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Filename: 20220526_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 26, 2022
3192 lines.

"The Infowars show discusses various issues including monkeypox, gun control laws, school shootings, mental health, and security measures. They argue against deception by the "would-be New World Order". The show promotes its products that help protect privacy and fund their news organization at infowarstore.com. The Uvaldi shooting incident is covered, with focus on the perpetrator's background and politicians' responses. They advocate for arming teachers and improving school security measures to prevent future tragedies. Better training and equipment for law enforcement officers are suggested as necessary to handle active shooter situations effectively. Concerns about the security measures in place to prevent mass shootings are raised. Institutionalizing mentally ill people again is suggested as a way to address mass shootings and prevent them from occurring. The discussion also touches on how media advertising of school shootings may be influencing some individuals to commit these crimes."

Infowars, tomorrow's news, today.
The main weapon being deployed against us by the would-be New World Order is slight
of hand, distraction, and fakery.
And we can see its effectiveness in the recent Johnny Depp trial, meaningless drivel to feed
humanity while we are literally being killed by criminal gangs posing as governments.
And almost everybody takes a bite.
As a human being, one must always factor in the tendency to be fooled and focus on what
we know.
And so, what do we know so far about monkeypox?
We know that after Bill Gates warned of an impending terrorist attack involving a synthetic
smallpox in 2017, two new monkeypox vaccines were developed.
Both admittedly dangerous, known to cause infection, vaccine shedding, and death.
And both have been approved by the FDA.
And we know that they have been planning for a monkeypox outbreak.
Just as the event 201 simulation war-gamed COVID-19 the year prior, or as Bill Gates
calls it, germ-gamed, in the spring of last year, the U.S. held a monkeypox pandemic simulation
exercise with the non-profit Nuclear Threat Initiative that predicted a monkeypox bioattack
in June of this year.
During that same time, the U.K. Ministry of Defense simulated a monkeypox outbreak, focusing
on Russian disinfo.
And what do we know about monkeypox?
Monkeypox was first discovered in 1958 within colonies of laboratory research monkeys who
were being given the polio vaccine.
And according to the CDC, the only symptom that distinguishes monkeypox from smallpox
is lymphadenopathy, swollen lymph nodes, which is also a smallpox vaccine side effect, and
is known to be a symptom of smallpox, as well as chickenpox.
Electron microscope visualization cannot prove a smallpox infection because allpox viruses
are morphologically indistinguishable.
According to actual science, there is a strong argument that smallpox, monkeypox, chickenpox,
and shingles are all the same thing, and there is no actual proof that they are different.
We are simply expected to trust the CDC and their logical fallacies as so-called evidence.
And so in 1958, when virologists were likely seeing side effects on lab monkeys they were
injecting with experimental vaccines, they called it monkeypox, and claimed it was an
ancient rare virus that they had just discovered, which coincidentally showed up in humans for
the first time in 1970.
And by 1978, without any proof of its existence, scientific journals were already saying that
vaccination is an effective preventative measure against monkeypox.
Just three months ago, the famous Wuhan lab, who allegedly created COVID-19, published
a paper claiming they assembled a monkeypox virus genome, which will enable for successful
PCR testing, and potentially make it more contagious.
And so, just as the PCR tests were used to create false positives by misreading the flu,
the common cold, and even fruit as COVID-19, they will now be used to create false positives
for monkeypox, whether you are experiencing vaccine side effects, or common herpes, or
even asymptomatic monkeypox.
And finally, we know that the media is the real virus, and when the media puts out the
fear, their followers will eagerly line up to get the new dangerous vaccines and insist
that you do the same.
Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
Ladies and gentlemen, Ultra-12, the highest quality B-12 you're going to find on the market,
has been sold out for many months, but now it's back in stock at infowarsstore.com.
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Thank you all for your support.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility, against every form of tyranny over
the mind of man, Thomas Jefferson.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Alex Jones show.
I'm Harrison Smith, sitting in momentarily for Alex Jones.
He had a family engagement that he's doing right now, so he'll be in within the hour,
the bottom of the hour, maybe 30 or 45 minutes, but I'm just going to cover some of the news
here in the meantime, but he is on his way, and he's got some stuff to say about some
of the news, came out yesterday, some of what we've learned about the Uvaldi shooter and
the actual shooting as it took place and as it went down and how the police acted, incredibly
troubling video coming out showing the parents desperately trying to get the police to go
in and save their children as the sound of gunshots rings out from within the building
and the police are holding these people back, actually taking their tasers out and threatening
the parents of children with tasers and pinning them on the ground as the shooter rampages
inside, crazy stuff.
Now I'm the host of the American Journal, our morning show here on InfoWars, so I spent
quite a while going through this footage and breaking it down and talking about some of
what we can conclude from what we're learning all throughout the program today, so I won't
spend too much time on that because I know Alex is going to cover that quite a bit as
well, but fortunately for us there is no shortage of horrific news on a daily basis.
So we'll be talking about a little bit of other stuff here and we'll leave it to Alex
Jones to break down exactly what is to be learned from the inaction by the police yesterday.
I actually had some supporters on Twitter contact me and saying, don't fall into the
anti-police messaging of how this is being reported, it's only contributing to the Defund
the Police program, it's the exact opposite as far as I see it.
The Defund the Police program means two things, it means privatizing the police, those who
can pay for it will still have protection, those who cannot afford it will be left on
their own and without any defense whatsoever.
And federalizing the police, that's the other issue, is that you get rid of the local police
departments and that allows you to justify the creation of federal police departments
and in my interpretation of what happened in Uvalde that was the issue, is that the
local police were waiting around, excuse me, for the federal police to come in and provide
oversight and give them instructions.
It turns out the person that actually killed the shooter, the Border Patrol agent, was
acting without orders, he just went in on his own, he refused to wait for instructions
and just took it upon himself to go in and save, God knows how many children, by putting
down the shooter after, of course, 19 had already been killed.
I mean, I guess it's a testament to the modern American world where the news of 19 children
being slaughtered by single gunmen isn't the worst case scenario, like showing up to a
school and finding out that your 10 year old child has been killed, you would think would
be the worst thing you could possibly imagine.
That's only because it boggles the mind and defies imagination to imagine showing up to
a school where your 10 year old is alive, just to be held outside of it by the police
while the murder takes place inside.
That somehow is even more horrific, the news just gets worse and worse and worse.
It's incredibly troubling.
But again, I'll leave that up to Alex Jones to do the deep dive investigation into that
and explain exactly what that's all about, because after all, there's other stories to
cover as well, including this one, which, again, it's the type of thing where they're
just doing this sort of stuff now, it used to be the type of thing where only Info Wars
would report on things like this, we'd be the only ones that cared about it, it would
be all secret and we'd have to go in and figure out what was really going on.
Times have changed.
Now, they're establishing world government, they're very open and proud about that.
The world elites are now gathered in Davos and Geneva in a joint or parallel World Health
Organization and World Economic Forum meetings where they are quite openly describing the
methods and means by which they will control the entire global population in a technocratic
control grid that uses financial levers and digital currency controlled by a central bank
to dictate what you deserve to do, who you deserve to go interact with, how far you're
able to travel, what you're able to buy and eat.
All of this will be very minutely controlled by people flying private jets and eating big
steak dinners every night because they're worth it, because they've earned it, because
they're doing so much to fight back against climate change, they can have a little extra
carbon to help them along the way.
It's a complete and total scam, world government is their espoused desire and now they're laying
down the mechanisms by which they will achieve that goal.
It's not a conspiracy theory, it's just conspiracy.
Although back in the day they would have had to hide this and this is the really amazing
thing about the globalists.
This is their great achievement over the last several years.
They have somehow been able to trick the people of the world and in particular the American
people into thinking that what they're up to in their secret little conclaves is somehow
for the benefit of them, for the benefit of the citizens.
It's really amazing.
It used to be a time where you said, yeah, these elites get together and they plot what
they're going to do and they plan together and they coordinate an unelected, super national,
secret controlled cabals and you're told that's crazy, that's insane, that doesn't happen.
Now you're told it does happen, they do do this, they do get together, they are planning
world events, they are plotting how to enslave the earth, it's just, it's for your own good.
It's because they love you so much.
It's really, you want to talk about sleight of hand, like that Gregory's report.
This is something else entirely.
Something else entirely.
And of course one of the things, one of their main mechanisms of control is censorship,
is control of information.
And it is an information war, I don't know if you've heard of this yet, but it's an
info war we're engaged in and of course they're still pursuing the Disinformation Governance
I don't know if you caught this, but we reported on it on the day that it was announced that
Nina Jankiewicz was retiring from the Disinformation Board.
And Disinformation Governance Board is no more, we did it, victory, we got rid of the
Governance Board.
But of course we actually listened to what the White House was saying and read what their
reports were and it was like, no, this isn't going anywhere.
It hasn't gone anywhere.
They literally said, standing in front of the press room in the White House, they said
the work will continue behind the scenes, it'll just be less public.
There's too much backlash with all of the public knowing what we're doing, so we'll continue
to do it in secret, that's how we respond to anger and outrage when it's discovered
what we're involved in.
And of course they turned it over from Nina Jankiewicz to, you know, the guy that wrote
the Patriot Act, Chertav, Michael Chertav is his name.
He looks like a vampire and he's acts like one too and now he's in charge of the Disinformation
Governance Board.
And with the latest action by Big Tech we see what the real point of all of this censorship
This is not going to be news to the InfoWars audience, but it has nothing to do with misinformation
or disinformation.
It has to do with information.
It has to do with stopping you from discovering, certainly from speaking back against what
the deep state is up to.
And the latest proof of this can be found at InfoWars.
The title of the article is YouTube, censor's tape of Obama officials from 2014 planning
Ukrainian coup after eight years.
It's not disinformation, it's not misinformation, it is in fact a verbatim recording of Victoria
Newland who at the time was the Under Secretary of State coordinating and picking and choosing
who would rule Ukraine.
Completely destroying the concept of Ukraine as some sort of independent democracy when
you have the elites of America, I mean just quite literally, I'm trying to say the word
literally, but I mean they're literally picking and choosing who's going to rule Ukraine.
So Victoria Newland saying no, not him, no, not him, yeah, he's on our side, we'll put
him in charge and we'll have these guys operate and this guy will go do this, like chess pieces
on a board maneuvering for their own aims and pursuit of their own goals.
That's what's been removed from YouTube.
Not disinformation, not misinformation, but real, honest to God, recordings of the United
States manipulating the politics of Ukraine long before Russia ever intervened.
So do you think censorship was bad before?
It's only getting worse folks and it's all about hiding the crimes of the deep state.
We'll be back on the other side with a little bit more.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
This is Harrison Smith sitting in for Alex Jones.
Alex is in the building and he will be joining us very shortly.
He'll be likely in the desk at the start of the next segment.
So fear not, he is going to come and really break down the new information that is still
being revealed about what happened in Uvaldi yesterday.
He's got some breaking news when it comes to what exactly happened behind the scenes
and why it took so long for police to actually go in and get the shooter while meanwhile
you had parents actually discussing and considering bum rushing the police line just to get past
them and go try to do something themselves, cannot imagine.
I cannot imagine the frustration, honestly it just boggles your mind and the video coming
out about this is just some of the most horrific stuff I've ever seen in my entire life.
I can't even explain.
Hopefully you just get it.
You understand what it would be like as a parent to know that your child is in a school
with a shooter and yet a cop is holding a taser pointed at you demanding that you not
do anything about it.
Absolutely unbelievable.
But I got to say, just as a quick aside, I am blown away every time I walk into this
I do American Journal from the smaller studio that's right next door, right through that
But our crew works incredibly hard to bring the graphics and to calibrate the cameras
and the behind the scenes stuff that has to take place to put on a show every single
day here.
We do three live shows with a full crew, with the Jib operators, with the brand new graphics
and music for every single episode.
Every time I'm done with my show and I finish up and leave the crew is still there and they'll
be there for hours tweaking stuff, getting stuff just right.
Making sure they're smoothing over any little hiccups that might occur during the show.
And it's amazing.
And that's just in my little humble American Journal studio.
But then I walk in here and I mean it's like stepping into the control room of a battleship
or something.
It really is impressive and it really does show what we've been able to accomplish despite
the attacks continually leveled against us despite the demonization that we go through.
The American viewers and the Info Wars audience has come through for us time and time again
and we hope that we just repay that loyalty to you by giving you what you expect which
is the unvarnished reality of the world that we're in as ugly and as hateful as it seems
sometimes you've got to stare that monster in the eyes and take it on and that's what
Info Wars does and hopefully we live up to your expectations because you have really
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media and fight back against the tyranny of the deep state and the global control being
imposed upon us now.
And again, you've got Beto O'Rourke making an absolute fool of himself, you've got Barack
Obama making sure that we don't get too distracted by the current tragedy that the Democrats
are exploiting.
He's making sure we don't forget the previous tragedy that they exploited, the George Floyd
killing, the George Floyd killing that led to the Black Lives Matter riots that killed
dozens and left billions of dollars of structures ruined in their wake and then imposed the
defund the police movement on America which led to no less than 2,500 extra deaths strictly
in the Black community in a single year.
Imagine being a Democrat.
Imagine being a Democrat right now.
How do you do it, folks?
How do you justify supporting policies that time and time again without exception just
leave a wake of death?
There's Barack Obama.
Across the country, parents are putting their children to bed reading stories, singing lullabies
in the back of their minds.
They're worried about what might happen tomorrow and they drop their kids off at school or
take them to a grocery store or any other public space.
Yeah, how'd that happen, Barack?
It didn't used to be like that, did it?
Is it because we're just so much more conservative now?
Oh, we just got so much more nationalistic and conservative.
Now things are so much worse.
Where is it because we have been on a process of liberalization in which our every foundational
societal construction is being ripped out by the roots by the Democrats?
When Republicans talk about we want to get to the root of the problem, I always say that
these mass shootings, they're like a skin legion.
They're a scab on your skin that really is a symptom of a cancer that's eating you out
from the inside.
So you can put a band-aid on the skin legion, but it's not solving the cancer that's killing
It's just a symptom.
It's just the visible part of something, a much deeper and destructive issue at the
heart of things.
So when Republicans talk about that, what we're talking about is, what's at the heart
of this violence is the chaos, the madness, the hopelessness, the division, the hatred
that's continually pumped into our country, the lack of support by family.
You know, the shooter in Uvaldi, single mother who wasn't around and was addicted to drugs,
he's being supported by his grandmother, he has no family, no support system, and that's
the case for so many kids in America these days, they're ripe to be turned into a mass
killer or something.
And what's the democratic solution?
Well, we'll put psychiatrists in schools.
Oh, is that going to solve it?
We'll have social workers.
No, social workers can't make up.
They cannot compete with a loving household, with a support system and a family, and faith
in God, and belief that life is worth living.
We can't mandate these things to have the government have these things.
So that's what we mean when we say we need to get to the heart of the issue and find
out what's really behind all this violence.
When the Democrats talk about what's at the heart of the issue, what's the cause of all
this, their solution is get rid of the Bill of Rights.
They've identified the real problem with America and it's these gosh darned God-given
rights we enjoy.
If we get rid of those, everything will be great.
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I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially with
word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the globalists and the fact that we're not
caught flat footed during their major takeover is because of you.
Humanity has a real fighting chance.
I just want to thank you all for buying products and InfoWarsStore.com like books and films
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But for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so we get almost
100% of the money to fund our operation during this critical time, go to infostore.com and
right at the top you'll see a link to make a straight donation, a one time donation
of $5, $10, $50 or a recurring donation you can cancel anytime.
I want to thank all of you that have donated, I want to encourage those of you out there
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new renaissance that's countering the great reset by going to InfoWarsStore.com and clicking
on the donate button and giving today.
Thank you so much for your support, please take action.
InfoWars has made history.
You have made history in your support of InfoWars and one of the biggest tools we've had to
circumvent and override the sensors has been Patriot Apparel so we can identify each other
so we can spread the word and so we can push people to websites like InfoWars.com so they
can understand the globalist plan and how to stop it.
Now ladies and gentlemen, two months ago we announced we're blowing out of all of our
designs of t-shirts, some of which go back more than 25 years.
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So, there's only 15,000 shirts of 60 plus thousand left and a couple weeks they'll all
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So thank you all for your support, please visit infowarstore.com and get one of these
historic shirts, hoodies, long sleeves, ball caps, you name it, while you still can.
I want to thank you all for your support, infowarstore.com.
Including a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, welcome back folks, Harrison Smith sitting in for Alex Jones, Alex is in the
building, he will be in studio next segment, so this will be the final segment with myself.
And boys, they're just an infinite amount of stuff to talk about here, Zelensky calls
for total help as Russia advances in Ukraine's east, it's like total war but it sounds nicer,
I guess.
But of course the big topic of today is the new information we're finding out about this
shooting that happened in Uvaldi and the failure of the police or at least something happened.
There was some sort of little mix up where the police ended up attacking the parents
of the children rather than the murderer shooting them and as more details are coming out we
see the absolute rage these parents are feeling and it is completely and totally justified.
Here's the video, we came to show you the audio because it's just a lot of curse words
and a lot of screaming as you can imagine and again Alex Jones is going to break this
down in very fine detail but I'll just say that last night I was lying in bed at about
11 o'clock, I live in South Austin, pretty safe neighborhood, not too bad but suddenly
the night was lit up with a sound of gunfire, rare thing in my neighborhood but there it
was, sort of sound like fireworks at first but after a few more rounds you go oh no that's
it, that's definitely gunfire and of course I get out a little police scanner app and
start listing in and sure enough somebody's called in and reported gunfire in my area.
The problem is that Austin is sort of a far left city and we've defunded our police and
now if you call 911 in Austin you're likely to be put on hold, that's been the outcome
of the defund the police movement and of course what was my reaction to hearing gunshots near
my house, I grabbed my gun of course, what a comfort it is knowing that when there's
madmen and criminals running around heavily armed and doing God knows what that I don't
have to sit and be a useless victim and huddle with my unarmed family as the police take their
sweet time to show up, I mean that's the police in this country these days especially in a
place like Austin, they're not going to prevent crime, yeah this may have actually been it,
man killed by police after trading gunfire with officers in southeast Austin, yeah they
were, it went on for about an hour, it was pretty crazy, I'm not sure if this was actually
it was this last night at around midnight because that's when it happened to me but again think
about what the leftists are promoting, think about what the democrats, the world they're
setting up, they want to disarm you but they also want to get rid of the police, the border
patrol killed this uvaldi shooter, do you think they're going to celebrate the border
patrol and advocate for them, they're trying to get rid of them as well, they want you
helpless, they want you completely disarmed and available for abuse because guess what
they're planning on doing, I mean can you imagine what 2020 or 2021 would have looked
like if the American people had been totally disarmed, I'd probably be sitting in a quarantine
camp right now, if I was lucky if I'd survived it, there's a classic meme going around going
when the government is trying to take your guns after 243 years it's because they're
about to do something that you would want to shoot them for and you know we're human
beings, the tragedy as it unfolds in uvaldi, it's like you know just to put yourself in
those parents positions, what wouldn't you do right, what wouldn't I do, I would you
know if we could prevent little children from being killed, I'd give up my guns, here's
the problem, here's a little issue with that, my government is pretty open about wanting
to kill me, they're not super shy about wanting to put me in a camp and stick a needle in
my arm, so tell you what, while our government is still engaged in openly despising me and
wanting to tyrannize me and my family and wanting to throw us in a camp and wanting
us wanting to inflict medical experimentation on us, I'm going to go ahead and keep my guns,
so until you stop being tyrannical psychopaths, I'm going to keep my guns, once you stop
trying to do things that are going to make me want to defend myself, then I'd be willing
to talk and come to the table, but for now unfortunately the government's in a position
where they're not super shy about wanting to put me in a camp and or just eliminate me,
so I'll keep my guns for now, thanks guys, and I would love to just once, I would love
for Democrats to have to actually explain the results of their policies, because it's
without exception, I can't think of a single leftist government policy that has not completely
and totally backfired, like not even just didn't work, that would be one thing, it'd
be one thing if you said, oh well, you know, there's a lot of, you know, there's a lot
of black Americans dying and we don't like it, so we're going to, you know, put these
measures forward, well, we spent a bunch of money and the murder rate's the same, darn
it, like that would be understandable, it's like, well, you tried and you failed, nothing
happened, no, no, in this case, they get everything they want, we defund the police, 2,500 extra
murders in a single year, just a black Americans, like I'm just not counting the white Americans
in that number, at the white Americans it's even higher, so just thousands of extra murders,
so it's not even like, oh, we tried and nothing happened, no, you tried and made everything
exponentially worse, and it happens time after time after time, and again, maybe if it happened
all at once, the emotional impact would be there, maybe it's just because it's stretched
over a year, 10 murders a day, you know, it's hard to really wrap your mind around that,
maybe if we could see in just clear and concise understanding, maybe if those 2,500 people
were murdered all at once, we would have the emotional reaction that's appropriate.
We understand, you know, the consequences when it's 19 children dying, that's horrific
and unimaginable and, you know, we feel it, we get it, but when 100 times that number
dies over the course of a year as a direct consequence of leftist policies, I guess we
just don't have that impact, but of course it's the same thing time and time again, over
and over and over and over, the leftists get what they want, they enact their policies,
it makes everything worse, and then of course they blame Republicans, such a simple trick
they pull, simple little routine they carry out, cause a problem, create a crisis, use
that crisis to create the fear and panic in the people, put forward a supposed solution
to the problem, the solution actually has nothing to do with the problem, it just funnels
bunch of money into their pocket or expands their programs, the problem just gets worse
and then they blame Republicans, I mean, it happened with baby formula shortage, right?
Their policies cause a baby formula shortage, their lockdown destroys the supply chain,
their FDA goes and forcibly shuts down the baby manufacturer, the baby formula manufacturing
plant and then they put forward a bill that's, provide babies with formula, you look in the
text of the bill, it's paying for salaries of people in the FDA who are the ones that
actually shut down the baby formula in the first place, would do nothing to get baby
formula to anybody, wouldn't help anybody at all, so Republicans go, we're not gonna vote
on this just cause it has a nice title of the bill, the bill doesn't actually solve anything,
but with an uninformed populace, the Democrats then can go out and say, it's your fault for
not voting for our bill, you're the ones that cause this, such a simple little deceit that
the Democrats are engaged in and of course it's almost most apparent when it comes to
black lives matter and crime, black lives matter, black lives matter so much, we destroyed
3,000 of them in a single year, more than normal, direct result of Democrat policies
and by the way, I don't know if anybody tried to go to an academy or a gun store in 2020,
but my God, it was like a bonanza, it was like Beatlemania, but for guns, you couldn't
get ammo, you couldn't get guns, people were waiting in line around the corner, I mean
if the gun lobby was smart, they'd be sponsoring defund the police, they'd be pouring money
into leftist causes, because what inspires people to buy guns is not the NRA or the gun
lobby, you Democrat idiots, it's uncertainty and a lack of safety in this country, it's
that people feel like they're not being protected, they're gonna have to defend themselves and
the Democrats are letting out tens of thousands of criminals onto the street and then defunding
the police, yeah, we're gonna wanna have guns, so again, more leftist policies contributing
100% to what they blame Republicans for, Alex Jones joins us on the other side.
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Mike in California, thanks for calling.
I think we're barking up the wrong tree calling this gain of function research, now if you
read the actual 2014 legislation, the US government gain of function deliberative process and research
funding pause on selected gain of function research involving influenza, MERS and ZARS
viruses, there's nothing about ZARS like viruses and it's a research funding pause,
it's not a stop, it's not a prohibition, it's when you come to a four-way intersection
there's the stops sign, you stop, you look both ways and then you proceed and so it's
also it doesn't pause all gain of function, just selected gain of function but they'll
argue that this is actually characterization and qualification research so you know Rand
and others you know maybe Fauci was right, they don't quite know what they're talking
about calling it gain of function you know that's why he didn't perjure himself, that's
why he hasn't been arrested because they're literally creating new synthetic life forms
that mimic what the viruses do but in the main definition still a gain of function, you're
making something deadly that spreads more easily to hurt people, thank you Mike we love you.
Thank you so much for watching this video, I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in
the next one.
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Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here and this tragic situation in Uvalde, Texas is a window
into all the problems not just facing America but the world on so many fronts.
Thank you for joining us on this Thursday May 26, 2022 broadcast my four year old daughter
that just turned five just graduated from her little Christian preschool in the kindergarten
and so I went to that and got over here as quickly as I could today but obviously family
is so paramount sitting there watching those little two, three, four year olds graduating
and up singing pretty little songs, Christian songs was tearing my guts out to think about
how innocent and good they are and the children not much older were executed by this psychotic.
Now we have a correction to make and when we get things wrong we want to make corrections
because we don't get things wrong on purpose and I want to be very, very clear that we're
not also blaming the police.
We have a lot of inside information that's also been confirmed and we have Tim Inlow
who is a police trainer all over central Texas and who actually is the main trainer for some
of the larger cities and their schools and police departments and courthouses.
He's also the head of our security but he works almost every weekend and takes off many
times during the week as part of his contract with us to continue on with his other separate
work so he specifically has a lot of sources, a lot of intel and what I was already hearing
this morning was that the police thought it was a hostage situation because he wasn't
shooting people, he went and held a class hostage and then when they started trying
to bust in to stop it, he killed the kids and so everybody's saying oh the police are
out there tackling people, they're tasering people, it's a horrible image and you're
a parent, you want to get in to save your children and it probably would have been better
just to rush in but then you could have got a bunch of kids shot in that process, it's
a hostage situation and it's the killer's fault that this happened.
Now certainly we saw stand downs in Columbine, we saw stand downs in places like Parkland
a few years ago, those were confirmed where they just sat there, they knew the guy was
already shooting, they knew it was one person, they sat there in the case of Columbine for
almost an hour, like 56 minutes since the number that came out in court in Parkland
in Florida with David Hogg and all the rest of it and Cruz the crazed shooter, they had
all the prior knowledge, he was known as school shooter as his nickname, he was always threatening
it, he was kicked out of school at the time and the police stood there for at least 14
minutes and the first student said this, then we got the video so we broke that, the media
spun it to say that I said nobody died, which is totally made up, we didn't say that, so
the correction is we went with the mainstream news that as soon as this guy ran out of his
vehicle, crashed it, ran into the school, first he shot at people at a funeral home
across the street then he ran to the school and that within minutes this board patrol
agent went in and killed him and got wounded, that's not what happened, it is the board
patrol agent that was going to the school first and was outside the door and made the
decision when he heard the shooting start to get through but the doors designed to not
let shooters get in, so it was a big steel barricaded door, so he had to then find a
panic teacher while the shooting is going on and while bullets are coming to the door
at him, this is coming out to get the damn door open, so very easy to blame the police
and when the police are bad we'll tell you about it obviously, you can call in if you
want, we'll hear your views on this, but the left is using this for more defund the police,
more federalize the police and when you talk about the feds, I mean for the shortcomings
of local police, my god the feds are ten times worse, I'm not saying all feds are bad, you
know the track record, Fast and Furious, Waco, Ruby Ridge, so much corruption, so many lies,
it's insane, so the media got it wrong and that's going to happen to the fog of these
things breaking and said oh the police went in right away and you know he was shooting
right away and so we followed what they said, that was wrong, we have corrected that but
now everybody's going down the path with these dramatic videos we've been showing and
let me tell you, if my five six year old son or daughter was in there, I mean the police
wouldn't be stopping me going in there and I'm not trying to act like a tough guy, I
understand why the parents are trying to go in and the police are in a terrible situation
because they're following orders, they don't know what's going on exactly, there's police
inside, I think it's a hostage situation, but this garbage went on, we're now learning
for an hour and then he started executing the children and the two teachers that had
been in the classroom, so that's what's going on and the details are coming out, the Democratic
Party is seizing on this and not even getting into the real issues and so we're going to
continue to try to give you the best, most accurate information we can, now again Tim
Enlobe did not want to come on yesterday and he did not want to come on Monday night because
he didn't have the information, he's ready to come on at 12.30, bottom of the hour in
about 40 minutes from now to break it all down for you and he's on the phone right now
calling his contacts, he's obviously got contacts everywhere to specifically vet the information
but we know that's what happened, we just don't know the details, you'll have exclusive
information in 40 minutes here on the M4Wars radio TV network, over 350 radio stations,
over 100 TV and cable stations, we're free to air, nobody, no contracts, just pick the
show up and we appreciate everybody that's picking up the transmission.
Now a lot of other stuff's going on obviously with the new lockdowns they're pushing, the
monkeypox fair mongering and finally a lot of leaders not just here but around the world
are getting it, so going through my stack today, I ran across six or seven articles
where people are saying you know if there's new lockdowns it's going to kill tens of millions
more people, we can't allow this and cutting off the fossil fuels is going to kill hundreds
of millions over the next decade if not billions, that society collapses but still even the
news gets it wrong like oh the left just has bad policies, they don't know what they're
doing or Mao Zedong had bad policies that killed 80 million Chinese, he didn't know
what he was doing or Stalin and Lenin had bad policies, they didn't know what they were
doing that killed 20 million plus people, no, they're doing it on purpose to take over
society and their own admissions, here's one of the headlines, leftists are about to kill
millions of people right before our eyes, that is a very important stack, we need to
remember all the murder and death and war and open borders and human smuggling and everything
that's going on while the media takes a horrible tragedy like this and blows it up to make
the biggest thing in the world and this guy executed one six year old, it'd be the worst
thing in the world because whether it's one person or a million, the problem isn't guns
and we all know that if you're being logical, it's spiritual, it is that we have evil, it
is that someone would go hold a classroom full of elementary students hostage and shoot
them in the head, shoot them in the chest, shoot them up, kill them, but you could do
that up close because it's hard statistically to kill your enemy that's trying to kill you
up close, even hardened troops have trouble doing that sometimes, but imagine the type
of demonic energy that it takes to execute 19 little children and two teachers, that's
why we have guns, ladies and gentlemen, so we're going to go over to the next tower,
we're going to play the different clips and we're going to get to the bottom of what happened,
we know he now barricaded in, we now know it was a hostage situation and if a hostage
taker starts killing hostages and they're behind a barricaded door, then you really
can't second guess the police, all you can do is study what happened and then understand
well how do you deal with it if someone gets in and then uses the hardened doors to keep
the police out, you see, everything's a double edged sword and so that's why this really
has to be looked at from every angle and that's why I've said the answer is arming the teachers
doing a psychological profile, seeing who wants to be part of the program and arming
the teachers, but at the end of the day there was a security person in the building, these
demons are targeting schools, it's still extremely rare but it doesn't matter, it's a horrible
thing and we shouldn't be sending 40 billion dollars, that's just the latest one, they
want 5 billion a month now, it's already over 55 billion in the last just five, six months
they've given, tens of billions before that to overthrow the government eight years ago
and now 5 billion a month is what Zelensky is arrogantly demanding while we don't have
baby formula on the shelves and while gas prices and other commodities are exploding
it's all coming up today, separately, got some big announcements we're going to be making
today, some exciting announcements but I'm going to get to it at the start like six after
next hour but I do want everybody to understand that we have a memorial day, mega blowout sale,
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, here's the deal, I'm going to air some clips of Beto O'Rourke crashing
the press conference, the mayor of Ivaldi responding, Ted Cruz knocking out of the park,
that's what we need to see more of in the face of some leftist guy from the UK demonizing
America and more and then when we start the next segment, six after, we go into overdrive
intel with our inside sources at the bottom of the hour, what really happened and the
latest information on the tragedy in Ivaldi, we have a major school safety training officer
that runs training programs, the court has a school, you name it, major cities, who's
going to be joining us in studio at the bottom of the 30 minutes, we'll have open phones
after that and a lot of news today, but here's a few of the clips I just met.
Two nine, one six and at this time I will pass the mic to Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick.
Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, sit down, you're out of line and an embarrassment.
I can't believe you're a six son of a bitch that would come to a deal like this to make
a political issue.
This is my stand on that, they want to have that discussion, that's what I'm going to
That's fine.
But that event today was not the place for the time to come in here and attack the governor
or anybody that said he wants to have that discussion, have it outside somewhere or something,
but not in that building, we're trying to get the people there.
This community is broken right now.
No community should have to go through what we've done in this community.
And for a person to come in there and start that crap, I have no respect for better.
I don't care if you're a Democrat or Republican or independent, we're American people, we're
trying to come together as a community and to do what you did today that press conference
was wrong.
I'm sorry, but it was wrong.
Is this the moment to reform gun laws?
You know, it's easy to go to politics, but it's important, it's at the heart of the
We get that that's where the media likes to go.
It's not.
It's where many of the people we've talked to here like to go.
The proposals from Democrats and the media, inevitably, when some violent psychopath murders
A violent psychopath who's able to get a weapon so easily, 18-year-old with two AR-15s.
If you want to stop, just a violent cry.
The proposals the Democrats have, none of them would have stopped this.
But why does this only happen in your country?
I really think that's what many people around the world just, they cannot fathom.
Why only in America?
Why is this American exceptionalism so awful?
You know, I'm sorry you think American exceptionalism is awful.
I think this aspect of it.
You get your political agenda.
God love you.
Senator, it's not.
I just want to understand why you do not think that guns are the problem.
Why is this just an American problem?
It is just an American problem, sir.
Mr. Cruz, why is America the only country that faces this kind of, you know what, mass
But you can't answer that.
You can't answer that.
Can you say?
You can't answer that.
Why is this country?
Why is it that people come from all over the world to America?
Because it's the freest, most prosperous, safest country on Earth.
The line is dying and stopping.
It may be the freest and maybe the most popular.
Why are our kids dying and stopping?
Why are our kids dying and stopping?
Why are our kids dying and stopping?
Why are our kids dying and stopping?
Why are our kids dying and stopping?
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Live from the info wars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the Puppet in Chief, Joe Biden, Barack Obama's third
administration placeholder has come on and said the second
amendment is not absolute and they tell us free speech
isn't absolute and now they're trying to get rid of all
free speech and they've admitted, Beto or Rourke,
all of them, that hell yes, we'll take your semi-automatic
rivals, we'll take all your semi-autos including handguns
so that we can't protect ourselves.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, the big scandal right now
isn't just the poor 19 children and two teachers that died.
It's that the media first reported, wasn't even the
state police or local police or war patrol saying this,
but the media said, oh, you know, he ran off in the ditch,
being chased, shot the police, ran into the school,
started shooting people.
No, he went to the school, barricaded himself behind an
armored door that he was able to get them to open up and get
into or wasn't locked to then lock that so that the police
didn't know what was going on inside and so it went on for
almost an hour of him barricaded inside, then it's just
coming out now, he started executing the people inside.
Now, here and there in the news, they're admitting that's
the case, but the big push is, see, we gotta federalize the
police or the police are bad and they stood down.
This was not like Parkland, this was not like Columbine,
where they did stand down on record.
When they knew it was a shooter actively going,
but none of them wanted to be shot, none of them wanted to
accidentally shoot a child and have liability in this
nanny state.
That's terrible and now we've had decades of this happening
several times a year and it's emblematic of how the system
says the citizen shouldn't be able to be armed and then the
police don't have a responsibility to protect you,
they're gonna enforce the law, but they should try and then
they get the blame when it's an evil person out of control
and we have an evil problem.
I have a stack of news of mass shootings in Latin America
where they've taken the guns from the people,
in most cases, 50, 60, 70, 80 years ago.
There was another big massacre in Mexico just yesterday
where they just lined up 17 people and executed them,
the drug cartels, that's happening every day or so
and it hardly ever even makes the back of the paper
and it certainly doesn't make the US news.
Just like thousands of shootings a year in Chicago,
over a thousand deaths a year in Chicago,
hundreds of deaths in places like Dallas,
black on black crime, it's terrible,
95% of it black on black gang related
and zero national coverage of it
or how the police and citizens are battling it.
And then the cops make a mistake,
somebody's out of their mind on multiple drugs,
they die of a heart attack, comes out in the corner report
but we don't care, $3 billion of property
and dozens are killed and then candidate Biden
and then candidate Harris said it's a good thing.
While they try to defund the police,
so we've got Tim Enlobe who is a safety school head trainer
and he trains big schools right here in Central Texas
and courthouses, police departments, churches, you name it.
He's very respected and he trains people almost every week.
He's also our security head here.
He is gonna be in studio with us
and he has contacts and law enforcement
is getting more details right now
of exactly what went on inside of that building.
When the police do bad things, we're all over them.
When Soros gets district attorneys appointed
and police chiefs that are globalists, we expose them.
I mean, I see cases where they won't prosecute
armed robbers and killers, you see that all the time.
There was a school shooting last year up in Fort Worth.
Guy shot three people, black guy.
He was out the next morning from jail.
They've had cases in downtown Austin
where they spray crowds with bullets
and they let him out of jail the next day.
The anti-foot shooter that shot two people
and tried to shoot a guy in a car and drive down the street,
they let him out of jail, no prison time.
I mean, think about the crime exploding
because of the direct policies these people have engaged in
or the thousands killed on the border
and the severed heads and the hearts cut out
and all of it and these people shake their fingers at us
while they have all these secret service and bodyguards
in places like Minneapolis, St. Paul,
where they disband half the police
and then do multi-million dollar contracts
for the city council to have 24 hour private guards
at the city council and their homes.
It's like the globalists flying into Davos
and flying into this world government summit in Geneva
on hundreds of jet airplanes and getting $60 million,
mainly US taxpayer money to pay for it
and then telling you you shouldn't have a car
or air conditioner and that you shouldn't have children.
It's unbelievable.
They have armed bodyguards, they have security,
they have intelligence, they have surveillance,
they have our taxpayer dollars paying for it
and it's out of control.
So that's bottom of the hour and about 20 minutes.
Tim is gonna be in studio with us to lay out what we know
and the best facts we've got.
This will be exclusive information,
just like the special ed teacher
for the reported shooter on with us yesterday.
This is gonna be extremely informative
and we'll cut through what's really going on.
Could the police on a better job?
Should we learn from this?
But just to say that, oh, they kept people
from going to save their kids,
now we know it was a hostage situation
and that was what was going on.
But if more comes out and information changes,
we will definitely let you know.
All right, we have a lot of other news on the economy,
a lot of other news on global starvation,
the latest on monkeypox, baby formula running out,
not just here, but all over the Western world
and more shortages coming as the supply chain breaks down.
That's why it's more important than ever
now to keep info wars on the air
because our supply chain's broken down,
our cost have all gone up.
I know the listeners of viewers all understand
that we've tried not to go up on the prices,
we try to have big sales,
but we're not gonna be able to stay on air
unless we get funded by the listeners
and I wanna thank you all for your commitment
and those of you that have stepped up
and that's why we're making a big announcement.
And just like the last two times,
they sell out within eight, nine days.
And it's the third and final coin
in the founders coin system
with a whole new system and a lot of exclusive stuff
and exclusive broadcast films, you name it,
for everybody that gets the coin, signs up with their email,
then as all these special benefits and things move forward,
you will be getting them unless we get shut down,
which probably isn't gonna happen for a long time,
it was ever, and we're on track to the things we wanna do,
we haven't got it all done yet,
but it's very exciting, I wanna thank those of you
that are founding member coins,
plus it's a piece of history
and so the markup in the coin,
again, this is not as an investment,
it's an investment in your freedom in the future,
it's not an investment in the silver,
it's an investment in a collectible artifact
of the Second American Revolution
during this historical struggle.
We'll put more coins out in the future,
but they're not gonna be founder coins
and there'll be a lesser price because these are higher
because they're exclusive and are gonna fund us
staying on the air and doing so much more
and this coin was designed six months ago,
it was finished minting a week ago,
it got delivered yesterday to a vault we have offsite
and they'll be gone in 10 days
and so it has nothing to do with the terrible event
that just happened, but it is extremely apropos,
it is the come and take it,
from Gonzales, Texas, very close to where this happened,
when the Mexican army came and said,
turn in your guns and your cannon,
they said come and take it,
quoting what happened with the Greeks
at the Battle of Thermopylae, as you know, 300.
So, come and take it,
ladies and gentlemen, only 10,000 of this coin,
it has a cannon with the Gadgeton snake
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1776 to 2020, three men bare arms.
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on the tail side, on the head side,
it says come and take it, founding member,
this is such a special coin,
the third in the series and I can tell you,
these coins are selling for three, four, five times
what people got them for all over eBay, everywhere.
If that's folks to make more of the originals, no,
these are 10,000 each and that's it,
this is the last in the set.
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as the same site, PatriotCollectibles.com
or 888-253-3139, we'll be back.
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I want to thank all of you over the years
who have supported InfoWars financially
with word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together
against the globalists and the fact that we're not
caught flat-footed during their major takeover
is because of you.
Humanity has a real fighting chance.
I just want to thank you all for buying products
at infowarstore.com like books and films and supplements
and water filtration, air filtration, so much more.
But for those of you that want to actually give us
a straight donation so we get almost 100% of the money
to fund our operation during this critical time,
go to infowarstore.com and right at the top,
you'll see a link to make a straight donation,
a one-time donation of $5, $10, $50,
or a recurring donation you can cancel anytime.
I want to thank all of you that have donated.
I want to encourage those of you out there
that want to support freedom to take action now
and be part of the Global Awakening,
the new renaissance that's countering the great reset
by going to infowarstore.com and clicking on the donate button
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Thank you so much for your support.
Please take action.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back on this Thursday,
May 26, 2022, transmission of the Alex Jones show.
It is so important to realize
that they have announced their world government treaty.
They've now released some segments of the draft.
It does give veto power of the UN over national sovereignty.
Biden publicly wanted that or his controllers did.
And they have announced that they are in a transition
of taking us off fossil fuels that experts estimate
will kill over a billion people in the next decade.
There's news articles about the hundreds of millions
that will die very quickly over that.
You don't just have baby formula shortages
in the third world when they do stuff like this,
you have mass death and then you have collapse
and huge amounts of refugees.
So we're talking about 21 people dead and it's horrible
and we wish we could stop evil,
but that's the conundrum of life on earth
because there's free will, there's good people
and there's bad people.
And most good people are asleep,
so they let the bad people run rampant.
And that's what history shows.
We've had one of the secure safest nations ever.
People wanna come here because of the opportunity.
And compared to many other nations, we have a low crime rate.
Some of our cities have some of the worst crime in the world
and that's where the people are disarmed.
And I know the listeners all understand this.
But you've gotta be vocal and you've gotta be active right now
because they're coming after your First Amendment saying
you got radicalized online,
just like the white supremacist
a couple of weeks ago in Buffalo.
And so they're blaming all of our speech for this
and they're blaming our right to self-defense
and they're coming for our freedom.
So we have a school safety trainer
who does the law enforcement active shooter training,
Tim Inlow, who does it for major cities here in Texas.
He trains police departments on it
and also courthouse security, all of that.
He's got the sources, he's got the intel
and he's gonna be in studio with us coming up.
Next segment we'll play some clips
coming into that segment of Biden,
coming after the Second Amendment,
back to O'Rourke and others,
the announcements that have been made.
They're also merging this new anti-terrorism bill,
saying white people are the main terror threat,
all over the news, members of Congress are,
and trying to tie what happened at these different shootings
to just being white in general.
And it's just absolutely preposterous.
It's amazing and people should be upset
that you're being blamed for what somebody does
that's the same color as you.
You know, this guy wasn't quote white,
was Hispanic, but it was like a white guy to me.
And the point is, is that
this guilt by association situation
is just unbelievable when it's Democrat policies
that we know on record
that cause the mass of crime and death
and shootings in the streets and they know it.
They're in a process of dismantling the once free world
because they don't want an example of freedom
anywhere in the world, anybody else.
They don't want that American benchmark.
Are we perfect?
Absolutely not.
Are we heads above other countries?
On average, absolutely.
Unless you live in Luxembourg or Switzerland.
And I couldn't afford to live in Switzerland.
I couldn't afford to live in Luxembourg.
I'm not a rich man, but I'm upper middle class.
The average person could not live in a place like that.
And of course, Switzerland,
the citizens have to be armed by law
and they have the lowest crime rate in the world.
So where the elites live, the public is armed.
In fact, every mile or so,
they have armored fortresses
in the sides of hills and mountains.
And the citizens have keys to it
and it's full of rocket launchers and machine guns
that they have to check out on each year
and prove they know how to use.
How do they trust the Swiss
to have rocket launchers and machine guns
and small artillery?
Well, Switzerland's been neutral for 400 years
and never gets invaded.
It has the richest country in the world per capita
because of that.
So really the American example of 1776,
they quoted the Swiss cantons,
their states and their rules.
And they also quoted some of the Dutch laws,
the Dutch going back over 500 years ago
because of pirate raids on their incredible shipping
facilities, the second largest in the world at the time,
they began to arm what they called the night watch
and they would get the local men as a militia to be armed.
And up to that point,
the general public could not be armed anyway.
Only the nobles and the knights
and to control the service.
But if you go to Switzerland
and if you go to the Netherlands, the Dutch,
that's where our second amendment comes from.
Also some of that is in the Magna Carta
and British common law,
but the examples of it come from the Dutch
and come from the Swiss and we owe them for that.
And it goes back to when the Swiss took over
and overthrew a foreign king
that was in control of their country
that was torturing and killing people.
And it's the famous story of William Tell
that's part true, part legend,
shooting the apple off of the crossbow
and the rest of it.
So William Tell, like Conan the barbarian or something,
like killed a whole bunch of the king's troops
and then caused an uprising.
And that's where the public being armed comes from.
They had their own 1776 long before us
and it's fascinating, fascinating information.
All right, there's a legislator in Florida.
We got the clip coming up as well
who said, let Biden ban our guns
and you'll see what the second amendment's for.
That is how the war started.
Taxational representation and then people being put
in puppet courts and then they tried to take the guns.
And I understand everybody's really angry right now.
We have a right to revolution
under the Declaration of Independence
that just points out our rights that God gave us.
But we really, I'm not putting this rep down,
understand what he's saying, but I really think
at this point we need to really cool our rhetoric.
And I'm somebody that's had very strong rhetoric as well.
We try to take our guns, 1776 will commence again
and it will if they do this.
But we need to be working politically
and culturally to stop this because the globalists,
if we have that type of rhetoric right now,
will stage an event or provocateur an event
and blame it on patriots.
And then try to make the whole revolution
about going after gun owners.
And if the globalists are coming up to do that,
then it's gonna happen.
It's like at Bunker Hill, Lexington Concorde
when 1776 started.
You had the captain of the militia.
He said, we don't want a war here.
We don't want it to start.
Don't fire first.
Let's try to fix this peacefully,
but we're not turning our guns in.
And it's called the shot heard around the world.
And most historians believe the British fired first.
But this won't be good for the feds trying to enforce it.
You'll be like the red goats.
And it won't be good for the citizens.
The globalists want to destabilize the world
and they want to kick off a violent revolution.
We do not want to have to go to that.
We need to work as hard as we can.
We are politically winning to the point
they have to steal elections with dead people
and illegal alien names and out-of-staters
on record 2,000 mules proves it.
But the Democrats said there'll be a red mirage
and then we'll win with mail-in ballots.
They said what they would do.
So they're discredited.
They've already lost.
All they can hope is to have a civil war in this country
to cover up what they've done with the economy
and the rest of it.
And instead, we're going to expose the UN.
We're going to expose the WF.
We're going to expose Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
We're going to expose the secret network set up
by Obama and others to censor the American people
through NATO funding that goes to Ukraine
and comes back here and everything that's now
hitting the news that we told you about five years ago,
six years ago, 10 years ago.
We're going to do this together.
We're going to get an open debate about what's happening.
And we're going to use the First Amendment to beat these people.
We're going to use the Second Amendment to defend ourselves
from criminals, lawlessness, you name it.
And if they try to take the guns in mass
and take people to camps, then the civil war will begin.
And that'll be off the races.
But I am doing everything in my power
to stop that and call for calm.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Stay with us.
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So when I first started taking survival shield,
basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight.
I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe.
I was barely holding onto a jaw and I heard Dr. Group
on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original survival shield,
the X1, and it worked pretty good.
And then shortly thereafter, you came out with that too.
You had, you know, with a deeper source, you know,
and I got really excited about that so I took it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog
to like literally like my brain was enlightened.
You know, I could think again,
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years,
I got my health back and I religiously took basically
all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is knockout.
It literally, like if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing, it works.
But anyway, so the point is we have to get ourselves clean.
We have to break free of the globalist system
and the only way to do that is to take our own health
into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call and Godspeed.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
It's 11.59 at Radio Free America.
This is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I got a few words for some of our brothers
and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines,
this is your song.
But they took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were going to make trouble for them.
People that had guns and things they wanted,
they just took them away.
We had education camps, that's what they call it.
So part of the thing we have to break through
are kind of a private idea that kids belong to their parents
or kids belong to their families
and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
And we need to have camps that you all run.
I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register.
Now they were taken to race tracks and fairgrounds
where the army almost overnight
had built assembly centers here.
Come on, I'm a sorry, citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the US would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of constitution
with a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military
that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs
and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized
and they don't support the United States
and they're disloyal to the United States.
It's our right and our obligation
to segregate them from the normal community.
It's what we're doing here and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army
because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots
are not, they're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
If you are receiving this transmission,
you are the resistance.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see this tragic scene
where any illiciters will be describing it for all of you.
But we're here to get the facts on what happened
Monday afternoon in Ivaldi, Texas.
I wanted to get my friend who's a school safety trainer
for the police but also does it for courthouses,
you name it, Tim Enlow in on Monday and Tuesday,
but he said he wanted to get more facts.
At first, the media said that a state police
were chasing him with a border patrol
and then he crashed the vehicle,
ran the school sort of shooting people.
That's not the case.
He went and barricaded himself in a classroom
behind an armored door, was holding hostages.
That's confirmed but it's not being pushed in the news.
You have to dig to find that.
And they're just saying the police just stood down
and now Biden's demonizing the police and others are.
We saw them stand down at Parkland a few years ago.
We saw them do that, of course, 20 something years ago
at Columbine, not 23 years ago.
And we can always learn a lot from this
but it's not the police fault, it's evil people's fault
and it's not the gun's fault, it's Psycho's fault.
And just like the white supremacist,
he said he was going to shoot up a school,
he said he was going to attack people.
He'd been red flagged, nothing was done.
So Tim Inlow is here with us to talk about this
and he can give you what his sources are telling him
and what is known.
And so again, if the police do something bad,
we will be the first to tell you, police aren't perfect.
Everything needs to be up to scrutiny including us.
That keeps us on our toes and helps to be better people.
But changing the song of the police away from the Psycho
is garbage in my view.
So Tim, take over wherever you'd like to start
with the information you have and what happened here.
Well, first of all, I'd like to say that
we're still in the very, very early stages
of the investigation, right?
So there's new facts coming out literally every hour, every day, right?
But what we're hearing right now is just as you alluded to
at the intro and that is that it now appears
that some kind of contact was made with the shooter
by law enforcement before he went into the school
and then somehow he managed to enter the school,
enter a classroom and then potentially lock that door
or somehow barricade that door to where law enforcement
couldn't immediately go in after him.
The other thing is that I'm hearing is that, you know,
at first we were led to believe that this guy
ran into school and just started shooting.
But now they're saying that he may have been in that classroom
for upwards of 30 to 45 minutes not killing
while law enforcement kind of treated it as
a barricaded subject type call rather than an active shooter call, right?
And if that's the case, then obviously that's going to have to be looked at
and we're going to have to look at in the future
how we deal with that in law enforcement.
Because again, they're hardening the facilities to keep these crazy people,
these demon terrorists out,
but then they can actually use that hardening once they're in to keep the police out.
That's exactly right.
And unfortunately, I think what we're probably going to see
and what I'm hearing is that at least the very initial officers that were on scene,
that they probably did not have the breaching equipment that they needed
to immediately breach that door.
That's right, they had to find a teacher with a key
while he's shooting reportedly through the door.
And so obviously that's problematic, right?
We're going to have to look at, and you've covered it for the last few days, right?
There's all these outcries about, oh, we need to do something, gun control,
the usual drivel that we hear from the left when this happens.
But what we're really dealing with here is not taking things away.
What we need to do is give more.
And for example, the law enforcement, they need more equipment.
Every law enforcement officer should have a breaching tool in his car
that will either battering ram or some kind of pry bar,
something that they can breach doors with, right?
And with that, obviously, those officers are going to have to be trained, right?
What about what the military uses, like the Delta Force,
where they use a shotgun that fires out projectiles
but they dissipate and they breach the door that way?
And law enforcement have had breaching rounds for a long time.
However, you've got to keep in mind that that's not always going to be effective, okay?
You have to look at, was it an inward opening door?
Was it an outward opening door?
All those kind of things are going to come into play
with what kind of breaching equipment is going to be effective.
And again, that takes training.
Training that the average patrol officer right now still does not usually get.
And let's think about, well, come out and go through all this, Tim, and your expertise on it, which is great to have you here.
And I appreciate you being here.
Imagine the police have to go in and then see all these dead kids.
They're not the villains.
They're trying to protect us.
And obviously, these police in Texas, we know, wanted to go in
and a board patrol guy did finally kill this crazy animal.
But just the media changed the subject to the police is not good.
Yeah, and that's ridiculous, right?
I mean, this guy took a grazing round.
Our attack officer took a grazing round to the head, had to get stitches in the top of his head, right?
He was lucky to be alive, and he still apparently managed to put the suspect down.
This is not, again, this is not law enforcement's fault, per se, in any way, shape, or form.
However, it's been now 23 years, I believe, since Columbine, right?
And if 19 kids and two teachers were being killed in a school 23 years after Columbine,
then we still have to make some changes.
And those changes are, again, related to better training, better equipment, and maybe tactics, I don't know.
But we're going to have to take a hard look at this.
We're going to go to break, Tim, in low here with us.
What are some of the other issues you want to walk people through?
Can you talk about training for people, what the police are being taught?
Yeah, I mean, you know, when I went through the train to train a course at the Alert Center,
which is the center here in Texas that teaches active shooter tactics for law enforcement,
breaching at that time for that course was not part of the curriculum, right?
Breaching doors and things like that.
I think that's something we're going to have to look at to train the first responders in breaching,
that every first responder should at least have some basic breaching knowledge and breaching tools.
I think we're going to have to look at that.
More importantly, though, again...
Hold on, we'll be right back.
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The eugenicists over 100 years ago were very public about their plans.
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And the first step in that is getting women out of the household and teaching women
that cooking dinner and taking care of their sons and daughters and husbands is a bad thing.
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is our normal biological actions are coming together.
They really are.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we have the footage of at least 14 minutes after
they knew that there was a shooter inside of Parkland High School in Florida a few years ago,
Cruz, the shooter, and they didn't go in.
They definitely stood down.
And that's terrible.
And it happened for almost an hour at Columbine.
And the answer is we can't expect police to always be there and protect us.
It's not their job to protect us.
They try to.
Their job in the Constitution is to enforce the law of, you know,
take them to jails for the court system and the juries.
So we don't know all the details, but it is confirmed by the state police,
by the local police and court patrol that he was in a barricaded position inside a classroom holding people hostage.
We have other people saying, oh, they heard he came in and said,
you're all going to die as sort of shooting people.
Well, how do they know that?
Are they all died?
We'll find out what happened here.
The issue is they're blaming the gun owners.
They're blaming the Second Amendment and taking guns away from law-abiding people we know won't work.
Look at the cities where they're taking the guns.
Look at Venezuela with a much higher crime rate with guns than us or Mexico.
They had a massacre that I've got here in the stack we'll be getting to.
But, you know, Tim, you're a humble guy, but you've been in the Army, the Marines, Blackwater,
a bunch of other agencies.
You've been a police officer in Austin and you train all the time,
major police departments on this.
And next hour we get some of the actual training that goes on,
but we'll get back into the latest info we have.
And I'm not here in some worship the police brown-nosing position
because I know the police have their own problems.
The Globals are trying to demonize police departments to take them over.
So then we really will have a problem, you know, like the police in Globals-controlled countries.
But just as a father, because I know you've got children like I do, older ones, younger ones like I do.
And it obviously hits you in the guts.
Some of your children just had a graduation yesterday.
My five-year-old daughter just turned five.
I was sick of the mayo. She just had her graduation today.
You look at this, you just can't imagine somebody doing this and executing children.
And again, let's not forget, that's who did this.
And you can't expect a plumber to come to your house and fix the pipe in an hour.
Imagine police showing up and they don't even know what's going on.
And they're told there's a guy barricaded in with children.
Then that process happens.
The image of them tasering people and arresting people trying to break in.
I don't blame those parents either. This is a mess.
But it's the evil guy that caused this.
So it's just getting into training or getting into any points you want to make them.
Because you know, I'll just take over here about as a real professional expert
that's seen war zones, you name it, trains police for this type of stuff.
What your best understanding is and just other points you'd like to impart to folks.
Well, again, I think the biggest thing I'm seeing, and I didn't tell you this before the show,
but I actually wrote my kid's superintendent yesterday, right?
Because he issued an email about the shooting and everything, and you know, it was the standard.
Oh, you know, we're so sorry about what happened.
Our hearts go out.
And then he mentioned an increased police presence possibly at the school for the next few days.
Well, their idea of an increased police presence was an officer pretty much in plain clothes
with just a pistol that was inside the school kind of walking around, right?
And again, this goes to equipment and it goes to mindset.
What I'm constantly seeing still is that we're afraid in this country for an officer
to be walking around with an assault rifle in a school.
Why? Because it freaks, you know, they think it's going to freak parents out.
Well, we know, statistically, that'll scare the perps away.
No, these are places that are death by cop.
Go die like a devil, kill a bunch of kids, be famous.
They just advertise like a neon sign, this is the place to come.
Right, that's exactly right.
And listen, I think, you know, again, we don't have all the facts.
If the police couldn't get into the classroom, we don't know if the shooter shot right away.
But because there's conflicting reports on that, right?
But what we do know is that every single report so far has said that the shooter was in a barricaded,
some type of barricaded position when they were engaging him, right?
Now, the important thing to remember here is this, right?
A gunfight, what I like to always tell people, if somebody has a knife,
I'm going to try to bring a gun to that fight, right?
I'm not going to try to fight a guy a knife with a knife.
If he has a knife, I'm going to bring a gun.
If he has a handgun, I want to have a rifle.
If he, you know, and so forth.
So putting police officers in with just a handgun and expecting them to come out winning against guys with assault rifles,
it's not that it can't be done.
It can be done if those officers are trained properly.
And if they have an STI staccato that shoots as good as an AR-15.
But it definitely makes the job harder, right? It definitely makes the job...
They're not a sponsor, they should be. We both have those guns.
We can shoot small targets at like 50 to 100 yards, those all day long.
Yeah, there's a lot of handguns out there today that are very accurate.
But again, when you're talking about a round that goes 900 feet per second versus a round that goes, you know, 2600 feet...
Body armor is going to stop a 9mm.
Right, exactly, right?
So there's all these different reports again that some officers may have shot at him,
but he still made it into the school.
What's the best thing for him to have then? What would be the best firearm?
Well, again, I think for school security, I think these officers need to have AR-15s.
Absolutely, and not locked away in some locker somewhere, but they need to have them on their person.
And they're big boys, they can carry them around their back.
Absolutely, absolutely, right? And I think that should be standard.
And more importantly, first of all, not all schools have, still don't have,
school resource officers or police officers stationed at the schools.
It's time that changes. Every school in America needs to have an armed, trained security officer or police officer.
Well, I went to a little tiny private Christian school my daughter goes to,
and for the first time ever, they had an armed security guard out there.
That's right, right.
And again, in this day and age...
Do you believe we have to protect our children from these demons?
It's a shame, but look, this is not nothing new, right?
And you look at Israel.
Israel has had armed guards at their schools for decades.
They've had jihadi targeting schools for 30 years.
Exactly, and they learned early on that the best way to deter that is to have someone with an assault rifle
standing in front of that school or, you know, on that school property.
And nobody makes a big deal about it when the teacher's got an Uzi in her desk.
And they never have teachers killing the kids with the Uzi.
Yeah, and again, in this country, we want to make excuses, but what we don't want to do is make sure that our teachers,
our police officers, have the proper training and have the proper equipment to deal with these kinds of situations.
Isn't this the reason to have the Second Amendment?
That the society is degrading and degenerating and producing?
Absolutely, absolutely, yeah.
And again, if you look at, you know, the Bortak officer that shot...
That's reportedly, anyway, shot the guy.
From what I'm reading, he was off duty.
He was off duty when this happened.
He heard the call on the radio.
He geared up and he made a straight B line for that school to see if he could help out, right?
And that's good, because while they were sitting outside thinking it might be a hot situation,
he was the guy reportedly going, the guy was barricaded, shooting at him to the door.
So there is an issue of the police milling around outside waiting for orders.
I think that's the bureaucracy.
Well, you train people on this.
What would you have done?
I know you don't want a Monday morning quarterback this time.
Right, that's tough.
But here's the thing.
I think what we all need to come to the realization of is that if there is a report
or if a subject is seen going into a school armed, it doesn't matter at that moment if he's shooting or not.
That suspect has to immediately be confronted by law enforcement.
Well, I think if you're going into school with a gun, out with it openly, menacing,
do you see to be killed?
Well, and again, you know, there's...
Every state has laws for citizens and for police,
as far as how to deal when deadly force is authorized, right?
But again, I think the empirical data now is such that no one goes into a school brandishing an AR-15 with good intentions.
Okay, and I think we need to realize that and the police need to be trained to respond to that.
And again, we don't know yet if this is going to be a training issue, whether or not they were waiting
because they didn't hear gunshots immediately or whether a suspect started shooting and they couldn't get in.
We don't know.
That's right.
That's right. So all the second guessings of the facts are in by the left and others.
It's just disgusting opportunism.
That's exactly right, right?
But again, I will just say this, 23 years after Columbine, there is absolutely no reason why 19 children
and two teachers should still be getting killed before the suspect is taken out.
In almost every case, they are already threatening to attack and people are warning.
This guy was reportedly running around doing all sorts of mischief, violence, shooting people with BB guns.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
Right, and again, I don't know if the reports are accurate, but I've heard even self-mutilation, cutting his face.
What his friends were saying.
Right, being aggressive toward female staff where he worked briefly, things like that.
These are all warning signs and again, it goes back to people have to speak up, right?
If you have a suspicion about someone, if someone really seems off,
there's nothing wrong with speaking out and saying, hey, somebody needs to check this guy out.
I'm not saying this is staged, I don't believe it was staged.
I'm just saying we're going into the midterms and now all this is starting to happen.
It's just demonic like what? It's weird.
Well, and the other thing I would caution is that one of the things we always see after large attacks like this
is copycats, right?
So I think law enforcement needs to be prepared.
I think civilians should be very aware of their surroundings.
Everybody should be on alert.
That's exactly right. You need to be paying attention.
When I dropped my kid off at school again, I was checking out every single thing that I could,
because again, it's not uncommon for people to see this, other mentally ill people to see this and want to make a name for it.
And that's it. There's always a mentally ill people, but the media hyping school shootings,
I've got major studies here in the stack today, 100% causal connection to when there is an event,
more events come, and when the media hypes it forever, they're like hoping it happens again.
And that's exactly right, because for them it's ratings, it's ratings, it's coverage, right?
So it's a shame that it's that way, but...
Tim, Tim, stay there. Let's talk about some of the security at schools
and how you think it can be improved.
And hour number three, stay with us.
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Hello boys and girls. I have a special message for you from the President of the United States.
In the Council of Government we must guard against the acquisition of unwanted interest, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex.
And we are as a people, inherently and historically, opposed to societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.
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William Colby has been missing since April 27th. His canoe was found washed up on the banks of the Waikomiko River, April 28th.
I don't have to tell you things of bad. Everybody knows things of bad.
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What is the Trilateral Commission?
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I understand he was tapped for skull and bones.
Tapped for it? Sir, he found it skull and bones.
I think everything everywhere is going crazy so we don't go out anymore.
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51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them. Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in. I would have done it.
When they give us that inch, that bump stock ban, we will take a mile.
You've heard people say, you'll have to pry my gun for my cold ban. Okay.
We have introduced an assault weapons ban. I'm talking about a ban on assault rifles.
If you listen real close, you can hear the people in power shaking.
It's not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Enough. Enough. Enough.
We say no more. I'm the guy that originally wrote the assault weapons ban that became law.
A gentleman just walked up to me in his picture line. He says, I have an AR-15 and I will turn this in if it means saving the lives of our kids.
Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We're not going to allow it to be used against fellow Americans anymore.
Do you think Trump is responsible for what happened? I said, well, look, I mean, obviously he didn't pull the trigger, but he's certainly been tweeting out the ammunition.
I'm incredibly saddened and it's very hard to think about this.
I'm tired of hearing people all they have to offer is thoughts and prayers. In my faith, people say faith without works is dead.
So we will find a way, but the reason we have a problem right now is we've let the corporate gun lobby frame this debate.
It is time that we have bold actions and a bold agenda.
Over 90% of the American people think we have to get assault weapons off the street, period, and we have to get buybacks and get them out of their basements.
Everyone up here favors an assault weapon ban. Everyone up here favors magazine limitations, which by the way would have made a huge difference.
We can ban the weapons of war.
It's about ending the sales of assault weapons into our communities. Those weapons of war were designed to kill people as effectively and as efficiently as possible.
They should belong on the battlefield and not in our communities.
But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
By the way, you can't own the following weapons, period. They cannot be sold anymore.
Like, if you're going to take people's guns away, wait till you get elected, then take the guns away.
Don't tell them ahead of time.
By the way, that's what people like me think you're going to do.
So that's who these people are. They've all got armed guards, but they don't want you to have a right to a second amendment, even though statistically guns stop crime.
Dozens, more than dozens, 20, 30, 40 percent times more than they're used in crime. It's just insane.
Just like when an Islamist uses a truck to run somebody over.
Tim Inlow is a school safety training expert for the police. He also trains police for the court of security, you name it.
And there is a timeline. The state police on Monday lay out a timeline.
And now that timeline, the LA Times and others have looked into it. They're saying it's accurate.
And other news agencies are reporting it. Tim Inlow, why don't you go over the timeline of what we know now that indeed he did barricade himself in?
So the latest report, which was posted about an hour ago, says that at 11.32 a.m., he did exchange gunfire or gunfire was exchanged outside the school.
And then he managed to get into school. And then the latest report says at around 11.43 a.m., he's reported killed.
So we're looking at probably around 11 minutes from the time he was shooting or there was gunfire outside the school until reports are in that he's been put down.
And again, we don't know if those reports are 100 percent accurate, but it certainly gives a more definitive timeline than what we've had so far.
And unfortunately, 11 minutes is a long time.
It is a long time, but so we'll have to learn more as this unfolds.
Absolutely, yeah. And again, you know, it'll be interesting to see how this plays out.
What kind of equipment the first officers who contacted them had them? What kind of equipment they had? Did they have rifles?
Did they only have handguns? How far away were they?
You know, but for me, the most problematic thing is multiple reports are saying he somehow entered a backdoor to the school, which was open.
And in this day and age, I don't understand why schools aren't making sure throughout the day that all their doors are properly secured.
Alex, if you know, I have a refrigerator at home, if I leave that door open on the refrigerator for more than 10 seconds, it starts beeping.
So you would think, and that's a refrigerator, so you would think at schools, there should be some kind of little alarm system on the doors,
where if the doors accidentally left a jar, left open, that a small alarm sounds, right, so that the teachers know.
Well, I mean, why not do what's at my house? Why not have a fence with a gate, and then whoever's authorized to have even that first level of entry has it?
Because almost every time it's not a parent, it's not a teacher, it's not somebody that works there, it's somebody from outside.
What about the simple thing of a fence around the schools? As you pointed out, they can harden the actual school with all the portable buildings,
and all the trailers they put up, that doesn't work.
Right, and that's the other thing, right? We have so many portable buildings now at schools, because schools don't have the funds to build hard building,
or they don't have the space, or whatever the case may be.
But yeah, I do agree that any barriers that you can in place are going to help.
So I think it is time to maybe think about some kind of fencing around school properties and things like that to help people, you know, keep these properties secure.
But here's the biggest issue for me. They kill their mother, they kill their grandmother, they're into Satanism, they're into the occult, they're into self-harming.
They always were all black, it's always the same MO.
Like Cruz in Florida at Parkland, for several years he was kicked out, they called him a school shooter, he was always threatening to do it.
He was kicked out at the time, so the white supremacist in Buffalo, he was threatened to attack the school, they'd come and visit him.
The same thing with Adam Lanza and Sandy Hook, the CIA and FBI had come visiting for hacking, and they knew all this and he got a gun illegally.
It's like, I mean, it's a certain type of whacked out in-cell person that does this.
I agree, and I think that's another issue that needs to be looked at is that of profiling.
And by profiling, I mean, you know, you have somebody who obviously has mental health issues.
What tools are we going to give to law enforcement to make sure that they can properly screen and assess that person to determine whether or not they pose a threat?
And that may take maybe mental health professionals now working within the police department.
That may take more training for the police officers, I don't know.
But the mental health crisis in this country is going to guarantee that we're going to continue to see shootings and mass murder like this.
And look at the individuals that did this.
I mean, these are obvious psychotics.
And look, there were abuses in the mental institutions in the US, no doubt.
But after the one who flies over the cuckoo's nest in the 70s, they just got rid of them.
And so you see them all over the street corners everywhere.
Yeah, we don't institutionalize mentally ill people anymore.
And that's one of the problems that we're having.
But more importantly, even, you know, the whole selling idea on that was, oh, we're going to do community-based treatment.
But there is no treatment.
There's no follow-up.
That's right, because crazy people get guns and do things.
We're not at fault, especially when almost every time the red flags are all there and nothing's done.
That's exactly right.
I mean, put that back on screen.
Six of the most famous mass shooters.
Well, there's a dozen or more of them.
I mean, look at them.
And if you look in their eyes.
Look at them.
I mean, my God, you wouldn't let that person cook you a hamburger.
You would not.
I mean, these people, I mean, look at them.
They're demons.
And again, screening and proper assessment, threat assessment of these individuals is something that is seriously lacking.
They're suicidal, drug addict, crazy people into the occult and every time shoot about games.
And every time I point out, people go, well, don't be against video games.
I play that.
You're not a psycho.
You can play a shoot them up game.
You can play a military game.
It's the M.O.
It's the criminology.
It's the psychology.
I mean, we have a absolute profile on these people.
I've never seen a profile so, so clear and clear cut, Tim.
And again, you know, apparently this guy was contacting people, sending pictures out of his
weapons to people who didn't even know him.
Like on Facebook and things like that, like, oh, you know, sending pictures of his AR-15s
purchase and things like that.
And again, while posting a picture in and of itself is not a threat of any kind.
But when some person you've never heard of or seen before suddenly sends you a picture
of a gun.
You got to start asking some questions like, who are you?
Why are you sending me these pictures?
What, you know, and it just seems like a lot of things once again fell through the cracks.
And that's the pattern we see in all these shootings.
It's not about the gun.
It's that that has nothing to do with it.
And now it's coming out.
He did cut himself.
He did threaten.
It's all the missed signs along the way.
And nobody is focusing on that.
And nobody is working on how to properly assess these signs in the future to prevent these
kinds of tragedies.
And again, they're depressed, mentally ill people, and the media advertises school shootings.
So now on the menu of options, suicide by cop, kill yourself.
No, I'll just go kill kids at school.
It's an option being put in people's heads.
It's mind control.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
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Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.
And we must ask when in God's name will we do what needs to be done
to if not completely stop fundamentally change the amount of the carnage that goes on in this country.
To state the obvious, according to a lot of other people here, I'm sick and tired.
I'm just sick and tired of what's going on and continues to go on.
I spent my career as chairman of the Judiciary Committee and as vice president
working for common sense gun reforms, as I said as a senator and vice president.
While they clearly will not prevent any tragedy, we know certain ones will have significant impact
and have no negative impact on the Second Amendment.
Second Amendment is not absolute.
When it was passed you couldn't own a, you couldn't own a cannon.
Yeah, you could.
Tim Inlow is a veteran, a patriot, is an American, is a Texan.
What's your response to that?
Yeah, it's absolutely hawk wash.
The Second Amendment makes no restrictions actually.
It just says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
That could be nuclear weapons, but we're not saying.
Yeah, exactly.
And again, this is every single time there's a shooting in this country,
we see the dishonest politicians come out and use it as an opportunity,
whether it's Beto or Biden or whoever.
And again, what we don't see them do is saying,
hey, give us the after action report from the police and hey police, what made your job harder
when you ran into this incident and what can we do to help you to make sure that in the future
you have an easier time dealing with this kind of situation?
That's what we don't see from the politicians.
They just say it's a problem that can't be fixed till we take all your guns,
but I've got stacks of articles here, new massacres just as big in Mexico where the citizens can't own guns.
Right. And you know, somebody just during the break sent me a slide
and it showed the difference between the shootings where there was an armed good guy present
who acted versus where people called 911 and waited for a police to respond
and in every single one, the difference in the amount of carnage is like unbelievable, right?
How many churches? It was one even in South Texas a few years ago.
That's right. That one is on there. That one is on that slide.
Send it to me. I'll send it to the guys to show it.
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So again, this is what we're dealing with, right,
is that this dishonest discourse by the politicians.
Well, there's also this idea while you're sending that that the world's got to be perfect
with 7.5 billion people when, yeah, there's places where they don't have any gun crime,
but the government kills millions of people every time.
Venezuela, the citizens can't own guns, but the government's murdering millions of people.
It's all on record. Right. So, so, yeah, there was no gun crime in communist China
when Mao killed 100 million people.
Right. So there's like a dozen shootings on this slide, right?
Where someone who was armed, a good guy was armed and present.
Send it to them.
Send it to them.
I just sent it to them and, you know, the most, the most people that were shot
in a situation like this were nine.
Now you go to where there was no person armed, a good guy present armed
and who acted and who caught and they waited to call 911.
And now the biggest number like was a pulse nightclub.
So you're looking at 102 people shot, right?
So nine people versus 102 people.
And that's just one example, right?
Like if you go down the list where they called 911, it's 34 people, 102 people, 34, 22, 47, 70, 28, 31, 46, 43, 46 again.
Right. And on the, on the other side, when there was somebody, a good guy that was armed and acted.
Now the highest number is nine, but then it immediately drops down to four, five, two, one and one.
Right. Like it's just, there's a huge difference there.
So again, this is just dishonest discourse by Biden and them.
We know that good guys with guns have and continue to save lives.
And this is not an ass-kissing exercise of the police.
When the police do wrong things, we're all over them.
And you see leftist jurisdictions like areas in Canada where they're banning free speech or things in Europe.
We're against that.
But in America, our police, compared to other places, are good.
And there's a battle over who controls them.
And if conservatives abandon the police and don't put it in our input, the left with all their bullying and federalization are going to win.
So that's why we can't just knee-jerk reaction, just go with the left attack on the police.
No, I agree 100%, right?
And again, what I want to see, you know, they do all these commissions, right?
Like we got the January 6th Commission.
We got all these commissions, right?
But what we don't see is a true looking into of the after-action report of these situations and how to improve.
Law enforcement does it internally.
But on the politicians side to support law enforcement and say, hey, what didn't you have that would have made a difference?
Let us get that for you.
That's what I don't see right now.
But there is a difference because of bureaucracy and command and control.
In the days of the UT Tower shooting, a cop and a janitor went up and killed a guy.
And they didn't wait.
They went up and did it.
And so there is some type of bureaucracy.
But I get it.
It's a big, giant school.
I mean, I go to big schools sometimes to give a speech.
It takes me 20 minutes to find where I'm at.
You just show up at a school.
You've been there before.
You've done drills.
You do training there.
But still it's training where the guy is in this hall.
He does that.
But then you don't even know where he's at.
And like I said, equipment is key.
And that's why I'm a big proponent of...
Tell us about the shield over here.
You know, we have a bullet resistant shield there, right?
That stops rifle rounds again.
We, you know, we don't have all the facts yet.
And you do drills and a lot of cops can't even properly use it.
You don't have them, right?
Or they weren't trained on them.
I did a sheriff's department not too long ago.
They had two shields in their courthouse.
And when I asked for a show of hands, how many people had actually gone to a shield operator
course, not a single one of them had been to a shield operator course.
So most of them hadn't even picked it up, hadn't even picked a shield up.
It was just sitting there.
And so we need good training.
We need proper equipment.
We need more and more drills at these schools to prepare for these kinds of situations.
Just like the Roman army did.
That's why they were so good.
It has to be never ending.
Because again, the bad guys always change their tactics.
They learn from watching the previous bad guy, and then they try to add on whatever he
did, and they try to sit there.
And we continue to see that.
So law enforcement has to keep up as well.
Let's show some of these images from the New York Post.
Well, again, the issue isn't guns.
It's not the police not being perfect, though we can improve them.
And we will.
We're going to look at the surveillance footage.
I can't wait.
I mean, I want to see it.
But we need to learn what actually happened with surveillance footage.
But the state police, as you said on Monday, put out a statement that's now basically
being confirmed to be pretty much accurate.
And so the answer is don't be a target, folks.
Don't be weak.
Get a concealed carry.
Learn how to use a firearm.
And just understand that big public schools are the target.
So many public schools have good people running them.
A lot of them have leftists running them.
I think, for me, the answer is, if you can afford it, get your children out of big schools.
I mean, again, it seems like funding is always an issue, right?
They don't want to fund.
But there's ways around that, right?
Like, for example, and people will volunteer to be part of it.
That's exactly right.
And you have, you have reserve police officers, reserve deputies, reserve
That's exactly they're not even being paid.
They volunteered their time to go in.
And they would love to sit there and make a difference out of school if you give them
the opportunity to.
All right.
Tim Enlow, thank you as the days unfold.
Give us more intel.
Intel, because I have a bad feeling we're going to see more of this with 166 days out from
the election.
It's just like clockwork.
It starts happening.
Who knows why it's happening?
We're going to try to figure it out.
I got a bunch of news, other issues ahead.
The latest on the Davos meeting.
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It has been noted by many a historian that the first casualty of war is the truth.
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Ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around
the world against humanity that makes infowars.com more important than ever.
You know, it's funny, it's like, I find it really interesting that people think that spreading
and discussing realities and how we heal from our country's wounds and spreading hate, when
really what it is, is like they don't want to be reminded of the hate that exists.
And if we aren't willing to confront it, it's just going to keep growing.
Talking about it is not feeding it, it's not inciting it.
White supremacy is a fact.
It's not just a fact.
You look at FBI statistics, which underreport hate crimes, police statistics, even all the
institutions that underreport hate crimes still has white supremacist groups as by far, by
far, the leading driver of domestic terrorism in the United States.
And that's with all the generosity that they get from underreporting.
It's not even close.
It's like the bar of white supremacist violence is like this, and then it's like all the other
categories are like that.
Really, show us this graph.
And so it's not inciting anything to talk about that.
There's no what ifs here.
There's no like what about Antifa here.
Like look at the numbers.
So she can lie her ass off.
Except all of us, except responsibility for the reality.
All right, shut it down.
I can't.
Let's do it anymore.
So this is all over the news that white supremacism is an epidemic.
It's everywhere, some horrible person they claim is a white supremacist killed 10 black
people a few weeks ago.
There's seven and a half billion people on the earth.
They're starving tens of millions of deaths with all the lockdowns.
And they've got the nerve to sit there now with any terrorism bills using the shooting
in Uvalde saying we need to go after the white people.
They're terrorists when white people have one of the lowest crime rates out there.
It's unbelievable.
All right, I want to hit a bunch of other news to get to some key clips here ahead of the
guest host has taken over the fourth hour.
I just want to say this.
They have to totally silence us to be able to get away with their gaslighting.
They have to not let the people communicate so they can sell absolute total bull like
you just heard.
So I don't care what color you are.
If you got red blood, you love God.
I love you.
We're together in this fight on this planet for the future of our children.
And they have done everything and there's George Soros, New World Order power to silence
But because of you, we are still on air and I salute you for that.
So we have this big Memorial Day special going that's huge.
It was 60% off, double Patriot points.
But we also have something very, very special that I want you to be part of because it's
And you're the founding members.
And if we're able to stay on air in the next six months and what we're doing, we're going
to have a lot of special exclusive films and media and discounts and so much more for people
that help us be founding members.
The third coin, we're going to play the clip for you in a moment.
The third coin is now here and will be gone in six, seven, eight, nine days, guaranteed.
And these coins are selling for three, four times many of them for what people bought
them for.
It's got to mark up the fund, building new things, keeping us on air and doing very,
very exciting things.
So the come and take it coin is a second amendment coin that we designed more than six months
ago that was minted in the United States a month ago that was delivered on Monday.
We have 10,000.
It's one run.
It's a limited edition founding member says come and take it on the head side with a come
and take it Greek fighter from 300 historical event on the back Spartan, we have Texas
with the come and take it when Santa Ana came to take the guys right close to the Uvaldi
and they said no.
It says free men bear arms on the tail side with the Texas cannon and the Gadsden snake
coiled around it protecting it on the head side we have the Spartan from 300 the real
historical thing that happened and the words come and take it.
It's available right now at 1776 coin dot com.
That's 1776 coin dot com or patriot collectibles dot com.
And if you give us your email when you buy it at 1776 coin dot com then you're going
to get a lot of exclusive things it's already started people that are founding members know
but it's not just going to be promo codes of 10% off on top of sales which is a great
deal you save your money right there it's going to be hey here's your membership here's
your exclusive thing if we're able to stay on air if they're able to shut us down we
won't but that's why we're doing this fight it's like the historical event that happened
when Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin went to France at the beginning of the Revolutionary
War and they took shiploads of printed little American flags that they sold for 20 or 100
times they were worth the French buying this is only worth three four you know it's only
marked out three four times the French wanted a piece of American history they wanted to
know they'd funded a rebellion as a memento so they got little American flags for 10 20
30 40 50 times they were worth as part of their donation this is a historic silver coin designed
by yours truly men in America that funds our operation that then gives you exclusive founding
membership in a lot of projects that we are very close getting off the ground we're a
few months behind because everything going on but we're always like that and everybody
knows if I'm planning to something if I say I'm doing something I'm going to get it done
or die trying and I ain't failed yet so I ain't dead yet so I don't give up I don't give in
but I could give out so go to 1776 coin dot com or patriot collectibles dot com same site
and you can get this historic coin right now and it will never be more made and we're going
to have more coins and more things but they won't have the same markup because they're
not founding member coins they'll be used to fun things great historical mementos great
collectibles but these are three coins and this is the third in the set and it is over
your one chance to be involved 1776 coin dot com want to thank everybody that has gotten
the previous to we fact we know that it's mainly folks that got both coins that are already
buying this coin today we've already sold out in just the last two hours or two hours
and 40 minutes of 20% of the coins and so these are selling out even faster than the
coins sold out before and it's so exciting that you have a will and you care and you're
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a lot of joy to my heart to know you're so committed this is a memento this coin will
last millions of years this is going to be this coin is eternal this coin is the heart
of america and everything we're doing and everything we're fighting for and again i
didn't know this mass shooting would happen now i didn't know we'd have a second amendment
coin that was planned to be launched two months ago this week was planned to be launched monday
but i got busy the 18 wheeler wasn't here yet i wasn't ready to launch it and then i
got busy tuesday and now here we are on thursday launching the coin the middle of this the second
amendment has never been more precious get your come and take it second amendment historic
coin exclusively at infowarstore.com right now the first coin george washington slaying
the dragon on the other side the american eagle defending the republic the next coin
the tree of liberty being watered by the blood of patriots and tyrants and now the third
historic coin one ounce silver pure silver come and take it founding member rounds at
infowarstore.com has links to it at the top of the page we have banners on info wars.com
and news wars.com and over on paul's site i'm told he'll put some banners up at summit.news
but be part of this history i just wish i'd have done 20 000 each coin then we'd have
plenty of funds but we are right on the edge of the red and the black we need the funds
we're not going to back down your rights and freedoms we love you we appreciate you and
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to be history and we're selling out of the hoodies the ball caps the t-shirts all these amazing designs
at cost info wars store.com except for this fundraiser shirt that is a real hit and people
love it it's 2495 Alex Jones is right on the front the red thunderbolt and then again on the back
a big bold info wars.com exercise your first amendment don't let the leftist and the globalist
bully silence you and fund the info war at the same time there is not a more politically incorrect
shirt that sends a stronger message of freedom resistance to the new world order than the Alex
Jones was right shirt explicitly available at info wars store.com and again this shirt is limited
edition as well we're doing one more run and then no more info wars store.com get yours today
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cellular wi-fi bluetooth rfid camera emp weather and even gps today leading a frontal assault
on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
you live you learn i've stopped looking for questions i've got only suggestions
black and white and only turn gray in time we're all gonna find out our time's all gonna wind
out and just count down and till that judgment day but everybody knows you live and you learn
but the lessons just go on and on and on yes i do
guess i'm gonna have to wait for all the pages to find out if it's right or if it's wrong
oh you live you learn you let me learn all right i meant to get the calls today we got a special guest
in for over an hour we got another special guest coming up next hour i got a lot of news to cover
in the meantime k diers set to take over always covers the key documents stuff that globalists
don't want you to know but uh here's the bottom line newtonian physics show us and the unified
field theory of max plank codified by albert einstein shows us but we don't need to see it
the numbers we know it in life that for every action there's an opposite reaction an equal reaction
and so the new world order needs to know that and they know that
the harder they hit us the stronger we get if we don't give up and that's what happened
in behind the scenes in the systems pest but i knew this would happen but i have a moral duty
to not play into their system hell i got a bunch of tricks i could play on them i know
their operation better than they do i've got to ring a mordor give i wanted to ring but i will
not use evil to defeat evil because it will turn into evil and again i will only use good against
these people and that's what this comes down to so i got a bunch of stacks of news i haven't gotten
to here and i want to cover them but i mentioned the coin earlier that's going to sell out the next
six seven eight days and since we made this promo video that i've forgotten to play we might as well
air it then i'll hit the news but here's the new second amendment coin it's been playing six months
ago minute a month ago in our vault yesterday or two days ago i guess money now three days ago
and ready for you at 1776 coin dot com here it is introducing come and take it our third and
final coin a part of the founding member collector series this third coin is minted into existence
from point 999 silver from right here in america come and take it may hold meaning for americans
from recent history but it actually dates back to being used in 480 bc in the battle of thermopylae
as malon labai by spartan king leonidas it has since become a symbol of defiance here in america
along with the imagery of a black star and canon in the flag used by texans during the state's
revolution against mexico both sides of the coin depict these historical uses of the phrase
with one side having a rendition of a spartan helmet and the inscription of come and take it
and the reverse side having a rendition of the canon and the inscription free men bear arms
go to 1776 coin dot com today to secure your founding member coin hurry before they're gone
as there will only be 10 000 in existence that's right everybody that is part of that membership
very special things will happen if we win if we're able to even carry on but i'd say about
nine percent chance that'll be you don't care you want to keep us in the fight we appreciate you
okay i made a lot of preparation for this show today at home and then here and i haven't covered
one tenth of it but let's let's try to go ahead and go through it here today here's the headlines
ladies and gentlemen onlookers urge police to charge into texas school does look like the
response was slow and badly coordinated but he was barricaded inside so it's a little little
of both sides are right about that witnesses police refuse to enter school as you've already
shoot a rampage some dude parents beg them to act but do something crowd does nothing
joe bide we played the clip earlier during remarks on texas mass shooting the second
amendment is not an absolute but your tyranny is we played the clips earlier be honest the
dims want you to repeal the second amendment alleged you've all the government had violent
tendencies before opening fire at school they knew he was planning it but nothing was done
as usual horrifying moment mexican drug cartel there's video this by the way pulls mourners
from awake a funeral line and lines them up against the wall and shoots them killing up to 17
you're not going to hear much about that because that's a country where they've disarmed the people
though some still have guns illegally to defend themselves god bless them
so there you go florida house rep randy fine tells biden try to take our guns and you'll learn
why the second amendment was written firearm stock store over fears of new gun control yep
just going to make the second more powerful barack obama uses texas shooting to memorialize
george floyd says you shouldn't be so you shouldn't be so focused on this what about george floyd
to create more racial division schumer scuttles votes on gun control bills to save his long weekend
he doesn't even have the votes to get him passed bill bar explains the only thing
that will prevent school shootings hardening of the schools
schools tim scott blast biden's divisive executive order on police reform
that's just some of the articles we've got in the stack today but so many articles about massive
exploding crime shootings tabbings muggings and the media covering it up studies show the media
is inspiring copycat shootings includes mass killings absolutely and it goes on oh but look
at this article outrage as the nr a to gather in houston just days after texas school massacre
how dare them exercise their first amendment how dare them sit up there and talk about the
right to self-defense how dare trump come speak how dare them how dare you the gun owners that
are all to blame collectively for what's happened meet together you are murderers you went in that
school and you killed those 19 children they're saying
even though you own an automobile and when a muslim extremists ran over a bunch of folks in
new york a few years ago screaming a la agbar and the media covered it up did were you blamed
no because like i'm blamed because somebody used a truck to kill people
in r.a. meeting likely to be met with protests after school shooting
g.o.p senator bill cassidy signals hill support gun control and a good question being asked by
red state could ssri and depressants be one of the causes behind mass shootings
could gasoline and an engine be the reason it starts it's on the insert that it leads to that
ted cruise it and perfect but man i wish he was on our side all the way he just tore into this left
as saying why is america the only place mass shootings happen that's not even true i just
showed you mass shootings other places higher crown statistics but he said people are coming here
for a reason we trust individuals don't guns we don't blame individuals for what other individuals do
trump is confirmed he will attend the n r.a convention in houston on friday
but attendees won't be able to bring their guns
because they'll let a crazy in and do it and it just goes on from there we've got the red pope
frances the jesuit king joins democrats in calling for gun control but he is protected
by the swiss guard and armed guards and that's just some of the news
and that's that now we're going to come back i'll do a couple segments and jade hours and take over
but i'm not done yet and we are going to look at all of it because you want to talk about what the
real death is we got it right here leptis are about killing millions of people and they're
doing it right before our eyes and we've got a lot of other key information we're going to be
covering here today and remember the propaganda would not be necessary if resistors were futile
as the famous unattributed saying says it's true they're so close to losing the battle is so intense
that if you think giving up is going to make your life better you're crazy i know my audience
isn't like that but for new listeners if you think making jokes about this or you think giving up
is the way to go you're you're out of your mind the only way is to be informed and involved and
strong and that's what we're doing here because it's all part of you live you learn well they're
right back with hour number four myself jay dyer and so much more news wars dot com info wars dot
com ban dot video stay with us introducing come and take it our third and final coin a part of
the founding member collector series this third coin is minted into existence from point nine nine
nine silver from right here in america come and take it may hold meaning for americans from recent
history but it actually dates back to being used in 480 bc in the battle of thermopylae as malon
labai by spartan king leonidas it has since become a symbol of defiance here in america along with
the imagery of a black star and canon in the flag used by texans during the state's revolution
against mexico both sides of the coin depict these historical uses of the phrase with one side
having a rendition of a spartan helmet and the inscription of come and take it in the reverse
side having a rendition of the canon and the inscription free men bear arms go to 1776 coin
dot com today to secure your founding member coin hurry before they're gone as there will only be
10 000 in existence i want to thank all of you over the years who have supported info wars
financially with word of mouth and prayer all the success that we've had together against the
globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because
of you humanity has a real fighting chance that's want to thank you all for buying products and
then forward to our dot com like books and films and supplements and water filtration air filtration
so much more but for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so we get
almost 100 percent of the money to fund our operation during this critical time go to info
war store dot com and right at the top you'll see a link to make a straight donation a one-time
donation of five dollars ten dollars fifty dollars or a recurring donation you can cancel anytime
i want to thank all you that have donated i want to encourage those of you out there
that want to support freedom to take action now and be part of the global awakening the new
renaissance that's counter the great reset by going to infowar store dot com and clicking on the
donate button and giving today thank you so much for your support please take action
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
we've got news of the world economic forum coming up with myself and jade our next segment
big news but first the great rob do here at info wars has put together a new compilation
of the leftist and the globalist declaring their war on your right to self-defense will post
us later to band dot video here it is we'll be right back covering the debauch group
as a nation we have to ask when in god's name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby
when in god's name we all know our gut needs to be done now is the time like literally right now
what are we doing enough is enough enough enough enough enough why are you here i'm
incredibly saddened and it's very hard to think about this um
um we have to act to nickel and dimus i don't know if that's gonna do it i think that we need
some really drastic action here and don't tell me we can't have an impact on this carnage
who will say on this network or any other network in the next few days it's time to repeal the
second amendment oh you can't say that well why not why not why are we willing to live with this
carnage why do we keep letting this happen where in god's name is our backbone but i'm here on this
floor to beg to literally get down on my hands and knees and beg my colleagues if i could have gotten
51 votes in the senate of the united states for an outright ban picking up every one of them
um mr and mrs america turn them all in i would have done it we have to have the courage to take
action we have introduced an assault weapons brand i'm talking about a ban on assault rifle
and understand the nexus between what makes for reasonable and sensible public policy
find a path forward here work with us to find a way to pass laws that make this less likely
look i support all gun control legislation not sensible gun control we don't need the sensible
stuff we need the hardcore stuff that's going to protect ourselves and our children if you
want a solution stop selling ar-15s in the state of test you want a solution gentleman just walked up to me
in his picture line he says hi have an ar-15 and i will turn this in if it means saving the lives
of our kids hell yes we're gonna take your ar-15 your ak-47 we're not gonna allow it to be used
against a fellow americans anymore it'll happen again next week there is no way to stop next week's
mass murder now is the time to stop the next shooting it's time for those who obstruct or
delay or block the common-sense gun laws we need to let you know that we will not forget
i do have thoughts and prayers and those thoughts and prayers are to remove as many republicans
as as many people who support this evil policy this coming november i'm tired of hearing people
all they have to offer is thoughts and prayers it's not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a
monday and then only do it every monday we need to do this every day of the week and just really
brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way but the reason we have a problem
right now is we've let the the corporate gun lobby frame this debate it is time that we have both
actions and a bold agenda over 90 percent of the american people think we have to get assault
weapons off the street period and we have to get buybacks and get them out of their basements everyone
up here favors an assault weapon ban everyone up here favors magazine limitations which by the way
would have made a huge difference we can ban the weapons of war it's about ending the sales of
assault weapons into our communities those weapons of war were designed to kill people as effectively
and as efficiently as possible they should belong on the battlefield and not in our communities
but i also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that ak-47s belong in the hands of soldiers
not in the hands of criminals by the way you can't own the following weapons period they cannot be
sold anymore like if you're going to take people's guns away wait till you get elected then take the
guns away don't tell them ahead of time which by the way that's what that's what people like me
think you're gonna do
info wars has made history you have made history in your support of info wars and one of the biggest
tools we've had to circumvent and override the sensors has been patriot apparel so we can identify
each other so we can spread the word and so we can push people to websites like info wars.com
so they can understand the globalist plan and how to stop it now ladies and gentlemen two
months ago we announced we're blowing out of all of our designs of t-shirts some of which go back
more than 25 years all these shirts are limited edition they are about to be history and will
only exist in your closet your drawer or your wardrobe show there's only 15 000 shirts of 60
plus thousand left in a couple weeks they'll all be gone and they'll be history we're selling them
all at cost at infowarstore.com so thank you all for your support please visit infowarstore.com
and get one of these historic shirts hoodies long sleeves ball caps you name it while you still can
i want to thank you all for your support infowarstore.com
whiz that i was on a rocky top down in the tennessee hill
ain't no smoky smoke up on rocky top ain't no telephone bill
once i had a girl on a rocky top half bad the other half can't
get wild as a mink but sweet as sort of papa i still dream about that
rocky top you'll always be home sweet home to me
good old rocky top rocky top tennessee rocky top tennessee
all right ladies and gentlemen jay dyre is one of the top experts reading the globalist
own documents and books is about to take over here in just a few minutes and then in
54 minutes oan shroyer and the war room three to six p.m and obviously you got harris the smith
weekday mornings eight a.m central american journal doing an excellent job i got the sum of
the news and i don't want to say we're distracted with this mass shooting but we got world government
unfolding and the policies of that world government are going to kill billions of people not hundreds
of millions and finally folks are starting to get it here's a town hall article leftist are about
to kill millions of people right before our eyes and it shows the statistics and the numbers of
what cutting fossil fuels off will do and they know what they're doing the globalist know for
engine 20 and now engine 21 exactly what will happen so incredibly important we have footage
at a Shanghai of starving crowds of people running around begging for food under ongoing
lockdowns soviet areas soviet era's deadliest economist killed millions with his terrible
science but it wasn't terrible science it was a plan to starve and control biden's fda feels the
heat from democrats and republicans on missing baby formula but it's not biden what's the hating
he's a puppet of the globalist and then they talk about we're bringing in third world populations
to replace everybody lower wages they call that racist to be against it doesn't matter whether
you're hispanic white black asian in america it will lower your share of living do this and not
help the third world excellent article from town hall dot com they're replacing you black america
very important and they're backpushing trump saying he hates mexicans and that mexicans are bad
there's no video he didn't say it you should be pissed at the corporate media that are the ones
saying it he said you had good people that were conservatives covering charlesville you had good
people on the left and you had bad people on both sides us pending home sales plunge the
weakest is 2014 it goes on and on what they're doing to our economy the exploding inflation
this is economic war against the people of planet earth jay dyer author researcher talk show host
really smart guys about to take over well it's for mind listeners we're not sponsored by george
soros we're not sponsored by the new world order we're standing up for our rights and your rights
together and we're the tip of the spear and i thank you for your support but i want to encourage
you to get the very best high quality supplements that will empower your life make your immune
systems stronger and keep us on the air a 360 win an info wars tour dot com we have the memorial
day special running until next wednesday because so many of these products are about to sell out
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cardiovascular your brain incredible what it does look at the statistics despite that we're
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com all t shirts at cost they're all about to sell out we had 63 000 of them when i decided to
make them all limited edition and get rid of our inventory to fund ourselves we're down to less than
10 000 shirts info wars store dot com memorial day mega special has arrived with double patria points
all right the great j dire takes over right now from jason analysis dot com j dire thank you so much
sir absolutely thank you alec's glad to be here it's always an honor to host the fourth hour
today i'm going to talk about the uh issue well's book that we've not yet covered we've covered
several books from birch and rossel hg wells himself in terms of the new world order but there's
another book that he wrote that is just as important and it's called the open conspiracy this book is
aptly titled because it tells you exactly what's going on it's sort of an eyes wide shut type of
title that says well we're just going to do this conspiracy out in the open and it'll be like a
gas lighting psi op and nobody will care or figure it out because we'll put it out there in the open
that way it won't be a conspiracy now he wrote this book in 1928 and the subtitle of the book is
blueprints for world revolution so keep in mind that this is co-opting the idea of the liberal
revolutionary tradition into the technocratic world order we know that hg wells was a crucial
key propagandist connected to the fabian society connected to the royal society he kind of played
that liberal side of the elite power structure in the british empire as opposed to the more so
called right wing side really they were both wings of the same bird and he begins his book by saying
that we are expecting chaos and flux in the coming years so this is remember written prior to world
war two he also wrote a book shape of things to come written prior to world war two which pretty
much predicts all the elements of world war two he was off by a few years i think because he actually
gave a year when he thought the world the world wars would happen and he says that what we're
going to expect in the next coming years is chaos and disaster he was definitely right about that
because he was he was working with the people who essentially planned the two world wars of the 20th
century that is the power elite of the british empire the angle american established by the
atlantis this power block he begins his book by saying that we know from evolutionary theory that
all that exists is matter and flux pure materialism pure flux again keep in mind what do we do we just
see the world economic forum luminaries say you are all matter in motion you have no soul you have
no free will we're going to stamp all of that out again 100 in line with the game plan of the
technocrats 100 years ago no different so basically we're almost 100 years anniversary of this infamous
book the open conspiracy and it begins by saying after that with in terms of the discussion of
materialism he says that population growth is just going nuts that's going to be the main problem
of the future and he says that we're going to analyze the power of capitalism monopoly capitalism
he's talking about not classic free market capitalism but the dynastic control of the
banking and industrial elite monopoly capitalism he says that we're going to have to realize that
the power structure that is the monopoly capitalist will have to act to stop a couple big
problems in the world what are the two things the two sort of firewalls identified by hg wells that
have to be gotten rid of to destroy population growth well he's very candid about it he says that
the family number one got to get rid of nuclear families got to get rid of extended families
number two nation states he says patriotism is the first thing that has to die you can't have
people defending their history their tradition their heritage their family that's got to go away
for a technocratic one world order to come into place he says that will use slogans like change
and progress to promote and advance the idea that the family and the nation state are inherently
bad inherently evil they are retrograde they are for rubes they are for rednecks that's for idiots
only people who are sophisticated city dwellers these kinds of people right we all know that city
dwelling cosmopolitan rootless consumerism is the only way to be progressive the only way to be
forward thinking he says that when we inculcate this he says that will be the true revolutionary
idea by which we will go under the cloak of liberalism leftism progressivism
this opening at spears he says is a great he says will bring great chaos and and and flux
in terms of these world wars in terms of the coming years and he says but out of the ashes
of the chaos will be born this new order again what was the title of his other book very similar
to this one the new world order he says that out of the cold war he even talks about the
post-soviet state emerging as a utopian era that will be modeled on a capitalist communist
synthesis he even says the soviet state's a great idea we love it it's bolshevik it's
in the model for the world order don't go anywhere this is j direb j's analysis you're
watching the alex joneshow don't leave the globalist are bombarding us with propaganda
and with spiritual warfare and with poisons and chemicals added to the food it's all come out
and they're doing that not because we're weak but because we're made the image of god the creator
and we are powerful and the social engineers fear that so much so that's why i repeat that famous
internet saying that nobody knows who first came up with the boy is it true the propaganda would not
be necessary if the situation was hopeless they need all their propaganda and all their lies and
all their evil and all their cultural death because they know we are strong and they know in the end
they signed on the god of this world who is a loser and that's why it's so important that everybody
keep them full wars in the air now more than ever because even you don't believe in god
both the globalists are manifesting and setting up is safe and we are opposing the one world
government and the mark of the beast they just announced ladies and gentlemen we have contracted
with one of the top companies in the united states that supplies the pentagon the military the cia
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action now infowarstore.com you see this it's an info wars republic defense card with original
info wars art designed by yours truly with a little gold bar implanted in it and on the back
it's got a hologram there are only 25 000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again
the bank that owns the mint that has started putting these out the last few years
just sold out of 300 000 of a similar offering that was 40 percent more than what we're selling
these for and when you get three or more you can get these at 50 percent off and they fund the
info war please visit infowarstore.com and check out this amazing new art slash gold product
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and i want to thank you for your support over the years because without you all of the great
success we have had together would not have happened we are the tip of the spear you're the
tip of the spear and i salute you and thank you visit infowarstore.com today
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
welcome back to the oxygen so i'm your guest host j dire of j's analysis we were covering
h.c weles's book the open conspiracy and his blueprint of revolution for global government
and he had said that he loved the five-year plan of stalling and the implementation of
phases of these scientific techniques and processes for toppling and restructuring government
into a solidified unified world state then he moves on to say that we have to understand
where we've come from how how we got here and he says that the advancements of the scientific
revolution and the enlightenment gave us darwinism and other such philosophies which allow us to
uh reform everything that we think about man man's relationship to other men the state society
education history philosophy all of these things in religion importantly he says have to be
rethink we have to revise we have to revolutionize every area of life there's nothing that can stay
permanent and the same or anything that we can pass on because you see everything is in flux
this is a consistent refrain from other revolutionaries like mal like lenin trotsky many of them talked
about perpetual revolution the revolution never ends it's always ongoing because for them pure
matter is all that exists just material physical existence that's all there is and it's always
in flux because we're just atoms in motion molecules in motion and thus to harness that
process it's to steer history in a dialectical fashion towards the synthesis of the unification
of all areas of life and all areas of thought he says that our first enemy that we have to think
about and after we have these great world wars he says what he says will come he says that world
war one happened and that moved us towards a global government he says but we're going to need more
giant world wars to really grasp the need for a centralized global authority to prevent the world
wars you see you see the logic of this we will inculcate chaos and then give the solution problem
reaction solution admitting essentially that they're the ones that engineered those wars
dr carol quickly in his famous book tragedy and hope says the exact same thing this power
structure that we're talking about right here engineered those world wars to bring about a
long-term goal of a global managerial technocratic government he says that there are things that
we have to eliminate one of the things that has to be eliminated as we said with the family and
the nation state is the notion of conservatism any idea of conservatism he says is problematic
because it gives the impression that there are truths that can be passed on handed down from
one generation to the next that we don't need to scrap all of history is something hg well says
has to be gotten away with no we do need to scrap history well says history cannot give us truths
that we pass on because everything is matter in motion everything is perpetual flux that is
the metaphysical doctrine of the revolutionary faith you have to understand that revolutionary
philosophy is predicated on a kind of magical sort of mystical view that matter is in motion at all
times there's nothing permanent nothing true nothing's true everything is relative everything
is in motion everything is evolving he says that we got a target first and foremost the education
education has to be completely revamped and to do this we have to get rid of anything again that
relates to history and tradition that's all bad it's all gone inherently religions he says have
to be taken over and they have to evolve to reflect the attitude of the new world order of
the technocratic scientific elite he says that we will have to seek some kind of amorphous generic
universal cause that we can that we can say is kind of a unknown god behind all the world religions
but he says that all the establishment religions must become
means and methods of promoting a social gospel so here you have all the way back in 1928 hd wells
in the fifth chapter way ahead of anybody else promoting the idea of liberation theology the
idea of a social gospel nothing to do with anything biblical or any of that it's all
about fitting the religion into the overall geopolitical strategy of a one world order
he says that the sacrifice of the individual in religion will be nothing to do with giving your
life to god jesus or anything like that he says it will be turned into sacrifice for the world
socialist order so religion will still exist you will still be asked to give up your life
bear your cross daily but for the socialist world government you see now keep in mind
yes he was a marxist socialist but he's not the typical marxist socialist who thinks that
you've got to destroy the capitalist and you got to destroy everything relating
relating to the means of production and the proletariat has to take over he didn't have
that attitude he was a much more sophisticated marxist socialist in fact he would make fun of
the other marxist socialist and say that don't you guys understand that it's the monopoly
capitalists that are going to build the infrastructure that we will take over to enforce the global
socialist corporate order he says that there's a lot of steps that we're going to have to take
to get to this end goal he says that we're going to have to realize that there is no afterlife
none of that matters all we have to do is focus on building a technocratic utopia in this world
he says that we're going to have to understand the principles of shutting down growth and austerity
and he says that religions can be a tool for this right you can promote through religions
fake religions made up cults and religions the example being the climate scam oh it's
you're bad because you have property you're bad because you drive a car you're evil because you're
you know taking up too much carbon when that's the basis of life on the planet
and basically h.g. Wells way ahead of the club of Rome is preferring promoting this scam back in
1928 says we'll just convince everybody that they're guilty for using up too much carbon
they're for putting out excuse me putting out too much carbon using up too much oxygen too
many resources he says that this will be achieved if we can get full spectrum dominance when we
obtain full spectrum dominance he says the phoenix from the ashes will emerge as what he calls
the quote new world order he says that a lot of things though well you will have to die
on the way it's unfortunate but things like countless millions of people or perhaps even
billions he says we'll have to die but it's not a big deal because unfortunately the world is far
overpopulated he says and the global conflicts and wars that are coming he says will be a hopefully
he says a great contributor to mass depopulation efforts so he says but it's not that they're
dying in vain they're actually all dying for a good end namely the erection of the global
technocratic state whittling the population down to at least hopefully he's he thinks like others
80 90% he says that maybe maybe we can continue with religion but he says really the key thing
will be to convert whatever religions exist into a front for uh scientism right so the
cult that really runs the religion of the world or the many face face cut out faces that that
they're behind he says those are all going to be um concerned with population control so the number
one goal of the fake religion that will be erected of the scientism cult will be to call the population
that's it that's all the religion exists to do is to promote the world government promote people
giving up their life and their their future and basically accepting sterility and or euthanasia
for the global cult or technic for the technocracy but notice that he does say it's a cult he says
that our inner core the inner elite the inner party that Orwell talked about they won't actually
believe this or be subject to it there will be an outer fake religion that they will have
that they will promote to the masses convincing them to accept austerity giving up private
property and so i want to thank all of you over the years who have supported info or
is financially with word of mouth and prayer all the success that we've had together against the
globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat footed during their major takeover is because
of you humanity has a real fighting chance that's what i want to thank you all for buying products
and then forward for dot com like books and films and supplements and water filtration
air filtration so much more but for those of you that want to actually give us a straight
donation so we get almost a hundred percent of the money to fund our operation during this critical
time go to info or store dot com and right at the top you'll see a link to make a straight donation
a one-time donation of five dollars ten dollars fifty dollars or a recurring donation you can cancel
anytime i want to thank all you that have donated i want to encourage those of you out there that
want to support freedom to take action now be part of the global awakening the new renaissance
that's counter the great reset by going to info or store dot com and clicking on the donate button
and giving today thank you so much for your support please take action info wars has made history
you have made history in your support of info wars and one of the biggest tools we've had to
circumvent and override the sensors has been patriot apparel so we can identify each other so
we can spread the word and so we can push people to websites like info wars dot com so they can
understand the globalist plan and how to stop it now ladies and gentlemen two months ago we
announced we're blowing out of all of our designs of t-shirts some of which go back more than 25
years all these shirts are limited edition they are about to be history and will only exist in
your closet your drawer or your wardrobe show there's only 15 000 shirts of 60 plus thousand left
in a couple weeks they'll all be gone and they'll be history we're selling them all at cost at info
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one of these historic shirts hoodies long sleeves ball caps you name it while you still can i want
to thank you all for your support info wars store dot com you see this it's an info wars
republic defense card with original info wars art designed by yours truly with a little gold bar
and planted in it and on the back it's got a hologram there are only 25 000 of these in existence
and they'll never be made again the bank that owns the mint that has started putting these out the last
few years just sold out of 300 000 of a similar offering that was 40 percent more than what we're
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against the globalist at such a critical point get your gold bars and so much more exclusively
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you are the tip of the spear and i salute you and thank you visit info wars store dot com today
ladies and gentlemen ultra 12 the highest quality b12 you're going to find on the market has been
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of the new world order it's alex jones
welcome back to the oxygen show i'm your guest host j dire did notice we are working our way
through the very important admissions from the elite taxed by hg wells the open conspiracy what
are we to do with our lives well you may not know what to do with your life maybe you're looking for
a purpose driven life hg wells has a purpose for you and in fact his purpose is you can just die
for the new world order just lay down euthanize yourself sterilize yourself at the least
and maybe you'll have a cause to die for now in this very important chapter about scientific
world commonwealth that he's talking about erecting that's the chapter is about the scientific world
government he says first thing we're gonna have to do is uh we're gonna have to curtail breeding
okay we're gonna have to have total control of who breeds when they breed how much they breed
everything about breeding is controlled he says that we will even control all of the pleasure
impulses to the extent that in the future basically nobody will be able to have kids that's more or
less what he goes with and he says that uh all you idiot marxists out there you ideological
driven marxists he says that you guys don't even understand that it's really the monopoly
capitalists that are going to lead the way to erect the erect the piety that will make everybody a
consumable or dispensable unit the quantification principle he says so just let the monopoly
capitalists erect the global government he says and then all we have to do is take it over when
they build it he says this will ultimately be the means of population control he seems to also
have a foresight into predicting what we might call um smart cities right he says that we'll have
these kinds of corporate cities in the future there'll be you know ai runs space cities he says
that we'll have a central world economy it will be completely and totally centrally planned so
anything that you ever heard about uh the problems of central planning no hc wells
doesn't believe that at all right any of the critiques that you hear about the federal reserve
no no all of that needs to be all the more enforced according to wells we need a complete
tracking tracing credit based system he basically anticipates a kind of social credit system 100
years ago 100 years ago he then goes on to say that this will be a managerial technocratic society
remember last week's discussion when we were talking about the miles copeland cia operative history
his whole account of what he was up to in first syria and in egypt and all his dealings with
nasser and what he was trying to put in place there uh in egypt if you remember that that was intended
to erect an industrialized egypt that would one day reduce drastically his population
and he said ultimately this was with the uh was concerned with the goal of putting in place
a managerial society and if you remember miles copeland said if you want to understand what we're
up to in these countries he says go read who cfr birch and russell and james bernum the managerial
society well what do you know exact same thing here so do you understand for all the people that
are skeptical for people that don't think this is real they laugh at this it's so funny even though
it's all literally rolling out every day there's a new development every day the world economic form
which is meeting right now which just said all of this again the last two or three days by the way
i just did a whole talk about this just covering these clips over on my rockfin channel go to my
youtube channel i've been covering for the last several years the davos uh world economic form
so if i got to dug up one of my old videos from five years ago covering world economic form in
davos and their speeches back then and what they were planning i was talking five years ago specifically
saying the world economic form will roll this kind of stuff out and we need to pay attention to them
i just posted that video go watch it as you all says that conservatism and conservative movements
are really the only thing we have to worry about because they're the only ones he says
that will potentially figure out what we are up to imagine that there's not a conspiracy oh but
wait there is but what but if you talk about it you're a bigot oh but if you don't like it you're
bad because it does exist even though it didn't exist uh what like last year doesn't exist but
now yet exist but you're bad if you disagree with it but i thought it didn't exist no it exists but
it's good oh okay that's called gas loading by the way uh this is really important i forgot
about this part he says uh in the scientific world commonwealth chapter he says that when we have this
in place he says you won't go where you want to go he says that every bit of your movement will be
controlled you're gonna be you're gonna be a lockdown lockdown your movement will be on lockdown
what were the last two years about training is prepping us that we can't go where we want to go
our movements have to be on lockdown we have to have government passes and and passports and
gavi you know uh vaccine stamps and whatnot we gotta we gotta get bill gates is tramp stamped
to travel to another country right well i'm not going to be bill gates is tramp so you're not
going to tramp stamp me with some stupid id uh that bill gates has cooked up but hg wells said
a hundred years ago that this would be the plan that they would roll this out socialized world
banking he says we'll create a central bank central bank bureau of an intelligence that's
a banker's running the intelligence telling you where you can and can't go well that sounds like
like social uh that sounds like tracking and tracing in terms of everything that covet was about
doesn't it he says then you have to understand that your private property will be done away with
oh what did claus just say in the last five years over and over you will have nothing and you will
be happy you'll own nothing you'll be happy hg wells said a hundred years ago do you see it's a
it's a coordinated plan it's the same plan and it's not a bunch of communists in moscow it's the
the top wealthiest people in the west that run this they're the same people behind this guy
remember monopoly capitalist billionaires zillionaires not always but typically they love
communism they love it because it's a trick a technique to steal especially middle class
people's wealth or upper upper class people or the wealthy that are not the top point one percent
it communism socialism or techniques scientific strategies and techniques to destroy societies
consolidate their wealth and transfer it offshore to specific interests that are involved in that
inner core of promoting socialism and communism and even many communists and socialists over the
years have come to understand and realize that your private property property will be done away
with he says in the technocratic state and he says that this is the essence of the new world order
now at this time marxism was still a hot topic people were still really into the idea of world
revolution and classical you could say what's called classic marxism an ac well just like
birch and russell and all of his royal society cohorts says that there's a great experiment
going on right now it's called the russian revolution it is a scientific experiment in
scientific technocratic governance they're familiar with dostoevsky's novel called demons
did you know that in that novel dostoevsky predicted the socialist communist revolutionaries
and their mass death and chaos there's a character who's the socialist demonically
possessed individual in the book who says that the revolution will come about on the
top of a mountain of a hundred million skulls and that was written years before right the
bolstering revolution now how did dostoevsky know this well i i think that he kind of had a
you can almost say a quasi prophetic inspiration right to to understand and to warn people what
was coming and we see the arts oftentimes warning people what did i just cover recently here on the
fourth hour was c.s lewis's space trilogy tolkins lord of the rings trilogy those are prophetic
warnings and if you get really deep into the parallels between those two trilogies you know
that there's intentional messages there's intentional things put in there where we were being warned in
fact i just dug up the other day that tolkin himself was trained in by british intelligence
in cryptography that was something that was declassified not too long ago the london telegraph
has a whole paper on that whole uh write up on that what that shows us is that no you see that's
why tolkin understood what was really going on now he really understood the big geopolitical plan
he was really putting that stuff into his his novels especially the somerillian too because all
of that is about an allegory of the christian system and the final battle right battling the
great beast system the eye of sauron that's what tolkin was running about and that's what c.s lewis
was running about and they knew what these people were up to that's who that they're writing about
these people don't you understand that they understood from within the system just like
george orwell did eric blair what the socialists and the technocrats really have planned this is the
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of the new world order it's alex jones
welcome back to the elex jones show i'm your guest host jay dyer james now we are working our way
through the infamous globalist text that just lays it all out in actually a pretty short number of
pages it's about 150 pages so if you want an easy quick to the point read i highly recommend reading
the open conspiracy by hg wells of course if you don't have time to do that one of the things i do is
i lecture through all these books for you i'm the nerd that does your homework you can go to my
website you can go to my youtube channel and you can find playlists where i lecture through i think
we're about up to 50 maybe even almost 60 now writings of the elite including many white papers
documents all in public domain by the way all of these are public documents public writings by
very powerful men very uh infamous influential figures brzezinski's kisinders joc ateles right
these kind of geopolitical uh stage people out there well known they all write everything that
they're up to in their books and i think that that's what you know people who are just uneducated on
this they don't really know what's going on they don't realize that you know if you were to be in
an international relations program in in a college at the graduate phd level you would be exposed to
a lot of these writings you would be exposed to kisinders you would be exposed to brzezinski's
writings and all this would be really uh really pretty easy to to find pretty accessible and
nowadays with the internet i mean it should be even more easy to very you think about five minutes
to find out if this is really a book by hg wells and who hg wells was right just do a little bit
googling you could easily find this out right so we're kind of at a point where it's inexcusable
i think to be ignorant of this we're reaching that point where it's like if people aren't awake by
now they're probably not going to wake up right but we do have a significant portion of the population
awake so never give up always continue to try but back to hg wells you know he was i was talking
about tolkin and louis and if you remember both of them were familiar with hg wells i think louis
uh would sometimes go to kind of a writer's circle not necessarily the inklings but there
was a separate circle of writers and people that he was familiar with uh a lot of the
cambridge and oxford elite at the in those in those decades new of each other they knew of
huxley and louis knew of the of hg wells of course they had diametrically opposed worldviews as did
tolkin and wells but keep in mind that people like wells people like birch and rustle people
like the huxleys those are who louis and tolkin are thinking about and so they knew about books
like this they knew that these these books were uh publicly out there being published stating openly
what they plan to do and so the next time you're talking to a skeptic and they say well i don't
believe in any of this conspiracy crap that's all made of that and they say oh do you are you
familiar with c.s louis are you aware that he talks about all the same stuff are you if you heard of
tolkin's lord of the rings that's actually about this did you know that that's actually about this
or by the way that that's a little all saying aye there on the cover maybe that helps kind of put
this into perspective hg wells goes on to say that we are at war with tradition main thing we
got to fight his tradition he said if you want to you want to prove that he says look at look at
flags he says flags are made up therefore countries are made up right well that's kind of a fallacy
because if flags are made up then the british empire is made up which is what he was a propagandist
for so i'm curious if he actually thought that the british he actually probably would say that too
right he would say well i don't really believe in the empire that uh that that employs me and uses
me for this technocratic uh end game but um eventually it will give way to the the perfect
technocratic order by the way at the new world order kind came up with a flag wouldn't that mean
that the new world order's flag is also fake i mean you see how easy it is to kind of refute
these these ideas that if everything's just made up then and everything's relative by the way
then his whole system is made up and relative why would we accept socialism if nothing's true
i mean he's saying that there's not really anything true everything's just constantly evolving well
isn't it also the case then that that's evolving that that's not objectively true but you'll notice
that they're never really concerned with being consistent they're mainly propagandists remember
the hc wells was a he was the edward bernese of his time he was the great propagandist of his day
and got it down to a scientific technique that's why he wrote so much science fiction now every
now and then he would also write these kind of nonfiction books saying here's the real plan
but if you go read my fiction books those are all propaganda to seed the ideas right war of the
world's what's that about well that's not really about aliens i mean it is but it's really about
the alien threat the fear of global catastrophes in global war we're gonna have science to save us
we're gonna have a scientific world government controlling body that will save us from the
calamities of mankind he says we're gonna have to have phases he says let's let me give you the phases
he says the first thing we'll we'll do is we'll roll out more and more and more class warfare
now remember he's writing this back in the in sort of the heyday of marxism back in the 1920s
and he says that we're gonna roll out class warfare because if we can convince everybody
that class warfare is the easiest path to world government by unifying everybody against these
global threats right so for example he would say that like we saw with war of the worlds
these global threats can destroy the human race the idea of unbridled capitalism will
destroy the human race this is his argument this he says will be a trick to convince people of world
socialism as the only possible solution out of world collapse and catastrophe he says this will
give us a oligarchical global government remember this is what we find a very new world where you
have 10 world socialist dictators if I remember it's been many years since I read very new world but
the main socialist dictator character is mustapham on and he's one of the 10 world socialist controllers
right so they have 10 of these are over these big regions and they represent a kind of oligarchical
controlling technocratic elite class and he says that this these oligarchs eventually will take
over this new world order and he says that when we finally got enough of this in place not enough
of our men in place he says we will flip the script and we will put an end to the family and the
nation state the family and the nation state will be blamed for all of the world wars all of the
economic chaos and collapse what do the world economic form people say you have too much there
is too much resources too much paper using the resources unbridled capitalism is the problem
we're going to take over you say so when they take over they will give you the solution to the
problem that they admit they've engineered 1917 bolster revolution according to hd wells he says
was key he says that the bolster revolution is the model for the global illuminate confirm
revolution to bring in the technocratic world order he says if you want to know some of the key
things that we did along the way and what we'll have to do in the future he says first of all
he's we're going to have to bring about total mechanization of all society total mechanization
he says what to control all energy and resources all flows of capital all flows of people
he says women will be out of the house they will become professionals he says when we have
done that we will achieve plateaus republic model and eventually we'll have to do away with
the workers and the builders we won't need them anymore after total mechanization so you see
how everybody's being used right everybody in every strata of society every area of society
education religion everybody is a tool being used by this plot
he says eventually we will end the labor class we won't need the worker essential workers
we won't need them anymore we will end the labor class because mechanization will replace the need
for the workers thus global capitalism monopoly capitalism will build the infrastructure of the
global world order it will then flip after a time of chaos collapse and destruction probably what
we're going through now i don't know it could be another 10 20 years this is their plan says then
it will be the new order of the ages model after bolshevism sovietism and western capitalism
combined into a great synthesis he says that we can look at things like the bolsheviks he says
destroying the whole peasant working class he says that that's something that could be used
in the model models of the future when we bring this in when we convert the new world order
into a total technocratic order he says in the future there will the government will own you
you won't have individual liberties and rights you'll be completely owned by the central state
and he says that we will put in place basically a bunch of psychoanalysts and psychotherapists
and sociologists right people like skinner and pavlov he says they will be the ones that really
decide who lives who dies what your neuroses are they'll be under a kind of psychological
dictatorship of the sociologists doesn't sound like a nightmare but isn't that what we've been
told with the whole kufid narrative you need to listen to the experts you need to listen to the
medical experts the psyops experts they know better than you
and he says that we'll also create a new bible he says there'll be a new rewritten bible for this
world socialist religion wow amazing a new bible he says on page 108 now there's a lot more in this
book i went through most of it but you want to see more of that you can go to my website also
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones