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Filename: 20220301_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 1, 2022
3510 lines.

In his speech, Alex Jones discusses political persecution, particularly focusing on the January 6th protests and mistreatment of detainees. He criticizes mainstream media for false information about him and calls for Trump's support in legal defense. Additionally, he promotes various products at InfowarsStore.com and encourages listeners to support Info Wars. The speaker covers topics like political climate, globalist takeover agenda, mass formation psychosis, central bank digital currencies, Reset Wars course, emphasizing on staying informed, supporting truth-seeking websites, taking action, and using creative energy for positive change. He also promotes products such as Winter Sun, Brain Force Ultra, X3, Down & Out, Alpha Power to enhance physical and mental well- being.

It's Tuesday, March 1st, the year is 2022, and the world is truly on the verge not just
of a global planetary war, but we're already in the midst of a financial, planetary, designed
implosion by a handful of private central banks that have issued quadrillions in fake
currency to consolidate and buy up control of almost all resources in the world.
They need global crises.
They need excuses, smoke screens, for the events that are now already unfolding.
If amongst it, the inflation moving towards hyperinflation and then the dreaded artificial
stagflation where you have a depression in the production of goods and a depression in
the general economy with its shrinking, while prices massively increase at the same time.
It was thought to be impossible until the 1970s when the private Federal Reserve was
actually able to artificially create it.
Now moving on to Russia, pulling back in a real politic, Henry Kissinger worldview,
that doesn't mean I agree with Henry Kissinger, I'm saying looking at it, for the prism of
the sociopaths.
Putin has been pushed into this with NATO expansion and with all these different world
leaders and all the different TV and news programs and members of the House and members
of the Senate and Joe Biden as a presidential candidate and Joe Biden as president saying
Russia is evil, Putin is evil, he's a thug, he's a criminal, we're gonna crush him.
We gotta fight him over there in Ukraine and fight him over there in Eastern Europe and
the Balkans and the Baltic states instead of fighting him here in America and blaming
every facet of American life and every problem that goes on in the country and every cultural
struggle on Putin and that's not just done here, it's done around the world.
Look at what just transpired in Canada in the last month where mainstream news and the
government itself said with no evidence that Vladimir Putin and the Russians were controlling
the truck drivers and if you go on Twitter or Instagram or even mainstream corporate
news everywhere, they're saying arrest Alex Jones, arrest Roger Stone, arrest Donald Trump,
they work for Putin and then they take the audio of Trump being sarcastic on a show last
week about oh look how wonderful you know Putin is with his peacekeepers, he's gonna
keep the peace and he's being completely sarcastic and went on to say Biden totally
acted weak and precipitated this invasion with the horrible pullout in Afghanistan but
they edited it and then put it on the nightly news and on other programs and on comedy shows
deceiving the American people that Trump is supporting Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
They are parlaying this global crisis into domestic control not just here, not just in
Canada, not just in the UK, but all over Europe.
The EU and Germany are announcing, we're gonna cover this next segment with myself
and I'll destroy her, that the mere potential pre-crime of a thought crime like sharing
an article from Russia, if you might do it well then you're gonna be shut down, you're
gonna be censored and of course they didn't extend that to the ADL's list of everything
else, don't criticize transgenderism in children, being pushed on children, don't criticize
election fraud, don't criticize open borders, they're gonna use this conflict with Russia
as the pretext to come after all their domestic opposition across the world with legislation
to literally turn the world into a giant authoritarian gulag where you're arrested,
disappeared, de-platformed, de-banked, if you even question any of the official orthodoxy.
This is a horrible situation, we're all in, we'll be right back on the other side, infowars.com,
tomorrow's news today.
I've been on air more than 25 years and long before I started selling high quality vitamin
D3 eight years ago, I've been promoting people taking vitamin D3 because it is essential
and if you're not getting sunshine every single day, whether you're black or white or Hispanic,
it doesn't matter, your body will be susceptible and wide open to so many of the threats that
are out there.
It's just like you need oxygen, you die in four minutes without oxygen, you die in five
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D3, this is the best quality out there and it funds the info war, 50% off.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance, live from Austin, Texas,
you're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've got to tell you that every day when I look at my news desk
and all the stacks and all the stories, it's pretty overwhelming, pretty groundbreaking
information we cover here at Info Wars, but it seems like every day it just keeps mounting
and reaching new levels.
From World War III to deadly vaccines, you can only get the truth right here at infowars.com
and band.video.
An incredible time to be alive, an incredible time to be a part of this great team here
at Info Wars, all built by you and the audience and Alex Jones telling the truth for years
and now the saying Alex Jones was right is a household cliché.
Well, Alex is trying to take some time off, but how can you with World War III and deadly
vaccines poisoning our planet, he's on the phone with me now, Alex, where do you want
to begin?
We've got huge news coming out of Ukraine, we've got huge news coming out today about
the vaccines that they're trying to cover up, all of this ahead of the State of the Union
address tonight, which I mean, is Biden even going to be able to make it?
Has he had a public appearance that hasn't been a fumbling, bumbling embarrassment?
Alex Jones on the phone line, what's the top story for you today, Alex?
Well, that's right, a lot of people are going to ask me, what are you doing taking a few
days off in the middle of this war and I promised my daughter and I promised others that I was
going to take at least some time off because I've been working 15, 16, 18 hours a day,
I'm not complaining, it's gotten so intense that I've hit basically burnout and when that
happens, I've got to at least disconnect some and go out of town or again, I've been working
upwards of 20 hours a day, Saturday and Sunday or 20 hours, at least each day, so it's about
And so before I have a breakdown, I just had to go ahead and go forward with this trip
that was already planned over a month ago, so here we are, ladies and gentlemen, a lot's
going on, a lot's happening, all of you are going to be doing a great job, along with
the rest of the amazing crew and our guests and everybody else, but let me just get this
out here.
We need the 35,000 foot view on all of this and understand that the globalists started
the war with Russia, the globalists, so we got to fight them over there and not hear
the globalists invaded all of these countries in the last 20 plus years on the most flimsy
of pretext and now they're moving weapons up to the Russian border and so what else
was Putin going to do?
And I want to be clear, I'm not a Putinite, I'm not a Russophile, I've never been to
Russia but I have studied the history and I don't like what Putin's done, I think he's
I think this war is terrible, I'm a known anti-war person, I've been against every single one
of these wars, Gulf War I, Gulf War II, the bombing of Serbia and Belgrade that happened
twice with the Clintons, for like a month bombing them with DU bombs, blowing up hundreds
of buildings, a thousand total, but hundreds of big ones killing tens of thousands of people.
This is the reality of what's been going on and I've been against all those wars right
through today and I'm against what Putin's done as well but this is designed by the social
engineers to make us choose the side and so they can also bring an incredible authoritarian
censorship in Europe, Australia, the US, Canada and the legislation's introduced in
Europe, the EU saying they may do it without even having a law passed to not just ban RT
and spot in a tough TV on the internet and block it in Europe but now to block and censor
anybody that shares it and that is just insane, I share stuff that Kim Jong-un says and the
Ping says I don't like them, I see them as major threats but the bigger threat is the
people running us and controlling us, they're starting all these wars that are openly trying
to train us and condition us to accept authoritarianism and so any authoritarianism of Putin is
nothing when his economy is not very big, he's not a very big population, he's the
biggest country in the world, they do have nuclear weapons but I don't believe he's
going to expand throughout all of Ukraine, I think he doesn't want Ukraine, does he
can't hold Ukraine, he does want to have a new government put in, probably a puppet
government to replace the West, the puppet government but we have to understand the byproduct
of this is the control and the witch hunts and the attacks on our freedom here with
part three of the whole Russia gay hoax where anybody that opposes globalist policies must
be a Putin agent, like they blame the truckers in the last month saying they're Putin agents
with no evidence and the bigger piece of that internationally is China openly saying they're
getting ready to go into Taiwan, the head of their navy, threatening the US to blow
us up or chop our fingers off is the quote basically, he says we'll get burned or cut
our fingers off, except he's bloody nose in their parlance if we get involved and so
the globalists are smart on the top, they have incompetence as the managers that they
controls, they can burn them or blame them when they want, the State Department is literally
a bunch of drug addict, pedophile, trash, I know folks that have guarded them all over
the world, two thirds of them are on a bunch of psychotropic drugs and other drugs, completely
out of their minds, but the globalist above them destroyed Trump's plan to leave Afghanistan
and have it be a good exit to entice Russia and others to make their moves because the
globalists want the destabilization, they want part two of the great reset, they want
economies to collapse, they want currencies, the spiral out of control and media value
because at that international level, again, they want the post-industrial world.
So I've been saying for two years, after the whole virus scare, there'll be war, there'll
be cyber attack, there'll be power outages, I've been like a parrot saying it, I don't
just make a bunch of predictions folks, I make specific predictions, the same one's
over and over again, so we have it on record when it comes true and how do I know all this?
How do I know war is next, how do I know devaluation of currencies next, how do I know famines
next because it's in the playbook of Operation Lockstep and the Club of Rome and the CFR
and the World Trade Organization and the IMF and the World Bank and the International
Bank of Settlements, all I do, all I do is read their documents and then I'm totally
frustrated with talk shows, it's hard to even get to it all, but people are finally discovering
these clips, they're discovering these conferences, they're discovering the webs of connections,
they're discovering how the World Economic Forum is the organizational mouthpiece of
this system and people are discovering that these global elites are out to get the Russians,
they're out to get the Chinese, they're out to get the Americans, they're out to get the
Mexicans, they're out to get the Canadians, they're out to get the Brazilians, they're
out to get the Japanese, they're out to get everybody, our children, their future, they
quote post-human, post-industrial world, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, looking forward
to the end of humanity.
This is a transhumanist, anti-human cult, they're probably run by aliens, I don't know
that, I don't speculate, I just know they talk like collaborators that have made a deal
with some type of off-world operation to literally terraform the planet where humans can't live
on it, take everything over and tell us that the end of humanity is here.
So that's the big picture, and I'm not enemies of all the stupid left, and all the right
wing fools that are neocons and people, they're just minions of the system that choose a side
and try to be powerful within the system, but when the system itself is trying to destroy
you, you've got to simply pull out of the system and build a new one.
And so that's the reality here today, oh, I know you've got a lot to cover and a lot
to go over, but they always cover up one crisis, and one thing they've done with the bigger
crisis, and we've been asking the question for two years, as it comes out that this virus
was made in the lab, which is confirmed now, as it comes out, they released it on purpose,
as it comes out that they launched all these attacks, as it comes out that the vaccine
is in the vaccine, the deadly gene therapy, the race of your immune system, it gives you
cancer and blood clots, they would have a new, bigger crisis to turn the page.
I said that probably a thousand times in the last 700 days or so, 800 days since this started,
and now here we are with the next chapter, the war.
And they greenlit publicly.
We don't know there were secret meetings with Putin and Klaus Schwab in Kissinger, but you
can see it telegraphed to the Chinese and the Russians that, hey, the globalists want
a war, they want a new diversion, they want a new cover story for massive monetization,
massive money printing, and crackdowns on freedom worldwide.
It helps all these governments, the virus helped all these governments power grab.
The virus was just the beginning, now war helps all the governments power grab, whether
it's Chinese, Russian, US, Canadian, it doesn't matter.
And so they telegraphed to Putin that he could invade, Biden said, just don't take
the whole country and we won't respond.
And so he invaded, and that's because the deal was made publicly in front of everyone
and it's just two life changing, life empowering products are now back in stock after being
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The globalist social engineers always intended to push their COVID biomedical tyranny lockdowns
until the populations rebelled, they would then use that as the pretext for permanent
martial law and banning and arresting anybody that speaks out against their lives.
But because of so many scientists and engineers and researchers and others coming public and
whistleblowers, now their whole project is falling apart because the people are aware
that it is a world government corporate takeover and so it's pulling back the curtain now more
than ever.
The problem is some globalist controlled areas are not going to give up on their takeover.
Like Canada, they've now declared a civil emergency in martial law in Ontario and other
areas of the world are following suit like Australia.
So pray for these folks big time, it's a very serious situation and stay tuned into infowarstore.com
because truth is absolutely paramount.
With the world awakening, I think it was important that we were right to prevent them right
now, take advantage of this moment and I have an idea of what everybody can do, what every
listener can do.
I think it would be powerful and effective for us to hang the banners over highways, imagine
a champagne or a piece of a layout made up that says Alex Jones is right, infowarstore.com
brother, I'm so glad you called elaborate on this, yes, now is the time in your small
town or your big city to write something on the bathroom wall or to put a sticker on your
car or banner hangs over highways and it will be a chain reaction.
What do you recommend people say on these banner hangs?
I have a few ideas.
First of all, help just as much as possible to form a rest out, rest out, swap, the vaccine
is poison.
There's tons of things.
I say to keep it short, keep it concise.
No, I agree, arrest Fauci, arrest Bill Gates, the COVID-vaxx is poison, beautiful.
Yeah, there's ways that we could all be involved if we could all be affected, so that's what
I'm calling about.
God bless you Chris.
In Atlanta, I really, really appreciate you calling us today.
Thank you so much.
Jacob in Ohio, welcome, go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
The bug.
Great last caller.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplements, it's basically the only
way I get to sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, the moralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone, man.
All right, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, thanks for taking my call.
If I could, I just want to throw a quick plug out for one of the products.
The X2 does wonders.
They recommend it to everybody.
You're on the fence about it.
Get off the fence, get the product, support the info board.
Tyler in Maine, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, it's great to be on with you.
It's an honor.
Honored to talk to you.
The first thing I wanted to do was say I love the products, Alpha Power, even at 29, if
you ask my better half, she loves it and it helps with the bedroom.
So just number one for a few of you.
I like that one, it works, it's not a joke.
Ladies and gentlemen, do not take these transmissions
for granted.
You see the state of the world, you see the state of our politics and you have to understand
the globalist, the world economic forum are going for broke.
And for them now to say, you're not even allowed to hear from Russia, you're not only allowed
to hear from Russian ambassadors, you're not allowed to hear from Russian media, you're
not allowed to hear from Putin, that is a dangerous concept and it means they're coming
for us and you next.
Whether you like Putin or hate him, you want to know what he's thinking, what he's saying
in these important times and now they're trying to shut that down.
So Alex, I mean this just shows the digital communication gulags are a huge threat to
humanity and they're obviously afraid of whatever Putin is doing and saying because
they don't want the world to know it as he's going deeper into Ukraine.
Well that's right.
I want to be very, very clear about this, just pull back and say, let's be neutral
on Putin, let's be neutral on the US, let's be neutral on Ukraine and just look at the
That's been a proxy war for eight years that George Soros brags, you overthrew it and that
then Russia invaded and took over several large areas of the country in the east and
the south for the last several years, what is it now, seven, eight years.
And so that's been unfolding for that long.
And so why did this happen suddenly now that Trump leaves office and then comes by, well
we know on record, the State Department's had to confirm this.
Trump just told Putin, I'll bomb Moscow if you attack Kiev.
And he also told Xi Jinping to his face, if you go into Taiwan, we will go to the nuclear
He told Kim Jong-un that as well, if he kept firing the missiles, we were going to nuke
them, he set it on TV, fired fury.
And so that's the truth.
And now the globalists with their puppet Biden said, no, just go ahead and take part
of the country.
Just don't take it all and we're not going to militarily counter you.
That then got Putin to commit.
Now that Putin's committed and moved to the country, the left is all we need to have Ukraine
join the Euro.
We need to have Ukraine join NATO right now, which would be a total act of war with Russia.
So again, they wanted to create this crisis so they could play it out and use it for a
long time and as a pretext for domestic crackdowns all over the Western world and to silence
their opposition.
So the EU has announced, the UK is announcing Australia, Canada, and it's all over the news
here that now we've got a crackdown on disinformation.
Anybody that questions the official narrative from NATO on Russia, and that is so incredibly
Ladies and gentlemen, so let me read to you just one example of what's going on.
Here's a story that is on infowars.com.
It's titled Canadian Bill with Banned Suspected Intent to Commit Hate Speech Online.
No, this is a minority report with Tom Cruise.
They're saying if AI thinks you might engage in hate speech, which you get just a few years
ago wasn't the law in Canada, but now if you criticize a group or say you don't like communism
or say that you're concerned about Klaus Schwab, even members of parliament are shut
down in the Canadian parliament when they bring up quote, hate speech, which is always
being expanded to everything you can imagine, not just the OK sign, but now Hong Kong is
how Hitler and people need to be arrested.
Now the Canadian flag is Hitler, now not wearing a mask is Hitler, and people say this doesn't
make sense.
It's crazy.
No, no, no, no.
It's the enemy on whatever thing it is they're power grabbing, whatever it is they're taking
from you.
And then you point out, well, wait a minute, so many of these people are the grandkids
of real Nazis, Klaus Schwab and Kristia Freeland and all the rest of them, and oh, that's hate
speech too.
That's Hitler too.
And then Putin actually says, well, a lot of the Western Ukrainians are Nazis, and they
actually are leftovers from a Nazi party.
Oh, that's horrible, says the ADL.
You're not supposed to say that, even though it's true.
So that's the reality.
Don't call a real Nazi like Soros or some of the Western Ukrainians a Nazi, or you'll
get censored, you'll get in trouble.
This is the new tyranny.
When you read this article on Infowars.com, with a straight face, for those of this legislation
to preemptively take everybody off the Internet and ban people and create an Internet ID system
able to go online, that's what the Communist Chinese have tried to put in place.
This is all part of the global social credit score.
It's all part of the control grid, and it's not coming.
It's here.
And Canada is the beta test for what they want to roll out worldwide.
So is Australia, where they also pass in an emergency session legislation to preemptively
stop people criticizing lockdowns.
And what did Biden put in his national terrorism directive of June of last year, that questioning
lockdowns is white supremism, white supremism is terror.
Now that makes no sense.
It's like saying a banana is a spaceship, or a potato is a rocket launcher, or a gun
is a sandwich.
It doesn't matter because this is their authoritarianism.
This is their program.
And they're attacking free, innocent, hardworking, good people of the West, the globalist are.
So they must have something that makes us all suspect so we can all be bad and be the
So now we all may have the deadly virus.
Now we all may be a white supremist.
Now we all may be a Russian agent.
And this is how they're closing in on us ahead of the total financial collapse and the universal
basic income, which will be just enough to live, but you must then follow every order
they say and be tracked in live time by your smartphone.
That's just phase one, phase two and plow the microchip.
This is all officially announced by Klaus Schwab.
So in closing, I'm going to hand the baton to Alan Schreuer.
We are in a battle with the globalist at point blank range.
We're winning.
People are seeing through their garbage, their whole vaccine rollout.
Their whole COVID power grab blew up in their face.
This whole Ukraine thing is blowing up in their face on both sides and Putin's face
and the globalist sides and competency of these governments is coming out.
And we need to stay on air now more than ever.
So people are ready for the truth listeners, but we need the financing to stay on air.
Plus we have great products.
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The flash sale for a turbo force 50% off will end today because we're only down to a few
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So get a book, get a film, get a t-shirt, get your storeable food is ready to ship to
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That's one of the few ways you can actually beat inflation.
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So info or store.com or triple A 253-31-39 and oh and I hope when you come back you'll
actually read this article on air.
I know you've got a lot to cover, but people need to see the thought crime law they're
trying to pass in Canada that is beyond even North Korea or communist China where AI watches
you in live time and simsters you in blockchain before you even post because of an algorithm
it has of who you are and what you're doing.
This is beyond science fiction.
This is actually happening so everybody will keep us on air at info or store.com.
People can also call toll free and we're over the phone, triple A 253-31-39, triple A 253-31-39.
We have still an underage.
We are still in the red right now that we've dug out of the hole some thanks for all your
We do not want info wars to have to cut people back.
We do not want info wars to have to declare some type of limited bankruptcy.
We really need all of your support, ladies and gentlemen, to keep them for wars on the
So God bless.
I'm going to hand a baton to Owen Schreuer.
Remember, if you don't share the articles, nobody will.
If you don't speak up, nobody will.
If you don't pray for awakening, nobody will.
I don't want Schreuer to lie about this.
I stay on air selling high quality products that you need, that you want, and that you're
going to be happy with.
That's why you come back and buy products from me again.
It's a symbiotic relationship.
I promote liberty.
I promote freedom.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Owen Troyer, you're listening to the
Alex Jones show.
I just look at all this news on my desk and if you guys give me a dot cam, every single
but not just every single article that I have in front of me, do I have deep important commentary
to get into, each one of these stacks that all ties together will frame where we're at
now as humans on this planet and where we're going.
If we can't change the tide, us, freedom loving, God fearing citizens of this planet.
So let me just give you the layout and then as Alex requested, I will read this whole
article, Canadians, Canadian bill would ban suspected intent to commit hate speech online.
So not even a crime.
So this is minority report, this is the future crime unit, but that's not even a fair analysis.
This is just the globalist and the radical left communists occupying America, occupying
Canada, this is just their excuse to persecute and arrest or disappear anybody that they
want to.
That's what this is really about.
It's not about hate speech.
It's not about censorship.
It's about they want to be able to disappear you.
Now let me just tell you everything we got here.
I've got all the latest updates out of Ukraine and Russia and then it appears now there's
developments going on in Taiwan.
What does that mean?
I've got this big stack over here and quite frankly, the frustration is that everything
that I can cover over here about COVID and the vaccine, we've already covered.
We've been covering for two years, but now it's just mainstream accepted news with new
studies that have just come out, Pfizer having to release their documents, everything we've
been reporting is now 100% confirmed from the vaccines killing people or now what they
call vaccine aides, vades to the masks never worked, the lockdown crashed the economy.
It's just they're admitting all of it and they want you to forget about that as it
all comes out and only think about Putin or only think about Ukraine, not thinking about
all the crimes against humanity in the name of COVID that have been done to this planet,
not to think about the crimes that have been done to you and this country by our bureaucrats,
by our health officials, by our government, by our politicians, they want you to forget
about all of that and just look into whatever it is they're telling you about Ukraine.
But how are they going to cover up now?
How are they going to cover up now these deadly vaccines?
How are they going to cover up now all the lies and everything they told about COVID?
Or maybe people will just move on and give up until the next deadly pandemic comes to
crush us just a little bit more.
But I'm telling you, folks, the latest studies that have just come out, it confirms all of
our worst analysis, meaning the worst case scenario with these vaccines, it confirms
all of it.
And they can try to argue it away.
They can try to flush it down the toilet.
They can try to act like it doesn't exist.
Pfizer and Moderna and all of these vaccine manufacturers are in big, big trouble.
And I guess the only hopes that the big pharmaceutical medical industrial complex has is that some
sort of a World War scenario will distract from their crimes, distract from the deadly
vaccines and make people forget so that they would never be held accountable.
I want you to understand how real this is.
I have friends that took this vaccine.
I listened to talk radio show hosts that took this vaccine and they're panicked now.
They weren't panicked when we first reported this stuff.
They weren't panicked when we've been breaking this news for years.
They weren't panicked when I warned them not to take it.
The information is so overwhelming.
The studies are so overwhelming now.
I mean, here's one name I'm sure you heard of Dan Bongino covering it yesterday saying,
hey, I took this vaccine.
I'm reading these studies.
Is this thing going to kill me now?
That's not fun.
Now why did that happen?
Well, because the establishment and the media ran their fear mongering, the corrupt medical
industrial complex run by Big Pharma told doctors vaccines are the only answers.
And so, oh, you have a preexisting condition.
Oh, you're unhealthy.
Oh, you've had cancer.
Oh, you've had this.
Oh, you've had that.
They say, you better take that vaccine.
Even if it's against their own will and their own wishes, they get scared into taking that
And now here they are a year later looking at these studies saying the vaccine is going
to potentially give them cancer or a heart problem and kill them and they're freaked out.
My intent is not to freak anybody out.
In fact, I mean, I almost feel bad.
It's not the same level of sharing sad or bad information with someone like, you know,
you've got to go to the family and say, hey, the heart surgery didn't take, he's gone or
hey, you know, we tried to save him after the car accident, we couldn't or telling somebody
they've got a terminal illness that they've just been diagnosed with.
It's not quite that direct because it's not the interpersonal communication.
But I mean, no, this is pretty serious stuff that I'm sorry you have to hear from Info
Wars because nobody else will say it.
Now, I can't really say no one else will say it because that's not true.
Other people are now reporting it.
And Dr. Peter McCullough, I mean, this guy is a hero.
Dr. Peter McCullough is a hero.
And he is doing hours and hours and hours and hours of interviews on any platform that
will give him the time of day, no matter how big, no matter how small.
And he's warning people, here's in the vaccines, here's the studies, here's the reports, here's
the data, everything.
He gets it.
He's like, yeah, this is cataclysmic.
You might want to know about this.
He's in red alert mode, warning people about this as his duty as a doctor.
Probably literally wakes up, does 30 interviews, and goes to bed.
And just shows the data, shows the science, shows the studies, and it's so overwhelming
now that everybody's starting to get it.
And then you've got the State of the Union address tonight and all the details regarding
I mean, it's just, honestly, it's just so overwhelming.
And I've got more.
Roger Stone has breaking news, so it's like, it's so over the top at this point.
There is no real proper way to cover it than to just sit down, accept this as the State
of the world, and just tell you the truth about what's going on.
So I don't like to have to be up here as the tip of the spear for truth and resistance
to the New World Order, diagnosing the planet with a terminal illness known as globalism
or the World Economic Forum or the Great Reset.
But there it is, there's your diagnosis.
Civilization as we know it has a terminal illness.
It's called the Great Reset.
It's called globalism, and we need to stop it now.
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The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons
and chemicals added to the food, it's all come out.
And they're doing that not because we're weak, but because we're made the image of
God, the Creator, and we are powerful.
And the social engineers fear that so much.
That's why I repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up
with the boy, is it true?
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all their propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural
death because they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on to the
God of this world who is a loser.
And that's why it's so important that everybody keep them full wars in the air now more than
Because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting and setting
up is safe and we are opposing the one world government and the mark of the beast they
just announced.
It has been noted by many a historian, the first casualty of war is the truth.
And the next big casualty isn't even the people that die, no, that invariably follows.
But first there is the crackdown on populations, basic liberty and speech and massive censorship.
And now across the world, from the United States to Europe, legislation is being introduced
that if you amplify any quote pro-Russian information, you can be censored, you can
be arrested, you can be imprisoned.
And of course now Canada is under this legislation that if you have a thought crime and they
think you may have the intent to engage in hate speech online, that you will be censored
and arrested.
Ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around
the world against humanity that makes them full wars dot com more important than ever.
Using a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
So here's the deal, I need like a three hour college lecture type of platform and presentation
today to really accurately and fully cover all this information.
But I've got Roger Stone coming up with breaking news, I've got a great guest coming up in
the third hour, Jake Ducey, and I've got to deal with these radio breaks.
So what I might do is really just get into all of this on the war room today and just
kind of parse through the more important stuff now on the Alex Jones show during these segments,
but then really do like the college lecture three hour long, just full dissertation of
all this information that we have in front of me.
So I'm going to come back in the short segment and read this whole interview about thought
crime, future crime units being rolled out in Canada like Minority Report that's happening.
But let me do this right now, because this is just too important not to cover.
And so is this Ukraine news, quite frankly.
There's just so much of it, it's overwhelming.
I mean, like I'm literally sitting here with the crew like, you know, what do we do?
Because we're on TV stations, we're on radio stations, and it's like, we need a full three
hours of broadcast.
And we do light commercial breaks.
And we wouldn't pay the bills without them and without our radios and TV syndicates
and everything.
But it's just, the problem is you don't hear this anywhere else.
So there's a burden to make sure all of it gets out there for the public to hear.
Now, let me just focus and actually cover this.
So we're now getting the data on the vaccines and it's not good.
Pfizer vaccine far less effective in five to 11 year olds, latest data shows.
But no, it's not effective in anybody.
The vaccine doesn't work for any age group.
It's a total failure.
And in fact, I mean, folks, it's like injecting yourself with cancer.
And that's not me saying it.
That's doctors.
That's the data.
So here's the big study that I gave to the crew that I want them to put on the screen
that has doctors panicking and talk show hosts panicking that took the vaccine.
I mean, they're literally like, what is going on?
What is inside of me?
I was lied to, I'm ticked off as you should be from MD PI.
Here's the study.
Intracellular reverse transcription of Pfizer bio in tech, COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, BNT 162
B2 in vitro and human liver cell line.
That's the name of the study.
Now, it's a very long report, very scientific in the presentation and the verbiage and everything.
And I'm going to try my best to put it into layman's terms.
But pretty much everything that we've been warning about this vaccine for more than a
year now is 100% confirmed.
It's causing all kinds of heart problems.
It's causing Guillain beret.
Really it's just like, it's like Russian roulette with a chemical cocktail that could
cause one of a hundred different problems to you and you never know when it might happen.
Now they were giving out saline solutions in a lot of the shots, which had people asking
Well, maybe that's because they didn't want everyone to just straight up die in the next
20 years that took this vaccine because it would be too obvious.
Now imagine if we knew this at InfoWars, if the doctors we had on as guests knew this,
am I supposed to believe that the CDC and the FDA and the vaccine manufacturers didn't
know this, and then the one piece of evidence that I would have to be presented to confirm
or deny that would be the leaked PowerPoint slides from, I believe it was Pfizer or maybe
it was the FDA.
I can't recall who it is exactly right now.
But the leaked PowerPoint slides that said, here's all the side effects of the vaccine.
Yeah, it was the FDA.
Thank you.
Here's all the side effects of the vaccine.
This was October 2020 before they rolled it out.
And here's all the side effects, very common, including death.
Did they tell you about that?
No, they covered it up.
Did they roll out the vaccine anyway?
They sure did.
And now the VAERS reporting website, the Vaccine Adverse Reaction website, has confirmed
at least 20,000 dead from the vaccine.
They estimate they get maybe 10% of the Vaccine Adverse Reaction reports there on that website.
So you multiply that by 10.
You're talking about 200,000 dead from the vaccine, which are the numbers that Dr. Peter
McCullough is estimating.
He said on his latest interview, it's about 187,000 people he thinks died from the vaccine.
Now, here's the real world relevant data that confirms in live time what these vaccines
are doing.
Attorney Thomas Renz, under penalty of perjury, presented Department of Defense statistics
showing radical increases in all types of diseases, heart problems, cancers, miscarriages.
The list just goes on and on.
Like every single one numbers skyrocketing.
What's the anomaly?
What's the controlled variable?
Well, it's the vaccine.
So there's your confirmation of the study that proves these vaccines.
But here's the problem is I'm not a doctor, so I don't have the most eloquent way of explaining
this to you.
But basically what it is is that when this vaccine gets in you, it's a permanent spike
protein synthetic DNA that never leaves your body potentially.
I mean maybe there's a way to get rid of it.
Some theorize there is.
If you get two or three though, you're probably never coming out of this.
A synthetic DNA and spike protein that basically rewrites your DNA and then it's like you get
a fresh DNA sequence, you're no longer yourself like, oh, I'm no longer Owen Schreuer.
I'm now Pfizer mRNA patented technology.
I'm not even an organic human.
I'm a genetically modified human that is now producing spike proteins in a fresh new synthetic
DNA sequence that can essentially open me up to any and every disease.
So if I had any immunity to other diseases, it's now gone.
If I was resilient against some sort of infections or diseases, that's now gone.
You've basically been reset as a non-organic human to be susceptible to any type of outbreak,
any type of virus, any type of disease, any type of heart problem, anything.
So like you know how they do this thing where they can say, oh, you're prone to heart problems
or you're prone to a brain aneurysm or you have all this stuff and we can have a surgery
and we can, we can take care of that for you.
Well, now that's everyone that's taken this vaccine, except we don't know what you might
be prone to because it's just chemical Russian roulette in your body.
And there is no long-term study of this.
But in the short term, we already know what it's doing to people, CDC under fire for not
publishing all COVID-19 data it collects.
Yeah, well, they can't show you that the vaccines are killing people, that they promoted and
said we're safe and effective.
So let me read some of the latest here from Dr. Peter McCullough.
Practitioners are most interested in analysis of the safety data.
With over one million safety reports through February 11th, 2022, understanding organ
injury, risk prediction, hospitalization, death as outcomes is critical to the informed
consent process for those still contemplating.
In other words, they never told you all the side effects about the vaccines.
They broke the law.
That's a crime against humanity.
Dr. Cattigini, I'm probably butchering that, Dr. Cattigiani from Brazil has hit on a key
understanding that cataclysm mines in the setting of spike protein mayocarditis trigger
the fatal sequence to cardiac death.
Large number of athlete deaths are now in medical literature will generate considerable
attention research.
In other words, the vaccines are causing deadly heart attacks.
Side by side, important reports, reverse transcription, nuclear DNA code for spike protein, both significant
discoveries, enormous implications of permanent chromosomal change and long-term constitutive
spike synthesis drive the pathogens of a whole new genre of chronic diseases.
Did you hear that?
Again, I'm not the doctor and I had to do all kinds of reading just to try to put this
in layman's terms for you.
But basically, you're now a new species.
You're not even technically a human.
You're now like a new species, new DNA, and we don't know what kind of diseases you might
You might pass on side effects.
I mean, this is crazy.
Now I got to go to a break, so I can't cover all of it.
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Taking a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The story is at infowarstore.com, the headline is Canadian bill would ban suspected intent
to commit hate speech online.
The future crime unit, not for actual crimes, but for speech they don't want you to have.
Bill would allow courts to punish Canadians for things they haven't done yet.
A proposed bill would penalize Canadians if they are simply suspected of intending to post
hate speech online.
Boy, I don't see how that's a dangerous precedent at all for radical authoritarian communists
to disappear their political opposition as they're already doing.
This would just multiply it by thousands.
In other words, the bill would allow courts to punish Canadians for things they haven't
done yet or might never do.
The bill was noticed by a tech insider who also pointed out the bill's fuzzy and circular
definition of hate speech.
The Canadian government has proposed legislation, Bill C-36, where people can be taken to court
and penalized if they're suspected of being about to post something hateful online, which
again, who decides what's hateful and who's not the corrupt authoritarian communist that
wants you dead.
I wonder how that's going to go for you.
An individual would be able to report another preemptively for something they haven't done
Oh, I just got into a dispute with my neighbor.
I think I'm going to call the cops and say he's about to call me the N-Wared online.
And then the Canadian police roll up, take you to a courtroom, you don't even have a
fair trial.
Oh, you're a racist, you're going to post something racist, bye, jail time for you.
And you're just done, you just don't even know what you can do, it's just there's your
fate all decided right there for something you've never even done or would do.
Fuzzy aspects in ascending order, fuzzy and curricular definition of hateful speech involves
detestation stronger than dislike, encouraging citizens to report on one another, the ability
to punish people for something they haven't even done or may never do.
In fact, Canadian media outlets first reported the bill last June, but the bill is not under
further scrutiny after the Canadian government's heavy-handed response to the Ottawa trucker
The Global News of Canada reported that Bill C-36 would allow a person to appear before
a provincial court if the person fears, as in suspects, that another criminal, another
will commit a hate offense, which includes speech online.
Critics of the bill said it would infringe on free speech.
This bill would not target hate speech, just ensure bureaucrats in Ottawa are bogged down
with frivolous complaints about tweets.
Conservative Shadow Minister for Justice Rob Moore said the Trudeau liberals are empowering
a bureaucracy to subjectively restrict the rights of Canadians.
Here's what it is.
The radical left-wing communists that are brainwashed by the New World Order propaganda
just want every excuse, every reason to disappear you.
That's what this is all about.
Not just your corrupt bureaucrats, but your street-level leftists as well.
They get joy out of watching you suffer.
They get joy out of seeing you destroyed.
They want you dead.
But since murder is still illegal, they figure the next best thing is to throw you in prison
for life and torture you in a jail cell for life and steal your future and steal your
prosperity and steal your destiny.
That's what gets them off.
You get excited if you have a big accomplishment.
Maybe you have a kid.
Maybe you get a new job.
Maybe you reach a financial goal.
Maybe you reach an academic goal.
Maybe you accomplish a magnificent athletic feature.
Those are the kind of things that you get excited about.
Those are the kind of things that people get excited about.
Not these creeps.
No, not these creeps.
They get excited.
They get off by destroying your life and watching you suffer.
So really, it's just the lazy man's way out of ever trying to accomplish anything.
And this just empowers them to give them their ultimate gratitude, which is to destroy you
like what they've tried to do to Roger Stone who joins me next.
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Roger Stone, who if the psychotic corrupt liberal Democrats had their way wouldn't be
with us right now, he'd be rotting away in a jail cell or God forbid in a better place
maybe and not even with us on this planet anymore.
But thank God for Donald Trump for setting an innocent man free.
And thank God Roger Stone can be with us here today, despite the continued political persecution
that he goes through.
But that's not what he's here to talk about today.
He's here to talk about another story of political persecution involving a New York
police officer who is one of the latest victims of the criminal Democrat Party and their political
persecution of anybody who is in Washington, D.C. on January 6.
Roger Stone joins me now.
Roger, you've just published a story on the Gateway Pundit.
Let's go ahead and break this news.
Thank you very much.
Owen, it's great to be back with you.
My old seatmate from the war room, which is a must see show every day at four o'clock
Central, five o'clock Eastern.
Right here now, once again, here at Info Wars, we're breaking tomorrow's news today
because the trial for Salvatore Greco, a New York City police officer who has done nothing
wrong, adjourned only moments ago when the judge got too sick to proceed and has been
postponed perhaps until tomorrow.
Sal Greco is a 14-year veteran of the New York Police Department with an unblemished
record of public service in some of the most undesirable and dangerous precincts in New
York City, in the Bronx, in Brooklyn, and in Manhattan.
In 2018, Sal Greco and I became friends because I noticed on Instagram that he was a big fan
of Info Wars and, secondarily, that he was posting in defense of me as I battled against
the deep state.
Now, Sal Greco is being subjected to the same kind of political hit job as you are, Owen.
He is being charged on the basis of nothing.
You see, Sal Greco was in Washington, D.C., on the January 5th and January 6th.
Like me, he was not at the ellipse when the president spoke.
He did not march to the Capitol.
He was not at the Capitol.
They are claiming that this officer, Sal Greco, should be fired and terminated from his job
at the NYPD, in which case he would lose the pension that he's paid into for 14 years,
especially because they say he consorted with a known convicted felon.
Well, that would be me, except for my felon when he convicted, was voided with an unconditional
presidential pardon.
They also say, they imply that I paid him for security services, no.
He was there in his capacity as a private citizen, taking a vacation day because he's
a porter of the president and he is a friend of mine.
Now, for two years, they have tortured Sal Greco.
Why in their two-year investigation have they never contacted me or my lawyer to ask me
to explain what my relationship with Sal Greco is?
So I am going to stay on this case and say this.
If they terminate Sal Greco, I believe they're buying themselves a $25 million lawsuit because
the basis for his termination is bogus.
And if communications with a convicted felon is a problem, the New York City Mayor Eric
Adams has a huge problem because he has written that when he was a New York City police captain,
he provided personal security for Mike Tyson at a time Mike Tyson was a convicted felon.
There can only be one standard, equality.
This is an equal protection lawsuit.
The New York PD will pay through the nose if they terminate this brave son of Staten
But as you know, all too well, Owen, a lawsuit costs a huge amount of money.
Sal Greco doesn't have the kind of money it takes to fight New York Police Department
or the City of New York.
And therefore, people who want to help him can go to helpthisnycop.com.
That's helpthisnycop.com.
I've just laid it out for you.
Now let's talk about it.
So let me get this straight.
He's not actually charged with anything and the NYPD is trying to have him fired in a
departmental trial just because he was in a hotel room with you?
Essentially, that's correct.
They need to be really careful in this sense.
As you know, immediately after the president spoke, there was a call on the house phone
in my hotel suite.
And it was Officer Sal Greco who answered it.
It was the Secret Service offering to escort me up to the Capitol, an offer I found extremely
fishy and which I declined.
Two very prominent pastors witnessed this phone call.
It's also recorded on video.
I don't think the January 6th committee wants to look into the role of the Secret Service.
I don't think they want to look into what transpired that day in terms of me and the
Secret Service.
All I know is any claim that I knew about or was involved in any way in the illegal
actions of January 6th is categorically false.
There is no witness.
There is no document.
There is nothing to prove otherwise because it is a fact, just as I say it is.
Sal Greco is essentially being penalized because he is a supporter of Donald Trump, because
he is an info warrior, and because he became a friend of mine in the two-year ordeal that
I was subjected to.
The New York Police Department has leaked relentlessly about this case to the New York
Daily News, but those leaks have been blamed on Sal Greco.
This is an outrageous act of injustice.
Every resident of Staten Island, every Italian American, everyone who supports law enforcement,
every info warrior should be outraged about this and should stand up with us for Sal Greco.
Well, look, we know that the modern-day progressive liberal Democrats love seeing a cop's head
in a noose politically, love seeing violence being done against cops and celebrating when
cops get attacked and killed.
They just love it so much.
But what about the NYPD's response to this?
I mean, fellow officers coming to his aides, I mean, his higher-ups coming to his aid,
or are they out to get him too?
Well, first of all, my hats off to the PBA, the Patrolman's Benevolent Association.
They have supported him with a very able lawyer.
The lawyer has done as much as he can.
By the way, those are great people at the Police Benevolence Association.
Fantastic people.
But the hierarchy at the New York Police Department is completely politicized, first by Mayor
de Blasio, the worst mayor in New York history, and now by Mayor Adams, they're woke.
So they've conducted an investigation to try to determine whether, because Sal Greco came
in contact, casual contact in this case, with members of the Oath Keepers and the Proud
Boys, they somehow imply that that's a crime, that, of course, is not a crime.
That's guilt by association.
ABC News has tried this for over a year.
In this recent filing in federal court in the lawsuit against President Trump, they actually
Roger Stone spoke to President Trump post-election.
Roger Stone came in contact with some of the Oath Keepers who later broke into the Capitol.
Ergo, a deep-dive investigation into Roger Stone might prove something else.
No, it will prove nothing whatsoever.
That's why, last week, I filed a lawsuit against Adam Schiff in the January 6th committee
because they want to conduct yet another witch hunt.
On the basis of no probable cause, on the basis of no evidence, they want to root through
all of my cell phone records.
Not happening.
And up next, and I'll be totally clear with you, I'm going to sue Hillary Clinton and
John Podesta and Michael Sussman and Huma Abedin and their entire cabal in a class action
I'm going to have standing to do so because right up until this day, the death threats
continue against me, the threats against my family continue against me, I lose economic
opportunities and job opportunities because people tell me that I'm too controversial
based on the claim that I was a Russian intelligence asset.
So now the worm has turned.
Now it is Hillary Clinton and her criminal gang that will be under attack in the courts.
I really look forward to this.
Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger, Roger.
And of course, they really just want to make it criminal for us to exist.
That's what this is really about.
We're us existing.
They want that to be a criminal offense.
So we'll get into more of this with Roger Stone and other January 6 news folks.
These people are out of control.
We're dealing with a mafia gangster with government power.
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Meeting of frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
So a good cop, New York police departments, Sal Greco, is facing termination not because
he committed a crime, not because he did anything wrong, but simply because he exists as a Trump
supporter, they are trying to have him removed from the department and his pension stripped
from him.
Meanwhile though, high school assistant principal in Michigan is able to return to work while
awaiting trial for first degree child sex assault.
Must be some of that white privilege.
Oh no, he's not white, sorry.
So he's able to go to work while being charged with first degree child sex assault, he's
going to go back to school where the children are.
But an innocent man, Sal Greco, might not be able to go back to work well because he supports
Donald Trump, which of course is the greatest crime of all.
Now Roger, there is other news breaking when it comes to January 6th.
The Democrats have another Trump supporter killed.
This time, sadly, he took his own life and that is Matthew Perna.
So it's kind of a debate right now, but the way I see it, the January 6th casualty list
has the Democrats have killed at least five Trump supporters, none of them have had any
casualties, but we have Ashley Babbitt, we have Roseanne Boylan, we have the individual
who got shoved off the side of the Capitol steps by police that died.
Now we have Matthew Perna, we have the individual who had a flash bang blow up in his face,
he died from injuries later.
But nobody died at the hands of Trump supporters that day, but at least five people have now
died because of the Democrat activity that day, including one person taking his own life
over complete phony charges.
He spent 10 minutes in the Capitol max, didn't do any violence, they recognized all that
in the court case, but they wouldn't leave him alone.
They wanted to put him in jail for 10 years.
This is what they want.
They want to torture, if they can't just kill us, they want to either imprison us for life
or torture us into suicide, Roger.
I'm in total agreement with your analysis.
This case of Mr. Perna is particularly tragic.
He didn't steal anything, he didn't break anything, he didn't hurt anybody, he didn't
assault anyone.
He strolled through the Capitol for 20 minutes taking pictures, yet they wanted to destroy
his life and then sadly he's taken his own life.
Or the case of Roseanne Boylan, who is literally bludgeoned to death after being sprayed in
the face with mace by a Capitol Hill police officer, that's called first degree murder.
When you attack an unarmed person and you kill them, even if you're a police officer,
trespassing does not give you that privilege.
The officer who did that needs to be prosecuted.
The real tragedy here is for all of the Jane or 16 detainees, most of them do not have
adequate legal representation.
Their due process rights are being violated.
If you don't take the public defender, who is just some local liberal who urges you to
sign a confession blaming Donald Trump for everything and you choose to represent yourself,
you are not given access to a law library, you're not given access to a computer, you're
given a laptop with a rundown battery for one hour a day.
During that one hour you can choose to shower, shave, defecate, or you can work on your defense
of course until the battery wears out, then you can do nothing.
Where's the American Civil Liberties Union?
How come we haven't heard from them?
Why are they silent?
In all honesty, I call on President Trump to set up a fund to raise the money for adequate
legal representation for all of those who have been detained.
This is nothing worse than murder, it is a violation of the Geneva Conventions.
We are treating American citizens worse than we are treating terrorists.
That is disgraceful and something has to be done about it.
Now I'll be honest with you, my own lawyers have urged me not to speak about this.
Not because I know anything about January 6th, not because I have any previous knowledge,
not because I was involved in any way, but just because it generates more lawsuits.
I'm already facing a baseless harassment lawsuit by six police officers propped up by the Lawyers
for Civil Rights Committee, a George Soros front.
I just want to let the lawyers who file this know, yes I'm going to be filing Rule 12 charges
against you, yes I'm going to be complaining to the Bar Association wherever you are admitted
to the bar.
You want a fight, you will get a fight.
But people need to support me to do that.
They can go to StoneDefenseFund.com, StoneDefenseFund.com, because like you there at Infowars, I am
under siege.
They took my home, my car, my insurance, my ability to make a living.
I'm still struggling economically, but I will say this Owen, I will never stop fighting
these demons.
I will never stop fighting the satanic forces now in control of the country.
You're absolutely right.
They get their rocks off by attacking us.
So help Sal Greco by going to helpthisnycop.com.
You can help me by going to StoneDefenseFund.com.
You see both of those addresses there.
I need your help.
And while you're at it, go to the Infowars store right now.
You can, by the way, you can just make a straight donation if you're not in the market for one
of their great products, or you can buy one of their great products.
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Now I can already predict to you, media matters for America is going to go crazy saying, stone
is out pushing Jones's products.
No, there's nothing in this for me.
I'm paid zero.
I like Brainforce because it's a great product.
And not only do you get a great product, but you're helping Infowars.
You're helping the beacon of truth that Infowars is.
You're propping up the war room, the second best show on the internet.
Of course, it was better when I was there, but maybe that'll happen again, who knows.
And we should sue the guy who stole our name, by the way, it occurs to me in any event.
That's my riff.
There's also, I think it was like Carville and this other guy also took up the name
War Room too.
Everybody wanted to name their show the War Room after hours.
It's kind of a weird thing how that worked out.
It was all after us, by the way.
Roger and I were the first ones in the modern media political spectrum to have the War Room.
Of course, it did start in the nineties with the Clinton War Room, but that's long gone
by now.
But imagine, folks, I mean, you're Roger Stone, you go down to breakfast, you have breakfast,
you go back up to your hotel room and you're like, yeah, you know what, I think I'm just
going to take it easy today.
Who knows, maybe you take a nap, maybe you play a game of cards, whatever.
And then the next thing you know is, oh, we're charging you with crimes, we're charging you
for stuff on January 6th and you're like, I literally was sitting in a hotel room.
I mean, if that doesn't tell the story about how out of control this political persecution
is, maybe the next segment will get into it.
But I mean, just talk about that experience briefly, Roger, in the last 30 seconds here.
Just like you literally do nothing, have nothing to do with January 6th and all of a sudden
you get charges.
Yeah, I can sum this up in two words, which hunt, which hunt three.
Just the fact that Adam Schiff is on the committee, tells you the committee is bogus.
Why would Speaker Pelosi not allow any actual Republican Trump supporters on this committee?
Because it's a fraud.
It is a political witch hunt of the worst magnitude.
When we get back, we can talk about that and talk about where the country and the party
is headed.
It's just great to be back with you, and it's like our old days at the war room.
That's Roger Stone.
This is the Alex Jones show.
We've got to take a break right now, but when we come back, we've got more January 6th news,
It gets worse.
It actually gets worse.
If you can believe that, we'll be right back.
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Klaus Schwab and the UN admit they're coming out with implantable microchips as part of
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Things only get worse from here if we submit.
They only get better if we resist and say no, noncompliance, noncompliance, noncompliance.
Taking a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation, it's Oren Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And we've got Roger Stone with us live.
And folks, it does get worse.
Well, I mean, I don't know if it's worse than a man being bullied into suicide by liberal
Democrats that claim to be anti-bullying.
It's amazing they'll bully someone into suicide and celebrate.
But they're now going after innocent people's families, and that's mine.
And so, as far as I know, as the situation stands, I am still the only individual who
never stepped foot in the Capitol, never touched a police officer, never touched a barrier,
never touched anything that day, and I'm facing charges.
And now, add another thing that I'm the only one of, they're now going after my family.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, everybody knows I keep my private life private.
And when I learned of these developments a couple of weeks ago, I said, I'm not going
to report on it.
I don't want to get my family involved in this.
I don't want to get my mother involved in this.
They didn't ask for this.
They're not involved at all.
Now the January 6th Committee has subpoenaed my mother.
And they write stories like this, January 6th Select Committee subpoenaed phone records
of the mother whose son works for Alex Jones and breached the Capitol last year.
Never breached the Capitol.
Never happened.
And yet the Daily Mail publishes this story.
It's like, I've got a stack of news.
I hate litigation just like Roger Stone, but I'm reaching the point where it's like, how
do I punch back against these, these a-holes?
I've got a stack of news that I'll add this to where when all this is said and done, I'm
probably going to be suing for defamation.
I never went in the Capitol building Daily Mail, retract your story now, or face a lawsuit
in the future.
And then they say, oh, oh, Instroyer's mother and associate of Alex Jones, my mother has
never been to Austin, Texas.
She's never met anybody that works here.
She's never done anything here.
She's a saint and she's a very well-known in her little community as a great person.
I mean, doesn't curse, doesn't drink, I mean, just, and now they're bringing her into this.
So I didn't want to talk about it, but here it is, Roger.
I mean, so they're bullying people into suicide.
Now they're coming after my family, my family, Roger.
This is, this is mafia gangster tactics that our government is now involved in.
It is absolutely outrageous.
My first of all, Owen, you should know that I am praying for you in your case the same
way you prayed for me in mine.
And we prayed together in Washington and ultimately thanks to the grace of God, thanks to the
power of Jesus Christ, thanks to Donald Trump having the courage and the fortitude in an
election year to grant me a pardon.
I'm not already dead of COVID in a dank Georgia prison, which was the game plan of the New
World Order and those who prosecuted me.
Your case seems to me to be a travesty.
I can't figure out what you allegedly did wrong.
In fact, I think you did nothing wrong.
You didn't hurt anybody.
You didn't break anything.
You didn't steal anything.
You didn't go into the Capitol.
You didn't break into the Capitol, your mere presence on the outskirts of the Capitol,
which by the way is the people's house, they've now decided is a crime and it is despicable
that they are seeking the phone records of your mother.
What would that possibly prove that you called your mother that day, recognize that when they
seek your phone records, all they learn is that you called her or that she called you
or who else she may have spoke to that day.
It is an outrage, but I felt this outrage.
When my wife was attacked physically outside our home two Christmases ago by some lunatics
screaming that I was a Russian piece of crap, yeah, I find that offensive.
When my granddaughter was about to give birth to my great grandson in Akron, Ohio, I don't
know who the Cretan is who called her hotel room and said, if you're Roger Stone's daughter,
I hope your child is stillborn.
I don't know who would say that to a pregnant woman in her twenties.
What kind of creep would do that?
But that's the tolerant American left today.
That's where we're coming from.
I guess the real thing here, Owen, is that at least you and I, having some public presence,
having a following because of our activities on reporting on what's going on in the country,
we're at least able to raise the resources necessary to put up a legal defense, to put
up a legal fight.
What about those people currently languishing in jail in D.C. in filthy rat infested conditions
where their civil rights are being systematically violated, essentially in a gulag?
What about them?
The details that I get about the treatment of these prisoners is horrific, but they can't
afford lawyers like you can afford, like I can afford, and therefore something must be
done about this.
This is something that I'm wrestling with.
President Trump, God bless him, could raise every penny they need for their legal defense
so that they can have a fair trial, so they can have due process.
So far, he hasn't done that.
I hope he changes his mind.
His lawyers may be telling him to stay away from the detainees, but there's no reason
to do that.
They were exercising their First Amendment rights, the right to free assembly, the right
to redress the government, until they made the strategic mistake of trespassing.
And again, as you point out, the only deaths associated with what the left calls the most
deadly attack on the country since Pearl Harbor is at the hands of the Capitol Hill police.
I'm sorry, Michael Burt is a murderer, and he should be tried for murder.
He's not a hero.
He shouldn't be deified.
He wasn't even questioned in the cold-blooded murder of Ashley Babbitt.
We've now seen video of Ashley Babbitt urging people not to break the windows.
She was unarmed.
It was a danger to know, and Michael Burt must stand trial for murder sooner or later.
So I am hopeful I'm praying that we'll have a change in Washington, a change of leadership
in Washington.
But I'm also very clear, just winning a Republican control of the House is not going to bring
the change we need.
Just putting the rhinos in firm control of the House and the Senate is not going to bring
the change we need.
Once you get new leadership in Washington, new leadership specifically in the House,
leadership that will, for example, expel Eric Swalwell from the House of Representatives.
For two years, Eric Swalwell said I was a Russian spy.
Now it turns out that he was penetrating a red Chinese spy who in turn penetrated his
office with an intern.
So here's a guy with full and complete access to national security information, a guy with
a security clearance as a member of the House Intelligence Committee, consorting with known
Russian spies, yet there are no repercussions, yet Nancy Pelosi leaves him in place.
Where is justice?
When will justice be done?
That leads to my next question, Roger.
The conservative side of the media is pretty much abandoning all the political prisoners
from January 6, all those in the gulags, except for a few names that I think we all know,
like a Tucker Carlson or here at Info Wars or Gateway Pundit and some others.
But most mainstream conservative commentators in the media, they're not touching it.
The Republican Party, maybe there's five, six Republicans that have spoken up about the
political persecution of the January 6 defendants.
I mean, where's the conservative media?
Where are the Republicans?
Why are they letting us down in such a giant way for this clear, this clear and present
political persecution and torture?
I think back to the action of conservative media, I should say the reaction when Alex
Jones was first censored when he was removed from Facebook, from Spotify, from Instagram
and so on.
They were silent.
They said nothing, they did nothing.
They didn't realize that this would eventually happen to them, which of course now it has.
This is a very similar situation.
Great peace by a reporter in the Sarasota Herald Tribune, completely incorrect, by the
way, in which he said that the Republican Party wants to move on from the 2020 election.
Not according to the polling that I have seen in Nevada and Pennsylvania and Oklahoma and
New Jersey.
In fact, it is the number one issue.
Election integrity.
No, I'm sorry, the voters don't want to stop talking about it.
Only the party elites interested in lining their pockets in a go along to get a long
deal with the House Democrats want to stop talking about this.
But Owen, you and I, we're going to keep talking about it on the other side.
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And when it comes to information, boy, is that true today.
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That's why we've got to share them now more than ever.
Speaking of frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Roger Stone is with us here on the Alex Jones show, and I want to get into tonight's State
of the Union with Roger.
We do have some interesting news here.
You have, I mean, here's how they're, here's the momentum build up, if you will, obviously
the Biden flation, the empty shelves, the war with Ukraine, the political prisoners,
Biden taking a vacation every weekend.
I mean, just all the utter failures, and then yesterday, Jill Biden introduced Kamala Harris
as the president of the United States.
I mean, it's just total embarrassment at every level for these crooks that occupy the
White House right now, the Biden administration.
So Roger, Biden's set to give his first State of the Union tonight.
First of all, he slurs and stumbles and fumbles and forgets his way through all these other
How do you think this one is going to go?
And has there ever been a point in all of your experience covering American politics?
Has there ever been a point where, because what I expect tonight is Biden's going to
have to address all the issues that he caused, the high prices, the gas prices, the inflation,
the war on Ukraine.
He's going to have to address all these things that he caused, that he's responsible for.
Has that dynamic ever been part of a State of the Union before?
I mean, this is going to be quite a show tonight.
Oh, and I remember when my own great-grandmother had dementia.
And when she had dementia, she had good days and bad days.
She had days in which she was a bit more lucid.
She had days in which she had no idea where she was or what her condition was.
I think that is the situation surrounding Joe Biden.
Now it is indisputable that he crapped his pants when he went to visit the Pope.
You can see not only from sources in the Vatican, but you can see photographs in which the suit
jacket he's wearing and the early photographs match the trousers he's wearing.
And then minutes later, he has a different color trouser on.
So I don't think he's controlling the country.
I'm not even sure he can control his own bowels.
Anything that's wrong in the country will be blamed on Donald Trump.
That you can bet on.
I'm not sure how you put a good face on gas prices.
I'm not sure how you put a good face on the fact that you can go to the grocery store
and many of the shelves are empty.
I'm sorry, in the wealthiest, most prosperous country in the world, I rather doubt that
we have a shortage of chicken wings.
I don't think that's the case.
So my guess is what you're going to get tonight is going to be almost overwhelmingly about
It's going to be overwhelmingly pushing the false narrative that we have to defend the
Ukrainian border when we don't even defend our own border.
They're interested in the sanctity of the Ukrainian border, but they have no concerns
about the fact that hundreds of thousands of illegals are flooding across our southern
All of them, by the way, unvaccinated.
And yes, Donald Trump is right.
They're involved in drug trafficking.
They're involved in human trafficking.
It is a tragedy.
By the way, I'm waiting for the governor of Texas, who has both the authority and the
manpower to seal our border to do that.
I guess I will continue to wait in vain.
So my guess is you're going to get the war drums tonight.
What you're going to get is a constant attack.
He's not going to address the fact that if the Ukrainians would simply agree not to put
Western missiles in their country, if they would shut down the reported U.S.-funded biolabs
in their country, God knows what kind of pestilence they're cooking up.
This matter could be resolved in much of the way that President John Kennedy resolved the
Cuban missile crisis in 1962, short of World War III.
Watching CNN is laughable.
I mean, it is Tokyo Rose-level war propaganda.
Speaking of that, Owen, I do have to comment on the CNN special on Alex Jones Sunday night.
The most laughable piece of fiction I've ever seen.
So they did end up airing that.
I hadn't seen it.
I thought they just totally canceled it.
They didn't end up airing that.
My understanding was that they did.
I'm told that I was mentioned prominently.
Now, perhaps that's fake information, but let me say this.
If they do air it, people at airports across the country are going to stop and see about
three minutes of it because there is no one else watching.
I don't get my news from CNN for the same reason that I don't eat out of the toilet.
So I read that it was on at six and again at nine.
I did not catch it, but I was told just on the basis of the questions that were posed
to Alex Jones after the documentary was already in the can, of course, in which his answers
to their questions just have no impact at all revealed an epic bias.
Now, I know some on the left were upset that the documentary could have the effect of making
Alex Jones even bigger, which I rather liked, but their promotion of it was relentless.
I saw it promoted for, you know, over and over and ever again, megaphone for conspiracy.
Oh, yeah.
They were running it in all the breaks like it was a big buildup.
Well, it would be disappointing if it didn't air.
I had heard reports that it was, it was brutal on the other hand when I spoke directly to
Alex, he said, I'm going to bed.
I'm not watching this trash.
That's the thing is, I guess, I guess we don't, we can't really confirm what happened
because nobody watches, literally nobody is watching CNN.
And I guess they haven't figured it out yet, Roger, where getting attacked by CNN.
That's like, that's an honor.
That's like a greater honor than getting a Nobel Peace Prize in the year 2022.
Like, please, CNN, attack me all day.
Like, thank you, please.
Well, as you know, they were there for my arrest on the 25th of January, 2019.
I guess you never found out who tipped them off to that, by the way.
No, we certainly didn't, Andrew Weisman.
Oh, look, this is really simple.
I was arrested at 616 in the morning at 611, Sarah Murray of CNN sent my attorney, Grant
Smith, a copy of my sealed indictment.
That indictment had no timestamps on it, no court markings.
It was sealed until 9 30th in the morning.
Sarah Murray's possession of that is a felony.
The claim that CNN got it online is disproved with the time of year.
That is a lie.
It is absolutely false.
If you look at the metadata tag on my indictment, it was written by Andrew Weisman.
Therefore, Weisman is the one who leaked my arrest and the execution of a search warrant
to CNN, a felony.
But that's probably the high water mark in terms of their ratings.
Every day I run into people who saw my arrest on television.
Many of them, not even Trump supporters, but who were outraged that we spent $1.1 million
of the taxpayers' money to arrest me in the manner in which I was arrested for the completely
fabricated crime of lying to Congress about Russian collusion.
By the way, Owen, how do you lie about something that we now know definitively never actually
Except in the Hillary Clinton campaign, we know that it did happen there.
And I don't say this gleefully because it's the American taxpayer being robbed.
But I mean, let's be clear here.
Between Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and Owen Schreuer, the U.S. government has spent tens
of millions of dollars in persecuting us.
I mean, seriously, tens of millions of dollars, folks, the government, your tax money, tens
of millions persecuting Roger Stone, Alex Jones, and Owen Schreuer, just three people
alone who are totally innocent of any crimes.
Meanwhile, we have veterans who are homeless in this country.
We have veterans who are hungry in this country.
We have veterans who don't get medical care in this country.
But we are spending unlimited monies on persecuting us.
Last Friday, Friday before last, pardon me, the Department of Justice released a report
that said that Robert Mueller declined to prosecute Roger Stone for cybercrimes.
Nowhere in their statement do they point out that he declined to prosecute me because
he had no evidence whatsoever of any cybercrimes.
I gather that this release was meant to blunt the stunning news that we now know is an absolute
certainty, which indicates that Hillary Clinton did spy on Donald Trump.
One of the worst scumbags in the media, a guy named Glenn Kessler at The Washington Post,
has an epically hysterical piece in which he tries to spin out of this.
I don't know, that is all the creation of a fiction by that great patriot, Cash Patel,
who worked as a counsel to the House Intelligence Committee Republicans.
No, it's a fact.
Hillary's busted.
The more she talks, the more obvious it is.
You know, the Democrats want her wrong gone as well as much as we do.
The idea that she would run again in 2024 is a bigger nightmare for the Democrats than
it would be for the Republicans.
I mean, I'm almost hoping to see that.
I mean, you want to talk about reanimated beef jerky versus reanimated raw liver, Hillary
Clinton versus Joe Biden in a debate.
I mean, that, wow, I mean, that's to bring him out of the caskets because the vampire
debate is on.
Roger Stone will all be watching the State of the Union to see what kind of flummoxes
Biden has.
I think that your prediction is very acute.
I do think he'll make it all about banging the war drums.
Usually State of the Union lasts about an hour.
I'll be surprised if he makes it 30 minutes.
Roger Stone, great stuff as always, StoneDefense.com, StoneColdTruth.com, you're a great American
patriot, Roger, and I love you.
God bless you all.
I'm great to be with you.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
There goes Roger Stone.
When we come back, we're going to get into some of these video clips and news.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, there's just so much news here.
I'm just overwhelmed at where to begin.
So what I think we're going to do here, and I'll come back and just kind of re-intro
the show in the next segment when a lot of our TV and radio stations pick us back up.
But what I think I'll do here is just play all these video clips in the next two segments.
And I'm just going to have to do all the news on the war room when I have just three hours
clear itself to just really get into this news and properly lay it out in a linear fashion
with the deep analysis that I need to do.
So that's what we're going to do is I'm going to get into all the big news out of Ukraine
and Russia.
I'm going to get into all the big news out of the CDC and everything.
But I'll just reintroduce that in the next segment.
Let's go to this clip, though.
The latest John Bowne report, guys, clip 16, and the pedo bureaucracy.
The scumbags that prey on America's children are multiplying.
They are so brazen that they hunt them on social media.
Danny, no, I need your help now.
We're not here to fight you.
It doesn't look like we're trying to fight you.
We're on the registry.
You were masturbating to the 13-year-old girl.
Got you.
Can you come and get me, Danny?
I'm in the video chat.
Help me, Danny.
Danny, will you come help him?
Sometimes they're even the developers of those platforms.
So when he told you he was 13, what was you thinking?
I didn't know exactly.
I thought maybe it was someone in trouble if they were reaching out and thought they knew
So I was like, I'll continue this conversation.
You didn't even, you weren't even like, whoa, you're 13, don't talk to me?
Yes, of course.
Because you're not once in this whole conversation expressed or he expressed that he was in any
kind of trouble.
So he never told you that he was in any kind of trouble.
So I wouldn't say that for your defense, but we'll keep going.
And he said, better watch my language with you.
And he said, why?
Because you're a young man, you said.
A Vancouver teacher has been implicated in a child pornography ring.
Police in Australia have announced the arrest of 11 people, two are Canadians.
Ms. Teresa LaLonde reports the ring allegedly operated through Facebook.
If we can stop it at that initial point, then we can lessen the impact on the child and
hopefully, you know, lessen the distribution of their images and videos of them being tortured.
Facebook would deactivate the suspect's site, but not contact police.
The suspects would simply set up a new account in a different name.
They are their teachers.
They are in top positions in law enforcement.
These two individuals, a deputy in Livingston Parish and his teacher wife, who was a middle
school teacher, got caught by Adobe.
They were photoshopping things.
Adobe turned them into authorities in Louisiana, which launched an investigation.
Authorities with the Attorney General's office showed up at the couple's house.
They found this safe full of hard drives, computers, thumb drives, things like that.
And all of it was encrypted with a software called Keep My Data Safe.
So essentially, they had to come in and decode everything, and when they decoded everything,
they were alarmed at what they saw.
They saw child porn, they saw child rape.
They also saw what appeared to be this deputy who was ejaculating on sweets that were then
being served to his wife's class.
They are in the tax-fueled bureaucracy that runs our lives.
The Defense Department releasing brand new details into an investigation involving child
pornography and dozens of its workers and contractors, some with top-level security
Not only are these very serious accusations, but investigators say some of the people involved
were handling the nation's most sensitive secrets.
Take a look at this, for instance, the National Security Agency, the National Reconnaissance
Office and the very secretive Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Others also worked on actual military installations, including Edwards Air Force Base in California
and also the California-based Naval Air Warfare Center.
So they had access to military secrets in some cases and military hardware.
Department of Defense computers are being misused to share, to spread, to access child
The Department of Defense does not have an adequate way of responding to this, of tracking
down and investigating who is an individual is misusing these computers, who is sharing
these pornographic images of children, who is sending them to whom.
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You are listening to an infowars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Schreuer.
All right, let me hit the reset button real quick here on this March 1 edition of the
Alex Jones show, year 2022.
I've got another guest coming up.
Today's show, just, it's been a little clunky because Alex hosted the first hour, and then
the great Roger Stone in the second hour, and I got another guest coming up here in the
third hour.
So there was just no chance for me to properly get into this information and dissect it and
analyze it with that format.
So I'm hosting the war room today, 3 to 6 p.m., my normal duties.
I'm going to properly get into all the news and analysis and commentary that I have on
my desk here in the three hours on the war room because that's the thing is, I need a
full three hours to do a college level course evaluation on all of this, and it's going
to take three hours.
It might not even be enough time with the breaks included.
But that's the plan.
Now, I'm going to get to a bunch of these video clips in the meantime that hover over
all of this news, that kind of give you the taste and flavor for it in sights and sounds.
So that's what we're going to do here, and then Jake Ducey is going to join me in just
30 minutes.
But ladies and gentlemen, with all the news here and all the information, we're not even
doing a proper job plugging how we stay on air at infowarstore.com because we're just
so obsessed with the news and information that it's like we don't even think about,
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So we thank you for that and we encourage you to continue to do your shopping at infowarstore.com.
All right, with that, let's go to a couple of these clips here.
You know, Russell Brand has been doing really amazing work and now obviously he's a classical
He's well known as a liberal.
He doesn't hide from this, but he's considered a right-wing extremist now because he likes
to tell the truth and question official narratives.
And so he does a podcast, he does a rumble show, he has a massive audience obviously
coming out of Hollywood, rejecting the poison of the New World Order and their lies.
Here he is talking about Bill Gates in one of his recent podcasts in clip nine.
Meanwhile, Bill Gates, Bill Gates, Bill Gates, Bill Gates, let's see what Bill Gates has
got to say now, the crazy old genius.
Where would you assess where we are today in beating COVID-19?
Don't touch your nose.
We've all seen those videos.
You know, sadly, the virus itself, particularly the variant called Omicron, is the type of
vaccine that is it creates both B-cell and T-cell immunity and it's done a better job
of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines.
Why is that sad?
Nature's doing its own vaccines.
Well the problem is if nature does a vaccine, we can't charge you for it.
So isn't the reason that African nations didn't have access to the vaccine is because
of the refusal of wave patterns that you endorsed, by the way?
Well I think the mainstream media did a reasonably good job.
What about the CDC?
Did they do a good job by not publishing the information, by controlling the information,
by giving us little pipsqueak tidbits bit of information?
You can handle that bit of information.
You wouldn't understand it.
You're too stupid.
The scale of misinformation once you move past the mainstream media is so wild.
You almost have to laugh about it.
I don't laugh though.
I just don't fund it.
Are we going to see another pandemic before we are able to beat this one?
Well we'll have another pandemic.
What time is it?
There should be another pandemic.
Do you believe it's possible to prevent the next pandemic?
Say again?
Is it possible to prevent the next pandemic?
Yes, every country does what Australia did.
All you're going to do to avoid pandemics, the information of which seems to be controlled
and changes considerably, even in the mainstream media, and some could say especially in the
mainstream media, where there's been different times where you couldn't talk about the Wuhan
lab leak, different times where you couldn't talk about vaccine efficacy, different times
where you couldn't talk about the spread, natural immunity.
All you got to do is be in prison for the rest of your life.
Is that too much to ask?
Then you wouldn't be calling it a pandemic, that's all.
So what's being suggested there is that we all follow the pretty severe efforts that
Australia followed.
Yeah, just be a good slave, just live under tyranny.
Just enter your prison cell, sit down, shut up and die, and we can avoid the next pandemic.
Thanks Bill Gates.
Thank you so much.
Now here's, listen to what Klaus Schwab had to say on recently, he's kind of a Bill Gates
of Europe if you will, just with billions of dollars and a power broker.
He wants to censor you at the biological level, listen to this in clip 10.
Ladies and gentlemen, Excellencies, the future is already here, the future has begun.
It's a new system, it changes us, because it's a fusion of our physical, digital and
biological spheres.
It's an integration of those spheres.
Just think of sensors planted into our brains, the opportunities are immense, and we have
to prepare ourselves already now.
Just imagine, look what we can do to people digitally.
We can control their cash, we can shut down their bank accounts, we can shut down their
free speech.
Once we become transhumanists, and you become a digital biological android, we can just
shut you off and shut you up, we don't even have to worry about internet censorship, we're
just going to literally censor your brain with implantable chips.
Now do you think Klaus Schwab is going to put himself through that?
Of course not.
Do you think Bill Gates is going to become a transhumanist?
Of course not.
They want that for you, the peasants, you, the surf class, you, the slaves, you go into
transhumanism, bondage, they conquer the planet.
That's the new world order.
That's the great reset, and there is Klaus Schwab bragging about all of it.
But keep calling it a conspiracy theory.
Keep pretending like this isn't the world you live in.
Keep ignoring the future that is becoming more and more clear for everyone to see.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a biological digital android slave.
Not now, not ever.
So I did it.
I signed up for the Austin Marathon.
I've been training, probably not as much as they should be, but thank goodness for prayer
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Even if you're not crazy enough to take on a marathon, good news, turbo force, that can
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I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat footed, but they are going ahead with their full operational
deindustrialization great reset.
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With the world awakening, I think what's important that we were right there, to prevent them
right now, take advantage of this moment, and I have an idea that something everybody
can do.
I think it can be powerful and effective for us to, you know, hang banners over highways.
Imagine a champagne or a piece of a lame-up, and it says Alex Jones is right, infowarstore.com.
We stand with the truckers, or rescouts, or whatever it is.
Brother, I'm so glad you called, elaborate on this.
Now is the time in your small town or your big city to write something on the bathroom
wall or to put a sticker on your car or banner hangs over highways, and it will be a chain
What do you recommend people say on these banner hangs?
I have a few ideas.
First of all, help just the police to call and inform.
Arrest fouls, arrest while swabbed.
The vaccine is poison.
There's tons of things.
I said, keep it short.
Keep it concise.
No, I agree.
Arrest Fauci, arrest Bill Gates.
The COVID-19 vaccine is poison.
There's ways that we could all be involved and we could all be effective, so that's
what I'm calling about.
God bless you, Chris.
In Atlanta, I really, really appreciate you calling us today.
Thank you so much.
UN-run contact tracers aren't coming.
They're here.
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These tyrants are tracking everything you do, everywhere you go, then coming to your house
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And they're planning in the next year to expand their shield process where they come
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Making a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
When I get to the bottom, I go back to the top of the slide, I stop and I turn, I go
back to the bottom, I say okay.
It's worth mentioning here before the show is over that there is a massive freedom convoy
heading to D.C., massive.
Just went through Oklahoma, huge numbers of people on the side of the roads waving flags,
supporting them.
They're going through Missouri.
I mean, there's differing opinions on whether this is a good idea or not, but whatever the
argument is, it's happening.
I mean, there is a massive freedom convoy heading to D.C., which is already in martial
law again, because Joe Biden is so popular with his 81 million votes or whatever, 81
trillion votes, you might as well say.
Joe Biden with his 81 trillion votes is so popular that they have to lock down the entire
city of D.C. ahead of his State of the Union, and they have to build massive walls and fences
around government buildings ahead of his State of the Union, because he's so popular.
It's amazing, isn't it?
This might be one of the greatest moments of political hypocrisy that has ever happened
of all time.
Maria Freeland, the known descendant of Nazis, and the perpetrator of the political imprisonment
and persecution of the Canadian freedom convoy, yes, her, who's punished and destroyed the
lives of peaceful protesters in Canada.
You know that she did a march, she led a march for Ukraine, didn't wear a mask.
And she leads a march in Canada for Ukraine after she made it illegal to march and protest
in Canada.
She goes out and has a march and a protest.
I mean, that's Nancy Pelosi implementing mass mandates and shutting down businesses in
California, but then bullying small business owners to go give her a hairdo and a haircut.
That's Lori Lightfoot shutting down all the businesses in Chicago and then saying, no,
but I need to get my haircut, I'm more important than you.
That's Gavin Newsom shutting down restaurants in California and then having huge birthday
dinners with all of his friends while he says, you can't go out, you can't go to dinner,
you have to wear a mask.
I mean, these leftist liberals couldn't be more hypocritical if they tried to be.
How much longer do we have to deal with this, my God?
How much longer do we have to deal with this scum?
Let's get them off our back, please God.
I'm sorry we killed so many babies with abortion.
I'm sorry we lied and killed so many innocent people with wars.
Please God forgive us and relieve us of this.
We just can't take it anymore.
It's just too much.
It's just too much, man.
And now they're torturing people, they're imprisoning people, they're killing people.
And so, Christia Freeland says, you can't have a march and then Shego leads a march for
I mean, I'm so done, man.
I'm so done.
Just the whole planet is just so done with these people.
In fact, here's a perfect example.
Governor Sisilak of Nevada, and I'll give him credit.
He went out to a restaurant and boy, oh boy, the entire restaurant gave him the what for
and the how to, take a look at, but you know, I mean, look, when you're a lying tyrant,
a whole douchebag, yeah, you're not going to get a lot of support in public when the
people find out who you really are.
That's what happened to Governor Sisilak at a restaurant in Nevada.
Check this out.
I'm surprised that you have the balls to be out here in public, punk, out here without
a cop, out here without security, woo, you got balls on you, boy, I'm not moving.
Oh man.
Oh, you in trouble.
Yeah, you better get out of here, Sisilak.
Where's your security at, punk?
Where's your security at?
You want to sell us all down the river?
You working for China?
Piece of shit.
It's called trade.
You fucking traitors.
We should string you up by lampposts right now, pussy boy.
Do you know what they do with the traders?
They hang them.
That's right, Patriot.
I think it's awesome.
You running into a patriot now, huh?
Where's your security at?
I heard about you banging that little girl and wrecking your car, does she know about
Huh, Steve?
Mr. Sisilak, you treasonous, China-working, sucking mother fucker, where's your security
at, bitch?
Woo, you lucky I'm a law-abiding citizen, woo, because your daughter's with you, I'm
going to leave you alone now.
Now, this is a bit of a tight rope here, and I'll explain why, but see, you notice most
people weren't even sure who he was, and then when that individual said, hey, look, here's
the governor, here's the scumbag governor, and then the whole restaurant was like, yeah,
I hate you.
Yeah, you suck.
Yeah, I hate you.
Yeah, you destroyed the state.
And then the whole restaurant is like, yeah, what the hell is this guy doing in here?
Get this scumbag out of here, man, F you.
And then he runs away like the little coward he is, the little globalist rat that he is.
I mean, even in the parking lot, people are coming out like, hey, that's the, that's the
douchebag governor.
Hey, that's the guy that tried to destroy my life.
Now here's the tight rope that we face, because we don't live in a free country anymore under
Joe Biden.
And we have criminals that run our government that will politically persecute you if you
stand against them.
So it's, it's now like this balancing tight rope act where I've done that numerous times
to politicians because, you know, I'll be flying to and from DC and there'll be politicians
on these flights flying out of DC.
And I'll see, you know, politicians like Al Green and others and I'll put on my camera
I'll come right up to them and I'll say, hey, you know what, you're a liar, you're a scumbag.
And I didn't, I did that like years ago and I didn't get near the reception from the crowd
around me.
In fact, they would actually, Al Green one time actually rallied a terroristic crowd
against me to try to do violence against me in an airport.
I mean, literally I had Al Green trying to rally a terroristic attack against me in an
airport, encouraging a crowd to come up against me.
Did I back down?
Of course not.
But see, now we're at a level where if you even talk to a politician, the Democrats will
probably try to come after you and arrest you.
That's the level of mafiosa gangster activity that the Democrat party is involved in now
and big tech and all of them.
I mean, these are dangerous, dangerous criminals.
So it's like, how do you properly address and deal with these dangerous criminals that
are trying to destroy our country?
But then at the same time, keep yourself safe from their gangster mafia political persecution
of you so that you don't get killed or end up in jail the rest of your life, just peacefully
executing your First Amendment right.
So that is the difficult tightrope that we are currently on.
But I've got a feeling that videos like this are only going to become more common, a lot
more common.
And these politicians are not even going to be able to go out in public very soon.
But they did that to themselves.
They're the ones that lied to you and destroyed your country.
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The Globalist Social Engineers always intended to push their COVID biomedical tyranny lockdowns
until the populations rebelled.
They would then use that as the pretext for permanent martial law and banning and arresting
anybody that speaks out against their laws.
But because of so many scientists and engineers and researchers and others coming public and
whistleblowers, now their whole project is falling apart because the people are aware
that it is a world government corporate takeover and so it's pulling back the curtain now more
than ever.
The problem is some globalist controlled areas are not going to give up on their takeover.
Like Canada, they've now declared a civil emergency in martial law in Ontario and other
areas of the world are following suit like Australia.
So pray for these folks big time, it's a very serious situation, and stay tuned into infowarstore.com
because truth is absolutely paramount.
It has been noted by many a historian that the first casualty of war is the truth.
And the next big casualty isn't even the people that die.
No, that invariably follows, but first there is the crackdown on populations, basic liberty
and speech and massive censorship.
And now across the world, the United States to Europe, legislation is being introduced
that if you amplify any quote pro-Russian information, you can be censored, you can
be arrested, you can be imprisoned.
And of course now Canada has introduced legislation that if you have a fought crime and they think
you may have the intent to engage in hate speech online, that you will be censored and
Ladies and gentlemen, the authoritarianism is being carried out by the globalists around
the world against humanity that makes infowarstore.com more important than ever.
There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class.
Not in communist China, not in Mexico, not in the United States, not anywhere.
Is there a real study of the planet's ruling class?
And that's done by design.
The large central banks that basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics
that look into, say, the Anglo-American establishment, the founder of the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral
Commission of the United Nations, the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Until ten years ago the media said the controlled corporate media of the Bilderberg group didn't
Well, now the Bilderberg group is public and its former head, the Schilder steering committee,
is called Schwab, and he has set up the great reset in global government.
And if, as a liberty movement worldwide, we don't address the globalist head-on about
the second-tier worldwide authoritarian corporate takeover, we don't have a shot.
If you expose them, we can beat them easily.
Well, the mass formation psychosis of the zombie hordes has never been more prevalent.
And while I understand wanting the feel-good approach and the tugging of the heartstrings
to say, hey, you know what, I don't like to see Russia invading Ukraine, I don't like
to see war, I don't like to see innocent people dying in this globalist war versus humanity.
But it's amazing to watch how the brainwashed zombie horde goes from an expert on viruses
to an expert on vaccines to an expert on Ukraine overnight without any research into any of
those subjects for themselves, and of course no debate on the topics either, they just
censor out the opposition.
And so joining me now to discuss this and much more, and host the fourth hour of today's
transmission is Jake Ducey.
Jake, it's really incredible.
I've watched the lowest IQ brainwashed morons in two years become PhD masters in virology
and vaccines and medicine, and now to geopolitics in Ukraine.
I mean, wow, these people are just geniuses.
It's like they can just soak up ages and lifetimes of information without actually doing any
research themselves.
Yeah, it's pretty incredible, you know, I think it's something about the replication
of brain cells that some people like us, we seem not to possess the same genetic capabilities.
You know, there's something to be said about that, and I'm not a big guy that does aliens
or UFOs or the paranormal.
It's stuff that interests me, but I mean, I'm talking to other smart people, rational
people that we talk politics with, and I mean, we're reaching the point of these discussions
where I mean, we're just like scratching our head like, what is going on here?
This is these are these people even human?
And we don't want to be a part of dehumanizing somebody.
We don't want to turn into the monsters that the left have turned into.
But I mean, seriously, it's like, am I watching like, is this an under the skin invasion of
some weird alien force?
Is this like a they live occupation?
Because this is this is unrecognizable as human behavior to me.
Well, speaking of under the skin, one of the things that I've been looking into a lot more
as you know, just helping Alex organize some of his thoughts with this great reset book
and been looking a lot into central bank digital currencies.
Obviously, we know Klaus Schwab is talking about these inserts that go directly into
your skin.
And then I believe it was the Moderna CEO was talking on the World Economic Forum about
this new type of vaccine, essentially kind of like database system that you swallow this
pill and then it can detect if you've taken it and then they know if you've taken it.
And as I've been looking more and more into Ukraine, what are the other interesting things
that I that I found is Makhalo Fedorov, he is Ukraine's minister of digital transformation.
He's on the World Economic Forum's young leaders.
One of the other things a lot of people don't know, which will be one of the unattended
consequences of all of this is, as you talk about a lot, is this one of the stated great
reset goals is a centralization of everything through central bank digital currency vaccine
This is what they're going to use for the bank freezes, what they're doing to Russian
citizens, right?
We're not talking about Russian government.
It's just ordinary citizens that now are blocked from Google Pay, Apple Pay, their financial
We see that in Canada.
And here's some interesting quotes from Makhalo Fedorov, Ukraine's minister of digital
He said, quote, we have to make a product that is so convenient that a person will be
able to disrupt their stereotypes, to break free from their fears, and start using government
made applications.
When we allow a person to register a business in three clicks, when we allow them to pay
their taxes in two clicks, no matter how skeptical a person is, they will start to use these
technologies or services.
The state, what we want to do is have the state in a smart phone, which aims by 2024
to have 100% of all government services available online with 20% of services provided automatically
without the intervention of the official.
And it's pretty interesting, you know, because that's one thing Ukraine is a leader in, and
what they're doing to Russia's citizens that have nothing to do with their government,
freezing their accounts like they did in Canada, the next move here from this organization
is to move towards the central digital currency that's really not going to be a digital currency,
It's going to be the basis of the social credit score system.
And I found it interesting how involved Ukraine is in implementing that.
Well, and look, I want to be clear here, I'm a big supporter of cryptocurrency as a hedge
against the fiat market.
I mean, I'm a free market, you know, absolutist, I mean, even with NFTs, you think investing
in an NFT like a new form of digital art, like, I'm for all of it.
But see, I have a big beef with the Bitcoin commentary community because they act like
Bitcoin is the be all end all like, oh, you get a broken leg, Bitcoin will solve that.
And they're not just being honest because they put all their life savings in Bitcoin.
And so they want it to succeed.
So they want you to invest in it so they get richer.
And they're never honest.
Look, Bitcoin can go to zero.
That's just a fact.
I hope that's not the case.
I'd love to see Bitcoin succeed and create generational wealth of people that haven't had
the experience.
But see, what does Klaus Schwab say?
He says, you'll own nothing and you'll have nothing.
Well, what is Bitcoin?
What is an NFT?
Well, really, it's nothing.
So that's not me speaking negative on these things.
I want them to succeed.
It's a way of people taking the power back.
But at the same time, I can see how it can be manipulated.
And just like we had a great stock market crash in the 20s, or in the 20th century,
we could have a big cryptocurrency crash.
Notice how they're promoting all of it.
They want everybody to invest in it now and, oh, look at the returns.
Well, what if it goes to zero?
That'll be the next big crash.
So here's the point.
Anything digital can be controlled.
And like you said, in Russia, just average citizens can't use their digital payment anymore.
In Canada, they're shutting down your bank account.
Well, OK.
Of course, the World Economic Forum wants a cashless society because then they totally
control you and they control the flow of money.
And so if all of your currency is digital and doesn't have any either hard value or
a hard asset you can keep in your hand, you're a slave.
And that's what if people looked at what's going on in Russia, they might understand
this better.
Well, it's going to be interesting to see there's more and more talks about the cyber
attacks, right, too.
We saw our best friend, Hillary Clinton, go on and say, we need to attack them with
a cyber war.
And the cyber pandemic, obviously, that Klaus Schwab talked about when he said, 99% worse
is the cyber pandemic, forget COVID.
And that's how they're going to need an emergency to usher people in mass.
And of course, they're going to be able to get a percentage of these very high IQ people
that are just going to accept some of their UBI, which is really not going to be money.
It's going to be a credit system that they're going to get access to.
But how do they get the rest of it onto the rest of us onto this system?
And that's what I wonder, the cyber pandemic and these types of things seem to make a lot
of sense.
And now in one respect, one of the unintended, intentional or unintended, unintentional consequences
of this Russia thing is now the conversation about cyber attacks.
I was talking to a big CEO for a very big publicly traded company in Canada, and the
Canadian government sent a press release out to all these big corporations and let them
know, hey, prepare for some type of potential consequences to the financial system, cyber
attacks on the financial system.
And maybe that's how they officially get us to own nothing.
And then this is how they usher in the official new system of the great reset.
I don't know.
Well, either way, the digital currency is a huge problem.
A cashless society is a huge problem because it limits the individuals, you know, just
peer to peer, real human peer to peer exchanging of currencies.
If it's all digital, you're reliant on a third party to allow you access to that.
And that's a dangerous concept that people are learning, unfortunately, the hard way
right now in Russia.
I mean, Russia and Canada, I mean, you've got the lines in Russia building up because
people can't access Apple or Google Pay.
Oh, yeah, Apple and Google, Jake, those are two companies that we should trust.
Apple and Google are just extremely high as far as the moral ethics are concerned.
Yeah, it really is amazing to watch and what a lot of individuals have stated is it's called
the digital do gulag, right, for for this 21st century fascistic takeover.
It's a digital do it's a digital gulag.
And once this thing is in place, which it's just so interesting to see the tie ins to Ukraine
in they want to be the leader in moving everything digital from your taxes to your bank accounts
to everything.
That's the digital gulag, I guess.
All right, Jake Ducey is with us for another segment.
And then he hosts the entire fourth hour.
And we'll talk about some of the stuff Jake is doing here with info wars.
It's really great work.
And we'll highlight some of the other news and he'll tell you what's coming up.
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William of California, people are asleep and programmed controlled.
I agree.
How do you make the sleeper awaken, William?
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Can I plug, uh, Alex real quick?
Yeah, go ahead.
Hey, I'm in my sixties, uh, and I did the work of 25, 30 year olds and I worked them
into the ground and you wanted to know why and I tested this and I've taken your B12
and let me tell you, when I don't take it, I pay a price.
I really do.
I take that B12 and I am electric, man.
I can run 10 miles.
I did some pretty heavy work, uh, with a highway department and my friends will attest to the
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The B12 saves my life.
Mike in California.
Thanks for calling.
I think we're barking up the wrong tree calling this gain of function research.
Now, if you read the actual, you know, 2014 legislation, the US government gain of function
in deliberative process and research funding pause on selected gain of function research
involving influenza, MERS and SARS virus does nothing about SARS like viruses and it's
a research funding pause.
It's not a stop.
It's not a prohibition.
It's when you come to a four way intersection, there's the stop sign.
You stop, you look both ways and then you proceed.
And so it's also, it doesn't pause all gain of function, just selected gain of function,
but they'll argue that this is actually characterization and qualification research.
So, you know, Rand and others, you know, maybe Fauci was right.
They don't quite know what they're talking about calling it gain of function.
You know, that's why he didn't perjure himself.
That's why he hasn't been arrested because they're literally creating new synthetic
life forms that mimic what the viruses do.
But in the main definition, it's still a gain of function.
You're making something deadly that spreads more easily to hurt people.
Thank you, Mike.
We love you.
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Using a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Jake Ducey is with us here on the Alex Jones show.
This is the final segment for Mio and Shroyer before I come back and host the War Room,
which I'm telling you, this is going to be one of the most important War Room transmissions
I've ever done coming up at three o'clock.
So get ready for that.
So Jake Ducey with us here.
Now Jake really was essential in what a lot of people are considering the next level of
Alex Jones with all the stuff that he's done here at Infowars and that's resetwars.com.
And so Jake, I don't know if you can talk about some of the new projects that you're
getting into right now.
I don't know if you're going to talk about that in the next segment.
So I'll just leave it right there because I'm not really sure what you want to get into
or not as far as that's concerned.
But you know, the point is this.
I get into all this information here.
I get into all the news all day and I just bury myself in it and we tend to disconnect
ourselves with the spiritual aspect of things, the psychological aspect of things, which is
really just as important as all of this news I have on my desk, maybe even more important.
Quite frankly, this is just kind of a gateway to channeling the soul and the spirit that
has been dormant because of the chemicals and the food and water and the programming
on the TV.
And so I guess getting back to what we were talking about in the last segment, it's like,
how do you de-program someone that's become an NPC?
How do you de-program somebody that's become a brainwashed zombie that thinks they're a
virus expert, a vaccine expert, and a Ukraine expert simply because that's what the mass
programming is brainwashing them into thinking?
Yeah, so first of all, thanks, Owen, and I want to say to everyone, Alex's got a lot
of awesome things coming up.
He's got a major book that's going to be coming out before the midterms and Alex's
brain is like 40 encyclopedias.
So I'm just kind of helping him piece together, you know, Alex could write a thousand books
each a thousand pages long, but simplifying it, right?
So I've been out there working with him on that, that's coming out real soon, a lot of
other awesome stuff.
And while we were out there, he said, let's do with all of this crazy stuff going on,
the most important thing is to control what you can control.
So he asked me to come on.
We're going to do a 50% special that's beginning right now for 48 hours, resetwars.com.
This is Alex's first ever online course that breaks down exactly how to prepare for the
great reset, right?
This is a, it's a war of innumerous respects, it's a financial war, it's a psychological
war, it's a geopolitical war, it's a mental war, it's a spiritual war.
And resetwars helps you break down how to navigate that exactly.
So we don't just get bogged down and consumed by all of this information, but that we can
actually do something about it to protect ourselves, to protect our friends, to protect
our family.
We've had massive censorship and blocks that we've talked about many times.
This is some very important information.
It's resetwars.com.
If you haven't got it yet, it's 50% offer, very limited time, so you go to resetwars.com.
I'm going to be talking about 10 other ways to prepare yourself for everything that's
happening, but Owen, to answer your question, so we're just kind of preparing stuff for
the book.
And towards the end of the book, you know, I said to Alex, one of the ways that your
information changed my life is because once I learned all of this stuff, what happened
to me is I said, well, if all of reality is this, you know, bizarre matrix illusion that
we're living in, I'm actually going to go out, I'm going to learn all this information
about consciousness, mind control, the nature of reality, I'm going to use it to actually
create my dream life for myself.
And Alex said, you know, as we wrap up the book, one of the most important things is
a lot of times people learn all this information, but then what happens is they get filled with
hatred, they get filled with anger, they do what they want you to do, which is to lock
yourself in your room, get ready for your pod.
Pretty soon they'll feed you the crickets and we sit in our room and we get totally disconnected
and the negative energy actually ends up eating us up.
And Alex talks about in Reset Wars, the transmutation of energy.
Energy's never created or destroyed, emotions are just energy.
So the transmutation of energy is something Napoleon Hill talks about in his book, Think
and Grow Rich, that dissatisfaction is a creative state.
So the most important thing we can do right now is to control what we control, take this
anger, take this confusion, all these messed up emotions, and then how can we turn this
into a creative state to protect our friends, our family, improve our businesses, our mind,
our spirituality, whatever it might be.
That's what Reset Wars is about and that's really how Alex and I started working together
here and there is because I just said, hey, you know, this is how your work's improved
And he said, this is what we need.
I'm covering the news all the time now.
We also have to give people practical ways to prepare themselves and that's, there's
a whole catalog of things we're going to be rolling out.
First is Reset Wars, the book, all that, resetwars.com is 50% special and that's kind of the conversation
we were having yesterday, Owen.
Well, and you think about, you know, it's a cliche, like the best revenge is living a
happy, healthy, successful life, right?
And it's a tough thing to apply when you're dealing with the New World Order knowing the
future they have in store, but yet it still exists there.
And so I think if the analogy of Info Wars being the sunglasses in They Live that kind
of break down the matrix, break through all the propaganda you put on the Info Wars glasses.
It's almost as if, you know, our media coverage at Info Wars is one lens, but it's not the
complete vision until you awaken the spiritual side of things too.
The spiritual side, the mental side, and then think about how many people Alex talks about
in the Reset Wars course don't become a victim to the New World Order.
Think about how many people know all this information, but they're so consumed to it
in a point where they become so pessimistic about life that they no longer have any creative
ideas to improve their business, to improve their community, awesome political ideas to
run local ways to rebuild the education system.
They want to keep us in the lower planes of the psychological warfare, so we stay in a
reactionary animalistic state of consciousness.
And we have to move to a creative force, right?
And this is building the new networks, the new internets, the new businesses, using this
type of energy, of urgency or anger, whatever you feel, transmuting that energy into creative
force to double the sales in your real estate business, to grow an extra private practice
in your local medical or doctor practice, so that we can deliver people honest medicine.
Whatever it is for you, this is how we do it.
But they want to keep us in such a frenetic, stagnant state that by default we enslave ourselves
because we're aware, but we aren't doing anything with any of the knowledge.
And I think that's what Alex always talks about, is knowledge is power, right?
And this is the next step, is transmuting this energy into creative forces.
And if you look at anyone who's ever influenced the world in a positive way, what did they
They were dissatisfied with something.
And then they used their creative energy to propose a new solution to it.
I mean, whether it's flying, airplanes, whatever it is, but then the next question is, how
can I do that?
How can you do that?
Oh, and you did that.
There are tons of other people that know all this information, and they want to be like,
oh, and they want to be like Alex, and they want to do media.
You did something with it.
And all of us have to start doing this.
And that's the old Buckminster Fuller quote, is don't fight the old system, build a new
one that makes the old one obsolete.
And every single person, I believe God's given them a special unique talent, gift, and interest.
And how can we materialize that for the limited time that we're here?
That's how we do something.
That's how we wake other people up, too, in my opinion.
I love that you just said that, because one of my, I don't know if you'd call it a pet
peeve, but it's just like this little click in my head that is always there.
And I think it just has to do with, and a lot of people are the same way.
It's why people watch sporting events, or the Super Bowl, or people deliver great speeches.
I like observing, and witnessing, and appreciating, and experiencing other people that have mastered
their craft.
There are other people that are truly great, and uplift humanity.
And I have this weird pet peeve, where if I see somebody that has huge potential that
is just going to waste, and just being spoiled, and they're not tapping into that, that like,
that hurts me.
Like, I'm like, I'm like screaming, like, hey, you're amazing.
You can do so much more.
Don't you know that?
You just need a little encouragement.
You just need a little focus.
And I see with the youth of the nation, it's the same thing.
Like, the school system wants them downtrodden, the public school education keeps them downtrodden,
the college indoctrination keeps them downtrodding.
It's like, no, you do have something special for you in this universe.
You do have a divine destiny.
You have to understand that, believe it, and tap into it, and reach your full potential.
Watching wasted potential crushes me.
Now you look at the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset, they want all of human potential
They want all this human potential squandered.
I want to tap into it.
I want it to become the number one resource on this planet as humans.
Yeah, there's this cool quote.
It says that instead of education or entertainment, they blend the two together, edutainment, where
we learn all this information and we get awake, but it becomes entertainment.
We get the serotonin and the dopamine releases of everything, but we're not doing anything
with the information.
And what we need is everything from people that are going to become the number one real
estate agent in their area, and they're going to be super awake, and they're going to have
extra money to start building new things, same in medical, same in movies, same in shows.
Across the board, it's this type of movement that has to occur.
And that's kind of what I just proposed to Alex, and he said, well, let's build this
whole new catalog.
That's Reset Wars.
That's the next book coming out, the expose of the Great Reset.
All of these types of things, that's the next step that has to happen, right?
If we actually believe we're made in the image of God, then we all have a divine destiny here,
and it's not just to look at all this bad stuff.
It's for us to literally start to change the world and build a new one.
No, that's it, exactly.
The lie of the Great Reset, the lie of the New World Order, which is really going to
be rolled out when they talk about manmade climate change, is that you're a virus, you're
a parasite on this planet.
You need to die.
No, you are a divine creation of God's meant to live and thrive.
Jake Ducey, hosting the fourth hour, I'll be back hosting the War Room.
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Welcome back to the Al Cio Cio, this is Jake Ducey here in honor of the fourth hour and
today I have 10 things that I want to talk about, 10 ways to prepare yourself for the
great reset and everything that's happening now, these are just 10 things that I've been
doing, 10 things that I've been working on and so whatever lands for you, you can keep
whatever doesn't, doesn't, but we're going to talk about practical ways that you can
prepare yourself and I'm here in honor of Alex is doing a 50% off on reset wars.
If you had to resetwars.com, it's 50% off now.
The reason this is so important is because the whole way this works like Oh and I were
talking about is the goal is to keep us as downtrodden as humanly possible and they do
this by making us feel so disconnected and so disempowered from everything that's happening
that they're in control of it, that even the people that are awake aren't doing anything
about it, aren't offering, aren't creating solutions and so what happens is they keep
us trapped in the mental and emotional planes of this warfare or this, this psychological
control system and that's resetwars.com which is the first of many things Alex is creating
and rolling out.
They're going to be step by step actionable guides to combat and prepare yourself for
the great reset.
So it's resetwars.com 50% off now before I get into some of these 10 ways to prepare
yourself, just wanted to play a quick clip of one of the testimonies so you know some
of the amazing results and some of the amazing positive results that people are getting from
reset wars.
We're going to have one of those players if you're like me, you've been a long time
listener of this program, you've fed up with everything going on in the world, inside you
like me, a fire is burning, something needs to change and yet we feel helpless, almost
like we're stuck inside a system that someone else created for us.
It's time for us to break free from that system.
Reset wars is a game changer.
You start to see yourself more as part of the solution instead of just as a victim.
So much of the stuff we look at today is low vibration, low energy and makes us depressed
and therefore we manifest this negative reality out there.
When they feel they're lied to each steel plant to enslave and rob the people, there
is an awakening.
Reset wars has helped me to navigate and to pinpoint and lock onto the deep rooted psychological
tactics that were being used against me and now I'm not scared anymore.
I have to say I was blown away.
I feel so much better every day listening to it.
To Alex, thank you very much for putting the course together, you're absolutely right.
We are reflections of God, we are emanations of that and we can use that God energy to
do really anything we want to do in this life.
Romans chapter 12, Paul talks about how we're transformed by the renewing of our mind and
that's a process.
Most of our thoughts and actions are subconscious.
Most people go through their day and don't think about many things.
You can drive along a long journey and not even remember half the trip.
In this process, we need to have a concerted, active effort physically and mentally to reprogram
that subconscious mind.
That's what this series is about, is resetting our mind because there's a war on for our
He's exactly right and he's become a great voice in our generation and in this new great
awakening and I encourage everybody out there, if you haven't gone there yet, go to resetwars.com.
That's where your journey begins.
So I just wanted to play that just so you have an idea.
You look, this isn't just another thing that we put out with resetwars.
This is so important for the great reset because the whole goal is about keeping us disempowered
as you saw from some of those stories there.
People are realizing all of us have a role and a place to play in this and so as I start
moving through 10 ways, prepare yourself.
One of them is don't get distracted, control what you can control.
The whole goal of psychological warfare or information warfare is to send such a bombardment
on our senses that we get so focused on the exterior world that what happens is all of
our energy sucked out like a vampire into things in the outside world that we can't
control, which is how we don't create solutions and which is how we create our own enslavement.
They aren't doing it.
We're creating it on our own.
And as someone proposed in there, they realize they do have a role to play.
There's that old quote from the Bible that talks about do not be conformed by the world,
be transformed by the renewing of your own mind.
And so the question is, how can you take this energy, this hatred, what this confusion,
this frustration and how can you use it to offer and create a solution for yourself or
your friends, for your family, for your business right now, resetformers.com for a very limited
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Welcome back to the Alex Shoncho.
This is Jake Ducey and I want to move through Tim's ways that I'm personally preparing myself
for the great reset and many of the things involved in that.
Right before we went to the break, we were talking about not getting distracted and controlling
what you can control.
And number two is to turn your anger, your frustration, your confusion into creative
In Napoleon Hill's book, Thinking Grow Rich, he talks about how dissatisfaction is a creative
How did Alex create infowars?
What happened?
Well, he was this kid that realized the world wasn't what he thought it was.
He was dissatisfied with it and he was concerned about where it was going.
He used that energy, that anger, that frustration as a creative state to build one of the biggest
media enterprises and movements in the world.
And we start going down the list.
And one of the ways that my life changed from this information is once I realized it all,
then I started to say, well, what's my place in it?
And there was a time when all of it made me so depressed and so angry and so negative,
I just sat there angry, depressed and negative, refreshed all the bad news over and over
and over again.
And there's a point at which that energy, if we aren't utilizing it, we actually create
our own mental gulag.
Earlier with Owen, we talked about the digital gulag, right?
This centralized controlled digital system that Alex and many people on infowars have
talked at great lengths about.
But what about the mental, spiritual, and psychological gulag?
Look at that graphic right there, you can see a perfect example of it, the mental plane
gets locked.
And a lot of times we like to think of other people as the zombies and we like to think
of other people as the brainwashed fools.
But in a lot of ways, we become our own zombies, we become our own mental, psychological, and
spiritual gulag.
And what happens is we vibrate at such a low emotional frequency of anger and pessimism
that what happens is being awake actually becomes a destructive force for us.
So Napoleon Hill talks about how dissatisfaction is a creative state and that you can use dissatisfaction
to grow your business.
I mean, think about what you could do if you could double or triple your income.
Think about what you could do for your friends, for your family, for your community.
Think about what movements you could find if you could double or triple your business,
whatever it was.
Whether you were in sales, whether you were in real estate, whether you did something
online, whether you had a media company, make that a goal.
Turn this energy into a creative state, right?
The same thing can be so for our health, for our investing, for our career.
It's about the transmutation of energy and reset wars.
Alex breaks down some of the universal laws later in the course, as he's moving through
how to protect yourself from the great reset.
And one of the universal laws that he talks about is the transmutation of energy.
This tells us that energy is never created or destroyed in all emotions, our energy.
So when we transmute energy and we use that energy as inspiration and we use that energy
as creative fuel, that's when we start to move out of the psychological, mental and
spiritual gulag that I believe we've created on ourself.
It's easy to say they've done this tyranny, they've controlled us, but in some ways we've
unconsciously done it on ourselves.
But if we give them all the power, we also give them the keys to our own destiny as well.
And I want to talk about not letting that negative energy store in us as a loss, even
though we're awake.
And Alex was saying, one of the most frustrating, as we're organizing some of the stuff for
his new book, he was saying, one of the most frustrating things about all this information
is some people will learn all this information on the show, but then what happens is all
that anger, hatred, confusion, it fessers in them and stores in them.
And then in essence, all they end up doing is basically nothing.
And so the goal here is to understand that if we're made in the image of God, even though
all of this is happening, we have a role to play and whether they're going to crash the
economy, there's always going to be ways to win, right?
Number three is commodities are going to soar, right?
One of the consequences of this Ukrainian-Russian situation is energy prices, which were already
record highs, are going to soar even higher.
That's oil stocks, uranium, 40% of all enriched uranium comes from Russia.
You're going to see uranium stocks soar, right?
And so what I've been trying to do to the best of my ability, and I'm by no means perfect
at it, but I learned through my own trial and error of hitting the refreshed browser
mentally and just constantly resetting in my head, we're screwed, we're screwed, we're
And realizing this was keeping me broke, this was keeping me unhappy, all that stress is
negatively affecting my health, I have no inspiration and I'm not being an inspiration
or an example or help for anyone else, anyone else in my friends, my family, my community
or my world.
So when I started shifting my focus back to the theme of my theme for 2022 is to control
what I can control, and this is not, this is exactly what Klaus Schwab doesn't want
you to do.
They don't want you to think about what they can control.
This is why he said, prepare for an angrier world.
They're not even hiding it anymore.
They want you to be angry.
The reason they want you to be angry is because again, this moves us back into a state of non-creative
energy and when we're in a state of non-creative energy, we can't access the image of God in
which we're made, we can't be transformed by the renewing of our own minds.
And what happens is, then we knock ourselves out of the game and we become exactly like
the people that sometimes we like to joke about.
There's always going to be ways that you can protect and prepare yourself.
Commodities are going to soar, regardless of what happens to the overall economy, you're
going to see commodities soar.
There's opportunities to make a lot of money in energy stocks, there's opportunities to
make a lot of money in oil, there's opportunities to make a lot of money in uranium.
The number four that I want to talk about is doing the inflation calculator.
We're all aware, inflation is getting out of control.
Federal Reserve said inflation is 7.5 percent.
If you follow John Williams' shadow stats, maybe it's more 20, 25 percent.
The German producer price index jumped 25 percent year over year, which is the highest
since 1949.
So you're seeing this globally, this move in inflation.
Well, it's one thing to be aware of it.
It's one thing to get mad at it, it's one thing to point out that the entire financial
system is a Ponzi scheme and the ruling elite is really the people that are controlling
the money streams more than anything else.
But it's another thing to make sure that we protect ourselves.
So one of the ways to start to use this anger and this creative energy is to improve our
finances, to protect ourselves, protect our friends, protect our family, and to do more
good in the world with.
So do an inflation calculator.
If inflation is 7.5 percent, do the math.
This isn't even compounding, but let's just say 7.5 percent over five years, that comes
out to 37.5 percent in a loss of purchasing power.
So if you take the average American income of $50,000, they will lose $20,000 of those
purchasing power without even realizing that's happening.
That's not even factoring in taxes.
So if you are aware inflation is happening, you have to start to use the image of God
in which you're created.
You have to start to use your creative energy to offer more solutions, to improve your finances
for yourself, for your friends, for your family, otherwise in a universe where energy is never
created or destroyed, you can only create or disintegrate.
Your finances are disintegrating right in front of your eyes.
So pull out a pen and pad and I invite you, it's pretty fun in a weird way to do the math
on it because you see how screwed we're getting in real time.
If you factor that out over a 10-year period at 7.5 percent inflation, you are losing 75
percent of your purchasing power.
So then the next question goes to, well, what do I do about it?
I do the inflation math calculator, I take how much I'm losing over a five-year period,
then I take out my taxes and you're left with like 10 percent of your actual money.
So then the thing is, well, I've got to solve that, I've got to solve it for my own freedom,
so I'm prepared, so I have food storages, so I have safety supply, so I can protect
my friends and my family that aren't as prepared, and so I have extra money to start building
new movements, new causes, whatever it might be.
And then what happens here is we go, well, there's nothing I can do about it.
Well, they're censoring this.
Well, they're doing this and they are, they're doing all of it.
But we have to go back to empowering ourselves.
This is the number one thing they do not want us to do.
And one of the simple ways as I move on to point number five is to start to build multiple
sources of income or multiple streams of a movement.
Now, it's easy to think, well, I only have so many hours a day and I've already got this
job, but if your job is a ceiling and therefore over a five-year period you're losing 30
something percent of your purchasing power, you have to create more solutions.
We think of prepping as make sure you have your food storage, make sure you have your
But if you are not fighting inflation with creative energy to move your income forward,
you are actually preparing yourselves in one way or another for your own enslavement.
And we're going to talk a little bit more about that here in a minute.
But if you want to screw your head on right, learn how to detach yourself from this psychological
Head right now to resetwars.com.
We're doing a 50% off special.
Learn how to prepare yourself mentally, spiritually and emotionally for everything that's happening.
Resetwars.com 50% off special.
Head there right now at the break and sign up right now.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's Alex Jones.
In just a moment, I'm going to show you some of the awesome, awesome stories that we're
hearing about people moving through reset wars, but let's talk a little bit about something
Alex breaks down in the reset wars course, which is inspiration.
There's one thing to have knowledge and there's one thing to have inspiration and knowledge
without the application of it has no inspiration and thus we create, as we talked about earlier,
our own mental, spiritual and emotional gulag, which is exactly what they want to do.
In the course, Alex breaks down the word inspiration and he breaks it down as really
two words, in spirit, in spire, inspiration.
What does that mean?
It's when we're in spirit, it's when we're connected to God, when we're living from
the consciousness that we're not only made in the image of God, but as we talk about
Lord make me an instrument, it's when we're used as an instrument for a higher good to
improve our own lives, to improve our family's lives, repair our community and whatever that
information might be.
Now, one of the ways that we can prepare ourselves for the great reset is to cleanse our mind,
cleanse our spirit and to connect to God and ask ourselves, what's our role here?
There's an old George Bernard Shaw quote and he says that the people that get on in this
world are the people that look around for the circumstances that they want and if they
can't find them, they create them.
One of the ways if we go back to the earlier theme, the transmutation of energy, that we
can start to use this to create more solutions is to look around and see where you see a
Do you see a problem in the medical industry?
Do you see a problem in the education industry?
Do you see a problem in broadcasting and media, things that aren't being covered?
Is it online?
Are you a coder?
Whatever it is and then devoting your energy and calling on God, calling on spirit to give
you the creative energy and the resources in order to implement whatever this is, whatever
it is that you're meant to do.
This is the big question that the whole psychological word dynamic is designed to keep us from asking
because it's about engaging us in the reactionary state of consciousness purely and I spent
so much of my life when I learned all this information in a total reactionary state of
I was broke, I was angry, I wasn't doing anything about it to make the world a better place
and I met a mentor and he said, well, you know, what do you want to do?
And I said, well, I want to go travel, I want to do all these things.
We said, well, why don't you do that?
I said, well, I'm broke.
And he said, well, why are you broke?
And I said, I don't know.
And he said, well, you don't help anyone.
You don't do anything.
And I figured I thought, you know, I'm really awake.
You know, I know all these things about the world, but I realized that I was using the
transmutation of energy in order to move out of a creative state.
I was living purely in a reactionary state of consciousness.
And there's really only two modes of consciousness that we can live from.
One is a creation state of consciousness and one is a reactionary state of consciousness.
And in the Reset Wars course, I mentioned earlier, Alex talks about realizing how you
become a victim to the New World Order.
And when we think that we're awake, I noticed that it was easy for me to think that, you
know, I'm not a victim, I'm awake to it.
And then I realized that I had developed all of these self-defeating habits, beliefs and
behavioral patterns designed off of how I saw the world, which I thought was from an
awake lens that I'd taken the red pill and realized all these things.
Yet I thought because the financial system was screwed, I couldn't do anything.
You might think because of the medical system screwed, you can't improve upon the medical
system, create your own private practices, the education screwed, the education system
screwed, there's nothing you can do about it, and on and on and on and on and on.
And in the course in Reset Wars, what you're going to learn is you're going to discover
what negative news cycles have become living beliefs or behavioral patterns that have stopped
you from, you know, the old cliche quote is being the change that you want to see in
the world.
They've stopped you from creating action.
And this, again, is exactly what they want to occur.
They don't want us to create our own system.
They don't want us to create new media outlets.
They don't want us to create new websites.
They don't want us to create new medical businesses.
They don't want us to create new educational systems.
They want us to know exactly what's happening and remain angry.
This is why Klaus Schwab said, prepare for an angrier world.
And when we understand that all of reality is this, when we understand that all of reality
is energy and all of reality is a psychological and mental warfare plane, what happens is
that once they trap us into a feeling that they're in control, this only breeds disempowerment.
And so we create our own enslavement.
And in the Reset Wars course, Alex breaks down how we create our own enslavement from
a mental level, from a spiritual level, from a psychological level, and how to break out
of it.
One of the things that when we were talking about putting together, Alex is putting together
his book that's going to be out soon called The Great Reset and the War for the Future.
And it's a mass market expose explaining the Great Reset, what you don't know about it,
and more importantly, how we defeat him and how we win, how we actually beat the Great
And as he was kind of wrapping up on organizing his thoughts on the ending chapter, he said,
one of the most important things is we want people to learn all this information, but
then do something about it.
We want people to be like Joe Rogan.
He said, you know, he'd been able to watch Joe Rogan since 2000.
Joe learned all this information.
And what did he do?
He became the number one podcaster in the world, one of the top sports and media commentators
in the world for the UFC, became a top level, a world top level martial artist, a top level
He used all of this awakening to the world and started to channel it in creative ways.
And the question is, how can you do that?
The question is, how can you take that same creative energy that Alex was able to use
to build infowars?
How can you take that same creative energy in your existing job and your existing occupation
and your existing day-to-day life to level up?
Because the way that we're going to start to create these changes, and more importantly,
even if we can't change it, the way that you're going to protect yourself, your friends and
your family is by focusing on what you can control.
And so in honor of that, we've got the reset wars, 50% off sale going on right now, learn
exactly how to prepare yourself, your friends, for your family, even if you're insurance
for you, do it for somebody else.
Prepare for your children, prepare for your grandparents that can't get to the next level.
We have no idea how much human potential we have access to.
I like to think of it like a fingernail.
It's like if you walked up to someone and you said that you were your fingernail, it's
like one-tenth of one millionth percent of who you were.
And what they want you to do is when they say, who are you?
When you ask me, who am I?
And I define myself by my body.
I'm Jake.
I'm this many years old.
I have blue eyes.
Here's how much I weigh.
And I define myself based off of my physical experience, which traps us into lower dimensions
of consciousness.
And this is the time, as Patanjali said, he's a creator of the Yoga Sutras, and he said,
once you're inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your bonds
break their limitations, dormant forces become active, and you find yourself a more powerful
person than you ever dreamed of.
If we want to do something about it, you have to realize that you have a serious role to
And it's not just, this is an important part, to prepare yourself to listen to Alex Jones,
to listen to Info Wars every day, but then the next step is, how can you use this to
create the ripple effect?
So go to resetwars.com right now, Alex, Reverse Engineer, the whole playbook of how they built
the mental and psychological control systems, how you can break it apart from an unconscious
level to really be that next person that we need in this dominoes to wake up the world
and make the world a better place is resetwars.com.
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you die in five or six days without water, you die in a month without food.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones show.
Question, how are you liking the great reset, right?
We know this is the early stages and only more of it's going to transpire.
There's two things we can do, we can crawl in a ball with all of our knowledge and do
nothing with it or we can get creative, prepare ourselves, create our own freedom regardless
of what's happening in the world and regardless of what happens in certain countries, there's
always going to be opportunities for people to thrive, for people to succeed and people
to have freedom.
A lot of people won't believe that and they're going to curl in a ball and they're going
to accept and essentially unconsciously create their own tyranny.
That's why Alex put together reset wars, as we mentioned, 50% off.com, specialresetwars.com.
I wanted to play another quick testimony here just to give you an idea of what's going on
and give you an idea of what people are saying about reset wars and why it's so important
so I'm going to have the team play another quick testimony here where you can see some
of the stories of what's happening as people are starting to wake up in mass to reclaim
their own power.
Hey there fellow Info Warriors, I just want to reach out and give a recommendation to
reset wars.
It's really powerful, so if you guys are looking to transcend the mind to a higher level, more
advanced knowledge, then it's for you.
They did a great job on getting everything together for this, you know, so if you guys
are looking to take it to the next level, I'd definitely recommend it, so keep up the
good fight and we are the resistance, so stand together.
The way Alex lays out the most critical information makes it all very easy to absorb, but the
confidence and hope gained from reset wars is priceless.
This course has not only confirmed my purpose, but has given me the ability to walk in confidence
towards my new path.
The reset wars program is honestly one of the first times I've seen Alex at this deep
level of God connection and love for the world and pushing out these good things with all
the science, all the information to back it up, so I just want to say thank you to the
InfoWars team and Alex for putting all this together, anybody would benefit from watching
this program.
When Alex goes into deep detail about what we're fighting against and who we are, we
were created in God's image, we're children of God and we have the power to fight what's
going on in this world, we have the power to fight it back and I just feel rejuvenated,
I feel on fire, I feel like I'm ready to do this.
This thing is off the hook and Alex Jones is trying to preserve tens of millions of
lives with this program and you can help, I'm helping, if you want to change your life,
if you think it could matter to you to change your life, try resetwars.com.
So I really love the story of the woman there at the end that had the cross necklace and
she was talking about how she essentially had regained her hope and optimism and her
feeling that we are in control and there's something we can do about it and the way
that this whole warfare is implemented and this reset is implemented from the control
of social media algorithms to the control of news, it's all designed for us to essentially
give up our own control and our own power.
The whole goal goes back to the original term that they use so often of non-essential, right?
We all realize we are not non-essential but the goal is from an unconscious level to feel
like your time, your energy and who you are as a person is not essential to changing the
world, that there's nothing we can do about it and this is just the way it is.
But in fact, all achievement and all advancement of human civilization has pretty much come
from ordinary everyday individuals, it's come from people outside of the regime, it's come
from people outside of the status quo and it's essential, right?
We're seeing it from the rollout in the medical field where we're seeing the medical tyranny
rolled out, stopping people from getting access to medical treatments because of their vaccine
So what does that show?
Well, we need somebody that's either got the money, the creative energy, the medical expertise
to start to create an alternative system, an alternative business and it starts in your
own community, seeing the same thing in the education system, we're seeing the same thing
in the financial system.
And this can go on, we could talk over and over and over about how bad things are and
we could just talk all day about how bad the news is or we could do a second thing and
we could say, what do I control here?
What do I control here and what can I improve upon?
What is within my own control when I close my eyes and I connect to God and I say, God
make me an instrument, what's my purpose here?
What's my mission here?
And what happens is, asking you to receive, instantly the answers come to us, whatever
yours is, whatever your calling is, whatever the things that you can approve on, whatever
the clear targets and goals you can set for yourself and for your family.
But then what happens is, we ignore those callings.
We ignore those callings and we say, well, it's so bad, there's nothing I can do about
Well, there's censorship, well, I'm busy, well, there's all this bad stuff occurring.
Well, what's the point of being doing anything if things are so bad anyways?
And what happens is, we create our own tyranny and as we talked about earlier, it becomes
our own gulag and the thing that I'm most excited about with everything that's going
on at Infowars isn't just that the amount of people being reached is larger and larger
and larger and larger.
It's that Alex recognizes there's numerous parts to this Infowar and the next stage of
this Infowar is to prepare as many people as possible and to create as many leaders
as possible.
And you're sitting here in this moment of time, although it may not seem like it, but
it's the best time in human history to be alive.
There's never been a better time where you've had more access to tools, technology, to information
and to knowledge for you to do something, whatever it is for you to do something.
And it's so easy to forget that and it's so easy to just go right back into the mind
viruses and right back into the negative habits that we built as a self-protective mechanism
for all the stress, for all the anger, for all these very dense, worldly emotions that
we rightfully feel.
And we can beat this and we can win, but it's going to come from us getting connected
to spirit, from us getting inspired and for us getting creative, for us to start to transmute
in mass, the transmutation of energy in mass to offer solutions and it's the hundredth
monkey effect.
When other people see you doing something, when other people see you, well all this is
going on, well I just doubled my business in spite of it, well all of this is going
on, I just built this new movement in spite of it, that's the hundredth monkey effect
where I'll connect to an unconscious collective mind and other people start to pick that
up and other people, it's just like it's like you're wiping away the fog on other people's
windshield and I just think, whoa, maybe I am powerful, whoa, maybe we can do something
about it and it's easy to just keep waiting for someone else to do something and that's
why we put together Reset Wars to be one of those playbooks, to be one of those practical
guides, to be one of those step by step systems that can allow you to break out of this control
grid, realize your own power and do something, anything.
And so I was just out there in Texas working with Alex on helping him to organize some
of his thoughts for his new book, Major Release Book, that's going to be coming out before
the midterm elections, it's called The Great Reset and the War for Humanity and obviously
we're out there while the next stage of this war has kicked into high gear and there's
more and more crazy things happening and I was showing Alex some of these awesome new
testimonials and everything that's gotten and he said, you're on air tomorrow, we're
doing a new 50% off special, we need as many people as humanly possible in here to be going
through the Reset Wars course.
Now not only is this something that's life changing, not only is this something that's
going to give you the tools and the optimism necessary to conquer everything that's happening
right now, but it's in a very important way to fund the Info Wars movement.
The next stage of The Great Reset is going to be collapse of supply change, energy crisis
which is going to send the cost of shipping and goods even higher.
And so putting together a digital aspect of the Info Wars business is a necessary component
in staying on air.
It's a necessary component to continue to fund the Info War and it's a 360 win because
you're getting a step-by-step blueprint to protect and prepare yourself for The Great
So head over to resetwars.com right now, you can go ahead and you can sign up.
We love you to do as you move through it.
Send us a video, let us know the awesome results, awakening shifts that occurred in your life
from using it and we'd love to share your stories as we continue to inspire.
I've been on air more than 25 years.
And long before I started selling high quality vitamin D3 eight years ago, I've been promoting
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Your body will be susceptible and wide open to so many of the threats that are out there.
It's just like you need oxygen, you die in four minutes without oxygen, you die in five
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Well that's because these key minerals and elements and vitamins are in the food that
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We have the highest quality in winter sun with vitamin K that boosts all your body's
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It's only been in the last 60 years that we've had satellites that can decently measure what's
happening in the atmosphere, but if you look at all the different studies and reports about
my NASA and other governments and other agencies, they all disagree on what's really happening
with the climate.
The only constant, the only great truth is change is the only constant, so yes, climate
change is totally real, but notice first they called it global freezing back in the 70s
and 80s and then it's going to be global warming and when that didn't really happen the way
they wanted it to, okay now it's just climate change, but did you know that man-made climate
change is a real thing when it comes to the United Nations and the Department of Energy
and Bill Gates and the UN?
They have weather control trees from 1979 and Bill Gates has been manipulating the weather
for a very long time.
In fact, back in 1994, two scientists won a Nobel Prize for an idea of spraying different
particles out of jet engines to control the weather, so yes, man-made climate change is
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Reading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Sometimes I like to imagine it's after life and I like to imagine, you know, I'm sitting
there with God and I'm reviewing my life, right?
Maybe I'm reviewing my life to decide whether I was able to fulfill my mission or not, whether
I was, you know, going to go back and do it again in another third dimensional plane.
And if you can imagine yourself there and you're reflecting on this life, what do you
think would be going on?
Would you be able to say that you checked all the boxes?
Would you be able to say that you used all of your God given talent?
Were you able to say that you used all the inspiration, creative energy that you could
to live Christ-like, create solutions, solve problems?
Did you do everything you could to before you left to ensure your children had financial
future, freedom, you know, who knows what the world would be like in another 20 years
and in another 30 years and who knows if your children will have the same economic opportunities
as you did or not.
And while we still have these economic opportunities that we have, I believe that it's up to you,
it's up to me to do the best we can to prepare ourselves for future generation.
And so you're sitting there with God and you're going through this checklist.
And the question is, here you are in the future or here you are in the afterlife, here you
are reflecting on your life.
What stones did you leave unturned?
What things didn't you do that you could do right now back here in third dimension?
What things were within your control?
What ways did you, were you given the infinite creative energy of God that you have access
to and can call upon and you didn't use it?
In what ways did you incarnate here on arguably the easiest time to be alive in human history
and the time in human history where you had the most tools possible to make the world a
better place to stop what's happening, to improve your finances, to improve your health,
to gather more knowledge and information, to take action.
In what ways didn't you do it?
And it's a question that could probably keep us thinking about for ages.
In Bonnie Weir's book, The Top Regrets of the Dying, she was a palliative nurse and
worked with people on their deathbeds and she surveyed thousands of them over a period
of time and she found out that the number one regret people had on their deathbeds was
they wished they would have lived the life true to themselves.
And I believe that we all have a true self that's within us, not our worldly form, not
the one that's programmed by all these social viruses that keep us in very low levels of
consciousness and keep us from and keep us living in very low levels of our potential.
But I think that there's this other true self that has a higher calling and I think that
there's this other true self that's capable of more than we could ever imagine.
And I think it goes back to that quote we were talking about earlier from Patanjali
and he said, once you're inspired by some great goal, some extraordinary project that
all of your bonds break their limitations, dormant forces become active.
What does that mean?
That dormant forces become active.
Well, if we're made in the image of God, I mean the only person that isn't able to
access this like weird level of human will isn't just like Alex Jones, this kid that
was just recording in his closet as a teenager that ended up building one of the biggest
media enterprises in the world, it's you, it's me, with whatever it is.
And that's why we put together Reset Wars and that's why we're doing a 50% off special
on Reset Wars.
It's been funny to watch how much the censorship of it has occurred.
There's been a lot of media articles about it and I'm just trying to spin it in their
typical less than pleasing ways.
But whether it's email servers recently, just getting some narration editing on some things,
we got banned from five different audio narration websites for Reset Wars.
We got banned from five of them.
So the question is why?
And it goes back to one thing.
The reason they do not want this information out there is because they don't want people
It doesn't matter how much information you know, information is one thing and knowledge
is the application of it.
It's the application of it that has them afraid, it's the application of us, of it that has
them concerned, it's the application of it that they do not want out there, right?
Because that's how we build the new system.
That's how we do what Buck Minister said, is not to fight the old system, but to build
a new one and make the old model obsolete and it's up to you and it's up to me and it's
up to all of the millions of people listening for us to start to do that and for us to get
empowered and for us to find hope and optimism for ourselves, for our friends, for our family
and for our world.
And so we're doing a 50% off special at resetwars.com.
I want to have the team play a quick video of some of the awesome stories of people that
are moving through the Reset Wars course.
So if we could have the team play a quick video and I'll be back in a moment, I want
to encourage you to head to resetwars.com and sign up right now.
Inside you, like me, fire is burning, something needs to change.
I just want to reach out and give a recommendation to reset wars.
It's really powerful.
Reset wars was absolutely amazing and eye-opening and revolutionary.
If you want to change your life for the better, I highly recommend this to Alex.
Thank you very much for putting the course together.
I found it to be awesome.
It was worth it to me.
You have taken ancient wisdom and ancient knowledge and crystallized it with scientific
This isn't about Alex Jones.
So what you're about to see is a lengthy, powerful, well-documented spectrum of information
and experiences and understanding that the power structure is censoring and is definitely
a threat.
To think the way we are intended to think by God, that's what this series is about.
Reset wars has been a great tool during this time of uncertainty and it has rejuvenated
my hope.
It's been helping me a lot with a lot that's going on in my life.
Everybody needs to purchase this product and watch it and then share the information far
and wide.
There is an awakening, join in to help yourself and others to wake up.
Reset wars has been a great tool in both recapping what I've come to already know and also learn
new material.
I'm not disappointed.
I plan on sharing it with as many people as possible.
I hear you coming more and more with that and I feel it more and more.
It's moving me.
We need to have courage and focus in order to accomplish that mission and I felt like
I got a lot of that from reset wars as well.
The confidence and hope gained from reset wars is priceless.
This isn't magic.
This is the real code of the universe or what Max Plank 120 plus years ago called the matrix.
Start your journey to true freedom now at resetwars.com.
So welcome back to the Alex Jones show and I'm here in honor of reset wars.
You can head over to resetwars.com right now and sign up.
And you know, I was thinking, there's so much crazy things happening earlier.
We were talking a little bit about the digital gulag and I was, if you're just joining right
now, I was reading a little bit about Ukraine, Makhalo Fedorov and I'm probably pronouncing
his name wrong.
He's the Ukraine ministers of digital transformation, digital transformation.
And he said, when we allow a person to register a business in three clicks, when we allow
them to pay their taxes in two clicks, no matter how skeptical a person is about the
technology, they will start to use our services.
And he says, quote, we need to build a state in a smartphone, which aims by 2024 to have
100% of all government services available online, with 20% of services provided automatically
without the intervention of an official, 20% of those services coming in automatically,
And then we think about what happened in Canada and the bank freezes, and then we see those
clips of just innocent Russians, they have nothing to do with the government, they have
nothing to do with war, they're just citizens that all of a sudden they can't access their
Apple pay, shut them down, Google pay, shut them down, going cashless means your ability
to even exist in a society can be simply shut off at any time.
So I like that last part because it can shut off your ability at any time.
That's what's going to happen to a lot of people that have not taken action, they have
not taken control of their life and they have not started to control what they can control.
They may use this whole system to shut off all of the dissonance.
But when you understand that you're made in the image of God, you can build the prosperity,
the abundance, the success, and the resources necessary to not only survive anything that's
happening but to thrive for whatever's happened, for yourself, for your friends, for your family.
Use this energy not to get angry and not to get stressed, but use it as a sense of urgency
and use it as a creative energy to right now feel the doors closing and now use this sense
of urgency for creativity, it's the transmutation of energy.
Right now, screw your head on right, go to resetwars.com right now, 50% off, and start
to get the playbook together that you need to protect and protect your friends, your
family, yourself, and your finances for what's coming resetwars.com.
It has been noted by many a historian the first casualty of war is the truth and the next big casualty isn't even the people that die.
No, that invariably follows, but first there is the crackdown on populations, basic liberty
and speech and massive censorship and now across the world from the United States to
Europe, legislation is being introduced that if you amplify any quote pro-Russian information,
you can be censored, you can be arrested, you can be imprisoned and of course now Canada
is under this legislation that if you have a thought crime and they think you may have
the intent to engage in hate speech online that you will be censored and arrested.
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