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Filename: 20220606_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 6, 2022
3551 lines.

Satanism is misrepresented as "pimps and hoes," where power dynamics dictate survival and reproduction. The ultimate goal is control through technocratic means. Alex Jones talks about various topics, including the media's focus on Queen Elizabeth II's reign, America's decline in health, and supports InfoWars. He introduces 'InfoWars Immune Support,' emphasizes free speech systems, and discusses globalists, gun control, a freedom festival in Kingston, and criticisms of Janet Yellen and Western politicians/media on Ukraine conflict.

There are many preconceived notions about what defines Satanism.
Some people will say that Satanists are just playing dress-up.
Some say they sacrifice children, and others believe they have magical powers.
But the truth is much more simple.
Most people will agree that Satanism is the antithesis of Christianity.
So first we must define what Christianity is.
In a sentence, Christianity is the impulse to express brotherly love towards our fellow
Satanism does not have that impulse at all.
In the most simple terms, Satanism can be described with the pop culture phrase pimps
and hoes.
If these words upset you, good.
We are talking about the nature of evil.
And if it makes light of it, even better.
These animals are nothing to fear.
While the rich and powerful Satanists want you to believe they are witches and warlocks,
they are nothing more than pimps and hoes, cannibals, feeding off other people like predatory
Completely devoid of the impulse for brotherly love, Satanism is base-level animal tribalism,
an animal hierarchy comprised of the pimps at the top, the hoes they control, and the
tricks they both exploit.
This is the law of the jungle which has existed for millennia.
A survival of the fittest dog-eat-dog world where the nice guys always finish last.
It is the patriarchy that the anti-christians claim to oppose, which makes no sense because
we are only able to transcend this ruthlessness with the Christian impulse of brotherly love
where everyone is equally welcome.
There is much talk about a battle being waged between good and evil, but this sort of simple
black and white duality only exists in our mind.
In reality, what's going on is a balancing act between our spirit and our body.
While our spirit may be drawn to love and light, our body is an animal with innate animal
instincts that cannot easily be suppressed.
And like every other species of animal, the primary instincts are survival and reproduction.
So as far as mammals go, the female is the ultimate prize in the game of life.
A society built upon a Christian ethos of brotherly love is one that honors individual
freedom and the way to satisfy our animal desires for survival with brotherly love is
through marriage and raising a family with some degree of selflessness.
And without the Christian ethos of brotherly love, the Satanist simply sees women as the
most valued commodity to be bought and sold for one's own selfish desire, pimps and hoes.
Whether it be in the poorest communities or at the top of the pyramid, Satanism is all
about control and the ones at the top have invested everything into their technocratic
pop culture media machine, which is their main method of pimping.
And they see the brainwashed masses as their hoes because according to the laws of the
jungle, they own them, which is why they resent the Christian ethos because it is the only
thing on earth that stands against them.
But the real problem with Satanism is that it keeps an individual from knowing God and
discovering their true path.
Our free will allows us the choice to either transcend spiritually, which requires a personal
relationship with God, or descend into the animal kingdom and forever remain a beast,
which is what the pimps and hoes are ultimately selling, but we don't have to buy it.
Satanic influence has always been with us, and it is nothing to fear.
These Satanist pimps are not gods.
They are merely animals playing mind tricks and spinning lies.
Redemption is for everyone, and humanity has a choice.
We can either submit to the beast system and live like animals, or we can follow the Christian
impulse for brotherly love and stand up against evil so that our children will know freedom.
Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
I don't care if you work in a cafeteria or a pump gas or whether you're a farmer, a
butcher, a doctor, a lawyer, or a millionaire, Fortune and Money Magazine have all done these
You see it every year.
30 different tax returns, 30 different answers, 50 different tax returns, 50 different answers,
and almost all of them just screw you over, especially the big firms and the big tax groups,
because they're part of the system and they don't want the general public understanding
this and knowing this.
So it's a very important situation with inflation and all the things out there hurting everybody
to be able to do things tax wise.
It's legal and lawful that allows you to keep more of your money.
We wouldn't even be here if I hadn't gotten great tax advice in the last few years.
The only way you fail is not writing down the URL, jonestaxrelief.com, one word, jonestaxrelief.com,
or call 833-904-285-833-904-285.
It's Monday, June 6, 2022, I'm your host, Alex Jones, here on the Unvattled Infowars
Radio Slash TV Worldwide Network, coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, ATX.
All right, most people don't realize they're living through extremely historical events
until it's already happened.
And I am not a doom and gloomer, I have incredible optimism in humanity, I believe in humanity's
future, I believe we'll colonize space, I believe we will continue to unlock secrets
in the universe, God has prepared that for us, and I believe in you, and I believe in
myself, and I believe in my family, and I most importantly know God's real.
The science has shown that there are other dimensions more powerful energetically than
our own, holding our dimension in place, the higher dimensions are there as the mathematical
equations show, and there are evil influences in the universe as well, not just the impetus
of Genesis and life.
So let me just state this very calmly in a very controlled way, we know from history,
we know from the Bible, we know from every other ancient text as well in every culture
that humanity goes through cycles of death and rebirth, and everybody's seen the meme
that says, hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak
men, weak men make bad times, or you can reverse it, weak men make bad times, bad times make
good men, good men make good times, and good times make bad men, that's a simple way to
go over the cycle, but it is a known cycle that humans have behaved in this way over
and over again, and at the end of the cycle what always happens, people start cheating
on their husbands and wives, then people start having sex with the same sex, I'm not even
judging people that do that as a person, I'm just saying this is historical, and then they
come at their children and want to have sex with them, and I am 100% against that, and
then they want to start sacrificing the children.
Well we're here, ladies and gentlemen, and at a gay strip bar in Dallas this weekend
with a big neon sign saying it's not going to lick itself behind little children and
all sorts of other pornographic statements, children as young as 3 years old were brought
in and paraded around like Roman standards that have been captured by these sickos, but
what's really important is this isn't some bottom feeding organization that just climbed
up out of the muck by itself, it has the full corporate backing of the most powerful corporations
and individuals on the planet other than people like Elon Musk, and I haven't seen Peter Teal
pushing the stuff, but by and large it's a cult, and I've got a whole stack of news
on that today, and it's the signpost that you're entering hell, hell it's the signpost
that you're in hell.
Now we've got that going on, and with it comes the economic degradation, with it comes the
inflation of the currency, everything that brought down the Roman Empire, everything
that brought down Venezuela, everything that brought down Chile, everything that brought
down Weimar Germany, it's an exact path, and we know the path we're going down.
And Weimar Germany brought us Hitler in World War II, Venezuela was the richest country
in Latin America, the average citizen had more money 50 years ago than the average American
citizen, same thing for Chile, but they got bad governments that inflated their currency
and those elites over the few decades it took to devalue the currency and buy up all the
infrastructure for themselves, then permanently put the general public into a permanent class
of poor people, that's called feudalism, and it's an economic warfare operation.
And I have a stack of financial news today where the billionaires of the planet are all
making record profits and on spending sprees buying up infrastructure and intellectual
property and art and everything else, while the general public during inflation pulls
back, it's a total consolidation of everything.
And then we've got parades of Biden administration officials telling us that Biden and the globalist
policies of issuing tens of trillions of dollars in stimulus packages and other packages for
COVID that they gave to themselves, money laundering, they're saying that has nothing
to do with the current situation we're in.
The good news is national polls show over 90% know it's the big banks and they know Biden's
a puppet because as much as I enjoy at a beast fuel level watching Biden's squirm and he's
figured out it's in the news that he's hated and doesn't like it, you delusional pedophile,
you bumbling idiot, you were put there because you're a slug and because you were dumb enough
to take the job when they're going to bring America down, so you and your stinking family
will get the blame.
And I want you and your disgusting family to burn in hell.
But I don't want you to be the scapegoat for the real powers behind the throne that
have implemented every stinking bit of this.
So that's where we are today, ladies and gentlemen, and I can tell you that the average business
person I know is on the verge of bankruptcy.
I can tell you with cost increases and inflation, we are barely in the black despite me begging
and pleading and I appreciate you coming through, but everybody's got an amazing audience like
we have or the special mission we have.
So I'm going to go over all this news when we come back, not to be gloom and doom, but
to be honest with everybody about how bad it is and how bad it's going to get.
And we have to cover this or we're going to all be caught flat footed and that means
myself included.
I've been so busy trying to stop this that I personally have exhausted my resources and
I have not spent almost any time myself getting ready for what's about to go down.
My parents have and I appreciate them doing that, but most people don't have property,
most people don't have a trailer to live on, most people don't have solar power, most people
don't have the little bit of things I've got.
And when the EBT guards will still issue the money in the future, but when it doesn't buy
the products and it doesn't buy the cigarettes and the alcohol and the baby formula isn't
even on the shelves and then these urban food deserts, folks can't get their Twinkies and
their hot pockets, the cities are going to burn.
And this is all the IMF World Bank documents that came out in 2002, it's in my book to
send to tyranny.
Greg Powell did a great job on BBC with the documents he got and they cynically have
a 100 part plan and at the end they cause food riots in third world countries and the
collapse and then buy everything up for pennies on the dollar with the inflated currency that
they control.
But they got to get you bankrupt and destitute before they can be positioned to actually carry
that out.
And they talk about the documents that I harped on so much that now in the next few decades
they would do it to Western industrialized nations and they bragged because it'll be
good for the earth and there was a New York Times article on Friday bragging saying the
worldwide collapse is good for the earth and I read you quotes and showed you the videos
yesterday where the Davos group is saying lockdowns and collapse are good.
They're using the lockdowns to accelerate the collapse then they're going to turn around
and blame the virus as the White House is already doing for the economic policies that
accelerated the collapse of the third world.
Now the UN organizing those populations to flood us as a political weapon is an economic
and cultural weapon and we now see it.
Not because it's down the street or 10 feet in front of us it's on top of us punching
us in the nose.
And now it's pulling out a knife to stab us and so Congress still sits there twiddling
their thumbs.
The Republican Party is so adult and so controlled got a stack of news here where they're trying
to help Biden pass a bunch of gun control.
Even though Biden has the lowest approval rating of any history in any president history
the Republican instinct is to go along with this and stab us in the back.
It's all coming up today on this Monday June 6th 2022 broadcast I'm your host Alex Jones
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I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported info wars financially with
word of mouth and prayer all the success that we've had together against the globalists
the fact that we're not caught flat footed during their major takeover is because of
you humanity has a real fighting chance that's want to thank you all for my products and
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so much more but for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so
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you can cancel anytime I want to thank all you that have donated I want to encourage
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the global awakening the new renaissance that's countering the great reset by going
to infoworkstore.com and clicking on the donate button and giving today thank you so much
for your support please take action you see this it's an info wars republic defense card
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including a frontal assault on the lives of the new world order it's alex jones
i want to thank the listeners again before i go back to this critical news for keeping
us in a fight there's nothing i want to do more than beat the globalists and get them
off our back there's nothing i want to do more than stay in this fight and i can't do
that without you and that's why when you call in and thank me i just say stop it right there
the fact that you're listening the fact that you're calling the fact that you're spreading
the word the fact that you're supporting us together in this fight is incredible i want
to thank you and when i say that i get chills those aren't words i hate these devil worship and
pedophiles every cell in my body wants to get them off our children and i can't do it without you
and you can't do it without me we can't do it without god but together we can do anything
that we will and the fact that they've accelerated their whole agenda right now
and it's all out in the open and the mask is off is because the devil sends the beast with
wrath because he knows his time is short let he who have understanding reckon the number of the beast
for it is the number of a man 666 someone hit this economic news this all ties together
the most important work in four wars has ever done is down here and i want to thank you for
sponsoring us we don't have the george soros is in the world funding us we have people like you
i've never had big donors without the big donors that came in we would be in the red worse than i
thought and we'd be having to lay off half our crew as we speak this month but some folks came
through and literally sustained us but i don't want to get into the red again plus i've got products
you need we've got less than 10 percent of the coins left an info or store dot com there's a link
or 1776 coin dot com it's the third and final coin in the 1776 series it's a founding member coin
meaning you give a sure email and you get this coin you will get special deals exclusive
documentaries reports i'm planning a bunch of stuff that's almost complete it is complete a lot of
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and did it i salute you and if you've never gotten one of the coins or you want to be a founding member
it's your last chance in the markup and the reason it cost obviously more than the coin does
is because it funds our operation you're buying a momento to know that you donated
to this operation it's such a historical point 1776 coin dot com the final freeman bear arms
come and take a coin in the series 1776 coin dot com or triple eight two five three three one three
nine and finally this always happens usually it does i've not come up with new specials
and i was meeting for an hour this morning just looking at what products we even have in stock
they're like well you only sell products when they're for sale and you're running out of these and
more isn't coming in for a few months even though we've got a better supplier now for
four of the supplements we made a lot of moves thank god and found a lot of patriots out there
with big successful companies that are working with us so we're stabilizing here for now thanks
to all of you carrying us through but we really can't offer deals like this much longer the
memorial day special is going to have to go another day or two because i just don't even
know what i'm going to have for sale here quite wrangly memorial day mega sale has arrived it's
about to end out of the power 40% off rainforest ultra 50% off such an incredible tropic vitamin
d3 gummies ultimate fish or ultimate krill oil immune support 60% off multi food whole food vitamin
40% off all dr. jones natural's products it's all 40 to 60% off with double patria points
at info or store.com i want to thank you all for your support okay
let me just start going into it here uh man i tell you the problem is i got too much nish and
again my frustration is if i don't you drill into each one properly i don't give it context in my
view and that doesn't help things but at the same time you just can't get to all of it so i'll just
give you the headlines a little bit of the news and then give you my synopsis you can go read the
articles yourself and decide if you think i'm right or what you think is going on i'm sure you'll
have something to add to it we're going to open the phones up at the bottom of the next hour and
take a ton of calls with a special guest in studio on the topic of the world economy and
how to protect ourselves and what's going on so let me just do it this way we just do it this way
let me uh just read to you some of these headlines us social security and medicare
are approaching insolvency warns the trustees pretty big deal gas prices on the verge of
doubling since biden's first day in oval office transportation secretary there's video this
claims biden's actions haven't contributed to gas price doubling shawty's raised oil prices more
than expected amid asia rebound global oil prices jumps amid supply fears the market has exploded
lnc charter rate sores as traders rush to secure tankers polls told to forge for wood to heat their
homes in poland inflation prompts white house to cut tariffs as if we had any already inflation
divide the wealthy splurge all the poorest pullback that's the associated press them to cover that
detail next segment individual income tax payments on pace to reach record high but the ultra rich
are paying almost no tax i pay 40% on the little bit of money i end up keeping and but oh i'm not
the elite you see so musk comes out in warns and seconds what jayme diamond of golden sack said
a big storm is coming musk says he has a bad feeling uh yeah letting you know it's coming up
and that ties into this abc poll biden badly underwater on all of the top issues
with biden's approval rating hitting record low gop works to hand dims a win on gun control
that's coming up next segment democrat strategist says the economy will be number one issue in
midterms non-abortion or guns yeah you don't need to be james carvel to know that so what are they
obsessing on white supremacy that's as rare as a leprechaun actually carry i mean it happens but
you know somebody saw leprechaun once i mean it's going on it's very rare it's like winning a lottery
but in a bad way but oh they've hired a big tv producer it's come out and are secretly running
with january 6 as a media production as if i needed to be told that they run articles every day
completely whole hog whole cloth making up stuff where none of it's real not just a lie
the whole thing's a lie the whole thing's made out of lies we're none of it's true
unbelievable and i'm not going to even go over all the lies it's just it's staggering but i mean
here's an example last week hundreds of publications reuters ap new york times washington post
and basically every hundreds that i saw said jones thrown out of bankruptcy court by the
justice department for being a criminal and it's a huge victory for the sandy hook parents
they dropped their lawsuits against info wars and against our key real companies saying they were fake
and it's a devastating victory for the truth and everything they're still
still suing free speech systems and that's ongoing but i'm not going to give you the inside baseball
but i'm going to leave it at that the point is is that they're at the table right now
and then you look at the news oh alex jones and the the justice department they dropped their
lawsuits against info wars and three other companies info wars health and so we dropped
the the the bankruptcy total victory and then they they spent it that i'm a criminal and the doj
made them drop it the internet and talk radio are on fire with the slogan alex jones was right
people ask what's it like to be vindicated well it's actually very sick feeling because
i knew this was coming i tried to stop it and now everything i've talked about is going to become
more important than ever because the globalists aren't hiding anymore in policy reports and documents
it's now out in the open claus Schwab said last week that they rule the earth the bilderberg group
founded davos group so now the fight's out in the open they're making their move because they know
they're behind schedule we're going to win this thing god's watching the children counting on us
i just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and your
financial support because without you info wars would not be here so i want you to really internalize
the fact that you are the info war and you are the reason humanity has a fighting chance so i want
to thank you and salute you again for all you've done and ask you now to redouble your efforts
info wars has made history you have made history in your support of info wars and one of the biggest
tools we've had to circumvent and override the sensors has been patriot apparel so we can identify
each other so we can spread the word and so we can push people to websites like info wars.com
so they can understand the globalist plan and how to stop it now ladies and gentlemen two
months ago we announced we're blowing out of all of our designs of t-shirts some of which go back
more than 25 years all these shirts are limited edition they're about to be history and will only
exist in your closet your drawer or your wardrobe show there's only 15 000 shirts of 60 plus thousand
left in a couple weeks they'll all be gone and they'll be history we're selling them all at cost
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one of these historic shirts hoodies long sleeves ball caps you name it while you still can
i want to thank you all for your support infowarstore.com freeworldoutlet.com that is a very
important url for info wars supporters that want to get great products and save massively
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purchase more products in the future so they can sell our products at a greater discount than you'll
normally find at infowarstore.com freeworldoutlet.com is amazing we're partnered with them and things
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
live from the info wars.com studios it's alex jones
i help the blind to see i got no friends because they read the papers they can't be seen
with me and i'm getting real shocked at me feeling me all right no more i want to hit all this
economic news and the second amendment news and the russian news everything here in a moment but i
want to go back to this bankruptcy thing because look alex jones and being under leptis attack
and george soros funded law firms everybody already knows that that's old news and i don't
want to hear about it i know you don't want to hear about it but the illustration of how delusional
the democratic party is and how they're in control of all these attacks on us i told you
a month ago before it hit the news that for the first time ever that these and i've hired
top bankruptcy lawyers in the state of texas respected people that have done you know like
texaco and you know top oil company stuff big national cases known straight lace respected
absolutely impeccable records they've never heard of the justice department calling up and saying
you're not to give alex jones access to the courts they called the judges up they called the trustees
up and said alex jones doesn't get access to bankruptcy courts this comes from the president
and then the justice department told the sandy hook democrat lawyers drop these cases against
jones these aren't real companies and then they dropped the lawsuits against info wars and and
almost all our companies now they can never go after me i mean again they just say i'm a villain
they say i'm a fraud i went into bankruptcy to show them how much money i've got so that they
will leave me alone and know that i don't have hardly any money they put all these lies on tv i've
got hundreds of millions of dollars i don't have two million dollars myself the company was insolvent
till donations came in we're still barely in the black and and and and imagine the craziness
of my lawyers saying well don't talk about it yet because nobody's going to believe it
but the justice department just called up the former head bankruptcy judge in austin
that was one of the trustees
totally impartial that's how that these things work a democrat and told their lawyer you are not
to be involved with jones and you are not to give him access to courts they said well you
have no standing to say that they said well it's a policy decision from biden
now imagine that and then i came on air and i said i told my lawyers said i don't care i'm
going to talk about it i'm going to be very basic the justice department head of the
national trustee office for federal bankruptcy over the whole country that that never gets
involved in in any of the stuff directly calling up people saying he doesn't get access to the courts
and then saying it's a fraud the the the doj was then all over the news a month ago you saw it
saying jones has filed sinister fraud they didn't look at the bankruptcy they didn't look at the
books it never even got to that point they just said it's a fraud and then the sandy hook democrat
party law firms in texas and canada get they're all coordinated drop their lawsuits against four
of our key companies that makes up like 70 percent of info wars the info wars website all of it
i mean is the info wars website a fraud is it not part of our most important asset
so again these people are crazy i mean that's all i'm telling you folks is they have decided
we're hitler they believe whatever they spew out of their mouths and what they are is like fiction
writers but they're crazy people because if you've ever been around crazy people they will really
believe whatever it is they think whatever it is pops into their brains and that is the mental
illness of crazy people that is that is the bizarreness of these and so just understand folks
that's who runs the country that's who i mean we literally come to the table and go here's everything
you say we're already guilty without a jury trial okay we don't have a lot of extra money
so under law here come come look with the federal judges i'd go to jail if i lie about anything
come check everything and stop lying about us and they go no we don't want that
we want a show trial two in texas
and one in connecticut starting this summer into the midterm and they even admit they've
hired hbo and netflix and and we go to the hearings and the judges are putting makeup on
and being mic'd up and oh and they're all getting up there and they want three johnny depth style
trials and that's all they care about so i don't think the justice department is stupid
or crazy maybe they are maybe it's just they just don't care and they just want their show trials
so that's the type of people that are in control of the nation and they're running into the ground
and now they've hired a former top network tv drama producer you know people that produce
top shows and court shows to put on the january 6 event and then we see what the so-called witnesses
told them we see the statements they put out the january 6 committee says we've got mark meadows
and roger stone and alex jones all coordinating never talked to mark meadows roger stone never
talked to mark meadows ever roger stone wasn't involved in any of the planning i was involved
in planning a peaceful rallies but though the january 6 committee is going to have hearings
did trump gave the orders and look look i know you know they lie but i mean folks these people
are out of their minds and they're running the country and they're running the nuclear weapons
and there's an old saying you can't con an honest man because they don't think like a con artist
and it's true these people have smoked their own dope they've gotten high on their own supply
they have drank their own kool-aid and i don't even when i was younger i hated the globalist and i
still hate him some but i was driven mainly by hate not by partially by love but the hate was
the majority of my drive and that's wrong and i've learned i'm not do that the last few years
i've grown up a lot but i really don't even hate these people they're pathetic they're nuts
you feel sorry for them and you just wonder like what is it like to be them getting up on tv at
press conferences and saying we have nothing to do with inflation there's plenty of baby formula
there is no inflation they said last year now oh inflation's good oh inflation's real it's
putin's fault and you just sit back and you watch them change their stance day to day
week after week month after month and they're just jokes they're a bunch of crazy freaks
that we have let
take control of our lives these people can't run their own lives statistically they their children
commit the most suicide during drug rehabs constantly i'm not people that are but but
they're just mental patients the wiki leaks came out and it was all these top democrat
strategists the podestas and others with hillary doing philema or allister crowley magic oh my
wife's really sick we're all going to get together they say in the in the emails and we're going to
do a philema ritual they're following a loser allister crowley but you know who's really pathetic us
because we step back and let these criminals run everything when they're devil worshiping
i mean do you i mean really at the end of the day the people running things are devil worshiper
pedophiles and now they're externalizing who they are to all of us because they've been caught
and they're like you know what we are pedophiles we are devil worshipers get used to it by the way
you're going to eat bugs you're going to drink sewage you know what i got an idea how about you
all go to prison how about that get off our backs you psychos i don't care if you work in a cafeteria
or pump gas or whether you're a farmer a rancher a doctor a lawyer or a millionaire fortune and
money magazine have all done these profiles you see it every year 30 different tax returns 30
different answers 50 different tax returns 50 different answers and almost all of them just
screw you over especially the big firms and the big tax groups because they're part of the system
and they don't want the general public understanding this and knowing this show it's a very important
situation with inflation and all the things out there hurting everybody to be able to do things
tax wise it's legal and lawful that allows you to keep more your money we wouldn't even be here
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jacob in ohio welcome go ahead hey how's it going alex good uh great last caller i just
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I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially with
word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the globalists and the fact that we're not
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Humanity has a real fighting chance.
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Air filtration is so much more.
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You know, if you want to think about who the Democrats are, they're all a bunch of avanades.
Just delusional, crazy crooks that can't even run their own lives.
Just running around trying to see who they can push around, who they can lie about.
They got the whole corporate media and big tech ganged up against the people and they
thought long term that would win.
They're a joke.
All right, here's the deal.
We're going to open the phones up on the economy and on where you think it's all going and
more at the bottom of the next hour, take an hour and a half calls here today.
And I didn't intend to go off on a big tirade, a jag about the Justice Department and the
stuff they do.
To me, you can pull it up, thousands of articles in the last few months, Jones is a fraud, Jones
has filed a criminal bankruptcy, Jones, never looking at one document, none of it ever even
got entered in, never got to that point.
They're supposed to be a deliberate to body.
They're supposed to get evidence.
They're supposed to actually know what they're talking about.
And then again, they spoke their own dope and drop all their challenges against our
main companies saying it's a fraud because you see, they think I'm like them.
They think everything comes out of my mouth is a lie like them.
When everything I do is to strive to be as accurate as I can because I believe that's
the currency people want is truth.
I don't want to hang around with people.
I don't want to listen to people.
I don't want to know people that I can't turn my back on.
I want to find people in my life that I know if I call them at 3am will come to my aid
and I'll come to their aid.
I want to be around people that I know are good and decent like my family.
But you see, these leftists are so divorced from God, they don't even know there's good
They literally think we're like them.
And guess what?
We're not.
We're good.
And it doesn't matter how many lies you spew or what crap you put out, the listeners and
there's millions and millions every day and millions more every week, they tune in here
because they know they're getting their best shot at accurate analysis and when I'm wrong,
I'll tell you because I want you to know it because I want to get better.
And that's really the difference.
These people just think up the biggest lies they can and think about how do they deceive
people and how do they screw people?
I don't want to live in a world like that.
I have children.
You think I want to go around screwing people?
You think I want?
You don't think I don't know karma is real.
You reap what you sow because I've done things unintentionally bad in my life and it came
back on me.
I'm scared to do bad.
It's not like I want to do bad either.
I morally don't want to do bad, but I'm scared to mess up.
And that's why we're so different from these people is I'm scared I'm going to get pissed
and bash somebody's brains up.
I know I have weaknesses.
I know I'm a lustful person.
I got to keep that under control.
And I know when I get under pressure, my mind will twist things sometimes and convince me
that doing bad things is moral.
When I was younger, I couldn't control that and made a lot of mistakes.
I make far fewer now.
But the reason I'm talking about this journey I'm on, you're on, we're on is because it's
a journey people serving evil need to understand why they're so unhappy and that doing more
and more bad telling bigger and bigger lies is not going to help you in the future.
Don't you globalist leftist and minions of the system want truth?
Don't you hunger after it?
Don't you want to know the secrets of the universe?
That's truth.
Don't you want to really know who you are?
Don't you really want to be around good people you can trust?
Such a satisfying thing to have people I can trust.
You know, I've had great crews in the last 28 years.
Back 28 years ago, it was only two or three people.
Today, it's close to 100.
I can tell you I trust every member of this crew and I know they're good souls and that
is such wealth to know that I've got people like panning for gold all these years in this
river that we have got these nuggets of gold here of the Info Wars operation.
And then I think about those nuggets of gold and I look out at you and I see seas of gold.
I just see incredible, honorable people.
I'm willing to go to prison.
I'm willing to be executed.
I'm willing to die.
I'm willing to be tortured because it's a blessing to meet you on the street and I look
into your eyes.
You could be brown.
You could be black.
You could be pink.
I guess there are some white people, few white folks are actually white.
Most of us are pink, little geckos or something.
But the point is, is that when I see the fire in a black woman's eyes that loves liberty
or a white woman's eyes or a brown man's eyes, I see God and it's like that line with Robert
Duvall in the incredible nightmare film based on the incredible book The Road of Viggo Mortensen
in this desolate world, 90-plus percent population reduction, total collapse of civilization.
They're having a campfire and Robert Duvall says, that boy of yours, that's God.
Not he's God, but that's God living in there.
That's the future.
That's the children.
That's everything good.
That's what we should be standing up for.
Great job, the crew, finding that in five seconds.
Man, they're fast.
In fact, maybe you can find that with audio and we'll play that clip if you can get it.
Let me know when you got it.
And so when I see these hordes of empty wraiths, these ghosts, these zombies, these taking
over individuals, lusting after our children's innocent, lusting after their bodies, lusting
after their energy, it's because they are so incredibly empty.
And they think finally, if they can just corrupt children and their future and wreck them,
that then they would finally be fulfilled and that's the lie of evil, is it gets control
of you, it takes over your life, and then it demands more and more and more until you
have nothing.
In these drag queen pedo time events with big giant red neon letters of your radio
listener, you don't see it behind them saying it's not going to lick itself and all the
festooned posters in the debauchery bar of men doing all sorts of crazy stuff to each
And then they march a bunch of children in there.
Can you imagine?
I've been to plenty of topless bars in my life, hadn't been to one in a long time.
And still women are being exploited, they're exploiting you and the whole thing's seedy.
But it's adults, adults can do that if they want.
And imagine if you were at a topless bar at midnight on a Friday night and they marched
a six year old girl or boy up on the stage and people started throwing money at them,
you would flip out, you'd call the police, but when it's done at the sex bars with children
in Dallas, Texas, and the children, we got video of it, are giving them money offerings
under this.
Not a damn thing said in the corporate media and it's sick and it's evil.
If I was at a topless bar, like Joe Rogan and I used to go to him all the time decades
ago, not name dropping, I used to go with a lot, he was in comedy clubs every month
or so in Texas, we hang out in Houston, Austin, you name it.
And I guarantee you, if I was in a topless bar and I saw them march a five year old
girl up on stage and people start giving them money, I'd call the police and I'd stand
up and say, this is wrong.
And if some bouncer got in my face, I'm not calling for violence.
I'm telling you what happened.
That bouncer would get their job broken just like that.
But you know, there's not bouncers at topless bars that want to march five year old kids
up on stage.
Hell, people on death row don't want that, but this is done out in the open in front
of everybody pissing on our children and celebrating them like trophies that these sick, evil demons
have captured and it's wrong.
Even Bill Maher's come out against it.
Where's your line in the sand?
How far will you go?
Did you think about where we are today?
Will we be in a year, two years, three years, you know where?
Hell, open pedophilia is already being pushed by the New York Times, the Washington Post
Headlines like take your kids to a gay parade.
The kink is good.
They're having sex in the street.
This is a pedophile cult that wants us to sell our soul.
Well, guess what?
It ain't for sale.
I want to take a minute out to address the viewers and listeners of Info Wars and to
remind you that we've been vindicated and that world government and its tyrannical
aim of depopulation is now out of the open.
Everything you and I have done together has been historic and we cannot continue in this
fight without your support.
I want to encourage you all to be part of history right now while you still can to get
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So I want to thank you all for your support and I want to encourage you all to be part
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while you still can.
Everybody that's watching this needs to support Alex Jones, needs to support Info Wars and
You know, the Bible says, let another mouth praise you.
I'm going to do that right now.
Alex Jones has helped so many people in this industry.
You guys have no idea how many people have got their first start like Savannah Hernandez.
How many people have just been put on a launch pad, the outer space because of Alex Jones
including myself.
I've been given so many opportunities because of this man and because of this platform and
I would probably not even be half of where I am right now if it weren't for Alex Jones.
I mean, I've been able to be on podcasts with Alex and Joe Rogan and Tim Cass, the super
Tim Cass IRL.
Listen, what I'm saying is do not take Alex Jones and band.video for granted because you
don't know what you have until it's gone.
We need to support free speech systems right now, so go check out the store, go support
their store, go support Info Wars, leave a donation right now.
Don't wait until they're gone.
Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
There are many preconceived notions about what defines Satanism.
Some people will say that Satanists are just playing dress-up, some say they sacrifice
children and others believe they have magical powers, but the truth is much more simple.
Many people will agree that Satanism is the antithesis of Christianity.
So first we must define what Christianity is.
In a sentence, Christianity is the impulse to express brotherly love towards our fellow
Satanism does not have that impulse at all.
In the most simple terms, Satanism can be described with the pop culture phrase pimps
and hoes.
If these words upset you, good.
We are talking about the nature of evil, and if it makes light of it, even better.
These animals are nothing to fear.
While the rich and powerful Satanists want you to believe they are witches and warlocks,
they are nothing more than pimps and hoes, cannibals, feeding off other people like predatory
To completely devoid of the impulse for brotherly love, Satanism is base-level animal tribalism,
an animal hierarchy comprised of the pimps at the top, the hoes they control, and the
tricks they both exploit.
This is the law of the jungle which has existed for millennia, a survival of the fittest
dog-eat-dog world where the nice guys always finish last.
It is the patriarchy that the anti-Christians claim to oppose, which makes no sense because
we are only able to transcend this ruthlessness with the Christian impulse of brotherly love
where everyone is equally welcome.
There is much talk about a battle being waged between good and evil, but this sort of simple
black and white duality only exists in our mind.
In reality, what's going on is a balancing act between our spirit and our body.
While our spirit may be drawn to love and light, our body is an animal with innate
animal instincts that cannot easily be suppressed.
And like every other species of animal, the primary instincts are survival and reproduction.
So as far as mammals go, the female is the ultimate prize in the game of life.
A society built upon a Christian ethos of brotherly love is one that honors individual
freedom and the way to satisfy our animal desires for survival with brotherly love is
through marriage and raising a family with some degree of selflessness.
And without the Christian ethos of brotherly love, the Satanist simply sees women as the
most valued commodity to be bought and sold for one's own selfish desire.
Pimps and hoes.
Whether it be in the poorest communities or at the top of the pyramid, Satanism is all
about control and the ones at the top have invested everything into their technocratic
pop culture media machine, which is their main method of pimping, and they see the brainwashed
masses as their hoes because according to the laws of the jungle, they own them, which
is why they resent the Christian ethos because it is the only thing on earth that stands
against them.
But the real problem with Satanism is that it keeps an individual from knowing God and
discovering their true path.
Our free will allows us the choice to either transcend spiritually, which requires a personal
relationship with God, or descend into the animal kingdom and forever remain a beast,
which is what the pimps and hoes are ultimately selling, but we don't have to buy it.
Like influence has always been with us, and it is nothing to fear.
These Satanist pimps are not gods.
They are merely animals playing mind tricks and spinning lies.
Redemption is for everyone, and humanity has a choice.
We can either submit to the beast system and live like animals, or we can follow the Christian
impulse for brotherly love and stand up against evil so that our children will know freedom.
Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
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Triple eight, two five three, three one three nine.
That's triple eight, two five three, three one three nine.
Thanks for being part of the tip of the spear.
Clashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the
front lines of the info war.
All right, we've got a surprise special guest in studio about the world economy and what's
happening on to protect yourself and more bottom of the hour, but let's continue getting
into this news here.
So ABC poll Biden badly underwater on all of the top issues, inflation, gas prices, crime,
gun violence, abortion, COVID-19.
But the biggest issue is the inflation and the idea that Biden isn't the figurehead,
the fact that the buck doesn't stop with him, the idea with countless headlines every day
that Biden doesn't know how to fix the inflation, Biden doesn't know how to cut the gas prices.
When what does he want more trillion dollar, $2 trillion, $3 trillion extra spending packages.
He wants to forgive student loans.
He wants to raise taxes on corporations, they've already written loopholes not to pay taxes.
So the small corporations that actually do pay taxes will then pass the prices on.
He says that will lower inflation.
In an eighth grade economics class, they'll teach you that will increase taxes.
But when they ask his Treasury Secretary about it, when they ask the Commerce Secretary
about it, they say, oh, we've not contributed any to that.
Those are quotes.
You're like, that's not true.
They're gaslighting.
And so James Carville comes out, Democrat strategist economy will be number one issue
in midterms, not abortion or guns, which is totally true.
So why then are they spending all their time on the guns?
Because that's the globalist agenda and what the big money, when big tech gives money
or others, it's known you don't get the money, not just for their industry, but unless you
promote pedophilia, open borders, devaluing currency, carbon taxes, net zero, all of the
agenda of the World Economic Forum.
And that's why we see Mitch McConnell and the rest of them vehemently supporting Biden
and his six anti-gun bills.
With Biden's approval rating hitting record low, GOP works to hand Dems a win on gun control,
InformationLiberation.com, ArticleM4Wars.com.
Joe Biden's approval rating is lower than every president of the modern era at this
stage of the term, but Republican senators are working to hand him a big win and sell
off their base by teaming up with Democrats to pass gun control legislation.
And the article goes through all the different Republicans that are going along with this.
Pat Toomey on Face the Nation and the rest of them, Mitch McConnell supporting the gun
control measures.
These people are a plague on us and our families.
But what else are they doing?
I mentioned this earlier, but let's actually name names here.
Scoop Axios reports.
January 6th committees secret advisor.
And they've got all the networks promoting.
Oh, it's the biggest show on earth, bigger than PT, Barnum, step right up, ladies and
We're going to show you incredible bombshell January 6th information proving Trump was
commanding the attack on the Capitol.
And then now the press, even mainstream media is reporting, well, we've been given a preview.
There's no proof.
Oh, you want proof?
The House January 6th committee has turned to a renowned former network news executive
to hone a mountain of explosive material into a captivating multimedia presentation for
prime time hearing, James Goldston, former president of ABC News, he also produces TV
shows and a master documentary storyteller who ran Good Morning America and Nightline
all with employer ratings has joined the committee as an unannounced advisor.
Oh my gosh.
You mean it's a Hollywood production?
Why it matters?
I'm told Goldston is busily producing Thursday's 8 p.m. ET hearing as if it were a blockbuster
investigative special.
So their own advisors say, listen, they don't care about January 6th.
They know it's crazy people with guns.
The public doesn't want their guns taken.
They care about inflation, exploding energy prices that are part of that, the open borders,
the crime waves, and her answer is, but we're going to tell you that January 6th was just
the ultimate example of evil ever seen on planet Earth.
And it goes on from there.
Gun violence results in at least 10 mass shootings over the weekend, Wall Street Journal reports,
but it's not getting a lot of coverage because almost every one of them was black gangs shooting
black gangs.
And it's still terrible and I'm against it and I wish it wouldn't have happened, but
it's not that white supremacists that they were looking for, making a black on black,
but this is Islamic on Christian.
Nigeria is being invaded by Boko Haram.
Nigeria has tens of thousands of its mainly Christian citizens killed every year by Muslims
coming out of the North, trying to take it over.
And so yesterday, there was at least 50 killed, including women and children in a satanic massacre,
the sun calls it, and I have Reuters and other articles saying, we don't know who did it.
There have been hundreds of mall and market and church shootings where the Islamists know
it's all Christians, I forget the exact demographics, but it's like 60% Christian, 30% animist,
meaning nature worshipers, sun worshipers, and 10% Muslim.
It was like 5% a decade ago, the Muslims are taking over.
And of course the prime suspects in Kenya or Nigeria or wherever you are in Africa is
the Muslims.
Hell in Sudan, it's a 15 year war, the Muslims attacking the South, trying to kill all the
They even got bombers and tanks and missiles given to them by places like Saudi Arabia.
So at least 50 people have been slaughtered in a satanic massacre.
I twisted government dubbed bandits at a Nigerian church, yeah bandits.
Women and children were among the victims of the government open fire on works for the
side and outside St. Francis Catholic Church, the town of Owo.
And nowhere here do they ever say, hmm, wonder if it's the group that's done it over and
over again.
The media is still controlled, even if Boko Haram or other groups take credit, you're
not going to see it in the news.
Meanwhile, I didn't get to this clip yesterday, we're going to play it when we come back.
When I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
And when I made a mistake, I admit it.
And I've got egg all over my face, Alex Jones is not always right.
And I'm ashamed of myself and I don't say that to, to, to like, oh, look, he's ashamed
of himself.
I mean, I mean, that's how I feel.
And I need to admit that.
I am tired.
And I didn't want to get in the car and drive three hours to Uvaldi.
And I just want to believe in Texas and I want to believe in police.
I want to believe in the system, because I know that that old system is not perfect,
but it's under attack.
So I got up here on air and I regurgitated the official story.
And even after the evidence came out that it was a lie, I just lazily went along with
And now the jury's in.
And well, I'll tell you the rest of the other side, I'll just, I'll be completely honest,
because it's not just about me.
It's about understanding the thought process that we're all having.
But the Uvaldi smells bad guys.
And I'll just say it when we come back, stay with us.
The internet and talk radio are on fire with the slogan, Alex Jones was right.
People ask, what's it like to be vindicated?
Well, it's actually very sick feeling because I knew this was coming.
I tried to stop it.
And now everything I've talked about is going to become more important than ever because
the globalist aren't hiding it anymore in policy reports and documents.
It's now out in the open, Klaus Schwab said last week that they rule the earth, the Bilderberg
group founded Davos group.
So now the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching the children counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and
your financial support because without you, info wars would not be here.
I just want you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war and you are
the reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you and salute you again for all you've done and ask you now to redouble
your efforts.
I designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have some of those original designs
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Now, ladies and gentlemen, two months ago we announced we're blowing out of all of our
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I want to thank you all for your support.
You know, it's going back to what we all thought was going to happen in the 90s when
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going to level the playing field.
Everybody's going to have access to the same information and everybody's going to be able
to freely communicate that information.
That's our goal, to get back to that place where we all have access to all of the information.
We all have the ability to freely communicate that information with whomever we want, whenever
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So that's our goal, is to help people take back their freedom by helping them to take
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And so that's really what we're trying to do, and so I hope that everybody listening
will check us out at boltowireless.com, that's V-O-L-T-A, wireless.com.
Speaking of frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I see the lens of the world through my own eyes, so do you.
And so, no amount of intimidation, no amount of threats, no amount of attacks is going to
make me change what I say and I do.
And so, two weeks ago, when the tragic event unfolded in Yvaldi, Texas, with 19 children
and two teachers killed, there were publications everywhere saying, Will Alex Jones say this
is a false flag, Will Alex Jones say this was staged?
Because Jones always says it's staged, no, I don't always say it's staged.
When there's an hour stand down at Columbine and they knew it was going to happen and they
stood down, I said it was suspicious, and the children reported, the teenagers reported
multiple gunmen in the building and men that were adults doing it.
We've covered that, Gregory said a great report on it last week.
And then you look at the stand down in Broward County a few years ago, the tragic event,
what happened there and they knew the guy was a shooter, they knew he was planning it,
they called him a school shooter, they stood down for at least 12, 14 minutes outside when
they knew he was running around shooting people.
And the list goes on and on, we have the Buffalo white supremacist shooter, turns out was in
constant communication with a former federal agent.
That obviously leads to provocaturing, leans towards that.
So just because I've been sued by the Democratic Party for questioning mass shootings, is it
the reason I came out two weeks ago on Tuesday after it happened and said, well, the police
say that they chased him in there and engaged him and a hero, a Border Patrol agent killed
him within 12 minutes.
And then, well, he was barricaded inside there and we're not sure and it was 45 minutes
and then it was 60 minutes and then it was 70 minutes.
Now it's 75 minutes that they stood outside the state police, local police, all of them
and held the families back and they lied about it for a week.
And finally the head of the DPS went down there and said, I was misled and the governor
said he was misled.
And then I said, okay, it looks like we were lied to.
But I should have gotten in a car and I should have gone down there three hours away and
I should have interviewed people like I used to do.
I didn't not do it because I've been sued for asking questions.
I still said, Jesse Smollett and Bubba Wallace were staged and we still, we think something
stayed to say it.
But I still kind of just stayed out of it because it's such a toxic situation.
And if it happens again like this, we won't be like that.
So I subconsciously backed off of this because it's so painful.
I mean, who wants to be around something like that and the grieving parents and others.
And so we dropped the ball.
We gave the police the benefit of the doubt because it's Texas and the police have been
under attack and I want to believe in the police.
But the head police chief of the school district there is in hiding.
He was already elected to the city council.
He won't talk to the press.
He won't talk to the state police for Texas Rangers.
He won't talk to the feds and who knows what happened because it turns out there weren't
police in there for an hour.
It turns out they weren't outside the barricaded door.
They now say none of that was true.
On what planet do we live for 70 plus minutes, hundreds of police stand around sitting on
their hands.
That's a nice way of saying it with their thumbs in their errands, doing nothing because
the head cop of the school district said so, who it turns out wasn't in radio communication
and who it turns out wasn't even on the scene.
That's dereliction of duty.
That is serious negligence and I want him indicted for negligence and I want him indicted
for fraud and I want everybody else that lied in trouble because if we don't keep the police
accountable, we're in a police state.
That doesn't mean when the left goes after them for no reason we back them.
But this is shameful and this is disgusting and quite frankly who the hell knows what
I'm really suspicious now of this police chief and I'm really suspicious of the whole thing
in the timing and the midterms and all of it and you got the white supremacists with
the feds and all of it and that's being covered up.
Is the average cop bad?
No, they followed orders and stood there but these moms had better instincts and the off
duty cops went and got their own kids.
So here's this powerful woman, who I really want to get on the show, I don't want to send
Kristi Lee down there to interview her or others, Uvaldi mom who saved kids from school
shooting says police threatened her.
This is Angela Gomez, this woman is who the police chief should be.
I am so ashamed of Texas, I'm ashamed that I bought their BS and I pissed.
Now I don't know what went on down there but for all we know it could be MKUltra.
For all we know, my God, yet again man, just like the Whitmer case I thought was staged,
I learned that it was all fake.
We need to find out what the hell is going on.
This guy told six friends he was going to shoot the school up, the police were told
and were not given a warrant to go after him.
Why are the police following orders?
It's following orders at a time like this and the cops tasing fathers and mothers, it's
disgusting and the police aided and abetted that murderer by protecting him while he killed
those people.
The rest of you because you're being very uncooperative, I said well you're going to
have to arrest him because I'm going in there and I'm telling you right now I don't see
none of y'all in there, y'all are standing with snipers and y'all are far away, if y'all
don't go in there I'm going in there.
He immediately put me in cuffs.
She says after Uvaldi police officers told marshals to uncuff Gomez, she ran towards
the school.
As soon as they uncuffed me I jumped that first gate fence and once I jumped it I went
to my son's class and I knocked on the door and I remember the teacher saying, I'm like
hey they're already, they're already, uh, boge cutting the fence to get me.
She's like you think we have time to get out, I say y'all have time, I'm going to run for
my other son.
Once she was assured her son was okay, Gomez ran to get her other child, encountering
more officers who tried to stop her.
So I start yelling and I'm being uncooperative and I'm like well y'all aren't doing **** what
are y'all doing, y'all ain't doing **** y'all need to be in here, give me a vest, somebody
give me a vest, something.
I started paying attention to how far the shots were being so that I knew the shooter
was all the way still by my first son's class.
So when I went to my second son's door the teacher didn't want to open the door for me
so that's when they started escorting me out and as I see that they're opening my son's
door I go run for my son and I get him.
With both of her kids out safe Gomez still can't shake the thought of those who didn't
make it.
So while you were inside the school did you see officers inside the school?
There was not one officer inside the school when I ran to my second son's class.
There was not one officer.
And you were here in gunshots so you knew that it was an active shooter.
You could hear the gunshots.
It was still active.
The gunshots were still active.
They were not in there.
There was no one in there.
If anything when I pulled out my car was closer to the school than where the snipers
and everybody that was laying on the ground were.
When you heard that it took law enforcement 75 minutes before they went in and stopped
the shooter, what was your thinking having been inside the school yourself?
I don't know.
I was just thinking that they could have saved many more lives.
They could have gone into that classroom and maybe two or three would have been gone.
So this woman followed her God given instinct.
She's a good mother and the police followed the criminal orders of that police chief who
needs to be in handcuffs right now.
Hey, I want him arrested now.
Arrest that son of a bitch right now.
Right now.
No more of this crap.
I've bitched out Florida for standing out for 14 minutes.
Texas stands down for over 70 shameful.
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The internet and talk radio are on fire with the slogan Alex Jones was right.
People ask, what's it like to be vindicated?
Well, it's actually very sick feeling because I knew this was coming.
I tried to stop it.
And now everything I've talked about is going to become more important than ever because
the globalists aren't hiding it anymore in policy reports and documents.
It's now out in the open.
Klaus Schwab said last week that they rule the earth.
The Bilderberg group founded Davos Group.
So now the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching.
The children are counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and
your financial support because without you, info wars would not be here.
I want you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war and you are the
reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you and salute you again for all you've done and ask you now to redouble
your efforts.
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Anything of real quality, anything of lasting durability, anything that's really satisfying
and empowering and fulfilling is going to be hard to attain.
And when it comes to information, boy is that true today.
We see the entire global corrupt into a human depopulation, great reset combine, trying to
collapse our society to build on its ashes, their transhumanist nightmare vision, suppressing
the voices of good people all around the world and of doctors and scientists and engineers
that are exposing all their lives, their COVID hysteria, their world's going to end in 2030,
carbon tax, global warming bull, all of it and none of it can succeed, none of it can
actually be carried out unless everybody is silenced and gas lit.
That's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence and that's
why it's hard to share infowar's links and band of video links, that's why we've got
to share them now more than ever.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption, it's Alex Jones.
Do you want to take a lie?
Do you want to cross that line?
Because it's a long way back from hell.
It wasn't until this Friday night that I hit a wall, I was supposed to be finishing my
nightly newsletter, but I'm not sure.
Do you like your new body?
I love it.
This is my biggest bucket list right here.
Have she gone or is she here?
Catherine Kennedy's employment status is queer.
Live coverage of the world burning.
This is the info war with Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us today.
Your call special guest coming up right now.
What's happening?
What are you over in the UK?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's not funny.
You're extremely handsome.
I want you to want me, I need you to need me, I love you to love me, and I'll get you
to love me.
Sweet love is just that fun here on there.
And it's good to have a balance, but at the same time, the world's a very serious place.
The way to reach new people is comedy, and that's what we're doing here today.
Serious stuff's come up right now.
I did not, did not see you cryin', I did not, did...
Yeah! I love this show!
Friday Night Tights!
Here they come and the star cannot wait
All hail Friday Night Tights!
I apologize, this is probably late
All hail Friday Night Tights!
Radical rise!
And bloody organize!
It's Friday Night Tights!
Friday Night Tights!
Time has come, they are finally here
All hail Friday Night Tights!
We're not affiliated, just so we're clear
All hail Friday Night Tights!
Sweet Mother Mary, tell me how you got real
It's Friday Night Tights!
Friday Night Tights!
Friday Night Tights!
Friday Night Tights!
Friday Night Tights!
Friday Night Tights!
Friday Night Tights!
You know, I love stuff like that
And I love going on comedy shows, I love having a lot of fun with people
And that's actually what I want to do, that's who I am
But we got serious issues to cover in this very serious world
So I asked one of the smartest lawyers I know
To fly out here from Los Angeles, this big six-story compound
And to take your calls today for the next hour
And 22 minutes we have left of them
But ahead of the next guest host that takes over, Gerald Salente, in the fourth hour
And we're going to open the phones up specifically
For all of you that have economic and tax questions
And the reason I hyped this so much
Is it's a total 360 win
And anything that's a win for everybody is where I live
Alex Jones lives in the 360 win
If it helps me and it helps you and it helps everybody
That's where I'm at, that's the Genesis factor
That's what God gave us
We're supposed to do stuff that helps ourselves and helps others
And if we got to get hurt ourselves to help others, well we do it
But that's if we have to, we want the 360 win
We don't want to be martyrs here, we need to, we'll do it
But we want the non-zero sum game
And so I asked him to fly here a few weeks ago
He was too busy because he's got so many companies and so many big things
And a big trust company they run, but he got here
And he's here actually to advise us on taxes and things
That's why he brought some of his great crew today
They're meeting just a few offices over from us
The Tyler Bennett, great tax lawyer, great guy
American Tax Solutions, JonesTaxRelief.com
They take you right to where it's the same site
But we get sponsorship from the number of people that go there
Just do a consultation, folks
You're crazy if you don't
JonesTaxRelief.com will put the toll free number on screen as well
But we're going to take calls starting next hour for a full hour
Your tax questions and believe me
Whether you are a busboy or whether you are a millionaire
You're doing a car dealership, you're a farmer, whether you're an auto mechanic
Or whether you're a teacher, it doesn't matter
The system has all these loopholes for themselves
They're totally legal that they don't want you to know about
So I'll give the number out as we go to break
Coming up here in a few minutes, but Tyler Bennett
You've also got a bunch of notes here
You knocked it out of the park today on American Journal with Harrison Smith
Well, thanks
Great to be back, Alex
And in studio here in the wonderful state of Texas
And you know what it's all about is inflation, okay
Because there's taxes, but then you're getting taxed again on inflation
And if you are not the fat cats at the top
And you don't have the proper representation
Dollars per donuts, you're paying more than you absolutely need to in taxes
Which, according to the IRS Bill of Rights
It's your right to pay the least amount as legally possible
Using all legal avenues available, right
And in this system that we exist in right now
It's akin to taxation without representation
Because you don't know what the tax laws are
And even the IRS has admitted
There are people that collect against you in the state
They don't know what the tax laws are either
They just go off of the map
I don't want to be clear right here
There's three or four groups
But there's globalists that pay no taxes on the system
There's people that know the loopholes
For the nouveau rich and the general public
That can mitigate it 90%
Then there's people that just sort of chumps and go along and get ripped off
And then there's people that believe a bunch of
Hey, I don't have to pay this, it's all a fraud
And you might be okay, you might get your legs broken
And I'm not bashing you if you do that
For me, this is the safest, clearest way to mitigate it
And not get put in prison
Absolutely Alex
So when we talk about those three groups
The group on top, it's a club, you and me
And all your listeners, we're never going to be part of their club
But the thing is, that specific group of corporations
And people, Facebook, Apple
They are, the oil companies now
They're posting record profits this year
And the reason is because inflation does not affect them
In the same way it does you and me
For you and me, we go to the gas pump
And we pay more for the same gallon of gas
Because our dollar is worth less
The corporations and the people on top of the pyramid
They just charge more and make more money
And I'm going to explain that when we come back
Because like, Biden's asked
Oh, let's increase corporation taxes
They'll just pass it on
Absolutely, they passed that on directly to the consumer
Just as they are doing with inflation right now
All right, Tyler Bennett, stay there
And I got articles from the Associated Press
And others to back you up
This is what they don't want you to know
And the thrill of my life is teaching people the hat trick
Teaching them the majestic trick
Because I want to empower you
I believe in you, and I'll be right back to you about this
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Leading a frontal assault
On the lies of the New World Order
It's Alex Jones
You may not get what you're after
But you can certainly learn
The secrets year to year
How they change the tax code
To screw you
And the CPAs and lawyers
Are always five years behind
But not a dollar a minute
Boom, cut and dry
Cut the chase
Save you so much money right now
On hundreds of different services
In fronts where they save you money
And they just get part of the savings
You get at jonestaxrelief.com
Which takes you to
American tax solutions
Now, I've had a lot of callers
And a lot of emails saying
Hey, I want to ask
Tyler Bennett questions on air
They can call you
At your Vegas offices
Your offices in LA
And other offices
They can get answers
But they want you
To answer questions
The next hour
We're going to probably
Take 20 phone calls
So get ready
We're going to go to you
Have your question
He's ready to answer it
The toll free number is
On the economy
On taxes
On corporations
On trust
You want real stuff
That the establishment uses
Not BS
Not vapor in the air
Not some of the patriotness
Info out there
To get your ass put in prison
But real information
How to work within the system
And not go to prison
And save most your money
Especially with this inflation
Going on
And let's put it on screen
Because I've got it here
In my folder
But let's put it on screen
The website is
And then there's also
A toll free number
Which I do not have memorized
Here it is
There it is
Tyler Bennett
Those calls are getting
Wrecked up
And loaded up right now
To ask you questions
But you've got a lot of notes there
Brother, take it away
All right, Alex
So as we were saying
Right before the commercial break
Those top 25 people, if you will
Made $400 billion last year
And collectively they paid
$13.4 billion in taxes
Now, if you do the math
That's less than 5%
And the reason why that's infuriating
Is you, me, and your audience
In the middle class here
We collectively as the middle class
Paid $146 billion
So we're paying 10 times
The amount of taxes
That these people are
And again, it's because
They use specific methods
That we know how to do
To help mitigate their taxes
For example, you know
There's trusts
We've talked about that before
There's corporations
And when you said a vapor-wisp
See, the thing is
The difference between a vapor-wisp
And a legal corporation
Or a legal trust
Is a piece of paper that is
You know, signed by an attorney
Contract power
And that's what these people
Make utilizations of
That the middle class doesn't
And it's because of a lack
Of education generally
You know, I never learned
In high school how to do taxes
Entity, any sort of
Financial literacy at all
That's by design
Exactly, it is by design
Because they want to keep
Their club just exactly that
You're not part of the cabal
So you can pay more in taxes
George Carlin says
It's a big club and you ain't it
That's exactly right
Brilliant, man
But this lets us crash the club
So what they do
What the globalists do is
They're right here
Their assets are right here
And they put the most amount
Of entities, trusts, corporations
Literally pieces of paper
In between them
And they act like it's all
Super secret, but really
It's all right there for anybody
It is actually right there
For anybody in the tax code
But I've told people this
Before, if you're ever
Can't sleep at night and you're up
Take a read of just a few pages
Of the tax code
You'll be out in minutes
Because it's written to be
Horribly boring and hard to understand
And that is, again, by design
But we
Every line sources some other document
So let me just say
Income, one word
That definition is 60 pages
Of the tax code
So there you go
Not to mention the regulations
But you eat, drink, and sleep
I call you at 2 a.m. you answer
You eat, drink, and sleep
To the son of your other lawyers
And ZBAs
You guys are on the cutting edge
Because, again, they changed
Every year or two
So the general public doesn't get it
You're with the new thing
So the truth is this is very easy
But you're gonna have to change it
Every year or two
And that's where good
Intending tax firms fall behind
Because they're not up to date
On the tax changes
Every year, every few years
You know, if you've got crypto
Ask yourself, can your account
And spell Ethereum?
If not, you probably have to run
Against other tax firms
I called YouTube
But I called like four others
They're like, how do they know
You've got millions of donations
They don't even know what blockchain is
So I'm explaining to them what it is
And so that's not a good situation
When your tax guy knows less
About crypto and DeFi than you do
And what that also means
Is they're scared of it
Just like the IRS
When the IRS has labeled anyone
Who has crypto a criminal
In their news press release
You know, your average tax firm
And you know, not talking any crap
They are risk adverse
And they do not want you to have
An audit or them to get audited
Because that's going to hurt them
But you get protected
By having a law firm like yours behind you
Yes, so what they do
You guys write a letter, you certify it
They overcompensate
And in the essence, you lose money
Deductions you could have had
Because they don't want to be
An advocate for you
They just want to
And that's the reason I get you on
Because this is so solution-based
And it's all right there
Yeah, listen
It's in the taxpayer bill of rights
Not to pay a dime more than you owe
And so, listen
We'll take the IRS to court
If they want us to
Well, just off record
I don't want to say the name of the firm
But I believe you
I know you're great
That's why you're a sponsor
But months ago
When this all started happening
Donations of crypto
I went to one of the other big firms in stone
And I said, here's the plan I've been given
They said, yeah, that's a debt on plan
What you recommended
It's just debt on
I mean, listen
But other lawyers
And they're like
I'm not being mean
They just
That's there in the old world
They're like dinosaurs
That's what I was saying before
So, I mean
These people went to college
And stuff
And they think, you know what
It's the law's not going to change that much
And I can just continue going forward
Well, you can
But you're going to end up paying the IRS
More than you need to
Because the laws
The munitia changes every year
And we have to be up to date on that
Like, for example
The $650 filing requirement for Etsy, eBay
That kind of thing
That's a direct attack on the middle class
And if you talk about that
Anything like $600 or more
Biden once reported
Right, so
There's this concept called the tax gap
That is the difference between
The amount of money that the United States spends
And the amount of money that it generates
In tax revenue
Now, if we were just to tax
The globalist half a percent more
The entire tax gap would close
But instead, of course
Because we're not part of their cabal
They said, hey
Let's tax good old mom and pop
Who made $1,000 selling
Who they said were non-essential
They're at war with the middle class
Right, they are
They want the middle class
To be depleting of their savings accounts
And be completely
Relying upon the government forever
Well Schwab admits that
Here's a few headlines, AP
Inflation divide
The wealthy splurge
The poorest pull back
They're using all their fiat currency
Byverting up, AP
Wall Street Journal
Individual income tax payments
On pace to reach record level
So the globalists pay almost nothing
1% on average
The average person's paying record level
That's not fair
And it's all in the code
Absolutely, and one of the main reasons
For that is individuals
You and me
We have a graduated tax code
That means as inflation makes
More money available
We are going to pay more of that
As a percentage
The bottom line is survived during this
Inflation attack
People better use the establishment's
Loopholes now or they're done
Corporations and trust is the name of the game
So this is survival folks
That's why I'm all about solutions
I'm all about victory
It's why we're doing this
With a hardcore law firm
That just cuts right the chase
American Tax Solutions
Takes you right there
You are insane
If you don't call them
They do a non-disclosure deal
And then they look at your information
An assessment
That's right
It's all attorney-client privilege
So you can tell us whatever
But listen
We've been talking about the future
Tax planning
If the IRS is already after you
They're threatening phone calls
They're coming to your house
We take care of that as well
We can get you protected
And stop them and the state
From violating your rights immediately
Hundreds of services
At JonesTaxRelief.com
We'll put the toll-free number on screen
We're going to come back
And we're going to take your phone call
Susan, Josh, Josh
Bill, David, Kathy, Tina
Valerie, Kelly, Angela
A lot of women callers
Usually about one woman
Call her with five males
Half those are women callers
We're going to go right to your phone calls
But first we come back
George Carlin clip
It's a big club and you ain't in it
And then right to your calls
With Tyler Bennett
Of JonesTaxRelief.com
That's just a sponsorship link
To American Tax Solutions
You are insane
If you don't get the assessment
You don't do it
We're all about solutions
We want our listeners to be prepared
And ready and to prosper
Under enemy attack
Not just survive
Toll-free number will be on screen as well
Back with hour number three
And your phone calls
And Tyler Bennett
All right
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And keep Infowars in the air
While getting great products
Leading a frontal assault
On the lies of the New World Order
It's Alex Jones
It's never going to get me better
Don't look for it
Be happy with what you got
Because the owners of this country
Don't want that
I'm talking about the real owners now
The real owners
The big wealthy business
And just to control things
And make all the important decisions
Forget the politicians
The politicians are put there
To give you the idea
That you have freedom of choice
You don't
You have no choice
You have owners
They own you
They own everything
They own all the important things
They own and control the corporations
They've long since bought and paid
For the Senate, the Congress
The city halls
They got the judges in their back pockets
And they own all the big media companies
So they control just about all the news
And information you get to hear
They got you by the balls
They want obedient workers
Obedient workers
People who are just smart enough
To run the machines
And do the paperwork
And just dumb enough
To passively accept jobs
With the lower pay
The longer hours
The reduced benefits
The end of overtime
And the vanishing pension
That disappears the minute you go to collect it
And now they're coming for your social security money
So they can give it to their criminal friends
On Wall Street
It's a big club
And you ain't in it
And you said recently
When you give
They do whatever the hell you want them to do
You better believe it
So what specifically did they do?
If I ask them
If I need them
Most of the people on this stage
I've given to
Just so you understand
A lot of money
You and I are not in the big club
The owners of this country know the truth
It's called the American Dream
Because you have to be asleep to believe it
But I'll tell you what they don't want
They don't want a population of citizens
Capable of critical thinking
They don't want well-informed, well-educated people
Capable of critical thinking
They're not interested in that
That doesn't help them
That's against their interest
That's right
From the front lines of the Information War
It's Alex Jones
And everything we cover here
Is giving you the secrets
Of how they're screwing you
Because we are not with the globalist
We are with the people
We are with our children
Tyler Bennett
We're going to break here in a few minutes
We're going to come back with calls
But other key points
Well, I just want to say that
You know, that George Carlin clip
Is so salient
Because 25, 30 years ago
He's saying
They're going to come after your social security
Well, they've already done that, right?
And if you make more than $25,000
On top of your social security
They're going to tax it 50%
And the more you make, they'll start taxing
More and more of your social security
And it's absurd and ridiculous
That you paid into the system
And they're going to tax you for it
So give us a call
We can help out with people on a W-2
1099, whatever
You're paying too much to the government
Stop it
And they're maneuvering us
Where we play by their games
We're going to go bankrupt
And be insolvent
Where they want to control us
That's why everybody has to do this
That's absolutely correct, Alex
Because we all know that the grand scheme
Of the plan here
Is to divest the middle class from all its wealth
So they will not be able to combat
They won't be in a financial position
This is why they're coming after your guns, too
So that you can't combat what happens
And you'll be forced to comply
And you'll have nothing
You'll own nothing
And you'll be happy
And you're about in the next hour delay
All that out with phone calls
Tyler Bennett
Takes you right to American Tax Solutions
That way we get the sponsorship
They know you came from us
There's also a toll free number
You are insane
You are letting them screw you over
If you don't use the law
They actually wrote
That the regular CPAs and lawyers
Are four, five, six, seven, ten years behind
Some of them covering something
They did 20 years ago in college
And not even telling you
How they write new loopholes every year
And change them within 18 months
For themselves
Use the law for yourself
Go to
Or 833-900-4285
The most important call you can make
Financially during this inflation
This economic attack is 833-900-4285
Or Jonestaxforleaf.com
I am so passionate about this
Because I am sick of them
Using their fraudulent system
Against the people
Or Jonestaxforleaf.com
We'll be right back with Tyler Bennett
And your phone calls on the other side
I tell you, when we archive this
At Band-Aid video today
Take this little segment
And put it on the front
Because you knocked it out of the park
And so did George Carlin
Stay with us, your phone calls
Talking to a real tax expert
And lawyer straight ahead in 60 seconds
We'll be right back
Tell everybody you know
Tune in and share this knowledge
I don't care if you work in a cafeteria
Or pump gas
Or whether you're a farmer
Or rancher, a doctor, a lawyer
Or a millionaire
Fortune and Money Magazine
Have all done these profiles
You see it every year
30 different tax returns
30 different answers
50 different tax returns
50 different answers
And almost all of them
Just screw you over
Especially the big firms
And the big tax groups
Because they're part of the system
And they don't want the general public
Understanding this and knowing this show
It's a very important situation
With inflation
And all the things out there hurting everybody
To be able to do things tax wise
It's legal and lawful
That allows you to keep more of your money
We wouldn't even be here
If I hadn't gotten great tax advice
In the last few years
The only way you fail
Is not writing down the URL
One word, Jonestaxrelief.com
Or call 833-900-4285
And here we are
Yet again
Living through that cycle
This Monday, June 6, 2022 broadcast
Tyler Bennett, lawyer
The owner and the head of
American Tax Solutions
We're about to go to the phone calls, my friend
Answer tax questions
I'm excited
Let's spend a few minutes before we do that
About the services at
Powered by American Tax Solutions
Because there's so many
I've got a big list here
But you guys can do so much
It's not just a tax season situation
It's not
And there is a multitude of
Services we provide
But in order to make it
Easy to understand
There is pretty much three areas
In the tax world, okay
There is the present
That's doing your tax return this year
There is the future
Which is making sure you pay
The least amount of taxes possible
Through entities, corporations, trusts
And whatnot
And there's the past
Which means you're already
In a hole
And you can't afford to pay
What they claim you owe
And you need protection
So you've got bookkeeping
You've got business consulting
You've got business entity selection
You've got state and trust
Tracks preparation
You've got financial statements
You've got IRS representation
Payroll services, retirement planning
Sales tax services, tax preparation and planning
Tax levies, liens release
Was that key
Wage, garnishment release
In penalties and interest
Oh, that's key
Tax negotiation settlement
Reduce IRS tax fee
Resolve back taxes
IRS audit defense
Payroll tax negotiation
And more
At jonestaxrelief.com
All right, let's go to the phone calls here
In the order
These amazing calls have been received
Let's talk to Susan in California
Susan, you're on the air
With Tyler Bennett
Alex, God bless you
And God bless you, Tyler
Thank you
I'm a small business owner
I have an LLC acting as a partnership
I have worked for one year
To get a trademark
I have a trademark
They're telling me if I convert
To an S-Corp or a C-Corp
I may lose my trademark
You guys handle that?
We do
So let me ask you a question, Susan
Is most have been a multi-member LLC
If you're being treated as a partnership?
Okay, so who's your partner?
I mean, is it your husband
Or is it someone not in your family?
No, it's a producing partner
I work in Los Angeles
It's a production company
Okay, so that's where a little bit
Of this wrinkle is
Because partnerships are flow-through entities
On the federal level
You have to deal with both your taxes
And your partner's taxes
And that's why you're telling me right now
You want to get into a corporate setup
Because that prevents any kind of
Overpayment of taxes
She needs a reorganization
That's exactly what she needs
But she's concerned about the trademark
Being able to go to the new company
And we can help with that
That's a federal level
See, corporations, partnerships
All entities exist on the state level
However, copyright is a federal issue
And so we just need to talk to the right people
And get it going
Because, yes, once the ownership
Of that trademark is distinguished
Because the partnership is half you
Half the production company
That's the wrinkle right now
And that's why I would tell anybody
Who wants to be a partner
Go into business with a partner
Don't be a partnership
Be a corporation straight off the bat
That way you have an equal amount of stock
Or however you want to decide it
And the IRS isn't going to tell you
How much you have to pay in taxes
You're going to decide that
You've got it
And I'm a proud member of the CUT
Pays the stumble
That's right
That's right
Keep it up
So generally, you don't want to be in partnerships
What do you just call it?
Is contract agreement?
Well, so a partnership is
A common law entity, Alex
So if you are just, if me and you decide
Hey, let's go into business right now
But we don't actually create any legal documents
We're going to be considered a partnership
On the state level
And the federal level is just going to disregard that
And tax us both individually on our 1040s
And so because of that
If you have a partner that, let's say
Took more than in distributions
Or took less than distributions
It doesn't matter, at the end of the day
You're going to get taxed
The point is, she sends you her info
You can give her a quick assessment
Absolutely, Susan
So I got people standing by right now
We can give you absolutely a consultation
And get you into business
And notice, Susan, he right away
To everything you were talking about
God bless you, we love you
Alright, let's talk to Josh in Texas
Josh, go ahead, sir
Yeah, first of all, my dad
Who worked for himself
He successfully and legally approved himself
To never pay an income tax
Because there is no law that says
In America, in the private sector
A business has to file a 1040
Oh, yeah, there are a lot of people
That end up never even paying anything
Tyler, I see you nodding
I'm sorry, keep going, Josh
Well, also, under the article 6209
It also says that the IRS
Is a British Monarch Collection Agency
So why are we telling people
That they should file a 1040
When we should be telling people
That they shouldn't pay income tax at all
When the law doesn't even exist
Well, here's the deal, Josh
I foreshadowed this earlier
You have the globalists that pay no tax
And run the system
They have the loopholes they've written
For all their minions
We're talking about how within the system
To do that
Some people decide not to do it
But I can tell you
You got a bunch of employees
You're on a big operation
They're gonna come after you
You're like, well, they're a fraud
Yeah, and they got federal grand juries
That'll indict you and put you in jail
And so we're being completely honest
That it's all a fraud
The 60th Amendment's a fraud
We don't believe in any of it
We're talking about the other path
Of mitigating it massively
Or you can go the way you've gone
So I'm not debating what you're saying
But yes, you are correct, Josh
There are many inconsistencies
From the 16th Amendment onward
That you could say invalidate
Your obligation to pay taxes
However, all of these issues
Have already been litigated
By, guess who, the IRS
In their favor
And these specific arguments
Are called tax protester arguments
If you assert this
And don't pay your taxes
You're gonna get hit with a penalty and a fine
Is it right? No, but listen
Like Alex said, we have to exist
In the world that we live in
Because we're not globalists, okay
And so let me tell you
If you want to sue the government
Because you don't believe that
The tax you paid is right
The proper venue to do it
Is to pay the tax and then sue the government
You may actually win
The crypto-tezos guys won that way
They paid the tax and then sued the government
Do not pay your taxes
Because you don't believe
Some people can fly on the radar
And never do it, illegal aliens don't do it
All I'm saying is
I'm not gonna give advice out on air
On how you should never pay any of these taxes
Of course they're a fraud, okay
All we're saying is
Here's the way the elites don't
Not pay it and use
The British common law, magistrate
Governor general
Crown argument
They just write the loopholes and don't do it
So if your thing was the best
They don't use that
And the reason is if you type in IRS
Frivolous arguments into Google right now
The thing you just mentioned
Both of them will show up
Because the IRS has already litigated it
I would never steer my audience
You could go to Mexico by a car
With a Mexican plate, get a Mexican ID
And say you're Juan Sanchez
And you might actually live your life pretty good
If you just run a restaurant
Or mow yards or whatever and never pay taxes
If that's what you want to do, do it
I'm talking about people that are raped by the CPAs
Rape by the lawyers
Who are going to go along with the system
Well, no, there's these loopholes for you
We're giving people that option, you understand
We're giving options here, sir
Yeah, I do, but I just think
You know, we all know in the Constitution
That income tax is a third form
Of taxation and completely
Unapportioned and unconstitutional
None of you are allowed to make you waive your rights
To Fifth Amendment violations
And Fourth Amendment violations and all of them
I get all that
You understand what we're doing is a separate thing
From the whole
Patriot movement and what they say
And a lot of the stuff they say is true
But most people end up getting in a lot of trouble doing that
Yes, I agree with the
Patriot movement's view on taxes
But I exist in this world
We're not of the globalist class
We're not of the IRS's class
They are city hall
And they make the rules
We're trying to show you the tricks the elites use
Patriot arguments
Of course
Of course the New World Order
And all the system
And it's all a fraud
We're not debating that, we're saying
How does the establishment avoid it
Where they don't go to jail
We're not creating our own new system
They write the law to get out of it
Absolutely correct
So we know that the law has
It's like a video game that has a cheat sheet code
And you can always not play the game
But you're here
Thank you sir, and I knew we'd get those calls
I'm not mad at Josh
Very legitimate, that's why we're with
They get all of that
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The first ten amendments to our country's constitution were adopted in 1792
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It's Alex Jones
The articles that Jeff Bezos last year
Made something like $40 million in memory serves
And he paid zero tax
Elon Musk, because he's not part of the establishment now
I'm not saying he's perfect
He had to pay $16 million
That was still a small amount of his profit
The Google pays less than 1% a year
They don't use, oh, the British Crown controls America
And, you know, these UCC filings and all this
That works for a lot of people
Because the system's overwhelmed
And it is all about self-compliance
And about making you wave your rights
We get all that
We're not defending the system
We're saying you could be a globalist
Which none of us are
Or you could know their loopholes
To protect yourself 90%
Or you could be a schmuck
And do everything they say
And follow along with it
Or you can just go rogue
Which I kind of admire people that are doing that
I mean, the system's rogue
It's broken the social contract
It's totally out of control
The border's completely collapsed
They're shipping fentanyl in
They got pedophile drag queen story time
I'm not judging you
We're here talking about what the establishment does
To protect themselves
Because they're not using the patriot model
Tyler Bennett
I agree, because, look
I don't want to give any of my money
More than I have to to the government
That's doing things that I disagree with, right?
But the tax loopholes that were put in place
That we use, that the globalists use
Are they put in place and exist
That you must know where they are
These types of...
The IRS is not a legitimate organization
Of U.S. government
Or they can't tax me for this reason, that reason
Those are what's called tax protester arguments
And I would say that's a red herring
That the IRS put in the code
Because they want you to make those assertions
So that then they can come back
And penalize you 100% penalty
For making what's known as...
That's right, they don't want you to know the information
We're laying out there, folks
And again, if people want to completely go rogue
And everything more power to you
We're talking about, I'm not going to steer listeners
Into a fight with the globalist mafia
I'm going to give you the secrets
Of the cheat codes they've got
Exactly, and you got to remember
There's a 1 out of 200 chance
Every year of being audited
That's just the reality of the situation
So a lot of people do crazy things
And get away with it for some time
But eventually the dice will roll your nose
That's right, I don't need that in my life
Like Tony Montana says
I'm not going to kill this guy and his daughters
He doesn't need that in his life
I'm not going to steer you into BS
Or like certain people saying
Oh, we got the voting machine proof
Trouble me back in August
Sure, that was popular while they were saying it
But it wasn't real
I'm in the long haul here, folks
I'm not here to screw you over
I would rather die than give you bad advice
And it's true because
Just like making money, right?
It's a quick, quick money to be made
It's gone just like that
But if you build a business
And every day you put in your toil
The sweat of your brow
That's money that you're going to build up
And build up and build up
And so if these tax arguments are like that
Sure, you might be able to get out of it
For one or two years before they audit you
And then you'll pay it all back
But let's just build the ship correctly
The first way
So you're paying the least amount
Yeah, they don't want people knowing the tricks they use
That's right
And I'm just trying to get patriots to realize this
And I'm not knocking them for what they've done
If they can be not part of the system
We're power to them
I mean, if you can go off the grid and do that
More power to you
As a tax professional
I cannot legally advise that you do that
But I will make sure you're paying the least amount of money
Well, it's like the mafia comes and says
We'll burn down your grocery store
If you don't hire our cousin and pay us money
Yeah, it's right to stand up against them
But is that the battle you're choosing?
Right, exactly
And the way we choose to fight that battle
Is we will give to Caesar
What is Caesar's
But not one penny more
We disagree with that
And they've written the loopholes where you pay almost nothing
All right, next up here
Let's move quick to these calls now
Let's go ahead and talk to Josh in Florida
Josh, welcome
Hey, how are we doing?
Great, great info
This information is probably the most powerful
To that last caller
That was like a strongman argument
We live in the real world
We live in the real world
And people like that are dangerous
You could tell with his feminine crackling voice
The only fight he's ever fought was in a chat room
But anyway, let me process
I've been a single member LLC since 2016
And I'm in e-commerce as well
I have my own screen printing business
I sell on Etsy, Amazon, Shopify
Alex, I'd love to do some fulfillment
If you need some weight
Lift it off your shoulders
But anyway, first couple years was good
Now everything is getting harder
And harder with profits
Oh, yeah
I also have IT security certifications
And I'm thinking about starting a consulting company
So I have an LLC
Now, if I start another entity
How would I absorb the LLC?
What's the best way?
I'm sorry?
Do you want to finish your question?
Yeah, yeah
So I was just saying
I have a single member LLC now in e-commerce
I'm thinking about switching to IT consulting
Starting a new firm
But I still want it all to be under one umbrella
And I'd like to know
The name of the game here is because
You can have, listen, when you have multiple different business ventures
That's where LLC is coming to play
Because you can have it all umbrella into your parent company
Which I would suggest having a C corporation
That way it's off your personal taxes altogether
Pays a separate tax code
If the business, you know, heaven forbid fails
It's not going to be your personal debt
Either the tax debt or whatever
So you just take the profit and pay tax on that
But it's a separate thing
This is something that the elite do all the time
The top five Fortune 500 companies
They routinely load up a corporation with debt
And then just sync it
Because that's it
A corporation is a separate taxpayer in the United States
And the tax debt that it owes to Ccore
Is not yours as an individual
So Josh needs to call you
You have a non-disclosure attorney club privilege
They can give him real advice
But yeah, Ccore brother, right?
That's exactly right
And for as many different business ventures as you have
A separate LLC for each one
Well, that's like these big, you know,
$100 billion Hollywood companies
Every film is a new Ccore
And then whether it makes money or not
It's for liability purposes
See, when I started studying tax law
I realized half of tax law is about paying the least amount
To the government
The other half is protecting your assets
From anybody
Your creditors, the IRS
Well, that's like in this bankruptcy
The sewers go
Why do you have another corporation
Runs the supplements?
Because we went and got an FDA lawyer
That's what they said to do
I mean
Yeah, exactly
Because at the end of the day
If a bad, if it's a rainy day
For one of your corporations, one of your LLCs
Every other single one is still in operation
And again, the globalists set this up
Where they can win and then we lose
Everything is about shutting us down
Everything is about making us non-essential
If we just know their playbook
And their tricks, they can't beat us
That's exactly right
And that's what we'll do for you
Give me a call
God bless you, sir
Great points, Josh
All right, we're going to go to break
We're going to do 15 minutes the next hour
So it's going to taste cool with that
So I want to be able to take a lot of calls
From Joshua
And from Bill
And from Kathy
And from Tina
And from Valerie
And from Flex
And from Jeremiah
And from Tim
And so many others
Tole free number to join us
Ladies and gentlemen
It's 877-789-2539-877-789 Alex
Nothing is more frustrating, folks
Than knowing they've written a cope of themselves
Like George Carlin said
And we're not using it
It's insane
We'll be right back
You need to learn this
This is so powerful
It's why I'm harping on it
Tyler Bennett's our guest today with us
I want to take a minute out
To address the viewers and listeners of M4Wars
And to remind you that we've been vindicated
And that world government
And its tyrannical aim of depopulation
Is now out of the open
Everything you and I have done together
Has been distorted
And we cannot continue in this fight
Without your support
I want to encourage you all
To be part of history right now
While you still can
To get the third and final coin
In the founding member coin series
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At 1776coin.com
In just a few days this coin
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And you will have the coin in your possession
And know you helped M4Wars
Stay on air at the most critical time
In our 28-year history
So I want to thank you all for your support
And I want to encourage you all
To be part of history
And to get this historic memento
To keep us on air at M4WarsTour.com
Or 1776coin.com
While you still can
You know, it's going back to
What we all thought was going to happen
In the 90s when the internet
And mobile technology first came out
Which is, we thought, you know,
This is going to level the playing field
Everybody's going to have access
To the same information
And everybody's going to be able
To freely communicate that information
That's our goal
To get back to that place
Where we all have access
To all of the information
We all have the ability
To freely communicate that information
With whomever we want
Whenever we want
And we don't have to worry about anybody
Tracking what we're doing
And trying to judge us
Or categorize us
Or figure out some way
To go after us
Because of the conversations
We're having
Because of the internet searches
That we're doing
Because of the discussions
The people we want to talk to
About these things
So that's our goal
Is to help people take back
Their freedom
By helping them to take back
Their privacy
And so that's really what
We're trying to do
And so I hope that everybody
Listening will check us out
At boltowireless.com
That's B-O-L-T-A
I want to thank all of you
Over the years
Who have supported InfoWars
Financially with word of mouth
And prayer.
All the success that we've had
Together against the globalists
And the fact that we're not
Caught flat-footed during
Their major takeover
Is because of you.
Humanity has a real fighting
That's what I want to thank you
All for buying products
At InfoWars4.com
Like books and films
And supplements
And water filtration
Air filtration is so much more
But for those of you that want
To actually give us a straight
Donation so we get almost
100% of the money
To fund our operation
During this critical time
Go to InfoWars4.com
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I want to thank all of you
That have donated
I want to encourage those of you
Out there that want to support
Freedom to take action now
And be part of the global
Awakening, the new renaissance
That's countering the great reset
By going to InfoWars4.com
And clicking on the donate button
And giving today
Thank you so much for your support
Please take action.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show with Gerald Salente.
It was great to be on the Alex Jones show.
And, you know, again, do what you can to support InfoWars.
You know, I cover the world with the Trends Journal magazine.
And every day, one of the first sites I go to is InfoWars.
And I go all over the world.
I go to the Global Times of China.
I go to the Japanese Times.
I go to Fars News Agency over there in Iran.
I go to IRNA, another Iranian.
I go to Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, Ha Ha That's...
I want to get all the information I can to see what in the world is going on,
what it means, what's next, so that we could give the Trends Journal subscribers
the information that they need to prepare, prevail, and prosper in these times ahead.
And InfoWars, as I said, is one of the first sites I go to.
And it's very important to support them.
Because I spend, also, $5 a day to read the Wall Street Journal.
UK celebrates Queen Elizabeth's second seven-decade-on throne.
Who cares?
What do I care?
Seven decades on the throne.
All the nobility.
Oh, we all, we all, we're just vassals.
We're nobodies.
Do you know this nobility?
When they sit on the toilet, they don't even have toilets,
because they're way above us.
They know nothing happens to them.
Nope, nope, nope.
Never sneeze, never cough, never do anything.
They are the nobility.
Why am I hearing this crap?
What the hell are you trying to shove down my throat?
The nobility.
Oh, yeah, the nobility.
Those wonderful people from the UK.
And you could put an FU in there, too,
and throw a C any place you want.
The sun never sets on the British Empire.
Oh, that nobility chain.
That wonderful nobility chain.
Sun never sets on the British Empire.
We'll go all over the world,
but Selenji, know your voice,
and be proper, like the English.
They always speak so properly,
as they murder people all over the world.
And you like it over there in India, huh?
How do you know it?
A couple of hundred years or so.
Oh, yeah, Gandhi over there.
Let's kill him.
He wants freedom, why?
How dare he?
How dare he?
Oh, yeah, that place called Myanmar?
That used to be called Burma?
The murderous, murderous, slimy English.
Hey, an American now could join the club,
because that vein is still going there,
about murdering people all over the world.
You got that little clown over there.
You got Boris Johnson.
Yeah, Boris Johnson.
That our great artist, Anthony Frieder,
who does those magnificent covers
for the Trends Journal.
If I said Anthony, I want you to make me
a picture of the clown
that's running the UK now, Boris Johnson.
He couldn't come up with a better clown than that.
And it's real life.
Oh, and they're sending more weapons over to Russia.
Oh, oh, and clown, clown Johnson said,
we want you to do everything we can to help you win.
What am I mean?
What am I shoving down his garbage down my throat?
What do I care of the queen?
There he is, all right?
Boris Johnson.
The clown of a little arrogant jerk
off over there in the UK.
And then you pick up the Wall Street Journal the next day.
Sandberg set exit meta post-info.
Top story.
Top story.
What do I care?
What do I care about this?
What do I care?
Oh, why, Selenchi, calm down and be proper like the English,
or better yet, be that you're an American.
You could play half American like Barack Obama.
And he was always folks, folks,
poking us all the time.
I want that guy to die for you.
I want that guy to die.
So be proper like him.
What do I care about this garbage
that they shoved down our throat?
It's a garbage can.
It's a garbage can.
The mainstream media is a garbage can.
I got a great buddy.
He's all upset every day.
Well, I watched the news.
They said this about the news.
I said, why are you watching this?
Will you stop it?
You're an intelligent person.
And it's like going to McDonald's to eat every day.
You want to eat junk food, blow up and blimp out.
Watch junk news.
Blow your brains out and dumb down.
Can you see what's going on over here?
Your brain, why?
Here we go.
America, America.
Most obese country in the world.
Again, if I get elected, I want a fat tax.
The more you weigh, the more you pay.
I don't want to pay for this.
You're driving up all the health care costs.
How about natural healing?
Have you ever heard Gary know?
How about Mercola?
No, no, no, no.
We got to ban them.
Can't have them around.
Not a word about natural healing as they saw us the COVID war.
And again, you get these great products on info wars that can help heal you.
And this is the time to get in the best shape you can spiritually, emotionally or physically.
So do what you can with these products because they're there to help you.
One after another.
And you know, my favorite.
Super male vitality.
Got to get that.
Got to get that vitality going.
Because look at the clowns that were on the show.
Drop a boogie, not an ounce of jive.
Tight cats and tight kittens.
So you got these great, great products and they got a info wars stores.
Super summer sale that you don't want to miss 40% off 50% off one deal after another.
This is the time to get in shape the best way you can.
By the way, you know, when I went on the air before I got here, rather, I looked at the markets.
The doubt was down.
This morning was up 300 points.
Where's it going?
What's next?
What to do?
We come back.
We're going to talk a lot about that.
There's a lot going on.
Never in my life have I seen anything like this.
I'm very sad about the state of what's happened to this country.
From ragtime to swing.
To rock and roll.
To Motown.
And now it's no town.
One bad rap with one bad attitude.
We'll be right back.
I love it.
It's 2495.
Alex Jones is right on the front.
The Red Thunderbolt.
And then again, on the back, a big bold info wars dot com.
Exercise your first amendment.
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Everybody that's watching this needs to support Alex Jones needs to support info wars and band dot video.
You know, the Bible says let another mouth praise you.
I'm going to do that right now.
Alex Jones has helped so many people in this industry.
You guys have no idea how many people have got their first start like Savannah Hernandez.
How many people have just been put on a launch pad outer space because of Alex Jones, including myself.
I've been given so many opportunities because of this man and because of this platform.
And I would probably not even be half of where I am right now if it weren't for Alex Jones.
I mean, I've been able to be on podcast with Alex and Joe Rogan and Tim cast the super Tim cast IRL.
Listen, what I'm saying is do not take Alex Jones and band dot video for granted because you don't know what you have until it's gone.
We need to support free speech systems right now.
So go check out the store.
Go support their store.
Go support info wars.
Leave a donation right now.
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The globalists are hoping you don't take action.
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The internet and talk radio are on fire with the slogan Alex Jones was right.
People ask what's it like to be vindicated?
Well, it's actually very sick feeling because I knew this was coming.
I tried to stop it.
And now everything I've talked about is going to become more important than ever because the globalists aren't hiding anymore in policy reports and documents.
It's now out in the open.
Klaus Schwab said last week that they rule the earth, the Bilderberg group founded Davos group.
So now the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching the children counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and your financial support because without you, info wars would not be here.
So I want you to really internalize the fact that you are the info war and you are the reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you and salute you again for all you've done and ask you now to redouble your efforts.
And now, your host, Gerald Salente.
Hey, great to be in on the Alex Jones show.
And as that cover of the Trends Journal shows, ignorance is bliss, knowledge is power.
I just was talking about, you know, these covers about the queen's holiday over here, you know.
One newspaper after another, all the news.
This is from the Jerusalem Post on June 4th.
Whether or not you're in the UK, an expatriate Brit or just someone who loved the crown, they have the crown in italics, the crown.
Oh, yeah, dressed up in these Halloween costumes and all these guys with all these little metals on them.
Oh, how nice it is they got these metals. Well, I bent over and got that metal and I kneeled down and got that metal and I bent.
What are you doing with this?
It's a Halloween costume. What am I six years old?
Oh, no, Salente, they are the royalty.
You are just a surf, a worker in a global plantation of slave landia.
We love the crown. It's clear. You ready?
That the world can't get enough of the royal family.
Whether it's the wedding of Kate Middleton to Prince William.
Yeah, Prince. Yeah, boy. Yeah, boy.
Prince, I got to pick it up and put it on a plastic bag.
Oh, oh, I forgot the prince doesn't do that.
Look at these costumes that they wear.
You're loyal. Look at this crap.
How can anybody with a brain bigger than a pea swallowed his garbage?
Look at them. Look at them.
And they send people to go get killed.
Look at them. Hollywood.
Hey, little costumes.
It's larger than life aura that seemed to surround the monarchy,
which, no matter how tarnished, still shines brightly.
Like, God, but you paid me to write this crap.
Here's what the story is about.
There he is. Hey, Prince. Yeah, boy.
Yeah, boy. Hey, how'd you get that gold, uh, that gold little thing there?
What's that thing with the barring with those two things hanging down
and that little look emblem you got down there? Huh?
Yo, I love that red with the blue stripe.
Oh, how elegant.
Hey, Halloween costume. Look at this guy. Look at this.
Here's what they do to you. Get this in your head, everybody.
We're nothing but peons.
The authorities are in charge.
You've got California Gavin, witness Gavin Newsom over there.
Another arrogant daddy's boy telling you what to do.
It's one country after another.
One state after another.
They do this so you are nothing.
You're presidents. You're prime ministers.
Hey, roll out the red carpet.
I won't work. Walk on regular ground.
How dare you? I want that red carpet.
Red carpet.
They get the red carpet treatment as they steal our money.
These clowns never work a day in their lives,
just like your senators and congressmen,
just like your state senators and mayors.
This is the authoritarian message to putting your brain,
to brainwash you because you're nothing.
You're not nobility.
Well, I was born in the Bronx.
I'm just a nobody.
It's brainwashing.
It's brainwashing to the fullest extent.
Leaving humanity.
Great book by Joe Durand, one of our writers.
It's all part of it.
It's been going on forever.
It's a freak show.
Anyway, enough of the freaks.
Speaking of which,
Biden makes fervent plea to strict the gun lords.
How much more carnage are we willing to accept?
Oh, how much more carnage?
Hey, that little boy blinking.
Another day's boy.
Oh, he's in the royalty club.
Oh, the little blinkers in the royalty.
I went to Dalton.
I went to Harvard.
My daddy.
My daddy.
Oh, my daddy.
Look at all the weapons you're sending over there.
Look at all the weapons.
Mass murder.
What are you talking about?
Gun control?
What are you going to control?
Anybody who wants to get a gun could get a gun.
Just like you lowlife pieces of garbage.
You put all those, oh, three strikes you're out.
Oh, you remember that one, Biden?
Hey, man, smoking a joint.
Lock them up.
Three strikes you're out.
Oh, but now we're going to legalize it
because we're a bunch of morons
and only one stupid guy did it back in the 1930s.
But if we legalize it, we legalize nature.
We legalize nature because we're the authorities.
We can do anything we want.
We can get a lot of tax money.
I get all the part I ever wanted in my life,
legally legal, when I used to.
Same thing with guns.
You want to get one, you can get one.
All this is going to do is rob us of our rights.
Seeking clues why gunmen are so young.
Most recent suspects were under 21 years of age.
And last year, overdoses reached the highest level.
It's one after another.
These kids are mentally ill.
And it's part of society.
Again, you look at this country you used to look like.
Now it looks like crap.
Look at the way people dress.
Look what they look like.
Oh, you don't need your mother to raise you.
Put the kid in a set of memo for the stranger
after three weeks in daycare.
It'll all, that'll be fine. It'll be just like your mother.
Oh, give them, I ran away from kindergarten
at four and a half years old.
Of course, the Boston Post drove in the Bronx.
They took me out of school.
Now they have me all shot up with drugs.
How many of these kids were on antidepressants?
Look at their family background.
What are you talking about gun control?
I want gun control.
Gun control, yep.
Gun control, not one military weapon
brought outside the United States.
Every military weapon only in the United States.
I launched Occupied Peace.
No foreign entanglements.
Bring home the troops.
Close down the borders and secure them with the troops.
Put them to work.
Rebuilding our rotted infrastructure.
If you want to, we'll let the people vote.
And by the way, yep.
On July 23rd.
July 23rd put Sunday calendar.
I'm having a freedom festival up here in Kingston.
On the four corners of freedom.
The only place in the United States
with pre-revolutionary war stone buildings
on each corner and I own three of them.
We have a huge garden beyond the Franz Roggenhaus,
the 1750s, Franz Roggenhaus.
And Judge Napolitano is going to be one of the speakers.
And I'm bringing in some hot, happy music
to get you feeling good, to lift the spirit,
to put back some of the joy and beauty
that they sucked out of our lives.
These little people, these little clowns,
they're my favorite.
Oh, I hate the Democrats.
I love the Republicans.
Oh, I love Lindsey Graham.
Now there's a guy for you, maybe, yes.
Oh, no, Mitch McConnell.
I'm a Democrat. Nancy Pelosi's for me.
No, no, no, no.
Diane, not so fine.
Signed little Chuck E. Schumer.
This is a rally for freedom.
It's a festival.
Put it on your calendar.
July 23rd.
Four corners of freedom in Kingston.
We'll be right back.
The biggest sale of the historic year, 2022, is here.
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That's 558-253-3139.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, Malcolm.
All right, I will make this quick and real short
where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Alex, I have to promote one thing
from one of your co-hosts, Owen Shroyer.
Supermail volatility and Brain Force Plus.
Mix those two together.
Unstoppable tank.
Supermail volatility really, really works.
It's cold pressed herbs and natural compounds
that have never been heated up.
And so it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions.
They also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just OK.
People are like, why are you selling something
and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
So it's always good.
Sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price,
then this is it.
The internet and talk radio are on fire
with the slogan, Alex Jones is right.
People ask, what's it like to be vindicated?
Well, it's actually a very sick feeling
because I knew this was coming.
I tried to stop it.
And now everything I've talked about
is going to become more important than ever.
Because the globalists aren't hiding anymore
in policy reports and documents.
It's now out in the open.
Klaus Schwab said last week that they rule the Earth.
The Bilderberg Group founded Davos Script.
So now the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know
they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching the children counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners
for your word of mouth and your prayer
and your financial support.
Because without you, Info Wars would not be here.
I want you to really internalize the fact
that you are the Info War.
And you are the reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you and salute you again
for all you've done and ask you now
to redouble your efforts.
You see this?
It's an Info Wars Republic Defense Card
with original Info Wars art designed by yours truly
with a little gold bar implanted in it.
And on the back, it's got a hologram.
There are only 25,000 of these in existence
and they'll never be made again.
The bank that owns the mint that has started
putting these out the last few years
just sold out of 300,000 of a similar offering
that was 40% more than what we're selling these for.
And when you get three or more,
you can get these at 50% off
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Please visit InfoWarsTour.com
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Get your gold bars and so much more exclusively
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and I want to thank you for your support over the years
because without you, all of the great success
we have had together would not have happened.
We are the tip of the spear, you are the tip of the spear
and I salute you and thank you.
Visit InfoWarsTour.com today.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones and now your host, Gerald Salente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones show.
And again, do what you can to support InfoWars,
keep the truth alive because they're robbing it from us.
It's a freak show.
It's a freak show.
What's your favorite freak show?
Cartoon News Network.
Oh, no, that's CNN.
Anyway, going back to the markets.
I mean, they're flat now up a little bit.
Last week, the U.S. Treasury Secretary,
Janet Yellen,
Ms. Fatah Brute,
said, quote,
again, we wrote about this in the Trends Journal
for months over a year.
Back in April of last year,
we said that inflation would only go up about 3%.
And that was temporary.
And then it became transitory.
And then it became transgender-tory
because we have to be proper.
There she is.
Not only me.
We're with the same age.
I hope I don't look as bad as her.
Oh, but she's the Treasury Secretary.
If only a woman was in charge.
As I say, men, women, black, white, green, yellow,
happy, mad, beloved man.
Race, creed, color, good and bad comes in all of them.
She went.
She was talking to mouse Blitzer on CNN.
A wolf.
Here, boy, here, boy, here, boy.
What a wolf.
To my owner, me, uh,
Ms. Fatah Brute.
Any way, she said,
I think I was wrong then about the path
Hey, gutsome, what do you mean you think you were wrong?
How about you were wrong?
Why, how dare you say that?
I'm the Treasury Secretary and before that I was the head of the Federal Reserve.
Yeah, the banksters, the banksters.
All right, you got the head bankster now, our head of our Treasury Secretary.
Who's running the government?
Grow up.
Grow up.
The banksters are in charge.
Yeah, the ones that put Jesus Christ up on the cross, three days later after he drove
him out of the temple.
Hey, Jamie Dimon, was your great, great, great, great, great grandfather there?
Look at him.
Our Treasury Secretary, I think I was wrong.
We said in the Trends Journal, inflation is real.
look into oil now, $120 of barrel for Brent crude, and it's gonna go higher. It's gonna
go higher because things are breaking out in the Middle East between Israel and Iran.
Israeli president is having trouble staying in power said he may has the right to stop
Iran's nuclear development as we have about a couple of hundred nuclear weapons, but they
can have any. We the banksters are in control. They're rigging the markets. They got the they
got the plunge protection team in there. There's no reality to it. And if you want to know more
about it, go to Gerald Salente, CEO and TV or Trends Journal on YouTube and look at the
latest interview I did with Gregory Manorino. Yeah, get ready for a massive market crash.
Yeah. And we're doing everything we can to help you prepare for it. Again, it's the masses are
delusional. Knowledge is power. And again, you're getting that from going in four words, the people
they have on, I felt that I had on talk about taxes and again, the federal defense, the guy may
rotten hell Woodrow Wilson, sending us into World War One that we had no business being in, then
giving us the Federal Reserve and income tax. We have income tax law 1913 1914 was a 1% out of 20%.
All right. All right, it's a gangster gang. Woodrow Wilson, Woodrow rotten hell. Speaking of
which, Zelensky, the comedian who played a comedian on TV and became the comedian president of Ukraine
said that Ukraine is beginning to push for a quote peace, but with benefits for Russia. This is
out just now. Zelensky said that Western politicians in the media beginning to push Ukraine
down the wall. Oh, UK will give Ukraine market system. That's another one. Ukraine's this is on
this is on Friday. Ukraine's Zelensky vows on 100th day of Russian invasion that victory will be ours.
Want to bet? How much you want to bet? UK and Zelensky said that you will do what he has to do
that the West has sent even more potent weapons to Ukraine and piled on even more stringent
sanctions with the European Union also on Friday, formally adopting a ban on most Russian oil and
ports. And who is it hurting? We the little people of slave land. Yeah. Yep. One after another.
Yeah. Then US cyber chief admits to attacks against Russia in Ukraine. This is last Wednesday in
the sky news. This guy, NASA director general Paul Nakasone said we've conducted a series of
operations across the full spectrum, offensive, defensive and information operations that the
US is conducting offensive hacking operations in support of Ukraine. United States is a war.
And it's a losing war. I said from the very beginning that Ukraine would lose this war.
You've heard me say many times if Napoleon couldn't pull it off is March to Moscow in 1812 with
420,000 poor guys that believed as garbage. 420,000 left Poland to attack Moscow came back with
10,000. Adolf Hitler, Operation Barbarossa killed 25 million Russians. Russians were the first to
defeat the Germans before the Americans. And now you're hearing. Ukraine won't be able to win
against Russia and the US must persuade Kev to negotiate with Moscow to end conflict. You
DeSantis who oversaw NATO and arms control policy during the Reagan administration has insisted.
Exactly what I had said from the beginning. And again, one of our transjournal covers before
it happened, when it happened, negotiate for peace arrest in peace. They're going to have to
negotiate for peace. It would have been better to negotiate before peace before the war started.
Let's make a deal. And now you're losing. What's going on in Ukraine is none of my business.
Again, wrote about it in detail in the transjournal back in 2014, when the United States over through
the democratically elected government of the Yanukovych. I'm an American. My country is a thing.
No more sweet land or liberty. And I can't sing because I just got to have a bad rap.
I'm fighting for freedom. I'm anti authoritarian. I'm anti nobility. You could shove your nobility
up. You know what? Don't you tell me you're noble and you're better than me. Hey, all men
are created equally. Oh, and women. And all things are connected like the blood which unites
us all to achieve Seattle. There you go. There's the cover. We are in the fight for our lives.
Let freedom ring. You have no idea how really heartbroken I am about what's going on. I'm
a visionary and I see the future and I watch this country collapse in front of me. Elegant
style grace. Again, the red time to swing the rock and roll to R&D to Motown to no town.
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There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class. Not
in communist China, not in Mexico, not in the United States, not anywhere. Is there a real
study of the planet's ruling class? And that's done by design. The large central banks that
basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics that look in to say
the Anglo-American establishment that founded the Bilderberg group, the trilateral commission
of the United Nations, the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Until
10 years ago the media said the control corporate media of the Bilderberg group didn't exist.
Well now the Bilderberg group is public, it's former head, still on the steering committee,
it's called Schwab and he has set up the great reset in global government and as a liberty
movement worldwide we don't address the globalist head on about the second thing or worldwide
authoritarian corporate takeover. We don't have a shot. When you expose them we can beat
them easily.