chris Ray doing?
They're purging anybody who won't commit crimes for the Democrat party.
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Making a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
FBI seizes retired general's data related to Qatar lobbying and it's a big money laundering
operation that got caught.
That may also involve Eric Swalwell, here's some flashbacks, Eric Swalwell posed shirtless
during pricey paid for Qatar trip, Swalwell had meetings with Qatari charity tied to terrorist
Was Swalwell involved in this crime as well?
But here's the thing, I find amazing about this, as they caught a forced dollar general
making false statements and withholding incriminating documents and it looks like they were, well
they were illegally lobbying in foreign countries and basically just stealing and laundering
money, was Swalwell involved in that.
We never get justice in situations like this, they're stealing and robbing money in Ukraine
right now, there's not going to be any justice.
So I'm just skeptical as to why this is the story and why they're upset about this slush
fund, this money laundering that's going on in Qatar when it goes on everywhere and has
for decades.
Why this?
Why are they going after this guy?
Is it just so happens that there's one good FBI agent that's doing this?
Is it the one good FBI agent left or is there something else going on?
Will anybody pay the price?
Will Eric Swalwell be questioned?
So that's a developing news story that we will be paying attention to.
George Soros backed groups have spent 40 million to elect 75 progressive prosecutors over the
last decade, meaning one in five Americans now live in areas covered by his criminal
justice reforms.
That's why things are getting so violent.
San Francisco votes overwhelmingly to recall progressive DA Chesa Boudin, the son of known
Democrat terrorist, Kathy Boudin, who was part of the weather underground that murdered
police and burned buildings to the ground.
It's Democrats, they're terrorists, they don't change, they just get into office and get
They never stop, they never stop.
And by the way, there's examples now where there's criminals that are in jail in San
Francisco like, I think Will Wilkerson is one of them, who their attorneys are now moving
as quickly as possible to get their court case wrapped up before Boudin leaves office
because they know as long as Boudin is in office, they're going to get off scot-free.
So you've got all these criminals in jail right now that are pumping the gas with their
lawyers saying, hey, we got to get, we got to get a decision here while Boudin is still
in office because he's pro-crime, he's pro-criminal.
So that's going on.
As you see all this stuff happening with January 6th and the made-for-TV event coming
up tomorrow night, never forget Michigan, Whitmer Hokes Defendant, we beat them, we got justice.
Never forget what they did in Michigan.
The FBI setting up innocent men, the FBI plotting to kidnap the governor and then giving that
plot to other men that they set up, well, they won that case, they got caught.
And then the one FBI agent that was running that operation, he then ran the January 6th
And remember what they did?
They'd said, oh, they made a big fuss.
Remember, they said, oh, look, someone's going to try to kidnap the governor.
It was an FBI plot.
The media made a big fuss of it saying, see, conservatives are terrorists.
They were going to capture the governor.
It was an FBI plot.
They were found innocent.
And then what happens?
Even Democrats show up at Supreme Court Justice's house to kill them, and the media doesn't
cover it.
Bloomberg News complains nobody cares about January 6th as Democrats prepare televised
Even Bloomberg knows it's bull crap.
Yeah, most people are struggling to pay their bills.
You think they care about Democrat party politics and whaling and the gnashing of the teeth
and the evil and the hatred of the Democrats?
Many of Proud Boys indicted for sedition were U.S. military veterans.
Who warned you they were going to come for the veterans?
Who warned you the veterans were their top target?
That would be right here at InfoWars, Alex Jones.
Matt Gaetz says, I would rather trim Pelosi's toenails with my teeth than dying with Adam
Boy, oh boy, Schiff must be a real piece of shit if that's how he feels.
How's Ron Johnson doing?
Arthur Delaney from The Huffington Post asked Ron Johnson about waiting periods for gun
sales to buyers under 21.
Ron Johnson said, before we pass anything new, let's enforce the laws we already have.
Let's start with Hunter Biden.
No, Democrats are above the law.
Don't you see?
Democrats are above the law.
You're not allowed to do that.
And then there was a host on The View who was basically trying to tell The View, hey,
you know, people don't really care about this January 6th stuff like you psychotics do.
And you know, I don't know why this went so viral, quite frankly.
I don't really think it's that hot of a clip.
But what is funny about it is while this lady is talking, they try to shut her down.
They try to interrupt her because she's just saying facts.
But the look on the liberals' faces, like right there, the look on their faces as this
woman is trying to tell them, hey, you know, most of the stuff you believe nobody else
Most of the stuff that you talk about nobody else cares about.
You guys are living in a delusional land, I'm paraphrasing.
But it's just so funny to listen to them constantly trying to interrupt her from telling the truth.
And then the shocked look on their face that somebody would be on their set and not saying
January 6th is the worst thing that ever happened to America.
I mean, just look at their faces.
Here's the clip.
Don't look somewhere else.
No, I think the average Fox News viewer has been seeing for a year and a half this play
out over and over again.
Rioters attack our capital.
We've seen it on every single channel, even Fox Local, if you watch that.
So people understand exactly what happened.
And so what is the smoking gun here?
What is the breaking news?
I know what people will turn in once the Department of Justice says, OK, here are the charges.
Well, I have to disagree with you there.
Wait, wait, wait.
Let me finish.
We want some criminal charges if that's what you want.
That's what we'll see next.
We're not even going to see that in these nine hearings.
And then if we think about the actual intention of this, there's a sentiment that Democrats
need to rebrand this midterm message, right?
So by airing this, you're going to remind everybody like, hey, Trump is aligned with
other conservatives.
And even though that's not always true, there's plenty of people who spoke out against this.
And so now reminder, don't vote for these people in the midterms because you want to
keep the majority.
And I think that that is a losing message by looking in the past and not looking in the
future because there's things on top of mind for people.
There are things like feeding your baby, which I talked about yesterday.
There are things on top of mind like people wanted to know a recession is looming.
There are things on top of mind like wondering how to pay for your gas.
Whoa, they didn't like that.
They didn't like that.
You saw their face.
You saw them trying to stop her from talking.
No, Democrats love corruption.
Democrats love corruption.
They just love it.
They love the January 6th campaign because they know it's going to target their opposition
They love it.
Those women at the view are psychotic.
And so you saw their face as she was laying all of it out.
They just did not like that.
Did they?
Or were they angry that not everyone is a psychotic leftist like the host of the view
that want to see innocent Americans rot in a jail cell?
How are the ladies at the view like being politically persecuted?
How are the ladies at the view like to be censored?
How are the ladies at the view like to have discovery done on them and prods done on them?
How would they like that?
I don't think they'd like it too much, but they love doing it to you.
They love doing it to their political opposition, don't they?
Yes, they do.
Man, oh man, what a shame.
What a shame we're dealing with these psychotics.
So they have their made for TV event today telling you because kids died, you have to
turn your gun in, and then they've got their made for TV event tomorrow night.
Democrats caused riots on January 6th so that they could blame Trump, blame Republicans,
arrest their political opposition, silence their political opposition, disarm their political
In history, I know groups that did stuff like that, like the Nazis, that's right, there
was a Nazis that did that, now it's the Democrats.
The internet and talk radio are on fire with the slogan, Alex Jones was right.
People ask, what's it like to be vindicated?
Well, it's actually very sick feeling because I knew this was coming, I tried to stop it,
and now everything I've talked about is going to become more important than ever because
the globalists aren't hiding it anymore in policy reports and documents, it's now out
on the open.
Klaus Schwab said last week that they rule the earth, the Bilderberg group founded Davos
So now the fight's out in the open, they're making their move because they know they're
behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching the children counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and
your financial support because without you, info wars would not be here.
So I want you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war and you are the
reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you and salute you again for all you've done and ask you now to redouble
your efforts.
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Welcome to Ohio, welcome, go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, bro.
Great last caller.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplements.
It's basically the only way I get to sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, moralization
and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone.
All right, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
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Tyler in Maine.
You're on the air.
Thanks for rolling.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
It's great to be on with you.
It's an honor.
It's an honor to talk to you.
So, first thing I wanted to do is say I love the products, alpha power, even at 29.
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for a few of you.
It definitely works.
It's not a joke.
It's not a joke.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer, and joined by journalist Taylor Hanson, who unfortunately
had to witness the shooting, the killing of Ashley Babbitt at her blood on his hands
that day.
He had to witness the Democrat Michael Byrd killing Ashley Babbitt.
But Taylor, there have been some new developments in this case because it turns out, once again,
they lied.
They lied again.
They said, which you already knew that because you were there, they said they did an investigation
into Byrd.
Turns out there's no proof of that investigation.
They claimed that Byrd warned Ashley Babbitt.
That didn't happen either.
Judicial Watch forces release of DOJ memo, declining criminal prosecution for Ashley
Babbitt killer Michael Byrd, Babbitt shooting evidence missing, so as long as you're a Democrat
police officer, you can kill whoever you want.
I guess that's the story here.
Taylor, you're probably not surprised by this, your response.
Not at all.
And when that DOJ report was released, Joe Hanneman with Epoch Times actually was the
first to send it to me.
And as I'm reading through it, I knew they were going to lie, but to this scope and to
go this far with lying, I mean, they lied about every single detail all the way down
to the police officers supposedly rendering aid immediately, even though I was sitting
on the ground with other journalists with her blood on my hands, like you said, while
they're sitting there doing nothing.
They lied about the number of windows broken out.
They lied about the number of firearms drawn by officers.
They said they tried to push Ashley back and she returned to the front.
I mean, it's honestly egregious, it's disgusting, and we don't live in America anymore.
I mean, upon reading this report, you know, I'm not a very emotional person, but it brought
me to tears.
You know, the part where they said that they, they actually have the audacity to say that
their officers tried to render aid immediately when their officers were realistically the
reason why Ashley didn't survive.
They didn't clear the blood out of her throat.
So it's just despicable.
I went, well, you said it right there that, you know, we don't live in America anymore.
That is the toughest pill to swallow, but it's finally gone down.
It's true.
We don't.
We live in a banana republic.
We live in a communist hellhole.
We live in a third world country.
We live in a very corrupt country.
Republicans don't do much to help that, unfortunately, but it's mostly the Democrats, at least at
this point in time, that are the bad ones, the evil ones.
I mean, and now tomorrow, they're going to have this made for TV January 6th hearing,
obviously all bull crap, obviously politicized, obviously nothing about, it has nothing to
even do with January 6th.
It has everything to do with the midterms and then wanting to use this to get people
to go out and vote in the midterms.
So I mean, what do you, what do you make of the Democrats turning this into a TV event
tomorrow, a push for people to vote in the midterms for Democrats?
I mean, I find it hilarious, honestly, is, you know, they have so many people that are
not interested in this, that they have to pay a mainstream source, you know, all this
money to do a primetime television event, to do this big expose, you know, when the
government is paying a media source to cover something, there's a little bit of a conflict
of interest.
Is that not like fascism?
I would say the least.
Just a little bit.
The power being included, yeah, it's a, we live in a fascist country, Owen, and I mean,
it's only going to get worse at this point, and we got to keep standing up.
And thankfully, you know, I'm going to be producing a documentary soon about the five
deaths of what took place that day on January 6th, and I think it's going to blow this thing
out of the water.
I mean, they can only lie to the American people for so long and about so much until
something is finally done and the lit is just blown off of this thing.
But the January 6th committee, they've always been a fraud.
You got Adam Enzinger, you got Liz Cheney.
I mean, these people have never been pro America.
I mean, they're about the, they are the definition of the establishment and these people are
I mean, they killed five people on the six and then blamed these Trump supporters, even
though they were the ones that were being murdered.
No, it's truly unbelievable.
And it is, it is corporate fascism when the Democrats, because you know, this is what
they did.
They called CNN executives, they called MSNBC executives, they called ABC executives, and
they said, hey, we want to do a made for television event to rehash January 6th, to convince people
to go vote Democrat in the midterms.
Can you help us?
They said, yep, we'll make sure we air it.
They then got the ABC executive that helped ABC cover up for the Clintons and the Epstein's.
They, oh, that's the guy that they hire to run the J6 hearing is the guy that covered
up for the Clintons and the Epstein's trafficking little girls and raping them.
He seems like a winner.
And so they coordinated all of it.
They got all their pieces in place, and they said, we're going to do it during prime time.
And so I don't think America is going to respond the way they hope, though.
I think most Americans are sick of hearing about January 6th, and they've watched Democrats
commit acts of evil for the last five years that pale, January 6th pales in comparison
to what Democrats have done the last five years.
No, absolutely.
Oh, and the fact is, is if you're ignorant to this situation at this time with January
6th and the fact that our economy is in the absolute shitter, I mean, everything this
administration has done is they have destroyed this country.
They've demoralized its own people, they've killed their own people, they've arrested
and jailed their people.
I mean, like I said before, you know, this is not America and Americans are not going
to respond to this kindly as you can only push and push and push so far on the American
people until something finally breaks.
And I do think we're about to get to that point, honestly, is I think this commission,
I mean, it's never been about January 6th.
It's always been about taking your rights, implementing more national security policies
so they can monitor American citizens that they believe are white supremacists and terrorists.
I mean, so that's really all this is, it's a pathetic power grab.
And really, if you believe it at this point, I feel bad for you.
And there's not really much, much that can be done to help these people.
Well, that's it too is something has got to give something has got to break.
I mean, the dam of civilization can only withhold so much fraud, only withhold so much
deception, only withhold so much corruption before it just gives out and then washes civilization
I mean, we feel like we're getting closer to that moment.
And the Democrats seem to be speeding towards it.
It seems like this is what they want to happen.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, they're they're full blown acceleration is at this point.
I mean, they want war.
They want people dead.
I mean, at this point, I'm not putting it past them.
I mean, we're getting to the point in history where you're going to start seeing people
in camps soon enough.
I mean, these people are insane.
They want you dead.
They don't care about you.
They hate you and all your values and everything they stand for.
And you're they're not going to stop.
I mean, they're not going to stop unless we stop them and we have the power to.
We just have to actually go out and do it.
Well, thank God, you're going to do a documentary on this.
How close are you to completing that and where are people going to be able to find it?
It should be able to be completed about a week and a half is the goal.
We want it out before these hearings are over.
And I believe it will be broadcasted on OAN.
So when you look back and you think about January 6th, because really it was a bad day.
I mean, our election was stolen.
Democrats set up their political opposition.
Now they have hundreds of political prisoners that they're torturing and starving and holding
in solitary confinement.
I mean, January 6th really was a dark day, just not for the reasons we're being told.
I mean, they already have political prisoners.
There's other documentaries that have come out about January 6th showing all the lies.
Where do you think the American public is at right now?
Do you think that they'll find the truth in January 6th or do you think the overwhelming
mainstream media propaganda will keep it hidden?
I think the mainstream propaganda will do a good job or at least a semi decent job for
a little bit, you know, dragging into the midterms is because they're going to ramp
this up going into the midterms.
This is what it's been about is they want people to vote Democrat.
They want people to vote mindlessly on their plantation.
So I do think it will be effective, at least for the first portion, but they're already
blowing this out of the water.
I mean, they're already exposing themselves.
I mean, they haven't investigated a single damn thing since this commission was founded
and that DOJ report on Ashley Babbitt and what took place in the Speaker's hallway
is the perfect example of that.
I mean, they are rewriting history.
And I mean, that report to me, it was a straight kick in the balls because I was the only one
that wasn't arrested.
I reached out to be subpoenaed over 10 times, they didn't respond to me.
And now it makes sense.
Why is because they use John Sullivan as the only witness and they lied about every single
But I do think the truth will come out.
It is inevitable.
And thankfully we got a lot of good people in this industry.
We got a lot of good fighters, especially surrounding the January 6th topic.
That is, that's amazing.
What you just said, you basically stuck your neck out there.
You basically offered the Democrats your neck because you thought it was more important
to tell the truth about what happened to Ashley Babbitt.
And they didn't even take it.
I reached out countless times.
I can't even keep track of how many times.
I mean, through official email, my attorneys, I've tweeted at the commission, I've tweeted
at Kinzinger, I've tweeted at Liz Chenney.
I mean, I have reached out over and over again.
And then now I know why they never wanted to talk to me because if they did, they couldn't
have came out with that BS report because my eyewitness statement and my video that
they didn't enter in the record of evidence disproves all of that.
I mean, folks, this is unprecedented stuff.
We're talking about an eyewitness to a killing that investigators don't want to talk to.
Taylor, I bet that that's never happened before.
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the globalists aren't hiding anymore in policy reports and documents.
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Klaus Schwab said last week that they rule the earth, the Bilderberg group founded Davos
So now the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching the children counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and
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Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Taylor Hansen is with us and I wanted to get into Taylor's coverage of the drag queen strip
show for kids in Dallas that he covered but I want to continue with the J6 stuff because
I know he has other things to say.
Like the fact that Taylor Hansen, there may be, I'm sure there's others but this event
is probably the only time where eyewitnesses to a killing are not questioned by law enforcement.
Taylor Hansen witnessed Michael Byrd shoot Ashley Babbitt and he was not brought in as
a witness for questioning, I mean seriously Taylor, I'm wondering if this isn't the only
instance in US criminal history where eyewitnesses to a killing are not brought in as witnesses
for questioning.
I don't think that's ever happened before.
Yeah, I don't think it has either and the biggest thing too is what I find funny is
if I go and try and hop on a plane right now, I have to go through four hours of security
because I'm on what my Department of Homeland Security connection says is a witness list.
So they publicly identify me in their system, the federal government, as a witness to this
crime, a witness to this death, but no one has talked to me, not a single officer has
even asked me a single question, no investigators, no committee, nothing.
I have not been talked to virtually in any professional capacity or by the government
regarding January 6th, even though I captured some of the most monumental video and saw
some of the craziest things that took place that day.
Yeah, and then my crew points this out, there's an obvious question that I wasn't even asking,
it says, the question is why, why the hearing now, why are they doing it now?
Well, the obvious answer is the midterms coming up, but the not so obvious answer, which
I think is also a good point here, they had to spend almost two years going through all
the security footage so that they could scrub it down to make sure nobody saw Antifa breaking
in, nobody saw John Sullivan breaking in, nobody saw the guys clad in black helmets
and bats bashing in the windows that are probably Antifa, leftists, provocateurs, so they had
to scrub all that information, they also had to spend a year and a half going through thousands
of individuals' text messages, phone records, emails, everything, so it took them a year
and a half to scrub all the evidence of their crimes out of the hearing and then cherry
pick, edit, take things out of context, I'm sure that they're going to be presenting tomorrow.
I mean, it's just, it's just, it's criminal fraud from the top down here with the Democrats
and this J6 hearing.
No, yeah, and I'm thankful you mentioned that, is because actually I had access to every
single security camera within the United States Capitol.
I had access for over a month, I went through, I went and I examined every single area and
identified every single camera, I named the cameras, got an understanding of where each
camera are and inside of the Capitol, which area it's in, and you want to know the one
camera angle that was conveniently missing is in the hallway where Ashley Babbitt was
shot and killed.
So, it just shows you that they are getting rid of this, they're scrubbing this, they're
not allowing people to see this, I had the most highly sensitive clearance when I was
logged in to this government software and I couldn't even find it, and on top of that,
I've talked to multiple prisoners that they will have discovery ready for them, they will
pick a certain amount of videos for proof to defend them in their discovery cases.
And then all of a sudden, when it gets reviewed by the government to be confirmed for discovery,
it comes back and maybe two or three of those videos are just conveniently missing, so they
are actively deleting evidence and I don't know if we're ever even going to be able to
see this.
I mean, they're just scrubbing all of this software, scrubbing all of this evidence,
so when the administration changes after these people are ripped out of office or voted out
either or, whichever way it goes, is no one can go back and rewrite the history how it's
supposed to be because they've deleted the evidence.
Yeah, so again, just Democrats are allowed to commit crimes, Democrats are allowed to
evidence tamper, Democrats are allowed to, I mean, contempt of court, how is that not
contempt of court, deleting evidence, but I mean, like they arrest Peter Navarro for
contempt of Congress, how is that even a crime?
Who doesn't have contempt for these bastards in our Congress right now?
I mean, my goodness, lying to the FBI, the FBI lies to us.
Why are they allowed to lie to us?
But I want to back off of this for a second because you did incredible work at the Dallas
drag queen dance strip show for kids just a couple of weekends ago where your girlfriend
got spat on by a radical leftist, I mean, bless her heart, she seemed to take it okay,
these psychotic people that are out here.
I mean, how do you put that into perspective?
How do you put it's not going to lick itself perverts, dancing and stripping for kids?
And they call it liberal, they call it pride month.
All in all, put it in perspective for you is, you know, I've seen a lot of really messed
up things.
I mean, I've watched people die on the ground while reporting.
And while I was in this event undercover recording all of this footage and watching this child
abuse, because there's no other way to put it.
I mean, the feeling that I had, it was worse than a lot of the times.
I mean, I had a worse feeling than, you know, on January 6th, I was in shock after January
6th, but this, I had to willingly sit through and watch for two hours.
I mean, this is by far the most disgusting and depraved event that I've ever seen in
my entire life.
It's straight up pedophilia.
And it's like, they're like I said earlier, they're accelerationist.
I mean, where does it go from here?
They used to do drag queen story time.
And they'd at least like bring out a book to pretend like it was an academic thing or
pretend it was some sort of a learning experience.
They just removed that.
Now it's just drag queens for kids.
Now they're dancing.
They're stripping.
They're exchanging dollar bills.
They're in clubs.
They're saying it's not going to lick itself.
How do we allow this to happen?
And why do you think it's happening so much in Texas?
I mean, this is the symptom of a dying society, as John Doyle would put it.
I mean, this, our society is gone and that's what blew me the hell away is that, you know,
this is something you would expect to see in California, you know, not here in Texas,
but this was 25 minutes away from my lip.
So right as I saw this event, I mean, I couldn't not go and attend to this thing.
But I mean, I think we got here because it was a slippery slope.
I mean, we started, you know, with gay marriage and then it just kept going and kept going
and kept going.
And here we are now.
They want to touch your kids and they're not saying they don't either.
And they are.
I mean, they're on film doing it.
It's like, and then, you know, some of them are getting aggressive afterwards because
journalists are asking them questions like, Hey, don't you think what you're doing here
isn't appropriate?
What you think what you're doing here is wrong and they run away and they get aggressive.
So they know it's wrong.
I mean, why would a grown adult show up to do a drag queen dance strip show for kids?
Well, the answer is pretty obvious.
He's a damn pervert.
That's why.
Yeah, it's disgusting.
Oh, and honestly, and one situation that really is still, still got under my skin from that
One thing that I'll never forget is I was sitting at this gay nightclub is what it was.
And there's a child sitting to the left of me and he has three moms is what it appears
to look like.
And there's a gay bartender behind the bar and I overhear the conversation and this kid
replies to the gay bartender and he says, No, I'm not gay.
And his mom interrupts him and says, Yes, he is.
He's gay, but don't let him lie to you.
He's lying.
And this kid, the look on his face is said at all.
I mean, he completely shut down.
He was not okay.
I watched him solve a Rubik's cube three times in a row just to unsolve it and do it again.
And then he kept playing Nintendo DS.
He didn't even look at this drag show a single time and hear his mom is forcing him to be
something that he isn't.
I mean, this is the highest level of child abuse and grooming on know that that's a story.
I don't think anybody, I never saw that or heard about that.
So it just shows the kids don't want anything to do with this.
You know, I noticed the same thing.
They had a trans kids day.
Yeah, there's the video right there.
It was a trans kids day in Austin and that I went to as a counter to cover it.
And I noticed that there was something missing from the support trans kids event.
And that was kids.
It was all adults.
It was all perverted men and gay men and gay women and fat hippo lesbians telling us,
it's talking about how they want to mutilate children's genitals.
They're forcing their kids into this.
It's what it is.
And like you said, it's child abuse and it's leftist liberal parents getting away with child
And I guess that makes them feel good.
I guess that makes them feel powerful.
Oh, yeah.
Well, all it is is as you put it, well, I mean, it's a lot of this is these single moms
that want to be popular, they're liberal and it's popular right now to have a trans kid.
So they're all saying, Hey, you're trans, you're trans, you're trans.
I mean, and they're forcing this ideology on their kid because it's popular because
it gets them a little bit of clout.
It makes them feel better about their insecurities about their gender dysphoria.
I mean, they are literally breeding a generation of mass shooters at this point.
These kids are not going to be okay.
These kids are being abused to the highest level.
They're being abused sexually, mentally.
I mean, these kids are not going to come out on top in society.
They're going to be the bottom of the barrel because of what they've been subjected to
their entire life.
And it's tragic.
It breaks your heart.
It's really unbelievable that they get away with this stuff.
But until somebody stops them, they're going to keep doing it.
And I think that the lawmaker in Dallas did the right thing.
He made legislation to ban children from drag shows.
That is the right move.
Make Democrats defend this pedophilia.
Make Democrats publicly defend child abuse.
Let's make them do that.
We need more laws saying you can't take kids to strip clubs.
We already knew that.
You can't take kids to drag shows or gay shows.
Make the Democrats defend this borderline pedophilia child abuse.
Final words, Taylor Hansen.
Where can people fall?
Where can they get their documentary?
Where's all the great work you're doing?
Everyone can follow me at Taylor USA on Twitter and it's T-A-Y-L-E-R-US-A.
And all my updates regarding the documentary and any future work or debunking regarding
January 6th or pedophile catching because we'd like to do that now, it'll all be posted
And one comment I'd like to make before we go is just thank God for InfoWars, thank
God for Owen Shroyer.
You guys have been amazing ever since, you know, I was first introduced to you.
You guys had me on after January 6th.
You guys are the only source that tells the whole truth on this topic.
Well, thank God for you too, brother.
Ladies and gentlemen, high quality, storeable food is back in stock, ready to ship right
We've not been selling food for three months because it was taking several weeks for the
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This is your final segment with me.
Mike Adams is going to host the last hour.
Sadly, I'm due in court this afternoon.
That's just the life of a free speech advocate.
That's just the life of an American patriot, court, court, court as I'm politically persecuted
by demon crats.
But Mike Adams has a powerful hour coming up.
You're not going to want to miss it with key intel and information with Mike Adams.
Let's just take a look at some of this other news.
This and drag queens coming to Croix D'Alanne, Idaho, Croix D'Alanne, Idaho, sorry it's a
French thing I'm butchering it, but anyway, Idaho for June 11th, family friendly gay pride
Local passers condemn the event.
It's an Idaho Tribune.
Literally Satanists and drag queens and faggots are showing up to sexualize kids at this event,
June 11th in Idaho, Croix D'Alanne, Croix D'Alanne, thank you, I'm not intentionally trying to
mess this up.
Croix D'Alanne, so if you're in the area and you want to stop these pedos from getting
access to the kids or cover it, jeez man.
You know, I guess the good news is the Democrats are really taking the mask off.
Now everybody sees what evil they are.
The bad news is they're evil demons and you know what evil demons like to do to you, torture
you, murder you.
A California lawmaker who relaxed punishments for sex offenders proposes mandatory drag
queen 101 class for K through 12 students.
North Carolina City cancels drag queen story hour, an event that has a big impact on kids
because of backlash.
Yeah, folks, that's how you stop this pedophile stuff.
You tell them we know what you're doing and we don't like it.
Your demons, your abusing children will arrest you if you abuse those kids.
That's how you stop it.
Arrest the child abusers.
They won't abuse kids anymore.
Report UKNHS scrubs the word woman from ovarian cancer guidance to be more inclusive.
Yeah, my ovaries are feeling a little cancerous today.
Louisiana Bands trans athletes from female sports teams.
Oh, you mean men, Louisiana Bands men from competing with women?
Probably a good move.
So some heroes on the Tampa Bay Rays said we're not doing gay pride crap.
We're Christians.
We believe in Jesus.
We believe in the Bible.
We're not going to force us into your satanic activity here.
And well, let's just say ESPN was a little upset with that in clip 11.
Tampa pitcher Jason Adams to the Tampa Bay Times hard decision because ultimately we
all said we want is them to know that they are welcome and loved here.
But when we put it on our bodies, I think a lot of guys decided that it's just a lifestyle
that maybe that they looked down on or anything differently is just that maybe we don't want
to encourage if it we believe in Jesus was encouraged us to live a lifestyle that would
abstain from that behavior.
Sarah Spain, how does that all come off to you?
Pride is about inclusion.
So you don't love them.
You don't welcome them if you're not willing to wear the patch and calling it a lifestyle
reveals to me that you've done not even a modicum of research or understanding on this
It's not a lifestyle.
You're just promoting the lifestyle isn't affected by things.
This is not just about baseball.
That religious example is definitely not about baseball and otherwise also allows for people
to be denied health care, jobs, apartments, children, prescriptions, all sorts of rights.
And so we have to stop tiptoeing around because we're trying to protect people who are trying
to be bigoted from asking for them to be exempt from it when the very people that they are
bigoted against are suffering the consequences when you say trying to be these are totalitarian
They're trying to use religious exemptions to affect the opportunity.
Yeah, that's the thing that we do here.
Available resources.
We have our own religion.
It's called freedom of religion.
And a patch on the jersey in this way.
In the case of sport, no, in the case of sport, though, they're double talking if they're
saying you're welcome while also saying that we don't encourage or we disagree with it,
especially when there are devout people of every single religion that also welcome.
Oh, really?
What about Muslims?
How do Muslims feel about gays?
How do they feel about gays?
Like in Qatar, FIFA tells Qatar's anti-gay hotels they will cancel their World Cup contracts
if they reject same sex couples.
So this thing is not going well in Qatar.
Yeah, Muslims don't do gay stuff.
So you don't know what you're talking about.
But I'm glad the host there, I think is it Tony reality?
I used to watch that show.
He didn't give that woman a point.
She got zero points for our arguments.
But oh, you're religious.
Sorry, no exemptions for you.
Come on, guys.
I'm gay.
I stick my penis in other men's buttholes.
You should celebrate me.
You should celebrate the fact I put my penis in other men's buttholes.
Celebrate me for a week.
Damn it.
Mike Adams, taking over.
Ladies and gentlemen, high quality, storeable food is back in stock, ready to ship right
We've not been selling food for three months because it was taking several weeks for the
food to get packaged and delivered to you.
Most of their companies are completely out, but now they have a large spectrum of high
quality food, ready to ship.
Everything you find at PrepareWithAlex.com or PrepareToDay.com is in stock, ready to ship.
So go to PrepareWithAlex.com or PrepareToDay.com and order your high quality, storeable food
right now, ready to ship to you and your family.
With the inflation happening, with the food shortages, with the wars, with the collapse
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I would not procrastinate, ladies and gentlemen, one of the most important things you can do
is get ahead of inflation now because the inflation is just beginning.
Waging war on corruption, it's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
All right, welcome, folks, Mike Adams here for this hour, the third hour of the Alex
Jones show today.
We've got a fantastic guest coming up for you.
But just real quick, to follow up of what Owen just said there, I mean, yeah, things
are getting pretty insane, but I've got a solution for all of this.
It's so simple, ANZ Bank out of Australia and New Zealand, they just announced six weeks
of paid leave, basically a vacation if you are a transgender.
And since there's no proof required to be transgender, it's simply a self affirmation,
then apparently anybody can apply for six weeks of paid vacation by simply stating that
you're transgender.
But if the bank manager there or your boss at that bank says, well, we don't believe
you, you don't look transgender, I've got the perfect solution for you.
You can say, let's say you're a man, like I am here.
You walk up to your boss, you say, Hey, I'm a transgender.
I need six weeks paid vacations as a, what do you mean?
So we'll look, I'm a man who self identifies as a woman.
But that woman self identifies as a man.
And so here I am, and I get double transgender leave, I get 12 weeks of paid leave.
Thank you so much, ANZ Bank.
See that's folks, you got to learn to play their game.
Since it's all fairy tales and delusions, anybody can make it up.
You can be trans anything, and I guess you can take advantage of the trans reparations
that are now becoming commonplace around the world.
But remember, it's all about inclusiveness.
So make sure you're included by being double trans and you don't even have to dye your
hair purple or get, you know, weird body art or anything, just, just be yourself and get
12 weeks off.
Anyway, that's my take on that, enough joking around.
Now we've got some serious topics coming up.
We've got a great guest for you.
Alex Kristoferu, he reports every day about the situation in Russia and Ukraine, but he
is located in Greece.
And I got to say, I've been watching him for a couple of months now, and he's got the best
analysis that I have seen out there.
I mean, it blows away mainstream media, blows away Fox News, in my opinion, blows away CNN,
MSNBC, all that stuff.
He's intelligent, he's funny, he's really tied into what's going on.
And this is the first time we've had him on the show.
I was scheduled to interview him later this week, myself, but I reached out to him, he
agreed to come on today.
So Alex, welcome to the show.
It's great to have you on.
Thank you very much, Mike.
It is great to be on.
I am honored to be on your program.
Thank you very, very much.
Well, well, thank you for joining us.
And since this is your first time here on the InfoWars show, I just want to give out
your URL.
I think it's theduran.locals.com.
Is that the primary place people can reach you?
That is correct, that's where we put all our content, theduran.locals.com.
Okay, great.
All right, now, here's the thing.
You are doing extraordinary work.
I mean, it's not just a podcast.
I know you're kind of, you're filming yourself walking around these amazing areas, but sometimes
not so amazing.
Sometimes they're just like dirt parks.
Other times they're beautiful parks.
Other times you're dodging traffic in Greece, almost getting run over.
But you're walking around areas, even I think Cyprus one time, you're walking around, but
you're doing analysis during this.
Give people an overview of kind of who you are, what you're doing, and why.
Why are you doing this?
Why are you in Greece talking about Ukraine?
Well, I'm of Greek Cypriot origin, though I was raised in the United States.
I spent much of my life in the U.S., so I have a love for America, I have a love for
American politics, and I have a love for geopolitics and the politics that's happening around the
world and how countries strategize and how they develop their foreign policy.
And I met up with Alexander Mercuris, who is also very much from the background of diplomacy
and law and just has a passion for geopolitics.
He's based out of London.
He's also of Greek origin.
And we created the media channel, the Doran, and we started with one channel, which was
just basically me and Alexander talking about geopolitics.
So we covered a lot of the election in 2016, and we covered a lot of what was going on
with Trump and all the palace intrigue in and around Trump, Russia Gate, Ukraine Gate,
all of that stuff that happened, which actually kind of led us to where we are today with
Ukraine and Russia, and all the things that were going on to remove Trump are very much
connected to where we are today.
And then Alexander broke off, well, we're still doing the channel together, but then
we decided to do another channel with just Alexander and his geopolitical analysis.
Alexander Mercuris, you can find him on all the platforms.
And then I went off and did my channel with my analysis as well.
So we basically have three channels in our media operation.
But what's extraordinary, and I apologize if I'm just gushing too much here, but I'm
the founder of Brighton, and so I'm viewing thousands of different channels over time
and looking for people who are talented and people who have really good analysis and just
noticing who's doing what.
And I got to say, you are at the very top of your game, you're doing amazing analysis,
you are outperforming mainstream media, you're pointing out the contradictions and the policies
of Western thought leaders, and you even introduce us to new characters like Ursula Vanderkrazy,
who is a superstar of incoherent thought, by the way.
And it's, you know, you're really nailing it, and you're uncensored, but you're not mean.
You're funny.
I mean, you have a sense of humor, but it's also brilliant at the same time.
It's a very unusual combination, so kudos to you.
Thank you, Mike, but to be quite honest, the decision that our leaders are making, these
decisions that they're making before the war, after the war, and what's going to happen
after the war, the decisions that they're making are funny.
Tragic, you know, as a Greek, it's very tragic, but in tragedy there is humor.
And the decisions that we see coming out of the Biden White House, coming out of the European
Union, it leaves us all scratching our head.
And then when you see the decisions being made by the Russians and how they are going
about things, they're very pragmatic, and they're very realistic and very measured.
And you just kind of sit there and say, what is going on?
Has the world turned upside down from where we were, say, in the 80s and 90s?
Has everything flipped?
And I just have a lot of material to work with, with regards to the comedy of what's
going on in the West.
Well, and let's get right into some of that, because one of the things that you have pointed
out, and I love the fact that you tend to record in the mornings in Greece.
And so by the time I wake up, often your video, I can watch it that day, and I've got that
mornings update from Greece, from your perspective, of what's happening in Ukraine and Russia.
So the timing is great, the fact that you're there.
But one of the key issues or themes that you've really uncovered is the fact that the West,
especially Ukraine, is fighting an information war, whereas Russia is fighting a kinetic war.
And it's kind of like Russia's artillery versus Ukraine's bull bleepery.
I'm a self-bleeping info wars host, so I'm not going to say the word.
But you know, artillery versus that, you know, artillery explodes, like artillery is another
way to communicate.
And when you fire artillery, and it blows up, it's kind of like saying, leave or die, right?
Like leave this area or perish.
But Ukraine is just using all this information warfare to claim, oh, you know, 50 Russian
generals were killed last night, and you're like, where?
But what are your thoughts?
Go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, I completely agree with you.
But you know, it's really interesting, because when you look at how the Zelensky regime is
approaching this conflict, and obviously, I think we all understand that Zelensky is
not really calling the shots.
He's being puppeted by various forces in Europe and in the White House, various neocon forces.
Many of these forces, once again, were the forces behind what we saw happening in Russiagate
and Ukraine and all of these things that I'm sure you and the viewers are well aware of.
But you know, you look at everything that they're doing, and it does kind of remind
you as to how the Biden White House operates.
Everything is about optics.
Everything's PR, and everything is spin.
And there's no real substance to what's going on, the decisions that they're making.
There's no real purpose or goal.
It's just pretty much a 24-hour news cycle, so you have the Ghost of Kiev, which I believe
Adam Kinzinger actually retweeted.
What are you doing, Kinzinger?
You actually retweeted that.
You have the fight for Snake Island.
You have the Siege of Kiev, the Siege of Harkov, the Counter-offensive Inheritance, and all
of these things.
Alex, we've got to go to break.
Sorry to cut you off here, but you're exactly right.
Those are great examples of total delusional fantasy that's been exposed to fantasy.
We'll be back with Alex Christofferu right after this break.
Stay with us on the InfoWars broadcast.
Ladies and gentlemen, high-quality, storeable food is back in stock, ready to ship right
We've not been selling food for three months because it was taking several weeks for the
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What you'll find at PrepareWithAlex.com or PrepareToDay.com is in stock, ready to ship.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the Resistance.
It's Mike Adams, you're listening to the Alex Jones show.
So I was saying in the previous segment before the commercial break where we have all these
types of fictitious narratives being spun by the Biden White House and the European
Union, and they're coaching Zelensky, they're puppeteering Zelensky.
And what we have on the Russian side of things is the Russians just going about their business.
They're fighting, well, they don't even call it a war, to be quite honest.
They continue to call it a special military operation.
Now they have not declared war, they have not categorized it as a war, and they continue
to go about their business in a very methodical, very calculated way.
And the way the Russians are going about what's happening in Ukraine is they are fighting
the Ukraine military, they're not fighting the Ukraine people, they're not even so much
interested in actually making big territorial gains for now.
Their goal is very much along the lines of a Klausiewicz type of warfare where it's
fighting the military, first you destroy the opponent's military, and then you accomplish
your political goals, and that's how they're going about this war.
And it's very different.
We haven't seen something like this in the last, I don't even know, maybe the last 50
years we haven't seen a war being fought like this, with the artillery grinding down
of the opponents.
Thank you for jumping in there.
If any guest can take over the segment, it's you, let me tell you, I had, I blipped out
on my side there, but I'm back, but thanks for taking over.
And see, that's the whole thing I was talking about, you could just jump in with the analysis
of what's going on.
But one of the things I wanted to ask you in this segment, and you talked about this
this morning in your podcast, was that there might be some possible ceasefire negotiation
on the table, although I think Russia says it's just for show.
What's your take?
Is that a serious thing?
Could we see a ceasefire or not?
Are we way past that?
Look, I believe we're, I don't want to say we're way past that.
I don't know.
I don't have any information that'll let me into the minds of the Kremlin.
But in my opinion, I believe that the Putin government, they're always going to keep the
door open, and they're always going to keep the door open for diplomacy.
Because for them, fighting this war is also about diplomacy.
I mentioned how Klausiewicz's military theory plays out for the Russians, and they follow
that military theory very closely.
And Klausiewicz said that you fight a war for political means, they go hand in hand.
And so I think the Russians will always engage in dialogue with Ukraine.
But the problem for the Russians is that, who are they speaking to on the other end?
Can Zelensky call the shots?
Can he make decisions?
Are they willing to compromise and to meet the Russians towards their demands?
The Russians don't trust Zelensky anymore, they don't trust the West anymore because
all they've seen for the past eight years are lies from the West.
And what they asked for before the war broke out, before this special military operation
was launched, they asked for some very simple things for Ukraine to be neutral and for the
Minsk Accords to be implemented.
That's it.
But the West never did it.
And we got to remember, Germany and France, they signed the Minsk Accords eight years
ago, so they were obligated to push Ukraine to implement that agreement.
It never happened.
So I think trust is gone, but the door is always open.
Well, Alex, I think what you're talking about is just a small example of a much larger problem
involving the downfall of reason and rationality among Western civilization.
So for example, when we here in America, when we try to interact with the federal government
on anything, regulation, taxes, immigration, anything, it's like talking to insane people.
There's no rational response.
I mean, did you know the IRS here in the States, by the way, has entire floors of tax or IRS
buildings, entire floors stacked with unopened mail from two to three years ago, they haven't
sent out tax refunds to some people for two years, and they're paying hundreds of billions
of dollars in penalties against the government on interest that they owe to people on their
tax refund.
So, you know, I'm not surprised that Putin can't really talk to the West because we can't
either and we live here.
That's so shocking about the situation.
Look at Biden's energy policy.
Look at where the U.S., look at where the U.K. is, look at where Europe is.
It didn't have to come to this.
The first thing Biden did, he got rid of the Keystone Pipeline and then they pushed this
war and they really did push this war on to Russia.
Russia felt like its back was against the wall.
So they pushed this war and they come out with these shocking all sanctions, which at
the end of the day, all it does is it damages the economies of the European Union and the
United States.
That's all they've done, period.
They haven't got a regime change in Russia.
They haven't destroyed the Putin economy.
They haven't weakened the ruble.
They haven't stopped Russia from exporting its gas and its oil and its commodities and
its fertilizers and its weed and all of these things.
They haven't accomplished any of that.
Don't you remember Biden during his State of the Union address?
What was it like two months ago where he said, we're going to turn the ruble into rubble?
Where's the ruble today?
Stronger than ever.
Becker to highs versus the dollar, yeah.
But you see that it's the same deception.
I mean, it's like when people go to the grocery store and they're paying 50% more for food
or they go to the gas pump and they're paying now very nearly $5 a gallon for gas on average,
which is the highest all time.
And it's probably going to $10 a gallon later this year.
All we get from the administration is the same kind of lies that Zelensky pushes in
You get these absurd explanations like, oh, well, you know, if food is more scarce, maybe
it's Joe Biden's miraculous American weight loss plan and we'll save money on healthcare
costs or something.
It's like what?
I mean, people are trying to eat and then they blame Putin for everything.
Remember inflation, for example, last year they said there's no inflation, then they
said it's transitory inflation, then they said it's Putin's inflation and then a few
days ago, the New York Times says inflation, it's good.
I thought you said there was no, you're not dealing with rational actors.
This is the problem.
I completely agree with you.
It didn't have to come to this.
It really did not have to come to this.
But there are forces at work that are making the decisions for the Biden White House and
they are the same forces that are making the decisions in Ukraine and for Zelensky.
And these are going to be the same forces that are going to push us to another conflict.
China, perhaps.
Well let's talk about that conflict after this break that's coming right up here.
And I really appreciate you and your analysis.
It's Alex Christofarou, everybody at TheDuran.Locals.com.
We'll be right back after this break to talk about China and possibly a two front war for
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Pleading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You found it, the tip of the spear, it is the Alex Jones show with Mike Adams.
All right welcome back folks, Mike Adams here, we're continuing with our guest Alex
Christofarou who is reporting from Greece on a daily basis doing outstanding analysis,
just a couple of quick comments and then we're going to go right back to you Alex, I just
want to mention two important things.
Number one, for those listening from the state of Texas and I don't mean just the people
but also the government of Texas, I've got to urge you to prepare for the dollar collapse,
the total collapse of the fiat currency, the dollar, but states like Texas by launching
their own state currencies or in our case goldback currency, Texas can weather the storm
and do extremely well as the United States of America dissociates, falls apart, I believe
that's coming and in fact I'm going to ask Alex his thoughts on sort of where all this
is headed as well.
Secondly, and you know this is not a paid plug or anything but I just got this today
from Ghost Gunner, this is this block of aluminum that you can turn into an AR-15 lower receiver
and I'm super thrilled because I've owned all the Ghost Gunners over the years like
the Ghost Gunner 2 and the 3 and I've been waiting for this block of aluminum for months
and you know this can be turned into basically a rifle and I'm going to do that process and
I wonder if Washington is going to try to ban aluminum blocks because of you know they
try to ban Russia from doing anything economically, will they ban aluminum from America and watch
the economy collapse in their efforts to try to take away the ability for people to manufacture
their own firearms for self-defense so that'll be interesting but you can also make lower
receivers out of other things beyond aluminum so I'm kind of wondering and this is my first
question you Alex, do you think the US will try to ban the entire table of elements like
no copper, no aluminum, nothing from the table of elements because it might be used to make
a weapon, are we going to get that insane?
I would not be surprised, I really would not, I would say no we're not going to get that
insane but you know what every day they shock me but you make an interesting point you see
the moves of the Biden White House and what they've done for example confiscating the
assets of Russian oligarchs like other countries don't have oligarchs, every country has their
billionaires and their oligarchs that's fine we accept that but you know they use this
term confiscating the wealth of Russian oligarchs but you know it is theft, I'm not saying these
guys are good or bad, I'm not there to judge but you just can't take people's property
and I sit there and I wonder okay so now you're taking Abramovich's yachts and planes and you're
confiscating that stuff or you're confiscating the foreign reserves of a country, a G20 country
what they did to Russia unheard of, unheard of the confiscate the foreign reserves of
a G20 country, you're doing these things, when are you going to come after me?
Your government there, the government of Greece also under pressure from the US I think it
was last week they rolled up onto Iranian, I believe it was Iranian oil tankers and just
open seas piracy just started stealing all the oil, it's like is this our world now where
yeah I mean maybe the American flag should be replaced with like the skull and crossbones
like the pirates of the high seas flag, we're just going to steal all your stuff if we can
find it, is that what it's come to?
Is that his way to find oil now, I mean he's going to Saudi Arabia, well he was supposed
to go to Saudi Arabia I don't know anymore, he's going to Venezuela, he's going to Iran
by the way the Iranians after that ship was confiscated by Greece they confiscated two
Greek ships in retaliation, so I mean is this what we're coming to?
Well I mean if Joe Biden put on an eyepatch and a funny hat and started going horny hor,
I mean no one would be surprised, it was like oh that's just Biden, you know he's just
doing his pirate motif right there because it's all theater, you know they had a hologram
of the Queen of England in a royal carriage being dragged through the streets of London
with I mean it was an actual hologram in the carriage, that was just a few days ago people
were waving at the hologram and I'm just thinking wow the queen in a carriage being
dragged through the streets of London, she's the only actual drag queen who's a queen and
a hologram nonetheless, I mean this is how insane our world has become but I don't see
any end to this, absolutely, yeah they're showing the video right now it's a hologram
of the queen waving and you know I'm just thinking hey if you have a hologram have
her do something more interesting in that carriage, you know she could be dancing or
something and they're doing backflips you know, twerking, who knows I mean use your
imagination, why just have her wave but where do you think all this is going Alex?
Well you know I think you've pretty much summed it up, nothing is real anymore it seems, nothing
is real, it's all become some type of fictitious Truman Show movie is what it reminds me of,
there's no reality anymore but there is going to be some reality that's going to be hitting
the west very very soon including the country where I am and that's going to be the fuel
hikes, the gas hikes, the inflation, the food, the increase in prices for food, energy shortages,
people are going to have to sit down and they're going to say what do I do, do I pay my energy
bill, do I fill up my car or do I buy a loaf of bread, I mean this is going to be real
stuff that's going to hit us and it's going to come fast and it's going to really really
hurt and it's going to be historic because I don't think we've ever experienced these
things, I mean I know it's coming to Europe, I mean it's almost already here, you have
the UK saying that they have shortages of sunflower oil and this and that, you had the
United States, you had baby formula shortages, we're sitting here in Greece and we're thinking
how does the US have shortages of baby formulas, it's like we're stunned but we're just at
the beginning of this and this is going to be reality, this is where reality crashes
into fantasy.
Well not only are we unable to feed our babies in America apparently with this processed
infant formula which is something by the way that even the most low tech isolated jungle
tribe that you could find by hiking through wet terrain and the marshes and you might
find a tribe, they could feed their babies but we can't feed our babies in the most
advanced supposedly nation in the world, it's extraordinary but here's my question to you
on this, what about the local people that you talk to there in Greece, is there any kind
of local realization of how bad it's going to be this coming winter when the energy shortages
become a life and death issue, what are people saying there locally?
Oh they're furious, they're furious with the government and the polling is showing it,
you have around the latest poll I saw was around 70, 75% of the Greeks are very much
opposed to the government and its policy towards Russia, specifically the sanctions, I mean
we've got the war, the special military operation, whatever you want to call it, the invasion,
whatever you want to call it is one thing, the sanctions, people are scratching in their
heads and they're saying after two years of lockdowns, this is what you guys come up with
at the European Union, sanctioning Russia who supplies all the wheat, all the fertilizer,
all the gas, all the oil, all the metals, every single commodity that we use to live
our life, you're going to sanction them, it is, I mean shoot yourself in both feet and
then just take a gun and just boom, I mean people are furious with it, they're furious
with our government and they want the government to reverse course.
That's great to hear and I would think it's perhaps even worse in Germany because Germany
needs a lot more heating energy in the winter, Germany has a huge industrial base that needs
all the power derived from fossil fuels for the most part, I know Germany has solar panels
and so on but that's only a small percentage of the power that's needed and this climate
cult that took over Western Europe and the United States and Canada over the last ten
years or so, the climate cult has said well all fossil fuels are bad, we're going to
shut them down and then good luck finding a replacement, I mean they never had a transition
plan but Russia is more realistic, I mean Russia probably working on free energy tech
that they're going to roll out, they're going to go right from fossil fuels to free energy
and not even worry about wind turbines, what do you think?
Oh yeah, Russia's, you know the Russians are very pragmatic, they're a realist society
and yeah they're going to have their gas, they're going to have their oil, they're
going to have their nuclear, people forget that the Russians, you know they do nuclear,
they build a lot of nuclear reactors, they're building one in Turkey right now, so I mean
they're going to be okay, India's going to be okay, China's going to be okay.
Well and Turkey by the way, we're going to go to break again but when we come back I
want to ask you about Turkey and Erdogan who has been a brilliant diplomat and to any of
you listening in Turkey we want to swap presidents with you, please you can have Biden, we want
Erdogan here in America because he actually knows what he's doing, we'll be right back
on the Alex Jones show, stay with us.
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William in California, people are asleep and program controlled.
I agree, how do you make the sleeper awaken, William?
Hi Alice, thanks for taking my call.
Can I plug Iowits real quick?
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones with Mike
When you wake up in the morning and the night is written.
Thank God for InfoWars, thank God for the perseverance of people like Alex Jones and
Owen Schreuer and Harrison and many others who are enduring this incredible law fair
Try to silence them and take them offline and yet so far those attempts have failed
and it's only made InfoWars stronger and more resilient because see I believe a day is coming
in the not too distant future when America breaks apart.
I think we're going to see secession, we're going to see probably new region states like
maybe Texas or a greater Texas and other regions.
We're going to see probably part of California break away from the west coast.
This is all coming and there's going to be a whole new infrastructure of media and that
media will include some projects that Trump's team is working on but also I think InfoWars
is the spearhead of that.
Of course, I'm doing my part to try to have platforms actually doing very well with that.
In fact, Alex is scheduled, Alex Crystal Faroo here I guess right now, I'm scheduled
to interview him again later this week for a Brighton interview so we're going to be
doing that and InfoWars episodes are also on our platform.
We're all just working for liberty to try to save America or even perhaps to save what's
left of America but thank God for InfoWars.
Support InfoWarsStore.com and remember whatever you purchase today is at probably the lowest
price you're ever going to see because of inflation.
Everything is going up.
We're just talking to our suppliers, I think last night getting emails from them as yep,
20% increase here, 27% there and then other suppliers are like oh yeah, that big order
you placed, we don't have any of that anymore, all that food's gone.
So Alex bringing you back in and thank you for joining me again today.
Your website is theduran.locals.com at least that's where people can find you.
This is Alex Christoferou from Greece but Alex I got to say, I don't know if you keep
in touch with family or friends in America but here in Texas we are seeing massive inflation
and we know this is the result of the deplatforming of Russia, money printing but also the fact
that then Russia cannot contribute to the exports of the world in terms of fertilizer
and grain and commodities and so on so everything is going up.
We are getting punished and Putin is raking in the dough with record revenues.
It's incredible.
Yeah, I mean it's, I couldn't have summed it up better myself, I mean you had the lockdowns,
you had an economy that was going to return, the US economy was going to work back after
the lockdowns.
It was going to be fine if Biden just did one thing, that was nothing, he didn't have
to do anything but instead they had to pump all those trillions into the economy because
they thought they're going to supercharge things and I mean who would have thought that
if you pump trillions into the economy you're going to overheat things and get inflation.
Who would have thought that?
I mean and then you have these sanctions against Russia.
Yeah, but what's incredible is, you know I mean I did a piece today about how the experts,
the so-called experts are wrong about almost everything, especially about monetary theory
or MMT as it's called, I know you've covered that before but they believe they can print
endless money with no ill effects whatsoever but you know this is not just, I mean you
and I joke about it Alex because you have a great sense of humor and I try to joke around
too but this is not really a joking matter in the sense that this is the end coming.
I mean if we don't change course, how does Western civilization function because it's
an empire of debt and lies and when that empire implodes is there anything left to salvage?
What do you think?
Yeah, I mean you know I laugh but you know I want to cry because it is sad to watch
all of these things crumble in front of our eyes but you know I do believe that when all
is said and done the United States will find their way back.
Europe I'm not so sure about but the US is resilient, it has the natural resources, it
just has to stop all of these foreign adventures and it has to focus on America.
If they focus on America and America first, Trump said it best, if they just implement
the America first policy then the United States will find their way back but if they
continue to go down this route of trying to destroy the Constitution, trying to supercharge
this green ideology and this deindustrialization which they're implementing on Germany now
then you're looking at a disaster but you know I just hope it's not too late.
Europe I'm not so confident about but I think the US has the political system and it has
leaders who are in place that can turn the ship around.
It's not going to be easy but I think it can happen.
Well you make some really good points there, I agree with you that the resilience of the
American spirit is alive and well and I guess one of the questions though is will there
ever be fair and free elections again because we still haven't eliminated the rigged voting,
the ballot stuffing, problems with some of the machines and so on and we only have to
look at another country, Venezuela, to see a nation that had plenty of resources, lots
of oil, lots of minerals, lots of ability to produce food and yet because of the corruption
and the tyranny, Venezuela has all but collapsed over the last decade or so.
So I mean you're right Alex, nations have to make a choice, the thing is you know America
made a choice in 2020, we chose Trump, we didn't choose Biden but it was stolen from
us so and I know in Greece by the way in the history of Greece, you know Greece has gone
through the same thing, actually still struggling in many ways, you know economic collapse,
political corruption just perhaps even worse than what we've seen in America if that's
even possible but nations have to choose to survive or they do not make it, your comments
on that.
Yeah I mean you're exactly right, what happened in 2020 and even before 2020 to me Russiagate
was the real tragedy, what happened there took the United States down a very dangerous
path and Americans are just going to have to find a way to reverse course and it's
not going to be easy but the American system, the constitution I believe is built in a way
that will safeguard the United States and the future of its people and it's that constitution
that America has to look on, has to kneel on, that is the document that's going to see
the country through this hard time but what worries me are the forces that are trying
to tear apart the constitution, that's what really worries me because it's going to be
that document that is going to get the US out of this mess, Europe doesn't have this
document we don't have this thing, the US has it but you can't go about wanting to destroy
it because if you destroy the constitution then you have nothing so I think the US will
make it through.
Lawmakers on the left in America of course are trying to systematically destroy the constitution
but I agree with you as long as we honor it that structure will save us, we have the second
amendment, the first amendment, the entire bill of rights and of course we have the
Supreme Court with us as well but talk to us about China, the possibility of a war with
China maybe starting with a financial war or even a cyber war, how do you think the
United States might be threatened by China in the near future?
Well, I think that the Biden White House is looking for a way out of Ukraine, I think
they want an off ramp, I think they want a distraction, they want a memory hole Ukraine
because it's been one big huge foreign policy mess for the Biden White House and I think
there are some people in the Biden White House, Lincoln and Sullivan and these guys that actually
believe a good distraction and a possible win could come from poking at China and I
think they actually believe that so we had sanctions against Chinese officials six months
ago and to me that's the first sign that we're heading towards the sanctions escalator
and when you get to the top of the sanctions escalator you come to one conclusion which
is conflict.
So you think that the United States might try to provoke a conflict with China, is what
I hear you saying, is that right?
I believe there are people in the White House who honestly believe that they could win a
conflict with China in order to make up for the big L that they're taking with Russia
and Ukraine and it is a big L.
Wow, well, beware of initiating a land war with Russia and also beware of a sea and air
and cyber war with China, I would say or a space war with China, I mean, you keep poking
the hornet's nest, you're going to get stung by these countries and the U.S. military is
not nearly as advanced as it used to be relative to these other nations like China which has
enormous economic might.
Perhaps America should learn to negotiate and coexist, what an idea, huh?
Midterms, midterm elections are coming and once again I think the U.S. can change course.
Okay, all right, well, Alex, I want to thank you for your thoughts and for joining us today.
It's Alex Christofarou at theduran.locals.com.
I'm Mike Adams.
Thank you for watching today on Infowars.com, the Alex Jones show.
Thank you for all your support of InfowarsStore.com and everybody pray for America because everything
is at stake.
Thanks you, take care.
Let's meet.
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Good afternoon, everybody. I'm Pete Santilli and I'm so honored to be hosting the fourth
hour of the Alex Jones show on infowars.com, band.video. I welcome you. Well, there's a
lot to talk about in a one-hour segment. Of course, the Pete Santilli show broadcasts
for five hours a day, 8 a.m. Eastern and 6 p.m. Eastern at PeteLive.tv. We cover all
these topics that, you know, as I put it, the amount of information that's coming, not
just at us and independent media, Infowars Jones. I mean, it's just unimaginable. The
amount of documentation that he has before him each and every day, it's almost physically
impossible to get through it. As I always put it, it's like drinking from a fire hydrant,
the amount of information we have. But, you know, what we try to do is to distill it down
and to, you know, to break it down to the most obvious, but then again, of course, highlight
the most absurd and obscene stuff that is coming at us. The theme of this hour is going
to be three things. Three things, God, guns, and gas. And really, if you look at the offshoots
to each one of those things, first and foremost, as it relates to God, we are in an epic, and
I mean an epic battle between good and evil, a spiritual battle, and it can be applied to
each one of those things that we're so concerned about. Gasoline, for instance. Everybody's
concerned about gasoline right now because we have not just the escalation of the price
of gas that is being blamed by the establishment, by this regime that is illegitimately seated
on Vladimir Putin. It has nothing to do with Vladimir Putin. Joe Biden's first day in
office was shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. He didn't blame that on Vladimir Putin. And
all of his policies and actions since he has stolen the seat in the Oval Office had nothing
to do with Vladimir Putin. And what's amazing is if you listen to them closely, the leftist
brag about how some of them that drive like, what's her name, Stavenow from Michigan was
bragging on C-SPAN that she drives an electric car and passed three or four gas stations
and wasn't impacted in any way she had performed because she has an electric car. What do they
say? Let them eat cake. Yes, of course. All of us can afford a $60,000 Prius and $25,000,
$30,000 in maintenance a year. It's expensive. And by the way, they're doing an excellent
job increasing, of course, the price of electricity. Where is that going to put us when we get
our electric cars? Ladies and gentlemen, as it relates to gas, we'll dig into this a little
bit further. We've got this short segment. And then on the other side, we'll talk about
the price of gasoline is literally taxation without representation and an extraction
of wealth. Can you imagine what little savings we have is being extracted every day now?
The price of gasoline is escalating. And we're headed towards $10 per barrel. I'm sure California
will hit that mark first. I'll never forget. I'm now in Ohio and Cincinnati, Ohio. But
my last fill up of my SUV was $4 in something sense. And that was about six, seven years
ago. So here we are back again, California leading the charge with the highest price
of gasoline. They'll probably hit $10 a gallon. And I don't see it turning around. Why do
I believe that? Because, ladies and gentlemen, they're bragging about how it's going to
be so helpful to saving the climate, saving the planet. Of course, if everybody can abruptly
shift from driving their vehicles and stop putting out carbon output. Now, ladies and
gentlemen, this is not just an extraction of wealth, but it is a transfer of wealth.
You see the oil tycoons that eat beef in Texas, they're drilling their down home Americans.
They're typically on the ultra mogus side of the political spectrum. Well, the likes
of people like Al Gore and others, they want to benefit from that wealth and solar panels
and brand new industries that they're going to create from this abrupt shift. We will
dig into this. This theme is God guns and gas on Pete Santilli hosting the fourth hour
so proudly. Glad you're with us. Stay tuned. We'll be right back right after the short
Ladies and gentlemen, high quality, storeable food is back in stock, ready to ship right
now. We've not been selling food for three months because it was taking several weeks
for the food to get packaged and delivered to you. Most other companies are completely
out. But now they have a large spectrum of high quality food ready to ship. Everything
you find at preparewithalix.com or preparetoday.com is in stock ready to ship. So go to preparewithalix.com
or preparetoday.com and order your high quality, storeable food right now ready to ship to
you and your family with the inflation happening, with the food shortages, with the wars, with
the collapse and wars, everything's happening is one of the most important as you can make
is to have high quality, storeable food, water filtration, air filtration and more. And it's
not just those items, it's hundreds of other high quality, preparedness items and survival
items right now at preparewithalix.com that again redirects to preparetoday.com. I would
not procrastinate, ladies and gentlemen. One of the most important things you can do is
get ahead of inflation now because the inflation is just beginning.
And welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Pete Santilli, host of the Pete Santilli
show and just to let you know, also a very proud longtime listener of the Alex Jones
show for decades, actually. Alex Jones been in the background of my life as I came awake
of my former Fox News brainwashing. Of course, after 9-11, I discovered, quote unquote, 9-11
was an inside job. We'll get to that as well. We have to talk about the January 6 hearings
and it's amazing how this Liz Cheney behind the scenes directly and indirectly profited
from the Iraq war in 9-11, Dick Cheney, Halliburton, so on and so forth. We'll talk a little bit
about that, but let's get to the theme of the day. God, really, really important, hopefully
most important in everybody's priorities. Guns, guns are a hot topic. We have to talk
about that and how they get us to this point to where everybody is just so traumatized
that even regular sane people are going to be turning their guns in believing that by
doing so, it's going to stop school shootings. We have some commentary on that and we typically
do, but I'll be speaking to that. And then gasoline, back to gasoline. Ladies and gentlemen,
Joe Biden's first order of business when he came in, he shut down the Keystone Pipeline.
These are people that wanted to bring in the new green deal. I call it the new green steel,
of course. But don't listen to the whole, well, because of the circumstances that they
manufactured, by the way, all these crises that they say are directly affecting the price
of petroleum and gasoline, they manufactured it. They manufactured it. So even by blaming
Vladimir Putin for the war and the cause of the escalation of the price of oil, take
a look at Joe Biden's poor relationship with the Saudis. They won't even return his call
because they understand and recognize that he can't even put in his catheter without
assistance from Joe Biden. But they won't return his calls. Obviously, Saudis' output
production would impact the price of oil, and they have zero intention of doing it.
Guess what? If you're going to blame Vladimir Putin in this war that they initiated, starting
all the way back to the overthrow of Ukraine, and blame it on Vladimir Putin, well, why
did you make Vladimir Putin, and I say you, this regime, Obama 2.0. Why did you put in
Vladimir Putin in a position where he's actually going to become extremely wealthy because
guess what? He's selling petroleum elsewhere and doing it outside of the petrodollar and
making a lot of people extremely rich by causing the price of oil to skyrocket. It's going
to go upwards of $150 per barrel, which is destructive to the economy. Is that the desired
effect, the long-term desired effect? Likely so. I mean, I'm going to have to conspiracy
theorize, but you hear these leftists bragging about how the price of oil and gasoline is
causing people to drive less and having a positive impact, and also a positive impact
in an attitude, because it's always about behavior modification, isn't it? Everything
that they do is behavior modification. Even the trauma-based mind control by perpetrating
false flags like 9-11, causing everybody to become so fearful that the boogeyman, CIA
asset Osama bin Laden, is going to be attacking our buildings. That trauma-based mind control,
of course, is how they change behavior. They need to get you to comply. They need to get
you in a traumatic state, of course, and then accept, I'll never forget, the war when the
war kicked off. Well, actually, I'm going to say when Joe Biden continued through his
overthrow of the Ukraine, he was involved in all of that. It was the CIA overthrow,
Victoria Nuland, Joe Biden was behind the scenes, Hillary Clinton. But when they kicked
off the war in the Ukraine, everybody said, we will gladly pay a couple of extra dollars
for gasoline to help the Ukrainians who are, I mean, these people are such knuckleheads
at this point, saying that they're going to pay extra for gasoline so that they can arm
the Ukrainians.
That's where we're going to start talking about guns. We will, of course, recognize
that these people don't even know who they're supporting when they're paying extra for gasoline
to arm and pay for the war in the Ukraine. They're ultimately supporting Nazis, Azov
Nazis that have been found out, that have been supportive of the regime, even Zelensky
has helped promote.
And here we are, with gasoline skyrocketing, headed towards $150 a barrel, $10 per gallon
coming out of California. We're steaming towards that and it's all for the betterment
of society. It will happen and you will like it, gasoline. Unbelievable that even the media
standing in front of these big boards out in front of the gasoline station confused about
how they're going to get to $10 per gallon because they don't have the extra digits on
the sign.
Even those on the front lines of the mainstream media, those mainstream media reporters are
absolutely in shock at the price of gasoline. And of course, here we are, blaming Vladimir
Putin, supporting the Ukrainians. Even the gay mafia has changed their rainbow flag to
include the Ukrainian colors.
By the way, one special note on that. This is how crazy these people are. The LGBTQ plus
A79, 3905, 8675, 309ers, adding the colors of the Ukrainian flag to the gay mafia flag
to help support the Ukraine effort. In Ukraine, they have banned gay marriage. Look how stupid
that is.
So we're paying extra for gas, we're changing our flags, we're helping the Nazis and these
LGBTQ plus 8675, 309ers, just doing what they're absolutely told to do to help support the
Gasling, can we sustain the price of a barrel of oil at $150? No, I'm going to tell you
this right now. Economists will tell you and our economy is unraveling. The price of gas
increasing in the fashion that it is and things happening so abruptly will collapse the economy
because the economy, the global economy cannot sustain itself, especially when you consider
the petrodollar, the amount of consumption, especially out of countries like China and
India and all these other industrialized countries. That causes a shock to, it's an inflationary
pressure that our economy can't take so abruptly. Now, can we transition? Well, I'm going to
tell you, I've always been supportive of that. My dad worked for Ford Motor Company in Green
Island, New York and they were polluting the Hudson River like crazy. They had to make
certain changes. It takes time to make those adjustments. Of course, the EPA wants to come
in and say, you will make the adjustment or we will shut you down and we will find you
and you know what ended up happening? That's exactly what happened. The Green Island plant
was the heater core factory for Ford Motor Company ended up shutting down because they
couldn't withstand the abrupt pressure to cease on their pollution output and do so
so quickly that they just packed up and they went to Mexico and then on to China. What did
that do? Ultimately, that same exact manufacturing facility, what did they do end up polluting
five times, ten times more? So the number of pollutants as a result of our efforts to
shut down these companies from destroying the environment resulted in more pollution
to begin with. But that's the leftist bureaucracy that comes in and they think that they know
what's best that essentially they're going to make such an abrupt, volatile change that
it's going to have the exact opposite desired effect economically, even socially. We now
have a situation with these lockdowns, people are even going, I say psychologically it has
an impact. Their economic policies are awful. They can't even manage a lemonade stand profitably
for two weeks. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to mention something. I've got my Alex Jones
was right t-shirts on the way. I got two of them. One, I'm going to put in a frame, likely
put here in our studio. Go to infowarstore.com, support info wars however you can. And this
is why I'm so honored and proud to be hosting the fourth hour in support of the mothership
of the free flow of information infowars.com. We'll be right back right after this.
Ladies and gentlemen, high quality, storeable food is back in stock, ready to ship right
now. We've not been selling food for three months because it was taking several weeks
for the food to get packaged and delivered to you. Most of their companies are completely
out. But now they have a large spectrum of high quality food, ready to ship. Everything
you find at preparewithalex.com or preparetoday.com is in stock, ready to ship. So go to preparewithalex.com
or preparetoday.com and order your high quality, storeable food right now, ready to ship to
you and your family. With the inflation happening, with the food shortages, with the wars, with
the collapse and wars, everything's happening. One of the most important things you can make
is to have high quality, storeable food, water filtration, air filtration and more. And it's
not just those items, it's hundreds of other high quality, preparedness items and survival
items right now at preparewithalex.com that again redirects to preparetoday.com. I would
not procrastinate, ladies and gentlemen. One of the most important things you can do is
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I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially with
word of mouth and prayer. All the success that we've had together against the globalists
and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of
you. Humanity has a real fighting chance. I just want to thank you all for buying products
and InfoWars.com, like books and films and supplements and water filtration, air filtration
so much more. But for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so
we get almost 100% of the money to fund our operation during this critical time, go to
InfoWarsStore.com and right at the top you'll see a link to make a straight donation, a
one-time donation of $5, $10, $50, or a recurring donation you can cancel anytime. I want to
thank all of you that have donated. I want to encourage those of you out there that
want to support Freedom to take action now and be part of the global awakening, the
new renaissance that's countering the great reset by going to InfoWarsStore.com and clicking
on the donate button and giving today. Thank you so much for your support. Please take
You know, it's going back to what we all thought was going to happen in the 90s when
the internet and mobile technology first came out, which is we thought, you know, this is
going to level the playing field. Everybody's going to have access to the same information
and everybody's going to be able to freely communicate that information. That's our
goal to get back to that place where we all have access to all of the information. We
all have the ability to freely communicate that information with whomever we want, whenever
we want, and we don't have to worry about anybody tracking what we're doing and trying
to judge us or categorize us or figure out some way to go after us because of the conversations
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take back their freedom by helping them to take back their privacy. And so that's really
what we're trying to do. And so I hope that everybody listening will check us out at boltowireless.com.
That's v-o-l-t-a-wireless.com.
Reading of Frontal Assault on the Lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And ladies and gentlemen, welcome back. I'm Pete Santilli, just in case you do not know.
That's okay. A very proud contributor to the Alex Jones Show, hosting the fourth hour.
I broadcast on my show, and you can find us at ThePeteSantilliShow.com, PeteLive.tv for
our live streams. I broadcast five hours a day, essentially supplementing all the great
work because it's physically impossible for the great team at m4s.com to get all this
work done, to analyze this, provide commentary, allow people to also engage in the conversation.
So I'm very proudly here in the fourth hour. And come give us a visit, of course, on Tude
Social. I just set up on Tude Social. A lot of free-flowing information going on there.
Anyway, so let's get back to this economic impact of gasoline. We've covered that. These
people ultimately have been working for many decades. You hear the likes of the bartender,
AOC, saying that she needed $9 trillion, of course, to affect change, to save the planet.
It was going to be basically dying off. We're all going to die, of course, back in 2020.
We far surpassed that. You know, the same methodology with this trauma-based mind control
where they condition you to believe they're all going to die, everybody contribute. Don't
worry about the cost of gasoline. We must go to the new Green Deal because you're going
to die. They applied that same exact tactic Margaret Sanger did when she said we need
to control the population, birth control. And of course, behind the scenes, her writing
saying, I don't tell the blacks in the Irish that we want to basically kill them off because
they're a drain on our society. But ultimately, Margaret Sanger, what was she doing? She
was building what is now known as a multi-billion dollar Planned Parenthood business. Planned
Parenthood is a multi-billion dollar business that cannot be interfered with. That's going
to lead us to the next topic. Well, we're going to finish off with the topic of God, but we're
going to talk about guns. But they have to traumatize us. They have to say that the new
Green Deal, that you must accept it, accept the $10 per gallon, accept the transition
from fossil fuels to electricity. But it's ultimately an extraction of wealth. Right
now you are being taxed. What little savings you have is coming out of your wallet and
it's going to them. Imagine the sprawl that exists that they've created over the lifetime
of our nation. People live in the rural areas in the suburbs. A lot of them commute into
the metro areas. They spend more money in gasoline. The offset is obviously the cost
of living is a lot less outside of the metro areas.
Well, any money that you've saved as a result of doing that, especially when gasoline was
just when President Trump was in office under $2 per gallon. That allows you some discretionary
income, some savings, plus you're able to spend more money and has a positive impact
on the economy. They can't have that. They need to tax you without any representation
and of course, extract your wealth from your savings, put it in their pocket and then quadruple
down by shifting from this petrodollar and fossil fuel economy to their economy of solar
panels, electric cars and so on and so forth. They want to be at the top of that food chain
and take it away from the likes of people like T. Boone Pickens in Texas. I'm using
his name as an example of those beef eating oil moguls.
So do not be deceived. It's taxation without representation. This is not good for our economy.
It will literally break it. This abrupt shift with the price of oil going to $150 will break
our economy. Our economy cannot sustain it. It operates less than $100 per barrel. So
this is going to have a reverberating impact worse than a nuclear war because at least
a nuclear strike on a particular city in a limited capacity is only affecting a certain
small area. This oil crisis is affecting the entire global economy.
All right, now guns. Let's talk about guns. We have to talk about the Cyop that's being
perpetrated here. Alex Jones, I was so happy to hear him say after he gave it some analysis
and he said that some, not some, all of these anomalies that we've seen, all the questions
that were posed as a result of the Uvalde shooting, that he does not accept the narrative.
He said he was wrong. He's, of course, in an active shooter situation, he was giving
credit to law enforcement because we're not anti law enforcement. As a matter of fact,
that's probably the most disturbing thing about the Uvalde shooter is how many law enforcement
officials do you know yourself that would listen to gunshots, children getting shot
inside of a school and remain outside for 75 minutes?
First of all, who gave that stand down order? Second of all, how many of those law enforcement
officers were in on what we know to be false flag operations? All right, now, are shootings
actually happening? Absolutely. Are they pre-programming shooters like the one in Buffalo? I call them
the four chance shooter. Sure, they indoctrinated him, conditioned him, and of course radicalized
him for a two year period. And a retired FBI agent was caught receiving information in
advance of the shooting. Do they create these active shooters? Absolutely. What's the scenario
behind that? Let's let the active shooter run around inside the building for 75 minutes.
Somebody call a stand down order so we can maximize the carnage. Why? Why do they want
to do that? Because ultimately, they need to get you into a traumatic state. Everyone
is in a traumatic state. Oh my goodness, the thought of your child being shot at school
is a horrifying thought. No doubt about it. You get into the traumatized state and then
they say the way to stop the CIA, MK, ultra, pre-programmed active shooter going into schools
to shoot the leftist gun grabbing Maoist narrative is to disarm the law abiding citizens. Whoa.
Remember what I said about the Ukrainians? A month ago, leftists were protesting in the
streets to go send guns to the Ukraine. Were they not? A week ago, they were protesting
in the streets to kill children with abortion. And now they're protesting in the streets
for gun control to save children. Is anybody confused? Or for those of you that tune in
to at the Alex Jones show on enforce.com, band.video, you're wide awake to this stuff.
You're a hardened info war veteran. You know what they're doing. You know what the script
is? I talked about Margaret Sanger and how she had to traumatize everybody to make them
think. Oh my goodness, we have to have birth control because of the population so far out
of control, everyone's going to die soon.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is launching of the biggest and best game changing specials
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Get over to info wars store.com. Get great products, great supplements, support and help
fuel the info war, you know, without your support. The truth dies. Ladies and gentlemen,
we need your support here in independent media because we need to continue bringing truth
like we are right here in this fourth hour on the Alex John show on Pete's actually I'll
be right with you.
Ladies and gentlemen, high quality, affordable food is back in stock, ready to ship right
now. We've not been selling food for three months because it was taking several weeks
for the food to get packaged delivered to you. Most of their companies are completely
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Hosting a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back everybody. I'm Pete Santilli. I'm hosting the Pete Santilli show but most
proudly and most honored to be hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones show. Listen,
I want to overemphasize this thing. I'm taking a look at these deals and I understand how
this works. I'm going to explain this to you. First of all, when you are asked to support
independent media, you always step up to the plate. I exist. I would not exist if I didn't
call upon you and get everybody to respond. Our viewership has been very, very supportive.
I've even support. I support Info Wars. We have no choice but to support Info Wars.
What's beautiful about it is instead of making a direct monetary contribution, Alex is set
up and monetized his business. He's got money in inventory. That is his currency. He offers
great products so that you get something in return for helping support in the Info War.
Right now, what he's essentially doing, these are the best deals, period. If you go there,
these are the best deals of the year. I don't even think you're going to see some of these
deals. Limited inventory, of course, on the shelf. This is how it works, folks. Imagine
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a casino. It can be used at the casino, its currency, but you have to cash it in in order
to be able to use it elsewhere. That's what's happening right now. This inventory, for instance,
all teachers being sold at cost. You can go to InfoWarsStore.com, buy t-shirts. There's
never been a more crucial time right now to allow Alex Jones to take his currency, the
value of his inventory, buy up that inventory as quickly as you can before supplies run
out, and we fuel the InfoWard. He cashes King right now to stay alive. So go to InfoWarsStore.com,
take advantage of these best deals. Heron Beard supports 60% off. Immune supports 60%
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helps fuel in this InfoWare, supportinginfowars.com, and keeping the truth alive, there's no matter
what they try to do to us in independent media attacking us, and they certainly are, that
we the people are the backstop to this thing. Help Save America, go to InfoWarsStore.com.
So, the gun topic, and it's a big one, and now this is a big jumbled mess. I'm calling
you, Valde, a very sophisticated operation, even if it's a psychological operation, being
perpetrated because, listen, let me show you something. Who are the most dangerous people
on the planet? And of course, one child being shot by an active shooter is horrifying, okay?
That has to mass shootings, the dangers to the population, and getting 350 million people
to surrender their guns, disarm all the law-abiding citizens who stand in defense of our country,
because there's one of us behind every blade of grass, of course. That's what's kept
our nation safe, and not one shot has been fired as a result of doing that. Who is more
dangerous to our Constitutional Republic and society in general? Is it the active shooter,
Valde? Let me show you an illustration here. Take a look at this graphic that I'm putting
on the screen. The number of people killed by gun violence, Virginia Tech 33, Sandy Hook
28. I shouldn't even be saying Sandy Hook because I know how they want to attach that
and demonize everybody that mentions what happened in Sandy Hook.
Uvalde 22, U of T 18, Parkland 17, Columbine 15, Santa Fe High 10. But look at how many
people the Maoists have killed, and the Maoists are the ones that are perpetrating this psychological
operation that I'm now calling Uvalde. It is a psychological operation. Yes, children
died. Yes, it was horrifying that there was a stand down order. Yes, I'm very disappointed
at those that were carrying badges and guns and getting respond instinctually. That is
just the most perplexing thing to me. But ultimately, this operation being perpetrated
upon the American public to make everybody and convince them, you have an unelected person
standing at a government podium at the White House, Matthew McConaughey telling all law-abiding
citizens that we need to do red flag laws are absolutely ridiculous.
I say they're ridiculous. Number one, they're unconstitutional. I don't want the government
determining the mental stability of any individual. I want a qualified medical professional to
establish whether or not somebody is mentally incompetent. And you don't want to have the
government or law enforcement to say, well, you're potentially mentally incompetent. So
I'm going to take your guns away until you can get a diagnosis. Matthew McConaughey saying
all the right things, of course, that yes, we need to consider the mental health of individuals
that are shooting kids. Of course, we don't need new laws. There are laws against crazy
people carrying guns. And of course, those crazy people are going to either shoot individuals
in an elementary school, or they're going to drive a bulldozer into their classroom.
Mentally ill people will use their weapon of choice. It is insane to say that we need
new laws above and beyond what we already have right now. But we already have laws to protect
us from the insane people. No, they don't run around with guns. We don't need anything
new above and beyond that. Matthew McConaughey was not voted for by me. What the heck is
he doing standing at the podium? Brainwashing the populace because we're all traumatized.
You're in a traumatized state. You're thinking, oh my goodness, I will do anything and everything
to protect the children and make sure that this doesn't happen again. And normal Americans
in that traumatic state will listen to somebody who's literally made it a living his entire
career promoting gun use in violent films in Hollywood. And now here he is using his
acting skills and as part of the psychological operation with the White House emblem behind
him to convince all law-abiding, sane, stable individuals who own guns that they must give
them up. Ladies and gentlemen, these are Maoists. Mao took the guns. Hitler took the guns. Stalin
took the guns. These are Maoists that wanna take the guns. They cannot install their Marxism,
their communism in the United States of America with a well-armed populace. And that's what
this is all about. Now we have gunmen, and here's the breaking news story that hit right
before we came on air. This is a would-be assassin traveled, I think, from California
all the way to Maryland. And this is just all blended in together. It's just like I
said, it's like drinking out of a fire hydrant, intending to shoot and kill Brett Kavanaugh,
his political opponent because of Roe v. Wade. Ladies and gentlemen, we now have potentially
active shooters going after Supreme Court justices. Now remember, I spoke of Margaret
Sanger. I spoke of her psychological operation to convince everybody through trauma-based
mind control that the planet that we won't be able to sustain the population growth,
we have to use birth control, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, get everybody scared, get
them on birth control pills, stop the spread of the filthy virus called humanity through
pro-creation, and of course, build a multi-billion-dollar Planned Parenthood that now, with late-term
abortions, makes even more money.
If you consider the circumference of the baby's head, this is a true story. They make more
money. The reason why they want late-term abortions is they measure the circumference
of the baby's head and that doubles the price. And thereby, the billions of dollars go up
and up and up. There is a lobby going on with Planned Parenthood. It's a multi-billion-dollar
industry. And of course, you need to consider the fact that ultimately, the people that
are behind this effort are the likes of Margaret Sanger, who was a eugenicist. You wanted to
get rid of not just people of color, but also the Irish. They were a drain on our society.
What do we do? We kill them off. We got Bill Gates, also a eugenicist. He wants to kill
off all the dumb people and all the old dumb people, of course, and dedicate those funds
to education. These are eugenicists. They'll perpetrate psychological operations. They
cannot have a well-armed populace that remains defensive, of course, with the ownership of
firearms, whatever firearms you need to defend our nation. Even if you want a tank, shoot,
let's start issuing nukes. I'm just kidding. We don't want to do that. But our political
adversary will stop at nothing. I believe that there needs to be an equal and opposite
force. It is peace through strength. And the strength of our country is a well-armed
populace. Ladies and gentlemen, on Pete Santelli, I'll be back with you right on the other
side of this break. We're going to talk about the God side of this equation right after
the end of this video.
Thank you.
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Using a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. Listen, I've been talking about these are Maoists
that are coming after us. There's never been a more crucial time right now. We take a stand
in this fight. Alex Jones over decades has built an infrastructure in this info war.
Great staff, great facility, great technology, great knowledge on the Internet, and part
of that infrastructure is guess who? You. This is where we, the people rally against
these Maoists. This thing that's happening in the United States of America, these gun
grabbers, okay? They're part of an insurgency. We're now going to be part of the counterinsurgency
and the counteroffensive. How do we do it? We got global censorship. We've got attacks
upon Alex Jones at an all time high in an effort to shut down who? To shut down you,
to shut down the second amendment. To have you tuned into MSNBC and Joe Scarborough saying
we need to have all law abiding citizens turn in their guns to save the children. That's
why your support right now, this is where everybody steps up. You go to infowars.com.
You purchase products to 360 when you get super high quality items and you help launch
the info war to the next level. Now's the time where we step up. Your money right now
economically, like your 401K is going to a 301K, is going to a 201K. Economically, they're
extracting wealth. They're doing so now. You take your currency, you buy great products,
you get great value. Go to infowars.com. All right. Now, this is the epic battle, ladies
and gentlemen, you know deep into your soul. If you're listening to me right now, and by
the way, I'm condensing everything that I'm talking about right now into a one hour segment,
the fourth hour to help supplement of course, in the fourth hour of the Alex Jones show
on band.video and infowars.com to condense this thing that we have in our souls. We
know what's happening. We're not going to complain and say, oh, the mainstream media
is, they're telling lies. Of course they are. They're a part of the psychological operation.
You can't say and start thinking that the psy-oppers are all of a sudden going to start
changing their ways. They're part of it. They're CIA, mockingbird media. Go read the communist
manifesto that was read into the congressional record in 1963, 64, I think it was. That entire
record from Cleon Scalson's naked communist outlined exactly what they were going to do.
This is back in the 60s. They read it into the congressional record. They're implementing
this plan step by step by step, including the nuclear war aspects of it getting us to
disarm on the global scale to push us to the precipice of World War III with the threat
of nukes is an effort by these communists to not just disarm the populace so that they
can overpower the individual Second Amendment enthusiast, one behind every blade of grass,
but they want to disarm America from our nuclear weapons. This thing with Vladimir Putin and
this manufactured crisis of being on the precipice of World War III, whether or not Joe Biden
and Vladimir Putin are knowledgeable or winning. They're still participants in this effort
to dearm the United States of America from nuclear weapons. How do I know this? Because
they set out to do it and published it in the record. The communist manifesto entered
into the public record in the 60s. We're actually living the final phases of that implementation
plan. This is the epic battle. Who are these people? Obviously, this entity, like who is
Satan? Is he a guy that is red with horns and a pitchfork sitting on a satanic throne?
Or is it something much bigger than that? It is an evil spirit that exists that permeates
all of those willing souls and godless souls. And you get a whole bunch of people doing
evil and Satan himself as a spirit entering into the godless souls of these people that
are participating in sex trafficking, that are participating in gun running and gun grabbing
and human trafficking and ritualistic sacrifice. This is the ultimate spiritual battle. Yes,
of course, the serpent himself deceiving mankind, dating all the way back to the Garden of Eden.
This is the epic time right now. When I say end time, if you see how fast the information
is coming at us, the deception, they flat out lie to us. Stop saying, oh my goodness,
the mainstream media, they're not covering this. No, they're not designed to do that.
They're designed to lie to you. That's why we're sitting in independent media trying
to deliver the truth. This effort here with Roe v. Wade and this ruling is coming down
pretty quickly. I was actually looking at the live chat feed we're expecting that this
final ruling, I'll actually be shocked if they actually do what's right. I will literally
be shocked if they say to states rights issue. The federal government has no, we have no
means to centrally control its unconstitutional Roe v. Wade. Although these leftists say that
they have a God given right to kill babies. It's insanity. It's been a God given right
for 50 years. The Supreme Court may shockingly side with the US Constitution and say that
it was unconstitutional right from its inception. And yes, we've got, of course, these Utah
County people, this is a horrifying story that we don't have enough time to cover.
These are child sacrifice satanists that are also behind the effort to kill babies in the
tens of millions, a large portion of whom are, guess what, black babies, black American
babies, 20 million black babies haven't been killed over that period of time that they
say that they have a God given right. These Planned Parenthoods strategically located
in the inner city where Margaret Sanger said that those people who are on the drugs that
the CIA is shipping to are a drain in our society.
They have terrible schools in the inner city. They don't have jobs. They've got lots of
drugs. They're picking from the litter the most pretty subjects to enter into their
child sex trafficking operations. And those that are left behind promiscuity and demoralization,
including child pregnancy and minimizing childbirth is the way to do it. And of course, profit
off of it through Planned Parenthood. These are satanic people, just absolutely horrifying
to me. It is horrifying to you. We must push past this thing, recognize it for what it
is. This is the epic battle between good and able. We are on the side of good, ladies and
gentlemen. We are godly souls. We are godly patriots. Let's stop criticizing. It's like
saying, Satan is lying constantly. He needs to change his ways. Fox News is not promoting
2000. Of course they're not. Satan is not going to do the work that we would expect him to
do. Guess where it's happening? It's happening right here. It's happening on the Alex Jones
show. It's happening in independent media. It's happening on the Pete Santilli show.
Now the Pete Santilli show is not the center of the universe. It actually started in 2011
when Alex Jones says, I can't do this by myself. Independent media that exists around
Info Wars and out the Alex Jones show that has sprouted up over the past several years
has been to supplement this thing. This is we the people building independent media,
sharing the truth. And you know what? Now let's just absolutely opt out of what they've
got going on. We will deliver the truth. Do so securely. Of course, we're building an
entire separate infrastructure on the Internet. We know what the Uvalde shooting was all about.
We understand the scripting in these operations, psychological operation folks. It is. Everybody
knows this. It's in an effort to do this, to do what the Maoist did. In China, 65 million
people died. Russia, 25 million. Cambodia, 2 million on the right side of this column
here. North Korea, 2 million. The people that are behind this effort in this psychological
operation to disarm law abiding citizens are getting ready to kill. Go listen to Larry
Grathwall, who infiltrated the weather underground. By the way, that's another breaking story.
Congratulations to those that removed that Satanic leftist Maoist George Soros supported
DA Chesa Boudin in San Francisco. 64% of the voters voted to have that leftist removed.
Let's go, folks. The system of electronic voting machines is broken. Let's go into this next
election. Knowing full well they're going to cheat, let's smash the algorithm by getting
out there and voting. Let's support Alex Jones, infowarstore.com. Make your purchase now.
Convert your denaro, your currency that's being mismanaged by the Treasury. Convert
that and invest in independent media at infowarstore.com. And of course, tune into the Peace and
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