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Filename: 20220504_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 4, 2022
2448 lines.

Infowars claims Obama and Clinton were controlled by an unspecified criminal cabal, and accuses both major US political parties of being under its control. The WHO is attempting to gain more power, with concerns that the changes will be difficult to reverse. There are calls for public awareness campaigns and contacting elected officials to prevent this from happening.

Infowars, the most banned network in the world.
Back in 2008, while the masses flocked to Obama to save them from Dick Cheney,
those waking up to the American nightmare could clearly see how he was a puppet to Wall Street and the big banks.
And also to the military-industrial complex. Their profits soared as the anti-war movement disappeared.
Obama even had an American citizen killed with a drone strike while eating dinner.
Obama loved predator drones, and he normalized the unending war.
I have two words for you. Predator drones. You will never see it coming. You think I'm joking?
At first, Obama was not threatened by the election of Donald Trump. He had the all-powerful media on his side.
President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States,
exclamation point at real Donald Trump. Well, at real Donald Trump, at least I will go down as a president.
But that didn't last.
If we fall for Trump, got elected, and Obama helped lead a massive attack against him with the entire establishment, mainstream media, and loyal Democrats.
And by the time the 2020 election was stolen right before our eyes, there was no doubt that Joe Biden was a puppet. But who's puppet?
I think it's no surprise to know that it's not just Obama, but it's the whole Obama-Clinton machine that has been in power for a long time
and continues to pull the strings behind the curtain in the Biden administration.
But when we're talking about this ministry of truth, Will, what's even more disturbing than the fact that you have all these Democrats who are supporting it,
is that there are powerful Republicans who are supporting it as well.
Obama and Clinton are puppets, along with at least 99% of all the Democrats and Republicans in Congress.
And it's not even a government anymore. It's a criminal cabal made up of several crime families and corporations that see the people as a commodity.
And now, while being exposed for some of the biggest crimes in American history, they are stealing every last penny from the American people,
creating a worldwide famine and provoking a war with a country that is showing off ways they can nuke we the people into oblivion.
In Germany, hundreds of thousands of people are demanding that their government stop sending weapons to Ukraine
and urging them to move towards a peaceful resolution.
While in America, it seems as if everyone is just going about their business, waiting for the next election, as if it's just a series on Netflix we are watching.
But if we sit and do nothing, as we watch them start a nuclear war, are we innocent?
The US government is training Ukrainian soldiers in Germany and supplying Ukraine with hundreds of newly declassified suicide drones.
The liars and thieves inhabiting the US government are starting this war for their own puppet masters.
But they are no one special, just old, old money with centuries of fraud.
And we outnumber them 10,000 to one, conservatively.
They are not going to stop. And now that they are being exposed, it's just going to get worse.
And so wouldn't it be beautiful if we the people can stand up for what's right and stop World War III?
Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe, you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
You see this? It's an Info Wars Republic Defense Card with original Info Wars art designed by yours truly with a little gold bar implanted in it.
And on the back, it's got a hologram. There are only 25,000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again.
The bank that owns the mint that has started putting these out the last few years just sold out of 300,000 of a similar offering that was 40% more than what we're selling these for.
And when you get three or more, you can get these at 50% off and they fund the Info War.
Please visit InfowarsTour.com and check out this amazing new art slash gold product.
It's a collector's item and you'll know you helped fund the Second American Revolution against the globalist at such a critical point.
Get your gold bars and so much more exclusively at InfowarsTour.com and I want to thank you for your support over the years because without you, all of the great success we have had together would not have happened.
We are the tip of the spear, you are the tip of the spear and I salute you and thank you. Visit InfowarsTour.com today.
From the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The ride of a woman to kill her child is abortion.
Biden says the quiet part out loud, but more and more people like Gloria Steinem of the Central Intelligence Agency on record wear shirts saying,
I had an abortion and I'll do it again and they talk about how they like it and how it made them feel good and how it empowers them to kill their child.
This is not a minority of these leftist women.
This is the majority of them have been basically endowed with the satanic spirit of when they aborted their baby because they were lied to that it wasn't a human.
Instead of having the Holy Spirit soften their heart and repent of it and say, I'm not going to be part of this anymore.
They said, no, I'm glad I did it and you see the leftist ideology now becoming purely satanic because its roots were always satanic.
I have repented and the left is so blind and so tone deaf spiritually and culturally and intellectually and philosophically that every time I talk about the fact that I paid for abortions and I repented of it when I was about 19 years old.
They say, look, here's the hypocrite, Jones admitting he's been part of abortions but now he's against it.
That's like saying if you murdered somebody or you robbed a bank when you were 25 years old and went to jail for 10 years and got out and became a Christian and a business owner,
it was wrong you robbed a bank and pistol whipped the clerk.
I haven't done that, it's hypothetical.
And so I was touched by the Holy Spirit when I was about 18, 19 and had nightmares about it and really was upset and said I'm not going to sit there and just shell out 300 bucks every time I get a check pregnant.
Because even of my work condom and stuff, back then I was so fertile I could look at a woman and get pregnant and I mean I still am, I'm 48 years old but the point is that my dad confronted me when I was about 17.
I was about to move out of the house and I needed money.
He goes, oh you need 300 bucks again.
Let me guess, you're killing another one of my grandchildren.
He said, you need to stop it.
Stop killing my grandchildren.
I remember he grabbed me and I'm really intensely.
And that kind of set that off in my soul and my mind that what I had done was wrong and it was dehumanizing myself and the woman and my own child and now I look at my four children that I would die for instantly.
And it just makes me really realize how blind people are that have been part of this dehumanization.
Because if you don't care about the unborn, well now they want to kill babies after they're born.
They're passing laws to do it.
They make all these sickening statements all over the news about how fun it is and in the US and the UK they heat the hospitals with the dead bodies of the babies, turning them into a commodity.
And they keep them alive sometimes for up to two weeks while they get all the orders in for their organs at the highest bidder and then they kill them.
They've got all these policies and bioethics rules, how they claim they do it.
And people that understood of a woman's rape or understood it's the first trimester that hey, the woman's poor, she can't raise another kid.
You can see the argument for it except then you realize the people behind it are satanic and it's really about total dehumanization.
Because then they're like, you know what, we want to kill them for the day they're born.
You're like, well I can kind of see first couple months, I mean it's a human, it's real, but it's not conscious yet.
It's got a soul, spirit, it's still murder.
But the licking of the lips and the getting off on the killing of the babies now to the day they're born and now laws being passed for seven days, four weeks.
And the Leptocideology has killed them up to age three, that's Peter Singer, one of the main founders of PETA.
That's who these people are.
And so let's go to a few of these clips.
Here is Biden saying the quiet part out loud and this is really hurting them bad where he says, well just share it for yourself.
Well the idea that we're going to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on a decision by the Supreme Court.
I think that's way overboard.
So you heard it right there ladies and gentlemen.
The quote, the decision to abort a child, the decision to abort is actually murder.
And unsurprisingly he says the decision to abort is the decision to abort a child is the quote.
Now here's some leftist on TikTok and Twitter, there's hours of this, there's a small sampling of it.
Really talking about brutalizing babies and just crazy-eyed women getting off on the power of human sacrifice.
The full group of videos is up on infowars.com, here's a small clip.
Aborted babies being burned and then used for electricity?
I hope they are.
Jesus, I'm so tired of seeing this.
You know what, I hope so, I hope so.
I sure hope so.
I don't know, I hope so.
Oh God, I hope so.
I can just imagine the fucking snowflakes with that one.
Oh no, I just see mine straight from the can.
I don't think we should be asking, are they being burned and used for electricity?
I think we should be asking, why aren't they being burned and used for electricity?
It is, it is, it is, I go and burn them.
Oh, sustainable energy, I love the advocacy.
We should try it, if we haven't.
Portable charger.
Now of course they're trying to bait people, manipulate them, but that's really the spirit of these women,
we have the footage of course, the Texas Capitol famously with hundreds of pro-life men and women praying
to try to restrict the murder of children, to curtail it, and a bunch of women in business
suits showing up and saying, I love killing babies, hell Satan.
And that's really who these crazed-eyed people are.
But the real thing that ties them all together is they look really ugly and really weak.
The men and the women are really these pathetic jellyfish that get off on the power of killing
children even though no one wants to even have children with them.
They're not having children.
They want you to kill your children.
That's what these demon-possessed creatures are.
Now here's an example of what we're talking about.
Here is a very powerful clip from a few years ago that's really softened a lot of hearts
and woke a lot of people up.
This is in 2019 Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran, Democrat, introduced his House Bill, number
2491, that they've passed bills like this in other states.
A bill that would eliminate restrictions on abortions in Virginia and would permit abortions
to be performed right up until the moment of birth, here is the admissions.
Delegate Tran, how late in a pregnancy would your bill apply if a physician would simply
willing to certify that the continuation of the pregnancy would impair the mental health
of the woman?
How late are we talking about?
The suggestion that we've made in the bill is to say it's in the third trimester with
the certification of the physician.
How late in the third trimester would you be able to do that?
It's very unfortunate that our physicians, our witnesses, were not able to attend today
to speak specifically.
No, I'm talking about your bill.
How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated
it would impair the mental health of the woman?
Or physical health.
I'm talking about the mental health.
So, I mean, through the third trimester, the third trimester goes all the way up to
40 weeks.
But to the end of the third trimester?
I don't think we have a limit in the bill.
So, where it's obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs
of that she is about to give a birth.
Would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified?
She's dilating.
Mr. Chairman, that would be a, you know, a decision that the doctor, the physician, and
the woman would make at that point.
I understand that.
I'm asking you if your bill allows that.
My bill would allow that, yes.
More than 10 states like California and New York have laws to kill babies up to after
they're born.
When you sign on to the Democrats in Hollywood, you sign on to Satanism.
You sign on to killing babies, viable, healthy children, and there's even more people out
there that want to adopt than there are abortions.
These people want the power over human life and not just babies.
They want to kill the old people.
They want to kill you.
That's what the vaccine is all about.
Stay with us.
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all these amazing designs at cost at mforestore.com, except for this fundraiser shirt that is a
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It's $24.95.
Alex Jones is right on the front, the Red Thunderbolt, and then again on the back, a
big bold mforestore.com.
Exercise your First Amendment.
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It has been noted by many a historian, the first casualty of war is the truth.
And the next big casualty isn't even the people that die.
No, that invariably follows, but first there is the crackdown on populations, basic liberty
and speech and massive censorship.
And now across the world, from the United States to Europe, legislation is being introduced
that if you amplify any, quote, pro-Russian information, you can be censored, you can
be arrested, you can be imprisoned.
And of course now, Canada is in a dislegislation that if you have a thought crime and they
think you may have the intent to engage in hate speech online, that you will be censored
and arrested.
Ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around
the world against humanity that makes InfoWare's.com more important than ever.
Seeing a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The very same leftists that say it's a woman's right in her body to kill an unborn child
in the future of humanity are the same people that tell you, though, you don't control
your body when a multinational corporation run by a eugenicist who are on record saying
they want to depopulate you through vaccines want to force something in your body.
And I believe that everything is between God and man, God and humans, God and woman.
And you know if a woman wants to go to some killer and have her baby killed, that's between
you and God.
And the Supreme Court's about to rule that under the federalist system it's up to the
And I agree with that.
But it's not enough for Democrats.
They want to be able to go anywhere they want and have them any time.
And they're the same people that want to kill as many children as they can, want to euthanize
the old people, and they also want to access to your children and make them wear a mask,
make them take deadly shots, and brainwash them into lifestyles where they won't be happy
or healthy or part of a nuclear family.
Whether it's a Democratic Party, Black Lives Matter, Hollywood doesn't matter, they're
all at war with the family.
And all over D.C., all over California, all over different parts of the nation, there
were riots last night and police being attacked, and police trying to apprehend violent people
being run off by mobs that attacked them by the Communist Party, they're waving the flags
as law and order breaks down, ladies and gentlemen.
And the police in the video you're seeing, with the squad cars being attacked, later
had to retreat and the cars were destroyed.
This is just a small smattering of the footage that we have.
But let's look at Pocahontas, Elizabeth Warren, the big liar.
She shows up in D.C., starts calling for insurrection, starts calling for violence, starts calling
for confronting people going after them, same thing that Maxine Waters and others did.
And when she does it, it's good, when she does it, it's wonderful.
I mean, Democrats' rhetoric calling for violence has been a hundred to one.
There are violence burning down billions of dollars of people's homes and businesses and
killing dozens and dozens of people, including police officers, and attacking and burning
down federal buildings and firebombing other federal facilities, courthouses.
And that's all just backburner and then vice presidential candidate raises millions of
dollars and bails people out and then the district attorneys in those cities drop the
And the Justice Department doesn't bring charges.
Oh, you just attacked federal officers with a hatchet, you just threw all of cocktails
at them that hit them.
You just set fires to the building 100 plus days straight.
But that's okay because you're a Democrat.
Oh, but people being waved into the Capitol about police, some of them are still in solitary
So here's Elizabeth Warren coming out and running her mouth, calling for an escalation
of tension and the pro livers don't assault her, they don't attack her, they simply confront
her with words and she runs like the rat she is.
We are going to fight for decades now and we are going to fight back.
90% of people across this country, across this country, red states and blue states,
old people and young people, this is low versus way too late.
We don't want to dismember children in the world, we are not going to stand or dismember
in 3,000 children every single day.
Now, you couldn't pull up to a group of Democrats if you were a Republican Senator and get out
and talk, much less yell at them, they kill you, they kill you.
But she pulls up in a group of conservative Christians and pro livers and talks about
we're going to fight and we're going to get in people's faces if there's a longer clip
of her out there babbling, we'll come back and play more of that.
I thought I was going to ask you guys a longer clip, there's more of her speech where she
gets more into calling for violence and confronting people and getting in people's faces and
going into the government buildings.
I mean, you know the sit-ins they do and all the things they've done and when a conservative
does it, it's the end of the world, when they do it, it's just par for the course.
So think about who these people are and what they stand for and where they're going.
But I've got some really important news we're going to get to continuing on this front.
MSNBC talking head labels founding fathers, racist, misogynist, jerk faces.
We've got that coming up next segment.
Heather Carlson reminds America that its current president voted against Roe v. Wade.
Oh, that's how long Biden's been around.
Not this news outlet advocates using horse medication for doing yourself abortions.
Very dangerous.
Civility restored.
Hillary Clinton says Alito draft opinion will kill and subjugate women.
No election kill women to keep abortion going.
Amazon to pay U.S. employees up to 4,000 to travel for abortions.
So much to get to on that front.
Dem Senator Ed Markey says Supreme Court is illegitimate.
Oh, my gosh, Homeland Security says to say anybody in governments illegitimate is an
act of terror.
Questioning elections or government bodies not allowed, even though courts it is.
And he can say all day he thinks the Supreme Court's illegitimate.
I think he's illegitimate.
We'll cover this when we come back to pro-life Spider-Man, free climbs.
That tallest, California, California, tower in California in protest of abortion, scale
the 60 plus story building freehand.
And he got arrested.
And a lot of folks on Twitter made the point, wow, he finally found something you can get
arrested for in San Francisco.
In San Francisco, if you shoot a white person, you will not even be charged now.
There was a few years ago, they shot that poor woman, the Hispanic guy did, in the back
because she was white, and the white jury let him off saying, well, you're Hispanic.
Again, that's how psychotic they are there.
But don't worry, he's been arrested, folks, for bringing attention to saving the children.
Thank God we're all safe right now.
That is going to be coming up.
And then after I finish up on this huge abortion news, and boy, is there a lot of it and is
it important, we're going to get into the biggest COVID news yet.
It just keeps getting more and more incredible what's coming out and what Bill Gates is
up to creeping around.
It's not over.
Bill Gates warns of even more fatal variant of COVID's coming.
And of course, he knows because he paid to have it all manufactured and made in the Wuhan
lab on record.
We have all the emails, the documents, they even approached the Pentagon about openly
releasing it in China.
The Pentagon said that would cause a war.
And now he's sitting there getting ready to attack you and your family again so he can
get even richer and depopulate the planet, something he and his dad are so obsessed with,
his whole family.
And we have the huge news out of the Ukraine situation.
The Pope comes out and says, looks like NATO started the war with Russia, which is true.
I can't believe I'm agreeing with the anti-Pope, but it's true what he's saying.
We've got that coming up as well.
Stay with us.
You see this?
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with a little gold bar implanted in it.
And on the back, it's got a hologram.
There are only 25,000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again.
The bank that owns the mint that has started putting these out the last few years just sold
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I designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have some of those original designs
still for sale at infowarstore.com.
These are real classics.
But ladies and gentlemen, they're all about to be limited edition because we're selling
out of them.
They're about to be history and we're selling out of the hoodies, the ball caps, the t-shirts,
all these amazing designs at cost infowarstore.com except for this fundraiser shirt that is a
real hit and people love it.
It's $24.95, Alex Jones is right on the front, the Red Thunderbolt and again on the back
a big bold infowarstore.com.
Exercise your First Amendment, don't let the leftist and the globalist bully silence
you and fund the Info War at the same time.
There is not a more politically incorrect shirt that sends a stronger message of freedom
resistance to the new world order than the Alex Jones was right shirt exclusively available
at infowarstore.com and again this shirt is limited edition as well.
We're doing one more run and then no more infowarstore.com, get yours today.
And we've been getting a lot of crypto donations which is keeping us on here.
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Over the years, infowars has produced more than 200 amazing Patriot Americana, 2nd Amendment
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the word, infowarsstore.com, your historic apparel now, infowarsstore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The globalists are making their move on humanity right now, you can wake up to that fact and
find yourself or you can roll over and die.
As for me, our amazing audience of activists, we have decided to stand our ground and fight
but more than just fight, we have committed to win.
You are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance, live from Austin, Texas,
broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
This is a battle of wills.
George Soros, Clinton, Obama staffers and European governments are behind anti-mask campaign
to force big corporations to boycott Twitter, anti-musk campaign, yeah that's breaking
and we know that.
George Soros, Clinton and Obama staffers and European governments are behind the anti-musk
campaign to force big corporations to boycott and attack the company so that it will basically
go bankrupt and musk is forced to either leave or sell it.
That's how they operate.
That's actually coming up next segment and these very same forces have attacked us because
they cannot allow any independent media outlet to be there because they'll become so popular
and then others will imitate that popularity and then we will build a community based on
common sense and based on the knowledge of the crowd with what the people want to hear
and want to know, the truth.
So it's quite a fundamental battle.
Now here's Biden today at a press conference talking about make America great again movement
is the most dangerous radical movement in US history.
So it's more dangerous than the KKK.
It's more dangerous than the new Black Panther Party.
It's more dangerous than MS-13.
It's a political, really paramilitary movement.
It's more dangerous than the Communist Party.
Make America great again, lowest crime rate you can imagine in his events, good hard work
in people with race, color and creed, simply wanting sovereignty and low taxes and fair
trade deals.
The people that support Trump are the very best in the world and the movement is excellent
and Trump's getting a lot of good nationalists and populists elected all over the country
and he's not perfect but they hate him because they know he's effective in energizing the
populist awakening.
Listen to this clean sweep all 22 Trump back candidates when primaries in Ohio and Indiana
all 22 he's endorsed close to a thousand candidates and two have lost unbelievable track record
and it scares them.
But here's that quote that I was just talking about with Biden saying that that movement,
you, aren't just deplorable like Hillary Clinton said, you are the most dangerous radical
evil people in American history.
Here it is.
I got struck down, Griswold was thought to be a bad decision by Borkin, my guess is,
the guys on the Supreme Court now.
What happens if you have a state change the law saying that children who are LGBTQ can't
be in classrooms with other children?
Is that legit under the way the decision is written?
What are the next things that are going to be attacked?
Because this mega crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed
in American history.
You know as stunning as the lie to say that we're the most radical organization ever in
American history, I mean the founding fathers went around sending death warrants killing
British officers and burning down shipyards and assassinating people all over the place
so they were they were the most radical American history for good to compare our revolution
with a piece of information to say that we're the most radical, we're whips compared to
the founding fathers and I'm not saying go out and be violent.
My point is, is that the idea that we are the most radical is preposterous.
Some of the founding fathers had their wives and children kidnapped and put on prison ships
and the founders just let them starve to death on board.
Okay, you want me to give up?
You got my wife and children?
Let them starve to death.
Andrew Jackson was 11 to 15 during the Revolutionary War the time he was involved as a spy and
as a message runner and later as a sniper and they grabbed his mother and his older brother
and said that if he and others didn't come turn themselves in they'd be starved to death.
Andrew Jackson didn't turn himself in as mother and brother starved to death.
We are not one-tenth as tough as those people.
Think about that.
So that's the type of stuff that went on back then and to compare us to them we don't even
deserve it.
Now I'm going to stop right there.
But to compare the modern patriots to the left is like comparing us to the founders.
So even though we're not as hard and strong and focused as they were we're still light
years better than the left, thank God.
So you just heard that incredible clip but what's more incredible there?
What about the LGBT students?
You know what goes on in Austin at the middle schools and high school's elementary?
They tell them you identify as LGBT don't you?
Here's a lollipop.
And when they do they pat them on the head and let them have extra recess time and they're
organized into after school clubs and everything else literally into a sexual orientation and
a sexual lifestyle.
Imagine if they had the mud wrestling team for five-year-olds or the oil wrestling or
hey let's, let's, hey you're part of the wet t-shirt contest group and you're training
to wear wet t-shirts contest.
You say that's pedophilia, that's sexual orientation of children.
But if it's LGBT it's like oh absolutely let's go confuse these kids that are highly
influenceable with their leaders, with their teachers and then let's induct them into this
Yeah 4,000% increase the last decade and kids identifying as trans but nobody is grooming
the children.
They're not grooming them, they're forcing them to hell into it.
This is a cult of depopulation taking over.
So when you look at the cult they all look like they've had their souls sucked out of
I don't care if they're black, white, what color they are, they all look like hell we
don't want to have our children anywhere near this and if you let your children anywhere
near the public schools you are insane.
Baby torturer taking hostage and battered with tuna fins after leaving son without legs.
All inmates took him hostage and threatened to chop off his legs once they knew what he'd
Yeah the inmates know what to do but not the liberals why they'd have him there for drag
queen story time.
So you just heard the president of the United States, there's always groping and grabbing
children on television, tell you well we gotta protect the LGBT children.
We gotta protect the heterosexual children that are in the sex club.
It's a sex club and it's a bunch of weird child grooming pedophiles and perverts wanting
access to your children.
They are the pedophile movement.
Oh but CNN tells you there's no pedophile epidemic even though there is and they have
all these useful idiots that go along with it absolutely insane.
I want to get more into the abortion stuff and then I want to get into a bunch of news
to take your calls next hour and then Pete Santelli's gonna join us on something we've
talked a lot about but we need to really drill into because it's such a big deal.
World Health Organization Global Government takeover with this new treaty set to be ratified
and prepared this month in Switzerland.
This is a big, big deal and we're gonna go through it piece by piece and how Obama set
the stage for it back in the final days of his administration with executive orders.
Now that ties into executive orders of George W. Bush in 2005 and how this is their big
medical takeover plan.
Nationally they'll use federal agencies to use medical takeover to seize control of housing,
infrastructure, forced populations, internationally same thing.
You'll be hitting all of that coming up on the other side.
So much big news for you today but we must guard our children and we must do it now.
The target is our children not just their innocence but their lives.
They can kill them before they're born and chop them up that's the best.
Sell their organs that's even better or they gotta sterilize them and turn them into pedophiles
that's the next target if they can't just kill them, we'll be right back.
The UN estimates that over 2 billion people alive on earth today have cognitive disabilities,
lower IQs and so many other medical issues because of one thing iodine deficiency and
most iodine that you get from different foods is bound to other minerals or other compounds
so it's not absorbable in the body and that's why iodine deficiency is such a huge issue.
We have the purest, cleanest, best iodine in the world from deep-reth crystals more than
1,000 feet deep, X2 is an amazing product and it has been sold out for months and months
and months.
It is now back in stock at mfoldwarstore.com for 25% off.
Ladies and gentlemen with all the supply chain breakdowns and the rest of it I'm not sure
when the next time we're gonna get X2 is so I would stock up on X2 right now at mfoldwarstore.com
and know that you're funding the tip of the spear in the fight against the globalist.
That's a 360 win.
You're healthier, you have a better immune system, a better focus, better clarity and
you're funding the mfoldwar, please visit mfoldwarstore.com and get your X2 today.
It has been noted by many a historian, the first casualty of war is the truth and the
next big casualty isn't even the people that died, no that invariably follows but first
there is the crackdown on populations, basic liberty and speech and massive censorship
and now across the world from the United States to Europe legislation is being introduced
that if you amplify any quote pro Russian information you can be censored, you can be
arrested, you can be imprisoned and of course now Canada is under this legislation that
if you have a fought crime and they think you may have the intent to engage in hate
speech online that you will be censored and arrested.
Ladies and gentlemen the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around
the world against humanity that makes mfoldwarstore.com more important than ever.
Experience the next level in high powered energy new tropics with our latest brain force
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Some of the proprietary super ingredients behind brain force ultra include a ramaseep
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This product is more than twice the servings of our brain force plus as well so you know
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Destroy that brain fog today and secure your bottle of brain force ultra before it is completely
sold out at mfoldwarstore.com.
I designed over 200 t-shirts in the last 25 years and we have some of those original
designs still for sale at mfoldwarstore.com these are real classics.
The ladies and gentlemen they are all about to be limited edition because we are selling
out of them they are about to be history and we are selling out of the hoodies the ballcaps
the t-shirts all these amazing designs at cost at mfoldwarstore.com except for this
fundraiser shirt that is a real hit and people love it it is 2495 Alex Jones is right on
the front the red thunderbolt and again on the back a big bold mfoldwarstore.com exercise
your first amendment don't let the leftist and the globalist bully silence you and fund
the mfoldwar at the same time.
There is not a more politically incorrect shirt that sends a stronger message of freedom
resistance to the new world order than the Alex Jones was right shirt exclusively available
at mfoldwarstore.com and again this shirt is limited edition as well we are doing one
more run and then no more mfoldwarstore.com get yours today.
Go next hour when you got the smoking gun on COVID-19 by a lot of them and what's really
in those shots.
They're not coming for you, they're here to kill, to destroy.
All right my friends I'll give the number out at the end of this segment I intend to
take a lot of calls in the second hour under Spurs for the time of very important news
and some very important many reports that we have been putting out just the last 24 hours
that we're going to be premiering here on air in the next hour.
I wanted to before I forget just remind listeners of something and the corporate media spends
this all day we were given a one million dollar roughly Bitcoin donation a week ago I came
on air and so we just got a big donation so we've gone from being 40% behind to about
65-70% you know being covered we get to 100% what we need we're now in the black and that's
what I'm explaining is we're treading water and the media all spun that like it was some
secret it was evil you're not allowed to take Bitcoin you're not allowed to sell product
you're not allowed to be on air everything we do is evil evil evil when they're the
ones that are saying they want to kill babies after they're born they're the ones promoting
pedophilia they're the bad guys but everything we do is evil and terrible and even being
masculine is bad and the American Psychological Association says that masculinity is evil is
mental illness no that's mental illness saying a woman can be a man a man can be a woman
or saying a man can have a baby it's all fraud ladies and gentlemen we know that we'll be
very clear with the listeners I told you months ago we had a two and a half million dollar
deficit because it cost us millions and millions and millions of dollars a year just for bandwidth
because we have to do our own streaming our own systems because we're independent just
that alone but I have to be able to buy a product out in the future show that we can
then sell product to make the profit to fund the operation and so five million dollars
with inflation is not a lot of money that's barely what I need to go to make the decision
to go ahead and buy the product we need for six months out because used to it was six
weeks and twelve weeks and twenty weeks we've put orders in that took a year to come in
and anybody that's involved in manufacturing or food production or supplements or medicine
everybody knows this is happening and it's getting worse and worse around the world
and now worse and worse here so we're in a critical situation so I want to thank that
great donor for taking us from the red where I didn't know what to do to ride into the
edge of the black but I don't want to sink back down to the red so let's just understand
making straight donations at infowarstore.com right at the top there's a banner saying make
a donation five dollars fifty dollars a hundred dollars recurring to cancel any time or just
do it one time deal support free speech donate today the top of infowarstore.com we're selling
out of all the giant inventory we have a t-shirt some of the years we've sold out about seventy
percent of them right now infowarstore.com or you call triple eight two five three three
one three nine they can take your donation over the phone as well there's also a P.O.
box posted there on the site in fact I had that guys and I forget the P.O. box will somebody
reprint me the P.O. box please that I had you guys write up for me a little little plug
for that because people are sending a lot of donations to the P.O. box as well we can
put it on screen please thank you so again you need X2 X2 we got a limited supply of
it deep earth crystalline I'm the very best out there for your libido your stamina most
importantly your immune system all cellular function it ladies and gentlemen is twenty
five percent off again the P.O. box is P.O. box one nine five four nine Austin Texas seven
eight seven six zero if you like to order product by mail or you like to make a straight
donation via mail thank you so much P.O. box one nine five four nine Austin Texas seven
eight seven six zero you know who you are and I really want to thank you all for your
support we couldn't do it without you but as soon as I announced last week I appreciate
the support but oh we got two million dollars in donations got a second donation I saw support
go way down people like oh well Jones is fine now no we just got fuel in the tank to not
be unempty and if we don't keep promoting and all this we're going to lose we're fighting
the Democrats at point like range we're fighting the corrupt courts we're paying for our own
bandwidth our own satellite uplinks this crew this is a very important organization and
we've got some major moves taking place with people that want to partner with us to take
it to the next level and so the enemies attacks on us are going to blow up in their face but
we've got to be able to persevere and and and and hold where we are another six months
or so and just to give you a report on what's happening
people are really upset now and folks are really waking up to the new world order being
a real thing and so the credibility of info wars is absolutely exploded but that's created
something extremely paradoxical whereas we get more popular with Christians and nationalists
and populist and people that just want to survive and live and just pro human folks
pro common sense people the satanic forces get more and more enraged and intensify their
attacks and then that only makes people that are already awake say hey we better check
out info wars more so it's creating an amplification loop that is extremely explosive politically
spiritually like firing a bullet of uranium into a block of solid plutonium and that's
what many of your more primitive atomic and even hydrogen bombs are detonated with is
not just plastic explosive but by this is an allegory it's an analogy is by firing that
radioactive bullet into the solid core of the plutonium and vice versa there's multiple
ways to do it and and so this this I'm writing a bomb down just like in Dr. Strangelove and
I know that this is extremely historic what we're all going through and they can't deny
their satanists now they can't deny their pedophiles now they can't deny their devaluing
the currency they can't deny their starting war with Russia they can't deny that they
are just the most horrible evil lying scum of the earth people that are surveilling us
and censoring us and attacking us and it's just going to get more and more intense until
people finally have to stand up and stop complying and say no and the globalists know you're
already doing that they can see they're going to lose so they want violence and that's why
we can't be rubbed into it we can't be set up by it we have to be as wise as serpents
and as peaceful as doves and as Teddy Roosevelt said walk quietly carry a big stick and work
as hard as we can now before they go to their next move because when Biden tells you the
most radical organization the most evil organization American history is the make America greater
gain crowd you know they're coming for everybody because they have to be they've lost people
know who they are everyone's turning against them and so all they have now is election
fraud and then gaslighting just like France oh no Biden really got reelected oh no everyone
really loves Kamala Harris even though the polls will show the opposite this is part
of the gaslighting so I want to thank you all for your support we'll start the next
hour and I'm going to finish up on the abortion freak out and where I see that going and then
just this massive massive developments of the covid front and then when I say huge the
situation with the ongoing NATO Russia war and what General Milley had to say about wanting
to put US troops in there and have permanent basis surrounding Russia I want to show you
some of the maps and just this is a serious provocation and it shows you where the future
is going that's all coming up but don't forget Biden said this the idea that we're going
to make a judgment that is going to say that no one can make a judgment to choose to abort
a child based on a decision by the Supreme Court I think goes way overboard Biden said
Tuesday it was decided if the decision holds it really is quite a radical decision that
is upside down world killing babies up at the time they're born and then after in in
Democrat controlled areas is not radical not wanting to kill babies is radical oh but they
don't want that Democrats don't want medical experiments on rats they just want your children
chopped up these people are a criminal mob stay with us you see this it's an info wars
republic defense card with original info wars art designed by yours truly with a little
gold bar implanted in it and on the back it's got a hologram there are only twenty five thousand
of these in existence and they'll never be made again the bank that owns the men that
has started putting these out the last few years just sold out of three hundred thousand
of a similar offering that was forty percent more than we're selling this for and when
you get three or more you can get these at fifty percent off and they fund the info war
please visit info wars tour dot com and check out this amazing new art slash gold product
it's a collector's item and you'll know you help fund the second American Revolution against
the globalist at such a critical point get your gold bars and so much more exclusively
at info wars tour dot com and I want to thank you for your support over the years because
without you all of the great success we have had together would not have happened we are
the tip of the spear you are the tip of the spear and I salute you and thank you visit
info wars tour dot com today it's about twenty five years ago that I wanted to expand info
wars I've been on the air a couple of years but I only had money to finance my own simple
little local radio show and I wanted to hire camera people I wanted to make films I wanted
to really challenge the globalist and it was a t-shirt I designed the first one mass murderers
agreed gun control works that helped us finance hiring the first two members of my crew that's
our oldest design and we still sell it we have that design over a hundred others that
will now all be limited editions because whatever stock we've got in that's it we're selling
everything out to fund the operation to get rid of inventory we'll still have some teachers
in the future they'll just be limited editions and short runs so if you want to get any of
these historic shirts this is your last chance I almost forgot we're selling them all at cost
at info wars tour dot com every ball cap every flag every hoodie every long sleeve every t-shirt
regular shirts designer shirts they're all selling at cost info wars tour dot com
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
there's a lot of controversy around this network about alex jones for example
alex jones
scott russian scott
info wars comes to mind
reputation's amazing i will not let you down you will be very very uh impressed i hope
for the remainder of 2022 food at home prices are predicted to increase between five and six
percent and food away from home prices restaurants are predicted to increase between five and a half
and six and a half percent earlier this year the usda predicted food prices would increase five
and six percent the price of meats like beef and chicken increased by one percent or more
between february and march mcmolyn says eggs used to be a 29 a dozen for large eggs but now
there are most three dollars a cart 30 percent of the world's a weak reproduction if that goes
unplanted in the ukraine and corn and other things that we know we our world is very uh
it's on it's a very tight balance and if we interrupt the food production we will have a
food crisis prices will go through the roof we can afford it as a rich country though abundant
but other countries unfortunately will not and we will be the last one defected but like marie
adtonette said let the meat cake meanwhile dozens of food processing facilities have been damaged
or destroyed in fires plane crashes and other ominous incidents across the united states
everybody's concerned nobody knows what the future holds uncertainty consumes the employees of an
eastern organ food processing plant decimated by a fire earlier in the week while gas prices
pummel the middle class dining room table the cost of fuel for agricultural aircraft that is used
for planting crops has actually tripled in a since last year supply chain issues also making
nitrogen fertilizers more expensive anywhere from say two to three hundred dollars to a thousand
dollars more a load uh going across the country add that to already increasing prices due to
inflation supply chain issues and trucker shortages and that could all lead to sticker
shock at grocery stores rents reach unsustainable levels nationwide supply and demand problems
in the housing industry is having a huge ripple effect on renters with home prices soaring it's
forcing many people to rent on average across the country rent is up nearly 20 percent in one
florida city a woman's rent is going from seventeen hundred dollars a month to thirty five hundred a
month there are several factors for the big increase mortgage rates are above five percent for
the first time since 2010 construction costs are high and that's in part because of supply chain
issues you would think that all of these simultaneous crises occurring within the united states
would be met with the vigor of a deeply concerned united states president but america is supposed
to assume that this senile useless pervert donning a jacked up bow tie is merely incompetent and
somehow inherited this whole mess from the previous administration and a war a world away i'm really
excited to be here tonight with the only group of americans with a lower proven ready than i have
and i think ever since you've come into office things are really looking up you know gas is up
rent is up food is up everything no it really has been a tough first year for you mr president
this nero 2.0 esque laugh by world government operative joe biden as america suffers from
his handlers controlled folly while guided by the minions of globalization is a scene straight from
the inner sanctum of skeletor this will go down in history as the moment the gauntlet was thrown
down as american providence was officially challenged and treason hit the boiling point john bound reporting
the un estimates that over two billion people alive on earth today have cognitive disabilities
lower iqs and so many other medical issues because of one thing iodine deficiency and most iodine
that you get from different foods is bound to other minerals or other compounds so it's not
absorbable in the body and that's why iodine deficiency is such a huge issue we have the
purest cleanest best iodine in the world from deep earth crystals worth seven thousand feet deep
x2 is an amazing product and it has been sold out for months and months and months it is now
back in stock at m4store.com for 25% off ladies and gentlemen with all the supply chain breakdowns
the rest of it i'm not sure when the next time we're going to get x2 is so i would stock up on
x2 right now at m4store.com and know that you're funding the tip of the spear in the fight against
the globalist that's a 360 win you're healthier you have a better immune system a better focus
better clarity and you're funding the m4 war please visit m4store.com and get your x2 today
for anybody that studied history you read about these times where the archaeologists dig up
the ruins of these towns and cities and cultures and there'll be periods of hundreds of years of
peace and prosperity and building up the culture from agrarian to complex city states and then all
the sudden corruption sets in and decadence and sex cults and people start cheating on their
husbands and wives and then men start having sex with men and women with women and then people
can become obsessed with that and then there's no more confidence and no more family and then
then either outside groups invade and take them over or they start human sacrifice
and start killing each other until the civilization collapses it's a well-known fact of civilization
that sex with children is the hallmark of the end of the culture and we are right back
where we were in this cycle that's happened many many times and recorded us history and god knows
before that there is something anti-human that pushes this first in very small groups
and those groups build and recruit and then they take over and then they try to force everyone to
live like them and society destroys itself and it's repeating itself war famine currency
devaluation look at these headlines when we're dealing with the situation in
europe general milley warns congress quote chances of war among great powers increasing
not decreasing and he went on to say that the u.s should weigh building permanent bases
in eastern europe talk about a massive provocation they went on to also say
they're looking at getting ukraine to join nato which russia said they were secretly already
planning to do and they were launching military attacks on them
that nato wise and so that they were going to invade if the u.s didn't stop and so why is the
pope now suddenly telling the truth pope frances says nato may have provoked russia invasion of
ukraine hopes to meet putin in moscow goes on to blame the weapons manufacturers and says that they
are the ones that stand again they're endangering the world what happened to the pope suddenly
because almost everything he says is evil and wrong and and asked backwards from just say
what somebody like pope john paul the second would say almost everything i ever read that guy said
made perfect sense and he fought communism and was a good guy and pro-life and pro-family what's
going on with this guy because you can't say like one's good and the other one's good when
they're polar opposites and i'm not a catholic but out of the catholics are you know good people
on average and have a long history in christendom and i wanted to be a good your strong christian
institution uh but under this pope it has been the opposite of that hasn't i don't think that's
debatable i know the catholics are up in arms about it what what is this statement about
pope frances says nato may have provoked russian invasion of ukraine hopes to meet putin in moscow
pope frances participated in an interview monday with one of the largest italian daily newspapers
where the vatican head expressed his desire to meet with russian president latimer putin in the
near future i asked cardinal parloni after 20 days of war to send a message to putin to say that i
was willing to go to moscow the pope said we have not yet received an answer and we are still insisting
even if i fear that putin cannot and does not want to have this meeting at the time but how can this
brutality not be stopped 25 years ago we experienced the same thing in rwanda
you went on to blame the weapons manufacturers and the fact that nato overthrew the government the
elected government ukraine eight years ago and you know the rest of the story and then started
launching attacks on russian held areas and so he called it a provocation that is a big deal
meanwhile biden includes 8.8 billion and the 33 billion ukraine package most of it goes back to
the big guy himself our large parts of it body includes 8.8 billion the 33 billion ukraine
package on items like countering disinformation that's what obama signed an executive order before
he left office countering disinformation and propaganda act and that put billions of us money
even though trump was about to be put into office that had been had had been elected was about to
be sworn in all those stay behind networks of bureaucrats and and propagandists to continue
to fight the american people and to fight populist and to keep the whole deep state system in charge
and so throughout trump's four years obama was co-president basically a few miles away from
the white house trying to thwart and block and manipulate everything that was going on that's
now come out using the spy agency c's key controlled with clapper and brennan and the rest of them
to try to block trump's agenda and now they want 8.8 billion much of which will be used
in ukraine with us syops not just attacking the russians but attacking the american people
very very serious situation mike roe says truckers aren't buying the putin price hike spin
as diesel hits all time high baltimore native mike roe became famous for dirty jobs guy
on the scribe channel now he's filming the second season of how america works for fox business
showcasing the many individuals that work around the clock to keep the u.s economy humming you
want to say he's talked to thousands of truckers and others none of them think it's putin meanwhile
did biden's ministry of truth ban all exports what is going on here and it's a graph of us exports
going back to 1992 to now and just look at that absolute freefall almost down to zero that is
flatlining that is death right there because we're you know dependent on foreign goods so what
happens if we lose the dollar we have no economy here the us trade deficit surge to a record high
of 109.8 billion in march topping 100 billion for the first time in history you get those numbers
a month late so imagine what the new numbers are about to be when they come out but don't worry
president biden says every american taxpayer is directly contributing to the war it's a quote
in ukraine and that something we should all be incredibly proud of yes we should all be really
incredibly proud of starting world war three that's why he was giving a speech at a bomb making
factory on the left loves bombs they love censorship they love torture they love anything
everything you can imagine yeah there's a vertebra viewer ships waiting to dock because of china's
insane covid strategy it's not a strategy it's economic warfare with the u.s but they can't
tell the chinese businesses hey we're shutting down all the major coastal cities and all the production
cities so that the u.s has all its goods cut off in a trade war they just go oh it's covid you're all
locked down here's some really good maps that illustrate all this both satirical and and military
you got one here with uncle sam with his pocket full of nato flags placing them all over eastern
europe on the russian border calling it expansion and then here's the map that really really matters
right here not an inch of nato's present military jurisdiction will spread in eastern direction
memorandum of conversation between mckell gorbachev and james breaker in moscow
on february 9th 1990 and then george herbert walker bush confirmed that in speeches and in
policy statements but now what have they done since 1990 and 1990 here's the map of nato in red
for tb viewers it's places like turkey and spain and france and sweden but now it's expanded into
more than a dozen other countries and it's up against the russian border and now taking over
ukraine and you wonder why they're upset hacktivist and cyber criminals wreak havoc in russia
washington post says oh we all heard the russians were going to attack us but instead they've been
attacked by the hackers of course it's a globalist ladies and gentlemen i'm going to give the number
out when we come back we're going to take your phone calls please stay with us info wars dot
com tomorrow's news today you see this it's an info wars republic defense card with original
info wars art designed by yours truly with a little gold bar and planted in it and on the back
it's got a hologram there are only 25 000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again
the bank that owns the mint that has started putting these out the last few years just sold
out of 300 000 of a similar offering that was 40 percent more than what we're selling these for
and when you get three or more you can get these at 50 off and they fund the info war
please visit info wars core dot com and check out this amazing new art slash gold product
it's a collector's item and you'll know you help fund the second american revolution against the
globalist at such a critical point get your gold bars and so much more exclusively at info wars
store dot com and i want to thank you for your support over the years because without you all
the great success we have had together would not have happened we are the tip of the spear
you're the tip of the spear and i salute you and thank you visit info wars store dot com today
and we begin a lot of crypto donations which is keeping us on here want to salute all those
you know who you are they've been giving the donations please go to info wars dot com forward
slash crypto info wars dot com forward slash crypto info wars dot com forward slash crypto
whether it's a dollar in ethereum or bitcoin whether it is whether it's a thousand dollars
or a million dollars we will use it to fight the new world order ethereum bitcoin xrp light coin
there there's dozens of them there info war store dot com and by the way we've got our own nfts at
arna scam they're totally badass in total victory coming out next week i'll tell you about that later
but right now info wars dot com forward slash crypto the real revolution is happening now info
wars dot com forward slash crypto and all these donated we salute you and thank you
i designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have some of those original designs
still for sale at info wars store dot com these are real classics but ladies and gentlemen
they're all about to be limited edition because we're selling out of them they're about to be
history and we're selling out of the hoodies the ball caps the t-shirts all these amazing designs
at cost info wars dot com except for this fundraiser shirt that is a real hit and people love it
it's 2495 alex shows us right on the front the red thunderbolt and again on the back a big bold
info wars dot com exercise your first amendment don't let the leftist and the globalists bully
silence you and fund the info war at the same time there is not a more politically incorrect shirt
that sends a stronger message of freedom resistance to the new world order than the alex jones was
right shirt exclusively available at info wars store dot com and again this shirt is limited
edition as well we're doing one more run and then no more info wars store dot com get yours today
we have over a hundred designs and t-shirts that just sit there in our warehouse we need to sell
those shirts to fund the operation but we'd already made some orders on future shirts coming in but
these are all limited editions so once these new shirts come in we're going to sell those and
that's it we'll have limited editions one at a time in the future and when they're gone they're
gone well here's the new limited edition shirt this one is 2495 really nice fabric alex jones
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triggering you talk about spreading the word you talk about waking people up alex jones was right
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wars store dot com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
all right my friends i want to hear from you on rovey wade
i want to hear from you on the situation ukraine the economy i want to hear from you on
all this poison vaccine news we're about to cover i want to hear from you on any subject
you want to raise any subject you want to talk about
longtime callers first-time callers callers that agree callers that disagree but we're only going
to take calls a little bit in the next hour than pete santilles joining us so let's put eight
callers on the board and i'm going to take those eight callers and that's it that way other folks
have to sit on hold the toll free number to join us is eight seven seven seven eight nine two five
three nine eight seven seven seven eight nine two five three nine eight seven seven seven eight nine
alex we will take your call starting in the next segment okay let's go ahead and hit this news
we've got quite a bit of bill gates news but i'm going to hit that at the end of this
let's let's just hit this news right now because there's a lot of it
cdc reinstates recommendation for mask on planes and trains
now the same group claimed they had the power to make people wear masks and they had the cdc said
court shouldn't be able to overrule them last week showed it fouchy so so they're saying they're
above the law like the private federal reserve and the cdc does own the patents on most of these
deadly shots so they actually have private members that are members that make money off making you
take a product now that you in is officially invested in Pfizer and Moderna as well unprecedented
beyond revolving doors beyond corruption it's just it's just institutionalized corruption in your
face and so will this happen we don't know will the airlines bow after everybody cheered and
they're reporting less than 10 percent of folks are still wearing masks in the airports
i've talked to friends and family that have flown recently they say nobody's wearing masks
will they force them back on them well they're they're trying to claim there'll be liability for
airlines if people get sick this is lawyers making normal human life illegal and pretending like a
shot or tyranny will protect you when they know it won't it gives them the pretext to simply take
control of society and fouchy's been seen at parties again not wearing his mask but he says
you should always wear a mask because he thinks you're stupid remember what happened last year
cdc issued eviction moratorium order that lasted almost a year and a judge had to override it saying
people are going bankrupt you can't let folks live in someone else's house or apartment for free
so again illegal power grabs par excellence here is the eviction moratorium and impact on housing
market supreme court blocks by administrations eviction moratorium but that's how close we are
to pure communism cdc tracked millions of phones to see if americans followed cobit lockdown orders
well that was a un program it happened worldwide it's the rollout of the surveillance state they
already have in place now here's the big one german study number of those suffering severe
complications and we're taking cobit vaccine is 40 times higher than previously recorded
40 times higher than previously reported a new german study with around 40 000 participants
concluded that severe complications of receiving cobit vaccine were much higher than previously
known because they were suppressing it the number of severe complications after vaccination against
sarah's cobit 2 is 40 times higher than previously recorded by the pearl ehrlich institute the most
respected a study with around 40 000 participants by the burn concludes and then you find the whole
study right there death blood clots heart attacks everything we already knew but massive off the
scale and funny that 40 per 40 times number keeps popping up we have 40 percent increase in deaths
in those 18 to 63 working age in europe in the uk in the us and canada so between 38 and 42 the
average is 40 40 percent increase this is a 40 time increase ultra ultra massive as a big store
in info wars dot com cobit vaccine complications 40 times higher than reported german study
that is such a big big deal meanwhile we've got this really powerful report we'll play at the
start of the next segment prove conspiracy theorists we're right all along by darin Mcbrane
compilation up on band-aute video dealing with the deadly shots this is a lifesaver please share
with everybody you know got some other really informative memes this one says hit me up if
you catch my drift and it shows a bunch of stick figures given i'm simulcasting the radio folks
that's why i'm narrating you got like one two three four five six stick figures and there's uh
six pieces of fruit and they say yummy fruit one of them falls over and dies the other says
correlation does not equal causation so they all eat the fruit and they all die and that's what
we're witnessing here but if i saw somebody run somebody over with a truck and kill them i'd say
hey that guy just killed somebody with a truck the police that do the cops say you're not a pathologist
how do you know that person the truck killed him i gotta watch somebody get their head cut off
in a guillotine and i say hey they just cut his head off you don't know that you're not a pathologist
but i can read what the pathologists say study cell phone radiation causes rise in dementia
a big report on info wars dot com just unbelievable information this is not a joke ladies and gentlemen
this is china where they make you pull up at the covet testing and stick a swab in your ear and
this is what they want to bring here it's all about dominance it's all about slave training
it's all about control here they are in thailand this is the tsa there
i mean there's no end to it if you ask what level of humiliation you're gonna live under
it's a level you'll put up with a new video is coming up next segment hell we'll go to it right
now bill gates claims it's quite clear coronavirus originated in bats dismisses lab leaks on a theory
and blames climate change so they they gear this up in a lab we have all the documents they build it
that they prepare it it's called covet nineteen they release it and now he tells us the guy that's
behind it all on tv with trevor know that everything's fine here he is how do we prevent something
where we don't even understand how it came to be like you know all their labs where they need to
do better at at at you know in closing the work that they're doing i understand that they have to
do the work but how do we figure that out and how do we move forward in that in that realm
where we should be careful about lab safety it's quite clear in this case that it came across
through animals and almost all our diseases like hiv crossed over from chimpanzees in africa
quite some time ago we only came from bats uh this also uh with one step in between came
from bats so it's going to keep happening particularly with climate change where we're
invading uh a lot of habitats there you go ladies and gentlemen you're bad it's going to come out
of the jungles not out of the bio labs he runs even though we have documented they made the virus
it's man made it's on record the vaccine is the same thing but but even worse here's the guy behind
it all on record that says he wants to kill you his dad the former head of Planned Parenthood
says there's too many people and here he is the guy behind it all and trevor know is asking
how do we protect ourselves how do we stop this he goes oh it's going to happen again sorry
you're literally looking at the killer the psychopath who runs all the medical systems
worldwide except 27 countries you got kicked out of sitting there looking at you like he's the expert
what do we do to stop this problem and then he's the problem we know what we do we arrest
bill gates we bring all this info out we arrest Peter Dazik we arrest Fauci we arrest obama who
was heavily involved in it that's it but instead gates says oh a new virus is coming
it's a new one's coming you're all going to be dead oh and my vaccine doesn't work but i sure
got rich off of it he gets your money while he diseases you and kills you we back with your call
stay with us you see this it's an info wars republic defense card with original info wars
art designed by yours truly with a little gold bar it planted in it and on the back it's got a hologram
there are only 25 000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again the bank that owns
the mint that has started putting these out the last few years just sold out of 300 000 of a similar
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your bottle today leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
if you'd asked me all this stuff a year ago about the corruption that's going on i would
say you're crazy there's no way that there could be this level of corruption in government you
shouldn't listen to info wars and bandod video because that's all nonsense and you know you
shouldn't pay attention to any of this stuff it's been very evident to me that all of these people
who are who are being labeled as misinformation spreaders i mean they're the guys telling the
truth there are many thousands of physicians who have been silenced from telling the american
people the good news about the situation that we can manage the virus the true misinformation
spreaders are the cdc and the public health officials this remains a pandemic of the unvaccinated
they are the ones that are propagating this outbreak the only people you can play this is
a shaming this is the truth maybe they should be shamed by the unvaccinated this is the situation
of an outbreak and a pandemic of the unvaccinated dr falchi's probably done more good for the world
than all of us in this room combined i mean dr falchi knowing that it is a crime to lie to congress
do you wish to retract your statement of may 11th where you claimed that the nih never funded
gain of function research and move on i totally resent that and if anybody who's lying here senator
it is you we now know that falchi funded eco health alliance a new york-based non-profit headed by
peter dazik was absolutely engaged in gain of function research to make chimeric sars-based
coronaviruses which they confirmed could infect human cells in the worst part all the people going
along and being lab rats for these heartless mega corporations it is truly incredible if only people
had the entire story that the covet shots are not conventional vaccines there are plenty of
examples of people that are having very serious medical conditions that result from the vaccination
when the convulsion started i knew it had to be from the vaccine due to this vaccine i don't even
know if i'll gain full movement in my leg back one of their high school football players died he had
two blood clots inside his brain another on the outside of his brain the hardest thing was i let
him get that shot
no we need help
that's a very important report it's on band dot video proof conspiracy theorists were right all
along please get it out there buddy you know it's a band i video on the daryl mcgrain section you
can't miss it okay back to the alex jones show here in your phone calls we got trucker rich we
got sam we got matt we got brian we got sky we got jason we got brenda and we got jeff where
you get to every single one of you we order your calls are received let's talk to trucker rich in
idaho you're on the air welcome hey alex thanks for taking my call it is an absolute honor to talk
to you and i thank you for what you do and you know people across the country are waking up i talk
to people over they're waking up and what what we all need to do is talk to these people not in
condemnation but talk to them in love and then give them facts i've got 17 pages um 17 tabs
on my phone that i go to when people ask me questions so we can't condemn them because the
people that don't want to wake up they will condemn themselves and i just want to tell
every listener out there all right i bought three of your cards i'm giving them a ways gift
and i donated 300 to you thank you i'm not i'm okay well you're you're welcome it's my honor but
everybody that's listening if y'all just give one dollar to help the cause that would help alex out
so very much for what he's going through he is sacrificing for us we gotta listen i appreciate
you saying that i want to be clear we're not just some regular conservative talk show we're the tip
of the spear hated by the enemy that's figured out they're playing together with our guests our
listeners this whole family and the work we are doing is the most important it's it's ever been
we have really hit our stride we were at and they're having an ultramassive effect so thank you
for your support and that's a great idea you know we're going to run out of these in about a month
or so at current sales rate it's an original piece of art alex jones exclusive info wars republic
defense with a little limited edition gold bar the original alex jones art of the uh sheepdog
chasing the wolf on the back it's got the hologram with a wolf shaping chasing the sheep uh 1776
all about becoming a sheepdog not a sheep but but but not a wolf and they're available at info
war store dot com so thank you for the plug exclusive info wars limited edition proprietary 24
carat 999 pure gold collectible yep alex once again i thank you and everybody that works for you
that lives in austin thank you for what you guys are doing keep up the fight well thank you brother
god bless you all right let's go to more callers sam in north dakota sam thanks for calling her on
the air uh good morning uh i'm calling to uh um just want to say first thing uh first and foremost
i love america i don't want to see america on a life support system like it is right now
as far as the food situation and uh um you know shortages and so forth uh i'm right up here in
the heartland and right now we are currently two weeks behind in our planting people can't get
fertilizer we can't get seed now the fuel is doubled in price for these farmers and we are
going to have a real catastrophe by the end of this growing season because these guys just
ain't going to get out in the fields to get their product planted and harvested in a timely fashion
well you're absolutely right and for those that don't know it's not just your opinion
fertilizer about half the world fertilizer is cut off that means in the next year just disastrous
level starvation and again if you think we've got third world populations we can show them the
b-roll of of just hundreds of Haitians an hour pouring across the texas border if people think
that's bad the millions a month coming across this is just the beginning it's horrible um i don't
know what to tell people except uh it's time that we go and meet our neighbors extend our hand out
of love and care because we're going to need each other and the only way that these globalists
dumb is going to win is if they get us divided absolutely sir you're absolutely right and so
again you're saying you're involved in farming and you're seeing people not planting because they
don't have fertilizer well not planting and also the fact that uh we had the torrential rains we've
gotten half of our annual rainfall within a week's period of time and we just ain't going to get out
in the field we're already two weeks behind the eight ball already in planting and it's going to
be another two weeks before people can even get in the field to plant their corn and their soybeans
and their wheat crops up here unbelievable sir god bless you i mean we keep explaining this but
even young people on average i'm not saying on them out but it's true each generation gets more
separated from the land more separated from reality they've got statistics and numbers out
where half of young people don't even know where meat comes from or where electricity comes from
or the most common sense things they've done studies where 90 plus percent of college students
can't name one of the amendments to the bill of rights they have no idea where anything comes from
they think oh electricity's clean they don't know it comes from the same power source for electric
cars they just don't have any idea what it means to cut off our pipelines and cut off our oil and
gas and to cut off the third world's food and not even let them produce food because we thought we
had lockdowns bad here folks the imf and world bank were ordering lockdowns up until two months ago
in latin american countries and in africa and the people that come here nine out of ten say
i'm coming here because i'm starving to death they won't let us work
but i'm not against these poor people flooding here trying to survive
what i'm explaining is is that it is a weapon system ladies and gentlemen
and they are going to be brainwashed they're going to be made dependent they'll be put on
welfare and they're going to be groups that the democrats and the deep state have as a permanent
underclass it is so dangerous all right we come back get ready and start your engines for matt
and then jason and brian and sky and brenda and jeff taking your calls the order they are received
want to thank that caller for his support getting three of the little gold cards original art with
gold thank you for buying your war bonds i salute you info war store dot com x2 we only got a limited
supply it's shelling out despite that it's 25 off experience deeper the crystalline of yourself
info war store dot com we'll be right back stay with us and we begin a lot of crypto donations
which is keeping us on here want to salute all those you know who you are the beginning of the
donations please go to info wars dot com forward slash crypto info wars dot com forward slash crypto
info wars dot com forward slash crypto whether it's a dollar in ethereum or bitcoin wherever it is
whether it's a thousand dollars or a million dollars we will use it to fight the new world order ethereum
bitcoin xrp litecoin there there's dozens of them there info war store dot com and by the way
we've got our own nfts that aren't a scam they're totally badass in total victory coming out next
week i'll tell you about that later but right now info wars dot com forward slash crypto the real
revolution is happening now info wars dot com forward slash crypto and all of the donated we
salute you and thank you
william of california people are asleep and program controlled i agree how do you make
the sleeper awaken william oh hi elix thanks for taking my call can i plug uh elix real quick
yeah go ahead hey i'm in my 60s uh and i did the work of 25 30 year olds and i worked them into
the ground and you wanted to why and i've tested this and i've taken your b12 and let me tell you
when i don't take it i pay a price i really do i take that b12 and i'm electric man i can run 10
miles i i did some pretty heavy work uh with a highway department and my friends will attest to
the fact that yeah for a guy in his 60s you know pushing 70 i'm and i know i'm not just blowing
smoke here the b12 saves my life
it has been noted by many a historian the first casualty of war is the truth then the next big
casualty isn't even the people that die no that is very very follows but first there is the crack
down on populations basic liberty and speech and massive censorship and now across the world
from the united states to europe legislations being introduced that if you amplify any quote pro
russian information you can be censored you can be arrested you can be imprisoned and of course now
canada's under this legislation that if you have a thought crime and they think you may have the
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
the west is the best
the west is the best and it'll do the rest
well the chickens are coming home to roost but whenever democrats get sued for defamation the
case is always get thrown out and then when it's a republican gets sued they rig it all
in court so that they're quote convicted that's how they go up to the first amendment
repairman who revealed hunter biden's laptop sous chef cnn political the daily beast
they said it was a russian agent they said he fabricated they said he was a liar
when biden wouldn't come pick the damn thing up he looked at it looked on it and saw the
child porn and said well i got a responsibility to call the police on this that's their jobs
at those computer repair places you see something illegal you don't report it well you're part of
it aren't you hunter biden having sex with his niece all the rest of it incredible these people
are unbelievable calling me a russian agent calling trump a russian agent it's disgusting
no evidence and now we know we already knew it was all completely fabricated and they just go
right back to are they going to call the pope a russian agent now because he says hey nato we
now learned started this war with russia yeah i mean maybe not having world war three will get
people to start thinking a little bit clearer here i don't know let's go ahead and take a call from
boston let's talk to matt and boston matt welcome alex how are you pleasure to talk to you it's an
honor to talk to you brother i uh join you from the largest land of liberals today and uh i want
to let you know that i'm a patriot and i'm here fighting for your cause man well god bless you
brother if i could i'd plug uh vitamin mineral fusion yes winter suns survival shield uh long
time user of great products alex great products thank you i just wanted to bring up one thing
and i'll let you run with this uh i know tucker and yourself who talked about this a little bit
but no one is touching on uh the attack on the food industrial food supply facilities
it's just unbelievable how this is just being overlooked and i can't i just i can't fathom
what's going on here well sir since we covered that a few weeks ago more plants have burned down
each day so by the law statistics it's been looked into by statisticians this is thousands of times
the number of plants that burn a year already and we're not even halfway through the year
so yeah uh it's crazy and this is this is war and and china has cut off basically all shipments
to the us when i tell you the supply chains broke down we call around to all the big companies that
make quality supplements and and other products and they're all like yeah we're 20 30 weeks behind
we don't even know what we can do it's it's it's again the globalists set us up we were totally
dependent on china and totally depend on everybody else's fertilizer and then now biden's cutting off
our pipelines and destroying our borders devaluing our currency we are being destroyed right now and
it's so emblematic that a senile crazy person is the figurehead of it absolutely alex i totally
agree thank you for uh taking my call and i appreciate it and god bless you man god bless
you man we're in this together thank you you are the info war sir so don't thank me thank
yourself for taking action thank you so much sir you are the heart of what we're doing the blood
of the thing and the mind and the guts of the whole operation all right up next here would be
jason in texas jason welcome what's up alex love you um thanks for everything you do man yes sir um
one disagreement with what's going on here and uh i was at the capi we say all one six so
let's get that out there i think you're giving trump a pass right now and i think um that you're
still holding on to the idea that trump was organic and that trump is real and i think that the system
would never allow that because the system would never jeopardize what's at stake to control the
power they would never let someone organic come in and and jeopardize that and you keep holding
on to this idea that they are and you keep saying this thing that obama's running things obama again
there would never just be one guy running things it's far worse than obama is running things
and i get what you're saying there but you're still directing people into the left right
paradigm and you're still giving this system a chance when it doesn't have one and another thing
let's let me let's be fair about this i'm the guy that coined the term left right paradigms you know
that uh yeah i know you you're the man alex believe me i'm not i'm not no i'm not i'm not
trying to but but but but but then under trump whether he's real or not the populist movement
and what happened there scared the hell out of the globalist and bolson aro i believe is real
we know boris johnson wasn't and so i know that trump really believes what he says and does he's
got some blind spots and so i'm not just i'm i'm i'm very critical of trump but i'm explaining
that the trump movement and that galvanizing force has really scared the new world order
that's all i'm saying so i'm not giving trump a a a past any level and i could tell you i'm organic
the people are organic i know i'm real i know i'm not getting any secret help from the new
world order i'm getting all my hope from the american people and people that care about freedom
and so i know that we have power the people have power it's not just folks in the establishment
that's why they fear us brother i believe that i believe you're real sir at 100 met you at the
first covid protest in austin as you're walking up i was the guy that just said thank you very
much for everything and uh uh another another point i want to make too but just back to the
trump thing is that he abandoned us he abandoned the one six patriots he abandoned the signage
he was not honest about the real problems in this country that we're facing the new world order
and the situation that's going on and also he did a very poor job which i believe now is on purpose
in unifying people and clarifying himself and i know that the media was there just beating him
to death but that just seems now okay jason here jason here's where i stand on this and i thought
about doing a few shows we open the phones up and say what's your view of trump we can
say good things say bad things is a complex issue but trump is not in power anymore they
stole the election from him he's got thousands of lawsuits they're trying to put him in jail i really
don't think he's a globalist operative uh i i mean i i don't think they're all powerful i'm not
saying he's perfect either you're i've said all the things you're saying okay you're absolutely
the assange thing is terrible uh not standing up for more than january six people is terrible
i totally agree with you on that but but but what does it do to sit here and talk about him i mean
let me ask you this why why are you upset about trump right now why are you trying to hammer him
because i believe that the key thing that the system is still holding on to their weapon
to their main weapon which is trump and i was at the capitol and i was there i i got in a fight
and i was i was ready to go i would have done it any day and trump had the chance he had us there
he had he had 1776 in his hands and he got us the old site and he turned his back and he's a
child and i appreciate your call sir i disagree with you if we if we would have actually taken
that capital over and held it hostage we would have become what they are and they had to sent
the military in and they'd have permanent martial law right now we had lots of trump rallies to show
our support for trump that we didn't buy the election we wanted a 10-day investigation by
the senate that's legal and lawful uh and so i get why you're pissed at trump now
in that you wanted to have the big takeover and beat the new world order that day i don't think
that's good strategy but we can we can agree to disagree it's it's it's okay i understand
you're pissed off i understand you have passion i respect that passion let's go to sky in washington
sky welcome here on the air hello sir thank you i just want to say i really respect and i want to
echo everything all your previous callers that day except that last caller but but it's okay to
have disagreements and i respect that he has a different point of view i think you answered
his questions really well um and you're doing a great show today alex thanks for staying on the
air and and keeping up the fight coming to you from southwest washington washington's third district
where we have joe kent running for congress so i wanted to talk about the midterms really quick
and then ask you a question um joe kent is the gold star husband running for congress he's the best
candidate we have all the other candidates i see them siding with the democrats and the globalists
and defending bill gates and black rock um so i wanted to ask because these are people who are
going after the patriot vote do you have a call for unity among patriots well politics is an
extremely complex situation and i couldn't even pretend to know about all these local races and
things that are going on at that level i used to study it and be mainly a kind of republican
analyst type guy i can't keep track of all that i'm mainly focused on war in ukraine and
devaluation of the dollar and the imploding border and the pedophiles running wild and
them uh the collapse of hollywood and then the mass starvation triggering worldwide and the next
virus they're going to release so um when we talk about unity of patriots i mean we need to get
america first republicans elected more like marjorie taylor green and i mean that i mean
that's why so yeah of course i mean when you say unity what do you mean unity
well uh among the public i understand candidates can have different points of view that's fine
but among the public we need to unify behind the strongest america first candidate the ones
that you're talking about like marjorie taylor don't hang up don't hang up sky i want to get
your point here i'm sure you got a great point i'm just missing the u n estimates that over
two billion people alive on earth today have cognitive disabilities lower icu's and so many
other medical issues because of one thing iodine deficiency and most iodine that you get from
different foods is bound to other minerals or other compounds so it's not absorbable in the
body and that's why iodine deficiency is such a huge issue we have the purest cleanest best iodine
in the world from deep-reth crystals more than 7 000 feet deep x2 is an amazing product and it
has been sold out for months and months and months it is now back in stock at m4store.com for 25
percent off ladies and gentlemen with all the supply chain breakdowns the rest of it i'm not
sure when the next time we're going to get x2 is so i would stock up on x2 right now at m4store.com
and know that you're funding the tip of the spear in the fight against the globalist that's a 360
win you're healthier you have a better immune system a better focus better clarity and you're
funding the info war please visit m4store.com and get your x2 today and we've been getting a lot of
crypto donations which is keeping us on here want to salute all those you know who you are that
have been giving the donations please go to info wars.com forward slash crypto info wars.com forward
slash crypto info wars.com forward slash crypto whether it's a dollar in ethereum or bitcoin
whether it is whether it's a thousand dollars or a million dollars we will use it to fight the new
world order ethereum bitcoin xrp litecoin there there's dozens of them there info wars store.com
and by the way we've got our own nfts at arnescam they're totally badass in total victory coming
out next week i'll tell you about that later but right now info wars.com forward slash crypto the
real revolution is happening now info wars.com forward slash crypto and all of you that donated
we salute you and thank you leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's
alex jones all right going right back to the call sky in uh washington i mean obviously i want
unity are you talking about unity to get american first people elected well you got to study their
voting record or what they did if they were ever in office before i mean what what specifically
are you asking me yes sir well just to not have infighting among the the patriot vote just all
the people who backed trump i think trump's gonna run again and and i think he's counting on america
first people being there in congress when he gets there if hopefully he does get reelected
or we get another america first president they're gonna count on there being america first congress
so the public has to unify behind the america first candidate this midterm election oh i mean i
think trump's doing a lot of good getting good people elected he's not perfect obviously
we need to keep him keep him more more more on the straight and narrow i would even say keep him
honest i've noticed he can really influence trump we get to talk to him but yeah again he's not
perfect he's almost 80 years old like biden but still a lot better shaped in biden mentally
so i hear you absolutely i will get behind the populist nationalist candidate the pro-life
candidate 110 i appreciate your call all right let's go ahead and talk to brenda in nevada brenda
thanks for holding your own the year hi alex it's so nice to talk to you i've been a long time
listener since the 90s i was live with you at the g20 um that was intense uh broadcast but
any case um i wanted to bring up uh last week when you were going down memory lane and i thought
jim tucker should have been mentioned um just because you know he he was super evident in
bringing the bilderberg to the forefront and um i don't know i just thought it would be great to
you know mention him as well when you were mentioning all the great people that were on
your show absolutely uh i mean jim tucker was just amazing and when i learned he died i was
like nine years ago it was like a punch in the stomach what an icon exposing the bilderberg
group but nobody else had been ridiculed for decades and now we're all bilderberg groups real
yeah they want world government big deal imagine the power they had of people not even knowing
there was a group doing this once the people realized there's this group taking over we can
stand up and say no and the former head of the bilderberg group is the head of the debuts group
and he puts out their agenda publicly absolutely and um i totally agree with you and then i also
wanted to bring up um just i was thinking about what you brought up about russia and the vatican
and the pope and his you know his switch um and how i just was thinking how they're really caught up
in the federal reserve and how our economy is crashing and i started thinking about their
gold supply and what if that's been depleted and maybe that would be a reason for them switching
over and siding with russia all of a sudden it just was something i was thinking about
they have to bring down the old system to bring in the new russia is going to a golden silverback
system china and the united states and others are going to programmable tokens the track and trace
everything you do so they can then control what you're allowed to spend it on that's official
so that's where we are right now yes that do you think that the the pope would be do you think
that possibly you know the vatican might have a gold issue where they're missing gold and i don't
know i really can't speculate on that um i don't know how the vatican's been hoarding money for
over a thousand years god knows god knows what they've got that that would be speculative
i know this all the major countries have been run by private central banks that have created
quadrillions thousands of trillions in fake currency to buy all the real assets up and now
they're purposely shutting the economy off to vertically integrate and and and and take more
control so this is economic raping that is going on thank you so much for the call brenda all right
brian and jeff if you want to hold i'll get to you later in the hour with our special guest
pete santelli we got a very important gregory's report coming up and then i'm going to pete
santelli who has really done a lot of deep research into the providence and the background of this big
un treaty where they're having from the 22nd to the 28th in switzerland this big meeting
for the big medical tyranny takeover where the un will run all your health care i mean they even
admit it they're on the news saying yeah we need to have the un running everything that is coming
up next segment there isn't a more critical issue in stopping their next lockdown and power grab
pete santelli straight ahead on all the shows you see this it's an info wars republic defense card
with original info wars art designed by yours truly with a little gold bar implanted in it and on the
back it's got a hologram there are only 25 000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again
the bank that owns the mint that has started putting these out the last few years just sold
out of 300 000 of a similar offering that was 40 percent more than what we're selling these for
and when you get three or more you can get these at 50 off and they fund the info war please visit
info wars store.com and check out this amazing new art slash gold product it's a collector's item
and you'll know you helped fund the second american revolution against the globalist
at such a critical point get your gold bars and so much more exclusively at info wars store.com
and i want to thank you for your support over the years because without you all of the great
success we have had together would not have happened we are the tip of the spear you are the tip of
spear and i salute you and thank you visit info wars store.com today rallying patriots worldwide in
defense of human liberty it's alex jones back in 2008 while the masses flocked to obama to save
them from dick cheney those waking up to the american nightmare could clearly see how he was
a puppet to wall street and the big banks and also to the military industrial complex their
profits soared as the anti-war movement disappeared obama even had an american citizen killed with
a drone strike while eating dinner obama loved predator drones and he normalized the unending war
i have two words for you predator drones you will never see it coming
you think i'm joking
at first obama was not threatened by the election of donald trump he had the all-powerful media on
his side president obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the united
states exclamation point at real donald trump well at real donald trump at least i will go down as a
president but that didn't last if we if we fall for trump got elected and obama helped lead a
massive attack against him with the entire establishment mainstream media and loyal democrats
and by the time the 2020 election was stolen right before our eyes there was no doubt that
joe biden was a puppet but who's puppet i think it's no surprise to know that it's not just obama
but it's the whole obama clinton machine that has been in power for a long time and continues to pull
the strings behind the curtain in the biden administration but when we're talking about
this ministry of truth will what's even more disturbing than the fact that you have all
these democrats who are supporting it is that there are powerful republicans who are supporting it
as well obama and clinton are puppets along with at least 99 of all the democrats and republicans
in congress and it's not even a government anymore it's a criminal cabal made up of several crime
families and corporations that see the people as a commodity and now while being exposed for some
of the biggest crimes in american history they are stealing every last penny from the american people
creating a worldwide famine and provoking a war with a country that is showing off ways they
can nuke we the people into oblivion in germany hundreds of thousands of people are demanding
that their government stop sending weapons to ukraine and urging them to move towards a peaceful
resolution while in america it seems as if everyone is just going about their business waiting for
the next election as if it's just a series on netflix we are watching but if we sit and do nothing
as we watch them start a nuclear war are we innocent the u.s government is training ukrainian
soldiers in germany and supplying ukraine with hundreds of newly declassified suicide drones
the liars and thieves inhabiting the u.s government are starting this war for their own puppet masters
but they are no one special just old old money with centuries of fraud and we outnumber them
10 000 to one conservatively they are not going to stop and now that they're being exposed it's
just going to get worse and so wouldn't it be beautiful if we the people can stand up for
what's right and stop world war three reporting for info wars this is greg reese
ladies and gentlemen we are back live broadcasting worldwide
the balance the hour p santelli journalist former marine
former political president who was then at charges dropped against him for the whole
bundy crisis out on the pacific northwest joins us because he's been doing some of the best
reporting and breakdown of the global government takeover now i have literally
was i counted them more than 70 articles and documents here in front of me everything
we're gonna lay out is on record here's the memorandum on strengthening world health organization
preparedness and a response to health emergencies this is the un takeover of health care this is
the holy grail that bill gates wants he says more pandemics are coming and then we've discovered
that obama and we covered this some of the time put in this medical marshal law right before he left
saying if we even think you're sick you have a cough we can secretly arrest you and disappear
you and other states have now passed laws to mirror this so this is their big plan and we had
pastor rodney howard brown on that pointed out that in 2005 george w bush was pushing
similar things of 15 days to slow the spread mask social distancing this has been a long-term plan
older than even operation lockstep 2011 from the rockerfeller foundation this is their big push
and now you have a cdc saying we're above the courts we want you to wear a mask we're above the
courts to take over people the owners of rent properties this is how they intend to keep us
scared under control while they were off the new world government currency the new carbon tax the
new social credit score so so pete i'm gonna we got four minutes to break i'm gonna try to give
me the floor in the 45 minutes air timer so we have here today with you to just go through this
thanks for doing a great job laying it out thanks for having alex you know i want to make a couple
of things really clear because there's now that we're starting to bring some public awareness to
this and of course you've been covering it the past several days people have been talking about
a pandemic treaty let's set that aside because the pandemic treaty i think is a diversion
to what's going to take place here may 22nd through the 28th now i've been in consultation
with james reguski he's done the deepest research he was one of the first ones that i'd
i'd landed on and then i checked all of his work and darn it wouldn't you know it all the
documentations out there so i just had a conversation with dr peter bregan uh he wrote the book i
have it here uh dr peter bregan kovat 19 in the global creditors he's identified over the past
week and a half or so where i've been trying to pinpoint uh who the culprit is here as to what
they're going to do may 22nd through the 28th they're essentially going to give total dictatorial
authoritarian power to the communist dictator tatros at the top of the whl uh now who's behind
tatros we know and it's well documented even uh fox news the new york times several different
outlets have covered this that china but the chinese communists have essentially put tatros in power
um so essentially this is a uh and bill gates is out live with china saying their response
was great they should take the world over so it's it's bill gates in china that's right and bill
gates i was i was targeting bill gates because bill gates is identified especially when president
trump pulled our support of the who bill gates came in and he became the top funder of the who
so i thought it was bill gates while he stands to benefit certainly but this this is all being
driven by uh the communist chinese no doubt about it bill gates is actually an asset for the chai
chai karm government but this is what they're going to do on the 22nd through the 28th now
just a matter of a couple weeks ago the united states of america through the biden administration
filed um some amendments to the international health regulations and essentially that's the
legally binding document that's been in place since the since the 40s where we agreed that the
who would help us with the potential with a global pandemic but we would ultimately have say so
through the cdc and through the um through the fda and so on and so forth if there's a global
pandemic well april 12th we filed the document essentially relinquishing their responsibility
giving total and complete control to the centralized authority just like you've all
harari says we need to do a better job with the international control of pandemics well
the 22nd through the 28th uh these delegations 194 countries are going to get together and
they're going to vote on those amendments that were proposed by the united states of america
um and it was actually filed on april 12th right under our noses but at the same time hidden now
now i had forwarded you some documentation you covered it earlier in the week this process began
before we even knew how to spell covet uh president brock obama on january 19th right before
president trump was sworn into office a portion of the federal register included cdc changes in
terminology um for potential pandemics uh like with sars and so on and so forth essentially giving
the medical industrial complex i designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have some of
those original designs still for sale at m4store.com these are real classics but ladies and gentlemen
they're all about to be limited edition because we're selling out of them they're about to be
history and we're selling out of the hoodies the ball caps the t-shirts all these amazing designs
at cost m4store.com except for this fundraiser shirt that is a real hit people love it it's
2495 alex jones is right on the front the red thunderbolt and then again on the back a big
bold info wars dot com exercise your first amendment don't let the leftist and the globalist
bully silence you and fund the info war at the same time there is not a more politically incorrect
shirt that sends a stronger message of freedom resistance to the new world order than the alex
jones was right shirt exclusively available at info warshore.com and again this shirt is limited
edition as well we're doing one more run and then no more infowarstore.com get yours today
the globalist are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons and
chemicals added to the food it's all come out and they're doing that not because we're weak but
because we're made the image of god the creator and we are powerful and the social engineers
fear that so much so that's why i repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first
came up with the boy is it true the propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless
they need all their propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death
because they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on the god of this world
who is a loser and that's why it's so important that everybody keep info wars in the air now
more than ever because even you don't believe in god what the globalists are manifesting and setting
up is satanic and we are opposing the one world government and the mark of the beast they just
announced over the years info wars is produced more than 200 amazing patriot americana second
amendment pro-liberty themed t-shirts ball caps flags you name all of the apparel and the flags
are being sold at cost right now that's just regular plain jane shirts that is all sorts of
designer shirts that cost us 15 20 25 dollars to produce we used to sell for 40 we're selling them
for 15 selling for 20 whatever the shirt costs the shirt costs five dollars we're selling it for
five dollars for essentially produce it costs ten dollars we're selling it for ten dollars and we've
got hoodies and we've got long sleeves and we've got short sleeves we've got them all and we've
got to liquidate them all and they're limited edition because we're never going to make any of
these designs again we are going to come out with some new designs that will be limited
limited edition in the future we've got to sell this to keep info wars in the air plus it spreads
the word infowarstore.com here historic apparel now infowarstore.com we have over 100 designs of t-shirts
that just sit there in our warehouse we just sell those shirts to fund the operation but we've already
made some orders on future shirts coming in but these are all limited editions so once these new
shirts come in we're going to sell those and that's it we'll have limited editions one at a time in
the future and when they're gone they're gone well here's the new limited edition shirt this one is
2495 a really nice fabric Alex Jones was right on the front with a big red lightning bolt on the back
info wars.com you talk about triggering you talk about spreading the word you talk about waking
people up Alex Jones was right fundraiser shirt we need the funds to operate infowarstore.com
Alex Jones was right it's a gorgeous shirt we're really proud of it get a piece of history now at
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than wearing an Alex Jones was right shirt with info wars.com big on the back available now for
limited time infowarstore.com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's
Alex Jones. Welcome back to the Alex Jones show that break cut us off Pete Santelli
investigative journalist has been through the fire is our guest I have spent months reading these
documents researching what's happening with the UN they have a meeting in Geneva Switzerland
that is going to be held the 22nd to 28th they say the documents are secret but their memorandums
say the UN will control pandemic responses but also other medical policy just like UNESCO to
drills education policy and the rest of it we're under UN control the corporations fund to control
the UN that our government signed trees with it and go under its control and we need to raise the
alarm and get Congress ahead of this and others because Biden plans to implement all of this we
have to make this the central issue Pete you got cut off please continue. You know first of all I
I want everybody to understand the severity of this existential threat I'm going to lay this
out as follows oh this is their takeover plan this is the this is the big this is their main attack
this is at the 22nd through the 28th is even more important than the pandemic treaty to everyone's
buzzing about on the internet so let me break it down 40s we signed a treaty with the WHO but we
said we we're going to maintain our sovereignty we appreciate your help as it relates to global
pandemics then they modified the treaties 2005 they published the most recent one if you go look
it up it's called the IHR the international health regulations then they further modified it but
before they did that so let's just back up a second Obama left office on the 19th of January 2017
right before President Trump took office I didn't even know how to spell COVID they filed thousands
of pages the CDC said we're going to change some verbiage some definitions and there was public
commentary the public comments and some of those public comments come from attorneys saying what
are you doing you're going to surrender our sovereignty to the WHO they responded back HHS
and CDC said no no no no of course we wouldn't our treaty says that we will maintain control
and run in parallel to you know to stop a global pandemic with the WHO and partner with them well
April 12th just a couple weeks ago they filed a revision that essentially cancels that out giving
Tedros who was placed there by the communist Chinese I can pull up articles right now look
at this a New York Times article candidate to lead the WHO is accused of covering up pandemics
this guy was actually placed there but how the WHO became China's corona virus accomplice
and here's another one Gates Foundation donations to the WHO nearly match those from the U.S.
government let's say Gates aside for a second on the 22nd through the 28th they're going to approve
a document that's been kept secret just a couple weeks ago April 12th the U.S. the by
administration their delegation is going to go there and vote along with the other member nations
194 of them to give Tedros 100 percent dictatorial power and this is what he has the authority to do
it and it's pronounced fake it's a public health emergency of international concern
now you can interchange a pandemic of corona virus or let's say obesity or let's say
SEL by the CDC they say that they've got a program right now that's right it says any crisis they
then take full control that affects public health and it's of international concern once the WHO
makes that determination all other nations must follow now here's another thing that they did
underhanded it normally when you sign on to an agreement or you make modifications to the IHR
they have an 18 month cooling down period essentially oh let's take a look at the verbiage
maybe we didn't understand the the legal is 18 months we can pull out of this thing if we made
a mistake no they shorten that to six months so here we are two weeks prior to this meeting on
the 22nd of May that they're going to give Tedros who was placed by the the Chinese communists
in power given him total authority once he declares a fake they will even sanction countries
for not complying with the WHO mandates now now let's talk about Bill Gates Bill Gates
and Gavi are the biggest funders of the WHO do you think that Bill Gates has a dog in the fight
for Tedros to be the leader of the government that's gonna Tedros is his minion it's his minion
absolutely now I would started targeting Bill Gates is the culprit of this thing these you know
of course the global predators per se but I had a conversation with Dr. Peter Bregan
after I did the research with James Roguski I need to put you in touch with those two because
they're very well studied but Dr. Bregan we've had we've had Bregan on he's great we should get him
back on Dr. Bregan is he's publishing a report today and he identifies documents it's well
documented that the Chai comms are behind this thing the the Chinese government are using Tedros
as a trojan horse to bring in their global dominance yeah that's how you bring in a coup
over america through the medical system because americans on average they've studied in focus groups
they even had Yale do a study before the pandemic how do we people to bow down we use a bio weapon
we use fear we use a virus this is how they're doing it that's right now the WHO of course this
election that's going to take place on the 22nd through the 28th the delegation that's being
sent forth through the Biden administration but you know we can question their authority because
they seized an election in 2020 but let's set that aside they're not elected officials
that are going to be voting on our behalf all these countries representing 99.44% of the
entire world population are literally going to and I've read the legal documents they're going to
give total and complete control to Tedros the Chai comm minion total and complete control to
declare a a public health emergency of international concern once that gets done now here's another
and let's be clear I agree with you even gate says this now I said this for six months he just said
it yesterday we had the clip this was a beta test the real event he says is coming something far
worse and he's on record developing all these viruses this is insanely obvious that's right now
here's another big concern that I have Alex and I don't know how deep you've covered this I know
that you covered the of course I've done enough research on the snake venom derived peptides
in in the vaccines of course now the water surveillance system that's when I learned about
this Tedros in the WHO they can declare a public health emergency based on surveillance of the
wastewater system if they say there's too many you know please excuse the term but this is what
they're going to do they're going to test the wastewater and say too many people are looping
COVID we need to stop the spread let's lock down this zip well no no they admit that global
surveillance has moved to sewage right now they're going to declare a public health emergency based
on testing the wastewater do you trust that the CDC testing our wastewater saying no it's just
it's an excuse to just shut things down wherever they want it's it's it's digital martial law to
force us on the phones it tells where to go what to do and and I mean they admit all this
they do I you know I've been following I got away from this for a while because it was so
nauseating listening to MSNBC and CNN especially during the pandemic but you know what they're
back out at Alex I'm listening to them prescripting the narrative they're saying the cases of COVID
think about that COVID cases porn with the PCR tests and all that stuff they're saying the cases
are increasing what does that tell you we're getting ready for an election time for everyone
to get ready to dump their ballots into the ballot drop boxes but here's the big concern
along with that with the election coming up with the potential for election fraud if people are
casting mail-in ballots you've got a WHO dictator Tadros who's already been pinpointed by the New York
Times for covering up epidemics or pandemics in the past this guy will be able to lock down
countries and will have plenary power to do and there's no doubt about it stay there
the UN estimates that over two billion people alive on earth today have cognitive disabilities
lower IQs and so many other medical issues because of one thing iodine deficiency and most iodine
that you get from different foods is bound to other minerals or other compounds so it's not
absorbable in the body and that's why iodine deficiency is such a huge issue we have the purest
cleanest best iodine in the world from deep breath crystals worth 7 000 feet deep x2 is an
amazing product and it has been sold out for months and months and months it is now back in stock
at m4warstore.com for 25% off ladies and gentlemen with all the supply chain breakdowns the rest of
it i'm not sure when the next time we're going to get x2 is so i would stock up on x2 right now
at m4warstore.com and know that you're funding the tip of the spear in the fight against the
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exclusively available at m4warsstore.com is funding the tip of the spear the m4wars operation
it is a 360 win the only way you fail is by not taking action and getting this product to boost
your body's natural defenses and keep m4wars on the air the globalists are hoping you don't take
action take action now m4warsstore.com i designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have
some of those original designs still for sale at m4warsstore.com these are real classics
but ladies and gentlemen they're all about to be limited edition because we're selling out of them
they're about to be history and we're selling out of the hoodies the ball caps the t-shirts all
these amazing designs at cost at m4warsstore.com except for this fundraiser shirt that is a real
hitting people love it it's 24.95 alex shows us right on the front the red thunderbolt and then
again on the back a big bold m4wars.com exercise your first amendment don't let the leftist and
the globalists bully silence you and fund the m4war at the same time there is not a more
politically incorrect shirt that sends a stronger message of freedom resistance to the new world
order than the alex jones was right shirt explicitly available at m4warsstore.com and again
this shirt is limited edition as well we're doing one more run and then no more m4warsstore.com get
yours today so i did it i signed up for the austin marathon i've been training probably not as much
as they should be but thank goodness for prayer and thank goodness for m4warsstore.com before i
start out on a run i throw down some turbo force to give me that energy i need to get going you
know besides the energy turbo force it is giving me the vitamins i need like vitamin c to keep me
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so i can get back to the training even if you're not crazy enough to take on a marathon good news
turbo force that can still give you the energy and clarity you need for every day
and sore less can keep you moving and feeling great at any age leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the new world order it's alex jones
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
oh baby i'm gonna teach you what love's all about tonight
trust me honey trust me honey everything's gonna be all right
oh yeah just do like i do there ain't nothing to it listen to me baby anybody can do it
all right peace and tilly as you know a lot of people tune in every minute to minute so you were
on 20 something minutes ago with us there's probably 300 400 000 new people tuned in right now
recap what you were saying and then get into more details of this number one central issue that
is starting to finally get some traction thanks to you and many others that are exposing it we
need tucker carlson to cover it we need joe rogan to cover it we need the republican party to cover
it we need u.s senators to cover it this is central to our sovereignty and to the whole
globalist takeover plan absolutely uh you know michelle bachman i spoke with her the other day
she found out about it she was just flabbergasted that our congressional officials uh are clueless
as to what's going to happen on the 22nd through the 28th and dr bregan told me last night that
essentially i'm going to go ahead and do the recap um he told me that there's no way to stop this
thing the 22nd through the 28th um this huge body of 194 countries representing 99 percent of the
world's population are going to vote to give tajros the person that was placed there by the tycoms by
gg uh winnie the pooh whatever his name is placed at the top of the wbl to give him total
dictatorial power to declare a public health emergency of international concern why is that
begging ambiguous because they can swap it out with covet they can do obesity whatever public
health emergency is of international concern it's a blank check blank check and guess what
they're going to supersede i mean they're they're literally saying we will partner with and have
everyone follow along with us the united nations which the world economic forum is a part of of
course the international labor organizations food and agricultural organizations international
atomic energy agency they will have power over every major international agency and i'm going to
have to revert back to you vol harari because i think i heard it on info wars um harari says we
need to do a better job this time uh stopping global pandemics from from spreading all of these
nations i'm going to tell you right now they only have english versions of the modifications the
ones that were submitted by the biden administration on april 12th these other countries that speak
four languages it's a legal document it's going to be legally binding with the ihr they don't even
have copies of the translation that they're going to be voting on on the 22nd through the 28th now
of course they're going to go to this thing send the delegations they're thinking well we have 18
months to kind of ruminate and figure out you know whether or not we want to stay with it
no they change that as well they said now there's only going to be a six month period
where they can opt out these countries have no idea our own elected officials have no idea or
they're complicit in this thing to to release our sovereignty out alex i don't mean to over
sensationalize by saying this what this represents on the 22nd through the 28th oh oh biden is going
to send his delegation to geneva and vote to have the who flag fly over the united states flag
and i would say who united nations and then the us flag can you imagine what our elected officials
are going to say when we ask them what they're doing to stop this global tyranny they're going to
say well you know it's a legally uh binding international health regulation that we've
had a treaty dating all the way back to 1948 or that's right so the us has to move to pull out
of that treaty they do and they only have six six months we're in a position right now they
filed for the amendments april 12th most people have no idea what was contained in it it gives
tager's total power um then once they vote on it there's going to be public outrage which there
will be after the effect there will only be six months to undo the damage so is there any way
to stop it dr peter bregan told me last night there's no way to stop what's coming on may 22nd
it's up to we the people congress is going to do nothing if not uh uh being part of this scam to
bring global governance as we already know they've been pushing for that i'm sure hillary clinton as
she was in in 2016 we would have been talking about this in 2017 and by the way let's remember
they have headlines in bloomberg washington post financial times saying dictatorship is good
and the dictatorship should be corporations through the un everything we've talked about
pete forever is now in our face there's no debate so where are the republicans well they give some
lip service but they're bought and paid for too you know that man right there that you have on
the screen can you imagine fox news even reported uh what was the data this one he was uh but just
basically re-elected uh controversial world health organization chief chate tager's was nominated and
brought in for second term unopposed fouchy said he's a good guy this guy is fouchy on steroids
if you're upset about the little mini tyrant fouchy wait till tager's takes power after this
thing is voted on the 22nd through the 28th is there a way to stop me how do you think we stop
him we expose it first but what else all right yesterday i got permission from i had james
rogowski on we did a full presentation we had to produce content to put the word out there
i got permission uh from him to not only use his site don't you dare uh dot info to take that
and mirror it and put it on info wars dot com you're gonna have his full permission to do that
that is all the information that's contained so that we can get people properly educated
and then we need to take action we've we need to demand that this delegation that is going
and we only have a couple of weeks here but to try to stop this going to be difficult
we need a public awareness campaign as if our sovereignty is at stake because in fact it is
they should have no authority to go vote on our behalf and no way shape or form they should
actually be stopped but there should be a travel ban on these people from going to geneva because
of what they're about to do that no american would approve no member of congress should approve
any such delegation to go do such a thing and most of them have never even seen the revisions
that were submitted on april 12th alex it is shocking we need to notify members of congress
we need all hands on deck there's democrats i'm sure that are going to be even opposed to this thing
as they were opposed to electronic voting machine fraud that they should be stepping up to the front
we're gonna son away our sovereignty alex we need to put out the all hands on deck alert to bring
public awareness not just in the united states the entire world because here's another thing and
we've got a couple minutes here i want to emphasize this point if in fact just like we did last time
president trump opted out of the who bill gates backfilled it and actually became an even bigger
contributor through gavi and through the gates foundation became a bigger contributor to the
who than the us was contributing if we opt out this next time around there's a hundred and ninety
three other uh member nations that will have a vote they're going to treat us like a bunch of
you know maga red hat wearing uh deplorable extremists in the united states will stop us from
traveling they'll stop international commerce well they already set the precedent where you
can't criticize any decision of the who on the internet and all the big tech comes in and that's
a dictatorship a medical dictatorship this is insane they've already censored senators congressmen
governors legislators i mean we this is it we have to recognize as a takeover and say no
alex uh i want to find the exact verbiage but this is what i discovered we're hearing a lot about
these um uh these disinformation uh bureaus we now found out that in ukraine they have one with
hundreds of millions oh they're giving it eight billion dollars excuse me out of the thirty three
billion eight eight point eight billion a ministry of truth and now they've announced one here
it's going to be upwards of a billion dollars a ministry of truth that the who is going to
regulate if you say anything that is counter to the narrative uh that you you know if you say snake
venom peptides i do they should it just broke today you may have missed it it's eight point
eight billion in ukraine alone from the thirty three billion biden's giving craziness craziness
and that's just for more propaganda spreading can you imagine when tajos gets ahold of a uh a ministry
of truth to stop the spread of covid misinformation you'll be arrested for so this is their takeover
this is it we're on it we'll talk about more details of it now we stop it with the great
pete sand tilly straight ahead find pete's show the pete sand tilly show dot com and on truth social
at pete sand tilly we'll be right back with this great researcher please stay with us info wars
dot com tomorrow's news today pete sand tilly stay with us you see this it's an info wars republic
defense card with original info wars art designed by yours truly with a little gold bar and planted
in it and on the back it's got a hologram there are only 25 000 of these in existence and they'll
never be made again the bank that owns the mint that has started putting these out the last few
years just sold out of 300 000 of a similar offering that was 40 percent more than what we're selling
these for and when you get three or more you can get these at 50 off and they fund the info war
please visit info wars core dot com and check out this amazing new art slash gold product
it's a collector's item and you'll know you help fund the second american revolution against the
globalist at such a critical point get your gold bars and so much more exclusively at info wars
store dot com and i want to thank you for your support over the years because without you all
of the great success we have had together would not have happened we are the tip of the spear
you're the tip of the spear and i salute you and thank you visit info wars store dot com today
there is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class not in
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info wars dot com forward slash crypto whether it's a dollar in ethereum or bitcoin wherever it is
whether it's a thousand dollars or a million dollars we will use it to fight the new world
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coming out next week i'll tell you about that later but right now info wars dot com forward slash
crypto the real revolution is happening now info wars dot com forward slash crypto and all
of the donated we salute you and thank you leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world
order it's alex jones
ladies and gentlemen i want to be very very clear right now with all of you
people say jones don't you feel empowered everything you talked about came true no i don't
there is nothing more frustrating than reading globalist documents and watching clips of their
speeches for 30 years on air 28 and knowing they're in power and knowing they're doing this and
sitting here and having to debate whether or not they even exist and to know that they made the
weapon that killed members of my family and almost killed my dad and to know they're gonna come back
and do it even worse and we have the power to stop them and now we're literally going back to 1776
but not the british winning but the new world order winning and all the hell and the lockdowns
of the starvation that comes with it we have to stop this folks it's all right there
i'm gonna let you host the rest of the segment i'm gonna shut up for 10 minutes you got the floor
go ahead you know um that uh that document i forwarded to you uh the federal registry okay
this is how important that federal registry is is that bureaucracies such as the department
of interior the cdc no matter what they are government bureaucracies instead of going through
the legislature if they have an important concern they can document it put it into the registry
allow for public comment and then it bypasses regulatory or legislative process it actually
becomes law back in january this is how important those filings were changing the definitions of
non-invasive uh and it was worded as if an attorney was speaking out of seven sides of his mouth
that essentially says that sticking a probe in your nose is gonna be um non-invasive that's one
of the most invasive things you can do here's another thing that they put in there is apprehension
of individuals that are not compliant or potentially spreading uh diseases that are of
international concern they already have all of the laws set up ladies and gentlemen obama
did it right before he left the day before uh president trump came in office and i believe
as we've learned here on info wars over the past several decades the hegellian dialectic problem
reaction solution but they bring the crisis they know what the reaction to the crisis will be
and then they offer the solution to the crisis their solution is on may 22nd and 28th to centralize
control it is the global governance that will come giving a person who is i would consider it to be
an enemy of the united states of america uh the china virus was released from the wuhan lab
that was the of course the crisis that was created the world was outraged by the number
of deaths that took place and how do we solve the problem centralize control with the dictator and
chief tedros who is a proxy a trojan horse for the chinese communist party uh now we have a
delegation that is going to be voting to make him the world's dictator over world health
matters imagine how powerful these people were in the hospitals can you imagine a
a health care worker having so much authority over you that you can't even go see your family
members or you'll be arrested for trespassing they know what's best for you they know uh how
your uh the last remaining moments of life of your loved one is going to be taken care of us because
of course we can't spread the pandemic they are perpetrating one of the biggest psyops of course
to do what this is the pretext for what is to come here ladies and gentlemen it is coming
dr bregan has told me there's no way to stop what's happening may 22nd to 28th but what we
can do is to bring public awareness i want everybody to share this information now the
information that's included on the website if you go to don't you dare dot info it's got all
that info hopefully alex will have it replicated and mirrored on info wars.com as well share this
information far and wide and use those toolkits there's memes there's letters that you can send
out to your your congresspeople we need to pick up the phones and let them know what's happening
and guess what the delegation that's going there they're going to be aligning with the chinese
communist trojan horse that's treason surrendering our sovereignty to the chikoms is uh nothing that
any american would approve of and i don't care where you are on the political spectrum they just
don't know at this point ladies and gentlemen we need to get our elected officials educated and do
so asap now if you ever wondered why the election was rigged in 2020 to give to put joe biden in
office it was to get this delegation and these uh leave behind networks that have been working on
the language can you imagine the federal registry thousands and thousands of pages
hundreds and hundreds of attorneys they've been working on this for years ladies and gentlemen
alex has been telling us i'm not saying this to suck up to him he was the one that said that this
would be coming and i remember thinking he was a conspiracy theorist when i started listening to him
25 years ago everything that he said over time that i have checked as slowly but surely
and of course most recently very incrementally edged just towards this global government
governance it is here it is now and it's going to be up to we the people we're the last line of
defense here now i say last line of defense do not bring violence we need to be very loud
and very very vigorous and waste no time whatsoever between now and the 22nd knowing full well
that we're not going to have a good chance at stopping them but we need to bring public awareness
worldwide to every member nation and all of their citizens those people have no clue what
they're about to sign on to because they don't even have a copy of the translated document
that they're going to be signing off on they think they'll have 18 months to read through it and have
their legal consultation to determine whether or not it was a good deal or not no they only have
six months that's a sad reality tajros ladies and gentlemen is fouchy on steroids tajros has
already been identified by major news outlets as having failed to not only stop pandemics
but covering them up tajros has worked directly with the chai comms and you're also hearing
bill gates admire the response to walking down 400 million people in china um admiring their
ability to stop the spread of uh of pandemics you can have dr os up saying that china's response
to the pandemic is something that he agreed with because it stops the spread of disease absolutely
pete the the the the the globalist takeover is a model of china worldwide why do you think china
is doing giant lockdowns i think it's to kill the u.s economy clearly uh as a pretext it's all
their coastal cities and main industrial cities and then what about trump's have a lot of listeners
mad at me that i'm not on an anti trump jag look i'm mad at trump on a lot of stuff he's not the
president right now and i'm just trying to stop the the implosion of the country but what is your
view on trump what is your view on all this well here's my thing uh president trump uh just like
every other elected official needs to do what we tell him to do and i think that president trump
has been very responsive when he did the red flag laws i launched a campaign to notify him and say
not just know but heck no we have an obligation to let president trump know that's key when you
get on his ass when he's been misadvised he turns he does the right thing that's why he he makes his
own decisions he makes a lot of bad ones a lot of good ones but you're right that's why i know he's
for he's his own person because he's responsive peter navarro for instance when he's in the oval
office he's not a yes man he says you need to fire this guy falching but alex jones says
what the heck are you doing uh with um a jd vance to skull and bones yale you know law school i mean
that's that's mit romney 2.0 we need to let president trump know that he may not know he may not know
about how upset we are with some of the endorsement industrial complex decisions that are being made
he's got an entire team of people so what do we do get on truth social let him know we need to express
our not our outrage we need to basically penetrate these circles that they have around them they've
got these deep that's what schwab says the globalist penetrate the people need to penetrate government
absolutely so president trump has been responsive to we the people that's why i love him so much and
i won't back down but never will i be a yes man to him what is happening right now i believe
president trump needs to know about and he pulled out of the who because he's no you're right he did
he did 90% good to a 10% bad and and i agree uh that's why my gut tells me still back trump
overall but be a strong critic when he's wrong peace santelli amazing job the peace santelli
show dot com thank you so much sir for your amazing work thank you sir i appreciate uh having me on
i'll replicate that on info wars dot com and let's spread the word absolutely all right folks um
um really bad allergies and awesome right now i went for a jog if you call it that look at your
rilla running down the road this morning and there's just pollen everywhere so it coated my logs
i'm having an issue with it right now but we're gonna be all right i'm gonna come back because i
promise brian and jeff you're both gonna get two and a half minutes on the other side you've been
holding patiently i'm gonna finish up with you i had a cate dally taken over please don't forget
all the way we stay on air is info wars dot com forward slash show you're sharing those links and
you going to info wars store dot com and getting great products at the same time x2 just got in
two weeks ago it's already 80 sold out got limited to run it's still 25 off of your x2 selling out
info wars store dot com and so many other great products and we're selling out of all the t-shirts
they're all in addition we'll never put the t-shirts again they're all being sold at cost info wars
store dot com you see this it's an info wars republic defense card with original info wars art
designed by yours truly with a little gold bar implanted in it and on the back it's got a hologram
there are only 25 000 of these in existence and they'll never be made again the bank that owns
the mint that has started putting these out the last few years just sold out of 300 000 of a similar
offering that was 40 percent more than what we're selling these for and when you get three or more
you can get these at 50 percent off and they fund the info war please visit info wars store dot com
and check out this amazing new art slash gold product it's a collector's item and you'll know
you helped fund the second american revolution against the globalist at such a critical point
get your gold bars and so much more exclusively at info wars store dot com and i want to thank you
for your support over the years because without you all of the great success we have had together
would not have happened we are the tip of the spear you are the tip of the spear and i salute
you and thank you visit info wars store dot com today
and we've been getting a lot of crypto donations which is keeping us on here
want to salute all those you know who you are they've been giving the donations
please go to info wars dot com forward slash crypto info wars dot com forward slash crypto
info wars dot com forward slash crypto whether it's a dollar in ethereum or bitcoin or whatever
it is whether it's a thousand dollars or a million dollars we will use it to fight the new world order
ethereum bitcoin xrp litecoin there there's dozens of them there info war store dot com and by the
way we've got our own nfts at arna scam they're totally badass in total victory coming out next
week i'll tell you about that later but right now info wars dot com forward slash crypto the real
revolution is happening now info wars dot com forward slash crypto and all of the donated
we salute you and thank you
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
all right jammin in two final phone calls here on the alexio show before we go to our guest
host kate dally always knocking out of the park huge guests you name an amazing lady
who's been home the longest here that'd be jeff in ontario canada than brine and ohio
jeff go ahead and knock it out of the park hi alex thanks for taking my call uh i wanted to
talk about one thing in particular and that is a mini documentary by the infamous uh famous
linden marouch another one that uh one of the patriots we could uh stand on i disagree with
some of louis's solutions but when it came to knowing how to work dead on yeah he did a documentary
a while ago called unsurvivable what nuclear war would look like and that leads me to talk about
um plague famine and war and that's basically how they take over civilizations through all of history
in battle right uh william endall engdahl wrote a book called full spectrum dominance and so
basically uh the plague is the is the covid famine we're seeing famine coming up in the
wars world war three dollar devaluation imploding borders yeah and so the other ones that i wanted
to talk about were uh dr stanmont teeth uh fritz springmeyer steve quail anthony Sutton
daniel estolin bob Chapman john colman jim mars erin russell and eustis mollins but i have an
idea never get text mars absolutely uh so the new t-shirt uh fundraising t-shirt that alex
jones was right maybe on the back you could put like a concert t-shirt and list all of the people
who have been 100 dead on you could go back over all their work and look at that is a gorgeous
idea by the way we've got ted gunderson's no not i'm trying to get this family on we've got
general k parton's grandson coming on thursday awesome so uh like i my dad tried to tell me in
1990 showed me a documentary film uh by jr our church called what in the new world order uh
showed me the the earth summit in 1992 i didn't believe him it was your film in 2007 end game
blueprint for global enslavement that woke me up and i have been trying to wake up my friends and
family for 15 years uh and it's it's been a battle but i my suggestion for everybody is get ready
famine is what is what the net is next and i believe war is the final um one on the agenda and
they're right global destabilization is here to bring in one real government jeff
i just wanted to ask you one more question about a book by called the perestroika deception
by anatoly gleason and that plays into the world war three um and to find out what i've read the
book i've read the book and yeah and it deals with the perestroika deception only being one one part
of it yeah yeah okay thank you jeff brian in ohio last call before kate dally takes over go ahead
yeah man first of all man uh alex thanks for taking my call um i've been following you for years
um i followed you back when you was on conspiracy theory oh just a venture um i know that you back
in 2008 2009 you even knew about the virus coming pandemic uh all that you know what i mean um yeah
i just you know i'm i support you i support the calls um i'm i'm censored like you um i started
through my hat in the race for 2024 um and you know i'll tell you i want to i want to go back
real quick go back with the guy that's about you got evil about trump and all that i don't
know if you realize that on january 6 i was there you know donald trump couldn't he couldn't stop
anything let me tell you something they shut down all the telephones uh services if donald trump was
a tweet something out there nobody would have got it anyway phones were just they didn't work
they didn't work so let's get that one thing out of the way and i just want to say you know
that um we gotta realize that they broke all the constitutional laws throughout these states in
this election they broke the constitution they keep breaking the constitution this administration
has continued now they're doing it in front of our face and and here's they are running the country
in the ground in front of us here's the problem that i have there's 545 people in washington
and when are we the people going to stop letting 545 people dictate what 350 plus million people
do in this country well brother it's an information war we gotta free the hearts and minds thanks for
the call thanks for holding kate dally's about to take over thank you all for your word of mouth
your prayer your fresh support go to infowarstore.com right now to get great teachers books films
that's that keep us on air it's so critical want to thank you all that have been supporting
there's also a big donate button right at the top at infowarstore.com thank you so much for all
your support kate dally takes over
over the years info wars is produced more than 200 amazing patriot americana second
amendment pro-liberty themed t-shirts ball caps flags you name all of the apparel and the flags
are being sold at cost right now that's just regular plain jane shirts that is all sorts of
designer shirts that cost us 15 20 25 dollars to produce we used to sell for 40 we're selling them
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got hoodies and we've got long sleeves and we've got short sleeves we've got them all and we've
got to liquidate them all and they're limited edition because we're never going to make any of
these designs again we are going to come out with some new designs that will be limited limited
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infowarstore.com your historic apparel now infowarstore.com
welcome back to the alex jones show so glad to be here today i'm your guest host kate dally from
the kate dally show at kate dally radio dot com make sure and get iodine make sure and get some
of these products that alex is talking about and get them in bulk you know what they'll keep
they'll keep on the shelf because they're high quality i'm telling you make sure you have stuff
get it right now it's really really important i've got such an amazing guest for you today
i also want to mention before we go there 2000 mules is out uh this is the movie you have to go
there to get the tickets or see it virtually online you know see it online but 2000 mules is out
and election fraud is a is that and food shortages are two of our most pressing situations here in
america right now even though the distractions are huge and they want our attention going other
other directions these are the most important things we have to preserve our elections free
and fair elections and so you know what i would love i would love it if everybody wore who they
were voting for in a t-shirt in big black bold ink you know those are the pictures that need to hit
it social media there's no denying that if everybody was bold enough and willing enough to do it you
could never ever slide by with the amount of election fraud that they love to be able to
perpetrate on our elections they can do about 35 40% election fraud if they can get the people to
buy it and so this brings us to the issue today with my very fantastic guest i love chris an hall
chris an hall is our constitutional attorney and expert she's amazing and a good friend of mine
she's on my show weekly and i absolutely love her she's a veteran she's a public speaker she's
been on about every tv show you can imagine and uh she knows her stuff and she does it in the only
fireball way she knows how and that is that delivery that is amazing she even instructs
sheriffs all over the country which i absolutely love because they need to know what to do and
how to preserve the constitution that they swear an oath to so i love that she's going around and
telling them please please please this is what your job means because that role we're going to see
how important that role is in our live lives coming up chris an hall welcome to the program how are
you oh thank you kate so glad to be here so glad to be a constitutional attorney that actually
understands the constitution so and i want to thank you for bringing me on because i love being
with you no matter where you are well it's rare it is very rare and this is why i have you on my
show every week this is why i love you and invited you here because i'm telling you you've got to
hear chris an on this issue so the big issue of the week is the supreme court i hate that we have
to call them the supreme but it's the supreme court of united states and what is going on
so tell us and bring this issue down for us and and make the most logical sense of this
issue because i know you will tell us what your take on this is and if you're living
under a rock and you don't know maybe we need a little refresher course in what just happened
well what just happened was someone in the supreme court system leaked a draft opinion
from the majority court written by justice elito this is something that is completely
unprecedented and i call it judicial terrorism there is no other purpose than to leak this
draft opinion than to wreak havoc and chaos across the country to create a political shock
wave i believe not just simply to put pressure on the supreme court because frankly putting
pressure on the supreme court at this point is really moot they're not going to change this
the supreme court is not going to change their vote they're not going to change this opinion
if they did that it would completely invalidate the judiciary and its authority and the validity
of its opinions so there's no way all of this you know these protesters and all the lunacy
that's happening outside of the supreme court is going to have any effect on this opinion
whatsoever it may put some fear inside the minds of the people who work there in the supreme court
justices but it's not going to change this opinion what the purpose of this is is political
terrorism from the judicial perspective to send shock waves across the country to make an influence
on the midterm elections i don't even see it lasting that long the people who are outside
protesting the supreme court the people who get all worked up about these kind of things
from a leftist perspective also have a tendency to very have a very short attention span so i
think they played this hand too early and it's people are going to forget and by the way
by the time october comes by the time november comes people will realize the reality of what
this opinion does and all of what i call the screaming mimis and all of the hysteria out there
is not an accurate reflection of what's really going to happen with this opinion right and in
the news we're told in the scripted news um uh what we're told is that this will return uh this
this uh uh rovers his way to the states now that is one of the biggest lies ever and why is that
that well in re well i think the hysteria that i'm seeing is is that this will outlaw abortion
okay so it's not going to outlaw abortion in any way uh because number one uh abortion was never
quote unquote legalized what the supreme court did in what elito's opinion does is it is a very
amazing thing uh number one it points out a very important constitutional fact that both roe and
casey were not constitutionally sound opinions they were politically active opinions these were
written by political activist judges who were not following the constitution uh the federal government
was never delegated any authority to involve themselves in this matter this is a dispute
between a person and their state those those jurisdictional matters are specifically excluded
in article three from federal jurisdiction secondly the 14th amendment has been used
since its incorporation to bring power into the federal government by creating rights that
are not enumerated in the bill of rights now there are many rights that are not enumerated
in the bill of rights that's what the ninth amendment is all about but in order for the
courts and the federal government to recognize that there is a right that is not enumerated
for all of of our judicial history it has been that the courts must recognize a long-standing
historical recognition a long-standing cultural recognition that the that this particular thing
is an inherent natural right in order for it to be a constitutional right for example
parental rights okay so parental rights are recognized as being inherent natural constitutionally
protected rights of the people because since people started having families parental rights
have always been regarded as an inherent right now what they did wrong in row what they did
wrong in Casey was claim that there is a right to abortion even though it's not mentioned in the
bill of rights well in order for that to be true you would have to have a long-standing legal
historical and cultural recognition of abortion being a right in order to use the 14th amendment
to bring that into constitutional protection however there is no such long-standing recognition
of abortion being a right so as Alito points out there is no no pathway through the 14th amendment
for abortion to be established as a constitutionally protected right and so what Alito has done is said
this is not a federal issue you cannot use the 14th amendment to make this a federal issue
this is a state issue because the powers not delegated to the federal government are reserved
to the states but even so Kate even so I have written an article called the inalienable right
to life where we review what we just mentioned the historical the social the cultural the legal
precedent of generations that shows even though this is politically and legally a state matter
a state has been established to preserve rights the single purpose to create government as outlined
in our declaration of independence is to secure rights which means at the state level abortion
should not even be legalized right so all the news is saying they're going to return it to the
states it's already in the states it's never been a federal law it was only an opinion on a texas
case this is where we're lied to I love you we'll be right back in just a moment we'll we'll talk
about all of this it just so we'll be right back I'm Kate dally your guest host for the Alex Jones
show don't go anywhere ultimate bone broth is back and better than ever and 20 off plus free
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agreed gun control works that helped us finance hiring the first two members of my crew that's
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for 25% off leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
welcome back to the alex jones show so glad you're tuning in today i'm happy to be here
i'm kate dally your guest host my guest is chris anhall the constitutional expert and attorney
and now you know why i love her she likes to dial down the constitution to really understand
what's going on here with roe versus wade and i'll talk about what that what i think this
distraction is and why it came up right now we'll get to that but i want to stay on this for just
a moment because what you're clarifying are the points that everybody needs to know in america
because the news is telling everybody something very false and that is the idea that roe versus
wade is a federal issue and it never has been a federal law and this is a states issue always
has been the states could have done anything they wanted to do with this but they're so weak
that they hide behind the fact that everybody thinks that that the supreme court can make
federal law they cannot right absolutely and now you have all of these people running around
talking about how uh they're taking away roe v wade as you know the law of the land roe v wade
was never the law of the land a roe v wade was a supreme court opinion the judiciary does not make
law law making is reserved to the executive to the legislative branch and what's interesting is
now i'm seeing people uh you know the leftist politicians saying oh well now that the supreme
court has turned its back on on roe v wade now we're going to have to have congress do this
well no it's not a federal issue it has always been a state issue it can't be a federal issue
because and that's one of the things that elito addresses in this particular opinion you cannot
lawfully use the 14th amendment to bring abortion into the federal jurisdiction and so if you can't
use the 14th amendment to bring abortion into the federal jurisdiction then you can't uh congress
cannot create a law regarding abortion it has to be done at the state level and so this opinion is
not outlawing abortion it's just recognizing that abortion is an issue that should be handled
by the people through their states period so if you want to live in a state that that wants to
justify abortion then you need to influence your legislators to do so if you don't want to live in
a state that justifies abortion then you need to influence your legislators to do so but you
know what's interesting kate i think one of the most interesting things that's going to come out of
this is where are the states the red states who have been hemming and hawing on legislation to
protect rights because well you know the supreme court said that roe v wade says and they've been
using this as an excuse when this opinion comes out what are they going to use as an excuse to
not absolutely and completely protect life absolutely even legislators in my own state
put it out there as yes we are we are striving to protect pro-life except we're only going to do we're
only going to hinge that if roe versus wade is overturned i mean it's this kind of ignorance
and misunderstanding and cowardice that comes from the red states in standing up for life
lives any life she has that that constitutional protection shouldn't it to live to pursue happiness
and when you terminate somebody else's life when you murder that baby you are murdering the other
person's right to live out their existence i'm so vehemently against abortion can you tell
and so uh so this is an interesting this interesting timing as well six months before i remember obama
six months before the whole bin laden thing came out and then they shoved him in the ocean
anyway he brownie points and so is this the distraction to get the left a rallying cry
because it is it is hard to vote against yourself when you're paying the same gas prices we are and
you're doing the same have the same grocery bill and so how do you get the left to go out and vote
right and so is this their rallying cry are they using this first draft leak to document to do that
no i well that's what they're using kate but i don't see that it's going to be successful i think
this is this is a a wasted effort on their part first off we're too far away from the midterms
to actually really make a difference secondly between now and the midterms the people are
going to realize that that this opinion and and really what does overturning roe v wade actually
mean the whole rhetoric now overturning roe v wade overturning roe v wade uh most people think
overturning roe v wade is what the media is you know screaming about about how abortion will never
be allowed in america again that's not what turning over a overturning roe v wade means it just means
it's going to be shifted to the states to make their decisions and i am a pro life person i'm
actually a pro adoption person which is actually the answer to the argument not the argument we
should be we should be more proactive for adoption which gives solutions rather than just arguments
but nonetheless if we're talking about this from a constitutional or legal perspective
overturning roe v wade doesn't really mean much of anything at all if you live in a state
that has a pro abortion legislation and the idea that you know i think rachel madow went on a rant
about you know back alley abortions again i'm sorry that rachel madow still lives in the 18th
century but the reality is technology medicine uh we have uh birth control that is reliable now
this pro choice argument is not really an argument anymore it's just an excuse
absolutely it is an excuse it's an excuse to get out of consequences of what you know might happen
if you have sex i mean then don't have sex this is a really easy thing but i people out there
have a hard time understanding that so they're running around saying that women have a protected
constitutional right to go murder somebody i'm sorry but the line stops at murder you don't
have that freedom to murder you have a lot of freedom but not a freedom to just go murder
whoever you want and that's where the line gets a little fuzzy for these pro choice people who
think the choice is i can do anything i want to do and there are no consequences to it very
straight right well i mean there's lots of arguments to be made from a scientific perspective
i mean my undergraduate degree is in biochemistry we could talk about the failed scientific
arguments in roe v wade all day long and in casey we could talk about the you know the false
narratives all day long the bottom line is this from a legal and constitutional perspective
this opinion actually recognizes as as we mentioned before where this issue has always
rested and the fact that states have refused to go forward with the legislation that the people
they represent wanted because of some supreme court opinion shows us how out of whack we are
on the understanding of the proper role of government amen sister amen to chris and all
libertyfirstsociety.com we're going to come back talk a little bit about ministry of truth
wow what a what a what a statement that is um we're going to come right back and talk about
that and here's the deal too if you have to murder it if you have to end its life that means it's
living the end right if you have to stop it from living it's living so and if we're going to search
and spend billions of dollars to find a shred of life on mars give me a break um we can't find one
in the womb there's a problem there so you can tell i'm not i i'm vehemently against abortion
i in every in every way and form and let me just tell you we'll be right back with chris anhal we
have so much to talk about on the alex jones show be right back
and we've been getting a lot of crypto donations which is keeping us on here
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people i wanted to make films i wanted to really challenge the globalist and it was a t-shirt i designed
the first one mass murderers agreed gun control works that helped us finance hiring the first
two members of my group that's our oldest design and we're still selling we have that design over
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the new world order it's alex jones
back here with you on the alex jones show and i'm k dally your guest host my guest is the great
christen hall constitutional expert and attorney at libertyfirstsociety.com if you really want to
get educated on the constitution that's the place to go she's got wonderful courses and
easy to read articles all kinds of things there that you can check out and really get an education
on this because this is what we're lacking you know there's several things i keep hearing in the
press number one landmark case as if how dare you nudge or reexamine or relook at this landmark
case when really we should be saying very political driven case and documents were leaked on that one
too july 4th 1972 right before that decision came out not the opinions but other documents were
leaked as well and they think it came from what the one of the justices and here's the other thing
the inalienable right to life the left always talks about the woman never the baby and the
those on the right we talk about the baby as being a separate entity it is really amazing
that the emotionally charged row versus weighed 50 years later on its 50th anniversary is now coming
to an emotionally charged head before the midterms for the left even putting barbed wire around the
white house in a very dramatic dramatic expression once again you know and so what are your thoughts
on some of the things i just talked about the inalienable right to life and also the landmark
case that we keep hearing about you know kate um when they discover and they need to discover how
this draft opinion was leaked someone needs to be swiftly and summarily fired if that person in the
supreme court staff happens to be an attorney that a per attorney not only needs to be swiftly
and summarily fired they need to be disbarred and if it is discovered that a supreme court
justice knew that this was happening this would probably be the strongest case for impeaching
a supreme court justice that we have ever seen but what that takes kate is going to take some
people in congress with real fortitude real courage to get to the bottom of this not to
trust the fbi to do this investigation i don't trust the fbi to investigate who took a cookie
from my cookie jar so this is something that is going to have to be followed with perseverance
with dedication and with due diligence something that you're not going to find in the fbi the
inalienable right to life is is is a given in america i mean the the first foundational document
of america published is the declaration of independence and it reads we hold these truths
to be self-evident that all men and they did mean all red yellow black and white and they didn't
mean just men they meant humankind so both genders all colors if you need to know why i'm telling you
the facts about that you need to go to libertyfirstsociety.com and take our classes and see what the
founders actually said about it not what your textbook says or the 1619 project says but uh we
hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator
with certain inalienable rights among these life the very first one life and then the declaration
of independence goes on to say that to secure these rights to secure life governments are
instituted among men deriving their just power from the consent of the govern k the only reason
government ever exists is to secure the inalienable inherent rights of the people first and foremost
being the right to life because if you do not have an inherent inalienable uh indefensible
right to life then you are not free and you're a slave amen you know across my mind when you
were also talking about uh the leaking of that document i wonder if that could be purposeful
to be able to replace a judge and and put them back in before midterm that would be very interesting
wouldn't it to blame it would i don't think we could get a new judge before midterm but
that would be something that would really uh now that would be a crisis that would last a little
bit longer yeah yeah absolutely um let's talk a little bit about ministry of truth i can imagine
i'm saying those words because um it's a pretty deplorable um of king fraught a lot um and the
administration are really not even king fraught a lot i mean he could barely utter a sentence um
you know just eat ice cream um it's who's running him and so talk to me about ministry of it's so
funny to call it ministry of truth just reminds me of george orwell or eric blare um the writings of
1984 well it really it's a bureau of disinformation and uh this actually began in i mean publicly
began in march of 2021 when the house communications and technology uh committee met to define and and
and you know sort of pine over this whole disinformation thing and the tagline was disinformation
is dangerous to our democracy and then it wasn't shortly after that we have now this executive
agency coming forward led by a complete leftist lunatic and uh we the people have to really
understand the history behind this first off cape most americans don't really know this is not our
first ministry of truth uh we had an office of war information under woodrow wilson to to get
people to go uh to be uh encouraging america to go into world war one and then under f f dr we had
another uh office of war information to encourage people to get into world war two uh shortly after
that congress passed a law called the smith munt modernization act that outlawed the use of tax
dollars of public funds for creating these kinds of organizations and so since 1948 using tax dollars
to create an office of information or an office of disinformation has been completely unconstitutional
until 2012 when the republicans in congress passed a bill called the smith munt modernization
act that was buried in the uh in the uh ndaa the national defense authorization act and the smith
munt modernization act which was pushed which was sponsored by a republican named thornberry out of
texas actually undid reversed the smith munt act and then opened the floodgates for our tax dollars
to uh be used to create what we're seeing today if you if you do a little watching little research
you'll see that once this uh smith munt modernization act was passed and signed into law was signed in
law by obama but brought forward by a complete republican majority now all of the sudden you
are completely flooded throughout the news media with all this what we call now fake news and now
here we have another office of information or as we as the biden administration calls it the
disinformation and it's all because we've we have completely completely reversed the protections
that were put in place to keep these kinds of government propagandas and manipulations
to uh attack the american people i'm with you on this uh it was before the smith munt act too
was uh the propaganda piece that they love to to throw out there was we could lie in foreign
press it was for other countries and it was domestically here we go we can lie to our own
citizens and never ever um cannot be uh you know illegal to do so and so then if you watch from
2012 wow have the floodgates really open like you said it was a huge ripping of that smith
money kate yeah they're using our money they're using our money that they that they take out of
our paychecks out of our pockets to create propaganda that will be used to silence us
that will be used to punish us for our own thoughts and opinions 100 percent and i do think this is
why both parties are so intent on bipartisanship on increasing the mental health in this country
to then classify how you think as a mental condition just like that judge did to one of the january
sixth uh one of the women that was there who just said into her camera i think the blm is wearing
is wearing maga hats and he said i don't like your belief you're going to jail and pay $5,000
because your belief is horrendous to me um that it was more like a mental condition
i'll be right back with the the fantastic what could i say chris anhall uh constitutional
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
back here with you on the alex jones show terrific show today alex and uh and now we have of
course the great chrisanne hall who's our constitutional expert and attorney she travels
all around the country to deliver speeches to people to educate and also the sheriffs and
there's a several things i want to talk about um number one i want you to i want you to mention
the documentary that is so amazing if you have not seen this you need to see this and have your
family and your children and your grandchildren see this chrisanne talk about your documentary for
just a moment absolutely you know we just talked about that uh ministry of truth well ron desantis
the governor of florida has stepped up and said uh i will do everything in florida to fight this
disinformation bureau here this is not going to come here well why does ron desantis as the governor
of florida have a duty and authority to do that well that's what our documentary is all about
it's called non-compliant you can find it at non-compliantmovie.com and it is the historical
and uh factual background constitutional understanding of the separation of powers between
the state and the federal government and the power that the people have to restore principled
constitutional government back in america we are not powerless we are not america is not lost
we have powerful powerful peaceful means by which our designers of our constitutional
republic created so that the people could control their government and that's what
non-compliant movie is all about it's non-compliantmovie.com i love those two and it's it really is
it is like a aha moment the whole time you're watching it because like the points you brought
today number one rovers's wade was never a federal law now the media is not going to tell you that
rachel mad cow isn't going to tell you that no one's going to tell you that and so they're acting
like they are in a front to freedom and what is the rallying cry of the leftist progressive oh my
gosh they might take away your freedom to murder more babies please fight for this so it's very very
strange i feel like we're living we're living in sodom and gemora i feel like every speech we
make out there in america right now needs to be well hello sodom and gemora how's everybody doing
today um and so um i wanted you to comment on the sheriffs um the role of the sheriffs because
you're talking to sheriffs all over the country and you're reminding them of their role many
sheriffs don't understand their own role can you talk about this for a moment well the sheriff is a
very unique position in america by design the sheriff is a constitutional representative of the
people the sheriff is not in hireling of the governor or the county or the city council
or the mayor the sheriff is a direct constitutional representative of the people who takes an oath
to support and defend the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state
an inherent in that oath lies the duty of the sheriff to guard the rights of the people the
sheriff is not to be a blind enforcer of the law the sheriff is actually a check and balance on
both the legislative and executive and judicial branches to ensure that they are all following
the constitution so that he or she can guard the rights of the people as the highest executive in
the county even in that county the sheriff's authority is higher than the governor if the
governor is operating unconstitutionally a governor that sends down a mandate that says
we're in an emergency and we got to close down these businesses or we got to shut down your church
or we got to arrest you for being out in public a sheriff has a duty to stand up and defend the
rights of the people and tell that governor no not in my county and that works the same way
with the federal government if the federal government sends an agency in like a bureau of
disinformation mind you and wants to shut down or arrest someone for their speech or their thought
it's the sheriff's responsibility as the last and most powerful guard of the people's rights to
stand there to physically stand there and say no you're not going to enforce this here this is
contrary to the constitution this is contrary to the constitution of my state and I will not enforce
it and I won't let you enforce it either and unfortunately Kate our sheriffs have been taught
and deceived for very long time especially the american people as well that oh well you can't
understand the constitution unless you're a scholar or you went to law school or you're a
politician and now all of a sudden you know everything you need to know about the constitution
that's really not true our constitution was written in 1788 so that the most basic person on the
street in that year could pick up the constitution read it and know how their government supposed
to act what it's not supposed to do and the remedy of the people for for its violations
and so we have to understand as a people that it's not complicated it does take some time it takes
a little bit of effort but it is really the children's children's guard for liberty we have
a responsibility to guard the liberty of our posterity and there is no more powerful ally for
you than your sheriff who is a constitutionally minded sheriff so when the sheriffs tell you
christen you know hey if the feds come and they want to do something I have to go check the laws
the regulations the policies I have to see you know I have to work within the confines of this
so I need to know every single law and policy what is your answer to that well the answer to
that is is I'm sorry sir you're misinformed go look at your oath you don't take an oath to the
agencies of the federal government you don't take an oath to the regulations of the federal government
you take an oath to the constitution of the United States and the constitution of your state
the only thing you have to do is compare what that agent or agency is trying to do
or wanting to do with the constitution if it's not consistent with the constitution then the
sheriff has a duty and obligation to prevent it from happening and again the constitution is the
written standard for government it's not a living breathing document it is a written standard that
can only be changed through very specific and very arduous means in the fifth an article five of the
constitution so our sheriffs the class that I teach Kate the class that I teach is three hours
we do a three hour class for sheriffs and we have sheriffs that have left my three hour
continuing education training for them because I've taught at the academies I'm a constitutional
attorney I am qualified to teach this I have had sheriffs who have immediately picked up the phone
after taking my class and changed policies and protected the rights of their people because
they were finally finally informed I love that you just gave me chills you really did because
when you see that kind of awakening how amazing that is because everyone is kind of depending
on that they know their job the problem is and probably one of the problems you're finding is
you're going out and you're teaching and you're thinking I'm there they don't know their job
they need to be taught and reminded please get christened to your local sheriff's office please
go remind your sheriff that she needs to come and instruct because we're going to need that last
layer of protection like no other in this in this decade for sure absolutely yeah there's no there's
no doubt about it's amazing Kate it's absolutely amazing watching the transformation and the sheriffs
I the sheriffs want to do this they want to do this but no one has ever told them
them how to do this or that they have the authority to do this we have we have you know we have the
documentary non-compliance in October we're going to be releasing a sequel to that non-compliant
too and it's all about the sheriff the entire documentary is dedicated to the role the duty
of the sheriff as established constitutionally and historically it's an amazing history and every
sheriff that we have interviewed for this documentary Kate every single one of them without fail has
said I became sheriff because I wanted to protect my people I wanted to do right by my community
and they they want to do these things but nobody is teaching them and it's very very empowering
for them and by the way it's not radical it's been happening across America all in in counties
all over America for many many years but the media will not let you see when a sheriff is standing up
to a federal agency or standing up to a governor and telling them no we're not going to enforce
this and neither will you because that overturns the narrative of chaos that the media wants to
portray to keep the people in line with the federal supremacist narrative thank you chris
san in fact i've said often that we enrolled in an adult education course that we never
knew we enrolled in and that was the nighttime news and we have been infiltrated with improper
education and misled and that is exactly why you need to go check out that documentary non-compliance
and also check out chris san hall at libertyfirstsociety.com and get instructed get your grandkids
instructed get your children instructed chris san hall thank you so much for the logic everything
that you brought to this hour thank you thank you kay thank you alex for having kate absolutely thank
you and uh going back to the alex jim i designed over 200 t-shirts the last 25 years and we have
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anyway so it's info wars store.com and that's how we fund this operation and if you don't fund us
you don't want to see that's fine if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance