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Filename: 20220410_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 10, 2022
1458 lines.

In this edition of The Alex Jones Show, Harrison Smith discusses his weekend activities and shares updates on InfoWars merchandise at Renaissance fairs. Alex Jones welcomes back listeners and opens up phone calls for the second hour. The show highlights a video by Greg Reese titled "The Dark Side of Disney," exploring the company's involvement in promoting radical transgender ideology and grooming children. Infowars has introduced a new sleep support product called "Down and Out" and a new immune support product called "Info Wars Life Immune Support." Disney has faced numerous scandals related to pedophilia involving its employees, leading to accusations of censorship when critics are silenced. The Canadian government passed a bill that could potentially sentence counselors who do not align with its views on heterosexuality and cisgender identity to five years in jail, prompting concerns about religious persecution and moral principles found in the Bible. The French election is mentioned as an example of the struggle between nationalism and globalism. Marine Le Pen's supporters are discussed, as well as the older generations being more resistant to surrendering national sovereignty to international coalitions. A caller mentions intentional depression caused by COVID-19 restrictions, mask mandates, lockdowns, and the effect of Dr. Group's supplements on regaining health. The conversation shifts towards discussing vaccine ineffectiveness and side effects as evidenced by VAERS reporting system data. InfoWars is currently offering historic coins at 1776coin.com, with the third coin in the series being released. Alex Jones discusses the sale of high-quality t-shirts at infowarstore.com, emphasizing their cost- effectiveness and the importance of supporting InfoWars in the fight against globalist takeover.

Big Brother mainstream media government cover-ups you want to stop tyranny well
so does he live from the info wars.com studios it's Alex Jones good afternoon
ladies and gentlemen Harrison Smith sitting in for Alex Jones on this
Sunday April 10th edition of the Alex Jones show very excited to be with you
hope you're all having a good weekend I had a great weekend actually I built a
teepee out of bamboo that was pretty fun and I went to the Renaissance fair in
just outside of Austin forget what it's called Sherwood fair Sherwood
something fair but it was very fun I just bring it up because it wasn't five
minutes that I was at that fair that I saw my first info wars shirt and I
actually saw several that day so it was fun big shout out to all the info
warriors out there dressing up like knights with their beautiful girlfriends
dressed up like fairies it was it was a heck of a time and it's fun to see
people representing info wars out there in the real world if you can call it the
real world really I mean obviously it's a fantasy world and there was one
particular moment I was there with my whole family my sister's family and all
that and we're walking through this one area and it's like the witchcraft area
there's like a standing stone circle it's all very creepy and you go over this
one thing where there's like a troll there's like a troll under a bridge and
you go over the bridge he's got a cage it's like you know free babysitting it's
all very funny but it's like this whole area that's like the pagan witchcraft
area and you make your way through that and then and it's all gnarled branches
and like creepy skulls and people weren't wearing horns and it's very like weird
and strange and then you go through that and then they had like the Christian
area and it's like the little it's a little garden that's the st. Francis
garden with all these statues of little animals and st. Francis there in the
middle of it and then there's a chapel there it's like an open-air pavilion
sort of thing where they were there actually conducting a wedding at the
times there's this heart player playing beautiful music as like as soon as we
got through my sister was like oh civilization we found it we made it out
through the dark ages through the the pagan madness of terror and gnarled
branches and shadowy figures and into the Christian world where it's all
bright and sunny and there's heart music playing and it was very funny and I
don't know sort of indicative of of reality you know people detractors
atheists these people they want they want you to think of Christianity as this
you know terrible man in the sky that's just prodding humanity with a stick and
hates us or something but it's like man if you really go back in history before
Christianity came around it was who it was it was weird it was very weird out
there folks very weird indeed and that's what we're getting back to that's what
I think that's what the great reset is all about is undoing all of this
progress and beauty and peace and tranquility that Christianity brings
about let's just dive right back into the witchcraft pagan child sacrifice
days of old I think they really is there's something very appealing about
that to certain people and it's very weird it's very strange another sort of
strange thing that I noticed because I've always gone to these the Texas
Renaissance fairs like it was one of the first since the biggest one and it was
near Houston so growing up I'd go every year and when I was little and you would
do a little carnival game you'd smash the hammer thing or you chew the bone
arrow whatever they give you a little coupon for a free kiss you'd have a
little card and say one free kiss presents to the winch of your choosing
or ever and it was fun because a little kid you'd go up to a sexy winch and give
her this little card and she'd give you a kiss on the cheek and it was very fun
and innocent and playful but they got rid of that we can't do that anymore free
kisses my god with rape culture I mean no way we can't have that free innocent
kisses from a lovely winch no no no not in my not in my backyard so instead now
people have badges that say their sexual proclivities it's very weird so it's
like I think this is sort of indicative or sort of just symbolic of like the
the weird off-the-rails changes that our society are making where it's like a
free free kisses of the Renaissance fair no way that's rape culture but I will
wear a pin that says I'm bisexual and I'm submissive and dominant submissive
relationships I'll wear that on my lapel just like this is weird this is
creepy used to be innocent and fun and joyful now it's a little creepy and
weird and sexualized and it's just like yeah this is this is our society now
this is where we are we already going to break I thought we had long long
segments here all right we're going to break we'll be right back when we come
back with a Greg Reese report stay tuned folks I'll stop talking about the
Renaissance fair we are only offering three coins in the series the first
coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in 10 days now the second
coin as we enter the last days of March into April 2022 is now being offered and
I believe it will sell out in just a few days again because these are historic
coins and because our amazing listeners want to support freedom and keep info
wars at the front lines of the fight against these tyrants so go for yourself
to 1776 coin dot com and see the new Liberty Tree coin it is powerful witness
this powerful iconography for yourself and have this piece of history and be
part of the founding member system that we're set to launch in the very near
future thanks to your support of this project get a historic memento that helps
keep in fours on the air and also gives you a real piece of history at 1776 coin
dot com
live from Austin Texas broadcasting worldwide it's Alex Jones I welcome back
ladies gentlemen Harrison Smith here sitting in for Alex Jones we have quite
a bit to speak about today and I'm gonna go and open up the phone calls for the
second hour also I might might indulge myself here and hopefully you'll
appreciate it this week raw egg nationalist came out with the sixth
edition of a man's world which is his magazine and I was actually asked to
write an article for it and I I delved in it's probably the first thing I've
actually written since getting out of school it's so much easier just to sit
up here and talk and just sort of go off the cuff as soon as I have to start
writing something I'm agonizing over every word every sentence I rewrite like
ten times just to get it right and it just takes me forever and it's exhausting
but what come at what came out of it I am very proud of it's an article called
remember the Alamo so I may do maybe do a little reading from that just talk
about some of the stuff I didn't actually get to include in the article and
encourage everybody out there to go download this and support raw egg
nationalists on Twitter at baby gravy nine is the name of his Twitter account
I don't know what that means but baby gravy nine there it is so we'll talk
about that in just a little bit as well man of course on topic today but the
collapse the obvious and oncoming collapse government tyranny what else
we got just war war across the world and no sign of that slowing down loss we
talking of course about transgenderism of course because we have to and in this
particular case about transgenderism by corporations very strange stuff we're
going to start with this video by Greg Reese called the dark side of Disney
Gregory's has gone down the rabbit hole of rabbit holes with Disney and and come
up with those remember you can share this video at band.videonm4s.com here is
Gregory's with the dark side of Disney
after governor Ron DeSantis signed an anti-groomer bill into law that prevents
school teachers from engaging five-year-olds about homosexual sex acts
and radical transgender ideology the groomers have come out of the woodwork
and many people are waking up to the dark side of Disney investigative
journalist Christopher Rufo has outlined a partial list of Disney employees
who have been arrested for child sex crimes Robert King solver was a service
manager who oversaw ride repairs at the Magic Kingdom he was arrested in 2014
for soliciting sex from an agent posing as a 14-year-old girl Alan Treister a
concierge at Animal Kingdom Lodge who used to work at Disney's popular toy
story ride advertised himself online as big teddy bear for younger chaser and
confessed to having sex with a 15-year-old boy he groomed online Animal
Kingdom Lodge gift shop worker Paul Fazio was convicted of downloading
child pornography videos showing sexual activity with adults and children
character actor Patrick Holgerson was arrested in 2014 after sending nude
photos online while trying to meet up with a 13-year-old boy Justin Hazan an
operator on the Millennium Falcon ride and Arlanda Sims a food runner at the
Animal Kingdom Resort were busted in 2020 for selling child pornography with
victims as young as four years old Disney cruise line youth host Oliver
Levotte was arrested in 2019 for molesting a 10-year-old boy aboard the
Disney Magic ships Oceania kids lab after blindfolding the child and spinning
him around several times as part of a game in 2012 an 11-year-old girl was
groped and kissed in an elevator by 33-year-old Milton Burganza a dining
server on the Disney Dream a cruise line security officer was told by Disney
officials to keep her mouth shut and do nothing two days later when the ship
arrived in Nassau Burganza admitted to the Bahamas police that he molested the
girl and was then taken to the airport where Disney arranged for his flight
back home to India last year Hollywood Studios custodians Jonathan McGrew and
Savannah Lawrence were caught attempting to have a threesome with a 13-year-old
McGrew said that the couple's fantasy was to play stepdad stepdaughter step
mother Animal Kingdom Lodge lifeguard Kenneth Aquino was arrested after trying
to have sex with a 13-year-old showing up in his Disney work clothes of course
child predators will naturally seek employment at Disney but it's
everywhere within the company director of music publishing John Healy was
charged with three felony counts of child sexual abuse in 2017 vice president
Michael Laney was convicted of sexually abusing a seven-year-old girl in
2019 both actor producer Brian Peck and director Victor Salva were rehired by
Disney after they served time for raping children from the set the
subliminal sexualization of children has demonstrably been a part of Disney's
work for generations embedded into their animations several whistleblowers have
claimed that Disney has been used since its very beginning as a form of mind
control and MKUltra most famously for their project monarch princess
programming of little girls so it's really no surprise that Disney's
corporate president admittedly wants to flood Disney stories with the so-called
LGBTQIA agenda which we now understand to be code for pedophilia reporting for
info wars this is Greg Reese so again you can find and share that video at
banned at Dodd video remember to click the share button it gives you a disguised
url links you can actually post it on big tech platforms if you just click the
url at the top and try to paste that it will block you so you got to hit that
share button these are little workarounds we have to figure out and I
still you know I say this a lot but I still get people deeming me and stuff
going hey I'm trying to post this and I can't so you got to hit the share button
and that gives you that disguised link but this is also sort of indicative of
the change that's gone on in a lot of things actually but primarily with the
sexualization of children and stuff I mean I'm sure everybody remembers it was
probably like the introduction to the idea of conspiracy theories or
subliminal messages to a lot of people because it was real popular early on in
the early internet days and it was sort of the Wild West you'd find these things
it's like subliminal messages inside Disney movies and if you pause the movie
at exactly the right time you'd see some dirty image in the background like from
was that one called the the rescuers down under I think it was or maybe the
first rescuers movie there's like actually a pornographic image in one of
the frames as they speed down this slide thing or like the little mermaid they
like see in this image if you pause it the line can you pause it right here it
spells out the word sex in dust in the sky and it was like oh my god they're
trying to brainwash us now it's just open now they're just like yeah we're
trying to brainwash you all we're gonna put in sexual brainwashing into our
cartoons now on purpose we're open about this we're spraying this round like it
reminds me of of like the bohemian grove style Davos Bilderberg group or it's
like back in the day you'd have to go to these websites where it's like here's the
secret of the you know of the forces that rule the world they get together
once a year to plan their year and it was like all hidden in disguise and now
they're just like yeah we do this yeah we do this we're in charge we will
dictate how the world will go and we get together once a year to plan out the
next year's events like they're just completely open about it now it's a
strange way of dealing with being exposed is just just doubling down just
going all in on it it's very weird and it's not just the it's not just the sexual
stuff with Disney it's the programming in general I used to talk about this more
I haven't really experienced in a while but I experience it all the time in
high school because friends of mine had little sisters that would watch the
Disney Channel all the time and it programmed them to be the worst people
like they're all bratty they were all kind of bitchy they were all just like
like they were programmed like oh all the cool kids in the Disney Channel they
they just like they talk back to the parents and you know they as long as
you have this kind of like bitchy attitude it means you're right and you're
cool and anybody who's who's against them is the stuffy no fun people and it
was like it was a marked difference like you could tell you'd have friends and
their little sisters that were like elementary school age you go those
those girls watch Disney they watch the Disney Channel they watch way too much
the Disney Channel because they're just mean they're just vicious and kind of
spiteful and they think they're right and I think I think it's what brought us
to AOC I think it's to blame for Alexandria Ocasio Cortez because it
follows her around it's just this idea that like if you sound bitchy and can
like have this attitude then you must be right screw what the facts are which
just the cool kids sound like jerks so go with them it's all programming
want to thank folks that got part one in the three-part Founder series at 1776
coin.com or m4store.com and the second installment is the Tree of Liberty
Thomas Jefferson quote must be watered with the blood of patriots and
tyrants the coin I designed I'm very very proud of it and it will end up being a
collectible I know that the first coin is already selling on eBay and other
places for three times what we sold it we need to sell all ten thousand these
very very quickly and I appreciate listeners are getting over half of them
now I'd like to move them out very quickly I think they will sell out
probably in five or six more days and without the last coin sale we would not
be operating at the same capacity we'd have had to lay off a lot of people and
had some big problems so it was a limited edition collectible tied to our
political movement of liberty and freedom and it's needed for our
infrastructure and building new systems so please give yourself and us aid in
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we are so proud of info wars life immune support it is concentrated herbs that
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globalists are hoping you don't take action take action now info wars store.com
April 2022 just kicked off and it's already been incredible. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates,
Joe Biden, they along with many other new world order operatives have gone on
national television and announced that we are now under a world government. They
have a summit taking place right now in Dubai titled world government summit and
they are announcing incredible tyranny everything we've talked about is now
coming true and the globalists want to take us off air. Ladies and gentlemen we
are running the biggest sale in the history of info wars right now in our
28 years all info wars apparel is being sold at cost until the inventory is gone
and we're never gonna print these t-shirts and ball caps and info wars
flags again we may have t-shirts and apparel in the future but I don't even
know we are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in right now I'm
firing the bat signal and asking you to get your t-shirts at info wars store.com
right now they're at cost. Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new
world order it's Alex Jones.
All right welcome back ladies and gentlemen we are talking about the Disney
Company. Boy how far some things have fallen. Again the Greg Reese report is
the dark side of Disney where he lays out so many examples of times Disney has
been embroiled in scandals having to do with pedophilia with their own
employees. But the post millennial has this story Jack Pasobic temporarily
locked out of Twitter for calling it Disney groomers. I think so many of these
stories they just if you really understand them you can really dig into
them and you really you really get the full spectrum of what's going on here
it's like they they tell you exactly where this world is going they tell you
exactly why some of these moves are being made and what the end game for so
much of what we see that seems bizarre or weird or inexplicable like this is one
of those stories so Jack Pasobic was hit with a temporary Twitter lockout the
first since he reported on Hunter Biden's salacious laptop in 2020 for
sharing links to buy t-shirts and stickers and blazoned with a Disney logo
reading boy boycott boycott groomers I think it's so interesting I've had
guests on our show that had been kicked off of Twitter or YouTube with a claim
of bullying they were bullying who were they bullying well they were bullying
the deep state right they were making fun of or calling out deep state actors
from the CIA or the FBI you can't bully them we can't bully the spy masters you
can't bully the you know unelected permanent deep state operatives in our
government that's that's bullying that's unfair they're a protected class I
guess so just this is like this is why you don't give them these weapons this is
why you don't hand over the censorship button to the establishment because this
is the way they use it they'll lock you out even if you're a super famous like
one of those popular people on Twitter I mean I'd have to say Jack Pasobic I mean
he built his whole career off of Twitter and he has a powerful Twitter as it
were right if he tweets something out if he wants to get a hashtag going he
can he's got tons of followers so like forget you getting deleted right if you
have a couple hundred followers never you're you'll be kicked off in an
instant they'll do this for even the most prominent of right wing voices and
in some ways some of the most moderate like Jack Pasobic so you give them this
power you give them this censorship tool well it's all about bullying and it's
all about protecting the unrepresented classes or whatever nonsense bull crap
they use to justify their censorship and then how does the censorship get used it
gets used to silence people speaking up against the most powerful people in the
world whether corporations or governments you can't bully this
multinational corporation how dare you you'll be deleted that's exactly what's
happening and Jack Pasobic himself says that he says quote Elon Musk recently
commented the corporations dictate policy on Twitter through add dollars
so big told post millennial quote so it comes as no surprise that Twitter will
censor you for criticizing one of the largest media companies in the world I'd
say that's even an understatement what does Disney not own they own Fox they
own like to every channel you can think of they own everything from Marvel movies
to you know the Simpsons I mean every and everything in between but you can't
but you can't criticize them you can't criticize them because everyone that
works at Twitter of your that everyone that works at Disney obviously is is in
favor of this but there you see the other little wrinkle in this the other
little you know shadowy corner that this illuminates is the idea that these
corporations they can dictate to their employees what they're allowed to say and
what they're not allowed to say whether it's right or not they can because they
have the power to do that now if you want to fire somebody because they're gay
you can't do that that's discrimination but if you want to fire somebody because
they express a conservative point of view that's still allowed because this is
the way things always go so you've got a corporation that just like a like a you
know 1950s sci-fi movie blob is just eating up every other form of
entertainment in cooperation with so many I mean now you know the National
Geographic magazine has like a little Disney section on the front cover that's
like Disney we're partnered with Disney songs is Disney owned National
Geographic now they're at least partnered with them so you have these
conglomerates they just own huge chunks of information platforms or
information like outlets and they get to try to dictate what states do what
governments do what cities do and the people that work for them can't really
question it or they might be fired if they try to speak up against it they'll
at least suffer pushback and you know discrimination in the workplace from
their fellow workers so they get to dictate to their people below them you
know what they get to believe and then they get to wield their financial might
against the states that try to pass laws through the actual process of passing
laws through the you know by trying to exercise the will of the people through
the representatives and of course Jack so it goes on to say this is clear
retaliation for me leaking the internal employee forums at Disney showing many
of their workers support the Florida anti-grooming bill so again it's like
they get to speak with the voice of all of these people even though they're
actually contradicting what these people believe what their employees believe
they get to supersede that they get to dictate what the reality is and you may
get fired from your job if you speak out too much against it again this is just
you know one of many topics having to do with transgenderism here's another one
from the Daily Mail came out today I believe maybe it was yesterday but here
it is women can be stripped searched by trans officers who were born male says
police female suspects can be stripped searched by male police officers I'll
just change the words around here just to just to do away with you know the
confusion that they're trying to add here it's male police officers okay and
could be accused of a hate crime if they object yeah so this this man with a
beard and a dress is going to strip search you ma'am and if you don't like
that you might get a hate crime charge and of course we've covered we covered
it on American Journal earlier this week with the new conversion therapy things
that are going on see this is this is a happening in the UK where they're trying
to pass a they may have already passed it I think they did pass it I think they
took away the transgender aspect of it but they passed an anti-grooming bill
but it was an anti-conversion bill basically if you have a kid that says
he's gay and you try to tell him that that's a sin and try to tell him that
it's not moral and try to convince him that you know for the sake of his soul
he shouldn't give in to the temptations of his body like you'll that's hate
that's a hate crime now but it never goes the other way does it it's not it's
not the other way around so right now we're trying to pass laws just to stop
people from talking about sex with little children and you just always push
back oh how dare you but if you want to try to stop kids from being trans or
being gay then that's a crime so it's very convenient for our opponents I
guess you'd say to have this moral framework that serves every aspect of a
religion but because it's godless and because it doesn't have a holy book then
they claim it's not a religion and it's just basic morality that has to be
enforced by the state it's just it's a very convenient it's always very
convenient I mean all of these stories they all have the same sort of through
line right where it's like if you agree with what we want then you're allowed to
say it you're promoted for saying it you'll be celebrated for saying it but
if you disagree with us then anything you say about this is is a hate crime it's
hate speech and you will be destroyed for it so if you want to announce is
happening in Canada I'll get back to it on the other side but if you want to tell
kids to be gay tell kids to be trans and indoctrinate them into this religion
that's allowed because it's not a religion in the classic sense but if you
do want to convince kids of your moral framework then you're trying to convert
them you will be stopped it's a hate crime how dare you prepare to go to jail
we'll cover what Canada is doing on this front on the other side stay with us in
December of 2021 info wars offered the first in a three-part series the 1776
anti-tyrant coin and it sold out in 10 days and if it wasn't for listeners
getting this original powerful coin a founding member coin we would not be on
air today now the second coin the Liberty Tree coin is being offered and it
will probably sell out in 10 days again it certainly needs to the front of
operation it is so historic and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the
Tree of Liberty being refreshed the blood of Patriots and Tyrants and more
see the coin for yourself at 1776 coin dot com it's also an info or store dot
com it's amazing there's only 10,000 of them and as a founding member if we're
able to stay on the air we're planning something very very special for everyone
that helps us go to the next level so get your new Tree of Liberty coin while
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powered energy new tropics with our latest brain force offering brain force
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centuries alpha GPC a natural compound found in the brain that delivers an
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exceptional antioxidant content this product is more than twice the
servings of her brain force plus as well so you know it's packed full of the
good stuff destroy that brain fog today and secure your bottle of brain force
ultra before it is completely sold out at m4store.com
April 2022 just kicked off and it's already been incredible
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, they along with many other Neural Order
operatives have gone on national television and announced that we are now
under a world government they have a summit taking place right now in Dubai
titled World Government Summit and they are announcing incredible tyranny
everything we've talked about is now coming true and the globalists want to
take us off air ladies and gentlemen we are running the biggest sale in the
history of info wars right now in our 28 years all info wars apparel is being
sold at cost until the inventory is gone and we're never gonna print these
t-shirts and ball caps info wars flags again we may have t-shirts and apparel
in the future but I don't even know we are blowing out of everything to get
emergency funds in right now I'm firing the bat signal and asking you to get
your t-shirts at m4store.com right now they're at cost you know it's a fact
and I'm not bragging when I say it it's just true that info wars is seen by the
globalist as the standard of human liberty as the logo of human populist
resistance against their transhumanist anti-human program and man our work is
really right now hitting the most important aspects of what we've ever
done so I'm asking listeners now to realize we've got great products thousands
of them at info wars.com and we are funded by listeners and viewers like you
and so now we need to support more than ever because this fight has intensified
don't need me to tell you that at info wars.com we've got 25 to 75% off
across the board right now things have been sold out for a long time like
info wars life fizzy magnesium mix that's so amazing and our new immune
support formula that's so critical they're all available 25 to 75% off
at info wars.com right now leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new
world order it's alex jones
from the front lines of the information war it's alex jones
here's a smith sitting in for alex jones today we have a lot talked about in the
terms of economic financial food supply collapse but let's keep talking about
the moral collapse while we do is these things are happening simultaneously
I was gonna talk about what's happening with the french presidential election
really unexpected moves by marine le pan and yeah just a lot just a lot still
talked about we'll be opening up your phone calls in the second hour of this
program here's what's happening in canada from fox news thousands of
churches raise alarm about scope of new canadian quote conversion therapy ban
thousands of clergy in north america devoted their sermons on sunday to
affirming biblical sexual morality in response to a new canadian law that some
warn could effectively criminalize such teachings an initiative begun by liberty
coalition canada and promulgated in the united states by pastor john mcarthur of
los angeles secured the support of more than four thousand christian pastors who
publicly expressed their willingness to protest from the pulpit regarding bill
c4 fox news digital has confirmed the controversial legislation which went
into effect january eighth after being fast tracked through the canadian
parliament in december without extensive debate describes as a myth the belief
that had heterosexuality in cisgender identity are preferable counseling that
does not align with such a worldview now carries a potential five-year jail
sentence i'm not sure how secure the canadian not what do they have a
charter of rights right the canadian charter instead of a bill of rights they
have a charter that was written somewhat recently i don't know what it says in
particular about freedom of religion but i'm pretty sure in america the first
amendment is the only weapon you need to stop what's happening around the
country in places like new jersey and places that are going the opposite
direction of florida where they're putting it into law that you have to
teach this sort of stuff you have to understand that this is a religion you
have to understand that this is not a question of facts it's a question of
morality it's a question of religion i mean it really is question of the soul
it's question of sin it's question of righteousness like it's a question of
what is good and moral and so what they're saying is that your morality
since it's based on a book since it has a bible and since it's based on you know
religious revelation that's a religion and you're not allowed to teach it but
our morality which completely and diametrically opposes your morality
it's just we just came up with it so it's good and that's why it's correct and
that's why it should be taught and must be taught at every level of society so
don't you understand that what they're pushing is in all aspects a religion
from the conversion aspect to the you know evangelicalism of the lgbt
community right trying to trying to spread your morality trying to bring
people into your side to express and live by your morality it's it's a religion
it's just a religion that has no god because they worship themselves critics
claim the language of this canadian bill is overly broad and could even encompass
private conversations several pastors including some who've recently been in
prison in canada for keeping their churches open in defiance of government
health orders explain to fox news that they believe the scope of the new law
could open the door to religious persecution leading the protest against
the bill in the united states is pastor john mcarthur who's grace community
church in los angeles won an eight hundred thousand dollar settlement in
september after tussling with state and county authorities for continuing to
congregate in defiance of the government mcarthur told fox news that he believes
widespread sexual immorality is evidence of divine judgment on a culture in
predicted increased efforts to silence those who speak out against it saying
quote ultimately the dissenters the ones who will not cave in are going to be
those who are faithful to the bible he says and that and that's what's already
leading to laws made against doing what we are commanded to do in the scripture
which is a which is to confront that sin it's just going to escalate criminal
conduct they're calling it if canadian pastors continued to actually promote the
morality in their bible it's contradicted by the state morality so you
can't you can't preach on that anymore what they're trying to tell people and
of course this is already taking place in the uk as we as we pointed out they've
passed the conversion law banning conversion therapy but only in one
direction right only if you're trying to get people to be moral in a biblical
sense not the other way around but also in finland I believe it was there was
somebody who was charged with hate crime with a hate with hate speech and
also happened in Ireland where a diner I think it was had a piece of scripture on
the wall had like a piece of art with a with a proverb on it they were charged
with hate speech and they were forced to take it down because quoting the bible
is hate speech now apparently so and that's what happened in finland where I
think somebody I think it was like an MEP or an MP member of parliament in
finland quoted the bible and they charged with a hate crime for it so
that's where we're going that's where we're headed so instead of being ruled
by a religion with a morality based in biblical revelation will be a theocracy
run by people who are completely godless and come up with whatever you know
moral framework allows them to do whatever they want and not serve the
consequences pretty horrific stuff but not unexpected not exactly new as we
move into this next stage but I think understanding it as a religion and using
the first amendment to prevent the religious indoctrination into this
satanic cult is probably the best way to go you know I had another another note
it was actually from weekend before last it was about Ukraine war and we'll get
into Ukraine in just a second we'll also again get into France and just the
total collapse of the first world as we crumble into mismanagement but it was
funny because it turns out that the family that I grew up as next-door
neighbors with my call all through my life this next-door neighbor had kids
similar in age to us we're really good friends and hadn't seen him in a long
time but I saw him my sister's baby shower and the mom mom goes so what's
happened in Ukraine it's it's all about pedophiles right I'm like oh you get it
people get it and it really is amazing seeing things you only find on info
wars ideas revelations you'd only ever find on shows like the Alex Jones show
or websites like info wars it's proliferated and people just know this
now even if they don't know the details there's like yeah Ukraine it's like
where they get like where the pedophiles get their human slaves from right like
they're trying to protect the pedophiles like Hunter Biden from taking women
from Ukraine it's like you know without getting into the details yes yeah
basically yes basically it's it's it's the pedophiles using Ukraine as a as a
shield using the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder to prevent the attack
against themselves so man as much as you know we read the news every single day
I mean it's just just infinite disasters infinite horror instant infinite terror
coming from the new world order and their their globalist compatriots you have
to understand that what we have done at info wars has changed the entire world
and I was even thinking about this because one thing I like to do is just
I'll go down a YouTube rabbit hole and I'll be watching like late night shows
from the early 90s I don't know why I'm watching Norm McDonald clips and
suddenly I'm watching you know the late night show from like 1992 and it's kind
of funny because you know it's all about popular culture it's all about
celebrity and they're saying names that I've never heard never in my life I mean
this is within my lifetime right I was born in 89 so 1992 I was I was three old
kid but it's like I don't recognize a single name and you realize that all
these people that are starring in movies and you hear their names over and over
again you know exactly who they are and what they look like and what they do like
they're they're dust in the wind man five years from now nobody's gonna even
know who they are you can watch episodes of 30 rock 30 rock
how long ago 30 rock was not that long ago but go watch an episode of 30 rock
and every single joke is outdated the reason I'm saying this is because then
you take a look at somebody like Alex Jones people will be saying 9-11 was an
inside job long long after Alex Jones is gone right people will be spreading the
ideas that Alex Jones has ignited for decades if not centuries if we even make
it that far so info wars has changed the world info wars has exposed the dark side
when they thought they could get away with it without ever being shown by the
light of day info wars has changed the entire world and that's thanks to you the
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leading up front to assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
all right welcome back folks I'm gonna go ahead and open up the phone lines right
now I'll be taking your calls throughout the second hour the number to dial is
1-877-789-2539 that's 1-877-789-2539 you know when you look back at 2016 and
you realize that that's when a lot of this stuff went off the rails right
prior to 2016 a lot of people thought things were kind of normal and then
2016 came around came around and everything just went off-road it just
would just be exploded and it was insane and the reason for that is pretty
simple I think the reason is because for the first time in a very long time
there was a clear distinction between nationalism and globalism because it
wasn't just Trump that brought about all of this change it was brexit as well and
it was a number of other movements inspired by brexit to essentially free
themselves from the oversight of the European Union and you really get down
to what what inspired the new world order globalist to really hit the pedal to
the metal on 2016 because they had an option they could have backed off a
little bit they could have tempered their behavior slightly to try to sort of
recede in the shadows and go no no we're not trying to go globalism global
government that's crazy no no way yeah have your little nationalist fun and
we're gonna work behind the scenes they could have done that they could have
backed off a little bit but they didn't they doubled down they saw it as a
threat and they said okay we have to slam the slam the cage shut now or it's
all over and the way I always phrase it is like you know humanity is this tiger
that they're trying to catch in a cage and they'd much rather just have the
tiger wander into the cage and they can slam the door down that was and if you
look at the Rockefeller document by the lockstep document that's that was their
preferred outcome that was their preferred situation they called it
clever together the idea was that willingly people would be led into the
cage of globalism and they could lock it without people even knowing they were
being trapped and so what happened here is the tiger he's almost in the cage
they're almost there he's sticking his head in and then he looks around and
realizes it's a cage and goes oh I don't want to go in there and the hunters
the globalist instead of going okay well we'll we'll get him next time right we
don't want to spook him we don't want to scare him instead they just reached out
and tried to grab the tiger and just yank it into the cage that's what's
happened since 2016 is they're just like oh you don't want to come willingly then
we're gonna make you and we're gonna silence you if you disagree and so that
was the tactic they went with and it doesn't look like it's going so well
they've had some victories I mean they have control of every mainstream
media outlet they have control of big tech and they have control of the
government and the deep state the military industrial complex you'd
expected to be pretty easy for them unfortunately as much as they like to
think of themselves as gods they're not gods they're human beings and they have
to contend with human will around the world and it looks like we're seeing
another expression of this in France Info Wars has the story French had to
polls as Macron on shaky ground but reports of lower than expected turnout
today Sunday French citizens flooded the polling stations albeit what's so far
looking at like lower than expected numbers for first-round voting and what's
shaping up to be possibly the country's most consequential and impactful
election determining its future trajectory in decades given it pits
Davos crowd pet and former Rothschild's banker Emmanuel Macron against outspoken
nationalist Marine Le Pen and again this is just a choice between nationalism and
globalism that's what it represents and you can see how furious they are to not
allow the French to express their nationalist tendencies 48 million
eligible voters can choose between 12 candidates with favored incumbent
Macron no longer considered a shoe-in but looking increasingly on shaking ground
as he seeks a second five-year turn turnouts a little bit low but one of
the interesting things about Marine Le Pen is that it's young people that are
flocking to hurt typically like in America the globalist politicians that
are able to present themselves very well and they have the the fawning love of
the mainstream media typically older people who still have faith in the
institutions that go along with with those people while you know the younger
people with the minds completely warped by the Daily Show and all these other
pseudo news stations they they they tend to go along with the globalist agenda
but in in France is the other way around I think I'm gonna mess up how I said
that I think you get what I'm saying that typically in America the younger you
go the more globalist they are the more communistic they are the more willing to
surrender national sovereignty to international coalitions but it's the
opposite in France and it's a very interesting thing and again you can see
the panic in the words of the globalists here's how Politico chose to report
this the White House has freaked out that Putin's next big win could be in
Paris that's right voting for national sovereignty is really voting for Putin
far right French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen they say is is voting for
her is essentially voting for Vladimir Putin they say a possible victory by
Le Pen a Putin sympathizer could destabilize the Western coalition against
Moscow upending France's role as a leading European power and potentially
giving other NATO leaders cold feet about staying in the alliance that's right
if we don't go to World War three in Ukraine it's the death of democracy or
if you know Victor Orban gets duly elected by the citizens of Hungary that's
the death of democracy or if you vote for Marine Le Pen that's also the death of
democracy worldwide folks are you panicked yet we have to live we have to
live in the world of these people's delusions we have to act like their own
paranoid schizophrenic imaginings our reality and and treat them as such we
refuse to here in info wars here's how AP News reported it French polls Macron
far left rival Marine Le Pen to face runoff French president Emmanuel Macron
and far left far right nationalist Marine Le Pen are heading for another winner
takes all runoff in the country's presidential election pulling agencies
projected Sunday as the fierce political rivals with sharply opposing visions
for France pulled clear of 10 other candidates in the first round of voting
if confirmed by official vote counts later Sunday the initial projections
mean France is teeing up for a repeat of the 2017 head-to-head contest that
turned the centrist Macron into France's youngest president but there's no
guarantee that this time the outcome will be the same they say Macron for
months has looked like a shoe-in to become France's first president in 20
years to win a second term but national rally leader Le Pen in a late surge
tapped into the foremost issue on many French voters mind the soaring cost of
food gas and heating due to rising inflation and the repercussions of
Western sanctions on Russia translation Marine Le Pen is actually pulling ahead
in the a French election by reflecting and showing that she cares about the
cares of the French people and this is unacceptable to the globalist know the
French people the European people the American people are simply pawns to be
abused and exploited for their own you know international schemes now looks
like they're on more and more or less dead heat head-to-head and it looks like
the number is even like the difference between them is getting smaller as they
continue to count votes and you can see again how panicked to the establishment
is with paragraphs like this some of her defeated rivals Marine Le Pen's were so
alarmed by the possibility of Le Pen beating Macron in the presidential run-off
that they urged their supporters Sunday to shift their second round votes to the
incumbent Melanchon or to the incumbent Macron Melanchon was another one of
these potential presidential candidates addressing supporters who sometimes
shed tears repeated three times that Le Pen shouldn't get one single vote and
describing herself as profoundly worried defeated conservative candidate
Valerie Peccary's warned of quote the chaos that would ensue if Le Pen was
elected saying the far-right leader has never been so close to power because
said she would vote for Macron in the run-off again they don't they don't talk
about her ideas they don't say here's why she's wrong about this here's why
this is what's best for the French people it's all paranoid fanaticism it's
all just imagined what the word is just like to terror they're just all so
scared it's not like well look you know you got two opposing options here and
actually what's best for the French people is to go with this it's just like
they're just crying and they're just like I'm so scared we're so scared of Marine
Le Pen getting power like why she's a nationalist you're a French person she
wants what's best for the French people there's like you don't understand she is
Putin she is Putin and if she wins democracy is dead it's all just just
paranoid fervor and Godspeed to Marine Le Pen and you can even see in the videos
of Marine Le Pen and her supporters how young her audience leans let's go down
to clip number five here's Marine Le Pen being mobbed by her youthful
supporters I believe this was yesterday let's watch
yeah this woman wins it's the death of democracy folks you can't have a leader
that's beloved by their people and represents their interests they have to
go around in armored cars from you know barbed wire enclosed state houses to you
know wall protected mansions and have to be Rothschild bankers and globalist
scumbags now Marine Le Pen is gonna win we're gonna be nationalist again it's
gonna be amazing introducing the newest product from info wars life dot com we
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transmission you are the resistance
waging war on corruption it's Alex Jones welcome back folks Harrison Smith
sitting in for Alex Jones today I am of course the host of the American Journal
each and every weekday morning on info wars 8 to 11 a.m. it's the big call
in show we take a lot of calls and I love taking calls because we learn so much
from our players that we wouldn't know otherwise to make us aware of events and
rallies and things that I just just slipped by somehow I mean I'm into the
news all day every day and yet we we miss stuff sometimes sometimes I miss big
things and so it's always fantastic to have callers call in and let's on their
mind that's what we'll do in this hour we'll be going to your calls flex in
Washington we had Derek in FEMA region 10 let's go to flex now flex thank you
for calling in from Washington State you're on the air the great Harrison
hey man I've talked to a lot of the staff crew never had the pleasure to
talk to you what is good my man how are you flex good to hear from you I'm good
Carlos of Canada shout out to him been on my heart my mind and my prayers man
always a cool cat to listen to also yeah dude you had mentioned a while back
the mask how sophisticated this entire thing is I'm home school and my girls
now the and I heard a report couple days ago with with the mask and not being
able to speak and so many kids can't even have eye contact it is amazing how
sophisticated is it is and there is intentional depression there aside from
globally there's intentional depression I mean so many people are slouching I
still have to tell my neighbors be doing well I'm halfway death you know flying
in helicopters good old times in Iraq death I can't see you know and I can't
hear unless I'm looking at your mouth right yeah it's far out yeah I mean the
the stories are undeniable now I mean there's this story after story after
story of the damage this has done to kids and of course you know I mean
obviously it's gonna be the case obviously this is the point and remember
when they talk about the measures that they took it wasn't like what the the
medical reality didn't determine what they endorsed or what they put on you it
was what you were willing to accept right they chose that six foot distance
because to them it was far enough away that it would separate people from each
other but it wasn't so far that people would just go and I'm not gonna do that
right they they sort of like focus tested this they go okay we tell people 12
feet that's kind of impossible they just can't do it so we can't do 12 feet 10
feet even that's kind of pushing it we'll go with six feet because we think
six feet is the longest we can go without people like pushing back against
us same thing with the lockdowns and everything it wasn't you know here's
what's best for you medically it was psychologically how far can we push
people before they snap I mean it's all very dialed in to exactly how far they
can push us before we push back and and they're very good at it flex super good
at it you're smarter than me and we're what potentially eight people removed
from anyone famous so eight double it let's just call it 16 from everyone
worldwide so we're essentially you know and what you exhale what 16 feet in
front of you there's no way that any of us you're not gonna catch everything
this out there I get sick everyone gets sick everyone gets sick and see there's
another thing I think that that you know what I mentioned intentional
depression is is how it makes I see so many people slouching and it just makes
me think of exercise of course I always want to take about it talk about
exercise I'm gonna meet head but you can exercise while watching TV right you
should be because there's there's a you know the what was it you had said some
mass paranoid psychosis where you're scared of someone right next to oh come
on come over here let me put you in a headlock buddy right come on right no
it's true I mean it's just like it's just cult programming on the most basic
level it works on an individual also works on society and if you look at a
cult or you even look at just an abusive relationship the first thing they do is
they separate from you from your family separate you from your friends separate
you from anything that makes you strong and upstanding so you're weak and
pathetic and can be manipulated so when I first started taking survival skill
basically I was 275 pounds I was overweight I had brain fog like you
wouldn't believe I was barely holding on to a job and I heard Dr. Group on your
show and I listened to it so the first one I got was the original survival
shield the X1 and it worked pretty good and then shortly thereafter you came out
with that you have you know with a deeper source you know and I got really
excited about that so I took it and man in two weeks I went from brain fog to
like literally like my brain was enlightened you know I could think again
I could connect with people again and over the course of the next couple of
years I got my health back and I religiously take basically all of your
supplements there they're all absolutely amazing supplements the one I like
recently is knockout literally like if you want to sleep just take it it's
amazing it works but anyway so the point is we have to get ourselves clean
that's a break free of the globalist system and the only way to do that is to
take our own health into our own hand beautifully said brother I thank you so
much your call and Godspeed
crashing through the lies and disinformation it's Alex Jones coming
to you live from the front lines of the info
all right welcome back ladies and gentlemen here's Smith sitting in for
Alex Jones on this the 10th of April 2022 we'll go out to your phone calls in
just a second but of course COVID is sort of making a comeback there was like
a couple week period where you didn't see a lot of headlines about COVID but
that is over I guess as they start a new push I mean I'm even a little bit
suspicious of this push in and of itself Nancy Pelosi, Merrick Garland all coming
down with COVID at the same time you know it kind of reminds me of Justin
Trudeau coming down with COVID the incident that the trucker protest came
about oh I'm oh I've got COVID sorry I can't be near the protest I have to
sequester myself away in a secret hideout so it's like what's what's really
happening here all these deep-state actors all the sudden came down with
COVID and have to go off the grid for five days is something about to be
unleashed that they know about and are prepared for and we're not I don't know
but I do know that the information about the vaccine and its ineffectiveness is
becoming really too much for people to ignore and I want to get into just some
of that there's a pretty amazing video by Dr. Peter McCullough a speech he gave
at Optimist in Bahamas it's a group a gathering called Optimist about the
VAERS reporting system and what it's showing of course it was at the beginning
of January that all of this sort of started to fall apart that the vaccinated
variant Omicron came about where it turned out you were actually more likely
to get it if you were vaccinated and it looks like it was first detected in a
vaccinated person and now we're seeing more and more evidence of this as well
as of course the massive side effects and deaths that we're experiencing 40%
growth according to some insurance companies although I'm sure that number
is higher by now but I want to take you through this little chart that somebody
posted on Twitter that shows the Pfizer trial as it took place so it's the six
month safety and efficacy of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine and it breaks up you
know these everybody knows how you do a scientific study like this right you
have the placebo group and the group that actually gets the medicine and
there's they're not supposed to know whether they're getting the placebo or
not and so you've got 45,000 plus screened 44,000 plus randomized figures
about half of them go into the Pfizer where they actually get the medicine
the other half goes into the placebo where they're told you might have the
medicine you might not but really they're just injected with saline solution or
something like that so you've got 22,000 going into Pfizer 22,000 going into
placebo you have about 55 of those withdrawing after the first round from
the Pfizer cohort and about 50 withdrawing from the placebo cohort so then
you have 22,030 getting dose one out of which 46 caught COVID after dose one of
the placebo you have about 110 of those people catching COVID then following that
you have 271 people withdrawing themselves from the Pfizer cohort
including two deaths of the people in the Pfizer cohort and you have 380 people
withdrawing from the placebo cohort including two deaths so we're on even
ground now two deaths from the vaccine cohort two deaths from the placebo
cohort you're down to 21,759 for dose two versus 21,650 for the placebo
dose two 85 of the Pfizer cohort caught COVID 924 caught COVID from the
placebo group and these numbers would make you think that it works all right
and these are some of the numbers that they used and yeah all of this study
comes from med r ix or whatever it's called so these are I mean these are
the official numbers but following that you had open label so now the
participants are no longer it's no longer hidden from them and it's no longer
hidden from the study takers whether they're a placebo or not so then you
have a little over 20,000 open label Pfizer receivers a little over 20,000
open label placebo receivers now following the opening up of these you
had three more deaths in the Pfizer cohort no extra deaths in the placebo
cohort and then you had a former placebo cohort who then chose to actually get
the Pfizer shot you had a couple of those people doing it and during that you
had two more deaths in the Pfizer cohort so at the end of the day the death
summary is those who got the vaccine had 21 deaths and those who did not get the
vaccine only had 15 deaths now with the with the vaccinated people you only had
one death caused by COVID while you had two deaths caused by COVID in the
placebo group you had one HIV infected person in the vaccinated group and one
in the non-vaccinated group but you had four cardiac arrests in the vaccine
group and only one cardiac arrest in the placebo group so at the end of the day
apparently you were more likely to die if you received the vaccine than not and
that's from the internal studies that were actually used to justify the release
of this vaccine shows you just how dishonest they are we've got a couple
other articles we'll get to on the other side including this from daily skeptic
vaccinated have up to six times the infection rate of the unvaccinated
according to New Zealand government data I believe the Supreme Court of New
Zealand has now forced the Prime Minister to end the restrictions calling it a
gross violation of human rights and we'll talk about the grid iron
dinner where all of these politicians supposedly got COVID and I'll also show
you a selection from this Peter McCollough speech about VAERS showing the
true devastation being wrought across the pop across the world population by
these COVID shots and their deadly side effects before you now let's go out to
the phone calls we have Derek in FEMA region 10 that is Canada thanks calling
in Derek you're on the air here so can you hear me I hear you thanks calling in
great yeah so I'm actually I'm calling here from Canada but you know I'm near
just just close to Washington State here Victoria versus Columbia Canada so I
want to give you guys an update there there was a there's a reporter for
Rebel News named Jeremy LaFredo and he did an interview with Dr. Robert Malone
recently that was really good tying in COVID vaccine trucker convoys and the
World Economic Forum and it's on their website there's you know they still have
the website up convoyreports.com Rebel News but yeah he he did and Jeremy
LaFredo he was the only one of the only Canadian independent journalists that
was embedded in the US truckers convoy from day one when it started on the in
San Francisco there or wherever and then all the way to Washington so I you know I
think that's pretty cool yeah I mean you know but yeah I just want to just
quickly run off some headlines here so we got RCMP admits to targeting 18
individuals 39 vehicles with emergency powers act finance minister refuses to
answer questions about what the government labeled suspicious convoy
crowdfunding donations Ottawa take please take year-long extension on to
return convoy of access to information requests right I mean this is it okay and
then I don't know if you've heard but they arrested this famous member of
Parliament he's he's loved by he's an old old older guy I mean you know he's
he's an older guy Randy Hillier if you heard him I've heard the name but tell
us what happened to him well he's you know been a long time you know well-known
politician you know you know I remember my dad watching him and and like anyway
they they arrested him like twice like two times they just made this big
spectacle it's it's it's just ridiculous it's it's out of control man the
political posturing here by our government and the people are totally
you know it's it's like you know the people are I would say the there's
there's a large majority now that's woken up here in Canada recently so it's a
good thing I mean I'm happy about but on the other hand I just see them my
government here in Canada just doubling down and it yeah they're they're beta
testing yeah they're seeing how far they can push it and it's crazy it's it's
crazy because because I'm you know I'm a Christian you know I try to stay
positive and and all that and and like we are still having our rallies here but
the truckers they're having a hard time I mean they're trying to they're playing
games like they they were gonna have a big rally on the island here I mean the
province of here's Columbia and so they they were but they they had to put it
postponed it for a year sorry a week they postponed it for a week possibly two
weeks they're doing they're doing everything they can to shut down any
uprising against them and yeah they're beta testing how far they can go Canada's
the experiment there is very little contemporary study in the world of the
planet's ruling class not in communist China not in Mexico not in the United
States not anywhere is there a real study of the planet's ruling class that's
done by design the large central banks that basically control the planet will
penalize and target any academics that look into say the Anglo-American
establishment the sound of the Bilderberg group the trilateral Commission the
United Nations the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers until
10 years ago the media said the control corporate media the Bilderberg group
didn't exist well now the Bilderberg group is public its former head still in
the steering committee is called Schwab and he has set up the great reset in
global government and give as a liberty movement worldwide we don't address the
globalist head-on about the second-year worldwide authoritarian corporate
takeover we don't have a shot we do expose them we can beat them easily the
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freedom and keep info wars at the front lines of the fight against these
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Tree coin it is powerful witness this powerful iconography for yourself and
have this piece of history and be part of the founding member system that we're
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get a historic memento that helps keep info wars on the air and also gives you
a real piece of history at 1776coin.com we are only offering three coins in the
series the first coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in 10 days
now the second coin as we enter the last days of March into April 2022 is now
being offered and I believe it will sell out in just a few days again because
these are historic coins and because our amazing listeners want to support
freedom and keep info wars at the front lines of the fight against these tyrants
so go for yourself to 1776coin.com and see the new Liberty Tree coin it is
powerful witness this powerful iconography for yourself and have this
piece of history and be part of the founding member system that we're set
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real piece of history at 1776coin.com
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones
all right welcome back ladies and gentlemen we are living through what
could very well be the greatest crime against humanity the world has ever
seen with the COVID vaccine rollout I mean on top of the lockdowns on top of
the masks which themselves have had in expressively devastating impacts on the
world economy and people's mental health I mean to really compile all of the
damage done in reaction to this virus that was created in a lab that was my
opinion released on purpose strategically at exactly the right time for it to
perfectly interfere with the 2020 election cycle and justify their criminal
desire for mail-in ballots but it's like even if what would be worth it what
would be worth if it was the plague if it was 50% of the people they got it
died if it was Ebola or something maybe then you could potentially make the
argument but this is the cold right this is a particularly vicious cold that's
all that COVID is and we have just committed global suicide as a result of
it it's unbelievable and again that's not even getting into the vaccine once
you have the vaccine on top of it I mean this is just well as Dr. Peter McCullough
puts it COVID dad COVID jab death count is worse than a war it's worse than a
world war it's worse than potentially every war we've fought in a century
combined the amount of deaths that are expected as a consequence of this stuff
it's just impossible to say let's get back to this daily skeptic article
vaccinated have up to six times the infection rate of the unvaccinated
New Zealand government data shows it's really pretty unbelievable but this
chart tells you more or less all all things you need to know you see a chart
of COVID cases since late February 2022 per 100,000 population per day and
you've got four colored lines the very bottom of which the green one is the
unvaccinated as the least COVID infected are the unvaccinated and interestingly
if you get one dose that's the yellow line here pretty pretty massive but if
you get two doses that's the blue line here just huge huge spike and then
boosted is down here towards the bottom but it's just wild it would be
inexplicable if they hadn't changed the name of vaccines right they didn't change
the meaning of the word vaccine this would be just baffling and shocking and
confusing because vaccine used to mean that you would not get the virus that's
what it used to mean actually tweeted out yesterday it's going minorly viral
weirdly where I just said you know if your first reaction of getting a disease
is thank God I'm vaccinated against this disease you're a mind-controlled slave
like it makes no sense it just makes no sense at all oh thank God I'm vaccinated
against this disease that I just got it makes no sense except that they change
the meaning of vaccinated to mean you're protected against the most severe
consequences which isn't even true obviously let's take a look at some of
these numbers they say firstly the obvious thing is that during the most
recent COVID wave there's been a much lower infection rate in the unvaccinated
compared to those compared with those that have been given one two or three
doses what's more this is not a small effect over the period shown approximately
10% of the triple vaccinated in New Zealand were affected 14% of the
single vaccinated were infected and astounding 18% of the double vaccinated
were infected while only 3% of the unvaccinated appear to be infected the
order of effect is also seen in UK for some time in the UK the highest case
rates have been found in the triple vaccinated and you can see here they just
went ahead and charted it out the infectious data from New Zealand allows
to estimate the vaccines effectiveness for the COVID vaccines in the absence of
natural immunity so for one dose your vaccine effectiveness is negative 430
percent with two doses the effectiveness is negative 540 percent and with
three doses the vaccine effectiveness is negative 310 percent this alone this
alone is shocking for anybody that wasn't aware this was the case since the
very beginning but I it's got to be shocking for most people out there so
even if the vaccine was just saline solution it would it would be more
effective than the vaccine we have now and that's not even starting to count the
massive massive rise in heart attacks and young people cardiac arrest myocarditis
and a number of other incredibly dangerous side effects let's go down to
this video you can find it at info wars.com Dr. Peter McCullough the COVID
covid jab death count is worse than war here it is I can tell you looking at
this VAERS report with 12,000 Americans who have died voluntarily after taking
an injection the COVID-19 vaccine is worse than a war it's worse than most
wars now for VAERS vaccine reverse event reporting system 86% of the time the
report is made by a doctor a nurse or healthcare professional who thinks the
vaccine caused the problem 14% of the time it's by the patient themselves or
someone else in their behalf the forms are filled out under the threat of
imprisonment or federal fines if they're falsified so everything up on this red
board is airtight the reports get a preliminary VAERS number and then the
CDC verifies everything one of them everything in the red box report is
verified so when I report a case of myocarditis or death the CDC calls
me check I've done it so I know so these are real people who have lost their
lives now the estimates are that this is underreported you can imagine so many
people died nobody knows if they took the vaccine and unless you have the
vaccine card and you enter the lot number correctly and a lot numbers by
the way are handwritten on cards so if we enter in the raw lot number
incorrectly or don't have the vaccine card there's no report so the estimates
are this is underreported we know from other sources of data that this is
underreported by a factor of five or potentially a factor of 20 these are
very very large numbers and there are papers now many papers describing how
the vaccine actually injures these organs this one by Almas and colleagues
describe in the peer reviewed published literature this new set of diseases many
of them cardiovascular this paper by Pantosacos and Seligman is particularly
concerning they used us census data as well as vaccine administration data and
looked at death from zero to 20 weeks and they concluded that the upper bound of
a confidence interval for death could be as high as 187,000 Americans losing
their life after vaccine 187,000 this is it that was just a very small portion of
a very long and thorough talk given by dr. Peter McCullough you can find the
full video now at info wars.com the truth is coming out whether they like it or
not folks but they're doing everything they can to silence those who tell the
truth and you know that because info wars is under a greater attack than we
ever have been before and so we beg and beseech you go to infowarstore.com
right now support us massive sales we make it easy to support us not only are
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check out the new line it's amazing
April 2022 just kicked off and it's already been incredible
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Joe Biden they along with many other new ruler
operatives have gone on national television and announced that we are now
under a world government they have a summit taking place right now in Dubai
titled world government summit and they are announcing incredible tyranny
everything we've talked about is now coming true and the globalists want to
take us off air ladies and gentlemen we are running the biggest sale in the
history of info wars right now in our 28 years all info wars apparel is being
sold at cost until the inventory is gone and we're never gonna print these t-shirts
and ball caps and info wars flags again we may have t-shirts in apparel in the
future but I don't even know we are blowing out of everything to get
emergency funds in right now I'm firing the bat signal and asking you to get
your t-shirts at infowarstore.com right now they're at cost
ladies and gentlemen infowarstore.com is offering the biggest sales in its over
20 year history and that is because the economy is breaking down inflation is
exploding the supply chains have broken down and info wars is having serious
trouble making its payroll and paying for operations and I do not want to
implode or downsize in the face of the globalists making their main move info
wars it's paradoxical is more popular than ever it was reaching more people
than ever despite the censorship but because of cost increasing and having
to run our own infrastructure and pay for our own bandwidth everything else we
are running out of money soliciting up to 75% off infowarstore.com on things
like amazing patriot t-shirts that help spread the word and fund the operation
on supplements on books on films everything is 25 to 75% off right now
the biggest selling our history at infowarstore.com thank you for your
support ladies and gentlemen infowarstore.com is offering the biggest
sales in its over 20 year history and that is because the economy is breaking
down inflation is exploding the supply chains have broken down and info wars
is having serious trouble making its payroll and paying for operations and
I do not want to implode or downsize in the face of the globalists making their
main move info wars it's paradoxical is more popular than ever it was reaching
more people than ever despite the censorship but because of cost increasing
having to run our own infrastructure and pay for our own bandwidth everything else
we are running out of money soliciting up to 75% off infowarstore.com on things
like amazing patriot t-shirts that help spread the word and fund the operation
on supplements on books on films everything is 25 to 75% off right now
the biggest selling our history at infowarstore.com thank you for your
support. Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex
Jones live from Austin Texas it's Alex Jones. Welcome back folks Harrison Smith
sitting in for Alex Jones today on this live broadcast from the info wars
headquarters we're gonna go to your phone calls momentarily still to come in
today's program I want to show you a video from a trans non-binary teacher
saying that three-year-olds should not be taught about sex what a what a
concept just because your LGBT doesn't mean you want to indoctrinate children
what what a what a bizarre concept that is it's just it's just anyway we'll show
you that in just a little bit but I want to go out to your phone calls in this
article but or in this segment but before I do I want to read this thread
from Vinay Prasad on Twitter lessons from gridiron dinner so the gridiron
dinner was the event that all of these politicians went to where they all got
COVID I guess here's some lessons we can learn from that number one the vaccine
passports do not work mandates and passports became ethically bankrupt
when breakthrough cases became inevitable I would disagree with that they
became ethically bankrupt before they were even acknowledged we knew this was
coming and it was never right to do and yet it was justified by pretending like
the vaccine actually worked and that you know tests could prevent people from
spreading it I mean masks locked down literally none of it works so it was
never moral it was never it was never ethical it was always bankrupt of these
things but that's one lesson we can learn because they had vaccine passports
they tested people before going to this event and it still was a super spreader
event as it were number two Fauci and Walensky go to 700 unmasked dinners the
700 people at this dinner unmasked but toddlers in New York City are victims of
CDC's data-free toddler mask guidance WTF good point Vinay number three
everyone will get COVID-19 even the rich and powerful boosting in perpetuity has
a transient effect but needs better data to know if young people have further
gains in severe disease reduction no it doesn't it's not just not happening
halting infection halting infection is not a tenable goal yeah we know it's just
like isn't it fun folks isn't it fun just watching everybody catch up to info
wars two years ago it's like well maybe we shouldn't have locked everyone down
maybe it's not feasible to say we're gonna stop we're gonna shut down the
economy until the common cold is dealt with it's like yeah no this was never
feasible this was another never ethical this was never moral this was always a
power grab please stop like softening your claims I was like oh well we just
need more information no we don't know it's all wrong this is all wrong it's all
stupid it's all pointless and all has negative efficacy so just stop okay but
going on he says hypocrisy is rampant some people who pushed for school closure
lockdown interventions that harmed the poor are happy to party they should drop
all remaining restrictions like airplane and toddler masking and vow not to
reinstitute it without the data to back it up again nothing new this has been
going on since the very first lockdowns and politicians being caught saying well
it's important that my hair look good so these laws aren't for me and this is all
baked in this is all on purpose the COVID laws were designed to be to apply
only to people without political or corporate support the same time that the
island of New Zealand was a prison you couldn't go in or out and unless you're
the CEO of Google right they built it into the UK law saying you have to go
through this quarantine two-week isolation period and they say unless
you're a part of a big corporation then you can ignore this so it's only for
plebeians only for us it's only for the underclass to have to do this everybody
else can ignore it if you have a private plane you don't have to wear a mask on it
obviously asymptomatic testing is a fool's errand he says living with other
people means getting sick pretty normal unless you're you know just a healthy
person doctors are maskless at conferences as we speak and Faucian
Lewinsky went to a super spreader dinner all restrictions should be dropped it's
over no one will accept any more hypocrisy he says there's hundreds of
gridiron events in America daily we only know about this one in minutiae
because it involves famous people the how could it have been done better
columns miss the broader perspective of reality they're not missing anything I
hate to say they are purposefully ignoring or concealing the reality to
continue to push their tyrannical takeover measures and force us all into
medically justified slavery that's all it is so I'm glad some people are
starting to wake up sure could use your help two years ago but we're happy to
have you on the team now welcome to info wars let's go back out to your calls
we've got I want to go to Nathan you're talking about Bertrand to Russell because
so much of this has to do with the manipulation of language and of
manufacturing of consent for this stuff it's all completely arbitrary and
baseless everything that they're pushing but they get everybody behind it
through their control of the media as laid out by Bertrand Russell at the
beginning of last century thanks for calling in Nathan you're on the air
thanks so much Harrison always a pleasure hey you just shout out to the
previous caller from Victoria hey I'm just up the road in the Komoks Valley
much Canadians calling in today we love it yeah I have from Vancouver Island I
know and shout out to Dennis from Kentucky have you tried the new
mouthwash look Jordan Peterson compared souls and eats and Tolstoy to Shakespeare
okay that's his words not mine right and Jay Dyer on Friday show that talked
about specifically about Bertrand Russell and the quote diet injections and
injunctions and let's break that down please diet that's poison food
injections painted vaccines and injunctions that's globalist you EU
policy world WHO policy it through diet injections and injunctions again this
is Bertrand Russell's quote we want to quote make children believe snow is black
right and quote okay so let's go back to souls and eats and now this is info
wars is tomorrow to next week's news today souls and eats and work will be
pulled from the shelves why because souls and eats and ripped Bertrand Russell a
new one on page 59 of volume 2 gulag archipelago quote and is this another
book you have not read sir Bertrand Russell referring to quote an island
hell 1926 regarding the soul of Etsy Island okay and so the my prediction
here tomorrow's news today is souls and eats and work it's gonna be pulled from
the shelves because that's what communists do they destroy evidence you
know this actually goes right and long with what I started the show with which
was my piece about the Alamo because my argument in that piece is that they want
to make the album you know they want to destroy the lessons of the Alamo because
the Alamo it's not about race they're not they're not talking about race in it
the Alamo and so many stories like it tell you how to resist tyranny and that's
exactly what soul jenison does in the gulag archipelago he tells you in no
uncertain terms here's how you resist this tyranny and he says you know we fell
for we fell into the gulag system because we didn't love liberty enough he
says we didn't love freedom enough and we allowed it to be taken from us piece by
piece so yeah of course that they're not gonna they're not gonna give you the
key to breaking the tyranny that they're trying to saddle on your shoulders
right they're not they're not going to give you these stories in history that
tells you when you're confronted with tyranny here's how you act here's how
you confront it here's how you defeat it because the history is replete with these
examples and it doesn't take overwhelming force it doesn't take nuclear bombs it
takes small groups of people willing to die for freedom and centered and coalesced
around a singular voice for freedom you can take down tyranny and doesn't matter
how strong the tyranny is doesn't matter if it's a USSR or Santa Anna standing up
against it is the only way that it goes away coming together and even unto death
resisting it is the only way that tyranny breaks so I think you're exactly
right they're gonna get rid of soldier Knitzen they might not just ban it
outright they might do that if they have enough power if they're if they're cocky
enough to do so but they're more likely to take the tack that they took with the
Alamo which is to put out a ton of information saying oh actually soldier
Knitzen's racist actually he's a racist so you know out of out of respect for
care for racism we're gonna have to not have many more and they'll put out
biographies talking about how soldier Knitzen was a reactionary propagandist
they'll destroy his reputation they may give him the the info wars treatment
right they may destroy his reputation first and then take the books out after
but I think you're exactly right they're going to destroy all the things that
make us aware of the way that you defeat tyranny Bertrand Russell may also be on
that list how they may they may you know sensor the stuff that tells how they do
it because that's the key to how to undo it
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three-part founder series at 1776
coin dot com or info or store dot com and the second installment is the Tree of
Liberty Thomas Jefferson quote must be watered with the blood of patriots and
tyrants the coin I designed I'm very very proud of it and it will end up being a
collectible I know that the first coin is already selling on eBay and other
places for three times what we sold it we need to sell all ten thousand these
very very quickly and I appreciate listeners are getting over half of them
now I'd like to move them out very quickly I think they will sell out
probably in five or six more days and without the last coin sale we would not
be operating at the same capacity we've had to lay off a lot of people and had
some big problems so as a limited edition collectible tied our political
movement of liberty and freedom and it's needed for our infrastructure and
building new systems so please give yourself and us aid in the fight against
the new world order at 1776 coin dot com your voice counts when you share
information be it over the internet or in person it changes the world the
globalists know their agenda is unpopular they know you're angry and now
to get around big tech it's more important than ever that we use every
tool we've got the ladies and gentlemen if you sign up for our free news and
show alerts you can then take those alerts those articles and those live feeds
both the regular shows and special reports and share them with everyone you
know take action now by texting the word news any ws to 833-470-0438
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introducing the newest product from info wars life dot com we are so proud of
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April 2022 just kicked off and it's already been incredible clout Schwab
Bill Gates Joe Biden they along with many other new world order operatives have
gone on national television and announced that we are now under a world
government they have a summit taking place right now in Dubai titled world
government summit and they are announcing incredible tyranny everything
we've talked about is now coming true and the globalist want to take us off air
ladies and gentlemen we are running the biggest sale in the history of info wars
right now in our 28 years all info wars apparel is being sold at cost until the
inventory is gone and we're never gonna print these t-shirts and ball caps and
info wars flags again we may have t-shirts and apparel in the future but I
don't even know we are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in
right now I'm firing the bat signal and asking you to get your t-shirts at
infowarstore.com right now they're at cost
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
welcome back ladies gentlemen this is the final segment of the alex jones show
and there's still so much talk about so let's let's let's pack it all in here
shall we first of all let me start with a pretty interesting comment by martyr
made on twitter today is palm sunday and martyr made says this says when jesus
entered Jerusalem he was welcomed with crowds waving palm fronds but where
were these adoring crowds five days later when he was crucified were they
hiding in fear no the crowd on palm sunday was the same crowd bang for his
blood five days later at the urging of the priests the fickleness of the crowd
its vulnerability to mimetic contagion is reflected in the story of peter's
three denials for of christ for even peter the rock ready to fight with
swords protect jesus cannot withstand the mimetic pressure of his peers and it's
pretty brilliant pretty terrifying also if you think about it then of course from
the bible jesus knows what is in man says this is a john two twenty three now
when he was in jerusalem at the Passover feast many believed his in his name when
they saw the signs that he was doing but jesus on his part did not entrust himself
to them because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man
for he himself knew what was in man and it is uh it's a bummer isn't it how
easily people can be swayed by pressure from outside but one thing you need to
know is that will never be a factor for us here at info wars we have the whole
world against us it seems at times but we know you have our back and that alone
makes this job easy to be honest with you to see the number of people I see out
on a daily basis who are awake and no info wars and love info wars and
recognizes that what we do here is not easy it's not it's not something that's
gonna make us rich it's not something that's gonna make us beloved by the
masses unfortunately because of the control of the mainstream media but we
still have such a sizable contingent of americans that can see through the lies
and see exactly what we're all about and that we have told the truth since the
very beginning and have been fearless in doing so regardless of what they
threaten us with or how they try to sway us if we have the truth we're gonna
tell it to you and that's just the way we operate and we will not we would not
be here and we will not be here without your support and so we ask you humbly to
go to infowarstore.com and get a supplement get a t-shirt t-shirt at
cost right now the super sale is still going on up to 75% off some of our top
selling products we make it so easy for you to support us because you're getting
an incredible product in return but of course it is a 360 win meaning that you
are not only supporting yourself by getting these supplements you're
supporting us and everything that we do here from the website to band.video to
all of the great content creators we have there to this show the weekend show
the weekday show war room american journal the alex jones show all of it
is funded at infowar store.com by you the american people so please go to info
war store.com and go to info wars.com and share the links share the articles also
take our poll while you're there we always have a poll over in the right hand
side the poll that is on info wars.com right now is what will happen to hunter
biden will he be convicted will he be pardoned acquitted or will nothing
happen at all go there give us your answer it's already something like 55,000
answers but we want to really take the temperature of america and know whether
you think that something's going to happen or whether you're right and
then nothing will happen alright I don't want to sway the poll I just I just have
a feeling knowing how these things tend to go and these people never get
punished these people never get punished sure your website your your laptop can
be chock full of the most horrific things man has ever devised and can show
black and white pure and simple corruption at the highest levels of our
government that's sort of the rub isn't it it's at the highest level of our
government and it didn't get that way overnight Joe Biden is not a standout
corrupt individual they all are like this you think Nancy Pelosi Sun's laptop
doesn't have just as much incriminating information of course it does but anyway
tell us what you think go to info wars.com right now take advantage of or
take a part of our take a part in our poll and also share the links there's
tons of amazing videos there right now on the on the scroller of course the
Peter McCollough speech that showed you earlier I'm gonna go out to phone calls
in just a second but first I do want to show you one of the videos that you can
find at info wars.com and that is a video of a trans non-binary teacher talking
about teaching at three-year-olds about sex now from that setup you may think it
goes one way take a look at the video so you think after this let's watch I'm a
queer teacher and I 1000% do not support this bill and yes I do know what's in it
well in itself is just another way to stigmatize the LGBTQ plus community kids
as young as three and four are actually aware of their gender identity even if
they don't have the language for it so very aware of who they like and who they
don't like heterosexuality is pushing our kids on a daily basis at a very young
age media through books the first Disney movie that you saw say that pre-k
through third grade are not ready for such topics is actually internalized
homophobia and transphobia very much ready for these topics and are way more
accepting than adults when it comes to discussing these topics and talk about
gender gender assumptions pronouns all the things and it is child development
appropriate and age appropriate literally created as just another means to
other queer people basically say that us existing is not normal but I'm very
confused I'm not as confused as that person but I mean that person's
confusion I think is rubbed off on me I 1000% do not support this bill okay she
doesn't support it all right he she whatever doesn't support it I was
confused should not be taught about sex she's like they don't need to be taught
about sex because they already know it all because we're already getting to
them God I don't I just feel sorry I feel sorry for for normal gay people
honestly feel sorry for normal trans people that are just like because the
conversation is just pretty simple it's like I don't think you should be
teaching my little baby child about sex in school that's weird there's like oh
you hate gay people then you should imagine a person like whoa don't bring me
into this I'm not indoctrinating kids that's creepy and weird but you know
this is this is the usefulness of identity politics I guess they can just
convince you that to be support to be in support of LGBTQ material means that
you have to support indoctrinating children into your belief system at a
very young age in public schools not the case folks not the case no that's that's
not true everybody should be against this unless you're a groomer unless you're a
pedophile right that's why this word groomer so powerful and that's why
they're trying to prevent people from saying it on Twitter now with that let's
go out to a few more phone calls here let's go to Dennis in Kentucky thanks
calling in Dennis you're on the air Harrison you're doing a brilliant job
and I love it Alex please keep your head up on I'm gonna always pray for you
to prove thank you on it keep doing it I love the product mainly people please
go get a water filter please get a water filter you cook with water you make
ice cubes do the right thing air and water filters and home filters for you
showering just do it absolutely and about it and it and by it by it as a
present for your friend that hates info wars because they'll love the product
and you don't have to tell them where you got it you don't have to tell them
that you're supporting Alex Jones by buying these water filters just get a
little water filter they'll love it maybe you can introduce them to info wars
down the road but thank you so much Dennis but you called you called in
about Barack Obama and I think your idea I've heard a lot I've heard a lot of
people and I think a lot of people agree with with what you think so tell us
what you think that the plan is with build back better seriously I mean and
and in 2000 in 2012 November 7th 2012 Kamal Darvis
administrator of the United Nations Development Program wrote a piece in
the world economic forum by Barack Obama's second turn see he showed and
detailed how Barack Obama had to either kill off American people or buy back the
public debt so what it is is that since he had already destroyed a lot of what
he did what you called a build back better and actuality was bring back
Barack hmm all the policies you're seeing right now you are what witnessing
Barack Obama's third term as president right that's all this is I mean who killed
Jeffrey Epstein I mean I've got a wife that's a transgender she can go in there
and change and kill this dude and come on out oh you might you might have to get
you might get sentenced to community service for like 15 hours or whatever
their their jail guards were we're sentenced to but you know I've heard that a
lot and I think there's something to that I mean I think the idea that Obama
is pulling strings behind the scenes is pretty undeniable at this point seeing
the way he was received at the White House as people ignored it Joe Biden
seeing just that things happens or without explanation who's really making
decisions here hearing Obama when he was still president saying well I'd like to
have a third term as long as I could just pull the strings from the shadows and
didn't have to be actually involved like he basically admitted it himself but
also there's a there's a lot of people behind the scenes that think that some
of the machinations going on are actually attempting to legitimately put
Barack Obama back into the president's seat and set him up for a third term if
not you know permanent presidency Allah jeez and paying so yeah keep an eye on
Obama he hasn't gone anywhere and he's actually gotten more powerful since he
left office all right folks that's gonna do it for us it's been the Alex John
Sean Harrison Smith tune in tomorrow morning to American Journal
we are only offering three coins in the series the first coin was released in
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to your support of this project get a historic memento that helps keep info
wars on the air and also gives you a real piece of history at 1776 coin dot
com the average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware
there's a war between free individuals and nation states on one side and the
globalist on the other who are literally trying to create a post human
world from the United States to Brazil and of course triggered by the bricks in
the UK nations were pulling out of the private corporate fascist world
government that's why they launched their great recess and their program after
collapsing us of build back better this is nothing more than a top-down
vertical consolidation of the world economy because they couldn't take our
guns because we wouldn't bow because the left which is the ideology of this
world government system could win they released a biological weapon on us now
we know two years ago we learned about it about 20 months ago it's that simple
they can't be because of our free speech in our guns so the global corporate
combined release of a 19 and you know the rest of history expose this bear if
you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance