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Filename: 20220222_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 22, 2022
3852 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics including Pluto's Return, sex cults, pedophilia, child sacrifice in Hollywood, the ongoing situation in Canada and Australia, the importance of vitamin D3 for immune system health, and the need to build one's own infrastructure. He also reflects on his personal journey since leaving public life following controversy over comments he made about pedophilia, his return to the Catholic Church, and his promotion of Infowarstore.com products like Winter Sun and Brain Force Ultra. The podcast addresses CNN's spreading of lies and attacks on messengers, the launch of Donald Trump's right-wing social network, trolling as a means of giving power to the one being attacked, and criticism towards John Ronson for his fabricated stories about Jones."

Today begins the return of Pluto.
The last time it happened was on July 4th, 1776.
Today is Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022.
Today is 2222022.
2 times 2 times 2 times 222 equals 1776.
But then it gets more interesting.
222 is the first time Pluto is in conjunct the United States since July 4th, 1776.
A 248-year event known as Pluto's Return.
Pluto, of course, is the god of the underworld in the Roman system
and signifies death and destruction, but also then rebirth.
It begins today and lasts for two years.
Greg Grace is doing a report on this, and you may not believe in the stars.
You may not believe in numerology, but the people that run the planet live by it.
Make no mistake, Putin invaded on the eve of the return of Pluto.
The Romans would go to war when Pluto was in certain types of aspects and when Mars was.
So with many other ancient cultures, including the Egyptians,
these people have passed down their secret archaic incantations.
Putin obviously knows who runs the New World Order, and it's a major, major message to them.
Make no mistake, our founders were aware of this knowledge,
and they launched their rebellion and the founding of their new world,
or their new Atlantis that Francis Bacon and others envisioned hundreds of years before.
1776, that was launched on July 4th, 1776.
That is 1776 today.
Two times two times two times two times two two two.
And yeah, a lot of schizophrenics and nuts then obsess over other numerology
and find things that aren't there, but this is one of the biggest numerological dates there is.
And you notice all hell's breaking loose right now.
Now what came first, the chicken or the egg?
Think about that.
And of course you know they both come together.
For whatever reason this goes on, it's real in that we manifest it on these dates.
Why do humans do that psychologically?
Or is there a secret code to all of this?
And is it the code of the universe where we're able to see the creator's actions
and then humans try to understand it and try to mimic that by first gauging the stars
and making key decisions about the alignment of those planets they called stars or gods.
Every day now that we host, I say it's a very important day because things are getting so intense,
but today was particularly bad on a lot of fronts.
And when I read this and I saw this and I went and researched it, it was like being punched in the stomach
because of what it signifies and what it means.
We know the same globalists that run Biden and the Justice Department and the FBI
that declared all protesting of lockdowns terrorism that I've been harping on
since he put it in that report back in June of last year,
made the official policy of the U.S. government to use the military CIA and others
on anyone protesting lockdowns in the future, which is martial law,
but they'd be treated as terrorists. And we know that Canada is following the exact same script
and is under the same Field Marshal's command, Klaus Schwab and his adjuncts and aides.
And so they announced it today, North Korea level martial law in Canada permanent,
no bail, and then 10 years in prison for any form of conservative protesting
including all peaceful protesting.
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Ladies and gentlemen, it is February 22nd, 2022, known as the return of Pluto,
the high holy day of occultists for over 6,000 years to launch major wars.
That is in mainline history books.
Of course, our founders knowing that launched their own new system on 1776, July 4th.
Today, Tuesday is 2222022, 2 times 2 times 2 times 222 equals 1776.
22222 is the first time Pluto is conjunct the United States since July 4th, 1776.
A 248 year event known as Pluto's return.
Pluto symbolizes destruction and rebirth.
It begins today and lasts for two years.
Whether you believe it or not, the globalists and elites do.
Study history on that will be getting into some of that today.
It's also Washington's birthday.
Before they changed over to the new modern calendar, his birthday was February 11th, 1732,
but now it's February 22nd, 1732 as well.
Our folks starting to figure out all these dates and why they're so important
and starting to see the coincidences that are not coincidences, ladies and gentlemen.
As it was before, it will so be now.
History doesn't just rhyme, it repeats.
So, call it a glitch in the matrix, call it what you will.
Folks have been noticing it for a long time and powerful elites throughout history
operate basically off of what you could call a complex form of astrology based on numerology.
From the Egyptians, the ancient Chinese right through to today.
Obviously, we've got the massive Russian-ish.
We've got huge COVID news.
We've got just so much here.
But the first thing I want to hit today is just unbelievable.
But then you realize it's not unbelievable.
It was all so predictable and it's exactly the path we would go on.
But when you think about Venezuela or you think about communist China or Cuba or Nazi Germany
or the old Soviet Union or old tyrannies throughout history, what do you think about?
Well, if you peacefully protest, you get held without bail and then you face 10 years in prison.
And the old Soviet Union, your first visit to a gulag was two years.
Then you got 10 years and then you got a bullet in the back of your head.
Two years, 10 years, bullet back of the head.
In Canada, they haven't just declared their emergency.
They haven't just declared now it's permanent.
The parliament retroactively, by a narrow margin, voted it into law giving themselves dictatorial powers yesterday, declaring themselves an elected dictatorship.
Because you can be elected and declare yourself dictatorial powers.
And so the headline for the show today is Canada has declared itself a dictatorship.
Canadian government officially declares itself a dictatorship.
There's no rhetoric there. There's no exaggeration there.
There's no embellishment there.
I am physically almost vomiting right now.
I'm so upset.
I could barely, and I'm not being dramatic here.
This is such a blow to our children's futures, everybody.
This is so horrible.
This is run by Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates that I physically, I'm almost vomiting right now.
My mouth is watering.
Like, I almost just left today.
I'm seriously, because how do you even get on air and just talk about this like it's the latest thing that's happening and then we just move on to the next thing?
Oh, public schools have got elementary school girls without the parents being known when they go to summer camps and science camps.
There's biological 25, 30-year-old men sleeping with them in the bunks and in the showers with them with their penises out.
And then today it's martial law in Canada.
It's just they do whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want, with behavioral psychology.
And that hissing voice of Trudeau, I can't even listen to it.
So, folks, it gets worse.
The Democratic Party's run by the same people and there's national polls out saying yes,
seize the bank accounts of anyone that protests lockdowns in the U.S., Canada, or anywhere.
Take their children, put them in prison, and it's being done.
And what you see Biden putting in, first press conference Saki gave on the 21st last year of January.
I decided to take my wife and children on a late vacation and we went to Utah to go skiing.
And I remember sitting there in the hot tub watching her press conference and at the pool out there in the snow and her announcing,
we're going to declare people that protest terrorist, we're going to declare people that protest lockdowns terrorist.
And then months later in June, they made it the U.S. government policy and directive that the main threat's not China,
not MS-13, not radical Islam, but the American people.
Then they put it up on TV.
Potential terror threats, opposition to COVID measures, claims of election fraud, believe Trump can be reinstated.
That was on NBC News, Fox News, you name it.
That was in June.
And it's the same all over Europe and Australia.
And now they've done it.
They have announced that hundreds of people they arrested, including the two organizers who are totally peaceful,
are going to be held for up to a year until trial without bond.
And they face 10 years in prison for peacefully saying,
we don't want you to put something experimental in our body for us people to have a job or leave our house or go to the grocery store.
I mean, this on a scale of 1 to 10, this is a 10.
And by the way, these are classical liberals, the people that organized it.
A lot of folks didn't trust them because of that, but they were good old fashioned liberals.
They thought they'd just be let out of jail. They've been arrested before.
Oh, sorry, sweetheart. You got arrested for actually standing up against the New World Order takeover.
The left gets to protest. The left gets to burn stuff down and shoot cops.
You go to prison.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, this is beyond dangerous. If you don't feel physically threatened by this,
if you don't feel nauseous,
then something's wrong with you.
So here we are. Let me read this to you. This is the next level.
This is coming for everybody. Hell, they're trying to cook up stuff on me right now to put me in prison.
They got Owen indicted. They got Sam Montoya did nothing wrong and died of being at the Capitol.
They were seen in special Sunday night all by how I need to be arrested.
Tell you about that later with a bunch of lies.
I mean, they are criminalizing the scent because it's a global corporate takeover.
Freedom convoy protester organizer Tamara Litch denied bail today.
An Ontario court judge issued the decision in Ottawa saying she believed it's always a female judge, isn't it?
There was a substantial chance Litch would reoffend if released.
Litch promised to go back to her state,
and they said, no, you will be held without bail. So did the other organizers.
So for peacefully demonstrating and peacefully organizing,
they've already grabbed the 10 million they raised and stole it so that they can't fight for that money on the outside
so they can't run a political movement in that country, just like in the old Soviet Union or Nazi Germany,
except there they didn't have television where you got arrested publicly.
She's being disappeared into a black hole until they break it.
And the judge even said that. They said, you have said that you will not protest anymore.
Wow, under threat of prison. But you won't admit your bad and your movement is bad.
So because you won't do what we want. Remember we always heard about North Vietnam that shoot down our pilots in torture in a few years
until they would say America was bad and everybody knew that was the worst thing you could do?
That's what they do to the January 6 people. They hold them until they'll come out and say
that Trump's bad, America's bad, that the election wasn't stolen and that, you know, bare false witness.
I mean, this is classic fascist authoritarian communist tactics.
I mean, this is as bad as it gets and it's about to get a lot worse on a wider scale.
But they're already beta testing it as worse as it gets. Stay with us.
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Welcome to California. People are asleep and programmed controlled. I agree. How do you make the sleeper awaken William?
I'm a 30 year old and I work them into the ground and you want to know why and I've tested this and I've taken your B12 and let me tell you when I don't take it, I pay a price. I really do. I take that B12 and I'm electric man.
I can run 10 miles. I do some pretty heavy work with a highway department and my friends will attest to the fact that yeah, for a guy in his 60s and you know pushing 70 and I'm not just blowing smoke here.
It saves my life.
Since I was a child, I made a study of history. I just happened to start reading some of the military encyclopedias that were laying around the house when I was about five.
By 10, I was reading PhD level books about World War II and World War I and Rome and Greece and Soviet Union. I was reading something between two ages by the time I was 12.
The mind of Adolf Hitler by the time I was 13, Mein Kampf, the history of the English speaking peoples by Winston Churchill. I've read thousands of books.
And when you know what tyranny looks like from history books and you've seen it in your life grow slowly, it's very nauseating, very disgusting to realize that it's only going to get worse.
And we're going to have to decide whether we're going to submit to it and go under its full control when that's a fate worse than death.
This particular group is as nasty as anything anyone's ever imagined or whether we're going to resist it but do that in a way that doesn't aid the evil ones to bring in the full fledged civil war they want.
But I got to tell you folks, the private global corporations through the Davos group are getting their directives from a private corporate consortium of intelligence agencies that are transhumanists and that are bringing in a post-human world and a artificial collapse
that they will blame on global warming and the rest of it to depopulate 80 to 90% of the population by the year 2030 is their public plan.
And so you can imagine how they're going to get us there in eight years and how life and death this is and how great it is that people are waking up about the great reset and it's the hottest thing out there and folks are really getting it right now.
Thank God for all of you. You are beyond the tip of the spear. You are the vanguard.
But when you see in Australia, in New Zealand, in Germany, in Austria, in Scotland, in Ireland, it's happening in Canada and in blue cities and in D.C.
Thousands of people are arrested, including mothers and fathers and young people and children beat up and women rode over with horses on purpose.
I mean, you see it in Europe and in Australia where they see a woman in a field and they just run her over with a Clydesdale.
Stuff way worse than what you saw in Canada.
And gangs have left us police beating up folks that don't abide by the lockdowns.
When you see that, you have to understand that's all directed by the globalist and the plan they have for Canada and Australia is the plan they're rolling out here.
And Senator Paul came out and warned about today.
So we are all in grave, grave, grave, grave danger.
And this is the designed control collapse of society and the foolish police that go along with it and the foolish leftists that go along with it.
They're destroying their own future.
But all the big money has got its private jets fueled up and ready and they got bunkers and underground bases all over the world.
And they plan after the end of this to reemerge and build this, quote, beautiful utopia once they've killed 89% of the population.
And they've got the plan all laid out and how they're going to do it.
And we said this was coming.
We said Trudeau will declare himself a dictator.
He said he wanted to be one.
He said he's the model of the world years ago and said he'll be the one that brings in the dictatorship.
He'll teach us how to behave, what to do, and he has now because they knew Canada was somewhat subservient and asleep and they thought we'll make our move there.
And it's come out now that Biden's people have been advising Trudeau on what to do.
They declared anybody protesting lockdowns or election fraud terrorists in June of last year.
Right there was spectacular to put it on the news.
Look out for terrorists.
They don't want to have lockdowns or forced imoculations or they think there's election fraud.
That's a terrorist.
They declared you and I terrorists because they intend by increment to start arresting people and not giving them bail until trial.
These are people that walk peacefully into the U.S. Capitol and once that president said they're going to duplicate it across the world.
This is world corporate government.
So we're going to play this with audio and more when we come back in the next segment, the arrest of these poor individuals.
But freedom convoy protest organizer Tamara Litch denied bail.
On Tuesday, Ontario court judge, you mean a tyrant, issued the decision in Ottawa saying she believed there was a substantial chance Litch would reoffend if released.
Oh, my gosh.
I mean, they left us out of the burn buildings and shoot people or rape kids.
But that no, no, no, that's all the George Soros judges and DA's because he's gotten them put in there as well.
No, no, no.
She get they're saying it's a year till trial probably and she faces 10 years in prison under the civil emergency.
Ottawa freedom convoy protest organizer Tamara Litch has been denied bail after spending almost a week in jail.
Litch who was charged last Thursday with counseling to commit mischief mischief in connection with Ottawa protest was denied bail Tuesday morning.
She is one of the leading organizers behind the protest against COVID-19 restrictions.
You mean the great reset teachers all were prisoners, lock us in our houses, forcibly inject us with poison.
And it goes on deeper in the article that she promised to go home and not demonstrate anymore.
But the judge wanted her to say that protesting was bad period and that she was bad and she wouldn't say it.
So she said, OK, you're going into solitary confinement and you know they're going to push the trial and push the trial.
It's already over a year with hundreds of people January 6 many of them didn't even go in the Capitol.
There are people on record who didn't even go in the Capitol who were just outside who had been held in solitary confinement.
What is it four or five months now?
The guy they grabbed the green beret.
And they got a CNN special coming out Sunday night calling for my arrest and putting a bunch of fake news out.
Having denied bail Lynch is expected to be held until trial and she's not allowed with her lawyers to talk to any of the other organizers.
Another serious authoritarian move like she's a racketeering mafia done.
And of course they seized all her private bank account so she can't have money for a lawyer to defend herself.
To the gulag with you to the dungeon with you.
We'll show you a video of her and others being grabbed being taken away by the police officers to now be thrown into a modern dungeon as political prisoners.
Not in Venezuela, not in Cuba, not in North Korea, not in communist China, but in North America in liberal happy Canada.
Peaceful, no assaults, nothing, no violence, crime went way down, protesting, having their own shop encampment.
And now because they organize it, they're not hailed, they're not praised, they go straight to the bottom of the jail.
And it's Tamara Litch today, it's you and I tomorrow.
They're coming for everybody.
Karen, he's making its move.
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Alright, here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to give the number out starting next segment.
We're going to write your calls in the second hour, but I'm going to ask for only Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, German, French, and people from Austria.
Because those are the places that the real martial law is in place, and where they're trying to push the forced injections to buy or sell or have a job,
and where they're using LRAD sound and microwave cannons that have been used against the CIA and when it's used against them, oh, they're poor victims and it caused brain damage,
and people have to retire, and it is bad that I think the Cubans and Russians and Chinese have been zapping US embassies with these.
But you don't think the West is doing it too? I mean, they do it to our people in Canada, in Australia, in New Zealand, they go out and they fry them with huge arrays of LRADs.
Dozens of vehicles park just frying everybody, and of course, they're shooting them at people in Canada as well.
I remember when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 15 years ago or so, the military was wanting to use microwave guns in Iraq,
and the UN said, well, you've got to use them on your people first, and under international law, then it can be called a police weapon, and then you can use it in war.
That, oh, Havana syndrome, high-level national security officials stricken with unexplained illness on White House grounds,
and now it's happening to folks all over the place, and a lot of the times they're sick from the super-high-powered 5 and 6G arrays they've got at the White House.
Are those Air Force One? It's a flying antenna. It'll have the same effects. It's a giant microwave transmitter.
But yes, a lot of these governments do have microwave weapons, and that's been going on since the 60s.
But imagine this, ladies and gentlemen, so when I open the phones up, it'll be for people specifically from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Germany,
and the worst is, well, the worst was Austria. Great people, great culture, but that's where Hitler came from.
They follow orders pretty bad over there, and that's when you get to Hitler, and now they've been taught by Canada and Trudeau,
and there's a big streak with the French authoritarianism. Napoleon was a dictator, and France never got back to its freedom it had for a little while,
which was still not much freedom at all. They've been under Napoleonic law ever since.
There's always been a big streak of tyranny in the east of Canada, not knocking the great French people up there,
but I mean, you know it, we all know it, the Napoleonic law, and so that's what we're seeing exercised here,
but at the directive of Klaus Schwab and the globalist. It's just unbelievable.
So let's roll the footage of Tamara Litch being arrested last week, and she gets to be in solitary confinement for a year, year and a half, two years.
They may never let her have a trial, then she faces 10 years in prison, and the court said that she's not allowed to talk to her other evil co-conspirators.
They're being told they're terrorists. She can't talk to the judge, Borogos, ordered Litch to have no contact with Pat King, Benjamin Ditcher,
Christopher Barber, and Daniel Bulford, the other organizers, and here is her getting arrested along with Christopher Barber and being disappeared.
Litch, how are you? I'm good. Oh, boy, hold your place.
Okay. Let's ask you back up, please. Let's back up. Thank you.
So if you ever wanted to watch more of Korea, that's it.
Restingers, she disappears into a labyrinth. Oh, you will be.
For peaceful protesting.
This is Danny Bulford.
He's through a mall of cocktails at the police station. She did probation, maybe, but not protesting peacefully.
They're letting her know, hey, lady, this didn't like the old days where you get arrested. She's in trouble before for civil rights stuff for Indigenous groups.
And you know she's a real liberal. She believes in freedom of protest. Well, sorry, lady, you're going to prison.
She was totally confident in a statement that got out of the jail for her lawyer, but now she finds out, oh, no, you're not in Canada anymore.
You're in the New World Order.
Ladies and gentlemen, the feds charged Owen Shroyer with entering the Capitol, not just the Capitol grounds and helping attack the Capitol and getting people to attack.
When he went with me, worked with us, tried to stop what happened, and they said in the federal filing, he has perjured himself.
Owen Shroyer does not work here. And we've gone to the federal court and said, here he is. He's worked there six years.
He's a video of him working there. Here's his pay stub. And the judge is like, I don't want to see it. Doesn't matter. They're allowed to lie.
Because they're the feds. And there's a barber being arrested and let away.
Well, that's what you get for peacefully protesting. And of course, that's the type of stuff happened before 1776 for about a decade.
So folks just said, you know what? It's 1776. But I'm not ready for 1776 physically.
We're winning politically in the hearts and minds, but I will tell you, if these people don't get released from jail and if higher courts don't strike this down,
we do need to have the legislation now being introduced by a New Mexico Republican to give amnesty here.
Folks used to dodge the draft and run up to Canada. Well, this is dodging going to prison.
I mean, I think if she got out on bail, she probably needs to run to the United States. But the question is, how long will the U.S. be free?
I mean, if you're in a country where they hold you indefinitely for peaceful protest, well, then what are you supposed to do?
No, you shouldn't do that. She should stay in jail as an example and be Christ-like and show the world the tyranny we're facing.
And it will end up backlashing on these people, ladies and gentlemen.
But it is absolutely amazing, ladies and gentlemen, that this is going on.
GOP lawmakers introduced bill to grant asylum to Canadian truckers persecuted by Canada's Trudeau regime. That is very serious.
Yeah, how about Trudeau just say, we'll release you, but you must leave?
Because usually that's what dictators do, they'll expel people. Hey, you got a year to get out.
We're going to force injections on everybody. We're going to take your children. We run your lives.
We're going to lock you down on a routine basis. You got one year to leave.
But in the last two years, what did he say? Canadians are not allowed to leave.
Oh, but the refugees are flying in en masse. So Trudeau takes a knee against police brutality while cities are burning.
But when you try to go out and protest tyranny, you go straight to jail when you're peaceful.
And it gets worse.
Rand Paul warns that Trudeau's Terranical Emergencies Act can be implemented in the U.S.
Yeah, executive exclusive poll. Majority of Democrats back Trudeau's crackdown freezing mega counts of truckers.
They're now celebrating no bail on Twitter.
Democrats overwhelmingly approved Trudeau's crackdown on freedom, on protesters, and on the press.
They're saying only certified government funded members of the press. They fund over 700 groups now.
Just as Trudeau got in, he gave 600 million a year to them.
So only approved media that's state sponsored now is even allowed at the parliament. That's another story.
Jan 6th video shows Oathkeepers working with Capitol Police to rescue riot police.
They were rewarded with being indicted. This is totally sculpatory. They should all be released.
They weren't feds, folks. There were some feds they were volunteering.
Today you remember Parliament details how struggling single mothers bank account has been frozen by Trudeau's regime.
No way to learn how to get off of it either.
Even Globalist Magazine, The Economist warns Trudeau to stop policing thoughts.
Even the National Post in Canada says the Emergencies Act is far more dangerous than you think.
But it gets worse. The left is now saying ban the word honk.
That it is for the letter H, which means how Hitler and their next move is to ban the word the letter H.
I'm not joking. The letter H, they control everything. They are God.
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I am a worldly person, meaning I like going to ball games. I like going to concerts. I like going to play golf. I like going out to dinner.
I like the metropolitan life. I like everything that comes with this. But see, I have the survival instinct that is to get the hell out of Democrat run cities,
get the hell out of major metropolitan areas because unless we change course soon, it's all crashing down.
Is it time to just move out to the woods, just time to go get a piece of property in the woods, just get off grid, just get the emergency food supplies,
just live off the land? That's the survival instinct.
But see, the worldly part of me that's still probably the majority part of me says, no, no, no, no. Stay in the city.
The survival instinct says, get the hell out of anywhere they've ever noticed that you need to get a vaccine or a mask.
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To build on its ashes, their transhumanist nightmare vision, suppressing the voices of good people all around the world and of doctors and scientists and engineers
that are exposing all their lives, their COVID hysteria, their world's gonna end in 2030, carbon tax, global warming bull, all of it.
And none of it can succeed. None of it can actually be carried out unless everybody is silenced and gas lit.
And that's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence.
And that's why it's hard to share infowarstore's links and band up with your links.
And we've got to share them now more than ever.
Well, it's hard to turn that off.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us for our final segment of this first hour.
I'm gonna give the number out here in a few minutes.
And we're gonna go directly to your calls next hour from Canada, from Germany, from Austria, from New Zealand, from France, from Australia, where the real tyranny's in place.
What do you make of the incredible draconian actions?
And things are so bad, I have trouble getting it all in.
And the angles.
Graduates of the Debo's Group, Bilderberg World Government Tyranny School of Klaus Schwab are half of the premiers, the governors of Canada.
And so I started poking around last night and I said, I wonder who the Ottawa mayor is that announced they're going to confiscate the property, not just the bank accounts, but the 18-wheelers, cars, vans, without trial, without anything, and just sell them.
Forfeiture under martial law.
I wonder if he's a Debo's Group graduate, and he is.
I got that right here.
I mean, like I said, you can't make this stuff up.
This is a corporate dictatorship, they want a casual society, they want a vaccine pass that is the social credit score, and they've said that and they're implementing it right now.
And that's what they want, a civil war here in America to then turn the lights out for a few months.
When everybody capitulates in bags, you get your new ID, and then selectively, your powers turn back on at your house when you submit, when you sign on, when you take the shots, when you do what they say.
Yeah, Mayor Jim Watson.
I mean, just look at these people, ladies and gentlemen.
People make fun of rappers wearing gold chains around their necks.
I mean, they see what the elites do, they're like, hell, I'm doing the same thing.
People listen to me more about wearing a big giant gold chain around my neck, maybe I start doing it.
Got a whole big damn grill going here.
Guard your grills, what I could say, because I'm getting tired of this crap.
Ottawa Mayor proposes to sell confiscated freedom convoy trucks, but wait, it gets even more insane.
Canadian Member of Parliament, Yara Sax, says that Honk Honk is an acronym for Hal Hitler.
No, it's for Clown World, Honk Honk.
She is literally saying that if you blow your car horn, it makes you a Nazi.
Well, the ADL said, ban the OK sign, and they're looking at taking out of their national sign language.
They're saying SWAT teams shouldn't use it, and divers shouldn't use it, and construction workers.
OK, yeah, you're placing a beam or something, you tell the boom operator, yeah, you got it.
Bring your hands together as you get closer, and then, all right, you got it.
No, it's Hitler. The ADL is God. They said you can't do that.
And now this creature says honking, ladies and gentlemen, is Hal Hitler.
What's next, ban the letter H?
Don't want to give the Southern Private Law Center ADL ideas, but it's about they control the language.
They control it all. Here she is.
How much vitriol do we have to see of Honk Honk, which is an acronym for Hal Hitler?
Do we need to see by these protesters on social media?
How much? How many?
By the way, in case you missed it, let's play it again.
How much vitriol do we have to see of Honk Honk, which is an acronym for Hal Hitler?
Do we need to see by these protesters on social media?
How much? How much? We have to see it.
And I guess if you asked her, hey, they're going to hold the protest leaders without bail and take everything they've got,
and just keep them in prison.
And I bet she'd like Clicker Hill to say that's how we fight Hitler.
We disappear people into camps.
Yeah, here is the Ottawa mayors speaking at the World Economic Forum five years ago,
and now we learn he's a young global leader with them.
And see, Cordeaux knows, just like Tony Blair or any of these criminals that launch wars,
commit all these crimes, he'll be rehabilitated later. He'll get the blame, he'll be headed, he'll be unpopular,
but he doesn't give a damn because he thinks you don't have a memory.
We're going to teach our children to wake up. We're going to teach our children another truth
and understand that they're not going to be like the past generation, and they're going to value it.
That's how the pendulum works. They think they can stop the pendulum of history?
They can't. These are dishonorable people that were part of this, and they know they were, ladies and gentlemen.
And thank God the truckers weren't violent and took the abuse and took the attacks
and had their ribs broken and got run over with horses because we're winning right now
because people didn't fight back. Yeah, all these people online will say,
Jones, you're a wimp, usually called for violence, but they're not doing anything violent because they're feds or globalists or leftists.
So it just goes on and on and on and on.
And here's photos and videos all over Canada of millions marching.
They estimate a million marched in Toronto and in Calgary and other areas.
So the intimidation is not working, and that's why they're scared.
They're like, oh, if you organize it, we'll put you in prison.
Well, you better build big prisons. Oh, you did all those COVID camps.
And now, like I told you two years ago, they'd segue from COVID to political camps.
Those were the training wheels.
Now, I know I haven't hit Russia, and it was easy to predict that Putin did anything he would take.
Those Russian held areas that were part of Russia that he's really pissed off that Lenin signed over to Ukraine.
And that Stalin later signed over more with his deal with Hitler.
You know, Stalin worked with Hitler at first, and it was so incredible.
And I'm going to do an emergency broadcast either tomorrow night or the next night where we take calls for three hours.
And I'm going to, but one hour is going to be playing his speech and analyzing it.
My mouth, because we didn't have time to play the whole thing yesterday.
Live on air, so I get to see it all. I watched it last night.
My mouth was hanging open. Communism's bad.
Stalin was bad. Lenin was bad. You want to decommunize things? We're doing it.
We're having kids. We're free market.
And we're going to fight back against the globalists and the monopolies.
And the West Corporation is trying to make everybody puppets.
It's so weird to tune into a world leader and just truth's coming out.
It was all true. He said, I'm sorry the Russians came into Ukraine when we were born.
You're more Russian than most Russians. We're sorry that the communists killed you and abused you.
We apologize. Communists are bad. And we want you to be free.
And we're not going to take you over. Just your government needs to go.
Put in power by the West. You have your own government. And you need to stop attacking Eastern Ukraine.
That's what I would do knowing world history if I was the leader of Russia.
I mean, it's like hard to find fault with this man.
But of course, what did I tell you was going to come next?
Oh, the Russians are going to attack our satellites. The Russians are going to attack our pipelines.
The Russians are going to turn our lights out. Well, Klosswap Braggs, he's getting ready to do it.
Let the Russians turn off pipelines. The Germans just turn their pipeline off to Russia.
The Russian pipeline coming in. It's the globalists turning our power plants off.
It's the globalists shutting our infrastructure down.
The same freaking people that think we're their slaves.
And think God the Russians have wriggled free of that freaking python.
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New tyranny is finally rearing its ugly head as the graduates of the World Economic Forum's young leaders are forcing tyranny onto the world stage.
Actually, I really question the motivation of what I see down there. So how do you fix it?
How do you fix the issue of misinformation and disinformation?
No, I mean how do you fix the anger? How do you fix those messages of violence?
And that's actually, it does come back to misinformation for quite some time now.
Obviously being confronted by protests and what has stood out to me is the fact that so many are there on things that simply aren't true.
And so this is an issue that the globe is grappling with and we do need to grapple with because seeing people so enraged by things that just aren't true is worrisome.
That's something that we are all going to have to confront.
But what we've seen out there, I have to say, seems much more anti-vaccination more than anything else.
It's included yelling abuse at people who are walking around with masks on, occupying spaces where businesses are operating, blocking people's ability to move around freely.
That is moving beyond a protest.
And to me it looks like an imported style of protest that I have not seen in New Zealand before, complete with Trump flags and Canadian flags.
When it comes to the management of the protests, so Melissa and the Speaker, or indeed the decisions by the police, ultimately I need to let them do their jobs. Those are their jurisdiction.
Have you seen any children in trouble tonight that you're concerned about?
We've been out patrolling for about half an hour, 45 minutes. We haven't seen anything like that. Everything's been really good.
Yeah, and people are behaving themselves.
Yep, everything's looking really good from what we've seen.
Yeah, caring for each other.
The vibe is very nice.
And has anyone said anything to you that you're concerned about?
These protests are a mix of New Zealand, their regular garden variety kiwis, and they're just sticking up for their rights, and I think they've been treated really badly.
There's also a group there who are representing people who have lost their jobs, who are just angry at the vaccine mandates.
And they represent people who are not there on Parliament grounds, but who feel like that within our society because they may have lost their jobs. Do you feel the appropriate way to deal with those people is to spray water on them?
Firstly, can I, again, I'm not going to get into the way of managing a protest in its totality, because those ultimately very clear distinctions.
I'm going to be careful to make sure that I'm not making judgments around the way we deal with protest at Parliament, because it's a dangerous place to be, and politicians dictating particularly the way that the police might choose to deal with them.
But may I feel just saying.
Although the police have said that they actually don't agree with those tactics.
If this were a protest that was solely around the policies that have been used to manage a pandemic, then why is it that every journalist who stands out on that forecourt is being hurled abuse about telling the truth?
Zeland Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, one of Klaus Schwab's disciples of the Great Reset, appears to be reading from the same script shared by her partners in tyranny, claiming protest is a hallmark of democracy.
But these protesters peacefully demanding the immediate return of their freedoms are violent, racist insurrectionists.
Our focus is on the well-being of all New Zealanders, including a vast majority who are not on those grounds.
Was the history of negotiations in terms of your ministers at Ehumatao, would your government ever be open to negotiating with those people?
I do not consider this to be the same.
Okay, thanks everyone.
Through the WEF, initiated by Klaus Schwab in 1971, Mr Global has been training his own puppets since 1992 through the Young Global Leaders Program.
Angela Merkel and Bill Gates were among the first class to graduate the class of 1992.
Even a large number of current leaders, predominantly very weak personalities with however mostly well-trained rhetorical skills, also come from this program, including Macron in France,
Switzerland in Austria, Justin Trudeau in Canada, Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand, but also the German Health Minister Jens Spahn and the EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen.
She, by the way, as we have just learned from a whistleblower who is a translator with the European Union, is supposed to become the first little global government's head, the EU.
They're trying to take over.
I'm John Bowne reporting.
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All right.
Some stations join us in the second, third, and fourth hour today, but the first hour I hit the bone-chilling news that even I found hard to believe at this juncture.
But the Davos group, through their puppet politicians and the Great Reset, are just accelerating tyranny ahead of the financial collapse so they're on a race to normalize all of these tyrannical actions.
Freedom Conboy protest organizers, not just Tamara Lynch, denied bail.
Peaceful protesters.
She can be in jail up to a year, faces 10 years in prison for peacefully protesting, ladies and gentlemen.
And now we have Democrat members of Congress like Ruben Gallego calling for Americans to protest that are conservative to be held without bail.
And there are cars and trucks to be taken.
And that's exactly what Rand Paul has been warning about to see the interview with Rand Paul on infowarstore.com.
Senator Paul warns that Trudeau's tyrannical emergencies act can be implemented in the U.S.
Well, yeah, it's actually the White House is advising Trudeau on declaring protesters terrorist.
Remember, that's what they put in law or under the regulations in June of last year here in the U.S.
Protesting open borders, protesting election fraud, protesting lockdowns.
That's not allowed.
Burn down police stations, burn down shops, kill people, rape, murder, molest children, absolutely.
And they have a big national pullout.
Majority of Democrats back Trudeau's crackdown freezing bank accounts of truckers.
Now, Democrats are celebrating on Twitter and Instagram.
I wrote an article about it just by the thousands saying wonderful arrest all conservatives, put them in jail.
Absolutely incredible.
And now we have a clip of Trudeau mimicking what his finance minister said two days ago,
that we want a permanent digital emergency all transactions tracked in live time.
And we will decide what you can buy and what you can sell.
I have a article out of the Times of London calling for the same thing.
But that is coming up after we take some of your phone calls.
Because I had it in my stack and I can't find it now.
There's just too much stuff in here.
There were several articles, but it was Bank of England orders their researchers to find out how to program the new digital money.
That's the headline.
And then you read it.
It's their Federal Reserve head going, we're going to control the currency and mark the currency on what you can buy and what you can use it for.
And it will track you.
I mean, just unbelievable stuff that we knew was coming being done on a mass, mass scale.
But I'll dig through my stacks during the next break and I'll be able.
Oh, here it is.
I found it.
I found it right here.
And then I'm going to give the number out.
Let me give the number out first.
I want to hear from folks in Australia.
I want to hear from folks in New Zealand.
I want to hear from folks in Spain or France or Germany or Austria or the new mega police state of Canada where they're arresting peaceful demonstrators holding without bail facing 10 years in prison,
seizing their bank accounts and they're going to sell their vehicles, sell their belongings outside of law, under martial law, the parliament voting retroactively to give him martial law,
dictatorial powers, just as the German Bundestag did in 1933.
So what an incredible time.
And please listeners, that means it's only four callers that are in those countries who have been part of those protestors or truckers that have witnessed it.
What is your take on this situation?
Then tomorrow I'm going to open the phones up for people in Eastern Europe, Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, agree with Putin, disagree with Putin, agree with Ukraine, agree with Biden, disagree.
We don't censor your calls.
It's clean phone line and you got something to say and you're on air.
We're not like the corporate media or other talk shows you call and they screen your call for 10 minutes and make sure they agree with your opinion before they put you on.
We want to have a real debate here.
Freedom still lives at infowars.com and on the syndicated broadcast 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539.
And obviously a lot of you outside the U.S. may not be able to call a 1-800 number.
Well, that's okay.
You can call country code 01512-646-1776, that's 01512-646-1776.
But here's what I was mentioning and we'll go to break and come back with your phone calls.
Canadian member of parliament says single mom has her bank account frozen for donating $50 to freedom convoy.
I'm going to cut that clip, we'll cue it up and play it in a moment.
But first, here is the big news headline.
Bank of England tells ministers to intervene on digital currency programming.
And folks are obviously saying Alex Jones is right again on Twitter.
Imagine if the same applied to government, if taxpayers are controlled over government spending.
Well, that's one reason they'll probably exempt themselves from that.
This is the global social credit score.
Here's a long telegraph. Bank of England tells ministers to intervene on digital currency programming.
The Bank of England has called on ministers to decide whether a central bank digital currency,
they're all about to roll these out when they plunge all the currencies, should be programmable.
That's a quote.
Ultimately giving the issue of control over how it is spent by the recipient.
The holy grail of control now going in in Canada.
Total surveillance, total social credit score, carbon tax.
They admit the introduction is the vaccine passport and QR codes at the restaurants.
They're training like you're a dog.
It's all behavioral psychology, operant conditioning, Pavlov.
So here they are.
And they're doing it.
And they just announced that they're doing it to you.
And once they get this in place, you think you're in vice grips now.
When Larry Fink, who invented housing derivatives, was allowed,
because he's a made man in the global mafia, to roll those out in the 80s.
Larry Fink of BlackRock.
Larry Fink's going to bankrupt the whole world economy in a Ponzi scheme.
And him and his buddies will be in control. He's on the board of directors of the Davos Group.
And everything else you can imagine evil.
Just like the finance minister and just like Trudeau.
They're making a run at the Canadians.
They're like, ooh, we didn't think you'd protest.
Well, guess what?
When you did, we already had it planned to take all your rights and all your freedoms away
and put you in jail for at least a decade for protesting peacefully.
And CNN is just creaming themselves right now.
This is so wonderful.
They've got a big show coming out, calling for my arrest and the rest of it.
I'll tell you about that later.
Because not that CNN has any viewers and it matters, except it's the mind of Satan.
When you listen to the incoherent babblings of these people,
you can get a good idea of where they're going and what they're doing.
They definitely got their little knives out for yours truly.
And I expect this.
I know the road I'm on.
But the coward dies a thousand deaths.
People of courage only taste of death at once.
And where there are men of courage, there is honor and there is freedom
and there is prosperity and there is a good world.
And so whatever happens to me happens, but I want you to maximize our message
and maximize the articles and videos and don't take them for wars
or anybody's speech or your speech for granted ever and don't ever underestimate
how important you are and how the propaganda would not be necessary
if the situation was hopeless.
They wouldn't be brainwashing.
They wouldn't be censoring if they were strong.
They're weak.
They're frauds.
They're criminals.
They're just like Bernie Madoff and just like Adolf Hitler.
They will all pay for what they've done.
And they know it.
Tom Mouton, the director of the Bank of England said during a conference on Monday
that programming could become a key feature of any future central bank digital currency
in which the money would be programmed to be released only when something happened
and would be tied to how you behave.
You can introduce programmability.
What happens if one of the participants in a transaction puts a restriction
on future use of the money and it just goes on from there?
It's the social credit score.
Total slavery.
Mark of the Beast.
The chains are going on now.
You'll be right back with your phone calls from Canada and other parts of the world.
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We make your bed. We guard you while you're asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call.
We are cooks and we are taxi drivers and we know everything about you.
We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every part of your life.
We are the middle children of history raised by television to believe that someday we'll be millionaires and movie stars.
But we won't. And we're just learning this fact. So don't f**k with us.
You know what always gets me down?
You've lost and never found.
I feel exploding in the air.
But it's fear. And you're here in calling you beware.
Look out. There's no sign of the morning coming. There's no sign of the day.
That's right.
Rainbow in the dark.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live February 22nd worldwide transmission.
All right, we're going to go to callers here. We've got Max in Canada, Matt in Canada, Scott in Canada,
Scott in Australia, Mike in Canada, Terry in Nova Scotia, Canada, Jim in Ontario, Canada,
Velvet in Ontario, Canada, Jeff in Winnipeg, Jeff in Windsor.
I'm going to try to matter how great your calls are to give each person a minute and a half.
And I'm just going to read and no need to thank me. I won't thank you.
I just want to get everybody on. You're all awesome. I love you.
We're just going to hear what you had to say.
And so we've got truckers that were the protest in Australia, truckers that were the protest in Canada.
We've got everybody. Let's go to folks furthest away right now where they're attacking people with LRAD machines
and the Clear Everybody Terrorists. Scott in Australia, current lockdown protest.
Thank you. Give us your view on what's happening.
Thank you, Alex. It's a pleasure to speak with you, Bob.
Yeah, look, it's just it's getting worse and worse here, Alex.
So they take their foot off for a moment and everyone feels like there's a bit of a bit of a reprieve
and things back to normal. But if you don't have your double triple backs, you can't go anywhere.
You can't do anything. It's getting worse and worse, right?
We all need to really get everyone's attention now.
Well, that's right. Francis deactivated the vaccine passport after claiming two shots was enough
and says you can't now have a job or leave your house or go to a grocery store unless you've had three shots.
This is literally dog training for the government to put in us what they want, when they want.
This is like a science fiction nightmare dystopic movie.
It's exactly what it is. It's their oppression going mad.
It's their slow way to keep their foot on the pedal without anyone really complaining about it.
And just a general population that no one's complaining.
Everyone's just going along with everything.
And we're going to get to a point where what can we do? How do we push back?
Well, brother, it's so outrageous. That's how it's got a leg up.
But you've got support around the world. Millions of Aussies have been protesting.
I know they're gaslighting you, but as the medical problems are caused by the shots, people are starting to wake up.
And there's a worldwide movement, sir. So God bless you. Anything else from Australia?
Look, just keep up the fight. You've been doing this for so long.
You've been the other information for me that's really woken me up.
So thank you for it from all of us.
Well, thank you, sir. We're all in this together. Thank you.
One country falls, we all fall. And a lot of countries are falling right now, ladies and gentlemen.
People knock America all day, but notice it didn't work here.
So she'll had some checks and balances. Other places, it's bad and it only gets worse the more you submit.
The worst part about the first 15 days of flattening the curve is the first two years.
And what do unvaccinated vaccinated have in common? You're never fully vaccinated.
Let's go to Carlos.
We'll go to Carlos next, but let's go to a trucker in Canada. Let's go to Scott in Canada.
You're on the air, Scott. Go ahead.
Yes, I was at the front lines here in Ottawa. I guess where do I start?
There was definitely foreign cops that were there. I have lots of good videos.
They attacked us. Right beside us, they shot the female rebel news reporter, Point Blank, with a tear gas canister.
They attacked us unprovoked. They were definitely using weapons that I'm not even really sure about.
I've never really been a part of a military operation before, but it definitely was.
They made us sick. They made my stomach upset. They instantly got headache.
I'm not exactly sure.
Well, they're on record that they had ultrasonic ultra high frequency sound, but they also had microwaves there.
Seriously illegal under the Geneva Convention.
Well, they definitely did. I could physically feel it. It was odd. We're instantly right away.
The cops were hitting women, batoning women in the face.
It was unbelievable. No markings on their chest. Now, some cops had markings on their chest.
You could tell that there were local cops or there was Calgary cops, Toronto cops.
But then there was cops that were dressed up in green.
They had no names. They had no badges, no indication of where they came from.
Not even Canadian locals that were Canadian police.
Well, I mean, I've seen what people can do, and I know what you can do with a billy club when you slam it both hands full power into somebody's head.
That's how you kill somebody. I mean, I'm not bragging.
People started the fights with me, but I'm not proud of it.
I mean, I've put people in coma twice with my fist.
And I just know you can't be slamming billy clubs double fisted into somebody's head with full power.
You can punch a hole, create a subdermal hematoma.
They were trying to kill some of those people who were peaceful. This is sick.
Yeah, well, each day I was hit with baton. Now me and my brother were there standing side by side and we're barely.
I'm six foot six, 300 pounds. So they didn't make, they didn't do too much damage to us.
I noticed they beat up a lot of women and really little old men and handicaps. It was very embarrassing.
Oh, it's disgusting. It was the most disgusting display I've ever seen in my lifetime.
Well, what do you make of them arresting the leaders for peacefully protesting and saying no bail and 10 years in prison?
I mean, that's right out of the Soviet Union.
Oh, we've went way over to the deep end. Now we're both pledged communist fascist country. I don't know how else to explain it.
How else can you peacefully protest the one guy that they're not going to release here, Pat King, and he didn't he wasn't even in Ottawa when they are downtown when they arrested him.
And you look at the police officer arresting the leader, the lady who did nothing wrong. And it's just so creepy.
And of course, she thought she'd be right out because she's a famous liberal demonstrator who believes in free speech.
No, lady, you're facing a year before trial and 10 years in prison for peacefully protesting. Let that sink in, folks.
They want to terrorize us. They want to scare us. Let me ask you a question. Does everybody think they're doing this just to stop a few people?
No, they're getting ready for a worldwide financial collapse and a takeover and they want to get martial law in place and have everybody accept it first.
We're all just the beta test. What do you say to that, Scott?
Oh, they're going for broke, in my opinion. This is them going for broke.
Like, we literally had cops in the front line that we were attacking us. We weren't fighting back.
They were attacking us and telling us through our face, oh, we don't want to do this. We don't want to do this.
While minions behind them are attacking us with billy club.
Our leaders are grasping at straws. Now our leaders are acting like they're, oh, we're going to drop. We always want to drop these restrictions.
It's also election season, too, right? So it's all a big game, in my opinion. They're failing.
God bless you, Scott, and be safe. We need to pray for the people that have disappeared without charges, without bail.
And the judge is saying we're going to hold them in solitary confinement. This should make everybody physically sick.
I mean, you should be physically nauseous. And that's the feeling you have when you know you're going into a real crisis.
You get sick because you're about to get in a really bad fight. You throw up. You'll get your stomach clear.
I mean, that's why I'm physically at a cellular level, like ready for a fight, but I'm not going to start one physical at this point.
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With the world awakening, I think what's important that we were right there,
to prevent them right now, take advantage of this moment.
And I have always an idea that something everybody can do with every listener can do.
I think it'd be powerful and effective for us to, you know, hang banners over highways.
Imagine a champion, an artisan, a layup man.
It says Alex Jones is right infowarstore.com.
We stand with the truckers. We'll rest out or whatever.
Brother, I'm so glad you called elaborate on this.
Yes, now is the time in your small town or your big city to write something on the bathroom wall
or to put a sticker on your car or banner hangs over highways.
And it will be a chain reaction.
What do you recommend people say on these banner hangs?
I have a few ideas.
First of all, health care is really important to a farm.
Rest out, rest out, swap. The vaccine is poison.
There's tons of things. I say just keep it short, keep it concise.
No, I agree. Arrest Fauci, arrest Bill Gates.
The COVID-vaxx is poison. Beautiful.
Yeah, there's ways that we could all be involved if we could all be effective.
So that's what I'm calling about.
God bless you, Chris. In Atlanta, I really, really appreciate you calling us today.
Thank you so much.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
The new axis of evil is the United Nations controlled by private central banks
in BlackRock with their public organization, the World Economic Forum,
funding and financing thousands of governors and premiers around the world
and over 100 presidents and prime ministers under their command
bringing in a worldwide environmental lockdown to bankrupt industrial society
to force the population in their own words.
And almost every country signed on to this just to even have a seat at the table.
I'm not saying everybody that's part of this like Tulsi Gabbards
or even people like Dan Crenshaw are bad.
You've got to judge them by their fruits.
Vladimir Putin has been to these things but not a graduate.
Russia joins center for the fourth industrial revolution network.
So Russia is signing up to this stuff as well.
And this is a post-human world. This is transhumanism.
And it's like an arms race. All these groups are doing it.
But the globalists have launched it to now take over our bodies
and put gene therapies in us when they want and then cover up all the illnesses in deaths.
So incredibly dangerous.
And now Democrats and national polls and members of Congress are saying
if any trucks show up in D.C. even peacefully and honk their horns
arrest them, take their trucks and put them in prison.
And then the long tyranny comes.
And next, well, you didn't turn your kid over for transgender training.
We're putting you in jail.
Oh, you honked your horn. That means Kyle Hitler says the ADL up in Canada.
They want you arrested for that. I'm not kidding. They sent it in Parliament.
So what we have is globalist agents literally taking over and turning us into an open-air prison.
Let's rush through your phone calls here.
Let's go to Velvet in Toronto, Canada.
Velvet, welcome.
Hey, Alex. How are you doing?
Well, I'm not doing too well. I'm watching it all come true.
Well, hey, honey, I'm living it.
So I would first like to say honk.
How that can be an acronym for Hitler, H-O-N-K. I have no idea.
Well, I mean, she knows that. She just says I control all language.
I'm your cult leader. Everything you do, I say, is racist.
So don't talk. Keep your mouth shut.
Yes, but in return, what happens is it makes...
The woman is a threat to freedom. Go ahead.
Yeah, but she looks like an idiot by saying that.
I mean, I wonder if she's actually...
Except she'll have you arrested without bond.
Well, that's true.
Well, we're already slaves up here anyhow.
I mean, just on a side note here, our carbon tax, we actually pay a tax on our carbon tax.
So we're double-taxed.
That's right. It all goes to private banks. What do you think of that?
Yeah, exactly. Or in their pockets.
But, you know, I don't think that anything is really going to change
until the media gets taken under control
because you would not believe how many people are still...
MKUltra by all of this. I am flabbergasted.
Every time I go out, I am still the only person in the store that is not wearing a mask.
I got kicked off of a local platform for supporting the truckers.
I mean, these people are just... I've never seen anything like it.
And, you know, I'm wondering if these shots that people are taking are affecting their brain.
Well, I mean, they are causing blood clots and are causing the blood consistency to change
and causing a lot of health problems. But yeah, people are going under a delusion.
Here's how Stockholm syndrome works.
You subconsciously know you're under tyranny, but it's so scary you decide to say it's okay.
And that's historically why women and children don't get killed
when a foreign government takes over. They just kill the men, 12 and up,
because men don't go under Stockholm syndrome as easy.
And I'm not putting women down. It's just a scientific fact.
But most men today go under Stockholm syndrome as well.
They make excuses for what's happening and don't admit what's happening to them.
Thank you, Velvet.
The way to deal with your media is to realize that when Trudeau got in,
he began giving 600 million a year to select media outlets to make them state run.
But that was really so they could then have certified groups they're allowed to post and nobody else is.
And now that's being put in officially.
All right, let's go to Jeff in Winnipeg, Canada, on the total police state beyond lockdown.
What do you mean by that, Jeff?
Oh, I don't even know where to begin or how to even organize all my thoughts on this topic in Canada.
But with what you have to say about the state run media, like there is no dissenting opinions on the TV.
Everybody, when they're watching the news, eating dinner, it's just, it's like black mirror style propaganda.
And I'm 22 years old and it's like I'm an alien.
It's like I'm the only person in my community that thinks otherwise.
And then I don't want to get into my personal life too much, but I'm unvaccinated.
I haven't been to a bar or a restaurant in more than two years now.
Certain fast food places, they have signs up on their doors saying unvaccinated people can't use their washrooms.
I didn't want to, I didn't want to, like girls that I was romantically involved with, I didn't want to come across as crazy and raise, you know, the New World Order agenda with them.
I didn't want to come across as a crazy person, but now I can't find a single girl my age that hasn't had at least two shots.
And well, it's very, very sad. Here's what you need to know.
Most of the shots it's Russian roulette are placebo.
They send out the deadly shots. It looks out to about three, four percent of the people all over the world is the same in Europe.
Like old folks homes get the kill shots. Military gets the kill shots.
Groups, they want to purge the kill shots.
So it's, it's all very systematic, but you're still taking your life in your hands.
Jeff, great points. We can talk to you for hours. We got to move on to get everybody in.
Okay, up next.
Let's talk to Terry in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Let's talk about Prime Minister, Christia Freeland, Ukraine connections.
Yeah, her grandfather was the head Nazi out of Ukraine running Joseph Goebbels operations in Poland and in Austria.
He was in command of, he was the direct lieutenant of Joseph Goebbels.
And now she works directly for Klaus Schwab, whose grandfather was the number four or five weapons dealer in Nazi Germany.
So this is a very nice group of people. Go ahead, Terry.
Yeah, you're 100% right, Alex. And in the 1980s, she, according to her Wikipedia page, the early life section on her Wikipedia page.
In the 1980s, she was a Ukrainian activist in Russia and they were, Russia was upset about this and I think might have kicked her out.
But that was the 1980s. Now fast forward to 2017.
Oh, yeah, no, no, she's CIA all the way. But again, the CIA is only a holding group.
There's corporate groups above them. I mean, she's a high level spy. She's been a spy since she was a kid.
In mainstream Canadian media in 2018-19, they mainstream media saying the Canadian military is over in the Ukraine working with neo-Nazi battalions, according to the Canadian mainstream media.
No, no, she runs neo-Nazi battalions. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry.
Yeah, and Ukraine absorbed those battalions into their official military, apparently, according to the media.
And now we're giving them more funding, more weapons.
And while we're working with literal neo-Nazis across the other side of the globe, over here in Canada, our politicians and media are calling our citizens Nazis, brother.
They're calling good truckers one of the top truckers in Canada, Warren Garrison. They're trying to peg him as some sort of criminal.
Yeah, whatever. Well, W, you heard the ADL lady up there. She said, arrest anybody honking their horn. It means hall Hitler.
She'll put you in a forced labor camp for two seconds, brother. You've got a case of VI Lenin up there, and we've got it here, too.
And these people know we've woken up to them, so they're coming after us.
The information and misinformation war is really scary to me up here, Alex.
I just want to thank you. I first found you when W Bush was president, brother, and you've been keeping it real the whole time.
I won't take up too much of your time. No, you're not taking my time up. We really appreciate you calling, Terry.
I mean, how do you think this ends? Has this awoken the sleeping giant in Canada or what's happening?
I'm scared they're just going to crush us completely, brother, honestly. That's what I'm scared about.
Well, Trudeau says he's an example of the world without a crush, people, and we're seeing history repeat.
Can you believe they've arrested a bunch of the people and aren't giving them bonds, saying they're terrorists?
It's so scary, and these aren't bad people. In Canada, we're not Nazis. We don't like any of that stuff.
Oh, no, no, no. I mean, the people that actually are Nazis are running this.
They are. They're the Nazis, and they're calling us Nazis. It's crazy, brother, and it's scary, very scary.
Well, you know, to all the Canadians going along with it and others, this is going to take all your resources.
They're going to be in a much worse place, but people got to learn. They got to get hurt really bad first.
We're praying for everybody up in Canada. All right, Terry, thank you. Almost all these calls are from Canada.
We're going to keep lines open for folks in Europe and Australia and other sectors of tyranny. Stay with us. We'll be right back.
Now, their whole project is falling apart because the people are aware that it is a world government corporate takeover.
And so it's pulling back the curtain now more than ever. The problem is some globalist controlled areas are not going to give up on their takeover.
So pray for these folks big time. It's a very serious situation. Stay tuned into infowars.com because truth is absolutely paramount.
You know, I'm not sure if you wouldn't believe I was barely holding on to a job and I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to like literally like my brain was enlightened. You know, I could think again. I could connect with people again and over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back and I religiously took basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements. The one I like recently is knockout. It literally like if you want to sleep, just take it. It's amazing. It works.
Anyway, so the point is we have to get ourselves clean. We have to break free of the globalist system. And the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother. I thank you so much for your call and Godspeed.
There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class, not in communist China, not in Mexico, not in the United States, not anywhere. Is there a real study of the planet's ruling class?
And that's done by design. The large central banks that basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics that look into, say, the Anglo-American establishment that's out of the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission, the United Nations, the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Until 10 years ago, the media said the controlled corporate media in the Bilderberg group didn't exist. Well, now the Bilderberg group is public in its former head, still in the steering committee, is called Schwab, and he has set up the great reset in global government.
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Then we got a very special interview in the fourth hour, I'll tell you about coming up a little bit later.
But I'm telling you folks, everything John Bowne does, one of our great researchers and reporters, is powerful, but the last three reports he put out, when you go to Band-Aught Video, click on the left-hand side, you'll see the John Bowne section right there, are just incredible.
New Zealand, great reset tyranny, Australian, great reset tyranny, and Canadian, great reset tyranny. They're all five minute reports, or four minute and fifty-something second reports, and they are just unbelievable.
I mean, you watch that and it's like, I mean, I'll be honest, I kind of get guilty doing it sometimes, because it upsets me, but it's also fascinating to watch North Korean tyranny.
And you feel so sorry for them, but it's also ridiculous in a way, and it's so alien that they put up with that, but they were born into it, and then you watch these, and it's worse in a way.
And it's just like, oh my gosh.
I'm going to go to your phone calls here and get a bunch of them out of the way, and then I do need to get some into Russia and what's happening over there in some of these Putin clubs.
Like I said, I'm going to do some nighttime shows, and I've already been doing Saturday shows, where I can do commercial free. Millions of people tune in, so it's very humbling to know we can come in here anytime, do two, three hours live, and get all the great calls and guests to just have no breaks,
and talk ready, it's still great, it's while we're still on air, but I really enjoy just going for hours and not having a break.
We can really talk to everybody then, but I want to air that whole Putin speech, because I watched it last night after my four and a half year old daughter went to bed about nine,
and I wrote some notes, and of course I forgot them, they were at my bedside, and it was just incredible, because what Putin was saying was all true.
Not from what he says, but from my own research, and to juxtapose that to what we've got here was night and day, so it's a big deal.
So we're going to be doing some special reports on that as well. I'm just going to say this very briefly. We have products you really need, like our information's cutting edge, our products are amazing,
and there are three products I want to draw your attention to, and we'll go right back to your calls. That's X3, that's Winter Sun, and that's Brain Force Ultra.
And the time we have, I'm not going to belabor this, but these are really amazing. X3 is at 50% off until Thursday morning.
It's going to sell out in the next month or so, so we're going to take it to close to full price, so I can find my operation,
but I want you to experience it and get it, so you know how amazing it is, and how you were missing out on real iodine in your life.
It's 50% off at InfowarkStore.com. We also have Brain Force Ultra, quick acting, powerful, clean, and it wears off quick, that's why I like it.
If I need 10 hours of clean, powerful super energy, I got Turbo Force. I need four or five hours of good clarity that doesn't give me a headache later.
That's Brain Force or different formulas. This super fast acting, take another tongue, and then for me, two and a half, three hours,
and the rest of the office is using it and loves it. If you leave it out, it disappears, and it dissipates quickly, so I can take it at seven at night.
I got to do interviews or go out to dinner with folks, and I want to go out, but I'm tired. Joe Rogan's like, hey, let's go get dinner.
I'm like, oh man, it's seven o'clock. Okay, sure, I'll see you. And coffee by the afternoon doesn't really kick in anymore.
In fact, coffee, I can drink coffee, go to sleep. My brain's used to it. The receptors, not with this.
I can take a half dropper of that, boy, and I'm super excited when I go out with friends and family, when I went out with the MTG Sunday night,
and I was super exhausted, popped that back, felt great, was able to go to bed when I got home, like 9.30 at night, boom, hit that pillow.
It's amazing, infowarstore.com, and Winters Sun, super high quality vitamin D3 for your immune system, and more with vitamin K.
The two work synergistically. It's 50% off as well right now at infowarstore.com.
And the Winters Sun and the Rainforest Ultra, that's going to stay on sale at 40%, 50% off for a few weeks.
We've got a good supply. The X3 is going to end Thursday morning. All right, enough of that. That's how we stay on air.
Let's talk to Carlos in Canada. He's been on caller for 15 years.
We'll talk about Trudeau, Puppet, of Klaus Schwab, and the Democratic Party.
And then we'll go to everybody else, and I appreciate everybody holding.
Canada is on fire with tyranny right now. It is on fire with liberty as well, which scared him.
Carlos, thank you so much. What's the 35,000-foot view on what we're seeing, and are you as shaken as I am by peaceful protesters
given no bond facing tenures in prison?
Well, no, not really, because I happened to have been blessed by the fact that I knew Prime Minister Trudeau's father, Pierre-Eliot Trudeau.
I met him when I was 16 years old, actually, in Montreal, 1968.
And since that day, I became very well aware of Canada.
I lived through the October crisis, which provoked the War Measures Act. At that time, there was no other instrument to deal with terrorism or the kind
that was taking place in one province in Canada, essentially, Quebec.
And it was a call from the Premier of the province and the Mayor of Montreal to have the War Measures Act.
There was no other instrument.
At that time, the New Democratic Party of Canada was always a third party, a minority government formed.
But they voted against the War Measures Act. They carried anyway.
But the New Democratic Party...
So for those that don't know, the father and the son have always loved authoritarianism. They've said it, vote themselves.
His father began the takeover of Canada. He appears to be completing it.
What do you make of what's currently happening and where this is all going?
Well, yesterday, the motion to confirm the declaration of emergency powers passed 185 votes to 151.
The liberals have 160 seats, and the 25 seats that added to the 185 would have been the New Democratic Party,
with the exception of one given by an independent, one liberal, I believe, did not vote.
So when you look at it, the New Democratic Party, a small minority in opposition, was in fact responsible for the passage.
The liberals did not have the votes to carry...
I'm glad you're giving us the technicals, but I want you're a smart guy.
I've been calling for 15 years or so. Why are they doing this? Why are they accelerating it?
I mean, obviously, they want to set the precedent for this worldwide, but...
Because you talked in the call comment that you wanted to talk about Klaus Schwab and what's happening.
Yes, Klaus Schwab, the disciple, is actually the leader of the New Democratic Party.
His name is Jack Mitzink, and the resolution, the motion would have passed had it not been for the fact that these 25 members of this...
That's right, and the Ottawa Mayor is part of it.
So it's literally a corporate, national cult has seized control of your country. Unbelievable.
Terrible infiltration of Canadian democracy, and I tell all Canadians with respect, do not be afraid.
Look at your right hand, look at your left hand. That's the one you vote with.
You're a minority and a majority of one. Use your vote the next time, but get informed,
because infowars, in a way, is a vaccine against this viral infiltration.
I see these political, secret society movements in Canada, what I call the Jewish Defamation League,
inventions of swastikas and all sorts of allegations against people that really have a right to demonstrate.
And when you really boil it down, the irony of all this is that you had people with a right to demonstrate parking their vehicles illegally.
So they should have had parking tickets, okay, and then towed away.
And to put people in prison beyond that is, first of all, probably illegal,
but because he called on the War Measures Act, driven by the global elites,
and then you had the new Democratic Party confirming this yesterday.
The only solution that Canada has is that there is a Senate, and it's supposed to be the conscience of Canada.
And I do hope that the senators vote this monstrosity down.
Absolutely. Let me ask you this question. We need to look into this judge there in Ottawa
that even though the woman said she wouldn't demonstrate against, she said,
no, 10 years in jail, no bond. I mean, this is just, we need to look into this. Boragos or Boragios, B-O-U-R-G-E-O-I-S.
I mean, what the hell? I mean, this person is the new Kim Jong-il.
So, Kim Jong-un, it's not just the damn Trudeau.
They have got a pack of out-of-control psychos in your government at every level.
Yeah, well, it's infiltration, big time. But let me tell you something. Listen to the speech that you very, very wisely played in Infowars
of the Premier of Alberta. Listen very, very carefully, because that is the Canada that I know.
That is the Canada that I grew up with. And I tell you, there needs to be a total change, a real clean of the deck,
because obviously people are suffering. Now, the Constitution of Canada hasn't changed.
The French province of... No, no, no. You've got this globalist takeover.
We're out of time. Carlos will come up with more calls. But since you mentioned it, guys, will you dig out the Premier of Alberta?
It's a four and a half minute clip. We played it Sunday. It's really powerful where he just eviscerates the great reset.
He's asked about the great reset. See if you can find that. But regardless, thank you, Carlos.
All right, we're going to go in the order of the calls we received. Mike and Calgary, Jim, Jeff, Max, Matt.
We're going to get to everybody. Stay with us.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Here's a four and a half minute clip of the Alberta Governor Premier, Jason Kenney,
and we're going to come right back from break in five minutes and go to all of the callers, the order they've been received on a little long.
Carlos, but he always has a lot to say.
Here is that very, very important breakdown of what's really happening.
Ricky Butterworth, or it might be Cindy Butterworth, says,
where do you stand on the great reset the Liberals are planning on introducing?
Well, let me just say that, first of all, what is this great reset?
Pierre Polyev, the Federal Conservative Finance Critic recently raised concerns about this,
and then he was attacked by some in the media and by the Liberals for supposedly circulating conspiracy theories.
Well, the great reset is actually the name of a book by a very prominent advocate of it.
His name is Klaus Schwab. He sent me a copy.
I guess he sent one to probably every government leader around the world.
And Klaus Schwab's thesis in his book is that we should governments and societies, the world,
should, quotes, seize the opportunity of the public health and economic crisis to reimagine the world and radically change policies.
Now, in what ways, I would describe it as a grab bag of left-wing ideas for less freedom and more government,
for more government intervention, for policies that would, I think, create massive poverty,
particularly energy policy, policies that he is advocating.
So Klaus Schwab, by the way, is the President and Founder of the World Economic Forum, also known as the Davos Summit.
I call it the biggest gathering of global hypocrites in history.
It's a little ski village in Switzerland, and every, I think, February, a couple of thousand super-rich people,
a lot of billionaires, millionaires, global CEOs, and politicians fly into Davos with hundreds of private airplanes.
They go into Switzerland, and they spend a week basically lecturing the rest of the world,
especially working women and men, about how they should reduce their carbon footprint.
The hypocrisy in that crowd is so thick you can't even cut it with a knife.
And so, no, I'm not going to be taking any policy direction from Klaus Schwab or his ilk.
And what I find offensive, look, the so-called great reset is not a conspiracy theory.
It is an actual set of concrete proposals being advocated by some very influential people,
including, apparently, by Prime Minister Trudeau, who's clearly alluded to it, referred to it, quoted from it,
the Schwab theory in a speech he gave to the United Nations a couple of months ago.
So it's not a conspiracy theory to talk about that.
Those are the folks advocating it, and I think it's perfectly legitimate for democratically elected leaders for me to say,
heck no, we're not going to exploit or take advantage of a crisis to advance a political agenda.
If we're actually all in this together, like we keep saying,
then how about we focus on the crisis, on protecting lives and livelihoods, helping people get through this?
And how about after that, instead of exploiting the crisis to impose on democratic societies
a whole bunch of failed socialist policy ideas,
how about instead we get refocused on generating economic growth,
on recreating some of the trillions of dollars of wealth that will have been destroyed,
of restarting some of the hundreds of thousands of businesses that will have gone under,
of obsessively focusing on getting the millions, the tens of millions around the world back to work.
Those who have suffered most in the COVID era have been the poorest around the world.
So the notion that we would then drive them further into energy poverty through a Klaus Schwab's policy agenda is,
I just frankly find it offensive.
So no, it's not a conspiracy, and nor is it a conspiracy theory.
I think it's just very distasteful and regrettable.
I'm fading down. Jason Kinney needs to be the leader of Canada.
And yeah, it's what it is, it's mass murder. Great research, mass murder.
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All right, let's race through your phone calls here ahead of Milo Yiannopoulos joining us in studio into the fourth hour today.
I'm going to go in the order that your calls have been received here.
The longest holding would be Jeff in Windsor, then Max in Montreal, Jeff in Windsor, Canada.
What's the make of this historic situation we're witnessing?
Well, first, Alex, I want to say God bless you. God bless info wars and God bless human freedom.
We're praying for info wars. We're praying for the whole world right now.
I'm a 15 year veteran info warrior. I've got two really important points to make.
First, the video you played earlier with the liberal MP that equates Hong Kong to Heil Hitler.
So the HH, Hong Kong, that's to answer your previous caller.
Get the full clip because right before she says that she calls for complete gun confiscation.
In May of 2020, Justin Trudeau and the RCMP pulled a huge false flag in Nova Scotia
and then had an executive order and banned 1500 types of firearms like AR-15,
they call quote unquote a military assault style, blah, blah, blah.
They gave a two year amnesty, which is about to expire in May of 2022.
And if it expires, gun owners will have to turn in their firearms without compensation.
I remember that. So they're bringing Canada that's so rich.
It's got as much resources as the US or more under world government martial law. It's incredible.
So the liberal government's been taking a lot of heat for the cost of this buyback,
which some people say like four or five billion dollars to buy back all these guns because there's millions.
Canada is a very large firearm owning population.
And of course you saw what happened after they got the Aussie guns.
Yeah. So second, I want to go over the give, send, go hack,
which I know that Info Wars has a give, send, go fundraising account that they have there.
But supposedly it was hacked by some fruit loop left in his mom's basement,
which I think is completely bogus. I think it was a state actor.
Canada is part of the five eyes. So I think this goes probably.
Oh, absolutely. They use that fruit loop guy as the front guy all the time. I was told. Absolutely. Yeah.
And then you notice the media then used all that against people.
So they aided and abetted with the stolen material. That's the corporate media enemy of the people.
Not not to steal your words, but it gets worse today.
They published that they published a docs list, a map, a Google map.
It's on Google with all the people who donated with their full name,
their postal code, like the American zip code and their IP addresses.
Wow. Who put out a targeting list of these people?
Well, it's posted. It says anonymous. It just says convoy donors for Ontario.
Well, so they want to send a message to everybody that if you stand up against permanent martial law and forced injection,
we're going to come after you. Well, guess what? We know you're coming after us.
We already figured it out. Amazing points, Jeff. We appreciate your call.
I can talk to every caller for 10 hours. We got to get to everybody here.
Let's go to Max in Montreal, Canada. Max, welcome.
Hello. Long time listener, first time caller.
Yes, sir.
I love supporting and for store.
Thank you.
We have a really high quality goods DNA force all the way about the silver dollar we said was all the way.
So support.
Well, thank you, brother. We would be shut down now if you hadn't bought that silver dollar, you know,
for three, four times the markup. We did that to fund us as a fundraiser.
That's a piece of history. God bless you and thank you.
Yeah. Well, money is worthless at the moment.
It is like you see what they're doing in Canada at the moment.
They're just basically moving us to a digital currency.
Oh, I would give, I mean, I would give everything I've got to stop these people.
I mean, because I know it's not going to stop. We've gone over the edge.
Yeah. And the worst thing is I talk to my friends like every two weeks.
I don't want to like create a separation.
So I always have a line of communication.
Their, their reasoning is out the window and they're all Marxist.
And I show them how like basically Marxism, big business is like right, left, you know,
David Ike problem reaction solution, everything.
And, you know, they don't, they don't care. They don't see.
And I just want to go more deeply into the world economic form.
I'm in Quebec, our premier.
And when he first thing he did when he was elected was go to Davos speak there.
He tweets, I've read the fourth industrial revolution.
But then when we go to parliament and we want to go argue with him, he said,
Oh, well, they're all conspiracy theorists believe in myself.
Oh, I know what's happened here in the U.S. Europe and Canada.
I've seen it where they go, Hey, there's letters that are public where Klaus Schwab is ordering you around.
He goes, I don't even know who Klaus Schwab is.
He goes, well, you, you're his guest of honor.
And you, you, again, the way they lie to you is incredible.
Isn't it?
Yeah, he put down Twitter and then you show your uncle and your grandmother.
Hey, look, you don't know how to read English.
You barely like you only think you do is watch the news and they think you're cuckoo.
All of a sudden they ask you, Hey, you believe in climate change like out of the blue.
It makes no sense.
But anyway, I work in AI and I have to say like almost like not to discuss good or bad,
but all of the applications are for track trace control is like that's all they care about.
Can we read your license plate?
Can we count the amount of people in the crowd?
Can we identify your faces?
Can we read your license plate?
Can we see you through your house?
Can we see with a helicopter your license plate for 20 kilometers away?
You know, it's all that's all they talk about.
And then I'm like, Hey guys, you ever realized that they turned that against you?
Like, come on, wake up.
Well, they think they'll be part of the winning team and they're the biggest fools of all.
Beautiful points, Max.
We love you up there.
Thank you.
Canadians stood up folks and they got crushed and now many are going to solitary confinement
with no trial or no bond.
I mean, just unprecedented evil in North America.
I mean, that is just wild.
That is just wild folks.
Let's go ahead and go to Mike in Calgary, Canada.
Go ahead, Mike.
Good day, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
I regret to inform you that this probably might be the last time we talk.
It's good to talk to you again, Alex.
There's a, there's quite a few elephants in the room.
Get three of them and then there's two more short for that.
Um, you know, it's crazy about this whole democracy thing is that we had people from
our parliament to address our grievances with them and they weren't even listened to.
They weren't even addressed by the premier.
So that tells you how much of an authoritative state we have lived at up until that point.
Well, yeah.
And you also have the speaker of the parliament blocking the member of parliament that brings
up Klaus Schwab alumni.
And then it's just insane though.
This is North Korea.
Come to come to North America.
Oh, it is brother.
Second point, Trudeau full draft cut COVID twice.
Doesn't that tell you that maybe the jobs don't work perhaps like it's total garbage.
They want everyone jab.
So there's no control group for this grand experiment that they're running globally.
It is absolutely garbage.
The media is totally behind it.
I'll give you another example about how they're using division.
Like if you go on any comment in any Canadian website, the comments are like 90% negative
against what the government has done in the last week.
And the way to divide us is things when they had all these unmarked graves all over.
It is total absolute garbage because they didn't exume anything.
The way they could find out if there's actually people in the ground there is they could do
what's called a core sample and inspect it for DNA.
Case closed.
There were three universities that had people lined up ready to go and the government blocked
It's like I'm deep in this man.
I have a friend, Pastor Archer Palosky.
He's facing, for preaching, he's facing 10 years in prison under the emergency act and
no bond as well.
He has his cell phone in RCMP and CPS's possession right now with my number on it.
I've been friends with Staff Sergeant Joe Big, formerly of Infowars on Facebook and we collaborated
trying to figure out what this coded messaging was in the October 31, 2016, WikiLeaks, where
there's Obama used $65,000 of the taxpayer's money on hot dogs.
Pretty interesting.
Last point I want to get and your callers can take my name and information after this
start a petition for someone with margarita green and see if she can get something going
Brother, God bless you and I appreciate your call.
Thank you, Mike.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to get to five or six more callers when we come back.
We're going to go to Matt in Toronto, who's up first, then Jim in Ontario, Canada, then
Wayne, Chris, and others from Toronto, Canada, straight ahead, and then Milo, Unopolis.
I was here in town the other day working on some journalistic stories.
We went out to dinner.
He and I and MTG, it was really a lot of fun.
He's got a lot to say.
He's coming in for an hour.
Then I got even more news to hit in the last 30 minutes.
I'm hosting the fourth hour today.
You're stuck with Alex Jones from Infowars.com.
Stay with us.
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The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons
and chemicals added to the food.
It's all come out.
And they're doing that not because we're weak, but because we're made the image of God,
the Creator, and we are powerful.
And the social engineers fear that so much.
So that's why I repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up
with the boy, is it true?
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all their propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural
death because they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on the God
of this world who is a loser.
That's why it's so important that everybody keep them full wars in the air now more than
Because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting and setting
up is a channel.
And we are opposing the one world government and the mark of the beast they just announced.
Mike in California, thanks for calling.
I think we're barking up the wrong tree calling this gain of function research.
Now, if you read the actual 2014 legislation, the U.S. government gain of function, deliberative
process and research funding pause on selected gain of function research involving influenza,
MERS and SARS viruses.
There's nothing about SARS-like viruses and it's a research funding pause.
It's not a stop.
It's not a prohibition.
It's when you come to a four-way intersection, there's the stop sign.
You stop.
You look both ways and then you proceed.
And so it doesn't pause all gain of function, just selected gain of function.
But they'll argue that this is actually characterization and qualification research.
So, you know, Rand and others, you know, maybe Fauci was right.
They don't quite know what they're talking about calling it gain of function.
You know, that's why he didn't perjure himself.
That's why he hasn't been arrested.
Because they're literally creating new synthetic life forms that mimic what the viruses do.
But in the main definition, it's still a gain of function.
You're making something deadly that spreads more easily to hurt people.
Thank you, Mike.
We love you.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
Jagging your phone calls here on this 2-2, 2022,
transmission at the end of the fourth hour,
special report from Greg Reese that hasn't come out yet.
We're going to be premiering here.
It's a very powerful thing that Joe Rogan's guest,
that he interviewed three weeks ago, finally aired a few days ago,
had to say, and he just knocked it out of the park.
So look for that towards the end of the next hour as well.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Back to the great phone calls here.
Let's talk to Jim in Canada, Jim in Ontario.
Go ahead, Jim.
Hi, I launched readumunion.org last night at midnight,
and it's basically a declaration of independence of digital slavery.
Beautiful. Say it again,
because everything is independence against digital slavery.
Everything in the future is going to be fighting the worldwide
carbon tax social credit score.
Absolutely. QR codes, QR cowboys coming around everybody up.
I'm begging and pleading for hockey parents to hit the outdoor rinks
and raise their hockey sticks with Canadian flags, have signs.
I love what Theo Fleury is doing, a proud Canadian.
He's fighting the fight.
So it's getting unreal.
Man, it's crazy that the New World Order chose you for maximum tyranny.
Yeah, a friend of mine in Ottawa had his car impounded for eight days
without due process. It's completely insane.
What do you make of him grabbing the peaceful organizers and saying
no bond could be up to a year till trial, 10 years in prison?
I mean, meanwhile, peaceful protests burn down buildings
and they get awards for it, and Trudeau endorsed Black Lives Matter.
Yeah, like, what I can't understand is how are just two of the people
who were in front of the camera talking out of the committee,
there was like five to 10 people at every given,
like where are the other people? Why are they not in jail?
You know, it's like how can they just selectively pick people
that aren't agreeing with the narrative?
That's what authoritarians do, brother. Jim, thank you so much.
Thanks for holding. Wow, great callers.
Let's go to Matt in Toronto, Canada. Matt, thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex. Great to talk to you.
Listen, I love all the callers that just called all the Canadians,
but why aren't they saying the first thing that comes out of their mouth
should be an SOS because we don't have a parliament no more.
We have a dictatorship.
And remember, Hitler got in and the parliament declared him dictator later.
Routinely, most of the time, dictatorships are elected.
That's what people need to get.
He's declaring a dictatorship and saying no bond for peaceful protesters.
Folks, that's North Korea level.
It's absolutely insane, Alex.
We should be making SOS Canada shirts.
I'd rather see...
No, I agree. Canadians should all be doing videos on every platform they can,
from Getter to Gab to Trump's thing once it's working, hopefully,
but also on all the enemy channels and just saying,
SOS, help us, SOS. This is like North Korea.
On the left, they'll all make jokes and stuff, but people know the truth.
We need to see all Canadians get online now and say, help us.
Help us, man. We're screwed.
It's going to be days, weeks, soon, like a month.
I can feel it in my bones, man.
Our friends...
Oh, they're getting ready to stage a mass shooting or bombing,
and then they're going to start arresting everybody.
Trudeau is a psychotic.
He is Klaus Schwab's favorite leader, Klaus Schwab says.
He is the example of the new world and what we're about to do.
What's going to happen when us Canadians, when we call our family,
and they're not there no more because they tested positive for COVID
and went to the hospital?
Oh, yeah, they went to a camp and oh, they died in the camp.
That's right, death by ventilator.
Beautiful point, Matt. We love you.
Trying to get everybody right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Ottawa,
the center of the globalist takeover,
where the governor has gone along with it,
the premier, where the leaders have gone along with all of it.
And now the mayor says we're taking all your property,
taking your cars.
He is the Klaus Schwab Acolyte.
The head judge there says no free speech,
10 years in prison for any peaceful protest
against the lockdown.
Is God emperor? You are literally living in North Korea.
The world has got to wake up and say no to this.
Chris in Ottawa, what's your view on this?
Well, it's funny you mentioned that, Alex,
because I was actually a live streamer,
boots on the ground in Ottawa,
live streaming all of this and having a first person perspective.
So I just figured, yeah, I'd call in
and if you have any questions for me to expose...
Well, sir, you're here when you've got the floor.
Just what do you want to tell a graph of your nugget of information?
Well, I'm red-printed on YouTube
if anyone wants to see the truth that's there.
But if I want to say one thing,
is that all the media are lying about everything,
in terms of stealing from the homeless,
graffiti, vandalism, everything, all of the above.
It was honestly exactly the opposite.
I didn't even have a single cigarette butt on the ground.
It was that clean.
Well, I noticed that in the videos,
but it didn't matter, Trudeau said there were Nazis
and you stole food and you desecrated War Memorial.
Of course, none of it was true,
because he's a criminal dictator liar taking your country down.
Oh, exactly.
And I was actually there in the last stand.
And I don't know if you saw it,
but there was a horse that trampled a Native woman
and that's kind of ironic.
No, I saw it.
I mean, they jammed the cell phones the last day.
We didn't see a lot of that.
How did it all end?
How did it all end?
Well, I barely got away without being arrested,
but they deployed LRAD,
which is basically a sonic boom
that inactivates all electronic devices
and can give you permanent brain damage as well.
And they surrounded the last remaining group of protesters,
rounded them up like cattle and arrested them all.
And I'm seeing that they're not going to give a lot of them bonds.
So the message is you protest peacefully.
This is North Korea.
You disappear.
Everybody knows if you're a tourist in North Korea,
don't protest.
Don't speak out.
This is North Korea.
And literally, Canada has fallen.
I'm honestly so afraid for my financial security and safety
and, you know, for my future family,
because I've heard about them freezing bank accounts,
knocking on your door and potentially arresting you
if you resist.
And of course, once you get into the fear,
then they totally win.
That's why we've got to say no.
I mean, how do we stand with Canada?
How do we say no?
How do we have solidarity?
How do we stop this incredibly wicked operation?
I have no idea at this point.
I don't even know how many people are left after that convoy.
I've got to say that most of the truckers leave
and they ran once they saw the line of riot police.
So I don't even know how many truckers would be willing
to do this again if there was the opportunity.
Well, I think that's good.
How dare those Canadians think they can go peacefully protest?
If they wanted to burn buildings, burn down police stations,
and worship communism, they'd have been hailed.
Vice President Kamala Harris would have been in a lot of jail.
But peacefully saying no to forced lockdowns
and forced injections and massing of children.
You shut your dirty Canadian mouths, you monsters.
Thank you, Chris.
All right, we're going to get to Lena or Lane and Irfan in Toronto.
Those are the last callers of the day.
Mylonianopolis is coming up,
and I'm going to get to you next segment.
And then we're going to segue into Russia and the left
and transgenderism and just going after kids
and all of it.
And then this is really a big deal,
because I don't get into esoteric stuff at Mumbo-Jumbo,
but the globalists are really, really obsessed with it.
And we've got a big event taking place astrologically today
that is huge.
And so we're going to be getting to that.
And that Gregory's report, I think it should be out by now.
Let me know when the Gregory's reports out, guys.
We'll get it posted to Bandod Video.
And I'm going to be premiering that because hell,
I said early, I'll play it before Mylon leaves us,
because this is a big deal and you can't ignore
that the globalists believe in this stuff.
I'm going to be following it separately.
Thank you all for your word of mouth.
Now you see free speech is under more attack than ever.
When I tell you, stuff's coming down to the wire.
I'm not doing that just to say it.
I mean, I'm staying at my post, folks,
but let me tell you, the water's rising fast, okay?
The ship's going down and it's so sad,
but we've become a satanic population.
That's what happens.
So we're going to get judged, but those of us that get back
with God and get right are, I think, are going to be protected.
We've got to pray for the political prisoners of Canada, though.
We'll be right back. Stay with us.
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The globalist social engineers always intended
to push their COVID biomedical tyranny lockdowns
until the populations rebelled.
They would then use that as the pretext
for permanent martial law and banning and arresting
anybody that speaks out against their lives.
But because of so many scientists and engineers
and researchers and others coming public
and whistleblowers, now their whole project
is falling apart because the people are aware
that it is a world government corporate takeover.
And so it's pulling back the curtain now more than ever.
The problem is some globalist controlled areas
are not going to give up on their takeover.
Like Canada, where they've now declared
a civil emergency in martial law in Ontario
and other areas of the world are following suit,
like Australia.
So pray for these folks big time.
It's a very serious situation.
And stay tuned into infowarstore.com
because truth is absolutely paramount.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, Malcolm.
All right, I will make this quick and real short
where the other patrons can get on the line.
Alex, I have to promote one thing
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Ladies and gentlemen, today is Tuesday, 222, 222, 222, 1776.
And Greg Rees has filed a report.
You may not believe in all this stuff,
but ladies and gentlemen, the globalists do.
And historically, when this happens,
all hell breaks loose.
The report just went live at Band-Aid video.
Pluto's return and the rebirth of individual freedom.
It is as predictable as mathematics
and experiential for everyone.
And today, astrologically speaking,
is a very interesting day
for America and individual freedom worldwide.
Today is 222, 2022.
The first time Pluto is conjunct to the United States
since July 4th, 1776.
A 248-year event known as Pluto's Return.
Every time a planet returns to the same degree it was
in relation to your location of birth,
you experience a return.
Many of us can personally understand
the idea of Saturn's return.
It takes Saturn about 29 years to orbit the sun.
And so it happens roughly around your 29th birthday.
Because Saturn symbolizes severity and discipline,
this time is known as an era of learning through harsh reality
for those who haven't already mastered self-discipline.
Pluto symbolizes destruction and rebirth.
And so Pluto's return, which lasts about two years,
is considered to be a time of destruction and rebirth.
During the Roman Empire's first Pluto's return,
the Severan dynasty collapsed,
a time known as the Crisis of the Third Century.
And their second Pluto return took place
ten years before the end of the Roman Empire.
And now America's first Pluto's return
on 222, 2022.
Two times two times two times 222 equals 1776.
It begins on a Tuesday and it lasts two years.
Perhaps you dismiss all this as pseudoscience woo-woo.
But it is important to know that the occultists
who sway the governments of the world do not.
They take this sort of thing very seriously,
which could explain why they all seem to be in such a frantic hurry.
More than America, July 4th, 1776, symbolizes individual freedom.
And so astrologically speaking,
the next two years will mark either the destruction or rebirth
of these individual freedoms that were born in 1776.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Gregory's.
Now whether you believe in that or not,
the globalists are obsessed with it.
You notice Putin invaded part of Ukraine on the eve of that.
I mean, he didn't even get into it in the report.
The Roman Empire fell, was sacked and finally completely fell
on the Pluto's return.
I mean, this is some wild stuff.
And man, all hell is breaking loose.
Joining us for the rest of the transmission is Milo Yiannopoulos.
It was really great to see him here in town doing some journalistic work.
We had dinner with MTG on Sunday night.
He's here for a few more days doing work.
Hopefully he'll be on the other shows.
But he is a columnist and now he's a church militant.
He's been knocked off his horse like Saul on the road to Damascus.
He's now a Paul, I guess.
And he's on Gab at M and Telegram at Milo official.
And he's here with us.
So Milo, so much to talk about, so much going on.
I mean, Russia, the COVID thing collapsing,
martial law in Canada.
It's just where the hell do we begin?
This is absolutely crazy the moment we've gotten to.
First, it's great to see you here.
What would you call this period of time, Maureen?
Good to see you, buddy.
Thanks, man. Good to see you again.
I mean, more than anything, I'd call it frightening.
I mean, those of us who have been, we've been fighting,
we've been, you know, totally unafraid of everything for a really long time.
We've been saying, ha, ha, ha, censorship only makes me stronger.
We've been doing all this stuff.
I gotta tell you, over the last 18 months,
I've started to get a little bit frightened.
And I don't mind admitting it.
I don't mind telling people.
I've started to get a little bit spooked when you look at...
Oh, you should be. I am, too.
I mean, how many friends do we have that are behind bars
for peacefully protesting right now?
Quite a few.
I mean, almost everybody I know is at January 6th.
I mean, I wasn't there, but almost everybody I know.
My whole phone book was there.
And they're all staring down the barrel of these
astonishing, punitive, dishonest, horrendous prosecutions.
And you know that when you get into federal court,
there's a 97% conviction rate in federal court.
So if they bring charges against you, you're going down.
You're going to jail.
The only question is, for how long?
Then you see this like just brazen, unashamed,
cutting off a bank account.
So the kind of stuff that we always talk about
and we know is coming, but it's still shocking when it arrives.
When you hear Trudeau's, you know, little...
whoever she is, saying,
oh, yeah, we're going to just close the bank accounts.
And then you see the police harassing coffee shop owners
for the crime of serving coffee to the truckers.
Like, this stuff is wacky.
And by the way, I mean, I just can't even play all this.
And I'm not trying to just discredit police.
Some of the globalists wanted discredit police
and they bring in their own police.
But these were special bad police they brought in
beating up shopkeepers at major restaurants and delis
that let people in and serve them food.
And you saw in France them firing tear gas into cafes.
I mean, this is terrorism.
And there are these group chats leaking
that I'm sure you've seen as well of police gloating
about horses trampling truckers.
I meant to get to that. Tell people about that.
I haven't covered that.
Yeah, so they just leaked a WhatsApp group of Canadian,
it's the Mounted Police Division,
although they look like the militarized cops
that you used to see.
Looks like Darth Vader's landing.
Yeah, they do, they do.
I know you call this place the Death Star,
but they really are the evil empire.
You know, the extraordinary militarization
and their gloating, childish gloating behind the scenes,
gloating about the fact that their horses
are trampling people underfoot.
And you see in these private WhatsApp groups
that one of these police guys, obviously somebody in there
has a soul, somebody in there has a conscience.
Their conscience has been pricked
and they've leaked this WhatsApp group.
Yeah, that's the goodness.
Of Canadian, we have one good policeman in 50.
They're leaking these Canadian police chats
where the police officers are saying,
we need to learn that maneuver for when we're on horseback
and cheering on the trampling of prisoners.
Nothing like running over an old lady on a mobility scooter.
And this is in the context of the Canadian,
just think about the vindictiveness,
the petty vindictiveness of all this.
This is in the context of Canadian governments
saying we're going to take your pets.
If you're a trucker and you're not looking after your dog properly,
we're going to take and destroy your dog.
There was a tweet out from Ottawa Police
saying if you're not looking after your dogs properly,
they will be taken and if they're not claimed after eight days,
they'll be dealt with or some other sinister Soviet-style thing.
Then they said about kids.
There was another, I think it was again,
Ottawa Police tweet, I think they said,
we're aware that there are children in the trucker convoy.
Those children will be removed to a safe place.
Do you think they're going to a safe place?
I don't know.
I think these are child...
They use terrorism against...
It's child-snatching.
It's child-snatching.
And now they're holding the leaders facing tenures in prison
no bail after a year till trial.
I mean, that's North Korea.
That is next level.
Yes, it is.
This is Canada's January 6th.
Another example of peaceful, non-destructive, non-violent protesters.
I mean, there was a bit of a scuffle at the Capitol.
I'm sure they've been a bit of scuffles in the truckers.
But compare that to the riots of 2020.
Give me a break.
These are for the vastly peaceful, quiet patriots
standing out for the constitutions of their own countries.
It's not even in some sense, it's even a political fight.
They're just saying, can we please be the country
that it says on that document, you know,
that we were founded...
Joe says, yeah, these riots are guaranteed
and we're not going to follow them.
Have you seen him say, I want to be a dictator?
Oh, well, he's asked the Canadian Parliament
to extend his emergency powers indefinitely.
And he said...
We knew that was coming.
And he said to the MPs, to the equipment of congressmen,
in Canada, if you don't do it, you hate the Canadian government.
That's a quote.
We have all these videos.
We're going to talk to Lane in British Columbia
as the last caller when we come back.
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Transhumanist nightmare vision.
Suppressing the voices of good people all around the world
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their world's gonna end in 2030,
carbon tax, global warming bull, all of it.
And none of it can succeed.
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That's why truth comes with hard work and with research
and with diligence.
That's why it's hard to share Infowars links
and band up video links.
That's why we've got to share them now more than ever.
You know, I knew this was all coming.
I knew about the New World Order, the whole plan.
But man, it's one thing to know it's coming.
It's nothing to get knocked upside the head by.
It's kind of like you going through a green line.
You notice somebody's running a red line
and it seems like it's a minute before they hit you,
but it's really just two seconds you go,
this is gonna hurt and then next your jaw's broken
and your teeth are knocked out
or your shoulder's broken in one car wreck
I was in and had in my shoulder.
I mean, we're in the car wreck right now.
We've been hit by it.
And we're gonna go to Lane who's been holding
for a long time, last caller we're gonna get to
from Canada here in a moment.
But then you want to do it, just elaborate
on a lot of different issues with Russia
and the economy and political correctness
and just where you see the world going.
Milo Yiannopoulos is with us.
You can follow him on gab at M,
just the letter M and telegram Milo.
Officials are in a lot of super secret squirrel stuff
behind the scenes, he claims he's retired
but that's so I'm gonna out him now and I'm joking.
He's totally retired now.
But before we go to this call,
you must have been listening
because I only call this place the Death Star a few times.
And my point is it destroys globalists
and they're always trying to shut us down
and they think they take this down.
They don't know there's two more Death Stars
behind the planet, or maybe three Death Stars.
Some more is getting built right now.
So when I figured out they want to shut me down,
let's just say they'll never shut us down
without turning the power off and put me in prison,
which they're like, okay, we'll do that.
So that's where we are, but it's funny.
You know the Death Star is Pluto.
And I'm not a big person that's into esoteric,
I'm not a big Gnostic, I'm not a big Rosicrucian,
I'm not a big...
Well, what's the term they use Milo?
What's the term I guess they use would be a numerologist.
I'm not into numerology, but I know the globalist star.
So you can't deny that Pluto under the Roman system
and the Greek system is the Death Star.
And it symbolizes destruction and rebirth
and that the last time it orbited through
was Tuesday, 222, 2022,
2 plus 2, or 2 times 2 times 2,
222 was 1776, 222, 222 was the first time Pluto was conjunct
the United States since July 4, 1776,
a 248-year event known as Pluto's Return.
Pluto symbolizes destruction and rebirth
that begins today in the last two years.
It's really kind of crazy that this is all going on.
And I'm not saying it's even real,
I'm saying the globalists believe in this.
What do you make of this?
Well, perhaps it's not so much that the position
of celestial bodies exerts an influence on our planet,
but rather that because these people believe
in those superstitions, they line up their machinations
to match, right?
So they know it's coming.
They know it's supposedly a thing for whatever,
you know, child blood, pagan sacrifice thing
they do on a Sunday when the rest of us are in church.
They know it's a thing for them.
And so they line it up to match
because these are great events in their ecclesiology
or whatever.
I think a lot of people sniggered and sneered
over the last five or 10 years
when they heard right-wing commentators talk about,
you know, the pedophile stuff, the child sacrifice
and all the rest of it.
But they're not sneering now
because ever more obviously and ever more ostentatiously,
the people who rule over us,
are kind of showing their hand,
revealing that there is some kind of occult dimension
to a lot of what goes on politics
and a lot of what goes on in Hollywood.
It's there and you can deny it.
You deny it at your peril.
There is something weird about these sex cults,
the NXIVM or whatever the abbreviation was,
you know, they're all at it.
We're not quite sure.
Jeffrey Epstein or all of them.
We're not exactly sure what it is they're up to,
but they're up to something.
And when they're doing obscene
and appalling things to children,
they're doing it in peculiar temples on billionaire's islands,
or they're doing it in private mansions
you can't get into in the Hollywood Hills.
This stuff is real and it happens.
And we don't know anything really about it,
other than the occasional whispers from people
who were on the periphery of that movement
who kind of blab and then disappear.
Or maybe, you know, something like,
Corey, is it Corey?
What's his name?
Corey Feldman, that's right.
Who's, you know, obviously very troubled
and obviously has a lot of, you know, stuff going on.
But the guy's seen things
and you can tell when you look into his eyes.
You can tell something really awful happened.
And, you know, I only ever saw the very, very periphery of this
when I was still practicing homosexual in Hollywood
and the pool parties and stuff like that.
And I never witnessed anybody underage
and I never saw with my own eyes
anything happen to children.
But there was a lot of older men
and younger men and that kind of thing.
But I never saw with my own eyes
what is now becoming obvious to all of us,
which is that there is
an occultist, numerological, weird,
some people would call it satanic.
I probably would call it a satanic dimension
to a lot of the worst stuff
that's happening in Hollywood
and in the entertainment industry.
It's no longer possible really plausibly
to deny that, is it?
No, it's not.
And I want to go to Lane in British Columbia
and have her get her point
and I appreciate her holding it.
Or Remy Lane's a man,
because that's a name to me either way.
Like Alex would be Alexis,
so I apologize for your man.
Like Lane's usually a man.
I apologize.
It probably is a man.
But I want to talk about,
because I never judged you
for being homosexual.
I judge people off
what they actually do
and how they live.
But I do notice that that lifestyle
is kind of rum of the left.
It's become destructive
and historically is connected
to societal collapse
when just the general public gets into that
and the family is destroyed.
I want to ask what your epiphany was
or was it a process?
Because they say somebody can't go
being gay to being heterosexual or vice versa.
Whereas you really study history and things,
there's a lot of people
that are doing all sorts of things,
pansexual people.
There's people that become straight
and they become that
and they go back to that.
So the idea that the left says,
once you're something,
you're always that.
That seems like another form of tyranny to me.
So I think it takes a lot of courage
for you to come out
and say this.
And when I first saw it,
I haven't seen you in a year or so.
Seeing you in person
and going out to dinner,
I do pick up there's quite a change
about a lot of ways,
the whole vibe, everything.
But I thought you were a nice person before.
I think you're just as nice now.
But you certainly are different.
So we'll talk about that
when we start the next hour.
That's really interesting.
But Lane,
and I'm sorry to gender you a man or woman
from British Columbia, Canada,
what is your take on the madness up in Canada?
Hi, Alex.
It's crazy.
I'm from the US.
I came up here
10 years ago,
immigrated to Ottawa of all places.
And there was a time where I used to
go down to Canada Day
and shake hands with the RCMP Mounties.
And now they're being trained by the UN,
volunteering and training with the UN
to come back and police their people.
It's really sad.
I've watched the changes.
My mind goes back to,
put it back to Randy Weaver to 9-11.
And when I was a kid,
I used to go out with my dad.
He was a John Bircher.
And we used to go out and sell
constitutions for the door.
And now I'm sitting here in Canada
in martial law.
Quite ironic.
You know, it's,
you know, another thing I used to,
I live in a small town now,
but I used to live in Vancouver.
And we used to walk the streets.
I've been through all these protests
from, you know,
Greta to BLM and all this stuff.
And I've, the Vancouver police used to
escort the protesters through the streets.
They were really decent.
And now look what's happened.
It's just, it's just crazy.
They stopped Canada Day last year.
And, you know, you're in the fools.
And again, okay, ticket people,
okay, to other vehicles.
Okay, maybe they go to jail for three hours.
You don't know bail and declare an emergency
and say 10 years in prison,
you're a terrorist and grab their bank accounts.
I mean, folks on a scale of 1 to 10,
I know.
That's right.
You know, actually,
when I first got to Vancouver, you know,
I was well aware of agenda 21,
you know, 15, 20 years ago.
And, you know, it's the model city.
I tell you, you know,
they've got their eyes on Canada,
you know, and that had had,
have had for a long time, you know,
you just see it, you know,
and everything's shut down
and they're continue to build the buildings
and bring in all their,
you know, their agenda 21,
20, 30 sustainable development,
you know, act.
And, you know, there's a,
there's a book called the fourth turning,
you know, and this is,
this is kind of their handbook, you know,
we're in this cycle.
They called the Fourth Industrial Revolution
to stop the fourth turning
that they believe will unseat them.
Beautifully said.
Thank you.
And from Colin from Canada, my love.
Strauss isn't,
it's one of Steve Bannon's favorite books,
I think the fourth.
And he speaks very powerfully
and intelligently and interestingly about that.
You know, everybody thinks
that they are living through the most important time
that's ever happened
because everybody's basis for comparison is themselves.
We all have this egotistical idea that,
that, you know,
we're living through the most important time ever.
And if you were living during the fall of Rome
and the Visigoths were sacking Rome,
then maybe you have a reasonable claim to that.
Or if you were living, perhaps,
through the, you know,
the cresting of the Industrial Revolution,
if you were living, you know,
in the Reformation,
we now, I think, have enough evidence to know
we really are living in one of those moments.
We really are at a point where the, you know,
the crust has cracked
on the elites that run the world.
The, um...
Man, Milo, you were always articulate,
but now you're like next level.
Repeat that.
And I want to take what he just said
and put that right on the front of the show today
when he archived it.
That little clip,
because, yeah, exactly.
There's no doubt now.
Like, I'm using somebody who's got nerves of steel.
And now I'm like,
ugh, ugh, ugh.
Me too.
I'm waking up,
I'm waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night
because I can't...
Yeah, yeah, I mean,
I hear it rustling outside.
I think you're going to rot your stone, me, you know?
And as you say, I'm retired.
What have I got to worry about?
I'm going to come right back
because I'm telling you, folks,
it's going down.
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The globalist social engineers
always intended to push
their COVID biomedical tyranny
lockdowns until the populations
They would then use that as the pretext
for permanent martial law
and banning and arresting
anybody that speaks out
against their lives.
But because of so many scientists
and engineers
and researchers and others
coming public and whistleblowers,
now their whole project is falling apart
because the people are aware
that it is a world government
corporate takeover,
and so it's pulling back
the curtain now more than ever.
The problem is some globalist controlled areas
are not going to give up
on their takeover.
Like Canada,
where they now declared a civil emergency
and martial law in Ontario
and other areas of the world
are following suit like Australia.
So pray for these folks big time.
This is a very serious situation.
And stay tuned into infowars.com
because truth is absolutely paramount.
We got cut off by the break.
We have that scene in the local Wall Street
where they're on the yacht.
He wants you to repeat what he said.
He said,
say it like you just said it again
because you got cut off a break
and that was absolutely true.
Everybody interprets
the lens of themselves.
We all have this egotistical idea
that the times that we're living in
are the most extraordinary
that have ever occurred.
And some people have had some good claims
to that in the past.
Maybe if you were living through the fall of Rome,
perhaps if you were living
during the Industrial Revolution,
or as it kicked off,
the industriousness of Adam Smith in Scotland,
or maybe you were living through
unhappy times, the Reformation.
But now I think we have a reasonable claim
to be living through one of those,
if not the greatest.
We talked about the fourth turning
moment ago, one of Steve Bannon's favourite books.
The crust is cracking
at this exact moment
on the elites who run the world.
They have, for a long time,
had this sort of carapace around them.
You know, like those bugs
that are supposed to be able to cockroaches,
that are supposed to be able to survive
in nuclear winter
because they've got these
nuclear resistant carapaces.
They're outer exoskeletons, right?
Well, for a long time,
it looks as though the global elite had
something like that,
adamantium exoskeleton.
They were just never going to be unseated.
But the crust is cracking because,
as ever, the devil overplays his hand.
Satan always overplays his hand.
And whatever darker cult forces are
fueling the people who rule over us,
they are, once again, overplaying their hand.
You see it with January 6th.
The people who were at January 6th
are not going to have a happy time
in the next 10 years,
but the rest of the country is now awake.
Even if they don't admit it,
even if they don't realise it,
even if they don't want to say it,
they might not be Republicans,
they might hate Trump,
but they saw that and they noticed.
And they know that it could be
a different administration in power tomorrow.
And in just the same way as just happened in Canada,
I mean, my goodness,
the trucker thing is even worse in many respects.
The crust is cracking,
and everyone can see them now for what they are.
It's a mask slip moment in which
we're beginning to see
the sort of hideous, desiccated,
gargoyle demon faces
behind these happy, clappy,
anodyne newsreaders on ABC.
We're starting to see that in celebrities too, aren't we?
Whether it's a lack of adrenochrome,
or they're just really, really stressed.
Look at how old celebrities look compared to 2019.
Look at how drawn and haggard and grey
and practically translucent their skin is.
Look at how haggard the people who rule over us
are suddenly starting to look.
And you realise that they know, as we know,
that the crust is cracking.
Man, that was beautifully said.
Absolutely beautifully said.
And of course, when you started,
I hit my cough button and forgot to hit the live button,
cut off the first thing you said,
but the first thing you said is,
because I'm going to edit it together,
if we can put it out for posterity,
the first line you said was,
everybody thinks they're living
in the most important time in history.
Right, we all believe that we're living through
the most extraordinary period in human history,
because we all filter everything
through the lens of me, me, me, right?
Some people who have been living
in important periods in history,
well, you know, as divorced from our own egotism,
living at one of those moments
where humanity succeeds or fails.
And it feels like this is bigger
than all the ones before, I mean, because
there's more people, there's more weapons,
there's more technology, you can see
that everything was a foreshadowing
of what happened before,
whether Atlantis was real or not,
we now have technologies that can destroy the planet.
We now are godlike, but we still have the same...
And we're giving them to places like Iran.
You know, our governments are handing,
at least handing permission
to administrations like Iran
who want to wipe parts of the Earth,
want to wipe off the edges, you know,
whatever you think about Israel and my views
are sort of shifting and evolving on that subject.
But whatever, we don't want to hand nuclear weapons.
It's not about that, you know, the point is
we are handing each other permission
for mutual destruction, obliteration, annihilation.
Exactly, the liberation of things
that will destroy civilization.
Coronavirus, to stop all that.
I was number four world government,
but before I was born, world governments to stop it.
But then the world governors are handing the weapons out.
They're like passing the Kool-Aid with cyanide out.
Coronavirus is exactly the same thing,
just another thing that with a little tweak,
a little gain of function could wipe out
whoever they want to wipe out.
Let's talk about that when we come back, wow.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, obviously, myelianopolis was the hottest thing
in libertarian conservative politics in 2014, 15, 16,
and then the system shut him down and cut him off.
But he hadn't built his own infrastructure,
so he's still been big and done a lot of things,
but kind of smartly receded behind the scenes,
and I know some of the inside baseball's still been doing a lot of important work,
but now behind us, he's actually a smart guy.
He used to be one of the top guys
that made your newspaper over in the U.K.,
so that's where he cut his teeth.
But here he is with us now,
and for me, I didn't know if it was a gimmick or not a year ago
when he said he wasn't homosexual anymore.
I'm a heterosexual.
They say, don't say homosexual.
It's like, don't say Caucasian.
Don't say scientific terms.
But the point is, I don't judge anybody.
But then now, going to dinner the other night with MTG and you and everything,
you were always super articulate,
but there is something different about you now,
and you're gone from very articulate to ultra articulate,
so you do seem kind of like you've been upgraded or something,
and I'm not saying because you're no longer like men.
I'm saying something's definitely happened to you.
So what went on?
I'm happy to say that I've got an upgrade because I've scrubbed it out.
Look, nobody changes overnight from gay to straight,
but I like to say I'm retired,
mostly to excuse my expanding waistline,
but retirement comes with a lot of calories.
No, I mean, the real reason is that I have,
I never wanted to be one of those people,
and we both have those friends in common who get canceled
and then do this kind of endlessly,
pathetic, desperate sort of clinging on for years and years.
Oh, cancellation is the best thing that ever happened to me.
We all know it's not.
We all know that you've moved into a little rented flat.
We all know it, and I just didn't want to do that.
I didn't gracefully excuse myself from the party that told me I wasn't,
you know, from the house party where I was told I wasn't welcome,
and do something else for a bit.
So I've been working a lot behind the scenes with various people.
And by the way, you admitted when they finally dug back into your record
on Joe Rogan that you'd been molested,
and instead of being a victim, you overcame it.
And I didn't think of that as a bad thing, you said.
You were the victim of that, but you didn't say you were.
I mean, quite frankly, I had like,
I was like 15 and had like 25-year-old housewives in the neighborhood.
I didn't see myself as a victim either.
The point is, the point is, is that you got targeted,
you're the victim, you're not the victimizer.
I just didn't want to spend four years whining about cancel culture
and playing the victim.
And so I thought I'd go and do other things,
and I've been drawing a lot closer to God,
and I have spent a lot of time as my new colleagues at Church Milton,
which is a tremendous Catholic news operation in Detroit now,
investing in my spiritual life.
And I think perhaps, thank you for the lovely compliments.
Oh, let me shut up. Perhaps it's important.
Let me shut up first.
I interrupted you and brought up old past stuff and Joe Rogan and all that,
and I apologize because I can tell this is for real.
This Milo thing is not some fake PR stunt.
I didn't really think it was, but so you're very serious.
I can pick it up.
So start over and I apologize.
Talk about this awakening and what happened.
I have been spending since the sort of big cancellation.
I mean, look, you and I are two of the seven people
who helped to put Trump in office, right?
And we have both paid the price in various different ways.
And I just decided that I would try to do the dignified thing.
And if, you know, it was going to be difficult to live in public
because I hadn't built something like this yet.
I hadn't been going for as long as you, you know,
I hadn't built any of this yet.
That I was just going to do some other things.
I found that during that time,
we're having a lot more time on my hands
while I was styling myself as retired,
I felt a call back to the religion of my youth.
My first job in journalism ever was at the Catholic Herald in London.
Maybe that was my second job.
I felt a calling from the faith of my youth.
And one day I woke, hey, look, you'll remember from 2015
me giving talks on college campuses,
saying the Catholic Church is right about everything.
So my opinions haven't changed.
But what the difference between me now and five years ago,
the thing that has changed is I'm trying now
to no longer be a hypocrite.
I'm trying now to actually live according to the values
that I have always professed for others.
And I just woke up one day and said,
I can't have this in my life anymore.
Well, you do seem, I would say, better looking, happier,
even more articulate.
That's going on the back of the next book.
Thanks, Alex.
No, but I mean, I'm serious.
The time I was around you, you're a charming, nice person, smart.
But there's still like an unsettling feeling
like you weren't happy.
So you weren't secure.
I pick up a manly security now.
I will tell you, there's people who are still
in the conservative movement, still doing the, you know,
desperate scrambling for attention and money
and all the rest of it.
Lots of homosexuals, unfortunately,
are in the populist nationalist conservative movement.
Yeah, I would say there's more homosexuals
than the Republicans and Democrats.
Yeah, well, you said at the top.
I think so too.
But more pedophiles than Democrats.
I think that's right.
Yeah, I think that's right.
And you know, right wing politics,
no matter what the country has always had a gay problem,
I mean, you know, you look at the Tory party in Britain,
there's a lot going on in there.
There are still those people who are scrambling,
some of whom I think I enabled by kind of,
you know, reinventing the whole
you can be a gay right winger genre,
which if I regret and I will be atoning for
the rest of my life, you know,
I know you have some troubles, Alex,
but you don't wake up in the middle of the night
realizing you're responsible for Lady Marga
and Rob Smith.
I have to bear that cross.
You know, so, you know, there are those homosexuals
still scrambling for attention, scrambling for money
and I look at them and I see where I was
and I am a greatly enhanced, I think, human being
compared to, I watch them now, you know,
the sort of the Ali-Alexandras and, you know,
whatever, people who sort of try to keep their
homosexuality under wraps, but not very successfully.
And I think to myself, if I could only get, you know,
half an hour in the room with these guys
and try to explain to them, try to show them
the sort of peace and calm and, by the way,
enormously heightened effectiveness that you get
from drawing closer to your spiritual life.
You know, I just wish I could get them all in the room
because they're some of them are...
Well, I'll be clear.
I know Ali, I didn't know any of that.
I just...
Yes, unfortunately.
For me, I just think Sammy Davis Jr. and...
I call him Clammy Davis Jr.
because he's quite fond of 19-year-olds.
But, no, he's...
Come on, don't listen.
I don't know anything about that.
I don't want to get into a fight about it.
All right, okay.
Ali's a nice guy, but seriously, let's expand on that.
All I know is what you just nailed
of the whole gay genre of wavelength,
because I'm very empathic.
I pick up on people's emotions,
is an insecurity and trying to be part of a group.
Kind of like gang members, whether they be white,
black, or Hispanic, go under a guy
because they didn't have a dad.
He might not be having sex with them,
but he's having them commit crimes,
looking for a father figure.
And he seemed like men that aren't able
to find a father figure, they're out constantly looking for it.
I know that's a cliche, but that's really what...
You're so right about that.
Do you remember the name I came up with for Trump?
Do you recall that?
What else was I doing except looking for a father figure?
And you can't see it when you're there in it,
but you see it in retrospect.
I'm like, yikes.
I see it now.
But men are supposed to become the father.
And so that's what I'm telling people,
is they want to arrest development.
I'm not hating anybody for what they do.
I'm just saying, leave kids alone,
but men, you need to step into your office as men.
And I feel like you're starting to do that.
My way back into the Catholic Church,
which is the brand of Christianity
I've arrived at as the one true faith,
was through St. Joseph, through a father figure,
because it's something that I didn't have.
And, you know, who knows if I'm ever going to have
a burning desire for a woman in my, you know,
in my nether regions.
We live in hope.
I'm doing the conversion therapy, they say...
Well, I sure have it.
You're almost lucky you don't, man.
I'm doing the conversion therapy, they say, doesn't work.
It does.
You know, they told us, they told the same lies about that
in the 80s and 90s.
They told about Trump and him and me,
you know, half a decade ago.
Of course it works. Of course it works.
It's not your natural state.
Man, hot women, it's like a helicopter you want to ride on.
I'm a Christian.
I'm not trying to put women down either,
but I appreciate what the Lord made.
I'm just like, you know, I need to behave myself.
Who knows if I'll ever get there,
but I will tell you this,
I would now describe myself, I guess, as a celibate.
When you cut that chasing, as you correctly intuited,
because you're very good with human insight,
which is one of your great gifts,
when you cut out that chasing,
that desperate scrambling, you know,
that sort of, like you're clattering,
trying to get out of a hole,
and you don't know what direction you're going in,
and you just want an arm to grab onto,
almost anything, when you cut that out of your life
and just say, well, I'm just not going to do that,
the first six months of hell, after that,
it's extraordinarily liberating.
Like anybody who's coming, like anybody else.
Well, I think that for a heterosexual that's addicted to sex,
and when I was younger, I certainly was,
it was very liberating to stop doing that as well.
Because you become the scrambling,
like you're at the bar, you're picking up this woman,
you're doing this, and it's not fulfilling.
It functions exactly as an addiction.
You know, whether it's homosexuality,
or whether it's just, you know,
being a young, handsome guy with a little bit too much on offer,
it functions exactly as an addiction,
and the way I think...
No, not green.
I think both are just as destructive.
When I think of my past now,
I view it, and I feel about it very much as though
I'm working to shake myself free of an addiction.
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I thought with the devil.
I thought with the devil.
Got down on his life.
All right.
My Louisianopoulos is our guest final segment.
I'm going to have to address this CNN special.
They've got Sunday night.
And the reason I got to address it is it's lies.
And if they kill me or put me in prison, I'm not being dramatic.
I don't want the stuff they're putting in there
to take the message we put out over the years.
It's not about me being attacked.
It's about they want to attack the messenger.
And it's some evil ass stuff.
You think CNN's bad?
They've gone next level.
They don't give up.
They just get worse.
Milo, I brought up true social to you.
And then you said, oh my gosh, let me talk about that.
And boy, you know, Trump is really against censorship,
he says.
But then I'm told you're not even allowed on there.
Well, it remains to be seen.
So they've banned their first person for calling Devin Nunez.
So whatever his name is, Devin Nunez, a cow.
They are already putting warnings up.
So Stu Peters, you know, this guy is a Christian radio.
Yeah, yeah.
And I like to do.
Yeah, yeah.
He seems like a good guy.
So Stu Peters posted something about...
Oh, that's funny.
Nunez is a milk farmer.
So someone put...
So I mean, who cares?
Someone's username was David Nunez-Cow.
Excuse me.
What's his name?
It's David, isn't it?
Nunez-Cow, yeah.
There we go.
David Nunez-Cow, and they got banned for being disrespectful to him, apparently.
I guess that's what it was about.
We launched our right-wing social network and we're as bad as the left.
And you can't make jokes about right-wingers.
You know.
But I love they fell right in the trap.
Yeah, well it's...
Look, it's a left-wing guy who did it because he was testing the limits of the network,
but they failed at the first hurdle.
And then Stu Peters is talking about what should happen to the people who put all these COVID
restrictions on us.
He's saying they should be prosecuted and punished.
And now he's got this, oh, sensitive content warning.
It's like, where are we?
All these websites look like clones of Twitter.
It looks like they're cloning the terms of service, too.
What is a sensitive content?
Somebody who's signing up for Donald Trump's social network is so fragile, they can't hear
that you think that COVID...
Oh, we can't call Nunez a cow.
No, you can't call Nunez a cow.
I love Nunez a cow.
I mean, I'm not the point guy, but it's not the point, right?
You're just a flash of famous people.
You want to be attacked, it's fun.
Everybody loves it when you go along.
It's fun.
Attack me, make fun of me.
Let's go.
This is the great unsung lie of public life.
When you come for a celebrity, very famously, if you'll recall, I called Leslie Jones a
man and, you know, all the rest of it.
But when you come for a celebrity, they don't go, oh, no, I'm really hurt.
I'm wounded.
I'm upset.
How am I going to get out of bed tomorrow?
Someone online thinks I'm ugly.
That's what leftists do.
No, well, no, but, I mean, that's what they perform.
But really what happens is, great, we got some attention.
How are we going to parlay this?
How are we going to twist or...
You're hitting the key here.
So many of the old Republicans, like Mitch McConnell, all of them, they only care about
corporate media.
They should want to be demonized.
They should want to be outlawed.
They should want to be...
It gives you power.
Look at you.
Look at MTG.
Look at me.
Look at Trump.
It gives you power to...
And it's...
Anyway, so one of the great lies of public life is that trolling, harassment, all the
rest of it, are in any way hurtful to their subject, to their objects.
They're not.
You're doing the guy a favor.
It is a mutually symbiotic beneficial relationship.
What did P.G.
Burnham say?
When you spell my name right.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, they can't even do that with me.
They can't even...
I can barely spell it all the time.
But, you know, they're on the phone to the electricity company.
Can you spell Yiannopolis?
I've got to get a credit card out sometimes.
No, but look.
They love it.
They love it.
And then they have the gore, the hootspa, to go and pretend...
I'll tell you a story.
Pretend that they have it.
I'm in the January 6th committee.
I don't know how to spell my middle name.
And they go, is it the normal spelling or the not normal?
And I was like, during the headlines, I don't know my middle name.
Because I...
It was like this weird thing.
It's so funny.
But I knew my middle name.
I knew how to spell it.
No, no, I understand.
I understand.
No, look, when you get...
Because the absurdity of these Democrat lawyers like wolves on the screen, like,
what's your middle name?
Why are you spelling?
I was like, wow.
But this is how they got stoned, you know?
Like, these minor little inconsistencies in 300 questions over the course of two hours,
like, got him, got him, got him.
It's like, what are you talking about?
I was so confused.
Anyway, so true social.
First of all, you can't call Devin Nunez a cow, apparently.
And stupid.
And our pal...
He doesn't get by them doing that.
He'll be now known as the cow.
The cow.
And our pal, Stu Peters, can't post without a sensitive content warning.
What he thinks should happen to COVID conspirators.
And finally, personally, not that I like to make everything about me, but personally,
I introduced the true social team to all the America first guys.
Nick Fuentes, you've had on the show.
You know, a bunch of other people, I gave them all the email addresses.
I was like, let's test the limits, right, of what true social will tolerate.
And I got all these, like, wacky, weird, and wonderful, dangerous people, plus a load
of just really great young America first conservatives.
So now, 40 or 50 of their highest value users, I introduced them to.
But I don't have an account, and they've stopped responding to me.
And now they won't reply and say whether I can even be on the network myself.
And that, I'm sorry to say, is such classic Trump.
That is classic Trump.
And the headline is going to be Milo Beggs to be on Truth Social.
No, I don't want it now.
But what I'm saying is, is it literally, I wish Trump could put forward with two
billion dollars.
You ought to have a real death star for that.
It's just lasers and blows the moon up.
Instead, it's this thing disintegrating with a bunch of leftist inside of it repeating
It's just what they call a monkey FUC, you know what, a football.
I didn't even bother with getter because it was obvious to me that the people on there
were just awful and terminally dull, just incredibly boring.
And they got live streaming there.
They weren't the kind of people I wanted to hang out with or not the kind of people
that I wanted to hear from.
I just thought, no, I'll pass.
Thank you.
We needed to pimp you out together.
I don't think they're going to be nice to you.
Well, maybe we'll see.
We'll see.
Call up the head of it.
Everybody says they're going to be nice to me.
And then everybody remembers what it was like in February 2017 when the whole world
came on my end.
Well, they should want that controversy.
Well, they should, but people are stupid, Alex.
People are very stupid.
And they actually believe, for instance, that trolling is bad for the object of the trolling
rather than everybody, as you correctly say, everybody wants to or ought to want to be
made fun of because it's power.
Why are they at a stake?
Unearned attention in media.
You can parlay it into viewership eyeball sales.
Hey, guys, I don't want to say this wrong.
My memory is failing.
Look up who owns Super Deluxe.
I want to say it was Paramount.
But Super Deluxe was putting out monthly videos, getting five, 10, 20 million views, attacking
And it was totally making all the kids love us because they didn't, these old men were
running it.
But they, and then, but as soon as I said, yeah, Turner Broadcasting, as soon as I said,
I love Super Deluxe, they canceled the entire contract and deleted all the videos because
they thought it was hurting me.
I was like, more Super Deluxe, please.
So there's, there's this sunglasses brand called Pit Vipers that a lot of the younger
guys wear now.
And I got a couple pairs of these.
And it turns out that the Pit Vipers CEO's wife is a vaxed and boosted Hillary crazy
And she's bullied her husband into disavowing their own customers because their number one
customers are like young, raucous Trump supporting conservatives.
So I was texting everybody saying, you got to say on your show, you're sponsored by Pit
Yeah, no, this hour brought to you by Pit Vipers.
This hour of casual racism misogyny brought to you by Pit Vipers.
I want to know what the hell's up with these husbands listening to their wives about business.
I love my wife and I love all the women, but they ain't telling me what to do.
She's not a head of editorial at Info Wars, you know, no, I haven't.
It's just, unfortunately, I think it's more the norm these days, isn't it?
It's sort of, oh, yes.
Okay, darling.
Oh, yes.
I'm very, very supportive.
Getting upset about the fact that racist sex is one thing.
That she's driving a $100,000 Mercedes on people's money.
She's in her Land Rover Discovery dropping the kids off, you know, those turbocharged
SUV things.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God, it's Alex Jones.
We got our final segment with the great Milo Yodopoulos here and then I don't know if
I'm going to hit this big Joe Rogan piece of news next segment or CNN has a special
out to attack me, but it's Sunday night, maybe I cover the CNN lies tomorrow.
The CNN is not really worth it to talk about attacking me except these lies are next level.
I mean, total manufactured BS, so I'm probably going to have to just get it on record for
possibility what they're saying.
It photoshopped you at some sort of vegetarian commune, haven't they?
No, what is the left crime they fight, but they are themselves?
Child rapists.
Yeah, exactly.
And what's a child rapist?
They're a bully.
Oh, are they trying to claim that you've been throwing your weight around?
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
I'm not the toughest guy around and I'm not perfect, but I think I've cut my teeth on.
Do I go after little people or big people?
Generally it's big people.
You typically punch up, which you don't have to, and my experience of it, I'm not just
blowing smoke.
I'm not one of those people that orbits you because they want something.
We hang out once every year or something and I have to tell you, you have always been
sweet and kind and generous to me.
You strike me as, you know, you're like the classic archetype of the gentle giant, you
The gentle fat guy.
I didn't mean it like that.
Well, I'm not a guy like you.
I didn't mean it like that.
I'm just saying you're on air and you do your thing on air and I think it's easy for people
to imagine that the way that you rail against the globalists on air is the way that you
conduct yourself when the cameras stop rolling.
You're the sweetest, kindest, nicest guy that I know in media, honestly.
I mean, I don't have a bad word to say about you.
Well, you're nice to say that, too.
You're one of the nice people on media, too, because a lot of the men in TV and radio,
but also women as well, are primadons and they're jerks, and I'm not perfect either,
but here's what's happening.
We're very low maintenance divas, aren't we?
I figured this out, though, a few years ago, and then I got calls about it, so I know what
the CNN thing's about.
It's a lot bigger.
So I want to ask you about this.
You know how media works.
You used to work in the British tabloids.
What they're doing is, John Ronson, the big leftist operative who makes managed carrot
goats and all these stories, you know, to destroy icons.
He creates false stories.
He is, he went and had NPR to a fake story about me, that I'm this bully that beat up
all these nerds and kids in wheelchairs when I was a kid, literally, and then he has that,
and now they're going to have a CNN show about it, so he can option the movie, which Leonardo
Caprio's production company is looking at.
Now, I know this from Hollywood.
No, no, that's what I'm telling you.
Yeah, I knew about this a year ago.
So John Ronson's going around with this movie where I'm literally in Dallas, like beating
kids up in wheelchairs, but it gets worse, it gets worse, I swear to God, strike me down
God of his idiot.
It's true.
It's not all lies.
And it gets worse.
So they, so, so, so I beat up like a four foot tall nerd was actually like a six foot
five guy that attacked me.
Of course, I wasn't arrested.
He attacked me.
It is true that the guy I put in the coma for a while.
And so they went back and interviewed everybody, and then they say that they invited me up
to a farm where I'm tied up and then all my, and the nerds beat me up and knocked my teeth
So, so, so, so then John Ronson's on MPR saying all this to me novel.
This is a Stephen King novel.
They've lifted this from a Stephen King novel.
Oh, I didn't know that.
This kind of like revenge of the nerds thing.
It's revenge of the nerds and Alex Jones is literally your 50 year old nerds.
You're it.
You're, you're, you're penny wise.
You're penny wise and it's revenge of the nerd kids.
They defeat the kids to beat Pennywise.
This is the plot of it.
This is the plot of it.
So they're remaking it with Alex Jones as Leonardo DiCaprio.
You want a balloon?
And I was, it gets worse.
I'm on MPR with it when he's taping the interview because he wouldn't do live for whatever that
big Sunday show is.
And he got three years ago, he goes, Alex, they tied you up and knocked your teeth out,
didn't they?
And I go, uh, uh, no, and I said, actually, my dad just retired as a dentist.
He's my dentist, my wife.
I need to get my teeth clean.
I actually had like a root canal to get, but my teeth were all in at that point.
I did lose like one for root canal.
You got all your originals in.
Oh, yeah.
I got originals here.
The point is, is I have medical records.
So I go, Hey, don't believe my dad.
I need to get my teeth cleaned.
I will go anywhere you want as long as you pay for it.
They can, you can put X-rays out.
They go, we don't want the X-rays.
No, we don't.
We don't want to be approval.
I'm not joking.
This is the plot of it.
They have made this up probably subconsciously, right?
From it.
Well, listen, it gets worse.
They had a New York Times article a few years ago, a former quote employee who I guess was
a desperate writer and they made a deal with him in painting.
They said that I walked into someone at the office and grabbed a fish out of their bowl
and ate it.
I mean, that's from Wolf of Wall Street and that the fish was going to be given to their
niece, which is finding Nemo.
So yeah, it was like plagiarism on steroids.
So it's funny.
You're right.
It's the it thing.
So they don't even, they're not consciously aware of this, but they are sketching out these
fantasies based on movies they've seen recently.
It just had a big two-part lavish redo in the movies.
This is the plot of it.
You're smart Milo.
You don't understand.
So look at, I'm going to cover it now.
Let's do the next segment.
Look at this.
Look at this.
Megaphone for conspiracy.
How do I know what's in it?
They sent me this.
Look at this.
Look at this.
It says I'm a criminal that attacked on January 6th.
Then it says I beat all these people up and nerds tied me up and knocked my teeth off and
they're asking me to respond to this.
You got it.
Next time he calls you, you got to pick up.
Hello, Georgie.
Come on over here, Georgie.
You want a balloon?
I like the 1980s one.
He's like, oh, how you doing, Georgie?
He bites his arm off.
Hello, Georgie.
Yes, it's true.
I hide in gutters and bite children's arms off.
But meanwhile, the truth is way cooler.
This is your media, America.
Oh, yes.
This is your prestige.
Here's Alex Jones, folks.
Your prestige media.
This is real footage.
Look at this, man.
Oh, shoot.
Oh, you laugh about it.
There I am.
Look at this, Alex Jones.
That's me in high school.
Alex Jones.
You want a balloon?
I went to the elementary school.
Want a balloon?
I went to the elementary school.
We all float down here.
I don't know how Brian Stelter got this real footage made.
We all float down here.
No, put it back up.
We want to know what happens.
Oh, there's clowns and horses.
Hey, Georgie, you're going to love it.
Come on down here.
So again, the left bullying, they're taking our speech.
They're down.
They're taking our bank accounts.
They're putting us in prison.
And then the answer is I'm Pennywise.
Well, where's the arrest?
Where's the dental records?
Where's the one true thing in here is a guy that was mad that I dated his girlfriend,
which I hadn't even done.
He comes and is like a senior at the high school and comes to the door and says,
I need to go to the principal's office.
And then he starts punching me in the hallway so I get his ass.
He falls over, hits his head on the concrete floor, and then the police didn't arrest me
because they had surveillance cameras.
So the point is, is that I'm like assaulting people on the blue.
Where's the arrest?
Where is it?
The only thing in there is that.
I like the humble brag you did earlier, by the way.
And the guy did end up in a coma.
He started it.
No, I felt bad about it.
He got better.
But the point was, is that that happened.
And that's what went on.
But the dude was bigger than me.
Which is bigger than me and stuff.
That's when you get the problem.
I won't say the word out loud because it's a family show,
but there's that expression that proud boys use.
F around and find out.
If you start it, you get what's coming.
Well, the point is, exactly.
If he throws punches at you and ends up, as you so humbly said,
in a coma, you get what you get.
If you start a fight with somebody,
if you start punching somebody out of nowhere,
you get what you get.
Well, I feel bad for that person.
They're being used upon in this.
But that's the only thing in the questions that has any truth.
That's true.
But then it's like, you just attacked someone for no reason.
Where's the arrest?
Where's the note?
It doesn't exist because it didn't happen the way they say.
And the idea that I'm walking around like,
hey, there's a homeless person.
Let me go beat them up.
I think what we need, Alex, is I think we need to see you
in the dentist's chair.
Full 360.
You like the matrix cameras,
where you can go around in real time.
Actually, I'm going to do that.
I think we need the full dental 3D reconstruction.
Maybe you could have it on the website.
People can zoom in.
They can see where your fillings are.
They can see which.
Actually, I'm doing this.
I'm waiting.
I want a 3D model.
I'm going to sew them.
When you're going to buy a house.
I had an implant over here.
One of the molars finally cracked on it.
But I got, you can see our teeth have been roughing off.
I'm going to have forensic experts, everything.
Because they're blind.
I think we need this.
But this is how they steal your identity.
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Jacob in Ohio, welcome.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, bro.
Great last caller.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement.
It's basically the only way I get sleep anymore with all
the gaslighting, moralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone.
All right, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
If I could, I just want to throw a quick plug out for one
of the products.
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Get off the fence.
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Tyler in Maine, you're on the year.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
It's great to be on with you.
It's an honor.
Honour, talk to you.
So, first thing I wanted to do was say I love the products,
Alpha Power, even at 29.
If you ask my better half, she loves it.
And it helps in the bedroom.
So, just number one for a few of you.
I like that one.
It works.
It's not a joke.
I've been on air more than 25 years.
And long before I started selling high quality vitamin D3,
eight years ago, I've been promoting people taking vitamin D3
because it is essential.
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Your body will be susceptible and wide open to so many of the
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With the world awakening, I think what's important
that we were right there.
To prevent them right now, take advantage of this moment.
And I've always had an idea that something everybody can do
with every listener can do.
I think it'd be powerful and effective for us to, you know,
hang banners over highways.
Imagine a giant being on a piece of land.
It says Alex Jones is right infowarstore.com.
We stand with the truckers.
We'll rest out or whatever.
Brother, I'm so glad you called elaborate on this.
Now is the time in your small town or your big city
to write something on the bathroom wall
or to put a sticker on your car.
Or banner hangs over highways.
And it will be a chain reaction.
What do you recommend people say on these banner hangs?
I have a few ideas.
First of all, health care is really important.
Don't farm.
Rest out.
Rest well.
The vaccine is poison.
There's tons of things.
I said, keep it short.
Keep it concise.
I agree.
Arrest Fauci.
Arrest Bill Gates.
The COVID-19 vaccine is poison.
There's ways that we could all be involved
and we could all be effective.
That's what I'm calling about.
God bless you, Chris.
I appreciate you calling us today.
Thank you so much.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
As the bullies, Milo's got great psychoanalysis on this.
But CNN has a special show as they sink into the oblivion of fake news Sunday.
And they're like, you're a criminal.
You led the attack.
Answer our questions.
You know, your teeth got knocked out.
Because I already know the story from John Ronson, who's just writing a movie.
He's shopping around.
None of it's real.
And then he goes through all these lists.
You've been a newspaper guy.
You've been a journalist before you became a pundit.
You read this.
What do you make of this?
You had a great analysis.
I read the questions.
And the thing that strikes me about, I mean, they could have made up any number of things.
They could make up financial malfeasance.
They could make up whatever they want.
But they're going in hard on physical violence.
And it occurs to me this is for one of two reasons.
The first is the women involved in stuff like this have never been hit.
But they think it's the worst thing that will ever happen to them.
Because they've never been in a fight.
And they don't know what it's like.
And they think that it's...
They don't know it's actually invigorating.
They don't know that sometimes...
Well, I don't like getting hit, but once it starts, it's...
Well, so people tell me.
And the other worst dimension of this is the men.
The weedy, soy-fed, cringy, five-foot-two little nerds.
For whom either they're remembering being beaten up in the playground,
and they want revenge on the bullies who beat them up,
the popular successful athletic kids.
And it is just revenge on the nerds.
It's it.
Or they've never been in a fight because of how and who and what they are.
Because they're probably rich kids and went to a nice school.
But for them, the idea of getting punched in the face
is probably the worst thing they can ever imagine.
Because they know that of all of the things that they're inadequate at,
they're inadequate at sex, they're inadequate at their job,
they're inadequate at the rest of it,
they are most inadequate physically in terms of being a man
and being an imposing presence.
They are terrified.
They are petrified of nothing more than physical violence.
Which is why they always claim, falsely,
that January 6th was incredibly violent when it wasn't.
Why they always do this, that and the other.
Why have they invented this stuff about you, about physical violence?
Because it's what frightens them the most.
And that's why, you know, you can hear people on PBS and NPR
and all these other things.
You were telling me, you know, it's very concerned as though this was...
Oh, and they interviewed me, it was taped, they're like...
They bound you and knocked your teeth out, didn't they?
They go, I'm sorry, Alex, I'm sorry that happened.
And they're trying...
It's like whatever their fantasy is, they want you to buy into their lives
so they can make a movie about you and steal your identity.
No, John Ronson, it doesn't happen.
Who would play you?
I'm going to set a trust up with lawsuits,
even if they put me in prison or kill me,
where he gets sued when they put this out.
Who would play you in the movie?
Well, I actually know all about John Ronson.
He comes to me and he says, I'm afraid to be sued.
I want you to sign an agreement that you'll sneak into Bohemian Grove
and give me the footage.
I want you to put it out, and once you don't get sued,
Harry Shearer is going to make a major motion picture about this.
And then I confirmed it all.
I sneak in, I give him the footage, he waits three years,
comes out, attacks me, he says he actually snuck in,
which he did with me and Mike Hansen,
then says I'm a liar and then I stole all the glory
when I signed a contract and I talk about it,
and Harry Shearer makes a documentary about it.
I mean, dude, where do you come up with a crazy schizo brain like that?
I mean, who are these people?
You hired me, you paid me money to sneak in the damn place,
I had the balls to do it, the ritual got on tape,
you got the footage, and then now you try to steal my identity later
and claim I'm knocking children's brains out?
I mean, it's just, and then I learned from Hollywood,
they call me, they go, yeah, Jones, this is like major producers,
yeah, John Ronson's shopping the story about you beating up nerds.
The funny thing, he said, revenge the nerds,
he said, it's revenge of the nerds part five.
They said that, I mean, he doesn't even know I'm getting the calls,
he's going around like lying about this stuff.
Which again, he's doing it again.
He didn't want to put the Bohemian girl footage out and get the heat.
He let me do it, then put his TV show and movie out.
And it's the same thing.
Now he's having NPR, CNN put out fake reports,
and then off that, Leonardo DiCaprio can play Alex Jones, the devil.
I think it would be DiCaprio, wouldn't it?
No, that's who they've optioned it, I'm told.
I mean, no, no, no, no.
You can't make this up.
And the reason they want him is because he played a slave owner in, you know,
a little while ago.
And like, we're a fake airline pilot and we're he's fake.
Yeah, so he's, when people see him as Alex Jones,
they're going to have all of that emotional baggage
from seeing him play all these villains.
And I was even told people, well, don't torpedo this.
That'll be kind of cool. No.
I don't want Leonardo DiCaprio playing me as the devil, okay?
And I'm just on record saying it ain't true.
Look, not to go old God's court on it, but as...
I don't think anyone buys into me actually beating up with people.
No, I don't think so.
But what you're describing, the behavior you're describing,
which, you know, I overused this word a lot,
but what you're describing is a life without Christ, right?
You're describing godless people.
You say, you say, how can people behave like this?
How can they do this?
How can they be this way?
How can they sign a deal with me in good faith
and then turn on me and then present me as whatever?
Well, this is how people behave when they don't have Jesus Christ in their lives.
It's that. It's true.
That's how they behave.
I was bad before I got Jesus.
That's what people are like before they get Jesus Christ in their lives.
And that's why you should try to do business with Christians
and why you should try to hang out with Christians.
There's real questions. Why you should try to seek out in your private life,
certainly in your marriage and in all other aspects of life,
the best way to determine whether somebody is going to treat you well and do right.
Exactly, because I want to make deals with people and do it over and over again
and be secure.
They want to eff you every time when it's through them.
And then move on to another target.
But the best way to determine if somebody is going to do right by you,
it's not if they're black or white.
It's not even if they're gay or straight.
It's not if they're a man or a woman.
It is, does that guy go to church?
Is he a true God fearing church going?
Oh, I mean, John Ronson is like the most weak demonic creature you can imagine.
He, like, Ursula sucked his soul.
But now I can look back.
I can look at those little things.
Yeah, the thing at the bottom.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
That's the same thing.
And they want to silence me, steal my identity,
and then have me beating up nerds.
This is your life without Christ.
This is what people are prepared to do.
How dark and deep and dank and miserable they are prepared to make their conduct.
Because for them, it doesn't matter.
For them, there's no great consequence in the next life.
Look at that predator.
And let's just stand on this.
Oh, look at him.
Look at him.
Look at him.
He's not worried about what's going to happen to him after he dies.
He's not worried about heaven and hell because he doesn't believe in it.
All he's worried about is grasping here and now and this plane on this earth.
And you can't trust people who don't have big...
All I know is he's a damn liar.
I got beat up a lot when I was a kid and I decided to not be a victim.
I became an overcomer.
And I've always fought big, powerful groups.
I made a few mistakes covering other people that were hitting small groups and never punched down.
But you have a sense of the scale of the problems and you have...
Yeah, they want me to be this guy and I'm not.
I was the guy being hung over the balcony.
I think the reason people like you so much, Alex, you know, is that you have a sense of the scale of the problem
and the vastness of the gap between good and evil, right?
You know instinctively what good looks and feels like and you know what evil looks and feels like.
So even before everything has tumbled out, the reason people say Alex Jones was right,
the reason people have this thing, you know, sort of, oh, well, Alex Jones said this years ago,
is because even before you know everything, your intuition is so often so perfect about people
because you know what evil looks like.
That's a God thing.
Well, that's true, though.
My mother said that.
We were at dinner like two weeks ago.
She goes, it's all God.
It is.
It's God's discernment.
It's not me.
But this is, you know, whatever you want to call it, the Holy Spirit working through you,
however you want to phrase it, you have the right intuition about things.
So, you know, the iconic example is the frogs.
But you do it over and over and over again, Alex, because you allow him to work through you in that way.
These people, on the other hand, these slippery, slimy...
They could be so successful they just didn't betray, but they're of their father the devil.
They can't help it because they don't want any...
It's like in the great movie, There Will Be Blood, which is a novel based on composites, real stuff.
He says, I have a competitiveness in me.
I don't want anyone else to do well.
That's not good.
And that's very much like a lot of the supposedly conservative figureheads
who are instrumental in making our life difficult, people like Ben Shapiro.
They take the same view that life is a zero-sum game.
If someone is succeeding, I must be failing.
They don't realize that the rising tide raises all pressure.
They don't realize that the better we all do, the better everybody does.
Because even if you, I don't know, if you had a lobotomy or something
and you think that Ben Shapiro is the ideal conservatism,
he's at least, you know, the world he wants to build isn't great,
but it's at least better than the one that the guys on MSNBC want, right?
They want to lower everybody so we're equal.
And if we're all pushing in roughly the same direction, that's good.
But people like Shapiro, people who basically any conservative
who still has a Twitter account, that's your clue,
these people believe that if you're succeeding, they must be failing.
So they have to take you out because they think there's a total addressable market that's here.
And if anybody else gets any viewers whatsoever, you're stealing what was rightfully theirs,
and that is a demonic point of view.
That zero sum game thing, that's a demonic point of view.
I agree.
We want 360 wins.
Milo Yiannopoulos is born again, super hardcore from this to now what he is today.
And I say you were powerful then.
That's even more powerful now.
That was somebody else.
All right, brother.
We appreciate you, man.
God bless you, man.
Owen Shroyer comes up on the Forbidden Info Wars right now.
What a broadcast.
Great job, The Crew.
Lord Willing will be back tomorrow at 11 a.m. Central.
And don't forget, Harrison Smith, we're in morning eight a.m. Central with American Journal.
All right.
Anything of real quality, anything of lasting durability, anything that's really satisfying
and empowering and fulfilling is going to be hard to attain.
And when it comes to information, boy, is that true today.
We see the entire global corrupt into human depopulation, great reset combine, trying to
collapse our society to build on its ashes, their transhumanist nightmare vision, suppressing
the voices of good people all around the world and of doctors and scientists and engineers
that are exposing all their lives, their COVID hysteria, their world's going to end in 2030,
carbon tax, global warming bull, all of it.
And none of it can succeed.
None of it can actually be carried out unless everybody is silenced and gas lit.
And that's why truth comes with hard work and with research and with diligence.
And that's why it's hard to share in Forbidden Info Wars links and band up video links.
That's why we've got to share them now more than ever.
The purpose of fear is to call us into action and there is plenty to be afraid of today.
Half the population has lined up for an untested, deadly and debilitating experimental injection
because they were told to be afraid of an invisible asymptomatic disease.
The perpetrators of all this have clearly stated their goal of having 80% of the population
hooked up to an artificial intelligence hive mind in less than nine years.
For those of us who have awoken from the spell, we know this is all really happening
and it's unbelievably unsettling to see.
But there is only two things to do.
We continue sounding the alarm because it's a numbers game.
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And so we must prepare, get up to a year's worth of storable foods,
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.