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Filename: 20220307_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 7, 2022
2429 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses the current state of affairs, warning that globalist plans aim to reduce the world population by 90% by 2030 due to resource scarcity. He also covers ongoing conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, censorship trends, and the energy situation being controlled by globalist forces for their New World Order agenda. Jones promotes his flagship product X3 for health benefits and encourages listeners to support InfoWars to counteract suppression of truthful information. He mentions various issues such as vaccine propaganda, election laws, and censorship while promoting other products for health benefits and discounts. Additionally, he addresses attacks on him and Roger Stone, and discusses the importance of supporting them financially. Jackson Lahmeyer shares his short-term goals if elected as a senator.

And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going
to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe, you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Hollywood, the establishment, the mainline churches, the major corporations, I mean,
they are on another planet.
So are you arguing for throwing out the constitution?
Should the constitution be thrown out?
What do we do?
Is it a living document or is it a sacred document?
It's certainly not sacred, all right, let's start there.
The constitution is kind of trash.
I think listeners and viewers know things aren't going to get very nice the next decade.
The globalist plan to have 90% of everybody dead by 2030.
What do you think is a viable figure that Gaia, that the planet can sustain?
I would guess living the way we do, not more than one billion, probably less.
Such is going to be the level of misery and panic across the world that there are bound
to be the most cataclysmic conflicts, wars, struggles, simply for survival.
Because again, whenever events like that come along, when there's huge floods, famines,
there's a certain amount of struggling, but there's also an awful lot of good come from
When confronted like that, ordinary people show extraordinary heroism and helpfulness
towards others, as well as being looters and vandals and so on.
It's just a thoroughly disturbing thing, and it will happen.
That are going to end civilization as we know it, and when civilization breaks down, go
watch a movie like The Road Warrior, and that's going to be like a vacation spot.
That hellish dystopic nightmare of future.
I remember a time of chaos, ruined dreams, this wasted land, but most of all, I remember
The Road Warrior, the man we called Max, to understand who it was you have to go back
to another time, when the world was powered by the black fuel, and the deserts sprouted
in great cities of pipe and steel, for reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes
went to war, and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all.
Without fuel, they were nothing, they built a house of straw, a thundering machine sputtered
and stopped their world crumbling, cities exploded, a whirlwind of looting, a firestorm
of fear, men began to feed on men, on the roads it was a white line nightmare, only
those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive, the gangs took
over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice.
This diagram right here says it all, and we are here, we are right here with our children,
and at a certain level, if the public doesn't wake up and say no to this, it doesn't innovate,
and doesn't create a clear vision for ourselves, we kind of deserve what we are having done
to us, don't we?
Except they're targeting children, and they are trying to get children to give up their
humanity, and give up their free will, and basically become sterilized, which is the
same thing as killing them under the transgender boat, and imprison them, and take all their
hopes and dreams away, and lock them in these digital, metaverse prisons that Zuckerberg
just said, he believes that within 15 years, the majority of people will live in the metaverse,
well, because you're going to be locked in your house, and if you don't submit and only
watch the television, or only watch the iPad, or put the new Google or Apple contacts in,
if you don't spend 15 hours a day plugged into their system, you're not going to get
the social credit score, you're not going to get the food delivery from the food delivery
robot, because they don't want to just kill you, they want to enslave you, and brainwash
you, and dumb you down, and make you unnatural, before they incinerate you, and spill your
ashes into the atmosphere.
You are here, we'll be right back.
It's hard to believe that we're already into March 2022, and in the month of February,
we had a very popular sale that was going of our flagship product, X3, that has all
three types of the amazing iodine your body needs for every electrochemical, cellular
activity in your body, your immune system, your stamina, your libido, so much, and the
majority of the population in the world is iodine deficient, this is the very best iodine
out there.
So, we had on sale 50% off, but we sold more than half of what we have, or isn't going
to come in for a long time, so I took it back to full products, and I was just thinking,
you know what, we need the funds in now to stay on air, plus this is the right product
everybody needs, so to incentivize folks out there that have been on the fence to get X3
and experience it yourself, and support the broadcast, I'm going to keep it at 50% off
until it sells out, get X3 right now exclusively at infowarstore.com for 50% off.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance, live from the info wars.com
studios, it's Alex Jones.
The forces of transhumanism, the forces of evil, the forces of corporate global fascism
using communism as their clowered and pivot operating system have fought like the devil
to try to crush and silence this broadcast, but because of us together, myself, this crew,
our guests, our callers, you the listeners, and the viewers, because of the community,
the system that we have built, we are now stronger than we've ever been.
I knew if we could stay on air, at least in the initial phases of their operational attack,
it would trigger a chain reaction.
We've been in beta for decades, now in the last two years, they've transitioned into
launch phase, and just like a ballistic missile or a Saturn rocket going to the moon, when
it starts lift off, it's going very slow, and then it exponentially accelerates towards
its target.
The target is transhumanism, the globalists becoming what they believe is godlike immortality,
and of course, exterminating the majority of us on the path to that destiny.
The rocket has not even left the gantry, it's moving very slow, and now everybody sees it
and understands what it's doing, and we have to collectively expose it and resist it with
our will, and it will blow up on the launch pad.
There's already cracks, it's already leaking fuel, it's going to blow, and yeah, we're
going to get hit by pieces of it, and it's not going to be pretty, but it's going down.
You can see the holes in it, you can see the smoke coming out of it, it's about to blow.
The question is, will it take all of us with it?
They already have primary ignition, lift off has commenced.
You are two years into lift off, and in the time and space of politics, it's the winking
of an eye.
It's going to blow up.
The question is, will it get a thousand feet, ten thousand feet in the air, or will it explode
any minute now?
Right, maximum firepower, the new world order, with the truth, we will bring them down with
God's help.
Speaking of war, we're now 12 days into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Putin always
said once he stopped his deception, and maybe a new deception, but he's been following the
current line of that deception, so we don't know if he's telling the truth or not, first
he said he wasn't going to invade, then he said he was only taking a security zone, now
he says he's only taking over parts of the country to force the puppet government, as
he calls it, and the Nazi collaborators, which they are actually Nazis, the strongest state
behind networks of Nazis anywhere in the world, shut up by the Nazis at the end of World War
II, picked up by the CIA after World War II, and it's known as Operation Gladio from there
on out in the 1950s.
This is the flower of Operation Gladio, but Putin has his share of Nazis working for him
as well, like the head of his mercenary task force that's really Spitznet GRU commandos,
that's the Wagner group, let's just be honest, Nazism is real sexy in the East, I guess when
the Nazis killed 20 million of you, a little bit of Stockholm syndrome going on, but that's
what's happening.
So when Putin says these are Nazis, the main three brigades that have been overthrowing
elected presidents and keeping martial law in place basically are those brigades, and
so as soon as those are destroyed, and as soon as they hold another election, Putin has
said he's going to pull out, we don't know if that's true, but they had the former Russian
backed president who was overthrown by NATO Soros forces, just Soros Bragg's the overthrowing,
quote, set up the Soros Empire, close quote, he had just left Moscow and flew into Eastern
Ukraine to begin talks to be the intermediate president while they hold new elections.
That's all in the Russian and Ukrainian news, you're not seeing it in the US news, but it's
in my stack.
So let's hit the latest headlines on Ukraine and what's going on in the economy, then we're
going to come back and really cover the most naked assault on the people of the world I
have ever seen.
If you think phase one of the launch phase, COVID-19 was bad, the artificial cutting off
of the world energy supply is a death sentence to hundreds of millions, and it is a poverty
sentence for another billion people or so, and that's in the numbers, we'll cover that
next segment, but the spectacle of Biden publicly asking Saudi Arabia to increase output, publicly
asking Venezuela to increase output, publicly asking Russia to increase output, and then
blocking all new oil leases on public land and most of the other leases and shutting
down several thousand pipeline spurs, including the Keystone pipeline, I mean, a foreign army
couldn't shut our power off like this, this is just absolutely out of control, so that's
coming up next segment, there's some of the big headlines right now, we're going to drill
through these, these are just incredible.
None of these articles, we can do the whole four hours on them, we don't have the time,
so I'm going to condense all this, okay?
Polish top diplomat, no fly zone in Ukraine, likely illegal would trigger major war, oh
is that a Russian sympathizer, no the Poles really don't like Russians, in fact they hate
each other because of thousands of years of fighting back and forth, and they're saying
no we're not giving them planes, and no we don't want to go to war with Russia, and
no, they have the State Department is lying when he says we are.
Ukraine Ministry of Defense accuses Ukraine of planting nuclear false flag, I mean we
know the media said that they blew up all those reactors, they're two different nuclear
reactors, and it was all lies, just like the ghost of Kiev and Snake Island and Golinsky
saying I don't want to ride out of here, I want weapons, that was all made up they now
admit, even the Washington Post just all lies, but it gets you emotionally to pick a side,
because the average American who's asleep still wants to go with their emotions, instead
of getting mad that you got conned, you just still stay mad.
Russia accuses Ukraine of prepping nuclear false flag, says they seized nuclear facilities
where dirty bombs were being prepared, Russian Ministry of Defense accuses Ukraine of planting
nuclear false flag, will be covering that bottom of the hour, also Trump jokes US should bomb
the SH-T out of Russia and blame China, isn't it funny we've gone from false flags, never
happened in history, Alex Jones is insane for popularizing the ancient term, terms at
least a thousand years old, where it comes from, is back in the Norse Wars, where you
first see that in English used, it's a thousand year old term, but others had it before it
was called a false flag, just means flying a flag of your enemy to go commit an atrocity
is the most common one, you know attacking people in disguise, and Sean Hannity called
for a false flag, said have our planes, houses in other country and then bomb the convoy
of Russians, and of course anybody with actual military training would tell you that they'd
figure that out very quickly, but see they wanted Americans so in the dark the deep
steaked it, oh there's no such thing as a false flag, don't question Jesse Smollett
and you know don't question the Gulf of Tonkin and don't question mass shootings, no no no
you never question, that's the ultimate crime, let us just do whatever we want, manipulate
whatever we want, and now Trump is speaking to a group of donors, and he says hey, why
don't we just stage a false flag as a joke, to bomb the Russians saying it was the Chinese,
well obviously they'd figure that out plus it's immoral, but he's being tongue in cheek,
US Congress to explore Russian oil ban, which Putin says is an act of war, and 10 billion
in aid for Ukraine, that means 10 billion to all the members of Congress who have their
own companies set up there, goes directly to them.
Trends forecaster and major insurance companies and banks all agree a 10% chance of total
civilization ending nuclear war within a year, we'll be covering that bottom of the hour,
but first the war we know is going on, the shutdown of western energy, particularly targeting
the United States of America.
So again, both these products are back in stock, both X3 and Winter Sun, they are 50%
off for a limited time because they're going to sell out at this price, I would estimate
in less than a month, so this is your chance to get X3 and experience the good halogens
versus the bad halogens, this is your chance to have the highest quality vitamin D3 with
vitamin K for your muses as well, they're amazing and they're an infowarstore.com, and
the reason this is a 360 win is it funds the operation, I need funds to run the operation,
you need to be healthy, we need to stay on air, it's a match made in heaven.
It has been noted by many a historian, the first casualty of war is the truth, and the
next big casualty isn't even the people that die, no that invariably follows, but first
there is the crackdown on populations, basic liberty, and speech, and massive censorship,
and now across the world, from the United States to Europe, legislation is being introduced
that if you amplify any quote pro-Russian information, you can be censored, you can
be arrested, you can be imprisoned, and of course now Canada's introduced legislation
that if you have a thought crime, and they think you may have the intent to engage in
hate speech online, that you will be censored and arrested, ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism
is being carried out by the globalists around the world against humanity that makes infowars.com
more important than ever.
It's time to protect your privacy, it's time to come to grips with the fact that even though
you don't have anything to hide, criminals, hackers, corporations, big tech government
are stealing all of your data and creating a map and a database of where you go and what
you do, so in the future under their globalist takeover, they can shut you down.
Protecting your privacy, protecting your credit cards, protecting your bank accounts, protecting
your photos, protecting everything that's on your phone is paramount, that's why everybody
should visit infowarsstore.com, we're carrying a huge new line of very compliant, made in
America products that have 100% reviews and are simply incredible, it's a 360 win, protect
your privacy and shop at infowars to support the overall info war against the globalists,
a true 360 win.
Get your Faraday cages at infowarsstore.com, check out the new line, it's amazing.
The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons
and chemicals added to the food, it's all come out and they're doing that not because
we're weak but because we're made the image of God, the creator and we are powerful and
the social engineers fear that so much, so that's why I repeat that famous internet saying
that nobody knows who first came up with the boy, is it true?
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless, they need all their
propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death because
they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on to God of this world who
is a loser and that's why it's so important that everybody keep info wars in the air now
more than ever because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting
in setting up is Satanic and we are opposing the one world government and the mark of the
beast they just announced.
Including a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones show, very honored that you have joined us today.
We have some huge guests joining us in the third and fourth hour, I'll tell you about
those guests coming up the next segment but I need to get into the energy situation.
So as I told you two years ago, phase one is to release the virus, lock down society,
destroy supply chains, introduce the idea of a global digital ID as a vaccine passport
so they can then have a war and cyber attacks and then bring down the world currency and
blame COVID and the war for it but offer everyone a universal basic income to survive on the
new digital currency as the other currencies fail.
And then with that new system, they'll track, trace and control everything you do and apply
carbon taxes and the social credit score.
This has all been announced by the Davos group and the UN and GGP.
People are like freaking out everywhere going, there are no singing on the news what Jones
said years ago, he's psychic or he's one of them.
No, it's all planned.
I have their documents here today.
I repulled.
It's like you get the enemy playbook in football or something and they tell you what plays
they're going to play.
I mean, we have the damn playbook.
So all of this is rolling out, all of this is being done and they admit they're quote
creating a transition of the people of the world into working from home, into having
no money, into being obsolete, into being non-essential and you're told, oh, it's about to be a utopia
but you notice it's not a utopia.
The deeper we get into this, stars the third world to death, impoverishes us on our road
to starvation and death finally, but it's all done incrementally.
And so what's more obvious than cooking up a virus and releasing it and then using it
as the pretext to shut down society?
What is even more obvious?
Shutting down over 2,000 mini pipelines and spurs, hundreds of large pipelines including
the mega massive Keystone pipeline right as it was completed.
And then of course it gets a lot worse from that point out.
You then say no drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, you then put in regulations over who is drilling
in the U.S.
But then you let all these other countries like Venezuela and Saudi Arabia and Russia
increase their output to the United States at much higher prices and then the globalist
middlemen get that money and you pay already double what you were 13, 14 months ago.
And it's set to double again at current rates in the next six months.
Yeah, you're going to be paying six bucks a gallon.
They already are in areas of California, over $4 nationally.
And the environmental groups won't let any new refineries be built in the U.S.
You have been strangled and that's how they get you on your knees, that's how they take
full control.
And the good news is Adam Karola gets it, great inventor of podcasting, fellow Austinite,
Glenn Beck gets it, Senator Paul gets it, Senator Cruz gets it, we get it.
And so imagine we're supposedly at war with Russia through the proxy of Ukraine, but Biden
is not cutting off Russian oil, which I don't think he should do, it's an act of war.
But they're talking about increasing the oil while we can't have the oil and socky and
all of them say, oh, it's all because of Putin, your gas prices went up, when that only added
the cherry on top of it going up 30, 40 cents the last month or last three weeks.
So let's go to clip eight first, we'll take a little bit of the next segment to finish
these clips.
But here's Adam Curry, call him Adam Karola, Adam Curry.
Here's Adam Curry, the great inventor of podcasting or the first kind of podcast here in Austin,
Texas, on Glenn Beck, here it is.
We're hitting back with what?
Financial weapons.
Why are we using financial weapons?
I believe this is it, Glenn, I believe this is never let a crisis go to waste.
This is the tipping point, we need to price energy so high, because that's the effect.
That's the effect.
Energy is going to be so high, and we can talk about Swift in a minute, when you change
something in a system, in a network like that, I know enough from technology that one small
change, that can screw up a lot of things, already wheat prices are now as high as Arab
spring days, so it's going to be really, really, really hard times, and I think that
the idea is to shut down global production because of the cost of energy no one's going
to want to produce, go back home, sit at home, don't worry, we'll take care of you just
like COVID, we're going to send you money.
This time, though, not a check, this time it's your Federal Reserve digital dollar,
and then we're in deep trouble, and I don't think that's stoppable, I think that is unstoppable
at this point.
But I'm a doomer optimist, so I have ideas and solutions, I have ideas.
I am an optimistic catastrophist.
I'm also a conspiracy therapist, so yes, I have a number of phrases.
That's Adam Curry, the war in Ukraine fast tracks the Great Reset.
Now, let's go back, what, two, three years ago, to President Trump, and this is President
Trump talking about how America's being set up, and so is Europe and others, to be vulnerable,
and the fact that Germany's basically laughing at us, here it is.
Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to extortion and
That is why we congratulate European states such as Poland for leading the construction
of a Baltic pipeline so that nations are not dependent on Russia to meet their energy needs.
Energy will become totally dependent on Russian energy if it does not immediately change course.
Here in the Western Hemisphere, we are committed to maintaining our independence from the encroachment
of expatriates, foreign powers.
And the Germans laughed at him for that, if your radio listener can't see that video.
Now what, oh, I forgot, what did Biden just do last month, too?
He killed, I don't know how the U.S. has this power, but we're the globalist empire now.
He killed the Israeli-Arab-backed gas pipeline out of the Mediterranean, out of the Middle
East, into Europe as well by passing Russia.
So they're cutting off everything, except Venezuela, except Saudi Arabia, except Russia.
While telling us Russia is the big enemy, and we've all got to go to war with them.
Think about that.
I've got a couple more clips on the energy front.
When we come back, this is a big, big deal.
So the judge says buying oil from Iran is on the table.
They're increasing production out of Venezuela, so the U.S. diplomats down there.
But again, you can't have the keystone pipeline that's finished and ready to lower our prices,
to even lower levels than when Trump was in.
Trump gave that speech three years ago to the United Nations on globalism, and how globalism
was bad, and how the New World Order was evil.
He said that in that speech, credible speech, and he pointed out that the globalists want
to make America energy dependent, when at that time we were the world's top exporter
and producer of energy.
Now we can't even produce 80% of what we need, and they want to make it worse, and we have
rolling blackouts.
We are being shut down so that we cannot be competitive with India and China and Mexico
and 100-plus other third-world countries that have no environmental standards and no rules
and are building unlimited coal power plants.
This is how you destroy a nation.
This is how you bankrupt people.
This is how you bring us to heel.
This is how you clout and pivot.
This is the great reset.
Alex Jones here with a very simple proposal for all our great and full-worth listeners
and viewers.
If you will simply get X3 with all three types of good iodine that boosts your immune system
and help everything that goes on your body at the cellular level, it will change your
It will invigorate you.
It will empower you.
Almost everyone has iodine deficiency.
Look into it for yourself.
It's the opposite of fluoride.
It's the good, halogen, and then your purchase of X3 funds our operation.
Now a lot of our products have been sold out and never came back in because of the lockdowns
and supply chain breakouts.
We were sold out of X3 for a long time and I had it on sale for 50% off and a lot of
folks have been getting it.
And I was thinking, you know what, I'm going to bring it back on sale again just until
it sells out because even though we won't make as much money in the long run, a lot
of folks need this product and we need to get the money from the sales end down to stay
on air.
See your X3 right now at 50% off at infowarstore.com.
So I did it.
I signed up for the Austin Marathon.
I've been training probably not as much as they should be, but thank goodness for prayer
and thank goodness for infowarstore.com.
Before I start out on a run, I throw down some Turbo Force to give me that energy I need
to get going.
You know, besides the energy, Turbo Force, it is giving me the vitamins I need like vitamin
C to keep me healthy and the essential B vitamins plus the amino acids for sustained energy
giving me the best chance at getting through the training.
And then every day now I'm taking Dr. Jones' Sorilis.
I have bad joints, thanks mom.
So this is great for giving my joints the extra support they need right now plus inflammation
support and extra flexibility.
The quick release capsules help me recover fast so I can get back to the training.
Even if you're not crazy enough to take on a marathon, good news, Turbo Force, that can
still give you the energy and clarity you need for every day and Sorilis can keep you
moving and feeling great at any age.
I stay on air selling high quality products that you need, that you want and that you're
going to be happy with.
That's why you come back and buy products from me again.
It's a symbiotic relationship.
I promote liberty, I promote freedom, I fight the globalist and I'm able to do that because
you buy products at infowarstore.com.
And listen, all the products are great but when it comes to high quality storeable food
in an inflationary system with major supply chain breakdowns, this is an absolute 360
and a no brainer and they've got high quality storeable food ready to ship to you right
The great folks at my patron supply exclusively prepare with Alex.com discounted.
So again, be in inflation, be prepared, fund the info war, the only way you lose is not
taking action at infowarstore.com or prepare with Alex.com right now.
This is high quality storeable food, this is how you beat inflation, get yours today,
it's ready to ship but I wouldn't wait because prices are about to go up because inflation
is exploding.
The globalist social engineers always intended to push their COVID biomedical tyranny lockdowns
until the populations rebelled.
They would then use that as the pretext for permanent martial law and banning and arresting
anybody that speaks out against their laws.
But because of so many scientists and engineers and researchers and others coming public and
whistleblowers, now their whole project is falling apart because the people are aware
that it is a world government corporate takeover and so it's pulling back the curtain now more
than ever.
The problem is some globalist controlled areas are not going to give up on their takeover.
Like Canada, they've now declared a civil emergency in martial law in Ontario and other
areas of the world are following suit like Australia.
So pray for these folks big time, this is a very serious situation and stay tuned into
infowars.com because truth is absolutely paramount.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man with an average life, I work from 9 to 5, hell I pay the price,
all I want is to be left alone in my average home.
But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone and I always feel like somebody's watching
I'm your host Alex Jones, very thankful that you tune in, very thankful that you care about
our world, very thankful you realize that we the people have the power to stop the global
transhumanist cult.
But we have to wake up to the full horror of it, admit we're in trouble and then organize
against it and then our job will be very, very easy.
And that's not hype.
I am attacked conservatively hundreds of times a day in global corporate press, millions
of times a day on different social media networks and they see me as the number two enemy of
their globalist operations.
They see Trump as the number one enemy because he openly publicly opposed him, doesn't mean
a perfect job, neither have I.
They see yours truly as enemy number two because I accurately analyze who they are and effectively
reach millions of people because of your word of mouth.
And then they see Tucker Carlson as number three, the biggest threat and Joe Rogan number
four as the biggest threat.
And believe me, I'm not up here wanting to be number one on the hit list.
I'm very excited to see so many people like Adam Curry and Glenn Beck waking up because
they're both smart men and that is a very good thing because the minute we wake up that
we're under corporate global 21st century siege and deindustrialization and post-industrial
world in a controlled global collapse called the Great Reset and on its ashes build the
build back better technocracy.
Once people realize that things only get worse complying, things only get better resisting,
then we start winning.
And we should be celebrating the devastating victories we've been having against the globalist
when it comes to their whole COVID power grab.
They have been incredible.
That's why they're trying to get off the COVID narrative for now.
They're going to bring it back with new viruses.
They've said they are and move us into war in other areas, but we've got to continue
to hammer that in next hour.
I know Joe's going to do something on this because he sent it to me.
And I said, I said, man, this is incredible after I spent two hours Saturday reading what
he sent me.
And I said, man, you got to do a show on this.
He says, oh, I'm going to do one.
So little heads up, you'll have his own version of this and this is a link he sent me.
And I almost don't want to talk about the link on Twitter that's got millions of people
reading it because the enemy will go delete it.
But you see this stack right here?
I've read this whole thing once and I've gone back over it partially this morning.
I'm going to spend the entire second hour on this baby right here because they don't
want us looking at this.
You know what this is?
You know what this is?
This is just the surface of what they did to us in the most evil psychological warfare,
biological attack in human history.
MKUltra on steroids.
This is the whole COVID power grab, the whole COVID hysteria, the whole COVID takeover.
And I had forgotten so much of the stuff they pulled, so much of the stuff they did.
And one individual on Twitter collated this.
So I asked the great Kelly McBreen yesterday, I called him and I said, well, you write an
article about this today on infowars.com.
Well, you put some links to this so folks can find it and share it.
And I would suggest everybody go there and look at all these and create your own Twitter
or Instagram or Facebook feeds or getter feeds or gab feeds.
It's always good to attack the enemy on their main platforms with the truth, but then build
your backup system so they ban you over there.
But the reason I don't get a lot of attention to activists online is when we do give attention,
the enemy comes in and takes it down, but this is too important.
The globalists want everyone to forget what was done in the name of COVID.
The greatest illegal psychological experiment of lethal proportions in human history.
So next hour, I'm spending a whole hour and we're going to go through this.
And what's insane is when this individual, Sir Thadwick Holton, posted his long breakdown.
Everybody else started adding to it.
So now it's thousands of tweets long and that people dug up even worse stuff.
But listen to this.
Now that COVID's over, here is a thread of everything they want you to forget.
We're going to be doing that next hour.
Believe me, you don't want to miss this information.
And you got to share it with everybody so people realize the trauma we've all been through
because here's the deal.
As successful people, as folks that don't see adversity as something to give up to but
it's something to overcome, we get hurt, we get wounded, they kill members of our family,
they demonize us, they attack us, they try to bankrupt us.
And we don't give up, we fight back.
And we tend to also compartmentalize and forget what was done to us.
It's very important to point out what these criminals did and the criminal behavioral
psychology operations they launched and to point it out to everybody so they can't get
away with it again bare minimum and so we can also bring them to justice, which is going
to be happening.
And let me tell you what's coming up in the third hour today.
Emerald Robinson, who's an amazing journalist and news anchor, is a whistleblower from Newsmax
and of course Newsmax was on the list of four-year documents released that the blaze got last
week of over a billion dollars paid to mainstream media, including Fox News and Newsmax, but
ABC, NBC, all of them, CNN, over a billion dollars to not have any negative coverage
of the deadly vaccines, literally paying them to help cover up the crimes.
Smoking gun, of smoking gun, of smoking gun, of true criminal racketeering, but they own
the FBI and the Justice Department so they'll probably give them presidential medals of
freedom for killing our children and our old people.
40% increase in deaths everywhere where the shots have been given, in 18 to 64 insurance
companies report it is the shot, funeral directors report, record numbers of deaths, blood clots
in people that have been injected, they've actually run a bio attack as a beta test to
see how we would respond.
Can you imagine when they dropped the real hammer on us?
That is coming up with Emerald Robinson and then Roger Stone has been hanging out a lot
with Trump a lot and he's got all the big inside baseball, he's not going to give out
any Trump secrets, but you want to know 2022, 2024, a lot of big news, what the globalists
are planning, what the inside baseball Rogers got, he'll be joining us in the fourth hour
that I'm hosting today.
Okay, I need to come back next segment and finish up on energy, get into the latest with
the false flag the Russians say that they caught the Ukrainians trying to engage in
with a giant dirty bomb and so much more.
Let me just say now to listeners that I appreciate you all keeping us on air, but now more than
ever I'm firing the bat signal and letting you know that we need money to stay on air
and to defeat these Democratic Party lawsuits and to at least by time and to continue to
fight on.
Same folks, bankrupted Remington, you name it, same folks destroyed the NRA and crippled
Well, they haven't crippled us because of you, but I need you to go to m4warstore.com right
now and get products you already need amazing books, films, water filtration, air filtration,
high quality, swarble food ready to ship and incredible products like X3, all three types
of the good clean iodine, including deep crystal iodine that is the purest out there for 50%
Even though we're going to sell out and I ended the sale a week ago, I decided with
all the runs on iodine to not have it go to full price like I normally would do when
it's close to selling out.
No, 50% off until it sells out because you need it for your immune system, your body
and for everything.
But look into iodine, deficiency, it's a scourge on the planet, especially in children.
Look into it and support the broadcast.
Order your X3 now at m4warstore.com.
Also winner son, high quality vitamin D3.
It's 50% off as well.
Stay well.
Two of our best selling products are back in stock at m4warstore.com and they will sell
out in the next three, four months before I get more of the product in if I sell it
at full price.
But I want those of you that have been on the fence about getting one or son or getting
X3 to try the products and see how amazing they are and I believe you will then get
hooked on them like myself and my family and the crew are.
So again, both these products are back in stock, both X3 and winner son, they are 50%
off for a limited time because they're going to sell out at this price I would estimate
in less than a month.
So this is your chance to get X3 and experience the good halogens versus the bad halogens.
This is your chance to have the highest quality vitamin D3 with vitamin K for your immune
system as well.
They're amazing and they're at m4warstore.com.
And the reason this is a 360 win is it funds the operation.
I need funds to run the operation, you need to be healthy, we need to stay on air, it's
a match made in heaven.
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So I did it.
I signed up for the Austin Marathon.
I've been training probably not as much as they should be but thank goodness for prayer
and thank goodness for InfowarsStore.com.
Before I start out on a run I throw down some TurboForce to give me that energy I need to
get going.
You know besides the energy TurboForce it is giving me the vitamins I need like vitamin
C to keep me healthy and the essential B vitamins plus the amino acids for sustained energy
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And then every day now I'm taking Dr. Jones Sorilis.
I have bad joints thanks mom so this is great for giving my joints the extra support they
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The quick release capsules help me recover fast so I can get back to the training.
Even if you're not crazy enough to take on a marathon, good news TurboForce that can
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moving and feeling great at any age.
Taking a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright welcome back ladies and gentlemen the Alex Jones show.
So you are under economic attack, I am under economic attack, globalism, transhumanism
is an anti-human movement that seeks to dominate the very human biological systems and make
us a corporately owned creature, those of us that are even allowed to live in their
synthetic universe.
So this is the opposite of free will, this is bondage down to the cellular level, this
is rape squared to infinity and that is their plan is to play God, is to make Microsoft
and Google God and to kill everyone else.
I played Davos Group head scientist on TED Talk and at the Davos Group saying that two
weeks ago on the show and that we are about to be in a post human world by 2045 that the
last humans will be alive.
That's not some kook out there saying that by themselves, that's the plan.
And I guess their argument is if you don't care and let them do it to you and let them
seduce you into the matrix, you deserve to die, well guess what, I don't and my children
don't and I choose to not let you take control of my evolution as you say it and you got
a new type of war, you got a new type of cult, you got a new type of brainwashing but it
just so happens we got a transmission thousands of years ago warning us that this thing, this
fallen entity working through collaborator humans was going to try this and it's going
to fail but it's going to be a rough situation so I already played Trump pointing out three
years ago that we were becoming energy independent and we're energy dependent and that Europe
was not and we should stand up to Russia by being energy independent and now here we
are all these years later and we're now energy dependent and Biden won't let us turn any
of our drilling on or our pipelines on but he's increasing oil purchases from Saudi
Arabia and from Venezuela and Russia.
Unbelievable so here is Buddha judge says buying oil from Iran is on the table.
Could the president possibly consider authorizing the Keystone Pipeline, working something out
with Iran?
I mean look the president has said that all options are on the table but we also need
to make sure that we're not galloping after permanent solutions to immediate short term
problems where more strategic and tactical actions in the short term can make a difference.
Tactical actions that's right windmills that don't work it's all designed to bankrupt you
it's not designed to work they're suppressing all the real clean technology that's on record.
Here's the energy secretary Graham Holm saying we're working through the energy transition
and even AOC and Pelosi admitted recently oh we could cut energy prices but that wouldn't
be good for the earth this is a great reset here is Graham Holm.
But the bottom line is that this president and this administration are looking at every
single tool to shield American families from the impact of rising energy prices and we're
working through we're working through an energy transition and we've got to start by
adding energy and the reality is we have to take some time to get off of oil and gas we
recognize this this is a transition.
Now let's have a little sharing on top here because I need to move on to the huge news
and Ukraine and the economy and how it's all intertwined together.
Here is Saki saying the reason gas prices are going up is because Putin invaded Iran
that'd be like if I walked up with a giant axe and cut off one of your legs at the hip
and blood was spring everywhere and then I sliced your arm open too but most of the
blood is coming out your leg you're about to die in a few seconds and then I kind of
stab you in the arm a little bit of blood comes out there and then I go oh you're dying
from the stab in your arm yeah 30 40 cents of the increase has been what's happened in
Ukraine and that's true and so does Obama's minion Biden open up the strategic reserve
does he open up the keystone pipeline does he take all the restrictions off he put in
executive orders on new drilling no no no no no no no no no no no no he doesn't do that
and then they turn around and they blame Vladimir Putin ladies and gentlemen no it's the globalist
turning off your power Russians pay about 60 cents a gallon in Russia that's right it's
basically sold at cost to the public because they want the economy going like Henry Ford
said I want to pay people five times when anybody else pays him because I want to have
enough money to buy my car I want to have an economy the globalists don't want an economy
like that they want one where you starve to death where they can lord that above you it's
called feudalism it's called serfdom it used to be the system of government worldwide for
thousands of years until the Renaissance 500 years ago in Europe in Germany and in England
and the Gutenberg press look into it and they know we're on the verge of the next wave of
the Renaissance true enlightenment true empowerment and they're trying to suppress it all with
their great reset that is an attempt to keep us in their dark ages this is the final grasp
of the royalty and the old money that's been trying for 500 years to suppress humanity
and they look at all the technology that we designed and built and tell us that they built
it in their gods and now they're trying to twist the technology to enslave us instead
of empowering us we're on the verge of the infinity Renaissance Renaissance taken to
no limits unlimited here is sake gas lighting you the reason why the price of gas is going
up is not because of steps the president has taken they are because president Putin is
invading Ukraine and that is creating a great deal of instability in the global marketplace
I mean technically out some of the new increases is that but Biden policies are what has allowed
that dependence to now cause this chain reaction because of America was not just keeping us
where we were but increasing production for the world to not just be the leader in energy
production as we were a few years ago we're now not we're an importer not an exporter
now of net energy this could be a boom for America what Russia is doing but no no no
you don't get booms we don't want oil field workers making seventy thousand dollars a
year busting their ass they might put a kid through college they might save some money
that actually gives American workers a job we don't want them we want them in there watching
the metaverse we want their kids getting sterilized with the big tech funded transsexualism an
article on that today we want America under our foot because we are the leftist rulers
we are the masters we are the controllers all right here's what I'm going to do it'll
take me a good forty five minutes to go through what really happened with COVID and where
we are and the fact that their whole system collapsed their lies all collapsed and now
they just want us to forget about it and move on to the next scam no because it's all intertwined
to the great reset just like they're running the energy scam to collapse us by design we
got to expose that and just like they ran the COVID scam to collapse us and to destroy
confidence and to kill a bunch of people we got to expose that and every step of the way
we fight fight fight fight fight because when we don't submit and when we're informed and
when we support independent good guys evil gets its ass handed to it every single time
but when Thomas Jefferson was asked during the Revolutionary War more than two hundred
and fifty years ago the very start of the war they said what does it take to stop tyrants
he wrote in a letter famously all that evil men in tyrants need to flourish is good men
doing nothing all that evil men in tyrants need to flourish is that good men do nothing
it's a very simple all that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men do nothing
all that evil men in tyrants need to flourish is that good men do nothing and that counts
for women as well in our day and age and there were women fighting back then as well so men
and women better step up and decide what side they're on people better spend their time their
energy and their money or they're going to lose it all we have the money we have the
smarts we have the ingenuity to peacefully overthrow this thing but everybody's got
to go all in now speaking of that everybody should get an info wars t-shirt everybody
should get and try the great supplements everybody should get books and films on the site everybody
should peruse it because we need funds now more than ever we're under such dramatic intense
attack and I don't want to prove to you how serious it is by us laying people off or
imploding and that's going to happen if we don't get support I'm not bitching it's all
in God's hands but we have multi-million dollar underages right now going into the middle
of the year and we have to have more money just to order more product to be able to fund
ourselves we have shortfalls so folks go to info wars short com today bodies ultimate
turmeric formulas on flash sale x3 everybody needs it all three good types of iodine that's
still 50% off I got to get funds in here winter sun highest quality vitamin d3 with
vitamin k for your immune system your whole body it's 50% off so many other great products
at info wars store.com or call toll free triple eight two five three three one three nine
we got the great whitening coral calcium toothpaste so much more
Alex Jones here with a very simple proposal for all our great info wars listeners and
viewers if you will simply get x3 with all three types of good iodine that boosts your
immune system and help everything that goes on your body at the cellular level it will
change your life it will invigorate you it will empower you almost everyone has iodine
deficiency look into it for yourself it's the opposite of fluoride it's the good halogen
and then your purchase of x3 funds our operation now a lot of our products have been sold out
and never came back in because the lockdowns and supply chain breakouts we were sold out
of x3 for a long time and I had it on sale for 50% off a lot of folks were getting it
and I was thinking you know what I'm going to bring it back on sale again just until
it sells out because even though we won't make as much money in the long run a lot of
folks need this product and we need to get the money from the sales in now to stay on
air see your x3 right now at 50% off at info wars store.com
UN run contact tracers aren't coming they're here all over the world from Australia to
the United States from Canada to Germany these tyrants are tracking everything you do everywhere
you go and then coming to your house and threatening in some cases actually taking people away
into the night to their facilities and they're planning the next year to expand their shield
process where they come and take quote healthy people away and put them in facilities for
their safety this is nothing less than martial law and one big thing you can do to fight back
is to get high quality Faraday cages many of which are made here in America and are
very compliant meaning US government military grade at info wars store.com we have the entire
line of silent pocket ready to ship to you when you visit info wars store.com again we
have big backpacks we have special dry bags we've got them for cell phones we've got them
for laptops we've got them for ipads it's all there at info wars store.com so protect
your privacy today and support the info war at info wars store.com
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance waging war on corruption
for the lives and disinformation all right been a pretty good job I think last hour covered
a lot of huge news and how we're under globalist attack and how the war and energy clamp down
is just part two of the pincer attack with the whole covid global lockdowns and that's
even in their own great reset UN corporatocracy battle plans and I'm gonna get into the really
big news of not just the latest breaking news on the covid fraud and how huge that is that's
next hour major bustleblower from inside newsmax but what has been done in the past and just
chronicling some of what was done to the public in the last 25 26 months is very important
so that starts at the beginning of the next segment but just looking at the energy news
to expand some on what this means fertilizers getting cut back in production oil gas everything
that causes death in the third world big time death food crisis about to get worse china
says winter week condition could be worse in history people say well there's too many
people let's turn off the resources it's gonna happen to you too even if you believe there's
too many people you understand what this means third world collapsing flooding the first world
biden looks around the world for oil while ignoring one major country supply the USA
very important article from town hall he's literally calling for people to increase production
but won't let us have it i mean it's just it's crazy scoop biden advisors waste Saudi
arabia trip for more oil axios booty judge says buying oil from iran the world's leading
state sponsored terrorism is on the table and it goes on and on and on already mentioned
a lot of this but folks are pointing it out biden's letting russia mediate on new iran
deal also not sanctioned oil from russia while negotiating with maduro to import more oil
from israela the u.s. didn't recognize maduro who also negotiated with putin this is joe
biden is president yeah and look at what's happening to commodities in just the last
year heating oil up 90 percent that hurts the poorest folks around the world wti crude
80% Brent crude 79% coffee 73% i told you about to have to go up on coffee price we're
like making no money when we sell it now basically gasoline 70% aluminum 70% natural gas 69% wheat
59% corn 35% cotton 34% lumber 34% soybeans 18% sugar 15% copper 13% gold 12% cpi 7.5
silver they manipulated down 4% and elon musk has been criticized by the left even though
he's the big electric car guy for calling for europe to restart newt plants for the
u.s. to boost oil and gas output immediately because he says the world economy is going
to go into a depression which is the plan of the great reset arab spring risk flourish
as global food prices jumped to record highs record all-time highs last time i got close
to this worldwide rebellion you hit the number where third world people spend more than half
their money on food riots immediately break out borders collapse the u.n. organizes the
third world invasion unbelievable information now we come back i would suggest everybody
tell their friends neighbors family perfect strangers tune in local stations the internet
or however you want because they don't want what is about to happen to happen it's a great
article kello Mcgreen wrote about it but i want to add the sub headline or a third headline
that humanity has experienced the largest experiment in psychological and biological
warfare the planet has ever seen it is called covid-19 because that's what this is the articles
on infowars.com so you can follow along way back in t-minus 60 seconds this is beyond
critical intel but once it's archived today from live show share it like your life depends
on it does it guys it's hard to believe that we're already into march 2022 and in the month
of february we had a very popular sale that was going of our flagship product x3 and that's
all three types of the amazing iodine your body needs for every electrochemical cellular
activity in your body your immune system your stamina your libido so much and the majority
of the population of the world is iodine deficient this is the very best iodine output so we
had on sale 50% off but we sold more than half of what we have or isn't going to come
in for a long time so i took it back to full process i was just thinking you know what
we need the funds in now to stay on air plus this is the right product everybody needs
so incentivize folks out there that have been on the fence get x3 and experience it yourself
and support the broadcast i'm going to keep it at 50% off until it sells out get x3 right
now exclusively at infowarstore.com for 50% off brother mainstream media government cover
us you want to stop tyranny till so does he live from the info wars.com studios it's
alex jones get your motor running head out on the highway looking for adventure and whatever
comes our way whatever comes our way yeah gotta go make it happen take the world in a loving
way i tell you info wars is definitely firing all of its guns at once and exploding into
space i love it nothing like some stephenwolf oh i love it all right we're definitely in
very dark days but that is triggering all of the incredible awakening that we're seeing
across this planet and it's forcing everybody to choose which side they're gonna be on are
you gonna be free were you born to be wild given free will by god are you gonna be a
slave of the new world order and big tech that is the question and i say we're born
to be wild i know we're born to be wild but in that wildness then make the choice of free
will to align ourselves with god we really should celebrate a little bit we haven't won
the war but we've really won some big battles and we've really given the globalist a bloody
nose and some broken ribs and a couple big stab wounds right in their guts the new world
orders stuff in its guts back in the holes we punched in there they're in big trouble
right now that's why the builder bird group and debos would say in the last decade you
try to shut down the debos group you try to shut down the european union you try to end
globalism there'll be a war you can look those headlines up in europe and people say well
how's that gonna happen well you saw how it happened is puttin in on it i don't know but
i'm telling you we could predict there'd be war with russia and now china coming up as
soon as the covid operation was pushed as far as they could get it as soon as it was
getting more negatives and positives for them as soon as it was waking people up and and
galvanizing resistance and as soon as the public is waking up they back off hoping we
don't have a memory hoping we don't remember so we've been through hell i've lost friends
i've lost family i know most of you have as well from the bio weapon that they cooked
up at wuhan and relief and it's all declassified now that faucian gates had the patent for
it with moderna feiser was involved that all came out a few weeks ago but we already knew
two years ago but now confirmed what the indian scientist and australian scientist first said
25 months ago in february actually late january it's more than 25 months and so i was sent
just telling you where i got it a thread saturday by my good friend he's might have heard of
him he's a popular podcaster and he said he said he's gonna do something on it as well
and i said well i am too thanks for sending it and it's this this link by sir fadwick
of hotelton which obviously is a numb to plume joke name and it's now that cobert is over
here is a threat of everything they want you to forget and boy this individual posted over
a hundred documents and stories that i'd forgotten about many of them but they also had been
thousands of people under it hosting even more insane things that are on record that
the globalist actually did in the biggest psychological warfare test the world's ever
seen that was backed up by a real bio weapon and then an injection that was many times
stronger than the actual virus that was manmade that they owned the patents to with the hiv
spike protein now causing vaccine autoimmune deficiency syndrome around the world bates
and i have mainline scientists other saying in israel in the uk in canada in the us people
have fast acting hiv now where you don't wait three four years for to eat your white blood
cells this is this is people are getting AIDS like stuff cancers you get the cold and just
die shriveling up and dying because the white blood cells are gone and people ask well how
are they going to get away with this well it's the same way that i said they would with
a new war and economic collapse distract you from what they already done so let's play
a clip from doctors elenco who warned of this two years ago saying it will give you autoimmune
deficiency disorder because he can read what scientists were warning about dr. yedon the
former had a phizer biomedical division and so much more and doctors elenco said these
shots have destroyed the immune system people that took two shots are worse than people
that took three shots even worse they've acquired immune deficiency syndrome and he's now been
vindicated in all of that so here's a clip of what he had to say that i'm gonna start
drilling into what they want you to forget about so according to Israeli funeral directors
and their own papers they're seeing a thousand percent increase in debt yeah 10x if one person
would die a day kind of died a day and the ages are much much younger and the causes
of death are ridiculous 20 year old just didn't wake up two days after taking a shot well
stuff like that i mean that's the norm mm-hmm and so and Israel is the most immunized country
in the world yes especially from the perspective of multiple boosters Israel is the number one
country with three and four with with people that got to three or four shots and what is
the official cause of death according to the government how well let's analyze that
omicron is much more infectious than measles there is no way to stop the spread of omicron
not even this is like a protocol can't help you there but the good part of omicron is
that it limits its damage to the upper airway not the lower airway which killed most people
and so it causes a bad flu okay okay we could deal with that we can mitigate those symptoms
we can even prevent the strategies and by the way to contradict the Israeli data no one
else died from omicron essentially i don't know that's still yes especially in South
Africa where it came out America for sure and my practice directly no one's dying from
omicron it's really easy to treat if you do it in the right time frame so why are Israelis
dying from omicron and i'm not denying that they're dying from omicron but there's another
reason there are dozens of peer reviewed papers that show that these shots have destroyed the
innate immune system or damaged and it's dose relevant it's people that took two shots
are worse than people that took one shot three even worse for so it gets worse as you continually
take the booster yeah it's dose related apparently so so what the majority of Israelis have they've
acquired something I'm using words very very carefully they've acquired an immune deficiency
syndrome they have eights oh he didn't just say that this year last year he said the year
before it so did dr. Yedon chief science from scientist from Pfizer he retired the year before
and a bunch of other top scientists because they looked at the damn spike protein of HIV
in COVID and said this is man-made and this is what this virus will do Bill Gates just
injected billions of people with Fauci with the spike protein that causes the shutdown
of the white blood cells and the normal virus they released as that as well it kills you
slowly now when we come back we're gonna chronicle we're gonna go back in time and then there's
no place to even start some's recent some happened two years ago but it's insane the
abuse and the psychological warfare to try to pressure us into taking this injection
that gives you fades vaccine-induced aids hold it right back it's hard to believe that we're
already into March 2022 and in the month of February we had a very popular sale that was
going of our flagship product X3 that has all three types of the amazing iodine your
body needs for every electrochemical cellular activity in your body your immune system your
stamina your libido so much and the majority of the population the world is iodine deficient
this is the very best iodine out there so we have on cell 50% off but we sold more than
half of what we have or isn't gonna come in for a long time so I took it back to full
process I was just thinking you know what we need the funds in now to stay on air plus
this is a great product everybody needs so to incentivize folks out there that have been
on the fence to get X3 and experience it yourself and support the broadcast I'm gonna keep it
at 50% off until it sells out get X3 right now exclusively at infowarstore.com or 50%
off it has been noted by many a historian the first casualty of war is the truth then
the next big casualty isn't even the people that die no that invariably follows but first
there is the crackdown on populations basic liberty and speech and massive censorship
and now across the world from the United States to Europe legislations being introduced
that if you amplify any quote pro-russian information you can be censored you can be
arrested you can be a prisoner and of course now Canada is under this legislation that
if you have a fought crime and they think you may have the intent to engage in hate speech
online that you will be censored and arrested ladies and gentlemen the authoritarianism
is being carried out by the globalists around the world against humanity that makes info
wars dot com more important than ever I stay on air selling high quality products that
you need that you want and that you're gonna be happy with that's why you come back and
buy products from me again so symbiotic relationship I promote liberty I promote freedom I fight
the globalist and I'm able to do that because you buy products and infowarstore.com and listen
all the products are great but when it comes to high quality storeable food in an inflationary
system with major supply chain breakdowns this is an absolute 360 win hey no brainer
and they've got high quality storeable food ready to ship to you right now the great folks
at my patron supply exclusively prepare with alex.com discounted so again be inflation
be prepared fund the info war the only way you lose is not taking action at infowarstore.com
or prepare with alex.com right now this is high quality storeable food this is how you
meet inflation get yours today it's ready to ship but I wouldn't wait because prices
are about to go up because inflation is exploding anything of real quality anything of lasting
durability anything that's really satisfying empowering and fulfilling it's gonna be hard
to attain and when it comes to information boy is that true today we see the entire global
corrupt into a human depopulation great reset combine trying to collapse our society to build
on its ashes their their transhumanist nightmare vision suppressing the voices of good people
all around the world and of doctors and scientists and engineers that are exposing all their lives
their COVID hysteria their world's gonna end in 2030 carbon tax global warming bull all
of it and none of it can succeed none of it can actually be carried out unless everybody
is silenced and gas lit that's why truth comes with hard work and with research and diligence
and that's why it's hard to share info wars links and band up video links that's why we've
got to share them now more than ever leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world
order it's alex jones
hide what you've got to hide tell what you have to tell what you've got to tell you'll
see your problems multiply that's good I want my problems to multiply I believe in the policy
of truth is we're gonna bring down the new world order we're starting to fight for the
system and our destruction will be a burning light lead humanity out of the dark if that's
God's choice if I make it out of this it's a little long life after this that's all
gravy I've made my decision and I'm free of the new world order now all right let's get
into it here we go this is a feed and a lot of people joined in on it so I'm only covering
the tip of the iceberg the tip of the iceberg is like Mount Everest the evidence is so incredible
now that COVID is over here is a thread of everything they want you to forget I'm gonna
move quickly through these because there's hundreds of them but just think back of what's
gone on the last 26 months black lives matter protests may have slowed the overall spread
of coronavirus in Denver and other cities new study finds but anybody else going out
in public is bad only leftist can go out women actually wore cones of shame around their
neck to quote stop the virus little signs of how good they are all over the world there's
a shot from Israel seats are reserved for vaccinated people only even though it's not
a vaccine Cornell vaccine mandate only applies to white students this is mainstream news this
is not a joke rescue dogs shot dead by in SW council due to COVID-19 restrictions city
council killing people's dogs in Australia greater Sydney residents have been warned
of COVID-19 positive man who's on the run is a dangerous community after he reneged
on arrangements made with NSW police now they want all Australians to be tracked in live
time with apps on their phones from September 13 NSW residents are fully vaccinated against
COVID-19 will be given new freedoms is not satire residents of hotspots can leave home
for an hour of recreation on top of their exercise hour while people in other areas
can meet five others outdoors we need to forget what they got you to do you know that's just
Australia oh and Canada oh and no it's the globalist worldwide they're coming for everybody
the universities in the US are still under this that's the cult Australia's home quarantine
app uses facial recognition technology to make sure you haven't left your house lockdowns
are quietly improving cities around the world and starving 40 million extra people to death
World Economic Forum Israel Ministry of Health recorded saying that the minister of the interior
there is no medical or epidemiological justification for COVID passports it's only intended to pressure
the unvaccinated vaccinate and of course be the platform for total control kids are cute
but they're not really eco friendly and now in the age of COVID don't have children there's
a kid playing a saxophone through his mask all virtue signaling UK government confirms
tonight that a person has been vaccinated in Africa or South America or countries including
UAE India Turkey Jordan Thailand or Russia you're considered unvaccinated and must follow
unvaccinated rules for 10 plus day quarantine they didn't take the mRNA HIV injection New
York governor refusing to budge on vaccine mandate for nurses you are replaceable than
it caused a massive breakdown in medical workers both vaccinated Oregon health officials say
you can kiss on dates again the cult says you're allowed to kiss Victoria police ban
media choppers don't want anybody seeing how big the crowds are 12 year old gets COVID
vaccine as birthday gift military leaders saw pandemic is unique opportunity to test
propaganda on Canadians report NSW police have also advised the cemetery that visiting
the grave of a loved one in the cemetery is not considered a reasonable excuse to leave
home total prisoner training the vast situation is getting to the point where I will go door
to door myself and force people to take the injections of course the mask being a giant
environmental disaster and toxic and not protecting you ladies and gentlemen on Halloween kids
in Ontario are being encouraged not to sing or shout for treats and in California they
said don't sing in church asked elaborate on the CMO H says kids can still say trick
or treat but not with a high volume so that the virus isn't aerosolized CDC recommends
virtual Thanksgiving this year children inside plastic boxes when they're three and four
years old wearing masks to brainwash them to be prisoners bills Cole Beasley unvaccinated
forced to quarantine after testing negative for COVID because he came in contact with
fully vaccinated trainer who had the virus BBC if you think you could have COVID even
in the PCR test is coming back as negative regarding this COVID and self isolate UK director
of public health turns out the PCR test didn't work they were a fraud they knew it from the
beginning but they did take your DNA worldwide and put it in a corporate UN database the
Bill Gates controls and of course big giant piles of the filthy mask everywhere giving
people bacterial pneumonia if you're fully vaccinated against COVID the next step to
improve your immunity maybe to actually catch the virus experts warn oh so the shot isn't
really a vaccine it's a gene therapy that erases your immunity but don't worry getting
the virus is actually what gives you immunity do do do do do do do do do do do laugh my
ass off you guys are getting desperate damn right you leapers silly unvax filth second
class filth Fauci all of his bizarre behavior being worshipped on TV as a God baby not qualified
to be exempted from using leave home safe at barred from entering sports center because
they haven't been vaccinated the image of images in Israel also all the world VR goggles
over the children to live in a false reality while they're given a vaccine that changes
and cuts their double helix DNA into blood clots and cancer yep talk about see nothing
hear nothing say nothing Thanksgiving guidelines no more than three household presence no parties
and longer than two hours yes may stay outside avoid singing chatting or shouting that's in
the United States and California but the borders can be wide open lost child to COVID-19 then
you read later that they had died of something else they say however it is not revealed the
coronavirus was the reason that the child died turned out it was an automobile accident
in the county mandates mask in private homes sending all over the world young man with
clean bill of health left hours from death and hospitalized for catching COVID it shows
the young man and excellent health who is also trying to get a job in the new star wars movie
as job of the hut this national chocolate covering anything day everything is up for
grabs just be sure you know the ingredients are in your chocolate first oh my goodness
that's just the tip of the iceberg omnichrome and delta may strike people at the same time
and combine to create even worse covered variant the coming weeks Moderna boss warrants now
they admit it gives you cancer doesn't protect you and erases your immune system and that
they created COVID-19 in a lab in 2016 all admitted we've got even more straight ahead
stay with us it's hard to believe that we're already into March 2022 and in the month of
February we had a very popular sale that was going of our flagship product x3 that has
all three types of the amazing iodine your body needs for every electrochemical cellular
activity in your body your immune system your stamina your libido so much and the majority
of the population the world is iodine deficient this is the very best iodine so we have on
cell 50% off but we sold more than half of what we have or isn't going to come in for
a long time so I took it back to full process I was thinking you know what we need the funds
in now to stay on air plus this is the right product everybody needs so incentivize folks
out there that have been on the fence get x3 and experience it yourself and support the
broadcast I'm going to keep it at 50% off until it sells out get x3 right now exclusively
at infowarstore.com for 50% off it's hard to believe that we're already into March 2022
and in the month of February we had a very popular sale that was going of our flagship
product x3 that has all three types of the amazing iodine your body needs for every electrochemical
cellular activity in your body your immune system your stamina your libido so much and
the majority of the population of the world is iodine deficient this is the very best
iodine output so we have on cell 50% off but we sold more than half of what we have or
isn't going to come in for a long time so I took it back to full process I was thinking
you know what we need the funds in now to stay on air plus this is the right product everybody
needs so incentivize folks out there that have been on the fence get x3 and experience
it yourself and support the broadcast I'm going to keep it at 50% off until it sells
out get x3 right now exclusively at infowarstore.com for 50% off with the world awakening I think
what's important that we were right though for men so right now take advantage of this
moment and I have all of an idea that something everybody can do with every listener can do
I think it'd be powerful and effective for us to you know hang the banners over highways
imagine a giant being on a plane up it says Alex Jones is right infowarstore.com we stand
with the truckers or rest out or whatever brother I'm so glad you called elaborate on
this yes now is the time in your small town or your big city to write something on the
bathroom wall or to put a sticker on your car or banner hangs over highways and it will
be a chain reaction what do you recommend people say on these banner hangs I have a few ideas
first of all help just to raise the phone to a farm or rest out rest while swab the vaccine
is poison there's tons of things I say just keep it short keep it concise don't agree
arrest Fauci arrest Bill Gates the covid backs is poison beautiful yeah there's ways that
we can all be involved and we can all be affected so that's what I'm calling about God bless
you Chris in Atlanta I really really appreciate you calling us today thank you so much
I also need you to wear a mask and I also need you to only shop at mega corporation that
way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy leaving companies that
will be depended on me for the rest of your miserable lives leading a frontal assault
on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
we have all been experiencing a giant criminal experiment a psychological warfare operation
overlaid with a bio weapon synthetic release and then face to the deadly injection so you
would take it then that stock home syndrome and cover up the fact that you were attacked
because you can't face the full hour that you've been scammed that you've been lied
to that you've been hurt and so many doctors and institutions and lawyers and hospitals
and schools and media got on board with a lie of not letting people see their families
in nursing homes and then killing 20,000 in New York on record you can't see your parents
even though you're healthy but ship sick people in to kill them and then innovate them to
make all the money and the same thing in Spain and Australia and New Zealand oh you can't
see your children if you don't take the shot and all over the world they catch governments
from California to New South Wales giving children the injections without parental authorization
it's all a giant fascist biomedical test to see what they can get away with and Connecticut
did it again last year and you know this list of things I went over I've got some more here
it's just the tip of the iceberg because in this list and other people are adding to it
there's thousands of things being put up what about the New Zealand leaders saying don't
look at the sunset of the Australian leaders saying don't talk to your neighbors what about
beating up the women and children and men and riding over people with horses all over
Europe all over Canada all over or arresting people that peacefully protested in Canada
and charging them with 10 years in prison shackling them in their bond hearings and not giving
them bonds what about that you see you start trying to think about all the stuff they've
done to us or how about all the dead people how about the 40% increase in death all over
the world by insurance companies reporting that it's the healthy that took the shots
that are dying you can't ignore this a tenfold increase in the background level of natural
death no one's ever seen this in world war one world war two never there everybody knows
what's going on they're killing us with the viral release and with the injection that
then erases your immune system and gives you vades let's get back to this Omicron and Delta
may strike people at the same time and combine to create even worse cupboard variant the
coming weeks says they had a Moderna but weeks later he dumps all the stock disappears deletes
his Twitter his Moderna was always set up to launch mRNA technology against the world
as a weapon with Bill Gates and then I mentioned this don't forget it COVID vaccine profits
meant nine new pharma billionaires COVID-19 positive children very frightened and separated
from parents at Sydney's West Mend Hospital they've been doing the same thing here in
the US I've talked to lawyers that have been exposing it Daniel Andrews says watching the
sunset is not in the spirit of Melbourne's COVID-19 lockdown that was in Australia as
well meet the 40 new billionaires who got rich fighting COVID-19 and on average big tech
companies doubled their profits the last two years and so did Amazon and so did all the
big companies Walmart target because they're essential but you're not meet the 40 new billionaires
oh the other big billionaires increasing their wealth on the vertical integration of the
great reset the head of Pfizer is the CNN business CEO of the year boy what a sick joke CDC director
now says our data from the CDC today suggests the vaccinated people do not carry the virus
remember that lie now she says oh it was all a mistake the vaccine doesn't even work oh it
works it gives you negative immunity within eight months all three vaccines are 100 effective
against death and hospitalization Fauci says it was a 100 lie 100 lie notice you don't see
him sticking his head up anymore don has no hospitalizations in no deaths all three US
vaccines highly effective says Fauci people vaccinated for COVID-19 do not spread the disease
to anyone else Biden says that vaccinated people can't spread COVID-19 that's not what the CDC says
oh they later changed it first they gas like you to get you to take it later they admit they lied
to you German police is COVID tracking data to hunt down witnesses demands death by tracking
restaurant customers movements through the vaccine passports Ronald McDonald house to the Vic
families with young children who are unvaccinated the Blasio defense going to the gym and outbreak
I need to exercise be able to stay healthy and make decisions but nobody else can like Pelosi
not wearing the mask but you've got to the CDC is refusing to publish data it has collected on
booster effectiveness 33 million Americans 18 to 49 over fears it might show the vaccines
are ineffective or that the vaccines are killing people three-year-old denied heart transplant
by three countries as his parents were unvaccinated Stephen Nolan BBC radio presenter on the left
calls one of the greatest tennis players of all time Novak Jovic on the right a threat to health
services Trudeau gives banks power to freeze fund court order in bid to choke off protest funding
oh but when Russia does it the most evil thing on earth he says individuals are trying to
blockade our economy our democracy and our fellow citizens daily lives it has to stop but that's
what they did with the COVID blockade they said was to shut us down but they don't want us discussing
all these historic facts COVID data will not be published over concerns it's misrepresented by
anti-vaxxers oh really what do the insurance companies say 40 increase in death young man
with clean bill of health left hours from death in hospitalization he wasn't healthy
allergic to milk some dark chocolate labeled as dairy milk may still contain milk that's a
funny headline oh my goodness and it just goes on and on and on remember all the food all the
milk dumped out all the farm animals killed because nobody contend to them they had to stay
inside and you drive down the road you see the telephone company workers and the tech company
workers all wearing masks and the ditch diggers wearing masks and the little kids wearing masks
but the school teachers aren't wearing masks it's a symbol of our submission in this damn
evil cult and it needs to stop now i've got the latest COVID news that i don't want you to know
about when we come back but we only scratch the surface there and later this week i haven't picked
what night yet i'm coming up here to do two hours live just like i did on saturday at a two and a
half to just take calls on this subject of what was the greatest crimes and greatest over the top
stories of deception in the COVID fraud and take your calls because there's so many angles we didn't
get to hell let's just pick a night let's do wednesday night let's do wednesday night seven
to nine p.m central live commercial free at info wars dot com forward slash show
because my enemies want to shut us up they want us to be quiet they want us to go away
no i saw a lot of complaints when i was gone last week i was here on monday a lot of complaints
like where are you off slacking and partying jones what are you doing i'm not slacking and i wasn't
partying i was working to keep this place on air behind the scenes i'm not going to spend time on
all the attacks the things that are going on but i am working around the clock to stay on air
and i'm going to be out of town a few days next week doing that as well so i'm a busy beaver folks
and i've got a lot of stuff going on that nobody knows about but believe me you think we've been
effective on air we've been just as effective behind the scenes god's given me a lot of gifts
and a lot of opportunities and the biggest thing was you as a supportive audience but believe me
you can't spend your money anywhere as is important as info wars store dot com we are the tip of the
i stay on air selling high quality products that you need that you want and that you're going to be
happy with that's why you come back and buy products from me again it's a symbiotic relationship i
promote liberty i promote freedom i fight the globalist and i'm able to do that because you buy
products and info wars store dot com and listen all the products are great but when it comes to
high quality storeable food in an inflationary system with major supply chain breakdowns this is
an absolute 360 win a no brainer and they've got high quality storeable food ready to ship to you
right now the great folks at my patron supply exclusively prepare alex dot com discounted so
again beat inflation be prepared fund the info war the only way you lose is not taking action
at info wars store dot com prepare with alex dot com right now this is high quality storeable food
this is how you beat inflation get yours today it's ready to ship but i wouldn't wait because
prices are about to go up because inflation is exploding the covid-19 face diaper is a symbol
of subservience a symbol of slavery a symbol of the chains that the medical tyranny combine
controlled by the global private corporations has put in place it is the symbol of the permanent
emergency from which we will never emerge it is the symbol that we are diseased and evil and bad
and must cover our diseased criminal faces from the light of the sun it is the symbol of our complete
and total absolute surrender to evil ladies and gentlemen we are crossing the rubicon now the entire
future destiny of humanity is upon us claus schwaab and the unit mitt they're coming out with
implantable microchips as part of the world id and carbon taxes things only get worse from
here if we submit they only get better if we resist and say no non-compliance non-compliance
non-compliance we here at info wars are proud to announce the first ever kava kava root supplement
that is now available at infoar store dot com kava is one of the hottest new breakthroughs in the
natural health world today though it has been used for hundreds of years in the pacific islands for
its relaxation and euphoric effects according to ancient samoan legend kava was given as a
gift by the sun god tagaloa who they considered to be the supreme ruler and creator of the universe
the samoan people would drink kava tea during social gatherings and sacred ceremonies to loosen up
a little nowadays kava is used around the world by many who enjoy its serious benefits the new kava
chill by dr jones naturals contains a full blend of not only kava kava but other herbs including
but not limited to german comma mill organic skull cap and valerian root we do expect to sell
this new product quickly so be sure to secure yours by visiting info war store dot com the globalist
social insiders always intended to push their coveted biomedical tyranny lockdowns until
the populations rebelled they would then use that as the pretext for permanent martial law
and banning and arresting anybody that speaks out against their lives but because of so many
scientists and engineers and researchers and others coming public and whistleblowers now their
whole project is falling apart because the people are aware that it is a world government corporate
takeover and so it's pulling back the curtain now more than ever the problem is some globalist
controlled areas are not going to give up on their takeover like canada where they've now declared a
civil emergency and martial law in ontario and other areas of the world are following suit like
australia so pray for these folks big time this is a very serious situation and stay tuned into
info wars dot com because truth is absolutely paramount leading a frontal assault on the lies
of the new world order it's alex jones
all right here's what i'm going to do
i'm going to hit the latest covid news with our special guest a whistleblower emerald robinson
coming up in the next hour and she worked at newsmax and oan she's not blowing the whistle on newsmax
or oan in particular she's just exposing what happened with big pharma and big media and the
and the payoffs but oan didn't do anything it was newsmax that reportedly took the money
so you can call that whistleblowing you can call it what you want the truth is she's just
telling the truth so emerald robinson is going to be joining us coming up in the next hour this is a
big big deal it is so illegal to have the federal government take taxpayer money and
secretly pay out over a billion dollars to corporate media from cnn to fox news from newsmax to the
new york times to agree to not run any anti-vax news and to agree to cover up what's happening and
to agree to put out talking points to the public and then not tell the public you're doing it
while big tech it's also invested in big pharma censors all the opposition what a perfect storm
of evil to have big tech big dinosaur legacy media with a corrupt out of control government
and big pharma owned by the big central banks eugenicist and bill gates right at the center of
it but as scary as all of this is the good news is melinda gates has come out against her husband
and jeffrey epstein the whole world's coming out against these deadly shots the truth is getting
out there and so we need to just keep hammering and hammering and hammering and hammering and hammering
and point out that the federal government was giving money to school districts to to to push
all these lies and to force these masks and so this is going to be their waterloo where we
peacefully take back the city councils take back the legislatures take back the school boards take
back everything and say no to these monsters so that's coming up next hour i want to talk about
russia some and what's unfolding and some of the biggest threats that are faced there
and i want to get into this first because it ties into so many so many things here's the
headline out of roiders putin's nuclear comments lead to rush for iodine in central europe google
searches for iodine pills skyrockets steel bunkers iodine pills and canned food fear of the nuclear
apocalypse is back and there's a lot of breakdowns into all that information but i don't take iodine
high quality deep breath crystal iodine because i'm worried about nuclear war though it does
protect you from some isotopes in the thyroid so that your thyroid doesn't absorb the radioactive
iodine that's produced in a hydrogen bomb detonation and then basically your thyroid dies
and then you die so it's important to have your thyroid full of good iodine because your thyroid
produces a lot of the hormones or produces the precursor so your glands can produce hormones
but it's not just radioactive iodine in a nuclear war it's bromine bromide chlorine fluoride that they
bomb us with that attacks our fertility that attacks our cells that attacks our dna that attacks
our brain cells our development everything and every time i just type in iodine deficiency into
duck duck go or even google still still has accurate searches though most of searches have been corrupted
you go read the wikipedia iodine or you can go read club md or the national institutes of health
and they all say the same thing is it's settled science not like settled science and global warming
or settled science on these vaccines work when they were lying to you but that if you don't have
iodine you get sick you die and what's incredible is when you read even the wikipedia page that
links to the nih they admit well you don't need iodine anymore they're fortifying our food with
bromide well your body will absorb bromide if it doesn't have iodine and it'll use fluoride too but
it will totally whack out your endocrine system in all your hormones if you're getting bromide
bromine fluoride fluorine fluoride that's a fact but they say here oh no don't worry you don't
need iodine additives anymore in your food like they used to do that boosted iq 15 points they
started introducing it in the 20s they stopped it by the 60s you need fluoride which on record
fries your body and ends up killing you these people are sick ladies and gentlemen
so let's go over this right here iodine is an essential dietary mineral for neuro
development among children the thyroid hormones theroxine and it goes on contain iodine
in areas that there is little iodine in the diet typically remote inland areas where no marine
foods are eaten iodine deficiency is common it is also common in mountainous regions of the world
that's why the famous thing about all the mentally retarded mountain people where the food is grown
in iodine poor soil prevention includes adding small amounts of iodine to table salt that goes on
from there in the u.s the use of iodine was decreased over concerns of overdose since the
mid 20th century and the iodine antagonist bromide and fluoride had been more ubiquitous oh
in particular in the 1980s the practice of using potassium iodate as dough conditioner in bread
and baked goods was gradually replaced by the use of other conditioning agents such as bromide
so they they take the good halogen out the one you need and they give you the bad ones
unbelievable and it just goes on congenital iodine deficiency syndrome goes into over two
billion people brain damage lower IQs worldwide from it two billion people individuals of insufficient
iodine intake a third being school aged children it just goes on from there you need to go read this
for yourself ladies and gentlemen 10 signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency
obesity lethargy heart problems it just goes on and the average person has absolute deficiencies
because even the level the FDA says is too low scientists say because they keep lowering what
they want you to have they want to kill you they want to dump you down they want you to be morons
they literally don't we know about this what are the signs of iodine deficiency here's another
article brain development growth healing energy yielding metabolism hyperthyroidism putting on
weight feeling weak feeling tired dry skin losing hair having a slow heart rate or fast heart rate
feeling cold pregnancy complications learning and memory problems swollen neck heavy regular periods
those on and on go read it for yourself the point i'm making is the people perish
for lack of knowledge so i don't sell iodine for radiological events though it's important for
your whole body i sell it and promote it because we've got the best out there both the x2 and the
x3 they're both e-crystalline iodine the x3 has two other types that help some people absorb it
better the other good types as well but because of the big rush on iodine going on right now
and we're going to sell out soon as well i had already gone back to a regular price because
we're going to sell out in a month or so we don't get more in for five six months because the supply
chain break down but because it's the right thing to do because i want you to get it because things
are so crazy i want to get funds in to operate in case everything gets shut down we're offering it
until it sells out at 50% off at infowarstore.com this is the real deal this isn't the tox bound
garbage that you see out there this is the real thing our x2 sold out x3 came in it's
the same thing just a little bit different formula infowarstore.com or triple eight two five three
three one three nine and experience it for yourself most people have deficiencies i got
warned by dr group 10 years ago when i went on he goes you know your sunspots will probably go away
you'll probably lose some weight but you'll you won't feel it for about two weeks on average all
sudden you'll kind of feel sick for a few days and suddenly you'll feel exhilarated and he says
you'll also you know get erections like you got when you were a teenager and i'm like well i don't
have that big a problem in that department but then i about two three weeks in i'm like whoa
don't mean to be get graphic folks it's a medical issue let's just talk about it
you know like you're 15 and you get an erection so hard it hurts it's so hard i'm not trying to
be graphic here it's just true that's what this stuff does okay i mean it's that fundamental
imagine what else is doing for your body if you're 40 something years old under incredible stress
your disaster zone is way lower than it was when you were 15 and you've got i'm gonna try to be
graphic we're adults here this is medical issues i know they'll make jokes out of it the rest of it
but it's deadly deadly serious ladies and gentlemen uh that they don't want you to have iodine on your
body it's 50 off infowarstore.com want you to experience it for yourself triple eight two five
three three one three nine of course consult your physician or others if you have any issues or make
sure and all of that but it is essential like oxygen and water infowarstore.com
Alex Jones here with a very simple proposal for all our great info wars listeners and viewers
if you will simply get x3 with all three types of good iodine that boosts your immune system
and help everything that goes on your body at the cellular level it will change your life it
will invigorate you it will empower you almost everyone has iodine deficiency look into it for
yourself it's the opposite of fluoride it's the good halogen and then your purchase of x3
funds our operation now a lot of our products have been sold out and never came back in because the
lockdowns and supply chain breakouts we were sold out of x3 for a long time and i had it on
silver 50 off a lot of folks were getting it and i was thinking you know what i'm going to bring it
back on sale again just until it sells out because even though we won't make as much money in the
long run a lot of folks need this product and we need to get the money from the sales end
now to stay on air see your x3 right now at 50 off at infowarstore.com it has been noted by many
a history the first casualty of war is the truth then the next big casualty isn't even the people
that die no that is very very follows but first there is the crackdown on populations basic liberty
and speech and massive censorship and now across the world from the united states to europe legislations
being introduced that if you amplify any quote pro russian information you can be censored you can
be arrested you can be in prison and of course now canada's under this legislation that if you
have a thought crime and they think you may have the intent to engage in hate speech online that
you will be censored and arrested ladies and gentlemen the authoritarianism is being carried
out by the globalists around the world against humanity that makes info wars.com more important than
ever leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
coming up with a lot of stations join us emerald robinson is going to be coming on to talk about
some incredible breaking news that she was a witness to we're not just singling out newsmax but
it's it's it's really quite the scandal that's coming up we've also got some good news russia
and ukraine agreed to meet in turkey about a real ceasefire and deal that's coming up
we'll be breaking that down as well but i really wanted to play this greg rees report
that needs to get more than a 400 000 video it needs to get 20 million views because it's
confirmed that the us that was involved of course built a bunch of bio weapon labs in eastern europe
ukraine that's not a fake story here it is for years now russia has made verifiable claims
that the us is running secret biological weapons labs around their borders and while western media
now claims this to be misinformation back in 2013 they reported on it while the united states and
murder incorporated have been waging illegal wars all across the world in the name of democracy russia
has been quietly selling energy and minding their own business the national geographic this was the
reason why the pentagon was building these bio weapons labs in the first place because russia
was entirely quiet on the subject and the us wanted to get ahead of them the initial biolab in
kazakhstan was built by the us for 100 million dollars to store high-risk diseases such as plague
and anthrax and was hoping to attract scientists who might otherwise create biological weapons
of mass destruction for someone else in order to keep the world safe the us has since built
several labs in kazakhstan most recently a biosafety level four lab to be completed in early 2022
as early as 2004 the pentagon's defense threat reduction agency dta began creating a network
of biolabs for infectious diseases in uzbekistan and within a few years after operations began
outbreaks of unknown diseases were reported in the same areas as the labs in georgia leaked
documents show that the us embassy has been transporting deadly pathogens and human blood
as diplomatic cargo in a scheme where private us contractors working for three different us
biolabs have been given diplomatic immunity to do so shortly after russia invaded ukraine
at war clandestine released a video with maps of us biolabs matching up with maps of the recent
attack suggesting that russia was securing these top secret biolabs western media claims this is
false but fails to debunk it and once the video goes viral the us embassy in ukraine is caught
deleting evidence of these labs from their website but not before an independent journalist was able
to copy documents showing 11 ukrainian biolabs funded by the pentagon the russian embassy to
bosnia has accused the us of filling ukraine with biolabs which were very possibly used to study
methods for destroying the russian people at the genetic level and we now know that these so-called
mRNA vaccines are destroying people at the genetic level we now officially know that covid-19 is a
man-made bio weapon we know that it was funded by elements of the nih and peter dazik's eco
health alliance we know that it was made in wuhan china and so what isn't threatening about the us
encircling russia with top secret biolabs and who on earth thinks it's a coincidence that everyone
involved in the united nation's great reset are now the ukraine's greatest allies of all time
the mercenaries and war profiteers in america are getting excited about making short-term profits
off the dead but the only ones who will benefit from this war are the crooks at the top who have
been caught committing the most heinous crime against humanity in all of recorded history
and the only righteous way out of this is to hold these crooks accountable reporting for info wars
this is greg reese wow ladies and gentlemen all right emerald robinson is our guest she
hosts a popular show now with frank speech dot com we'll talk to her on the other side in 60 seconds
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we need to stay on air it's a match made in heaven you are either with the republic or against it
resistance to titans is obedience to god it's alex jones
well she's been an amazing white house correspondent for newsmax and oan i'm a big fan of both
newsmax and oan oan's more hardcore than newsmax i've known you know chris ruddy for 25 years
interviewed him 25 plus years ago back when he was exposing the clinton so we're not we're not taking
newsmax i think of the woodshed here though i'm very concerned i'm not singling them out
it's just that she worked there and she witnessed some of this and has uh written about it the
blaze broke it last week it's gotten almost no attention it's huge some of the biggest news
the last 26 months of this whole covid power grab exclusive the federal government paid hundreds of
media companies to advertise the covid 19 vaccines all those same outlets provided positive coverage
of the vaccines and wouldn't allow their hosts to even question it it turns out and cover up the
danger of the shots and then emerald robinson who now of course is doing a great job over at franc
speech dot com with her own show where she's not being censored she came out with a big article on
her substack where she wrote about this everybody should go read it fox news and newsmax took biden
money to push deadly covid vaccines to its viewers find her on substack at emerald robinson and of
course on the very popular frank speech and all the great work that mr lindell is helping get on
the air reaching millions a day so well congratulations on exposing this and staying true and wow it's
great to have you here very very scary story you give us a really an inside view into how this was
going on what happened and while we saw some of the hosts fired over at newsmax who would just
mildly criticize both election fraud and the vaccines and so thank you so much for joining us
where should we start emerald thanks so much alex for having me i really appreciate it as you said
this is a very scary story because this is the definition of propaganda the government giving
corporate media and small let's not even say the big corporate media entities but also small
entities uh money to push the company line that these vaccines were safe and effective that is
propaganda and one of the the the biggest propaganda campaigns i would say of all time outside of
some of the war effort now to catch up your viewers if they didn't see the news last week the blaze
was able to confirm really great reporting investigative reporting on the part of chris
tendoffo for the blaze via a four-year request what i had been told by insiders at a couple
network networks uh that these corporate media outlets these media outlets were getting money
in order to provide positive coverage of the vaccines via uh covid relief funds that were
provided through the health and human services department now in this four-year request it listed
several different outlets the ones you would normally expect right and their audience would
be okay with their probably by and large that'd be msnbc the washington post the la times the
daily beast but there were two in particular that were most concerning i think for viewers of these
audiences and that was fox and newsmax were on the list now wopo and the la times have suggested
oh well this was just psd the government buying psd and well we know that's not true as is evidence
in the coverage of every outlet including fox and newsmax which were very complimentary of the
the vaccines they put out statements saying that their position was that they are safe and effective
despite all this evidence that had been coming out for months that contradicted that in fact the
networks unbooked medical professionals legitimate medical professionals uh doctors uh
vaccinologists immune immunologists that expressed concerns about the vaccine and we're trying to
promote more therapeutic public relations people were calling me from all over dc and i know you
know those people because they reached out they try to get their guestbooks and they were just in
shock that kermit conservative entities were treating them this way despite legitimate concerns
and facts and data about the vaccines and as you noted we started to see anchors television
anchors i can think of one in particular an evening news host who uh was pulled off his own show
once he uh tweeted that he would not comply with the mandate and then of course there's the great
laura logan who has not really i don't think she's been on fox again after voicing criticism
for dr tony phalagy who if you will notice now that the Pfizer documents have done with nine pages
of side effect isn't out there on the media all day like he has been for the last two years he's
in hiding you know that's a great point about laura logan she gets up there and says what everybody
knew to be the truth about these vaccines aren't working they're causing health problems uh they're
bullying people to take them and this is violating the nuremberg code and boom she is off fox and the
word is basically was let go there but that's a badge of honor uh to be uh uh uh basically can
because you couldn't be bought yeah very much so and i think this is important to point out for
the audience alex is that these these networks these these media outlets were taking this money
providing this kind of coverage and if you go back with uh this lens now when you look at some of the
previous coverage it makes more sense to you what you were seeing on tv or in print they took this
money but they didn't disclose it to their to their audience they had no idea that they were getting
money from the government to promote these vaccines a lot of people thought they were
watching unbiased news so that is a huge that is that's one of that is breaking the biggest
rule in journalism it is propaganda and i'll also say that it wasn't just you know the audience
that was uh in the dark about this money uh most of the i think of the networks the different
networks the majority of on-air talent or producers were unaware of this deal from hhs as well so
that's like that's problematic and i know that you know reporters myself included were asked to
be careful about what we said about the vaccines both on-air and in our social media posts suggesting
it could be problematic and now we understand that we have the context of that uh a little better now
well that's right that happened uh ivory hecker at fox in texas is she was talking to people that
were getting sick people that didn't like the shot nurses and things and doctors were being
pressured to be fired if they didn't take it and they said listen we got sponsors and she's like
well who are these sponsors well we're not going to talk about it but now we know it wasn't just
big pharma it was the government coming in and giving taxpayer money to that local popular station
in houston so that they would again control the narrative exactly and not only did you have outlets
doing that but in the case of fox and back in december they even uh i've seen the emails uh
from former or in current fox employees that they uh that they would pay their employees
five hundred dollars if they would give proof of vaccination status so not only were they taking
the money uh doing some positive coverage they were also paying their paying their employees
five hundred dollars if they would take the vaccine yet we saw what they would say in their
opinion led shows particularly about uh being critical of mandates or not giving people the
choice and this is what they were doing behind the scenes wow you know i've got so many questions
for you but reading your article on substack you talk about some of the things that you witnessed
inside newsmax how were they trying to control the narrative there well i would say it's the
same as we saw at a lot of the other networks uh in that there was a control of which a guest came
on if you'll look back at the coverage you didn't see a guest that were the medical experts that
were more critical of the vaccine thought perhaps the vaccines were terrible shouldn't
highlighted the the concerning data that we were seeing in israel particularly remember
over uh the the late summer months and early fall it was becoming very clear in israel that
these two shots then by then for israel free shot vaccines were not working and in fact it appeared
to be uh increasing the spread of the virus and there was already reports of severe side effects
there there were lots of uh vaccine injured people in america who just didn't get to go on
television and tell their story they were told that you know the networks weren't interested in it
so we saw that basically across the board at every network but like i said it's more concerning
for i think conservative viewers of networks they feel that they can trust
us than maybe the msnbc viewers who are probably fine with this to be honest emerald i've got a
hundred different questions for you and we're about to go to break but when we come back
what's front and center for you what are you going to hit when we come back
we could talk more about what i think we're going to see i think we're going to learn
more entities that probably got money for the vaccines influencers uh i will tell you that
there is more information that we should know for instance that's exactly where i was going
because we know this is just the tip of the iceberg stay right there folks we'll be right back
so i did it i signed up for the austin marathon i've been training probably not as much as they
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the private corporate fascist world government that's why they launched their great reset and
their program after collapsing us of build back better this is nothing more than a top down
vertical consolidation of the world economy because they couldn't take our guns because we
wouldn't bow because the left which is the ideology of this world government system couldn't win
they released a biological weapon on us now we know two years ago we learned about it about
20 months ago it's that simple they can't meet us because of our free speech and our guns
so the global corporate combine released COVID-19 and you know the rest is history
expose this paradigm and we win micah california thanks for calling i think we're barking up the
wrong tree calling this gain of function research now if you read the actual you know 2014 legislation
the u.s government gain of function deliberative process and research funding pause on selected
gain of function research involving influenza mers and stars viruses there's nothing about
stars like viruses and it's a research funding pause it's not a stop it's not a prohibition
it's when you come to a four-way intersection there's the stops on you stop you look both ways
and then you proceed and so it's also it doesn't pause all gain of function just selected gain of
function but they'll argue that this is actually characterization and qualification research
so you know rand and the others you know maybe fouchy was right they don't quite know what
they're talking about calling it gain of function you know that's why he didn't perjure himself
that's why he hasn't been arrested because they're literally creating new synthetic live forms that
mimic what the viruses do but in the main definition it's still a gain of function you're
making something deadly that spreads more easily to hurt people thank you mike we love you it's
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
coming up at the last few minutes of this hour before rogestone joins us big developments in
russia with the ukraine conflict they've agreed to meet in turkey we also have
some really bizarre news with britney spears coming out about forced blood transfusions and
things out in hollywood we're going to be talking about some of that there's a lot of news
upon info wars.com and also a mtg interview that we did that we haven't aired yet that just went
live where she gets into the mask and so much more that's now at info wars.com emerald robinson
is again a journalist she's been a white house correspondent for newsmax and oen she now does
a show over at frankspeech.com where she's not being censored and of course she writes for
substack at emerald robinson you can find it right there and she has been giving us an inside
scoop on how the censorship and control was going on at one of the outlets newsmax that was
taking the money not just abc not just cbs and during the break i was saying what's the big
angle here and she was going to get into it right now dealing with how deep the rabbit hole goes
what the other shoes are that are about to drop so again thank you for joining us and lay that out
for us because clearly they don't want us to know how much money each one of these outlets was getting
no they don't and a source who was familiar with the foyer request conducted by the blaze
as the documents that contain said that the information about exactly the exact amount that
each media outlet got was not contained in the documents that was redacted now the hhs cited a
trade secrets provision as the reason that they did that now i don't think that makes a lot of
sense because that's not giving away any kind of trade secrets it's formulation or product
ingredients or or sequencing or anything like that it literally is just the amount of money
in a propaganda campaign a pr campaign for the vaccines that each network got i think it would
it be who's these audience the public to get that information because yeah even if it's just one dollar
dollar alex and they took it and they did a positive coverage that's still problematic but
i think if we saw the mon the monetary amount it would probably be quite surprising to americans
and to audience also what people didn't realize is how widespread this campaign went i was shocked
when i learned certain small tiny tiny things tanks that you don't even see as having much influence
got some of this money and it was very disappointed just disappointing to some of the people who
worked with these tiny thing tanks but i'll also say lots of important people lots of public figures
who have strong followings and huge audience and bait audience bases also got these uh got some
of these funds certain people and that was not released as part of this uh boy you're done as
well well that's what i got from the blaze article and then when yours expanded into the
document says this is just a small amount of billion plus dollars this is government we
know that big pharma put out billions and billions from basketball stars and movie stars right down
to youtubers with just a few thousand followers getting thousands of dollars so there was massive
amounts of money going out there to control the narrative exactly if you look at how to control
the narrative was remember two years ago i was called i mean i was called it was very serious
a lot but once in particular uh for talking about how the mRNA vaccines alter your dna well
we're learning even more about that in the last couple weeks and that's just accepted now right
but that's how the technology works it's going to uh permanently in a way change your dna something
they said you were crazy if you talked about before remember when we talked about the origins of
covid you were crazy you were pulled off facebook my my posts were were censored and pulled off
facebook i still can't actually post on facebook and as you know i was banned on my twitter account
for tweets and a sub stack that i did that to this day has not been really proven false no one is
has proven me false and if well that was my next question for you how do you think i meant to ask
that up front how does it feel to be totally vindicated because you were censored all over the
place and attacked for doing really good research and interviewing a lot of experts you've been
vindicated they now admit it's not a vaccine it doesn't really protect you uh after eight months
you have less immune system you had before so that's a negative effect i mean they now want
us to kind of forget about the last two years and move on to the ukrainian war uh but what
happens to all the people that were blacklisted like you for simply questioning it nothing nothing
changes for them just because i'm right in fact it's actually in some ways more problematic for them
uh because they did be platform me because they have tried to do media smear campaigns
about me and so they'd rather try to continue to do that and keep me as a conspiracy theorist
even though on nearly any level i can think of i've been vindicated to this point and i don't
say that being vindicated makes me feel better alex because so many people are still hurt by the
misrepresentation of information by false information i just wish it i'd never been
de-platformed or or that i'd never been censored so that people could have gotten the information
in real time because a lot of times these medical experts that i've been talking to all along
they really tried to help people they were trying to get that information out there they lost their
job uh many of them were forced to resign they're not getting their jobs back just because they've
been right now based on what i've heard well again i don't want to call you a hero but you
are a hero and it was george arwell that said in a world of universal deceit telling the truth
it's a revolutionary act and so many thousands of scientists and doctors and nurses and media people
lost their jobs got persecuted got sued got de-platformed just because we wanted to tell the
world the truth how does it feel to know that there are people working for the system now that are
richer and who consciously now took part in this lie even though it's now confirmed it was all a
big lie and so instead of you being vindicated they're now fully discredited i wonder how they
feel or i wonder if they have any conscience well i've been around these people for a long time now
now alex i i i've covered the white house i covered the white house and dc politics for
about five years and then it was a busy five years as you know the trump years and then
it extended into the biden administration and based on being in national media and sitting
with those people day in and day out i can guarantee you a very small percentage if any will fill any
level of remorse in what they did they just won't and they won't change it'll happen again
in the future and that's why it's so important uh to have uncensored outlets uh like like yours
like the one i'm now with uh lindell tv and frank speech dot com where we can give you the news
uncensored we don't have to worry about where the money is coming from or or who who's this quote
unquote sponsored that is so important and of course it's exploded we're really excited to see
that lindell tv and frank speech is doing so well that's why he's a hero uh you know just because
he was so optimistic and i warned him that they weren't going to overturn this criminal election
quickly uh being optimistic is not a crime but the the funding and the things he's done boosting
thousands of independent media voices and hundreds of prominent ones like you that have been censored
that's why the work he does is so important and he's the hardest worker i've ever met i thought
that i stayed busy and worked hard that man gets i'm not sure when he probably sleeps because he
is going day in and day out around the country to try to highlight the truth to try to uh fight for
american freedoms and like you said i am very thankful for him to give me uh this platform
my show the absolute truth uh with emerald robinson will start next week on frank speech dot com
uh and lindell tv at nine a.m and look we're going to try to just grow this even more where we
bring you more news more facts more information that you just won't see on the out there on the
media and i can tell you in the corporate media and i can tell you that this is just the beginning
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our own health into our own hands beautifully said brother i thank you so much for your call and god
speed leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
the answer to 1984 is 1776 live from austin texas broadcasting worldwide it's alex jones
well investigative journalist reporter widehouse correspondent for newsmax and oen now works at
frank speaks dot com emerald robinson sears she also has her own sub stack writes amazing articles
we link to a lot of them info wars dot com she was just confirming what came out in this big blaze
report with a foyer request that over a billion dollars and just one program was paid uh in the
last year under the bite administration to the media to then put out favorable stories for the
vaccine that ladies and gentlemen is so dangerous and i think it's illegal it's not just unethical
but to take taxpayer money and then give it to the corporate media and have it be a secret and
now these companies claim trade secrets to protect what they're doing this needs to be stopped but
emerald where is congress where are the republicans because they had controlled for the first two years
when trump was out of the house and senate they didn't stop the censorship they didn't stop
the stay behind networks that obama put in to quote counter foreign disinformation
which the democrats still control these billions of dollars to launch censorship operations inside
america by labeling us all russian agents i mean this has been a systematic tyranny we've been
witnessing and now we've got uh reports here uh that i'm gonna cover this next hour roger stone's on
that people are being held for weeks and weeks and weeks for months for eight weeks without even
being charged in january six now which is a federal crime violates habeas corpus i mean
the democrats and these big corporations it seems like are just going for broke on every front
and trampling every basic right we have because they know they can alice because you hit the
nail on the head there where are the republicans we've been saying that trump was uh what trump
with the flashlight and i say this often for institutions in every way whether it was the
doj the fbi the do d the nsc he exposed the corruption in nearly every institution that
we had academia but he also exposed who republicans really were and besides a handful
alec they're largely the same as democrats and that's why democrats are able to do what they
want to do particularly with the january sixth defendants because republicans are too afraid to
go and say anything about it they don't want to be aligned with these people that they
see as conspiracy theorists and in many ways remember when they did have the majority senate
majority leader mitch mcconnell was was active in blocking so many trump initiatives himself
the democrats didn't have to do anything he kept it under control for them also when you
go back to republicans and why they haven't talked or really done anything about censorship
it's another one of those instances where you need to follow the money because so many of them
have big tag donating to their campaigns so many lawmakers have ties with you know
kids getting jobs that's another issue where again you follow the money which it often is
in dc and it's not really about doing the best and uh following the best interest for the american
people and that's both sides there are some good ones there are some but there it's a very small
percentage are you still having to be inside the belly of the bc or have you gone out to the
frank speech headquarters now i have escaped to an undisclosed location i i am in the countryside
somewhere in the united states i'll tell you i'm in virginia but i love virginia i love the
countryside and i am thrilled to death to be outside of dc it is not a good filling place
you hit belly of the beast is right oh wow i mean the the creepiness and now they want vaccine
passports to go into restaurants and you've got to go to a side window if you don't it's it's like
returning everybody to segregation here it's it's it's apartheid for people that don't take
an experimental shot in their body that completely violates the nuremberg code uh you know just as
many other journalists have pointed out and speaking of segregation particularly when you
look at the district uh it's not the white liberals who live in the district who are
concerned about the vaccine mandates you know they're getting the max vaccine and they're showing
their passport it's by and large uh the the the black population there who are concerned in fact
i would often frequent a couple restaurants who did not tow that line in dc over the last
two years kept their doors open kept their staff on didn't care if you had a mask on or not uh would
serve you and treat you like a human being anyway so we really try to support those restaurants
and i would go in there then you know there were lots of members of the black community there and
they expressed concerns about the vaccine they didn't want to take it and so they're by and large
probably the group getting the most uh discriminated against in this vaccine policy in the district of
columbia there really is segregation and they're setting the precedent to do things that we only
read about at the soviet union or nazi germany or north korea but on a grand scale and i don't see
emerald how big pharma and its incestuous relationship with big tech and dinosaur media
and government gets away with what they've done they're hoping everybody just forgets what they
did the last two years but i don't see that anger going away i think they've really awakened the
sleeping giant and given it a terrible purpose to quote admiro yamamoto they did and particularly
they awakened mama bear right even those who had uh historically the suburban moms a lot of them
who historically supported the or more liberals supported the democrat party you always see the
republicans trying to court them but this ignited them in a way i have had so many women in the
suburban you know dmv region virginia maryland uh area this has completely flipped their politics
they ended up uh campaigning in virginia for glenn yonkin when they'd always been a democrat voter
but they were so appalled with how these policies affected their children their children became
suicidal they were becoming depressed they couldn't learn they were falling behind in education
and they really stoked that bear they're not putting that back in the box these moms have not
forgotten although the media is currently in the mind administration is currently conducting the uh
what i call this look a squirrel tactic right with use russia and ukraine it's all day every day on
every single network it's uh look over there and don't pay attention to what's coming out about the
vaccines and we're not going to pretend like this didn't happen but given the chance again if they
can keep the majority in the midterms look they're not going to let go of this power grab and i think
people truly understand that now back if if they're still the majority come you know after the
november elections this year i think we would could expect to see mass mandates and all these
mandates back again and lockdown well that's my concern is you're not supposed to the
biden says it's an act of terror since last june the official u.s government policy to question
elections to question lockdowns to question these vaccines they're saying that's terrorism
and there's no doubt i i'm really worried they're going to steal the midterms i'm very concerned
about that i i don't see anything and you know i travel a lot now particularly across the nation
that i'm not on the white house beat anymore looking at uh the efforts being made to change it
should not let what happened in 2020 happened in regards to you know breaking the laws on
on voting these massive melon ballot harvesting ballot boxes and those some states have called
it back a little bit it's still more than existed in those kind of measures voting measures ahead
of 2020 and i don't see anything alex that makes me very confident uh that we'll see a better election
process as of right now ahead of 2020 now there's still time what i do find though what i will say
as i travel across the country i do think it's very encouraging is that just your you know just
your average american citizen mom and dad going to work to feed their kids you know put them in
school make sure they grow up get some sports things get to go to college and become productive
citizens now understand that they can't just sit and let somebody else do it anymore because they
saw who were doing it and what they were doing so more americans are familiar with the process
they understand what happened they know what needs to be done and they're getting more active
in their local communities at their home trying to uh fix things on the ground the level now they
still have some problems even with republican legislatures in some states it's not just democrat
legislatures the republicans as well and that's been an obstacle but i do think it's very encouraging
at how real americans who really care about the country and our freedoms and our future
are getting out there and getting involved in the process i totally agree that's what i'm seeing and
that's why the deep state the democrats are so panicked they're going to pull a lot of tricks
on us but we're aware of it now and so we're definitely living in the second great renaissance
emerald robinson you're going to be launching next monday frankspeech.com at nine a.m is that
central or eastern eastern time all right well i look forward to seeing it and i really appreciate
you joining us hope you'll join us again soon thank you so much absolutely
alex jones here with a very simple proposal for all our great info worth listeners and viewers
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dinner i like the metropolitan life i like everything that comes with this but see i have
the survival instinct that is to get the hell out of democrat run cities get the hell out of
major metropolitan areas because unless we change course soon it's all crashing down is it time to
just move out to the woods just time to go get a piece of property in the woods and just get off
grid just get the emergency food supplies just live off the land that's the survival instinct but
see the worldly part of me that's still probably the majority part of me says no no no no stay in
the city the survival instinct says get the hell out of anywhere there's ever notion that you need
to get a vaccine or a mask that's the that's the internal struggle that my guess is a lot of you
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your bottle of brain force ultra before it is completely sold out at infowarstore.com it has
been noted by many a historian the first casualty of war is the truth then the next big casualty
isn't even the people that die no that invariably follows but first there is the crackdown on
populations basic liberty and speech and massive censorship and now across the world from the
united states to europe legislation is being introduced that if you amplify any quote pro
russian information you can be censored you can be arrested you can be imprisoned and of course now
canada's introduced legislation that if you have a fought crime and they think you may have the
intent to engage in hate speech online that you will be censored and arrested ladies and gentlemen
the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around the world against humanity
that makes info wars dot com more important than ever leading a frontal assault on the lies of the
new world order it's alex jones meet you for coffee at the elementary school we laugh about nothing
as if summer gets cool it's beautiful how the state normality settles down over me
i'm not bored or unhappy i'm still so strange
and i'm in the wind i'm in the water nobody's son nobody's daughter watching the camp trails
over the country and we are back ladies and gentlemen we have huge breaking russia news
latimer putin and their foreign minister labroth our warning of a global collapse in the world
economy basically that described as the great reset if this war continues now we have russia
ukraine agreed a turkey meeting will give you details of all this the pakistani prime minister
comes out and says are we your slaves when europe and the u.s. orders them to basically declare
their enemies with russia russia ceases control of another of the big nuclear power plants russia
says that they've caught the globalist back ukrainian forces trying to stage terror attacks with
dirty bombs to blame on the russians we'll break it all down here in just a moment and then something
that really is a bird's eye view into the evil and and what we know goes on in hollywood and other
places britney spears is saying she was forced to work like a slave and forced drug and forced to
take blood transfusions weekly now everything she said so far has turned out to be true
and we know that that's the type of thing that they that the elites do themselves
so it's just it's just out of control that story is up on info wars dot com by jamie white you
definitely want to go read that just get a bird's eye view of these people i have a marjorie taylor
green clip that i want to play it's just a short little clip and when we're out at dinner when she
was here a few weeks ago i convinced her that she really needs to do it and i'm excited and i put
her in contact with folks that know how to do it for very easily uh and so i'm not bragging i'm just
saying it's that spurring people for her to start doing her own daily podcast whether it's 10 minutes
longer an hour long that will go super viral and exciting so so she's here to you're basically in
this tape uh to uh you know announces she's gonna be launching a podcast very very soon and i think
that's the answer is everybody creating their own operation that's why i'm promoting frank
speech and lindelton tv uh i'd promote glenn beck now that he's woken up and isn't being a jerk
and you know lying about me and stuff and people said what are you doing being nice to beck he
stole your stick and lied about you attacked you well now he's not doing that and now he sounds
just like me because the truth is here i want to stop nuclear war and the great reset the new
world order i don't care if glenn beckon chopped my arm off and now he's fighting the new world order
that i'm gonna forgive him because i we've got to come together and beat these people
and i'll be honest with you if we turn the tide against the new world order and it looks like
we're winning for a while i got a great crew i love them to death but i'm killing myself doing
this i mean i eat drink sleep this i've been doing this 28 years i'll keep him full words going
if we turn the tide but i'm not going to be working as hard as i am but instead i'm gonna
double down because i know we are neck and neck with these people and so we need more people on
air and more people speaking out and i can't fund myself without your support i'm just like michael
indell where he goes and sells pillows and sheets and and beds and all these great products and he's
financing i know thousands of little host hundreds of big host and more than 10 huge host and and
bringing people on board like the last lady we had on who's been censored and she's gonna do a great
job and be popular and that's the answer to globalist censorship is more people standing up and speaking
out now i'm quietly over the years helped finance quite a few little things behind the scenes and
done a lot of that and uh we've been so under attack the last few years we've had to cut that back
to almost nothing we had to cut back our reporters traveling around the country uh as much because
you know we've been under censorship and attack and the supply chain breakdowns and all of it uh
but but more than ever info wars has been proven to be accurate and the and the saying alex jones was
right has become a maxim of we know you're lying corporate media we know you're a fraud we know
you're out to get us and we're going to take the person that has been demonized and lied about
and attacked and punished and hold him up as a symbol of our victory over your lies i want to
thank the listeners for that because there's nothing i want more than to beat the globalist
and if they can shut us down so i can't speak so they can fully steal my identity and lie about me
where i can't speak and stand up for myself they believe they can also silence you and then lie
about who you are so we're all in this together and i thank you and i salute you for your prayers
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two runs you got a third run in and it's amazing you should really experience it here's some of what
uh mtg had to say out at dinner a few weeks ago we're now breaking this information
marjorie you were telling me about what it's like to be forced to wear a gag
in congress the fines you paid me yeah so i don't wear a mask when i'm in congress and
Nancy Pelosi finds me $2,500 every day that i don't wear a mask on the house floor and so i have
over 100,000 in mass fines for refusing to wear the piece of cloth over my face that does nothing
how do they do that when when she's out in public she gets caught not wearing it oh but it doesn't
matter because she's Nancy Pelosi obviously she's a hypocrite and that's why i call her the queen
in the house of hypocrites of course it was the famous video year and a half hold of her getting
her hair done with no mask right has that been brought up to her the science that says you
must test trade trace treat you must wear your mask you must have sanitation you must wear your
mask you must wear your mask oh yeah but she ignores it so that's why i'm suing her in court
because she also doesn't wear a mask at times on the house floor and she doesn't get fined she
doesn't pay the fines but yet they take the money straight out of my check so i work for free in
congress because they take all my money away wow but you're standing for us right so they make
children wear them in school still but the teachers themselves are now exempt in many areas this is
the second yeah that's right so the communist teachers in the teacher union that forced children
to wear masks and affect their education their ability to have speech to learn from their teacher
to be able to see others faces to share joy with one another on the playground in the classroom
yeah those people want to mask your children but they don't want to wear them wow i hear
you're launching a podcast sir i am launching a podcast so i can tell all what goes on in
washington oh they won't like that free speech they hate free speech that's why they want to
cancel us but i think we'll make sure that it gets out you're a very bad american we love you
i like her boy i like her a lot all right we're going to go to break i'll be five
minutes on russia and then roger stone joins us with a lot of the he's been spending a lot of
time with trump and he's got some good news some bad news and then we're also going to respond
to just some of the insanity i mean four page articles full page articles the washington post
calling for his arrest new york times article says you know i need to be arrested too i mean they
are just foaming at the mouth to put us in jail claiming we wanted to overthrow the government
on january 6 and we wanted to protest the fraudulent election to get a 10-day legal investigation
in the senate the democrats said they weren't going to accept the election we're going to
frog march trump out with troops even to be won and that they were quote Pelosi and all them said
this uh not going to accept even to be one to have their own inauguration of biden somewhere else
and they told us there'd be a red mirage with the mail-in ballots would save the day i mean this
is a group of criminals that want to outlaw us questioning the fact that they stole the election
well guess what we're not gonna shut up you dirty globalist criminals that have shut down our energy
and are buying russian oil while we go bankrupt you globalist trash
it's hard to believe that we're already into march 2022 and in the month of february we had a very
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and clarity you need for every day and sore less can keep you moving and feeling great at any age
that's leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
we're going to cover the waterfront the next hour with roger stone i'll talk to him for the first
30 minutes then i'm gonna have the time then to finish up the last two segments ahead of elin schreuer
and the war room at 3 p.m central today in t minus 59 minutes 40 seconds from now here's some of the
other huge news you're not really seeing in the united states it says west arming ukraine will
cause global collapse in chilling warning latimer putin demanded ukraine must distance itself from
nato lay down its arms and recognize russia's claims to come here and to acknowledge that donask
and other areas are independent states before war can end he says it is a catastrophic development
and world economic collapse could be triggered russia ukraine agree on turkey meeting russian foreign
minister surgey labroth and his ukrainian counterpart have agreed to meet at a forum in
southern turkey on thursday the first potential talks between the top diplomats since russia
launched its invasion of ukraine perkish foreign minister made the announcement a brief remarks
media on monday and of course the russians want them to have zelensky stepped down uh they've
had the the the russian back president who was elected and overthrown by soros soros says he
overthrew him uh in uh eight years ago and that's what the russians want and instead the west is
pumping more weapons in and and more former u.s. troops are going in for the big fight it is just
a mess we are not your slaves or you ask the question are we your slaves pakistan's prime
minister rebukes pressure to condemn russia's saying when they asked u n member countries to
rebuke india taking casimir that nothing was done against the same story with casimir it was indian
for thousands of years and the pakistani started taking it over the last couple hundred and the
muslim started pushing the hindus out and the hindus and buddha scott pissed it took it over
i'm not getting between the muslims and the indians here the point is is that or the muslims
and the hindus and the buddhist who have to be indian uh but that's that's what's going on it's
a good point pakistan makes russia sees control of europe's largest nuclear power plant now that's
admitted to have happened they did did not attack the plant uh they did not stage that event like
everybody uh was uh told it was the ukrainians basically just making it up they did attack
some of the tanks though and troops that were outside of the base and i'm not defending the
russians in any of this i'm just reporting the truth there was no ghost of kyiv there wasn't
a guy that blew himself up on a bridge there was no snake island uh there was no attack
on the reactor core it was not releasing radiation and now we know that the ukrainians are very
capable of making stuff up try to draw us into the conflict we know the secretary of state
blinkin anthony blinkin uh came out yesterday and said i played the club he came out yesterday
and he said to the world uh he said that oh we're sending planes via poland there and yeah
we're going to you know have to give them jets and then poland said that's not true and that's
an act of war uh and so we've got that situation polars stopped it will get mad no fly zone in
ukraine likely illegal would trigger major war they went on to say we are not transferring
fighter jets to ukraine so another lie from the western media are we surprised and that's
what i hate about this the russians aren't perfect pootons got some problems china is
completely evil this is giving them cover to invade taiwan i don't like what's going on but
by having such criminals that are anti-american running us and by all the lies they tell we
have no credibility because our leaders are a pack about a control scum but the big articles on
info wars dot com you should go read this right now as we won't get into it in this hour i may
pop on during the war room to cover it more but russian ministry of defense accuses ukraine of
planning nuclear false flag steve watson article at info wars dot com and if you don't share these
articles they don't get out there and used to folks in want to share info wars we first got
the platform but now people love it because they know it's obon guard it's cutting edge is truly
outlaw because in the world of universal deceit telling the truce revolutionary act and so when
we have tyrants in charge all patriots are outlaws and info wars is as rebel as it gets and you are
the rebel audience you are the light the dark of the night you are the answer you are the victory
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it's alex jones you know a lot of people that haven't been famous think it's fun to be famous
and i can assure you it's not and especially when you're infamous so yeah when i walk down the
street in any city in the u.s or small towns people honk horns they wave i shake 200 300 hands
before i get an f u russian spy i hope you die i hope you go to prison you murdered the kids at
sandy hook statements like that just total brainwashed bull out of these people and so then
there's big new york times articles out attacking yours truly today and there's a lot of other
really crazy stuff going on but i wanted to show you this because they don't they don't do this
by accident since the jfk assassination there's not been a four full page article not even when
obama got elected in the main section of the washington post but here it is our roger stone's a terrorist
our roger stone tried to attack the capital our roger stone needs to go to jail ladies and gentlemen
what are they doing what are they pushing alex jones and donald trump a fateful alliance draw
scrutiny new york times it says in here i led the attack on the capital they even have a
caption here where i'm trying to stop people going in and they say there's jones leading
the attack so this is beyond yellow journalism beyond the type of stuff you see before they
launch a war why are they doing this what are they planning what's going on well they're running
in 246 days on the midterms on january 6 they're saying hey americans aren't allowed to produce
oil we're gonna buy it from russia and venezuela and soya arabia and we're gonna shut down more
pipelines and we're gonna keep the borders wide open and we're gonna do all this and we're gonna
teach you critical race theory but alex jones and roger stone are criminals who ran a plan with
trump to attack the capital yeah and totally make ourselves look like idiots and go to jail
and screw up the 10 day peaceful investigation we wanted i mean it's like jones and stone are so smart
they blew their feet off with shotguns uh so roger this is a big big deal we're not just talking
about ourselves here this is big because it's a window into where we're going so much to talk
about here today and the so-called roger stone tapes which are gonna exclusively lay out you i
mean i know you didn't support trump's impeachment i know uh i've seen the word video it's coming up
next segment where you can't see your lips moving and you supposedly say these things and you're
saying you believe this is a deep fake or some deceptive edit so roger stone thank you so much
for joining us well alex it's unfortunate that i have to pull my roger stone still did nothing
wrong t-shirt out of mothballs and put it back on but never underestimate the democrat fake news
media cabal's ability to recycle the same crap over and over again and call it news and then have
the maggots on twitter repeat it ad nauseam until it becomes a fact i lived through this before we
all know roger stone was the conduit between wiki leaks russian intelligence and the trump
campaign and he lied to congress about it to protect our trump except for none of that is true
i know evidence of that ever emerged so this extraordinary assault on me by the washington
post normally i would be complimented for entire pages of recycled goat by association
innuendo half truce falsehoods and then the high tech piece which has to be determined
as admirable a fake a deep fake video where you never see my mouth moving but where the soundtrack
would lead you to believe that i am attacking the president who i was ready to go to prison for seven
to nine years for rather than betray him through uh you know through false testimony uh it's a
fraud it's a complete fraud um and i know how this works uh those on the left alex are extraordinarily
but hurt by a reuters story several months ago which correctly reported that an fbi investigation
never turned up any evidence whatsoever that either you or i were involved in any way in the
illegal acts of january sixth it seems unfortunate that i have to say this but any claim or assertion
or even implication to the contrary is categorically false and if anybody in the media wants to say
it as a flat statement well i'll sue them for defamation even roger stone can be sued so what
happens here is they write this in an effort to re interest uh investigators and calm them into
believing they somehow missed the proof of this false assertion uh the other goal here i think
is to take when they do this constantly perfectly legal constitutionally protected political
activities such as protesting the results of the 2020 election and saying that you and i and many
others practice millions of americans believe they're fraudulent that's not seditious it's not
treasonous it's not illegal it's constitutionally protected free speech well plus roger what 80 plus
percent now what 70 of american conservatives believe the election was stolen and over 40 of
democrats in many national polls so i mean people really know this is going on even if we're wrong
we have a right to challenge it polosi and others said they were going to challenge the election no
matter what they said we're not going to accept the election of trump we're going to have delegates
we're going to refuse it we're going to block it they said that and then when we try to have a peaceful
10-day investigation we all need to go to jail yeah no the washington post tries to downplay
this they say a few members of congress democratic members of congress wanted to contest the 2016
election no john pedesta was uh hillary clinton's campaign manager was demanding that he be allowed
to make a presentation to the electoral college to stop the certification of the of of the election
of donald trump did anybody else addition treason uh arrest him no of course not so just another
example of the washington post disingenuousness uh the other point here of course is perhaps it's
because i've been in politics for so long but i foresaw the fact that after the fact the democrats
would try to criminalize the fact that people like ted cruise and senator josh holly and matt gates
and jim jordan and alex jones and bernie karak and roger stone exercised our first amendment right
to question the elections but they would somehow deem that to be criminal so yes i did suggest
that all those people and others be pardoned no i never took a dime from anyone to help them
secure a pardon no i did not help joel greenberg the tax collector in uh in seminal county who
is the major accuser of matt gates i did not assist him in getting a pardon never took a penny from
anyone but what do they leave out yes i did go to bat for for big mech for demetrius floranoi
who's an african-american uh accused and convicted for 30 years has served 15 years for financial
crimes out in detroit all the other co-conspirators in his case uh have been released but he's in poor
health and he continues to serve every time he comes up for parole the government falsely says
he was convicted of a violent crime that is false so when his mother reached out to me uh and asked
me to to read the file i did and i was moved by that so i did seek a pardon for him or clemency
for him or just a commutation of sentence for him sadly uh i also by the way advocated a pardon
for every single person currently incarcerated for the first time nonviolent a possession of
a small amount of drugs for personal use and by the way roger it's our right to petition the
government for redress of grievance they're trying to act like questioning elections is criminal
they're trying to act like wanting pardons is criminal they want to outlaw the republican party
and populist movement they've said we have to reprogram we have to attack we have to imprison
trump supporters which means americans we're going to go to break and again there's several clips
and you look at him you can't even see roger's lips moving where he's walking around saying things
like well man trump's the worst you know possible president we could have ever uh had the worst
election ever he should have been impeached that's not the type of stuff that roger stone says
when you look at the videos it's weird you don't even see his mouth moving in the same sink so i
don't know what's going on this is bizarre this is next level and then roger is going to be hosting
uh the last 30 minutes of the transmission today please don't forget everybody's into iodine right
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lies of the new world order it's alex jones welcome back ladies and gentlemen i'm alex
jones your host and the last thing we want to see is blood on the street we want to see freedom
we want to see our republic taken back but the deep state knows they're losing and so they want
violence roger stone is riding shotgun with us here i want to play a clip of the washington
post put out their four page article four large print pages unprecedented where again the article
tells how he planned january 6 and how he's a bad guy with no proof then they have an exculpatory
clip where he's talking about it's a bad thing that happened at the capital bad for trump bad for
america yeah no kidding wish we got the 10 000 troops like trump asked for so out of a million
people a few hundred went and caused the problem so in the article they have the video that's
exculpatory but then they go look all over the news it's the proof that he was running the attack
from the hotel here it is all right well we're gonna start pulling our stuff together
thank god bless america all right very good we gotta check our troops let's pack right here
all those folks come you take them as soon as possible they want to get out of town how we can
get those here you come take this up you know i'm gonna play these off my phone because i don't
know why this happens and it's no big deal there's so many clips we get a little confused let let me
show everybody the clip i'm talking about um i'm gonna have to host the rest of the hour with with
roger because we've got to get these clips out this is important the 17 second clip i want is when
you go to the washington post article it's him walking around in the room in front of the tv
and he says this is terrible that this happened it's bad for trump it's bad for america and if it's
the last thing i do in my life we're gonna air that clip let's play the next clip of him in the car
though where he's got the thing up over his face it looks chopped it looks edited to me
and if you're going to do a deep fake you do it with a shot where the mouth is it completely clear
here it is i'm going to go public supporting impeachment i have no choice he has to go he has
to go run again you'll get your fucking brains beaten all right so roger you know the point is
is that i've seen a lot of attacks on me it's a lot of flat out news saying i said things i never said
uh but you've been one of the biggest supporters of the president out there you know i've heard you
frustrated before that he wouldn't fire people earlier like mcmasters and stuff but you've never
never said you want him impeached you fought against both illegal impeachments uh fraudulent
impeachments against the president and i've said repeatedly that he's the only candidate who can
win again in 2024 and i pledge my support to him this is what is known alex as a deep fake here's
the background these danish filmmakers approached me with financing from the danish government
seeking uh to do a documentary on my trial little did i know that they were spying on me
that they were taking uh photo screenshots of my phone screenshots of my computer screenshots
of the computers of folks who worked for me uh their goal is very simple i think the idea of my
teaming up with trump again in 2024 after they kept me off the battlefield in 2020 scares the
bejesus out of the left and the democrats that is what is known as a deep fake i never said those
things why would i i love donald trump i try to get him to run since 1988 i was prepared to do
seven to nine years in prison rather than bear false witness against him so the allegation against
me is entirely uh illogical uh it is meant to drive a wedge between the president and me uh
this is uh of course going to be met with legal action this documentary for which i have never
signed a release will never be seen in the united states that's why these butt hurt danish socialists
went running to the washington post who now wrapped this up one more time in an effort
a to take perfectly legal political activities and try to portray them in a sinister way to try
to get investigators into them and secondly to try to drive a wedge between me and the president i
love it's a fraud anybody who will look at it can see that is a fraud uh the other clip that you
refer to is absolutely true we went to washington to try to get a 10 day delay in the certification
of the election of joe biden so that the anomalies and the irregularities in arizona
michigan wisconsin nevada and pennsylvania and other states could be more carefully examined
those poor souls those misguided souls who stormed the capital destroyed what was a perfectly
legal political strategy and by the way we did find the clip there's 25 minutes of these and so
it's it's not the cruise fault i forgot before you came on to give them the clips i wanted so i've
been frantically running around since you were on getting these clips here's one of the clips that
they put out but then say that you were secretly behind the attack with steve bannon who you hate
so again none of this matches up with reality but they don't care here's the clip all right we're
gonna start pulling our stuff together all right very good uh no i think it's really bad for the
movement it's really this hurts it doesn't help i i don't i'm not sure what they thought they were
going to achieve boy i just wanted to get your so there's the evil mastermind uh right there roger
and i remember i talked to you and i said on record he was pissed off that you got your
speaking slot taken away when they asked you to come same with me we didn't care about that
and we came to try to fight election fraud and now they want to put us in jail and roger isn't
that what this means here with the roger stone tapes all over the news one of the there's a
major war going on and cnn's running promo pieces against me saying i'm the devil there's full page
four page things against you why are they so obsessed with us because to understand the
enemy's mind we need to understand this well they hate me because i've beaten them in so many
elections and if i'm involved in 2024 we will beat them again take back the country they hate you
because info wars is a beacon of truth uh in a sea of lies uh they would like nothing better than to
shut info wars down look i'm not ready to give up fighting i'll never give up fighting and this
latest assault uh it proves my whole point which is i was shocked by what happened at the capital
i do don't think that excuses the abuse of the current january six detainees i don't think
that you should be in security uh uh uh in uh solitary confinement 23 hours a day for trespassing
i don't think your food should be cold and laced with feces i don't think you should be subjected
to random beatings just because they feel like it i don't think you should be denied medical
attention if you need it i don't think you should be allowed due process uh in your attempts to
defend yourself those who've chosen to defend themselves are given access to a law library or
a or a uh well that's right if you don't plead guilty you're kept in solitary confinement now
for over a year a man was arrested uh in texas last year he's been held over 80 days with no
indictment no judge no nothing so literally throwing people in dungeons like north korea that is a
felony every day they do that past two weeks this is the criminal federal government right here
that says it all in that poor sob who killed himself last week i my heart goes out to him
and his family this is horrific but he was drove driven to take his own life because the actions of
the u.s. government this is a violation of the janeva conventions we treat terrorists and illegals
better than we are treating our own census our own citizens and where is mitch mcconnell hey
roger we gotta go to break you're gonna come back and host the next two segments incredible job
uh you're gonna get on even meet with trump a lot you got a lot of election news a lot of russian
news so much more we're going to break in 20 seconds what is roger stone gonna cover when we
come back we're gonna talk about the epic struggle for america and the fact that winning the next
election by republicans is not going to solve the repop the problem if we don't replace the
leadership i'm gonna lay out a plan to save this country it's coming right up all right
thank you great job crew will be right back has been noted by many a historian the first
casualty of war is the truth then the next big casualty isn't even the people that died
no that is very very follows but first there is the crackdown on populations basic liberty
and speech and massive censorship and now across the world from the united states to europe
the legislation is being introduced that if you amplify any quote pro russian information
you can be censored you can be arrested you can be imprisoned and of course now canada is
under this legislation that if you have a thought crime and they think you may have the intent to
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researchers and others coming public and and whistleblowers now their whole project is falling
apart because the people are aware that it is a world government corporate takeover and so it's
pulling back the curtain now more than ever the problem is some globalist controlled areas are
not going to give up on their takeover like canada but they've now declared a civil emergency and
martial law in ontario and other areas of the world are following suit like australia so pray
for these folks big time this is a very serious situation and stay tuned into info wars dot com
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i'm going to keep it at 50 off until it sells out get x3 right now exclusively at infowarstore.com
for 50 off leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
this is roger stone and this is the alex jones show feels great to be back in the saddle if you
want to know the truth and i'm grateful to alex jones for giving me the opportunity to clear the
air because needless to say after this attack by the washington post using a deep fake video
which incorrectly shows me criticizing the president i love rolling stone the business insider
all of the same phony non-news outlets people who pose as journalists but who really are
distortionists and propagandists jump on the story what is their goal well they kept me off the
battlefield in 2020 i think it's one of the reasons i must say that the president lost
and they'd like to keep me from helping him again in 2024 so they'd like to drive a wedge between
the president and i now it's certainly true that i've been critical of some of the president's
decisions i think he should have pardoned julien assange i think he should have pardoned
edward snowden the only crimes of those men was exposing the corruption of the deep state
i would not have appointed mike pompeo who despite the president's affection for him
is the man who laid the underpinnings for the russian collusion hoax when he said
julien assange was a foreign state actor no mr secretary he's not but you're responsible
for the russian collusion hoax in any event what i want to focus on in the last time we have left
is the epic struggle for america because unfortunately many americans believe that if
the republicans are successful in winning control of the us house and the us senate
that things will change unfortunately i don't believe that you see i don't think our problem
today uh is are the wacky screwball radical socialists who would literally cancel the us
constitution no i think the problem today are gutless feckless weak need uh self uh interested
lily livered white wine swelling country club belonging establishment republicans people who
are really only in politics to line their pockets and the pockets of their friends you see trumps
nomination in 2016 was essentially the hostile takeover of the republican party taking it away
from the country club republicans uh epitomized by the epically corrupt bush family uh and now
the real fight is within the republican party the real fight uh is going to be not in the
general election but in the primaries you see the the the stage is set for a great republican
revival the stage is set to retake the house and the senate but it depends on what kind of men and
women we elect in the primaries i should say select in the primaries for the general election
i was approached some time ago by a man named jackson law mire a pastor from oklahoma told
me he was running for the senate and he was running against james langford uh who's been
out in washington for 10 years my general impression of langford was that he was a
solid conservative i actually thought he was a good guy but that means i hadn't studied his
record very carefully here's what i found out on the morning of january 6 james langford was
prepared to object to the certification of the election of joe biden on the basis of fraud but
by the afternoon it was james langford who moved for the certification of joe biden's election
then senator langford apologized to black lives matter and the black community in tulsa saying
that his initial questions about the election outcome were racist this by the way is the same
james langford who said at the time that he was open to a third impeachment of donald trump
now i then took a closer look and realized that as a member of the senate intelligence committee
for four years james langford never once stood up in the defense of donald trump and called out
the russian collusion hoax as a member of the committee he surely knew that the steele dossier
was a fraud he surely knew that the so-called crowd strikes report had no proof whatsoever
that the russians had hacked the dnc and given the information to wiki leaks which then published it
those are two of the central pillars of the russian collusion hoax but where was james langford
oh i'll tell you where he was he was busy trying to take andrew jackson off the 20 bill he was
busy trying to cancel columbus day as a federal holiday which i as an italian-american find
extraordinarily offensive but he wants to replace it with juneteenth yes this is the same james
langford the junior senator from oklahoma who actually supports open borders who worked with
marco rubio and lindsey graham and others to open and give amnesty to those who came here illegally
and then give them citizenship so if you have the impression that james langford is some kind of
reliable conservative you're wrong he's a man who said donald trump was a poor role model for our
children no i think donald trump is the greatest president since abraham lincoln and the reason
they have attacked me so viciously particularly in this new round of attacks is because they fear
what we could do in 2024 together see i'm not going to give up despite the fact that i came this
close to a death sentence in a completely fabricated trial i have no intention of packing it in it's
so funny the washington post spent four whole pages attacking me on sunday but they've never
reported the fact that moller's entire report that was only released at court order actually
included the admission by moller that he'd found no evidence whatsoever of my involvement in russian
collusion wiki leaks collaboration or the theft and publication of john pedestrian emails the reason
that this comes to no public note in the washington post is because it proves that there was nothing
for me to lie about to congress the judge in my case specifically said you lied to cover up for
donald trump what was i covering up for there was nothing to cover up for she said you lied about a
matter of international importance but moller admits in his report that he had quote no factual
evidence that i had lied about anything pertaining to russian collusion or improper foreign interference
in the election that didn't stop the prosecutors in my case when we came to the sentencing portion
to say specifically that i had been involved in foreign interference in our election that's why
they were trying to give me seven to nine years essentially giving me extra prison time for crimes
that i had never even been charged with or convicted of i i think that it's time to have a house
cleaning in the republican party now what's going on in oklahoma to set the table is particularly
interesting not only is there a primary for the seat of senator james langford there is also a
primary and an election for the senator the senate seat of senator james inhoff james inhoff the senior
senator from oklahoma made his resignation clear weeks ago and his resignation will be effective
upon the selection of a successor that means both senate seats in oklahoma will be on the ballot
june 28th and in oklahoma if no candidate has 50 percent well then the top two vote getters
go to a runoff the good news is jackson lawmire political outsider pastor businessman and america
first republican now has a clear shot at james langford as the third candidate in that race senator
nathan dom a solid conservative endorsed by senator rand paul has switched to the inhoff race
this sets the stage for one of the greatest political upsets in american history so on the
other side we're going to have an interview with jackson lawmire the man i believe is on the cusp
of pulling off one of the greatest political upsets in american history in the meantime let me remind
you that we need your support here at info wars so if you haven't gone to the info wars store today
well now would be a great time to do so you see info wars is a beacon of freedom and i would have
no place to go today to tell you that the washington post has used insinuations path truths lies and
a deep fake video in an attempt to destroy me today we're there no info wars today there's no
place else i can tell you the truth folks on the other side one of the most dynamic young
conservatives in america a man i think who's going to pull off the greatest upset in american
political history it is going to begin the downfall of the rhinos jackson lawmire will be right back
it's hard to believe we're already into march 2022 and in the month of february we had a very popular
sale that was going of our flagship product x3 that has all three types of the amazing iodine
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of lasting durability anything that's really satisfying empowering and fulfilling is going to
be hard to attain and when it comes to information boy is that true today we see the entire global
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on its ashes their their transhumanist nightmare vision suppressing the voices of good people
all around the world and of doctors and scientists and engineers that are exposing all their lives
their covetous area their world's going to end in 2030 carbon tax global warming bull all of it
and none of it can succeed none of it can actually be carried out unless everybody is
silenced and gas lit that's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence
that's why it's hard to share in full wars links and band up video links that's why we've got to
share them now more than ever leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's
alex jones welcome back i'm roger stone and this is the alex jones show today we're going
rhino hunting i laid out for you why the upcoming primaries are crucial in terms of the future of
america now i want to introduce to you one of the leading america first candidates in the country
a man who i believe has an exceptional shot at the u.s senate who would uh who's endorsed by
general michael flinn i've endorsed him myself in full disclosure but joining us from tulsa oklahoma
is jackson law mire jackson welcome to the alex jones show hey hey mr stone thank you so much
for having me on and we love the alex jones show it's a real honor to be on today great i'm glad
to have you with us why don't you tell us the circumstances under which you decided to take
this uphill race for the u.s senate on yeah you know i've never been into politics in the sense
of never ran for office i passed her a church in tulsa i own a business in a waso but last year i
was so frustrated with what was happening in our country especially on january the 6th when i saw
james langford cave like an absolute coward on national television i was griping to my wife
about the state of the country and she kept pushing you know she said you need to run you need to run
against langford and i wasn't a big fan of it because i didn't really know what it would look
like to run a statewide race but then all of a sudden everything changed when i was doing an
interview kind of like this with anvander still uh general michael flinn saw that interview
and he liked what he saw and he gave me a call and he said you're going to run and you're going
to win and i said uh yes sir and so that got me into the race and we have just been doing
exceedingly well ever since i mean you've seen some of our rallies we have huge rallies
all throughout the state of oklahoma people just show up in droves we've had
nearly 7 000 individuals donate to the campaign and the reason this movement is having such success
is because it's a movement that's going to put america first that's the biggest problem we have
is like you mentioned it's not the crazy democrats who are honest with us it's the weak corrupt
spineless republicans who never put america first and i believe that if we will sweep the
board in 2022 with america first patriots in the house and the senate we can change some things
but if we just select same old same old republicans nothing's going to change
so let's say that you were in the united states senate give us some idea of the agenda that you
would pursue what do you think the most important issues are in the country and what would you do
about them yeah so i have three short term goals that immediately upon being sworn in
day one i'll be releasing legislation this will be bill one to cut off all federal funding
to any school district in america that teaches critical race theory we cannot have this in
our country this is the united states of america we do not want to teach racism and indoctrinate
kids with racism we cannot have crt being taught that's day one bill one day one bill two i will
also be releasing legislation that will ban chinese nationalists from being able to purchase
american farmland mr. stone this is a major problem in the state of oklahoma alone not the
united states just the state of oklahoma over 300 000 acres of oklahoma farmland has been purchased
not by asian americans but by red communist chinese nationalists american farmland belongs to americans
we cannot have that so that's day one bill two and then on day one i will join forces with rand paul
in the senate to bring about justice to anthony fouchi anthony fouchi is a mass murderer and
anthony fouchi needs to be fired arrested and convicted of crimes against humanity and it's
very sad that senator rand paul is nearly the only one on the republican side in the senate
that is going after anthony fouchi and so i have pledged to go after him and then obviously you know
i've been open and honest about this in the united states senate i will support a bag of chips
before i support mitch mcconnell to be the leader of the republicans in the senate we've
got to have an america first leader and mitch mcconnell is not america first i think that's
exactly right now you first came to my attention when i read about your efforts to keep your church
open uh in the face of a of a massive mask mandate and shut down ordered by the city of
tulsa tell us about that well you know as early on in march when things nobody knew what was going
on we had the models that said 2.2 million americans were going to die and the pcr test that had
highly inflated the rate of what people actually had covid and everyone was panicking so we decided
to make an adjustment we were going to do drive-in church services i would preach from the roof of
the church and we do drive-in church services well the mayor of tulsa he was not a big fan of that
so he signed an executive order on friday before our first drive-in church service banning all
public gatherings of more than five people and so the tulsa police called me they said hey you can't
do drive-in church on sunday the mayor is not happy if you do it you could be arrested and i
gathered my church staff and i just said hey uh we weren't doing this to be rebels we were doing
this to make an adjustment for our church but if they want to arrest me they'll have to come to the
roof of this church in order to do it so we had drive-in church nothing happened the mask mandate
came they tried to force that upon us we had a policy at the church called common sense if you
want to wear the mask you could have you didn't you didn't have to i threatened to sue the city
and uh they backed off very quickly so we fought as a church we fought and then since then
yet the vaccine mandates that have come through i have personally signed over 55 000 covid 19
religious exemption forms for people all across the country and if somebody is watching right now
and they're in a situation where their employer is requiring them to be vaccinated and for whatever
reason they do not want to be they can go to my website jacksonlawmire.com and they can download
the free covid 19 religious exemption form itself thousands of people across the country
now because i'm a political junkie and i follow this i saw that one of the congressman
mark wane mullen announced that he was going to be seeking the us senate seat that seems to me
that it opens up the second district seat in eastern oklahoma and then i was very pleased
to learn that the current republican state chairman john bennett who's endorsed your campaign
most courageously for the us senate has announced his candidacy for the house tell us a little
bit about john bennett if you can well you know john bennett is a total warrior he did something
that has never happened in the state of oklahoma before john bennett was elected the chairman of
the oklahoma republican party back in april of last year and john promised that he was going to
cleanse the house of the biggest problem in the republican party which is rhinos and so john began
fighting and john did something like i said it's never been done before he endorsed me in the primary
it's never happened before that a party chairman in the state of oklahoma for the republican party
endorses a candidate in a primary but john had the courage he had the integrity to do the right
thing now he took tremendous hell for doing it i mean they putting through hell for doing that
but he withstood it he came out stronger because of it and now he's running for the united state
congress and i can tell you mr stone you know this probably better than anybody they do not want a
lawn mire and bennett in washington dc one in the senate one in the house i'm telling you they don't
want it all the reason more we got to get there well the thing that's impressed me most about
john bennett was he was the first state legislature i think among a handful of state legislatures
to endorse john trump for president as early as 2015 or uh this is a an enormous act of courage
where the republican establishment was voting for bush republican ted cruise who by the way
endorsed backstabbing rhino the most i would say anti-trump republican in the caucus james
langford several days ago i must say i've seen firsthand the grassroots campaign that you are
building i've never seen thousands of people show up for rallies i've never seen a campaign
where six thousand people have contributed to your campaign 95 percent of them from the state
of oklahoma so in the in the very little time we have left tell people how they can support
your campaign where can they go yeah so then go to my website jacksonlawmire.com now mr stone you
know this my last name is a little tricky it took you a while to know how to say it it was some say
laymeyer lemire it's law mire but if you can't remember how to spell law mire that's okay you can
go to jacklaw.us it'll redirect you to jacksonlawmire.com you can see all the great things that
are happening within our campaign what we're all about and you can also join the movement
by financially supporting what we're doing you may not be able to be on the ground in
oklahoma to fight but you can help fund the fight by going to jacklaw.us jacklaw.us
all right very good thank you very much jackson law mire thanks once again to alex jones for
letting us sit in and the final segment of the alex joneshow let me also remind you that you
can go to stonedefensefund.com stonedefensefund.com and help me in my never-ending struggle
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jakeham in ohio welcome go ahead hey how's it going alex good
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the only way i get sleep anymore with all the gaslighting moralization and absurdity it's
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