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Filename: 20211209_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Dec. 9, 2021
3198 lines.

The speaker covers a range of topics related to humanity's fight in the information war and economic matters such as inflation, wage stagnation, and a proposal for the IRS to report transactions of $600 or more. They also discuss Janet Yellen's support for the Great Reset agenda, the Evergrande crisis, and its potential impact on the global economy. The speaker emphasizes the need to resist the New World Order agenda and protect individual freedoms. They also talk about B-12 supplements, government cover-ups, social control measures like vaccination mandates and digital currencies, and forced inoculation measures. They promote non-compliance and focusing on what people can control while discussing InfoWars systems that allow bypassing corporate censors, Faraday cages, and storable food for potential future shortages. The conversation ends with Gal Shalev's optimism about humanity's ability to transcend the current situation.

It's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
In the short term, I've joked about the idea, I'd like to see the Dunkirk Act.
Everybody with a vote, go out and pick up something and bring it to shore and let's get things rolling.
And I know that that's, that's unjust, but it gets at the question of urgency and it gets at the question of creativity to solve this problem.
What I have to do every day is look at my employees and talk to them about wages and
As Mises.org recently revealed, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that
Prices rose 6.2% on a year-over-year basis in October, the highest year-over-year rate since December 1990 when the Consumer Price Index was also up 6.2%.
The Producer Price Index for commodities in October was also up 22.2% year-over-year, reaching a 48-year high.
In addition to the Consumer Price Index's 31-year high, home prices in the second quarter surged to near a 42-year high.
Meanwhile, average real weekly earnings have turned negative this year as Americans struggle to afford basic necessities during the holiday season.
Yet, none of these stark economic realities kept Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen from goading on the race to the bottom.
The private sector is ready to supply the financing
to set us on a course to avoid the worst effects of climate change.
CEOs representing trillions in assets are here to show their commitment.
Financial institutions with collective assets under management of nearly $100 trillion have come together under the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, or GFANS.
If these ambitions are realized, those portfolios will be carbon neutral by 2050 and significantly reduce emissions by 2030.
You want banks to report transactions of $600 or more.
That's what the IRS wants.
Does this mean that the government is trying to peek into our pocketbooks if you want to look at $600 transactions?
Absolutely not.
I think this proposal has been seriously mischaracterized.
The proposal involves no reporting of individual transactions of any individual.
Lying pig!
The big picture is that we have a tax gap that over the next decade is estimated at $7 trillion.
Namely, a shortfall in the amount that IRS is collecting due to a failure of individuals to report the income.
So now we've got to surveil the entire world.
Now we've got to watch everything we do in real time.
No, it tends to be among high-income individuals whose income is opaque and the IRS doesn't receive information about it.
Oh, we've got to watch everybody.
You get a W-2, the IRS knows about it.
But high-income individuals with opaque sources of income that are not reported to the IRS, there's a lot of tax fraud and cheating that's going on.
Yeah, how about you?
All that's involved in this proposal is a few aggregate numbers of bank accounts.
The amount that was received in the course of the year, the amount that went out in the course of the year.
And no one bats an eye as Janet Yellen, agent provocateur of Klaus Schwab's Great Reset and the CFR's Chinese Century, steers America off a cliff.
John Bowne reporting.
That's a powerful report.
Prepare yourself.
The economy is under controlled collapse.
We're back in one minute with the latest in China.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement to all of our listeners, viewers, and supporters.
We are attempting to develop and deploy systems that allow the American people, not just InfoWars, to get around corporate censors and get the truth out about the New World Order's agenda so we can stop it dead in its tracks.
And so, when you visit 1776coin.com, you don't just have the opportunity to get an amazing, one-run, limited-edition silver coin minted right here in America with incredible historical artwork on it.
You will also be funding a very serious, focused, information warfare operation against the New World Order.
So I want to thank you all for your past support, and I want to encourage you now to not wait, to not procrastinate, and to go to 1776coin.com.
I would imagine that we will sell out of this limited run of 10,000 coins in only a few weeks, maybe a few days.
So secure your coin now at 1776coin.com.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
The world is being artificially put into a cascade of crises that will lead to the accelerated, controlled collapse and the mass death of billions upon billions of people.
Folks would tune into the broadcast 25 years ago and think that when I made these type of predictions off in the future, I said 25, 30 years from now, they will be organizing the collapse of civilization and the great culling.
And it sounded a bit fanciful back then, even though I was reading from source documents.
Well, now it doesn't seem too fanciful anymore, does it?
We're here.
And that's why, if you're a TV viewer, you see the image we have behind us of the U.S.
Capitol occupied by the globalists with red storms in the background with lightning.
That's about the best way I can describe
The true evil that has control of our government at almost every level.
We are the bad guys.
We have been captured.
Because we were the good guys, we became the most powerful, wealthy, loved nation in the world.
Still had incredible problems, but because we had a Christian, but also rugged, western, renaissance bearing, we were the freest, greatest, most productive nation on earth.
Evil came, took over.
And now we have become a slave of the New World Order, and the wages of sin are death.
Let me just do this.
Let me just show you the headlines we've got here as best I can.
Evergrande, as we predicted a year ago, has gone belly up $300 billion, underpinning the Chinese Communist Party system.
That undoubtedly is going to bring down the Chinese economy into a huge stock market crash, even though they're totally state-run and it's all propped up.
And it's going to cause massive problems in the rest of the world system.
You add to that the Great Reset and the tens of trillions pumped out per major nation into the economy and all the other economic things that are unfolding,
The unwillingness to work, supply chain breakdowns, the forced COVID lockdowns, mass starvation in the third world, mass collapse in the third world, then domino effecting into the West.
And that's why you see them letting murderers out of jail and armed robbers out after a week or a day.
Or a guy shoots four people at school, he's released the next day because he's black.
All of that is being done to totally undermine things and put you in a state of confusion so that you'll accept the new global currency, you'll accept the nighttime curfews, you'll accept having to have a pass on your phone to even leave your house.
You will accept the Great Reset!
You won't live in your own home anymore.
You'll live in a commune.
You'll own nothing.
You'll have nothing.
These are all real quotes.
You'll have a microchip in your body to buy and sell.
Klaus Schwab says it on TV and people say, why do you care about Klaus Schwab?
Well, he's the head of the Bilderberg Group, which is the top globalist meeting.
And then they went out and set up the Davos Group to externalize the hierarchy.
300 billion dollars.
And how do the Chinese respond?
They respond with dictatorship.
Making Xi Jinping dictator for life.
And what are the globals doing here?
They've run Ponzi schemes even bigger.
They're heavily involved in it.
What does Janet Yellen do?
Oh, she tells you, get ready to have the Federal Reserve take over all your private bank accounts and monitor everything you do in live time.
That's what the legislation says.
And then you see the nominee to be the head of the banking system, and she says, oh, I don't believe in any private banks.
We need to have the Federal Reserve, which is owned by a few private banks, control everything.
I mean, we're at that point where the power grab is here, the martial law is here, and that's just one small little area.
Then we have all of the COVID news taking place that is just over the top.
Senate votes to repeal Biden's federal vaccine mandate for businesses, but they don't have the votes in the House.
FDA now says Pfizer clinical data will take 75 years to release.
So at first they said 75, uh, 55 years, excuse me.
Then a federal court said, no, you've got to start releasing 30,
Pages every few days.
It'll still take 100 years.
And now they want 75 years.
And if you're a new listener, this is not the onion.
If you're driving down the road hearing this, I'm not joking.
This isn't satire.
It's totally safe and effective.
Emergency authorization.
And now that we've injected millions of people, and now we know what the real numbers are, we're not going to release them.
But they did, last week, release a tranche, 30 pages, and it talked about thousands of dead in just the first weeks of the rollout, and massive, just over the top, increases in spontaneous abortions.
It's what they call a miscarriage now.
Everything the experts warned it would do.
Heart attacks, blood clots.
On and on and on.
Now the FDA says,
75 years.
Let me just read these headlines.
FDA now says Pfizer clinical data will take 75 years to release.
FDA says it now needs 75 years to fully release Pfizer COVID vaccine data.
It's a life expectancy to make sure everybody they've injected is already dead.
Japan Health Ministry warns Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccine causing heart inflammation in young people, pulling it off the market.
But oh, they're not the UN, so I'm sure Facebook and Twitter will censor that.
In fact, they are.
Even the American Heart Association isn't allowed to warn you.
I mean, what do you think you are?
The American Heart Association?
You're not the UN.
You're not Fauci.
Shut up!
And the reports of babies around the world where they're starting to give babies the shots in some countries?
But that's okay, it's liberal!
Like nuclear war!
Fauci calls for Biden to clearly supersede individual choices with vaccine mandates, forced injections.
Yes, teaming up with Australia and the EU with those announcements.
Americans should require Christmas guests to prove they're vaccinated, says the cult leader Fauci.
Senate votes yes, as I mentioned earlier, but they don't have the votes in the House.
Three Northeast states deploy National Guard amid medical capacity crisis due to pandemic, says CNN.
Uh, no, it's due to the vaccine mandate, and in many areas, up to half the nurses and medical workers being fired.
That's the real reason, and we've got all the articles on that.
So it's just lying to you.
Lying criminals.
Then they lie and go, oh, and the majority, first it was 99% false.
He said that was just made up.
Now they're saying, and the talking point is,
90% of hospitalized were not vaccinated.
And then the truth is, we got the numbers here from Israel and the US and Canada and the UK and Germany, all similar.
You're twice as likely to be sick or die if you've had any of the shots.
And I've got that in the stack.
Fauci, government may have to do things that are unpopular if recalcitrants won't voluntarily get vaxxed.
Health Chief in Israel says at least seven boosters to be fully vaxxed.
Oh my God, I told you it'll be 10 shots a year.
How did I know?
21 months ago, Bill Gates in a prospectus to his shareholders said, this is the best business ever, I make 20 times the money back on what I do, and we're going to make people take at least 10 shots a year.
And now they're up to 7!
See how they just, oh it's 1, oh it's 2, oh it's 3, oh it's 4, oh it's 5, oh it's 6, oh it's 7.
And how did I know?
People are like, Jones, how did he know again?
He's right again, it's incredible.
The Twitter's like, look, Jones said this!
Here's clips of him saying it!
How the hell did he know?
My God, this man's incredibly smart!
Uh, no.
If I had my enemy's battle plan in my hand,
And I know what they're going to do.
I'd be a fool to not know what they're going to do.
It's just incredible.
But people hear this stuff and they go, that's just too crazy.
You know, I just, Jones, he's got to be full of it.
I mean, they're not going to make us take seven shots a year.
No, no, you're right.
You're going to take 10.
Because Bill Gates said so.
And it's already preplanned.
And he likes to let you know up front, like, a big deadly pandemic's coming.
And then even more, you're going to be sick.
Oh, and then...
Terrorists are going to release even worse bioweapon after COVID, which means your bodies from the injection creating the mutagenic system and making people sick.
It's all in your face.
Oh, we got some huge, huge, huge news on this front from Tucker Carlson last night.
And then we've got all the threatening to nuke Russia news.
I mean, that's the good liberal thing to do is to threaten to nuke Russia.
That's also a very safe thing to do.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
If you're concerned about the
And so, when you visit 1776coin.com, you don't just have the opportunity to get an amazing, one-run, limited-edition silver coin minted right here in America with incredible historical artwork on it.
You will also be funding a very serious, focused, information warfare operation against the New World Order.
So I want to thank you all for your past support, and I want to encourage you now to not wait, to not procrastinate, and to go to 1776coin.com.
I would imagine that we will sell out of this limited run of 10,000 coins in only a few weeks, maybe a few days.
So secure your coin now at 1776coin.com.
Ultimate Bone Broth is back and better than ever and 20% off plus free shipping and double Patreon points for our new sale.
After years of being off the shelves, we're bringing back one of the biggest fan favorite formulas ever and it's now been reformulated and is even stronger.
It's Ultimate Bone Broth Plus.
It's got concentrated high-quality chicken broth protein, turmeric root that's so amazing, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, goji berry, alfalfa herb powder.
Then it's got added magnesium and potassium for electrolytes.
It's got real organic cocoa bean powder with natural chocolate flavor and a touch of sea salt.
It even tastes better than the last formula and what it does for your body is simply amazing.
Again, it has that cutting-edge chicken broth protein
Isolate powder for better flavor and dissolvability.
You're gonna love this and what it does for your joints, what it does for your body, what it does for your bones.
It's simply amazing and it helps fund the InfoWar.
This is really the best bone broth out there, so get yours at InfoWarStore.com today!
So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds.
I was overweight.
I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe.
I was barely holding on to a job.
And I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1.
We're good.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
It works.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
God created each and every one of us with free will.
When we look at the world system now, openly announcing the Martyr of the Beast, everything that it's attempting to do is built around getting rid of our free will and making us bow down and submit and turn our very bodies, our very productivity, our very genetics, our very
Future over to them.
They want control of procreation.
They want control of the relationships between men and women.
They want to bring a form of living death to our society and our civilization.
All of us were formed and made in God's mind and God's image and given free will.
And make no mistake, all of you alive today were created by God to be alive in this special time so that you could make the right decision in free will and stand against evil.
And then, for eternity, win the great birthright prize of being aligned with God.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, look, I just want to start the segment by saying this.
We're here.
We're inside the New World Order, global government takeover that leads to depopulation, war, collapse, crime in the streets, civilization, the post-industrial world.
And an industrial world
That needs to replace its population with at least 2.1 people for every two people to not collapse in every societal cultural actuary out there.
One of the most studied phenomenons.
And the fact that the West on average is having 1.3 children.
And the fact that the globalists have set up policies to kill development and to discourage child-rearing, child-bearing and rearing.
means already that it's going to be very hard to stop a massive societal collapse.
And Xi Jinping knows this.
He came out last year and said, I'm ordering the Chinese people to have basically three children, and you'll get massive tax incentives if you have three or more.
And instantly, George Soros went from saying Xi Jinping was the best person on Earth overnight to saying he is the greatest threat to the world and is Hitler 2.0.
That's a quote.
He didn't work for Hitler like you did there, but I agree.
He's just as bad as you, George.
So think about that, ladies and gentlemen.
Our media spun like, oh, he allows it.
No, no, no.
They're encouraging it, just like Vladimir Putin.
What did Elon Musk come out and say yesterday?
He said, civilization will collapse if we don't have 2.1 children.
I'm liking Elon Musk more and more every day.
So, in the West, they're saying and doing everything they can, that if you were following a checklist to collapse society, they're doing it.
If you're following a checklist to take humanity to the next level, Elon Musk is doing it.
Except he's such a libertarian, he's like, well, yeah, I'll sell you brain chips and wirehead stuff if you want, but I'll do it to empower you.
But I'm not going to make you do it.
He's against forced inoculation.
And I agree with the Musk model.
I mean, my uncle has a chip in his brain from a motorcycle accident he had.
He doesn't just have the nerve stimulator.
He's got some more high-tech deal.
He had the nerve stimulator at first.
Now they've added some other thing in him, and he's a lot better.
Doesn't have the seizures anymore.
But again, he chose to go do that.
That's a great thing.
That's technology.
But we don't want to be forced to become Darth Vader.
And that's what they're doing with the inoculations and the nanotech and the gene therapy where the Naboscript admits, we are going to put it into the shots.
It will migrate into your brain and we will take you over whether you like it or not.
I mean, that's Klaus Schwab.
That's all of them.
This is a cult.
So I can sit here and just cover this piece of news, that piece of news.
Oh, look, war with Russia.
Oh, world leaders are saying, let's preemptively strike them with nukes.
Oh, Evergrande collapsed, 300 billion, clearly triggering a world financial crisis.
Futures are already way down.
But when you understand that it's being orchestrated, they're making it as bad as they possibly can, and bragging about it, and engaging in actions that will destroy civilization.
And we're almost past the point of our return.
So when I get up here and hit the panic button, it's like a thermonuclear, you know, a reactor.
Or a nuclear reactor.
A thermonuclear reactor.
That's the sun.
A nuclear reactor.
The alarms go off because if you don't keep the rods in, if you don't keep them cool, you can get a chain reaction.
You can get a meltdown.
And basically the rods aren't in the water anymore.
And they're catching on fire.
And they're starting to burn.
And if they blow up, if they go critical, you know where we are.
Well, we're inside
The reactor right now, and it's meh, meh, meh, meh, meh, meh, and I'm looking at what Klaus Schwab and all of them are doing.
There's no way they're going to ride this collapse down and stay alive themselves.
There's no way this thing doesn't turn into giant wars between India and China and Pakistan.
There's no way the third world doesn't totally collapse and overflow us with billions of people.
No wonder the UN talks about 600 and something million coming to North America in the next 20 years.
They said that five years ago and now it's happening.
That's double the U.S.
All I can tell you is...
The answer is going to be going and getting very conservative Christian communities in the middle of nowhere, where people just dig in and live very austerity and just try to stay off the radar.
Because once all this falls and once all this goes down, it's guaranteed massive war.
And I've really tried to stop this, and we had a chance to back this off years ago, but I just want everybody to know right now that when you look at Klaus Schwab and you look at Bill Gates, these are psychos that are crashing the world economy
For not just money and power, but to kill people.
Because they believe the Earth is going to collapse anyways.
And that this collapse is coming, they're Malthusians, they believe in this fraud.
And so they want to artificially have the collapse now.
And I use the analogy of Red Adair, the famous oil field trailblazer.
Who would roll in a wheelbarrow full of TNT or dynamite into a big gas fire or oil fire, because it'd burn for years if you don't put them out.
And the big detonation would knock the oxygen out of the fire and put it out.
And it worked.
And he pioneered it.
The globalists are doing that.
They see the world as an oil well fire.
And the human population is too big and all this.
So they're rolling in the TNT to try to knock the fire out, the fire of civilization.
But it's not going to work like that.
It's going to cause a giant war.
And so I consider and talk about all these stories, all these reports all day, and there's a chance we could get some smarter heads to prevail around the world and stop this march towards total destruction.
But if we don't stop the COVID rollout, if we don't stop the Great Reset, if we don't stop the carbon tax, if we don't stop their whole austerity movement,
The world will implode, and the process of people wanting to feed themselves and take care of their families will make zombie apocalypse movies look like a walk in the park compared to where we're going to be.
We're going to go to break, and I'm going to come back in a longer segment and just drill into this as judiciously as I can.
The economic news, the Russian news, the COVID tyranny news, and Glenn Beck, who just is awesome.
He's really come out and exposed something we covered eight months ago, and he did too, that's gotten almost no attention.
Thank God Tucker Carlson had him on last night.
Remember, they had COVID-19 vaccines for Moderna and Bill Gates produced actually six months before COVID ever popped out, and that's in the emails.
You understand, they created the virus, they prepared it, they released it, they're already getting the vaccine ready, and that's in these documents that have come out about gain of function.
And I've tried to hammer it, and tried to push it, and tried to get people to care.
I mean, it's the smoking gun.
Fauci needs to be arrested, tried, and dealt with.
I mean, this guy created a bioweapon, ordered him to do it, created the vaccines with Bill Gates for it, that they knew was also a poison that would create the same thing that's in the virus, the spike protein.
But it's, you know, it's one thing for us to read these documents on air that they admit are real, but it's another thing to watch it on Tucker Carlson.
And Glenn Beck up there, who I get used to think I was out of my mind.
He didn't think it was this bad.
He does know now.
I'm going to leave it at that.
I'm not going to get into what I've been told or what he said, but that's good.
That's good.
Joe Rogan hung out with him again last night.
Hell, two nights in a row.
He's really awake.
And he's going to get more hardcore.
And I think everybody's just going to choose a side.
Are you for humanity and total death and destruction?
Are you for humanity or are you for total death and destruction?
I mean, it's simple.
It's very, very simple.
I mean, Elon Musk is coming out against the New World Order.
So, it's on, folks.
Choose a side right now.
We'll be right back.
Hey, everybody.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Yes, Malcolm.
Hello, Alex.
I'll make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
All right.
Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supramel Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so, it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
I never compromise the quality of ingredients we put in InfoWars live products.
And that's why for more than two years we've been sold out of Ultimate Bone Broth.
And we could never get the ingredients again until now.
And we have reformulated and not just used the same ingredients, we've boosted it and made them even stronger.
So out of all the bone broths out there, I'm telling you, this is next level.
Listen to what it's got in it.
Cutting edge chicken bone broth protein isolate powder for better flavor and dissolvability.
It's got turmeric root, chaga mushroom, bee pollen, goji berry, alfalfa herb powder, and a bunch of other amazing known berries that turbocharge your body with antioxidants.
And then it's got a bunch of other incredible things like magnesium, potassium, and sodium added.
I mean this sucker has got everything for your electrolytes.
It's got
I think so.
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead with their full operational deindustrialization Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda.
We've also got to get personally prepared.
And one of the number one things to do is high quality, storable food.
We've got the best food ready to ship at very affordable prices.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
Keep us on air.
We'll continue to bring you the band guests.
We'll continue to bring the information that no one else will touch.
Keep us on air.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
The new supplements that we have, the latest in the InfoWars Life Supplement line, the Vitamin D3 with Calcium Gummies, the Vitamin C with Zinc and the Whole Food Multivitamins, or if you buy the Combo Pack with all three at InfoWarsStore.com.
And you know, I'm telling you, the Vitamin D Gummies,
This is a great thing for your kids.
They're going to love the taste of the gummies.
They're going to love it.
It's healthy.
So that's just a great thing for kids.
I mean, we could just do marketing campaigns.
I think for kids, that'd be great.
The calcium, good for them.
The vitamin D.
So, that's at Infowarsstore.com, and again, it's your support there that keeps us on the air.
So, the supplements, the shirts, the air filters, the water filters, the emergency food supplies, the emergency supplies, at Infowarsstore.com, your support there keeps us on the air.
We cannot thank you enough.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Time and time again, powerful empires become corrupt and decadent and evil, and they then engage in self-destructive things.
And that has now begun to happen to Europe and the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada.
Once Christian nations, now as devilish as you can get when it comes to the ruling class who are beyond irredeemable.
In my view.
But only God can judge that.
So, I want to hit the economic news first, and then I want to hit the Russia war news, because it all ties together.
Because the power structure is always, when they get caught running financial scams, hundreds of years ago, last century as well, they launched a big war.
That's what happens.
And so we've got that to deal with.
And so much more here today.
First off, though, I just want to tell the listeners, and I don't say this to brag.
I say this so you have some hope.
And so I have some hope because I can't just sit here and cover the negative stuff.
I should also cover the positive.
We have come so far together in this fight.
And we've been so effective, all of us as a family.
The listeners, the viewers, the crew, myself, the guests, the callers.
I mean, we're one family.
We are the resistance.
We are.
That's why they hate us.
That's why they hate the fact we're on air.
Because this is our culture.
This is who we are.
And they want us all alone, not realizing that we're not alone.
They want us cut off from each other.
That's very simple, but very powerful.
And I know you know that.
But I gotta tell you.
I can go down the list of everybody fighting the New World Order right now, who get more hardcore by the day, and almost every one of them personally told me that I woke them up, and that they wouldn't be awake or have understood this if I hadn't been there, that they thought I was crazy twenty-something years ago.
Ten years ago.
Tucker Carlson came here to meet me ten years ago.
And said, I thought you were crazy and nuts, now I see a lot of what you say is true.
And then over time, he's gotten more hardcore and awake, and now look at him.
Same thing with Joe Rogan.
I mean, Joe is awake now.
I mean, I told you a year and a half ago he was awake, but then he was gonna have to get in a position where he could do what he wanted.
And now he's there, and he's about to really kick it into high gear.
Dr. Peter McCullough was on a show yesterday at Earth Today.
I'll leave it at that.
And boy, does he destroy him in a three hour plus podcast.
Very respected heart surgeon.
Almost fully going on.
So, as bad as things are, and as negative as things are, we woke up Glenn Beck.
We did this.
The show, the broadcast, the guests, we've been the tip of the spear, and that's all because of God's providence.
So I want us all to recognize here what we've done together.
I don't care if you told your friends and family about the show, or if you bought products from us, or whatever, or you shared links.
It doesn't matter.
You did this.
You did this.
This isn't about giving you credit.
It's about you realizing how important you are so you keep fighting even harder.
I know you don't want a pat on the back.
You're just like me.
You want the globalists off our backs.
But I think it's important sometimes to realize that the enemy does all this evil stuff to demoralize us and break our will and we can't let them do that.
We have to, when they attack us, realize they're trying to break our will and decide to make our will even stronger and say, my will is strong through Christ.
My will will never break because God is unbreakable.
And I built my house upon that rock.
I was sitting there having breakfast with my four-year-old daughter this morning, and I'm sitting down the table from her, and we're sitting there eating eggs and bacon, and I told her, I sure love you, sweetheart, and I said, show daddy your will.
And she just, and I haven't even really had to explain this to her what it is, and she just goes, mmm, mmm.
Never even done that to my daughter, but she just, that's, because that's my mind, it was like a mind meld.
Show me your will, sweetheart.
And she went, ah, that was just the most beautiful thing I ever saw.
A powerful will.
We're gonna, we will beat this, ladies and gentlemen.
That's why they try to poison us and dumb us down and control us.
It's because they know we're beautiful.
They know we love God.
They know that we didn't sign on to Satan and they want to kill us.
I don't care if you got beautiful black skin or beautiful white skin or beautiful brown skin.
You all got red blood and God made you and if you love God, the devil hates you.
They love death.
They love destruction.
So I'm going to go to break, longer segment, next segment.
But I'm just going to talk about this.
The fact that you've kept us on air is so incredible.
And I want you to take stock in your will that God gave you to exercise.
And that you've exercised your will against the enemy.
And I want to salute and thank all of you.
And thank all of you that went and got the 1776 coin yesterday.
That again, if we could take it off air, then there won't be all these great new projects that are getting launched.
But thanks to your support, there will be.
And then you'll just get an email saying,
Here's your membership here.
Here's your report here.
Here's your film in the mail there.
And that's what happens with the Founder Coin, is it allows us to have pure investment in these other projects that we don't have money for.
You're like buying a bond in the future.
For the future.
A war bond.
This is a war!
Now, I predicted we'd sell out of these to the crew in three days.
Because I've got a good gauge of you awesome folks.
And guess what?
Looks like they might even sell out by tomorrow.
And people go there and it's like, wait a minute, silver, you know, it costs 36 bucks to make these coins and put them in the packaging and all the rest of it.
Why are you selling them for $129?
Well, exactly what I said.
It's like a bond.
You're getting a coin, a memento of the resistance.
It says, founder, with George Washington slaying the dragon, an archetype of King George slaying the dragon, that was doing what?
Eating the children.
The spirit of Satan, the pedophile.
It's the founder of our country, the archetype of the founder of England, killing the dragon, ladies and gentlemen, which is an archetype of Christ.
Or his archangel, Saint Michael.
And that's what this is, ladies and gentlemen, is that same reaping.
You think there's just an Antichrist spirit?
There's a Christ spirit in the world as well.
And it repeats over and over again.
And so, it's a powerful coin.
It says, faithfully resisting in Latin on the back, or always resisting.
And on the front, always thus to tyrants.
In Latin, meaning, this is what we do to tyrants, and it's George Washington shoving a lance through the dragon.
It's powerful.
And it funds the future and the resistance.
And hell, nuclear war might break out in a month.
The financial collapse may get so bad, they run a fake cyber attack, we're off the air in a week.
We're in that time, where every day is special, every show could be our last.
You should get prepared.
You should get ready.
If you don't have the resources to buy this coin, to invest in us staying on air and doing new projects, I totally understand.
Get your food, get your water, get your bullets to protect yourself, and get your soul right with God.
That's number one.
But for all of you that have been listeners for a long, long, long time and supporters, this is the most special thing, physical, we've ever put out.
And just look.
I mean, that's live on air right now.
I ought to have you, John, shoot the video of these.
The crew did a great job of you.
That really looks good.
That's what it looks like in your hand.
I mean, look at it.
It's hard on camera to really see how badass this coin is.
And I did design it.
It's my design.
We hired a great artist to actually render it, but it's what I wanted.
And it's happening.
So, George Washington slayed the dragon on the redcoats.
Now the eagle is trying to guard the world, but we've got to defend the eagle and defend the republic.
We've got to stay in our position.
And that's what we're doing here, ladies and gentlemen.
We do it by being moral, good, hardworking, strong people that can't be bullied and can't be broken and can't be made to run.
So get your 1776 Founder Member coin and be sure you put your email in when you buy it because this is, again, helping us with a bunch of projects and a bunch of collaborations that are going to be going very, very soon.
And this is beyond critical.
You know, the founders had to go to Europe, people like Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, with thousands of little printed American flags.
And then they would sell the American flag for a donation of hundreds of times what the little flag was worth.
They would go visit the wealthy in France and those that were for independence in the United States, in the middle class, and they would buy the little flags.
For sure.
And you're getting a very historic memento that will be historical, and I would imagine as a collectible, these will probably be going for a lot of money online, but that's not the point.
Only 10,000 were minted here in America, and they'll be sold out by this weekend, maybe even today, who knows, at 1776coin.com, 1776coin.com, or infowarsstore.com.
We'll be right back.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
And so, when you visit 1776coin.com, you don't just have the opportunity to get an amazing, one-run, limited-edition silver coin minted right here in America with incredible historical artwork on it.
You will also be funding a very serious, focused, information warfare operation against the New World Order.
So I want to thank you all for your past support, and I want to encourage you now to not wait, to not procrastinate, and to go to 1776coin.com.
I would imagine that we will sell out of this limited run of 10,000 coins in only a few weeks, maybe a few days.
So secure your coin now at 1776coin.com.
In the state of California, people are asleep and program-controlled.
I agree.
How do you make the sleeper awaken, William?
Oh, hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Can I plug, uh, Alex real quick?
Yeah, go ahead.
Hey, I'm in my 60s, uh, and I do the work of 25, 30-year-olds, and I work them into the ground, and you wanna know why?
And I've tested this, and I've taken your B12, and let me tell you, when I don't take it, I pay a price.
I really do.
I-I take that B12, and I am electric, man.
I can run 10 miles.
I do some pretty heavy work with the highway department, and my friends will attest to the fact that, yeah, for a guy in his 60s, you know, pushing 70, and I'm not just blowing smoke here, the B-12 saves my life.
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Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
All right.
Yes, Malcolm.
I will make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroyer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supermill Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so, it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, that just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
So it's always good.
It's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
So, what am I going to hit first right now?
The incredible COVID news?
The big debate now on is it right to preemptively attack Russia with nuclear weapons and engage in the greatest mass murder ever seen?
Is the economic collapse the biggest news?
Or is it Kyle Rittenhouse and ASU
Saying, you know, you're not welcome here, the students, and him saying he's still going.
Obviously that's not the top story, but it does show how the left's bullying everybody and how it's important not to be bullied and to occupy our country.
There's so much here.
Vice has come out and freaked out about reset wars and said, oh, it's an occultic, new age, brainwashing, hypnotism.
They haven't even seen it yet.
No, you're the ones doing the brainwashing and hypnotizing people.
This is the opposite of that.
This is the latter days of Alex Jones.
Oh my goodness.
Keep on wishing.
Keep on praying to the devil.
The latter days of Alex Jones.
How about the latter days for all of us if we don't turn this around?
See, it's Alex Jones warning you about the global crisis and warning you about the end of days as we've known it.
And now we're here and it's, oh no, no, it's Alex Jones' latter days.
As if I'm worried about me.
I'm worried about the future and everybody.
We're on the same damn ship.
We're in this together.
And it's when you figure that out that you transcend these people.
But they're so scared of Reset Wars.
It premieres at ResetWars.com on Monday.
At 7 p.m.
We backed up a little bit because so much has been going on, so much has been happening.
There's been a bunch of behind-the-scenes stuff.
More subpoenas.
This is breaking news.
More subpoenas from the House Committee on Un-American Activities 2.0.
And so I'm gonna probably put a statement out about that.
But I got my lawyers flying in tonight before I respond to all the stuff that's going on.
There is just a lot of craziness happening, but I expect to be over the target and to be taking flak.
So, they're always trying to convince me, oh look, you're losing, oh look, you're failing, oh look, no one likes you, oh look, you're going to go bankrupt, oh look, and I'm like, oh Tokyo Rose, you're right, I'm failing.
You know, Tokyo Rose, when the United States was dropping atomic bombs in 1945 on Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
And they just hit Japan, which I think was a little overkill, with 2,000 flights, sorties, dropping firebombs on them, when Japan had 40-mile-an-hour winds.
And so that killed an estimated 5 million people in one bombing raid.
The wind was blowing from the north all the way down south.
It was actually a kamikaze wind, as they call it.
And that's what it comes from, divine wind.
And it burned the whole country down, basically, because their houses are made out of paper and wood.
Because of the earthquakes.
And Tokyo Rose was on the AM radio on the shortwave out to our ship saying, GIs, America's burned.
You're all dead.
You've all lost.
We've defeated you.
Your sweetheart will never see you again.
You'll soon be dead.
While atomic bombs were being dropped by the Enola Gay.
And there's Tokyo Rose, there's Brian Stelter, there's Rachel Maddow telling me... Remember Baghdad Bob in the invasion of Iraq 2003?
On TV while F-16s fly like a mile behind him dropping 2,000 pound bombs or whatever.
And, and, and...
They're on there saying, oh, he's like, oh, we have defeated the Americans.
We have driven them back into Kuwait, back into Saudi Arabia.
We annihilated them.
And the reporters are like, actually, tanks are entering Baghdad right now, two miles away.
And like, an Apache helicopter flies by.
Missiles explode.
And he's sitting there saying, nothing's going on here.
Nothing's happening.
Like in that meme of Naked Gun, where the whole building's burning and there's explosions.
He's like, what's going on?
What's happening here?
They're the ones.
Yeah, there's Baghdad, Bob.
Explosion going off in the background.
Oh, the Americans are 400 miles away!
That's what they're doing here.
And yeah, they can indict Alex Jones, they can put a bullet in my head.
But as long as I realize it's the cause to defeat the globalists, and as long as I'm willing as a man to sacrifice my name, my treasure, everything, then I win.
Because what matters is my children, and their children, and your children together in the future.
That's what men are supposed to do.
What they did before, why don't we start acting like that again, and then all this wouldn't be happening.
Fauci and Bill Gates and all these psychotic demons are making their move because they think we're weak, ladies and gentlemen.
And so, Vice Magazine and CNN's like, there's nothing to see here, don't listen to Jones.
Uh, Baghdad Bob, nothing's happening.
Uh, the New World Order is very strong right now.
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, very strong right now.
No, you're the most hated people in the world.
And they're calling for your arrest all over international television and all over the U.S.
We're gonna get you.
We're gonna beat you.
You understand that?
So you stage all the false flags you want, you come attack me and throw me in jail, do whatever it is you gotta do.
But in this game of chicken, I'm not turning my car off.
I'm not stopping.
I'm going right down the center lane, jamming the accelerator all the way in with enjoyment.
Because on the other side of our collision, when we bang heads, is freedom.
On the other side is destiny.
On the other side is learning who's willing to put it on the line and who isn't.
We have broken your will.
We have defeated you, Satan.
You're a loser.
You're a joke.
Christ is Lord.
You're going to find out, and your minions are going to find out with you.
But you already know that, don't you, ladies and gentlemen?
You already know these people are losers.
So, worry about your family.
Worry about yourself.
Worry about getting right with God.
Don't let all this even freak you out.
I'm telling myself that right now.
And just get under God's wings, and then do the right thing, and warn others, and help others, and be Christ-like.
And we're going to make it through this.
We don't want to be violent.
We don't want to be offensively violent.
No, but we also want to be firm in civil disobedience, and get in people's faces when they try to bully us.
And never stop, and never back down.
But it's electricity.
The power of you supporting us, and the power of us supporting you, and the power of us spiritually knowing we're in the right, and communing together, right now, on air, this is a ritual!
A ritual of populism and humanity, and destiny and goodness, and the enemies of freedom can't stand it.
Alright, here's the deal.
We have a very, was a very popular informative researcher who put out nothing but truth, Gal Shalev, joining us.
He got banned off Twitter a week and a half ago for simply linking to the FDA documents that the judge ordered them to release.
You're not allowed to do that.
Remember what Cuomo said on CNN?
He goes, you're not allowed to look at Wikileaks.
Only those of us here at CNN are allowed to do that.
But where's Cuomo now?
Where's Don Lemon?
Where's all these?
Where's Jussie Smollett?
Where is their all disgraced liars?
And where are you?
You're stronger than ever.
I know under this satanic attack, all of you right now are burning with more strength than ever.
I can feel it.
You're not getting weaker.
You're getting stronger.
You're not rolling over to dying.
No, you're living.
That which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
That which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
And you've got to figure out that it's the spiritual death you should fear.
And the spiritual death is what these people have gone through and what they've been part of.
They are waging economic war on you and your family and cultural war and spiritual war because they want you to be miserable like them and they want to claw you back down the sinking rat hole that they've created.
They want you on their satanic ship instead of God's ship.
And that's why
You do see a lot of the Christian Church now waking up and fighting back.
Some Protestant, some Catholic.
It doesn't matter.
People are standing up saying, this is satanic, this is wrong.
But we're also finding out who's going to serve the devil.
And who won't say a damn word about Margaret the Beast, world government all being rolled out.
But that's okay now.
You get to know what a real church is versus one that's a fraud.
It doesn't matter if your preacher says a cuss word when he hits his finger with his hammer.
What matters is what your preacher actually does and what he stands up for.
And all these little Luciferian glitterbug preachers that are up there, oh, it's all about how moral you are, and oh, you can't be a leader because you did something wrong before, and oh, no, you've got to be a follower of me, the high priest, because, you know, you're not sanctified properly.
That's all a lie, ladies and gentlemen.
If you actually study history, God raises up usually some of the nastiest, worst people that still had a connection to God left and God just takes them over and turns them into his weapon.
That's not a preacher going and appearing at a church as a drag queen.
That's a Satanist imitating a woman and making the image of a woman be a fat, obese, disgusting man.
That's what Satanists do is they want to do their rituals in the churches.
They want to disgrace.
They want to defile.
They want to engage in blasphemies.
And everything they do, from these shots to what they do to our children, is blasphemy.
And what is blasphemy?
It's against God's plan.
You go with God's plan, everything is empowered and beautiful.
You go with their plan, it's ugly.
Look at them!
A bunch of ugly losers looking for power!
So they flush their power down the toilet!
We'll be back.
I got the big Glenn Beck news too.
The biggest COVID news ever.
Next hour, stay with us and share those links.
We'll be back.
Alex Jones here to make a... Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Yes, Malcolm.
Hello, Alex.
All right.
I'll make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroyer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supermill Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so, it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
What are champions made of?
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Greg Rees has done such a powerful report that I'm going to re-air it from yesterday.
It's titled, This Is How We Win.
He's got a new report on 5G that's just over the top that I'm going to hit not this next segment, but the segment after.
Here is the report.
As many of you may know, all of humanity is under a massive psychological fear attack.
And professor of clinical psychology, Matthias Desmet, who has studied the psychology of totalitarianism, has done an excellent job of explaining how we got here and how we win.
In dictatorships, obedience comes from a basic fear of the dictator.
But with totalitarianism, the people are hypnotized into obedience.
In psychological terms, this mass hypnosis is known as mass formation.
And totalitarianism always starts with a mass formation inside the population.
A mass formation requires four conditions for it to take root.
The masses must feel alone and isolated, and their lives must feel pointless and meaningless.
These conditions have been growing for years with social media, mobile devices, and four years of massive division experienced during the Trump administration that made people on all sides feel more isolated.
The masses then must experience common free-floating anxiety, and they must experience free-floating frustration and aggression.
This simply means there is no discernible source for the anxiety or aggression.
And so the person begins to irrationally crave a remedy, no matter how absurd or destructive it may be.
And these conditions were met in 2020 with the COVID lockdowns and the BLM riots.
They are now ripe for hypnosis.
And once they accept the experimental vaccines, they feel solidarity, which validates the whole thing for them, no matter how senseless.
They are now changed, no longer rational.
They become more intolerant and cruel.
So how do we win?
Studies have shown that about 25% of the population cannot be hypnotized and about 10% are highly susceptible to hypnosis.
And Professor Desmet simplifies this even more for us.
He says that 30% of people are now deeply hypnotized and have irrationally accepted the experimental shots as their solution.
40% are not yet hypnotized, but will ultimately go along with the herd.
And the rest of us are seeing things clearly.
What the enemy is trying to do is extremely dangerous.
Because if the masses ever awaken from their spell, they will demand justice.
And so stress must constantly be maintained upon the masses until the mass formation is complete.
We are the voice of dissent.
And while we may not have much influence over the hypnotized 30%, we most definitely have sway over the 40% who will go along with the herd.
We need to become the herd.
Whether you think this all happened by accident or conspiracy, whether your reasons are based on religion or personal health, our voice of dissent must become one.
It must grow, and it must never end.
We must spread the seeds of doubt to everyone.
At the gas station, at the grocery store, at work, at home, with the neighbors.
They are desperately trying to provoke a civil war or a violent revolution, because they can control that.
Violence will not break people out of the hypnosis.
It will only push more people into it.
Telling the truth has become a revolutionary act.
Telling the truth to everyone you meet will save humanity.
So keep doing it.
We're getting stronger.
The globalists are getting weaker.
And their minions are dying.
I'm sad about that, but that's the way it is.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement to all of our listeners, viewers, and supporters.
We are attempting to develop and deploy systems that allow the American people, not just InfoWars, to get around corporate censors and get the truth out about the New World Order's agenda so we can stop it dead in its tracks.
And so, when you visit 1776coin.com, you don't just have the opportunity to get an amazing, one-run, limited-edition silver coin minted right here in America with incredible historical artwork on it.
You will also be funding a very serious, focused, information warfare operation against the New World Order.
So I want to thank you all for your past support, and I want to encourage you now to not wait, to not procrastinate, and to go to 1776coin.com.
I would imagine that we will sell out of this limited run of 10,000 coins in only a few weeks, maybe a few days.
So secure your coin now at 1776coin.com.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, the Gateway Pundit got it right when they put huge in front of the headline.
Glenn Beck on Tucker Carlson.
doctors were reviewing Moderna vaccine in December of 2019 before COVID hit the U.S.
And they were calling it COVID-19 then in the documents.
But if you go back
Over a year, actually, and then six months before, the documents we covered earlier this year, they were creating a whole bunch of chimeric viruses with the SARS virus that fit the description of COVID-19.
But imagine, months before we hear the name and get the details, they're already running to make the Moderna vaccine for what they cooked up at a lab, all confirmed in the emails.
Now, a lot of you are like, okay, Alex, we heard you talk about this in
February and March of this year.
So did Gateway Pundit.
Doesn't matter.
We're celebrating that it's on Tucker Carlson now.
We're celebrating Glenn Beck is covering it.
He was actually covering it a month ago, and we talked about it then.
That's a sign of it getting out there.
People are like, oh, I noticed you covered this first.
That's how I learned about this.
Look, they're covering stuff you covered a long time ago.
I don't give a rat's behind about who gets credit for this.
It's not about the credit.
It's about stopping these murderers.
And if we get this information out, Fauci, instead of being, oh, new lockdowns are coming, and you gotta take seven shots now, and oh, we gotta make you take them, how about you go to prison, you little rapist?
Wanna rape us with your bioweapons?
Fauci's the biggest rapist in history at this point, along with Bill Gates.
That's what tyranny is, it's domination and control, and they have a hunger for that.
You wanna, you know, take a child to
The Park and give them a snow cone.
Bill Gates wants to kill them.
Because to them, that's the power and control.
So the reports on Infowars.com, the reports on GatewayPundit.com, but it's a very important full 15 minute interview.
I'm just going to air like five minutes here, but they go over all this and this is like the string in the sweater.
You pull the string out, it just keeps going and the whole sweater unravels.
So we can fight them with their electronic scams with voting, or fight them with their gun grabbing, and fight them with their open borders, and fight them with their economic collapse, and fight them trying to start a war with Russia, and fight them on this and fight them on that.
But we have them on Wuhan.
We have them creating the weapon.
We have them releasing it.
We have them making the vaccines before that actually make you sicker.
We have their whole frickin' business plan!
Remember Bill Gates was on a financial show last year and he's like, I'm actually make 20 times the money with my investment.
It's the best ever.
And they went, well, he didn't mean money, but no, he did make 20 times the investment.
That's what this is about is power, money, and control.
Money, power, and glory as he sits up there as our savior.
You're not getting the glory part, Billy boy.
Well, guess what?
Your family name, as they say, is mud.
And this means war.
So, here is part of that report.
This is the type of stuff that will bring the criminals down.
This is what we need Senate and House hearings on.
We need the Republicans, if they're able to stop the election fraud with a huge tsunami in 10 months getting in, to immediately have hearings with criminal subpoenas on this.
But, no, they'll probably keep debating Russiagate.
They're always fighting the last war.
That's why they're a bunch of candy asses.
We the people are going to demand it.
It doesn't matter.
Here's Tucker Carlson with Glenn Beck.
Okay, so this is a two-hour chalkboard that is condensed into about four minutes.
So if you want to see the whole thing, it's at FauciLied.com.
But I'll try not to sound crazy and tie this together.
Gain of function, which Fauci says never happened.
Happened in November of 2015.
It happened with Dr. Barrett.
It was a published paper, November 2015.
The USAID and Fauci with EcoHealth, they were funding it.
It was happening with the Wuhan people, so we know that.
But what you may not know is in November, the same month that published paper comes out, the United States begins a partnership with Moderna, and they are searching for mRNA coronavirus vaccines.
Kind of a weird coincidence, but wait, it gets worse.
In this time, we skip to 2018, DARPA receives a proposal from Dr. Barak, U.S.
guy, Dr. Shi from Wuhan, and Peter Daszak from EcoHealth, and, or EcoHealth, and DARPA sees this and says, this is far too dangerous, we're rejecting your proposal.
We don't know what happened from there, but we do know, just about 12 months later, in Wuhan, where Peter Daszak, Dr. Xi, the Bat Lady, and Dr. Barak were all doing research on coronaviruses, about a year later, there's an outbreak.
And the outbreak actually begins, according to documents that we have that have been smuggled out of China, that there were 10 hospitals involved by October
With patients that we now know are corona-like virus symptoms.
They didn't know what was going on.
Now that was in October.
Remember, we didn't know anything about this in December.
We were starting to get rumblings.
China said there was some sort of an outbreak on December 31st.
But Peter Deszak, sorry, not Peter Deszak, Dr. Barak signs a government deal with Moderna.
I want to read it exactly to you.
This deal was made.
It's confidential.
It's 158 pages long.
It is, if I skip to page 104, they are entering a specific private confidential agreement
The NIH appears to be transferring technology to Dr. Barak, but what they're making clear is, quote, mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly owned by NIAID and Moderna.
Now this is weird because it's two weeks later that we know there's a problem.
They signed that deal two weeks ago.
Who happened to be a partner with the Bat Lady in Wuhan.
Here's where it gets really dark.
These are the same group of people that in the end of January begin to have meetings and they shut down and begin to smear anyone who's looking into the lab leak theory.
They establish that's not true, don't even look there.
It appears to be collusion.
We've passed this on to several people in Congress and the Senate.
We know Rand Paul is on this.
And Dr. Fauci has some answers to give.
Well, I just want to affirm what you're saying.
The amazing reporting you've done on this.
Here's a clip of the recently departed NIH Director Francis Collins admitting on camera that the U.S.
government has a stake in the Vax.
Watch this.
Who's going to own that vaccine?
Does the federal government own it?
One of the vaccines, the one that's furthest along, was started actually at the federal government in our own vaccine research center at NIH and then worked with a biotechnology company called Moderna to get to where we are now with very impressive phase one results and getting ready to go into a large-scale trial as early as July.
That one, of course, we do have some particular stake in the intellectual property.
This just seems, I mean, you are not making this up.
What you're saying is true.
Really quickly, why is this not a front page story everywhere?
All of the documents, we spent about a year on this with people like Charles Rixley from Drastic, with Judicial Watch, they were all FOIA'd.
These are documents that prove beyond, I think, any kind of reasonable doubt.
Something very wrong is happening here.
Moderna had been turned down for any kind of vaccine research by everyone, publicly, over and over again, and now this test is being done on our children.
This is the only time that anybody will admit they were doing any kind of testing on coronavirus research for a vaccine with Moderna.
That's just, it's just beyond belief.
Bravo, Glenn Beck!
Good to see him awake and getting how evil it is.
Now you're awake.
Now your eyes are open.
See how it works?
So, we're this close to these people going to prison.
We're this close to stopping their whole agenda when this comes out.
You understand, this is all public.
I mean, they created it, they did it, they had a vaccine already, they released it, and they knew the vaccine would make you sick.
Bill Gates studied that at the University of Texas, and North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Baylor in the years before.
This whole thing's planned out.
They're going to collapse society and basically kill almost all of us if we don't stop them.
So the good news is we're going to admit what's going on, we're going to get organized, we're going to take our country back, we're going to have them arrested, we're going to have them tried, and then they're going to get executed.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, Malcolm.
All right, I will make this quick and real short, where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Uh, Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supramel Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so, it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
Ultimate Bone Broth is back and better than ever and 20% off plus free shipping and double Patriot points for our new sale.
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It's simply amazing and it helps fund the InfoWar.
This is really the best bone broth out there, so get yours at InfoWarStore.com today!
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, Malcolm.
Alright, I'll make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Uh, Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supramel Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so, it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
The COVID-19 face diaper is a symbol of subservience, a symbol of slavery, a symbol of the change that the medical tyranny combine controlled by the global private corporations has put in place.
It is the symbol of the permanent emergency from which we will never emerge.
It is the symbol that we are diseased and evil and bad and must cover our diseased criminal faces from the light of the sun.
It is the symbol of our complete and total absolute surrender to evil.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We are crossing the Rubicon now.
The entire future destiny of humanity is upon us.
Klaus Schwab and the UN admit they're coming out with implantable microchips as part of the World ID and carbon taxes.
Things only get worse from here if we submit.
They only get better if we resist and say no.
Noncompliance, noncompliance, noncompliance.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You say that you wanna go to a land that's far away How are we supposed to get there with the way that we're living today?
You talk lots about God Freedom comes from the car But that's not what this feels like
So, I'm not going to go over the whole history of Russia, and the whole history of that area of Eastern Europe, bordering Western Europe.
But NATO sent a bunch of troops in, and a bunch of missiles, and a bunch of weapons, and 80 tons of ammunition.
And, hell, even some of the people working this building up were over there years ago, fighting little green men.
So the United States has been brought into this fight for the globalists in Europe to take over Ukraine.
But Ukraine, half of it's always been part of Russia.
And we've had major wars over this.
And so we saw this U.S.
Senator, Roger Whitaker, come out and say, everything's on the table, including a preemptive first strike, a sneak attack.
So were the Japanese good when they attacked Pearl Harbor with conventional weapons?
With bombs and torpedoes?
No, it was bad to preemptively attack somebody, right?
So, or maybe, maybe Senator Roger Whitaker of Mississippi, maybe he can come out and tell us how the Japanese were good.
Because if attacking somebody first is good, well, well that means that the Russians attacked us, they're the good guys first.
See how that works, dumbass?
But see, he thinks chivalry is... These are all lawyers.
They don't know what chivalry is.
They just think if they can just cheat on the rules, do whatever they want, it's going to be fine.
So, Russia angered by Senator Roger Whitaker's nuclear strike remarks.
Meanwhile, headlines like this.
could rain down destruction on Russia with nuclear weapons if Putin invades Ukraine, Senator warns.
The U.S.
Why Putin's willing to risk a catastrophic war to dominate Ukraine.
And here's Tulsi Gabbard talking about this threat basically that was let out in church by the senator.
Look at what Senator Wicker is saying.
I want to go back to that for a second here because anyone who would propose or even consider what he is saying as an option must be insane, a sociopath, or a sadist.
Let's just understand here, so he's saying let's go and launch a nuclear attack that would start a war that would destroy the American people, our country, and the world, and also the Ukrainians, so that we can save Ukraine's democracy?
I mean, it literally is insane, and the crazy thing, Tucker, is
Well, that's right.
Let's put up today's show headline for the feed at InfoWars.com.
I usually read that at the start of the show.
I forgot today.
But that's what the headline deals with.
Thursday Live!
Evergrande's $300 billion default signals massive collapse in China's state-run economy.
Meanwhile, globalists publicly demand war with Russia and call for the U.S.
to launch a world-ending nuclear sneak attack.
And then it gets better.
Also, top scientists confirm 5G pushes oxygen out of the blood and creates COVID-like symptoms in new major study.
They just take rats and they turn 5G on?
From 20 yards away and then the rats start losing oxygen and they turn it back on.
The rats are fine.
Imagine the power of the globalists.
No one would think they're putting kill grids up on every road, every street.
Not to control the robots that will replace us, but to actually literally be able to kill us if they want to.
We talked about that 20 plus months ago.
And David Icke was saying it was some evidence, but not a lot, so I kind of, I didn't poo-poo, but I was like, well, I'll revisit that later.
There's a new major study out on that, and we've got the report on it and the documents coming up next segment.
But what we do know is, you can speculate and say, okay, maybe that's not happening.
Okay, well, let's talk about nuclear war, because that's being pushed as the greatest thing since sliced bread now.
But when we come back, scientific study concludes that 5G exacerbates COVID, or has the same symptoms as COVID.
You're like, well, I can't see it.
Well, you can't see sunlight either, except when it bounces off something.
But it'll still burn your ass alive if you lay on it too long.
Well, it's the same thing, ladies and gentlemen.
Most electricity you can't see in a wire, but it'll sure as hell kill your ass.
Only time you see electricity is when it's in the air, being ionized, because it's running through other molecules.
But clean electricity is invisible.
You know, it's all very real.
And we're all in a giant experiment run by mad scientists.
We're going to go to break.
Please don't forget that we are on air because of your support.
I really appreciate you.
InfoWarsTore.com, all apparel, so you can wear that great InfoWars gear.
We got sweaters and long sleeves in right now that are amazing.
All of it is being sold at cost at InfoWarsTore.com.
And we've already sold out to close of half of the limited one-time run of the 1776 Founder Coin.
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And yes, it's available right now at InfoWarsaw.com or 1776coin.com.
That's the numbers.
And fuzzy math doesn't work like the public schools.
You put in 1498 or whatever, it won't work.
We'll be right back.
It's 1776coin.com.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, Malcolm.
All right, I'll make this quick and real short, where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Uh, Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supermill Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so, it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement to all of our listeners, viewers, and supporters.
We are attempting to develop and deploy systems that allow the American people, not just InfoWars, to get around corporate censors and get the truth out about the New World Order's agenda so we can stop it dead in its tracks.
And so, when you visit 1776coin.com, you don't just have the opportunity to get an amazing one run
Limited edition silver coin minted right here in America with incredible historical artwork on it.
He will also be funding a very serious focused information warfare operation against the New World Order.
So I want to thank you all for your past support and I want to encourage you now to not wait, do not procrastinate and to go to 1776coin.com.
I would imagine that we will sell out of this limited run of 10,000 coins
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Maybe a few days.
So secure your coin now at 1776coin.com
Cobra Commander here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at megacorporations.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
And then you'll get that special shot of venom from Cobra.
It will remove your immune system, so you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your miserable lives.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, my whole infrastructure is built in Austin, Texas, and I love Austin, and I love our crew here, and I love everybody, but I morally am going to have to make a documentary about it and expose it and leave Austin, at least most of the time, so that I do not expose my four-year-old daughter and other members of the family to the 5G that's gone in everywhere.
And I have stacks of mainline studies, mainline news, before they even approved 5G, admitting, wow, if you think regular cell phone transmissions, microwave radiation is bad for you.
This is next level.
And Greg Reese has filed a very important report.
Scientific study concludes that 5G exacerbated COVID.
Now, in the other 5G studies, not just this new one, it shows that it pushes oxygen out of the blood.
It's a very powerful system.
Yeah, you can download a movie in five seconds, and it also is so powerful that it permeates everything, that it's sending out these wavelengths, sending out these waves.
And so again, you can't see the radiation coming off a big piece of pure plutonium in your hand, but you hold it for a couple hours, you're going to die in a week or so.
You can't, when you go to the dentist and get an x-ray and they put lead shielding over your body, and the technician goes and hides behind the wall, that's a tinker toy compared to 5G.
It's just a different type of radiation.
And it's blasting out and grabbing all the data and tracking everything and designed so robots can roll down the streets.
So this is such huge news.
Scientific study concludes that 5G exacerbated COVID.
We're going to play the report here in just a moment.
But first, here are just some of the previous news articles and studies that are linked to.
5G, 60 gigahertz, oxygen absorption, you and the coronavirus.
It links to studies showing what 5G does, massively suppressing oxygen.
Here's another one.
5G, 60 Hertz, unique oxygen absorption properties.
Here's Wired Magazine.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big wireless doesn't want you to know.
That's 2018.
5G technology and introduction of coronavirus in skin cells.
Helps the virus grow and replicate.
The land where the internet ends.
The New York Times, how the globalists have built areas that don't allow any internet.
They're all moving there secretly in West Virginia.
Almost heaven.
West Virginia.
Here's one of the studies.
5G technology and the introduction of coronavirus in skin cells.
NIH admits 5G can actively, actually create coronavirus within human cells.
Isn't that funny?
It's not funny.
Health risk from radio frequency radiation including 5G should be assessed by experts with no conflicts of interest.
But it never was.
That was years ago.
They just rolled it out just like the vaccines.
That aren't vaccines.
Your 5G phone won't hurt you.
New York Times.
Oh, well they say it's fine then, but Russia wants you to think otherwise.
It's the Russians.
The Russians are the reason we're worried about self- oh, oh, and the right, oh, okay, it's them.
You know, they put a cell tower on top of school and half the kids get brain tumors.
It's the Russians.
Seven reasons why 5G is a threat to overall health.
And it goes on from there.
5G connection, suppressing oxygen.
So I'm going to air this Gregg Reese report.
And again, you know, some of Gregg's reports get 5 million views, most of them get half a million views.
I really think this report by Gregg Reese really needs to get
If you want to change the world, send it to everybody on your email list, everybody on your text message list, and tell them, tell those you send this to, share it, pass it on.
100 million views.
Went up this morning.
Has 40,000 views.
It needs tens of millions.
Scientific study concludes that 5G exacerbated COVID.
All you that serve the system, that pretend you're tech workers at Google or Facebook and, oh, you're part of the elite, you're not.
You're being killed.
You're being attacked as well.
We're all in this together.
Let's just say no to this and realize that we have fiber optics.
We have plug-in systems that have no radiation.
This is so deadly to just blast Tesla technology.
I don't mean Tesla from Elon Musk.
That's what it is.
I mean the real Tesla, Nikola Tesla, and everybody.
Yes, death rays are a real thing.
That means we've got to put it into our towns and cities.
So here's Greg Reese's report.
We'll go to break and we're going to come back with the Evergrande collapse and the world economy and where that's going.
All of this straight ahead today.
But whatever you do, go to band.video, freeworldnews.tv and share this video.
Scientific study concludes that 5G exacerbated COVID.
Here it is.
Research conducted by Beverly Rubick from the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences in California and Robert Brown from the Department of Radiology at Hammett Hospital in Pennsylvania, recently published online at NIH.gov, provides scientific evidence that 5G played a role in the COVID-19 pandemic.
The authors began their research based on the correlation between COVID-19 and international communities that recently established 5G networks.
COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China in December 2019, shortly after 5G had gone live on October 31st.
Outbreaks soon followed in areas where 5G had been implemented.
In May of 2020, Vladimir Mordachev reported a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of RF radiation and the mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world.
Cases and deaths were statistically higher in states and major cities with 5G infrastructure.
What the authors of this study found was that both 5G and COVID cause deleterious effects on red blood cells and reduced hemoglobin levels.
They both cause oxidative stress, cellular damage, and organ damage.
Low levels of 5G can compromise the immune system, and daily exposure produces immunosuppression or immune dysregulation, including hyperactivation.
5G exposure enhances the infectivity of COVID and contributes to its inflammatory processes and thrombosis.
Both 5G and COVID-19 can cause and complicate cardiac disorders.
The authors present their work as evidence that 5G may have exacerbated the COVID pandemic by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence.
Many of us reported on this over a year ago and were silenced as conspiracy theorists.
Officially, we are told that 5G is necessary for the future Internet of Things.
A world run by artificial intelligence in which humanity no longer matters.
But why would we trust anything from these globalist criminal parasites?
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Thank you for watching the latest Greg Reiss Report.
Be sure to go to reissreport.com to see my latest videos, sign up for my free newsletter, and subscribe for exclusive content.
And be sure to support my sponsor at infowarrestore.com.
I am a worldly person, meaning I like going to ball games.
I like going to concerts.
I like going to play golf.
I like going out to dinner.
I like the metropolitan life.
I like everything that comes with this.
But see, I have the survival instinct.
That is to get the hell out of Democrat-run cities.
Get the hell out of major metropolitan areas.
Because unless we change course soon, it's all crashing down.
Is it time to just move out to the woods?
Just time to go get a piece of property in the woods?
Just get off-grid?
Just get the emergency food supplies?
Just live off the land?
That's the survival instinct.
But see, the worldly part of me, that's still probably the majority part of me, says no, no, no, no, no.
Stay in the city.
The survival instinct says get the hell out of anywhere they've ever notioned that you need to get a vaccine or a mask.
That's the internal struggle that my guess is a lot of you in the audience are facing as well.
But you can at least have some comfort if you have the emergency food supplies.
And so we have the best ones at Infowarsstore.com.
The CEO of Pfizer just came out and said that people talking bad about the vaccines are working for, quote, dark forces.
That the FBI and CIA have been advising him on who these evil groups are.
They know that all over the world their poison shot is being banned by major governments.
And Moderna's in trouble as well.
They know that the people are starting to get wise to the depopulation agenda.
In fact, evidence is starting to mount that the shots were supposed to be soft kill weapons, but they're so deadly, they're killing a higher percentage up front, and so people are waking up.
The weapons work a little too good.
They're supposed to be silent weapons for quiet wars, but instead, they're making too big of a noise!
But it's too late for them to turn back now.
They're coming after our children.
So it's up to us to protect our little children, or God will not look favorably on us.
Remember, God is watching.
Your voice counts.
When you share information, be it over the internet or in person, it changes the world.
The globalists know their agenda is unpopular.
They know you're angry.
And now to get around big tech, it's more important than ever that we use every tool we've got.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you sign up for our free news and show alerts, you can then take those alerts, those articles and those live feeds, both the regular shows and special reports, and share them with everyone you know.
Take action now by texting the word NEWS, N-E-W-S, to 833-470-0438.
That's 833-470-0438 for InfoWars Emergency News Alerts.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
Keep us on air.
We'll continue to bring you the banned guests.
We'll continue to bring the information that no one else will touch.
Keep us on air.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
The new supplements that we have, the latest in the InfoWars Life Supplement line, the Vitamin D3 with Calcium Gummies, the Vitamin C with Zinc and the Whole Food Multivitamins, or if you buy the Combo Pack with all three at InfoWarsStore.com.
And you know, I'm telling you, the Vitamin D Gummies,
This is a great thing for your kids.
They're going to love it.
They're going to love the taste of the gummies.
It's healthy.
So that's just a great thing for kids.
I mean, we could just do marketing campaigns.
I think for kids, that'd be great.
Calcium, good for them.
The vitamin D.
So, that's at InfoWarsStore.com, and again, it's your support there that keeps us on the air.
So, the supplements, the shirts, the air filters, the water filters, the emergency food supplies, the emergency supplies, at InfoWarsStore.com, your support there keeps us on the air.
We cannot thank you enough.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I hurt myself today to see if I still feel.
I focus on the pain.
I focus on the pain.
The only thing that's real.
The needle tears a hole.
The old familiar sting.
The old familiar sting.
Try to kill it all away.
But I remember.
But I remember everything.
What have I become?
My sweetest friend.
My sweetest friend.
Everyone I know goes away in the end.
And you could have it all.
My empire of dirt.
My empire of dirt.
I will let you in.
I will let you down.
Make you hurt.
All right, here we are.
What an incredible time to be alive.
Oh boy.
I mean, here we are, ladies and gentlemen, staring into infinity right now, and we knew this was coming.
We knew this was the trigger for the collapse, and it's already happening.
Evergrande has finally defaulted.
Here's what that means, says Zero Hedge.
Here's what happens.
And if you've got a $300 billion real estate mortgage bank of China that's invested all over the world, what does that really mean?
What is $300 billion?
How many zeros is $300 billion?
That's a lot of zeros.
How many zeros is it?
Let me see.
1, 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000, millions, 10 millions, 100 millions, 300 billion.
Now, when you realize that they leverage that and sell those mortgages, sometimes 100 plus times
What does that mean?
It's trillions.
Thirty trillion.
So, that's why there's an issue.
Because, man, boy, a little mustard seed.
They'll take one dollar you invest in their company, it'll be a million dollars when they're done.
And then these bankers give it all to themselves and pretend like it's real.
And now they're at the end of the Ponzi scheme.
They don't want to go to jail like Bernie Madoff.
Who, again, was a low-level amateur compared to these people.
Madoff wasn't running a Ponzi scheme like the Rothschilds for 200, 300 years.
I mean, he was just doing it lately.
What does this signify when you've got trillions and trillions and trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions upon trillions?
Tens of trillions leveraged out on this fraud.
And the bubble can't get any bigger.
What are they gonna do?
Is your big question.
And I can tell everybody, it starts with a W, it's got an A in the middle, and then it's got an R after it, and then it's got three...
In the Roman numeral for you.
That's what they do.
This, this is what they do to hold everyone hostage and do what they say.
Because they don't want to go to prison.
So they start a nuclear war.
See, that's what this equation, you would see some Einstein equations.
This is what this equation means right here.
That's where this goes.
Oh, let's end racism in America.
Yeah, that's our big subject.
Oh, let's, let's stop sexism.
Let's let, oh, the new winner, the international, the top Olympian new woman beating all the women is, he was a man.
He still has his genitals.
But we're going to accept a man.
And my point is, like, this is end of day stuff, like, men are taking over women's sports, and then we pretend like, oh, it's okay to take forced inoculations, it's okay to have a man be the woman and win the swimming match, or the wrestling match, or the weightlifting match, or the run, I mean, look at this!
Leah Thomas, transgender swimmer from Penn, swims fastest times in nation!
Is now the top woman swimmer in, in her times, in the world!
But she can't win, he can't win, against the men.
But he's stunning and brave.
So he's like, hey, I can't get gold medals, I can't make ten million dollars on a Wheaties box.
I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I
All right.
I'm having a brain fart.
Who's the really famous Olympic swimmer?
Dark hair, big tall guy.
Like Michael Phelps.
He's won all these gold medals.
But see, Michael Phelps is actually the best of everybody.
So he doesn't need to say he's a woman.
But the only way Michael Phelps can defeat this guy now is to say he's a woman and then Michael Phelps, which is going to happen.
Not Michael Phelps himself, but other men will say, well, hell, it's kind of like taking down weight.
Like, well, Mike Tyson was his weight, but he went down in weight, or somebody else did.
Now it's going to be like, well, I've already won all the men's championships.
I'm going to go down to the women's divisions.
I'm a woman.
I'm going to go beat them.
So a lot of viewers might be asking, yeah, that's a beautiful woman right there.
A lot of people might be asking, why am I covering this now?
Because on the signpost to hell, on the signpost to collapse, on the signpost to the end of the world, is saying a man can compete in women's sports and beat their ass in boxing, or in jiu-jitsu, or in MMA, or in swimming, or in track, and then we're all supposed to sit here and go along with that lie.
Just like, oh, Israel just announced seven shots is now what allows you to leave your house.
That's now fully vaccinated.
A giant Milgram experiment, psychological warfare experiment to see what you'll put up with.
And of course next week, next month, it'll be eight shots, nine shots, ten shots, daily shots, hourly shots, mentally shot, because you ask what the limit of psycho control freaks are?
The limit you put up with.
So here at the end of the potential world, and that's where we are, we keep following lunacy and the programming of big banks and rich billionaires that have control of the media, and are telling us the moon's made of cheese, and are telling us mommy doesn't exist, and are telling us that gender doesn't exist, and are telling us all this delusional craziness.
If we continue to go down that road, we deserve what we get.
I mean, it's like Jussie Smollett.
Oh, they won't give me more security?
They won't give me a raise?
I'll just say some white people beat me up.
But then the police didn't play along.
So the answer is, well, let's just federalize the police.
Then they'll all play along.
But once you get everyone to play along with delusion, what happens?
And that's the really evil group above it all.
That is manipulating and lining up the collapse of our civilization.
It's incredible.
So that's the Evergrande situation.
Mike Adams is on tomorrow to talk about it.
Got a big guest who's been censored coming up next hour.
And so much more.
But separately, where did my DVDs go?
I am the producer of COVID Land, the five-part series that literally lays out
Here they are!
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That's three films for $19.95, and Covent Land is a high-production five-part series.
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We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Yes, Malcolm.
Hello, Alex.
I'll make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
All right.
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Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
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We're good to go.
All right, we have a very special guest on.
He got banned off Twitter for simply link... linking... I guess that's called leaking now.
Linking to a FDA document that was ordered by a federal court to be released.
That is coming up next segment.
Then we've got more on Senate votes to repeal Biden federal vaccine mandate for businesses.
Fort Worth School Board, Racial Equality Special Division Director, Co-Chair owns up to doxing parents and sending police to their houses.
We've got incredible video out of Arizona.
Yuma shows what happens when Border Patrol is unable to patrol the border.
The collapse of the U.S.
border is also happening.
But I wanted to get to this Ted Cruz video.
It's all coming up.
The full interview is on Infowars.com video.
Cruz slams Biden admin for funding Chinese concentration camps.
And I mean, China's got the world record above Hitler, above Stalin, 80-something million dead people.
And it's true.
This is going on.
So it's very, very important to get this information out because when we're being lectured how America's evil and America's bad and we have all these human rights abuses, which we do do some stuff that's not right, we should stop it.
We should look at the big corporations and who they are.
And what they're doing and how insane it is.
So I hope you share the Steve Watson article from Infowars.com video.
Cruz slams Biden admin for funding Chinese concentration camps.
Senator Ted Cruz has announced the Biden administration has denounced them for funding Chinese concentration camps, bowing to China's use of slave labor and describing Biden's climate czar John Kerry as the communist state's
Customer of the year.
Yeah, he says they can have all their oil, all their coal.
We can't have fuel.
This is war.
Here's Senator Cruz.
Is there a surrendering with China going on?
So unfortunately there is.
The Democratic Party, Joe Biden, has shown weakness to China.
Now part of that is structural.
The Democratic Party is structurally pro-China.
Their major supporters, big business, big tech, big Hollywood, big universities, are all in bed with China.
And so the Democratic Party, I introduced an amendment on the floor of the Senate to prohibit the Biden administration from importing any goods, and in particular electric vehicles or solar panels,
Made with slave labor in concentration camps in China.
Every single Democrat, except Joe Manchin, voted against that.
It failed on basically a party-line vote.
Because the Democrats, you know, John Kerry, when he was asked about Chinese slave labor, he said, you know, that's not my responsibility.
John Kerry is the customer of the year for Chinese concentration camps.
So just a quick point on this.
How many lessons do we need to learn about China?
I mean, the pandemic that we're in right now
Came from China.
And they obfuscated.
They lied.
They did everything.
They were vacuuming up PPE before telling the world what was happening so that when we all started to suffer we couldn't get everything we needed.
Your last quick thought on dealing with China and where you think Biden is with China right now.
So I think China is the single greatest geopolitical threat facing the United States for the next century, and I think we need strength and clarity to stand up to China, to call them out for their murder, for their torture, for concentration camps, for their lying, for their theft of intellectual property, for their espionage, for their military aggression, and you're right, for their responsibility, their culpability
For COVID-19.
It originated, I believe the evidence is compelling, that it originated in the Wuhan lab, a Chinese government lab.
They covered up the outbreak and they are responsible for the hundreds of thousands of deaths and the trillions of dollars of damage caused by COVID.
And we need to have the strength to stand up to them, to call them out, to hold them responsible.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement to all of our listeners, viewers, and supporters.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, we like to get people on that stand up for the truth and that also just do basic research.
So Gal Shalev, I guess about a week and a half ago,
Linked to the FDA documents.
He was smart.
He waited.
The federal court ordered them to release a little bit of them.
And he linked to it.
And so it got banned on Twitter because it went viral from there.
They've been trying to suppress it.
I'm sure most of you saw the headline out there that the FDA wanted to suppress these documents for 55 years.
Well, sorry, that changed today.
It's now 75 years.
FDA now says Pfizer clinical data will take 75 years to release, but the first 30 pages they did release were incredible.
So he's still on YouTube at IgnorantChimp.
Gal Shaleb is a content creator and podcaster.
He's a citizen journalist and researcher.
Last two years, he's been an activist against the biggest fraud in human history.
So I wanted to magnify this great guy.
He'll probably get censored because of it, but that's okay.
And just talk about the thought crime of linking to the FDA documents and just showing what they said.
You are a horrible, horrible person, according to these monsters.
So, Gal, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Alex, thanks for having me.
It's a great honor.
Thank you.
Well, it's a great honor to have you here.
So tell us about yourself and how you woke up and what the hell's going on here.
Yeah, look, I mean, I have a follower on Facebook that tagged me to his little post, and he doesn't have that much of a following.
So I had to read.
My stomach dropped.
I said, I have to tweet this out.
And within a couple hours, it just, it blew up.
Listen, those documents are pretty scary.
And I've asked a lot of doctors, I've asked a lot of scientists to kind of give their, you know, their thought on it.
Nobody wants to answer anything.
Nobody wants to talk about it.
And for those that don't know, that just joined us, tell us what's in the FDA documents.
So these FDA documents, they're pretty, I mean, it's a pretty short little post authorization documentation, which basically what it said was,
That Pfizer themselves received just about 42,000 adverse events complaints.
These complaints mostly arrived either from small clinical trials from doctors and nurses and people within the industry.
Most of them were not, there were a little bit
Probably a little bit of people.
I think around 16,000 was people who were personal, just people getting in touch with Pfizer and telling them, look, this is what I'm going through.
I think around 26,000, 27,000 were confirmed hospitalization, confirmed medically.
So when they say confirmed medically, that means that, you know, these people got the vaccination, they got to the hospital, the hospital decided.
And let's remember, at the beginning, it was still pretty open.
For doctors to speak out or to give a call to Pfizer or to the VAERS data, and they weren't threatened about it.
Today, they're being threatened about it.
Like, they can't tell a patient that it's from the vaccine.
They do that, they get fired.
So, at the beginning, because this is the first three months, right, they're saying it's from the 1st of December to the 28th of February.
If we look at it literally, Israel was the first place to start mass vaccination.
That was on 17th of December.
So we're talking about just a little over 70 days of data.
And they got 42,000 complaints.
Many of them were pretty bad.
So pretty serious, pretty serious side effects.
And as you saw, it's 1,223 of them were deaths.
So if you look at the, if you quantitate that, like it's one in 35 side effects reported to Pfizer was a death.
One in 35.
That's insane.
Just unprecedented.
Yeah, pretty scary.
And then you get censored, or you get banned for linking to it.
That is a serious crime against humanity.
Now, as a citizen, as a podcaster, you're not supposed to link to documents.
And just last week, the American Heart Association got censored on Twitter for daring to make a comment about what was currently happening.
Yeah, look, I mean, and what happens now and, you know, you know what it's like to be censored.
You were one of the first people to be censored worldwide in terms of like both, you know, YouTube, Twitter, you got censored off Facebook.
So you were kind of like the catalyst.
For this mass censorship and what I feel on my own, you know, on my own consciousness at the moment is that, you know, I have to self-censor myself right now.
Like if I want my YouTube channel, and if you look at my YouTube channel, I don't put a lot of content on there because I already have two strikes.
So one more strike and they'll take off my YouTube channel.
The only channel that still works without fear is my Telegram channel, but it's only to the Israeli
Uh, um, audience, which is, which is not a massive audience because we don't have a lot of people who are awake here.
Um, so it's pretty difficult.
Let me offer you a band out video site where you can cover anything you want, brother.
So, so I'm going to, after you leave today, we're going to get you in touch.
We're going to give you a log in for band out video.
That way you can actually talk about what you want and not be censored.
But this is just crazy.
I noticed the Israel's now announcing they want seven shots, seven boosters now.
Yeah, I mean, you know, Israel is like the, you know, it's the catalyst for the whole world.
And at the same time, now Bennett is, quote unquote, talking about doing a quarantine for the unvaccinated.
Explain that.
Why do you think Israel and Australia as well?
Why are they the beta test?
Germany is somewhat Austria.
What's going on in Israel?
I mean, this is like pretty wild to watch.
Yeah, it is pretty wild and it's pretty paradoxical, you know, knowing our history and knowing what we've gone through, it's pretty weird seeing it.
And it's pretty crazy how docile people are in Israel.
Like, you have to understand, we're a very, very small awakened community.
The rest are completely asleep.
But what's been interesting right now, Alex, is that we have nine million people.
Six and a half million took the first dose.
5.7 million took the second dose.
So we don't even know what happened to around 700,000 people and why they didn't take the second dose.
The third dose is actually a very low number.
It's 4.1 million.
So we have an awakening of another two and a half million people who don't hold a green passport, which is like the vaccination passport.
And that's huge.
I mean, that shows this is not going well, because if something's great, you go back and get it.
But if a restaurant opens, everybody leaves, it means the restaurant's not good.
Well, this is not a restaurant.
This is medical tyranny forcing it on you.
Yeah, and they're already talking about vaccinating 5 months old to 5 years old.
So, imagine how crazy that is.
In Israel, they were giving boosters to 12 year olds before the U.S.
was giving boosters to 50 year olds.
I knew that Israel was basically, other than like Singapore or Gibraltar, the tip of the spear.
I mean, when you talk about the guinea pigs, we all know about the Nazis and Joseph Mengele.
Very paradoxical.
Why would people in Israel then literally repeat history but now under their own government?
I think we had one of the most intense brainwashing campaigns in human history.
I don't think any other country has gone through the brainwashing that we have through our propaganda, mainstream media channels that have no pushback on what's going on here.
Foundations that are usually for human rights, they're not pushing back.
We have the foundation that keeps the memorial for the Holocaust.
They had
For their workers, they had bathrooms for vaccinated and unvaccinated.
They were violating every rule possible.
Medical apartheid.
Medical apartheid.
Complete medical apartheid.
Well, here's the deal.
I know that a lot of governments and groups have targeted Jews.
That has happened in history.
It's wrong.
It's out of control.
We all just saw what happened 75 years ago.
But exactly, to literally have
People in Israel being targeted now with a medical tyranny that erases your immune system and doesn't protect you out of the whole world.
What is going on with these foundations?
Like, why do the big foundations and the big money have the biggest hard-on to attack people in Israel?
Because, I mean, it's pretty obvious.
Yeah, look, I mean, it's all over the world.
We can't really say it's just in Israel.
It's just Israel is like the spearheaded, like it's the spearhead.
So, like, we were the first to vaccinate people.
We were the first to vaccinate pregnant women.
We were the first to vaccinate kids.
But, I mean, it's happening everywhere else.
You're right, it's happening everywhere, but it is interesting that it's, like, particularly Israel.
Yeah, I mean, I can't even try and imagine.
I mean, look, if we want to get down deep the rabbit hole, I mean, all the major positions in the CDC, in Pfizer, and all these other companies, all these companies that are pushing this, all the politicians, they're all Jewish.
So, I mean, I'm not going to say the craziest things, but I'm just saying it's pretty weird to see that all these people are Jewish and they're doing this to the Jewish state.
So, there's a massive plan here, and you know it.
I mean, Alex, you've been talking about it for two decades at least.
Yeah, I'll stay there.
We're right back, my friend.
Stay with us.
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941-955-1020 and ask the Alex Jones Special.
Silver Commander here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at megacorporations.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
And then you'll get that special shot of venom from Cobra.
It will remove your immune system, so you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your miserable lives.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Yael Shalev is our guest.
He's joining us.
Best yet journalist censored for simply linking to FDA documents that were released last week.
Taken off Twitter.
And no, I was asking him genuinely because I don't know.
Why is it Australia and Israel and a few other places are the very worst?
We know beta test.
Now you're witnessing all this unfold and the Israeli government saying seven shots because when it comes to
The most injections Israel's leader of that when it comes to lockdowns, I would say Australia and New Zealand are the leaders of that.
And obviously medical tyranny wants a medical ID.
They want a world government.
They want total control.
But I can ask you a million questions, brother.
What is it you want to impart to this audience?
What's front and center for you?
Oh man, I mean, look, at the end of the day, what's front and center for us is just for more people to wake up, but it's this cognitive dissonance that's keeping them asleep.
So, I mean, it's great work like yourself, and it's great work like other people who are doing really just amazing work to try and wake up.
And we do feel an awakening, Alex.
We do feel that people understand that something is really, really screwed up here, and it's not for our health.
So I'm optimistic on that front.
But at the end of the day, I'm very realistic.
And I know that there's a long way ahead.
It's going to get much worse before it gets better.
And it'll be interesting to see.
I mean, I believe in civil disobedience.
I don't think we need violence.
I don't think we need to burn cities down.
You know, we don't need no BLM Antifa type
Uh, things going on here.
We just need civil disobedience.
We need people to, to just not go with the flow.
And, and, you know, there's a great saying, you, you obey because you want it to end, but it's your obedience that's going to make it continue forever.
What's going to happen in Australia and Canada and Israel and places are like Gibraltar, a hundred percent injected highest cases.
Cause as you said, exponentially, people are waking up.
What are the tyrants thinking when they do this?
And that's what makes me think, you know, that they probably have a little bit more of a plan.
Sometimes I feel like we're looking at the carrot, like they're hanging a carrot in front of our face and we think that we got it, but really there's something else going on.
You know, so as politicians, we both know that politicians, you know, first of all, there's people behind them, but let's just say that politicians work to get re-elected.
And politicians today are acting like they don't care if they get re-elected, like as if there is no re-election.
Exactly, they're acting very fatalistic, like, yeah, it's crazy.
Yeah, and you talk about Australia, so I grew up in Canada and then I moved all over the world and I came back to Israel about six years ago when I met my wife, but just before I came to Canada I lived four years in Australia.
And Australia was always a very
Police state, like you always felt it.
You always felt that police over there are very controlling, very, you know, overstepping.
So I'm not surprised with what's happening in Australia.
And I'm not surprised seeing some of the pushback from the Australians because they have a lot of like
Uh, culture that has to do with, you know, freedom and surfing and just living the life and being really relaxed.
And I think 256 days of shutdowns really, really awakened the lion, but I'm wondering where it's going to head, where it's going to go.
So, how are Israelis, that's the epicenter, responding to hearing you have seven shots?
I agree.
They're now saying, I mean, this is ridiculous.
And they admit it doesn't protect you.
So it's like, oh, you're not vaccinated.
That's why I'm sick.
You need to take the shot.
And I need more shots.
It just, there's no logic there.
Yeah, yeah, it's logic is definitely out the window in 2020 and 2021.
Like there's literally no logic.
There's no truth anymore.
You know, they've literally broken down so that this great brainwashing is part of this
I'm changing the narrative every day.
So the news will tell you one thing one day, you'll think that's the truth.
And then the next day, they'll completely say something that's 100%, you know, or 180 degrees opposite.
And they'll do that day after day.
And people have just lost reality, like anything's possible.
Nothing is real.
You can't talk to them with any common sense.
They've broken down the fabric of truth.
And and and it's really helping
It's helping them because then it doesn't matter what I say, there's no truth to grasp on, right?
Like I sound like a disinformation agent, the news sounds like a disinformation agent, and people just don't believe anything.
But at the same time, there's like layers in Israel.
So you have the people who are like, look, if the ministry tells me to get a shot every three months, I'm going to go get a shot every three months.
No questions asked.
And then there's people who are saying, look, I can't lose my job, so I'm going to get vaccinated no matter what.
And then there's people who are saying, I can't not go to restaurants and fly overseas, so I'm going to get my shot.
And then there's a very small percentage of people, which is growing, that are like, hell no, I'm not doing this anymore.
Like, this has to stop.
And that's the point that we're at that's very new in Israel.
Up until now, we were a very, very small community.
Now we're growing.
You can see it.
You can feel it.
You can feel it on the internet.
You can feel it in the reviews underneath our ministry.
When our ministry says something on Facebook, you'll see like 300 comments of people telling them off and telling them how much they don't believe them.
So, there is an awakening.
It's still on the net more than it is on the street.
But it's happening.
And Gal, that awakening is going to accelerate as we know the numbers all over the world.
The U.S., Canada, Israel, Europe, everywhere.
Massive increases in people that are double vaxxed, going to hospital, being sick, dying.
And they try to suppress those numbers, but they can't.
I mean, I have family members that are hurt from the vaccine.
You know, it's not something that you could hide for very long.
Tell us about that.
Gal, tell us about that.
So I have, you know, I have family members, you know, within the same family that are getting like, I think it's called shingles in English.
And I have a second cousin that got myocarditis two weeks before his wedding, two and a half months after the vaccination.
And I'm sad to say this, I'm sure you love your cousin, but you know, it's on record now, the myocarditis from the shot is much worse than the regular one.
Wow, that's bad.
Peter McCullough says that a lot.
So, I mean, listen, it's an incredible time to live, you know.
I'm sure you're, I mean, I wonder what your head is like, because it's like everything that you've been talking about is kind of coming to fruition, so I guess it's a double-edged sword for you.
You ask how I'm doing?
I don't want to die.
I'll never commit suicide, but I'm ready to die now.
I mean, I knew this was all coming.
I love my family, and I'm just,
I read all these UN documents and Global Photographers that were planning it, and so I warned people, but now it's here.
It's very surreal.
It's actually, it's very freeing in a way, though.
But then I'm frustrated that other people don't get how much danger they're in.
Yeah, look, I mean, people, people have forgotten, you know, there's that great saying, you know, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create bad times, bad times create strong men, something like that.
It's true.
You know, that's it.
Yeah, and this is the times that we're at.
We're at the times where there's weak men.
They don't know how important sovereignty is, personal sovereignty.
They don't know how important human rights are.
You know, you just have to go back to the 60s, look at Martin Luther King and all.
These are people who understood that it's worth dying for, right?
Like, you're in the fight of your life.
And if you're not willing to die, you get taken over.
It's not like we want to die, but when you're not willing to die, they take over.
You've got to be willing to die, then you don't die.
You have great prosperity.
But when men are ready to roll over, you're right.
Then it's all over.
Yeah, exactly.
And listen, in some
Form and fashion, you do die if you give up to this tyranny.
You'll be living, but you're going to be dead inside, right?
You're going to be a dead man walking for another 40 or 50 years or whatever until you give up.
But you're not going to feel alive.
You're going to feel like a coward.
You're going to feel like you're giving in.
Literally, this is literally darkness versus light.
I've never felt so much as I have in these two years.
I totally agree.
And the first, the worst part about the first 15 days is the first two years.
We've got Gal Shaleb with us, YouTube Ignorant Chimp.
We're going to come back and talk to him.
Amazing guy.
I figure when I got this guy on, he'd be amazing.
That's what's so crazy is all these Twitter people and all these Instagram.
Every time we contact one, they're just amazing souls.
And we're all humans together in this fight.
Such an amazing time.
Stay with us.
If you're concerned about the power grid and... Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, Malcolm.
Alright, I will make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
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In the state of California, people are asleep and program-controlled.
How do you make the sleeper awaken, William?
I agree.
Oh, hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Can I plug, uh, Alex real quick?
Yeah, go ahead.
Hey, I'm in my 60s, uh, and I do the work of 25, 30-year-olds, and I work them into the ground, and you wanna know why?
And I've tested this, and I've taken your B-12, and let me tell you, when I don't take it, I pay a price.
I really do.
I-I take that B-12, and I'm electric, man.
I can run 10 miles.
I do some pretty heavy work with the highway department, and my friends will attest to the fact that, yeah, for a guy in his 60s, you know, pushing 70, I'm not just blowing smoke here.
The B-12 saves my life.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And Gal Shalev.
I knew he'd be amazing, but he's a great soul.
And we're here together.
And what he said is so important 20 minutes ago.
Let's not be stupid.
We think we're winning.
We think there's this big awakening, which there is.
They didn't launch something like this without a big-ass sucker punch coming in.
And so let's just get ready for that punch.
Let's know it's coming so we can beat it.
Gal, I could ask a million questions, but I want you to have the floor.
Please continue.
Impart to us your vision, your idea of what's happening.
Well, look, I think it's pretty obvious.
I mean, you have Claude Schwab, you have them coming out telling you what, you know, not going too deep into the, you know, into the nastiness.
But at the end of the day, I think the final, you know, the final lockstep that's going to be a real big problem for us.
And I think from there, there's no going back is the social credit score.
So, really, they don't give two hoots about, I don't know if we're allowed to swear on your show, but we don't give, they don't care about the vaccination as much as they care about the... They don't give a good goddamn about the vaccine, it's a diversion!
Yeah, exactly.
They care about the green passport, they want that application on you, they want you to have a social credit score, they want to put everything on that application, they want to get rid of the... In Israel, I mean, I don't know if you know, but in the past two years,
They've systematically lowered the amount of cash that you're allowed to pass between two people.
I mean, I have seen that, but explain the power of taking cash away.
Yeah, so obviously the power of taking cash away is taking away your liberty, right?
It's taking away your ability to do what you want to do without having a, you know, a middleman or a third party or the government looking at you.
You know, you want to pay your gardener or you want to have, you know, people who want to do recreational things that might not be legal.
Whatever it is, it gives you a little bit of freedom.
And they've lowered that constantly in the last two years from $50,000 to $25,000 to $11,000.
Now it's at $6,000.
Which is not a lot of money in Israel, right?
$6,000 is around maybe $2,000.
Same thing here, they want every $600 transactions tracked live time by the IRS.
Yeah, and basically what they're trying to do is get everything digital, and once everything is digital, and they have the screen passport, and you know, I think it was you speaking to Mr. Ross, I think it was Ross, the director of the American movie,
It was a long time ago.
He said all you have to do is hit a button and then your life is gone.
They take away your life by pressing a button.
What's his name?
He made American Freedom to Fascism.
Yeah, exactly.
Okay, it'll come.
We can't remember a name.
We can't remember it.
What's a good friend of mine?
I know him so well.
It'll pop in my name.
Who made American Freedom to Fascism, guys?
Passed away.
Passed away from cancer.
I think it was.
I can't remember.
Keep going.
I'll find the name.
Something Ross.
Something Ross or Rose Ross.
Anyways, so that was a great interview, and he said it.
He said, look, all we have... It was Aaron Russo.
Aaron Russo.
Aaron Russo.
That's it.
Aaron Russo.
And he said, you know, and he said this when?
When was this?
He was a big Hollywood director.
He was married to Bette Midler.
I mean, he knew all these people.
Yeah, and when you ask them, why do they want to do this?
Or when he asked the Rockefellers, why do you want to do this?
He told them, because that way we can control their life.
And if they don't follow what we say, we just press a button and we take away everything from them.
They don't have a bank account.
They don't have identification.
They don't have a way to buy food, to pay rent, to travel.
And I think that's the end game.
If you ask me, I think that's the end game.
And it's the scariest part.
And I think that, you know, when you get to a point where, you know, a person like me,
Obviously, if this credit score goes through, I'm going to start with a very low credit score, right?
Like, I'm going to be at a, you know, maybe at a zero.
You're a bad person.
You had medical questions about something the government's trying to force you to take.
Of course.
And then if I come to my brother, who has a good credit score, and I'm going to ask him for help, you know, they're going to hurt his credit score by helping me.
And that'll cause people to stop helping one another.
And just like they're doing right now with the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
I mean, the rhetoric that we have in Israel, I don't know how bad it is in America, but the rhetoric that we have here in Israel, it's literally causing almost like a civil, not going to say a civil war, but
Civil fighting, like people literally hate the unvaccinated.
They completely dehumanized us to the point where, you know, if you're sitting with a person and, you know, and he asks you, you know, you're obviously vaccinated and you say no, he's not going to ask you, you know, oh, really?
Tell me about why did you choose not to get vaccinated?
Right away, he's going to look at you like you're a monster, like you're an idiot, like you're a conspiracy theorist, you know, like you're you're somebody who's unworthy.
That's the feeling right now around in Israel, if you're unvaccinated.
What an incredible time to be alive.
I mean, this is like, this is not a science fiction dystopia.
This is happening.
And this is something that I, you know, I constantly have to remind myself, you know, and me and my wife, we have a lot of conversations where it's like,
You know, babe, what are you going to do if tomorrow, you know, they pass another law?
Because what they've done so far is they keep passing these tyrannical laws.
They're not using them yet, but they're passing them.
So Bibi Netanyahu, he passed this sort of like, I don't know what it's called in English, in Hebrew, it resembles very much the law that Hitler and the Third Reich passed in Germany.
Where this law allowed them to surpass Parliament, like they didn't have to write laws through Parliament, they could just... It's an emergency takeover.
Right, exactly.
So, Bibi passed the same law here in March 2020.
He passed that law, and that gave six people within the government to surpass our Congress and write all these crazy, tyrannical laws, right?
So, they've continued this law.
They have to renew it every few months, and they've been renewing it without a problem, even though we keep taking it to court, and the court throws us out.
And they keep writing these tyrannical laws, and you could see where this is going.
Like, you could see how bad this is going to get, and you can't do anything about it.
Like, you're just, you're seeing where this is going, and then, you know, you're looking at it, and you're saying, okay, as a normal person, I know the day is going to come
Where I'm going to be labeled a terrorist or I'm going to be labeled, you know, an anti-government, you know, security hazard for society.
And one day, maybe the cops are going to come knock on my door.
So me and my wife, we have this conversation.
As much as it doesn't sound reasonable right now, because I could still go... No, no, no, no, no.
Gal, you're totally right.
That's what I talked to my wife, my family about.
It's moving so fast.
There are already Fauci's on TV talking about forced inoculation today.
Germany and Austria are saying, we started in February 1st.
Australia is saying, you won't, this is never going to end.
New Zealand.
I mean, this, this is it.
And when people historically get hit with a tyranny,
They tend to not realize they're under attack until later it gets so desperate.
That's why we've got to get people awake now because this is a real move.
And I think it's because the banking system's coming down.
The financial system is leveraged.
The globalists are all scared.
And so they're like, well, let's just make it about a virus, lock them all down.
They won't complain when we take their bank account away.
I mean, that's really what's going on is this is all just a martial law drill ahead of the big cyber attack they're going to launch and blame on us, basically.
I mean, I think that's where this goes.
Yeah, exactly, 100%.
And it's very important, and I say this to myself as well, not to be docile, and to understand that probably no matter what is coming, I mean, it's pretty inevitable, it probably has to happen, Alex, if we want this earth to get cleaned of, you know, a little bit of evil.
This has to, you know, another great saying is, you know, if you want evil to win, good people just need to not do a thing, right?
So... Exactly.
We didn't ask for this cycle, but we're in it and we're coming to the bottom of the cycle.
So let's just be, let's realize we're on a roller coaster.
We're going down.
This is the way it is.
We got to, we got to make it through it.
So don't be victims.
Don't freak out and roll over.
This is the big fight.
This is who we are right now going into this.
Definitely don't feel victim.
It's not going to help you.
You know, just,
Just don't comply.
That's the most important thing.
Just zero compliance.
Do not comply.
And you'll feel...
You know, you'll feel stronger every time that you find yourself not complying, when you find yourself giving up on things that seem to have been important in the past, but now you understand how unimportant they are.
Because what they're trying to do, I call all these like, you know, restaurants, flying, going to museums or whatever.
I call these like little guns, right?
Like these are little guns that they put to your head.
You know, if you don't take the vaccine, you can't have this, this and that.
And everybody has a gun.
Everybody has something that they want to do and they care about and now the government is taking it away from them.
If you get rid of all these guns, like not caring about restaurants, not caring about museums and going out and having a ball and going to weddings and all that kind of stuff, they have no, they have no gun on you.
Like they have nothing to... Gal, I am so impressed.
I'm so blessed to have you.
Final segments right ahead.
Let's talk about this right now.
Because if we don't give up a little bit now, we're going to lose everything anyways.
We've got to sacrifice now.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement to all of our listeners, viewers and supporters.
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We're good to go.
Gal Shalev is our guest.
We have Jay Dyer about to take over in the fourth hour.
And evil has always been here and always makes its move.
Different groups, different organizations, every culture can manifest evil.
Now we have a big corporate evil bringing in a world ID and total control.
And what Gal was saying earlier from Israel is so true.
You can get comfortable and think, well, they're just going to stop here.
No, that's why they tighten down, loosen up, tighten down, loosen up.
But if you look over time, they're getting tighter and tighter and tighter.
No, this is a real evil run at people.
And I don't say this to, like, get people scared.
I believe in humanity.
And I believe we're going to come together and transcend this together and be even stronger on the other side.
But, Gal, getting censored, you know, back to originally why you got censored, we talked about that.
When you were reporting it, it was 55 years they were asking the court for.
Now the FDA wants 75 years before they release the COVID documents.
That doesn't bode well for their confidence.
That tells me they're hiding something.
That's not even a question.
This is outrageously ridiculous.
You know, what's ridiculous, I think, at the end of the day is that we're literally seeing the disintegration of laws and respect for law, right?
Like, we're really seeing, like, we always knew that there was, you know, the law for the people and the law for the elites.
We knew that.
But you're really seeing it now with, you know, with corporations.
With bodies, government bodies that were supposed to protect us and they're not doing it and they're not getting in trouble and nobody's getting arrested.
You know, Fauci should be arrested.
Definitely Bill Gates and people like them.
You know, it's so out in the obvious, so out in the open and in the obvious for anybody with a little bit of eyes.
I'm not expecting for, you know, the wide range society to see everything for what it is.
I don't expect that of them.
But I definitely do expect of people within the system, whether it's the FBI, CIA, police officers, you know, people who know how to research, people who see the truth for what it is, people who their whole job is investigating people and seeing the body language and seeing how people are lying.
Like they should be seeing through all this BS.
And yet either they're taking part or they're completely brainwashed in both.
Those situations are sad and they're scared or they're scared.
But again, I mean, look, they ought to be scared of what's going to happen if this evil continues.
You know what?
That's what I mean.
That's exactly what that's exactly what I was going to say.
Like, how can you be scared if you know what the consequences are for not doing anything?
So, you know, I keep thinking to myself, like,
There must be like some underground, you know, militia.
I don't want to call it a militia, but I want to call it like, you know, maybe asking where are the good guys?
Because obviously all the good guys, where are those good guys with the with, you know, I don't want to say with the guns, but with the with the power, with the worst Captain America taking it to Red Skull.
I think Al Shalett, we're not saying we're that, but I think this audience, all of us, we are that.
And we can be in South Africa, we can be in Japan, we can be in Israel, we can be in Russia, we can be in England, Canada, the U.S., Mexico, doesn't matter.
We want freedom for our families.
I think we are it, buddy.
That's what it always comes down to.
We're looking for the militia.
We're it.
I completely agree.
And I'll tell you more.
I've even tried to get advice from lawyers and people who know the law.
And I'm like, look, at what point do the citizens have the right
To take the law into their own hands.
Not to do anything that's, you know, violent, but when am I allowed to arrest a judge that is not upholding the law?
When am I allowed to arrest, you know, the captain of the police station that is not upholding the law, right?
When is it our right to take back the law into our hands because nobody is, nobody's, you know, putting justice
And we know when you have the right, when you have nothing left to lose.
And that's what's crazy is they're forcing us into a confrontation that I believe we're going to win, my friend.
Listen, if I didn't think we were going to win, I wouldn't smile.
I wouldn't take the time to do all these videos, and I wouldn't take the time to do podcasts, and I wouldn't take the time to tweet stuff out.
I would just live whatever I could live out with my daughters and my wife quietly until... So I do believe we're going to win, and I do believe we have to do the maximum in order to win.
We can't just sit idly by and think this is going to pass over our head.
There's no way you could stick your head in the ground and hope this goes over your head.
This is war.
This is war.
I was just talking to Joe Rogan a couple weeks ago and he said, you know Alex, this is war.
I said, what is this Joe that's happening?
And he said, this is war.
And this really is war.
And so we didn't ask for the war.
We're not trying to dominate somebody.
We're just trying to survive.
And I think historically, as long as we know there's a war and we know who the enemy is, we're going to win.
So who is the enemy?
It's the big corporations, the big banks, the big pharma.
They want to play God.
They want total control over our bodies.
They've been proven liars.
And so at the end of the day, we've got to just continue to expose them.
Look at the media trying to prop up Fauci and see how great he is.
They're desperate.
And I can look at him.
He looks really scared.
He's not as arrogant as he used to.
And I'm not just trying to intimidate Fauci, but I do see that as a good sign.
He looks weaker.
We look stronger.
Yeah, and it's funny you brought up Joe Rogan.
The reason I even have a podcast is because of Joe Rogan.
So he's my massive fan and, you know, send my regards.
And Joe Rogan has been doing a great job.
I'm very proud of him.
I think there was a time where Joe Rogan was very docile, I want to say.
He started at 100 and then he kind of dropped to like 30.
And then within these two years with COVID, he's been on the ball.
I really like the positions that he's been taking.
I really like the fact that he's pushing back.
I really like the questions that he's asking.
Obviously, we have ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
We didn't even speak about the crimes against humanity when it comes to that, right?
Like they're making people take these vaccines and they're completely hiding these very well-established medical necessities that we could actually take.
And make this thing disappear, whether it's real, whether it's fake.
You know, there's a lot of people who think there is no virus.
That's, you know, it's beyond me.
But what I want to say is that we have proof with a lot of studies and a lot of people who have been taking it.
We could have made this thing so irrelevant by just giving every person a pill of hydroxychloroquine once a month.
And, you know, this thing would just disappear.
This is a permanent emergency that can never be fixed.
And I think as it dawns on the world that, oh, this doesn't end.
Well, like you said earlier, complying doesn't get you out of it.
It gets you deeper into it.
The compliance is what's going to make it continue forever.
People think that complying is going to make it end.
They're like, oh, you know, it'll end in six months, in two months, in two weeks.
They don't understand that there's no going back, Alex.
Whether we win or whether we lose, we're not going back to the life that we know.
Well, Gal, you know, I saw when you put out that tweet, I'd seen your Twitter before, but I saw it and I even said to like my crew, I said, I bet he's banning today.
And you were, but it doesn't matter.
You don't care about that.
You use that time, what you had to reach tens of millions.
And in your whole life, you did that one thing that would have made you a good person, but you've done so many other great things.
So we're going to go through this together.
And it makes me feel good knowing you're there and give all my love to everybody in your country from here in America.
We're in this together, brother.
We really appreciate you.
Thank you for the time and thank you for your audience and thanks for the work that you're doing, Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you for letting me speak and speaking my mind on this massive channel, this massive platform.
Oh, absolutely.
Where do people follow Gal Shalev?
So I'll be honest.
I mean, my YouTube, I hardly put on any content because I'm very, very afraid of getting banned from there.
So I opened up a Rumble account.
It's also IgnorantChimp.
There's already content on there.
I'm going to continue putting all the content that I have on there.
So I guess on Rumble, IgnorantChimp is probably the best.
Anybody who's a Hebrew speaker,
That's watching your show.
They can go to Gal Shalev on Telegram.
I have a great channel there.
I put everything that I have, like all the documents that I find, all the real research, all the things that I can't say on Twitter, on YouTube, on Facebook, I put on Telegram.
Well, I'm going to get you in touch with my crew.
Please mirror everything at Bandai Video.
All right?
Thank you very much, Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you, Gal.
We feel good knowing you're there.
All right.
All right.
We got the next talk show host about to take over here, and then I'm going to be working on a lot of really crazy stuff.
But let me just tell you this in closing.
The Japanese government came out last night, we barely mentioned it, and said the Moderna and Pfizer shots are causing massive heart attacks, which is just more validation.
So there's not just evil in the world, there's good people.
But as Gal said earlier, all that evil needs to flourish is that good people don't stand up.
So if you're out there and you're thinking, oh, I hope Gallo saves me, or I hope Tucker Carlson saves me, or I hope Trump saves me, or I hope... You need to save yourself.
You've got to speak up.
You've got to say no.
Yeah, there's the headline, right there for TV viewers, you can see that.
So, separately, 1776coin.com, it's a war bond, it's an investment in Infowars, it's a piece of history, only 10,000 were minted, it'll be sold out at current sales rates by tomorrow afternoon.
So if you want the coin, it's at 1776coin.com, and everybody that emails us, when you sign up, when you get the coin,
You were going to get exclusive stuff, unless they got put in prison or shut down.
I can't guarantee anything, but you're going to be a founding member of a bunch of cool stuff we do, even if I'm dead.
And I'm not trying to be prophetic here, or like, oh, I'm a big drama queen or something, but I mean, give me a break, folks.
It's rough times for everybody here.
What's the war?
So 1776coin.com.
1776coin.com or go to InfoWarsTore.com and you will find the coin.
We're over half sold out right now, just 25, 26 hours into the sale.
So I would get it.
It's a big success.
Thank you all for your support.
You won't be disappointed unless we get put in prison or killed with what happens when you're a founding member.
1776coin.com or InfoWarsTore.com.
And now,
Ladies and gentlemen, COVID Land 2, with a free copy of Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove and the Order of Death.
Three films now available when you order it at InfoWarsTour.com.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, Malcolm.
All right, I'll make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Uh, Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroyer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supermill Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so, it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead with their full operational deindustrialization Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda.
We've also got to get personally prepared.
And one of the number one things to do is high quality, storable food.
We've got the best food ready to ship at very affordable prices.
We're good to go.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
The journey to freedom starts at NetWars.com.
Mark Zuckerberg is nothing more than a front man, a behavioral psychologist, mad scientist that have been developing a project for total human control since the 1950s.
The internet was designed and was first named the Intergalactic Computer Communications System and it would be designed to then
Track and control every move and every action of humans on Earth, monitored by AI computers and camera software systems, as well as different types of microwave relays.
They developed the plan in the late 50s, they declassified it in the early 60s, came out of ARPA that then became DARPA.
And when you see the entire project, that's what our phones are, is supercomputers that are handheld that then tie in the larger computer networks.
And in their own words, they admit that the plan is to be able to control us in lifetime by giving us stimuli and directives and orders through a social credit score to then basically make us biological androids or robots.
But to do that, they've got to get us to start giving up on our human biology.
Women don't have babies vaginally half the time.
Many women don't give their babies milk.
Babies are raised in cribs.
Lowers their IQs.
Disconnects them from humans.
Makes them more sociopathic, more robotic.
The entire project's aim...
Is to make life so ugly, so horrible, to put us in environments so disgusting that we reject the third dimension and beg to have a chip put in our brains, a wire plugged into our gray matter, VR goggles on our heads.
Again, the message is, oh, this world is so ugly and horrible, this is your blanket, this is your pacifier, this is going to comfort you, not your mother, not your father, but this artificial
Thank you.
This is all tactics that cults use.
And the globalist mad scientist cult is the biggest and most powerful of them all.
And they want to make human beings a commodity.
They want to force us into the metaverse.
Make us go to court via Zoom.
Make people go to school via online, quote, learning.
And then, oh, sorry, this class is only VR.
We're not going to offer it in Zoom or in FaceTime or in Skype.
This is all admitted.
And then once you're in the metaverse, you can also be surveilled, you can also be bombarded, you can also be manipulated, and you can also be cut off from the metaverse via the social credit score system if you don't behave and act the way they want you to.
You're literally putting yourself in an artificial environment that they control, and through the optic nerves, plugging your brain into the internet.
VR goggles are a plug for your brain.
Google glasses are a plug for your brain.
All of this takes you into their system and puts a false reality over your eyes so they can begin to bring you out of the third dimension.
Because the third dimension is the launch point to the wider universe.
They want to take you out of God's cathedral and this incredible interface with higher consciousness and the infinite and divine and bring you into a silicon cage, a system they created.
They tell you that carbon is evil.
They tell you that all carbon life forms are bad.
They tell you they want to cut trees down now to save the earth from carbon.
When sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and oxygen are the four things that create life on this planet, the carbon cycle.
They tell us that we're going to be silicon gods.
They tell us we're going to merge the machines.
And then only by giving up our humanity do we transcend.
When we're already here at the jump point of transcendence, the third dimension, they're trying to cut us off before we launch.
Not to other planets, but interdimensional.
Next level.
Once we make that transition, interstellar travel will be like something a baby is fascinated with or knows how to do.
Alex Jones here with
We're good.
Over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It'll literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
It works.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Today I'm going to cover a document, another white paper that you've probably heard referenced a lot, but you may not actually know what's in that document.
And it is the famous leak of silent weapons for quiet wars.
This is a document that comes out of the high tech corporate elite structure.
That was found reportedly in the mid 80s and the details of plan that was hatched back in the 50s that covers the basically the entire New World Order plan from the corporate perspective and from an engineering perspective.
So what's amazing about this document is that it's going to go into the systems approach to looking at the economy to looking at households to looking at different structures within society and how those can all be weaponized
I think?
It's a warfare that's not going to be conducted on the battlefield.
It's going to be conducted in the mind, and the target population is the masses.
The masses are who the elite are declaring their war on, and they know that this is a model that they put together through all that they had learned in the wartime psychological operation strategies.
So all of the previous centuries' wartimes, if you look at World War I, World War II, Cold War, the different theaters of war, Vietnam especially, in books like Annie Jacobson's History of DARPA, you note that in that they collect all this data
In the different experiments, rolling out different tech, for example, they rolled out drones, they rolled out geoengineering in Vietnam, according to her mainline history of DARPA.
And then that information they take and store to then turn upon the domestic population.
We can see this even with the Iraq War, for example.
If you know the Iraq War, that was one of the first places they rolled out biometric data and tagging of all the population.
So that Iraq war theater became the model for what they're rolling out now with everybody having the potential to be tracked and traced through Gabi, through the vaccine passes and so forth.
So wartime psychological information research and development is not necessarily only about the war at that time.
It's about taking that information and turning it upon the domestic population.
And this document admits that at the very beginning.
It says that our goal will be to have total information awareness.
Again, this is a white paper to be circulated amongst high-level CEOs, Bilderberg-level people, back in the late 70s and early 80s.
Total information awareness, of course, came to the fore after 9-11.
And so the idea is that, well, in order to have security, we have to give up all the liberties that we previously had so that we can have this new security state.
And so you start to see that the crises that come about consistently have one commonality amongst them, which is that you have to surrender all your liberties to buy into and be a part of this new security state.
The document goes on to say that the quiet war was declared in 1954 at a secret summit, which was probably something like a Bilderberg meeting.
We don't know, but it definitely fits in with those kinds of meetings and those kinds of international steering committee type plans.
And it says that the key to taking over and automating everything would be through the economic warfare of social engineering.
In other words, the economy would be the first thing that they would attack.
And in my view, as I've talked about for the last couple of years in many, many videos and podcasts and articles, a lot of what's going on in terms of the present CUFID narrative is actually an economic attack.
It's a planned
Economic implosion model to then integrate the assets and to buy up assets on the cheap, and then put them under the aegis of a few corporations.
We already see this with BlackRock, Vanguard, a couple companies only.
We see it with media, a handful of companies own most of the media.
We see it with food, a handful of big corporations own all the food, and it's no different in medicine and big pharma, right?
So the key to understanding this is to understand economic systems as energy systems.
What is wealth?
What is value?
What is money?
It's energy.
It's the transference of energy.
And money is really just a symbol of that energy mechanism.
And some monetary systems are better than others.
Some of those energy systems are leak-proof.
Some of them are hard assets.
We think of things like gold, bitcoin, hard assets.
They can't be manipulated.
We also think about systems that are intentionally able to be manipulated.
And this would be, the document says, the classic model of fiat currency, a debt-based system of enslavement through generational wealth being sapped over time.
The document is very clear, very forthright, that the fiat system is a system that is engineered to have energy loss on purpose.
He said, wait a minute, why would they want energy loss on purpose?
Doesn't that mean that the banking elite, the corporate elite, don't they lose money if they print up as much money as they want?
No, because the people that print the money control the amount of currency and they can inflate and thus buy up when there's crashes on those cycles.
The boom-bust cycle is a rigged cycle, in other words, which I've talked about for a long time because Carol Quigley talks about in his famous book, Tragedy and Hope, the boom-bust cycle being a rigged strategy
That the elite do, and kind of a back and forth between privatization and then collectivization, and then you privatize it again, and you collectivize again, they do this over and over, over different decades.
And it's a known plan, it's a known strategy, they've known how to do this for centuries.
Going back to the banking houses of Europe, and their ability to in-debt entire nations, they're getting the king to buy into their fiat currency scam, their centralized private bank.
This document says that is a brilliant weaponization strategy to take the existing system that could work, it could work fine, and turn the system itself into a weapon.
This is what most people can't understand is that the existing system is a weapon.
It doesn't have to be.
It could be otherwise.
But in fact, this document says the key to keeping it as a weaponized system is the ignorance of the public.
Keep the public dumbed down.
Keep them toxified with poison food, poison toxic culture, degenerate arts, low quality education, etc.
The document references the House of Rothschild.
It goes back and says that they figured out how to do this centuries ago and now what we have is a more automated system with flash trades and with electronic banking and all this stuff which can manipulate much more easily than they could even back centuries ago.
The first thing it says that would be done after going after the economy would be to try to destroy the family.
To destroy the family this has to be done through degrading education and removing the possibility of upward mobility.
And the way that upward mobility is removed is through this giant debt-based system of a black hole economy where you spend your whole life working in a hamster wheel.
You basically just
Turn the hamster wheel that is the black hole that you put your time and effort to try to climb out of into this debt-based system, and it's engineered such that the more energy that you put into it, the more you get sucked into the black hole.
It's a champagne supernova black hole of debt that you can't get out of, right?
And this document points out that it's engineered to be that way.
And it says you can look at energy systems and whoever wrote this document is somebody from some kind of engineering sector.
It's a document that comes out of one of the big defense contracting corporations and so they knew energy systems and input output.
They knew how currency works in terms of circulating currency in terms of energy.
They're basically saying you can apply this same principle to
Economics systems at a macro level and at a micro level that is national economies and the housing, the home, the family as a micro economy.
And so if you can engineer those systems such that they have key places where the energy leaks out over time, you can weaponize those systems and they can never get out of the debt cycle, the scams that the whole system are based on, right?
The derivatives bubbles, the Federal Reserve, all of this is a giant scam scheme.
That's intentional.
And it's an energy system intended to sap generational wealth over time.
So, the problem is that there's not a way to store the wealth that you're working for and that you're building up, because inflation becomes a theft of value and wealth over time.
It's generational wealth that's stolen.
Same thing occurs after wartime, where they put entire generations into debt.
Oh, your country, you owe 70 zillion dollars for the next 50 years to the IMF or the World Bank, right?
So don't go anywhere.
Stay where you are.
We're going to get deeper into this key white paper document of energy systems and how they can be weaponized, how the economy is weaponized, and how it relates to other things as well.
Be sure and support Alex.
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I have the greatest sense of loss deep in my heart, deep in my soul I've ever had in my 47 years on this planet.
I've had a lot of loss like everybody else has.
And it's because it's a loss of ancestral freedom that so many people fought and died and bled and sweat for.
Now, we're just throwing it all away.
And I see the general public in a medically-induced, scientifically-induced, behavioral, psychologically-controlled trance.
And I know we're being fed into this globalist meat grinder, and it's so incredibly sad.
But, this is the process of birth, and then growth, and then falling apart, and then degenerating and collapsing, and then coming back to life again.
It's just the globalists are actively trying to steer and control this process of decadence and collapse to actually end the species as we know it.
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The COVID-19 face diaper is a symbol of subservience, a symbol of slavery, a symbol of the change that the medical tyranny combine controlled by the global private corporations has put in place.
It is the symbol of the permanent emergency from which we will never emerge.
It is the symbol that we are diseased and evil and bad and must cover our diseased criminal faces from the light of the sun.
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Ladies and gentlemen,
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
It is time for us to rebrand meta.
I want you to become a battery, basically, in a giant hamster wheel for me in the metaverse.
My name is Mark Zuckerberg, and if you just jump in the coon pod, I'll intravenously feed you with goo.
I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.
I had to do my DeMarcus Zuckerberg impression.
But yeah, metaverse, right?
That's another energy system that I'm going to get into in a minute that's going to sap your energy over time.
That's what we were talking about, sapping energy over time and the weaponization of the economy itself to turn it into a giant hamster wheel, black hole, spinning spiral of death that will suck your energy over time.
The document says that we figured this out through the study of energy systems in terms of fiat money and the history of the gold promissory notes and how they were divorced from the hard currency and you could print up as many notes as you wanted and then you could buy up things when you inflated, devalued the currency because you control the issuance of the currency and you also have the actual valuable asset, in that case gold, back in the days of the invention of gold promissory notes and money printing.
The document goes on to say that war is another strategy of this to weaponize energy systems to destroy nations and put them into debt, and then through that debt, in debt the generations that come forever.
So it's a never-ending debt spiral scam.
The document says war is debt, and it says the way we figured out that this is a model that could be applied to other systems, systems analysis, is through shock testing.
And you might think, well, shock testing, that sounds like it has to do with engineering.
Yes, this comes from a corporation that dealt with engineering, and so it probably had to do with aerospace-type testing.
And what they could do is when they tested various metals for, you know, what the planes could withstand in flight and whatnot, it's a whole science of shock testing, and they figured out that you could apply this to the economy, shock doctrine, so that you could attack certain areas and nodes of the supply chains of the economy
And that would have a ripple effect in other areas of the economy.
And through studying this and integrating all of that computer model data, they could figure out precisely where and when to attack different areas of the economy such that you could turn it into a total weapon and basically control the economy, including the world economy.
Now, to what degree they can control all of it, that's up for debate, but that at least is what this plan is talking about and trying to implement.
And thus, energy itself, it says, is the secret to understanding economics.
And I don't know if you had a chance to hear it, but I recently watched the full interview with Michael Saylor of MicroStrategy, who has made a lot of news in the last year by investing so much of his corporation into Bitcoin.
And he was on with Tucker and gave basically an hour and a half long explanation of not this document, but the principle behind this, which is the conservation of energy in different systems to hold value without energy loss over time.
And it's exactly the opposite in terms of what he was discussing with Bitcoin as an example.
Gold, you could say, is very similar to that.
When you compare it to the model of this weaponized system, which is intended to lose energy over time and then restructure that energy into further and further debt over time.
Again, when you understand that that's how the system is intentionally constructed right now,
The Federal Reserve that we have right now, when you understand that that's how it's constructed, you start to see that this makes perfect sense.
This is why something, you know, you could buy, your grandparents are always talking about buying ice cream for 10 cents, you know, 70 years ago, and the same dime doesn't buy you anything now, right?
That's because of inflation.
Inflation is theft over time.
You debase and devalue the currency on purpose to wreck the economy, to integrate it into the new system.
And you've heard Alex all week talking about how Klaus has said, This is the plan.
We will wreck the existing system.
It is non-sustainable.
It does not work.
Therefore, you will clamor to me.
You will come and bow before me, and I will give you the new systems.
Then you will be happy because you will not have the private properties anymore.
You will be at my teat forever.
You will be at the teat of Klaus and the global nanny state as your mommy government.
This document even says the government can be a replacement daddy figure, a big brother, a mommy figure for you.
That's literally what the document says at the very end.
And I'm just pointing out that the idea that the existing system doesn't work is intentional and they set it up to self-destruct.
It's like it has a timed virus in it where it just sort of, you know, it's like the economy itself is a planned obsolescence machine that goes haywire after a certain point and that's what we're living in right now is the collapse of the existing system on purpose.
Why would they collapse their existing system on purpose?
Well, if you heard that CDC guy a couple months ago talking about the existing medical system, you understand that's actually a warfare strategy.
A lot of people don't think, why would you hurt your own system to bring the new system in?
Duh, right?
That's why.
And the document even says this was dreamt up back in the 50s at the Harvard Research Project.
They called it the Harvard Project.
And they basically said, we can turn the economy into a weapon to destroy the existing system so that the dumbed-down masses will cry out in clamor for our answer that we will give them.
And the answer, the solution that we're giving them, problem, reaction, solution, is the very thing that we designed a long time ago.
Again, how did they know that this would be coming?
How did Klaus write his Fourth Industrial Revolution book?
Prior to all the Cufid stuff.
How does he write a book right at the beginning of the Cufid crisis saying that now we can roll out the Great Reset?
Well, because it was planned a long time ago.
All of these war game exercises that we've covered over and over and over, and including the new one, Cyber Polygon,
Hello, right?
It's Klaus that's wearing the hoodie and he's bent over slapping at the keyboard eating his Totino's pizza roll and drinking his Surge Cola listening to the Prodigy because he's the hacker.
I'm not literally saying that but I'm saying that the inside hacking job is going to be some private inner, you know, former NSA people who will hack
And then we will be blamed for the ransomware.
Oh, the existing web, the existing system.
It doesn't work.
We're going to have to have the new web where you can only sign in through some VAX or biometric, you know, something like this, right?
It's broken.
Anyway, it's so obvious when you know the war games and when you see what's going on and when you read these kinds of white papers.
What is happening is just warfare.
You can recognize it for what it is.
And when most people hear that, they think, oh, you talking about Russia?
You talking about China?
They're attacking us?
The elite attacking all of the populations and manipulating the countries like pieces on the chessboard.
Grand chessboard, as Brzezinski wrote.
So the document goes on to discuss that the fiat debt energy theft system is precisely that.
It's the theft of energy and value and wealth over time.
And by the way, if you can, go watch that Tucker Michael Saylor interview because he explains how economic systems could function in a rational way.
They could work in a energy conservation way.
That's why something like Bitcoin is a great example.
Bitcoin is an energy conservation system.
Thank you!
Isn't just the destruction of the economy, it is the depopulation of the masses.
So then we get into kind of Noah's Ark project type stuff, where the elite, right, are going to have this breakaway civilization.
The economic collapse and the war that will come will lead to a mass depop.
They don't say what will be the mass depop in this document, although it does mention microchips and tagging the population with different types of technology.
So we know that they had that in mind, at least back in these decades.
But don't go anywhere.
We got more from this amazing white paper.
Stay right where you are.
This is Jay Dyer.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I like the metropolitan life.
I like everything that comes with this.
But see, I have the survival instinct that is to get the hell out of Democrat-run cities.
Get the hell out of major metropolitan areas.
Because unless we change course soon, it's all crashing down.
Is it time to just move out to the woods?
Just time to go get a piece of property in the woods?
Just get off grid?
Just get the emergency food supplies?
Just live off the land?
That's the survival instinct.
But see, the worldly part of me, that's still probably the majority part of me, says no, no, no, no, no.
Stay in the city.
The survival instinct says get the hell out of anywhere that would ever notion that you need to get a vaccine or a mask.
That's the internal struggle that my guess is a lot of you in the audience are facing as well.
But you can at least have some comfort if you have the emergency food supplies.
And so we have the best ones at Infowarsstore.com.
It's time to protect your privacy.
It's time to come to grips with the fact that even though you don't have anything to hide, criminals, hackers, corporations, big tech, government are stealing all of your data and creating a map and a database of where you go and what you do.
So in the future, under their globalist takeover, they can shut you down.
Protecting your privacy, protecting your credit cards, protecting your bank accounts, protecting your photos, protecting everything that's on your phone is paramount.
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Alex Jones here with a very important announcement to all of our listeners, viewers, and supporters.
We are attempting to develop and deploy systems that allow the American people, not just Infowars, to get around corporate censors and get the truth out about the New World Order's agenda so we can stop it dead in its tracks.
And so, when you visit 1776coin.com, you don't just have the opportunity to get an amazing, one-run, limited-edition silver coin minted right here in America,
With incredible historical artwork on it, you will also be funding a very serious, focused information warfare operation against the New World Order.
So I want to thank you all for your past support, and I want to encourage you now to not wait, to not procrastinate, and to go to 1776coin.com.
I would imagine that we will sell out of this limited run of 10,000 coins in only a few weeks, maybe a few days.
So secure your coin now at 1776coin.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
If you'd like access to my full five or six years worth of lectures and summarizations of the global elite writings, we've covered I think about 60 books of the elite now in the last five years, including documents like this, you can go to Jay's Analysis and you can subscribe for $4.95 a month or $4.60 a year.
You can also follow me on all the social media outlets as well as getting signed copies of my book in the shop at my site.
The document was talking about different ways to weaponize the economy and energy theft systems, and one of the things it says is that in order to depopulate, we're going to have to do certain strategies ahead of time to get to the place where we can depopulate.
And one of those is, of course, number one, to attack the economy.
It says to destroy and denigrate education.
There's no upward mobility.
There's no knowledge of how to be self-sufficient, of how to run a business or anything like that.
You don't learn economics.
It says the number one thing that has to be hidden from the population is how economics works, how the system is a weapon, and turn their education into just totally degenerate, degraded nonsense.
And that's exactly what we see now.
The next thing it says is that, in terms of the economy, is get people on a giant welfare system.
Now, maybe you could make an argument for how at times there could be a fallback system for a government to have or something like that, but this is a totally different thing.
This is more, you hear Alex mention Cloward and Piven, this is that type of a strategy where they say the more people are on the dole, it's a 101 no-brainer that they're going to be then the wards of the state.
The more that you're on the dole of the corporate state, by the way,
I'm talking about the Fortune 100 private-public corporate partnership state, the corporate communist state that we're under.
I'm not talking about a libertarian versus collectivist.
No, no, this is above that.
This is the Fortune 100 system that we're going under, which collectivizes everything for the masses and then has private ownership for those at the top, the 0.001%.
That's the system that we're going into.
And they note that the more people are on the welfare dole, the more that they're not
Self-sufficient, independent, and have their own hedge of protection and wealth and a kind of economic self-defense system, the more we can control them.
It's a no-brainer.
And it says the easiest way to get people on the dole, to get them onto these welfare systems, and I'm not just talking about ethnic communities, I'm talking about where they want to take everybody into a UBI, right, a universal basic income.
That's what this is really talking about.
It says the easiest way to do that is to inflate the currency, make it to where they can't afford to live, they can't afford to have families, they can't afford to get married, and then debase the culture so that they are controlled by their base desires and their appetites.
Food drive, sex drive, security drive.
At Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
By the way, Maslow was actually part of MKUltra, if you didn't know that.
The Hierarchy of Needs is a way to control society.
You flip it on its head, debase the populace so that they're controlled by their passions, controlled by their base appetites and desires, and then they're perfect, malleable, silly putty, Gumby people for the system.
Then it goes on to say that in the long run, as a result of this, there will be a kind of this silent weapons, quiet war.
And it's a silent war because it's a war that's subtle, that's psychological, social engineering, and economic.
And it says we will have a benevolent slavery and then a benevolent genocide.
Yes, a benevolent genocide.
Again, you may think, well, we don't know where this document came from.
It's kind of been up in the air.
No, no.
This has all come to pass.
And so I think we can look back and say, no, this was a real document.
This was not a conspiracy invented disinfo document.
I mean, too much of this has come to pass.
Too much of this is a real, you know, energy model system to be just a fake made up thing.
It says that the benevolent genocide will come through the engineering of the population to accept things like depop, to accept, you know, euthanasia, all the things, death education, all these kinds of things.
And it says that ultimately war could contribute to this as well.
We don't know what kind of, what do they mean by a war?
They mean like an actual global conflict.
Any of those things are possible.
We see this in the news now.
There's all this talk of war.
It's very possible.
It says that ultimately this is about a project like Noah's Ark, the Ark, so that the benevolent elite, those at the top of the totem pole, they can enter their Ark, whether that's underground bases or who knows what, and then emerge after this great calling.
It says that on page 24.
It doesn't mention the Ark, I'm just saying it's the same idea.
They're going to have to call everybody, and they say that the ones that survive this are the ones who are worthy of going into the future.
The document goes on to discuss how the household is another key strategy here for destroying the household, raise the prices, attack, they even know the nodes of the economy to attack to destroy households.
That was a pretty amazing section here.
And they say that we learned this through supply chain shocks.
Now how much more relevant could this document be given what we're seeing now?
The supply chain shocks, all of which I think are engineered.
That's intentional.
This document said decades ago that they had figured out how to attack certain nodes in the supply chains to shut down areas of the economy to get people upset.
It says they even did tests.
We don't know when or what exactly these tests were, but maybe something like the Bilderberg engineered OPEC oil crisis under Carter.
That might have been one of these types of shock tests.
They could see how enraged the public would become.
And they even point out that the supply chain shock tests weren't just about stopping the supply of goods.
It was also about studying the psychological effects of the rage that it put the normal household into.
Enraging the normies on purpose to see how they could greater control these people.
So it's starting to look to me like maybe they're just, it's just maximum chaos.
What is the plan?
Maximum chaos.
Now it's controlled chaos in the sense that it's not like totally out of control, but they want to control the chaos, ramp it up, maximum chaos, maximum division in all areas of society.
So that everyone will, again, just simply clamor for the security state.
We know you're angry.
We know you're preparing for the angry, you're an angry world.
We're going to give you
The New World, exactly!
Thank you so much for finding that Klaus quote, because that's exactly what this document is talking about.
Word for word.
It's just saying what Klaus says now.
This said this back in the 70s.
The document goes on to say that we must also collapse public morals.
The collapse of public morals is crucial to
The degeneration of the society and we know through game theory, rational choice theory, think about the RAND Corporation, they had figured out all this idea of game theory and rational choice theory, which is that everyone will choose in their own self-interest.
That's the primary motivating philosophy of the RAND Corporation and how they engineer the Cold War and moving our society into, from, for example, in Alex Abeya's book on RAND Corporation soldiers, the reason he says that the RAND Corporation had engineered the movement away from a production economy to a
Consumer-consumer society.
Literally, that's what he says.
And that's what this document is saying.
Yes, it's engineered.
In fact, this could be a RAND document.
I wouldn't be surprised if this silent weapons document is probably straight out of RAND.
It's probably RAND Project, RAND Corporation Operation.
That's exactly what it looks like, and it looks like
Some, you know, one of these sort of neocon crazy Trotskyite people from the Rand Corporation.
This is the type of strategy that they would draw up because we know they had adopted the neocon strategy of using terror, right?
Or excuse me, the neocons of Trotskyites who had a philosophy of engineered terror.
This is a document of the elite using terror on the masses.
That's all it is.
That's all it is.
And basically then it gives a step-by-step strategy of
Keep the public ignorant.
Get them on the welfare system.
Also, attack their religious institutions.
Destroy religion because it says state-mandated atheism or state-controlled religion is a great means to getting all these agendas through.
So remember, this is a totality project.
It's the weaponization of all areas of society.
It's full-spectrum dominance.
And keep in mind that high levels of taxation, it said, would be key.
Destroying religion is key and turning, not just getting rid of it, they're not just saying make everybody atheists, although it later does talk about funding atheism and mandating that in the military, for example.
It's basically saying that the churches also have to become these tools of the state.
Turn the churches into NGOs for social engineering.
It's that simple.
It goes on to say that as we do this, gradually moving this through, we can then have the total economic collapse of society to reintegrate it into the New World Order.
Don't go anywhere, there's more in this amazing document.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex?
Alright, I'm gonna make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Yes, Malcolm.
Uh, Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together, you're an unstoppable tank.
Supermill Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up, and so it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
Uh, so, it's always good, it's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world.
It's very, very simple, but that most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure,
Intellectual property, energy, they're using it to buy people, to buy influence, and in the past they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything.
Not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
Warn everyone.
It's the only way to stop it.
Alex Jones here with a very important announcement to all of our listeners, viewers, and supporters.
We are attempting to develop and deploy systems that allow the American people, not just InfoWars, to get around corporate censors and get the truth out about the New World Order's agenda so we can stop it dead in its tracks.
And so, when you visit 1776coin.com, you don't just have the opportunity to get an amazing, one-run, limited-edition silver coin minted right here in America with incredible historical artwork on it.
You will also be funding a very serious, focused, information warfare operation against the New World Order.
So I want to thank you all for your past support and I want to encourage you now to not wait, to not procrastinate, and to go to 1776coin.com.
I would imagine that we will sell out of this limited run of 10,000 coins in only a few weeks.
Maybe a few days.
So secure your coin now at 1776coin.com.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
Jay's in the office.
We're talking about the document that details a planned collapse of the economy and Western civilization to integrate it into the new technocratic society.
One of many.
We've covered dozens and dozens of these books and writings and white papers over the last five or six years.
And this is just one of these amazing admissions that are out there for everyone to see.
And of course, the document even says that if the public can't go and read and figure this out, the document argues that it's
Their own fault.
They deserve to go through this.
They deserve to.
I'm not saying that that's the case.
I'm saying that's what the document says.
Now, the document says that they would intentionally degrade education such that the schools would never tell anybody about anything true in terms of economics.
They would just keep people, you know, chasing their own tails and thinking that they're going to get ahead by getting in debt and all this nonsense.
They said that they would attack the churches, as I said, turn them into NGOs, turn them into some sort of new government or state-created religion, this sort of new age global religion type of thing.
It doesn't say that I'm saying that it's something like that, it just says take over the churches basically or destroy them.
It goes on to say that try to make the public have to work more and more, which is interesting because
You know, I'm sure if you work, you know, a wage job, then you probably have to work more and more nowadays to keep up with inflation and to keep up the skyrocketing prices, which, of course, the Biden administration says doesn't exist.
There is no inflation.
But by the way, there is inflation and it'll get better in just a couple of years.
Just wait and we'll just print more money.
We'll just keep printing money because we can do it forever.
I mean, the administration is telling you that they are doing the very thing that this document says is a weapon to destroy the economy.
And the document amazingly says that none of this would work if the public didn't consent to it.
And getting people's consent is a kind of fail-safe, I guess you could say, for the elite.
Because from their perspective, if you consent to this and give your time and energy and wealth to the system, you're basically saying, I agree with this system.
I believe in this system.
The system is against you, and it's your enemy, and it's admitting that it's a system to drain you, to overwork you, so that you never have time to think, that you never have time to enjoy your life.
You're basically a slave to a debt system that you can never get out of, and it's intentionally structured that way.
And it says if you can't figure that out, then you deserve it.
Now it goes on to say that what we will do is we will construct the state, the new coming corporate state, to be like a gigantic womb.
It'll be your nanny state.
And it will promise you all of the things that you want, all of your pleasures and your securities.
It will be a giant fake womb.
That's what it says on page 50.
It says that this nanny state will
Be your welfare provider.
It will be your godfather.
He even brings in analogies to, you know, Tony.
Tony Soprano, I'm going to be your godfather.
I'm going to be good.
Just come here.
Just let everybody be good.
Just do what I tell you to do.
So if you listen to the state, you'll get your reward, your social credit.
It'll be doled out, your credits.
Of course, you can't save those social credits because they'll go away after a month, as Bertrand Russell said 100 years ago.
But it basically says that we will keep the public in fear.
We will keep the public lazy.
And they will always opt for convenience, and thus they will buy into this system.
Now, this is an amazing section that I didn't expect to be here, is that it goes into discussing towards the end the draft.
Now, be clear that I'm not saying that I think warfare is always wrong.
You have to engage in self-defense at times.
There is justified self-defense.
Nations have to defend themselves at times.
But what this document says is that modern warfare is not like ancient medieval warfare.
We're not defending the tribe against the barbarian invaders.
We're not defending our village against, you know, the roaming bands of, you know, miscreants or whatever.
Modern warfare is gigantic power block banker corporate warfare that is structured to destroy societies and then rebuild them as a business model.
And so what it's pointing out is that the system is able to play on people's traditional, tribal, patriotic allegiances, which are in themselves healthy, and misdirect them into fighting for things that they're not really fighting for.
We've got to defend America against Iraq.
We've got to defend America against terrorists.
You're either with us or you're with the terrorists.
That's all a scam.
And again, that's not to denigrate people who serve in the military.
They're playing on people's healthy drives and patriotism and honor, and it's a trick.
And what's amazing is that the document says that if you buy into that, that you're actually fighting wars for what they tell you you're fighting wars for, they say you're stupid cannon fodder.
They even use, I mean maybe Kissinger was involved in this, I don't know, but it even uses his phraseology that
We would make them into the cannon fodder, right?
It says that the soldiers that sign up for the draft are stupid.
If they're stupid enough to do that, they deserve to be cannon fodder.
Amazing that the corporate elite would speak this way.
Do you see how they detest the public?
The 0.001%?
How the corporate elite, the Bilderberg elite, the Klaus elite, the Gil Bateses, all these people, do you see how they view the public as people that need to die?
And the document says that.
It says that even for those that sign up for the military, we will so construct the military into a weapon itself, a social engineering, that we will break down their religious beliefs, we will inculcate things like atheism in the soldiers.
Such that we can manipulate the guilt of the individual soldier.
Think of this.
This is a just mind-blowing psychological warfare document talking about how to manipulate the guilt of soldiers who participate in the warfare, who later in life wise up and figure out how the world really works and realize that they weren't fighting the war for Uncle Sam, they were fighting the war to have Pepsi, Coke, abortions and stabbies in other countries.
Or you went and died for Dunkin' Donuts.
You didn't die for patriotism, you see.
But it says, we know that through guilt manipulation, that the soldiers, since they aligned themselves and basically initiated and joined this, they are invested in it.
And if you're invested in it, the human psychological mechanism is to then justify what you did.
So they will never, short of some miraculous repentance or conversion, they will never admit that they were wrong and that this system was a scam because it means that they were wrong and they were participating in a scam and they got duped.
And they even know human pride and weakness will not do that.
So they will keep doubling down and doubling down.
Where have we seen this?
Oh, everybody who is participating in the stab is the exact same psychological cognitive dissonance mechanism.
And they said they figured this out through game theory that people will, the more they buy into the lies, the more they will double down.
And it says they also learned this through decades of studying espionage and human compromise.
So they took individual cases of espionage and human compromise and they applied that on a macro scale to getting people invested in immoral, unjust wars and systems.
That people then figure out are wrong and immoral and were a lie, and they will still double down.
And it says, how did they achieve this?
Through the manipulation of archetypes.
This was the wildest part of the document.
I didn't expect this.
What they did was they manipulated the father archetype and the mother archetype and the son and the daughter in the family structure.
This is wild.
I was not expecting this.
How did they do that?
They had to figure out how to get moms willing to sacrifice their children for this.
And they did this through social pressures and manipulation.
If you don't give your sons up to this, you are not patriotic.
You are bad.
And again, it's a healthy desire for self-defense that's being manipulated.
So I'm not some goofy pacifist.
I'm not saying that it's always wrong to defend yourself.
Family or nation, I'm not saying that.
But this is a complex modern world of modern warfare that is not fought for what wars were fought for in the ancient medieval world to defend the village.
They're fought for gigantic control systems, power blocks that use a variety of fronts, nation states, corporations that you think you're fighting for.
The document says that the draft itself became a tool of brainwashing.
I'm not saying that I don't have any position on whether the draft is inherently wrong or right.
There could be a situation.
I don't know.
But this document just simply says that the draft was socially engineered to become a mechanism so that fathers mandated that their sons go die for the nation.
It's not you're not dying for the nation.
That the moms give their children up to die for the nation.
And the sons do it because they're told that they won't get a wife.
So they use the
Uh, mating drives, so to speak, to manipulate the young men because you're a coward if you don't go fight.
And then the daughters are also inculcated into the system in that they won't marry a guy who doesn't go and fight.
Now, again, I'm not a pacifist.
I'm not saying that it's always wrong to fight.
But that's what this white paper says was an example of the manipulation of society through the draft.
And they said the same principles of fear tactics
Are then applied to everything else.
That's what's going on today with all of the Coupid madness is the exact same.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Malcolm in Tennessee.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, Malcolm.
All right.
I'll make this quick and real short where the other Patriots can get on the line.
Alex, I have to promote one thing from one of your co-hosts, Owen Schroyer.
Super male vitality and brain force plus.
Mix those two together.
You're an unstoppable tank.
Supermill Vitality really, really works.
It's cold-pressed herbs and natural compounds that have never been heated up.
And so it has a dramatic effect compared to powdered versions that also work quite well, but just aren't as strong.
This is like a very fine wine.
In fact, each batch is different.
Sometimes it's super strong, sometimes it's just okay.
People are like, why are you selling something and admitting sometimes the batch isn't as strong?
That's just how it is.
It's how it works.
So it's always good.
It's just sometimes it's like super strong.
But yeah, if you want the Rolls-Royce at a decent price, then this is it.
God created each and every one of us with free will.
When we look at the world system now, openly announcing the Martyr of the Beast, everything that it's attempting to do is built around getting rid of our free will and making us bow down and submit and turn our very bodies, our very productivity, our very genetics, our very future over to them.
They want control of procreation.
They want control of the relationships between men and women.
They want to bring a form of living death to our society and our civilization.
All of us were formed and made in God's mind and God's image and given free will.
And make no mistake, all of you alive today were created by God to be alive in this special time so that you could make the right decision in free will and stand against evil.
And then, for eternity, win the great birthright prize of being aligned with God.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.