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Filename: 20220508_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 8, 2022
1280 lines.

"This transcript discusses Alex Jones' views on various topics including the alleged Illuminati plan for three world wars, InfoWars' sponsorship by MyPillow, government reports confirming COVID vaccine inefficiency, and his role as a talk show host. He also criticizes the Disinformation Board and George Soros, accuses Soros of running it and putting communists in charge of district attorneys' offices. Jones discusses fire bombings and intimidation campaigns in America, potential violence in response to a leaked Supreme Court memo on Roe v. Wade, references made to government reports confirming that COVID vaccines do not work and cause heart attacks and strokes, and preparation for a new lockdown. He emphasizes the importance of taking action to counter the efforts of those trying to suppress dissenting views and encourages listeners to support InfoWars and purchase their products. The speaker talks about his interviews with Robert Barnes, a constitutional lawyer, and the dangers of societal collapse. He emphasizes the importance of being informed and involved in politics to resist the new world order. Jones criticizes the government disinformation board and its attempts to control information, as well as the appointment of Nina Jankowicz to head the Ministry of Truth, who he argues has a history of advocating for liberal voices. He mentions a movie called "The Pentavera," which attacks him and makes fun of the Illuminati conspiracy theories. Jones believes that people are becoming more aware of the dangers posed by globalist forces, such as the great reset and the post-human world they are trying to create. In addition to discussing spirituality, government disinformation, and the economy, Jones talks about the war in Russia and its impact on the world. He encourages listeners to support InfoWars.com by purchasing products or making donations to help fund their operation during this critical time. Throughout the speech, Jones emphasizes the importance of standing up against tyranny and fighting for freedom in the face of

Infowars, tomorrow's news, today.
The letter from Albert Pike regarding the Illuminati Plan for Three World Wars is largely
considered a hoax due to the use of the word Nazism in a letter dated 1871.
But it is interesting to note the desired outcome of this alleged plan.
According to the letter, the Third War officially started on 9-11 and was intended to leave
the people in a state of complete physical, moral, spiritual, and economic exhaustion.
They will then use nihilists, atheists, and revolutionaries to create a cataclysm of social
And they will do this in order to force the people into exterminating the destroyers of
According to this letter, this bloodbath would result in the destruction of both Christianity
and atheism, and lead to the pure doctrine of Lucifer as the new world religion.
And it does appear as if this is happening now, as if the powers that be are pushing
the people into a desperate corner, as if their main goal is to create mass chaos and
But they've been doing this all by decree because they have no authority over God or
the US Constitution, and so they'd be thrilled if we burn it all down for them, proving we
are inferior savages in need of governance.
They thought they'd have that on January 6th, but the people were there for peace,
love, and justice, not a revolution.
We don't need one.
We already have our Declaration of Independence.
But without justice, the death cult remains free and continues on its path to kill us
They're going to shut us down again, but this time the United Nations will be in charge.
Our government is giving them that authority at the end of this month, just in time for
the next international health crisis.
And with the leaked Supreme Court memo on Roe v. Wade, they can launch endless organized
riots on us while we remain locked in our homes.
Those two is coming, and this time with food shortages and the crashing dollar.
But it doesn't have to be like this.
Their authority is the biggest Psyop ever.
You are not their slave unless you choose to be.
They are convincing you to do this to yourself.
When they demanded that everyone wear a mask in 2020, the majority of us could have said
no, demanded justice, and the true renaissance would have then begun.
The 2020 lockdown was a beta test to gauge how compliant the population was.
And we failed.
But we will soon have another chance.
And 2020 was also a wake-up call for millions of Americans and millions worldwide who previously
had no idea how corrupt our governments had become.
So now we are many, and we must all prepare for the next lockdown.
And we must remember that we are not savages, sheep, or slaves.
We are human beings with free will.
And as lawful Americans, it is our responsibility to apprehend these traitors, exact justice,
and restore the Republic.
But first, we must simply say no.
Say no to the masks.
Say no to sheltering in place.
Say no to vaccine passports.
Say no to shutting down your business or your church.
And if the police come to shut you down, make them commit treason.
The law of the land is already in the hands of the people.
All we have to do is wake up and take it back together.
Peace, love, and justice is ours if we want it.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Rees.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mike Lindell is sponsoring thousands of leading pro-America patriots
across the United States.
He's the main sponsor keeping so many people on the air.
He's a huge sponsor at InfoWars.
That's why we're so pleased to work with him.
He's offering the biggest sale he's done in years, his Bogo sale.
Buy one, get one free right now at MyPillow.com forward slash Alex on hundreds and hundreds
of his made in America products from pillows to sheets to shoes to human beds to dog beds.
You name it, go there, get great products at low prices, funding InfoWars, a true 360
MyPillow.com forward slash Alex or 800-675-4614.
It's only running for one week.
MyPillow.com forward slash Alex or 800-675-4614.
And thank you for shopping America and keeping us on the air.
Waging war on corruption, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of
the InfoWars.
The world is awakening to the fact that there are powerful, ruthless, authoritarian corporations
that have been sabotaging human civilization for a long time.
And the only way we can lose this war against these tyrants is if we're not aware of what
they're doing.
The old saying rings true because it is true.
The devil's greatest trick was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Sunday Emergency Broadcast live.
Soros back deep state terror squads launch fire bombings and intimidation campaigns nationwide.
Fire bombings in Wisconsin, fire bombings in Oregon, fire bombings in other areas, people's
homes being attacked, Supreme Court justices being driven out of their homes, people howling
and screaming for their heads.
And what does CNN crawling out from under its rock have to say?
Law enforcement, the Capitol Police say that right-wingers are planning to attack the Capitol
and planning to attack DC and planning to attack Supreme Court justices' homes, a total
inversion of reality.
Here it is.
We're preparing for potential violence in the Capitol and nationwide after the leak
of that Supreme Court draft opinion that would strike down Roe v. Wade after 50 years.
Capitol Police are warning the far right is calling for violence against a religious group
planning to rally for abortion rights.
Whitney Wilde is live outside the Supreme Court.
Listen, seeing fences go up there, it's sort of like post-January 6th, what are you seeing
and what specific intelligence is warning it for police officials?
Well, at this point, law enforcement sources, several of them tell us that they are closely
monitoring social media chatter that suggests that there's a potential for violence against
abortion clinic providers, abortion clinic staff, members of the judiciary that would
include the justices here as well as members of the federal government.
And what we know after January 6th and what law enforcement knows across the country is
that social media chatter can manifest- Okay, so I'm not going to play the rest of it.
You know what they're saying and doing.
The left is running around attacking people all over the country.
We went out, Oshoir went downtown for a pro-abortion rally and literally it was like central
casting for a zombie apocalypse movie.
The people yelling and screaming, we want to kill children, we love Satan, we've got
all the footage.
Y'all was hosting the third and fourth hour tonight.
I'll be here for two hours, just be playing it all, I'll play some of it.
But you don't need me to show you how they're acting all over the country.
I mean, I have hours of the footage.
I watched hours of it the last two days and it is people doing mock abortions and saying,
I'm going to kill the babies, people saying I love Satan and understand something.
We're not cherry picking this.
The corporate controlled media and the big tech censor it, they don't show you who their
supporters are, demonic zombies.
But anybody can go to one of their rallies, we'll play clip nine here in a moment.
Anybody can go witness this for themselves and go see it.
And it's not like there's five people out of a thousand that act like demonic, pig-like
zombies and say they're communists and say they're going to get everybody.
It is the majority of them.
It's like a science fiction horror movie or something.
We've got that huge news we're going to be getting to.
And then we've got unbelievable government reports from around the world confirming the
so-called COVID vaccine doesn't work and causes heart attacks and strokes.
I know you know that, we've been saying it for over two years, top scientists have.
But now it's confirmed and so much more, they're getting the next lockdown ready.
They're in the next COVID freakout ready in the next few months with 184 days out from
the election.
We've got that information.
We've got huge World War III nuclear war news and Jill Biden visiting Ukraine.
We have got a really critical economic news.
And then, you know, I'm a good talk show host, I'm a good TV host.
And it's an interesting informative show and we try to empower humanity.
But I've got a big point that I really am not good at and that is hyping something up
and building it up.
And so, I'm just going to leave it at this, dealing with the Disinformation Board and
George Soros.
We got information two weeks ago that I mentioned on air and then days later was even in the
Associated Press, but like it was a good thing and then we got more information Friday and
now we've gotten part of the documents and we're getting more.
But you talk about racketeering, you talk about illegal, what they're trying to do with
Info Wars and what has come out in the state courts and the bankruptcy court is unbelievable.
Do you think it's bad that George Soros has kicked out more than 20 state attorney generals
and put communists in that let armed robbers out the first day they're arrested?
I mean, hell, one of his DA's up at Fort Worth.
Young man for no reason shot four people, critically wounded three of them.
He was let out within 14 hours, not even a day in jail.
George Soros runs over a thousand DA's and district attorneys, county attorneys now.
George Soros is not even hiding the fact that he runs the Disinformation Bureau and
that they have a plan to basically sue tens of thousands of conservative and Christian
leaders once the precedent set with rig juries, with rig courts, with default operations against
Info Wars, and they admit that and have now admitted to court officials in federal court
that George Soros is running this and is set to publicly announce he's trying to take me
off the air, which we already knew, but that arrogance is just unbelievable and makes me
proud of who I am and makes me really, really proud of all of you.
So I'm going to wait until the lawyers are ready to green light it, but I already told
you part one of it a couple of weeks ago, and the lawyer said, don't get into much
detail just if you want to mention it, mention it, but I said the Justice Department called
up the federal court and the trustees in our limited bankruptcy and said the head of the
Justice Department and the president as policy says you must kick out his bankruptcy and
this is basically an order, it is the policy of the US government like I was a foreign
country because the executive can only do that with foreign countries, they can't deal
with a citizen, but it's Soros that overthrew Ukraine and 20 plus other governments, they
are publicly and so I said that on air, we have the documents everything now, I'm going
to do a whole report on it soon and build it up because it's huge national news, international
news, and then this new thing, I have the name of the law firms, the documents, Soros,
the money, everything, and we're just going to really put it together in powerful articles
and reports and put it out very, very soon, but if you want to see what I was talking
about earlier, just type in Justice Department opposes Alex Jones's bankruptcy, you ever
heard of a Justice Department getting involved in my access to the federal courts because
I can't find all these show trials and all these lawsuits anymore, so I say, okay, we'll
do an emergency reorganization, that shows you how scared they are, just type that in,
Justice Department opposes Alex Jones's infowars bankruptcy, that shows you, yeah, there it
is, DOJ challenges Alex Jones bankruptcy, filing, I mean that's the Huffington Post,
Associated Press, you name it, no one's ever done this before because here's the thing,
the Justice Department's run by the globalists now at the top, the FBI is, the major federal
agencies, they've gotten away with bloody murder, they're completely out of control
and no governors, no legislatures, Congress hasn't really opposed them, so why shouldn't
they set up an official Ministry of Truth with the Justice Department and Homeland Security
and say we're gonna arrest you for your speech, finally Congress says they're gonna move,
finally a bunch of legislatures and governors are saying they're gonna move with lawsuits
and blocking this, but you understand this is a takeover people, this ain't a joke, we
are 184 days out from the midterm elections and they don't intend for America to peacefully
take its nation back, they are intending to stage false flags and blame it on us and
put it on the internet kill switch and declare civil emergency martial law, so they ride
back today, whether it's infowars.com, the tip of the spear of human liberty.
You see this, it's an info wars republic defense card with original info wars art designed
by yours truly with a little gold bar implanted in it and on the back it's got a hologram,
there are only 25,000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again, the bank
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are the tip of the spear and I salute you and thank you, visit infowars.com today.
The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons
and chemicals added to the food, it's all come out and they're doing that not because
we're weak but because we're made the image of God, the Creator and we are powerful and
the social engineers fear that so much, so that's why I repeat that famous internet saying
that nobody knows who first came up with the boy, is it true?
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless, they need all their
propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death because
they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on to God of this world who
is a loser and that's why it's so important that everybody keep info wars in the air now
more than ever because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting
and setting up is safe and we are opposing the one world government and the mark of the
beast they just announced.
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bringing up frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's alex jones, newtonian
physics teaches us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, there is
not just evil in the universe, there is good and I am extremely blessed and honored to
be with this amazing crew and all the viewers and listeners tonight on mother's day in
defense of the human family and our attempt to carry out God's will, all right you know
I almost don't want to play any of this because I have hours of it and so to just play a little
is almost like a lie, I mean you've got to go out to one of these pro abortion rallies
for yourself, I first 25 years ago have a friend named George Woolley who is a big pro
life catholic activist and he said why don't you just not criticize abortion on air, why
don't you come out and see it for yourself so I won't have to play a parent probably
15 times or so, done it more than that since then and people would walk up and say sit
and look at the children off camera and sometimes on camera and I would have black people walk
up to me particularly that worked there or worked around there and they'd say nobody
wants these black babies, you going to take some, we don't get rid of these bad people,
talk about Uncle Tom's to the death, they were it and then over the years we caught
it ourselves on tape, when I say hundreds, thousands of times hell, Owen caught it hundreds
of times, the three hour report he put out just yesterday, we got a bunch of those clips
but here's a clip as the Democrats called for a tax on Catholic and Protestant churches
and this is a standard deal to have a fake baby you rip out of yourself with fake blood
sometimes they put the red syrup everywhere and say I'm going to kill it, I'm going to
kill the baby, you're not going to stop me so they don't even deny they're killing babies,
they don't even deny like Biden said last week, yeah we're killing children, main abortion
groups, Gloria Steinem, we're shirts saying yeah I'll kill my child, they have hardened
their hearts and they are turned over to a demonic force to kill, steal and destroy,
so I got dozens of these but let's just get started on some of them, here is a woman trying
to get into a Catholic church with hundreds on the street of leftist crazed maniacs and
she is celebrating killing babies in front of them here it is, and again for radio listeners
there's so much cussing and screaming you can't really even compare but there's a woman in
a bathing suit ripping babies to pieces, here we go, this is a religion, every ancient
culture did it when it collapsed, it's happening again, and this goes on and on, no more just
just turn it off then it gets the crowd celebrates her and she starts eating the babies again
and there's all these weird leftist transgender people that do mock abortions and pull the
babies out with blood spraying everywhere, it just goes on and on, it gets much worse
I'm not going to show it, there's a bunch of this footage but they've run multiple members
of the Supreme Court including the Chief Justice John Roberts out of their homes and now we
learned from other leaked documents that he's been blocking it for a year and that already
the Supreme Court has the majority to overturn Robbie Wade but as Chief Justice he's been
blocking it and waited because he's really a liberal, a leftist because he's blackmailed,
looked at him and his wife and stuff they're into, it's bad, so it would be a political
thing for the election to divert from everything so it's a good thing that's happening under
federal law, it should be the state decision anyways, nobody's even banning their sacrament
of abortion, they're putting it back to the people of states and it should be under our
federal system and again federal system doesn't mean the federal government runs everything,
it's the opposite of that, it means separation of powers, divided powers, states, local governments
and the federal government and three branches of the federal government but they're at
their homes screaming yelling by the thousands, 24 hours a day and the left is celebrating
this but if conservatives protest anyway we're terrorists, here it is, they're saying we
are people, we have rights, we're saving lives, everything is an inversion, everything is
an inversion of the truth with these daemons, now here's a man confronting a bunch of pro
death demonstrators, daring the whole cupboard lock down and he got it right that you claim
you care about lives but here's what's really going on in these hospitals, clip 21.
Lives matter or just some black lives, the black lives killed by black men matter right,
yes, the black babies killed in the abortions clinics matter right, thought so, the black
officers killed by that bastard in Minnesota that matters too right, okay but the black
babies that are killed in the abortion clinics don't matter do they are medical people, do
their lives matter, does the future of our black babies matter, huh, what's up, what's
up, all for quiet now aren't they, uh huh, it's okay if we kill them in the womb right
but you have a problem when we, you don't seem to really have a problem when we kill
them on the streets, yes we know they're the same issue, if we don't, if we don't respect
the lives of our unborn children, enough to save them and fight for them, our lives mean
nothing once we're born.
That's right, we become everything that is evil and that was back during the whole
George Floyd thing, he goes up to one of those doctor nurse demonstrations for the lock downs,
black lives matter and he says, oh you care about George Floyd, yeah, I care about this,
yeah, I care about the babies, no, and I've got hundreds of clips, I already played them
this week but here's just another one of the sickening leftists.
Ladies, if you get pregnant, run on down to the abortion clinic, get that little bastard
sucked right out, understand, go to one of their events, that's 90% of them and they
all look like mutants, black, Hispanic, white, they all look like their souls sucked out,
nobody's having sex with these people and they're just pissed that men and women are
having families and having children, suck that little bastard right out, oh she's not
saying it's not a human, she's not saying no, she gets off on killing that little bastard.
I have hours of this, Owen shot a bunch of it with a crew, they attacked Owen physically,
the police offered to arrest the people that did, Owen said no and turned the other cheek,
he'll be covering all that in an hour and two minutes at 6 p.m. central or an hour and
32 minutes, excuse me, an hour and 32 minutes, he'll be covering it all on Sunday live, I'm
4 to 6 p.m., Owen is 6 to 8 p.m. and then we have the weekday shows, kicking off with
Harrison Smith 8 a.m., infowars.com, myself at 11 a.m. and the war room 3 p.m. with Owen
Schreuer every weekday, we're only on air because of you and your prayer and your financial
support, the fight is so critical right now, thank you for your support.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mike Lindell is sponsoring thousands of leading pro-America patriots
across the United States, he's the main sponsor keeping so many people on the air, he's a
huge sponsor at infowars, that's why we're so pleased to work with him, he's offering
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and thank you for shopping America and keeping us on the air.
So I did it, I signed up for the Austin Marathon, I've been training probably not as much as
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I designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have some of those original designs
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Robert Barnes is a constitutional lawyer, good friend of mine, always a great
interview but he's been on fire lately, not just on my show but everywhere, he's going
to cover the midterms, Russia, the economy, the Roe v. Wade fight, the deep state, what
he thinks are going to play in, one of the smartest people I know, you don't want to
miss it, second hour today and you want to tell everybody you know, tune in because
exposing these people is an act of resistance and promoting links and articles and videos
is the death knell of their tyranny, their whole program banks bets on being able to
suppress and silence you and a very well-known talk show host, the biggest in the world,
don't really leave any names unknown there, he didn't say it was off record, we talked
a lot, Friday night he was really pissed, it was such a wake up call, he was trying
to send me, we're in a group chat, we talk like 20 times a day on there, myself and Eddie
Bravo, the great jiu-jitsu master, he's trying to send me links to like screenshots of mainstream
articles about J and J admitting that the blood clots are being caused by the shot
and the FDA, they wouldn't let him and he said, that's it, I'm getting off Apple and
I'm like, it's not Apple's bad enough, it's your phone provider, it's the carrier and
yes, Facebook is blocking their WhatsApp for years, what can we send over it and you think
you're sending the image but people aren't getting it and so if you think they were just
censoring Twitter and Facebook and Google and YouTube and Apple, no, now and this has
been known for years but it's intensifying with AI watching what you're doing and saying
and so there was obviously something encoded on the memes and images he was sending me
so he screenshotted it, cropped it a little and then that meme hadn't been uploaded to
the AI and he was able to send it to me, now this individual's been fighting censorship,
this individual's a good friend of mine in many years but it was such a wake up call
that it just drove him into overdrive and that's what's going to happen to everybody,
you know there's a limit folks and are you going to take the tyranny until it's too late
to beat it, Churchill once wrote a news article, it's much more eloquent than I can paraphrase
but he basically said this, I might get it word for word but I'm going to try, he said
there are many times in history when tyranny approaches and oppression and enslavement
is at hand, when there's a very, very, very, very good chance to beat it and the public
doesn't stand up and then there becomes an opportunity to defeat the takeover, the enslavement,
the tyranny, when there's a 50-50 chance of winning and those civilizations and societies
don't stand up and fight because they're living in the past, they're living on the
dregs of freedom that were left, they just can't believe what's happening to them and
he said then there comes a time, this is when most people fight, in fact they almost always
do, when there's no chance of winning but it's better to die on your feet than live
on your knees as a slave and he was quoting Zapata, the famous Mexican Revolutionary and
Zapata was quoting a Greek philosopher but the point is, is that we had a good chance
of beating this 28 years ago when I was first on air, we had a 50-50 chance of stopping
it just three years ago and now ladies and gentlemen, it's already happening, the world
breakdown, the societal collapse, the food collapse, the open satanism and pedophilia
everywhere, it's here, we're going to go through it, the question is how bad is it going to
be, when are you, and I'm not bitching at the regular audience, I'm telling the new
viewers to dial in and realize this isn't a game, this isn't a joke, this is 100% real
as a heart attack, so you either get in the game or you roll over in the ditch and get
on your knees and then there is no hope, you were made to be informed, you were built to
be involved, you were envisioned by God as a powerful entity that's frightfully made,
that's a quote, fearfully made, when God makes you and gives you free will and you're
powerful and made in the image of God and God turns you loose, that's fearful, the angels
looking on at you know you're more powerful than they are, they just already know the
full game, you're being tested and they're fearful when you're made, when that soul
gets created they're in awe, but when you're not in awe of yourself and you don't realize
you're made of the divine, when you don't realize you've got that eternal connection,
you turn into these people, I showed you last segment, I will praise thee for I am fearfully
and wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well, King
James Version Psalms 13914, that's just one of the places and so you don't want to be
turned into these creatures, you don't want to deny the connection of the infinite because
when you deny God's spirit and God's open hand you then accept by choice all that rejected
God and that's not a spiritual group you want to be associated with, you do not want to
be with that, you want to say no and you want to take God in, now does that mean every church
is perfect, does that mean every Christian is good, no, but it means you better reach
out to God or you will be turned into one of these creatures and you see what happens
to them without God, they are lost, they are delusional, they are destroyed, they are gibbering
You want to be that crazy black woman screaming saying I love killing babies and gnawing on
them and sound like an idiot or that powerful black man's voice, you get that clip we played
earlier back up, saying you're killing the babies, you don't care about black lives,
I mean listen to the power in his voice and how well he's spoken and how strong it is
and it's all true and it's perfectly said versus her, she's run by the devil, he's run
by God, anybody could say who do I want to be in business with, him, who do I trust,
him, it's not about skin colors but the spirit, do you want to be around her, the answer is
Here he is again.
The black lives killed by black men matter, right, yes, the black babies killed in the
abortions clinics matter, right, thought so, the black, the black officers killed by that
bastard in Minnesota that matters too, right, okay, but the black babies that are killed
in the abortions clinics don't matter, do they, medical people, do their lives matter,
does the future of our black babies matter, huh, what's up, what's up, all for quiet now
aren't they, uh-huh, it's okay if we kill them in the womb, right, but you have a problem
when we, you don't seem to really have a problem when we kill them on the streets, yes we know
they're the same issue, if we don't, if we don't respect the lives of our unborn children
enough to save them and fight for them, our lives mean nothing once we're born.
All right, I want to hit the government disinformation board, I'm going to hit it more with Bob Barnes
next hour but I want to hit it some because Mike Myers has got a new movie out and it's
also on Netflix, I got a bunch of calls about it called the Pentavera making fun of the
Illuminati, it attacks me quite a bit in the movie and I thought we would just show how
desperate these folks are and look into that, then the war in Russia and how dangerous it
is, the economy and more, but make no mistake, you're inside the satanic takeover now folks
and the only hope we've got, it is more than hope, it is victory, it's Jesus Christ.
Here at InfoWars.com, tomorrow's news today, we'll be back.
Here at InfoWars, our slogan is, tomorrow's news today, whether it's politics or health
or spirituality, we're about bringing you the very best documented, accurate, real-world
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Thank you so much for your support, please take action.
The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware that there's a war
between free individuals and nation-states on one side and the globalist on the other
who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
For the United States of Brazil and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations
were pulling out of the private corporate fascist world government.
That's why they launched their great reset and their program after collapsing us of build
back better.
This is nothing more than a top-down vertical consolidation of the world economy because
they couldn't take our guns because we wouldn't bow because the left, which is the ideology
of this world government system, couldn't win.
They released a biological weapon on us.
Now we know two years ago, we learned about it about 20 months ago.
It's that simple.
They can't meet us because of our free speech and our guns, so the global corporate
combined released COVID-19 and you know the rest is history.
Expose this paradigm and we win.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776, live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex
If you watch what the corporate establishment puts out their disinformation boards, their
stuff right out of fictional dictatorships in 1984, some of the only a few countries
like North Korea actually have, common China, Stalinist Russia, and you think this is cartoonish,
this is like textbook tyranny, well that's what this is.
They have taken us, being asleep and us putting up with all this garbage as a green light,
a big giant green light to come after everybody.
And finally, Congress and the courts and the legislations are waking up and the establishment
is doubling and tripling down.
I watched a bunch of this Friday after it happened, I probably watched 20 minutes of
it, it's gold, it's up on Bandai Video, Senator Paul destroys the head of the DHS and lays
out how ridiculous it is to have the government quote involve the disinformation when it's
the biggest purveyor of it.
And again, while they're getting that clip ready of Senator Rand Paul and the Disinformation
Board, I will go over some of the articles for you on that.
Do you guys know the clip I'm talking about?
Oh, okay, we have it now, oh fantastic, I'll go ahead and play it now.
Do we have policies, do we have guardrails, do we have, but here's the problem where we
can't even agree, we can't even agree what disinformation is, you can't even agree that
it was disinformation, that the Russians fed information to the steel dossier, if you
can't agree to that, how are we ever going to come to an agreement on what is disinformation
so you can police it on social media?
I think you've got no idea what disinformation is and I don't think the government's capable
of it.
Do you know that the greatest propagator of disinformation in the history of the world
The U.S. government, are you familiar with McNamara, the Pentagon Papers, are you familiar
with George W. Bush and the weapons of mass destruction, are you familiar with Iran Contra?
I mean, think of all the debates and disputes we've had over the last 50 years in our country,
we work them out by debating them, we don't work them out by the government being the
arbiter, I don't want you to guard brails, I want you to have nothing to do with speech.
You think we can't determine, you know, speech by traffickers is disinformation, you think
the American people are so stupid they need you to tell them what the truth is, you can't
even admit what the truth is with the steel dossier, I don't trust government to figure
out what the truth is, government is largely disseminating disinformation.
Then we've got the new head of the Ministry of Truth, Nina Jakowicz, who also has headed
up things for George Soros, saying it's liberals and minorities that are being silenced on
social media, which all the studies show is the complete opposite, here it is.
There's already this idea, this allegation that there is anti-conservative bias on the
platforms, even though there has been study after study proving in fact that often it's
liberal voices that are being silenced, particularly minority voices on social media.
So I think we're going to see more allegations of that.
So that's something else they're doing, they're saying there's no censorship, even though
they're on record saying they're going to censor and want more censorship, but when
you say you don't want it, oh it doesn't exist, except it's happening to the minorities.
And then they make how government corporations are censoring us about minorities as if they
have something to do with it.
They just bring them in like, oh, let big corporations and governments censor you or
you're against the black people that we all want to abort.
Here's President Trump speaking about how this is the number one issue in a rally Friday
In addition, we will get critical race theory out of our schools, out of our military and
out of every part of our federal, state and local government, you know, I had done that
and then just about in his first day in office, he wrote an executive office ending it, but
we had already done that, it was gone, got rid of all of them.
One of our highest priorities will be to crack down on left-wing censorship and restore
free speech in America.
We don't have free speech.
We don't have free speech and we have a totally crooked press, all of them back there.
We will immediately terminate Joe Biden's so-called Disinformation Governing Board.
How about that one, a chilling and un-American power grab that we will not allow to stand?
Go out and sign up now for, by the way, truths, truths.
I'm so happy to be back on social media.
So Trump sat there, I'm not critical of Trump overall, he sat there while this was all happening
under his nose and the statement that he stopped it when he was in is not true.
He let him run rough shot where they even banned him.
But thank God he's finally doing something, but he can't even say truth, social right
and he's made one post on there and he says he won't go back on Twitter when he should
use Twitter to promote the alternative, but look, look, that's just my advice to Trump.
Let's shift gears to the other area of disinformation that's taking place.
And that is corporate media and Hollywood.
If you think there's propaganda on CNN or ABC News or MSNBC, you're right, but where
it really is is embedded as propaganda placement is what I call it, like product placement,
but live placement in movies and TV shows and Netflix programs.
And Mike Myers, who I liked in Wayne's World, did a great job as Dr. Ebel, who claims he
said political.
I've had a chance now to watch part of it, I don't have time to watch all of it.
But throughout the movie, the pentaverate, which was an old joke he had 20 years ago
about, you know, this kid's got a Scottish grandfather that believes that there's these
secret groups running things.
So they always ridicule that because they knew secret groups are running things and
they didn't want to debate or a discussion about how secret groups, because if you start
having a discussion about how the United Nations is running the world or how the private
IMF or World Bank as a consortium with the World Economic Forum, if you start doing that,
it is then going to empower you to know that you're being circumvented and instead of just
fighting with somebody because of what color they are, instead of just fighting with somebody
over some distraction or divide and conquer issue, you'll actually understand who the
globalists are and what their policies are and what they're trying to do, and then you'll
be an active player in the fight, in the debate, in the discussion, and you'll be on par with
them intellectually.
But if you don't admit there's a world government, a cashless society and a COVID tyranny and
all this coming into place, well then you don't have any hope.
It's like being blind in a volleyball or football or ping-pong match or a boxing match.
You're going to get your ass handed to you.
So here's a clip from his new program, the Pentaverate, Attacking Your Strelik.
Let's go over there.
Welcome to Truth Battle.
I'm Rat Smith.
Get a sheeple.
Yeah, he's an internet conspiracy guy.
He is none other than a squirrel turd.
I'm going to tell you the truth, you won't get from the fake news Hollywood elites with
the black helicopter cam trails from deep state FEMA camps at Hyde Hillry's Himmels above
Benghazi in the ancient tongue of the snake people of the Illuminati.
They take supple Christian men off the street and force them into canon-eyed ritual gay
sex and coffins while their dad's neck had given each other lizard man courtesy reach
around as a sacrifice to the online mean Momo.
I'm Rat Smith.
Stay awake and stay in your job.
We're going to load our balloon juice.
Hey, I heard that.
Rat Smith speaks the truth, my friend.
He talks about the stuff that you and the lame string media want to try and cover up.
Hi, I'm Yancy.
You have to never walk conspiracy theorists.
Welcome to Truth Battle.
I'm Rat Smith here.
She will be in my studios in Roanoke, Virginia.
We're discussing the pentabre's end-secret meaning of world leaders known as The Meadows,
which takes place in three days in Surmans, Switzerland, near the Meadowhorn.
But first, let me tell you about Rat Smith, male enhancement cola.
My cola will not only enhance your performance, but will increase your size.
Rat Smith male enhancement cola, you will be happy.
And she'll be happy too, because you'll get a boner.
Until tomorrow.
Stay awake and stay vigilant.
F*** you.
So, there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
That's the type of garbage that they're putting on. They're just so desperate to psychologically
inoculate and prepare everyone in case they come across what I'm doing or saying,
to not look in to what we're covering.
Because if you look at The Davos Group saying they're going to deindustrialize,
they're going to take your rights, they're going to make you poor,
they're going to forcefully inject you, they're going to track and trace everywhere you go
and control with programmable digital money, what you can spend the money on.
Well, then it's game over for them.
They don't have a hope in 80s, if you're informed.
And in hour number two today,
in hour number two, ladies and gentlemen,
we are going to hit the Russia situation, the economy,
the disinformation boards, what's happened with Roe v. Wade, the leftist terror mobs
attacking firebombing facilities and going after the Supreme Court justices and more.
Hour number two straight ahead, please stay with us.
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It was about 25 years ago that I wanted to expand InfoWars.
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And it was a t-shirt I designed.
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That's our oldest design and we're still selling.
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny? Well, so does he.
Live from the infowar.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
If you had asked me all this stuff a year ago about the corruption that's going on,
I would have said you're crazy.
There's no way that there could be this level of corruption in government.
You shouldn't listen to inforrs and band.video because that's all nonsense.
You shouldn't pay attention to any of this stuff.
It's been very evident to me that all of these people who are being labeled as misinformation spreaders,
they're the guys telling the truth.
There are many thousands of physicians who have been silenced from telling the American people
the good news about this situation, that we can manage the virus.
The true misinformation spreaders are the CDC and the public health officials.
This remains a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
They are the ones that are propagating this outbreak.
The only people you can blame. This is a shaming. This is the truth.
Maybe they should be ashamed of the unvaccinated.
This is a situation of an outbreak and a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
Dr. Fauci's probably done more good for the world than all of us in this room combined.
Dr. Fauci, knowing that it is a crime to lie to Congress,
do you wish to retract your statement of May 11 where you claimed that the NIH never funded gain of function research in Wuhan?
I totally resent that.
And if anybody was lying here, Senator, it is you.
We now know that Fauci funded EcoHealth Alliance, a New York-based nonprofit headed by Peter Dazik,
was absolutely engaged and gained a function research to make chimeric SARS-based coronaviruses,
which they confirmed could infect human cells.
And the worst part, all the people going along and being lab rats for these heartless mega-corporations, it is truly incredible.
If only people had the entire story that the COVID shots are not conventional vaccines.
There are plenty of examples of people that are having very serious medical conditions that result from the vaccination.
When the convulsion started, I knew it had to be from the vaccine.
Due to this vaccine, I don't even know if I'll gain a full movement if I like that.
One of their high school football players died.
He had two blood clots inside his brain, another on the outside of his brain.
The hardest thing was I let him get that shot.
They got the vaccine.
We need help.
I don't like him putting his nuclear forces on maximum alert.
Only one level above that on their death con, just like our system.
And that's fire the weapons.
And so now we have Democrats all over the news saying let's just use nuclear weapons on Russia.
Think of their ignorance.
Russia has hundreds of submarines off our coast with sea-launched missiles that would vaporize our cities within five minutes on average of being launched.
Sea-launched cruise missiles that fly at Mach 5.
Land-launched systems that can also launch from ships that are at Mach 9 and cannot be shot down.
And yes, the United States has those, too.
That's a Pentagon lie that press to develop systems that we don't have.
It's on record the U.S. has those systems.
The point is it's called mutually assured destruction or mad for a reason
because anyone that would violate the mad doctrine is insane.
And you know, I'm on the side of not having a nuclear war,
especially when Russia is not starting to fight with us
and especially after we just heard for years that everything happening in this country is run by Russia when that was all a giant lie.
The globalists are the outside evil force.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of the smartest people I know, Robert Barnes, to cover the waterfront,
is about to join us in 60 seconds after this break.
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We are now into hour number two of this Sunday night broadcast.
I'm here every Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m. Central.
I want to show your host Sunday Live, 6 to 8 p.m.
He's got incredible footage in Austin of the pro-abortion crowd, literally with communist flags.
Most of the leaders, men saying they're women, and the open calling for killing of children,
the celebrating of it, saying, yeah, they're children, we're going to kill them.
That footage is coming up in the third and fourth hour today.
Now, right now, with Robert Barnes, good friend of mine, great constitutional lawyer,
but one of the smartest historians of political operatives I know, we're going to cover everything.
We're going to cover Roe v. Wade, and the fire bombings, and the intimidation squads,
and where that's going in the midterms, 184 days out, and what are the globals going to do?
Try to defeat this giant political realignment that's already taking place.
We have the massive situation unfolding in Russia, and the new developments there we're going to be getting into.
We've got George Soros openly running the new disinformation board that is right out of 1984.
We have the inflation, we have the situation in China, we have the COVID news that's breaking,
where J&Js had to pull their shot admitting it causes blood clots and heart attacks.
This is an incredible time in history, Robert Barnes, and I haven't talked to you since earlier today
in tech saying that you come on, and I just said, just please come on,
because you can obviously talk about all these issues.
You're just like I am, and our listeners got your head in the game.
What do you want to hit on first? What is most important?
I think it's a great premiere of the film, Twenty Two Thousand Nules.
I think that details what we talked about all the way back in Atlanta, Georgia, in November of 2020,
and laid out how they committed the election fraud, how they stole the 2020 election.
It was America's color revolution, and what took place.
And there were a lot of things that led up to it, the BLM riots, the Antifa activity, the pandemic, the lockdowns,
all of those things that were key to laying the stage for what took place in November.
But what took place in November was a three-level unconstitutional election.
The people who voted were not constitutionally qualified to vote, many of them.
People that the method by which they voted was not a constitutionally qualified method of voting.
And then the count and the canvassing in the ballots was not done in a constitutionally qualified manner,
because to be constitutionally qualified in a presidential election required that the state legislature set the rules,
and the state legislature's rules were ignored and eviscerated.
And what Twenty Two Thousand Nules does well is document one part of it.
And the one part of it was how did they flood the system with illegal ballots?
One, they sent out a bunch of ballots unchecked.
Right here in Las Vegas last week, I received two ballots. One ballot for me and one ballot for them.
Let me interrupt you, which I'm famous for. Let me interrupt you and start over,
because I didn't know you bring up this new film.
For those that don't know, tell us where it is, who made it, what it covers,
and the fact that Fox is saying they're not going to air it now, even though it's totally documented.
And as you said, the electronic scam was the deep state red herring, which you were proving right about.
When you were all over the country for Trump proving it was mules voting multiple times,
harvesting the fake ballots, filling them in and entering them, and that's now been proven.
You have been totally vindicated.
We're not putting down other people that wanted to go with the electronic thing and all that BS.
They're not bad people. Let's just admit they got conned and move on to how they really did it,
because they're playing to do it again in 184 days with the new COVID hysteria we'll get to next segment.
Let's just break down what this film is and why they're censoring it.
So, Danech de Souza put together a film and he relied heavily on the theories that we've been talking about,
which was to focus and highlight the methods and mechanisms by which they got all these illegal ballots into the system,
either because the person was not constitutionally qualified to vote,
in other words, they lived in multiple states, they were dead, they were incompetent,
like the nursing home votes in Wisconsin, they were too young to vote,
they were not legally here, they were not legally citizens, but how did they get those votes in?
They got them in through the mail-in system, but how did that happen?
Well, they were able to circumvent the U.S. Postal Service and circumvent the regular method of delivering ballots
by instituting drop boxes all across the country, which was funded by Mark Zuckerberg
in the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars, bribing election officials as the Wisconsin,
former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Office of Special Counsel for the state legislature has confirmed in his report.
And they are extremely scared of this, so how do you beat real election fraud evidence?
You bring up fake election fraud evidence, get useful idiots to cover it, and none of us are perfect,
I covered it some, you were warning at the time, but I covered all aspects of it, all points of the competence.
That's how you kill a real story with a fake story, they are so scared of De Souza's new film, where do people find it?
2,000 mules, so they can find it at De Souza's local's page, so they can join his local's page,
get a year's subscription, and get the film for free.
And the core of the film is about from the 25-minute mark to about the 45-minute mark.
And it's a slam dunk.
It's a slam dunk proving how they did.
Exactly, and some of it was stuff I was complaining about to RNC Chairwoman of the Romney family back at the time.
And as we said, we need real investigative resources, real legal resources to battle this,
and one way to expose it was to show not only the disparate turnout at places like nursing homes and mail drops and places like that,
but one of the mechanisms would be the mules that were videotaped doing this because they were required to have video surveillance on all the drop boxes.
But instead, they refused to expend, they raised hundreds of millions of dollars in the names of investigating this,
and then they pocketed it and grifted it and went to other things.
So this details what would have happened had we actually done the investigation at the time,
that some of us were requesting that the RNC refused to do it.
You and I were in those states like Georgia, like Arizona, and we were trying to get this done, and it wasn't done.
That's exactly right.
And what he's detailed is what we said we would be able to prove,
which is when you look at the video surveillance of what took place at these drop boxes,
what you see is people dropping off multiple ballots, not delivering one ballot, multiple ballots.
Sometimes they're delivering them at three in the morning.
What they took at 2000 and mules did is they just bought the data that's available to geotrack your cell phone,
and they tracked cell phones that were visiting multiple drop boxes on multiple days,
and then stopping off at the kind of places where they...
And then they went and got the surveillance footage and show it.
And you could see things like people walking up late at night with gloves.
With gloves.
They would put the ballots in.
Hey, hey, hey.
My brother-in-law, who's a really smart guy, he's a chemist, and my dad,
both were at post offices days after the election and saw people with hundreds of ballots
signing them and putting them in.
They saw it themselves.
It was going on after the election.
I mean, Pennsylvania, they took 10 days to, quote, unquote, process the ballots.
I remember they...
I mean, Georgia, more and more ballots kept showing up.
Day after day after day, more ballots kept showing up.
How did that happen?
This is how it happened.
So they needed mules as their intermediaries, and this just captures one aspect of the fraud,
because the fraud was broader and more wholesale.
But this is an aspect that here they have smoking gun evidence of mules putting in more ballots.
And remember, in most of these states, this form of ballot trafficking is illegal, is a crime.
That makes those ballots themselves illegal ballots.
Regardless of how those ballots came in, regardless of what the original intention of a voter was,
doesn't matter.
That ballot was done and cast in an illegal, unconstitutional manner.
That makes it a ballot that could not be counted.
And there's just tracking these mules in the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin,
Georgia, and Arizona, they were able to find more illegal ballots than the margin of victory
by a large margin, sometimes by a multiple of 10 or more, in every single one of these states,
just tracking this one aspect of the fraud.
That was why we always said, you need to do a signature match check, because if you did a signature match check,
you'd be able to prove that a lot of these ballots were illegal,
and that's why no state to this day has done a signature match check on these ballots.
And now we hear Fox News is going to be blocking out the next decision, totally respected filmmaker,
totally incredible record as a journalist, super respected.
They're going to be blocking this, the press is reporting.
Yes, I mean, in fact, they reported last night in the aftershow of the premiere,
they reported that, in fact, they had been told, this involves the true-to-vote organization that helped participate in this,
they had been told that Fox's lawyers were quashing Fox from putting on any demonstration.
Even Tucker, who interviewed one of the people concerning this,
has apparently been told not to cover this precise story in detail.
So we're going to find out what's happening.
Unbelievable, folks, you want smoking gun evidence, 2,000 mules in essence,
we definitely need to get him back on the show, he's been on many times.
Unbelievable information.
Robert Barnes, we're going to cover a bunch of other breaking news,
always riveting and informative with Robert Barnes, infowars.com,
tomorrow's news, today, talk about it, you know, tune in now.
It's not a stop, it's not a prohibition, it's when you come to a four-way intersection,
there's the stop sign, you stop, you look both ways, and then you proceed.
And so it's also, it doesn't pause all gain of function, just selected gain of function.
But they'll argue that this is actually characterization and qualification research,
so, you know, Rand and others, you know, maybe Fauci was right,
they don't quite know what they're talking about, calling it gain of function,
you know, that's why he didn't perjure himself, that's why he hasn't been arrested.
Because they're literally creating new synthetic life forms that mimic what the viruses do,
but in the main definition, it's still a gain of function.
They're making something deadly that spreads more easily to hurt people.
Thank you, Mike, we love you.
It was about 25 years ago that I wanted to expand infowars.
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Robert Barnes, what a historic time we are in right now here on The Alex Jones Show.
Obviously, if the deep state globalists pre-programmed it all,
Pelosi said it doesn't matter how many votes he gets,
there'll be a red wave, it'll look like he wins election night, we have the votes, we have the mail-in ballots.
He will be gone.
And then we witnessed this.
So this is 2,000 mules into Dinesh D'Souza and the proof they've got is just so incredible.
And to see how scared the system is, let's speak to that in closing before we get to other issues.
And then ask the big question about the midterms 184 days out, the pre-programming CNN, ABC News, NBC.
Oh, the terror, the fire bombings, the attacks on Supreme Court justices, it's Republicans.
I played it first hour, I'm not going to play it again.
But the level of gaslighting in this info is turning everyone against them.
What are they going to do faced with total political realignment, Robert Barnes?
There's going to be a complete suppression and censorship of this story.
There's already so-called fact-checkers out there saying that 2,000 mules can't prove what it infers.
So they have videotape evidence.
What were people doing delivering tons of ballots, multiple ballots, with their gloves on, not only with their gloves on, they have surgical gloves on.
And then after they put the ballots in, they take the surgical gloves off and throw them in the trash can.
Why? So there'd be no fingerprint track records on those ballots in case anybody was checking them.
In fact, that started to happen after it got publicly reported.
This was coordinated across the country.
And it was what we said from the get-go.
What they did was they unlocked the safe, they unlocked the door, took down the video cameras, told people the security guards were gone,
and said they were going to be gone for a couple of weeks.
And that's why you get different levels of fraud in different places is they outsourced the fraud so that any organization,
any, a lot of these NGOs were part of it, a lot of the Zuckerberg-related groups were connected to it.
And the key is how do we reform this? How do we fix this?
We need to ban drop boxes everywhere.
We need to limit mail-in voting to the truly indefinitely confined and military.
We need to have meaningful signature match checks imposed with third-party observers,
as we require, by the way, of elections internationally.
We require elections around the world to have these standards.
We can at least have the same standards ourselves.
And that will prevent this particular method of ballot election fraud from happening in the future.
This was massive ballot trafficking caught on tape and documented in the geospatial data that they were able to use tracking cell phones.
What were people doing visiting 28 different drop boxes over a three-day time period?
And that's my next question. They're not going to give up.
What do you expect them to pull this time?
They're already saying, as you predicted, I predicted a year ago,
in the midterms they would launch a new variant, try new restrictions, more mail-in ballots,
and I've got it here in the news.
We've got Democrat governors and there's some others calling for mail-in ballots.
All the rest the same crap.
Well, people got to keep the pressure on.
So keep the pressure on to get legislators and governors in these states
to change the election rules and election laws to make sure these mass drop boxes don't happen again,
that mass mail-in voting doesn't happen again,
that ballots don't get sent out just en masse,
millions more than we're going to be able to even vote in the first place.
Make sure that doesn't reoccur because that's the mechanism they need
to be able to achieve this scale of voter fraud.
Without this, their ability to do it is dramatically limited and restricted.
So it's the Court of Public Opinion making sure that our elected officials
at the local and state level do not facilitate this continued fraud.
Let's expand on that then.
Obviously, they want to escalate to war in Russia.
Obviously, they want some cyber attacks that are imminent.
This is like Venezuela, we're trying to kick Hugo Chavez out.
They're not going to go away quietly.
What else do you think they've gotten their quiver or in their hand of cards, Barnes?
Well, they're still trying to escalate the conflict in the war
and they want to drag us into it.
That's why you see the New York Times running leaks about how we're helping to kill Russian generals.
That's why you're seeing them leak that supposedly we sunk a Russian ship.
They want Russia to, we're trying to provoke the Russian bear,
prod the Russian bear into doing something directly in a NATO country.
That's what I'm saying.
You're officially at war with us.
Let's get it on.
And these are people, you're seeing me on the Wall Street Journal the other day.
Major publications saying maybe we could win a nuclear war.
I mean, we're back to George C. Scott, Dr. Strangelove.
I don't worry, you know, 10,000, 20,000 tops.
10,000,000 tops.
Exactly. No problem.
We can survive it.
As long as we get our 28 bribes, 28 bribes.
Yeah, exactly.
We're living this for real.
There's people that are actually game planning this in the Biden administration right now.
And so we've got to be consciously, consistently attentive.
I mean, J.D. Vance won in Ohio.
He won because he chose to be anti-war, chose to be anti-a-no-fly zone.
Said we'd have no business getting involved in this.
We need to worry about our own border, not the Ukrainian one.
That's right. It's insanely popular to not have war with Russia.
It's insanely popular to control our border.
It's incredibly popular to not devalue the currency.
Everything the left does is unpopular.
And they went to the White House Press Correspondent Center and make jokes about that.
They know that.
And that's what I think.
I'm hopeful that people like Kathy Barnett make a surge in the Pennsylvania Senate race.
She's running against globalists.
She's running, you know, unlike Dr. Oz, an unfortunate endorsement by President Trump
because of his longstanding friendship with him.
But Oz is a guy who voted in 2018 in Turkey, not the United States.
That's not who we need in the United States Senate.
We need someone like Kathy Barnett, someone who's advancing a populist cause,
who's advancing and supporting that populist cause, who's a legitimate populist,
not a fake one, not a pretend one, not another MAGA pretend candidate,
but an actual MAGA candidate.
And maybe we'll see Pennsylvania replicate what just happened in Ohio
because the populist base does not want any more war.
The populist base doesn't want to debase our currency.
The populist base doesn't want to destroy our border.
The populist base doesn't want another fake pandemic to lock us down again.
So that's what we need is we need more populists and we need real populists to reform our elections,
to keep them clean and to keep them honest, to simply comply with the same standards again
that international election observers, we in the United States, require of international elections.
We should at least have the same standards here.
And that's where 2000 Mules is a great film for documenting just this one aspect of the fraud.
And it's a reminder we must continually be diligent in focusing change in the court of public opinion
so that legislatures take the remedy that we need to make sure our elections have integrity and honesty.
Well, Barnes, the longer I know you, the more I respect you
because I remember being with you in Atlanta and you said,
listen, they're going to say it's a digital, it's not, it's all Mules use that term.
You said it's people bringing in fake ballots.
Trump agreed with you, but his people didn't.
It was all this pie in the sky stuff.
And now it's proven that is so huge.
We're going to break though.
I want to talk COVID because they got new lockdowns planned and all this new stuff's coming on.
And Bill Gates wants this world government UN treaty.
I'm going to talk about how we had that off at the past because we had great victory.
The world was awakening.
So they backed off as we knew they would.
How do we not let all the gains we've had be lost?
This is so critical to all your futures.
Please tell everybody, you know, now on every platform you can,
whether it's gab or Twitter, rumble, I don't care what it is.
Just spread the word.
The freedom is live.
There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class,
not in communist China, not in Mexico, not in the United States, not anywhere.
Is there a real study of the planet's ruling class?
And that's done by design.
The large central banks that basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics
that look into, say, the Anglo-American establishment, the sound of the Bilderberg group, the trilateral commission of the United Nations,
the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Until 10 years ago, the media said the control corporate media of the Bilderberg group didn't exist.
Well, now the Bilderberg group is public in its former head, still on the steering committee, is Klaus Schwab.
And he has set up the great reset in global government.
And if, as a liberty movement worldwide, we don't address the globalist head on about the second thing,
or worldwide authoritarian corporate takeover, we don't have a shot.
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Alex Jones.
So we're not weather forecasters.
We're political, economic, cultural forecasters.
And I can show you 100 articles and give you my view on this all day.
But Robert Barnes, I really respect him in his view on this.
So Barnes, look into that crystal ball and we see a dying political global system in deep trouble.
Trying to start wars.
We see the dollar in deep trouble.
We see massive inflation, all of this happen.
We see arrogance at the national press center making jokes about other enslaving us.
These are not good signs.
What do you expect this dying system to do and what can we do to stop it?
Well, I mean, I see it right now in the, one of the biggest cases, if not the biggest case,
against big pharma related to this COVID vaccine, which is my case, Brooke Jackson against Pfizer
for defrauding the government of billions of dollars based on fraudulently falsifying the data that was submitted to them about this vaccine.
We're seeing that disclosed in the FOIA disclosures that they tried to hide for 75 years.
We're seeing more of the great work by Del Bigtree and Aaron Seary, which detail and demonstrate all the information they knew.
All of this is confirming what Brooke Jackson said.
She was the first whistleblower to blow the whistle on all of this.
The complaint is now unsealed.
We're going to have a hearing this month in May and announcing here for the first time,
I'm bringing together a team of lawyers from across the nation to join in on this case because there are dozens of lawyers on the opposite side.
Pfizer and the other related entities have lawyered up big time and so they are trying to seek a complete stop of all discovery.
They don't want there to be any discovery in the case, any information to be turned over, anything else just like they tried in the FOIA case.
We'll be litigating that this month because this case is the tip of the spear for unwinding what they did,
uncovering what they did, and getting some public justice for what they did so that they can't do it again because as Bill Gates admitted this past week,
Bill Gates, in fact, knew all along or at least knew very early on that this vaccine and that this virus wasn't as dangerous.
I got the clip here. In fact, guys find it. I think it's in Friday's clips, but Bill Gates says it's only as dangerous as the flu.
So he's now trying to walk it back.
Absolutely, because he wants the next virus to be more dangerous to justify an excuse.
He went on to say that. Exactly. He said, I got the clip here. He said, this is only as bad as the flu, but don't worry, the next one's much worse.
Exactly, and that's predictive. How does he manage to be so predictive?
He wanted this one to be much worse. They just lied about how dangerous it was.
And who is the number one private funder, funds as much to the World Health Organization as the United States government does?
It's the Gates Foundation, who's the number one funder of all a lot of these modelers out of the University of Washington and out of the Imperial College in U.K.
that created these bogus charts and bogus stats to terrorize the world and the locking down and doing anything.
In his latest statement, you must not question the independent science modelers. Since you mentioned it, here's the clip of him admitting it was basically the flu.
But don't worry, he said another speech. Something far worse is coming. Here it is.
It wasn't until early February when I was in a meeting that experts at the Foundation said, there's no way.
There's been too much travel without diagnosis for us to contain this.
And then at that point, we didn't really understand the fatality rate.
We didn't understand that it's a fairly low fatality rate and that it's a disease mainly of the elderly kind of like flu is although a bit different than that.
So that was pretty scary period where the world didn't go on alert, including the United States nearly as fast as it needed to.
Even though we have the experts on and said all that beforehand, amazing admission, then he's all over as you mentioned saying, oh, but don't worry, something far more deadly is coming.
And that's the plan. And that's how we have to continue to fight this in the court of public opinion, continue to fight this in the courts of law.
The way Brooke Jackson suit is so significant and so critical and so essential. She was very brave and very bold at coming forward.
For those that don't know, that was like six months ago. He told me probably I got this big Texas Pfizer whistleblower. That was the first big case now more happening. Great job.
I mean, it's huge. It's huge. And everything she said is now proven and their admissions of blood clots, heart attacks, covering up the trials didn't do phase three trials. Amazing.
I mean, she took great risk. I mean, she was getting direct phone calls from Pfizer's lawyers. She was getting certified mail that had been opened before she received it.
She was seeing a lot of anomalies that were evidence of surveillance, private surveillance on her. She took a great risk by blowing the whistle on this.
Took a great risk to her career. Took a great personal risk. And now she's being vindicated in full, not only by the scope and scale of this case that we've brought on her behalf and on the behalf of every United States citizen.
This is a key tam action. So it's brought on behalf of the American people, but it's also being confirmed by all these critical Pfizer leaks that are now finally coming out in the FOIA disclosures.
And they're showing that they knew a lot higher death rate than they had disclosed, much higher risk rate than they had disclosed, much less benefit.
I mean, some of their data suggests that they were only about 12% effective for a short period of time. So they knew that the vaccine wouldn't stop.
I mean, this wasn't even a vaccine. I'm litigating with Bobby Kennedy in two different cases on behalf of Children's Health Defense against the FDA both in the Sixth Circuit and there in the Western District of Texas right up in Waco.
We're litigating trying to stop this from being implemented for young children.
That's right. They're acting like the fights over because they know we were building the forces politically and economically and culturally illegally to beat them.
The fight is bigger now than ever. We're trying to stop their next assault, folks. That's why this is so critical. So let me ask you the 35,000 foot view here, Barnes.
How would you describe the globalist position right now and how it's going for them? And again, how else do you think they're going to strike us?
Well, it explains what 2,000 mules really all about. Why did they steal the 2020 election? Because they wanted global war, the Ukraine. They wanted to use Ukraine as a proxy to take down anybody threatening the globalist new order of Klaus Schwab and George Soros and the rest.
And they wanted to be able to do this, get away with what they did in this past lockdowns and vaccines, but so that they can do it again in the future. And that's why it was so critical to take Trump out, to remove him as the obstacle to global war, as the obstacle to another lockdown and to exposing their malfeasance and misconduct.
This Justice Department is the most weaponized Justice Department in American political history. They Biden has done with this Justice Department what they accused Nixon of doing, that Nixon never got close to achieving or attaining.
He is doing it, not only in covering up for Hunter Biden's crimes, going after Project Veritas and James O'Keefe, but in this case, where is the Justice Department?
Brooke Jackson detailed all of these issues. These issues are now being confirmed by the FOIA litigation, and yet the Justice Department is still sitting on its hands. The Justice Department should be supporting Brooke Jackson's case against Pfizer, should be assisting this case, and instead they're hiding in the background.
And while all of this was coming out, they're trying to target under five children with these poison shots.
Absolutely. They want to give it to babies. They want to give it to babies. If they can't kill them in the womb, they want to kill them when they come out of the womb.
Just look at California legislation promoting killing actual infanticide. There's a reason why Roe v. Wade kept referencing the infanticide decisions of Rome.
It's because this was a eugenicist decision. Look at Elizabeth Warren's most recent quote and tweet, where she says, hey, abortion is important for poor people and minority people.
Why does she say that? She says that because this was a eugenicist driven agenda, and they're losing the power to force abortions on unwilling populations.
They're losing the power to force these mass facts, quote unquote, fake vaccines, because they're not legally vaccines, these vaccines on mass populations, including very young children, despite all the health data.
And they won a third world war with Ukraine. And all of those agendas are being derailed and sidetracked despite their state of the election.
So in one minute to break, how are they going to try to grab victory from the jaws of defeat?
Well, you see, they're going to do things like leak a Supreme Court draft opinion and then engage in Intifa-style terror tactics outside the homes of these Supreme Court justices, hoping that these Supreme Court justices fold and capitulate and reverse on their decisions.
I mean, if any conservatives were doing that, they would have been locked up yesterday. But here, these people are being rewarded, being encouraged, being incentivized. The media's celebrating it.
Joe Biden is excusing it. The left is tolerating it. This is what's happening. They're going to resort to street theater and deep state, deep fake, false flags in the Ukrainian conflict between the two, hope to derail this populist rebellion against their globalist agenda.
All right, Barnes, I'm going to look at food shortages, all these food plants, including Walmart supply centers blowing up. I want to look at the disinformation board and more in the final segment with Robert Barnes.
And then Owen, the cut destroyer-shroyer, has got a gigantic show lined up for you, 6 to 8 p.m. Central tonight.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You know, in this last segment, I got a few big issues I want to hit on the Alex Jones show, but I want to bring this up because I do follow Robert Barnes. I watch his show. He does every few days with another great lawyer.
I follow his work. It's always informative. I learn stuff, but I saw you get into the Democratic Party funded lawsuits against me and really just exposed what it was a few days ago.
And I normally don't spend a lot of time covering what we're going through because listeners already know it. They're supporting us, but it's a blueprint for the future.
And so, you know, I hired some big top law firms for our limited bankruptcy. And right after it started two weeks ago, they called me and they sent me transcripts. They said, we've never seen this before. We believe in the deep state now.
We've had the Justice Department call and say the Biden administration says you're not allowed to support him. They actually called the judges lawyer and they called the trustees lawyers who retired the former bankruptcy judge of Austin and Schmidt and said,
it's policy in the U.S. government, like I'm Russia, that he doesn't have access to the courts. So that blew him away and I actually woke him up. And I knew this would happen because these state courts are so regular, as you pointed out, with Soros elected judges.
You know, he's got 900 plus district attorneys, a bunch of county attorneys, 20 plus U.S. attorneys, or more than that hell, and a whole bunch of state attorney generals. And then you can put the headline up of Reuters, you name it.
Justice Department is against Alex Jones' bankruptcy. Justice Department trying to stop Alex Jones' bankruptcy. Those are the headlines. I showed them in the first hour. We can put them back up on screen for TV viewers.
But then I confirmed this week, we're not going to release it yet, but this is something you should be involved in. We should really build it up. It's a big deal that we always knew Soros was involved, but they're not even hiding it in Texas.
And that's Bloomberg right there with the Justice Department saying, my bankruptcy is not good. But you can type in DOJ challenges, Alex Jones' bankruptcy. Since when does that happen? So how big is it that Soros isn't even trying to hide this?
To me, this is a major rallying point. I know we have a big show and a great audience and great guests, but why are they so obsessed that we now have evidence that's going to come out soon of over $10 million spent by Soros to do this?
What does he think that's going to look like when all that comes out and that they're now openly trying to threaten bankruptcy federal judges? I mean, these people, I guess they know they control the Justice Department, so why do they care? But this is getting crazy.
It's the complete weaponization of the Justice Department for politicized partisan purposes.
I mean, when's the last time we've seen a Justice Department go after a reporter? This is the same Justice Department that's busy trying to extradite Julian Assange for exposing deep state crimes during the Obama administration and going after Julian Assange.
The same deep state apparatus going after James O'Keefe merely because he possessed a diary of a daughter of a president that exposed that president in a highly questionable world.
That he gave to the police and didn't publish.
Exactly. I mean, he didn't even go public with it. Basically, they have become this... Mike Sernovich put it this way. The other day, the FBI has become the private Stasi, the private KGB, the private secret police.
In fact, I call it confession through projection. It's like you listen to whatever Ukraine or the West is saying about the war and assume that they say the Russians are doing. It's usually what's happening to Ukrainians.
The same thing is happening here. Whatever they accused Trump of doing is what they were up to. Corruption overseas, corruption involving family members.
I mean, just look at the password of Hunter Biden's laptop and the guys that complete degenerate. This is the nature. We have a degenerate presidency. We have a degenerate president who is a dementia candidate.
Well, let's expand on that. Just like Hitler started bombing civilian targets, thinking it would make the British give up, I'm finding messing with judges, messing with... is actually making them get pissed. It's not having the effect they thought.
Well, yeah. I mean, the goal has been just pure intimidation tactics. The only thing they know, just like the intimidation tactics they took with Russia. I thought they could shut down Russia's economy.
I thought they could change Russia's governance simply with these tactics. It's the same tactics and techniques, but it's the complete dangerous partisan politicized weaponization of the Justice Department.
And what's dangerous, Barnes, is that they don't quit when it fails. They double down. So what's the double down going to look like?
I mean, they're going to keep accelerating and escalating until they get a rigged outcome. And the problem they have, if they had confidence in the merits of their case, then they wouldn't be using these shenanigans. They wouldn't be having the U.S. trustee interfere in a bankruptcy in a highly questionable manner to try to prevent a party from the legal rights and remedies.
Bankruptcy affords, which, by the way, is only an option because the plaintiffs chose to sue entities they knew didn't have any assets. So that shows the scale of it. If they had confidence in their case, they wouldn't use these shenanigans.
Well, that's the thing. They're saying there's hundreds of millions of dollars in these entities. We're maxed out and don't have any money. So I'm like, okay, we'll show them. And then they're pissed.
Well, because the whole case was premised on a fiction, a fiction based on a sort of Mike Meyer style, latest version of a delusional interpretation of Alex Jones.
And they want to pretend that the the Infi Wars audience is this deluded audience when in fact it's one of the most informed audiences in the entire world.
Thomas, Robert, you were involved in discovery in our finances because I don't judge myself by money. I spend it almost all. I got a decent house, a nice car, health care, but I don't worship money. I'm not trying to pile up money.
Last time you checked, how much money does Alex Jones have? They keep claiming I have hundreds of millions of dollars. I don't have five million dollars.
Well, all of these entities they knew didn't that are in bankruptcy. They knew didn't have it from the very beginning of discovery. We sat down and showed them there's nothing there. There's nothing in there. They knew it and said you should dismiss them.
You know, why is Owen Shroyer being sued as part of all this? This is purely lawfare and it's politically motivated lawfare.
And I'm not putting Owen down, but in discovery, he has like $50,000 in the bank. I mean, it's all lies.
At every single level and it has to be because it was built on a lie based on a lie. The story had to be that this was a fake news station, not the tip of the spear for independent information.
It was at the very top of saying that the pandemic lockdown was bad politics, bad policy, and they were lying about the data. It was in force. Who was at the tip of the spear for saying this election was stolen?
It was in force. Who was at the tip of the spear saying the war in Ukraine is meant to escalate to World War III and we have no business being there? It was in force.
That's why they have to silence in force. That's why they have to shame the in force audience. If they believed in their case, they would have a trial on the merits with a jury.
Man, they've defaulted and you saw the filing where in Texas they say we can't talk or bring up the First Amendment. I mean, it's beyond a kangaroo trial.
Oh, completely. I mean, if again, if they have confidence, why are they scared of an Austin jury, a liberal Austin jury pool? Why are they scared of a liberal Connecticut jury pool?
They know that even those jury polls, when they see the actual facts in the case, will not write big checks of the kind that they demand, will not bankrupt in civil wars fundamentally and functionally moving forward.
So that's why they have to create a fake case based on a fake narrative and use procedural tricks so that in force has been denied the right to bring motions to dismiss, the right to bring motions to summary judgment,
the right to bring anti-slap motions and now denied the right to for a trial on the merits and now they're trying to deny them even bankruptcy law protection.
That's the scale and scope of this politicized, weaponized mechanism to come after it for wars. And it's because of the power of the audience, the power of the audience that has continued to keep info wars alive and afloat financially.
Well, that's right. What does it say about the power structure? These aren't the actions of a strong group.
Well, they thought they would crush it. They thought your audience was a dumb, naive, defrauded, deceived audience, not one of the most informed audiences in the world, not an audience that would stay invested in info wars no matter what happened,
that would continue to get good products at good prices while keeping info wars functioning afloat. And where does that matter?
You need, where do you go to find out the real information about a war in Ukraine at the beginning when all the mainstream media, including Fox, is pushing lies? It's info wars.
Where do you go to find out that the lockdown is bad policy and bad politic and they're lying about this pandemic when Fox News was fully on board?
We need people connected to Trump or even on board.
So let me ask you in closing, what are they going to do now that they've launched this attack and all it's creating is more positive? I've never seen so much support. What are they going to do? Is it backfires?
Unfortunately, it's going to be more and more dangerous. I mean, they're either going to escalate. Well, like what we're seeing in Ukraine, I mean, you have people seriously considering and contemplating actual nuclear war.
It is, as you described, pure mad. That's why it's called mutually sure destruction. So you're going to see continued efforts to weaponize the entire process so that info wars never get to trial on the merits and efforts to crush it and nuke it are the same as what they're thinking on a global military scale.
That's right. Info wars is a microcosm of breaking the law. The leak of the Supreme Court ruling is just, they chose, there's no rules now. They're just completely crazy.
Just like what happened in the election, just what I like, what happened with the pandemic, just like what happened in the Ukrainian conflict, just like what happened with the leak, just like what happened, the scope is a leak, just like what happened with Project Veritas.
They are going to break all the rules and deny the protection of the law and deny the remedies of the Constitution info wars because info wars are the tip of the spear at breaking through their propaganda.
All right, barn. People search your name. You're everywhere on Twitter. You've got a great show. You host yourself. Thank you so much.
Hey, glad to be here. Amazing job and great work with your lawsuits, exposing Pfizer and others. What a trooper. What a hero. Another hero that you support and back.
Owen shroyer takes over for two hours live Sunday live in two minutes. Stay with us.
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