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Filename: 20220511_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 11, 2022
3202 lines.

Infowars claims that globalists are manipulating people through a false reality which could lead to collapse, war, and death. The show discusses the Biden administration's alleged responsibility for inflation, criticizes its nuclear strategy, raises concerns about an EMP attack and potential "great reset". It features interviews with international lawyer Reiner Fuellmich and political strategist Roger Stone. In this episode, Kay Dally guest hosts and discusses topics including a proposal to empower the WHO general director to declare health emergencies unilaterally, a centralized digital currency system being explored by Russia's central bank, and how COVID-19 was released as a biological weapon due to resistance from those who refuse to give up their guns and free speech. She encourages viewers to prepare for potential future changes in the financial landscape and thanks listeners for financial support through InfoWars.com.

Infowars, tomorrow's news, today.
The globalist crime syndicate has launched their bubble taker.
The globalists have been caught lying and dissembling and manipulating instead of backing off.
They have intensified their lives to create an entire false universe and false reality in which they intend to try to keep us under their control.
But instead it's only making them a complete and total laughing stock.
This is extremely dangerous because historically this leads to collapse, massive war and unspeakable death.
That's where we are right now in the year 2022.
Thank you for joining us on this May 11 Wednesday Transmission.
A very powerful broadcast lined up for you today, particularly powerful.
First, let's show two exhibits of the clown show that when Biden says absolutely insane things like the Democratic Party controls all three branches of government,
Saki then backs him up instead of admitting that he is a person avalled with serious, late stage dementia.
Here are the clips.
Do you believe that you and your administration bear some measure of responsibility for the inflation that we're seeing across the country?
First is we're empowered as a person and you justifiably right we control all three branches of the government.
Well, we don't really.
What the president's done is taken steps to address both of those enormous, enormous challenges and tried to put forward solutions to them.
We'll leave it to the Federal Reserve, outside economists, inside economists to make other projections on what's next.
They've already made projections about when they expect inflation to come down.
As he noted today, he is the president.
We do control all forms of branches of government.
That's why he laid out very clearly what he'll continue to do as president to bring down prices.
All they have is arrogance and hubris and their disconnection from God.
They're way out in left field.
And our subservience and our laziness, mine included, has allowed these lesser beings to commandeer and hijack control of the trajectory of our species.
If we can, we will, and we must take control of ourselves again, get our houses in order, and then externalize that order into the universe.
That's God's plan.
The children are counting on us and God will dam us to an eternity in a black hole with these people.
We are eternal.
We do not get on the right path and get down on our knees at 3 a.m. in front of God and repent and ask God to send the Holy Spirit to remove the weakness and remove the evil from us all.
It is a cleansing process and it starts with us individually.
When we return, an extremely powerful report being premiered here today with Greg Race.
I'm also going to do a deep analysis and play critical clips from the seminal film 2000 Mules to magnify it and promote it.
And we will also take your calls and Roger Stone joins us to break big news.
Stay with us.
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America's current nuclear strategy is a deterrent strategy based on the idea that nobody can win a nuclear war without mutual annihilation.
And this has been the strategy since the 1960s, based entirely on an all out nuclear attack from Russia.
But this is a problem for the US because Russia is playing by their own set of rules.
A key element to America's nuclear deterrent system is our Ohio class nuclear submarines,
which were all built in the 1980s and armed with trident missiles that cannot reach any Russian targets from port,
which is where most of them remain despite Russia's threats of nuclear war.
The Russians, on the other hand, have intercontinental ballistic missiles loaded onto their submarines, which are capable of reaching the United States even when docked at port.
But they are not at port.
Russia has made their nuclear submarines actively ready for war with NATO.
We reportedly have only four on patrol at all times, because the main element of America's nuclear deterrent is our aging land-based nuclear umbrella,
designed specifically for mutual assured destruction, a doomsday machine.
This outdated system has gone untested for over 30 years, while Russia has continued their testing,
as well as continued to build thousands of advanced tactical nukes while the US has decreased its own stockpile to below 200.
Biden has assured Putin that a nuclear war can never be won, even though the United States itself has already proven otherwise.
So is it really that mad to assume a possible victory?
We know that the Earth can withstand it.
There has already been over 2,000 nuclear bombs detonated on Earth, mostly underwater, underground, and in the upper atmosphere.
But it's clear that the Earth's atmosphere can take it.
American media is even suggesting it would be good for the environment.
But the West could potentially be defeated with only one nuke.
Russia has released videos of a strategy wherein they could detonate an underwater nuke to create a tsunami that would devastate the United Kingdom.
But there is a strategy far more simple that they could deploy.
A surprise attack with a Super EMP weapon could bring the United States and Europe to their knees in an instant.
A large enough nuke detonated in our upper atmosphere could fry the entire electrical grid, which is already in need of repair.
This type of Super EMP is capable of an electromagnetic pulse that can emit up to 150,000 volts per square meter,
which is three times the amount our military systems are shielded for.
An EMP attack like this could quite easily cripple our military communications, keeping the US from waging any sort of counter strike.
The payload required for a Super EMP could be launched from a submarine at hypersonic speeds, and could also be hidden on board a satellite.
An EMP payload could have already been discreetly delivered into our atmosphere by Russia, China, or the United States,
and once detonated would first take out all other satellites, leaving all evidence of the true perpetrator undetectable,
so it could be blamed on anyone.
And with the CCP-owned Biden administration openly vying the great reset,
it would seem that taking down the entire public grid could actually serve their build-back better agenda.
Why on earth would the world care if America was silenced and put to sleep?
Average Americans seem to enjoy the endless illegal wars.
The mercenaries are now clamoring for a few more bloody dollars.
The liberals are celebrating a world war with Russia, and the Republicans are cheering for Elon Musk,
who has used his alliance with NASA, which was founded by Nazis, to serve the neo-Nazi battalions in Ukraine against Russia.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Ries.
That is a very important report, obviously, and I need to tell you that needs to be shared.
Okay, let me tell you what's coming up today.
We have Reiner Fulmick, the big international lawyer who is probably the most articulate person out there
on what the whole COVID-19 power grab initiation of global collapse program is.
Now to stop it, he'll be joining us in the second hour.
Roger Stone will be popping in with some big news in the third hour today.
Of course, there's the War Room, 3 p.m. central here on the Vaunted in Battle InfoWars Network, infowars.com,
battleplan.news is the uncensored link right now that takes you to Band-Aid videos, you can share those videos,
and be part of the fight, be part of the win to awaken humanity before it is too late.
All right, here's the best way to do this. Again, I'm just going to tell you what we got here in the stacks.
We have explosive inflation by design accelerating at the speed of light,
or the speed of digital currency being printed.
We have massive shortages, and my reporter went out, Sirin Hernandez went out,
to eight locations and found they were all empty. It's real.
And that's even here in Texas.
You have these let the meat cake statements by Biden saying we control all three branches of the government.
We're going to fix the inflation, but it's the Republicans fault.
We have that stack of news.
We have the official censorship board, Ministry of Truth set up.
It would make Joseph Stalin proud.
The FCC commissioner says Biden's Disinformation Board is unconstitutional.
Think some?
We have a stunner. Walgreens has released the data.
New data from Walgreens reveals unvaccinated have the lowest possibility and positivity rate for COVID.
Triple and double Vax groups have the worst rate and all the other statistics show you have a higher infection rate,
a higher hospitalization rate and higher death rate.
If you take any of the four major injections that create spike protein, that's J&J,
AstraZeneca, of course, Moderna and Pfizer, the two big ones.
I mean, this is just incredible. We'll be getting to that.
We have Trump back candidates winning 98% of the time.
It's incredible.
And that's the good thing about Trump is a lot of these candidates are excellent.
That's why the system is so damn scared of him.
We'll be getting in to all of that.
They've now charged the liberal reporter out in Portland for launching attacks,
knocking out windows, breaking things, vandalizing Black Lives Matter and
synagogues so they could blame right wingers.
We have a false flag story we're going to be hitting there.
We have just unbelievably important news on the whole Russia front and the $40 billion that they're sending over while America
just don't even have baby formula to feed their children.
We have so much more we're going to be going over here today that is absolutely critical.
And as I said, we have several big guests that are going to be coming on the broadcast as well.
But just look at some of these censorship headlines that are just stunning.
Christian policemen faces disciplinary action after posting their two genders.
That's in Australia.
They're shocking world economic forums. You've all know Harari says official intelligence will decide if you're gay.
This all ties together.
Target launches gender-affirming products including chest benders and packaging underwear to cover up your penis.
This is the total takeover.
Psychologist says over half team patients identify as trans.
Folks are fighting back Tennessee bars of men from competing on women's sports teams.
This is the designed take down of civilization that we are witnessing right now.
On top of it, more signs the federal government itself is completely collapsing.
IRS paying billions in interest on millions of delayed tax returns.
And of course it's an unconstitutional tax. It's a fraud. It's wrong. It doesn't run the country.
It's just another illustration of how it's all unraveling and disintegrating by design in the great reset.
We're going to hit the huge inflation news and what that signifies on the other side.
Remember I told you two years ago when the first world collapses, the third world dies.
The third world survivors then flood the first world. The whole world becomes a third world high-tech police state grid.
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Brother, I'm so glad you called, elaborate on this.
Yes, now is the time in your small town or your big city to write something on the bathroom wall
or to put a sticker on your car or banner hangs over highways.
And it will be a chain reaction.
What do you recommend people say on these banner hangs?
I have a few ideas.
First of all, health care is really important to our farm.
Rest out, rest while swap.
Vaccine is poison.
There's tons of things.
I said, just keep it short, keep it concise.
No, I agree.
Arrest Fauci, arrest Bill Gates.
The COVID-19 vaccine is poison.
Yeah, there's ways that we could all be involved if we could all be affected.
So that's what I'm calling about.
God bless you, Chris.
In Atlanta, I really, really appreciate you calling us today.
Thank you so much.
We are becoming more like Venezuela with a high tech control grid late over it every
Here are some of the headlines Wednesday live.
Hope you'll share the link on infowars.com.
America awakens to Biden's intentional destruction of the U.S. economy as danger of nuclear war
in Ukraine intensifies.
Reimer Fulmick, how did a legal emergency come up?
He'll be joining us in the next few days, so that gives me more time.
In the second hour, I'm going to be going over 10 key clips from 2,000 mules of the
seminal groundbreaking historical powerful should be, you know, 10 Pulitzer prizes just
for the journalism that went into it of Dinesh Desuza.
He joins us next week when I've got key 10 clips, analysis that we'll cover in the second
hour ahead of Roger Stone.
We'll get back to the inflation, the weapon system they're using on us for Build Back
Better, the great reset.
The images all over the country are not hyped.
We've checked it ourselves.
Baby formula is off the shelves everywhere.
Online there is at least a two month wait.
I went and checked it myself last night.
Nancy Pelosi, though, invokes the Bible to justify sending 40 million to Ukraine.
She used the same analogy a week ago about how info wars always just has enough money
to come in to operate like the widows might.
She gave the little bit of grain and oil that her and her daughter needed to not starve
to death to the preacher, to the prophet.
And so God then continued during the famine to refill it every morning.
Or it's kind of like the Loves and Fishes parable.
But she says, oh no, give the 40 billion and then you will be fulfilled.
We got that clip coming up in a moment, absolutely chilling.
Here's an interesting meme that says it all.
Gas prices just hit a record high and my family can't find baby formula.
Old Joe's eating ice cream.
He says we're sending another 40 billion to Ukraine.
House passes bill for 40 billion in new Ukraine aid package and they're calling
MTG a Russian agent because she didn't want to do it.
40 billion vanishes just like that.
Isn't that sweet?
Here's a clip of MTG on the floor yesterday valiantly fighting this situation.
Here it is.
Thank you.
I rise in opposition to the Ukrainian supplemental bill.
40 billion dollars, but there's no baby formula for American mothers and babies.
An unknown amount of money to the CIA and the Ukraine supplemental bill,
but there's no formula for American babies and mothers.
$54 million in COVID spending in Ukraine,
but there's no formula for American babies and mothers.
$900 million for nonprofits and organizations in Ukraine,
but there's no formula for American babies and mothers.
$8.7 billion for economic support and funding in Ukraine,
but there's no formula for American mothers and babies.
If this is about claiming that it's about saving lives, let's be real,
then we would care about war torn countries like Ethiopia.
So that's a bunch of hypocrisy because I never hear Ethiopia brought up here.
Totally ignoring, completely ignoring our own border crisis, our own baby formula crisis,
and brutal inflation skyrocketing gas prices that no one can afford,
but $40 billion for Ukraine.
Stop funding regime change and money laundering scams,
and U.S. politician coverups of their crimes in countries like Ukraine.
The American people do not support paying for constant U.S. involvement
in foreign affairs while our own government fails our own country.
Let me remind everyone here, we swore enough to uphold and defend the Constitution
of the United States of America and our borders.
We should be paying attention to our country right now.
I yield back.
And don't forget the fentanyl, the exploding crime, and everything else that's happening,
the savings being destroyed, all of it.
Here, ladies and gentlemen, is the opposite of that beautiful smart woman.
Here is the goblin demon invoking scripture.
Of course, the Bible tells you that Satan will quote your scripture and masquerade as an angel of light.
Here she is.
You got to hear it for yourself, ladies and gentlemen.
When you're home thinking about the $40 billion to Ukraine,
it's all about just think about when I was hungry, you fed me the gospel of Matthew.
Here it is.
The impact that it is having on food for the world.
So when you're home thinking, what is this all about?
Just think about when I was hungry, you fed me the gospel of Matthew.
It also is so pleased that Mr. Meeks, the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee,
was with us because we talked about sanctions.
Look at these clowns, the woman in the stupid mask, Pelosi standing up there.
When you were hungry, you fed me javelin missiles and stinger missiles and 50 caliber rounds
and suicide switchblade drones.
You know, you heard Midas had a Midas touch, everything he touched turned to gold,
so he starved to death.
Well, hell, this is beyond the Midas touches.
You're hungry, I fed you high-tech munitions.
No baby formula, but we are going to feed you cluster bombs.
But the doctors tell you it's too dangerous.
Don't make your own baby formula.
Hey, I got an idea.
How about we start going back to being humans, you know, back when only one parent had to work
and people had a better standard of living just 50 years ago?
Feminism was all about breaking up the family, making women work,
and here is the head of the Federal Reserve.
Yellen says reducing abortions would have very damaging effects on the economy
and would set women back because they couldn't be good little slaves for the system
and couldn't have the choice to stay home if they wanted to.
Here it is.
In effect, our economy.
The ability to have full control over one's reproductive health has real-world economic consequences.
According to the Institute for Women's Policy Research,
current state-level abortion restrictions already cost the United States
about $105 billion annually due to...
Look at these clowns wearing masks.
...increased job turnover...
The sign of the medical dictatorship.
So Secretary Yellen...
It's the same as a Nazi armband.
The draft of the court's majority holding in Rovers' way is the actual decision.
What impact will the loss of abortion access mean economically for one?
Well, I believe that eliminating the right of women to make decisions
about when and whether to have children would have very damaging effects on the economy
and would set women back decades.
Roe v. Wade, in excess to reproductive health care, including abortion...
Shut her up.
I can't listen to that demon any longer.
She goes on to say the articles on enforce.com that we need women working.
So we need to ship in all the illegal aliens and put them on welfare,
but then American women all need to kill their babies
so they can go working, what, where are they going to work?
At the shopping mall and there's no jobs left.
Everything they're doing is to corner us and get us out of our natural environment
to domesticate us for slaughter.
They are the global eugenics, depopulation, transhumanist, death cult party.
They are the enemy.
They are the central banks.
They are the fraudsters who are waging war on reality and strength
because it threatens their system of dependency and death.
Infowars.com, newswars.com are the tips of the spear.
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You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too.
You fire musket, but I'll run you through. So when you're waiting for the next attack,
you better stand, there's no turning back.
Oh yes, all of our metal will now be tested as the new type of warfare.
High-tech transhumanist feudalism is launched against all of us, every single one of us, even those that pretend they're part of the power structure.
Let me give you a little prelude to what's coming up next hour in our detailed analysis and clips of the incredible film
The National Organized Crime Syndicate,
and their attempts to criminalize questioning their fraud.
Here's a clip dealing with the geo locating and the mules.
What Greg is geo-tracking?
Well, here's my cell phone. My cell phone is off. Can I be geo-tracked even with the cell phone being off?
This is what marketing companies do all day every day.
So people have experience of this.
It's also true that this geo-tracking has now become a vital tool for the military, for the intelligence agencies, and for law enforcement.
Indeed, they're using it almost every day.
I'll say that there's no question amongst anyone that I know in the community that many, if not all, of the people that were involved
in the situation at the Capitol on January 6th were being tracked previous to January 6th because they already knew what their pattern of life was.
They already knew who to look at.
Many of the people who stormed the US Capitol on January 6th left digital footprints that law enforcement has used in making arrests.
They must have known about these people before because some of those guys were arrested one day, three days, five days after January 6th,
and that's not enough time to do the geo-tracking analysis.
The very idea that you could go from the afternoon of January 6th to acquiring the data, tracking the data,
unmask who actually owns that phone, which the government is required to do, and then get it to a grand jury, make an arrest in 72 hours?
It's not possible.
They had to have been tracking the people in advance.
The film is so good.
I'm going to watch it again tonight because it introduces the average person to things, but does it in an informative way for those of us that are already awake.
I remember in 1996, I was approached by several major engineers, and one of them had worked for the NSA,
and they explained, hey, in the Telecommunications Act, they're passing by law.
This will all be done.
Even when your phone's off, they're pinging it and still getting the location every couple of minutes.
When it's on, they're tracking you basically in live time.
And now your car has it, your refrigerator has it.
It's being put into everything.
Everything's communicating.
So even if you have a newer car and you've got the GPS on it, that's tracking you too.
So they introduced it to people and explained, this is there.
Well, okay, they went and bought the data from the app companies, and then they went to the surveillance cameras at the drop boxes because at least that was on law.
And they got thousands of people walking up with hundreds of ballots, sticking them in.
And those same people going to up to 10 locations apiece.
Incredible work that a team of 50 FBI agents would take them a while to do that.
And these folks did this in the last year, made the film, put it out with total, absolute, maximum proof.
And then we even have whistleblowers in three states who were USPS and other delivery drivers who would say, wow, I'm driving from one state to another.
I don't normally have this route in the case of Pennsylvania.
And so the postal delivery man said, I'm going to look in these boxes.
That's my job if it's suspicious.
He opens them and they're all only filled out for Biden and the Senate races.
Biden and the Senate races all printed by computer.
He goes to the media, goes to the government, and the FBI comes and threatens him.
So we have them delivering them.
We have them shipping them in in Michigan and everywhere in Georgia in the middle of the night.
We have them covering up the windows so you can't see.
And then we have a surveillance footage inside of them pulling them out of boxes and running them.
In some cases in Georgia, four times the same stacks.
Total fraud in front of everyone.
My brother-in-law, Austin Rivera, a really smart guy, he's a chemist.
Good friend of mine, saying he's a great guy.
Two days after the election, he set the main post office on Congress.
And he's sitting there while a man has dozens and dozens of ballots filled out with different names.
And he's taking pictures of each one as they process it and mail it in.
They were doing it for a week after.
That's what Pelosi said.
No matter how many votes Trump gets, it'll look like he wins on election night,
but we will have the mail-in ballots he will be out of office.
And they did it bigger than Dallas in front of everybody.
And now they have a disinformation board saying at Homeland Security,
saying they're going to come after you, just like parents protesting critical race theory.
The school boards, if you dare talk about it.
I mean, this is not the ingredients of tyranny.
This is the baked cake.
This is the most bonafide, disgusting, illegal, out-of-control system with surveillance,
censorship, intimidation, fraud, and then provocaturing January 6th and trying to set us all up
with the same FBI team that got caught running the Whitmer fraud.
This is unbelievable.
That's next hour.
So listeners, the globalists are failing.
They're falling apart, but they're going to keep doubling down.
So I'm telling you, I personally can tell you that everyone working for the system
and those of us not in the system are screwed.
This is suicidal.
This is a circular firing squad.
This is insane.
And I am just reaching out to everybody in corporate America and in private system
and government and just saying, and the clergy and everybody else, folks,
we've got to get off this train.
We've got to say no.
We've got to stop 40 billion to Ukraine and there's no baby for anyone.
And I'm going to ask listeners again, tell everyone you know, tune in now.
Send them links, battleplan.news, the live show feed, the Alex Jones section.
Send it out to everybody you know and tell people tune in because this is important.
Will we save the world today doing this?
No, but this will go towards saving it and all the work we do daily.
And when you activate and you take action and you physically tell people go to battleplan.news
and find the forbidden information or by word of mouth info wars dot com port slash show,
it changes the world and it's how we're beating them in this giant wrestling match.
But now we're in the most intense part of the fight.
We got to turn it loose and not decide that we're going to win just to win.
We're going to win.
It's like winning a fight.
I'm going to kick this guy's ass. He started a fight.
You just do it.
You know that feeling politically, non violently, turn it loose, open the can.
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I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially with word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you.
Humanity has a real fighting chance.
I just want to thank you all for buying products at infowarstore.com like books and films and supplements and water filtration, air filtration, and so much more.
But for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so we get almost 100% of the money to fund our operation during this critical time,
go to infowarstore.com and right at the top you'll see a link to make a straight donation.
A one-time donation of $5, $10, $50, or a recurring donation you can cancel anytime.
I want to thank all of you that have donated.
I want to encourage those of you out there that want to support Freedom to take action now as part of the Global Awakening,
the new Renaissance that's counter the great reset by going to infowarstore.com and clicking on the donate button and giving today.
Thank you so much for your support. Please take action.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I'm going to tell you a really cool story and I'm going to tell you something really scary so we can hopefully avoid what this monster is trying to do.
This morning I was going through my stack of news and I put together some articles and clips to point out that Bill Gates is always pre-positioned ahead of every crisis
to then profit from it but also destroy all his competition and hurt the economy at everybody's expense but his.
There's a true master predator, a real James Bond villain in the flesh under the training of Charlie Munger and also his monstrous father.
These are killers.
As bad as it gets, Hitler didn't hold a candle to him.
Stalin blushes from the grave.
Mao is jealous and I'm not joking.
And Scott, my main producer, walks in this morning and he puts a stack of stuff in front of him and he goes, look at this.
Bill Gates is bemoaning, supply chain breakdowns but don't worry, he's got solutions.
And he's bemoaning that, oh, sorry, there's not a baby formula and all the mother's got to work so he's got synthetic lab-grown human milk coming out.
Oh, and a month ago, we're taking five years, now he's got it ready to come to market.
The FDA's just got to approve it, that's why the FDA is shutting down all the major plants, three of them.
This is economic war under a technocracy where they order their competition shut down using regulations and bureaucracy and then they can operate.
That's what globalism is, is high tech feudalism.
And so it's just interesting that everybody's on the same page.
We should make a short report, maybe a Gregory's report five minutes long,
asking the question, how is Bill Gates always ahead of every crisis?
And then he's got his fingerprints in every major crisis.
I mean, he paid to make the viruses on record and then released them and told all the companies what type of so-called vaccine to make,
four different ones and all these other countries won't take it like China, but we do.
I mean, the idea that we're under attack is so wild, the idea they're so bold,
the idea that the people running the attacks, run the response to the attacks, well, why do you think they're confident to launch the damn attacks?
Because they're in charge of it all.
And anyone playing along that you're with the power structure because you get a few shekels is a fool.
And the public's just now figuring it out.
Leftist hate-free speech because they fear dissent.
Not dissinformation, says Brandon Smith at Alt Market.
And I guess you got to state the obvious, like, fishies like the ocean because they live in water,
or trout like mountain streams because they live in mountain streams,
or the sky's blue and birdies like to fly in it.
Oh, you mean they're not censoring and surveilling everybody to censor them because they want to help us?
They want to hurt us, really?
Is that why they're teaching five-year-old boys to have their parental rights taken away and have their balls chopped off?
You mean they're putting men in women's sports because they're bad people?
Imagine the most evil crap you can imagine and they're doing it.
Bill Gates had a plan to block out the sun. It's not a joke. They're chemtrailing us.
The buds are basically all dying from the aluminum dioxide in the damn soil in every country that has the program going.
We are being exterminated.
The Earth's carrying capacity for humans is being shut down.
And only a person with a death wish would let these psychos run things.
So I'm going to say it again to the establishment.
Look in the mirror and ask yourself, are you really this evil and are you really going to go along with it?
Because soon you'll be replaced with technocracy and drones and combat robots. It's already here.
So we told you about the tracker systems in Phones in 96 and the media went crazy.
We told you in 2000 they'd have combat drones, miniature ones running around killing everybody.
Now it's here. I've got a video of that next hour.
Swarms of hunter-killer murderer drones that then direct larger drones with their payrolls to where you are.
This isn't coming. This is here.
Whatever you're seeing is a decade old and the change is going to accelerate.
This is a revolution against humanity.
This is a war against you and your family.
To put you in artificial space so horrible, you will agree to do things morally through the social credit score that will cut you off from the time-space flow spirit or transmission that we are receiving.
It's all science.
Let's play this very cryptic clip of Bill Gates.
Bill Gates, pleasure to have you on. Good to talk to you.
So since we last talked, a small thing has happened. Russia has invaded Ukraine and it feels like we're in a new world.
We are going to be seeing higher energy prices, higher food prices for years to come.
It seems difficult to see how this resolves itself very quickly.
What does that say to you about the economic outlook for the next few years?
Well, it comes on top of the pandemic where government debt levels were already very, very high and there were already some supply chain problems.
And so it's likely to accelerate the inflationary problems that rich-ruled economies have and force an increase in interest rates that eventually will result in an economic slowdown.
So I'm afraid the bears on this one have a pretty strong argument that concerns me a lot.
Particularly because the poor countries, whenever the rich countries have these big budget problems, the health needs of places like Africa get deprioritized.
Did you hear that? What was the takeaway? Get ready for collapse. It's all Russia's fault. It's going to go on forever.
And boy, Africa is the main target as he smirks and laughs.
And you can say, well, there are too many Africans. Go along with that argument.
Okay, you've just signed on to killing them and you'll be killed too.
I mean, this is an issue of your soul, ladies and gentlemen. You better get on the right side of history and you better do it now.
All right, we have incredible news with the attacks on pro-life facilities around the country, fire bombings, you name it.
Groups taking credit saying there are going to be more. These leftists violating federal law and going and trying to intimidate judges at their houses.
Biden's doubled down and says he doesn't care. What's the law? Just unbelievable information on that front.
More on inflation and so much more.
But again, please tell everybody, you know, tune in next hour when I do a detailed data dive
into 2000 mules and play some key clips from that film, which is not a drill. It's not a game.
We don't tell people to tune in and we don't get aggressive about it.
The enemy is going to win. We are the tip of the spear and I commend you and I thank you.
All right, let me bring a couple of things up here.
We got into the black last week with some major Bitcoin donations and your extra purchases and donations in forestore.com.
Just into the black.
And then if we continue to bring in decent revenue, we'll be able to stay in the black.
But you saw what happened. We dumped a million of the Bitcoin to put it into the funding operation.
I decided to sit when it was at about $39 and see what would happen with the other half seem prudent.
And now you've seen it go down massively.
I believe it will go back up and it might take six months a year. Could happen quicker.
But that's just an example of how we've almost now gone back into red just because of what's happening in the markets.
Maybe I should have just dumped it all and put it into the impoverished coffers and bought product.
But we are with a million dollars of it so we can then get the products.
You buy it, thankfully. You get a good benefit from that. It's semiotic. A 360 win, as I said.
So really, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your support. Please go to impoverished.com and look at all the great products.
X2 has been sold out for a long time. It's amazing. It'll change your life.
It's 25% off, very close to selling out. More is coming in in about a month and a half, hopefully.
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And it's free to cancel anytime. You get additional 10% off with auto-ship. Please sign up at impoverished.com.
And you can also ride through the top of impoverished.com. Click on the support free speech to make a straight donation.
That way, I have the credit card fees and things. We get about 95% of the funds to actually go into the coffers to funding operations.
I want to thank you all that have been making donations. I want to encourage those of you that haven't, whether it's $5 or $100,
whether it's one time or recurring, it all is helping us stay on air. And I really don't want to lay anybody off.
I really don't want to cut back what we're doing. Band-Out Video is very successful, but it's very expensive because of massive traffic.
We may actually cut the bandwidth quality a little bit just because it's killing us.
But again, please keep us in fighting shape here as best you can. And we're all in this together.
InfowarsStore.com or AAA-253-3139. But please make the committed decision to spread the word about the broadcast, to pray for the broadcast,
to pray for global awakening as it's happening, and financially support the broadcast however you can at InfowarsStore.com.
Or call toll-free, AAA-253-3139. Hour number two straight ahead.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mike Lindell is sponsoring thousands of leading pro-America patriots across the United States.
He's the main sponsor keeping so many people on the air. He's a huge sponsor at Infowars. That's why we're so pleased to work with him.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We are now into hour number two, starting next segment. I hope you're telling friends and family to tune in.
We're going to review 2,000 mules. It's so similar and so key to victory and taking back our freedom from these frauds.
But I want to air a few clips back to back that just illustrate a lot.
Here is MSNBC host, guest saying, wants to make sweet love to the Supreme Court leaker and then kill the baby with him.
You see a lot of this, the mixing in killing babies with sexual pleasure.
I'm going to put a compilation together of this because there's a lot fetish out there where you get pregnant and then you kill the baby together.
This is demonic. People are purely satanic. I want to play this clip and then talk about the big awakening for Ukraine.
But at the very same time, no baby formula. Here it is.
Here's my feeling about the leaker. I would like to find out who the leaker is so I could make sweet love to that person because that person is a hero to me.
And if the leaker, a lot of people are saying it could be a conservative, if the leaker is a Republican and if I get pregnant during our lovemaking, I will joyfully abort our fetus and let them know.
I don't know if that answered your question. I probably didn't.
It was a little off topic. Go ahead, Jeff. Take this one.
It's all rumors right now, right?
I've been having to look pretty heavily for it. I would say for the last four or five months.
But this last month, it's just become impossible to find.
Unfortunately for me that I can't breastfeed my kids, I depend a lot in formula or as my kid can't eat.
You would think it wouldn't be a problem to be able to feed your baby, but now it's really scary.
This is America. This is the United States of America.
And as American mothers, like the ones you just heard from, they're struggling to feed their children, we're sending billions and billions and billions to Eastern Europe.
In the last hour, the House passed a bill to send another $40 billion to Ukraine in military and humanitarian aid.
Is this even popular with the American people? Well, we took the streets to do our own little survey.
The babies are coming first. Why not take care of the children? That doesn't make any sense.
I think the government needs to do more than that. They need to really think about America and put money on the side for our means first.
Take care of ourselves and we can take care of the rest of the world. I'm very sensitive to the people who are losing their lives.
I'm very sensitive to the fact that people are dying unnecessarily, however.
We have the same problems here in the United States. I don't see any of these issues being addressed here in our own country.
There's still homelessness here. There's still unemployment here.
Inflation, screwing every working class person, especially young people.
What do you do if you can't find formula? My daughter breast feeds, but if you can't find a formula, what do you give your new grandson?
I don't know what the appropriate amount of money to send to Ukraine is, but I think we need to take care of business at home at the same time.
There's a lot going on in America, so it's like, why are we worried about overseas? That's all I got to say on that one.
The gentleman from Maryland talked about protecting this institution, or talked about this institution, but we got a $40 billion bill at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
I haven't had a chance to review the bill. My staff is pouring over the pages, trying to see what's in it.
You want to talk about the institution? You want to talk about standing up alongside Ukraine?
Why don't we actually have a debate on the floor of the people's house instead of the garbage of getting a $40 billion bill at 3 o'clock in the afternoon?
Not paid for without having any idea what's really in it, with a massive flush fund that goes to the State Department.
$13 billion, $8 billion for the economic support fund, $110 billion for embassy security.
We've got $40 billion that is unpaid for, and you want to sit here and lecture this body about what we're going to do or not do about standing alongside Ukraine?
Why don't we talk about the American people who are hurting, the wide open borders, the inflation that's killing people, the jobs that people can't get because of the cost of goods and services in this country?
Sitting here and being lectured to when I don't even have time to look at a $40 billion unpaid bill. I make a motion to adjourn.
Hey everyone, this is Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. We're back in session this week, and you know what Congress wants to do?
They want to send nearly $40 billion to Ukraine, while American mothers can't find baby formula, and while our border is being completely invaded every single day,
and fentanyl is flooding across and killing Americans, but Congress thinks it's their job to fund $40 billion of your harder tax dollars to Ukraine,
while farmers are suffering, mothers can't get baby formula, and our border is being completely invaded.
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America is being dismantled, destroyed by design, near being looted.
$40 billion was passed two hours after a multi-thousand-page $40 billion bill was rammed through that we now know
gives billions and billions and billions of dollars to the State Department to do whatever it wants with it.
Secret funding for the CIA, war with Russia intensifying.
Meanwhile, we have the new head czar at the Ministry of Truth, the Soros Deimos Fellow.
Coming out in a clip we'll play here in just a moment saying they want to surveil everything you say online in live time,
including your emails and text messages.
That's what they've been pushing even on CNN with Brian Stelter.
Think of the surveillance of that, not just the censorship.
And control what you can say and edit your tweets and edit your Instagrams or be able to fully block it.
What is this all about? It's about total AI control.
By these arrogant, out of control monsters that we've allowed to break all the basic laws and rules of common sense.
Those of us that know history and see a checklist of tyranny know the signs of it.
Well, this isn't the signs of it.
This is a raging, out of control inferno, destroying our freedoms, gobbling up everything in front of it.
And the more they get away with, the more they do it.
This is a mad, criminal, globalist depopulation orgy.
Because after all, stealing and robbing and wrecking everything is part of saving the Earth.
While they GMO the entire planet and spray aluminum dioxide across the planet to kill the plants and insects.
This is the terraforming to kill the planet in front of everybody's faces.
And that's why this hour we're going to review a key chink of their armor.
And that is the amazing filmmaker, the greatest living documentarian, Dinesh Desuza, and his 2,000 mules.
And we're putting links up on the live show Feed where you can go see the film and we can promote it to others.
And where you can support independent filmmaking like they do and we do and many others do.
It's such a key way of getting around the sensors.
We're going to be playing 10 clips this hour.
From the film we'll be doing a review and breakdown of it starting next segment.
But I wanted to set the table here and talk about what we're facing.
FCC Chairman says Biden's disinformation board is unconstitutional.
That's how you push back with the truth.
Biden's information czar demands power to edit other people's tweets.
Bill Gates wants to create a 3,000 person social media unit to quash vaccine misinformation.
That means questioning all his lies.
Like when he said it would kill 5 million people and it didn't.
And now he admits it was just like the flu.
Leftists hate free speech because they fear dissent, not disinformation.
Musk says Twitter ban of Trump was foolish in the extreme.
Would reverse as soon as he gets control of the company.
Stolen election.
New Biden Press Secretary slammed for a tweet about 2016 elections saying it was stolen.
They can say it.
They can try to do a 10 day hearing in the Senate.
But when we do it, it's illegal and the Justice Department investigates you.
When the Democrats storm a capital, none of them get arrested.
When a thousand get waived and only a few hundred fought the cops, those people face life in prison.
This is the next level tyranny that we live under.
And it's only going to get worse until we decide to stand up and stop complying with this evil.
So here is the mind controls czar openly saying they want to be able to edit tweets in live time.
Here is the Soros fellow used in making arrests.
And I am eligible for it because I'm verified.
But there are a lot of people who shouldn't be verified who aren't, you know, legit, in my opinion.
I mean, they are real people, but they're not trustworthy.
Anyway, so verified people can essentially start to edit Twitter the same sort of way that Wikipedia is.
So they can add context to certain tweets.
So just as a easy example, not from any political standpoint, if President Trump were still on Twitter and tweeted a claim about voter fraud,
someone could add context from one of the 60 lawsuits that went through the court or something that an election official in one of the states said,
perhaps your own Secretary of State and his news conference is something like that.
Adding context so that people have a fuller picture rather than just an individual claim on a tweet.
That's Nina Jankiewicz who wants to get between you and other people as your minder to decide what you can and can't say and how you should be punished.
Remember Tony Montana and the fictional movie Scarface based on a compositor stories.
He's trying to get in the US.
They ask him, he's a communist.
He says, are you kidding?
He basically starved to death under communism.
You have a spy on every corner watching you, telling you what to eat, when to sleep, when to work, what you can do.
Want to live under these people?
No, I'm not a communist.
And now, more good pushback to Santa's Signs bill for Florida students to learn about victims of communism.
Let's get some real education that's political and it's all going to be political now,
and teach people about the force that killed more people than anything else in human history and that is a purely satanic force.
All right, we're going to go to break here in about three, four minutes.
I got some other news I want to head and we're going to come back and get into the 2000 mules and how important that 2022 film is and more.
And I just want to encourage all of you to understand and to realize that whether it's this film or whether it's the show or whether it's clips of Tucker,
everything is having a huge effect.
The enemy spends all their time trying to block our communications, trying to control us because if we communicate, they will fail.
And look, I know you know that, but it's something that really needs to sink in.
People come up to me every day when I'm out and they say, man, I love your show, blah, blah, blah, but I haven't been able to find it in years.
And I go, did you think about infowars.com? Did you think about Vanna video? No, no, my buddy still listens, I should have asked him that.
Yeah, just get him conscious, get him thinking and then tell them, hey, once you're back on listening, tell everybody you know that Alex Jones lives.
InfoWars lives, Owen Schreuer lives, Harrison Smith lives.
All these great guests and these great reporters and these great special report and documentary makers like Darren McBreen and Greg Rees and all the rest of the great crew here.
This is important truth like water to someone dying of thirst and of dehydration of the desert.
And if we don't bring it, nobody will. So I cannot explain to you enough when you call in and say, what do we do? What do we do?
We educate the public and tyranny will vanish like phantoms at dawn to quote Thomas Jefferson. It really is up to you.
So please keep us on the air, spread the word and get great products at infowars.com. You need X2.
Almost everybody is deficient in iodine. You're getting iodine if you even get it in your diet that's bound to other compounds so you don't absorb it properly.
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We got a lot of ultra 12 came in. Thank God, but the X2 we got it in a week or so have it go back to regular price because it's a few months.
It's a few months till more comes in and I'm going to sell the rest of it at full price to fund our operation.
But I really want to get those of you that have been on the fence, those of you that haven't tried it or experienced it to go to infowarsstore.com and do that.
Also, hundreds of designs and t-shirts I did over the years, many of which were big sellers, many of which barely sold, has never promoted most of them.
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Get some of these historic shirts and find the info where they're all being sold at cost at infowarsstore.com or triple eight, two, five, three, three, one, three, nine.
And again, I want to thank you all for your word of mouth, your prayer, your financial support, please support our local AM and FM affiliates as well.
We'll be right back. Please stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mike Lindell is sponsoring thousands of leading pro-America patriots across the United States.
He's the main sponsor keeping so many people on the air. He's a huge sponsor at infowars. That's why we're so pleased to work with him.
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And thank you for shopping America and keeping us on the air.
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It's Alex Jones.
The only one who could ever reach me was a son of a preacher man. The only boy who could ever teach me was a son of a preacher man.
I'm sure glad they didn't abort this beautiful lady. Our beautiful voice angel.
They're cutting off the resources are starting giant wars. They're starving the third world to death. They're flooding us with high tech drugs. They're weaponizing all these robots and tracker systems. We're in the new world order.
It's through documentary films. Something we reach hundreds of millions of people with back when I was making films and doing that and I've not made one in 10 years. I've been so focused on live coverage. The things that are going on but thank God others feel the void like Tucker Carlson and the great documentaries he's been making.
And people like the next to Susie 2000 meals dot com. You can go there. They're not a sponsor. I'm just promoting them and you can watch the film. I would have people friends and family over to watch it. You can get the DVD to give it to people 2000 meals dot com.
What I'm going to do right now is go through some very important clips from the film so that it will encourage others to again do their own research and look into this.
What is so huge is that this proves what I said and what Robert Barnes said and what all the experts said that the electronic voting machine and the Chinese hacking satellites and all that was red herrings and some good people bought into it.
So that it would be a dead end when the Democrats laid it all out months before and said there will be a red mirage. It will look like he wins but there will be enough absentee ballots that we predict it will be Democrat and enough of the voting by mail because of covid.
Folks and fraud and I'm not saying covid doesn't exist. You don't mean the whole power grab using that as a pretext for the mail in ballots. Now they use geolocating. They were able to buy from private companies to track you to then go find the voting locations find the identities of the people and show them putting hundreds of
ballots in many cases per box and going up to 10 different locations on tape and they could have shown thousands of more mules not just the 2000 they went and documented but that was their budget.
Smoking absolute definition of a smoking gun. This is open and shut. There isn't a grand jury wouldn't indict these people. There isn't a jury wouldn't convict them and it was coordinated massively on a nationwide scale.
They even tried to steal Texas. They even tried to steal Florida but they had absentee ballots voting rolls people that had moved out of states they only had so many bullets in their gun with the names they could put on there so they almost stole Texas.
They almost stole Florida but you can see when they're running up with the Republicans beating them and then all of a sudden they run out and just stops no more votes.
Because there was such a landslide so this is beyond critical that we get this information out to everybody so I'm going to go through these clips.
Clip one is the intro roundtable the next to Susan Larry Elder Dennis Prager and many others and why more Republicans aren't speaking up while you get demonized you get attacked you get censored you get sued clip to intro investigators lay out what's actually happening and unfolding past election fraud that it's okay to point out it's happening that our own State Department goes around and
places elections around the world doesn't even follow its own rules here. Geo tracking I played earlier we'll play that again mule requirements. What is the mule pattern of life Pennsylvania fraud video evidence large Dropbox Hall.
This is just some of what's in the film. Let's go ahead and play clip one two and three. Let's go ahead and play those clips back to back in the Republican Party.
I keep hearing people who seem annoyed at the revisiting of the 2020 election their attitude appears to be let bygones be bygones. Let's just move on.
I think the reason that many Republicans are saying let's move on is because bold accusations require bold evidence and they haven't seen it and because they know how vulnerable they are and how much they're going to be bashed.
Well yeah you're called a sore loser. You're called a conspiracy theorist. The people who say that let's move forward. People in the elite who see Donald Trump as an anomaly. You will not win in any district in this country because you have said that's that the 2020 election was a fraud and if they can't win on this issue then don't use it.
Well it doesn't have to be the only issue but their unwillingness even to speak up about it I think is despicable.
Show me the proof and I'll bet you they do speak up just like I will speak more and I'm not running for office but I have not gone on board of I know for a fact this was a fraud.
Show me the money.
Now Greg Phillips what's your background that prepares you for this kind of work. I've been in and around election intelligence and integrity for about 40 years.
We've done investigations literally all over the world. It's a combination of data acquisition data analysis occasionally some in depth data mining.
Our ability to draw meaningful conclusions that link the who to the wind to the where is significant in the space. Catherine you started the group called true the vote in the year 2010.
What was your mission or objective. We just didn't have enough volunteers working at the polls in our local elections. So we began by training people to work in the polls and then as we got further into it we recognized well some of the problems you see at the polls can be attributed to problems in the voter rolls.
Well what can we do about voter rolls. And so it turned into something much bigger than we had anticipated.
True the vote has the largest store of election intelligence for the 2020 elections in the world. No one has more data than we do.
So I started true the vote to ensure that every American voter has an opportunity to participate in elections.
I think I became familiar with your work when you gave congressional testimony. Now that was in the year 2014. Well you told me and about this remarkable election in which you had vote harvesting and vote trafficking.
But it was on behalf of a Republican candidate. Exactly. In North Carolina it was unique in that it actually overturned an election.
There's going to be a new election in the North Carolina congressional district engulfed in a scandal over voting fraud.
It's all centers around allegations that an operative for Harris then hired a team of people to harvest absentee ballots paying them between two and three dollars a vote.
So you have an activist. The guy's name was McCray Dallas and he worked for the Bladen Improvement Association which was a kind of an African American get voters to the polls.
But apparently they were doing all kinds of vote harvesting and he learned the strategy then he broke with them and he took his services to Mark Harris a Republican.
Well actually a pastor was running correct and Harris won. You pulled it off in 40 years of doing this. We've seen this over and over again.
Sometimes the schemes are a little bit different. Sometimes it's people out banging on doors gathering ballots. Sometimes the ballots are sent here gathered here deposited there.
But the trafficking itself is always the same basic pattern.
All right. 2,000mules.com. Get it. Watch it streaming at the DVD to have a hard copy of it. Show it at your church. Show it at your businesses.
It's so important. I'm going to try to buy 100,000 I'm about to hold up and get a good deal. We're starting to talk to the Susies but on the show many times.
But he's on next week and we are going to really push this hard. But don't wait. Get it now and get it out. This can save the country and the world.
We're going to come back with more clips from the powerful film. 2,000mules. They don't wait to see.
And again we're streaming this live right now at infowars.com. Forge Slash Show and Bandai Video. Please share those links.
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We see the entire global corrupt into human depopulation, great recent combine, trying to collapse our society to build on its ashes, their transhumanist nightmare vision,
suppressing the voices of good people all around the world and of doctors and scientists and engineers that are exposing all their lives, their COVID hysteria, their world's gonna end in 2030, carbon tax, global warming bull, all of it.
And none of it can succeed, none of it can actually be carried out unless everybody is silenced and gaslit.
That's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence.
That's why it's hard to share info wars links and band up video links. That's why we've got to share them now more than ever.
Live from the info wars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
These boots are made for walking and that's just what they'll do. One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.
You keep lying when you should have been truthin'. You keep lying when you ought to be truthin'. And you keep losing when you oughta not bet.
I just got a brand new box of magic. Now what's right is right but you ain't been right yet.
Ladies and gentlemen, these boots are made for walking and that's just what they'll do.
A lot of them are going down. And you know, as you grow up you start drinking coffee, you associate coffee with a new day and a good part of the day.
Just like you associate smellin' the roses with a good day.
And 2,000 mules of Dinesa Sousa smells like victory. You know they say napalm smells like victory in the morning.
But I'm telling you this is napalm to lies. Let's continue with some of these important clips.
Here's one on geo tracking to explain to folks that don't know what it is and how they were able to then go get all this information from private companies and go and get with subpoenas the Dropbox camera.
And there they were committing the crime. Absolutely incredible.
So we'll play that clip and then you have mule requirements. Greg explains the criteria they used to determine who was a mule,
10 or more trips to a Dropbox location and 5 or more visits to stash houses which are non-profit locations where they would pick up the balance.
And that's the organized crime nature of this and all we need is some people to come out and blow the whistle.
But you'll have to be at state grand juries because the feds are completely part of this and ran it.
When the witnesses came forward the FBI came and threatened them.
Folks that were saying why am I delivering 50,000 ballots to some safe house.
All filled in for Joe Biden.
Oh, we're the FBI. We may arrest you. You're not supposed to be looking in there.
Imagine me and those FBI agents and look at yourself in the morning.
Oh, but it's for a good cause. Trump's Hitler. That's why the ballots were only filled out against Trump and Senate candidates.
That was the moral decision. Oh, we're just getting hundreds of thousands of people involved in this fraud.
And the boldness of doing that is if they wouldn't get caught.
Because Trump's Hitler and his supporters are Hitler and we're Captain America fighting Red Skull and Hydra.
Here are the claps.
Well, here's my cell phone. My cell phone is off. Can you, can I be geo-tracked even with the cell phone being off?
Depending on the apps. Depending on the app.
That's what marketing companies do all day every day.
This is the point. We were just at the Apple store and at CBS.
And on both occasions they knew where you were evidently.
And they were telling you about specials and they were, so people have experience of this.
300,000 or so apps that, that gather that data and then they sell it to brokers.
Isn't it also true that this geo-tracking has now become a vital tool for the military, for the intelligence agencies and for law enforcement?
Indeed. They're using it almost every day.
I'll say that there's no question amongst anyone that I know in the community that many, if not all, of the people that were involved in the situation at the Capitol on January 6th were being tracked previous to January 6th because they already knew what their pattern of life was.
They already knew who to look at.
Many of the people who stormed the US Capitol on January 6th left digital footprints that law enforcement has used in making arrests.
They're saying they must have known about these people before because some of those guys were arrested one day, three days, five days after January 6th.
And that's not enough time to do the geo-tracking analysis.
It's the very idea that you could go from the afternoon of January 6th to acquiring the data, tracking the data, unmask who actually owns that phone, which the government is required to do, and then get it to a grand jury, make an arrest in 72 hours.
It's, it's not, it's not possible. They had to have been tracking the people in advance.
The final decision was they had to have been to 10 or more dropboxes, meaning unique visits inside of a space, and five or more visits to one of the, one or more of these organizations.
Those were the outliers. It was such an aberrant pattern.
So what you're saying, I mean, it seems to me there's no reason for someone to go to even two dropboxes, but you're saying that maybe there's a conceivable reason someone did that.
Let's identify a large number of dropboxes and multiple trips, and that way we're going to catch not all the offenders, right, but the worst offenders.
The way we would describe it is we want to absolutely ensure that we don't have false positives, meaning including people that should not have been included.
We're not in any way saying that this is all there is. We're just saying that based on our criteria that we identified in Atlanta, 242 people that went to an average of 24 dropboxes in eight organizations during a two week period.
Incredible. And that's just looking at one city.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's go to what is a mule? Let's explain that from 2000 mules.
What is a mule?
When we started the project, we had to figure out how are we going to describe the individuals and the elements involved.
And to us, it felt a lot like a cartel. It felt a lot like trafficking.
It can be trafficking in drugs, trafficking in humans. In this instance, it's ballot trafficking, and so we began to use that vernacular.
A mule is, by our definition, a person that is involved in picking up ballots from locations and running them to the dropboxes.
So you have the collectors on the one hand, you have the stash houses, which are the nonprofits, and then you have the mules that are doing the drops.
What do we know about them? Who are they?
Well, first let me say, this is not grandma out walking her dog. Bad backgrounds, bad reputations.
We've had encounters with several that are not terribly positive.
Violent guys.
Can be. They are interested in one thing. That's money.
Now let's continue with the pattern of life of these individuals who were organized through the NGOs, through Soros, through the UN, the Democratic Party, who then executed these operations,
and even bragged that they were doing it. This is their pattern of life.
So we're going to show you a visual, a pattern of life that someone can see and look at rather than just a whole spreadsheet of numbers being able to look at it in this manner.
What you see here on the screen is a single person on a single day in Atlanta, Georgia.
They went to 28 dropboxes in five organizations in one day.
What are the orange dots?
Those are dropboxes.
And what is the blue tracks?
That is a smoothed out pattern of life so that we could take the sort of the movement of the individual cell phone signals, marry them together into something that's visual so that you can see movement on the individual.
To get to some of these dropboxes, you had to be intentional. You had to get off the highway, you had to go on surface street, you had to turn in somewhere in order to get to those dropboxes.
And the circles I take it reflect the nonprofit centers.
Is that the places where the ballots originate?
The stash houses, where the ballots are collected and handed to the mules to take to the dropbox.
And we come back the footage at those places of them going in the NGOs, coming out with boxes and going to the dropboxes to stuff them.
Open and shut, caught red handed, and of course the FBI basically ran the whole operation.
We know the Justice Department helped run it with the CIA.
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doing, he clips from the groundbreaking historic film, 2000 mules, go watch the film in full
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All right, again, the film is incredible.
Let's continue with the Pennsylvania fraud, the video evidence, large drop box hall.
Let's go ahead and play clip eight, nine and 10 back to back.
Pennsylvania critical state.
I think it was Pennsylvania that really gave Biden the election.
Philadelphia alone.
We've identified more than 1100 mules at rates well beyond anything we'd seen, closer
to 50 drop boxes each, each guy going to 50 drop boxes, each 1100.
We saw people driving back and forth to New Jersey across the bridge.
You're saying the ballast may not even be from Philadelphia or from Pennsylvania.
You're saying that the origin point appears to be Jersey.
Now running 1100 meals times 50, we are 50,000 drop box visits by the meals alone in Philadelphia
or greater Philadelphia area.
It's one thing to have the scientific evidence, which is persuasive on its own merits.
But do you have video evidence?
We do.
How much of it do you have?
Four million minutes of surveillance video around the country.
Official surveillance video of these mail in drop boxes.
How do you get it?
You can file for open records request.
Any citizen can do this.
It was a very difficult series of steps that had to be followed to procure the actual surveillance
You have video in Georgia?
We do.
Is it video from the presidential election, the runoff election or both?
Do you have video from other states?
Some video from Arizona.
We have recently learned video was specifically turned off on particular drop boxes.
In which state?
Wisconsin, it turns out, even though the rules required them to have video.
Did they do the video?
No, they did not.
There should be video on every drop box.
Given today's kind of cost of technology, it would not have been that hard to do it.
And you sent me a screenshot, Catherine, where you were requesting video and I believe it
was the state of Georgia saying this video does not exist and we can't tell you why it
doesn't exist.
That was in Fulton County.
We have correspondence like that from a lot of states.
We've seen circumstances where it appears that buckets full of ballots showed up.
There's one box in Gwinnett County that had a chain of custody document with 1,962 ballots
noted on this.
And first of all, that's roughly 10 times what we normally see.
We sorted through the geodata, found a few hundred people.
Well, that's pretty odd.
The video of all of this, I guess what it shows, 271 people approached that ballot drop
box during that 25-hour period, 271, 1,962 ballots were deposited.
Here are election officials pulling out of that drop box two full duffel bags containing
over 1,900 ballots.
You see, that's the real hallmark of a tyranny is it organizes a large group like the Nazi
Party or the Communist Party to carry out a mass crime.
And now they've gotten so many people involved in the crime, they're going to fight to cover
that crime up.
And imagine the new crimes this syndicate's going to commit if they're not brought to
justice but because the Justice Department was in there and the CIA, criminal elements
of them, quarterbacking this, they will now fight like the devil to suppress that information.
Again, we're playing key clips and analyzing them here from 2,000 Mules, a seminal film
by Danecha Sousa.
Let's go ahead and play clip 11 and 12, the Glove Mules, and of course, four million
Again, this is critical beyond anything else out there.
They did steal the election.
This is the smoking gun proof.
This particular one is at approximately one o'clock in the morning on January the 5th.
Steph Sirballot's in there, it's like a small stack, maybe three, maybe four.
Takes it off and then puts it in a trash can that she never looked at.
So she knew it was there.
She knew it was there, right?
And so we have her in a number of locations.
She's an out of state Mule and this is in no way the only drop box that she attended.
That's right.
And she goes to dozens and dozens over the course of these two elections.
Who's next?
What you're going to see is he approaches the drop box on his bike.
He also has a backpack on, pulled the ballots out of his backpack, digging his time, digging
his time, digging around, looking for some ballots, only gets that, pulls them out.
Okay, now I'm set.
And he'll put them in.
But you also see him get sort of frustrated as he starts to leave because guess what?
At this point, they had started requiring the mules apparently to take pictures of the
stuffing of the ballots.
It appears that that's how they get paid.
So they take a picture and stuff it in, they take a picture, not a selfie, but a picture
of the actual ballot going in.
But this guy gets frustrated.
So he actually has to park his bike, get off.
So if you were there just casting your own ballot, what reason in the world would you
have to come back and take a picture of the box?
And he kneels down, looking around, takes a picture.
And so these are the kindest things, four million minutes of this.
This was an organized effort to subvert a free and fair election.
This is organized crime.
You can't look at this data in its aggregate and believe anything otherwise.
That's especially true when you consider that in places like Georgia, it was only decided
by 10,000, 12,000 votes.
And you look at 5,000 visits just from our mules.
It's not a leap to say, yes, this would have made a difference.
Growing these numbers up, we have 2,000 plus mules based upon not searching these whole
And remember, we're only talking about a small number of states.
We're not talking about the whole country.
We're not even talking about whole states.
We're not even talking about whole states.
And we're also talking about a gross undercount of the actual number of mules because you
set a high bar.
They had to go to 10 drop boxes.
So if there's a mule who went to seven drop boxes, you wouldn't catch that guy.
Then they had to go to nonprofits.
So they had to meet those two criteria and then go to one of the geofenced drop boxes.
If they met the two criteria but went to a post office box, we're not going to look
at them.
One of the slogans of the Democrats through all this debate has been make every vote count.
And I think we can now see in a chilling way that this is kind of what they mean.
What they mean is, it doesn't matter if all kinds of illegal ballots are being dropped
in, let's just count them.
Now understand that if you're a radio listener, they're all wearing masks and gloves.
And they take the gloves off when they're done.
They take the photo.
Again, my brother-in-law, smart, educated chemist, he came in here adept the election
extremely upset.
He said, I was just up at the main post office in Austin on Congress and he saw a guy with
dozens and dozens of ballots with names on a different names, taking photos of each one
in front of the clerk, not even hiding it, doing it, because this went on for like a
week after to make sure they got what they needed.
And remember, Fox News will not let you talk about this, will not let her girls and have
guests gone about this, and is suppressing this.
That's why Info Wars is so precious, now they're independent outlets.
We're going to go to break, we're going to come back with more, and then I'm going to
shift gears into some new Pentagon CIA propaganda that is the craziest stuff we've ever seen.
Wait till we cover this.
Believe me, you're going to want to see this next hour.
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Thank you so much for your support, please take action.
Thank you so much for your support, please take action.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the
history of American politics.
Let me say it again, the 2020 election was the most secure election in American history.
Let me begin by asking a very simple question.
Do we know the truth about what really happened in the 2020 election?
I think millions of Americans know something went wrong and they have little pieces and
no one's really put it together.
I'm agnostic on this question and I am awaiting more information.
If I believed the president were a Nazi, I might steal an election.
Bold accusations require bold evidence and they haven't seen it.
We have been working on something big.
Show me the money.
Can we meet, I've been working with Greg Phillips, he has a deep background in election intelligence.
Truth of vote has the largest store of election intelligence for the 2020 elections in the
No one has more data than we do.
We identified in Atlanta 242 mules that went to an average of 24 drop boxes.
With Philadelphia alone, we've identified more than 1100 mules.
What is a mule?
Person picking up ballots and running them to the drop boxes.
This is not grandma walking her dog, bad backgrounds, bad reputations.
They are interested in one thing, that's money.
In no shape, in no way, in no time is that leakable.
This is organized crime.
Do you have video evidence?
Four million minutes of surveillance video around the country.
What you're about to see is disturbing.
So this is one o'clock in the morning.
Don't we all vote at one o'clock in the morning?
Then one night, this person, this mule went across six counties to 27 different drop boxes.
I call it the Mexican mafia, seriously, because they work like that.
This is jaw dropping.
What you showed is frightening.
It's just sickening to me.
Now we come to the most important question of all.
Was the magnitude of vote trafficking enough to tip the balance in the 2020 presidential election?
It's not a leap to say this would have made a difference.
They have ruined election day in the United States of America.
That's provable.
And that's enough for me to fight the left with every fiber in my body.
Free and fair elections, we are not a democracy.
We are a criminal cartel masquerading as a democracy.
Roger Stone will respond on the other side of 2,000 mules and how devastating it is and
so many other big, giant issues that are coming up.
It was easy to take America over when we were asleep.
But now that we're awake, there is a tug of war happening over the very soul of this
nation and all of our futures.
You're not going to have to wait to get hurt by tyranny.
They got 40 billion for Ukraine but don't have any baby formula.
And power outages are rolling across the nation.
This is the great reset.
This is the build back better.
This is the bringing us to our knees as authoritarians do throughout history with a modern form
of feudalism as we march towards a high tech version of Venezuela.
But in full wars and others are standing and fighting and we're going to win because we
don't have a choice.
And the good news is there is a giant awakening that is exploding right now and those of you
that watch and listen to this show, let it sink in because these aren't just words.
You are the freaking light in the dark of the night.
You are the tip of the spear.
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Clashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
And we are in the danger zone here on the Alex Jones show, hour number three with the
great in battle, but victorious, Roger Stone.
And we have got a lot to cover with him in the 45 minutes we have, then the last segment
I'm going to hit, incredible Psyop propaganda, recruiting for Psyops by the Pentagon, wait
till we cover this ghost of the machine in the last segment ahead of Kate Dolly, taking
over for an hour ahead of the war room, 3pm central with the great Owen Schroyer, don't
forget weekday mornings, 8am with the amazing Harrison Smith, American Journal.
I want to cover the waterfront here.
I want to get into 2000 mules and the total proof of how they stole the election and the
red herring they used the electronic voting fraud.
I want to get into the incredible developments with the $40 million money laundering package
of Pelosi.
The bill was introduced two hours later, it was passed while there is no formula on the
shelves all across the country and inflation explodes.
I want to hit these amazing developments where everybody trumps backing his winning.
Most are good candidates, some are bad, but hey, they hate Trump for a reason.
He is energizing the base.
And where Roger thinks Joe Biden is going to go, how they're going to get rid of him,
because this is just blowing up in their face even worse than they wanted it to.
They wanted to blame him for their collapse, their takeover, their castle society, but
the DeBose group and the globalists are getting the blame for their minions.
So they are in full panic mode and yes, CNN, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, oh my
gosh, the secret messages of Roger Stone and Alex Jones and the Oath Keepers and we've
penetrated into the Trump White House.
Oh my gosh, they're all going to jail, total made up crap.
Absolutely as we're going to hit that as well and how they're running on.
What are they running on?
They're running on the Russia war that is unpopular and the majority of Americans don't
want to be in and national polls over 80% and they're running on January 6th.
While they terrorize Chief Justice of their houses, firebomb and shoot up the AG's office
in Virginia.
And it's just back on the newspaper, oh, you know, the pro-deathers, you know, threatened
and shot up the AG's office.
Big deal.
Oh, they firebombed the pro-life center in Wisconsin.
Oh, they ransacked and tore one apart in Portland.
Big deal.
These are what good people do.
Saki says they're angry, mostly peaceful.
So incredible moment to be alive here and Biden's saying that he controls all three branches
of government and Saki says it's true, pigs fly.
So we have reached the level where they're the ones smoking their own propaganda.
They're the ones smoking their own dope and it's a very dangerous moment because it's
degrading quickly.
Roger Stone, I just threw a lot out there, Mike Compadre.
Which area of this would you like to tackle first, my frankly speaking host on the Frankly
Speaking Network, very popular show.
Congratulations on that.
You've got General Flynn coming on here in I guess a day or so.
I'll be on with you on Monday.
Roger Stone, thank you so much for being with us.
Well, Alex, you're reminded of that scene from the movie Patton where George C. Scott
is paying General Patton and Patton is overlooking the battlefield and he says, God, I love war.
I'm a happy warrior because we're fighting for the Republic.
The tactics of those against us are the dirtiest I've ever seen in 40 American politics.
It is disinformation and lies.
Reuters reported months ago that the FBI thoroughly investigated both you and I and
they correctly found no evidence of conspiracy pertaining to the events at the Capitol on
January 6th.
But the legacy media and the fake news media and the praised Grade B leftist media have
seized on this theme where they try to use guilt by association in both regards to you
and me, now insinuating that because there is a chat room someplace that these messages
are somehow secret or hide some evidence of crime.
When you're prominent, people can add you to a chat room at will.
It doesn't mean that you participate.
It also doesn't mean that there's anything inappropriate if the chat room was set up
to coordinate the logistics of perfectly legal appearances at fully legally permitted events
where our First Amendment rights of free expression were utilized and where others write to you
to assemble was exercised.
And by the way, Roger, as you know, I barely use signal and stop using it because it was
weird that anybody that was in there could basically contact me, but I probably used
it 10 times.
Maybe I was never on those chats back at the time, but I know my security folks looked
it up and they, you know, coordinated some stuff on the 5th about, okay, you're running
We're going to come through this way.
We're going to leave that way.
Here's the exits.
Here's the safety plan.
And you said you've reviewed yours.
That's what you have found in yours as well, but we turn on the national news and it's
the smoking gun of all these horrible things we did and the proof that it goes right up
to Trump and the rest of it.
Look, it's an absurdity.
They're trying somehow to connect Donald J. Trump to the violence at the Capitol.
If they can do that through some means, through some witness, through some individual, then
they seek to disqualify him for running for president.
That's what this is really all about.
So Roger Stone, Alex Jones, others, Ali Alexander, we're just, you know, we're disguised to
be flipped or guys who must know, must know something, which of course we know nothing
about any of the illegal activities.
And that's why they run these fake headlines that I'm flipping, you're flipping, Ali's
Ali got a subpoena from a grand jury.
You have to respond to that.
That's not flipping when you know nothing and did nothing wrong and respond to a grand
jury or when the FBI calls us and we call them back, that's not us flipping.
There's nothing to flip on.
Yeah, I know it's exactly right.
It's like those issuing default judgments against you, which is claiming, therefore,
you didn't respond to a lawsuit.
You didn't submit thousands of documents and hours of testimony.
So it is an ongoing fraud.
You know, the expense is what's problematic.
I mean, in all honesty, I'm working very hard on a number of campaigns.
As you know, I'm back to being doing strategic political consulting, what I did in the beginning.
Additionally, I now have a show every day at five o'clock at frankspeech.com.
It's called The Stone Zone.
General Flynn will be joining me tomorrow for the show.
You're coming on Monday.
It's at five o'clock Eastern, four o'clock Central.
As you know, doing a daily show even for one hour is an enormous amount of work.
But I have to be honest with you, what I take in from all of my economic endeavors does
not even come close to the total of my legal bills, my medical bills, my veterinary bills
now that I'm treating a dog with cancer.
And that's what they're really doing is they want to destroy us as a message to everybody
else to not stand up.
But we're going to lose everything if we don't stand up anyways.
And I don't think the intimidation is working.
What do you think all this Democrat bullying and firebombing, what do you think it's going
to do?
Well, the left is getting increasingly violent.
Does anybody think that if I doxed, I don't know, Congressman Adam Schiff's home address
in the public square tomorrow, the 29 heavily armed FBI agents would not show up at 6 a.m.
to arrest me?
Of course they would.
If I doxed the liberal members of the court and urged conservatives to go there and protest
in violation of federal law, would I not be arrested?
Of course I would.
So they operate with impunity.
The Department of No Justice is not enforcing the law.
Virginia Republican governor, Glenn Yonkin, who presumably controls the Virginia State
Police, and a number of these Supreme Court justices' homes are in Virginia, he seems
to do nothing.
These people are breaking the law and they should be prosecuted.
But if it weren't for double standards, they would have no standards at all.
So it is, I need to tell you, every day you're being attacked, every day you have to play
defense, at the same time you have to play offense, 2,000 mules.
Talk about that on the other side.
Absolutely, Roger.
And I want to go through the violence against pro-livers and things that are exploding and
how the White House is defending it.
It's just, as you said, the hypocrisy, they have no values except being inverted.
And it's just an amazing time to be alive.
But yes, everybody should support you, they should support me if they want to keep us
in the fight because you and I are having our most important work ever.
We're more influential than ever.
But with that comes all the attacks that we've got to stay on air, infoworkstore.com.
How do people support you, Roger?
Go to StoneDefenseFund.com, StoneDefenseFund.com.
This helps me pay these massive legal bills between the phony lawsuits against me and
the January 6th thing, you know, my legal expenses are more than I make in an average
Stay there, we're going to come back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, I want to get into the abortion fight on handicapped election coming up,
I want to talk about all these crowd endorse candidate victories and what these landslides
portend in the midterms in 181 days with the legendary Roger Stone, I'm Alex Jones, your
But Roger, you always just throw in, hey please support me because I know they've basically
bankrupted you.
They're really trying to do that to us right now, I want to spend a few minutes on this
so people can get their minds wrapped around this, I don't talk a lot about this because
I don't try to focus on us all the time but we've got to or we'll be shut down.
You and I particularly, not particularly, other than Trump, we are the most hated, most
demonized, most lied about.
We are like trophies that they want to capture, like enemies of Rome wanted to capture the
Roman standard or capture the flag.
We are symbols of American resistance that they hate more than anybody, they've been
unable to imprison and destroy and kill by the grace of God and your support.
So we are embattled gladiator champions and I don't say that on a power trip, I mean I'm
in the fricking arena here, this is life and death and it is only your prayer and your
financial support, your word of mouth that energizes me millisecond to millisecond to
be able to do this.
So that's when you call in and thank me, I'm like hold your horses, I want to thank
You're like a life raft, I'm in freezing Atlantic waters, I fall in the water, I'm dead in 30
It's sub-zero.
I'm getting chills right now.
You understand this?
And then it's our children in the future and I didn't just do all this to be famous or
whatever, I did it because I hate these people and want to beat them and let me tell you
When I'm in these deposition with these Democrat George Soros lawyers that's now confirmed
Soros funds at all, that's going to be breaking big with all the documents soon.
They're just too busy to get it all together and show you, but we learned it last week.
They shake with hatred and look at me like they want to kill me and then they say I see
you're raising money.
We're going to investigate if you're spending all that on your defense, it's a former federal
prosecutor's going, for days just staring at you in two days of deposition, just hating
you because you're an American, hating you because they sold out to evil and they know
it, hating you because they want power over the people and you know you're standing in
these evil people's way.
They are enraged that they have not shut us down.
They are enraged, Roger Stone isn't in prison or dead.
They are enraged that we keep fighting.
So there isn't anywhere you can fight harder than buying products at infowarstore.com, supporting
our local affiliates and sharing the articles and videos and live feeds and supporting our
guest because everybody we have on is fighting with everything they've got.
This is a war against you and your family of inflation and collapse and they know everybody's
going to wake up in the midst of it, that's why they want to silence the leaders because
they think they can then defeat you.
So when you keep us in the fight, you keep yourself in the fight and this is life and
So go to infowarstore.com and get amazing products and sign up for all the support, make a donation
at the top and go to the Stone Defense Fund to make a donation to him because he's a
gladiator and a champion in the fight and if you don't support us, you're helping the
enemy and I'm not bitching at Lester's, I'm telling you, this is all out war, Roger.
Well Alex, I think you're absolutely right about the fact that you and I are after Donald
Trump, two of the most hated men in the Americas among the American left, but here's the good
We're also two of the most beloved because millions of patriots across this country,
the silent majority and we are a majority, understand what this fight is about, understand
this isn't just some regular partisan political squabble, but more importantly, an epic struggle
between good and evil, between dark and light, between the godly and the godless.
And as I've said in rallies across the country, if we lose this fight, America will step off
into a thousand years of darkness, but the Democratic Party that was once reasonable,
the party of John F. Kennedy and Harry Truman, that party is dead.
It has been hijacked by socialists, they communists, people who want to snuff out the US Constitution,
want to lock us down, want to mask us, want to starve us with their food shortages while
skyrocketing prices of gasoline are killing working families and the inflation is crippling.
Meanwhile they want to shut you up so you can't complain about any of it, so you have
to be censored and de-platformed and in my case, canceled.
And then they use lawfare on you to drive up your legal bills, I can't go out in public
because I need a professional security to leave my home because of the physical assaults
against me in public spaces.
I don't say that to try to engender copycats, but it's just a fact that the hysterical left
is getting more and more hysterical and the fact that they can't connect us to January
6th because there's nothing to connect us, having done nothing with it, but people read
these stories and they believe this crap.
An idea reaches critical mass on Twitter, which is a cesspool of hate, and it becomes
a fact in the minds of demented leftists.
No wonder they attack you in the grocery store, no wonder they attack you in a restaurant.
You were here in town two weeks ago and when we were leaving, they attacked.
It followed me all the way to the garage, calling me a Russian traitor.
Obviously, they never read the transcripts of my trial or the disclosures by the Justice
Department a year and a half later in which they admitted that Mueller had no evidence
against me.
The whole thing was a frame job to squeeze me to testify against Donald Trump.
But let's get to it.
And that's a key point, Roger.
They don't even care when it comes out that the dossier was fake, all of it was lies.
They were illegally spying on all of us.
The leftists don't even care.
They just scream Russian, Russian, Russian at the dinner table and follow you down the
Look, the biggest scandal in this country today is the treatment of the January 6 prisoners.
I just got a text message from the girlfriend of a detainee named Jeff Brown, not to be
confused with Jeremy Brown.
Jeff Brown is now in an 8x8 isolation cell with four other men.
Unfortunately, there's only three beds.
So he is the designated guy who gets to sleep on the floor.
This is outrageous.
His lawyer is selling him out.
His lawyer gave money to Biden and Obama and Clinton, pardon me, his court-appointed
lawyer, who just wants him to sign a confession.
This is one of the greatest scandals in the nation.
The abuse and loss of constitutional rights and due process of the January 6 detainees.
And they plan to use that.
They admit as a model for the rest of the country.
And the CIA is running similar operations in Ukraine.
They plan to do this to everybody, Roger.
Well, it is a blood and feces infested gulag.
It violates the Geneva Conventions, which we have signed.
We are treating foreign terrorists better than we treat American citizens.
This is one of the great disgraces in American history, and it has to be talked about.
Those who broke the law, yes, they should be prosecuted.
But they should have access to legal defense, and they should be treated humanely.
And Roger, all of this is the backdrop, while the left is far more running around terrorizing
firebombing, shooting up the AG's office in Virginia.
And Saki says that's a good thing, basically.
It's extraordinary.
As I said earlier, if I doxed members of Congress, I'd be arrested in a heartbeat.
There'd be 29 FBI agents at the door tomorrow morning.
But when the Democrats do it, when Ruth sent us, some radical group does it, we know who
those people are.
Why aren't they being prosecuted?
Roger, when we come back, I want to hit the abortion news.
I want to hit the election news we mentioned, and I want to get into some of the other
big things facing America.
But just in 30 seconds, what is your overall prediction for the midterms?
I think they're going to try to steal them again, no matter how big the landslide is.
That's not a question that I can handle in 30 seconds.
Mike, answer your question with a question.
Will we have free, fair, transparent elections in 2022, or will we not?
Let's hit it on the other side.
That's right.
And we'll get more into 2000 mules, which we reviewed and played club stuff last hour.
So much more to cover with Roger Stone, infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
I want to thank you all who've been supportive, and I want to thank those who are going to
be supportive because this is a fight for all our lives, people need to figure out this
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Hey, how's it going Alex, great last caller, I just wanted to start with plugging your
sleep supplement.
It's basically the only way I get sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, the moralization
and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone and, all right, Eric's in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, thanks for taking my call.
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Tyler in Maine, you're on the air, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hey Alex, it's great to be on with you, it's an honor.
Honored talk to you.
So, first thing I wanted to do was say I love the products, alpha power, even at 29,
if you ask my better half, she loves it and it helps with the bedroom, so just number
one for a few of you.
I like that one, it works, it's not a joke.
That's awesome, and thanks again, Tyler.
No, thanks, thank you.
These aren't just words, it's the truth.
Let it sink in, marinate in the fact that we are inside the global government corporate
takeover and humanity is waking up and fighting back.
But now the public's more prone to be awoken than ever before.
We have to take people to the next level.
That's what we're doing here and that's why I salute the audience of the most hardcore
patriots of the planet that tune into this broadcast.
The legendary political operative and former political president Roger Stone joins us here
for one more segment and I got a lot of huge news, I'm going to hit next segment.
Roger, the Supreme Court thing, all of it, Trump and these big races that he's been
endorsing, winning.
That really for me, chronicles and forecast, not just a landslide but a political realignment
and all the numbers show that and everything the social engineers do is blowing up their
What are you worried about?
What are you expecting them to try to pull when we see massive victory on the horizon
in 181 days?
Well, obviously the leaks from the Supreme Court were designed to throw all the cards
in the air and reshuffle the deck for the 2022 elections.
The left believes that this will energize their base when in fact only 4% of Americans
list abortion rights as their number one concern, particularly given the state of gas prices,
food shortages, inflation and lockdowns, not to mention the COVID-19 pandemic itself and
how it's been handled.
The energy on this issue is on the extremes, but there's no evidence that it actually motivates
voters in the broad middle.
Most Americans favor legal abortion, most Americans are for a number of strong restrictions
on that process.
So I don't think this is going to work.
One very interesting thing happened yesterday in the primaries that I take note of and it
will get lost in the ashes.
But in West Virginia, Alex Mooney endorsed by Donald Trump utilizing the fact that his
opponent David McKinley, a Rhino, voted for the establishment of the January 6th committee
and voted for the infrastructure bill, a.k.a. the New Green Deal, was a killer in the primary.
Two incumbents clashing against each other, thrown into the same district by redistricting.
This is very, very significant because, for example, in New Jersey, in the fourth congressional
district, Rhino Chris Smith has voted for the establishment of the January 6th committee
as well as voting for the Green New Deal, the infrastructure bill, and therefore is
equally vulnerable to a challenge by Mike Crispy, an America first candidate, former
commentator on right-side broadcasting, who's running a very strong campaign challenging
a 42-year incumbent.
So more and more, it's not just Republicans that are going to be Democrats, it's patriots
replacing neo-Conrinos and supporting the Jan. 6th show trial now as a litmus test to
defeat Republicans.
Well, not only that, but I think the average Republican and certainly the candidates I'm
supporting are outraged that Kevin McCarthy is not talking about the loss of due process
rights by the January 6th detainees, by the fact that most of them have already been incarcerated
for a longer period that they would, on average, serve in a sentence for the crime in which
they are charged, as Judge Napolitano pointed out on my show The Stone Zone the other day.
So no, winning a Republican majority in the House and the Senate is not going to change
It is only through the election of a cadre of 10 to 15 to 20 in the House, stout men
and women like Mike Crispy, like Laura Loomer, like RJ Majewski, like Scott Bau, like Scott
I mean, there are candidates across the country who will stand up to the Republican leadership.
In the Senate, you only need two or three, Jan Morgan in Arkansas, Jackson Lawnmire in
Oklahoma, Dr. Randy Grelner in Oklahoma.
And Roger, I want to go over these names, but I want to just slow down here and let
it sink in.
What you're saying is the key.
If we get a group in Congress, if we get a caucus that is for real reform, it can be
the swing vote and basically have power over Congress and then help lead and get more people
elected in the general election as well.
What you're saying is the strategy of victory.
We just rely on Republican majorities, the neocons and globalists up there like Kevin
McCarthy and of course Mitch McConnell are going to be able to continue to make deals
and sabotage the situation with the deep state.
Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell do not have the balls to stand up to the radical
socialists who are trying to destroy this country.
By getting a subgroup of patriots elected in both houses, you can use that leverage
simply by refusing to go along to drive changes in the leadership of both houses and to follow
an aggressive pro-American America first agenda.
For example, the House Republicans need to move articles of impeachment against Joe Biden.
We know from what we've seen in Hunter Biden's laptop that there's far more evidence that
would be impeachable than any of the contrived crap they came up with against the president.
And we want Congress to make a big noise about 2,000 mules and the total proof of that organized
crime as well.
And they need to be running on an investigation of 2020 with that evidence instead of running
away from it.
What 80% of Republicans think it was stolen, almost half of Democrats.
I mean, this is a major issue.
We shouldn't run away from it.
62% of Americans believe there is extensive fraud in the last election.
The truth of it is, it's never been adjudicated.
We can't sit here and say we're positive the election is stolen.
What we can sit here and say is there's overwhelming evidence that it was stolen, forensic, eyewitness,
overwhelming evidence, but no court, no judicial body, no regulatory body has ever been willing
to weigh the evidence.
The left says, oh, the courts reject, no, they didn't reject our case.
They rejected allowing us to hear our case.
They rejected hearing our case.
It's something very different.
I liked 2,000 mules.
I'd like to have seen the address of the safe houses.
I would like to see the names of the mules.
I would like to have seen the documents connecting this to Stacey Abrams, you know, non-profits.
That's right.
They should put out an addendum report, a text report and a video report 20 minutes long
just giving a snapshot.
This is powerful filmmaking.
Make no mistake about it.
I mean, Sebastian Gorka needs to affect a monocle.
But other than that, it's powerful filmmaking.
But the most riveting part is when you see the actual fraud going down.
You can actually see it.
Let's not be mean to Gorka the gay.
Well, you know, I just don't like him supporting censorship, you know, but it doesn't matter.
The film is powerful.
It's important.
Roger, in two minutes, what else is on your important radar screen?
Well, Alex, I do think that the left is getting increasingly hysterical and increasingly violent.
These attacks on Catholic churches, these attacks on those who disagree, the tone of
the demonstrations which are illegal in themselves outside the homes of Supreme Court justices,
they're ramping up the personal attacks on me.
As I said earlier, it's very difficult to travel, even going to the local grocery store
can be dangerous.
Look, I appreciate the fact that although we must be vilified, millions of Americans
love us, supported us, have donated to us, have helped me and my family in our legal
struggle and my wife's struggle with cancer.
If it were not for the info warriors audience and the patriots and the America firsters
and those who are still ready to stand up for America, we wouldn't be here today.
So you said it best info wars need your support.
I need your support.
God bless you.
If you can help us, we are the tip of the spear.
Absolutely right, Roger.
And I really am glad you're doing your own daily show and need more great patriots on
air fighting and more people sharing the links and the information.
Thank you, Roger Stone.
Say hi to your wife for me.
God bless you.
It's good having dinner with you here in Austin.
You haven't been here in a couple of years.
That's Chinese food I've ever had.
We love you, Roger.
You're looking great, by the way.
Thank you.
They want to bring that man down.
They want to bring us down infowarstore.com, StoneDefenseFund.com.
All right.
I have a lot more to cover, ladies and gentlemen.
When we return, you want to see how the CIA and the Pentagon are recruiting domestic spokes
to spy on you?
You want to see the type of stuff they're putting out?
Well, we're going to review some of it with one of these recruitment things they put out
on the other side, Ghost in the Machine, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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So the group, firebombing, pro-life facilities
and connected to shooting up,
hurrying general's offices and things like that,
have put out their first communique
and we're going to be going over it here in a moment
with the Wisconsin firebombing and more.
But that ties into this, the CIA and the Pentagon
for at least 20 years have been recruiting
hardcore communists and pedophiles
and just criminals in general.
It came out what last year that the CIA
would only put pedophiles in charge
of orphanages they controlled in Germany
when Germany was occupied still up until the 80s.
That was mainstream news and in Afghanistan
they would only put pedophiles in charge.
That was mainstream news.
They just chose pedophiles, they liked pedophiles.
That's who runs our country, pedophile lovers.
And talk about smoking gun, that was just a footnote.
And so they hire mentally ill criminals and pedophiles
and they hire people like Reality Winner
and all these other people that are communists or whatever
to do this because they'll do anything.
And they know the Justice Department will protect them
while they terrorize everybody.
And that's why this Pentagon CIA recruitment video,
Ghost of the Machine, it doesn't have a lot of voice over
so I'll kind of give some narration to it,
describes how they're these ghosts,
not just paramilitary going out to kill people
but that they're going to sabotage everything
and that the battle now is in our phones
and the battle is censoring the American people
and so they're recruiting this army
that will shoot people, burn things down
and stage false flags.
The only problem is the local police might bust them.
In the case of former journalist, big leftist Antifa,
charged with attacking Black Lives Matter and synagogues
and things and having it blamed on the right wing.
And even when he got caught and now charged,
they don't make the point that it was false flag operations
that he was running and it gets almost no coverage.
So that's what this Ghost in the Machine is,
is the terrorist in the machine
and Rob did it and he said,
look at this and as soon as he showed me the video,
I said, oh, that's the army PsyOps patch, is the ghost.
And so now that ghost is working against you and your family.
Now that ghost is making sure the power plants get shut down.
That ghost is making sure the pipelines get shut down.
That ghost is making sure the fentanyl comes across.
And I can tell you all the good people I know
that have worked in those units and things
are completely out of it and refusing to take jobs with it now.
And the type of people they have in there
are literally scum of the earth
that can't even wipe their own asses.
But they can cram ballots in ballot boxes.
They can fire bomb and blame it on us.
They can shoot up Attorney General's offices.
They can go threaten Supreme Court justices at their houses
because their bosses carried out Oklahoma City,
their bosses carried out Waco,
their bosses want you dead and hate you and your family's guts.
So just understand that and know that.
And know the answer is exposing it and taking our government back.
They want to cause a civil war.
They're telling the left they're going to win the civil war.
It's actually going to bring the country down
so we don't want a civil war or offensive violence.
But we must defend ourselves because that's where all this is going.
So be prepared to defend yourselves
and try to fix things politically and spiritually now
before it's too late.
And then all you can do is defend yourself
because you don't want to be taken to a FEMA camp.
That's what the whole Cuban lockdown is about.
All of it is getting you ready for full-on total martial law
and their own admissions and own words.
So here is the several-minute-long trailer
for the Pentagon and the CIA to recruit people
to go around and terrorize the American people.
Here it is.
If your opponent is bad, he'd seek, irritate him,
tend to be weak, but he may grow arrogant,
find a suit.
And that's what the left does.
Oh, we're just weak. We're pathetic idiots.
Other hardcore criminals.
As the world watches and listens in horror,
the peaceful pro-democracy demonstration in China
comes to a violent and bloody end.
Mr. Gorbachev teared down this world.
And they pretend like, oh, look, we did good things in the past.
Now we're going to do something good this time.
And who's pulling the strings?
Do any Americans that resist it
are working with the Russians?
Well, they're the globalists
that have actually put China in power.
Born from the ashes.
Of a world at war.
Here comes the CIA after you and your family.
You'll find us in the shadows.
Yeah, we know.
Running child kidnapping rings.
Porturing people to death.
Funding radical Muslims.
Giving China all our secrets.
We know what you're doing in the shadows.
The threat rises in the east.
Yeah, after you set it up.
Democratic Party of much Chinese ages.
Warfare is evolving.
And then it goes from people fighting thousands of years ago.
The Huns into the internet today.
And your smartphone.
And all the world's a stage.
Supposing Putin manipulating things.
He's a puppet master.
This is another very important phase of warfare.
It has as its target,
not the body,
but the mind of the enemy.
The target of psychological warfare
is against the enemy's mind.
It is words and ideas.
Ammunition used by a spy war.
And who's at war with America?
Our own government.
Who's dismantling everything?
Who's telling us rape?
It's the thoughts of the enemy soldiers.
At the same time,
is expected and encouraged to study foreign languages
and the social sciences such as history,
economics and sociology.
He must have a broad and sympathetic understanding
of all phases of human experience.
Oh, you're the liberals, you're good.
You'll now kill the people that don't agree.
The next phase of censorship is death.
Killing us.
Killing us as an integral part of combat
has now taken on new form.
We are everywhere.
Yeah, molesting children,
chipping in drugs,
sabotaging America.
This is the extinction rebellion
taken over the CIA.
The feeling in the dark.
Then they show footage
of Soros overthrowing Ukraine eight years ago.
Put on your mask.
Join the globalists and bring down America
with critical race theory and transgenerism.
Star Millions of Death in Iraq.
Cy War.
These are the Cy War soldiers.
And we are the Americans.
We are the resistance.
Our government is compromised.
Our government has been hijacked.
Our government is run by enemies of the Republic.
You'd have to be an idiot with no brain cells
not to know that.
And the litmus test is critical race theory
and transgenerism
to run out all the good people out of the military
and convert it over to a pure army of trash.
Same thing, taking over local police departments,
not to defund them,
but to get control of them to be political officers.
And Soros already has most of the
people in local government under his control.
The city attorneys, the county attorneys,
the district attorneys,
the local courts.
And now they're going to sell up their operation
and they've got their intimidation forces
running around attacking people.
And there's almost no media coverage
because they're doing the Lord's work.
Now, let me get this.
A first communicate from James Revenge
for attacking pro-life facilities
and firebombing them.
This is not a declaration of war.
War has been upon us for decades.
Oh, not being able to kill babies is war on you.
Our war, which we did not want.
Oh, no, you didn't.
And did not provoke.
Oh, sure, you're not attacking anybody.
Too long have we been attacked
for asking the basic medical care.
Too long have we been shot, bombed,
and forced into childbirth without consent.
That's right, all birth is slavery.
This was only a warning.
We demand that it's banding
of all anti-choice establishments.
We got to do what you say, right?
Fake clinics.
Oh, people that actually try to get women to come in
and have the baby and help them financially.
Oh, yeah, you can't have people talk to women
and have free speech.
What nice people can't have fake clinics
and violent anti-choice groups
within the next 30 days.
This is not a mere difference of opinion.
Oh, yeah, right.
This is anti-femme.
As some have framed it,
we are literally fighting for our lives.
We will not sit still
while we are killed and forced into servitude
while they're killing the babies.
We have run thin on patients
and mercy, like any of the babies,
for those who seek to strip us
of what little autonomy we have left.
As you continue to bomb clinics
and assassinate doctors,
who's been bombing or assassinating doctors
every time in decades,
with impunity,
so too shall we adopt increasingly extreme tactics
to maintain freedom over our own bodies.
Yeah, so you can sell the babies
to the government.
We are forced to adopt
the minimum military requirement
for political struggle.
Again, this was only a warning.
Next time the infrastructure
of the enslavers will not survive.
Medical imperialism will not face a passive enemy.
This is communists that work for the globalist.
Wisconsin is the first flashpoint,
but we are all over the U.S.
and we will issue no further warnings.
We will not stop.
We will not back down,
nor will we hesitate to strike
until the inalienable right
to manage our own health is returned to us.
So pro-livers can't go out
and try to save babies even peacefully,
or you'll kill them.
What a group of terrorists.
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Leading a frontal assault
on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
Your love's like a tidal wave.
You're a heartbreaker.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen,
the final segment I'm hosting,
Kate Daly, always not style apart.
She really has
a lot of good points to make
and she has a lot of amazing guests.
She's coming up
and then in T-minus one hour,
the vaunted Owen Cup Destroyer
will be taking over
from the studio right next door to me
and I'm a busy little beaver
getting a lot of other things
done behind the scenes.
You can be guaranteed of that.
There's a bunch of articles
I didn't get to
that just broke in the last hour
at infowarstore.com.
One of them is Madonna
trying to get attention
really showing you the soul of Satan.
She now has put out NFTs and videos
of centipedes,
robot centipedes crawling out
of women's vaginas.
The article is on infowarstore.com.
We can put that on screen.
We're not going to show you
any of the disgusting stuff,
but that is what these people are into.
And that is what they are showing you.
We're showing you
some of the least graphic stuff here,
but it's very, very satanic art
to degrade your mind
and prepare you to accept real ugliness
in the real world.
And that's come out in CIA documents.
So anytime it's bombarding you,
just turn off the TV,
go up and look at the stars,
go out to the woods,
go out and look at fish in a creek,
go out and pick flowers,
go out and just pray to God,
and just forest bathe
all the studies and statistics show it.
You don't even need to know those statistics.
You already know it yourself.
So just get out in nature
and unplug from the system
and spend time with your family
and just get in that quiet place
of the most time that King David
talked about in the Psalms.
And I say that to myself.
I've only recently, in the last few months,
been able to calm down,
relax, realize God's in control,
and not just have this devastating feeling
of loathing that I'm not doing enough
and that we've got to save the children.
And say, everybody, yes, we're going to fight as hard as we can,
but we're going to do it with a spirit of God
that's directing us.
And when I point my finger at you,
there's three more pointed back at me.
I am telling myself that
and really asking God to take control of me.
And it's been happening.
We've gotten more informative.
Shows have gotten more powerful.
They're making better decisions.
Because I have a tendency,
and I know you do as well,
to try to do it yourself
and just get into guttural, bestial level,
not of evil, but of brutishness.
Because it's comfortable to be like that
and just be very hateful back at the enemy.
They're not worth our hate.
We do this because we love our children
and love innocence and love justice
and want a future together.
And we're going to do this together with love.
And I feel your love and I see your love,
this great crew that is so wonderful
and is so nice putting up with me
and doing such a great job.
And the listeners and our sponsors
and our affiliates and all the great guests
and people we bring here,
it's just such a blessing in this fight
to know all of you on this journey,
this journey of discovery,
this journey of challenge,
this journey of transcendence.
And it really is special.
It's what life's really all about.
And I feel sorry for the Jen Psakis
and the Joe Bidens,
picked by the most evil forces on earth
because they're so empty,
they're so arrogant,
they're so hateful.
And we don't want to be anything like them.
We want to pray for peace and awakening,
pray for justice,
and pray that people working in the system
that haven't been completely turned over
to a hard heart and evil
will realize how much danger they're in
and that even temporarily,
even physically, even financially,
medically where this new world order is taking us
is absolute total death and destruction.
In FullWars.com tomorrow is news today.
Keep sharing those articles and videos and know
you're changing the world.
I salute you and I thank you all.
And again, amazing job crew.
Kate Dally takes over in T-minus 60 seconds.
Please share the links.
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Hi, welcome back to the Alex Jones show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host
from KateDallyRadio.com.
The only centipedes coming out
of any vaginas will only be Madonna's.
I assure you.
That is one weird woman.
You know what?
The whole rack of Hollywood
is an interesting lot.
Am I right?
Anyway, we could talk for days about this.
But I have some things I want to get to.
And I also want to get to the heart
right behind the lies of the headlines.
Also, the conversation that you need to have
with your child that you're probably not having.
And you didn't think you'd ever have to have.
But I'm going to tell you what that
conversation looks like.
It's one of the most requested things
I've ever talked about on my own show.
And I want to talk to you about this
and what will happen in the banking failure
that they keep doing drills for
and the art of the bait and switch.
Because I think the bait and switch
is a lot more fierce
than we even think so.
And then we even think.
So number one on my list
is baby formula.
And you're hearing a lot about this
because of course the shortages
and then on top of that the recall.
So you're hearing a lot about this.
Never mind the fact that we should be
having kids anyway.
But Bill Gates
Bill Gates has something to do
with this possibly.
So bio milk with a cute little spelling
just earned the backing of the top's
world investors, right?
And he's raising while raising about
3.5 million in series A funding.
And what they're doing is they're simulating
mother's milk
and saving the planet at the same time.
Oh gee, thanks.
this concoction
is right along the line of
Beyond Beef.
And so that rated like dog food, didn't it?
When they did the chemical studies,
I think it actually rated like dog food.
We really should be.
We really should be panting.
Anyway, that's how they treat us.
So the founder, Michelle Ager
was a food scientist who worked for
Lara Barr at General Mills
on to her cute little stint at the Gates
Foundation. Just seems a lot
of people work with Gates.
And she was hoping that the breast milk
produced by bio milk
can you imagine giving this concoction to your baby?
here's your Beyond Beef, honey.
Yum, it was made in a
Petri dish. I'm so excited.
Not to say that formula isn't made
in its own way, but they are
seriously screwing with it this time.
And I do think this might be a little bit
of a bait and switch with,
oh gee, we have this formula
shortage and here's this new product.
They seem to want to do that a lot.
And so parents
want to do what's best for their kids, but I'm not
quite sure that is going to be the best thing
that you can go get your hands on, especially,
especially when breakthrough ventures
is behind it. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg,
Richard Branson,
Jack Ma, all of your,
you know, people that run,
that run the world. So there's that.
And I also wanted to talk about
Roe vs. Wade for just a second,
because abortion
did not
make it legal. One more time,
because somebody, somebody in mainstream
really needs to learn this lesson in
fast because they keep spreading these grandiose
over the top lies
that I've never seen before. Usually
they'll mix truth with a lie. They won't just
out and out,
out and out well, yes they will, there's CNN,
but out and out say a lie
that you know you can look up
that they even admit to in the articles.
So, the feds
didn't make it legal.
It's just that the states
didn't make it illegal.
That's the difference. Was this
planned to get an even more hideous
evil bill passed to
sanction murdering? You know, they tried
this in 2019. We talked a lot about this
on all the shows. This was
that, you know, they wanted to kill the baby after
birth when the baby can actually
look at you and smile.
Yeah, that's when they want to
murder the baby. And I do think we should
really start calling it murder instead of
abortion. They like their words.
They like to be able to use the words they
choose and then they like to screw
up the meaning to those words.
But if you have to stop
a thing from growing,
that means it's alive.
This is pretty easy.
So, if you wonder at what point does it become
a baby? Well, if you have to stop
it from growing, you actually
have to kill it because
it will just keep growing, right?
So, that means it's alive.
And Mitch McConnell,
doesn't he look like a guy
that should be, like, I don't know. I just
can think of him in high school
and in middle school constantly tased
and hazed. I'm sorry. And if
he wasn't, he should have been. But
McConnell is out there saying
that the Senate Republicans could not pass
an abortion bill. That's because
this is not a federal issue.
Yet ABC News
turns it into a federal issue, right?
And so
McConnell, so McConnell
and Schumer are both out there talking
about this. But the interesting thing
about this is the activists
are calling this the fight of the
Now, you and I both know they're not
crafting these phrases, just like
they keep calling it a landmark case.
Fight of a generation. What's that fight
What's the fight about? Ask
somebody next time. Because I'm seeing
people all over the place going, hey, can I
go join a pro-life, pro-choice
rally? Really?
What are you rallying for?
What are you rallying about?
Just murdering babies, just left
and right? It's okay.
So, the problem here is that
the media is
out and out lying. They're saying Democrats
are forcing, preparing to
force a vote, seeking to enshrine
abortion rights
into federal law.
right there tells you there is no federal law
for abortion. They
admit it, but they don't really
want you to focus on that.
They don't want you to focus on a lot of things.
They don't want you to focus on election fraud.
They don't want you to focus on anything
else that's going on, the food shortages
that we're going to be seeing. I'm talking to farmers
all the time and let me just tell you
it is not looking good. The
Canary in the coal mine, it's not looking
good for us.
And I would imagine by the fall
by Christmas, we'll start to really notice.
But I'll be talking about that
in just a moment, because there's some things
I'd like to share with you that are really intriguing
about that.
And so back to Roe versus Wade,
they're trying to pass now the Women's Health
Protection Act, which really
sets them up
to be able to kill a baby
even late term.
And so, as they fought for this
in 2019, New York really
fought for this. Boy, they should be proud, right?
Still the
vote, they say, while largely
symbolic, will force every single
Senator, Democrat and Republican
to go on the record as to where they
stand on the issue.
Senator Maggie Hassan from
New Hampshire
launched a digital
ad saying McConnell's decade-long
crusade to criminalize abortion.
Maggie, no one's done anything
about abortion. And yes, it should be
criminalized in every single state.
That would be the right and proper
way to do this.
But the states
have used this as
an election getter, okay, a
vote getter, because really, what do people
want to know? Where do you stand on abortion?
But why? Once they get in,
they never do a thing about it.
They never talk about it.
It's like at the election fraud. Very,
very quiet. Quiet as a mouse.
Quiet as a little mouse.
Not a word from these people.
These jokes, the swamp.
So, yes,
largely symbolic
vote. This is a
crap-festive news telling
a whole lot of lies. There has never
been a federal law for Roe vs.
Wade. There has never been anything
federal about it. It was an opinion
on a Texas case.
That is it.
And then the states, what they say is, oh, we
don't have the money to go fight it in court.
So, we're never going to put anything out
there that goes up against Roe vs.
Wade. So, really,
they're just chicken, right?
They won't do anything about it. They don't
want to be the state that does anything about it.
In fact, just until recently, in the last couple
of years, have I been interviewing
people from states that are finally
saying, we are not
going to sanction abortion. We're not
going to sit there and
not make it illegal.
And so, I like that. I'm really happy
to see states do that.
We should protect our unborn.
We should protect our unborn, and we should
protect our nursing homes. This is where
we really fall as a people
because these people that really
don't have a voice,
especially our unborn, are
not getting the chance to life.
I had Chris Ann Hall on last week
and we were talking about this.
It's a right to life and the pursuit
of happiness.
And they're taking that from them in the name
of selfishness, in the name of career.
Because they won't just,
you know, I know, how about
not have sex? Because that's what
makes the baby, right? Yep, last time
I checked. Yep, we know exactly
how it happens.
No surprise there. Yet,
these women feel like
they just don't want a consequence, so
they want to validate. They want to validate
this choice. It's not a choice, it's a murder.
A choice is between a Pepsi and a Coke.
This is a baby.
This is a baby. I'll be right back.
I'm Kate Delley, your guest host.
I'm Kate Delley, your guest host.
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Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dolly, your guest host.
I'm so glad you're joining me this hour.
There's so much to talk about and there's so much to correct.
You know, the art of the bait and switch.
Sometimes I think it's difficult for a lot of people
because of the influx of information that we get
and so much of it is so deceitful
that I often refer to this next tactic, the fake fight.
I love the fake fight because it's getting more obvious.
It used to be that the two different sides that are warring
the Democrats and the Republicans could really use each other
to get away with things or to dismiss things.
But now it's getting a little harder.
So let me give you kind of an example.
When I talk about the two parties,
often I will say, look, you know,
the difference between the right and the left is
the leftists, they actually really do want to destroy this country.
They think they're going to somehow make it better,
except without God and without you,
because you're the enemy, you're a human.
So they want to destroy the country
and they're actively, actively doing this.
But the right doesn't do anything actively.
They don't actively fight for freedom.
They don't actively return your liberty.
They don't actively do much.
In fact, they always act like they're in defense mode.
Oh, what is the leftist doing to us now?
And then they blame it on the leftist.
Even in states where majority rules,
you know, the majority is like the GOP,
they still blame the Democrats for not doing things that are right.
So the fake fight is just getting, I don't know, more obvious.
Let me give you an example of the Ministry of Truth.
The Ministry of Truth comes out,
which we all know is so Orwellian and so Orwell.
And it's to the point where you're just shaking your head
because you can't believe that we're actually talking about this.
I get it.
But look at what the right is doing.
The right is supposed to be fighting for our liberty.
The right are supposed to be the beacons of being conservatives.
I mean, I'm a registered Republican in my state, right?
The problem is, is instead of coming out about the Ministry of Truth
and saying that this should, this will never happen,
it will be abolished, what they do is this.
They complain about the name of it.
Now, if you don't believe me, go look at all the Republicans.
It was like they were all sent a memo, like how to handle this.
So the number one thing they're going to talk about is they don't like the name.
And then they're going to say,
well, I don't, I maybe don't like how they're going to do it.
Not that it shouldn't exist.
That's a really big point to remember because that's the fake fight.
They're not fighting against it.
They're just picking out some things that make it look like they're fighting against it.
And that's my whole point.
Fake fights are using the abortion topic to get into office
and then never do anything about it, right?
Because it's really easy to say stuff and then not do anything.
Fake fights are complaining about Obamacare and socialized,
socialized medicine.
But when we had the House, the Senate and the presidency,
we didn't do anything about it.
Hmm. Why is that?
It's kind of like the wall. Hmm. Interesting.
So when we don't do anything like this, like election fraud,
there's another great example of this, not a peep,
not a word about, hey, why don't we go back to handwritten ballots?
Why don't we stop with the ballot boxes?
If you haven't seen 2000 Mules, Dinesh D'Souza's latest, I just interviewed him.
He and this movie showcases and shows you the fraud.
It shows you the fraud.
It shows them at 3.45 in the middle of the night taking out ballots.
Okay. So we have it on film. We have it on film.
They're taking pictures of themselves.
And this isn't even talking about the software.
So it's a drug trade.
It's like a drug trade with drug mules, except this is voting with voting mules.
Okay. With election mules.
And these people run around the country and they affect the ballot boxes.
And also the bigger problem is the software because that is bigger.
It's huge. And I've been talking about that for six years.
It started out as GEMS, G-E-M-S, and then translated up into Dominion.
They took an ex-con out of, the Obama administration took an ex-con out of prison to write it.
And the only reason I know about that is because it went to court in California.
You never heard about that in the media, of course.
Okay. Never hear about anything important in the media.
But GEMS has gone by all kinds of different names and now, of course, it's Dominion.
All right. So there is even new evidence coming out suggesting that Trump might have gotten 305 electoral college votes.
Would have definitely gotten him the win.
There's no doubt in anyone's minds.
And even the hardcore leftists that Trump won that election, there's no way because the country was showing up for him.
So they can hide it. They can create a ministry of truth. Whatever. Whatever.
Whatever these little bastards want to do.
But let me just tell you, the evidence is there and the proof is there.
So where is everybody on the right? Why aren't they fighting for it?
Why aren't they bringing it up?
You won't see anybody.
In fact, the party's trickling down to the states, all the way down to the states, the county commissioners, and not having them do a thing about it.
That's amazing to me.
And you're going to see this with the abortion thing, too.
In fact, was this a bait and switch? Was this, I think it served four purposes, by the way, Roe versus Wade right now with its timing.
One, lie to the public that some federal law that does not exist is being overturned, right?
Get everybody in a huff, can't murder babies. Oh my gosh.
Right? It's not true. That's not true.
The states have to enact something like that in order to do that, which has always been the case. It's never changed.
Liberal women are stupid enough to believe the lies, though, because they're usually watching CNN.
Hate to be mean, but that's the truth.
Also, distraction from election fraud. There's another one.
Because the movie comes out, 2000 Mules right now, that showcases the fraud.
And what are we talking about? Roe versus Wade.
Introduce a bill so horrific that anyone with a conscience and a soul should find abhorrent so the sides will then meet in the middle, right?
To deliver you something because they compromised. I love compromise.
Don't you? No, said every founding father of our country. Absolutely not.
Because somebody's giving away their principles.
But they have, honestly, they have really perfected the art of doing so.
Because this is how they get things done. It's the art of compromise.
Tell us we're going to get something even worse and that the other side is fighting to get this thing that's worse
and will meet in the middle. And then pretty soon, you're in a situation you never thought you'd be in.
And that's how it works.
You know, they are also doing these surveillance, right?
Cameras everywhere. And there's news articles today talking about the implementation of even more cameras.
Okay. Oh, they're everywhere. But you know, because, you know, the bad guy got to get the bad guy.
It's always the bad guy, right?
Well, as they do this, remember that either side, neither side really have done a thing about surveillance.
They've only voted for it. Both sides have voted for it.
And I remember when Obama was getting into office, you know, that little turd.
Well, he had promised to abolish surveillance. Do you guys remember that?
And he gets in. What does he do?
He puts it on steroids. They all do. They all do.
They love their surveillance. They love their control.
So they're going, they say they're going to do it in a non-privacy, intrusive way, you know.
But so we don't track any, you know, facial recognition or anything.
Right. Okay. I believe that. Yeah.
I'm going to come right back. There's a couple of things I want to bring up.
New information from Pfizer and also what the bank failure would look like in real terms.
We'll be right back. I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
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Hey, back here with you on the Alex Jones show. I hope you're having a good day. We need some good days, don't we? We need some good news. That'd be nice.
There are people actively fighting. There are chicken farmers. There are all kinds of people that are truly fighting, and you know what? You have to recognize that once in a while too, because the news can get so heavy.
When I started radio, these types of headlines that we get every day used to happen maybe once a week, twice a week, and they were bad headlines, but at the same time, we had some buffer in between, right? Not anymore. Not anymore.
It's like 5,000 of these headlines a day, and then you have to try to pick what you want to focus on. That's how crazy it's gotten.
When I was talking about the Republicans versus the Democrats and how the leftists, communists, globalists are trying to actively ruin this country and get rid of our sovereignty, actively pursuing it, but the Republicans aren't pursuing a thing.
If the Republicans were actively pursuing liberty and getting it back and restoring and making sure you had freedom, making sure that, because that's their only job, they only got one job, right? If they were actually doing that, then it would throw these leftists off their game.
But when you're just a sitting duck and you act like a sitting duck and you do nothing else, then it always seems like the leftist, progressive liberals, these strange, incredibly crazy, mentally off people are going to always be on the offense and always get their way.
That's what sucks. It really does. It's terrible.
Because we don't have a group fighting for us. It's like being in a war and sitting there and doing nothing. So the unjabbed are not dying.
Yep. I hear crickets. Yep. I guess we're not dead. Hmm. In fact, Walgreens came out after a study of 5,000 stores and said, you know what, the rate of getting sick for those unjabbed is lower than the rate if you would have gotten the second and third jabs.
How many narratives have to come out that are totally just obviously exposed before people really start to figure this out?
So those with three doses and they took their last dose taken over five months ago have the highest rate of illness at 31.3%. Why?
Because it ruins your immune system. It's supposed to. And under a microscope, just to let you guys know, I've got some personal knowledge on this.
Under the microscope, the Pfizer shot, the Pfizer shot caused the white blood cells to stand still and not do a thing for you. Okay, they just sit there like deer in a headlights.
They do nothing. They're supposed to be moving all around your body and everything. They don't do anything.
And the red blood cells actually are supposed to bounce off of each other, but they become very sticky and they stick in.
They don't completely fuse, but they stick into each other. And this is what's causing the heart attacks and the blood clots and so forth.
In the Moderna shot, that has something that, and I've heard it described this way, which might sound like I'm exaggerating, but does it assemble?
Yeah. Yeah. There is something to it. There is some sort of something in that Monsanto shot that that builds upon itself.
We'll say that it's directed. It's really scary.
By the way, the Pfizer documents that are leaking out because they're not, they can't take all those years to do it, right?
They can't take all that time. So what? They had 28 women. I don't know if they knew they were pregnant when they were into this study, into this very short study.
What was it? A couple of months. Woo! For Pfizer, 23 of them spontaneous abortions, two premature with neonatal death and one spontaneous neonatal death, and only one survived.
Says a lot about their shots, doesn't it?
All right. I also wanted to talk about the fact just to kind of brush over this one.
So we suddenly had a whole lot of planes full of money, you know, to send to Ukraine, but we didn't have anything to build a wall.
Suddenly had lots of money to send over to Ukraine, although we don't have to send it in planes on mark this time. We can just send it because it's sanctioned. I like that. I like it being sanctioned.
And so if this isn't the biggest pit of money laundering you've ever seen in your life, I'm not quite sure what is.
But we're not even supposedly at war with Russia or Ukraine. Yet there we are. It just cries, we could Ukraine in 2014, does it not?
So journalists on the ground, though, I appreciate those journalists on the ground that are talking about it. And they're saying all the footage that we're being shown is actually the Russians fighting back after the little Nazi groups at our CIA trained took over the buildings.
And so they're the ones that are fighting. Yeah.
It isn't necessarily Russians versus Ukraine. It's Russians versus the little Nazi groups that we trained that sanctioned murder over there of Russian Ukrainians, just to, you know, throw some truth in the mix.
And so I did notice something with the Washington compost. They were trying to sell the idea to everybody that, oh my gosh, this war is really bad. Look, we have 100 videos to prove it.
They're getting so desperate. Them and the New York Slime, they are getting very, very, very desperate to showcase a war to you, to tell you it's violent. I've never seen such desperation before.
Maybe because people are finally figuring out, let's just hope. And let's hope that people see the money laundering scheme going on over there, you know, we just put out the war sign on the front door.
And it's amazing what you can get away with. It's amazing the money funneling by both parties, by the way, both parties aren't on that one. So there's that.
We're not always the hero. So this is another one I wanted to tell you guys.
Sexualizing children, you know, the people that are fighting for this, the teachers of the kindergartners and the first graders and the second graders that are going to bat, right?
They're going to bat in Florida, trying to get that sexualization to occur, but then on the other hand, saying that they weren't doing that.
But you're fighting for something you weren't doing? Hmm, interesting.
So it brings me to a conversation that's really requested and I brought this up years ago.
Tyler Perry was on the Oprah show years and years ago and he described an event of abuse in his own life to himself by a family, by a relative, okay?
By a family member and he said something kind of thought provoking.
And you know, I don't go to Tyler Perry for all my advice for kids. Trust me.
But this was a gem. So I wanted to pass it along to you.
When he had this occur, he actually said that his body betrayed him and did things that he didn't want his body to do.
And a little light bulb went off because I thought at the time I thought, you know, there's something really to this that our kids need to hear.
And if you haven't had this conversation with your kids or your grandkids, you should.
And asking them if they've seen porn, they're going to say no.
You have to ask them when was the last time they saw porn. Trust me, I know.
And, you know, I've raised five kids and I'm telling you, it's just, when did you see it?
I want to know. Let's talk about it.
But when Tyler Perry said that, when Tyler Perry said, my body betrayed me and did things, I didn't want it to do mentally.
Okay? I hope that we have that conversation with our kids.
They're going to see a lot of images. They're going to be told a lot of lies.
They're going to be told things in school.
And their body might react to all kinds of different sexual things.
But it doesn't mean something.
It doesn't actually mean that maybe now, maybe I'm gay, maybe I'm this, maybe I'm a trans, maybe I'm this, maybe I'm that.
Sometimes our bodies just react because we're human beings, biological human beings.
And so have that conversation with your kids that their bodies could react to things that their mind would never want to go along with.
Because, of course, it can happen.
But it doesn't mean anything. I think a lot of our kids are getting so screwed up, especially by teachers in government schools.
They're not public anymore. They're government.
Government schools or shows and the media constantly telling them that they don't know what gender they are.
They don't know what sex they like.
And, hey, it's a free-for-all. Today you're a boy, tomorrow you're a girl, and then you're in it, and then you're whatever.
And with all of these confusing messages, remind them that their body might react to certain things,
but it doesn't necessarily mean that they need to go on this hunt and try to investigate if they are something or not.
We need to have that conversation with our kids.
I'll be right back. I'm Kay Dally, your guest host on The Alex Jones Show.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Back here with you on the Alex Jones show. Make sure and get those supplements and get them in bulk. They'll keep. They always keep longer than they say on the bottle for sure.
And always make sure right now, just make sure you're getting it in bulk, because I do think our supply chains are being so messed with, products, all those kinds of things.
They want to drive up gas. They want to drive up all of these things. So, be ready for it. I'm baking to prepping. You should be too, and you probably are, and I love that.
So, there's a couple more things I want to talk about because we're in that last leg of the hour. It goes so quick.
So, handing over sovereignty to the who. Well, we are in the way of emergency health orders. Yes, we are.
We're doing this May 22nd through the 28th. Control over the America's health care system. This comes from Dr. Peter Brighan.
In fact, some of the articles that I've read has described it as, this is going to be delivered for a vote to the World Health Organization's governing body.
You can just imagine how they're going to go with the vote. Big shocker.
And the threat is contained new amendments to whose international health regulations proposed by King Fraudelot's administration in Hormala that are scheduled as provisional agenda items 16.2.
And these amendments will empower the who's general director to declare health emergencies or crisis in any nation to do so unilaterally.
And against the opposition of a target nation. You've got to love that.
So, here is the deal with this, though. If you really look at it, we've already been doing this.
In fact, our mainstream whores, our media, I love Gerald Sullivan. He calls them the whores.
The mainstream media has been doing this for quite a long time in the way that they always go to them for comment.
We're always taking direction from the who somehow, some way.
And then remember that the CDC, because of all the deals they made and the money flowing out of our country to work with these other countries, the CDC was also able to declare really a global pandemic.
So we just went through this whole case scenario.
And as long as our media and our government acknowledge who to be over us, then the American people think that that's the truth.
Okay, it's not. We still have sovereignty as a nation, but this new amendment would do it legally, give them that sort of power.
Is that a good word for it?
Also, so beyond that, we could probably do a whole hour on that.
But I do want to talk about this because I always like to be prepared, kind of know what's happening.
And about 10 months ago, Bank of Russia, yeah, Russia, the bad guy, Bank of Russia explores centralized digital currency system that can restrict certain purchases.
Well, what does that mean?
We know that the banking drills have talked about, especially cyber polygon and then of course this latest one in December 9th, the IMF one in Israel.
Everybody with 10 countries, they were talking about the fact that banks would go down on a banking holiday.
You would come back and because everything was so messed up and accounts weren't right and your money might be missing, they would be giving you like six months to a year of payment free.
So everybody would like that. That's a huge carrot for people.
Oh, I get to go payment free, but in order to get back your stuff that you've been paying on for a long time and then go back into your payment system that everybody's in for whatever stuff they own,
then you would have to sign up for digital currency in order to get your stuff.
So obviously that's an issue and something that is abhorrent.
But are they going to do it?
Well, they certainly have been drilling about it.
They have another cyber polygon coming up for 2022 in July as well.
So when Russia did this, Russia's central bank was exploring a two tiered digital ruble.
Remember that two tiered and it would allow users to restrict certain types of purchases on all these transactions that would be recorded on a centralized ledger.
You know that ledger they keep talking about, right?
That's supposed to make everything transparent.
That's the carrot.
It's not true.
Just imagine that you were able to give your kids some money in digital rubles and then restrict their use for the purchase of junk food.
This is really how they were selling it and how they were laying it out.
The digital ruble shall be more convenient than cash in its use.
The digital ruble will exist in the form of uniquely identifiable units.
So you're going to get one or the other and they could absolutely cause you to be able to not purchase things.
Certain things that you want.
Maybe they don't want you to buy a firearm.
Maybe your government score isn't high enough.
No car.
No car for you.
But all these restrictions on what you could buy at the store and what you couldn't.
Is that what a two tiered can't talk today?
Rubal system would look like.
Is that what our digital currency is going to look like?
And think about that.
What are we going to do?
So today they're saying, oh, yes, of course, you still have cash.
But we're going to make everything to the point where we have, we have all these companies in the palm of our hand.
We own Walmart.
We own all these big companies, right?
But the big companies would be just like they kicked it in for COVID.
They would kick it in for the digital currency too.
And so as they do this, think about what that future would be.
This is a great time to buy things right now.
This is a fantastic time.
I would suggest that right now while you still have some autonomy and some freedom, do so, please.
Get what you need right now, because I think this window is closing.
I really do.
There's a couple of things I want to mention.
And I have been reading the IMF papers.
That's what a nerd I am.
But I've been reading the IMF sort of their walking papers, the ones that they're working on, you know.
And they've been talking a lot about reset, crisis, what happens.
I looked at some other years.
They weren't talking about it like they are right now.
So all of, I'm sorry, walking, working papers, all right?
Too much caffeine today.
So working papers, all are describing major.
This is what you do after fallout and after bank insecurities happen and all these things happen.
So I do absolutely think these drills are going to turn into a reality for sure.
They have to do something with banking in order to get that great reset.
But it'll be the lure of trying to get your stuff back or trying to finish off paying off your stuff that will lure you into digital currency.
So these are a couple of things you want to keep in mind because prepping is a big deal.
I've done a lot of shows on prepping and through the years.
And an atmosphere water machine, you can learn how to do this on YouTube.
There's a lot of people that explain it.
You can actually buy them.
They're getting harder to buy though.
Atmosphere water machines, they make water out of the atmosphere.
That's why they're getting harder to get.
They don't like that.
They like having control over your water.
And then also variety.
There have been people, friends of mine that have been living off food storage to see what the problems are.
What happens if you live off your food storage for a month?
And the problem was no spices, no variety.
They had been buying things at case lot sales.
And because of that, they had everything in bulk.
So like 50 cans of green beans, yummy.
And with no seasonings, you can imagine how old it got really, really quick.
Make sure you have those things in variety.
Make sure you have powdered sour cream and powdered eggs, which are getting really expensive right now too.
Make sure that you are getting some sort of variety in there.
Also, a lot of people have been having a lot of feelings lately.
And they've been contacting me and saying, you know, I've never thought, I've never really gotten into prepping.
But right now I just have this feeling you better start buying stuff.
And that's why I say I get Alex Jones supplements because get them in bulk.
Because there might be a time when you can't get them.
And it because of a two tiered, we'll call it a ruble right now.
But you know, Russia always plays along.
Don't think that Russia doesn't play along with the IMF.
They're always right there to play along.
And so, of course, trying out or wanting to try out that two tiered system.
Right now is a really good time to acquire skills.
Look at, instead of watching the garbage on TV, look at YouTube.
Learn how to make things.
Make yourself essential in that way.
I hate the terminology of that because what they did with that with businesses across the country was abhorrent during COVID.
But I will say that acquiring skills is something that we could all do instead of just wasting time.
Do that.
And a friend of mine brought up this great point to skipping a meal.
If you have to only eat one meal a day, eat it at night.
Don't eat it in the morning.
When you eat it at night, it goes to all the right organs.
And it does what it's supposed to do efficiently and nutritionally.
If you eat only one meal in the daytime, then you're burning through all of that as energy.
And so, the nutrition doesn't get where it needs to go.
So, I thought it was a really great point about making sure that if it ever got to that point, remember this conversation.
And remember that eating a meal at night would actually do you more favors.
There's so much to prepping, pellet guns, all these kinds of things that we should be making sure you have.
Just make sure that you have all the things you need in bulk.
And not just flour and not just wheat and all those things.
What are you going to make?
You know what I mean? Sugar.
You have to be able to make things.
You have to be able to have recipes.
And you can make food taste good too.
There's a lot of great companies out there.
We could go on for days talking about prepping, but I just wanted to give you kind of those things that are on my mind today.
Really, the art of the bait and switch, the lies that are being told, and how they do it.
And I hope you benefited from that today.
All right, you guys.
I'm Kay Daly, your guest host for the Alex Jones show.
And I'm really happy to be here.
I've been on radio for about 10 years, and boy, has it been a trip, a study, everything.
It's been a crazy ride for sure.
You guys have a great day.
I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially with word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you.
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I just want to thank you all for buying products at InfoWars.com like books and films and supplements and water filtration.
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But for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so we get almost 100% of the money to fund our operation during this critical time,
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This is nothing more than a top-down vertical consolidation of the world economy.
And because they couldn't take our guns and because we wouldn't bow,
because the left, which is the ideology of this world government system, couldn't win,
they released a biological weapon on us.
Now we know two years ago, we learned about it about 20 months ago.
It's that simple.
They can't meet us because of our free speech and our guns.
So the Global Corporate Combine released COVID-19 and you know the rest is history.
Expose this paradigm and we win.