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Filename: 20211219_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 19, 2021
1466 lines.

In this podcast episode, the speaker discusses various topics related to global affairs, focusing on the ongoing battle against tyranny and the efforts of the deep state to control the population through measures like contact tracing and mass censorship. The speaker also warns about potential future food shortages and encourages listeners to support independent media and American businesses in order to protect freedom. Additionally, the speaker touches upon the globalist agenda and its impact on individual freedoms, emphasizing the need for non-violent resistance and legal action against those seeking to control the masses.

The greatest crimes in the history of humanity are being committed right now against children as young as five years of age across the planet.
Simultaneously, studies are being done on tens of thousands of children, including newborns and babies inside their mother's wombs.
The death of these babies is skyrocketing.
Of course, they target them when they're in the womb if they can convince the mother.
And now they try to convince the mothers to take the experimental jabs that are absolutely confirmed to cause 82% miscarriages in first and second trimesters, according to the New England Medical Journal.
And that was out eight months ago.
Just earth
Shaking, shattering info, and when I was driving into work today, just a few hours ago, I almost had to pull off the side of the road, and I'm serious, because I was feeling intense guilt and intense drive of every cell of my body and God's Spirit telling me to stop them.
And I know you feel it as well.
If you're a TV viewer, you don't want to look at this, but I don't want to look at it either, but we have to look at it.
That's how we stop it, we face it.
Mom double-jabbed in third trimester gives birth to baby who died after suffering heart failure and blood clots.
And it's happening everywhere with the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J shots.
They all do the same thing.
They make the body create a deadly spike protein that's highly poisonous and causes blood clots by eating holes in capillaries.
It just eats those little babies up.
Just like the hot salts they spray in to burn off their skin and cause an abortion, or when they go in and chop them up inside the uterus and pull them out piece by piece, or when they pull them out and suck their brains out there on the table.
That's the reality of what's going on.
Mom double-jabbed in third trimester gives birth to baby who died after suffering heart failure blood clots.
It's just absolutely horrific, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got all the details here, and we've got the VAERS database report on it.
And of course we know the FDA fought to not release any documents.
It'll take 75 years now to write the court order and release them for the release.
The first 30 pages came out three weeks ago.
More are set to come out in just a few days.
And those few pages admitted thousands of deaths, thousands of miscarriages at just the start of the poison injection program.
They are murdering us out in the open and the people running it are all death cult eugenicists.
That have run bio-attacks on the world before with HIV, that have called for global depopulation, who are part of eugenic societies.
I'm talking about Bill Gates.
I'm talking about that cohort of criminals around him.
Fauci is.
Field Marshall.
Who, by the way, has announced masks are forever and lockdowns are forever.
They're now announcing it all over the world.
First it was New Zealand and Australia a few weeks ago.
They laughed on TV.
Both Prime Ministers instead.
This is never going to stop.
You'll never wait a second.
Everybody gets seven shots a year.
Because it's so funny.
They're making a real criminal move on you.
And you're used to tanks and people with guns to fight back.
If they did that, you'd fight them.
Because it's lab coats and TV and Don Lemon and HBO and
All the comedy shows telling you how great it is, and dancing syringes, and then all the people dead and dying.
Oh, that's all just suppressed.
Yeah, it's true, you got a heart attack from the Pfizer shot, but Facebook says you're not allowed to talk about it.
Oh, your doctor says you got about five years to live on average?
Well, bye-bye!
This type of microcarditis on average kills you in five years if you live.
Yeah, the coronavirus is here forever.
And how do you live with it?
Well, you live under a new high-tech police state.
Even Atlantic Monthly, that defends pedophilia, took a breath and talked about something else.
They said, oh, we've got to have total surveillance for everybody.
That'll save everyone.
Let's do it.
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We also have COVID land 2, the mask film.
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We're good to go.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm gonna take a deep breath.
And I'm gonna put the live show headline on screen for TV viewers.
I'm going to read it out for all of our great radio listeners across the United States and those listening on Global Shortwave.
Sunday live, White House vows to strike back after Biden's great reset bill derailed.
Meanwhile, deep state generals
Are publicly calling for Biden to establish martial law ahead of the midterm elections to deter a new insurrection.
The new world order has almost destroyed America, but the people are waking up fast and the defeat of the globalist build back better plan could prove to be a mortal blow.
If we keep fighting hard.
That's the real world you live in.
And as it begins to dawn on Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and the general public and Donald Trump and Dr. Paul that this is premeditated, this is a plan, this is being done by design, this is a depopulation weapon, it's a
Problem you can't ever fix, it just takes up all your rights with surveillance and control and then gives you injections that erase your immune system.
As the public begins to get that, and as Laura Ingraham gets that, we have a real chance.
But if we don't face this for what it is, a eugenics depopulation premeditated plan by Bill Gates and the globalists, we don't have a damn hope.
Now I've got a lot of massive news to cover here today and it all ties together, but let's just be very, very clear.
I didn't get up here 21, 22 months ago in February of last year.
That's 22 months ago.
I didn't get up here
And say all the things I said that came exactly true, because I am Nostradamus.
It's because it's a laid out enemy plan, and they've been very public about it for decades.
How they use a virus to do it, and they've war-gamed it hundreds of times I know of.
We've covered more than 20 of those drills on air, like Lockstep, Event 201, Crimson Contagion, Spars 2023.
And it's all right there.
And then we got, thanks to Lou Dobbs and Judicial Watch, in 2007, right as I was finishing Endgame, they got documents from the BAMF Canada, North American Union, UN, Davos Group meeting at BAMF Canada, totally secret, with thousands of Western politicians being bought and sold there.
And the minutes of that document came out,
And they said, we will get our North American Union and our European Union and our Asian Union all merged in the future, under Agenda 21, using the threat of a deadly virus.
So, I've known this all along.
I've known this for a very long time.
Made a film about it in-game.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
And so I just need everybody to understand, we're not up here giving you our opinions on subjects like this.
I can give you my opinions on the metaphysical.
I can give you my opinions on life after death.
I can give you my opinions on what my favorite foods are.
Those views all vary person to person.
But what I'm talking about, cut and dry, is what's going on.
Yeah, there are Agenda 21 documents from the mid-90s, 1995.
And if you follow those now, they have implemented just that.
I mean, this is happening.
And that's what's so frustrating.
So let me just explain this.
They were always going to say there were no variants.
They were always going to say the shot didn't work, but that you have to take it.
And they were always going to censor everybody and bring out a world ID and a world medical ID on a social credit score and carbon tax tied to it.
And that's now officially been launched.
So Agenda 21 was passed into global UN law.
We didn't ever pass it here in the US, but George Herbert Walker Bush signed us onto it to put us under UN UNESCO law by executive fiat.
In 1992 in Rio de Janeiro.
And by the year 2021, they were supposed to have launched the deindustrialization plan to cut off the carbon, to just bring in hell on earth.
To collapse the third world and merge it with the first world.
And that by the year 2030, under Agenda 2030, which is another public plan, that the world would be free of war and famine because the world would be at least 80% depopulated.
We are eight years out from that.
And in the past, I would have experts on it, scientists and researchers and people that worked in the federal government at the highest levels that were briefed on all this.
And people are like, you know, that's crazy in 2005 or 2010 or 2015.
Yeah, there'll be a world lockdown.
We'll have to wear masks.
They'll tell us we can't go out and go to ballgames.
You'll have to have a pass to travel.
Yeah, Alex, that's not really going to happen.
And now you see how quickly it is happening.
And now you can see how eight years from now they plan to have 80% of people dead.
This is all just a drill right now to lock us down to make sure we'll behave when they release the real bioweapons on us.
When they release the really nasty stuff.
So, do you really want to see the next phase of this come true?
Do you really want to be saying Alex Jones is right in a couple years when billions are dying?
Make no mistake, no matter who you are, some fancy-pants lawyer at the Justice Department, or some big muckety-muck preacher, or some big guy in the military, this is going to be a civilization destroying cascade of events that are designed and planned.
I told you a year and a half ago that the CDC was under UN directives and would begin claiming that they had to put people who they think might have been in contact with somebody with COVID in a camp.
And then if you don't behave yourself, you stay in the camp longer.
It's penal.
They penalize you.
New York just signed an executive order to round anybody up they want and to disappear them.
Same stuff's already in place in Canada.
Same stuff's already in place in Europe.
The UK, New Zealand, Australia.
It's all unified, ladies and gentlemen.
And the globalists, let me explain this very slowly, are locking the first world down because they plan to depopulate us the most because we're middle class and the rest of the world looks up to that and our rights and freedoms.
So we're slated to be devastated and wiped out first.
And totally locked down as a fortress system for who survives.
And then they're going to wipe out the third world.
So, for the racist and people out there that want to kill all the black and brown people, don't worry, they're all going to get killed too, and so are you.
We either come together and stop this or we're all dead.
And you can pretend it isn't happening, you can go, oh Alex is being a little extreme.
No, I'm telling you exactly what's going on, and exactly what's happening.
Now, listen.
Everybody's really excited that the Build Back Better, which is a UN, Davos Group, Global Mafia term,
That our own leaders in Congress don't say, hey, that's the U.N., that's the Davos Group.
You'll own nothing, you'll have nothing.
I mean, where are our leaders saying, what is this U.N.
program for our economy, and saying, we don't want it?
It failed by one vote in the Senate today, because Senator Manchin, who's having a come-to-Jesus moment, said, if we spend another $5 trillion right now, we will certainly bankrupt the nation.
And plus it gives the money to all these communist and globalist groups, and then in the bill, the only reason he said no is it totally shuts off our coal within two years, it's already halfway shut off, and then it shuts down most of the oil within eight years, of course, and will destroy us!
We will be a frickin' road warrior collapse system!
You cut the fuel off and in two weeks you live in road warrior.
And people are like celebrating, oh look, we beat the Democrats!
They're going to come back!
Do you understand the death sentence?
The insanity of trying to cut our power off?
Russia and China aren't getting their power cut, they're upping it.
Saudi Arabia's not.
Mexico's not.
None of these countries are.
It's only western countries that are targeted to be brought down first.
This is modern warfare.
And when we come back, I'm going to hit the big news.
Washington Post up there.
Saying we need troops on the streets, we need the Pentagon to occupy America to save us from insurrectionists.
Oh, a bunch of people out of a million, 600, 700 going into Capitol, most of them non-violent.
Because of that, we need the real martial law of troops on the streets to shut down all political discourse ahead of them stealing the election in 324 days.
They already had the coup, folks.
Now they want to secure their coup.
So this could... This could be InfoWars last Christmas.
Because it could be America's last Christmas.
Evil is taking over the planet.
They're destroying our borders, our sovereignty, our supply chains, our language, our currencies.
They're coming after us.
And if we don't support American businesses, and if we don't support independent media, in the final days of 2021, we have no future in the midterms of 2022.
2022 is the year where America decides its fate.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to encourage you to do your Christmas shopping in fullrestore.com because I can barely keep our operation going.
And I appreciate you keeping us in the position to fight back.
I am so thankful for you.
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And I'll redouble your efforts to make sure that your investment in freedom continues on.
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Thank you.
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I mean, this is from, people say, why is it from Chiapas, Mexico?
The communists!
Well, that's where some of the best coffee in the world that's wild harvested, above organic, in the volcanic soil, better than Guatemalan coffee.
And yeah, we buy it from the little farmers that, you know, the media calls communists, but really they're just a commune and whatever.
The point is, is that it's good coffee and we've got it and the farmers don't let the Mexican government take over.
So I actually buy this from the Mexican rebels and I've been buying it for, what, 14 years and the price has never gone up.
The same stuff sold at Whole Foods
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You are living in incredibly important times.
You are living in the essence of the historical and the epic.
The word epic gets overused, but it is certainly the correct term now.
Biblical is another great term.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us on this live Sunday, December 19th, Global Transmission.
So I want to explain something.
A lot of listeners have asked on air and off air, why don't you talk about Jan 6 more?
And I mean, I've talked about it quite a bit, but not as much as some people who were there and witnessed it, because there's so many other big giant events unfolding and taking place.
That said, I'm going to be talking about Jan 6 quite a bit now here on air.
Not just the political prisoners that we have covered a lot and should be covered.
It's absolutely un-American, so dangerous and criminal what's happening.
And if it can be done to them, it can be done to any of us and all of us.
But Jan 6th and the way it's now being used by the Democrats in the deep state is
The biggest domestic issue in America coming up to the midterms in 324 days, because as I've been saying every day here for months, they are planning to pull something big before the midterm elections that are so critical, where their coup against America could be overridden by a gigantic landslide that despite their mail-in ballots they're going to pull again,
The landslide's so huge, they have no way to overwrite it.
And that's what the experts break down, that's what the numbers show.
They tried to steal Texas, they tried to steal Florida, but they ran out of dead people votes, and people that had moved out of state votes, and illegal alien votes, that they registered and put.
They used everything they had, but the landslide was so huge in Texas, and so huge in Florida, they failed.
They ran out of bullets.
And so they don't know what to do.
Even their mainline polls show 80 plus percent of Republicans know the election was stolen, and 45 percent of Democrats.
And Biden in establishment polls that they admittedly add 15 percent more Democrats to the polling group, arguing there's more Democrats than Republicans, that's not even true, to then sway opinion
To make it look like people are really voting Democrat.
Even in those polls, Biden has a 30-33% number.
The lowest since scientific polling began 120 years ago.
He has the lowest poll numbers ever recorded.
Lower than Jimmy Carter before he left office.
Lower than Richard Nixon when he was removed by stepping down.
More than anybody.
The worst approval rating ever because he's not really the president.
Everybody knows it.
It's a sick joke.
Kamala Harris got a quarter point of black voters when she was running for president in the primaries.
A quarter point.
No one else got even near that low.
And with whites, she got almost one percent.
Black people hate her because the woman, you can look at her, has zero African in her.
It's like Elizabeth Warren saying she's Native American.
It's just not true!
And Biden likes to say, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black.
Well, if you think Kamala Harris is black, you ain't black.
I mean, it's all a sick joke in our faces, ladies and gentlemen.
So here we are, ladies and gentlemen, and they are preparing the media, they're preparing the culture, they are on every channel and every local newspaper all over the country saying January 6th was a terror plot.
By the US military working with Trump and Roger Stone and Alex Jones and General Flynn.
And they've got New Republic Magazine headlines with General Flynn and rebel flags behind him.
And he's going to lead an insurrection.
He's going to be a dictator.
All of it 100% bull.
Went and read the article.
But that's the images they're putting out.
Pulled the New Republic article about what's on General Flynn's mind?
What's his long-term view?
I forget the exact headline.
I read it early this morning, the article.
But that's where we are.
And so they are busy programming the public that the Republicans are going to attack, but this time with guns and helicopters and bombs.
And General Flynn is going to lead an attack and kill a bunch of people.
And I mean, it's it's like I'll pull it up for you.
Here it is.
Type in General Flynn.
Click News, I'll just do it, it's fine.
It's not a big deal, I can do it.
So, so this is the point that we've gotten to here, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's only going to get worse until we realize that, yes, there's the article.
What is Michael Flynn's long game?
And then the cover of the magazine is burning buildings and a rebel flag with him commanding people to murder everyone.
I mean, the guy's not even from the South.
The guy's from Rhode Island.
A Catholic from Rhode Island.
This is how these people operate.
No connection to reality, no connection to what is really going on, because they don't care, ladies and gentlemen.
They're getting ready to stage terror attacks and blame Trump and Flynn and Stone and Jones.
You can bet your bottom dollar on it.
And that's why when we go to break in a few minutes and I'll come back.
You guys print me that article please.
We'll come back and we'll go over all that information because I get upset sometimes on a piece of information and I just have to have it or I can't continue on.
Everybody's great.
I will find the cover of the current New Republic magazine that shows you what I'm talking about because I really have just got
To show you that.
You just saw the article, but I'm going to show you the thing.
I must do it.
I must show you.
So, that's where we are.
And so, everybody needs to ask themselves, what are you going to do about it?
What should I do about it?
What should Alex Jones do about it?
What should General Flynn do about it?
What should President Trump do about it?
Because President Trump is busy, which is nice and cute and fun,
Traveling around the country.
He was just in Houston.
Here's a photo of it.
There's the New Republic.
What is Michael Flynn's long game?
And it's a bunch of people, rebel flags, blowing everything up and killing everybody.
Anyway, let's continue.
Thousands turn out to see President Trump in Houston.
Amazing video.
And we'll show you this when we come back next segment.
So Trump's running around having fun and dancing on stage and making fun of Kim Jong-un, the rocket man, and telling cutesy stories.
And that's great and that's wonderful!
While the globalists cut off our pipelines, destroy our borders, destroy our currency, try to start wars with Russia, sell us out to all these foreign powers, brainwash our children, censor the American people, and the Republican Party
Blue Bloods are just going along with the whole thing.
And Trump is still at Mar-a-Lago like he's at the prom every night wearing a frickin' tuxedo.
And I'm not even mad at Trump.
I'm not mad at any of them.
I'm just like, do they understand how screwed they are?
The deep state's getting ready to blow stuff up and blame it on you, you dumb bastard.
God almighty!
At least Flynn knows what's going on.
For a fraction.
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If you think the tyranny and oppression we're living under now is bad, wait till they've got their world ID in, and that's exactly what the COVID passports are all about.
And Klaus Schwab and the UN and all the other globalist leaders' own words, they admit that once they've gotten you with that system, then they're going to carbon tax you everywhere you go and track what you do.
And publicly, they're saying they're going to decide when you can travel and when you can't travel.
I don't know.
Finally, folks are starting to wake up.
Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and others are leading the charge, along with Infowars.
But it's not enough.
Every individual has to not comply, and we have to talk about bringing the globalists to justice.
You see, they need the fear of God put in them, legally and lawfully.
UN-run contact tracers aren't coming, they're here.
All over the world, from Australia to the United States, from Canada to Germany.
These tyrants are tracking everything you do, everywhere you go, and then coming to your house and threatening, in some cases actually, taking people away into the night to their facilities.
And they're planning in the next year to expand their shield process where they come and take, quote, healthy people away and put them in facilities for their safety.
This is nothing less than martial law.
And one big thing you can do to fight back is to get high quality Faraday cages, many of which are made here in America and are very compliant, meaning U.S.
government military grade, at InfoWarsTore.com.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I got really upset about what's going on in the world last segment and kind of got off into rabbit trails, but I'm going to get focused right now and cover all the news and just break down scientifically what's going on.
Here it is very simply.
There's been a foreign, multinational, corporate coup allied with Communist China, the European Union, radical Islam, that's operating system is God-hating, life-hating, Hollywood Satanist pedophiles.
And this Legion of Doom, this consortium of evil,
This army of corruption is organized and is coming after humanity and bragging about it and admitting it.
And it's called the Great Reset.
It's called Build Back Better.
And our own leaders, who I think are good people, Trump and all of them but Flynn,
Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, all of them know good and damn well what's going on.
It's all admitted by Klaus Schwab.
It's admitted by the UN.
It's admitted by the Davos Group.
It's admitted by Bill Gates.
They could destroy them politically by just exposing them.
They are the enemy.
They are the bad guys.
But they will not be identified because if you go directly after the globalists, they try to destroy you.
Well, they're already destroying everybody.
So let them.
Let them.
Stop letting these globalists just run all over us.
The danger is in giving in to them.
I don't know how these so-called leaders live with themselves, sleep at night, knowing this is going on and only giving quarter measures.
And that's why they fear General Flynn.
He doesn't want to be president.
He wants Trump to run again.
He wants Trump to be strong.
I know Flynn really well.
I know his family and everybody around him.
And you notice they've got all these articles in MSNBC and CNN and all these videos and the New Republic of him burning down America with rebel flags and he's a KKK and he's gonna kill you with no evidence of that.
Because he understands what's going on.
He understands what we're really facing.
He understands they provocateur January 6th.
He understands this is a globalist takeover.
He understands COVID was made in a lab and released on us for fear and control and that now the shot is a soft kill weapon to weaken and collapse the country and so that the good people get fired from their jobs and the nation further accelerates its decline.
This is all cloud and pivot.
This is all a de-industrialization, societal collapse operation, Agenda 21.
And we've got all these Pentagon generals running around doing litmus tests of critical race theory for the military and forced injection to get the good people kicked out.
And now having new litmus tests in the Washington Post saying, we need a litmus test to make sure with a new loyalty
Confirmation and pledging allegiance for the third time to Biden that the military understands that when the Democrats win the midterms, if anybody protests, they're terrorists.
It actually says that in these articles, ladies and gentlemen, and then it says an example of the evil in the military and how we need the military to be prepared to take out the rest of the military in a civil war.
Talk about third world stuff here.
Because a general over the National Guard in Oklahoma said this is an experimental shot, this COVID-19 Pfizer shot.
And he read the federal law and the military regulations that killed the anthrax shots in the early 2000s that were experimental and said, we're not giving it to our National Guard.
And the courts have almost unanimously agreed with him.
And you got the Pentagon saying, there's an example of the insurrectionists.
We need to be ready to arrest all this military brass that doesn't follow our legal orders.
These are not legal or lawful orders.
That's why Biden in June of this year put in his National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, where they say those that oppose forced inoculations, those that oppose lockdowns, new lockdowns, those that oppose open borders, or those that say there is election fraud, are the main terror threat and the CIA and the military need to be used against them.
Now here's the big news, should have said this at the start of the show.
You get the mind game.
I mean, you get the mind control.
You get the gaslighting, don't you, everybody?
They're the ones saying, use the military and the CIA and the Patriot Act, and they are against the American people to surveil us and watch us and prepare the military to come kill us.
That's treason!
That's martial law!
That's illegal!
That's out of control!
And they say it's to counter Trump, and General Flynn, and Alex Jones, and Roger Stone, as if any of us are plotting a military attack on something.
That would blow up in our face, it would give the enemy the high ground, they would be able to bring in a real hot coup against America, not just their soft coup, and that would be the biggest gift to them ever.
And we know there were groups bringing those plans to Trump and telling him he needs to use the military and declare all that.
And I looked at that constitutionally and I said, there's evidence of fraud.
Yes, you could do that.
But I said, this is a trap to set Trump up.
And when and if he does that, he'll be arrested.
And I had Robert Barnes on saying that.
I had Roger Stone on saying that.
We're all on record in November and December and January saying, we don't want that military coup.
General Flynn had it brought up to him that if there was a breakdown and a societal battle in the states, that Trump could use the federal marshals and then federal troops to grab the machines if there was fraud, which has been done before by the feds back in 2000.
But that was never done.
What we do have is the deep state globalist system that knows it's illegitimate, that's already committed a coup against this country, and has already basically taken over, and is massively censoring, and taking bank accounts away from millions of people, and persecuting everyone, and surveilling everyone, and putting the ADL in charge of all of it.
I mean, this is what you do in an authoritarian state.
This is what happens in an authoritarian state.
And you have Pelosi ordering the Sergeant of Arms to not
Defend the building and open the doors.
You have Trump asking for 10,000 National Guard on January 6th and being told no by the DC mayor.
That's who controls those unless he overrides it.
You had Milley saying, don't do it.
Trump or I'll resign when he wanted 10,000 troops the weeks before.
And then when Trump came out.
And told Mark Meadows, the Chief of Staff, he wanted it.
Now they've got those text messages spinning it like Trump wanted National Guard for a coup.
Trump wanted National Guard because they believe, like past events we've had where we were peaceful in D.C., that Antifa was going to attack us.
But Antifa didn't attack a million of us that day.
The few thousand cowards that work for the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, and others.
And Deep State.
George Soros.
They were dressed in red caps and red, white and blue outfits and even caught on video.
And they were there working with the FBI and working with other criminal organizations to break through the first offenses and to overwhelm the police that were then ordered to stand down by Pelosi on record.
And if you're a radio listener, we already put those articles on screen.
TV viewers saw them.
So here's what's going to happen.
We're going to come back and talk about it.
The coup's already happened.
America's already being shut down and destroyed right now.
We, by one vote, saved having our coal and most of our gasoline cut off for the next two years.
And you're like, that sounds devastating.
You see the inflation?
You see the borders collapsing?
You see the supply chain breakdowns?
You're under attack!
This isn't a probe.
This isn't a beta test.
This is it, boys and girls.
This is it.
You're in it now, okay?
So there's still a way to fix this legislatively.
There's still a way to fix this.
You notice we just beat their Build Back Better, UN, Carbon Tax, Davos Group, Crown Jewel.
To shut ourselves down when nobody else does.
Because the globalists have invested overseas and they want to bring us to our knees.
And then bankrupt our economy and put us all on welfare so they can dictate our surrender.
We just won politically.
We're gaining all the states, the legislatures, the courts.
We're winning.
We're beginning to reverse Roe v. Wade.
We don't want violence.
But they do.
It's the only move they've got.
And do you think the globalists that are at arm's length are scared to trigger a civil war in America?
They want one.
They want one.
So they're planning to trigger one now.
Every day we're on there is precious.
Every day you share links is precious.
We have to affect the hearts and minds out there with the truth ahead of what's about to go down.
Enough exposure, they may not pull the false flags.
So this could be literally your last chance with all the insane things happening in the world to get in full force products and to support us into 2022, the do or die year.
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This could be potentially your last chance to get a t-shirt, a book, a film, or these great supplements.
We're going to keep going 110%, but we need your support.
Christmas Day 2021 is almost here, and I want to encourage our amazing listeners and viewers who have changed the world through your support of InfoWars to help take this fight against tyranny to the next level, and that's what Reset Wars does.
We've extended the sale of 25% off on the course, Mind Wars, Spirit Wars, it's two courses in one, until Christmas Day.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Help give your friends, your family, your neighbors the gift of being aware of how the globalists are manipulating them and trying to break their will.
And please give yourself and the whole world the gift of keeping InfoWars on the air at this critical time.
Without your support, we would have already been shut down.
With your support, we're not just going to stay on air, we're going to take the fight to the next level, because now is the historic point.
Now is the inflection point, and it's all about Reset Wars.
25% off through Christmas Day at ResetWars.com.
Get the course now.
Well, here we are.
The year 2021 is almost over.
Christmas is just a few days away.
I want to take a little bit of time out to thank you all for keeping us in the fight.
The New World Order would have already basically won if it wasn't for Infowars.
And I'm not bragging.
I'm letting you know that together as a family, we have changed the world, and that we have a responsibility, because God put us in this position, to not back down now at the very critical point.
This is an InfoWars, and the globalists are trying to break your will and demoralize you, and I've produced a two-part course, Mind Wars, Spirit Wars, six plus hours, that lays out the most game-changing information ever.
It's available right now at ResetWars.com, and through Christmas Day, we've extended the sale 25% off.
So ResetWars is now available at InfoWarsStore.com and also at ResetWars.com for 25% off.
Thanks for getting the course, and thanks for keeping InfoWars on the air.
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world.
It's very, very simple, but that most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure, intellectual property, energy.
They're using it to buy people, to buy influence.
And in the past, they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything.
Not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
Warn everyone.
It's the only way to stop it.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, let me lay out what's about to go down in the next 324 days.
Now again, the enemy has five or six cards in their hand, and we know what those cards are, and we know how they're pre-programming and laying the groundwork or the highway for the card they're going to play.
So you can tell what card they're going to play,
Because they think we're so stupid, they telegraph it and prepare it and lay it out.
That's how we know what's coming next.
And you think, well, sometime they might do a little bit of a feint, or they might put out some disinfo.
If the general public was fully awake, they might do that, but no.
When they prepare their brainwashing, they prepare their program, they launch it.
95% of the time.
And they are preparing, as you see everywhere, that conservatives are all terrorists, free speech is terrorism, gun owners are terrorists, people that want to control the border are terrorists, people that don't want to bankrupt the economy are terrorists, people that love America are terrorists, people that question election fraud are terrorists, people that don't want to take deadly shots are terrorists, and they've had enough of us, and it's time to put us in camps, and, you know, we're just ready for all this to end.
Because with half the public that's totally unconscious, they really believe it's the unvaxxed is the reason the economy's shutting down.
They really believe that's why gas prices are high.
They really believe that's why they gotta wear a mask all the time.
If you just do what you were told by the New World Order, why, they'd be okay!
And so they've been put into that deranged mass mob psychology
Mass psychosis that Carl Jung talked about, that the Pentagon is obsessed with.
And I want to explain what's happened at the Pentagon.
The Pentagon's full of some of the best people in America.
But when you get to the very top of it, ladies and gentlemen, they're globalists.
And they are telling all the way down to the ROTC at colleges, the officer class, being trained to be officers.
They're telling them.
That you're going to have a war with the American right wing who are white supremacist terrorists because they believe in ABCDEFG.
And the ABC, you know what those are.
God, country, capitalism, free market.
You don't want to defund the police.
You believe in due process.
You believe in medical rights.
You believe in the Nuremberg Code.
You believe in just common sense.
You believe in what America's all about.
Obviously, you're the enemy, hell, turn on the news!
But the ROTC training, the West Point training, the Pentagon training, the Critical Race Theory training, it is all, not just that America's inherently evil, and we gotta take down the Teddy Roosevelt statue, because, you know, he was a civil rights advocate, obviously he's evil.
You see, it's about
Demonizing their opposition before they make their move.
And all hell's going to break loose when they do this.
And they're going to use this civil war they trigger as the pretext to kill the dollar as we know it, bring in the new global currency, and say, don't worry, it's the new app just like your vaccine app.
This is how you buy and sell.
But you better behave or we turn it off.
And then you're not going and watching the movie Red Dawn in the movie theater like I did.
With my grandfather in the mid-1980s, one of the last movies he ever saw, he didn't die until a lot later, but he didn't really like movies, but we went and saw that.
And we went and saw Good, Bad, and the Ugly one time, too, at the Paramount Theater.
He liked that movie, but here in Austin, my mom's dad.
You know, Red Dawn's a movie where they're in the occupied town and, you know, people are disappearing, you can't speak out, you can't go out at night.
That's where you are!
But it's not just you can't go out at night, you can't go out any time unless your app says.
It's all official.
It's all unified.
It's here.
You read about tyranny in history books, you read about times where horrible things happened, and you ask, why did that happen?
Because people followed orders.
And so thank God you've got the head of the National Guard in Oklahoma,
Saying a bunch of federal courts have ruled against this, saying it's experimental.
And it says right here in the federal law, if something's experimental, you can't make troops take it.
I'm not going to make them take it.
I'm going to follow the law.
I'm going to stand up to Hitler and say what you're doing is wrong.
That's what you're supposed to do.
And they say, oh no, that's a, that's a, you read the article in the Washington Post, that's white supremacist code.
Oh, you don't want to take a deadly shot, you're a white supremacist.
And of course it makes no sense to you whether you're black or white or old or young, you're awake.
But to the average leftist, they hear that and they think the National Guard in Oklahoma are Nazis.
Because they don't want to take a poison, and again, it makes no sense, because it's not meant to make sense, unless you're an unconscious zombie who's been brainwashed.
So, there's a cocktail of things they can do.
There's a mix, but obviously, I mean, the Pentagon is globalist control now, and it says, we believe in the midterms, and we believe in 2024,
That when Trump loses, and when they lose, which they will, that we need the military in the streets ahead of time, you know, fighting the American people and ready.
And again, don't you see the mind control?
That's what's illegal.
Trump couldn't even get 10,000 National Guard for January 6th rally for security.
Because oh my gosh, that's a police state, that's martial law, that's the end of the world, you can't do that!
When no one would have looked at that as a bad thing.
That should have happened.
And they sent away half of the Capitol Police to do traffic control that day.
It was a setup.
And by the way, we're going to break news on Tuesday.
I'm ready to break it now, and I'm ready to break it tomorrow, but we're putting documents together.
We've got witnesses.
We're going to break something, and we're still on air on Tuesday, concerning January 6th.
I should have said the start of the show.
That is just the most incredible information ever.
Total smoking gun.
Of who was behind the Capitol attack.
Who is on the Jan 6th Committee.
And it's hiding in plain view.
When I learned this today, and did hours of research on it afterwards, everything clicked into place and I was like, oh my goodness.
Jiminy Crickets.
Holy Toledo.
There it was.
Right there.
And wait till you learn this on Tuesday.
But again, that's why they got the censorship in place, hoping this information doesn't get out.
But if this gets out, Pelosi and the Democrats and Liz Cheney aren't just going to be out of office.
They're the ones that are going to be going to prison.
So folks, the criminals have made their move.
The offshore banks think they can sit back and have their minions do all this, who are blackmailed and controlled seven ways from Sunday.
But you're about to see history unfold in a massive, massive way.
So, they plan to stage terror attacks ahead of the midterms, probably on some racial attacks, some attacks on schools, attacks on a black college, black church, something along those lines, an attack on Pfizer facility, an attack on Bill Gates' compound, something like that.
I mean, they're already pre-programming that.
So, obviously, we don't want that.
Nobody wants to be offensively violent.
We're winning politically.
They're losing.
They're bleeding out right now.
We need to just stand back and watch them politically die.
The problem is, and I mean that metaphysically or as an archetype or as a parable, not literally bleeding out.
We need to sit back while they bleed out.
And explain.
We're not violent.
We're not the ones that want to cut off your power and open the borders and child traffic and everything else.
And they provocateured us on January 6th.
And we dropped the ball and they set us up.
We walked into a trap.
But we're not for any violence.
We don't want any of that to happen.
Hell, let them steal the midterms.
Think how hated they'll be.
Let them steal the next one.
I mean, they'll never be a Democrat or Communist or Socialist elected a dog catcher after this.
Now's the time to be Mahatma Gandhi copying Jesus Christ and Martin Luther King Jr.
copying Gandhi.
Now is the time to hold back and turn the other cheek.
Now is the time.
Now is the time.
We decry all offensive violence.
We do not want to go out and attack any of these groups or people while they attack our children, while they attack the police, while they attack our local governments, while they try to bully us and overthrow us.
We want to politically expose them and spiritually expose them and undermine their authority because they're frauds and politically assassinate them with the truth, not with violence.
Politically assassinate their character.
Politically destroy them, but not harm a hair on their chinny-chin-chin.
That's the key going into this, exactly.
Civil disobedience.
That is the answer.
They walked us into a trap on January 6th, now they're trying to put those of us that tried to stop it in prison because they know that they're weak and they know this is all coming out and they know they're in trouble and now they're saying they want martial law and troops on the street and the CIA to attack American citizens to keep us safe from a coup.
From an insurrection 2.0 when it's what they're announcing that's illegal.
It's what they're pushing that's totally criminal on its face.
And they just want to hide that in plain view and hope you don't notice because the whole political system is turning against them.
The whole world is turning against globalism and their COVID launch and their lockdowns and their new lockdowns and all their desperate fear-mongering is the acts of a global corporate
Psychological warfare behavioral psychology system that drank its own Kool-Aid, smoked its own dope, and that is going down, and we don't want to get crushed while it's collapsing.
We want to step aside at a safe distance while these scumbags destroy themselves.
Hour number two in massive news straight ahead.
I never compromised.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, Malcolm.
All right, I'll make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroer.
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People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
I never compromise the quality of ingredients we put in InfoWars Live products.
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Listen to what it's got in it.
Cutting edge chicken bone broth protein isolate powder for better flavor and dissolvability.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from deep in the heart of Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
Let's play a little bit of The Secret Covenant by Jamie Deluxe, a great new contributor that's going viral.
This is just part of the long report.
It banned the video.
This is just a few minutes of The Secret Covenant.
And we're going to have more of this coming up later at the end of the hour and some exclusive news.
The new day at CNN from Jamie Deluxe as well.
But here's part of The Secret Covenant.
We're good to go.
It's all a pyramid scheme, and a lot of them use blackmail and mind control.
So whatever term you prefer to use, I really don't care.
I'm looking for the symptoms.
Whether it's real or not, I can't say.
But I can say, it really seems to be happening.
Just for a little background, this is from an older blog.
The Secret Covenant was leaked out on www.bankindex.com June 21st, 2002.
The piece came in through one of Bank Index Forums where the author left leaving an unusable email address.
And this is from a forum on eureka.com.
Ugh, is it getting hot in here?
The Alleged Secret Covenant of the Illuminati.
Message originally sent by G. Edward Griffin.
On March 25th, 2004, I received an email copy of a document entitled The Secret Covenant.
It appeared to be the blueprint for a master conspiracy to dominate the world.
The author was anonymous, and the original text dated June 21st, 2002, came from a non-functioning email address.
Nevertheless, it was so convincing that the lady who sent it to me believed it was an authentic message from a member of the Illuminati.
She wrote, Mr. Griffin, maybe you are already aware of this document from an unknown author, but I thought it was worth sending to you just in case.
It is so powerful in its statement that you cannot imagine it to be a hoax.
Anyone with the same mind will notice that we are already in that world.
I just feel it is warning us, but how many will believe it?
You and I know that that world is here.
What amazes me is that one of the Illuminatis is actually warning us.
The Secret Covenant.
An illusion it will be so large, so vast, it will escape their perception.
Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.
We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive.
Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time.
So as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves.
This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
We will always stand above the relative field of their experience, for we know the secrets of the absolute.
We will work together, always, and will remain bound by blood and secrecy.
Death will come to he who speaks.
We will keep their lifespans short and their minds weak, while pretending to do the opposite.
We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways, so they will never see what's happening.
We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds.
We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths.
They will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.
From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them.
Alright, we're going to get Jammer Griffin on.
He's been fighting since the 60s in the next few weeks, probably in the new year, to talk about the secret covenant.
But see the full report, that was just a small part of it, now at Band.Video.
Band.Video, and then share it.
So this could be.
It was almost 15 years ago that I released my seminal film, In Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
In that documentary, I predicted the globalists would establish world government by releasing a virus, demanding that there be worldwide lockdowns, and then triggering a collapse of our industrial society.
And now they've done it.
How did I know they would do it?
Because they wrote books and white papers, and many of their own reports and internal meetings were leaked.
You see, then I was tracking the Bilderberg Group, whose head at the time was Klaus Schwab, and our sources inside were confirming to us that they were indeed planning to launch this Great Reset.
Well, we're now living in it.
The purposeful collapse of the third world and the first world, not its assets, the tyrannical corporate world government, total censorship, no due process.
...the structure of the family, and then incrementally more and more deadly injections of poison mass creating these vaccines to poison us and depopulate us.
This is what our wars is fighting.
We're fighting for the future.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It's Sunday, December 19th, the year is 2021.
And we live in incredible times.
Now I'm about to hit this line of stacks here.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 stacks just in this row.
I'm going to do my best right now to hit all of these.
And then the murder of the babies now being injected, bleeding out all over the place.
Even Mainline News celebrating the mass murder, the satanic sacrifices of our children.
God weeps, I can tell you.
I can feel the anger.
So let's run through some headlines.
White House goes off on Manchin after he kills Biden's Build Back Better bill.
Well, let's explain.
That's not Biden's Build Back Better bill.
That's the UN New World Order system.
Build Back Better is the UN World Government program.
Look it up.
They don't deny it.
They say it's the plan to cut your freaking energy off.
I mean, it's not even the Manchin some type of hero here.
He just didn't want to just literally shut the country down.
I mean, this is insane.
Biden team, Democrats freak out after Manchin shoots down $5 trillion spending bill.
And again, one part of it was to cut our fossil fuels off, literally.
Bye-bye Build Back Better.
Dem holdout.
Joe Manchin says he won't vote for the bill.
So this is some good news, but I mean, it's like, Manchin didn't vote to blow our heads off.
How nice of him.
I mean, it's insane.
Biden says regulators want banks to focus on climate change.
That was in the bill that you don't get loans and do things if the bank doesn't come and inspect you and say that you're carbon neutral.
It's feudalism, folks.
It's total, absolute control.
Sticker shock.
Electricity prices jumped 70% in Dallas-Fort Worth, with more hikes likely, Dallas Morning News reports, because of the coal plants being shut down by Obama and Biden.
Nix's immigration plans for true trillion Biden bill.
Again, to open the borders up.
More articles with the Democrats wanting you to eat bugs.
They're not joking around about that.
A quote from Stalin back in the 30s.
It's not the people who vote that counts, it's the people who count the votes.
And then I'm not going to play the clip, it was on Thursday he said it, but here's the article or you want to see the video.
Biden embodies Stalin.
It's about who counts the votes.
I mean, again, the surrealness of this is just going to get more and more insane.
And if you wonder why they're so arrogant, here's a Daily Mail article with quotes and links.
The rich will become godlike cyborgs under this whole new world order.
This is transhumanism and they want control of our bodies.
Now, let's start getting into the really huge news for you.
Let's just read the headlines.
Netherlands to go into strict Christmas lockdown.
Oh, one of the most vaccinated places in the world?
Just like Israel?
Just like Gibraltar?
Just like Singapore?
And they have some of the highest death rates and illness rates of the vaccinated.
It doesn't work in the way they say.
It does work to make you sick and erase your immune system.
Boris Johnson considers Christmas lockdown.
Oh, yes.
To train you, they're in full control, but he has a Bozo the Clown haircut, where they cut all the hair different lengths so he looks like Einstein, so it's okay.
It's okay, he's also married to a Satan worshipper.
Look it up, I'm not joking.
Fauci says Americans may have to wear masks on airplanes forever.
Knew that was coming.
Emails revealed Fauci effort to, quote, smear anti-lockdown scientists and, quote, destroy them so they couldn't ask questions.
He said, uh,
That they wanted to hit them with devastation.
Devastating takedown.
Yeah, you don't ask questions about us lying.
Revealed CDC massively inflated number of vaccinated Americans.
Told you that was always a big lie.
UK Health Minister awkwardly admits one Omicron death as government prepares more lockdowns.
Not making headlines, Omicron variants so weak that South Africa will stop tracing and quarantining of contacts.
It's all hysteria.
Court in German region of Lower Saxony rules against vaccine passports.
Won't be hearing about that on the news.
Another great question I want to ask callers on tomorrow's weekday show.
Exactly which dystopian novel or movie are we currently living in?
An example of how the COVID shots erase your immune system by the third shot almost completely.
The first one knocks it down.
Second one damages it irrevocably.
Third one, you basically have no immune system.
Post-Biden Afghanistan homeless reportedly hook hounds on heroin to keep them loyal.
Well, this is hooking you with no immune system to their quote shots.
And now let's hit the really huge news.
Get ready.
For this, ladies and gentlemen, this is Reuters.
Refugees lack COVID shots because drug makers fear lawsuits documents show they couldn't get a government to sign on
Bye now.
Footballer calls for investigation to footballers suffering massive heart problems and deaths.
Bolsonaro wants to expose health officials who approved COVID vaccine for kids.
Heart inflammation cases confirmed in kids after Pfizer jabs.
Big articles on that at RT.
French Ethical Committee backs vaccinations for kids ages 5 to 11 for benefit of the child.
How sick is that?
CDC data.
Fentanyl overdoses now kill more Americans ages 18 to 45 than COVID.
Cancer, car accidents, and suicide combined.
But they're not worried about
Fentanyl getting shipped in.
The Postal Service hasn't been ordered to look for that.
No, they're supposed to block ivermectin even from doctors that give legal prescriptions.
They want to make sure you die.
Report now confirmed.
School district warrants parents of sudden cardiac arrest in grades just K through 12.
Oh, it's a new thing.
Kids having heart attacks.
Get used to it.
And now there's new reports out of Newsweek.
People get microchips implanted that include vaccine records amid COVID restrictions.
That's happening in Sweden.
And then Pfizer has power to silence governments and maximize profits.
That's ABC News.
And it goes through all that about governments signed secret vaccine deal where they're allowed to cover up deaths.
Even the New York Times reports it's a corporate treaty governments signed to waive your rights.
That incredible.
And the CDC says, Paul Johnson and Johnson shot for the market because of heart attacks, including in children.
But it does the same thing as the Pfizer and Moderna.
Is it that interesting?
Oh, it's all safe and effective and now a shot they've had out for a year causes heart attacks and death.
But it's just a little footnote.
Oh, we told you.
Unbelievable information.
Just absolutely incredible.
And then it gets into these articles we've got.
British scientist took a year to declare links to Chinese lab after opposing COVID lab leak theory.
The Lancet editor helped cover up the fact that Fauci and others created COVID-19.
They not only did it, but that's okay because they still control everything we're saying and everything we're allowed to do.
And if you try to speak out, they censor you.
That's why InfoWars.com is so special.
The fact that we're still on air.
The fact that we're still fighting back.
The fact that we're still resisting.
The fact that we're still able to have these scientists and doctors on and reach millions of people so you can then share the links and the articles and the videos and tell others when you give it to them, be sure and share this.
And then tell those you give it to to share it.
And tell them to share it.
And tell them to share it.
And tell them to share it.
And tell them and tell them and tell them and tell them and then we win.
You understand how that works?
Coming up, Christy Lee's going to be in studio with us.
She's got a big report on globalist pedophiles.
More CNN producers caught reportedly grooming little girls for sex rings.
Yeah, big surprise.
They're producers, all right.
Sex op, pedo, pimps.
That's all coming up and so much more.
And Ireland rises up against the New World Order.
That's coming up next.
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We're good to go.
This could be Infowars last Christmas, because it could be America's last Christmas.
Evil is taking over the planet.
They're destroying our borders, our sovereignty, our supply chains, our language, our currencies.
They're coming after us.
And if we don't support American businesses, and if we don't support independent media, in the final days of 2021, we have no future in the midterms in 2022.
2022 is the year where America decides its fate.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to encourage you to do your Christmas shopping at InfolwerStore.com because I can barely keep our operation going.
And I appreciate you keeping us in the position to fight back.
I am so thankful for you.
And I'm asking you now to realize the huge investment you made over the years in us, and I'll redouble your efforts to make sure that your investment in freedom continues on.
Infowarsstore.com has incredible products, storewide free shipping up until December 20th.
So please take action now and keep us on the air.
Thank you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, I got a really powerful report dealing with the fact that Ireland is really waking up to the New World Order and battling back against it.
That report's up on Infowars.com.
We're going to play it here in a few minutes.
But a lot of people have asked me what this story is about today, and so I'm going to answer it right now as best I can.
Biden administration offers bonuses to doctors who implement anti-racism plans.
So here you are taking people's rights, bringing in a world ID, giving them deadly shots, violating the Nuremberg Code, but the religion is, oh, you did an anti-racism course, so now the federal government gives you money.
Well, that's just getting you used to getting money from Uncle Joe.
Stalin 2.0.
And they've done this all over Europe, all over Australia and New Zealand, this beta test, and now from Canada to Australia,
From the UK to Germany, billions are spent a year buying and paying for, quote, journalists to tell the truth.
You type in the headline, New Zealand passes law to fund independent news, which isn't independent, to counter fake news.
New Zealand funds real news against fake news.
And it's just the government directly buying people off and controlling them.
So they don't write about this.
Mom double-jabbed in third trimester gives birth to baby who dies after suffering heart failure blood clots.
Newborn baby dies after bleeding out of nose and mouth.
Report states baby died after transplacental exposure to mRNA-1273 Moderna vaccine.
That's the really strong one.
That's the report by the doctors?
We've had Dr. McCullough in studio and we're showing the documents where they now call it COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis.
It's a new form of heart swelling.
Moderna's COVID-19 was being blamed after a pregnant woman who received two doses after birth to a baby that died after bleeding from its nose and mouth.
According to horrific entry in the VAERS database, the incident was labeled a
Neonatal death occurred one day after the male baby was born on October 7th and happened after the mother received both doses of Moderna's mRNA vaccine during the third trimester, which they pressured her to do.
The neonate was exposed to mRNA-1273 Moderna COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy.
There is the report on screen.
The rest of the horror is there for you to see.
Oh, but look!
Trump's in Houston with 13,000-plus, no, 19,000-plus people capacity, making jokes and laughing with Bill O'Reilly.
Oh, it's so fun!
Not a word about this, because he tells you the vaccine's good.
I'm not even attacking Trump.
He just signed on to this, and it's just like a turd in a punch bowl.
Here's a tweet.
Alex Jones was right!
This COVID-19 cycle, new variants, fear, new lockdowns, fear, relief from lockdowns, imagined freedom, new variant, fear, shut everything down, fear, solution, more jabs and boosters, repeat, new variant, fear, new lockdowns.
There it all is.
I mean, you can look at the how it works over two years.
And you know, the worst part about 15 days to flatten the curve is the first two years.
We're about to enter year
And you know, it goes on forever.
And they've now said it goes on forever.
Here's another one.
Alex Jones is right about this, too.
It says, Reason Magazine here, New York bill would let the state put people in detention camps if deemed a
Even if you're not sick.
If we just say so.
And now in Australia and New Zealand, they're arresting members of their government that criticize things saying, well, you didn't even travel.
You're not even sick.
But we're going to put you in a camp until you stop.
Let's play part of this report.
It's up on Bandot Video.
It's a Darren McBreen clip.
I really think this should go viral.
Ireland rises up against the New World Order exclusive report.
Go to Bandot Video, click the left-hand corner, pull down the Darren McBreen section, and share this baby.
When you get excited and take action, nothing can stop you.
That's why you call in and thank me.
I want to thank all of you.
Because the only reason InfoWars is still on the air and having a huge effect for our children and our future is because of you.
So, think about that a little bit and pat yourself on the back.
Thank you for all you've done.
You are the MVP.
The listeners and viewers of this show, you are the tip of the spear.
And I am very blessed and honored to know you.
Here's the report.
We're here outside the Dáil today, lads, because we're living in very precarious times.
We're living in an inverse world in which the suppression of vital information, which is of public worthiness, is being suppressed by the legacy media.
Federal health officials say neither ivermectin nor hydroxychloroquine are effective treatments for COVID.
Don't even call them mainstream because they're all going to collapse like all the corrupt institutions are going to collapse when this great lie comes out.
There's serious vitriolic anger in the air and it's going to manifest and it's not going to be good for any citizens.
This is not a lunatic fringe, this is people who are very well versed, very well researched and are aware as to the plans of the global elitist cabal that have plans over the course of this decade to completely abonish every single element of the concept of freedom.
It's the freedom of your own body, freedom of bodily autonomy, the freedom of travel.
If you have travel plans, there is one more thing to add to your packing list.
Proof of vaccination.
The freedom of association, the freedom of human expression.
They want to incorporate people into a transhumanist movement.
And whilst that seems very far-fetched for a lot of people, it's what they have in plain sight.
Go look at UN Agenda 21, look at UN Agenda 30, look at the WEF.
It's all there in plain sight for the average Joe Soap to find out this information.
They call it the Great Reset.
This is their global domination.
This is it.
This is modern war.
How it's going to manifest, I do not know.
But I do suspect that the human spirit is going to rise up against this tyranny over the course of the next number of years.
When this sh** hits the fan, when people realize what's actually been done, they're going to want their pound of flesh.
Violent clashes are erupting across Europe as thousands of people protest the latest round of COVID-19 restrictions.
For everyone's children, the guard's children, the special unit's children, because future generations will have absolutely nothing.
They will not have ownership over their own bodies.
The only way to control it is to mandate vaccination.
They will not have ownership over their own future.
They can only dream of owning a property.
The WEF was the number one plan until 2030 is you will own nothing and you will be happy.
That's pure communism, lads.
If people don't own any resources, who does own it?
A state which is a bastion of corruption, which is a banana republic in terms of a lack of accountability.
Who is holding these bastards accountable?
Who the f**k is holding these bastards accountable?
I'll tell you who's gonna hold them, the people of Ireland will.
And when the people of Ireland wake up, my God, there's gonna be health pain.
You know, people see evil folks like Fauci and Gates trying to kill everybody and successfully doing it, and wonder, why would they do it?
We're gonna fight back.
They're gonna lose.
Yeah, they can't help it.
They're murdering psychotic criminals who have to be dealt with, but first they've got to be exposed.
Chrissy Lee's about to take over.
And when she hosts Sunday Live coming up in 30 minutes, she did a big report on how the pedos are going down.
And that ties into all this.
Evidence from Jeffrey Epstein's safe went missing after FBI took it.
Absolutely criminal.
Ghazaleen Maxwell could start naming names if she's found guilty in child sex trafficking charges.
That's why the prosecutor called his daughter's trying to lose the case.
Evidence from Jeffrey Epstein's safe.
Coming up, the pedos in power are being exposed.
There it is.
She's going to be on talking about it all and so much more.
Please don't forget, we're only on air because of your financial support.
We'll be taking off air if you don't support us.
So get some great products and support the InfoWars at InfoWarsStore.com and Reset Wars is 25% off at ResetWars.com until Christmas.
We're good to go!
Recent studies have suggested that high EPA and DHA fish oil can stimulate immune function by increasing the concentration and activity of immune cells.
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In late August, InfoWars saw an explosion of orders because our audience understands that the globalists are destabilizing the planet by design and are attempting to cause an economic and financial collapse worldwide.
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ResetWars.com is the coordinates on the internet
Where you can find the most important information I've produced in 28 years on air.
A lot of what's in the courses is known.
A lot isn't.
But it's my particular perspective and my definitions and my way of seeing the world.
Doesn't mean it's perfectly right.
As the Bible says, we all see through a rose colored darkly.
But we've proven that we've got some of the clearest, cutting edge discernment out there.
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ResetWars.com, MindWars, SpiritWars, 25% off at ResetWars.com.
It's hard to believe that Christmas 2021 is here.
And soon we'll be in the year 2022.
Everything the globalists plan on doing, their entire operations, hinge on you psychologically not understanding that they're trying to break your will, that they're trying to drive you into submission.
But if you're aware of this basic fact and how they are scientifically controlling you, then you're basically immune.
This is next level information on how to take control of your mind.
It's how I've been able to stand against the incredible attacks they've carried out because I'm able to connect to the divine.
I'm able to transcend this dimension simply by becoming aware of the fact that I already transcended it.
So until Christmas Day, we're offering Reset Wars, our incredible two-part course, for 25% off at ResetWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Welcome back!
As you just heard, Alex had to jet, and so I'm thrown in a bit early.
Going to be doing Sunday Night Live from 6 to 8, taking a lot of your phone calls during those couple hours, and have some reports I want to share with you.
One of those being, I know that Alex was just talking about it, the pedos in power are being exposed.
We all knew this, but whenever this is coming out more in the mainstream, is why we're saying are being exposed is because
Takes a while.
But they always try and gaslight us and say, it's a conspiracy theory, this isn't happening.
You know, they did that with the Pizzagate and maybe there were some things wrong with all of that.
But there was definitely some truth underneath and truth that we have all known about.
And it is making it slipping into the mainstream a bit.
You can't ignore what's happening at CNN.
That story is disgusting with the producer that
Bragged about being shoulder-to-shoulder with Cuomo.
I don't know anybody that would want to brag about being shoulder-to-shoulder with either Cuomo at this point.
But he sure was, and come to find out, he was luring minors and engaging in sex acts.
That has made it out into the mainstream.
You can't ignore that.
And then we have the other CNN issue with yet another producer talking sexually about his minor, essentially stepdaughter, to the point that Twitter has to play a little game of
Taking that down and protecting, I mean, but they warned us that Twitter had said that they were going to, if they didn't have permission from everybody, they were going to take it down, which we all knew was going to be a direct attack on Project Veritas.
And here we are, they're protecting the pedos.
But I did have to go on to Jake Tapper's
Twitter feed and just see the comments and plenty, maybe even some of you who are calling my like, are you going to say anything about this?
They can't deny it.
And then, as you know, we've been watching the what we can of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.
And isn't it funny that just everything comes up missing in that case?
You know, the videotape of
Epstein in jail.
Oh, that's just missing and that the evidence that the FBI collects is now missing.
But we need to continue to push that out there because they try so hard to hide these things.
And also, did you notice how she had asked for the witnesses there to be anonymous?
And when that gets rejected, it's like, oh wait, no, maybe we'll just move to closing arguments.
All of this is so slimy and disgusting that it cannot be ignored and it cannot be hidden anymore.
And so I'll have a little bit about that coming up in the 6 to 8 hour and also talking to some of you.
And I'm going to just move on to covering some of the news I was planning on covering in the 6 to 8 hour.
So just before I hopped on the desk, I happened to see
People talking about the fully vaccinated and boosted Pocahontas has symptomatic COVID-19.
And this is from the Liberty Daily.
And so there was some coverage of the little spat, we'll call it, between Elon Musk and Senator Elizabeth Warren.
And now she has something else to keep her busy, it says, because she's now dealing with COVID.
So here we are again, fully vaxxed.
And boosted coming down with COVID-19.
What I was happening to think about just before is they always call this a breakthrough case.
Anytime it's a vaccinated person, you call it a breakthrough case.
You'll notice.
And when you talk to about the unvaccinated getting COVID, it's not.
So they say breakthrough, which makes it think, oh, oops.
This is rare.
It's breaking through.
This is how I understand the science.
Again, I'm not a doctor, but this is what I'm guessing.
But how long can we continue to call these cases breakthrough cases if fully vaccinated individuals keep on getting it?
How is it a
Going throughout the whole college to the point that they're now going back to virtual learning?
None of this makes sense.
You know, I know some of you also have to deal with family members that are just completely hypnotized by everything going on.
I happen to have a family member that is a doctor and she defends the vaccine and
And she happened to bring up, like, well, good thing there wasn't social media back when we had the smallpax vaccine or all of the traditional ones.
And I couldn't help myself.
I'm like, you're a doctor and you're trying to compare this vaccine to the vaccines decades ago.
The ones, you know, where
If you got vaccinated for smallpox, then you didn't get it.
You know, the ones where you, if you got vaccinated for measles, then you didn't get it.
You know, all those other vaccines that were traditionally used for decades.
How many times did you hear of someone getting vaccinated for polio and then getting polio?
And yet a doctor is going to compare those vaccinations to this one, where clearly we're seeing multiple people every day that are fully vaxxed, boosted, and then getting it.
So clearly,
Clearly, this is not the same thing.
And as you know, there's many other reasons why this is completely not the same thing as these other vaccinations.
But that's the most glaringly obvious.
Any other true vaccine was so that you wouldn't get sick, so that you wouldn't get the virus.
But now that's happening.
Oh, in a breakthrough way, all of the time.
So, again, these articles are so sick to read because they always have those adjectives stuck in there.
You know, they always make sure they say, rare, breakthrough case.
If it's so rare, why are we reading about this so much?
This is what, you know, the traditional news always likes to say is a rare case.
And she said, I regularly test for COVID and well, I tested negative earlier this week.
Today, I tested positive with a breakthrough case.
Thankfully, I'm only experiencing mild symptoms and I'm grateful for the protection.
Wait a minute, you're grateful for the protection?
It didn't keep you from getting the virus.
But of course, she's saying that it's the vaccine that's making her have mild symptoms.
As cases increase across the country, we urge everyone who has not already done so to get a vaccine and a booster as soon as possible.
And then it's like, obvious rebuttal is like, oh, because it worked for you, so I should get it.
And so this ends with, let's pray that Elizabeth Warren and the multitudes of breakthrough cases are able to recover.
But let's not dismiss the fact that being fully vaccinated and fully, for now, boostered does nothing
To prevent symptomatic COVID-19 from striking.
Another thing that I'll talk about in that report that we're going to play at the top of the six is just the fact that Twitter had that rule that you now can be banned for saying that if you're fully vaccinated, you can spread the virus.
You can be banned for that.
We have all of the video evidence of CDC Director Rochelle Walensky saying that, of Dr. Fauci saying that if you're vaccinated, you can still spread, and that's why you have to wear the masks.
You have all these other people that are held on this high regard, or the true experts, or in Dr. Fauci's case, science.
Science embodied himself, saying that you can spread COVID-19 if you're fully vaccinated.
But if you say that, then you're off Twitter.
This is what we should be calling inconvenient truth, right?
And then I happen to see House Republicans plan to probe Biden admin over COVID origins.
NSA spying on Tucker Carlson.
And this is coming from The Blaze.
Early forecasts for the 2022 midterm elections look grim for Democrats.
But you wouldn't know that because we have heard President Biden saying they will win.
2022, the Democrats will win 2022.
Does he know something that we don't?
Is there some plan already in play of how they're going to win when poll numbers are so down?
And we already saw what happened in Virginia, that they're beating the Democrats and no one, I mean, if there was ever a reason to not vote Democrat, they've shown us why.
But yet they're so confident that they're going to win in 22.
A recent ABC News Washington Post survey projected Republicans to enjoy triumphant results in 2022 midterms, giving the GOP the highest marks in 40 years.
Should the GOP take back the House in 2022, Republicans will launch several aggressive probes into the Biden administration, according to a new report.
Well, you would hope so.
It would be about time.
We've been begging the Republicans to do something about all this.
You always have those on the left forming their committees and doctoring evidence if they need to, to try and fight for their causes.
And they want to wait around until they can hopefully win the 2022 to actually do anything?
What can you do now?
What can you do now to help us?
More coming up after the break.
This could be Infowars last Christmas, because it could be America's last Christmas.
Evil is taking over the planet.
They're destroying our borders, our sovereignty, our supply chains, our language, our currencies.
They're coming after us.
And if we don't support American businesses, and if we don't support independent media, in the final days of 2021, we have no future in the midterms in 2022.
2022 is the year where America decides its fate.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to encourage you to do your Christmas shopping at FortWorthStore.com because I can barely keep our operation going.
And I appreciate you keeping us in the position to fight back.
I am so thankful for you.
And I'm asking you now to realize the huge investment you've made over the years in us, and I'll redouble your efforts to make sure that your investment in freedom continues on.
Infowarsstore.com has incredible products, storewide free shipping up until December 20th.
So please take action now and keep us on the air.
Thank you.
Cobra Commander here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at Mega Corporation.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
Oh, and then you'll get that special shot of diggum from Cobra.
It will remove your immune system, so you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your miserable lives.
In late August, InfoWars saw an explosion of orders because our audience understands that the globalists are destabilizing the planet by design and are attempting to cause an economic and financial collapse worldwide.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, storable food has always been something that's important to have.
It's a checkbox that everybody needs to have taken care of, right along with water filtration, self-defense, and a relationship with God.
But now more than ever, you need to get your storable food orders in now.
We're ready to ship to you within 24 hours of your order.
It's high quality.
It's very, very low cost at infowarestore.com.
Because in the future, you're going to see more food supply shortages and you're going to see food supply price increases that are already taking place.
So lock in your storable food now at a lower price and fund the info war.
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the Globalist.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead with their full operational deindustrialization Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got an information
I think so.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Welcome back!
Alex had to jet, so I'm just finishing out this show.
You, as you know, Alex has been insanely busy as usual, but that's how he works best is keeping himself busy.
And he's been certainly busy on the Reset Wars.
And I can tell you just behind the scenes that a lot of work and effort went into that.
And maybe you're still on the fence on if you want to join.
Well, we have been getting tons of positive feedback about what people are learning and how
They are enjoying the Reset Wars and wanted to show you, I think, a really honest review and take on this.
So let's go ahead and take a peek at that.
This is Red Pill Reveals and today I'm going to be breaking down the Alex Jones Reset Wars program that he just released.
So recently I received this email right here from Alex Jones that Reset Wars is officially live for the pre-order.
So I went ahead and took the liberty of purchasing this for you guys just in case you guys don't want to purchase it or you want to know a little more information before you go ahead and buy.
So for the sake of this review, I'm going to start out by saying I am a huge Alex Jones fan.
I love everything he does.
I love everything he's about.
And I just find him very, very entertaining.
So for me, naturally, this is something I did want to go ahead and purchase.
So for the sake of this review, and to not give too many spoilers, because it is part of the excitement to know exactly what's in the curriculum,
Since it's not actually listed anywhere so I'm not going to be showing any of the membership area and I'm not going to be showing the actual lectures or the actual content that's in there because that's something I want to leave up kind of to the imagination.
It's part of the excitement of actually getting this program.
So here I'll kind of cover what I liked what I didn't like and just an overall review of what I think and if you're interested in Alex Jones whether or not this is something that you should go ahead and buy.
So first of all, for those of you who don't know what this is at all, it's basically a six hour curriculum that Alex and his team has put together.
So for example, as you can see on the actual landing page in section one, he breaks down all the tactics currently being used in their attempt to control your mind and capture your soul.
And he shows you how to make sure they never succeed.
So in section three, he shows you the true goals of the Great Reset so you can understand it fully and simply explain it to anyone.
And this is one of my favorite sections.
I think this is really cool because a lot of times, if you are interested in these sort of topics, it's really difficult to explain it in a way that actual other people who haven't done their research can understand.
And this actually does a really good job of breaking that down.
So section three was one that I really enjoyed personally.
And then in section six, you discover the three exercises you can easily do on a daily basis to raise your consciousness and protect you from toxic negativity the mass media machine throws at you every day.
So this is one of those sections that I also enjoyed.
It's a little bit out in the weeds as far as some of the things that are covered, but it was definitely entertaining.
And I do think it's something that could help you out if it's something that you are interested in.
And then in section 10 you see the science behind your connection to God and what the elite do to ruin this bond.
So if you are a fan of Alex Jones, that is a section that you're probably going to enjoy as well.
Now what I will say is that the sections that Alex did not list out are actually the ones that were my favorite for a couple of reasons.
First of all,
It was really surprising, it was intriguing, and it was actually exciting to see some of these things that were not listed there, because it keeps the intrigue alive about not knowing exactly what's in it.
But they really were surprising to me, some of the things that were in these other sections, that I don't want to spoil, because again, that is part of the excitement.
But to me, those sections are the things that are making it worth purchasing this entire program.
So one thing a lot of people probably want to know is if I'm a big Alex Jones fan and supporter and I do a lot of my research and I know a lot of these topics, I know a lot of the things that are covered, is this something that is worth it for me?
And to me the answer to that is yes.
I do a lot of research on these things.
I listen to a lot of Alex Jones shows and I still learn so many different topics and things that I literally had never heard about before.
So Alex did a really, really good job of explaining a lot of things that even the most hardcore person who thinks they know everything about these topics is still going to want to hear.
And I guarantee every single one of you guys is going to learn something that you did not know before taking this.
And one of the coolest things is that it starts out very beginner friendly.
So whether you know a lot about these topics or not, it's still good to have a refresher because it does get hard to remember kind of all of the things that you've learned over time and what things you think are true, what things you don't.
So putting it all together in a chronological order starting from kind of the beginning and walking towards you know what has taken shape into making what we have now and then going forward what we should do collectively to protect ourselves in the future and to fight back against some of these ideas are all really really cool things that you get inside this program as well.
So now you're probably wondering is this something that
Is it going to be entertaining or is it going to be boring?
Is it just a bunch of lectures?
You know what's in it.
And if you know Alex Jones, you know it's not going to be boring.
You know it's going to entertain you.
You know there's going to be some rants, some yelling, some wacky things going on.
And this is no different.
You're going to hear a lot of crazy things about consciousness, and you're going to hear about how to transcend the third dimension, and a lot of other really crazy things that I'm not exactly 100% sure that I agree with, but I do find them entertaining and fascinating, especially when they are explained by Alex himself.
And they're not just repeats of things that he says on his show or on podcasts.
It is brand new information.
A lot of things that you have never heard Alex Jones talk about before.
But the thing that I really enjoy is that he does tie it back to historic events.
He does tie it to the future.
He does tie it to things that are happening right now in our world.
And beyond.
And so he does a good job of tying it all together and making it all make sense.
Once again, some of the media may tell you that the things that he's talking about don't make any sense, but of course, that's what they want you to think.
I think it actually does make a lot of sense in the way that he puts the information together and explains it.
It does make a lot of sense and it is very entertaining.
It is very, very awakening as well.
Now, he does say that this is a roadmap to survive the apocalypse, so do I think that that's exactly what this is?
In some ways, yes, and in some ways, no.
In some ways, yes, there are things that you can do and take away from this program that will help you in your everyday life, such as noticing the things that are happening from their playbook before it happens, but on the other side, there are a lot of things that are kind of out in the weeds that you kind of watch it and go, okay, well, how the heck am I gonna actually do that?
How the heck am I actually going to make any sort of difference at all whatsoever in the fight?
So, uh, he does lay it out very, very well.
Some of the things are helpful for your everyday life as far as surviving the apocalypse, if you want to call it that.
Um, and then some of the things are, you know, kind of out in the weeds.
And then of course, if you know Alex Jones, he goes all out on everything that he does.
So, he's never gonna lay it in, he's never gonna just take your money and not try to make you as entertaining as absolutely possible.
So, you will be entertained when you take this.
You can tell that Alex and his team put together everything they have.
They put a lot of effort and time into this curriculum.
And it really does show.
First of all, it looks beautiful.
It works very well on mobile.
It works on desktop.
It works on tablet.
I tried all three.
It looks beautiful!
So, just like the landing page where you go to sign up, just like that, the actual curriculum looks absolutely beautiful as well.
And so overall, you're probably here to know, should you buy this or should you not?
And, if you are a huge Alex Jones fan, if you like his shows, if you like what he talks about, if you like watching him on podcasts, I promise you, you will like this program.
You'll be happy you purchased it, and I can guarantee you, you will not be dissatisfied with the purchase.
Now, if you're not an Alex Jones fan, if you don't like the things Alex Jones has to say, should you purchase it anyway?
The answer I think is yes, because maybe there is some things that you should learn from Alex Jones instead of just what you read on the headlines on media.
So if you like Alex Jones, yes, I think this is a good purchase to have.
If you don't like Alex Jones, yes, I think this is a good purchase to have.
I enjoyed it, I'm glad I bought it, and I think the same thing will be for you.
So there you go.
We find that to be a fair assessment.
He's both critical, you know, and is able to explain what he thought of it and what he took from the promises that were made and what was delivered.
And if you do see that commentary on YouTube, there's some comments down below that talk about
That are also very complimentary of the program.
I know a lot, a lot of work went into that.
And so hopefully you're enjoying that or if you haven't yet, maybe that's what will.
Be what gets you to actually go ahead and take the plunge and prepare.
So there you go.
And while you're doing that, we do want to remind you that the Christmas Super Sale is going on now.
You can get up to 60% off.
This is free shipping, store-wide, double Patriot Points.
So make sure that you stock up on everything you need.
This would be great Christmas presents.
Both for those that love Alex Jones and, you know, consider it a gag gift for those that don't.
You know, maybe you don't like InfoWars or Alex Jones.
Well, here's a present for you.
You can have some brain force anyways.
And then maybe you will like Alex because your brain's working properly.
So there you go.
Make sure that you check out InfoWarsStore.com.
Make sure that you're keeping everyone in business, bringing you the truth.
And I am doing Sunday Night Live coming up just after this break.
And you can call in then.
This could be Infowars last Christmas.
Because it could be America's last Christmas.
Evil is taking over the planet.
They're destroying our borders, our sovereignty, our supply chains, our language, our currencies.
They're coming after us.
And if we don't support American businesses, and if we don't support independent media, in the final days of 2021, we have no future in the midterms in 2022.
2022 is the year where America decides its fate.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I want to encourage you to your Christmas shopping at InfoWarStore.com because I can barely keep our operation going and I appreciate you keeping us in the position to fight back.
I am so thankful for you and I'm asking you now to realize the huge investment you made over the years in us and I'll redouble your efforts to make sure that your investment in freedom continues on.
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