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Filename: 20220422_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 22, 2022
2812 lines.

This video discusses potential cyberwarfare attacks, the fight against the deep state and censorship of conservative voices; it also covers recent events such as media indoctrination, financial dealings of senators, Ukraine conflict, French veil ban and aging political establishment's impact on younger generations. The speaker promotes limited edition t-shirts to support their operation amidst censorship attempts and warns about threats posed by an authoritarian government. They also discuss tax planning strategies, nutritional supplements like ZDTOPs, war's role in research development, and the connection between globalist elites and serial killers.

And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going
to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe, you got one!
The next clandestine move for the architects of the great reset following the pandemic
vaccine rollout that is slowly happening, killing millions as I speak, will be known
as cyber warfare.
Imagine one day you woke up to find your phone was dead, your bank account was empty
and when you turned on the faucet, nothing came out.
You can't go to a neighbor for help because they're all in the same situation, you have
no idea how it happened or even how you could figure that out.
Don't start freaking out just yet, but this reality could be a lot closer than you might
Just as the pandemic was publicly forecasted amongst its conspirators months before its
rollout, so too it goes with the coming cyber warfare predictive programming of the flip
of the power grid kill switch.
Cyber attacks must be treated as a serious threat by our leadership, the highest levels.
Look today my administration is to renew warnings that based on evolving intelligence, Russia
may be planning a cyber attack against us.
We've already seen with the colonial pipeline and with many others, it's not just a stealth
of data, it's a it's shut down of a critical infrastructure and we've seen it with colonial
pipeline, we've seen it with hospitals, we've seen it with factories that were shut down
and many of these attacks are activated by private organization, private criminal, but
some of these attacks are are also behind them where is government sponsored attack.
Not which governments have embedded what is known as the Swiss army knife of malware
into critical infrastructure.
All signs point to the United States government.
I was looking for these things that are called PLCs or these small computers that control
things like factories, like the power grid.
What you see here is the code that is put onto the PLC and this is a normal process,
code goes onto the PLC, turns the PLC on or off and controls it.
This is the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency wrote in their alert for
the APT cyber tools targeting ICS SCADA devices.
The Department of Energy, the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency, the National
Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are releasing this joint cyber
security advisory to warn that certain advanced persistent threat actors have exhibited the
capability to gain full system access to multiple industrial control systems, supervisory control
and data acquisition devices, including Schneider Electric Programmable Logic Controllers,
Omron SysMac, NEX PLCs and Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture servers.
There is an energy producer in Texas who has identified a very serious malware instance
in their system.
This malware is not just in systems like a Windows Vista that is sitting in one of these
No, it is in the Schneider Electric Programmable Logic Controllers, that's a PLC.
It is in the Omron SysMac NEX PLCs and the Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture
Some of this stuff could only be put into these devices at the manufacturer.
And so when I asked our dude named Ben Protector of Megawatt, he said, what does it look like
to you?
These guys look at this stuff all day long to say, Russian, because the Russians are
the ones that people really do fear.
You know, if you've got the ghosts in the machine, these guys are good.
He says, this looks like our guys without making a formal accusation, of course.
Of course, there's people who are doing reports on it, but it is not the hold on to your ass
because the lights could go out in Texas or New York or anywhere.
This would be the one.
And they're not making a big deal out of it, which makes me highly suspicious.
This move will plummet civilization into chaos and total submission unless you are one of
the lucky few that has already made preparations.
John Bound reporting.
The globalists are desperate to shut us down right now because everything we talked about
is coming true.
And so they're scared.
They want to silence us because people are listening.
Everything I've done over 28 years is now building towards this moment.
Everything you've done is building towards this moment.
So please keep us on the air, spread the word about M4, it's about the live show and about
Fandom Video and byproducts that are massively discounted at M4store.com right now.
Without you, we are screwed.
With you, together we can win.
Please support InfoWars and join us for our live money bomb Thursday through Saturday night
at infowars.com forward slash shop.
All right.
On screen is undoubtedly John Bound's most important report he's ever done out of hundreds
of critical reports.
The headline is Power Grid Kill Switch Discovered.
Now, I want to make that the central video at Band-Aidot Video right at the top and I
want to add it under the live show feed today of the broadcast on the front page of InfoWars
so everybody can find it and share it.
I want to explain something and it'd be 100% clear to everybody about this.
There is no doubt that the global fascist corporate crime syndicate has kill switches
in all the phones, all the power plants, all of the air traffic control and in all the
Pentagon hardware.
It's not the Russians, it's not the Chinese, it's on record.
It's been declassified for decades, snowed and exposed as well and now that very same
group is telling you that power outages and hacker attacks are imminent and it's going
to be the Russians.
We got to go to war with the Russians.
It's not the Russians imploding the border, it's not the Russians devaluing the dollar,
it's not the Russians cutting off thousands of pipelines including Keystone, it is the
global corporations waging war against every nation state on earth who have been embedding
kill switches and surveillance switches and back doors in all of the computer programs
since they first rolled out with silicon systems in the 1970s and that is a fact.
It's all there in the congressional record, it's all there and now the public is just
now talking to engineers and scientists and going, yeah, these kill switches are put in
at the factory where the chips are made by the company's design.
The dams, the power plants, everything and look at the globalist.
What is in the transportation bill that Biden signed in law?
A kill switch in all cars by law, new cars by 2025 that surveils you and tracks you in
real time.
It's in the freaking law they put kill switches in the new cars and by the way, cars going
back 20 years ago already had them.
They don't make a big deal about it but major police departments have been let in on it
and they got helicopters that just send a frequency down and the car stops.
So everybody needs to get this straight, we have a kill switch, remember the movie Dune,
it's an adaptation by folks of that great book and remember Baron Harkinen has heart
plugs and everybody where if he doesn't like you or he wants to get off, he just pulls
a heart plug out, that's not in the book, that's in the movie that Lynch put out.
And so America and all the world has heart plugs.
Just you just pull the heart plug and it opens up the aorta and all your blood spills out.
So that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's a fact and that's what's so frustrating about this broadcast is 99% of what we are
covering and what we are doing is on the damn record.
And they're getting ready for mass collapse and depopulation.
How does the UN officially say they want depopulation by 90% by the year 2030?
Well, you're seeing it right now, wars, lockdowns, sanctions and that's why their underlings
are running around, we're all getting part of the story from Shatner to AOC to Beto
to Extinction Rebellion and they're saying that the cataclysm, the great disaster is
about to come and there's going to be so much death, Shatner's up there flying around
with Jeff Bezos and he gets back down from space and he goes, I just saw it down there
and too bad they're all going to be dead, the coming cataclysm, but I guess it's what's
needed right, the earth, sir, please stop telling people that, whoa, that's death, here's everything
William Shatner said to Jeff Bezos, I'm returning from space, you got Marilyn Alder right up
there in the same report, it's fun to kill 500,000 children should do it again, but it's
okay because she looks like a goblin, she's ready for Netflix to Skexies, I mean it's
okay, she's a woman, she's a murderer, she came, she saw they died, it's cute, it's funny,
it's fun, so they're not going to do a full kill switch shutdown at first, they're going
to say terrorist and Russians did it to then quote have infrastructure protection that
they roll out to spy and surveil which they're already doing and then they'll hit you with
the big one, so understand this, the bio weapon release of COVID and the bio weapon injections
was the beta test for the bio attack and global lockdown, now they're doing the beta test for
the digital cyber attack lockdown, they're doing the beta test for the martial law,
race war, civil war lockdown, where they're going to go out and arrest the opposition
to this, yours truly and others and that's where we are and I'm just sitting there trying
to explain to everybody that works in the system, you understand when they say 90% dead
that they're only telling the 10%, oh you're still going to be around, they're going to
get rid of you too and a lot of people know this stuff and they decided to join with it
thinking it's going to protect them, that is the dumbest thing you can do even if you
don't believe in God and you don't believe in karma, you don't believe in what you show,
you don't believe in that which is totally real, anybody who's experienced life knows
that, they're going to kill you, do you think they're going to leave a bunch of traitors
and scum and social climbers like you around when they finally drop the hammer, they do
not respect you and the top of this group is very well organized and serious, their
minions are addled and seen island disease out of control but at the top, these are
Luciferians, these people are very pious, very focused and they believe they're carrying
this out, will be given godhood once they cleanse the earth of humans, they'll be able
to merge the machines and the first people they're going to kill once this thing goes
down is the minions that open the drawbridge because they don't want you around later,
they're going to scapegoat you with the survivors and I'll just say a point blank, I am highly
respected by these groups because they know I understand their whole plan and they just
disagree with me and I've been invited to join them, everything, many times, most famous
people you can imagine you name the net, okay, it's not name dropping here, that's what's
going on, I could snap my fingers still and quote, you know, get the private jet codes
and know where the air base is and where the bunker is at and all that crap, I have chosen
to stay here on the surface with you because God's watching and I'm not going to be part
of this, do most of us deserve to die, yes, we've killed our children, we're decking
it, we're scum but the people carrying this out are worse because they didn't try to fix
things, they decided humanity was junk and humanity was trash and they look forward to
the end of humanity and this new super sapien and you look at garbage like Harari and these
other people, you really think that's the super sapien, you really think that's the
Uber mention telling you you have no free will, you're going to die, you're not going
to exist, roll over in a hole, that's who they worship, that's an Abronovich and all
these stupid Gallister Crowley people, no, no, I don't want to be at the Allister Crowley
rituals and I don't want to be part of your devil orgies and all the rest of it and I
certainly don't want to be part of the judgment that's going to come down on you trillions
of times worse than what's going to come down in the general public who's been tricked
into sin and tricked into corruption so every one of these Rothschilds and Rockefellers
and Gaetzes and Newell order people pretending their God on this power trip are going to
be brought down to size, you will be broken, you will be destroyed so you sit there and
laugh at me under constant attack by the satanic system and all the lies and all the fraud
that's a sign of I'm in the arena thanks to the glory of God, the grace of God as a failed
vessel still fulfilled with the Holy Spirit and re-energized millisecond to millisecond
carrying out my mission faithfully as best I can as a failed sinner but still in the
court of God, in the countenance of the angels and I could guarantee all of you that serve
Satan you will be destroyed, you will be broken and you will pay for what you've done so you
will laugh and you giggle and you snicker and you think you're getting away with it,
you're not, you're going to pay very, very soon, I've got a lot of big news today, we're
in the middle of this big 40 hour emergency fundraising transmission, infowarstore.com,
I want to thank you all for your support, go to infowarstore.com, make a straight donation
up there, get great products at the same time and it's up to you whether we're going to
stay on air or not and I really believe we're a valuable thing to everybody so I thank you
This is a collectible, it funds us and we're selling it for way lower than everybody else
is, you can go to infowarstore.com to see this, support free speech and info wars, get the
new limited edition info wars, gold collectible info wars, gold.com, we have teamed up with
the nation's leading mint to bring you a new way to support info wars and free speech while
owning a piece of history and real gold, it's a little gold bar, the new limited edition
info wars, gold collectible is minted in the form of a card that features a 24 karat gold
in the center using proprietary technology, only 25,000 is limited edition info wars,
gold collectibles have been minted, this is a one time run of info wars, gold.com and
thank God these came in right we needed the money because I finally decided to do this
like four months ago and it finally just came in, each one is authenticated using holographic
technology the same precious metals group recently sold 300,000 gold cards for 170 each
we are bringing you these collectible cards for just $129.95 to help us and when you purchase
it you get a discount on the next one for $99.95 and the price goes down from there and so
when you buy three you receive 50% off this is the first ever run of this proprietary design
and exclusive to info wars the mint was extremely excited that info wars would be making this
product available to customers for the first time the limited edition info wars gold collectible
comes in cards that can be stacked in your wallet drawer or glove compartment for easy travel and
again they're very collectible people are gonna love them you're financing the american rebellion
against the globalist this is so historic be part of history support info wars free speech and
stock up today info wars gold dot com before we completely sell out of this limited run
this is the best way to support us in america and freedom in yourself today
ladies and gentlemen we need your support or not to be able to stay on air you got all these fake
news articles out there but i got 10 million dollars don't have that i got 20 million dollars don't
have that they got a million don't have that i don't have that ladies and gentlemen we are
maxed out to almost no reserves try to post many articles and videos and out video and
millions a day watching that and we're just such an oasis of truth thank you for keeping us on air
just go to infowarstore.com and and get some of the great products like pollen blocks sold out
for a year back at stock and vaso beach sold out for a long time back at stock and biotry selenium
and vitamin d3 gummies and vitamin c and zinc multivitamin and a double magnesium fizzy drink
with the highest quality magnesium for your body it's all available at infowarstore.com
or call toll free triple eight two five three three one three nine and we have the emergency
blowout sales selling out all of our teacher designs forever they will all be now limited
editions we'll have some new designs in the future but hundreds of t-shirts available right now in
limited supply summers a thousand summers 20 of them the point is they're all selling out now we
need to money to stay on here please visit infowarstees.com that takes you right to the sub page stay with us
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
the decision has been made that you and your family are not essential and are marked for death
it's all been publicly announced by the most powerful organization in the world the bill
de berg group through its spokesperson claus schwaab and the world economic forum
i can play you hours of them now openly taking the mask off because they can't hide who they are
anymore because they've gone from beta to operational all right we have a lot of really big
guests today coming up and we're going to continue on until midnight tonight with the live broadcast
and then i'm going to take some of the most powerful interviews we've done in 40 hours
we're going to choose those this evening and we're going to re-air those over the weekend
at info wars dot com four slash show and band i video right through the live sunday show
four to eight p.m that we do with myself oh and shroyer christie lee harrison smith and others
i want to thank the crew for working so many hours i want to thank the listeners out there for
sharing the live link from battleplan.news that's the one they're not censoring battleplan.news
or you can also share the link to info wars 2022.com that takes you to live feed and the money bomb
and links to the best deals on the store info wars 2022.com i want to send that out because
that's not a band link at this point or save info wars.com as well all right let me tell you
let me tell you what's coming up here again
i didn't tell you they were going to release the virus into lockdowns and bring in a casual
society tracking grid because i just looked into a crystal ball or pulled it out of my rear end
okay this is deadly serious all right
they're going to kill us you understand that right unless we stop them
and general public's got stock on the syndrome it's up to us to be leaders and stand up against
this and leave people out of this i told you what they were going to do with the virus because
these monsters think we're animals and they metaphysically also have to publish what they're
going to do so they told us thousands of times what they were going to pull and that's how i
could specifically tell you what it would look like because i read the futurist reports out of
the british ministry of defense and the rock of feller and carnage foundation and the cia and
the defense department and that's all they talk about they are getting you bankrupt and poor and
drugged out of your mind before they turn the power off and that'll just be the beta test
we'll turn it off in regions and they'll turn it off for a couple weeks and then oh somebody
hacked the database we've got to have a new currency it's okay you know oh we've got your
records but you've got to you know have this new card this new chip this new scan that amazon just
rolled out with your hand to buy and sell and and and and you and your money will work again
it's all been planned it's all been prepared and this is the point where they make their move
so guard yourself my friends for true this isn't a game we failed to stop them going operational
now they're in trouble people are aware of them they had to go operational in their own words
because they were so damaged and globalism was in so much trouble so they went ahead and didn't
give up they believe in fortune favors the bold i do as well and they have initiated it is to
countdown to human extinction in eight years they plan almost all of us being dead what are we
going to do how are we going to stop that i spent a lot of my time behind the scenes really trying
to get prominent people to understand this and i and i i've got them there but i didn't get them
there the reality got them there and as much fun as it is and i do it too to laugh at seeing and
collapsing and netflix and disney you have to understand their weapon systems that are designed
to take us out they were intended to be destroyed in the process the minions that work there arrogantly
don't know that that's why there's not any talented or smart or beautiful people there
because they wouldn't be part of that of course it's a bunch of people that look like
child molesters because that's who they are that's so you can get to do bad things we're
facing an army of demons ladies and gentlemen an absolute army of trash that believe they're the
winners when all they are is a wrecking ball slamming into our head actual headlines out of
forms and cnn do not do your own research i mean teach five-year-olds there in other sex destroy
the borders destroy the infrastructure destroy the dollar destroy the family by the way more
more food packing meat packing factories blew up yesterday a couple more by the way food processing
plants all over russia blew up chemical plants in russia the biggest one the country blew up
their main military secret facility with their bio weapons blew up yesterday blew up
is it the easter bunny did that we're in a war with globalists manipulating all the
countries against each other building towards a crescendo and the public doesn't even know
i was getting gas this morning and a man was buying a small 16 ounce milk and it was three dollars
that milk was a dollar a year ago a man was buying a pack of cigarettes american spirits
in front of me i was getting a breakfast taco and a coffee and there were 11 49 for regular
cigarettes and the man complained man it just went up from nine bucks last week and the guy
behind the counter counter goes i know and i'm told it's going up again next month when you see
cigarettes go up a couple dollars in a month baby you're going zimbabwe three dollars for a milk
this didn't happen by accident but they've got their puppet buying up there so people think oh
it's the adult dementia guy he mismanaged us into all this what an idiot he's a weapon that's meant
to be expended when they fire one of those javelins into a russian tank from a half mile away
does the javelin get destroyed in the process yes so does the russian tank
cnn the democratic party the universities what they don't get is they've been promised power
that they're going to be in control and they're politically going to be the bosses
but all they are is javelins all they are is missiles all they are is bullets all they are
is slaves let that sink in so when you laugh at the left remember that's the weakness that we
allowed that to happen we allowed our fellow humans to fall to this evil and so just because
we're more connected to god just because we're stronger just because we didn't succumb as bad as
they did it's not as a case for celebration and look i'm the worst at making fun of these people
and i really at a certain level i'm going to come back and play the clip at tucker carlson
celebrating the death of cnn and and we should celebrate the death of cnn it's not just the
death of cnn plus cnn has on average 87 000 viewers in the united states maybe a half
million worldwide folks i could spill milk and put it online and it would have more viewers than they
have and that's not saying i'm some great person that i could aim a camera at the wall of my house
and say nothing and it would have people watching it it's not that i'm great it's that they're
that bad so don't sit there and i'm telling myself this and look at these pathetic people
and think oh look how dumb they are we're better than them they are losers that have been overrun
spiritually who are clawing us into a hole with them and trying to drag us with them those are
humans we lost those are people that are gone and that doesn't reflect well on those of us
that are still half alive because believe me you may think you got friends and family that are still
strong this satanic power is moving so powerfully
and i'm extremely thankful to all the viewers and all the listeners and i and i just want you to
understand that we have done so much together and the fight has now really reached the peak
of conflict here so now more than ever your word of mouth about the broadcast your prayers for the
show and myself my family and the great intervention of god that i witnessed my life it's just so
essential and i'm so humbled by that and i thank you all but i do ask for your prayers and i do
ask for your word of mouth and i do ask for your financial support so we have some costs
overrides here we have some problems fun in the operation and i don't want to lay people off so
i start doing a bunch of counting and they go we've told you a hundred times you design teachers
all the time and then you don't promote most of them so we have 60 000 t-shirts well they're down
to 40 000 the last two weeks great job listeners we got to sell the rest of those 40 000 we're
never going to remake them again they're limited edition some are amazing some are okay the point
is they're my designs over 100 but then i'll walk in this morning and go what are all these new
t-shirts they go well you decided to get rid of the t-shirts two weeks ago we've got four more
designs coming in before this is over remember this one alex jones is right alex jones was right
with a big red thunderbolt alex jones is right it's a beautiful shirt info wars.com in the back
i thought oh yeah that's the one i was going to order for a fundraiser to stay on air they go
exactly so all the other shirts including the new ones that just came in their let's go brand new
shirts you name it three new designs came in this week they are all at cost so the shirt
costs us five dollars it's five dollars costs us ten dollars ten dollars this shirt costs us like
eight dollars this is got good printing a nice fabric but it is being sold with a markup to fund
the operation as a fundraiser 24 95 and i need the funds to stay on air and i thank you for your
support and i respect you and i appreciate you so get this most triggering shirt you can get to
really wake up leftists and others and to meet like-minded friends and others that are awake alex
jones was right on the front big red thunderbolt on the back info wars.com it's a very handsome shirt
great for men great for women really looks great and it's available right now exclusively as a fundraiser
shirt we're 24 95 and we need these funds to stay on air so we're going to run this shirt for a month
and then we're not going to reorder it we're not going to keep imagery around since it's a limited
edition historical shirt alex jones was right fundraiser shirt info wars store.com or info wars
tees.com takes you directly the sub page that has all the t-shirts and a bunch of the designs
some are 20 years old we did print 20 years ago but i've been selling 20 years a lot of those are
sold out forever every shirt we're offering the liberty or death shirt that christie lee's wearing
right there or the shirt that she's wearing right there at rest foulsy all of those are limited
edition and once they're gone they are gone forever the classic come and take a shirt
women's shirt when it's gone it's gone info wars store.com or triple eight two five three three
one three nine you've got the come and vax me shirt you've got the vaccine passport give people the
bird shirt we have over a hundred shirts like the new ones let's go brandon see that new color one
with him the 1776 long sleeve shirt it's all there at cost info wars store.com or triple eight
two five three three one three nine but whatever you do continue to spread the word because we're
changing the world together limited edition alex jones was right shirt now available at info wars
store.com keep us on the show it's being sold at a premium to fund us everything else is at cost
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
big brother mainstream media government cover us you want to stop tyranny till so does he lie
from the info wars.com studios it's alex jones get your motor on and head on the highway head on
the highway looking for adventure looking for adventure whatever comes our way and whatever
comes our way
all right my friends um i want to hit some really massive news here and cover a lot before these
guests join us and i'm gonna be back this evening like i was last night wow what an interview with
mark dice what an interview with the ocea cossack it was a great three hours or so that i did and
then the rest the crew came in after that did a fabulous job as well so i stayed up really like
watching it didn't give it about three hours sleep those make for sometimes the best broadcast the
next day so we'll we'll see what happens here but uh i really don't want to miss the forest for the
trees here do you understand that the deep state corporations put kill switches and everything and
now they admit it and then they say russians are going to turn the power off when they're the ones
that put the damn switches in this is not our government this is mad scientist control freaks
that couldn't help but do that because they want to control things and by the way they want to
depopulate you and i so is there a bigger issue yeah this stuff's crazy yeah it's scary look at all
the wild stuff the communists and the nazis did i mean that's was crazy crazy people do really crazy
stuff especially power mad megalomaniacs that are jacked into an anti-human force so let me just say
this right here i'm very thankful the listeners and i'm very thankful the viewers maxed out and
our most important work is now happening right now you don't need me to tell you that i mean
info wars is extremely influential now having a massive effect thanks to this family we have of
listeners and the callers and the guests and the crew and the other host and the special reports
and the documentaries i mean we're reaching tens of millions of people a week conservatively directly
on our platforms and then there's no way to count outside there it's huge despite all the censorship
we cannot allow that light to be dimmed or extinguished and that's why they run these
headlines everywhere they're getting more sophisticated with their attacks alex jones is
going to the january 6th committee he's gonna rat out everybody totally made up total bs the same
article says oan shroyer stormed the capital that's to make it sound like that i'm doing that stuff
they wanted to talk to me i said yeah drop your charges on oan shroyer give me immunity if anybody
talked to you because i know you want to set me up in a perjury trap and then of course they're not
going to give me immunity i'm not going to talk to them that's not alex jones reaches out when
they're calling us for months but that's the deception ladies and gentlemen i've told you on
air they've called and i've said yeah i'll talk to you i'm going to ask you what you did on january
six that's how that interview is going to go is me asking them about whitmer plot and and and the
fbi and the thousand armed uh hostage rescue team paramilitary that were there i mean that's all on
record yes it'll be unlike any fbi proffer you ever saw because i'm gonna be asking some of the
questions here because i want to know you want you want you got questions i got questions too
so that's where we are ladies and gentlemen and that's why they tell you
but i had read all the articles till i did it this morning alex jones has 80 million dollars
alex jones has 60 million dollars alex jones has 60 million dollars all of its a lie but they put
that everywhere to make the left jealous and hate me more and to make you think we've got plenty of
money and i'm gonna tell you again we don't have the money right now to buy the supplements that you
will buy that you have bought we had no problem you know two three years ago because you were
buying the product we can't get enough of it plus i don't have the money to get enough of it right
now so i will start imploding and shutting down because i only have less than three million dollars
total in the coffers of this company and and and i have way less than that and i've been putting
that money in to keep things going and so i'm spending hours a day with accountants now trying
to figure this out this is very serious okay and they know that they have all our financials
from the lawsuits they lie about that and risk that present they go oh look over the five years
you know 70 million dollars or whatever went out to buy product
to buy the product that we sold over the years as we as everybody knows who owns the business
it's like going to a gas station owner and saying oh my gosh you sold a half million
dollars worth of gas this week and you're like yeah and i make uh 10 cents a gallon on it
you sold 10 million dollars for edible food yeah and i got 30 percent on it
now so that's how that works ladies and gentlemen so this is an important broadcast
it needs to stay on air you need books you need films you need t-shirts you need supplements
you need to boost your immune system we got great products in foreshore calm and they're
discounted right now and then we've got little godsends like this and again this is a hologram
original info wars art with a little gold bar implanted in it and it's historic and it's limited
edition and when they're gone they're gone and yeah it's got a premium on it to keep us on air
you're buying a piece of art a piece of culture a piece of resistance it's a it's a privilege
quite frankly in my view and i think if your support to be involved in something like this
and i want to encourage everybody to go to info wars short calm and to get this for yourself
infectious the here's the write-up on it i really should actually go to the write-up on it support
free speech info wars get the new limited edition info wars gold collectible info wars gold calm
and then the company itself the big mint it's owned by a large bank it also has a website
get patriot gold calm and the profit from it goes to keep us on the air that you get a limited
edition momento that you were part of the second american revolution at least put up a fight and you
can get the second one for thirty dollars less and the third one for even less at fifty percent off
so there's a bunch of specials up there where you when you buy more you get a lower price on it but
the point is this is not an investment this is an investment in the future and investment
liberty and investment in humanity so get yours at info wars tour calm or get patriot gold calm
or info wars gold calm takes you right to the sub page and then for store calm and we have
brain force ultra back in stock discounted we just have a massive sale going on right now and
i'm not going to belabor and go over all of that but when you go to the money bomb website
which is save info wars calm you'll see that we've raised five hundred thousand dollars
in the last 24 hours we get to understand about half of that is product costs that we've raised
quarter million dollars that's great we reach our goal we'll we'll reach uh
you ask a million dollars to fight for trials run by the democrats the same folks destroyed
remington and to keep the crew hired and just as a supplement to everything we're doing we really
need over two million dollars to be able to fight all this and have enough to buy enough product
so that you can buy product in the future when the farmers finally quit when daddy dies or you
know gets run by a tractor or is it there's not enough money to buy the seeds for the next year
and everybody's got a side job on the farm i got family that are farmers or we come from
ranchers and everybody you know growing up everybody had jobs in town and then you work till
10 o'clock at night especially in the summer in the spring and times and you know did calving
and everything in the middle of the night and took care of the horses everything else and you
enjoyed it but you mean my family couldn't make money by the depression in farming and ranching
so they all went and got jobs but still kept the farm in the ranch and you know it's it's it's the
same thing and i don't i don't i've i've forgotten what my analogy was that i was going to hit
explaining that uh that that things have to be supplemented things have to be expanded things
have to be oh oh yeah it was the seed money farmers have to give up when they don't have the money
to buy next year's seed because it's fine that everybody's got a job including mama
washing and iron shirts in town and daddy works at the gas station daddy works for the highway
company pouring concrete and asphalt and bubba works down at the auto parts store and comes home
and works till 10 at night you know uh taking care of the farm and gets up at 5 a.m to milk the cows
and get the eggs but there hits a point where all the jobs they've got everything they're doing
they can't buy seeds for the next year and now they're going to lose their property and that's
where info wars is we can't buy the seeds to continue on we're at that wall we've hit that wall
and i'm just saying hey i'm in your hands if you want to see this place implode not be here
then that means that's what god wants to happen but if you want to keep us on air don't wait don't
procrastinate go to infowarstore.com make a donation get a great product and i thank you
the big private central banks owned by the rothschilds the rogofellers the saxcoburgothas
and others they just create unlimited money for themselves and they get us to jump through all
these hoops to be able to live and take care of our children and now they're engaged in inflation
and hyperinflation to literally destroy the savings of the general public and impoverish you
and so i get up here and i ask listeners for support i'm just pointing out that we're not
running this system and we're not censoring you and we're not trying to silence you and we're
trying to promote your freedom so we're in this together and i don't like coming to you and saying
i need your support it will be shut down but that's where we are we're taking on the globalist
in a major fight so i'm encouraging all viewers all listeners everybody that has seen the history
of info wars and all the lore and the bohemian grove being exposed in 9 11 and the iraq war
and obama and the clinton's and covid 19 and everything we've gone through to realize that
they think you're gonna get used to this fight and become kind of asleep to the war and having
your liberty taken and like just get used to being in a war so long you kind of just give in no
those that win the war get that it's a long-term battle and commit harder and harder and harder
as it gets deeper and that's where we are this is not sun's shine patriot this is winter soldier
time so listen this is your historic chance to go to info wars store dot com i need your support
now more than ever it's do or die i need you to go there and get great products you already need
and to sign up for auto ship so you get them again cancel any time or go to info wars store
dot com there's a big banner up there to donate or go to the live show feed at info wars dot com
there's a link right there under today's live show feed and then you can make that donation to keep
us on air this is the fight this is fighting ensuing your family this is the globalist coming
for you and coming for your prosperity and coming for your medical freedom and coming for your very
bodies to rape you physically with their gmo dna destroying poison and we're here fighting them
because everybody else got on their knees and got scared or did half measures i want to stay in
this fight i can't do it without you go to info wars store dot com right now and get the books the
films the t-shirts the supplements the brain force ultra the bodies the turmeric formulas all of it
blowing out years and decades of t-shirts we produced over a hundred designs at cost info
wars store dot com or the fundraiser shirt alec shows us right whatever you do take action because
only inaction is victory for the satanist you override them with your will take action now pray
for the broadcast spread the word about the broadcast share the articles and videos and
buy the products in four four dot com and that is the trifecta the globalist are bombarding us with
propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons and chemicals added to the food it's all
come out and they're doing that not because we're weak but because we're made the image of god the
creator and we are powerful and the social engineers fear that so much so that's why i repeat that
famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up with the boy is it true the propaganda
would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless they need all their propaganda and all
their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death because they know we are strong and they
know in the end they signed on the god of this world who is a loser and that's why it's so important
that everybody keep info wars on the air now more than ever because even you don't believe in god
what the globalist are manifesting setting up is satanic and we are opposing the one world
government and the mark of the beast they just announced leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the new world order it's alex jones while you were sleeping they came and took it all they came
and took it all away all right i'm gonna hit the news we have a special guest joining us
john stone at 15 after next hour on the world economy the kill switch what's happening in
ukraine more big news there there's another special guest joining us and jay dyer and i'm gonna be
back tonight seven to nine uh hosting commercial free on the audio and video streams a lot of radio
and tv stations are picking up and uh it's it's it's always good to do that there's a lot of
the great guest hosts as well we're going live until midnight tonight and then all the best
interviews of the two days are going to be condensed down and aired commercial free i mean
there may be a few breaks but overall will be the regular clock until we go live sunday
four p.m and every day we're on air is really precious let me just say this and i'll go back to
the news i don't need to tell you that info wars is in its prime we were built for this we were made
for this the system is hysterical right now to silence us and for everything you see on the news
behind the scenes it's more intense and i have accepted that and i've taken that on because
it's the right thing to do and it makes me feel good too uh because i know it's what god made me for
for and i know god made you for this as well and there's just not a place where your word of mouth
your prayer and your financial support can be more effective there just isn't now we have everybody
else on and promote all of their operations and all of their shows and things they're doing because
that's why we are number one is we actually want to promote everybody else i know a lot of really
smart good people that work at fox and everywhere else and they're just like hey you're just too
popular and the executives say we'll be fired we have you on it's all about competition there isn't
competition when it comes to survival against these globalists we've got to come together
and you know i was once told by roger ailes who got limbaugh syndicated launch fox soon he said alex
your biggest problem is you know you have all these guests and you just have all these these
charities on and you know all these groups and people only have so much money to give in your
audience they're going to give to all those groups and then you're not going to be successful you
want them all with your sponsors and your products he goes that's why rush doesn't have guests unless
it's like charleston heston or dick chaney or george you know presidents and stuff and i'm like
well rush limbaugh that's great not a bad guy overall think meant well he certainly was for
freedom he may have been misguided warmonger but i'm not rush limbaugh see i don't want the big
private fancy jet uh i'm not saying people are bad that fly around on those my point is is i'm not
i want victory i want to support all the groups organizations out there that are doing well and
i'll say i've given away millions of dollars over the years who groups exposing human trafficking and
other things i never really made a big deal about it because i didn't want to you know
that was quiet because i got extra money i'm not gonna hire more crew i'll just do this
boy i wish i'd have kept that money now because i need it right now to even stay on air but
god's watching ladies and gentlemen and um that's what we've come down to here and you need a voice
challenging this and you need a voice that has been through the war and through the trenches
and that is battle hard and i can tell you i am a lot better than i was a year ago or 10 years ago
or 20 years ago and we're all getting smarter quicker and so our most important work is is is here
i don't know how all god's mysteries work i've gotten to see god's power and totally trust god
if they grab me today and took me in the ditch and blew my head off i would know it was in god's
will and i would not be mad at god but i really just as a man want to keep fighting i i i i believe
our most important work is here and i fill that in the spirit and and then i don't know why i know
what we're being tested like this is because that's what happens but i i i can do so much more if we
had the funds and i don't want to spend my whole time doing it but it's why we're doing this big
money bomb and trying to get support because i don't want to give up i don't want to roll over
to these people these are nasty horrible evil people and i just i've never given up my life
i'm never back down and i and i've you know i always found that place
where i black out and that's where victory is at and by blacking out i mean totally turning
over to the mission and not even thinking anymore which means you're totally thinking you're you're
in the zone and i can feel that in my life i'm blacking out like i am getting so close to the
zeitgeist now that that i'm i'm i'm i'm entering my most important work right now and we're all
doing that together and this great challenge and and and satan's attempt to depopulate us
is now upon us and i know that the work we're doing right now is going to change the future destiny
of our entire species and we're going to stop the depopulation we're going to go interplanetary
we're going to go interstellar we're going to go intergalactic we're going to go interdimensional
we are going next level and i just want everybody to realize that that's not talk you know it's
true in your spirit you know it's true but god works through free will the only way we win
in is when you do what you know is right because god doesn't rule slaves people follow god through
free will we're we we're to be married to the god the father the son the holy spirit we are married
to christ he is the groom we are the bride he's the man this is a spiritual relationship that
is beyond sexual in nature but is described as sexual because it is communion it is congress
it is intercourse it is merger and jesus christ ain't going to rape you folks
you got to come to christ and you got to say that you want it
and then god's not going to give it to you right away god's going to want to make sure
because this is for eternity that you're loyal you want to be loyal you want to get on board this
this this system that made everything you want to be chosen you do not want to get left behind
and that's what's about to happen all the netflix and all the entertainment all the jokes and all
the all the trendy garbage is about to be completely blown away and all these people
that signed on to satanism are going to have that clear cut understanding that they made this decision
so all i can tell you is
satan isn't going to give you free will satan's not the devil cheerleaders in a party that's
just the bait satan is about being a slave
and the only time you get let out of your cage is when you go out and hurt other people
but you're still a slave so i ask everybody are are you really
going to sign on to this all right we're going to do 15 minutes for sean stone joining us and
i'm going to hit all this news let me tell you we got here and this is not in the order of importance
because there's just i can't even collate all this anymore i try to make sense of it all it's just
shock he says we're going to brainwash your five-year-olds got that video about how to
gather testicles cut off we just can't make that up cnn staffers in total another shock
and failure of network i mean what did you morons think again tucker carlsson celebrates the
hilarious death of cnn video foul she decries cd she should be above authority of courts uh yeah
like the federal reserve in fact guys go to youtube and find that old clip like 10 years old of uh
alan greenspan the former head of the federal reserve saying
headline is alan greenspan says federal reserve is above the law and it is because we let them be
jk rallon compares transgender wokeism to soviet union quotes anti-communist hero
schultz needsom he was a libtard five years ago paul watson challenger and woke her up
trump at heritage foundation dinner climate hysteria hoax destroying economy
but it's not a hysteria it's a planned global takeover amazon palm skating payments arrived in
austin texas russia's largest chemical plant engulfed in flames hour after mystery fire at
military research facility think something's going on fsb says ukrainian operatives planned
car bomb attack on russia's military convoy macron claims banning islamic veil would
spark civil war in france and it just goes on from there i haven't even scratched the surface
that's one stack of all these stacks i'm gonna ask you again because you've got to realize you're
not a spectator you're not somebody in the stands you're in the arena you realize how powerful you
are right now you realize how the enemy fears you and fears our relationship you realize what you
can do if you share the battle plan dot news link or if you share the link to the money bomb
that's going on right now that has the feeds up on info wars dot com forward slash show
or save info wars dot com or info wars 2022 dot com this is a collectible it funds us and we're
selling it for way lower than everybody else is you can go to info wars store dot com to see this
support free speech info wars get the new limited edition info wars gold collectible info wars
gold dot com we have teamed up with the nation's leading meant to bring you a new way to support
info wars and free speech while owning a piece of history and real gold it's a little gold bar
the new limited edition info wars gold collectible is minted in the form of a card that features a
24 karat gold in the center using proprietary technology only 25 000s limited edition info
wars gold collectibles have been minted this is a one-time run of info wars gold dot com and thank
god these came in right we needed the money because i finally decided to do this like four months
ago and it finally just came in each one is authenticated using holographic technology
the same precious metals group recently sold 300 000 gold cards for 170 each we are bringing
you these collectible cards we're just a hundred and twenty nine ninety five help us and when you
purchase it you get a discount on the next one for 99 95 and the price goes down from there
and so when you buy three you receive 50 off this is the first ever run of this proprietary design
an exclusive to info wars the mint was extremely excited that info wars would be making this product
available to customers for the first time the limited edition info wars gold collectible comes in
cards that can be stacked in your wallet drawer or glove compartment for easy travel and again
they're very collectible people are gonna love them you're financing the american rebellion
against the globalist this is so historic be part of history support info wars free speech and stock
up today info wars gold dot com before we completely sell out of this limited run this is the best way
to support us in america and freedom of yourself today
some seniors spend their twilight years in their own home many move into a nursing home
don't ever put your loved one in here ever and a select few continue to pull the levers of power
debasing the most powerful country in the world in order to protect and add to their ill gotten
gains the youngest member of democratic leadership is 71 year old senate majority leader chuck schumer
of new york the longest serving senator 88 year old california senator diane feinstein is worth
well over a billion dollars that includes 96 million of her unfortunate combined with her late
husband's assets acquired from a senator's base salary of approximately 174 thousand dollars
i don't know to this second one this is a free market and people we have a free market economy
that should be able to participate in that like her crony polosi feinstein has opened the door to
contracts for her husband's company through the years related to one federal crisis after another
senator diane feinstein's office now confirming to nbc news that she has been contacted by the
fbi confirming that feinstein answered questions from the fbi about stock trades that her husband
made and also that the senator provided documents to the fbi first politico revealed that a feinstein
staffer was a chinese spy then in matthew and ross more citing an unnamed source the column
revealed the chinese spy was feinstein's driver for 20 years who also served as a gopher in her
bay area office and was a liaison to the asian american community he even attended chinese
consulate functions for the senator senator richard burr of north carolina sold between 600
thousand and 1.7 million dollars worth of stock in late january and mid february about a week
before the u.s. market started to slide and his lawmakers started to get daily briefings about
the growing health crisis in asia george's junior republican senator kelly lawfler who is married
to the new york stock exchange chairman sold off hundreds of thousands of dollars in stocks
starting in late january congressional records show republican jim inhofe of oklahoma and california
senator diane feinstein also sold stocks on twitter this morning feinstein said the stocks
belonged to her husband who sold shares of a cancer therapy company she also says her assets
are in a blind trust if you know that you own look to take your example x on stock uh you know
that your congressional action when it comes to climate change policy could impact your stock
price and so it's not that you're trading on knowledge it's that your ownership of that
stock disincentivizes you to do what's in the public interest as a result it is a lawmakers
you don't face any real significant penalty for violating the stock act if you ultimately do they
only face a two hundred dollar fine as an initial fine if for example they are months or even years
late in disclosing stock purchases or stock sales and companies that in terms of the total value
of those trades could number into the six seven or even eight figures and we found evidence of
all of that with our lawmakers but aside from the fleecing of america feinstein and polosi's
mental fitness has frequently come into question she can no longer fulfill her job duties without
her staff doing much of the work a california democrat in congress described an extended
conversation with with feinstein saying they had to reintroduce themselves multiple times
without term limits or age limits we are allowing dementia to rule over our prescient present and
the impending new world order future but to be clear you're not taking any arrows out of your
quiver you're not ruling anything out good morning sunday morning the uh we have a responsibility
we take an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the united states good morning
sunday morning the american system has become a country club of decrepit scamming millionaire
globalist pawns lording over younger generations that are left to pick up the pieces after the
old establishment finally releases it from the grasp of their corpses john bound reporting
the important article at info wars dot com we're going to come back taking away special
treatment for what corporations is not authoritarian stay with us bad news is info wars is under
concerted attack and could be shut down the good news is you have free will and can take action
and support us right now with financial support at info wars store dot com we have great books and
films and t-shirts and supplements and short radios and so much more right now info wars
store dot com and we need funds to stay on the air the globalists are desperate to shut us down
right now because everything we talked about is coming true and so they're scared they want to
silence us because people are listening everything i've done over 28 years is now building towards
this moment everything you've done is building towards this moment so please keep us on the air
spread the word about info wars about the live show and about man dot video and buy products
that are massively discounted at info wars store dot com right now without you we are screwed with
you together we can win please support info wars and join us for our live money bomb thursday
through saturday night at info wars dot com forward slash out
live from austin texas it's alex jones
and filmmaker researchers are off their shots down jones is coming up next segment
to talk about all of these food processing plants blowing up and burning down around the us more
blew up yesterday of the big explosions in russia their top chemical plant also their big military
research study blew up i mean there's a shadow war going on big time but we've got this article
right here that's really informative it's on info wars dot com for us airlines to allow
face mask violators to return to skies as mandates lift so they created a social credit score system
as a beta test and if you didn't submit they would put you on a ban but now they're saying oh now
that the mask mandate is lifted now you can come back that sounds like oh that's friendly no that's
the cult applying pressure and then removing pressure to only bring it back later they're
training you to accept the abuse now let's talk about how we fight back florida house
voted 68 to 38 to strip disney a privileged tax and self-governing status woke conglomerate pays
the price from publicly bashing governor to sanis don't say gay bill that didn't say don't say gay
it said don't say pedophile don't teach five-year-olds how to get blowjobs we got sake in a moment
saying on that note that needs to continue we we the government agent had a discussion about sex
and your child's future when you're not even having that with them till they're 10 or 11 years old
i mean these are sickos trying to screw your kids up there's a big article from brandon smith from
altmarket dot us it's also an informer dot com taking away special treatment for woke corporations
it's not authoritarian yeah i don't get a tax exemption here in austin employing people
but google and apple everybody else does and if you're conservative you get your bank account
taken away eat your website you get kicked off twitter so the idea that it's authoritarian
to say okay you want to continue mass mandates you want to continue sexualizing children you
want to continue to have disney employees caught every week in pedophilia and you want to attack us
and attack our legislation saying don't sexualize five to eight year olds my god it should be up
to 12 year olds i mean well in fact what's the government's job doing it i mean to begin with
this is evil it's kinsey in psychology he said if you can get children when they're young and
and tie political systems to their sex they will see that political system as their daddy basically
very sick folks people to get abused by pedophiles their whole life gets controlled by it usually
it's the same thing they're ruining your children creating a sick relationship with a criminal
relationship hiding it in blame you so taking away treatment special treatment for woke
corporations is not authoritarianism and he goes through it as a great job in a long article
that everybody should read i read this morning that explains all of this but it's just incredible
when you see what these corporations are doing and and what they're engaged in and so that is
the answer wait you get tax exemption you your own police department you're your own city you're
above the law you can do whatever you want but you want to use your money against the elected
state governor and legislature to try to stop them from not letting you fund groups coming
after their children sexually unbelievable here's a clip of sake doubles down declares teachers
should be talking to five-year-olds about gender identity to confuse them to have the teacher
that's supposed to teach them two plus two equals four or how to write in cursive or how to you know
at christmas time with cotton balls and red construction paper make a Santa Claus face no now
oh you're a little boy you might be a little girl you're a little girl you might be a little boy
so they can create a state relationship with your child to take parental rights and then screw
your children up i mean this is just disgusting and horrible man these people are are really
really really really gross uh so uh here's sake don't parents have a right to have concern i mean
we're talking specifically here about teaching about sex in kindergarten through third grade
i have to say as a parent i would have problems with that but the law is not about teaching
sex education it's about teaching about gender identity and so what what do you do if a parent
or a kid should i say a kid in one of these elementary schools says what about sally sally has
two moms or i'm not sure if i'm a girl or a boy i mean these are kids who are experiencing um you
know these moments in their lives i also think that these are not there is not a big record of
there being either sex education or extensive gender identity education in these schools and this is
creating a problem or a political cudgel about an issue that i don't think exists
a political cudgel record numbers of people saying they're trans record numbers millions
being sterilized total targeting of children everywhere um courageous and brave
bruce jenner and oh nobody's targeting your children oh well in this moment when they say to
a child you might be another sex and the teacher goes all neat and i've got articles here where
they're literally training the teachers in elementary school first second third fourth and third to go
in and screw these kids up for life imagine if you found a mother telling her son she's a girl
or that's a sick mom but now the state does it's like well that's a good thing in fact here's a
report on it district employees coaching third grader on their gender so so they're brainwashing
with teachers and training them to go in to do this and now we have school administrators
on television saying of course we're going to teach your kids to be a different sex
of course we're going to teach them on a masterbate it's a total sick power grab here it is
dear board members and superintendent iction as you're aware i'm sure a packet of district emails
was released to a gusd parent on the basis of a public request a records request for all communications
matching certain keywords such as crt lgbtq or queer for example what was discovered in this
initial release was appalling and needs to be addressed asap by all levels of district leadership
for those of you who haven't seen these documents circling on social circulating on social media
i'll recap for you on an email dated june 7 2021 from mrs hammy tiber a third grade teacher at
jefferson elementary to sally myles and craig lewis from districts teaching and learning department
mrs tiber says good morning sally and craig as you know i teach third grade today i talked to
my class about lgbtq pride month and played two short videos from youtube that were geared toward
kids a parent who heard the lesson in discussion made her daughter leave the zoom and texted me
asking when i was then discussing sexual orientation so that she can let her kids back on to zoom
i was planning on doing more lessons tomorrow and wednesday but now i'm afraid to here are the videos
and lessons i was going to do with my class of the youtube video links she listed here's an excerpt
from one that she played for her eight-year-old students where an mtv host asks children questions
about being gay and transgender she says jody foster is a woman and she made me question
my own sexuality when i was a child because i liked her so much and she was nude in the film now
and sarcastically says not that i remember watching it several times as a child with the wink
during remote learning last year a parent heard what was being shown and taught to her eight-year-old
child on zoom immediately turned off the computer and contacted the teacher which resulted in the
worried email mrs tiber sent to district personnel exactly 21 minutes later after sending the email
mrs tiber received a response from mr craig lewis part of district staff that said do not be
concerned or afraid your principal should support you as i know that our district include including
vivian does end quote this district staffer goes even further and gives more media recommendations
to the teacher but says to steer clear of content that says sexual or coming out since it may raise
red flags in other words coaching this teacher on proven methods to push her agenda but to stay
under the radar immediately after the release of this email chain the parents at jefferson
elementary who have have or have had mrs tiber as their child's teacher reached out to the principal
and demanded answers why is gender and sexuality issues being taught to eight-year-olds to begin
with with the tremendous loss of learning our children experienced the past two years that's
alfred kenzie if you can screw them up sexually you rule them for life this is beyond pedophilia
this is about wrecking children's minds we got shon stone coming up and we've also got to get to
this news what is title 42 even the head of dhs is saying okay we shouldn't do this no screening for
drugs no screening for diseases no screening of of ids or dudes with three kids which they admit
there's a bunch of kidnapping going on you don't check anything but when you find an airplane
they're going to follow your generals well you're a citizen flying back they're going to check your
passport but when you're coming across the border baby you don't have to take shots you don't got
to wear a mask we don't ask who you are you got a kid but you hey it's fine you got tuberculosis
good thank you for bringing that to us four words four little words that are hurting america's
pandemic response what are they do your own research nobody who's saying that is getting in
the lab and doing tests at best you're reading other people's research and more likely you're
probably reading a tweet about a headline about a blog post about someone else's research that
phrase do your own research it's popping up a lot in conversations about coronavirus and about
covid vaccines but this going alone approach doing your own research it seems so innocent but it can
have serious consequences in other words cnn says don't do your own research what are the roots of
this phrase i feel like i used to hear it around q anon craziness well today uh the the dear antler
guy was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in the capital riots the same phrase do your
research is being pedaled by some people who do have ill intent who want to push you down certain
paths who want to either for profit reasons or for geopolitical reasons want to make sure
that you are reading certain information as opposed to listening to authoritative sources
so what should be an actually smart idea especially in the u.s with such a lack of
funding and media literacy and all of these issues it can really actually help make things worse
yeah it's a sneaky little phrase here's the four words that are helping to spread vaccine
misinformation are you ready or you cnn here they are do your own research do your own research
do your own research it's a sneaky little phrase that's right folks see it in here to tell you
don't look into these things for yourself don't do your own research don't question anything just
listen and obey you could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control
exactly what people think and that is the that is our job once again the media is clamoring
to tell you to stop looking into stuff for yourself do your own research those four words
are hurting the u.s pandemic response cnn chief media correspondent brian stelter said on reliable
sources sunday brian stelter visits school kids to teach them to spot misinformation he's telling
them don't even trust satire don't trust anything but seeing it reducing a liar's reach is not the
same as censoring freedom of speech frank in north carolina thanks for holding so long go ahead yeah
i i just have to say something man it seems like every time i turn on your broadcast your bragging
it just gets old man i'm gonna shut you down right now okay we're taking calls about your
nomination do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down
do you understand i'm ringing the alarm if that was happening to anybody else i'd be freaked out
i mean what's it gonna take us being shut down is that what you want frank you know what i was
putting on pause again hey frank do you understand it's not bragging to say we are the tip of the
spear we're under attack we need your help as much begging as i do we can barely pay the bills
and grow in the face of this i'm not going to just stop growth and let them start pushing
his backwards you understand i need your help frank i need your help frank go to info wars store
dot com right now and help fund the info do you understand i need your help frank
for the wrongness man i try to tell you how the source is right then for going down we
ain't going down without a fight but we ain't going down global is it going down that's right
you can see into the future watch it always zone satellite ->
Alex Jones right there, Alex Jones is right
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones
well he's an old friend of mine he's a filmmaker author actor Sean Stone
joins us his data course made and produced the epic films on Ukraine long
before this whole thing exploded Ukraine on fire and more and he joins us now to
talk about some of his new films that lay all of us out in a new book on the
Anglo-American establishment Sean Stone joins us and so it's great to have you
here my friend obviously we were talking before you went live with us what is
front and center on your radar screen and I've got the big question with the
collapse of CNN the collapse of Netflix the collapse of Hollywood all this
censorship what is the establishment gonna do how would you describe the
current state of the world thanks for joining us absolutely I would describe
it as people waking up this process this awakening process is just it's an
inevitability how can you have such an overtly lost president of the United
States so-called president of the United States and expect people to not get
that there's something seriously wrong how can you push bills like they're
doing in California where you can literally murder a child after it's
born and call it abortion I mean it's like at some point you have to realize
that the dark side is is is progressively been pushing people in this
direction to normalize what has always been Satanism but it was it took a long
time to break down the morals of the society right took a long time to sort
of deconstruct the the nuclear family and as we've talked about before Alex
like this agenda going back you know well over 50 60 years 70 years as a new
world-order agenda but essentially to reconstruct the family I mean even
break even the empowerment of women which is a beautiful thing but as an
agenda to basically take down wages such that you know a man as we know back in
the 60s could make a wage to support a family of four and what have we seen
complete wage stagnation since that time right since we went off the well really
I mean since the Federal Reserve has been printing money like crazy and and
destroying our industries and our infrastructure so that they've created
this this this crisis point now right but it's not like this was just buying
this is 50 60 years in the making and so what happened was that people I think
are now at that place of crisis and they have nothing left to do but wake up or
check out basically surrender either fight back or surrender we are at the
crossroads that is absolutely profound please continue right and so again so
this has been generations in the works I mean there are people that were talking
about world government back in the 40s and 50s and it was like as we know these
were the conspiracy theorists of the time and it felt maybe a little bit far
out but they were very powerful prominent people within their public and
party people like Lin Charles Lindbergh right and and and other
Republicans that like Taft and others that were warning against you know
whether it was League of Nations the United Nations and this concept of
driving towards world government taking the power away from we the people in
America given given power by the creator not by a government right the our
declaration says it's God that endows us these rights not governments that do it
and so they've been trying to separate and take us away from having authority
over our lives and to surrender it basically more and more to these power
structures that's why they're now pushing this whole agenda the World
Health Organization being able to issue edicts and mandates and things like
this right to surrender national sovereignty that's been the goal for you
know again going back 60 70 years and it's like it was a conspiracy theorist
that were out there you know whether they're the birchers or the LaRouche's
or others that were calling these things out and it seemed more far-fetched
unless you were an insider or really paying attention but now it's not far
fetched anymore you know now it's just like it's obvious it's evident it's
self-evident it's it's like you have to make a choice at this point do you want
to buy into that totalitarian system that literally can dictate to you when
your business can operate whether you know whether or not you have to put
something into your body against your will you know whether or not your
children can basically be taken from you at will I mean all these things that are
that are sadistic and sit by the way let me back you up here's Fauci yesterday
saying as you said there's a treaty the UN wants total control over all health
care over governments which the operation lockstep set a decade ago they
would do the Rockefeller Foundation but here he is on actual TV saying that the
CDC should be above the law that Congress the courts has no power well
being that that's a medical dictatorship here it is both surprised and
disappointed because those types of things really are the purview of the
CDC this is a public health issue and for a court to come in and if you look at
the rationale for that it really is not particularly firm and we are concerned
about that about courts getting involved in things that are unequivocally
public health decisions I mean this is a CDC issue it's not should not have been
a court issue and that's what governor Newsom said four years ago and he said
we keep babies alive and sell their organs he goes we don't want courts or
police evolves is between a woman and the doctor well then they mean the state
so this is a big deal Sean it's what you just said well yeah and again I mean the
drive towards even empowering the World Health Organization far beyond you know
anything low anything as far as our nation is concerned but I would even
argue maybe look it shouldn't be a court issue in the sense that it's a personal
issue it's a personal hygiene issue and this is what these psychopaths don't
want you to remember and so we know our court system is compromised I don't
trust the courts I mean I'm sure that the DOJ is gonna appeal this and you know
the ghost of Supreme Court I mean it's like will they will they rule what's
right I don't know because as we know the bar system the bar association as a
system is a self-regulating system it's you know ultimately it's it's based on
maritime law maritime legal structures that essentially are not based in
natural principles and natural rights based you know really on the sovereignty
of the individual based in what the 10 commandments this is what God says
ultimately 10 commandments is about not trespassing and as long as we honor
natural law and principles we all have an understanding of what what should be
lawful but unfortunately we've created they've created this Masonic
infrastructure you're right everything is about systems that are trespass or
don't trespass and real systems are against trespassing the globalists are
all about trespassing everything is about trampling your rights that's right
because they've created such a Byzantine legal system I mean the point is
that there's really just there's a one principle that exists do not trespass
right and that they've turned into how many codes and commercial laws I mean
that's how they've been able to violate our sovereignty as individuals mainly on
the commercial law the federal government had no business beyond the
Constitution giving it certain powers of regulating like you know our military
and certain certain things when it comes to basic functionality right and
the Treasury issuing the currency which obviously doesn't it doesn't do that
you know they surrender that to the Federal Reserve private banking system
but the point is that our our Constitution gave a federal government
very very limited powers the federal government then decided to become this
megalithic corporation that goes into your home because hey commerce anything
that goes across commercial low across commercial roads basically they can get
their hands into even if it comes to smoking weed in your home you know and
obviously whether it comes to using your cell phone all these things commercial
code that allow them to spy on us to take away our rights and we have to get
back to our principles of no natural natural law natural justice the God
given rule that really is based on if I'm not doing harm to others not trespassing
on others sovereignty and freedom why should anyone have the right to take
that from me or to tell me what I can and can do within my own person I own my
own sovereign beautifully said I want to talk about your documentaries dealing
with all this when we come back and your new book and I want to get into what's
gonna happen with Biden what what's gonna happen with the collapse of the
border getting rid of title 42 where nobody let me check for any diseases
where do you see this going and how do we get the average person who's still in
a trance to realize that we are in a crossroads and they have to make a choice
in free will we're right back I'll be back tonight 9 to midnight got a bunch
of the great hosts coming up today I want short and others we're gonna have a
bunch of other big guests today in this 40-hour money bomb and the crews
reminded me they're like hey you're doing a fundraiser for legal bills to stay
on air you're plugging less than you normally do but it's such a big show so
thank you for the support folks go to info or short.com there's a big banner
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info wars free speech and stock up today info wars gold.com before we
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America and freedom in yourself today leading a frontal assault on the lies of
the new world order it's Alex Jones
live from Austin Texas broadcasting worldwide it's Alex Jones
I'm just an average man with an average life I work from nine to five
hell I pay the price all I want is to be loved and loved
he's got a new book out he also made a documentary series this amazing best kept
secret it's Sean Stone here with us today so Sean going back to what you
pointed out I mean really are at a crossroads it's such an epic moment to
know that we're now inside the new world order we're not in beta anymore I think
nobody debates that we're now in operational mode so much of what they're
doing is being revealed why do they want us to be satanic well why do they
because I know it looks like a party it looks like it's fun but really it's
dehumanization not standing up for each other just getting rid of systems where
people stand up for each other what are we being prepared for right right what's
an old it's an old concept really I mean it's the nature of empire right we've
seen it throughout human history it's enslavement of humanity and is
predicated on the idea of as you mentioned the degradation of humanity
the lack of love for our fellow man and woman the idea of gosh it's so
complex right but ultimately it's keeping us in this class system that we we
see perpetuated to the idea of masking right the elite get to walk around the
parties without the masks and the the surfs basically have the masks on the
vaccination strategy the same thing like those that know what's going on are you
know not really gonna do it but they're gonna tell everyone yeah go ahead and
get you know get your get your upgrade here your booster but really it's as we
know the new evolution of the satanic agenda which has always been embedded
with empires and it's embedded within the Darwinian ideology which basically says
that humans are a random mutation we have no divine there's no divine spirit
working through humanity it's just the we're just smart monkeys right that
satanic ideology which is which is really most prominent within the science so
called you know guarded by the elite the same you know that the the the national
endowment you know whatever what is what's called the whether it's that all
these different foundations essentially right all these different structures the
world society like you've all herari who's the high priest of the church of
the world he cannot inform he says you have no free will you're worthless we're
gonna get rid of you but we'll be God soon and we have free will so it's very
paradoxical they're telling you the trick that you don't have free will you're
an animal and you're nobody but oh we're gods I mean it's it's ridiculous no they
don't want to compete with other conscious sentient people because they're
losers right well exactly I mean they so they they want to essentially rule over
this modern-day empire and as we talk about in the best-kept secret docu
series transhumanism as an integral aspect of getting control because they
know these satan satanists know they cannot control God's universe there is a
natural logic and re and power right there's a natural force that's that
works through nature that is God given spirit right and that's life itself they
cannot control life but they will do everything they can to to recreate it to
to affect it to to get into our bodies to to alter our genetics as herari
talks about to manipulate our free will again which is all given by divine
force but they negate that they want to they know they can because they know they
can't control it so they have to do exactly a tip anybody telling you don't
have free will but they're gonna be a god is the bad guy pretty much pretty much
yes that's I mean that's just the obvious that's where they are now because
again a lot of these things have been around for decades and it was more like
it was it was it was sort of in closed minutes it was in the it was it was
indicative it was in it was it was subvert I say it was covert in places
like Bohemian Grove where you expose like that ritual and a lot of it was
symbolic right so it was like baking people down morally to the some oh the
symbolic level yeah what's her name a Brahmovich is out there you know having
these blood baths they call art you know it's symbolic everything symbolic has
energy everything in this physical realm has an energetic print and a and a
some and a frequency to it right so if you create movies like saw and all the
satanic films that have come out over the last decades basically torture porn
you know listening you know this sort of this this fascination with with with
the with the destruction of the human with the gutting of the human and
desensitization of children that it goes accordingly between the video games
and the films and other things right that basically give us no value for human
life now you have even though it's not real it's all movie it's but
psychologically we don't know the difference we you know if we have a dream
what happens when you wake up from a dream you're terrified you're saying it's
okay they desensitize us with simulations because they're getting ready to do the
real thing and they don't want us to differentiate the two exactly exactly
because they know that the mind is malleable in that way they know how the
mind can be controlled and manipulated through the visuals through the through
the again and progressive breakdown of our morality so it's like you know what
starts with you know essentially you know LGBTQ becomes well now it has to be
you know taught to your children it has to be you know taught to the kid little
kids because they have to know what they're getting ready for because they
might be gay and it's like they're five years old and they have a sexual they
don't even know what exactly they're so-called tolerance we hope the door
wasn't tolerant they just use those groups it was us being conquered exactly
exactly and that's the progressive agenda was really a slow boiling as we
know the socialist ideology where it's like well you know as we've seen around
socialism if you go to Europe or Australia places like this during the
lockdowns in Australia and I talked to the Australian people I'm like how can
you allow the government to literally dictate to you you know to close down
your borders to tell you you have to you know you have to quarantine to all
these you know parameters for health purposes oh it's the government it's
their prerogative that socialism for you the government gives us everything so we
can basically be told by the government what to do and let's say you're a
visionary in your own films your own work but you know your dad was Snowden
and JFK visionary and what they now admit kill switches have been put in
everything was trying to blend the Russians when top programmers go no
these are built in the US these are put in the chips not by the Russians it
seems like their powers waning though and that's why they're trying to to to
dominate it some bullies you think I'm right by saying that or is their power
waning or I mean how do you see this gut level spiritual level just the current
imprint how do you see this unfolding you have you have hope or are you feel
doomed or a mix of the two no actually I feel very optimistic in the sense that
the the system is breaking down and so as you know like as you say when when
the system is breaking down heading towards it basically it's bankrupt it
doesn't have authority it will do everything it can to intimidate to scare
to call you know to basically terrorize you oh you don't want to be a
conspiracy theorist you don't you know if anyone challenges us as part of you
want it becomes ridiculous you see it becomes so bad that people start to see
through the the illusion and then you end up with bifurcation which is where we
are we've been living through the last two years bifurcation of especially in
America but all over the world those that are saying hey you know what I'm a
patriot I'm you know I'm gonna choose body sovereignty you know whether or not
you get the backs if you believe in body sovereignty you know you're basically a
patriot exactly you don't believe in body sovereignty you're on the bad guy's
side exactly and so that's where we are we're in this bifurcation point where
those that are believing in this in this liberal so-called liberal satanic
order ultimately because they use liberalism to get away with anything
they want it's ultimately it's perversion it's libertarianism whatever you
want to do you can do because you know we're free you know we're free and it's
like it's ultimately satan it ultimately leads you to satanism so there's those
that have completely bought into that agenda they have no problems with it
they really they have no morality they just want what they call freedom and
that freedom basically will be you know the end of the individual the end of
ours and by the way what you said is so important I used to call myself a
libertarian till I figured out it means no boundaries and then I don't have
boundaries I don't even have sovereignty and so it becomes like this excuse for
tyranny and then it's the opposite of liberty exactly exactly it's the
liberty it's like the libertine concept of freedom but the libertines were
notorious you know the Hellfire Club was an example of that you know it's like
they there was notorious for their their excesses and oftentimes Hellfire Club
was known to do satanic things and rituals and you know beyond just sexual
issues maybe even perversions like pedophilia and things like this it's
obviously very very pronounced on you went to Oxford which was associated with
that and I know you did some research on that maybe you can talk about we come
back but you know something about the Elkfire Club don't you I went to a
party and where they used I went to a party that they held in the caves where
the Hellfire Club used to do their parties but don't forget Ben Franklin
went over there you know he was a part of it I don't mean that anyone who's part
of it was necessarily a Satan no no I totally agree he was investigating and
experiencing things but yeah no but the point is they gather the free souls in
where they think it's freedom and then it's something else exactly exactly all
right to get people where they find your new amazing documentary I love it best
kept secret yeah you're in it too it's great it's Sean Stone info is the best
place to get all the links it's on iconic you know David Ike's platform it's on
Vimeo on demand but Sean Stone I info is a great gateway to get there
all right stay right there I want to come back and talk big picture where you
think the world's going info wars.com Mars is today we're doing a money bomb
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triple eight two five three three one three nine I want to thank you all for
your support the only way we fail is if you don't take action when we get
together and stand up against the globalist we are unstoppable I'm counting
on you stay with us leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world
order it's Alex Jones
three number one hits talking about bringing out the new world order
freedoms popular CNN Netflix it's all collapsing and I brought this up with
Sean Stone as I worked on Ventura's TV show with him and you know knew him
before that he's a great guy and of course obviously being Oliver Stone one
of the top directors producers writers ever he he obviously they tried to recruit
him into it and I told these stories years ago not trying to brag but when I
was young in Dallas there was a feeder groups to this very rich people and you
know sex parties things like that nothing illegal nothing better feel like
except I was you know young I mean I was like 14 15 doing this and I he got
dark and I got out of it these were like beautiful college women you name and I
was like God of course I love women and and I and I look a lot older my age but
the point is he talks about Oxford the Hellfire Club I've been invited to those
very things at Oxford and people simple tell us who I'm it's an off record thing
it's you know it's like eyes wide shut they're not killing people at it but
it's it gets to later and so we tell you about that's like Madison Hawthorne
says yeah I got invited to these orgies folks that's 101 Roger Stone admits this
he's a Christian it's real but he was the top lobbyist because 25 years ago
because he ran sex parties I'm gonna leave it at that I know the inside
baseball not just from him and from others but you know I mean Roger Stone
and Richard Nixon were partying in the 70s I'll leave it at that so yeah not
just Roger Stone and Trump okay I mean you know there ain't no rush of spies
going on here but there's certainly some other things going on so so so you need
to understand that's the entry level to this Sean so when you talk about this
you're talking from experience you never did anything illegal we've talked
that mean either nothing bad but we definitely skated on the edge why do
you think some people they try to recruit others they don't I mean
presumably it's it's as needed it could be it could be a bloodline thing I
would suggest that we're basically are looking with very vast you know ancient
structures right we talk about masonry and again I don't believe all masons
are evil I you know our founding fathers were masons Washington you know it was
a Mason so I can't say that the masons are all evil I think that there are
there's a battle within that structure sorry there's a that's where the real
war is that's the real thing hmm it's like it's like there's um I see the
Masonic structure is important for how a lot of these things are created and
orchestrated as far as like even the we talked about the courts just being
controlled and co-opted so you know the sheriffs all these you know all these
different departments police a lot of these things are ultimately within
masonic structures and orders so and then within it yes I would say that there's
a dark and a light and they're what I believe happens is that they kind of
they kind of try to set they use they they use various practices including
magic including astral projection and like things you know we this is this is
all I mean this is known if you look if you study the remote viewing for example
right and you know how to project and you can you can you can you can you can
see people from at a distance you can kind of go into their field and I think
that they they use different techniques to try to figure out where you stand
within the the the dark and the light right which is really the masonic
exactly it's a test they see it as omnipresent and it's it's like
Star Wars is cheesy but it's a masonic allegory Darth Vader is supposed to
bring order well actually he actually does by destroying the whole old order
bringing the new order they're testing to see where you sit in that pantheon
exactly exactly and by the way Darth Vader is a great example of the
transhuman agenda right he does ultimately in the process of losing his
soul and his physical body deteriorates from using black magic he has to become
what a transhuman he has to merge with machinery to survive so that's actually
very much the transhuman agenda a lot of the beings in the Star Wars universe
are transhuman that's why they're all walking around what like stormtroopers
with masks and you know they can't really they don't get to breathe oxygen
normally so think about where they're trying to take us that's the dark side
and the initiation process look I was talking to a Mason years ago who told
me he's in a lick our lodge has been co-opted completely by OTO which is the
which is the Crowley black magicians they go there basically they use our lodge
after hours they do like rituals there they they've turned the energy into a
dark energy and so again this is why I say this to say that not every don't
just think someone's a mason oh they must be a bad guy it's not that simple it's
a much more complex like the CIA right like there there are white hats and
two people are saying well why aren't the white hats just taking out the black
hat why don't the white hats just kill the bad guy but I always say look if
you're not if you're not in if you're not involved you're not making a choice
you're not part of the story if they just took out Fauci and and and Clinton
always people and it was just you know all the bad guys were gone the system
would still be there we as individuals have to be involved in changing the
system or getting or getting exactly we have to get the proletariat to make the
right decision that's where the real battle is by example not by these
these these intersectarian wars correct I mean again I think that there are white
hats that are operating I think that there are good things that are taking
place behind the scenes but at the same time it can't all be behind the scenes
right and that's why so much of this is put on display to really kind of as
one or seven and others have said like to find out where does the population
stand right I mean not everybody went along with the facts at least 30%
exactly again it's all a test mm-hmm it's very much a test very much a test of
our souls to find out okay where do you stand right because if we if we don't
claim our sovereignty here and say this is our country this is our nation we
have to reclaim our nation and it's a and we have allies that are in powerful
positions but they need us to and you know they need to know that we're out
there doing our part you know whether it's with with our work with our with
our voice with our protests with our votes exactly we are supposed to be an
example and leaders to others exactly so everyone has their own particular mission
and that's why I don't like sometimes they can people get so paranoid and
think it's all dark everything is bad it's all bad it's not this is still
God's universe so right if there's so much more good than bad it's just that
good doesn't scheme and get together like evil but there's I'd say there's ten
to one good it's just that we're not what's wrong then what's wrong with us
because I know it's ten to one good from my experience but why don't why can't
we stop them I don't know that we are not stopping them I think that
collectively we actually have come a long way and as you know I mean look
where are people now compared to in 2001 when 9-11 happened right how many more
people are awake now how many people are seeing the consequence of this order
how many people are realizing my god I lost my job I lost my my freedom I lost
my you name it my relationships but they made choices like Christ talked about
separating the week from the chaff turning mother you know father against
son and husband against wife all these things it's like to find out where you
really stand on the spiritual the spiritual war that we're going through and so I
believe that what coming is very positive but it's a transitionary phase
because we're bifurcating we're separating those that are really buying in
they bought into the new world order they're just like they're happy like hey
I'll become a transhuman I'll surrender my sovereignty go back to your normal you
know so-called even if it's the expense of my life my livelihood and my freedom
and then there are those that are like no we're moving to Texas and Florida we
were gonna reclaim our country state-by-state because that's what the
United States are member it's it's a collection of states that agreed to a
federal government but we still have a lot of power within our states and
within our counties even and we got to get back to that that that member in the
tyranny hits that people then move the other and it creates the new revolution
so so I agree with you that we're hitting the new renaissance or a whole new
expansion and I just wish we could get people that have served evil most of
our compartmentalize don't even know I wish we could get them to not be seduced
by evil and actually come back to light it would be so much better it's just so
frustrating because it's so obvious and I think again I think it's getting more
and more clear because there's the reason we're seeing this I mean there's a
reason that we're that literally I mean we're seeing Disney being called out
right for their for their woke so-called woke agenda there's a reason that
people like you know Jimmy Levy and others are coming out of the music
industry saying look I've seen satanic stuff you know I've seen the dream of
chrome people doing adrenochrome in the you know in the record booths and just
thinking nothing of it right I mean the fact that all these voices are out here
now it's it's prompting it's prompting us to make to make decisions to make
choices do I really want to engage with what the frequency of what Netflix is
putting out or what Disney is putting out and if you just feel into the energy
of a lot of these things you realize man this is not this is not exactly it's all
about what energy do you decide to interface with I mean it's real stuff
yes that's it that's it and everyone has to make their choice yeah let me ask you
this because you know what either you are perfect angels but you know at the
end of the day we love God and justice how could these people not feel the
power of good that is levels incomparable better than dark energy
because I've taken on dark energy I've experienced it some I I've I've dabbled
some in it and it's like a it's victory and it's it's fiery but it's
stinks at the end of the day and it always creates bad things it's not good
long-term being good is like so much better I don't know why they don't serve
good well it's like I mean how does it how why doesn't an alcoholic just stop
drinking right there's an addiction quality there's a there's an energy
there's an energy that once you've gone into it it's very difficult to clean to
clean off and to really detox from that I've seen people get possessed it's very
much like a like a drug addict or an alcoholic and so what comes over them is
basically it's like loss of control and so you could say there's multiple
factors ultimately Satanists are materialists they believe very much in
worldly power they're willing to sacrifice someone else right someone
else's life even maybe sometimes they say make packs with their you know to
sell their own soul or to lose their own life totally selfish it's it's this
material fascination I've you know again it's difficult because we are sold as
kids I mean how many times how many movies like Wolf of Austria get perpetuated
which is a police satanic film by the way that basically shows you like this is
what you want to be you want to be the guy you know ripping people off you know
sleeping with hot girls partying every day having a lot of fun and you know what
is what consequences of Wolf of Wall Street have ends up as Tony Robbins
sounds don't stay right there we're right back
a prominent American journalist has been found guilty with no evidence of a
crime he is not allowed to speak at his own trial and has been explicitly
denied the First Amendment his crime is questioning the suspect narrative being
spun by a corrupt federal government in other words exercising his First
Amendment rights in their most potent form one would think that a country who
claims to care about free speech would find this newsworthy the guy even named
his company free speech systems back when he was just starting out but they
don't care instead they cheer on a quirky billionaire to make Twitter
equally volatile for everyone as if that's where the Bill of Rights reside
what's happening to Alex Jones is much bigger than Alex it truly is the state
versus free speech but as dire as things are what I love most about working on
Alex's platform is the community Alex the whole in four wars crew and our
vigilant audience we understand the importance of individual freedom and
inalienable rights for many of us they are worth dying millions of Americans
are waking up to the dangers of their own authoritarian government millions of
us now stand fast with eyes wide open to the impending dangers of a lawless
regime love will break their dark mind control spells and thank God there is
enough love for us all God bless us all and thank you for your support
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones
look I think the enemy's biggest trick is not letting people know that they're
tied to a divine creator which means we are divine and the majesty and the
incredible beauty of the universe and the over-the-top amazingness of this
planet and what we're doing and just realizing you are fulfilled you are
incredible we are all amazing just being conscious and loving each other and the
idea is you're not fulfilled only the world can fulfill you the system and
then it never fulfills you because if you actually tie into the universe and God
you are fulfilled and I think really people as you said Sean are now going
to realize that Satan can't fulfill them and that only God can do that and I
think we have already crossed the Rubicon the victory is going to be there I
just wonder what evil is going to do to try to keep control of us and how
horrible that crash landing is going to be and how do we mitigate that you agree
with that statement elaborate on it disagree what do you think it's
difficult to know I mean again I don't try not to worry too much about what
they are trying to do at this point I think it's more important to figure out
what am I doing and how can I basically connect to my my relationship to the
to the creator my connection to spirit working with consciousness working with
energy right my energy and those are obviously of a like energy and in my
consciousness we have to focus on what we're building out it's why I just put
out a an art of success workshop right it's really to empower people now this
is what I'm more interested in is to give people the power and totally agree
you're right that's my greatest feeling is I focused on the evil too much so
tell me well how do I not focus on them but still fight them what do I do
because I agree I was talking to my good friend this morning I said I need to
stop focusing on them I can't look at what they do anymore it's hurting me I
want to promote positive how do I do that while still warning people hmm yeah
it's an interesting balance isn't it because part of our role here is to be
the Paul Revere's at some level right we are here to help people be aware of
what's going on but we also can't ultimately energetically feed them in
the process right we don't want to feed that dragon by by giving it so much
attention remember nightmare in Elm Street was a great there was a great
message at the end of the film where she said I take my power back I don't give
you I'm not afraid of you anymore Freddy right and that was the moment when he
he couldn't touch her so there is something to this idea of okay we see
what you're doing but you know what you don't have authority and that's why I
think Biden is the greatest thing for this country and I actually said it when
he when he came into power I said on that inauguration I said all this feels
like a phony like a phony event they don't have power they don't have authority
there's the clown show and I think it's it's actually it's like the dark is kind
of revealing itself for the buffoonery that it is thank God for this you know
for this administration so that people can just see this isn't really the
president this isn't the guy rule running things it never the president
never was the guy really running things but now we know it's not the guy he's
not the guy I agree so we're entering the season of things being revealed there's
a revelation exactly we are in the apocalypse which means the revealing
right you're unveiling we've been in it I think for 10 years I think 2012 was
monumental in that that sense that since that time if you really think about how
much we've learned in that time period how things came to prominence you know
Trump came you know calling out fake news and all of a sudden we realize yeah
they are fake and the president can say it so can I and I don't have to follow
them anymore and you know and all this rushing it's always been revealing how
absurd and insane these people are right and just ultimately how can you you
can't change someone who's insane like literally I mean these people are
calling for murdering children after they're born on the premise that it's
called it's a late-term abortion right how do you you can't really debate
someone at that point you just they're insane you just basically say okay you
know what you live your reality we're walking away that's what we do we walk
away from the table we have to build the new world the exodus and not engage them
at any level that we aren't forced to Sean Stone very impressive hey you were
to come to Austin a few months ago it didn't happen I'm gonna be here in a
few weeks I hear you're coming please come to studio
hoping to get dinner go on the boat or something but Sean stone dot info find
your book find the series and so much more Sean stone dot info you're a
wonderful friend we really love you and just congratulations and all your great
work thank you Alex I appreciate it and we'll definitely
look to see you next month yes sir all right I got a bunch of news ahead of the
next guest and it's just just amazing I was just talking to good friend this
morning like I can't I can't focus on these evil people anymore
what are champions made of here's a man who can show you
triple eight to five three thirty one three nine triple eight to five three
thirty one three nine triple eight to five three thirty one three nine is the
end for store hotline triple eight to five 33139 triple eight to five three
You are listening to an infowars dot com front line report if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
We have been given the keys to destiny, the keys to the universe and beyond and we will succeed. I know that. I know because there is a time flow of all of our ancient people into the present and into the future and I can see the lines into the future.
And I know that in the end we went, but some of the paths are involved in great death and great bondage and millennia of slavery, but we can bypass that together. We can do it.
The victory has already been given to us. The question is how painful is it going to be? Let me just say a bunch of this news. Sean Stone is a really smart guy. Can you imagine? He's like in over 100 movies. He's made more than a dozen films. He's been an international reporter, written a bunch of books, everything.
And that guy knows everybody. And a lot of stuff is off record, but I can tell you the same people that try to recruit him try to recruit me. And this is just real as a heart attack, ladies and gentlemen. This isn't a game.
And I think obviously everybody knows that, but this is very, very serious. And so everybody needs to just get still, spend an hour tonight or tomorrow morning whenever you're fresh and just really think about the universe.
Think about what God wants. And like you have a relationship with a man or a woman who you love, think about that just that relationship of really interfacing with them and think about that with God.
It's a personal relationship. And if you just put your feelers out there, God's there waiting and really wants you to be saved, saved from where the majority of people are going.
And that's a very, very sad thing.
All right, let's sub. Let's talk about this. You know, it's the oil companies that are coming out with the carbon tax, right?
I mean, I can talk for 20 hours about this, but the oil companies, not the wildcatters, not the small ones, but the big 10 or so.
It goes back to standard oil, their monopoly all over the world. They want control and they want power over energy. So why should they have the old policy of just all the energy you want at low prices?
They don't want that. They want a carbon tax, which is surveilled and tracked and controlled with all these electric cars, all new cars by 2026.
They're trying to pass regulations and laws. A bunch of the big automakers have already announced that. No more combustion engines, but the electricity comes in those cases from a carbon based system.
And so, you know, the main sponsors are of the carbon taxes, the whole movement. It's Dutch roll shell. It's British petroleum. It's Exxon.
That's who it is. It's the Saudis, because they're still going to sell you oil and they're still going to sell you coal, but at 10 times what it's worth.
And then burn coal and whatever for electricity, you're just going to pay a carbon tax on it.
And here's some of the headlines. Wall Street Journal today. Oil trade group, the oil companies, drafts carbon tax proposal that could raise prices at the pump.
They want a carbon tax and who's running it? The oil companies.
And it just goes on from there. Take about that.
Look at this article, Associated Press. Scientist mystified, mystified, wary as Africa avoids COVID disaster and has 96% less deaths of illnesses.
Because it's the vaccine that grows the spike protein and then sheds it. And they know that and the Africans may be poor on average, but they sure as hell know when the UN trucks pull up with the vaccine, everybody gets sick and starts dying.
But for 20 years in Africa, they run when they see the UN vehicles.
And by the way, they love the white medicine man 50, 60, 70 years ago. Those are real scientists, real doctors, helping them with malaria, helping them with diseases.
But suddenly the white medicine men, the Christian medicine men, they didn't bring life anymore. They brought death starting in about the 70s. So that's 40 years ago.
And so now the Africans run. They run.
And it's not because they're even superstitious. I mean, Africans, like any other group of Africans, protect love medicine men, love injections, love being given attention by the high priests in the white outfit.
Because they know when they get sick, they go to their medicine man, he gives them some herbs that make them better.
But if the black medicine man was giving them something made him sick, they would kill him.
What you do to a medicine man doesn't doesn't let you. Oh, you gave me something killed us. You're dead.
That'll fix medicine men real quick. But when the white medicine men show up, they run, run, they get out.
And they're not sick. And they're not dying because they already spent 40 years being injected with HIV in a globalist operation.
40 years.
That's the Associated Press.
We told you this a year ago.
Scientists mystify. They can go to India, go to Africa, where they beat the UN trucks that come with the shots with sticks.
Why would you do that? I mean, hell, if I've got strep throat, I want antibiotics.
I trust my local doctor. But see, when it's the UN, these people know not to trust them.
Because they know what happens when they take it.
Why are the Indians chasing down middlemen and the Gates employees and beating them with sticks?
Well, because they already had a bad experience. That's why they're not stupid.
More polio cases now caused by vaccines than by wild virus ABC News from Bill Gates.
So the scientists are mystified. There's a big, thick article. Gee, they don't know why the Africans aren't getting COVID and dying.
That's because the Africans took ivermectin, which they know is a miracle drug.
The Africans did not take the shot.
And that's all the evidence you need with friends or family or neighbors or anybody is.
Hey, the Africans didn't take the shot and they're not sick.
And I'm just like the Africans. If I go to a doctor and they treat me good, I go back to them.
But some doctor comes in my town, my village, my neighborhood, and a bunch of my family dies.
That doctor is a bad person. This ain't rocket science, folks.
But see, oh, we're too smart as Westerners. Oh, oh, you know, you're already pre-told.
Well, yeah, people are getting sick at nine, but it's not the shot. Just don't listen to that.
Or you might get ostracized. You might get attacked. You might get demonized. You might get ridiculed.
Well, that's a lot better than being dead, isn't it?
So we can take a cue from Africa and understand that they've been under two years of lockdown under IMF and World Bank rules to even get their basic funding.
You see, why do they take the money? Because they bought their leaders off 50 years ago, 100 years ago, depending on the country, and they own it through fraud.
And we're going under the same fraud of the IMF and World Bank. It's very dangerous.
Have a special guest joining us. I'll tell you about the guests when we come back on the other side of this break.
We have the money bomb going right now. I want to thank you all for your support, your donations. It's amazing.
Make straight-up donations at infowars2022.com or infowarsstore.com. That's really great, because we get the money, actually.
We have over 100 designs and t-shirts, a lot of which I never promoted or even pushed, that never even be seen, but just sit there in our warehouse.
We need to sell those shirts to fund the operation. But we'd already made some orders on future shirts coming in, but these are all limited editions.
So once these new shirts come in, we're going to sell those, and that's it for all these hundreds of designs forever.
We'll have limited editions one at a time in the future, and when they're gone, they're gone.
Well, here's the new limited edition shirt. All the other shirts are at cost to clear inventory.
This one is $24.95, really nice fabric. Alex Jones was right on the front with a big red lightning bolt on the back, infowars.com.
You talk about triggering, you talk about spreading the word, you talk about waking people up. Alex Jones was right.
Fundraiser shirt, we need the funds to operate. This is a limited edition shirt. We are going to sell a limited number of these, and then they are gone forever.
The back is really cool. infowarsstore.com. Alex Jones was right. It's $24.95, so we make like $19 or whatever to fund our operation on it.
It's a gorgeous shirt. We're really proud of it. Get a piece of history now at infowarsstore.com.
Or by calling toll-free, triple-eight, two-five, three-three, one-three-nine again. Be part of history, support free speech, be a maverick, be a rebel.
You can't do that in a better way than wearing an Alex Jones was right shirt with infowars.com, big on the back, available now for a limited time, infowarsstore.com.
I'm fighting the new World Order at Point Blank Range. We've had devastating victories in my life.
I put, thanks to you supporting us, a real dent in our operations. In fact, more than one dent, we have savaged them in a very, very hardcore way, thanks to you and us together.
They want to destroy me because of it because they're scared of it, so they should be.
I'll say I'll go on to the end no matter what happens, whether we win, lose, I collapse. I'm just telling you, I've got more victory left in me.
I'm long in the tooth now, folks. 48 in a 28-year war is like I'm 100, okay?
The enemy looks and goes, he looks tired. He looks hurt. Yeah, I look hurt. I've been stabbing your ass hard.
I've been fighting you. I've been, yeah, you bet I look bad because I've been putting my will against you for a long time.
I have set the fires. We have prepared the resistance. We have laid the way. You bet I'm hurt. You bet I'm screwed up now.
Ain't no going back now. I know my best days are still here to come, but I can't fight these people in the ring for you.
If you don't pray for me, and if you don't spread the word, if you don't buy our products, and I'm telling you,
I'm telling you, just as sure as the sun came up this morning, if you don't support us financially, we're going to implode very, very soon.
And the Globals are celebrating like chickens with their heads cut off. That's okay. That's what they do.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, no, no, no, I don't even know what this is. How's the skin there?
I just caught you, American. You visit a Band-Aid video, or Mark Zuckerberg and others angry at you.
Do what CNN says and do not visit Band-Aid video, or I have to hurt you.
I just caught you, American. You visit a Band-Aid video, or I have to hurt you.
You visit a Band-Aid video, or I have to hurt you.
I'm a fighter just like you, and I don't want to back down to these globalists.
And I need your support to do it, so it's really simple.
I don't like sitting up here, saying please buy my products and begging all day long, but we're not funded by the big globalists, the big money.
We're funded by viewers and listeners like you.
And we have great products that you need, like Brainforce Ultra and so many others that are on sale right now.
And we have this great new collectible gold ingot art piece that's amazing.
And I want to thank you all that have donated, but what I really love is a 360 win.
And so let me explain how this works.
I've got articles here in my stack. I was looking for them. The break, I can't find them.
But you can type it in where Amazon paid zero tax on $55 billion in profit.
Okay, well, I'm a middle class guy. I pay 40% tax and a little bit of money I ever saved for myself.
And there's nothing more frustrating to me than knowing we've got answers and knowing we've got ways to help our listeners that are so easy to do and to help us.
So I'm going to be point blank with you.
We're doing this money bomb because I got three or four of these rigged trials coming up.
It doesn't matter we're going to battle them all, appeal it, go on for years, whatever, but we got to do it.
It's the fight. It's ongoing.
But there's nothing more frustrating than knowing that Money Magazine and Forbes and others have done the studies where you go to 30 CPAs or lawyers, you get 30 different answers, or you go to 50 different answers.
When the code is so clear, how is Jeff Bezos paying no taxes? How are they doing all this?
Well, it's simple. The law is written for them and the average CPA or tax lawyer won't tell you.
And if we didn't know this stuff, we wouldn't even be on air right now.
So I have for listeners, whether you are a dump truck driver or whether you're a college professor or a police officer or a factory worker or a farmer or somebody that works in retail or whatever it is you do.
Or a psychologist, a doctor, whatever, that these average tax law firms you go to, which are better than CPAs on average, milk you in.
They got to do an analysis. They got to charge you a bunch of money to find out.
And then they give you answers, save a little bit of money.
Instead of knowing the code in your business and cutting right to the chase where it is just bam, cut through the BS and get it done.
So the money bomb we're doing will hopefully raise us funds to be able to buy products in the future to stay on air.
And I want to thank you all for doing that.
But if it wasn't for our relationship in the last few months, and I knew who these folks were before and friends and family that used them because they're highly rated.
When I approached them and turned out they were big listeners, this is 100% win-win for everybody except the globalist.
Because tax season is quote over, but that's just where the beginning starts.
If you just call Tyler Bennett and American Tax Solutions and the URL is JonesTaxForLeaf.com, takes you right through the site that we get credit sponsorship, JonesTaxForLeaf.com.
If you just do it, they have hundreds of services and they don't screw around and they sign their name legally onto it.
Instead of roping you along for six months and charging a bunch of money to finally give you the service that these other tax firms, and there's some other good ones as well, but most of them are, you know, milk you.
They just want to cut right to saving you money and right to getting paid and right to paying us to stay on air.
This is a perfect win-win symbiotic non-zero-sum game for a 361 as I coined at JonesTaxForLeaf.com.
Whether it's bookkeeping, business counseling, business entity selection, a state trust tax preparation, financial statements, IRS representation, payroll services,
retirement planning, sales tax services, tax preparation planning, tax levies and liens release.
Ooh, that's a big one. Wage garnishment release, end penalties and interest, tax negotiations settlement, getting the IRS to take off the lien on you, getting a passport, reduced IRS tax fee,
resolved back taxes, IRS audit defense, payroll tax negotiation, it's cut right to the chase and then their names put on it so you're protected and it's certified.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are insane if you are a working person or a business owner and you don't call Tyler Bennett and his teams in LA, Vegas and other cities,
hundreds of lawyers, hundreds of CPAs, hundreds of experts ready to cut directly to the chase.
And that is why out of everything we promote, I feel so good about this because I'll be honest with you.
Okay, these are really hot, these little fractional gold pieces in art, everybody's buying them, we're selling them lower than other folks do,
but still there's a big markup we need to find ourselves.
And I'm kind of like, well, it's a good thing and it's a piece of art, but you know, okay, I'll promote it if I need money and it's a good thing and people want to support us, they can.
That's great. With this, I literally just feel 100% like this is you must do it.
And then we wouldn't have met the payroll the last two months without Tyler Bennett. He came through, you came through, they've already saved you hundreds of millions of dollars.
It's been insane. So for all of you out there that hear him on or hear us talk about it, who don't call, they are so nice, they're so professional,
they will cut right to the chase and they will save you money and this is real service without the games and out the lawyer BS.
So jonescastleaf.com. Tyler, we're going to break in three minutes. I'm ranting here, but I know you've been basically overwhelmed.
You've gotten back with everybody. So we waited a week where we had you back on thousands of calls a day.
It's beautiful. What's happening because it's a win-win for everybody. What are you going to talk about with us today?
Well, it sure is Alex. And let me just say, I was about to say the same thing that you said tax season is over, but the real work begins now.
And what does that mean? It's audit season. And that means the war is on the war against who the globalists in their collection agency, the IRS,
because they want to get the most money as possible so they can fund things that they want like NATO, like the IMF and like the 800 million they gave to Ukraine yesterday,
because your taxes go towards the United States public policy, which as we all know in their 30 year plan is to make you as broke as possible.
Meanwhile, taking the money that you're losing to support global corporations that don't share your values such as Disney.
And so while this is going on, this is why it is more important than ever before to make sure you have a proper tax plan set up
and so that you're giving these people the least amount of money as possible because they will take everything they can.
And that's what it's really about. So now that tax season is over, listen, if you already filed your taxes, there might be ways that we can still lower your liability.
For next year, we need to make sure you're in the most effective tax plan as possible. And that really is going to come down to what you do, right?
And as you explained, nobody tells you what the elite do. One type of corporation cuts your taxes in half. Boom. One move.
That's absolutely correct. Since 2017, the C Corp, if you're making money, has been the best entity structure to be in.
It is the only flat tax rate in the country, which means when inflation is as high as it is, if you're in a graduated tax rate,
everybody else is, you, me, except corporations, that means we're paying more and more every year because of inflation.
However, the only flat tax rate in American income is the corporate tax rate at 21%. And that's what I would recommend to everybody,
even if you're on a W-2, you can take it.
And again, the system won't tell you this. Forbes, CNN Money, they won't tell you because they're using it. They're against you.
They want to bankrupt you. They're cutting off the pipelines. It's clowered and pivoted. Here's what's so frustrating, folks.
It's all in the law. It's so legal. You can do it. All you got to do is call up, give them your details, and they are going to literally...
And we need funds to stay on the air. The globalists are desperate to shut us down right now because everything we talked about is coming true.
And so they're scared. They want to silence us because people are listening.
Everything I've done over 28 years is now building towards this moment. Everything you've done is building towards this moment.
So please keep us on the air. Spread the word about M4. It's about the live show and about Vandana Video and buy products that are massively discounted at M4store.com right now.
Without you, we are screwed. With you, together we can win. Please support M4 Wars and join us for our Live Money Bomb Thursday through Saturday night at M4Wars.com.
To celebrate the confirmation of the next justice of the United States Supreme Court, Judge Katanji Brown Jackson.
The former gatekeeper has been installed in the Supreme Court. We've got subway demonic possessions. And we've reached a new illegal alien milestone.
That means it's time for another installment of Biden Season 2.
America is a nation that can be defined in a single word. I was at the foot of it.
Check out the new set in stage. No more fake windows.
This week's special guest is former President Barack Obama. And we play the game. Who is the President?
My name is Joe Biden. I'm Barack Obama's Vice President.
Vice President Biden. Vice President.
Biden still thinks he is now the Vice President. And that big mic was Obama's Vice President.
I'm deeply proud of the work she's doing as First Lady with Joining Forces Initiative. She started with Michelle Obama when she was Vice President and now carries on.
So let's hug it out and turn our attention to the border where we've hit another historical milestone.
We might have already hit it. A million people already crossed it as of January 1st.
That's right. And now that Biden isn't renewing Title 42, Sleepy Joe is going to crush the illegal immigration record.
And finally, President Brandon has listened to the calls from the nation's groomers at Disney.
You know, we only have a handful of queer leads in our content.
And as pledged to cram more trans, gay, and self-fueled leaders down your throat to teach your children about sex.
As a preschool teacher, a drag king, and as a member of the LGBTQ community.
And the research says that there is no age too young to talk about pretty much anything.
And even this idea that, like, it's, oh, it's, we can't talk about sex with kids.
It's like, first of all, we probably can. Our society is just, like, way too uptight about it.
Instead of teaching the social studies today, they just asked me a whole bunch of questions about being gay.
So I think it was pretty well. OK, room. OK, room.
And don't forget, if you're attacked by a demon-possessed subway rider in this administration,
don't defend yourself or we'll have to get the police involved.
Thanks for watching Biden's Season 2.
It's gonna be lit.
As a three-parent family of, like, LGBTQ people, we know there's a particular pain with growing up feeling different.
Oh, no, no, no. I don't even know what to say. How does he get here?
I just caught you, American. You visit a Band-Aid video.
Oh, Mark Zuckerberg and others angry at you.
Do what CNN says and do not visit Band-Aid video or I have to hurt you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Look, I get excited about freedom. Everybody knows that I'm a wild man.
But yeah, I mean, I'll be honest with you, I am so frustrated that the U.S. tax code is the most complex in the world
and it's written by the big banks and big corporations where they pay basically zero, like 2% on average.
A lot of them pay nothing.
And then you don't know that. I don't know that even for the average person.
And so it's two sets of books basically.
And the difference is when you have a law firm that cuts right to the chase because they already have the formulas.
They know who you are, what it is, and they just make quick decisions and off the basic facts,
then you save all this money and so many services and just the C Corp thing, all of it.
You should give them a call, tell them what you're doing, show them what's happening,
let them look at the info, they'll give you time, they don't rush into it, and then they'll give you their advice.
And it's just, it's like picking money off trees.
And with the inflation and all the problems, people need to save money.
And again, what's key to understand, I've been told this by top lawyers, top CPAs, U.S. senators, you name it, they laugh.
They go, yeah, it's all fiat money anyways. The taxes is social engineering.
They do the taxes to control you, folks.
Because they exempt themselves and then you get screwed and then they can outcompete you because of the fraud.
It'd be like if I was going to try to run a marathon, which obviously I couldn't do.
I could probably run two miles if I tried, but they tied like lead weights onto me, bowling balls on my legs.
I'm going to lose. And so this is something everybody needs to do, especially if you're a business person.
So Tyler Bennett of American Tax Solutions, jonestaxrelief.com takes you right there.
We get credit with sponsorship. We're getting great reviews from what you're doing.
That's why I sought you out and you were a listener and I was blown away, you and the rest of your crew.
Tell people about some of the services and now the tax season is so called over, why it's important to get ready and plan now.
That's right, Alex. So like I said before, now is more important than ever to make sure you're in the correct setup
because it's audit season and the IRS is ready to take your money and they've decided who to declare war on already, right?
So like I said before, since the 16th Amendment was passed in 1913, the IRS realized that they could pass public policy
legally under the radar through the tax code and the globalist elitist lobbies have, of course, been privy to that since day one.
Now, that's when you're talking about there's two completely different systems because the average person doesn't know about these things.
They don't teach it in school. They don't want you to be a part of their club.
And so that's what it comes down to. Now, just today, some of these policy things have been driving me crazy.
I found out this morning, a client called me and said, hey, I called the IRS and they are still taking my biometric data,
even though they said that they were not going to do that as of last month.
So watch out before the IRS takes your biometric data and gives you that global ID.
Okay, another huge one is traditionally the IRS has been targeting religious groups.
They have been targeting Christians for a long time.
Now they're targeting the crypto crowd.
And so if you're a part of that crowd, you need extra protection because the IRS is going to get you.
And even if you didn't do anything wrong, one of the other biggest policy changes is going to have the biggest effect on the middle class is
the Biden administration's attempt to close a tax gap by 1099ing all sources of income over $600.
That means if you sell a pair of shoes at a garage sale, you're going to get 1099 for it.
If you sell it on eBay, you're going to get a 1099 for it. It's your job to prove that it's not income.
This has created what we call orphan 1099s, meaning these 1099 show a massive amount of value on there, which isn't even true.
And if you're not in the right setup, then this could really come back to bite you.
Let me tell you some horror stories.
So I had a client who went around the world buying little trinkets on his little adventures here and there.
And then decided to sell them on eBay for $5, $10, not really making any money.
The same price he bought them for across the world.
He still got stuck with a fat 1099 that was claiming he had zero basis in anything, which is impossible.
The only way you can have zero basis if you got it as a gift.
And then we had to go back and rectify the whole thing because it's impossible not to have zero basis.
But the point is, if you don't have someone in your corner fighting for you to do this, they're just going to take your lunch
because they don't care about your rights.
Another example is Coinbase.
And this is for all my crypto people out there.
If you received a 1099 from Coinbase this year, then you know you didn't get a 1099B like any other brokerage account.
You got a 1099MISC, which means every dollar that flowed through that Coinbase account,
whether you made it or lost it, gets counted as income towards you.
And so that's obviously not the case.
We can fix that for you.
Give me a call.
And again, explain.
The average H&R block or the average tax lawyer, they know this, but they're just lazy following a computer program
because they don't want to defend this in court.
You guys sign on, you defend it.
But you don't have to defend it because you're following the law.
That's correct, Alex.
And so the thing about the big box technological tax companies is they don't even have any lawyers on their payroll.
Let's say you walk into your neighborhood H&R block.
They are a computer program.
They are much closer to Facebook and TikTok than they are to, let's say, a tax firm that helps you out
because the clerks there, and they're just clerks.
They're not attorneys.
They're not even enrolled agents.
What they do is all they know is how to input your data into their system.
And keep in mind, these are the giant technological companies that, of course, are in bed with the globalists.
And so do you want the globalists doing your taxes or do you want someone who's on your side?
We have the same beliefs.
We will fight for what you believe in.
Don't give your money to them.
Don't give your money to the globalists.
I mean, look, that's why I feel, I mean, out of everything we sell, I feel really good about like X2 and about turmeric.
Because I know about PQQ and stuff.
Because I know it totally works.
It's great.
I feel good promoting it.
But man, it's like having eyeballs versus being blind.
The whole system, they don't pay taxes.
And then the average lawyer or CPA won't tell you because they're left as jerk offs.
And then it's all right there.
Like how did Jeff Bezos make 55 billion profit to the news today and pay zero tax?
Well, because he's part of the elite and he's got all the rules.
Explain that to people.
So the way it works, Alex, is there is a cabal, as we all know, of the elites.
And so the very expensive tax attorneys that they use to make sure they can pay zero in taxes, they all belong to the same club.
And they don't want you part of your...
And they're all former Justice Department heads exactly.
It's a group.
And so if you're not part of that...
And with you, you're not going to get to that level where it's all certified by the Justice Department where you pay nothing.
You're just going to use the actual code and have people pay way less.
Right, because at the end of the day, there still is two systems.
The globalist system and the people system.
So is it fair to say like, here's the average person getting screwed down here at zero.
You're at about 50 and the Bezos system is totally tax free because you can't...
We don't get what they get, but you get a lot of what they get.
We can get almost all of what they can get.
The reason we can't get all of it is a true system like that where you're going to pay nothing in taxes is pay to play.
Pay somebody...
It's former Justice Department attorney generals are the ones that run those firms.
Exactly, exactly.
And you know you're not going to be able to just...
That's the kind of law firm that you can't even just become a client of.
They have to vet you and decide that they want you to be part of their club.
I want you part of my club.
Give me a call.
I will help you out.
We got to stop these globalists and we don't want...
Exactly, because we're being really accurate here, Tyler.
The general CPA lawyer screws you and is lazy and follows the computer program.
You're like 90% above that.
You're as good as it gets legally and lawfully before you literally have like former Justice Department heads.
I mean, because to pay zero tax, you got to have them.
But with you, and again, it doesn't run the country, folks.
You're not paying taxes and the little kids don't get their food.
It's all li, it's all fiat, it's all social control.
Remember the IRS Bill of Rights, which they won't tell you,
because you have an obligation to not pay a penny more than you owe in taxes.
And so, of course, pay what you owe, but do not use your additional money,
which you could spend on things that you like and support instead of the IMF.
Tyler, stay there, but I'm just being...
Because I've studied it like you have.
You're a lawyer.
I've just studied it.
We're just being honest.
There's the public getting screwed, really good tax lawyers that sign on and protect you,
and then the New World Order pays no tax.
We're just saying, don't you want to be almost up there legally and lawfully?
I mean, hey, jonestaxrelief.com.
You, folks, folks, on my soul, you are insane if you don't do this.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
They hope you don't do it.
jonestaxrelief.com or 833-904-285.
Let's go, then.
Let's go.
You design t-shirts all the time, and then you don't promote most of them,
so we have 60,000 t-shirts.
Well, they're down to 40,000.
The last two weeks, great job, listeners.
We got to sell the rest of those 40,000.
We're never going to remake them again.
They're limited edition.
Some are amazing.
Some are okay.
The point is, they're my designs.
Over 100 of them.
But then I'll walk in this morning and go, what are all these new t-shirts they go?
Well, you decided to get rid of the t-shirts two weeks ago.
We've got four more designs coming in before this is over.
Remember this one?
Alex Jones is right.
Alex Jones was right.
With a big red thunderbolt, Alex Jones is right.
It's a beautiful shirt.
In FullWorx.com, look back.
I thought, oh, yeah, that's the one I was going to order for a fundraiser to stay on air.
They go, exactly.
So all the other shirts, including the new ones that just came in,
their Let's Go brand new shirts, you name it,
three new designs came in this week.
They are all at cost.
So the shirt costs us $5.
It's $5.
It costs us $10.
This shirt costs us like $8.
It's got good printing and a nice fabric.
But it is being sold with a markup to funding operation as a fundraiser.
And I need the funds to stay on air.
And I thank you for your support.
I respect you.
And I appreciate you.
So get this most triggering shirt you can get to really wake up leftists and others,
and to meet like-minded friends and others that are awake.
Alex Jones was right on the front.
Big red thunderbolt on the back.
In FullWorx.com.
It's a very handsome shirt.
Great for men.
Great for women.
Really looks great.
And it's available right now exclusively as a fundraiser shirt for $24.95.
And we need these funds to stay on air.
So we're going to run this shirt for a month.
And then we're not going to reorder it.
We're not going to keep imagery around.
It's a limited edition historical shirt.
Alex Jones was right.
Fundraiser shirt.
In FullWorx.com.
Or in FullWorx.com takes you directly to the sub page that has all the t-shirts.
And a bunch of the designs.
Some are 20 years old.
We did print them 20 years ago, but I've been selling them 20 years.
A lot of those are sold out forever.
Every shirt we're offering.
The Liberty Your Death shirt that Christy Lee's wearing right there.
Or the shirt that she's wearing right there.
Rest Fauci.
All of those are limited edition.
And once they're gone, they are gone forever.
The classic come and take it shirt.
Women's shirt.
When it's gone, it's gone.
In FullWorx.com or AAA-253-3139.
You've got the come and vax me shirt.
You've got the vaccine passport.
You have people the bird shirt.
We have over 100 shirts like the new ones.
Let's go brand and see that new color one with him.
The 1776 long sleeve shirt.
It's all there at cost.
In FullWorx.com or AAA-253-3139.
But whatever you do, continue to spread the word because we're changing the world together.
The limited edition.
Alex Jones's right shirt now available at in FullWorx.com.
Keep us on the show.
It's being sold at a premium to fund us.
Everything else is at cost.
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
Though the streets are swollen
Keep them go, he's Rollin' Rollin'
The rain and wind and weather
Hell bent for leather
Wishin' my gal was by my side
All the things I missin'
Good bills lovin'
Kissin' my wedding at the end of my life
Show again.
Come on.
Opportunity is always there.
And it just, everything I do is about showing the magician's trick.
Everything we do is about breaking down how things really work.
It was about five years ago.
We didn't have money to fund the operation.
And I went with several tax lawyers and found folks and saved all this money.
And I found Tyler Bennett and saved him more money.
And that's what I'm saying.
In this rig system, if you don't protect yourself, you're insane.
And you work all day.
You go to a job.
You run a company.
You do this.
And then you don't study the tax code.
They're laughing at you.
JonesTaxRelief.com or 833-900-4285.
Give them a call.
They'll work with you.
They will knock it out of the park for you.
I mean, up to 90% savings, folks, with a law firm signifying it, signing off on it.
Tax extensions, planning, everything.
833-900-4285 or JonesTaxRelief.com, American Tax Solutions.
So, Tyler Bennett, I could ask a lot of questions here.
But talk to the listeners if you can.
I know you've got a lot of stuff you want to cover.
But humor me about how the process works when I give your CPAs or lawyers a call,
how that works when it comes in, and how you guys deliver stuff so fast.
So, Alex, what it comes down to with a tax plan is we have to know what your individual situation is.
And the thing is, is we've been around long enough that you're not the first person to come to us with your situation.
However, everyone's situation is still unique.
And what that means is there's no one size fits all.
There's no hat that we can put on everyone, and it's going to solve your problems.
We need to know exactly what your individual situation is, and then that's how we can do it.
For example, a lot of people are scared that the U.S. dollars being devalued, inflation,
they don't trust the stock market, but they don't want to take a huge capital gains hit.
Well, this is one way that we're able to save our clients money.
There are what's known as economic opportunity zones in the United States,
that these kinds of funds and assets have really been only accessible by the elites
because they're large private equity.
You've got to have millions, billions of dollars to invest in these things.
Yeah, they write the laws for them, and you tell people the trick.
It's really...
So, we know the trick.
So, if you want to get out of the market, if you want to get out of the market and invest in an EOSZ,
an Economic Opportunity Zone, which is real estate basically,
which is what you invest in when you don't trust the market,
give me a call, we can get you out of crypto, we can get you out of your stocks and get you into something.
And let me give you an example.
Our offices in Austin is the hottest economic zone in the country.
You can't even get into it now. It's so hot.
No, you can't. You can't.
We have a way into it, but normally the elitists prevent anybody less than their class
from getting into these things because the tax benefits are so amazing.
I can take a million dollars of capital gains, reinvest it in the EOSZ,
and I don't pay any of that capital gains until I take it out.
If I leave it in for 10 years, it's tax-free.
So, that's an incredible option that was not available to the regular people before.
That's the Achilles heel of the globalists. They write loopholes for themselves,
and they hope all day nobody takes advantage of those but us.
I mean, but them, and they're hoping we don't take advantage of it.
Right. But see, it's only a matter of time before we learn how to do it and do it as well.
And so, that's one big thing. I know a lot of people are worried about the collapse of the U.S. dollar.
Well, if you're worried about that, give us a call. We can take care of you there,
and you won't have to pay capital gains. Another thing is entities, right?
Entities are very important. There is LLCs. Let me tell you why an LLC is no good.
An LLC provides zero tax benefit to you that you couldn't do as a sole proprietor.
If you want a tax benefit from an entity, you need either an S corporation or a C corporation.
And what that's going to come down to is how much revenue you're making a year,
which one I would recommend you go in, 100 grand or so,
S, more than that, absolutely a C. And here's why.
S corporation allows you to bifurcate your income with what's called a reasonable salary,
and you won't pay a self-employment tax on the other half of your income.
So, you can effectively save 7.5% with an S corp.
Now, with a C corp, it's a flat tax rate. You're only paying 21%,
because even that S corp is graduated up to 37% at the end of the day with your personal tax rates.
So, C corps are amazing. Let me give you another example,
because I bet down on Lake Travis, you know a lot of people that fish
and really enjoy doing it, and fishing is expensive and all that.
So, unless you're making money, we know the hobby rules affect individuals, LLCs,
any kind of flow through entity, meaning if you're not making money 3 out of 5 years,
they're going to disallow your losses, right?
But the thing is, the C corp, which only pays 21% in taxes, does not have hobby loss rules.
If you make your fishing business a C corp, you can lose money every single year,
and it's valid. If you did that as an individual, they would shut you down,
audit you, and you'd owe a lot of money.
And so, you just have to know these things.
And, of course...
Yeah, because the average person doesn't know in a company like that,
you can take draws that are a loss, and then, yeah.
And with a C corp, there's so many things that you can do that you,
as the layperson, just wouldn't...
So, basically, this is like trying to fix an engine
if you don't have the owner's manual and a mechanic's manual.
I mean, even a mechanic couldn't do that.
So, literally, you're just like, here's the mechanics, here's the blueprint,
here's how you even play the game.
And with you guys, it's so simple, it's not hard.
You guys look at it, you do it, you certify it, boom, it's done.
Because the thing that you have to keep in mind is the thing with most CPA firms,
CPAs, by their nature, are risk-adverse.
It's not necessarily a bad thing, but here's where it comes back to bite you,
is they're not going to use those loopholes and everything they can think of
to make sure you're paying the least amount of tax as possible.
They just want to make sure their ass is covered, not yours.
Yeah, they don't want to get called in court, they don't want to defend it,
whereas you are ready to...
How do you guys do that with your huge firms across the country?
Because you certify this, you stand in defense of this.
And that's what's really valuable.
You're not just giving somebody advice and just shoving them out there.
If we sign your return, we stand behind it,
and we're not going to sign anything that's going to get audited, first of all.
Listen, there's always a 0.5% chance of getting audited to anyone's roll of the dice,
but that chance raises a heck of a lot if you fit into one or two groups,
which is either you made too much money or you didn't make enough money.
And so we know those thresholds, it doesn't matter how much money you ask.
And they know when they see your name on there that you're not playing games.
Oh, that's right, because we put our letters behind our names.
They didn't say Tyler Bennett, it says Tyler Bennett, JDEA.
So they know they're messing with someone with a law degree, they're going to move it up to legal.
It's just incredible how they screw the American people.
We should have a fair tax system, it's very easy to understand.
We didn't do this, we're not for this, but you should take advantage of it.
Right, absolutely, because the deep state is going to do everything it can to get the most amount of money out of you as possible.
And remember, the IRS is an executive agency, which means Biden is in control of it.
And we still have three years of Biden left.
So inflation at 8.5% and rising, what this means is this is a hard concept to understand.
So let me try to make it as simple as possible.
Let's say you save $10,000 this year to pay your taxes next year.
Well, because the rate of inflation is higher than the index rate of taxes,
your $10,000 effectively becomes $8,500 and you're going to owe another $15 at the end of the tax year.
So because that's the case and you're in a graduated individual tax rate,
the only way to beat this problem is to be in a flat tax rate.
There's only one flat tax rate in the country and that's a C corporation.
And can an average, who can get into one of those then?
I guess people call you can explain it.
Here's the thing, Alex.
There is no restrictions as to who can, you know, you literally buy one from the state you live in
or any other state that has better taxable consequences.
For example, Wyoming, Florida, Texas, Nevada are very popular states
even for people who live in California because the taxes here are so high.
But anybody can do it. What is crucial is implementation because let's say I'm on a W2 even,
which as we all know, that means I don't get to take any deductions.
But if I have a business, a side hustle, a corporation on the side that's making money, losing money,
well, now I can write off some of my income taxes.
So that's the key. You guys handle it and then people save massive money.
That's right. So whether you're on a W2, whether you're on a 1099, we can save you money
because the name of the game is you have to do what the globalists do to save money,
which is, hey, listen, you know, there's some really, really, really highly paid W2s out there who are globalists.
You think they're paying taxes on that? No, they got side hustles to write off all that income against.
So let's explain this. You fund them for wars. You save money. We all win. It's simple, folks.
Take advantage of it here during the money bomb.
Don't taxrelief.com or 833-904-285. Don't wait. Call them. Get a consultation or you're missing out.
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All right, coming up we've got some big breaking news on a bunch of fronts.
And then J. Dyer takes over. Then Owen Schroder and others. I'll be back tonight.
7 to 9 p.m. during this special emergency broadcast.
But Tyler Bennett, the great work you're doing over at American Tax Relief,
which people should link through to at jonestaxrelief.com, is just so important.
What else should listeners and viewers know?
Because literally you work all day and you get these checks.
Anybody out there could know these loopholes and do amazing things.
It's just so sad that millions of people are listening right now and only thousands are going to call you.
Everybody should call you.
That's right, Alex, because here's another issue that most people don't even think about,
but it affects everyone. And that's the states and state taxes.
Now of course there is six states out there that don't have any income tax,
but that doesn't mean you're not getting tax. You're getting tax and sales tax other ways, et cetera.
And they are extremely powerful and extremely hungry.
For example, right? So Disney is such a powerful corporation.
It's globalist, but the state of Florida, when Disney didn't want to go along with the Florida state law,
they're going to take down and eliminate their special tax status.
So the thing is, and they've had that since the 50s, the state can do whatever they want to whoever they want.
Disney thought they were tough and now they're going to face the consequences.
Another interesting thing about that is, well, now there's almost a billion-dollar deficit that this is going to create in Florida.
Well, somebody's going to pay for that and it's going to be the Florida citizens.
So that's an interesting thing. On the other side of things, if you owe the state money,
especially a state that doesn't have an income tax because they have an extra chip on their shoulder for not charging income tax,
they're going to come after you with a vengeance.
And long before the IRS decides to levy collection activity against you, the state will already have done it.
And so the state shoots first and asks questions later.
So if you get contacted by the state, you need to give us a call right now because that call might be literally the 12-hour notice
before they take everything out of your bank account or put the close sign on your business.
So we don't want that to happen.
If you know you're in any kind of state trouble, it could be give us a call because we can prevent that.
Because like I said before, you have a taxpayer bill of rights.
The state is once removed from the IRS even and they will absolutely violate your rights.
We see it time and time again.
And here's something that happens is if you don't file, and this is why I recommend everyone file,
if you don't owe taxes because what we see here in California and other states is the state itself,
if you don't file a return, but let's say you're making a mortgage payment or something,
they'll say, hey, you must have had income to make this payment, which of course isn't true.
And they will assess you a large amount of money based on that.
And the way around that is for your constitutional scholars out there, look up the word field preemption.
So what it means is when the federal government controls an entire field of a subject, for example, taxation,
that means at the end of the day, they're the ones in control.
There are certain substantive things that the states can change, but they just can't claim that you owe money
if there's nothing reported to the IRS.
So if that's ever happened, you give me a call, we'll eliminate that liability from the state completely
because you don't owe it.
The state just makes things up because they can get away with it and they're that hungry for money
because they can't print money off like the feds.
Exactly. The state's a lot of times it works the feds. We need to be clear.
They're violating your rights.
There's experts can block it immediately. So it's like fighting blind, but with American tax solutions,
people are not blind anymore.
People can go to you directly and give us support at JonesTaxRelief.com, keep some broadcast on air,
funds the listeners, funds you a 360 win, JonesTaxRelief.com.
Tyler Bennett, I want to thank you for being in studio with us a few weeks ago and with the work you've already done.
And thanks for keeping us on air and helping our listeners.
I cannot think of a better match made in heaven where everybody wins except the globalists.
Absolutely, Alex. This has been great.
I love helping the audience of the Info Wars Nation because here's the thing.
You guys, us, we have the same value alignment, right?
And the thing is, is why should you give your money, your hard earned money to the people that hate you
that are trying to hold you down?
I don't hate you. I want to build you up.
And so does Info Wars and all of your nation. And that's what it's about.
So, you know, keep the money inside.
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Destroy that brain pump today and secure your bottle of Brain Force Ultra before it is completely sold out at InfoWarsStore.com.
Jay Dyer is about to take over.
And Owen Troyer in about 55 minutes.
And I'll be back tonight at 7 to 9 p.m. Central taking your phone calls and covering so much important information.
Man, some of the reports on InfoWars are just incredible.
So much gold when it comes to exposing the system is there. The only way it gets out there is if you promote it and you push it.
Alex Jones broke the groomer scandal in 2008.
We're going to play that clip in a moment.
In France, an elderly woman brutally attacked while feeding birds in the park.
We've got there playing hardball, fed subpoena hunter-bidens, paternity docs, including tax records.
Horrific fentanyl turning homeless into mindless zombies.
That's another report.
IMF director, we didn't think through the consequences of printing too much money.
You really believe that?
That's some of the articles at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
But Jay Dyer is an expert on the globalists. He's about to take over here in a few minutes, but I wanted to air this report because the globalists cannot get away with what they're doing if we're conscious and if we're awake.
And the fact that we've had these groomers coming after our children for so long is paramount.
And the question is, why are they coming after our children?
Separately, if I could plug one time a day and find our operation, I would do it.
I don't want to sit up here in a four-hour show and spend 30 minutes asking for support, but the consequences of me not doing that is a shutting down.
So thank you for supporting IMFoWars.com.
Thank you for spreading the word of the broadcast because for all our problems, this is the tip of the spear.
This is the most effective resistance in the world against this tyranny.
So thank you all so much for your support. I really appreciate you.
So here is your truly breaking down the groomer scandal in 2008 that Jay Dyer, best selling author, researcher, takes over.
They teach the children in the U.S. and England how to not just have gay sex when they're six, seven years old,
but how to do things like inserting giant, dangerous implements in themselves.
Texas Youth Commission, giant rapariums, public raparariums, it just hell has been released.
You know, I may not even cover this.
Just know what's going on in British and U.S. and European schools.
Know that B.F. Skinner tortured his son to death over several years in a small box and is hailed for it.
And know that you've got to get evil people to run a criminal government.
And so a lot of their frontline people and a lot of their technocrats and even horrible people are part of pedophile guilds.
And so what they're doing is they're legitimizing that parents can't talk to their children, can't drive their children off in England with a towel
without being government registered to touch their child.
So see, they make everybody else a pedophile for no reason.
And then they teach the children in the U.S. and England how to not just have gay sex when they're six, seven years old,
but how to do things like inserting giant, dangerous implements in themselves.
And I can't even, I mean, there's recordings of what in Massachusetts they teach elementary school students that I actually played on air
about ten years ago and a few affiliates dropped us.
I mean, it was small children brought to a college dormitory and put in beds.
And then the school taught them how to have sex with each other.
Whether it's heterosexual, homosexual, whatever, it shouldn't be going on and it's wrong.
But I have to say it is the quote, gays that are pushing homosexual sex.
And so it seems that because that's a protected group, they're allowed to engage in pedophilia.
We're going to go live right now. Here we go.
On screen, I'm holding up an article that reads,
Teach the pleasure of gay sex to children as young as five, say researchers. This, and this is going on in the U.S., this is going on in England.
I covered this a decade ago and I can't even really read this on air, even though it's out of a major newspaper.
It's homophobic to say you shouldn't teach children as young as five that it's wonderful to have gay sex.
If you teach them heterosexual sex, that's pedophilia, but because they're a protected group, they do teach this.
And it's pedophilia and it's wrong and just got help us, just got help us.
Children as young as five should be taught to understand the pleasures of gay sex, according to leaders of a taxpayer funded education project.
And it goes in to say that millions of dollars, 600,000 pounds, just in one program is being taught in 14 primary schools.
The parents are told it's part of a stop bullying and prejudice aimed at homosexuals.
And then in it, five-year-olds that have never even heard of sex who are totally innocent have their minds ruined.
And again, I mentioned earlier, the feds in this country in England started suicide education in 1990.
And then every school that did it saw suicide start and they teach the little girls,
so you don't do this will show you how you strangle yourself or how you eat three bottles of Tylenol.
Did you know girls kill themselves by going and getting all these different bottles of cold medicines, then it will kill you.
But it's painless, you go to sleep.
Now we're going to show you the basketball diaries of mass shootings in schools.
And then boom, it all starts.
They know.
And so, oh, let us teach you how to fist each other.
And that's in here.
How to bleed, how pleasurable it is.
Let us teach you how to do this.
And then if you say, I don't want that, you are arrested.
Because to say you're against it is, I'm not kidding, just type, Prejudice Rage England, Robin Page, BBC presenter,
said that rural communities deserve the same rights as homosexuals.
And that word homosexual is illegal.
If they choose, they have special social networks, social services boards.
This is not a joke.
This is not satire if you're watching this.
This is happening.
So they just destroy the innocence of these children.
And this is part of the recruiting.
And the eugenicists cold bloodedly do this so people don't have children, appropriation.
This is about, and then they say this in the 20s, we're going to teach this in schools so people don't have children anymore.
And so now they're targeting your children for over a decade.
And, you know, they're going to corrupt your children.
You put them in a government training camp, you're out of your mind.
But I'm against heterosexual or homosexual indoctrination of five year olds, 12 year olds, 10 year olds.
But I mean, this is five year olds.
And God almighty folks, we've played the tapes from the classrooms where they bust the seven, eight, nine year olds to college dorms
and put them in beds together and then they teach them and have, you know, it's, it's open pedophilia.
It's now legal in the country.
Selectively, the only government can practice open pedophilia.
That's why you've had so many Homeland Security state directors, deputy directors caught because the whole government isn't bad.
All the police aren't bad.
All the military isn't bad.
The whole system isn't corrupt yet.
So they keep busting their own people.
Texas Youth Commission, giant raparams, public rape, raparariums.
I'm going to turn, I mean, literally, it's just, it's just hell has been released.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you've got one.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
A prominent American journalist has been found guilty with no evidence of a crime.
He is not allowed to speak at his own trial and has been explicitly denied the First Amendment.
His crime is questioning the suspect narrative being spun by a corrupt federal government.
In other words, exercising his First Amendment rights in their most potent form.
One would think that a country who claims to care about free speech would find this newsworthy.
The guy even named his company Free Speech Systems back when he was just starting out.
But they don't care.
Instead, they cheer on a quirky billionaire to make Twitter equally volatile for everyone.
As if that's where the Bill of Rights reside.
What's happening to Alex Jones is much bigger than Alex.
It truly is the state versus free speech.
But as dire as things are, what I love most about working on Alex's platform is the community.
Alex, the whole info war is true and our vigilant audience.
We understand the importance of individual freedom and inalienable rights.
For many of us, they are worth dying for.
Millions of Americans are waking up to the dangers of their own authoritarian government.
Millions of us now stand fast with eyes wide open to the impending dangers of a lawless regime.
Love will break their dark mind control spells.
And thank God there is enough love for us all.
God bless us all.
And thank you for your support.
And getting immune dysregulation or underreactive immune system
and dying from stuff that they shouldn't be dying from like a cold or Omicron.
And so I saw there was a need to, you know, that the law allows me to say
create a nutritional supplement and immune booster that may help people.
And so ZDTOPs contains NAC and the seal assisting.
This stuff stops blood clots.
Everything I'm saying is peer reviewed, NIH on the NIH server and so on.
So NAC stops blood clots.
And if someone's at risk of blood clots for whatever reason, that's a good thing.
And also one of the problems I've seen lately with some unknown reasons
is people's immune systems are getting destroyed.
And so using EGCG, which is a green tea extract together with higher doses of zinc,
mitigates the risk of getting certain viruses like new further future strains of COVID
or influenza virus or RSV virus or even got some bit Marburg virus,
which is a potential emerging viral terrorist threat.
They're all oxygen-stranded RNA viruses.
So by inhibiting the common pathway or viruses to replicate these viruses,
that is a very good thing for people who have damaged immune system.
I'm trying to detox people from a toxic world.
You can read between the lines.
And so it was born out of need.
I can't stand having people die from blood clots, 20-year-old dying from blood clots.
We love you. We appreciate you. ZDTalksLive.com.
Thank you so much. Look forward to talking to you soon.
God bless you, Alex.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on your guest host, Jay Dyer.
And of the Rockfin Channel, Jay Dyer.
I want to talk about how we got to where we are through the research and development test lab known as war.
Everybody knows about war as a battlefield, a theater in which one side wants to beat the other side.
But from the technocratic perspective, war is an excellent domain, an excellent arena
to do a lot of testing, experimentation, research, and development.
And certain previous conflicts and wars are very insightful in that regard.
We can look at things like Vietnam. We can look at different theaters of war like Iraq and like Afghanistan
to see how certain technologies are rolled out that later in our day are now being applied to everyone.
So if you look at, for example, first of all, I want to see why this is.
How does this come about? Who would have ever thought of this?
Well, war, as we said, is a time when normal laws and procedures, which themselves are usually overbearing and over the top,
they become extenuating and crazy due to setting aside the normal procedure.
So crisis and wartime allow for those in power, the social engineers, to say,
oh, well, you see now we have to do extraordinary measures because of this emergency.
And we've seen this, especially in the last two years.
And we've always been told, everybody's heard this warning that if you,
the more power that you give to the centralized government, the centralized authority,
especially during times of crisis, they're never going to give that up.
It's not like after the crisis abates, oh, OK, now we're going to hand over all that power back to you.
No, no, no, it's never going away.
And it always increases more and more towards a centralized technocratic authority in our day,
because that is the long-term goal, a total centralized AI, technocratic authority,
where everything is under transhumanist AI control,
depopulation is the long-term goal, and then the getting rid of the human species as a whole.
But there were many theaters of war that were crucial for gaining the knowledge,
gaining the intelligence, gaining the strategies to later implement on a mass,
on a national and then a mass scale.
But who was behind that?
Well, one easy way that we can understand this is to look at the 1950s Rease Committee reports.
So the Rease Committee was this committee that met back in the 50s,
as a Cold War was kind of getting heated up early 50s,
to understand why it looked like there was a lot of liberalism and socialism being promoted in the United States,
and particularly it was coming from high-level academic institutions, Ivy League institutions.
And the Rease Committee turned out to kind of be somewhat of a failure,
because Norman Dodd later who was involved in this said,
no, we need to go deeper into this.
And so he went deeper, it was called the Dodd Report, and he was a famous former banker.
So he kind of knew the layout of this land, this strategy.
And what he found was that, no, actually there is a subversive element involving the Ford Foundation,
Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, and particularly the way that they would allocate money
at Columbia, Harvard, University of Chicago, University of California.
And he said, back then, it appeared to be the promotion of oligarchical collectivism.
Quote, he stated, the purported deterioration and scholarship and the techniques of teaching,
which led to attract the attention of the American public,
have apparently been caused primarily by premature effort to reduce our maker knowledge
of social phenomenon to the level of an applied science.
In other words, they were beginning to use scientism as a worldview, as a technique,
materialism, reductionism, they were all being placed under this new approach,
which we're going to get to in a minute, coming out of some of the wartime theaters
and research and development information.
So Dodd said, wait a minute, there's a promotion of moral relativism.
You've heard me talking about this a lot, right?
Why are we getting from the elite the promotion of ethical relativism, moral relativism,
subjectivism, a thing that I've harped on for decades,
now 20 years of critiquing and doing an internal critique of the relativist worldview.
Well, that was actually promoted from the top down.
This wasn't a organic development of people coming to the conclusion
that there's no such thing as objective truth.
There's no such thing as objective morals.
It was actually promoted from the top down.
And the Reese committee, aka the Dodd report, found this.
Wait a minute.
Why are they promoting the notion of a global village, internationalism,
and moral relativism?
Because the two go together.
Well, some of the big top elites, people at the, for example, Carl Popper,
who was part of the high level society of the elites that are this mentioned
in some of the writings, he had this philosophy of promoting relativism,
promoting open society.
Hence the term open society Institute, the Soros Foundation is taken from
one of these global elite philosophers who intentionally want to promote
internationalism and moral relativism.
The committee noticed that this moral relativism has the intention of social control.
And what was amazing was that this is right around the time of Joseph McCarthy.
And of course, McCarthy at that time early on was thinking,
well, this is all Soviet communism.
But that's the only part of the picture.
It wasn't really Soviet communism.
I'm not saying that communists didn't engage in foreign, you know,
social engineering efforts and intelligence operations and espionage.
But it was not really the communists behind that.
In fact, who did Norman Dodd identify as the real culprits here?
And who does Dr. Carol Quigley agree with Norman Dodd identify as the corporates?
The Institute for Pacific Relations, which is a Rockefeller entity.
And he notes that they were promoting complete socialism and collectivism.
So unfortunately, many people at that time, many conservatives, many paleoconservatives,
they thought that they were still engaging with this foreign subversive element in Moscow.
And that was really not the case.
I'm not saying that Moscow and Soviet communism was a good thing.
But that wasn't really who was altering the American landscape.
Everybody's seen probably Yuri Bezmanov's videos, right?
And I'm not knocking everything that Yuri Bezmanov says.
Some of what he says about the strategies of moral subversion and whatnot are true.
But what Yuri Bezmanov doesn't talk about is who was really putting the money into this.
It wasn't Khrushchev and it wasn't Moscow.
The money was coming from higher level people that Norman Dodd identified.
And then Joseph McCarthy started realizing, hey, wait a minute, it's not actually communist.
It's the wealthiest people in the West.
And this is what nobody was ever able to figure out, especially during the older generation,
especially the boomers.
I'm not knocking boomers, but for some reason there was a big difficulty.
I think they were so indoctrinated during that Cold War period as to not understand
that the socialism and the collectivism and the communism being promoted in America,
the moral relativism, was coming from super wealthy elitists from the West,
putting countless amounts of money into that.
And when you go and you read David Rockefeller's memoirs,
or you read the authorized biography of the Rockefeller by Collier and Horowitz,
it says exactly that.
Those books from the establishment say that the liberalism and socialism
that are promoted in America come from these families and these foundations.
It is not primarily a foreign export to the West.
It is the elites of the West who export this to other countries,
just like Marx and Ingalls were funded by Western banking elite
to export that technology of destruction, that ideological warfare to Russia via Bolshevism.
So you have to keep in mind that communism and socialism are a rich man's game,
a millionaire, a zillionaire, a billionaire game.
That's who loves it more than anybody else.
So don't go anywhere when you come back and look at this technology of warfare research and development.
I wanted to spend just a few minutes with the listeners who are the best people on Earth.
I think the listeners and viewers of this broadcast objectively have supported and have amplified
and who have prayed for this broadcast that you are the most effective best people in the world.
The point is that we're not funded by the globalists, we're funded by listeners and viewers like you,
and we're doing more important work than we have ever done on air at this point.
And the world is listening, and the world is watching,
and we're taking on the corrupt power structure and we're in their face.
So when I say I admire this audience of activists,
when I say you're the best people, it's not some fake globalist worshiping each other.
Because all that's just talk with you and I, I really mean it. I mean, you folks are awesome.
And I appreciate your support because you're supporting yourself while you do that.
And I just want to stay in this fight. And the fact that you keep me in this fight,
I love you only second to God and my children.
You're right there. It's like God's right here, my children are right there, family.
That's when you walk up and thank me in the street, I just go,
okay, stop, stop, because we're, it's like me looking in the mirror thinking myself,
we are in this together.
So I want to encourage all the viewers, all the listeners to be part of history
and to get t-shirts and books and films and amazing supplements and products
at infowarstore.com, because that's where you get great products that edify you,
make your life better and healthier, and that's where you fund the Info War, a 360 win.
Infowarstore.com or triple eight, two, five, three, three, one, three, nine.
We're entering the thick of the battle right now and things are so intense,
but as bad as the attacks are, the successes are even way bigger.
So I understand that's how this alchemy works and I understand no pain, no gain,
but I am willing to go through the pain. I just need you to carry us to the next level.
So thank you for your financial support while you get great products at infowarstore.com.
Doug in Connecticut, go ahead.
Hey, brother, how are you?
I'm good, brother.
Listen, I just wanted to let you know I'm not looking for a thing out of it,
but I'm absolutely positive that some years ago, I'm the one that started the Alex Jones
was right slogan on the YouTube.
It was probably you, brother. Tell us how you did it.
Well, I've been a retired cop for eight years.
My wife's a teacher and she'd come home exhausted every day.
I'm going to stay at home dad and I'd be like, man, you wouldn't believe what Alex covered today
and she thought I was nuts until the election was stolen
and then it was like somebody gave her smelling sauce. Boom, she woke up.
So I would tell her, I'm like, you know what, this dude's got the hand of God on him for sure.
And in all the chat rooms you or I or your fans would watch,
my name on YouTube is the electric guy with the Judas Priest album covered on there.
I put up two lightning bolts in an eyeball and I type it in all caps.
Alex Jones was right and I have a team hammer in it and sure enough, there it is
and that's freaking awesome and I'm glad I was able to help contribute to it.
Brother, I believe you. That's the magic of it.
And I'm not just right. The people are always right because we love God.
Where do you think this world's going, brother?
Man, I started reading the Bible this year.
I'm in the lamentations of Jeremiah right now and I don't know if God's going to save us one more time
but I encourage everybody to read the Bible to me. That's our human history
and it's just repetitive. God gives you the great earth and the animals and this and that
and people go against them, worship, false idols, do evil things and then he swams you
and he's going to test you with Satan just like Job.
Everybody should be reading the book of Job. You're going to get slaughtered.
I know I have. I know you are. We all are now.
We're being tested and you've got to keep your faith in God and keep going forward
and if someday we witness the end of the earth, we go up, they go down.
You know, that's why I don't know. It's 50-50 where we're going to go
while we're going to go out fighting and Trump and DeSantis and you and I
and everybody else that's fighting a good fight will be remembered as the heroes of today
and we'll have some bragging rights up in heaven as well, you know.
Brother, beautifully said. I love you, Doug. Thanks for your support
and I believe that you coined the term. Alex Jones is right.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show. I'm your guest host, Jay, Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We were talking about the transition from the older American ideas
into the ideas of internationalism, moral relativism, and socialism and collectivism
that were promoted by the wealthiest people in our country.
And that was on purpose because these people are internationalists.
They have a view that the future lies in controlling the emerging world government.
And that's precisely what Norman Dodd discovered, which was what Dr. Carol Quigley
was defending in his apologetic treatise, Tragedy and Hope,
which is a defense of the designs of the global elite to erect a one-world order
out of the ashes of the wars of the 20th century.
And we know that because the same power search and same entities identified in the Dodd report
are the same entities that Dr. Carol Quigley mentions.
He does mention the Institute for Pacific Relations.
He mentions these foundations, Carnegie's, Rockefeller's, Ford Foundation, et cetera.
And you can include, of course, Open Society Institute in that now that is now surpassed
according to The New York Times.
The Ford Foundation is one of the largest foundations in the U.S.
And critics of the Dodd report said, oh, you're just a conspiracy theorist.
Oh, this is crazy. You're going against people's free speech.
Well, it's not going against free speech to call out people.
In fact, it's shutting down free speech to call out the denial of free speech, right?
Shutting down people's speech through money, through corporate control.
And it's against the same entity, by the way, that is behind the World Wars of the 20th century.
So what I'm trying to point out is that there is a clear agenda.
You can actually identify the people, the power structure, the foundations, the NGOs,
the think tanks, the banks, et cetera, behind this.
And they're the same people, the same entities, according to Carol Quigley,
that organized the wars of the 20th century, including the Cold War.
But what happened in the Cold War that was different from, say, World War I and World War II?
Well, the Cold War had this long-term test phase of a lot of technology.
A lot of technology was rolled out in the Cold War that would become technology
that would later be implemented.
For example, AI, drone warfare, AI systems that were all connected and linked.
A lot of that was rolled out and tested in Vietnam.
Surveillance systems, biometric tracking that was first tested in Vietnam,
according to multiple writers about the history of the Vietnam War.
Some writers even called it a techno war because it was the first to really roll out high-level tech.
And then, of course, Iraq and Afghanistan, they rolled out newer versions of biometric tracking,
tracking tracing, genetic identifiers, et cetera.
A lot of that was pioneered at the time of Vietnam.
Now, again, I'm not saying that the people who fought for America and Vietnam, they're all bad guys.
In fact, a lot of the Vietnam vets later came back and were anti-war
because they saw what Vietnam was really about.
And they became anti-war now because they hated America or whatever.
But they were demonized for doing this.
The anti-war movement was co-opted on purpose
because a lot of people, and I don't agree with all the leftists and their ideologies
in terms of being critical of the Vietnam War, but many of them had a point when it
came to that this was not a war about defending America, it was actually a war that seems
to have been for the purpose of demoralizing the West and America.
There's a book on this that's really good called The Phoenix Program by Douglas Valentine
who was involved in military intelligence and was over there analyzing and involved
in and saw a lot of this firsthand.
And he was very critical of the fact that really Vietnam was a CIA war.
It was a war where the CIA, ARPA, DARPA were really rolling out a lot of test siops and
test technologies, as I mentioned.
And he says if you look at what was going on in Vietnam, you will notice the exact same
pattern of the intense involvement with drugs, the importation, exportation of drugs and
black markets, the controlling tracking and surveillance.
Did you know Vietnam was the first war to really go heavy into tracking, tracing and
And he says if you look at the intelligence apparatus, the people coming out of the OSS,
the Yale, Skull and Bone CIA networks that ran the Vietnam situation, the Vietnam War,
you'll notice the pattern is exactly the same.
Well, Afghanistan, I wonder what's going on in Afghanistan with drugs and the CIA.
It's the same pattern.
It's the same technologies.
They just get more and more sophisticated.
And Douglas Valentine goes into pointing out that all of this was really the extension
of the Anglo-American Establishments Empire.
That's why not just, well Vietnam wasn't about that per se, but that was about again testing
a lot of technologies, bio warfare as well, Agent Orange.
You know, a lot of the later geo-engineering technologies came out of geo-engineering that
was done in Vietnam.
There's a lot of weather warfare that was experimented in Vietnam and that's precisely
why we have these large geo-engineering programs now.
I'm not going to spend the whole time talking about Vietnam, that's not the point.
But I will be lecturing this week, by the way, going deeper into some of these books
on what was really going on with Vietnam in terms of people that were there, people that
came back and were critical of it, who were demonized, by the way, right?
If all you're anti-American, if you're against this war, well, this is a war that these people
back then figured out was being fought for a bunch of networks of Eastern seaboard degenerate
It wasn't about defending America and again, you know, or communism, we're gonna fight
the communists, right?
Now there were evil communists.
I'm just saying that there was a deeper, worse plan going on with our elites.
I haven't been able to necessarily prove it yet, but Valentine agrees that it does look
like there was a connection between MKUltra and the Phoenix program in Vietnam.
There's a lot of parallels, a lot of similarities in terms of what was going on and typically
we find out that a lot of these programs have a higher level connection and coordination
going on.
And he mentions a lot of the covert operations in Vietnam that included utilizing not just
capture, ambush, torture, and immediate assassinations, but also recruiting cannibals, cannibals,
utilizing cannibalism, utilizing terror in order to terrorize an entire nation into submission.
Colby mentions this, William Colby involved in coming up with others as well.
People from the Ford Foundation, for example, dreamt up the Phoenix program, a guy named
Brickman, I think was his name.
They dreamt this up through the research that they'd done in terms of managerial techniques
in the corporate sphere to utilize fear and control techniques in the theater of warfare.
So the guy who studied this in the Ford Foundation through the CIA comes over to Vietnam and
says, okay, I got a bunch of programs that you can use to scare the crap out of everybody
and get them into line in terms of the vehicle.
And again, I understand it's warfare, I'm not trying to be overly moralistic and simplistic.
I understand all that, but I'm making a different point about what this was really about.
So then there's these programs that were invented called the chaos program, which led to what's
called HYDRA.
I'm not joking.
It sounds like something out of Marvel or the Marvel Universe.
The chaos program and the HYDRA program were ways to track and trace and surveil the centers
about Vietnam.
So the CIA was doing this back in the 70s about Vietnam, and they had this giant blacklist
database that they had created of all these people who were dissenters.
And then that led to counterterrorism efforts first initiated in 1972 by William Colby, interesting.
So Phoenix program also gave birth to in these programs of dissenters in relation to the
Vietnam War, to the invention of total information awareness and counterterrorism coming out
of Vietnam.
And that has to do with guerrilla warfare, you see.
Oh, if you're involved in guerrilla warfare, unconditional warfare, then you're a terrorist.
But it was actually the CIA that was studying the counterterrorist warfare in order to master
death squads to terrorize nations to scare the crap out of them.
And this is what leads a certain theorist like Dave McGowan in his book, Program to
Kill, to think that perhaps some of the famous American serial killers who were involved
in Vietnam War, they might have been part of the Phoenix program.
They might have been recruited into becoming basically terror assassins, right?
Not just assassins that go and kill it, but actually killing people in a way that terrorizes
entire villages, massacring entire villages.
My Lime Massacre was actually part of the Phoenix program, according to Douglas Valentine.
And so you can see the point that I'm getting is that they actually had studied cannibalism
as a form of terror.
And perhaps that's why serial killers come back from Vietnam and suddenly we get all
these serial killers after Vietnam.
I mean, again, it's a plausible theory to me, right?
But again, this is a theory.
But what we can prove is that international terrorism as a new idea coming out of the
Cold War begins with Phoenix program chaos and Hydra, according to Douglas Valentine
and according to William Colby.
So the Vietnam War was a CIA war that was a shop, a test lab, a test tube for creating
the world that we live in now.
The tech world that we're living in now comes out of this.
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So, you know, I was mentioning the serial killer thing.
I can't pass this up because it was such a surprising section in Douglas Valentine's
Phoenix Program book and I wanted to call out to the usage of relative symbolism that
comes into play here and he points out that during the early phases of the Cy War campaigns
that were being used by the Navy SEALs and different people in the Phoenix Program in
Vietnam, some of the counterterrorism units, that is people in the, I'm not joking, this
is what it says, in the Phoenix Program would devour their enemy's vital organs to terrorize
the enemy.
Then it goes on to say that Cy War experts had also figured out that it was useful to
leave calling cards or playing cards nailed to the foreheads of the corpses that were
left behind.
These playing cards were playing cards sized with a light green skull and red eyes and
red teeth dripping with blood against a black background.
We hammered them into the third eye of the pituitary gland with our pistol butts and the
third eye of the consciousness of the Buddhists was also a form of mutilation that had powerful
psychological effects.
They were doing sacrifice in human mutilation, devouring and eating organs to achieve supposedly
just a psychological effect.
Now I think some of these people were legit nuts, I mean these were like literal psycho
and there have been many situations that the Navy has recruited serial killers to be involved
in assassination programs.
That came out many years ago and was hushed very quickly, but you can find a Dr. Thomas
Narrow mentioned that publicly and then got in trouble I think for saying that the Navy
had in the past recruited and experimented with prison inmates and serial killers to
make them into assassins, but the studies noticed that this utilage of the eye of God,
an all seeing eye image and the serial killer mutilation that was involved in these programs
had a tremendous effect of terrorizing the population and it led to atomization, atomization.
So the Sai warfare that they experimented with with terror and serial killers atomized
the society, that's exactly what the thesis of program to kill and other books that have
been written on serial killers in America and a lot of these guys went to Vietnam and
came back, they were trained killers in Vietnam and other theaters of war and they came back
and what do you know, they engaged in these actions.
Now again that's still, it's a theory and there's not proof that Jeffrey Dahmer or you
know Berkowitz or whoever wasn't necessarily involved in the Phoenix program, but we do
have evidence and proof that Berkowitz was involved in LSD and perhaps in Kulture.
We do have evidence that Dahmer when he was stationed in Germany was involved in being
trained in assassination hit squad stuff and we have evidence that one of the other major
serial killers who has started his own cult, his name escapes me at this time, but he had
also been stationed about 20 minutes away from Dahmer and was trained in similar activities.
So there's a pattern of this that many of these serial killers had extensive perhaps
assassination training when they were in the theater war and when they came back, again,
they were probably still obviously very damaged and insane people, but were they still low
nuts or were they still perhaps part of hit teams and there is some evidence to suggest
that a lot of these people were still functioning as hit teams, hit squads.
A lot of the serial killers by the way worked in pairs.
A lot of people don't know that.
They think they were just as organic people out there, but anyway, the point of this is
not to get into the serial killer.
That's its own thing.
I've done lectures through all of these different details of the various serial killers as well
on my channel if you want to go watch those, but the point is that this is all being studied
at a scientific level and a lot of the darker stuff comes out of the theater war.
And the rationale as well, if we don't do it, the other people do it.
So we've got to master the dark arch, so to speak, and run the black markets so that
the other guys don't do it.
But the people saying this are the same people that want to bring in this global government
and technocracy and get rid of everybody.
They're essentially like Dahmer or any of the psychopaths, but they're just smarter
about it.
They're at a higher level.
They have money, right?
They're not middle class, broke dudes with drunk parents, right?
They're insane billionaires, billionaires who have the exact same philosophical worldview
of Dahmer.
And there are also many of them into Satanism and the occult as are most, if not all, of
the known serial killers.
There's only a couple of them that there's no evidence of the serial killers being into
Satanism and the occult, but that's actually suppressed.
You have to really dig to find that in the case of most of these serial killers.
And that also has to explain how they're connected to networks of cults, which are used by intelligence
agencies as hit squads as well.
So there's organized crime involved in that.
But I wanted to point out that this is not new in terms of what we see in Vietnam.
If you go read Miles Copeland's retrospective called Game of Nations, Miles Copeland goes
into how the CIA was involved in using false flag terror in the Cold War.
The CIA would often use false flag terror operations to blame it on the Soviets, blame
it on others.
And what they did was they learned how this was useful for social control and that the
amazing thing about Miles Copeland's retrospective on his operations in Egypt and Syria isn't
really the individual things.
It's what he says at the end of the book, which is that if you really want to understand
the long-term goal of what the CIA is doing in all these theaters, it is not to just win
that war.
But in fact, we're not even really worried about that so much because the real goal is
the long-term plan of reducing the population and get this.
Copeland says, if you want to understand what the CIA is up to, just go read the CFR documents
and read Bertrand Russell.
That's what he says at the end of the book.
He gives a recommended reading list.
He says, you want to understand what we're up to?
It's just destroying these countries.
Here it is, suggested reading.
Go read the CFR, right?
Go read Bertrand Russell.
All the people that I tell you to read, that I lecture that why is that?
He also says, go read the Rand Corporation documents too.
So here's the CIA reading list.
It's all the stuff you see me telling you to read.
There it is right there.
Bertrand Russell.
Go read all the history of the Rand Corporation.
And I just lectured what a couple months ago here for you guys in the fourth hour through
the Rand Corporation book, who was one of the major players of the Rand Corporation,
Herman Kahn, and who did Johnny Vettmore in his excellent essay, Uncover, was involved
with Kiston during Gallbraith, Herman Kahn, in recruiting Klaus to be the head of the
World Economic Forum.
The same people, the same power structure, Rand Corporation, Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller,
Open Society.
And what was the ethos of the Rand Corporation, utilizing terror on a mass scale to scare
everybody into global governance, to scare everybody first into the American project,
which is again, that's what Dr. Strangelove is about, is about this, right?
Then after America is done with, these same people just shed that and move into the new
phase, the global governance, the World Economic Forum.
It's the exact same plan, and you can even see who the ideologues are.
In fact, I had forgotten, there's that great documentary that I just did a whole lecture
through last night on my YouTube channel by a German guy, it's called The Unabomber
and the Internet.
And it's from 2003, it's an old documentary, but the first half of that documentary describes
all of these other people who were key figures from the deep state and the military industrial
complex in helping to get the 60s counter-cultural revolution going, who also were tied to the
Asselin Institute and people from the Vienna Circle.
And who are the Vienna Circle people, right?
Is Wittgenstein, Karl Popper, people who promote the open society stuff, right?
Barnab, these people.
And their whole idea was, how can we introduce cybernetics after a series of cultural revolutions
to bring in transhumanism to mind control and brainwash the society, that's their words,
that's the Vienna Circle's words, who are working with the Tabasok Institute, working
with the Frankfurt School, all to create a technocratic mind-controlled society in their
own words.
That's what they're all about.
That's the whole thing, and getting rid of everybody, that's it.
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