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Filename: 20220404_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 4, 2022
2480 lines.

InfoWars, hosted by Alex Jones, criticizes mainstream media for not questioning allegations made by Ukrainian authorities regarding war crimes committed by Russian forces. He highlights inconsistencies in timelines and evidence presented by both sides and questions their validity. Additionally, the show promotes various products like privacy products and merchandise to raise funds for the organization."

We have the globalist statements, we have their white papers and now we have them putting
it into action.
100% the multinational megabanks headed up with BlackRock and Vanguard and the private
Federal Reserve have set China up to replace the United States and to be an authoritarian
model of technocracy and global cashless society.
China is the most popular country in the world and it is the second largest economy and in
terms of its influence politically, it belongs among the superpowers.
So it is accurately described as a key country of the international order.
We are 100% now being maneuvered into and we're now entering the official phase of the
end of the dollar.
Over the coming next year to two years, the dollar as far as being the linchpin to global
trade and the key currency for all commodity trade and global trade is likely to start
to erode given a lot of the changes that we're seeing, not only in the trade landscape but
also what we're seeing in the development of blockchain cryptocurrency and central bank
digital currencies.
What underpins a world order is always the financial system.
We're about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting and introduce a new
And the new one, the new accounting is what we call blockchain.
It means digital, it means having a almost perfect record of every single transaction
that happens in the economy which will give us far greater clarity over what's going
It also raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between states and citizens
and my opinion we're going to need a digital constitution of human rights if we're going
to have digital money.
But also this new money will be sovereign in nature.
Most people think that digital money is crypto and private but what I see are superpowers
introducing digital currency.
The Chinese were the first.
The US is on the brink I think of moving in the same direction, the Europeans have committed
to that as well.
Now, for folks that aren't into the economy and into economics and into currencies and
into what that means, this country will look like Venezuela in just a couple years if this
actually happens.
We will look like Zimbabwe or Weimar Republic Germany and that's all we had left was a giant
military and the fact that we had the world reserve currency, all of the major banks
and the CIA and the entire federal government at the top is doing exactly what you do to
burn down the US economy and shut us down and use the economic warfare on us.
Like if you wanted to burn down let's say an old farmhouse that you didn't even want
to pay to have a demolition, you can wait till it's a rainy time there's no burn ban
call the fire department out and burn that sucker down, that family burned down their
old farmhouse that's cheaper than hauling it off, so they've been pouring gasoline all
over the country for a long time and now they threw the match in, the match goes spinning
through the air and in the last month it actually hit and now the house is engulfed
in flame and it's going to burn to the ground and it's all been done by the sun, it's being
heralded from BBC to Al Jazeera to the communist Chinese official daily.
If we admit that they shipped in tons of fentanyl, they deliberately bankrupted the
cities, they deliberately annihilated the family, they deliberately destroyed the border,
they are absolutely publicly killing the dollar right now and let's just get it out there,
the good old days are over.
Is there any more locations in this one, there might be so many people out here, I want everybody
in Washington who works for their people so we can house people, that's what I'm doing.
Do you think the average leftist is going to say oh I was wrong and try to change their
policies, no, they're going to get more desperate, more insane, more feverish demanding wealth
redistribution by the government administered by BlackRock and others who are going to have
the world social credit score system and the guaranteed universal basic income and make
everyone quote shine on their wealth into a new digital global pool with China.
So for this new global system to rise with China at the heart of it, America had to fall.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series, the 1776 Anti-Tyrant
Coin and it sold out in 10 days and if it wasn't for listeners getting this original,
powerful coin, a founding member coin, we would not be on air today.
Now the second coin, the Liberty Tree Coin is being offered and it will probably sell
out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to to fund our operation, it is so historic and it has a quote from
Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty being refreshed with the blood of Patriots
and Tyrants and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com, it's also at infowarstore.com, it's amazing,
there's only 10,000 of them and as a founding member and we're able to stay on the air,
we're planning something very, very special for everyone that helps us go to the next
You can get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe, you got
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Info wars, the most banned network in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now in the times foretold of world government, pastoral societies,
Margaret the Beast, nanotech, combat robots, massive, starving third world populations,
open pedophilia and Satanism promoted by major government and media institutions.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the new world order.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, we're going to be live here for the next four hours, Paul
Joseph Watson is going to be coming in, Owen Schreuer and so much more, I'm going to get
on airplane here in a few hours and travel to Connecticut and I'll be telling you a
little bit about that coming up as well here because it's very interesting to know the
tactics of the establishment and its controllers.
But wow, what a time to be alive, very good news is happening.
We have Victor Orban, despite all the major leftist organizations throwing everything
they had against him, the State Department, the New World Order, George Soros, despite
all of that being thrown at them, he won by over 70%, just as you've seen with the other
anti-globalists in Brazil, just as you've watched here with President Trump, they stole
the election, this is happening all over the world, the case of Boris Johnson, he poses
as a patriot and then later stabs people in the back, so you're going to have some people
getting elected as pro-human anti-globalists, it will turn out to be globalists, but most
of them have turned out to be very, very good, Bolsonaro I say is the best than Victor Orban
and then of course Trump and then it goes down the line from there, but this is a major
trend that signals the end of the New World Order, the order that's being run by the globalists
that seeks the technocracy and the post-human world.
People are really waking up too because they've just included a conference in Dubai headed
up by the World Economic Forum titled World Government Summit with Klaus Schwab and Harari
and others saying the end of humans is soon to be here, humans are no longer needed, you
have no free will, these are quotes, the old quotes so you'll have nothing and own nothing
and like it and eat bugs and drink sewage, those are real quotes, exact quotes, the new
quotes we've been playing all last week are you have no free will, the days of believing
you do are over, this is the New World Order, we will soon be in a post-human world, those
of us that survive will be gods, all the rest of you will die, you are not needed, so that's
what the ultra-rich are meeting and talking about and doing and saying that the global
collapse is good for you to get you off of carbon and booty judge came out and said that
as well over the weekend, we've got that club for you, they're rubbing our noses in it after
decades of us warning you about the New World Order takeover plan, now they're openly saying
world government and you're going to own nothing and have nothing, it's incredible, why are
they doing it, well to rub our noses in it because they've got their censorship systems
in place and they believe they can just gaslight everyone into just accepting this incredible
dystopia like convicted pedophiles running drag queen story time or Disney saying they
want leftist groups to have access to their children at age four to teach them quote the
homosexual lifestyle, those are mainline quotes and it gets worse.
The Supreme Court nominee, Katanji Brown Jackson, they've now released a bunch of transcripts
on Friday, the news has tried to suppress them but finally it's in the New York Post
of their areas, we covered it over the weekend, she chose leniency even in baby sex torture
cases where grown men rape babies bloody and I don't mean to be so graphic here but she
sees it as a sexual preference to want to rape babies bloody, this is a cult ladies
and gentlemen, now there's new footage and photos that have been released via lawsuits
by major pro life groups where they've gotten the videos and photos of the babies kept alive
and the medical experiments done on them, other babies kept alive and then executed
later tortured to death and we've got other footage even more sickening that I'm not
going to air here but you can imagine the type of folks that want to do that with babies
are obviously doing other things to defile them and to be blasphemers and to torture
God, that is what all of this is and you want me to show you what they do to the babies,
you know what I don't think we're going to show you but there's a lot of footage out
and they have boxing matches with the dead babies, they do rituals with the dead babies,
they have sex with the dead babies, different groups do different things and they make money
off the babies after they're born and universities take delivery of babies while they're alive
so I tell you about this stuff because you need to know the full horror of the enemy
we're up against and of course Joe Biden who is a pedophile chieftain wants to put a woman
in there who said well the 18 year old man has sex with an 8 year old, they're in the
same age group so they shouldn't get in trouble and even said baby sex torture is something
that people need leniency in, the sadomasochistic torture of young kids including infants and
toddlers, infants and toddlers, isn't she nice but she's a black lady so it's okay and she
doesn't have an anglophile first name so we've got to do whatever she wants, big stack on
the Disney pedos right here we're going to be getting into today but the good news is
the world is really starting to wake up to the new world order and as soon as people
know what it is and know who they are and know that they're behind basically all our
problems literally greasing the skids, creating them, setting up scams, running frauds, poisoning
our minds, our souls, our bodies, as soon as the world gets this then the pain can stop
massively, there'll still be corruption, there'll still be problems, there'll still be new cults
and gangs and criminal groups to deal with but these people make James Bond villains
look like boy scouts, they are Satanist in their own admitted operating system, you should
go see Greg Reese's latest report about why they're targeting the union of men and women
which is a holy union that God created that is so powerful and that important video is
at man.video in the Greg Reese section, we're going to go to break, don't come back and
get into the globalist economy, the latest Russian news, the latest COVID news, new documents
released on that front even more damning than anyone knew, separately please remember that
we are listeners supported and so many people call us wanting the George Washington slave
to the dragon coin but there were only ten thousand made that will never be more made
because it's a collector and it's a founding coin, there'll only be three in the series,
the second will sell out the next four or five days at current sales rates, I want you
to have one, it's the tree of liberty coin, it's just as powerful as the last coin, it
is just as powerful as the original last coin and it is critical to funding our operation
and keeping us on air, you can go to patricklectibles.com or 1776coin.com and you will find the coin
there, it will again at current sales rates be gone by Friday, we will hold 250 back for
special sales later just like we just did with the George Washington coin, there are
now 50 of the George Washington coin left in our vault but the bulk of the new coin
will be sold out by Friday, get yours at 1776coin.com, I want to thank all you that have got the
We are only offering three coins in the series, the first coin was released in December of
2021 and sold out in ten days, now the second coin as we enter the last days of March into
April 2022 is now being offered, I believe it will sell out in just a few days again
because these are historic coins and because our amazing listeners want to support freedom
and keep info wars at the front lines of the fight against these tyrants, so go for yourself
to 1776coin.com and see the new liberty tree coin, it is powerful, witness this powerful
iconography for yourself and have this piece of history and be part of the founding member
system that we are set to launch in the very near future thanks to your support of this
project, get a historic memento that helps keep info wars on the air and also gives you
a real piece of history at 1776coin.com.
With Bandot video getting close to 10 million views a day, we are a platform for thousands
of independent journalists and groups to be able to post their content free of charge
and because it has become so successful, it is a catch 22, info wars and bandot video
have become a mothership promoting the pro-human liberty movement worldwide, but the expenses
in bandwidth alone are millions of dollars a quarter, hundreds and hundreds of thousands
of dollars a month, so the biggest sale in info wars history is going right now, the
mega emergency blowout sale up to 75% off, get incredible products and keep info wars
as strong as ever.
Introducing the newest product from infowarslife.com, we are so proud of info wars life immune
support, it is concentrated herbs that are known on record to supercharge our bodies
and natural defenses, ladies and gentlemen this is something that is essential and everyone
should get and on top of it, it funds the info war so that is the 360 win, let me tell
you what is in this amazing product, concentrated elderberry, concentrated echinasia, concentrated
astragalus root, angelica root, loatium root and more, this product is incredible, info
wars immune support exclusively available at infowarsstore.com is funding the tip of
the spear, the info wars operation, it is a 360 win, the only way you fail is by not
taking action and getting this product to boost your body's natural defenses and keep
info wars on the air, the globalists are hoping you don't take action, take action now, infowarsstore.com.
And it's a research funding pause, it's not a stop, it's not a prohibition, it's when
you come to a four way intersection, there's the stop sign, you stop, you look both ways
and then you proceed and so it's also, it doesn't pause all gain of function, just selected
gain of function but they'll argue that this is actually characterization and qualification
research so you know Rand and others, you know maybe Fauci was right, they don't quite
know what they're talking about, calling it gain of function, you know that's why he
didn't perjure himself, that's why he hasn't been arrested.
Because they're literally creating new synthetic life forms that mimic what the viruses do
but in the main definition it's still a gain of function, they're making something deadly
that spreads more easily to hurt people, thank you Mike, we love you.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us today, I'm Alex
Jones your host.
Now before I hit all this horrible news, it's very very serious, in the next few segments
I want to hit the positive news, Victor Orban in Hungary is a great patriot and the founding
followers will be proud to know him, his policies, his leadership, his smashing corruption, his
cutting taxes, his promoting the family, it's the kind of leaders we need and you know they've
made the comments in the news, it's like Alex Jones is the president of Hungary.
Well except he's more of a statesman and so, and I can tell you obviously Orban is a listener,
I'll just leave it at that, so is Bolsonaro, so are all of them and I've had these guys
tell me and tell others that it was America's awakening to the new world order and globalism
that helped them understand what was happening and what they were under and the fact that
the very same globalist forces that take control of their countries that have taken control
of us.
So, listeners of this show need to know that your investment of time and energy in this
broadcast and in other leaders that have exposed the new world order over the decades has built
the world wide opposition we now see and I don't say that so we all pat each other on
the backs, I say that so you understand that resistance is not futile, that as we said
a thousand times, no one knows who first said it, but the propaganda would not be necessary
of the situation, it was hopeless, he won by more than 70% despite billions of foreign
money used against him in every line and every trick in the book and there was obviously
some election fraud, he probably won by even larger numbers.
So this is what they're scared of, people waking up to the new world order and taking
our countries back and when he won he said this is a victory against the globalist,
this is a victory against the new world order, this is a victory against George Soros, this
is a victory against the anti-family transgender movement, this is a victory against their
ungodly system that they want, that is powerful and that is true, that is someone recognizing
the enemy attack, recognizing what we're under and then as soon as you recognize it the public
wakes up, you defeat it and you have prosperity and you have peace and you have security.
So today's show is titled Monday Live, Orban's landslide victory in Hungary accelerates
collapse of globalist new world order system.
So again, I know I harp on this, but the reason I harp on it is you are the vanguard
that's the most awake, it's true, listeners of The Oceanshow show are the tip of the tip
of the spear, so I know you know this, a lot of you knew it before I knew it, the point
is is that we better get this out to everybody because this is how we beat them, we can fight
the heads of the Hyde Roll Day Long, hundreds of heads and it's important to expose the
heads and what they are so people recognize the neck that goes back to the body and the
heart and the guts and the whole system that is launching these attacks and so a lot of
people have asked me, they have said Alex, Glynbeck attacked you, Glynbeck said terrible
things about you, Glynbeck said you were a liar about all this 15 years ago, 10 years
ago, why have you said Glynbeck's a good guy, well I was up there, went on the blaze, they
were nice to me, happy on their shows, didn't censor me, he gave me a painting, but that's
not the reason, he's awake now, he knows that I wasn't lying and he is a very articulate
smart guy with millions of listeners and he's now really helping fight the new world order
and that's all that matters, we can't expect everybody who wasn't awake before to be perfect
in hindsight, what matters is what they do when the chips are down and Glynbeck's been
doing a great job, here's two clips of back to back talking about the world government
summit that just happened and then the holy grail of their control, state run, UN run,
digital programmable currency, that's not bitcoin and blockchain and decentralized,
this stuff's great, it's the answer to the bad guy stuff, but the central banks and
their programmable tokens is the world social credit score, it is the global carbon tax,
it is hell on earth, here's Glynbeck.
We also need to pay attention to what is happening around us, I told you a minute ago, the world
government summit, the what?
The world government summit happened yesterday in Dubai and it was the introduction session
yesterday and all the people that are the usual people were there, huge crowd, gigantic
theater with very, I mean all of the critical important people and it was kicked off by,
lo and behold, Klaus Schwab, here's what he said.
We do not yet know the full extent and the systemic and structural changes which will
happen, however, we do know that global energy systems, food systems and supply chains will
be deeply affected.
Got it?
We are changing things and we don't know how that will go, but we do know the global
energy system, the food system and the supply chains will be deeply affected, but other
than that, don't worry about it, it's only food, energy and how we get things, but other
than that, we're good.
This is the arrogance of the elites.
Now one of the topics, their first session was, are we ready for a new world order?
Are they trolling us?
I think the reason why they're naming this is because, A, they really mean it, it is
a new world order, but they also see an advantage of calling it the new world order instead
of the great reset, which it absolutely is, the new world order, they call it that because
that way when I say it to you and you're like, did you hear about the global government
where their first session was, are we ready for the new world order?
Everybody rolls their eyes, aha.
That is not the solution.
The solution, if you want a digital currency, then use blockchain.
You want a digital currency, then you use Bitcoin and you leave the off-ramp people alone.
This is the final grab of total power globally.
You need to understand it, you need to brush up on it, and you need to stand against it.
You also need to prepare for a time when this does happen.
What are you going to do?
Most people will just go along with it because they'll say what people always say at times
like these, well, it's not going to get any worse than this.
They'll never do that.
I urge you to watch last night's show, my TV Wednesday night special on Blaze TV.
It was really, really funny, classic chalkboard funny stuff.
However, I laid out on the chalkboard, in fact, I want to play that clip later on in
the program.
I laid out on the chalkboard all the things that we all said could never happen.
I spent 15 minutes before the show just writing them down on the top of my head.
That's right.
I'm actually a member.
I actually watched that, even though I basically know all of that stuff, the way he does it
is very good.
If it was seen, what Glenn does, if every person on Earth saw it, we'd end the New World
Order overnight.
If you just see all the things they've already taken away, and now what they're going to
take away, and how they admit they're the ones taking it away, I mean, why would anyone
want these people in control?
They're a bunch of crazy criminals.
All right, folks, we'll be right back on the other side, infowars.com, tomorrow is Tuesday.
There's so much we're going to be hitting.
The pedophile news is just unbelievable.
Let's stay with us.
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three-part Founder Series at 1776coin.com,
or infowarstore.com, and the second installment is the Tree of Liberty.
Thomas Jefferson, quote, must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
It's a coin I designed, I'm very, very proud of it, and it will end up being a collectible.
I know that the first coin is already selling on eBay and other places for three times what
we sold it.
We need to sell all 10,000 of these very, very quickly, and I appreciate listeners getting
over half of them now.
I'd like to move them out very quickly.
I think they will sell out probably in five or six more days, and without the last coin
sale, we would not be operating at the same capacity.
We would have had to lay off a lot of people, and that's a big problem.
So as a limited edition collectible, tied to our political movement of liberty and freedom,
and it's needed for our infrastructure and building new systems, so please give yourself
and us aid in the fight against the new world order at 1776coin.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, infowarstore.com is offering the biggest sales in its over 20-year history,
and that is because the economy is breaking down, inflation is exploding, the supply chains
are broken down, and info wars is having serious trouble making its payroll and paying for
operations, and I do not want to implode or downsize in the face of the globalists making
their main move.
Info wars, it's paradoxical, it's more popular than ever, it's reaching more people than
ever despite the censorship, but because of cost increasing and having to run our own infrastructure
and pay for our own bandwidth and everything else, we are running out of money.
So listen, up to 75% off infowarstore.com on things like amazing patriot t-shirts that
help spread the word and fund the operation, on supplements, on books, on films, everything
is 25 to 75% off right now, the biggest sell in our history at infowarstore.com.
Thank you for your support.
You know, it's a fact, and I'm not bragging when I say it, it's just true, that info
wars is seen by the globalists as the standard of human liberty, as the logo of human populist
resistance against their transhumanist anti-human program, and man, our work is really right
now hitting the most important aspects of what we've ever done, so I'm asking listeners
now to realize we've got great products, thousands of them, at infowarstore.com, and
we are funded by listeners and viewers like you, and so now we need to support more than
ever because this fight has intensified, don't need me to tell you that, at infowarstore.com.
We've got 25 to 75% off across the board right now, things have been sold out for a long
time like info wars life, fizzy magnesium mix that's so amazing, and our new immune
support formula that's so critical, they're all available 25 to 75% off at infowarstore.com
right now.
Our new product from info wars life is now available exclusively at infowarstore.com.
It is concentrated known herbs and compounds that will supercharge your body's natural
defenses, your immune system, while at the same time, funding the info war.
Our immune systems have always been critical, but in this globalist era, with all the criminal
activity they're involved in, it is more important than ever to take the tools God gave us and
supercharge our immune systems.
Info wars life immune support is a game changer, and everyone out there that wants to be healthy
and wants to boost your natural defenses should get it today.
Out of the gates is 25% off at infowarstore.com, and a lot of other great products that boost
your immune system as well, but this one is the very strongest we've got, so anybody
out there that cares about their health and wants to take care of themselves needs to
get this product.
It's also a great gift for friends and family to boost their immune system as well.
Get yours today at infowarstore.com for 25% off.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The first kind of test case for big tech joining together to just delete somebody from the
Internet, to unperson them was when all the platforms got together and banned Alex Jones,
and they counted on people saying, oh, I don't really like Alex Jones, he's kind of crazy.
Even if that's what you thought, you don't need to hear from Alex Jones, you have to
think about the precedent, which was, now they have this power to do that to anyone
and it was so predictable they would start doing it to more and more people, they did
it to you, they do it to all kinds of people.
The same is true here.
We've had one crisis after the next, Russiagate, January 6th, the COVID pandemic, now this
We're being conditioned to believe that it's in our best interest to allow the government
to block us from accessing certain information in the name of national security, in the name
of the public health, and it's an extremely dangerous thing because if you let them do
that because you don't want to hear Russian disinformation or whatever you've decided
should be banned in the first instance, you have to think about the scheme, the system
that you're empowering and how that's going to be used going forward.
With a rebel yell.
Yeah, folks, if you want to find the rebel command base against tyranny, you found it
right here.
I'm your host Alex Jones and I, again, I'm very thankful to be here with you now today.
All right, let's hit the really serious news here up front because for globalists, the
global government is just the beginning.
They want to carry out forced depopulation, they've got to get us stunned and poisoned,
they've got to get us to submit and to degrade ourselves and to let our basic human rights
be violated.
We've got plenty of footage out of China and out of Singapore of robots policing people
and of the public being made in long thousand person lines to get on their knees so that
when they get scanned to see if they've got their COVID pass to be able to walk down the
street or be able to get on a bus or a train that they've submitted and it makes it easier
if you kneel and so you have to wait in a stress position kneeling, in some cases for
hours until they come to you, zero COVID disaster, China deploys army of parents and children
separated in quarantine facilities, isn't that insane?
So all of it is giant exercises of power and control and the footage of thousands of vans
rolling up to arrest everyone in giant tower apartment buildings and the same thing was
done in Australia, the same thing has been a giant beta test but now that massive, massive
resistance forming in the west, oh, suddenly it's not a problem in Australia and you don't
need the vaccine passed by our cell so that opposition doesn't keep forming and so laws
don't get passed against it so they can bring it back later and if you read what the UN
and Fauci and the Canadian ministers all of them are saying, they're going to bring it
back very, very soon and China, look at this dramatic footage in China, millions of people
sometimes lined up outside for days being processed in and out of giant quarantine centers and
I saw some of the footage, these things are bigger than NFL football stadiums filled with
people on tiny cots, just a few feet away from others, children put in one area, men
put in another, women in another, separated, total dehumanization.
They didn't even have COVID, piles of garbage on the ground, that's one of the quarantine
centers I saw one even bigger, imagine this is the new world order, this is the global
social credit score, this is their plan but let's talk about the other forms of mind control
going on.
Here's a speech therapist says her clinic has seen a 364% increase in patient referrals
of babies and toddlers and every other major speech therapist is saying they're seeing
the same thing, massive increases in suicide, massive increases in bankruptcies and homelessness
as people were put into a two year tyranny, here's a clip of her on 25 news, here it is.
Jacqueline Teak says during this pandemic her speech therapy clinic has seen an enormous
shift in the ages of their patients, before the pandemic only 5% of patients were babies
and toddlers, today it is sore to 20%, many parents calling it COVID delayed.
We've seen a 364% increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers from pediatricians
and parents.
And they are children that are having a difficult time speaking.
Speech delayed.
Babies start learning how to speak by reading lips as young as 8 months, so what happens
when lips and faces are covered up by masks, a therapist say for some kids they can work
around the mask and still learn to speak perfectly fine, but for others it can cause
speech delays.
There's no research out there yet to say that this could be causing speech and language
delays, but most definitely it's I'm sure a factor.
It's very important kids do see your face to learn, so they're watching your mouth.
That's orange, can you say orange?
That was a good try.
Brianna Gay is raising 5 children, but it's her youngest who needs therapy.
It definitely makes a difference when the world you're growing up in you can't interact
with people in their face.
It's super important to babies.
We're seeing a lot of things that look just like autism.
They're not making any word attempts and not communicating at all with their family.
If you go back to the founding of Islam, 1500, 1600 years ago at the crossroads of Mecca
and Medina, there were a bunch of warring tribes that would rob the caravans coming
out of the east and then coming through what is Saudi Arabia today and then up into Syria
and into Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire now also under Islamic control, now
known as Turkey and its capital no longer Istanbul, Constantinople previously now Istanbul.
What the point is, is that you're tuned in and you say, Alex, what are you talking about?
Muhammad and children not being able to speak or talk and basically having their speech centers
damaged, brain damage, cause brain damage.
What's that to do with Muhammad?
Well, when they would kidnap women, they'd put hoods over their heads and then even after
they got taken thousands of miles of whoever they were being sold to, when they took the
hood off their head, cause they didn't want damage by sun and flies and all the rest,
they wanted to sell them on a slave block, then the women were also told so other men
wouldn't see what other men owned to cover their faces again and if you go back to the
ancient writings, many of the women had trouble speaking in the Middle East and other areas
under Islamic control.
So see, all this mind control you see today is old mind control.
When you gag somebody, when you cover their face up, when you do this to children, particularly
over long periods of time, you're screwing them up for life and the system knew damn
well what it was doing when it was doing it.
We got to go to break, but I want to come back and get into these new Pfizer documents.
You know, they've been battling in the last year to not release any of the documents,
but a few groups of documents have been released.
Now the biggest tronch or group has been released, tens of thousands of pages and this just happened
on Thursday and now folks have had a chance to read through them and they consciously
covered up massive blood plots, massive heart attacks, explosive levels of microcarditis
heart swelling and ADE that killed a bunch of people and it's exactly what we thought
would be in the document.
The Moderna hurts and diseases and kills three times what Pfizer does.
It's the same shot, basically the same thing, but it's three times stronger and right there
in the data, it's three times roughly the level.
I mean, it's right there and they blacked it out the first time they released it, showing
they know what it says, obviously.
It's their weapon and then the judge ordered it unredacted, so now they released it unredacted
and there it is, open and shut a weapon to destroy people's immune systems and cause massive
illnesses and problems and remember about one percent of adverse effects get reported,
so this is in the millions of debt.
We are only offering three coins in the series.
The first coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in ten days.
Now the second coin as we enter the last days of March into April 2022 is now being offered
and I believe it will sell out in just a few days again because these are historic coins
and because our amazing listeners want to support freedom and keep info wars at the
front lines of the fight against these tyrants.
So go for yourself to 1776coin.com and see the new Liberty Tree coin.
This is powerful, witness this powerful iconography for yourself and have this piece of history
and be part of the founding member system that we're set to launch in the very near
future thanks to your support of this project.
Get a historic memento that helps keep info wars on the air and also gives you a real
piece of history at 1776coin.com.
Sleepless nights seem to be a lot more common these days with everything that's going
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The globalist social engineers always intended to push their COVID biomedical tyranny lockdowns
until the populations rebelled.
They would then use that as the pretext for permanent martial law and banning and arresting
anybody that speaks out against their lives.
But because of so many scientists and engineers and researchers and others coming public and
whistleblowers, now their whole project is falling apart because the people are aware
that it is a world government corporate takeover and so it's pulling back the curtain now more
than ever.
The problem is some globalist controlled areas are not going to give up on their takeover.
Like Canada, they've now declared a civil emergency in martial law in Ontario and other
areas of the world are following suit like Australia.
So pray for these folks big time, it's a very serious situation and stay tuned into infowars.com
because truth is absolutely bare mouth.
You know it's a fact and I'm not bragging when I say it, it's just true that info wars
is seen by the globalist as the standard of human liberty, as the logo of human populist
resistance against their transhumanist anti-human program and man our work is really right now
hitting the most important aspects of what we've ever done.
So I'm asking listeners now to realize we've got great products, thousands of them at infowars.com
and we are funded by listeners and viewers like you and so now we need to support more
than ever because this fight has intensified, don't need me to tell you that at infowars.com.
We've got 25 to 75% off across the board right now, things have been sold out for a long
time like infowars life, fizzy magnesium mix that's so amazing and our new immune support
formula that's so critical, they're all available 25 to 75% off at infowars.com right now.
So the world's awakening to the new world order technocrat plan and their answer is
use of virus scare, which they said the Rockefeller Foundation documents, operation lockstep,
they would use a virus scare to bring in the casual society, to bring them the control,
to bring in masks, to bring in checkpoints, to overthrow our open free society not to
protect us or empower us but to enslave us and then finally kill us.
Here's some of the headlines, mask wearing has led the generation of toddlers struggling
with speech and social skills and it goes through the evidence and the information there.
Good news, judge strikes down New York City's mask mandate for toddlers, mayor vows to appeal,
they never want it to go away, this is a cult, ladies and gentlemen, the nanny state.
Here's the big article, came out over the weekend, it's linked to all the documents,
making recently unredacted documents prove Pfizer and FDA new antibody-dependent enhancement
occurred in the vaccinated.
But what else do the numbers show?
Let's go ahead and play this Naomi Wolf clip, clip four, she talks about the documented
deaths from Pfizer versus what's happening with Moderna, that's the exact same shot just
three times stronger, here it is.
Thank you.
You have the deck in the con, it's your baby, you roll it.
I will make good use of it because people really need to know and understand what these
amazing volunteers and the lawyers are finding in these documents that again to remind everyone,
Pfizer and the FDA tried to conceal, these are public documents they tried to keep from
In just 2021, there were 1810 deaths from Pfizer vaccines or after Pfizer vaccines and
1832 from Moderna.
So now I'm going to highlight a big difference.
So of the total adverse events in 2021, Pfizer's first dose was, pay attention, 145,664 adverse
events, bad things happened.
Moderna's first dose, pay attention, 236,316, a big difference.
All right, so let's drill down into that and you see something pretty creepy.
Some of you are probably already remembering that a few weeks ago here on this show, which
as far as I know is the only platform where anyone is doing the kind of reporting that
should be done about this vastly important trove of documents, you remember we did a
feature on how there were different dosages of the mRNA, the lipid nanoparticles between
Pfizer and Moderna and the other brands.
Well, there's an 89,000 difference between Pfizer's bad outcomes and Moderna's bad outcomes,
much worse for Moderna.
So I will now tell you that remember the Moderna micrograms were 100 micrograms per dose for
adults and Pfizer's first dose was 30 micrograms.
So right there, people who got Moderna for first dose, and I don't want to scare up
said anyone, but the sooner we realize what has happened here, the better, the better
we can treat people and care for people.
Moderna was three times the amount of lipid nanoparticles.
I keep going back to these, these tiny, hard, fatty casings, these industrial casings.
Now scientists in Europe and scientists in Asia simultaneously have rolled out, just like
radio was invented in several different parts of the world at the same time, because that's
just how the technology had advanced.
They have now come out with nanotech graphene oxide programmable nanotech that they say
they're going to put down your throat like something out of the matrix that will then
be programmed to go where they want to find things in your body and take it out.
This is not a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, what do you think they're doing?
They're already implanting you with graphene oxide.
They've got the patents to use that to turn you into the blockchain and track and trace
everything you do, everywhere you go.
This is the takeover of society, ladies and gentlemen.
So we've got more on that.
What they're doing is they're just rolling out all the technologies that are to develop
just to overwhelm you so you accept all of it being used against you.
But this is a big deal.
Only unredacted documents prove Pfizer and FDA knew antibody-dependent enhancement occurring
in the vaccinated.
They knew it was happening, and what did they do?
They covered the whole thing up.
The UK sees a 44% increase in child deaths after JAB rolled out for young teens data
18 to 64 in Europe, in the UK, in the US, they found the exact same number.
Not down to the fraction, but down to the number of 40% of working-age people increase
in death, not from COVID, but just in general in 2021.
And now the number's even higher in children and in teens that took the shot.
That is out of the National Office of Statistics, the government put that out.
And see how we just report on this like it's no big deal?
They're killing us, and they're doing it and testing to see if we wake up and say no to
Yeah, we got the media all focused on the Russia-Ukraine War, while the elephant in
the room is the Pfizer clinical trials and documents.
Rand Paul says once upon a time, Anthony Fauci could tell the truth about natural immunity.
We've played that video many times from over a decade ago.
He says, oh, the best thing is natural immunity.
It's the gold standard.
It's just hundreds of times better than a vaccine, which is well known.
But now, remember, you couldn't talk about it.
LinkedIn blocked links to natural immunity data.
Even medical doctors were banned.
Instagram did it.
Facebook did it.
Twitter did it.
They won't even let you link to JAMA studies put out by the Journal of American Medicine.
There you go, folks, and Fauci says, get ready.
More stuff's coming in.
Good ol' Google has added new fat checkers to news, and will push users to credible sources.
How else can you get away with mass murder like this by controlling the information?
Info wars right again.
World Health Organization admits COVID vaccine linked to hearing loss, yep.
UK government now admits that COVID vaccines are gene therapy.
They got a bunch of other ones they want to make you take now.
Pretty amazing.
Very important report on banned.video by Jay Dyer, scientific elite to tell a plan to
kill everybody.
He has their top people all admitting total extermination of all humans as a plan.
Pretty big deal.
No wonder they want us off the air, because they're not going to get away with this if
humanity is aware of what's happening.
I want to hit the big economy news, the military news, and more than Paul, Joseph Watson's
going to join us, Owen's going to join us.
We've got so much that we're about to be breaking down here today.
I need to fund our operations, so I try to sell you products that you enjoy, that empower
you, that enrich you, that really work.
So, you come back and buy more, and we have a symbiotic relationship.
There's been major supply chain breakdowns, as you know, the last few years.
That's why so many products we've had to either discontinue in them, or reformulate them,
or just wait and wait and wait for them to come in.
It was 11 months ago we put our deposit down to the U.S. company that has a deal with France
to get the patented special quail eggs that are fed a secret diet that in major even
trials and studies have been proven to work better than over-the-counter antihistamines
but in a natural way.
And finally, 11 months after I put down the money to get it, we were about to discontinue
and demand our money back.
It came in, pollen block, packaged here in the U.S. specially fed quail in France.
I discovered this 100 years ago that they were being fed a certain diet, and people
ate those eggs, because the French eat a lot of quail eggs, a lot of people in Texas do
it, but the point is that you wouldn't get allergies.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, it's from the quail.
Egg shell, I should add.
Well, it's back in stock, 40% off, and who knows, this is to be the only time it's ever
available again.
There's another bringing lockdowns and shutdowns back, but we finally got it back in.
It's very proprietary, very, very special.
It's available.
It's on a Ferrado ship with additional 10% off, then we'll hold some back for your next
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Help support healthy sinus function, helps enhance respiratory function, helps clear
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supports eye comfort and sinus health, and so much more quail egg concentrate.
It's just pure quail egg concentrate at infowarstore.com.
We'll be right back on the other side, stay with us.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series, the 1776 Anti-Tyrant
Coin, and it sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original, powerful coin, a founding member
coin, we would not be on air today.
Now, the second coin, the Liberty Tree Coin, is being offered, and it will probably sell
out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to in front of operation.
It is so historic, and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty
being refreshed with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants, and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com.
It's also at infowarstore.com.
It's amazing.
It's only 10,000 of them, and as a founding member, and we're able to stay on the air,
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So get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
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Welcome back, my friends.
To the tip of the spear, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
All right, I'm just going to play a few of these clips.
This is just what I came across today of government leaders, corporate pitch people, the prime
minister of Canada just saying outrageous lies about how good the vaccine is and how wonderful
it works and how if you take it, you can't spread the virus and you're sick.
It actually makes you sicker, destroys your immune system, that it makes your sex life
better, they're saying.
There's no evidence of that.
Another total lie, and then Trudeau just saying it's so magic, he took it, and it was just
so incredible.
It made him feel so good.
Let's play the head of the CDC, and then let's play this little PR piece about how it makes
your sex life better.
And then at the end, we're going to play Justin Trudeau, and maybe Luke Trudeau a couple
of times because it's just so fake, so ridiculous that if his car salesman walked up acting
like this, you'd run off the car lot.
I mean, he looks like the American psycho dude, here it is.
Our data from the CDC today suggests that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick,
and that it's not just in the clinical trials, but it's also in real world data.
Get real.
Get real.
Get real.
Get real.
Get real.
Get real.
About COVID-19 vaccines.
Child, I wish.
First time speaking, not from me, I'm so horny.
There's been no evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines are associated with impotence, or affecting
your sex drive negatively.
In fact, speaking to one gentleman recently, he told me that the vaccines actually has
improved his sex drive, and he actually wanted to take another shot, which I discouraged,
because that's not the purpose of the vaccine.
Everybody that I've spoken to said that they are having more sex than ever since they got
the vaccine.
Listen, because I feel like since we've got the vaccination, it's been on 10 or 20.
You know what?
Let's say 100.
The virus itself is what causes the impotence, meaning that males are unable to get it off.
If you may have people you're not struggling to rise to the occasion when they get the COVID-19
virus, but that has not been reported when it comes on to getting the vaccine.
Every day, all day, all the time, I don't know about impotence at all, it's a lie.
Don't believe it.
Getting that shot really was an amazing feeling.
It hits you.
Getting that shot, really was an amazing feeling.
It hits you, getting that shot really was an amazing feeling.
It hits you, getting that shot really was an amazing feeling.
It hits you, getting that shot really was an amazing feeling.
Paul, so if you think he actually took a shot.
I got a bridge, I'm willing to sell you in Manhattan and I got some motionfront property
in Arizona and from my front porch, you can see the sea.
Wow. Unbelievable. And then I've got stuff even more insane than this. I mean, the Supreme
Court nominee Brown Jackson, they got the transcripts where she's like trying to let
people out of jail that produce child porn of people raping toddlers. Yeah, there it
is. She chose leniency in baby sex torture. I mean, come on, man. To quote Joe Biden.
But again, they've got all the leftists will do anything they're told. They're in a cult
so they've gone over the edge of this idiocy cliff. Mind blowing. But this was always going
to happen. Our tolerance of evil has allowed this to manifest. Our tolerance of corruption
has allowed this to happen. Thomas Jefferson was once asked, what is the level of tyranny
to which evil man will put us under? And he said the level to which you will accept. We
are the governors of this. We have allowed this, the censorship, the control, the devaluation
of our currencies and all of it. We're going to lay out the devaluation of currencies
straight ahead on the other side. And then we're going to hit the Pito Ness.
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three part Founder series at 1776 coin
dot com or info or store.com. And the second installment is the Tree of Liberty. Thomas
Jefferson quote must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It's a coin I designed.
I'm very, very proud of it. And it will end up being a collectible. I know that the first
coin is already selling on eBay and other places for three times what we sold it. We
need to sell all 10,000 of these very, very quickly. And I appreciate listeners getting
over half of them now. I'd like to move them out very quickly. I think they will sell out
probably in five or six more days. And without the last coin sale, we would not be operating
at the same capacity. We have had to lay off a lot of people and that's a big problem.
So as a limited edition collectible, tied to our political movement of liberty and freedom,
and it's needed for our infrastructure and building new systems. So please give yourself
and us aid in the fight against the new order at 1776 coin dot com crashing through the
lies and disinformation. It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the info
war. In 1978, I was four years old. I'd just gone and watched the first Star Wars installment
with my dad and was blown away. And yes, we used to sit there and watch Saturday Night
Live Saturday evenings as a family. So no doubt as a four year old, I watched this Dan
Acroyd comedy piece, which predicted what we're now living under, where politicians
and central banks are telling us first that inflation wasn't happening. Then Oh, inflation
is not that bad. Well, it's going to get intense. But hey, it's going to make what you have
in the bank worth more. Actually, it's not. It just makes what you have in the bank worth
less. But here is a piece of comedy from 44 years ago that doesn't make you laugh. It
makes you cry. Inflation is our friend. For example, consider this. In the year 2000,
the current trends continue. The average blue color annual wage in this country will be
$568,000. Think what this inflated world of the future will mean. Most Americans will
be millionaires. Everyone will feel like a big shot. Wouldn't you like to own a $4,000
suit and smoke a $75 cigar, drive a $600,000 car? I know I would. But what about people
on fixed incomes? They have always been the true victims of inflation. That's why I will
present to Congress the inflation maintenance program whereby the US Treasury will make
up any inflation costs losses through direct tax rebates to the public in cash. Now you
may say, won't that cost a lot of money? Won't that increase the deficit? Sure it will. But
so what? We'll just print more money. We'll have the papers. We'll have the mints. I
can just call up the Bureau of Engraven and say, hi, this is Jimmer. Roll off some of
them 20s. Print up a couple of thousand sheets of those century notes. Sure the glut of dollars
will cause even more inflation, but who cares? Everybody will be a million. So that's Dan
Akroyd making fun of Jimmy Carter 44 years ago. But we can blame Jimmy Carter. We can
blame Joe Biden, but they're just puppets. It's the Federal Reserve that's doing it.
And just like it was okay to make fun of Jimmy Carter back then, great. Terrible guy I don't
like him. An angel compared to people like Biden today, but still they're not actually
running it. So if you just blame them, the same globalists continue to dominate and control.
Don't know who to blame. People like JP Morgan's head warns US faces unprecedented risks from
combo of inflation, war and COVID. Well, the central banks created the inflation. They
created the COVID lockdowns and they pushed policies that created the war. And they're
going to continue to do all this as long as they think they are getting away with it.
The minute they start getting the blame like Disney is for all its pedophile promotion,
they're going to start backing off. That's why they want to use politicians as their
foils, as their queslings, as their front man, as their shields, as their birdcage liner.
Now, speaking of real world tyranny, here's Buddha judge. He said this a few months ago.
He said it a few weeks ago. He said it again yesterday. He said, until we achieve a form
of energy independence that is based on clean energy, no such thing. They blocked all the
real stuff. You will continue to see price hikes. It's happening because of inflation
and devaluation of the dollar and policies moving the world away from dollars. That's
the reason and blocking oil pipelines and blocking oil and gas exploration. That's why
it's happening, Buddha judge. But people are like, Hey, he's married to a dude. So we got
to do whatever he says. It's like the new Supreme Court nominee. Oh, she's a black woman. So
she's allowed to say it's okay to torture babies to death. It's so cool. It's so amazing.
Look, he's a little nerdly dude, but he's married to a guy. So it's okay. As if I even
care what he does in his life. No wonder he's into dudes. You can't get women. The point
is, is that that doesn't give him an excuse to rape me and my family because he's a chicken
neck little nerd. Let's let's hear from this buck toothed monster.
It's less dependent on foreign oil and that protects us from shortages at fuel stations.
But here's the thing to remember, even if all of the oil we use in the USA were made
in the USA, the price of it is still subject to powers and dynamics outside of the USA,
which means that until we achieve a form of energy independence that is based on clean
energy created here at home, American citizens will still be vulnerable to wild price hikes
like we're seeing right now. Unbelievable. The Grinch that stole Christmas. Bankruptcy.
People losing their lives. This is the guy that gets out of three armored SUVs and then
gets on a bike to ride a hundred yards for a photo op. He's a joke and he hides behind
the fact that he likes Oscar Mayer winners. What does that have to do with him and his
policy? You can't question him. Oh, he has sex with dudes. Oh my gosh. It's like Tim
Cook. Well, Tim Cook runs the biggest death camps in the world, but he does wear black
sweaters, turtlenecks and and he, you know, he is gay. Oh, well, it's like the Indian guy
that owns the warriors. He said, I don't care if there's death camps, kill all those Muslims.
Everybody went, well, I mean, he's got brown skin. You know, it's like, well, if you got
brown skin and you're gay, you know, we've got Katanji Brown Jackson chooses leniency
even in baby sex torture cases. Well, I mean, you know, baby torture sex is okay if she's
black. Okay. And Buddha judge is gay. So, you know, I mean, we've got to and the warriors
guys got brown skin. So it's like, hey, hey, death camps are all right as long as they're
endorsed by somebody with brown skin. Because as we know, only white, straight white people
I'm sorry, straight white people are bad. Like Martin Luther King told us only judge
people on their skin color. Do not judge people on the character of their life or their deeds.
Don't judge them on their job performance. That's racist. Judge people on their sexual
orientation. What color their skin is. And you know, if you're a creepy looking day that
says they're a woman, why not be a four star admiral? Hell, he may say he's Ali Baba. They
say he's the genie of Aladdin's lamp. And they say, I mean, they may say that the Dr. Rachel
Levine is a whale or an Easter Bunny. Hell, hell, hell. Dr. Levine, ladies and gentlemen,
isn't just a man posing as a woman posing as an admiral. He's Santa Claus. He's gonna
wear that admiral outfit that's got an anchor on the hat. These federal agencies. I love
the left made fun of Space Force. When the Air Force actually has a big space weapons
platform and Trump wanted to expand it. They said, Oh, that's ridiculous. Look, they're
wearing Space Force uniforms. That group doesn't exist, even though it's like the most important
asset the US has. And then he's up there with a with a with a with a navy admiral outfit.
Saying he's really wants to save trans kids. And I've got the Jeopardy winner, the guy
that won Jeopardy that poses as a woman. That dude is saying kids will die if they don't
get these life saving surgeries. Like if we don't cut seven year old genitals off or give
them puberty blockers. Oh my God. Oh my God. If we don't do that, children will die, says
the creepy weirdo that wants to talk about our children all day. You know, used to weird
dudes wearing wigs that wanted to talk about children. They were in Alfred Hitchcock movies
like Psycho. They had their mother dead mummified in the basement. You know, but but now Oh,
ah, yes. Yo, look at that woman won Jeopardy. Oh my God. No woman had ever won Jeopardy.
Women are smart, but statistically, the factoids, it's like men can't have babies. No woman
had ever beaten the male champion. But you know what? Finally a woman rose to the top.
And there she is stunning, brave, amazing. And again, with the White House seal behind
him, just like the Admiral outfits. It's like, again, hey, I bet the kids are sitting
in his lap. If you wore a Santa Claus outfit, have you guys thought where do the kids sit?
Santa Claus is left. You want the kids to sit in your lap?
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three part Founder series at 1776 coin
dot com or info or store dot com. And the second installment is the Tree of Liberty. Thomas
Jefferson quote must be watered with the blood of patriots and tyrants. The coin I designed
them very, very proud of it. And it will end up being a collectible. I know that the first
coin is already selling on eBay and other places for three times what we sold it. We
need to sell all 10,000 of these very, very quickly. And I appreciate listeners getting
over half of them now. I'd like to lose them out very quickly. I think they will sell out
probably in five or six more days. And without the last coin sale, we would not be operating
at the same capacity. We'd have had to lay off a lot of people and that's a big problem.
So it was a limited edition collectible, tied to our political movement of liberty and freedom
and it's needed for our infrastructure and building new systems. So please give yourself
and us aid in the fight against the new order at 1776 coin dot com. Ladies and gentlemen,
I need your help. I need your help keeping info wars on the air and strong. I need your
help making sure that our mission continues on. I was born for this. You were born for
this and people are really waking up right now. But we had to build our own infrastructure
because of the censorship and deplatforming that cost tens of millions of dollars. And
now with Bandot video getting close to 10 million views a day, we're a platform for
thousands of independent journalists and groups to be able to post their content free of charge.
And because it's become so successful, it's a catch 22 info wars and Bandot video have
become a mothership promoting the pro human liberty movement worldwide. But the expenses
in bandwidth alone are millions of dollars a quarter hundreds and hundreds of thousands
of dollars a month. So the biggest sale in info wars history is going right now the mega
emergency blowout sale up to 75% off getting credible products and keep info wars as strong
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Using a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order. It's Alex Jones.
It really is unspeakable that the Supreme Court nominee, I can care less, she's a black
lady, man, in fact, I'd love to, she's a black lady and pro gun, pro family, pro America.
Then we could like stop using race as a weapon in this country of control, but that's not
going to happen. And so they're trying to ram this individual through. Meanwhile, we
have just incredible new levels of censorship going on here in the United States. But we've
seen Elon Musk criticize in great detail, the censorship and woke culture. He's seen
it Twitter. So here's where I stand on this.
We have band on video. We have info wars.com. I believe in building our own things, though
the left has tried to shut those down. But yes, Twitter and Instagram and Facebook and
Google, all of those groups have section 230 immunity because they operate as a utility
that unless you break the law, they don't take you down. And so we should go back to
the free internet post Alex Jones ban of four and a half years ago. And Elon Musk has been
saying that now he's gotten the largest share at 9.2%. It's not a controlling share. And
I don't want to get back on Twitter.
Just so I can reach more people just for me, though I would like to, I would like to get
back on it as a symbol of freedom and then have some real rules that are defined like
don't call for violence, you know, nothing illegal, things like that.
So let's see Twitter stock surge. It's on info wars.com after Elon Musk buys 9% stake.
And he's been saying he wants to either reform Twitter or create his own Twitter. So that
would go a long way in his positive column. He's come out against force inoculation. He
says he doesn't like the vaccine. That was a big positive thing. He says he doesn't like
the globalist. He doesn't like well culture.
That's a good move. His brain ship plan creeps creeps me out, but he's not saying you've
got to be made to take the brain ship. He just says if you want one, he's going to be the
big pioneer that is at the tip of the spear, uh, letting you get that. And you know, my
uncle, my dad's brother has a, uh, implant that goes into his brain, really bad epilepsy
from a motorcycle accident. He doesn't just have the one that stimulates the Vegas nerve.
He's got the more advanced one. First he had that one, then he got another one that's more
advanced that actually goes up into the brain. And man, when he starts to have a seizure,
which is a lot of the time, he'll be sitting there for dinner with him. He'll be like,
you know, I really had a good time the other day visiting your cousin. He'll go, and I'm
going to do it. He sounds like sling blade, but it's, it's like computerized and they'll
go and then he never even knows it happened. So when his brain starts having those brain
waves that show he's about to have a seizure, that thing kicks in. So I'm not against technology
if it's transparent, if you have free will, if you choose it, but all the technology,
the globalists are selling us and pushing on us is absolutely nightmarish. But I got
to go visit my uncle sometime in East Texas. I was just there a few months ago with him
having dinner and having five or six times over a few hours and just put a camera on
him. So when it happens, you can see it for yourself. We were sitting there playing dominoes.
He's talking, yeah, and I tell you, it's great day. All right. It's like, whoa, you can hear
the digital, whatever it's doing to his brain. It's crazy. So we live in the 21st century.
We live in Buck Rogers land. This is, this is where we are. And it really is incredible
to realize that we've got all these different systems that are godlike in their power, but
we're still just the same humans that have been killing each other and living in squalor
and barbarism since the beginning of time. Well, cracks are starting to really show.
And there's an article out of town hall pointing out that Biden in most polls has below a 30
point approval rating is better polls mid 30s. And they asked the question, it's like Democrats
want to be crushed in November. But no, no, no, they have a job as blackmailed compromised
controlled minions to bankrupt America to get control of us. They're just front people
for the big banks and the great reset that's on record doing this. So people look at them
and go, why are they going to get their own interests? Why are they going to get their
own children's interest? Why are they destroying themselves? It's because their puppets, their
minions, they do what they're told. Stop looking at Biden as if he runs something. Yeah, dislike
him. Yeah, get rid of him. Yeah, politically expose them. But realize he's a minion. If
some organized crime gang kidnapped your wife or something, you would you be mad at the
guy that did the kidnapping? Yeah, but you'd want to know what group did it who the head
of that cartel was. Because you'd want to put heat on them to give you your wife back.
It's the same thing. But if a crime cartel could just commit crimes and not known, not
have it known that it exists, like the Italian mafia had until the 50s, they were blackmailing
Jagger Hoover. They get away with anything. But as soon as they were exposed, now their
agency had to stop being on the payroll of the Italian mafia. There were other mafias
too, and had to start actually doing something, at least on the surface. We're going to go
to break, ladies and gentlemen, and come back with Paul Joseph Watson. He is loaded for
bear. Also, we're going to have the great Owen Schreuer in here. Please remember the
only way we stay on air is your support. And I am extremely excited that a product that
I thought I might have to discontinue because of supply chain breakdowns, because we get
it from France through an American distributor is available again, because I put the money
in 11 months ago to get this, almost demanded it back a few months ago. And they said, no,
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ever get more of it in, I'm offering it out of the gates, 40% off at infowarstore.com.
We're also going to end the sale at the end of the week for vaso beats, beat concentrate
that's documented so good for your heart, creates nitrous oxide in the bloods, wonderful
your cardiovascular system, fights blood clots, everything. That is back in stock 40% off
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You need the two together. It is back in stock. It is 40% off. That sale is going to be ending
on Monday or so because we've already sold out a lot of the stock. And we're trying to
again, reach our underages with things we don't have in stock anymore that people buy
by selling out of the t-shirts. And we had 63,000 t-shirts over the last few years. I
ordered and did and never promoted or sold. So we had a lot of, you know, some t-shirts
sold well, some didn't. So we had a lot of them just building up. Some of the best sellers
are there as well. We're never going to reprint any of these. We'll have all new shirts after
this. And I appreciate everybody coming through. We've already sold out 20% of the stock. So
in another week or two, we should sell out of all these t-shirts your last chance to
get them ever. We're selling them at cost at infowarstore.com. Thank you for your support.
All Joseph Watson takes over. Stay with us. We are only offering three coins in the series.
The first coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in 10 days. Now the second
coin as we enter the last days of March into April 2022 is now being offered. And I believe
it will sell out in just a few days again because these are historic coins and because
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coin. It is powerful. Witness this powerful iconography for yourself and have this piece
of history and be part of the founding member system that we're set to launch in the very
near future. Thanks to your support of this project. Get a historic memento that helps
keep info wars on the air and also gives you a real piece of history at 1776coin.com. In
December of 2021 info wars offered the first in a three part series, the 1776 anti tyrant
coin and it's sold out in 10 days. And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original
powerful coin, a founding member coin, we would not be on air today. Now the second
coin, the Liberty Tree coin is being offered and it will probably sell out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to the front of operation. It is so historic and it has a quote from
Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty being refreshed with the blood of Patriots
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us go to the next level. So get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
April 2022 just kicked off and it's already been incredible. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates,
Joe Biden, they along with many other new older operatives have gone on national television
and announced that we are now under a world government. They have a summit taking place
right now in Dubai titled World Government Summit and they are announcing incredible
tyranny. Everything we've talked about is now coming true and the globalists want to
take us off air. Ladies and gentlemen, we are running the biggest sale in the history
of info wars right now. In our 28 years, all info wars apparel is being sold at cost until
the inventory is gone and we're never going to print these t-shirts and ball caps and
info wars flags again. We may have t-shirts and apparel in the future, but I don't even
know. We are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in right now. I'm firing
the bat signal and asking you to get your t-shirts at info wars store.com right now.
They're at cost. Your voice counts. When you share information, be it over the internet
or in person, it changes the world. The globalists know their agenda is unpopular. They know
you're angry. And now to get around big tech, it's more important than ever that we use
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Including a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the Resistance.
And now your host, Owen Troyer. And I will be in studio and I've got, well, you could
say maybe some big announcements coming up, but you should be supporting info wars now
more than ever. I'll explain why coming up in the next hour. But we have Paul Joseph
Watson dialed in ready to go. He's been all over the Ukraine situation. He's got great
guests coming up today too. He's going to be live hosting the next hour or so of the
Alex Jones show. I'll be right here in studio as well. Paul Joseph Watson, take it away.
Thanks, Owen. Yeah, we got a guest coming up at the top of the hour, somebody who's tried
to pass the propaganda on both sides and get to the truth of what is actually taking place
in Ukraine with these alleged atrocities. Who's responsible for them? Are they actually
happening? Because of course, we've got this massive new push for war over the past few
days. MSNBC, CBS, all calling for both their guests and their hosts, by the way. No flies
owns American boots on the ground because of another alleged war crime. They're also talking
about mass graves, which is post we saw back in 2003, 2004, with the invasion of Iraq that
was justified partly by weapons of mass destruction claims, which turned out to be completely
BS, phony baloney. And of course, claims of mass graves containing one report was 400,000
people killed and put into mass graves by Saddam Hussein's regime turned out to be absolute
crap, which is why we need an ounce of skepticism. We don't just take reports, videos filmed
by Ukrainian soldiers of quote war crimes, amplify them without any study whatsoever.
But of course, that's what's happening across the entire pro-Ukraine Western media today.
I've got a guest, as I said, coming on at the top of the hour who has followed more
intensely than anyone, I would say sources on the ground on both sides, both the Ukrainian
side and the Russian side to try to deduce the truth of what is happening.
Headline Russia claims Booker massacre of false flag as US media calls for direct military
involvement in conflict. Remember the biggest lobbyist for the escalation of this war, apart
from defense contractors and ex generals on Fox News and people like that is left wing
quote progressive journalists themselves. And we saw that again on MSNBC and CBS Today,
or yesterday over the weekend. Russia has responded to claims that its forces committed
war crimes by brutally murdering civilians in a town called Kiev, calling the incident
fake or key. Sorry, as we've got to call it now. Suddenly started everyone start calling
it key for a few months ago. I'm not going to do that. Calling the incident fake and
labeling its orchestration as a staged false flag provocation. Of course they're going
to do that. They're being accused of it. But how do we know who's telling the truth?
Well, we don't. So we don't just mindlessly amplify news stories as real because of videos
handed to the Western pro NATO media by Ukraine by President Zelensky. Obviously they have
a motivation to try to push America and the NATO powers into helping them escalate this
war Zelensky has called for a no fly zone every step of the way. It seemed that those
calls were dying down. They were waning will now they're very much back front and center.
Article continues the mayor of a book of this town, this region shared footage and photographs
of dead bodies strewn about the streets of Booker, which is 23 miles northwest of Kiev.
Now what's interesting is that the same mayor, I believe it was two days before announced
with great fanfare, by the way, by the way, that Booker had been liberated. And during
his announcement, there was no mention of any war crimes, any atrocities committed
by the Russians. You think he'd be the first to use his platform to point the finger at
the Russians for these supposed dead bodies that were strewn all over the area, tied up,
executed, cold blank. You think he'd be pushing that front and center? Well, he didn't two
days beforehand. He announced that the town was liberated and made no mention of atrocities.
Then the highly heralded as of neo Nazi group who apparently are completely acceptable and
fine now because they're our neo Nazis. The media is now even calling them far right. They've
stripped the neo Nazi from them entirely. They entered Booker the day after the mayor
announced the town was liberated. Then the day after that the UK Ministry of Defense receives
these videos from the Ukrainian government of alleged Russian atrocities. Now are you
a Kremlin stooge if you don't immediately swallow 100% of this narrative that they're
trying to feed as well. Even the New York Times said it was quote, unable to independently
verify the assertions by Ukraine's Defense Ministry and other officials. So the New York
Times came out and said we've just been given these videos again filmed by the Ukrainian
authorities. This is what they say happened. They say it so it must be true, right? They
have no motivation to lie about it. And this is how the US legacy media responded in the
hours after this story emerged. Let's go to clip one CBS Margaret Brennan and know how
she frames how she received or how the network received this alleged war crime atrocity footage.
CBS Margaret Brennan. Here's the clip. Mr President, your team shared with us a video
images that your government has gathered of what has been left behind outside of Kiev
that I do want to share with our viewers. And I want to ask you about it. Looking and
listening to what Vladimir Putin has said, he's called Ukraine not a real country. He
said it's controlled by little Nazis. He's called you a drug addict. Is he someone you
can negotiate with? Now, I know how she framed that at the start. These videos, this footage
that was shared with us by Ukraine officials by President Zelensky. Again, none of it's
been independently investigated or corroborated. They were just given the footage and they
swallowed the narrative, amplified it, regurgitated it. But MSNBC's Ali Velshi went even further
using this footage, these alleged atrocities, wholesale point blank just claiming that they
happened exactly as the Ukrainian officials said they happened, not even having announced
a nuance for understanding that they would have the motivation to escalate the war by
saying this is what happened no matter what happened. He directly called for US military
involvement. This wasn't even a guess. This was the host of the show. MSNBC Ali Velshi
clip two. Here it is.
Pass the point of sanctions and strongly worded condemnations in the seizing of oligarchs
mega yachts. It's no longer sufficient as the evidence of war crimes and crimes against
humanity continue to grow. Vladimir Putin has no regard for life or humanity or even
the rules of war. He's proven that time and time again, and he has also pursued the indiscriminate
killing of civilians time and time again twice before in Ukraine and in Chechnya. The global
world order and potentially democracy's survival hang in the balance. If this isn't the kind
of moment that the United Nations and NATO and the UN and the G20 and the Council of
Europe and the G7 were made for, what is the point of these alliances if not to stop this?
The world cannot sit by as Vladimir Putin continues this reign of terror.
They have it. The global world order needs military escalation, which of course will
almost inevitably lead to World War Three, but not to be outdone. John Spencer then went
on the same show called not only for military escalation, but American boots on the ground.
Clip three. Here it is.
Hey, look, I know what this means. I know what I'm saying. I served for 25 years. I served
to protect the innocent. We are the leaders of the free world. So yes, and my wife still
serves. I don't speak for her, but I'm ready to commit at this moment, unlike I was before
this day, to put people in direct contact with Russia, to stop Russia. Call it peacekeeping.
Call it what you will. We have to do more than provide weapons. And by we, I mean the
United States. Yes, we're going to do it as a coalition with lots of other people. But
we are the example. So put boots on the ground, send weapons directly at Russia. This is
a massacre. This is a special kind of evil.
So there you have it. Immediately again, swallowing, regurgitating the narrative. But
unlike CBS, unlike MSNBC, we're going to come back on the other side and ask a few basic
pointed questions about what actually happened in this town of Booker, who is responsible
and how that is going to affect things going forward. We'll be back on the other side.
Don't go away.
Ladies and gentlemen, I need your help. I need your help keeping info wars on the air
and strong. I need your help making sure that our mission continues on. I was born for this.
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Jacob in Ohio. Welcome. Go ahead. Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Great last caller. I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement. It's basically
the only way I get to sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, moralization and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone, man.
All right. Eric in New Hampshire. Eric, thanks for calling. Go ahead.
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Tyler in Maine. You're on the year. Thanks for holding. Go ahead.
Hey, Alex. It's great to be on with you. It's an honor.
Honored to talk to you.
Awesome. So, first thing I wanted to do was say I love the products. Alpha Power, even
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You know, dealing with the liberal left cultural decay would be kind of funny if it wasn't
the total destruction of the future. If it wasn't the total annihilation of our prosperity,
it would be kind of funny because they do things like this. I mean, this is just hilarious.
New York City announces a new digital billboard campaign in five Florida markets denouncing
the hateful don't say gay law, which doesn't even exist, and inviting Floridians to move
New York. Of course, the exact opposite is happening. People are leaving New York and
droves going to Florida, and they think that this billboard that says gay on it about a
thousand times, just gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, literally, and it says, come to the city where
you can say whatever you want. Oh, Democrats are free speech again? Democrats are pro free
speech again? Huh. That's an interesting one. So yeah, you know, Paul, it'd be funny to
deal with these people if their cultural rot wasn't going to destroy the future for humanity,
it'd be kind of fun making fun of them with their little gay virtue signaling and Ukrainian
virtue signaling, whatever else they do. But following these people means the annihilation
of humanity. So we kind of struggled to laugh. But Paul Joseph Watson here with us taking
back over now on the Alex Jones show, gay, Paul, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay, gay.
Yeah, it's like thou doth protest too much, isn't it? Interesting with those polls on
that subject where basically a fraction of boomers, a small percentage of Gen X describe
themselves as LGBT. But now 20% of Generation Z describe themselves as LGBT. Now their old
argument used to be, Oh, you're not, you don't choose to be gay, you're born gay. Okay, so
why are huge increases in numbers of people announcing that they're gay based on later
generations if it's all a natural process? Of course, it's because of social engineering.
The algorithms of TikTok promote this LGBT crap, this agenda over and over again. We
had them denying for decades that there even was an LGBT agenda. Now they openly announce
it on Disney with children's programming. So again, they're pushing this lifestyle via
social engineering. The fact is it's an incredibly unhealthy lifestyle. We've seen the depression
rates in gay people, we've seen the suicide rates in transgenders becoming even worse
after they have the dreaded op. So again, it's an incredibly destructive and unhealthy lifestyle
for the individuals who are suckered into adopting it to make themselves look unique
and try to stand out and rebel. The old way to rebel as a youngster was, you know, through
music, through becoming a punk rocker or grunge kid or an emo kid or whatever. It was a phase.
Now the phase goes right the way through to chopping your members off. And that's a very
permanent thing indeed. So we continue to struggle with that. As he said, it's become
no laughing matter. I'm going to get back into Ukraine now though, because before the
break we played those clips, the immediate reaction from the US legacy media to this
claim that 410 bodies, again, hands tied behind their backs shot execution style in this
town in Ukraine, provided to the Western media by Ukrainian troops. Of course, Russia claims
that all their forces left the town of Booker on March 30. Can you believe them? No. They've
got their own propaganda, but why then should we automatically believe the propaganda on
the other side? They claim they left on March 30. What is a fact is that the mayor of Booker
and Attali Fedoruk said in a video address on March 31, two days before these videos
were released and alleged war crimes atrocities in Booker, he said in a video address that
the town was liberated. The Russian soldiers had left. There were no Russian soldiers there
at all. He didn't mention any of these atrocities. If these atrocities had occurred and were
the responsibility of the Russian troops would left on March 30, why on March 31 is he not
mentioning these atrocities? The timeline seems to make very little sense. Let me have
this report out of summit.news. Ukrainian police said they conducted, quote, clearing
operation in Booker a day before the dead body videos emerged. This was a Facebook post
in which the Ukrainian police said, quote, today on 2nd of April in the liberated city
of Booker Kiev region again, basically hours before these atrocity videos were released.
Special units of the Ukrainian national police began clearing the area of saboteurs and accomplices
of Russian troops. Now what's interesting about that is that you get a battalion like
the as off battalion. They declare saboteurs and accomplices collaborators to be anyone
who basically doesn't do what they say. If you don't immediately join up with them and
support the neo-Nazi as off battalion, you are a Russian collaborator. You are subject
to whatever horrors that they're going to inflict on you. So the Ukrainian national
police posted on Facebook that they were involved in liberating, clearing the area and again
made no mention of these 410 dead bodies. Why is the mayor not talking about it? The
day before it happens basically, the day before the videos released at least after Russian
troops have left after they've quote, liberated the town. Why is he not talking about it?
And why is this Ukrainian national police force talking about clearing the area and again
not mentioning these dead bodies, hogtied and shot execution style? And again, not these
questions aren't being asked by MSNBC, CBS, they're just wholesale coming out and saying,
this is it. We've been waiting all along for the mass casualty war crime atrocity. Oh
no, how convenient, we've found it. Finally, now maybe we can get that no fly zone and
that nuclear armageddon that the world really needs. A piece. So we have that explained
in that article. Then we had a bizarre thing happen on Fox News a few nights ago. Headline
out of information liberation.com. They are what they are. They were defending our country.
Zelensky brushes off reports of as off battalion committing atrocities. He basically just
says, well, they may have done some bad things in the past, but then we absorbed them into
the Ukrainian military. And it was absolutely fine. Bear in mind, these battalion fighters
are responsible for those people being again tied up to lamp posts in many Ukrainian cities.
These are Ukrainian civilians for allegedly being Russian collaborators. They've been blamed
for a number of other atrocities. I've now Zelensky is on Fox News saying, well, so what
there are guys, they're the good Nazis. When Fox News is Brett Bear asked President Zelensky
on Friday about reports of as off battalion committing atrocities, Zelensky appeared to
brush them off by saying they are what they are. They were defending our country. And in
fact, we have that clip. It is clip four Zelensky on Fox News. Here it is. I want to have have
you clear something up for us. And this is these reports about the as off battalion that
is said to be Nazi affiliated organization operating as a militia in your country said
to be committing their own atrocities. What should Americans know about that unit about
those reports? So as off was one of those many battalions. They are what they are. They were
defending our country. And later I want to explain to you everything from all the components
of those volunteer battalions later were incorporated into the the military of Ukraine. Those as
off fighters are no longer self established group. They are component of the Ukrainian
military back in 2014. There were situations when our volunteers were encircled. And some
of them did violate laws laws of Ukraine. And they actually were taken to court and
got prison sentences. So law is above all. If one. As emails Miles Chong points out
on Twitter, they were given prison sentences, but sentences, but then they were later overturned
and then absorbed into the Ukrainian military. The interesting thing about that Fox News
clip where he's basically brushing off the question of as off battalion committing atrocities
is that that was taken from the live Fox News broadcast when Fox News uploaded this interview
to both YouTube and Fox News.com. The question and the answer about atrocities being committed
by as off battalion was cut out completely by Fox News. Interesting, isn't it? Meanwhile,
Breitbart reports satellite photos show mass grave in Ukraine. Russia denies involvement.
Yet another claim of a war crime and atrocity. Space imaging company Maxar Technologies published
satellite images over the weekend that appear to show earthworks of a mass grave in the
lake of the withdrawing Russian army at Bukha, Ukraine. So not only do they have the atrocities,
the dead bodies on the street, they have a mass grave too. Reuters report on Sunday,
its journalist on the ground in Bukha had witnessed a mass grave at a church, but could
not confirm it if it was the same site that Maxar satellites pictured. And again, nobody's
denying that there were hundreds of bodies littering the streets of Bukha. I mean, some
people throw up videos and say, oh, that their arms were still moving or whatever. Haven't
seen that. I'm not denying the fact that these atrocities happened. The question is, who
is responsible? The mainstream media has already made up its mind because it's perfect convenient
propaganda to heighten the tensions, to escalate the isolation of Russia and the war and get
the no-fly zone. We'll be back. Don't go away.
We are only offering three coins in the series. The first coin was released in December of
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
So we have the claims and counterclaims of atrocity booker reports of mass graves. Of
course I flashed back to this. I talked about it at the start of the show. We had exactly
the same claims during and after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 to 2004. Does that mean that
there isn't a mass grave in booker? Does that mean that the Russians didn't slaughter
400 people execution style leave them on the streets? No. But it means you have to analyze
claims which are clearly motivated by Ukraine's desire to see more military involvement by
NATO powers and no fly zone and an escalation of the war. You can't just let it slip by
completely unchallenged. We're supposed to have a media for a reason. They're supposed
to ask those questions. Of course, as you've seen from Biden's press conferences, they
do the exact opposite. It was like during the COVID press briefings, both in the United
States and in the United Kingdom, where they never questioned whether lockdown was the right
method to take despite the fact that we now in the aftermath of it all have huge studies.
The John Hopkins study and others proving that it was the completely wrong decision
to take that they were on the wrong side of history. It caused more harm than it did good
locking down healthy people and failing to go for herd immunity. As we now see in China,
with that blowing up in their faces, the journalists were supposed to be there to say, why are
you locking down? How can you justify this massive impingement on human freedoms in generations?
They did the exact opposite. They said, why aren't you locking down harder? Why don't you
weld us inside our homes like they're doing China? And they're doing the exact same thing
once again, because there is no truly impartial media left anymore. The fact checkers as well,
the Ministry of Truth, only fact check one side of the equation, the innumerable hoaxes
and staged events that have admittedly occurred during this war, Snake Island, the ghost of
Kiev, the mobile crematoriums that weren't there, the so-called attack on the Holocaust
Memorial in Kiev that didn't happen, Jewish Israeli journalists literally went there the
day after and said it was completely unscathed. Zero fact checks on any of that from any of
the Ministry of Truth fact checkers. And again, there'll be zero inquiry into this. But I flash
back again to the Iraq war again, not saying there isn't a mass grave, not saying that
both sides are committing atrocities. I'm saying you have to ask basic questions when
there's such a devastatingly risky motive involved.
PM admits graves claim untrue. This is a headline from the observer from July 2004. Downing
Street, the British government has admitted to the observer that repeated claims by Tony
Blair that 400,000 bodies have been found in Iraqi mass graves is untrue, and only about
5,000 corpses have been uncovered. Same thing with the 45 minute warning that Blair came
out with before the invasion, saying that Saddam Hussein could attack the United Kingdom
with WMD within 45 minutes. Again, completely made up nonsense. All that came out after
when the first casualty of war is truth, you have to ask basic questions. Pedro Gonzales
tweets. Zelensky lied about Snake Island. No one died. Lied about terrorism at Chernobyl.
Lied about Baba Yar, which is the Holocaust memorial attack confirmed by Israeli journalist
on site. His book, a comment should make us more skeptical of Ukraine's claims. Of course,
we flash back to the Ghouta chemical attack in Syria, alleged attack carried out by Bashar
al-Assad back in August 2013. Used again to increase the drumbeat for war, very nearly
almost justified or greased the skids for US military boots on the ground in Syria. Turns
out it wasn't carried out by Bashar al-Assad's forces. It was carried out by the Western
backed jihadist rebels. Report by MIT found that it was impossible for Assad to have carried
out that attack, but that report only merged the year after.
So these claims have to be investigated, and many times they turn out to be fake. The narrative
is entirely wrong, but be back. Don't go away.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series, the 1776 Anti-Tyrant
Coin, and it sold out in 10 days. And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original,
powerful coin, a founding member coin, we would not be on air today. Now, the second
coin, the Liberty Tree Coin, is being offered, and it will probably sell out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to be under operation. It is so historic, and it has a quote from
Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty being refreshed with the blood of Patriots
and Tyrants and more.
We are back, and we're going to continue to talk about these alleged atrocities because
you will get no inquiry, skepticism, or nuance from the mainstream legacy media whatsoever.
They've simply seized upon them and said, finally, we have a justification for a no-fly
zone for an escalation. For, as one MSNBC guest called for, as we played the clip in
the last segment, American boots on the ground in Ukraine because that's gone so well before
in the past 60 years, hasn't it? So, again, we're doing the job that the mainstream media
refuses to do. We're not saying that atrocities aren't happening. We're not saying there isn't
a mass graving booker. We're saying, basically, we need to get some independent verification
and try to deduce exactly what happened and who is responsible. To do that, I'm going
to be joined by my guest now, who is Michael Dullabrock. He has an excellent Telegram channel
which everyone needs to follow for in-depth, intense updates on the ground situation in
Ukraine. It is Wuhanka Watch. You can search for that, or you can just search for Michael
Dullabrock on Telegram and follow that channel for the very latest. Michael, welcome to the
show. Hi, Paul. Just check, I'm coming for you, okay? Yep. Yep, loud and clear. Now,
I want to ask you about this alleged atrocity. They say 410 dead bodies found, hands tied
behind their backs, short execution style. There's been absolutely no challenge to this
narrative from the mainstream media. They said they were handed the video, it was by
Zelensky's government. There were reports that they were filmed by Ukrainian troops.
Again, we have reports that the mayor in that town came out two days before these videos
emerged and said the town was liberated. All the Russians have left. He made no mention
of these atrocities. Again, not to say that they didn't happen, but we have to analyze
the timeline here. Moscow has obviously come out and said that it was staged by the Ukrainians.
They say that about everything. From what you've seen, from the sources that you follow
there on the ground, what's the best guess as to what actually happened there and who
was responsible? Yeah, so to sort of round off what appears to have happened in the Bukha
area and in the Hostelman area is obviously the allegation from the Western media propping
up from the Ukrainian government sources is that the Russians have essentially engaged
in a mass murder, a massacre of the local civilian population. I am a bit skeptical
of that on a number of grounds because just looking at some of the footage that have emerged
of the alleged events is that it looks to be separate incidents. Some of the bodies
from what I can see in some of the footage seems to have been there for at least a couple
of weeks. Some of them appear to be fairly fresh, which is what is the main thing propping
up the allegations that the Russians are alleged to have just killed everyone as they left
the town. And then there is this quote unquote mass grave. So the Bukha massacre as such,
it's packaged as a singular event, but it doesn't actually appear to have been that.
It seems to have been different incidents. In terms of the timeline, I had a look through
the various footage for people who aren't aware who aren't in my telegram group. I shared
footage from the sources from Ukrainian and Russian sources as it emerges onto the telegram
so people can follow in real time. And I had a look at the timeline from whenever it appeared
that the Russian army was starting to withdraw from the northeast of Kiev. So from what I
could gather from looking back on it, it appears most Russian forces, if not all of them had
left around about the 30th of March. There was then some civilian drone footage of Hostelmal
Airport, which is actually north of Bukha. The the airport for people who aren't aware
Hostelmal Airport, that was the base area of Russian offensive operations in the northeast
of Kiev. So this drone footage that emerged that appears to have been taken around about
the 30th potentially the 31st. It showed the airport was completely abandoned. It was probably
not the best turn of phrase, but it was dead for lack of a better term. So the Russians
had vacated the area around that date. Around the first, there was some footage that emerged
30 miles north of some fighting in the town called Ivankov, which appears to have been
the rear echelons of the Russian army leaving. But then there appears to have been a bit
of a lull. It was around about the second of April is whenever the first significant
amounts of footage started to emerge of Ukrainian soldiers in the Bukha and in the Hostelmal
area. And I did a sort of a deep dive through my telegram and through some of the sources
in there was one instance where they reported on civilian casualties, but they didn't make
a strong claim one other way. So given some of the footage that has emerged yesterday,
because yesterday is whenever the these claims, the massacre claims emerged in in large numbers,
it would be strange. And it is puzzling to me that Ukrainian soldiers didn't come across
bodies lying in the street. In some of the footage that they are purporting that that
illustrates or displays that this massacre had occurred. So there appears to be around
about a three four day period between when the Russians had left the area. The area was
and then officially Ukrainian troops had entered. So though in that short space of
days, there was there doesn't appear to have been anyone actually any forces on either
side officially within Hostelmal or in the Bukha area. So there is a possibility that
maybe some some Ukrainian troops, maybe this false flag narrative, maybe that's where that
that could have emerged. Because as I was elucidating a bit earlier on, the Bukha massacre,
quote unquote, is not a singular event. It is separate events. One thing that is puzzling
to me is that some of the dead that have appeared in some of the videos are actually wearing
a white ribbon on their arm, which would be very strange if the Russians had shot these
people because for people who aren't aware, white ribbons on the arms of Russian soldiers,
especially in the northern fronts, that is, that is the identification mark for Russian
troops. So if there are civilians wearing white ribbons, that is curious. Could these
have potentially have been more pro Russian civilians, quote unquote collaborators, who
might have been left behind by the Russian pullout because the Russian pullout appeared
to have been quite chaotic and quite sudden. And then maybe some Ukrainian forces or national
battalion moved into the area, came across these civilians and essentially dealt with
them in the summer. And just there and then that that could be something that needs to
be investigated. But as you were saying earlier on in the show, is all the footage that we
are largely getting is footage that is approved by the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian
army. It is footage that is filmed and edited by Western media, or it is supplied by the
Ukrainian army. And as we both know, they aren't exactly the most unbiased sources.
That is not to say that Russian troops haven't engaged in potentially some criminality or
horrific events. I am minded to believe in some instances, particularly in some of these
apparent executions in basements, that because of the age of the bodies, that those were
more likely to potentially have been some incidents of Russians engaging in that. But
in terms of the most popularly popularized footage of the event, there is a number of
questions that need to be asked. And the big thing to me that sort of raises a lot of
questions is discrepancy and time. What happened in those three or four days between the Russian
pullout and Ukrainian forces officially went in in force? And why are these civilians seemingly
wearing white armbands, which is quite identifiable as an identification mark for the Russian
army and potentially pro-Russian civilians?
Yeah, it's interesting. You mentioned that this could have been a longer drawn out situation
where you have obviously a lot of people killed due to the fighting in that area. We did have
a report about mass graves. So this was March 10. Alex Salvy on Twitter says the first signs
of the excavation were seen on March 10. More recent coverage on March 31 shows the gravesite
with an approximately 45 foot long trench. So if this is true, they had mass graves on
March 10. So they already had a great volume of dead bodies to have to create mass graves
on March 10. So then presumably there would be enough bodies killed by whichever side
to then lay out on the street and claim that a new Shreberik had occurred, a new massacre
to then blame it on the Russians. It seems entirely possible, given what we've seen regarding
all these other staged incidents in the past. But we're going to come back on the other
side and talk about it more with Michael Duller-Brock. He is on Telegram. Go look him up. We'll
be back on the other side. Summit.org. News, guys.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones, broadcasting
internationally from the Summit.News headquarters in the United Kingdom, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live and we are talking with Michael de la Broque on Telegram, go and follow his
channel following on the source material footage from both sides of the war, Ukraine and Russian
to try and get to the bottom of what is actually happening.
This is not a Daily Mail front page where it's basically just 100% propaganda all the
It's not RT, it's not Sputnik.
It's trying to ascertain the truth as gleaned from sources right there on the ground.
We're talking about the alleged massacre in Bukha, which the war party, the journalists
are lobbying for an old fly zone for American boots on the ground.
They're comparing it to the Shrebrinitsa massacre of 1995.
And they're asking absolutely zero hard hitting questions about it whatsoever.
There's good being handed footage by Ukrainian government and saying, here it is.
This happened.
This is horrific.
We need war.
But it's interesting, Michael, that the Ukrainian national police posted on Facebook on 2nd
of April, hours before these videos emerged, quote, today on 2nd of April in the liberated
city of Bukha, special units of the Ukrainian national police began clearing the area of
saboteurs and accomplices of Russian troops.
Were those saboteurs later the dead bodies that ended up on camera?
We also have claims by Russians with attitude on Twitter, which is obviously pro Russian
bias, but they say the as off battalion was in that area.
I know you said to me before it doesn't operate in that area.
But we had an alleged video from an as off battalion member saying the boatsman boys
in Bukha.
And he says at the six second mark, you can clearly hear the dialogue.
There are guys without blue armbands.
Can I shoot them F. Yeah.
And you mentioned that before where numbers of the victims were wearing white armbands,
which would normally denote that they were either pro Russian saboteurs as the Ukrainians
would call them or Russian troops.
So is there any evidence that as off battalion was involved in this massacre?
Not that I have seen so far, but that's not to rule out the possibility of it.
Just to clarify, I am aware I've been made aware that there does appear to be a small
unit of as off battalion fighters operating in the Kiev area.
But in general, as off is most of its fighters are deployed in Karkov or they're currently
in the process of being destroyed in Mariupol.
So that was where there was a bit of a contention with myself earlier on.
But there are nationalist battalions, sort of other battalions, National Guard like
battalions in the Ukrainian armed forces like as off that have been operating extensively
within the Kiev battle zone.
So the Adair battalion, I'm aware that they potentially more to the east of Kiev, but
they've also been operating to the northwest in the Bukha, the Irpin battlefront as well
over the past month.
So the problem is, you cannot really ascertain this stuff unless these people film it at
this stage, until there is a independent forensic investigation of the bodies and of the scene,
unless these people are idiotic enough and in some cases the off battalion in particular
has been rather foolish enough to film themselves engaging in various atrocities and war crimes
on their own.
It is it is hard to properly ascertain who could have committed these offenses.
So if you would indulge me just for a second, just as I go back to something you said just
before the break, you mentioned war crimes, mass graves, and if I could just quickly touch
on that because mass graves is obviously quite an emotive term that's being thrown around
a lot.
But the one thing to sort of understand, although each of the bodies will have to be examined
that comes out of that grave is that whenever the Russians moved into the area at the start
of the war is it was a very chaotic and very the fighting was very heavy in the area.
So that would assume that there was probably potentially a fair number of civilian casualties
as well as Ukrainian casualties and Russian casualties themselves.
Obviously the Russians will be more minded to take their dead back home to via Belarus
and to Russia.
But in terms of the local civilians who were killed in this fighting, because of the very
nature of a battlefield, it is not the most hygienic thing to leave bodies just lying
out in the open over weeks and potentially a month because that spreads disease amongst
local troops.
So one explanation, I'm not saying it is the explanation, but one hypothesis behind this
mass grave and the date, as you said, it apparently appeared around the 10th of March.
That's whenever the Russians would have established themselves within the area, very well a lot
of those bodies could actually have turned out to have been civilians that were killed
in the fighting within the area, and then the Russians themselves moved them for hygienic
purposes into that mass grave.
But just also just to quickly touch it as it appeared on the screen, that unfortunate
gentleman who's in that sewer grade from my understanding, this is one instance where
it does actually appear very strongly that the Russians did potentially kill that individual
and his family, because from my understanding from the footage I've seen, that man was
the husband of the mayor of a small village to the east of Hostimal called Mushun, and
the female mayor and her family were reported to have essentially been detained by Russian
soldiers earlier in March, and obviously their bodies have now appeared in various places
across the area.
So in that case, that is one case where it does appear that it's more likely than not
that maybe the Russians were behind that, but it is obviously it's not conclusive without
a proper forensic investigation, and the wider scale of the death that's occurred in the
area, I would struggle to make a conclusive decision one way or the other at the moment,
and I think without, again, an independent forensic investigation, I think it's very
dangerous for Western press to just assume a certain narrative whenever a lot of the
facts of that narrative are only coming from one side.
Okay, I just want to touch again on Azog Battalion, because we have this headline out
of CNN, a far right battalion has a key role in Ukraine's resistance, it's neo-Nazi history
has been exploited by Putin, we see the New York Times removing the neo-Nazi label and
simply calling them far right now, of course Zelensky himself admitted that much of the
Azog Battalion was absorbed into the Ukrainian military, and his comments were cut out by
Fox News.
Have you seen evidence from your sources that you're following there on the ground of Azog
committing these kind of atrocities that are going unreported by the mainstream media
in the West?
Yes, extensively, particularly in the Mariupol area.
Whereas in bizarrely kind of a similar fashion, but in reverse of what's happened in Bukha,
is various Donetsk, the Donetsk People's Republic as their army, and as the Chechens
and the Russians have advanced into Mariupol, there have been a fairly large number of instances
where they have actually come across, for lack of a better term, just essentially brutalised
and murdered civilians.
There was a case of a woman, the body of an unfortunate woman who appeared to have had
a swastika burned into her chest.
Her body was found by Russian soldiers in an Isolv sort of forward operating base that
was in the bottom of, in the cellar of a school or supermarket.
There is also cases of civilians that had their hands and their legs binded by cord,
and they'd been essentially summarily executed.
I don't know if you're looking to get into this in maybe another segment, but the Isolv
appears to have been involved in some quite visceral and horrific footage of the torture
and potential murder of Russian prisoners in the Karkov area as well.
We'll get into that on the other side, Michael.
Stay right there.
One more segment.
So, don't use, don't go away.
We'll do that.
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Leading of frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from London, England, it's Paul Joseph Watson with Summit Dot News.
We're live, we're talking to Michael de la Brot of the Bohanka Telegram channel.
Go and subscribe to that Telegram channel right now for live breaking footage and analysis
from on the ground sources, both pro-Ukrainian and pro-Russian on the ground there in Ukraine.
We were talking before the break about atrocities, the as-off battalion, claims of people being
taped to trees, Russian saboteurs.
And you were just getting into it there, Michael, a couple of weeks ago, and I believe
it was, we had these, and in fact last weekend it was, we had these horrific videos of what
appeared to be Russian prisoners of war being unloaded from wagons by Ukrainians, shot in
the leg, shot in the knee, abused, left to die in agony.
We also had the footage which was posted to Twitter of Ukrainian soldiers filming themselves
calling up the mothers of dead Russian soldiers and mocking them, that was very nice.
Were these culprits that apparently carried out this war crime atrocity against these
prisoners of war ever captured?
I know there was a claim that they were captured by Russian special forces, but then that subsequently
turned out apparently to not be true.
What happened during that incident, which barely got any mainstream media attention,
and is there any update as to whether the perpetrators have been caught?
Yeah, so just in preparation for this, I actually had to look back and try to find some footage
of some of the incidents and they appear to have been completely scrubbed from telegram
as far as I can tell, which is interesting to know.
But for people who haven't seen it, and if you are minded to go and look it out by after
caution you, it is very graphic footage, but in the hours before the actual video itself
dropped, there was footage of essentially Russian soldiers had been stripped effectively
naked or down to their boxers or underwear, as they had surrendered to some of the patches
that you could definitely see in some of this footage were Azov fighters, and this was in
the Karkov area.
So at this time as well, this was a week ago, you are talking round about freezing temperature.
That was disturbing in and of itself, and then a day later quite visceral footage emerged
of Russian prisoners of war lying down on the ground in rows, obviously bleeding from
their knees or from their arms, and then the footage pans to a recently arrived van, and
the troops are identifiably Ukrainian, they are wearing Ukrainian marks, they identify
themselves as Ukrainian, they look Ukrainian, the prisoners look Russian, and as free Russian
prisoners get out of this van, essentially Ukrainian soldier comes up to them, basically
shoots the arm off of one of the Russian prisoners, and then blows the kneecap off
of the other two, and then that was followed up with another short clip shortly after it,
where the Russian soldier who had his arm effectively amputated, there was a Ukrainian
effectively standing over him, filming him on his phone, and there was no evidence at
all in any of the footage that any medical provision was provided to any of these soldiers,
so I don't think I need to say that there are major arteries in the legs and in the
arms, and if these soldiers weren't, if a tourniquet wasn't applied, or proper medical
provision was given to these prisoners, it is very likely that many of them probably
perished as a result of it, and then added on top of this, perhaps the most graphic footage
that I've seen, is there was an alleged Russian prisoner, the footage was within a stairwell,
where a Ukrainian soldier, or Ukrainian territorial defence, because there is a difference between
the Ukrainian army that is of battalion and territorial defence, but I think this particular
individual was territorial defence, the Russian soldier appears to have had one of his fingers
physically cut off, and then the footage does show it, and the screaming is quite horrific,
this Ukrainian soldier then proceeds to murder this Russian prisoner by thrusting a knife
into his eye, and then that particular Russian soldier, there was then footage emerged later
where effectively his body had been burned, but you could still identify from the facial
features who it was, so just to quickly address your comments about if these people were actually
apprehended, I believe the Russians, some Russian sources did claim that they did apprehend
them, but it did turn out in hindsight that they did not, some of the alleged perpetrators
who engaged in these acts actually ended up live streaming themselves and mocking the
Russians from a live stream in the Karkov area, but as you touched on instances where
Ukrainians have actually physically called the families back in Russia to mock Russian
dead, I will not go too far into that because actually it gets very dark some of the footage
I have seen and some of the instances of it, but some of the Ukrainian soldiers again largely
as off battalion from the examples that I have seen, they themselves have actually fallen
into Russian captivity, and the Russians knew and know who these people are, if you don't
want to be doxxed, essentially do not anger Russian Telegram users because they seem to
be absolute experts of being able to identify and geolocate people, and they have made their
personal mission to identify the Ukrainians who are engaged in this, and like I say some
of these people have since fallen into Russian captivity, and the Russians haven't executed
them, and it does look like some of them might have been slapped around the face, but the
Russians did make a note in the captions that I have seen to film them and say we know who
you are and you will essentially be put on trial for what you have engaged in, and obviously
we will have to see what comes of that for the public and legal record.
Yeah, and I mean the point is, you know, people will say oh they are just Russian invaders,
they deserve everything they get, well now we have like Geneva Convention for a reason,
we have war crimes denunciations for a reason, even Zelensky himself came out I think a couple
of days after that video emerged and said please don't commit war crimes by the way,
so if the Russians were doing that to Ukrainians, if they just unload them from trucks, shoot
their arms off, shoot them in the knee, watch them bleed to death in agony, that would be
a global outrage, that would be an atrocity, that would be a Putin sponsored war crime,
it would be sustained wall to wall media coverage 24 seven, this one I didn't see any, maybe
they came out after but at the time I didn't see any mainstream media coverage of it whatsoever,
I didn't see the fact checkers trying to get involved, I didn't see anything, but we got
a couple of minutes left, I just want to get into the overall wider perspective, of course
we were told in the west oh Russia expected to mop up all these major cities in days,
they expected it to be over in a couple of weeks, I never really believed that at the
time but did Russia really expect it to be a kind of blitzkrieg or were they always you
know prepared to dig in for a protracted war?
And what I've seen from the way the Russians conducted themselves, the way they initiated
the advance, the way they employed conscripts in the start, I in the way the VDV, the Russian
paratroopers conducted and landed on hostile airfield, I again I'm not in the Kremlin,
I'm not in Russian command bunkers, so I don't know what they themselves are saying,
I am minded to believe that the Russians did think if they could take Kiev via hostile
and via Chernobyl from Belarus in the space of maybe about four or five days, that could
have potentially caused crippled the Ukrainian army, crippled the Ukrainian state, caused
so much confusion, over the next two or three weeks as the Russian army advances across
Ukraine it would deal piecemeal with scattered and confused Ukrainian resistance, that is
kind of where I personally am in thinking about the start of the invasion, but obviously
the war hasn't developed in that scale so I think it's probably more a failure of Russian
initial intelligence, battlefield intelligence at the start of the war, but as we can see
with the pull-out from the north of Kiev, from Chernigov and assuming the area and redeploying
to the Donbas, the Russians are very much in the mindset that this will be a protracted
and prolonged war and they're setting up for that.
Okay, Michael, I'll tell you what, I just got one more question then I want you to plug
your telegram channel, so we'll come back on the other side and do three or four more
minutes with Michael Dilla Brock of The Hanukkah Watch and then I'll get into some COVID news
on the other side, summit.news, don't go away.
I want to thank folks that got part one in the three-part Founder Series at 1776coin.com
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You're listening to the Summit.News Radio Hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
You're live and I'm not going to get a chance to go fall into this COVID news, but basically
China has pursued an utterly disastrous zero COVID policy.
They've got zero herd immunity in their entire population.
They've had more COVID cases in Shanghai over the past two weeks or four weeks than the entire
previous two years of the whole pandemic.
Now they've sent the Army into Shanghai to separate parents from their children in quarantine
They're having to COVID test 26 million people in Shanghai, again, because they went for zero
COVID and not herd immunity, which is why they're getting all these cases in comparison
to relatively few in the previous two years.
An utter warning from China as to how to not deal with a pandemic and they're going to
continue paying the price for many months or even years to come.
We also have mask wearing has left a generation of toddlers struggling with speech and social
I talked about the speech therapists in America seeing, quote, a 364% increase in patient
referrals of babies and toddlers who basically can't talk.
They're not learning speech skills, social skills, and now this report finds that because
adults have been wearing face masks on and off for the past two years, children are being
having struggles identifying speech patterns.
Their cognitive development has been completely stunted.
They can't put their own coats on according to this report.
In some cases toddlers are struggling with crawling using the toilet independently and
making friends.
All these symptoms are increasing and the speech struggles are increasing.
They can't learn to talk partly because of lockdown restrictions which prevented them
socializing with other kids and partly because adults have been virtue signaling with their
face nappies for the past two years and it's stunted the cognitive development of children.
But keep professing how you're the good people on Twitter.
I'm sure you can continue to do so while living in complete arrogance or ignorance of the
complete fact that you are responsible for these kids having all these problems which
are only set to get worse.
Also the people who lobbied for school lockdowns are solar responsible for this and yet they
continue to put the mask emoticon in their little Twitter bio alongside the Ukrainian
flag and claim that they're the good guys and they were on the right side of history.
Now you weren't, you were on the wrong side of history.
Now I'm talking to Michael Delobrott.
We got a few minutes left Michael before I hand back to Owen.
I want you to plug your telegram channel at the end but final question just in the last
few minutes here.
What do you see at the most likely outcome of the war?
Of course we've got negotiations ongoing virtually every day at this point don't seem to come
to any conclusion.
Do you see some kind of halfway house peace deal or do you see Russia eventually being
forced to retreat entirely with their tails between their legs?
Where do you see it going and then finally tell people how they can find you on telegram?
Yeah, no problem.
So just it's hard to predict the future but in general I expected this war in some form
or another will result in a Russian military victory of sorts and that will then force
Zelensky and the Ukrainian government to exceed to most if not all of the major Russian demands.
I just off the bat and it's more of a guesstimate but I'm expecting we're probably looking at
a six to nine month war.
It's currently mud season in Ukraine that's going to slow down any offensive operations
by the Russians.
The Russians have pulled out of the Kiev and insuring the Gulf area.
I think this is part of a wider strategy to focus on the Donbass to advance up from the
south of Karkov and hollow out Ukraine to the east of the Napa and it's below the Ukrainian
army has done very well and equipped itself very well against the Russians so far.
The terrain that the Russians are currently going to be launching their main offensive
through is kind of the terrain that the Russians do the best at.
So unless something drastically changes I do think we will probably eventually see a
Russian victory of sorts and the longer it goes on for in the Russians field they have
had to pay more in blood and toil to achieve that victory.
I expect potentially the Russian demands of Ukraine might increase so obviously we don't
have the time to really go in depth here but the Russians do appear to have long term ambitions
in Kherson and Zaporizhia in the south of Ukraine and potentially also Odessa as well.
So if the Russians feel that they've paid a large enough price I wouldn't be surprised
if they feel that those parts of Ukraine those Ukrainian oblasts might need to become quasi
independent republics like Lugansk and the Donetsk area.
Okay and just finally tell people how they can find your channel on Telegram.
Yeah no problem so if people in fact if you just google my name it might just come up but
if you go on to Telegram if you look up Michael Der Labrock that yeah it's kind of a French
name D-E-L-A-B-R-O-C it should be one of the top results if not the only result the
comes up there.
So it's Michael Der Labrock behind the watch if people are interested essentially what
I do is I look through various Russian and Ukrainian sources on Telegram because obviously
Telegram is very popular in both countries.
Look at the footage that comes out the various reports that come out I try to make an assessment
of it post it for people to look at themselves so you don't just have to follow me I direct
you to the exact Russian and Ukrainian source that the footage comes from and every now
and again I'll try and give a bit of context and how it fits into the wider picture of
what's actually happening in Ukraine with who with what when where and how.
Okay it's a great resource Michael of course as you know I follow it we'll definitely have
you back on the show we're going to leave it there with Michael because Owen is now
set to take over the rest of the show that's it for my segment here is back in the studio
Owen Shroyer Owen take it away.
Thank you Paul and I didn't coordinate with Paul but what he was talking about early on
in this segment goes along with what I wanted to leave my portion of the transmission with
today and we'll pick it back up tomorrow and that's discussing the torment and the torture
that the children have had to go through in the last couple years dealing with the covid
nonsense and protocols and this story was in the New Yorker today headline the mystifying
rise of child suicide the mystifying rise of child suicide well it's really not a mystery
actually no sadly it's not a mystery at all and if you do a psychological evaluation of
suicide or suicide victims will say what is the cause what is what drives people to suicide
and it's a very common thread sometimes it may have to do with family issue or a financial
issue or personal issue but every time it's a future it's a thing of the future where
they feel there is no future the future is bleak for whatever reason so they just decide
I don't want to go into the future I'm going to kill myself now so that brings us back
the mystifying rise of child suicide folks it's not a mystery sadly children are seeing
that the future is bleak and it's not a mystery where this is coming from and it's the cultural
left it's the political left that's not up for debate and and you can look at the numbers
of suicide rates amongst transgender individuals and say oh look they're pushing them to beat
transgender they're pushing them to suicide oh look how the left is destroying America's
culture destroying America's economy just just destroying the future for us so people
are killing themselves they see all the nonsense they see all the madness and they think huh
there's no future here I'm just going to kill myself very sad state of affairs but let's
be clear there is no mystery I'm not doing this isn't a partisan politics diatribe here
it's just the fact the left is destroying the future culturally and politically and
it's causing a rise of suicide and when you look at it in children who is it that is currently
targeting the children for destruction with their sexual agenda and their covert agenda
it's the left so it's not a mystifying rise of suicide we know exactly what's causing
this just like what's causing most the other problems now we'll come back to that tomorrow
ladies and gentlemen we're going to hand it over to Gerald Salente I will be hosting tomorrow
but let me just say this it's um I don't say this oh woe is me I'm just telling it like
it is I'm supposed to be on vacation right now I'm here in studio going to be here hosting
tomorrow not complaining I'm very honored to be here I'm blessed to be in this position
my point is I want to do this tomorrow the next day the next week the next month the
next year I want info wars to be here but we need your support at info wars store.com
in order for that to remain possible so you see Alex Jones skips vacation works on vacation
now it's the same thing with me we can't take a break I'm dealing with lawyers all day I'm
dealing with the feds all day I'm getting harassed by the government all day that's
just what we do here now we've got about 2000 left this is the best way to support us right
now we've got about 2000 left I'm a big fan of collectibles I like nostalgia this covers
both of those grounds we've got about 2000 left of the latest edition of the info wars
founding member coin 2000 left the tree of liberty coin about 2000 left of this once
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your collectible coin not to mention all the great health supplements all the t-shirts
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a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776 you're listening to the alex jones show with gerald salente.
Hey great people on the alex jones show and everyone listening please do all you can to
support info wars we're in critical times you know when the covid war came out anything
you said that was contrary to quote the official word out there you were blacklisted a black
bald couldn't say that they'll call me racist you know take it easy but seriously you see
what's going on if you come out anything that is against the narrative of the warhawks
and the hate rusher campaign book you're censored and again to make this 100% totally
clear I am totally opposed to the Russian invasion of Ukraine I perfectly understand
why it happened again we write the magazine the trends journal you go back to our 2014
issues and we're writing all about the American overthrow of the democratically elected government
of viktor Yanukovych in 2014 and how little hunter biden got all that dough yeah sniffing
and sucking his way in there to work for barisma energy along with the other arrogant
boy his daddy in law or stepdaddy in law stepdaddy john carry yeah stepson christopher hines
all working for barisma energy so I know all the background I know about the donbas region
and how over 15,000 people were killed there right about in detail how the deal made between
Gorbachev and bush senior beginning with Reagan before that that NATO wouldn't move
one inch further and it was 16 NATO countries and a slimy low life piece of criminal crap
murderous low life scum bill clinton did away with it and from 16 NATO countries and then
throw bush and obama expanded to 30 so I know about all that but the hypocrisy in the media
every day every day now what went on in that place where the Russians said they didn't
do it in the in the ukraines are blaming the russian about killing 443 people you're not
even close you're not even close to bush's war against the rock was only about what 820,000
you've got a long way to go you russians oh and fat mouth biden big mouth biden draft
dodger biden and other arrogant boy oh i'm a tough guy but i did everything i could to
beat the vietnam war draft oh there's little george bush another little daddy's boy with
a go home is the size of a mothball operation oh yeah rock yeah mission accomplished mission
accomplished by killing over 800,000 people but that never made the front page of the
western media day after day after day after day after day after day oh no oh you know
what they had embedded reporters that's right little prostitutes in bed in bed taking it
up to you know what by the military will tell you what to say tell you what to write about
this is america and that's why you have to support info wars because freedom of the press
is dead so when the wars broke out you're with the military you gotta write what we tell
you to write let me see what you wrote no can't do that can't do this the prostitute
media every day is selling russian hate without selling the other side and the other side
is coming quick we're not hearing about it you gotta support info wars you're only getting
one side of the story with info wars you're getting all sides and there are at least three
sides to every story so we're gonna take a break come back in a little bit and remember
do what you can to get those great products and info wars
all info wars apparel is being sold at cost until the inventory is gone and we're never
gonna print these t-shirts and ball caps and info wars flags again we may have t-shirts
and apparel in the future but I don't even know we are blowing out of everything to get
emergency funds in right now I'm firing the bat signal and asking you to get your t-shirts
at infowarstore.com right now they're at cost leading a frontal assault on the lives of
and now your host Gerald Salente hey great figure on the alex jones show and those silver
dollars man look you know me gcs 3g's guns gold in a getaway plan yep back in 1933 all
of a sudden fdr give me your gold you can't own gold anymore I tell the story what happened
when I called up the bank to cash in my certificates of deposit I didn't know if the planes they
said were going down the Hudson River and I didn't know if they're gonna hit indian
point power plant I know exactly where it is on the Hudson because if that's the if they
say the planes are coming down the Hudson River hit the world trade center if they hit
a nuclear power plant we're gonna have chaos like we never seen so I try to get my dough
I had my guns gold in a getaway plan I couldn't get my money they said mr. Salente certificates
of deposit are traded on wall street wall streets closed so I'm just telling you all
these products they have and info wars that you may need if the worst comes and the worst
is on the horizon it's coming they have taken us to world war three it's already begun the
first shots have been fired I was going back to what I was saying about Biden calling Putin
a war criminal yes and join the war criminal club join the Clinton was yeah Clinton who
got every time a little I can't use the word oh it rhymes with Dick Cheney well I gotta
be proper penis change so I won't say Dick Cheney oh by the way about the language stuff
you know I looked up who the top songs were in in in the Grammys my kind of tune all the
language coming from these women using the F word and the other word for crap that begins
with an S oh yeah write in the lyrics oh they could say them but hey Salento you a vulgar
when you call out some little effing you know what what hypocrisy what hypocrisy there he
is Peter's Cheney can't call him dick Cheney a little war manga so hey hey Biden hey BS
Biden put him on the war criminal list these are the slime balls and low lives that sold
us the Iraq war and my friend Phil Geraldi former top CIA guy quit the CIA because he
knew that the lies were coming in during that time before the war started he quit a top
position wonderful man and a lot of other guys they knew it they were lives so if you're
gonna call more criminals Ed Clinton Bush Obama and Biden there wasn't a war that that
draft dodger didn't love anybody that wants to go fight put on your military drag and
lead the charge I believe in a man named George Washington that these little boys couldn't
bow down to in his farewell address saying no foreign entanglements we are losing it
we're losing it big yeah mankind was put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind
JFK that's right as I said what Putin should have done is what Khrushchev did America put
missiles in Turkey aiming at Russia hey I'm gonna put missiles in Cuba aiming at the
United States alright alright we'll take him out of Cuba Turkey you take him out of Cuba
okay you got a deal is everybody happy that's all he had to do put missiles in Cuba because
that's all America now the words come out is a report that was reportedly in the Wall
Street Journal that the president or the chancellor I love these words Chancellor
President Prime Minister hey Frank oh no no don't call me Frank don't call me I'm the
chancellor anyway the chancellor I hate these words doctor doctor I can't call you by your
first name yep there he is little tough Biden anyway so the chancellor said to Zelensky
the comedian who became president of played president played a comedian who played the
comedian on TV that became the president Ukraine Zelensky would not agree to any of Russia's
demands which were very simple the Donbass region would be a separatist region wouldn't
break away but separatist here is it the Grammys isn't that great yeah I mean isn't talking
to talking to Congress isn't that wonderful yep little clown of nothing again it's one
show it's all it is it's TV show anyway they report that he wouldn't go agree with any
of the things that Russia wanted not to join NATO demilitarize and again people talk about
well Russia being in Crimea all right have a place called Guantanamo naval base in Cuba
it's okay for Americans to be there oh yeah we're only torturing people there illegally
you know just tortures and torture wonderful so it's okay for America to be in Guantanamo
but it's not okay for Russia to be in Crimea which they've only been there since I think
about 1735 with Catherine the Great took the joint over so maybe the Mexicans should they
want Texas back they want let's see how about Texas New Mexico Arizona and California yeah
get California out of here there's a freak show over there with that gruesome Gavin
over there new some little arrogant people it's a freak show so again no one's talking
about peace just a bunch of murderous pieces of crap talking about war again reports of
atrocities stir outrage front page of the Wall Street Journal how about all the reports
of atrocities of America's two Iraq wars Afghan war I forgot the Vietnam war oh what
about the Korean war hey how about another low life pieces scum garbage moronic imbecilic
you couldn't get more low life and little Truman yeah the clown that played president
after FDR died bombs away over Hiroshima and Nakasaki just when Japan's ready to sign
off at the end of the war yeah those atrocities are right hey they're American atrocities
I forgot Libya oh yeah the Nobel Peace a crap prize winner Barack Obama only if women were
in charge yeah Samantha power Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton pushing for that war oh and
then what's the name over there that just passed on Madeleine not all that bright yeah
when I come back I'm gonna tell you a story about when I was whipped I did a gig with
her quoted on 60 minutes Leslie Stahl that the price of 500,000 dead Iraqi children because
of Bill Clinton's murderous bombings and mandates she said when Leslie Stahl asked her is the
price of 500,000 Iraqi children dead under the age of five because of the sanctions that
Bill Clinton put on the country and the war efforts worth it she said yes it is may you
rotten hell fatcha brute where you belong we'll be right back so when I first started
taking survival skills basically I was 275 pounds I was overweight I had brain fog like
you wouldn't believe I was barely holding on to a job and I heard Dr. Group on your
show and I listened to it so the first one I got was the original survival shield the
X1 and it worked pretty good and then shortly thereafter you came out with F2 you had you
know with a deep version source you know and I got really excited about that so I took
it and man in two weeks I went from brain fog to like literally like my brain was enlightened
you know I could think again I could connect with people again and over the course of the
next couple of years I got my health back and I religiously take basically all of your
supplements they're they're all absolutely amazing supplements the one I like recently
is knockout it literally like if you want to sleep just take it it's amazing it works
but anyway so the point is we have to get ourselves clean that's a break free of the
globalist system and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hand
beautifully said brother I thank you so much for calling Godspeed
Ladies and gentlemen I need your help I need your help keeping info wars on the air and
strong I need your help making sure that our mission continues on I was born for this you
were born for this and people are really waking up right now but we had to build our own infrastructure
because of the censorship and de-platforming that cost tens of millions of dollars and
now with Bandot video getting close to 10 million views a day we're a platform for thousands
of independent journalists and groups to be able to post their content free of charge and
because it becomes so successful it's a catch 22 info wars and Bandot video have become
a mothership promoting the pro-human liberty movement worldwide but the expenses in bandwidth
alone are millions of dollars a quarter hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars a month
so the biggest sale in info wars history is going right now the mega emergency blowout
sale up to 75 off getting credible products and keep info wars as strong as ever April 2022
just kicked off and it's already been incredible claus schwaub bill gates joe bighton they along
with many other new world order operatives have gone on national television and announced that we
are now under a world government they have a summit taking place right now in dubai titled world
government summit and they are announcing incredible tyranny everything we've talked about
is now coming true and the globalists want to take us off air ladies and gentlemen we are running
the biggest sale in the history of info wars right now in our 28 years all info wars apparel is
being sold at cost until the inventory is gone and we're never going to print these t-shirts and
ball caps and info wars flags again we may have t-shirts and apparel in the future but i don't
even know we are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in right now i'm firing the bat
signal and asking you to get your t-shirts at info wars store dot com right now they're at cost
the newest product from info wars life is now available exclusively at info wars store dot com
it is concentrated known herbs and compounds that will supercharge your body's natural defenses
your immune system all the same time fun in the info war our immune systems have always been critical
but in this globalist era with all the criminal activity they're involved in it is more important
than ever to take the tools god gave us and supercharge our immune systems info wars life immune
support is a game changer and everyone out there that wants to be healthy and wants to boost your
natural defenses should get it today out of the gates is 25 percent off at info wars store dot
com that a lot of other great products to boost your immune system as well but this one is the
very strongest we've got so anybody out there that cares about their health and wants to take care
of themselves needs to get this product it's also a great gift for friends and family to boost their
immune systems as well get yours today at info wars store dot com for 25 percent off
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
you're listening to the alex jones show and now your host gerald solente
hey great being on the alex jones show no 1776 coins as i was saying before about what happened
on 9 11 when they closed down wall street all of a sudden what if we hear the russians attacked
our banking system we're locking down the banks to save your money yeah and then when you get it
back we're going to devalue it a lot as well yeah we'll do that trip too guns gold in a getaway plan
my gc my god gsb gold silver and bitcoin i don't give financial advice that's for me and you get
these coins that you have the 1776 coins they're enriching you in two ways they're enriching you
in the sense that you really have something worth value when things turn valueless and you're supporting
info wars and keeping truth alive because they're killing it from us so you want to get these
own one of these one of a kind ounce silver coins go to info wars and you get them at
info wars stores dot com so going back to what happened back then when i couldn't get my money
out i think the same thing's going to happen now they're going to say something happened with the
banking system and you don't get your money out as a matter of fact there was a story out where is
it over here um huh imf says russian sanctions threaten to reduce dominance of us dollar okay
so this is from the financial times so it's not like a conspiracy theorist although it comes from
the imf the uh is it the international monetary fund mafia federy i keep getting them mixed up
because they're banksters you know the us led western sanctions campaign against russia threaten
to chip away at the us dollars dominance as the world's reserve currency a top imf official told
the financial times read all about it of course in your trends journal
we've been saying this is going to go on so all i'm saying is that you might want to consider
having enough food and whatever you need to protect yourself and money in your hands and not in the
bank because this thing could change like that look what happened with the kovat war
who would have ever thought we lose our freedoms the way we did you can't make this crap up
little witless wit me over in michigan gutless arrogant gavin newson california
little boy andy qualmo in new york oh we're going to give him an end because he could be
yes so great and freak out the people hollywood yeah hollywood yeah yeah he asked us prove it
how low the country's gone give him an emmy give him a clown like that an emmy for robbing us of
our freedom i'm gonna tell you man the streets out here are dead they're dead
yeah look at him it's a freak show here we go our secretaries now he's vice president yeah
so the other day i went down to city taking a west side drive down going into the city
get off the 57th street that's where west side drive ends and i had to go up six blocks to
51st street and go east rush hour 9 15 last wednesday rush hour in new york city the west
side drive going north remember i'm coming in from the north i'm going south everybody leaving
after work it was not one car waiting for the light between 51st and 57th street in new york
city not one everywhere you look east side west side all around the town for rent for rent for
rent for rent for rent for rent for rent for rent the stupid moronic ignorant sanctions put on by
an arrogant guy that's been sucking off the public to his whole life never worked a day in it no his
name is joe biden only been doing it since he's 30 years old and we know what his boy who's done all
those got those great gigs because the daddy these guys don't work politicians don't work
they don't care they just get your money so what are they gonna do
yeah biden moronic biden puts these sanctions on russia barley prices weed prices yeah
one after another palladium oh oils back up i just do only about 107 dollars a barrel now
well gold went up today wonder why these sanctions the imf is telling you what it's
going to do to the dollar it's right in front of your eyes when they're coming out with it
it's not a conspiracy theory again you don't have to believe me even though we've been right
right most of the time jp morgan ceo jamie diamond who made 30 million dollars plus last year
says big risks loom for the u.s economy that's from cnbc today
the head of the nation's biggest bank or for the largely upbeat view of the economy's health
in his annual letter above our monday but he went on to say that mr diamond warned that the war in
ukraine could collide with rising inflation to slow the recovery and alter global alliances
for decades to come no kidding blow me away never would have known it if he didn't say it
it inflation was bad before the ukraine war it's made a bad situation worse and clown biden
even admitted that the sanctions don't work again did they work against cuba they work against
venezuela they work against the ron now only hurts the people and they're hurting us
this is not going to be inflation or stagflation rather where you have a stagnant economy
and rising inflation
it's going to be drag flation the economy is going to be dragged down and inflation is going up
but i'd better be careful saying about drag flation because uh info wars had a story up
there about the transgender assistant secretary of health rachel event so i got to be crowded
careful about drag flation a four star admiral and they got that wrong i think a rear admiral is
more appropriate you imagine his clown dressed up like this calling himself the health minister
the guy got more chins than china town and telling me about health that's how low it's gone
you better prepare and info wars has a lot of the products that you need there it is
it's a cartoon show it's america ladies and gentlemen info wars store.com is offering the biggest
sales in its over 20 year history and that is because the economy is breaking down inflation
is exploding the supply chains have broken down and info wars is having serious trouble making
its payroll and paying for operations and i do not want to implode or downsize in the face of
the globalist making their main move info wars its paradoxical is more popular than ever it
was reaching more people than ever despite the censorship but because of cost increasing and
having to run our own infrastructure pay for our own bandwidth everything else we are running out of
money so listen up to 75 percent off info wars store.com on things like amazing patriot t-shirts
that help spread the word and fund the operation on supplements on books on films everything is
25 to 75 percent off right now the biggest sell in our history at info wars store.com thank you for
your support introducing the newest product from info wars life.com we are so proud of info wars
life immune support it is concentrated herbs that are known on record to supercharge our bodies
natural defenses ladies and gentlemen this is something that is essential and everyone should
get and on top of it it funds the info war so that's a 360 win let me tell you what is in this
amazing product concentrated elderberry concentrated echinacea concentrated astragalus roots
angelica root loatium root and more this product is incredible info wars immune support
exclusively available at info wars store.com is funding the tip of the spear the info wars
operation it is a 360 win the only way you fail is by not taking action and getting this product
to boost your body's natural defenses and keep info wars on the air the globalists are hoping
you don't take action take action now info wars store.com april 2022 just kicked off
and it's already been incredible claus schwaab bill gates joe bighton they along with many other
new roller operatives have gone on national television and announced that we are now under
a world government they have a summit taking place right now in dubai titled world government summit
and they are announcing incredible tyranny everything we've talked about is now coming
true and the globalists want to take us off air ladies and gentlemen we are running the biggest
sale in the history of info wars right now in our 28 years all info wars apparel is being sold
at cost until the inventory is gone and we're never going to print these t-shirts and ballcaps
and info wars flags again we may have t-shirts and apparel in the future but i don't even know
we are blowing out of everything to get emergency funds in right now i'm firing the bat signal
and asking you to get your t-shirts at info wars store.com right now they're at cost in december
of 2021 info wars offered the first in a three-part series the 1776 anti-tyrant coin and it sold out
in 10 days and if it wasn't for listeners getting this original powerful coin a founding member coin
we would not be on air today now the second coin the liberty tree coin is being offered and it will
probably sell out in 10 days again it certainly needs to the thunder operation it is so historic and
it has a quote from thomas jefferson about the tree of liberty being refreshed with the blood
of patriots and tyrants and more see the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com it's also at info
wars store.com it's amazing there's only 10 000 of them and as a founding member if we're able to
stay on the air we're planning something very very special for everyone that helps us go to the next
level so get your new tree of liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com leading a frontal
assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones waging war on corruption it's gerald
salente you're listening to the alex jones show hey great to be on the alex jones show
you know current events form future trends tracking trends is the understanding of where we are
how we got here to see where we're going this is from today's wall street journal
the ceo pay increases heads for a new record isn't that great
isn't that great and what do we have over here one in five workers run out of money
before payday survey finds so on one end you got the ceo's getting richer and richer the big's
getting bigger and bigger and everybody else getting poorer and poorer and you could think
what the people call the republicans and the democrats that adults call a crime syndicate
and that's all it is i mentioned jp morgan chase right let's go back to where they saw it
the head of the nation's biggest bank the peanut farmer the peanut farmer
probably would cojone smaller than a peanut oh yeah the guy that brought us the musha hadin
yeah jimikata to fight the russians in afghanistan that became al-qaeda that musha hadin
and who allegedly were the people on 9 11 oh saudis oh that musha hadin that kata created
yeah he's the low life that did away with the banking system it was not such thing as when
i was a young guy up until the 70s late 80s you know early late 70s there was no such thing as
interstate banking bank of america was out in california do local banks everywhere
then they allowed interest state but interstate banking was only interest state banking
they did away with the usury lords oh you should talk about the gangs and the mafia
they used to charge 10 interest chump changed what they allowed now kata kata and all the other
criminals so there you got it the rich are getting richer and everybody else is getting poorer
it's slave landia that's what they've created and talking about the propaganda and how people
swallow it we'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the american public
believes is false that was under william j kasey the jerk i can't say the word but it's
awesome place over there kasey cia director said in 1981 we'll know our disinformation
program is complete when everything the american public believes is false because the american
public was stupid enough to believe little kohone nothing of a daddy's boy a clown of a clown a
who's that guy in mad magazine that that little freaky guy looks just like a malphite newman bush
we're gonna get that guy saddam who's saying dead or alive over there in afghanistan
there isn't afghanistan so i'm gonna go get it oh and i love this stuff about how the russians
are now going into their seventh week of fighting and they haven't won blah blah blah blah how many
years was america in uh in in in afghanistan oh going on almost 20 how many years in iraq that you
lost hey how about that libyan well i'm still going on one after another vietnam i only went from
what god about oh i talked about jfk what happened after jfk not long after he made the deal
we're russia the pull missiles out of turkey was opposed to the bay of pigs trying to overthrow
kastro and catch dead man that's right for the military industrial complex eight months later
linden johnson takes us to war oh you're talking about the russians losing the war so that was
like 1963 and how long did the vietnam war go on to about 73 74 and you're talking about them being
there just a couple of weeks and how terrible they're doing but the america media never covered the
disasters of america's wars we are going into an economic crisis i wrote about this a long time ago
people forget in 2019 there's a country by the name of germany that's the richest one in europe
they were tens of a percentage point away from going into a recession officially
there were protests of riots going on all over the world yellow vest movement protests
to ryan algeria india lebanon peru bolivia chile all over the world and then covid came and he stopped
all the protests the people were protesting against a lack of basic living standards government
corruption crime and violence they artificially propped up the markets with all these low interest
rates but going back to what i said it's nothing more than a crime syndicate they steal our money
and give it to the jp morgens and the goldman sacks gang and the merrill lynch mob in the name of
they're too big to fail hey you want out of 20 percent of american people living paycheck to paycheck
you're just a piece of crap you're not too big to fail you could fail you could go to hell hey we
ought to take care of jamie diamond in the gang we got to make sure that things get bigger the
black stones the black rocks and all the companies by the way the all these companies buying up the
housing market because people can't afford to live in them so you can rent them we'll rent them to you
and it's a crime syndicate it's not a government
so that's where we're at here
guns gold in a getaway plan and those 1776 coins are something you might want to consider
again for two reasons number one it can enrich you with dollars and cents and it also helps
info wars to keep the truth out there because they're robbing it from us again you go back to the
data it's all there you know by the way they talk about the murderous people in in russia and again
i'm totally opposed to this war how about this for a quote it's quite fun to shoot them you know
it's a hell of a hoot it's fun to shoot some people oh who said that oh marine general
james mattis maya dog mattis actually it's quite fun to fight them you know it's a hell of a hoot
it's fun to shoot some people i'll be right up there with you i like brawling isn't that great
isn't that great mad dog mattis oh you're talking about the russians
how about the pot calling the kettle black oh i can't say black oh no that's not writing
how about the uh how about the pot calling the pan i know transgender yeah how about the pot calling
it over the rear admiral rachel levin can you believe this crap i don't give it i could care
who you are what you do but save it man you know you got a head problem it ain't mine so don't tell
me i gotta buzz swallow this stuff one after another well here's another one from mattis
there are some assholes in the world that just need to be shot why that's being disrespectful
to assholes assholes have a very positive function we're gonna take a break and we'll be right back
is now being offered and i believe it will sell out in just a few days again because these are
historic coins and because our amazing listeners want to support freedom and keep info wars at
the front lines of the fight against these tyrants so go for yourself to 1776coin.com
and see the new liberty tree coin it is powerful witness this powerful iconography for yourself
and have this piece of history and be part of the founding member system that we're set to launch
in the very near future thanks to your support of this project get a historic memento that helps
keep info wars on the air and also gives you a real piece of history at 1776coin.com it has been
noted by many a historian the first casualty of war is the truth then the next big casualty
is it even the people that die no that invariably follows but first there is the crackdown on
populations basic liberty and speech and massive censorship and now across the world from the
united states to europe legislations being introduced that if you amplify any quote pro russian
information you can be censored you can be arrested you can be imprisoned and of course now
canada's under this legislation that if you have a thought crime and they think you may have the
intent to engage in hate speech online that you will be censored and arrested ladies and gentlemen
the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around the world against humanity
that makes info wars dot com more important than ever in december of 2021 info wars offered the
first in a three-part series the 1776 anti tyrant coin and it sold out in 10 days and if it wasn't
for listeners getting this original powerful coin a founding member coin we would not be on air
today now the second coin the liberty tree coin is being offered and it will probably sell out
in 10 days again it certainly needs to the front of operation it is so historic and it has a quote
from thomas jefferson about the tree of liberty being refreshed with the blood of pageants and
tyrants and more see the coin for yourself at 1776 coin dot com it's also at info wars store
dot com it's amazing there's only 10 000 of them and as a founding member if we're able to stay on
the air we're planning something very very special for everyone that helps us go to the next level
so get your new tree of liberty coin while you still can at 1776 coin dot com the newest product
from info wars life is now available exclusively at info wars store dot com it is concentrated
known herbs and compounds that will supercharge your body's natural defenses your immune system
all the same time funding the info war our immune systems have always been critical
but in this globalist era with all the criminal activity they're involved in it is more important
than ever to take the tools god gave us and supercharge our immune systems info wars life
immune support is a game changer and everyone out there that wants to be healthy and wants to
boost your natural defenses should get it today out of the gates is 25 percent off at info wars
store dot com and a lot of other great products to boost your immune system as well but this one
is the very strongest we've got so anybody out there that cares about their health and wants to
take care of themselves needs to get this product it's also a great gift for friends and family
to boost their immune systems as well get yours today at info wars store dot com for 25 percent off
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
hey great being on the alex jones show and um you know as the alex is saying you know
they're under a lot of pressure there they're trying to shut info wars down and they really
need your help and and do what you can to support them and you really you're only
supporting them you're helping yourself because they have a lot of great products out there like
their new proprietary immune support it's a formula by info wars life and you get it today
you get 25 percent off at info wars stores dot com and it helps support your system naturally
with ultra high quality ingredients and is selected for their nature based benefits
so start harnessing the power of the new immune support formula today and again on some of those
info war coins the founding member silver coin and by the way these these immune system support
products they have elderberry and echinacea one great product angelica root straggler's
root i take i take a lot of these by the way i take i take 18 different supplements and vitamins
a day haven't had a cold have been sick now knock on wood for almost two and a half years no
calls no anything and these products are great and their immune immune support is really what
you need during these times to build your immune system and get strong as so much as going down
and again the coins it's money in the bank as i see it so okay i i got to be careful by the way
with my language but that was that was a matter so that word about the the thing you know the a
with a hole at the end of it i'm so my apologies i'm just quoting the man and again it's disrespectful
because they have a very positive function anyway uk prime minister boris johnson told his cabinet
that he wants to provide ukraine with quote more lethal military aid isn't that nice lethal deadly
not nice more lethal aid
in the united states of course more of our money going to lethal aid as the roads bridges
is a collapsing degraded infrastructure homeless all over the place
and how will money go into the military industrial complex
Beijing reasserts closer relationship with Moscow i'm mentioning this because it's very important
india and china we're about 1.4 billion people each where's that
2.8 billion people
just those two countries then you put europe
and america together what do you have that's 780 million 780 million against
2.8 billion and the winner is
one of the things i do is a trend forecaster i go all over the world and look at the news
i want more sides than one so i go to global times every day as well as the jewsland post
far as news agency out of iran toss out of russia
i go to all different sites i want to get this story
you read the global times the chinese news and you see how they are so opposed to what
america and nato is doing in fighting russia with the sanctions and they also state the
wise that russia is doing it the unification between china and russia is going to continue and
now there's talk about how was the united states going to get involved when not if china takes
over taiwan by the way when i was a kid who was called formosa and what happened was when the
matt when the chinese revolution finally overthrew the dictatorship over there they went to formosa
with taiwan so china is going to take that back so now it's all the talk of how the united states
and nato are going to stop china from doing this china's aligning itself with
russia and russia is aligning itself with china and india oh and pakistan
we're only getting one side of the story when you read what the chinese and the indian governments
are saying they understand why russia did what it did again i'm totally opposed to war
it things should have been worked out before this you could have done it in a number of ways i believe
and by the way on the gerard selenti c e l e n t e channel on youtube i did an interview on friday
with scott ridder former marine the guy that was in the un you know when he was doing about
uh nuclear armaments and who had them and the disarmaments and knowing that sedan was saying
didn't have weapons mass destruction and ties to al-qaeda it was blackball yeah did an interview
with him please check it out it's one of the best i've ever done in my life and he's talking about
how he was in russia and what was his role in russia and about the russian people and again how
we're getting to hate them just like in world war one we hated the germans and in world war two we
hated them too and in world war two we hated the japanese oh but we're doing business with all of
them now right i mean how about vietnam war huh oh god when i grew up oh we hated those vietnamese
those commies falling dominoes yeah that guy james buckley with his bs the dominoes are gonna keep
falling and before you know it communism will be reaching the shores of california and now today we
buy the number two exporter or that we buy from we import from our clothing and shoes are from vietnam
so they're teaching us hatred and that's all the media has become and their prostitutes
their media whores that get paid to put out by their corporate pimps you look at that arrogant
boy stefanophilus so where did he come from oh he was with the clinton administration wasn't he
he had one after another down the line and now the word is that sake is you know exit into msnbc
to join the other ones there can you imagine a government insider giving you information
that you're supposed to swallow and the americans do so we're going to tell you a quick story about
madeline albright or not all that bright i did a gig back in 2002 on the qe2 and it was for the
top marketing executives around the world and we leave new york harbour but before we leave
she gives her talk i swear to god they introduced it must have taken about 15 minutes she went to
school here we've got her your honors degree there and her father did this and her mother did that
and she became this she became that and she looked like the queen it taught so all dressed up in red
this chuch so the next day they introduced me this is gerard selente the author of trends 2000
trend tracking this is what the wall street journal says about him time new york times time magazine
the economist blah blah blah blah and after the guy gave me the introduction i said thank you very
much i said but i feel shortchanged after hearing madeline albright's introduction yesterday and
the place broke out laughing and i said what you also forgot to mention is that i graduated ps 76 of
the bronx without alms i'm mentioning this because it's a freak show and that's all we have running
and ruining our lives you like mitch mcconnell how about chuckie schuma i like uh fat mouth
lindsey graham nah nancy polosi sumay we need a new way we need a new party
we need someone that stands up for freedom fights a peace and demands justice now it's only just us
you get a little hunt the biden and all these other clowns all the presidents i mentioned with
their murderous records and they get away with murder we break a letter of the law
yep and it's more than a slap on the wrist see you next week and support info you know it's a fact
and i'm not bragging when i say it it's just true that info wars is seen by the globalist as the
standard of human liberty as the logo of human populist resistance against their transhumanist
anti-human program and man our work is really right now hitting the most important aspects
of what we've ever done so i'm asking listeners now to realize we've got great products thousands
of them at info wars tour dot com and we are funded by listeners and viewers like you and so now we
need to support more than ever because this fight has intensified don't need me to tell you that
at info wars tour dot com we've got 25 to 75 percent off across the board right now things have
been sold out for a long time like info wars life fizzy magnesium mix that's so amazing and our new
immune support formula that's so critical they're all available 25 to 75 percent off at info wars
store dot com right now the eugenicist over 100 years ago were very public about their plans they
financed major universities they ran full page stories and advertisements pushing their propaganda
of new york times other major newspapers that the family as we know it is a bad thing that must be
ended and the first step in that is getting women out of the household teaching women that cooking
dinner and taking care of their sons and daughters and husbands is a bad thing and i was just sitting
here tonight making dinner for my daughter my four national daughter my wife makes dinner a lot of
problems but i like to make it as well i love to make breakfast and literally it's the funnest thing
on earth to make food for your family and be nurtured tips and then all sit down together and
have a communal event and that's what the system is attacking and bombarding is our normal biological
actions are coming together they really are sick evil scientific cult of filth and domesticate us
and turn us into lab rats we cannot let this continue leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the new world order it's alex jones