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Filename: 20220328_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 28, 2022
3626 lines.

This summary covers various topics discussed in recent episodes of Info Wars, including the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the importance of supporting InfoWars financially through product purchases, globalist control over politics and Hollywood, financial news, vaccine safety concerns, and support for human liberty. The speaker expresses frustration with the media's portrayal of events in Ukraine and encourages listeners to research for themselves. They also criticize Joe Biden for his statements about Putin and promote InfoWars products like immune support supplements available at InfowarStore.com. Additionally, they discuss eugenicists from the past who pushed their propaganda of getting women out of the household and talk about family bonding in a system that attacks normal biological actions.

It's Monday, March 28th, in the heat of 2022, the gloves on the verge of thermal nuclear war.
Info wars, tomorrow's news, today.
On this hour, let the words of Pope John Paul burn as brightly today.
Never, ever give up hope, never doubt, never tire, never become discouraged, be not afraid.
A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never erase the people's love for liberty.
Brutality will never grind down their will to be free.
Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia, for free people refused to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness.
We will have a different future, a brighter future, rooted in democracy and principle, hope and light, of decency and dignity, of freedom and possibilities.
For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Monday Worldwide broadcast.
You are watching Info Wars, ladies and gentlemen.
And Lord willing, we'll be here on air for the next four hours.
Well, you just saw the puppet president making his rounds in Europe, calling for the removal of Putin or regime change.
Lindsey Graham has put a finer point on it saying three times on national TV he wants the leader of Russia assassinated by its government.
That is total declaration of war, just like the sanctions just like overthrowing the Ukrainian government that was elected, that was pro-Russian eight years ago.
Just like bringing weapons into their border, just like funding all the Nazi battalions.
And then myself and many others like Tucker Carlson and Roger Stone get attacked by the national news, Joe Rogan for that matter,
for simply agreeing with former U.S. government policy until about a decade ago that we wouldn't meddle in Ukraine and we wouldn't put weapons in Ukraine
and we wouldn't overthrow governments in Ukraine and that we wouldn't threaten to kill heads of state.
So any diplomat or anybody Republican or Democrat ten years ago would agree with me and Tucker Carlson and Roger Stone and Joe Rogan.
But now everybody from top Democrats to top Republicans are calling yours truly a Russian agent.
All because I'm against this out of control escalating war that's being used as the cover for the unbelievable collapse in the production of food and delivery systems around this globe.
But the good news is, and that's the good news, the silver lining in this very dark storm cloud of ongoing expanding war,
not storm clouds of coming war, storm clouds of intensifying war, is that even establishment polls that lean towards war and propaganda towards Biden,
the way they sample and do their polls, they're very skewed on average 15 points for whatever the globalists want in the methodology,
have support for Biden at 20% or lower for the war in the low 30s overall support and in the teens for people believing that he's not going to get us into a wider war.
So people really, really get that this guy is a mega massive disaster.
Now the globalists wanted him to be in there to take the blame for their build back better, collapse civilization.
You've got to collapse civilization to build back better.
So when you hear build back better, that means collapse, enslave you, cut your resources off, make you dependent on the system,
4D population efforts that come in the next phase.
But he's so bad that it's really even hurt the New World Order now.
But as usual, the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
And so that's what we're dealing with. That's what we're facing.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three part series, the 1776 anti tyrant coin, and it sold out in 10 days.
It wasn't for listeners getting this original, powerful coin, a founding member coin we would not be on air today.
Now the second coin, the Liberty Tree coin is being offered and it will probably sell out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to the front of operation.
It is so historic and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com. It's also at infowarstore.com. It's amazing.
There's only 10,000 of them and as a founding member, if we're able to stay on the air, we're planning something very, very special for everyone that helps us go to the next level.
So get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live defending him and Liberty in peace and justice and the Christian way from deep in the heart of Texas.
Planet wide. It is Monday, March 28, 2022. I'm your host Alex Jones and thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you so much for caring.
Thank you so much for all you do.
And it really hit me Saturday and I meant to talk about this on the Saturday show we did, the three hour commercial free show and also the special four hour show we did last night.
And I never made this point and I really need to make this point because I've made it here and there and Trump's made it here and there but I've not really boiled it down for you and just absolutely laid this out.
Now I know you're already going to know this. I know this too but I mean this needs to burn in to your mind.
Like if I took this dagger on air and cut my index finger off on TV right now, everyone would really listen to what I had to say while blood was shooting out, right?
That's like highlighting letters or putting them all in bold. It's like, hey, listen to this. I'm not going to cut my finger off. It's just a, I have no desire to.
Don't need to be put in the mental institution. I'm saying it's a hypothetical. We'll never do that.
But when Buddhist monks go in Vietnam to try to end the war and pour gasoline on themselves and light themselves on fire and zen out while they die, it really impressed people.
And folks listen to the letter that they had left there on the doorstep of the government building because they killed themselves, wasn't just one guy, a bunch of them did it, to get the attention of people.
Well, guess who's going to be dying if we don't pay attention to this and realize this? All of us, ladies and gentlemen, all of us.
Because our civilization, our savings, our future, our freedoms, our due process, everything, ladies and gentlemen, is being destroyed.
So that monk burned himself up to try to stop the millions dying and to try to make it a point of how sick and evil it was.
And that's my point about the analogy of cutting my finger off. When I would cut my finger off, I'd cut my arms off to stop what's happening in society, wouldn't you?
But that won't get it done. It's going to take hard work and focus and being strong and not letting the globalist drive us into rages.
Because believe me, when I give you that advice, am I giving it to myself? I am so pissed.
Last night, I'm sitting there looking at videos from Denver, Colorado and Austin, Texas and Chicago, Illinois and Broward County, Florida and New York City.
And I mean, it is pedophilia being taught to children in the schools.
And I get so pissed that I literally just started yelling at people at the end of the show and had to leave and had to go across the way and sit down for about an hour and settle down.
Because I've been suppressing this anger and it's just, it's so surreal.
I mean, the footage we're putting up here is nothing compared to the actual training manuals.
Five-year-olds being put in transgender closets and told that they're another sex.
I mean, just classic brainwashing. The way the pedos took over the Catholic church and the Boy Scouts is the same way.
They're taking over all the institutions. I mean, this is their army.
And I got so angry at the end of the show. We had a great two-hour show.
I was handing the baton to Christie Lee and Owen Schroeder, who did an amazing job.
And I just blew up at the end of the show over some little thing because I was already so disgusted and having so much trouble looking at this.
So I know why a lot of people tune out. A lot of people just go out and go hide in the country somewhere and try to just get away from everything.
Because you can't stand looking at it and so you can't stand fighting it.
And believe me, I'm not judging you. I get it.
All I want to do is go get a log cabin and have a farm and never leave the damn thing.
Oh, my God, I'm hired to kite out in the woods with no drugs, no alcohol, no coffee, no nothing.
Just chopping wood and planting crops and, you know, fiddling around with cows and, you know, beehives and everything else.
That's normal human activity, fishing in the stream, going over and having dinner with your family by an old cook stove.
That's what it's all about. And everybody hungers for that and wants that.
But let me give you a little newsflash. You're not going to be able to go and hide out.
They're coming for you. They're coming for your children.
And even if you don't have children, ladies and gentlemen, still these children belong to all of us and we can't let these people have them.
Now, let me just, let me just make this point to you.
Then I'm going to come back and cover all the hardcore news in Russia and the economy in Black Rock and Vanguard and what they're openly announcing and just how horrible this is.
And I just want to stop it. I want people to wake up and see what's happening and change our evil ways, all of us, myself included, and just stop it.
But you know it's gone too far. You know it's not going to be stopped.
They'll get stopped in the end by the total collapse, which they themselves are engineering as if that gives them control of it.
See the delusion? They're trying to play God.
But we can, we can obey the crash landing here, ladies and gentlemen.
We can obey the crash landing and that's all I want to do.
If we can just get the landing gear down and kind of try to slow the plane up and get its nose up,
the plane might not totally blow into pieces at 200 miles an hour and we all die on a fireball.
I mean we can probably land, we might break some arms, break some necks, few people might die.
But we got to try, right? We got to try to land the plane.
The trajectory, where we're going, everything that's been set in motion, nobody can turn it around.
Not the New World Order, not us only guy.
And you know we really deserve to have this big, decadent, evil, stinking civilization destroyed, don't we?
The children are innocent and don't.
But if we don't stand up for the children, then God will allow evil to tear us into pieces.
And the hedge of protection will be lifted and we will be torn.
Limb from Limb and the poor little children with the mask and the poison shots coming after them
and all the pedophile training to totally confuse their minds and screw them up for life
with their instructors telling them they're another sex
and their instructors telling them how to shove things in their rear ends when they're five years old.
I mean this is just unspeakable.
Locking schools down right here where I live, couple miles from our studios,
locking elementary students in saying parents can't come in behind fences
and saying we're teaching the children how to rebel against their parents
when they tell them not to be gay.
Five year olds, you're gay, your mommy's mean, she won't let you be who you are.
What, I am?
Don't you like other boys?
Well you know I like boys, boys like boys to play with boys, girls like girls.
And so, well you're gay, you're a lesbian, you're a transgender.
And then, I mean this is the most horrible, open, satanic abuse you could imagine
and it's just getting started.
And once they start having sex with the kids
and the children are having sex with each other,
once all that's going on, once all that's happening, once all that's unfolding,
then the institutions will start covering up the adult child sex
and the child on child sex and all the perverted criminal activities
just like Boy Scouts, just like Penn State,
just like all the major orphanages that have been busted in state-run systems worldwide,
just like state-run systems in Germany caught tens of thousands of children per city for decades,
just like what you saw in the Vatican, this is a plan, this is a program,
this is a operation and that's why they hate anyone that exposes this the most
and it's why they attack me and it's why they try to shut us down
and it's why they sue us because at the top and even at the middle levels,
the people doing this are agents of this bare minimum.
So when you see my enemies and you see them and you see what they do,
you know and you can just look at them and see it anyways
and then study their politics that are all behind this,
that these are pedophiles that want the energy and future and souls of children
and I am blessed to be attacked by the scum of the earth
and to be standing against these pedophiles and so are you.
So I want to thank you all for joining us in all you do
but I'll give you the big story, the big issue that's so critical
that I just pre-looted to when we come back, infowars.com,
the tip of the spirit of human liberty, infowars.com,
tomorrow's news today.
Now go forth and spread the links.
So go for yourself to 1776coin.com and see the new Liberty Tree Coin.
It is powerful, witness this powerful iconography for yourself
and have this piece of history and be part of the founding member system
that we're set to launch in the very near future
thanks to your support of this project.
Get a historic memento that helps keep infowars on the air
and also gives you a real piece of history at 1776coin.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, infowars.com is offering the biggest sales
in its over 20 year history
and that is because the economy is breaking down,
inflation is exploding, the supply chains are broken down
and infowars is having serious trouble making its payroll
saying for operations and I do not want to implode or downsize
in the face of the globalist making their main move.
Infowars is paradoxical, it is more popular than ever,
it is reaching more people than ever despite the censorship
but because of cost increasing and having to run our own infrastructure
and pay for our own bandwidth and everything else,
we are running out of money.
So listen up to 75% off at infowars.com
on things like amazing patriot t-shirts that help spread the word
and fund the operation on supplements, on books, on films.
Everything is 25 to 75% off right now.
The biggest seller in our history at infowars.com.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for being here tonight, making dinner for my daughter,
my four national daughter, my wife makes dinner a lot of times
but I like to make it as well, I love to make breakfast
and literally it is the funnest thing on earth to make food for your family
and be nurturative and then all sit down together
and have that communal event.
And that is what the system is attacking and bombarding
is our normal biological actions are coming together.
They really are a sick evil scientific cult of filth
that want to domesticate us and turn us into lab rats
that we cannot let this continue.
The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda
and with spiritual warfare and with poisons and chemicals added to the food
it has all come out.
And they are doing that not because we are weak
but because we are made the image of God, the creator and we are powerful
and the social engineers fear that so much.
So that is why I repeat that famous internet saying
that nobody knows who first came up with the boy, is it true?
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all their propaganda and all their lies
and all their evil and all their cultural death
because they know we are strong
and they know in the end they signed on to God of this world who is a loser.
And that is why it is so important that everybody keep them full wars in the air now more than ever
because even if you don't believe in God
what the globalists are manifesting and setting up is safe channel
and we are opposing the one world government
to market the beast they just announced.
All right, coming up.
For the Oscars last night, a false flag.
Of course the answer is 100%.
People say well you don't usually cover entertainment
and pop brainwashing and garbage.
I usually don't.
But it is a good illustration of how BS works
and how BS operates
and how the dying Hollywood system can only pull stunts now for attention.
I'll hit that
and lay it out in the last segment of this hour.
Of course next segment I'll get into the huge news in Russia
and Biden making a fool of himself and what's coming out of that.
And Zelensky supposedly now set as they really do begin to lose
to have talks with the Russians.
We'll be laying all of this out and more here today.
We're going to look at the giant crime waves
that are exploding not just here but around the world
as the police forces are told to stand down and what's behind that.
Now that ties into Larry Fink, George Soros
and of course people like Bill Gates
and the whole great reset with the World Economic Forum.
That is a very important group of stacks that I've got
here that we're going to be going over today.
And I don't have any guests today because I want Bill to cover the news
and I want to be able to take your phone calls
so we'll be taking calls throughout the second and third hour today.
Okay, let me hit the most important point.
The globalist hate us and hate the idea of America
because just the idea of private property and of owning your own land
and being able to defend yourself and raise your children as you see fit
and go to the church or not go to the church of your choosing.
Just that idea threatens the neoliberal world government
that just sets up liberalism and all of their divide and conquer strategies
as the new system of control, the new religion.
And they write books about it and they brag about it and they all admit it
and they say globalization, not just jobs and businesses and interdependent things
where parts for a car are made in 10 different countries
or you get your food from 100 different countries,
not just interdependence and oh a big kumbaya world
where we all come together to love each other, that was the lie of the globalist.
But where there's a political ideology of anti-family, anti-god, anti-male, anti-female eugenics
that uses that global interdependency that it controls through finance and militaries
to carry out social engineering against the public.
And the open declarations now that humans are bad, we must get rid of humans
because they put off carbon even though that's part of the carbon cycle
and why there's life on this planet. Just amazing where we've gone in just the last 30 years.
And so when the globalists get outraged at something and when they hate something
and when they go after people and when they persecute people
and when they do everything they can to silence those individuals
but then create an artifice or a strawman of who that person or group is,
do you know that what that individual or what that group or what that book or what that film has in it
is extremely threatening to the 1984 Brave New World Matrix Society?
And that's why they hate Alex Jones.
That's why they hate Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's perfect but he does believe in humans and prosperity.
He doesn't want to kill everybody.
And because we're popular and because the ideas we promote are popular
because what you believe in is common sense and popular.
You know prosperity, freedom, security, family, duty, honor, pride in your nation.
All of these things are assailed because they don't want you to want the good thing.
They don't want you to want the stake. They don't want you to want the swimming pool.
They don't want you to want to be able to travel and go wherever you want.
Not that all that's God, not that we should just worship those freedoms,
but if anybody wants to take those things away from you, it's because they want to make you a slave.
And then you better examine who they are and what they stand for.
And then when you do that, you go, whoa, these people basically want to tie us up collectively
in the bottom of some dungeon, 20 floors under the ground,
and really dominate and hurt and control us.
And then you get the spirit of who these jokers are.
So that's where we are.
And so it really hit me Saturday morning when I was hiking by myself
that this is an extreme honor to be here on this show.
It's an extreme honor to be one of the few symbols in the world
that enrage the pedophile globalist vampires.
They're beyond pedophiles, anything that drains children's energy,
anything that ruins lives, anything that creates long-term harm,
anything that creates new people that will do twisting things to others.
That's all the goal and the destination and the entire universe of these rapes.
And so you need to let it sink in that they hate Alex Jones
because they hate you with a burning passion of every race, color, and creed
because you were made by God and you have a connection to God
and you have great potential.
So they want to twist you, they want to dumb you down, they want to make you evil,
they want to have you do other bad things to people
so that they can engage in this satanic alchemy to extract sorrow and pain.
And you need to really let it sink into you
that it's not just the high-level globalists and politicians
and corporate leaders and minions that are like this.
They've now converted the majority of Democrats and liberals and communists
around the world to literally hate God, hate families, hate themselves,
and whatever is nihilistic and destructive,
they have successfully transmuted that barbarous satanic spirit into the general public
and you see people that look completely normal
and were nice and sweet five years ago that were liberals
and by successive approximation they now support atrocities, torture, surveillance, censorship,
and anything the system says or pushes
because they have been demoralized, they have been basically destroyed,
and they don't get through mass Stockholm syndrome that they're under
and learn helplessness that it's the system hurting them.
They keep believing that if they just keep doubling down
and submitting to whatever the orthodoxy is
that they will finally be transported to this wonderland and this utopia they were promised
when they can't admit they were conned and deceived and repent and say,
I reject the devil, I reject the world, I reject the system, I reject Hollywood,
I reject the universities, I reject neoliberalism,
and I want to get back to humanity and back to God
and start freeing themselves and detoxing from it before it's too late.
I mean, I'm not saying I'm the best looking guy around,
but I have fire in my eyes and I'm alive and people know it.
You go around universities, you go around liberals,
you can't believe how stunted and ugly and weak and hateful
and just the men look like they're dead, the women look like they're half dead,
half dead, and you're like, what happened to these people?
And you look at whole seas of people of every color
and they look like zombies in a movie that had their soul taken out of them
or sexies in the dark crystal that had their essence taken.
And I've seen them deprogram when six months later they're beautiful and alive again.
We can save these people, but remember when they're under that satanic spell
they want one thing to destroy you and to hurt you and to dominate you.
They are under a satanic biomedical spell.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series,
the 1776 Anti-Tyrant Coin, and it sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original, powerful coin,
a founding member coin, we would not be on air today.
But now, the second coin, the Liberty Tree Coin, is being offered
and it will probably sell out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to be under operation.
It is so historic and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson
about the Tree of Liberty being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com.
It's also at infowarstore.com.
It's amazing. There's only 10,000 of them.
And as a founding member, if we're able to stay on the air,
we're planning something very, very special for everyone that helps us go to the next level.
So get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
You know, it's a fact, and I'm not bragging when I say it, it's just true,
that Info Wars is seen by the globalist as the standard of human liberty,
as the logo of human populist resistance against their transhumanist anti-human program.
And man, our work is really right now hitting the most important aspects of what we've ever done.
So I'm asking listeners now to realize we've got great products, thousands of them,
at infowarstore.com and we are funded by listeners and viewers like you.
And so now we need to support more than ever because this fight has intensified.
Don't need me to tell you that at infowarstore.com.
We've got 25 to 75% off across the board right now.
Things have been sold out for a long time like Info Wars Life,
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The globalists are hoping you don't take action.
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Get your Faraday cages at infowarstore.com.
Check out the new line. It's amazing.
From the Info Wars.com Studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, coming up, I'm going to get into the Oscar false flag attack last night
with Will Smith and Chris Rock.
Tony is a $3 bill.
You're not supposed to question what's done officially.
Don't question Hollywood.
Don't question Maiden.
Don't question Zelensky.
Don't question CNN, but we know they're a pack of liars and frauds and fakes.
They're actors.
I'll say all actors are bad, but the whole system itself is disgusting.
Zelensky is an actor, Sean Penn, all of it.
It's very important.
It ties to the economy, the crime wave, everything that's happening.
I'm going to get to that next segment.
I want to hit Russia and the huge developments there.
And the next hour, get into some of the graphic footage.
Viewer discretion advised of Russian soldiers.
It's confirmed it's real.
Having their feet, knees, and genitals blown off by Ukrainian Nazi battalions.
It is actually one of the main Nazi battalions doing it.
Very serious war crime.
And whether you're before Russia or Ukraine or whatever are neutral like I am,
this is wrong and this needs to be decried.
And if we had footage of the Russians doing this, I would absolutely be against what was unfolding.
So it's very important not to lose your soul in this process,
whichever side you're on and to stand up for human dignity.
And basic human rights because if you take one group's rights,
well, then you're going to end up having your rights taken usually a lot sooner than you thought.
All right, we have a very exciting announcement on a whole bunch of fronts.
This is very simple.
This is a piece of history.
It's absolutely new to stay on air.
And it will, in all of my experience, go up in value historically because it's a piece of history
because there's a limited run of these.
And it's also a very, very beautiful art item that also has intrinsic value because it is 999 pure silver.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the second installment.
There's only going to be three of the founding member coins at 1776coin.com.
It takes you to Patriot Collectibles, a site that, again, had the first coin.
It's going to have more coins.
It's going to have a lot of other really interesting collectibles in the future.
And it is these offerings that are going to fund a lot of other lower price offerings.
And then this is an exorbitant, but it's meant to found it and set it up and do a bunch of other things
that we're not going to get into yet.
But if we're able to sell the three series, it's going to really help launch a lot of new stuff.
A self-funding, self-operating Patriot Collectible system that enriches everybody with culture and art
and also going up in value and keeps us on the air.
And a lot of it's top secret, but very, very soon, we're a little bit behind with all the stuff going on,
but very, very soon you'll see a lot of new things getting launched, a lot of things happening.
And that's because of you being a founding member and everybody that gets one or two or three of the series.
If you just have one of the coins and you sign up when you get it with your email,
you're going to be sent some very, very special things.
And I'm just leaving it at that.
So last time we sold out of the 10,000 coins of the George Washington Anti-Tyrant coin,
where he's slaying the dragon, and it's got the American Eagle on the other side.
That sold out in 10 days.
We have, again, 10,000 of these coins, same price, at 1776coin.com, 1776coin.com.
That takes you to Patriot Collectibles, which some great folks we're working with
and a lot of exciting things that are coming in the near future,
thanks to you giving us the seed money to do this.
So let me tell you about the new coin of your radio, unless you can't see how powerful it is.
I don't want to say it's better than the last one, but it probably is.
I mean, of the three in the series, I think this one for me is my favorite.
And, of course, it's my concepts, and we had a great, very well-known,
but he wants to be off-record coin designer etcher that then took my ideas and put it into function.
So it's a collaborative effort here.
But a lot of folks would want to know that this is an Alex Jones design.
It's a beautiful tree of liberty with the branches and the roots that are so important.
Founding member, and it says, the tree of liberty must be refreshed.
You flip it over, there's the skull, with the blood of Patriots and tyrants,
the famous Thomas Jefferson, quote, founding member coin.
It is dynamite, it is amazing, it is the highest stamp quality you're going to get,
and it's got the markup in it to help us in the face of the enemy launch a lot of beautiful,
wonderful things for human liberty and freedoms.
This is a piece of history. Get yours today at 1776coin.com,
and you can also call toll free if you'd like to get that done at 888-253-3139.
And you'll get your order through the InfoWars system. You can also link through at infowarsstore.com,
the big banner there, but Patriot Collectibles is its own site and its own system,
and there is a lot of really amazing, very high-end stuff at low prices
that is going to be available there thanks to what you're doing,
giving us the seed money to set this operation up.
And anybody knows about InfoWars, we deliver on what we say or we die trying.
Are you not impressed with what your investment in us has done
and how we've devastated the New World Order and completely challenged their whole narrative,
and now the avant-garde number one talk show host all over the world,
whether you're in Romania or Hungary or Russia or Mexico or Brazil or the United States or Canada,
are Alex Jones inspired acolytes.
And I'm not trying to brag, but I don't really toot my horn, but behind the scenes,
people tell me, you woke me up, you did it, it's incredible, thank you.
And then a lot of them go on air and say that now.
So, but I didn't do this. This was 100% a team effort of all of you that put up with me,
because sometimes I'm awesome, sometimes I'm like, man, you're a jerk.
And this wonderful crew and all of our sponsors and our affiliates and Ted Anderson
and just everybody that has done this, we have stood up to the most powerful,
evil people in the world like BlackRock and Vanguard and the New World Order and Klaus Schwab.
And it's been hell, it's been rough, but we have come through it together.
You know, I haven't talked about this yet. I'm going to talk about it soon.
There's a lot of reasons that I've waited since last week,
because I want to show you the specifics and the evidence.
We have the evidence and it's just we are so much going on. It's hard to put yourself in the news,
even though it's important. They've released the interim report on January 6th,
and it's exactly what they want to question us about.
And it's full of bull.
We weren't in touch with Mark Meadows at the White House.
We weren't planning to attack the Capitol, and they know that.
They've got all the text messages from everybody.
But they're right back at that, ladies and gentlemen, because that's what they do.
And it's just preposterous.
Hey, you better come tell us what's going on, or we're going to up the charges on Owen Shroyer.
That's the tip of the iceberg, folks. That's the type of mafia gangster crap this country has going on.
And a lot of folks will be like, well, I better bow down to these people then.
I better shut up. I mean, they're the bad people.
We've done absolutely nothing.
So I have zero fear, because I could stand before God and know that I have not been involved in anything criminal.
I have not been involved in January 6th, trying to attack that stupid Capitol
and make us all look like idiots. Why the hell would I do that?
I have the opposite motive. I wanted a 10-day investigation.
But I'm just telling you, Owen's a real trooper.
And I don't know if we're going to get into all of it yet, but I just can't help myself.
It's unbelievable. I mean, to our faces, directly to us,
the feds are like basic.
I can't even believe this country.
I mean, it's like, even if you're not naive like me,
you still don't expect the Justice Department to be openly bad guys and openly proud of it.
But they all think it's cool. They all think it's powerful, and they're winning,
and oh, they're invincible.
And I'm just like, look, I'm not your enemy, and I'm not fighting with you.
I wanted to save the country.
I'll get out of your way while you destroy yourselves. Okay, all right, then, okay.
I'm just trying to build a new system, build a new America.
I'm trying to get people to not support the corrupt evil system and protect their children.
And it takes funds to do it, so get the coin while you still can.
It's going to sell out. A lot of them are selling for two, three times what they were on eBay and at Oxons right now.
So I would get your 1776 coin part two, the Liberty Tree, the Tree of Liberty at infowarstore.com.
You'll find the link or 1776coin.com. Stay with us.
We are only offering three coins in the series.
The first coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in 10 days.
Now the second coin as we enter the last days of March into April 2022 is now being offered.
I believe it will sell out in just a few days again because these are historic coins and because our amazing listeners
want to support freedom and keep info wars at the front lines of the fight against these tyrants.
So go for yourself to 1776coin.com and see the new Liberty Tree coin.
It is powerful. Witness this powerful iconography for yourself and have this piece of history
and be part of the founding member system that we're set to launch in the very near future.
Thanks to your support of this project. Get a historic memento that helps keep info wars on the air
and also gives you a real piece of history at 1776coin.com.
Make us go away quietly with practically half the population wanting to lock the unvaccinated up in camps.
The traders know they can shut us down by force but that would accelerate the awakening exponentially.
So be it. Make them silence us by force. This is the final battle of the information war.
Give now. Buy products. Donate. Before everything changes.
We need you to carry us through to the end. Victory or death. Go now to infowarstore.com.
Jacob in Ohio. Welcome. Go ahead. Hey how's it going Alex? Good bro.
Great last caller. I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplements.
It's basically the only way I get to sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, moralization and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone.
All right. Eric in New Hampshire. Eric thanks for calling. Go ahead.
Hey Alex. Thanks for taking my call. If I could I just want to throw a quick plug out for one of the products.
The X2 does wonders. I recommend it to everybody. You're on the fence about it. Get off the fence.
Get the product. Support the info war.
Tyler in Maine. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. Go ahead.
Hey Alex. It's great to be on with you. It's an honor.
Honour talk to you.
Awesome. So first thing I wanted to do was say I love the products. Alpha Power even at 29.
If you ask my better half, she loves it. All right. It helps in the bedroom.
So just number one for a few of you.
It definitely works. It's not a joke.
Ladies and gentlemen, I need your help.
I need your help keeping info wars on the air and strong.
I need your help making sure that our mission continues on.
I was born for this. You were born for this and people are really waking up right now.
But we had to build our own infrastructure because of the censorship and de-platforming
that cost tens of millions of dollars.
And now with Band-Aid video getting close to 10 million views a day,
we're a platform for thousands of independent journalists and groups
to be able to post their content free of charge.
And because it's become so successful, it's a catch 22.
Info wars and Band-Aid video have become a mothership
promoting the pro-human liberty movement worldwide.
But the expenses in bandwidth alone are millions of dollars a quarter,
hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.
So the biggest sale in info wars history is going right now,
the mega emergency blowout sale up to 75% off,
getting credible products and keeping info wars as strong as ever.
And winning hearts and minds worldwide.
Now there's a tactic they use that lets them continue to win.
The New World Order, Klaus Schwab, Joe Biden, the Clintons, Obama,
who's supposed to be their rock star worldwide, Hollywood,
their whole system has less than a 20% approval rating.
And it's rapidly declining.
And so it's a delusional cult that's already run out of gas.
But when you see all the headlines, oh, Joe Biden is the reason
America has high gas prices.
Joe Biden's the reason America looks stupid.
Joe Biden's the reason the borders are open.
And at the end of the day, yeah, I mean, Joe Biden's the titular head
of the group doing that, but he's meant to be blamed.
That's why he was put in there, because he was dumb enough
to want to be there during the collapse.
He would take the job of while they're collapsing America
and collapsing the world and going into the next stage
of the deindustrialization, agenda 2030, agenda 21,
New World Order, that he was willing to be that guy.
He's always been arrogant, always been corrupt,
and has been out of his mind for at least five, six years.
But he's so degenerate and degenerated so fast
that it's even blowing up in their face now.
So they're up late at night, Larry Fink and Klaus Schwab
and Bill Gates, worried you're going to research
bio-weapon labs they run, worried you're going to look
at what dictators they're funding, worried that you're going
to find out how they're funding all the transgenderism
and open borders, worried that you're going to learn
about replacement migration, worried that you're going
to learn that they run the corporate world government,
and then instead of puppets getting the blame,
like Joe Biden, or Gordon Brown,
or any of these people that have come and gone,
Bill Clinton, instead of focusing on the puppets,
and with Bill Clinton he was somewhat in charge,
interfacing with the globalists, but he was still a puppet,
but with Biden's pure puppet, I mean Kamala Harris, pure puppet,
not from Alzheimer's, but I mean she is a puppet,
without even an Alzheimer's, she was born a puppet.
And so you've got to recognize it's a fraud,
you've got to realize they're basically actors.
Jen Psaki's meant to be up there and be hated,
and everyone reviled her.
She was chosen.
She thinks she's really smart and cool on a winning team.
She doesn't know she was chosen to be hated.
Kamala Harris doesn't know she was chosen to be hated.
Joe Biden was chosen to be hated.
I mean she didn't have, Kamala Harris shouldn't have
half a point with black Americans out of 15 candidates
for the Democratic nomination two years ago.
With white dingaling, she had about a point and a half.
Black people, about half a point.
Black people are like, number one, this lady eating black,
and number two, she's as fake as hell.
She was chosen because they want when all this bad stuff happens
and there's an angrier world and you all get mad,
you blame them.
Not the Democratic Party, not the globalists that control them,
but these individuals because they know how our brains work.
It's like WWF wrestling and you got the Iron Sheik versus
Hulk Hogan and they go get beers after.
So that takes us to the Oscars.
The Oscars in the 1980s had 80 million viewers.
It was as big as the Super Bowl is today.
Look it up.
Where is it now?
Oscars evaporating ratings.
In 2011, they had 37.9 million viewers.
Last year, it was 10 million.
We don't know the numbers from last night,
but you know hundreds of millions,
billions are watching Will Smith slap the comedian, Chris Rock.
And so, of course, how do we know this is staged?
Well, about a thousand different angles and points go into it
that your mind, the supercomputer can look at and figure out.
You subconsciously say it's fake.
You consciously think it's fake because you have all these factors
your brain has put together and then told you it's fake.
It's not called intuition.
It's called the supercomputer giving you the answer.
And then you try to understand all the formulations
that your incredible brain came up with.
An ant's brain is a billion times smarter than the best AI computer.
Top computer scientists will tell you.
And how powerful is our brain?
Oh, we're garbage.
Oh, we're filled.
Oh, we're bad for the earth.
The globalists want us to decide to hate ourselves
so we'll subserve our incredible Will to them.
But back to Hollywood.
How do I know?
Well, Hollywood has the motive with no one watching and caring
to put the Oscars back in the news and make you think about it
and make you watch it to wonder, hey, next year,
what's going to be happening at the Oscars?
And then now you'll go watch more of what happened.
Now everybody that was there, all these empty, soulless people
can talk about how they witnessed it and how they saw it.
It was like a geek at a carnival,
biting the head off of a rat or a bat.
Hollywood has collapsed.
Its viewership has evaporated.
It is eating its own.
And it has no real viewers.
So billions of people are going to watch Will Smith slap Chris Rock.
But when the numbers come out, probably 10 million watched it last night.
Joe Rogan has more viewers than that every day.
Before they censored us, we had more than every day.
In two days we had more than that.
We have more viewers than them on a big day than they had last night.
And they get ready for this all year and spend hundreds of millions of dollars on it.
So of course it's a false flag.
They stand to gain.
It's all there.
And then you watch him over slapping and the hand go through all stylized.
And then Chris Rock act like he's confused.
He doesn't know what's happened.
You see the wives all super excited.
But before it happens, after it happens, you see the body language.
You see him laughing along with it.
You see it all.
I mean the bad acting strutting back to his wife.
Strutting back with the Oscar.
Because no one cares about the Oscar.
No one cares about the Nobel Prize.
Because they've cheapened it.
They've made it a joke.
And now they've cheapened it even more.
You've just been exposed to a false flag, ladies and gentlemen.
And yeah, did he slap him?
Yeah, he slapped him a lot of times in movies and things.
They will tell you if the actors agree to go ahead and actually take a hit.
I never wanted to be really pushed to be in movies, but Rick Linklidder is a friend of mine.
Stuck me in a few of his movies.
And they said with the stunt people, do you mind falling down when they taser you
and they'll let them drag your knees.
And I got bloody knees with them dragging me into the SWAT team vehicle.
Because I said, yeah, I want to do this like it's real.
Well, you have about that hard across the face.
And now every person on earth with a computer or with the internet is going to end up watching this clip.
We're going to play right now.
Jada, I love you.
G.I. Jane, too.
Can't wait to see it.
All right.
That was a nice one.
I'm out here.
Oh, Richard.
Oh, wow.
Will Smith just snuck the out of it.
Wow, dude.
It was a G.I.
Jane jump.
Keep my wife's name out your mouth.
I'm going to.
Oh, he looks real.
I could.
Oh, okay.
That was a greatest night in the history of television.
So we are here to give a documentary out to give an Oscar out.
Now you saw the big tell, right?
It's something they do in the WWE F before they change the name.
He stomps his foot when he slaps him.
Play the part with him slapping him again and you hear this big.
And again, ladies and gentlemen, the strutting back after he did it is like high school quality
Ladies and gentlemen, high school and look, and look, he's leaning out to get the shot.
He's even waiting for it.
He's got his, he's got his cheek out to take it.
He actually sticks his cheek out.
I mean, look at the bad acting.
Back it up again.
Chris Rock.
This is a false flag.
And two actors just did it on the stage to try to get attention to Jen up support for
the collapsed Academy Awards.
That is nothing but a giant total joke.
Sticks the cheek out, braces, gets ready for it, leans into what arm it's going to come
We're going to rehearse this 20 times.
That's it.
Infowars.com tomorrows this today, but you're not supposed to question, right?
Everything Hollywood says is real.
None of it's fake.
Hollywood's real.
Disney's real.
Men becoming women is real.
The Easter Bunny's real.
Santa Claus is real.
Hour number two straight ahead.
In December of 2021, Infowars offered the first in a three-part series.
The 1776 anti-tyrant coin.
And it sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original, powerful coin, a founding member
coin, we would not be on air today.
Now, the second coin, the Liberty Tree coin is being offered and it will probably sell
out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to in front of operation.
It is so historic and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty
being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com.
It's also at infowars.com.
It's amazing.
There's only 10,000 of them.
And as a founding member, if we're able to stay on the air, we're planning something
very, very special for everyone that helps us go to the next level.
So get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
The first 10 amendments to our country's constitution were adopted in 1791.
The first of these broadly protects the rights of free speech and free press.
Free speech means the free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference
and restraint by the government.
231 years later, free speech across America is under chronic and insidious attack.
GCN is under attack.
Freedom is currently under siege from those who do not want you to know the truth.
I'm asking our fellow broadcasters and you to rise up and help us defend our right to
continue telling you the truth.
Would you like to join us?
If so, please consider visiting savegcn.com.
You may click follow, share, give and pray.
You may select all of those choices.
I'm Vincent Finnelli.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And then at the bottom of the hour, for at least an hour and a half, we're going to take
your phone call so I'll be giving that number out next segment and opening up the phone
It's a computerized phone system, folks, so don't waste your time calling until it opens
We're going to open it up when I give the number out next segment.
So thank you so much for tuning in.
But I want to air this Greg Reese report.
It's so powerful.
Just went up on Friday, needs to get millions and a thousand views.
And it's Pfizer comes for the babies.
Only 211,000 views.
Pfizer seeks approval to inject infants with deadly gene therapy shots here it is.
Because some human beings care about their children, VAERS was established in 1990 as
an early warning system to identify negative reactions and side effects of vaccination,
which makes sense.
But there are major problems.
It is managed by the FDA and the CDC, which explains why the VAERS database requires a
class to learn how to find anything.
Taking the time to actually file a report is voluntary.
And out of fear of losing their jobs or being considered an anti-vaxxer, nobody wants to
speak ill of the all holy vaccine, let alone make an official report.
It is estimated that only 1% of vaccine injuries ever get reported to VAERS.
So that means when VAERS reports over 44,000 adverse reactions and 90 deaths, one can expect
it to be as much as 4.4 million adverse reactions and 9,000 deaths.
And these numbers are only from the age 5 to 17 group.
Conservative numbers put it at 10%, which is half a million children that have been wounded
and killed from an unneeded, unwanted, experimental gene therapy shot that we were lied to about
every step of the way.
Thanks to the open VAERS project, which is built upon the VAERS data, the public can easily
search these reports and see for themselves.
People are reporting adverse reactions such as chronic pain, loss of hearing and taste,
talking gibberish, and acting out aggressively.
And these are the mild cases.
There is a tsunami of major brain damage, heart disease, and fatalities.
Edward Dowd has analyzed the data and has reported an 84% increase in deaths among ages 25 through 40,
which is the same amount of lives lost to the Vietnam War.
Toby Rogers estimates that Big Pharma kills twice as many people that died in World War II every single year.
The press ignores this because it's not enough.
They want your newborn babies as well.
Pfizer is pushing to have children as young as 6 months old, given a shot that we know is potentially fatal,
even though children were never at risk and are still not at risk.
The United States has been force injecting infants and children with experimental vaccines for years,
and now they want to add the infamous clot shot.
Thanks to virtue signaling mothers, some children have already been getting it in the womb,
which is resulting in miscarriages, stillbirths, and deaths from breastfeeding on toxic, genetically modified mother's milk.
Pfizer is planning on submitting another application for emergency use authorization in early April.
That's about 18 million children under 5 who could be sacrificed to the altar of Big Pharma and political correctness.
If Pfizer can achieve permanent liability protection from the FDA, who they control,
then they can add the mRNA gene therapy shot to the childhood vaccine schedule, where it will enjoy permanent liability protection
under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
These same crooks are putting a judge on the Supreme Court who openly defends leniency towards crimes that involve child rape.
They are coming for your children, and they will not stop.
If you still care about the human race and are looking for something you can do right now,
you can go to Toby Rogers at Substack and read his urgent call to action for more info.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Rees.
Go for yourself to 1776coin.com and see the new Liberty Tree Coin.
It is powerful.
Witness this powerful iconography for yourself and have this piece of history and be part of the founding member system
that we're set to launch in the very near future thanks to your support of this project.
Get a historic memento that helps keep InfoWars on the air and also gives you a real piece of history at 1776coin.com.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the most censored,
fight about, demonized, hated broadcast in the world by globalists, by pedophiles, by devil worshipers, by trash, by thieves.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you will know a man by his enemies, and I am very blessed to have these enemies,
but I'm way more blessed to have you as listeners and viewers that stand with us in the incredible quest we're involved in.
It is so historical and every day is more insane than the last.
I'm going to give the number out right now, and I'm going to start taking calls at the bottom of the hour in 23 minutes.
On any subject you want to cover, long-time callers, first-time callers, people that agree, people that disagree,
but I will put first-time callers at the head of the line, so be honest about it,
but please tell me if you are a first-time caller or if you're calling from some really faraway country,
we tend to put you to the front of the line as well.
If not, we just go in the order the calls are received.
What do you make of the latest developments in Ukraine?
What do you make about the economic system?
What do you make about what Black Rock's been announcing?
I'm going to get to that coming up next segment.
What do you think about the false flag at the Oscars last night?
You're not supposed to question whether it's fake or not.
When it's as phony as plastic fruit, it's like walking into a store and they've got a table out and you go,
is that real fruit or plastic?
Anybody can tell you it's plastic.
Well, how do you know?
You're not a biologist.
You're not a farmer.
You're not a ornithologist.
It's like somebody asked me, is that a penguin or is that an eagle?
And I'm like, well, it's walking on the ground.
It's about three feet tall.
It's kind of white belly and black body and waddling around.
It's a penguin.
Well, you can't say that.
You're not an ornithologist.
Well, what is a woman, judge?
I don't know what a woman is because I only do what I'm told.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we are not those people.
This is an open, free country still because we say it is.
We're going to exercise our freedom and ignore the sensors and the control freaks.
And we're going to defend the OACs of liberty and freedom and free speech and Americana that still exist
and are now more bright in this darkness than they've ever been.
So the toll free number is 877-789-2539, 877-789-ALEX-877-789-2539.
You can see it right there on your screen.
All right.
I'm going to get into the Russia-Ukraine situation and where all that's going here.
And then, as I said, I'm going to hit some of the geopolitical financial black rock news next segment.
And then we'll go to your phone calls.
But let's go back to a clip I already played last hour because it's so important.
This is Biden running around in Europe saying Vladimir Putin, quote, cannot remain in power.
So in this hour, let the words of Pope John Paul burn as brightly today, never ever give up hope, never doubt, never tire, never become discouraged, be not afraid.
A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never erase the people's love for liberty.
Brutality will never grind down their will to be free.
Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia, for free people refused to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness.
People have a different future, a brighter future, rooted in democracy and principle, hope and light, of decency and dignity, of freedom and possibilities.
For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power.
And suddenly, though, it was rebuked and rebuffed by world leaders and by his own secretary of state because Biden isn't running anything.
And when you call for killing or removing leaders, that is an open act of war and they are a nuclear power.
Allah, highway of death, Iraq, first Iraq war, 2000 and 1991, second was 2003.
And Sean Hannity has come back again and called for a nuclear war.
He says, we can't be whims.
It's quote, off the face of the earth, he says, humanity needs to all basically die, I guess, according to Hannity.
Hannity says, New Russia, off the face of the earth, if they use WMDs, we can't cower in fear over mutually assured destruction.
Well, here's the deal, Sean.
Iraq didn't have WMDs that were deployable.
But Russia does.
And so do we.
And so you can't say that.
And see, Zelensky is, and you've already seen the UN and the global sewers in Syria, stage chemical attacks and say that Assad did it.
But later it came out.
It was the White Helmets doing it.
So again, when you set the stage, as Zelensky and others have said, that if there's any chemical or biological attacks that they claim the Russians did, but they don't even have proof that then we use nuclear weapons on the Russians.
And the Russians will instantly counter-strike wherever the nuclear weapon came from with an attack.
That's why all the biggest brains have looked at this for 60, 70 years.
It's called mutually assured destruction.
And Hannity is quoted.
There's video of this.
In fact, I think I forgot to tell the crew to get that video.
Get that video.
I want to play it next segment.
You've got to hear this for yourself.
He's debating Tulsi Gabbards.
And he says, well, put the quotes back up there.
He says that we can't be intimidated.
We can't be pushed around.
We can't cower in fear.
That's a quote over mutually assured destruction.
What do you mean cower in fear?
So he's going along with the whole narrative.
When he's got a family in New York City, that he is one of the main targets of those Russian submarines sitting offshore 12 miles.
And his answer be, well, we'll nuke them better than them.
Okay, well, they'll shoot us 100 times and we'll shoot them 300 times.
It doesn't matter.
They'll shoot us 5,000 times.
We'll shoot them 15,000 times.
That's why it's called mutually assured destruction.
Because you've got to be mad and out of your mind to first strike somebody.
Oh, and it gets better.
The Kremlin calls Biden's regime change comments alarming, but appears unwilling to escalate rhetoric.
Meanwhile, Biden on Saturday said he refuses to rule out first strike use of U.S. nuclear weapons under extreme circumstances.
Oh, okay.
What does that mean?
First use of nuclear weapons.
What's the extreme circumstance?
Well, the Russians are driving out certain forces.
Hannity, nuke Russia off the face of the earth if they use WMDs, we can't cower and fear over mutually assured destruction.
Secretary of State Blinken walks back Biden's unscripted declaration that Putin cannot remain in power.
World shocked by torture and executions of Russian soldiers in hands of Ukraine Nazi battalions, actually wearing the Nazi patches.
Inconsistent with U.S. goals, Western analysts slam Biden's call for regime change in Russia.
Oh, eight and ten Americans worried Biden bumbling could lead to nuclear war.
20% aren't worried about nuclear war, they're idiots.
It's been all been confirmed, Ukrainian government came out last night and said do not violate the Geneva Convention.
That's not real, even though it's on record, but Will Smith slapping Chris Rock, that was real, right?
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series, the 1776 Anti-Tyrant Coin, and it sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original, powerful coin, a founding member coin, we would not be on air today.
Now, the second coin, the Liberty Tree Coin, is being offered and it will probably sell out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to be under operation. It is so historic and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty being refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com, it's also at infowarstore.com, it's amazing, there's only 10,000 of them, and as a founding member, if we're able to stay on the air, we're planning something very, very special for everyone that helps us go to the next level.
So get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
The newest product from Info Wars Life is now available exclusively at infowarstore.com.
It is concentrated known herbs and compounds that will supercharge your body's natural defenses, your immune system, while at the same time, funding the Info War.
Our immune systems have always been critical, but in this globalist era, with all the criminal activity they're involved in, it is more important than ever to take the tools God gave us and supercharge our immune systems.
Info Wars Life immune support is a game changer and everyone out there that wants to be healthy and wants to boost your natural defenses should get it today.
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So the chemicals that we ingest and all the things we try to bring into our bodies to change who we are are only lowering us. They're only making us more depressed.
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I think we all agree that whether you're Mexican or whether you're Russian or whether you're Japanese or Canadian or American or South African, that there's a war between countries that we shouldn't engage in war crimes.
That means shooting prisoners, torturing prisoners. It means making people take injections. That's a war crime as well.
I think we all agree that there's a war between countries that we shouldn't engage in war crimes.
People targeting civilians but also targeting military that have surrendered is by the Ukrainians. And again, I know the demographics of Ukraine. I know that the main group fighting the Russians are Nazis because their grandparents were.
During World War II and after World War II, it took the Russians a year or more to clear them out of the country the first time.
So that's just a fact. I mean, the left accuses a ham sandwich of being a Nazi. I mean, they'll accuse Martin Luther King of it.
So it kind of loses its meaning, but this really is where the Nazis and the Russians were doing this to each other.
And Ukraine was occupied by the Nazis for three years and a lot of the Ukrainians were anti-Russian and pro-Nazi because they saw the Nazis as liberators.
A lot of Eastern European countries did at first and then they're like, oh, these guys are as bad or worse than the communists.
And that's any mainline World War II history book, Rise and Fall of Third, Right, Pulitzer Prize winning, explains all that in several chapters. This is not debated.
So when they go, why Zelensky's Jewish? There's no Nazis over there. It's playing on the ignorance of the public.
Zelensky's an actor. He's a frontman. But one of the main groups empowering this civil war is the Nazis.
So let's play a clip here from the end. And we have much worse stuff than this, more graphic.
I'm going to show you just some of the least graphic stuff of them shooting people in the feet, knees, and genitals.
And then we've got footage. I'm not going to show all of it, but where their genitals have been blown off and they're kicking them in the groin.
And then they get their cell phones. These are well-known Ukrainians and call their mommies and make fun of them and call their wives.
And it's all real. It's been confirmed. This is really going on. So what type of whack jobs, and of course this guy turns out to be a Nazi,
what type of whack job kills somebody, tortures them, commits a war crime, and then calls their mommy up when they capture their cell phone?
Because remember, this would be like if Dallas invaded Waco, or if Dallas invaded Austin. It's the same people, same groups.
These guys doing this to speak perfect Russian, because they really are Russians. It's a Russian culture. It is Russian.
It's some Western European influences, but it's Russian. So Russian started. And so they're doing all of this and you're asking yourself what type of whack jobs,
because I'm sure the Russians are probably doing atrocities too. That happens in war. I'm not defending it.
I mean, I bet they're shooting dudes in the ding-dong too. That kind of stuff goes on. I bet most of the troops don't do it.
There's always a certain percent in a war that do bad things. I bet Ukrainians are raping women, Russians are raping women.
I mean, you know what's going on. The point is, why are they releasing it? Well, you had the head of the National Ambulance Group last Thursday.
What a video out on national TV saying, I have instructed them when we get injured Russians to castrate them.
We have video of them blowing their testicles off with handguns. You're going to see some of the video.
I'm not going to show the naked men and their generals blown off, but I'm going to show you men writhing with blood pouring out of their crotch after their shot.
First, here's a video of them shooting men pulled off a truck in the legs.
Now, there's hours of these videos because on the Ukrainian sites, the Ukrainians are very proud of this. I don't even go to the Russian sites.
I go to the Ukrainian sites and it's horrible. Let's play a short clip that isn't too graphic. This is one of the lighter clips of the same clip where it shows the men shot in the feet, knees, and genitals.
It's like some get shot in the penis, some get shot in the knee, and it seems like if you're more white, you get shot in the knee or the foot.
I just noticed the browner Russians, because Russians are very diverse, they're getting shot in the wee-wee by the Nazis.
I'm not trying to make a joke of it or make a lot of it. I'm trying to have a lesser word for it, but in their genitals, go ahead and roll it with audio. Please, from the start.
If radio listeners are just mingling all over the place inside a compound on the ground outside, they take masks off of them, they're totally beat up, and then they scroll down and they've been shot in the genitals.
This particular individual has had his genitals. This guy's shot in the leg, he's got a minute shot in the genitals.
And you just look at it, there's just people lined up, foot, knee, genital, foot, knee, genital. Yeah, he's shot in the thigh.
Some of these guys are dead, but the dead are at peace. They're like, oh, he's dead, let me move on over here. That guy's dead, bunch of them are dead.
And then they start shooting them more, but you'll see a guy here in a minute shot in the garage. A couple more of them. Yeah, that guy's knee-capped.
Yeah, this fella's shot in the genitals, there's a bunch of these. They take his mask off, you notice he's got, I notice all the guys with the genitals have brown skin.
That's what the Nazis did, actually, where it worked, yeah. He's a little bit browner, so he got a little crotch blown out.
That guy's dead, he got shot in the crotch too. Oh, he's still alive, there's a dead one that showed him in a minute. I haven't watched this in the last night.
Let's go ahead and turn this off, I don't want to watch this anymore. The point is, is that there's hours of this if you want to go look at it, and they're on TV saying with straight face, when we capture them, we cut their genitals off, we castrate them.
And then they get them off the truck, shoot them in the foot, the knee, or in the waist. And that's what they're doing. And they're doing it not too scientifically either.
So they're going to just shoot them in the torso, the lower torso, or in the abdomen area. So that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
Here, let's go out to break, there's so much cussing even in English here, but here is the Ukrainian soldier, he's been identified, an officer, talking to one of the mothers on the cell phone, he called the guy, he just killed, here it is.
Yes, good evening. Excuse me, are you familiar with Ilya? Of course. And who comes to you, if not a secret? A son. A son, yes.
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So when I first started taking survival shield basically I was 275 pounds overweight. I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe. I was barely holding on to a job and I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original survival shield the X1 and it worked pretty good and then shortly thereafter you came out with that.
You had with a deep burn source you know and I got really excited about that so I took it and man in two weeks I went from brain fog to like literally like my brain was enlightened.
You know I could think again I could connect with people again and over the course of the next couple of years I got my health back and I religiously took basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements. The one I like recently is knockout literally like if you want to sleep just take it. It's amazing it works.
So the point is we have to get ourselves clean. We have to break free of the globalist system and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said brother. I thank you so much for calling Godspeed.
This whole situation in Russia is extremely complex.
But there is an issue at the center of this that is just so bizarre.
And it's that you can quote what the State Department says when they get something right sometimes actually tell the truth.
And then you'll get attacked by the New York Times the Washington Post media matters is being a horrible person.
But you just quoted what they said and agreed with it.
They don't even want the general public or other talk show house to even be involved in policy discussions.
They want you to go watch your Netflix over there.
I'll play a clip of this illustrating this in a moment.
But Biden came out a week and a half ago and said the New World Order is in trouble.
Their global system is in trouble because of Putin's invasion.
In 2017 he said the same thing and it's actually true that China and Russia are challenging the Anglo-American New World Order.
General Flynn comes out last week.
It was all over the news.
They demonize him as a Russian agent because he quoted that the Western New World Order is being threatened by Putin.
I mean it's like saying Santa Claus wears a red and white outfit.
I mean the first of them it's about freedom of speech.
I mean it's just next level folks.
It's next level.
That they're all saying this is overthrowing their order.
And then he says it and he's bad when he's the former head of defense intelligence.
And I don't even know at this level the propaganda they operate on except their average minion is so stupid.
They don't know how stupid that makes them sound.
I don't want to fight with Blinken or Garland or any of these people.
I want them to stop being such horrible people.
I want America to be the good guys.
God I know we were never perfect but we were the good guys compared to other people.
And we're not now.
And I don't like that.
We're the leader in lies.
The leader in BS and the leader in pedophilia and a bunch of other bad stuff.
And I'm tired of it.
How do you reckon this country?
I go to your phone calls after I play these clips.
I appreciate everybody calling in today.
I just start getting so pissed at these people.
Because you know these globalists going along with this they're destroying their own future.
But they've got to dominate everybody.
And I'll get to it next hour.
I got all this black rock news.
I said I'd get to this hour but I got to go to your calls.
But since I mentioned this let's go to the Sean Hannity clip.
And again I'm not in competition with Sean Hannity.
I like Sean most of the time.
I don't want to be his enemy.
But you know you can't sit there and say we need to go ahead and have a nuclear war.
And we can't have nukes off the table.
We can't cower in fear.
After he says he wants to bomb the Russian convoy which would start a major expanded war.
I mean Sean let's fix America's problems first.
Stop letting George Soros start a war over there.
Is what the Russians doing the best idea?
Do we agree with it?
I don't agree with it.
But I know why they did it.
And I know that the globalists are mutual enemy.
Are the ones that started the fight.
Do I like to bear running around rampaging now?
But we shouldn't have gone in there and done that.
And we did.
So let's not escalate that now.
Here's Sean Hannity.
If Vladimir Putin wanted to negotiate he would have done it a long time ago.
He's not willing to.
And if he wants to use chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.
He's got to know that his entire country is going to be blown off the face of the earth.
I pray to God we never get to that point.
But that's always been a threat.
And it remains a threat here.
And we can't cower in fear based on the fact that we've had mutually assured destruction.
Pretty much for all of our lifetime.
I appreciate you being on.
Let me explain something to Sean Hannity.
Putin has zero motive to use chemical or biological or nuclear weapons.
It would turn him into Hitler.
I mean if they could prove he preemptively uses a nuclear weapon.
Or chemical or biological.
I'll say killing.
I'll kill Vladimir Putin.
Killing if he does that.
I'd say the same thing about any other world leader.
If I thought Joe Biden was going to launch a preemptive strike on Russia with nuclear weapons.
I'm not going to kill him.
I'm not threatening him.
And this is hypothetical.
But yeah, lock his ass up and put him in a padded room.
He's already there anyways.
I mean that's not the UN and others got caught staging attacks and blaming it on a side on record.
We invaded Iraq repeatedly over WMDs.
It was exaggerated.
It was BS.
There wasn't anthrax in that vial.
They didn't have anthrax trucks.
That was made up.
Then they injected our troops with a bunch of poison, fricking vaccine for a threat that didn't even exist.
And then we got Sean Hannity up there saying we can't take nukes off the table.
We can't cower in fear.
And you got Biden saying we may use nukes first.
We may kill Putin.
You assholes, excuse my French, because that's not enough.
You fucking assholes need to stop trying to destroy the planet and knock it the hell off while you're trying to impress other men around you that you waddle around talking about let's use nuclear weapons.
How about let's use our brains?
How about that?
How about we use that sometime, huh?
99% of these guys run their mouth about war and how tough they are.
Let me tell you, getting a ring with them bare knuckle, they're going to start crying for their mommy.
And I'm not saying I'm going to beat his ass.
I'm telling him stop trying to start a nuclear war.
Let's play a real hero, war hero, a real patriot, General Flynn.
He led troops in combat himself and gotten highly awarded for him and a great American patriot.
He said, but first let's hear what Biden said five years ago in 2017 and he said it again last week and all Flynn did was agree and he's a Russian agent now.
What fruitcake world is that?
Play the clips back to back.
But the greatest threat on this front springs from the distinct illiberal and external actors who equate their success with fracturing the liberal international order.
We see an Asian in the Middle East where China and Iran would clearly prefer a world in which they have overwhelming sway in their regions.
And I'll not miss words.
This movement is principally led by Russia.
Under President Putin, Russia is working with every tool available to them to one whittle away at the edges of the European project.
Test the fault lines among Western nations and return to a politics defined by spheres of influence.
We see it in their aggression against their neighbors sending in so-called little green men across borders to stir violence and stir and stirs of strains of separatism in Ukraine.
Using energy as a weapon, cutting off gas supplies midwinter, raising prices to manipulate nations to act in Russia's interest.
Using corruption to empower oligarchs to coerce politicians.
Someone like Vladimir Putin has now upset this balance of the New World Order that they were trying to achieve by going into Ukraine.
And I'm probably the last person that's going to be a Putin apologist.
I won't be.
But what I do understand are the dynamics that are playing out in Ukraine right now.
And I sent you something earlier, Clay, and we don't need to go into the details of it.
But all of what we are seeing play out in Europe right now is an upsetting of the balance of the World Order as they want it, as people like Dr. Harari, as people like Klaus Schwab and others.
Bill Gates is another one.
So we have to understand that these are people that are very smart.
They're very well resourced.
And they have a very sort of strategic idea of how they want to see the world develop.
And God and a soul are not part of that strategy.
That's right, because they're going to be your soul. They're going to program you.
So his crime wasn't agreeing that the New World Order has been upset.
That's a fact. The headlines are like, preposterous, the New World Order has been upset.
It was pointing out that the people running this New World Order are not Americans and don't like us.
Does that mean Putin's pervert? We should go skip along with him through the, you know, glades and little flowers and play patty cake?
No, it just means Putin isn't the one plotting our borders having drag queen story time.
Putin's not the one shipping fentanyl in here.
Putin's not the one devaluing our dollar.
Putin's not the one shutting down the Keystone Pipeline.
Putin's not the one trying to take your guns.
No, it's the New World Order. We'll be right back.
You know, it's a fact, and I'm not bragging when I say it, it's just true,
that Info Wars is seen by the globalist as the standard of human liberty,
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The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware
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and the globalist on the other who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
In the United States and Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK,
nations were pulling out of the private corporate fascist world government.
That's why they launched their Great Reset.
And they're programing for collapsing us of Build Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down vertical consolidation of the world economy.
And because they couldn't take our guns and because we wouldn't bow,
because the left, which is the ideology of this world government system,
could win, they released a biological weapon on us.
Now we know, two years ago, we learned about it about 20 months ago.
It's that simple. They can't meet us because of our free speech and our guns.
So the global corporate combine released COVID-19, and you know the rest is history.
Expose this paradigm and we win.
Randy Dewright. Randy Dewright. Thanks for holding her on the ear. Go ahead.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
It is such an incredible time to be alive,
and I am so honored to be with you all here on Earth Day
as we come together for liberty and freedom.
Cabin and South Dakota, your call is coming up here in just a moment,
and so many others.
I'm going to go right through your calls, bam, bam, bam.
Full free number as soon as you hear somebody hang up,
you can call in 877-789-2539 or 877-789-Alex.
Very briefly, Info Wars is barely making its payroll right now.
I'm not complaining, you're bitching.
It's all up to God and all up to you.
You have to pay for your own bandwidth,
your own satellites, your own legal, your own infrastructure.
You have the full way to the New World Order against us
trying to shut us down.
They're hopping mad.
We're still on air.
We can stay on air for a long time to come
thanks to you and what you're doing.
But I just need you to go to M4store.com
and get great supplements and films and books and t-shirts
and so much more.
But we've got a special offering at 1776coin.com.
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of the founding member.
And if there's a nuclear war, you won't get anything special.
Or if I get assassinated,
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So this is a big deal. Only three coins.
This is the second coin. It's the Tree of Liberty.
With the Thomas Jefferson quote,
the Tree of Liberty must be water from time to time
with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants.
That is on the coin. It is extremely powerful in my view.
And of the three coins, they're all excellent.
This one is my favorite, though I designed all three.
The others are close.
I'll just tell you, I think the next coin is great.
I'm not going to tell you what it is yet, but it's excellent.
The first one was amazing. This one is the best, in my view.
And it's available exclusively at infowarstore.com.
And thank you for coming through, folks.
We've already sold out of 10% of the coins since the show started.
And so at current rates, we'll end up selling out of this
in a week or so like we did last time.
It took 10 days last time at infowarstore.com.
So if you want part two in the series, it is available.
And we held back, by the way, 300 of the original
George Washington Slay the Dragon coin.
Those will be randomly 50 a day, the next four days,
released on the side at different times of the day.
In fact, I'm doing it now.
They were telling me about this, but they don't want me to jump on them.
I'm going to ask during the break when we're allowed to do it,
but they got to go in and add it.
But sometime today, 50 of those coins that are already sold out
will be available on the side as well.
I want to thank you all for your support
in keeping us on air at 1776coin.com.
Let's go to your phone calls and let's try to get to as many of them
as possible.
Let's go to Kevin in South Dakota.
Thank you for calling today.
What's up, Buttercup?
How are you doing?
I love what you do.
I love you.
You rock it.
And I have three things to say.
I'm going to try and be quick so that other people can get on the line.
First off, I don't watch TV because I have a soul.
However, I do have the internet and I saw what happened at the Oscars
and I got to say this black-on-black violence is getting out of hand.
I got to say it's ridiculous, but I know...
Let me ask you this question.
I mean, you agree with me?
If you disagree, it's fine.
There's a consensus in the office.
This was as fake as hell.
I got a degree in theater.
What you said about the foot hitting the floor,
and I'm not one of these fruitcakes in theater.
I'm a conservative.
That's a whole nother story.
Hey, Romney has a theater degree.
I love him.
None of the wrong with the theater.
What's wrong is the commies running it.
That's right.
These stinking Marxists.
They don't want to get off on that rabbit trail either.
But that foot hitting the ground is a total tell.
Also, Will Smith is 6.2.
If he can't knock out Crackhead Chris Rock with a slap,
he doesn't know.
That means that his wife should leave him because he's a weenie.
I mean, if you walk all the way to that stage with that momentum
and you can't knock a Crackhead down, can you fight?
We all know body language.
It was as fake as a $3 bill.
They're dying.
Their ratings are dying.
This was a stinking stunt.
I mean, the walking off is so fake, too.
And the way Chris Rock sticks his chin out,
when he's walking up getting ready, I mean, come on, man.
You're not going to believe it.
I'm a stand-up comedian.
I like both of those guys.
I don't like what they did.
They know better.
Will Smith, Chris Rock, you need to be ashamed
and you need to expose this because you're better than that.
But no, they're not.
They're in the system.
I mean, I like Will Smith as an actor.
Chris Rock's always pushing his leftist agenda.
But yeah, look, this was a stunt.
It was fake.
And we need to be able to talk about false flags.
But oh, you're not supposed to question Jesse Smollett.
You're not supposed to question Gulf of Tonkin.
You're not supposed to.
No, no, no.
We're going to question it.
And they don't want us questioning it.
What's your view on the gender madness?
You wanted to get to that?
Well, it relates to the Russian issue.
The Russians feel they have to preserve the world
from the gender madness like we felt we had to stop the communists.
By the way, Putin actually recognizes it
as a fundamental attack on the family
and destruction of civilization
because their family was already collapsing.
He understands this is a biomedical tyranny.
He came out about JK Rowling
and said they've banned her because she says
biological women have rights.
They have taken a rip from the insanity bong
and they ghosted that son of a gun.
But here's the deal.
In Wyoming, there is a deal.
Russia sold their shares in a uranium company
right before the war broke out.
And I think the people who bought those
knew what was going to happen
because you were talking about Jackson Hole people,
determining the whole COVID-19 thing in advance.
But where I'm from, Powder River,
is the Powder River Basin has core to its area,
Campbell County.
That's my home.
That's where I'm from.
And in Campbell County right now,
the libraries are pushing the gay agenda.
We've been fighting it for over one out over a year
since July.
Let's be clear.
They're pushing a pedo agenda of sexualizing children.
Don't even give them that gay thing.
They're pushing a pedo agenda.
You're right.
I was talking fast.
In fact, I was appealing before the library board
for a book called Sex Plus by Lacey Green,
which isn't even a gay book.
It's a book aimed at 16-year-olds trying to encourage them
to try BDSM and electrocute their nipples.
Yeah, all of it's bad.
All of it's bad.
You should not be bombarding young people
and elementary students
with how to shove things in their rear end.
It's criminal.
It's pedophilia.
It's grooming children.
These people need to go to prison.
Thank you for the call.
All right.
Next up.
Who was next up here?
Who were you guys talking to?
Who was the next caller?
Victor in Florida.
You're up next.
Go ahead.
Hey, Victor.
How you doing?
I'm good, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Welcome, sir.
I wanted to thank you.
I just wanted to comment on the Will Smith incident last night
and how it is pharmacaya or a form of lesser magic.
He was laughing at the jokes beforehand
to let everyone know what he was doing.
He was going along with the joke.
It was staged and then he goes on and does this
and the world doesn't bewilderment
as if they're under a spell.
That's right.
And part of a virus of the mind, old term a spell
is that your subconscious knows it's a lie,
but when you don't say it's a lie
and don't realize it's a lie consciously,
now you open yourself up for programming
and that's why lesser magic is that to tell you
what they're about to do before they do it
and they believe that gives them power over you
because when you accept a lie, you have now joined them.
And it's actually what you mentioned in reset words
as far as the psychological control grid
and I just got to make a quick point about the iodine.
It's excellent.
I did not realize how docile I was
and so I started taking it for a month
and then I was pissed off again.
So seriously, if you guys listen to this man's show
and do not support him, that he puts it on here for free,
what are you doing?
I bought the coin, I support you with the supplements,
however I can.
I don't make a lot of money, but I do it where I can.
I put my money where my mouth is.
So thank you.
Well, thank you, Victor.
I want to salute Victor.
I want to explain something.
Nobody's making anybody buy things here
and if I had some billionaire donor,
you know, that gave me $25 million a year
to put a text around this place,
I mean, small newspapers cost more than that, folks.
It sounds like a lot of money worth what used to be.
If I had some donor who gave me $25 million a year,
we would not run any ads here.
Now, our local radio stations and TV, they get ads,
they're going to run them still, but I mean, please,
make the donation now.
I will go commercial free.
Local stations will still want their six, seven, eight minutes an hour.
That's why we have another six, seven minutes for us
because that's for the network.
But I would end ads now.
I'm still on the old model, which is great
because when they tried to de-platform us
off the internet, we still had a hundred and eighty affiliates
that time.
It's like three hundred and seventy right now
and I am an FM.
All the censorship didn't go too well.
Hundreds of cable and TV stations
enraging the left
that they can't even figure out where they are
and try to do anything because we're free to air.
So, ladies and gentlemen,
it's just amazing
that fellows like that
and all of you keep us on air.
So, great job, infowarstore.com.
We are having such a massive effect right now
and I just want to thank you all for what you've done
because you did this.
We are only offering three coins in the series.
The first coin was released in December of 2021
and sold out in ten days.
Now, the second coin,
as we enter the last days of March into April,
2022 is now being offered
and I believe it will sell out in just a few days again
because these are historic coins
and because our amazing listeners want to support freedom
and keep info wars at the front lines
of the fight against these tyrants.
So, go for yourself
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and see the new Liberty Tree coin.
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Let's go to Oregon.
Let's talk to Bob in Oregon.
Bob, thanks for calling. You're on the air. Welcome.
Hey, how are you doing?
I'm all right, brother.
Fantastic. Hey, I've been listening to you
for 26 and a half years, my friend.
Wow. How did you first tune in?
How did I first tune in?
You were doing a podcast with somebody.
I can't really remember who it was.
It was a long time ago.
Yeah, it was a long time ago
and the galaxy far, far away.
What's on your mind, brother?
And I see where you are today.
Oh, my hat goes off to you.
Bless you, Alex.
I mean, you're in my prayers.
Damn, there every night I've asked Jesus
to protect you and prosper you.
I need that.
That's one reason for my phone call.
Alex had a product line.
Business man.
I own it 100%.
Nobody can touch it.
I own my own product lines, trademark.
Products sell pretty good.
And on air, I'm going to company up with Alex.
I'm going to give you the opportunity
to take 50% of my product for every item.
Tell me about it.
Because I mean, I love American ingenuity
and I want to know about it.
What's the product?
Well, it's geared to the bicycle industry.
I make high lines for people.
Bikes are really expensive these days.
And people don't like other people to know what they have.
So I make storage covers.
I make transit covers.
And I make an RV bike bag, which is real popular.
Ooh, that's really smart.
Absolutely crime.
But that's the next piece I'm going to cover is just
the exploding crime.
Well, we'll tell us about your company.
And I'll get your name and number.
We'll talk about it.
Because that's what we're trying to bring sponsors back on
to try to bring in the funds.
We need to stay on air.
And we've been doing some of that.
So I would love to know about it.
Tell me the company.
Well, the name of the company is a bike bag.
We basically have four products geared to the RV industry,
the everyday owner, and people who transport their bikes.
And we have some stuff in R&D that looks really good,
geared to the RV industry also.
Well, I'm excited about that.
So what's the websites that folks can go there?
Well, actually, Alex, I do it all through bell order still.
I don't have a website.
No, that's beautiful.
That's huge.
Well, you want to give us your name and number?
I will try.
One of my guys will try to call you because we got a $300,000
a month shortfall.
And I've almost spent the money from my house sale five,
six months ago, which is a very liberating feeling.
Because, I mean, I didn't even care.
I bought a house as an investment,
knew when this was going on, did a good job of the house,
doubled the value in four years,
sold it, and that's making payroll right now.
But I'm also kind of looking at my career going well
in about four or five months.
If I don't get some more funds in here,
we're going to have a problem.
Yeah, other businessmen and people out there,
I mean, millionaires, billionaires,
you know, the money goes to their head, turns to power.
We know how that works.
And then the evilness comes out.
It's power, you know.
And we're watching that today with everything that's going on.
And I just want to reach out to the hearts out there.
Jesus Christ is a wonderful spirit that can come in
and help your heart through these times.
If you turn your whole heart to Him,
He will, you take one step towards Him.
He's going to take a thousand towards you.
And He is a living God.
Jesus is so real.
That's why all over the world,
the Satanists and the cultists hate it because it's real.
Oh, Alex, I've dealt with these,
I've dealt with things that you cannot imagine, my friend.
I have contacts too.
I've been very quiet for about 10 years.
Back during the Phoenix lights,
I, well, it's actually something I probably shouldn't get on an air.
It's going to be lengthy, so I don't want to do that to you.
But it involves things that you could relate to, my friend,
and people.
It's beautiful.
And you know, everybody's, what you're getting at is,
it's having wild dreams right now and it's really getting
contacted by the Holy Spirit.
Like, God is moving on the earth.
That's why the devil is so upset.
Oh, upset?
He's in charge.
Why do you think these overhead dignitaries around the world
go to Antarctica?
That little ice patch out there.
Well, you know, Miles Deep is a lair.
And that's one of the places he actually resides.
People think, oh, Satan, he's a,
he's a spirit, a whispering spirit.
He has flesh and bone like we do.
All I know is, well, the thing is based in our,
you know, it crashes there.
They dig it up.
All I know is these people are working against humanity
and think they're aliens.
They say that.
They're about to build a new human.
They're going to override us.
The end of humans is about to happen.
That's all over the news.
I mean, whether the devil's a physical thing or not,
they sure as hell believe it.
Thank you so much for your call.
We're back in 60 seconds.
I'm going right to your call.
Stay with us.
In December of 2021,
Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series,
the 1776 anti-tyrant coin.
And it sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original,
powerful coin, a founding member coin,
we would not be on air today.
Now the second coin, the Liberty Tree coin,
is being offered.
And it will probably sell out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to.
The front of operation.
It is so historic.
And it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson
about the Tree of Liberty being refreshed
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See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com.
It's also at infowarstore.com.
It's amazing.
There's only 10,000 of them.
And as a founding member,
if we're able to stay on the air,
we're planning something very, very special for everyone
that helps us go to the next level.
So get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can
buy it at 1776coin.com.
All right.
We got Cara and Jennifer and Thomas and Karen
and Anthony in revolution.
Joseph, James, Jake and so many others.
Let's go right back to your calls,
the order they've been received.
I want to thank you again all for calling in today.
Let's talk to Jennifer in Pennsylvania.
Jennifer, welcome.
Hello, Alex.
I have a, you know, I was looking today
in the New York Post that says that Hunter Biden helped
us secure funds for the U.S.
Biolab and the contractors in Ukraine.
And I was just wondering if this still helps,
you know, is the truth.
Do you think that Joe Biden in the sun will be arrested?
Well, that's a very good question.
I actually have a whole stack on that.
I was going to get to a little bit later in the hour.
I'm glad you raised it.
Here's the deal.
I don't go off the New York Post.
I don't go off CNN.
I don't go off the Associated Press.
Our own Kelly McBreen, three weeks ago,
wrote three articles proving that Hunter Biden
and his dad, the puppet president,
did help run and fund those bioweapon labs.
And guess where we got it?
From the press releases of the companies
and what they did and the record of it.
And so, yes, notice it started breaking about a week ago.
After we covered it.
Not bragging, this is true.
After we covered it.
Oh, it's Russian disinfo.
They're so magical.
They're like leprechauns.
They just can do whatever they want.
The Russians then, once we covered it, started covering it.
It didn't come from the Russians.
It came from us.
And I'm not trying to like take credit.
It's just so frustrating that like a month ago,
I said, hey, Peter Dazik is Ukrainian.
And I'll just tell you.
I mean, I got a call by a Bilderberg group member
and they said, you need to look at Dazik.
You need to look at Ukraine and Biolabs.
And then I come to the crew and I go,
look at Ukraine and Biolabs and Hunter Biden.
And so we talk about it and becomes the big story.
The Russians didn't come up with it.
We did.
And it wasn't the Russians.
It was a Bilderberg group member.
But I had already been covering the labs.
They're building everywhere.
So it's not about credit, folks,
but you need to know where the credit comes from,
so you know where it comes from.
Like on a stack of Bibles, what I told you is true.
And you can go back a month ago and you can go read
Kellerman Green's articles three weeks ago,
three part series that ended like two weeks ago.
And I mean, it just, it's true.
But it's not like you got to go listen to the New York Post
or listen to whoever.
It's in the documents.
Go ahead, sorry.
And what was your other question?
Were they being arrested?
And the answer is no.
He's got a laptop with him screwing at least 100 kids
on video, some of them eight years old.
He's having sex.
He's raping his own niece in these videos.
So the answer is no.
He's above the law.
Oh, I just, I can't wait.
I just would love to see these people pay the price
for what they done.
But on to the next.
I would too.
I would too.
Doesn't that make you mad?
Like, listen, I won't look at it,
I won't look at my journalist.
It's been seen.
I mean, I'm not going to look at child porn.
And it's confirmed.
It's him having sex with his niece.
I mean, I mean, look at the photos of him.
He's a fricking crackhead.
I got the videos and the photos of it.
It is disgusting.
It is absolutely.
I refuse to look at it.
But other trusted people have looked at it.
And then I just, you know.
It's totally disgusting for sure.
And if you have children, if you have little girls
and you see that stuff that really will wake you
the heck up and make you realize this is way
far seriously than anybody ever even thought of.
Especially the transgender stuff that's going on in the schools.
I have a 14 year old.
He sees it every day.
You know, they allow little girls in the boys' bathroom
and they sit there and talk to the boys
while they urinate.
Oh, it's all pervert, palace,
attacking men and women's relationship to screw kids up
when kids are experiencing and open,
supposed to be learning about being friends
and holding hands and when they're 12
going to the movies for the first date.
And instead it's, oh, you're five.
I'm going to teach you how to shove cucumbers in your butt.
I mean, that's what goes on in Austin.
And I'm sorry to listeners like, hey, Jones,
we don't want to hear that.
You think I want to say that?
It's worse than what I just said.
I mean, I can't even, I mean, there's the deal.
They've actually defeated me
in that I can't look at these videos or read this anymore.
Like it makes me so mad
that I can't even, I mean, it's just, it's unbelievable.
And we just turn our children over to these schools
to do this.
This is terrible.
It's terrible.
Oh, that's terrible.
It's absolutely terrible.
I just can't even believe it.
It's like watching them torture the Russian soldiers.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
And imagine if it's traumatic watching it,
like the guy calling up the Russian mom and going,
oh, your son.
He's dead now.
It's all real.
It's confirmed.
I was an officer, everything.
And the woman's like, my son's dead.
He goes, oh, you pathetic.
The dogs are eating his body right now.
Like who acts like that?
Where do they find these people?
Because he thinks he's above the law.
He thinks he can do anything he wants
because the head of the military hospital
went on TV last week and said we cut their testicles off.
And I saw that and thought it was war propaganda.
And then there's the video of him doing it.
And I get it.
A man's not going to strip a dude and take his pants off
and cut it off with a knife.
So they follow orders and they shoot them in the growing.
Yeah, there's the video.
I mean, what's going on?
These are like brothers, by the way.
It's unbelievable.
All right.
Let's go to the caller.
Karen in California.
Karen, thank you so much for holding.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for taking my phone call.
So I'm calling about 10 proposed bills in the state of California.
We're here on the front line of medical tyranny.
These bills were probably all passed in the next two weeks
because there's a Democratic super majority,
but we're trying to fight it.
They're trying to make COVID-19 injections mandatory for school
children, public and private.
From preschool to 12, they're trying to classify anti-COVID medical
opinions as unprofessional conduct subject to discipline by the
medical boards.
They're trying to lower.
And as I gave a patient this, or my patient got sick, they get in
So it's not just since Alex shows now, it's since there are doctors
or nurses.
Well, subject them to discipline by the medical board in California.
Lowering the age of vaccine consent to 12 without parental
control or knowledge.
Authorizes the medical board to inspect the doctor's office and
without a patient's consent.
Violations of HIPAA, everything.
A total, because the globalists are rapist.
They want to rape you everywhere they can.
Rape your rights, rape your privacy, rape your body, rape your
DNA, rape your children, rape your God, rape, rape, rape, rape.
That's what they like.
They're rapist.
And that's why they say sexually the man in one of those
consensual is rape.
The one sex that isn't rape is what they hate is that consensual
love and coming together.
They say that's bad.
Well, everything they do is about raping our freedom.
They are the rapist.
I'm sorry I'm ranting.
I don't know.
Another bill requires law enforcement to enforce the public
health orders of the public health officials.
Oh, yeah.
That's the one they've passed an organ in places for martial law.
Spend time on that because the guys are the gals.
The crew is pulling up these links.
Tell folks about that.
That is so key.
If you go to unity projects online and dot com and then take
action, you can see all of these 10 bad bills.
So basically it was introduced by Senator Pan.
So requires all sheriff to execute all lawful orders of a
department in their counties, existing laws.
I don't know.
It's kind of long, but it basically turns them into
dictators, all the public health officials.
And, you know, there's no time for public comment or anything.
So yeah, it's all the same globalist you and agenda.
Get rid of medical due process.
Let the police arrest you if someone claims you were coughing.
Biomedical tyranny.
Karen, thank you so much.
So sad to see that beautiful state of California being
destroyed like that.
People are really waking up there.
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So I did it.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
Well, we're going to talk to Cara right now here on the
Alex Jones Show, and man, she's a weirdo.
Imagine her.
She's a conspiracy theorist.
She's asking questions.
She says she thinks the Oscars, with a bunch of actors,
is fake.
I mean, is that not the craziest thing you've ever heard?
They have a war start, and they claim WMDs, or Jesse
Smollett says two white guys dump bleach on him, put a
rope around his neck at 2.30 in the morning, and 20 below
Of course, that was fake, but still, how dare her not
believe the Oscars?
Of course, that was fake, but still, how dare her not buy a
bunch of actors doing something like this to dominate
and get all this attention?
Of course, it's fake.
The whole thing's even badly done.
Cara, give us your view on the Oscars last night and what
you think was happening.
Hey, Alex.
I was calling because, I mean, if somebody came up to a guy
very aggressively and hit him, is he just going to stand
there and take it and just do like a flat wow?
Like, wow.
And then say that was the greatest moment.
But exactly, get to your point, but people have now,
what I saw in the video, they've now got an HD of it.
He literally makes eye contact, waits, knows it's coming,
gets ready, braces for impact, turns the neck,
leans in, weak throws, sissy smack.
I mean, it absolutely was staged.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Yeah, so it's a stage way to physically assault any
politically incorrect comedian to put them in their place
and remind the viewers what to do when someone says
something offensive.
You know, they're promoting violence.
Well, that's it.
I mean, what they're doing is taking an event with like
five million viewers down from 40 million ten years ago
and just doing this to like put the word Oscar out there.
This is the death throes of Hollywood, what you're seeing.
Them having to clown around and slap each other like the three
Okay, Alex, can you do something for me?
Can you say, I'm a gorilla.
You like that?
I've had so many women come up here on the street and like
even friends and stuff and like one of my mom's oldest friends.
She loves Tim Pool and she loved that.
I'm a gorilla.
Yeah, I got the starters.
I'm a gorilla.
Murder yourselves.
You like that?
Come on.
I wear it in public and people are like, what is that?
I'm like, yeah, you know, I'm a gorilla.
I'm a gorilla.
All right, Kara.
Is that what you want to thank?
Thank you.
All right.
What a sweetheart.
All right.
Let's go to the next caller here.
Who would be next?
Who's been holding the longest?
I spy Joseph in New York.
Joseph, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Joseph Long Island, New York.
First off, I just want to say that me and my friends, we love your stickers.
We go around at night.
We put them on stop signs and I feel like, you know, the stop sign is the first place
that people look and especially they look at the sticker.
Oh, if you want to make a leftist, take a piss in their pants, put it in for a sticker
Oh, well, I feel like they're gone in a week.
It's the first sticker to get put down.
Get taken down.
I don't know if like, and the funnest part is to keep doing it.
Cause I go hiking a lot.
So I take like some of my pocket and I stick them up and when they take them down, I put
super glue on them so they can't get them off.
And you'll see like one scratched off, took some lip dart like 20 minutes to do it.
That's actually a really smart idea to put like gorilla glue on the back of it.
Yes, sir.
Never really thought about that.
So to get to my second point.
Oh yeah, torturing sensors is my specialty.
Um, to get to my second point, I just wanted to bring up the upcoming 2022 midterm election,
especially like New York's midterm election.
I feel like, you know, recently at the ranger game, probably like maybe a last week or a
week or like a week and a half ago, Kathy Hochel dropped the puck or a ceremony dropped the
puck and she got booed by practically everyone and she seemed mad, very uncomfortable.
Um, do you think that New York is in play in the upcoming governor's race?
And if so, under who?
Well, I don't think LA and New York and Austin are in play.
I know there's election fraud in place.
That's why once Democrat criminal machines take over, you never get out from under them.
I mean, I mean, we've proven Travis County is Republican.
We've proven it, but they just steal all his brother.
So of course New York's in play.
Do you think New Yorkers want crime and collapse and garbage and rats running around?
Do you really think they want what they've got?
Well, they don't.
And so now there's massive election fraud.
And until that gets fixed, I don't know what you're going to do.
You're completely right.
Like, look at the most recent New Jersey governor's race.
I mean, he was down in the polls probably like 20% and that day he lost by three.
I mean, if you think about it, who are all those people that went on his side?
Like, I mean, did the...
Well, that's it.
You're right.
The facade has fallen.
Nobody likes the governor in New York.
Nobody likes the mayor in New York.
Everybody likes New Yorkers.
I mean, they're just trying to bring in as many third world people as they can.
Not that they're bad, but they don't know even how to speak English to control and scare them and manipulate them.
But half the time they wake up and join us anyway.
So it's all blowing up in their face.
We're going to beat them as long as we know we're going to beat them.
Thank you so much, brother.
All right.
Let's take another call here.
Let's go ahead and talk to James in Indiana.
James, welcome.
Hey, Alex.
Just let you know, DOJ is a 747 plane wreck.
747 airs and misconduct coming out on rigged federal cases being reported by Fox.
To give college standards to convict anyone when the system is rigged and can't be trusted.
You guys need to look up whistleblower, Whitehurst, how they were using the crime lab in the past.
Oh, I know Whitehurst.
He's been on the show many times, years ago, yeah.
He saw them framing totally innocent people to crime lab.
Oh, absolutely.
Yeah, you can also look up Tara Morehead.
She was bringing in witnesses and saying, hey, you need to go on their life at the courts.
Yeah, let's get Frederick Whitehurst back on.
He hadn't been on in 10 years.
I mean, I haven't gotten to this yet and I should make a big deal about it and have it all out there.
But they call up and they go, we want you to come testify about January 6 and, you know, how it was all orchestrated or whatever, all made up.
Or we're going to up the charges on O and for no reason.
I mean, it's just like, it's like literally like Al Capone telling you, you're going to break your legs at a certain point.
It's just like, whatever, just do it.
I mean, it's just, it's insane that our government is this criminal.
Well, they're corrupt. Nothing they do can be trusted.
I mean, well, they don't even hide it.
Like they're calling major talk show host threatening them like, like I'm some crack dealer like them.
Well, it's disgusting because they've been fixing and rigging text messages.
Nobody checks for an ID.
There's no chain of custody.
That's why, you know, I'm not a fan of Hunter Biden, but there's no chain of custody and passwords are stored.
So anything, email, anything like that.
They've been caught rigging.
No, I mean, I get it.
I mean, I get it.
Like they sent me child porn on record and the news all ran that I had child porn.
Oh, really?
Well, I'm not arrested.
They sent it to me.
I'd ever opened it.
And they knew just what email and they sued me to ask for it again.
Yes, disgusting.
I want to go into a second last point here.
It's about veterans real quick.
Sometimes this week it'll be coming out how the government is fueling the veteran suicide epidemic and it's 50 times bigger than the Phoenix scandal.
I've sent this stuff over to a majority green.
She's aware of what's going on.
So if you ever want to talk to her about it, but it should be coming out this week.
It's huge, brother.
So thank you so much, James.
We're going to come back.
We're going to pretty good job today saying calls.
We're going to talk to who's up next year.
We're going to talk to Revolution.
We're going to talk to Melissa, Mike, Jake and others straight ahead toll free number to join us 877-789-2539.
A little less talk, a little more action.
We're all about talk, put into action, put into victory, put into Renaissance.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three part series, the 1776 anti tyrant coin, and it's sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original powerful coin, a founding member coin, we would not be on air today.
Now the second coin, the Liberty tree coin is being offered and it will probably sell out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to the front of operation.
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If I had to describe with just one word, the brainwashing, the mind control, the asleep prince that the general public is in, the best word would actually be the people are lost.
Just like you're lost to sleep or lost in a bad nightmare or you're in a car or you get knocked out and you've lost your bearings because you are totally dizzy and confused.
You have a concussion and that's what the globalists have done.
They have stunned us.
They have put us into a position of not knowing our bearings.
And then Klaus Schwab recently came out and gave a speech he called the great new narrative where he brags how the public is lost.
How the culture in the media has been driven to make sure the people are all alone so they can now guide humanity over the edge of a cliff.
That's what the great reset is.
They need darkness to thrive.
The light lives at infowars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, I need your help.
I need your help keeping info wars on the air and strong.
I need your help making sure that our mission continues on.
I was born for this. You were born for this and people are really waking up right now.
But we had to build our own infrastructure because of the censorship and deplatforming that cost tens of millions of dollars.
And now with Band-Aught Video getting close to 10 million views a day, we're a platform for thousands of independent journalists and groups to be able to post their content free of charge.
And because it's become so successful, it's a catch 22.
Info wars and Band-Aught Video have become a mothership promoting the pro-human liberty movement worldwide.
But the expenses in bandwidth alone are millions of dollars a quarter, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars a month.
So the biggest sale in info wars history is going right now. The mega emergency blowout sale up to 75% off.
Get incredible products and keep info wars as strong as ever.
Let's go ahead and take another call. Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee. Welcome.
Yes, Malcolm. All right, I will make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Shroyer.
Supermail Vitality and Brain Force Plus. Mix those two together. You're an unstoppable tank.
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People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't strong? That's just how it is. It's how it works.
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But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
The Rolls Royce
The Rolls Royce
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
That's right.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Revolution, you're up next in New York, then Micah in New York, and others on this live Monday, March 28th show,
that is here in defiance of everything the globalist censors and control freaks have done.
I give all that credit to the great audience and the affiliates on our crew in here. I salute you all.
Let's go back to the calls here. Revolution in New York. Let us have it.
Hey, what's going on? First of all, before I start, I just want to ask,
you talked about you saw a foot stomp. Will Smith stomp his foot before he slapped him, or had he slapped him?
I didn't see that, so I don't.
Well, let's just put the image up on screen. I mean, I certainly heard a foot stomp,
looked like he did his feet, slapped it, not from a high level, but like the wrestlers do.
Are you saying you think that was real? Because I saw Chris Rock stick his face out.
Grimace like he knew it was about to happen when that slap was really fast.
That looks like he was getting ready for that slap.
Yeah, I hear what you're saying. I didn't see, I didn't see that.
You get what I'm saying, like I didn't see him lean in or anything like that.
What I saw, let me just tell you what I saw.
What I saw was a couple of individuals who never participated in anything like that.
At any point in their lives, except when they were children.
Meaning you saw a punk walk up on stage and assault another punk.
You get what I'm saying? Neither one of them has ever fought probably a day in their life.
So what the world is seeing as something fake and stage,
what I see is a couple of awkward names who never participated in anything like that
ever in their lives except when they were kids.
And they basically just showed themselves to be cool.
That's just what I saw. At least in terms of will.
Chris, from what I understand, he made a statement afterwards saying that he didn't even write that term.
So that was something the Academy did.
Maybe the egg or more, maybe the egg will spin it on so he could do something like that
because you know something going on with his wife.
But how would you imagine if you just made a G.I. Jane quote, which was a compliment overall?
Why would that make him attack him?
It's all just a bunch of weird, sick, crazy Hollywood scum trying to take over our lives.
Look, you have Chris Rock grimacing his face before he's even slapped,
before the slaps even close to his face. It's staged.
You don't do that when somebody's about to slap you before even the hand goes up.
You don't go, you don't stick your face on the, getting ready.
See that. I don't believe he did that. I don't, I don't believe he did that at all.
What I saw was someone looking at a aggressive man coming towards him
and then he just got assaulted and he just wasn't prepared for that.
That's just, that's just.
All right. Well, it's the top story in the world while world markets fall,
all the dollars devalued, all inflation explodes,
while they're coming out for our babies with experimental shots.
Hollywood yet again is making us focus on them.
That's not my point. My point is this, there's nothing Hollywood could do
that could make anybody watch that show. That show is garbage.
No one's going to watch it. No one's watching it next year.
No one wants to, you know, partake in that.
My point is this, Will Smith is a fallen man.
Will Smith is a man who has given himself up sexually to those elites in Hollywood,
all his career in order to get the role that he got.
He also did the same thing for his children, specifically his son.
All right. I'm not going to go over some Will Smith thing.
I appreciate your call. I don't know what Will Smith's done.
I'll be honest with you. I'm not following what he's doing.
I'm following my family and what's happening in the world.
And that's what I'm telling you. The Hollywood thing is disgusting.
I hate the whole damn thing.
And here we are talking about them.
Not bashing the caller. I just, I just, Will Smith and his family
and Will Smith and his, you know, Will Smith giving himself up to men.
I mean, what?
All right. Let's go ahead and take some calls here.
Let's go ahead and go to who's up next here.
Jake in Colorado. Jake, go ahead. Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Yes, sir.
We got to ignore that celebrity stuff, man.
We got to, we got to start calling out these puppet masters.
You know, I agree.
I only brought it up because it shows how they do false flags in front of us.
I know they're just trying to, you know, distract us with all that kind of garbage.
But even the puppet masters, we got to start looking higher than that.
The executive producers of the show.
Those are the people we need to start looking at.
Who are the executive producers of the new world war?
I mean, the people you don't see their faces.
You know, we have Claw Schwab and stuff.
We know who those people are, but who are the people above those people?
You know what I'm saying? The people we never see.
Well, if I know one thing about powerful rich people, they don't want to be known.
And, uh, you know, I've been in the music industry and making music my whole life.
I'm a real rapper technically, but, uh, lately when I switched over my gimmick,
I've been getting a lot more play on the patriotic rap and calling out the gray reset.
And that's what we got to start doing is just don't even acknowledge these celebrity garbage.
Well, I agree.
But I mean, it's the top story.
So you got to point out how it's a distraction and diversion as a top story.
So what's your, uh, what's your new handle as the anti reset rapper?
Oh, I go by freedom la truth.
Freedom la truth.
Well, we'll check it out.
Anything else?
Uh, yeah, I wanted to plug 50% off.com.
Uh, you haven't plugged it in a while.
I just went over there in order to bunch of the silver product, the lotion, uh,
brain force ultra.
You know, a lot of stuff that you can't even get on info war store over there at 50% off.com.
No, that's right.
50% off.com.
You know, the reason I've worked with other folks, I don't, I don't run that side on
that site is that they're trying to shut down info war store.com.
And so we're trying to diversify with other sites, other people, other groups that get
it to discount in case they try to shut down the main shopping cart, which they've been
trying constantly.
We have some backups.
50% off hub.com is a really great.
And it helps keep us on the air.
And we also have, ladies and gentlemen, the tree of Liberty coin.
The last coin sold out in about 10 days.
It's nine and a half days.
Pretty technical.
And so the new coin is the third or is the second, the three part series, the new coin
is a second, the three part series and is exclusively available at info war store.com.
So we're very, very proud of the coin.
And you can again find it at info war store.com or you can go to 1776 coin.com and it's following
the same trend as last time that it will end up selling out within 10 days.
And that's good because it's the last coin I've done the math.
I've done the numbers.
And it's the last coin that is even letting us make payroll, pay for the bandwidth, which
again is great.
I'm not complaining, but we serve out on average 7 million videos a day at Bandai video.
And we serve out more than 5 million audio and video streams every day at info wars.com
and that's cost money.
And we have our own infrastructure, our own servers, our own everything.
When you're on YouTube or you're on Instagram and it's easy, you just upload there, it's
there, they pay for it all.
We are a standalone system.
In fact, Trump can't even basically launch a social network or anything.
I wish he could.
We would love to work with Trump or anybody else.
We've got a network infrastructure.
We've got it all set up.
Hell, Joe Rogan's been here many times.
It's like, man, have they ever kicked me on Spotify?
I could just use all this.
I mean, that's what we're talking about is we built this knowing the censorship was coming,
knowing we had to have our own infrastructure.
And then three or four years after I got the infrastructure built, they hit us and shut
us down.
And now we've upgraded it and it's just an ongoing war and God just keeps me on empty.
God just keeps me right there with just enough to keep things going.
I guess you just show me how real all this is.
But I want to thank you all for the money we have because without you, we wouldn't be
So infowarstore.com or 1776coin.com, just 1776coin.com, just the numbers, then coin.com, 1776coin.com.
And this will sell out.
So please keep us on air, get a piece of history, these coins are selling two or three times
on eBay and stuff, what people buy them for.
There is a markup.
That's the funder operation.
And they will sell out.
It's following the exact same trend of last time.
So thank God, because it'll be the funds of this that help us stay on air.
Because as I said, I sold my house and I bought it as an investment.
The family was like, wow, you never really buy big houses.
An investment for money later, and then it doubled in price three years.
I sold it.
And now I'm dumping that into the operation.
I'm all in right now with what's happening, because history is unfolding.
We've all got to be all in right now.
We want to thank you all for your support.
We'll be back in two minutes with your calls.
Then Cheryl Salente is coming up.
We are only offering three coins in the series.
The first coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in 10 days.
Now the second coin as we enter the last days of March into April 2022 is now being offered.
I believe it will sell out in just a few days again, because these are historic coins and
because our amazing listeners want to support freedom and keep info wars at the front lines
of the fight against these tyrants.
So go for yourself to 1776coin.com and see the new Liberty tree coin.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Let's go to New York City or New York State, I'm not sure.
This says New York.
Mike, welcome.
You want to talk about Ukraine and Russia and the videos of shootings and torture.
What do you think about that?
Hey Alex, thank you for taking the call.
I really appreciate it.
So I wanted to get your take on this.
So we've seen these videos over the last couple of days of these maniacs shooting these Russian
soldiers and committing the war crimes and we've also seen some videos.
I don't know if it was on your show or on one of the others where we have these young kids
and these like neo-Nazi brigades, Sikh highling and all that other stuff.
And so I'm piecing these two things together in a sense where these soldiers from Ukraine,
military age men are probably what 18 to 20 years old.
And when all this crazy stuff happened in Ukraine about eight years ago, these were
young kids, probably around 10, 12 years old, 13, 14 years old.
Just imagine just trying to say, look at it from both sides and say, these kids are
products of the new world order propaganda, mind control.
Imagine the stuff that these have been feeding these kids, teaching them Russians are bad
and these horrible people.
Like you've said, these are basically like their cousins, these are their neighbors.
And I can only imagine on both sides probably happening both ways, similar to what's happened
to the young Arab kids in the Middle East where they're taught to hate America from very young
age and they're just grown up in this propaganda mind control system where now they've got
their hands on a Russian and they think they're doing the best thing in the world by blowing
these young guys' genitals off and then calling their mothers and bragging about it.
I mean, it's not where did they find these people.
They created them.
These people have been literally created by this propaganda and mind control and all of
this crazy, crazy stuff that's been going on to them probably since they were young
I wanted to see what you thought about that.
You need a radio talk show brother, you said it better than I could.
There are products of George Soros and the New World Order using fissures from World War
II and Nazi ideology to start a war with Russia and now Putin's taking the bait and God knows
what's going to happen.
What do you think should have come out of this?
You sound pretty smart.
I just think it's a horrible situation on both sides.
I don't think anything good is coming out of it.
I think like we've heard on the reporting of food shortages and possibly escalations to
conflicts either there or in the surrounding region and I hope that we don't get dragged
into it.
But with the puppet Biden, you know, walking around, making all kinds of crazy, crazy claims
every time somebody puts a microphone in front of his face, who knows what we're heading
And like you say, they got these submarines sitting off the coast.
I'm here in New York City and like you said, in five minutes, 10 minutes, they could vaporize
the whole city.
You know what?
We have 6,000 nukes and they have 5,000 nukes.
All it takes is one or two, you know, it's total insanity is totally and like Biden's
just bumbling around, bumbling Biden.
It's very frightening.
I'd love to see someone, maybe this Pete Ducey kid from Fox or somebody that has a pair,
you know, ask him in one of these briefings and say, you know, Biden, who's actually running
things because every time you make a statement immediately within hours, someone from your
administration makes a statement contradicting exactly what you said.
So who's in charge?
Are you in charge or is your administration in charge?
Who's running the show here?
Because we are the ones dealing with the fallout from every one of these bad decisions and
bad posturing.
Well, that's it.
And that's what's crazy is even if they put it in as a puppet, he's an out of control
It's so dangerous.
Mike, amazing information.
Thank you so much for calling.
That's why I love taking calls.
What a great caller.
Let's go to another awesome caller.
Let's go to Melissa in San Diego, California.
Go ahead, Melissa.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
I've been a long time listener for some color.
I agree with you on everything as far as when it comes to COVID.
Let's hold all these people accountable, Fauci, the administration, the media and so on.
But there's one group that I think we keep forgetting about and that's the union.
The unions absolutely sold out their membership in order to be complicit with this entire
charade with the entire vaccine rollout.
I agree with you.
Where are they standing up for their members that you've got to take an experimental shot?
That's ridiculous.
That's the first thing unions should be doing.
The largest federal employees union in the nation told their membership that the president
has an absolute right to force an experimental vaccine on you.
We have no legal ground to fight it.
Well, that's why the globalist first took over the unions in the 50s and 60s is a union
can be good or bad.
It's not just people, but they definitely feared the power of the people and their collective
bargaining rights and they've totally shut it down.
They've gotten so far away from actually doing what's right for the membership, the employees,
the people who are actually working.
And they're absolutely beholden to the Democrat Party and this whole New World Order.
Which has offshored all their jobs.
I mean, the unions oversee the destruction of their employees now, but they'll give them
a little piece of meat up front.
Like, I'm going to kill you.
I'm going to bankrupt you, but here's a cigarette.
And it's just amazing to me that people aren't awake to that fact, but again, my main point
is we have to hold the unions accountable just like we're holding everybody else accountable.
At the end of the day, they played a vital role in getting employees to roll over and
take that shot.
They coerced their membership to take that shot along with everybody else.
Beautifully said.
Anything else, Melissa?
Just real quick.
A few minutes ago, you were stating God keeps you unempty to keep you going.
And I just wanted to reaffirm that for you.
Absolutely He does.
And at the end of the day, God just wants you and everyone else to know that it was
Him who provided, it was Him who moved His hand that allowed us to continue to persevere.
But I do pray for you.
I pray for your family that God continues to give you strength and the fortitude to continue
to fight the enemy.
Well, I read the widow's mind story and then I live that every day.
It's like, why is it exactly what we need?
It's all, you know, it's like, that's God letting you know, isn't it?
It is.
And it's to keep us craving more and to keep us wanting to seek Him more so that He can
give us exactly what we need.
God will always come through, even if it's on the 11th hour, you know, the last minute,
the last second.
And I do believe God, all of these things are happening in the world today from the vaccines
to the war and all these things.
God can change it in a heartbeat and I believe He will.
But when He does do it, it's going to be so the entire world will know He did it.
It wasn't a politician.
It wasn't a media group or anyone else.
It was Him who changed it and He will hold all of these people accountable.
I agree with you.
Your words bring tears to my eyes when I said, thank you.
I've seen the power of God.
I've seen the mysteries.
I've seen it all stacked up.
I've seen it up one side and down the other.
It's amazing.
All right.
Let's jam in a few more here.
Let's talk to Presley in North Carolina, then William in Florida.
Go ahead, Presley.
Well, yes, I just wanted to call in and just blow it out and I did everybody that I'm personally
going to do myself as soon as I get my worthless refund.
I'm going to personally donate all of it to InfoWars to help you all out because if we
don't do anything to stop this, that money is going to be worth toilet paper.
Well, brother, I appreciate you.
But what makes me mad is folks of meager means that are hardworking Americans are giving
everything and there's all these rich people I know that won't do anything.
They just sit on the sidelines while everything falls apart.
So I just call on upper middle class wealthy people to start donating or do their own damn
But whatever they do, they need to put some skin in the game right now.
Put up or shut up.
When can we expect COVID land three, man?
As soon as they get it done and we're voicing it and getting it out, well, we'll get it
And then the folks put a lot of money into it.
Big production.
It hasn't made its money back.
We just did the promotion and some of the advertising, but we've almost lost money on
We have lost money, but it's a very important two-part series.
The rest of the series are coming out.
What matters is, is that millions have watched it online for free.
God bless you and keep up the good work, man.
We're all in this together.
Yes, sir.
Now, that's what we do.
You know, most of our projects, we do a lot of stuff and we just try to pick the right
things to fight the enemy and then we try to get the funds that used to.
I could find all sorts of journalists, all sorts of films, and we were doing a lot of
stuff behind the scenes.
You know, imploded down to implores, and we still have a great effect here, but it's
just every day is precious because the enemy is coming after us big time.
We're going to start the next hour.
I'm going to let Gerald take over.
It's six after.
I'm not going to cut it this time.
I didn't hit the crime wave news and I didn't hit the economy news.
I didn't hit the Black Rock bragging about world government news, but I'm going to set
those stacks aside.
And tomorrow, there'll be even more stuff I can add to it, and I'm going to start the
show with the collapse of the economy by design, how to stop it, Black Rock, Bill Gates,
and all the rest of it.
So that's coming up.
But yeah, you know, I'm always trying to figure out, what do I sell to listeners that's good,
that makes their life better, that they like, that's reasonably priced to keep us on the
And then I'm like, man, I don't want to get up here and ask for stuff.
I don't want to get up here and sell products.
But I don't, we'll be off the air.
So it's a very simple equation.
And I know my job is just to do this as hard as I can to the end, and then God will pick
up the slide.
But we've reached our most important work in our history in 28 years, and people are
really listening now, and very important people are listening, common people are important,
very powerful people are important, they're listening, and we're just, we've hit what
we were made for.
We've come into our prime, we're here, that this is everything we did was pointing towards
this moment.
So your word of mouth, your prayers, you're visiting infowarstore.com or 1776coin.com.
That is what funds the revolution against tyranny.
That's what overrides the evil.
We are only offering three coins in the series.
The first coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in 10 days.
Now the second coin, as we enter the last days of March into April, 2022 is now being
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Ladies and gentlemen, info wars store.com is offering the biggest sales in its over
20 year history.
And that is because the economy is breaking down, inflation is exploding, the supply chains
are broken down and info wars is having serious trouble making its payroll and paying for
And I do not want to implode or downsize in the face of the globalist making their main
If info wars is paradoxical, it is more popular than ever, it is reaching more people than
ever despite the center ship.
But because of cost increasing and having to run our own infrastructure and pay for
our own bandwidth and everything else, we are running out of money.
So listen up to 75% off at infoworkstore.com on things like amazing patriot t-shirts that
help spread the word and fund the operation, on supplements, on books, on films.
And that is 25 to 75% off right now, the biggest sell in our history at info wars store.com.
Thank you for your support.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it is Alex Jones.
Best prices explode, food prices explode, illegal immigration explodes, wokeness, China,
Taliban, all of the tyranny.
And Gerald Salenta is going to take over in 15 minutes.
I've got one more caller, William I'm going to get to, but big news just broke at info
wars.com that we have been consistent warning of over and over again that is such a critical
and when you see Sean Hannity, he gives you a tell when he explains that and he's in
sync with the deep state and the warmongers.
So that's coming.
Here's a special report dealing with this and we're going to come back in the next
segment that it all stay with us.
The Western world after World War two had a baby boom and our populations in Europe,
Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US doubled on average in the next 30 years.
And now we have the biggest aged population in the world, same numbers for Japan and China
as well.
China is more than doubled its population to one point, almost five billion.
India is the same.
And so there's been a decision by BlackRock on record and Bill Gates has given speeches
at TED talks about this to just kill people at age 75 is spending a million dollars on
that last three months of life for that patient.
Would it be better not to lay off the those 10 teachers and to make that credit for medical
cost, but that's called the death panel and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
The main author of Obamacare Ezekiel Emmanuel has written essays and articles about how
he hopes to die at 75 by the way, he's past 75 and hasn't died.
He means he wants you to die at 75.
They can't pay you your pension funds.
They've stolen the money and they don't want to go to jail like Bernie Madoff.
They want you to die and then it's trendy to eat bugs and all the rest of it.
You're not saving the earth.
You're letting the globalists train you to be a slave as they prepare to cut off the
resources, make you fight over the resources and then phase you out and get rid of you.
And yeah, Joe will tell you, you know, he didn't know what he was doing back on the
fear factor Joe Rogan.
That was all conditioning to get people to dehumanize themselves.
It's a long term anti-human alien agenda and by alien, all of this is alien to the
normal way of life.
All of this is anti-human, anti-life on this planet.
The globalists don't want to just get rid of humans.
They want the whole thing taken over, a silicon based system.
This is an alien takeover.
This is the fight of our lives.
This is the enemy of our generation that we face.
And their new world water is a place that we don't even exist in and the process to
being destroyed and killed, we're going to go through hell and our children are.
Are we really going to lie down and take this?
Are we really going to see hundreds of articles in Bloomberg and in Reuters and in the New
York Times and in local magazines for kids in public schools for elementary kids?
Save the earth.
Eat maggots.
Save the earth.
Drink sewage.
Save the earth.
Euthanize your dog or cat.
Don't take care of them.
This is dystopia.
They're attacking you with poison, with garbage, with lies, with big pharma, with poison shots.
Or maybe I've just been wrong.
Maybe I should submit and maybe we should all go out today with hatchets and kill our dogs
in the backyards and our cats because it's to save the earth, right?
We're supposed to give up everything we've got because we're bad.
We're guilty because we have dogs and cats.
We're guilty because we have children.
We're evil.
But none of that's even true.
All a greedy group of monsters that want you to learn to hate yourself so you roll over
into the ditch of history so they can steal the future.
They're projecting their globalist hatred of themselves onto you and I.
All the beautiful, nice things they have and the science they have came from the commoners,
came from the people.
We built all this and now they've got their robots coming online and they say they don't
need us anymore and we're supposed to just hate ourselves and go commit collective suicide.
Well, guess what?
It's not going to happen.
We'll be back.
the next time you visit, be sure to check it out.
The next time you visit, be sure to check out the next time you visit, be sure to check
it out.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, we knew this was coming and now it's been announced by the Ukrainian government,
the globalist system.
They say the Russians are going to stage a dirty bomb so they need NATO to come in right
now and occupy the country.
They need the UN to come in right now and fight the Russians, which will start a larger
They're saying that radioactive material has been stolen from some of the nuclear power
The nuclear power plants, they said three weeks ago the Russians had blown up.
Now the Russian ambassador came out two weeks ago, almost three weeks ago, and said they're
going to claim we're going to stage a dirty bomb.
It's not true.
Well, why would you stage a dirty bomb?
That brings the West in.
That brings, no, you don't want that.
That's why Putin's not been trying to target civilian forces, because he doesn't want to
be known as a war criminal as the Ukrainians are now being known as they commit the atrocities.
That's how you lose wars.
Kelly McBrain has written about it for infowars.com.
Kelly a month ago began writing about the Hunter Biden connection to the bioweapon
labs, which are now confirmed.
False flag alert.
Putin claims dirty bomb ingredients stolen from Chernobyl.
That's right.
And the Ruskies are going to release it.
Ukraine's Director Institute for Safety Problems of Nuclear Power Plants, the ISPNPP, Anatoly
Naskavali, is warning looters allegedly stole radioactive isotopes that can be used to make
a dirty bomb.
He has no proof of the claims.
He says since Russia has gained control of Chernobyl, monitoring lab, the fate of these
sources of radioactive isotopes is unknown to us.
And it goes on with the news saying, oh my gosh, break for it.
All your rights are about to taken away.
We've got to go to war with Russia, because they are going to set off a dirty bomb.
And that's what Sean Hannity said.
We played it earlier.
He said, listen, they're going to release a dirty bomb, or a radiation bomb, or a biological
bomb, or a chemical bomb, and we can't be scared to go to nuclear war with them when
they do that.
Here's the quote.
Hannity, nuke Russia off the face of the earth.
That's a quote.
If they use WMDs, but we don't know they did, somebody claims they did, we can't cower in
fear over mutually assured destruction.
All I can say is wow, wow, and wow again.
What a time to be alive.
You can just smell the doom and all the economic news of the hyperinflation, everything coming
All done by the central banks.
I'd love to blame the Russians, because we could fix that problem.
The Russians don't run our country.
What's scary is Larry Fink does, and Larry Fink's a jerk.
Larry Fink loves Communist China.
Larry Fink is a tyrant.
He funds Black Lives Matter and Drag Queen Pito's story time.
Yeah, let's play a clip in before I go to this last caller.
This is him again on Bloomberg bragging that hedge funds and investment funds like his,
the biggest in the world, over $10 trillion in assets prefer dictators to the messiness
of free countries.
Here it is.
Markets don't like uncertainty.
Markets like actually totalitarian governments where you have a understanding of what's out
Obviously the whole dimension is changing now with, as he said, a democratization of countries.
These are very messy, as we know in the United States, you have opinions changing back and
But those really aren't democracies.
Those are color revolutions.
They're funding, and they're fomenting.
Is the operative word.
Let's jam in one final caller before the great trans forecaster, Gerald Salente takes over.
Let's talk to William in Florida.
Welcome, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Yes, sir.
I just wanted to talk about the election fraud, and Sir Varney had Trump on the other day.
And when Trump brought up the election of 2020, he criticized them about looking in the past.
The very next day, he has Greg Gutfeld on just to criticize Trump about looking into
the past.
Oh, yeah.
You're not supposed to look at fraud because you're supposed to let him keep doing it forever.
I mean, it's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard of.
It's maybe the biggest tragedy in American history, and they don't even want to look at
Well, that's because there's a litmus test with all these big corporations.
You don't talk about the election fraud.
That's presiding on ground, because obviously Trump won the election.
I mean, in AG Barr, he did nothing about it.
Now he's complaining about Biden lied, and Hannity complains about Biden.
He didn't want to look in the election.
It's disgusting.
But I would love for you to do like a documentary step by step and just lay it out so people
can actually see it.
Because I'm amazed that some of my friends don't even realize all the anomalies, all
the, you know, all six bellwether counties stopped counting at the exact same time.
Oh, it wasn't just six counties.
It was a bunch of states did the same.
And the Democrats said there'll be a red mirage.
It'll look like he's winning, but we'll get them mail-ins later.
And Pelosi said, no matter what it takes, he's gone.
So I'm sure somebody was coordinating that.
And it needs to be looked into.
And when Trump gets back in, he, you think fish swim in the sea?
I'm sorry.
What's that?
Well, you said you're sure there was fraud.
You mean you think the sky's blue and fish swim in the ocean?
That's insane.
I know.
It's crazy.
But I just hope Trump gets back in and has a real AG and just can, I mean, I don't think
nothing's going to be changed about re-scoring the election, but at least uncovering all
the anomalies.
So it never happened this feature, because I don't feel good about voting now.
How do I know they're not going to do the same thing?
Well, they have big trouble stealing landslides.
That's why he won the first time.
But they barely were able to steal this one.
So all eyes are on it, so I would say keep voting, but keep exposing the fraud while you
do it.
But great points.
William, anything else?
I would love for you, like I said, just to do the documentary.
I think you'd raise a lot of money for your info wars and keep your thing going, and you're
doing a great job.
And I mean, it's just such an important topic.
And when you get all these guys on Fox complaining about Biden, yet they never even wanted to
discuss the stolen election, it's just ridiculous and then useless.
Well said, sir.
Thank you.
All right.
Gerald Salente is always incredibly informative and on fire and interesting.
He's about to take over on this out of this break.
I don't personally like to spend my time plugging and begging for support.
If we don't do it, we won't be here.
So it's really just that simple do or die.
We want to keep info wars on air.
And it's real simple.
Go buy a book, buy some films.
We got a big sale.
Some of the t-shirts are selling at cost or even lower up to 75% off.
We got to have a big clearance right now infowarstore.com.
And then we have 1776 coin.com.
That is 10,000.
It's the second and the third series of 30,000 coins total of the founders series with a coin
I designed with another top designer of the tree of liberty must be water from time to
time with the blood of patriots and tyrants got the tree of liberty.
It's got the skull.
It's just really historic.
And then the markup that's in the coin, it's a great collectible keeps us on air and lets
us launch a lot of new cool things behind the scenes that the folks that buy the coin
will exclusively be given access to or very, very close to it.
So I want to thank everybody that's part of this infowarstore.com as a big link on the
front page or simply ladies and gentlemen.
You can go to 1776 coin.com 1776 1776 coin.com and the limited edition coin is available.
And last time it sold out about nine and a half days, 10 days.
It's scheduled to sell out exactly the same this time.
And we held back 200 of the original George Washington slaying the dragon coin.
So we're going to be offering 50 of those a day randomly.
You'll see it pop up at 1776 coin.com or patriot collectibles.com.
So if you want one of those coins at the original price, you will, they're selling for two, three
times that now on eBay and other places.
Those are available as well at 1776 coin.com and again, I want to thank you all for your
In case you're not online, you can also call triple eight two five three three one three
nine and secure one of these historic coins takes them for war is the next level.
Thank you for your support.
The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons
and chemicals added to the food.
It's all come out and they're doing that not because we're weak, but because we're made
the image of God, the creator and we are powerful and the social engineers fear that so much.
So that's why I repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up
with the boy, is it true?
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all the propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural
death because they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on the God
of this world who is a loser.
And that's why it's so important that everybody keep him for war is only here now more than
ever because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting
and setting up is safe and we are opposing the one world government and the mark of the
beast they just announced.
Ladies and gentlemen, I need your help.
I need your help keeping info wars on the air and strong.
I need your help making sure that our mission continues on.
I was born for this.
You were born for this and people are really waking up right now, but we had to build our
own infrastructure because of the censorship and deplatforming that cost tens of millions
of dollars.
With Band-Aid video getting close to 10 million views a day, we're a platform for thousands
of independent journalists and groups to be able to post their content free of charge.
And because it's become so successful, it's a catch 22.
Info wars and Band-Aid video have become a mothership promoting the pro-human liberty
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But the expenses in bandwidth alone are millions of dollars a quarter, hundreds and hundreds
of thousands of dollars a month.
So the biggest sale in info wars history is going right now, the mega emergency blowout
sale up to 75% off, getting credible products and keep info wars as strong as ever.
UN run contact tracers aren't coming.
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These tyrants are tracking everything you do everywhere you go and then coming to your
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So protect your privacy today and support the info war at infowarstore.com.
The first ten amendments to our country's constitution were adopted in 1791.
The first of these broadly protects the rights of free speech and free press.
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I'm Vincent Finnelli.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show with Gerald Salente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones show.
I'm very grateful to be on the Alex Jones show.
And what Alex is saying is very important.
Info wars need your support.
And go back to when the COVID war began.
It's about two years ago, a little more.
And how anybody that came out against it and said, you know, this is a lot of baloney.
You know, who's dying from this and why?
And the facts again, totally ignored, you know, 2.94% of the people dying had 2.6 preexisting
The people one to 17 years old had died about 693 over two years, 61% were obese.
All the facts of who's dying and why.
And you talked about it, they call you conspiracy theorist and they're doing the same thing
now of those of us that are calling for peace and to stop the Ukraine war rather than the
United States sending in more of our money so the killing could keep going on.
That's $20 billion of our bucks going to Ukraine to keep the war going.
And again, I launched Occupy Peace and as you see, you know, I put my money in my mouth
where my mouth is.
Then we got this little freaky clown of a nobody, a little piece of garbage, nothing,
a nothing of a boy, or maybe not, this booty gig, throwing out his BS that we're giving
$2.9 billion to cities to help rebuild the infrastructure, $2.9 billion.
How about throwing a dime on the streets as to a homeless guy?
That's what it adds up to.
But hey, I can't use the word that I like to say.
F face, look at this, look at this, look at this little nothing.
Look at the crap shooting out of that little nothing's mouth, $2.9 billion.
Well, almost $20 billion is going to the military industrial complex to keep a losing war going.
No talk about peace, not a piece from the little prostitutes, a Anderson Cooper.
I remember when you went over there to Egypt when the, when that war was starting over
there, you remember the Arab Spring, and when somebody hit you and you went home crying,
a little daddy's girl, a little daddy's girl, yeah, oh daddy's boy, no, mommy's boy, I forget,
I get them mixed up.
Oh, mommy was Gloria Vanderbilt.
You'd be nowhere, nowhere, little boy.
Go fight.
Oh, oh, I just listened to Alex Jones talking about all that tough Hannity.
Oh, we're going to show him a fight.
Hey, hey Hannity, put on some military drag, grab your gun and go lead the fight.
You want to go fight all you fat mounds that want to go fight, line up and go fight.
Hey, how, oh yeah, he'd fight.
How about Joe Biden, a tough Joe Biden talking out all that tough crap that keeps shooting
out of his mouth?
Oh, oh, here's the headline from yesterday's toilet paper, a record, the New York Slime.
Biden says Putin cannot remain in power.
Hey, hey, hey times, how about Putin says Biden can't remain in power.
How about Putin says one longer murderous lying piece of scum, George W. Saddam Hussein
has weapons of mass destruction, Bush cannot remain in power.
Oh, you only kill white 800 and something thousand.
Oh, oh, and all the garbage that they're throwing out there, well, you know, Russians, oh, I
love it, I love it.
They bring on these intelligence experts and all these former generals and current generals,
general pieces of scum.
You guys haven't won a war since World War Two.
So shove your crap down your mouth and don't tell me about Russia, what they're doing
and who's going to happen and why.
Oh, they've been there a month and they thought they were going to get there a lot faster.
Hey, fat face, because that's what you guys look like.
Oh, how about Mad Dog Mattis, he'd love to kill everybody.
Oh, his words, not mine.
You're an Afghanistan for 20 years.
And you're talking about Russia being and fighting Ukraine for one month.
How about that crown prince over there in Saudi Arabia?
Oh, yeah, the clown prince that everybody bowed down for when he came to the United
States and started the Yemen War.
The Yemen War, where you have three million people that lost their homes, the worst humanitarian
crisis on Earth, brought to you by the Nobel Peace, a crap prize winner, Barack Obama and
that other little arrogant boy, Blinken, Blinken on nothing.
Oh, yeah, he went over to Saudi Arabia when Saudi Arabia announced the war just about
seven years ago to date from Washington, D.C.
We're going to get them hooties out of there, because they're close to Iran and we don't
want them to be together.
Yeah, look at these guys, can you imagine in general, look at this guy, look at this
Look at those eyes.
Look at this nothing, arrogance, arrogance, Blinken, Blinken on zero, man.
Oh, he said, he said Russia's going to lose this war.
Look at all the drag, look at all the military drag on there, look at that stupid hand up
there with the, with the, with, yeah.
Look, look, look at, look at who we got as the clown playing our health director, whatever
they call them, Rachel Levin.
You look at this thing dressed up in the admiral, an admiral, how about a rear admiral?
You're not going to beat the Russians.
There we go, more chins than Chinatown and this clown telling us who we should be and
what we should do.
You got your own trip, man, stay on it, but don't tell me I got to swallow it.
I can't care less.
Who you are, what you do, save your garbage.
Again, Napoleon marches to Moscow with 420,000 men, 1812, came back with 10,000.
Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, killed 27 million, 27 million Russians.
Who are the first ones to attack and win the, beat Germany, the Russians?
I am totally 100% opposed to Putin's invasion.
I believe it could have been done another way and I know the way it could have been
done just like that.
And we'd come back, I'm going to tell you, but in the meantime, do what you can to support
InfoWars, the staff, Alex Jones, the fighter that that man is and all the pressure that
he's under and he keeps going and going and going and you got to keep it going too.
Put your heart and money where your mind is, we're going to be right back.
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The eugenicists over a hundred years ago were very public about their plans.
They financed major universities, they ran full page stories and advertisements pushing
their propaganda of New York Times, other major newspapers, that the family as we know
it is a bad thing and must be ended.
And the first step in that is getting women out of the household and teaching women that
cooking dinner and taking care of their sons and daughters and husbands is a bad thing.
And I was just sitting here tonight making dinner for my daughter, my four and a half
year old daughter.
My wife makes dinner a lot of times.
But I like to make it as well.
I love to make breakfast.
And literally, it's the funnest thing on earth to make food for your family and be
nurtured to.
And then all sit down together and have that communal event.
And that's what the system is attacking and bombarding, is our normal biological actions
are coming together.
We really are sick, evil, scientific cult of filth that will domesticate us and turn
us into lab rats.
We cannot let this continue.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series, the 1776 Anti-Tyrant
And it sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original, powerful coin, a founding member
coin, we would not be on air today.
But now the second coin, the Liberty Tree Coin is being offered, and it will probably
sell out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to in front of operation.
It is so historic, and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty
being refreshed with the blood of Patriots and Tyrants and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com.
It's also at infowarstore.com.
It's amazing.
There's only 10,000 of them.
And as a founding member, if we're able to stay on the air, we're planning something
very, very special for everyone that helps us go to the next level.
So get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now your host, Gerald Salente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones show, and again, do everything you can to support
Info Wars.
Our lives are on the line.
World War III has begun.
You know, when we're little kids, you know, and you're into the public school system,
the moronic system of brainwashing.
They tell you, World War I began when they assassinated, you watched Duke Ferdinand and
Take it easy, man.
What's a Sarajevo?
Who cares about an Archduke?
Was building up to this.
And they are now building up, you're seeing the words coming out of Biden's mouth, taking
us to war.
And I was listening to Alex before I came on the air, and he was talking about that
guy Larry Fink, the head of Blackstone, where they control like $10 trillion.
Think of the cat's name, man.
Larry Fink, who would want to be a Fink, a Fink, you know what the Fink said?
The Fink said that, oh, you know, with this Russian thing going on, it's going to hurt
That's his words.
Oh, globalism.
Isn't it great?
And as Alex Jones is saying, they're creating a whole new world, a whole new world disorder.
And we have Joe Durand who writes to the Trends Journal, a new book just came out that you
got to check out.
It's called Leaving Humanity.
And it's the corrupt design of the technocrats, the technocratic elites, like the Finks.
Can you imagine having a name like Fink and talking about what investors like, like Alex
Jones showed?
Oh, yeah, we like dictators, so we know how much money we can make and keep all of it
for ourselves and put all the small businesses out of business as merger and acquisition
activity increased last year to the highest levels ever.
And the bigs keep getting bigger.
So you got to check out Joe Durand's book.
You get on Amazon to get a Barnes and Noble.
It's a terrific piece of work.
And it's very important for these times ahead, leaving humanity.
We've left it.
Look at the little freaks in charge.
How stupid, how low life can you be to look up to a little Zuckerberg?
Look at that little clown.
No, no, no.
I like cook.
Yeah, cook me some cook from another guy.
Oh, no, that guy peach eye for Google.
Now there's a man for me.
The King's James Bible got it wrong.
Look at this guy.
Look at this guy.
Look at him.
Look at the misfits that are running and ruining our lives.
Look at them.
They've left humanity.
We're leaving humanity.
It's the corrupt design of the technocratic elites.
Look at them.
Look at them.
How about Soros, huh?
You want to see a freak from another planet?
Oh, I forgot that guy, Clark Schwab, man.
Now there's a cat that I'd love to have a good time with.
Look at these people.
It's a takeover.
Take complaining about we may be seeing an end to globalization before globalization
when that other low life piece of murderous scum crap, Bill Clinton, NAFTA, send the jobs
to Mexico.
You don't have to pay them people a lot to work.
Yeah, they can make this stuff for you cheaper and you don't need the dirty manufacturing
So Bill, when he got caught with his pants down, Clinton, every time he did bombs away
over Baghdad and Iraq, oh, and everybody's so sorry that Madeleine Albright died.
How about Madeleine not all that bright when she's on 60 Minutes and Leslie Stahl asks
her, is the death of over 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five worth the price?
And she says, yes, it is.
All right.
That's who's running and ruining our lives.
Oh, nobody.
Oh, but those Russians, all those Russians, yep.
Oh, depleted uranium, 1999 attack on Yugoslavia.
Look up, look up Joe Biden's comments about how he wanted bombs away across Yugoslavia.
Oh, yeah, what's a Yugoslavia?
They don't exist anymore.
Yeah, Joe Biden, again, this guy did everything he could to avoid the Vietnam War.
He got a bunch of deferments, and he got a one while again, asmr something like I can't
go fight.
I love these people.
Oh, like little Lindsay, you come out of the closet yet Graham, we got a fight.
Anybody that wants to go fight, go lead the fight because America doesn't have its fight
in it.
Look at the clown show last night that they call the Oscars.
It shows you how low America has sunk.
It shows you how low America has sunk when they put on a crap show like this, and they
got that clip of that guy, uh, Smith walking up to Chris Rock and boom, slapping, yep,
walking up to him and slapping.
Yep, telling a joke.
Can't tell a joke.
No, no, no jokes allowed.
Hey, look at this, walking up to him, boom, and look at him just stand there and he turns
his back around.
These men are in fighters.
I'm a fighter.
Look at it, just standing there.
Now if a friend of mine walked up to me and slapped me across the face, boom, I would
not have expected it and I would have gotten a slap because I would never expect a friend
to do that.
But once I got that slap, man, I'd be on that guy and he'd be down on the ground and
he'd be out.
But no, no, hey, Chris, you can't rock, man.
Hey, what happened?
Would you lose your little Cajones?
You just took it and laughed and smiled?
You're not a man.
You are an American.
That's where America's gone.
You guys are the emblem of it.
Oh, and that tough guy, Smith, he turns around and walks away.
Yeah, hey, when you're in the fight, man, you don't turn your back on it and walk away
because you're down on the ground.
Yeah, you slapped me, a friend, boom, they would have got me and they'd be gone, man.
I'd be on that cat.
Go to, yep, the guy, John Perkins, not that John Perkins, the real John Perkins, we have
survivalism trends in the Trends Journal each week by Bradley Steiner, who was the teacher
of my teacher.
That's right, guided chaos.
That's the link, guidedchaos.com, learn how to be a fighter because America doesn't have
us fight.
Oh, a transgendatory army.
Oh, yeah, great, man, great, great.
Oh, listen, I used to work out with great women that were great fighters.
When I'm in a fight, man, I want more guys on my side.
Oh, and if you don't believe me, there was a guy by the name of Mo Mar Gaddafi, who the
Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner, Barack Obama, Gaddafi has to go, yeah, that one.
He had all women bodyguards, yeah, great, and I would have some there because you would
never expect them.
But I want the guys there for the fight, guided chaos.
We are in the fight for our lives.
There he is, the Nobel Peace of Crap Prize winner, Assad has to go.
Oh, oh, oh, talking about Russia losing, do you remember?
Do you remember Obama's troop surge in Afghanistan?
It worked perfectly.
I was only nine years into it, yep.
We are in a dangerous time.
Do everything you can.
And by the way, those little guys, you should get some super male vitality, yeah, rock
and smith, because you ain't got it.
This might help you.
In December of 2021, Info Wars offered the first in a three-part series, the 1776 Anti-Tyrant
Coin, and it sold out in 10 days.
And if it wasn't for listeners getting this original, powerful coin, a founding member
coin, we would not be on air today.
Now, the second coin, the Liberty Tree Coin, is being offered, and it will probably sell
out in 10 days again.
It certainly needs to to find a operation.
It is so historic, and it has a quote from Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty
being refreshed with the blood of Patriots in Tyrants and more.
See the coin for yourself at 1776coin.com.
It's also at infowarstore.com.
It's amazing.
There's only 10,000 of them, and as a founding member, if we're able to stay on the air,
we're planning something very, very special for everyone that helps us go to the next
You can get your new Tree of Liberty coin while you still can at 1776coin.com.
Anything of real quality, anything of lasting durability, anything that's really satisfying,
empowering, and fulfilling is going to be hard to attain.
And when it comes to information, boy, is that true today.
We see the entire global corrupt, anti-human depopulation, great recent combine, trying
to collapse our society to build on its ashes, their transhumanist nightmare vision, suppressing
the voices of good people all around the world, and of doctors and scientists and engineers
that are exposing all their lives, their COVID-19 area, their world's gonna end in 2030, carbon
tax, global warming bull, all of it.
And none of it can succeed, none of it can actually be carried out unless everybody is
silenced and gas lit.
And that's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence.
And that's why it's hard to share in Full Wars links and Bandai video links.
That's why we've got to share them now more than ever.
We are only offering three coins in the series.
The first coin was released in December of 2021 and sold out in 10 days.
Now the second coin as we enter the last days of March into April 2022 is now being offered.
I believe it will sell out in just a few days again because these are historic coins and
because our amazing listeners want to support freedom and keep in full wars at the front
lines of the fight against these tyrants.
So go for yourself to 1776coin.com and see the new Liberty Tree coin.
It is powerful.
Witness this powerful iconography for yourself and have this piece of history and be part
of the founding member system that we're set to launch in the very near future, thanks
to your support of this project.
Get a historic memento that helps keep info wars on the air and also gives you a real
piece of history at 1776coin.com.
Our world is so full of hype, we are force fed dehumanizing propaganda by the corporate
media, by the controlled churches and the universities.
And why is this the case, because we innately by God have been given the keys to our own
minds, our own psyches, our own souls and by connecting to God we can empower ourselves
and trend, sin, the quote, fallen or sinful state.
So the chemicals that we ingest and all the things we try to bring into our bodies to
change who we are are only lowering us, they're only making us more present, in the end they're
only making us less filled.
It is only by going within and really making that connection to God that we can truly empower
That's why the globals bombard us with toxins and chemicals to block us getting the normal
vitamins and minerals and trace elements our bodies need to be healthy and to be able to
basically reach out beyond the third dimension.
And that's where the incredible products come in at infowarstore.com.
Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show and now your host Gerald Salente.
You know what Alex just said about that 1776 coin, think about it, 1776, the declaration
of independence.
And once upon a time there was a man named Samuel Adams who said it does not take a majority
to prevail, but rather an irate tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in
the minds of men.
And the people that tuned into info wars are that irate tireless minority.
So do what you can to support info wars and they've got a whole great line of products
Again, that's a great coin, 1776, but also they're bringing a lot of products to you
that are going to help you like a bio truce selenium which is just back in stock and it's
40% off.
And it's one savings after another.
But this coin, you know, on this one of a kind coin and it says what the spirit of this
country was.
Remember, when the revolution started, you know, depending on whose numbers you're looking
at, less than 5% of the people supported it.
The declaration of independence, life, liberty in the pursuit of happiness, the COVID war,
they stole our happiness, the pursuit of it and happiness is a dirty word.
So these patriot collectibles are something that are really important to have.
And they're worth, it's not like you're giving away money, you're getting back a lot more
than you're giving when you look over time.
And again, my favorite, super male vitality, and maybe a little willy, little willy, maybe
that's it.
Maybe that's why they called him Willie Smith.
Oh, it's a little Willie Smith, arrogant guy slapping a guy like that, turning his
Oh, yeah, little Willie and, and Chris doesn't know how to rock.
No, because he just takes it.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Man, that was me.
Man, that guy beyond his back, on his face.
He, I, I barest the guy's head open for doing that too many.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Hands behind his back.
What kind of coward would hit a guy like that?
And look at him walk away.
Man, guided chaos.com, learn how to be a fighter.
I wouldn't be me if I wasn't a black belt, close combat guy.
That's right.
Yeah, real violence is chaos, adapt, improvise and survive, improvise, you just saw it.
You never know what it's going to look like.
And nobody, nobody out there could touch John Perkins.
A man, a man beyond my parents may have so rested in peace.
No one changed my life more than he did because I used to be the toughest kid when I would
move from the Bronx to Yonkers.
I was this little kid, man.
They wanted to pick on me and I was the fighter, man.
Nobody mess with me.
And then in the fifth grade, Sister Marie Rose M. A. C. Rottenhell grabbed me by a little
blue tie and blew out my ear drum on my middle ear, lost my balance.
I was a great athlete, fastest kid around, left me back.
I became the stupidest kid in the school as bad as it was.
I'm just thankful Father Foley was a ladies man.
It could have been a lot worse.
This ruined me for a lot of years, a lot of years.
I lost my fight.
I lost my confidence, but I got it back.
And that's why I am who I am.
I tell the stories out here end of October, sitting outside of my place over here with
a lovely woman having some espresso and some guy comes over, digging his nose, chains all
over him and starts calling me a racist and a white privilege guy and cursing me out for
being on Alex Jones.
And I'm asking the guy to leave nice and doesn't work.
Keep asking him, keep asking him.
And he stood up, never expected an old 75-year-old guy to come at a man and call him out and
I'll take you out, John Perkins, and this is the life that we're in right now.
Everybody listening, you better get in the best shape you can.
Real violence is chaos.
You just saw it.
And it shows you how low we've gone when that's what the Oscars have become.
You need to get in the best shape you can, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
I have never worked harder in my life, never.
We're putting out a magazine.
There's nothing in the world that could come close to a The Trends Journal.
We give every ounce of energy we have because we know what perilous times we're in.
And so does info wards.
I see what Alex Jones goes through, you know, oh my God, I don't know if I could, I mean,
I miss guys are men.
Fighting the way he does and how the system is trying to bring them down.
And the staff, loyal, they're fighting for freedom.
So anyway, do what you can to support info wards.
And those coins, man, I gotta say, and women, oh, and all you win betweens, yeah, own this
one of a kind founding member, silver coin, 1776, the spirit of America, my America.
So on the market front, had a Dow is down a lot today, it's up a little bit, gold's
getting hit, Bitcoin's going up.
Here's the deal.
We're going to go if they're talking about stagflation, it's not going to be stagflation.
It's going to be dragflation.
We are going to see inflation numbers hit new records.
So inflation is going to go up as the economy drags down, not stagnant, that's stagflation.
It's dragflation.
And Lola might like dragflation, Lola, L-O-L-E, Lola, who's our health minister there, Rachel,
Rachel, oh, Christ, you know, save your trip for yourself, man, or women, not sure.
Oh, and talking about not sure, how about the clown that plays the defense chair, Jerome
Powell, BSing over a year ago that inflation is only temporary.
Oh, no, it's only transitory.
And then, of course, maybe to become proper, we could call it transgendatory.
You know, people, you know, I do the YouTube, look at this guy.
This inflation's real.
And, you know, I do, you know, the YouTubes, and I can't say things that I say on Alex's
show, you know, because I'd be censored.
And people say, you know, Salent, you have to watch your language.
I'm not in the third grade.
Take it easy.
If somebody's going to screw with me and try to take me out, man, it's going to get ugly.
Oh, not like Chris Rack, man.
Hey, Chris, don't forget, you need some supermail vitality.
Anyway, swearing like a trooper eases pain just like Pills' study shows.
The get popping, the paracetamol, swearing like a trooper will ease your pain, as study
shows, f-ing and blinding, especially shouting S in the thing and an F with those other things,
is so effective, researchers say it should be encouraged during medical treatments.
Researchers say swearing should be encouraged, letting rip it is thought to help by distracting
us and making us less uptight.
You got it.
When you let it out, you get it out.
And I'm a monopoly ton.
So get that in your head.
I'm not one of these tight cats, man.
I'm a monopoly ton, born on the Bronx, born to be free.
You let it out.
And then it's a whole different trip.
You go from, oh, my heart's broken for what happens.
I'll slit your throat if you screw it back.
Dr. Richard Steffen, senior lecturer in psychology at Keel University, said swearing is drug-free,
calorie-free, cost-free, and side-effective free.
So why not try it?
Why not try it?
Because they brainwash you to take the fight out of you as a little kid.
Oh, that's, you're not using proper language.
You have to say things like, Assad must go, Qaddafi must go, Hussein must go.
You can't say I'm going to kill this guy, no, because then they get hip to the scene.
So you got to lie your way into it and be a coward.
We're in the fight for our lives.
If we don't unite for peace, we're going to die for war, again.
Do everything you can to support InfoWars.
They got great products, they're bio-cellenium, and remember, we're leaving humanity.
So check out Joe Durand's book.
You know, it's a fact, and I'm not bragging when I say it, it's just true, that InfoWars
is seen by the globalist as the standard of human liberty, as the logo of human populist
resistance against their transhumanist anti-human program.
And man, our work is really right now, hitting the most important aspects of what we've
ever done.
So I'm asking listeners now to realize we've got great products, thousands of them, at
InfoWarsTour.com, and we are funded by listeners and viewers like you, and so now we need to
support more than ever, because this fight has intensified, don't need me to tell you
that, at InfoWarsTour.com.
We've got 25 to 75% off across the board right now.
Things have been sold out for a long time, like InfoWarsLife, Fizzy Magnesium Mix, that's
so amazing, and our new immune support formula that's so critical.
They're all available 25 to 75% off at InfoWarsTour.com right now.
There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class.
Not in Communist China, not in Mexico, not in the United States, not anywhere.
Is there a real study of the planet's ruling class?
And that's done by design.
The large central banks that basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics
that look into, say, the Anglo-American establishment that founded the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral
Commission of the United Nations, the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Until 10 years ago, the media said the controlled corporate media of the Bilderberg Group didn't
Well, now the Bilderberg Group is public, it's former head, still on the steering committee,
it's Klaus Schwab, and he has set up the Great Reset in global government.
And if, as a liberty movement worldwide, we don't address the globalist head-on, about
the fact that they are worldwide authoritarian corporate takeover, we don't have a shot.
We do expose them, we can beat them easily.