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Filename: 20220518_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 18, 2022
2593 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses supporting InfoWars, the failure of authoritarian regimes, the New World Order, and the need for unity against it. He promotes Infowars products such as supplements and t-shirts to help fight against evil forces trying to control the world. The speaker criticizes the Democratic Party, discusses Silent Green made from aborted babies' remains being used for fuel in hospitals, and urges people to seek out authoritative sources rather than relying on negative phrases like 'do your own research'. He expresses gratitude for crypto donations, shares his experience with TurboForce energy supplements and Dr. Jones' Soros joint support supplement during a marathon, and emphasizes the importance of relying on God instead of politicians for salvation. The conversation also covers Alex Stein's satirical left-wing news segment on his YouTube channel, Republican strategist Kevin Walker's views on crime, bail reform, and George Soros, and the need to put faith in Jesus Christ rather than relying on politicians."

Next week in Geneva, Switzerland, members of the World Health Organization, which was
founded on the principles of establishing a one-world government, will be voting to give
themselves worldwide authority when it comes to official international health emergencies.
The same World Health Organization who praised communist China's extreme authoritarian lockdown
against the Chinese people, who suggested forcibly separating families to quarantine
In most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that's actually happening
in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level.
In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family
Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove
them and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
And who was caught faking the H1N1 pandemic in 2010.
The same World Health Organization run by Tadros Adonam Gibrasis, who's been working
with the Clinton Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation since 2007, who
said that the lockdowns will never end.
I repeat, there will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future.
And that the war in Ukraine was getting massive attention as a result of bias against black
The US government is in full support of this new UN treaty with the WHO and has submitted
13 amendments, which will be voted on next week, that will give the WHO international
authority on lockdowns, forced quarantines, and forced vaccinations.
According to constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes, none of this is legally binding until
a treaty is approved by the US Senate.
But the law hasn't been stopping these criminals from committing crimes against humanity so
And if they plan on staying in power, they are going to have to bring back the lockdowns
and the ballot harvesting mules.
So we know it's coming, and it will soon be climate lockdowns to go with their climate
People are waking up, but the UN's agenda is aggressively pressing forward.
The United Nations is meeting this week with members of the Mayor's Migration Council,
which is comprised of nine mayors from nine different cities throughout the world, including
Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, California.
The Mayor's Migration Council is funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundations, sponsored
by the Rockefeller Foundation, and partnered with the United Nations.
And their stated goal is pretty clear.
They want to grant mayors the ability to bypass state and federal government when it comes
to what they call climate migration, and go straight to international organizations for
They are inviting all interested mayors, or senior city staff members, to contact them
at contactatmayorsmigrationcouncil.org.
To learn how to engage with the international system, and learn how to get funding and boots
on the ground support.
This all sounds completely illegal, but who's going to stop them?
There is no longer any justice in America, so expect more lockdowns as the food supply
diminishes, and the population around you surges with hungry foreign migrants.
Coming for InfoWars, this is Greg Rees.
This is the heart of 1776.
It's 12 o'clock Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are a lot of natural compounds out there.
We went out and looked at the top brands, the top reviews, and came out with alpha power.
It's so hard to source good, clean herbs, like we have in this, that it's been sold
out for more than six months, but now alpha power is back in stock at infowars.com at
40% off.
Go to infowars.com and read about these compounds and ingredients for yourself, and then try
it for yourself.
Now, the formula is made for men, but it does amazing things for women as well.
Find out what just one of the ingredients does, LJ100, and then go on from there.
Alpha power, exclusively available right now, 40% off at infowars.com, and it funds the
info war.
You are really missing out if you don't experience what alpha power does.
It has improved my life and so many others, just incredible levels.
I know Joe, he is a profoundly decent man guided by faith.
I know a lot of weed smokers, and corn pop was a bad dude, and he ran a bunch of bad
So if you have a problem figuring out whether you're from Meerk, Trump, and you ain't black,
and he listens, he will tell the truth, that damn lie man, that's not true, and no one
has ever said that, no one has ever said that, did you see it on the TV?
Civilization will be over when this is done.
I just want Trump out, you know what I'm saying?
I just feel like his mouth gets us in trouble so much.
Poor kids are just as bright and just as tall as white kids.
Why can't we just work with each other, and take it off?
These white supremacists, Nazi sympathizers, carrying Nazi flags, how dare you?
You're a lying dog-faced pony soldier.
I'm sorry, I'm gonna, just the last question I'll take, and I'm really gonna be in trouble.
Did I stab my ass- Oh my god.
We're under military attack, we're under military attack, now Joe is not perfect, and he'd be
the first to tell you that.
We already have a n*** mayor, we don't need any more n*** big shots.
You are, you're a really dull class.
I don't feel no ways tired.
I want to walk away from this place so bad.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, and I'm happy to take questions if that's what I'm supposed
to do, Nancy, whatever you want me to do.
Oh, uh-oh, I'm in trouble.
We are in an information war, and we are losing that war.
Thanks to you kids, we now know the virus is a hoax.
They included flu, pneumonia, and other infections to boost the numbers.
Let's find out who is really behind it all.
Like, President Trump is definitely behind one of these phantoms.
Oh, she's she pink?
Dr. Fauci?
Like, I thought doctors were supposed to help people, not scare them.
Microsoft's Bill Gates?
Not only a computer guy, he's a notorious vaccine pusher who wants to reduce the world's
I get it, so Bill Gates wanted to vaccinate everyone after Fauci convinced them there was
a deadly disease outbreak.
That's diabolical.
Yeah, that sounds pretty bad.
Don't worry, kids, these globalists won't get away with their pandemic hoax this time,
where they're going.
They'll be locked up for a long good while in the big house.
Got her in a rock round at home.
We are drugged out.
We are following other people's opinions.
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein says the depth of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, you, you, you, you, how are we going to get
a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources for a peaceful world.
You know, sometimes you need some crazy motherf**kers to change something.
Steve Jobs is crazy.
Now we all know Steve Jobs phones.
They say drugs crazy.
They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love.
It's a bigger plan.
And I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
This is Alex Jones.
Hello, this is Hank Hill.
And I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
And for worse.com.
If you don't watch it, you're going to end up like Jason Adderley's boy.
Feel me out this hand, Jason.
I'm about to bust.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought this was the bathro- Oh, good lord!
Manipulate scientific data.
World governance.
Shutdown infrastructure.
Shimmering the China.
Just look at this person.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I don't choke.
In fact, the bigger the challenge, the more powerful I am.
That's how God made me.
That's how God made you if you step into your power.
It's Wednesday, May 18, 2022.
A lot of cool special reports and things I wanted to get on air, so I made sure we played
them right up front.
I'll hit all the news, obviously, but I just want to get this out there right now.
Tyranny always fails.
So authoritarians in the last 150 years or so, 170 years or so, since the 1850s, British
Empire was the main scientific group, studied how tyranny could finally win, and it's taken
them 170 years to get us where we're at, and I'll give them this, I mean, in the 1855,
they envisioned biometrics, cashless societies, DNA, atomic weapons, and they theoretically
then went to their scientists and said, we have channeled this information from off-world
beings, interdimensionally, this is on record, Darwin was channeled the information, Francis
Galton was channeled the information, look it up, it's in the mainline history books.
They were serious occultists, you hear about Alistair Crowley, oh, he's the golden dawn
and the lima, oh, it's the cutting edge of the occult, that's pop psychology, folks.
The Wedgewoods, the Galtons, the Huxleys, they began a public breeding program in the 1850s
to produce the Uber mention, and most of the children ended up being seriously mentally
ill and deformed, and or deformed, but it did produce a crop of young men, mainly, a
few women, that envisioned the whole future world they're building, that's why they follow
it like a religion, because it's a transmission they received interdimensionally, and that's
what they believe, that's why Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. and John Kerry and all these other
people and three other presidents go to skull and bones and they have ritualistic homosexual
sex in vats of feces and laying coffins and are reborn and channel demonic entities to
come into their bodies, while having sex with Geronimo's skull, yeah, they have sex with
the hole in the bottom of the skull where spinal cord comes into the brainstem, so you
want to know what's going on, that's what's going on, folks, these people have sex with
skulls in vats of feces, think they're playing around a little bit here, might be some bad
folks, they mean business, they got to deal with off world entities to kill all of us
and to do it slowly, like America and the world is a hors d'oeuvre, a deviled egg you
have with some olives before the main course, our children's blood is like a goblet of wine
they just enjoy, why are you signing on to this, folks, you don't want to sign on to
this, God's going to win and God's going to wipe these people out and I am nothing but
a torpedo to sink their ship and let me give you a little news flash, we already blew these
sons of bitches sky high, they already lost.
12 is incredible, you take it out of the tongue, it's a game changer, infowarstore.com has
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you all for your support, now take action and get your bottle of ultra 12.
And we've been getting a lot of crypto donations which is keeping us on here, want to salute
all those, you know who you are at the beginning of the donations, please go to infowars.com
forward slash crypto, infowars.com forward slash crypto, infowars.com forward slash
crypto, whether it's a dollar in ethereum or bitcoin, whether it's a thousand dollars
or a million dollars, we will use it to fight the new world order, ethereum, bitcoin, xrp,
litecoin, there's dozens of them there, infowars.com and by the way, we've got our own NFTs
at Arnaud scam, they're totally badass in total victory coming out next week, I'll
tell you about that later, but right now infowars.com forward slash crypto, the real
revolution is happening now, infowars.com forward slash crypto and all of the donated,
we salute you and thank you.
I designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have some of those original designs
still for sale at infowars.com, these are real classics, but ladies and gentlemen, they're
all about to be limited edition because we're selling out of them, they're about to be history
and we're selling out of the hoodies, the ball caps, the t-shirts, all these amazing
designs at cost infowars.com, except for this fundraiser shirt that is a real hit and people
love it, it's 2495, Alex Jones is right on the front, the red thunderbolt and then again
on the back a big bold infowars.com, exercise your first amendment, don't let the leftist
and the globalist bully silence you and fund the info war at the same time, there is not
a more politically incorrect shirt that sends a stronger message of freedom, resistance to
the new world order than the Alex Jones was right shirt, exclusively available at infowars.com
and again, this shirt is limited edition as well, we're doing one more run and then no
more, infowars.com, get yours today.
We here at info wars are proud to announce the first ever Kava Kava root supplement that
is now available at infowars.com, Kava is one of the hottest new breakthroughs in the
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According to ancient Samoan legend, Kava was given as a gift by the sun god Tagaloa, who
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The Samoan people would drink Kava tea during social gatherings and sacred ceremonies to
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The new Kava Chill by Dr. Jones Naturals contains a full blend of not only Kava Kava, but other
herbs including, but not limited to, German Kama Mill, Organic Skull Cap and Balerian
We do expect to sell this new product quickly, so be sure to secure yours by visiting infowars.com.
Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
They claim they are enlightened because they are in darkness.
They claim they have the keys of destiny because they have the keys to failure.
They claim they are rulers of the earth, executing God's will because they are countervailing
God's will and they are rowing against the tide.
They are running against the wind.
They are failures.
Our God gives us power.
Our God gives us life.
Our God gives us vision.
Our God gives us will.
Our God gives us victory.
We are the winners.
We are the kings of the earth.
We will inherit the universe and beyond.
We are God's will.
We are God's children.
We are the future.
I am so blessed and honored to be in this position of persecution and attack.
And before I hit the news, I will tell listeners one thing.
I cannot be a prideful person and neither can you.
I have the weapon system of truth.
You have the weapon system of truth.
We have the victory in our hands, but you must realize that in this world to prosecute
a war, we need prayer, word of mouth, and money.
Money is a symbol that the enemy is used against us and is bringing us down with.
You must use that money to attack.
If I had ten times the money we have, I could project what we are doing a thousand times.
And I understand why God has brought me to this point to make me only trust in God, to
let me know how serious it is for all the innocent people that don't have the position
we have together to stand up against evil.
We are being put into the fire to test our metal.
But I tell you, it is a metaphysical action when you tell people about the broadcast.
It is a metaphysical action when you say Alex Jones was right.
It is a powerful, spiritual, energetic, multi-dimensional action when you buy products at infowarstore.com.
I don't need to be distracted by spending half my time now funding this operation when
I used to spend five percent of my time and if I had been a good steward back when we
could have done this in a better economy, we would have massive amounts of funding.
But that is all water under the bridge, spilt milk, spilt milk as they say.
But I need to not be distracted with having to do employee reviews and having to penny
pinch and run around keeping the ship afloat.
I need to be in battle, I need to be at war, I need to be back a hundred percent.
And you have done it.
Many of you out there have sacrificed and supported this broadcast beyond your means
and I ask you to stand down.
But I ask those who are of means and I ask those who saddle the sidelines while they
watch their freedom and their currency and their investments being devalued to realize
that if you don't engage in the fight now and if you don't go to infowarstore.com forward
slash crypto and donate 20 different ways or more, if you don't go and get high quality
vitamins and minerals and things that help you, which keeps us on air, then you have
advocated and signed over your rights because God gave you champions that will fight.
God gave you people that will not back down, who will never give in, who do not have it
in their DNA to submit to Satan.
But if we do not have your backing, we cannot take this on and we will be subjugated and
you will be destroyed.
Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, I have the stacks of news here, the head of the Bank
of England, I have the quote here says it is Armageddon level collapse.
That's what the former head of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, said two days ago.
I have it right here in the stack.
Do you know what it means when they start talking like that?
They're getting you ready.
And I've given the analogy before, it happened to me once, you see the red flags out at the
beach, you think I'm a good swimmer?
Hell, I got blue ribbons in Dallas when I was 13 years old, best in freestyle at the
main meet.
I'm a big star.
I can swim when I'm in Cancun when I'm 18 years old with my girlfriend, first time I
got out of the country since I was a man, I swam 20 feet out in that ocean and it grabbed
my ass and jerked me under that water.
It didn't matter how strong I was, it didn't matter who I was, it didn't matter I was.
Plunged down six, seven feet and on the bottom of that ocean and cut my back on that coral
and got shot out 30, 40 yards out there.
But as soon as I got sucked under, I remembered, turn loose, you're going to get popped back
out, don't gulp seawater into your lungs, just turn it loose.
And I just got in the ball, turned it loose and got shot out 30, 40 yards down, got to
the beach, had cuts on my back, but I felt so good in that sun and that wind, I had just
survived that.
And make no mistake, America and the whole world has been sucked under.
We're going to get spit back out and that process of us coming out of the tyranny has
already happened.
The pendulum is swinging mightily.
And the great danger is that we engage them while they are floundering and they are drowning
in their Satanism, the water analogy continues.
If you've ever seen a drowning person, I never say we're drowning person, but I saw a life
guard, I was probably like 12 years old and this like 8, 9 year old kid was out there in
the deep end and they went under, they gulped some water and they panicked and the life guard
jumped in, it was a young woman and she jumped in to save him and she went and tried to get
him and turn him around and that drowning person climbed up on top of her and shoved
her under the water to try to survive.
Let me just push this person under and she wheeled around and grabbed him by his hair
and drug him into the ladder and he kept clawing at her and she, boom, punched his head right
in that wall and he woke up and climbed out and then hugged her and thanked her.
But that's how the average person is on this planet.
They're drowning, they're lost, they don't know and we're trying to help them and they're
trying to climb up on top of us.
Jinsaki, Barack Obama, all of them are drowning, they sold out to Satan, they're not happy,
it's not fulfilling them and they just believe that they can dominate us and push us under
like we're an island, they can have victory and we've got to not be part of that.
We're going to have to let them drown, folks, we cannot engage them, stay with us.
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I designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have some of those original designs
still for sale at infowarstore.com, these are real classics, but ladies and gentlemen
they're all about to be limited edition because we're selling out of them, they're about to
be history and we're selling out of the hoodies, the ball caps, the t-shirts, all these amazing
designs at cost infowarstore.com except for this fundraiser shirt that is a real hit and
people love it, it's $24.95, Alex Jones is right on the front, the Red Thunderbolt and
again on the back, a big bolt infowarstore.com, exercise your first amendment, don't let the
leftist and the globalist bully silence you and fund the infowar at the same time.
There is not a more politically incorrect shirt that sends a stronger message of freedom
resistance to the new world order than the Alex Jones was right shirt exclusively available
at infowarstore.com and again this shirt is limited edition as well, we're doing one
more run and then no more infowarstore.com, get yours today.
Including a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
Infowars, the most banned network in the world, there is another very important place of warfare,
it has as its target, not the body, but the mind of the enemy, the target of the psychological
warfare is against the enemy's mind, it is words and ideas, ammunition used by cywar.
Its mission is to influence the thoughts of the enemy social and at the same time is expected
and encouraged to study foreign languages and the social sciences such as history, economics
and sociology, you must have a broad and sympathetic understanding of all phases of human experience.
Gripping at my skin, the walls of night close in, while the use of this force as an integral
part of combat has now taken on new form.
Here we are my friends, do you want me to cover the news, the mass starvation, the riots
all over the planet from Asia to Africa to Latin America? Do you even need me to tell
you what the enemy is doing to our people and our children and our vision and our future?
I don't think you need me to tell you anymore that it becomes just a sick carnival or become
voyeurs in our own cannibalization of our humanity. The people that serve this evil
pretend that they're on the winning team and they're not on any team at all. They've given
over their will to something that wants to hurt them, tear them apart because it's jealous
of you. Instead of witnessing your beauty and taking on the great convention, you sign
yourself over to the devil. Such a sad thing. There's so much here to talk about. You see
the desperate megacorporations that don't pay any taxes and that exploit third world
populations and enslaved and prison populations across the world around the planet covering
the surface of the globe in this great experiment that we're all living through. And you realize
that you can pretend that it's not going to affect you what it is and it already is. And
instead of working together, this system has sought to divide humanity, to control us while
at the same time telling us they're trying to unify us when the only thing that will
fulfill you is Christ. I've never taken Iowaska, never taken DMT because I don't need to. But
I can't tell you how many atheists and how many occultists and how many Satanists I know
who woke up and found Christ when they took DMT or Iowaska and they could be Russian, they
could be Indian, they could be Mexican, they could be American. Christ is real. Christ
was sent here as a genetic manifestation on our planet of a new covenant. The first covenant
of Abraham was to end human sacrifice so that the Israelites who would come would stop killing
their children when everybody else was doing it. A major revolution, the angel staying
the hand of Abraham as he prepared to plunge the knife into his firstborn son, his only
son, everything he'd prayed for, everything he'd wanted, his birthright. And the new covenant
is that we can be perfected through God and that connection. But God is not a coward and
God had to put skin in the game to actually come down here in an avatar and walk the walk
instead of just talking the talk. And that's what this is all about. We must pick up our
cross and we must carry it to the stations of the cross. And I am nearing and you are
nearing the end of the station. That is not a curse. That is not failure. That is completion
which leads to infinity and infinity beyond infinity upon infinity upon infinity upon
infinity upon infinity forever and ever. Amen.
I have these clips. We'll play them next segment of the Democratic Party not wanting
desperate third world populations to come here and find the Renaissance and find the
bridge to the next level. But instead saying white people are inherently evil, white people
are inherently bad. And then saying we celebrate the end of white people. And then when you
quote them they call for your arrest and say replacement migration does not exist. Think
about that. Let that roll over you. Let that sink in for a minute. And really think about
just how horrible Charles Schumer and all the rest of these devils are. Because they
know what they're doing and they know God's real. And they've made a vandalistic decision
to go against that when they know they're going to fail and all they want is to claw
as many of our beautiful souls who have such beautiful bodies of every color and shape
into the mouth of this thing. And so we've lived to see it. You've lived to see it. I've
lived to see it. The world government, the mark of the beast, the whole thing is here
now and it's just beginning. And the big test is here. As they shut off the food in
the third world and flood us with all these desperate souls who are good people but are
going to be used as a weapon to bring us all down. We can't hate these people. We have
to save these people.
And that's it. Thank you so much for watching this video. I'll see you in the next one.
All for your support. Now take action and get your bottle of Ultra 12.
Granny Do Right. Granny Do Right. Thanks for holding her on the ear. Go ahead.
Yeah, first of all, let me say I love your products. I am a granny and for all the senior
citizens out there that may have spent a lifetime in the sun like me, I was loaded up with sunspots
or H-spots as they're lovingly called. But since taking your X-2 for the last couple of years,
my skin is just really gorgeous actually. People think I'm 55 years old. And I was already
taking your other supplements but I thought, you know, well maybe that's what I need to
do because I just thought it was a hopeless situation. But when I started taking it, I
mean it doesn't happen immediately. But you know, over a period of time I started noticing
okay, you know, this is a ticket, this is working, this is wonderful, you know. I don't
have to put on derma blend anymore, you know. So anyway, it worked wonderfully and it really
has totally cleared up my skin.
Jacob in Ohio. Welcome. Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, bro.
Great last caller. I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement. It's basically
the only way I get to sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, moralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone.
All right, Eric in New Hampshire. Eric, thanks for calling. Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, thanks for taking my call. If I could, I just want to throw a quick plug-out
for one of the products. The X-2 does wonders. I recommend it to everybody. You're on the
fence about it. Get off the fence, get the product, support the info board.
Tyler in Maine. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. Go ahead.
Hey, Alex. It's great to be on with you. It's an honor.
Honored talk to you.
Awesome. So, first thing I wanted to do is say I love the products, alpha power, even
at 29. If you ask my better half, she loves it and it helps in the bedroom. So, just number
one for a few of you.
Well, it definitely works. It's not a joke.
And we've been getting a lot of crypto donations just keeping us on here. I want to salute
all those. You know who you are. They've been giving the donations. Please go to infowars.com
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we salute you and thank you. Leading up front to assault on the lies of the new world order.
We say that you wanna go to the land that's far away. How are we supposed to get there
with the way that we're living today? You talk lots about God. Freedom comes from the
core. But that's not what this bitch wants. Not what I want at all. I want money. I want
money. And because you want money power and glory, you will lose every place you can even
spend that money by destroying the civilization you hate so much. Welcome back to Alex Jones
show. We have just excelsior level news and I need to do it and stop preaching here. But
since I got into this last segment, let's just start with the clips and actually hear
it for yourself because I know you want to be spared listening to this. So do I but we
just don't need to talk about something and not show it. That's not good. We need to show
you anything we talk about so you can judge for yourself. I got Joe Biden talking about
replacement migration and not saying oh we're bringing all these people here to initiate
them into America and into freedom and into the renaissance and into God. No, America
is bad and needs to fall and we're bringing you here to bring it down. So these people
themselves on average are not bad. They protect the rapists, the murderers, the criminals,
the smugglers. Yes, they're terrible. But these are desperate refugees of a global government
two-year lockdown under IMF World Bank orders where some countries are still locked down
or their dictators aren't given the IMF World Bank U.S. taxpayer money. And then they come
here as a political weapon. So I've used the analogy before. I'll do it again. If you lived
a mile below Hoover Dam and you heard it come over the radio, the Hoover Dam has broken
run for your lives. It's water bad. No, water grows crops. You need to have it to live.
You need to drink it. You take showers in it. It's a great thing. But when you get hit
by billions of gallons of fast-moving water, it will kill you. And that's what's happening
to these poor people. And they've got surveys out. We've covered over 90 plus percent say
I lived on a farm and was happy for generations and I was doing well. And then now they won't
even let us farm or ship the crops. I have no food. I have to come here. And then we
say we understand. Come. Then they're brainwashed. Then they're put in the leftist ideology.
We don't have the infrastructure to take care of them or inform them. And so they are a
weapon. Just like this dagger. It's beautiful. It's powerful. And in your hand to protect
yourself or to peel a pear or a buck, it's a good thing. But when the globalists shove
it into you, to destroy you, it is a weapon. So how do you thread that needle? Well, you
expose the whole thing. And so that the people know what's happening. And there's no one
more receptive than the people being brought here from the globalist devastation than those
individuals. But if the globalists can't flood us, there'll be revolutions in those countries
and the globalists will fail. And so we must shut down the border because it's not going
to protect them when we're in a lifeboat to bring them on board and we all sink, which
is the plan. We have to recognize what's happening and not coldly but lovingly shut it off and
then shut down the IMF World Bank and UN WHO treaties that did that to them. And we to save
ourselves must bring Tedros and Gates and the rest of them to justice. And you do that
and the court of public opinion by continuing to destroy them by exposing what they've done.
The entire world is being collapsed. They know mathematically that when 50 plus percent,
about 54 percent, fitting on the country, 50 to 60 percent, the average is 54 percent
worldwide. When 54 percent of your payback goes to food, everything goes into riots and
everything burns down like Sri Lanka. It's a default position that we were all put into.
And so you can look at the results and the symptoms of the disease, the collapsing third
world, the flooding populations, the no jobs, the resources, while the power plants are
shut down, while the gas pipelines are shut down, while the gas drilling is shut down,
while all of it happens, while the formula runs out, instead of dealing with the symptoms,
the disease is the UN and the private, ruthless, crazy, out of control corporations that control
it. The new world order is Satanism. Global government is death. And then you sit there
and you see Joe Biden and his little pimps. This is a short compilation we're about to
play. There's hours of this. You've all heard it. You don't need me to tell you. They go
on the news and say white people are inherently bad and white people should be replaced. Instead
of the West should build everybody up and bring in good people and live together in
love. They go, no, white people are bad and we're taking over what third world populations
is the UN plan, replace the migration. You're like, well, that's a terrible plan. Shut
up. It doesn't exist. You're a terrorist. And you say it exists. There's Biden decades
ago. You're back in Obama's first tour and then a compilation of them saying you can't
say replacement migration while they say that's what it is and it's in their own documents.
Here it is.
I would argue it's unlike any other large country in the world. So there's a second
thing in that black box, an unrelenting stream of immigration, nonstop, nonstop. Folks like
me who were Caucasian of European descent for the first time in 2017 will be in an
absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50%
of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock. That's not a
bad thing. That's a source of our strength. And so we have been, we haven't always gotten
it right. I don't want to.
It seems harder and harder to ignore that the echoes of replacement theory and other
racially motivated views are increasingly coming out into the open. In a few years,
we're going to be a majority brown country. White people will not be the majority in
the country anymore.
This will be the first generation ever.
By the way, back at the Bishomer. By the way, I see you guys two clips of Biden. That's
a newer one when his administration first got in. There's another one from him like
10 years ago. But the point is, here's Chuck Bishomer and he's proud to be Jewish. Hey,
great. Jews are great people. You're proud, pure Jew, only married with Jews. And you're
up here telling us about how white people need to be gotten rid of and how white people
are inherently bad and how replacement migration is good, but it also doesn't exist. And you've
got literally a person proud of his heritage who has decided to only breed with his group
and then he's lecturing you how you're a racial supremacist because you don't want to collapse
the third world and flood the last. I mean, Hitler didn't have a pure bloodline like Chuck
I must say it's bad to be a German or bad to be a Jew. I'm just saying Chuck Bishomer
is a racial purist of the highest order. And he's telling you you're a racial purist.
Let's continue.
It seems harder and harder to ignore that the echoes of replacement theory and other racially
motivated views are increasingly coming out into the open. In a few years, we're going
to be a majority brown country. White people will not be the majority in the country anymore.
This will be the first generation ever in American history in which whites will be a
minority of the generation at some point. As of 2007, every year babies being born in
this country, whites now are the minority. In 2044, everyone is going to be a minority.
As the demographics change, as white people become the minority in the country, which
is coming. Demographics is destiny. Demographics is destiny. Demographics is destiny, right?
The country is changing. I've been saying it here. Other people have been saying it here
for years now, even before Donald Trump. The demographics is destiny. The white population
is declining for the first time in history in America, while the number of multiracial
Americans have more than doubled. So we live in a country where the demographics are changing.
It's becoming less white. Correct. Okay. You'll be announcing that we're calling the
38 electoral votes of Texas for the Democratic nominee for president. It's changing. It's
going to become a purple state and then a blue state because of the demographics, because
of the population growth. The growth in Texas has been almost entirely driven by non-white
populations, mostly by Hispanic. Here at Info Wars, our slogan is tomorrow's
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Using a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Aborted babies incinerated to eat the UK hospitals. Silent green, ladies and gentlemen, is made
out of people. But now children are literally being passed through the furnace in order
to fuel hospitals in the UK. They're being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and
prosperity. What is the secret of Silent Green? The powdered flesh from dead babies. Some people
who they can cure disease. Because of its enormous popularity, Silent Green short supply.
Remember, Tuesday is Silent Green Day. The shareholders of PepsiCo, Big Builder Bird
Group Company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for and the
flavoring, but we already know. So enjoy the flavor. We're going to get the real solution,
which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes. I'm consistently pro
death. I'm for assisted suicide. I'm for regular suicide. I'm for whatever gets the freeway
moving. Is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient,
would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical
costs? But that's called the death panel. And you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in? Any kind of society that would
do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens. It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison
guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible. This is nothing but
a suicide cult. The scoops are on their way. The scoops are on their way. I repeat, the
scoops are on their way. You will find out why Soylent Green means life. You will find
out why Soylent Green means death. We've got to stop them. Come on. Soylent Green is people.
Four words, four little words that are hurting America's pandemic response. What are they?
Do your own research. Can we all stop saying, I need to do my own research. Nobody who's
saying that is getting in the lab and doing tests. At best, you're reading other people's
research and more likely, you're probably reading a tweet about a headline, about a
blog post, about someone else's research. That phrase, do your own research. It's popping
up a lot in conversations about coronavirus and about COVID vaccines. But this going alone
approach, doing your own research, it seems so innocent, but it can have serious consequences.
In other words, CNN says, don't do your own research. What are the roots of this phrase?
I feel like I used to hear it around QAnon craziness. Well, today, the dear Antler guy
was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in the Capitol riots. The same phrase
through your research is being peddled by some people who do have ill intent, who want
to push you down certain paths, who want to either for profit reasons or for geopolitical
reasons, want to make sure that you are reading certain information as opposed to listening
to authoritative sources. So what should be an actually smart idea, especially in the
US with such a lack of funding and media literacy and all of these issues, it can really actually
help make things worse. Yeah, it's a sneaky little phrase. Here's the four words that
are helping to spread vaccine misinformation. Are you ready? According to CNN, here they
are. Do your own research. Do your own research. Do your own research. It's a sneaky little
phrase. That's right, folks. CNN here to tell you, don't look into these things for yourself.
Don't do your own research. Don't question anything. Just listen and obey. He could have
undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think.
And that is that is our job. Once again, the media is clamoring to tell you to stop looking
into stuff for yourself. Do your own research. Those four words are hurting the US pandemic
response. CNN chief media correspondent Brian Stelter said on Reliable Sources Sunday. Brian
Stelter visits school kids to teach them to spot misinformation. He's telling them, don't
even trust satire, don't trust anything but CNN. Reducing a liar's reach is not the same
as censoring freedom of speech. Ladies and gentlemen, there are a lot of natural compounds
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the FDA and the regulators, a clown car of individuals who are going around purposely
shutting down all the major baby formula manufacturing facilities over non issues. And again, why
would they do that? Why would they shut down power plants? Why would they shut down major
pipelines? Why would they kill all oil and gas drilling because they got their foot on
our neck? We're in a war. This is asymmetrical, globalist, deindustrialization, post industrial
world, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 operations. And I know this audience gets that, but Congress
still, oh, their censorship. Oh, yeah, they shut the pipelines off. Oh, they violated
federal law and let human smugglers bring in kids and load people with no IDs with newborn
babies on the planes and give them, give them away to people. And they're just committing
mass crime everywhere and not getting in trouble. So of course they're stealing elections. And
of course they plan to steal the election at 174 days because they've gotten away with
murder. But there's always a bridge too far, isn't there? Biden's dis info, Mary Poppins
on ice, scraps, Orwellian DHS board, because it's directly the Ministry of Truth. But what
did Jackowitz tell investigative journalist Jason Goodman when he called her up last week?
She said, oh, I've been doing this for a long time. I've been already running the Homeland
Security Board spying on people because everything they tell you about, they're all ready to
do it. And then this board directs the fact checkers and all the propagandists to swarm
in and suppress you because like the news says, corporate news says, no one believes
us. It's the fault of disinformation operatives like Alex Jones and James O'Keefe and Tucker
Carlson. And it's Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson's fault. There was a mass shooting. Yes. Shut
them up. They could shut us all up. And it would only bring them down faster. I'm here
trying to restrain the public from going after these people because they're just puppets
and Satan has reinforcements to them. We must culturally, economically, spiritually, societally
recognize this is poison and throw it up. Just three weeks after its announcement that
this information governance board is being paused. As soon as you fall back asleep, they'll
bring it back and intra departmental DHS working group focused on this information have been
suspended. Nina Jankowitz is considering leaving. New York Post is reporting on it. It's up
on info wars.com busted. Biden's Ministry of Truth Nina Jankowitz participated in secret
NATO funded cabal to subvert Western democracies using disinformation as cover. And that was
years ago we exposed what Obama when he left office put into place, stay behind networks.
And man, when I was on the phone with Trump in 2017 saying, sir, here's the bill number.
Here's the $2 billion to stay behind networks. Obama's administration is still continuing.
Trump said just a moment. And he got other people on the line. And they started asking,
how do you know this information? Now, do you think Trump knew Obama was still in there
working against him? No way, because they're trying to destroy Trump. I mean, that's not
some head fake. That's not some manipulation. But when I expose that to Trump, all hell
broke loose. Because if America becomes aware that there is an ongoing bureaucratic deep
state permanent state coup, which is now admitted, they're now identified. And they use Ukraine
as a money laundering base and other countries as well. Then it's game over. And that's where
we are. People go like, it's like they're following 1984 as an owner's manual. And that's
exactly what they're doing. So you think of every tyrannical thing you read about the
history books, every tyrannical thing you've seen other countries happen while you've
been alive. And you think, man, it's like they're really trying to be, well, that's
what other failures have done as well. So the predictability of what they're going to
do is incredible. Plus, they're so arrogant, like we're animals, they admit all their plans.
And that's my biggest frustration is, it should be so easy to beat these people. If folks
realize their own personal interest, even if they are a sociopath, is to have a free
open society with checks and balances, and that what they are laying out and what they're
doing has been done over and over and over and over again 1000 times in history, at least
1000. I was thinking today, how many times does this fail? My God, the last 100 years
probably fell 400 500 times in different countries over and over again. And I just think about
tyrants, they just keep trying it and trying it and trying it. Well, we just broke up the
family. Well, we just taught kids to be pedophiles. Well, if we just, you know, if we just if
we just did all this, and well, okay, we'll tell all these groups, they're suppressed
and put them in charge to oppress everybody. So you can't stand up to oppressors because,
you know, they're the oppressed. And it's a bunch of self centered, shallow, stupid
people. I mean, did they really think having a public ministry of truth would work? Did
they really think shutting off all the pipelines would be a great thing? Did they really think
massive human smuggling millions of months? No, no. They know you're awake. They know
you're aware of what they've done. They know you're not going to go along. And so they're
just throwing a giant temper tantrum with everything that now includes war in Russia
with the fall of Maripole and the globalist in complete hysteria, $40 billion trying to
prop it up. It's going to fail. And what are they going to do? Well, you know what they're
going to do? Double down. That'll fail. Double down. That'll fail. Quadruple down. That'll
fail. Quinn, tuple down. That'll fail. And then you wake up. And the least of your problems
is the devalued currency and crime in the streets. It's nuclear war. And if you can't
see it, if you can't smell it, if you can't taste the grit in the back of your mouth of
mass death, if you don't feel the angel of death's wings flapping around above your head,
you're not dialed in. But I know you're dialed in. That's why there's a quickening. It's
why there's a huge spiritual awakening. It's why people are getting clarity. Because if
we don't get clarity now and stop pretending you're a Democrat, pretending you're a Republican,
pretending you're black, pretending you're white, pretending all this, instead of knowing
you were made by God with consciousness and being aware of that, we will blow civilization
off the face of the earth. And I'm ready to deal with it. I've already made friends with
it, but I sure as hell don't want it to happen. I know what's coming next. You know what's
coming next. You don't need an oracle or a seer or somebody with a crystal palantir
to tell you what's going down. You only need your own instincts and your own spirit to
understand we have seeded control to a group of perverted psychotic maniacs jacked into
the darkest, most twisted energy this planet has ever seen. And they are defiling us and
they are pissing on us because they know they're losers and they know they shined on to failure.
All right, I've already covered some news, but I'm going to news splits for the rest
of the hour and we come back a bunch of clips. And then in studio, you've seen these great
comedians going up before city councils everywhere and taking the world by storm. We got one
of them. One of the best ones in studio with us in the third hour today.
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Bringing a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones.
Well, I got down on my knees. I pretend to pray. Creature like the gold. Knows I'm gonna
get away. Hello for your dream and such a winter's day.
Humans may have beautiful music, wonderful, amazing, creative humans, projecting their
love and their vision like beautiful trees reaching up in stars. Celebrate your power.
Celebrate who you are. Celebrate your connection to God. I stopped into a church and I got
down on my knees and I began to pray. There's nothing like pulling over the side of the
road to a church. You walk up and over the door and nobody's there. You feel the spirit.
And then before the altar, you get on your knees. Well, you have me twice, so far. One
time I was in Terralingua. I walked into a tiny little Catholic church, that old mining
town that was ghost town deserted. And I walked into that little church that might hold 30
people. And they had the positions of the cross and pictures around the walls.
I have here in this stack, unbelievable news. The collapse is now well underway. And those
of us blessed enough because of fate and our ancestors to live in a few nations and still
have prosperity. That's the church in Terralingua. Great job finding that. Wow, guys. Amazing
crew. They found that instantly without me even telling them to find it. I've been in
that church right there on my knees and prayed. You know, I can chronicle all this. We got
a special guest next to our studio. But evil is trying to wear us out. Evil is trying to
just get us so used to the background about rages. Things they're doing that we give up.
We got to hold on. We got to hold fast. And in that moment of reaching out to God and
saying, I can't do this myself. You will find absolution. You will find empowerment. You
will find enlightenment. You will find your destiny. And you know, I don't really get
complaints anymore. I've been on there 28 years, but 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years
ago, five years ago, I would talk about God and a large portion of the audience would
say, Alex, we're sick of that. I was made to go to this church. My parents were mean
to me. That wasn't God. The preacher was corrupt. Well, I didn't say that was God, but I don't
hear the complaints now because people know this is a spiritual war. And the number one
thing that eclipses everything else we could talk about or do is that this is a war for
our souls. And anyone denying that fact is denying their very existence spiritually in
the universe and is giving over power of your will interdimensionally to things that should
not even be named. Let's play a clip. I have hundreds of these. This is a new one. Man
confronts even possessed woman at pro death abortion rally. This is what they've turned
I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to talk about
it. I wish I could see you guys. When you see the left, they want your free speech.
They want your life. They want your children. And they are turned over to this. They're
controlled by it because they were involved in it. When the Holy Spirit came and said,
don't be part of this, they rejected it. And at that moment, the dam broke and in came
the evil. And once it comes in, it's so sad what happens to these people. They lose their
free will. They lose who they are. Let's hear this abortion doctor.
Why? Because it's a sin before God. Why? Stinky breath. It's pretty evil. I hope and
pray that you do the babies. I love it. You love it, huh? Yeah, I do. I hope that you
come to Christ there. Oh, I'd ever go to Christ. I hope that you come to Christ. No, I don't
go to Christ. I don't listen to Christ. You will have a darkened heart. I do have a darkened
heart. Yeah, you have a darkened heart. I do. I do very, very much. And you will stand
before God in judgment. Yes, I will. Every day, you will stand before God and judge.
Yes, I will. Every day, all of the babies. I love it. I love it. Yeah, keep tearing the
babies. Yeah, I will keep tearing the babies. I will keep tearing the babies apart. Oh,
yeah. Yes, sir. The babies, their blood streams from the ground. Their blood screams from
the ground. You are a murderer, sir. You are a murderer. Hello, officers. They love it.
You heard him. He was, I love it. I love killing the babies. I love it. Stinky breath. I stink.
I don't go to Christ. We know you don't. We know you go to. We got UN statements on the
World Tree. They're about to pass next week. That's still secret, but they tell us it takes
over all of our health care. We have the Australian Prime Minister saying the UN should run everything.
I mean, we're here. And so you sit here. I sit here in places like South Dakota or Florida
or Texas that are closet free. Well, we beat them off this time. No, my friends, they're
coming again and we need to get ready. We need to be informing and educating now because
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you know, pushing 70. I mean, I'm not just blowing smoke here. The B-12 saves my life.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You thought the lead in winter would bring you down forever, but you rode upon a steamer to the violence of the sun.
Broadcasting live from the UN stronghold, Austin, Texas, you are listening to the Alex Jones show.
And the colors of the sea, find your eyes with trembling mammoths, and you'll touch the distant beaches with tales of regularities.
How his naked nears were tortured by the sirens sweetly singing, but the sparkling waves are calling you to kiss the white glazed necks.
All right, my friends, let's hit this news. I have a special guest in studio next hour.
Town Hall reports children are now getting hospitalized over formula shortages.
So that story is so big on so many fronts that the FDA shut down all these plans, that they knew it was going on the last year, that it didn't deny it's even happening.
But the fact that women have to work, even if they want to have children and so can't even use their breasts to supply them, is the perfect allegory and a real world example of where we are.
And how these new so-called gene therapy vaccines are racial immune system, where you've got to have the shot every few months or you die.
And of everything here, we have a just over the top, Good Morning America Club, where they slide in the truth, what we told you about 27 months ago,
that these so-called shots would give you vaccine aids or vaccine autoimmune deficiency disorder syndrome.
I mean, wow, wow, they're just normalizing like, hey, yeah, make sure you have a heart attacks.
In fact, I sent you guys a clip.
I don't see her in the list of a father talking about his eight-year-old daughter and the heart attacks and the blood clots.
She was totally healthy after she got the shot.
But I mean, it's just, this is really happening.
I mean, this is going on now.
We're living in the depopulation.
We're living in the devaluation.
We're living in the collapse of our countries.
And then you look at Biden and all them and go, oh, look, they're idiots.
Everybody hates them.
Well, of course they hate them.
They're placeholders to carry out the attack.
What do you think of the Russians launched a thousand nukes on us?
They would care that we didn't like them.
It's an attack.
And they don't want you to know who attacked you.
So they put in these crazy people like Biden and Pelosi who are horrible and who I hate and who I hope go to prison, but they're still functionaries.
They're still ceremonial.
They're still puppets.
So here's Good Morning America talking about the so-called vaccine erasing your immune system and giving you an age-like disorder.
Good God, here it is.
We were trying to get a handle on, yes, you got some new data on boosters.
There's a new published study out in Lancet, the journal Lancet Infectious Disease, about the fourth dose and what happens to our antibody levels.
It is not a surprise that they've released new data confirming that after the fourth dose of Pfizer or Moderna, that antibody levels rise significantly.
They surge in the several weeks after that dose.
We've known that for a while, but here are the caveats.
We don't know how long that lasts, number one.
And our immune response, remember, is not just about antibodies.
It's about that T-cell response also, which you can't really measure as well as just a pure antibody level.
And it's about whether or not they're blocking or neutralizing antibodies to the variant that we're seeing.
So when people hear these headlines, they shouldn't be surprised.
Yes, of course, you're going to get a surge in your antibody levels, but how long that lasts is the issue.
And it's certainly not just about more boosting for everyone.
People who have high antibody levels, there's the potential.
I want to underscore the potential.
We haven't seen any evidence of this, of this immune phenomenon known as tolerance,
where if you already have high antibody levels and you get another booster,
that your immune system can start to say, well, what am I needed for and can kind of start to shut down.
So if you're in that category of people who the FDA and CDC is recommending to get a booster,
50 and over, 65 and over with a chronic medical condition, yes, by all means,
but everyone else don't think that more boosting is the answer.
We don't know that that's the case yet.
All right.
That's very important information.
We appreciate it.
Thank you very much, Dr. Jan.
Hey there, GMA fans.
Robin Roberts here.
Thanks for checking out our YouTube.
So that's how they just slide it in.
The SPARS 2023, 2025, 2028 document, they describe how, okay, well,
how do we admit to them we were raised through immune system ahead of the next virus?
Because then the establishment hasn't had the shot.
They're going to live when the people that have taken the shot are going to die.
And that's really the binary weapon nature of this.
But see, they're just normalizing it.
Oh, it could, and everything they say on Good Morning America, a scripted teleprompter told
what to say.
She had the pretty girl up there, the lady in her fancy outfit, the trusting, loving mommy.
She might give you popsicles when it's a hot summer day.
You're a little kid.
You can trust her.
No, but it's not threatening to have a pretty woman telling you this.
Oh, yeah, you know, it might not be for everybody now that you've taken it.
It might actually get rid of your immune system so you're more likely to get regular viruses.
And then they set the antigen and PCR test and blood test to say you have COVID.
And they just kill you.
It's what they do.
And they think it's cute.
They think it's funny.
They even had war games, how they would explain to you later.
Oh, by the way, these shots get rid of your immune system, but it's okay.
It's okay because it shows like Good Morning America has four women and a black guy and
then Stephanopoulos.
So it's like, hey, it's a black dude and women.
It can't be bad.
I mean, they're the good people.
They don't work for the big corporations.
They don't work for the globalists.
They're not reading off a teleprompter.
Just like Biden this.
No, no, no.
Well, it's not disgust who gives them talking points.
They're just, yeah, of course, everybody knows it got rid of your immune system.
Of course, that means you get cancer.
It means you die.
But hey, Tim Cook wears a black turtleneck and he's gay.
So what if he runs death camps?
It's kind of like, well, I mean, he is gay.
So it's all right.
See how it works?
Oh, look, she's in her little cute red shirt and little white pants.
With a racing stripe down it.
Oh, you know, I mean, maybe it's not for everybody.
Yeah, it gets rid of your immune system.
And it doesn't boost antibodies.
It has your cells create a poisonous nanotech, which then invades and colonizes your body.
And it is a psychological test.
Are you dumb enough to continue to take this and to continue to do this?
I've seen a lot of conservatives say, hey, take your boosters liberals.
Folks, we can't be like them.
We're going to have to take care of those people while they're dying.
Even if you're just a sociopath, that's not good.
And if you think we're going to kill the third world off and kill the liberals off and we're not going to be hurt by it.
Well, you're not thinking because that's not how the universe works, ladies and gentlemen.
So what an admission.
And of course, it's in the medical literature.
We knew it before they ever gave the shots out.
Top scientists said this isn't a vaccine.
It will erase your immune system.
It will colonize your body with prions.
It will cause blood clots and heart attacks.
And now.
Oh, we're pulling J and J. It might give you a blood clot.
Oh, oh.
But we're going to get FDA approval for under five.
And if we let them inject babies and they're doing it to pregnant women, record miscarriages.
And the babies are born with just blood clots all over them having heart attacks.
And the hospital makes more money doing emergency heart surgery.
Oh, we'll get your baby a baboon heart now.
When they did the whole thing because the public trusts the system that is not trustworthy that you wouldn't allow to do anything in your life.
I mean, you trust the government and these ruthless big pharma corporations.
Obviously, you don't.
So now, good morning, America.
This kind of lets it slip.
Oh, hey, by the way, this erases your immune system.
I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially with word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you.
Humanity has a real fighting chance.
I just want to thank you all for buying products and InfoWarsStore.com like books and films and supplements and water filtration, air filtration, so much more.
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the new renaissance that's countering the great reset by going to InfoWarsStore.com and clicking on the donate button and giving today.
Thank you so much for your support. Please take action.
Our world is so full of hype. We are force-fed, dehumanizing propaganda by the corporate media, by the controlled churches and the universes.
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It is one of the key principles behind the proposed pandemic preparedness accord.
During this pandemic, we faced many challenges, including a lack of sharing information, a lack of sharing biological materials, and a lack of sharing technology, among others.
This hampered the response, caused lives, and revealed the limitations of the global preparedness.
For the world to respond quickly and more effectively at the next outbreak or pandemic, the world must prepare now.
At the World Health Assembly special session in November 2021, all member states agreed that COVID-19 reflected the need for all countries to share information and strengthen systems more effectively together.
WHO's job is to support countries, our member states, as they negotiate and agree on an accord to commit to protecting future generations from pandemic.
Our mandate is 100% determined by member states and what they agree.
The accord process is led by member states with their own intergovernmental negotiating body called INB, representing all regions of the world.
The INB has now started a two-year process that includes global public hearings with all stakeholders.
This represents the world's opportunity to plan together, detect pathogens quicker, share data broadly and collectively, respond more effectively to the next disease X or known pathogens.
Unfortunately, there has been a small minority of groups making misleading statements and purposefully distorting facts.
I want to be crystal clear. WHO's agenda is public, open and transparent.
WHO stands strongly for individual rights. We passionately support everyone's right to health and we will do everything we can to ensure that the right is realized.
So, let's translate what you just heard.
We're going to censor you. We're going to murder you.
New bio attacks are coming. We cooked up the bio weapon. We came out with a poison vaccine. We're owned by Big Pharma.
We are a global government. Lie down and die. And at Tedros, I say, victory or death, buddy boy. You're feeling the heat now, aren't you, son?
We've only begun to fight. This is not our waterloo. This is not our Dunkirk. This is not our Battle of the Bulge. This is not our Stalingrad.
This is not our Nakasaki and Hiroshima. This is not our failure. It is yours.
Open world government by the very people, so inept and criminal, so arrogant, so hubris and bravada and hutzpah filled that they don't know that we know what they did.
And that we're never going to stop. You and Bill Gates are going to burn in hell, Tedros. You're a communist filth. You're a dirtbag sack of garbage.
And you will be held accountable for your crimes against humanity and your massive violations of the Nuremberg Code.
We have a very special guest in studio next hour, Cassidy Campbell. He's here with his wife and child in the green room, and he is right up there with some of the other amazing comics that are going in and illustrating absurdity by being absurd
and exposing how ridiculous the transgenderism attack on children, the open borders, the inflation, the baby formula shortages, the COVID tyranny and so much more.
We got a list of some of his amazing feats, and that is coming up next hour.
Separately, in all the things we do, I will just leave it at this. I am beyond driven. I am beyond obsessed. I am completely and wholly committed to the fight against the New World Order and cannot and will never stop until I'm dead.
But if you want this weapon system that is Info Wars that uses the truth savagely against the enemy to be effective and to be strong when we go into the battle,
when we thrust the dagger of truth into the heart of lies politically in a nonviolent way, then I ask you to take up your sword politically nonviolently,
and I ask you to execute on the future for us together in this victory, and I tell you that you've done incredible things. We've already done amazing things together.
But that our most important work is now at hand, and that we must not fail on this mission.
So it is not a request. It is not a call to action. It is not me pleading with you.
I am simply asking you to execute God's will.
I am simply asking you to do what must be done. I am simply telling you that the decision is on the plate just like the Rush song.
You may choose not to choose. That is still a choice. And God says the lukewarm will be spit out of his mouth.
So either join Satan and serve evil or join God and serve good and make the decision now and do it.
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Our victory spiritually and politically and culturally has never been more manifest and has never been stronger.
But now, I need you to make the decision in the fight to go to infowarstore.com and right at the top it says become a sponsor, support info wars, make a one time donation, make a recurring donation, cancel any time for free.
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There's also a PO box on the website, I'm going to make a straight donation about mail as well, but my greatest desire is to fight these people onto the end.
And I have kind of a sick fantasy in the back of my mind that if you give out or you give up, I'll just kind of recede off, but I don't want to sit here in the business and watch the world burn down, I want to be in the battle.
And I'm commissioned by you, like the commission officers for Congress. I am commissioned by the will of the people, and I am as true as it gets, and I will never surrender, but I can collapse.
I can give out, and I am not bitching, it's all part of God's plan, but I don't like spending five, six hours a day trying to get money.
Man, I wish back when we had more funds, I'd have spent more time, we'd have a big war chest, we don't.
So thank you all for your support, take action now. The only way you fail is not taking action.
I spread the word by praying for the broadcast and by buying products at infowarsstore.com and supporting our local affiliates as well.
We got a bunch of excerpts of Cassidy Campbell in the next segment, then he'll be in studio with us coming up.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776, live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide. It's Alex Jones.
I am offended that our children are not receiving affordable gender reassignment surgery along with hormone blockers and access to abortions.
This alone is a threat to our democracy as Justin Trudeau only has. It just shows that you people do not care about our children and that these are the same people who refuse to obey the science and get fully vaccinated.
It's science, people! Science! Science! And you are selfish murderers. I could die.
Don't you people care about my life? You racist insensitive homophobic pigs.
My 14-year-old openly gay siblings transgender offspring also has two daddies who love their offspring so much and GPS is working overtime to take their child away.
However, my biggest concern is that my siblings offspring isn't allowed to play in the 8-year-old girl's basketball league at the YMCA.
This alone is showcasing the worst form of transphobia and is a threat to our democracy. My siblings transgender offspring feels like an 8-year-old girl. Therefore, they should be able to play in the 8-year-old girl's league.
What up? It's tax season right now. First of all, I just want to give a shout out to my kids. It's the only time of the year I ever play with my kids.
Shout out to them, you feel me? I just got my ancestry DNA test back and I'm 2% black. The reason I'm up here today is because y'all trifling and we need to honor my homie George Floyd who now has been sober for two years and this is feeling to be called to say his name Bill.
Alright, so this is my ancestry DNA test if y'all don't believe me, 2%. So first of all, let's take a knee to the Pledge of Allegiance of George Floyd while I recite the pledge. Everybody take a knee please.
I pledge allegiance to George Floyd in the Black Lives Matter movement and the causes for which they stand. One sentence, I can't breathe with methamphetamine and fentanyl for all. Let's get into it now.
Today, gas prices are within striking distance of yet another record high just ahead of the summer driving season.
These gas prices are absolutely insane. If it wasn't for my wife's boyfriend Darren, I have no idea what I would be doing right now. Luckily when he comes over he lets me borrow his gas card so I can get out of the house and go fill up the tank and maybe get a snack.
The national average for a gallon of regular is now $4.32 up 18 cents from last month and one said below the all time high set on March 11th.
Listen, I lost my job. I'm hurting and every little bit of money that I have saved up is going to my gas tank. And they're giving $40 billion to the Ukraine. I wish Joe Biden would give me some of that $40 billion.
Fuel prices are being pushed higher by increasing demand and rising oil prices due to concern about less Russian oil entering the global market. And oil prices are expected to rise even higher when cities in China lift their COVID lockdowns.
I don't mind paying higher gas prices. If that's what I need to do in order to defeat Vladimir Putin, then I'll gladly do it for the greater good in order to protect our democracy.
Meanwhile, stock futures fell overnight on Wall Street. A turbulent week ended Friday with the market's fifth consecutive weekly decline.
If you're mad about this, if you're enraged, then number one, you're selfish and number two, you're probably a white supremacist.
A leading research firm says, quote, we expect inflation to peak this summer between six and seven percent and to recede to three to four percent next year with no recession, adding we may have spotted the first signs of peaking inflation already.
I'll pay as much as I need to for gas as long as it keeps Donald Trump out of the White House. Do you see me complaining about gas prices right now? I'm working seven jobs right now because I enjoy it because it keeps Trump out.
That key report on Wednesday is expected to show the rate of inflation last month was below the 8.5 percent rate that we saw in March.
They're incredible. And out of all the products, X2 is definitely the most amazing. It is the purest, highest quality atomic iodine you're going to find.
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Well, out there, yeah, I was out of touch. But it wasn't because I didn't know enough. I just knew too hard to.
Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy?
Possibly. Possibly.
Well, I'm a big fan of Alex Stein and Cassidy Campbell. Two separate citizens who just in the last six months have exploded with hundreds of millions of views everywhere, going to the DFW, different city councils, Fort Worth, Dallas, Arlington, Plano, you name it.
And now they've got new taxes to try to shut them down. We'll talk some about that. And Cassidy, it's great to have you with us in your wife and child here in the green room.
Let's play one of your latest exploits just last week. White BLM activist, defense abortion and Arlington council meeting. Here it is.
Hello, my oppressors. My name Brian. I'm 2% black and only black lives matter. Key word. Only RIP to the last person who said all lives matter. I'm here today to stand up for abortion.
Because it saves a lot of time and time is money. Because of Planned Parenthood, I can raw dog as many females as I want without having to worry or stress about someone getting pregnant. And I can live my life to the fullest the way that I want to.
I remember one time I got this fat chick pregnant all tender when she came over for a little late night so sun because I was bored. Shoot, I swear. I was stretching like crazy. But she had called me up the next day and she had said she had did the abortion.
So I was like, babe, I can get back to raw dogging now. I wrote this bill called the pro life bill, which needs to be passed ASAP. And here's what's fitting to be in it.
Anyone who is black that receives an abortion should receive a $5,000 stimulus check and white people will get $1,000.
Abortion will be done at urgent care clinics for $50 in case you need something quick so you don't have to stress. Abortion will be free for the black community.
Abortion will be allowed up to one year after birth in case the baby ugly because ain't nobody want to see no ugly kid on sick talk. If a black woman gets an abortion, she will get to visit the White House and receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Joe Biden.
Anyone who receives an abortion will be labeled a national hero and black lives matter will write and loop for them. If a woman is denied an abortion, it will be mandatory that the black lives matter burns down buildings for them until it happens.
Anyone who receives an abortion will get entitled to or entered into a $1 million lottery. If you're black, you get to enter twice.
Anyone who gets an abortion will get a free Krispy Kreme donut. Black people get to. If you want to fly on an airplane or travel internationally, you must get an abortion to protect those around you.
In order to get a driver's license, you must show proof that you are fully aborted. Proof of abortion will be needed to enter the grocery store.
You must present full proof of abortion to get a job. If anyone is caught using a fake abortion card, they will be fully prosecuted to the full extent of the law and will spend life in prison.
And if bad enough, they could face the death penalty. Also, Father's Day is racist to the black community and needs to be canceled immediately.
Last of all, before I go, I love abortion because Bill Gates' dad, William Gates Sr. founded Planned Parenthood and I'm a big fan of Bill Gates because he's trying to put a microchip in us, which means I will be able to play my PlayStation without the controller.
Because it's fitting to be inside me and I won't have to worry about nobody messing up my game no more.
Black Lives Matter! Black Lives Matter! Thank you.
As the great Rush Limbaugh said, illustrate absurdity by being absurd and everything they're saying is what they're actually pushing. Well, Cassidy Campbell, I appreciate you coming down to awesome. We invited you.
It's great to meet you and your wife and a wonderful child. You are at C.C. Campbell, C.C. Campbell on Twitter, YouTube, Cassidy Campbell, and you guys, Alec Stein, you are taking the country by storm.
And now, it's got to feel good influencing all these people that are riffing on it like jazz. It is amazing.
I appreciate you letting me be up in the studio and stuff. Alec's on this incredibly racist day. But yeah, it seems like they just don't know what to do now about it because we went to a meeting yesterday.
So what they did was they put the cameras facing our backs instead of facing us. So nobody could see who it was talking when I did this Q&A thing.
We have your new Q&A video? Yeah, actually. Give it to the crew during the break. I did actually text it to, what's his name, Scott?
Okay. We have it. B-roll that. We'll play it next time. Keep going.
Okay. So yeah, they had my back showing. And then for a minute and a half, they cut out my audio completely. And that's when I started talking about certain members of the deep state.
I mean, because the problem is with Q&A, half the stuff is true.
Oh, it covers real stuff and it mixes in BS. Exactly. And that's where they get people who are actually telling the truth looking crazy.
Like, oh, this guy's crazy. He thinks the government's full of pedophiles and criminals.
Hillary was executed at Guantanamo Bay and Trump's gonna be reinstated.
Yep. And Joe Biden is played by actor and comedian Jim Carrey. I mean, don't you get it? Jim Carrey is famous for the movie The Mask.
And he's wearing a mask. That's why he was falling up the stairs on the Air Force One over and over because he's trying to be funny.
He's a comedy act by Jim Carrey.
So are you a comedian because you're funny as hell? The stuff he writes is amazing. But what's your story?
I mean, I started out doing pranks on YouTube in like 2017. And then honestly, man, I just got pretty sick of it because, you know, doing something for five years.
And it's just like, it's just kind of pointless after a while. You're just doing pranks. And I play these different characters.
And then around 2020, I was like, everything started to get really bad. And I started to wake up to the stuff going on, you know what I mean?
And then I try to actually make a difference now with this guy.
So you're doing it, did you?
So did you influence Alex Donnery? He influenced you or Lomponico?
So he influenced me to go to the City Council meetings. So, yeah, that started back in January.
That was the first one I did with him and Dallas. And then we just kind of took it from there.
You've had a huge effect. I mean, not just what you've done, but now it's being copied everywhere, which is beautiful.
I mean, this has got to be exciting.
Yeah, the more people that do it, the better. And it's like, they don't know what to do about it.
They're just freaking out because they don't want anybody in the City Council meetings or anybody paying attention so they can just kind of do whatever they want and nobody notices.
But now they're not chilling your face and cutting your audio.
But let me guess, that's not going to back you off. You're going to intensify it.
Plus, there's so many City Councils to do it at. You can never stop you.
Yeah, exactly. Like I was thinking about coming here to Austin.
Yes, let's go together.
Let's do it. And then the thing is, if I do some liberal bit, they're going to think it's normal. Same with Houston.
We need to have sex with five-year-olds. It's liberal. They're like, yes, liberal.
And it's funny how they keep calling these people groomers. I'm like, just call them what they are. They're pedophiles.
They're trying to be politically correct. And you know, Steven Anderson, love him. Love him because he speaks the truth.
He gets so much hate from all these people saying, oh, well, he's mean. He's mean. Well, he actually preaches the Bible.
He actually preaches the Bible, but he gets so much hate and he calls out these pedophiles.
And that's what we need to do because there are so many more people like us versus these LGBTQ pedophiles.
And we need to stand up and fight them because the reason that society is the way it is today is because all these people like us,
well, not us exactly, but they keep backing up, backing up, giving them more room because these LGBTQ people, they don't want to be equal.
They want to be raised above society.
And again, it's a government depopulation operation with a gang of pedophiles that have gotten together to take over.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, that sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
Well, it's happening. You can't deny it. You can turn on the news. You go to your local school and see it. Cassidy Campbell is our guest.
More clips coming up. We got his QAnon breakdown. They tried to censor. That is coming up next segment.
And it is just great to have you here, buddy. And yes, we need to go.
It's been a long time since I've been at the City Council. We should go.
And actually, I have a show on my YouTube channel called Far Left News Network.
And it's like a left-wing version of Tucker Carlson. And I have guests on there and stuff like that.
And, you know, even if you just came on...
Oh, well, come on anytime you want. Here we go to break.
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Some would make them change, others couldn't stand for that.
The cross was a solution, but it rose again.
Wise men follow him.
Wise men follow him.
Thank God for the renegades and the lives they lead.
Par ahead of their time without the renegades.
God knows where we'd be when it comes to heroes.
People like Cassidy Campbell are mine.
Alright, Cassidy, you are a hilarious comedian and you've really taken this to the next level.
You've taken the country by storm. We've got a clip of you being censored at the city council shooting you from behind, cutting off your audio just a few days ago.
But regardless, city councils, county commissions, water districts, power districts, school functions, school boards, this is where people are watching.
This is where the real town hall is. And when you do it, it absolutely changes the world.
And so whether you're doing satire, dark satire, like you're doing, or whether it's deadly serious, it is powerful and they're scared of it.
It's why this year and last year said, the FBI is going to come after you. It's terrorism to go to city council. It's all a bluff.
Don't back off when they say that. Go and do it.
I mean, elaborate on that, though, because you and Alex Stein, I guess, were talking, or what was the impetus, and then now, what is it like to be doing this?
So, you know, I've always wanted to make a difference and speak out against what's going on in the world.
And, you know, Alex told me one day, he's like, yeah, you should come to city council with me in Dallas.
So I was like, yeah, sure, I'll come with you. And then, you know, it really started to pick up after that kind of the first one.
I just came in acting as my gangster character and the BLM activist, whatever, asking for more stimulus. And then I started acting like the crazy liberal character, which I've been doing that character for a long time.
I just never did it in like a city council setting. And my buddies like, dude, you got to do that because the conservatives are going to think that it's real and the liberals are going to think that it's real.
Well, yeah, because that's you're not exaggerating. That's how they actually act.
Exactly. That's why it's like ridiculous when people say like, dude, you got to tone it down a little bit like you're exaggerating too much.
I'm like, have you seen these morons? Apparently not. You haven't. And then, you know, I went into this church and they're showing people how to basically evangelize this technique or whatever.
And this all boomer pastor, I started talking to him and telling him how the whole Ukraine thing is a hoax. The COVID is a hoax. And I start telling him how about the trans LGBTQ agenda.
And he looks at me like I'm crazy. And then he tells me we can talk about the gospel, but we're not going to talk about this.
So like how about the works of the devil? Yeah, just just be a fake Christian. Exactly. So many Christians are absolutely brain dead or like, I don't even understand it.
They don't believe all this stuff is going on, but they believe the Bible, you know, a book that's over 2000 years old. So wait, you can believe this, but you won't believe that.
And now the book's being fulfilled, but you don't believe it. Exactly.
Here's a clip of you talking about QAnon just a few days ago. Again, they shoot you from the back and then they cut your audio. Here's the club.
How you doing, Council? Now here I have a QAnon drop that I need to address. Can you say your name and address please?
I do not wish to say my address because that is not meant for the public to know. However, Joe Biden is not the real president, nor is he actually really Joe Biden.
The CIA killed him long ago. He's currently being played by many different actors. For example, Joe Biden felt the stairs on the Air Force One multiple times.
He was being played by the famous comedian Jim Carrey, who was made famous by the movie The Mask. Do you get it? Because he's wearing a mask when he plays Joe Biden.
All you need to do is look at Biden now versus five years ago and you will see that it is not the same person, which is proof that Donald Trump is still the president and the military is in full control.
Also, before I forget, there is pornography in Disney movies and they are all pedophiles. The White House that you see on the mainstream media is not really the White House.
It is nothing but a movie studio, a Tyler Perry Studios and a land of Georgia full of actors, which once again proves that Donald Trump is still the president and is all part of playing, ladies and gentlemen.
Joe Biden has never set foot in the White House and Donald Trump is playing 5D chess with a D state and they are playing checkers, which is why you see everybody getting exposed.
JFK Jr. is not dead and he never died in a plane crash. He will be coming back, but not until the time is right. He is also the real vice president.
Democrats and Hollywood celebrities are involved in a secret cannibalistic pedophile cult that Donald Trump is secretly trying to expose behind the scenes, which is why he's only surrounding for years because he is getting intelligence.
If you don't believe me, just take a look at Pizza Gate, which was located at a pizza parlor in Washington, D.C., called Comet Ping Pong, where deep state members such as John Podesta and Hillary Clinton would hide kids in the basement and have them do sexual favors.
And more things that I cannot talk about because it is far too graphic. Also, Comet Ping Pong is owned by James O'Fauntus, who is a raw child, hells when somebody who owns a crap pizza place gets so rich and famous.
Exactly. It doesn't make any darn sense. Soon, all the deep state will be exposed and arrested and taken to Guantanamo Bay Prison, and they will be held in front of military tribunal and then a firing squad.
Here are some of the people who will be exposed. Bill Gates, George Soros, Jacob Rothschild, Brian Stelter, Don Lemon, Barack Obama, George Depp.
Trump is also getting a lot of hate for endorsing big pharma and promoting operation work fee, which he started and pushing the vaccine. But once again, it was part of his plan to expose how corrupt and evil big pharma is.
That's why he brought the Johnson and Johnson family up on the stage and exposed them for what they are. 50 scum, deep state, and we will drain. We will drain the swamp.
And there might be some deep state members in here that will be exposed.
So I just want to let you know that Donald Trump is still your president, the military is in full control, guys, and you need to just sit back.
Trump is playing chess, y'all. He's playing chess. So when Trump does something that you don't understand, don't question it, alright?
Another thing is, I just want to say thank you and God bless Donald Trump, and QN is the truth. Y'all need to just trust the plan, alright?
Sit back, ladies and gentlemen. Buckle up. Thank you.
And again, the Q people covered a lot of stuff that's real, but they were obviously controlled opposition. That's why I like your notes exposing the left or exposing how they're trying to infiltrate us to make us look like fools.
Exactly. And you know that Trump actually cheated on his wife with Stormy Daniels in order to expose the evils of adultery. He did that to expose how evil and money hungry and just how much of a filthy whore she was.
And see how great that was? He was playing 90D chess the whole time, Alex.
And then meanwhile they show up in Dallas, a thousand of them believing JFK juniors in the show.
Well, JFK also was resurrected four days later. They said Michael Jackson's still alive.
And we sit here and we put up with this crap. I want to come back to and get serious with you and ask where you think the world's going.
Cast the Campbell. You are on fire. Alex Stein is on fire. You guys are awesome.
And everybody is riffing off what you're doing. It's beautiful. We'll talk about it when we come back.
Infowars.com. Tomorrow's new today. Twitter. See Campbell.
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We're here in this country, arping on wars, we're fighting, griping about the great things of being.
And I don't mind you switching sides and standing up for things that are leaving.
When they're running down my country, man, they're walking on the fighting side of me.
Running down the way of life, I'm fighting and arping down to be.
If you don't love it, leave it, let this song I'm singing in your morning.
Well, the thing is, like you were saying earlier, it's a spiritual battle
and the reason that this country is so, just falling, it's just going to hell, literally.
The reason is because nobody relies on God.
It's wicked, it's corrupt, it's evil and God has given America the leader that it deserves, Joe Biden.
But if we actually obey God and went to God instead of whatever other stuff people are worshiping,
God would bless us.
People don't understand that, they're like, oh, look at Sky Daddy, Sky Daddy.
And they're out going to pride parades.
They're not following Sky Daddy, so what are you following?
It's like the great Bob Dylan says, you've got to serve somebody.
Yeah, and the thing is, the greatest trick the devil ever played was that he doesn't exist.
And these people, like me and Alex Stein, we went to one of these little transgender LGBTQ events
and we were interviewing somebody and Alex, my other buddy, Alex Rosen,
he started saying something to one of the trans people and I'm like, hey,
you cannot win an argument with a demon and that trans person was like, yeah, that's right, you can't.
They're demons.
And that's what we have to realize is that we can turn ourselves over to consciousness
and these people have turned themselves over to death.
They're turned over to a reprobate mind, that's what the Book of Romans says in the Bible.
So without giving up your strategy, obviously they're trying to censor you,
they're trying to block you, we already covered that earlier.
I just pick up that you and Alex Stein are only gaining steam right now.
Yeah, and the thing is we're going to have to change things up a little bit
because the city council, these city councils are kind of catching on to what we're doing.
So that's why I started the far left news network on my YouTube channel.
So it's like a satire left wing news segment.
I can't wait to be on. In fact, we guys grab some of this will play one to come in the next segment.
Me and Alex Stein have done some pretty good ones on there.
I've missed this. You guys do so much.
You guys are very prolific.
Oh, this one's good.
Oh, we do have a clip.
Here's Republican strategist insanely reddit this on air. Here's the club.
Hi, and welcome to Marty Epstein tonight where I'm your host Marty Epstein.
My pronouns are they them.
Now, as you may know, there has been a massive surge of crime across the United States of America.
Now, unfortunately, joining us is Republican strategist Kevin Walker.
How's it going, Marty?
Not very good considering I have to talk to you.
So what can we do to stop this crime search?
Well, you got to understand.
It's more like whatever you say is we should do the opposite. So what would you tell us so that we can do the opposite?
Marty, what I'm about to say is 100% truth.
Okay. And I hope this is the way to get through to your knucklehead viewers.
So what I'll say is a lot of these police forces, a lot of these officers are leaving such that are leaving NYPD, leaving Chicago PD,
leading to this crime search.
Houston where I frequent a lot is now the murder capital of the country.
And that's the line. We can fact check that.
Marty, the politicians have a horrible attitude towards cops now because of video.
That is not true.
Context. Marty, it's everywhere.
And the biggest thing leading to this crime surge, of course, and the reason why these murders are happening is because people are getting let out, let out on quote unquote bail reform where they're getting zero bail.
That is simply not true. That is simply not true.
Marty, you can check.
That is not true.
The reason is because of bail reform, what's happening, these people are getting let out on no bail, going out and murdering people.
That is not true.
That is nobody's murdering anybody.
Marty, the reason we are peacefully protesting.
Marty, the reason for bail reform and the reason why they're all getting let out on nothing is because of an individual, a global elite billionaire, banned from even his home country by the name of George Soros.
And ladies and gentlemen, that is why we do not say his name on air.
Thank you for joining us on Marty Epstein tonight.
And we can make jokes about it, but this is very serious.
Yeah, the reason I did that is because I actually saw it on Fox News.
I can't remember who the lady was, the black lady, but this older white dude was all like George Soros, George Soros, and she's like, we don't need to say his name.
We don't need to say his name.
I remember that club. Yeah.
He sues you if you say his name.
He's the one in my court cases.
Their lawyers, Soros is now publicly involved.
So we're toe-to-toe with Soros, folks.
My gosh.
This guy should be in Guantanamo Bay.
Oh yeah, Cuban on.
You know, I just wish George Soros would find God.
Yeah, that guy is a demon.
I'm pretty sure he's turned over to a reprobate mind.
So what I was going to say, you know, if QAnon was only true, that'd be amazing.
No, I agree.
It makes you go to sleep and think everything's handled.
Oh yeah, I'd be able to sleep great at night.
But the thing is, these people are relying on Donald Trump to save them.
The only person that's going to save you, the only one that's going to save you is Jesus Christ.
And all these people, they're like, oh, Trump's going to save me.
DeSantis is going to save me.
No, they're not going to save you.
They don't care about you.
They're all part of it.
And you know what?
Nobody will call out Dr. Oz about the world economic form.
He's literally part of the world economic form.
And you know what I hear from these stupid Trump supporters?
They say, well, Trump did it because he's trying to expose him.
So he endorsed Dr. Oz to expose him.
What kind of stupid comment is that, man?
Well, nobody listens to those people anymore.
What is your view on Trump?
Is he good or is he bad?
He's done good things, but here's the issue.
He's done some really stupid things.
Like he caved in at the end of his presidency to the left.
He, you know, lockdowns, Operation Warp Steed,
Shield to Big Pharma.
And now he's endorsing terrible candidates.
He endorsed Greg Abbott, who, which I confronted and asked him,
he'll denounce the world economic form in Klaus Schwab.
He refused to do so and diverted from the question.
Then he goes and endorses Dr. Oz.
And he endorses censorship.
Oh, yeah, absolutely.
This is opposition.
But the thing is, it's like, okay, it's him or Joe Biden.
Obviously, we're going to choose Trump if we have to choose between the two.
But, you know, a few years ago, before Trump even came into office,
all these people that are saying, oh, he's such a great moral person,
they wouldn't be saying that.
They'd be saying he is an evil, immoral person.
You know, he owns strip clubs.
He casinos, which ruin people's lives.
He committed adultery.
He's been divorced multiple, like four times.
He's not a morally good person, but he's better than Joe Biden.
And God's not going to give us a morally good person until we turn to him.
Well, there's no doubt the Bible in history shows you get cursed by bad leaders.
So that's what we deserve.
We deserve a demented idiot.
And his name is Joe Biden.
That's right.
Well, I got to say, Cassie Campbell, you are kicking ass.
We've got some more clips coming up.
We're going to break it in a minute.
What else do you want to cover when we come back?
At the top of my head.
I don't know.
I'll have to think about it.
Because I got a lot of questions, but I always like my guests to be able to, you know,
say what they love to answer your questions.
I got plenty of questions, but I can talk a lot.
But this is just riveting stuff you're doing.
And you've got to feel satisfied, though.
I'm sure I didn't ask the Susan on the other side.
You got to feel satisfied that you had the number one film ever changing the world.
You got to feel satisfied.
You're getting tens of millions of views a week.
And you got all people, these people copying you.
It's beautiful, brother.
No, I love it, man.
And, you know, I never thought I'd actually be here on your show.
We love you, brother.
Glad to have Cassie Campbell's here.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
X2 for yourself today and then fullwarstore.com.
X2 and then fullwarstore.com.
Take action now.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
We'll be right back.
This man is evil.
And this was my favorite platform.
And I'm going to tell you why it is ruined.
Hello, my fellow queer and non-binary friends.
My name is Marty Epstein.
My pronouns are they, them.
And as you all know, today will go down as the most horrific day in history,
surpassing the Holocaust,
due to the fact that Nazi white supremacist Elon Musk
has purchased Twitter.
So that him and his Nazi heterosexual friends
will be able to post their problematic anti-science beliefs
and get away with it.
This is a threat to our democracy.
Recently, Elon tweeted that Netflix is waiting for the war to end
so that they can make a movie about a black Ukrainian guy
who falls in love with a transgender Russian soldier.
This is disgusting.
Not only is this racist and transphobic,
but I do not find it funny at all.
And unlike Elon, I am way funnier than him.
Here is a joke I wrote.
Now listen to it and tell me who is funnier,
me or Elon the Nazi.
How many white supremacists does it take to change a light bulb?
None, because white supremacists don't believe in change.
Somebody laugh.
Thank you.
Otherwise, I'll cancel you.
Elon Musk is Hitler reincarnated,
and this is very problematic.
My fellow queer council members, I say to you
that democracy is in the balance.
So are you going to side with schwapsikas or with rainbows?
Also, for the record, I would like to state that I love everyone
and believe that everyone deserves free speech
as long as their beliefs align with mine.
Do you not care about our future generation
or do you live in an echo chamber
where you can't hear the cries of your normal,
everyday person like me
who is begging for you to save us from this fascist?
Do you not hear me?
Or do you just not care?
Do you realize that shortly Donald Trump
will shortly be reinstated on Twitter
where he will be able to promote his dangerous ideas
to the whole world once again?
Let me tell you some of the hateful things
that Donald Trump has said.
He said the news is fake.
He said that Alec Baldwin's career was dead,
which is disgusting and hateful.
I loved him and the cat in the hat.
And he had the nerve to call the coronavirus
the Chinese virus.
And because of some wacky conspiracy
that it came from China,
he called people losers and haters
and refuses to accept the election results.
That is denying reality.
Lastly, due to Elon Musk buying Twitter,
this Friday I will officially be moving to Ukraine
with my non-binary best friend.
And this is a one-way ticket.
I am gone.
Are you not going to miss me?
Because you will miss me.
You will miss me.
I am leaving to Ukraine to meet Vladimir Zelensky at the airport.
Thank you.
And what's crazy is that's how they actually act.
Why don't you just take the vaccine?
Why don't you just take the vaccine?
Man, I tell you.
So where do you see this clown show going?
It's not a clown show, Alex.
You didn't take your vaccine.
You're a white supremacist.
Do you support shootings in places like Buffalo?
Is President Zelensky in studio?
You know, seeing it's fake news,
I'll just say you're President Zelensky.
President Zelensky.
Why did Soros overthrow the electric carbonate years ago in Ukraine?
That's misinformation.
And that will be fact-checked.
Do you understand that?
I'm going to bring on a misinformation expert.
Brian Stelter.
And he's going to fact-check you.
Oh, my gosh.
Brian Stelter.
So why do you think people like Bill Gates want to hurt us?
They're here to help us.
Well, since you're in your character, the host of the rest of the segment,
what character do you want to be?
Go ahead.
I'm going to be Marty Epstein.
So hi, everybody.
My name is Marty Epstein.
And today I want to talk about why everybody needs to get fully vaccinated.
It's, you know, so we can protect our democracy for the greater good.
And we need to put people who aren't vaccinated and refuse to obey the science like him.
We need to put him in prisons, in camps.
One of the ideas I had was to put people like Alex Jones and these science-denying conspiracy theorists
into the AT&T stadium in Dallas, Texas, and gas them with the vaccine.
For the greater good.
And you know what we also need to do?
We also need to ban all conservatives from society.
It's liberal.
No, that's not liberal.
That's the right thing to do.
Well, what Twitter says, we do not believe in free speech.
We are effing communists.
Well, that's not true.
That's disinformation.
But they said it on video.
That's not what they meant, though.
You just said censor.
But they didn't mean that.
That's not what they meant.
I think you're interpreting that wrong.
No, that's seriously what they'd say, though.
No, you're right.
No, I'm not.
Like the great replacement therapy?
The great replacement facet therapy theory.
They're literally saying that white people are going to be the minority.
And they're bad.
And we're getting rid of them.
But if you say you don't like that, then you're bad.
Well, yeah, it's a conspiracy theory.
Like when they kept saying the New World Order was a conspiracy theory.
And then Joe Biden says it over and over and over.
Well, Joe Biden's a conspiracy theorist, then I guess.
Give us the QAnon guy.
Oh, the QAnon.
Everything's all right.
Let me tell you something.
Yes, prizes aren't expensive.
That's a 3D chess move.
Donald Trump is playing 90D chess.
The reason that he slept with Storm McDaniels and Karen McDougal was to expose them for
being filthy, adulterous whores that they are and just wanting money.
He knew they needed a proctology exam.
And he did it to check them out and make sure it was all right.
He wanted to expose the evils of adultery.
And the reason is...
And JFK Jr. is going to visit.
That's exactly right.
And these people just make people like us look so bad.
It's pathetic.
Another thing I was going to say is, what are your thoughts on somebody like David Ike?
I like David.
But you know what I like about you?
You always mention God.
I don't see these guys ever mentioning God.
Like Jesus.
Well, I mean, David's trying to give people to think about there's a bigger picture and
a manipulation of our energy.
And so I think he kind of was somewhat kind of anti-Christian establishment earlier.
But I think he's coming around.
Because we have to give people...
There has to be a solution to the problem.
You know what I mean?
It's like, okay, the government's bad, this and this and that.
But where do you go from there?
There's no solution.
And the solution is Jesus Christ.
That's it.
Because if we turn to him, things are going to get better.
I agree with you.
So what comes next in your fantastic quest?
And again, what do you make of all these people imitating what you're doing?
I think it's beautiful.
Next, I'm just trying to grow the whole far left news thing that I have going on my channel.
And, you know, I'm going to be doing a lot of men on the street because that seems to
be, you know, good.
I'm going to do some field reporting.
And, you know, like for example, I was thinking, yeah, you know, like for, you know, in COVID
when they kept saying the hospitals are full, the hospitals are full.
So say if they have like a shortage or something, a food shortage, go and see if there's really
a shortage, you know, in a bunch of different stores.
That's just one example.
Well, that exposed them saying the hospitals were full.
Gosh, that is such an absolute joke.
Yeah, they weren't.
But they kept saying that only vaccinated people are going to be allowed in the hospitals.
They're only going to take vaccinated people.
Then they're saying the hospitals are full.
Okay, who's in the hospital then if only vaccinated people are allowed in the hospital?
Oh, the vaccinated people are in there because they're dying because they're getting heart
problems, blood clots.
Gut level.
Where do you see this going?
Just everything in general.
You know, if it just depends what the deep state does, you know, the people who control
the actual government, the government depends what they do.
Because if they do something crazy like a cyber attack, people are going to literally
freak out because Cloud Schwab has mentioned it over and over and over.
Oh, yeah, they're getting that right.
They're definitely better testing that.
And how long do you think that cyber attack would last, Alex?
As long as it takes for us to accept the world ID and accept the new global currency.
I believe that if they do something like that, people are going to accept it.
They're going to freak out.
They're going to be like, I need to get the microchip.
I need it.
Because that's how they could come out with the RFID chip.
When so obviously submitting destroys us.
They don't, they don't care though, because they love this world so much.
You know, those are the people, the people that obey the government are the ones who are
so scared of dying because they love the world so much.
Cassidy Campbell, you're on the war room three to six p.m.
Which hour are you on?
I think four o'clock.
All right.
Fellow Texan, we're going to get you some barbecue.
Heck yeah.
We're going to hang out.
You're going to be on the war room today.
Second hour.
That means two hours from now.
We've got a big guest host about to take over in the fourth hour today.
But Cassidy Campbell, love the work you're doing.
You're an inspiration to everybody.
We really appreciate you coming to Austin.
Thanks Alex.
Appreciate it.
Let's go to the city council together.
Let's do it.
Let's do it.
We're going to have a character that I'm going to play, I guess.
We'll figure something out.
Mr. Depopulation.
I'll just read quotes about depopulating everybody.
All right.
Cassidy Campbell, thank you so much.
It's not true.
You take it out of the tongue, so it's better absorption to your body, and it is a game
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
In most parts of the world, due to lockdown, most of the transmission that's actually happening
in many countries now is happening in the household, at family level.
In some senses, transmission has been taken off the streets and pushed back into family units.
Now we need to go and look in families to find those people who may be sick and remove them
and isolate them in a safe and dignified manner.
And who was caught faking the H1N1 pandemic in 2010.
The same World Health Organization run by Tadros Adonam Gibrasis, who's been working
with the Clinton Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation since 2007,
who said that the lockdowns will never end.
I repeat, there will be no return to the old normal for the foreseeable future.
And that the war in Ukraine was getting massive attention as a result of bias against black lives.
The US government is in full support of this new UN treaty with the WHO
and has submitted 13 amendments, which will be voted on next week,
that will give the WHO international authority on lockdowns, forced quarantines, and forced vaccinations.
According to constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes, none of this is legally binding
until a treaty is approved by the US Senate.
But the law hasn't been stopping these criminals from committing crimes against humanity so far.
And if they plan on staying in power, they're going to have to bring back the lockdowns
and the ballot-harvesting mules.
So we know it's coming, and it will soon be climate lockdowns to go with their climate migration.
People are waking up, but the UN's agenda is aggressively pressing forward.
The United Nations is meeting this week with members of the Mayor's Migration Council,
which is comprised of nine mayors from nine different cities throughout the world,
including Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles, California.
The Mayor's Migration Council is funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundations,
sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation and partnered with the United Nations.
And their stated goal is pretty clear.
They want to grant mayors the ability to bypass state and federal government
when it comes to what they call climate migration,
and go straight to international organizations for resources.
They are inviting all interested mayors or senior city staff members
to contact them at contactatmayorsmigrationcouncil.org
to learn how to engage with the international system
and learn how to get funding and boots on the ground support.
This all sounds completely illegal, but who's going to stop them?
There is no longer any justice in America,
so expect more lockdowns as the food supply diminishes
and the population around you surges with hungry foreign migrants.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Rees.
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In my fourth hour, typically what we do is we get into really hardcore lectures
about the deep plans of the elite.
We always go through books, we always go through the real writings of the elite
and that's so key to do because there's still skeptics out there,
there's still people that can be awakened through understanding
that all of this information is already out there in the public domain.
You just have to know where to go and where to look.
One of the ways that we know this is not just from the globalist white papers
and that kind of thing, which is very important,
but a lot of people don't know about the spy biographies that are out there.
A lot of spies later on in their life as they were getting into the latter years,
the twilight years, they would write down all of their escapades.
And while it's true that we can't take everything that they said at face value,
even if half of what they write or 75% of what they write is the case,
we can get a real key insight into the operations of these busy bodies
and busy bees of the elite.
One of the best spy biographies that I've read is the very rare, hard to find,
it took me many years to get a hold of a copy of this,
and that is the book Game of Nations by Miles Copeland.
This is the Copeland that you may recognize from the police.
Now, it's that family.
Stuart Copeland is from the police, but he's a relative of Miles Copeland,
the famous CIA operative.
And this Game of Nations book is a fascinating insight into his escapades
during the Cold War in both Syria and Egypt.
Now, he did most of his operations in Egypt.
He didn't spend all of his time in Syria.
He did a few things in Syria, and then he went on to work in Egypt with Nasser.
We're not going to be going into a lot of the history of the Cold War and all that.
Mainly what we want to focus on in this amazing book, this amazing tell-all,
is the overall globalist elite plan that is totally admitted in the book.
We want to look at the strategies of revolution, how to engineer,
how to steer revolutionary movements, how to control chaos,
managed chaos, arc of crisis type model,
and how ultimately this ties into long-term plans that the corporate global elite had,
in this case, for Egypt.
But in the long term, it's a model for the whole world.
So remember, this is going to be a microcosm of the CIA operations that were done
according to Miles Copeland in Egypt with Nasser.
And then how we can see that as a zoom out, that's exactly what they do now.
And now, it's exactly the siege chaos model that the same power entity,
the same group, is enacting in our country.
The US is undergoing the exact same models and strategies of attempting to collapse
and a controlled collapse of the country, not just for chaos,
but to bring in the new order, to bring in the phoenix from the ashes,
order out of chaos.
Now, Miles Copeland begins his book by saying that we call this the peace game,
this game of nations.
Remember, Brzezinski's grand chessboard model, his book of how we have the players,
the people, the presidents, there are pieces on the chessboard that we move around.
And he says, you may have heard of this famous,
believed to be a conspiracy text called the report from Iron Mountain.
Yeah, actually, Miles Copeland starts his book out by talking about the report from Iron Mountain.
And why would he do that?
Well, he says, everybody kind of thinks about this.
It was printed as a kind of a satire.
But he says, did you know that this was actually based on a real thing?
He says it was based on the CIA games center,
AKA game theory, game of nations.
And he says that I'm going to explain in this book how I played the game of nations,
how I was engaged in this consultation level at a high level with as a liaison between the CIA
under the cover of a private consulting firm telling and advising NASA what to do.
He says even controlling the periods, managing the periods when NASA appeared to be anti-U.S., he'll say.
Now, the first thing he says is that let me tell you the rules of the game of nations.
The number one rule is that it's not about morals.
There's no morals in this game at all.
It is purely about winners.
Hashtag winning.
Remember Charlie Sheen is pure tiger blood.
Winners and losers, that's it.
He says we assume that a nation state, for example,
will operate in terms of maximizing power and minimizing personal loss.
He says that's the way that will manipulate the leaders of the other countries.
In this case, it'll be NASA.
He says that we assume moral relativism.
So remember that in the game of geopolitical, public, international sphere, it's not about right and wrong.
It's not about morals.
Morals only come in when you want to call somebody out and make them look bad, right?
Virtue signaling.
And a key section next is that he says we were actually experimenting at this time.
Get this.
This is pretty wild.
And he wrote this book in 1969.
So Copeland wrote this in 1969.
He says we began experimenting with computer generated models of decision information and game theory devised by the Rand Corporation.
So in other words, Egypt, he says, was a test bed for the Rand Corporation running game theory,
Hermann Kahn, rational choice theory models on Egypt.
And he says that we would put all this information into this old computer, right?
Like something out of an old movie.
And he said it would spit out what would be our best objectives in these situations.
Now that's amazing because I don't think most people think about using computer information back that long ago in the 1960s.
But he says that that's what the CIA game center was involved in.
He says, next of all, you have to understand that we're purely pragmatic in this process.
We're not guided by any ideology other than winning.
And that's why he says, in the game of nations, we must reduce our approach to pure pragmatism, will to power and lying.
He says that this is the strategy and technique of regime regime change.
He says that regime change and control of nations is a zero sum game.
He says that in the original process of this with NASA, he says we had to give him pay him off 50 to 60 50 to 60 million dollars.
Because ultimately it was about partly the control of the Suez Canal.
Copeland claims to have been a key figure in that.
And then he says that ultimately we have a long term game.
And he says that most of the people involved in the Cold War, the Cold War espionage machinations and whatnot.
They don't even know the long term goals of the rules of the game and the Atlantic's American power block, what they wanted to achieve.
You're going to be blown away when I get to who he says to go read to understand the long term game plan.
But he does say quote that ultimately this is about bringing in a global brotherhood of man, a new order of the ages and a new order of the world.
And he says we want to understand how we got to that.
He says realize that out of the two world wars, the US got transformed into USA world police.
Everybody knows about Team America.
Remember that old satire that's actually out of CIA writings to CIA manuals.
Miles Colton himself said that the in the US was engineered into a world police model where they would be the enforcers of the inner deep state core who wanted to use America as the engine of the NWO.
And he even specifically says that the United States took over the old Pax Britannia.
Remember how often have we talked about the concession of the British imperial model the Pax Britannia to the Pax Americana.
Now remember the Pax Americana is not ultimately the will of the American people.
Okay, we're not talking about America is bad in itself.
It's actually the corrupt inner military industrial complex corporate elite who by the way are going to be explained in Alex Abeya's book soldiers of reason when he gives a separate section about this game center being the real Iron Mountain.
So notice you have to kind of cross reference these two books to notice this that the report from Iron Mountain is satire but it's based on the real game center model that Alex Abeya will explain precisely in what way is real.
This is the Alex Jones show the only place where you see this kind of information broken down.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones show.
You'll notice right there, if you go to my YouTube channel, I just had an excellent discussion
with old Eddie Bravo.
So Eddie went pretty wild in this discussion that we had.
If you want to go check that out, you can see that on my website, or you can head over
to YouTube.
I want to thank you to the full discussion over on Eddie's page, which was his show ultimately,
but we had a lot of fun, and it was a wild show, so definitely go check out that.
I mean, we got into everything, and of course, Eddie does his Eddie Goes Wild type of thing,
so it's a lot of fun.
It was a hilarious conversation, so check that out.
Now we were discussing Miles Copeland's famous book, The Rare Game of Nations Text, and he
was describing what the US plan was back in the Cold War for the Middle East, and he said
our goal was to, quote, bring democracy to the Middle East.
However, he says that this idea of bringing democracy included rigging the elections, staging
coups, creating and causing revolutions, and he says, ultimately, the Truman Doctrine
to the Marshall Plan and all of this was a faux democracy attempt to just regime change
and remake the Middle East according to the policy of the US and ultimately military industrial
complex, the big oil companies at that time, and he says that one way that we were so successful
in this was rigging elections.
He says that back in the 50s and 60s, we had the art of rigging the elections completely
down, completely mastered, a voting scam.
Now maybe that's relevant to things that have happened, I don't know, in the last few years
or maybe going back to the stories of the unions and JFK and RFK, I mean, there's pretty famous
movies even made about this.
I remember watching Martin Scorsese's The Irishman and Pachino is sitting there talking
to the Nero and they're talking about the union bosses helping to rig elections for
a certain prominent candidate.
My point is not to go after, I don't care about the whole politics of JFK, I'm just
pointing out that this is a well-known old thing that especially people in the CIA seem
to be very adept at, they seem to be very well-trained at rigging elections and if I
recall, Roger Stone wrote an essay back a couple years ago when we had a big kerfluffle
over elections which I think he said the same thing, didn't he?
He talked about how this is a well-known strategy to rig elections in foreign countries
and I'm just saying it's echoed in this famous CIA operatives biography.
Now you've heard me talk a lot about the Madison Avenue people and how the admin played a big
role, right, Don Draper played a big role in being used in these kinds of operations
for psychological warfare and there's a whole chapter getting into pages 46, 47, 48 where
he notes that a lot of the men out of Madison Avenue had perfected these techniques of control
both in the advertising world and back and forth in a kind of a symbiotic relationship
between psychological warfare in wartime and advertising in Madison Avenue and he said
they just applied those techniques of manipulation, just think about how everybody's manipulated
through advertising, right, and then applying that to nationwide control.
He says that, for example, the CIA fostered the coup in 1949 in Syria that brought in
the military dictatorship in Syria at that time.
He says that that was one of the examples of a destabilization operation that we engineered
to bring in a puppet dictator.
He says ultimately it's a game of conflict that we play and he says really we weren't
even that worried about the Soviets.
We knew the moves the Soviets and the Chinese would make and we really were just playing
them off against each other and against ourselves and against our little puppet people at different
Another fascinating section he says is that one thing that we wanted to do at that time
in the 40s and 50s for the CIA operations in the Middle East was to find a Muslim Billy
He says that the CIA had noted and figured out that the techniques of Billy Graham's
evangelical message in the US and in the West was very powerful in moving large swaths of
So, they really sought out a figure who could mobilize and motivate all of the Islamic ideology
in the Middle East for what he calls Arab nationalism.
So, at that time before they wanted to go with more of a micro nation chaos model of
the Middle East, the CIA had at this time a plan for, excuse me, Arab nationalism.
However, he says that we never really thought Arab nationalism would work due to the tribal
conflicts in these areas.
He said, but one thing we did do that we found was successful is that the CIA would profile
for psycho leaders.
Yes, you heard me right.
Profile to find psychotic narcissistic political puppets.
Do you think that still goes on?
I don't know.
I mean, we seem to be run by psychopathic, narcissistic, crazy people.
And he says, get this.
He says that in order to come to this conclusion, he says we looked at a couple philosophers
that had helped us come to this hard reality, Bertrand Russell and James Burnham.
You don't know Burnham, of course, is the guy who wrote about the managerial society.
I need to cover his book because that's one of the key texts of the elite in the 20th
And that's about setting up basically a corporate model for everything.
So the way that the CEO corporation model runs, let's just do that everywhere.
Now I'm not inherently opposed to the idea of organization and having systems or anything
like that.
That's not the point of my talk here.
I'm not an anarchist, but the problem is that these are techniques used by completely
ruthless people to not just have an ordered organization, but to have an organization
with literal psychopaths at the top.
I mean, do you understand, he's telling you we profile to find complete psychopaths to
run nations as puppets.
And that's how we control.
And of course, yeah, they're compromised, they're blackmailed.
But now this has all come out, especially after the last couple of years with the Epstein
stuff and all that blackmail.
This is nothing new.
Okay, this goes back to the Cold War.
And he even says a couple of times.
We follow Bertrand Russell's model.
And the easiest way to control a nation is to have psychopaths, psychotics, pedos, etc.,
etc., complete looms in control.
There's a little addendum side note.
He mentions that, oh yeah, by the way, Operation Ajax, that was totally real.
Now remember, this wasn't declassified and admitted until many, many years later.
And of course, if you talked about Operation Ajax, ah, ha, ha, you're a conspiracy theorist.
That's crazy.
Well, eventually it gets declassified and admitted, but he was admitting it in 1969.
So yeah, of course it is.
And you'll usually find that controversial things like this, like remember the existence
of the Bilderberg group, right, rarely admitted in U.S. Western media.
Every now and then European media would kind of leak out that they admitted it existed.
But if you talked about it, you were poo-pooed, it was crazy, your conspiracy theorist.
Then as it starts to get known, well, of course it exists, but why is that a bad thing?
And then it turns into, well, if you disagree, you're a bigot, you're evil, right?
That's the, that's the gaslighting model of what these people do.
Next section, get this.
I did not expect this.
He said that in order to plan our revolutions that we engineered, the coups that we engineered
in Egypt, he says we're going to get into some of the most famous, how can I say this,
the generates that you probably have heard of, and their philosophy and their chaos,
and implement that as a way to destabilize and destroy the existing traditional culture
in Egypt.
Now I'm not, I'm not going to care about the traditional classic Muslim culture in Egypt.
That's not my point.
But my point is that this is a technique of regime change.
I want to show you that.
Don't go anywhere.
It's Alex Jones.
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Reading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones on your guest host, Jay Dyer.
We're talking about the microcosm example of the CIA operations in Egypt with NASA that
can be expanded to understand precisely what we're going through right now with the attempted
destruction of the West, U.S., to motivate it and move it to transform it into the great
reset New World Order, the next phase or you could even say a business plan phase.
By the way, he will describe them like business plan phases, the way that they moved Egypt
in the direction that they wanted to go.
They might say, well, but isn't it great to bring democracy to Egypt?
I mean, weren't those people oppressed under, you know, probably Islamic law or something
like this or whatever, but the problem is when you understand where they want to take
Egypt in this scenario, it is far worse.
It's a microcosm model of what they're going to do for the West and for ultimately the
whole world if we don't wake up and understand that this is what's really going on.
It's not about all of the stuff that people get distracted by, all the silly stuff.
This is the model.
This is the technique.
It's a strategy.
As I was saying, the first thing he says that we did was prime the pump for revolution in
Egypt with Kinsey, yes, degenerate creeper, Coomer, Alfred Kinsey and his pro pedo approach.
He said, we applied the sexual revolution techniques of Kinsey to Egypt and we fostered
things like any of the radical groups, any of the most extreme groups, any of the weird
sexual stuff.
He says, we imported Hollywood.
He says that movies were instrumental in changing Egypt to modernize Egypt.
He says all we did was sell to the Egyptian people that they hadn't been cheated out of
Western prosperity and the Hollywood lifestyle of being James Bond and of being this and
He actually mentions that James Bond was a key iconic figure to convince the Egyptians
that they had missed out on this.
He says that the CIA made a coup deal with Nasser in this situation.
So again, this is straight out of his techniques.
This is not my conspiracy theorizing.
This is the famous CIA operative explaining the techniques of revolutionizing Egypt,
not to help it, because as you're going to see, he's going to be citing people like
Bertrand Russell and the Rand Corporation, the population council for the ultimate grand
designs of Egypt.
Now, you might say, okay, well, so they were stoking the fires of sexual revolution.
So what?
That was a big thing in the 50s and 60s.
Okay, but that's not all they did.
He says we went to the students and he says we arranged fake student riots, fake student
We sent out all kinds of revolutionary propaganda.
Have you heard it?
Maybe this is something similar to color revolution model, of course it is.
Rand Corporation back in the 60s was experimenting in all the student riots, studying the techniques
of swarming, studying the techniques of mob psychology to roll out mobs in future sociological
I mean, I think maybe we've seen this in the last five years all over the place, especially
Trump speaking events, especially the way people act in riots, the way people act in
political meetings, right?
They intentionally stoke the fires of these things.
Next thing he says that we had to do was we brought in military psychological warfare
experts, people like Paul Linerberger who has a famous book on psychological warfare,
this kind of a classic that people read in the military.
And he says that what we had to do was at all costs magnify every potential tension
in the region, in the country.
So between rich and poor, agitate every possible Marxist idea between rich and poor.
Now remember, of course this was not quote mark.
All they were concerned with was the pragmatic power of agitating any potential conflict.
He says between tribes, he says between men and women.
So women's liberation, feminist theology, all of those things were instrumental in
being promoted, sexual liberation.
And he says some of these techniques he says were used by the Nazis from paperclip.
He says that people like Otto Scorsani, they were involved in training a lot of people,
the famous Nazi, the Galen network.
Not just the training people in terms of espionage and spy craft, but also that the
CIA reached out and was interested in these people training networks of assassins, networks
of spies.
And he says eventually the CIA ended up condoning Nasser, working with him because they felt
that they had mastered mob psychology through immense amounts of research that the CIA put
into studying public opinion.
And he says that we had to utilize all of Paul Leinenberger's techniques that he mastered
for the Pentagon about black propaganda, gray propaganda, white propaganda.
All that was rolled out in Egypt.
You can get this.
What have you heard me say for so long?
Cold warfare theaters of war are giant test tubes.
They're giant experiments.
He says that a lot of what we were doing in Egypt was testing out social control models,
testing out collapse models, testing out regime change models and techniques and strategies.
He calls them a technology.
So you have to understand this if you want to understand what's happening in America.
It's not one random event to the next random event.
This is a controlled, managed, chaotic, intended eventual collapse that's strategic in its
phases and strategies.
Remember all of the white papers that we saw that planned the spars pandemic that planned
out clade X that planned the 20 to 2022 debacle that we've all lived through.
Remember the event 201.
There's like five of these, crimson contagion.
They're all related because it's the same people running the drills and the exercises
to roll out the strategy.
Now that wasn't the first time that they rolled out big international scale psyops.
The 9-11 event was a big international scale psyop.
And that wasn't the first time that they had done it either.
They had been testing and perfecting to a scientific degree these techniques, not just
in Egypt with NASA, but in Phoenix, excuse me, in Vietnam with the Phoenix program.
I just finished Douglas Valentine's book, Phoenix program.
The whole situation in Vietnam is a big lab, a big test tube.
Now in the next section, Copeland goes on to say that first thing we realized we had
to do was destroy Egyptian traditional society.
We recommended NASA participate in this, not because of anything to do with whether they
believe or didn't like traditional society per se.
I mean, there's an element of that, but he said that if we were ever going to integrate
Egypt into a modern world, an industrialized, you know, first world nation, what we would
have to do is get them to that by destroying what came before.
And things like Marxism, things like Muslim Brotherhood, things like anything like that
that Western intelligence agencies have co-opted and used at times are excellent for destroying
everything that came before.
This is why the OSS, Skull and Bones, and David Rockefeller supported the OSS, excuse
me, supported Mao's guerrillas, had nothing to do with believing or not believing communism
per se.
It had to do with using it as a wrecking ball to destroy the wealth and the tradition and
the history of the country to solidify and consolidate all of the money and the power
and the resources and then transfer them offshore.
That's it.
That's what Marxism is.
It's a tool of money delete.
The famous historian Oswald Spangler said that there's never been a socialist communist
revolution that was not the tool of some money power, and that's 100% the case.
So he says that we had to convince Nasser that he would have to be at the forefront
of getting rid of traditional Egyptian society.
We chose him as a actor, the words that are used, but he says that he's sort of an actor
that we put up there as a kind of figurehead puppet, and he says that he would be the man
who would revolutionize Egypt, and because he's a narcissist, he doesn't care about
the people.
He says we're just using him, and after we vetted him, he says that we basically made
him our man.
He was our puppet.
He says in order to do this and pull this off, he says that we reached out to Arthur
Little Consulting, and they came up with a five-year plan to transform Egypt.
Now, you might think, but again, isn't this good to bring Egypt into a modern society
to update it, to industrialize it?
In itself, there's nothing wrong with that idea, but wait until you see what Miles Copeland
says was the real reason that they wanted to modernize and industrialize Egypt.
There's a whole chapter on it, and it has to do with offspring, it has to do with babies.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Oxygen Gist of J-Darkness and Alex and I, we had mentioned at the beginning
of this discussion that Miles Copeland says that the report from Iron Mountain, that famous
classic sort of conspiracy idea that you can kind of get glimpses of in Doctor Strange
Love, this idea of a deep state, military, industrial, technocratic complex that would
try to bring in a world government, that was, by many people at the time, lampooned as kind
of a joke and it was kind of, it was kind of put out as satire.
However, we saw Copeland's book at the very beginning saying that it's actually based
on a real thing, it's based on something akin to what's called the Gather Report and
the CIA Games Center and if we go over to the books that we've covered in the past
here on my fourth hour segments, which by the way, if you're, go to battleplan.news
or bend a video, you can type in my name and you'll see all the previous discussions
that we've done.
I try to make every fourth hour something like a very informative, sort of like a college
class style lecture if you will.
So you can all, you can find all these past discussions there and in that, in this chapter
in Abeo's book, he says that at this Gather Report meeting, the, at the behest of the
Rockefeller Foundation, there was a giant meeting that they had with a bunch of corporate
elite, a bunch of CEOs, people from the Ford Foundation, they got together and said that
we need to come up with a new National Security Council memorandum that would put in place
a scenario where we could pursue a quote, one world government that would eventually
merge the United States into the Soviet Union.
Now at that time that was in the Cold War, right?
So there's this, right at the beginning of the Cold War, there's this dialectic going
on and in geopolitics at the time and up into the 90s, that became called the third way,
the idea that we can blend Western capitalism with Eastern Bloc Sovietism and out of that
clashing, we'll get the thesis, the antithesis, the synthesis of the global order.
And again, this is not a conspiracy text.
This is a guy who was invited in for public approval, right, for, for public mainstream
printing here for this book to explain what the Rand Corporation was all about and on
page 33, it notes that the goal of the Gather Report and this National Security Council
memorandum was the corporate elite telling the government that we want a one world government
in the future and we're going to get this out of the Cold War conflict.
Abaya goes on to say that this was born out of the philosophy of full spectrum dominance
and this NSC68 memorandum was based on the older McKinder doctrine, right, land power,
sea power.
Now who was involved in all this exactly?
What is this exactly?
Well, he says that this was ultimately people out of the military industrial complex, he
says who we could identify as people from the Rand Corporation like Bolshetter, Herman
Kahn and Andrew Marshall, he says that this is people at this meeting from the CIA, people
who were the chairman of CBS, people who headed up the Bay of Pigs invasion, people from MIT,
people from Dutch Shell, at that time Shell Oil, people from other universities, John
J. McCloy of Chase Manhattan Bank and the Council of Foreign Relations, the future president
of the World Bank, Admiral Robert B. Carney of Westinghouse Electric and many other Rand
Corporation elites.
Other companies were there such as Sprague Electric and basically it was a big, as I
said, Fortune 100 corporate elite and they literally said we want at the behest of the
Rockefeller Foundation a global world order.
This became known as the Gather Committee Report and that is precisely what the basis
for the report from Iron Mountain is.
So it's actually a real thing and that's what the CIA operative says.
Now I mentioned a minute ago that in Miles Copeland's book there was a not so nice reason
as to why they wanted to industrialize and update Egypt and it had to do with population.
Can you guess what the overriding ideology of the same corporate elite at the Iron Mountain
NSC68 thing, can you guess what their philosophy would be, what maybe Miles Copeland's philosophy
would be?
Could you guess, do you have an idea, maybe it has to do with everything that we've been
talking about from all of these other global elite techs, right?
Again, we've been through about 50 or 60 of them now over at my website and on my YouTube
There's a whole playlist, by the way, people go to the YouTube channel.
Where is this?
Where is this?
There's a playlist there that lists all of the global elite writings that we've gone
You can find that playlist, it's on the very front page right there.
Well, this Arthur C. Little Consulting Plan was a five-year model to introduce birth control
and population control to Egypt.
He says that when we decided that we would have to remove all the old regime, we would
do it in stages over many years to implement a new updated Egypt that would accept abortion
and other sexual things and population control, birth control, et cetera.
The attach to this was the rollout of Hollywood films and the morality of Hollywood films
in Egypt.
It's a phase one, phase two, phase three, all the way up to get this.
Here it is.
Do you see it right there?
You can see it.
You can see I'm not making this up.
So if you want to pause that and screenshot it, you can go look and see that all of this
is real.
Phase two would be, the phases lead up to the year 2000, the year 2000.
By the year 2000, Egypt would be completely changed and ultimately a vastly changed population
that by the end would begin to adopt depopulation.
So the key element, I'm going to one more thing before we close this out, which is,
he says another key element we had to bring in was the use of terror, yes, terror, Western
controlled terror networks, rolling out the fake terrorists, not saying that there's not
sometimes real terror.
I mean, this is real terror, but in chapter nine, there's a famous section where he says
that we in the CA absolutely totally have to use terror.
We use terrorists.
We use, do you see this, hello, liars and deniers.
Can you read?
We use terrorists.
Next page, we use terrorists.
We use terrorists.
Does this make sense?
Maybe this could help you figure out what happened on 9-11.
Maybe a little bit.
Maybe that's helpful.
Maybe it's insightful.
The West has a long history of using terrorists.
He says that the terrorists were key in the coup.
We planned out these coups in the Middle East.
We also used organized crime, the mob.
Have you heard me lecture on that?
We use organized crime.
We use organized crime, the mob in these regions.
And ultimately, that helped us promote the renovation of the Middle East at that time
that the CIA wanted.
Now, what was the long-term goal, right?
Was it to make a utopia?
Was it to create this peaceful capitalist order in the Middle, no, no, no, it wasn't
Was it to create a communist utopia?
No, it wasn't even that.
Wasn't any of that.
He says, if you want to understand what the CIA operations in these countries in the Middle
East at this time were all about, he says, I'm going to give you a reading list.
He says, the first thing I want you to read is the CFR publications.
The Council on Foreign Relations, well, wait a minute.
Does that exist?
I mean, here's the CIA operative telling us to read the Council on Foreign Relations
writings to understand what we are doing long-term there.
But does that exist?
I mean, people out there, fact-checkers.
I mean, you guys tell us to dictate what's reality, so I guess I have to ask you if those
things exist.
Then he says, then you need to understand the writings of a guy named James Burnham.
James Burnham wrote books about the managerial society and technocracy and using the strategies
of Taylorism, corporatism, and so forth to structure society as well.
Then he says there's a, you should read a book called The True Believer that deals with
things about controlling nations through the TV.
And he mentioned Sir Hans Urhan, which again, famously relates to MKUltra studies.
Then he says you need to understand that we are guided by ecology, so he recommends some
books on ecology and the green movement.
Then he says you need to understand what we are planning to make the world by the year
He says go read Herman Kahn about the Rand Corporation.
He says because the Rand Corporation plans are ultimately to remake the world into a
Then he says you need to read Bertrand Russell.
So he actually tells you to go read Bertrand Russell, he actually tells you to go read
these people that you hear me talking about because they are the ones that are crafting
the new world order, which is a technocracy premised on massive reduction of the population.
And that was the ultimate goal of everything that they were doing in Egypt in the Cold
And that's what he says is ultimately if you want to zoom out, that's the plan that
the elite, the Davos type people are going to do not just for Egypt back then, but now
the whole world in the US.
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If I had to describe with just one word, the brainwashing, the mind control, the asleep
France that the general public is in, the best word would actually be the people are
Just like you're lost to sleep or lost in a bad nightmare or you're in a car or you
get knocked out and you've lost your bearings because you are totally dizzy and confused,
you have a concussion.
And that's what the globalists have done, they have stunned us.
They have put us into a position of not knowing our bearings and then Klaus Schwab recently
came out and gave a speech called The Great New Narrative where he brags how the public
is lost, how the culture in the media has been driven to make sure the people are all
alone so they can now guide humanity over the edge of a cliff.
That's what the Great Reset is.
They need darkness to thrive.
The light lives at nfowars.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.