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Filename: 20220605_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 5, 2022
1407 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses various issues including manipulation by globalists, concerns about human animal hybrids, and exploitation of children. He criticizes the mainstream Democrat party for advocating pedophilia and highlights the influence of big corporations on children's lives. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking back personal privacy and freedom in order to combat these issues and promote a more open and transparent society.

Well, we made it another day, thank God, here on the spaceship Earth that we all live on
hurtling through space, orbiting the Sun. I'm sitting here, getting ready for the broadcast
the last few hours, trying to think of what headline do I put out to accurately describe
just how serious the situation is on this planet today. And none of us really can process the
danger we're all in, because humans have never, at least in recorded history that we
know of, faced anything like we're dealing with right now. We have a proxy war between
NATO and Russia that the United States on record is commanding and running in Ukraine,
and as it becomes clear that Russia is winning that war to take over the east of Ukraine
and 90% of their industrial and energy capacity, the west is escalating and sending in heavier
and heavier weapons, including long-range missiles. And Putin said on Friday that if
that continued, they would start targeting western cities, including the possible use
of nuclear weapons. And then the next day, a bunch of cruise missiles hit Kiev, blowing
up arms depots. That's a pretty big deal. And that's back of the newspaper, because
they've already moved on to the Evaldi shooting. They moved from COVID to Ukraine to Monkey
Pox to Evaldi. And it's all a distraction from the ongoing design economic collapse
of the western world by design. But we'll be going over all of this today. Russian military
strikes Kiev, Putin issues warning to the west MSM, AP, Russia hits Kiev with missiles,
Putin warns west on arms. Russia targets western supplied tank depot in Kiev in a rare
cruise missile attack. Russia threatens direct attacks on western cities for providing long
range missiles to Ukraine. Putin officially says it can even be nuclear war. This is a
very serious situation. Zelensky now admits they're losing the war. But the globalists
just want to have an ongoing prolonged operation where they can launder hundreds of billions
of dollars. It's over $100 billion since February that the west, over $60 billion from the US
of it, other $40 billion from other states, has been pumped into that war zone. And even
the Pope had to admit three weeks ago, I'm no fan of the globalist Pope, that okay,
NATO overthrew the elected president Ukraine eight years ago. And they've been pushing
out Russians into the east when the Russians are from Ukraine, where Russia started. And
you need to stop. Even Henry Kissinger came out last week and says, okay, we need to make
a peace deal that seems to stop now. But the neocons and others, they want a big war. So
if you thought World War Two was bad, killing over 100 million people, 20 something million
Russians, 20 something million Germans, the lion's share, well, you ain't seen nothing
yet. And we are sleepwalking into this. You know, they just had World War One relatively
soon, shortly before World War Two, in which tens of millions died. And they still had
that giant war. World War One was supposedly the war to end all wars. So you had a population
aware of how bad war is, it still happened. Imagine now where we've got people that just
watch Netflix all day and believe that men can have babies and all the rest of this while
we are sleepwalking into Armageddon. That's just one of the stacks we've got. All hell
broke loose in Dallas yesterday. Alex Stein's going to be joining us and others. They had
a grooming, a Pito drag queen storytime celebration, where they had little kids like trophies at
an adult stripper gay bar. And some patriots showed up and all hell broke loose that ties
into Satanism, demystified and the heart of the problem when we come back. And then of
course, other big reports here, US Social Security and Medicare approach and solvency
warn the trusty boards.
So please visit infoworkstore.com today and take advantage of the biggest sales you had
in 2022 and help us stay on air. Plus boost your immune system with our immune boost formula
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all your questions and take your order over the phone. Triple eight two five three three
one three nine. That's triple eight two five three three one three nine. Thanks for being
part of the tip of the spear defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
Thanks Alex Jones. Make no mistake, my friends, we are living in an incredibly historic time.
The true crossroads in the future of humanity will put that headline back on screen for
TV viewers. I'll read it out for radio listeners because it says it all. Emergency Sunday broadcast
Putin officially threatens to nuke western cities if NATO continues escalation in Ukraine.
Wow. We'll be covering that at the bottom of the hour in about 25 minutes from now. We've
got the Debo script announcing world government and what is going to be in that world government
and they've released 10 statements about the world you live in. You couldn't make up something
more dystopic and not marriage. That's coming up next segment as the Bilderberg group on
hiatus for two years that's the secret group that founded Debo's meets in DC at the Grand
Orient Hotel. We've got a lot of exclusive intel and information on that as we identify
who is orchestrating this worldwide crisis. And then on the economic front, the trustees
of Social Security and Medicare, two different boards have come out last week, got no coverage
except in the epic times, epoch times, and said that US Social Security Medicare are
approaching insolvency warns trustees. That means going bankrupt to put with the inflation.
Believe me, it's already done. Ultra massive information. And then you have the head of
the Commerce Department asked on national television on the Sunday news show, what are
you going to do about 79% of the baby formula being totally sold out across the country
as high as 90% in some areas. And she didn't respond to that. And just sidestep the question.
I mean, it is unbelievable to be living in this. And I'm here to tell you, I'd be a liar
if I told you that the things were about to get better, they're going to get a lot worse.
At least we know it's coming. You know, the last car wreck I was in, thank God I hadn't
been in one a long time was 12 years ago. I was driving back, visiting family in Fredericksburg,
Texas, where my uncle and aunt lived and then moved to East Texas. And there were a bunch
of storms forming in between Austin and Fredericksburg. And I remember my great, it wasn't my great
grandmother, but my great wonderful grandmother saying, you know, I want to get the car and
I want to go. I got a feeling the storms can be bad. You need to leave too. We waited an
hour longer and drank coffee and shot guns after my grandmother and my now ex-wife and
my three children got in their car and left back to Austin. We drank some more coffee
and shot some more guns off the porch because he lit up on this big hilltop. You can shoot
1,000 yards down at targets we had. And I'm driving down the highway and I hit Johnson
City where LBJ is from. I'm driving 50 because it's raining so hard and there's wind blowing
and my Tahoe gets thrown off the road where there's 60, 70 foot embankments going down.
And it started spinning and then ran into a bunch of oak trees. But thank God, it was
me and my dad in the car, it hit the back of us and crushed the whole vehicle more than
half the Tahoe in to where we were. My dad got a concussion. I was okay. You know, the
steering wheel broke and our seats broke. It hit us so hard. And the reason I tell that
story is when we start spinning on the road from the storm and the most important part
of the story is coming in a moment, it felt like a lifetime. And then as we shot down
over the embankment backwards, down a 60, 70 foot gully through a fence into a bunch
of oak trees, I remember looking at my dad and saying brace for impact. And that's the
moment we're in right now. But what engineered? What was the storm that brought us this place?
The new world order, the great reset, the big central banks getting ready to pop their
world financial bubble and pose as saviors instead of the authors of our problems and
totally take over the planet with the new world market, the beast, casual society that's
now beneficially announced. So the way tornadoes work, if you haven't lived in tornado alley
like goes down from Illinois right down to central Texas kind of ends at Austin, is
sky will be blue, then it's black, then it's green. And should have known it was a tornado
because the sky was green. When we're just driving 45 miles an hour down the highway,
it's raining high wind, the tornado hit when the state police got there like in 10 minutes.
They said you're looking to be alive. We just were parked down the road and watched it destroy
that barn across the street and you were hit by the tornado and we watched the tornado throw
you off the road. See I thought the car was spinning because I was like this is weird,
the car's spinning down the highway. It's spinning six, seven, eight times. Like in
Wizard of Oz when Dorothy's in the house and you know, it's picked up. I'm like why is
this car just spinning down the road and then because a tornado, we were in a tornado, taking
us down the road and then spit us out shooting us down a hill. That was a miracle we lived.
But my point is that was nature, that was the earth, that was the world and God gave
us the good sense that we should have left right away or we should have stayed. My grandmother
said we're leaving those storms are dangerous. See these aren't acts of nature, acts of God,
the globalist of the tornado. And if we don't recognize that they're the storm and they're
the tornado and they're the bad guys and they're the people causing all of this, we're done.
But I didn't know until the tornado went by and the state police were going, we were parked
down the road and saw it happen. We never see anything like it. Their mouths were hanging
open because they'd never seen a car grab by a tornado. I was in it, ladies and gentlemen.
Talk about a weird world, talk about a weird life, but I'm done talking about all that.
The point is, is that the viruses and the open borders and the collapsing currencies
and all the open pedophilia and the shortages and all of this is because the New World Order
doubled and tripled and quadrupled its profits the last 30 months of this and they're running
the whole show and they are consolidating power and control and they are orchestrating
and triggering every bit of these crises. But the issue is they're in the storm too
and these crises have already gotten out of control. So when we come back, I want to look
at the root causes of all this and let me tell you, we have a lot of fabulous researchers
and reporters here like Christy Lee and Owen Schreuer and so many others. They all do great
jobs but Greg Rees who's worked here now five years just does better and better and better
all the time. And I asked him six months ago, I said, I want a report on the origins of
Satanism and how it is conquest versus renaissance. And I usually have asked him to report, he
doesn't, he never did it. He called me yesterday and he said, I've done it. Watch this, Satanism
demystified. And he's done so many reports and I'm always saying, man, this is his best
report because they just keep getting better and better. But this one is so key and it's
just like Prager U has four or five minute videos that tell you so much. He's kind of
our Prager U because they're short, they're sweet, they're true, they're powerful. If
you understand what's happened to the world, it's becoming satanic. It's always had problems.
We've always been falling. But everything the New World Order does is predatory and
it's there to hurt you by design because they think that's a good thing. So that's coming
up next segment. I'm going to tie it into everything that is unfolding with the economy
and Russia threatening nuclear war again. Now, people are just getting punch-drunked
to that. And we've got special guest on Alex Stein was up in Dallas where they had a grooming
pito event, pito grooming, drag queen, children dancing at a homosexual strip club. All of
this is coming up on the other side of this special Sunday, June 5th, 2022 broadcast. I'm
so honored to be here. So thankful to all the listeners and viewers and affiliates and crew.
We have been through so much together, but we're stronger than ever. And that is just
to answer prayer. So thank you all for your prayer. Thank you all for your support. Everybody
tune in now this is critical information coming up. I don't care if you work in a cafeteria
or pump gas or whether you're a farmer or rancher, a doctor, a lawyer or a millionaire,
fortune and money magazine have all done these profiles. You see it every year. 30 different
tax returns, 30 different answers, 50 different tax returns, 50 different answers. And almost
all of them just screw you over, especially the big firms and the big tax groups because
they're part of the system and they don't want the general public understanding this
and knowing this. So it's a very important situation with inflation and all the things
out there hurting everybody to be able to do things tax wise. It's legal and lawful
that allows you to keep more money. We wouldn't even be here if I hadn't gotten great tax
advice in the last few years. The only way you fail is not writing down the URL, jonestaxrelief.com.
One word, jonestaxrelief.com, or call 833-904-285-833-904-285.
If I had to describe with just one word the brainwashing, the mind control, the asleep
prince that the general public is in, the best word would actually be the people are
lost. Just like you're lost to sleep, you're lost in a bad nightmare, you're in a car
where you get knocked out and you've lost your bearings because you are totally dizzy
and confused, you have a concussion. And that's what the globalists have done, they have stunned
us. They have put us into a position of not knowing our bearings and then Klaus Schwab
recently came out and gave him a speech he called The Great New Narrative where he brags
how the public is lost, how the culture in the media has been driven to make sure the
people are all alone so they can now guide humanity over the edge of a cliff. That's
what the Great Reset is. They need darkness to thrive. The light lives at infowars.com.
You see this? It's an info wars republic defense card with original info wars art designed
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the spear, you are the tip of the spear and I salute you and thank you. Visit infowars.com
Everybody that's watching this needs to support Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for watching this video and I'll see you in the next video.
Thanks for watching this video.
Thanks for watching this video.
Alex Jones is going to be joining us. I want to go to the very nature of why these people
are so evil and why they think hurting and killing people is a sign of their power and
something they feel compelled to do. So before I play this very important report that's on
infowars.com and band.video, Satanism demystified. Couldn't be a more important four and a half
minutes to watch. We're going to premiere here in a moment. Let me show you some of
the background here. It is the Fortune 1000. It is the Fortune 500. It is the most powerful
people and universities and think tanks and banks that are pushing transgenderism because
I have a clip next segment of Fox News telling you about human animal clones being made
and how last year they wouldn't even pass a law to block it. If you'll accept that a
man can have a baby, if you'll accept five year olds being taught how to give blowjobs
and being taken to gay bars to dance in front of people, you'll accept anything and that's
what's happening. We're being trained right now. European Union Commission declares the
future is queered in their youth children's Twitter account targeted to schools and children.
Well that means there's no future because if you don't have children you die and that's
the target. So they go oh be open minded, don't be mean to people that like the same
sex you're like okay I don't hate you. Okay well your kids belong to me. Well that's not
being homosexual, that's being a pedophile or being a groomer for these people. Big report
on infowars.com from Breitbart. Biden threatens to take away school lunch money that doesn't
adhere to trans agenda. They can feed your kids and control that. Well they can tell
them what they're going to hear at age five again to confuse their gender which is by
design. Pizza Hut goes full look recommending drag queen books inside the pizza boxes ads
for drag queen books as kids as young as five. It's not drag queen, it's teaching your child
to have sex with the same sex. Shouldn't be going on period heterosexual or homosexual.
And it goes on and on and on from there. As Pride Month kicks off it's time to give straight
folks their parade too. Straight folks have their parade, it's called their children and
grandparents and communities. Not a bunch of men dressed up like clowns calling themselves
women demanding access to everybody's children. This is the vanguard of clowns to condition
you to accept anything and everything ladies and gentlemen. Creepy men masquerading as
women. Child exploitation exposes groomer drag queen kick off Pride Month. We've got
all the footage coming up at the end of the hour next hour. And look at this photo of
your TV viewer. Transcyclists finish first and second in the UK. Kiss on the podium next
to third place mom holding her baby. And the full photos on info wars dot com. Where they're
just towering about this woman that they barely be. These men couldn't compete against men
soon the entire sport will be men masquerading as women for the cash prizes. It's called
bullying, it's called fraud, it's called disgust. And then of course they do a sexual act in
front of everyone. It's a sex cult dominating you. Usually somebody comes up and starts
talking about sex to you at the park or at the grocery store. You call them a pervert.
Oh, they're wrapped in the rainbow flag. Majority say allowing preferred pronouns in schools
confuses kids. National poll shows only 37% agree with it. That's 37% of people under
Stockholm syndrome targeting children who are supposed to be thinking about sex to totally
confuse them and have the state form a relationship with them about their identity that supersedes
parental control. That's what it's about. Viral comedian assaulted while exposing drag
queen grooming of children. That's coming up Alex Stein. Next hour. Bill Maher comes
out again this week and says we're losing civilization because of woke policies, homelessness
and drugs. And he goes on to say leave children alone. Do not sexualize them. He's finally
got a line. He won't pass. Where is your line? And I went too far. I went too long in the
segment to get to the report. I'll keep going with this. We'll come back and play the Satanism
demystified report and then get into Bilderberg of the New World Order and the rest of it.
Let's push Stein back to the start of the next hour. I had him on at 445 Central. We're
live right now. There will be archive. But let's just start clean with him. Second hour.
Five time to hit Bilderberg and the globalist and everything that ties into who's controlling
this who's doing this in the final segment of this hour. But next segment I'll get into
this key report. Satanism demystified. But I'll give you some background. House Republicans
unveiled restoring the American family agenda to combat lefts culture war on and low birth
rates, which is what it's all about. Not having children. Meanwhile, Amazon as you know last
week had a big die in at their headquarters because Amazon won't ban books criticizing
sterilizing six and seven year olds the transgender movement. Demanding access to your children,
ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't get more evil. It doesn't get more sick destroying the innocence
to that. And we've got that all coming up. But I want to hit the Satanism demystified
and then tie it in. To the top 10 creepiest and most dystopian things pushed by the World
Economic Forum and the latest exclusive information on Bilderberg Group 2022. The secret group
that runs the Davos group. The media doesn't want you know about meeting in Washington,
DC. The meeting started ending today. Sometimes they extended into Monday. We'll give you
all the latest on that coming up as well. Separately, today is the last day to get the
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Bringing a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones. From
the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones. There are many preconceived notions
about what defines Satanism. Some people will say that Satanists are just playing dress
up. Some say they sacrifice children and others believe they have magical powers. But the
truth is much more simple. Most people will agree that Satanism is the antithesis of Christianity.
So first we must define what Christianity is. In a sentence, Christianity is the impulse
to express brotherly love towards our fellow man. Satanism does not have that impulse at
all. In the most simple terms, Satanism can be described with the pop culture phrase pimps
and hoes. If these words upset you, good. We are talking about the nature of evil. And
if it makes light of it, even better. These animals are nothing to fear. While the rich
and powerful Satanists want you to believe they are witches and warlocks, they are nothing
more than pimps and hoes, cannibals, feeding off other people like predatory animals. Completely
devoid of the impulse for brotherly love, Satanism is base level animal tribalism. An
animal hierarchy comprised of the pimps at the top, the hoes they control, and the tricks
they both exploit. This is the law of the jungle which has existed for millennia. A survival
of the fittest dog eat dog world where the nice guys always finish last. It is the patriarchy
that the anti-christians claim to oppose which makes no sense because we are only able to
transcend this ruthlessness with the Christian impulse of brotherly love where everyone is
equally welcome. There is much talk about a battle being waged between good and evil.
But this sort of simple black and white duality only exists in our mind. In reality, what's
going on is a balancing act between our spirit and our body. While our spirit may be drawn
to love and light, our body is an animal with innate animal instincts that cannot easily
be suppressed. And like every other species of animal, the primary instincts are survival
and reproduction. So as far as mammals go, the female is the ultimate prize in the game
of life. A society built upon a Christian ethos of brotherly love is one that honors
individual freedom and the way to satisfy our animal desires for survival with brotherly
love is through marriage and raising a family with some degree of selflessness. And without
the Christian ethos of brotherly love, the Satanist simply sees women as the most valued
commodity to be bought and sold for one's own selfish desire, pimps and hoes. Whether
it be in the poorest communities or at the top of the pyramid, Satanism is all about
control and the ones at the top have invested everything into their technocratic pop culture
media machine, which is their main method of pimping. And they see the brainwashed masses
as their hoes because according to the laws of the jungle, they own them, which is why
they resent the Christian ethos because it is the only thing on earth that stands against
them. But the real problem with Satanism is that it keeps an individual from knowing
God and discovering their true path. Our free will allows us the choice to either transcend
spiritually, which requires a personal relationship with God or descend into the animal kingdom
and forever remain a beast, which is what the pimps and hoes are ultimately selling.
But we don't have to buy it. Satanic influence has always been with us, and it is nothing
to fear. These Satanist pimps are not gods. They are merely animals playing mind tricks
and spinning lies. Redemption is for everyone, and humanity has a choice. We can either submit
to the beast system and live like animals, or we can follow the Christian impulse for
brotherly love and stand up against evil so that our children will know freedom. Reporting
for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
We have a choice to make. We can be part of the beast system, or we can be part of God's
system, and that doesn't mean you're going to find it at these candy-ass churches full
of a bunch of Pharisees. It means that you have a decision whether you want to be part
of the predator class, be destroyed in the process, not just physically but spiritually,
or whether you want to be part of the winning team. There are economies of conquest and economies
of renaissance. And if you read the UN documents that I cover in Endgame, in the 60s they said
we'll promote homosexuality, we'll break the family up, we will bring back paganism and
even human sacrifice. That's in Endgame, with the quotes. And you watch that film that's
free online still, one version at 80 million views, they took it down, but the other ones
have 5 million, 6 million, 3 million views, you can find it. Endgame, blueprint for global
enslavement, go watch that 2007 film. It's my best work yet. Never made Endgame 2 because
I've just been too busy. Plus you can just see the Endgame here for yourself. You don't
need to make another film, really do you? Because part one already told you everything.
People watch it now and they flip out. In fact, we'll find a link to something that's
still on YouTube or wherever, and we'll link it up on the live show feed as well underneath
Greg Reese's report. Satanism demystified. There's a copy on Band-Aid video as well.
Alright, let's talk about who actually controls this. Let's talk about who actually runs this
and again, call them sociopaths, call them sociopaths. That's just terms that 200-year-old
German psychology came up with. It doesn't mean that modern psychology doesn't have
some real things it talks about, but it's man-labeling things that are already going
on. And then really, most of psychology is being used against us now, we know. And most
people that are part of that system in advertising and government are engaged in weaponization
of psychology and behavioral psychology for control. Pavlovian manipulation, opera conditioning,
the list goes on and on. And people that engage in that type of predatory behavior are pretending
that it doesn't affect them and that they're winning by doing it. And I've used the analogy
of going to the local community pool and not just pissing in the pool, but taking a crap
of the pool. One person does it, it ruins it for everybody. Why don't you just get
up and go to the bathroom? Well, a Satanist just says, I'm in charge, I'm God, like cancer
in the body, I'll do whatever I want, but you kill the whole body. But let's not use
the analogy I've used a hundred times. Let's use another one. If you live in a decent neighborhood
and you just decided you were to start robbing houses, don't need the money, but you're
going to do it. Maybe you decided you're going to start burning houses down. You know, you
burned down one house in the neighborhood, it's going to drive down property values 5%.
You burned down 2%, 10%. You burned down 3%, 30%. You burned down 4%, 5%. Everybody's going
to put up for sell signs and leave. Now, maybe you're the globalist banks that are engaged
in arsenal of society, because once everybody leaves, you buy them and put in a dollar,
and that's really their mode of operation. But they are positioning social security and
Medicare and Medicaid that the trustees of the federal board have said, it's already
basically insolvent. They are collapsing the border. They are collapsing the currency. They
are shutting off all the energy. If I see one more headline of like Biden can do nothing,
there's nothing we can do to lower energy prices. They cut off the pipelines. They said
we're not going to have a fuel in the future. They killed almost all the drilling permits.
That's like you don't gas your car up. You wonder why it runs out of gas. Gee, I don't
know why my car is out of gas. There's plenty of gas. They won't let you gas it up. All
right, I'm going to come back and look at the problem. Who's running it? Because by
identifying these folks, we're going to have major victory. And then we're going to look
at these pedophile drag queen story time events now happening everywhere with children
drug into topless bars. All right, we'll be right back. Stay with us. I want to take
a minute out to address the viewers and listeners of the war and to remind you that we've been
vindicated and that world government and its tyrannical aim of depopulation is now out
of the open. Everything you and I have done together has been historic. And we cannot
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Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones.
So we just talked about the ruling class of the pimps the rest of us the hoes the slaves
and the tricks that are getting played now the slaves are made by their slave masters
to go out and commit crimes against others or they will be attacked they will be destroyed
but at the end we all get destroyed and to illustrate that there's a big article on infowars.com
from zero hedge that just broke New York Times op ed applause inflation as means to enforce
green diet make you eat bugs make you drink sewage make you not have a car carbon lockdowns
we told you that was coming 30 months ago it's in their own documents that story is
on infowars.com right now so before I hit the top 10 creepiest and most dystopian things
pushed by the World Economic Forum let's go to a clip from Fox News reporting what was
happening a year ago about how they wouldn't even in a law funding biotech research say
you can't cross humans and animals and then create these creatures and you whatever you're
being told about it's 30 years ahead of that now how satanic is it if satanism is making
humans a commodity not caring about free will enslaving people euthanizing old killing
the babies and saying it's fun and cool but all the big reckless corporations all the
big arrogant psychopathic corporations are behind it while they claim they're the avant
garde pushing for people's rights for the state to have access with men dressed up like clowns
to your children at drag queen pedophile time so here's a clip from Fox News talking about
the Senate passing the endless frontier act which allowed the human kimi rose because
China's doing it we can't get caught it's like a doctor strange love based on real things
that happen with Carlos LeMay and others in the early 60s well if the Russians are going
to build a doomsday bomb that blows the whole earth up with radiation it makes the surface
unlivable well we gotta have one too I mean Mr. President we cannot allow a mine shaft
gap here it is human chimeras living among us it's only science fiction for right now
yesterday the Senate passed the endless frontier act a bill that commits nearly 250 billion
dollars to promote emerging technologies so that America can keep pace with Chinese innovation
back in May Democrats shot down an important amendment outlawing US participation in research
that would create human animal hybrids also known as chimeras China's already doing it
announcing in April that an international team successfully grew human monkey embryos and
sustained them for 20 days in a lab the only question is what will they do next chimeric
research is a Pandora's box that's obviously from hell that should not be opened but the
scientific community spurred on by their own hubris may very well open it using American
taxpayer dollars now they already opened it you know I covered four days ago on the show
a stack of EU UN and Spanish government documents admitting that they're spraying the atmosphere
to manipulate the weather on a global scale but also spring pesticides on us biocide to
quote stop covid spring poison on you to stop covid it's all made up it's their pretext
of spray poison on you this is happening the actuary show insurance companies 40 plus percent
increase in death 18 to 64 working age of the other numbers are out the chart the covid
vaccines after introduction has caused a shocking rise in permanent disabilities we're being
killed we're being exterminated and they're just normalizing it and like hey just go watch
a movie go go watch this I mean I'm you know show just go back to sleep so he's been on
the show before he'll be back on this week we've got to John Stein who's also there
coming up next hour but John Doyle confronts parents outside Children's Drag Queen show
at a gay strip club where children's on this fiber being brought in and we'll show you
some of that footage next hour but here he is confronting him out front I only have one
question why do you want to put an ax wound in between your son's legs
yes we are what do you mean you're making America worse you bring your children to
this event I wonder if the mama bear instinct is gonna come out three years when the mainstream
Democrat Party platformers they want to rape your kids and they're all gonna think it's
one big smug little joke these people by the way understand that there is a bigger difference
between ten years ago and now then there would be between now and in five years when they
are openly advocating for pedophilia like they've already started doing you people are the
symptom of a dying society and you know your children should be home your kids aren't actually
gay you've just groomed to them you're scaring children we're bringing them in the gay stripper
bar and we got the footage coming up this all over the country all over the world this
is corporately funded to destroy their innocence and to normalize the sexualization of children
to destroy their future and make sure they don't get a wife or a husband and have a family
this is hate this is bullying this is child abuse on steroids with a gravy of PCP and
they drag these poor children in like zombies to stand around and be in the middle of this
and have them go up and give money to big fat men dressed like clowns as they dance
because the servants of Satan have been promised the children I mean look at this taking children
that don't have their free will yet putting them in a position like that greenlighting
them fast tracking them like Anderson Cooper's mother did to his brother and he right into
this they did the same thing with their boys one son committed suicide over it and the
other one conformed and took to it and that's what this is man two years three years ago
it's gay marriage all we want gay marriage now it's we want your children we want them
now this is pedophilia writ large in a corrupt decadent society that can't get excited about
anything anymore not about a sunset not about a man and woman no none of that it's all about
we've got children as a trophy and we're going to come in the schools and we're going to
indoctrinate them and the corporations on the cereal boxes and the pizza boxes and
the toy boxes are all going to do this and the answer is I'll never eat I don't eat all
that general mills high fructose corn syrup stuff anyways and I haven't probably ordered
a pizza hut in years but I will never order from Pizza Hut you shouldn't all these big
corporations are out to get you folks unless it's like Goya foods or something who's speaking
out you need to check everybody you buy stuff from and make sure they're not coming after
kids but the whole big corporate world is coming down on our children because they're
the future and if they can get them and they can screw them up they can do anything they
want so roll your own dough make your own pizza hell Bill Gates says you won't be getting
meat anyway soon they're going to take everything away from you and if you'll accept the five
year old being brought to a homosexual bar with men dancing around in front of them you
will accept human animal hybrids you will accept clones you will accept GMOs you will
accept force inoculations you will accept the takeover your body and these clowns are
just the useful idiot vanguard of the system to totally scramble everybody's brain to
accept anything going in the future alright Alex Stein who was at this event in Dallas
these are happening everywhere we'll join us the first 30 minutes the next hour I'm
behind but it's okay and we're going to get into the top 10 creepiest and most disturbing
things pushed by the world economic forum that's on enforce.com the Bilderberg group
meeting just happened Putin threatening nuclear war but this is very serious people are just
ignoring it what's happening the economy of the latest covid news and so much more in
our number two now override the censors take the videos take the links enforce.com for
slash show bandot video take the links share them that's how you override these tyrants
that believe because they've got the corporate money and the power of satan they rule us
no your losers you will fail hour two coming up it's going back to what we all thought
was going to happen in the 90s when the internet and mobile technology first came out which
is we thought you know this is going to level the playing field everybody's going to have
access to the same information everybody's going to be able to freely communicate that
information that's our goal to get back to that place where we all have access to all
of the information we all have the ability to freely communicate that information with
whomever we want whenever we want and we don't have to worry about anybody tracking what
we're doing and trying to judge us or categorize us for figure out some way to go after us
because of the conversations we're having because of the internet searches that we're
doing because of the discussions the people we want to talk to about these things so that's
our goal is to help people take back their freedom by helping them to take back their
privacy and so that's really what we're trying to do and so I hope that everybody listening
will follow you throughout the day.
Thank you everyone.
We all have the ability to freely communicate that information with whomever we want, whenever
we want, and we don't have to worry about anybody tracking what we're doing and trying
to judge us or categorize us or figure out some way to go after us because of the conversations
we're having, because of the internet searches that we're doing, because of the discussions,
the people we want to talk to about these things.
So that's our goal, is to help people take back their freedom by helping them to take
back their privacy.
And so that's really what we're trying to do, and so I hope that everybody listening
to us, and I hope that you guys have a great day, and I hope that you guys have a great
Have a great day, and I hope that you guys have a great day.
I hope that you guys have a great day, and I hope that you guys have a great day.
Have a great day.
And I hope that you guys have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
The internet and talk radio are on fire with the slogan, Alex Jones was right.
People ask, what's it like to be vindicated?
Well, it's actually very sick feeling because I knew this was coming.
I tried to stop it.
And now everything I've talked about is going to become more important than ever
because the globalists aren't hiding anymore in policy reports and documents.
It's now out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching the children counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and your financial support
because without you, Info Wars would not be here.
I want you to really internalize the fact that you are the Info War
and you are the reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you.
And salute you again for all you've done and ask you now to redouble your efforts.
The internet and talk radio are on fire with the slogan, Alex Jones was right.
People ask, what's it like to be vindicated?
Well, it's actually very sick feeling because I knew this was coming.
I tried to stop it.
And now everything I've talked about is going to become more important than ever
because the globalists aren't hiding anymore in policy reports and documents.
It's now out in the open.
Klaus Schwab said last week that they rule the earth, the Bilderberg group founded Davos Group.
So now the fight's out in the open.
They're making their move because they know they're behind schedule.
We're going to win this thing.
God's watching the children counting on us.
I just want to thank the viewers and listeners for your word of mouth and your prayer and your financial support
because without you, Info Wars would not be here.
I just want you to really internalize the fact that you are the Info War and you are the reason humanity has a fighting chance.
So I want to thank you and salute you again for all you've done and ask you now to redouble your efforts.
Welcome back to Alex Jones' show, this live Sunday edition.
I want Shroyer coming up in T-minus 40 minutes.
It was Sunday live, 6 a.m.
Alex, I'm just like you.
I don't hate anybody if they're an adult.
I'm not judging people.
I'm not a Pharisee.
But it doesn't matter.
We all preface, oh, we don't hate people.
I don't care if they're homosexual or heterosexual, whoever they are, leave kids alone.
There is a corporate targeting of children in their sexual lives.
Something parents don't talk to their children about until they're 10, 11, 12 years old.
It is pedophilia.
It is evil.
It is sick.
It is behavioral psychology.
CIA mind control.
MKUltra was all about sex and kids.
BF Skinner, all of it.
It needs to be rejected totally.
And we have to say no to it.
So you were there at this facility.
It's got national attention.
But it's going on everywhere.
What else did you observe?
You had this photo you sent us of one of these individuals who says they want to be in education.
They want access to your children.
That's what's happening.
So when you turn your children over to these people, it's now confirmed, by the way, the police lied.
I'm so ashamed of them.
The police in Texas evolved the worst in Sandy Hook, worse than Columbine, worse than Broward County.
The stand down was 75 minutes.
They weren't in the building.
They were ordered by the head cop at the school, who's now a city council member who won't cooperate with investigation with the state police or anybody.
That's coming up after you leave us.
The system is after our children, Alex Stein.
Please continue.
Well, you nailed it with you, Volody.
We can only say so much.
The story that they tell us, the fact that they stood down for so long, is insubordination.
It's just typical after 9-11.
Somehow these guys fail miserably.
And all of a sudden now it becomes a city council member that's probably going to be protected.
And you bet your bottom dollar, I'm going to be in a you Volody city council meeting.
They've already canceled one meeting, but eventually they're going to have to open it up.
The chief is going to get an earful from prime time 99 Alex Stein.
I'm not speaking hyperbolically when I talk about that.
I'm going to go with you down there because he won't talk to the FBI.
He won't talk to the state police.
He ordered the stand down 75 minutes.
They arrested parents.
It's insane.
Well, Alex, you just nailed it.
When you talk about the children, it's a lot like the Black Lives Matter movement.
Even in their manual, they talk about the denuclearization of the family.
Family household with the father, with the mother.
And they say their main mission is the end of the nuclear family and making Black men transgender,
which is sterilized Black men.
Well, Alex, you got Kentucky Brown Jackson.
They said, what is a woman?
She can't even say boys have a penis.
Girls have a vagina.
I mean, they just can't even break it down to the simple terms.
They want your third grade teacher to dictate what your sexual, what your sexuality is.
You want your third grade or first grade teacher to literally screw your kids up.
And we're supposed to just stand by and let them do that.
It's a litmus test.
Well, and the thing is we're failing that litmus test because most people are letting it do it
because they're already busy with their bills, with their stress or the inflation.
People can't afford to put gas in their car.
People are living in an absolute nightmare.
So then they have to put their kids in public school.
And you're basically, when you do that, you're putting your kid, the state is raising your kid.
And let's just tell you this, the state does not care about you.
When you put your child in a public school, you're putting them in a den of behavioral psychologists and pedophiles.
Every pedophile on earth is racing towards access with children.
That's all this is.
Well, Alex, because these people want to be around children.
I mean, listen, unless a kid is your own kid, most people don't want to be around kids.
Most normal people.
And I'm not anti-kids.
I'm just saying people have enough with their hands over their own children.
I mean, statistically, we know that a large percentage of these drag queen pedophile times are pedophiles.
100 percent.
In Houston, a guy that was just arrested, I mean, he was on the sex offender list.
He was doing the drag queen story time.
So these guys are actually risking going back to jail just to be able to put a kid in their lap,
just to be able to watch a kid just because their sexual fantasies are more important than their actual long-term goals.
They are willing to go to jail.
And this is the problem out.
Even in jail, if you're a child molester, you have to be in a special wing because they are going to kill you in jail if you're a child molester.
And now these liberal mothers bring their children to settle these people's laps.
Yeah, but I'm just saying, even in jail, the worst place on earth, they hate child molesters.
So these are the, you know, the most hardened criminals in the world still don't respect the child molester.
These are the worst people on earth.
And this is the problem, though, Alex.
It's very cyclical.
I would guarantee the majority of these people doing this would abuse their children.
And again, the police would raid an Austin topless bar and they brought a 16-year-old girl to it.
I mean, the adults want to go do that, do that.
That's your right.
But the point is they're bringing children to strip tease events because it's LGBT. It's okay.
No, it's not okay.
Yeah, and Alex, this place didn't serve food.
And now they say, oh, in Texas, there's a law.
If you're with your parent, you can have a beer.
Yeah, that's for teenagers.
That's not for nine-year-olds.
Yeah, if you're 16 or 15, yeah, a waiter lets you have a beer with your dad sometimes.
But a nine-year-old, a six-year-old coddlers inside of a bar that doesn't serve food.
So there's no justification for them to even be in there unless you want them to be part of some sort of satanic lifestyle
that's grooming them for them to be socially acceptable.
Because this is the thing, is these people know their whole culture is not socially acceptable.
They know that it's not okay to shake their children over.
And they're trying to take the culture over and they're corporately backed.
Alex Don, tell me about this individual.
The photo you sent us will do an overhead shot.
This individual says they want to go to school.
They're going to school to be a teacher.
Well, this is Noel, so I have a video, I think it's at 1.2 million views just on Twitter
and it's been shared on, you know, every single social media platform on YouTube.
And this person right there, when I confronted them, Alex, they melted like an ice cream cone in the sunlight.
I mean, they felt so guilty, so much shame.
And then when you look at that photo, if they can zoom out a little bit, you'll see the caption.
It says, want to get pizza.
So this goes back to what I was saying.
These are FBI.
This is declassified information.
These are the secret code words that they use in order to talk about their child pedophilia.
It means children.
Walnuts mean this.
Map means minor attracted person.
So they have to speak in code words.
That's why they have symbols and signs.
And it's a lot like what the people that are in power use.
That's why they trick us and they mock us with signs and symbols.
So we don't know what's going on.
But they have a dog whistle and they're laughing like Klaus Schwab, these people that are in church.
They're all laughing at us, Alex.
That's the thing is 1% of the population, less than 1% of the population has 99% of the wealth.
So we know that there is no middle class currently in America.
So it is a destabilization, making it impossible to even live and operate in a world and have happiness, to have joy.
And they literally, I don't remember 10 years ago, they were handing out condoms to five-year-olds at the Cub Scout and Boy Scout jubilee,
thousands of rapes, and then the left took over the Boy Scouts.
This is how they took over the Catholic Church. It's how they take over the Boy Scouts, how they take over universities.
This is a sex cult.
And Alex, the social media is the big problem because when you and I were in school, we didn't have our teachers' Facebook group.
We didn't know about our teachers' gay crews.
We didn't know about our teachers' boyfriend.
When I left school at 3.30, I didn't know what my teachers did.
But now with the social media, now everybody has their extremely online lifestyle, you're able to indoctrinate these kids.
And they see, oh, the teachers, this seems cool.
So what I'm saying is these teachers have a lot of power over the youth.
They have even more power now than they've ever had.
And they're using it for evil, satanic agenda in order to indoctrinate our children in order to groom them so that we live in a world
because call me conspiratorial all you want.
In the future, they want us to all be one race and one sexual gender.
How do they do that?
They confuse us.
They make it so we don't have love.
We don't find a sex partner.
We all die alone, unhappy.
We're all gay, bisexual.
They want us isolated, totally confused, programmed by them.
It's the corporate takeover.
We come back.
Elon Musk came out and asked, why doesn't the DOJ leak?
Look at everything else.
Epstein's client list, does it that seem odd?
Because they're running it.
Because they're part of it.
And we'll expose Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein and the pedo rings and the cloning rings.
And what it's really all about with Alex Stein, straight ahead.
We'll penalize and target any academics that look into, say, the Anglo-American establishment,
the founder of the Bilderberg group, the trilateral commission, the United Nations,
the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Until 10 years ago, the media said the control corporate media of the Bilderberg group didn't exist.
Well, now the Bilderberg group is public in its former head.
Still on the steering committee is Klaus Schwab.
And he has set up the great reset in global government.
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We're selling them all at cost at infowarstore.com.
So thank you all for your support.
Please visit infowarstore.com and get one of these historic shirts, hoodies, long sleeves,
ball caps, you name it, while you still can.
I want to thank you all for your support, infowarstore.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I want something to sink in really deep on this Sunday evening, June 5th, 2022.
Imagine 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30 years ago,
if you heard any of the things that will be going on now that are happening now, what would you say?
I mean, if random groups wanted to obsess and meet with your 5-year-old about their politics,
you'd say, no, you're trying to take over my territory, my life, my family, our ancestors, who we are,
you're trying to dominate me.
But these are people saying, we want to teach your child, they're another gender.
We want to take your children to a gay bar.
We want to do all this.
This is absolute evil taking place all over the world.
It's just Alex Stein and Dallas that's confronting it.
So Alex, please continue, my friend, with what you're laying out here.
Well, Alex, and one thing I want to say, somebody sent me some better pictures,
but a lot of these people, Antifa, I'm just using that as a general term,
the people that were counter-protesting us, they were carrying, they had weapons,
so I'm not trying to virtue-save them or starting to get a pat on my back.
But these people are evil, sadistic, they're probably on some sort of psychotropic drugs,
they're probably all having suicidal idolization.
So the fact that they have a gun out there and they're trying to counter-protest us,
it is a scary place, and I'm not saying this to try to, like I said,
I'm not trying to get a pat on my back.
But we have to stand up before it's too late, because if we don't stand up,
we don't speak for ourselves, nobody's going to speak for us, nobody's going to represent us.
And that's the problem is these people, they're afraid of sounding homophobic,
they're afraid of sounding bigoted.
I'm not a bigot, I'm not a homophobe.
But I am a pedophobe.
I am a pedophobe, 100%.
That's the problem, like I was saying earlier, in prison, the Chomos get killed.
And we know, we have people like Dennis Hasser, who's Secretary of the State,
convicted pedophile, these are people in high positions.
You look at Kintaji Brown Jackson, Supreme Court Justice,
her resume is being easy on child predators, people that have looked up child porn.
So this is the world we're living in, you just talk about a 10-year flashback,
I mean, what's happening now, we would never, nobody could have even written this in a book,
except for George Orwell, or except for Brave New World, where everybody's on somas,
everybody's on anti-depressants that make them more depressed.
And like I said, the misery loves company, these people want to indoctrinate our kids
and bring them into their hellhole of a life, their depression of a life.
Because in some of the videos I call them out, these people that are defending them, Alex,
they have huge cut marks on their wrists and their hands.
So they're obviously cutters, they're self-mutilators.
That type of person is trying to self-mutilate her, you know, God bless them,
I feel bad for them, I have empathy for them.
But these are the people you want to hang around your children? No.
We've got a bunch of people that should be in mental institutions obsessed with our children,
this is in rocket science, and they have corporate backing, that's the key.
Yeah, and we have a mental health crisis, it's obvious, that's the problem,
that's why they say the gun violence, well a gun has never shot itself,
it's some crazy person behind it. So we have a system where people are literally,
depending on big pharma, that is a multinational corporation that wants to keep you sick,
it's not, listen, big pharma is not trying to heal any of the sickness.
And I love when they start attacking and hitting you for TV viewers to see it,
ready to lose your skin, the videos are all on InfoWars.com and on your Twitter and other sites.
You don't punch them back, you just pull a ski mask off.
Yeah, because I want to demask them, because that's what they do,
they think that they're comfortable putting on the mask, hiding behind it,
so they think that they can operate very freely.
Well, that's not the case, we need to stand up and demask these people and expose them,
and that's why InfoWars does a great job, because when you expose them and they have to put their name on it,
it's like those keyboard warriors, Alex, that can hide behind an avatar,
they'll say a lot of mean stuff, but they'll never say it to your face.
Well, these people say mean stuff to your face, but they hide behind a mask,
because they don't want to back it up, they're not wearing a mask because of COVID,
they're doing it because they want to hide, because they know there are going to be cameras there,
so we have to stand up, we have to demask these people,
and they should be held accountable for their crazy viewpoints,
because when I confronted that drag queen, you could see just the shame and the guilt in their personality,
they knew what they did is wrong, and most of these people know what they're doing is wrong,
but they continue to do it because they have other people cheerleading them,
they have other evil people going, oh, this is good, this is good,
it only takes one person at the top to make other people do it, it's like the police,
I know you've got so many clips, and I want to get to this,
can you send it to us, or which clip is it where you confront?
Yes, I'll send it to you, that clip is one of the best ones, hold on, let me send it to her right now,
but that's where I'm walking to the car, yes, this is the one,
so this is the person that has that I want to get pizza,
and you can just tell, they're so mad, they started off walking it very normal,
but you can just tell the guilt and the shame that they had,
that's why all of a sudden they go off the handle like that, because it's projection, they're projecting all that.
Okay, so we do have the clip, so we're going to pause her for a moment,
we're going to cue the clip up, and here is the clip.
Little children, do you like dancing for little children?
You don't think that's disgusting?
Dancing around for little children?
Don't you think that's disgusting?
Hey, get the f*** away!
You don't think that's disgusting?
You don't think that's disgusting?
Dancing for little children?
You should be ashamed of yourself dancing for little children,
you should be ashamed of yourself.
Is he a child?
You guys dance a little children?
You should be ashamed of yourselves, you're disgusting.
Think about what you just did.
Okay, that's fine, but you dance naked in front of little children.
You did, you did.
I mean, look at these freaks, ladies and gentlemen,
and they have a total desire to destroy innocence.
You dance in front of little children.
You know, I'm just saying, you can tell the guilt and shame,
that's why they're freaking out, that's why they're trying to get into a car.
See, I stand behind what I say, I'm willing to sit there and have a conversation,
they aren't, as soon as they dance and they shake around in front of their kids
and they get tipped like a stripper,
run through the back door and get in their car and drive off,
because they don't want to actually face the music,
that's the problem in society.
Well, that's why they wear the clown outfits,
which steals a woman's identity that a fat, ugly man or a man is a woman,
because they're in a clown outfit, they're not,
it's it the clown comes in disguise to go and do this event,
and they don't want the light of day,
because they don't want their backgrounds checked.
Well, it's, all you got to do is look at the numbers of people
with gender reassignment surgeries and the trans movement,
in the 80s, it was a very small percent, it was like one percent.
Bill Maher had the best monologue about it,
talking about from the 60s, it was one tenth of one percent,
then it doubled, then it doubled,
and now you look at places, now it's like, you know,
20% of kids are trans or transitioning,
in California, you know, there's that one, it's like one out of every...
This is a sterilization death call taking over.
But I just want to say this point, in California,
it's like one out of, you know, every 20 kids,
and I'm just saying this number for a general term,
one out of every 20 kids is trans,
but in Ohio, it's like one out of every 1,000.
So what's the difference between Los Angeles and Cleveland, Ohio?
It's because the indoctrination of the culture they're around.
It's not because, oh, all of a sudden, oh, I'm a girl,
I was born, even though I have a penis, I'm a girl.
So this is the problem, it's these outside forces,
or the ones that are dictating and taking advantage of these children.
And this transgender movement, this isn't some new thing.
I mean, I'm a conspiracy theorist, you look at the Statue of Liberty,
they say is trans. I mean, there's, this has been a kind of a long time,
even Shakespeare would put the male actors in dresses.
And there was women there, so I'm just saying,
this is a calculated thing in order to transition people
to make men boys, to make girls guys, to confuse us
so we don't know what's going on.
That's right, that's right, there's always been men
that want to take over the place of women.
First, they tell you, oh, there are no women,
no men and women, there's a targeting of women going on,
there's a key report that breaks this down at Band-Aid video,
Satanism De-Mestified.
Sorry, my doubts go crazy, but this is all we got to talk about, Alice.
Look at Leah Thomas, swam on the men's team for three years
and the NCAA ranks 457, then switches over to the women's team,
wins multiple NCAA championships, and the media cheerleads this.
That is so against everything that is right.
Those poor women that spend every weekend,
every summer going to summer camp swimming in a pool,
they finally make it to the top 17 in the entire country
out of the thousands of colleges in America.
There's only 17 in that final race,
and they got a race against a guy that has a penis and testicles
and that still likes to sleep with women.
What kind of clown world accepts that and not only accepts it out,
cheerleads it from the mainstream media.
It all is a test, Alex Stein, to see what we'll put up with
and what we'll submit with the clones
and all of it, the transhumanism coming out.
Where does everybody find the amazing work you and others are doing?
Well, listen, I wanted to say, you guys find me on Twitter,
Instagram, Alex999, if you can't find me, you're not looking,
and I'm not trying to virtue single,
but make sure to support you, Alex.
You've done so much in, you know, being fearless,
and I take a lot of my inspiration from you,
so you guys definitely support the Info War.
And I said, Daria, great picture of the kids.
Alex, all the youth love you.
You are so loved, you have no idea, Alex,
we keep fighting, you're doing a great job.
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And I salute you and thank you.
Visit infowarstore.com today.
All right, in about 12 minutes from now,
this Sunday Transmission with Alex Jones hosting,
but Owen Schreuer is coming in and we did the Sunday
live show where the radio stations and TV stations
can pick it up, but we only do six minutes of ads
an hour, only the local ads, no network ads.
And that's a model I want to go to soon.
You know, I go on these other big podcasts and shows
and they go, why do you have 14 minutes of ads an hour?
Well, that's what TV and radio have.
That's the industry standard.
Some have more, some have less.
14 minutes is the average.
And that's why they couldn't platform us
because we had 200 affiliates on radio
four years ago when they de-platformed us.
Now we have approaching 400 radio affiliates
and hundreds of TV stations.
The broadcast has exploded.
So as negative as all this is and as scary as it is,
it's in God's plan, evil's making its move.
We will win, but we have to have the courage
to speak out and say no to it.
So Owen Schreuer will be hosting Sunday Night Live
if your station doesn't carry it.
It really should.
But regardless, infowars.com.
Band.video, the big live show feed
on the front page of the site will have it.
We'll talk about the Pito Drag Show for kids in Dallas.
A bunch of key reports.
He'll be taking calls throughout the next two hours
coming up straight ahead.
And then I'll be back tomorrow morning,
11 a.m. Central, right after Harrison Smith
at American Journal, 8 a.m. weekdays
at infowars.com.
But look at this right here.
This is the photo that Alex Stein mentioned
right before we went to break.
And it's just all these great listeners that are there.
He said, not just these folks, but so many others.
We salute them with info war shirts.
Alex shows us right, standing against pure evil,
being on the right side of history.
And look at those glowing eyes,
those sweet, good, smart people.
You look at the people serving the New World Order
and they just look like they're dead.
And they are just servants of evil.
They are captured souls turned into engines
of corruption and domination.
And Elon Musk is totally right.
We have just department leaks on myself,
Trump, Roger Stone.
They do congressional subpoenas.
And they release the stuff selectively out of context.
They have Supreme Court leaks.
But where are the leaks of Jeffrey Epstein's phone
and Jeffrey Epstein's client list that the FBI has?
Where are the leaks?
We already have the public laptop
with all the pedophilia on it of Hunter Biden.
It's a cult of pedophiles.
Because if somebody will hurt a child,
they'll do anything and they're soulless
and Satan can just swoop right in because there is no God.
There is no connection to the infinite.
There is no Holy Spirit.
So Elon Musk asks,
why doesn't the DOJ leak Epstein's client list?
Doesn't that seem odd?
Great job, Elon Musk.
Why can't you more every single day?
And here's one of the main men dressed as a woman
because kids dress women
at the event saying,
I want to get pizza.
Very interesting.
I mentioned this quite a bit earlier.
We're going to get into it right now.
It's an article that's all over the place
from Vigilant Citizen.
And it only scratches the surface.
It's worse than they even say here,
but this article is great.
It's at zerohedge.com and infowars.com
because it'll really wake people up.
It only covers some of the stuff.
I've got some other examples, but look at this.
The top 10 creepiest and most dystopian things
pushed by the World Economic Forum
that is the public arm of the Bilderberg Group.
Penetrating governments.
We control your governments.
We are now in control.
We don't want the people involved.
His own Wikipedia page says he doesn't want the people involved.
That's called being a dictator.
Number nine.
Number nine.
And this article is great because it shows all the videos,
all the quotes, all the clips.
Number nine, controlling minds using sound waves.
Look at this.
Mind control using sound waves in 5G.
We ask the scientists how it works.
World Economic Forum.
The 5G will make you submit.
You will love it. It's so good.
Number eight, pills that contain microchips
to make sure you're taking the pill
all the government orders you to take.
That's the Debo Scroop.
All agreeing you should be made to take pills
with microchips in it.
Number seven, praising massive lockdowns.
Praising the lockdowns that starved 40 plus million to death.
Demanding new lockdowns anytime there's a virus
for total martial law and fear and control.
All the clips, all the links, all the tweets right there.
And saying the lockdowns were good for the earth.
Number six, take a peek in the future.
You'll eat bugs. You'll have no beef.
There are no families. Pedophilia is legal.
Go read it for yourself.
It is just the declaration of war against humanity
by the bankers that have stolen pure and total absolute control.
Number five, pushing the great reset.
Shut down fossil fuels.
Collapse borders in the family as we know it.
Get rid of small businesses.
The great reset is the great extermination.
And it goes on, you know, tomorrow,
I think I'm going to play all the clips in the excerpts that are in this
and maybe spend like two hours on it
because it is so powerful.
Rehabilitating, or excuse me, that's a Freudian slip,
recalibrating freedom of speech.
And they define that as getting rid of freedom of speech
and only allowing corporate speech they want
and having surveillance and AI control
and lecturing you about what your speech can be or should not be.
Number three, tracking your clothes
and then finally chips inside your body,
Klaus Schwab, the UN, all of them saying it's the next phase
of the global ID with the vaccine passport.
That'll be the carbon passport that they're bringing out right now.
Number two, smartphones will be in your body.
You'll have to have it to leave your house by law.
You will live in a virtual reality inside your own home.
Number one, you'll own nothing and be happy
because we will totally bankrupt you.
And there's all the clips and all the links
and every word we say, every word we cover is in the document.
What an important article from Vigilance Citizen
at infowars.com, zerohedge.com,
and so many other great sites and defiance of this anti-human force.
The war for the future is now.
You're being made a corporate commodity
and if you'll let pedophiles and criminals and crazy people
come have access to your children.
If you'll put up with that, they believe you will put up with anything.
But they're weak.
That's why since the 50s, they denied the Bilderberg Group existed.
Then it created the Davos Group, it's public group.
They're meeting at the Grand Orient in D.C. right now.
The meeting is just now ending as we speak.
Here's London Guardian.
I mean, force a report on it.
Bilderberg reconvenes in person after two-year pandemic gas.
Charlie Skelton is a great guy.
It goes on and on.
Bill Gates and Richard Branson are betting lab-grown meat
might be the future of the future, grown from dead bugs.
And they're buying up all the farmland so you can't have beef
associated with the IRIQ.
And then we have the footage of the dictator of New Zealand
taking orders from BlackRock and Vanguard.
That's some of the news at infowars.com and newswars.com.
And I've got all these other stacks of news.
Putin threatening nuclear war, it's back in the newspaper.
Everybody blaming Biden for what's happening,
which I hate Biden.
He's a puppet.
It's the globalist agenda doing it.
We've got all that.
But Owen Schreuer takes over in the next two hours,
only six minutes ads an hour, only local breaks, no network breaks,
coming up with your phone calls and more.
Ladies and gentlemen, I can't prosecute this war
without your word of mouth and your prayer and your support.
You've been doing it.
We've had so many amazing things happen the last few months.
So many doors opened.
When just two months ago, I could not make payroll
and we thought we have to be shut down.
And then three or four big doors opened up,
big donations, small donations,
new suppliers for the products, incredible companies,
a bunch of other stuff that's happened.
So thanks to the grace of God, we are still on air.
And I want to thank you all.
Number one, more important than a financial support,
more important than word of mouth is prayer,
intercessing to God and praying for doors to open
for info wars and for the truth to get out
and for you to spread the word is incredible.
So I thank you all for what you've done.
And tomorrow I'll talk more about the positive things
that have happened as well, not just the negative of the enemy,
but God deserves the credit.
We don't spend enough time thanking God
for intercessing through a year for your prayer.
Because God is a God of free will.
God is the God of the universe and you've got to ask for it.
You've got to believe in it. You've got to want it.
Just like the globalists want to make contact
with your children to screw them up.
God wants to make contact with you to empower you
and fulfill you and just do amazing things.
So tomorrow, 11 a.m., we're talking about positive things,
kicking things off.
But whatever you do, spread the word, my friends,
it's a real power you've got on your email,
your text message.
However, infowars.com forward slash show,
band.video, from page infowars.com.
And local stations, spread the word.
The power of millions listening can be tens of millions
and hundreds of millions of billions listening
if you realize the power you've got.
Great job, crew.
Owen Schreuer takes over in two minutes.
The biggest sale of the historic year 2022 is here.
It's our Memorial Day special that runs for one week.
Double Patriot points and up to 60% off.
Ladies and gentlemen, we can't stay on air
without your support.
Plus, these are amazing products, books, films,
supplements, water filtration, air filtration,
and so much more.
So please visit infowars.com today
and take advantage of the biggest sales yet in 2022
and help us stay on air.
Plus, boost your immune system with our immune boost formula.
60% off right now at infowars.com.
And so many other products are at 40% to 60% off right now
at infowars.com.
You can also call toll-free.
And our great operators will answer all your questions
and take your order over the phone.
That's 888-253-3139.
Thanks for being part of the tip of the spear.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, Malcolm.
I'm Mike in Real Short, where the other patrons
can get on the line.
Alex, I have to promote one thing
from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schreuer.
Supermell Vitality and Brain Force Plus.
Mix those two together.
You're an unstoppable tank.
Supermell Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds
that have never been heated up.
And so it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions.
They also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just OK.
People are like, why are you selling something
and admitting sometimes the batch isn't strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
So it's always good.
It's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce
at a decent price, then this shit.