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Filename: 20220201_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 1, 2022
3328 lines.

Alex Jones discusses alleged use of nanotechnology in COVID-19 vaccines, claiming it as an "intrusive assault against humanity". He refers to a study by Fifth Column that found potential for controlling several nanomachines using graphene oxide, which operates at the same frequency as 5G signals. Jones also discusses climate engineering's negative impact on the environment and how it is used to maintain confusion among the population.

And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going
to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe, you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The fifth column recently published their findings and conclusions on the strange self-assembling
nanotech they discovered in the Pfizer mRNA vaccines via optical microscopy analysis.
The objects they found in the vaccine correspond with known items in the scientific record,
and the conclusion they come to seems quite clear, that the well-documented scientific
goal to use nanotechnology and living human beings to form networks capable of controlling
several nanomachines is currently being deployed in the COVID-19 vaccines, which amounts to
the most intrusive assault against humanity in all of recorded history.
While the media and government lie in cover for Big Pharma, the official ingredients are
still unknown.
So we have thousands of brilliant scientists worldwide studying these experimental vaccines.
Some have died in highly suspicious ways, but most have been able to share their findings.
And the work shows us that graphene oxide is a key component in all of this.
There have been dozens of official documented studies on the use of graphene oxide related
to how we see it being used here today.
Among other things, as a power converter, graphene, a one atom thick layer of hexagonally
arranged carbon atoms, is the thinnest and strongest material known to man, and an outstanding
conductor of heat and electricity.
It can boost gigahertz frequencies into terahertz, which is exactly what these new nanotech machines
need for power.
In order to do this, the graphene first needs a frequency to power it, and the optimal frequency
to externally power graphene is known to be 26 gigahertz, which is also the frequency
put out by 5G.
In this model, the graphene within the body is activated by microwave signals in the gigahertz
range, which it then boosts into the terahertz range, which then powers the novel nanotech
machinery to self-assemble within the human body.
Once assembled, what do these nanotech machines do?
The images, compared to the scientific literature, suggest that they are the foundation of an
internal electronic system with an endless potential for biomanipulation of the human
Nano-routers that emit MAC addresses able to be registered via Bluetooth, nano and plasma
antennas to amplify signals, nano-rect antennas acting as rectifier bridges from AC to DC
current, codecs and logic gates for encryption of communication.
The raw material for all this self-assembly is also graphene oxide, and when we compare
known side effects of graphene oxide to the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, we
find them to be the same.
Once graphene oxide is injected into the body, it acquires magnetic properties, predictably
around the injection site, the heart and the brain.
Graphene is seen as a pathogen by our immune system, and will often result in paralysis
and stroke.
Graphene is known to cause blood clots and heart conditions.
Graphene oxide can generate small discharges, causing cardiac arrhythmia.
There is so much going on with these experimental vaccines, and the evidence seems clear that
there is a mass experiment going on, with certain batches marked more deadly than others,
and with certain batches that contain a bold new technology akin to a man-made parasite
intended to control the host human if it doesn't kill them first in the process.
Perhaps that is what the mad scientists and psychopaths are after, human genetics that
can withstand this new invasive and deadly nanotech.
Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Rees.
There's no perhaps about it, this is the Nanotech Transhumanist Revolution.
We'll be right back with the rest of the stories.
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Here we are in the months of Aquarius, February 1st, 2022.
I'm your host Alex Jones, and here together we ride on conscious range, eternal creatures
of light, into the future, as we just ride, just ride.
Ride hot forever, my friends.
All right.
I was getting my hair cut this weekend, and the lady was a listener, and she said, why
haven't you had Dane Whittington on in years?
And I said, that's a really good question.
Another filmmaker, geoengineeringwatch.org, with them rolling out the public geoengineering
now and the poisoning of the Earth's surface by nanoparticles, aluminum dioxide, barium
salts and others, and this now being mainstream news, total vindication of people like Dane
Whittington, who's always up to the date on the latest developments.
And it's been a good decade since he's been on with us.
It seems like five minutes ago.
So that's why I love talking to folks in the street.
He is joining us.
Coming up at the bottom of the next hour, then we've had some big developments happen with
Reset Wars.
Really people are loving it.
But massive censorship attacking it.
Jake Ducey's going to be joining us.
An Ezra Levant of Rebel Media.
Man, that guy's got more energy than the Energizer Bunny.
He's been all over Canada, criss-crossing, and he's there where the truckers have taken
over the highway and have a blockade on the U.S. side going in to Canada.
Right dead center in the north center area of the United States on the Canadian border.
So they've got the exclusive situation there.
He's joining us at the start of the next hour in about 55 minutes, and he's got exclusive
He's got teams there threatening people, just absolute tyranny.
But meanwhile, that's what the Great Reset is, is a global blockade against small businesses.
It's a global blockade against families and schools.
It's a global blockade against our right to travel.
It's a global blockade until we accept a travel digital pass.
It's a social credit score.
It's a global blockade to bankrupt us, to put us on a social credit score system controlled
by universal basic income.
And so what do they expect?
We're fighting back with what they're doing to us.
And people there are exposing that it's a great reset.
People there are exposing that the government of the United States and the government of
Canada now hijacked and run by globalists in the words of Klaus Schwab, he brags he
runs the U.S. government on television in Harvard with David Gergen, who ran five administrations.
Two peas in a pod, shadow governors.
And there they are clapping and there they are nodding last year when he said, we control
your government, we control others, we have half the world's cabinets under all control.
This wasn't Cobra Commander in some cartoon in the 80s, I now control half the major
governments with my agents.
I mean, I watched those in the early 1980s when I was like 12 years old or whatever.
And it's like we live in a Cobra Commander script, except they're now purging our own
military with the force inoculations and the critical race theory and all of it.
So they can get all the good people out and put the agents of chaos, the agents of specter,
the agents of Cobra in control.
So I can cover a million things here today.
But you have to understand this is a global corporate biomedical dictatorship tyranny
coming down on everyone.
And when you look at the globalists that go to the Kennedy School and go to the CFR and
go to the Trilateral Commission and go to the Davos Group and go to the Bilderberg Group,
the top hundred of them are on all the boards of all the groups and run everything.
Carnegie, Ford, Rockefeller Foundations and now Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations.
And they run the show and they're mad scientists and they brag.
The head scientist of the Davos Group says we are colonizing your bodies with nanotech.
The future, quote, is not human.
So before I cover all this huge breaking news and it's massive, I want to just be very
calm and very straightforward with all of you about this.
I want this to sink in real good.
This morning I was hiking in the early dawn light with my son on the green belt and it
really hit me that of course they're not just trying to collapse America and the West.
Of course they're not just trying to collapse our families and our borders and our currencies.
With their geoengineering on record, they are killing the major soils of the world.
The soil is a living thing when it's healthy.
They are murdering it.
And I can read the statistics in the studies of bees collapsing worldwide except Cuba where
they don't allow chemdrails.
And I can go to our own family ranch that goes back on my dad's side over, it's almost,
I guess you count babies in the family, nine generations, I guess it's not almost nine,
it's nine generations now, since the 1820s.
And when I was a child, it looked like Sherwood Forest out of movies you'd see about Robinhood.
It looked like Lord of the Rings where the hobbits are in the shires.
I mean, on our property thousands of oak trees, five, six, seven, eight feet around, hundreds
of trees as big as you can imagine.
Five people couldn't hold their hands around it and get all the way around them.
Huge trees, massive, so gorgeous when I was a child, hiking out there and hunting out there
just looking at, we own property with this, it's ridiculously gorgeous.
With all those old family homesteads and little cleared areas and little old dug wells and
collapsed log cabins back in the woods, you know, really spooky.
And you know what's there now, 95% of those oak trees are deader than a hammer.
And you know when they started dying, mid-1990s, aluminum dioxide, barium salt.
And there's just all these giant mega-beautiful trees collapsed and dead, they're huge arms
on the ground and we're there just cutting it up for firewood.
And that's emblematic of the death of our earth.
They are murdering our earth and Monsanto has come out with over a hundred seeds last
time I checked.
This was a decade ago.
A hundred seeds, corn and wheat, soybeans, everything that can grow in, wait for it,
high aluminum soil, because nothing can grow in that.
They are making GMO crops that only will grow in the future.
Think of the evil of that.
Think of the will to carry that out.
I mean, our family land is still beautiful, but it's unrecognizable to just see dead oak
trees and barely hanging on pine trees and just nothing left but yopon and scrub brush
because it was chemically wiped out by Bill Gates in the Department of Energy, unbelievable.
And there isn't one tenth as many insects as there was.
The studies show that too, but I don't need studies.
I can see it.
Like somebody flipped a switch, remember my uncle who runs the cows out there and stuff
in the mid 90s going, I don't know why all these oak trees are dying.
It's not oak wilt.
They have people come out and check.
They're just because they're spraying aluminum on them.
So we can sit here and talk about this all day long, but you heard about Agent Orange
getting sprayed on the Vietnamese, well, that's nothing compared to what they're spraying
us with.
And that's why they tell you, and by the year 2030, everything collapses and we all die.
And William Shatner says, I've been told everyone will soon be dead.
The great cataclysm is coming because they are collapsing the earth.
They are killing the earth.
They don't want to just kill humans.
They want to kill everything and create a new silicon life form and they're terraforming
us for a new life form in their own words.
Now, I don't know if it's aliens, whatever you want, demons, whatever.
The point is, these people are killing the planet while they pose as the sabers of the
planet, but every action they carry out is to murder it with the 5G and the chemtrails
and everything else.
And the earth is dying and if it continues, it will die.
The ocean will die.
It will be a stinking mess of dead fish, everything.
It's on.
We are all being exterminated.
The earth is being genocided.
The earth is being aborted right now.
Stay with us.
Whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault
on our democracy, we will follow the facts wherever they lead.
The days of independent media are numbered.
The government has made it illegal to oppose them.
They are now debanking us behind the scenes.
They want to bankrupt us and make us go away quietly, with practically half the population
wanting to lock the unvaccinated up in camps.
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Ending of frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, so Dane Whittington, expert on the TO Engineering, was now publicly admitted.
Notice while they were building it and preparing it and launching it, oh, it doesn't exist,
don't look into it.
Now, exactly what we told you decades ago is all confirmed and they're rolling it out
publicly and admitting that they spray poisonous chemical clouds on you to save the earth.
That's right, Bill Gates funded chemical cloud could help stop global warming, associated
press and others.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
And the mad scientist of the world are in a race with each other to discover immortality.
And to do that, they're injecting the world population with self-replicating poisonous
nanotech that is now replicating in our bodies and is now spreading from the vaccinated with
this nanotech mutinogen into the uninjected.
That's why we have this next gigantic piece of news that is so huge and all three pieces
of these news, the TO Engineering, this Department of Defense news, I'm about to hit in the George
Soros news, all tied together.
Can we put the live show headline on screen please?
This is a big, big deal.
Being bombshell, leaked Pentagon report confirms, and they admit this is real, skyrocketing
illnesses and death caused by COVID-vax.
Meanwhile, globalist King Penn George Soros publicly declares war on China's leader,
Xi Jinping, as the Anglo-American establishment goes into full panic mode.
And again, if you're a new listener, when you hear the Anglo-American power structure,
that does nothing to do with being white.
The original word means that, but it was seen as an Anglo-American, Anglo-Saxon power
combine that's been in Europe for over a thousand years.
The Anglo-Saxons are first written about before that, an area in Northern Germany by the Romans
as the Anglo-Saxons, but that group was basically the Vikings inland that then formed William
MacConqueror's conquest and all the rest of the founding of Russia, and everything comes
out of that.
And so that's why when Russia was talking about war with the U.S. last week, they said,
it's time for the Anglo-American Anglo-Saxons to stop their global domination.
And the Russians said, we saved you from the Muslims and the Huns in the last thousand
years and you must stop now.
You will not destroy us.
So they speak in directly in the ancient tongue to their cousins and say, we know who
you are, stop it now.
And then you've got the whole Rothschild combine mixed in with that.
It's serious, serious global business, folks.
And they have decided that they don't want a wealthy, upwardly mobile West with people
with airline tickets going to Vegas and swimming pools and flying to the Bahamas for the weekend.
Party's over.
And all the lazy, dumb people that are into the system, they think if they just jump their
hoops, things will go back to normal and the system's playing on their weakness and their
selfishness and their short-sightedness, saying, oh, take the shot.
Take the ID pass.
Do all this and you'll get to travel again.
You'll get to go party again.
But no, once you put this in place, that'll actually all be taken away from you.
For 99 percent of you.
This is a post-industrial world.
This is a post-open free society.
Now that's all going to be taken away from you, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's where we are.
And so we have polls out here today, COVID fatigue, 70 percent of Americans say we just
need to get on with our lives according to the new poll with an image of a dog wearing
a mask, a sign of the mass mental illness.
It's not COVID that we want to just live with.
It's the great reset you want to end.
The third world isn't collapsing and starving to death because of COVID.
It's because of the COVID lockdowns.
Giant hordes of refugees aren't surging into Europe and what's left of North America.
Because of COVID, it's because of the restrictions.
People aren't sick of COVID, they're sick of the technocrats and the biomedical tyranny
using it to wage war against our economies and put us into debt to collapse us and control
And I know as an audience, you get that.
But if Congress doesn't get it and if the people of the earth don't get it, the globalists
will continue to win because every hydrohead we cut off, they'll just grow to more.
We have to defeat the heart of the hydro.
We have to identify the hydro.
We have to name the hydro.
We have to demonize the hydro with its crimes and expose it and laze it, target it politically
so that people know who's doing it.
Justin Trudeau says people that don't want to be locked down for two years and go bankrupt
and take five, six, seven shots and have their immune systems erased are Russian agents.
That's because he's a globalist, clown, Schwab, great reset agent and he's told by the social
engineers, say those that want freedom are outsiders and that you are the Canadian.
When he's bragging, he wants a dictatorship.
He's bragging he wants to take your children away.
He's bragging he's built these camps.
He's bragging he's using the Canadian military on you.
He's bragging he's surveilling you.
And he says the convoy is an insult to truth and they hold unacceptable views.
That's right.
You're like, well, that's tyranny, exactly.
They've taken the training wheels off, folks, and they're just in your face trying to sell
you by pure gaslighting this takeover.
Oh, you don't like your family being locked up for two years?
Oh, you don't like going bankrupt?
You don't like being told you can't go into business if you don't have these experimental
It's a Russian agent.
Ezra Levant from not the Ottawa big ongoing event, we'll give us an update on that, but
from the border hundreds of miles to the west of Canada and the U.S. where hundreds and
hundreds of trucks again have done what the globalists have done on a small scale, they're
waging siege against the infrastructure saying we refuse to be part of this.
See, the globalists want to slowly collapse the infrastructure.
They don't want us to realize their game and point out that they're the ones doing it on
a massive scale.
We're going to do it on targeted scales to show how evil it is.
This is civil disobedience.
This is what we need to see more of.
But what we need to do is sue the great resetters.
Sue the people in the parliaments and in the legislatures and in the Congress that admit
they're on the payroll of Klaus Schwab.
This thing is only going to get worse until this global corporate crime syndicate is brought
to justice.
But we come back.
This is the Don Salazar article that went up last night.
Always his articles go up in the evening because he works late.
It needs to be reposted to the front page of infowars.com.
I'm going to have it posted a link to it under the live show feed of the show today.
We're going to come back and cover this.
The documents see the leaked DoD database showing U.S. military illnesses skyrocketing
from the COVID jab.
And that ties into the public AI powered DoD data analysis program that first reported
this six months ago and has now confirmed it's getting worse.
And it mirrors the numbers we see from Europe and other areas.
300% increases in heart attacks.
5,000% increase in neurological.
5,000% increases in blood clots.
Same numbers everywhere coming in.
Different databases, different systems.
They're murdering us in mass.
All 100% confirmed as they chemtrail the planet, murdering the plants and the soil.
We'll be right back.
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I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalist.
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Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat footed but they are going ahead with their full operational
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Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Let me do this I'm going to hit the DOD documents confirming what all the other documents show
around the world that these vaccines are not vaccines they are chemical slash nano tech
slash bio weapons.
That's next segment but I want to tie all this together.
People are asking me a lot of folks on the street a lot of other podcasters and talk
show hosts have contacted me they said Alex what do you make of this George Soros situation.
In fact guys will you get me the George Soros compilation I think it's called final George
We've had like 10 or 15 different versions of him on 60 minutes and him on NPR and him
on PBS saying he worked for Hitler it was the best time of his life.
He was the happy time happy making time it was exhilarating it was invigorating him and
his father were out doing all this.
Get that queued up for me thanks I forgot to tell you that George Soros has come out
and said that Gigi Ping is the new Hitler he said it again this time on video and that
China is like Nazi Germany.
Now that's a very big statement and part of its truth but why is George Soros telling
the truth for once?
Well because it's a competing evil organization to the globalist Anglo-American Combine.
And again that just means the old British Empire in the United States and that whole
power arm that is not pro-America or pro-UK it's globalist it's been using us in our
blood and sweat and ingenuity to build its corrupt system while it now quietly poisons
and dumps us down and bankrupts us ahead of murdering us as you now see with the deadly
shots in the 5G and the rest of it.
So what does it mean when George Soros comes out and says that China is a horrible high
tech, technocracy, surveillance police state and that China poses the biggest threat to
world peace and that China is an evil empire and that Gigi Ping is bad well when George
Herbert Walker Bush is the ambassador to China in the 70s made these deals and when he was
the head of the CIA afterwards and when all that was done with Zbigniew Brzezinski and
with Henry Kissinger they wrote books bragging about it they set up a one-sided trade deal
and one-sided military technology transfer deals over to China so that they would be
the new superpower.
Now as we sit here and we witness all of this unfold we have to ask ourselves why is it
happening now and it's because as I told you last year and as we had to Darren Beatty on
to talk about it a few weeks ago Gigi Ping has said we are not going to have sissy men
on TV we're not going to have homosexuality we're not going to have transgenderism and
we are going to basically like 1950s America but with high technology and we're going to
go to space and we're going to build a pro-human future now we're going to have the surveillance
grid and the human clones and all of it we're the wall-wall-west but we are a ethnic genetic
mono-state of the most closely related group of people on earth the Chinese and the Koreans
are an offshoot of that but the most closely genetically similar group of people homogenous
homogeneous from the same genesis and we are going to dominate the world we double-crossed
you we got all your jobs got all your science infiltrated your government did all this financed
Hollywood to tell men to be girls and to celebrate cutting your children's penises off and cutting
your daughters breast off and you psychotics have drunk the poison good job you're dead
you're over we're not doing any of it and so George Soros who went from worshipping
China five years ago and saying it was the model of everything to now saying it's Hitler
is because anything they don't like nationalism cultures they don't control anything he doesn't
own the Russians are Hitler because they've got their own culture the Chinese are Hitler
because they have their own culture anybody that is Christian and just wants to be a free
market capitalist you're Hitler not because you'd worked for Hitler when you were a teenager
and helped round up Jews like he did no no no no not because you said you love Hitler
and your dad was an SS officer like Arnold Schwarzenegger who gets ADL awards when you
were real Nazi you get ADL awards when you fight Nazis you get called Nazis but China
is a ethnic state an ethno state and they are into their superiority and they are taking
over the planet and they see George Soros and his like as their competition and George
Soros is pissed because he wants to be the one capture in the flag which is your son's
genitals cut off in a box he wants to be the one that salts the earth with aluminum he
wants to be the one that kills the planet that rules it in his total act of satanic dominance
his happy making time as he calls it so that's where we are ladies and gentlemen and so the
leftist told you Gigi pings the answer Gigi pings God Gigi pings the best just like Hitler
said Stalin was great right until he launched Operation Barbarossa in the early 1940s and
on a dime just like 1984 we've never been at war with East Asia the next day we've always
been at war with East Asia and if you come out and say hey we've we're just at war with
them now we're not or we were and now we are you get sent to a death camp and the letter
in the news saying arrest the Unvax put us in labor camps because these are real authoritarians
that are competing with other authoritarians and that's what always happens they work with
them so long until one of the two sides screws each other we have the decline in European
globalist system you have the American Anglo-American Combine that was dominant that sold out to
China but thought it could control China China is now double-crossed that here is Soros totally
pissed about it Gigi pings has done his best to dismantle Gigi pings achievements he brought
private companies established on the dang under the control of the CCP and undermined
the dynamism that used to characterize them rather than letting private enterprise blossom
Xi Jinping introduced his own China dream that can be summed up in two words total control
status had disastrous consequences hello everyone 2022 will be a critical year in the history
of the world in a few days China the most powerful authoritarian state will be hosting
the winter Olympics and like Germany in 1936 it will attempt to use the spectacle to score
a propaganda victory for its system of strict controls we are at or close to important decisions
that will determine the direction in which the world is going the German elections have
already occurred the French election will take place in April 2022 and in the same month
Hungary's waters against all odds may turn an authoritarian ruler out of power together
with Putin's decision whether to invade Ukraine these developments will determine the fate
of Europe in October China's 20th party Congress will decide whether to give Gigi pings a third
term in office as party general secretary then the US will hold a crucial midterm election
in November all right climate well sweet oh climate change yes got to shut everybody's
power and energy off got to nerve gas the planet I mean this is a literal demonic demon hanging
on to life by his fingernails jealous of Gigi pings because he pings to murder more people
and as a bigger ethno state than what Mr. Devils been trying to set up well they're right back
stay with us reset or is it really dives deeper into yourself and into the bigger picture
that doesn't necessarily go across political lines or religious lines but about all of
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self-sufficient leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex
welcome back ladies and gentlemen so george soros has come out and said that basically
the winter olympics invasion should be boycotted should be shut down the gg ping is a dictator
that gg ping has set up an ethno state like nazi germany but what does gg ping really
done because the globalist that birthed creatures like soros are on record putting the communist
chinese in power with the cia who in 1949 so the west has backed and goldman sacks and
jp morgan they've all backed communist china and the mausetong and dung shall ping and
all the rest of them and now suddenly soros says gg ping's got to go because gg ping said
we're not going to sysify the men we're not going to promote transgenderism and he said
we're going to pay people to have three children we're breaking with your depopulation plan
we're not going to collapse and die as a people we care about our people care about the point
of having the takeover of mongolian areas and the ethnic cleansing to make room for the
chinese which i'm not backing or saying is good but the point is is that when they were
killing christians and buddhas by the millions george soros loved it but now that china isn't
taking orders from him and his controllers the roth childs and the rockefellers and
that criminal bill gates combine well now he's turning against gg ping putin is paying people
to have children and saying people should be christian and saying russians need to be closer
to christ and so do we and we need peace he's a lot better compared to gg ping on a scale
of 1 to 10 but gg ping is like a 7 george soros is an 11 and viterberg putin is about
a 2 joe bides about a 5 when you come to actual policies 10 being as bad as it gets soros
is an 11 bill gates is a 12 these people want total destruction of humanity total destruction
of our children and the nerve of soros we played the clip earlier to come out and say
that china is like nazi germany when it was george soros on record that helped round up
thousands of jews the nazis called him a bloodhound he was young looked non-threatening
and he would go find hidden jews and go report them he was a type that would hunt down and
frank and so we get to be lectured by the adl and him about how good they are and how
americans are bad and how my grandfathers that almost died fighting hitler they're nazis
but george soros that worked for him he's good what a sicko but he's a failure folks
he's an evil person him and his son alexander and their weird aleister crally rituals they're
on video doing i mean these are some sickos folks and they hate everybody whether you're
american or whether you're a russian or chinese black white he hates you all he's gotten all
these da's elected and they cut the police and just let crime and murder and rape quadruple
carjackings up five-fold murders have tripled everything falling apart he loves it he collapsed
over 20 plus countries and stole the pension funds of old people he was a villain on the
news when i was a kid george soros crashed another currency and stole the pension funds
now all the old people now have no money he's a freaking daemon oh but he's liberal and
the young turks say he's a wonderful hero and now he's going to tell us about how bad
gegeping is because now gegeping doesn't support castrating all our little boys at least he
doesn't the chinese ones to have their balls cut off as a sacrum of the left it's no joke
so ladies and gentlemen this guy thinks he's god he gave an interview in the 80s to a magazine
looking up where he said i know i am the messiah but if i tell people that they might lock
me up but i am the messiah he is the messiah don't think so buddy boy so here is the messiah
in his own words talking about how much he loved working for hitler it was actually probably
the happiest year of my life that year of german occupation for me it was a very positive
experience it's a strange thing because you see incredible suffering around you and in
fact you are in considerable danger yourself but you're 14 years old and you don't believe
that it can actually touch you you have a belief in yourself your belief in your father it's
a very happy making exhilarating experience while hundreds of thousands of hungarian jews
were being shipped off to the death camps george soros accompanied his phony godfather on his
appointed rounds confiscating property from the jews these are pictures from 1944 of what
happened to george soros' friends in neighbors you're a hungarian jew who escaped the holocaust
by posing as a christian and you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps
right i was 14 years old and i would say that that's when my character was made in what
way that one should think ahead one should understand and anticipate events and one one
is threatened it was a tremendous threat of evil i mean it was a very personal experience
of evil my understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore
that you were his adopted godson yes yes went out in fact and helped in the confiscation
of property from the jews that's right yes i mean that's that sounds like an experience
that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many many years was difficult not
not at all not at all maybe as a child you don't you don't see the connection but it
was it created no no problem at all no feeling of guilt no for example that i'm jewish and
here i am watching these people go i could just as easily be there i should be there
none of that well of course i could i could be on the other side or i could be the one
from whom the thing is being taken away but there was no sense that i shouldn't be there
because that was well actually funny way it's just like in markets that if i weren't there
of course i wasn't doing it but somebody else would would be taking it away anyhow university
whether i was there or not i was only a spectator the property was being taken away so i had
no role in taking away that property so i had no sense of guilt are you religious no do
you believe in god no now most people they play that don't play the part where he says
i had no role in it no i play the whole clip in context but it shows the delusion of this
guy he bankrupted over 20 countries by design and crash their currencies to destroy their
pension funds and steal them look it up he literally supports the destruction of our
borders once total crime you've seen it destruction of small businesses he supports the lockdowns
he supports weaponized marijuana people made fun of me this 10 years ago now they know
schizophrenia brain damage it's horrible everything he does is to hurt people everything he does
is to make sure he's in charge you heard him oh it's not bad i just go with whatever is
the power see he doesn't believe in standing up for what's right and changing things for
the better oh no because if he wouldn't help round up the jews he'd have been dead so see
he just did what he had to do to survive a soulless demonic sociopath a robot that thinks
it's the messiah no god consciousness no connection to god cut off from god so i'm proud of the
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your privacy today and support the info war at infowarstore.com if you are receiving this
transmission you are the resistance Christy Lee went down to the border over the weekend
with General Flynn he got a big sit down interview also a great one with Ted Nugent boy is he
on fire and that full interview is now at band.video and on infowarstore.com I hope you share it
and he points out that the left was even more evil than he thought they were with what he's
now witnessing them doing we're going to get to this report and then Ezra Levant joins
us from the big trucker convoy on the U.S. Canadian border stay with us.
McAllen Texas and we're holding a rally here yesterday a small group of us did a tour of
a couple of border locations and we were briefed by not only former senior border patrol and
ICE and Homeland Security officials but also current members of the CBP that gave us a
overview of what's happening at the border the statement that I heard yesterday that
I take away is that the CBP the border patrol organization that we had that protects our
borders is broken they're not close to being broken they're not you know they're not at
the at the edge they're broken so we've seen a lot of these military aged males being put
on to airplanes and flying around sort of low level flying around and being dropped off
all over the country all over the country so why we have to answer that question and
we have to ask our elected officials why are you allowing this to happen and the only thing
that I can the only answer that I have right now from again from the reminder that I was
given yesterday is that to me this is a purposeful intentional process to destroy this country
there's no other answer that I have I mean what we have to have is we have to have sanity
we have to have sovereignty and we have to have security okay that's what we have to
have and we have none of those right now where we are absolutely showing no sanity when it
comes to our domestic policy we're showing you know no sovereignty because we're in total
violation of not only federal sovereignty but states rights and state sovereignty and
so here we are in Texas McAllen Texas we've got a governor Abbott what's he doing and
that governor Abbott will come out maybe he'll see this he'll come out he'll say well here's
all the steps that we're taking we've got you know the Texas State Guard coming down here
we're the plan you know what get the people of Texas organize their governor but in their
efforts to cover this up and what's happening here now we're hearing from them throwing
words out like World War three nuclear warfare and how big of a threat is that is he is our
current president is our current administration provoking war well I don't know if they're
provoking it I you know I just know that you know I think that they are what I describe
as very their masters of distraction and when we think about you know the potential for
war in in Europe or the potential for war in the Pacific those are you know I've written
about this a long time ago war is the norm pieces the aberration nothing is coincidental
when it comes to staying in power in in Washington DC and that's both sides so we're we're in
a different place here in the United States of America I think that we need we need people
to wise up you need the American people to pay attention I don't want to just speak to
the choir here because the choir sings whatever it is you know the maybe that's a component
of the MAGA movement whatever I want to talk to the American people and that's why I talked
about Democrats look what I've been described as but at the same time lefty as you can imagine
but I'm not a but I'm not a progressive liberal communist right I'm a I am a lifelong Democrat
but you you can get it from both sides and and to the end I did see some pushback on
you from the right or the extreme right if you want to call it that when they felt like
you were giving false hope that thing that the election would be overturned do you feel
like you were getting bad information at that time or can you explain that yeah no I think
that I think that what we underestimated was the scale of lawfare that we were up against
I do believe that that Trump won the last election I do think that there was massive
fraud we're seeing we're seeing it exposed every single day all of Trump's imperfections
you know he's the guy that showed this nation how corrupt our system of government is we
wouldn't know I mean most people have been sitting on their rear ends my generation
and I tell people this that that it's our fault I don't blame the politicians in Washington
DC or you know we're here in Texas I don't blame the politicians in in Austin we put
them there we are not a democracy we are a republic meaning that if you don't get out
there and vote if you don't like the people that are representing you in a republic form
of government then whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible
for the assault on our democracy we will follow the facts wherever they lead the days of independent
media are numbered the government has made it illegal to oppose them they are now defanking
us behind the scenes they want to bankrupt us and make us go away quietly with practically
half the population wanting to lock the unvaccinated up in camps the traders know they can shut
us down by force but that would accelerate the awakening exponentially so be it make
them silence us by force this is the final battle of the information war give now buy
products donate before everything changes we need you to carry us through to the end
victory of death go down to info or store.com another world another time in the age of
wonder if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance live from Austin Texas
Broadcasting Worldwide it's Alex Jones if you are a TV viewer you can see the dramatic
footage that rebel news has captured and there are multiple convoys still coming in to Ottawa
the capital there is a big US convoy that has blocked the highways now going into day two
outside of coats Canada that's a hundred miles south of Calgary and joining us is
Ezra Levant of rebel media to give us updates on this and explain why they are doing this
and what's happening and now the SWAT teams that have surrounded them for those trying
to say they are terrorists they are now trying to I know in Ottawa trying to call the protesters
racist and evil and now the police are threatening them I mean this looks like something out
of Romania or Hungary in the fall of the Soviet Union and we've even got Trudeau saying he
wants to be a dictator he loves Gigi Ping now that people are holding thoughts that are
not acceptable I mean this guy is really trying to be the dictator he admires so Ezra Levant
thank you so much sir it's my pleasure Alex last time we spoke I was in our nation's
capital of Ottawa that has been the big focus for the trucker convoy that was their main
destination that's where most of the trucks have gone but there have been lots of smaller
echo convoys supportive convoys around Canada and frankly I've seen some in other countries
too like Australia and the Netherlands and I understand there might even be a few symbolic
convoys in America but in that border town of Coutts Alberta between the province of
Alberta and the state of Montana there's a smaller number of truckers it's not in the
thousands I don't even think it's a hundred but they have blocked the border crossing
as a protest against the forced vaccination of truckers and they're letting through emergency
vehicles they're letting through school buses they're not you know they're not totally walking
down the town but they're basically doing what in a labor union environment would be
called a wildcat strike they're really working to rule almost there they're letting their
presence be known well the Mounties who are Canada's equivalent of the FBI came in and
said fellas you gotta leave now we're gonna start making arrests and the truckers had
a meeting like a council like a town council and they had a vote and they decided they're
not going we've got two reporters embedded in that restaurant where they're holed up
and they had a prayer I heard them say the Lord's prayer and they had a meeting and we
got two guys in there documenting it so the the Mounties have sealed off the whole town
you see they're having a vote there you see that right there on the screen they're having
a vote and these guys one of them goes on the record saying the only way I'm leaving
here is in a police cruiser that guy there he's so they're surrounded forty four police
vehicles the SWAT team locked down the town checkpoints they're stopping food and medicine
shipments to that building so then they're trying to starve them out and if there's people
in there who need meds they're not letting it come in I spoke with that one guy there
that you who you can see was sort of the leader of them he called me last night and he had
a request he knows that we like to crowd fund as you know Alex it's one of the ways we
do things at rebel news he said can you crowd fund us a lawyer I said absolutely so we set
up a crowdfunding page called trucker lawyer dot ca that's the Canadian web domain and
by the way you're highly respected and known for giving all the money to the people and
only helping folks and doing an incredible job and you've helped us and other reporters
out many times so you are just a real angel and so are the listeners when they support
but I think everybody understands what these men and women are doing for all of us they're
violating the Nuremberg code trying to put a poison in our body when black folks weren't
allowed to go in and eat at lunch counters because they were black blacks whites and
others shut down cities and towns with sit-ins peacefully to say no more well this is saying
you can't go in restaurants or drive your trucker have your job or go to the doctor
unless you or have a liver transplant or a kidney transplant or get medical care unless
you've done this and we've got to say no to this tyranny and this discrimination you're
exactly right I mean I know you've talked to one of our other people were helping pastor
Arthur Pavlovsky we've crowdfunded his legal offense going on two years now it's it's our
viewers they love to get involved so I just got a report not half an hour ago that our
lawyer has arrived at the scene and has made contact with the Mounties and we were actually
dispatching three lawyers I won't get into the legal strategy but our goal is to de-escalate
the situation make sure the police don't do anything rash we have two camera men inside
that compound there so we were hoping that the presence of our cameras also acts as
a brake pedal so the cops don't go crazy and these are very principled men and I heard
and you can go to trucker lawyer dot ca to see some of the video clips of what they're
saying how they prayed about things what they thought and and they know that they're engaging
in peaceful civil disobedience and they know that that will likely cause them to be punished
and so I think that in a way these men have decided there's a lawyer there the guy with
the did you see that guy there with the with the the sideburns ask the lawyer Chad Williamson
so you don't know you guys are battling them legally all across the country where they're
trying to ban protest ban reporters arrest reporters I mean the Canada has gone fully
authoritarian and you are on the very front lines asra well I mean I I fear that we're
next just yesterday Justin Trudeau reintroduced an online censorship bill in parliament that
had been paused because of the last election I believe that we are the number one target
of that censorship bill we are the largest independent news network in Canada we are
one of the only news networks that does not take funding from Justin Trudeau I know you
might find this hard to believe but literally 99% of Canadian journalists get a subsidy
paid by Trudeau so how can you possibly be independent how can you possibly bite the
hand that feeds it's funny incredible so dramatic footage of those looks like hundreds of trucks
to me blocking things the SWAT teams and federal police threatening them and they're saying
how Trudeau saying oh they're keeping food medicine from coming to us that's the great
reset shuts down food medicine has starved over 40 million people to death worldwide
the unit admits 200 plus million on the verge of starvation so the idea that us trying to
end the global lockdowns and the and the and the internal checkpoints is is our own form
of siege no we're simply exercising our people power to say we're not going to comply with
slow incremental strangulation what's so fascinating about this trucker convoy is it was totally
unexpected by the authorities in some ways it's reminiscent of the Tiananmen Square protests
which really caught the Chinese authorities off guard they didn't I think what scared
them about the Falun Gong and that's a Chinese sect that organized the protests in Tiananmen
Square is that the Commons party didn't know about it they couldn't see it coming they
didn't have enough spy sources so they panicked and they smashed it I think this trucker convoy
is similar in that it was organized by no political party no fancy ad agencies no superpacks
just severely normal men and women largely men largely working class men independent
businessmen who own their own trucks whatever and all of a sudden the entire establishment
said whoa we don't control this we got to smash this and the but the thing is in Ottawa
they haven't given any pretext for a smashing they're completely peaceful so Justin Trudeau
is demonizing them as racist sexes violent but they're not and I think that it's fascinating
in the public is inspired by these truckers their salt of the earth people are very authentic
I'm excited about what these truckers are doing and when these truckers last night said
Ezra give us a hand we need a lawyer I said a course of course so so we're doing that
as you can see the lawyers already on the scene beautiful give us that website one
more time trucker lawyer dot ca that stands for dot Canada so I stand there I want to
ask about big picture absolutely trucker lawyer dot ca I want to come back with you one more
segment oh you're busy I want to get into what's happening in Ottawa what Trudeau's
going to do hiding out now for five days oh now he has COVID I mean this is just ridiculous
theater from the man that says he wants to be a dictator
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it's amazing
don't bother
isn't it rich
isn't it queer
losing my timing this late
in my career
just to know it's truly the most sycophantic horrible creature in modern times
brags that he's under the control
and orders of claus Schwab
the brags on national television that
he owns him and his cabinet
and now they're the one shutting down the economy they're the ones bankrupting
everybody for universal basic income in their own plans they're the ones building
all these camps
and then saying that all the russians are making canadiens rise up
and travel by the hundreds of thousands to the capital
and then all you don't want to put something in your body that's experimental
you only like black folks that were barred access to stores and businesses
you're being barred access to you haven't had the poison shot you're gonna peacefully
protest and block a road we're gonna arrest you
well folks
we're already being put in a prison that's what these lockdowns are and that's what
claus Schwab said
they want climate lockdowns they said wasn't wonderful a quiet the world was
they want to go back to lockdowns we can't leave your house except when they say
as a relevant
i tell you people kept wondering when are canadiens gonna stand up like the
australians have been doing
as you guys have been under similar levels of evil
uh... and and and finally uh... it's starting to happen but even churches that
try to reopen
they're resting the preacher still
uh... but you can go to the topless bar this is just amazing from the time we
have left
what's happening in the capital there we've got reporters i know you were just
there with us
saturday for our emergency broadcast and what do you expect to go to do
uh... as his unpopularity just continues to rise
well there's a great battle and i i think i alluded to this when we spoke on
the weekend
you have all the official people
the official media the official police the official trade associations
and chambers of commerce
the mayors the older there's a local city counselor
that the city should try to see is
the ten million dollars that the trucker convoy had raised to bring them to
there was another city counselor
just today
who said that
anyone who is against the lockdown
should lose
their canadian constitutional guarantee
for freedom of assembly
uh... if they
actually let me phrase it accurately she said if they use their right to freedom
of assembly
they should lose any government services so you had two different city
one wanted to take all the convoys money
the other wanted to cut them off from government services
neither of those have anything to do with public health
both of those are a venezuela style punishment
of anyone who dares to speak up
well as i said that's the social credit score that claus Schwab the un
and the chai comms are putting in i mean they admit that's their plan
well let me say this and i don't know if you know this and you have such a
broad interest i bet you know this already
but in case your viewers don't know
the deputy prime minister the the finance minister really the second in
command in trudeau's government
her name is christia
freeland f-r-e-l-a-n-d
and if you go to the world economic forums website
and type in christia freeland
she's on their board of governors
that she is a member of parliament a senior member of the cabinet
second in command to justin trudeau
and she still
sits and serves the world economic forum
if you wrote this into a james bond
spy movie
the you know the studio would say oh that's too on the nose that's no come on
she's really
uh... governor of the world economic forum
while she also
claims to swear loyalty to canada
which is it
is she loyal to the world economic forum or loyal to canada
because you can't be both
she is on the board of the world economic forum claus Schwab has bragged
it's not just her and justin trudeau he brags publicly
that half of the canadian cabinet
is world economic forum we see
truth no one loves the united nations more than justin trudeau
he loves his trips to new york for obvious
tourist reasons but he's always given speeches down there
he says he's part of the great reset he loves that phrase the ology
yet there you have it
that is literally from the page
of uh... and let's talk about this forum that he admits he quotes wants to
and sees control democracies that's a quote even on his own wikipedia page
if the russians or chinese tried to infiltrate they'd get arrested
but because it's a corporation doing it and it's a multinational corporate arm
well then it's okay and that is out of the james bobby that's what specter is
and that's what ian flaming gave speeches saying no there's real corporate
that try to take over that we're actually fighting
so we see that's why he looks like an axe like a james bond villain because
that's really what claus Schwab is
yeah you know it's funny uh...
a lot of people on the left
are finding commonality with people on the right
who two years ago they probably would have had nothing in common
but a skepticism of the merger of big government
big business big tech big media big pharma
there are some legitimate people on the left for robert f. kennedy jr. being
we're saying whoa
what happened to the left
and i think it's deeply troubling
i am
and again i come back to these blue collar truckers a lot of them are
independent operator so they own their own rig and these people
it's incredible in canada to see this i i i have
i i never lost faith in canada
a lot of people say why don't you move down to nashville when you move down to
florida everyone else is get out save yourself i said no i gotta stay up here
and fight this is my country
but i have to admit i was always pessimistic but to see
so many people i was in ottawa people were chanting freedom freedom
these are people who have never been to a protest before in their life
i was walking down the street in ottawa a couple of guys in front of me
spontaneously started singing
oh canada
i've never seen this in my life
ninety nine point nine percent of the people in this trucker convoy
had never done anything political in their life
it's fascinating to me to see so many
new canadians cultural minorities so to speak
speaking the language of freedom
it's particularly poignant since trudeau claims to speak for them and claims anyone
opposed to them
is a racist absolutely in fact i saw the national post article trudeau's
when around a third of the people out there and that's demographically
representative are not white
that is scaring the hell out of them this true popular smoother and as you said
you guys are the tip of spear at rebel media with your reporters everywhere
showing how giant these crowds are corporate media is trying to black that
that's what people have to go to info wars dot com
they have to go to rebel news they have to get these clips and share them
because this is spontaneously now spreading around the world so canada
on average people said was doing the worst job resisting
now it's the beacon
and the example of resistance with huge trucker events like this
from canada spreading to germany to europe to the us
to australia to new zealand to the uk this is very exciting
i know you talk a lot about the milgram experiment and the ash conformity test
this is
writ large the ash conformity test
when no one else disagrees you might think am i the only am i crazy
am i the only one who thinks this way i'm the only one who's worried
but when you see other people when you see hundreds of thousands when you see
a million other people
stand up
that gives you great confidence because you say no i'm not crazy
they're crazy
i'm not the one who's extremist they're the ones who are violating my civil
so i encourage people who don't know what the ash conformity test is just to
google it on youtube i know you talk about it a lot alex but
absolutely it breaks it breaks the gas lighting
we are the majority and we're not black we're not white we're humans that love
god injustice and we're together and it's beautiful
ezra what you're doing is amazing i tell us one more time the trucker site to
find all the videos and support the great work these truckers are doing
truckerlawyer.ca truckerlawyer.ca thanks alex
all right ezra please i know you're busy pop in the next few days and give us
updates is this unfolds okay
thank you i will thank you sir
reset worrisome
reset worrisome absolutely amazing and eye-opening
it really dives deeper into yourself and into the
bigger picture that doesn't necessarily go across political lines or religious
lines but about all of us as a human species coming together
i'm a combat veteran and i mean that brought me close to god
but what alex goes through brought me even closer
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erase those programs and install new
reset wars is a step beyond what you already get in regular info wars
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your voice counts when you share information be it
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
all right we haven't had this guest on a long time but i've been following his
work ever since he's been on with us and boy has he been
vindicated with now the admissions of the geoengineering all over the world
the aluminum dioxide the barium salts the other things that are killing the
soil and he was covering this 10 years ago
specifically about the aluminum and what was happening
we were covering chemtrails back in the mid 1990s just saying why did the
trails not disappear now why do they turn into whole cloud banks then we found
the Nobel Prize in the early 90s for developing the plan then we found out
about the department of energy operations but dane wittington
has been knows to the grindstone going to their actual conferences around the
world chronicling the cfr and the cia putting white
papers out on it and so it's just like they're adding
nano tech to the vaccines that aren't vaccines and they just say
it's okay just take it don't ask questions and then it's hiding in plain
view that they're making people sick or that 5g gives you cancer that's even
in wired magazine major studies but they just say no it does it let's just do it
so there's a giant geoengineering program that's been going on since the
early 90s we know they were testing it before
it went operational by the mid 90s and i don't need to have
dane wittington tell me it's killing the trees or the or the plants
even though the studies are out there and he's right i can go to our ranch we've
had since again the 1820 late 1820s
and i remember until the mid 1990s big giant
oak trees everywhere and they're almost all dead and they won't say why it's
happening it's not oak will it's not a parasite they're just dying
but the aluminum has exploded in the soil so this is a big deal
and there's a bunch of articles NBC ABC sky news all of it like oh
dubai is controlling the weather now with ground
radar systems actually energize these particles oh and bill gates
cnbc reports has funded chemical cloud that'll stop global warming oh he's
going to block the sun out so everything we told you 25 years ago
everything this gentleman in films over a decade ago documented
has now been confirmed but that's the weird thing about it
it's like they should say the bill deberg group didn't exist 15 years ago
and we'd have footage and admissions and documents and later yeah it exists no
big deal it's the same thing now yeah we're spraying you
and yeah they're secret treaties and yeah it's going on just get used to it
but then any scientist can tell you what these things they're spraying do once
they get into the ground and not to mention our
brains with all the neurological disorders exploding so hopefully with us
for the next 50 minutes or so i'm going to start
doing i've already started a two-hour live podcast
this saturday commercial free it's got about two million viewers
so i will definitely have him back as soon as starting in march or a month
behind three nights a week i'm doing a three-hour commercial free
podcast you want it you got it this is designed
for talk radio we're on over 300 stations it's great it's wonderful
but people want commercial free you're going to get it
starting on march first i'll make the announcements the next few days
we're launching a three-hour show three nights a week
commercial free there'll be a few breaks a few promos but
we're not going to have hard breaks it's going to be a podcast format
so joining us is dain wittington i'm not going to go over his whole bio
he's executive producer of the groundbreaking climate engineering
documentary film the dimming he is also the lead researcher administrator
of the website geoengineeringwatch.org
dain has a background in solar energy and was a former employee
at bettel power corporation and was a licensed contractor in california
and arizona he has devoted the last 20 years of his life to
a constant research on the issue of covert global climate engineering
operations and the effort to expose and halt them
his personal residence was featured as the cover article in the world's
largest renewable energy magazine home power he manages a wildlife preserve
next to lake shasta in northern california
dain has appeared in numerous films interviews in his effort to educate the
public on the extremely dire environmental and health dangers
we face in the ongoing global climate intervention program
dain thank you so much for joining us after these years we've got to get you
on more often you know you blink in five years goes by
total vindication but that i would imagine you don't feel good about being
vindicated you wish you could have stopped us
a long ago alex but i'm immensely grateful to you for your voice for your
tenacity and trying to pull back the curtain and especially with what's
happening in the skies above us and every single
particulate that they spray tens of millions of tons annually
are all floating down through the air column we're all inhaling them and
affecting our cognitive abilities you just stated well give us the 35 000 foot
view and then you'll have the floor for the end of the next hour drilling
through this
bottom line climate engineering operations were first deployed over the
polar regions immediately after world war two as you correctly stated more over
the urban regions later big ramp ups in the 90s as you
correctly stated bottom line is the more damage
climate engineering does to the climate and the life support systems of the
planet the more they double down on these operations
climate engineering is the crown jewel weapon of the military industrial complex
the weapon with which they can bring populations to their knees without those
populations ever even knowing they're under assault
they can target crops again the cognitive effect we have a decline in iqs in the
us alone of six to nine points that's staggering
this is all this is making us dumber by the day that's a scientific statistical
fact based on the science study on aluminum and its effect
on our brain function the bottom line is this is an assault from every imaginable
direction if we don't deal with this hole in the bottom of the boat the boat's
going to go down absolutely how horrifying is it for you an
engineer that knew this 20 years ago and had the documents
to see it now progress to the point where the earth's dying the very people
doing it are saying they're our saviors and as you said they're only doubling
down their projects it's just nightmarish it is and again that's that's key to
consider there is no benevolence in the climate
engineering operations there are many layers to these operations again the
ionizing of the atmosphere is used for to make it more electrically
conductive for over the horizon communication for EMP offense and
defense but again we have weather as a weapon a weapon with which again
populations are completely unaware that this is occurring and now that we have
these operations going on on a global scale with all
governments either actively or passively participating and that's what the
climate conferences are all about alex it's not about changing business as
usual in any way shape or form it's about
strong arming nations to go along with the climate engineering operations
because you can't just engineer the climate over your own
country without affecting the entire world and what the screen is showing
right now various forms of ground-based weather mod
but all of those are negated by the exponentially
larger and more impactful climate engineering operations so they have a
lot of red herring climate modification methods the single
engine propeller airplane with some flares on the wings
which are completely negated by a military tanker that can dump a hundred
tons of climate engineering materials in one payload
and one key aspect of this alex that almost none yet understand is happening
the engineered surface cool down events like the engineered
snore storms that we get week after week
theatrically named often as we have happening this week again
winter storm quote landon which is going to be fueled with moisture out of the
record warm Gulf of Mexico how do you get a winter storm with moisture out of
the record warm Gulf of Mexico you see the clouds
with chemical ice nucleating elements these are patented processes we have
those patents posted at geog watch.org
incredible and why suddenly in the last five years
did they start doing public because the pressure you and others put on them
because i mean you got the cia director on tv saying yeah we control the
weather big deal of course we keep it secret you don't need to know and
and and like bill gates come out yeah i'm spraying it's for your own good
it's a barium salt limit oxide exactly what we knew they were doing
it's incredible we have some covert acknowledgement but
the same time we still have emphatic denial from official sources even though
we have for example in regard to the engineered winter weather
events i.e engineered snow storms in 2009 we had box news popular science
msnbc cbs all of them covered the fact that the chinese
government was engineering snow storms they did a billion dollars with a
damage to Beijing but now they all pretend that this
isn't happening and again when we have Alex you're seeing
now the constant ice storms that we have with these engineered winter weather
events we'll have quote the warm side of the quote winter storm and the cold
side of the winter storm that's not nature that's
chemically nucleating vast amounts of atmospheric moisture and
eventually as you move into this system they are able to convert that
liquid precipitation into various forms of frozen material it's not a
naturally nucleated snow at all bottom line again these are patented
processes and we encourage people to look up
these the patents at geodringwatch.org so it's not just blocking the sun not
just solar radiation management which is an express stated purpose of climate
during to block some of the sun's incoming thermal energy by putting
these toxic like scattering particles into the sky but they are also
engineering winter weather events and that confuses and divides the
population as to the truth they even got documents like control the weather
2020 2030 dain widdington is our amazing guest
we'll be right back stay with us
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granny do right granny do right thanks for holding her on the air go ahead
challenge first of all let me say i love your products i am a granny
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spent a lifetime in the sun like me i was loaded up with sunspots
or age spots as they're lovingly called but since taking your x2 for the last
couple of years my skin is just really gorgeous actually people
think i'm 55 years old and i was already taking your
other supplements but i thought you know well maybe that's what i need to do
because i just thought it was a hopeless situation but when i started
taking it i mean it doesn't happen immediately but
you know over a period of time i started noticing
okay you know this is the ticket this is working this is wonderful you know i
don't i don't have to put on derma blend anymore
you know so anyway it worked wonderfully and it really has totally
cleared up my skin why do my enemies hate me so much
why do the globalists take you so much why do they hate america so much
because it's an idea of freedom that their tyrannical
system that they're pushing cannot coexist with
it's very very simple for their world government their anti-human
post-human eugenics system to flourish freedom and liberty and new process
injustice and god-fearing systems must fail
so sure you didn't start a fight with bill gates
you didn't start a fight with david rockfeller you didn't start a fight with
the un they started a fight with you and they're
not gonna back down and they're not gonna go away
they're not going to ever stop their attacks
until they have the fear of god put into them the average person still doesn't
even know about the new world order or about globalism
or about corporate fascism and it's not until people understand that
and that we're under attack we have any chance of beating these people
get our great a bag of it here i mean this is from people say
why is it from Chiapas Mexico the communists well that's where some of
the best coffee in the world that's wild harvested
above organic in the volcanic soil better than guatemalan coffee
and yeah we buy it from the little farmers that you know the media calls
communists but really they're just a commune and whatever the point is is
that it's good coffee and we've got it and the farmers don't let the Mexican
government take over so i actually buy this from the Mexican rebels and i've
been buying it for what 14 years and the price has never gone up the same stuff
sold at Whole Foods under another name for about 50 percent more per pound
and i just think it's some of the best coffee you're gonna find anywhere it's
wake up america patriot blend from the Chiapas rebels
literally um in fact i'm gonna tell you a little story
um we had like that okay do you want to believe it
anyway so it's infowarstore.com and that's how we find this operation and if
you don't find us you don't want to see that's fine
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
four years ago today this photo was taken by my wife
of myself and my daughter who was six months old then
she's now four and a half and i mean we walked her airport with her
and her eyes were so piercing people would like stop and go what i mean i'm
telling you most intense child i've ever seen
and her eyes just will blast right through you these children are so
special she was talking at six months first word she
knew was help she'd want to get out of a seat or something
help help uh but i'm telling you our children are so precious
and here's my four and a half year old daughter at
six months old and that's that look how much i've aged fighting these monsters
but that's okay i've put it all in here folks it's worth it
but this is so real and they're spraying aluminum dioxide barium salts they
admit in quote secret operations but they
admit the operations are going on and the soil
that's what his films and documentaries and information is covered and
documented is going way up in these poisons
it's absolutely diabolical so dane widdington of geoengineeringwatch.org
and of course the seminal film the dimming what is the in-game goal of
all of this because everything they're doing is poisonous
is destructive as you said but what is the in-game or is it just more mad
scientists control the world stuff and why would the globalists spray themselves
in their own children i guess most of them don't have children
i guess i answered the question with barium salts aluminum dioxide other
things that literally eat our brains
first ultimately every aspect of these programs is about power and control and
at this point it's also about fitting the herd
and to answer that question why would they do this themselves
i would challenge people to consider the fact that
those in power have detonated about 2,400 nuclear weapons on planet earth
which has contaminated every single fiber of the web of life
we have now Fukushima we have Chernobyl it's
descending into meltdown again and we have 440 more new plants around the
world they're building 60 more right now every single one of those plants
will descend into meltdown at some point in the likely very near future
so again we have many examples of what quote they do to themselves why
because we know from psychoanalysis those in power those who
are addicted to power and i know you know this better than anyone alex
they have various forms of deficiencies and here's the common thread based on
psychoanalysis there's a near total lack of comprehension as to the
consequences of their actions even to themselves
that power is so addictive that they cannot stop will not stop in climate
engineering again the crown jewel weapon of the military industrial complex
and one more blank to fill into what we're breathing
we have the world's second most recognized geoengineer Dr. Ken Caldera
who we have an audio of a geoengineer watching over him stating on the record
what he did for the U.S. Department of Defense was to design
ways of spraying pathogens into clouds to infect the populations below
saying it in his own words again we have recording of it
now he works for Bill Gates Bill Gates has called him his most amazing teacher
we have Italian researchers with career studies that have proven cb19
particles have been found attached to airborne particulates
we have as of 1977 239 acknowledged open-air biological test by the U.S.
military over U.S. populations without their knowledge or consent
why would we think that they're not engaged in biological dispersion and
they let me stop you just back you up
operation fishbowl went on in 1962
hundreds of high-powered hydrogen bombs detonated this is declassified in an
attempt to ignite the world atmosphere could have they thought maybe burn the
earth up they still did it this is
really nihilistic insane behavior
exactly we're not dealing with sanity that's why so many people
try to walk away from an issue thinking that quote they ultimately those who
print the money wouldn't do this to themselves
they have been they are and they continue to do this to themselves they are
not saying and that needs to be acknowledged and if we
don't stop this interference with our slide support systems and every breath
we take we're in a very limited time horizon alex
wow i've got a thousand questions but please continue with what you think is
most important the bottom line is again no functional
habitat no humans although we have countless forms of
damage to the planet and the slide support systems from human activity i
don't think anybody can argue we've been forced towards the planet
the single most destructive human activity of all by far
is the intentional intervention in earth's life support systems and that is
everything that's encompassed in so-called climate engineering
and as you correctly mentioned earlier as well the manipulation
of these electrically conductive particles in the atmosphere via radio
frequency microwave transmissions from facilities like
park in Alaska we have about a hundred of that type of ionosphere heater around
the globe most people can't fathom what that kind of
facility can do it literally causes a chain reaction an electrical chain
reaction in the ionosphere which causes heating into the thousands of
degrees range over hundreds of square miles they can create a
bulge in the atmosphere up and down that downward push creates pressure zones
in the atmosphere that can steer upper level wind currents
with steering upper level wind currents they can then steer atmospheric
moisture they can focus in on specific regions
they can cut it off from specific regions creating drought and deluge
scenarios so back to the engineered winter
storms the parade of theatrically named winter storms
again we had uh we have land in winter storm landing this week we had Keenan
that just hit new york this is with moisture off record warm bodies of
water off the record warm Atlantic off the record warm Gulf of Mexico it's
being chemically nucleated that's why we have the
the ice storms that are so often accompanied with these
engineered winter weather events because this material is hitting the surface
and clearly they're pushing for something what is it because they tell us
earth is bad humans are bad cataclysm william shatner comes back down to earth
after the space mission with bezos and says too bad everybody has to die
you've got all these globalist signal worlds about to end they're telling us
it's about to end because we're bad that super viruses are about to come out of
the forest because we're bad but they're really making the viruses in labs
they're really manipulating the climate themselves to i guess create
catastrophes which they then use as a pretext of the
populace and then they pose as saviors and the remnant are told give up all your
rights the name of stopping the cataclysm that the
social climate engineers have actually launched
all accurate alex and again i'm so grateful for your voice and trying to
shine the light on on this single greatest human assault against
the entire web of life and your life support systems
and the paradox in the rocket launches and william shatner and bezos and the
rest bezos every single rocket launch doesn't
just blow a hole in the ozone layer it tears a giant gas in the ozone layer no
ozone layer no terrestrial life on earth very simple equation the
single greatest factor that's destroying the ozone layer today is
climate engineering operations that's not negating other sources of damage but
this is the biggest single source based on the current mathematical trajectory
and we have a former nasa contract engineer that works directly for geogy
wash that are metering uv radiation on the surface we're being uvc in the
surface now that's the last spectrum before x-ray at the current rate of
ozone destruction we face probable total ozone layer
collapse later this decade 2025 or 2026 game over
so again if so who are these people i mean i know you only go off the science
and what they're doing but god what what type of establishment want to vapor i
mean look the trees are dying everywhere i can see it there's no bugs
i used to drive you know during the summer or spring dead bugs everywhere
there won't be one dead bug i'll drive 200 miles uh our beautiful ranch all the
beautiful oaks are dying now the pine trees are dying what the hell's going on
you're 100 right on all counts geogyringwatch.org was the first
major source to disclose insect population collapses we disclosed 80 to 90
percent of terrestrial insect populations had perished
aquatic insect the same with the science climate science community and the
science community as a whole try to marginalize our work now they admitted
to it if your listener search insect apocalypse they'll see exactly what's
happening there there are some insects that are
are benefiting in a in a sense off what climate geogyring is doing as you
correctly stated these elements are poisoning soil microbiome killing the
soil microbiome changing soil pHs the aluminum affects the root
systems of all organisms including trees they shut down nutrient uptake they
start to die a slow protracted death and yes then
certain species of beetles do finish the trees off but the beetles are a
symptom they are not the core causal factor we don't have
official agencies admitting to everything that that you've correctly stated
climate engineering again destroying every aspect of the web of lies at this
point and in regard to the trees the forest die off
single greatest factor for multiple reasons climate engineering operations
well we know the globalists want to be populated they said they were going to
do it by covert means i don't know how they think they're going to reverse this
later uh but i mean regardless they're doing it
uh they're absolutely doing it again it's a it's a weapon which they are not
going to let go of an example i've used in the past the
the villagers in africa can trap a monkey by putting a
clear fruit in a jar and tying it to a tree and monkey reaches in grabs the
fruit won't let go and and he's on the menu and that's the mentality of those
in power they're not going to let go of that fruit they're not going to let go
of their various tools that that's right they can't help but play god
stay right there dane wettington's our guest you engineering watch
dot org find his films and more there this is such important information
and i promise if he'll come on we'll do a two hour commercial free
or three hour podcast and show all the documents and the clips and really
walk through this but for everybody listening you got to check this out for
yourself we're gonna go to break please don't forget
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
all right this is a short segment couple long segments coming up our special
guest dane widdington the preeminent expert on
geoengineering what the globalists are doing so on one side they're pushing it
with conferences and tv announcements and oh the chinese
government is now creating rivers in the sky and
oh dubai is controlling the weather with ground-based systems
so while they roll it out and sell it as good they simultaneously say
doesn't exist when we criticize it uh and you know kim trails 20 years ago 10
years ago was the biggest thing ever and i've hand covered it at nauseam
to me it just becomes frustrating dane when when i don't see the mainline
environmental movement because of the earth is obviously dying and has big
problems i won't do something about it but all of their solutions
it seems have nothing to do with actually addressing
the ruling class that is doing everything it can as you said to kill the
planet it's just it's psychotic what's going on here
you're exactly right alex and in regard to the so-called environmentalist
community greenpeace here club w w f earth
justice all of them their hypocrisy is mind-numbing they
will not address the climate engineering issue because they don't want to lose
their 501c3 non-profits and we know that because our
attorneys at geodringwatch.org have communicated with their attorneys
they will not address this issue and in regard to those in the so-called
environmental movement that continue to pretend climate engineering is
some sort of a proposal everything they described is exactly what we see in this
guy just dispersing particulates in regard to just dispersing again
there's no argument about that we have up close film footage of these aircraft
at altitude kc 10s kc 135 c 17 globe masters and commercial
aircraft with retrofit nozzles mounted on the jet
pylon the wing pylon aimed at the exhaust jet stream
turning on and off into argument the footage proves it's happening if people
don't believe what they see with their own eyes then there's nothing we can do
to get them to acknowledge this truth bottom line environmental groups again
unimaginable hypocrisy and at this point again they're
pretending that so-called green new deals are going to save us total smoke and
mirrors divide and distract nonsense alex and
if you haven't your listeners haven't seen the film
planet of the humans i would encourage them to watch that because so-called
renewable energy is not going to save us it's simply a hydrocarbon fuel
extension at best comes at great cost to the planet
again the single greatest factor we need to acknowledge and halt
is climate engineering operations well here's the problem and it's covered
at stanley cubrick's famous film that was based on
that a composite of some true events that happened with kurtis lemay and
general l.o. limitzer wanted to launch a sneak attack on russia
and kennedy stopped it that they said if we don't launch a war they will or if
we don't create a doomsday bomb they will so it's this attitude will somebody
else will make it so now the air force what a decade ago admitted they're
trying to build any matter bombs that could blow the whole planet up on
accident so it's just like they can't help it like you said they're like a
monkey knows he's going to get killed putting his hand in the trap but he has
to have the piece of fruit and that's who they are they just cannot help
themselves that's exactly exactly right and in
the case of climate engineering and cb-19 as well
there is no chance that either of those scenarios is occurring without
global cooperation you're actively or passively between all our countries
we have senate documents it posted georgian watch that are going to the
document section as long as 800 pages outlining global
cooperation with these programs even amongst nations that have otherwise
quote adversarial relations they're all working together behind the scenes of
climate engineering operations all for their own purposes again to control
their own populations and just like mafia families
alex who work together to a certain point for a
common end at some point they began to infight and
and that point may be coming soon as the earth's resources
continue to wane but bottom line is climate engineering is the
again mathematically statistically the single most destructive human activity
ever deployed by the human race i mentioned the insects earlier
in regard to global wildlife populations again all this is related
when you're polluting from the from the clouds to the ground the
entire air column the earth's protective layer
starting with the ozone layer you affect everything else from the soil
micro biome up in regard to global wildlife populations they have
declined 70 in the last 40 years at the current
rate of decline mathematically statistically we face
zero hours for no functional wildlife population that's right the earth is
being killed and then all the fake environmental acolytes say
it's the end of the world the humans did it you're guilty but it is humans
it's the breakaway civilization technocracy killing the planet
for whatever deal they've made or whatever it is i mean it just
it boggles the mind but the science is in the facts are in
there is a giant covert geoengineering program that is killing the atmosphere
and killing the plants and killing the soil and killing us
dane wittington's our guest uengineeringwatch.org stay with us
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rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty
it's alex jones
dane widdington is a engineer filmmaker for two decades
plus he's been exposing the covert geoengineering program
that's now being brought out in the open exactly what we said was happening
exactly what was in the patents and for some stations that don't care that
first five minutes you were getting into the globalist
in fighting with each other they can't help but try to discover all the secrets
of the universe to control the weather to control our bodies to control
language to censor everybody but they always end up
fighting with each other over who's going to have the power and control we now
have george soros coming out against gg ping saying he's
hitler uh we we've now got uh soros saying oh they're
a technocracy they're surveilling you when he's pushing all that here in the
west so it's two evil predator groups
fighting over control and then you've got these so-called gene therapy vaccines
that have the graphene oxide and all of this that we know
are growing some type of weird matrix in our bodies and our bodies are being
seeded with all these other things and you have the head scientist from the
debo script saying we're colonizing your brain with nanotech
the FDA just said we're not gonna even regulate nanotech can anything you want
to be putting food now three months ago and they admit this is their
transhumanist move they're mad scientist raping of the earth and
everybody and i think the message is they're not just trying to depopulate
us and we go yeah we do hurt the environment maybe we should you know
cut back on what we do that makes sense but it's not they get us on board like
we're trying to save the earth when they're doing the exact opposite i think
that's what you're hammering home here to people
exactly and thank you for bringing up graphene oxide
we found two science studies and posted those underneath a video called graphene
skies that advocate and promote the use of
graphene oxide for a chemical ice nucleating element
is graphene now coming down through our air column along with the rest of the
toxic particulate brew that i mentioned earlier again science
study advocating for graphene as an ice nucleating element
part of these constant engineered winter weather events that we have we know
the snow is extremely toxic it also contains surfactants surfactants are
what make soap soap it this is like soaked soaked
snow alex so we have people who thought they knew how to drive in the snow that
can't drive in this we have a frozen material on the surface that behaves
very different than any naturally nucleated frozen surface
we have for example images that are highly sensationalized of
ice and slush for example in boston harbor in recent years
with seawater that was 40 degrees seawater doesn't freeze till 28.4 degrees
how do you have ice and slush on seawater that's 40 degrees with chemical
ice nucleating elements your listeners can search for example
lake michigan ice balls and they'll see 75 pound perfectly
spherical boulders covering beaches in lake michigan this is also a result of
chemical ice oh that just happened two weeks ago in
chicago they've never seen that before there you go
that's exactly what it's from and again the the more damage they do with these
programs and this is key alex there you go thank you for that image
this is very key with climate ensuring again and you as you correctly stated
yes there are many human activities that need to
cease because it's very destructive the planet we're not denying that
but we're saying as you're correctly saying that the single most destructive
factor is climate ensuring operations because it is prohibiting the planet
from responding to the damage done in the case of the forests
around the globe they're cutting off precipitation from the forest the rain
that does fall is toxic so it doesn't rejuvenate the trees it further
finishes them off we have a destroying of the ozone layer which fries the trees
from the top down again from every conceivable
direction climate engineering is pounding the nails into our collective
by the way nobody can deny that again i could see it in austin
and they claim oh it's a beetle oh it's a mold no we've got a big family ranch
in east texas whether it's a pine tree an oak tree first the top burns off over
a few years and dies and then it just collapses i mean the trees are
frying in front of us you're exactly right now
this is where the equation becomes even more complex
the wildfires are serving the geoengineering agenda in fact i
encourage your listeners to search that video which which youtube and uh
excuse me google has tried to suppress if they search wildfires serve geo
engineering agenda one of our most important reports the climate
engineers are utilizing incinerating forests to help
load the atmosphere with particulate matter to help assist their solar
radiation management operations just like an artificial form of volcano
so again the level of their desperation is mind-numbing
and sure that's just like they go and hit a cloud bank to make it a horrible
storm they use that potash which is the classic
nuclei agent to then accelerate what they're doing
coalfly ash the constituents of coalfly ash have been
found in atmospheric testing as well and again that accomplishes two things for
those in power Alex you know that they try to accomplish many as many things
as they can with every move they make disposing of a toxic waste
and utilizing something to block out the sun at the same time
making all of us cognitively sicker as well there you go now that that image
that you're showing right now that is very key
a high-pressure dome which i mentioned earlier called the ridiculous and
resilient range parked over the u.s west completely blocking our
precipitation which is happening right now they're drying out our forests to
get in the west right now preparing for another summer of
incinerations they push that moisture up and around us because of the clockwise
rotation of the high-pressure dome they chemically nucleate the whole way and
they drop it down in portions of the east coast to create another engineered
winter weather mess if your listener search geoengineering is creating
freeze fry extremes they will find a full report on that
by the way you're not like the fake you in the one a dust storm hits a country
oh look it's humans we did it you know pay you in taxes
you were saying 20 years ago i was interviewing you
16 17 18 years ago you were saying get ready for polar vortex get ready for
this to happen and they were going to be steering these and now the chinese
admit as you just said earlier it's on sky television but they admit it
they're steering that winter vortex down to merge with the
the south china sea to quote make it rain but instead it got out of control i
mean they admit this is going on it's not your opinion
it's not my opinion it's verifiable science fact so in many instances they
are yes by steering upper level wind currents there in a sense
robbing what cool air there is in the arctic pushing itself
think about this alex in since 2012 the most anomalously that image you put up
right now is so appropriate the most anomalously
less warm region in the entire world since 2012
is the eastern half of the us lower 48 why because that's the most populated
portion of the us and that's how they can keep the confusion and division going
in regard to the true state of damage to climate
and as far as how long the damage has been going on it's something that's
really key alex a climate feedback loop a positive feedback and positive
doesn't mean good in this case the bremuda triangle i actually know the
ships have been sinking there for how many decades
and aircraft going down we know that's from methane hydrate deposits on the
seafloor that are thawing and releasing migrating through
water column then into the atmosphere of methane's
120 times more potent than co2 is a greenhouse gas
and they're blaming it on the cows and cow flatulence and not talking about
what they're doing what geo engineering is doing by altering upper level
wind currents thus altering ocean currents thus pushing more of ocean
water where it shouldn't be helps thaw methane deposits then it floats into
the atmosphere again from every conceivable direction climate
engineering is pounding the nails into our collective coffins and the whole
bremuda triangle thing is methane hydrate and clathrate
releases from fine deposits on the seafloor now it's happening in the
Arctic if you can pull up Siberian methane craters
that would be an incredible Siberian methane craters tell us about those
Siberian methane craters the images have to be seen to be believed
is that some of those big explosions that they thought was meteorites now we
know it's methane exploding exactly methane is thawing and
exploding into the atmosphere and climate engineering is making it worse
not better by altering again upper level wind currents thus altering ocean
currents we have warmer warm water pumping into the arctic now
there you go and that's that that should be frightening
unimaginably frightening to anybody everybody this methane is exploding into
the atmosphere again methane over a 10 year time
rises 120 times more potent than co2 climate engineering
furthering this process not mitigating it not curbing it but
actually further fueling the methane release process so again
climate change interference with the earth's attempt to find a new equilibrium
is actually pushing us over the edge of the abyss alex
absolutely they are terraforming to destroy
the planet uh dane wettington's our guest final second with him
straight ahead geoengineeringwatch.org and all people to understand it's not
just collapse the borders and the currency and our families
it's collapse the animals it's collapse the plankton it's to collapse the soil
biome everything is under attack at every level
and that's why i say it's got to be aliens i don't speculate about flying saucers
i'm just saying why would our own elite be trying to kill everything
and and and i mean i guess why did jeffrey dommer kidnap people and do that i
guess they're just psychos so i'm trying to ascribe some higher power to it
whatever it is these people are out of control and whether it's beto or aoc
or leonardo caprio making movies about don't look up
don't look up at the chemtrails we're being killed we're being shut down the
earth is being raped the the insects the plants are dying it's all collapsing
you don't hear a damn thing out of the environmental as to what's actually
causing it spray and poison in the air everywhere
they're erasing the ozone layer it's incredible we'll be right back stay with
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let's go ahead take another call let's talk to malcolm in tennessee welcome
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1029 41955 1020 and ask the Alex Jones special
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
the social engineers are mad scientists and when we begin
to research how the world really works and address them eye to eye
we will start to fix the problems on this plan
but they've got us entertained to death by hollywood in the system
and people have no idea that they're in the grip of something very very
destructive dane wettington's here with geoengineering
watch dot org in closing i want to thank you for coming on
let's not wait years till you come back on let's do a commercial free podcast
soon and you can send us a bunch of clips and articles maybe do a
kind of powerpoint presentation for everybody but just in closing in the
in the four or five minutes we have left what else do you want to impart the
viewers and listeners right now about what we're facing
i mentioned as you mentioned graphite graphing oxide earlier alex and we
have science study that pushes that as an ice
nucleating element that may and likely is part of the mix right now
graphing oxide is also a biological carrier why wouldn't those in power if
they feel they're losing control of the narrative they certainly are
why wouldn't they at any point of their choosing if they're not doing so already
use such a biological carrier to again infect the populations below which is
what the world's second most recognized geoengineer said he did for the u.s
department of defense as i stated earlier so when we have people being
infected with coveted in very isolated regions that apparently had no contact
with the outside why wouldn't we suspect this type of
application as well and in regard to again the various aspects of climate
engineering much broader than what people most people understand
encourage your listeners to search the engineering winter section on the home
page of geoengineering watch the art full section
patents and lab tests showing about chemical ice nucleating elements we have
the engineering wildfire section we have the engineering drought section
and in regard to certain aspects of climate engineering and the food and
controlling populations by controlling the food as you correctly stated
earlier when we have satellite imagery of climate engineering
operations off the u.s west coast in the eastern pacific and we can see
them breaking up and cutting off the flow of precipitation in the u.s west
whatever what anyone wants to speculate as agendas or objectives the fact that
climate engineering is cutting off the precipitation to the west is
inarguable at that point we can see these operations on
satellite imagery and again we have a federal gag order illegal federal
gag order on the nation's weathermen how can that not be a massive glaring
red flag and for those that want to help your listeners again
we must reach a critical mass of awareness and if we can expose these
operations in our sky I would argue there'd be a shock wave around the
globe as we have populations taking to the streets with their proverbial pitch
forks and torches to find everyone responsible
pictures worth a thousand words at geoengineerwatch.org we have
printed high quality materials we sell for less than our cost to try to get
them into circulation that's how we wake up those around us and ask them to do
the same that's how we reach a critical mass of awareness.
Absolutely and you know I found one of the successful ways is not just getting
the grassroots active and to say no but a lot of people in the power structure
right now that thought we were full of it are now realizing this is real
but they were compartmentalized but they're still high level and as they
become decompartmentalized and realize that this can destroy their own future
as well I think that gives us a better shot I just don't see the breakout point
when take the thuggy which which which were in writings a thousand years ago
by you know different leaders there in what is India today and even by the
1800s people didn't want to admit it existed that there was a group of
hundreds of thousands you know and in probably total but in some regions 10
thousand plus a cult of people that would rob and
secretly you know kill people and of course that was in their own writings
their own documents that came out later but people couldn't believe that existed
kind of like until the 1950s the the FBI said La Cosa Nostra
didn't exist it was too scary to imagine organized crime that just
couldn't exist that's how naive people were and and and so now we have the
scientific elite and the globalist UN corporate
combine that's bigger than Russia or China or America
that that really wants to play god and mad scientist
and see us as their guinea pigs we have to identify and realize this
transhumanist cult is humanity's enemy
and that's just the fact you're exactly right again
as you stated that those behind the curtain those
that didn't realize these operations were going on
now are and that's why in the dimming we have again testimony from two
US Air Force generals former Canadian minister of defense
former US presidential cabinet member former government scientists these
people are realizing what they are not being told
and that's that's the point we need to reach quickly and again as you stated
with the globalist and those behind the curtain
that most don't want to admit to when we look at what Zignu Brzezinski
Brzezinski stated and I know you know this quote Alex because you're the
biggest voice of all in the world that's been trying to kill a million people
now that they control them yes thank you I knew you would know
thank you and that's where we're at all of saying that to impress the viewers
just these are the real things anybody that's awake knows
we want to show listeners we're not just making this up folks there's a video of
him saying that exactly easier to kill a
million people with today's technology than it is to control them
those in power know they can't support their populations any longer
much because of the paradigm they helped to create
and now they are most certainly curtailing food supplies using whether
as a weapon to wreak havoc and populations around the globe
and very likely for biological dispersions as well the evidence all
stacks up to that conclusion and they believe via survival of the
fittest or social Darwinism that they must
play the role of the apex predator to call and control us
and that they're guardians of the earth it's it's it's very sick megalomaniacal
thinking and they're just self-appointed scum and they thought we wouldn't know
about Bill Gates' programs or we wouldn't know about
Klaus Schwab but we do we forced them out in the open showing they are not the
uber mention they claim but we are aiding and abetting these
psychos if we don't confront them and politically and culturally and
economically peacefully stop them all right geoengineeringwatch.org
dane wettington thank you for coming on and let's do a special podcast in the
next few weeks you name the time my friend thank you
thank you elix wow find all his films and materials at geoengineeringwatch.org
all right we got some really big news next segment
about the denial of health care to people that don't take these poison shots
and and and it's the same thing oh we're gonna hurt you if you don't take it
or we're gonna hurt you if you do take it i'm gonna break some of that news and
some big updates on a host of censorship fronts as they try to shut
us down and try to shut down the human awakening separately
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it's all three types and people asking what's better x2 or x3
do you like a Gillette razor with four razors or three razors
it's all up to you different physiologies different systems like
different ones i will tell you this is not as strong as x2
but again it's got the three types together and the way the scientists
doctors explained it is you don't want to have all three together at a
high dose rate i mean this is still
733 percent of your daily allowance of iodine which they brought down really
really low because i don't want you to have it
so we're very very proud of it i take x3 a couple days a week i take x2 a
couple days a week it's all apples and oranges
and this is what scientists and researchers said i said how do we make
x2 better they said you really can most people just
their bodies do the best with pure deep earth crystal iodine
that literally nobody else goes out and gets and they said well what could we
make it better well you could add some of the other types of iodine to it because
some people can't absorb regular or deep earth crystal iodine and it
helps them absorb it if they have the other types
and so that's what x3 is it's amazing i think you should have it for your
immune system your body and it funds the info war
infowarstore.com it's back in stock at 50 percent off
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products you won't have a little bit of let down once you take them but that
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sellers is back in stock brain force plus a good
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it's not good for you this is a high quality system
it's available at infowarstore.com it's sold out for a long time at 40
percent off so get your brain force plus today at infowarstore.com
and help keep us on air thank you so much and i'll see you out there
i've been fighting as hard as i can for almost 28 years
against the globalist i wanted to stop their agenda i wanted to wake up the
world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went
operational but we failed yes a lot of people are awake
yes we're not getting caught flat footed but they are going
ahead with their full operational deindustrialization
great reset and that's why it's more important than ever
than all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show
because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth so we've got a
information warfare of the enemy and try to stop their agenda
and we've also got to get personally prepared and one of the number one
things to do is high quality storeable food we've got the best food
ready to ship at very affordable prices at infowarstore.com so
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rose hips formula that absolutely turbo charges your immune system
are both on sale for just a few more days for 40
percent off at infowarstore.com there's a lot of other great products as well
where the sale is about to end on this coming monday
so that means as of the time i cut this on thursday evening
you've just got three days 40 off on high quality products at infowarstore.com
like our vitamin c zinc rose hips formula that is again amazing for your immune
system and so much more and of course our whole food multi vitamin
meaning it comes from organic sources and is again the highest quality for your
body it's all available at infowarstore.com right now
so when i first started taking survival skill basically i was 275 pounds i was
overweight i had brain fog like you wouldn't believe
i was barely holding on to a job and i heard dr group on your show and i
listened to it so the first one i got was the original survival
shield the x1 and it worked pretty good and then
shortly thereafter you came out with x2 you had you know with a deep
burdened source you know and i got really excited about that so i took it
and man in two weeks i went from brain fog to like literally like my brain
was enlightened you know i could think again i could connect with people again
and over the course of the next couple of years i got my health back and i
religiously take basically all of your supplements they're all
absolutely amazing supplements the one i like recently is knockout it literally
like if you want to sleep just take it it's amazing it works but anyway so the
point is we have to get ourselves clean that's a break free of the globalist
system and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hand
beautifully said brother i thank you so much for calling godspeed
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance you're listening to alex jones
man i'm sitting here now it's not a trickle of articles it's
hundreds of days it's just everywhere i open up my phone open up a computer
browser whether it's yahoo whether it's apple whether it's drudge
whatever it is it's yeah this little kid's getting denied kidney
transplant his parents wouldn't take the shot
yeah all these cops are getting fired they wouldn't take it
yeah this lady was on an organ transplant for a liver
she'd been on it four years but you know she isn't gonna get it well this guy
was on a heart transplant list but he won't take the shot he's denied
just brutal tyranny brutal abuse boy refused heart surgery due to unvax
parents that's an rt article up on info wars dot com
a three-year-old boy in cyprus that's in the Mediterranean
has been flown to Greece for emergency surgery after doctors in Germany
refused to treat the child because his parents were not vaccinated
it's terrorism ladies and gentlemen and so when we see the censorship
and the shutdown and the debanking and the harassment
of of medical doctors and scientists and researchers
this is one of the last stages before roundups and arrests
and total takeover and to go through these hard times we're in right now
we have to connect to god and transcend and realize how the globalist
are trying to program us now we promoted and shot over six months and then put
out in december reset wars and man the enemy came after us
at the financial level the the the company level the the private level the
spiritual level everything when this came out this scared them so much
and despite the fact it's not even a political seven-hour course on mind war
spirit wars they took away the banking nobody
do about that we're announcing it now then they took away the video hosting
but we scrambled and got it back up they came after this they are so scared of
this information that if people actually watch it and
research it and use it it will empower you you'll get more out of this than
anything else because you can know this bad stuff all day long
but if you don't have the spiritual connection to god to renew you every day
when you're under attack you will be debased and destroyed
so i want to thank everybody that did sign up for the course we i've gotten
people on the street have told me they love it tons of emails families loved
it incredible reviews have come in just
flood us i want to thank all the reviewers so much and because of this
because we're trying to build an infrastructure and do a bunch of other
courses and and do a bunch of things with the money that's coming in so you're
like founding a university and the most important first course is mind war
spirit wars but but you're building an infrastructure
you know you you're building something special we can't show our hand with this
and and so we put a you know decent price for a course a lot of courses are
way more than this but we put kind of a middle of the road price on it
and then they censored it and so despite the fact the course has done
extremely well because we know the cost might have
been prohibited for some people a prohibitive we've decided because
they censored it and did a bunch of dirty tricks behind the scenes and i've
got screenshots of it all right here that we're going to do it 50
percent off ladies and gentlemen for reset wars at reset wars
dot com for the next 72 hours starting
right now take advantage of the sun precedent censorship sale
as facebook and vimeo oh yeah facebook's band even promoting it
reset wars is so dangerous to controlling elite they're trying to take it
down from every platform so you don't learn the powerful
information contained within it which is so powerful i wish i could fully
absorb it that's why i watched it again last weekend
i want to make sure that everyone gets this course before
they totally try to shut me down and that's not a pr thing this is real
reset wars is now 50 percent off because we have
been banned and we're not going to let them have their victory get it now at
reset wars dot com before you might not be able to get it
i mean and and and get it and show it to your friends and family as well so jake
ducey is the best-selling author researcher he helped me put together
reset wars the first installment mind war spirit wars because if you ain't got
that together you're not going to win the fight and this is they're so
scared of this and now elon musk is talking about mind viruses and
how to unload them and get rid of them and get dial into the infinite i mean
this is really that people always know we're tomorrow's news today well this
is next year next decade's news today folks
and it funds the info war and it builds a new infrastructure
and it helps it empowers you and all of us together a true 361
win an absolute total 360 win so jake ducey
a lot's happened since we launched this has been a huge success
want to thank everybody that was part of it to help build the foundation and now
for those that couldn't afford it 50 off for 72 hours
tell us about the censorship and what's been going on yeah you know
i think this is the censorship special is what this is so we've had
just woke up in the morning all the sudden the courses just no longer
available facebook shutting it down online video hosting
platform shutting it down and the reason is is because
there's three things that are being pushed with the agenda right now
and one is to shut down thought two is to shut down spiritual awakening
and number three is to shut down empowerment and
hope reset wars is a blueprint to do that we've seen some amazing things happen
like this courses really changed a lot of people's
lives it's 50 off for a limited time it's reset wars
calm and the next thing is we started to look at
alex doing a book i mean imagine alex doing a mass market breakdown of the
great reset and imagine that being the number one new
york times bestseller book and what we found out is
publishers were very afraid to do it and if you want to see alex as the number
one bestselling book out there in the world
breaking down the great reset and exposing the agenda
we have an opportunity to do that and we have a publisher
that is willing to bite the bullet but wants to see social proof
and see how much people care about what's happening with the great reset
and the reset war right after any organization obviously the alex
jones book neil strauss everybody wants to do it one of the bestselling
authors of all time you know hundreds of millions of books sold
they all hell was pulled out so anybody that bites the bullet
is is is literally going to war with the global but you said it
they don't want empowerment which the opposite is hopelessness
they want hopelessness and this isn't just giving you hope folks
this is literally showing you what they've done to you
and we all have this fake ego they built we all have this fake construct
that even though you get rid of most of it bad things happen you're stressed out
you're tired it kind of grows again but you're always shrinking it down you
never get rid of it because we're not christlike we're not perfect
and and and my son watched reset wars and it's helped him so much rex is great
way better than i was at 19 but he has issues he gets mad he gets into that
construct and literally he watched reset wars and it's helped him
transcend it because it helps you focus for seven hours
on this this artificial thing they've created that they make you
this is the technology they don't want people to have
yeah and you know what's crazy alex is obviously i've been a big fan of your
work for a long time and and and i've seen
just from the news cycle the censorship that's happened to you over the years
but it's another thing to see it happen firsthand with reset wars
and it shows you that what they fear most
is actually the thought the spiritual awakening and the
empowerment and hope i don't know if you saw that beautiful clip
of the truckers that were voting to continue the blockade
and they were doing a very powerful prayer it gave me the chills watching
that prayers in this because that's what's empowering
and it's real i say real heartfelt prayers in this there's a whole section
on the power of prayer which they know is real and they don't they want churches
shut down they want prayers shut down exactly and that's why they came that's
why jesus was so scary to them because he was teaching the awakening
because this is a dark agenda about controlling consciousness so it's reset
wars dot com 72 hours it's 50 off we're putting together the
social proof on a sense this is the censorship special
they don't want this up we just had the video pulled down
we're putting together the social proof to get a publisher for alex to put
together a number one new york times bestselling book
to expose the great reset so if you want to see that happen
head to reset wars dot com right now and sign up it's 50 off
for a very limited time and we're going to have some big things coming
i mean i just think about what are they going to do
if alex has a number one new york times bestselling book i mean you talk about
let's be clear the number out of the last 10
amazon bestsellers they've all been great reset books robert kennedy jr others
we promoted those we sell those it's wonderful but we need a book that
really boils it down the books are excellent i've read three of them
but we need one that absolutely just devastates the whole story
the whole thing we've got it all ready and that's how the lord works in mysterious
ways reset wars dot com you are building the
genesis of the next human level of victory when you support us and we're
doing this all together so reset wars dot com
50 off right now you got to see the course go there be part of this and show
it to your family we'll be right back
reset wars is the only game reset wars is but a great tool
amazing and eye-opening it really dives deeper
into yourself and into the bigger picture that
doesn't necessarily go across political lines or religious lines but
about all of us as a human species coming together i'm a combat veteran
and i mean that brought me close to god but but alex goes through
brought me even closer i can feel god in my life now the viruses that alex
talks to you about that are subconsciously programmed into your brain
and how to erase those programs and uh install
new reset wars is a step beyond what you already get in regular info wars
broadcasts it's an academic level course that will raise your
awareness and help you live a more conscious and self-determined life if
you're on the fence about reset wars it's time to get off the fence join reset
wars today
what are champions made of here's a man who can show you
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triple 8 2 5 3 3 1 3 9 that's info war store dot com
u n run contact tracers aren't coming they're here all over the world from
australia to the united states from canada to germany
these tyrants are tracking everything you do everywhere you go then coming to
your house and threatening in some cases actually taking people
away into the night to their facilities and they're
planning in the next year to expand their shield process where they come and
take quote healthy people away and put them in
facilities for their safety this is nothing less than martial law
and one big thing you can do to fight back is to get high quality faraday
cages many of which are made here in america
and are very compliant meaning us government military grade
at infowarstore.com we have the entire line of silent pocket ready to ship to
you when you visit infowarstore.com again we have big
backpacks we have special dry bags we've got them for cell phones we've got them
for laptops we've got them for ipads it's all there at infowarstore.com
so protect your privacy today and support the info war at infowarstore.com
with all the craziness going on in the world
with the globalists plotting their next big lockdown
with the next phase of the great reset being a stage cyber attack
with the deep state pushing a civil war not just here
but in europe and war with russia with the massive inflation
and all the other garbage that's taking place like supply chain breakdowns
you need to get prepared now with high quality storeable food
that is ready to ship and it's been four years since my patriot supply at
preparewithalex.com has offered their storeable food
at 25 off four years but right now it's 25 off until
february 13th 2022 a little over two weeks
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entire catalog of my patriot supply act now get prepared now
this is absolutely essential for everybody that wants to be self-sufficient
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
all right folks jake ducey that's selling off their researcher really helped me
put the other reset wars he's really fighting to get our
information out on so many levels a real angel when it comes to that is going
to be hosting the fourth hour today ahead of the war room
the three p.m central but i just want to be clear about something
i don't bring you things that are hyped bs but if you don't take action with
the information it doesn't have any power we have the seeds of destiny
but if the soil isn't there if the water isn't there if the sun isn't there
and that's you we've got the seeds you've got seeds as well
that's why you're here it's all the same mission but we have to plant the
seeds it has to have good soil and it has to have sunlight and water like christ
talks about some of the seeds go on the rocks and you know some sprout up and
get burned by the sun it's got to be just right
and info wars is hit just right through god's plan
and so if you get excited that's why they're banning and censoring
reset wars and if you get excited about this and believe it because it's real
and put it into action and and get others to its chain reaction
and we've hit the chain reaction over and over again all glory goes to christ
but it's got to be you taking action so
get it watch it research it we love the reviews
and share it with others reset wars dot com it's 50
percent off and yes we have to charge for it because they're trying to shut us
down we have to have our own infrastructure we have to pay more for
banking we have to go through hell and and build our own i mean folks we're
building i'm not gonna let the enemy know what we're doing but
obviously i let you in on a little bit yesterday
and just explain some things but this is a real war
and we can win this together but we need your support plus
you need this information together and most of you already know at a spiritual
level it's going to reaffirm it and help you focus it
if you give it your time and energy so that's what this is all about reset wars
dot com 50 percent off right now and i never
show personal things about my family you know my son has been on air because he
wanted to be on air as he was about 10 he had wanted to be on the air the last
few years had been on air i didn't make him do it
he's a great guy i wish he'd be on air now he's super smart
my older daughter super smart don't want to be on air my middle daughter amazing
don't want to be on air but my my four and a half year old daughter
i saw a compilation on my phone of some photos of us going back four years ago
there she is think about her and her future and her destiny
she's already connected to god and the system wants to block her from that and
wants to manipulate her and cut her off from god
we're not going to let him do that to quote the high woman song
i'm gonna live forever don't let the darkness take him don't let him feel
forsaken just lead himself flee to the light
when this whole world is blown asunder ladies and gentlemen
we will be together in eternity this is only a
manifestation not a simulation but a manifestation for our spirits to manifest
here and and and to be tested and the man reset wars
is all about how you can jack in whether you're in a
prison or whether you're you know being whatever it is
because i've got to face those things that i can jack into this anytime i want
and connect to god and no prison bars can stop that that's what they want you
locked in your house depressed so they can brainwash you and break you this
is the opposite of being broken this is being energized take action now
support the info war and go to the next level we need you as the electrical
connection to make this happen it's you that makes it happen
reset wars dot com jake yeah and and guys
you gotta realize some really big things are happening that's the third major
platform that has shut this down and and i heard about all these types of
shutdowns that happen but it's another thing to see it
and this is the exact same thing that happened
when jesus why did they not like jesus is because
they were breaking out of the world they were breaking out of the conditioning
and that's what the agenda fears most and we have some huge news
that if we can get social proof that tens and tens of thousands of people want
reset wars and they want a breakdown of what's really
happening with the great reset we have an opportunity
to get a publishing deal for alex to have
what very well will be the number one best-selling book of the year
and let's be clear it's not that we're pathetic begging for it everyone knows
it'll be the top book they're scared we've got to have people but we're at
that tipping point where suddenly all these congress people are calling me
suddenly all okay we're not scared now we know you're good
we know being rebels is fun and rebels is right so all these people that are
good souls but on the fence they're right there on the tipping point and they
need you to step forward and show that yeah guys look
we have a publisher that's willing to bite the bullet here and there's a lot of
people afraid we need to show them how much people
are ready to take on and defeat the great reset
this is a 72 hour 50 off sale on reset wars and this is the momentum that is
needed for the next leg which imagine what they're
going to do when alex jones has the number one
new york times best-selling book in the world exposing the great reset and it
was funded by you and me and that's what this is about
this entire agenda is about shutting down thoughts spiritual awakening
empowerment and hope and it's about damn time
that we wake up they're they're starting to run scared and i think
we're starting to see that happen aren't we alex
well that's right they launched their entire globalist
covid hysteria freak out brainwash thing and now it's only
generated more resistance and so they don't know what to do at this point
they're in full panic mode which is why they're trying to start wars with russia
and everything else so that's why looking at it from the cia brainwashing
perspective of how they cut you off from your real self
and cut you off from god we show this in the film and and that's just the cia's
way of erasing you and programming you we show you
with our own terms and then there's how they're doing it and how once you're
aware of the psychological attack you can remove yourself from it
that no longer has the power over you and here's the big thing the whole in
in your course right you talk about the a term called the emotional control grid
the ecg and the whole goal is to trap us in the ecg
so we're trapped in our physical forms right the whole message of jesus was
about getting us out of our physical forms and you've seen these testimonies
maybe you haven't a people quitting drinking quitting smoking people that
were awake of what's happening but totally disempowered
totally depressed and recent wars has changed lives by the thousands that's
why they're shutting this down if this was just another thing they wouldn't
shut it down but they recognize what they ultimately have to shut down is
thought spiritual awakening and empowerment that's right we are we are
we are in the world but we're not of the world
it doesn't mean we hate the world it doesn't mean that we know there's parts
but we don't love the sun sets her family but we are transcendent we're in it but
not of it we are this is only the third dimension we are in it but not of it
that's what the enemy hates everything is about keeping you in material control
not the material is bad but it's low level and making that your god no
it's the connection to god that is the transcendent then you'll have all
of the actual control panel under your control not their control
exactly so it's the 72 hour censorship special
they just shut down the video platform that was hosting it we've been prepared
for all this we've had a website shutdowns we've had email hacks
we've had facebook shutting this down and we have a really incredible
opportunity banking shutdowns banking shutdown the
list is going on and on and on and on that's
i run around like a one-legged man asking a contestor chicken with his head
cut off doing what you had to go through that's why i'm like
you guys are not okay here you i mean it's crazy
and here the most exciting thing is we
while many of the biggest publishers in the world are far too afraid to publish
alex jones on an expose of the great reset
we have one ready to go but we need the social proof
for them to bite the bullet and see how many people
want to hear this information so when you sign up right now at resetwars.com
it's 50 off not only are you funding the info war not only is this some life
changing content and information an epic course
but this is the seed that we are using that is going to propel alex
into a massive book deal number one on the new york times bestseller
list that could come out before the midterms this year
this is all happening fast and that's why we're putting together this
50 special set censorship special for the next 72 hours
all right jack you're going to be hosting in the fourth hour today what
what are you going to be covering what i really want is the question is
who really controls the world and it's something i've been thinking about a
lot right because we think you you know you were one of the first people to
crack the the builder berg now it's turned into the world economic forum
we all know about these types of centralized control systems
but what i've really been thinking about is do they actually control the world
and no they don't they pretend like they do they're trying to get full control
sorry they pretend they do and there's a quote by
edward bernay's he has a quote he says the conscious and intelligent
manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses
is an important element in democratic society those who manipulate this
unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government
the invisible government is just trying to build
the pattern plans in our minds and it made me start to think that's right they
build around maps in our minds and hope we can form
so who controls the world you and i do and that's why i'm so
inspired when i see those truckers saying no we're going to keep going and
they put that prayer together we control the world
and when we realize that and we stop giving up our power from a quantum
physics subconscious subatomic level
these people cannot win we are almost there reset wars will bring you across
the finish line that's right and you talk about the
truckers and lords prayer we're going to play that next i'm going to hand the
baton to jake do see straight ahead hour number four
this is key info they don't want you to know this is
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the powerful combination of both vitamin c and zinc
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the rose hips contained within are a part of the rose flower just below the
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it has been reported that intake of both is often inadequate
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where we promise our rose hips don't lie
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
in heaven hell would be thy name my kingdom come
but i will be done on earth as it is in heaven
forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors lead us not to temptation to
deliver us from evil for thine are the kingdom
the power of glory forever and ever amen amen amen amen this is what scares them
is our connection to the infinite and god and saying no
to their programs so i never get into private stuff but i wanted to just
show a little video that popped up on my phone of
a compilation of four years ago with my daughter who's now four half years old
she was uh she was only a few months then
and just how connected and beautiful and amazing she was and how we can't
let these evil people cut her and your children off from god we have to stand
for them here's a little clip that my uh ai phone put together
i'm worried about the mid-trash
it's for our children folks these vampires are coming for them
and we can't let them have them it's just
that simple and that's what reset wars is all about
jake ducey i can't wait while i'm doing some paperwork i ate my lunch to listen
to you coming up with the fact is you're right the
globalists don't control the world they want to convince us they do and create
these programs in our mind that we follow we're going to kick those viruses
out and we're going to download the holy ghost that is the real
transmission yeah absolutely and there's a beautiful
and i think quite empowering message behind
that prayer right and that prayer gives me the chills when i watched it every
single time it almost makes me go into tears because
here you have these individuals incredibly brave individuals maybe
they're they're full of fear but they're calling on god
they're calling on spirit and they're risking a lot
i mean they could be arrested who knows what happens
and they're being threatened every day who knows what's going to happen
and they're calling on this spiritual power
and we can yell we can protest they can fight back against that what they can't
fight back is if we bring the spiritual dynamic that's what scares the enemy
because then that gives us operational control and oversight
and now we have the light and the darkness exactly they don't want us
calling on god they do not want us to do that
and that's why i was so excited when you put reset wars
together and it's been amazing to watch what's happened
from putting it out and tens of thousands of people
going through it and all these people saying their lives were changed by it
and this incredibly powering thing but then at the same time they want to
shut it down over and over and over again
removed for terms and violations well that's how i knew it was hard i mean i
knew it was important but the attack anything that's really important the
enemy attacks they are very scared of this
and they're going to be really i laugh thinking about
excuse me i got too excited i laugh thinking about
what they're going to do when they find out alex has the number one new york
times bestselling book in the world we're very close to that
if you go to reset wars dot com right now 72
hour 50 off special this is the social proof that we need
for the publisher to bite the bullet that's right send our war it's your war
we appreciate you all and it's 50 off and it's going to build a whole
another infrastructure as well but the course is the reason you want it it
really is powerful what they don't they want us to stay
disoriented and they want us to stay confused and the reset wars is a course
to navigate the psychological spiritual and political war to prepare
yourself that's right they don't want a battle
plan and this is a real battle plan of victory that god gave us reset wars
dot com 50 off for 72 hours go get it show it to your
friends and family now jake ducey in 60 seconds
takes over on the other side can't wait to listen to this in the war room in
55 minutes with the one the only oh and shroyer will be right back
it's time to protect your privacy it's time to come
to grips with the fact that even though you don't have anything to hide
criminals hackers corporations big tech government
are stealing all of your data and creating a map and a database of where
you go and what you do so in the future under their
globalist takeover they can shut you down protecting your privacy
protecting your credit cards protecting your bank accounts
protecting your photos protecting everything that's on your phone
is paramount that's why everybody should visit infowarstore.com
we're carrying a huge new line of very compliant
made in america products that have 100 percent
reviews and are simply incredible it's a 360 win protect your privacy
and shop at info wars to support the overall info war
against the globalist a true 360 win get your faraday cages at infowarstore.com
check out the new line it's amazing
you are listening to an info wars dot com front line report
if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
welcome back to the Alex Jones show i'm filling in on the fourth hour
my name is Jake Ducey and i'm filling in in honor of
alex's brand new online course reset wars which gives you a
game plan a blueprint for the psychological
spiritual and political war that we are in the midst of in the great reset and
how to prepare for it there's a reason that they're
shutting it down there's a reason they're shutting joe rogan down there's a
reason they're shutting down info wars or attempting to
and it's because they don't want us to have a plan they want to keep us
disoriented and over the last while we've had major attacks on
on banking on email servers on video servers trying to shut reset wars down
tens of thousands of people joined reset wars and we've got these incredible
stories and i'm thinking man we're doing this really cool thing that's
empowering the world and then all of a sudden we wake up
you violated terms and service on this and it's one after another after another
and it's obvious they don't want us to have this information
and so right now we're doing a 72 hour 50 off
censorship special right we have christmas specials we have new year's
specials but what do we do at info wars we have censorship specials
so for the next 72 hours you can get 50 off at reset wars
dot com right now this is game changing and
another before i get into the topic we're going to be talking about today
which is who really controls the world just some breaking news
that i haven't even fully discussed with alex yet
because i've been telling him alex you got to put together a book
that goes to the top of every single major bestseller list
that exposes the great reset like mass market
great reset what is it what's the history of it and how to prepare for it
that's how we win and that's how it's game over
well the trouble is most people are a little bit afraid
of publishing an alex jones book and we have
a publisher that is ready to go they're a little bit
maybe unsure right because alex is being attacked from all angles
and they said look let's see the social proof so
not only when you sign up right now for the 50 off special censorship special
at reset wars dot com not only do you get a game changing course
that's going to really help you totally deprogram
your your mind we've had people writing in that have
cured themselves from alcoholism depression people that have found hope
people that have changed their financial life people that have overcome
cigarettes all types of amazing things but also
this is the social proof that we need to prove in the next few days
to get this book deal going and get the info wars message the great reset
expose to the top of the new york times bestseller list
the amazon bestseller list we know what'll happen next they'll start
censoring the book and all these things so this is the opportunity for you and
i to be at the founding level of that so it's reset wars dot com 50 off
that's what's coming down the pipeline and that's the big why
of going right now and signing up and let's talk about the question now
of who really controls the world and in order to do that i want to bring a
graphic onto your screen right now that looks like
a little stick figure it looks like quite a little simple graphic
and you know this is what they don't want us to know
they want us to think they control the world right they want us to think the
political regime the banking regime they want us to think they control the
world here's how the world really works and this
is what edward brunet's the nephew of sigman freud used
so right over here at the bottom now this is a stick figure
drawing that was coined in 1930s by dr thurman fleet
who is the creator of the concept therapy movement it's been repopularized by
by bob proctor but is invented by dr thurman fleet
and the concept therapy movement so right over here
at the bottom you see your subconscious mind so the subconscious mind controls
95 percent of our life our conscious mind controls five percent of our life
well up until the time we're about six years old
we're in a total brainwave state of hypnosis so we're like a sponge
where it goes directly into the subconscious and what has happened is
as you know they've set up a very intelligent
propaganda system that began with edward brunet's when it started back in
the day when he started working for the united states government to improve
their image and he changed the name from the
department of war to the department of defense
and then this kept picking up he got women to smoke
and they built this entire system that's went directly into the subconscious
mind that controls 95 of people's life that's made them believe
they do not have the power now if you watch
info wars we're aware of what's happening in the world
right we know what's going on but here's what happens in reset wars
you find out how your subconscious mind was actually programmed
around spirituality around your finances around your happiness
and most importantly you find out the techniques that the ruling quote unquote
elite have been using in order to program
your subconscious mind the subconscious mind controls
everything and the whole point of this entire agenda
is this quote right here by edward brunet's it said we are governed
our minds are molded our tastes formed our ideas suggested and he goes on to
say largely by men that we have never heard of
these are the men that control the strings of an invisible government
so why is it that they want to shut down
something so empowering like reset wars right why do they want to shut down
something that's empowering like that because the entire agenda
is about keeping us stuck in lower dimensions of consciousness
this whole agenda is what alex talks about in the course it's a term called
the emotional control grid that he coined the ecg
the emotional control grid is the state of the emotional and mental
planes where we get trapped into lower dimensions we cut
ourselves off from our higher spiritual faculties and that's where they keep us
stuck that's where hopelessness breeds that's where
disconnect breeds that's where we feel a disconnection from
from god so the entire goal is to keep us trapped in these lower
dimensions of consciousness and that's what we're seeing
it's starting to fall apart that's what happened
in that beautiful prayer that we saw in canada
what was that that was a bunch of people tapping into the power of the holy
spirit right when we're in our minds we may think we're
hopeless when we're in our minds we may think we can't defeat this
when we're in our minds we may think that you know they've already set up the
whole control thing they're censoring everyone they're
shutting us down what can we do but when we call on that higher
spiritual power which is what i'm inviting everyone to do right now
is to call on it right now in this moment take a deep breath in and out
and see if you can feel that spirit pulsating in your hands
ask yourself can i feel spirit energy in my hands vibrating and just take a
breath in and out silence your mind don't ask
yourself yes or no but bring your attention to your hand
can i feel spirit energy this is what they don't want us to wake up to
that this whole agenda is about making us think we are just physical bodies
so who really controls the world well actually our subconscious mind does
our subconscious mind controls the world
but the whole agenda is about trapping us in a Newtonian model of physics
where we think we live in this little physical world of little physical
matter and we're out of effect to the elites and we're out of effect to
censorship and we're out of effect to their agenda
but here's what i think it's about time that we all wake up and we realize
it's about time that we drop the despair because we're closer than we think
you may feel alone you may not feel connected
you may feel disparaged you may feel unsure we're almost there
we are almost there and so if you go right now
to resetwars.com you can be a part of something huge
50 off the censorship special this has been shut down by facebook online
platforms this has been shut down by banking
they don't want this out the reason that they don't want this out is because
they're pushing the great reset agenda and they don't want you to have a plan
to combat it they don't want you to be able to make sense of it
they don't want you to prepare yourself mentally spiritually emotionally
financially they want you confused and disoriented
put a plan together for yourself and when you sign up right now
this is what we need to get alex jones and a book to the top of the new york
times bestseller list it's resetwars.com the 50 off
censorship special resetwars.com go ahead and sign up right now
i want to explain something that is absolutely feed understanding our world
it's very very simple but the most we'll don't know
the privately owned central banks of the world
are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars and other major
currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure
intellectual property energy they're using it to buy people to buy influence
and in the past they created thousands of trillions so that they could
leverage that manipulate markets but they never allowed that money
to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation
now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding
every sector of the world economy buying up everything
not to have the companies operate but to actually shut them down
and force the collapse of civilization making the companies they do fund
the only things left standing this is the great reset this is what's happening
now war on everyone it's the only way to stop it
a riotous mob whether they were present that day
or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy
the insurrection we will follow the facts wherever they
lead domestic terrorists the days of independent media are
numbered the government has made it illegal to oppose them
they are now deep banking us behind the scenes they want to bankrupt us
and make us go away quietly with practically half the population
wanting to lock the unvaccinated up in camps the traders
know they can shut us down by force but that would accelerate the awakening
exponentially so be it make them silence us by force
this is the final battle of the information war give now
buy products donate before everything changes
we need you to carry us through to the end victory or death
go now to infowarstore.com it's hard to believe
january 2022 is almost over and that means our big new year special
is about to end the highest quality whole food based
multivitamin and our best-selling vitamin c with zinc and rose hips formula
that absolutely turbo charges your immune system
are both on sale for just a few more days for 40
percent off at infowarstore.com there's a lot of other great products as well
where the sale is about to end on this coming monday
so that means as of the time i cut this on thursday evening
you've just got three days to save 40 percent off on high
quality products at infowarstore.com like our vitamin C
zinc rose hips formula that is again amazing for your immune system and so
much more and of course our whole food
multivitamin meaning it comes from organic sources
and is again the highest quality for your body it's all available at infowarstore.com
right now reset war is the only guy who can reset war is a great tool
it's amazing and eye-opening it really dives deeper into yourself
and into the bigger picture that doesn't necessarily go across
political lines or religious lines but about all of us
as a human species coming together i'm a combat veteran
and i mean that brought me close to god but what alex goes through
brought me even closer i can feel god in my life now the viruses that alex
talks to you about that are subconsciously programmed into your
brain and how to erase those programs and install
new reset wars is a step beyond what you already get in regular info wars
broadcasts it's an academic level course that will
raise your awareness and help you live a more conscious and self-determined life
if you're on the fence about reset wars it's time to get off the fence
join reset wars today
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
our future can be extremely bright our society can become the equivalent
of heaven on earth
a world where every human is able to flourish and prosper
so they can enjoy the world in a way not intended
however the future can also be very dark nightmarish
what difference does it make what i say
or what i do and that's exactly what these sick
and twisted elites with the demonic agenda want you to think
they want you to think that you don't matter and that their plan is invincible
but it's not but this is just not the case they're not invincible
but if enough people take matters into their own
spiritual and personal hands and make the decision that they
can make a difference and they can fight back against the corrupt powers in
charge then without a doubt we can defeat these power
hungry elites now the question is how do we do this
start your journey to true freedom now at resetwars.com
welcome back to the alex joneshow i am jake doosey filling in here on the
fourth hour in honor of alex's censorship special
for reset wars the censorship special you know
i've been a fan of alex probably just like you of reset wars just like you
of info wars excuse me for quite some time and
you know you hear about all these stories of censorship
it's another thing to see them firsthand reset wars
was put out and since that time de-platformed in a
myriad of ways terms of service violations across the board
and we're talking about a course that's empowering people that thousands of
people are sending videos of their lives being changed by it
why don't they want it out there and it's the same question
why is it that they feared Jesus why is it
is it because he knew they were corrupt no that's not why
they feared Jesus because he had the power of holy spirit he had the power of
God he knew that he could not as he said be not
conformed by this pattern of this world but be renewed by the
transforming of your own mind so what is it
what did they want they want to keep us trapped in lower states of consciousness
that's what this whole thing is about it's obvious that's why they've been
shutting down reset wars so we're doing a 50 off
censorship special it's reset wars calm for the next 72 hours
50 censorship special at reset wars calm for the next 72 hours
and you know what i was thinking about is how much
these elites fear people that are connected
to god how much they fear people that are not stuck in fear
how much they fear people that don't really believe
they control the world who controls the world
we do we've just given into this illusion that they're in control
but the hundredth monkey effect shows us something but they found out is
eventually when you got all these monkeys when enough of them would do the
same thing then boom all of them would because they were
connected on a collective unconscious level and we're moving to that point
and that's why signing up to reset wars is so important
it's about raising our consciousness it's about raising
our connection to spirit it's about raising our connection to god
and then just as this graphic shows we all tap in
to this collective unconsciousness and we're starting to see that more and
more people are waking up it's about time
there's nothing for us to be afraid of anymore they're the ones that are afraid
because why they're not connected to god they're
not connected to the creative power of the universe
they're not connected connected to the holy spirit they're in fear
and they can only win when we are in fear and i was thinking you know what
they would really fear is just imagine what would happen if
alex jones had the number one new york times bestselling book in the world
imagine if he was number one on amazon for an expose on the great reset
in the past alex had tried to do a book with
neil strauss and got shut down by almost every publisher
and we've been working on this behind the scenes
most publishers too afraid but we have one and they're willing to bite the
bullet here and they need to see the social
proof of how much people are ready to defeat the
great reset and so we're running the 50 off
censorship special right now when you sign up not only are you getting a
practical game plan on how to defeat the great reset the
psychological warfare dimension the spiritual warfare dimension
how to prepare your family in an entire history of how we've come to this
place alex breaking down in 11 chapters
everything from the history of the great reset and what it's really about
to the nature of reality quantum physics
how we can use the observer effect to recreate reality from a subatomic level
instead of letting them imprint into our subconscious and control us
right so this is a perfect example of it we think we're consciously creating
reality but our whole life's governed by the
subconscious they say you can't see the whole iceberg just the tip
well the subconscious is the bottom of the iceberg
and this is what controls literally all of our reality but here's the very cool
thing the more we wake up spiritually not just wake
up to what's happening in politics but the more we peel back the layers of our
own programming the more we send that energy
into the collective unconscious field and the more it helps more and more
people wake up right because that's all reality is a bunch of
electromagnetic fields and the goal is to keep them
in very frenetic dense fear-based states but that's what reset wars is about
breaking out of it so not only when you sign up right now
do we get that do we also get to laugh at these
censorship individuals that we just woke up again the other day and they had
shut down one of our new accounts and for violation of terms and service
we said obviously they don't want people to have this so let's run a 50 percent
off Spencer censorship special then we found out we have the
opportunity for Alex Jones to put together
probably the greatest expose book mass market book ever
on exposing the great reset reset and defeating
the great reset but we need the social proof to show
that people are ready for this information so we can move forward
with this book opportunity and when you sign up right now
to resetwars.com you're also in the founding
level of that right because i was thinking what
what would they do right obviously we know there there's going to be a big
push right before the book would come out and they're going to try to shut it
down and they're going to try to pull it off of all the accounts and
there's going to be people you know trying to burn the book and whatever
else they're doing and i just think that it would be
funny to see that first of all second of all
this is how we reach new people right you and i are info warriors we're
we're a part of the of the fundamental group
right but we need to reach new people and
this is about voting with your dollars you know you know what's happening you
know out they're trying to shut him down and this is about voting with your
dollars so go to resetwars.com right now
it's the 50 off censorship special sign up right now it's the 50 off
censorship special at resetwars.com and we want to thank you for your support
with all the craziness going on in the world
with the globalist plotting their next big lockdown
with the next phase of the great reset being a stage cyber attack
with the deep state pushing a civil war not just here
but in europe and war with russia with the massive inflation
and all the other garbage that's taking place like supply chain rate nouns
you need to get prepared now with high quality storeable food
that is ready to ship and it's been four years it's my patriot supply at
preparewithalex.com has offered their storeable food
at 25 off four years but right now it's 25 off until
february 13th 2022 a little over two weeks
from the time i'm cutting this to get 25 off at preparewithalex.com on the
entire catalog of my patriot supply act now
get prepared now this is absolutely essential for everybody that wants to be
self-sufficient a riotous mob whether they were
present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault
on our democracy we will follow the facts
wherever they lead domestic terrorists
the days of independent media are numbered the government has made it
illegal to oppose them they are now deep banking us
behind the scenes they want to bankrupt us and make us go away
quietly with practically half the population
wanting to lock the unvaccinated up in camps the traders
know they can shut us down by force but that would accelerate the awakening
exponentially so be it make them silence us by force
this is the final battle of the information war
give now buy products donate before everything changes
we need you to carry us through to the end victory or death
go now to infowarstore.com
get our great bag of it here i mean this is from people say
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best coffee in the world that's wild harvested
above organic in the volcanic soil better than watermelon coffee and yeah
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good coffee and we've got it and the farmers don't let the Mexican government
take over so i actually buy this from the Mexican
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the same stuff sold at Whole Foods under another name for about 50 percent more
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anywhere it's wake up america patriot blend from the Chiapas rebels
literally um in fact i'm gonna tell you a little story
um we had like that okay you wouldn't believe it
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sleepless nights seem to be a lot more common these days with everything
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and out selling out now at infowarstore.com
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
it's alex jones
info wars the most banned network in the world
welcome back to the alex joneshote my name is jake ducey and i'm hosting the
fourth hour in honor of alex's 72 hour censorship special
for reset wars it is 50 off i think it's probably the fourth or fifth place that
has now censored us removed us we just had another big
removal that just happened in the last i don't know
three to five days and alex said they don't want this out
let's do a censorship special and let's get some big big big movements
as we all begin this next stage of what i believe is the great awakening they
have the great reset and we have the great awakening
and since that transpired actually an incredible opportunity
seems to have surfaced obviously alex has got one of the biggest platforms
out there in the world so it should be a no-brainer for alex to be publishing
books all over the place but no everyone you know they're told
do not publish his books or the people that aren't told that they're just
there's too much of a backlash well we have a
very very very powerful and very spiritually connected
individual company that is ready to publish
a great reset expose a book get it to the top of the number one new york times
bestseller list by alex jones and they said look just show us the social
proof that people want this so when you go to reset wars dot com right now
and you sign up not only are you getting a step by step guide on how to
navigate the great reset how to use and reverse engineer
quantum physics to transform your own life we've had stories of people
healing depression saving marriages overcoming alcoholism
it goes on and on and on right because this whole agenda
is about making us feel defeated it's about making us feel disconnected from
spirit it's about making us feel disconnected from god
and it's about making us feel disconnected from our own lives and our own
world and feeling like well why the heck am i even
in this world right paramahansa yoga nanda
used to always say that that this realm is actually
a lower dimensional hellish realm now i'm not sure of whether that's sure or
not but i do know that the goal of the ruling elitist to make us feel like
that so we feel disconnected so even you and i that are
awake to what's happening in the world
we've lost that energy and reset wars is about regaining that that's why they've
shut it down that's why they've censored it
it's 50 off for the next 72 hours it's the censorship special and we were
told that if we can show the social proof
we've got a book coming out by alex jones
this year so not only are you getting that but you're also
voting with your dollars and becoming of the founding members
co-authors you know essentially of this mass market
great reset expose by alex jones that will be coming out soon if you go to
resetwars.com right now and sign up and
you know i thought in honor of those beautiful
truckers and in honor of that beautiful prayer that we're seeing
i thought why don't we take a minute here and wherever you are in the world
you may be in america you may be in los angeles you may be in
the midwest you may be in canada you may be in south america you may be in
australia you could be anywhere you'd be driving on the freeway
let's all take a moment and let's off let's offer a prayer
um dear god we call on you we call on
we call on spirit to work through us and make us an instrument of empowerment
and awakening right now in the world there's people down there's people
confused we call on you to make us all instruments with
each breath we take removing our minds removing our egos
renewing our minds with the holy spirit and helping to raise and elevate and
inspire this world because that's what they do not want
they don't want us inspired so take a deep breath in and out
say amen and call on spirit to move through you right now
and let's harness that energy let's bring that that energy from the heavenly
realms and let's become instruments of that right here in this
dimension because that's what they fear the most
that's what they fear the most they don't fear
anything other than people waking up in mass
to their true self which is that your spiritual being in a physical body as
alex said earlier we are in this world but not of it
and when we access that power that's when god fills us with the creative ideas
to transform our community that's when god gives us the
inspiration that can truly not only change your life
not only change your family's life not only change your community's life
but it gives us the spiritual perseverance and the spiritual strength
to carry on when they do not want us to carry on
and so i'm inviting you right now to pull out your phone pull out your
computer go to resetwars.com and sign up right now
they've censored this so many times you know i watched alex for years and i
always heard that they were doing this stuff but it's another thing to see at
firsthand this is really happening folks this is
really happening and they do not want this message
and they do not want this information to get out
so for your mother for your brother for your sister
for your friend go ahead and sign up it's 50 off this is the censorship special
and if we can get the social proof right now we can get
a number one new york times bestseller millions of people all over the world
to get exposed mass market to the great reset what is happening what it really
is and how to prepare so not only are you getting this
online course that they don't want us to know about because they don't want us to
have the preparations they don't want us to have a game
plan to navigate the great reset but we're voting with our dollars
and it's coming down to the to to crunch time
it's coming down to crunch time to get this book out before midterms
and we need the social proof we need you you know
i've heard alex talk about on air hey look we need your support
and i've been really blessed over the last while to get to know alex and see
what's going on behind the scenes at info wars and this is really happening
this is really happening folks and it's up to us to all come together right now
to vote with our dollars and to help everybody else wake up we're almost there
we are almost there so it's reset wars dot com
50 off and i just want to talk a little bit about some inspiring things that
are happening in the world right now right we have
tucker carlson waking up in mass and also just being absolutely hilarious
every single day we have millions of people standing up for freedom of
speech with with joe rogan even people that are leftist marianne
williamson even saying look we can't do that let people talk
about what they want to talk about we're seeing this free will this freedom
this spirit of god starting to inch its way through
inch its way through and every time you feel afraid every time you feel
doubtful every time you feel like they're about to put the clamps down
every time you feel like man i wish i didn't know how the world
really works i invite you to take a deep breath in
and out say a little prayer call on the holy spirit to move through you
to be an instrument because people need you right now your community needs you
right now and this whole agenda is about keeping
us trapped in that subconscious mind we're being programmed to believe
we aren't good enough we aren't smart enough we can't do it we're not as
powerful as alex shones or joe rogan or tucker carlson or
whomever it is but i want to tell you that if you
can close your eyes right now and you can say god
how do you make me an instrument god's gonna speak to you and it's going to
give you a message and it might be to run for a local office
it might be to start your own podcast it might be to build your own nonprofit
it might be to rebuild the education system
and in mass when we start to follow that inspiration
inspiration is in spirit when we stay connected to spirit
that's how we win and i know i've heard alex before
talk about hey look you know i don't want to cover all this
bad stuff happening in the world and i've heard people say look
you know covering the news is is beating me down what do we do
and i'm really proud that alex put together reset wars
to be a practical guide to find that inspiration
to reverse engineer the control systems of the world
and recreate reality from a subatomic level to go to resetwars.com 50 off
censorship special we know they want to shut this information down it's
happened more times than i could ever have imagined would occur
so open up a phone computer right now sign up 50 off the censorship special
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uh so that's just a great thing for kids i mean we could just do marketing
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your support there keeps us on the air we cannot thank you
enough reset wars
really dives deeper into yourself and into the
bigger picture that doesn't necessarily go across political lines or religious
lines but about all of us as a human species
coming together uh i'm a combat veteran and uh i mean
that brought me close to god but but alex goes through brought me even
closer i can feel god in my life now the viruses that alex
talks to you about that are subconsciously programmed into your brain
and how to erase those programs and install new
reset wars is a step beyond what you already get in regular info wars
broadcasts it's an academic level course that will raise your awareness
and help you live a more conscious and self-determined life if you're on the
fence about reset wars it's time to get off the fence
join reset wars today
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new world order it's alex jones
hey there fellow info warriors i just want to reach out
and give a recommendation to reset wars that's really powerful so if you guys
are looking transcend the mind to a higher level
more advanced knowledge than it's for you they did a great job on getting
everything together for this you know so if you guys are looking to take it to
the next level i'd definitely recommend it so keep up the good fight and we are
the resistance so stand together the way alex lays out the most critical
information makes it all very easy to absorb but the confidence and hope
gained from reset wars is priceless this course has not only confirmed my
purpose but has given me the ability to walk in confidence
towards my new path the reset wars program is honestly one of the first
times i've seen alex at this deep level of god
connection and love for the world and pushing out these good things with all
the science all the information to back it up so i just want to say thank you to
the info wars team and alex for putting all this together
anybody would benefit from watching this program alex goes into deep detail
about what we're fighting against and who we are
we were created in god's image we're children of god and we have the power
to fight what's going on in this world we have the power to fight it back
and i just feel rejuvenated i feel on fire i feel like
i'm ready to do this this thing is off the hook
and alex jones is trying to preserve tens of millions of lives
with this program and you can help i'm helping
if you want to change your life if you think it could matter to you to change
your life try reset wars dot com
welcome back to the alex jones show i am the host
jake ducey and i'm here in honor of the reset wars
50 off censorship special we were just shut down and attacked again
but we've been ready for it and watching those testimonials
it brings it definitely brings chills and i was trying to
i didn't want to come in and have tears in my eyes
but the reason that it makes me so emotional is because this is the key
right like if you've been wondering how do we win what do we do are we screwed
we are not you know christ may not have returned yet
but if he was here what would they fear most
they would fear the movement and connection to our own spirituality and
the movement and connection to god
there was a beautiful part of that one of those testimonials where
a woman shared that that the hope and confidence that she gained was
absolutely priceless and you know they're up to their
censorship and they're up to their political games
but at the core what this is about is a psychological and spiritual warfare to
trap us in despair and to trap us into hopelessness
the only way that they can win is if people like you and i that are awake
continue to feel hopeless and continue to feel despair
and the fact is that this course was created really based off of one quote
out of the bible to be not conformed to the pattern of the world but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind and what reset wars is about
is showing you how they built the control grid
how you've been programmed on an unconscious level and how to use the
hidden science that they've had to not only reprogram your mind to not only
find the spiritual strength but then be able to become an
instrument as we defeat the great reset so if you've asked yourself why did they
put together reset wars reset wars was put together to be that bridge
to help you be transformed by the renewing of your mind
because they want us to stay in the pattern of this world
they want us to stay in the pattern of this world that's why they've shut down
you know four five six different platforms
and services we've been using for reset wars because they don't
want this information out there so i want to encourage you to go to reset
wars dot com right now sign up for the 50 off
censorship special and i want to encourage you
to do something bold and do something big and do something brave
and even if you aren't sure i don't know how
i'm not sure if i'm capable i don't know if i have the time
i invite you to call on the holy spirit and ask yourself
and ask god what am i meant to do what they want us to say is
how do we get out of this crap oh my gosh why is this happening why have i
incarnated into this dimension they want us to stay trapped in our physical
selves but remember we are spiritual beings in a physical body
we are in this world but not of this world and if you look at everything
that's happening from the lockdowns declaring people
non-essential censorship what is it really about
and it's about making us feel like we don't have power
and they control the world but all of reality and what alex breaks down in
the reset wars course is that reality is really
a game of consciousness that is created from a subatomic level
based off of our own perception of reality one individual in that last
testimony was talking about i have never seen alex like this
this is alex not only in a totally calm spiritually connected state
delivering what he's been studying for 28 years
but reverse engineering it for how we take control of the world
it is an illusion that they control the world
the truth the ultimate truth is that we are creating reality right now
we're creating reality right now and we have a choice
are we going to give into the fear are we going to give into the anger and are
we going to get trapped into the emotional control grid which is a
term that alex coined for the course the ecg the emotional control grid which
traps us into lower dimensions of energy
and if we think of how do we defeat the great reset
think of it all as an energy game think of it all as a spiritual game
and it's all based off of momentum so the lockdowns
the the plans shut down and collapse of the economy
what is this this is about building momentum of fear
so that we harbor images of collapse shut down we lost our power
and what happens we influence reality from a subatomic level and we create
their own prison for ourselves they do not do it
we do it in the same way we can free ourselves from this system
and it's all about building spiritual energy and building spiritual
momentum specifically and i want to ask you
what is one way that you can show up in the image of god the likeness of god
the power of god through which you were created is it to run for your local
office is it to double the sales of your business
so that you have additional funds so you can extend the good you can do far
beyond your own physical presence is it to quit drinking
is it to quit smoking is it to quit falling back into the
the self-defeating patterns of anger and negativity so that
you can uplift your your household so that you can uplift your family
we're almost there and reset wars is a game plan
in order to do that step by step and just recently we had a big shutdown
of our hosting platforms for violation of terms and service
and it became incredibly obvious that this is what they fear most is people
waking up what do they fear they feared a bunch
of truckers that are offering prayer and calling on
the holy spirit to give them the spiritual strength to persevere
because once we tap into that energy we are not bound to the prison planet as
alex originally coined we're not bound to it anymore
so if you're wondering what can you do
what can i do to start to push the needle forward it's all about momentum
and it's all about the hundredth monkey effect reset wars.com is the bridge to
do that it's the bridge to peel back the onion
layers of the way that we've been programmed and the way that we've been
conditioned and it is a way that today you can
start to push the spiritual energy and the energetic
momentum towards god not towards fear
not towards the demons not towards the dark elite control system that wants us
to believe that they are in control they are desperate
to make sure that we do not wake up that's why they've always burned books
that's why the Vatican has its hidden library and that's why they didn't like
Jesus they didn't like him just because he said
hey don't do this with money don't do this with the central banking
they didn't like him because he showed people they are more powerful than they
believe and alex put together a system for
that that's what reset wars is all about we have
some exciting things on the way if we can show the social proof
so please vote with your dollars right now
50 off censorship special at reset wars.com if we get enough social proof
we're gonna have a major major book launch for alex coming out before the
mid-term elections we're gonna go to the top all of us
we're gonna go to the top of all the major new york times
that amazon bestseller list and we're gonna show them it's reset wars.com
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if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance