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Filename: 20220405_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 5, 2022
3264 lines.

Alex Jones discusses supporting InfoWars through product purchases, recent events like the Oscars and Ukraine situation, dangers of biological weapons labs, his personal experience with supplements, and criticizes mainstream media's COVID reporting. He promotes "InfoWars Life Immune Support" as an essential product."

It's Tuesday, April 5th, the year is 2022.
I'm Alex Jones coming to you from Connecticut.
Owen Stroyer is about to be taking over from the ATX here in just a few minutes, and I've
got several extremely informative reports coming up in this hour as well that I taped
But first, I want to make this perfectly clear.
We warned the world four and a half years ago when I got de-platformed, de-banked and
persecuted at communist Chinese levels, that the reason I was being demonized was because
M4 Wars was seen as a symbol of the American populist and a symbol of resistance worldwide.
And if we continued to succeed, 1776 worldwide would occur with people declaring their independence
against the World Economic Forum and the globalist New World Order.
That's why I'm enemy number one.
And understanding why I'm enemy number one is the key to bringing them down.
And supporting and keeping us on air is critical because the enemy is obsessed with destroying
us and taking us off air so they can steal our identity and misrepresent who we are worldwide
and kill the idea of the American rugged individualist and populist.
So we are all at the tip of the spear.
The viewers and listeners of the show are so precious.
We told you first they came for Alex Jones, then they came for everybody else.
And now here in Connecticut with literally kangaroo trials where I can't defend myself
and I'm already guilty when it goes to the jury.
They are literally setting the precedent and bragging to get rid of populist and conservatives
and veterans and police officers and you name it, due process.
So this is an authoritarian reign of terror taking place to shut down free speech and
silence opposition.
So this is the next level of the takeover is now physically bankrupting people and putting
them in jail for their speech.
Look at the January 6 people, some of them totally peaceful, still in jail.
But Kamala Harris was bailing people out that were burning down people's buildings including
attacking federal buildings of Molotov cocktails.
That's all mostly peaceful and good.
But when conservatives walk in the Capitol peacefully they get arrested.
This is the new world order future where the prisons are emptied of criminals and filled
with good people.
This is the judicial tyranny and that's why now more than ever you must override them
with your word of mouth spreading this live feed because it is the tip of the spear.
It is the bat signal fired out to humanity to awaken and say no in full words is the
standard of resistance.
You are the standard of resistance and that's why our work is so critical.
I am honored to be enemy number one.
I am honored to have the enemy come after me first.
But understand as Trump always says they're trying to get through me to get to you.
So please keep us on air, keep us in your prayers and financially support us at infowarstore.com.
Owen Schroyer takes over.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, and we will be hearing from Alex.
He's already filed some reports.
We're going to be airing through the transmission here today on this Tuesday, April 5, 2022.
We've also got a great guest coming on who was one of the first people to break the story
about the biolabs in Ukraine and we're going to get his take on the biolabs, Russia targeting
the biolabs, the Biden involvement in the biolabs and all of that.
And then here's what I have on my desk before we come back when the Alex Jones report.
Big news is breaking when it comes to the election theft that took place in 2020, the
presidential election theft.
We've got big breaking news on that.
There are some developments in the Russia versus the globalist narrative, and that's
what it is.
Yeah, you have Russia going into Ukraine and they've got their agenda there, but then
you have the globalist agenda that's anti-Russia and they're making moves right now just stealing
Russian's property, just saying, oh, you're a Russian billionaire, we're just going to
take all your money, we're going to take your property, just, oh, okay.
So that's the globalists doing that.
Here's a slew of news stories today discussing mental health in this country and what's going
on with women and children.
Ah, well, what is the left targeted more than anything else culturally in this country,
the women and children?
Why are their suicide rates and mental health rates skyrocketing?
Because that's what liberalism is, it's a mental disorder.
We do also have some COVID news, some just incredible political news.
When it comes to what Biden and Harris are up to, it's really quite an embarrassment.
All that and more coming up on today's Alex Jones show.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series, the 1776 Anti-Tyrant
Coin, and it sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original, powerful coin, a founding member
coin, we would not be on air today.
Now the second coin, the Liberty Tree Coin, is being offered and it will probably sell
out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to in front of operation.
It is so historic and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty
being refreshed with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com.
It's also at infowarstore.com.
It's amazing.
There's only 10,000 of them.
And as a founding member, if we're able to stay on the air, we're planning something
very, very special for everyone that helps us go to the next level.
So get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
Government, buy the people, off the people, for the people.
But the people are retarded.
So let us say government buy the retarded, for the retarded, off the retarded.
Even the famous cult leader guru, Osho, understood the danger of the mad how of pure democracy
that the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, warned the world about.
In a republic, you generally have two parties so that the people can balance power between
You try to separate the government into different factions in our country.
You have the legislative, the executive, and the judicial.
And it is that separation of powers that stops cults or gangs or organized crime syndicates
or dictators, oligarchies, to be able to get control.
Because you don't just split up the federal government into three branches.
You then separate federal and state power.
And then you have state and local power because it all comes from we the people.
It's all designed to stop the type of tyrannies that have been seen destroying amazing civilizations
throughout history.
And so when we see what's happening in the world today under radical leftist bullying,
it's mega corporations coming in and taking over governments, getting their politicians
and operatives into place, who swear allegiance to the code of the Davos group, which is the
Bilderberg group.
Klaus Schwab heads up both.
And their goal, you're now seeing it, is a post-industrial world, feudalism making you
very, very poor.
And that's just the people that are allowed to survive.
They want at least a 90% population reduction.
Then the globalists have their private jets, their huge estates, their fabulous wealth.
They enjoy all the technology.
They enjoy all the medicine.
They enjoy the culture.
You get starved to death and killed.
So this is really the issue of our age.
And this is the issue for all of human history now, if we allow ourselves to go under this
incredible tyranny.
Just a few weeks ago, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright died.
And the media around the world celebrated her as just the most wonderful thing ever
because she was the first Secretary of State who was a female.
But if you look at what she actually did, she supported wars.
She supported sanctions that killed millions and millions of people.
And just in Iraq, it was estimated by the UN, 500,000-plus children, just under the sanctions
that she put on Iraq during Bill Clinton's administration.
Herbert Walker had already put some sanctions on them.
But the Clintons tripled it at her suggestion, and they wouldn't even let basic antibiotics
get into the country, and a half million children died.
And she famously said that it was a good price to pay.
We have heard that a half a million children have died.
I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima.
And is the price worth it?
I think this is a very hard choice, but the price we think the price is worth it.
It's important on this April 5, 2022, Tuesday broadcast, to pull back at a 35,000-foot view
and ask yourself, why is the entire leftist media, the corporate media from Japan to Europe
to the UK, Australia to the US, praising this woman two weeks after she died?
It's still all over television.
It's still all over the newspapers, why?
Because they're rewriting history, ladies and gentlemen, while they pick out other individuals
and groups who they want to villainize, who they want to demonize.
And it's only when the public has very short attention spans and doesn't know about history
that they're able to be manipulated with this information.
Here's a case point example.
If you go out and ask the general public about Sandy Hook 10 years ago, a bunch of children
being shot to death in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, people are going to say, Alex Jones.
Believe me, I'm Alex Jones, I experienced it on the street.
Some people walk up to me and say, you killed the children.
That's mind control.
That's a dumb-down population.
But that's how the Democratic Party in Hillary Clinton five years ago, six years ago when
Trump was winning, got upset.
They knew that I was leading a major populist movement.
They said, what do we do?
Well, we look at Jones' history, things he's covered, things he's questioned.
And we make him the Sandy Hook man.
And then any time people talk about Alex Jones, we get to bring Sandy Hook back up and go
after everybody's guns again.
But more importantly, use the attack on Alex Jones to set the precedent to then take people's
free speech away.
And again, this should only be done with an extremely dumb-down public.
And so what's happened is we don't have a separation of powers to a great extent anymore.
And we have the judicial branch that is becoming its own tyranny and that is engaging in any
type of activity they wish because there's no real checks and balances on them.
So when you have the perfect storm of a dumb-down, historically illiterate population with mega-corporations
that are extremely predatory, you get a perfect storm of what they call technocratic tyranny.
And that's what this whole cashless society, programmable money systems that are being
announced and the world government that's being announced is actually rolling out right
Now, remember that same corporate media for decades told you, world government doesn't
exist, new world order doesn't exist, there's no Bilderberg group, and now it's all out
in the open because they're going from beta accelerating into operational, and everybody
needs to be concerned about this going into operational because its plan is at least 80%
depopulation by 2030, and you can see how that's now beginning all over the world.
So humanity must become the checks and balances again, we must identify who the enemies are,
we must understand how they manipulated us, and we've got to say, why is Marilyn Albright,
a hero, when she gave the orders to kill a half a million children and sat on TV, she
was proud of it?
How is George Soros, the admitted Nazi collaborator that bankrupted more than 20 nations systems
and stole old people's pension funds?
How is he a hero, but Alex Jones is bad?
This is bigger than Alex Jones, but just think about the power of the corporate media to
demonize someone for questioning events, when there's been so many staged events in history,
and that's the ultimate crime, is questioning the official narrative, but when you actually
kill a half million children deliberately, it's now a good thing.
That is nothing less than mind control.
So when we see men posing as women wearing admiral outfits, and men in women's wrestling
choking out women, and when we see open borders and we see the Supreme Court justice nominee
since you can't say what a woman is, and we witness the devaluation of our currency and
all of this, this is the checks and balances of good people not being involved, being removed,
and into that vacuum comes all the tyrants, all the criminals, all the evil people.
Thomas Jefferson was asked, what is the level of tyranny humans will live under?
And he said it is the level to which you will accept.
There's always someone more evil to come into the vacuum when good people don't stand up,
and so it's accelerating, it's getting worse and worse by the day, and people have to understand
that being lazy, not being engaged, going along with political correctness is basically
sucking the oxygen out of the room and it's going to destroy us, and that having courage
and questioning and being involved and standing up against censorship is the answer.
There's an article on infowords.com today by Paul Watson, where the Big National Museum
of Art in the UK is changing the names of art, taking any names that basically say Russian
off of them.
We have to decide who we are and what we stand for.
We're going to lose our entire culture, our entire civilization, it really just comes
down to that.
It's the decision that all of us have to make because things are only going to get worse
the more we live in denial.
It's only going to get better by standing up doing the right thing.
Some of us will be demonized who are at the tip of the spear, that's okay, I volunteered
for this because not standing up and being a total slave is a fate far worse.
We are only offering three coins in the series.
The first coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in 10 days.
Now the second coin as we enter the last days of March into April 2022 is now being offered
and I believe it will sell out in just a few days again because these are historic coins
and because our amazing listeners want to support freedom and keep info wars at the
front lines of the fight against these tyrants.
So go for yourself to 1776coin.com and see the new Liberty tree coin.
It is powerful.
Witness this powerful iconography for yourself and have this piece of history and be part
of the founding member system that we're set to launch in the very near future.
Thanks to your support of this project, get a historic memento that helps keep info wars
on the air and also gives you a real piece of history at 1776coin.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, info wars store.com is offering the biggest sales in its over 20
year history and that is because the economy is breaking down, inflation is exploding,
the supply chains have broken down and info wars is having serious trouble making its
payroll and paying for operations and I do not want to implode or downsize in the face
of the globalist making their main move.
Info wars, its paradoxical is more popular than ever, it is reaching more people than
ever despite the censorship, but because of cost increasing and having to run our own
infrastructure and pay for our own bandwidth, everything else, we are running out of money.
So listen, up to 75% off at info wars store.com on things like amazing patriot t-shirts that
help spread the word and fund the operation, on supplements, on books, on films, everything
is 25 to 75% off right now, the biggest sell in our history at info wars store.com.
Thank you for your support.
Introducing the newest product from info wars life.com, we are so proud of info wars life
immune support.
It is concentrated herbs that are known on record to supercharge our bodies natural defenses.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is something that is essential and everyone should get and on
top of it, it funds the info war, so that's the 360 win.
Let me tell you what is in this amazing product.
Concentrated elderberry, concentrated echinacea, concentrated astragalus root, angelica root,
loatium root and more.
This product is incredible.
Info wars immune support, exclusively available at info wars store.com is funding the tip
of the spear, the info wars operation.
It is a 360 win.
The only way you fail is by not taking action and getting this product to boost your body's
natural defenses and keep info wars on the air.
The globalists are hoping you don't take action.
Take action now info wars store.com.
We here at info wars are proud to announce the first ever kava kava root supplement that
is now available at info wars store.com.
Kava is one of the hottest new breakthroughs in the natural health world today, though it
has been used for hundreds of years in the pacific islands for its relaxation and euphoric
According to ancient simoan legend kava was given as a gift by the sun god tagaloa, who
they considered to be the supreme ruler and creator of the universe.
The simoan people would drink kava tea during social gatherings and sacred ceremonies to
loosen up a little.
Nowadays kava is used around the world by many who enjoy its serious benefits.
The new kava chill by dr. jones naturals contains a full blend of not only kava kava but other
herbs including but not limited to german chamomile, organic skullcap and ballerian root.
We do expect to sell this new product quickly so be sure to secure yours by visiting info
wars store.com.
Pleading of frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's alex jones.
We are back on this special Tuesday, April 5th edition of the alex jones show.
Thank you for tuning in and again thank you for spreading the word about the broadcast.
You are the power that takes this information to the next level.
You are who is able to override big tech sensors and the globalist who are fighting tooth and
nail to suppress the voice of the people.
So together we are going to defeat these globalists and I again thank you all for taking action
and realizing how important your word of mouth is to override your tyranny.
Separately I want to remind listeners that we are fighting the globalist at point blank
range with every ounce of energy and will and finances we have and without you we will
not be able to continue on.
Plus we have great products at info wars store.com.
Take advantage of them now.
Palm and block has been sold out for 11 months.
It is a natural system that is wonderful for allergies and hay fever and so much more.
It is now back in stock and despite the fact it has been sold out for a year, it is 40%
off at info wars store.com right on time for spring.
Also we are going to sell out by Friday or so at current sales of the new 1776 coin.
It is a three part series.
It is limited edition.
There will only be 10,000 of this coin made, there will be 10,000 of the next coin made
and then that is it, the three part series.
It is a founder coin meaning it is being used to really energize our operation and ensure
that we are not taking off the year and then everybody that does become a founding member
by buying the coin, if you put your email in when you get the coin you will be sent
in the future, very near future, a lot of really, really special exclusive things unless
there is a nuclear war or I get assassinated or put in prison and taken off the year.
But if we are able to keep fighting, founding members will definitely be pleased.
And then finally there is a lot of other great products at infowarstore.com but we were doing
a lot of accounting trying to find money to pay the payroll and they are like hey Alex
we keep telling you keep designing new shirts all the time but never really promoting them
so some shirts sell some don't but we have 63,000 shirts and it just sell them at cost
and we will move about the door and then only have a few shirts that are limited edition
here and there that are popular that way we don't have half the warehouse full of stuff,
it is killing us.
We are absolutely right and the listeners have really come through, we started this
special deal on Wednesday of last week and we have now sold 13,000 t-shirts as of this
So 13,000 we are down to 50,000 t-shirts thanks to you, these are limited edition, they are
never going to get made again, some of these shirts designs are 25 years old like the mass
murderers agree shirt are 20 years old, attorney response team shirts, none of these are ever
getting made again so please help keep us on the air and get a piece of history and
help us spread the word the third dimension by taking advantage of the mega t-shirt blowout
sale at infowarstore.com and finally this is the last week to get 40% off on Vazel beats
and on bio true selenium they are going to go back to 25% off, right now they are 40%
off and they are excellent at infowarstore.com.
Back to Owen Schreuer and our amazing crew in ATX, I am in the belly of the beast Connecticut
so please pray for us.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, more coming up from Alex this hour and then a great guest
in the second hour.
Let me just hit some of the news right now before we come back with Alex, COVID cases
in China hit record as Shanghai extends lockdown.
So yeah, they locked down an entire, basically it would be like locking down an entire city
or even state, they are trying to test 26 million in Shanghai as their goal to COVID
test 26 million.
More than 80% of the country's latest daily cases were in Shanghai where millions of people
were confined to their home.
So again, COVID cases hit record, but is that the story?
The story is that they locked down the entire city of Shanghai, tested or plan on testing
26 million individuals and then they say, oh, look, 80% of the COVID cases are in Shanghai.
Oh, no kidding.
Where you tested every single person?
Who could have guessed that would have been the case.
Folks, you can shut down New York City right now.
Forget about COVID.
You could test for any disease.
How about herpes?
You could go and shut down New York City and test however many million people reside there
or however many million people you want in New York City and you can get a large number
of people to test positive for herpes and you can say massive herpes outbreak in New
York City and then say 90% of new herpes cases are in New York City.
Well, what's the real story there?
It's not that there's herpes in New York City or that herpes is all of a sudden spreading
wild like wildfire or maybe that might be the case, but they're not making a big deal
of it.
The point is you can go to any city you want, test millions of people and get positive test
results and then the media can just say, oh, look, it's an outbreak.
You could do it with any disease, any virus, anything and then say, oh, wow, most of the
new cases are in this city that we locked down and test everybody in.
That should be common sense.
I shouldn't have to explain that, but I do because when the Wall Street Journal reports
on it, when all the mainstream news reports on it, they presented it face value like,
wow, COVID has really hit Shanghai hard.
It is just brutal there.
No, what's brutal is the oppression of the people.
What's brutal is the fake news media's coverage of it saying that there's a massive outbreak
even though they essentially shut down the city so that they could get the numbers to
say there was a massive outbreak.
You'd think it'd be pretty common sense stuff to understand, but it's not and so we have
to explain it.
And now Fauci is crawling out of his rat hole and he's saying, get ready for more lockdowns
I guess he loves what he's seeing in China and he says, it's a good thing.
It's a positive thing to lockdown.
It's a good thing to be a prisoner in your own country.
Nobody likes a free country.
I bet Fauci would like everybody locked down because he's afraid that he's going to get
a lifelong prison sentence for his crimes against humanity.
But you know, speaking of that, and I'll just go off on a jag real quick, I happened to
rewatch the movie Dallas Buyer's Club this weekend and I don't know when it came out.
I saw it when it came out.
It was always a good film.
It's not really my type of film, not really my genre or cinematic experience, but the
movie is truly fantastic.
And when you consider that that is based on a true story, and you now have a better idea
of Fauci's involvement in the AIDS epidemic in the 80s, and you have a better idea of
what the government did during COVID to just us in the last two plus years, and you rewatch
that movie with that context and that perspective, it really hits even harder.
Our government hates us, folks.
They hate us.
They want us dead.
But I'll have to come back to this news because I just got to make this point.
You got to understand something.
The rulers of this planet, the people that believe they own this planet, you got to understand.
I mean, to be honest, I'm really not even their enemy.
They just hate me for my free speech and my pro-human views.
They actually look at me like, hey, you're educated, you're smart, you're in good shape.
They really don't want to kill me.
They'd rather have a bunch of people like me running around.
They see gay people, they see trans people, they see old people, they see fat people.
They literally want you dead.
And in case you haven't noticed, that's why all the propaganda is aimed at you and aimed
at women's wombs and children.
It's a population control agenda, and when they see gay people having gay sex, like
in the 80s, they literally wanted you dead, so they gave you a killer drug.
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three-part Founder Series at 1776coin.com
or m4store.com, and the second installment is the Tree of Liberty.
Thomas Jefferson, quote, must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It's a coin I designed.
I'm very, very proud of it, and it will end up being a collectible.
I know that the first coin is already selling on eBay and other places for three times what
we sold it.
We need to sell all 10,000 of these very, very quickly, and I appreciate listeners getting
over half of them now.
I'd like to lose them out very quickly.
I think they will sell out probably in five or six more days.
And without the last coin sale, we would not be operating at the same capacity.
We would have had to lay off a lot of people and had some big problems.
So it was a limited edition, collectible, tied to our political movement of liberty and
freedom, and it's needed for our infrastructure and building new systems.
So please give yourself and us aid in the fight against the new order at 1776coin.com.
You know, it's a fact, and I'm not bragging when I say it, it's just true, that Info Wars
is seen by the globalist as the standard of human liberty, as the logo of human populist
resistance against their transhumanist anti-human program.
And man, our work is really right now hitting the most important aspects of what we've ever
So I'm asking listeners now to realize we've got great products, thousands of them at InfoWarsTour.com.
And we are funded by listeners and viewers like you.
And so now we need to support more than ever because this fight has intensified, don't
need me to tell you that at InfoWarsTour.com.
We've got 25 to 75% off across the board right now.
These have been sold out for a long time, like InfoWarsLife, Fizzy Magnesium Mix that's
so amazing, and our new immune support formula that's so critical.
They're all available 25 to 75% off at InfoWarsTour.com right now.
Ladies and gentlemen, I need your help.
I need your help keeping InfoWars on the air and strong.
I need your help making sure that our mission continues on.
I was born for this.
You were born for this.
And people are really waking up right now, but we had to build our own infrastructure
because of the censorship and deplatforming that cost tens of millions of dollars.
And now with Band-Aught Video getting close to 10 million views a day, we're a platform
for thousands of independent journalists and groups to be able to post their content
free of charge.
And because it's become so successful, it's a catch-22.
InfoWars and Band-Aught Video have become a mothership promoting the pro-human liberty
movement worldwide.
But the expenses in bandwidth alone are millions of dollars a quarter, hundreds and hundreds
of thousands of dollars a month.
So the biggest sale in InfoWars history is going right now, the mega emergency blowout
sale up to 75% off, getting incredible products and keeping InfoWars as strong as ever.
April 2022 just kicked off and it's already been incredible.
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, they along with many other New World Order operatives
have gone on national television and announced that we are now under a world government.
They have a summit taking place right now in Dubai titled World Government Summit and
they are announcing incredible tyranny.
Everything we've talked about is now coming true and the globalists want to take us off
Ladies and gentlemen, we are running the biggest sale in the history of InfoWars right now.
In our 28 years, all InfoWars apparel is being sold at cost until the inventory is gone
and we're never going to print these t-shirts and ball caps at InfoWars flags again.
We may have t-shirts and apparel in the future, but I don't even know.
We are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in right now.
I'm firing the bat signal and asking you to get your t-shirts at infowarstore.com right
It's going to cost.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Now look, I've got all the news here in front of me.
I've got the political developments, I've got the COVID developments, I've got the cultural
rot of the left developments, I've got election fraud developments.
I mean, I've got all the news here, I've got the video clips, I've got the left sexually
grooming your children.
I mean, it's all here.
And I'll cover all of it today.
But see, it really just all comes down to an understanding that people need to have
and a worldview that you may not like, but you have to accept it because it's the reality.
We have a current state of affairs on this planet where the, I don't even, you can call
them the elite, but truly not even that, you can talk about the satanic sex cults or the
satanic death cults and all that stuff.
But what it comes down to, and this has been recorded throughout modern human history since
the founding of this country, I mean, George Washington would write his journals about
the Illuminati and Sheikah societies and all this stuff.
But as the world evolves, so do these secret societies and so do other factions that want
to compete with them.
But at the end of the day, call it whatever you want, the Illuminati, secret societies,
shadow government.
These groups of people have reached intellectual conclusions that if you're a deep thinker,
if you're an intellectual person, if you're a logician, we'll say, you've had these same
patterns of thought and you may have reached different conclusions, you may have reached
the same conclusions, but you may have a heart, you may have a soul, you may have a Christian
ethos or some other religious ethos that makes you have love instead of hate and believe
in good instead of evil and believe in a creator and that's the ultimate power, that's the
be all end all, not you or whatever humans do on this planet.
But see, this group of elite don't go off of that logic.
They don't believe in divine creation or your divine existence.
Instead, they look at the planet like it's a business.
The best analogy I could make for you to try to understand this mindset, and this may go
over many people's heads, but for me, we grew up with video games like SimCity.
Or, basically, these games that just simulate life in some form and you're in charge of
a city or you're in charge of a civilization or something and you have to make decisions
to make sure the civilization blossoms or whatever.
The point is, that's how they look at the planet.
The whole planet is a commodity to them and the daily operations or yearly operations
or whatever on the planet are of major concern or cause to them, so if they think that there's
too many humans on earth, then they're going to try to call the population.
If they think there's a limited amount of resources and they want them for themselves
to sustain themselves or their bloodlines or their lineage or their secret groups, then
they're going to make sure that you're not consuming those resources.
So when you understand that mindset, which I don't know if I'm properly presenting, but
when you understand that mindset and you look at the world through that perspective, you
understand the globalist so much better, you understand their operating procedure, you
understand their motives, and when you tie that into the response to COVID or the whole
entire story of COVID, it actually makes sense.
Now why do I use the movie Dallas Buyers Club as a prospectus on how to understand this?
Because you watch that movie and you would say, huh, because just like with COVID, it
was the same story, it's like, huh, so we have an AIDS epidemic going on, we have drugs
that we know help people that have AIDS, help extend their life, give them a higher quality
of life, and then we have these drugs over here that are getting pushed by the FDA that
people in high places have investments in that are killing all the AIDS patients, we're
going to go with that drug instead, and you would say, well, why the heck would that be
going on?
That doesn't make any sense.
No, you see, it does make sense when you look at the planet as a commodity of yours with
scarce resources and a growing consumer base that you need to call.
And so there's a certain level of evil to it, and quite frankly, there's a certain level
of survival of the instincts and humanity to it.
I'm not promoting this idea, I'm just telling you how they think.
So in their minds, their logic, their reasoning is, if you're running around and you're engaging
in sodomy and you're getting AIDS because of your gay sex, then you deserve to die.
You deserve to die, and we're going to give you a drug that's going to kill you even faster
because you've made those life decisions.
And so that's how they feel morally about it in this black magic that they engage in,
is, hey, you chose this lifestyle, now you chose to come to us for help, we're going
to kill you.
That happened in the 80s.
Now you've got COVID, the exact same story.
Now maybe AIDS was made in the lab just like COVID?
I don't know.
I'm not here to have that discussion.
I've seen the arguments before.
In fact, I think it was Will Smith even, guys, look that up.
Will Smith actually said at one point in time that AIDS was made in a lab.
That's just an old memory that popped up in my head.
Will Smith claimed AIDS was made in a lab.
So I'm not here to make that argument.
We know COVID was made in a lab.
We know that the treatment that was promoted by Fauci and others was deadly with the Remdesivir
and with the blowing your lungs out on a ventilator and now with the vaccines.
All those things are deadly.
So you've got to understand, in their mind, it's like an IQ test.
So maybe it's not a moral test of are you going to go out and engage in sodomy and anal
sex which is a bad life choice.
No judgment here.
I mean, it's just true.
And they say, okay, well, you're going to die for that decision.
Well now it's, oh, if you're dumb enough to get a vaccine, if you're dumb enough to go
to the hospital and get put on a ventilator in Remdesivir and you're not going to do any
of your research into this, then you deserve to die.
And that's how they look at it.
And they have no qualms in this mindset.
Why do you think they operate with such confidence when they launch these operations?
Because in their eyes, from their perspective, their worldview, they're doing a good thing.
They're saving the planet from sodomites.
They're saving the planet from people that are too stupid that will go put something
in their arms.
Like that lady said from the NAACP, I'm not learning about the infusion, I don't care
what's in the infusion, I'm just going to take the infusion.
Well that's stupid, that's death.
So they think, okay, you believe that, you're going to die.
Yeah, Will Smith launches homophobic anti-age rant in unheard footage.
He actually guys, he went on 60 minutes, I think it was in the 90s with Leslie Stahl,
I think it was.
I don't remember who it was, but he went on 60 minutes and they brought it up, they're
like, so do you believe age was made in a lab?
And he basically refused to answer the question, meaning he probably still believes that, but
didn't want to say it on 60 minutes.
I mean it was Barbara Walters actually, I forget who it was.
It was Barbara Walters, thank you crew.
So you have to understand this is the world that you live in.
And in their eyes, people that believe they own this planet, probably been in power for
generations of bloodlines, generations, generations, dating back centuries, who knows, even millennia.
In their eyes, they really think they're doing a good thing, and maybe they're really worshiping
Satan or thinking they're getting messages from Satan, maybe it's total demonic possession.
That's their logic.
You're on a lifeboat in space called Planet Earth.
There's not enough room and resources for everybody.
And so they're gonna, they're gonna be the protectors of this planet and they're gonna
call the population and they're gonna keep it as they say in the Georgia guide stones
at a permissible human population of 500 million.
Now I don't believe any of that.
God made this planet, God made this life, God made this experience.
His will will be done and we've got plenty of space for everybody, but see that's how
the globalists think.
So just understand, when you see Dallas Buyers Club and what they do for COVID, yeah, they
want you dead, folks.
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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, Owen Schreuer is about to take over again in a moment and
he's got some special guests, a lot of news and of course your phone calls coming up here
today, really appreciate Owen sitting in and doing a fabulous job here on the main infowarshow.
Of course you can tune into his extremely informative and powerful transmission, weekdays
3pm central and that is the war room with Owen Schreuer and another very important broadcast,
weekday mornings with Harrison Smith, American Journal, also has a lot of great guests and
just amazing analysis by Harrison Smith so please continue to spread the word about that.
We are massively censored, we are massively de-platformed but because of listeners and
viewers with human intelligence, you've been able to overpower the censors in the last
four years and infowars has become the model and the standard of resistance and victory
against the deep state of persevering so thank you and I mean that from the bottom of my
heart for helping us all persevere together through what's happening now I don't want
to talk about this subject and I know listeners are sick of hearing about it but it's very
important to the big picture and to your life and to what the future of our country and
the world is going to be like if we don't become aware of this so sit back for a moment
and think as you're tuning into the Alex Jones show here today, why would you have to be
living in a cave to not hear about Alex Jones every day in the news being demonized?
Why is that happening?
Why do they hate me so much?
And why is their main tool of demonization against me?
Not that I'm a racist like they use on mainline Republicans and conservatives, no, no, that
I'm a horrible person because I ask questions about big events that start wars.
I popularize the term false flag that's been around for hundreds of years.
I get people to look at things closely in question and that's why I'm the big bad wolf.
If you look at what's happening in Ukraine, obviously the Russians are doing bad stuff.
Obviously the Ukrainians are doing bad stuff.
It's a war.
It's terrible.
It's horrible.
The footage has poured out that's been proven to be fake by the Ukrainian side.
We've not really caught the Russians doing any type of fake stunts or fake massacres
because I think the Russians know that they're not sophisticated enough to get away with
The Ukrainians have a very sophisticated movie propaganda system.
Even mainstream media has talked about Zelensky's propaganda machine.
He's been an actor all his life.
They've been caught staging all these fake massacres and these fake events and now when
you hear them talk, you don't know whether they're telling the truth or not.
They have been caught using famous actors from Ukraine in battle scenes as victims over
and over again.
They've been caught using what's basically movie sets with Russian tanks they've captured
to stage other events and claim that, oh, look, there's all these dead people on the
street and they're actors, ladies and gentlemen.
There's no blood.
They're not even rotting.
They supposedly have been dead there for weeks.
We're not saying there aren't real people being killed.
We're not saying this isn't really terrible that Putin invaded, in my view, but it's even
worse that NATO started the fight to lure Russia in.
What I'm saying is it's our birthright and its common sense to be able to question the
Gulf of Tonkin or question WMDs in Iraq or question anthrax and Colin Powell to UN and
to question Jesse Smollett and Bubba Wallace and almost all these hate crimes against black
people that turn out to be completely staged by leftists to, again, politically make everybody
guilty and to follow their directive.
So when you see in the news on Fox and CNN and ABC News every day, and I mean, I can't
even go to CNN's website without seeing articles every day demonizing me, you've got to ask
why that is, because they want everybody else out there to be scared to question events.
They want everybody else out there to think that little people can't question official
narratives, going back to the case with Ukraine and Russia.
I said that I thought Russia was probably going to invade.
I also thought China was going to invade Taiwan because that information had been leaking
out and the Chinese government said that they might do it.
I think they're watching first, though, to see what Russia does.
And I famously, of course, back in October of last year made the prediction that by February
that would happen.
And then we saw Vladimir Putin lie and say that he wasn't going to invade while he
was massing troops.
Now that's not him staging a false flag, that's not him staging dead bodies or massacres,
but that's him lying and saying I'm not going to invade so that when he invaded he had the
element of surprise.
Again, it's okay to question Putin and just say I'm just not going to believe what he
officially says.
But we're told by the US media, don't believe anything Putin says, but believe everything
our media says when they have a much worse track record of Vladimir Putin when it comes
to lying.
So again, the most valuable thing we have is questioning narratives and not buying what
we're officially told.
Now we have Biden running around saying he wants war crimes.
He wants escalated military hardware sent against Russia because of supposed massacres
in this town.
And we have articles on infowords.com and the videos that clearly show a lot of this
is fake.
Plus remember the ghost of Kiev wasn't real.
Remember the Snake Island massacre wasn't real.
And it's okay to point out that that's those are lies.
Now sometimes we're going to question events and they're going to turn out to be real.
We've seen that with mass shootings.
But it's okay and it's healthy to question those things.
But that's why you see it all over the news that Alex Jones is the worst person on earth
because the idea of someone questioning the establishment is the ultimate crime when it's
the bedrock of freedom.
The ability to say two plus two equals four is freedom.
George Arwell was right when he wrote that and it's still true today.
Everyone watching or listening to this broadcast today instinctively knows there's not hundreds
of articles demonizing Alex Jones today and scores of TV programs on every major channel
saying he's a horrible bad person because it's really all just about Alex Jones.
It's about you.
They want to demonize the common man, the common woman.
They want to demonize populist movements and they see info wars and our operation as the
example of the folk hero, of the little guy standing up.
And so they can take something I've done in my past questioning a shooting here at Sandy
Hook, exaggerate it, lie about it and then demonize me.
People don't even remember Adam Lanz's name.
They remember Alex Jones and they come up to me on the street and they say you killed
those kids or leave those kids alone.
And then now the lawyers up here, Democratic Party lawyers are basically under the command
of Senator Blumenthal.
They are openly saying that, oh, we're going to show his shopping cart and now he made more
money on Sandy Hook days.
By the way, how were we defaulted?
When we gave them all that and then they say they have nothing and now they want to double
default where they have a trial where I'm guilty already defaulted, a trial where you're already
guilty just deciding how guilty and now a trial where we can't talk or put on evidence
to show that they weren't damaged.
You understand how that works?
So literal show trials at a level where the other side can't talk, where the defendants
can't talk and can't even defend themselves.
Oh yes, you're guilty, but now you can't defend yourself on how you're not as guilty as they
say you are, you're not this horrible villain.
They are stealing your birthright of a fair trial.
They're destroying the Eighth Amendment against cruel, unusual punishment and excessive fines.
They are raping everyone's birthright right now and it is a triangle of a corrupt judiciary
with a corrupt corporate media system and lawyers that are part of that whole tryout
of control.
And this is a case point test example they admit on MSNBC and other channels to take
Tucker Carlson and everybody else off air.
The idea that you sell products and that you're lying on air to sell the products is just
absolutely insane.
You tell the truth on air, people know you tell the truth, you have a big audience, then
you sell products that people want and need, that's a totally separate deal.
I am talk radio on TV, that's our model.
But again, they're selling the idea that when anybody that's populist or anybody that's
conservative or Christian has their own outlet, has their own economy, has their own listeners
and their own financial ecosystem, that that's the ultimate sin.
And that came out in Clinton documents a few years ago when the Western Journalism Center
sued and got them out of their federal papers.
It was a Clinton's when they first got elected in 1993 saying our main mission is shutting
down conservative ecosystems that are selling VHS tapes and books.
We've got to silence them or they're going to form their own ecosystem and their own
economy and then the populist will take America back.
And that's what this is.
These are globalist dictators, world economic forum tyrants that have penetrated our governments,
put their people into control and now they don't want a peaceful political uprising of
the populist that question them and remove them.
Well, guess what?
They failed and we're never going to be silenced and the people are awakening and humanity
will come together and we will have peace and we will have justice and we will bring
the criminals to justice.
God bless and good luck.
Hour number two coming up.
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Using a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones.
Now you can't say with 100% certainty that if the election wasn't stolen from Donald
Trump and the American people in 2020 that the situation in Ukraine wouldn't be happening
but what we can say with 100% certainty is that the last two times Biden has been in
the White House Russia has invaded Ukraine that is a fact.
Now remember when they first started peddling the fake PP gate dossier the Hillary Clinton
paid for opposition research fake PP dossier.
The claim at the time was that Russia had blackmail on Trump, Russia was controlling
Trump because of said blackmail and the blackmail was the alleged PP gate Trump dossier which
was all made up in fact it may have actually been actually a Hunter Biden story that they
just said was Trump instead probably maybe the case folks that it was actually a Hunter
Biden or Joe Biden story that they just did a Indiana Jones switch and just put Trump's
name in it instead that it was going to be used to get Biden out of the out of the race
and it was actually the New York Times that was reporting that Hillary Clinton had dirt
on Biden that the Clinton campaign was going to release that was going to cause Biden to
drop out of the race well he dropped out they never released it then all of a sudden the
PP gate Trump dossier came out which was totally fake we now know it.
So the last two times Biden's been in the White House Russia has invaded Ukraine that
is undeniable.
Now again can I say with confidence that if Trump was in the White House it wouldn't happen
well I can say that with confidence is it 100% certain maybe not 100% certain but it's
about as close as you can get now why do I say that well why doesn't Democrat liberal
logic ever get applied equally because it's not logic it's propaganda.
So if said tape existed against Donald Trump that would cause Trump to be compromised by
the Russians well then what does Hunter Biden's laptop equal ah ah now it would be very reasonable
to assume not just the Hunter Biden laptop that we've seen or that we know about then
there's the second Hunter Biden laptop that got stolen from him by Russian or Ukrainian
drug dealers where we have a phone conversation that leaked of Hunter Biden saying he was
concerned because these drug dealers in Ukraine maybe they're Russian maybe they're Ukraine
stole one of his laptops that had sensitive information on it and after what we've seen
from the laptop I think we have an idea what kind of sensitive information that is.
So who's to say given the Democrat liberal logic from 2015 and 2016 who's to say that
Biden is not the one being controlled by Russia right now and if you look at how the geopolitical
picture has changed since Biden has been in office well it really shakes out with that
logic doesn't it Russia has never been more relevant as a world power Russia has never
been thrust to the top of the geopolitical power structure in such a short time as they
have since Biden got into office and now we're looking at a situation where gas natural gas
transactions are going to be made in ripples and not the US dollar and we're just looking
around the corner at that being the future.
So please to all the Democrats and the Libs and the media out there that said Trump was
going to be compromised and controlled by Russia for the PP gate dossier which we now
know is fake tell me where is your logic where is your fair and balanced coverage using that
same conclusion towards the Hunter Biden laptop story oh see it doesn't exist because
your liars your frauds your phonies now we're going to get into the latest situation in
Ukraine with my guest coming up independent journalist Jacob Creech who's been breaking
a lot of news when it comes to the bio labs the Russian strikes on the bio labs and the
Biden involvement in the bio labs.
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your listening to the Alex Jones show and now your host Owen shroyer well you know
all you liberal democrats out there that want to stop the war in Ukraine well you could
have done that by stopping Biden from getting into office but you let him steal the election
and so now you're dealing with the consequences.
You know it's just so outrageous I'm watching I don't even know what I was watching last
night I was watching something on television non non political maybe sports or like a movie
or TV show or something and I don't usually it's just full on news on my TV's all day
but I'm just I'm sick of looking at the left destroying America 24 seven so I've been trying
to just divert my attention with sports and comedy and stuff and then it's little pictures
or pictures of little kids in Ukraine and this is like on all the networks it's like
comedy central ESPN ABC who's ever broadcasting the men's college basketball tournament and
I see the same stuff all these different groups that would raise money for Africa raise money
for Jews or raise money for this and raise money for that all of them are now raising
money for Ukraine and they're all showing you the plight of the Ukrainian people and
then they have pictures of little Ukrainian kids up there you know saying they're starving
they need your help they need your money they need your support and I'm just sitting there
and I'm just watching this and it's just stunning when you when you've put on the glasses when
you've put on or when you've taken the red pill and you see this stuff it just it hits
so much different and you realize most of the people probably watching this tuned in
to watch a comedy event or tuned in to watch a college basketball game have no clue what's
going on and they just see this propaganda and it's just like oh wow really bad in Ukraine
wow you know maybe they give a little money maybe just the propaganda hits home but it's
just you sit there and you look back at it you're like wow these organizations have been
running these scams yes scams for years that's all it is and and and again it's like the
same thing with the hospital I don't want to come on air and be anti hospital I don't
want to be anti doctor that's like the last thing I want to be but I'm going to tell it
like it is you get COVID you go to the hospital you're asking to die you got one of these doctors
promoting the the death shot yeah I'd avoid that doctor I'd avoid that hospital does that
make me feel good that I'm telling you you can't trust our health institutions no that
sucks so it's the same thing with all these charities that just pop up and the latest
the latest cause the latest craze the latest trend they fundraise for it and you know the
only reason they do that is because they're making millions and millions of dollars and
because think about it why would they pay millions of dollars for advertising unless
they were set to make millions of dollars and they've already come out with all these
groups CEOs like the Red Cross and what's the other big one it's like Gateway or something
they sponsor the NFL they've already come out they're all making buku dollars the CEOs
all of them making millions of dollars tiny tiny fraction of your donation like 10% actually
goes to the cause and it's just scam after scam after scam and I'm just sitting here
like I'm trying to watch a bat I'm trying to watch a basketball game and I'm get boom
COVID propaganda boom gay propaganda boom Ukraine propaganda and this is just all in
a two three minute break and it just sucks like just the propaganda is everywhere and
you have to fully remove yourself from the establishment from the corporate establishment
you have to fully remove yourself otherwise you're just sitting there consuming this propaganda
all day long and that's the problem is most people here are just tuning in to watch a
ball game and they have no I clue they have no clue they are just getting bombarded with
propaganda the entire time even when the game's on with all the black lives matter stuff people
wearing blue and yellow for Ukraine I mean this is during the game then you go to the
break and again it's you're gay your kids are gay everyone's gay give money to Ukraine
it's just it's nonstop with it so we've got Jacob Creech on air with us he's an independent
journalist he's been the tip of the spear on many of the breaking stories revolving
around the bio labs in Ukraine the Biden involvement and the Russian attacks on said bio lab so
I bring Jacob in now Jacob just what is the beginners course for this what is kind of
the introductory course to the bio labs in Ukraine the Biden involvement and the Russian
assault on them yes oh and thanks for having me on kind of for starters the US DOD does
have a biological threat reduction program in Ukraine with which they tried to cover
up excessively once I started kind of breaking the news I wasn't the first one to know about
bio labs in Ukraine I was the first one to make the connection that the Ukrainians excuse
me the Russians were moving into Ukraine to attack and or take over these bio labs due
to the fact that they have been accusing United States of creating biological weapons and
doing dangerous research on pathogens in these labs in Ukraine so I was kind of censored
and heavily attacked for bringing all this information to the forefront and since since
then all the information has come out to support everything that I have been pushing with which
the Russians are moving into Ukraine to attack bio facilities in the United States or excuse
me in Ukraine which was funded by the United States Department of Justice excuse me Department
of Defense now what is the involvement with Rosemont Seneca or one of these other Biden
shell corporations that they launder money out of what what's the involvement there yes
so this information was brought forth actually from the Russian military to the United Nations
it was presented that there was connections between Hunter Biden the DNC via his investment
firm Rosemont Seneca to funnel US DOD funds into one of their own bio labs that they own
in Ukraine known as a metabiota and there's so much more digging to be done in that situation
what in what research metabiota is digging into and creating genome specific pathogens
to attack nationalities and races so you can understand why Russia might be a little bit
upset about that but yes Hunter Biden and the Kerry family as well as the Pelosi family
and the Romney family all have family members sitting on the board of Rosemont Seneca involved
in this funneling of US funds into US bio labs in Ukraine I want to get back to those names
but I want to know if you've noticed this pattern too and if there's if there's something
significant about this why was Barack Obama so intent on having all these bio labs weapons
going or bio labs going whether he knew they were for weapons or not I guess you could
say he didn't know but it was Obama that made sure when the lab in North Carolina was shut
down that all that research got sent to the Wuhan lab in China it was one of the last
things they did in the Obama administration to make sure that there was more funding into
Ukraine not just for neo-nazis but for these bio labs what is the Obama connection with
that is it significant or is that just something he happened to be there and oversee well I
would definitely say that it's significant given the fact that in 2005 Obama along with
one other senator was sent to Ukraine to observe and in place the biological threat reduction
program so there's definitely a connection there and the fact that they made sure to
do this on Obama's way out was kind of sketchy in the sense that the deep state was utilizing
these locations in Ukraine to circumvent US congressional oversight to conduct their
black site activities and create pathogens with increased lethality and transmissibility
so I would definitely say there's a connection there given the deep state and the activity
and Obama being smack dab in the middle of all of this he most certainly played a part
in creating and generating this opportunity for the deep state to create these pathogens
like I said outside of the scope of US congressional oversight so yeah there's definitely a connection
there I can't necessarily confirm any direct involvement like I can with the hunter Biden
Pelosi's carries and Romney's so let's pick it up there on the other side of this break
we are only offering three coins in the series the first coin was released in December of
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April 2022 is now being offered and I believe it will sell out in just a few days again
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getting credible products and keep info wars as strong as ever you know it's a fact and
I'm not bragging when I say it it's just true that info wars is seen by the globalist
as the standard of human liberty as the logo of human populist resistance against their
transhumanist anti-human program and man our work is really right now hitting the most
important aspects of what we've ever done so I'm asking listeners now to realize we've
got great products thousands of them at info wars tour dot com and we are funded by listeners
and viewers like you and so now we need to support more than ever because this fight
has intensified don't need me to tell you that at info wars tour dot com we've got 25
to 75 percent off across the board right now things have been sold out for a long time
like info wars life fizzy magnesium mix that's so amazing and our new immune support formula
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com right now April 2022 just kicked off and it's already been incredible claus Schwab
bill gates joe bighton they along with many other new world order operatives have gone
on national television and announced that we are now under a world government they have
a summit taking place right now in dubai titled world government summit and they are announcing
incredible tyranny everything we've talked about is now coming true and the globalist
want to take us off air ladies and gentlemen we are running the biggest sale in the history
of info wars right now in our 28 years all info wars apparel is being sold at cost until
the inventory is gone and we're never going to print these t-shirts and ball caps and
info wars flags again we may have t-shirts and apparel in the future but i don't even
know we are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in right now i'm firing the
bat signal and asking you to get your t-shirts at info wars store dot com right now they're
at cost leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
we're talking about the bio labs in ukraine and and and really jacob i think that if we
understand this story we understand so much of the geopolitical corruption specifically
that that the american government officials are involved in we know that there's corruption
all over the planet but we got to clean up our own front yard first before we point fingers
at others and so we were discussing the clear obama involvement of all this i mean literally
from the time he got into the senate in the early 2000s to the time he left the white
house in 2016 he was all over bio labs in ukraine china everything but was he directly
involved or these just projects he was overseeing you could have the debate but with polosi romney
carry biden and their family members there is direct involvement there are receipts it's
all on paper the media won't cover it so so let's talk about that and and how this really
shows the overall geopolitical corruption that our politicians are involved in yeah absolutely
so what's really going on here is these these major political families are utilizing their
family members as proxies to carry out their black site operations to like i said circumvent
oversight from their constitutional bodies with which are supposed to govern these activities
so for example the reason why we do this research in ukraine is because it's illegal
here in the united states and it's also much easier to cover up these kinds of things if
they're being taken or they're taking place in ukraine as opposed to the u.s. so these
families are utilizing their own investment firms in their own biological research facilities
which why do politicians own biological research facilities in other countries let alone our
own countries what the hell they're doing if you are willing to believe that it's benevolent
in any manner than your ignorant it's 100% nefarious there's no reason why they would
want to do this other than to get their hands into something with which they could use to
enact control on the population so yes our u.s. politicians are utilizing corrupt methods
quasi legal and legal methods to create pathogens to attack certain nationalities and genome
specific sequences and the russians found out about it the russians went to war for
it the russians moved into ukraine for it and the media and the left-wing media complex
has gone to extreme lengths to cover this up with which has now been proven to be 100%
true to include victoria newland confirming about these biolabs in ukraine and being
concerned about the russians getting their hands on the information and the research
they were conducting of course that was newland confirming that in congress under oath while
gensaki was saying that they don't exist in the same hour so that just shows how they
lie to us but i am curious i mean what is the motive here for the poloses the romneys
that carries the bidens to get involved in these labs i mean the obvious reason would
be money but i mean is there some sort of anti russian sentiment that they carry i mean
are they making a bunch of money i mean what's their real motive here do you think well now
you're asking me to imply intent which i can't prove and legally can get me into trouble
but i can infer as to what i think is going on and i don't really care if they seek legal
action against me bring it on these people are well let's start with the reason why
russia is mad about it is because the russians have put forth information showing that we
were conducting research specifically asking for dna and mrna samples of white russians
so the russians believe that we are creating biological weapons specifically designed to
target their people with which is why putin came on and said that he had to invade ukraine
to neutralize a threat with which was a threat to his population and his people so is it
just about money i i really don't believe so there's so many other avenues of which
these people just just destroy and utilize our us taxpayer dollars as their slush fund
to enrich themselves which they could do that strictly just from the their inside inside
trading they don't necessarily need to have bio labs in ukraine just for money it's nefarious
and given the fact that cova just happened and given the fact that they're now admitting
that it came from a lab it's it's pretty cut and dry as to what's happening here and if
you can't see it i can't help you but there are corrupt politicians creating pathogens
and they're getting out while i'm ruining the world yeah and and you just said it right
there it's pretty obvious what's going on any any neutral observer seeing this can can
say whether you like russia hate russia think rush is the good guy or the bad guy you cannot
deny these bio labs were there you cannot deny that that's a dangerous threat there's a reason
why they shut them down in america you cannot deny that it was a similar bio lab that caused
a covert outbreak whether you think it was intentional or not so so i guess then the
next question is for these individuals getting involved in this i mean is there some sort
of agreement like hey we have to be anti russia is it a protection against russia do they
did i mean or i guess the better question is this because we don't know their motives
how about the medias motive why is the media so interested in covering this information
up they fall for fake news all the time they give themselves awards for covering fake news
like the the trump russian collusion or dossier which never happened they give themselves awards
for that why the blatant cover up of this story do you think well one hundred percent
i can confirm as to why this is is because the realization that we are conducting nefarious
and or questionable research in different countries and bio labs across the world will
eventually lead us to the confirmation that the usnih created coveted and either let it
out or it escaped you're welcome to believe whichever one you like i believe it's quite
obvious as to which one that is um so the reason why they're covering up is because
as soon as we get back to the fact that they created coveted the entire narrative of everything
they've been covering for years completely collapses they tried to cover up the fact
that coveted came from a lab in wuhan they said it came from a bat and some peasant
eating bat soup and they which leads to all the other crimes they committed such as covering
up viable treatments for the bio weapon they released in order to enable emergency use
authorization for their vaccines that didn't work and were neither help for harm excuse
me were neither safe nor effective um and it leads back to the fact that they infringed
on the nineteen seventy two bio weapons convention which is agreed upon by all but four nations
in the world with which you cannot stockpile or create biological weapons so the reason
why the media is so help in uncovering all this up and making sure that everything is
pushed pro ukraine the reason why they made the entire country support a literal nazi
military installation in ukraine just because it's not the russians is all to cover up the
fact that they created coveted they let it out and they utilized it to implement a medical
police state on the entire world jacob creche is our guest bio clandestine dot substack
dot com is where you can follow his great news coverage he's been on this since day one folks
and when we come back from this break jacob i want to get into more of what's going on
in ukraine because my biggest problem is i want to know how you deal with this my biggest
problem is whenever i go and i try to look for the latest news coming out of ukraine
it's literally two there's literally two sides to every story oh that's russians torturing
ukrainians no that's ukrainians torturing russians and it's the same video two completely
separate takes so my question for you when we come back jacob is how do you differentiate
what's real and what's fake how do you differentiate if it's a ukrainian army or a russian army
or do you just kind of say hey look there's no way for me to be completely positive so
i'm just going to cover what i know for fact jacob creche coming back on the other side
of this break
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Let's go ahead and take another call. Let's talk to malcom in tennessee. Welcome. Hello, alex
Yes, malcom. All right. I will make this quick and real short where the other patricks can get on the line
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Uh, so it's always good. It's just sometimes it's like super strong
But yeah, if you want the rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it
Clearly you don't need to start selling rolls towards a small price even though we've got
You found it, the tip of the spear, it is The Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
We got one more segment here with Jacob Preach and you know, I've seen the American media's
wag the dog technique for years now and it's very apparent with the Ukraine situation.
The media sets a narrative, the brainwashed public goes along with it.
Now, I don't want to be on the opposite side of that but yet still being in a wag the dog
situation where whenever I see the mainstream media or the American media covering something
or forcing a talking port or a narrative, I just assume it's fake because in a way that's
me being wagged by the dog as well, even if that is probably the best way to approach
the situation.
But Jacob, I'm sure you're having the same problems or rather frustrations that I'm
having where there's videos, there's reports, there's all this stuff and it's literally
two sides to every story.
Hey, that's Russians torturing Ukrainians.
Hey, that's Ukrainians torturing Russians.
Same video, two different stories.
So how do you try to sort through all the propaganda, all the wag the dog to try to find out what's
really going on in Ukraine with all the headlines and the videos coming out?
What's your technique or what advice do you give to people that are trying to follow this
Well, for starters, I definitely agree with your sentiment with if it's coming from the
mainstream media in the Western media complex, there's a good chance based on recent proof
that they are lying.
So that's the reason why I started looking into the biolab situation in Ukraine was because
during the initial airstrikes, I figured this out within about three hours.
They were pushing that it was all from Donetsk and Crimea in the East, yet there were random
individuals, airstrikes going on in locations all the way in Lviv, in the West, in Kiev,
in the capital.
So immediately I knew what they were telling me wasn't right.
And that carries on with all these videos and such.
You can go back to the Snake Island and the Ghost of Kiev and all the nonsense stories,
the bombing of the maternity ward, which wasn't true and was actually overtaken by Nazis
utilizing that as a foreign operating base.
But the way I go about it is I know for a fact, if it's coming from the TVs, a good
chance that it's a lie.
So I have to compile all the facts that I can to the best of my knowledge.
When it comes to interpreting the videos and such, to be quite frank, I don't pay attention
to any of those videos.
It's so easy to stage those, easy to stage fake bodies, chemical attacks, like the actor
that got caught in the gas explosion that they tried to push as also being bombed by
It's just impossible to confirm any of that.
So I only deal with the facts that I can verify via documentation, like I did with the Ukrainian
Biolabs as I found the source material on the US Gov sites.
So I just find stuff that I can prove and verify.
But when it comes to videos and stuff going on in Ukraine, you have to have a discerning
eye and understand that we really don't know what's going on over there and it is a propaganda
war, US versus Russia, and to be quite frank, I don't know who to believe, who I should
believe or why I should believe either side.
Well said.
And an example would be the most recent video that I'm seeing all over the news, Fox News,
CNN, MSNBC, they're all playing the same one where it's an individual with a camera
walking down the street and there's a dead body here, a dead body there.
And I mean, they zoom in.
It's like they show you the body, they zoom into the blood.
I mean, it's like, so clearly there's a narrative they're trying to push there.
And again, it's like, I don't want to be the one that just doubts everything I see on TV
at the risk of being considered a lunatic.
But again, it's the same problem.
It's like, I know they've staged videos, we've seen them stage videos in Syria and other
places where they have people in body bags and they start moving around or they sneeze
during the film.
And it's like, oh, hey, we got to reshoot this fake dead guy scene or like videos where
they show Ukrainians supposedly doing minesweeps and the cameraman is in front of the guy doing
So he's going to get blown up and that's, so I mean, there's obvious stuff that you
can tell it's fake.
Then there's other stuff that's nuanced.
But I guess my question is this because it was not too long ago, 10, 20 years ago, whether
it's the babies and incubator moment or all this other stuff where when the American media
would show something like a bunch of dead bodies on the streets in Ukraine, all of America
would jump and say, this is awful, we have to do something about this.
It seems to me America is less sensitive to this now.
Specifically, let's say the Fox News audience for obvious reasons.
Most Fox News audience doesn't even trust Fox News, but they just at least consider it
more fair and balanced than anything else they're going to see where usually they would
show all these videos of dead people and it'd be like knee jerk, we're going to war.
It doesn't seem to have the impact that it's had in years past.
Would you agree with that?
Yeah, that's an excellent point and that just goes to prove that now more than ever there
is less trust in the media than there has ever been.
That is due to the fact that we as a citizen intelligence apparatus have massively expanded
in our reach and our ability to provide a counter narrative to just the absolute nonsense
that they've been pushing us for years.
I give credit to this to social media and the fact that we have a voice even despite
and all of the censorship and deep platforming, we're still able to get this message out and
now more than ever people are listening to citizens as opposed to what's coming through
the news.
So yes, I agree with you 100% that the people to be quite frank, I don't know if I'm allowed
to curse on your show.
We're not buying the BS anymore.
We're just not buying it and we're going to figure it out on our own and we're not listening
to a single word anyone's got to say about it.
I'm hearing mixed conclusions just from going through the waterfront of media.
I'm hearing mixed conclusions.
Some people think this war will be over in a couple months.
Some people think it will be years.
I tend to believe it's going to be years because that's what the West wants.
That's what the Biden regime wants.
They want this war to go on forever.
It helps their stock portfolio.
It helps the weapons manufacturers.
It helps them have a scapegoat on all the problems going on in America and the world.
So the West to me wants this to go on as long as possible.
I don't think that's what Russia wants.
I think Russia has a pretty clear agenda here.
De-nazify, get rid of the biolabs, get rid of the Western corruption.
But knowing all this, weighing all this, how long do you think this war is set to go on?
How much resistance can Ukraine really put forth over a long period of time?
Or will Russia eventually just be spun out?
I'm going to go ahead and confirm for you right now that anything going on in Ukraine
is 100% at the mercy of Russia.
Any of these narratives that are trying to say that Ukraine is standing up to Russia,
that is simply not the case.
Russia is operating under a specific set of rules and engagement.
If they wanted to flatten Ukraine, they could have done that in the first week.
They could have completely leveled the entire country, moved in, taken over, slaughtered
all the civilians, and we wouldn't have any questions about it.
But they're conducting a specific military operation as per Putin and their Russian military.
So they're acting in a diplomatic fashion and they presented these things through the proper
diplomatic channels, through the UN, accusing the US of creating biological weapons on their
So honestly, this is entirely up to Russia.
Russia hasn't really advanced any farther in the media, doesn't really seem to want
to talk about that.
They just want to keep showing you all these dead bodies and such.
But Russia has been rather reserved, in a sense, as opposed to this dictatorial narrative
they've painted on Putin.
But it's entirely up to Russia.
Whenever Russia wants to end this, they will end it.
Whenever Russia feels like they have neutralized the threat which they view as a threat to
their people, they'll stop.
Quickly, what is your just view of Zelensky?
Well, he's a former actor and he's clearly either in control of or loyal to the globalists.
I don't know if he's an actor for good forces that's just playing a part to take down the
deep state, or if he's just a complete rat that obviously is under control of the deep
I do not know, but I know he's acting and he's playing a role and he's not really any
sort of militaristic or presidential force in Ukraine.
He's controlled via proxies via the NATO in the U.S.
Jacob Creech, great interview.
We thank you for joining us.
Tell people where they can follow you and get all this information.
Yes, so as you know, I've probably been de-platformed everywhere, but I'm currently operating on
You can find my channel at Bioclindestine on Telegram.
My sub-stack where you can get my newsletter is bioclindestine.substack.com.
And I just recently got on the true social, I'm still on the waiting list.
You can find me at clandestine on true social.
Jacob Creech, excellent breakdown.
Great work there with Bioclindestine, and we thank you for joining us here today.
Of course, Owen.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate it.
All right, there goes Jacob Creech.
And you heard him, folks.
I mean, he gets de-platformed.
If you don't go along with the mainstream narrative, if you do your own investigative
research and you put out facts that the globalists don't want out there on their social media
platforms, they remove you.
But we're glad that Jacob was able to come on air with us today and speak his mind.
We like people to get banned by the corrupt establishment.
That's a good sign.
You know, it's a fact, and I'm upragging when I say it, it's just true, that InfoWars
is seen by the globalists as the standard of human liberty, as the logo of human populist
resistance against their transhumanist anti-human program.
And man, our work is really right now hitting the most important aspects of what we've ever
So I'm asking listeners now to realize we've got great products, thousands of them, at
And we are funded by listeners and viewers like you, and so now we need to support more
than ever because this fight has intensified.
Don't need me to tell you that at InfoWarsTour.com.
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The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware that there's a war
between free individuals and nation states on one side and the globalists on the other,
who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
From the United States to Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations
were pulling out of the private corporate fascist world government.
That's why they launched their great recess and their program after collapsing us of Build
Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down vertical consolidation of the world economy, and because
they couldn't take our guns and because we wouldn't bow, because the left, which is
the ideology of this world government system, couldn't win, they released a biological weapon
on us.
Now we know, two years ago, we learned about it about 20 months ago.
It's that simple.
They can't beat us because of our free speech and our guns, so the global corporate combine
released COVID-19, and you know the rest is history.
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Randy Dewright.
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April 2022 just kicked off, and it's already been incredible.
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, they, along with many other new order operatives,
have gone on national television and announced that we are now under a world government.
They have a summit taking place right now in Dubai titled World Government Summit, and
they are announcing incredible tyranny.
Everything we've talked about is now coming true, and the globalists want to take us off
Ladies and gentlemen, we are running the biggest sale in the history of Info Wars right now.
In our 28 years, all Info Wars apparel is being sold at cost until the inventory is
gone, and we're never going to print these t-shirts and ball caps at Info Wars flags
We may have t-shirts and apparel in the future, but I don't even know.
We are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in right now.
I'm firing the bat signal and asking you to get your t-shirts at infowarstore.com right
That's at cost.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are down to the final 2,000.
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And I got to tell you, folks, because, look, I'm human just like anybody else.
I can have a range of emotions like anybody else a lot of times that pours out here on
the air.
But let me just tell you, I want to have a moment here with this crew and this audience
to celebrate and say, we're still here.
That is a victory.
So free speech is not dead yet in this country.
And when you go and you invest in the second set of three limited edition silver coins from
infowarstore.com, you're keeping us alive, you're keeping free speech alive.
So yeah, you know what?
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that's also been blown up, but it's not dead yet.
And we're still fighting for it and you're and you're and you're hoisting it up.
Infowars as an example of free speech.
So we appreciate that.
And it is this coin that's going to fund us for the next couple months.
And then just selling out of everything we have on the website is we're basically just
looking to get the funds in, folks.
And it's, I mean, we really don't know what's going to go down with the legal stuff.
That's always kind of a mystery, except that we know they just want to destroy us and that's
why they do it.
Folks, I'll tell you, you know, Alex is a little more transparent, I'll say, with some
of the legal stuff and you still really only get the tip of the iceberg.
But man, oh, man, let me tell you, if and when all this is behind us, there are going
to be stories to tell.
I mean, I got something that happened to me yesterday morning that is just insane.
Just insane.
But I'm not going to say on air and I'm going to withhold it and and eventually, you know,
I imagine eventually this stuff's going to be behind us and it might not go well, but
it'll eventually be behind us.
And we'll tell the stories and I mean, look, I'm dealing with, we're dealing with, you're
dealing with full on authoritarian, tyrant style censorship and attack on free speech
in this country.
But together, we're still here, we're still on air, we're still getting the great guests,
we're still breaking the news and information.
And so that alone is a victory.
So I salute you in the audience, I salute this crew and we will continue to fight for
truth and freedom in America using our free speech to do it until they rip our larynx
out, put a bullet through us, through our head or throw us in a prison.
And believe me, they're considering all three.
But man, oh man, I'll tell you, when all this is behind us, whether for good or bad, it's
just the stories that Alex and myself and others are going to be able to tell.
I mean, I'm telling you folks, it's just mind blowing, because I really, I mean, obviously
you got to have an ego to talk to yourself on air for three hours a day.
I'm not denying I have a massive ego here, but like, I don't really think of myself as
that big of a deal.
I think the world will turn just fine without me, whether I'm here or not.
But then you go through the crap that we're going through here and you're like, wow, I
mean, boy, they really want me gone, like they really hate little old me.
And it's just, it's just wild.
But I'm going to leave it right there.
Just know, I mean, you're seeing a little maybe more than the tip of the iceberg just
because of the recent stuff getting into the news and Alex being a little bit more transparent
about some of the stuff that goes on behind the scenes here.
But just overall, you're seeing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the attack info
wars is under, regardless, you've kept us on air.
Quite frankly, you're a miracle.
You're our lifeblood.
And we thank you for it.
So we're trying to sell out of everything at infowarstore.com.
That's why all the t-shirts and apparel is on sale at cost.
That's why we're selling the supplements top rated supplements at a discounted price at
We just want to be here, folks.
I don't need a million dollars.
Okay, this platform right here, this ability to come on air and talk to you is worth trillions
of dollars to me.
There's no amount of money that could ever fulfill that.
There's no amount of money that could ever match that.
So I thank you.
I don't need to be a millionaire.
I don't need gobs of money.
I don't need a bunch of big fancy houses.
Yeah, that's nice.
I'm a capitalist.
I'm all for that.
You've got that.
But that's not what we're here for, and you know it.
And that's why you're here.
All right, let me just put away the rest of this news when it comes to Russia and Ukraine,
and then we'll get into the rest of this news in the second, or excuse me, the third hour
of today's transmission.
FBI seizes $90 million yacht owned by Putin ally Victor Wecklesburg in Spain.
So now the feds and the global government, which they say doesn't exist, oh, really?
And why are they all going after these Russian millionaires' yachts?
Hey, look, you want to complain about people being too rich and buying these ridiculous
yachts that they probably use like four times a year?
Hey, fine, complain all day.
But let's not sit here and act like Americans don't do that.
And let's not sit here and act like it's a good thing that there's some sort of global
government faction or that the FBI can go over to Spain and steal a Russian's yacht.
Do you think that's a smart move by the U.S. government?
No, that's saber rattling.
That's adding to the war front.
That's adding to the strife between Russia and the West.
And it's just totally illegal.
What if the FBI just goes see someone's yacht?
I don't care.
I don't care how bad this billionaire Russian might be.
He's not chopping up kids or having pedophile island like Epstein, then leave him the damn
hell alone.
But oh, he's a Russian now and being Russian is a crime now.
So that's what they do.
They just put this marker on you like, oh, you're a Russian, therefore you're a criminal.
Oh, you're a Trump supporter, therefore you're a criminal.
But that's the mindset.
And the reason why the left buys into that just head over heels is because it's such
an intellectual, an unintellectual position to take, and it's the easy way in.
So they just go with the easy way in.
The most unintellectual, oh yeah, Russian bad, oh yeah, a Trump supporter bad, yeah.
And they just jump on board with that because it requires zero intellect, zero critical
thinking, which at this point, I'm not even sure if they have the capacity to do honestly.
These people have been so soul sucked and so demonically possessed and so brainwashed.
I mean, we've seen it.
So this is just going to probably continue to happen.
And then the goal here is for the West to isolate Putin, and they want all of these
millionaires and billionaires in Russia to turn against Putin, which folks, this just
shows you it's not working.
So the more you see this activity from the corrupt feds, the more you know that Russia's
actually winning.
Let me tell you.
If Russia was losing, they wouldn't feel the need to go steal a bunch of Russian millionaires'
property and yachts.
But because Russia and Putin are winning, they have to go do that to try to isolate Putin
from his own people.
And it's not working, folks.
And our chicken-necked, nelly, pencil-needled dick, Merrick Garland, like, oh my gosh.
See, and that's the thing is, Merrick Garland wants my head on a stick.
So it's like, I realize now, oh, I go on air and I say something bad about Merrick Garland.
He literally has the power and the will to destroy me.
But you tell me who's the bad guy.
So that's just going to continue to happen, and it's not going to help peace efforts.
And it's certainly not hurting Putin.
Airbnb cancels all reservations in Russia and Belarus.
Yes, if you have an account based out of Russia or Belarus, you can no longer use Airbnb.
Oh, that's funny.
Neither can I.
I was banned from Airbnb.
It doesn't matter I had about 30, 40 perfect five-star ratings.
Never anything negative.
They banned me.
So that's it.
You're a Russian.
You're a Trump supporter.
You're a criminal.
No, that's not how justice works in this planet, you liars.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, we're in the third hour of the Alex Jones show here today and I am just going
to focus and I'm going to try to get all of this news off my desk as quickly as possible
and then play the video clips that I have for you today.
So without any further hesitation, let me just move on here Berserker style into this
Pope Francis removes cross from event in Malta so not to upset illegal Muslim migrants isn't
that nice.
The Pope removes the cross, the Pope removes the cross at a public event.
You still think this is the Pope that you're told he is, you still think this is the Catholic
church as you're supposed to believe it is?
No, ladies and gentlemen, this is a communist, globalist Pope that helps cover up child abuse
stories that come out of the Vatican.
Evil evil everywhere.
Here's up, Orban wins Hungary despite massive Soros assault.
That folks, I mean, I'm not going to sit here and tell you what to think about Orban but
he's a nationalist and he's against the globalist agenda of sexualizing kids and getting rid
of borders.
So Soros did everything he possibly could to stop Orban from getting in, probably not
near the effort of what they undertook to keep Trump from getting in again but it's
a similar story just at a smaller grade but he was able to overcome and his party is doing
quite well in Hungary.
So that's a very, very important asset, Hungary as a country to have against the new world
order agenda in that region of the world.
So again, whether you like Orban or hate him, the globalists are your enemy and they don't
like Orban and so that's good news.
The reason for Zelensky's surprise, Grammy's appearance, you know, people are so sick of
Hollywood garbage and arrogance and it's so bad that they have to fake a slap with Will
Smith and Chris Rock just to drum up any hype or any ratings at all.
And so now it's the same thing at the Grammys.
They have to have Zelensky Skype in.
I didn't watch the Grammys, I did see some stories about it.
The same typical stuff, okay, here's your war propaganda and then they had a nice little
satanic performance from their favorite satanist Lil Nas who does videos depicting sex with
Satan and who claims to be, I guess, a non-binary man who gets pregnant too.
I mean, it's all satanism.
Lil Nas delivers satanic performance during Grammys.
He loves it though.
I mean, he loves the attention and quite frankly, he's probably an idiot.
He probably has an IQ of about 13 and so they just take advantage of him and they say, alright,
here's what you're going to do and you're going to make millions of dollars and that's
how they buy your soul.
They say, you're going to be rich and famous and they find enough people that like that
and so that's what you see where they do like, oh, here's all the commentary, here's all
the negative tweets, here's everything bad that they say about Lil Nas X but look, here
I am still sexualizing your kids, here I am still doing satanic performances and I'm rich
and famous and he has no idea what's going on.
He just is fulfilling his duty of performing and getting on tracks and then doing satanic
performances and sexualizing the children.
info wars world headquarters here in Austin, Texas with you here today.
It's really just sad, isn't it?
It's really just sad.
But see, this is why when you watch movies like The Fifth Element and they have the character
portrayed by, what's the actor's name, who's the host and he's just totally goofy, dresses
like a whack job, acts like a whack job, yeah, Chris Tucker, because that's the future they
So these movies are all projection or just like a warning or even just foresight, which
is like, yeah, this is where they want you to take you, this is where they're taking
you, I mean, Hunger Games, it's the same thing everywhere, it doesn't matter whether it's
a movie from the 80s or the 90s or just a couple of years ago, it's the same thing.
How come in these dystopian futures with the caste system, the elite are all dressed like
alien freak shows, non binary sex addicts, because that's what they're promoting to children.
That's what they're telling the kids is cool and in that's what they're trying to create.
We reject that.
We are only offering three coins in the series.
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Yeah, you're a far cry removed from the days of Johnny Cash and Johnny Carson, aren't you?
No, now you got Lil Nas X, sucking Satan's D, and Zelensky promoting war propaganda
and Stephen Colbert not funny, but promoting vaccines all day and a spokesman for the Democrat
And see, I want you to understand something I'm going to eventually get to this stack
of news over here, but I kind of want to build up to it because you need to understand where
all of this funnels.
So let me just give you these headlines and then retreat back to it.
This is where all of this funnels.
All the stuff that I'm going to cover, the cultural rot, the political rot, all the corruption,
all the propaganda, this is where it all funnels.
And when you have the prospectus of the death cult and the eugenics that run this planet,
you get it.
It's like two plus two equals four.
And that's the problem.
See, because that's what it is.
When you go through life and you know two plus two equals four, but you keep experiencing
two plus two equals five or two plus two equals three or two plus two equals 10, and you're
like, this doesn't make sense.
You go insane.
You become suicidal.
Why so many women in middle age are on antidepressants, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, a cry
for help, CDC warns of steep decline in teen mental health, New Yorker, the mystifying
rise of child suicide, former French intelligence chief, all multicultural societies are doomed.
So just understand, all the stuff, everything I'm covering, it funnels into the same eugenics
They don't have to just drop a bomb on you if they can make you so miserable that you
kill yourself.
Now whether that's literally jumping off a building or putting a bullet through your
brain, no, you'll kill yourself with the poison food.
You'll kill yourself with the poison water.
You'll kill yourself with the poison drugs.
Or you'll literally kill yourself.
Or if you're able to survive all of this, you'll plug into some false synthetic reality
matrix that they'll be in total control of like the metaverse, which is being totally
rejected by the way.
So that's where all of this funnels.
Now let's cover the rest of this news.
Amy Schumer reveals the Alec Baldwin shooting joke she wasn't allowed to make at the Oscars.
So apparently I guess the Oscars checks all the jokes.
That's nice.
You guys are really about freedom of speech, huh?
No, it's all a controlled corporate event.
So she was going to make a joke about the movie Look Up.
And so she said the joke was going to be, it's better to look up than to look down at
the barrel of Alec Baldwin's gun.
That was actually a pretty good one.
That would probably be the funniest joke of the night.
Not allowed to say it.
So Alec Baldwin is under complete and total protection.
Alec Baldwin literally, he denies actually.
The gun is in his hand, the bullet goes out of the gun and through a woman's head and
kills her.
And he says he didn't pull the trigger.
But I guess if you believe all the lies that the liberal left tells you, then yeah, guns
do whatever they want.
Guns think for themselves.
Guns shoot themselves even.
So I guess that's Alec Baldwin's argument is that guns shoot themselves.
It doesn't matter whose hand he's in, whose hand the gun is in.
So I guess all people that killed someone or shot a gun should be innocent like Alec
Baldwin, right?
No, that's called liberal Democrat privilege.
That's called Hollywood privilege.
And then he gets protected by the Oscars producers and they say, you can't make a joke about
Alec Baldwin.
I have never harmed a person in my life and I've spent more time in jail than Alec Baldwin
who shot a woman dead.
Now at the very least, it's involuntary manslaughter, is it not?
It doesn't matter.
Alec Baldwin is a good liberal Democrat Hollywood star, so he's above the law.
Me for walking outside of the Capitol, I'm dealing with millions of dollars in legal
Feds spending millions of dollars to come up with me.
Feds pouring through all my electronic devices right now as we speak.
I'm facing huge jail time.
I've already been locked up multiple times, but see, I should not have stepped on grass
outside of the Capitol.
I should have been like Alec Baldwin, a good liberal progressive Hollywood actor and I
should have shot a woman in the head.
Oh wait, I'm sorry, the gun did that.
He had nothing to do with it.
The gun acted on its own.
I demand that gun be put on trial.
Just unbelievable stuff.
Ukrainian MP claims Russian soldiers burned Swastika into woman's belly, so it's the
same thing.
Russia says it was the Ukrainians that did that.
Ukrainians say it was Russia that did it.
You know, who knows folks, but like our guest said, there are things we do know.
The U.S. was running at least 20 biological weapons labs, Hunter Biden's business, family
business was involved in it, as were other family members of American politicians.
The media lied about it and the lab in China that did the same thing was responsible for
the COVID outbreak.
Now think about this though.
It came out that the U.S. government was taking the results from PCR tests for your
nose, the nose swab, that the U.S. government was taking DNA samples from those tests and
putting it into a database.
It was already well known that companies that were doing DNA testing, oh yeah, you get your
DNA tested, they tell you whether you're African or Native American or Italian or whatever
if you even believe that crap.
Quite frankly, I'm not even sure if I believe it, but whatever people have done, it's fun,
it's curious.
It came out that they were selling that information.
So think about it like this.
You go in innocent enough, you want to take a COVID nose swab test to see if you got COVID.
Okay, that DNA sequencing may have been sold, may have been passed along, did you sign off
on that?
You submit a sample of your DNA, I'm not sure how they do it, they do hair or spit or
whatever, I don't know, I would never do it.
And you submit your DNA to these companies and they say, okay, yeah, here's your results,
you're African or you're European, whatever, and then that gets shared or that gets sold.
And now your DNA somehow is out there in the marketplace being sold, traded, bought, everything.
And now you've got biological weapons labs that make DNA specific weapons.
That was the plot of the latest James Bond movie, by the way.
No spoiler here just telling you.
I mean, folks, we are not in Kansas anymore, can't you understand the dangerous implications
of all of this?
Russia certainly does, Putin certainly does, hell, you can say Putin is the worst person
on the planet, but he gets the dangers of that, Putin understands the dangers of having biological
weapons labs that make DNA specific weapons with all these people volunteering unwittingly
their DNA out on the marketplace to be bought and sold, however, however, it's fit, yeah.
Should you be worried about somebody making a biological weapon specifically to kill you?
Probably not, but it's out there, could be done.
Kind of a big deal.
Putin knows that the American media doesn't want you to know what's going on.
And of course, they're bringing back the COVID fear mongering.
Fauci is all excited because he saw the lockdowns in Shanghai, and then the massive testing of
millions of people which drove case numbers up.
Go figure.
Testing 25 million people drove case numbers up, who would have thought?
And so now Fauci say, yeah, we're probably gonna have to bring back lockdowns, and China's
doing a good job there.
These people are being held prisoner in China, folks, you understand?
They're literally being held prisoner, and they can't even get food.
And it's been two weeks now, and if you've run out of food or you've run out of stuff
to drink, guess what?
You're SOL.
Yeah, you can try to call the government hotline to have food dropped off.
You can try to call someone to have food dropped off.
How do you think that's gonna go with 25 million people starving just looking for a couple
thousand people to bring them food?
How do you think that's going for them?
Not well.
And you watch.
When all of this is said and done in Shanghai, they're gonna be going into people's apartments
and they're gonna find dead bodies, people that starved out, people that killed themselves.
But hey, man, we're stopping COVID.
I'm gonna kill you so you can't spread COVID.
I'm gonna put you in a cage and lock you up so you can't spread COVID.
Unbelievable stuff.
Man, made virus, Anthony Fauci knew about it, the American media knew about it.
They covered it up.
They're complicit in this mass manslaughter.
Ladies and gentlemen, I need your help.
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Reading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
So again though, the media celebrating Fauci celebrating everybody celebrating how China
treats its citizens like slaves where they're in their prison camps.
You remember, oh no, it's just your apartment, but you're out of food.
You can't even get food now.
Remember what it was like in Australia where they had the quarantine camps and it was like
you couldn't leave your house, they had these people in hazmat suits delivering you food.
If you stepped outside on the patio at the wrong time of day, they extended your lockdown,
your imprisonment.
I mean, who would ever support this garbage?
But see, Fauci's out supporting it because he wants to use China as the example, as the
standard so that Fauci and the Democrats can run the same operation here in America locking
you down, treating you like a prisoner under the guise of protecting you from a virus,
just a total lie, a virus that they made in a lab, by the way.
And so here's my problem.
When I see stories like this, I can't tell you how frustrated I get because it's the
same level of, I don't even know what you would call it, ignorance, stupidity, where
they say, look at what COVID did, COVID shut down the schools, COVID closed my business,
COVID did this, COVID did that, COVID did none of that.
And the government did all of it.
That is a, I mean, even the lowest IQ people should have that understanding, and they don't.
It's supposed intellectuals that go on TV, academics, politicians, and they come out
and they say, COVID did this, COVID did this because of the virus, because of the virus.
No, government did this, period, end of story, end of sentence, stop.
Stop saying COVID.
So this, this, this story has that same energy, has that same vibe.
COVID horror, virus may cause brain damage, even in patients with mild respiratory symptoms.
So you hear all this stuff about long COVID and COVID does this, COVID, COVID makes your
penis shrink and COVID makes you lose hair and COVID makes you have brain damage and
all this stuff, and, and I understand the immediate reaction to all of this, which, which I tend
to have as well, which is, hey, we've been lied to you so much about COVID, you've done
so much fear mongering over COVID, I don't believe any of this crap.
So part of me says, oh, brain damage from COVID, probably just fear mongering BS like
everything else.
But see, here's the problem, and this is why I say it's the same energy as COVID did this,
COVID did this, no, the government did this.
Let's say everything they tell you about COVID is true in regards to long COVID or brain damage
or penis shrinkage or all this other stuff, they tell you, let's say it's all true.
Well, again, COVID was made in a lab, it's a man made virus.
So if you're going to be talking about how this virus acts differently than every other
virus known in human history, and you're going to be talking about all these horrific long
term effects, and that's why you can't get it, and that's why you should always wear
the mask and never leave your house again and all this other stuff.
So why aren't we mad at the people that created and released this on us?
So what is the breakdown here?
What is the boiled out?
The frustration is not placing blame and responsibility where it belongs.
That's what it is.
Blaming COVID for the kids wearing masks, blaming COVID for school closures, business
closures, all this other stuff, that is not the proper blame.
This is zero percent accuracy right there.
Blaming COVID for any of it, zero percent accuracy, zero.
Blaming the government and the corporations and everybody did that, 100% accuracy.
But what do you get from the media and your politicians?
They say COVID is to blame.
COVID has zero percent responsibility.
The government actors and the corporate actors that foisted all the COVID madness upon us,
they bear 100% possibility.
If I try to go get on an airplane right now, is a virus going to pop up and tell me to
wear a mask?
Is some airline attendant going to tell me to wear a mask?
So it's the same thing.
Oh, COVID is causing long term problems and brain damage and all this stuff.
Okay, well who's responsible?
Who made the virus?
Who released the virus?
So it's all this fear mongering.
If you get COVID, your penis is going to shrink and you're going to have brain damage so that
you're scared to death forever.
You never take the mask off.
You never give control of your life or take control of your life back from the government.
You give it to them permanently in this state of permaphore and then you never blame the
parties responsible, the individuals that made it in a lab.
So just remember this.
When they tell you stories about long COVID and lung damage and brain damage and genital
damage and all this stuff, thanks Anthony Fauci and Peter Dossick and everybody else
that knew that this came in a lab and funded this research in a lab and it's just, oh fear
over COVID.
Oh my gosh.
Oh, COVID does this.
COVID does that.
Well, why aren't you holding the people responsible that made COVID?
The frustration is going to go on, I'm sure.
And then there's the vaccines, which are also killing people.
Killing more people than they help and it's not even close by the way.
But so, so again, I don't want to be the person that sees every story and says, oh, vaccine,
vaccine, vaccine, but it's a fair argument, like when I see this, doctors stunned by baby
born with two heads, three hands and one torso.
So obviously the debate is raging was the mother vaccinated, but you're not allowed to
ask that question.
You're not allowed to get that answer.
You just see this baby that you just feel so bad for it, just a total mutant, a mutant
And yeah, if we start seeing more of this pop up, I think it's pretty fair to say it's
probably the vaccines, but you'll never get that fair and open debate.
You'll never, you'll never get that.
Here was another example last night.
I saw this in live time.
I remember texting my friends, final four basketball game, North Carolina player holds
his chest, can't catch breath, sinks the floor, throws up in final minutes.
Now, I remember watching this and this individual player started grasping at his heart and his
chest about 60 seconds before he fell over.
And if you go back and watch the game, you can do this.
And it's just stunning how unobservant people are when dealing with this.
This is the aftermath.
That was about 60 seconds after he was grabbing his heart.
He grabbed at his heart two possessions before that and up and down the court twice on two
possessions was grabbing his heart and then he kills over and starts vomiting.
Now, they said he had the wind knocked out of them.
Folks, I've played sports my whole life.
I've had wind knocked down me plenty of times.
Everybody knows when you get the wind knocked out of you, that's it.
You're on the floor.
You can't breathe and you need at least 60 seconds to get your wind back.
You're certainly not running up and down the court for two possessions.
I've never seen anybody vomit from having the wind knocked out of them either.
Now, maybe that could happen, but clearly this kid had something going on in his chest.
He was pointing to his chest.
He was grabbing his chest.
It wasn't he had the air knocked out of him, but that's just what they say because you
can't ask about the vaccines and the heart problems.
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three part Founder's Series at 1776coin.com
or in for store.com.
And the second installment is the Tree of Liberty.
Thomas Jefferson quote must be watered with the blood of Patriots and tyrants to coin
I designed.
I'm very, very proud of it.
And it will end up being a collectible.
I know that the first coin is already selling on eBay and other places for three times what
we sold it.
We need to sell all 10,000 of these very, very quickly and I appreciate listeners getting
over half of them now.
I'd like to lose them out very quickly.
I think they will sell out probably in five or six more days.
And without the last coin sale, we would not be operating at the same capacity.
We've had to lay off a lot of people and had some big problems.
So it was a limited edition collectible tied to our political movement of liberty and freedom
and it's needed for our infrastructure and building new systems.
So please give yourself and us aid in the fight against the new world order at 1776coin.com.
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Ladies and gentlemen, I need your help.
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I need your help making sure that our mission continues on.
I was born for this.
You were born for this.
People are really waking up right now, but we had to build our own infrastructure because
of the censorship and deplatforming that cost tens of millions of dollars.
And now with Band-Aid video getting close to 10 million views a day, we're a platform
for thousands of independent journalists and groups to be able to post their content free
of charge.
And because it's become so successful, it's a catch 22.
InfoWars and Band-Aid video have become a mothership promoting the pro-human liberty
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But the expenses in bandwidth alone are millions of dollars a quarter, hundreds and hundreds
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So the biggest sale in InfoWars history is going right now, the mega emergency blowout
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Anything of real quality, anything of lasting durability, anything that's really satisfying
and empowering and fulfilling is going to be hard to attain.
And when it comes to information, boy is that true today.
We see the entire global corrupt into human depopulation, great reset combine, trying to
collapse our society to build on its ashes, their transhumanist nightmare vision, suppressing
the voices of good people all around the world and of doctors and scientists and engineers
that are exposing all their lives, their COVID area, their world's gonna end in 2030, carbon
tax, global warming bull, all of it.
And none of it can succeed, none of it can actually be carried out unless everybody is
silenced and gas lit.
And that's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence.
And that's why it's hard to share InfoWars links and Band-Aid video.
Making a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You found it, the tip of the spear, it is the Alex Jones show with Owen Troyer.
Let's say I released a billion mosquitoes in Texas that were known to cause seizures
if you got bit by it.
And then all of a sudden in Texas, you had all of these seizure events happening, numbers
of seizure events skyrocketing in Texas.
Well, it'd be pretty obvious, wouldn't it, you'd say, okay, had you been bitten by this
mosquito any time recently, have you had a mosquito bite any time recently?
Oh, yes, it's like, hum, okay, I think your seizure may have something to do with it.
That's common sense.
But when it comes to the vaccine, oh, no, no, no, no, you don't get to ask that.
So it's like, okay, known side effects of the vaccine, blood clots, heart problems.
It's like, oh, wow, a lot of these people are having blood clots and heart problems.
Don't ask about the vaccine, though, like, oh, yeah, kids have always had blood clots
and heart attacks.
That's been a normal thing is what they say.
Clearly it's the vaccine.
Let me just try to get as much of this news off my desk as possible.
I'm probably not even going to have time for all of it or these clips, exclusive army captain
place in mental hospital for accusing commanding general Patrick Donahue of pushing a legal
vaccine, oh, army captain put in mental hospital because he believes in medical freedom.
This country is so evil.
Just so evil that this goes on here.
Federal judge blocks Air Force on giving punishment for members who refuse to take COVID-19 vaccines.
So that's a judge in Cincinnati, good for him.
But oh, so one judge does the right thing, but then an army captain correctly calls it
an illegal vaccine mandate and he's told he needs to be placed in mental, a mental institution.
That's a Chinese style reeducation camp right here for our army members in America.
Mother who confronted New York City mayor Adams over toddler mask mandate fired from
city job.
Oh, and I love it.
New York's like moved to New York.
We believe in free speech because we say gay, oh, you criticize the mayor, you're fired.
These are evil people.
It's beyond any shadow of it out that the vaccines are causing large numbers of deaths.
That is the latest from Dr. Peter McCullough.
Indeed, ladies and gentlemen, moving on, the Democrats and the Republicans are going to
confirm a pedophile protecting judge to put it another way.
If you were a pedophile and you ended up in a courtroom and you saw that contingent Brown
Jackson was on the bench, you're feeling good.
You're celebrating.
Your lawyers are celebrating.
You know you're going to get a light sentence.
The pedophile protector is there on the bench.
Politico deletes tweet claiming Judge Jackson will be first black Supreme Court justice.
Isn't that hilarious?
They literally claimed that Jackson would have been the first black Supreme Court justice
ignoring Judge Clarence Thomas because that's how their mind works, folks.
These people are mentally ill.
They don't count Justice Clarence Thomas as the first black Supreme Court justice because
he's not a deranged mentally ill leftist liberal.
I'm telling you this.
You need to understand this about the race-baiting liberal movement right now.
It's not about skin color.
It's all about politics.
They love to use tokenism for their political agenda.
But if you're black or you're this or you're that and you don't support their agenda,
then you don't count, including Clarence Thomas, and they just showed you their hand with that
story in Politico.
It has nothing to do with skin color, folks.
It's all about politics, all of it.
The same reason why I can't go walk into a girl's bathroom or a girl's locker room at
the gym because I'm not a liberal.
But if I was a good liberal and I said, I'm a woman, I'm going into the woman's room,
then I'd be fine.
It doesn't matter.
I don't have to shave.
I don't have to chop off my dingling, anything.
I mean, I just go right in.
I say, I'm a good progressive liberal.
I'm a woman now.
I go in the woman's locker room, I go shower with them, and it's all good.
But no, because I'm not a brainwashed liberal, I couldn't do that.
That's nothing to do with science or anything.
It's always politics.
Contenji Brown Jackson shows leniency even in baby sex torture cases.
Yeah, they're torturing little children, little babies.
These cases end up on Judge Jackson's desk, and she gives them a tiny little slap on the
wrist, a slap on the wrist.
I've dealt with worse punishment for what I've done, an innocent man, a political prisoner.
I've dealt with worse punishment, and I've gone through more torture than pedophiles
and child sex abusers have whose cases ended up on Judge Jackson's bench.
Think about that.
Actually, probably don't.
It's pretty sad.
It's pretty painful to think about.
But it's the truth.
Going on, an organized crime perpetrated on Americans, experts claim in testimony at
least 4.8 million ballots trafficked in the 2020 election.
I mean, seriously, how many illegal votes did Biden get to get to, what, 83 million?
I mean, give me a break.
Give me a break.
Democrats implicated Georgia ballot traffickers were using Democrat officials' offices as
stopping points during ballot drop runs.
And remember, in the Wisconsin hearing, they actually got the information.
So they found, I believe it was 14 individuals, and they did it in Georgia too, but they found
the individuals who were going to ballot drop boxes multiple times a day, and they were
able to locate their device to track their movements, and they were going to multiple
ballot drop boxes every day, going to Democrat Party headquarters every day, and it also
just so happens, they were at the riots in Kenosha as well.
Hundreds of suspects filmed stuffing multiple ballots into Pennsylvania County drop boxes.
Republican DA won't prosecute any of these suspects because not everyone has been identified.
So I mean, folks, they're on tape, they're on camera stealing the election.
I mean, it's just a joke.
I mean, come on, man.
Do we really have to explain that Biden didn't get 83 million votes?
The guy that didn't even campaign, the guy that couldn't even have a debate?
President Trump requests Clinton judge who was assigned to oversee his Russiagate lawsuit
against Hillary Clinton be removed.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
That Clinton judge is going to make sure that Trump does not get a fair case.
Believe me, believe me.
Final suspect in Detroit-based multimillion-dollar credit card fraud ring sentenced to prison.
Have you guys noticed that this is happening more and more?
Credit card fraud.
I have now, for the third time this year, my credit card or my debit card, rather, has
been involved in what they call a mass compromise event third time this year.
But we should all have the government-run digital currency because it's really safe,
you know, it's really safe.
This arrest 26-year-old suspect over Sacramento mass shooting, did you hear about this one?
You didn't hear about that one, did you?
Mass shooting in California yesterday?
Any news on it?
Any big stories about it?
Oh, there's one in Dallas, too.
By the way, six people died in the one in California.
Did you hear any news about that?
Did they make a big story about that?
No, they didn't, did they?
Because there's never any consistency from our media because they're just a bunch of
liars that have an agenda.
The southern border is just absolutely wide open, folks.
It's really incredible.
I'm talking to a couple of journalists that are on the ground down there.
It's kind of penetrating the news.
Word is out around the world.
The U.S. border is wide open.
And Ben Bergquam and others are down there reporting it's just unbelievable.
It's just this country is under complete attack, like the inflation, which is just crushing
people, going to record highs, continuing to rise, 20 facts about the emerging global
food shortage that should chill you to the core.
Yeah, they're bringing in all these people into America that you're going to be forced
to feed while there's a food shortage.
And plus your inflation.
I mean, you are getting broken right now.
America is having its back broken right now by the Biden administration and the globalist.
I mean, it's just total crushing of America right now.
Days at or worse than 56% disapproval for their entire terms, Biden already has the record
and he hasn't even finished one term yet with 125 days lower than 56% disapproval.
That's much worse than Trump who had the entire media lying about him all day too.
Here's rich liberal Democrat Shannon Sharp.
I'd rather pay 20 bucks a gallon than have Trump in office, but then he can be seen complaining
about high gas prices just 10 years ago.
Another liberal that owns himself because that's what they do because modern day liberals
are frauds, phonies and liars.
How many times does this have to be proven?
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three part Founder Series at 1776coin.com
and the second installment is the Tree of Liberty, Thomas Jefferson quote must be watered
with the blood of patriots and tyrants, the coin I designed.
I'm very, very proud of it and it will end up being a collectible.
I know that the first coin is already selling on eBay and other places for three times what
we sold it.
We need to sell all 10,000 of these very, very quickly and I appreciate listeners getting
over half of them now.
I'd like to move them out very quickly.
I think they will sell out probably in five or six more days and without the last coin
sale we would not be operating at the same capacity.
We'd have had to lay off a lot of people and that's a big problem.
So as a limited edition collectible, tied to our political movement of liberty and freedom
and it's needed for our infrastructure and building new systems.
So please give yourself and us aid in the fight against the new order at 1776coin.com.
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April 2022 just kicked off and it's already been incredible.
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, they along with many other New World Order operatives
have gone on national television and announced that we are now under a world government.
They have a summit taking place right now in Dubai titled World Government Summit and
they are announcing incredible tyranny.
Something we've talked about is now coming true and the globalists want to take us off
Ladies and gentlemen, we are running the biggest sale in the history of info wars right now.
In our 28 years, all info wars apparel is being sold at cost until the inventory is gone
and we're never going to print these t-shirts and ball caps and info wars flags again.
We may have t-shirts and apparel in the future but I don't even know.
We are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in right now.
I'm firing the bat signal and asking you to get your t-shirts at infowarstore.com right
now they're at cost.
Ladies and gentlemen, infowarstore.com is offering the biggest sales in its over 20 year history
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and I do not want to implode or downsize in the face of the globalists making their main
In full wars, it's paradoxical, it's more popular than ever, it's reaching more people
than ever despite the censorship but because of cost increasing and having to run our own
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Including a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright let's continue here with the news coverage and if I can get all the news off
my desk I'll play some of these video clips in the next segment before Wayne Allen Root
takes over.
So what do you do if you're the Democrats and your popularity is plunging and your approval
rating is plunging everywhere and everybody knows how evil lying scum, what evil lying
scum you are.
Chicago to provide free gas and transit cards, so now this is California and Illinois that
have the highest deficit spending rates, the states are actually broke with all their giveaways
and Democrat financial policy just crushing these states and so but what are they gonna
do as they're dead broke, they're giving things away because nobody likes them, that's what
you do, nobody likes you, you just give things away, massive nationwide campaign to take
on Nancy Pelosi and insider trading by Congress, Kevin Freeman, host of economic war room on
the blaze, oh another war room that took our name, that's hilarious, launched a national
campaign slamming Pelosi for protecting corrupt insider trading by members of Congress, almost
two million emails have already been sent to Congress, you know nothing will ever probably
be done about that until we get new leaders elected but it's at least something to let
Congress know where we stand on it.
More of the timeless propaganda for the Illuminati here, maskless Kamala Harris poses for photos
with masked children during visit to DC elementary school, now I've explained why they do this
folks, I'll try to make it brief, you say why do these political leaders go and take
their mask off and pose for pictures with everybody else wearing their mask on, it's
a symbol of dominance is what it is, it's an act of dominance so that a hundred years
from now, just like you can look at photos from a hundred years ago during the Spanish
flu pandemic and you'll see the elites not wearing masks, people in suits and ties not
wearing masks and then everyone else around them in hazmat suits, it's the same thing,
they're marking their territory, they're displaying their dominance so that when they
run the same gambit in 50 or 100 years they can show their agents, see we run this stuff,
we do this, here we did it in the 20s, here we did it in the 2020s, we dominate this planet,
you are now slave owners and all those around you wearing the mask are your slaves and that's
how they promote themselves, that's how they mark their territory in a timeless fashion.
Another has left Kamala Harris' staff, the deputy chief of staff quits 11th aid to leave
Kamala Harris' staff, yeah these people suck, no one wants to work for them and it's now
considered a blithe on your resume or a blight rather than a good thing, confused puppet
Joe Biden end speech, ask handlers what to do now and then creeps on a little girl, that's
what he does, there he is right there getting up in that little girl's face because he's
a creepo, his daughter wrote about it in his diary, how he would get in the shower with
her and be inappropriate, I mean you know this is the Biden's after all, in fact let's
go here, here's another confused Biden in clip 9, I mean this is a joke, the guy doesn't
even know where he is, he doesn't even know who he is, here's another example in clip
9, what do we do now, what do we do now, he has no idea, look at him running around, he
doesn't know what's going on, that's the president they said, Biden tells bizarre story about
big mama and how he used to drive an 18 wheeler, Biden has never driven an 18 wheeler, it's
not an easy thing to do, you need training, he's never done it, he just lies, he lies
about, remember his Amtrak story that he's lied about like five times now, that even
he's been caught lying about it, the guy he claims said this to him has been dead, the
guy's an, but he has dementia, he doesn't even know where he is half the time, he's
got crap running down his leg half the day, Joe Biden takes a knee in official photo with
sailors for some reason, nobody knows why he took the knee, not even him, he just photo
shoot posing with people in the Navy, just decided no, I'm going to take a knee, hey
the George Floyd thing was two years ago, Joe, or more now, but he takes the knee, Hunter
becomes the hunted, Senator Grassley warns of national security concerns surrounding
Biden crime family, says new revelations will be presented to Senate this week, we'll see
how that goes, Biden seemed to be above the law and above any media scorn either, so this
is where it all goes folks, this is what I said earlier, you need to understand this
is where it all goes, so when you ask why this is going on, remind yourself who controls
the culture, who controls the education system and who currently controls the government,
the globalists and the radical left wingers that are destroying our culture, destroying
our country and destroying our people, they did this, all of their logic or illogic, all
of their propaganda, all of their culture, all of it is destructive and deadly and they
know it, they're a death cult, so you want to know why you see stories like this, look
no further than the left, the radical, communist, progressive, sycophant, pedophile left controlling
culture, controlling the education system, this is what you get, why are so many women
in middle ages on antidepressants because the left wing culture has turned them into
mental basket cases, CDC warns of steep decline in teen mental health because the mentally
ill left is indoctrinating them, the mystifying rise of child suicide, again folks this is
all left wing culture destroying people's minds, destroying their psyches, leading them
to suicide and antidepressants, 100% the globalist left wing agenda, that's why they do the
gaslighting, that's why they tell you men aren't women or men are women rather, that's
why they tell you men are women, men can get pregnant, men can have periods, that's why
they tell you all this nonsensical stuff, they want you to go mentally insane so that
you then have to go on their killer pills or you just kill yourself, and that's why
the former French intelligence chief is correct Pierre Brochard when he says all multicultural
societies are doomed, the real quote, the real thing is all diversified left wing liberal
progressive societies are doomed, that's why America's doomed, we've gotten away from
traditionalism, we've gotten away from, it's not even about conservatism or anything about,
it's just what works traditionalism, what works a man and a woman and the nuclear family
and the free market society with good honorable people with integrity, that works, the left
is anti all of that, that's why you have mass suicide rates, children suicide rates, women
on antidepressants, women whoring themselves out on the internet because the left engages
in stuff like this where they say move to New York where you can say gay and they're
just obsessed with, they're just obsessed with sexualizing the children, Seattle museum
hosting sex theme drag camp for children, unbelievable and they're grooming these children
starting at age 12 at this camp on how to be sexual perverts, so it's not sports camp
or arts camp, no it's sex camp for kids now, sex camp for kids brought to you by liberals
and you watch these people all grow up to be pill headed suicide people because that's
what the left wing does folks, they know it, it's a satanic death cult, they put this crap
up in the classrooms, how to be gay, I mean it's just unbelievable, I cannot teach in
Florida, LGBTQ educators, fear fall out from new school law, following the enactment of
what critics call the don't say gay bill, some LGBTQ teachers have quit the profession
all together saying they can't teach now, so what does that tell you folks, it tells
you everything you already knew, all they're teaching is their sexual agenda, all they're
teaching is their left wing indoctrination, they're not educating children, they are indoctrinating
them, they are perverting them, and so Rhonda Sanchez just simply says hey, we're not going
to teach kids about sex up to fourth grade and then all these teachers say well I can't
teach here anymore because it's all they teach, the kid gets there at 9am, salutes and prays
to a gay flag, they get lectured about how gay their teacher is for eight hours, wearing
a mask and then they go home with their gay homework assignment, and so the teachers say
oh, I really don't know how to teach my kids anymore since I can't sexualize them, because
it's all they do, the left, student loans should be forgiven because 18 year olds were
too young to fully understand what they were doing, society failed them, oh okay, also
the left, kids know their true selves, their identity should be affirmed no matter the
cost, discussion and asking questions are hate crimes, so yeah, so 18 year olds that
get a student loan got preyed upon by society, they didn't know what they were doing taking
out a student loan, but hey, if you're an 8 year old kid, you're old enough to be taught
how to masturbate and have anal sex and play with sex toys, because that's the liberal
logic don't you see, GOP congressional candidate believes abortion is a human sacrifice to
demons, Tom Reichert running in Colorado's 7th district is right, parents of high school
track star, sucker punch during race are considering lawsuit against attacker after they were stopped
from pressing charges by cops, so everybody pressed all the clip, the guy racing down
the track, punches out the guy ahead of him, just so happened it was a black guy punching
a white guy, and the parents wanted to press an assault charge, by the way they let the
kid finish the race and win it after he knocked the guy out, and the police said we'll arrest
you if you press charges.
We are only offering three coins in the series, the first coin was released in December of
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Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright Wayne Allen Rook guest hosting today for the Alex Jones show great to be on with
you, I see my shirt collar is a little bit off, but other than that all is good, guest
hosting today for Alex Jones, lots of things to talk about.
First of all, let me mention for those of you who don't know me, my website is rootforamerica.com,
rootforamerica.com and you can always email me, WayneGmail.com, my national radio show
is Wayne on the Route Ron unfiltered every single afternoon, Monday through Friday, three
hours a night, 6 PM Eastern, 3 to 6 Pacific time, 5 to 8 Central time on USA Radio Network
and you can find it all at USAradio.com or at my website, rootforamerica.com.
Let me run through the biggest stories of the day that I think have the most importance
to all of you.
Just turning some lights off here, there we go.
Alright so the biggest stories of the day that I think have importance to all of you.
Number one, there's a Hunter Biden grand jury going on and the witness was asked about a
deal with the big guy, big guy, Joe Biden.
And so for the first time Joe Biden's name has come up in a criminal investigation, an
official grand jury criminal investigation and don't forget Hunter Biden has come up
his name in all of the media stories, the New York Times, Washington Post over the last
month for the first time ever, there was an admission that the Hunter Biden laptop is
real and I was literally banned for life from Twitter because I brought up Hunter Biden's
laptop and the stolen election and the censorship and the banning and the book burning of liberals
trying to destroy us all.
And Twitter confirmed that I'm right by banning me for life and it turned out everything I
said was right.
Like there were three things I brought up that I felt led to my banning for life from
Number one, the election was rigged and stolen in 2020.
Number two, Hunter Biden's laptop was covered up and number three, lockdowns are massive
failures and did not work in 2020 against COVID and all three resulted in suspensions
of me by Twitter and eventually they banned me for life.
So no question in my mind, I was right on all three, proven right on all three.
But the big news story is Joe Biden's being brought up.
Why is the Hunter Biden laptop finally being acknowledged as real a year and a half after
the election?
Why is Joe Biden's name being brought into a criminal investigation?
Well, number one, because it's all true.
And number two, because for the first time, the liberal left is realizing that Joe Biden's
leading them to a massive defeat.
I mean, a landslide massive defeat.
So they're looking to get rid of Joe Biden.
And the first guy in the country said that was me months ago.
I said, Joe Biden's gone.
I made a guess that maybe Hillary Clinton would be the one to somehow replace him.
I'm not sure how they're going to do it, but they're going to replace Joe Biden and Kamala
because Kamala is the most hated human being in the history of the world.
Everybody knows that she's unqualified for the presidency, incompetent, incredibly not
I'll say stupid, but I'll try to be nice and just say not a very bright person and that
she is just disliked by everyone.
I don't know why it took them till now to figure it out.
She's black, a half black, half Indian.
And yet in the Democrat primary, where blacks make up a huge portion of the electorate, she
got no black votes and had to drop out before the first primary.
She was completely disliked by black Democrat voters.
So why anyone thought she'd make a good VP?
I have no idea.
The end result is if the media is on your side, they can lie about anything and everything.
So they're finally acknowledging Hunter and Joe Biden for a specific reason, and Hunter
Biden's laptop for a specific reason, Hunter Biden's corruption and Joe Biden being the
big guy.
They got to get rid of Joe Biden.
They got to bury Joe Biden.
They got to throw grandpa from the train or the plane.
Was that the Sly Sloan movie that was a big bomb about 30 years ago, throw grandpa from
the train?
I think it was.
And so I'm telling you, Joe Biden needs to be thrown under the bus.
If they have any chance at surviving the midterms and after that, any chance of winning in 2024,
the whole country's a raid against the Democrat party now.
They've got to get rid of Biden and they've got to somehow figure out the game plan to
replace him and his vice president because Kamala is incompetent and hated even more
than Biden.
All right, we're heading out for a break when I get back.
I've got a commentary called defund Disney.
I bet you can't wait defund Disney when we get back introducing the newest product from
info wars life.com.
We are so proud of him for his life immune support.
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The globalists are hoping you don't take action.
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All right, we're back, Wayne Elleruth for Alex Jones.
We jumped in so quickly in segment one.
I was in the process of just getting ready.
Now I'm settled in.
Now I know what I've got to talk about.
So I wanted to jump to Disney, jump for the big story about Joe Biden being the big guy
and the end of the Joe Biden administration.
It's coming fast, fast and furious as the movie says they've got to get rid of Joe Biden.
But let's jump to Disney because I've never in my life seen anything like this.
You know, I've never been an anti gay guy.
I've always been a live and let live guy.
I've been a lifelong Republican conservative, but with libertarian leanings on some social
And as an example, I was the libertarian vice presidential nominee in 2008.
So some of you may not know it, but I was on the ticket in 2008 when McCain ran against
Obama was Bob Barr and Wayne Elleruth.
And that's me.
And when it comes to gay issues, I'm not programmed that it's a gay.
I just say live and let live.
You want to be gay, be gay.
You want to be lesbian, be lesbian.
You want to be transsexual.
It's weird.
It's strange.
It's confused.
I think it's mental illness.
And if you want to be, be it.
You just changed my screen.
So there we go.
There we go.
It's back.
Now I can see what I'm looking at.
So, okay, you want to be transsexual, be transsexual.
But number one, if it affects me, it's a different story.
If it doesn't affect me, if you're gay in your bedroom, I don't see it.
I don't care.
None of my business.
But you have no right.
First of all, I've always argued about transsexual issues.
You have no right to stuff men down by throat in a women's bathroom.
You have no right to stuff men down little girl's throats in a locker room setting, in
a sports setting, on a field trip setting.
Men can't be women.
Little boys can't be girls.
And I had all my daughters.
And you have no right to take little girls' scholarships away and trophies away when boys
start playing girl sports.
All of that is nuts.
Number two, you have no right to stuff transgenders down the military's throat.
You have no right to say transgender should be in the military because if they're in
the military, the reason why isn't because they're brave heroes, it's because they want
free transgender surgery, sex change surgery costs 100 to $150,000.
Look at your screen.
Aren't you proud of that?
There's your military dollars in action.
But here's the deal.
You could be what you want to be.
This person could be whoever they want to be, strange, weird to normal people, but you
have no right to take my taxpayer money and have a sex change operation in the military
or in prison.
No taxpayer dollars should ever be spent because a person's mixed up and confused what their
sexual identity is.
So I'm not anti-gay.
I'm anti-all of that, which is ridiculous.
Now along comes this new stuff that I had no idea, that our children were being groomed
in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade.
It's literally to be gay, to be lesbian, to be transgender, to change their sexual identity
and to think that's a good thing.
And I don't believe there's very many parents in America who approve of that.
Liberal or conservative, I think the Virginia election proved that while the mama bears
came out and they elected the Republican governor of Virginia that no one thought was possible.
No one thought it was even possible.
Virginia's become not purple, but a blue state.
But yet it turned big time red, they elected a Republican governor and an old Republican
legislature over the issues of critical race theory in school, school closures for COVID,
masks in school, vaccines in school, and transgender sexual identity education taught
in school.
All of that led to all the mothers of Virginia switching to the Republican Party.
So if Democrats want to make this their hill to die on, as the saying goes, fame is saying,
and I'm not talking about violence here, I'm not talking about murdering anybody, please
don't misconstrue my words, a hill to die on is one of the most famous sayings in history.
And if Democrats want to make this issue their hill to die on, I'm talking about the political
party's death, I'm talking about their campaigns being destroyed, then you make it the hill
to die on, I'm all for it, I'm cheering you, I'm gonna high five you, it's great, make
it the hill to die on, make it the centerpiece issue of the Democrat Party, that transsexuality,
transgender identity, changing your sexual identification, gay and lesbian education
from kindergarten through third grade should be taught in all the schools, you do that
and you watch what happens in November, you're gonna lose all 50 states, you're not gonna
lose 50, 60 seats in a house landslide, you're gonna lose 80 to 100 seats in a house landslide,
you're gonna lose the Senate by 10 seats, you're gonna be slaughtered politically, destroyed,
demolished, the end of the Democrat Party, because American parents don't support this
kind of mental illness, they don't support grooming and brainwashing their children.
And so shocking to me was Disney deciding to get involved in this thing, and it's interesting
because I wrote a book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book, that identifies all the
companies in America that take our dollars as conservatives, patriots, Christians, people
who love this country and American exceptionalism, they take our dollars, they get rich, their
stocks go up, they make a lot of money, everybody gets rich on us, and then they spit in our
faces, and I identified 116 woke companies that do that, and Disney was right at the
top of the list, and I gave you the phone number and the names of Disney CEO and chairman
of the board and board of directors, and I give you their email, their phone number,
their social media sites and their physical address for snail mail to go after them, to
let them know we're gonna boycott them, never buy from them again and put them out of business
with their sick mentally ill political views, and Disney's right at the top of the list,
so please check out my book, Great Patriot Protest and Boycott book, it's the perfect
book for the perfect time to defund Disney, the worst idea in the history of the world
was to defund the police, and the result is all over the United States, blue cities run
by Democrats are being destroyed by crime, violent crime, murders, gangs, gang rapes,
home invasions, shoplifting, not just shoplifting like I'm grabbing one bottle of soda, I'm
talking as you all know, gangs of thugs running into stores and with hammers and axes and
pickaxes and whatever they've got their hands on, they're breaking the case, they're stealing
a million dollars in jewelry, or they're cleaning out drugstores of $1500 worth of goods, because
anything below 1500 is just a ticket, an appearance ticket or anything below 1200 or 1000, every
city has a different number, but they basically all these Democrat cities have legalized crime
and they've legalized shoplifting, so what's happened is Democrat cities have been just
destroyed, destroyed, it's a terrible thing, and our country is being destroyed by the
Democrat Party.
When I get back, we got about what, two minutes to go, I'm gonna read you defund, gonna read
you defund Disney, my latest commentary, what we've got to do to defund Disney and how wrong
they are, but on the way out here, I wanna mention the funniest story of the week, because
it involves what Disney believes in, that they've gotta stop this new Florida law at
all costs, Disney will put all their prestige and credibility and power and money behind
stopping the wonderful new law in Florida by Governor Ron DeSantis, that should be the
law of the land, it should not be the law of Florida, it should be the law of every
state in America that you cannot groom and brainwash children between kindergarten and
third grade, and it should be the law, you can't brainwash them between kindergarten
and 12th grade in all 50 states, it's not a school's job to say gay is bad, transgender
is bad, or gay is good, transgender is good, public schools should stay completely out
of politics and religion, it's none of their business, it's parents' job to teach children
whether gay is good or gay is bad, none of your business, and transgenders, kindergartners
don't need to know about it, and it shouldn't be taught anymore.
But the mayor, one minute to go, the mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, who was supposed
to be a moderate Democrat, is now paying for a billboard campaign in Florida, that if you
don't like how they're treating you as a gay person, please move to New York, and I'm
just laughing, first of all, there's no parent, no normal parent in America that doesn't like
this new law in Florida, none, so it shows that Eric Adams was a liar and a fraud, he's
not a moderate, and he has bad taste, he has no clue what people believe in, he's on the
wrong side of this issue, by a mile, by a landslide, but more importantly, if you live
in Florida and you want children to be brainwashed, to change their sexual identity, like I change
a pair of socks, then it's the best thing that ever happened to Florida, that all those
people believe that should move to New York, good luck to New York, goodbye New York, have
a nice life.
I'm Wayne Allyn Root, and I'll be right back, guest host for Alex Jones today, rootforamerica.com,
Wade Root at gmail.com.
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless, they need all their
propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death, because
they know we are strong, and they know in the end they signed on the god of this world,
who is a loser, and that's why it's so important that everybody keep in full wars in the air
now more than ever, because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting
setting up is they can, and we are opposing the one world government and the mark of the
beast they just announced.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series, the 1776 Anti-Tyrant
Coin, and it sold out in 10 days, and if it wasn't for listeners getting this original,
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But now, the second coin, the Liberty Tree Coin, is being offered, and it will probably
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See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com, it's also at infowarstore.com, it's amazing,
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operations, and I do not want to implode or downsize in the face of the globalists making
their main move.
Info wars, it's paradoxical, it's more popular than ever, it's reaching more people than
ever despite the censorship, but because of the cost increasing and having to run our
own infrastructure, pay for our own bandwidth, everything else, we are running out of money.
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Thank you for your support.
In December of 2021, info wars offered the first in a three-part series, the 1776 anti-tire
cent coin, and it sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original, powerful coin, a founding member
coin, we would not be on air today.
Now the second coin, the Liberty Tree coin is being offered and it will probably sell
out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to in front of operation.
It is so historic and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the tree of liberty
being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com.
It's also at infowarstore.com.
It's amazing.
There's only 10,000 of them and as a founding member, if we're able to stay on the air, we're
planning something very, very special for everyone that helps us go to the next level.
So get your new tree of liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, I'm back, Wayne Alleroot back for segment number three.
Great to be guest host on Tuesdays for the Alex Jones show on a regular basis.
Thank you, Alex, for a wonderful opportunity to get my views out there to the whole world
and I know the whole world's watching, I've mentioned this on your show before.
Years ago, I used to go on Fox News a lot.
I was on a lot of big Fox News shows from Glenn Beck to Sean Hannity to you name it,
all the big names on Fox and Friends in the morning all the time.
And every time I went on, I would get 20 to 30, once in a while as many as 50 text emails
and phone calls from friends and fans, many of whom were friends from high school, junior
high school, elementary school, who hadn't seen me or spoken to me in years and say,
oh my gosh, you're famous, I just saw Wayne on Fox News, I can't believe it, you're great.
And that would be great.
That was the proof to me how powerful Fox News was.
Nothing else I ever went on would get me 30 to 50 people saying, Wayne, I just saw you
until I did Alex Jones as guest host and as a guest on Alex Jones.
And suddenly, everyone I've ever known in my life comes out of the woodwork and says,
I saw you at Alex Jones today.
That just tells you that Alex Jones is kind of the secret passion of so many people in
this country who maybe don't brag to everyone in the world, they watch him because they're
nervous of what people think.
They're nervous to say I'm a Trump fan.
They're nervous to say I'm a Republican or a conservative.
They're nervous to say I don't support transgender education to kindergartners.
They're scared to lose their jobs.
And Alex Jones is high up on that list.
They may be scared to tell the world I watch Alex Jones every day, but they do clearly
because I get as many people seeing me on this as I've ever gotten on Fox News or anything
else I've ever done in my entire life.
So that's the deal.
Some of the stories that are important out there, remember I said at the beginning of
the show that I said the election was rigged and stolen in 2020.
And of course, the media ignored it and told me I'm a terrible person and I'm a fool and
I'm a liar.
So many things came out in the last week that would back up my claims.
First of all, an organized crime was perpetrated on Americans, experts on voting fraud, testified
in Wisconsin in front of the state legislature yesterday.
And they said an organized crime was perpetrated on Americans.
At least 4.8 million ballots were trafficked in the 2020 election.
This was Catherine Inglebrecht and Greg Phillips from True the Vote testified in front of the
campaign and elections committees in Wisconsin about ballot drop boxes and ballot trafficking.
And they've got the proof that there were so many fraudulent by the millions ballots
trafficked in the United States.
The exact thing I warned about and reported on and said happened is true.
Here's a Pennsylvania story, hundreds of suspects filmed stuffing multiple ballots into Pennsylvania
County drop boxes and they've got them on tape.
So again, and the stories keep coming up and coming up and coming up, I have so many in
front of me, I'm trying to find more of them breaking exclusive.
The U.S. Postal Service is withholding investigative report on the whistleblower truck driver who
says he hold 288,000 suspicious ballots across state lines before the 2020 election implicated
Democrats in Georgia.
Georgia ballot traffickers were using Democrat officials offices as their home base during
ballot drop runs.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
The election was stolen, the election was stolen, the election was stolen.
And the number one thing you need to ask every Republican running for every office in America
in every GOP primary coming up this year in the coming few weeks and months is do you believe
the 2020 election was rigged and stolen against President Trump and any candidate who says
no or who hymns and hoes or whose talks in a circle and won't give you an answer, knock
them out, never let them win.
We don't want one candidate running for office as a Republican who won't admit the election
was stolen.
And why did they rig and steal the election?
It's happening right now so they can brainwash your children with transgender and with sexual
identity education.
And so they could brainwash your children with critical race theory.
And so they can mask us and vaccine mandate us and lock us down for the rest of our lives.
And so they can open the borders and let everyone in.
So no Republican will ever win an election again and you change the demographics of America.
So America isn't filled with Americans anymore.
It's filled with foreigners who actually hate America and hate you and want to outvote
you and give themselves welfare for the rest of their lives while you starve and the money's
redistributed from you to them as an American citizen to an illegal alien.
That's why they rigged and stole the election.
And I don't know if even winning big in November will change that.
But sure, we've got to do it.
We have no choice because the alternative is to lose in November if Republicans don't
win in a landslide whiteout in November.
It's all over.
America's finished.
And America may be finished right now.
May 23rd is the date.
Title 42 will be removed.
And Joe Biden is going to let the entire world overrun America.
And we found out today from Homeland Security leak documents, this is their plan.
I keep trying to tell you this is their plan.
I learned it at Columbia University.
I graduated, I was attended Columbia 79 through 83, graduated class of 83 with my supposed
classmate, Barack Hussein Obama.
And what did I learn at Columbia, clowered piven.
Clowered piven is a plan to destroy the United States by overwhelming the system with people
on welfare.
And they figured out all these years later that if they can't do it with Americans on
welfare, they will open the borders and let every foreigner in the world in and destroy
America by getting every foreigner, every illegal alien they let in on welfare and food stamps
and housing allowances and aid to dependent children and free medical that will wipe us
out and destroy our hospitals and free public schools for their kids that will wipe us out
and bankrupt the school system and give them free college.
Being free, you can ever give them, they'll give them insanity, insanity.
What's our time?
How much time we have left?
One third.
Minute or so.
All right, here's another story I got right.
I said that Democrat cities are going to be overwhelmed with crime and homelessness.
Seattle's crime surge spreads statewide thanks to Democrats progressive policies.
Should I tell you that George Soros was putting money to elect Democrat district attorneys
who are really communist and they're going to let every criminal out, even murderers
and rapists and violent carjackers and violent home invaders.
And that will lead to a massive surge of crime like nobody has ever seen before.
And that's exactly what's happening in every big city in this country.
You think of Chicago, you think of Baltimore, you think of Detroit, you think of New York,
you think LA, but you think of Newark or Camden or New Orleans.
You don't really think of Seattle as being one of those cities.
Seattle is overrun with crime because every criminal gets out.
You don't think of my hometown as Las Vegas as being overrun with crime.
Our strip is overrun with crime and a homeless vagrant stamped to death an off duty police
officer just days ago on the Vegas strip.
If a police officer isn't safe walking the Vegas strip among crowds, what hope is there
for the rest of us?
That's how bad it's getting in the United States of America.
Thanks to lenient criminal policies by Democrats.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, I need your help.
I need your help keeping info wars on the air and strong.
I need your help making sure that our mission continues on.
I was born for this.
You were born for this.
People are really waking up right now, but we had to build our own infrastructure because
of the censorship and deplatforming that cost tens of millions of dollars.
And now with Band-Aid video getting close to 10 million views a day, we're a platform
for thousands of independent journalists and groups to be able to post their content free
of charge.
And because it's become so successful, it's a catch 22 info wars and Band-Aid video have
become a mothership promoting the pro human liberty movement worldwide, but the expenses
in bandwidth alone are millions of dollars a quarter hundreds and hundreds of thousands
of dollars a month.
So the biggest sale in info wars history is going right now, the mega emergency blowout
sale up to 75% off, getting credible products and keep info wars as strong as ever.
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three part founder series at 1776 coin
dot com or info or store dot com.
And the second installment is the tree of liberty, Thomas Jefferson quote must be watered
with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It's a coin I designed, I'm very, very proud of it and it will end up being a collectible.
I know that the first coin is already selling on eBay and other places for three times what
we sold it.
We need to sell all 10,000 of these very, very quickly and I appreciate listeners getting
over half of them now.
I'd like to move them out very quickly.
I think they will sell out probably in five or six more days.
And without the last coin sale, we would not be operating at the same capacity.
We would have had to lay off a lot of people and that's a big problem.
So it was a limited edition collectible tied to our political movement of liberty and freedom
and it's needed for our infrastructure and building new systems.
So please give yourself and us aid in the fight against the new order at 1776 coin dot
com introducing the newest product from info wars life dot com.
We are so proud of info wars life immune support.
It is concentrated herbs that are known on record to supercharge our body's natural
Ladies and gentlemen, this is something that is essential and everyone should get and on
top of it, it funds the info war.
So that's the 360 win.
Let me tell you what is in this amazing product.
Concentrated elderberry, concentrated echinacea, concentrated astragalus roots, angelica root,
loatium root and more.
This product is incredible.
Info wars immune support exclusively available at info wars store dot com is funding the
tip of the spear, the info wars operation.
It is a 360 win.
The only way you fail is by not taking action and getting this product to boost your body's
natural defenses and keep info wars on the air.
The globalists are hoping you don't take action.
Take action now info wars store dot com.
We are only offering three coins in the series.
The first coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in 10 days.
Now the second coin as we enter the last days of March into April 2022 is now being offered
and I believe it will sell out in just a few days again because these are historic coins
and because our amazing listeners want to support freedom and keep info wars at the
front lines of the fight against these tyrants.
So go for yourself to 1776 coin dot com and see the new Liberty tree coin.
It is powerful.
Witness this powerful iconography for yourself and have this piece of history and be part
of the founding member system that we're set to launch in the very near future.
Thanks to your support of this project.
Get a historic memento that helps keep info wars on the air and also gives you a real
piece of history at 1776 coin dot com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, wait on the route back again a little housekeeping to let you know where
you can reach me.
You can always find me at root for America dot com.
That's my website.
What do I do all day a route for America easy to remember.
I love this country for America dot com.
How much do I love this country.
My political career began at the age of three when I was handing out literature for Barry
Goldwater in my father's arms at a train station in Malvern in New York.
That's where I was born.
Malvern in New York, Malvern hospital on the Bronx borderline and America was a very different
country back then but I was a big fan of Barry Goldwater at the age of three.
So my patriotic roots go back an awful long way.
I'm 60 years old.
That was 57 years ago.
I started as a Republican at the age of three Republican conservative.
My dad by the way was a butcher.
I'm an SOB son of a butcher and my dad the butcher answered an ad in the New York City
newspaper in 1962 when I was two years old.
If you think the Republican party is too liberal and a bunch of sellouts so rhinos come to the
very first meeting of the conservative party of New York and my dad attended and became
one of the founders and leaders of the New York State conservative party even though he's
a butcher.
It was a bunch of big shot lawyers and businessmen and one blue collar butcher David Root and
my mom Stella Root who founded the New York State conservative party and they became the
leaders of Westchester County.
And I grew up handing out literature for Republican candidates who had the endorsement of the
conservative party and and literally running campaigns for candidates at the age of 15
and 16 and 17 and 18.
There were a lot of big shots who are very unhappy about that at the time and very jealous
of me but I actually was named the campaign manager for a guy running for United States
Congress at the age of 18 and a lot of people were upset but I did a great job anyway.
That's my background.
I was on a roll letting you know some of the big issues going on in America today that
I was right about.
You know I hate to say I told you so but I told you so.
I said that Black Lives Matter was a fraud from day one and the reason they're a fraud
is that every day black Americans including kids are killed on the streets of every big
city in America by other black Americans.
So how is the most important issue in the world?
The one time a year a white cop shoots a black guy even if he's a criminal with a long record
who was once convicted of murder or in jail for drug dealing or beating women or putting
a gun against a pregnant woman's belly and that guy gets in a fight with cops and that
causes nationwide rioting and billions of dollars by American corporations to go to
Black Lives Matter but all the thousands of black people murdered by other black criminals
in America.
Remember 99% of black people are nice people.
1% of these big cities are thugs and criminals and they're holding the 99% hostage and the
police are there to protect the 99% of good black people who don't want to be held hostage
in their homes, can't walk out at night, can't step out in their cars.
They can be shot on a street corner.
They can be shot drug dealers everywhere.
They want to be just like you and me safe.
Cops doing a great job to keep them safe but a couple of times a year a white cop
shoots a black guy who maybe was unarmed or maybe was trying to grab the gun at a cop
while the black guy was unarmed and that becomes the biggest racist issue in the world but
Black Lives Matter couldn't care less when thousands of black people killed thousands
of black people.
It's fraud.
It's complete fraud.
They don't care when a black guy's killed.
They only care a nice black person killed by a criminal.
They only care if a white cop shoots somebody and now you find out Black Lives Matter purchased
$6 million Los Angeles mansion with their donors money.
This is not the first time this has come out in the news.
This was in the news this morning but I've seen it 20 times in the last few months that
the founders of Black Lives Matter who started out with nothing, who are all communists,
mostly communist lesbians who hate men and don't want men to head households and they,
communist lesbian, black lives matter founders, suddenly have multi-million dollar homes.
Lots of them.
Where do you think the money came from?
It's all fraud.
Complete fraud.
Here's another great story.
California city to give universal income to transgender residents and non-binary residents
regardless of earnings.
So Palm Springs has decided to give basically $1,000 a month to anyone who's transgender
even if you make a million dollars a year.
Because if you're transgender somehow they believe you deserve it, I don't know.
It's so bizarre.
I always said affirmative action is absolutely absurd because if it's racist to say you can't
have a job because you're black, it's just as racist to say you can't have a job because
you're white and I'm going to give it to a black person who may not be qualified for
the job but I gave it to him because the color of their skin and this is the exact same story.
Because you're born transgender or because you think you've changed your identity and
now you are non-binary, someone please Google for me.
What does non-binary mean?
Are you a fish?
Are you a frog?
Do you think you could change from male to female depending on your mood of the day and
tomorrow you're a man and the next day you're a woman?
That must be what non-binary means.
It's a frog or a fish is can go from one to the other.
How people think they could go from one to the other.
See being gay is not a mental illness, being gay is what you are.
You're born gay.
But being a person who believes you can change from man to woman is pure mental illness and
we are starting to celebrate the absurd and the perverse in America and trying to make
it seem normal and we're trying to make normal people seem weird and Disney's the king of
What do I have left now time wise?
Do I have enough for three minutes?
Not enough to read to fund Disney.
So I've been promising, I've been threatening, I'm going to read you D-Fund Disney.
I will get to it to start the next segment so you can hear my plan to D-Fund Disney.
But I need about six minutes to read it, not three minutes.
So in the last three minutes I will mention the number one issue in America today.
It's a new show I'm looking to put on the air by the way.
I'm negotiating with several different online TV networks and real TV networks to put my
show on the air and the show is going to be called America's Top 10 Countdown.
I think what we need is like Casey Kasem.
I want to be the conservative Casey Kasem.
He counted down America's Top 40 and this is my podcast every week by the way on Fridays
and you can find that at root4america.com, root4america.com and you can email me anytime
weighingrootatgmail.com but every Friday and there's my website root4america.com.
There's my book on the website, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book and we can
lead the boycott of Disney.
We all can.
Grab a copy of my book and I'll show you how because I'll give you the phone number of
Disney's CEO and chairman of the board and important board members and their address
and their social media, all of that in my book, The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott
Book, which has been number one, by the way, at amazon.com and at Barnes and Noble quite
a few times in the last few months.
So grab a copy and I'll show you how to defund Disney.
My new book is coming up, by the way, it should be out in about 60 days.
It's called The Great Patriot Boycott, not Boycott, Boycott Book because I'm going to
show you the companies to buy from instead of Disney and Coca-Cola and Ben and Jerry's
Ice Cream, instead of all the Delta Airlines, instead of all the bad companies that support
communist causes and causes that are against American exceptionalism, I will show you how
to support companies that support patriots and Christians and conservatives and people
who are family oriented and believe in Judeo-Christian values.
The Great Patriot Boycott Book, that'll be out in about 60 days, but the way they're
destroying America is through this Title 42 plan to eliminate Title 42 and leaked Homeland
Security documents came out today.
Border Chief Alejandro Mayorkas is directing this plan to let every single illegal in the
world into America and to eliminate all chances to ever send them back.
This is a purposeful, as I've said from day one, communist attack on the United States
of America to destroy America once and for all and to wipe out the middle class, that's
you, to wipe out the silent majority, that's you, and it's happening and we've got it in
I always said it was part of clowered pivot that I learned at Columbia University alongside
my communist classmate, Barack Hussein Obama.
This is how they're destroying the United States by overwhelming this country and this
economy with foreigners on welfare who don't believe in American exceptionalism, who don't
know American history, who don't speak English, and who want welfare from cradle to grave.
I'm Wayne Allyn Root.
We'll be right back.
I'm guest host of The Alex Jones Show right now.
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Feeding a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, welcome back.
Wayne Alleruk, guest host for Alex Jones on Tuesdays from noon to one PM Pacific time,
which would be three to four o'clock East Coast time.
Most Tuesdays, not next Tuesday, because I'll tell you what's coming up, something really
special in my life is coming up next Monday, and I'll be flying back all day on Tuesday,
so I'll miss this show Tuesday, but I'll be here the week after.
But I'm flying to Florida on Sunday.
First of all, I haven't been here on the Alex Jones show for about two weeks because I had
my honeymoon with my lovely wife Cindy at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump's estate, and we
had a wonderful time.
I wrote a commentary about it.
You can find it at rootforamerica.com, and I wrote how, for all the Trump haters of
the world out there, you'll be very upset to learn that President Trump was looking
confident and strong and carefree, and absolutely, in my opinion, will be running for president
again in 2024 as the clear frontrunner, not just to win the Republican nomination.
That's a fate of complete.
He will be the Republican nominee if he runs.
But to win the election, and he looks the best of his life, he looks fantastic.
So all the Trump haters, heads will explode when they hear that.
I had a great time in Mar-a-Lago, and if you want to know the full story, go to rootforamerica.com,
and I've got the whole commentary there.
But here's what happened.
I was booked about two months ago to be the speaker at Club 45 in Florida, Palm Beach,
Florida, to be exact.
On April 11th, that's next Monday night, that is the biggest Trump club in the world.
And every month, they have the biggest Republican politicians and Republican stars in America,
conservative stars.
They fly them in, and they give a speech in front of thousands at their events for Club
So I was booked for about two months now to give that speech.
But President Trump found out I was giving that speech, and he's never gone to a Club
45 event before, and he's never spoken at a Club 45 event.
And so he found out I was speaking, and he said, Wayne Root speaking, count me and I'll
be there.
So it's now a Wayne Root Donald Trump event, and a Wayne Root Donald Trump speech, or as
Trump would probably want it said, a Donald Trump Wayne Island Root speech, an event.
And it sold out every ticket in 20 minutes.
And so 6 p.m. East Coast time on Monday night in Palm Beach, Florida, I will be speaking
with alongside President Trump.
It'll be just the two of us on stage as a tag team, like the World Wrestling Federation.
And we'll have the time of our lives.
I'll bet you that audience will hear two of the most passionate, high-energy Republican
speeches they've ever heard.
And God bless America, the son of a butcher speaking alongside the former leader of the
free world, President Donald J. Trump.
What a great honor.
Thank you for coming to my event, President Trump.
Where he speaks, he will be listening to my speech, and that is a great honor to have
him in the audience while I deliver my speech.
There it is up on the screen, Club 45, Wayne Island Root, and President Trump.
All right, I promised you D-Fund Disney, and I promised I'd get to it.
Here it is.
I wrote this commentary.
My columns are naturally syndicated by newspapers and conservative websites.
My great friend and co-author Nikki Ballew and I recently released our first book together,
The Great Patriot Protest and Boycott Book.
It's a book that lists 116 woke corporations and condemns their fear-driven assault on
normal traditional Americans.
We show conservatives, Christians, capitalists, and patriots how to fight back against these
gigantic woke anti-American corporations who are spinning at our faces while we make them
rich by buying their products.
And one of the companies on our list right at the top is Disney Corporation.
I must have had a crystal ball.
I knew that Disney would become the center of attention.
And lo and behold, Disney just became the poster child for our struggle to save America.
They have got to be our Mona Lisa, our great masterpiece, proving that we, conservatives,
Christians, and patriots can successfully cancel woke companies that offend and spit
in the face of conservatives.
Once we hurt Disney in the pocketbook and bring them to their knees, this will serve
as exhibit A for how the silent majority can take back America.
Disney could very well be the worst offender we've ever seen.
With their arrogance and radical beliefs, they've made themselves the target of 80 million
plus Trump conservatives.
And yes, I said that for a reason.
Trump got 74 million votes, I believe he has 80 million votes in the last election.
Disney has made it easy to hate Disney.
They have no one but themselves to blame.
Disney has chosen a hill to die on, there's that famous saying again, they want to overturn
the new Florida law that stops the indoctrination of little children from pre kindergarten through
third grade with woke sexual gender identity, brainwashing and transgender equality education.
Keep in mind, we're only talking about five to eight year olds.
What parent could possibly disagree with stopping the brainwashing of kindergarten through third
grade five to eight year olds?
What parent visiting Disney could possibly disagree, whether it's Disney World or Disneyland?
What parent could disagree?
They couldn't.
But Disney doesn't care.
They are intent on alienating the tens of millions of parents who don't believe that
five to eight year olds should be sexualized at school and who also don't believe those
same five to eight year olds should be taught to change their sexual identity like I change
a pair of sneakers.
Can you imagine, Disney has chosen this hill to die on.
They're crazy.
They're out of their minds.
They're risking their entire company and they made a very bad bet.
Let's call them on it.
The president of Disney recently bragged that she will make sure that half of all characters
in Disney movies and television shows and videos are either gay, lesbian, trans or minorities.
I have no problem with that.
You want to do that?
Do it.
America's a free country.
But I hope she and her Disney board of directors and her Disney CEO and her Disney chairman
of the board have no problem if I have free speech and if conservatives like me, tens
of millions of us and Christians and patriots decide to never again visit any Disney theme
There is the president of Disney television on the screen right now.
She made a point of bragging that she has two children.
One is transgender and the other is gender fluid.
Folks, I don't even know what these mentally ill people are talking about and I don't really
I just want them to keep their education away from my children.
They're brainwashing away from my children.
And you know what else?
They're strange children away from my children.
This is weird stuff.
So if no patriot and no Christian and no conservative ever again goes to a Disney theme park or
ever again spends a dime on a Disney product, I wonder how Disney will feel about our free
All is fair in war, right?
And this is a war between Disney and America, American values, American exceptionalism and
Judeo-Christian values.
This is a far cry from the vision of Disney's founder, the iconic Walt Disney, a true American
patriot and hero who wanted to create movies and television shows that were family-oriented
and wholesome to entertain the whole family.
Disney made billions of dollars from brilliantly executing on Walt Disney's vision.
My co-author, Nikki Blue and I, outlined in our book exactly what to do.
We provide the names of Disney's chairman of the board, Disney's CEO, their phone numbers,
their email addresses, their social media addresses and their physical addresses.
All of this information is provided in a directory in the back of our book called The Great Patriot
Protest and Boycott Book for 116 woke companies that you can protest, boycott, strike and put
out of business.
Disney just became our number one target.
First, I want you to look up the email address and the address for Disney and its key senior
executives and then bombard them with polite, be polite, but firm messages that you will
choose to boycott Disney for their woke choices.
Secondly, and if you go to my website, Root for America, I'll show you an example of a
letter you should send them.
Secondly, follow through, stop doing business with Disney.
Don't buy anything from Disney, don't watch anything from Disney, post on social media
and encourage others to stop doing business with the make Disney pay.
Third, sign up to our email list at rootforamerica.com and join the army of God fearing patriotic
Americans who are fed up with woke corporations who take our money and then spit in our faces.
Businesses exist to serve their customers, to solve our problems, to make our lives better.
They do not exist to promote woke ideology or brainwash our children to change their
sexual identity.
Disney is now the poster child.
It's time for Disney to pay.
It's time to bring Disney for their knees.
It's time to defund Disney.
Let's start by treating Disney like the feds once treated Al Capone.
Disney is now our public enemy number one.
They richly deserve it.
Defund Disney.
If we succeed in making Disney go to their knees and apologize and change their corporate
policy, then there's 115 other corporations in my book, The Great Patriot Protest.
We can go work on them next.
Let's make Disney public enemy number one and prove that it works.
I'm Wayne Allyn Root.
Show is coming to an end for today.
I'll see you in two Tuesdays.
I'm headed to my speech with President Donald Trump next Monday.
I'm flying back home to Las Vegas on Tuesday.
Love y'all.
Appreciate y'all.
God bless every single one of you, the Patriots of America.
Root for America.com.
Wade Root at gmail.com.
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William in California, people are asleep and program controlled.
I agree.
How do you make the sleeper awaken, William?
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Can I plug, uh, Alex, real quick?
Yeah, go ahead.
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