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Filename: 20220509_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 9, 2022
2282 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Alex Jones discusses various news topics including Donald Trump Anxiety Disorder, censorship by tech giants like Facebook, Apple, and Google, globalist agenda, biological warfare, alien entities, recent events such as January 6th Capitol protests, deep state, permanent bureaucracy, corrupt media, bio attack, Roe v. Wade leak, lockdowns, Jan 6th event, and QAnon. He also promotes InfoWars products and urges listeners to support the show financially."

Terrorists in the U.S. say they are seeing increasing numbers of patients with what they
call Donald Trump anxiety disorder. Trump anxiety disorder. Trump derangement syndrome.
Trump derangement syndrome is clinically real. It doesn't merely affect individuals, but
entire political parties rendering them unrecognizable.
One minute, they're perfectly normal. The next, rapid.
The veneer of civilization is evaporating quickly. Families and culture are collapsing.
And godless leftists are behaving just like zombies of modern law.
You can't trust your mother. Get the hell out of here. Get the fuck out of here. Your best
friend. I get that camera out of my face. The neighbor next door.
Psychologist Dr. Stuart Bassman says for his clients, it started the morning after the
election. Doctors are seeing patients suffering from
Trump anxiety disorder. The number of people are manifesting what
I would call post-traumatic stress disorder. An overpowering fear that President Trump
represents the end of the world. Pray, it doesn't happen to you.
I'll wipe my nails.
Certainly, for some, Alex Jones can be scary and abrasive, but if you can get through all
that to explore what he has been saying, to see for yourself what it is that the establishment
wants to hide from you, then the information you find could be life-changing.
He predicted 9-11.
And if there was an outside threat like a bin Laden, who was a known CIA asset in the 80s,
he's the boogeyman they need.
And this were a welly and phony system.
He exposed the cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove.
He educated us about the relationship between the Third Reich and modern globalism,
prison-planet dominated by a ruthless gang of control freaks.
He helped reveal the so-called Bilderberg group at all.
And most of you are about to stink in Paris!
He was the loudest voice reporting on the union between the Communist Chinese and Silicon Valley.
They falsely edited him.
They lie about his reporting of Sandy Hook.
They lie that he pushed a child down in a viral video.
And now he is being de-platformed by Facebook, Apple, and Google.
Private companies are being harassed and encouraged to stop doing business with him.
And then we get hit, say, even no longer use our software.
YouTubers are being censored for talking about him.
We just got taken down by YouTube. They just killed our stream.
Really? Yep.
And some Americans are actually celebrating this.
This is America in 2018.
Will you sit by and allow liberty and freedom to be taken away right before your eyes?
Will you do nothing while history is being recorded?
Will you sit and do nothing?
Or will you do your own research, discover the truth, and stand for freedom?
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
My friends, it's Monday, May 9th.
The year is 2022.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We got a really big broadcast lined up for you today.
And I had some guests, but I want to cancel them or move them,
because I want to take a lot of calls today on a host of big issues, obviously.
The economy, the globalist assaults, the new lockdowns they're preparing,
the U.N. taking over all the major healthcare and more.
On hundreds and hundreds of his made in America products,
from pillows to sheets to shoes to human beds to dog beds, you name it.
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MyPillow.com, Ford slash Alex, or 800-675-4614.
It's only running for one week, MyPillow.com, Ford slash Alex, or 800-675-4614.
And thank you for shopping America and keeping us on the year.
Well, there's no doubt, ladies and gentlemen,
that we are on the very front lines in the fight for a human future
against the transhumanist technocrats.
I have more videos and more statements calling for world government,
calling for the U.N. and proud corporations to control every facet of your body
and your medical life.
We have major publications in the U.K. saying it's time to publish Britain's
5 million vaccine refusenics.
It's time to punish Britain's 5 million vaccine refusenics.
It's really incredible times to be alive and to have this type of stuff unfolding.
And it really shows the type of authoritarian future that we are already living in.
This is no longer near future.
This is happening now.
We have Yuval Noah Harari saying this is the end of democracy, a new clip.
The end of free will, the end of the free market, as you know it,
just prepare to be a slave.
And actually they celebrate as the futurist at the Davos Group.
And there's lots of videos coming out of Switzerland right now where they're all
meeting on a mountaintop with the World Economic Forum and the U.N.
signing an agreement last week that basically the World Economic Forum
or the public arm of the Bilderberg Group now publicly directs the United Nations.
There's a new revised WHO agreement that openly moves to give Bill Gates
and the head of the World Health Organization de facto pandemic and surveillance
and governing power of 198 member states in the event of the next pandemic.
If that doesn't frighten you, I don't know what will,
because Bill Gates has been rubbing his hands together saying the next virus will be much worse
and you know he loves to brag about what he and his cohorts are doing to you.
This is biological warfare against the people of the world.
And we have a right and we have a duty to defend ourselves from this.
The question is how do we do it without triggering a worldwide civil war,
which they will also use to collapse civilization and cover up their bio attack.
This has got to be done very, very delicately as they say.
And the biggest part of that is awakening the human mind and psyche
to these psychotic depopulations.
Why do you think so many movies, including James Bond movies
and the Kingsman and just countless others,
Logan's Run, Zard Daws,
there's so many,
12 Monkeys, there's hundreds.
Talk about global elites wanting to release a virus to depopulate you,
because that's really their operating system and everybody in Hollywood knows it
and if you want to be part of the club, you've got to go along with that idea
so they tell you through the movies, but this isn't a 1960s movie
or a 1970s movie or a 1980s movie or a movie in the 90s and the 2000s.
This is the real planet that we live on
and this is happening now.
But the real model they're going to use for control over a city population
is going to be a mix of Brave New World,
THX 1138, 1984
and, of course, Children of Men.
If you haven't seen Children of Men, you'll need to see it.
We're telling you exactly what they're going to do there.
A chemical in the water supply that sterilizes you.
But so that they can't pinpoint one thing,
they hit you with chemicals in the water that sterilize a large percentage,
injections that sterilize a large percentage,
GMOs that sterilize,
aluminum dioxide, aerosol spraying,
and all of it is having the effect on fish and amphibians and mammals
and on those that study ornithology will tell you the birds
were their fertility's way down and their mutations are way up.
And the same thing is happening when you go on a trip in the summer or in the spring
and you live in places that have a lot of bugs like Minnesota or Texas or Florida.
And just 25 years ago, when I would drive to our family ranch in East Texas
in the spring or summer, I would have to pull over repeatedly
and get a squeegee at a gas station in a three and a half hour trip
and squeegee dead bugs off or they would harden like hardened egg
if you leave it in the bottom of a plate, you know how hard it is to get out.
They're guts would harden on the windshield.
Now, I can drive in the spring or summer in Texas
and there might be one bug on my windshield.
One bug.
Remember, you're old enough to remember if you're more than 30, 40 years old
and we're driving just 25 years ago, it all started about 25 years ago.
Remember though, the grill of your truck would just be full of just bugs, piles of them
that put gloves on and get them out of there.
Not anymore.
I want to ask ourselves why that's happening and in this is the key to everything.
The globalists are not just killing off the humans.
They have a plan to overwrite all life on Earth
and create a new silicon life form that will live on this planet.
Now, you can say it's an alien takeover.
You can call it whatever you want.
I don't know who's running it.
I don't know if it's a species.
I'm not debating all that. I'm saying you can extrapolate out logically
and listen to all the globalists saying humans are bad.
We're going to get rid of humans, post-human world.
Looking forward to the end of humans.
There'll be no more humans in 2045.
We're going to depopulate the Earth by 2030
and we're going to become gods and marginal machines.
They believe they're the aliens.
So I cover all this other news and I will.
The war in Ukraine escalating out of control
and the suppression of necessities is filmed.
2,000 mules that totally proves how they carried out the election.
And so much more today.
And we're going to take phone calls throughout the four hours.
But you've got to read the Bible about a fallen entity on the planet that's eternal
that hates us because we're related to the all-powerful omnipresent being
that marooned it here and it is angry at us
and it is attacking us and manipulating us
and trying to get us to give up our humanity and give up our souls.
And you can look back and say, well, that's just a book in the Bible
that predicted a world government with 10 kingdoms and flying ships
and just everything you see and a mark in the hand
and forehead to buy and sell and the breakup of the family
and everything that's happening exactly as it's happening.
I sat there in the 1980s going to evangelical church and Baptist churches
and you name it, my parents.
And I remember seeing the preachers sit up there and give two-hour sermons
word for word what is now unfolding.
And then you got this, Houston Chronicle.
NASA wants to send nudes to space in order to attract aliens.
They've already been doing it, beaming out images of naked humans
and our DNA sequence.
What do you like, trying to send out the menu or whatever?
So see, the globalists have got their whole world
and how they believe they're mad scientists who will become gods
and we're down here watching sitcoms designed to dumb us down
and watching sports and I'm not judging if you do, hell, I've done it myself
but it's still at the end of the day is a distraction from the real mystery
of this planet and what we're doing here and what we're meant to be
and what we're meant to do and the fact that we were given a cheat sheet
on how to survive this and thrive in this and transcend it.
We've got a huge broadcast, I'm going to give the number down next segment.
I'm taking 100 phone calls today, infowars.com.
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Suppressing the voices of good people all around the world
and of doctors and scientists and engineers that are exposing all their lies,
their COVID hysteria, their world's gonna end in 2030,
carbon tax, global warming, all of it.
And none of it can succeed, none of it can actually be carried out
unless everybody is silenced and gaslit.
And that's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence
why it's hard to share him Full Wars links and band up video links.
That's why we've got to share them now more than ever.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Now you're standing there sometimes, you better listen, listen well.
Hide what you have to hide, and tell me what you have to tell me tonight.
You'll see your problems.
All right I want to get into the unbelievable
situation that is deteriorating quickly in Ukraine.
I want to get into the Dow Jones plunging over 300 points what's happening in crypto.
I want to get into Bill Gates not just announcing that you're going to drink
sewage water and eat bugs, but now he's got synthetic lab grown
milk for babies.
Wait to hear about the tales of that.
Also massive electricity shortages in Europe and the US and their answer is shut down more of the
plants that supply the electricity while forcing us off oil, but also not letting us have enough
electricity from other sources while pushing people on their electric cars.
We've got all of that coming up today and more.
But the first thing I want to hit is this because it's really important to you and
myself and everybody, but particularly in full wars.
We've talked to a lot of the lawyers that are representing January 6th political presidents.
Almost all of them are just completely innocent of anything.
And then those that are guilty are just guilty of going into a building and maybe getting in
a shoving match with the police.
But having that knowledge, but also researching this on a daily basis and having my background
knowledge on the deep state and knowing that the same FBI provocateur false flag team that ran the
fake Whitmer kidnapping operation that was then transferred to run January 6th, we know that thing
was a giant honeypot that we were all lured into that the Capitol Police were ordered to stand down
that half their numbers were sent away that day.
The Trump's request for 10,000 National Guard was refused.
He could have overridden it, but Millie threatened to quit if he did.
And so now we know it's really important because they are running on it
in the midterms in 183 days.
Washington Post articles, Wall Street Journal articles, New York Times articles this weekend
that specifically say the committee is honing in on Roger Stone and Alex Jones for working
with Trump and directing people to attack the Capitol. 100% BS. A, we don't have a motive,
it made us look like fools. B, there's no evidence of it because it's not true.
And C, I wasn't talking to President Trump for over a year before that ever happened and Roger
Stone was not involved in any of the planning of even our legal lawful events on the 5th or the 6th.
It's just incredible that they're trying to demonize lawful
First Amendment activities and then I see the same headlines everywhere they've run against me.
Oathkeepers are talking to prosecutors and they're exposing their communications
and it's going to go all the way up to Trump. They might as well say they're communications with
the Martians and then I know the individuals that they're talking about because I've seen them in
the press. I've met some of them and I like oathkeepers overall that they had a good mission
to promote following your oath and they did great work for over a decade. I think some bad
things happened on January 6th. We're not sure all the specifics but we know it was a honey pot
if I could turn but I know some of the people they're quoting here as
saying they're talking to the feds and they're going to expose the chain of command
and I just find it hard to believe that those people would actually make stuff up and lie.
But I'm not worried about it because I didn't do anything wrong but it is in hundreds of
publications a week conservatively it's on national tv every day on one channel or another
that I'm going to jail and Roger Stone's going to jail and all the rest of this and it is a bizarre
feeling to know you did nothing wrong to know there's no evidence you did anything wrong to know
that you had no motive and to know that you tried to stop what happened and quite frankly I'm not
asking for a medal but everybody else just stood there and and the thousand undercover FBI agents
and hostage rescue team people that were there on record sat there while I tried to stop what was
happening when I got there in the middle of it and I did turn thousands away from going in and
sat there with their thumbs in their mouths or worse and so it just it really infuriates me
that they bear minimum neither was some groups planning to go in there and get somewhat violent
Democrats do it all the time in other capitals but I agree it's not a good thing
and the evidence is overwhelming went ahead and actually helped provocateur and get the whole
thing started while they then watched me show up in the middle of it with my crew and get tear gas
of distance and try to stop it and then they got the nerve not just at the January 6th committee
but they got two different FBI just department teams they admitted this to us trying
to make a fake case and indict me
and then the cherry on top is they then leak through the press lies that oh I'm coming out
of the dark I'm coming in out of the cold I'm gonna tell them everything I'm gonna rat Trump out
and all this made up stuff because they were calling us over and over again for months asking
us to come meet with them and I said no they said what are the what do we come to you I said well
why don't you drop your fake charges and own shroyer why don't you give me written questions I
have nothing to hide but I'm not going to get in a perjury trap where they get some lying stool
pigeon to say I did one thing and then they say I lie when I'm not lying so they can indict me
like Martha Stewart you think I'm stupid I mean I'm not that smart but I'm not an idiot you are a
discredited government agency that ran fast and furious and shipped tens of thousands of guns
into Mexico on record to blame the Second Amendment in America so now Mexico could sue gun makers
what's they're doing and then a bunch of the guns got shipped to ISIS in al-Qaeda that's all come out
yeah El Chapo's 50 Cal sold
through that operation where the ATF falls flag I mean to try to list the crimes of this government
and the criminals that have taken it over would take hours but it's just too rich it's just
it's it's it's too much but here's why listeners need to care they're now saying
the Justice Department and the Capitol Police that there are imminent terror attacks on Supreme
Court justices and on and on members of Congress and on others while Democrats firebomb buildings
and burn things down and attack things and beat people up and violently protest outside Supreme
Court justice houses the corporate media and the government Gestapo the brown shirts the Victorian
they are saying that we the people the populace are the ones that are going to be violent
which again means they're priming the false flag false flag alert false flags we blame on patriots
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take action take action now info wars store dot com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the
new world order it's alex jones we are on the march the corrupt empire is on the run
resistance to tyrants his obedience to god it's alex jones all right i'm gonna give the number
out i'm gonna start taking calls next segment on any issue any subject you want to raise i love
the wildcard nature of it the numbers eight seven seven seven eight nine two five three nine
eight seven seven eight nine alex and we can have long time callers first time callers people
that agree people that disagree all i ask is you have a clean crisp telephone line eight seven seven
seven eight nine two five three nine all right let me get back to the permanent bureaucracy
the permanent state the deep state those are all academic names that go back more than 40 years
for what is inside the system and what i would talk about that 25 years ago the media would say
he's insane there's no such thing as a deep state there's no such thing as a stay behind network
there's no such thing as any of this now today they have meetings on television on c span with
brennan and clapper you remember those a few years ago they said trump will be gone
we have the bureaucracy and we're gonna have a coup and removing
and they were doing that to show their power and exercise their power for their gangs to encourage
their gangs inside the government corporations and the judiciary and media to break the law to do
whatever they wanted to leak information you name it and that's what you see now is populist and
christians and conservatives aren't breaking the law we're not leaking information we are not doing
dirty tricks and i'm not saying we should while they on the other side are doing anything and
everything they want however they want and they never get in any trouble for it so
how do we not sink to their level at the same time beat them we expose them and let people
know the reason they're going bankrupt the reason their dollars devalued the reason their borders
are wide open the reason there's all this pedophilia going on is because these are predatory
very bad wicked people that want to crash the world economy 40 population and everything
else horrible and evil they do that they enjoy is just part of the enjoyment of getting to where
they're trying to go so getting back to where we are there's all these headlines everywhere
oath keepers are talking to the feds oath keepers are discussing with the feds conversations with
trump stuff like this when none of that happened none of that went on and then the controlled
left goes look jones is protecting the dawn his mafia boss why he's saying they because it's a lie
that's why i'm not protecting trump but if they're able to demonize and lie about trump they're
going to be able to demonize the american people they're branding all demonstrating all protesting
open borders gun control election fraud lockdowns forced injections as terrorists they're trying
to brand all opposition in america as terrorism and really bring us into a full bore authoritarian
top-down police state we aren't getting there we are deep inside of it now
now complete with a ministry of truth with sensors and surveillance and all the controls
when america does something it does it big and boy are we doing it big here so when i see these
headlines i don't believe them now may there be some fake informants inside the oath keepers
that were there all along that will now speak for the oath keepers and help direct them into
their prison cells yes there's no doubt that's happening but i know when i see headlines that
the oath keepers are running around lying about people i don't believe it and you know i don't
believe it because the same media that's saying that says i called the feds a month ago and said
i've got information but give me immunity and i'll tell you what really happened no they came to me
and said we want to talk to you and i said give me total immunity so you can't make up stuff and
charge me with perjury and we told them there is no information everything we've said is on record
it's all been true it's all on video it's all transparent it's all first of all protected
behavior you guys are disgraceful even following the orders to do this and their spin is alex
jones called the feds and he wants to come tell them what really happened and then they have these
maps they put out on tv that show trump up at the top and then meadow's under him and then other
and then you know and then don jr and then roger stone and then me and it goes down and it's
it's fiction just like it's fiction the oath keepers are a terrorist organization you know how
many videos we have on man dot video that they'll take down off twitter or facebook or youtube because
they don't want you know the truth in fact put it back up place of the oath keepers saving police
and trying to stop people going in the building on january 6 we just had it on screen for tv viewers
will put it back up for me i'll give it to radio clusters but the reason this is so important
is because they are framing the american people just like they're framing the million people
that came to dc as terrorists because maybe a couple hundred mainly provocateurs got in
fist fights with the police and then the police opened the doors and based on that they're trying
to roll out their literal reeducation camps and their patriot act for the american people and
then that leads us to this obama's a g eric holder tells me that while he initially thought in
dining former president trump would be too divisive he now thinks there is evidence enough that he
should be held accountable for his role in january 6 and let's not forget who eric holder is he got
caught running fast and furious hundreds of thousands of guns total into mexico to the drug
cartels and to isaac and al qaeda that all came out the news and now he's climbed out from underneath
the rock and is now saying we need to arrest the president even though he obstructed it
and got caught lying and all of it came out now he wants to escalate the situation by arresting
the real president that even the majority of democrats know really won the election you know
take jill biden her husband supposedly got more votes anybody in u.s history 11 million more but
she can only sell 240 books in the first week of her book coming up 240 something books
oh but dot on trump could sell 10 million none of it's true and everybody knows it
but here's uh the eric holder comment americ garland you mentioned he's now
your old job as attorney general there have been critics of him who say that he isn't being
aggressive enough around the prosecutions regarding january the sixth do you think that's right
no one knows i mean you know i have great faith in america and in the people at the justice department
we won't really know how aggressive they have been until they are before a camera and announcing a
decision either to indict certain people or not indict certain people here's my prediction
at some point people at the justice department perhaps that prosecutor in in atlanta are going
to have to make a determination about whether or not they want to indict donald trump there's going
to be i do it well i think there's going to be sufficient factual information and i think
that there's going to be sufficient proof of intent and then the question becomes what's the
impact of uh of such an indictment i will i'm an institutionalist my initial thought was not to indict
the former president out of concern of what how divisive it would be but given what we have learned
i think that he probably has to be held accountable what you have learned is that you guys were to
stand down and provocateur the operation with the same fbi team that ran the fake wetmer kidnapping
we know there was a thousand paramilitary fbi and auxiliaries in the crowd and you did nothing
to help those police officers when they were outnumbered by the few hundred thugs
your fingerprints are all over just like your fingerprints are all over oklahoma city
and you got caught red-handed and fast and furious you're a terrorist you're a criminal
you're an enemy of this country eric holder and you will pay when you are judged by god
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body and all of your hormones and so much more ultra 12 is incredible you take it out of the tongue
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the eugenicist over 100 years ago were very public about their plans they financed major
universities they ran full page stories and advertisements pushing their propaganda of
the new york times other major newspapers that the family as we know it is a bad thing
and must be ended and the first step in that is getting women out of the household and teaching
women that cooking dinner and taking care of their sons and daughters and husbands is a bad thing
and i was just sitting here tonight making dinner for my daughter my four natural daughter my wife
makes dinner a lot of times but i like to make it as well i love to make breakfast and literally
it's the funnest thing on earth to make food for your family and be nurturative and then all sit
down together and have that communal event and that's what the system is attacking and bombarding
is our normal biological actions are coming together they really are sick evil scientific
cult of filth and domesticate us and turn us into lab rats that we cannot let this continue
if i had to describe with just one word the brainwashing the mind control the asleep prince
that the general public is in the best word would actually be the people are lost just like you're
lost to sleep or lost in a bad nightmare you're in a car he get knocked out and you've lost
your bearings because you are totally dizzy and confused you have a concussion
and that's what the globalists have done they have stunned us they have put us into a position
of not knowing our bearings and then claus Schwab recently came out and gave speech he called the
great new narrative where he brags how the public is lost how the culture in the media
has been driven to make sure the people are all alone so they can now guide humanity over the
edge of a cliff that's what the great reset is they need darkness to thrive the light lives
at info wars dot com
and we've been getting a lot of crypto donations which is keeping us on here
want to salute all those you know who you are the beginning of the donations please go to info
wars dot com forward slash crypto info wars dot com forward slash crypto info wars dot com
forward slash crypto whether it's a dollar in ethereum or bitcoin or whatever it is whether
it's a thousand dollars or a million dollars we will use it to fight the new world order ethereum
bitcoin xrp litecoin there there's dozens of them there info war store dot com by the way
we've got our own nfts at harness cam they're totally badass in total victory coming out next
week i'll tell you about that later but right now info wars dot com forward slash crypto the real
revolution is happening now info wars dot com forward slash crypto and all of the donated we
salute you and thank you leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
from the front lines of the information war it's alex jones
the letter from albert pike regarding the illuminati plan for three world wars is largely
considered a hoax due to the use of the word nazism in a letter dated 1871 but it is interesting to
note the desired outcome of this alleged plan according to the letter the third war officially
started on 9 11 and was intended to leave the people in a state of complete physical
moral spiritual and economic exhaustion they will then use nihilists atheists and revolutionaries
to create a cataclysm of social turmoil and they will do this in order to force the people
into exterminating the destroyers of civilization according to this letter this bloodbath would
result in the destruction of both christianity and atheism and lead to the pure doctrine of
lucifer as the new world religion and it does appear as if this is happening now as if the
powers that be are pushing the people into a desperate corner as if their main goal is to
create mass chaos and violence but they've been doing this all by decree because they have no
authority over god or the us constitution and so they'd be thrilled if we burn it all down for them
proving we are inferior savages in need of governance they thought they'd have that on
january 6th but the people were there for peace love and justice not a revolution we don't need
one we already have our declaration of independence but without justice the death cult remains free
and continues on its path to kill us all they're going to shut us down again but this time the
united nations will be in charge our government is giving them that authority at the end of this
month just in time for the next international health crisis and with the leaked supreme court
memo on roe v wade they can launch endless organized riots on us while we remain locked in our homes
round two is coming and this time with food shortages and the crashing dollar
but it doesn't have to be like this their authority is the biggest
psi up ever you are not their slave unless you choose to be they are convincing you to do this to
yourself when they demanded that everyone wear a mask in 2020 the majority of us could have said no
demanded justice and the true renaissance would have then begun the 2020 lockdown was a beta test
to gauge how compliant the population was and we failed but we will soon have another chance
and 2020 was also a wake-up call for millions of americans and millions worldwide who previously
had no idea how corrupt our governments had become so now we are many and we must all prepare for
the next lockdown and we must remember that we are not savages sheep or slaves we are human
beings with free will and as lawful americans it is our responsibility to apprehend these traders
exact justice and restore the republic but first we must simply say no say no to the masks say no
to sheltering in place say no to vaccine passports say no to shutting down your business or your church
and if the police come to shut you down make them commit treason the law of the land is already in
the hands of the people all we have to do is wake up and take it back together peace love and justice
is ours if we want it reporting for info wars this is greg reese
all right i'm going to tell you exactly what's going on and it's it's not my opinion we know
um i believe john roberts is the one that leaked the draft we know he's compromised in blackmailed
and basically a deep stator democrat posing as a republican we know that since february of last
year it's come out he's sat on the supreme court ruling using the power of his chief justice to
block the court from ruling they began to get very upset about it the last year and so now it's
been leaked to not make americans come together against the mass mandates the force injections the
open borders and the inflation and the wars and the pedophilia and all the rest of it
but to make everybody fight going into the election about abortion
which is just going to be given back to the states to deal with anyways doesn't even get rid of it
though it does curtail it and is a constitutional move and if i had a suspect it would be him his
minions and now he's the one of course running the investigation just like fouchy launched
with bill gates and peter dazik the bio attack and then they're the ones in charge
of the investigation and so that's where we are and the same people like eric holder and
loretta lynch that all those corrupt evil things have one of their minions garland
in there who will preside over making sure that federal law enforcement doesn't get in the way
of the ongoing coup against the american people then the left on the ground will supply all the
false flags and events they need the left will go out and fire bomb and attack and then that
won't get covered in the press but then you have this coming out we're getting no national attention
and portland journalists who reported on the alt right for liberal papers arrested over the tax
on synagogues and mosque posing as you guessed it a drum supporter
how many leftists have been caught doing this adam kevin julio evan justin carlos marcos
kami forte rodney matt we're going to all your calls starting now adam you'll go to you next
but first is kevin in south dakota says he was jan six was there in dc and the abortion topic go
ahead hey alex i remember coming out on the fifth because i wanted to check to see that i'd have a
route i thought antifa would intact us on our way back from the trump rally i thought i'll get a
hotel three miles away and i came in the night before on the subway got off at the supreme court
station and as i came out they cordoned off the area for two miles from the event the night before
you couldn't even park nearby i heard echoing through the skyscrapers the dulcet tones of alex
jones i heard you speaking down there at the uh freedom plaza and i went there and i saw you
and roger stone and i was i was keyed up and then i went to the event on january six i saw two women
pushing dogs and strollers i saw a man and his wife with a baby over the shoulder i saw a bunch of
people dressed up like trump supporters who would cuss and yell and try and rile other people up
and nothing would happen we'd all just kind of avoid them like well that that that's a crazy but
we we love jesus in the country and trumpin and i saw people with gay gads and snake
snake flags and people getting high it was like it was like conservative woodstock for goodness sake
and they didn't plan for it and they had people on top of the porta potties and i had to climb a tree
to see the overflow screen so i know that january six was a complete false flag operation designed
to undermine the right for the purpose of giving the left a talking point and now we see a fodder
for the election and now they're doing the same thing with the pro choice i got a death threat
yesterday from some female to male who called me a scum expletive and told me to die and that they'd
be willing to do it and that i need to be made an example of because i'm pro-life and i present my
arguments clearly with proper information facts and i i cite it and they can't stand it because
it's cognitive distance and they're brainwashed and they're the heroes so they're allowed to be
violent and we see catholic churches churches being attacked everywhere i showed a bunch of videos of
it last night the media acting like it's a good thing uh the white house president saying it's a
good thing to docks and go harass supreme court justices of their homes this is a group of bullying
terrorists with the whole corporate media and the federal government on their side they are the
establishment we are the people and they were so scared of that diverse crowd of a million people
that showed up with maybe a thousand provocateurs inside the whole crowd who then attacked the
outman police while the fbi thousand fbi agents paramilitary shacked there in the crowd at the
capital while i tried to stop it and did nothing shame on them great points god bless you kevin
we're gonna start the next hour and go boom boom boom boom boom boom boom through your calls
and a bunch of other big topics something exciting i forgot to tell you it's back in stock
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next 45 seconds i don't have time to get into vitamin b12 but do your own research and realize
when it is organic high quality vitamin b12 it energizes every other vitamin mineral in your
body and all of your hormones and so much more ultra 12 is incredible you take it under the tongue
so it's better absorption to your body and it is a game changer info wars store.com has ultra 12
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it is 40 off for a limited time so at now fund the info war and experience the purest highest
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if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
20 conservative states are threatening legal action against the department of homeland
securities newly formed disinformation governance board which they said will have a chilling effect
on freedom of expression and described it as un-american unconstitutional would be the word
i would use now the good news is is that almost all the big tech platforms now acknowledge some
responsibility for content on their platforms and they're investing in large teams of people to
monitor it while content moderation can limit the distribution of clearly dangerous content
it doesn't go far enough this mega crowd is really the most extreme public
organization that's existed in american history if it were that's it would merely be irony that the
biden administration led by its chronic serial fabricator in chief is just gonna bypass that
worthless old first amendment and set up an orwellian ministry of truth led by esteemed
disinformation regurgitator nina jankowitz so what i'm encouraging individuals to do in particular
uh just your normal average everyday citizen is to practice informational distancing where
recognizing that disinformation and misinformation often run on emotional manipulation when you
feel your emotions rising to just walk away from your device for a little bit uh let yourself
cool down and then start to consider the source why does that particular source uh have an interest
in emotionally manipulating you but we're gonna begin tonight with that alleged terror plot and
the chilling plan the fbi says it stopped before it could be carried out a plan to kidnap michigan
governor gretchen whitmer and then what they were planning to do to her 13 suspects arrested
including seven alleged members of a right-wing militia group the local four defenders first
told you the men charged in the plot the kidnap governor whitmer say the men who train them the
entire time were undercover fbi agents now a new court filing obtained by the defenders
filed by so-called ringleader adam vox says paid fbi informants were also the ones to come up with
the plan to kidnap the governor and attack her summer home jankowitz has praised the debunked
dossier author christopher steel and vehemently claim that the hunter biden laptop story was
russian disinformation but jankowitz's manic zealotry is far more complicated than what appears on
the surface jankowitz's resume reads like a quintessential job application to the biden
ukrainian corruption corporation an organization hell bent on new world order russia regime change
fueled by the fleecing of the american taxpayer in 2010 jankowitz attended a university in russia
in 2017 she was a full bright fellow in kiv working alongside the foreign ministry of ukraine
she has also served as a disinformation fellow at the treasonous woodrow wilson center and as
supervisor of the russia and belarus programs at the national democratic institute republicans are
criticizing your decision the administration's decision to choose nina jankowitz to lead this
disinformation board they say she is not somebody who is neutral your response eminently qualified
a renowned expert in the field of disinformation absolutely so
is really quite ferocious it's when a hoax detects the lies and makes them sound precocious by saying
them in congress or a mainstream outfit so disinformation's origins are slightly less
atrocious when when the department picked her was the department aware of her tiktok videos
senator um uh they're really quite precocious um senator um i was not uh aware uh of those videos
and as the multi-millionaire wall street leaching democratic party eggs on world war three and funnels
in billions of us taxpayer dollars to one of the most corrupt countries on earth ukraine corruption
blatantly tied to the biden family jankowitz fronts an effort mirroring the totalitarianism
being wielded on ukrainian dissenters an effort that would make the ukrainian gerbils worshiping
azov battalion very proud ask yourself what is the end game for a ministry of truth no don't
do that your door is being kicked in john bound reporting
ladies and gentlemen mike lindell is sponsoring thousands of leading pro america patriots across
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big brother mainstream media government cover-ups you want to stop tyranny
well so does he live from the info wars.com studios it's alex jones
we are now into hour number two on this live monday may 9th broadcast and i cleared the decks
with no guests today because i'm going to take a lot of phone calls but mtg marjorie taylor green
is able to pop in at the bottom of the next hour she'll be with us for 30 minutes but
the next hour and a half we're taking a ton of your phone calls the toll free numbers 8777892539
again i'm your host alex jones we have the big ukraine news vladimir putin vows as in 1945 victory
will be ours jill biden visits sodas bono and other crooks we're going to be looking at that
and we've got huge covet 19 lockdown to coming news if we don't stop it we have got so much to
break down the new ministry of truth and more we have millions of regular listeners wonderful
people you know who you are but we also have millions of people that just come through
occasionally and listen to see what it's all about and what it's all about is the rest of
your life and the rest of my life the globalists have decided to cut off the resources to the
general public and to bring in a post industrial world to then force the population that's the
state of gold and i've got more quotes from the debauch group and the un more video of them saying
it yesterday and today while they meet in switzerland to decide the future of humanity
and so this broadcast is really about getting people to become active in their futures
and learning how the world really works and learning who the real power players are so
we don't get run over by these corporate fascist and their leftist minions speaking of marjorie
taylor green was called a big win friday afternoon when the judge said after putting her through the
ringer that the democrat party lawsuit trying to block her from being able to run for office
was unconstitutional she's not been charged with a crime she's done nothing wrong she won
her last election in landslide she's an amazing lady of courage and intelligence has gone through
a lot how can you bar somebody just because they wanted to challenge an election legally and lawfully
something democrats do every time there's an election how can you do that so
so how is it really a victory to say oh the judge said that she can run for office the judge
shouldn't even have heard the case all the other cases brought against more than a dozen members
of congress like gozer and others the judges said it's unconstitutional i'm not gonna hear it on
its face if they were convicted felons then you can say they can't run and i think that's even
unconstitutional i think once you've done your time you should be able to run for office but the
idea of saying that conservatives and populist and christians and nationalists america firsters
that we are trying to steal elections when the democrats are being constantly caught doing it
amazing evidence in the nest of citizens who film 2000 mules while they're trying to block the public
from being able to have the candidates of their choice to run the most fundamental
assault on voting rights one could imagine all right we've got a lot of callers here start going
to them right now adam in oklahoma has a question he says who is q would you like to elaborate on
that and i'll tell you who q is okay yeah thank you alex i appreciate you take my call a few years
ago you painted some broad brush strokes about who q was and how impossibly had exchanged hands and
things like that and at one point you threatened that if they didn't come out and say who they were
themselves that you were going to do it and you know i can't listen all the time but maybe you did
cover it at some point but i never did hear names named about who q is well um i'm on record
saying that q was lying that trump would be back in office on january 20th and right but you didn't
you have names of who q is well let's let's let's just let me let me talk for a second okay
q is such a horrible thing that i hate to even talk about it all right um q is anonymous so it's
what people are calling and asking me who is the anonymous hacking group it's any group
wants to call themselves anonymous it's the same thing with q it's called esoterica or occult occult
means hidden when you see the movie eyes wide shut based on real things that went on when they go to
the satanic orgy where the woman's killed you don't know who anyone is they're wearing mask
so that's why historically people wearing masks generally aren't the good guys
and so it's a tar baby because people love a puzzle they they love a scavenger hunt and
they want to feel like they're part of something magic and secretly getting orders from president
trump and then everything was fine and he was everybody was going to get arrested and trump
was going to end up being emperor and everything was fine and it was all a delusion to make people
think everything was okay so the democrats could steal the election and yes i do know what happened
with q i do know who started it i do know what happened with it but no one wants the truth so
i won't tell you how about that just what i mean what do you think it is uh tell you the truth i
don't know i do think it's a sigh out for sure uh but it seems to me like it's just time to take the
mask off the scuba commander if there is names to name that uh they they create this buggy man and
if certainly if the uh government wanted to know who it was they would they would find out you know
in days if they wanted to they don't they don't want to say it yeah um you know i'm in a unique
position to know things a lot of people don't know and in many cases to protect the innocent
i'm not going to say who started it but i can tell you they were only in control of it for about a
month and then it got taken away by a bunch of disinfo experts and operatives um right out of the
cia and that's a fact and i've got a track record of being accurate about that so here's what happened
with q we were very successful exposing the child kidnapping ring satanism angle by the democratic
party wiki leaks was very very successful at releasing real information remember that in the
run up to the election 2016 hey someone on the inside was given out accurate information that's
okay i'm gonna start over i'm gonna start over because the whole q thing we could talk for hours
about this so this may take me a while to go over and i've got a little bit of a bug in my throat
here sorry you know here's the thing about the q deal i lay out exactly what's going on and nobody
cares every caller i talk to you like you and i'm not mad at you when i said her and i'm telling
you specific stuff i said did you hear what i just said and he responded back with i know somebody
was given out accurate information
do i mean i mean look i love you adam did you hear what i just said in the lead up to that
what did i say to you right before you responded back with a yeah i know somebody was given out
that information okay i'm sorry i'm a little nervous i might have no no no it's okay it's okay
you understand that we lost the cut free because of q yes sir and i have to put up with the q people
all over the place and i'm tired of it so i'm not mad at you but you just hit a button here
and the damn q people were the ones that manipulated some people to go into the damn capital and
worked with the feds q is the worst people on earth at the top q is the new world order q is
a psi op to lead us around by our noses i'm gonna put you on hold on to come back to you i'm gonna
start over i may take the q shaman i know him i know filmmakers that know his family he's not
a bad guy he's completely schizophrenic they know he's schizophrenic and they're sending him to jail
for four years for doing nothing that's how sick and how painful all of this is and and in my
frustration here's my frustration i can give you the emails and the documents and i've shut them
on air probably 50 times where peter dazik and bill gates and the rest of these criminals
are openly creating covet 19 and talking about releasing it and no one cares and no one listens
and no one knows about it but if it's some magic made up puff the magic dragon q thing everybody
knows about it let's talk about the minutiae all day so i'm gonna start over don't hang up at him
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order it's alex jones
we're showing some footage on the screen um some of the pro-abortion activists protesting outside
these supreme court justice's homes there we've got uh their patron saint up there directing them
all right getting serious thank you so much for joining us here on the alex jones show and i
apologize to adam from oklahoma who asked a very reasonable question and i got angry because when i
opened my brain up and start going back over what all the q stuff did it gives me a headache
and the biggest frustration is i know exactly went on every damn angle of it would take hours to
explain and people don't seem to care about real hardcore documents and so if you want to believe
some nebulous thing knock yourselves out some nebulous thing that led the country into destruction
and that lied to you at every turn and i'm not talking to adam who i'll go back to in a moment
i'm talking to the nice people a lot of good people like mtg and general flinn and myself to
a certain extent knew what was going on with the q thing and knew that there was a tug of war going
on over this anonymous thing and so well let's just try to co-opt it away from the bad guys that
are using it and use it for good and that's what general flinn tried to do okay had discussions
with him about it and i told flinn he ought to just come out and say he's q so he could shut
up all the dis info people and actually make q good it would be real if flinn let it and i'm not
going to get into our off the record discussions but because q is so nebulous flinn wouldn't do that
so i was working years ago trying to fix q and i'm going to explain this to you so i'm going to stop
right here i inspired q paul joseph watson did info wars did in the election wiki leaks gave birth
to q wiki leaks is real the pedophilia the child kidnapping rings that are in the emails
with john podesta and all the rest of it and tony podesta that's all real
so how do you counter something like that well they come out with saying it's really in a pizza
place in dc not at farmhouses in new york and illinois and in california
so they divert off onto the pizza place that did have a bunch of creepy weird stuff and did have
some of the people involved in the tough going there and so you kill a real story
with a fake story that discredits it
and that's what's happened there and then a lot of patriots some in the trump administration
and some in us intelligence saw that info wars got major heat for exposing the pedophile rings
and jeffrey eppstein and they said let's do it anonymously and put out intel from our people
inside the white house when trump first got elected and let's really energize the grass roots and
have like a secret propaganda arm that tells the truth but releases stuff too hot to handle
to the public and that was the consortium of people in the white house they tried to do
what info wars does but not putting their name on it within a month it got taken away on the
eight-chan and the four-chan boards by the other side i came out and said it's been compromised it's
bad get away from it then a tug of war happened then big tech would let q information be promoted
and pushed the top everywhere knowing that would make people get involved with it and think it was
real and popular well we were all being suppressed then what if i warned people about the q movement
being anonymous and dangerous people would think oh he's opposition to q and trump he's bad
and then i explained that they were going to provocateur people i think they were part of
secret missions for trump to do all sorts of weird violent things that happen in the u.s but thank
god none of it ever really got big until january six and the majority of people that did go into
the building of different organizations and groups individuals had the q propaganda background
that there was going to be this big storm and this was the day of the takeover and it was all
going to happen that day they were led and manipulated by the deep state
that by then had taken over and if you want to understand how this works look up
what happened in russia in the 1920s
with movements that the russian intelligence communist agency set up to try to find out who
all the opposition was in the country they created their own underground group
group which its slogan was trust the plan
and they actually went on and led the opposition for several years and then tricked opposition
into going to carry out violence where they then caught them imprisoned them and executed them
and so these programs have been before it was called operation trust the 100-year-old psi
op repackage is q anon that's an excellent article on it q anon bears striking resemblance to bolshevik
psi op from 1920s known as operation trust and so operation trust 2.0 everything the globalist
does is bolshevik and style was carried out it's been carried out and now it's gotten so insane
overhead shot please that in dallas and in vegas and in new york city and in la and in austin
they have meetings sometimes with thousands usually hundreds of people that show up with flags
saying trump jfk jr 2024 believing he's going to show up and then they'll just pick some random
insane person out of the crowd and say it's jfk jr for tv viewers i'm showing you the image of
what's probably 500 a thousand people in delhi plaza downtown dallas waiting for jfk jr to arrive
and that is all the psi oppers literally testing the mind control they've got over these people and
these people admit they're wrong they'll be free of this but they can't admit they're wrong because
they're under stockholm syndrome and those very people think i'm bad because i told them january
20th biden will be sworn in at january 6 the big push was from the q people was oh my gosh
trump is going to be put in that day biden will be arrested and i said stay away from dc
don't be part of any violence watch your back this is not the time to demonstrate
right this is the insanity
and so that's why i have a visceral response i'm triggered like a leftist when i hear this or i
see this because anything historically that's hidden in esoteric and wearing a mask you're
just supposed to trust as we all go as one go we all go and trust the plan when you hear that you
shouldn't walk you should run away from it i'm going to come back adam and finish up with you
thank you so much i apologize by blowing up nothing to do with you
ladies and gentlemen michael indell is sponsoring thousands of leading pro america
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and they're limited edition because we're never going to make any of these designs again we are
going to come out with some new designs that'll be limited limited edition in the future we've
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your historic apparel now info wars store.com you deserve a deep restful sleep with knockout
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get the sleep you deserve and experience the power of knockout leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the new world order it's alex jones you are listening to an info wars dot com frontline
report it's alex jones so i'm actually glad that adam called in and asked who and what is q and the
answer is the same thing is anonymous people done good thing as hackers white hat activity
calling themselves anonymous and wearing the guy fox mask a lot of bad stuff's been done
in its name and so anything that is hidden and esoteric is a lot of fun for some people but it's
very very dangerous and not good and that's basically where we are on that issue and i'm
pretty much done talking about it um it's been crawling out from under its rock again and
and people need to understand that it is simply going to try to lead the liberty movement astray
you had trump up there saying what he believed in and he was the president you have tucker
carlson you have alex jones you have yourself you have countless others who have long histories
you know who they are you know what they have to say and what they're doing and then you've got
groups that tell you everything's wonderful and everything's about to be fixed and everything's
fine now i'll tell you worldwide the pendulum has been swinging back against globalism and
tyranny for a while that's why you're seeing the lockdowns and the surveillance and the wars and
all the inflation is they're trying to distract us and get us back in our cages so there is a lot
of good things happening that's because you've been spreading the word and you've been waking up
and you've been waking other people up not some magical intelligence agency or group
and for me it's not about name dropping and most these meetings have been off record
but i haven't just met with people like general flin many times i met with other former intelligence
agency heads i've met with well-known very famous billionaires i and and at these meetings they're
not trying to flatter me they're spending most their time asking what i believe and it isn't
about oh alex jones knows it all when they have meetings with smart people they want to hear from
them and i want to hear from them and our knowledge base is about on par with each other it's about
equal and so we've got the best thinking with the facts on what's going on and it's completely
transparent i have a stack of new studies one out of israel one out of the uk with the same number
of spike in emergency room heart problems among fully vaccinated young adults 25 increase
i mean that's real numbers real studies real things you can sync your teeth into and check
but the corporate media almost never gives you any documentation they just say alex jones is a
light supremacist or they just say alex jones ran january 6 or they just say this stuff with no proof
and you shouldn't walk you should run from people like that i want to get to all your calls i apologize
i spent 20 minutes on this but it's an important topic a painful topic got a lot of people hurt
on january 6 honest that folks are in jail because they thought that they were part of a secret plan
working with trump and it wasn't trump it was the deep state manipulating trump supporters
so they could demonize all of us together and their plan basically fizzled as a dud but still
caused damage and we're sad for all those including the police officer the dad of heart attack later
and others particularly ashley babbitt and others that died okay adam in oklahoma did that answer
your question yes sir that was a very powerful answer and god bless you alex uh what you wrapped
up there is the reason why i called and asked it's just so many people took the bait for this and it
troubles me and there's so many real things happening uh that was the intent of my call and i sure
appreciate the answer oh listen i had nothing to do with you it was a great question i'll just be
honest with you i am very angry about january 6 and i'm very angry how they stole the election
and i'm very angry how people bought into q i'm not angry with them i just it just enrages me so
i'm sorry that some of that rage sounded like it was directed at you and i know it's been a long
conversation uh but i would if you'd let me say a prayer for you i'd sure appreciate that
um father god thank you for uh some of the things that are coming to light in this world
and i thank you for the courage that alex and his team have had uh and father as with as these
things come to the surface uh let us all look in the mirror and at our own sins and let us
see what christ has done for us and let us work on our own walk uh um there we all have room for
improvement father but as some of these treacherous evils come to light just let us look in the mirror
as well and we just thank you and give you praise in jesus name amen amen thank you so much adam
thank you so much i'm so exhausted i mean the bible says with great knowledge comes great sorrow
and it's it's really true we could end this and fix this so quickly but as christ said the people
perish for lack of knowledge and we are just already going into the new world order and it's
just gonna it's gonna be so rough and you know i don't want to sit up here and and tell you things
are gonna get tough and demoralize you at least you know ahead of other people and you can warn
them and get ready but i wish i could sit up here and give you all roses and tell you everything's
going to be fine it's not and Winston Churchill after the battle of duncurt when the british
forces have been smashed and pushed into the ocean by the nazis he can pull a speech up and he says i
cannot offer you peace i can't offer you safety i can't offer you anything but blood sweat and tears
and a long hard war but i know this at the end we will win the outcome of fighting and defeating
this tyranny will be much greater than living under it and submitting to it and so we're going to go
on to the end whatever the cost may be that's all i can offer you i i mean i could get up here and
have three times the listeners if i blew a bunch of smoke up your rear end folks i just can't do it
i just can't do it and that doesn't mean that i'm not literally shaken by this information
you know every day i get up and there's a new bill gates or claus schwaver or harari quote
where they're gonna depopulate us and they're gonna take everything we've got i got a new
quote from him today about yeah you'll have no freedom you'll have no privacy you'll have no
democracy you'll have no privacy i mean you just they're just in our faces and and i i think we're
better than these people at least as good as them why do we let trash like this sit up there and
declare war on us and instead everybody still wants to talk about jfk jr is still alive and he's
going to show up with trump and they're going to run for president that's just the most insane
horse crap ever heard but they do it to punch your buttons and see what they can get you to do
and let me say this about my beloved populist christian right wing
who's the smartest most informed hard worker people on the face of the planet
and who i'm humbled to know the delusional behavior in the patriot movement is one one
hundred thousand democrats the democrats think a man can become a woman
and a woman can become a man they think chopping a little boys genitals off a little girl's breast
off uh is a a plus they think pedophilia is good they think inflation is good they think open
borders and disease is good they think fentanyl is good they think the evaluation of currencies is
good they think famine and death and destruction and everything is good and you look at them they're
jokes and they're very sad and so when we see delusion we have to understand that that is our
enemy so if something is too good to be true it is too good to be true and there ain't no free
lunches in this universe now i'm going to go to the calls and i'm going to take five calls next
segment i'm going to get to every caller on the board ahead of mtg joining us in about 45s
50 minutes from now so uh we'll go to the order the calls are received when we come back so get
ready and i appreciate you all holding but that cue discussion was important very briefly i miss
spoke at the end of the last hour and it's a good mistake i made ultra 12 sold out for four or five
months highest quality vitamin b12 so good for your body taken sublingually under the tongue
ultra 12 was back in stock at 40 percent off not 25 percent off 40 percent off for a limited time
info war store.com you can get it 40 off as well with survival shield x2 despite the fact it's
selling out together in the combo pack the info wars life core combo pack 40 off as well with
those together and it keeps us on the air and they're game changing we'll be right back please stay with
us i want to thank all of you over the years who have supported info wars financially with word
of mouth and prayer all the success that we've had together against the globalists and the fact that
we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you humanity has a real
fighting chance that's what i want to thank you all for buying products and then forward for
dot com like books and films and supplements and water filtration air filtration so much more
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of the money to fund our operation during this critical time go to infowarstore.com and right
at the top you'll see a link to make a straight donation a one-time donation of five dollars
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that have donated i want to encourage those of you out there that want to support freedom to take
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dry bags we've got them for cell phones we've got them for laptops we've got them for ipads it's all
there at infowarstore.com so protect your privacy today and support the info war at infowarstore.com
it's about 25 years ago that i wanted to expand info wars i've been on the air a couple of years
but i only had money to finance my own simple little local radio show i wanted to hire camera
people i wanted to make films i wanted to really challenge the globalist and it was a t-shirt i
designed the first one mass murderers agreed gun control works that helped us finance hiring the
first two members of my group that's our oldest design and we still sell it we have that design
over a hundred others that will now all be limited editions because whatever stock we've got in that's
it we're selling everything out to fund the operation to get rid of inventory we'll still
have some teachers in the future they'll just be limited editions and short runs so if you want to
get any of these historic shirts this is your last chance i almost forgot we're selling them all
at cost at infowarstore.com every ball cap every flag every hoodie every long sleeve every t-shirt
leading up frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
there's blood on the streets it's up to my ankles
blood on the streets it's up to my knees
we're about to go to your calls to leo and others in the order they received
you're on the Alejandro Jones show look at this headline monday live
leftist brown shirts intensify fire bombings intimidation campaigns across the us an attempt
to force americans into letting them kill more children and it's all true that's some other
big breaking news i'll hit at the end of the segment dealing with george soros and his mind
control board his ministry of truth can't make that up it's all real all happening doesn't get a
lot worse than we wake up and say no but let's talk to a great caller in colorado let's talk to julio
andro it's good to chat with you senior it's been a while i escaped illinois the chicago area a city
that it was once a crown jewel of the midwest and the us escaped to uh northern colorado where
there are a lot of patriots i see a lot of info wars bumper stickers a lot of beautiful people out
there but i tell you what alex i've never seen a homeless problem like i've seen in denver colorado
i call it mouth skid like skid row in la it's incredible folks if you're in a city if you're
near a metropolitan area i'd say escape while you can because it's going to be horrific in the years
to come and for those that don't know i didn't know you were the julio i knew you've been a guest
on the show a few times you're a reporter so get to have you here with us julio yeah good to be back
alex it's been a while uh since i've last spoken to you uh it's incredible to see where we are in
this country from i mean god i started listening to you when i was in college uh oh 10 11 years ago
it's insane you know when i first started calling i spoke a lot about weather modification the air
force has a document owning a weather as a force multiplier owning the weather in 2025 well then
it's a part of a six-piece document series called air force 2025 where they go through a bunch of
scenarios that they forecast for the year 2025 and here we are a few years out and it's quite insane
to see especially in this document talking about transnational corporations and their power and
influence over you know over policy over wars and we're seeing that right now especially with a guy
like bill gates my biggest concern alex you know you see with the situation in ukraine and russia
with fertilizer and wheat prices skyrocketing you're also going to see that with hay i spoke to a hay
farmer out in northeastern colorado who's hitting the panic button about wheat uh hay futures oh
there's an incredible cascading chain reaction no no doubt about it i mean if you look at the u.s
drought monitor the biggest areas in the country that's dealing with drought is the western part
of the united states that's california where produces a lot of fruits and vegetables wine
colorado you have the high plains as well nebraska oklahoma wyoming with a lot of wheat that
is dependent across the country so i i've attended several weather modification conferences over the
last few years wanting uh san antonio texas beautiful city one in fargo dr coder so there's no doubt
in my mind that weather modification programs are taking place and if you if people just search
geoengineering they'll read people like alan roeback from ruptures oh absolutely and it all ties
together and it's all part of the depopulation plan they they really admit they're doing it
julio thank you for holding it's great hearing from you if you ever want to shoot us an email or
come on as a guest or tell us what you're doing these days maybe you can do some reporting for us
while you're out in uh out in colorado and and let me take this get his number guys thanks thanks
julio take this full circle the left is farming homeless they advertise it they bring them there
they give them food they give and then they get welfare checks that the leftist group skin the
skin the top off of and so they're farming the homeless like a farmer would farm wheat or
corn or soybeans all right up next here would be ebbin in california ebbin thank you for calling
alex it's a pleasure to talk to you today hey alex i wanted to uh point out that i think the
key to victory is the church and jesus christ and all the people in america that are christians
and if i could point something out i noticed that in churches and studies they say that they stop
preaching prophecy 25 of the bible's prophecy and it essentially is talking about what you're talking
about so the great disconnect and where the power has been removed almost like a q movement thing
where the power has been removed from america is with weak pastors that got bribed into not
preaching prophecy and then we have pastors that will preach the rapture which i actually believe
and at some point but that christians think hey if i just you know go to sleep and rest
that everything will be done right why believe the reason why god's allowed so many people to
suffer with the vaccine and things like that is so that they'll realize god is trying to do us a
favor telling us about prophecy he's trying to get us ready and the listeners are the greatest
fault of the earth are the info wars listeners and i just want to point out because i've been
able to do it effectively in california just one guy building a couple little websites and stuff
like that if every listener confronted the pastors in their town and said you got to deal
with this let me know what you think about info wars tell me about this message if it actually
would cost a pastor his you know success in a town if he forced pastors to deal with info wars
dot com and the prophetic message that essentially you're preaching and i do believe that info wars
is the most effective church on planet earth forgetting the word of god out it's the one
that isn't holding back you don't have ulterior motives from the product you sell i really enjoyed
x2 from the product you sell and everything you're saying you're risking your life and frankly
most christian pastors aren't they should be banned they should be banned not you it's the pastors
that are supposed to be talking about the new world order not you so what you know essentially i
believe you and oh and the whole info wars team on the most effective church and planet earth
and i really would like to urge people that were given to their weak neighborly church
to confront that church and to start making their ties and offerings to info wars and just
saying i'm an evangelist i have a jesus christ worldwide ministries dot org website his abortion
murder might i'm doing what i can but i'll tell you this the most effective ministry tool i've
ever had for people to come in christ was explaining to him about info wars and i learned about the
real world now they have the fear of god in them which should have been there the entire time so
i beautifully said the churches have been taken over they're not doing their jobs on average
and the churches should be exploding in size right now his prophecies fulfilled the church
should be on the front lines fighting all this evil but instead it's become really the heart
of the new world order and that's why it goes back to the people on the ground like you and i
and god bless you sir and i appreciate your call powerful call say another powerful call here
i'm gonna hold carlo suburb the next hour he's a longtime caller i want to hear what he has to
say i want everybody has to say but we're one of the order the calls are received here let's go to
justin in north carolina you're on the air thank you justin hi alex it's a great pleasure to talk
to you i've been listening up for gosh 15 years now um and i'm happy to say i've been able to
pump money into the info wars war chest for much of that time we would have been shut down without
you brother we've been taking the globalist on especially the last four years of point blank
range so thanks for keeping us in the fight oh gosh i know i've been listening to you at
terror storm was a new your latest documentary when i started listening it's been that long so
your studio is like a little broom closet it was tiny so it's amazing to see what's happened in the
last 15 years but i mean that's not why i'm calling it i'm calling in i kind of goes on from the
last caller really just about um you know christianity and and following jesus i i used to kind of
almost scoff when i hear you talk about god on the show back way back when i grew up in the church
of england um and i live in the u.s now but i grew up in england and it was very easy to become cold
because it just there was no talk of a real relationship between god and jesus it just it
wasn't really it was you kind of read a few bible passages and it was very dry and very dark um and
so i strayed for many years um but it wasn't until i was locked down in spain in 2020 that i heard
pastor rodney on your show who's on your show last week you know it was and it was a fantastic
interview um and i felt called i just felt called to his church it was it was kind of profound really
because um i'd lived in tamper for seven years um i was in justin don't hang up i want to hear the
rest of this we're gonna break two minutes don't hang up we're coming right back to you justin
and then we'll get to everybody else here carlos marcos trucker josh comifornia rodney michael
and monica those are the order they're received well monica is actually before some of those so
we'll go monica's like the third caller we're going to but we're gonna come back with justin
and then we're gonna go to carlos monica and others stay with us info wars dot com tomorrow's
news today and thank you all for your prayer and your support but that's what info wars is
meant to be like a mothership to bring on all these other interesting informative people
scientists and pastors and teachers and police officers and farmers and inventors and activists
and that's what it's all about we'll be right back with hour number three in your calls in two minutes
ladies and gentlemen ultra 12 the highest quality v12 you're gonna find on the market
has been sold out for many months but now it's back in stock at info wars store dot com
now in the next 45 seconds i don't have time to get into vitamin b12 but do your own research and
realize when it is organic high quality vitamin b12 it energizes every other vitamin mineral in
your body and all of your hormones and so much more ultra 12 is incredible you take it under the
tongue so it's better absorption to your body and it is a game changer info wars store dot com
has ultra 12 back in stock and despite the fact it's back in stock despite the fact that it's
sold very quickly it is 40 off for a limited time so act now fund the info war experience the purest
highest quality b12 now at info wars store dot com or call toll free triple eight two five three
three one three nine thank you all for your support now take action and get your bottle of ultra 12
and we begin a lot of crypto donations which is keeping us on here want to salute all those you
know who you are the beginning of the donations please go to info wars dot com forward slash
crypto info wars dot com forward slash crypto info wars dot com forward slash crypto whether it's
a dollar in a pterium or bitcoin whether it's a thousand dollars or a million dollars we will
use it to fight the new world order a pterium bitcoin xrp litecoin there there's dozens of them
there info wars store dot com and by the way we've got our own nfts at arnaud scam they're totally
badass in total victory coming out next week i'll tell you about that later but right now info
wars dot com forward slash crypto the real revolution is happening now info wars dot com
forward slash crypto and all of the donated we salute you and thank you
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
there is a spiritual war going on
and the only thing that makes sense when you look at what the new world order is doing
is that they're carrying out satan's operation which was predicted more than 2000 years ago
and regardless whether jesus and god is real the blueprint is proven historically to stop this evil
and the globalists are targeting it may know it's the answer because of course it's real
but they're going to be countless opportunists and devils
that are going to try to put themselves in between you and god there's a lot of great
pastors i'm not saying they're bad there are some that try to mislead that's what jesus said you
need a personal relationship with god that christ the new testament was all about but getting back
to justin start over a little bit you were saying it wasn't till you were in lockdown in spain
listening to pastor rodney howard brown on the show that something happened please continue
well alex yeah it was it was your show i was listening to to the podcast i mean like i said
earlier i've been listening nearly daily for 15 years and something something in what he was saying
it just reached into my soul and touched something and i just felt i said to myself i remember saying
to myself if this guy's church was in tamper as soon as i get home to tamper i would be there every
day and i didn't even know his church was in tamper until the end of the broadcast where he
he announced where the river church was um and as soon as i got back to florida in december 2020
after the holidays holidays were done it was the first it was the first sunday of 2021 and i it was
the sunday morning and i sat up right in bed like a wider week like i've got to go to the river
something truly profound and i i went to the church that day i never i had never
watched a service or anything like that online i kind of even forgot about it until i was at that
moment it was kind of weird um and i got touched i hadn't even got it out of my car and it was
like a medicine ball hit me in my chest and i was like pushed back into the car seat and i was like
wow this is this is the power of god stuff that people have been i've been hearing about oh yeah
this is big spirit powerful absolutely and i tell you what and i i i guess the reason for me telling
this story is to just say to people that once you submit to god and the holy spirit and and give
your life to jesus things will just start happening in your life and are you always used to you know
god's talking to me my whole life i didn't even realize it you know you think of it i used to
think of it as my my gut you know that gut feeling and every time i ignored my gut you know it was
the wrong thing to do um and ever since i i started going to to pastor rodney's church the river at
tamper bay the listening and obeying that's the most important thing you have to be obedient
to that voice and as soon as you just obediently follow that voice um and trust that it's good
and it's it's got you know your best interest at heart and the best interest of the world at heart
things just start unlocking doors start opening just profound you have profound experiences
just like i've had and it's been the most incredible yet but the beautiful symbiotic thing about this
is that the increases i've seen in my own life you know i make i make more money now than i've
ever made in my life before and it's been truly incredible but the brilliant thing about that is
you know i don't live some ostentatious lifestyle all that increase enables me to give more money
into the info it allows me to tie more money into my church enables me to help other people in the
community and i'm i get so much joy from being able to do that and it all comes down and that's
what's beautiful and then the more you do it the more you're given that is exactly how it works and
that's why christian nations even though they aren't purely christian but they try they are the ones
that have all the prosperity and all the power and everyone wants to come there is because where
there is christ there is prosperity where there is the devil there is collapse and evil and pain
very powerful justin thank you for calling powerful call god bless you all right monica and then carlos
and then marcos and then kami fornia and others rodney we're going to everybody
straight ahead stand by and i gotta go quick now i want to get to everybody please stay with us
here at info wars our slogan is tomorrow's news today whether it's politics or health
or spirituality we're about bringing you the very best documented accurate real world information
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immunity your libido your middle clarity they're incredible and out of all the products x2 is
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experience x2 for yourself today at infowarstore.com x2 and infowarstore.com take action now well we
took some truly amazing phone calls in the last hour and that's why a lot of times i say first
time callers and we're on the topic so we can stay on the top of other times wide open phones
anywhere you want to go and i love the wild card effect of it and we're going back to your calls
right now monica thank you for holding from north carolina you're on the year go ahead
hi alex is good to talk to you today um i'm calling from north carolina i was the first
uh protester who was protesting against governor shutdown um to be arrested nationwide
wow so from my um my attorney sent a letter to governor cooper here in north carolina
um asking um did we not have the right to protest and for folks that don't know because we can
probably look it up there's probably a news article about it monica tell us where you were
protesting what happened so i was protesting in a public parking lot near governor cooper's
manson it was uh an extremely peaceful protest um we were um most of us in my corner of the
parking lot and in line we were in or near our cars we were staying six feet apart from each other
we were just playing patriotic music introduced ourselves and um my after my arrest the police
and it's still there on their twitter feed in on their facebook page right now through the world
basically that protesting was a non essential activity yeah that's something they did to
conservatives uh not just here but around the world if you were black lives matter or a communist
group you could protest in france or england or the us but if you were a christian or a
conservative protesting well then in some jurisdictions the police would even tackle people
and brutalize them and take them to jail so uh that's what happened to you huh um i went i went
peace police and i i actually informed some of the news that it showed um one of my statements as i
was taken away was that the police were just doing their job and i was just doing mine
and i honestly felt at the time that once it got when you're arrested um it's no longer your fight
with the police it's now a fight with the court well let me expand on this i found a wxi i report
saying people arrested uh for protesting the lockdown uh wow that's is is that the demonstration
you were talking about um later on there were more the mine was the first nationwide and i
was the only one that stayed in an apartment so you were the tip of the spear well thank god you
helped reopen the country we salute you thank you so um my attorney did receive a letter back from
governor cooper stating of course what we already knew which is my constitution overrides your
governor's order but i was found guilty in court about a year ago for um defying the governor's
order and for trespassing on public properties where i pay taxes um and it's in appeal court right
now so i'm calling in because i want to remind people of a few things one is they're intimidating us
and they're feeding us by uh fire hose right now and simultaneously they're isolating us from each
other by censoring news stories so we don't know about each other so that's right that's why it's
important you call into the show now we know about what happened to you god bless you and thank you
wow what a wonderful lady all right let's go ahead and go to carlos in canada carlos welcome sir
thank you alex um basically what i wanted to mention to you is that the effort to have a
world government has taken place before it's not the first time that the same players that are behind
the moves now were uh in the 1920s actually in january 1920 they propose uh the league of nation
sure the very same people's a rock of fellers the Rothschilds absolutely and whenever i sort of like
wonder oh gee you know i'm losing my focus on history i read one quote and he brings me right back
and it's a quote from amsh mayer amshel Rothschild uh 1773 as you know was an important day for me
but it says here let me issue and control a nation's money and i care not who writes the law
now when i read that it puts me right back where it belongs because you see the supply lines to the
globalist is money and canadians and americans pay taxes and we're paying through our taxes for
these people to go ahead and bring about world government now when the league of nations was
proposed to the american people when they had a government that they could rely on was not going
to be a government to kill them or destroy them or to steal their future this government rejected
the league of nations i can't believe that there are 50 governors in the states that will approve
having the sovereignty of the united states in the health of the individual surrendered to some
global organization that's going to be run by people like bill gates i can't i just can't that's
right i mean it's barely on fox news it's almost no coverage other than independent shows like this
one which is super frustrating folks i wish it was everywhere it's like hey we're the only ones
covering it the u n openly is announced with bill gates that the world economic forum will
will be in control of everybody's health care with the u n and they're going to be meeting the
23rd of the 28th just absolutely outrageous we've got to raise the alarm bell that's right
alec may i make a comment yes a last comment on on ukraine first of all um the world economic
forum has been putting out this fellow um you vow hariri at some sort of spokesperson
well i have to tell you something he's a history uh professor of medieval history he
has absolutely no real authority i guess sure they just celebrate him because he says psychotic
stuff like we're going to kill everybody you're all slaves i mean that's he's just their spokesperson
because he says what they believe what i would like bomb a neuropsychologist by training and i
can tell you about uh i said i never wanted to explain to you the sources of my training but
if you ever have the time i will but i want to tell you something all these people are talking
about the brain they know nothing first of all if you put nanoparticles into the brain and you
think you're going to control it i can use for you the brain has an immune system built in
and he will reject it and you're all you're going to give somebody is Alzheimer's all you're going
to do is cause brain plex oh and you're going to create more than that you're going to create a lot
of mental illness you think your brain has decision-making abilities that are going to be countered
by some external unknown force you got me you're crazy well you know they're selling the nanoparticles
they're now putting in the food in the u.s. after he just said we have no jurisdiction
as something that's going to augment us but you're absolutely right all it's going to cause
his mental illness and death thank you so much carlos incredible call i'd love to have him back
on as a guest he's so smart really really well-known uh scientist up in canada from spain
all right let's take another call let's i promise jam a lot in here who's up next here
isn't holding on this that would be uh rodney in missouri rodney welcome go ahead
hey rodney how you doing buddy good how you doing alec good brother go ahead you got two minutes
okay awesome uh i just had an ideal um one thing that i would think a lot of info words we have
would be uh gold and uh this may be a stupid up deal let me let me press that but uh
uh what if what if anyone that sent in one ounce of gold you gave them back a one-tenth ounce
gold coin but like a certificate of authenticity flash uh hey that'd be great because i don't
have any gold i don't have any gold i used to have gold in my ex-wife got at the divorce
and uh but i'm i'm literally out of money myself so yeah no so that's what i was thinking it would
really help out the the info war and uh you know anyone that sent in one ounce get back to one
tenth ounce and it'd really just be to help the info wars and uh that's a beautiful idea we ought
we ought to print a tenth of an ounce original coin uh minute and then tell folks send us your coin
bullion whatever and then we'll be able to sell it from the operation and they get a little piece
of history that's a our listeners would come through with that i know they would that is
we're gonna do that brother your idea is gonna happen yeah because i think that would be amazing
and then like you you sign all of them that would be the main that would be like the one
that only the people that send in the one ounce would get and then you can make nine others
one trillion percent somebody sends us an ounce of gold they're gonna get a handwritten note
because that's what we need is things that have a big profit in them to fight i haven't announced
this yet but we now officially know and it's gonna come out soon it is george soros behind
all the lawsuits behind us and he's basically getting ready to officially announce he's trying
to take me down so uh rodney beautiful point i'll hold you over case you got anything else
and i'm gonna get to marcos frecker josh kami fornia is up next after a rodney and then michael
as well and we got mtg popping in as well with some big news stay with us
you see this it's an info wars republic defense card with original info wars art designed by
yours truly with a little gold bar and planted in it and on the back it's got a hologram there are
only 25 000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again the bank that owns the mint
that has started putting these out the last few years just sold out of 300 000 of a similar offering
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from info wars life dot com we are so proud of info wars life immune support it is concentrated
herbs that are known on record to supercharge our bodies natural defenses ladies and gentlemen
this is something that is essential and everyone should get and on top of it it funds the info war
so that's the 360 win let me tell you what is in this amazing product concentrated elderberry
concentrated echinacea concentrated astragalus roots angelica root loatium root and more this
product is incredible info wars immune support exclusively available at info wars store dot
com is funding the tip of the spear the info wars operation it is a 360 win the only way you fail
is by not taking action and getting this product to boost your body's natural defenses and keep
info wars on the air the globalists are hoping you don't take action take action now info wars
store dot com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
mtg is coming up got a lot of breaking news i haven't gotten to yet war rooms at 3 p.m. central
today with the great oan shroyer who by the way was always a great talk show host the man he is
just a dynamite five-star host he's really smart and really really really gone to a whole other
level be sure and check that out same thing here is the smith weekday mornings eight a.m in full
wars dot com forward slash show rodney great idea we'll implement that we got to fund this operation
we just got into the black so everybody keeps supporting us so we'll go right back in the red
great products info wars store dot com but what else on your mind sir um i've also called in i was
the same guy that called in about ray yet and uh one point i mean that was absolutely true what i
said and i don't think he was lying but obviously i think he already had the seizure they had the
seizure planned so that they could get out and one thing i wanted to say why aren't some of our
politicians getting this guy under oath yeah why does the fbi want to talk to me when i'm on record
trying to stop what happened and they know damn well uh that i was just there giving the speech on
the fifth and along for the ride and you know trying to organize peaceful demonstrations
anything i've done many times i have no history of that it'd be idiotic to take over the capital
it blew up and everybody's face when some people did it and you've got all these provocateurs
and none of them have been arrested like ray apps it's ridiculous oh no you saved me you saved me
honestly you know like i i may have went in if it wasn't if it wasn't for you there it's saying not
to i mean it it's it is ridiculous well god bless you sir and i appreciate your call let's go to
kami fornia dreaming you're on the air go ahead alex god bless you i love you um i'm calling
because uh first of all i've been listening every day for five years i never miss a moment of your
show i use a whole litany of your products every single day i've spent thousands of dollars
trying to support the info war and uh the reason i'm calling today i'll get right to the point is
that um the bible a lot of people look at uh the book of revelation to kind of try to describe
what's going on these days but i think um the book of judges and the book of kings are very
informative as well because if you look the israelites became decadent and disobedient
and god allowed enemies to rise up and afflict them and they would get taken over essentially
and then god those books are about god warning the israelites the becoming decadent again like
we are going back into bondage having a revival and being delivered again amen and i think what's
going on now i i spend a lot of time on gab communicating with uh people who are patriots
and i love them but i think a lot of people are still in kind of a cult of trump and putting a
lot of trust in trump and not trust in god now let's look at what trump we've been seeing from
him lately um you know he uh first of all he didn't pardon assange with which i think is an
inexcusable faux pas um he had dr awes on the stage the other night endorsing him and and
dr awes has come out and openly endorsed the death shot um trump also uh touted um his
partnership with the j and j ceo the other day and bragged about knowing him and uh you know he
led operation warp speed uh he's been touting the death shots and um you know i think at this
point we need to realize that we can't put our trust in the man that is trump i know that he
you know for first of all he's either completely tone deaf or he's a capitulated deep stator but
i think the point is is we need to like a lot of the callers have been saying is get right with god
focus on god and when we turn back to the temple symbolically that's when he will deliver us and
that was what i wanted to call about i totally agree no king became jesus trust in god not in man i
don't think trumps a bad person uh but once he gets committed to something he's very pigheaded and i
agree he's very tone deaf with dr awes he's making a lot of people mad my big issue is the global
is trying to start war war three trying to shut down free speech in america and i'm just wanting
to get a lot of good republicans elected in the midterms and trumps help and do that he's not
perfect but i absolutely agree with it and i've got some major problems thank you sir all right
i'll take another caller here in the order they are received let's talk to marcos in ohio marcos
thanks for calling yes sir thank you alex how are you you know i'm in the middle of the fight
like all of us brother it's it's i'm just trying to get the average person to realize
that they're in a fight yes sir well i'm just calling to thank you and to prove everything you
do and all the supporters for keeping you going and i just had a couple suggestions for the show
if you don't mind please i just wondered maybe there's a way you could do like a raffle say for
a twenty dollar shirt and then charge five dollars for an entry i bet every bit of ten people would
do it so you there's a lot of ways for us to raise money and we're doing it we're just toe to toe
with soros trying to shut us down but we're gonna stay on air thanks to all you folks out there
yes sir uh one two more things i was gonna say maybe put like a little megaphone icon on your
website with like three cores like a 10 second clip to get out to all the other info warriors
maybe you could charge for to do it for free and i'd ask maybe you could play the national anthem
once a week on your show if you could find the time absolutely i know that uh you know i've got a
video of my she's now five five-year-old daughter uh saying the Pledge of Allegiance she just randomly
started saying it the other day uh so i told her he find it so i told her i said well go ahead and
say that again on video here keep going live find it sir awesome and then uh that'd be it and i just
like to give a shout to my friend mr mayhem and thank you again for everything you do well thank
you brother and i really appreciate you guys caring about the show and look when you just buy
the supplements and and things like that it it funds the operation um i mean everybody needs high
quality b12 everybody especially caucasians a lot of caucasians have a mutation where you
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and so again folks that is 40 percent off on ultra 12 and get it 40 off with survival shield x2
both these will blow you away they're so essential info or store.com okay let me show you i'm not going
to show her face here but i'm going to i'm going to play the audio of my uh now five-year-old
daughter or i'm just going to show the bottom half of her go ahead and show a video shot of this
i want you to hear her uh saying the national anthem uh just out of the blue
flag of the united states of america and to the republic wish it stands in the peaceful with liberty
injustice for all good stuff and that's what the future is all about you can see well america's
not perfect we shouldn't pledge allegiance to it okay what do you pledge allegiance to the new world
order claus schwaab you in the hollywood democratic party the church of satan
that's the question there ladies and gentlemen all right marcos thank you so much for the call
all right trucker josh and michael if you want to hold on i'd love for you too if not i'm sorry
you've had to hold so long you can come on with us i'd love to hear from you after mtg joins us
with some big breaking news on the other side of so many fronts including the court saying okay
you're allowed to run the democrats can't disqualify you for no reason so wanted to get her on
she has joined us for a graciously we appreciate that we've got this other george soros and epa
news that deals with free speech talk about tyrants talk about thugs talk about enemies
we'll be right back stay with us
ladies and gentlemen ultra 12 the highest quality v12 you're gonna find on the market
has been sold out for many months but now it's back in stock at info morestore.com now in the next
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thank you all for your support now take action and get your bottle of ultra 12
it's about 25 years ago that i wanted to expand info wars i've been on the air a couple of years
but i only had money to finance my own simple little local radio show i wanted to hire camera
people i wanted to make films i wanted to really challenge the globalist and it was a t-shirt i
designed the first one mass murderers agree gun control works that helped us finance hiring the
first two members of my crew that's our oldest design and we still sell it we have that design
over a hundred others that will now all be limited editions because whatever stock we've got in that's
that we're selling everything out to fund the operation to get rid of inventory we'll still
have some teachers in the future they'll just be limited editions and short runs so if you want to
get any of these historic shirts this is your last change i almost forgot we're selling them all
at cost at infowarstore.com every ball cap every flag every hoodie every long sleeve every t-shirt
regular shirts designer shirts they're all selling at cost infowarstore.com i want to thank all of
you over the years who have supported info wars financially with word of mouth and prayer all
the success that we've had together against the globalists the fact that we're not caught flat
footed during their major takeover is because of you humanity has a real fighting chance that's
what i want to thank you all for buying products at infowarstore.com like books and films and
supplements and water filtration air filtration so much more but for those of you that want to
actually give us a straight donation so we get almost 100 of the money to fund our operation
during this critical time go to infowarstore.com and right at the top you'll see a link to make
a straight donation a one-time donation of five dollars ten dollars fifty dollars or a recurring
donation you can cancel anytime i want to thank all you that have donated i want to encourage
those of you out there that want to support freedom to take action now and be part of the
global awakening the new renaissance that's counter the great reset by going to infowarstore.com
and clicking on the donate button and giving today thank you so much for your support please take action
your voice counts when you share information be it over the internet or in person it changes the
world the globalists know their agenda is unpopular they know you're angry and now to get around big
tech it's more important than ever to use every tool we've got well ladies and gentlemen if you
sign up for our free news and show alerts you can then take those alerts those articles and those
live feeds both the regular shows the special reports and share them with everyone you know
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hit news alerts at 833-470-0438
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
you found it the tip of the spear it is the alex joneshow
i hear people talking bad about the way well george soros and the democratic party
tried as hard as they could to stop her from being able to run for congress again because they
want to stop the will of the voters they wanted to do that because she wanted to question the
election results something they do almost every major election challenge over marjorie taylor green's
eligibility fails shame on them and it's failed on a bunch of other members of congress as well
meanwhile we have george soros operative appointed as biden's ministry of truth co-chair and we have
20 states threatened legal action over dhs ministry of truth board mtg on the road graciously
popping in for just a little while thank you so much and i want to say congratulations uh you
know for fighting back and winning but at the same time you shouldn't have even had to be in court you
don't have a criminal record you weren't under indictment you're not a felon they had no reason
to do this this really discredits them but congratulations still well thank you alex and
it does discredit them and shame on them forever putting me through this and putting the people
in my district through this you know people have been really upset around here they've been talking
about lawsuits they've been talking about how can we get these attorneys disbarred because they're
perversing our courtrooms politicizing our courtrooms and frankly that's really election
meddling that's what they're doing they're trying to meddle in our george election uh because we
we were willing to ask questions and and work hard and object on january 6 there's nothing wrong
with objecting and none of us had anything to do with uh what happened you know the riot and all
that on january 6 but you know these same people you don't see them crying out about uh abortion
protesters showing up at supreme court justice houses um you don't you don't see any of that
and that's completely illegal but you know this is the way it rolls in politics politics the
democrats will do anything they can uh to to destroy our freedoms and that's what they're
trying to do right now where do you go from here uh because you shouldn't even have to sit there
and been to been on the stand and uh although how dare you say that dancy polosi has engaged in
treasonous activity everything they've done cutting off our pipelines our energy leaving
our borders totally uh undefended in the south i mean all these things are what i would call classical
treason of course they are and i mean that's what their job is to do is to protect our borders
they're supposed to they're supposed to protect the borders of the state that's the role of the
federal government they're they've completely abandoned that i mean our our government is
allowing our country to be overrun they're helping it to be overrun they're enabling it
so biden has protected basically invited everyone to just come on into the united state
and he's the best friends and the best business partner with the cartels they've ever had
but yeah what's going on right now is totally out of control and here's here's something i've
been asking questions about alex and maybe you can help me out because i've got no answers for
anyone else here's the the fei geofencing around the capital to go after people that that rioted and
walked around you know the maga grandmas and tourists that walked around inside the capital
then we have um you know the cdc using geofencing to track people's movements during lockdowns
tyrannical lockdowns that should have never happened in the first place but now we've got
a movie that came out 2000 mules and i can't get anybody in my state to to buy geofencing data and
aggregate it to track um you know absentee ballot traffickers which we we know happened
so i've been making a bunch of phone calls because i'm really upset about this and i think it's time
that this gets investigated well you're absolutely right they use all this geolocating as peaceful
americans and to track everybody illegally under covid but known criminals in other situations with
human trafficking oh suddenly they can't use it yeah that's right it's it's insane and it makes no
sense whatsoever um but you know if they can use it then i think we should be able to use it too
and and find out how people uh what they did with these absentee ballots and these are the these
are the right things to right things to look into you know and they did i mean i watched that movie
just this past week and i was shocked absolutely shocked and and also blown away at the hard work of
the people at true the vote that were able to to solve the the mystery that no one else apparently
has been able to solve but i'm really hoping that i see see people step up to the plate
i'm tired of the arguments and politics i just want people to do the right thing
enforce our laws and make sure that this never happens again i'm glad you raised this film as
that was one of the topics i wanted to get to with you as i've seen it now very powerful geolocating
shows all the proof the same people putting in hundreds and hundreds of ballots at multiple
locations and the democrats spend and say oh they're voting for their family they're wearing
plastic gloves they're wearing masks we know this is how they did it um congresswoman and and
now we have a smoking gun and so what are they doing they're suppressing it and censoring it of
course yes of course i mean it's just it's ridiculous so you know everyone is waiting
they're like when is someone going to finally prosecute this and and now the true the vote
people they they have done all the hard work so i'm really hoping to see people in georgia step
up to the plate and and investigate it because if what's good for the goose is how to be good for
the gander and if the department the fb i can use fencing data to go after people around the
capital the cdc can use geofencing data tracking people during lockdown then surely to god people
here in georgia and wisconsin arizona all these other states can use the same methods and stop
this criminal activity before they do it again because i'll tell you what alex um stacey abrams
she wants more than anything to be governor of georgia and so don't i mean it'd be foolish to
think she wouldn't do this um and and help this to happen again so i'm i'm just starting to make
phone calls i've been making phone calls and i want people to give me an answer on why we are not
using this method uh the people at true the vote should have never had to spend the money to do it
in the first place we should have the people that their jobs to you know uphold the law and prosecute
criminals i want them to do it and absolutely let me ask you this with with 183 days out from
this midterm all the political science and numbers show biggest political political realignment in
us history it was already happening in the last six seven years but the attempts to suppress this
have only supercharged it now we're seeing double triple the numbers in blacks and hispanics and
they're gonna vote republican uh democratic voters and record levels uh said they're gonna vote
republican what's the deep state democratic party gonna do you're up there around these swamp
creatures all day long uh what are they planning to do to try to stop this because i know they don't
want this this this landslide to happen well they've got to blame putin of course they've
got to blame putin and blame the war in ukraine uh for the high inflation and the high gas prices
and everybody knows that is a load of bs no one is buying it these this inflation started happening
before this the gas prices were going out of control before that happened and you know i'm out here
in my district it's it's absolutely beautiful and i've been talking to farmers uh day after day
alex and i can't tell you how much trouble farmers are in right now because this inflation and and
the cost of fuel going up has has made their jobs that are already difficult um a lot of times
farmers have been barely getting by for decades now because of government regulations and and all
the stuff that goes on with it that makes it difficult but now inflation and gas prices is
making it to where many of them are talking about going out of business cattle farmers are talking
about selling their cattle at the end of the season and never been able to be cattle farmers
anymore chicken integrators small farms they are crumbling and i want to tell you how scary this is
because our food security is our national security food security is national security alex and when
our government leaders are making it impossible for farmers to be able to continue to farm when they
make it impossible for cattle farmers to be able to afford to to grow and and bale hay and and grow
their animals and feed them and and sell them at market to make a profit they are failing the best
people in in our country because our farmers are they stand for all of our values traditional family
values freedom independence the ability to live um and sustain yourself and your family off the land
the biden administrations democrats are ruining that and they're destroying the very important most
critical part of the fabric of america and that is our farmers and i'm so upset about this it has
me so angry but they're doing it on purpose i mean they want they want to be the global economy
they want to be completely involved and here we have these random supposedly accidental fires at
food processing plants hold on i know you're on the side of the road and recently stopped to to
talk to us but just do a few more minutes the other side because i want to now walmart distribution
centers are blowing up and burning down now it's over 50 of these centers i've talked to statisticians
and insurance companies i know tucker carlson looked into it it's mathematically impossible it's
it's one out of like a billion this to be happening what is going on everything the globalist is doing
is about destroying real sustainability and making things collapse to bring in their new world order
we'll talk about it with mtg straight ahead stay with us ladies and gentlemen mike lindell
is sponsoring thousands of leading pro america patriots across the united states he's the main
sponsor keeping so many people on the air he's a huge sponsored m4s that's what we're so pleased to
work with him he's offering the biggest sale he's done in years his mogo sale buy one get one free
right now at my pillow dot com forward slash alex on hundreds and hundreds of his made in america
products from pillows to sheets to shoes to human beds to dog beds you name it go there get great
products at low prices funding in full war a true 360 win my pillow dot com forward slash alex or
800 675 4614 it's only running for one week my pillow dot com forward slash alex or 800 675
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where we promise our rose hips don't lie over the years info wars is produced more than 200 amazing
patriot americana second amendment pro-liberty themed t-shirts ball caps flags you name all of the
apparel and the flags are being sold at cost right now that's just regular plain jane shirts
that is all sorts of designer shirts that cost us 15 20 25 dollars to produce we used to sell for 40
we're selling them for 15 selling for 20 whatever the shirt costs the shirt costs five dollars we're
selling it for five dollars for essentially produce the cost ten dollars we're selling for ten dollars
and we've got hoodies and we've got long sleeves and we've got short sleeves we've got them all
and we've got to liquidate them all and they're limited edition because we're never going to make
any of these designs again we are going to come out with some new designs that will be limited
limited edition in the future we've got to sell this to keep info wars on the air plus it spreads
the word infowarstore.com your historic apparel now infowarstore.com i designed over 200 t-shirts
the last 25 years and we have some of those original designs still for sale at infowarstore.com
these are real classics but ladies and gentlemen they're all about to be limited edition because
we're selling out of them they're about to be history and we're selling out of the hoodies the
ball caps the t-shirts all these amazing designs at cost infowarstore.com except for this fundraiser
shirt that is a real hit people love it it's 24.95 alex jones is right on the front the red
thunderbolt and again on the back a big bold info wars dot com exercise your first amendment don't
let the leftist and the globalists bully silence you and fund the info war at the same time there
is not a more politically incorrect shirt that sends a stronger message of freedom resistance to
the new world order than the alex jones was right shirt exclusively available at infowarstore.com
and again this shirt is limited edition as well we're doing one more run and then no more infowar
store dot com get yours today leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's
alex jones welcome back to the alex jones show do the town of mtg is our guest for a few more
minutes stop on the side of the road to speak to us to talk about the outrageous nature of the
democratic party lawyers all over the country trying to keep congress members from running for
congress who to be reelected because they dare question the 2020 election proving that they
want to steal elections it's just unbelievable oh you're you're saying we want to steal elections
so you can't run for election when our own state department goes around the world trying to mind
other people's elections but we can't even pass our own state department rules here in the united
states but you were getting into something mtg really central here and that is these giant
distribution centers and food factories and processing facilities blowing up and burning up
every day statistically impossible you've got a lot of connections a lot of intel we look at the
pipelines being shut down the dollar being devalued the clout and pivot strategy to bring america to
its knees by destroying capitalism by sabotage that's what this is i mean there's so many signs
of it everywhere what do you think's really going on and what are you hearing well i think i think
people are beginning to to realize there this may be more than just a coincidence and i can tell you
you know manufacturing plants it is common to that there can be fires it sometimes if a manufacturing
plant is old occasionally a fire will happen but this is such a common occurrence right now
especially in the past few months alex it doesn't seem to be a coincidence and it shouldn't be happening
and why is it food processing plants over and over and over like you're talking about and it's
extremely concerning at a time where inflation is out of control food prices are already so expensive
and farmers are suffering and we're looking at looking at the real possibility of food shortages
this summer just because of the the way the biden administration has completely mismanaged america's
economy i think everyone should be concerned about this is certainly something that i'm paying
attention to my team is starting to ask questions on and i i don't think it's you know i i don't want
to speculate but it's there's too many food processing plants this is happening that and it's
too frequent of an occurrence and no one in charge seems to care we don't see the fbi or
department of justice you don't see people holding press conferences saying what is going on you know
we've got mothers at grocery stores crying because they can't find baby formula which is just uh
horrendous and heartbreaking um but but i think we have a real crisis on our hands and i think
it's something that people need to pay serious attention to and demand investigations happen
well that's right maybe the fbi wasn't using thousands and thousands of ages to harass january
six peaceful protesters we would have answers or we know about all the increases in child
smuggling on the border i want to hit one more topic the big disinformation board run by
george soros mayorkas was in front of the senate last week there's a short clip of senator paul
destroying him policies do we have guard rails do we have you but here's the problem where we
can't even agree we can't even agree what disinformation is this is you can't even agree
that it was disinformation that the russians fed information to the steel dossier if you
can't agree to that how are we ever going to come to an agreement on what is disinformation so you
can police it on social media i think you've got no idea what disinformation is and i don't think
the government's capable of it do you know who the greatest propagator of disinformation in
history of the world is the u.s. government are you familiar with mac namara the pentagon papers
are you familiar with george w bush and the weapons of mass destruction
are you familiar with iran contra i mean think of all the debates and disputes we've had over the
last 50 years in our country we work them out by debating them we don't work them out by the
government being the arbiter i don't want you to record brails i want you to have nothing to do
with speech you think we can't determine you know speech by traffickers is disinformation
you think the american people are so stupid they need you to tell them what the truth is you can't
even admit what the truth is with the steel dossier i don't trust government to figure out what the
truth is so government is largely disseminating disinformation government is the largest disseminator
of disinformation there's no doubt about that the mainstream media lies on purpose and has the lowest
approval ready with the public anywhere so it's preposterous when you pull back that they want to
disqualify you for running for office for no reason uh they want to censor everybody with
a censorship board a literal ministry of truth i know there's calls in congress to block this
where do you see that going congresswoman well i just want to say god bless rand Paul you know
he just said it that i haven't seen that clip yet that's fantastic i mean what about misinformation
i love it that he brought up weapons of mass destruction leading the united states into
invading iraq after uh 19 terrorists from saudi arabia you know pulled off 9 11 so let you know
there's so many things you can't trust the government but uh they shouldn't be in charge of
what's information what's not misinformation senator paul is he's completely correct the
government is the biggest distributor of misinformation uh so we don't want their ministry
of truth it's it's not 1984 we're in 2022 and we really don't want that that type of communism in
america um so i think i think 20 i don't i think the november elections can't come quick enough
alex and i think people are eyes wide open i think the democrats are going to be shocked
that that voters don't really feel like the bots and the trolls and the little activists on twitter
say they feel uh they're gonna they're gonna find out something different and that's why
they're in a race to bankrupt the country and have it in such disarray try to cause a civil war over
this rov way dang that we're all distracted by that but it's not gonna work how do people find
everything mtg in congress you've also got your own website your congressional side is awesome
what's the best cyber folks to visit congresswoman well check out my social media i try to keep the
information out there and not the misinformation um like the democrats do but yeah anywhere you can
find me on social media i'm on all the platforms i'm hanging on by a thread on twitter and facebook
they've almost been me but i'm on all the others i look for the verified account don't go for the
fake account but mtgforamerica.com is my website and i just want to thank everyone for your great
support when they were trying to get get my name off the ballot and i just want to say we won they
couldn't get rid of me so so thank you everyone for your help i'm gonna let you go but i forgot
one more thing that was very powerful press conference you gave where you said myself and
mylo and others need to be on a round table elon musk elon says it'll take a few months to get
control of twitter do you think he'll give you back your main twitter do you think he'll put me
back on do you think he'll put president trump back on what do you think elon musk in closing
well i don't know i'm i'm always i judge someone by their actions and not by their words and i'm
really waiting to see what elon musk actions are going to be as far as uh protecting freedom of
speech i certainly hope he takes up my my uh invitation for a round table and i alex i would
love to have you there if we can make that happen so i would love to be there as well and i'm going
to take up an invitation soon to come to dc and get that tour of the capital thank you so much mtg
we love you okay thanks alex bye what a great lady we need a lot more people like her in congress
they are so afraid of her all right i'm going to start the fourth hour i'm going to do about
1015 minister also until takeover always does a very informative job a riveting job i'm going to
finish up a trucker josh and michael in a minute when we come back briefly though because i've
barely been plugging today and if i don't we won't be on air and i want to thank you all for your
support plus these are great products you need if you don't have vitamin b12 of the high quality
organic type in your life you're crazy and i'm not going to get into why caucasians particularly
need it but everybody needs it it's back in stock it's amazing taking out of the tongue
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ladies and gentlemen 40 off together at info war store dot com or by calling toll free triple eight
two five three three one three nine you notice something on the screen right there i didn't
talk about this for a few months because i wanted to wait give them a chance to go back on it power
reviews is one of the largest online third party review sites in the world we had them for a decade
and we had hundreds of thousands of five star reviews things like x2 had over seven thousand
five star reviews and ninety nine percent approval rating and it got sold to a leftist company
and they said we're not going to let you have your reviews real reviews real people third party site
vetted confirmed and gone every piece of software everything we have taken away so that you can't
write a review so that people can't see those five stars and so that people can't see that information
and so that folks can't come together and promote a product but you're still going to do it word
of mouth you're not going to let them stop us but that didn't hurt the site losing that and then we
fought with them and said can we at least have the old reviews and they oh yeah we'll give it to
you never did so you think about that and by the way you gotta pay for the service so it's a third
party vetting system they make sure you bought it they do spot checks to make sure you did the review
and they took it away from us folks we paid for it every year fifty something thousand dollars you
think well I pay for that because you need reviews and I guess we can create our own review system
but that's why we're busy that's why we need more money that's why we're constantly fighting
because we got to have our own servers our own incurters our own up links our own systems our
own bandwidth our own crew our own legal our own everything is all compartmentalized here so please
support us get great products at infowarstore.com the new immune support is amazing as well info
war store.com or triple eight two five three three one three nine and we're selling out of the t-shirts
eighty percent of the t-shirts are sold they're all limited edition we'll never make them again
and we're selling them at cost other than the 1776 shirt hour number four straight ahead and then
in one hour the war room ladies and gentlemen Mike Lindell is sponsoring thousands of leading pro
america patriots across the united states he's the main sponsor keeping so many people on the air
he's a huge sponsored m4s that's why we're so pleased to work with him he's offering the biggest sale
he's done in years his logo sale buy one get one free right now at mypillow.com forward slash
alex on hundreds and hundreds of his made in america products from pillows to sheets to shoes
to human beds to dog beds you name it go there get great products at low prices funding info war
a true 360 win mypillow.com forward slash alex or 800 675 4614 it's only running for one week
mypillow.com forward slash alex or 800 675 4614 and thank you for shopping america and keeping us
on the air and we begin a lot of crypto donations which is keeping us on here want to salute all
those you know who you are the beginning of the donations please go to infowars.com forward slash
crypto infowars.com forward slash crypto infowars.com forward slash crypto whether it's a dollar
in ethereum or bitcoin whether it is whether it's a thousand dollars or a million dollars
we will use it to fight the new world order ethereum bitcoin xrp litecoin there there's
dozens of them there infowars.com and by the way we've got our own nfts at arna scam they're totally
badass in total victory coming out next week i'll tell you about that later but right now
infowars.com forward slash crypto the real revolution is happening now infowars.com forward
slash crypto and all these donated we salute you and thank you
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
they call me the seeker i won't get what i'm after
all right let's take your calls right now
let's go to michael in ohio the trucker josh welcome michael thanks for holding
uh yeah i'm i'm glad that you put me on for a little bit longer alex uh
here in the you know that's an idea to have kids singing the national anthem and uh kids uh
doing the pledge of allegiance is that that really hits home with us um but i wanted to call and say
we need more of the uh the infowars stickers that just has you know the the black and light
because last time i did it at work we filled the work and we've had so much turnover
it's time to do it again because they're starting about bringing the mask back
uh at my job and everything so in a factory i just say things like who is carl swab who is
a world economic forum and the people that are watching the news like tugger crawls and they
come to me and they're like how do you how do you know about this stuff tugger crawls and
just talked about that and you've been saying it for weeks i'm like i'm telling you infowars please
please go to the site please listen and we're gonna fill the whole plan up with infowars stickers
again for the second time but we need that infowars sticker pack you sold them a few years ago
and we did it during the the 2016 election where you have i will gear up with a bunch of extra
stickers and then we'll sell like 50 packs and 100 packs at cost and also did a deal where anybody
that emailed us we i think we gave them 100 stickers or something now that was back when we
had a little extra money but uh that's definitely an effective way and yes the the main way we get
new people to tune in and wake up which then is a chain reaction is you doing it word of mouth so
that's beautiful and i really appreciate it michael anything else uh yeah and when people
when the other one other infowars are handing out these stickers think about people who are like
right on the verge of it like people that are waking up and know something is going on like
go to your grocery store where they sell canning supplies slip on in the canning supplies and
it's that go to your gun store slip it in equipment you know stuff like that just keep handing it out
and keep questioning things and keep saying things to people so when they hear it they're like how
did you know that and then hand them the sticker as the quicker we wake everybody up the quicker we
can stop this i agree every order gets some stickers in it but we need to do we need to do a sticker
operation uh where we put like 100 stickers in there at cost uh and then and then everybody that
wants to take action gets it we also have those little sheets have a bunch of little stickers on
them those are very very very effective but the media is the virus infowars.com we've got hundreds
of great stickers and they're all over the place and it really unifies people it lets folks know
other people are awake and you're right it's a it's a it's a game of numbers people are really
waking up now with all the tyranny and you're right the lockdowns are coming back they admit
they are they're gearing them up we got to keep pushing and exposing coban and the culprits now
but that's a classic tactic attack attack attack back off so we go back to sleep
then they're gonna attack again also uh tom mcdonald's new song the system you guys should play it
i saw yesterday no not yesterday morning friday morning i saw was it this morning it all
blurs together i saw harris the smith playing it he's a great guy um i'd like to get him on the show
and all the big hit songs now when i say all a lot of the top hit songs now both in hip hop and
in regular music and in rap and in rock and in country are anti-new world order so i'm not a
big fan of the red eyes and the whole look but hey that's everybody can do what they want
and uh but the music is definitely informative all right thank you so much i appreciate your call
michael i just scares the hell out of me to tattoo your eyes maybe he's wearing eye contacts or
something i don't know hey it's contacts some people i know actually get their eyes tattooed
man that's no thank you no thank you um all right trucker josh we're gonna come back and talk to you
in t minus 60 seconds and by the way i don't dislike tattoos people that got them that looks good on
them especially if you're getting really good shape or whatever you know they can look cool i i just
have uh i just never drawn on my skin it's got enough it's got enough scars on it though that's
kind of my style a lot of scars on me all right info wars dot com ladies and gentlemen the tip of
the spear back in 60 seconds finish up a call the hand of baton mid-second with the great gerald salente
we have over a hundred designs of t shirts they just sit there in our warehouse we need to sell
those shirts to fund the operation but we'd already made some orders on future shirts coming in but
these are all limited editions so once these new shirts come in we're gonna sell those and that's
it we'll have limited editions one at a time in the future and when they're gone they're gone well
here's the new limited edition shirt this one is 2495 a really nice fabric alex jones was right on
the front with a big red lightning bolt on the back info wars dot com you talk about triggering you
talk about spreading the word you talk about waking people up alex jones was right fundraiser shirt
we need the funds to operate info wars store dot com alex jones was right it's a gorgeous shirt
we're really proud of it get a piece of history now at info wars store dot com or by calling
toll free triple eight two five three three one three nine again be part of history support free
speech be a maverick be a rebel you can't do that in a better way than wearing an alex jones
was right shirt with info wars dot com big on the back available now for limited time info
wars store dot com my good friend gerald salantes about to take over here just a few minutes i have
one other caller i'm gonna hit in two more stories right now let's go to trucker john who held
patiently in iowa welcome how are you doing alex i'm great sir go ahead can you hear me okay i'm
i'm pretty good go ahead okay well i'll just make this quick because i know you gotta get going um
the point i wanted to make and i i know you've talked a lot about cloth slab and bill gates and
the new world order and you know obviously they're paying quite a huge part in all this um i guess
a while back when i was a kid my mom always just you know china buying up everything in this country
and you know the kid you don't really pay attention to it you know company is going out of business
and this and that um but as an adult now looking at things and and everything around us i guess we
can't get away from the focus that china is playing in all of this um i got you know just from
you know japan's comforter you know the 10 for the big guy the uh boston the foreign intelligence
committee that eric solwell was in the chinese spy um trunk shut down the uh that houston embassy
because they have chinese yeah one of the good things trump did was go after the chinese spies
well sir when you say china's the heart of it you're totally correct it was the globalist in
the 70s set up china set up one-sided trade deals show bill gates claus schwaab george
herbert walker bush henry kissinger all of them set up china and uh charlie munger brags about
that that's bill gates lawyer almost 100 years old about how they set up china and china's the model
and china's going to take over and the cfr says that so yes globalist middlemen that trump talked
about worked with china and her allied against america with china and they let china release
the virus along with them and have the lockdowns and all that is highly coordinated and most of
democrats in congress are literally double agents of the chinese you're totally right
yeah and i a couple key things that's like these m and r m on a vaccine china never used them
yeah that's right it's a bio weapon against us china and russia are not using it great point
and uh i'll just make one other point quickly about cryptocurrency i really think that people
should think twice about it and kind of stay towards precious metals just because it's all
based on use of the internet well if we ever reach a point where there is no internet there is no
crypto sure for me it's just another option and obviously it's going to go up and down uh and it's
it's way down right now but i just i don't want a central government cryptocurrency uh that is
a programmable token i want free market open wide diverse systems thank you so much i really
appreciate your points but yes gold and silver are a smart move obviously all right here's a
few final stories and gel salante takes over george soros operative appointed as biden's
ministry of truth co-chair and the head of it is also a former soros operative who doesn't believe
in free speech for conservatives i mean this is a censorship ministry of truth board joe biden's
door welly and disinformation government's board has appointed a radical george soros operatives
co-chair ministry of truth new principal deputy gerald counsel jennifer general counsel jennifer
das cal has deep ties the hungarian billionaire globalist and the article goes into all the
details of that and then meanwhile fda chief claims misinformation is leading cause of death
united states questioning global warming questioning the shots questioning cobit these
people are desperate and what are they saying you being able to have free speech is the main
cause of death when it's these people with abortion and all the rest of it they're the main cause of
death they are our enemies they are globalist a lot of other incredible footage and articles on
info wars dot com watch a white blm activist tries to vote without an id and then flips out about it
it just shows how out of control these people are but the world is waking up all right i'll be back
tomorrow lord winning 11 a.m central for the kickoff of the alex jones show harrison smith weekday
mornings 8 a.m american journal does a fabulous job a lot of great western calls and breaking news
and i'll destroy or knock south apart three p.m central every day with the war room and that's
coming up in 49 minutes but now for the rest of the hour the great gerald salante of trends
research dot com book market trends research dot com takes over take it away gerald hey thanks so much
alex boy you know you nailed it with that fda chief claims quote misinformation is leading cause of
death in the united states you know if you go to our cover the trends journal this week you know
they misspelled misinformation again it's another great anthony free to cover and it's misinformation
is m i s s misinformation yeah you read one of the hacks that they're putting up there is
on that uh to make sure that we say only what they tell us to say and then there's that other one over
there that's going to be leading the charge uh that uh it's a it's a freak show misinformation and
can you imagine you're not allowed to think for yourself that's against the law now how dare you
not swallow there we go misinformation yeah they'll tell you what to think they know best
you're too stupid to think for yourself think for yourself is prohibited not allowed anymore
in the ussa and um yeah i was thinking about if you want to see how messed up this this country is
boy this this is a this is a quote from the daily mail five biden family members have been
to rehab the drug addiction or alcohol abuse uh five members
so this guy has trouble raising his family and he's going to run the united states
you know by their deeds you shall know them every day every day i thank my mother and father
and all the aunts and uncles and the ancestors made their souls rest in peace every day i say oh
thank you for all you've given me i'm only me because of what you gave me and i couldn't hold
a candle to them what they had to go through you know back in the day as immigrants but you had
an opportunity back then but anyway as i say if your mother was a drug addict and you didn't know
who your father was you think you'd have a shot or the government's education system will help you
you know saving you know i'm only me because of where i came from and so biden's kids
and getting by what they're saying are only them from where they came from
so this guy when you see is you know the coked out kid there and and how whacked out he is
it's hunter always hunting for money again getting the job with barisma energy in ukraine
right after the united states over through the democratically elected government the viktor
janikovic back in 2014 him christ signs from the hind 57 family and that was uh what's his name is
there uh john carry another boy another arrogant little boy is his stepson and another guy made
all these millions of dollars with barisma energy but again this is who's leading us it's a freak
show you know it's howdy duty time you know it's one freak after another yesterday they had this
sunday they had the big ceremony for the election of macron the little cazone over there in france
and all these guys dressed up in the with that drag you know from way back when with those
hats and all that stuff and saluting and rolling out the red carpet it's a freak show right in
front of your eyes and the freaks are running the world and they're running us to death look
at that clown boris johnson again hentany freed is one of the best artists anywhere i said to him
as great an artist as you are if i told you make the biggest clown you ever could come up with
and make him the prime minister of the uk you couldn't do it you couldn't match the
clown that you got there now so we have to unite for peace and freedom and justice because if we
don't it's going to be hell on earth and you need to support info was because misinformation is going
to get you with the world awakening i think what's important that we were on the momentum right now
take advantage of this moment and i have all of an idea that something everybody can do with every
listener can do i think it'd be powerful and effective for us to uh you know hang the banners
over highways imagine a champion artist in a way up made up it says alex jones is right
in the war stop carmer we stand with the truckers or rest out or whatever it's brother i'm so glad
you called elaborate on this yes now is the time in your small town or your big city to
write something on the bathroom wall or to put a sticker on your car or banner hangs over highways
and it will be a chain reaction what do you recommend people say on these banner hangs i have a few
ideas rest out the vaccine is poison there's kinds of things i say just keep it short keep it
concise no i agree arrest Fauci arrest bill gates the covet backs is poison beautiful yeah there's
ways that we could all be involved if we could all be affected though that's what i'm calling about
god bless you chris in Atlanta i really really appreciate you calling us today thank you so
much i designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have some of those original designs
still for sale at info wars store.com these are real classics but ladies and gentlemen
they're all about to be limited edition because we're selling out of them they're about to be
history and we're selling out of the hoodies the ball caps the t-shirts all these amazing designs
at cost info wars.com except for this fundraiser shirt that is a real hit and people love it it's
2495 alex jones is right on the front the red thunderbolt and then again on the back a big
bold info wars.com exercise your first amendment don't let the leftist and the globalist bully
silence you and fund the info war at the same time there is not a more politically incorrect shirt
that sends a stronger message of freedom resistance to the new world order than the alex jones was
right shirt exclusively available at info wars store.com and again this shirt is limited edition
as well we're doing one more run and then no more info wars store.com get yours today
the newest product from info wars life is now available exclusively at info wars store.com
it is concentrated known herbs and compounds that will supercharge your body's natural defenses
your immune system all at the same time funding the info war our immune systems have always been
critical but in this globalist era with all the criminal activity they're involved in it is more
important than ever to take the tools god gave us and supercharge our immune systems info wars life
immune support is a game changer and everyone out there that wants to be healthy and wants to boost
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info wars on the air the globalist are hoping you don't take action take action now info wars store.com
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
the answer to 1984 is 1776 you're listening to the alex jones show with gerald salente
hey everyone thanks for having me on the alex jones show and you just saw misinformation over
there you know this is again it's a freak show we got freaks running and ruining our lives right in
front of your eyes you know and and and people tolerate it and that's why you have to support
info wars because we are on the cusp of world war three you know i keep thinking about this i
say the 20th century was the american century unfortunately the 21st century is going to be
the chinese century and one of the main reasons is the business of china is business and the
business of america has been war and that's all they're talking about now is war so let's
look at the equity markets look how they've been in a downspin today they were down over 500 points
now they're down 300 and something points last week was a freak show and why because they're
going to raise interest rates just a little bit when we have inflation skyrocketing at 8.5 percent
even a 75 basis point interest rate is nothing when you have an 8.5 percent inflation rate
and according to the imf the international mafia a monetary fund they say that you have to
have interest rates one percentage point above the inflation rate to bring down inflation
so you're looking now goal taking a hit bitcoin oil
silver copper so it's saying two things
number one it's not stagflation where it's a stagnant economy
economy and increasing inflation it's drag flation it's a dragging down economy and rising
inflation the dollar now is like at a 20-year high right with a 30 trillion dollar debt keep
pumping in all this cheap money why is the dollar doing so good who's the competition
there's no competition china is in lockdown and we became the chinese way
they're the ones that launched the covet war italy followed and the rest of the world
marched to their orders and now they're locking down again and that's just bringing oil prices
down that's just bringing profits down in so many of these countries to go to china you know
it was america have 332 million people and china only has what 1.4 billion china's locked down
as many people as america has as a country so your gucci's and your coca-cola's and your
nikes and all them companies over there that are making all that dough by selling the stuff to the
chinese and i'm making it now so the lunacy you know is is beyond the reality and again you go to
the info wars site and they had an article up there about sweden about how sweden didn't lock
down as the other european nations did and their covet death rate is far below spain and the italy
italy was the first to be locked down again as an italian i'm ashamed of the italians i stopped
going there in 2015 i won my cousin vinnie got a cousin vinnie and uh we went over to the world's
fair in melano they're brought to you by coca-cola and mcdonald's it was heartbroken it was terrible
and the new york the american thing was like going to a to a diner you know it's just nothing
the food there was disgrace but anyway yeah i got italian friends there and i you know they
can't plane i can't cut down a tree i can't paint my house the color i want i can't do this i can't
do that the bureaucracy is so bad and i say to them i said what are you what are you doing you're
gonna do about it what are we gonna do what are we gonna do i lost my heart one time the italians
used to be fighters no more and they let a clown a guy material before before droggy the banks
that it's in there locking down the place got a much higher death rate than sweden and again it all
goes back to what we're talking about and then knowing about the facts rather than misinformation
misinformation and the facts are this economy and the global economy is going down big hard
and heavy and the sanctions have made a bad situation worse again even out of the mouth of
biden bs biden so this won't deter putin then why are you doing them well because i'm a maniac
all right yeah sweden suffered fewer deaths per capita than much of europe despite refusing to
enforce strict lockdowns again we wrote about this in the trans general continually as it was happening
and how they made fun of sweden we got freaks i got businesses dead businesses have been wiped out
the damage that the covet was done is beyond the belief and they're not going to tell you in
in the prostitute media and again that's why you need to support info wars the truth is hard to find
anymore it's the same with us the truth in trends we tell you what it is what we see and then the
models think for yourself but we don't give you one sided story like the media is doing with the
ukraine war and when we get back we're going to talk more about that but in the meantime you got
you have bitcoin right now at a very serious point and we have the breakout point it goes below
this number and we've been saying this now for almost two years it's going to dive back very
deeply and on gold i got to tell you i wouldn't have thought gold would go down as low as it is
right now but to me gold is still the number one safe haven asset again we don't give financial
advice and silver number two and when all else fails they take you to war and the economy's
failing and they're taking us to war it's not a proxy war if i give guns to a killer
i'm an accessory to the crime and america's accessories to the ukraine war and ukraine's
not my trip i'm an american asked most americans to find ukraine on the map they probably go down
in mexico what are we fighting over this we're going off for hundreds of years between these two
it's not my war it's the war the military industrial complex that's whose war it is the war the general
the white the eyes and how it warned us about and it's only going to continue to get worse
you got this guy this chancellor over there in germany schultz ukraine will not accept the war
and neither will we yep ukraine will prevail want to bet want to bet our trends poll on twitter 76
percent say russia's going to win oh and little true dope up there in canada he says ukraine will
win too we'll be back state i want to thank all of you over the years who have supported info
wars financially and with word of mouth and prayer all the success that we've had together against
the globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because
of you humanity has a real fighting chance that's what i want to thank you all for buying products
and then forward to our com like books and films and supplements and water filtration air filtration
so much more but for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so we get
almost a hundred percent of the money to fund our operation during this critical time go to infowarstore.com
and right at the top you'll see a link to make a straight donation a one-time donation of five
dollars ten dollars fifty dollars or a recurring donation to cancel anytime i want to thank all
you that have donated i want to encourage those of you out there that want to support freedom to
take action now and be part of the global awakening the new renaissance that's counter the great reset
by going to infowarstore.com and clicking on the donate button and giving today
thank you so much for your support please take action over the years info wars is produced
more than 200 amazing patriot americana second amendment pro-liberty themed t-shirts ball caps
flags you name all of the apparel and the flags are being sold at cost right now that's just regular
plain jane shirts that is all sorts of designer shirts that cost us fifteen twenty twenty five
dollars to produce we used to sell for forty we're selling them for fifteen selling for twenty
whatever the shirt costs us the shirt costs five dollars we're selling it for five dollars
for us to actually produce the cost ten dollars we're selling for ten dollars and we've got hoodies
and we've got long sleeves and we've got short sleeves we've got them all and we've got to
liquidate them all and they're limited edition because we're never going to make any of these
designs again we are going to come out with some new designs that will be limited limited edition
of the future we've got to sell this to keep info wars on the air plus it spreads the word
infowarstore.com your historic apparel now infowarstore.com it's about 25 years ago that i wanted
to expand info wars i've been on the air a couple of years but i only had money to finance my own
simple little local radio show i wanted to hire camera people i wanted to make films i wanted to
really challenge the globalist and it was a t-shirt i designed the first one mass murderers
agreed gun control works that helped us finance hiring the first two members of my crew that's
our oldest design and we're still selling we have that design over a hundred others
that will now all be limited editions because whatever stock we've got in that's it we're selling
everything out to fund the operation to get rid of inventory we'll still have some
t-shirts in the future they'll just be limited editions and short runs so if you want to get
any of these historic shirts this is your last chance i almost forgot we're selling them all
at cost at infowarstore.com every ball cap every flag every hoodie every long sleeve
every t-shirt regular shirts designer shirts they're all selling at cost infowarstore.com
here at info wars our slogan is tomorrow's news today whether it's politics or health
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take action now leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
you're listening to the alex jones show and now your host gerald salente
hey great being on the alex jones show as he says you know it's tomorrow's news today
and it's really important because again as the cover the trends journal shows
this information is in charge and they'll tell us what to think what to do and what we should do
you know they had this one day flash sale now because you have to do everything you
can to keep the truth alive here and alex jones and the team are doing it and they have knocked
out sleep support it's 40 off and the research is clear you see it all over the place millions of
people around the world they can't sleep they're having trouble every night and the negative health
effects are not sleeping you know they're really not good for you they're staggering and that's
why info wars is launching their limited time flare sale on knockout sleep support and knockout
sleep supports a natural sleep support formula that incorporates the most powerful ingredients
and again it's available now for 40 percent off and they have eight natural ingredients in there
that aid wrestle deep sleep and again people are having a real problem with this they got the valerian
root melatonin lemon balm gaba chamomile flour extract whole load of stuff hops flour extract so
shop knockout at 40 off to save big on this powerful product at info wars store dot com
that's info wars store dot com and again you're not only supporting info wars get this in your
head you're supporting yourself so it's not a free trip and we have to do everything we can to
support info wars because again it's all it's about one side misinformation as i mentioned that little
guy trudeau trudeau over there in canada went to uh uh ukraine and he condemned the unprovoked
military invasion but it wasn't unprovoked again we were writing about this in the trends journal
i'm going back to let's see december four december 2014 how the united states
overthrew the democratically elected government of ukraine viktor yanukovic because he wanted
to deal it do a deal with putin after breaking a possible deal with the imf and the eu to
borrow money because ukraine has been in the toilet since they broke up from the soviet union
financially and again you know the facts are all there we've been writing about this for years here
this is an article from the trends journal in april 30th 2014 no need for nato nato was
gone on too long the north atlantic treaty organization was established on april fourth
1949 as a defense alliance whose purpose was to defend western europe in the event of a soviet
invasion as nato's first secretary general put it nato was formed in order to keep russians out of
western europe and the americans in instead of disbanding nato when the soviet union collapsed
in 1991 washington dramatically expanded nato in violation of the reagan gorbchev agreement
the bill clinton and george w bush regimes added constituent parts of the former soviet empire
to nato hungry check republic poland estonia latvia latinia slovakia slovakia bogaria
in romania members 2014 france taken out of nato by general de gall rejoined in april
2009 18 years after the collapse of the soviet union along with croatia and albania currently the
obama regime is working to incorporate into nato two former soviet republics you ready
you crane and georgia 2014 we wrote about this
and trudeau talking about the images are horrific every day they're showing these
horrific images in the tv and in the papers but they weren't showing a trudeau hey you little
arrogant boy you little arrogant boy you want to go shoulder to shoulder with them go over there
and fight or shut your fat daddy's mouth you're a nobody you're a little nothing of a clown
you'd be nobody if daddy wasn't just in trudeau and you're just a piece of trudeau
it's none of our business go fight little boy or shut your fat mouth and i want to make this
clear to everybody out there including joe biden who calls himself a catholic i was raised catholic
to jesus christ that i was taught to obey and listen to
would be telling you you keep it up you're going to hell because jesus christ would not go
go take a trip to alabama at lockheed martin the biggest defense contractor in the united
states and probably the world and brag about getting more lethal weapons to go kill people
over there in ukraine where are you catholics what christ do you believe in your christ is
a demon it's not jesus christ and again i found it the universal church of freedom peace and
justice and little trudeau over there yesterday was talking about bringing freedom peace and
justice to canada yep the images are horrific hey fat mouth how about the images of america
destroying syria how about the her ll oh in canada canada was there too with the cannons away
slaughtering people fat mouth how about afghanistan oh maybe you can't spell that word
we'll give it just afghan how about iraq all the people you murdered over there fat mouth true dope
no no no let me assure you afghanistan iraq oh they were fine we brought freedom and democracy
we had democracy one after another ready for this russia's war in ukraine has backfired
david patreus tells dw mr german news the retired army general said rather than advancing russia's
cause the war in ukraine was making nato stronger great great he praised extraordinary steps taken
by germany on weapons exports to kill more people and more military spending why would anybody
patreus how about betrayed us this is another arrogant guy oh yeah we're making progress he
said back in jan june 2011 with the afghan war making progress yeah we're really loath to use
this very loaded term of winning or losing we've made enormous progress in a number of different
geographic areas within afghanistan and overall the momentum has changed and you're gonna believe
this guy hey betrayed us haven't won a war oh oh oh and he got you know he was a cia guy you know but
he uh got thrown out there for a while we resigned in disgrace because of an extramarital affair
yeah that was with budigieg because say you know never know because patreus you're not a man
you are a murderer you love murder where are all you christians we're all the jews the islamists
why are you standing up for peace rather than sending more weapons of death you know why
ladies and gentlemen ultra 12 the highest quality v12 you're gonna find on the market has been
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ladies and gentlemen michael indell is sponsoring thousands of leading pro america
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mypelo.com forward slash alex or 800 675 4614 and thank you for shopping america and keeping us on
the air the newest product from info wars life is now available exclusively at info wars store.com
it is concentrated known herbs and compounds that will supercharge your body's natural defenses
your immune system all at the same time funding the info war our immune systems have always been
critical but in this globalist era with all the criminal activity they're involved in it is more
important than ever to take the tools god gave us and supercharge our immune systems info wars life
immune support is a game changer and everyone out there that wants to be healthy and wants to boost
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got a lot of other great products that boost your immune system as well but this one is the very
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themselves needs to get this product it's also a great gift for friends and family to boost their
immune systems as well get yours today at info wars store.com for 25% off
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones and now your host
general salente hey great being on the alex jones show and again you know do what you can to support
info wars and my motto the transjournal magazine think for yourself but i can tell you what i love
uh one of the great products that was little gold bars they got over there boy they're to me gold is
the ultimate safe haven asset my first buy of gold was i was a youngster back in 1970s my first buy
was 187 dollars and 50 cents an ounce now it's floating around 1860 bucks and the markets uh
they're down over 600 points when i just got back on the air over here and you take a look over there
in in europe the the uh the euro markets were down almost three percent today and the niké index
down almost three percent two point five and a hang sang over there really sunk it down almost
four percent so we're going through very very difficult times and again to me safe haven assets
are the number one in those gold bars to me uh golden so that guy betrayed us by the way that
arrogant arrogant clown that the mainstream media quotes all right this is this is this is from him
him back in june of 2011 betray us wrote in foreign policy magazine ready how we wanted a rock
and they listened to these clowns and that's why you have to tune into info wars and if you
want to know the trends that are going on what the world is going on what it means and what's
next you want the trends journal because if you listen to these clowns on the prostitute mainstream
media you get nowhere there we go how we want in a rock not making it up and they and they quote
this guy general yeah we're all i love these guys with all these little things on it they're just
take it easy man take it easy you know i'm not in the boy scouts again you look at that picture
yesterday at that that little macron over there in france and all those guys dressed up that
budigig would have loved them how they stay look yeah clowns a clown show putin calls out us this
is one of our article yeah we got mission accomplished another daddy's boy another little boy
of nothing another little clown a daddy's boy and people believe them 88 percent of the people
believe that stupid jerk we're going to get osama bin one get her alive we say try to kill my daddy
i'm gonna go try to kill him all right so one of the articles is going to be in tomorrow's trends
journal putin calls out us and nato blames them for ukraine war so today is that you know victory
day in in uh russia and um was the anniversary of the allied victory and in their victory parade
today putin said we saw how the military infrastructure was unfolding how hundreds
of foreign advisors had begun to work there meaning ukraine with the most modern weapons
being regularly delivered from nato countries the danger was growing every day russia offered
a preemptive rebuff to the aggression this was a forced timely move and the only correct decision
once taken by a strong and independent country he called the invasion a preemptive strike to
demilitarize and denosify ukraine putin said intelligence revealed that preparations run
away for another quote punitive operation in the donbass an invasion of our historical lands
including Crimea and that us nato and ukrainian president vladimir zalinski ignored moscow's claims
and refused to discuss them nato countries quote didn't want to hear us which means that in fact
they harbored completely different plans and we saw it brazil's ex-president lula zalinski
wanted war with russia west encouraging conflict in ukraine this is lula who's running against
bolscanaro in brazil they call this guy a left of left of left kind of guy time magazine did an
article where lula is blaming the americans nato and zalinski all right the egging russia into this
but not a word in the prostitute media and that's why you subscribe to the trends journal
and listen to info wars because we're telling you what's going on what it means and what's next
this is the only headline that i saw before i got on the air to talk about the victory parade
speech by putin today in russia and by the way the germans in operation barbarosa killed an
estimated 25 million russians in world war two and they were the first ones to be germany
so you think that ukraine's going to beat them anyway yahoo business insider hackers replaced
russian tv scheduled during putin's victory day parade with anti-war messages saying the blood
of ukraines is on russian hands that's what they not a word about what putin's saying doesn't make
any difference in the mainstream media and again lula said this is from time magazine
about zalinski he did want war if he didn't want war he would have negotiated a little more and then
lula goes on to say what i've been saying and i said earlier nobody is trying to create peace
he also noted that people are inciting hatred toward russians and russian president vladimir
pollute putin but that won't solve anything quote we really need to reach an agreement
but people are encouraging war you are encouraging this guy zalinski you ready and he thinks he is
a cherry on the cake we should have a serious conversation okay you are a nice comedian
but let us not make war for you to show up on tv
and he goes on to say what a clown showed is he sees the zalinski playing his role
and all the tv's all over the world and everybody getting up and applauding him the
guy's a comedian he can't make this crap up a guy that played the comedian on tv
and ukraine becomes the president played a president of ukraine as a comedian he's now
the president of ukraine and he's still a comedian no one's this this is what the united states and
again i'm going to make this really clear don't call yourself a christian if you believe in jesus
christ because jesus christ would not be recommending sending more lethal weapons to kill people ukraine
is going to lose the war the longer they keep it going the more people that are going to be killed
and the more destruction that's going to happen and for anybody to listen to american intelligence
which is an oxymoron because that's all they are is now intelligent he told us about 9 11 before
it happened you know don't go do now or listen to ex-generals like betrayed us or lewitt austin our
defense department head and where did he just come from oh the board of directors of raytheon the
second military industrial contractor in the united states if you're dumb enough to listen to them
dumb enough to believe bush dumb enough to believe obama dumb enough to believe biden
yep one freak after another we need peace i'm totally against what russia's done totally
against it and i'm totally against sending my money to go kill people i am not an accessory
to the crime and then again do what you can to support info wars it's a very critical time
to try to take info wars down and give us more misinformation see you next
and we begin a lot of crypto donations which is keeping us on here want to salute all those
you know who you are the beginning of the donations please go to info wars.com forward slash crypto
info wars.com forward slash crypto info wars.com forward slash crypto whether it's a dollar
in ethereum or bitcoin whether it's a thousand dollars or a million dollars we will use it to
fight the new world order ethereum bitcoin xrp litecoin there there's dozens of them there
info wars store.com and by the way we've got our own nfts at harness cam they're totally
badass in total victory coming out next week i'll tell you about that later but right now info
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