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Filename: 20220517_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 17, 2022
3931 lines.

In a segment of The Alex Jones Show, the host discusses the growing influence of the World Health Organization (WHO) on American sovereignty under Joe Biden's administration. He urges listeners to unite against global health governance takeover and attend the Reawaken America Tour. Jones also promotes alpha power supplements and thanks supporters for their financial contributions, encouraging them to donate through infowarstore.com. Wayne Allyn Root, in a separate segment, critiques the Biden administration's handling of COVID-19, questioning vaccine safety and efficacy, mask mandates, and lockdowns. He compares the current situation to the Three Mile Island disaster and encourages viewers to support InfoWars financially and purchase supplements from their store.

It's Tuesday, May 17th, the year is 2022, I am your host Alex Jones, probably the greatest
documentary filmmaker living, definitely a patriot, Vanessa Sousa will join us in the
second hour, we have some other really amazing guests as well today.
I don't want to just say this up front as we kick off, I appreciate the viewers and
listeners, you're incredible, you are the heart of the worldwide resistance to the globalist
and as their plan unfolds and as the general public figures out the nightmare situation
we're in, every seed that you've planted, every person that you've warned will basically
realize that you were right and understand that they've got to resist what's happening.
The real power of this broadcast is that we know the enemy plan and now as it's coming
to fruition the credibility is exploding, it's the same thing for you, so that's the
silver lining to this very, very dark cloud formation, this storm that we're all going
into together, incredible broadcast today, just unbelievable developments on so many
fronts, Canada, the Canadian government and others have announced that they are rolling
out a Debo Scroop National ID card, Medical ID, now we already knew that, it was in the
documents years ago, that was the whole rollout plan, it's official and it's happening in
Europe, incredible, also they're saying anyone that talks about the UN plan for replacement
migration is a white supremacist when it's a UN plan to bring in 600 plus million people
into the United States alone by 2040, so I guess they can be more orderly depopulated,
that is in the documents, we have huge developments on the worldwide food crisis that's accelerating
and we have big, big developments in Ukraine with some major Ukrainian forces surrendering
and the corporate media even refusing to report on that and we also have Senator Paul still
holding up the 40 billion money laundering operation for Obama and Biden and the New
World Order and Soros and we have some really serious news with two more countries in Western
Europe, Northern Europe, saying they will join NATO, which is a red line for Russia,
this is just a wild, wild time to be alive, of course the huge news that broke during
the show yesterday but I didn't properly cover it, we have the video, Project Veritas
Senior Engineer, Project Veritas caught this on hidden camera, a senior engineer lashes
out at Elon Musk and Mitch Twitter does not believe in free speech, that's a quote and
we are effing commies, so this is all on video, that's coming up as well, we have Obama's
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, now a warning of coming stagflation under Biden, I told you
that's what's coming, that's the plan, this and so much more, we have the new super arrogant
press secretary, I mean if you thought Jen Psaki was arrogant, I didn't think they could
find somebody as arrogant and he just puts on this affectation of total supremacy but
this dingbat does it and we are going to be looking at some of her floundering around
and gaslighting today as well, this is going to be again an incredible broadcast and remember
freedom is not a spectator sport, we need everybody, every man, woman and child in the
arena spreading the word about the resistance, it's an info war, hence info wars, we have
the enemy's number and if more people tune into this broadcast and if those people tell
others to tune in and they tell others to tune in and they tell others to tune in, the
chain reaction is set and we are unstoppable with God's blessing, that is just some of
what's coming up, Elon Musk is in fuego, in fuego, I mean this is just, he's coming
out against the globalists, we're going to become Venezuela, says Biden is a complete
total puppet, whoever writes the teleprompter statements is the president, which is totally
true, it's a consortium, basically Obama and the group behind him, this is one hell of a
time to be alive right now, the pendulum is swinging back massively against the new world
order, we were all supposed to be off the air by now, we were supposed to be silenced
so they can carry this out, but we're not silenced thanks to you, so info wars.com forward
slash show, band.video, the link you can share that isn't a censor or block is battleplan.news,
battleplan.news takes you right to band.video, the home of the resistance and forbidden
verboten information, stay with us, I'm Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, there are a lot of natural compounds out there that turbocharge and boost
our stamina, our energy, our libido that are also amazing pre or post workouts, and we
went out and looked at the top brands, the top reviews, and came out with alpha power,
now it's so hard to source good clean herbs like we have in this, that it's been sold
out for more than six months, but now alpha power is back in stock at infowarstore.com
at 40% off, go to infowarstore.com and read about these compounds and ingredients for
yourself and then try it for yourself, now the formula is made for men, but it does amazing
things for women as well, find out what just one of the ingredients does, LJ100 and then
go on from there, alpha power, exclusively available right now, 40% off at infowarstore.com
and it funds the info war, you are really missing out, if you don't experience what alpha power
does, it has improved my life and so many others, just incredible levels, crashing through
the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones and we are in the danger zone and Christ is
our co-violet, Tuesday, May 17, 2022, I'm your host Alex Jones, we are here for the
next four hours, Nesta Sousa and so many others are joining us today, this is a broadcast
you are not going to want to miss, there is no doubt that the pendulum is swinging from
tyranny back into liberty right now, it's at that magic moment where the pendulum seems
to stop and now begins swinging back the other direction and the technocrats and their minions,
all of these pedophiles and Satanists and control freaks who lust after power and control
more than anything else, they are in absolute abject panic mode because they have figured
out the fact that they are unable to suppress the new renaissance and where we are going,
so say what you will about Elon Musk, is he good, is he bad, 90% of what he does is spectacularly
good, the other 10% is globalist, but is that him paying them lip service or is he paying
us lip service, regardless the fact that he sounds more and more like Alex Jones every
day and that Joe Rogan sounds more and more like Alex Jones every day and Tucker Carlson
and all the rest shows the world is getting it and understanding the real problem and
what faces us and folks know freedom is popular and so Elon Musk has been particularly on
fire in Fuego, so here are some incredible clips and we'll get into all the other news,
there's so much today, we've got to cover it all, it's too important, here's Elon Musk
saying that whoever controls Biden's teleprompter is president and that's true, what the US
president says is one of the most powerful things and not the most powerful on this
planet, the world listens, markets listens, governments listen, a president could cause
a depression overnight or wants World War III or get a great peace deal going, with
Biden it's a consortium of committees with Obama and the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers
and the Carnegie Endowment and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with Obama captaining some
things and Biden does not know where he is and has not known where he is for at least
two years, that's why they ran him for president, that way he gets all the blame and then the
globalists get their takeover, their collapse of civilization, they've been planning, let's
play this back to back, two spectacular clips, Elon Musk says that Biden is not really the
president and that the real president super controls the teleprompter, Musk went on to
warn that the obvious cause of inflation might make the US like Venezuela, it's the private
central banks and then Musk goes on to say he would reverse Trump's suspension from Twitter
and that ties into a senior engineer mad at Elon Musk, caught on tape by the incredible
heroes at Project Veritas saying Twitter does not believe in free speech, we are communists,
F freedom, big mega banks, big mega tech, rich engineers, hell their engineers are paid
millions of dollars, that's a middle level job there, millions of dollars a year and
they're communists, yeah that's why the owners of these companies pay almost no taxes, it's
why they're waging war against poor people and it's why the globalists that control
the IMF World Bank have ordered multiple year lock downs that have killed over 40 million
people, the third world, these are corporate fascist monsters saying they're avant garde
communists, it is beyond mind control, it is beyond brainwashing, it is beyond gaslighting,
it is just a sickening disgusting fraud, they surveil us in live time, they steal our data
in live time, they censor us with that and then parade around that they're the moral
high horses with all their spokespersons saying America's evil and the average white person
that works at a shoe store or gas station is some evil mastermind but the big multinational
corporations and corporate owners of major basketball teams say screw the Uighurs, three
million in death camps, screw them, I don't care about them, oh but you're Indians so
it's okay, well most Indians aren't like that, they care about what's happening to Uighurs
but it's rich white people, rich Asians, rich black people, it's rich elite groups that
are anti free market that want monopolies that are waging war on everyone and we need
to recognize who they are, a global criminal sickening cabal making statements in the
debos group like you'll have nothing, you'll own nothing, you'll like it, your free will
is over, we're going to depopulate you, give up, there's no hope, the end of humanity
is soon, humans are no good, these are quotes, these are quotes, I've played them here hundreds
of times, these people are raving out of control maniacs, unbelievable, so here is Elon Musk.
Man it's hard to tell what Biden is doing if you tell me Frank, the real president is
whoever controls the teleprompter, it's like the path to power is the path to the teleprompter,
because that's what he reads the teleprompter, so I do feel like if somebody would accidentally
lean on the teleprompter, it's going to be like Anchorman, it's going to be like QQQ
ASDF123, type of thing, I mean, in fairness to Biden, he hasn't been napping as much as
he needs to, but it's an incredibly hard job, it doesn't seem to get a lot done, and you
know, whatever, the Trump administration, leaving Trump aside, there were a lot of people
in the administration who were affected by getting things done, so this administration
seems just to not have the drive to just get done, that's my impression.
Now that's Elon being kind, and that's really not accurate, it's accurate about the teleprompter
and that he's a puppet, very powerful statement, but they're getting a lot done, erasing our
border, devaluing and annihilating our currency, brainwashing our children, turning the whole
world against us, destroying the blue cities they control, creating record drug overdoses,
putting in policies all over the country where elementary students are expelled,
if they misgender someone, talk about sexual harassment, this is a damn eugenics cult,
they are getting a lot done, screwing us over, let's recognize he's just the front man, now
here's Musk warns what the obvious cause of inflation is that we're headed towards Venezuela.
Bezos' tweet back and forth with Biden, where Biden I think was talking about inflation,
but then he correlated that to tax incorporations, and Bezos said this is misinformation and
disinformation, etc, etc, what do you think about that whole exchange then back and forth?
I mean, the obvious reason for inflation is that the government printed a zillion
amount of more money than it had, obviously, so it's like the government can't just
issue checks far in excess of revenue without there being inflation,
velocity of money held constant, so unless there's something that would change with velocity of
money, but if federal government rights checks, they never bounce, so that is effectively a creation
of more of more dollars, and if there are more dollars created, then the increase in the goods
and services output of the economy, then you have inflation, again, velocity of money held
constant, but so this is just very basic, this is not like, you know, super complicated, and if
the government could just issue mass amounts of money and deficits didn't matter, then why don't
we just make the deficit a hundred times bigger? Okay, the answer is you can't, because it will
basically turn the dollar into something that is worthless, so, and various countries have
tried this experiment multiple times, it's not like, oh, I wonder what happens if this is done,
have you seen Venezuela? Like the poor people of Venezuela are, you know, have been just run
rush shop by their government, and so obviously you can't simply create money, the true economy is
very important, like the true economy is the output of goods and services, it's not money,
it's literally what is the output of goods and services, money is simply a way for us to, or
anything that you call money is a way for us to conveniently exchange goods and services without
having to engage in barter, and also to shift obligations in time, those are the two reasons
that you have money, this thing called money, it's really a database, money is an information
system for labor allocation, and for exchangers and services, and for translating in time.
So Elon Musk has to sit there and explain to everyone what money is, and on the panel
is the owner of the Warriors that made the statement about not caring about the Uyghurs,
but remember how many Democrats and globalists have said we have unlimited money, the federal
government could spend all that once forever, none of it's true, and now the very same federal
reserve that did all this is now posing as our savior, we'll be right back.
It is the purest highest quality atomic iodine you're going to find, most of the iodine out there
is bound to other minerals and compounds so you don't absorb it at all or fully.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've got a limited supply and it's been sold out for months because supply
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to full price, within two weeks the current sales rate is going to sell out, experience X2 for
yourself today at infowarstore.com, X2 at infowarstore.com, take action now. I want to thank all of you
over the years who have supported info wars financially with word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the globalists and the fact that we're not
caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you, humanity has a real fighting
chance. I just want to thank you all for buying products at infowarstore.com like books and
films and supplements and water filtration, air filtration so much more, but for those of you that
want to actually give us a straight donation so we get almost 100% of the money to fund our
operation during this critical time, go to infowarstore.com and right at the top you'll see a link
to make a straight donation, a one-time donation of $5, $10, $50 or a recurring donation you can
cancel anytime. I want to thank all of you that have donated, I want to encourage those of you out
there that want to support freedom to take action now and be part of the global awakening, the new
renaissance that's countering the great reset by going to infowarstore.com and clicking on the
donate button and giving today. Thank you so much for your support, please take action. I designed
over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have some of those original designs still for sale
at infowarstore.com. These are real classics, but ladies and gentlemen they're all about to be
limited edition because we're selling out of them. They're about to be history and we're selling out
of the hoodies, the ball caps, the t-shirts, all these amazing designs at cost infowarstore.com
except for this fundraiser shirt that is a real hit and people love it. It's $24.95, Alex Jones is
right on the front, the red thunderbolt and again on the back a big bold infowarstore.com. Exercise
your first amendment, don't let the leftist and the globalist bully silence you and fund the info
war at the same time. There is not a more politically incorrect shirt that sends a stronger message of
freedom resistance to the new world order than the Alex Jones was right shirt exclusively available
at infowarstore.com and again this shirt is limited edition as well. We're doing one more run and then
no more infowarstore.com get yours today. Get our great bag of it here. I mean this is from people
say why is it from Chiapas Mexico the communist? Well that's where some of the best coffee in the
world that's wild harvested above organic in the volcanic soil better than Guatemalan coffee and yeah
we buy it from the little farmers that you know the media calls communists but really they're just
a commune and whatever the point is is that it's good coffee and we've got it and the farmers
don't let the Mexican government take over so I actually buy this from the Mexican rebels and I've
been buying it for what 14 years and the price has never gone up. The same stuff sold at Whole Foods
under another name for about 50% more per pound and I just think it's some of the best coffee you're
gonna find anywhere. It's Wake Up America Patriot Blend from the Chiapas rebels literally. Um in
fact I'm not gonna tell you a little story. Um we had like that okay you wouldn't believe it anyway
so it's infowarstore.com and that's how we fund this operation and if you don't fund us you don't
want to steer that's fine. Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones.
Take the highway to the end of the night. End of the night. End of the night. Take a journey to
the bright midnight. Alright next segment I've got is brutal financial news and what's happening
when the worldwide design collapse. Also the situation in Ukraine and it's the massive news
project Veritas undercover video. Senior engineer admitting we don't believe in free speech.
We're effing communist. That's coming up but I want to spend a few minutes here talking about
what Elon Musk was just discussing. When I was 10 years old in school they gave the same speech
in the fifth grade about what money is. It's the symbol of exchange and hundreds of countries
in the last 200 years have decided to devalue their currencies because their elites decided to do it
to buy up all their competition infrastructures and make the general public poor. That's why
they've shipped our jobs overseas. It's why they've tried to destroy the work ethic. Everything is
about getting you dependent so they can then social engineer you with the social credit score
universal basic income and Elon Musk knows that as well and that's where we are and so when we
talk about the currencies in the world there's food there's symbols of exchange which is money
there's information that's valuable there's art that's valuable there are skills that are valuable
there's so many currencies goodwill and love and strength and courage are the most important
currencies that God gave us the gifts that God gave us our discernment our our free will our
conscience and when you lose your conscience when you harden your heart when you lie to yourself
and say you're disconnected from everybody else and you do whatever you want you destroy the
civilization I liken it to not just going to a local community pool and peeing in it and
everybody starts peeing in it now it's full of ammonia and burns your eyes and they got to
shut the pool down for a few days while they clean it up the globalists are defecating in the pool
in front of everyone and telling us that it's just chocolate ice cream and so now the pool is a
cesspool it's a floating sewage dump it's an open stinking mesh and they're telling us that it's
our fault this all happened the private federal reserve is out there saying oh it's the current
federal reserve's fault they're not pointing fingers at each other when they've all been part
of the same process he obama's fed chairman ben Bernanke now warning of coming stagflation
under biden and and what does stagflation do they thought stagflation was impossible
until the seventies that's where you have less goods and services but increasing prices the
perfect storm nightmare so i'm going to say this i'm going to be very very clear you have to value
information you have to decide what you value in this world and i know things are getting tough
and i know the economy is designed to squeeze everybody and even mainstream corporate media
has been collapsing and going under people want the truth they want populism they want americana
these shows despite the suppression are still strong and still filling a vital role of giving
people an understanding of what's happening to them that's beyond critical but when i told you
months ago we can't offer the products at 50 off anymore because the cost of what the products
cost us to get high quality clean supplements have gone up and the supply chains broken down
now we use four companies to produce our products and the biggest one produces about eight of our
products it got bought out a year ago by a globalist company our terms of service are
pay 50 percent down 50 when they're about to deliver they held up 20 weeks four of our best
selling products just give you an idea of the world's working right now and then said we don't
care what the contract says we want all the money up front now and we're not going to do business
with you after this pio purchase order that's the attack america is under and that's the attack
we're under so the products we have when you go and change a formula because you can't even get
ingredients anymore you can't have the same name anymore we may have to change a bunch of names
of the products not because they won't be as good they might be better it's just that we're
having to go through a lot here because the country is breaking down the world is breaking down
and it's happening at every level whether it's concrete or whether it's tile or whether it's
seeds or whether it's fertilizer everything is running scarce by design and that's the catch
really too so when i offer x2 at 25 percent off or ultra 12 at 40 percent off 40 percent off is
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and we need the funds we barely got back in the black people think oh he's back in the black
suddenly sales go down we'll be back in the red in about a month if this continues i did an hour
of accounting and going over it this morning and i'm not bitching and complaining but i need to be
focused on news and information and our reporters you know savannah hernan does doesn't work with us
but she's going to go via the rebel over to debos in a couple days to cover this big giant world
government treaty and the un treaty with debos to run it and we can't sponsor her to go thank god
she found people to do it she'll be here reporting with us but that's i'd love to send christy lee
i'd love to send oh and shroyer i don't have the money to send somebody to switzerland we used to
be able to do that and cover everything so that's how much we've cut back and i gave millions away
to other independent media organizations with no strings attached to groups exposing child
trafficking never got the credit didn't want the credit um though we were given credit later when
a film was made about it that's what we've done here and and so i've sold my nice big house that
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
big brother mainstream media government cover-ups you want to stop tyranny feel so does he
live from the info wars dot com studios its alex jones it's a motor on and on the highway
head out on the highway looking for adventure looking for adventure and whatever comes our way
whatever comes our way yeah darling go make it happen take the world in a loving place
by all of the guns and bullets and exploding the space i love smoking life
every middle thunder here we are ladies and gentlemen staring into infinity
and i'm very honored to be your host with so many of you tuning in today
all right let's get into the real situation we're facing it is unbelievable ahead of the next
just as a joining us next hour and i mean i really cannot i really cannot under state or overstate
i mean i really just can't put words together how powerful 2000 mules is and how conclusively
proves how they stole the election and what they're planning to do again so this is going
to be very important he'll have developments that have happened since the groundbreaking film came
out since millions have watched it and films like this just scare the living hell out of the
establishment they've already brought in 45 million dollars on the film the cost of a million to make
and that again just scares hollywood to death that independent populist media can just destroy
the establishment so i mean i am envious but i'm glad they made this and i just admire the work of
venezia susan show that is coming up in the next hour we have another special guest that's put together
these big national tours with flin he's incredibly smart and well spoken tell you about that guest
coming up as well but right now let's get into the cold hard facts and and when i say this i
wanted to really sink in and so you take it personal because it is personal the globalists want to hurt
you and your family they want to bankrupt you so they can control your life and they're doing a damn
good job of it and they're hurting us here too they they've they've what they've done to info wars
is a mirror of what's happened to other american industries because we have to have our own sponsors
90% of the funding by selling products ourselves and so i've been telling you before it even happened
26 to 7 months ago that this would cause a worldwide supply chain breakdown mass starvation
flooding the third world into the west and now it's all happening and it's only going to get worse
unless we force a political action the impeachment of biden and any democrats that back to having
the pipelines turned off and having the damn border open because those are two default tyrannical
things where they've got their foot to our neck and are just bleeding us out so there's not much
time to mitigate this ladies and gentlemen and so we're going to talk about it right now here's
some of the headlines goya ceo issues dire warning on looming food crisis he's one of the biggest
canners of food on the planet particularly beans and other vegetables and he can't get him
so when the big dogs can't get stuff you know there's a problem
this is total vertical integration if it's hurting the big guys it is going to kill
and i mean physically a lot of people big article on zero hedge about that we're posting
it to infowars.com goya ceo issues dire warning on looming food crisis california gas averages
six plus dollars a gallon as prices across the u.s surge don't worry bill gates got an answer to
no baby formula he's got an answer to all this he's got genetically edited food the next stage
they're great reset oil prices rise as much as three percent and opac is defiant in not flooding
market with supply the squeeze is on and that leads us on to this next big piece of information
these four stacks california rep ted lu demands gop denounce a racist and vile replacement theory
he wants boasted about the article on infowars.com for racial liberation has him where he was saying
we got to replace these bad europeans with third world populations and i'm not against
having smart people that have skills coming here to america that's what helps the country
but all the sociologists are on record knowing that if you bring in tens of millions a year you
cannot absorb that and it will break down society and drive down wages so to counter that poll
watson's reposted infowars.com and tweeted this out a un strategy document on the un website from
2001 that's 21 years ago says that replacement migration is needed to offset population decline
they said the 600 plus million migrants needed in the us up to 1.4 billion migrants needed
in europe by 2050 by the us by 2040 now i'm the type of guy that actually shows you the document
revealed un planned to flood america with 600 million migrants archive info wars dot com 2018
here's the actual executive summary from the united nations website it's linked to the articles
at info wars dot com you need to go read this for yourself on the un website they're so lazy
they killed the link to the main document but it's there in subsections and they lay out each
country and how they're going to do it and how they're going to take it over here's right bart macron
europe entering age of unprecedented mass migration shares desi with africa they want 200 million
africans in france alone revealed un planned to flood america with 600 million migrants there's
the article news wars dot com and then they had a story in politifact misleading info war story
says un plans to flood america 600 million migrants it goes on to say it's true but the un doesn't
use the word flood so it's not and we have all the new video of the millions a month coming across
the texas border like clockwork ladies and gentlemen so that's their plan that's their
operation that's what's going on and they want you to be banned from being able to discuss
the un plan to collapse the third world in food shortages starvation flood the west collapse
the social welfare system via cloud and piven strategy and then bring in a world id as the answer
and the universal basic income so this was going around on twitter yesterday people asked me if it
was real and i sent them back the link that of course it's real air canada and the canadian
government air canada proudly presents a collaboration of air canada the canadian government
and the world economic forum for a new official id program coming october 2022 you can now pre-order
digital id this august with a new digital tracking system being implemented this october the digital
id facial recognition booths being put in toronto pierce and airports please call you can get your
digital id and then the government itself saying it's a pilot program so is italy and others for a
forced world id carbon tax social credit score universal basic income tied to it and vaccine
passport digital identity can help advance inclusive financial services and it goes
on from there absolutely incredible and that ties in with all of the ongoing covet
tyranny that we'll start getting to now but come back with more in the next segment than the
ukraine developments that are extremely important and the attacks on free speech and admissions
that are just everything's bombshell from project veritas they are the most
accomplished incredible individuals i just am just beside myself that i even know these people
they're they're you know i don't care about rock stars i don't care about hollywood but i care about
patriots that are turning the tide and what they caught on undercover video is the greatest
who yet but of course it's being blocked everywhere except places like info wars dot com
hopefully you'll share it and then that ties in to all the other big leaks and information that
are coming out as well via project veritas so that's coming up next segment but please remember
the entire success of this operation to stop the globalist hinges on you and your word of mouth
and your power with human intelligence to override the ai and override the sensors and say hey the
truth lives you want about the food crisis what about the open borders you want to know about
inflation you want to know about the baby formula shortage you want to understand why they got drag
queen pedophile time you understand why they're telling five-year-olds that they're going to be
expelled if they miss gender people and there's 56 genders we want to know what the whole plan is
we have deciphered it and decoded it and know how to stop it so tell people hey the truth lives
at the vaughn it demonized attacked and battled info wars dot com news wars dot com and banned
on video and the link to share that they're not censoring as much is battle plan dot news
which again takes you to and on video all right we're going to go to break come back with a news
blitz and then did extra susan joins us please stay with us my friends and thanks to all of our
affiliates ladies and gentlemen there are a lot of natural compounds out there the turbo charge
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store dot com the globalist social engineers always intended to push their coveted biomedical
tyranny lockdowns until the populations rebelled they would then use that as the pretext for
permanent martial law and banning and arresting anybody that speaks out against their lives
but because of so many scientists and engineers and researchers and others coming public and
whistleblowers now their whole project is falling apart because the people are aware
that it is a world government corporate takeover and so it's pulling back the curtain now more
than ever the problem is some globalist controlled areas are not going to give up on their takeover
like canada but they've now declared a civil emergency and martial law in ontario and other
areas of the world are following suit like australia so pray for these folks big time
this is a very serious situation and stay tuned into info wars dot com because truth is absolutely
paramount i want to thank all of you over the years who have supported info wars financially
with word of mouth and prayer all the success that we've had together against the globalist
and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you
humanity has a real fighting chance that's what i want to thank you all for buying products
and then forward to our dot com like books and films and supplements and water filtration
air filtration so much more but for those of you that want to actually give us a straight
donation so we get almost a hundred percent of the money to fund our operation during this critical
time go to info wars store dot com and right at the top you'll see a link to make a straight
donation a one-time donation of five dollars ten dollars fifty dollars or a recurring donation
you cancel anytime i want to thank all you that have donated i want to encourage those of you out
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renaissance that's counter the great reset by going to info wars store dot com and clicking
on the donate button and giving today thank you so much for your support please take action
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
called feudalism. Fascist feudalism is their system.
It's how we overcome things. We just learn to deal with it.
But the globalist hinge everything on you adapting to be a slave instead of adapting by overcoming.
So you just have to consciously default this information and get it out,
because the general public still is oblivious to a great extent, though there is a major groundswell of awakening.
They are targeting our children with a poisonous spike protein gene therapy.
There are already hundreds of variants of the man-made COVID-19. It mutated to be more transmissible, but less lethal.
And they're doing everything they can to still block therapeutics and everything they can to create a biomedical tyranny.
They don't want to just abort children before they're born. They want to abort them after they're born.
They want to abort all of us. That's what the New World Order is, is a human civilizational abortion.
Here's CNBC, FDA authorizes Pfizer COVID booster dose for kids 5 to 11 years of age.
Ted Gross, the head of the World Health Organization, complains misinformation leading to vaccine hesitancy as Biden coronavirus summit.
But more countries like the UK are actually pulling their funding out of the World Health Organization
and putting it towards fighting the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, realizing that this is all about a chicom takeover to the WHO and this new treaty.
Top Australian doctor who pushes COVID-19 vaccine loses only daughter in her sleep after taking her third dose.
Investigation launched amidst second unusual spike in neonatal deaths in Scotland of vaccinated women.
New Zealand Prime Minister tests positive for COVID-19 after having four shots and it goes on from there.
Here's signs, billboards up all over the UK. They're now pushing the same propaganda here.
Get boosted now and it shows an image of five batteries, one fully filled and then the battery level going down to red.
COVID vaccines lose power like batteries, recharge your protection. They are not vaccines.
That is the UK government.
Now we have the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morris on the Pandemic Treaty.
The World Health Organization should have those powers and authorities.
Talk about treason, it is happening.
Continuing, White House admits it lied about vaccines, now admits they don't work, you should still take them.
Days after federal mass mandate lifted in air, unruly passenger incidents plunge.
There's not wearing gags anymore.
Kim Jong-un health panic is explosive COVID outbreak in North Korea leaves six dead.
Oh my gosh and 188,000 thrown in camps.
Here we are matching up with authoritarian regimes with the UN COVID response.
Over 160 billion in COVID unemployment benefits likely lost to fraud and it goes on from there.
Now let's move to military news here.
Israel to simulate striking Iran in massive IDF drill and massive public drill on attacking and destroying military sites,
nuclear sites across Iran, Iran says they will respond obviously with their Hezbollah brigades across the Middle East blocking the Strait of Hormuz and others.
Now let's move on to the Russia situation.
Senator McConnell expects Wednesday vote on 40 billion Ukraine aid trying to unblock the block that the heroic Senator Rand Paul has put in place.
Let's remember the House only had the giant bill for two hours before they voted on it and passed it last week.
Regime media refuses to call mass surrender of as off fighters holed up in that big steel plant a surrender.
Swedish and Finnish leaders will visit White House as they seek to join NATO,
something Russia is calling a red line and an active war back to Maripole.
The battle for Maripole nears an end as Ukraine declares combat mission over.
So they're being kicked out, they're being defeated and CNN spends it and they spend it as combat mission is over after their troops got cornered and captured after a month long siege.
Just next level BS, folks.
Unbelievable how they spend all this stuff.
Whether you're for the Ukrainians or neutral or for the Russians, the level of lying.
Oh, everyone killed the Snake Island, no one killed.
Oh, they're torturing people to death, but it's the Ukrainians doing it.
And now 40 billion dumped in to that war zone on top of it.
Well, Elon Musk has come out and said the real president is whoever controls Biden's teleprompter.
And now we have this incredible headline.
Twitter does not believe in free speech says senior engineer, just we are all commies as F.
And here is Project Veritas that caught the incredible footage.
Twitter does not believe in free speech.
Because everyone on the right wing will be like, bro, it's up here to say I just got to tolerate it.
The left will be like, no, I'm not going to tolerate it. I need a censor.
So it does double, right? It's true.
I don't know the two parties can totally coexist on one platform.
What are your colleagues saying about it?
They hate it. Oh my god, I'm at least like okay with it.
But some of my colleagues are like super left, left, left.
What did they say?
They're like, this would be my last day if it happens.
Has much changed since Elon's coming in?
A lot has changed. A lot has changed.
We're all worried for a job.
Why are you guys so worried?
You know, jobs are just taking the time.
I don't know why, but don't worry about it.
I think it's just like the environment.
Like you're there and you make all the same.
You don't know.
You don't only care to revolt against it. A lot of employees revolt against it.
But at the end of the day, board of directors have to say
and then they act it on their best interest.
Because they didn't want to get sued.
Basically, when I worked like four hours a week for the last quarter,
it's out of force for a company.
How would you describe communism inside the city?
Essentially, like, you don't get to do a lot of that.
You don't really care about, like, the effects of capitalism,
the care about numbers, or care about how to make the business more efficient.
But in Twitter, it's like, you know, everything, like,
if you're not feeling it, you can take a few days off.
You don't take a month off. They'll come back.
But you always, like, do your best at any time.
And that's the culture.
And, you know, we want the business to be as much as possible.
Capitalists would be like...
So what the globalists have done, and it's no fault of people
that are the majority worldwide that have brown skin,
that have come to the United States,
but the left goes out and these corporate leaders go out
and pick women and minorities and say,
you have a chip on your shoulder. You've been wronged.
We're going to go out and suppress the white people
when all you're doing is suppressing the general public and free speech
and you're owned by a bunch of giant tax-free criminal operations
that launder money and surveil and censor everybody.
Oh, we're commie as FUC, you know what?
No, communism's bad enough.
You are corporate fascist above the law that don't pay taxes
who then surveil and censor everybody and run all your scams.
And of course, it came out that 90% of Hillary's Twitter stuff was fake.
We're bots, we're followers.
And of course, it came out with Obama.
And of course, it's come out that it's only 40% with Biden,
if you really believe that.
But yes, so few followers, I guess they didn't buy many bots.
So I said this a few weeks ago when Elon Musk was going to buy Twitter.
I said, watch, he's doing this to be able to engage their books,
show their fraud, and that half their people are bots,
and that most of the echo chamber stuff you see is pre-programmed corporate
and private and Twitter bots that create an echo chamber
to gaslight people in basically a giant re-education cyberspace system.
And that's how they do this and the documents have come out.
So now he's like, well, I might still buy it now,
but only for half the price because, you know, it looks like half of its bots
might be 90%, he said.
It looks like it's about half bots.
So that's what's going on, ladies and gentlemen.
CNN spent $300 million, couldn't even keep their CNN Plus on air.
They're a fraud, they're over, they're done.
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All right, so, Donald Trump, how do you feel about coming to Austin, Texas?
I'll tell you what, I love Austin, Texas because it's ostentatious.
This is a city that knows what it wants, it wants to be progressive,
it wants to be out front, it wants to keep things real, lively,
and that's what I love about MAGA.
As you know, I am the ultra MAGA king,
so dubbed by our faux president, Joe Biden.
It's so fantastic.
It's special because you get to see Trump,
but it's special for another reason, you want to tell me why?
It's my birthday and it's also the birthday of Israel,
it's 74 years old.
What's your name?
Noble Jolly.
And how old are you?
Okay, and wow, you really pulled out all the stops.
What gave you the idea to come like this?
I just got this costume a long time ago and I said,
if I ever go to a Trump Valley, I'm going to wear this.
It's a little bit more fun to watch than Sleepy Joe.
Yes, ma'am.
Why was it so important for you to make the trip?
Because you fight for your freedoms and we don't want to take them away from us,
and that's what's happening.
Curious what you think of the military now,
that they have so many of the ideologies and things like that?
Well, I think it's mostly their leadership that's a problem.
How do you think that we reach independence?
Because so much has been about picking a team, Republican versus Democrat,
but things are just liberals now, hate free speech, conservatives love it,
which it didn't used to be that way,
and you have a lot of just evil versus good.
How do you delineate and are you more committed to being Republican
or is it just more about what's right for America?
Well, I'm a constitutional conservative, first and foremost,
and I believe in America first,
and I think that's what the majority of Americans are starting to feel,
and I think that's how you reach the independence.
I think that's what they feel, too.
They just want America first.
That's why they don't belong to one party or the other.
And I think whether it's a Democrat candidate or a Republican candidate,
I just want candidates that are going to put America first in their policies,
their decisions, and support the Constitution and freedom.
We always look forward to your tweets, you know, the snarky, the humor.
It's great.
So what are your thoughts on this possible Elon Musk takeover,
and does that give you hope or do you have concern?
No, no concern at all.
I think the guy's great.
Honestly, I don't know where he stands.
I think Elon's probably right down the middle.
I think he sees good on both sides.
I think he sees more good on the right side than the left side,
but I love what he's doing.
I love the fact that I want to reach out to him.
Elon, come on, dude.
Let's make some good movies together, you know?
I mean, I do movies that would be chump change for you,
that you'll get your money back with me.
My investment is money.
But I love what he's doing.
I love the fact that he's definitely not afraid to put himself out there.
I was surprised he was on SNL.
It's the first time I've ever watched SNL in probably 10 years, just to watch him.
It kind of stopped being funny.
It's been funny a long time ago.
Time Magazine then named me Donald Trump's top pastor,
so I'm honored with that title.
I've just been preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ,
but also the policies of the America first agenda
led by President Donald Trump.
That's why it's important that black faces be real.
When I say real faces, black faces, I mean,
black people who have the spirit of our ancestors did,
which was building and growing and not dividing and separating.
Right now, that's kind of what's happening in America,
is that we are pushing that agenda of Dr. King away.
The dream is dying.
What Dr. King said that people would be just not by the color of their skin,
but not by the color of the skin, but by the content of their character.
Well, we're losing that.
I'll tell you, he loves the country.
You can see that, that enthusiasm for a country.
That's what's all about.
There's no where speaking of enthusiasm like Texas.
I love Texas.
Remember they said it's going to be a very close race infection.
It's going to be very close.
So, he's against God.
He's against oil.
He's against guns.
And they said it was going to be close.
I didn't think so.
And it wasn't close.
I won't let they say it's my life.
But I'm thrilled to be back in the Lone Star State.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, that went over his bio.
It would take us an hour, but he was in the Reagan administration,
did incredible work for America.
He's an American success story that came to this country
and knocked it out of the park.
He has been a best-selling author.
He has been a bigger filmmaker than really any documentary filmmaker
out there in the last 50 years.
The biggest numbers, the biggest gross.
He really is a cultural icon,
and that's why he was also a political prisoner,
absolutely framed in campaign finance for doing nothing wrong.
And we saw the same thing with Rick Perry,
charged when he vetoed a Democrat bill.
Part of the law, the governor can veto a bill.
The same group's trying to put me in jail right now,
so he's a hero, ladies and gentlemen, Dinesh DeSousa,
and if anybody's going to turn the tide,
it's people like him and the folks, of course,
like James O'Keefe, that just keep dropping bombshell after bombshell.
This is real investigative journalism.
This is real filmmaking.
I've watched 2,000 mules three times.
And it is just smoking gun evidence of how they did it.
They used the red herring of saying it was machines.
We exposed it back at the time.
No, it was the mules.
They said the red wave was coming, the red mirage,
but they would get the votes they needed.
And now a bunch of Democrat-controlled states have announced
that they're going to allow ballots for seven days
after the midterms to be mailed in.
So this is their strategy.
It's how they're doing it, joining us for the next 30 minutes or so,
is Dinesh DeSousa of 2,000mules.com at Dinesh DeSousa on Twitter.
Again, sir, I don't get starstruck by really anybody,
but the work you've done to this country and my family
and our culture and the world is unmeasurable.
Thank you so much for not buckling under the pressure.
Well, Alex, that certainly means a lot.
And I also want to give a lot of credit here
to the election intelligence group called True the Vote,
because they provided the research foundation for this movie.
They came to me and they said, we've got to show you some stuff.
I looked at it and I was like, I'm looking at a caliber of evidence
I haven't seen before in this area.
And I convinced them.
I said, look, do not put this out in dribs and drabs
because the left will swat you down.
Let's put the whole story together in a movie.
It's the appropriate intellectual and emotional venue to do this.
And fortunately, they trusted me to unfurl this story.
And boy is the left having problems with this movie,
which by the way is going into wide release in theaters this coming weekend,
Friday, May 20th, 400 theaters, four showings a day.
So, you know, you can go catch it in the theater this weekend.
Please do.
Absolutely incredible.
And by any measurement, this is already a blockbuster,
not just for a documentary.
It's only gaining steam, a massive first release first online,
then of course DVD and now into theaters.
Let's talk about the film and then their response
and what's happened since it was released a few weeks ago.
The left has unleashed a familiar battery of fact checkers
and normally these are sort of, these are guys with truncheons
and they're normally capable of shutting any such venture down very quickly,
unproven allegations, blah, blah, blah, conspiracy theory,
most secure election in history, big lie.
But I think once they saw this film and even from seeing the trailer,
they realized that's not going to work here
because not only do we have electronic, which is to say cell phone geotracking,
which places the criminals at the scene of the crime unmistakably.
I mean, you can give your cell phone to your wife,
but the fact that that cell phone was at that scene is not open to dispute
and then surveillance video, four million minutes of it.
We have a lot of this footage in the movie,
so you begin to realize the stupidity of the fact checkers.
Well, maybe Dinesh, this is a guy who's taking the votes of his family members
and I'm like, well, okay, but would a normal person like that
go to 10 or more drop boxes in the middle of the night
wearing gloves, taking photos of the ballots as they go into the box?
This makes absolutely no sense.
So the left has got something here that they don't know how to handle.
They're trying desperately to explain it and they cannot.
And again, you guys, this company went out and was able to buy the data
from the apps and the telephone companies
that then shows how they went to the safe houses, the NGOs,
how they then delivered them around the town,
sometimes going to dozens of locations,
then you're able to go get the surveillance footage
that is at each location, actually show them doing it, taking the photo
to prove that they did their job,
then taking their gloves off, throwing at the trash can,
and they're just doing this in a very mechanized military fashion.
Yeah, they're picking up these mules.
The mule is just the paid operative who's delivering these illegal votes
and is hired to do so by a left-wing organization.
So they stop at these vote stash houses.
That's where they get the ballots.
They don't come up with their own.
They're given a backpack or a satchel full of ballots.
And by the way, they're instructed,
don't go and drop all the ballots in one box.
Because if you go up with 300 ballots in one box,
the next day when the election officials open the boxes,
there'll be a massive spike.
And so they're instructed three ballots here,
five ballots there, eight ballots here.
And that's why the mules go on these routes to multiple drop boxes.
And this is how it was actually, we found a way,
just an ingenious way to true the vote devised
to bust them by tracking their phones.
And as you said, the so-called fact checkers are apoplectic.
They don't know what to do.
This is open and shut information.
But where's the Justice Department?
Where's the FBI?
We know that USPS drivers and others would find
tens of thousands of ballots all pre-marked for Biden
from one state to another.
They thought it was suspicious.
And then the FBI came and threatened them.
Well, if you ask me where the Justice Department is,
I would honestly say that they're probably trying to figure out
ways that they can diffuse this story,
because the Justice Department today should be understood
as a kind of consigliary operation for the mafia.
In other words, what I'm getting at is if the evidence of the film
is solid, which I believe it is, in effect,
what we're saying is that the wrong guy's in the Oval Office,
that Joe Biden is a usurper to the degree that it's illegal fraud
organized by the left and by the Democrats to put him in office.
And so his presence, Kamala Harris' presence,
obviously Merrick Garland's job are all based upon
the success of that fraud.
So what realistic expectation can we have that if we go to them,
they're going to be the ones to crack down on the fraud
that put them where they are.
How do you expect them to respond to this
now that nothing they've said has worked so far?
It seems like now they're just hoping it goes away.
What are they going to do when it hits 400 theaters?
I predict it'll shell out in most of them and then be in a thousand,
thousand theaters, meaning mega blockbuster.
You've had those before and your other films were important,
but my God, nothing compared to this.
I mean, you've got to have a deep sense of satisfaction, Dinesh.
Well, I really feel good because I was always dissatisfied
with this mantra of it being the most secure election in history,
because I'd go up to people who'd say that and I would say,
well, how do you know that?
And they'd be like, well, where's your evidence, Dinesh?
And I would say, well, even if I had no evidence,
it doesn't follow that this is the most secure election in history.
In order for you to prove that,
you've got to show me a comparison of the amount of fraud in 2020
compared to 2016, compared to 2012, compared to 2008 and 2004,
and show me that there was the least fraud in this election
to back up your claim that it's the most secure election.
And then I realized not only had no one done that,
no one has even attempted it.
So there was always a kind of fragile pomposity
behind this most secure election in history nonsense.
And now this film comes along and blows that completely out of the water.
In fact, it blows the January 6th committee out of the water
because their whole premise is that this was a secure election
and anyone who says otherwise was perpetrating a big lie.
It turns out that the guys who went to D.C. on January 6th
were okay, maybe they shouldn't have gone into the capital,
but in terms of their belief that this election was stolen,
they were completely right.
Dinesh, it is vital that everyone that has already seen the film
go to the theater, take friends and family.
If these 400 theaters sell out,
for people that aren't a major filmmaker like you
and don't know the inside baseball,
explain to them that means it'll go on 1,100 screens,
then 2,000 screens, and it'll be as big as Star Wars.
That's what we need.
We need the film to reach a tipping point
where it breaks out into the culture.
So even independents and Democrats who are not all that political,
they hear about it, everyone's talking about it.
They're like, we better go check this out.
I think that the ordinary Democrat
that sees this film will be blown away.
The Left is trying to prevent that.
There was a very telling headline in Mediate just a few days ago.
We've seen this film so you don't have to,
and you can see what's going on there.
They're trying to say to people, you don't need to see the film.
Just read our critical review of it.
That's all you need to know,
because the Left is scared that their own side
will see the film and go berserk.
So this is a film which has great power,
emotional as well as intellectual power.
And you're absolutely right.
The reason we're in 400 theaters
is because the theaters came to us.
They were like, you did a limited theatrical...
Dinesh, stay there. Dinesh, this is American Hero.
Stay with us.
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We have fingers crossed everybody knows the war is over
everybody knows the good guys lost everybody knows
America's priorities have been really screwed up.
We care about professional sports people,
we care about Hollywood when they're just puppets
but when it comes to somebody like Dinesh D'Souza
I can't gush enough because we were robbed
in 2020 and we're going to be robbed again
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this is way more important to your car
it's our children's future.
So Dinesh D'Souza you're going to talk about how to release a film
and do this in the age of censorship
you're an example to everybody.
Next segment this segment with eight minutes left
this film the response the different angles
you've got a lot to say I can ask questions
but you've got the floor.
Well the left has been trying to put holes in the film
and they have really come up short on pretty much every front.
One tact that they've tried is the idea that well
we have to assume that these are all legal votes
that have merely been illegally delivered
but the fact that they are illegally delivered
doesn't invalidate the votes themselves.
Now first of all these are not legal votes
there is no way for hundreds of thousands
of legal votes to mysteriously end up in the possession
of a handful of left-wing inner city organizations.
How would that even happen?
Are tens of thousands of people saying well you know what
it's too much trouble for me to go to a drop box
I'm just going to go to some left-wing organization
and give them my filled out ballot
for them to hire a mule to deliver with gloves on
in the middle of the night.
I mean this makes absolutely no sense.
So there's no plausible way for these legal votes
to have ended up in the possession by the way
of sometimes 501c3 or nonprofit groups
that are explicitly forbidden by the IRS
to engage in partisan electioneering
on behalf of any candidate or any party.
So this notion that they're legal votes
illegally delivered is nonsense
but even if they were once you pay mules
you have corrupted that vote.
Even in states like California which have very liberal
vote harvesting laws.
You're allowed to give your ballot say to your neighbor
and say you know what you drop it off.
But if I say to my neighbor in California
I'll give you my ballot and I'll pay you ten dollars
to drop it off.
That becomes a fraudulent vote.
That's illegal. That vote cannot be counted.
So incredible.
What are they going to do when it gets in 2,000 movie screens
which you know it's going to it's blockbuster
total truth.
What are they going to do?
Because as you know they're trying the same thing
in all these battleground states again announcing
that they're going to do the same mail-in.
They're passing laws for five days, seven days
after to pull the same scam
to get whatever amount of votes they need
like Nancy Pelosi said right before the election.
She said there's a red mirage.
It'll look like he wins but we will have the mail-in votes
after and they did.
Well the left strategy can be
I have it done almost to a science.
Their first strategy, try to prevent the message
from getting out.
That's their first to ignore it.
Don't say like the Hunter Biden story.
Let's all pretend that this movie doesn't exist.
Now that strategy is failing
and they actually know it's failing.
So their next strategy is fact checking.
So what they'll do is they unleash these fact checkers
and these by the way, these are 20 and 30 somethings.
They're writing about geo-tracking a subject
in which they know nothing.
They're writing about election laws.
Election laws are made by the way at the state level.
So there are different laws in Arizona
as there are in Georgia, as there are in Pennsylvania.
So these guys will come to me and say things like
well you know, vote harvesting to Nancy is legal.
And I go, is it legal in Georgia?
Is it legal in Arizona?
And they give me a blank look like they don't know.
So even with geo-tracking what they do
is a typical fact checker will call around
to one academic after another
until he finds some guy who says
oh yeah, I have an article here from 2009
that says geo-tracking is not that reliable.
Boom, that's their guy.
They then quote this academic.
This sociologist at Ball State University
says that geo-tracking is unreliable.
So this is the intellectual caliber of opposition
I'm dealing with.
It's completely weightless intellectually
but what they're counting on is the ignorance
of their own audience.
They're counting on being able to tell people something
that they don't know any better and they go oh yeah,
the fact checkers looked at this movie
and they found it was very inadequate.
Well, Dinesh, for those that don't know
and obviously you got one of the top companies
bought the data, it's all there, it's all crystal clear.
Any grand jury would indict these different NGOs
that did this and I guess that'll be the next phase
for state grand juries and others.
There's a lot of indictments happening right now already.
This film I predict will break it all open
but everybody knows how a cruise missile works
or a precision guided munition out of artillery now
where 30 miles away, the Pentagon, 35 miles away
they have a howitzers that can hit a jeep with a munition
and they're using GPS.
Well, it's GPS.
So the general public's GPS is good down to five feet.
The Pentagon's is down to about a foot.
It's how they can shoot cruise missiles
in the 90s down chimneys in Iraq.
So the idea that this isn't real is preposterous.
Everybody knows GPS is in their car
and they know how damn accurate it is.
Well, I mean, the CDC is using geotracking
to verify if people are social distancing.
So if geotracking was not accurate to within six feet,
how could you possibly do that?
So in case after case, whether it's the intelligence agencies,
whether it's the FBI, in all kinds of ways we see,
Chief Justice Roberts, by the way,
reviewed the evidence on cell phone geotracking accuracy.
He did this in the Carpenter case, 2018.
It was a privacy case, but he said this,
he goes, the accuracy of geotracking today, today,
is about as good as taking an ankle bracelet
and affixing it to the ankle of a prisoner
so that you can know not their approximate,
but their exact location.
And that's it.
And so the public gets this.
They have no way around this.
And as you quoted, partly Muhammad Gandhi said,
first they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they attack you, then we win.
And so we're at the attack point right now, aren't we?
So they launch a lot of ad hominem attacks
and sort of, you know, Ganesh is a felon.
Of course, well, I'm a former felon.
I'm in that rare category of people who are former felons.
Oh, Ganesh is trying to, you know,
repay Trump because he got pardoned.
All this kind of nonsense.
Look, the evidence, the beauty of this movie
is that the evidence for it is your own two eyes.
This is the power of the surveillance video.
Now, unhappily, there's not video everywhere.
I wish there was video at every Dropbox.
There's video only at a few Dropboxes.
Now, so what happens is it's kind of like you've got a serial killer.
He goes from house to house to house.
And you have his DNA.
Now, in this case, we're talking not about human DNA,
but digital DNA.
Each of our cell phones has a unique ID
that allows you to place the cell phone at the Dropbox
and in this case, at many Dropboxes.
And then in some cases, you have supporting video evidence.
So the cell phone evidence shows that at 3 a.m. in the morning,
let's just say on October 10th in early voting,
the mule Dinesh D'Souza was at this Dropbox.
You happen to have video.
You go look on the video at 3 a.m.
Boom, there's Dinesh.
What's he doing?
He's got a big backpack and he's stuffing ballots.
So the power of this is you have two independent types of evidence
that come together to reinforce each other.
The video locating and the video. Dinesh D'Souza, unbelievable.
Stay there. One more segment.
We're going to talk about so much.
And we'll also expose something really important.
Stay there, sir.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
He could be making documentaries about penguins at the level he's at.
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He belongs to America.
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What a success story.
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What an incredible American.
We would be in so much trouble.
I've been on there 27 years, folks.
I know Dinesh this is as well.
And I cannot, again, compliment him enough.
We need to celebrate our leaders.
We need to celebrate our researchers and icons
and out of everybody.
Other than like Donald Trump when it comes to promoting America
and really upsetting the globalist apple cartist Dinesh this is.
And I am just so happy to have him here with us for one more segment
and very, very exciting about 2000mules.com.
You need to go there.
You need to watch it.
You need to have your friends and family over.
You need to have your company, your boss.
Watch it.
You need to get the DVD.
And you need to go see it in theaters.
I know I'm going to go see it for the fourth time when it hits theaters this weekend.
And my parents haven't seen it yet.
I'm going to take them.
This is an act of resistance and an act of celebration of the truth.
This thing has victory written all over.
It's already over the top successful.
So Dinesh, you wanted to encourage other independent filmmakers
and other people to understand.
There is a populist nationalist explosion not just here but worldwide.
Hollywood's dead.
Netflix is collapsing.
CNN is collapsed.
And we have to go out and produce films and do shows and do podcasts
and just simply keep doing it because they're censoring us
because we have the truth and we're powerful and just keep moving forward.
Folks have to understand as dark as things are,
that's because they're doing it out of weakness.
Dinesh and Suza as, again, the number one documentary filmmaker in the world.
What is your advice to folks out there?
Well, we had to develop a unique business plan for this movie
because we couldn't do all the things we had done before.
You can't advertise on Facebook.
You can't advertise.
You can't put the trailer up on YouTube.
I didn't want to put this movie on Amazon Prime or iTunes.
Because they can take it down.
I said, I'm only putting the movie on uncancelable platforms.
So the good news is that the big video platform named Rumble came to me and said,
what about if we partner together?
We want to kind of go into the movie business and we want to show creators,
conservative creators, yes, but any creators, people who make content,
that you don't have to release the content where every time you make a dollar,
somebody else gets 65 cents and you get 35 cents,
which often makes your project unviable.
So they said, what we'd like you to do is feature this film on our platform called Locals.
You essentially offer it.
We'll take 10% and you can keep 90.
See, this is basically, I have to figure out a way to stay viable in the film business
because I'm not a nonprofit.
What I mean is I go to investors and I tell them, listen, give me money,
give me $100,000.
I'll work really hard in the market to try to get it back to you.
So that you can then give it to me again to make the next movie.
So I call this somewhat jokingly, I call it recycled philanthropy.
Because what I'm trying to do is get a guy not to keep giving me $100,000 again and again,
but to make the same $100,000 work in multiple movies.
And I've got investors who have been with me for six movies.
Because I run their money around the block.
I give it back to them.
I show up the next day and take it back and put it into the next movie.
And if you go back to the Clinton archives from their museum in Little Rock,
it was World Net Daily that sued 10 years ago and got the documents.
As soon as they got in the White House, they said,
we can't let conservatives and populists build their own media.
They've got books.
They've got VHS tapes now.
If they build their own media, that's popular.
They will defeat us.
We've got to attack and go after that.
Now we have the new Project Veritas video of the FBI whistleblower admitting that they're
spying and attacking independent media and trying to put independent media leaders,
conservatives in jail.
And again, you mentioned earlier, you're a felon for trying to get a few people to donate
to your friend's Senate campaign for Hillary Clinton seat.
I mean, literally did nothing wrong, but that's what they do.
So it's such apropos justice that here you are exposing real election fraud when they
tried to destroy you for doing nothing.
It's just, it's bittersweet.
When my case came up, I realized that if they were successful in destroying my career,
then they would have won.
That was really their goal.
Their goal was in terms of public influence to like take me out.
And they were really smug.
They thought that they were going to be able to do that.
So the fact that I've been able to have an even bigger career ever since and not lose
my sense of fearlessness, in fact, on the contrary, I'm more than ever convinced that
we're dealing with a gangster operation on the left.
And so it becomes part of my goal to expose that in such a way that these people will be
held to account and in fact will never recover.
Well, that's right.
And again, they try to put George Washington and Thomas Jefferson in jail.
And the fact that I've watched your trajectory since I was a little kid, my dad was a huge
Reagan family, went and saw speeches.
I knew who you were when I was like, you know, 10 years old.
The fact that you have persevered under all these attacks and I could see it, you got
more effective, more powerful when they tried to silence you.
You didn't take that attack and be a victim.
You took that and you overcame.
It outraged my basic sense of justice.
In other words, my view at the beginning and this comes out of the Reagan years.
I thought, well, look, you know, this is an academic debate.
You've got two sides that have different views of America.
We put both them before the American people and the American people choose.
It wasn't until I sat across from these kind of Obama Justice Department lawyers and I
realized that that's not how they see me at all.
They don't see me as a critic, someone who disagrees with them.
They see me as an enemy that they need to destroy.
If they could have locked me up for 20 years for that trivial violation, they would have
done it because they play for keeps.
These are ruthless characters and I realize that we need a certain degree of tenacity
and ruthlessness on our side just to be up to the challenge that we're facing from them.
Well, when I talk to my four children and I've told them this, I haven't told my five-year-old
this yet, but I tell my son and my two older daughters, I said, denestices and people like
Donald Trump and people like, you know, the folks over Project Veritas, James O'Keefe,
said, that's what you want to be like because literally, it just makes me so proud to be
an American.
Let me ask you this, Denesh, and close.
We've got three minutes left.
Do you see, not just feel, the pendulum swinging back?
And if so, how do you think the deep state counters that?
Well, I think what's happening is that the Republican Party, generally conservatives,
are beginning to be fully aware of what they're up against and they're getting much tougher.
Now, the leadership hasn't kept suit and the leadership is sort of being dragged, kicking
and screaming into this kind of new Republican Party, which is not the same as the Republicans
of the Reagan era.
The deep state is very nervous about all this because ultimately, this is what they're trying
to block.
They're trying to contain, and they really can't do it.
They think that they have the smartest people, but they're not smart enough.
They think that they can control everything, but they actually can't.
I think that at the end of the day, our future is in our own hands.
Now, if the Republicans adopt the kind of, I call it the will-to-beast mentality, which
is incomes align and eats two will-to-beasts and the others go, let me graze over here.
So maybe I'll be the last guy to be eaten.
If that's our philosophy, then we're going to lose in the end.
I don't think that's going to be our philosophy.
Even with the GOP, I think once Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham and even the Republican establishment
have seen this movie, they may not, I don't know what they'll say, but they'll look at
each other and they'll go, this is a problem.
Well, you're right.
And it gives courage to other people to tell the truth and it gives somebody true evidence
instead of the courts during the election, after the election, blocking any real investigation.
Finally, you've done one and it's, again, it's like giving water to a man in the desert
who is dying of thirst.
This is so incredibly important and I want the listeners to understand that you need
to go to 2000mules.com.
They need to get the DVD and download the film and watch the film and make, plus you
want to make people.
It's an incredible film and I just know, in closing with 45 seconds, I think it's a safe
bet we're going to see some state grand juries come out of what you've done.
Well, let's note that in Yuma, Arizona, in Yuma County, the sheriff watched the movie
and opened up an immediate criminal investigation.
He's looking at ballot trafficking in Yuma.
Now, we interview Amuel in the movie.
She was busted for ballot trafficking.
She's cooperating with the authorities.
That's how we could get her in the film.
And so that's the first sign, but it's an important sign that this film is going to have a real
prosecutorial impact.
Dinesh de Souza, thank you so much for the time.
Once it comes out in theaters, please join us again.
Again, we really salute everything you're doing.
You are Americana.
You're like the John Wayne of our modern times.
We appreciate you, brother.
Thank you so much.
Man, this film is incredible.
It is caught the nails of the tyrants.
This is so damn important.
We'll be right back with big breaking news and so much more in FullWars.com tomorrow
as soon as they.
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These tyrants are tracking everything you do
everywhere you go, and then coming to your house
and threatening, in some cases,
actually taking people away into the night
to their facilities.
And they're planning in the next year
to expand their shield process where they come
and take, quote, healthy people away
and put them in facilities for their safety.
This is nothing less than martial law.
And one big thing you can do to fight back
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption, it's Alex Jones,
coming to you live from the front lines of the info war.
So what are they gonna do?
They're gonna attack a minority, church, or college
or grocery store, some type of minority gathering.
And or a massive white supremacist attack they stage.
That's all the pre-programming in the media,
so you know what's coming.
You're gonna be bad because you were a Republican voter, period.
That's how they intend to do this,
is connect the Republican party to white supremacism
and the Second Amendment to it.
That's how they're pushing for violence
and preparing real false flags.
Not just guys dressed up like white nationalists
to discredit the Republican government,
tutorial candidate in Virginia, but violence, my friends.
And that's how you go to a black church
or you go to a rural, say, black grocery store,
you better be packing.
You better be watching.
Because let me tell you, the deep states are coming.
So what are they gonna do?
They're gonna attack a minority, church, or college
or grocery store some type of minority gathering.
And they're either gonna completely false flag it
and do it 100% themselves,
or they're gonna find mentally ill, in-cell,
white supremacist types.
There'll really be devil worshipers
whacked out of their minds on prescription and illegal drugs.
It will be a two or three-man idiot squad
that'll go in and start shooting black people at a church.
Then there'll be a backup team that'll kill them
claiming they committed suicide,
who'll then actually kill a couple hundred black people.
Because the Satanists always start shooting people
and they kind of, wow, I'm actually killing somebody.
This isn't as cool as I thought.
And then they get killed by the black op team.
The black op team then kills the lion's share of the people.
They're gonna want a big number.
Hundreds of dead black children.
So if you go to a black church or you go to a rural,
say, black grocery store, you better be packing.
You better be watching.
Because let me tell you, the deep states are coming.
It's gonna be the whole collapse of society
and you're gonna be bad because you were a Republican voter, period.
That's how they intend to do this,
is connect the Republican Party to white supremacism
and the Second Amendment to it.
That's how they plan to overturn it.
That's the whole program you're seeing right now.
But if the people are aware of it, it's over.
This is the New World Order's Revolution.
This is an assault and it only gets worse from here.
And that's why no matter how much heat they get
and how bad they look and no matter how much
everything they do falls apart,
they are moving towards staging massive terror attacks
and other crises to blame their opposition
and frame us for terror so they can move directly against us.
They're going to try to launch a race war.
They're gonna pull off a false flag event,
try to blame, of course, the gun owners
and Trump supporters and Christians and so on.
They will see if the people will comply to turn in their guns,
which I believe people will not comply.
That would be insane at this point
with the police being defunded and violent crime exploding
all across liberal cities everywhere.
People need self-defense more than ever,
including, by the way, women and people of color
and also gays and lesbians and transgenders are buying guns
more than ever before right now.
So it's the left that's buying guns more than ever.
So it's gonna make gun control very difficult
among left-wing legislators.
So they're gonna try to push a false flag
and they're gonna try to take the guns.
If we, the American people, if we surrender our guns,
I believe we will be invaded.
They are planning, in my view,
false flag terror attacks here in America
to submit their rollout against us.
Massive white supremacist attack they stage.
That's all the pre-programming in the media
so you know what's coming.
But they're pushing for violence
and preparing real false flags,
not just guys dressed up like white nationalists
to discredit the Republican gubernatorial candidate
in Virginia, but in violence, my friends.
And that's why they're freaking out,
because that's the card they want to play.
That's the point we've gotten to.
They all do that.
All right.
Here we are.
Everything in full wars is about,
everything we do is about the truth and victory.
The last 45 minutes of the Nechesusa
was the essence of it.
I mean, that's why I get so excited,
because you can smell it, I can smell it,
we can see it.
It's everything we look for.
Now, in full wars is a major battleship
in the fighting against the globalists
and a platform to get information out
they don't want out.
And as their tyranny intensifies,
no matter how bad the censorship is,
if there's anything like in full wars
operating with millions of you
watching and listening and taking action,
we are unstoppable.
And that's why they've got grand juries open
trying to indict us for anything they can.
They've moved on to the authoritarian mode
of first they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they attack you, then you win,
as Mahatma Gandhi said.
I didn't bring up Mahatma Gandhi quote,
because Nechesusa is Indian,
I use that quote all the time,
because it's so true.
Now, we have a special guest joining us next hour,
who's an amazing talk show host,
his own right, Clay Clark,
in real American America tour.
He's so as Owen,
they've got Dr. Zelinko,
and Dr. David Martin,
and Charlie Kurt,
and Mel Kay speaking.
We're not here to just promote this big event
they've got.
I've been invited to all these, and I wish I could be at them,
but I'm just tied down here,
trying to keep this vessel afloat.
But he's going to be on
and talk about the whole New World Order,
the UN Treaty, the Ukraine situation,
the censorship, everything,
and as I promised to do months ago,
we've been fulfilling it.
We've been taking a lot more calls.
Now, I'm behind schedule a few months,
I'm launching a nighttime show three nights a week,
because again, I'm not complaining,
I have been running around
like a chicken with my head cut off,
trying to vet good sponsors,
trying to get product.
I was working with Dinesh,
he's a great guy to give us a great deal on a bunch of his DVDs,
so you can get them from us and support both of us.
But that's what I'm doing.
I'm doing six, seven tonight,
not doing news, not doing special reports,
but jacking with getting money,
because I don't want to let this incredible crew go,
I don't want to downsize them all this fight.
So please,
realize it's your fight, it's your future,
you're in a fight, and we're together in this fight,
and we are the weapon, the sword
of truth that you're using to defend your family.
And I want you to really
have that,
go into your consciousness and ask,
is Info Wars the sword fighting for you and your family?
Is Info Wars dauntless
and tireless and dogged
and totally determined
to demolish
and decimate and dominate
stop the New World Order?
And the answer is, absolutely fricking lutely.
So I salute our affiliates and ask you to support them.
I salute our sponsors
and ask you to support them.
And I salute you and ask you to realize
you need the products we have
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Take this product
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Here's another example.
I've been selling super amazing quality coffee
that people drink and go, my God,
you said it was good, but this is great.
I started drinking coffee
15 years ago
that I got at the local
ATB, local
Central Market
that was from the Chiapas region
of southern Mexico, and I said, I love this coffee.
It's really good, it's really delicious.
So I found out who was distributing it
and got them as a distributor,
and we've never gone up in price.
Our coffee is about half the price
of the same coffee sold at Whole Foods
and other high-end grocery stores.
We've got to go up in price.
I did the math a few weeks ago and they said,
yeah boss, we're making about
26% on the coffee.
You got to go up.
It's inflation.
So we sell a ton of coffee
and stuff, but we're not
making margins because of the inflation.
So I said this like six months ago
and we did the math again last couple weeks ago.
We got to go up on the price of the coffee
30%, 40%,
and it's just
something I haven't done yet.
But it's an example of what I'm talking about.
And I love the left.
About three or four months ago,
they did a big demonization piece where they go,
Jones is a hypocrite.
He says, Chiapas communist rebels grow this
but then he's a right-winger.
But they're the top of grassroots communists
who are actually fighting the Mexican government
and have their own communes.
So I'm happy to support grassroots people.
The point is this great coffee I got
and it's got a crazy story.
We sold seven times the amount of coffee
since that went viral
with tens of millions of views.
So if the Lord works in mysterious ways,
get it all at infowarstore.com
or AAA-253-3139.
All right, we're going to come back
with our special guest
and we're going to knock it out of the park here today
and in the war room
at 3 p.m. Central with the great Owen Schreuer.
Stay with us.
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That's the whole future of our lives.
The whole world is going to be about
surveillance and control, and then
manipulating and tracking everything you do.
It's all being officially announced.
We've got articles everywhere, their press releases,
saying it.
And the crew asks me during the break, they go,
are you alright? You really seem upset.
Are you feeling okay?
I mean, you're going to starve a couple hundred
million people to death. Yeah, I'm pretty freaked out.
Yeah, this is, this is not
This is not a freaking game to me, man.
You understand, I like to
I like to talk about that, guys.
People are already starving to death
by the hundreds of millions right now.
You never see it on videos.
They're dying right now.
They're in, they're freaking
house is starving to death, begging for God's help.
And no one's coming because God
fills us to get up and take action
and then we don't do anything.
And that paralyzes God.
And that paralyzes God.
Yeah, God can do it.
But God needs us to do it because God's not free will.
Once again,
not for the first time what has seemed like a
nutty conspiracy theory turned out to be the truth.
Yeah, I'm upset. I'm really
I'm really freaked out.
I'm really freaked out.
I'm really freaked out.
I'm really freaked out.
I'm really freaked out, you see, because this is real.
The supply chain being cut off.
The energy grid being cut off is real.
The supply chain being cut off.
The energy grid being cut off is real.
And we're going into a time now
where we're not going to be on the air.
I mean, if we don't back this off,
if we don't get sane people to stop the globalist,
I mean,
we won't be here in six months.
You won't be here in six months.
Who is the most
banned news network
in the world?
Infowars comes to mind.
You watch Infowars?
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
Alex Jones. Nice guy.
He must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is the greatest.
He knows who Infowars is.
Playing this joke over here.
That's why the de-platforming didn't work.
Alex has been right on for a over a decade.
You need to listen to Alex Jones.
It's never going to get any better.
Don't look for it.
Be happy with what you got.
Because the owners of this country don't want that.
I'm talking about the real owners now.
The real owners.
The big wealthy business interests that control things
and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians.
The politicians are put there to give you the idea
that you have freedom of choice.
You don't.
You have no choice.
You have owners.
They own you.
They own everything.
They own all the important land.
They own and control the corporations.
They've long since bought and paid for the senate,
the congress, the state houses, the city halls.
The judges in their back pockets
and they own all the big media companies
so they control just about all the news
and information you get to hear.
They got you by the balls.
They want obedient workers.
Obedient workers.
People who are just smart enough to run the machines
and do the paperwork and just dumb enough
to passively accept jobs
with the lower pay, the longer hours,
the reduced benefits, the end of overtime
and the vanishing pension that disappears
the minute you go to collect it.
You have to run for your social security money
so they can give it to their criminal friends
on Wall Street.
It's a big club
and you ain't in it.
You said recently, quote,
when you give, they do whatever the hell
you want them to do.
You better believe it.
So what specifically did they do?
If I ask them, if I need them,
most of the people on this stage I've given to,
just so you understand, a lot of money.
You and I are not in the big club.
The owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American Dream
because you have to be asleep to believe it.
But I'll tell you what they don't want.
They don't want a population
of citizens capable of critical thinking.
They don't want well-informed,
well-educated people capable of critical thinking.
They're not interested in that.
That doesn't help them.
That's against their interest.
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Well, I heard about this a couple of years ago
and they started it.
Man, it is explosive.
I've been to one of their events.
10,000 people standing room only,
and they're doing it multiple times a week.
And they are giving voice to people
that have been suppressed and dominated,
and it's going viral everywhere.
And I love victory.
We had Inetia Susan on last hour.
Clay Clark, reawakened American tour.
General Flynn right at the heart of it.
Dr. Zelinka, we love him so much.
Dr. David Martin, Charlie Kirk, so many others.
He joins us for the hour to talk about the waterfront
and all that is going on
and the great reset versus the great awakening,
revealing the 10 mind-blowing aspects
of the nefarious surveillance under the skin,
transhumanism planned in slave humanity.
So, Clay Clark, thank you so much for being here.
Thank you for taking time out.
On Twitter, the Clay Clark ThriveTimeShow.com.
Amazing talk show host.
You're on the right, reaching millions a day.
Brother, good to have you here.
I sleep at night knowing that badasses like you
are out there, brother.
Well, I'll tell you this.
If you would have told me three years ago
that I would be talking to Alex Jones,
Cash Patel, Dr. Zelinka, Eric Trump, General Flynn,
and Oklahoma's attorney general
all within a 24-hour period of time,
I would have thought you were crazy.
But what's happening, Alex, is it turns out,
at the last reawakened American tour we had in Myrtle Beach,
I bet you I saw 25 shirts that said Alex Jones was right.
And I always thought that you were right, Alex,
but what I didn't recognize was how right you were
and how deep the swamp was.
It's what I want to do on today's shows.
I want to drop at least 10 knowledge bombs
that your listeners maybe did not know
so you can wake up your family and friends today
because it's time to bang the gong.
So, knowledge bomb number one, Alex.
If you want to wake up your family and friends, folks,
look up HR6666.
That's HR6666.
Look it up in Google or DuckDuckGo right now, folks.
This is actual legislation that has actually been authored
by the United States Congress
that would allow the Secretary of Health
to take you to a quarantine camp.
Now, that is not a theory.
That is an actual document, Alex,
that you have been talking about what would happen,
but now they have codified it
and it's just sitting there waiting to be passed.
Incredible, and I've covered that bill.
I even forget about it,
that they have state bills and federal bills
to put us in quarantine camps, elaborate on that.
Okay, so again, there's HR6666,
which this will allow, again,
elected officials to the Secretary of Health
to take you from your home
and force you into a quarantine camp.
Now, knowledge bomb number two I want to share.
I'm going to fire through a lot of them today, folks.
Look it up. Type in CDC green zones, okay?
The CDC has actually,
if you go to DuckDuckGo or Google,
they have actually created what they call green zones,
and this is their recommendation.
The Centers for Disease Control recommends
that they would take you away from your home
for a limited period of time,
at least six months to take you away
to keep you from spreading the virus.
So again, there's HR6666 that's been written.
It's a virus that's two weeks long,
maximum, but they want you to stay
months in a prison.
Remember Australia, they said,
if you complain about being in a camp,
we'll keep you longer to make you stop complaining.
It's all about control.
It's the cover for their reeducation camps.
So again, knowledge bomb number one, there's HR6666.
If you're trying to wake somebody up, folks,
say Google HR6666,
and tell me what you think about that.
Then you have green zones.
It's called a CDC green zone.
Everyone should look it up.
Next piece of legislation we need to look up is called HR666.
There's three sixes.
This essentially is legislation that would say
it's illegal for you to not agree
with critical race theory.
By the way, we're not joking.
I want you to get into this, Clay Clark,
but why are they keep putting 666?
Is that to rub our nose in it?
There it is on screen.
Luciferians want to always show
what they're going to do before they do it.
So another example, CERN,
their logo is 666.
I encourage everyone to look it up.
CERN has what's called a Hadron Collider.
It's the world's largest computer.
Elon Musk has said that he would like to use
his company called The Boring Company
to help these CERN folks make
an even larger computer.
CERN for their grand opening,
they actually had a satanic ritual.
Folks, if you go to YouTube right now
and type in CERN satanic ritual,
you can see it, but CERN,
their logo is 666.
I'm going to keep going down the 666 trail for a minute.
And it's people running around in black robes
doing mock human sacrifices
at the gateway to CERN.
You were on fire, brother.
Well, and now if you type in WO2020,
Bill Gates has a patent
for Microsoft, has a patent
for a cryptocurrency system that goes inside
the human body that would literally
fulfill the Book of Revelation.
Now you say, Clay Clark, why are you so passionate?
I am somebody who I have read that Bible.
I have read that Bible from cover to cover.
And Alex, what I've discovered
is the Bible it says in Revelation chapter
13 verses 16 through 18.
I'm going to read this to your listeners because they deserve
to have the actual scripture read to them.
King James Version, it says,
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor,
free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand
or in their forehead, and that no man
might buy or sell, say that he had the mark
or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Here is the wisdom.
Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast, for it is the number
of a man, and his number is
603 score in six.
The Bill Gates patent is
2020, 0606, 0606.
So what am I saying?
I'm saying that the Luciferians
are diligent devils that want
to put us in quarantine camps,
and I'm asking for the Christians right now
who are watching right now. I'm calling on you
to get involved.
It is the great reawakening
versus the great reset.
I have done everything that I can do,
and I will continue doing it. At the peak of the lockdowns
I sued the mayor of Tulsa, Oklahoma
to keep our city open. I converted
my building that you see behind me. I turned
my building into a church
because the churches were locked down.
And what I have found is that many Christians,
not your listeners, but many Christians
have been asleep at the wheel. Meanwhile,
the Luciferians are diligently throwing out
the number 666 and making
their technology. And if you go to
forward slash revelation, I have put the timeline
there for you. So you go to
freereamerica.com forward slash revelation.
Say it again. We're going to put it on screen right now. We come back from break.
Man, you're on fire, Clay Clark. Continue.
It's time to freereamerica.com
forward slash revelation.
And you will see in 2002, the Centers for Disease Control
patented the coronavirus
transmissible to humans
with patents number 727
9327. In 2002,
the CDC patented the coronavirus
transmissible to humans with patent number 727
9327. And in 2008,
the NIH Alex began
research on how to block out the God
gene, which is called the
VMAT2 gene.
They believe in God too, and they want to block
the God gene.
And no matter what they do, God will overpower.
But you're right. We should rejoice
revelation is being fulfilled right now.
And what we're doing is getting people ready
when the Antichrist comes. They'll be the
biggest revival ever. The Bible tells us
this is an incredible time.
Alex, people from all over the
country are coming to these events, and
regardless of what the mainstream media says, and I'm not
attacking anybody that makes a profit.
I'm not attacking Charlie Kirk or Bill O'Reilly
for hosting events. But for my
events, my wife and I felt convicted
that God was wanting us to do these events
and to let people name their price.
So if you're attending, my wife and I, we don't
take any income or any salary from these
events. We have folks like Dr.
Zalinko, Dr. Rashid Batar.
We have Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Dr.
Peter McCullough. Many of the big names
that have only been allowed to share
the truth on your program and Joe Rogan
and other, which are now becoming
mainstream programs, these people
all speak without censorship
on the Reawaken America tour. But I want
everybody to be able to attend.
So if you want to get a ticket, go to time-to-freeamerica.com
And if you mentioned that you heard about this
the event through the Alex Jones show,
we're going to give you free access to our
Meet and Greet, and we'll actually give you an opportunity
to meet some of the speakers. So again,
go to time-to-freeamerica.com to claim your tickets.
We're going to Virginia Beach in July
and in August we're going to Rochester, New York.
Why? Because General Flynn and Eric
Trump want to take the Reawaken America tour
to New York, into the belly of the beast, baby.
Like Clark, I've seen you on
Owen, I met you, you are
on fire, brother. Is the pendulum
not swinging back right now?
Whether Elon Musk is good or bad, he gets
that the public's awake. He's saying
everything we're saying. This is incredible.
I am seeing people
wake up. Alex, when I get to the event,
I always get there at 5 a.m. each day
and I try to meet as many people.
So when we have, you know, 10,000 people that get in
or 5,000 people, I want to shake all of their hands.
And I did that symbolically for the first one
because people were still afraid to shake hands.
They were told they need to socially distance
and wear a mask. And I said, I will shake
every person's hand. You're breaking the well of their fear.
Alex, as people are discovering
the great reset for the first time
when I meet these people in line, I encourage
everybody, go to timetofreamerica.com
forward slash revelation
to continue this conversation. Alright, like Clark, unbelievable.
Stay there, brother. Wow!
And we've been getting a lot of crypto donations
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We'll see you in the next video.
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everything is happening
and the good news is more and more
mainline shirts display Clark
are actually talking about this now
so as you said earlier
conservatives, populist Christians
are really waking up right now
well I just encourage everybody
you have to understand there's the great reset
versus the great reawakening
so I have a copy of the book I wish I didn't
but I do it's called COVID-19
written by Klaus Schwab
the head of the World Economic Forum
and COVID-19 stands for Certificate of Vaccination
Certificate of Vaccination IDAI
so their plan is to put
a certificate of vaccination IDAI inside
every single person
now if we go to freeamerica.com
you can see that the patents
prove the plan
so in 2002 the Centers for Disease Control
patented the coronavirus transmissible
to humans with patent number
in 2008
research began by the NIH
and had to block out the God Gene
so 2008 the NIH began research
on how to block out the God Gene
in 2010 as you've covered Alex
the Rockefeller plan was written
and on page 16 of this document
it calls for a world of tighter top-down
government control and more authoritarian leadership
now if we skip ahead to 2015
the system and method for testing
for COVID-19 was actually patented
patented what yes
the system and method for testing for COVID-19
was actually patented in
and then in 2015 check this out
Harvard's Charles Lieber who was heavily
financed by Bill Gates this is
and Jeffrey Epstein Charles Lieber he created
that uses 5G
technology he created
patents that use again nanotechnology
that goes inside the human body
that can be activated via
5G and if you don't believe me folks
just go to time2freeamerica.com
forward slash revelation
and you can follow right along there
so what is this all about at the end of the day
what is this all about
it's all about actually putting technology
your body that has the ability
to control your thoughts
so they own it and the thing is
Harari and the World Economic Forum say
you have no free will
we're taking your body over
we're taking the nano tech of the food
and said we're not even having a jurisdiction
this is their revolution
this is their covert war it's happening now
you're 100% greater listen to this
this is Yuval Noah Harari saying it out loud
I'm gonna try to get through 21 knowledge bombs
in 20 minutes with Alex Jones can we do it
so this is Yuval Noah Harari saying out loud
how the technology works this is the top advisor
for Klaus Schwab listen in folks here we go
a good two way communication
system direct communication
system between brains
computers this is kind of
the watershed moment
I mean once you have a good
two way nobody has any idea
what happens after that
he's saying it out loud and he was
asked during an interview they said
how will COVID-19 change the future of the world
and this is what he says this is not me
saying this this is again this is Yuval
Noah Harari openly
stating this I'm gonna play this audio clip
this is again the top advisor for Klaus Schwab
a man praised by Obama
Zuckerberg and Gates listen to what he says
this is COVID-19 how he believes it should change the world
the response to COVID should be
the establishment of a global
healthcare system
a basic healthcare system
for the entire human race
and Alex right now it's May 17th
and we are now
just under 100 hours
until the world
health organization
begins to assert its dominance
over American sovereignty
because of the actions
taken by Joe Biden
it's incredible
we are living in the UN
world government takeover
and correct
I will say this Michelle Bachman
who's obviously not here with us today
but she's a very respectable voice
she chimed in on another
program I want you to just listen to what Michelle Bachman said
because I think she articulated
this urgent matter succinctly
but with a cool head and from a Christian perspective
listen to Michelle Bachman explain what's happening
40 countries have already signed on
including the big guys
the EU, the UK
Canada, Australia
New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland
the real countries
40 countries have already signed on
so presumably they already have the votes
so the vote will be taken
and then there's a six month period
before the actual vote
becomes effective and that's in November
and that's interesting timing
because no matter which party wins
in the fall
presumably it won't matter because this creates
a platform for global governance
so Alex there's an urgency
and I'm calling on every...
they're going to bring in the new lockdown after the midterms
they admit that
I encourage everybody right now to open your Bible
to Hebrews 1025 okay and I'm going to read this to you
this is why we're doing the reawaken America tour
it says Hebrews 1025 Alex
it says, not forsaking
the assembling of ourselves together
as the manner of some is
but exhorting one another and so much more
as ye see the day
approaching let me translate
we should not stop getting together
as the manner of some is
but we need to exhort, to mentor
to encourage, to empower one another
and so much more as ye see the day approaching
we have got to activate ladies and gentlemen
we are within right now
we are within five days of America's
sovereignty being over
it is now time for every
single listener to go into
Paul Revere mode I need you to wake up
your family and friends get out the gong
go to time2freeamerica.com
forward slash revelation
everything I've shared on today's show
is cited all the patents
are there it is spelled correctly
you can find it the research has been done
Dr. Peter Brigham
Dr. Zelinko Dr. McCullough
all my good friends I have met on the
reawaken America tour they have provided this information
to me and all I have done Alex is I have
tried to break it down in a way that I can handle
because I am an entrepreneur
I am a former disc jockey I am not a doctor
I am not a scientist and I needed to break it down
so that I can understand it and that is what
the reawaken America tour is all about Alex
we start at 10am
we go until 6pm I don't think people
realize this we have 35 speakers
per day including
Eric Trump, Cash Patel
Donald J. Trump Jr.
Zelinko we have even had you
you spoke at one of the events we did in San Antonio
we have had Owen speak
we have so many great speakers Bobby Kennedy Jr
and the reason why we do this event
and the reason why I don't take a salary from these events
and the reason why our speakers are doing this
is because we want to save America
so I encourage all your listeners
go to time2freeamerica.com
we have under a thousand tickets remaining
for the Virginia Beach reawaken America tour
and people are saying Alex this is the only place
in the world that is allowing people
to share this at scale
and virtually every video
as you guys are selling out everywhere
and you are on fire Clay
it's all real it's historic it's happening now
Alex I can't tell you how many people
I ran into at the reawaken America tour
in Myrtle Beach that had the shirts that said
Alex Jones was right
and I got to apologize to the listeners out there
you know for years I had listened to your program
I knew you were correct
but my wife we were driving down the road
and she said Clay
she said to me what are you going to tell your clients to do
I'm a business consultant I own businesses
and she said what are you going to tell your clients to do
when they do a lockdown in America
and Alex I never thought it would actually
happen here but once I saw
Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx on the stage
I recognized that the Rockefeller plan
was being implemented
and that President Donald J. Trump needed our help
I don't agree with him on everything he does
but I agree with President Trump on 95% of what he says
and President Trump needs our help
the time for reawaken America
stay there we'll be right back
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance, live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide. It's Alex Jones.
The power of humanity is incredible, and Clay Clark, the dynamic businessman and talk show host, is leading the fight with General Flynn and others to take on the New World Order at Point Blank Range.
Brother, I'm going to give you the fourth rest of the hour. We've got two segments left. You've got the floor, brother. I mean, I've already followed you. I've met you. I watch you on Owen's show, but man, you've got to come back more. You are dead on. What are we facing? What do we do?
Well, what we need to do right now is we need to gather the facts, and we need to get out the gong, figuratively speaking, and wake up our family and friends.
So we need to go to time2freeamerica.com forward slash revelation, and you need to just be able to share the truth with your family and friends.
So what we're going to do is I want everyone to go to time2freeamerica.com forward slash revelation, and let's just get down to 2015.
You only covered like three of the points. I'm going to shut up. Go over the 20 points.
Yeah, let's do it. Okay, so we're going to 2015. All right, so let's just say you're sitting down with your cousin, your uncle, your daughter today, and you're trying to wake them up.
You want to teach? If you're going to wake somebody up, you have to ask them questions rhetorically.
So you want to say, hey, how come on October 13th? Why on October 13th? Why was the system and method for testing for COVID-19 patented on October 13th of 2015?
October 13th of 2015. Why was the system and method for testing for COVID-19 patented then? And just show the patent to them.
And when they look at it, they're going to go, wow, because all of a sudden we know that there's a plan.
All right, so we have to start there. That's where we need to start.
Now, in 2016, Peter Daschik of the EcoHealth Alliance, he openly said, I'm going to play the clip, but he openly said that Peter Daschik openly said that he and his Chinese colleagues created viruses.
So listen to this. This is Peter Daschik explaining how gain of function works.
Here's an example. First of all, we're only looking at viral families that include those that have gone into people from animals.
So we narrow it down straight away. Then when you get a sequence of a virus and it looks like a relative of a known nasty pathogen, just like we did with SARS,
we found other coronaviruses in bats, a whole host of them. Some of them looked very similar to SARS.
So we sequenced the spike protein, the protein that attaches to cells.
Then we, well, I didn't do this work, but my colleagues in China did the work.
You create pseudoparticles, you insert the spike proteins from those viruses, sifted bind to human cells.
And each step of this, you move closer and closer to this virus could really become pathogenic in people.
So you narrow down the field, you reduce the cost, and you end up with a small number of viruses that really do look like killers.
He openly just said, so again, if you're asking your family, if you're trying to wake up your family and friends, ask him,
why did Peter Daschik openly state in 2016 that he was involved with the Chinese to do gain of function research to increase the transmissibility of pathogens?
So let me just explain how the whole great reset works briefly here.
The models that said that 2.2 million Americans would die from COVID, Alex, you know this and I know this,
but the models that said that 2.2 million Americans would die from COVID, those were false.
Two, the PCR tests, the COVID-19 tests, we're all supposed to go get tested.
The COVID-19 tests were falsely calibrated to inflate the number of cases.
And again, I'm trying to give you ammo because when you go and talk to your family and friends about a PCR test,
they're going to go, what are you, a PCR testing expert?
Are you a scientist?
So I'm going to play an audio clip.
Oh, the inventor of PCR said it was fraud.
Correct, and I've got all the clips right here for everybody.
So I'm going to play this audio clip of the inventor of the PCR test,
Kerry Moles, explaining to you how the PCR tests work and how they shouldn't be used.
Tony Fauci does not mind going on television, it can lie directly into the camera.
And with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody,
because if you can amplify one single molecule, which PCR can do,
there's just very few molecules that you don't have at least one single one of them in your body.
So that could be thought of as a misuse of it just to claim that it's meaningful.
So again, Kerry Moles openly states,
I'm giving you all the ammo so your listeners, again folks,
if you've got a time to freeamerica.com forward slash revelation,
you can have a sane conversation with family and friends.
And I want people to understand this.
March 26, 2020, Microsoft, Alex, they filed for a cryptocurrency system using body activity
with patent number, as we mentioned earlier, W02020, 060606.
Now this is something that very few people know and I'm going to blow someone's mind here.
In 1971, that's the year that America got off the gold standard.
Richard Nixon got us off the gold standard per the recommendation of Henry Kissinger in 1971.
In 1971, Klaus Schwab started the World Economic Forum,
the author of COVID-19, The Great Reset.
Klaus Schwab started the World Economic Forum in 1971 per the recommendation of Henry Kissinger.
Folks, did you know that in 1971, there was a comic that was created in 1971 called Dark Seed?
Dark Seed, it's S-E-I-D.
The Dark Seed comic character was created in 1971,
who wants to end free will by connecting everyone's mind to a hive mind using technology.
And did you know that Elon Musk's girlfriend, she released a song called Dark Seed,
which she wrote and released Alex right before the pandemic started?
So I'm going to play a brief audio clip.
This is Elon Musk's girlfriend.
Now mind you folks, Elon Musk, the COVID-19, The Great Reset, for it to work,
we have to, this is how it works, okay?
We have to put RNA modifying nanotechnology inside the human body that connects our minds via 5G technology.
So you can't buy or sell without the technology in your body,
and you can't actually buy or sell without the...
So this is the transhumanist takeover in their own words.
Like you said, Harari, we're taking you over.
I mean, this is it. It's like the Borg and Star Trek say,
this is futile, but this is real. This is happening.
It's real, and I want people to check this date, okay?
The pandemic, listen to this. I'm going to play a brief audio clip.
This is Elon Musk's girlfriend.
She released a song you can find on YouTube right now.
It's called Dark Seed.
Now again, 1971, that's when the Dark Seed comic character came out,
that talked about ending free will by connecting your brain to the hive mind.
So Elon Musk's girlfriend grimes, she puts out a song called Dark Seed.
Everyone has to find it on YouTube, okay, folks?
And it features an artist that no one's ever heard of by the name of Pan.
Pan? Like pandemic?
And the song is recorded entirely in Chinese except for the first two lines.
So listen to this, folks.
This came out May of 2020. Listen to this.
Listen to the lyrics. I'll read them to you.
It's crazy. Listen to this, folks.
Unrest is in the soul.
We don't move our bodies anymore.
This is Elon Musk's girlfriend grimes. What?
And then the rest of the song is recorded in Chinese.
And if you read the lyrics, it's all about implementing RNA modifying nanotechnology inside your body.
And now she's left Elon Musk to marry a trainee.
Yes. And she just did an interview.
You can look it up right now in Vanity Fair in April of 2020 where she does the Baphomet pose.
And during that interview, she said they're planning on having more kids together.
And recently, Elon Musk said his new technology allows you to save state.
Now, I'm going to play this real quick for the listeners out there so you can hear this because most people haven't heard this before.
This is Elon Musk explaining that his new Neuralink technology could allow you to have eternal life. Listen to Elon Musk explain this.
Imagine that one day we would be able to download our human brain capacity into a optimus.
Yes. I think that is... I'm not saying this is... I think it is possible, I think, to do that. It is possible.
Which would be a different way of eternal life because we would also download our personalities into a body.
Yes. We could download...
He just said you could have eternal life. Listen.
Other things that we believe make ourselves unique.
Now, of course, if you're not in a body anymore, there's definitely going to be some difference there.
But as far as preserving our memories...
So, Alex, during the same 30-day period of time, Grimes, who openly says she's still with Musk, she said they're in an open relationship that's complicated.
She was asked during the interview, they said, well, now that you can download people's minds and download their thoughts,
whose mind would you like to download? Listen to what she says. This is crazy.
This is Grimes, Elon Musk's girlfriend. Take us into the frame.
If you could be someone else for a day, someone alive today, but some of you haven't met yet, who would you be?
Would I be modeling their brain state or would I just be in their body?
You can choose the degree to which you're modeling their brain state because you can still take a third person.
Hold on. Stay there. We're going to play this clip again when we come back with Clay Clark, final segment, ahead of the guest host in the fourth hour
and the known shrewyer, 3 p.m. Central of the War Room. Wow. Powerful information with Clay Clark.
Clay Clark is on fire.
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weather, and even GPS today. Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
God has given us free will. God has given us a vision of the future. We have been given the cheat sheet.
Yes, we have free will, but God holds us what was coming and that a fallen creature, none of this world, would try to enslave us and do this,
and now we see it happening. And whether you believe in God or not, it's unfolding. And Clay Clark is here with us right now,
heads up one of the biggest, most important tours that just goes every week around the country and is reaching five, ten,
twenty, thirty thousand people in filled arenas, rewakened America tour. It was so great being with him in San Antonio six months ago.
He's here with us now in the final segment. You know, to me, as negative as this is on the service, it's very positive when you really pull back from it
because revelation and Daniel and Ezekiel and all of it is being fulfilled. Old and New Testament, we're seeing everything that God told us would happen,
happen right now. And thank God gave us Jesus Christ and the province before him to tell us what was coming. We've been given the blueprint of the enemy attack.
You're 100% correct. And I want to make sure people understand this idea. You said God gave us free will.
And what I found is that people don't understand that the enemy, they actually want to take away your free will.
So I'm going to play this brief audio clip, Alex. This is the top advisor for Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari.
And listen to what he says. This is Yuval Noah Harari. Listen to how he, this is a man appraised by Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates.
Listen to what he's, how he describes. This is the high priest of their whole system. They say this is, this is their gospel. Here it is.
This is what he says. Listen to this. Here we go. Humans are now hackable animals.
You know, the whole idea that humans have, you know, this, they have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what's happening inside me.
So whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will. That's over. Free will. That's over.
So Alex, what I want to do on this final segment, if I can, I'm going to pull up a little diagram on the screen here for listeners.
And Alex, I spent about $3 because of inflation. This could be $6 by the end of the month here. But this is how it works here.
Okay. We have Team God. They have Team Satan. We have what's called the Bible. Their Bible is literally COVID-19, the Great Reset.
Their plan is to end free will. We have a Bible. They have COVID-19, the COVID-19, the Great Reset.
They have a leader who has a lot of traction and a lot of influence. His name is Klaus Schwab.
We have a leader. I'm not saying that President Donald J. Trump is my religious leader. In my work chart, Jesus is king.
Trump is the president. General Flynn is America's general and my wife is the boss. That's how it works at the Clark House.
But Klaus Schwab is their leader. Trump is the leader of the free world.
Their top advisor, their perverse prophet is Yuval Noah Harahi. And President Trump has seven people, eight people close to him.
And five of them are on the tour. I mean, we've had Peter Navarro, Cash Patel, General Flynn, Eric Trump, Don Trump Jr.
These are all the people that are on the tour. So if you actually want to know what's going on and not speculate what's going on,
people that are actually in the new, that actually in the know that are at the tip of the spear.
Well, that's right. If you look at who's around Trump, it's very, it's very exciting.
It is. I mean, we have got the people close to Trump that are in those secret meetings coming to share about the Durham report.
What's going on? Now, their goal, Team Satan, is total control. Okay. They want you to wear a mask. They want quarantines, curfews,
forced RNA modifying nanotechnology inside your body that controls your thoughts. God wants for you to have free will.
God wants for you to live in hell and God wants for you to have salvation. So I encourage everybody right now.
If you're watching right now, I have three calls to action for you. One, it might sound kind of crazy.
If you're not right with God right now, I want you to invite Jesus Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior.
I mean that. I just got baptized Alex this weekend for the first time in my life. I would never been baptized.
And I know that God has arrested my attention and God is arresting the attention of your listeners right now.
There's somebody watching right now and you feel like, man, I have really made some poor choices in my life.
Well, check it out. Paul, his name was once Saul. He wrote 13 books of the Bible. Okay.
And some say he went around murdering Christians, but he was saved.
Exactly. And God arrested his attention, filled him with conviction to fulfill the great commission.
So I encourage you. All you have to do is say, dear Jesus, please forgive me for my sins and you want to repent,
which means you want to go the opposite way moving forward and you have a new mission and you have a new hope.
And that's what God is looking for. God is ready for you to make that choice.
God only judges the heart as King David said.
And so call to action number one is get right with God.
Call to action number two is you say, well, what can I do?
I encourage you go to timedefreeamerica.com and get your tickets to come join us at Virginia Beach.
That's going to be in July. Be with the brethren, be with all these amazing people and bring family.
And Alex, what's so neat is we've had business owners in the manufacturing space and the medical space
that are hiring employees on the spot that don't wish to take the RNA modifying nanotechnology shots.
I mean, we have employees like a job fair. We have doctors willing to treat you if you don't want to take the RNA modifying nanotechnology.
Attorneys willing to help you fight back. You know, a lot of the school board victories that have occurred
have started at the reawakened America tour.
Oh, it totally scares the system that we're coming together.
It's powerful. So go to timedefreeamerica.com. You can name your price.
I know the mainstream media would like you to think that Clay Clark is getting rich at these events.
You can name your price. I don't take a dime of income or salary.
Hey, we make $50 million to beat them, but you're not.
We need to support independent brethren of all race, colors and creeds coming together under Jesus.
Well, Alex, you know, the thing is when you come to these events, it costs about a half million dollars to put on a really well.
That's why I can't even do them. Yeah, I hear you.
Well, name their price and the average person Alex is, you know, it's paying what they could pay.
I mean, that's the deal with some VIPs.
It's so hard to organize events. I don't know how you guys have done it.
Well, let me just tell you this just in Alex. I've not announced this on any show.
I've got the final lineup here for the reawakened America tour in Virginia Beach.
Let me just read this to the folks out there.
We started at 10 a.m. and there's a speaker every 15 minutes, but check this out.
Listen to how hot this lineup is.
At three 20, we have Jimmy Levy and high res, the hip hop duo shares of America at 340 Jim Brewer.
The comedian gets out there and he just absolutely exposes the deep state while making you laugh, the corruption of Hollywood.
Then we have Donald J. Trump Jr.
He gets on the stage at 430.
Dr. Dave Martin's on it five o'clock.
Cash Patel. Are you kidding me?
He gets on it 530.
Sean Stone. You just had on your show.
Sean Stone, Oliver Stone's son, the great producer director, Sean Stone.
He'll be joining the tour.
And then at 545, America's general, General Michael Flynn.
And that's how we end day one, Alex.
I mean, that's how we end.
I didn't even mention that Eric Trump, Amanda Grace, the prophet, Kim Clement, the late great prophet, his daughters on the lineup.
I just found out that Peter McCullough will be rejoining us.
Mickey Willis will be debuting Plannedemic Part 3.
My good friend Mickey Willis is debuting Plannedemic Part 3.
This scares them so, so much.
Wow. Well, I love your work.
Clay Clark, we appreciate everything you're doing.
And I want to invite you back on a routine basis.
Love meeting in person. Love what you're doing.
It's so incredible. They hate us getting together.
They hate this truth getting out of there.
All the hundreds of media that are there, not thousands, and all the interviews I did when I was there, that all goes viral.
It's just a major operation to expose the globalist takeover.
It is so beautiful.
And Alex, if I get abducted by an alien or I just want to tell you this, I mean this, I pray for you.
And it's an honor to be on your program because you have been a man in the wilderness that's been attacked for a long, long time.
And I sincerely have prayed for you.
I've prayed for General Flynn.
I've prayed for Eric Trump.
I've prayed for Seth Keschel.
I've prayed for so many of these people that are on the tour, Mike Lindell.
And it's an honor to meet you in person.
And it's an honor to see your heart.
And you were super humble at the San Antonio event.
You stopped by and you said, hey, if you would like me on the stage, I'd love to be there if not, no worries.
And you came up and I feel like you delivered a message, a gospel message that many pastors today need to deliver.
I mean, you clearly pointed out it's the great reawakening versus the great reset.
There's heaven in hell.
There's free will versus control.
There's Satan versus Jesus.
Alex, you did not leave anything left to be said there, my friend.
You absolutely did a powerful salvation message in San Antonio.
And I know-
But the most important part was God wins.
God does win.
God does win.
I'll tell people this little fun stat.
People say, how do you know these events were a success?
The Myrtle Beach event, we just did.
We had over 500 baptisms that happened at that event.
Alex, it's just an unbelievable thing to see people getting back to God.
We have election fraud, medical fraud, religious fraud.
I want to get back on the tour with you, brother.
I'm just tired down here in the fight, but thank you so much at Clay Clark.
We salute you.
Everybody should go to all your events.
Thank you so much for joining us.
God bless you.
Thank you, brother.
Take care.
The Clay Clark Show.
The Clay Clark on Twitter, ThriveTimeShow.com.
All right.
We have a special guest taking over in the fourth hour today.
And then Owen Shroyer will be with us in one hour.
That guy is on fire.
Freedom is on fire.
Look at the energy and the intelligence of that guy versus the Satanist.
And it lets you know what side you want to be on.
So whether you're old, young, black, white, Hispanic, I love you.
And this is an incredible time.
Please keep us on air.
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Share the videos.
Buy the products at FullWarsTour.com.
That's how you keep us on air as a mothership to promote Dinesh de Souza last hour and Clay Clark this hour.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, Wayne on the Roots as always on Tuesdays, I guest host from noon to one o'clock west coast time, three o'clock to four o'clock east coast time.
And it's great to be with all of you just so you know station identification where to find me.
First of all, my website Root4America.com, Root4America.com.
I am Wayne on the Root. What do I do all day? I root for America.
From the day I was born, I've been rooting for this great country. God bless America.
And reach me, Wayne Root at gmail.com.
Wayne Root at gmail.com. I'd love to hear from all of you.
During the show, I get so many emails from all of you.
And then after the show, I get emails from all of you. It's wonderful because it gives me ideas for how to conduct my radio show later today.
I've got a national radio show.
Wayne, I'll root Ron on Filtered on USA Radio Network.
And if you don't get it wherever you are on your radio stations, ask them to get it.
And if you can't get it there, then just tune in at USARadio.com live every day, three to six p.m.
West Coast time, 6 to 9 p.m. East, 5 to 8 p.m. Central time, or go to Root4America.com, my website.
And you can find it right there.
I also want to mention when I talk about how great America is, love this country.
I'm always rooting for America, Root4America.com. Get it? Only in America, right?
I just found out, literally, I have my own star on the Vegas Walker Stars.
I got that in 2006 before I ever got into politics for being the king of Vegas sports gambling, being the number one oddsmaker
and sports prognosticator in the world.
And they lowered a 180-pound granite star into the sidewalk in front of Paris Hotel on the Vegas Strip on Las Vegas Boulevard in Las Vegas.
The Las Vegas Walker Stars, Wayne Root with Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Wayne Newton, Libera, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. and Bobby Darron.
Not bad. Not bad.
So that's where I got my first star.
Now, I just found out yesterday, I am being inducted into the Nevada Broadcasting Hall of Fame for my political talk show.
I guarantee you this much.
In all of the United States of America, 330 million people for the last 200 and, what, 70 years, whenever the number is we've been in existence,
no one's ever been in the Hall of Fame for both sports and a political talk show.
I'm it. I'm number one. The only one.
Oh, no, the goat. So thank you, everybody, all of you made it possible.
All my listeners and all my fans, without you, I have no show.
Without you, I have no success.
And so thanks for all that you do.
And I'll be inducted, I think it's October 16th.
I don't have it in front of me.
It's either the 15th or the 16th is a big gala dinner dance in Las Vegas for the Nevada Broadcasters Hall of Fame.
And I'll be entering that.
So lots of great things happening in my life.
Only in America could a son of a butcher, an SOB from the mean streets in New York from a literally, I'm not only a dead end kid as an expression,
but I literally was born and raised on a street that was a dead end street.
And only could a kid like that go to all black middle school, all black high school and wind up one day with a star in the Vegas sidewalk next to Frank Sinatra and Elvis and then inducted into the Nevada Broadcasters Hall of Fame.
Only in America, great country.
Doesn't that tell you why it's so obscene and absurd and pathetic and wrong that liberals want to destroy things as they are now?
It doesn't get any better in this country.
Do you have any idea?
Turn on the TV.
Turn on TMZ.
Tune into the National Enquirer.
Turn on MTV.
Turn on VH1.
All you see is black superstars.
All you see is black people who make 100 million a year and are worth a billion dollars.
This is the greatest country in the world with the most opportunity in the world for black and brown skinned people as well as white people as well as everybody else.
Gay and straight and Christian and Jewish.
I don't care what you are.
This is the greatest country in world history.
And that's why it's all so crazy.
I have so much to tell you about on this show, about the new polling, about transgender issues.
I was right on the money with everything I've been saying and about Twitter undercover video from Project Veritas.
And they got a Twitter big shot saying things that will shock you but really won't shock you because it's so clear that the entire Democrat Party is a party of communists who are out to destroy the United States.
It's a communist attack and a communist takeover the United States.
And now we have proof and boy do I have news to tell you about COVID coming up in the next segment, the COVID vaccine.
Once again, I'm on the money.
I've been saying for a year and a half, don't go near this vaccine.
I'm Wayne Allyn Root, RootForAmerican.com, Wayne Root at gmail.com.
Thank you Alex Jones for guest hosting every Tuesday right here on InfoWars and the Alex Jones Network.
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All right, Wayne Alleroot live on Alex Jones' show, guest hosting as always on Tuesdays from 3 to 4 p.m.
East Coast, 12 noon to 1 p.m. on the West Coast, honored and privileged to be able to do it.
What a great country.
I repeat again, I'm an SOB, a son of a butcher from the wrong side of the tracks at a dead-end street
in Malvern in New York from a majority minority town, a mostly black town, went to an all-black high school, all-black middle school.
And what a great country.
God bless America.
Only in America.
Capitalism works.
Let me tell you about some things that are in the news that I think are so important for you.
Number one, Project Veritas with their undercover videos has nailed Twitter to the cross again.
And while it's shocking what you're going to hear at the same time, it's just not shocking because everybody knows it.
We know they're out to get us.
We know they hate us.
We know they ban us.
We know they censor us.
We know they don't want us to speak.
But senior Twitter engineer caught on hidden camera in another Project Veritas undercover video confirming the whole company is commie as F.
You know the F word I'm talking about.
Commie as F and does not believe in free speech.
He says the reason we all hate Elon Musk and want to get out of here if Musk takes over is we don't believe in free speech.
Conservatives believe in free speech.
We don't believe the other side is a right to talk.
Does that shock anybody?
I mean, it's shocking, but it doesn't shock anyone.
We all know it.
We know Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and YouTube and all the Silicon Valley high tech companies think that way.
All the social media executives think that way.
We know the entire American media thinks that way.
We know Hollywood thinks that way.
We know every teacher for the teachers union thinks that way at public schools.
And we know that every professor and dean at every college thinks that way.
Well, most of them do anyway.
My wonderful son Hudson root, by the way, I got to give him kudos just graduated on Saturday from SMU Southern Methodist University.
Congratulations, Hudson, 22 years old, chip off the old block, study business and finance, graduated from the Cox School of Business at SMU.
And for four years, you know, again, we're in a country where if you do go to college, which a lot of kids never do.
But this kid got the best scores in the country and the best grades in the country and the best SAT scores in the country.
And instead of going to Harvard chose SMU and what a brilliant choice for four years.
And I mentioned it to anyone ever because I thought who knows what kid on a college campus might try and hurt my son, whether physically hurt him or literally hurt him with his grades, a professor.
So I never mentioned his college to the day graduated.
He's out victory.
I could say it now graduated SMU one of the only colleges in America and certainly the only great college in America and it's a great college.
It's the Harvard of the of Texas and the whole west of the Mississippi.
And what makes it great besides great academics and great professors and great learning.
OK, then I teach you how to be an artist or teach you how to score in business and finance.
What makes it great is no lockdowns.
Everyone went to class.
There's SMU, no masks and most importantly, no vaccine requirement ever in his four years in college.
And here's the deal, folks, this is again what makes conservatives so great.
It ties in with the Twitter story, right?
Twitter's exec senior engineer admits that they are commie as F.
F you commie is F you that famous curse word.
I won't say on this year and give them the dignity of me saying something like that.
But here's the deal.
Terrible people and they admit they're against free speech.
They admit we agree with free speech and want free speech and will give them free speech.
But they won't give it to us.
And that's a great example of SMU.
I don't believe in the vaccine.
I think the vaccine is poison.
I'm going to tell you about it a minute.
The vaccine is a death jab that's killing literally thousands of people a day all over the world and here in America.
And we have all kinds of proofs stocking up showing that.
But I would never stop you from getting it.
And I don't believe in mass.
And I've got a new study that proves mass don't work of over 625,000 Europeans
in 35 countries that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt mass or a total failure.
They don't work.
But I wouldn't stop you from wearing a mask.
And I know lockdowns don't work.
They haven't locked.
They haven't worked anywhere in the world ever in the history of mankind.
All they do is destroy every business and kill capitalism and kill all the small businessmen and women
and give the advantage to Costco and Walmart and the big box retailers Lowe's and Home Depot.
And every big store is open.
Well, the little stores are called nonessential and closed.
So we know lockdowns don't work.
But I wouldn't stop you from locking down.
If you want to lock down your house, if you don't want your kid going to school
and you want to learn online, good luck.
God bless you.
That means my kid will score way past your kid.
Your kid should be locked down, learned at home, vaccinated 12 times and masked.
And you know what that means?
More money and success for my kids and your kids will be losers.
So good luck to you.
God bless you.
But we believe in freedom, personal freedom and economic freedom as conservatives.
And you could be as stupid and as ignorant as you want to be and will allow you to be it.
But my son just graduated SMU with honors, graduated with just under a 4.0 average
and is moving into a finance career already hired at a top job
and will spend the rest of his life at this point.
He believes in beautiful Texas.
If we ever succeed or divorce as a nation, separate as a nation,
Texas is where we're all going to go.
It'll be the People's Republic of Texas up against all the blue communist states.
So a great job, Hudson Root, Lovia.
My daughter Dakota Root about to be doctor Dakota Root, 29 years old and about to become a doctor.
And that will happen next month in June.
So two of my four kids out of the house and they've achieved their objectives
and in a nation where not everyone goes to college and only the best go to the best schools,
both of them graduated college, my daughter graduated Harvard, five Beta Kappa in four years
and Hudson graduated with honors at SMU in four years.
You know, most kids now go to college for six years and eight years
because daddy teaches you what to do and how to be successful.
How to be disciplined and how to be successful.
Proud daddy Root for Dakota Root and Hudson Root. Good job, kitties.
Okay, so on this show, I've told all of you, you know,
I've got the book The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book.
It is a book that teaches you how to boycott and fight the world corporations like Disney
and Netflix and all kinds of Delta Airlines and Ben and Jerry's.
And God, there's so many companies that are walking horrible.
It's hard to list them all.
But I did. I went out and compiled 116 companies that are treat patriots and conservatives
and Christians like garbage, but we make them rich by buying their products.
I show you how to boycott them, go to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and get the book
or go to my website Root for America to find out more.
But I've told you on this show how many guest host weeks have I done this?
I don't know, probably for the last four months.
So four times four, about 16 weeks I've done this now.
And each of those 16 weeks I've told you go after Disney, go after Disney.
The transgender issue is the best issue in the history of conservative movement
and the Republican Party and the patriot movement.
It is a great issue. Open borders is a great issue.
Vaccine mandates a great issue.
Inflation is killing the middle class. Great issue for Republicans.
But this transgender combined with critical race theory,
combined with sexual identity, changing of kids, brainwashing,
allowing them to get sex change operations without their parent's permission,
allowing them to get shots of stimulants and hormones without their parent's permission,
allowing them to go into secret closets at school where boys dress like girls
and girls dress like boys during the school hours and then get back in their regular clothes
so mom and dad don't know they're transitioning to become the other sex.
It's all disgusting and everyone agrees with me and you about it.
And the Democrats are so dumb we're going to take down their whole party
and that's going to be the end of them starting this November over this issue.
And that's what I've said from day one, but there's a few dumb Rhino Republicans
like Mitt Romney, I'm sure, and Larry Hogan, the governor of Maryland who was a Republican.
He was at some event like two months ago and this whole Disney thing came down
with Governor DeSantis and attacking Disney because they attacked him
over the transgender school issue for kindergartners.
And Governor Hogan, a Republican but a very liberal Mitt Romney Republican who I hate and despise,
he said what a stupid issue, what a horrible issue Republicans need to run away from it.
DeSantis is crazy. Well, the polls are out and the latest polls show Americans overwhelmingly agree with me
and DeSantis and Trump and the real Republican conservatives of this world
that we don't want transgenderism taught in school at all, but certainly not to kindergartners,
to third graders and we don't want you telling our children to change sexes or transition
or go to secret closets and we don't want you to teach them critical race theory
that teach some America's evil and white people are evil and the whole white race is bad
and needs to apologize. Huge overwhelming victory for Republicans on those issues.
Every parent in America, every parent is on our side right again.
Bullseye, Wayne Root, rootforamerica.com and the email is wainroot at gmail.com.
We'll see you in a sec.
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All right, Wayne Alleroo back again as your guest host every Tuesday afternoon here on the Alex Jones show.
It's rootforamerica.com and Wayne root at gmail.com, my book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book,
which I think has had a big part, maybe not the whole reason.
Obviously, all of you get the credit, millions of conservatives and Christians who have boycott of Disney.
But my book has played a part in organizing the Christians and Patriots and conservatives out there
and a part in going after Disney and 115 other woke corporations because I give you all their contact information.
How to attack, attack, attack. What do the Japanese say? Tora, Tora, Tora.
Interesting that I brought that up because what's the first story in my pile here.
Here's what happened to Disney's favorability since they announced that they're all in on transgender education
and changing your kid's sex in kindergarten and beyond.
And so according to a new poll conducted by NBC News, and you know every poll conducted by NBC News is a fake news poll.
You know they over sample Democrats always.
So whatever number they give you, it's even more in our favor. But just 33% of adults have a favorable opinion of Disney.
It says NBC, which means it's really in the 20s.
15% hold a very positive view, 30% neutral view, 30% view Disney unfavorably.
And what's most important is just in March of 2021, up on the screen you'll see a Disney movie in March of 2021,
they recorded a Disney recorded a very favorable view among Americans.
77% said yes, very favorable and only 21% a year ago said unfavorable.
And today it's a 33% favorable rating. Disney is screwed. Disney is done.
So the mouse and the duck are screwed.
Breaking news. Here I am laughing. Now I got to cry, right? From laughing to crying.
Washington State gas stations have run out of gas and are adding, they're repairing their signs to add an extra digit
in anticipation of $10 a gallon gas. Folks, I told you, I warned you,
when gas went to five and high fours and five and $6 a gallon and in California $7 a gallon,
I said it's going to go to $10 a gallon. This is Biden and again,
Biden's a brain dead zombie puppet puppet with dementia. So it's not really Biden,
but it's the people behind him. It's Obama, it's Valerie Jarrett, it's George Soros,
it's the Chinese Communist Party, it's Klaus Schwab, who are the communist scumbags
who are taking down the United States of America, purposely destroying your life and my life.
And let me put out something even more horrible, and I don't know why the screen appears to have frozen,
but something, are we still on? There we go. Something even more horrible than $10 a gallon gas.
Do you realize home heating fuel, home heating oil in the Northeast United States,
where I live in Las Vegas, in California when I live there, in Park City, Utah,
where I spent a lot of time, it's my second home, Park City, Utah.
There's natural gas in everyone's house and it's plentiful and it's cheap,
but home heating oil is what you put in the ground underneath your home
to heat your home in the Northeast United States and all these old houses,
which is almost every house in New York and Philadelphia and Boston and Baltimore and Washington, D.C.
Everyone has home heating fuel and those prices are going to go through the roof just like gas
to the point where one of my fans told me yesterday, it could cost $10,000 a winter
to heat your house starting next winter based on the current price right now of home heating fuel.
Not even mentioning $10 gas in the state of Washington.
At this moment, if the prices stay the same, he is telling me he lives in Connecticut in the suburbs of New York.
He's telling me it would cost $10,000 to heat an average home in New York next winter.
Folks, everyone's going to be bankrupt. No one could afford $10 gas and no could afford $10,000 to heat their home.
They're going to freeze, old people are going to freeze to death.
Can you imagine if you've got Social Security?
If you've got $1,200 a month, $1,500 a month, $2,000 a month and then you've got to spend $10,000 on heating fuel?
Come on, impossible. No one's going to get in their car ever again for $10 gas.
So this is a disaster of epic proportions all purposely intentionally caused by Joe Biden and the people behind him.
The brain dead zombie puppet who should be locked up at a mental institution for the rest of his life,
Joe Biden who doesn't know the difference between his wife and his sister and his mother
and probably gets his diapers changed several times a day at the White House.
Him, he gets reserved my hatred to some extent but I also feel bad and pity for him
because he doesn't even know what he's doing as he dribbles on himself and takes orders from the Easter Bunny.
And so that's Joe Biden.
Now let's go to the real people responsible.
Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and the Chinese Communist Party.
They're trying to destroy the United States of America.
How do you go from $2 gas under Trump to $10 gas under Joe Biden and all the people behind him?
The communists scum behind him.
This is a purposeful intentional attempt to destroy the United States of America.
Now throw in besides gas and home heating oil, throw in baby formula.
Do you realize they're now considering the Biden administration importing baby formula?
Where will you import it from?
Why not? The Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party are in control of the United States.
You know, I put out a couple of humorous but true tweets the other day.
But they're not tweets because I'm banned for life on Twitter.
So their posts at Getter, which is now my favorite social media site, Getter, G-E-T-T-R,
Getter.com or the Getter app and I'm at Wayne Root.
And I said, first of all, at this point things are so bad,
the only way I could see the United States surviving and being saved is if Elon Musk buys the United States for five cents on the dollar.
So that's the first post I put out.
Maybe just maybe we could be saved by Elon Musk the same way he's trying to buy Twitter.
Maybe he could buy the U.S. government for five cents on the dollar.
Then I put out another post and I said, come to think of it, Elon, if you're listening to me,
you know, get ready to negotiate with the United States government for five cents on a dollar.
Guess who you should call? China.
Because that's who owns us.
And so it's sad, it's funny, but it's sad.
The key to funny and comedy is you've got to have some truth.
And it's definitely true. The United States of America is being ruled by people that want China.
They want us weak and destroyed and impudent and they want China to rule the world.
And they've all been bought off by the Chinese.
The Chinese have given them millions and millions or hundreds of millions or tens of millions in offshore bank accounts.
They are the most corrupt people in the world.
That is so clear.
Everyone in the Biden administration and all the rhinos who hate Trump,
they're all bought off by the Chinese Communist Party and George Soros and Klaus Schwab,
the most disgusting people on earth, horrible enemies of the United States of America.
And this is an opinion show and that's my opinion.
There we go.
And if you want to import baby formula, then you are the dumbest people in the world.
And anybody who wants to import oil and all forms of energy are the dumbest people in the world.
Or, or they're very smart, very cunning, very vicious.
They know exactly what they're doing and they're taking this country down as I learned at Columbia University.
Cloward Piven Theory.
Cloward Piven Philosophy.
That's what's happening in the United States of America right now.
They are smart. They are cunning.
Not Joe Biden.
He's a dummy, a wooden dummy.
And the ventriloquists are really smart.
And they're destroying the middle class, destroying small business and destroying the U.S. economy.
I'm Wayne Allyn Root on The Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back in a second.
Root for America.com is my website.
Wayne Root at gmail.com is my e-mail.
And you can always e-mail me there.
Wayne Root at gmail.com.
Love to hear from you.
The newest member of the Nevada Broadcasting Hall of Fame.
Yours truly.
God bless America.
Only in America can a son of a butcher achieve success in this great country.
Don't root it.
Root it. Fight for America.
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All right, Wayne Alleroot, lots of e-mails have come in from fans of Alex Jones, and some of them will be converted to fans of Wayne Alleroot.
We appreciate that.
Donald says, God bless you.
Jesus is coming soon.
Thank you, Donald.
This guy is named Russell.
He says, love catching you on Band.video.
You are the goat.
Goat, of course, means greatest of all time.
Thank you.
Appreciate that, Russell.
We've got Michael.
For now on, whenever you mention Mitt Romney's name, refer to him as Willard the Rat.
His real name is Willard Romney, right?
It's Willard the Rat.
And so Mark says, good afternoon, Mr. Root.
My three boys and I live in Orange County, California.
They are homeschooled.
We have all read the Homeschooled to Harvard article by you, and my boys are actually taking fencing lessons, too.
We love Nevada.
We might relocate.
What do you think of Henderson or Summerlin?
Would you still recommend it?
And I brought up that last one because I'll give you advice right on the air.
First of all, let me start with why he's asking, why he's mentioning homeschooled to Harvard, because my daughter was homeschooled her entire life,
and she made it accepted to Harvard and Stanford and Yale and all the best colleges in America, Brown and Duke and Penn.
Every great Stanford, every great college in America accepted my daughter, Dakota, and she's about to become Dr. Dakota Root, and she was homeschooled.
And my son, Hudson, was homeschooled, and he just graduated SMU with honors in the Cox School of Business.
So there's your proof that homeschooling works much better to not let your kids be brainwashed in public schools by communist teachers that are members of the Teachers' Union,
only care about their paycheck, and brainwashing your children could not care less about educating your children.
And so we did it the homeschool way, and my kids turned out pretty darn good.
And my daughter was one of the fencing champions of the United States of America, and all Ivy League and fencing.
That's why he mentions his kids are in fencing.
Now, yes, would I recommend, well, would I recommend homeschooling? Let's start with that.
Yes, homeschooling is great. Would I recommend Nevada?
That's a very different question, and I'll give you a very nuanced answer.
Maybe. Yes, and maybe no.
Let's wait to see what happens in the November election, because if Nevada stays Democrat, that means the system is rigged.
This is going to be a red Republican wave all over the United States.
And guess what? In almost every state where Trump won big in a landslide, you and I know he won big in a landslide.
Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona, but it looks like he lost because they rigged and stole the election.
In all of those states, they have tightened up the rules of voting, and it's not so easy to steal the election as it was a couple of years ago,
because all of them have Republican legislatures and or Republican governors or both.
But when you get to Nevada, we have a Democrat governor, Democrat lieutenant governor, Democrat treasurer, Democrat everything,
and a Democrat legislature, Democrat assembly, Democrat state senate, Democrat attorney general, they're all rats.
And so we've changed, we not only not changed anything, but Nevada's gotten worse.
We have legalized not we being me, but the Nevada legislature and the governor signed into law since the election legalized the ballot harvesting
and legalized mail-in ballots forevermore.
Now, we just got good people that are my friends, just got on the ballot, a judge approved on the ballot.
If they get the signatures between now and September, they'll be on the ballot for voter ID in Nevada.
That would change everything. This is a red Republican state that has turned blue based only on stolen elections, rigged elections,
and illegal aliens voting by the tens, if not hundreds of thousands.
If we can get true strict photo voter ID, we win elections again.
First, he's got to get enough signatures to qualify for the ballot, but at least he's approved to do that now.
And then it's going to be on the ballot in November, but then it needs to be on two ballots in a row.
So it's got to be on this year and then in 2024.
And if it's ratified and agreed to by the voters during both those elections, then Nevada has voter ID forevermore.
But do you have any idea how rigged the elections will be in 2022 this November and in 2024 when they know it's their last chance to kill voter ID?
So they're going to bring out every illegal alien and every stolen, you know, every stolen fake ballot they can find with no voter ID
and no signature verification, and they're going to flood the market with fake ballots and they're going to steal every single election they can between now and then.
So there may never be voter ID in this state and everything may not change.
And we may have an all blue state forevermore.
So when you ask me move to Nevada, the question is who controls Nevada?
I will stay here for the time being.
I have the most dominant radio show ever in afternoon drive in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Every conservative Republican listens to wait on a route every afternoon and drive time from three to six on the way home from work.
And that's great. And I don't want to rebuild that somewhere else.
My show is then nationally syndicated all over the country, but it's based in Las Vegas and there is a tremendous success here in Vegas.
That's why it just was inducted into Nevada Broadcasters.
All of fame.
I don't want to go anywhere if I don't have to.
But if it remains a blue state with a blue governor and a blue legislature and they vote in by voting an income tax right now, the income tax is zero.
And they vote in a taking away the cap on property taxes, which could dramatically increase our property taxes in Las Vegas and Nevada.
Well, then I will move to somewhere like Texas or Utah or Florida.
Those are the three states of consideration.
I love Park City, Utah.
I love Dallas, Texas and the whole suburbs of Dallas.
And I love the whole area around Boca Raton and Palm Beach, Florida.
So those are my choices in the future.
I absolutely could leave Las Vegas if things get bad and it remains blue and gets worse blue.
And they vote in all kinds of tax increases.
I will say as to la vista, Nevada, and that will be the end of it.
But I love it.
I love it.
I don't want to leave.
And everywhere I go, I'm mobbed by fans and people scream war wherever I go.
And every restaurant gives me free meals.
It's a great life.
I love it here.
And I don't want to run, believe me, but I may have no choice.
So there's my answer about Nevada.
Now, let's get to the big story of the day.
I've waited and waited.
Now it's time to get to the big story.
And that is over the weekend, the leading Democrat for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania.
A young guy looks really young and he's 53 years old, but looks in his 40s and he had a stroke.
And he's bred that he's triple jabbed online or on social media.
And a Democrat U.S. Senator from Maryland who is young and looks young and is actually 63.
And I'm 60.
He's in my age range.
He had a stroke over the weekend.
And you know, he's triple jabbed.
You know, every Democrat senator's triple jabbed.
Every Democrat candidate's triple jabbed.
They're all morons and they all believe government and government's always wrong.
Not always right.
Always wrong.
And so there he is.
What is it?
Chris Van Hollen?
I think it is.
Senator Chris Van Hollen, 63 years old U.S. Senator Maryland and John Federman, U.S.
Senate candidate, the leading Democrat in the primary by a mile, so he will win the nomination
in Pennsylvania.
And both of them had a stroke over the weekend.
And I just want to state publicly that I would bet any amount of money on earth that
they're both triple vaccinated and they both, you know, the stroke was brought on by the
spike proteins that cause blood clots that fill up your veins and attach to your organs
and cause heart attack strokes, blood clots and massive increase in cancer among 100 other
But those are the big ones in every single case that you read about side effects at the
VAERS list, the vaccine adverse event reporting system.
Or if you read about it in the Pfizer clinical trials that they wanted to keep secret for
75 years, now they've come out.
It turns out 1200 people died.
It turns out lots of people at heart attacks, lots of people at strokes.
The number of deaths were astounding.
Nobody in their right.
There's Federman.
Nobody in their right mind would take the vaccine if they knew those vaccine side effects
from the clinical trials that were not released.
And they covered them up and the FDA covered up with them.
When I get back in the next segment, I've got lots more COVID vaccine news that is going
to knock your socks off.
And I want to tell you about a show that I just watched a documentary about meltdown
three mile island that is identical to everything that's happening today with the COVID vaccine.
The government oversight by the nuclear regulatory agency versus the oversight by the FDA, the
Food and Drug Administration of vaccines.
It's the same thing.
Corruption, corruption, corruption, dirty tactics, lots of people sick or dying and
nobody willing to tell you the truth.
Three mile island compared to the COVID vaccine.
That's probably going to be my next column and I'll talk about it when I get back.
Tell Root, rootforamerica.com, Wayne Root at gmail.com.
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Visit infowarstore.com today.
Thank you so much for your time and 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock.
East Coast time.
Great to be with you.
Rootforamerica.com is my website.
My national radio shows, Wayne Alleroot.
We're on a filter which you can find there on my website.
I'm negotiating right now and I should be able to announce soon a Wayne Alleroot national
TV show.
And of course you can always email me Wayne Root at gmail.com.
By the way, one of the columns I'm working on for the future, I told you I'm comparing
to COVID-19 vaccines and I'll talk about that in a minute, but I'm also writing a column
probably for this weekend and it's called I am proud to be ultra maga.
I love the name ultra maga.
I am ultra maga.
It's great.
We're all ultra maga.
But I want to define what ultra Biden means.
Ultra Biden means gas lines and $10 gas and home heating oil that will make you homeless
and open borders that will destroy the United States and leaving $85 billion of equipment
on the ground in Afghanistan and destruction in Ukraine and giving them 40 billion extra
and in general, 60 billion of our money and cities that are crime-ridden with murder rates
going through the roof and drug needles and poop and pee all over the streets and homeless
tents everywhere.
This Biden and forced vaccine mandates that will kill our kids with no benefit.
That's ultra Biden.
Forget ultra maga.
Joe Biden thought he was defeating us for six months.
He hired a company that worked on this for six months to come up with a slogan he could
use to destroy Trump voters and these brain dead morons came up with ultra maga like that's
an insult.
We love it.
We are ultra maga.
God bless ultra maga.
You know what maga represents?
That list I just gave you of ultra Biden is the worst crap that's ever happened in the
history of America, the middle class and the U.S. economy and the army and the Navy and
the military and foreign affairs.
The worst ever.
And what is ultra maga?
The best economy ever, the best growth for middle class, people, middle class, income,
middle class jobs and how about the lowest unemployment ever for black and Latinos in
the history of America?
My God.
Ultra maga is something to be proud of.
Ultra Biden.
You might as well slit your wrists living in a country run by ultra Biden.
So I'll be writing that column for this weekend and then probably next week's column will
be comparing COVID-19 vaccines to Three Mile Island.
So let me tell you about the latest surveys.
First of all, I've developed a great friendship with another radio, actually a podcaster,
a podcaster and his name is Ben Armstrong and he's a guest on my show all the time now
and he comes up with great COVID-19 vaccine statistics.
The only ones in the whole country that are doing this are me and him and you can name
like two more on your hand and that's it.
And so Ben Armstrong, kudos to you.
Great job.
Ben has come up with the following stat from the CDC of the UK of England.
Their CDC has studied 100,000 young people in England who got the vaccine versus 100,000
young people who didn't get the vaccine, i.e. they're unvaccinated.
So this is a perfect apples to apples study and guess what they found?
According to the Office for National Statistics of the United Kingdom, fully vaccinated young
adults are 92% more likely to die than unvaccinated adults.
There you go.
92% more likely that your children will die and I don't think that's died from COVID.
It's died from any source once they're vaccinated versus kids who are unvaccinated.
Who would be cool enough, abusive enough, stupid enough, ignorant enough to give their
child this vaccine?
My God.
Okay, another survey.
So this was a survey done and it's literally 20 pages.
I have no time to read it all to you.
Just take my word for it.
It's by a brilliant scientific mind who thought of everything you could to make sure it's
Literally, nobody could ever attack the study in any way, shape, or form.
And yet 400 independent observers, it's been peer reviewed and he believes based on his
study that the COVID vaccines have killed over a half million Americans, 500,000 dead
Americans after getting the COVID vaccine.
Now, the latest numbers are out from the VAERS report.
Vaccine adverse event reporting system and they show just under 30,000 dead Americans
directly from the COVID vaccine, not from COVID.
Hear what I'm saying from the COVID vaccine.
But Columbia University, and I'm an alma mater of Columbia, as liberal as they are,
their medical school researchers studied the last several decades of vaccine reporting
on the VAERS report and they came up with the fact that you need to multiply by a minimum
of 20 to get the correct number because so many doctors will never report somebody dying
to VAERS and bother, they don't have time to fill out a one hour report about how the
person died and why the person died and nobody cares if they fill it out.
No one in their family even knows about the VAERS report.
So the doctors don't do it.
So you have to multiply by 20 because a tiny proportion of deaths are actually reported
to VAERS and they say multiply by 20 to get an accurate reading.
Well, what's 30,000 admitted dead on the VAERS report times 20?
It's 600,000 dead in the United States of America and it's slightly below 30,000 right
It's 28,000 or so.
So like it's like 560,000 to 70,000 dead in the United States from the vaccine based
on Columbia researchers, based on Harvard researchers who did the same study several
years back, they said you have to multiply times 100, 100, they said only 1% of deaths
are ever reported from vaccines are ever reported to VAERS.
So multiply times 128,000 deaths, that's 2.8 million dead Americans from the vaccine.
I'll take the far lower figure and I'll say it's certainly accurate to say 500,000 or
more Americans are dead from the COVID vaccine and one thing we know for sure from CDC numbers,
the death rate among millennials, young healthy fit Americans is up 83% or maybe it's 86%.
It's in the 80s.
It's up 80 plus percent from the year before the COVID vaccine to the year that the COVID
vaccine came out, young people are dying in record numbers, unbelievable numbers.
Now, some more studies you need to know.
New peer reviewed study finds that Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine protection against Omicron
wanes meaning it weakens and goes away a week after receiving the second and third dose.
So you could be killing yourself, crippling yourself or permanently disabling yourself
for a vaccine that Pfizer themselves admits goes away in a week.
Wow, that is the scariest thing I've ever heard.
And a new study finds a positive correlation between higher mask usage and COVID-19 deaths.
And this study studied 602 million Europeans in 35 European countries and this study is
peer reviewed and it shows that there is zero effect in countries that wear the most masks
are not getting COVID versus countries that wear no masks.
So it doesn't do a damn thing, but it shows a slight increase in deaths in the countries
that wear the most masks, deaths from COVID.
And of course, the mask is giving you no oxygen and if you're a doctor who changes your mask
30 times a day in a sterile operating room, now that's fine.
But if you are a person in the real world who's busy or a child in the real world, you're
going to never change your mask, you're going to keep the same one all day until you can't
afford to change 50 of a day.
So you keep one dirty, filthy mask, you put it in your pocket with your keys and your
cell phone, which is filthy as a toilet bowl cover, and then you put it on your mouth,
which is why some of us call it a face typer.
And so you're breathing in the worst dirt and disease known to man from your keys and
your cell phone and your filthy pocket and the filthy middle section of your car or your
filthy place where you keep your DMV registration in your car, wherever you keep your mask,
I guarantee you it's filthy and you're putting that on your face.
Of course, people die after breathing in their own poisonous air and they're coughing
and they're sneezing and it goes right back in their lungs.
How disgusting.
Of course, masks don't work.
Of course, lockdowns have never worked in world history.
Of course, vaccines are killing people.
And I will just watch the documentary about Three Mile Island.
I guess I'll have to save that for next week because we're running out of time.
But I'll give you a very quick synopsis.
The government lied about everything.
The National Nuclear Agency lied about everything.
And so did the corporation that owned the nuclear plant, lied about everything and
risked everybody's life and lied to them about Three Mile Island.
They all could have died.
The entire East Coast of the United States could have been destroyed and they lied and
fooled and committed fraud in front of everyone.
The government and the corporation reminds me of the COVID vaccine.
The FDA provides no oversight, just like the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NRC provides
no oversight.
And the corporations that create the vaccines, big pharma are lying, just like the nuclear
power companies are lying in one big conspiracy and the media doesn't say a word.
It's eerie how much is in common between Three Mile Island disaster and this COVID-19 disaster.
I'm Wayne Allyn Root, rootforamerica.com is the website.
Find my radio show at rootforamerica.com or USAradio.com and you can email me anytime
Wayne Root at gmail.com, I provide the truth, something very few people do in America today.
Alex Jones does it.
Thank you, Alex, for having me on.
God bless you all.
My book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book, Amazon, Bards and Noble are rootforamerica.com.
See you next week.
I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially with
word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the globalists and the fact that we're not
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The powerful combination of both vitamin C and zinc are great stepping stones to leading
a healthier life.
InfoWars has made it easier to make sure you are getting enough in your system with a supplement
that contains both.
This InfoWars life offering vitamin C plus zinc with rose hips should be your next purchase
from the InfoWars store.
The rose hips contained within are a part of the rose flower just below the petals that
contain the rose plant seeds.
Natural chemicals found in the hips may even be helpful for a variety of health conditions
including those with osteoarthritis and for those with pain after surgery studies have
As for vitamin C and zinc themselves, you probably already know that they play an important
role in nutrition, immune defense and the maintenance of your everyday health.
It has been reported that intake of both is often inadequate, even in affluent populations
like here in America.
So next time you visit be sure to check it out at infowarsstore.com where we promise
our rose hips don't lie.
Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.