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Filename: 20220525_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 25, 2022
3314 lines.

In his monologue, Alex Jones discusses the recent mass shooting in America and argues that it is not just about guns but also evil minds. He criticizes those who advocate defunding police departments while still having private security guards. He promotes Alpha Power supplements and encourages donations to fund their operation during this critical time. He also highlights limited- edition t-shirts and other merchandise available at the InfoWars store for purchase before they sell out. The InfoWars store offers a range of products, including signal-blocking bags called "Redux". Listeners call in to share their thoughts on various topics, including products mentioned by Alex Jones.

It's the United States, frail, confused, bitterly partisan, desecrating the memory of recently
murdered children with tired talking points in the Democratic Party, dividing the country
in a moment of deep pain rather than uniting, his voice rising amplified only as he repeats
the talking points he repeated for over 35 years in the United States Senate, partisan
politics being the only thing that animates him, unfit for leadership of this country.
Will Kane is a man we trust, he often fills in on this show, he's also the host of Fox
and Friends Weekend.
Well Kane, what a moment this would have been if he had stopped a sentence in and said we're
going to pray for these families and let's let this marinate for a minute, let's stand
respectfully before a tragedy, and Joe Biden has lived tragedy, so he could say that was
some credibility.
He moved immediately into some DNC rant off a cue card, that's the president?
What a moment this almost was, there a moment at the beginning of the speech, it sounded
like he might bring this country together, talking about the loss inside someone when
they lose a child, the hole that never will be filled, quoting scripture which is so important
in this moment Tucker because what we're suffering from culturally is a rot of spirituality,
a loss of meaning, and you're exactly right, he turns and gets animated when it's time
to cast blame, when it's time to point fingers, when it's time to be partisan.
You know he can't point to a single law that would have stopped the shooter because he
doesn't know what the shooter did yet, what gun he used, he knows nothing about the details
of this crime, and so therefore he knows not what law he could offer that would solve this
crime, which reveals it was just simply partisanship, I've been listening to you tonight Tucker
and I do share this sentiment with you, it's a true reflection of character and not limited
to the president of the United States, if your first instinct is to turn to partisanship,
if your first instinct is to blame those who disagree, you know I know you're probably
familiar with this Tucker, David Foster Wallace gave an amazing speech once where he said
you don't get a choice of whether or not to worship, you get a choice as to what you
worship and what we are seeing people worship politics, and if that's the case they'll sacrifice
anything for their own righteousness, for their own narcissism, for their own partisanship.
I mean to stand before the image of murdered children and your first impulse is I can be
more powerful if only leverage this in the right way, that's what the president of the
United States, I'm in shock having seen the president of the United States call for more
power for himself, that's his answer.
Well the only reason I'm not in shock Tucker is I was around and so were you, when I saw
Barack Obama stand on the graves of dead children as well, and so this was somewhat
anticipatory, you could expect this would be what would happen, and again Tucker I've
been listening to you tonight and you've been asking some important questions, for example
I heard you ask Judge Pirro earlier in the show, do we study these things, do we study
these shooters, how can we stop them in the future, you know in the 80's we put together
the behavioral science unit at the FBI to stop serial killers, now these guys in these
situations often kill themselves, we can see what makes them tick, we can do more, we can
put money into protecting schools, we just gave $40 billion to Ukraine to protect and
rebuild that country, we can't afford to protect our schools, we immediately put money into
protecting schools from COVID, by the way much of it, which is not yet used, could be
used to protecting schools, there are things we can do, but the most important thing Tucker
is figure out what's going on culturally with this country, we are callous, we are partisan,
we are not spiritual and we have lost meaning.
I hope we will not let politicians leverage our grief to make them more powerful for their
aggrandizement, it's really disgusting, I can say, Wilcane I appreciate your coming
on today, thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us today, I wanted to play that short
clip from Tucker Carlson, I didn't see it until this morning and that was what I did
to come in and say today, this is spiritual rot and we know the identity of the organization
in the group that directed this young man that got caught in the snare of evil, and
we are going to reveal the organization and group behind this attack in Uvalde, Texas
on the other side of this quick break, I'm Alex Jones, infowars.com tomorrow's news
status can be very important information, tell everybody about the local stations you're
listening to and please share the live links from infowars.com forward slash show.
Different infowars, our slogan is tomorrow's news today, whether it's politics or health
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More like the son of Satan.
Doesn't matter if they're Caucasian, doesn't matter if they're Hispanic.
It doesn't matter if they are black.
They all have that same look and they all follow the exact same MO.
They all have the same criminology behind them.
His friends say that he began to self harm several years ago, began to get into the occult,
began to become a Satanist.
And if you ask what organization or group was behind this or if he acted alone, he did
not act alone.
The Bible talks about the mystery of iniquity, the mystery of evil and how this evil force
takes people over.
And if you pull up the image of the famous night stalker, Mr. Ramirez looks just like
him, just like him in the eyes, all of it.
And the same look is in the eyes of Adam Lanza from Sandy Hook and the same look is in the
eyes of Harris and Clybold from Columbine and they're into darkness.
They're into black cloaks.
They're into Satanism.
They are into destroying innocence.
And so he killed his grandmother, Mr. Romus, just like Adam Lanza killed his mother with
the gun she'd gotten that he had illegally.
And he went out to kill children, just like the left wants to abort the babies even after
they're born and have passed laws in several states to do it.
Just like they want to give us all these poison shots and injections, Bill Gates says, he
wants to depopulate you, but he wants you to take these shots and he wants to be forced
because he knows best.
This is easier than even putting two plus two together and saying it equals four.
It is prima facie, meaning on its face, that there is an epidemic of psychotic mass shooters
because it didn't exist until what we saw with the tower shooting at UT back in the
1960s with the Marine Corps sniper that they learned at the autopsy had half his brain
was a tumor.
And then all he knew was the training as a top marksman in the Marine Corps and became
basically a robot, a demonic robot.
And it's still extremely rare, only a few hundred people die in schools each year, more
than half of that is gangbangers shooting each other.
And when that happens, it doesn't even hit the news nationally.
And there are mass shootings every weekend where five, 10, 15, 20 people get shot, get
Hell, you saw what happened in Las Vegas, but when that got connected to Saudi Arabia,
you saw that disappear out of the news like flipping a light switch off.
Biggest mass shooting in US history.
So I'm stating the obvious here, but it is not the gun or the knife or the baseball bat
that is killing these people.
It is the evil minds.
And so the headline today for the show is Alex Jones will exclusively reveal the organization
in group behind this psychotic devil captured by darkness.
And the name is Satan.
That's the organization.
That's the group.
That's how this happens.
And it's hard for people to believe this type of stuff goes on.
But we have all these Democrat senators saying only in America does this happen.
I have stacks of articles of over 150,000 killed in Mexico in just the last decade.
Most of them shot, tortured, you name it, where they have no guns for the citizens.
I have stacks of articles of higher crime rates and more people being shot and killed
in Venezuela.
And they have a total gun ban.
And they also have something else like North Korea or Cuba, an authoritarian state that
kills hundreds of thousands and millions in their prisons and in their dungeons.
So you see the U.M. with all those armed guards and the World Economic Forum with 5,000 police
and 5,000 troops and helicopters and submachine guns and journalists being detained, being
harassed, covering their Geneva, Switzerland, world government event.
Where they have armed guards outside their rooms.
The press has reported on it that they have an armed guard at the front of each elevator
and at the exit by the stairs.
And there are at least two guards on every floor.
And then they have private guards that are with the Debo scum sleeping in the hotel rooms
right next to them, sometimes in the same suite.
So they've got all the guns, all the weapons in the world.
It's not bad when the globalists have guns, it's only bad when you have guns.
And Mexico has never had a second amendment and in the last 50 years they've eradicated
civilian ownership of guns.
And Mexico also has a devil problem, a Satanism problem, just like we do.
And if you go look at the gangs who are smuggling the kids, they worship the grim reaper.
And they worship death and brutality.
A tiny minority, but still dominating and destroying an entire amazing nation.
And the same poison, the same sickness that is in Mexico and is in other countries around
the world is here in the United States.
They kill us with fentanyl by the millions, they kill us with poisoned shots by the millions,
but they cover that all up and they focus in on this event and someone who reportedly
killed his grandmother.
The police were looking for him, the border patrol went after him, he shot at him, went
into the building and quickly killed 19 people, 19 children, two teachers in an unprecedented
attack and it was a brave, lone, a border patrol agent that before the backup got there
and everybody put their body armor on and got suited up in their camo, who rushed in
and got wounded but killed the son of a bitch and son of a bitch is too kind of term for
somebody like this, but you have to understand whether you are the night stalker or whether
you are Mr. Ramos, Ramos, it is the same evil, whether they're Hispanic, whether they're
black, whether they're white and so when a white supremacist goes into a black grocery
store and kills 10 people or when a Hispanic man goes in and kills a bunch of little children,
mainly Hispanic children, it's satanic ladies and gentlemen and you're going to see more
of that in a society unraveling and going into chaos, higher crime, imploding borders,
inflation and what are the Democrats still pushing, defunding police departments between
50 and 100 percent while the city councils have private armed security guards, they know
exactly what they're doing and if he'd have done this in a elementary school in a leftist
control area, he killed so many people so quickly, the police stopped him in minutes,
this brave heroic border patrol agent, that if that officer hadn't gone in there and killed
this monster, he could have killed hundreds of children and the argument is, well, they
can't have a weapon that dispatches people so fast, you could go to a parade and run
over hundreds of people, Muslims have killed 60, 70, 80, 100 plus people in one swath in
places like Germany and France, you're going to ban the trucks, they've had cases in Japan
and China where one man kills over 30 children, one case 36 a decade ago, another case 15
just last year with butcher knives, are you going to take the butcher knives away?
No ladies and gentlemen, the obvious answer is, a good guy stopped the bad guy with the
gun and those of us that would never harm a child, those of us that would never harm
anybody that didn't attack us, we need to be armed, damn it, and we need the teachers
armed and we need the principals armed and if we got $40 billion to send money to Ukraine
for money laundering and $5 billion a month more, we've got the money to have armed police
in the schools and that is exactly what the Democrats are trying to stop, they want the
police out of the schools and then they want to advertise for psychopathic demons, the
option like on a menu, death by cop, suicide yourself, kill your grandma, kill your mom,
no the big bonanza is, go shoot up an elementary school as they hype it, hype up Sandy Hook
all of it, they know what they're doing.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones.
I told you over and over and over again hundreds of times in the last year and a half that
as we approach the midterms now 167 days now that satanic demon-possessed sleeper cells
would activate these portals to hell that Salvador Romas is and was killed by a valiant
border patrol agent that didn't wait and charged right in and it's because of these
type of demons commanded and led by the globalist spiritually that we have to stand up.
Historians will tell you the founding fathers warned us that if we are not a moral people
we cannot live in a free country and we are becoming more and more evil statistically
and you can see it everywhere, I challenge anybody no matter where you live in the United
States to go to a pro-abortion rally and you have never seen such disgusting hateful scum.
Celebrating we love to kill kids, we love Satan, pro-pedophile flags, you've seen the
demon possession, you've seen the videos we played, we're not cherry picking this ladies
and gentlemen, you go point a camera at it even if they don't know that you're against
them and they're flipping out and knowing nuts.
They are celebrating, they are reveling in the blood of 65 million aborted children since
Roe v. Wade in this country.
This is a spiritual blight and you add, as I told Piers Morgan so many years ago, I
guess it was 2013 in studio where they, there had been a gang of Indian men that had raped
a group of women with steel bars and killed some of them and I said to Piers Morgan because
Sandy Hook had just happened, I said you don't blame the crazy, the gun, you need to be blaming
the crazy people that are on the psychotropics and in almost every case, these mass shooters
are into the occult, they're into shoot them up video games, they are into death and they
want to hurt children and the most important part is they are on serotonin re-uptake inhibitors
that since the 1990s, because they had such a rash of deaths and mass murders, it says
on the box of that entire class may cause you to commit mass murder, murder, suicide,
megalomania, delusions of grandeur.
Every time, a few years ago, an Asian man with no criminal record was in a Walmart and
shot and killed a cop that came over because the guy was walking around half naked and
the guy was on a bunch of psychotropic drugs and alcohol, the guy didn't know what he did,
he was out of his mind, I'm not against shoot them up video games, a normal person plays
them, it just makes you a better marksman, they're basically combat simulators, the Pentagon
invented them in the 70s but you give it to somebody who's self-harming, taking drugs
both prescription and illegal, who's isolated, who's been alone and who's been bullied like
this individual reportedly was, it pushes them into wanting to become a friend of the darkness
so they'll have power over other people and the FBI has a total profile on these individuals,
they know exactly who they are and how they operate just like the white supremacist shooter
was in to shoot them up games, into the occult, hated people, it was nihilistic, just a different
flavor of the same thing and they knew he was planning it, he said he was going to attack
a school, he said he was going to kill neighbors and the FBI and the state police knew and
they could have taken his guns, they could have put him in a mental institution but they
didn't do it, they let it happen again and listen, it's going to happen, we've got seven
and a half billion people on this planet and I just read footnotes of New York Times years
ago of an area in the Congo and it had been set aside for a U.N. carbon sink so they could
have a mine over here so they had to like all this other land off use for humans including
farming and so they went into ancestral lands, people have been there for thousands of years
but didn't have deeds because they lived there forever, well how do you own this land, well
my great great great great great grandfathers are all buried here, my grandmothers, the
U.N. goes in and they just submit as a footnote and just exterminates with machine guns and
tanks and helicopters, thousands of people in a tribe and it's just a footnote how the
U.N. slaughtered everybody, they did the same thing in Burma, it's mainstream news they
killed over 20,000 of the natives because the U.N. was making room for a corporation
to come in there so they order lockdowns worldwide which still were going for two years, finally
ended in areas of Africa and Latin America and Asia, causing total collapse like you're
seeing in places like Sri Lanka and 40 extra million people died, there's no new numbers
from the U.N. that's a seven, eight month old number, okay in the two years of the lockdown
40 million extra starved to death, that's more than double the normal 15 million a year,
40 million on top of 30 million that died over two years, so instead of 30 million dying
in two years on average starvation, you had 40 million on that, 40 million dead people
but they don't eulogize them, they don't talk about them, they don't humanize them,
no they just let the third world collapse and starve and then flood us, so you think
about that, India had lockdowns off and on for a year, they estimate tens of millions
died there but the government didn't report it from malnutrition then you get a common
cold and you die, lowers your immune system, these are real numbers, these are real things
that happened, these are real things that are unfolding and so when Biden gets up there
and blames the second amendment and blames the republican party and blames gun owners,
he knows he's a fraud and he's reading off a script and no one's there to counter him,
what about Mexico, it's got a homicide rate, triple Rs, even our worst cities are better,
what about all these other countries where they're taking the guns, no, Biden and the
rest of his yoke get up there and they say this only happens in America, Biden said it,
bunch of other senators said it, we got the clips, we'll play them but I want to open
the phones up for Texans and people in Uvaldi specifically go to the head of the line and
for law enforcement, particularly in Texas but all over, you'll go to the head of the
line, I want to hear from you, I want your view, I want the people to be able to speak
and be heard, I'm going to go quickly to each person because I don't have people sitting
on hold, gotten better about going to your calls and moving quickly through them, or
quicker than we used to, the toll free number to join us is 877-789-2539, we are talking
about the spiritual decline, psychos targeting children as above so below, the globalist
want to kill children, there's satanic minions want to kill children and this is a spiritual
war, you agree with that, you disagree, how do we counter this and the Democrats are coming
with a bunch of anti-terrorism bills that Schumer's introducing to take our guns, that's
massive news, 877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX, now taking your calls on this Wednesday, May 25th,
2022 transmission, but it does not tell you that like flipping a light switch on, evil
would activate, spiritual forces, principalities and powers would make their move and unleash
their sleeper cells of satanist, and now you see it happening, what do you think the Nazis
were, what do you think the communists are, what do you think the French Revolution was,
this is satanic force being released to kill, steal and destroy, it's 100% real ladies and
gentlemen, and that's what they don't put on the news is that almost all these people
are devil worshipers, we'll be right back, infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao Zedong took the guns, Hitler took the
guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took
the guns, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms, the republic will
rise again when you attempt to take our guns, the answer to 1984 is 1776, you're listening
to the Alex Jones show.
You know the number one cause of death is suicide now, because they give people suicide mass
about 74% of those were gang-related gangbangers shooting each other. You get
three and a half to four thousand. How many people died from infections in hospitals?
197,000. They just ask a second. That's right. How many gun murders were there in
Britain? How many great white sharks? How many kill people every year but they're
scared to swim? Right. How many gun murders were there in Britain? A very low
amount. I already went over those statistics, you know? I was only a few
hundred. No, no. How many gun murders? I actually actually did pull statistics. Here,
let me pull them out right here. I figured you'd do that. Gun murders. Oh wait, UK
violent crime, capital of Europe, London telegraph. Here, let me give you more. It's a
quite simple question. Well, that's the oldest. They're very loud, man. No, no, that's the oldest.
You make a lot of noise. To ask me some little factoid. So that's a little factoid.
I already said earlier, England has a lot lower gun crime rate because it took
all the guns. Exactly. But you've got hordes of people burning down cities
and beating old women's brains out every day. What a ridiculous thing. They arrest
people in England if they defend themselves. That's on record. My God,
you've got a total police state. Everybody's fleeing that country because
you've had to flee here, bud. Why don't you tell folks? Yeah, you fled here.
Why don't you go back and face the charges with a hacking scandal? I'll answer this
question. How many guns... Why did you get fired from the Daily Mirror for putting
out fake stories? How many... You're a hatchet man of the New World Order. You're a
hatchet man. And I want to say this right here. You think you're a tough guy?
Well, help me back with a boxing ring in here. And I'll wear red, white, and blue
and you can wear your Jolly Roger. Okay. You know what you... Let's try again. How
many gun murders were there? Oh, you're gonna ban your fist now? In Britain last
year. How many chimpanzees can dance on the head of a pen? I already went over
those statistics. Do you know the answer? No, I don't. You said hundreds. It's very
low. You said hundreds. Yes. It's actually 35. Well, the point is you
against 11,000. Do you understand the difference between 11,000 and 35? Yeah.
England wants to ban knives now because tens of thousands are getting stabbed. But
do you understand the difference between... The knife doesn't kill people. Do you
understand... The gun doesn't kill people. Yes. Do you understand... Do you understand...
Between 35... You're not gonna pull on America's heartstrings. They know your
script. Okay? You're not gonna get our guns. By the way, you guys always say we
just want to take the semi-autos. Okay? And all this other stuff on semi-autos
aren't even... Rifles aren't even used, but in a fraction of the crimes, you can
pull those numbers up. Okay? No, no, no. Hold on. Let me ask you one question. Which
weapon was predominantly used in the Aurora movie theater shooting? M4 AR-15
variants. So, it was a semi-automatic assault rifle. Again. Okay. But statistically, it's
very, very low. That was... Do you agree it was the single biggest shooting in the
history of America in terms of people hit by a shooter? Do you know that? No, I
believe that there were others... No, no, it's... Some other shooters were about over 30. No, no.
This was the single biggest mass shooting. Listen, you're just going...
They're been bombings of Wall Street. Let me ask you a second question. Listen, why can't the
pilots have firearms? We trust them to fly the planes. You've had a lot to say. No, my
point is the second amendment is sacrosanct. And you're not getting it. Do you know
which weapon was used in the Oregon shopping mall mass shooting recently? I
understand that people who are mentally ill on all the serotonry have taken
inhibitors who play these shoot-em-up games. Alex. Want to go out and do this? Because
there's criminals, I don't lose my rights, Pierce. Alex. Alex. Alex. Because there's criminals, I
don't lose my rights. Just answer the question. Yeah. Do you know what the weapon
used was? Listen, let me ask you a question. No, no. I've got the FBI statistics that...
Listen. That the so-called semi-automatic that you talk about. Let's take a break. Let me
come back. Again, you're not gonna get the guns. When we come back, try and answer my
question. Yeah, all you're gonna do is sit there and play little factoid questions.
Overall crime has gone on over 20%. All right, folks. We are back live. I thought
we'd play some of that because I continued to bring up the fact that
almost every shooter is into the occult and is on these serotonry uptake
inhibitors. And yes, because the media always advertises it's an AR-15, an M4,
the loons all go out and follow. It's a well-known thing in crime and a well-known
thing in criminology called copycats. This is not rocket science. They know
exactly what's going on. They have the profiles of these people. They have all
the warning signs and nothing's done. And a couple of these events happen a year.
And then when they get more than a couple, it boom, boom, boom, boom, boom starts
popping up because the copycatting. Other mentally ill crazy people see what's
happening and it's absolutely confirmed in major studies. Everybody knows this.
That when you give more news coverage to this and you give more attention to
these people, they do it more. And I had the head producer, Scott, say to me
last night, you know when we go cover this, it's gonna add to the whole thing.
And I said, I know. And it's a very important psychological equation I have
to engage in to understand that we have to counter them trying to take our guns.
We have to counter the fact that it is an issue of the drugs and the
MO of these people and the occultism and the loss of goodness in this culture and
society. And so we're doing more good than we're doing harm. But when the mainstream
media and the puppet president come out and absolutely hype this up and then
beat the drum over and over again and talk about Sandy Hook ten years later
every single day on every channel, mentally ill people here, Adam Lanza,
AR-15, elementary school, elementary school, AR-15, and that's then how they
activate. Oh, he's being chased by police. He just killed grandma. May
I've been going to that school? We know he went to that school previously and he
runs in there to kill children. A frothing, demonic, piranha-like creature
going directly after those innocent children. And who else goes after innocent
children? Who wants to sexualize them and legalize pedophilia? Who wants to abort
it as many of them as they can and now kill them after they're born? Who wants
to destroy their innocence? The globalist, ladies and gentlemen. They're the evil ones.
They set the precedent. The fish rots from the head. We're gonna go to break
here in about two minutes. We're gonna come back and talk to Doc, Rico, Daniel, Mike,
and others. We're specifically taking calls from people in Yuval Day, people from
Yuval Day, and I'd like to get law enforcement to call in and we'll get
right to your call as well when we come back and give us your quick snapshot
take on this and make any points that you want to make. We're gonna walk through
all of it today and take your calls but also I'm gonna be covering some next
hour. The latest on the Davos group now meeting in Geneva with world government
being announced. All the censorship. George Soros saying the end of the world
could happen over Ukraine while his policies push us towards that. How the
FBI HQ, Hamstrung, the Alpha Bank investigation and tried to cover up the
fact that Hillary made all this up to try to discredit and then impeach Trump
which they ended up doing on the whole Ukraine fraud but he wasn't removed. This
is just such an incredible time to be alive. We've also got big election
primary news on what unfolded there. Marjorie Taylor Greene overcomes haters
wins Republican primary. Yes, more good news. Herschel Walker is projected to win
the GOP primary for Senate in Georgia. Sarah Sanders crushes gubernatorial
opponent in Arkansas GOP primary. More good news. We're gonna be looking at a
lot of that coming up today as well but I promise when we come out of this break
I'm going right to your phone calls right through the next hour. There's a
special guest in the third hour. Infowars.com is there. An island of beacon, a
lighthouse of truth but it can only shine when you promote it so keep it up.
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Infowarsstore.com. The average person on the face of this incredible planet is
still unaware there's a war between three individuals and nation states on
one side and the globalist on the other who are literally trying to create a
post-human world. From the United States to Brazil and of course triggered by the
Brexit in the UK, nations were pulling out of the private corporate fascist
world government. That's why they launched their Great Reset and their
program after collapsing us of Build Back Better. This is nothing more than a
top-down vertical consolidation of the world economy because they couldn't take
our guns and because we wouldn't bow because the left which is the ideology
of this world government system could win, they released a biological weapon
on us. Now we know two years ago, we learned about it about 20 months ago.
It's that simple. They can't meet us because of our free speech and our guns
so the global corporate combine released COVID-19 and you know the rest of
history. Expose this paradigm and we win. I want to thank all of you over the
years who have supported Infowars financially with word of mouth and
prayer. All the success that we've had together against the globalists and the
fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of
you. Humanity has a real fighting chance. I just want to thank you all for buying
products and Infowars.com like books and films and supplements and water
filtration, air filtration so much more. But for those of you that want to
actually give us a straight donation so we get almost 100% of the money to
fund our operation during this critical time, go to infowarsstore.com and right
at the top you'll see a link to make a straight donation. A one-time donation of
$5, $10, $50 or a recurring donation you can cancel anytime. I want to thank all
you that have donated. I want to encourage those of you out there that want to
support freedom to take action now and be part of the Global Awakening, the new
Renaissance that's counter the great reset by going to Infowarsstore.com and
clicking on the donate button and giving today. Thank you so much for your
support. Please take action. Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New
World Order. It's Alex Jones.
America and the World is in a crisis of the soul. A crisis of the spirit, a war
for our very eternal existence. I'm gonna go to your phone calls right now. We have
this terrible event, another devil worshiper, another person to shoot them
up games, another person who killed his grandmother reportedly and then went and
did this terrible thing. And now we are all told we are collectively to blame for
what this devil did. But I want you to think for a moment, gun owners are not
collectively to blame. That Border Patrol agent that valiantly went in and
stopped what was happening and got wounded himself. Is it to blame? He's the
good guy. And you're good. You didn't do this. But we are to blame for letting
society become this demonic. And I'm to blame too. And let's just admit that. And
God's angry about it. But you can't have the Democratic Party over here
shangers too many people, euthanize the old people. These are their policies. Kill
the unborn, kill babies after they're born, harvest their organs, sexualize the
children, defund the police, allow all the open air drug markets, allow massive
human smuggling of children across the border, Senate report, tens of thousands
in sex slavery many killed. And then you can't then point your finger as the real
cancer. That is the Democrat Party, deep state controlled system. And tell us
where to blame. And we're not going to take it. And we're not going to be
defeated by you and you're not going to get our guns. I'm gonna go to your
calls. The next hour, Chuckie Schumer is introducing a anti terror bill to go
after the guns. We're trying to issue a national gun registry. We started
having place that they want to be able to use now. They've had it illegally
operating. That's come out in the nose years ago. Confirmed again this year.
It's unbelievable. And they knew and they stood down yet again and it made me
think about and we'll go to your calls Parkland a few years ago, David Hogg,
all that. It was reported by the young people, including two guests we had on
that were enrolled at that school that the we reported this the day of the
event the day after we broke this and it made CNN so angry that the police
stood there for at least 14 minutes standing there and then video was later
released of them standing around the school while the shooting was going on
inside a bunch of leftist cops that didn't care and that were not rushing
in. And that's disgusting. So they want to take our guns and they want to sit
there. He's leftist controlled cities with leftist police while our children
are killed and while they don't do their job, while they also want to take our
guns. Think about that. The videos are being released of him now. There was
security there. They did exchange fire with him. They got wounded. It's
unbelievable. Let's go ahead and go to your phone calls. I appreciate you
calling. I appreciate you holding. Doc is calling from Oklahoma, but it's from
Uvalde, where Matthew McConaughey's from. Some of the people I've hunted down
there. That's down George Strait country down there. A lot of great people down
there and it's very, very sad and our hearts go out to all of them. Doc in
Oklahoma, go ahead. You're on the air. Hey, Alex. Good talk to you. Good talk to
you, brother. What's your view on this? Well, for one thing, I grew up out
there. I thought concealed handgun in that area for 10 years probably. There's a
lot of people down there that have guns. My first thought was, were some of my
people involved in that? And I still don't know. I know I trained, I don't know,
1,500, 2,000 people around there. I know a lot of people that are teachers there
and they should all be armed. They should all be armed. The greatest
populations I thought were teachers, preachers and doctors. That's right.
There should be instant access pistol safes that you can open in
two seconds so that young people can't get to the guns. They're secure. There
should be instant access pistol safes in every one of those classrooms and the
teachers should be given training and basic defense and they should be put
through the active shooter police training that only takes a few
weekends to have the basic thing and it needs to be done. Absolutely. And there's
a secondary problem here, Alex, is with Corona and everything that's gone on for
the past two years. There has been a creation of this mindset of distress and
people are just beaten down. And what it's done is it's created an environment
for Northwood type events to create organically. I mean, you can call them
copycat events, but they have an organic environment now due to the
mindset of people and there's nothing you can do about it. That's right. They
don't need to mind control somebody in a CIA laboratory, which they declassified
they did to create mass shooters in the 50s, 60s and 70s. That's all declassified
Ewing Cameron, Jolly and Wes and others. That's history channel shows about that.
Look it up, folks. Our Theodore Kaczynski was in a CIA MK Ultra program, the
Unabomber. That's L.A. Times, came out as court case, confirmed. They have created a
whole environment with the culture where we're all in a giant mind control
operation that they admitted they use Pentagon mind control to scare people of
COVID. And the same thing was done in England and Canada and in Europe. So
it's a unified mass open air brainwashing camp. Exactly. That's exactly
what it is. All right. God bless you, Doc. Thank you so much for calling in. All
right. I don't want to cut Matthew short. Well, they have to hold him over. Says
there's a special ed teacher worked with the student and it says he was special
ed says he had a learning disability and speech impediment people made fun of.
That's what his friends are saying that they hadn't talked to him over a year
because he got so demonic. But let's go to Matthew in Texas. Matthew, if you are
who you say you are, this is a big break here on the show to be able to hear from
you. And I believe you. But please tell us the details. All right. I'm a long time
with Sir Alex. This is really hard for me to digest all this going on. I've
worked with students like that across the state. You know, I've been employed in
over 14 different districts. And I've seen this kind of from one end to the
other. And whenever we, in my opinion, you know, and you're talking about an
awesome group of people in Uvalde, Texas, great district, great people. My heart
breaks for them and for those kids. You know, I've been a teacher for a long
time. And I just want to say that, you know, we work with these kids. We know
who they are, right? And whenever we went to quarantine, and it happened all over
this country, a lot of these kids went down a bad path. And I think that's what
we're seeing, right? I want to be specific. Did you work with this student or you
worked with similar students and saw them fall out and then get swallowed up by
the Internet? Or what are you saying? No, I interacted with them.
And please, please hold. We got to go to break. Will you hold for like five
minutes so we can come to you when the full audience is here in the second
hour? Yes, sir. All right, great. Some say you don't care the first five minutes.
So I'm going to have you hold. We'll come right back to you at six after.
Please don't hang up, Matthew. You can tell this guy's for real. Wow.
By the way, I had to put him on hold because if we don't do this, we won't be
here. We are barely in the black, even with that big donation. Turn out we had
even more bills I didn't know about, not mad at accounting, but we were like two,
three months behind on some of the bandwidth bills. Just paid a half million
dollar bandwidth bill because Bandai video is so successful, millions and
millions and millions of views a day. That's what we built it for. It's what
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We'll be back with a special caller, Matthew, straight ahead.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, we have a man on the line from Texas who says that he was a special ed
teacher at New Salvador, Romas. We're going to air a very important
special report. We're going to premiere here at Greg Reese.
The truth about Monkey Pox, it's also a band-aute video. It's so important that
we're going to come right back at six seven. We're going to go right to Matthew,
Patty, Tom, Rico, and many, many others. Danielle, Mike, we're getting to all of
you, but here's the report.
The main weapon being deployed against us, the would-be new world order, is slight
of hand, distraction, and fakery. And we can see its effectiveness in the
recent Johnny Depp trial. Meaningless drivel to feed humanity
while we are literally being killed by criminal gangs posing as governments.
And almost everybody takes a bite. As a human being,
one must always factor in the tendency to be fooled and focus on what we know.
And so what do we know so far about Monkey Pox?
We know that after Bill Gates warned of an impending terrorist attack
involving a synthetic ballpox in 2017, two new Monkey Pox vaccines were
developed. Both admittedly dangerous, known to cause infection, vaccine shedding,
and death. And both have been approved by the FDA.
And we know that they have been planning for a Monkey Pox outbreak,
just as the event 201 simulation war-gamed COVID-19 the year prior, or as Bill Gates
calls it, germ-gamed. In the spring of last year, the U.S.
held a Monkey Pox pandemic simulation exercise with the non-profit
nuclear threat initiative that predicted a Monkey Pox
bioattack in June of this year. During that same time, the U.K.
Ministry of Defense simulated a Monkey Pox outbreak, focusing on
Russian disinfo. And what do we know about Monkey Pox?
Monkey Pox was first discovered in 1958 within colonies of laboratory
research monkeys who were being given the polio vaccine.
And according to the CDC, the only symptom that distinguishes Monkey Pox
from smallpox is lymphadenopathy, swollen lymph nodes, which is also
a smallpox vaccine side effect, and is known to be a symptom of smallpox,
as well as chickenpox. Electron microscope
visualization cannot prove a smallpox infection
because allpox viruses are morphologically indistinguishable.
According to actual science, there is a strong argument that smallpox,
monkeypox, chickenpox, and shingles are all the same thing, and there is no
actual proof that they are different. We are simply expected to trust the CDC
and their logical fallacies as so-called evidence.
And so in 1958, when virologists were likely seeing side effects on lab
monkeys they were injecting with experimental vaccines,
they called it Monkey Pox and claimed it was an ancient rare virus
that they had just discovered, which coincidentally
showed up in humans for the first time in 1970.
And by 1978, without any proof of its existence,
scientific journals were already saying that vaccination
is an effective preventative measure against Monkey Pox.
Just three months ago, the famous Wuhan lab, who allegedly created COVID-19,
published a paper claiming they assembled a Monkey Pox virus genome,
which will enable for successful PCR testing,
and potentially make it more contagious. And so, just as the PCR tests
were used to create false positives by misreading the flu,
the common cold, and even fruit as COVID-19,
they will now be used to create false positives for Monkey Pox,
whether you are experiencing vaccine side effects,
or common herpes, or even asymptomatic Monkey Pox.
And finally, we know that the media is the real virus,
and when the media puts out the fear, their followers
will eagerly line up to get the new dangerous vaccines
and insist that you do the same.
Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
All of his reports are groundbreaking,
but that one is stunningly important to show,
and they can just claim anything they want,
is this Monkey Pox. You create all this fear,
and they give us a shot that actually gives it to us.
It's all documented. We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation,
it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines
of the info war.
At the end of the first hour, if you just joined us,
we went to a caller. We're opening the phones up
for people specifically in Texas or Ubaldi,
or from those in the school, and the caller sounds very credible
and very informed and said,
look, I'm a special ed teacher. I worked with him.
And what he's talking about fits the MO. We're going right back to him now
of accelerated suicide and violent actions and
family violence, domestic violence of special ed students,
particularly boys, during the last two years,
with many of the schools closed for most of that time,
and that people that were doing okay with loving folks around them,
protecting them from bullies and giving them confidence
and giving them love, that they were getting better,
but now the statistics show us that it's producing more of these type people.
And I'm all for freedom of speech and I'm all for the internet being wide open,
while while West. But you have to know, and there's a lot of
research now online into this, that this guy and other people
get in these really sick communities where people use psychology to manipulate
young handicapped individuals like this man who has teaching pediment,
probably autistic from what his friends were saying,
and obviously the caller can fill us in on that and I'll get more into the MO
and the criminology of this, but it just fits the same pattern,
just like Cruz at Parkland, and the police stood down there,
they didn't stand down here, and Harris and Clybold and so many others,
and then they kill their mother, they kill their parents,
they kill their grandmother in the case of Ramos.
And if I'm saying it two ways, the media's not sure, it's like,
Ramos, Ramos, or they're saying it two different ways,
two different spellings, and I'm sure soon we'll find out the actual spelling,
but instead of an R-A, it's an R-O, but this is just a canary in the coal mine
of what's happening, and the military, 25 suicides a day, double what it was 10
years ago, and getting worse, well they don't kill their families,
they just kill themselves, what is happening to these men
particularly, and we do need a mental health solution to that,
and obviously communities, not the federal government or the FBI or the
National Guard, like the Democrats want, but local communities should
really monitor in a loving way people like this,
or they turn in to the Adam Lanzas of the world,
and so I'm not against shooting up video games for normal people,
but for people that live in La La Land, it becomes their real reality,
and that's the picture that's emerging. So Matthew, thanks for holding us
and staying over to tell us, I'm going to try to now be signed up for the rest of
the segment, and then go to collars in the next segment, but just start wherever
you like, and tell us what you witnessed and what you saw.
Yes sir, to kind of preset this, I've got, I studied special education in
graduate school in Texas, I'll probably get demonized from that,
because now I'm an open and forward listener,
I've been that way a long time, I haven't always agreed with everything you say
Alex, but I do respect you, and so long story short,
those kids had hope, right, whenever the economy was good,
and you have to understand people in these alleys don't have very much,
and what they do have, they're proud, they're very warm people,
they're just good people, and so basically what happens is when that
pandemic starts, a lot of these kids that needed
our direction and our structure lost it,
because they weren't there with us, and there's a lot of good teachers out there
that care, and our school systems are crumbling,
and it's sad to watch, and that's, you know, it's
really, it's hard for me to even talk about it,
because when you're really in it for those kids, it's just a very difficult
thing to accept something like this happens,
and I can only imagine what those teachers, some of them, a lot of them are
friends of mine still in that district, are feeling right now,
and so, you know, I'm a second amendment person,
I served in the infantry, I've lived in Texas small life,
I've found that area, I grew up with guns, I was trained and taught, you know, I
went to hunter education, I was a kid and I was trained and taught
to be responsible with them, and then obviously like I went to military and
it became even more, and so when you get out,
and I wanted to try to find something due to make an impact,
I chose being a special ed teacher, and when I got into it,
these young men lose themselves in these video games, and all the things that
are going on in social media, and it's hard to connect because teachers
struggle with building relationships with kids,
it's even harder when you're in a situation like with a pandemic where
people are not going to school and there's no continuity,
there's no predictability, there's nothing there to be able to
help people manage behavior, and when you're off that long,
those kids get in different cycles and that's what we're seeing
all over the place. They get a downward spiral into darkness, let me ask this
question, you're obviously being respectful and
you know, not specifically talking about him, but this is a big public interest,
you're anonymous here, what did you observe?
I've seen articles by his friends saying last year or so he disappeared during
the lockdown, got really dark, started self-harming himself,
got obsessed with shoot-up-up games, started getting into
dark, occultic stuff, what child or young man did you see
versus the one that reportedly did this atrocity?
So I saw more a social Alex to where in somebody,
a young person that has a social tendency, they're going to be more
kind of by themselves, they might be social but they're going to be social
with like a select group of students, and so he was more just
to me just removed from the situation, but he was still approachable
and so you know especially at the end of the day
I would go out and I had students all over the place and I'm there
like like how I am, there's a lot of proactive educators
and I'll walk around and I just kind of get the temperature of what's going on
around the kids because I want to know what's going on
and I think that's one of the on the side note like one of the things you have to
do in order to combat this, people have to learn how to communicate again
and collaborate because if I had been, you know I'm not saying I would have
made a difference, but like if I'd had been interacting
with him, I've been away from the district for a couple years
and if I'd have been interacting with him or with kids that he had been around
I would have been able to tell that something's off but
everybody's radar should already be up because with all these kids coming
back after being on lockdown for so long
and there's been incidents that have been happening all over the place
across the state, not only involving guns but like if you look at
what happened in New Bromphills High School where kids broke into the school
and destroyed the interior of the school and I think what you're saying is
key because they're now saying he drove around with friends and egged cards and
shot people with BB guns and then you get in a worse and worse
group and it goes from egging and BB guns to
real guns. I never shot people with BB guns but I did on Halloween run around
and you know throw eggs at people and then it escalated to
you know throwing a pumpkin off of a bridge
that hit a pickup truck could have killed people and that's about the worst
stuff I've done but some of those friends I had then got in trouble later
years later after I'd already moved out of where I lived
for things like arson and went to jail so that's that downward spiral you're
talking about. Yes sir.
And we know all the statistics we know the facts this is real world of
years of not being at school years of being cut off from people and
good peer grips sinking off into bad peer grips during all this
I mean they know this caused massive speech impediments in children
massive loss of learning I mean this is just
and the globalists knew exactly what they were doing.
I'm sorry to interrupt but I just want to say that in Uvaldi
because it's so close to the border they've got a jet corridor that connects
Del Rio to San Antonio that they're constantly working
there's federal law enforcement everywhere border patrol you name the agency
they're there and so the fact that he got where he got
in that town and it just there's so much law enforcement that are moving around
at any one time or they're going through there
that's that that community both the Hispanic and the Caucasian community
in that area everybody's armed and so like it's it's one of those
situations where the from what I can see in the reports
the attack unit from the border patrol just happened to be almost like right in
that area and they responded before they even had backup
which is a testament to how great our law enforcement is
and I think the only short way in the quick way to solve this
is to immediately put more police on all in all schools.
Matthew I agree with you stay there I want you to have a minute to finish up
and I promise Rico and Andrew and Danielle and Jason and Mike
Patty I'm gonna get to you.
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it's alex jones
19 dead children at elementary school who had teachers
and a dead psycho could have been saved from a Christ
with the way they were living today
you talk lots about God freedom comes from the call
all right matthew i appreciate all the other callers holding i appreciate you
holding um in any other observations you'd like
to make as a special ed teacher and an army veteran
who did did work with this young man that went
into a very very dark place and is now committed reportedly a
serious heinous crimes of the highest level any other points you'd like to
make when i appreciate you calling in yes sir i would like to first of all say
that as a country we need to recolaborate
our priorities to center around not only the mental health crisis
but we need to refund police in a way where they're treated and by the way
teachers and paraprofessionals all those people that go out and
sacrifice every day for barely anything do it because they care for those kids
and so it's hard to watch because people make a
sacrifice to go out and do that every day and i feel bad for those parents
oh my gosh i've got uh did you have children matthew
yes sir i do well i've got four and i mean tell me about yours because i mean
uh i've got a five-year-old daughter and it just tears my guts out to just
think about how somebody could sit there and just
point blank range shoot little babies well it makes you
it it it heightens your awareness for one thing because
you know as a as an educator um you're constantly wanting to manage your clock
and make sure that everybody around you is doing well
and we've lost on a lot of that and it it makes me afraid for my two children
minor uh within that range of of age that would be
you know in an elementary one with one's in intermediate but one's in
early elementary and it's tough because um we've got a looming
teacher shortage not only within the state but around the country and the
mainstream media does not talk about it but we've got to like i said
recalibrate our focus on making sure that we have the right people in
place to not only give supports but make sure that these
these young people if if we're detecting that something's not working right
we've got to have mechanism in place i don't think i don't agree with the fact
that he could legally purchase uh any kind of weapon at 18
without going through some sort of mental evaluation
you're barely developing especially well expanding on that he's being described
as autistic as i know you can't diagnose somebody not a doctor but
was he on the spectrum in your opinion i i can't i without violating his his
FERPA information um i unfortunately i'm not i don't want to
comment on that alex because it's he's still technically a student he was a
student at the high school he's a senior and so
he's even though he's 18 the law like i'm not
no i totally understand i understand in fact i didn't think about that
you're right there's laws you can't you can't do that well clearly
that's what the evidence is showing here and again
they half the transgenders are autistic because they target them
in the schools the bad schools not good schools like yours
the leftist schools they target them and confuse them and then almost all the
shooters are as well uh matthew i'd like to invite you
on the war room if you can come on or back tomorrow please don't hang up we're
going to put you on hold and talk to you god bless you
all right now i said i take a lot of calls to move quick but did you get a
call like that i think everybody understands why for 30 minutes i've
had that man on um i'm gonna go to some calls now i'm gonna
reach call about two minutes because i don't want to make the rest of you hold
i'm gonna go in the order these calls have been received uh let's talk to
riko in texas riko uh what is your view on the future of america
yes sir i got blue two beautiful ones i've been hearing you
uh it's it's a little muffled but go ahead
okay well um i just want to say that guns are not the problem here
the problem with this situation is the culture of america
the culture of america has taken over the mind of a lot of people
and as time goes by you're only going to see it's getting worse
and worse until the united states finally falls
that's really all i can think about right now i agree that our trajectory is
total collapse and world warrior because we've forgot god you're absolutely
right yep and um yeah like i said man it's
right now it's time to get more guns if you can
because uh in a few years it's probably a few months
gonna get worse and and guns are gonna get hard to find so
right now you're right i mean it's preposterous to blame gun owners
the fact that there are psychos out there is the reason we have guns the
reason i got an arm guard 50 feet from me right there
highly trained uh and and and that that's the reason there's more
and we have to pay for that because we're a target and it is damn real
that's right and one more thing say black big dicks in your
head good good that is a really really good uh
i don't know how people can make jokes about a mass murder
and then do a prank call i mean i mean i mean it's it's
it's not a joke that these 19 children are dead it's not funny
and i wouldn't want to be you when you meet god with attitude like that
and you know so i can make points like that and then
to just we delayed it out radio stations didn't hear it
tv stations didn't didn't hear it uh but
it's just it's just sick and i forgive you and i love you
and i appreciate you that last call there's a lot of lost people like him
he's probably very similar to this guy that just did this
and i forgive you and i care about you
let's go ahead and take another caller here let's talk to danielle in texas
danielle thanks for holding hi alex um i don't know if you know but yesterday
at the same time of that school shooting the little county that i live in in
east texas reins county apprehended a student at our school with two hand guns
and a shotgun well i mean look if you advertise
something everywhere mentally ill people are going to do it so they just obsess
on school shootings they hype them up and we know they come in clusters because
copycats are coming and that's a great point
i would expect in the next week or two we'll have another big mass shooting and
i mean it's it's obvious what's going on here
yes it's also a little disturbing that they're happening at the same time it
makes it a little bit suspicious well i mean look somebody probably groomed
this guy somebody probably programmed him uh but we can't prove that we know
theodore kasinski was groomed by the cia and control of the cia that that's
mainstream news just back at the paper uh so yeah it goes on it could be going
on but again they don't need to do individual mind control now
the culture is mind control absolutely absolutely
thank you and that's what's upsetting about that last caller danielle
is he called in and made that point if it's an evil culture it's going to get
worse and then he makes a sick comment you know it's just sick
yes we have to pray for our society what else is on your mind danielle
i'm just a happy homeschool mom today boy i gotta tell you
that's what my wife said because you know we're thinking about
a five-year-old daughter at private school or something and we're just like
let's just let's just keep her home yeah i mean you know that
it's time to stop letting other people teach our children
absolutely the real thing is how to roof a roof how to plant a garden how to
cook food how to tire shoelaces how to be a good person
everything else doesn't matter the whole educational system is programmed
for a system that's over that's gone and and and so that's why they're
engineering a post industrial world we love you danielle thank you
i'm gonna come right back and i'm gonna take all these calls
we're gonna talk to unity and others on the other side stay with us
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the globalist social engineers always intended to push
their COVID biomedical tyranny lockdowns until the populations rebelled
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
you founded the tip of the spear it is the alex joneshow
what an incredible realization that we're in the tip of the spear
the ragtag group that is infowars this whole family of listeners
i love you all and i mean that these globalists have such hate for us they
want to be populated they want to bankrupt us they want to enslave us
they want us hopeless but we have god and we have hope
and like all other tyrants in history we will overcome them
now i'm gonna go right back to your calls but i wanted to say this
because later once we go to these calls i'm gonna cover this let's just remember
that the un said two years ago the lockdowns
we're gonna put 278 million people the estimated on the verge of starvation
and an extra 20 million a year would die and they nailed it and that's accurate
40 million people died i wake up at night and think about that
because let me tell you something i'm god fearing and i've got a spirit and it's
connected to things and
you know i'm not going to tell the story it's just too intense and i said i go
to your calls but i had a vision when i was three years old
it's one of my earliest most intense memories
and it was starving african children
that were just crying out for food and my parents heard me crying in my room in
the middle of the night and they came in and my parents remember this and it was
very intense it was a recurring dream after that
and it was real what i was seeing and i didn't understand it all obviously when
i was three years old but it was a mission to not let what was
coming even bigger happen and i remember spiritually
feeling the holy spirit incredibly intense
and like giving me an imprint of information that you're gonna you're
gonna help mitigate this you're gonna help stop this this is your mission
and i remember being given this total sorrow
and the desperation of those children and it was
it was the most intense thing that's ever happened to me in my life
bar none nothing's ever been one tenth as intense
and it was it's a lot more complex than that and i tried to never talked about it
to even friends or family and i guess a few times my parents
i've talked about when i would cry i was like three years old
and i hadn't seen tv shows about starving children i was just it was like
super intense i was there with the children dying
who were begging begging for food and their parents didn't have it
and then years later i was watching a pbs documentary i think was pbs
and it showed this father working all day tirelessly and he was super skinny and
starving to death and his wife couldn't even produce enough milk
and a couple of their kids had already died and
he was there saying all i've got is these fruits i'm sorry to like the two
year old and it was crying saying daddy daddy daddy daddy please help me
and it's it's it's it's it's i mean we can't just go
oh there's this third world population they're useless and let them die
if we do that we're supposed to save those people but really save them not
weaponize them and bring them here and have them burn everything down if we
don't lift those people up not just in africa but everybody but the vision was
africa if we don't do that god's going to
damn us to hell i can tell you now that that is a fact
and if we don't try to save people like salvador ramos
we don't have any hope and the left poses as the people trying to save people
when they're the actual ones manufacturing and producing this i'm
going to shut up now it's true story and it's it's amazing unity in texas
welcome you're on the air hey alex how you doing
i'm all right it's the eagles making a smooth brother
so i mean it is it is i just want to say
god bless everyone in u valentine god bless all of us
go into these times um another thing is i you know
should these teachers should be drug tested um
all teachers should the school board should they be drug tested
uh number one number two are the live by live abilities
in the doctor's laps are they in the school board's laps
are they in the video game manufacturer's laps should we have
a mental health questionnaire for video games should we lock these
uh the games up like we do the guns and have them transferred
like guns have an ffl and have a bgl video game
licensor we're gonna have to do something
to protect these children in these schools is strip malls
have armed guards walking around looking at their phones
just nothing's going on that's right we got armed guards guard guarding
garbage uh restaurants and garbage uh jewelry shops the
jewelry is not worth anything our children are everything
well it's areas of commerce that we're protecting enough areas
of of of value which is our children any species that doesn't protect its young
will become extinct should we not have mag strips
in the uh in the in the school school rooms bullet proof uh
blasts on the the doors we have them in banks
it's it's something's got to be done we're you know that's a great point
because i don't like the police state but it's not a police state when psychos
are spiritually targeting our young to harden those facilities
i i go back to the manufacturer the drugs okay
these kids shouldn't be on all this dope
they shouldn't be these kids need to be they need to be
eating clean healthy diets we need to be supporting and cultivating that in our
school districts i agree they ought to have a period
every day and so they can have eight hours of it happening
they should be growing giant gardens and there should be horticulture going on
and agriculture going on at every single school in this country
this stuff has been massaged out of our schools
and other things that are nefarious have been
allowed to come into our schools uh though that caller that was talking
so greatly about watching out and all these hard times and then once the pop
off that dumbass the ridiculous remark at the end
that's the mental illness right there is a great example of what we're dealing
with i'm you know again it's it's the it's the
pharmaceuticals it's the drugs flooding into this country we have a southern
border right it is it is the drugs both illegal and
legal that are wrecking everything and i'm not perfect
you know i don't use like any type of speed or cocaine uh but you know i have
smoked marijuana some here and there and for somebody like me
smoking it once a month when you're really tired or whatever
and you know still racing it's one thing but it's not your grandma's pot
and just even having it destroys our culture didn't you make it illegal
that makes a giant prison complex it needs to be decriminalized
but it needs to be policed and it needs to be limited and people need to be
educated to stay the hell away from it because it is the drugs that are
destroying us yeah hip also is a joke it's nothing
more than and to keep everybody segmented and compartmentalized
and i know there's some advantages of it but think about it
when you ask anyone what's your health problems they gladly tell you everything
under the sun that's wrong with them it's not a secret
it's it's that's a tool it's it's a weaponized tool i well said sir thank
you so much for the call unity powerful caller
i only we got two minutes to break but i'm gonna go ahead and go to tommy in
texas go ahead tommy hey alex thanks for having me on
yes sir hey um i just wanted to make a point um
yesterday with the aftermath of the shooting um social media was going crazy
and of course you got these liberal representatives attacking all these
republican congressmen and representative senators and all that
um my question to you is at what point do they have enough of being vilified for
this situation and do they take it in their hands and go
back on these liberals that are attacking them for being a baby killer
well exactly they have no debate they want open-air drug markets they want to
abort babies after they're born they want drag queen story time they tell us
there's so many people oh but then there's a mass shooting
all the pro-life people all the gun owners were to blame it's it's ridiculous
it is and this may sound kind of demented and i couldn't help but think of it
if that shooter would have went into a nursery and shot babies the left might
have praised him saying he actually had he'd have gone and shot like
20-something pregnant women and they were like damn that's good you know
yeah they would have praised him as a hero saying he was pro-choice and i know
that's sickening but if we are at that point where that exactly we don't we
don't value the weakest and then when they're five years old we value them
that's sick and and i don't understand how any
of these liberals can stand up and say they're pro-choice and be upset over
supreme court ruling of roby wade and that you know be oh well we got to
protect children when they want to abort them as it is
so this guy killed them six years later and now they're acting like it's all
these republicans fault i'm more disgusted
act the lack of response from the republicans not taking the gloves off
and coming back after these bastards i agree that's the big issue i meant to
make today thank you so much tony great points
is the where the republicans punching back
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the eugenicists over a hundred years ago were very public about their plans
they financed major universities they ran full page stories and advertisements
pushing their propaganda of new york times other major newspapers
that the family as we know it is a bad thing
it must be ended and the first step in that is getting women out of the
household teaching women that cooking dinner and
taking care of their sons and daughters and husbands is a bad thing
and i was just sitting here tonight making dinner for my daughter my
four-in-a-half-year-old daughter my wife makes dinner a lot of times but i like
to make it as well i love to make breakfast
and literally it's the funnest thing on earth to make food for your family
and be nurtured and then all sit down together and have that communal event
and that's what the system is attacking and bombarding
is our normal biological actions and coming together they really are
sick evil scientific cult of filth that want to
domesticate us and turn us into lab rats we cannot let this continue
with the world awakening i think what's important that we were right though
to prevent them right now take advantage of this moment and i have all of an
idea of this something everybody can do with every listener can do i think it
would be powerful and effective for us to uh you know hang the banners over
highways imagine a champagne or a pizza or a
landing or a plane uh that says Alex Jones is right info war stop
farmer we stand with the truckers or rest out or whatever
brother i'm so glad you called elaborate on this yes now is the time in your
small town or your big city to write something on the
bathroom wall or to put a sticker on your car or banner hangs over
highways and it will be a chain reaction what do you recommend people say on
these banner hangs i have a few ideas first of all
out just before you fall into a farm rest out
rest while swab the vaccine is poison there's kinds of things i say just keep
it short keep it concise don't agree arrest Fauci arrest Bill Gates
the cupboard backs is poison beautiful yeah there's ways that we could all be
involved if we could all be affected so that's what i'm calling about god bless
you chris in Atlanta i really really appreciate you calling us today thank
you so much introducing the newest product from info wars life
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
air in the break out look at all the stacks that i prepared to cover on air
today but we're taking your calls because they're so informative and so
thought-provoking but this stack right here is so key
that we got a great yes joining us but i pushed it back 15 minutes in the next
hour so when i start the next hour i'm going to hit this
what happened to venezuela after gun control and then
anti-fuck member was allowed to shoot multiple people for no reason
and give it no jail time that's coming up the start of the next hour
and i'm going to go back to your calls right now but i've got to do this we
won't be on air the hotter the show the bigger the audience the
less i plug products on air and then we're treading water here
and i want to get a little bit into the black so that i'm not
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okay uh let's go ahead and go to patty in texas patty thanks for holding
welcome hi Alex thanks for taking my call
thank you um i'm calling about the valentine shooting
and um i haven't seen anything on the news
um on the internet about the dad is where's the dad where in the heck is the
dad in all this we know there wasn't a dad the the drug addicted
recorded the press reports here the drug who knows how much this is true but
it's been reported by mainstream news the drug addicted mother was being evicted
by the grandmother because i guess she and her son
were were being abusive uh and the grandfather's like a convicted felon
and the dad is nowhere to be seen so another broken family and another
evil event well no wonder this kid has had so many problems i mean
if he had mental problems or artistic or anything like that and he doesn't have
a nuclear family a normal nuclear bomb a dead family
that just with the lockdown that just i can see how this all happened but it's
i'm seeing this everywhere where there's just no dad
and these families all over the place now and and there's nobody to discipline
them there's nobody to teach them how to be a man
like adam lands uh it's always the same mo into devil worship into wearing
black into shoot them up video games into self-harming
single parent yep that's what and we're not and the left goes don't attack single
parents we're not we know the statistics we know the numbers we
know what's happening well with the lockdowns that are
about to happen because that's that's what's going to go on with the next
election i mean like you said it's only a
hundred and seven days away and they're going to do everything they can
with this monkey pox and whatever else they're gonna
whatever else bill gates is gonna send our way
um this is just going to uh we're looking at not just the lockdown
that was the oil shortage the fertilizer shortage and the things the food
the food shortages that are going to hit us by next year the year
after that is going to be it's going to be devastating
to everybody not just single parents but everybody you're right this is the
globalist in their own words destabilizing society to create anger
and fear to collapse it and bring on their new global
social credit score digital id to buy and sell
great points patty thank you so much for the call all right let's go to a caller
another caller in texas let's talk to andrew andrew thanks for calling
yes sir can you hear me i can't welcome yeah i had a couple points to make i
just wanted to say uh prayers to the families of ubaldi
of the victims and uh it's really tragic what happened i think
the denigration of cultural or the promotion of cultural rot is in
large part due to the expansion of the federal government
and that's sort of what causes these things the more the government expands
the more crazy demonic people it creates becomes a new religion
well that's it the state is the religion and
their religion is satanism and we see the wages of center death it's
very simple you're absolutely right
well thank you taking my call that's all i wanted to say oh brother what you said
is totally true sorry go ahead oh i know you talked about arming the teachers
and i'm real hesitant to do that nowadays especially seeing the lids of
tiktok account i'm hesitant to arm the teachers and uh no that's a good point
there should be a screening process and then they should be trained uh and then
and then so quote they're not being discriminated against
you know it could be like a rotating security detail where the principal
uh you know decides who out of the teachers is going to be armed but i i
think if you put in a large school 20 30 people that are armed it's totally
protected and i think you know smaller schools three or
four people i mean it just needs to be done and you know you might wait
libs up when you give them the responsibility to learn about the
second amendment about being a guardian and not just a victim
i agree with you also thank you for publicans want to go on the proactive
given that we've seen some of the cops and some of these shooting situations
say that again your phone broke up andrew did say that again i was saying
we've seen if the gop wanted to be proactive about the situation
we've seen cops uh and some of these situations sit on their hands how about
incentivizing uh private security companies given them
tax breaks if they're providing security for schools well i'll tell you this in
leftist cities the police are horrible lazy thugs and in more conservative
areas they're super hardworking great people i mean the police just have one
of the roughest jobs nothing but respect for them
when they follow global disorders to violate rights they become bad guys but
the globalists are targeting them to bully them and take them over they're
going to get rid of them they're just taking control of them and i uh
but i do like private security forces because just statistically
they're even better because they can they can kick people out that don't have
what it takes uh and so yeah i mean i'm i'm i'm for a free
market solution private security forces police a mix of the two
and an armed citizens and then uh and then also obviously you're wearing black
you're in a devil worship you're in to shoot them up games you're starting
fights with everybody you need to be closely looked at thank you so much for
your call brother let's jam in one more before we come
back with another excerpt of that famous pears Morgan interview and we'll come
back with the big news out of Venezuela uh right now let's go ahead and talk to
Mike in Fort Worth Texas Mike welcome Alex do you hear me
i can uh hey god bless you brother for
for being the greatest truth teller uh of our time
and you know i i need to get your opinion on this Alex i was talking to a
friend of mine this morning and we were like okay yeah
you know the kid worked at Wendy's i'm sure if he saved enough money it'd be a
pretty penny to buy those guns and all that ammo
i don't know i'm not burst on this you probably well more than me but
how does that kid get all that body armor because it sounds like he was in a
heck of a shootout with the cops and they couldn't take him down before he got in
before the special agent got in i would think that body armor
would cost a ton of money and i don't know how an 18 year old would access all
that and maybe you can expand on how is he pitting down and defeating
multiple arm security people and uh well trained border patrol
i mean it it's the whole thing's very suspicious
absolutely alex and one other thing i'd like to say to that punk
uh Steve Kerr who down here in Dallas the other uh last night
lecturing you and me and senators and all that
this is the same communist punk alex of the NBA
that uh a couple years ago was arguing against
uh putting police uh police protection he called him white supremacist and said
pull all police from schools yeah he's a punk alex he's a communist
punk and so is all the NBA i just want to say hey thank you for
for opening our minds alex for those of us who are willing to listen and god
bless you brother for all that you do god bless you we appreciate you
bike all right i'm gonna hear some of this
period which Morgan taking that little no man's land that some stations don't
care a lot do and then we're gonna come back with
the facts they are letting antifa out of jail with no prison time
that shoot three people i mean it it's just ridiculous i mean it it's just
it's absolutely insane we'll look at venezuela and more
and jason uh bonnie and john we'll get to all your calls today
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if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
you found it the tip of the spear it is the alex joneshow
i will not take my right you go through background checks to get guns
how about prozac you know the number one oh that's the big sponsor isn't it
or that whole class of drugs let me ask you quick oh whoa gotta cut that off
don't you don't want to talk about the u.s number one cause of death is
suicide now because they give people suicide mass
murder pills calm down your answers get more money of the
psychiatrists the psychologists to put more crazy people on drugs that make
them kill people peers let's try and have a debate
what about fast and furious alex why do our government shitheads in de mastico
alex to blame the second amendment let's have a debate a false flag alex
to blame the second amendment i get accused why they bought building
selling down the street here in new york i get accused when i get you guys on
of talking over you of being rude i'm trying to be civil yeah you've got to
try and answer some of the questions right here's my issue for you
why do people need civilians need an ar-15 type
assault rifle why they already said statistically they're using a very low
amount of the crimes that's an fb effect they've been using the last three mass
shooting yes why i'll tell you why because they advertise it in the media
anybody knows that if somebody jumps off the impar states building they put cops
up there the next day because copycats come to do it again
the media hypes and hypes and hypes coaches commit suicide
why do people commit suicide by killing a bunch of kids and here's the gun to use
because it's the one the u.s army uses why do people need them
they need them to protect us from the number one killer in history
government the 20th century university uh study out of hawaii killed 292 million
people it's called democide google it folks do you believe every one of them
must shoot everyone on america yes yes have an ar-15 if they want one
statistically where there's more guns there's lower crime the highest crime
is in bloomberg uh you know but you have the most controlled areas of any of the
23 richest countries in the world and you have twin the 12 america was born on
guns and whiskey right but it's true we're a violent society right so you
said that america has the most guns knives killed three times more have you
seen the fb on numbers knives bats rocks kill kill kill
many many times more alex let's talk about the gun it's not the rock
it's not the knife when a mother chops her kids up with a cleaver because she's
on set on a real me why i'm wrong why don't you want to get rid of the drugs
is there half your sponsors stick to the subject america's number one cause of
ungrantial death now is suicide i'm not not on a real accident not cancer not
you excuse me of attacking the second member of the constitution i want to get
people off pills that the insert says that they can commit suicide and kill
people alex let's get about the second i want to blend the real culprit alex
suicide pills alex mass murder pills okay let me ask you one question
you'll believe in a some wrong first time anybody's ever heard this by the way
you'll believe in a some wrong is that under the second amendment
your real concern is that you will be overrun by
a tyrannical regime either from somewhere else yeah highway checkpoints
look at mexico total gun ban for the citizens highest crime rate in the world
57 000 people dead the last five years total gun ban for the citizens but you
you'll make Switzerland has the lowest crime rate in europe alex your country
is the highest alex we have 35 gun murders you have 11 000 you people get
their brains it's the higher crime rate let me ask you violent crime is higher
on this specific brain alex people i'm trying to get inside your brains
beers if you're probably right now it'd be not your fist alex your brain alex
let me get inside your brain okay okay i'm serious you have a very very big
platform you air i think on 63 networks no no
that wikipedia is like 10 years old i'm on over 140 stations
xn millions of americans hear you over a million visitors info wars dot com
i can actually have the statistics posted right now info wars dot com
who do you believe was behind 9 11 oh i absolutely know i have the police on
cnn saying get back they're gonna blow up seven i have bbc reporting who do you
believe is i have the proof i heard them on cbs radio alex
they announced they blew up the towers on cbs radio new yorkers all saw it and
heard it alex who do you they blew up building seven
who do you believe was behind it the american government
criminal elements of the military industrial complex the same ones that
stage gulf of tonkin the same ones that stage operation the mass shootings of
operation gladio right who do you see i don't like that right now do you mean
that president bush his administration was behind 9 11
i mean that even mainstream news reported that the hijackers were ordered to be
allowed into the united states michael springman
the head of the visa department blew the whistle on that so the bush
administration was part of a conspiracy well he should never let us talk about
to murder to murder i can speak in this accent as well
yeah the government hits the firebomb his own rise stag
pierce to bring in martial law in germany
april 27th 1933 governments have staged terror attacks throughout history
or allowed terrorists to attack as a pretext to invade and enslave
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of ultra 12 the answer to 1984 is 1776 live from
austin texas broadcasting worldwide it's alex jones
we're going deep down the debuts group world government rabbit hole the monkey
pox next phase the lockdowns with a special guest
next segment i'm going to go to john jason and
bowtie here in just a minute but i wanted to hit this while we're talking
about the tragic mass shooting in south texas in uvaldi
the 19 dead children two dead teachers there's so many examples of this it's
like communism not working for the general public
but working for the elite communism doesn't work for the people
i don't need to put on exhibits of that but they're trying to launch it again
these are articles out of the bbc out of all mainstream sources
going back a decade ago venezuela bans private gun ownership
that's in june of 2012 crime rates then explode here's the hill
in wake of a gun ban venezuela sees rising homicide
rates just a few years later more than triples
gun control preceded the tyranny in venezuela
and then you have massive government gulags
torture death tanks running over the citizens
after they take the guns total evaluation of the currency
war against the people that's the globalist authoritarian model
how venezuela's good citizens were disarmed is a lesson for us
absolutely is and now let's move to this and i meant to have a photo of him i
forgot to tell you actually pull up the article if we can
there's video of this i forgot to tell the crew it's my fault but
a lot of you have already seen the footage of it happened all over the
country but antifa blocking roads at black lives matter
protests they were running and then shooting at people and
that's a different individual man twice bailed out by kamala harris
bat fun gets arrested again i'm talking about
this case right here no prison time for man who shot aurora protesters
while aiming at jeep driving through the crowd
on i-225 the man who shot two people
while aiming at a jeep that drove into a crowd of protesters which is driving
through them on their state 225 in the summer 2020
was sentenced tuesday to 120 days in jail followed by
five months probation but it's all time served
samuel young 24 can we pull this picture up
just type in this article no prison time for man
who shot aurora protesters samuel young 24 earlier this year
was convicted of seven felonies two counts of second degree assault
four counts of attempted manslaughter and a single count of illegally
discharging his gun after he fired five shots during a protest against
police violence in aurora in july 25th
2030 there he is so when a police officer accidentally shoots somebody or
is being physically attacked and pulls their gun and shoots them
they go to prison but when this guy
does all this and tries to kill somebody in a car and shoots other people
his own cohorts he's given no prison time and i've got an article we'll go to
your calls we'll get to it at the end of the show today
where a soros da is prosecuting somebody
with prison time for heckling him at a press conference
so the communists will put you in jail for your speech
or for self-defense but when you shoot innocent people it's
a okay mostly peaceful protest we already had callers bring up the
warriors curb backs ever to remove police from
oakland schools saying they're white supremacists
imagine being the police is having some person like this say you're hitler
anybody that attacks you or shoots you or kills you
is captain america and then he comes out and calls for gun confiscation
last night before the bodies of the poor dead children
and teachers weren't even cold that my friends
is cold that is sick but he's not as bad as the
other mba owner who came out and said so what if there's death camps in china
what do i care about the wiggers they don't even rise
to the level of my consciousness that is truly sick these are dangerous
dangerous people we let them run society we will be destroyed
all right let's go to the calls let's talk to jason in texas jason you're on
the air about the tragic shooting you evolved yesterday
oh yeah well it's uh we've seen this happen play out billions of times
first thing out of democrats most of these celebrities
you know gun control but yeah like everyone's talking about it
i've seen multiple police chases where they're chasing stuff that he crashes
the car and they're right there with their guns drawn you know
but somehow this kid you know it gets uh walk around just get out of the car
occasionally and walk around the school and this
of that where are these officers you know
well we don't have enough of the facts yet but the mayor of ubaldi has come out
against biden and his demonization of gun owners
and you know you're in a shootout you're in a chase somebody jumps out of a car
runs in the school i mean uh i don't know i mean definitely stuff
has been staged before but all i know is they
use these type of events to demonize the general public
and that is a fraud that is wrong of course they want our guns so that who
can come in and all the un and all these people and light us out like all these
controllers like all these other countries we're the last damn country
to be controlled that's right we're the country that said no to the lockdowns
we're the as bad as we are we're better than the countries
and that's why we're being targeted and they're using psychological warfare in
just a sick society in hollywood trash to do it thank you so much great points
jason all right bowtie in texas bowtie you're on the year
hey what's up bub love you go ahead i just want to talk about
a church man the church is a complete failure man
i can remember growing up and the pastor would come every weekend invite us to
church he went after the kids first another thing
alex we got to get the hell out of this
virtual world this virtual world is blended into our third world our 3d
reality we've lost touch we've lost connection
there's no more neighbors reaching out to each other
hell i saw a couple neighbors having a crawfish boy and they could only get
three or four neighbors to come over and eat crawfish with them because they
was all scared by the damn media that's right they don't want us talking to
each other they want us directly plugged into their matrix
yes it's the matrix it's a web we're losing touch with 3d world the physical
the touch the the love we're losing all that and we're
blending into this third world that that is sagan keep sagan's kingdom
he created this world that's his world god created this world the 3d world for
us to enjoy but we're getting manipulated to enjoy the fruits of
porn and spurt and you know you wonder why radio
sportscaster makes 30 million dollars a year it's to pacify the man and make
them a bunch of sisters i love you alex that's it
i'm out god bless you beautifully said bowtie amazing
caller john in texas go ahead last caller before we get our special guests
hey alex welcome you know something that somebody's not
bringing up is the fact that the nr a seven or annual convention in houston
this weekend with a lot of republican uh texas republicans are going to be there
you don't think this was done to demonize the the republic texas republicans
and nr a it's very it's very suspicious timing
and that gear that guy had for what i understand
being interested in guns myself that he had something like three thousand five
hundred dollars worth of a gear there may be more depending on the quality of the
guns so uh how do you get all that money working at
wednesdays yeah and they disappeared at any time
but he was he off somewhere where a communist cell was
training them to get them ready for this i mean yeah he might have been crazy
but he might have been a diehard uh legal you know
an addict john i've been on there 28 years
and you haven't gotten through it in years you've been calling for 20 years
haven't you ever have says 19 just said shortly after the world trade center
20 years 20 plus years all right well god bless you john what else you want to
add brother so that's the only thing is that i like
to hope that the police are going to a thorough investigation but well what
happened in the lost Vegas but he swept everything under the carpet
you never know you know oh i mean everybody should be able to question
this because there's been so many false flags so many provocative operations
again the unabomber was cia that's declassified
mk ultra so it's reasonable to question at all and it's our right to do it and we
should do it but i just think it's just mass brainwashing at this point
john thanks for getting through we love you all right attorney thomas rins is at
the tip of the spear when it comes to research and suing big pharma
and trying to stop stop the next lockdown that's coming
he'll be joining us to talk about monkey pox woong lab who treaty new jab
situation who pushing for permanent lockdowns
and setting up covid part two stay with us
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
you know i uh
i got some stuff on a break tomorrow i'm gonna stop here i'm not gonna cover
right now but there is just so much going on
we have world government convening announcing they're gonna censor us
announcing new lockdowns announcing they're gonna forcefully inject us it's
just fabulously evil and thomas renz is an
experienced lawyer and he has been fighting for several
years against the tyranny has had a lot of successful lawsuits
renz-law.com and he's here to talk about monkeypox
wuhan lab who who treaty uh new jab situation
who pushing for permanent lockdowns building for covet part two
so that's all coming up right now and he joins us
what an amazing time to be alive where should we start
boy i gotta tell you alex there's so many bad things happening from so many
bad people it's hard to even even know where to start
i mean i think i think that one of the things that we've got to understand is
what's happening there's been a lot of stuff about this
who uh treaty this who amendment and i think there's a lot of
misunderstanding about it i think so a lot of people are talking
about give up sovereignty and in some senses that's correct but strictly as a
lawyer like that there's a little bit of a misunderstanding there right
so biden no matter how much he wants and i do believe he wants
uh he can't he can't override the constitution so he can't
entirely give away our sovereignty but they know that right the bad guys the
people we're fighting they know that they can't go directly up against the
constitution so they're doing something much more insidious
that i think will have actually i mean i can't say worse consequences but
every bit is bad so alex you know i mean you
cover this stuff all the time you sue the government they throw you out on
standing whether it was election covet uh covet no
matter where you go if they can throw you out they say you don't have standing
right so now imagine if there's a global
administrative agency a global department of health and human
services right the who and not only do you have a heart
you have a hard time suing our government but our government then
agrees to take authority from another bureaucracy
that they're claiming is over their head to sue those guys is
is literally borderline impossible and what biden is doing is he's going to
use his power as the president and his diplomatic
power given to him in the constitution to try and force
who mandates who laws on the american people
for all eternity that's what he's trying to do meanwhile
meanwhile alex and i think this is really where the rubber meets the road on
this if you look at the amendments he's proposing
there's a ton of stuff in there about sharing information
giving who access to to information total violation
of it but i want you to elaborate on this and you're totally right
george herbert walker bush signed on to the treaty in 1992
for agenda 21 the first phase of this congress didn't ratify but the
bureaucracies and then clinton and obama and and bush junior
implemented a lot of it and so you're right it's not legally we're under the
treaty but the bureaucracy our own government
is doing it so if we say oh it's a un treaty it has the authority no
none of it's ratified but the real fight is in our own bureaucracy that
implements it right and and they're going to
implement it it's multiple levels right alex
so you know normally it's hard enough to sue like we're suing the department
of health and human services that's a hard thing to do they well you don't
have standing we're we're sovereign we're immune you can't sue us
right but when you look at this doing it this way what they're doing is they're
creating another bureaucracy and biden's going to claim that he's got
legal authority to follow the direction of this because he's got
constitutional authority for international relations
and so he's going to claim to have authority to follow what they're saying
and then implement through the through his his executive branches
and it's going to make it just a whole another level of things that are
difficult to challenge and meanwhile meanwhile
some of the stuff that he that nobody's going to challenge because they're not
going to notice is super important so this ties in i think in my mind
with a lot of what we're hearing you know you and i talked about too long ago
about you know i'll know a herari in these globalists and the wef and all
this stuff that's happening right well what do they want
well they you know the guys talking about we need to be able to hack people
we need uh for tracking to go under the skin
right they want data well we've got years worth of data that we're
developing that we're pulling from our public health
services they want data to monitor diseases and
outbreaks we know the vaccines are killing us
we know they're behind it all we know they engineered all of it
and that's what's insane yeah we have the data we know what you criminals did
their surveillance data is to track and control us
for the basis of the social credit score the carbon tax which as you know in
the last few days in in in switzerland they've announced all this they've
they've been totally public why do you think they're coming out like this
well i think that it's a lot like a psychopath a serial killer right
i mean you know for some reason serial killers always need to announce how
many people they've killed and brag about it i don't you know i mean i
i don't fully understand the mind of a psychopath but these people are
psychotic anybody that's it it's the basic mo of a psychopath
especially a megalomaniac dr ebel type that they gotta tell you what they're
doing to you yeah yeah i mean i they can't stop bragging
about it i mean you literally have an advisor to the head of the world
economic forum telling you that he wants to enslave humanity by
getting rid of free will that it's an illusion
he's telling you that he's he's you know joseph and they're gonna take your free
speech and they're gonna force inject you and they own your bodies and we're
and freedom is over these are all quotes we play yesterday
yeah i mean they're saying it we can't you listen
do you should we discount the fact that a serial killer is telling you he's
gonna kill a hundred person people just because it sounds bizarre
i mean these guys are psychotic they're telling us what they're gonna do
and they've got the power and money to do a lot of it are we gonna just say you
know that's a conspiracy theory it sounds far out
that you'll all know harari is saying that he wants to hack humans that free
wills an illusion it sounds far out that couldn't be
well i mean listen he's advising bill gates
a swab all these guys they're sitting there listening
they're telling us what makes the statements about free wills over
you'll own nothing you'll have nothing we're gonna put chips in your body
hell forget harari swabs is at all yeah yeah i mean so these guys are telling
us what they're gonna do and yet we're trying we're debating over
whether or not we should believe it because it sounds far out i agree it
sounds far out let's put them in a metal ward and
exactly it's perfectly said and then they have corporate media say no one
wants world government no one wants cyborgs no one wants to put chips in you
no one wants to take free will no one wants to make you take a shot you can't
leave your house let's just take a shot
yeah well i mean listen we just had the announcement uh it was advisor said you
know hey you can swallow these chips and then we can track and it'll be perfect
you know a perfect way to to monitor people can you imagine the compliance
in fact by the way we're going to break at thomas rinds rinds-law.com we got so
much cover guys get that head of fizer clip we played like
monday or maybe sunday get that short 45 second clip ready when come back from
break but we'll come out of break play that's we want to
unlike mainstream media when we say something we're going to show it to you
thomas rinds is our guest so much to hit monkey pox and more
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william of california people are asleep and program controlled i agree how do
you make the sleeper awaken william oh hi elis thanks for taking my call
can i plug uh ielets real quick yeah go ahead hey i'm in my 60s uh and i did the
work of 25 30 year olds and i worked them into the ground and you wanted to
why and i've tested this and i've taken your b12
and let me tell you when i don't take it i pay a price i really do i i take that
b12 and i'm electric man i can run 10 miles i i do some pretty
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that yeah for a guy in his 60s you know pushing 70
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saves my life
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
is uh basically biological cheap but it is in the tablet
and once you take the tablet and dissolves into your stomach
sends a signal but you took the tablet so imagine the applications of that
compliance uh the insurance companies to know that the medicines that patients
should take they do take them uh it is uh fascinating what
happens in in uh this field
attorney thomas rins our guest here on the alex jones show
and what he said is so key it's a declaration of war against all your
rights your money your privacy your body your children
everything and they're just up there like it's totally normal on their big
fancy stages announcing the world government
right now and monkey pox right on time rolls out thomas rins please continue
so i want to put a bug in your alex i don't know if you've thought about this
right i haven't seen it anywhere else one of the key
provisions of this amendment or these amendments that they're proposing
was sharing of information you and or who people can come in and they can look
at the information we can share it with them and so on so forth
you know if you look at both china and these you know these globalists they've
all been talking about getting our data and i don't know if you remember this
alex but a number of months ago there were some stories came out about them
selling the dna data and the genetic data from the pcr test to china and to
some of these other places imagine now that we have electronic
medical white records thanks to obama care and that now that the government
has all this data on us imagine what happens when we just
give all that data to to these these monsters at the who
who are controlled by china who are controlled by big pharma they're
controlled by you know these globalists so
i think that's one of nobody's even going to notice
nobody's going to care because these guys are going to come in
it's not like biden's going to make an announcement he's sharing your
genetic data that is sharing all your medical data
he's just going to do it and so nobody's even going to notice and it's the same
thing that we've seen with our privacy as it's been eroded by big tech
nobody really knows how much they have on us but they're using everything they
have on us to control us it's part of the surveillance state
now they're going to go in and take our personal medical information
and that i think is one of the most dangerous aspects
of this treaty all right that's key that's in that's in the that's in the
draft treaty you're right no one's talking about that they're not just
claiming ownership of your body but your data
yeah well and remember remember alex we've got
we've got paperwork on historic work that's been done between china and
israel regarding genetic specific diseases that
start the target certain genetic signatures that are related to
specific races race specific bio weapons
yeah yeah and all sorts of other things here's here's the bottom line
what are they going to do with it i can't prove that
what i know is this if claus Schwab in china want my dna data i don't want them
to have it it's just that simple i'll tell you the good news
eclipse being pulled in right now we'll play it before the segment ends
they're spending half their time at this devos event we got reporters there
some entered in as in others reporting from fours dot com
they're obsessing on we got a censor room they're after us
they're they're vaccine critics well it's our bodies and it's not a vaccine
it's a gene therapy and it doesn't work well listen i mean you saw uh what's
his name the Pfizer guy say listen there's plenty of doses it's not a
supply chain issue he says the americans just don't want it they won't take it
that's true that's the truth and oh yeah Pfizer and madern have said it let me
back you up with that here's the cope covid
headlines today mass die off such a key article and it's in british
governments on emissions like you were on a month ago talking about this but now
it's confirmed close to 180 000 people died within 60 days of covid 19 vaccine
england statistic office makes stunning admission bob shell this video it's on
enforce.com CNN admits mRNA vaccine may be
adversely affecting immunity really they warned about it beforehand
maderna ceo limits throwing 30 million doses in the garbage
because nobody wants them that's what you just mentioned
billionaires at war elon must deepens few with bill gates it goes on and on and
on oh the quest CNN reports the quest for a longer lasting covid vaccine
because it's not a vaccine it doesn't even work two months
it destroys your immune system i mean these guys are crazy
they've committed a crime so big they believe we won't be able to even
process it. Alex we reported in june of 2021
that there had been 45 000 deaths from the jab
according to it just within the social security database
or i'm sorry the medicare medicaid database we reported that back then
it made all sorts of headlines they've been covering this up they know what's
going on they're acutely aware of how many people are dying
the mRNA technology facilitates your body producing the spike protein which is a
pathogen we know that we also know that through a
process called reverse transcription this has the potential to make you a
permanent GMO a permanent genetically modified
organism does it happen to everybody
no how often does it happen we don't know the date is not there
but is it happening well it certainly appears to be a good percentage of people
have spike protein take over their body and take over their DNA
listen Alex once your body starts producing this you're permanently
producing a pathogen or at least as long as this
vaccine's impacting your body we you know this
this pathogen is causing just absolutely unimaginable damage
and you know it's it's so many unintended adverse things do you notice
how they had the big thing about hepatitis in kids and then it disappeared
immediately well let me tell you why it disappeared
hepatitis is listed as an adverse event of special interest in the Pfizer
documents it's the Pfizer vaccine that was causing it
and but they by the way they said oh the only thing we can find is adrenovirus
well guess what adrenovirus is all pneumonia is also listed as an
adverse event of special interest then they said well maybe the some of these
kids might not have been faxed well guess what
i've got the common already approval letter from the FDA
where Pfizer agreed to run a study that was based on it's called
the study design was called uh what was it uh
shedding and uh and other issues related to
to gene therapy products it was something to that effect but they
it literally in the study title referenced that this was
to study shedding and gene therapy product incredible we'll talk about it
next segment and and we also have all these other admissions
Greg Reese's report today the truth about monkey box
is so powerful he shows the documents mainline studies
that the vaccine for monkey pox causes the monkey pox
in the electron microscope studies that's there but here's a clip
today of the head of Pfizer with his cohort claus Schwab
saying the as the targets of the at vaccine crowd
the i'm just here it is with the vaccine
but we knew that there's a very fanatic group of anti-vaxxers
that will go after us no matter what they will claim that the sun didn't go up
because people were vaccinated and that created issues with the crop
so i'm suing you and one thing it is to sue you in the us
another thing is to sue you in a country where the legal system
is not up to that standards or in switzerland right
so i think that's behind us uh everything
went okay and now i think we can move on i think we were we were both
targets of the anti-vaccine movements and conspiracy people
claiming that i had tripled i wondered what it is
triple uh uh covid um yeah and something
well was i think you got hundreds of thousands of clicks and so on
i know you were also target i read one day
that was arrested by fbi yeah same happened to me and there are pictures
pictures of me and fbi officers i don't know how
yeah i never said the surprising thing it is that the same public case
i found out because i had published the previous one of that was arrested was
the pope by fbi so ridiculous yeah so we are
good company yeah well at least i was in good company
but so what they do is they put out the disinfo themselves they're mass
murdering criminals and no you're not the target you are the target
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
a bunch of disconnected generationally ultra wealthy people
have decided that they've taken the world over through fraud
and that it belongs to them but it doesn't belong to them and we're gonna
fight back and we're gonna win our enemies are out in the open and they
put out all this disinfo about themselves and
point to that no we have the facts that clauslaw brags
he's penetrated our governments he's taken them over and he doesn't care what
the people say he's gonna rule us well he's not
and he's been identified just like mainstream media ignores the fact they
have no ratings and no viewers everybody hates them
they just keep being funded by the big banks
they don't give up but they've already lost
thomas rins is a powerful brain a great lawyer and fighting with so many
lawsuits on so many fronts let's hit these other
points more on the monkey epochs the who pushing for permanent lockdowns
that was announced they said oh we said we were wrong before but now we want them
again and building for covet part two give us your
take on that well let me let me open up with one
thing super important now it's i want to respond to that last clip that you just
played because those two arrogant pieces of garbage
that are out there telling us what they're gonna do and laughing about their
being in good company i got a message for you guys
i'm a nobody from a little town in ohio and me and a whole bunch of other
nobodies from little places in the united states
has stood up and we are at a much lower rate of vaccination than you ever
thought we would be you thought you were going to take us over you didn't know
we nobodies we are the resistance we the people
thanks to alex jones we have a voice thanks to people like that we have a
voice and let me tell you you scumbags i don't care if it takes the rest of my
life i made a promise before god that i would do
my best to fight this as long as he allowed me to do it
and i will continue and yipping at your heels until i eat the ground out from
under you and you are in jail and i will laugh every day for the rest of my life
while you're sitting there absolutely listen to me to know
you're you're right they they have told us we're nobodies
they've told us we're going down no they're going down
those arrogant pieces of garbage they will be held accountable
for the deaths that i have to look at every day in my email box the pictures
sent to me a loved ones who are dying you scumbags you may think we're nothing
but i'll tell you what we are is we are relentless and we've got god on our back
you will go down as far as your other stuff
the monkeypox let me tell you what so we've got
and i just put it on my substack i just put out a substack today to get ready
to talk to you uh we've got they've done gain a function
on monkeypox so monkeypox normally doesn't spread very easy
and i'm hoping it doesn't spread very easy here but here's the thing
they've they've got the exact same scenario happening with the monkeypox
that they had with covid they you know they ran their simulations they've been
planning for it they've been building up fear all this nonsense
so here's my question is the monkeypox that's running around now
is this at natural monkeypox or is this another gain a function
oops release right i and we don't know that yet
we don't know i'll tell you it's hard saying what's going to happen because
you know they're they ran their simulations they're doing everything
just like covid and so we got to ask the other thing we've got a
that's really a variable here is you know we
we know mccullough just published a great paper
on you know some of the impacts these covid jabs
the covid jabs screw with your immune system and it's possible
not proven but possible that the way that it affects your immune system may
make people who are jabbed more susceptible to these monkeypox
so even if it is the natural strain does it spread faster
and here's the thing if this was natural why is joe biden why are all these
people concerned about it why are you running simulations
if there's no you know monkeypox they discovered that and i think the 1950s
it's been out forever why all of a sudden do we care what's changed well
everybody's been jabbed and you've been doing gain of function research
so do you care because you've been doing gain of function research and you
and people have been jabbed or you know is there something that we're missing
there's no reason to make a deal out of a disease that old
and there's no reason our cdc has already bought
probably billions of dollars worth of this garbage vaccine that probably has
mrna tack in it and all sorts of gene therapy garbage we don't know what's in
there but if you trust pharma to produce anything that's legitimate well
you know i got a bridge for you to buy so that's right what they've done is
they are making their mad scientist move right now
they are claiming ownership of our data of our bodies of our speech
of our children of our banks of our currency of our nations of our borders
of our god this is a full spectrum takeover
it absolutely is and you know the question is
is monkeypox a false flag is it just something they're talking about
or is this something i mean in light of what you're following all the same
previous propaganda of 27 months ago absolutely and i wrote about
alex you know what i just the other day i looked at uh the first case i filed
in and that case was well the first major case i filed on covid i filed it
beginning of september of 2020 if you read the fact pattern in that case
you'd think i was a stinking prophet because everything in there has been
proven to be accurate and it's very slowly leaked out oh
you know this was correct oh that was correct you know listen it's not that
they didn't know they just lied they lied through their teeth
the media was complicit they covered this up the media could pull up
the document that showed that they were defrauding the american public on the
number of deaths related to covid which by the way they still are
you know that the media could pull this up we made it public we put it out there
all paid off so so here's here's what i'm getting at
what you said is true they admit no one's buying it no one's taking everybody's
turning against them so they bring monkeypox in to create more hysteria
they they snuck attack like evil always does and always has a head start
but in the end humanity's catching up to them
yeah we are we are but that's why you know that's why my ugly mug is on your
show right because we've got to inform people
we got to get the word out you know so the who has said
they want these permanent lockdowns we know claus schwaab all these guys they
talked about how do you destabilize the planet how do you get the second
industrial or fourth industrial revolution or whatever
i mean what they need to do is keep people unstable keep causing
chaos keep sowing strife and he says the angrier world will destabilize the
old system and false adoption of the new system
i love your impression by the way that's my favorite impression of schwaab
but that's a quote that's a quote of him i mean it's he it's it's insane
i know i know so what do they do look at this
they are attacking us not just in covid but everywhere look at what they're
doing to our kids in schools they're screwing with their mental
health on a way that they're never going to recover
look what they're doing to our military you know they're poisoning them with
these jabs and using it for social experimentation
look what they're doing you know with the elections look what they're doing
you show me one part of our society that's not under attack
it's all about destabilization in the monkeypox
you know if it's not the monkeypox we already know they're talking about the
next new variant for covid you know there's going to be a next thing
they're not giving this up and we either defeat this evil
or it will continue coming after us and that's right they're getting us into a
rhythm of lockdowns and surveillance and forced
injection they're getting us into the new normal
in their own words we can't let them do that well and let's not overlook the
summer rage i did another sub stack i talked
about the summer rage and i think you've talked about this
if you search abortion and and summer of rage on google
you get a whole list of you know the the violence and all this
you know they need george floyd riots part two
you know a lot of those protesters were paid and tifa was paid
all these you know these guys weren't protesters these were rioters these were
professional disruptors they've got to continue fighting to
destabilize our nation this is all part of the same plan
to attack freedom and to attack our giant central banks with unlimited money
to rebuild but in their image and just trying to force the collapse
all right thomas rins rins dash law dot com great job join us again very very
soon god bless you thank you alex powerful interview hope
everybody shares it once it's archived at bandod video because
that's how the truth lives is when you breathe life into it
you are everything look at the mirror you are the resistance
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
welcome back to the alex jones show i'm kate dally your guest host from the kate
dally show at kate dally radio dot com how are you guys doing today
as you can guess um i i have a lot to talk about today in this hour i'm glad
you're joining me for this hour because i want to talk about election
fraud it seems to be put on the on the
back burner while we have events going on in the nation
but i also have some questions about those events too
and the problem is that i was trying to construct a timeline
for uh for radio to try to explain to people what happened
the only problem i'm running up against with what happened in texas
is the timeline and as horrific as those events sound and and you know all of
course all america is concerned about the families
what happened to these children i have to say that the timeline is a little
disconcerting before we get to my two guests for election fraud
i just wanted to kind of give you why an example of why i'm
i'm finding it really hard to construct a timeline
at 1117 the school district put out a message that the school had an active
shooter this was 1117 and so at 1117 they put this
message out and that everything was fine
except that they had had this event happening
okay it happened then the authorities say that at 1132
10 minutes later okay more than 10 minutes more like 15 minutes later the
authorities say that the school shooter then entered the building
which i thought was really strange because by the time a school district
writes the message you know shooter in the building
then what's strange is that it would take a little bit to get there so i'm
probably guessing maybe at around 1110 something like that in 11
okay so i just wanted to mention that 1132
and then of course at 1143 they said that the school the elementary school
tweeted out that that the school had some shots
and gunfire outside but everyone inside the school was fine
but the shooting was supposed to be happening then for an hour and a half
and a shootout was supposed to be happening at that point when the
elementary school sent that out a little strange a little strange
so the timeline is very very weird i might talk about that a little bit more
inside the show but it was just very strange and the timeline for some reason
is not working out i don't know who was not talking to whom or what it was
happening here but it just seemed a little strange
my guest my first guest for for talking about election fraud which we really
do need to keep an eye on right now is
sheriff mac sheriff mac joins me and sheriff mac is
the president of constitutional sheriffs and peace officers association
and welcome to the show sheriff mac how are you
thank you so much kate it's great to be back with you and
it's great to be back on info wars absolutely thank you for joining me
it's an important matter that's being swept aside for today's media coverage
which today's media coverage is important but so is election fraud
and here is the here is the situation we have a movie 2000 mules i've
interviewed katherine i've interviewed dinesh and this movie is is
important it's a huge huge tool and to understand
what this fraud's all about we only have a minute till we go to break
but we are going to come back and talk about this for a moment and i just wanted
to understand what what the constitutional sheriffs are
saying about this movie this extraordinary piece of evidence about
election fraud well i made the mistake of watching the
movie and and i say mistake because now it
puts a responsibility on us and every sheriff in the country every
peace officer every state police agency the evidence now
is stark and right in our face and i really didn't make
this issue a top priority of the csp away
but because of this movie i now am doing exactly that
all of our members are saying the same thing
this evidence is too compelling to ignore
right we're going to come right back more with sheriff mac when we come back
the constitutional sheriffs and peace officers association so glad to have
sheriff mac on with me today in this hour of the alex
jones show will be right back
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back here with you on the alex jones show so happy to be spending
this hour with you such important topics too that seem to be swept by the way
side in america today that still need to be talked about
and there still is a obvious huge massive concern for our voting system
which is truly what we should be feeling right now
um we have a whole system that has fallen apart and we need to do something
about it my guest is for this segment of the show is
richard mac sheriff richard mac he also is the former sheriff of gram county
arizona political activist he's known for a role in a successful lawsuit
brought against the federal government of united states which alleged the
portions of the brady handgun violence prevention act violated the united
states constitution welcome back he is also
the head of constitutional sheriffs and peace officers association
and so let's pick up where we just left off sheriff mac so appreciate you being
on with me of course um but we there's a huge effort right now to make sure
that people understand the evidence the evidence
behind voter fraud and it's a massive amount of evidence mules
kind of like drug trafficking which you're probably
well familiar with being in arizona um how the mules for the election trafficking
have certainly um have certainly been part of this massive
amount of evidence yes yeah it is and and you know it's kind of funny
uh i actually predicted before the election uh that
the democrats would do anything in everything
anything and everything lie cheat still and murder
yeah and i'm not kidding i believe they have committed murder and i believe
they would be willing to commit murder to make sure
that they would not allow uh donald trump back in the white house
in fact they basically tried to to assassinate his character
for five years i'm not a big trump fan when he makes mistakes i point him out
when he does something good i point him out comparatively speaking
with other presidents especially compared to the one that's in there now
uh he was uh one of the best presidents in american history
uh and far better than anything the democrats have put in there in a
long long time especially the destruction uh the
destroyer of american liberty that's in there now but i predicted this i said
that they would do anything and everything and that and it's obvious
that they did but okay i did not see any evidence
where we could start investigating uh i did not make it an issue of the csp way
to get all the sheriffs in the country to start
investigating this a couple of sheriffs and csp away
sheriffs started some of their own investigations
sheriff dar leaf in michigan has been doing this for two years he's been
stonewalled at every uh corner that he turns
however now the susan comes out with this movie
people kept telling me to watch it i wasn't interested in watching it
finally i said okay send it to me i'll watch it i watched it and i'm not and
i'm not saying that it's completely true uh let's
just go and arrest everybody no i'm not saying that at all
i'm saying that the evidence appears to be very compelling
and that the sheriffs of this country especially in
metropolitan areas the larger cities of america
phoenix maricopa county uh dallas uh new york city chicago
san francisco los angeles uh all of those and other
cities some not as big some some are quite smaller but
it's the major metropolitan areas it's the four
largest counties in arizona that should be conducting these
uh and that appears on the movie this cannot be ignored
this is the destruction if this is even a little bit true
then this is the destruction of the constitutional american republic
and i don't want that anymore and i don't want the fundamental change
that biden and obama have promised us i want the fundamentals of american
values to stay in place and i don't believe any sheriff
can't ignore this anymore a lot of them don't want to watch the movie
box wants to ignore this movie newsmax wants to ignore this movie
i will not do that and i cannot do that as an american
and as a constitutional sheriff i cannot do that so we issued a press release
calling on all media and all citizens and all sheriffs
to investigate the evidence as it appears on two thousand mules
and maybe it didn't happen in your area but i bear i bet some other forms of
uh the the vote harvesting and ballot harvesting
and some of this fraud did happen in your areas but it's not going to be every
single county there's 3100 counties in america
but this needs to be addressed and sheriffs you have a moral
and lawful obligation to verify whether or not
the information put out in this movie is false or if it's true and then you
have an obligation to put this before a competent prosecutor
or before a grand jury and let's put this
issue to rest and let's investigate one of the biggest crimes the way it
looks the allegation is this would be one of the
biggest crimes and frauds ever perpetrated in the history of america
and the victim is the american people
amen i just got chills when you were talking because i love that you are
putting these sheriffs on high alert to say look at this you
cannot ignore it you can't divert your attention away
you can't just simply say it doesn't exist it's on film
and where the mules weren't doing it the software took care of business
so we have to have an investigation by every sheriff in this country like you
said to rule it out or prove it but they
should be doing something and so far they haven't been doing much
correct no and and and i haven't either
until now because there's real evidence and i've said it before you know if
if any of you have evidence of voter fraud take it to your sheriff
and ask him to do an investigation so a few sheriffs across the country have
sheriffs mailing in wisconsin did an investigation on voter fraud
from nursing homes because they were uh ballot harvesting with people who were
not capable of voting and they got voted for
and he saw the fraud he gave the information of the evidence over to the
attorney general in wisconsin and that
idiot uh and and i would say the most incompetent
ag in the country told the sheriff that's a pretty nice publicity stunt
and he and he would not look at it and he would not
take it before a grand jury and he failed to do his job
winningly uh but i believe there's enough sheriffs in this country
that have access to good prosecutors to legitimate ag's
who will see this evidence and follow up with it
and let's okay let's let the consequences follow where they may
and let's do our jobs as lawmen in this country
and let's bring this thing to a close whether it's yes or no
or thumbs up or thumbs down on the evidence let's
put it to rest but to ignore this is malfeasance of office
and it's almost treason you cannot ignore this evidence
and if you refute it great but but let's get busy and let's come up with this
and folks we could use all the financial backing
and we every this is what i want to make sure everybody understands
every citizen can become a member of the cspoa
be a part of our posse join the posse join the citizen posse today
go to cspoa.org and become a member and help us get this out there
and get these investigations done amen sheriff mac and put pressure on all of
these sheriffs and it's going to take the people in mass to do this thank you
so much for joining me yeah sheriff mac thank you the cspoa.org
please join up please help in this effort in this countrywide effort to expose
what a major fraud just happened and basically a coup on our country
on based on the evidence i'll be right back i'm k deli your guest host and
we'll be talking a little bit more about election fraud be right back
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
welcome back to the alex jones show i'm pate dally your guest host for this
hour so glad you're joining me a big thank you to sheriff mag isn't
he terrific um and calling on all sheriffs and i love the conviction
that he possesses in doing so i have interviewed sheriff dar leaf and so
many sheriffs across the country he was the one that commandeered the ballot
machines in michigan and i'm telling you we have some
wonderful sheriffs out there but they really need to spread the word in
looking into this fraud because we really need them to stand up and do their
job um joining me right now are two gals from the
state of utah who have been going after the file requests for the information
on election fraud like no other and later in this broadcast i'll get into the
timeline of the events in the news as far as the
texas event but for right now i'd really like to invite
sophie and jen on the these gals are called two red pills for a reason
and they've been doing some wonderful work in the state of utah to get through
to the election fraud there's such a massive amount of it
it's been difficult to get these um to get these fire requests
and so when we talk about citizens jumping into this and doing something
about it my hat my biggest hat tip to these two ladies
for these two moms if you will for doing something
about it and i mean spending a lot of time doing this welcome to the program
sophie and jen how are you
we're great thanks for having us kate absolutely tell us a little bit about
how you guys got rolling on this because i want every
average person in america to understand that they can
absolutely do something you have made quite the waves in the state of utah
and across the country in teaching other people how to do this
how did it start
well it started kind of with the mask mandate we were not willing to let our
children be the subjects of tyrannical rule
and a violation of their rights so we were able to overturn the salt lake county
mandate for for utah and that was huge because it actually
made our governor be threatened with lawsuits and losing money
millions and millions of dollars because he had pre signed an agreement
through 2023 with our state board of education
that he would keep our kids in masks as we did this we started uncovering a lot
of information on education and at the same time we started uncovering a lot
of information about elections and we
we were like this is the problem we're not seeing a lot of results here we see
a lot of people concerned but we're going to take this into our own hands
just to make sure it's getting exposed and preserved
for the election down amazing and then what happened you started
putting in requests and they started blocking these requests even to the
tune of charging you a hundred thousand dollars for a request that was very
simple and that was the information passed amongst
themselves and the records that are public there are records and you guys
went after this and then what happened
yeah well it was interesting because she charged me almost a hundred thousand
dollars from our county clerk asking for just a couple thousand emails about the
machines themselves we have since learned through
other public records that Sophie got and they're amazing
that these machines that they're trying to cover up were actually not certified
by the EAC so we can understand their motive
on why they're trying to hide this but yeah I mean they tried to charge a
hundred thousand dollars it was illegal rates I
proved it was illegal rates they had them drop the rates and ended up
getting a hearing at the state records office that gave me the
information for free because of the broadcast we do their
reaction to that was to turn around and sue me the county sued me along with
the state records committee to prevent us from getting that information out
absolutely and then what happened was you got a software engineer involved
he started looking at the public records that were already made public
and noticed 250 thousand ballots here were you know over here in this section
were switched from in person to absentee and then all the sudden when people go
straight party ticket things weren't lining up they were voting for the
governor but not for Trump and then all of the sudden which is kind of rare
and then all the sudden within 24 hours after the election the
machines were sent down to of all places Maricopa County
which had obviously and allegedly some some major fraud going on
and so the machines were sent down there when we were supposed to keep them in
possession for months and as I'm saying this I'm
wondering how many states have also had this happen
you guys were looking into it for particular state how many states have
the same issue going on
oh Kate as we're looking at our public records it is astonishing to see how
this was a nationwide hit job on our elections
we've got some public records for Georgia that shows
that numerous times during the the week of the November 3rd 2020 elections
that different people or users tried to log
into the election systems for different counties in Georgia
and they were not allowed in but there was alerts given out to the county
clerks that these people that were not verified
and were not supposed to be logging into their election systems
were doing this and we have many many accounts of this happening
all through starting November 3rd and going in a couple of days
so that's that's pretty frightening to think
people are logging in and we have evidence
of it and even here in Utah in just in Salt Lake County we've been told
that well over 200 out of the 277 passwords in our machines
are compromised that's a that's a huge percentage it's unacceptable
absolutely I mean it's it's overwhelming how much
evidence there actually is and you really can't ignore it like Sheriff
Mack said if if sheriffs can ignore this something is wrong with the sheriffs
in America and they're putting their heads in the sand and they are not
standing by the oath they took in fact I noticed huge amounts of just as
soon as you guys started poking around a huge amount of op-eds written by the
governor himself saying oh the elections are perfect don't look here
and even going as far as to say you're un-American
if you you try to examine any of this information
I could not believe I'm sorry but that is so
egregious I could not believe they were actually saying this
to the to the state to the to the people in the state
how many other states if they went people went poking around
would other governors say the same thing don't you dare look here that's
un-American if you try to look for fraud which is readily available right
right and Kate what's interesting is when Sophie and I started doing our
request in December to to get the election data
we wanted to tie it up in court so that they couldn't destroy it at the 22
month window we knew they wouldn't give it to us even
though they should and had in the past but we were met
immediately within an hour after one of my request I had the lieutenant governor
giving my private information to a reporter to do a hit piece on me
I had men in suits in my door stepped the next day I had vehicles watching my
home since then we've been followed and
tracked and surveilled and I mean I got a tracker on my car my computer has been
hacked and these people are for real we have a governor here
governor Cox who threatened the legislators that if
behind closed doors that if they even said the word election integrity or
looked into it at all he would rule
careers he's also made public statements against us as citizens
saying that the election you see terrorists are playing a very dangerous
game and that's a quote so we have a governor making these threats to us
directly we have evidence that Sophie and I both have evidence that they are
acting upon those threats we have the lieutenant governor who is admitted
to the newspapers that she sends the FBI after people who are canvassing
and we have our director a former director of elections
who has also sent people to the Department of Homeland Security and FBI
and public safety I mean we have a very real thing going on here to hide this
information we're going to come right back with two
red pills from Utah they are actually getting the other states involved other
states involved to go over this information to check out their own
election fraud in these different states I'll be right back
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it's alex jones
welcome back to the alex jones show i'm kate dally your guest host from the
kate dally show at kate dally radio.com my two guests are two red
bills uh that's what they call themselves from
utah and let me just tell you they are helping other states across the nation
this is why i wanted to invite them on the show they're doing a heck of a job
they're two moms this means two moms can do this
two citizens can do this and they can when they when you get involved it's
interesting how you want to keep going because in this case there was so much
fraud there was so much fraud and so many strange
things that they were finding out and i also wanted to direct everybody's
attention to truethevote.org i just interviewed katherine and
she is just phenomenal she's done a great job in talking about cell phone
surveillance and being able to well it's in the movie 2000 mules
everybody needs to see this movie so they can see the election fraud for
themselves and we're not even talking the major
software portion um and the major software portion is one of the biggest
portions of this too we have huge huge problems in dominion
allegedly so um so go to truethevote.org
truethevote.org and um and be a part of
requesting that your sheriff look into this ladies um other things that you
found that were really really alarming
yeah i'm glad you brought up 2000 mules because uh
sophie and i with representative phil liman rented out the theater for the
world premiere of that and we absolutely love that
that movie and and the data that they were coming up with
one of the things that we thought was very interesting
is that the nonprofits that they're talking about in that movie
are paid directly or can be paid directly by the zuckerbucks
that's the 420 million dollars that it's being funneled
through two organizations called ctcl the center for technology and civic
life and ceir which is the david beckham group ctcl
david becker i'm sorry ctcl is tiana
epps johnson and so i find it very interesting that
millions hundreds of millions of dollars is being funneled
into these states and we have the documents and the records that ask
these states and these counties hey for all of this money which by the way
they never ever um gave anybody less than what they
asked for with all this money that's coming through
do you want it sent to your county do you want it sent to your state
or you can pick a non-profit organization and we'll send them the check
directly and i was like wow i think that ties in so
well with the 2000 mules and sophie has found some incredible
information about what they're doing with this money
yeah it is astonishing to see these documents these
invoices these these grant applications when you start
reading these these public records you realize that these third party
organizations that are usually leftist organizations
they were purchasing election equipment including
scanners tabulators you name it they were purchasing it for different counties
there's even a county in pennsylvania where
the ctcl organization purchased 250 000 ballots for a county in
pennsylvania and so you realize that we are actually
who's running our elections these third party organizations are running our
elections and what's maddening is they use the
scandemic as the as the excuse to do all of these
things in in several of the invoices there's
there's money being put out by these third party organizations for different
counties to recruit people and it's very
interesting that they say we need we need all of our
marketing information and pamphlets we need them in spanish
we need them in spanish we need to really go after the spanish speaking
community and so Jen and i have just been
astonished by the things that are in these public records
proving you know everyone everyone in our circle of influence believes there
was fraud right i mean it's kind of we're at the
point where it's undeniable but to be able to actually see these people
that defrauded our elections talking to each other
and say hey i'm going to purchase this uh ds200
scanner tabulator for this county in pennsylvania which has a modem
which has the yeah the that that ds scanner has the modem on it in it of
course and was the one that was uncertified by the
eac that they had to go actually recant the false
advertising to all these counties across the nation
yes and
to just reach out to the most leftist organizations to recruit poll workers
you know the the ctcl is like hey we got to put out the word to
every single leftist other organization to come run our elections for us
and um we have just been shocked by the collusion the corruption the crimes
and the cover-up is even more disturbing than the
than the collusion the corruption the crimes because they they
they have proven to us that they have things to hide
and some of the wording that we've found in these documents is really
particularly alarming but it it makes sense with what we know
this big plan is these grant awards are
repeatedly are using the phrase how do we frame this
around covet in other words this money this millions of dollars that we're
getting how do we frame this and so when so if he just mentioned the the
collusion and the corruption and the crimes and the cover-up
that is just as big of a story as what actually happened is
how it happened behind the scenes and who these players are
and the fact that they intentionally and knowingly used covet and admit it in
writing that this was um that the election hijacking
was um hidden by the the covet agenda exactly and and Kate when you look at
when you watch 2000 mules and you realize most of this was perpetrated by
or advanced or able to happen because of the ballot boxes
these third-party organizations such as ctcl they were so
adamant to install as many ballot boxes and they purchased the ballot boxes
for many of the counties that were given these grants
um they were they were so adamant that these ballot boxes were put in
every single place they could be put in and it was very interesting that they
were very interested in putting these ballot boxes
in um they would they would call them um less uh less privileged areas
and so we see this this continual drive and motivation
to use you know it's very sad to use people
that are either ignorant or uneducated as to what's going on for their master
plan of stealing the election and and we're being able to see this in these
public records and what's amazing is
Utah isn't even a swing state so can you imagine
the amount of fraud in what would be considered one of the key
states because Utah wasn't one of them but yet look at all this fraud
that's what so amazes me is the level to which the government will go to
to hide emails here in the state of Utah very very
key uh finding um as far as how much fraud
probably exists in the key states which really need to be looked at you
mentioned Georgia there are so many states right now
that obviously need to be looked into why aren't people looking into it seems
like both parties are kind of keeping it down
they don't want anyone to look here you know what i mean not they want to
they want to divert attention away for sure maybe they don't want their own
races looked at exactly well Kate honestly um in
Pennsylvania our documents in our opinion Pennsylvania was the
hardest hit by these third party leftist organizations
what they did to Pennsylvania is unconscionable
yeah and if Doug Mastriano wants to
well and it's interesting that we were talking about even a state like Utah
well you know what Utah two counties in Utah took the zucker bucks
cash county and Utah county and so all of these states that are like hey we're
not swing states we don't have to worry about this no you actually
you do all of these counties across you know
Texas I mean everywhere these conservative states are taking the money
and they're the documents show that they have to spend it as
as they are told to spend it or else they have to pay it back
so these people are on are a part of this crime but they don't even know
they're a part of it and it's really heartbreaking for these county clerks
who think they're doing the right thing and have just been sold to Sakalize
with this right greatest crime of our lifetime in my opinion
thank you ladies thank you so much for all the work you're doing tell people
how to get a hold of you real quick
we're at two red pills channel on telegram
also on rumble and tworedpills.org website
um T-W-O-R-E-D-P-I-L-L-S thank you MK Daly I'll be right back
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
i'm back here with you on the alex jones show get those supplements
we're we're going to be looking at so many shortages now is the time
to get those supplements and get a lot of them under your roof
alex is right about that these supplements are so important to your
health no matter what they drop on us you know um i want to talk for just a
moment and by the way thank you to two red pills on telegram
really appreciate all the work they're doing in their own state which means
that you can do this work too you can be private citizens
going after this information the fire requests from your
offices of your lieutenant governors this is such an important step this and
of course with sheriff mac leaning on the sheriffs
the sheriffs have to do this and so do the county commissioners in your areas
we have 3100 counties in america if the county commissioners
voted in all of these counties to switch to handwritten ballots
a hand-done ballots um we might have a chance
we might have a chance in this country but it seems as though both parties one
party is extremely silent and the other party
is actively destroying the country um with their fraud
the other party that's supposed to be defending all of us not a word
just crickets yep crickets all we hear so
something has to be done you know i'm sure they're counting their money and
they're really excited about making a ton of money from pharma and everything
else and throughout the last couple of years it's been
probably pretty amazing for all of these congress people
and senators but they really do need to maybe i don't know say a peep
about election fraud that would be refreshing wouldn't it so
i'm having a little trouble with the timeline and i wondered if you all could
help me a little bit with this and of course you can email me kate at katedallyradio.com
i was trying to construct a timeline and i found it rather difficult and let me
tell you why of the shooting because i know that everybody in america is
obviously you know they're saddened and it's horrific and we're looking at the
news and the whole nation all the mass media seems to be
turned toward this event i understand that so let's construct a little timeline
can we do that because i'm having a little trouble doing it let me share with you
why so at 1117 the school district of uvalda
sent out a message that said this was at 1117 this was before the authority said
the event took place and it said there's an active
shooter at rob elementary law enforcement is on site
your cooperation is needed at this time by not visiting the campus
as soon as more information is gathered it will be shared
and it said the rest of the district is under secure status this was at 1117
am the problem is is that all the reports say
the authorities say that this didn't happen until 1132
so you have 1117 with a tweet saying that this
shooter is out in the school shooting the school
up and by the time they would have even written that
the event would have occurred so that means before 1117 they weren't going to
do it the second it happened right doesn't make sense
but the district put out a tweet at 1117
then the authorities came out and said everything happened at 1132
the only problem is is that at 1143 on facebook
and they even time stamped it 1143 they even wrote 1143
the rob elementary came out and said oh
that we're in a lockdown because there's some gun there were some
possible gunfire or shots outside of the school
in the area this was at 1143 when the event was supposed to be taking place
and they said you know everything's fine we're all safe and secure in here we're
all locked down in here no big deal no problem
just so you guys know we're in a safe secure place
and it's okay but supposedly at that point the gunman was shooting his way
down the corridor so how could they have sent out this message at 1143
then at noon 20 minutes after that and by the way the authority said this
the shooting back and forth with the border patrol agents
not really the cops which again is very strange why were border patrol there
the border patrol agents were shooting back and forth with this guy
for an hour and a half so in the middle of the shooting at
around noon right the shooting had just started they said
all of a sudden all 600 children were sent to the civic center
but i didn't see any aerial shots or any photography of
any students really leaving the building in masses
there were no buses to pick the kids up there was no how do you leave in the
middle of gunfire not quite sure so i'd really appreciate all of your
help in trying to figure out what what how this went down
we all want to grieve for these families and we all want to understand
what happened of course and the correct timeline
it just seems really difficult to get that timeline
so at 144 um they were obviously telling the parents you know it's
about time you can come pick up your kids from the civic center
there was a big whiteboard out in front of the civic center with all the names
of the teachers and water bottles ready to hand out
they sure got those in place quickly so i was really glad that
everyone attending had water um but i was also really perplexed at how
quickly they dispersed the children i know when we had a thread of a shooting
in my own community they kept the kids till six o'clock at night
inside another building far away even though they had the suspect so that was
kind of strange so they were dispersing children
after two o'clock and they were telling parents they could come to the
civic center well this also happened around noon
when they let the parents know via tweet that they were
shipping all the kids to the civic center that they were there and that they
would be able to be picked up there right in the middle of that whole hour
and a half shooting it's very very strange
then of course the authority said that they had already picked up
the and he was in custody the kid was in custody the 18 year old
well the problem was was they also said that he died at the school in a
shootout which was it was he in custody or was he
i'm just trying to understand or was he um was he dead on the scene
none of that ever really made sense also at 3 30 they let everybody know at the
memorial hospital that most all the kids were fine they were alive
in fact two had died but they were alive but then by half an hour later
all of them had died that were in the hospital and i just found that to be
really really strange i've just never seen so many
so many people die in such a short time frame before
so i would love to get more specifics specifics on that if you will
um the texas department of public safety confirmed
that a school police officer exchanged gunfire with a suspected shooter this
came out today um who unleashed fatal gunfire at rob elementary
but and they said that somebody was injured in that
and that he had barricaded himself in and dropped a bag of ammunition at the
entrance of the school the only other problem is they
still can't tell us whether it was a rifle or a handgun
sometimes when all the details are a little sketchy it's always kind of
strange for me to try to put together a timeline
so that i can talk about it on the radio well um
this kid pictures came out where this kid was
more or less in trans clothing and i don't see the media talking about him
dressed as a girl but he also bought the gun right
after his 18th birthday just coincidentally
um and they also had a mug shot of him ready to go
although he never had a prior record he probably would have been denied
the gun maybe had he had a prior record but they had a gun
they had a mug shot ready to go the assailant was also dead
and so we'll never be able to talk to him about the motive but they did say
that he clearly left some messages on social media
it seems that that happens a lot the assailant is usually between the ages
of 18 and 29 they're a loner and they put
messages on social media right before they're going to go do something
they hit facebook right before they embark on doing something
also they had some testimonials of people
who actually heard what the grandmother said as the boy shot his grandmother
and then went to the school and they actually had details i'm not quite sure
how they had so many details it was really strange
so 1117 the school says an active shooter is already on going
the authorities say it didn't happen till 1132
and then at 1143 the elementary school says oh
there might be some gunfire outside but of course everybody's safe in here and
no problem right smack in the middle of the shooting
i did find that kind of strange and i wish i had some answers
for very very sketchy information and sketchy information
offered up by the school district and the schools
hmm i know that they were having problems funding the hospital and i know
they were having some problems with um covet dollars
uh coming into the school as well prior to this as of january
they were getting paid a lot of money from covet dollars
so i just wanted to bring these things up i'm still looking for any footage of
children running from the school like we saw in columbine
haven't found any yet i haven't found i'd like to see the footage where the
kids were boarding the buses so that we can get a correct timeline
that would be better in in order to put this timeline together
but i so appreciate you listening to some of the details i found pretty
perplexing and we'll look into more of course
as none of this has really made sense especially the school involvement in
giving us details so that's been really strange
anyway i'm k dally your guest host for the ox jones show the k dally show you
can go to kdallyradio.com and i do hope that we can find some answers
um because it doesn't seem to be shaking out
i mean that the details are sketchy so we hope for more details
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones