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Filename: 20220314_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 14, 2022
2792 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, NATO's involvement, the need for a deal that includes Russia getting a small Eastern area as a buffer zone, and criticism of recent social movements like Black Lives Matter and Me Too. He also promotes his products on InfoWarsStore.com and preparewithalex.com, discusses attending a pro-trans kids event, Chinese involvement in Ukraine conflict, potential oil shortage due to lack of investment, and the future of food theft and security measures in stores.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have an absolutely loaded broadcast for you on this Monday,
March 14th.
We're going to be joined by Alex Jones on the road coming up in the next segment.
We also have Dr. Francis Boyle joining us, the one who first broke the Wuhan lab leak
over two years ago now to respond to the Ukrainian biolabs and Mike Adams coming up.
But first, the latest report from John Bowne.
The horrible truth cannot be denied.
The Biden administration is directly responsible for the war in Ukraine, gas prices, food shortages
and inflation.
Who was your highest level contact with the U.S. government in this period?
I had contacts with one Biden all the time.
One Biden said one thing, and the other did in Ukraine.
Questions of credibility are being raised after a private chat between two top U.S.
diplomats was leaked online.
I think Yats is the guy who's got the economic experience, the governing experience.
He's the guy, you know, what he needs is Cleech and Tony Book on the outside.
I just think Cleech going in, he's going to be at that level working for Yatsenuk.
It's just not going to work.
Yeah, no, I think that's right.
Would you want us to try to set up a call with him?
Here's your next step.
Sullivan's come back to me, VFR, saying you need Biden, and I said probably tomorrow for
an Atta Boy and to get the deets to stick, so Biden's willing.
So you had this remarkable phone call where you have these two senior officials of the
U.S. government apparently talking about a coup or how they were planning to restructure
the government of Ukraine.
We're on track right now, I'm on track to be the first president in history to lower
the deficit by over $1 trillion in one year, so I'm sick of this stuff.
We have to talk about it because the American people think the reason for inflation is government
spending more money, simply not true.
Inflation is not created by COVID.
It's not created by Putin.
It's not created by greedy corporations gouging their customers.
There's one source of inflation.
The actual definition of inflation is an expansion of the money supply, and it's the federal
reserve that's been expanding the money supply.
They've called it quantitative easing, but they keep creating dollars, and it's the U.S.
government that spends those dollars in the circulation, and as it does that, the value
of each dollar goes down, and so the price of everything that you buy with dollars goes
And they're saying 7.9%, which is the worst inflation since 1982.
What they don't tell you is that we had a different CPI in 1982, and if we used the
same CPI today that we used then, we would be over 15% inflation, which means 2021 or
2022 right now, this is the worst inflation in our lifetimes.
We're experiencing higher inflation now than anything during the 1970s, and this decade
is just getting started.
Inflation's got only one way to go, and that's up.
The irrefutably attributable to the corrupt sociopathic establishment that hides behind
the senile blunderer-in-chief in plain sight.
Putin's tax, that's really Putin's gas hike, that's his gas hike.
So much of this increase in the gas tax, the gas price started.
Putin's economic wrecking ball was recently aided by the decimation of small businesses
overwhelmed by the tycoons of the pandemic economy.
Who got the money from the Paytech Protection Program?
You know, this is our $800 billion.
That's kind of a lot, okay, that we gave out.
Only about a quarter of the money spent by the program paid wages that would have otherwise
been lost.
So three quarters of it didn't do of $800 billion, and then 72% of the relief money
ended up in the hands of people with incomes, household incomes, in the top 20%.
All that money went up to the people who are in the top 20%.
Driving a final stake into the heart of the middle class economy as seven in ten Americans
are living paycheck to paycheck, while over half of Americans don't have three months
in emergency savings.
As food producers continue to minimize their products, airlines are scaling back on flights,
truckers add more fuel surcharges, Bidenflation destroys the recovery following the pandemic
as the war on fossil fuels continues to ripple through an engineered depression with the end
game ushering in the great reset, where you will own nothing and be happy.
And we have John Bowne reporting jack Bowne.
He's here with a very simple proposal for all our great info worth listeners and viewers.
If you will simply get x three with all three types of good iodine that boosts your immune
system and help everything that goes on your body at a cellular level, it will change your
It will invigorate you.
It will empower you.
Almost everyone has Ion eye deficiency.
has Ionine deficiency, look into it for yourself.
It's the opposite of fluoride, it's the good halogen.
And then your purchase of X3 funds our operation.
Now a lot of our products have been sold out
and never came back in because of the lockdowns
and supply chain breakouts.
We were sold out of X3 for a long time.
And I had it on sale for 50% off,
a lot of folks were getting it.
And I was thinking, you know what,
I'm gonna bring it back on sale again,
just until it sells out.
Because even though we won't make as much money in the long run,
a lot of folks need this product
and we need to get the money from the sales
in now to stay on air.
See your X3 right now at 50% off at infowarestore.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live
from the front lines of the Info War.
It's Monday, March 14th, the year is 2022.
We've seen the biggest developments yet
in the three plus week war that's broken out in Ukraine.
First off, Vladimir Putin yesterday
arrested the head of the Russian
Foreign Intelligence Services of the FSB.
That's combined in one group.
The FSB is their internal and external.
So they've arrested the equivalent of their CIA director
and his deputy, claiming that they did not properly
assess the situation in Ukraine
and that the resistance was much greater than they thought.
This is an admission that Putin basically walked
directly into a trap, which again,
I'm very, very concerned right now
because that would mean Putin is not very smart.
I know multiple people who have been inside Ukraine
the last eight years training what they call
stay-behind networks so that when a foreign army invades,
you have guerrilla forces ready to roll out and destroy them.
And that's why they didn't stop the Russians
when they came across the border.
They waited until they walked directly
into the mass groupings of ambushes
that we've all seen with the columns of tanks being destroyed,
the helicopters being shot down, jets being shot down.
The losses are way over 10,000.
They're now admitting about 8,000 dead Russians.
There's obviously tens of thousands of dead Ukrainians.
Both sides are playing down the numbers of dead.
But I really at the end of the day blame NATO
and its stay-behind networks
overthrowing the president eight years ago
and George Soros going on television on CNN and bragging
that he did it and then going on television recently
and saying that he, quote,
will take over Russia and create the Soros Empire.
All of that is to manipulate Russia into going in.
Also you have Kamala Harris saying six months ago
and again two days ago that Ukraine is part of NATO.
So all of that was to manipulate an emotional response
from Putin and his hardliners who were threatening
to overthrow him.
The word is if he didn't move against Ukraine,
then as in foreign intelligence heads
who were tasked with infiltrating
and buying off the opposition,
got billions and billions and billions
of the equivalent of dollars.
And Putin just doesn't believe that they made the payoffs,
which any part of a real invasion
as you buy off most the opposition before you come in.
That's what Hitler did with France,
put the US dead in both Iraq wars.
And so that was not done.
And instead they walked directly into a trap.
And the only way I can see that being true
is that Putin believed his intelligence heads
that the entire NATO stay-behind network
that had been put in place there was removed.
And it's very important to understand
that the main stay-behind networks
were not just set up in the last decade
or the last eight years.
That was an acceleration of the stay-behind networks.
The stay-behind network system was set up
at the end of World War II
because the Nazis actually set up
as the Eastern Front was collapsing
after the failure of Operation Barbarossa
in the past three years.
Tens of thousands of secret brigades
all over Eastern Europe who were Nazis
and who had large caches of weapons and stolen loot
to then continue the attack
even after Germany itself fell.
That's why it took over a year after the end of World War II
until close to the end of 1946
for the Russians to even clean out
what they thought was most of the Nazi networks.
So all NATO did in the last decade
was go in and pick up all those networks
who were the sons and grandsons of those very same people
who had positioned themselves in positions of power.
And there was an ongoing tug of war
in the last 70 plus years
between the pro-Europe forces that were set up
by the Nazis and the pro-Russian forces
that were set up again by Stalin at the end of World War II.
And it really goes back to other forces before that
with Lenin setting up systems in Ukraine
that had still been part of Russia.
But then after the supposed collapse of the Soviet Union,
Ukraine quasi broke away.
And there's now been a simple tug of war going on
for the last eight years.
And so that's why I said when Putin invaded three weeks ago
that he has walked into a trap
and that his quick police action is not gonna be that
and that they're gonna force him to start going in
and leveling cities because it is a fact
that they're using the Islamic type tactics
that we've seen around the world in Afghanistan and Iraq
of hiding in churches, hiding in hospitals,
hiding in universities and not in the government buildings.
And then you've got leftist posting on Reddit
with geolocation, oh, here I am.
You know, I came here from the U.S. and I'm with these forces.
You'll have leftists right next to actual Nazis
who actually have Nazi symbols on their uniforms
and then they will attack the hospital
even before people have been evacuated out of it.
So the Ukrainians are using incredibly dirty, nasty,
dirty war, unrestricted warfare tactics.
And the Russians have not done that yet
but they're starting to get in that posture.
Putin doesn't have a way out of this.
This escalates the possibility of nuclear war massively
and that takes us to the next big point.
How many more of the Russian leadership is Putin gonna
have to arrest as he begins to fear
they may actually come after him?
With a long history in Russia, in fact,
particular to Russia, all countries and empires
kill their leaders from time to time
but Russia particularly does this
if the leader embarrasses or looks like they're losing.
And so NATO has come out instead
of any chemical weapons are used,
they're gonna say that it was Putin
and that that's a red line
and that NATO may actually become openly engaged
when really right now NATO is backing a proxy war
with all sorts of special operations troops
and former special operation troops from Western countries
including the United States that are inside Ukraine
right now fighting Russian soldiers.
And so that's where Joe Biden and that's where Kamala Harris
and that's where all these globalists like Soros
have brought us and it is a very, very dangerous moment
in time and I don't see a motive for Putin to use chemicals
they're not gonna be effective
and all it's gonna do is turn the world against Russia
and so we have a motive there
for the Russians not to use chemical weapons.
Of course we were told the Russians use chemical weapons
in Syria and then the jihadis couldn't control themselves
and kept shooting footage to get bounties
of them actually launching the chemicals in Aleppo
and other areas to then blame the Russians
as a pretext for the West to be brought into that war.
So in my view there's no good sides on this
we should have left Ukraine as neutral
that we're basically letting World War II reignite
in those areas of Eastern Europe
and we can't have a World War II scenario with Russia
because they have the second largest nuclear arsenal
in the world and yeah our arsenal's bigger
and somewhat better in some ways doesn't matter.
It's called mutually assured destruction for a reason.
And so that is where our world is today
and we need to give Putin a way out of this.
There needs to be a Western deal
where they get that small Eastern area as a buffer zone
and where the major agreement is signed
because this is only gonna escalate into a full bore war
very, very quickly with the Russians now saying
they're going to start bombing NATO weapons convoys
and NATO weapons deliveries that are coming in
out of the Black Sea.
And I predict within 48 hours that's gonna start happening
and then NATO is gonna get pushed
even more into conflict.
There are a lot of hawks and a lot of crazy people
and a lot of chicken hawks like Lindsey Graham
that want to assassinate Putin, the one all out war.
And folks, this is how you get a nuclear war.
Bare minimum, this is how you get a massive war
with hundreds of thousands of dead Western
and Russian troops.
And so this is the very scenario,
scenario number two that most international
and intelligence agency war games
and Defense Department War Game show
will trigger nuclear war.
Number one is Pakistan and India.
Number two is the Ukrainian situation
called the NATO-Ukraine-Russia war scenario
that kills a billion people on the low end.
And then the third scenario is the South China Sea,
Taiwan, Hong Kong crisis being kicked off there
that could happen between Vietnam
and the Philippines against China.
Anything could kick it off
where we already see skirmishes going on
over these drilling rigs in the South China Sea
and other areas, the artificial islands
the Chinese are building.
So that's where the world is right now.
That's the reality.
So when you see leftist calling for war
and when you see right wingers calling for war
and all this idiocy, you know the old saying,
world war three will be fought with nuclear weapons,
world war four will be fought with sticks and stones.
Back down the shore in the live transmission,
infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
And I would just like for the US to remain out of all of it.
And we could if we wanted to,
if we were an independent nation like we were designed to be,
but not in the new global government,
not in the new global marketplace.
So sadly, whatever goes down,
even if we don't want to get involved,
it's going to affect us anyway.
And I've got more of that news coming up,
warnings of food shortages,
the continuation of the record high inflation.
Ladies and gentlemen, keep infowars on the air.
Shop at infowarsstore.com from our live transmissions
to our emergency broadcast over the weekends
to our on the street activity like yesterday
when I go and face a group of pedophiles
in downtown Austin, Texas.
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that keeps us on the air.
Not to mention your prayers,
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But I wouldn't wait because prices are about to go up
because inflation is exploding.
With the world awakening, I think what's important
that we were right to prevent them right now,
take advantage of this moment.
And I have an idea of something everybody can do.
But every listener can do.
I think it'd be powerful and effective for us to,
you know, hang banners over highways.
Imagine a champion, an artiste that I let you up,
and it says Alex Jones is right, infowarsstore.com.
We stand with the truckers, a rescout or whatever.
Brother, I'm so glad you called, elaborate on this.
Yes, now is the time in your small town
or your big city to write something on the bathroom wall
or to put a sticker on your car,
or banner hangs over highways
and it will be a chain reaction.
What do you recommend people say on these banner hangs?
I have a few ideas.
First of all, help just as much as you can
to form a rescout, a rescout swap.
The vaccine is poison, there's tons of things.
I say just keep it short, keep it concise.
No, I agree.
A rescouchy, a rescill gates,
the COVID-vaxx is poison, beautiful.
Yeah, there's ways that we could all be involved
if we could all be effective.
That's what I'm calling about.
God bless you, Chris.
In Atlanta, I really, really appreciate you
calling us today.
Thank you so much.
A riotous mob.
Whether they were present that day
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We will follow the facts wherever they lead.
Domestic terrorists.
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With practically half the population
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
It's the year 2022.
The crossroads where the future of humanity are upon us.
And the signs and events are all around you.
And at the front lines, the leading edge
of the new world.
It's the year 2022.
The crossroads where the future of humanity are upon us.
And at the front lines, the leading edge
of this information warfare in this fight for the future
of humanity's soul.
And destiny lies right here at infowars.com.
This is the Alex Jones show.
Owen Schreuer sitting in for Alex today.
He's on the road working.
We may be hearing from Alex throughout the transmission
for the next couple of days till he gets back in town.
Let me lay out the waterfront here of the news
and just kind of reset the show.
Because we've got huge guests coming up today.
Mike Adams is going to be joining us in the next hour.
And then Dr. Francis Boyle is going to be joining us
in the third hour.
And this is Can't Miss Stuff.
It was Dr. Francis Boyle who came on the Alex Jones show
in January and February of 2020,
breaking the news about the Biological Weapons Lab
or the Biological Research Lab in Wuhan, China.
And that that was likely the source of the outbreak.
He was proven right.
And now that's pretty much accepted as what happened.
But since time has passed, we just say,
oh, well, we lied and said wet market.
And we're just going to pretend that that was the real story.
And even though it did come out of the lab,
we're not going to punish China.
We're not going to publish, punish Fauci.
We're just going to let that slide.
So that's what's coming up as far as the guests are concerned.
Now, I've got a ton of news coming out of Ukraine.
I've got a bunch of political news here
that's going on right now in the U.S.
There is some COVID news still kind of lingering,
some kind of just breadcrumbs of COVID stuff that's still lingering,
but it's not really the top story anymore,
though they may bring it back.
And there's some signs that they are going to bring it back
because why wouldn't they?
Now that they've seized all this power,
anytime they release a virus,
well, why wouldn't you release a virus
and then just seize power again?
Of course they're going to.
These are tyrants we're talking about here.
This is government, an unnatural, inorganic oppression
of what would typically be free societies.
That's government.
And then we've got people responding to all the lies
from the Biden administration about oil and gas.
And the funny thing about it is the more you look into it,
the more you realize it's not just that everything
they're telling you about oil and gas is a lie.
It's like multiple threads of lies.
It's like, okay, Putin is to blame for the gas prices.
And then it's like, okay, there's a whole other thread of lies over there.
And then it's like, oh, we're pumping more oil
than ever before under the Biden administration.
And then there's just a whole other thread of lies over there.
And it's just a tree of lies that is growing
from this Biden administration.
It's quite disgusting.
We don't even have competent criminals running our country anymore.
We now have fully incompetent criminals running our country.
That's what we have here.
And then I've got some video clips too.
But let me just do this quickly before we get into the news.
Now, there is a new Adidas ad, guys.
And you can just roll the B roll.
Because here's the thing.
All this other news is important and probably more important, I would say.
What's going on in Ukraine and the virus power that they seize.
That's more important news.
But see, if we can't deal with stuff like this,
then it doesn't even matter.
We'll never be able to have victory whatever that means in far,
just let's say in the Info War in truth or let's say for peace.
We'll never have any victories with any of this other stuff.
If we can't address the most obvious stuff that sits right in front of our face,
like men are not women.
If we can't have a victory for truth that men are not women,
then everything else is done.
Forget about it.
Forget about Ukraine, forget about Russia, forget about China,
forget about everything, folks.
If we can't come together as people and say men are not women, we're done.
That's it. Game over. Forget about it.
So I was wondering, here's this new Adidas ad where they promote men playing women's sports.
What happened to the pro-women movement?
Well, now you realize it was never a pro-women movement.
It was always just leftist propaganda, just like everything else.
Just like every other thing they virtually signaled for,
whether it's Black Lives Matters or Me Too or all this other stuff,
it's all just a front.
It's all just marketing gimmicks.
They don't care about women.
If you were pro-women, why would you want men in women's sports?
That's ridiculous.
But that's what they're promoting now.
And I was wondering too, about a month or two ago,
the actress, South Korean actress, who's a model that was in Squid Games,
a popular Netflix show, won a bunch of awards for her role in Squid Games.
Now I watch Squid Games. I saw her performance.
It was mediocre at best.
It was mediocre at best.
And I used to be a film critic.
I used to do movie reviews, had a media pass, everything.
I was writing for local papers.
So she had a mediocre performance in Squid Games at best.
She wins a bunch of awards.
And I'm thinking, how does she win these awards?
Oh, now I see she's in all of these different ads,
promoting transsexualism and promoting men competing with women.
So that's all it is now.
You don't have to be a good actor or actress to receive an award.
All you got to do is promote whatever the latest liberal BS is.
Men as women, you got it.
You got the award.
Mediocre performance in a mediocre TV show, doesn't matter.
You promote men as women, we're going to give you that award.
Same thing for the Nobel Peace Prize and all this other bull crap.
But see, I go out yesterday, and I might have to come back to this
because I'm running short on time here,
but I go out yesterday and folks, the full HD videos at Band-Aught Video,
other HD clips are going to be coming out.
I also have a full video on my Get Her Live stream.
I go out to a pro-trans kids event in downtown Austin, Texas.
Now, you might be saying, what is a trans kid?
Well, exactly, what is a trans kid?
It doesn't exist.
There's no such thing as a trans kid.
That is until one of these leftist perverts, or in my opinion, pedophiles,
gets their hands on them.
So I've got these things they promote.
I'm going to come back to this later.
They promote putting fake penises in toddler's pants.
And I'll read directly from the promotion of this product.
They promote underwear for little boys that they quote, unquote,
tuck their genitalia so they can pretend to be girls.
I mean, who even thinks about this crap?
I feel disgusting even talking about it.
But you know, we're really only one, or I would say,
comfortably two generations away.
I mean, let me tell you something.
If my grandparents, my grandparents who were in the military,
if my grandparents walked up on the scene that they saw yesterday
with a bunch of adults prancing around,
talking about how they want to chop little boys' genitals up,
let me tell you something, people would have gotten their ass kicked.
And you know what?
I'm not saying everything from past generations
is better than what we have now,
and maybe that's not a good thing, but let me tell you,
there needs to be a certain level of intolerance
with men and women showing up
talking about wanting to chop little boys' and girls' genitals up.
It's hard to believe that we're already into March 2022.
And in the month of February,
we had a very popular sale that was going of our flagship product, X3,
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This is the very best iodine out there.
So we had on sale 50% off,
but we sold more than half of what we have,
or isn't going to come in for a long time,
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I was thinking, you know what?
We need the funds in now to stay on air.
Plus, this is the right product everybody needs.
So to incentivize folks out there that have been on the fence,
get X3 and experience it yourself and support the broadcast,
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Get X3 right now exclusively at infowarstore.com for 50% off.
It has been noted by many a historian
that the first casualty of war is the truth.
And the next big casualty isn't even the people that die.
No, that invariably follows.
But first, there is the crackdown on populations,
basic liberty and speech and massive censorship.
And now, across the world, from the United States to Europe,
legislation is being introduced
that if you amplify any, quote, pro-Russian information,
you can be censored, you can be arrested,
you can be in prison.
And of course, now Canada is under this legislation
that if you have a thought crime
and they think you may have the intent to engage
in hate speech online, that you will be censored and arrested.
Ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism is being carried out
by the globalists around the world against humanity
that makes infowar.com more important than ever.
So I did it. I signed up for the Austin Marathon.
I've been training probably not as much as they should be,
but thank goodness for prayer
and thank goodness for infowarsstore.com.
Before I set out on a run, I threw down some turbo force
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You know, besides the energy, turbo force,
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
That's the foreign policy
of the Biden administration.
A cackling wench, a jackal,
someone who is so unprepared over her head,
overwhelmed and embarrassment to the country.
Kamala Harris sent to Europe
because she just wanted a vacation to Europe,
pretending to be a diplomat,
and cackling and jackaling her way through press conferences
with foreign leaders in Romania,
in Poland and across Europe.
We're talking very serious press conferences
about war and famine,
and she's cackling up there like a pull-string dummy
with a laugh track.
And then I've got this video we'll play later.
And you have these hysterical Democrats.
They're ranting and raving
about how high their gas prices are now.
They can't afford to live because of the Biden inflation.
And they're blaming Putin for all of it.
See, these people are the definition of insane.
How do you expect them...
It's like, do you learn from your mistakes?
Do you learn from your failures?
Or do you keep repeating them over and over
and just consuming the latest realm of propaganda
that justifies your false worldview,
your false perspective, your false narrative?
So Kamala's over there cackling like a demon,
and the left thinks that this is a serious administration.
But here's some of the latest news
when it comes to the situation in Ukraine.
Now, this is The New York Times yesterday.
And I actually think they had other stories before that,
but this was yesterday's headline.
Russia asked China for military and economic aid
for Ukraine war U.S. official set.
So the U.S. intelligence community that lies to us about everything
says, oh, look, Russia is asking China for military aid.
Now, what would be the goal of that?
Is that to be honest that Russia and China
are firming an alliance?
I don't know if they would want that news out there.
Or is this to prop up their narrative
that Russia is losing in Ukraine
and therefore they're going to China for help,
which is just complete BS?
Now, I don't know if you could say Russia is winning or losing,
but they're certainly not losing.
And so maybe that's the U.S. intelligence
just propping up the false narrative of Russia's losing.
We're winning, so they say, look, Russia needs China's help.
Please, Russia could wipe Ukraine off the map
if they wanted to.
That's not what they want to do.
There's all these video reports where just independent journalists
in Ukraine are walking through the streets of Kiev
and other cities where they're claiming there's just skirmishes
and fighting happening all day, all night,
and it's just normal activity.
People go into the grocery store.
People drive in their cars around.
Now, I shouldn't say it's total normal activity,
but the point is we're just not getting any accurate information
from our media or our intelligence agencies,
so nothing new there.
But now China responds after the U.S. intelligence agencies
and their propaganda news outlets like The New York Times reporting
that Russia is asking China for military aid and economic aid.
China slams claims about Russia asking for military assistance
in Ukraine as disinformation, U.S. disinformation.
And you know, it's a funny thing.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you the Russian government
is good and doesn't lie to their people.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you the Chinese government
is good and doesn't lie to their people,
but it's this ironic thing where Russia and China
are actually trying to tell us that our government
and our media is lying to us.
So it's a weird thing like, hey, I'm not saying I trust China or Russia,
but they're right about that.
Why are they warning us about how we're being lied to
by our intelligence agencies?
Why are they warning us about how we're being lied to
about everything in Ukraine by our media?
And then there's the big lie that they got caught in the middle of
and this is such an incompetent administration
that they couldn't even get their lies straight
on the bio weapons labs in Ukraine.
China calls for verification of Russian claims
of U.S. bio weapons help to Ukraine.
Beijing says all parties should give a thorough response
to the claims that America is supporting bio military programs
in Ukraine and you've got to understand in China
where the U.S. is working with the Chinese military
on bio weapons like the labs in Wuhan,
China at least knows what's going on in those labs.
They have access to it.
They're running the drills,
but in Ukraine they have no idea
and that's why Russia is saying
they're building bio weapons on our front doorstep.
But here's the official narrative from the U.S. government
and the U.S. media.
First it was the bio labs don't exist.
And then, so that was Jen Psaki,
that was the Biden administration,
they said the bio weapons labs,
there are no labs in Ukraine, it's all fake news.
And then I guess out of their incompetence
and lack of communication Marco Rubio
and Victoria Newland have a staged question and answers,
totally fake, totally staged, all propaganda
where Rubio teased it up for Newland and she says
yes, there are bio labs in Ukraine
and the Russians are going to use them
as weapons against the Ukrainian people.
Okay, so bio labs, so first it was the labs don't exist,
then on official congressional record
it was the bio labs do exist
and Russia is going to use them against Ukraine.
Then the same day, hours later, again,
they're getting their wires crossed,
the State Department and Jen Psaki
doubled down saying there are no bio labs in Ukraine.
There aren't bio labs in Ukraine,
there are bio labs in Ukraine,
there aren't bio labs in Ukraine.
Well now we're back to there are bio labs in Ukraine
but they're now called health labs quote unquote
but these health labs quote unquote
as biological weapons by Russia.
So they're 0 for 5, they're 0 for 6, 0 for 10,
whatever you want to say, they're batting 0
when it comes to the information
they're putting about these bio labs.
So they've been caught, China knows it,
Russia knows it, the world knows it,
the only people that haven't realized it yet
are the brainwashed fools in this country
that still believe the US intelligence agencies
and the mainstream news, which is an odd thing.
To say the least, but that's the case.
So China's in front of the UN
saying what's going on with these bio weapons.
Russia is saying why do you have bio weapons on our front door
and then the US media and intel agencies
can't even get their story straight,
they do exist, they don't exist, they do exist,
they don't exist, well they're just health labs
but Russia's going to use them as a bio weapon.
None of it adds up, none of it makes sense,
we're being lied to and I'm not telling you
to trust Russia or China but they're telling you
you're being lied to.
But it's only going to get worse folks.
Russia to suspend grain exports to Eurasian Economic Union
until August 31st and if they continue to advance into Ukraine
that situation is only going to get worse
and it's wheat, it's barley, it's all these different things
that if Russia cuts it off and we're not getting it from China
it's going to be big problems for the world.
It's going to be big problems.
Now it's not going to hurt America as much as the rest of the world
but it's going to have serious problems.
Oligarch who founded, I shouldn't even say,
I mean okay call him an oligarch,
that's just US media attacking any Russian that has a billion dollars.
So it's Russian billionaire who founded Russia's largest fertilizer
and coal companies, warns the world faces food crisis
without an end to the conflict in Ukraine.
And again he's just understanding whether it's the fertilizer,
whether it's all the stuff that comes out of Ukraine and Russia,
if that stuff gets shut off you're going to see starving in the third world
just like you saw with COVID.
Billionaire supermarket CEO warns of potential meat egg shortage
as Omicron disrupts US supply chain.
Well, it's actually now in China they're shutting down again
because of a virus,
which means they're probably going to do the same thing in the US
after the midterms folks.
Putin warns of possible oil shortage due to lack of investment.
No one is talking about the mass food shortage and grocery bill increases
the US is barreling towards.
Hey, it's worth it to destroy our country because Ukraine.
And the majority of the population in the world is iodine deficient.
This is the very best iodine output.
So we have on sale 50% off but we sold more than half of what we have
or isn't going to come in for a long time.
So I took it back to full process.
I was just thinking, you know what, we need the funds in now to stay on air.
Plus this is the right product everybody needs.
So incentivize folks out there that have been on the fence
get X3 and experience it yourself and support the broadcast.
I'm going to keep it at 50% off until it sells out.
Get X3 right now exclusively at infowarstore.com for 50% off.
It's only been in the last 60 years that we've had satellites that can decently
measure what's happening in the atmosphere.
But if you look at all the different studies reports about NASA
and other governments and other agencies,
they all disagree on what's really happening with the climate.
The only constant, the only great truth is change is the only constant.
So yes, climate change is totally real.
But notice first they called it global freezing back in the 70s and 80s
and then it's going to be global warming
and when that didn't really happen the way they wanted to.
Okay, now it's just climate change.
But did you know that manmade climate change is a real thing
when it comes to the United Nations and the Department of Energy
and Bill Gates and the UN? They have.
Weather control trees from 1979.
Bill Gates has been manipulating the weather for a very long time.
In fact, back in 1994, two scientists won a Nobel Prize
for an idea of spraying different particles out of jet engines to control the weather.
So yes, manmade climate change is real.
I am a worldly person, meaning I like going to ball games,
I like going to concerts, I like going to play golf,
I like going out to dinner.
I like the metropolitan life.
I like everything that comes with this.
But see, I have the survival instinct
that is to get the hell out of Democrat-run cities,
get the hell out of major metropolitan areas
because unless we change course soon, it's all crashing down.
Is it time to just move out to the woods,
just time to go get a piece of property in the woods,
just get off grid, just get the emergency food supplies, just live off the land?
That's the survival instinct.
But see, the worldly part of me that's still probably the majority part of me
No, no, no, no, no, no. Stay in the city.
The survival instinct says, get the hell out of anywhere there's ever notion
that you need to get a vaccine or a mask.
That's the internal struggle that, my guess is,
a lot of you in the audience are facing as well.
But you can at least have some comfort
if you have the emergency food supplies.
And so we have the best ones at M4warStore.com.
M4 War!
It has been noted by many a historian,
the first casualty of war is the truth.
This big casualty isn't even the people that die.
No, that invariably follows.
But first there is the crackdown on populations,
basic liberty and speech and massive censorship.
And now across the world, from the United States to Europe,
legislation's being introduced that if you amplify
any, quote, pro-Russian information,
you can be censored, you can be arrested,
you can be imprisoned.
And of course now Canada is under this legislation
that if you have a fought crime
and they think you may have the intent to engage
in hate speech online,
that you will be censored and arrested.
Ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism is being carried out
by the globalists around the world against humanity.
That makes M4war.com more important than ever.
The Biden administration is actually in support
of what's going on in Ukraine.
It's because it gives them a perfect scapegoat
for all the devastation that we're seeing here in America
with the economy, the inflation, the consumer price index,
gas prices, energy prices, etc.
Perfect scapegoat, blame Putin, blame Russia.
Wipe our hands of the situation we caused.
And the liberal nut jobs fall for the whole thing.
In fact, guys, do we have clip 10 ready to go?
Here's a perfect example.
Trust me.
Don't doubt me on this.
The Biden administration is gleeful
at what's going on in Ukraine
because it gives them a scapegoat for everything they've caused
and all their brainwashed minions sound like this today.
Look at the price of gas now.
It's $7.55 a gallon.
Hey, Putin, we're sending you a bill.
Hey, Putin.
But see, again, leftist logic can never be applied universally.
That's why it's not logic. It's illogic.
What about the Chinese biolab
that released COVID onto the world
and Fauci's involvement and Obama's involvement?
Are we going to send them the bill for all the COVID nonsense?
No, of course not.
Because you liberals just do whatever you're told.
Your brainwashed fools.
Like that individual.
$7 a gallon.
Oh, Putin.
Oh, Biden is loving that.
Let me tell you.
The Biden administration loves you, sir.
They love idiots like you
because you fall for anything.
And Biden can get away with destroying this country's economy
and destroying the middle class
and you're going to blame Putin
like a freak brainwashed zombie.
And so the inflation will get worse.
The consumer price index will go up.
The middle class will shrink.
The lower class will suffer.
And all of these libtards will blame Putin
because they don't have a clue how the world works
or what's really going on.
You're going to see $10 gasoline.
And you're going to see everyone blame Putin
and the Biden administration and Jen Psaki
are going to sit back like the energy secretary
and they are going to laugh their asses
all the way to the media to blame Putin
and then they're going to keep laughing
as you go scream at a sign at a gas station
because you don't understand how you've been deceived.
More on this.
Iran's foreign minister to visit Russia on Tuesday.
So you're starting to see the pieces of the puzzle
starting to work their way out.
And you know this.
Who's even allying with the U.S.?
Is anyone really allying with the U.S.
on this Ukraine situation?
European countries?
Eh, not really.
Pretty much just Ukraine.
And so when you understand that, you understand everything.
Why is the U.S. so interested and invested
in the situational outcome in Ukraine?
Because that's where all the major criminals in the West
in the U.S. have been laundering money,
laundering political information,
bribing, blackmailing.
It's all been in Ukraine.
That's why the U.S. and Biden has been so invested
in that situation while also riding it as a scapegoat
for all the damage that they're doing in this country.
But we'll have more on that tomorrow with Sean Stone.
My point is China, India, Mexico, Brazil,
even Israel now, Iran.
Everyone is siding with Russia on this deal.
And European countries are pretty much remaining neutral
in case you haven't noticed.
Where's the NATO support?
Biden caught lying to Germany and Poland
about the military aircraft that they were sending.
So, I mean, even Europe is like, you know what,
I don't think we want to be siding with the U.S.
on this deal in Ukraine.
For Zelensky, a puppet president,
a guy weighing over his head,
a guy who should have resigned a month ago?
Yeah, I don't think so.
It's just the U.S. and their corrupt interests,
which are protecting their criminal operations in Ukraine
while also riding the situation out as the perfect scapegoat
as the Biden administration destroys the U.S. economy.
I love this one, though.
I love this little ditty from Salon today.
Remember three weeks ago or so when Putin came out
with the big speech basically saying
what he's about to do in Ukraine?
And he said that they're going to denazify Ukraine
and the liberal media and the western media
say, oh, there's no Nazis, they don't exist.
They're finally admitting that that was the truth today in Salon.
Are there really neo-Nazis fighting for Ukraine?
Well, yes, but it's a long story.
Not really.
Not really.
After World War II, these Nazi kind of leftover remains,
kind of just archetypal.
I mean, there are no German Nazis.
It's not like the real Nazis are still around.
There's a weird tribal archetypal Nazi belief system
or group or symbology that has just remained in Ukraine
on Russia's doorstep that they're sick of
because millions of Russians died beating the Nazis.
I mean, millions died when they took Berlin alone
in that week-long, weeks-long battle.
So, yeah, the Russians are a little upset
that there's Nazis sitting on their doorstep,
and Putin says, but, you see, they're just backed
by western groups and armed by western CIA groups
as a proxy front in front of Russia, in front of NATO.
And so, yeah, Putin wasn't lying,
and now even the liberals have to admit it.
They're always late to the party, though.
Are there really neo-Nazis fighting for Ukraine?
Well, yes, but it's a long story.
Just admit you were wrong.
Just admit you were wrong about Putin.
Just admit you lied to us about the neo-Nazis.
Just admit it.
But they always have the, oh, it's a long story, though.
Like, political fact, it's mostly true or it's mostly false.
Just such liars, such agents of propaganda.
It's just unbelievable.
But, see, by the time they admit that they've been lied to,
the useful operations of the lie has already run its course.
EU head, if NATO gets involved in Russia-Ukraine conflict,
it's World War III.
What does that mean?
The EU's not interested, folks.
The EU's not interested.
Telling you, the U.S. has isolated on this deal in Ukraine.
We just haven't realized it yet.
And, again, the Biden administration doesn't care
because they can ride it out as a scapegoat
for them destroying the U.S. economy.
And maybe they're not so concerned about Putin
exposing all their crimes there
because the Ukrainian military has burned all the evidence,
as we saw in videos.
But this biolab thing,
that might be where the chickens come home to roost.
Zelensky thanks Zuckerberg for helping him win the propaganda war.
Ah, yes.
Just like Facebook does in the West, here in America,
hoping Democrats win the propaganda war.
See how that goes?
So all the corrupt western enterprises like Big Tech
are backing Zelensky.
No surprise there.
More so than even NATO or the EU, I would say.
There's a lot of jaw-jocking and lip-smacking,
but who is really backing Ukraine?
Russia to shut down Facebook,
Instagram over rule change,
allowing calls for violence against Russians.
Yeah, Facebook, Instagram said you can threaten
and kill Trump supporters and will allow that.
Now they're saying the same thing about Russians.
And then you have the mainstream media and liberals saying,
oh my gosh, Putin's anti-free speech.
Oh, now you care about free speech.
Putin doesn't want Facebook operating in Russia
because Facebook says it's okay to kill Russians.
Oh boy, Putin's the bad guy.
Senator Graham pledges support for no-fly zone
over Ukraine of chemical weapons used, folks.
That's the tail lagging the dog.
They wanted to stage a false-flag chemical weapons attack
in Ukraine and blame Russia,
but I think they got caught.
I don't think they're going to be able to do it anymore.
I mean, that's a major celebration.
That's the type of victory in a situation like this,
in a Cold War situation like this,
that doesn't get reported, doesn't make headlines.
Nobody knows about it, folks.
I'm telling you.
I mean, you can call it a victory for Russia.
Call it a victory for the planet.
The fact that the West that planned on staging
a false-flag chemical attack to blame Russia in Ukraine
got caught is a huge victory for the planet.
Huge victory.
China says no one and no force could stop it
from taking Taiwan as 13 jets breached Taiwan airspace.
Is Lindsey Graham going to call for the assassination of Xi Jinping?
Does Lindsey Graham want us to invade
and get involved in that situation in Taiwan and Hong Kong too?
Lindsey Graham never seen a skirmish.
He didn't want you to die in.
But I'm telling you, folks, that they got caught.
And I don't know who was going to run it.
I don't know who was running point on it.
Biden or whoever or Millie, I don't know.
But they or their proxy armies over there, the CIA,
they planned on launching a chemical weapons attack
or faking one and blaming Russia in Ukraine
and they got caught, folks.
That is huge victory for the whole planet.
Huge victory.
It's hard to believe that we're already into March 2022.
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The globalist social engineers always intended
to push their COVID biomedical tyranny lockdowns
until the populations rebelled.
They would then use that as the pretext
for permanent martial law and banning and arresting
anybody that speaks out against their laws.
But because of so many scientists and engineers
and researchers and others coming public
and whistleblowers, now their whole project
is falling apart because the people are aware
that it is a world government corporate takeover.
And so it's pulling back the curtain now more than ever.
The problem is some globalist controlled areas
are not going to give up on their takeover.
Like Canada, where they now declared a civil emergency
in martial law in Ontario
and other areas of the world are following suit
like Australia.
So pray for these folks big time.
This is a very serious situation.
And stay tuned into infowarstore.com
because truth is absolutely bare-mouth.
I got to tell you what info wars has been able to do
and this is not meant to be a demeaning of the crew.
I include myself in this with this ragtag crew
of Wolverines that we have here.
What we have been able to do folks info wars
which operates on tiny margins.
Lucky if we can even stay in the black for a month.
And we have the biggest audience built our own platforms.
We're the most influential.
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The fact that we've been able to do this folks
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And David has had so many victories.
And it's just incredible.
Now we've been able to attain some sponsors
in some recent times here to try to help fund what we get
and that's because we didn't like doing outside sponsors
in the past because they get attacked,
they get ridiculed, a lot of people pull out
and it just kind of becomes a mess.
But we have sponsors coming to us now saying
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we support you guys, keep fighting and here
we have these great products that we want you guys to promote
like Eve Attack.
Now I'm not really a big knife or blade connoisseur.
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Again, I'm not a big knife connoisseur
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This stuff is the real deal.
And by the way, they also sent us these bags
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Alex 20 on Evatac's website.
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Alex 20 is part of the Alex Jones collection.
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Final night, Alex 20, 20% off site-wide at evatac.com.
Also internally, folks we've been running the same sale
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Alex 20 at evatac.com and up to 50% off top selling
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The reason this is a 360 win is it funds the operation.
I need funds to run the operation.
You need to be healthy.
We need to stay on air.
Let's trade now.
And we are now joined by Mike Adams,
the health ranger, naturalnews.com, so much breaking news
is there that you're not going to find anywhere else.
And I've got a lot of questions for Mike Adams today,
whether it's the bio labs, the food shortages coming.
It looks like they're going to bring back all of the virus
lockdowns and everything probably after the midterm elections.
We're already seeing it happening in China.
And so Mike Adams joins me now.
Mike, what's the big story on naturalnews.com today?
Or what do you think the big story is yourself personally, Mike Adams?
Well, Owen, it's always great to join you, by the way.
I'm really sorry.
You had to navigate a mob of perverts there in Austin.
Yeah, I mean, if you want to talk about the perverted mob
that invades Austin, Texas, you can do that too.
No, I'd rather not.
We have more practical things to talk about.
Global starvation is being engineered.
And Russia now announcing they're likely to ban exports of wheat
and oats and buckwheat and other grains all the way through June 30.
And that's on top of, of course, Ukraine banning the exports
of all those grains and hungry banning exports of wheat.
Why is this happening?
Because these countries know that there's a global shortage
and that they have to protect their domestic supply.
Now, China was very smart about this strategically.
They bought up grain supplies around the world over the last,
let's say, eight months or so.
They're sitting on about 18 months of wheat right now in China.
They knew what was coming.
It's just like with COVID when they released the bio weapon
and then they bought up all the PPE equipment around the world in advance
and creating shortages for everybody else.
But the United States does not have really a strategic grain supply.
And so we're going to be facing, or at least not one that's large
like what China has.
We're going to be facing severe shortages and price inflation
in the grocery stores, hitting the U.S. in the second half of this year,
accelerating from about August all the way through the end of the year.
And we've done an analysis myself and a couple of researchers.
And if you don't mind, Owen, I'd like to,
I'd like to share that analysis with you of where we think that's going
and how it leads to food rationing passports
and the digital dollar control system.
It is okay if I go into that or you have other, other topics.
No, I'd love for you to go into that right now
because we're also seeing just people in Russia, billionaires in Russia
that are being honest saying,
look, this is going to cause the food supply collapse.
I mean, people in Europe saying this is going to cause the food supply collapse.
And the problem Mike is, and you'll probably get into this,
it's like, look, we're not going to see the worst of it in America.
It's not going to affect the upper class.
It will hurt the middle class.
It will really hurt the lower class.
But it's third world countries that are going to get crushed
and this is going to cause millions of people to die of starvation.
But they don't report that in the news.
Well, you're absolutely right about that.
And remember, protests have begun in the Middle East,
which is the first region affected by exports out of Ukraine and Russia.
So, you know, Ukraine provides about a quarter of the world's wheat supply,
but they provide 52-100% of the wheat for countries in the Middle East
and even some in Europe like Macedonia.
But Lebanon and Iraq are already seeing rationing and riots.
But I think what we're going to see in the United States is that
the prices will get so high on not only grains,
but then meat and dairy and eggs,
because all of those products come from animals that are fed the grains.
So most of the grains in the world are actually grown to feed animals,
not to feed people.
And so we're going to see huge increases in meat prices beyond what we've seen already.
So flash mobs are going to start looting grocery stores in huge numbers
and stealing the meat primarily.
The grocery stores are going to respond with increased security measures,
checkpoints, and eventually in some areas,
armed guards at the grocery store doors here in America.
You're going to see that, I believe, before the end of this year.
In addition, the federal government always wants to make sure
that a crisis doesn't go to waste.
So they are likely to jump in with food rationing
and then at some point, perhaps Venezuela-style food price fixing,
price controls, which will create immediate shortages across the board.
Anybody who understands economics knows why that's the case.
But just the food rationing, they will have to implement food rationing passports,
which is a mark of the beast system to verify your identity.
It might be a face scan, an iris scan, a thumbprint scan,
or maybe just your mobile phone that's tied to your identity.
But it will be a mark of the beast system.
You won't be able to buy food unless you sign up for that system.
And then one more element to this, oh, and we can explore this in more detail
or wherever you want to go with it,
is that there's going to be more stimulus money handed out
and the money to buy groceries.
There are going to be at least 10 million more Americans put on food stamps.
And as Joe Biden just announced, they're trying to push everybody
into a central bank digital currency system
while they're trying to crush the freedom cryptos with regulation.
They're going to try to force everybody into a digital dollar.
And eventually, although this won't happen in 2022,
but eventually maybe in 23 or 24, they'll say that if you want to buy food
under the food rationing system, you must use the central bank digital dollar control system.
And that's how they're going to starve people into the mark of the beast
federal reserve crypto system controlled by the government.
And even though I think they're way behind on the vaccine mandates
where they'd like to be, they're going to try to bring that back.
I think with this system as well, saying you can't even get your digital ID
without taking the vaccine, so that's how they'll try to reintroduce that
when they've really, I mean, really, that's another victory we've had
is staving that off to this point.
I think they'll reintroduce that.
But you bore more into the economic details in this,
but my forecasting is basically the same here.
I just look at, we've already seen this theme, this wave of mass retail theft
where you have groups of people running into stores right now.
They're stealing Nike shoes or stealing wristwatches or whatever the case is.
Okay, that's fine.
But like you said, as soon as they realize that, hey, wait, food is a commodity
that we're running short of, they're eventually going to make the connection
and say, maybe we should be going and doing mass retail at grocery stores
getting bread, getting meat, getting produce, whatever.
I do believe I see that switch coming
and because they've been able to get away with it so much with the retail theft,
they're going to switch over to food and produce and everything.
And then like you said, there's going to be a response from these companies,
like if you try to go into certain stores like say a Walmart or a Target
or a CVS or Walgreens, there's certain aisles you go into
and it's all under lock and key.
You can't go get a bottle of shampoo. You can't go get a facial cream, whatever.
It's under lock and key because there's so much theft of these products.
Then you're going to start seeing that on the food sector.
I mean, imagine that in America, because again, I agree.
My foresight is the same here.
Like I can't even imagine it even though I'm foresighting it,
walking into a grocery store and having the whole meat department under lock and key
because that's how much the price has increased.
That's how much the demand has increased and that's how much the theft has increased.
But don't forget the COVID training was to get people prepared
for a prison camp experience in retail stores.
So remember the little footsteps on the floor.
You have to stand six feet apart.
Some stores had only a certain number of people allowed in the store at one time.
So there were lines outside the store and essentially checkpoints at the entry to the stores.
This kind of indoctrination and prison camp training is only going to be vastly increased.
And we've seen some retailers like Walmart have installed one-way gate systems at their entrances, for example.
And there are more personnel now watching entrances at grocery stores in Texas.
I don't know if you've noticed that at HEB and other stores.
Well, those people are going to be upgraded in our analysis,
upgraded to uniform wearing security guard personnel
at some point as the food thefts get very serious.
And by the way, just to kind of reinforce this,
I have also noticed in Texas, and I don't know if it's like this in other states,
they're trying to get rid of bag checkers and automate pretty much when you check out.
It's all robots now.
And so I guess they look at it as let's automate, let's have robotics do the checkout
so that we can hire personnel for security.
I'm definitely seeing that.
I haven't seen the full switch to let's hire personnel for security,
but slowly but surely every grocery store I go in, less bag checkers, more machines.
And the vaccine passport technology that they built and tried to roll out and tried to push on everybody,
but there was a lot of backlash, that technology is just being reformed
and reintroduced as food rationing passports in the next 18 months.
Let's talk about that when we come back with Mike Adams,
gentlemen, there's another virus quote unquote lockdown happening in China right now.
They're closing major facilities.
They're closing chip manufacturers, iPhone manufacturers.
So that just tells me they're going to bring it back in the U.S.
probably after the midterms.
We'll get Mike Adams appending on the other side.
Alex Jones here with a very simple proposal for all our great and full worth listeners and viewers.
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And then your purchase of X3 funds our operation.
Now a lot of our products have been sold out and never came back in because of the lockdowns
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See your X3 right now at 50% off at infowarstore.com.
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Mike in California, thanks for calling.
I think we're barking up the wrong tree calling this gain of function research.
Now if you read the actual, you know, 2014 legislation, the U.S. government
gain of function deliberative process and research funding pause
on selected gain of function research involving influenza, MERS and SARS viruses.
There's nothing about SARS-like viruses and it's a research funding pause.
It's not a stop.
It's not a prohibition.
It's when you come to a four-way intersection, there's the stop sign.
You stop.
You look both ways and then you proceed.
And so it's also, it doesn't pause all gain of function, just selected gain of function.
But they'll argue that this is actually characterization and qualification research.
So, you know, Rand and others, you know, maybe Fauci was right.
You know what they're talking about, calling it gain of function.
You know, that's why he didn't perjure himself.
That's why he hasn't been arrested.
Because they're literally creating new synthetic life forms that mimic what the viruses do.
But in the main definition, it's still a gain of function.
They're making something deadly that spreads more easily to hurt people.
Thank you, Mike.
We love you.
Welcome back here on the Alex Jones show.
Ron DeSantis came out and said he expects the Democrats to reintroduce lockdowns after the midterms.
It's already happening in China.
And, you know, aside from all of that, Mike, we tend to, because there's victories, there's losses.
I mean, there is a global operation right now for world government.
The Great Reset, as we know it. And they are having hiccups.
They are reaching obstacles.
It's not been a total victory for them.
And so we kind of forget that with the ebbs and flows of this Great Reset versus the Great Awakening.
But their operation is still going right now.
So, yeah, they might see, hey, this is kind of unpopular.
We can't get our corrupt Democrat candidates in there with these lockdowns and everything.
So let's relinquish these, let's relief these, and then reintroduce them after the midterms.
And with what we're seeing in China right now, it appears that that agenda is certainly on the table.
So how do you think that's going to go?
How does this tie in to the supply chain shortages that we're already seeing?
I mean, with World War III plus more virus lockdowns, I mean, this is total devastation for the world economy.
Yeah, I think you're exactly right that the virus lockdowns will be reimplemented after the midterm elections.
But I want to follow up on the economic question of something I didn't quite answer from the last segment,
which is about the parallel alternative food ecosystem or food economy that's going to come out of all of this.
And I think this is critical for people to understand.
When the government cracks down with food rationing and with government centralized control over the food supplies,
there will naturally and spontaneously, organically be created a parallel economy of barter.
And I think it's going to be really a combination of cryptocurrency, such as Monero, which is a privacy coin,
as well as physical silver coins and barter, including the barter of ammunition and seeds.
So seeds are going to become a kind of currency in this system.
And it's not really a radical idea to think that the government may ban seeds, garden seeds, common seeds,
in order to prevent people from growing food.
So you're going to have one system, which is the centralized...
By the way, just so people understand, they already tried to do that at the beginning of the pandemic.
Remember, they were shutting down seeds from being sold in stores.
You're exactly right. Yeah.
The COVID pandemic was sort of the pilot run for everything that they want to do under different excuses.
But think about this.
You're going to have the first system, which is a digital dollar market-to-beast system,
where you can go into the grocery stores, you're going to get free money, universal basic income,
and you're going to be able to buy processed junk foods, lace with GMOs and pesticides and heavy metals and all,
and nutritionally deficient.
So that's what that segment of the population is going to be able to get.
Then you're going to have this parallel economy, and you're going to have a massive number of people growing food
all across America, growing food in gorilla gardens, or in hydroponics,
or just small gardens on their balconies in containers or in their backyards.
And then you're going to have a thriving system of trade among food and chicken eggs and backyard chickens and whatever else,
even beef products and so on, venison.
And that system is actually going to be far healthier for people.
In other words, those people are going to see vast reductions in diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's,
and all the other chronic conditions.
So not only do people have to make a decision about whether to reject the Mark of the Beast system,
but if you accept the Mark of the Beast, you're also going to end up eating death-causing processed foods.
I mean, one more thing, I want to think about this. McDonald's shut down all the restaurants in Russia.
Starbucks pulled out Coca-Cola shutdown operations.
Immediately, Russia became healthier.
And a similar kind of segmentation is going to happen in America through the systems I just described.
And it's such unintentional revelation, if you will, of the New World Order system, like you said.
Because here's what it is.
This fast food has addictive additives in it.
So when you go and you eat this fast food that's not even wholesome or really healthy other than just sustaining your hunger,
you become addicted to it.
So then they take it from you and it's like somebody that can't get their cocaine or can't get their crack or can't get their whatever.
They freak out.
That's why we saw some of these people in Russia freaking out.
They can't go get their McDouble or whatever because they make the food addictive.
KFC, all of it.
But that's the irony.
It's like this is the system that's killing you.
This is the eugenicist system that's killing you with the chemicals in the food and the water making you desperate for it
so that when they take it away like a drug dealer takes away crack to control you
or a pimp takes away crack to control a prostitute or whatever,
that's what the globalists are trying to do to the people right now.
That's why separating yourself entirely from it is the only way.
Well, you're exactly right.
Maybe your producers can pull up that photo of that man's refrigerator in Russia stocked with Big Macs and hamburgers and things from McDonald's.
And this individual believed that that's a form of stockpiling.
Like that's prepping is to shove 100 hamburgers into your refrigerator.
And of course, that's completely insane.
The real answer is to buy whole grains, wheat berries,
which have really over a 10-year shelf life and then to have a wheat grinder
to make your own wheat flour when you need it in order to produce your own bread on demand
and to have those basic skills.
And that's the answer.
And that's a very, very healthy way, by the way, to produce food.
So people who are informed about prepping are not out there buying processed food
or even buying flour for that matter.
They're buying whole wheat berries or the raw materials that they need to make their own food.
So part of the silver lining and all of this, Owen, is that there's kind of a grand awakening,
a learning that's taking place among people who are learning about how to actually eat healthier
and how to be more self-reliant because of the food scarcity and the food rationing that's taking place.
And so, you know, we're going to come out of this actually a stronger nation,
at least for those who survive, which won't be everyone,
but for those who do survive, they're going to know a lot more about growing food, prepping food,
and bartering and trading food and even how to use cryptocurrencies
and alternative parallel economic systems to avoid government tyranny over you.
That's where it's all going.
Well, and, you know, here's the thing too.
As authoritarian, as the U.S. government would like to get or might get,
they can't control all the people. It's going to be impossible.
I mean, even in major metropolitan areas, there's going to be pockets of resistance
and pockets of barter or whatever to avoid this.
But, I mean, I see it as, and who knows what major retailers end up doing
because they've occupied pretty much every U.S. city.
But it's like if you're out in some of these more suburban areas
or you're out, you know, away from major metropolitan areas,
I feel like for at least some period of time, those are going to remain untouched by all of this.
And that's why people are trying to move out to the hills or move out to the mountains
or move out to the woods, because it's like,
where can I go to kind of just exist without any of this reaching my front doorstep as long as possible?
Well, you're absolutely right, and there will be food riots,
but they will be in the cities primarily.
Now, eventually, depending on how bad this gets,
if the cities really run out of food, then you're going to see migration out of the cities
into the suburbs and eventually into the rural areas looking for more food
and also potentially raiding farms.
But don't forget that the NDAA, signed by Obama in 2012,
also allows the federal government to seize all grains and fuel and livestock from farms across America.
So it may be the government knocking on your door,
asking for all of your stored food before the zombies get to you.
That's something to consider.
And now China and Bill Gates probably own more farmland than anybody else in the U.S. combined.
So there's the control factor of that, too.
Mike Adams with us from naturalnews.com.
We've got one more segment with Mike coming up.
We'll finish up our discussion on this and get into the other big news.
Alex Jones here with a very simple proposal for all our great Infowars listeners and viewers.
If you will simply get X3 with all three types of good iodine that boosts your immune system
and help everything that goes on your body at the cellular level,
it will change your life.
It will invigorate you.
It will empower you.
Almost everyone has iodine deficiency.
Look into it for yourself.
It's the opposite of fluoride.
It's the good halogen.
And then your purchase of X3 funds our operation.
Now a lot of our products have been sold out and never came back in
because of the lockdowns and supply chain breakouts.
We were sold out of X3 for a long time.
And I had it on sale for 50% off.
A lot of folks were getting it.
And I was thinking, you know what?
I'm going to bring it back on sale again just until it sells out.
Because even though we won't make as much money in the long run,
a lot of folks need this product.
And we need to get the money from the sales in now to stay on air.
See your X3 right now at 50% off at infowarsstore.com.
It's hard to believe that we're already into March 2022.
And in the month of February, we had a very popular sale that was going
of our flagship product, X3.
That has all three types of the amazing iodine your body needs for every
electrochemical cellular activity in your body, your immune system,
your stamina, your libido, so much.
And the majority of the population in the world is iodine deficient.
This is the very best iodine out there.
So we had on sale for 50% off, but we sold more than half of what we have
or isn't going to come in for a long time.
So I took it back to full process.
I was thinking, you know what?
We need the funds in now to stay on air.
Plus, this is a great product everybody needs.
So to incentivize folks out there that have been on the fence to get X3
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Get X3 right now exclusively at infowarstore.com for 50% off.
Transhumanist nightmare vision.
Suppressing the voices of good people all around the world
and of doctors and scientists and engineers that are exposing all their lives,
their COVID-19 area, their world's going to end in 2030,
carbon tax, global warming bull, all of it.
And none of it can succeed.
None of it can actually be carried out unless everybody is silenced and gas lit.
And that's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence.
And that's why it's hard to share in Full Wars links and Bandai video links.
That's why we've got to share them now more than ever.
The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare
and with poisons and chemicals added to the food.
It's all come out.
And they're doing that not because we're weak,
but because we're made the image of God, the Creator, and we are powerful.
And the social engineers fear that so much.
So that's why I repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up with the boy.
Is it true?
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all their propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death
because they know we are strong.
And they know in the end they signed on to God of this world who is a loser.
And that's why it's so important that everybody keep in Full Wars in the air now more than ever.
Because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting and setting up is safe handling.
And we are opposing the one world government and the mark of the beast they just announced.
5 from the Infowars.com studios. You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
And now your host, Owen Shroyer.
Final segment here with Mike Adams, naturalnews.com.
We've been talking about what we think is the next phase of the great reset, food rationing, more lockdowns,
and then just increased tyranny over the food supply because of the supply demand issue that is upon us.
And we're already seeing it, but it's going to get even worse when you combine a World War III situation
or potential with another virus lockdown.
I mean, we're talking devastation to the food chain.
And yeah, you know, Mike, the elites of the world won't be concerned about it.
Rich people, it won't hit too much. The middle class will hurt a little bit.
It could crush the lower class, specifically the third world countries.
But people don't seem to care about that.
But what else is the big news right now?
The biolabs, the, I mean, we're having victories. We don't really know about it.
Like I think we had a major victory with the biolab story.
They didn't want anybody to know those existed. They got caught lying about it.
We may have stopped their plan to start World War III.
I mean, that's how serious this is. They were going to stay, I think it's pretty obvious.
They were going to stage a chemical attack, false flag,
whether they actually released a biological weapon or chemical weapon or not.
They were going to stage it like they tried to in Syria multiple times.
They got caught before they could do it. They failed in Syria the last two times.
They tried it. I mean, that's like potentially stopping World War III scenario stuff right there.
Well, I agree with you, Owen. That was key.
And of course, your analysis and Alex's analysis nailed it.
They were setting up a narrative for a US based false flag release of bioweapons to be blamed on Russia.
Now, but the problem though is they could still do it.
Yeah. So, you know, a couple of weeks down the road or a month down the road,
they could still do it. They could still blame Russia.
All the mainstream media is going to parrot that narrative.
I do believe in fact, there's no question in my mind.
I think about the globalists as having a deck of cards and each card is a horrible weapon against humanity.
It's like the Illuminati card for another.
That's exactly what it is. Right.
So they've got the bioweapons card, not just the first one they played with COVID,
but now one with a 60% mortality rate, for example.
They've got the cyber attack card to take down the financial infrastructure.
They've got the card that is the collapse of the fiat currencies around the world,
collapse the dollar, force people into a digital dollar,
and thereby then control their food purchases like we talked about last segment.
They've also got nuclear attacks, nuclear terrorism, dirty bomb,
radiological attacks, as well as chemical weapons and so on. And there are more cards, as you know, in that deck.
And the conclusion that we've all come to, all of us who are pro-humanity,
is these attacks on us will never stop until this globalist cabal is dismantled and taken out of power.
Otherwise, we're going to be fighting year after year after year with a new crisis every time
and losing another billion people from time to time.
The vaccines are going to kill over a billion people over the next decade right now, just based on what's been done.
The food scarcity could starve a billion people if it gets worse,
and we don't re-establish international trade for things like energy and fertilizer and mills and so on.
So each one of these cards could kill a billion people.
We don't have that many billion left.
I mean, we have eight billion now. It could be seven billion in two years.
It could be four billion if we lose the synthetic fertilizers.
The planet can't support... I shouldn't say the planet.
It's not an ecological issue.
It's that the food infrastructure can't support eight billion people
if you lose natural gas-based fertilizers.
So you could lose half the world population right there just because of economic sanctions.
And by the way, folks that think this is insane,
maybe you haven't been listening to Infowars or Mike Adams for a long time, you got to understand.
Bill Gates goes and does public speeches where he says,
and I don't know the exact quote, but I'm paraphrasing an exact quote from Bill Gates,
we need to get the human population down to zero,
and if we do a good job with vaccines, we can accomplish that goal.
What do you think he means by that?
And then he goes on TV when this virus outbreaks
and he starts promoting vaccines right up until like a month or two ago
where all of a sudden he seems to have disappeared.
What do you think Bill Gates means when he says we need to get the population down to zero
if we do a good job with vaccines? We can do that.
Because here's my dream.
It's like Martin Luther King's had his, I have a dream speech about people of all skin colors
living together in peace and harmony, which we had in this country until the globalists,
the modern-day liberal leftist factions, started becoming more radicalized.
We really realized that dream. I'd like to think I realized that dream.
I never saw racism in this country until recently when the leftist bigots
started to show their true sides.
But it's like my dream is we get to live on a planet free of this globalist cabal
or free of a secret shadow government operating on top of the world system
in the shadows thinking that they own everything.
They have the rights to determine who gets what resources and ration what resources.
I mean, that's like the next level of Martin Luther King's dream is getting these globalists
off our back that think they own the planet and look at humans as useless eaters
because they look at us as a virus.
That's like the next level of Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech,
but for the planet, get the globalist cabal off our back and watch humanity truly take off.
I believe there'll be renaissance and prosperity the likes of which this planet's never seen.
Oh, I'm with you. We're going to unleash a new golden age after we dismantle this globalist crime cartel.
There have been so many technologies that have been suppressed such as free energy technology,
for example, or water desalination technology that could unleash incredible abundance and wealth across the planet.
No question about that.
But I just want to mention just to augment what you said about Bill Gates.
Specifically, he said that vaccines could reduce the population by 10 to 15 percent.
That's just attributed to vaccines.
And this is why the globalists need multiple attack vectors.
So you're correct that then they need starvation, they need food scarcity,
they need to shut down the fossil fuel industry.
I'd like to ask your producers, see if you can bring up a chart of the history of the world population
that shows the population of the planet around the year 1900, which is the pre fossil fuel age,
the pre combustion engine age.
And you're going to find that the world population around that time,
these are rough numbers, was only about a billion people.
You know, one eighth basically of what we have today.
So without fossil fuels and combustion engines, you can't grow enough food to feed,
but perhaps one eighth or one fourth of the current population, you understand?
And then Joe Biden and the Democrats are saying,
well, let's shut down all fossil fuels and all oil and stop all combustion engines,
but they don't have a replacement for it yet.
And so what is it?
Just starve until we come up with new exotic technologies someday
and then hope there's enough people alive to transition.
It's a suicide.
Assuming the current status of our education system is never going to happen.
No, no, not at all.
So just to summarize the numbers, without synthetic fertilizers,
population of the world goes to four billion people, roughly.
Without fossil fuels and combustion engine technology, it goes to one billion to two billion people.
Mass starvation will dwarf anything they accomplish with the vaccines or with war.
It's really just sad that that's what the future looks like right now
and it shouldn't have to be that way.
And but you're right.
I mean, this is the next struggle for humanity.
Humanities had to go through all kinds of struggles throughout the course of human history.
And this is the next great struggle to get the purveyors of governments and corruption on this planet.
They think they own this planet.
They think they own the world's resources.
They get to allocate them how they see fit, which means it's all for them, none for you.
And that's how they see it, Mike.
They look at humanity as a virus on this planet that they're going to call
and they're going to see themselves as the saviors.
And they don't want the people to know that that's their ideology
because as soon as they wake up and realize that, it all falls apart.
Yeah, exactly.
The thing is, we don't have to live under scarcity.
All the scarcity that we're experiencing as human beings is in fact artificial scarcity.
So it's created by the globalists in order to be weaponized against us.
We could be living in a world where we have really abundant food, abundant energy, abundant technology.
We could be traveling to the stars, frankly, with the technology that's already been created by people here on this planet.
So it's all about suppression and control and now extermination.
We will survive it, but we're going to lose a lot, I think, billions of fellow human beings in this war,
but we'll ultimately prevail.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's Mike Adams.
You can follow his news, naturalnews.com, always breaking big stories.
Mike, thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you, Owen.
And ladies and gentlemen, you see the serious nature of the topics we discuss here.
This is what we're fighting against.
And you notice how everything Info Wars has talked about for the last decades is slowly but surely coming true.
I don't want this to come true.
I don't want to see global starvation. I want to see humanity thrive and prosper forever.
Legislation is being introduced that if you amplify any quote pro-Russian information,
you can be censored, you can be arrested, you can be imprisoned.
And of course now Canada is under this legislation that if you have a thought crime
and they think you may have the intent to engage in hate speech online,
that you will be censored and arrested.
Ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around the world
against humanity that makes Info Wars.com more important than ever.
I've been in my 60s and I did the work of 25, 30 year olds and I worked them into the ground and you wanted to know why.
And I've tested this and I've taken your B12 and let me tell you, when I don't take it, I pay a price.
I really do. I take that B12 and I am electric, man.
I can run 10 miles. I do some pretty heavy work with a highway department and my friends will attest to the fact that,
for a guy in his 60s, you know, pushing 70, and I'm not just blowing smoke here.
The B12 saves my life.
It's only been in the last 60 years that we've had satellites that can decently measure what's happening in the atmosphere.
But if you look at all the different studies and reports about NASA and other governments and other agencies,
they all disagree on what's really happening with the climate.
The only constant, the only great truth is change is the only constant.
So yes, climate change is totally real.
But notice, first they called it global freezing back in the 70s and 80s and then it's going to be global warming
and when that didn't really happen the way they wanted to.
Okay, now it's just climate change.
But did you know that man-made climate change is a real thing when it comes to the United Nations
and the Department of Energy and Bill Gates and the UN, they have weather control trees from 1979.
Bill Gates has been manipulating the weather for a very long time.
In fact, back in 1994, two scientists won a Nobel Prize for an idea of spraying different particles out of jet engines to control the weather.
So yes, man-made climate change is real.
UN-run contact tracers aren't coming.
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These tyrants are tracking everything you do, everywhere you go, then coming to your house
and threatening, in some cases, actually taking people away into the night to their facilities.
And they're planning in the next year to expand their shield process where they come and take, quote,
healthy people away and put them in facilities for their safety.
This is nothing less than martial law.
And one big thing you can do to fight back is to get high-quality Faraday cages,
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we look at the collapse that is the Biden administration, Kamala Harris not knowing what planet she's on.
Joe Biden saying that Iran has attacked Ukraine and that Putin has attacked Russia.
And we think these are losers.
We're going to be able to defeat these people very, very easily.
What are they going to do in 245 days with the midterms?
They're going to lose a cent in the house.
What's going to happen?
Well, I can tell you what's going to happen, because when they were in office two days last year,
they had a press conference with Homeland Security and Jen Psaki, and they said we are declaring anyone questioning lockdowns
or anyone questioning the election as terrorists.
And then in June of last year, they put out the new National Terrorism Directive and crossed the Rubicon saying they would use the CIA
and the Defense Department with the FBI against the new number one threat, quote, white supremacist.
They then defined white supremacist as people questioning elections, people questioning open borders,
and people questioning election fraud, and then that even hit the news.
NBC News, Fox News put up the graphic saying it.
Now, there they are declaring that the number one terror threat is white people to create division.
And then what happened yesterday?
They released their new official Homeland Security paper where they tell us we're guilty of being able terrorists
and we support national sovereignty and conservative Christian values, populist values, just common sense values,
and then they later put the reports out saying that imminent terror attacks before the election are coming from Republicans
who are, quote, white supremacist, who are, quote, terrorist.
Here's the headline, Jamie White in FullWars.com, you can read the government document for yourself, it's linked right there.
DHS releases new rules on extremism.
You can target anyone who questions 2020 election or challenges COVID narrative.
Conspiracy theories about 2020 presidential election and government's COVID response will almost certainly spur domestic terrorism and extremists
to try to engage in violence this year, DHS claims.
And then it goes through the entire report that you can again read at the article at infowars.com.
So everybody thinking that we're going to defeat the Democrats and that everything is okay.
This is all pre-scripted, this is all pre-planned, and they are planning massive terror attacks, mass shootings, bombings of federal buildings
right now to blame the Tea Party, to blame Trump supporters, to blame you.
And so we need to get out ahead of this now, like Tucker Carlson and others have done, exposing January 6th as a staged event,
like our lives depend on it because it does.
So they're going to say we're terrorists and we're Russian sympathizers, okay?
So this is all a way to internationally take over, create a global crisis on the heels of the police state already set up under COVID-19
and now just roll that in to outlaw their opposition.
That's the same thing in England, the UK, same thing in Australia and in England, same thing in Germany.
They're saying anyone protesting lockdowns and forced inoculations is a terrorist.
And a lot of people are like, well, they say COVID's over now, you know, it's not over in places like Australia or Austria or Germany
and they're going to bring it back here, leak documents out of Canada and out of DC show that they're planning right after the midterms
to claim a new deadly variant of the virus is there and attempt lockdowns again.
So we got to get out ahead of this propaganda, we got to get out ahead of the globalists that are not our government but have hijacked it
and who obviously stole the election and now they're trying to outlaw and saying you're a terrorist if you question it.
Even if they didn't steal the election, even if you really believe Biden beat Trump, who got 12 million extra votes that he got the time before,
Trump did and that that was really top.
Even if you believe the moon has made a cheese and the Easter bunnies are real and the Santa Claus comes down the chimney,
even if you believe that you shouldn't be able to outlaw people questioning an election.
That is a fundamental right of Americans and remember Pelosi all of them said we're not accepting Trump's win.
We're going to call it a red mirage and use mail-in ballots to make sure he loses one way or another.
They said we'll use a military coup against me. We have to.
And then Republicans took on some of that rhetoric during the contested election but never actually implemented it.
And so they're trying to use what they actually said they would do now claiming Republicans were planning it to again set up an actual permanent
martial law system like we have in Venezuela and other areas around the planet.
So the world is going off the edge of an authoritarian cliff.
I mean, even the former Attorney General Barr came out on CNN and said the Democrats are now an authoritarian party.
And we've got senior Democrats stories on infowars.com at the big DCCC meetings.
This is even the New York Times today saying Democrats, we are the problem.
We tried to take over people's lives. We tried to take over people's children.
We tried to take over people's bodies. Our own families hate us.
Everyone's turning against us. Our most hardcore donors are quietly turning against us.
People don't want to live under this.
But see, the top technocrats, the people running the Great Reset at the Davos Group and Bilderberg Group level,
they are basically ordering Democrats to carry out policies and other governments they control around the world that are completely illegal and completely unpopular.
The Democrats are finally realizing they're being set up and used. They're not going to be the kings and queens of this new tyranny.
They're going to be bringing in the tyranny and then they themselves will be flushed out and then a new managerial group will be put in control.
That's the standard procedure when you overthrow a country.
So this is banking, technocratic, fifth six-generational warfare, economic against the people.
It's called the Great Reset, Bilderberg Better.
Infowars.com. Tomorrow's news today. Everybody needs to stand up and say, look, McCarthy went a little too far, but he was only a real communist.
But it's not right. This is America. This can be used on everybody.
Well, now they've done 10 times, 20 times what Joseph McCarthy ever did.
And this time to red-blooded, hard-working Americans are having a purge the military, purge of law enforcement.
This is a classic takeover with critical race theory and the force inoculations is a pretext of the purge.
We have to come together as all Americans and realize we're being conquered by cold-blooded multinational corporations that want to get rid of our rule of law and system
because it's an example of freedom of the rest of the world and America can't stand under this global corporate system.
That's why it's got to fall and be discredited.
And that's why we have to take our republic back peacefully in a revolution of ideas and not be drawn into conflict and violence here in the United States,
which is the only option the globalists and the democratic minions have.
Let's not have this civil war that the CIA is openly pushing right now.
Let's let us control it and let's come together and realize what's happening and save ourselves and our children and the future of the planet.
Again, infowars.com, the tip of the spear.
That's Alex Jones. We are now back here live in the Info Wars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
I want to fill in for Alex for a couple days this week as he is on the road engaged in some business.
And you might be seeing some epic things coming from Alex in the near future if all things go according to plan.
So just stay tuned for updates on that at infowars.com and band.video, which is a miracle.
It's a miracle that we've been able to build band.video and support all the other channels that are on there,
not just all the Info Wars content, but all the other content creators.
And it's funny slowly but surely as like I'm at an event yesterday in Austin, Texas.
There's a bunch of freelance journalists out there that I know because I've talked to them before and they've just been banned everywhere.
And they say thank you for getting me on band.video because they just get banned everywhere else.
And that's thanks to your support at infowarsstore.com.
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Now, ladies and gentlemen, another big reason why you got to have info wars on the air.
Our next guest, Dr. Francis Boyle coming up in the next hour is such a reliable source and was the individual that broke the Wuhan bio labs story right here on this transmission.
I remember sitting right here in this studio over two years ago interviewing Dr. Francis Boyle before all that broke and everything he reported then turned out to be true.
He's joining us coming up in the next hour in less than 10 minutes to talk about the bio labs in Ukraine.
You're not going to hear this information anywhere else.
Dr. Francis Boyle is the expert on these matters and he joins us in less than 10 minutes.
Now's the time to spread the links.
Now's the time to tell your friends and family to tune in.
Folks, we might be able to stop World War three if we can get this information out.
That's how paramount it is.
And I think we've already had major victories in the information war with what's going on in Ukraine.
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There's something here that I'm just not seeing anywhere else and it's a real shame.
And that's the role info wars has to play sometimes even going into realms that you may think we don't belong in.
But when I see a void specifically in media, I'm going to fill it.
Kyrie Irving is a professional basketball player, one of the best on the planet who has been extremely staunch in his medical freedom stance in regards to not wanting to take this experimental deadly COVID vaccine.
And because of that Kyrie Irving has been discriminated against in the NBA and he has been relentlessly attacked in such a despicable, disgusting fashion.
I've never seen sports media so ugly in my life than the treatment that they've had towards Kyrie Irving.
You got a little taste of that with the Aaron Rodgers thing.
But Kyrie Irving has just been so mistreated by the American media.
It's disgusting. I've never been more ashamed of the sports media in my life with their disgusting rhetoric towards Kyrie Irving simply for wanting medical freedom.
Well, one of Kyrie Irving's teammates Kevin Durant also arguably maybe the best player in the NBA is starting to raise his voice in this matter.
And now he's being attacked because he said this to media just last weekend in clip five.
That's ridiculous. I don't understand it all.
There's a few people in our arena that's unvaxxed, right?
They lifted all of that in our arena, right?
So I don't get it.
It's a second mandate that says he can come in but can't play.
Yeah, I don't get it. It just feels like at this point now somebody's trying to make a statement or a point to flex their authority.
But everybody out here is looking for attention and that's when I feel like the mayor wants right now some attention.
But he'll figure it out soon. He better.
But it just didn't make any sense.
There's unvaxxed people in this building already.
We got a guy who can come into the building.
I guess are they fearing our safety?
I don't get it.
So yeah, we're all confused.
Pretty much everybody in the world is confused at this point early on in the season.
You know, people didn't understand what was going on, but now it just looks stupid.
So hopefully Eric, you got to figure this out.
Now that's him talking about the ridiculous standards and Eric Adams has just been a disaster.
By the way, crime in New York is already up 47% just this year alone.
So people thought Eric Adams, former police officer, might help New York City.
No, been a complete disaster, sadly.
But see, Kevin Durant is just taking a neutral stance on all this saying, hey, none of this makes sense.
It looks like a total power grab.
So then in the media, you have hardcore bigots like Michael Wilbon and Skip Bayless and all these other jerkoffs in the media that have been hammering Aaron Rodgers, hammering Kyrie Irving and now hammering Kevin Durant because they don't want the vaccine medical tyranny and they have legitimate questions to be asked about its execution in regards to players and
fans and how it makes no sense at all.
So let me just say this because I'm not seeing it out there near enough.
I mean, maybe the Pat McAfee show is the only place where you can go in sports media that has a really big audience that's actually standing up for medical freedom and standing up for Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant and Aaron Rodgers.
So I think that's a good point.
I'm not seeing it out there near enough. I mean, maybe the Pat McAfee show is the only place where you can go in sports media that has a really big audience that's actually standing up for medical freedom and standing up for Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant and Aaron Rodgers and Jonathan Isaac and Brad Beal and the other professional athletes that have said, hey, I don't want to take the vaccine.
You can't make me do it. This is wrong. What you're doing.
I've mostly completely lost interest in sports since leaving the sports media about almost a little less than 10 years ago now and switching to politics.
But let me tell you, when I see people like Aaron Rodgers standing against medical tyranny, that makes me want to root for him.
When I see people like Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving standing up against medical tyranny, that makes me want to root for them.
And so I just want, I don't know if this message will get to them, but I want Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, Jonathan Isaac, Brad Beal and the other NBA players, NFL players that are standing up against this medical tyranny.
You're not alone. You're on the right side of history and we support you just because the corrupt, disgusting, despicable American sports media is so evil towards you.
Do not let that stop you. You're on the right side of history.
America is cheering you on and I don't know if I've ever cheered for a basketball team in years, but I'll cheer for Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving because of their stand.
Two of our best selling products are back in stock in FullWarStore.com and they will sell out in the next three, four months before I get more of the product in and I sell it at full price.
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During the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, the American implementing legislation for the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention, he served on the board of the Directors of Amnesty International from 1988 to 1992 and represented Bosnia Herzegovina at the World Court.
He served as a legal advisor to the Palestinian delegation to the Middle East peace negotiations from 1991 to 1993. Folks, that is just barely a quarter of Dr. Francis Boyle's sterling resume and it was Dr. Boyle who came on to these airwaves more than two years ago now.
And to my knowledge was the first to break the Biolab Wuhan story right here on the Alex Jones show and we're glad that he has taken the time to join us here today. Dr. Francis Boyle, I think the question here is obvious.
What is going on with the Ukrainian Biolabs? What are they for? What is the U.S. involvement in them and why has the narrative been shifting over the last two weeks about them? Where would you like to begin, Dr. Francis Boyle?
Well, Owen, thank you very much for having me on and my best to all my friends there at Info Wars and I do want to thank Alex and you and others at Info Wars for letting me speak about the pandemic right from the very beginning.
I have to establish my background here. In 1985, I gave a congressional briefing on Capitol Hill against the Reagan administration and its neoconservatives abusing DNA genetic engineering for the research development technology.
Research development testing and stockpiling and potential use of biological warfare weapons. That's how long this has been going on, Owen.
And as a result, at the end of that briefing, I called for implementing legislation for the United States for the Biological Weapons Convention.
And for the next, I drafted it and then I worked with my colleagues and friends, the Council for Responsible Genetics, headquartered in Cambridge Mass that had some of the top life scientists in the world affiliated with it and some of the most ethical and principled life scientists in the world to get it, lobby it through Congress.
The Reaganites and their neocons fought us tooth and nail because they knew full well I was coming directly after them with the punishment of life in prison.
The Department of Justice wanted me to put the death penalty in there, but I'm a lifelong abolitionist so I toughed it out and said no life in prison.
Finally, my legislation was approved by both houses of the United States Congress unanimously and signed into law by President Bush senior to his credit the Reaganites that were out in the neocons and with the approval of the Department of Justice.
Now, that was May of 1989, the biological weapons anti-terrorism of 1989, and I have been fighting against the US biological warfare weapons establishment, the British establishment and others ever since then.
And based on my knowledge, judgment and experience and everything I have seen in the public records so far. Yes, these are biological warfare weapons, offensive biological warfare weapons laboratories set up by the Pentagon.
Remember, the Pentagon does not do missionary work, they kill people, and that's why they are there. And it is now coming out the, I've read, I've seen some of the documents produced by the Russian government.
Yes, it appears that's that's exactly what they were doing. Indeed, there is a BSL3 down there in Odessa. And if you look at websites for BSL3s, which I have done repeatedly, you will see they research, develop, test, stockpile, prepare for use.
Every type of hideous Nazi biological warfare weapon you can possibly imagine using DNA genetic engineering, gain of function, and now synthetic biology, which by the way I also covered in my biological weapons anti-terrorism act.
Every US citizen and resident involved in these activities is subject to life imprisonment under my statute.
Now, the other day you saw Newland admit that there were biowarfare labs there in Ukraine. As you know, Newland is a neoconservative. As I said, these neoconservatives have been pushing and involved in biological warfare research development and testing, going all the way back to Reagan when they first came to power.
And in this regard, Owen, as we know, Newland also had a critical role to play in overthrowing the democratically elected government in Ukraine under Yanukovych and establishing a gang of neo-Nazis there in power in Kiev who are still in power.
But I did hear Owen want to refer more recently to the neoconservative manifesto, and remember Newland's a neoconservative, so she knows what she's talking about. And this was the project for a new American Century, PNAT, I'm sure you're familiar with.
If memory serves me correctly, I think John Bolton was the executive editor of that. But in any event, here's what the neoconservative manifesto said September 2000, just as before they came to power under Bush Jr., including Newland.
And this is from page 55 of my book, Biowarfare and Terrorism, I have it all in there. And here, in their seminal report on building America's defenses, the neoconservatives publicly recommended numerous policies for adoption by the United States
government, in particular with respect to biological warfare, and I quote, and advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
Now that's the neocon manifesto, the project for New American Century. I can't recall if Newland signed it, but she's in cahoots with all these neocons.
So, yes, ethnic specific biological warfare weapons, the Pentagon has been working on that for quite some time. As we know, in the immediate past, American sources were over in Russia harvesting DNA.
And I did give interviews over Russia at that time, they asked me, well, why, why are they harvesting DNA? And I said, because they are going to try to develop ethnic specific biological weapons that would target ethnic Russians, a weapon of genocide.
This would be very similar to Zbigniew Brzezinski's counter ethnic targeting, when he worked for Carter, that Brzezinski's targeting theory was that the great Russian ethnic group control Russia.
And so in our nuclear targeting, we should target them and destroy them. And then the Soviet Union would collapse. And I've already written on that saying that that's genocidal too.
So this, the allegations that have come out so far, and from what I've read in the public so far, are consistent with my opposition to biological weapons and the neoconservative support for biological weapons, going back to about 1983.
And when was your book published, The Bioweapons and Terrorism Book?
That was in 2005.
So this information has been readily available since 2005. Dr. Francis Boyle is with us. We got to go to a break. Folks, tell friends and family to tune into this. This is the information the corrupt American media is trying to cover up right now.
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There are so many scientists and engineers and researchers and others coming public and whistleblowers. Now their whole project is falling apart because the people are aware that it is a world government corporate takeover and so it's pulling back the curtain now more than ever.
The problem is some globalist controlled areas are not going to give up on their takeover. Like Canada, where they've now declared a civil emergency in martial law in Ontario and other areas of the world are following suit like Australia. So pray for these folks big time. It's a very serious situation and stay tuned into infowarstore.com because truth is absolutely paramount.
Dr. Francis Boyle is my guest. Incredible information in the last segment. I want to provide a little framework to it here with the current news cycle and get him to respond to this.
We've had the western media and intelligence agencies within 48 hours last week go from the labs don't exist and then they got their wires crossed. Then Newland in front of Congress says oh the labs do exist.
Then okay wait they don't exist from the State Department in Saki and then no they do exist but their health labs but Russia is going to use them for biological warfare. So clearly the government's lying. Clearly the American media is lying about this as well.
And then the big news has to be that Putin was right when he said that the Pentagon and Ukraine have biological weapons labs in Ukraine that have race specific weapons research. He was right about that just like he was right about the neo-Nazis.
That's just a fact. You can love Putin, hate Putin. He's not the one lying about these situations. And he also mentioned the BSL-3. Now correct me if I'm wrong here but the lab in Wuhan that was a BSL-4 and is a BSL-3 the highest level they have in Ukraine and what is the significance of that Dr. Francis Boyle?
Yeah as I pointed out previously to Alex the Wuhan is a BSL-4 like Fort Dietrich and the Wuhan BSL-4 is China's Fort Dietrich and the big difference between the BSL-3 and the BSL-4 is that the BSL-4 can work with the highest category of dangerous pathogen.
And in addition aerosolize them by means of nanotechnology which the Wuhan BSL-4 has done. So at that Wuhan BSL-4 if you see the pictures of the Chinese back queen there who helped develop COVID-19 with the University of North Carolina BSL-3
you will see she's wearing a moonsuit with her own air supply and that you do at a BSL-4 in order to the BSL-4 Wuhan bragged on their webpage that they have applied nanotechnology to viruses making it an infinitesimal size so that it can float on the air in the air under the air whatever.
And so even we've had scientists studies saying that COVID-19 can travel anywhere from 20 to 30 feet in the air right whereas you don't really have that yeah you don't really have that at a BSL-3.
But you can do almost every other hideous type of biological warfare work you can possibly imagine at a BSL-3 I mean just read the web pages for BSL-3s yes.
So you had China addressing the UN and you've had Putin and other Russian state affiliates saying what's going on with these biolabs we know that there's at least 30 of them in Ukraine I guess the highest level was the one in Odessa which is kind of I believe southeastern Ukraine.
So what is the significance of this how many biolabs are there in Ukraine and what are they doing there do you believe Dr. Francis Boyle.
Sure there has been a comprehensive policy for quite some time by the United States government and the Pentagon to surround Russia with biological warfare laboratory state we also have them in Central Asia as well.
And to pre position biological warfare weapons to use against them it's it's very clear the pattern that has gone on here yes my opinion.
And so you have Victoria Newland who in my opinion has blood on her hands in Ukraine for now almost 10 years with the neocon warhawk policy in Ukraine using Ukraine is just kind of an operating ground of western interests.
And a NATO is kind of the conduit for their for their money laundering and weapons laundering and Russia is just sick of it so we've now reached this point where the American media and our government they got crossed.
Dr. Francis Boyle they were not even on the same page with their lies they said they don't exist no they do exist no they don't exist oh wait they do exist but they're quote unquote health labs but somehow this health lab is going to be used by Russia as a biological weapons.
I mean did they just not get their lies straight or are they just totally flummoxed are they that incompetent why the mixed messaging on these labs do you think.
I really don't know and because I've been fighting against this since 1983 I've had a consistent message since 1983.
But you know the problem with these neoconservice like Newland you know they're they're diehard Machiavellians and Neo Nazis.
I'm sure you've dealt with the Neocons I have in the legal profession.
That's just the way they are they say whatever they're going to say for whatever purpose they're going to say.
So please don't ask me I mean I understand their mentality because that's how long I've been up against them they're Nazis.
They have a Nazi mentality.
There's no question about it in my mind.
I've told this to Alex before I know the American people have a hard time accepting this but any government like our own that has research developed tested stockpiled for use.
Biological warfare weapons in Ukraine against Russia.
These people are Nazis and and that's the mentality we are dealing with here.
I guess Newland just figured that since they control the mainstream news media which they do they can say whatever they want to.
You crafted the biological weapons anti terrorism act of 1989 we've had Nuremberg trials we have other other international laws that go against chemical warfare biological warfare.
Why is the U.S. or Ukraine or whoever is involved in these labs.
Why are they above the law.
Why do they get to operate these labs.
Well they really don't I mean we run them we put them in there they're under our control and domination.
Yeah you can see the from your picture there they're they're all around Russia.
And that's that you know these are our labs.
Yes they're there.
They do what we tell them to do but we control them and it's because of the geographical location.
Also notice the labs you have over there near China right the same policy against China.
Over the year you have it there on the rate off of China.
So sure there it's no doubt what why are they why are all these labs positioned around Russia and position around China.
They are to be used against Russia and China for sure.
Do you believe that Putin has a just cause to go shut those labs down.
Well let me say this.
Oh and the these labs are extremely dangerous.
They have to be secured first of all but they simply cannot be blown up.
We found that in go for one as you know I discussed with Alex the Center for Disease Control and the American type culture collection sent 40 shipments of weapons specific biological warfare weapons to Saddam Hussein in Iraq.
Dr. Francis we've got to take a break here let's hold that thought I'm going to ask you the same question on the other side of this break.
Dr. Francis Boyle with us here on the Alex Jones show.
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Mike in California thanks for calling.
I think we're barking up the wrong tree calling this gain of function research.
Now if you read the actual 2014 legislation the US government gain of function deliberative process and research funding pause on selected gain of function research involving influence of MERS and ZARS viruses.
There's nothing about ZARS like viruses and it's a research funding pause. It's not a stop. It's not a prohibition.
It's when you come to a four-way intersection there's the stop sign. You stop. You look both ways and then you proceed.
And so it's also it doesn't pause all gain of function just selected gain of function.
But they'll argue that this is actually characterization and qualification research.
So you know Rand and others you know maybe Fauci was right.
They don't quite know what they're talking about calling it gain of function.
You know that's why he didn't perjure himself. That's why he hasn't been arrested.
Because they're literally creating new synthetic life forms that mimic what the viruses do.
But in the main definition it's still a gain of function.
You're making something deadly that spreads more easily to hurt people.
Thank you Mike. We love you.
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And Dr. Francis Boyle is with us here. Not to be redundant Dr. Boyle but we got cut off by the last break so I'm just going to ask you the same question and give you the time to properly respond here.
Was Vladimir Putin justified in going into Ukraine to shut down these biological weapons labs?
Dr. Francis Boyle.
Well, let me say this. These labs are so dangerous they must all be secured and decontaminated by Russian biological warfare experts.
You just can't blow them up. We made that mistake in Gulf War I where we gave the Center for Disease Control and the American Type Culture Collection 40 shipments of weapons specific biological warfare agents to Saddam Hussein in the hope and expectation that he would weaponize them and use them against Iran, which he did.
When the war was over, however, we then ordered our own troops simply to blow these biological warfare weapons labs up and in the process contaminated infected our own troops having a role to play in the Gulf War sickness.
So these labs have to be handled very carefully. Of course they have to be rendered permanently inoperable for any purpose at all. They serve no legitimate medical or scientific purpose but have to be careful.
Any type of contamination not only of the Russian troops but also the innocent Ukrainian people over here. You know, they invited me to lecture over there in Ukraine. I've been there.
I met many government officials, lawyers, peace leaders and even had a tour of, asked for a tour of where Nestor wrote his chronicles that monastery where Kievan Rus' civilization goes back for both the Russians and the Ukrainians.
So this has to be considered as well.
So in China, in the Wuhan lab, they were doing the gain of function research, which is just ramping up manmade viruses to make them as contagious as possible.
What use that would have for humans on planet Earth is beyond me but the story is now in Ukraine.
So they're saying their official narrative now, Dr. Boyle, is what they're saying is their health labs, quote unquote health labs. But as you just said, there's no practical use for these labs other than a military application.
I mean, what reasoning would they even give to call these a health lab or is that just an outright propaganda lie?
Well, it's Orwellian doublespeak Owen. Over the years, what the Pentagon and the CDC Food and Drug Administration, this whole U.S. offense and biological warfare industry we have now, the justification they have come up with is this,
oh, well, there's some exotic disease out there somewhere in the environment or that we can discover and think up of or derive ourselves with synthetic biology.
And therefore, we have to develop some type of vaccine against it. But in order to do the vaccine, we first have to develop the biological weapon.
You see, it's sort of like three card Monty or a shell game or something like that. So there's, oh, yes, we're there for health purposes. But really, that's just a facade justification for developing offense and biological warfare weapons with gain of function DNA,
genetic engineering, synthetic biology. But but they've used this lie for as long as I've been opposing biological weapons, going back to the Reagan administration and their neocons.
And I have to point out, the Reagan administration and their Federalist Society lawyers and their neocons fought me and the Council for Responsible Genetics, tooth and nail from 1985 until Bush senior came in there and 1989 and and drop the opposition to my legislation
because the Reaganites and the neocons and the Federalist Society lawyers knew full well, even from my personal statements and testimony in Congress, I was going directly after them with life imprisonment and hitting them as hard as I could short of the death penalty because I'm against the death penalty.
So going back to the biological weapons that the West provided to Saddam Hussein, which we then ended up blowing up, causing all kinds of health problems for our troops and I'm sure others in that region of the planet.
Are you afraid at all that they because to me that sounds like a cover up operation. Are you afraid at all that they might try to run a similar operation in Ukraine and just say screw it we're going to blow up these labs to cover up our operations.
Sure. Newland has has already said this. This is what psycho analysis calls projection.
We're projecting on the Russians what we very well might do ourselves. So yes, there could be a what you call false flag attack by these US bio labs in Ukraine and blaming it on the Russians right to justify US military intervention, direct US military intervention into Ukraine.
And the, you know, the statement the other day by President Biden about use of chemical weapons is was pretty ominous and hero and technically, I want to point out there's a separate regime applicable to chemical weapons, the chemical weapons convention.
As a matter of fact, the only government in the entire world that has violated its obligations to disarm itself from the chemical of all chemical weapons.
Is the United States of America. We have to keep that in mind. And under the influence of the neoconservatives who believe like biological weapons. They can and should be used.
There was a date certain in the chemical weapons convention to which we are a party say all chemical weapons must be disarmed. No later I think was April 2012 or something like that, with no excuses.
And yet, ever since then, we have come up with one excuse after another after another, patently bogus lies for why we have to keep our chemical weapons. Indeed, when we demanded Syria give up their chemical weapons, we got that job done,
and yet we've refused to do it because the United States government, the deep state, the neoconservatives want chemical weapons. And so, sure, there could be a false flag chemical weapons attack there in Ukraine to get the United States
directly involved in warfare against Russia as implied just last week by President Biden. We know that the chemical weapons attacks in Syria were not by the Syrian government.
I said that at the time, and also Professor Ted Postel at MIT who specializes or specialized in weapons designs for the United States government said the same thing. And the Pulitzer Prize winning
investigative reporter Seymour Martin Hirsch did extensive exposés, first in the London Review of Books, and then second in a German publication saying the Syrian government had nothing to do with those chemical weapons attacks.
So it was all done by our jihadis over there in Syria, and we assisted them. So sure, this could happen again. Oh, and either a false flag chemical weapons attack, which Newland basically suggested, or a biological warfare weapons chemical attack.
So and that would be trumpeted by the Biden administration and the mainstream news media for over intervention into this war, which literally was set off a World War Three between the United States and Russia.
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I'm so glad you called elaborate on this. Yes, now is the time in your small town or your big city to write something on the bathroom wall or to put a sticker on your car or banner hangs over highways and it will be a chain reaction.
What do you recommend people say on these banner hangs?
I have a few ideas. First of all, out there's the poison form, a rest valve, rest valve swap. The vaccine is poison. There's tons of things. I say to keep it short, keep it concise.
Arrest Fauci, arrest Bill Gates. The COVID-vaxx is poison. Beautiful. Yeah, there's ways that we could all be involved, that we could all be affected. So that's what I'm calling about.
God bless you, Chris. In Atlanta, I really, really appreciate you calling us today. Thank you so much.
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Final segment here with Dr. Francis Boyle. And I've got two questions left for him. And then if we have more time, he can just make a final statement.
Dr. Francis Boyle, what kind of back room deals are made or do you believe are made by the West and countries like China and Ukraine?
Because it appears that these these bio weapons labs are just really Western operated and then they somehow get these countries to agree to run them and house them.
But it seems to be like it's Western controlled and operated specifically in Ukraine, maybe in China too. What kind of back room deals do you think go down as the expert in this?
I mean, is this is it like, hey, we're going to give you billions of dollars in foreign aid to Ukraine, but you're going to house our biological weapons research or how does this stuff go down?
Well, first on, I think we have to understand that we have an international transnational cult of Nazi bio warfare death scientists like Tony Fauci, who has been up to his eyeballs in this for Reagan.
When I got involved in this around 1983 or four, Reagan put Tony Fauci in charge of our offensive biological warfare weapons program, and that is how long he has been there.
And then he has trained and Francis Collins, of course, the former head of NIH, he's involved in this too, as we know, they funded the research that led to COVID-19 that offensive biological warfare weapon with gain of function property.
And then that just spread all over the world. Yes, it's a cult of these people, including over there in China as well that Wuhan back Queen, she was trained at the Galveston BSL for down there in Texas, which is again part of the offensive US biological warfare industry.
The British are a part of this, the French, the Israelis. So, so we have a network and a cult of Nazi bio warfare death scientists, which gets back to the point you raised about these athletes.
We have to resist this Nazi medical tyranny by these death scientists like Fauci and Walensky, and we can go through the whole list of these people. Yes, second, the second motivation is just money.
They take patents on this technology beforehand, every step of the way. And so they can benefit on both sides of the bargain as it were, they can benefit and make profits off of both the biological warfare weapon itself, and then on the alleged vaccine or therapeutic.
So they've got us coming and going and they're, they're killing, they're making killing off of us as they go to the bank. So that is my interpretation of what's involved here, Owen.
Is it a well known secret in DC, in the halls of the elite politicians and the neocon hawks and just the political establishment there, the swamp or the deep state as it's known. Anthony Fauci's role at the NIH or whatever else he's involved in.
Is that all just a front? Is Anthony Fauci really the biological weapons chief for America?
Yes, since Reagan put him in power at NIAID, I think it was about 1984 or so.
That's how long I've been fighting against Fauci. And about 95% of this Nazi bio warfare, death science, dirty work has been funded by Fauci NIH since about 1984, when Reagan and the neocons got into it.
And as I said, what spurred me into action was a very comprehensive report on the abuse of DNA genetic engineering by the Reagan administration and his neocons to research, develop tests, stockpile, for use biological weapons, every type of biological
weapon that they could think up with. And indeed now, with synthetic biology that they can concoct. Indeed, the COVID-19, the Bat Queen took a synthetic biology organism from the Wuhan BSL-4, brought it over to the University of North Carolina BSL-3,
and then gave it gain of function properties under Barrick there, who's an expert on this and his team. And by the way, the FDA was involved in this too.
Now think about that. The FDA that is approving these Nazi Franken shots that are killing people and disabling people was involved in the development of COVID-19. So they've got us on both sides here.
Likewise, Walensky, you know, who can't get her story straight either, right? She can't. She comes from the Harvard Medical School. The Harvard Medical School was involved in the development of the COVID-19 biological warfare weapon.
Indeed, Harvard was one of the sponsoring institutions of the Wuhan BSL-4, China's fourth Dietrich. Now think about that for a minute. And indeed, the chair of the Harvard Chemical Department, Chemistry Department, Lieber,
he was over there too, with his own lab specializing in nanotechnology. And Lieber had also worked for the Pentagon, for Dietrich, nanotechnologizing biowarfare weapons for them.
The Amerithrax attack, nanotechnology there, you had a trillion spores per gram on Amerithrax. I was the first one to blow the whistle on that coming out of the U.S. Biowarfare lab and program on November 1, 2001 at our conference for the responsible genetics at Harvard Divinity School.
So this type of activity, I had thought that my biological weapons anti-terrorism act would put an end to this, but it didn't. It made no difference. There was too much money involved and too many completely unprincipled people like Tony Fauci with a Nazi mentality here.
And again, I don't really foul professional athletics, but I think these guys have it right. We have to resist Nazi medical tyranny. There is no other word for what is going on in this country today.
And I commend these athletes for using their celebrity power to bring this out to a broader audience in the American people, certainly that ICANN is a mere law professor.
Well, I'll tell you what, it makes a lot more sense now, especially with Peter Dossick and others like, oh, Fauci, he's like the CIA guy. He's like an army guy in these leaked documents and text and conversations that we know about now.
It all makes more sense. Dr. Fauci was never a doctor at the head of some health bureau around Christine America.
Dr. Fauci has been the biological weapons chief of the United States of America for almost 40 years now. And boy, oh boy, you understand that. It all starts to make a lot more sense.
And so here's the problem, and I'll close with this, and we've got about 90 seconds here. We have to deal with this criminal rotgut in our country.
We, the American people, need to be the ones putting Fauci in under a criminal investigation for war crimes and biological weapons crimes. We have to do that.
Because if we don't, folks, that's when you start to get world war scenarios when other people that you might think are bad, like Putin or Xi, are having to deal with the corruption here because we won't deal with it.
Final 60 seconds closing words, Dr. Francis Boyle.
Right on. Well, I was on previously with Alex to explain exactly how to do that. Namely, we have to convince every state and local prosecutor here in the United States to bring indictments against Fauci, Collins,
Dasek, everyone involved in that UNCBSL3, as well as the people involved at Murderna, Pfizer, BioNTech, Johnson & Johnson, the chief executive officer, scientific officer for murder and conspiracy to commit murder against the American people.
I went through this at great length with Alex on a previous show, but that's what we can do. Right. The federal government is not going to help us because, as we know, the so-called Department of Injustice is in Biden's pocket.
And Biden is the one who appointed Walensky from the Harvard Medical School up to its eyeballs in COVID-19 as the CDC director.
Dr. Francis Boyle, great stuff as always. Thank you so much.
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The legislation's being introduced that if you amplify any quote pro Russian information, you can be censored, you can be arrested, you can be imprisoned.
And of course now Canada's introduced legislation that if you have a thought crime and they think you may have the intent to engage in hate speech online, that you will be censored and arrested.
Ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around the world against humanity that makes infowar.com more important than ever.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I got to say, you know, we don't really ever get credit for the groundbreaking work that we do here.
We don't get awards or anything like that. And that's okay. We don't care to take a victory lap. We don't want to put a bunch of awards or prizes or whatever up on the wall here.
That's not what it's all about. Our reward, our prize is freedom and prosperity for humanity. I mean, that's what we want.
That's what we hang on the wall if it was represented in any way. I guess it's the American flag.
Well, but it's like if I was to sit here, because I have mainstream journey, well, what have you ever done, Troyer?
It's like, really? Do I have to sit here and like list off like a resume? Like I need to prove my pedigree to you. I don't give a damn.
But I mean, if there was some like bullet point like resume of the things Owen Troyer has done, when I had Francis Boyle on over two years ago and broke the Wuhan lab story to today, having Francis Boyle on breaking the story about the truth in Ukraine.
I mean, that's the type of groundbreaking work that we do here. Now, I don't want an award. I'm not going to get an award. I don't need a victory lap.
But see, now the duty is upon you and the audience to take that interview, share it far and wide, take little clips of it if you want, one minute clips, two minute clips, 30 second clips, whatever.
Put them all over the Internet. Put them all over social media. That's how we win, folks. We're having victory right now.
They're contemplating at the highest levels of the U.S. government right now, whether they're going to still run their false flag operation in Ukraine to blame Russia, because they know if they do it, everybody in the world knows it's going to be them.
Everybody in the world knows it's Newland, knows it's Biden, knows it's the Pentagon, knows it's the State Department. Now, that doesn't mean they might not do it anyway.
That's how crazy these war criminals are. That's how crazy these go bar. But it's our job to have the victory on the front end saying, hey, if they do this, we know who to blame.
And that's not being a Russia file. That's not supporting Putin. That's just supporting the truth.
So we're going to upload that video to Bandod video by the end of the day, probably within the hour. And you can go there and you can download that link and you can chop up the clips, put them out on your own social media, write stories about it.
That's what we need you to do now. That's why we built these platforms. That's why you built these platforms. So that's what we can do.
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The first 10 amendments to our country's constitution were adopted in 1791. The first of these broadly protects the rights of free speech and free press.
Free speech means the free and public expression of opinions without censorship, interference and restraint by the government. 231 years later, free speech across America is under chronic and insidious attack. GCN is under attack.
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If so, please consider visiting savegcn.com. Savegcn.com. You may click follow, share, give and pray. You may select all of those choices. I'm Vincent Finnelli.
The answer to 1984 is 1776. You're listening to the Alex Jones show with Gerald Salente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones show and what a critical time we're in. And you know that we're showing those knives and those other self defense pieces of equipment. Those are something really very considering to get. I mean, don't fool around with this stuff and not have it.
You better protect yourself. When the COVID war began over two years ago, in the trends journal we warned that there's going to be a spike in violent crime.
When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it and they're losing a big time. How many more of these things you have to see people breaking into the museum of Maud Narcissus guys stabbing people.
You better learn how to fight. You better learn how to fight. And I don't mean the kind of fighting that they're selling. Oh, let's be heroes and go to Ukraine and die.
I'm not talking about that one. I'm talking about you better learn how to fight for your life. Because this thing is going to get out of hand.
You know, one of the articles we have each week in the Trends Journal magazine is Close Combat Survivalism Trends. Survivalism Trends by Bradley Steiner.
And he's passed on last year, so rest in peace. This guy was the top, the number one close combat guy in America.
No, it wasn't this stuff. Yeah, that's BS. That's BS. This is real. When your life was on the line, man, you're going to take them out before they take you out.
So survivalism. You better learn how to do it. And they have products there that you can use and you need. You need.
You know, I talk to people, I say, young lady who lives around people that aren't so, you know, you better watch out for them.
I say, you know, you better get a knife or something. Oh, no, I wouldn't do that. I say, you know, you better get a gun, man.
You're in a neighborhood over here. You don't know. Oh, oh, no, I wouldn't do that. No, no. When they come to attack me, I'll say, now please calm down.
This isn't proper. You should. Bam, you're dead. You got it.
Anyway, she never did anything. And most people won't.
Most people won't. But the people watching in for wars will. And we are in the fight for our lives.
With the COVID war, they robbed us of our freedom right in front of your eyes. I'm a little dictator. I'm a little Andy Cuomo.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Unite for peace, right? Negotiate for peace. We're going to rest in peace. That's something else. That's about this war going on.
But you just saw what happened with the COVID war. How they robbed us of our rights and how everybody marched off to the COVID war.
I'm going to get facts. Hey, hey, Obama. Hey, Obama. You're fully boosted, Obama. And you got the virus and that fat, arrogant, murderous mouth shooting off his Obama folks.
Hello, folks. You know, it kept fokin us and fokin us for eight years. He's now keeps fokin with.
I'm glad I got the vaccination. Well, well, yeah, I say everybody should get the vaccination. I say you go screw yourself.
Or maybe somebody else should for you. All these people that got back stop getting sick. You saw what they did to our freedom. They're taking us to war.
They're taking us to war. We have been set up just as the people marched off in the COVID war. We're going to fight them Russians. We're going to fight them Russians.
We're going to get them. We're going to get them. Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
And there's BS spewing out of their fat mouths, all these generals and all of these security officials and intelligence operators. Hey, boys, because that's all you are.
You're little boys with cojones smaller than a markball. You haven't won a war since World War Two.
Oh, those Russians, you know, they thought this was going to be a Blitzkrieg and it was going to be over quick. Hey, fat head. Hey, fat head.
Three weeks. You're only in Afghanistan for 20 years. Look at these freaks. Oh, oh, hey, Austin, you got the jab and you got the virus.
Oh, all you say. Oh, yeah, these these arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant boys, these murderous boys haven't won a war since World War Two.
And you're shooting off your mad dog matters mouth telling me shoving your crap out.
The Russians are going to lose and send more of our money to go kill more people rather than giving up and negotiating for peace.
You haven't won a war since World War Two. I don't want to hear one word out of your mouth.
I'm a trend forecaster. I forecast trends. I write about them been doing it since 1980. Yeah, I got my track record.
Go buy my track record. Do I get it right all the time? Of course not. I'm a human being. But unlike you guys, you get it wrong all the time.
Go buy your track record. You're murderous losers. You have sacrificed the lives of our boys, our men to fight illegal wars based on lives.
Oh, this Putin's a war criminal. The U.S. Ambassador and Camilla Harris laughs out. How about Bush being a war criminal? How about Cheney?
How about all the people that supported the Afghan war and the Iraq war based on lies? Oh, some have been lying. There's weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda.
Oh, we can lie. Oh, oh, oh. And how about how they show all of these headlines of civilians being killed at a maternity hospital being blown up?
Which, by the way, the Russians say was in a maternity hospital. How come the prostitute media didn't show Obama's wars, Clinton's wars, Bush's wars, blowing up and killing civilians?
They never did that. There were no photos of that. How come? Where were they?
Fallujah, huh? How come they weren't showing all the dead Iraqis? Only killed over a million of them?
Hey, Obama, quote it, I'm really good at killing people. I would say that's war crime. I'm really good at killing people. Oh, this is the Obama, his words, quote,
Gaddafi has to go, folks. Gaddafi has to go. The guy that took Libya out of a dictatorship, maybe he was a dictator, no more than anybody else, but they had more rights and benefits than most people in the world.
Gone. Oh, the Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama? Much better than Putin. Assad has to go. Oh, yeah, the guy that ran Syria only killed about 625,000 Syrians.
How come you're not showing America bombing the place all to pieces? Oh, no. That's different. Kill anybody that you want, anywhere, any place, anyhow.
Hey, other people do it. They're terrible. They're murderers. The Russians are not going to be defeated. I'm a fighter.
I'm a close combat black belt, had my own school for many years. Somebody comes in the door with a gun. I'm not going to be a hero.
Okay, man, what do you want? How can we ease this out? No, I want to fight. Boom, you're dead. You got it. You got it.
I'm going to tell you a story. Why they should surrender for peace, negotiate for peace now, or rest in peace. This is really serious.
And they're going to drag us into it. We got sick people in charge. Buy the products from Info Wars. You're going to need them. It's going to get worse.
Whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy, we will follow the facts wherever they lead.
The days of independent media are numbered. The government has made it illegal to oppose them. They are now deep banking us behind the scenes. They want to bankrupt us and make us go away quietly with practically half the population wanting to lock the unvaccinated up in camps.
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It has been noted by many a historian. The first casualty of war is the truth. And the next big casualty isn't even the people that died. No, that invariably follows.
But first there is the crackdown on populations, basic liberty and speech and massive censorship. And now across the world, from the United States to Europe, legislation is being introduced that if you amplify any quote pro Russian information, you can be censored.
You can be arrested. You can be imprisoned. And of course now Canada is under this legislation that if you have a fought crime and they think you may have the intent to engage in hate speech online, that you will be censored and arrested.
Ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around the world against humanity. That makes info wars.com more important than ever.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones. And now your host, Gerald Salente.
Hello, hello. Yes, victory or death. Go to info wars stores.com now. Victory or death. And that's what we are facing.
This is very serious. Do what you can to support info wars. They look what they did during the COVID war. Anything you said that didn't follow the line you were censored.
How dare you not believe a piece of low life scum crap like Fauci. How dare you not believe Andy Cuomo. Yeah, the harassment guy. Yeah, him.
A little Gavin Newsom, you're blackball. I can't say blackball. I make they may call that racist. You can't be trans bald.
They're going to blackball everybody that comes out against this war. You better support info wars. Our lives are on the line.
They got great products up to 50% off. Do what you can.
They are going to take us off the air for speaking about peace. They have great products. Get them now and speaking about peace.
Mankind was put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.
Those are the words of John Fitzgerald Kennedy murdered murdered.
I believe because it was anti war.
The Cuban Missile Crisis. I was a kid. I'll never forget. I was in the 10th grade. Should have been in the 11th, but I was left back going to that story later on.
Anyway, Cuban Missile Crisis. I can't believe our history teacher didn't even hardly mention it when it was solved.
I remember as a kid feeling this.
The United States had missiles in Turkey aiming at Russia. Get them out of there. We're not going to get them out of there.
We'll put missiles in Cuba. Let's make a deal. You pull the missiles out of Cuba. We'll put them out of Turkey.
They didn't ramp up the war like Biden is doing.
Like all these politicians are doing. We're going to beat them. Send them more money. Send them more armaments. Send them to our military.
Send them more tanks, more anti missiles. Send them more so they could keep killing.
Hey, why not say, listen, pull back and we'll pull back. Wrote about it in the Trends Journal.
2014 had the United States overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine with Victoria Newland,
heading the charge, the quotes taken off her telephone, one after another.
So going back, all they do is sell war. They're not negotiating for peace.
You're not going to beat the Russians, but the crap that they're spewing out.
U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told BBC that he's convinced Ukraine could win its war with Russia.
Oh, he's convinced. Hey, hey, boy, if you're so convinced, oh, well, Anthony Blinken,
the murderous guy that went over to Saudi Arabia when Saudi Arabia launched its war against Yemen,
the worst humanitarian crisis on Earth that doesn't get the headlines when they launched it from Washington, D.C. in 2015.
And he goes over there to give them intelligence. You're going to, you call this guy intelligence? What intelligence?
Oh, yeah. And the United States refueling these Saudi planes, the jets, so they could keep killing more Yemen.
Oh, that Anthony Blinken, you're going to believe the crap spewing out of his mouth?
You really got to be stupid. Or you got to belong to a political party.
Who's your favorite political party? The Democraps or the Repulsive Kins?
Speaking of which, how about Lindsey Graham? Now, there's a real man. Did you come out of the closet yet, Lindsey?
Listen to the Lindsey crap. Listen to the Lindsey crap. Lindsey crap. All you got to do is tune into Fox.
You want to hear Lindsey crap? It keeps spewing out of Fox.
Oh, I used to be on Fox. They used to send trucks up here back in the days with the sad things to pick up the satellite.
I'm doing interviews. We're taking. Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Slenty, we're breaking away.
Senator Lindsey Graham, Senator, you're talking to that clown?
That little guy that couldn't find his way out of a paper bag?
What does he have to say? Let's see. Senator Lindsey Graham said, quote,
Well, it's not going to be World War three. This is a bluff.
Putin knows that no one wins a nuclear exchange if he ordered a strike on the United States.
A general would shoot him in the head. A general would shoot him in the head.
Graham stated, I'm calling for the crushing of the Russian economy.
Oh, you're calling for it. Oh, hey, hey, if you're calling for it, I'm all ears.
Oh, you mean you're going to hurt the people, huh?
How about nobody calling for the crushing of the American economy when murderer George W. Bush, a little daddy's boy,
with a whole name smaller than a mothball, launching a criminal war against Iraq?
Oh, you remember Scott Ritter? No, they blackballed them.
Like they blackballed me for coming out with the truth about the Afghan war.
Lindsey, how come they're not calling for the assassination of George W. Bush?
What would they say if Russia said that? But it's OK for you to call for the assassination of Vladimir Putin.
Everybody get it in your head. You got a crime syndicate running the government.
And if you're too damn stupid to think along the lines of Republicans and Democrats,
I know I'm not even talking to you because you wouldn't be on Info Wars.
Lindsey Graham, look at this little boy of nothing, little Georgie Bush, a daddy's boy, a daddy's boy,
born on Third Basin, thought he had a home run, like little Andy Cuomo, or that little, how about Justin Trudeau,
the little actor, Justin Trudeau, another daddy's boy, if daddy was it Pierre?
George Collin, the great comedian, used to say it's one big club and you ain't in it.
That's what it is. One big club of psychopaths, sociopaths, pathological liars that are destroying our lives in front of us.
This is serious. Hey, the market was way up before I went on the air, almost 400 points.
The next time I looked, it was down and now going up a little bit. What's next? What to do? Stay tuned.
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Waging War on Corruption, it's Gerald Salante. You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show.
And again, we thought things were bad during the COVID War.
Who would have ever thought they would have degraded into this?
Again, in the Trends Journal magazine, I said the COVID War would begin to wind down the end of March, mid-April,
and it was winding down for a while.
And now we see what's going on with China, you know, with the COVID cases.
There are like, you know, 1,500 COVID cases, something like that in a country of, let's see, 1.4 billion.
And now they're closing down major cities.
Oh, the average in America right now, cases, is about 34,000 a day.
And they're closing down the joint because of like 1,300 or 500 cases. No deaths.
We followed China.
Look what happened. Lunar New Year, 2020.
Chinese Lunar New Year, the year of the rat.
Remember what happened in Yuan City, Yuan? Oh, the guy falling down and dying.
They locked down. Wow, look at those Chinese locking down cities.
Could you imagine that ever happening here?
And then Italy did it, and the rest of the world followed.
China's masks used to make fun of people in China wearing masks all the time.
They wore them before the pollution, by the way.
And now we're all masked up. But now they're loosening them up.
Anyway, let's go back to this. This is very important.
They should negotiate for peace, or they're going to rest in peace, as we say at the cover of the Trends Journal.
Three buildings on the most historic four corners in America. You could Google it up.
Kingston, New York, most historic four corners.
I have a 1774 Academy, which is one of the first public schools in America.
I have the 1763 Dr. Jensen House.
I have the 1750 Franz Rogan House.
The reason I bought these is we were opening the Trends Journal magazine in Germany.
This was in 2012. I was looking to leave the country.
Back in 2010, it was down in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, I've been around.
I had it with Obama, and it's what this country was descending into.
I never been to Berlin before, and I landed there about 8.30 in the morning.
They put me at a hotel, picked me up at about 11 o'clock in the morning, then drove me all around.
Here's where East Berlin was, driving me everywhere, into the suburbs, into the cities.
I'm thinking, what a beautiful place this is.
No buildings, or over 16 stories tall.
Parks everywhere. Beautiful, beautiful city.
Then about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, I was sitting down having a beer, sitting on a sidewalk in the main section of Berlin.
The sidewalks are wide enough, the cafe tables, 4 and 5 deep, a place to walk and a place to bicycle.
I'm looking across the street, and I see this beautiful, beautiful German building, maybe in the 1880s.
And it's the same height, all new construction.
And I realized, everywhere they took me, I'd see these beautiful houses in the suburbs, and all new construction.
And I'm thinking to myself, Berlin was grander than Paris before it got bombed out.
And I spent a good amount of time in Paris, so I was very lucky to go out with Marie-Pierre.
Marie-Pierre's brother Francois, by the way, was the left shoulder Jacques Chirac in Bitterrand.
And my close combat teacher, John Perkins, who learned from Bradley Steiner, used to go work out with the guys at the palace that he said.
Berlin was grander than Paris before it was bombed out.
And I'm thinking, you know, back in the 1930s, Germany was at the height of western civilization in a number of ways.
Scientifically, yeah, everybody beat.
And the Atom Bomb, oh yeah, the guy, what was his name, Einstein, all those guys, yeah, they brought him over here, yeah.
Culturally, the music, the style was great stuff.
Philosophically, oh yeah, a whole bunch of them.
And I'm thinking to myself, why didn't the people take to the streets and stop the war?
You're losing. You're losing. Stop it before everything is destroyed.
And as an Italian-American, I'm thinking same thing with Mussolini. How could they look up to a Mussolini like they looked up to a Hitler?
I guess the same way you look up to the presidents of the United States.
Many of them. I respected Kennedy and Eisenhower.
I wasn't a fan of FDR, didn't like Woodrow Wilson, like Thomas Jefferson.
But look at the Freaks running the show right now in front of your eyes.
What a crap show. A bunch of crap heads.
Where were the people to stop the final destruction of Germany?
Oh, talking about war crimes? Didn't the UK do a wonderful job in Dresden?
Yeah, yeah, bombing it to nothing and all the people that they killed?
Going back, where were the people? Why didn't they take to the streets and say, we're losing. Let's stop this.
Before everything is destroyed and will never be rebuilt. It's gone. Gone.
And so is the vibe.
Same thing is going on right at this moment in Ukraine.
Rather than negotiating for peace, we're going to send them more weapons. We're going to beat them.
They had this clown on Fox. Another jerk. Whatever there's this paper. Senator.
Senator Jim Rish, a Republican of Idaho. Again, it's not Republican. It's repulsive kins and demo craps.
Said during Fox News Sunday. Asked if World War three with Russia after Putin forces displayed.
He goes that the US shouldn't fear World War two with Russia after Russian President Vladimir Putin's forces displayed an impressive level of ineptness in Ukraine.
According to some US senators, that's the quote from Fox.
I wouldn't call it World War three. Senator Jim Rish said.
I think it would end pretty quickly because with the conventional forces that he's had there, meaning Putin, you know, we haven't seen this kind of ineptness in a long, long time.
So I'm not so concerned. Oh, I guess you're blind.
Death, death, dumb and blind. You can't see this ineptness. Hey, how about the Afghan war? Forgot the Iraq war. What about the Libyan war? Hey, how about the Syrian war?
Oh, oh, and I think you're old enough to remember the Vietnam War ineptness ineptness. You call murder ineptness when you don't murder enough and win.
These are the sick people we got in charge.
We have to unite for peace, so we're going to die for war.
And do what you can to support info wars. They have great products.
Not only does it help you, it helps keeping the truth alive and the truth is being buried as innocent people are fighting a needless war.
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And I was thinking, you know what, I'm going to bring it back on sale again just until it sells out.
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Granny Do Right. Granny Do Right. Thanks for holding her on the air. Go ahead.
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So anyway, it worked wonderfully and it really has totally cleared up my skin.
Two of our best-selling products are back in stock at infowarstore.com.
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And the reason this is a 360 win is it funds the operation.
I need funds to run the operation. You need to be healthy. We need to stay on air. It's a match made in heaven.
Anything of real quality, anything of lasting durability, anything that's really satisfying and empowering and fulfilling is going to be hard to attain.
And when it comes to information, boy is that true today.
We see the entire global corrupt, anti-human depopulation, great reset, combine.
Trying to collapse our society to build on its ashes, their transhumanist nightmare vision.
Suppressing the voices of good people all around the world and of doctors and scientists and engineers.
They're exposing all their lies, their COVID hysteria, their world's going to end in 2030, carbon tax, global warming bull, all of it.
And none of it can succeed. None of it can actually be carried out unless everybody is silenced and gas lit.
And that's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence. And that's why it's hard to share in Full Wars links and Bandai video links.
That's why we've got to share them now more than ever.
Hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show. As I said, we're in the fight for our lives, the fight for freedom.
Not a peep about freedom and peace. Nothing. No one is talking about peace.
The Pope is going after Russia. It didn't go after the United States when you started all those illegal wars.
Oh, and by the way, I'm not just shooting off my mouth, Pope, and the rest of you. I launched Occupied Peace.
That's right. OccupiedPeace.com and rallies up here with Ralph Nader, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Gary Null, Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq.
I hold them all the time. So I'm a man of peace. So unlike you guys, no one's talking about peace.
And if you want to, by the way, donate to peace, you can go to OccupiedPeace.com because no one is speaking about it.
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
William J. Casey, CIA Director, 1981, May You Rot in Hell. Your lowlife piece of scum. Lie to the people, seek affiliate military agenda, and your sick head.
You got it? It's right there. We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
Don't forget to get your jab. Yep. I'm a Yankee doodle dandy. Yankee doodle do or die.
Support info was because you're going to steal the truth away from you. One of my favorite products is super male vitality.
But I have a little problem. I know they came up with a, we need a super transgender vitality.
I mean, you know, we should cross the spectrum.
Oh, yeah. America, that guy, what's his name? Rice over there. Rich guy, Rice over there in Iowa.
Idaho. Idaho, Iowa, Greenberg, iceberg. What's the difference anyway?
I wouldn't call it World War three. I think it would end pretty quickly because with the conventional forces that he's had there, you know, we haven't seen this kind of ineptness in a long, long time.
So I'm not concerned about that. Yep.
Yeah. The transgender army is going to defeat the Russians anytime they are right. Maybe you should join him. Anybody that supports war, Harris, all the rest of them dress up, go lead the charge or shut your mouth.
Speaking of which, most we got here.
No idea. Blitzkrieg has failed since former Ukraine president. They're quoting Petro Poroshenko, the guy that they were bringing up on crime charges over there in Ukraine for what he's done.
And he's saying, and this guy, the comedian, the comedian Zelinsky who played a comedian on TV became the comedian president.
Beat him. Yeah, that is right. Yeah. You should hear this guy talk. Talks like little boys. No. There's no man in his mouth. There's no man in his mouth.
Only crap is shooting out of his mouth.
Ineptness. You got it, Jack. Oh, by the way, this guy is in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. There's the guy that played president of Ukraine as a comedian that's now president of Ukraine.
You got it.
It's a freak show. Oh, this is the guy, by the way, they played the piano in one of his clips with his penis.
Look at him. Look at this. Look at this.
That's who's running the world. Get it in your head. Get it in your head. You got freaks in charge, freaks in charge in a country near you.
And then we got this other guy that they're quoting all over the place, Russia facing outright defeat and sudden collapse in Ukraine.
Author says author and political scientist Francis Buck you you ma said Russia's military is now facing the possibility of outright defeat in Ukraine.
Quote the collapse of this position could be sudden and catastrophic rather than happening slowly through a war of attrition.
The army in the field will reach a point where it can either be supplied, no withdrawn and morale be vaporized.
Russian soldiers were were evidently carrying dress uniforms with a victory parade in Kiev rather than an extra ammo and rations.
Can you believe this stuff?
Oh, I should be more proper. I forgot. I didn't know this.
He holds several positions at Stanford, including the Oliveri Nomolini senior fellow and the University Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.
He will not survive the defeat of his army. He gets support because he's perceived to be a strong man.
Oh, perceived to be, huh?
Oh, unlike Bush or Biden or Trump. They're real strong men yell here. Oh, they'll fight. Go out.
Oh, by the way, Trump. He beat the draft of the Vietnam War draft. He had a bone spur.
He gets the support because he's a strong man. And what does he have to offer once he demonstrates incompetence and is stripped of his coercive power?
This guy's teaching. You should be teaching kindergarten or the third grade. This is propaganda is spewing out.
Oh, incompetence and coercive power.
Incompetence. Oh, hey, hey, Fukushima or Yuma, whatever your name is, Fukuyama Papa.
Iraq war.
The Afghan war.
Syrian war.
Yemen war.
Libyan war. And oh, I forgot the Vietnam war.
Oh, what about the Korean war? Incompetence.
All they're doing is calling for hate and power and look at the more money we've given the military industrial complex.
Hey, all you generals out there that haven't won a war and love to keep fighting them and keep on all you ex generals that are giving us the military advice on the cartoon news network and all the other stupid media shows.
Once upon a time, there was a man by the name of Dwight D Eisenhower, five star general, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in World War Two.
Wanting the American people in his farewell address in January 1961, that the military industrial complex was robbing the nation of the genius of the scientists, the sweat of the laborers and the future of the children.
And here we are.
The murderers and thieves in Washington, a person, even a bigger military budget.
That's right.
For all of the great victories that you've accomplished and the peace that you've brought around the world.
The roads are rotten, stinking everywhere I drive. There are potholes taken out my front end. Oh, yeah, there's Eisenhower, mad dog, Austin, all you tough generals, Wesley Clark.
Oh, yeah, yeah, Wesley Clark. He loved that Yugoslav ward, didn't he? No, the Kosovo ward.
This is a real man who hated war because he sought.
If we don't unite for peace, we're going to die in war.
I want to touch the markets quickly. They were way up today. Now they're up a little bit. They were down.
Here we go. That's just running the world.
A psycho and a psychopath and a pathological iron in you.
Anyway, gold is way down about down 30 bucks. Oil prices are down.
What does it mean? A lot of volatility ahead.
A lot of volatility ahead.
You better prepare, prevail to prosper.
And you might want to consider subscribing to The Trends Journal because that's what you're telling you what to do and how to do it.
We are in critical times. We must unite for peace or die in war.
Consider donating to Occupy Peace if you want peace.
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They have a great staff. People give it everything they have to give the best they have.
So you give the best that you can do. Thank you and we'll see you next week.
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