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Filename: 20220103_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 3, 2022
3192 lines.

Alex Jones talks about how mass formation psychosis has allowed people to be hypnotized by leaders who claim they can solve problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic. He warns listeners that this globalist agenda needs to be fought against before it's too late and encourages them to support InfoWars in order to help fund their efforts against tyranny. Additionally, Jones discusses topics such as banking fraud, vaccinations for children, lockdown effects, a South Korean study on COVID-19 transmission, and Cuomo's response in New York while promoting products from InfowarsLife.com that can aid listeners during difficult times ahead.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's Monday, January 3rd, 2022.
The Globalist House of Cards is coming down.
This is History Happening Now.
Tomorrow's news today.
The other thing for me has been the personal journey of coming to terms
With what the World Economic Forum really represents.
And I really resisted that.
People initially were coming to me talking about the Great Reset.
I was like, oh, this is crazy talk.
That sounds like a conspiracy theory.
It sure sounds like a conspiracy theory.
Great Reset!
Yeah, but then it's all documented.
And then you see it being deployed.
And a group of Canadians on a podcast the other day sent me some links from WEF to a site.
This is one of the last things I tweeted before.
And it had a extremely detailed map of all of the policy positions and the actions that the WEF was taking for a huge range of topics, not least of which is COVID-19.
And it's kind of a, it's a public document that clearly states, everybody that's in our little clique, in our club, these are the things that we will think, these are the things that we will
This is how we will act.
And that one was kind of like the icing on the cake.
That was that was, oh, here it is.
You know, this is they're proud of it.
They don't hide it.
This is this is the vision.
It is a full on globalist totalitarian vision with the money in control.
And and the whole
I did a lot of political science when I was an undergraduate in the early 80s and I had read things like about books about transnationalism in the New World Order.
I found that fascinating but confusing.
How could this possibly happen?
And now to see it playing out in real time and in a way in which national sovereignty governments are increasingly irrelevant.
Um, yeah, uh, that's, you know, that's the thing that folks got to wake up about.
This is not about the vaccine.
From basically European intellectual inquiry into what the heck happened in Germany in the twenties and thirties, you know, very intelligent, highly educated population.
And they went barking mad.
Um, and how did that happen?
The answer is mass formation psychosis.
When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don't make sense, we can't understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.
And one of the aspects of that phenomena is the people that they identify as their leaders, the ones typically that come in and say, you have this pain and I can solve it for you.
I and I alone can fix this problem for you.
Then they will follow that person.
It doesn't matter whether they lie to them or whatever.
The data are irrelevant.
And furthermore, anybody who questions that narrative is to be immediately attacked.
They are the other.
This is central to mass formation psychosis, and this is what has happened We had all those conditions if you remember back before 2019 everybody was complaining the world doesn't make sense blah blah blah And we're all isolated from each other.
We're all on our little tools We're not connected socially anymore except through social media and then this thing happened and everybody focused on it and
That is how mass formation psychosis happens, and that is what's happened here.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, Paul Watson's written a very important article with yours truly this morning.
That just went live at Infowars.com five minutes ago with the Pentagon and the British Ministry of Defense admitting that they are quote, creating mass formation psychosis.
Then when I and Dr. Malone and others point that out, they then use big tech to say it doesn't exist and censor or ban you if you do.
We have them red handed in criminal activity using mind control in the public.
We can defeat the enemies that have seized control of our governments together.
Everything we've witnessed in the last few decades has only been the build-up for what the globalists are doing right now.
This is their big offensive.
This is their takeover.
And this is the point that they're at their very weakest because now they've revealed themselves.
Now their world government, their permanent martial law, their medical tyranny is out in the open.
Their depopulation agenda has been exposed.
They're using their corporate power and trillions to go across the planet and shut down people telling the truth.
So listen, Paul Reveres, when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you pray for the broadcast, you're the tip of the spear.
And when you buy products at InfoWarsTore.com, you keep us on air.
Plus, we've got great products that have been sold out for months that are back in stock, 50% off, X2 and Winter Sun.
Both of these are in our top five best sellers.
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It's these two products.
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Only way we fail is if you don't take action.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, it is happening.
The world is waking up to the New World Order at levels never before seen.
Dr. Robert Malone sat down with Christy Lee Friday morning, fresh off the Joe Rogan podcast,
And said, look, you know, I'm a scientist.
I've got medical degrees, but I study a lot of political science as my minor.
And I read all these books by historians and individuals saying their world government was being built.
And I just couldn't see how they'd have a worldwide technocracy the way they were planning in the 80s.
But now we're living it, and what's incredible is you go to the Davos Group's own website.
They say we're authoritarian.
They say we're taking over.
They have a worldwide, globalist, authoritarian vision.
And they create the Standard Plan.
And that's what it is.
And then they roll it out to all the politicians they're bankrolling, many of which, over 45 years, that's how long it's been around, Klaus Schwab has paid and flown them out to the most fancy hotels, with the most fancy prostitutes, business deals, everything, the most promising college students.
And that's why, whether it's the Governor of California, or whether it's the Prime Minister of England, or whether it is the Prime Minister of the
New Zealand.
It doesn't matter.
Almost all of them swear allegiance to Klaus Schwab.
And why is Klaus Schwab so important?
You know who the head of the Bilderberg Group has been since the mid-1990s, right?
You know who it was before, right?
Prince Bernhard.
The husband of the Queen of the Netherlands.
Founder of the Bilderberg Group.
And when he handed the baton off, who'd he give it to?
Klaus Schwab.
So now you know why I was crawling over hedgerows in Europe and in the UK and in Germany and in Virginia.
To get video of these individuals when they would say 20 years ago, even 15 years ago, until Drudge Report linked our videos and articles about 13 years ago, it forced them to admit it existed.
They said it didn't exist.
So, talk about vindication.
We say Bilderberg Group's the most powerful globalist group running the planet and attempting a total takeover of every facet of our lives.
And then the head of it, while he's the head,
Going back 40 plus years of the Bilderberg Group, he's already gone out and set up the Dabos Group that is the public PR arm to then go buy and recruit everybody.
So you have to understand, when you see the head of the nation of New Zealand saying, unvaccinated may not leave your homes,
And soon we're going to start putting you in camps.
But if you're vaccinated, you may have an orgy with 25 people.
I love you're a new listener and you think that didn't happen.
Just type in New Zealand.
Prime Minister talks about orgies of the vaccinated up to 25.
She's not joking.
This is a pervert revolution as well to end the family and to have no real connections and no real deep roots.
Because let me tell you, you can say orgies are great all day.
They're the most dehumanizing thing ever.
I've never been in a full blown with like 10 people, but I've, I mean, I've, I've, I've been in, you know, I mean, I've done it and it never feels good.
That's why I didn't do it very many times.
But when you do it, you literally lose your connection because you're supposed to be having sex with somebody you really love, you really care about, not just treating humans like pieces of meat.
And that's why that's how their religion operates.
Orgies, pedophilia, and then that's just the beginning of it, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't know what, it was the most empty feeling I ever had when I would have sex with three or four women at a time.
And I didn't know why, I was like, why was that so, so horrible?
And that's when I repented when I was about 18 and got on my knees, because I was a good person overall, but the sex was evil, folks.
And it wasn't some church telling me that.
I could feel it.
It wasn't good.
I mean, I look,
Like, you know, Ryan Gosling or something when I was 18, and I'd literally just go and boom, pick up any woman I wanted.
And it was so incredibly soulless.
And I don't mean to go off on a jag about this, and I'm not telling those stories to act tough or cool.
It's like I've said, I've paid for abortions because I'm ashamed of it.
And yeah, I've had sex with three, four women at once.
And most guys are like, oh, that sounds incredibly studly and great.
I wish I could do it.
Well, if you enjoy that, you don't have a soul.
Because it's the most empty feeling in the world.
This is
They mate for life.
It doesn't mean we don't get divorces, it doesn't mean we don't cheat sometimes, and that's not good, and we repent of that.
The point is, is that we are meant to make big, deep connections with our mates.
This is a big deal.
So one of the most important rituals before childbirth and childrearing, those are the rituals.
The number one thing is having children and raising them up and loving them and being good and sacrificing for them.
That is the most powerful ritual there is of humans.
Sex is the next one.
Fighting and combat is below that.
These are the secrets of the universe.
Anyways, I went off on a jag about globalists.
The point is, is that we were covering Bilderberg in, what was it, Denmark one year, and we got the footage of all this, and all these men came up in the big glass windows, laughing at us, giggling at us with their arms around each other, all wearing towels,
And the whole joke was they were inside having sex with a bunch of people and using drugs and it was all that they were just making fun of us.
In fact, we got to find that footage somewhere because I want to say Klaus Schwab's in the group, folks.
I know once he came out on a window in Canada and it was Klaus Schwab at the window looking down when I was bullhorning.
We zoomed in, it was him up there.
But that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen, is
We are identifying the real people, the real people running the show.
And they want to dehumanize you and they want to take your humanity away from you.
But I remember the times, you know, I mean, I've probably been with multiple women 30, 40 times, and I've been with more than two, five, six times.
And the first few times you're like, God, that feels incredibly empty.
Why does it feel so empty?
Well, let me just do it again and see what doesn't feel empty that time.
But again, they want you to be in that emptiness, ladies and gentlemen.
They want you to be in that soullessness and that destructiveness, and it's not good.
And then once you've given your soul up doing that kind of stuff, because sex is a powerful ritual, then you don't even have any energy until you go do it again and again and do worse things.
And thank God I never went down that path.
I've repented here and I have admitted my crimes against humanity.
I mean...
Group sex with women is not good, but killing your kids is on the list way higher.
And people say, why do you say that?
Because I'm not going to sit up here and say I'm high and mighty.
I'm not going to sit up here and say I'm this great person.
But I love Jesus, and I love God, and I want out of this.
And I've been there, and I don't do any of that stuff now.
None of it.
For a long time.
But I know it.
And so I'm not going to sit here and tell you that things like that are destructive just because I read it in a book or some preacher told me.
Who's probably a pervert.
I've experienced it.
I've lived it.
I've done what the globalists do.
I've seen it.
I've been around it.
And I can tell you it's nothing but pure death.
But I'm going to stop right there.
We have such huge news today and I really need to just
Cover it all here and do the best job I can.
But we have just some massive, massive news that is so important.
Breaking mass formation psychosis admittedly used by governments as tool of population control.
And they're using mass formation psychosis to shut everybody down while it's all coming out.
That's why they're so scared of you learning what Dr. Malone talked about.
I just call it mass psychosis or mass Stockholm syndrome, but they technically call it this.
Christmas 2021 is over, but you've still got a really great chance to give yourself the gift of free speech and liberty and freedom into the new year, while at the same time making yourself healthier, wealthier, and wiser by boosting your immune system.
Two of our top-selling products that have been sold out for a long time are now back in stock.
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Thanks for keeping us on the air.
Since the end of World War II, the globalists have been building their private corporate world government, whose endgame, once they get control, is forced depopulation of the planet.
That's why as we begin to leave the year 2021,
And going to 2022, I am encouraging all of you out there watching and listening to count the cost and to realize how much danger you and your family are in.
The globalists are coming after everybody.
They are setting up a dystopic planetary authoritarian technocracy.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, Malcolm.
Alright, I'm gonna make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Uh, Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroyer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supramel Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so, it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like, super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
If you only knew the power of the dark side.
Join Bill Gates, and together, we will defeat humanity.
Then our God seed will reward us with eternal life.
That's basically the ethos of The Globalist.
They must first play God.
They must first prove that they are the fittest in their social Darwinistic system.
And, in a way, they're right.
If we let them lie to us and dumb us down and poison us and destroy our children's futures, the evidence is overwhelming and out in the open.
We really deserve what's happened to us.
So I ask you now, are you going to step up and expose the New World Order even more?
I know I'm pledging to step up and redouble my efforts.
The front lines of the fight is infowars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Uh oh.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask all of you listening to this live January 3rd Monday transmission, the first Alex Jones Show of 2022.
Wow, what an incredible year we're already in.
What a nightmare year we just left.
There are so many angles to hit, so much huge things to say.
But the first thing I want to tell you is all you need to do is read the government documents.
And there is a extremely important
You know, I had to have them add this morning to the headline that it's exclusive and that it's breaking because
People don't pay attention.
Let's understand this is new.
Now imagine Dr. Peter Malone interview with Joe Rogan gets dropped onto the web on Friday.
Our interview goes out Friday as well with him.
And Joe's goes super viral.
Ours goes viral.
Thank God you sharing the links.
And in it, he talks about mass formation psychosis.
Again, I'm gonna cover this in detail next segment.
And it gets just on Twitter that I saw more than 15 million views, the different clips.
This one had 3 million, this one had 2 million.
I sat there and counted it up with pleasure.
And I saw the left flipping out saying it doesn't exist.
Google in real time editing it and blocking the links and sending it to links of critics that were shooting videos saying it doesn't exist in live time.
All the leftist paid YouTubers, you know who they are.
The same folks that are on the Pfizer payroll.
So the new Pfizer talking points were going out by
Friday afternoon.
By Saturday they were blocking the interview everywhere.
There it is.
Google quickly resets screens results for mass formation psychosis after bombshell Dr. Malone Joe Rogan interview.
You can see right there a shot of the InfoWars interview.
So they totally and completely flipped out.
Now, why did they do that?
And again, this is why Alex Jones is different, and I'm not saying I'm that special.
I think everybody else should be like me, in that I don't think this is that special.
I just have a memory.
I'm sitting there last night going to bed at about 10 p.m., just put my daughter down to sleep, my four-year-old, and, because my wife's off at rehab, and I'm sitting there, and
It clicks, and I go, wait a minute.
I said, let me get out of bed.
Let me go research for a little while.
And I went and did about an hour of research.
I went, wait a minute.
That exact term is used in UK government and US documents about what they're doing with PSYOPs against the American people, where they admit they're trying to, quote, brainwash us.
These are quotes.
And create mass hysteria and fear to control the population.
So here's the big takeaway.
We just saw Google and Twitter and Facebook and the subsidiaries of YouTube and Instagram and Apple News and all of them all hands on deck to shut down the covert tactics coming out in the news that the military psyops are being used and that technology is being given to major media to brainwash the public.
And they even then give interviews later and say, the way we've used fear as dystopian, is it good we did it?
The very people doing it then later write articles admitting they did it, and then when we come out and we say, we don't want this, this is evil, this is wrong, their paid minions everywhere come out and say, Dr. Malone's a kook!
They don't show proof, they don't show a link, he's nuts!
And then just,
Mass psychosis.
You see the talking point.
He's crazy.
It doesn't exist.
And you say, why do they do that?
Because now we're not debating the term they're trying to suppress, mass formation psychosis, really just mass psychosis and the Carl Jung type term.
We're debating whether it's real or not.
See how they change the subject with the same gaslighting.
Yeah, we're going to make everybody take shots to buy and sell, leave their houses.
Well, hey, we're not for that.
Nobody's trying to make you take a shot.
They never validate you because they think you're childlike, but as soon as you don't care about validation by them, in fact, you don't want praise from them, as soon as you see attacks and punishment as victory, you're now a winner.
The moment you step into, you expect to be Christ-like and persecuted, and that you want the enemy 100% against you, that's when you step into victory.
Do the opposite of what they say, and you'll be in great stead.
Because the one thing these arrogant people can't do is ever admit they're wrong.
And they also like to brag how they screwed you over later to themselves, so they brag about it.
So that's coming up next segment.
It's just incredible.
Absolutely incredible that I have, you see this stack?
This is undoubtedly 40, 50 articles right here.
Mainline news, Pentagon press releases, BBC, Forbes, New York Times, Washington Post, telling you that they're brainwashing you and creating mass psychosis and using that term.
And then you go, hey, I don't want to be under mass psychosis.
They go, sweetheart, it don't exist.
That's the definition of gaslighting, where the man beats up his girlfriend and has five people say, honey, nobody beat you up.
You made it up.
And she breaks down and cries and goes into a psychosis because she cares too much about their validation.
She cares too much about what they said.
Look, if I told you I was wearing a pink shirt right now, and you see you're watching on TV, I'm wearing a black sweater.
No, I'm wearing pink.
I'm wearing pink.
This microphone's purple.
You're like, no, it's not.
It's black too.
My background is red.
No, it's green.
Go with your spirit.
Go with your eyes.
Go with what you know.
And they know you're doing that.
That's why they want to force you in the metaverse where they control things and can start flipping it back and forth to brainwash you.
It's all behavioral psychologists that are criminals and are evil and most of them are pedophiles.
The orgy cult is just the entrance to the door.
To get you to defile yourself and piss God off so God separates himself from you.
So that's all that's going on here ladies and gentlemen is a bunch of sick mental patients that went and got psychology degrees that have pumped all these drugs out and come after our kids and committed all these crimes and now they're trying to gaslight us and tell us what they've done to us doesn't exist while they brag in psychology today how they did it to us for our own good.
How they scared us.
How they brainwashed us in the Noble Lie.
So the people that kind of halfway wake up to it get upset, but are still in hypnosis, go, well, it's Noble.
I don't like being a wake-up pair out of the Matrix.
Let me sink back down into oblivion.
Canadian military saw COVID-19 pandemic as unique opportunity to deploy propaganda on our own population, including brainwashing and fear and mass hysteria, which is the same thing that Dr. Malone is talking about with the mass group in psychosis.
We'll talk about what they don't want you to know straight ahead.
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The globalists fear this information.
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That's become a maxim of people to communicate to others that they see through the fraud of the New World Order, that they're saying no to Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Great Reset.
And so now, Infowars credibility is stronger than it's ever been.
And the globalists are now coming to try to shut us down after all their other attacks, and we can't let them do that.
So, you've invested in Infowars over the years.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, what you get from me is always 100% real.
That's my superpower.
Is that I tell you straight up what I know and what's going down.
Before I hit
Mass Formation Psychosis and why the term is so important for you to understand and grasp and why the system is so scared of it.
I want to tell you something else.
I have been aware of things for a few months that I've not covered on air because I'm very torn by them and I'm usually very, very clear on things when it deals with me.
If something's moral for me to do, I'm very clear about what I should do and most of the time I do the right thing.
Almost always.
Then I get older.
I don't know what to do about what I know and I'm very serious about that when I said I know that's not a good trade of talk radio to be indecisive but I know of training camps around the country where the feds are luring in patriots for they believe the second American Revolution that the feds the globalists want to be violent and
They are planning terror attacks ahead of the midterms to be able to bring in martial law.
Now we've known that's coming, but now I've had enough chatter and enough connections, enough people, obviously that are useful idiots, but also working for the enemy.
Some of them try to rope us into it to where whatever I do, I'm just going to, I'm going to make a decision on it, but I'm going to talk about it because I got to warn people just like I warned you about Q.
And the rest of it, and this is such a big subject that I already got sucked in on January 6, just because every other Trump event had been peaceful.
I didn't think to try to check security myself and see what was going down.
Once I got to the Capitol, there was no security there, nothing set up, supposedly a stage.
We had the permit, all of it.
And then all hell broke loose.
We're walking into that very fast with 309 days of the election.
And they're going to pull this takeover and this crap well before then.
See, here's the deal.
Do I just talk about this all on air?
Or do I call the FBI
And tell them about their own operation to try to stop it.
Because I mean, we even know where this stuff is going on.
And we know the feds are running it.
And folks are like, well then expose it.
I understand that.
I just want the listeners to understand that most people would not get in the way of an FBI provocateur operation.
If you want to get killed, this is the way to do it.
So I'm going to go ahead and do the right thing.
And I'm not going to wait long to do it.
I told you 2022 is going to be hell.
I'm going to try to stop them from provocateuring patriot terror attacks, and I'm going to try to stop the lockdowns, and I'm going to try to stop the whole New World Order and their mass formation psychosis.
But, and I don't feel sorry for myself, but I do feel inadequate because
We're here on air covering exactly how everything operates.
I mean, I mean, see, see, that's, see, here's my problem.
It's why I almost didn't do the show today.
And it's not a drama queen thing.
I really gut level feel like I should just leave for a few weeks and like go sit in the woods and my family's East Texas property where my ancestors are from and just really pray for weeks before
Imagine giving a super powerful speech that you know hundreds of millions of people are going to watch and listen to.
And you know presidents have five or six speech writers, they spend weeks or months writing it, and it's all rehearsed over and over again, they deliver it.
These speeches I give are that important.
And I don't say that from a power trip perspective, it's the opposite, in that I don't have a way to get across to you the gravity of the situation I'm in and you're in.
Because I'm somebody that's already made a friend of death.
And with that, I mean, I guess the system destroying my family.
And I pledged a long time ago to do whatever happened, no matter what happened.
And now it's happening.
But all I can tell you is this is 100% real, folks.
And you know it now.
And I know it now.
And it's just crazy to hear the old timers talk about this and say this was coming.
And to now actually be inside of it.
And then to see other people that don't get how much danger they're in.
That's the most frustrating part, because if we could just wake people up, we'd be out of this just like that.
Just a snap of the fingers.
I know I said this segment, I've covered this, I'll cover it next.
The next segment's 11 minutes long.
It's the longest segment of the hour, but let me just say what I'm really thinking about here.
They're getting ready to stage terror attacks and blame it on all of us.
That means you collectively, all of us that love freedom and love God and love justice.
And they'd hoped Trump would, you know, be the one.
They're already imploded the border.
They're killing the dollar.
They're devaluing everything.
They're making their move.
They're starting wars with Russia.
They're letting China take over.
And they are literally abusing our children in public schools with all sorts of masks and social distancing and brainwashing that they're dirty and they're evil.
And they've ramped up all the abortion garbage and all the race war garbage and the defunding the police and the crime waves and all the rest of it.
And I'm just sitting here frustrated watching all this happening.
And it's just, it's just, it's just incredible.
So I really wet the appetite of the establishment last week when I was very clear on what I said, they misrepresented it.
And said, Jones is going to dish the dirt on Trump's corruption.
If he doesn't get straight on vaccines.
What I really said was I'm pissed off about Trump going along with these poison shots and doubling down.
And that if he continues joining the enemy, he puts himself in their column and then I've got to go after him.
That that's what I said, not do what I want or I'm going to get you.
They misrepresented that.
That's not how I operate.
And he came out this weekend in a big speech to a big crowd and doubled down and said, take your shots.
They're wonderful.
They save lives.
There's no side effects.
It's the best thing since mother's milk.
All a complete lie.
So when I said dish the dirt on Trump, I said not that he's bad or corrupt, but that he is
Surrounded by corrupt people and that he is getting worse and that he isn't playing 4D or 3D chess.
He's not even playing checkers because I know the inside baseball.
I don't come out and attack his social network because I want it to fail.
Hell, I want independent systems.
We need that.
We got to have that.
I'm mad because I know the insiders and the people involved in the SEC investigations and how it doesn't work and how it's a scam and how
It's just so pathetic that evil can get organized to build a Twitter or a Facebook or an Instagram or a TikTok, but we can't do it.
You know, the World Economic Forum, they can figure it all out.
But us good guys, we just can't ever seem to get it done.
You know, InfoWars had to set up its own systems, its own sites, its own programs, its own streaming, its own satellites, and that may not sound like a lot nowadays when everything's built in, but I've got articles here today where major phone carriers, and we told you this was the next shoe to drop, are now blocking text from hundreds, including InfoWars and Gateway Pundit, of sites.
Not letting you text message people articles.
That's the next level.
And we knew it was coming, they said it was coming, and now it's here.
So every day you can share articles.
Every day you can share videos.
Every day you can go to Bandot Video and share a report.
Every day you can text message or email somebody something.
You better do it now!
Because as I told you, they were going to censor Trump off the internet months before the election last year, or the year before last now, 2020.
This is coming.
This is here.
This is incrementally being done, and we're watching the takeover happen now.
We need to wake up to it and use our human intelligence to shut it down.
Christmas 2021 is gone.
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I'm in California.
People are asleep and program controlled.
I agree.
How do you make the sleeper awaken, William?
Oh, hi Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Can I plug Alex real quick?
Yeah, go ahead.
Hey, I'm in my 60s and I do the work of 25, 30 year olds and I work them into the ground and you want to know why?
And I've tested this and I've taken your B12 and let me tell you, when I don't take it, I pay a price.
I really do.
I take that B12 and I'm electric.
Man, I can run 10 miles.
I do some pretty heavy work with the highway department and my friends will attest to the fact that, yeah, for a guy in his 60s, you know, pushing 70, and I'm not just blowing smoke here, the B12 saves my life.
Since the end of World War II, the globalists have been building their private corporate world government, whose endgame, once they get control, is forced depopulation of the planet.
That's why as we begin to leave the year 2021 and go into 2022, I am encouraging all of you out there watching and listening to count the cost and to realize how much danger you and your family are in.
The globalists are coming after everybody.
They are setting up a dystopic
Planetary authoritarian technocracy.
A dictatorship of the globalist.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
Your investment in us over the years, buying our products, spreading the word, and praying for us has been incredible.
But I'm telling you right now, we're about to lose not just InfoWars, but the entire country and the world to tyranny.
So now, everything you've done in the past needs to be redoubled today.
And InfoWarsStore.com is one of the most important places you can go to buy great products and fund the tip of the spear.
I will go down with the ship.
I'm not going to back down.
I'm getting even more hardcore in their face, but I can't stay in the fight at 100% unless you support us, so please go to InfoWarshore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Mass formation psychosis.
A term Dr. Robert Malone last week talked about with Joe Rogan and with InfoWars in two different powerful podcasts.
You can find the full interview with Christy Lee and Robert Malone at InfoWars.com or by going to FreeWorldNews.tv or Band.Video.
And the system is fighting around the clock to suppress this information.
Yeah, it's got a million, 75,000 views.
It needs to have 20 million views if we're going to win.
But it's gotten that over on Joe's platform, and so that's really what matters.
One way or another, we're going to get the globalists.
One way or another, I'm going to get you, get you, get you.
So that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
But here he is talking about it before I actually cover it in the documents, because they're so scared of this.
I mean, no exaggeration on Twitter, at least 15 million views.
Of this clip you're about to see.
Here it is.
And how did that happen?
The answer is mass formation psychosis.
When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don't make sense, we can't understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.
And one of the aspects of that phenomena is the people that they identify as their leaders, the ones typically that come in and say, you have this pain and I can solve it for you.
I and I alone can fix this problem for you.
They will follow that person through.
Then they will lead.
It doesn't matter whether they lie to him or whatever.
The data are irrelevant.
And furthermore, anybody who questions that narrative is to be immediately attacked.
They are the other.
This is central to mass formation psychosis, and this is what has happened We had all those conditions if you remember back before 2019 everybody was complaining the world doesn't make sense blah blah blah um and We're all isolated from each other.
We're all on our little tools We're not connected socially anymore except through social media um and then this thing happened and everybody focused on it and
That is how mass formation psychosis happens.
And that is what's happened here.
And that is what's happened here.
And then it turns out I have at least 2030 mainstream news articles bragging how they quote brainwashed and created mass fear and hysteria to control the public during COVID-19 all over the world.
But oh, now Twitter and Google and Facebook and all of them are censoring
That term and don't want people to know about mass formation psychosis, which is just mass psychology, mass psychosis, mob rule, what I call mass Stockholm syndrome.
That's my term.
So here it is.
What is mass formation psychosis?
Robert Malone makes COVID-19 vaccine claim on Joe Rogan.
Well, I mean, it is mass psychosis that a mask doesn't protect you, but you think it does.
And the system admits they're using it as a fear symbol.
I mean, they admit that.
I'm going to show you that, but that's the thing.
They don't want you to be analytical and know the facts.
They want to scare you into submission.
Here's another one.
How have we gotten here?
Mass formation psychosis.
Big article out before the Joe Rogan interview laying that out.
Now here's some from a year ago.
London Telegraph.
Use of fear to control behavior in COVID crisis was totalitarian, admits scientists who were part of the program.
Here's another one.
Military leaders saw pandemic as a unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques of Canadians.
Forces report says, to lock you in your homes, to keep you in total fear, and to make you submit to the system.
That is out of the Ottawa Citizen, the major paper there in the capital of Canada.
What is mass formation psychosis?
Robert Malone, again, breaks it down.
Here's the Daily Mail from April of last year now.
The covert tactics used to scare Britons into staying at home.
How SAGE document called for increase in perceived threat of COVID using hard hitting emotional messages.
And it goes into the terms of mind control and brainwashing.
In the UK government document, I'm going to show you in a moment, that is how you invoke mass psychosis.
How ministers use covert tactics.
State of fear.
Covert tactics?
No, it's all out in the open when you know what you're looking for.
To keep scared public in home.
Chicken little scenario to break down the economy, lock down the world, to bring in the post-industrial world.
There's a whole article how they're using psychological terms to control you.
Propaganda expert warns of global COVID psy-op.
Citizen Journal.
Excellent report.
Here's one out of CBC.
That's the government channel in Canada.
Military campaign to influence public opinion continued after defense chief shut it down.
The defense chief shut it down, said it was illegal, later resigned.
They didn't care.
They're the rogue government.
They engaged in lies.
They engaged in fear to bring in a permanent martial law system, which we're now entering.
I got a stack on that coming up.
Here's the actual report out of the British government.
Options for increased adherence to social distancing measures, put out on how to brainwash and create fear and mass conditioning.
Exactly what we're talking about.
COVID coercion!
Boris Johnson's psychological attack on the UK public.
COVID-19, the brainwashing techniques used are identical to those of the sex.
Serious brainwashing sex.
That's mainline news.
COVID-19, a psychological military operation.
And it goes on and on.
Lockdown is the world's biggest
Psychological experiment, and we are going to pay the price.
You have brainwashed children, lower IQs, mass suicide.
The globalists are killing us, not to protect us from a virus that they cooked up at Mulan and released.
The biggest psychological experiment in history is running now.
Scientific American.
They admit they're doing it.
Canadian military saw COVID-19 pandemic as a unique opportunity to deploy propaganda
On own population, the military attacking its own population.
They've had top Pentagon officials that have retired come out and say they were ordered to use techniques that were banned against Al Qaeda against the American people.
Remember that OAN report?
COVID hit Canadian provinces, insinuates vaccine passport system as health care leaders call for aggressive action and military aid.
Now the military is taking over the hospitals here in the US.
It's all there.
Canada military conducted a PSYOP against Canadians.
New details emerge of Canadian military's plan to suppress popular opposition amid COVID-19 pandemic with Trudeau talking about how he's a dictator and bragging about it and saying, yeah, we're taking your basic freedoms.
And Canada's the worst.
They're the place where they're just, they think they have the most subservient
Population, so they are just throwing it all out in the open.
And then I've got this report, Lockdown Psyops Propaganda.
This is from months ago.
This has even got more articles in it.
So stop pretending you're part of the power structure.
And start realizing this is mind control they're using against you and the people you see under it.
The mask is the symbol of their fear, the symbol of their subservience, the symbol that they're scared and they just think give the abusers what they want and they'll be nice to us and they'll leave us alone.
I'm going to close out this hour letting you know that we're going to hit the plan to stage terror attacks in the next 300 days and blame the American people to bring in permanent martial law couldn't be more critical.
The massive censorship taking place and how to fight back against that and more.
If you go to the live show feed of the broadcast today, you'll see that Getter is a great social media network that's exploding right now.
And Joe Rogan joined it, and it's getting even bigger.
We hope you all follow us there.
We'll have a lot of exclusive content there on the Alex Jones channel there.
But if you put up the live show feed, global exclusive Pentagon documents confirm government's using mass formation psychosis to brainwash the population.
If you scroll down,
You can find the getter account for Alex Jones.
We're posting a lot of exclusive content.
I want everybody to go there now so we can stay in contact.
That's a key part of this battle.
The new year is here, and our new big specials are available and keep us on air, plus the things you really need.
X2 Deep Earth Crystal, the good halogen, the purest iodine out there to be taken internally, and you can do so many other things with it.
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The old, the young, everybody needs it.
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So stock up now while you still can.
They're breaking down the supply chains.
They're really attacking supplements.
So please shop at Infowarsstore.com today with huge discounts.
Not just those, but several others.
We'll be right back.
Everything we've witnessed in the last few decades has only been the build-up for what the globalists are doing right now.
This is their big offensive.
This is their takeover.
And this is the point that they're at their very weakest because now they've revealed themselves.
Now their world government, their permanent martial law, their medical tyranny is out in the open.
Their depopulation agenda has been exposed.
They're using their corporate power and trillions to go across the planet and shut down people telling the truth.
So listen, Paul Reveres, when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you pray for the broadcast, you're the tip of the spear.
And when you buy products at Infowarsstore.com, you keep us on air.
Plus, we've got great products that have been sold out for months that are back in stock, 50% off, X2 and Winter Sun.
Both of these are in our Top 5 Best Sellers.
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And if there's two things you do for your body, it's these two products.
They're all back in stock at InfoWareStore.com.
50% off and it keeps us on the air.
Only way we fail is if you don't take action.
UN-run contact tracers aren't coming, they're here.
All over the world, from Australia to the United States, from Canada to Germany.
These tyrants are tracking everything you do, everywhere you go, and then coming to your house and threatening, in some cases actually, taking people away into the night to their facilities.
And they're planning in the next year to expand their shield process where they come and take, quote, healthy people away and put them in facilities for their safety.
This is nothing less than martial law.
And one big thing you can do to fight back is to get high quality Faraday cages, many of which are made here in America and are very compliant, meaning U.S.
government military grade, at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have the entire line of Silent Pocket ready to ship to you when you visit InfoWarsTore.com.
Again, we have big backpacks,
We have special dry bags, we've got them for cell phones, we've got them for laptops, we've got them for iPads.
It's all there at InfoWarStore.com.
So protect your privacy today and support the InfoWar at InfoWarStore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, I'm going to cover a lot of huge news in the next segment.
Because I got to get this stuff out now.
I don't know how long we're going to be on air.
I mean, you can feel the evil.
You can feel the good rising against it.
Cut the suspense with a knife right now.
And I just see the person still just into TV and into culture, like, yeah, New World Order them, but hey, I'm going to go watch a movie and I'm going to go eat some, you know, steak tonight.
And I'm not blaming you for wanting to do that.
But I'm also pointing out it's all burning down.
The globalists are taking over now.
They're coming after the children.
The lockdowns are happening.
I'm going to cover that next segment.
Here's a special report, though, by Greg Reese that, OK, it's got a half million views and he's 10 million views.
This is total proof they're murdering you with the so-called vaccine.
Internationally recognized leading pathologist, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, and renowned expert in the fields of microbiology and infectious diseases, Dr. Sukrit Bhakti, recently published irrefutable evidence that the mRNA shots are killing at least 40% of recipients.
First, they explain why the experimental agents cannot protect against a viral infection, which we already know to be true by the overwhelming evidence and admissions that the more vaxxed up a person is, the more likely they are to get COVID.
Doctors Burhart and Bhakti explain that this is due to the fact that the so-called vaccines sway the body into producing antibodies in the blood, but not within the mucous membranes that normally protect our respiratory tract.
This is why the vaccinated are suffering what they call breakthrough infections.
The COVID vaccines are turning off lymphocyte production where they need it the most, while amping it up in the bloodstream, which is where it gets much worse.
For those without the vaccine, a natural infection with SARS-CoV-2 will in most cases remain localized to the respiratory tract.
But for those who have been vaccinated, unrelated cells deep inside the body react to the respiratory infection by creating a new spike protein, which then causes the cell that created it to be attacked by the immune system.
Experts warned us of this last year, and now it is clearly seen in the evidence.
Doctors Burhart and Bhakti found this autoimmune disease present in most organs, but mostly in the heart, which helps explain why we are seeing so many cases of myocarditis and cardiac arrest.
The vaccines trigger self-destruction.
Analysis has now been performed on the organs of over 70 people who died after vaccination and who died for reasons officially unrelated to the vaccines.
In most cases, rhythmogenic heart failure was postulated as the cause of death, a mystery which has now been solved.
What they found was inflammatory events in small blood vessels, characterized by an overabundance of T lymphocytes and dead cells, usually accompanied by tissue destruction.
In other words, immunological self-attack.
The evidence clearly shows that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines from all four manufacturers are inducing autoimmune disease in multiple organs, mostly the heart, followed by the lung, liver, thyroid, and brain.
These data are so damning that you don't have to start looking for other data to know that these vaccines are killing the young and the old.
So the children are set up against the wall and they shoot.
These damn people are shooting.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Christmas 2021 is over, but you've still got a really great chance to give yourself the gift of free speech and liberty and freedom into the new year, all at the same time making yourself healthier, wealthier, and wiser by boosting your immune system.
Two of our top selling products that have been sold out for a long time are now back in stock.
Winter Sun, the highest quality vitamin D3, taken under the tongue for higher absorption, is back in stock.
Despite the fact it's been sold out for months, it is 50% off.
And then our number one bestseller of all time, Survival Shield X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, the game changer, the missing link, not just for immune system, but all electrochemical activity in the body, it's back in stock, 50% off.
So that's the New Year's special.
And that's Christmas comes early in 2022, ladies and gentlemen.
Give yourself a gift of health and clarity and focus with X2 and Winter Sun at infowarestore.com.
50% off for a limited time.
Thanks for keeping us on the air.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You want answers?
You want to get out of this tyranny?
Well, so do I, my friends.
And I know how to get out of it.
Identify the globalists and how they are psychologically weakening us, how they are dumbing us down, how they are rolling out their Great Reset, and say no to them and stop them.
Submission is death to these tyrants.
Resistance is victory.
And all over the world,
In Germany, in Italy particularly, they told them, don't go out on New Year's, don't fire fireworks, you'll be arrested.
And so they're reporting dozens and dozens of times what would normally be fired off were fired off as a symbol of people in places like Naples, in places like Rome.
Saying no and millions marching in Germany and millions marching in France and millions in Spain and places like Madrid.
They said over a million people on the streets of Madrid.
People are not submitting to this being told to stay indoors.
Oh, because of a virus.
It's all martial law training and then shocking footage of riot police running over men, women and children.
...to try to rout people and create intimidation.
What happens when they turn on the government and actually take over the palaces and things?
Well, the globalists want that.
Then that'll plunge the stock markets, consolidate control, and the globalists will come in and buy the country up for pennies on the dollar.
That's why they have German shepherds literally attacking and ripping open people's bodies.
As you're watching right now all over Europe, the police have been hired because they're subservient, they've been hired because they follow orders, and now there there is the detonator
To carry out these illegal orders that cause a mass uprising that in the documents that came out in 2002, the secret IMF documents that Greg Pallas to BBC got, back when they still had good reporters there, was they order the police to do things and carry out policies that will break the social construct.
That will break the social contract.
And we'll make the public see the government as the enemy.
Because the globalists are the banks sitting back, they can change governments.
So have the people, because they're under attack, attack back and crush the government.
It falls, they come in.
And that's where they cooked the virus, released it, created a so-called vaccine that gives you cancer and heart attacks and death.
That was the plan.
That was the program.
You've got these childlike populations in Europe, in the U.S.
that have lived in liberty so long and haven't been in a big war in 70, 80 years, that they don't know what tyranny is.
But now they're realizing being locked up in your house, being told you got to take a poisonous shot to have a job, all of this sets the precedent of total control.
And then you've got big pharma paying people billions a month.
It's billions a month total in the world.
Look it up.
To lie and say no side effects, it works great.
Don't listen to those that say it doesn't protect you.
Even though they're saying you gotta have your fourth or fifth shot now because it doesn't work.
And Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
did a full interview.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
smashes COVID narrative.
Nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism, which equates to resistance is victory.
Here's what he had to say.
It's time we started standing up to all of these mandates.
You remember when the government told us, when Tony Fauci told us that we were going to lockdown, he said it was for two weeks.
And now it's been almost two years.
And I'm going to tell you three things that you need to remember in this critical day and age.
One is that once government acquires a power,
It never lets it go voluntarily.
The second thing that we need to know is that every power that government acquires using this pandemic as a pretense, it will ultimately abuse to the maximum effect possible.
And this is just a rule that is as certain as gravity.
The third thing you need to know is that nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism.
Every time you comply, the demands will get greater and greater.
We need to resolve
Here and now, this is the hill that we need to die on.
They have come for our jobs.
They've come for our transport.
Now they're coming for our children.
And we have an obligation as parents to protect them.
There has never been a government in history that has told its people, we are going to demand that children sacrifice themselves and take risks to save old people.
It's always the other way around.
The old, the mature, the adults always put themselves at risk to protect their children.
This is an ethical issue.
It's a moral issue.
It's an issue of character for each of us.
And it's an issue about the preservation of democracy and public health.
We all need to stand up now and do everything that we can to block
These power plays by authoritarian powers that are trying to steal from us the health of our children.
Absolutely beautiful.
You know, when he says we've never put adults above children in the last 500 years of the Renaissance and Christianity really finally taking over.
All before that, the pagans always tortured and killed kids.
That was their religion.
This is paganism that we see taking over right now.
So Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
is absolutely the very blood of truth when he says all that.
And you notice, I boil it down very simply.
Compliance is death.
Compliance is death.
Resistance is victory.
Compliance is death.
Resistance is victory.
Compliance is death.
Resistance is victory.
You know where that comes from?
You see that?
To the Welsh longbowman, a thousand years ago, and then even after that, when the English were able to take over France several times, it was that they had the longbows, and if the Norman ever got you, they'd cut your fingers off, your index and your middle, so you couldn't pull that bow.
That's why they'd tell them, you see that?
Got my fingers!
I can fight back.
I'm going to kill you back then physically.
And right now they're killing our children physically.
We're going to destroy them psychologically.
And then they're going to be arrested in Nuremberg too and go to jail.
But criminals can't help it.
They cook up schemes and they make their moves and they've done it now.
We're going to break in a few minutes.
I'm going to come back though and hit the bad news.
You just saw some of the good news.
Humanity waking up and saying no.
I'm interested in it every day as this stuff gets more intense.
Separately, I cannot impart enough on you the amazing job you've done.
All of you, you know who you are, that have listened to us, that have prayed for us, that have bought the products over the years, have supported our sponsors.
You really are the tip of the spear.
And now, all that investment, all that time, and all that energy you've put into promoting liberty is nine months pregnant.
I mean, this is the big battle.
This is the big time.
So take the articles, take the videos from InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and FreeWorldNews.tv.
And take clips of them and share them and change the name and put your name on it.
I don't care what you do.
You have full permission.
In fact, I'm on my knees asking you to share the articles and videos now more than ever because you are unstoppable.
Also, financial support.
Let me tell you.
For some reason, we ran out of my house a month ago and I started noticing energy levels.
So I finally, last night, came to work and got a bottle of X2 and took it home because it had been sold out and I hadn't got another bottle.
Deep Earth crystal iodine, the opposite of fluoride.
They're hitting you with fluoride because it attacks your cells, lowers your electrochemical activity, absolutely attacks your DNA.
What's the good halogen do?
Pure iodine.
Most people can't absorb the rest of the iodine that's out there.
It's usually bound to stuff because it's so active.
It's such a, I mean, pure iodine.
You put a drop of it on a table, it's like, I dream of genie.
It like turns into a purple cloud.
It just aerosolizes.
This is bound up in this palm oil.
Your cells just gobble it up like ambrosia.
It's 50% off, sold out for months, back in stock.
And Vitamin Mineral Fusion's about to sell out, with all the vitamins, all the minerals, all the ketamine amino acids.
But despite that, it's 50% off as well, and it funds the operation.
We'll be right back with Fauci's latest criminal activity.
Christmas 2021 is gone.
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The globalists fear this information.
Not just across the United States, but across the world.
You see it on the sides of barns, and on bumper stickers, on cars, and written on the side of bathroom walls.
Alex Jones was right.
That's become a maxim of people to communicate to others that they see through the fraud of the New World Order, that they're saying no to Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Great Reset.
And so now, Infowars credibility is stronger than it's ever been.
And the globalists are now coming to try to shut us down after all their other attacks, and we can't let them do that.
So, you've invested in Infowars over the years.
I'm asking you to redouble those efforts now at this critical juncture, or everything you've done in the past is for nothing.
You have invested in justice and the truth and hardcore populism.
You have done incredible things.
And I'm telling you now, going into 2022, InfoWars has major underages to run our operation and we need more funds in.
So it's a 360 win.
Get great products that are great for you and your family, your immune system, and so much more.
So please go to InfoWarsStore.com.
It's time to protect your privacy.
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It's amazing.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Remember the Buddhist monks that were sick of the Vietnam War and the millions of people dying, including hundreds of thousands of children, who would just set themselves on fire?
They're not going to be violent to you.
They're not going to say what you're doing is wrong.
They're just going to go tell both sides that this is what you're doing to humanity and set themselves on fire.
That takes a lot of will, a lot of courage.
It just happened in Australia with a protester against the ongoing lockdowns, and the left is calling him a firebomber.
See, how do you spin it when somebody kills themselves to protest peacefully?
Well, you call him a firebomber!
Australian man sets himself on fire over COVID vaccine passports.
But you read deeper, because he didn't just set himself on fire, they're calling himself a bomber.
That's how these sick freaks spin everything.
They think living in a world where you screw people over makes their life better.
They don't know the hell they've created.
That's coming up next segment, but let's look at this right now.
There's video of this.
I forget what number it is, guys, but get it ready, thanks.
Fauci decries and decrees, because he's God, Fauci decrees with his crown on that vaccine boosters Americans should not leave home.
So even if you've had all the shots and your booster, you can't leave your house.
But if you say the vaccine isn't a vaccine, it doesn't work, and lowers your immunity, which they admit is true, then if you're like Marjorie Taylor Greene, or Dr. Robert Malone, or Alex Jones, you get banned.
You understand?
Fauci, though, is allowed to say it.
You're not allowed to say that it doesn't work.
Here's the clip.
How should vaccinated and boosted people behave?
Can they go into a restaurant, eat safely indoors right now?
You know, when you're having such a, I call it a tsunami of infections, Dana, we are seeing people who are vaccinated and boosted who are getting breakthrough infections.
So when you're in a situation where you have so many infections going out,
The thing that you want to say is that if you want to do things like that, better do them in a setting where you know the people around you are vaccinated and boosted.
And that's the reason why I've been saying, when asked about the holiday season, the safest thing to do is to be in a home setting, friends, relatives who you know are vaccinated and boosted.
If you want to go the extra step of safety,
Then get a quick antigen test, which will give you an extra degree of safety.
What you want to avoid are places where you have 20, 30, 40, 50 people, many of whom you have no idea of whether or not they're vaccinated or boosted.
That's more risky than the home setting.
That sounds like a yes.
So the authoritarians know they've taken over the planet through fraud.
They know they're imploding the currencies.
They know if we get together, we're going to overthrow them.
So they're just saying getting together causes death, and then the police come and attack you if you get together.
And then meanwhile, statistically, it's the places where they're extremely injected and locked down where they have the highest levels of disease and death that are now taking place.
See how that works?
See how they figured all that out?
They've done a great job of it, haven't they?
But notice, oh, you're not safe when you took all the shots, even boosted, because the other people didn't take it.
Oh, I get it.
Letting you know that it didn't work, but blame those that didn't take the shot for the fact you're sick.
And that's how they set up this whole plan to roll this out.
It's how I told you 23 months ago now, in February of
That this was coming.
And I told you it's not 15 days to flatten the curve.
It's going to be years and years and years until they announce it's permanent.
Hence the statement that I coined, the worst part of the first 15 days.
The worst part of 15 days to flatten the curve is the first two years.
And somebody else said it, nobody knows who.
But it's absolutely true.
That what do the vaxxed and unvaxxed have in common?
They're both never fully vaxxed.
Video Fauci decries that vaccinated and booster Americans should not leave home.
Oh, and I remember talking to NYPD cops that are listeners.
They said, well, this guy's a Democrat, Eric Adams, but he claims he'll end the lockdowns, the mandates.
Oops, sorry.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams will keep de Blasio's private sector vaccine mandate plans potential expansions.
The big guys want control.
Showed you this video earlier.
Video Dutch police sick attack dogs on anti-lockdown protesters.
How dare you go outside?
You're not essential.
You gotta go bankrupt and let us control you.
Infection experts, we will never see the end of the coronavirus.
Told you two years ago they'd announce that in year three, they're already doing it.
Elites exploit COVID-19 to erase free speech.
AOCC partying, maskless at Miami, drag bar amid controversy.
Oh, but it's a drag bar, so it's okay, she breaks her own rules.
Because the rules aren't for her.
Rules are for you.
Denmark, 90% of Omicron infections found in fully vaccinated or boosted individuals.
The same numbers from around the world.
England imposes new COVID measures on school children.
They'll be required to test negative for COVID before the new
Term begins as UK government seeks to limit the spread.
Oh, but it doesn't matter that they count the common cold or having it in the last year as COVID.
Oh, and I've got that club for you.
Next segment.
Technocrats go on censorship rampage in desperate attempt to prevent total narrative collapse.
That was the Sunday Night Live show headline, but I wanted to read that because it's so incredibly dead on.
What Harrison Smith had to say last night on the 6 to 8 p.m.
Sunday show.
And we're going to come back and talk about all of that and why they're so scared of Dr. Robert Malone talking about mass formation psychosis.
Do you realize how big a deal it is that that's a term they use to control us?
And then he points it out.
I show you all the military documents in Europe and the U.S.
admitting they're doing the exact thing to us.
Creating mass hysteria and fear and psychosis and then Google tries to block it while they have separate articles with Google bragging about how wonderful it is they're controlling us.
I just showed you that last hour.
Please go to InfoWars.com.
Please take it.
Put it on your website.
Share it however you want.
I don't care.
Copy it.
Do whatever you want.
Plagiarize it.
Because it's not plagiarism if I tell you I don't care about the credit.
All I care about is you warning people.
See the mass formation psychosis term censored by Google following bombshell Dr. Malone interview.
That's an article we put out yesterday.
And then the new article
Is on InfoWars.com, specifically dealing with breaking information.
Here it is, right here.
Breaking information.
Mass formation psychosis admittedly used by governments as tool of population control and they don't want you to even know the trick they're using on you because when you know about the trick of the magician when you're three years old see a magician pull a rabbit out you think it's real when you're six year old your dad shows you it's in a hidden box underneath the hat you go oh my gosh why did I see it before?
Everything we've witnessed in the last few decades has only been the build-up for what the globalists are doing right now.
This is their big offensive.
This is their takeover.
And this is the point that they're at their very weakest because now they've revealed themselves.
Now their world government, their permanent martial law, their medical tyranny is out in the open.
Their depopulation agenda has been exposed.
They're using their corporate power and trillions to go across the planet and shut down people telling the truth.
So listen, Paul Reveres, when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you pray for the broadcast, you're the tip of the sphere.
And when you buy products at Infowarsstore.com, you keep us on air.
Plus, we've got great products that have been sold out for months that are back in stock, 50% off, X2 and Winter Sun.
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And then our number one bestseller of all time, Survival Shield X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, the game changer, the missing link, not just for immune system, but all electrochemical activity in the body, it's back in stock, 50% off.
So that's the New Year's special.
And that's Christmas comes early in 2022, ladies and gentlemen.
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50% off for a limited time.
Thanks for keeping us on the air.
Get our grate and a bag of it here.
I mean, this is from, people say, why is it from Chiapas, Mexico?
The communist!
Well, that's where some of the best coffee in the world that's wild harvested, above organic, in the volcanic soil, better than Guatemalan coffee.
And yeah, we buy it from the little farmers that, you know, the media calls communists, but really they're just a commune and whatever.
The point is, is that it's good coffee and we've got it and the farmers don't let the Mexican government take over.
So I actually buy this from the Mexican rebels and I've been buying it for, what, 14 years and the price has never gone up.
The same stuff sold
We sold at Whole Foods under another name for about 50% more per pound, and I just think it's some of the best coffee you're gonna find anywhere.
It's Wake Up America Patriot Blend from the Chiapas Rebels, literally.
Um, in fact, I'm not gonna tell you the whole story.
Um... We had like the... Okay, you wouldn't believe it.
Anyway, so it's infowarestore.com, and that's how we fund this operation, and if you don't fund us and don't want us here, that's fine.
Cognitive dissonance is a major issue amongst the left.
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It worked for my family, and now I can have a logical and calm discussion about actual facts that pertain to reality.
Get your ultimate fish oil for a friend, family member, or yourself at InfoWarsStore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
The horror!
Australian man sets self on fire over COVID vaccine passports.
The article's on Infowars.com.
He gave his life, we wish he wouldn't have, to expose what was happening.
Set himself on fire inside of his car and the media spun it that he tried to firebomb people.
A Melbourne man
Immolated himself.
He would have run over a couple hundred people.
He'd been a hero in the news.
According to the left, they were white.
A Melbourne man immolated himself in front of a horrified onlookers in protest of the nation's draconian COVID vaccine passport system.
One of the bystanders captured footage of the heartbreaking incident over the weekend, explaining the man had been screaming about vaccine passports and digital ID.
He just effing blew up a car.
Is how they're spinning it.
Again, if he had just run over 60, 70 people and killed 6 people, like Waukesha, it would have been the car that did it.
Car blows up, killing man.
But because he self-immolated himself inside of his car, well now he's a terrorist even though nobody got hurt.
See how the liberal spin, the behavioral psychology works where they've got all the corporate media, and all the banks, and all the propaganda, and the police, and the military behind him.
They can pose as the left and claim they're fighting the establishment.
But if we go back to Vietnam, you had the Buddhists that were neutral, but just sick of the bombing and the murdering and the killing, and they're like, you know what?
You guys are all so into death, I'm going to pour a gallon of gasoline on myself and meditate for two minutes while I die.
This is my protest.
And of course, nowadays they'd say, terrorists tries to burn people on the street.
But when you actually kill a bunch of people on purpose because they're white, well then they cover it up and say, oh, it was just a SUV kills six, runs over 50 plus.
And that's how the technocrats think they're going to control things and then further insert us to go to school or go to our jobs or go to court.
Oh, it's not just gonna be a Zoom trial you gotta have, it's a metaverse trial where the judge is there and everyone's there and now they can put in whatever data or info they want to fully confuse your brain.
This is the next level of this sick scientific cult's attack.
Glenn Greenwald slams dystopian MTG, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Twitter ban in epic thread, exposing she exposed truth about COVID-19 and truth how it's not a vaccine and truth how it doesn't work and truth how they're suppressing it.
And so she joined the ranks of Alex Jones and Donald Trump.
And I know she criticized it and insisted she tried to fight it, but where was Trump?
He would speak out against it, but he could have stopped it.
He even had control the first few years of the House and Senate.
That's the same thing today.
Where is Trump?
Half measures yet again.
Joe Rogan joins Getter, G-E-T-T-R, in anticipation of censorship on Twitter, getting even dumber.
And I love Joe, and people should follow him, and it's great.
I actually texted a bunch of my crew at like 5 a.m.
this morning.
I woke up, I said, hey, Getter's getting really big, and Joe's promoting it.
Can we do articles to come join InfoWars on there?
But of course, it's an article about Joe Rogan, and how you should go join him.
Because I love my crew, and I'm the same way.
We don't see ourselves as important.
InfoWars isn't important.
Everybody else is.
So never promote InfoWars.
Never push InfoWars.
And I'm like, hey.
So I sent them text messages that said, promote Joe all you want.
That's great.
But InfoWars is kind of the Joe Rogan channel, which is fine.
I love Joe.
We hang out all the time.
But Joe's not being censored as much.
We're being censored.
We have to promote InfoWars or we won't be here.
And you know, I kind of have to remind myself about that.
But if you go into the article,
We've now updated with a link at the top to follow InfoWars on there, and I'm going to be using that more and more.
A lot of key postings there daily, but I'm going to take over my Gitter account and start using it myself today.
If you want to find it, it's in the article about Joe Rogan on Infowars.com.
Because, you know, Joe's great, and Joe's kicking ass, has a lot of courage, we love him.
But he's got hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank.
I don't.
We're barely on air.
So I'm like telling my crew, I'm like, we probably want to promote ourselves occasionally.
Or we probably, when we do a Dr. Robert Malone interview, we probably want to put one of our bugs on or maybe mention ourselves.
Just maybe.
Or this building will shut down, the lights will turn off.
But, it doesn't matter.
That won't happen.
Prophets don't know their own country.
I don't mean that about myself.
My own wonderful crew doesn't realize how important they are.
That's why Drudge was always so smart.
When he would say, a person with a blog is just as important as the New York Times.
Because you have an opinion.
You can see things.
You can take photos.
You can write things.
You can shoot videos.
People want you.
And yes, we are just as valuable as Joe Rogan.
And I love my career.
I'm just doing this out in the open because even when I get on my knees and just say, hey, this is a great platform exploding.
Can we get a link up?
Can we can we talk about it?
It's like, no, no, we're not talking about ourselves.
And I get it.
In fact, I can do the ultimate not talking about myself.
Which, again, I told you I'm not going to do it.
I'm strongly considering quitting.
Not because of the lawsuits or the attacks of the January 6th Committee.
Just because I'm sick of this, man.
I've been doing this so long.
And maybe once I'm gone, people will care.
Maybe when InfoWars is going bankrupt and shutting down, I'll just walk out of here.
I bet there'll be some Alex Jones articles then.
I bet there'll be some articles about the videos we're doing.
I mean, I bet we might actually hear about ourselves.
But see, you don't know what you got until it's gone, right?
That's how it works.
But I have a responsibility to try to stay on air.
It's just weird to learn the algorithms of how people operate and how things go.
When we celebrate an interview we've done and make a big deal about it, the listeners care, and they think it must be important, and they share it.
It's always like, yeah, here's something we did.
We're going to hide that back here.
Put it right over here.
You can't see it.
And then maybe, I mean, ladies and gentlemen, we have the documents and the big article on InfoWars.com.
We have it.
We have it all right there, where they launched
The mass formation psychosis and militaries are using it against us and admitting they're doing it, and then we've got Google and everybody censoring it, saying it doesn't exist.
How powerful is it to go, here's the military psy-op, used to brainwash you, people are like, my own crew's like, that's us, screw it!
Hell, pour gasoline on that, hell, we ought to burn, in fact, I want to burn that article.
Print me the article, I'm burning it on air.
In fact, bring me a lighter.
I'll burn that damn article on air.
Print it for me again.
I'll piss on it.
I'll bury it.
I'll take that article outside, and I will dig a two-foot hole, and I will bury it!
People are like, that's where Infowars goes.
That's where our articles go, is in the dirt, because we're pathetic, because we're nobody, because we never did anything, and we don't matter.
Oh, let us fall all over ourselves, over, you know, half-wits, like, oh look, somebody discovered there's a new world order!
Somebody discovered there's a great reset.
Here, let's fall all over ourselves about that!
Not venting at anybody.
That's why I just want to go.
Maybe it's time, seriously, just time for me to go and you guys can handle it yourselves.
Because again, I asked 5 a.m., sent to everybody, can we write an article about Joe's on Gitter and we need to get on Gitter?
People to follow us on there because we need to have a way to reach people outside our own system?
You don't get that, Jones!
You get nothing!
Because we haven't trailblazed.
We haven't been successful.
We haven't changed the whole paradigm.
I mean, it's all the major leaders we woke up.
But still, we're in Austin, and you're Texans, and you know Jones has got a redneck accent, so he's not a Californian.
We can't promote it.
You know how it works.
Yeah, we're not going to talk about it.
We're not going to talk about ourselves.
We're not going to post our own videos.
We're going to post videos about what Rachel Maddow is doing and what CNN said with no viewers.
We're going to have InfoWars be all about that.
We'll just talk all day about what the left is doing.
Not about how they're criminals, not about how they're pedophiles, not about how they're devil worshippers.
No, we'll just talk about Fantasyland all day.
Because that's what we do.
And that's why we'll fail.
That's okay, it's liberal.
I understand.
Liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal.
Liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal.
As long as it's liberal.
Not just across the United States, but across the world.
You see it on the sides of barns, and on bumper stickers, on cars, and written on the side of bathroom walls.
Alex Jones was right.
That's become a maxim of people to communicate to others that they see through the fraud of the New World Order, that they're saying no to Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the Great Reset.
And so now, Infowars credibility is stronger than it's ever been.
And the globalists are now coming to try to shut us down after all their other attacks, and we can't let them do that.
So, you've invested in Infowars over the years.
I'm asking you to redouble those efforts now at this critical juncture.
For everything you've done in the past is for nothing.
You have invested in justice and the truth and hardcore populace.
You have done incredible things.
And I'm telling you now, going into 2022, InfoWars has major underages to run our operation and we need more funds in.
So it's a 360 win.
Get great products that are great for you and your family, your immune system, and so much more.
So please go to InfoWars4.com.
The CEO of Pfizer just came out and said that people talking bad about the vaccines are working for, quote, dark forces.
That the FBI and CIA have been advising him on who these evil groups are.
They know that all over the world their poison shot is being banned by major governments.
And Moderna's in trouble as well.
They know that the people are starting to get wise to the depopulation agenda.
In fact, evidence is starting to mount that the shots were supposed to be soft kill weapons, but they're so deadly they're killing a higher percentage up front, and so people are waking up.
The weapons work a little too good.
They're supposed to be silent weapons for quiet wars, but instead they're making too big of a noise!
But it's too late for them to turn back now.
They're coming after our children.
So it's up to us to protect our little children, or God will not look favorably on us.
Remember, God is watching.
Jacob in Ohio.
Welcome, go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Great last caller.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement.
It's basically the only way I get sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, demoralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living out of Twilight Zone.
Alright, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Go ahead.
If I could, I just want to throw a quick plug out for the point of the product.
The X-Team does wonders.
I recommend it to everybody.
You're on the fence about it.
Get off the fence.
Get the product.
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Tyler in Maine.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, it's great to be on with you.
It's an honor.
Honor, talk to you.
So, first thing I wanted to do is say I love the products.
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Infoworksphone.com or 941-955-1020.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Everybody knows that the days are loaded.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
Everybody knows the good times are over.
Alright, folks.
I threw a little bit of a fit last segment.
That's probably why I shouldn't be here.
Because I'm gonna get mad.
I'm just sick of it all.
I'm sick of everybody going along to get along.
I'm sick of everybody just behaving like we're watching a football game and you've got Team New World Order and you've got Team America.
I guess my mind, my brain, knows I'm about to burn this.
And it's preemptively telling me not to do it, because I started just hacking and coughing during the break.
I'm not sure why.
So, imagine if you had UK Ministry of Defence, Pentagon documents from the US, European Union documents, Australian documents, New Zealand documents, admitting, admitting to the world
That the military was using PSYOP disinformation illegally against their own people to scare them into submission in the name of the noble lie to save them from COVID, which had actually been cooked up by them and released and was actually a global takeover plan.
But that's what's happening.
And so we had Dr. Robert Malone make a big deal about this and talk about this.
In a big viral interview last week, which we've already played clips of, they talked about mass formation psychosis, which is a technical term for mass psychosis, or what I call mass Stockholm syndrome, when they submit to the tyranny.
And how it's admittedly used by governments.
In the Paul Joseph Watson article today on Infowars.com, links to all these sites.
But who cares?
I mean, who cares it's premeditated?
Who cares it's admittedly real?
Who cares they're now censoring you learning about it?
It must not be a big deal if they're fighting to suppress it.
Imagine people read how they're being controlled.
They read how they're criminally being screwed over.
It'd be like if you found your neighbor's diary because it fell out of their car on the road and was open and it said, I screw Mr. Johnson's wife almost every night when he works the late shift.
He's such a dumbass.
I had him over last week to play poker.
He had no idea I just had sex with his wife five times the last week and how much she hates him and how she wishes he didn't snore.
I tell you, my neighbor's a punk.
Imagine the diaries open on the street, you see the name of your wife, you pick it up, you talk to your neighbor, and he just says, I don't know anything about your wife, I don't have anything to do with your wife.
This is your diary!
This is your diary!
Some of this stuff I was on vacation with you, I know this is yours.
No it's not!
You're a racist!
You're a conspiracy theorist!
I mean, we have them committing the crimes, we have the Davos Group, we have the admissions, we have it all!
And it becomes obscene to sit up here and talk about this, just like Robert Malone said.
It's obscene that they're doing this.
It is disgusting that they publicly meet and discuss how they're going to screw us over all day!
And that I'm supposed to just sit here every day and chronicle how they're screwing us!
I wasn't even mad at the crew.
The crew's great, running the show, and Steve Watts is great.
My whole point was, oh look, Joe got millions of followers on Getter in one day.
We could get on Getter.
We're already on Getter.
We should promote that and ask them to promote us because I want to be able to talk to people and warn them.
And it's like, yeah, we'll write another article about Joe Rogan.
Because I get nothing seems like success, except InfoWars is the fount of getting the analysis of what's happening.
And I don't, that's another frustrating part.
I don't think people are stupid.
Why did no one else know they had government documents calling it mass psychosis and mass fear, paranoia, hysteria?
I mean, they admit that's what they're doing!
It'd be like if the police saw a guy driving erratically, they pull him over and there's a dead kid in a trunk.
And the police find videotapes of him killing the kid.
You think you'd use that in court, right?
No, the police are like, well, we've got the video of him killing her, but we're not going to do anything with it.
They wouldn't do that.
We have them.
We have them.
We have them.
And people have to get out of their damn trances now.
But what got me is watching the man burn himself up.
In front of the police station in Australia protesting that his business has been shut down because he wouldn't take the deadly injections.
And then they called him a fire bomber because he burned himself up.
How those scumbags spun that makes me sick!
So here.
People love stunts.
Here it is.
People will like this better.
Because your freedoms are being burned up.
We got the article breaking mass formation psychosis is mainly used by governments as a tool of population control.
And notice how they do it.
Those of us they know are awake, they spin it like, oh, we'll censor you if you tell people too much.
Try to wake people up.
If you try to tell people they're being screwed, that censors too.
It's anything that gets you out of your comfort zone.
It's all about getting you to comfortably destroy yourself, comfortably go along with the annihilation of humanity and all this evil.
So here, I'll do it.
I'll do it for everybody.
Since it needs to be done,
Let's just burn the truth.
You know, it's absolutely true.
Let's forget mass formation psychosis.
I agree with Google.
Don't talk about it or you'll get your social credit score shut down.
Shut your filthy mouths!
Get rid of your population right now, scum!
Shut your mouth up!
In fact, they probably love it.
They're probably like, good job, he burned himself to death.
Now shut his dirty pie hole up.
There you go!
Screw that info war story!
Shut up those people!
Too many of you anyways!
And the globalists will say that.
They're like, Jones?
I've had them tell me in private conversations.
I haven't had them in years with them.
Jones, these people are going to eat you alive.
You think we're bad?
They're way worse than us.
They're just not conscious.
You need to join us.
You can protect yourself and your family in the future and be in a rightful place.
You'll never be able to help these animals.
You watch.
You try to help them, they'll try to destroy you.
There's a lot of children out there that are good people.
Well, you know what?
There's a lot of good people that aren't scum.
There are a lot of scum out there in the general public as well.
But the worst scum I've ever seen and the worst people I've ever seen are these New World Order people.
And you've got the worst feeling, too.
My spirit feels dead around you people, so I'd rather
I don't care who you are, what New World Order scumbag you are.
I don't care who you are.
I don't care if you're Piers Morgan.
I don't care if you are Anderson Cooper.
I don't care if you're David Rockefeller.
I don't care if you're Bill Gates.
I don't care if you're Klaus Schwab.
I don't care if you're Leonardo DiCaprio.
I don't care if you're Tom Hanks.
I don't care who you are.
You are sacks of cowardly, filthy, predatory, anti-human, satanic collaborator garbage, and you will be destroyed!
There's a whole nother report was up Saturday on InfoWars.com.
We checked the websites, we looked at the federal government, it's true.
They're counting a 20 plus year old cold mutation as COVID-19 and telling those people to stay locked down or be intubated.
Here's a clip of that, full videos on InfoWars.com.
So my brother's been sick for a few days, and the place he works makes him go get a COVID test.
Hey, fine, great.
He calls me and says, hey, I tested positive for COVID.
They're sending me home for about five to seven days.
I'm like, OK, are you all right?
He goes, yeah.
He actually told me that it's a real mild case of COVID.
I'm like, that's weird.
So you have Omicron.
He goes, no, they said it wasn't Omicron.
Like, did they give you anything to keep?
I said, send it to me.
He goes, yeah.
I want to see what this is.
This is what they say.
This is what he sent me.
So you look at everything that's not detected and you see the one thing that is detected.
Coronavirus 229E.
I didn't know what that was.
So I looked it up.
Coronavirus 229E is the cold.
My brother got sent home from work because he has a cold.
Now, if you extrapolate this out across the country and all the positive COVID tests that are coming back,
Are they counting the cold as COVID positives?
If they are, it explains a lot.
It explains why cases are jumping everywhere.
But also, what's really behind them wanting to count the cold as a COVID positive test?
There's something kind of crazy going on to me.
I'm not the exact epitome of conspiracy theorists, but this one, this one smells a little bit, right?
Anyway, that's all I got.
Talk to y'all later.
Yes, they're counting any coronavirus as the virus.
Yes, they're counting all colds as it.
That's why they're like, oh, you don't get sick from it, but you all got it, so we've got to shut your company down.
It's to collapse civilization.
Then the big banks have unlimited money to prop up their companies that don't go bankrupt, and then they take over.
Then they dictate the terms of your surrender through the social credit score.
It's not coming, it's here.
And it's a total nightmare.
We've got to get the general public organized and fight it.
And we gotta realize the average Republican leader knows this, but is too cowardly to cover it.
That's why we're in so much trouble.
Our problem isn't the Democrats.
Our problem is the so-called conservative opposition.
We'll be right back.
Everything we've witnessed in the last few decades has only been the build-up for what the globalists are doing right now.
This is their big offensive.
This is their takeover.
And this is the point that they're at their very weakest because now they've revealed themselves.
Now their world government, their permanent martial law, their medical tyranny is out in the open.
Their depopulation agenda has been exposed.
They're using their corporate power and trillions to go across the planet and shut down people telling the truth.
So listen, Paul Reveres, when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you pray for the broadcast, you're the tip of the spear.
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Everything I promote is about standing up against the new world order by empowering humanity.
Well, that's why ResetWars.com is so important.
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Now, the month of December 2021 is here at ResetWars.com.
Start your journey to the next level today at ResetWars.com.
The globalists fear this information.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's so easy to blow up your problems.
It's so easy to play up your breakdown.
It's so easy to fly through a window.
It's so easy to play with the sound.
Alright folks, I'm going to hear some of these Dr. Robert Malone clips they're so scared of, they're censoring right now.
In the next segment, I'm going to plunge into all the other news we've not hit yet.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
And how did that happen?
The answer is mass formation psychosis.
When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don't make sense, we can't understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.
And one of the aspects of that phenomena is the people that they identify as their leaders, the ones typically that come in and say, you have this pain and I can solve it for you.
I and I alone can fix this problem for you.
Then they will follow that person.
It doesn't matter whether they lie to them or whatever.
The data are irrelevant.
And furthermore, anybody who questions that narrative is to be immediately attacked.
They are the other.
This is central to mass formation psychosis, and this is what has happened We had all those conditions if you remember back before 2019 everybody was complained the world doesn't make sense blah blah blah um and We're all isolated from each other.
We're all on our little tools We're not connected socially anymore except through social media um and then this thing happened and everybody focused on it and
That is how mass formation psychosis happens, and that is what's happened here.
And that's a really hopeful message going into the new year, is that there's a growing cohort of people that are increasingly aware of how thoroughly we've been manipulated.
So you'd say you've been red-pilled?
Like multi-dimensional red pill.
I thought I was red-pilled.
I've been on the inside for so long and seen Tony Fauci's machinations for so long.
That's my origin story, was the initial AIDS crisis starting in 83.
When I was at Davis.
So I saw the hardball politics.
The other thing for me has been the personal journey of coming to terms with what the World Economic Forum really represents.
And I really resisted that.
People initially were coming
Yeah, but then it's all documented.
And then you see it being deployed.
And a group of Canadians on a podcast the other day sent me some links from WEF to a site.
This is one of the last things I tweeted before.
And it had a extremely detailed map of all of the policy positions and the actions that the WEF was taking for a huge range of topics, not least of which is COVID-19.
And it's kind of a, it's a public document that clearly states, everybody that's in our little clique, in our club, these are the things that we will think, these are the things that we will
Yeah, I think so.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless you start giving it.
You know, that's just the way it goes.
I got sent this video last night, that Darren McRean made about a month ago, from Joe Rogan.
And whoever re-uploaded it cut our bugs off, and that's fine, that's all I care about.
Because to me that's success, is that our stuff's out there and it's sent back to us and our bugs are cut off.
So it doesn't get censored, what matters is it gets out there and warns people.
Again, if you're a radio listener and you don't happen to see all these people getting sick and even some of them dying after the shots, you're a blessed person.
But this is the reality of what's happening.
We can't ignore the neurological problems it's causing, and even death.
We're joined by John Henry Weston, who I really appreciate coming on of LifeSiteNews.com.
John Henry is the co-founder and editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews.com.
He and his wife, Diana, and their eight children live in Ottawa Valley in Ontario, Canada.
He's a very, very well-known speaker, and I feel like I know him because I've watched so many of his videos.
But he joins us now to talk about the crazy world we're living in and what's currently unfolding and also the attack of the leftist pope on conservative Catholics and the 2000 years of teaching.
The incredible hypocrisy of pushing the minority rights except while crushing the unvaxxed.
What politics ignores the greatest social injustice of history, in all of history, that the mass slaughter of children in the womb, the answer to the rape and incest argument, and how to confront the LGBT attack on our young people.
And he joins us.
But I gotta say, some of the interviews I've seen with some of the Catholic bishops
from Italy and Germany and other places are just absolutely amazing and I've seen it's been John Henry Weston that's interviewed him.
These guys sound as awake as Dr. Malone or myself or
Great to be with you, Alex.
Well, where do you want to start?
Thanks for having us on.
What about that amazing
Bishop out of Italy, and the work he's doing.
I mean, this is amazing.
I guess there's a civil war going on inside the Catholic Church like there is in every other institution, or what's happening?
Well, definitely so.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who is really a great hero in the Church today, not only for the Catholic Church, it really speaks to the whole wide world.
As you've said many times, the Catholic Church has had an influence
on the whole wide world for, well, the last 2,000 years.
But at this time, we've experienced a time of crisis like none other.
And very interestingly, just at this time, God chooses to raise up someone who will speak the truth despite the, not only obfuscation, but error coming from the top.
Which, by the way, is unique in the history of the Catholic Church.
Yes, there have been popes who have been corrupt and had children, and not even in wedlock and all sorts of things.
Yes, that's always gone on.
But to try and attempt to change the moral teachings of the Church has never happened.
And so we have really a lightning rod in Archbishop Vigano, who has been very prolific in calling his faith a stake, speaking the truth despite its politically incorrectness, and daring to do so
While knowing that his life could be in danger.
Before he even came on the public scene that he's on, he was in the Vatican working, in the background, pointing out financial irregularities, knowing full well that this could have cost him his life.
He was then moved to the United States as the nuncio, the papal representative to the United States, and operated there under Pope Benedict, always fine and good.
Bergoglio becomes Pope, and then problems start to happen.
Especially when Kim Davis, if you recall, and I know you covered her as well, Kim Davis, a heroic marriage registrar, refused to put her name to homosexual marriages.
Archbishop Vigano, when the Pope came to visit the United States, arranged for Kim Davis to meet with the Pope.
And really that was his undoing, because he wanted to show this great Christian lady to not only the Pope, but to the whole wide world, so that they could see her heroic act in terms of defending God's definition of marriage.
And it's that, we learn later, that really was the undoing of Archbishop Vigano, because Pope Francis, as we heard from his own collaborators, was so ticked off by Archbishop Vigano bringing forward Kim Davis.
That was really his axe in terms of what's been going on.
So there's great intrigue going on right now inside the Catholic Church.
Very much what people might have considered conspiracy theory before, but it's all out in the open right now.
I'm glad you want to get into Vegano first because I've been aware of him for a long time since the case you talked about, you know, watching that.
And the way I think he probably did it on purpose to point out that this false pope would obviously reject this good woman.
And I don't hate anybody.
I'm a sinner.
I'm not perfect.
I've admitted to that.
But as soon as, quote, gay marriage was legalized, the dam broke, and now it's pedophilia, and now it's sexualization of children, and it just made it
50 times more crazy.
So this wasn't people wanting equal rights, the people that run this agenda.
It was really a takeover.
And that was seen as almost a capturing of the flag.
And then once that got legalized, it doesn't seem we've seen the dam break.
Well, you know what, Alex, you've been around long enough to know that the same folks who were pushing that agenda always had as part of their club the Man Boy Love Association, all these pedophile organizations.
They shunned them for a time so that they could appear to the public like something, you know, prophesetic, like something above board.
And now, now that their agenda is through, lo and behold, what's coming right back to the table, but this whole, now they call it intergenerational sex.
So they're coming up with new euphemisms to hide this agenda, which has always been part of the program from the beginning.
You study the spiritual side in depth.
There really is, though, a desire by evil throughout history to target children.
Where do you think that comes from, I mean, from evil's perspective?
The corruption of the innocents has always been the program of Satan.
Satan hated mankind for, in the beginning, he wanted to corrupt Adam and Eve with sin, and so offered them, first through Eve and then through Adam, the forbidden fruit.
And this is Satan's endgame all the time, because he himself fell from grace.
He was, of course, Lucifer, an angel of light, and he rebelled against God with his, I will not serve.
And really, that's what it's about, and that's how he tempts us as well.
All the time in our lives, when we choose to go our own way, it's about, I will not serve.
I will not serve the Lord, because we all know what God wants.
He wants us to be good, to be holy, to follow his commandments.
And that's tough, because here we are on earth tempted by God knows what, and with the advent of the internet, we have all those temptations, not only just at the store you have to go to them, they come right to your front door.
In fact, they're shoved in your face.
And so to deny yourself, as the scripture says, is a challenge.
But it's something that we can do with the grace of Christ, but it's relying on that grace.
It's staying in touch with God all day, every day, in order to be able to do what God wants us to do.
And yes, it is a challenge.
Everybody knows that.
In fact, that's why the great lie of the LGBT movement, I was born this way, you just want to deny me all my fun, you hate me, is exactly the opposite.
In fact,
All of us.
All of us who are straight, as they say.
Hold on, John Henry Weston, this is important.
We'll come back in a few minutes and go right back to this larger discussion.
Stay with us.
Since the end of World War Two, the globalists have been building their private corporate world government whose endgame, once they get control, is forced depopulation of the planet.
That's why as we begin to leave the year 2021 and go into 2022, I am encouraging all of you out there watching and listening to count the cost and to realize how much danger you and your family are in.
The globalists are coming after everybody.
They are setting up a dystopic
Planetary authoritarian technocracy.
A dictatorship of the globalist.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
Your investment in us over the years, buying our products, spreading the word and praying for us has been incredible.
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But I can't stay in the fight at 100% unless you support us, so please go to InfoWarshaw.com.
Granny Do-Right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Granny Do-Right.
Hi, Alex.
Go ahead.
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So, anyway, it worked wonderfully, and it really has totally cleared up my skin.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, Malcolm.
Alright, I'll make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
John Henry Weston is our guest.
He runs probably the biggest pro-life site in the world, lifesitenews.com.
They do huge conferences, they do daily shows, they do so much more.
We're really blessed and honored to have them.
Reposting the material over at band.videos.
Our main mission is to take censored information and get it out to a wider audience.
But this is really a battle versus
And I remember when I was a child growing up and going to church and hearing all this.
Good and evil.
My parents took me to a lot of different Christian churches to give me a wider perspective.
You know, thinking, okay, yeah, this is pretty wild, but it touches me at my heart.
But now that I've grown up and seen it unfold and seen it manifest, it's all real.
And it turns out the enemy are not a bunch of agnostics.
They're not a bunch of atheists.
They say that because they don't want you knowing about God.
Nine times out of 10, they're actually a cultist.
And it's just running rampant.
So you got cut off, John Henry Weston, of LifeSiteNews.com by the break.
You were saying something really important.
So we're talking about really the ultimate battle.
And it's so funny that it revolves around sexuality.
Think about it.
And this is not my insight, by the way.
Peter Kreeft, a great philosopher, theologian.
Abortion, homosexuality,
In vitro fertilization, divorce, contraception, all of these things that form the whole of the culture war today, pornography, masturbation, all of it, they all seem to revolve around this one thing.
In fact, for Catholics, especially in the crowd, we'll know that Our Lady of Fatima came a hundred years ago to warn about the times we're living in, and she said,
I think so.
You know, and when a man leaves his family and joins himself to the wife, the two become one flesh.
And all the teenagers in the crowd go, oh, I know what he's talking about.
But as we mature and grow, we understand, wait a minute, the next verse there says, but I'm not talking about the marriage relationship, I'm talking about the relationship between Christ and His Church.
And that is so key.
Because Jesus, that relationship between Jesus and His Church, between us and our Lord,
is compared in the scriptures to the relationship between a husband and wife.
And so that's the key.
We see it every day.
God stamped in our all eternity, right from the beginning, that you'd have this relationship between a husband and wife and we'd all understand what that is.
This is the family we grow in.
And so this is what we know and what we're called to.
So if you're Satan and you want to destroy the relationship between God and men, especially between Christ and us,
You want to attack the primary example that the scriptures use, and so he attacks the marriage relationship.
And that's why this LGBT craze, the pornography craze, the
We're good to go.
No one hates LGBT persons, persons who have this disorder, and it is a disorder, of loving someone or wanting to have sexual relations with someone of the same sex.
No one hates them.
They, just like us, are all tempted to sin, of all kinds, of all sorts of things.
And yet, when they struggle against these temptations to do wrong, to do evil, to harm their own bodies and those whom they're with,
We too can learn from them and also not do that.
We know that it's tough as a married man to not even look with lust at another woman, but we're tempted to do it every day.
And so there's strength in stealing yourself in, as the scriptures say, denying yourself, taking up your cross and following our Lord.
It's really the key.
It's the key to fighting Satan and getting right with God.
There's no doubt that there is a governmental corporate attack on human biology and an attempt to separate men and women and make humans be basically controlled by Big Pharma.
They admit that's their plan, the transhumanist plan.
So they use all our lust and all our desire to make it look like, oh, Satan wants you to have this great party.
They admit from CIA documents that were released back in the 70s, from the 60s, they wanted to end mothers and fathers of the nuclear family because they were strong.
They wanted to isolate people and have relationships be empty and only about pleasure, not about long-term relationships with your children and really things that are so much more valuable even than sex, and I like sex.
The point is that they want to keep people from maturing and basically arrest their development where they're young fools that can then be misled, have their sexuality twisted, and then the political system of Satanism and Aleister Crowley and ritual magic becomes their new religion because they're looking for the fulfilling sex.
And you have right in that
Exactly so.
Is that right?
The marriage relationship, which not everybody enters, for whatever reason, all sorts of them.
But even apart from that, we all live in families, we all have a mother and father, both as our example and hopefully our mentors, but we also have that understanding of what it should be, and therefore that relationship.
And so that's wanted to be destroyed from the beginning, and now that the sort of government, if you want to call it that, or the global government, has taken on this satanic agenda as its own,
You can see this push, and we have to fight it with everything we are.
Now, the forces arrayed against us are huge, but they always have been.
They were demonic before they were governmental.
And so, we might feel like we're little Davids, but little Davids beat Goliath every time.
Rely on our Lord.
Rely on Him, first of all, in your own heart.
That's the biggest battle.
The biggest battle is fighting evil in your own heart, and getting yourself right before and with God.
Because you know what?
What you're alive for is one thing.
Yes, we might be around for, let's say, 70 years, maybe 100 years.
But compared to all eternity, millennia upon millennia upon millennia, without even, that's not even a blink of the rest of your existence in eternity, that 75 or 100 years you live will be but a blip.
And in that short blip, you're going to decide where you're going to spend the rest of eternity.
That's what it's all about.
And the enemy knows that and they want to claw us down into this system with them.
As it becomes more and more obvious, what do you expect to happen in society?
I already see a great separation happening, and biblically we're told that's going to happen.
Well, absolutely.
In Matthew 24, 24, where our Lord speaks really about what is to come, He says something very interesting.
He talks about wars and rumors of wars, great earthquakes happening, and all sorts of things, a lot of which we've already seen.
But he mentions over and over and over again Antichrist, a religious figure.
And you alluded to it just earlier when you said about how the powers that be aren't really atheists.
They're really occultists.
And this is what we're heading for.
The human heart is made for faith.
We can't have this vacuum of everybody pretending to be atheists because they're not.
They make a god of something.
We've made a god of money.
We've made a god of now.
The new vaccine has become a sacrament in this new world order type of religion.
But interestingly, that will always come.
So, anti-Christ is coming, who will be a religious figure.
Because we can't be a-religious, we're going to be religious.
And whether we choose God, or anti-God, or anti-Christ, will be the question.
And so, I believe that that's coming.
And it's already here in a lot of ways.
John Henry Weston, stay there.
Let's come back and talk about that.
The anti-Christ spirit is here with us now.
I agree.
Where is it going next?
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I got a bag of it here.
I mean, this is from, people say, why is it from Chiapas, Mexico?
The communists!
Well, that's where some of the best coffee in the world that's wild harvested, above organic, in the volcanic soil, better than Guatemalan coffee.
And yeah, we buy it from the little farmers that, you know, the media calls communists, but really they're just a commune and whatever.
The point is, is that it's good coffee and we've got it and the farmers don't let the Mexican government take over.
So I actually buy this from the Mexican rebels and I've been buying it for, what, 14 years and the price has never gone up.
This stuff sold at Whole Foods under another name for about 50% more per pound, and I just think it's some of the best coffee you're gonna find anywhere.
It's Wake Up America Patriot Blend from the Chiapas Rebels, literally.
Um, in fact, I'm not gonna tell you the whole story.
Um... We had like the... Actually, you wouldn't believe it.
Anyway, so, it's infowarestore.com, and that's how we fund this operation, and if you don't fund us and don't want us here, that's fine.
It was almost 15 years ago that I released my seminal film, In Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
And in that documentary, I predicted the globalists would establish world government by releasing a virus, demanding that there be worldwide lockdowns, and then triggering a collapse of our industrial society.
And now they've done it.
How did I know they would do it?
Because they wrote books and white papers, and many of their own reports and internal meetings were leaked.
You see, then I was tracking the Bilderberg Group, whose head at the time was Klaus Schwab.
And our sources inside were confirming to us that they were indeed planning to launch this Great Reset.
Well, we're now living in it.
The purposeful collapse of the Third World and the First World, known as ASS, is a tyrannical corporate world government.
The total censorship, no due process, destruction of the family, and then incrementally more and more deadly injections of poison mass creating these vaccines to poison us and depopulate us.
This is what Infowars is fighting.
We're fighting for the future.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I mean, I look at some of the headlines.
They're now announcing after it passed what we told you about six months ago.
The stimulus bill and the transportation bill
Infrastructure Bill.
Both had legislation in it about tracker chips to track everywhere you go and what you do inside of your cars.
And to kill switch your cars.
And now we've got these headlines.
UK government greases skids for fleets of surveillance drones over cities to force compliance with all the new rules.
And Klaus Schwab says there will be a lot of robots soon.
All cars sold in the EU to be fitted with data recording black box.
It's all breaking, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why John Henry Weston is here.
I've watched so many of his interviews, so many of his shows, three or four times a week.
I end up, you know, watching lengthy interviews he does with so many great awake people.
And what I know is they're followers of Christ.
I don't get into Baptist or Catholic or any of this.
I'm not a Pharisee up here judging people.
God does that.
I judge a tree by its fruits.
And I just see a lot of great people that call themselves, Baptist call themselves, Catholic call themselves, we love Jesus, we don't want the anti-Christ system, and we're trying to stand up and say no.
And I talk about bad things I've done, because I love God, but I'm not perfect.
I'm not a hypocrite.
And so you call me non-denominational or whatever, I just want to oppose the Antichrist system.
And at the end of the day, that's why you can see some of the most ardent opponents of this current Pope or Catholics, because they can point out what's happening in their own house.
Yes, it is.
And probably the most severe sign that it's getting strong is, in fact, the Pope.
In fact, the Masons had an agenda to bring the Pope onside.
You know, that was already 500 years ago, and it appears we've already got that now.
They were first saying, we're going to bring one of our own to be Pope, and then, no, no, no, we don't have to do that, we just have to bring him onside.
It's one of the greatest signs of the end times that we see the Pope
Now taking on an Antichrist agenda.
And what is that agenda?
That agenda is the same one that says that same-sex civil unions are okay to do when the Church has always opposed it.
It says that in grave circumstances you can just use contraception, which the Church has always opposed.
It says that cohabitation is real marriage and has the grace of real marriage.
All of these things this Pope has done, and it so flies in the face of 2000 years of consistent church teaching, it's unbelievable.
But it's not only him, it's also those who call themselves Catholic.
For instance,
In Canada, we have Justin Trudeau, who calls himself a Catholic.
Now, you always know the anti-Catholic agenda by following what these fake Catholics do.
So, Justin Trudeau just called those who oppose the vaccine, the so-called vaccine, racist and misogynist.
Now, this is hilarious, coming from a person who himself has done blackface, and there's video of him, of course it's all censored, doing blackface.
But not only that, that's a woke agenda that I don't think is really racist anyway, but nonetheless, he did it.
Still calls those of us who oppose the vaccine racists and misogynists.
This is the same Prime Minister that, during one of the debates, went and elbowed a woman in Parliament.
This is in the chest, by the way.
This is absolute insanity.
The hypocrisy
Coming from here is just mind-boggling, and we see that everywhere.
Well, since you raised Trudeau because I know you live in Canada, let me ask you a few questions.
Because I look at the crazy Prime Minister saying, orgy 25 people in New Zealand, and don't look at the sunset, and don't talk to your neighbors.
You think, okay, it can't get much worse than he, Trudeau, as you know, says, I like communism like Xi Jinping.
It's my favorite system.
Yeah, this maniac is the son of one of the first maniacs.
His dad, Pierre Trudeau, who actually first brought into Canada legalization, both first contraception, then abortion, homosexuality, and really opening the floodgates to immorality.
And this is just the natural progression of that opening to the satanic, of that opening to flouting of God's law.
And all in the name of
It's so funny, the corruption of Catholicism particularly is so evident here when you see it.
And if you really want to find out, as I said, the anti-Catholic agenda, you always watch the leftist fake Catholics who are really the most anti-Catholic people.
In a way, also because they know exactly what buttons to push to go perfectly against the faith and against the will of God.
Well, let's expand on that.
Take the pedophile rings that infiltrated the Catholic Church.
Now we see it's in the Boy Scouts, it's in major universities, it's everywhere.
It's in the public schools.
This is a group that knows how to bring these groups in and take over.
Indeed it is.
This is an agenda which seeks to attack
and work its way in, and it is demonic, and when you arrive, you know the scripture says something interesting, it says, when you see the abomination of desolation in the holy place, that's when to know things are really bad.
And it's very interesting because we do have a holy place, all the holy places marked by Christ, the place of his resurrection, the place of his birth, and Rome where St.
Peter was the first pope and was crucified.
Yeah, built the church.
The marks of Christianity are all over the place.
If you ever go to Rome, you go and witness all the places where the apostles themselves suffered martyrdom and everything else.
All of the history of Christianity is all right there, and that's right now where you see this Pope taking on this agenda.
The abomination of desolation has hit the holy place.
I think we need to wake up and look at what's going on.
So is it fair to say that I mean this guy is fully conscious of what he's doing because I mean obviously he's he could just be blackmailed or is he consciously 100% behind the agenda because you look at him like I said it's lockstep with the UN lockstep with Klaus Schwab.
It's a very interesting question.
He has a history of being leftist so perhaps and I did ask one of the Cardinals this once you know who was close to him
If he really believes what he's saying, or if he's just putting this on for an act for power, or maybe he's being manipulated or what.
And the Cardinals seem to think, yeah, he actually believes it.
What we know is one very interesting thing.
And this is where the little people, as I would count myself in, and all of us have real power.
You see, the demons are convicted, they're convinced.
But with the other side, who are still in human form,
They have the opportunity of conversion.
Paul was a monster.
Paul went and dragged Christians out of their homes and killed them.
And so he was feared by everyone at the time, and yet he converted.
We have the opportunity to pray for the conversion of people like Justin Trudeau, but also Pope Francis.
And you know, if these people converted, had a Pauline conversion, our Lord would knock them off their horses, if you will, and show them the truth.
They could become the greatest evangelists.
And so we still have that opportunity, because among Satan's cohorts, he has all these human actors that need to play their part.
And they are susceptible to change.
They are susceptible to the grace of Christ, and we've got to pray for them.
Pray for their conversions.
And here's a Catholic asking you, begging you, to pray along with me for the conversion of Pope Francis.
Well, Christ told us to pray for our enemies.
Because as St.
Paul said, they were heaping coals upon their heads.
All right, we're going to come back in the final segment.
John Henry Westin on.
You know what I got?
He's a smart guy.
And they are fighting the poison shots.
They're fighting the mark of the beast.
They're fighting the whole global issue.
And we'll talk to them about the big interviews.
I mean, you see interviews on there.
You're not going to see anywhere else that are banned everywhere.
At Band.Video, they are alive and well.
And that's why all you keeping us on air is so important, because you're not just keeping InfoWars on air.
You're keeping all these other great voices, like LifeSiteNews.com, with another place where they get the truth out.
Stay with us.
Everything we've witnessed in the last few decades has only been the build-up for what the globalists are doing right now.
This is their big offensive.
This is their takeover.
And this is the point that they're at their very weakest because now they've revealed themselves.
Now their world government, their permanent martial law, their medical tyranny is out in the open.
Their depopulation agenda has been exposed.
They're using their corporate power and trillions to go across the planet and shut down people telling the truth.
So listen, Paul Reveres, when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you pray for the broadcast, you're the tip of the spear.
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Only way we fail is if you don't take action.
The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware that there's a war between free individuals and nation states on one side and the globalists on the other who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
For the United States of Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations were pulling out of the private, corporate, fascist world government.
That's why they launched their Great Reset, and their program after collapsing us of Build Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down, vertical consolidation of the world economy.
And because they couldn't take our guns, and because we wouldn't bow, because the left
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years.
against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead with their full operational deindustrialization Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
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Well, I'm a big fan of John Henry West.
I've been following his work for more than, that'll be 15 years plus.
I don't know how long LifeSite News has been there.
Maybe 20 years.
I don't remember it so long.
And he just does great work.
And to see the huge conferences they have and how they bring everybody together, it's so beautiful.
And he's absolutely right.
You know, you've got a Catholic person here calling out this corrupt Pope, not to bash Catholics, but to tell the truth, just like we could do all day long, those of us that are in a different denomination.
The point is, we love Christ.
Christ judges the heart.
I think it's really important for all of us to come together around the teachings of Christ and the Bible, especially as we go into these very, very dark times ahead.
And it's a lot of great conservative Catholics like him that I see at the front lines actually opposing this evil.
So I just want to ask you here, if you feel comfortable doing it, just to lead us all in a prayer to God for awakening and just whatever touches your heart.
Oh, absolutely.
In the name of the Father,
And of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Eternal Father, in the most holy name of Jesus, by the infinite merits of his most precious blood, we beg thee to send thy Holy Spirit with his graces, his healing powers upon us, that we might know and do thy will, that we might spread thy truth through the ends of the earth.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
All right.
Well, in closing, the time we have, I want you to come, Ko, sometime if you like, or come to town if you like, but you can also just big picture what else you want to get out there, folks, and also tell us about the amazing stuff you're doing over at LifeSite News, because, you know, to me, I see other great organizations out there that makes me feel stronger and better during these dark times.
Well, at LifeSite News we've been around nearly 25 years now.
We cover life, faith, family, freedom.
We've got just an incredible team.
I can't say enough about the incredible reporters, the videographers, the video reporters that are there.
We're putting out shows more and more.
We were doing really well and then got banned on YouTube, which is no surprise.
We got kicked off Twitter and so we're very much
You can always go to LifesiteNews.com, at the top right hand side you'll find the watch button.
We'll always be there, and thanks to you we're on fan.tv as well, and we're basically there to offer the truth and to give many people what they need to know in order to live in our times, and really to live lives of faith and fidelity to Christ.
I mean, we have great, great guests.
One of the people that I spoke to about this insanity that we're living in today is Dr. Peter McCaw, and I know you've had him on before as well.
He's just an absolute genius, who's also being banned everywhere.
Baylor's trying to go after him, and they booted him out already of everything.
Yet one of the most published researchers, scientists on this whole question, like nobody else is, yet banned from the public square.
It's incredible!
Being taken out of this conversation where he is the number one expert.
We also have had many people who have brought forward the truth, and some brought forward the truth on life.
That's one of the most important things we're facing.
You know, we always think of ourselves today as, oh, such a civilized society, not like the barbarism from before.
And yet we have a barbarism now more than any... Oh, it's all hidden.
The old barbarism was out in the open.
Now it's all hidden.
It's all done under white lab coats.
In fact, if you add up the number of deaths from all the world wars ever, all the wars of all the world, you will still never come to the number of unborn children killed in the womb that we have done since the 1960s.
It's an unbelievable slaughter, like never before, like nothing else.
And by the way, you know this, but I want you to elaborate on this.
The Satanists aren't stupid.
They know when they get us to commit that, the hedge of protection goes away, which lets them take over.
That's why they try to get us to commit crimes against children, correct?
Yeah, well, we knew this going in.
When they were doing the child sacrifices back in South America,
This was the great, you know, conversion of the South American.
That when this is how Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared, you had millions of pagans convert to the faith.
At the same time, by the way, that things were going on in Europe where the faith was being abandoned.
By many, many.
You had this incredible conversion.
Because they saw, their eyes were opened to the slaughter of the innocents.
And yet today, we see it as women's rights, as safe procedures, safer than what is... But explain how like 400 guys took over all of Mexico and Guatemala today because they said it's wrong to kill kids and their hearts already knew it was wrong.
They were doing child sacrifice.
That's what caused the conversion and the collapse of the Aztec Empire.
That's actually in the history.
That's just not taught.
Explain that to people.
Yeah, it is very evident from history.
Everybody wonders why in Mexico you have this great outpouring of faith.
Back in the 1500s, what's going on?
Well, it was because of the recognition of the harm that they were doing and the great visions of what happened.
There's a story of what happened, I'd ask your listeners to look it up, of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
They can find that out very easily from the history books.
But it's an incredible thing that people were convicted of the killing of the innocent that they were doing.
And we talked earlier about how that's satanic.
We've got to recognize that today.
That we are doing this, we are guilty of this, like at no other time in history.
But there's one interesting fact.
Romans 8, 28.
Look it up.
Because it says, where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.
Remember Alex said earlier in this program, you were born to live today.
And that means our Lord will provide you with the grace you need today.
To not only survive, but to thrive.
And when I say thrive, I don't mean necessarily thrive in business or whatever.
I mean, thrive into eternal life.
And so, yes, we're living at probably some of the most horrible times ever, but we will have more grace than ever before to deal with it.
And please elaborate on that, because I'm told the story of being like 18 years old, and I'd been involved in some abortions, and I wasn't getting from preachers that felt bad.
I literally felt convicted and pathetic and dirty, and then I literally got touched by the Holy Spirit, and I said, I'm sorry, help me.
And my whole journey politically, the big awakening happened.
Thank you.
It is absolutely.
And for all those people who are interested in it, I know everybody comes with the same story.
Oh, what about rape and incest?
You know what?
There was a young lady who was taken up with that question herself.
She was sitting on an abortion picket line and she was asked, what about rape and incest?
And you know what the response was?
If you're going to kill somebody, why don't you start with the guilty rapist before the innocent child?
And that answer really focuses us on what abortion really is.
It is the taking of an innocent child's life for the sin of the dad when you're talking about rape or incest or whatever.
So, we really got to wake up.
We got to see this greatest atrocity for what it is.
We got to repent because the blood of these innocents cries to heaven for vengeance and God only knows the sufferings that we're all enduring right now might be for that very blood.
Well, I totally agree with you.
So, what is from your religious research or spiritual research
Because I knew that story out of Mexico, but I never really thought about it.
For me personally, it was being convicted for what I'd done by the Holy Spirit, really strong, that then gave me my mission.
Not as some atonement, it was like, well, just follow me, do what I say, this is going to happen.
That came out of all this, my love of life.
Because I'd like, oh, lie to myself, this isn't really killing a human, it's whatever.
Then God touched my heart.
And you're saying that's a big event in Mexico as well.
What do you call that process?
Because that's what a lot of people are involved in abortion.
Then they just sign on to evil and harden their heart instead of softening their heart the other direction.
That's right.
And so you always have two choices when confronted with evil.
It smacks you in the face.
And you either decide for God or against him.
And that is that final decision we have to make.
Everybody comes to it differently.
I came to it myself.
But one of the things that helped me over that hump, because you come to a crisis of faith, right when you're presented with the truth, the ultimate truth, whether that is the killing of the innocents or whatever it is, you're confronted with one thing.
Do I believe in God or not?
That's ultimately the question it comes down to.
And you know, for me, it was an amazing thing, because I had a dad who was very holy.
I always dismissed him as
There are sometimes conspiracy theorists, but a real holy wacko, because he went to Mass every day, he prayed his rosary every day, and I thought, ah, whatever, what a silly old man, I'd come home from clubbing and he'd be there praying at two in the morning!
When I had my crisis of faith, and I realized that the forces of evil had control over me, and I had to decide what to do, I wanted to ask him, Dad, is it true?
But you know what?
Just tell me if it's true!
But you know what?
When I got to him to ask him the question, it was his life that spoke to me.
He was made fun of for being such a hardcore, you know, daily mass, daily rosary type of Catholic.
But you know, that witness of faith is what convinced me it's all true.
I know it's true because of the sufferings he endured from living it.
And if he was going to endure that suffering, not for nothing.
Just like all the Apostles.
All the Apostles were killed, except for John.
They tried to kill him.
They tried to boil him in oil.
Hold on, John Henry Winston, this is powerful.
It didn't work.
Do five more minutes with us, then Gerald Cilente takes over.
InfoWars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Powerful information.
Stay with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
There are a lot of people that are so close to God, they end up basically locking themselves up in their houses for most of their life because they can see the evil so clear.
And they do a great job raising sons and daughters that end up fighting evil.
But in my experience,
It's going to be the sons or daughters that actually go out in the world and see the corruption and come back with the prodigal sons that end up being some of the greatest leaders.
So John Henry Weston, who just joined us, is the founder and CEO and head guy over at LifeSiteNews.com, doing a great job.
He was talking about his father and tents, but as he matured, he saw what a great example his father was.
And now, think about your father's success through what you do, reaching millions of people a day.
I don't know if your father is still alive, but if he is, or if he's obviously in heaven, he's probably very, very proud of you, John.
It's a great grace.
He passed now about 10 years ago.
What a witness of faith, and really it is for all of us to be that same witness of faith, both to our children and to those whom we know.
Because when we can live out our faith, also with great love and great humility, I think that's what really gets to people.
Yes, sometimes we wear our hearts on our sleeves and we get beat up for it.
You know what?
So what?
Jesus said, take up your cross and follow me, and he got beat up a lot.
Tell me about your awakening.
Was it a process or overnight?
And how happy did that make your father?
Yeah, so it was a process because at first I got in trouble because I was doing really bad stuff, both originally with pornography, then got involved with illegal activity at school, stealing things and so on.
Then when I was about 17, 18, got in trouble with the law driving without a license because I had too many time speeding tickets.
And when I got in trouble, that's when I sort of went, oh no, what do I do now?
I tried to turn back to God for kind of a Catholic lucky charm so that I could carry on.
I can do Sundays for an hour, no problem.
But it was reading a book about the faith.
It was called True Devotion to Mary.
It's actually a book about giving your whole life over to Christ the same way Mary did in saying, you know, I'm all on the handmaid of the Lord.
That kind of slavery to God.
And I thought, ugh, boy, that's all day every day.
That's no lucky charm for an hour a week.
But, if it's true, I'll do it.
And that's when I actually took the book, put it under my arm, and had this whole little speech for Dad.
Dad, tell me one thing.
Because you love me.
Because I know you've put up with all my crap.
So tell me this one thing.
Is this true?
If it's true, I'll do it.
But it means giving away my whole life.
I don't want to do that if it's not true.
So just tell me, is this true?
Because you love me, tell me.
And I actually couldn't ask him the question.
His whole life, especially the persecutions.
I watched
Family members, myself, say silly old man.
I watched family members smack him in the head for being too religious.
I watched his colleagues at work call him a nut and crazy.
He endured all of that, happily in a way, because he was so happy to suffer something for Christ.
I knew when he was dying, I actually couldn't get to him, I was trying to get to him so that I could be with him there for his last few moments, but I knew when I was going there
I was going there for my own consolation, not for his.
He had lived all his life to be able to meet Jesus, and he was meeting him.
He was a real winner.
He was.
He was.
He was the most... Anyway, I owe my dad my faith, and therefore my relationship with God, which is...
Absolutely everything.
And that carries on so many generations.
Well, that's a beautiful interview.
Well, John Henry, thank you so much for the time.
We'll watch what you do over at LiveSite News and join us again very, very soon.
We really appreciate you joining us and all the great work you do fighting this poison they're pushing on us.
Thanks so much for letting me come on, Alex.
God bless you and all of your listeners.
You too.
Well, John Henry Wesson's not a coward.
He's gotten banned everywhere with his huge site, 25 years up and running to tell the truth about the shots.
The end of the day, you're going to choose what side you're on, folks.
You better choose widely, because this isn't a game, it's not a joke.
God's watching everything we do.
I'm going to come back with a few more stories, and then we're going to have Gerald Salente take over, but I really appreciate Mr. Weston on the show.
And I covered a lot of stuff, and I blew up some today, because this is a very painful time, because they're attacking our children.
But at the end of the day,
We're not supposed to be comfortable.
We're supposed to be upset and engaged with what's going on and trying to be Christ-like.
Lord knows I need to be more like that.
All right, we'll be right back in 60 seconds to introduce Gerald Cilenta and Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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Well, I just got hit by the truth during that 60-second break.
And it's this.
I apologize to the listeners, and I apologize to the crew, and I apologize to God and everybody else watching for shooting my mouth off about quitting last Friday and a little bit today.
I'm not going to do that.
It's not that I want to quit because I'm scared of the New World Order.
It's not that I want to quit because I don't care about all of you.
I'm just sick
Of focusing on these people and I get why the general public ignores all the evil and just lets them take over because it's so disgusting to engage with it.
But at the end of the day, we've got to do it and we've got to defeat it.
And that's why I get mad at other talk show hosts that I know.
I'm not talking about Tucker Carlson or Joe Rogan.
They've really stepped up and are doing a great job.
And I'm not up here judging them like I'm the Grand Poobah or something.
I'm just telling you like it is.
From my perspective, you can judge me too, I got my own problems, Lord knows.
They're welcome to judge me.
But people like Dan Bongino, you know, that we had on so many times where he got his Fox News contract, he wouldn't even give us the time of day once he got, ooh, the Fox job, the cool kid job, you know, didn't even have that many viewers.
And I like Dan, he's a good guy, but I see clips
I mean, I even had family this weekend when I was in East Texas going, yeah, we like you, we like Tucker Carlson, we like Dan Bongino.
A bunch of family came over to our family cabin there in the woods.
And they go, but why doesn't Dan Bongino, one of my family members, why doesn't Dan Bongino know it's a great reset?
And that it's Klaus Schwab like you talk about?
Because Dan all the time is up there saying he doesn't know why they do this.
They know damn well why they do all this.
Gerald Cilente knows why they're doing it.
He'll tell you in a minute.
It's a corporate globalist takeover.
It's a big club and we ain't in it.
We'll play that clip from a famous comedian at the bottom of the hour.
So I'm going to hand the baton over to him.
It's just this is an insane time to be gaslit and propagandized and lied about like this.
I know Gerald's going to talk about it.
We got that big article.
Where we have the British Ministry of Defense, we have the Australian, you know, we have the U.S.
military admitting at the top they've been ordered to engage in brainwashing of the public, and then that becomes the number one term over the weekend, and Google and all them and go and block it.
Because they don't want mass psychosis, mass formation psychosis looked into.
And it's because if all that comes out, it's game over for them.
So I don't feel sorry for myself.
But I'm a prideful person and I shouldn't do accounting or business meetings before the show.
It's what I did last Friday, it's what I did today for two hours each day.
And I'm in there looking at supply chain breakdowns, I'm in there looking at all this stuff we got to pay and I'm sitting there looking at my employees and great crew and every one of them I think about I want to keep on.
And I just think about the globalists with their unlimited trillions of stolen money, and I don't feel sorry for myself, I get pissed off.
So instead of getting ready for my show for two hours, I march over here and get ready for about 45 minutes, and I'm looking at all this news and all these things they're doing to us, and I'm like, doesn't the public have self-preservation in their bones?
I mean, don't you know, it's like Jimmy Dore said last week,
He said Rachel Maddow on record, they disclosed this, gets $30,000 a day herself.
The network gets for her show $100,000 a day.
$700,000 a week.
And $30,000 of that goes in her pocket five nights a week to say the vaccine works, nobody ever got sick from it.
Censor anybody that says so.
That doesn't agree.
I mean, imagine if I was here every day.
Thank you, Pfizer, $30,000.
You'd be like, I don't believe a damn thing this guy says.
That's what they're doing.
And you don't think Gerald Cilente hasn't been offered the money?
I know Gerald well.
He never told me this, but I guarantee you, that guy goes way back, you know, when he comes on, he'll tell you.
I know he's been offered money because I've been offered money plenty of times.
And listen, if you offer me money to sell something good, I'll take it in five seconds.
I'll take your money all damn day.
I'm not against money.
I mean, I like being comfortable.
The point is, is I'm not going to take money that screws anybody over.
And I'm not going to take money that's part of a scam and cheats people.
Not going to happen.
In fact, I'll fight you to keep you from doing to other people.
And that's not the attitude of some perfect person.
I don't want to live in a world where scammers are having their way with innocent people all day, as if that isn't going to come back on me.
I want
People to deal with each other up front with the facts and to have their own research.
And if we had an open free internet, you know all these big globalist companies wouldn't be getting away with this.
So instead we have this big degenerate lockdown corrupt system that we're dealing with right now that just gets away with whatever it wants.
And that's a recipe for disaster.
That's a recipe for collapse.
So Gerald Cilente, the great trends forecaster is about to take over
On the other side, TrendsResearch.com and on Twitter, Gerald Salente here in just a few minutes.
But I'm just going to throw this out there.
We have great products you already need.
And the sickening part is we were out of the red into the black a year and a half ago.
In fact, we were into the black nicely.
I was able to pay off some debts and things we had hanging over us because we did that.
And then the supply chains broke down.
And I've got so many products that we're able to keep them in stock.
Like X2, like DNA Force Plus, there's a bunch of them.
I'm able to pay the bills.
You guys came through.
You've done great.
Thank you.
We were able to expand a year and a half ago.
That continued.
But we're not able to because I won't sell you Chinese adulterated crap.
We sell decent supplements and vitamins that are high quality.
And let me give you a newsflash.
You've seen stuff sold out for up to a year.
Because we can't get decent product and we won't scrimp on it and give you garbage.
And it's the same thing everywhere.
It's a designed collapse of our complex economy.
If we were a 90% farmer economy, we would be fine because we're on the land.
But they took us off the land, told us we were a service economy, and now we're using that to dominate and enslave and destroy us.
So whatever the product is we got in stock.
A shortwave radio, a water filter, storable food, an air filter, a turmeric formula, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, X2, Deep Earth Crystal Iodine.
It's back in stock, thank God.
50% off.
Ultimate Turmeric Liquid Formula, 50% off.
It's all there.
Whatever we've got's there, it's great products, but
I can just tell you watching this country get butchered up one side and down the other is frustrating and then sitting up here every day spending hours trying to figure out how to keep this place open and keep our crew and everything in position because we're having bigger effects and more success than we've ever had on air!
Despite all the censorship, we have millions of new people a week tuning into InfoWars.com and the sites.
That's wonderful.
That's success.
And then there's my frustration of spending our time scrounging around, trying to get product that's quality because you're going to buy it.
So you're not the problem.
It's that we can't get all the things you regularly want.
Bone Broth sold out for over a year.
Finally got it back in.
It's available discounted at fullworthtour.com.
So I want to thank you all.
Gerald Salente is going to take over.
Gerald Salente is an American trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant, and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance.
Salente has described himself as a political atheist and a citizen of the world.
He has appeared as a guest on everything you can imagine from the Alex Jones Show, to the Oprah Winfrey Show, to Good Morning America, to The Today Show, to Glenn Beck, you name it.
He is about to take over the great Gerald Cilente, and he'll give you his take on what's going to happen in 2022, because we're here.
We're now three days into 2022, and all I can tell you is, and I'm not being a wimp here, I'm just being honest,
Last year was the worst year of my life.
It was hell.
It was horrible.
Everybody else I know absolutely got drugged to the mud.
And I got to be honest with you, I think 2022 is going to be even worse.
Now, are there some silver linings?
I'm sure Gerald Cilente is a smart guy.
Smarter than a lot of us, me in many ways, will give us his take.
And I'll be listening in my office as soon as he takes over on the other side of this quick break.
So, Gerald Cilente, again, mark it down.
TrendsResearch.com is straight ahead.
But, I want to thank you all for your support in buying the products at InfoWarsTore.com because without you, any Vitamin Mineral Fusion and X2 that are both 50% off, we will not be on air.
And I don't want to give up.
I want to keep fighting.
Alright, Gerald Cilente takes over on the other side.
Please stay with us.
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I mean, this is from, people say, why is it from Chiapas, Mexico?
The communist!
Well, that's where some of the best coffee in the world that's wild harvested, above organic, in the volcanic soil, better than Guatemalan coffee.
And yeah, we buy it from the little farmers that, you know, the media calls communists, but really they're just a commune and whatever.
The point is, is that it's good coffee and we've got it and the farmers don't let the Mexican government take over.
So I actually buy this from the Mexican rebels and I've been buying it for what, 14 years and the price has never gone up.
The same stuff
I've sold at Whole Foods under another name for about 50% more per pound, and I just think it's some of the best coffee you're going to find anywhere.
It's Wake Up America Patriot Blend from the Chiapas Rebels, literally.
Um, in fact, I'm not going to tell you the whole story.
Um, I can't like that.
Okay, you wouldn't believe it.
Anyway, so it's InfoWarsTore.com, and that's how we fund this operation, and if you don't fund us, you don't want us here, that's fine.
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Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Yes, Malcolm.
Hello, Alex?
Alright, I'm gonna make this quick and real short, where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Uh, Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroyer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supramel Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Hello, hello, hello.
Welcome to The Alex Jones Show and happy 2022.
Nope, not allowed to be happy.
I forgot.
Happiness isn't allowed.
It was a Declaration of Independence that said, actually used the word happiness.
Could you imagine?
We are endowed by our Creator with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
You won't be happy!
I'm little.
Let's go back.
Let's go back.
Let's go back to March of 2020.
Yeah, these little dictators over there.
Little arrogant, little arrogant Gavin gruesome newsome in California.
Oh, the arrogant little daddy's boy who renamed the Tappan Zee Bridge after his daddy, Mario Cuomo.
Arrogant Andy Cuomo.
Locking down.
Locking down.
Look at the little freaks that we have running and ruining our lives.
Does Alex Jones get angry?
Does he go off?
So do I. So do I am.
I'm angry.
Oh, don't be angry.
Swallow the crap like the rest of us little morons, Salente.
Don't fight.
Don't be a man.
Woke up.
Be dead.
Yeah, woke you.
Because that's all it is.
Every right to be angry.
Oh, there was this, what was his name?
Thomas Aquinas?
That if anyone isn't angry at the proper time, basically, you have no passion and no desire.
Look how dumb people are.
You're not going to get the masses.
88% of the people supported George W. Bush.
Another little daddy's boy born on third base and thought he had a home run.
An Alfred E. Newman comic book mad character.
Little piece of arrogant crap.
We're gonna get that guy Osama Bin Laden dead alive!
Oh yeah, yes sir, yes sir.
Oh, did you see that article just came out in the Wall Street Journal?
Here he is.
About how all Howard Doe went to the military contractors in Afghanistan?
Yeah, like three times the amount of military contractors over there than troops.
That's right.
Howard Doe.
Oh, who's that guy?
Oh, Mission Accomplished.
Remember that one?
Great job, Mission Accomplished.
Oh yeah, the Iraq War.
They only stole a couple of trillion dollars of our money.
Gave it to the military-industrial complex.
Oh, only killed about a little over a million Iraqis.
Destroyed the country based on lies.
Oh, the toilet paper record, the New York Slime Times, yeah.
Oh, that Osama Bin Laden got them aluminum tubes.
Yeah, shove that aluminum tube up your, you know what?
You made that lying crap up!
And people believe it.
You have to support InfoWars.
You have to support the crew.
These people do everything they can to fight for freedom.
You know, I'm on From Info Wars to Progressive Radio Network with Gary Null.
You want to see two opposites, but guess what?
The passion is the same.
Freedom, peace, and justice.
And that's what we have to fight for.
So in this new year,
Do what you can to support InfoWars.
They got great products.
I believe in them.
I buy them.
And my favorite, my favorite's Superville Vitality.
And I have that vitality.
I can tell you a story another time about how outside some big bully comes after me because I was on InfoWars.
Starts calling me a racist and a white privileged boy.
And I tried to make it nice and calm down.
I was with a lady outside, sitting down in front of the building, drinking espresso, having a nice Sunday morning.
And I had to get my super male vitality into action.
You didn't expect an old guy to get up and get in his face, and I had enough of your effing crap, man.
Yeah, I got called out for being on InfoWars.
You know how many people tell me?
I get lost.
I go on Alex Jones, I say what I want to say.
Am I on the same page as him?
A lot of things, yes.
That's not what this is about.
If I'm infactual about something, let me know.
I wouldn't be a trend forecaster if I had a closed mind.
I have to look at everything.
I'm a political atheist.
I look at things for the way they are, not the way I want them to be.
And the way they are now is we're going into a hell of a 2022.
And Alex Jones mentioned, you know, there was a door or somebody about the money that a man, Rachel Maddow, here's my Rachel Maddow story.
I used to be on Tucker Carlson years ago when he was with MSNBC.
And it was like about nine o'clock at night or something.
They picked me up.
I was living in Rhinebeck.
I had to go down to Secaucus, New Jersey.
Secaucus, by the way, used to be famous as pig slaughterhouses, abattoirs.
So MSNBC was in the perfect place.
So I'm waiting to go on.
They had a little green room and I'm hearing this woman going on and on.
And after she leaves, I go, uh, he goes, Oh, Gerald, how are you?
You're on Tucker Carlson.
Nice to see you.
I said to Tucker Carlson, I said, this is by like 2000, I guess like 2006, 2007, around that time.
I said, who is that woman?
I said, she was intolerable.
She just kept going on and on.
He said, Oh, her name is Rachel Maddow and they're grooming her.
That's my Rachel Maddow story.
Maddow, one,
How about little Donnie Lemon, huh?
Saying people don't like him because he's black.
I don't give a crap about your color.
I don't like you because you're an arrogant little moron.
They're prostitutes.
They're media whores that get paid to put out by their corporate pimps.
Got it?
I used to be on everybody.
And look at this little jerk off over there in CNN.
You heard him over the weekend.
Look at him.
This is who's telling you what's going on in the world?
They're telling you crap.
They're prostitutes.
They're media whores to get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and their government whoremasters.
Go back, look at Fairness and Accuracy and Reporting.
Look what they did.
During the wars, the Iraq War.
They only brought people on that supported it.
The facts are there.
Oh, is that guy Phil Donahue?
Yeah, got thrown off the air.
That's right.
They're prostitutes.
And that's why you need to support Infowars.
And of course, the Trends Journal, if you want to read history before it happens.
So the New Year's begun, and we're going to talk when we come back about some of the trends that are going to shape it, and what you can do to prepare, prevail, and prosper.
You look at the media, and all they're doing is talking about making sense of 2021.
All right, 2021's gone, what do I care?
Well, we can't talk about 2022, because we don't know how to do trends.
We're prostitutes.
Christmas 2021 is gone.
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Infowarsphone.com or 941-955-1020.
And ask the Alex Jones Special.
Everything we've witnessed in the last few decades has only been the build-up for what the globalists are doing right now.
This is their big offensive.
This is their takeover.
And this is the point that they're at their very weakest because now they've revealed themselves.
Now their world government, their permanent martial law, their medical tyranny is out in the open.
Their depopulation agenda has been exposed.
They're using their corporate power and trillions to go across the planet and shut down people telling the truth.
So listen, Paul Reveres, when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you pray for the broadcast, you're the tip of the spear.
And when you buy products at InfoWarsTore.com, you keep us on air.
Plus, we've got great products that have been sold out for months that are back in stock, 50% off, X2 and Winter Sun.
Both of these are in our top five best sellers.
They are so good for your body.
And if there's two things you do for your body,
It's never gonna get any better.
Don't look for it.
Be happy with what you got.
Because the owners of this country don't want that.
I'm talking about the real owners now.
The real owners, the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians.
The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice.
You don't.
You have no choice.
You have owners.
They own you.
They own everything.
They own all the important land.
They own and control the corporations.
They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, the City Halls.
They got the judges in their back pockets.
And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
They got you by the balls!
They want obedient workers.
Obedient workers.
People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.
And now, they're coming for your social security money.
So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.
It's a big club.
And you ain't in it.
And you said recently, quote, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.
You better believe it.
So what specifically did they do?
If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people on this stage I've given to, just so you understand.
A lot of money.
You and I are not in the big club.
The owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
But I'll tell you what they don't want.
They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.
They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.
They're not interested in that.
That doesn't help them.
That's against their interest.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
That's right.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show, and now your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show with George Ballin.
What a guy, man.
I saw him live, by the way, up here in Kingston at the Ulster County Performing Arts Center back, I think it was in the late 80s, early 90s.
I can't go there anymore, though.
You got to have your vaccine passport.
And I know his brother, Patrick Collin.
Patrick used to do work for me.
George Collin's older brother.
So, uh, George Collin's my kind of guy.
Got that Bronx attitude, you know?
And, uh, New York City cat.
And you say it the way it is.
And it's what Alex Jones was saying before about the media, the mainstream media, what George Collin was saying, and I call them prostitutes.
And you can look it up, put that in.
I'm the guy that came up with that word.
Media whores.
The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television.
That's right.
They believe a stupid little lemon head.
A mad mad owl.
The view!
Screw you, the view!
What view?
Your view are crap!
The crap that you're throwing out is your view!
You don't have a view!
Again, think about it.
Headlines, New York Times, Afghanistan, COVID variants, gas, space tourism, the news that define 2021.
What the hell do I care what happened in 2021?
What's going to happen in 2022?
Oh, shut up, Solenti.
We don't want to know what's going on in 2022.
We're too damn stupid.
We just follow orders.
We can't see anything that's ahead.
But pay $3 for my newspaper a day, the New York Times, or $5 for the Wall Street Journal, and you get what we tell you.
About what happened, not what's going forward.
History before it happens is way off their base.
And that's who they are.
And Collins says it perfectly.
Again, we've been, one of the sections we have in the Trends Journal for the last several months, the big's getting bigger.
Last year, 2021, almost six trillion dollars in deal make.
Six trillion dollars buying up the other companies.
The big's getting bigger.
They're essential.
Why, Walmart's is essential.
Essential, it's an ugly piece of garbage going into a factory.
Oh, but they're essential!
Costco is essential!
Home Depot's essential!
You, Mom and Pop, you're not essential!
Shut your place down!
I'm little Gavin Newsom!
I'm little Andy Cuomo!
I'll tell you what to do!
Like Trump said, he pays off all these people!
Morons and imbeciles call it campaign contributions!
Grow the hell up!
It's bribes and payoffs.
Where do you think they got this $6 trillion from?
The bigs borrow the money for nothing.
Once upon a time, boys and girls, there were things called when you put your money in a bank, you got interest for it.
Now you put it in a bank and they do nothing with it other than load it back and make money on it, and the bigs borrow it for nothing.
It's one big club, and you ain't in it, and that big club is getting bigger.
Again, record-breaking, $6 trillion worth of deals, the bigs buying up everything.
Oh, this'll make you happy?
Apple becomes first U.S.
company to reach a $3 trillion market cap and get all their crap made overseas by cheap slave labor.
Look at that little creepy cook!
They give back crap to society!
The Buffets!
The Bezos!
The Musks!
They give crap back!
The pennies that they give back!
Look at that little jerk off over there!
Look at him!
Yeah, cook that crap, because that's all that comes out of your mouth.
You people give nothing back to society.
Oh, there was a guy named, uh, Carnegie.
Oh, people hated him.
Yeah, he was one of the big guys back in the day.
Oh, what did he create?
Uh, the public library system?
You mean those beautiful buildings built all around the country?
Look at these little jerks off over there, they're telling us what to do.
Big tech, little pecker heads!
And maybe peckers throughout there, wherever they're taking it from.
billionaires grew the wealth by $340 billion in 2021 as middle class shrinks.
This was the year of the super billionaire with one trillion dollars in gains.
Oh, that's from Bloomberg!
Another billionaire bullshit crap head!
Oh, I can't say that word, excuse me.
Spent a billion dollars to go run for President of the United States.
A billion bucks!
What do they give back?
They give back pennies.
They give back nothing.
They steal it from us.
Look what Trump did with the tax breaks for the rich.
The 1% got 82% of it.
And you know what they did with it?
Stock buybacks.
Oh, stock buybacks hit a record this year.
Hit a record this year.
Yeah, they buy back their stocks, supply and demand.
Less stocks out there, price keeps going up.
Got it?
The bigs keep getting bigger.
And look at the crap... Yeah, look at them.
Boy, she got those fake boobs over there.
How much silicon you got pumped into that?
Did that come from Silicon Valley?
Look at that arrogance.
Look at that give back.
Pennies to the public.
And it's global.
Look at the jerk he got up there in Canada.
He calls the unvaccinated racist and misogynist extremists.
Another little daddy's boy.
Another little boy that would be nobody nowhere if daddy wasn't there before him.
Like little Andy Cromwell, like little Georgie Bush.
Like one little crap head after another.
It's one big club, and you ain't in it.
And we'll be back.
Christmas 2021 is over, but you've still got a really great chance to give yourself the gift of free speech and liberty and freedom into the new year, while at the same time making yourself healthier, wealthier, and wiser by boosting your immune system.
Two of our top selling products that have been sold out for a long time are now back in stock.
Winter Sun, the highest quality vitamin D3, taken under the tongue for higher absorption, is back in stock.
Despite the fact it's been sold out for months, it is 50% off.
And then our number one bestseller of all time, Survival Shield X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, the game changer, the missing link, not just for immune system, but all electrochemical activity in the body, it's back in stock, 50% off.
So that's the New Year's special.
We've all heard about the pastor and his famous statement from inside a concentration camp in World War II that when they came for one group he wasn't part of that group so he didn't stand up and then when they came for another group he wasn't part of that group so he didn't stand up and finally
And they can't apprehend those, nobody else to stand up.
Well, the global social credit score that China's putting in, that's banning people to three hours of video games a week, and if you criticize the government, you can never buy or sell again.
Well, that's being brought here and all over the world under the guise of COVID vaccine passports.
They even admit it now.
They're saying there's going to be a carbon tax attached to it.
They're going to track where you go and what you do and decide where you can go and what you can do.
That's what the lockdowns are about.
You'll accept that, you'll accept anything.
So again, the left is having fun right now with all the censorship and tyranny, pretending like they're part of the power structure.
But they're all going to be targeted by this nightmare as well.
We need to get back to basic human rights and promote them, or all of us will be enslaved by this horrible technocracy run by the globalists.
Everything we've witnessed in the last few decades has only been the build-up for what the globalists are doing right now.
This is their big offensive.
This is their takeover.
And this is the point that they're at their very weakest because now they've revealed themselves.
Now their world government, their permanent martial law, their medical tyranny is out in the open.
Their depopulation agenda has been exposed.
They're using their corporate power and trillions to go across the planet and shut down people telling the truth.
So listen, Paul Reveres, when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you pray for the broadcast, you're the tip of the spear.
And when you buy products at InfoWarsTore.com, you keep us on air.
Plus, we've got great products that have been sold out for months that are back in stock, 50% off, X2 and Winter Sun.
Both of these are in our top five best sellers.
They are so good for your body.
And if there's two things you do for your body,
It's these two products.
They're all back in stock at Infowarstore.com.
50% off and it keeps us on the air.
Only way we fail is if you don't take action.
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed, but they are going ahead with their full operational deindustrialization Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda.
We've also got to get personally prepared.
And one of the number one things to do is high-quality, storable food.
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Lock your orders in before food prices go up and before there are long lines and waits.
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Get ready at InfoWareStore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Gerald Salente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And, you know, again, do what you can to support InfoWars.
Keep the truth alive.
And they have these massive savings now on their game-changing New Year's specials from InfoWars Life.
And you get up to 50% off, so do what you can.
They got this Survival Shield X2, it's back in stock, 50% off.
Brain Force Ultra, 25% off.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 50% off.
Alpha Power, and that's a limited supply, so you better get it now, 50% off.
Lung Cleanse, 40% off.
And the Turmeric Liquid Extract, which is pure, that's 50% off.
Winter Sun Plus and it's coming back soon.
50% off.
So sign up for the wait list now because products are going to be harder and harder to get.
So listen, do what you can to support InfoWars.
Take advantage of these huge sales today and get the InfoWars Life New Year's specials to save up to 50% off.
And you can start your new year with a bang today at InfoWarsStore.com.
So do what you can.
The better time we have left, I want to talk about the equity markets.
If you go to the Gerald Salenti on YouTube, Gerald Salenti, there's a great interview I did last Friday with Gregory Manorino.
And especially, essentially this, they're going to keep pumping in cheap money into the system.
They're going to do everything they can to artificially keep propping it up.
I have a, for one of my forecasts,
Is that this COVID war is going to end by late March, mid-April.
I'm going to say later in April, as I think more about it.
Because they are destroying the lives and livelihoods of billions of people.
The World Bank shows about another 150 million people entered into poverty.
So equities are going to keep going up.
Here he is, Gregory Manarino, he knows his stuff and he's
He's into it.
So you could go to Gerald Cilenti and check that one out.
And on the broader scale, as I just showed you, the billionaires are getting richer.
And this is global, by the way.
You're going to see an off-with-their-heads 2.0 movement at some point.
Because all we become are plantation workers on the global plantation of slavelandia.
Again, in trend forecasting, you make connections between different fields.
I noted how, for example, merger and acquisition activities are at an all-time high.
When I was a young man, they had grocery stores, drug stores, stationary stores, hardware stores, grocery stores, you know, they were stores.
Now they're drug chains, grocery chains, hardware chains, stationary chains.
When they had the stores, you went to work in these places and you say, you know, I'm going to open up one of these when I grow up.
I'm going to do this one.
And you moved up the ladder.
There's no ladder to move up in Starbucks.
There's no ladder to climb in Wal-Mart.
There's no ladder in Home Depot.
You might sell them, but you're not going to climb them.
This is better than slavery.
Because when they had slavery in the plantations, you had to house and feed the plantation workers.
Now you just give them enough to get in and out.
Yeah, you're on your own.
Work here.
Now get out of here.
Go home.
Go on.
Here's a little bit of money.
Go on.
Go out and buy crap.
Eat crap.
It's a plantation system.
There's no climbing the corporate ladder anymore.
The bigs have taken over the world.
The Great Reset isn't going to happen, it's happened.
It's in front of everybody's eyes.
So I'm still positive on GSB, gold, silver and Bitcoin.
I see them going up.
Or at least to me, they're safe haven assets compared to the trillions of dollars that have been dumped into the system to artificially prop it up with the interest rates.
Interest rates are actually in negative territory, because when you put a 6.8% inflation rate, and according to John Williams' shadow stats, it's 15%, but even if you go by the fake number by the Feds, it's 6.8%, and you have zero interest rate policy, wait a minute, inflation's at 6.8, our rate is near zero, that means you have negative interest rates, and that's why the bigs are buying up everything.
You don't get interest on anything, so they can keep getting cheap money, gambling in the markets.
They need their monetary method on, and the banksters, or the drug dealers, they give it to them for nothing.
And there's one of them.
And all the dirty dealings that they do behind the scenes, like that Krappling you got down there in Texas, over there.
Former Fed guy.
Another little Rosengren up here in Massachusetts over here, yeah.
Oh, I'm resigning because I don't feel good now.
You're resigning because you got caught doing dirty deals.
Playing the markets just before the feds are going to come out and say what they're doing.
It's one big club and you ain't in it.
Morons and imbeciles call it a government.
It's a crime syndicate.
Grow up!
How many more wars do they have to start and kill people?
How many more money do they have to steal from us to name a too-big-to-fail?
You're just a piece of crap!
You're not Jamie Dimon!
Jamie Dimon?
What Dimon?
Get caught for fraud!
None of them go to jail!
Pay a little fine, slap on the wrist!
Matter of fact, I got an article just here, Deutsche Bank.
One of them.
You know, for the Trends Journal.
Where is it here?
Deutsche Bank fined over rate rigging safeguards.
Nobody goes to jail.
They get fined.
Oh, that's fine.
Rig the markets.
It's one big club and you ain't in it.
Again, vaccinating
This is from Financial Times.
Omicron heats up debate over jabs for children.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
You got to read the whole article.
Three pages, you get down to the bottom.
This is out of France.
There are 5.8 million French children aged 5 to 11.
All right, 6 million kids, 5 to 11, right?
How many deaths since March 2020 when the COVID war began
To mid-December of this year.
How many?
Six million?
Three deaths.
Three deaths out of six million.
What the hell are you telling me this for?
Oh, what else?
Maybe they died of something else, but three?
Oh yeah, if we save the life of one... Get out of here!
Oh, Selenti, calm down and swallow the crap.
Again, Britain got it wrong on COVID.
Long lockdown did more harm than good.
This is out of the Guardian.
What we've been saying forever, we did serious harm with our children, young adults who robbed of their education, jobs, normal existence, as well as suffering damage to the future prospects, while they were left to inherit a record-breaking mountain of public debt.
This is according to Professor Woolhouse.
And he's writing a book, The Year the World Went Mad, a scientific memoir.
We said this back in your Trends Journal, July 28th, 2020 edition, stay at home, get sick.
Following the lockdowns of a number of Chinese cities, when the coronavirus first struck in February, on 9 March, Italy was the first major Western nation to lockdown.
Shortly after, nations across the globe, from rich to poor, blah, blah, blah, blah.
In America, Dr. Anthony Fraud Fauci, exalted by prostitutes as the nation's leading infectious disease expert, recommended federally enforced nationwide stay-at-home policy.
He said, I just don't understand why they're not doing that.
Well, they're not doing that because it doesn't work.
And we go on to cite a study from South Korea, and it was reported by Reuters, that the epidemiologist has found that people who are more likely to contract the new coronavirus are members of their own household than from contacts outside the home.
The findings show that less than 2% of patients, non-household contacts, had caught the virus.
And then we write the same arrogant or executive order by King Cuomo, who was astounded on 6 May when he said it was shocking that most new coronavirus hospitalizations were people who had been staying home.
So there you got it.
If you notice, 66% of the people were at home.
They're lying about this stuff.
Cruise ships, vaccinated, COVID.
We gotta go.
See you next week.
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It's got
I think so.
There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class.
Not in Communist China, not in Mexico, not in the United States, not anywhere is there a real study of the planet's ruling class.
And that's done by design.
The large central banks that basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics
That look into, say, the Anglo-American establishment that founded the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission of the United Nations, the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Until 10 years ago, the media said, the controlled corporate media, the Bilderberg Group, didn't exist.
Well, now the Bilderberg Group is public, and its former head, still on the steering committee, is Klaus Schwab, and he has set up the Great Reset, a global government.
And if, as a liberty movement worldwide, we don't address the globalists head-on, about the fact that they are a worldwide authoritarian corporate takeover, we don't have a shot.
If we do expose them, we can beat them easily.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.