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Filename: 20211130_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 30, 2021
2981 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses cultural Marxism, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey stepping down, jury trials, InfoWars store's Black Friday sale, and the effectiveness of Covid restrictions in England. Jones criticizes cultural Marxism, the media's stance on jury trials, and mask mandates in public transport, schools, and shops in England. He also discusses the Epstein case and the ongoing battle against censorship by InfoWars. The InfoWars store is currently offering discounted products and free shipping for Black Friday.

Health crisis we're facing in more than a century.
Don't tell your supporters, don't be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Don't tell your supporters, don't be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid
I just want to say they gave me Regeneron.
We have hundreds of thousands of doses that are just about ready.
And if you're in the hospital and you're feeling really bad, we're going to work it so that you get them and you're going to get them free.
And especially if you're a senior, we're going to get...
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Everyone should be afraid of COVID.
Is there no one who can tell him, don't do this?
Well, mark down your calendar of Monday, November 29th, 2021 for the date that Joe Biden announced publicly that he is holding 350 million Americans hostage.
We'll play the clip in a moment, but he says.
Oh, we're not going to need lockdowns that Dr. Fauci is calling for because you're all going to take your shots and you're all going to wear your mask.
Well, I thought these vaccines protected us from all the COVID viruses and variants.
He said, if we took the shot, we'd all be safe.
We'd all be taken care of.
And I thought once you had the shots, you didn't need the supposed mask, which they also admit is a fraud and just a symbol of the lockdown and the tyranny.
So here is Joe Biden.
This incredibly unpopular puppet president with the most unpopular vice president in US history up there telling us that, hey, he's the good cop.
Fauci's the bad cop saying we probably need new lockdowns.
He's the science and don't question him.
And then Biden's like, no, no, no, no, no.
We're not going to need that because you're going to take your shots and you're going to wear your mask.
And so we won't lock you in your houses if you take your shots and take your mask.
But then when more people get sick from the GMO vaccines, and then when more people get ill from all the variants that come out of the vaccines, well, we'll just continue as the UN planned it, as I warned almost two years ago it happened, that it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
It doesn't matter if reality is the opposite and that major German studies and major British studies in the UK confirm, same numbers in Europe, same numbers in the UK, a doubling of deaths.
You're twice as likely to die if you've had the shot.
You're more likely to get sick.
You're more likely to end up in the hospital.
These are the realities.
But you see, oh, now they're going to blame the new deaths and the record deaths this year compared to last year on the unvaccinated and on the new variants.
So we predicted it all.
We laid it all out.
It is a formula of total control.
It's Operation Lockstep.
Because the globalists have their propaganda over here they put out for the public.
All their disinfo, all their lies, that's constantly changing.
But when it comes to their battle plans, their actual reports, things like SPARS 2023-2025, and Event 201, and Operation Lockstep, and Dark Winter Drills, and Crimson Contagion Drills, when you go read that, you go, oh my God.
And never forget, it's Fauci.
Under Obama's orders that began funding the Wuhan lab with gain of function in cross-species chimeric systems.
So here is ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden throwing down the gauntlet and holding you hostage while making it sound like he's the good cop.
I expect this not to be the new normal.
I expect the new normal to be everyone ends up getting vaccinated in the booster shot.
So we reduce the number of people who aren't protected to such a low degree that we're not seeing the spread of these viruses.
Now we remain to be seen exactly what the elements of this particular strain are.
But if there as I hope, then it's not going to be fundamentally different.
Than in the past.
Infowars has told the truth.
Fauci and Bill Gates and the UN and Biden have lied to you.
They're trying to take us off the air right now.
So please support us at infowarsstore.com and share this video at the link below.
That's how we defeat the censors.
That's how we crush the tyrants.
InfoWars, get prepared.
We have launched the most important sale of the year because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
So right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning and it's only going to run until the end of the month.
And that's now only six, seven days.
InfoWars store official Black Friday special has arrived.
Ladies and gentlemen, people love it.
It's our best seller.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the T-amino acids, everything you need for your immune system and your body.
And it tastes great.
And it funds the InfoWar.
It is back in stock 40% off with free shipping and double Patreon points.
And so much more at InfoWarStore.com.
It's only six, seven days left in the biggest sale of 2021.
Bet on freedom, bet on InfoWars, bet on yourself and get great products.
The only way you fail is not taking action at InfoWarsStore.com.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, the planet is waking up to the fact that COVID-19
is a takeover plan.
That COVID-19 is a unsolvable problem designed to transfer all power and control to a select group of multinational big pharma corporations owned and controlled by three banking families.
And everywhere, I see people on the street, I see people even on mainline news saying, wait a minute, way more people died in 2021 of COVID
Then died in 2020, and way more people are dying, period!
Last year, the life expectancy was the same.
74 years for a man, 76 for a woman.
Now it's dropped two years for men, and two years for women, just this year!
The average has dropped two years.
And they put different actuaries out, I saw a few this weekend.
We've got them here in the stack, where it's estimated that, wow, people aren't going to live but to their late 60s.
In the next few years, and they say scientists are baffled.
Gee, what just started happening?
Oh, scientists are baffled why there's been a 66th time.
Not percent, 66 times.
That's 100% 66 times increase in heart attacks in soccer players around the world alone.
And funny, it's not happening to the Chinese soccer players because they don't take the Moderna or Pfizer shot.
Isn't that interesting?
And the African teams, it's not happening to them.
They're not taking it.
Because they're like, hey, we've dealt with the UN for a long time in Africa.
You keep your damn shots to yourselves.
We know what they do.
So it's getting crazier and crazier and crazier.
And of course, you saw Biden come out last night and say, we're going to hold you hostage.
Fauci's the bad cop, he's the good cop.
Dr. Mengele's the bad guy in this equation.
And then Biden plays the good cop.
He goes, oh, no, no, we're not going to have new lockdowns because you're going to wear your mask and you're going to take your shots.
And those of you that don't take your shots, you're the reason new lockdowns might have to come.
Remember, Biden promised there'd never be a mandate when he was a candidate.
He promised even after he was elected or stole his way in.
But now he says there's a mandate.
That's why Senator Cotton came out, we have the video clip coming up at the bottom of the hour, and said, do not trust a word he says.
The internal rumblings are they are going to move forward with forced inoculations, expanded mandates, and new lockdowns early next year, of course, for the election.
Cotton stopped short of pointing that out.
You can see the full video and interview at InfoWars.com.
Some very dangerous things are happening, but also some very good things are happening, because people are really getting it.
You know, I made a big deal about this a few weeks ago, or a week and a half ago, when it broke.
Here's the headline, USA Today.
COVID-19 deaths in 2021 have surpassed last year's count.
CDC data shows live updates.
But what does Twitter and Facebook do?
You try to point this out, they'll even block this.
So they're admitting to you what's going on, and then Laura Logan, who's pointing out that all over the world Fauci is now known as Dr. Mingala 2.0.
She's got courage to say that, but you know, courage is contagious, and if we don't start exposing these people, we're going to lose our civilization very, very quickly.
This is a takeover.
This is modern war.
This is soft kill weapons.
But she said the most important thing said on Fox News, they created a problem that can never actually be solved.
Judge, if they keep testing for different strains of coronavirus, we're going to be locked down for the rest of our existence.
I am, you know, I had cancer.
My oncologist is a specialist in bone cancer.
And he, you know, every oncologist who deals with bone cancer identifies hundreds of coronaviruses inside of our bones.
They've created a problem that can never actually be solved.
So they can justify whatever it is they want to do.
And if you look around you, everything is falling apart.
Even the vote audits are going ahead.
Durham is moving ahead.
Over time, people can see that the vaccines have nothing to do with Trump or left or right.
Many black people don't want to get vaccinated.
You cannot justify losing 3,000 to 5,000 border patrol agents, 12,000 pilots, you know, for something that has the death rate of flu.
And even if this is lethal, Americans have the right under the Constitution
By the way, Laura Logan is super CIA deep state.
I mean, everybody knows that.
So all that passion, she really means what she's saying.
See, there's a major split inside the power structure.
But yeah, she's totally
Spooked out to the highest levels and got mass raped over there by the loving Muslims and you know her whole story.
It's just that I don't care if a woman's good looking.
If they're stupid.
Or a tyrant.
But I tell ya, that makes her even sexier.
The fact that she's out there telling the truth.
What incredible truth.
Just decide you don't want your kids to die.
Just decide you're sick of tyrants.
Just decide you don't like Fauci.
Just decide that reality's happening.
And that your only hope is getting with the program.
The human program.
God's program.
And you're going to see more and more people from the power structure, and believe it, she's part of it, coming out against this because people are now figuring out, hey, if we don't stop this, we're all dead.
I had the Washington Post call me this morning, some Pulitzer Prize winner, trying to sugar me up.
Oh, I like you.
Oh, we're friends.
And I said, listen, I looked up your name.
I know you're a Pulitzer Prize winner.
And I know you got kids.
And I said, this system coming in is going to ruin their future.
So I said, you just keep working for Jeff Bezos, and I'm not talking to you.
But just know this, you've cursed your children.
That's what I tell them.
Because it's true.
Anybody going along with this is pretending that
You are winning by doing it.
You are destroying yourself.
You will pay for it while you're alive.
Even if you don't believe in God, this system they're rolling out is a societal collapse where 90% of the public are dead within eight years.
I'm not saying they're going to get away with this, I'm not saying it's going to get that bad, but the official UN Global Plan going back to Rio de Janeiro in 1992 is a 90% world reduction by the year 2030.
And you notice, how many years did I tell you?
Starting in 2020, they're set to launch Agenda 21.
That within 10 years, carries it out.
And they executed it.
So you heard what she just said.
It's the truth.
It's a problem that never ends.
It's a problem that takes over your society.
It's a problem designed to put you on a vaccine passport that's a carbon passport that is a tracking system for a social credit score in their own admissions now officially rolling out.
And to put in your body the spike protein which they admit goes and attacks the DNA and kills your cells or makes you get cancer.
And I have more mainline science on that today.
People can pretend they're going along with the globalists and they can pretend that they're going to somehow end up on top and they'll survive and going along with it will protect you.
No, it'll get you one thing and that's dead.
You don't just think in their official documents they talk about 80-90% reduction and that they're not actually planning to get rid of almost everybody.
In fact, some of their public statements by top New World Order high priests and the transhumanist movement is that there will be one super entity left and that's it.
No one else allowed.
It might want to absorb you, but that's it.
And they're all battling to be that one God.
It's totally Luciferian.
It's Garden of Eden all over again.
And that's where you are.
People like Laura Logan, I don't even know if she has children, but I bet she does, talking like that.
Look at your children, in one hand, and look at the New World Order and Fauci and being on TV and being with the establishment and thinking you're part of the winning team.
You know in your heart it's a lie.
You know in your bones it's a fraud.
You know in your guts that you want to fight it!
You want to resist it!
Just like water wants to come downhill.
It's inexorable.
Go with your instincts and your spirit.
Go with who you are.
Say, I'm going to fight evil.
I'm not going to submit.
I'm going to stand up against this satanic AI takeover.
And I'm going to really become who I really am in this struggle.
And that's why God put us in this position.
Not a simulation, but a real third dimensional expression of our spiritual power.
We exist in all dimensions, in all time, in all space.
Beings of light.
If you're concerned about the power grid... We have launched the most important sale of the year.
Because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
Right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning, and it's only going to run until the end of the month, and that's now only six, seven days.
InfoWars store official Black Friday special has arrived.
Ladies and gentlemen, people love it.
It's our best seller.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the key amino acids, everything you need for your immune system and your body.
And it tastes great.
And it funds the InfoWar.
It is back in stock 40% off with free shipping and double Patriot Points.
And so much more at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's only six, seven days left in the biggest sale of 2021.
Bet on freedom, bet on InfoWars, bet on yourself and get great products.
The only way you fail is not taking action at InfoWarsStore.com.
Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
Three years later, and InfoWars is still thriving, thanks to the support of our audience.
But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A.
But we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court.
With your support, go to SaveInfoWars.com now and give your donation to save the First Amendment.
Save InfoWars.com and God bless America.
InfoWars Get Prepared Mega Blowout Sale 2021 is live right now.
The biggest sale of the year.
Free shipping store-wide, double Patriot Points and products like TurboForce 10-Hour Clean Energy.
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So many great products available at InfoWarStore.com, so please take advantage of these great products that enrich your life and fund the InfoWar.
So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Grip on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it was
We're good.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
While we're drooling over the truth that Laura Logan put out on air, why not just play another big
Piece of red meat.
He's known as Joseph Mingala, the Angel of Death 2.0 around the world.
He is not Dr. Science.
I am science.
Science is the search for knowledge, the alchemy of the ancients brought forward into the future.
It's basically saying, you're God.
I represent the science.
I represent science.
I am science.
And they're playing God over us.
They're sure as hell killing us!
There are leftist Stockholm Syndrome mental patients in between taking their children to drag queen pedophile story time, they're taking them down to the local pharmacy to get that shot that turns off their immune system and gives them cancer, and they'll raise money on GoFundMe when their kid's dying in a couple years.
They'll love the attention!
They have a spirit of death upon them.
So, lovers of death, sign on with Fauci, sign on with Dr. Sickle,
Grim Reaper, that's what his name means in Latin, in Italian.
I know Latin is the precursor of that and Italian comes out of it, but both of them mean that.
Look it up!
Her family crest is a frickin' sickle.
You just can't hide the evil, can you?
And here she is talking about the truth that he's now known as Dr. Anthony Minghella Fauci.
And so in that moment, what you see on Dr. Fauci, this is what people say to me, that he doesn't represent science to them.
He represents Joseph Mengele, Dr. Joseph Mengele, the Nazi doctor who did experiments on Jews during the Second World War and in the concentration camps.
And I am talking about people all across the world are saying this, because the response from COVID, what it has done to countries everywhere, what it has done to civil liberties, the suicide rates, the
Thank you.
You know, she could be a 500-pound man saying that, and it would be beautiful, but boy, there's just something about a gorgeous woman's telling the truth that just flips my switches.
At a spiritual level, I love it, and I want to see more of that.
And both the hosts, who are good hosts, they seem like deer in the headlights hearing this truth, because, you know, you're not supposed to speak that level of truth.
I mean, does Tucker Carlson even go that far to call him Dr. Mingala?
The truth goddess, Laura Logan.
Now, I was going to play somebody who's not a goddess, but we'll do that here in a few minutes.
The Prime Minister of, uh, the dictator of New Zealand is telling you you'll get a bathroom pass so you can pee-pee and poo-poo inside the house.
I'm not joking if you take all the shots.
And she says there will be basically monthly shots.
And she also admits that those that aren't vaccinated will be second-class citizens.
So you want to see the opposite of the amazing
Laura Logan?
Well, we're going to give you the Prime Minister here in a moment.
But first, here's Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, announces great narrative.
He did that 19 days ago.
But if you remember what he said in that five-hour droning speech, that we must control the narrative, we must control the science, we must dictate.
He goes on to say, we must take control of your very bodies.
in press releases that it's their job to take control of our bodies.
Boy, that's not rape, is it?
To take over every cell in our body and inject our children with...
Cancer-causing systems that literally turn off their white blood cells?
No, no, no, no.
It's beyond rape.
It's murder.
Slow, systematic death.
Because we've become so passive, we've let these evil people take control.
They took control of the banks.
They bought everything up through fiat money.
They're devaluing our currencies now.
They are at war with us.
Here is Dr. Evil, head of the Bilderberg Group, head of the Davos Group, the head, the public speaker for the New World Order, the mouth of Satan.
Here he is.
What pleasure to be together again and to design the future.
We are here to develop the great narrative, the story for the future, in order
To shape the future, you have first to imagine the future, you have to design the future, and then you have to execute.
Here, I think the next two days, we will look how we imagine, how we design, how we execute the great narratives, how we define the story,
And there he is with corporate and governmental world leaders all together saying we're coming out with microchips for your body, you'll own nothing, you'll like it, you'll have nothing, but he'll have everything.
And they just sit up with a straight face through Big Pharma, release this weapon, control the censorship, rolling it all out and packaging it in political correctness, making all the CEOs basically non-white.
So if you criticize Twitter censoring, oh, you're against Indians!
They've got it all figured out.
So, or women.
And speaking of the opposites of Laura Logan, here is New Zealand's dictator, pretty much, now under medical tyranny, Prime Minister
Jacinda Ardham.
Here she is, first saying you're allowed to go to the bathroom, like you're a five-year-old, if you're double-vaxxed, and then saying, admitting that there's two classes of people.
Here it is.
And importantly, because I know this is a question many Aucklanders have, you can now see family and friends again in their homes and use the bathroom inside.
This is going to be like, well it's almost like, you probably don't see it like this, there's two different classes of people.
If you're vaccinated or if you're unvaccinated you have all these rights.
If you are vaccinated... That is what it is, so yep.
Can you describe, you were previously hoping not to have to do that, I guess when we still looked like we could maintain elimination across the whole country.
I guess that has now changed because...
I think it was less because necessarily of the elimination determining that and more because we of course maintained and actually we have managed very high vaccination rates generally without the use of certificates.
But actually what it's become clear to me is that they're not just a tool to drive up vaccines.
They're a tool for confidence.
People who have been vaccinated will want to know that they're around other vaccinated people.
They'll want to know that they're in a safe environment.
It is a way that we can give confidence to those who are going back into hospitality or events.
And so that is something that I think we should offer to people who have been vaccinated.
That confidence that we're doing everything we can to keep them safe and that they can come back out and start enjoying those things safely.
You know, I didn't have a comfort toilet when I was a child, a blanket or a doll, but my daughters have all had one and that's fine.
But here she is telling you when you can go potty and that you're going to have this new comfort thing that's your vaccine passport, and she gives a big speech with it right there saying, my vaccine pass, which is your social credit score, which tracks everywhere you go and what you do.
You've got to make reservations to do anything.
Austin has now put up signs saying you're not allowed to park here or go to the park unless you make a reservation with a sign up app.
I reported that last year, and the news said it was fake.
No plans to make you have an app to go to the park in Austin, and now they're going up in locations all over the city.
Nobody told me about it.
I tried to go to the park, and it said, oh, we'll tow you away if you don't check in with us.
Just go to the app.
Hey, everybody.
Confused about... We have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
Right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning, and it's only going to run until the end of the month, and that's now only six, seven days.
InfoWars store official Black Friday special has arrived.
Ladies and gentlemen, people love it.
It's our best seller.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the key amino acids, everything you need for your immune system and your body.
And it tastes great.
And it funds the InfoWar.
It is back in stock 40% off with free shipping and double Patreon points.
And so much more at InfowarsStore.com.
It's only six, seven days left in the biggest sale of 2021.
Bet on freedom, bet on Infowars, bet on yourself and get great products.
The only way you fail is not taking action at InfowarsStore.com.
Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
Three years later, and InfoWars is still thriving.
Thanks to the support of our audience.
But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet.
And we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A.
But we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court.
With your support, go to SaveInfoWars.com now and give your donation to save the First Amendment.
SaveInfoWars.com and God bless America.
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That's SaveInfoWars.com.
And continue to go to InfoWarsStore.com, where right now, we've got Turbo Force, sold out for months, 10 hours of clean energy, back in stock with free shipping, 40% off, and so many other great products.
There are so many crappy brands of energy products, energy drinks, energy powders, energy pills.
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TurboForce has been sold out for more than six months.
It's back in stock with free shipping, 40% off.
It is 10 hours of clean energy, clean energy without the big crash, and it's available right now, and it funds the InfoWare 360 win.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, massive news just broke.
We're getting the TV report from NBC News right now.
This is so huge, and we already knew this, and I already said this, and you already said this, but think about the value
With these COVID testing companies to get your DNA of who you are and to keep it in a sample box and leave with it.
That's what they did.
The value of your DNA, every person's different and they can find different proteins, different sequences that are then used for drugs.
And then you never get paid for your genetics even being used.
They had the Supreme Court ruling more than a decade ago that major corporations couldn't do that in the U.S.
They got caught doing it when patients would give blood samples or stool samples or other samples.
The hospitals, the clinics were going and selling them and attaching their name to it.
And you know, I've been on some big national prominent shows.
Where they asked me to do the COVID test and I've told them, I've said, I'm not doing that.
Not only is it a violation, not only is the PCR test a fraud, but a lot of these companies are multinational and they are selling it.
They are saving it.
Remember the Pentagon came out a year ago and said, we don't want our military being connected to outside PCR test.
We have evidence the communist Chinese are gathering that data.
It's incredibly valuable.
Well, here it is.
NBC News, Los Angeles.
Sheriff says his department won't use county testing provider because it's connected to the communist Chinese government.
A testing provider is certified by the Food and Drug Administration, accredited by the College of American Pathologists, and licensed by the California Department of Public Health, and LA Times reported.
Los Angeles County Sheriff
is not going to use the county's coronavirus testing provider for his department, that's Alex Villanueva, because of concerns about the company's alleged ties to the Chinese government, the Los Angeles Times reported today, or last night.
Villanueva sent a letter to the County Board of Supervisors stating the FBI contacted him last week, and during a briefing the day after Thanksgiving, relayed the serious risk associated with allowing Fulgent to conduct COVID-19 testing on County employees, the Times reported.
That should be the top story in the country, but it broke yesterday.
I didn't even know about it until just now.
A lot of you might have known about it, but certainly they're not putting this out as a big story.
And that's the FBI telling them that.
Does the FBI know anything about Eric Swallowswell being a Chinese agent?
Do they know anything about Dianne Feinstein being a Chinese agent on record?
But at least they are telling the truth about this, because this is going on.
But you know the quote, U.S.
government is collecting the data from the swabs as well.
government wants 5G everywhere, they just don't want China in charge of it.
Just like the U.S.
Because 5G is a surveillance system and it's a weapon.
You can oscillate it to control human emotions.
That's declassified.
I covered it in an hour-long special report a week ago.
The exact wavelengths used in 5G are extremely strong.
And they can push through every cell in the body.
They just don't go long distances.
But when you're under one, it is massive and incredibly cancerous.
And that's on record as well.
That's what's crazy.
It's on record.
People that take the Moderna or Pfizer shots are twice as likely to die in major German and British government reports.
Similar numbers out of the U.S.
I mean, I show you the articles all the time.
They just, oh yeah, it's true, you're twice lucky to die, we don't know why.
Yeah, heart attacks in football players, soccer players is up 66 times.
Any previous record.
Probably just a coincidence, no big deal.
Go ahead and take your shots.
And what did the scientist on this show a year and a half ago say?
What did Wolfgang Wudarg, chief advisor of the EU say?
What did Dr. Michael Yidan, former head scientist at Pfizer who just retired three years ago?
They said this will cause massive heart attacks and blood clots, bare minimum.
What do they predict?
And then when people come up into similar viruses later, even naturally occurring ones, you'll have an ADE response that'll kill you.
And now it's here, it's happening, and we've got record deaths, and the life expectancy dropping by several years this year, not last year.
They're killing us, and just seeing if we'll put up with it, just like autism was in 1 in 35,000 boys in 1980.
It's now in 1 in 58 boys and increasing.
By the year 2030, they're estimating it'll be... The numbers vary.
1 in 10, 1 in 6, on the spectrum.
And already, South Korea, the highest vaccinated country in the world, is closing in on those numbers.
And everybody's just put up with that happening.
Everybody's just, oh well, there's just all these little boys now that don't know what planet they're on.
Oh, they're just overstimulated and we don't know what it is.
Of course, they do know what it is.
All done by design, all done on purpose.
And they're like, well, they let us do this to hundreds of millions of little boys worldwide.
Let's do it to everybody.
But let's attack their cardiovascular and attack their very DNA.
Oh, I've got something really interesting on that front when we come back.
Let me just run through some of these headlines for you, because there are a lot of them.
Of course, there's the big announcement.
I'll play that segment.
I'll also get to Tom Cotton and Senator Cotton on it.
We've got Biden coming out and saying, hey, don't worry, no lockdowns because the new normal is you're going to take whatever shots we want to give you.
You're going to always wear your mask from now on.
All right.
That's the new normal.
And the media's like, oh, how nice of him.
Oh, the new normal is you've got to take shots and wear a mask forever.
That's the good cop.
The bad cop.
Fauci's like, no, new lockdowns are needed and third boosters must be mandatory.
And I just talked to Biden.
He agrees he's going to announce it next year.
Fauci gave an interview saying that.
Oh, they'll be mandatory by next year.
And newborn babies.
In the first quarter we'll get the shots.
I'm a nice man.
I'm a good man.
I'm gonna help your children.
And when we societally allow the mass murder and maiming of our children, now happening, God will curse us and remove even more of God's protection.
The globalists, no!
Get people to hurt their children, get people to go along with children being hurt, and then evil is given the keys to the castle.
Read the Old Testament.
Over and over again, the prophets come and say, if you keep doing bad stuff, and if you let these idolaters over here sacrifice children, God's gonna curse us!
And then what happens?
God curses them, and they go into bondage.
And they get enslaved, and they get killed.
And you can say, well, that's the Bible.
Who knows those are true stories?
Even though they archaeologically have proven almost all of it.
They're finding new stuff all the time that just always confirms it.
And they found Roman histories that line up with it.
And the Romans have their own stories.
The point is, a society that lets people hurt children is over.
So do the Greeks.
Is done.
The Aztecs were the end of 15,000 year reign, if you believe the numbers, of Mesoamericans.
It started out with them sacrificing a couple people a year on certain holidays, until it got to where they were killing the majority of their population with it, including children, and that marked the end of their civilization, didn't it?
Got my buttons unpopping here, it's like it's 3 a.m.
around here.
It's always 3 a.m.
in this brain, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, we got a lot to cover.
We're gonna get to it all when we come back.
I mean, it's just, it's so much here.
But the admissions everywhere of, this doesn't protect you.
We got more deaths this year than last.
It's in, it's, it's baked into the cake that this is a takeover.
And now the head of Pfizer said, oh yeah, it's actually gonna be yearly COVID shots at least forever, and you're gonna need booster shots because of
Of course, there's a problem.
What did I play early last year?
And hundreds of times, different clips, them saying, oh, they'll always need to be boosters, and this is a gene therapy that erases your immune system.
It was always the plan.
But now they're like, oh, Omicron, Omicron.
I mean, they're just lying, murdering criminals, getting rich while they maim and murder you.
We have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
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Why do my enemies hate me so much?
Why do the globalists hate you so much?
Why do they hate America so much?
Because it's an idea of freedom that their tyrannical system that they're pushing cannot coexist with.
It's very, very simple.
For their world government, their anti-human, post-human, eugenic system to flourish, freedom and liberty and due process injustice and God-fearing systems must fail.
So sure, you didn't start a fight with Bill Gates.
You didn't start a fight with David Rockefeller.
You didn't start a fight with the UN.
They started a fight with you.
And they're not gonna back down, and they're not gonna go away, and they're not going to ever stop their attacks until they have the fear of God put into them.
The average person still doesn't even know about the New World Order, or about globalism, or about corporate fascism.
And it's not until people understand that, and that we're under attack, that we have any chance of beating these people.
I know you're humble.
I know you're like me.
But I really want you to sit back and cogitate, or meditate,
On the fact that those of you that have supported my broadcast and InfoWars over the years have changed the world in incredible ways.
And now, as 2021 prepares to end and 2022 begins to dawn, it is more important than ever that you realize how important you are and that you be more active than you've ever been.
The tip of the spear is BandOnVideo.
The very front lines of the fight for human liberty is InfoWars.com.
And we can't stay on air without your support, so thank you all for your support.
Donate to our Legal Defense Fund to stay on the air at SaveM4Wars.com.
That's SaveM4Wars.com.
I can tell you to go to M4WarsStore.com, where right now we've got Turbo Force, sold out for months, 10 hours clean energy, back in stock with free shipping, 40% off, and so many other great products.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
To say that this broadcast is critical to the future of humanity is an understatement.
That means all of you that have supported us and kept us on air through thick and through thin, you deserve the credit.
But I know you don't see it as credit, you see it as being pointed towards the truth, towards God, towards that North Star, and towards standing up against evil.
And you understand that you are simply following your own survival instinct that our creator gave us.
You know, I was about to play the seriously wicked CEO of Pfizer and the seriously evil and demented puppet president Biden in their statements yesterday.
But I thought, why not play somebody good first?
You know, we just played a few clips of Laura Logan knocking it out of the park, saying this is a takeover, it's a police state, it doesn't protect us, the vaccines don't protect us, Fauci's a liar, this is a permanent emergency, this is a problem you can't fix so they can expand total control.
Who have I heard say exactly that 20 months ago?
The point is, is that people are getting it.
Whether it's Joe Rogan,
Or whether it is the man who's going to be joining us coming up in the third hour.
Australian Member of Parliament calls on free citizens to rise up against COVID tyranny.
And here is Mr. Christensen, who's going to be on the broadcast.
Laying out exactly what is really happening.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker.
The totalitarian regimes responsible for the most heinous atrocities in the 20th century, think Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot, they didn't get there overnight.
They used fear to control, they excluded the dirty people, softly at first, they justified the exclusion, they moved to harder exclusions, and eventually eliminated people, either socially or physically.
In 21st century Australia, state premiers are racing down that familiar path, trying to out-tyrant each other, drunk on power, setting up their own biosecurity police states, complete with medical apartheid.
Sadly, we've enabled it.
Refusing to rein them in, and worse, supplying the Australian Immunisation Register data that underpins this medical apartheid.
Fear is the justification of choice for coercion and control.
With non-vaccinated Australians increasingly demonised, ostracised and socially eradicated.
In Queensland, the Premier tweeted that people not vaccinated raised red flags.
Not just one, but 22 of them.
The media, politicians and health bureaucrats all claim COVID-19 is now a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
But there is no justification for such demonisation.
In a German study, 55% of symptomatic patients over 60 were fully vaccinated.
Gibraltar, where all
That's George Christensen, who will be joining us in the next hour.
He's up in the middle of the night.
Be able to get this information out.
And you heard them shouting over him, trying to talk over him.
They don't want any of that truth getting out.
And if private citizens say what he just said, they come to their houses and arrest them.
And I've got articles here where they're facing years in prison for not being vaccinated and being outside their houses or not wearing masks.
This is the UN model.
It's what's already coming to Europe.
It's what's coming to Canada.
It's what's coming here.
Let me play this clip again.
This is just...
A few hundred miles away from northern Australia, New Zealand, run by the same globalist, and here's the Hillary Clinton clone, Artem, saying, not only will we give you permission to go to the bathroom if you've got a vaccine pass, then you're allowed to go in people's houses and use the bathroom, talking to you like you're a dog,
She goes on to say, were we creating second-class citizens?
He says, yeah, that's what it is.
Yep, just totally arrogant following a Klaus Schwab, UN, world government, big pharma, corporate takeover, script.
Here it is.
So, you basically said this is going to be like, almost like, you probably don't see it like this, the two different classes of people, if you're vaccinated or if you're unvaccinated, you have all these rights.
If you are vaccinated... That is what it is.
So, yep.
And look at her smiling so smug.
She's got the media, she's got the courts, she's got the big foundation money, but she doesn't have the hearts and minds.
She is part of a world government exterminist cult.
that first appeared in the French Revolution, the Jacobins, and then created communism and V.I.
Lenin and the rest of it.
And Lenin said his roots were to the Jacobins and the French Revolution.
And remember
She's the same one that said, don't talk to your neighbors and don't look at a sunset.
And they said the same thing in Australia.
And similar things in Canada, where they said they had health ministers say, we can't let people ever out of these lockdowns.
This is the new way.
We're saving the earth.
You're non-essential.
We're collapsing the society.
What did the Department of Energy head say this last week?
She said, we want to bankrupt the gas industry and the oil industry.
We can't have people running gas cars.
That's why we raise the prices.
We're in a transition.
Then Biden says, don't worry, I'll release the strategic oil reserve, about three days of oil, to lower prices, and of course it didn't really lower prices, and it turns out 80% of the oil went to other countries.
Because we're to be brought to heel, we're to be bankrupted, our money's to be devalued, our children are to be poisoned and corrupted, those that survive.
We are slated for destruction, because we don't fit into the new world order.
And neither do the Australians, or the Europeans, or the people in New Zealand, or the people in Canada, or the US, because we have the Christian background, and this is where liberty came from, and so the globalists have taken over our countries, they're dominating the world, and instead of America and others exporting freedom, we are now going to export evil.
But despite the fact that America is the command base of much of this, there's still a lot of states and cities and pockets that are awake, and they haven't gotten full control here.
That's why everything the globalists are doing is turned towards breaking our will and censoring Americans and shutting us up.
So we're not just fighting for America.
We're fighting for the world.
What happens in Australia today will happen to you tomorrow and is, as we predicted.
So I don't even need to play the CEO of Pfizer.
Saying, oh, there will be yearly shots now?
Yeah, let's just skip Biden.
We already saw him hold everybody hostage and say, you know, take your shots, wear your mask forever, and then I won't lock you down, as if that isn't a medical lockdown, isn't medical rape, isn't the symbol of the cult is you're covering your face, you're in fear of yourself and everybody else.
I mean, this is such a psy-op.
And do we really want to look at the head of Pfizer?
I mean, here he is.
Video, Pfizer's CEO declares annual revaccination for COVID is coming.
And then notice, whatever he says becomes law via executive order, because he's the boss.
What did the Davos group say 10 years ago?
They said, within a decade, we want to have corporate leaders in charge of everything and the public accepting the fact that they call the shots.
This criminal eugenics monster that bought off our governments, that had our governments sign agreements, making their agreements secret, but now the agreements have leaked from over 50 nations, including the U.S., where they're given control over the media and the intelligence agencies via contract.
A treaty with a foreign government would be treason, and you can't have treaties with corporations, but that's what globalism is, ladies and gentlemen.
And the UN set up of the Rockefellers after World War II is a big shop in New York to whine and dine and corrupt with sex ops and prostitutes and underage children to corrupt world leaders to get them under the blackmail control.
And that's where the Ghislaine Maxwell information and all of it comes out.
That's coming up next hour as well.
Ghislaine Maxwell trial opens.
FAA accidentally reveals over 700 previously unknown Jeffrey Epstein flights.
Oh, you know there's tens of thousands.
You know they were covering up.
You know Bill Gates didn't just fly on it 15 times.
You know the Clintons didn't just fly on it 28 times.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it's all coming out who these monsters are.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
And I'm going to get to Senator Cotton's clip and some of these other clips, and then our guest joins us from Australia at 6 after.
Please realize he's fighting to get the truth out for everybody.
Tell everyone you know to tune in now, and if you know anybody in Australia, tell them to tune in.
Or once this is archived at Band.Video, share it because the Aussies have told us they're so censored there.
A lot of the news they're able to get is now from InfoWars and a few Sky Television hosts, and that's it.
Please don't forget, we have store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points for Cyber Week.
The sale will have to end by this weekend.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The latest COVID variant, aptly named Omicron, which is an anagram for moronic, will likely be one of many distractions from the long-awaited Ghislaine Maxwell trial.
Tonight, with the holiday travel season already underway, the U.S.
is bracing for the new Omicron variant.
And with the holiday season now upon us, comes word of a new variant even more contagious than Delta.
What makes this new variant so different and so concerning?
So you would predict from looking at the mutations that have been identified that it likely will be more transmissible.
We don't know that yet, but you have to be careful and assume that that's the case.
It also has a bunch of mutations that would suggest it could evade the protection, for example, of monoclonal antibodies and perhaps even convalescent plasma for people who've been infected and recovered and possibly vaccine.
Of course, the Omicron variant
So our positivity rate is 9.2%.
It is, yes, it is more than we would have loved it to be.
But looking at the mildness of the symptoms that we are seeing, currently there is no reason for panicking as we don't see severely ill patients.
The most predominant clinical complaint is severe fatigue for one or two days with then the headache and the body aches and pain.
Some of them will have what they call a scratchy throat and some will have
A cough, a dry cough, but it's not a constant cough.
It comes and goes.
And that's more or less the big symptoms that we have seen.
From the outset, it is vague detail similar to these that a laundry list of high-profile people don't want the lockdown COVID-controlled masses to absorb.
Adding to the secrecy, federal courts have long banned cameras from their courtrooms.
After a plea of not guilty and her imprisonment in a Brooklyn federal lockup in 2020, Maxwell was charged with six counts
for allegedly procuring underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein to abuse from 1994 through 2004.
All eyes are now on Maxwell after the supposed suicide of Jeffrey Epstein who according to newly released DOJ documents showed absolutely no signs of suicide.
The six counts are merely the icing on the cake.
A slew of co-conspirators, named and unnamed, may be revealed during the trial, possibly exposing an elite sex trafficking operation that amounts to nothing less than modern-day slavery that could incriminate celebrities, politicians, and a myriad of billionaires
who have not been fully exposed up until this point Epstein's flight logs reveal visitations to Epstein's pedophile island by scores of celebrities some of whom have signed on to gaslighting the public for their corporate masters for the reward of petty tyranny
Typically, especially one with the Southern District of New York,
You know, you're probably looking at hundreds of prosecutors, and they usually are assigned a variety of different types of cases.
So a prosecutor would work in a division such as grand theft, or work in homicide, or work in sex crimes.
So for this particular prosecutor, Comey, to have worked on Tartaglione's case, which is a quadruple homicide facing death penalty,
And also now working on sex crimes of Epstein and Maxwell, it is a little bit, you know, it's like you couldn't find someone else out of the hundreds, possibly, prosecutors that you may have in the office.
Prepare for waves of distraction from a Mockingbird media machine that will do everything in their waning power to cover it all up.
John Bowne reporting.
We'll be back, folks.
Stay with us.
Big guest straight ahead, 60 seconds.
InfoWars, get prepared.
We have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
So, right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning, and it's only going to run until the end of the month, and that's now only six, seven days.
InfoWars store official Black Friday special has arrived.
Ladies and gentlemen, people love it.
It's our best seller.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the key amino acids, everything you need for your immune system and your body.
And it tastes great.
And it funds the InfoWar.
It is back in stock 40% off with free shipping and double Patreon points.
And so much more at InfoWarStore.com.
It's only six, seven days left in the biggest sale of 2021.
Bet on freedom, bet on InfoWars, bet on yourself, and get great products.
The only way you fail is not taking action at InfoWarsStore.com.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to hour number two.
George Christensen is a member of Parliament from Australia, and he is part of the ruling Liberal National Party.
Nationfirst.substack.com is where you can find his excellent and informative writings, like, What is Stage Five?
by George Christensen.
Their plans are crumbling.
We're winning by George Christensen, Member of Parliament.
I noticed when he tried to speak for just two minutes in the National Federal Parliament in Australia, the beta testing of the worldwide slave colony that the globalists are building, that they were interrupting him the entire time.
So I really appreciate him in the middle of the night in his time zone joining us so that people in the United States and also around the world can hear him live and then later once this is archived to freeworldnews.tv because what's happening to Australia today is coming to your country tomorrow because this is a directive
Thank you, sir.
Well, thank you very much, Alex.
G'day, I should say.
G'day from Australia, and good on you for standing up for freedom as well.
You're one of those beacons that we have around the world.
God bless you, sir.
So where do you want to start?
Very eloquent words, but they were interrupting you the whole time.
Well, they don't like to hear what I have to say.
They don't like to hear people getting up and standing up for freedom and going against the lockdown, mask up, you know, pro-vaccine mandate orthodoxy that's out there.
It has consumed Australia.
There is few in the political leadership landscape that actually are standing up
For true freedom at the moment.
They talk about giving us back our freedom if we do certain things.
Well, when they give us back our freedom, that's actually not freedom.
That's government control.
And so people are rising up.
Alex, we see it every weekend now on the streets.
Not just hundreds, not just thousands, hundreds of thousands of people.
In fact, I'd probably estimate last weekend we probably could have had close to a million people out on the streets protesting against all of this, but particularly at the moment.
The vaccine apartheid that we're going through, where state governments mainly are dividing the nation up between those who are jabbed and those who aren't jabbed.
They're restricting us from jobs.
In the state of Victoria, you cannot hold a decent job unless you are vaccinated right now.
They're sacking people for not being vaccinated.
They're restricting people in my home state of Queensland from
All sorts of social life, cafes, restaurants, art galleries, museums, sporting events, if you're not vaccinated.
So we truly are going to have a form of medical apartheid.
And this has just got to stop.
It is wrong, wrong, wrong.
It goes against all sorts of human rights protocols.
It even goes against the Australian Government's own immunisation handbook, which says that anyone who wants to get any sort of jab, let alone a provisionally approved one like the COVID-19 jabs,
It can't be done under coercion or force, but yet it is being done.
It is just so wrong.
I'm sad to see what's happening in my country.
Very, very sad, Alex.
George Christensen, again, is a prominent Member of Parliament in Australia, and I notice your law does have basically the Nuremberg Code codified into it, saying no coercion for anything medical.
But, and I see your Prime Minister saying, well, the good part about living in a free country is you don't have to take these shots, but then they don't let you out of your house or let you have a job.
That's the purest form of coercion is basically house arrest.
This is outrageous.
And I mean, you're a smart guy.
Can you give us your view on how to stop this?
Well, look, I wish I knew the magic answer to how to stop it, but one thing that I think would stop it, Alex, is that we have something in Australia called the Australian Immunisation Register, which is actually owned by the Federal Government that's supplying all of the data to say who's vaccinated or not.
Now, our Prime Minister, you're right, he's got up and he said that we're not in favour of mandatory vaccinations and he sort of
Tried to hint to the state governments that he doesn't want them to do this, but there's a way we could end it and end it overnight, and that is simply by pulling the data.
If no state government, or it's not just state governments too Alex, it's private corporations, there's private corporations that are right now treating their workers like slaves, like chattel, and saying that we demand if you're going to work for us that you've got to be double vaccinated.
Well, you know, these corporations need to know that we no longer live in an era where private outfits can actually tell their employees what they can and can't do with their bodies.
But anyway, the Prime Minister with this data could end it overnight by simply saying, no more data if you're going to use it for the purposes of discrimination and medical apartheid.
That would end it.
All of this is illegal surveillance.
All of this is out of control.
And now it's being centralized at the UN and the Davos Group with Communist China heavily involved in the rollout of the global response.
And here's Australia claiming that they don't like to be bullied by China.
And certainly I've seen China, from what I've read and seen, is trying to flex its muscles and throw its weight around.
It's bought off a lot of the regional leaders.
Then why would Australia be trying to match China in authoritarianism if China's bad?
Well, this is the billion-dollar question.
I mean, they have exported totalitarianism around the world along with this bloody virus.
They really have.
I mean, to have lockdowns, to be
Curfewing your citizens in a free and democratic country to be sacking them unless they do what they're told.
These are things that we see out of the Chinese Communist Party, not out of the freedom loving Australia that I've grown up in, that I know and that I love.
And that's why I despair so much.
And you mentioned the World Economic Forum.
I think they go hand in hand with the CCP with their great reset agenda.
There is no doubt.
We've seen a pro-mandatory vaccination push that comes out of the World Economic Forum.
We know that it infects the global elite.
We know that it infects the political elite and the media elite.
The media are a big part of the problem in Australia, Alex, the mainstream media, because they have been, as one veteran journalist who despaired called it,
Nothing more than a cheer squad for Big Brother in Australia and also a jumped up school hall monitor because they've been running around with cameras trying to point it in the face of any citizen that dares stand up against the tyranny that is going on here.
That's really the trifecta.
You've got the corporate media, you've got the government and the state and the big corporations, through the police force, all ganging up and censoring and attacking people.
That's another question I've got before we go to break.
We've seen the countless videos of people arrested in their homes for incitement, for telling people online, let's go protest.
Isn't that a basic right?
And so, there you are, I guess, risking imprisonment yourself under this tyranny to say, I'm calling for civil disobedience.
But isn't that all of our rights?
Whether we were in India with Mahatma Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr., in the apartheid-type South here in America?
I mean, isn't it our right at civil disobedience?
The idea of, I mean, forget civil disobedience, of blocking roads or whatever, or having sit-ins at restaurants where you've got to have a vaccine passport,
How in the world can you then come to somebody's house and say to them, you are not allowed to even go online and say this is wrong?
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back with George Christensen.
You can follow his amazing work and writings at nationfirst.substack.com.
We've got to jailbreak Australia, folks.
That's one of the main places they're bringing in this tyranny.
If we beat them there, we beat them here.
We've got to fight this tyranny there to stop it here.
Same thing with Los Angeles and California and New York.
These are globalist occupied zones.
They are all our brothers and sisters, and we will break them out.
We will bring down the globalist COVID dictatorship.
Stay with us.
George Christensen, joining us from Australia, straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones in Fowars.com, the tip of the spear.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Our guests have agreed to stay with us for the rest of the hour, and that's good, because I have a lot of questions about what's happening in Australia, like a roundup of the Aborigines.
I've seen reports in the regional governments admitting, well, we're going to fly by plane because the helicopters can't get there, it's 800 miles away, but we're going to go make sure they're all inoculated when none of them are even around civilization.
It's just wild, and images of them being loaded in paddy wagons and driven away.
So this is really, really draconian stuff.
But talking to George Christensen, a prominent member of the Parliament there, nationfirst.substack.com, gave a very powerful speech that went viral there just a few days ago or last week in their Parliament.
Continuing here with my question before the break, what is going on with arresting people for simply
Criticizing the lockdowns online or trying to organize people to demonstrate.
How does the authoritarian system get away with something that obviously evil?
I don't know how they've gotten away with it, Alex, but they've thrown our freedoms, including freedom of speech, completely out the window.
The images that you're showing right now are of a pregnant mother who simply posted about a protest on Facebook, being arrested in front of her husband and children.
Now, this beckoned belief, I thought, and there are many people that were shocked,
But sadly, the corporate media did a very, very good job on a lot of people scaring the pants off them about this virus that has an infection fatality rate of about 0.27%.
And so you see some people that have been cheering on the fact that these sort of arrests are happening as if a woman posting, a pregnant mother, a young mother posting about a tiny protest that was going to happen in a local park.
would somehow cause them to die.
So the corporate media did a very good job, but I just can't believe that we've seen the egregious overreach by police across the country, particularly in the state of Victoria.
We had police firing projectiles.
Admittedly, they were like rubber bullet type things that they were firing at people, but those images
of protesters being shot in the back as they run away from police.
I just, I never would have thought the day that I would have turned on the television screen to see this happening in my country.
It's like something that we would see in the Middle East or in another place that's been overcome with
With civil unrest but this wasn't in the main these protests weren't violent they were peaceful people and the only reason they actually did turn violent was when police presented and tried to block protesters from doing something that would otherwise have been peaceful.
We saw an image and I'm not sure whether you have it on file but it's the most shocking of all of an elderly woman being body slammed to the ground
I haven't heard of what happened to the two police officers that were involved in that, but I actually got up in the National Parliament some time ago saying that
That these guys needed to be arrested and dealt with, these police officers, for doing that, and for that I was condemned even by people in my own political party.
So think about the mentality that there must be alive in this country and amongst the political elite when they're
We've also seen
Videos that are posted on the internet, on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, that show the hundreds of thousands protesting, that's pulled down.
And then even footage of police being brutal, that gets pulled down.
So they're trying to hide the crimes as well.
I mean, this sounds like an Australian version of Tiananmen Square that's starting to unfold.
Yeah, I think that the good news is that we have that many citizen journalists out there at the moment, such as the real Rookshan, whose images I think that you're using right now.
He's just done a great job in getting the truth out to people.
A lot of people have switched off the corporate media.
They're not interested in the sort of sanitized, whitewashed, fake news that they have
We know what the reality is because we're seeing it through social media or we're seeing it through the citizen journalist websites.
Absolutely, and so I'm glad you bring up positive things.
I should have brought that up front.
A lot of experts, including yourself being a Member of Parliament, but just myself watching it from a distance, it looks like the tide's turning and that there's really bigger and bigger exponential crowds and all the arrogance and hubris of these different regional premiers and governors and of course the Prime Minister is really starting to wear thin.
You've written an article about this saying their plans are crumbling, we're winning.
Breakdown how you say that's true, sir.
Well, because of the key thing that the Prime Minister said that vaccination should not be mandatory.
Now, that needs to be followed through with action, I believe.
But it's a very, very good start.
I mean, some people were a bit surprised to hear that because they thought that somehow the state government rules were being fully supported by the federal government.
And so there was a bit of a political fight that was happening there for a while between
Pandemic powers.
So in other words, laws that would give one person, one person in the government, the authority to just lock down, to curfew people, to make any rule actually that would affect any particular person or any group of persons for any demographic.
So if they decided that they wanted to do something to one particular ethnic group, they could do it.
If they decided they wanted to do something to one
I think?
Well, it's hard for me to watch.
I mean, you talk about this.
It's hard to watch what looks like about a 75-year-old woman being knocked on the ground, bleeding, begging for help and the police just proud of themselves.
I mean, this is true evil going on.
That's the video that I talked about that I spoke up against.
You know, you just saw before one officer body slam her to the ground, another one pepper spray her in the face.
I think she had to be hospitalized as a result.
How do you kill somebody like that?
I mean, they shove her over to make her head hit the concrete.
Yeah, you could have killed her.
And so I said that those two officers needed to be dealt with.
They should have been arrested, actually, quite frankly, because anyone else that did that to an old woman would have been arrested.
But she posed no threat.
It's the kind of overreach that we're seeing from police in Australia, sadly.
There's been many incidents of this over
In recent times, particularly during the pandemic, particularly directed to anti-pandemic restriction or pro-freedom protesters.
But Alex, the permanent pandemic laws that I spoke about that were going to come into place in Victoria were blocked in the Parliament.
And so that's more good news.
Stay right there.
They also have new censorship rules they want won.
Member of the Australian Parliament joins us live, George Christensen.
Please stay with us.
Everybody, you know, tune in.
And then later on, this is Archive Share.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
So, I've been on air 28 years.
And for more than 20, we covered UN documents saying they would use a virus, and the fear of it, to bring in world corporate government and force inoculations.
That's in my film, Endgame, made in 2007.
And so it's on record in that film.
Now, how do we know that?
Well, because these are real battle plans.
These are real operations.
When you see what's happening in Australia, understand that's a beta test for the rest of the world.
And now you see them trying to roll out the exact same systems in Europe, Canada, and in blue cities controlled by the Democrats here in the United States.
So George Christensen is a outspoken, very popular member of the main ruling party in parliament in Australia and he, again you saw it at the start of the interview last hour, he got somewhat censored and talked over when he was trying to lay out basic facts and information.
So I want him to have the floor here for this segment to really give us his message to the tyrants, but also his message to the patriots who could be liberal, could be conservative, could be gay, could be straight, could be black, could be white, could be old, could be young, could be Asian, it doesn't matter.
Red blooded people that want to live in free countries.
What is his message to the world?
Because millions of people are watching right now and hopefully others will take the archive of this and share it to millions more.
Because the tyrants cannot stand this information coming out.
They cannot stand leaders like George Christensen standing up and saying we need civil disobedience.
I haven't seen any other members of Parliament have that much courage in a place where they are arresting and basically disappearing people to these quarantine camps.
They're trying to roll out this total takeover.
To set the precedent.
They're trying to pass these draconian martial law provisions and permanently put them in place.
So how do we fight back and what is your message to the tyrants?
Well, thanks, Alex.
And firstly, to say that, you know, it was Martin Luther King that actually said that there was an ethical obligation or a moral obligation to have civil disobedience when it comes to bad laws.
So this is one of the essence of democracy.
And we're not talking about violence.
We're talking about
Peaceful protest.
We're talking about simply refusing to obey bad laws.
And look, my message to the free world, my message to particularly that bastion of liberty and democracy that is the United States of America,
Is that you've got to oppose these sort of moves that we're seeing in Australia with every fibre in your body.
We have seen lockdowns repeatedly on our citizens.
We have seen small businesses and livelihoods destroyed because of those lockdowns.
We've seen people, people curfewed in their own homes, can't go out at a certain time of night.
We are now seeing
People just being absolutely destroyed.
Deprofessionals lose their jobs, lose their livelihoods because they won't get a vaccine.
So people are losing their jobs left, right and centre because of this.
And now they're saying there's going to be a form of medical apartheid in our country.
It's happening all over the place where you can't be in polite social life in restaurants, cafes, museums.
Sports events, any sort of social setting, if you are not double vaccinated, that is an affront to democracy.
You've referred to it before with our Indigenous people or Aboriginal people, Alex.
Yes, because there's a sort of paternalistic mindset that Aboriginal people are somehow amorphous and we've got to protect Aboriginal people as some sort of set museum piece.
They're riding roughshod over their individual rights because those people indeed are being forced, if they test positive through a PCR test, which is not completely accurate, we know that, but if they test positive they're being rounded up and put into quarantine camps.
There's people from all ethnic groups that are actually in these quarantine camps if they come back into the country and it doesn't matter actually, the bizarre thing
While this medical apartheid is going on, it doesn't matter whether they're double vaccinated or not when they come back into the country.
They're all rounded up and put into these jumped up jail cells, which they call quarantine camps.
Electrical fence being put up at the top.
I mean, it looks like something out of Auschwitz or something.
Why would you need these big fences and guard posts and all the rest of it?
But specifically here with George Christensen, joining us the middle of the night from Australia, Member of Parliament, tell us about the camps.
Because yes, everybody wants to know about those and they're expanding them.
They've got regional leaders saying this is going to be permanent.
This is the new regime.
You're going to take shots on a routine basis.
I mean, don't talk to your neighbors?
I mean, this is like an episode of Red Dawn or something.
It's very scary, very, very scary and a lot of people questioning why are so many of these facilities being built.
They told us at first it was only going to be for incoming arrivals if they have to be quarantined for seven days.
I mean the question is why the hell do they look like high security prisons?
The second thing is we're seeing now that they're actually not being used for the purposes of
Incoming arrivals, what they're being used for is to, in the cases of the Northern Territory where a lot of Aboriginal people are, they're being used to round up anyone who tests positive and to put them in there.
Well, I've got to tell you, for me, it's going to be like, you know, over my dead body.
If I test positive and they want to come and get me, they're going to have to brutally rip me out of my own home and there's probably a lot of
Freedom-loving people in Australia that would be of the same view that we're not going to go willingly into some quarantine camp and have all of our rights taken away from us.
So this is just wrong.
It's scary.
Again, there's a lot of things that have happened over the course of this
We're good to go.
You know, major corporations forcing vaccination on all of its workers.
You've got to push back on it.
You've got to take it on, and I understand that people have taken it on in the US and that may have been defeated, but more and more of that stuff has got to happen, lest you will become like us, where we... Yeah, I've been someone who's always been a bit hesitant about the idea of a Bill of Rights, because I figured that a Bill of Rights actually limits the amount of rights that you might have.
Right now,
I'm almost down on my knees begging that we actually have a Bill of Rights so that we can point to some document to say you cannot do this government.
This is wrong.
We don't have that.
Well, it's definitely directed again by the multinational corporations who admit that this is the new normal.
It's about cutting carbon.
It's about tracking and controlling us with a vaccine passport.
Oh, yeah.
And then lock us down at first and let us out.
Give us our freedom back.
But we never really get all of our freedoms back because we've now been given
Permission to go outside.
We've now been licensed to be able to go to the store.
We've now shown our little internal passport, like they have in North Korea, to travel.
This is just insane.
And I've seen regional police there in New South Wales and other areas are now being told
We're going to call you on your phone.
If you don't answer in 15 minutes, we're going to come arrest you.
You've got to FaceTime us and prove that you're in your house or where we say you're allowed to be with the phone tracking app because they know people can just leave the phone at home and still go out and be somewhat free.
So they're like, no, you stay by your phone and we're going to call you and then we're going to arrest you if you don't answer.
I mean, that just sounds freakish.
And then in New Zealand, they're saying stuff like,
Don't look at the sun.
Don't talk to your neighbors.
And by the way, if you have the Vax Pass, you can go in your neighbor's house and use the bathroom.
I mean, this is like surreal.
This is like a Monty Python skit.
It certainly is.
And to think that those people that developed that app
We're patting themselves on the back for it.
I mean, what they just did is brought a little bit of communist China, a little bit of Beijing into Australia.
That sort of stuff is, it should be anathema to any free, freedom-loving democracy, but yet here it is.
Alex, it's, that's the worst of it, right?
Having to have a little phone that you sort of stare into to show Big Brother that you actually are where you say you are.
But every time we go anywhere in Australia right now, whether it be a cafe, a supermarket, wherever,
We actually have to scan in.
We actually have to tell the government where we are.
We have a QR code.
We get our phones and we put them up there, like good little citizens, and we scan in and tell them where we are at any given time.
And there are people saying that that should last forever.
Stay right there.
Final segment with George Christensen.
Finish that point, we come back.
Stay with us.
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It's only been in the last 60 years that we've had satellites that can decently measure what's happening in the atmosphere.
But if you look at all the different studies and reports about NASA and other governments and other agencies, they all disagree on what's really happening to the climate.
The only constant, the only great truth is change is the only constant.
So yes, climate change is totally real.
But notice first they called it global freezing back in the 70s and 80s and then it's gonna be global warming and that didn't really happen the way they wanted it to.
Okay, now it's just climate change.
But did you know that man-made climate change
...is a real thing when it comes to the United Nations and the Department of Energy and Bill Gates and the UN.
They have weather control treaties from 1979.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Alright, final segment with George Christensen joining us from
The authoritarian police state that Australia has devolved into, all under the Great Reset, all under the auspices of the United Nations.
And they even call it Build Back Better.
They even say that that's what they're doing.
They're transferring a great, open, free society into a tyranny.
Simply incredible.
So I was asking our guest
What's your take?
What we can do as Americans and others.
I mean, I've said it and I'm going to do it soon.
I'm going to go to D.C.
or New York and I'm going to protest at the Australian Embassy for people there that are being arrested if they protest.
I mean, this is a big deal that a major Western country that I wanted to visit someday is now turning into North Korea.
This is so dangerous.
They have the domino theory with communism.
Well, this is corporate fascism here.
I just go back to how incredibly dangerous this is.
So, what is your message to the rest of the world?
Well, Australia has changed fundamentally and we do need help.
But, you know, I do want to send out an SOS to the rest of the world, the rest of the free world.
Please stand with us.
Please support us.
And every time we see people out there protesting, whether it be in front of an embassy or elsewhere, protesting for our rights in Australia, it really does embolden the patriots, the people who are for freedom in our country.
What else?
Would you like to be able to say to Parliament in your speeches, because I've watched quite a few of them, they're all excellent, but they talk over all of them, just addressing your Parliament, addressing the Australian people, in closing, spend four or five minutes or however much time you'd like, just recapping and getting on record what's really going on.
Well, I touch once again on that point of civil disobedience.
I'm a peaceful person.
I'm not calling for violence in any way, shape or form.
But we need to oppose bad laws and laws that are coming in that actually say because you are not double vaccinated, because you haven't partaken in a provisionally approved medical procedure, that you can't hold the job
That you can't go to a cafe, can't go to a restaurant, can't go to a hospital unless you're in some sort of health emergency.
All of this sort of stuff is against our human rights and we need to oppose it.
We need to oppose it vigorously.
Peacefully, but vigorously.
Because if we don't oppose it, well Alex, there's an old saying, you can't comply your way out of tyranny.
You really can't.
The only way that tyranny is going to end is when enough people say, no, we don't accept it.
And for those people out there who have been brainwashed by the mainstream corporate media, and I know there's probably none listening or viewing your show that would be Alex, but you know, these are your fellow citizens.
These are your neighbours.
These are your mates.
These are your brothers, your sisters, your relatives, who are being just screwed down
By Big Brother, by big corporations.
Because of what?
Because they've decided something about their own personal health situation.
It's not something that people should be de-platformed for.
It's not something that people should be de-professional for.
It's not something that people should be rubbed out of polite society for or lose their jobs for.
But yet it's happening.
So people who may have chosen to go and take the vaccine and that's their choice, but they too should be up in arms over this because if they can do it,
For this, they can do it for anything.
You mentioned climate change a segment ago, Alex.
There are people, there are pinhead academics out there and bureaucrats out there who are actually suggesting that climate change is such an emergency, we could have lockdowns for that.
We could have restrictions for that.
Once they do it successfully for one particular problem, it then becomes a tool in the shed to actually deploy for any other sort of thing that they think is a crisis or a problem.
And they will do this over and over again in the future if we don't actually say, no, enough is enough.
Our freedom is more important than your agenda.
And that's what we need to do right now.
Very well said.
In the few minutes we have left, I have the German government, the British government admitting you're twice as likely to die for whatever reason after you've been double jabbed.
It's not a vaccine.
They now admit that after six months of Pfizer or Moderna, you basically have less immunity than you had before.
Now they're talking about shots every few months.
I mean, this is crazy.
Whenever the head of Pfizer says a month later is an executive order, not just where you're at, but here.
We're rapidly moving towards where Australia is, and it's just a nightmare situation.
So you talk about civil disobedience.
And not being violent.
I totally agree, but here's the thing.
They're being violent to us.
They're beating us up when we try to go protest, even in a lot of Democrat cities.
Last year that was happening.
I saw it with my own eyes.
They're coming after us with a GMO, unapproved, dangerous shot, saying my body belongs to them.
So they're the ones engaged in violence, and I really hope that they can be defeated peacefully.
I gotta tell you, this is really, really a dark situation.
That's why everybody better get involved peacefully now, so that we don't have to have the other option because we're so cornered and under such attack.
That's right, but look, I hope that the violence that they deploy against peace-loving people will be seen for what it is and spur more people on to join our freedom movement because we need all hands on deck.
You're right, I always thought that logic would win out at the end of the day, Alex, and the logic is that these shots, they wane in efficacy.
And so a fully vaccinated person standing next to someone who hasn't had the jab, there is actually probably no difference in transmission or protection or anything else after a certain period of time.
So why the need for this medical segregation?
But logic isn't going to win out because we see fear being clumped into the populace.
What we need is a movement.
What we need is people to be rising up and just saying, no, we are not going to obey bad laws.
I firmly believe that.
That's not just a George Christensen view or an Alex Jones view.
That's the view of the greats throughout history.
Jesus Christ was civilly disobedient.
Mahatma Gandhi.
Martin Luther King.
These people have actually changed their societies because they stood up to the powers that be and said, no, the rights of the people and freedom are far more important than your bad tyrannical laws.
Absolutely, and again we can put it on screen, in the UK and Germany where they have similar systems of accounting for it, twice as likely to die if you've been double jabbed.
They don't say why, and why is heart attacks up 60 plus percent, I mean 60 plus times, excuse me, in footballers.
It's simply incredible.
Well, George Christensen, we need more leaders like you all over the world.
Thank you for staying up so late.
I hope everybody will visit your Substack and read and share your articles.
to join us.
Their plans are crumbling.
We're winning.
Anywhere else people can follow your important work?
Also, georgechristensen.com.au.
All right.
That's right, and I'm on Facebook, Parler, Telegram, Getter, Twitter, YouTube, all of them if people want to follow me and then to Alex.
Thank you very much for the opportunity.
Thank you for all the time and God bless.
Wow, powerful.
All right.
Okay, I got a lot to cover next hour and a special guest too joining us, but I mean that's just, it's mind-blowing to actually be living this and to know
That of course it doesn't work.
Of course they've got to give you more and more shots.
It's designed to erase your immune system.
I said that 20 months ago.
It's not like I just started saying it.
It's a plan.
And all I can say is thank God I'm seeing so many beautiful people, and I mean beautiful souls, totally wake up like...
Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and now someone also physically beautiful, Laura Logan.
I mean, that just is, if you miss what she said, I'll play it at the start of the show, I'll play it again next hour, where she explains it all.
Absolutely explains it all.
When she says, the great thing to understand is, is that this is a problem they've created that doesn't have a solution, so they can just keep taking over and getting power.
And that's exactly what's happening.
Hour number three is coming up here, folks.
This is a total war.
I'm risking my life to fight these people because I know we're going to be enslaved and killed anyway, so I might as well fight.
We can beat these bastards.
In fact, things aren't going well for them.
They're going to double down, so they're going to hurt those of us that are the leadership that don't back down.
That's okay.
I don't want them hurting children and innocent people, so I'm designed to go up against these people.
I just get pissed that I'm not eloquent enough or strong enough to work even more.
I'll keep running until my heart blows.
I'm like a horse.
Just please keep us in the fight and please financially support us because we are in this fight together.
We've got great products you need.
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But I really want you to sit back and cogitate or meditate on the fact that those of you that have supported my broadcast and InfoWars over the years have changed the world in incredible ways.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Behavioral psychology is being used as a weapon against the people of planet Earth.
But it is the
Populations of former wealthy open Western societies that are under attack because our free nations, despite their problems, they're free, compared to the globalist plan, are not compatible with their system.
And people are going to see us being free, and they're going to see free market capitalism working, and they're going to see the success, and they're going to want to be part of Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates's world order.
And that's why they are devaluing our currency right now.
That's why they're devaluing our morals.
That's why they're undermining us and trying to break our will.
We tell you a trick.
Instead of letting them break your will, take every challenge as if it's wind in your sails.
Enjoy the persecution and enjoy the pain.
And you will become stronger than you could ever imagine.
It doesn't mean you're perfect.
It doesn't mean you're a masochist.
It doesn't mean at certain levels you don't dislike it.
But by letting yourself know that it's pain you've got to go through to protect the children, it will actually become pleasure.
And once you have engaged in that alchemy, and once people have attacked you and lied about you and you forgive them as Christ said,
It absolutely devastates them.
And they don't know what to do.
It heaps hot burning coals upon them, as Christ said.
And you don't even want to do that to them.
But when you transcend them, when they no longer have the power over you, it's beautiful.
And I've been a very angry person.
I've hated the globalists.
And I've repented and I've worked on that.
And I have to tell you that in just the last few years, my stress level, despite all these attacks, has gone way down.
Because I've learned to forgive my enemies.
It doesn't mean I don't prosecute them.
It doesn't mean that I don't go after them.
It doesn't mean that I don't attack them for what they're doing to stop them.
But I don't let them get me to hate them.
No, that's a powerful source of resistance.
But in the end, it turns back on you and hurts you.
When you do it because you love your children and you love the truth and you love God.
When you do it because you understand it's your office to stand up against evil.
Then the power of love is so much stronger and so much more fulfilling.
Yes, I can go into a rage and I can pull somebody's head off their body.
But I could do it even more powerfully through love if I had to protect my children.
And it's not about using an analogy like that to sit there and act tough.
We're not going to win this by pulling people's heads off.
We're going to win this by standing up against evil and being an example to others and quite frankly, in many cases, being Christ-like, letting them destroy us and crush us and slice us up and hurt us as men.
And women can step into that office as well.
But it's really men's jobs to fight evil.
Evil should be hiding under the rocks.
It should be scared to even come out at 3 a.m.
Instead, it's everywhere pissing and crapping on us and laughing and reveling in what it's doing because good people have stopped standing up against it.
Okay, look, most of the time I get in here and I cover like three stacks out of 20, but today I really need to at least hit on some of these other stacks because they're really important and a lot of it's today's news.
Some of it's news I didn't get to from yesterday that's really revealing.
And so when we come back, I'm going to just try to plow through all of this as fast as I can.
And more than this just being scientific news, which a lot of it is, it's really news in spin.
And how the orthodoxy of one day's deception changes the next day, and now we're having to watch mainstream corporate media engage in stuff that Winston was doing fictitiously in 1984, or in a fictional system.
We got articles here where in live time the system's having to go back and change what they just said and edit things in real time.
We also have Wikipedia deleting criticism of communism and saying the communists never killed anybody!
Man, you know we're in deep, deep, deep crap.
But you know what?
All those babies that didn't get born and got chopped up?
Or all the prisoners being used for medical experiments?
Nobody helped them.
And so now God's gonna dump us straight into what we allowed to happen.
See how that works?
And now you're gonna have to decide which side you're on.
None of you are gonna get out of this.
You understand that?
There are so many crap.
We have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
So right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning, and it's only going to run until the end of the month.
And that's now only six, seven days.
Infowar store official Black Friday special has arrived.
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It's our bestseller.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the key amino acids, everything you need for your immune system and your body.
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Bet on freedom, bet on InfoWars, bet on yourself and get great products.
The only way you fail is not taking action at InfoWarsTore.com.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Looking for adventure.
And whatever comes our way!
Couldn't do that in Communist Russia.
Can't do that in Communist China.
Can't do it in North Korea.
Can't do it in Australia.
Can't do it in many areas of Europe.
Can't do it... No, the tyranny's here.
And as you notice, it just gets more and more intense.
Because they're getting ready to plunge the world economy.
Getting ready to bring in the new World ID.
And from there, it just gets worse.
Submission is death.
Ain't nothin' gonna make it happen!
Crank it up, baby!
Fire all your guns at once!
Explode into space!
We have to stop caring what the globalists say.
We have to stop caring about being ridiculed and lied about.
I love having thousands of articles lie about me.
I love the criminals trying to indict me.
I love them coming after me!
Because I'm now making up for my children that I had chopped up and thrown in garbage cans.
I'm not proud of that.
I'm ashamed of it.
But you know what?
I can just feel the chains that were wrapped around me that I was going to carry for eternity and taken away.
I'm like a little birdie now.
I can fly.
Oh, thank you, God.
I'm a wretched sinner.
Thank you.
Thank you for cleansing me on a millisecond to millisecond moment.
Thank you for giving me the knowledge of good.
Thank you for your Holy Spirit.
Okay, let's hit it.
There's a lot of these, and so I'm just going to move quick through them.
Forbes had an article coming out saying, yes, the vaccines, the mRNA changes your DNA, but it's good for you.
And there was a big backlash.
They went, hey, buddy, you're not supposed to say that.
Remember, until two years ago, articles everywhere, hey, we're going to change your DNA with mRNA.
You're going to live forever.
It's the keys of the universe.
It's so incredible.
And then we're like, hey, it changes your DNA, blah, blah, blah.
Oh, no, no!
Alex Jones is a liar!
Fact check, fact check!
You know, fact checkers, nobody's locking down in Australia either.
Earlier we were showing, if you're a radio listener, you didn't see them, headlines where fact-checking sites are saying, oh, no one's locking anything down in Australia.
We don't call making you stay in your house on lockdown.
So it's all gaslighting.
So this Steven Salzberg,
Writes this article titled, yes, the vaccine changes your DNA a tiny bit.
That's a good thing.
There's the original URL name.
But, oh, COVID vaccines don't alter your DNA.
They help choose cells to strengthen your immune response.
How nice.
Let me show you what these actually do, because they can really give you mRNA.
They do have patented mRNA that will, like, go destroy skin cancer.
Now, a small percentage of people have liver failure after they take it, but, you know, I mean, they can do good things with this stuff, okay?
But it's dangerous.
You're playing with fire here.
But what they gave us kills us with blood clots and spike protein and turning your cells off.
And I'm going to show you mainline studies in a moment.
So, oh, it doesn't just jack with your DNA.
It's a photon torpedo.
It's a 12-gauge double-aught buck right into it.
The studies we showed you Sunday and again yesterday say it causes the worst kind of double DNA severing.
Because he can cut one part of a spiral and he knows how to repair itself.
No repair!
Ha ha ha ha!
The worst weapon you can have!
Of course it is!
Bill Gates wants you dead!
He has the will!
The earth is his, he believes!
And he wants all the people he sees off of it!
That's his spirit!
And you just sit there with this raving murderer!
It's leering over you, and people are lining their children up to take the shots that erase their immune system, and as they get sicker and sicker, Bill Gates will say, more shots, more shots, and they know the Stockholm Syndrome, the mothers will go and murder their children, liberal, liberal, liberal, because they want to be accepted by Satan at a subconscious level.
They bring their children to drag queen pedophile time.
They know what they're doing.
So let me just show you.
We've got a whole bunch of these.
But guys, pull up that stack I was showing earlier because I must have double-printed the article because I had this guy's article and a whole stack of studies about it severing the DNA.
Oh, I found it!
There was another article under it.
Here it is.
This is a major study.
SARS-CoV-2 spike impairs DNA.
Damage repair and inhibits VDJ recombination in vitro.
And it goes on that what is in the vaccine creates the same spike protein and does indeed destroy your cells.
Either turns them off, kills them, or creates cancer.
How liberal!
Non-homogeneous DNA enjoining and alternative pathways to double-strand break repair.
Boy, it really does a nice thing.
The tangled history of mRNA vaccines and why they can't do it for 20 years is it kills so many people.
But now just do it in mass.
And it goes on and on.
So, there is this writer going and changing his headline because he accidentally told the truth and obviously got told.
No, no, no, no.
Don't throw it in their face.
We told them it doesn't change their DNA.
Shut up.
People don't like eating a GMO tomato.
Don't tell them we're making them GMO.
Giving them cancer so the earth thaws.
I mean, just imagine these fricking people, man.
I mean, you look at Gates and you look at Fauci and you're like,
They're just killing everybody.
And that's who they are.
That's Joseph Mingala on steroids, baby.
Since he was a little kid, he was part of eugenics societies.
His dad ran it.
His mommy ran it.
He's been on a mission to kill you.
And you know what?
If you don't stand up and say no, you deserve to die.
That's the thing.
If you don't stand up for the children, well then, God I guess just sent Fauci and Gates to kill us.
Doesn't mean they're not
Demons, night crawlers, but at the same time, if you don't fight the demons, they just become your judgment, don't they?
Oh, look at this!
This is not the Babylon Bee, this is real.
The Socialist Party of Great Britain really tweeted that Communism hasn't ever been tried.
The London Telegraph, the Wikipedia entry detailing mass killings under communist regimes, faces being purged, oh how communist, from the platform over fears about bias.
Oh my God!
You can't be biased against Mao Zedong, who killed 80 million people.
No, no, no.
It should be deleted, says the Socialist Party, due to ignorance.
The Soviet Union, China, etc.
never had communism.
A class-free society in which the people collectively own and control the means of production.
It only ever had state capitalism.
Oh, that's why we gotta keep having a few people over everything to run everything and live like kings.
It's not slavery in North Korea.
No, no, no.
It's capitalism.
Mass killing under communist regimes.
Here is the big Wikipedia section and it says it's under review and about to be deleted because it's racist to say Mao shouldn't have killed 80 million Chinese.
I'm not joking.
That's the control.
That's the censorship.
And all over the EU they're installing communists to run it and now calling for a super state which gives you permission via an app to leave your home or shop at the store.
Just like that, North Korea.
Antifa member who took an axe to the Senate offices and tried to attack people with it was given probation and his axe back.
Because he's part of the revolution.
He's part of the big banker takeover.
He works for George Soros.
He's on the winning team, he thinks.
Okay, that's just one stack.
I've got a lot more here.
I've got all these stacks.
Let me just start getting started on this.
Oh, this is the whole Ghislaine Maxwell stack.
Surprise, surprise, as Gomer Powell used to say.
Surprise, surprise, Sergeant.
As Ghislaine Maxwell trial opens, FAA accidentally reveals over 700 previously unknown Jeffrey Epstein flights.
Oh, the FAA overproduced the logs, and it wasn't Bill Clinton 28 times.
No, it was Bill Clinton hundreds of times.
It wasn't Bill Gates five times.
It was Bill Gates
Oh, and now they're saying, wait a minute, looks like there's even more!
Oh, the FAA was involved covering up pedophile flights?
Really, you think so?
You think the government might have a bunch of pedophiles in it?
Who will do anything for their god, Satan!
Declare war on Satan today!
Join Christ!
Break free!
Vomit out the corruption.
Have the Holy Spirit cleanse you.
Or join these Satanists in a black hole for eternity.
As for me, I can feel the power of the people rising.
We'll be right back.
If you're concerned about the power... Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
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But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A.
But we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court with your support.
Go to SaveInfoWars.com now and give your donation to save the First Amendment.
SaveInfoWars.com and God bless America.
God created each and every one of us with free will.
Well, we look at the world system now openly announcing the Mark of the Beast.
Everything that it's attempting to do is built around getting rid of our free will and making us bow down and submit and turn our very bodies, our very productivity, our very genetics, our very
Future over to them.
They want control of procreation.
They want control of the relationships between men and women.
They want to bring a form of living death to our society and our civilization.
All of us were formed and made in God's mind and God's image and given free will.
And make no mistake, all of you alive today were created by God to be alive in this special time so that you could make the right decision in free will and stand against evil.
And then, for eternity, win the great birthright prize of being aligned with God.
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There are so many crappy brands of energy products, energy drinks, energy powders, energy pills.
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Horrible crashes and
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All of the nootropic products that we sell at mfoilworkstore.com are clean, are pure, are highest quality, and they're long-lasting, and they help focus your mind.
And right now, our strongest product, the three nootropics we have,
RainForce Plus, RainForce Ultra, and TurboForce are back in stock at InfoWareStore.com.
TurboForce has been sold out for more than six months.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is older, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze.
Country roads take me home to the place I belong.
West Virginia, Mountain Mama,
By the way, let me go back to one of the articles I was covering earlier.
Because this is a mass purge off of Wikipedia.
And the media then uses something on Wikipedia as if it's gospel.
So if something's called racist, it's then banned.
And the banks will use this.
Oh, you use the term cultural Marxism, the ADL, who's our boss now, our ruler, our master, they say that's anti-Semitic.
Cultural Marxism?
I mean, Saul Alensky was Jewish.
He did call for cultural Marxism, but it's the ideology that's bad.
You're the one making it about Jews.
So now, mass killings under communism is under review being taken down.
Because the communists didn't kill anybody.
Well now, cultural Marxism
Used to break down what it was.
Well, now you can't.
It just doesn't exist.
There's no communism.
And communists never killed anybody either.
And, oh, an SUV attacked all those people in Waukesha, too, right?
That's the mind control.
All the major media.
Oh, it was a SUV attack.
They're talking about putting barriers up everywhere now.
So the truck attacks.
Remember in Europe?
Oh, a truck attack that killed, you know, 89 people in Nice, France, and ran over 200 more plus.
It was a truck.
The guy was like screaming, Allah Akbar, doing it, but that's okay.
Besides, you don't want to get the, uh, you don't want to get the, uh,
ADL mad at you.
I mean, the ADL is an authoritarian group.
And if it was Chinese running, and I'd say that.
If it was Japanese running, and it was Russians, it was Mexicans.
Those group of Mexicans that were running around taking everybody's free speech away and saying, arrest Alex Jones for his speech.
They said that two years ago at the ADL banquet.
Sacha Baron Cohen.
I'd say, man, that's a dangerous as hell group right there.
And of course,
Can you imagine what it's like for all the nice, wonderful Jewish people out there, like Dr. Zelenko and others who I just love, who are great spirits, who then have these weird criminal groups saying they represent them, going out attacking and bullying people, and then hiding behind Jews?
It's un-American, it's dangerous, and it's evil!
And it must be stopped!
And I don't say shut them down or arrest them, I'm saying they must be stopped in silencing us!
They don't want us to really come together under God.
They don't want us coming together, and we're very close to that.
They want to bring us under communism, under AI, and the false unity.
The false collective of Klaus Schwab saying you will no longer live in cities or towns, you will live in communes.
And then it shows dystopic pits in the ground at the UN building.
The video's on Bandot Video.
Now look at this.
As Ghislaine Maxwell trip opens,
FAA accidentally reveals 700 previous unknown Jeffrey Epstein flights.
Isn't that just cute?
Getting no national attention.
Gateway Pundit has it.
Infowars has it.
As the trial for Gisling Maxwell opens, the Federal Aviation Administration accidentally released data on over 700 previously unknown Jeffrey Epstein flights on private jets.
Oh, gee!
I wonder how many prosecutors, how many lawyers, how many people helped cover up?
Oh, but the local sheriff's department didn't cover up, and that's why this is all starting to go down.
That's all it takes is a few good people to stand up and say, you know what?
I'm not signing on to screwing kids and killing kids.
Believe me, they kill a bunch of these kids.
Believe me, you don't want to screw kids, I don't either.
If you don't fight these people, you're as bad as Jeffrey Epstein.
Selfish, arrogant, full of himself, in love with himself, cut off from God, a cursed man!
And anyone that tries to silence us exposing this is cursed as well.
And I'm not doing some mumbo-jumbo voodoo here.
I'm not the one cursing you.
I'm saying you curse yourself, cutting yourself off from God, and I wouldn't want to be you.
Jeffrey Epstein got out of this easy.
Maxwell is known for her close association with financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who died in jail.
According to the insider, the records reveal 704 previously unknown flights taken by Epstein's planes.
These include hundreds of trips from a three-year gap in the public record for 2013-2016, when the jet's movements were unaccounted for, after he was a convicted sex trafficker.
And it goes on and on and on.
I'm told the war room is going to be covering this a lot today.
It's shocking news as the Ghislaine trial kicks off this week.
Funny that the FAA accidentally leaked these.
You're not supposed to be covering them up.
They're supposed to be public.
Release them.
And that's what's going to happen.
People are going to release records.
And I'm sad this is going to happen, but you know people aren't going to be able to help themselves.
I wonder if big tech runs databases on their security people when their family members die from the shots.
Because I just know how the universe works and I don't think, I know you're going to see a lot of globalists that are going to start meeting horrible ends starting a while back ago.
It's already happening.
You're not going to kill us so easily.
You're not going to just have your way with us and murder millions of children with your shots and we're going to just sit here and watch it happen.
I'm going to be as peaceful as a dove and wise as a serpent.
See, I'm not a serpent like you, but I'm wise like one.
I have the knowledge of evil.
I've studied these people.
I've dialed into their wavelength.
In fact, I'm dialing into it right now, and I think a lot of you are as well.
And it's not pretty, is it?
And it's not fun to have to look at it.
But you know what?
I'd walk a mile
Through nails and glass to save my children, and then I'd walk a mile more until I died.
Because that's my instinct, that's my spirit, that's where the wind's pushing me, that's where God's guiding me.
We've got to do it.
This shouldn't be a job to fight evil.
You should be thrust and pushed by the Holy Spirit.
You should feel a driving energy to peacefully speak out and warn these globalists.
That they will fail.
They will fall.
But they already know that.
They're already blackmailed.
They're already controlled.
There's a tiny group, less than a hundred people, that run all of this.
Who are beyond evil.
And really believe that they're going to transcend humanity.
But their God demands that we all be killed first.
And then they'll be given the secrets of the universe and be given life extension.
And that's the process right now.
And so that's where we stand.
All right, I only got to a fraction of this stuff.
You know, I know all the inside baseball on the Twitter CEO stepping down, and at least the inside baseball from the highest levels.
I don't know if that's accurate, though.
God knows, because there's wheels within wheels.
We've got a special guest popping in as well, but I'll get to the Jack Dorsey news.
And we've got a bunch of other news here, where the media is now saying the right to jury trials is a bad thing.
If you're concerned about the power grid, we have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
So right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning and it's only going to run until the end of the month.
And that's now only six, seven days.
Infowar store official Black Friday special has arrived.
Ladies and gentlemen, people love it.
It's our best seller.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the key amino acids, everything you need for your immune system and your body.
And it tastes great.
And it funds the InfoWar.
It is back in stock 40% off with free shipping and double Patreon points.
And so much more at InfoWarStore.com.
It's only six, seven days left in the biggest sale of 2021.
Bet on InfoWars.
Bet on freedom.
Bet on yourself and get great products.
The only way you fail is not taking action at InfoWarsStore.com.
InfoWars Get Prepared Mega Blowout Sale 2021 is live right now.
The biggest sale of the year.
Free shipping store-wide, double Patriot points.
And products like Turbo Force 10-hour clean energy.
A listener favorite.
Back in stock, 40% off.
Again, with free shipping, double Patriot points.
On top of that, we also have DNA Force Plus with the PQQ, the CoQ10 to clean out your cells, to boost your immune system.
It's the Rolls Royce of this.
It's 40% off.
And now we have Super Coral Calcium Toothpaste.
I know you're like me.
I know you're humble.
But I really want you to sit back and cogitate or meditate
On the fact that those of you that have supported my broadcast and InfoWars over the years have changed the world in incredible ways.
And now, as 2021 prepares to end and 2022 begins to dawn, it is more important than ever that you realize how important you are and that you be more active than you've ever been.
The tip of the spear is Band.Media.
The very front lines of the fight for human liberty is InfoWars.com.
And we can't stay on air without your support, so thank you all for your support.
Donate to our legal defense fund to stay on the air at SaveInfoWars.com, at SaveInfoWars.com, and continue to go to InfoWarsStore.com, where right now, we've got Turbo Force, sold out for months, 10 hours of energy, back in stock with free shipping, 40% off, and so many other great products.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Bad news travels like wildfire.
Good news travels slow.
Y'all call me wildfire.
Everybody knows hell I'm bad news.
Everywhere I go,
But the only reason we're bringing you the bad news is so you can avoid it and help others and help yourselves get out of it.
It is living in denial that has gotten us where we are today.
Alright, I've been trying to get these guys on for a few months and I'm really glad that Eric Tallman can come on the broadcast because I've gotten hundreds of questions on the street and just tons of emails and calls here to the office saying, tell us about satellite phones.
Well, this isn't something that just the military has anymore, and the cost has gone way down on them.
And they've got compact models.
But I don't have them on the infomercial here.
They're already a sponsor.
I wanted to get them on so that we would have an informational video to link up on the site at InfoWarsPhone.com so people can find out about satellites, phones, and why they're so important.
Can't get tracked, can't get traced, can't get controlled, can take regular cell phone calls or landline calls.
But then, as long as you can see the sky, call anybody you want.
In this day and age, it's crazy not to have them.
And so they've got two different models.
It's one of the best deals you're going to find out there.
They've got a deal where you can get a free phone.
But that's, again, not the real reason he's here, but I'm plugging it.
It's InfoWarsPhone.com.
Eric Tallman is the Executive VP of the Satellite Phone Store.
Eric is the number one mobile satellite communications expert in America.
The Satellite Phone Store has partnered with InfoWars and InfoWarsPhone.com to directly bring the consumer the latest in satellite phones and staying in touch with friends and family when the grid and networks fail.
And so Eric joins us to discuss the importance of satellite communications and off-the-grid technology during a national or global crisis.
I've got it at my house.
I've got it in my car.
I already had one I bought years ago.
It was a lot more expensive.
It didn't work as well.
These are amazing.
And this is something where when the satellite cell phone grids go down or when anything happens, you've got a backup.
But I also like it because it doesn't track you.
And I love the new compact model as well.
So Eric Tallman, thanks for coming on with us today.
Man, I'm excited to be here with you, and hopefully we can share some information and education about satellite for all the listeners out there, so people can be more well-prepared in kind of these trying times that we're going through these days.
I mean, what are some of the basic reasons people should have a satellite phone, and why should they get the phones at InfoWars Phone?
Because I know you're one of the biggest suppliers out there.
You supply a lot of the military, you supply a lot of the Border Patrol.
I mean, you guys are one of the biggest sellers of phones.
I think it's our experience.
You know, me along with a lot of the other staff have been here over 10 years.
I'm going on 16 years right out of college and we're all really passionate about helping people connect.
We've all lived through hurricanes, ice storms, fires, all kinds of stuff where we've had to adapt and help people respond faster.
So all that experience we have, everyone gets to leverage pretty much.
Well, talk about these particular phone units and how they work.
I mean, obviously everybody knows it's connected to a satellite, it picks up a satellite frequency, but it's just amazing technology and it's becoming more and more affordable.
Yeah, really quick, there's two major networks in the world.
You got Iridium,
And you got MRSAT.
Iridium is a US company and MRSAT is a UK company.
They're both great companies.
My favorite tends to be the MRSAT.
It's a little bit less expensive.
It's a solid phone.
But if I get into places where there's a lot of mountains or I'm up above 39 degrees north,
I've found that sometimes the Iridium just works a little bit better at those high latitudes.
So, the Iridium phone that we have, it's available, there's a 12-month plan and a 24-month plan.
Both of them include the phone for free.
The MR-SAT, there's a 12-month plan and it comes with the phone for free.
So that ranges about $100 up to $170.
And you can get either one of these phones included per month with minutes, rollover.
Neat thing about both phones, real quick that everybody should learn.
It's amazingly clear.
It's a lot clearer than your Skype, I can tell you that.
Well, I apologize about that.
We got pretty good fiber here at the office, but I don't know.
It's just funny.
It's just fun.
I know.
It's just interesting.
No, I mean, when I use mine, it's extremely, extremely clear.
So, MRSAT phone, workhorse of the company, and just thousands of them.
And right now, if you want one, we still have about 500 of these left that just came in that we can still get delivered before Christmas.
So, if you want to go online, InfoWarsPhone.com, click on that MRSAT phone.
You're going to be able to order it online.
We are a small company, so we might not be able to take all the phone calls, but it's a great place to go.
Pick it out online.
You can check out and still get one.
Thank you.
I think, you know, everyone has their own opinions, but I've often believed the Chinese are going to do like a bio attack on us.
We're living through it.
And here it is.
And it's not just an attack on our health.
It's also an attack on our economy, on supply chain.
So it's no secret why these devices and many other electronics and other parts aren't as available as they used to be.
So we're bypassing middlemen right to the carriers, right to the manufacturers, picking them up at the factories, bringing them back ourselves.
We're doing stuff we've never had to do before.
We're good to go.
And you're patriots.
And so there's so many deals out there that aren't good.
So I was like, well, this is a great company.
Steve Quayle likes them.
And it's one of the best deals out there.
And you've actually got them and ship them.
I see a lot of complaints from folks saying other places claim they have them.
They order them, then they make them wait a month.
You guys, I'm told, don't even take the order unless you've actually got them.
And as you said, you're going to sell out very, very quickly because the demand is so massive.
Yeah, and once we hit that 500, the website changes and it lets people know, okay, your new delivery date is this.
So we've had to actually do this to accommodate for it.
We weren't used to running out of phones since...
Last time we ran out of phones is 2017, Hurricane Maria, where tens of thousands of satellite phones got deployed.
It's also where we learned about solar panels and backup battery packs and other things that actually make it last.
These satellite phones will last you 100 hours standby, 8 hours straight talk time.
But if you're like Hurricane Maria or Texas ice storms, you could be out for days if not weeks or months.
And I want to explain something, folks.
If you don't want to be tracked by contact tracers or this criminal government, these criminal systems, leave your cell phone at home or put it in a Faraday cage.
These, you don't have to do that with.
These are not tracked by the cell tower GPS triangulation, but they still take cell phone calls.
That's what's amazing is that under your system, the incoming calls are free.
You only pay for the minutes that you use.
They roll over.
That's why you guys have the best deal?
I think so.
We're the only one who do a free phone promotion.
You know, we kind of thought about it.
And the cell phone company is like, wow, if you bring down the cost so everybody can use it, more people get the benefit and then we grow too.
So that is our model.
And yet it's not really done anywhere else.
Well, Eric Tallman, I want to get you in studio sometime, but I was also thinking, let's get you out in the field with a clear Skype or Zim connection, because I was thinking this myself, and then have you on air with us via the sat phones.
People hear how incredibly clear it is, because it's amazing, and it's something I think everybody really should get.
And I want to thank you guys for being such a great sponsor as well.
You really helped keep us on air and you helped us actually expand a little bit.
And I also want to thank listeners for supporting our sponsors as well.
But again, I only promote things I believe in.
Everybody needs a satellite phone that can afford one.
These are very, very affordable.
And so this is something that everybody needs and start using it, folks.
It's very, very easy to use.
Yeah, Alex, I really look forward today to being there with you, and I totally think doing a remote shot will be really cool.
I set those up for a lot of companies and people, from our big satellite dishes to sat phones, so I'll be happy to get on.
Amazing, we'll do it.
Folks can also call you 941-955-1020 and ask for the Alex Jones Special.
That's 941-955-1020, ask for the Alex Jones Special.
Thank you so much, Eric Tallman.
We'll be back with more breaking news.
We have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
So, right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning, and it's only going to run until the end of the month, and that's now only 6-7 days.
InfoWars store official Black Friday special has arrived.
Ladies and gentlemen, people love it.
It's our best seller.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the key amino acids, everything you need for your immune system and your body.
And it tastes great.
And it funds the InfoWar.
It is back in stock 40% off with free shipping and double Patriot points.
And so much more at InfoWarStore.com.
It's only six, seven days left in the biggest sale of 2021.
Bet on freedom, bet on InfoWars, bet on yourself, and get great products.
The only way you fail is not taking action at InfoWarsStore.com.
UN-run contact tracers aren't coming.
They're here all over the world, from Australia to the United States, from Canada to Germany.
These tyrants are tracking everything you do, everywhere you go, and then coming to your house and threatening, in some cases actually, taking people away into the night to their facilities.
I think so.
We're good to go.
Infowars, get prepared.
Mega blowout sale 2021 is live right now.
The biggest sale of the year.
Free shipping storewide, double Patriot points and products like Turbo Force 10-hour clean energy.
A listener favorite.
Back in stock 40% off again with free shipping, double Patriot points.
On top of that, we also have DNA Force Plus with the PQQ, the CoQ10 to clean out your cells, to boost your immune system.
It's the Rolls Royce of this.
It's 40% off.
And now we have Super Coral Calcium Toothpaste.
Similar to our previous Coral Biting Toothpaste, but even stronger, even more concentrated, it's now back in stock and discounted with free shipping at InfoWarStore.com.
So many great products available at InfoWarStore.com, so please take advantage of these great products that enrich your life and fund the Info War.
Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
Three years later, and InfoWars is still thriving, thanks to the support of our audience.
But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A.
But we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court.
With your support, go to SaveInfoWars.com now and give your donation to save the First Amendment.
SaveInfoWars.com and God bless America.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
The War Room, 3 p.m.
every day with the great Owen Schroer and of course the amazing Harrison Smith.
Great Day Mornings, 8 a.m.
American Journal.
And I also host Saturday and Sunday shows.
And soon I'm going to start podcasts at least three times a week that are live with special guests and your calls that are going to be commercial light.
I mean, I'll take a few breaks, you know, maybe once an hour, but it's not going to be set times.
And I'm going to be launching that by the middle of January.
Now, let's just give it a date.
January, I think, 18th or 19th is a Monday.
So look for that.
There'll be announcements.
We've got Reset Wars that's going to drop on December 7th.
And so Reset Wars gets into Mind Wars, Spirit Wars.
I'll be telling you more about what that deals with, but it's the real keys to victory and what the enemy doesn't want you to know.
But let's just look at how we're being gaslit by the corporate media.
I wasn't trying to read about myself when this morning at 4.30 a.m.
I got up and I went and got a cup of coffee and I sat down at a desktop computer.
Those are better for your eyes and your brain.
And I just opened up the computer and there was the pop-up
Story, Yahoo News top story.
I just so happen to have Yahoo open.
I don't even go to Yahoo a lot, but it happened to be open.
I'm not even sure why it popped up on my computer.
They're just force feeding this.
I talked to a family who went on an African cruise three years ago.
In South Africa, they flew to Africa and they went on a cruise like Madagascar, you name it.
And in the newspaper that the ship put out, you know, those little three page things, four page things that every morning you get on a cruise, said at the top, Alex Jones sued in Sandy Hook.
In Africa.
Because they're afraid of the populism of this show.
They're afraid of how we're unifying the people together of every race, color, and creed.
They're scared of us.
They're scared of you.
And so they looked at everything I've ever done and said, yeah, Jones questioned this mass shooting.
Because the internet did.
There were major anomalies.
And I always question big events like Jussie Smollett, the Gulf of Tonkin, and fake WMDs in Iraq, and the Roe v. Wade baby was never killed.
That was all fake too.
But, oh, I'm the meanest man in the world.
And they just force-feed it on Twitter, Instagram, everywhere.
I'm not even looking for it.
It's just every day.
Oh, he's mean to families.
Oh, he does these terrible things.
Guess what news I learned yesterday?
Because here's the story out of Yahoo.
Jones wants Sandy Hook, Hulk's case jury, to hear his defense.
Oh, imagine!
He wants a jury to hear his defense because we filed motions in Texas and in Connecticut
Saying, you shouldn't default us.
We turned over everything you asked for.
And you asked for stuff way overly broad, like bank accounts, all this other stuff.
What's that have to do with defamation?
Well, see, they don't want me to have a real trial because they know that we'll get a majority of people on the jury to realize what they said about me is not true.
And still large portions of the American people have serious questions about it.
So imagine you get up and it's just boom!
Alex Jones wants a jury to hear his defense.
Because they just say, I'm guilty in Connecticut, guilty in Texas.
Very rare default.
Like when somebody runs off from the case, doesn't show up.
And so now a jury will decide how guilty I am.
That's not how America works.
And so under the Constitution and laws,
You have to basically just stand down and let them forfeit you.
Under the law, you can still demand that they see the facts of the case.
And so we're filing all that, pointing out we're not giving up our right to bring forward the facts.
Where we just sit there in a fake trial, and all they do is talk about how guilty we are, because the judge said so, and then they order the jury with jury instructions how much money to give them.
I don't care about the money because I don't even have it.
The issue is that when they give them their billion dollar judgment or whatever, seriously, that's an attack on everybody's free speech.
That's a message.
And they're in the Washington Post, they're in the New York Times saying, we're going to use this new default system against Tucker Carlson and Fox News.
We're going to silence everybody.
Let what happened to Alex Jones be a message to everyone.
By the big tech, big democrat, big media bullies.
So you read this article and it's like, yeah, Jones thinks he gets to put forward evidence in front of a jury.
Sorry you didn't give the judge everything she asked for, which isn't even true.
I mean, what a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
What a fraud.
But let me give you one more little example of this.
I was sued over three years ago by these people.
We did the anti-slap thing, exercised our rights to try to appeal it up before it ever even went to a trial.
That's in the Connecticut law.
It's in the Texas law.
And despite the fact that the Texas law says you've got to name somebody or they can't sue you, the Supreme Court said we're still going to let the suit go forward.
We'll rule on that later.
Or the Statue of Limitations.
Or all those things.
But see, they want to set the precedent where all that's gone.
Because we're in the season of all the basic freedoms being taken away.
It's all over the world.
And so they say, you're guilty until proven guilty.
You're guilty until we decide how guilty you are.
Not guilty until proven innocent.
And of course, you're supposed to be innocent
Innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent.
This is worse.
This is guilty until how guilty?
But it gets worse.
We've never deposed, in the Texas cases, three-plus years in, 81,000-plus documents.
It's got to be 50-something depositions of my crew.
I've been deposed by these people twice in Texas alone.
Owen Schroyer read a Zero Hedge article about attacks on us by NBC News and Megyn Kelly.
They just sued him for that.
And then never subpoenaed him, never deposed him in Texas, never gave him a message, never asked for anything, and then defaulted him along with me like he doesn't even exist.
I've talked to dozens of top law firms.
They say they've never heard of that, never seen it.
It means the end of rights in America if this is held up.
They never ask for anything, and they say Owen gave them nothing, and defaulted him.
He's guilty.
They don't even care, folks, about any pretense.
They want to scare you.
They want you to know we'll come get you if you don't let us run our New World Order.
If you don't let us take your guns, and your free speech, and you know, with the drag queen story time the left wants, just all of this evil.
If you don't submit to them, they'll get, well then come get me.
But it gets worse.
In Texas, the judge was considering not ever even letting us depose them, but depositions against me continue.
I'm being deposed this Saturday.
All day by them.
But I never gave them anything.
Just the third time for sitting there all day with them.
And they put it all over the news and all over TV and I'm supposed to do that.
But it gets worse.
Lawyer calls me, he goes, well, they've agreed to you being able to depose them now, three plus years in.
I go, oh my gosh, wow.
Yeah, that's even too obvious for the world if you don't get to depose them.
But there's a catch, and I said, let me know what it is.
The only day they will allow it is on the anniversary of Sandy Hook.
And I said, let me guess.
They're going to have a bunch of news cameras there, and it's going to be these dirty monsters to pose the family on the anniversary.
And even though we know that and are saying that, they won't be able to help themselves.
They've got the HBO hit team there, NBC, all of them.
And they don't even care that you know, because they think as long as they can censor, I'm talking about the corporate media, as long as they can censor everybody, they can have that story for the national news.
That monster Alex Jones.
He deposed them on the day their children died.
And we're like, no, we want this moved.
That's the date you get it or you don't get it at all.
Nope, that's it.
Think about that.
Every advantage that can be twisted, everything that can be done to demonize us and attack us has been committed to, including articles in the Associated Press saying Alex Jones loses defamation suit.
For writing the book, nobody got it, Sandy Hook.
I didn't write the book, I didn't lose that suit, but they used that as a headline and then went to G2 credit rating agency and said he has lost a court case, take his credit, and I lost bank accounts I had for 20 years.
Hardcore, serious harassment, like Hitler did to the Jews, being done to me so they can do it to you, but it's okay.
Because I'm proud to have The Globalist after me.
And we're going to win this fight together because God's on our side.
But I need you to spread the articles and spread the word and expand this transmission because the enemies of freedom fear this broadcast!
Because it's not me.
It's God that's in me and God that's in you they fear.
Hour number four with Paul Joseph Watson and more straight ahead.
We have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
So, right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning, and it's only going to run until the end of the month, and that's now only six, seven days.
InfoWars store official Black Friday special has arrived.
Ladies and gentlemen, people love it.
It's our best seller.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the key amino acids, everything you need for your immune system and your body.
And it tastes great.
And it funds the InfoWar.
It is back in stock 40% off with free shipping and double Patreon points.
And so much more at InfoWarStore.com.
It's only six, seven days left in the biggest sale of 2021.
Bet on freedom, bet on InfoWars, bet on yourself and get great products.
The only way you fail is not taking action at InfoWarsStore.com.
I know you're humble.
I know you're like me.
But I really want you to sit back and cogitate or meditate on the fact that those of you that have supported my broadcast and InfoWars over the years have changed the world in incredible ways.
And now, as 2021 prepares to end, and 2022
It begins to dawn.
It is more important than ever that you realize how important you are and that you be more active than you've ever been.
The tip of the spear is Bandai-Media.
The very front lines of the fight for human liberty is Infowars.com.
And we can't stay on air without your support, so thank you all for your support.
Donate to our legal defense fund to stay on the air.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Let me tell you about a monster.
His name's Alex Jones.
You know what he did?
Yeah, he killed the kids at Sandy Hook.
Well, he didn't really do that, but his name's associated with it, and guess what?
He was so nasty that on the 10th anniversary of the attack, he subpoenaed and then he deposed the families.
Alex Jones poses and tortures family's Andy Hook on anniversary.
That dirty monster.
And that's just one more example of the corporate press just assaulting the truth, assaulting logic, and just hoping, hoping they can get some lunatic to come after us.
And watch, even though I'm exposing this ahead of time, you watch in two weeks, that'll be the headline everywhere.
And so what are we supposed to do?
Okay, okay, we're not going to depose you now.
Jones knows he's such a fraud, he wouldn't even depose the families.
Three and a half years ago, I had this naive lawyer, and he's like, listen, you can get attorney's fees on anti-SLAPP, but let's just waive them as a goodwill gesture.
They ran a headline saying Alex Jones sues Sandy Hook families.
Because we said, well, we still want $1 so we can retain our right to appeal.
So, technically, when someone sues you, you sue them back.
You understand?
So the headline was, Alex Jones, he sued them in the Austin American Statesman.
I mean, just imagine, and see, experiencing this, it's bigger than Sandy Hook and all this.
Because everybody always thought it was synthetic, and looked, you know, like things didn't make sense, and people laughing, and then smiling, and then crying on TV all of a sudden, and all the weird, and the CIA and FBI visiting Adam Lanza, and the house getting torn down, and all the records being sealed, and all the weirdness.
People like questions.
That's their right.
We've been lied to so much.
God, if the media said the sky was blue at high noon, people might not think so, and I wouldn't blame them.
And then, again, I just, it probably happened, mass shootings happened, and I was sick of them every time there was a mass shooting, saying I was denying that that had happened, which I wasn't doing.
So I said, listen, I think it probably happened, just, okay, quit saying I'm the Sandy Hook guy.
And they went, oh my god, you lied on purpose!
We've got you now!
You're now saying it did happen!
And I gotta tell you, after being through all this and watching how everything is twisted and everything is rigged and everything is manipulated to a level that you don't normally even see that much competency in government.
This is like high-level strings here, folks.
To make the populist patriot Alex Jones
The guy that's mean to dead children.
Well, sorry!
It's all going to be about Jeffrey Epstein and the Deep State.
It's all going to be about Fauci and the deadly vaccines.
And the media thinks they're going to have discipline and control the narrative and all this.
God has done this and we will turn these lemons into lemonade.
And so, I mean, this is how they came at me.
This was their move.
This was their angle.
They're trying to put Project Veritas in prison.
They're trying to put Owen Schroer in prison.
They're trying to put all of us that stand up against them in prison.
But they're losing!
The system's failing.
And it is the Jeffrey Epstein, globalist, CIA, Mossad system that literally corrupted all those scientists and gave them little kids to control them that are pushing the forced vaccine narrative.
And look at Alan Dershowitz, you know, was his lawyer and hung out with him a bunch.
I don't know if he did anything with kids, I'm not saying that, but he's out saying, you will take a shot!
We'll put it in your body whenever we want!
Well, I know that's rape.
So I know Alan Dershowitz wants the state to rape me with a GMO injection.
So I got an idea for all these creepy globalists, everybody.
You go hide in your castles and do all your weird crap and stay away from us.
Stay away from our children.
And so, the globalists always wrap themselves in children.
Oh, they love children.
Oh, turn your guns in.
It'll keep the children safe when they want to abort as many children as they can.
They want to brainwash as many children as they can.
The globalists are a cult of evil.
And they will fail, and they will fall.
And so, I thank God for all this persecution, because it has been incredibly informative, and it's also lit a fire under my ass to do the most important projects I've ever done, like ResetWars.com, and a whole bunch of other projects that launch early in 2022, baby!
Year of the Tiger!
Operation Tiger is about to go live, ladies and gentlemen.
We got, whoo!
For every attack, that energy just transmutes and I get stronger thanks to your prayers and support.
PJW takes over in 60 seconds.
Info Wars.
There are so many crappy brands of energy products.
Energy drinks, energy powders, energy pills.
And look, almost all of them work, but they're toxic and they've got incredible downsides.
Horrible crashes and
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All of the nootropic products that we sell at InfoWarsTore.com are clean, are pure, are highest quality, and they're long-lasting, and they help focus your mind.
And right now, our strongest product, the three nootropics we have,
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TurboForce has been sold out for more than six months.
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It is 10 hours of clean energy, clean energy without the big crash, and it's available right now, and it funds the InfoWare 360 win.
Transmitting worldwide from the Summit.nu studios in the United Kingdom, you are listening to Paul Joseph Watson.
Despite an initial first few days of global alarmism and panic, the Omicron variant of COVID-19 doesn't appear to be living up to its doomsday billing.
Despite knowing virtually nothing about the threat it poses, governments seized on media hysteria about the new strain to impose yet more restrictions.
This included the return of mandatory face mask rules in England.
Because they've worked so well in Europe for the past six months, haven't they?
If the government told people to wear adult nappies in the name of preventing a shitting virus, the majority would.
The new rules were imposed amid a wave of cataclysmic rhetoric.
Worst strain ever!
More transmissible than ever!
More contagious than ever!
So what are the scientists who are in a position to know the most about this new strain actually saying about it?
The doctor who first discovered Omicron said this.
Because it's got all these mutations, does it in fact destabilise the virus?
It might make it less fit than Delta.
He also said there was no indication it was putting any added strain on hospitals.
So far the cases have been pretty mild.
And if you know, we have a hospital surveillance programme as well, and that hasn't shown any significant uptick.
And after insisting last Friday that she'd only witnessed mild cases, the chair of the South African Medical Association basically had to do a media speaking tour throughout the entire weekend to get that point across.
What we are seeing clinically in South Africa, and remember I'm at the epicentre of this where I'm practising, is extremely mild.
For us, that's mild cases.
We haven't admitted anyone.
I spoke to other colleagues of mine.
The same picture.
Do you think that we, in Britain, in the United States, in Israel, in Europe, do you think we're all panicking unnecessarily?
I think you already have it there in your country.
You're not even knowing it.
And I would say, yes, at this stage, I would say definitely.
Alexei Agranovsky, a virologist at Moscow State University, said this.
Quote, so far there's no evidence that it is capable of beating Delta, the current dominant strain, or that it's more deadly.
None at all.
Of the dozens of clinical cases that have so far been described, not a single death has been registered.
Quote, for now, there is no cause for panic.
And yet they went ahead and imposed the new rules anyway, just in case.
This is all beginning to feel rather familiar, isn't it?
Keep complying though.
I'm sure if everyone just gets their 45th booster shot, in about 15 years we'll have this bee-
That's how it works.
All right.
And we are back.
It is the Summit News Hour.
Trying to connect to video.
Having some computer troubles at the moment, but we'll get it connected in the next segment.
We are back and so are Covid restrictions.
Worldwide panic over the Omicron virus, as you just heard.
Despite the fact that, according to the experts in South Africa, according to all the evidence that we've seen so far, there are zero
Deaths attributable to this Omicron variant that we were told in the early days of this panic was so scary, was the worst variant yet in terms of coronavirus and yet no serious illnesses.
They're talking about mild cases in South Africa.
And yet, as we predicted all along, the government here in the United Kingdom and governments across Europe reacted with absolute alarmism and panic.
They reinforced the absolutely pointless population control measures that are mass mandates.
In England,
Despite the fact that they had these mask mandates for much of the past year in the neighbouring countries of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, their Covid case rates kept going up.
The masks didn't save them.
The masks not only made no difference in some studies, they actually made the situation worse.
And yet they've decided to reimpose mask mandates here in the United Kingdom.
Headline out of Summit News, Oxford Professor.
Official data shows face masks made no meaningful difference, that's a quote, to infection rates.
Maybe someone should tell the government.
University of Oxford Professor Jim Naismith asserts that despite England dropping its mask mandate in July and Scotland keeping its rules in force, official data shows this has made no meaningful difference to infection rates.
Of course we had the reintroduction of compulsory mask mandates on public transport
In shops in the UK from today I've already seen anecdotal reports and I've already been told directly by people who I know that the people who have bottled up their vile hatred and resentment for those who dare not to wear a face diaper are once again out in the streets and in the shops verbally abusing people who don't wear masks.
Now there's an exemption rule in the UK in England which says
You can self-exempt yourself from wearing a mask and you don't have to provide any evidence, written or otherwise, to justify that to any police officer, to any employer, and certainly not to some weirdo freak who goes into a shop and starts an argument with somebody because they're not wearing a mask.
Many such cases of that happening today in the hours after these were reintroduced.
But again, we have actual experts, which the government never listens to.
They only listen to the experts who have been proven wrong time and time again with their doomsday fear-mongering about whether or not to increase the severity of restrictions or decrease them.
But as Mr Naismith, the Director of the Rosalind Franklin Institute and Professor of Structural Biology at Oxford University says, the masks are largely pointless.
Quote, the ONS survey results on prevalence of the virus
Show that the Scottish and English approach to masking, although formally different since July, has made no meaningful difference to Delta.
Those are his words, not mine.
In both countries, very high levels of prevalence have continued for months.
And it's the same in Wales, it's the same in Northern Ireland, it's the same in Scotland.
Thus, the new changes announced are unlikely to have much of an impact if Omicron does indeed spread rapidly, and yet they've gone ahead and introduced them anyway.
You can see the graph in this article.
Oxford professor official data shows face masks made no meaningful difference.
Comparison between England in red on the graph and Scotland in blue.
When England dropped their face mask mandates back in July, coronavirus cases went down, they went up a bit, they went down a bit, they went up a bit.
The cases in Scotland where they had a mask mandate, they never dropped the mask mandate and had them for the previous year.
Were the same or higher, and you see the same numbers again in Northern Ireland, you see them in Wales, you see them in Germany, you see them in France.
In fact today, France, having had mask mandates in, and very draconian strict mask mandates by the way, even where you, to the point where you have to wear them outside, even though that makes even the most alarmist individuals who have pushed this lockdown fetishism admit that face masks outside
Absolutely have no effect whatsoever, but it's population control.
It's about keeping people scared and afraid, and it has nothing to do with public health.
Even in France, where they have some of the most draconian mask mandates of the past year.
Just today, France reported 47,000 daily cases of Covid, their highest daily total of cases since April.
From April to the end of November, they had mask mandates in place.
They did absolutely nothing.
And as I said before, it's given free reign, open license to these weirdo freaks who like to pursue and harass people, chase them out of shops for not wearing face coverings.
We had a story yesterday
And you probably played the video yesterday.
Viral video shows men wearing multiple face masks ejected from Walmart for taking photos of a child.
This utter freak, who's wearing about nine face masks and acts like somebody's got anthrax when they get within ten feet of him, he's literally ducking and jiving like he's in a boxing match because he thinks the COVID virus is gonna get him.
Literally, this perv taking pictures of a child
For not wearing a mask, despite the fact that children don't even need to wear them in this state.
Again, once he's confronted, he screeches, he wails, he runs away, he plays the victim.
Thankfully in this instance, the staff has actually kicked him out of the store.
But this is who we've given free reign to to control society.
These people are now in charge once again.
These absolute weirdos who will get in your face
For not wearing a face mask, the virus is a thousand times smaller than the holes in the frigging mask.
Even the government's own top advisors have said time and time again, masks are pointless.
They've admitted they're a tool of population control to keep people scared, to keep people compliant.
It has nothing whatsoever to do with public health.
And the case numbers in Europe, compared to England, have proven that time and time again.
Summit.News will be back.
No, go away.
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Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
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But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A.
But we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court.
With your support, go to SaveInfoWars.com now and give your donation to save the First Amendment.
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We have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
So, right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning, and it's only going to run until the end of the month, and that's now only six, seven days.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from the Summit.News headquarters, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live and we are back with more Covid restrictions in England.
Mask mandates on public transport, mask mandates in schools, mask mandates in shops.
Despite the fact that they've had mask mandates in Northern Ireland, in Wales, in Scotland for the past year, never dropped to them, their case numbers have been worse than those in England.
There is no evidence, there is no peer-reviewed study that shows masks have any appreciable difference
In preventing the spread of Covid, and yet here we are yet again.
Three weeks to flatten the curve!
Yeah, what is it now?
A year and eight months later?
You know, two months to save the NHS.
Three more months and we've got this beat.
Oh, just take your 45th booster shot and then we've got this beat.
And then they're talking about Omicron.
They're saying, oh, we can't trust the scientists in South Africa who say it's only produced asymptomatic or mild symptoms, haven't killed anybody whatsoever, because the South African population is very young.
The average age is only 27 years old, whereas in England, it's 40 plus.
In these other European countries, it's even higher than 40 plus.
So we can't trust what they're saying in South Africa, because the younger people are getting infected.
They're having mild symptoms, but that's because they're young.
And their solution for that is to make 18-year-olds take booster shots.
Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Just like none of the mask mandates make any sense whatsoever.
And again, we had this Oxford professor today.
Official data from the government shows that mask mandates make no meaningful difference.
You compare the infection rate from Scotland to England.
Scotland never dropped mask mandates.
Show them that graph again with the red and blue squiggly lines.
In fact, Scotland had higher incidence of Covid when they kept the mask mandates after July.
We look at France, which has just announced today 47,000 cases of Covid, their highest since April.
They've had one of the strictest mask mandates since that time.
Look at Sweden, which never imposed any legal mask mandates, and compare their average case rate to the European Union, which is a bit lower down in that article.
It's an orange graph showing Sweden compared to the European Union.
Very different scenario, and yet, presumably, we're told masks are the answer once again.
There you see Sweden, which never imposed any mask mandate or any legal lockdown.
Seven-day average of new deaths per 100k.
Significantly different, I think you'll agree.
Let's go to this clip from Dr. Hilary Jones, who is now one of the most aggressive advocates for mask wearing in the United Kingdom.
Pretty interesting, then, what he said about masks back at the start of the pandemic.
Here's the clip.
Use of masks is not proven to be effective, and I'll tell you why.
Most masks have gaps in them through which the virus can drive a bus.
The virus size is one ten thousandth of a millimetre.
And if you look, if you magnify a mask, the holes are huge.
So when you're inhaling air through a mask, the virus will easily penetrate, be sucked in through your breathing in.
The virus does no good.
Furthermore, I'd like to say, does a mask, does it do any harm?
It can do harm if you wear a mask because you tend to put your hand to your face several times to adjust it.
It gets itchy, it gets moist.
You put your hand to your face more often, that can transmit the virus.
Also when the mask gets damp and moist, it traps the virus and you have to handle a mask.
So there you have it, that was Dr Hilary Jones back at the start of the pandemic last year.
Now he's one of the most aggressive advocates for mask wearing.
They're a tool of population control, let's be honest.
They're to keep people scared and compliant.
The government basically has already admitted to this.
And all those so-called experts at the start of the pandemic who said, not only would face masks not stop the spread of Covid, they'd make it worse, they got a memo and they've all done a complete 180.
Dr Anthony Fauci himself, back in March, April 2020, said face masks make no difference whatsoever.
He did a complete 180.
You've got people like UK government SAGE advisor Dr Colin Axel, who I don't believe is an advisor anymore because he's got the wrong scientific opinions, dismissed face masks as, quote, comfort blankets, saying they do virtually nothing because the COVID-19 virus particle is 5,000 times smaller than the holes in the friggin' mask.
He said this, quote, You know who else said masks were pointless?
The head of Public Health England,
Mrs. Harries, Jenny Harries, who said again last year, quote, face masks could put more people, could put people at more risk.
The head of Public Health England.
And what's she saying today?
Headline out of Summit News.
Health boss tells Brits not to socialise over Christmas.
Yep, they're laying the groundwork to cancel Christmas once again.
WHO came out today and said over-60s shouldn't travel.
If my parents took that advice, I wouldn't be seeing my parents for the second Christmas in a row.
Now fears that bureaucrats are once again scheming to cancel Christmas arose again after a top health boss told Brits to avoid socialising with their friends and family over the festive period.
What does not socialising with your friends and family over the festive period mean?
It means not having a Christmas, precisely as what happened last year.
Despite the fact that case numbers in England and deaths are going down.
They've been going down for weeks.
They tried to drumbeat us into another lockdown or at least into another ramping up of restrictions back in October.
We had half term.
The case numbers were a bit higher before that because there were mass testing kids.
University students were going back to classes.
They had half term.
The cases were declining before that anyway.
They've continued to at least flatline.
Deaths in England have declined.
Doesn't matter.
Omicron has killed nobody in the world.
The South African doctors are saying it's mild symptoms.
Other experts who don't get that much media attention are saying this could actually be a blessing in disguise because if it takes over from Delta and is less harmful, then this is basically our way out of this entire pandemic period.
And yet, what are we still hearing?
No, we need to ban more travel.
We need to impose more mask restrictions.
We need to make kids in schools wear more masks, despite the fact that we know how harmful it is to their IQ, to their cognitive development, to their education.
And they've all done it just in case.
It's the tyranny of just in case over and over again.
The same excuse they used for lockdown, just in case.
Now we know the massive damage that that's done in terms of loneliness, isolation, in terms of untreated serious illnesses including cancer.
With charities, cancer charities in the UK saying it could have killed up to 50,000 people because their cancers went untreated and that's just one illness.
Now we have this.
All confirmed cases of Omicron in Europe are people with asymptomatic or mild symptoms.
This is according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
They released a statement earlier today saying so far no severe cases or deaths have been reported among these cases.
Yet they're still imposing restrictions.
In Greece they've now said that they're going to put a vax tax on the over-60s and charge them €100 every single month that they don't get the vaccine.
In Austria, as I'm going to get into in the next segment,
They're now saying they're going to lock people up for weeks on end, that you're going to hit them with mammoth fines that compound time after time after time.
Oh, but they're not going to be forcibly taking people to vaccination centres.
They're just going to be forcibly taking them to prison cells if they continue to resist.
We'll talk about that on the other side.
Summit.News, don't go away.
Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
Three years later, and InfoWars is still thriving, thanks to the support of our audience.
But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A.
But we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court.
With your support, go to SaveInfoWars.com now and give your donation to save the First Amendment.
Saveinfowars.com and God bless America.
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We have launched the most important sale of the year.
Because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
Right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning, and it's only going to run until the end of the month, and that's now only six, seven days.
InfoWars store official Black Friday special has arrived.
Ladies and gentlemen, people love it.
It's our bestseller.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the vitamins, all the minerals, all the key amino acids, everything you need for your immune system and your body.
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Bet on freedom, bet on InfoWars, bet on yourself, and get great products.
The only way you fail is not taking action at InfoWarsStore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Broadcasting internationally from the Summit.News headquarters in the United Kingdom, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
So let's turn now to the subject of vaccines because of course we've had the media coming out and saying, oh, we should just basically ignore the health experts, the medical chiefs in South Africa saying that the only symptoms they've seen in South Africa so far are either asymptomatic or mild.
The media coming out and saying we can't trust that because South Africa's average age with their population is 27 years old.
In the UK it's 41.
In other European countries it's higher.
So it's going to affect older people worse.
What's their solution to that?
Make 18 year olds get booster jabs.
It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
In Germany today we've revealed that they're going to have a vote.
On mandatory jabs in Germany, we have this headline out of Summit News, and vaccinated Austrians face prison time, huge fines for non-compliance.
And they say with their statement, don't worry, we're not going to drag Austrians off to vaccination centres forcibly against their will.
We're just going to fine them.
To the tune of €8,000, and that compounds time and time again.
If they don't pay the fine, we're going to forcibly drag them off to prison.
Don't worry though, they won't forcibly drag you to the vaccination centre, they'll just forcibly put you behind bars.
Then we have this situation.
Which we've been covering for the past, what, two months now on this show.
Media says rising football players, soccer players in America, suddenly collapsing is a coincidence.
Barely a week goes by now where there aren't numerous instances of top athletes at the peak of physical conditioning collapsing in the middle of top-level soccer games.
Of course, we have the report out of Berliner Zeitung, in which they sought to answer
Why an unusually large number of professional and amateur soccer players have collapsed recently?
And of course, it's not just soccer players.
There was the ice hockey player a few weeks ago who collapsed as well.
Dr. Yafasher Raz did a deep investigation and found that there had been a five-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021.
We had another last week with the Sheriff Tirispol winger, Adam Traore, collapsing near the end of a Champions League game with Real Madrid.
Top-level athlete.
We also had Fleck, Sheffield United footballer, John Fleck, collapsing in the middle of their game.
Then, of course, somebody tried to ask a question, or not even ask a question, merely hint at a suggestion that maybe this is something that needs to be looked into.
Video live feed cut as former pro asks if latest footballer who collapsed is vaccinated.
So he asked the question during a live radio show in the UK and because of course they have a delay button, the person working the delay button was a bit too slow on the uptake and he just managed to squeeze it in before they cut his audio.
Let's go to this video now which was originally posted on TikTok, I'm sure they'll have it deleted within the hour, where
A reporter on a sports show reporting on a live football game talks about three different heart attacks that happen in one stadium with one game, both in the crowd and on the pitch.
Let's go to this video.
Sidney, what's happening, Matt?
Yeah, well, the teams are just back out yet, but, um, yeah, you see some unbelievable stuff that's going on here.
Obviously, the fan was taken to hospital just before kick-off.
Then, uh, Nathan Baker, the centre-back for Bristol City, was stretching off.
And now, at half-time, a Bristol City fan went downhill.
You see the defibrillators going up into the stand.
But, thankfully, again, he's come away.
Uh, we've been taken away by the emergency services.
He looked conscious.
So, West Brom have been brilliant.
Three different instances in one stadium in one afternoon.
Interesting that, isn't it?
Meanwhile, the Times reports wave of excess deaths not explained by COVID.
The UK is suffering a wave of excess deaths not fully explained by the coronavirus.
There were 12,050 deaths registered in England and Wales in the seven days to November 12.
That was 1,719 more than the five-year average for 2015-19, or a 16.6% increase.
Who knows?
What could it possibly be?
Meanwhile, the unjabbed continue to be persecuted, violently persecuted by the state in many European countries.
They are a minority being violently persecuted, yet human rights organisations have absolutely nothing to say about it.
The ACLU supports mandatory vaccinations.
Meanwhile in Ireland, where they have a 94% adult vaccination rate and another Covid wave because the vaccines are working so well, an Irish senator is now calling for people who haven't got the vaccine to be literally banned from supermarkets to be prevented from purchasing food.
Here's the clip.
An Irish senator has called for the unvaccinated to be completely banned from public transport and supermarkets.
And I think, like others have said, gyms, hairdressers, but why not supermarkets?
Why not public transport?
I know it's difficult to police some of these things, but really, if you want to participate in society,
You need to be vaccinated.
And if you don't want to participate in society, okay, stay at home.
That's your own business.
Why not supermarkets?
Why not supermarkets?
Why not just let people starve to death?
Surely that would be the compassionate thing to do.
Why not supermarkets?
This is the most draconian escalation yet.
Even in other European control freak hellholes like France, they still allow the unjabbed to buy food.
The senator also called on the mainstream media to take up the narrative of totally banishing the unvaccinated from being able to participate in society at any level, or being able to feed themselves.
Communities who may not be tuned into mainstream media, mainstream radio and newspapers and so on.
Let's make sure they all are aware of the benefits.
Why not supermarkets?
Yeah, it's moved on quite a bit from not being able to go to the cinema or the nightclub, hasn't it?
Remember, Ireland is 94% adult vaccinated.
They've had mask mandates for over a year.
They've got vaccine passport schemes.
And where has it got them?
Yet another new COVID wave.
Now the EU is trying to ban the unjabbed from travelling to the continent entirely.
And again, the vaccinated, who can still transmit the virus, will be able to travel freely.
But people who can literally prove they don't have the virus, there and then, with a negative test...
Forget about it.
WHO official Rob Butler has also called on other European countries to consider making vaccines mandatory.
And now we have a scary new variant just in time to cancel Christmas.
Oh joy.
Meanwhile, the public is being prepared for more mask mandates and more lockdowns.
Keep complying, idiots.
Just keep complying.
That's the situation in Ireland, where you have to wear a mask to enter a nightclub, but not while you're dancing in a nightclub, because apparently Covid knows that that's the time when to stay away.
If you go to the bar to order a drink, or you walk to the toilet to take a pee, then you have to put the mask back on, because these mask rules make so much sense, don't they?
Meanwhile, top physician says vaccines will be needed for years to combat Ebola-level strain of Covid,
This is Frank Ulrich Montgomery, Chairman of the Global Physician Society of the World Medical Association, who says there could be a variant that is as infectious as Delta and as dangerous as Ebola.
Some strains of Ebola, by the way, have a 50% fatality rate.
The current one has about, what, 0.09.
So I imagine that if they mysteriously find one with a 50% rate then all bets are surely off.
But again, there's no reason to panic about the vaccine and you should all get your 45th booster shot because the Daily Mail has done an investigation into this five-fold increase in top athlete football players collapsing in the middle of games and they've said it's terrifying but it's a coincidence and there's no need for panic.
There's no need for panic
When vast numbers of top-level athletes mysteriously just start collapsing in the middle of matches, don't panic about that.
But you do need to panic about Omicron, which has only caused asymptomatic or very mild cases so far, and which has killed absolutely nobody.
That's what you need to panic about.
And that's why we need to impose all these new restrictions, just in case.
Over-60s in Greece told to get jabbed or face monthly fines.
Residents in Greece, over 60, will have to go on mandatory vaccinations against coronavirus or face monthly 100 euro fines beginning next year, the country's Prime Minister announced.
That is the new Vax Tax.
And of course, if you don't pay the fine, they're not going to forcibly drag you off to a vaccination centre to get jabbed.
No, they're tolerant people.
They'll just forcibly drag you off to a prison to be put behind bars because they're very nice people.
We'll be back.
Summit.News are going.
We here at InfoWars, we have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
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Jacob in Ohio.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Go ahead.
Great last caller.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement.
It's basically the only way I get sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, demoralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone, man.
Alright, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
If I could, I just want to throw a quick plug out for one of the products.
The X2 does wonders.
I recommend it to everybody.
You're on the fence about it.
Get off the fence.
Get the product.
Support the info war.
Tyler in Maine.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, it's great to be on with you.
It's an honor.
Honor, talk to you.
So, first thing I wanted to do is say I love the product Alpha Power, even at 29.
If you ask my better half, she loves it and it helps in the bedroom.
So, just number one for people out there.
Well, it definitely works.
It's not a joke.
We have launched the most important sale of the year, because now we've got a bunch of great products that have been sold out for months and months and months back in stock.
So, right now, the real Black Friday sale is beginning, and it's only going to run until the end of the month, and that's now only six, seven days.
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Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
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And now we have Super Coral Calcium Toothpaste.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
You're listening to the Summit.News Radio Hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
I'm going to switch gears from COVID just for some light relief here in the last segment because I've got a couple of video reports which I need to play.
Of course we had the Notre Dame fire in Paris a couple of years ago in I think it was April 2019.
Massive media cover-up campaign based on the fact that people were seen, a certain demographic of people were seen, celebrating the fire as it happened.
In fact, I remember BuzzFeed wrote a hit piece on me claiming that I was lying about the fact that live Facebook pages, France 24, Al Jazeera Arabic, for example, in the comments on the live feed of the Notre Dame Cathedral on fire, the spire collapsing to the ground,
They were celebrating with heart emojis, they were saying Allah Akbar, they were very gleeful that this majestic building was being guttered.
In live time, they claimed that that was a conspiracy theory, despite the fact that the burning building was directly behind those comments on that video.
They got egg on their face over that, but ever since Notre Dame burned to the ground, there's been basically a culture war over what to do with its rebuilding.
Initially they had ridiculous modernist plans to put a swimming pool on top of it and to completely uglify it from the outside.
Well now they've settled on plans to completely deform and desecrate it from the inside and this is what this video report touches on.
Here it is.
The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is about to be desecrated.
Plans for its renovation resemble a politically correct Disneyland, according to the Telegraph, in yet another alarming example of the threat posed by woke iconoclasm.
Under the proposed changes, confessional boxes, altars and classical sculptures will be replaced with modern art murals and new sound and light effects to create
Emotional status!
There will be themed chapels on a discovery trail, with an emphasis on Africa and Asia.
While quotes from the Bible will be projected onto chapel walls in various languages, including Mandarin.
The final chapel on the trail will have a strong environmental emphasis.
While Africa and Asia will have pride of place, Europe, the Americas and Oceania will either be less evident behind the apps or totally absent.
The tour ends at a chapel dedicated to reconciled creation.
Namely, environmentalism, as set out in Pope Francis' Laudato Si' encyclical.
So basically, it's going to be about providing a contrived aura of sacredness as a shrine to the new religion of man-made climate change.
While the rest of it serves as some kind of universalist, globalist pastiche for the entertainment of rich Chinese and Arab tourists.
What they are proposing to do to Notre-Dame would never be done to Westminster Abbey or St.
Peter's in Rome, said Maurice Coulot, a prize-winning Paris-based architect.
It's a kind of theme park and very childish and trivial, given the grandeur of the place.
A source close to the project expressed his disgust at plans to mutilate the majestic work of Eugene of Waller-le-Duc.
This is political correctness gone mad.
They want to turn Notre Dame into an experimental liturgical showroom that exists nowhere else, whereas it should be a landmark where the slightest change must be handled with great care.
But Father Gilles Druin, who is charged with reworking the interior, rejected the criticism.
He said the most important thing was to cater to people, quote,
Who are not always from a Christian culture.
Chinese visitors may not necessarily understand the nativity, he said.
So fucking what?
That's their problem.
Do Buddhists in China worry about French tourists not understanding their temples?
Understand, this is nothing new.
Efforts to desecrate Notre Dame began mere days after the fire.
First in the form of modernist architects attempting to impose their egomaniacal drive to make absolutely everything hideously ugly.
To the point where the French Senate had to pass a bill asserting the church be rebuilt exactly how it was before.
One architect even demanded that Notre Dame's fallen spire be replaced with an Islamic minaret as an apology to Algerian Muslims killed by French police.
Others called for the building to reflect France's newfound diversity, which is working out so great for them.
Specifically in an article entitled, How Should France Rebuild Notre Dame?
Rolling Stone Magazine denigrated the church as a, quote, deep-seated symbol of resentment, a monument to a deeply flawed institution, and an idealized Christian European France that arguably never existed in the first place.
The writer asserted that the structure shouldn't represent a, quote, non-secular, white, European France.
Yeah, try going to Saudi Arabia and telling them that their mosques shouldn't represent Muslim Arabs.
Funny, isn't it, how that kind of thing is only ever said about European countries?
So they're trying to desecrate Notre Dame with their new globalist diversity religion, an homage to man-made global warming and that entire cult.
Is it any wonder that Eric Zemmour, who if you missed it you should go and watch his speech on his announcement that he's running for French President next year,
A lot of spicy comments in that speech.
You should probably go and watch it and realize why this is such a hot-button issue and why he is now competing with Marine Le Pen to be Emmanuel Macron's closest competitor in next year's French presidential election.
I'm going to go to this final report here though because we only got a few minutes left.
Started painting these LGBT flags on zebra crossings in England, in the UK.
Well, now they're painting trans flags.
It's completely illegal.
It's not in the highway code.
And not only that, it's dangerous to blind people, disabled people and elderly people.
And guess how much they spent on one of them?
It's explained in this video.
Here it is.
Camden Council in London spent over £10,000 on replacing a zebra crossing with this.
Trends Flag Crossing.
Yeah, really.
Someone filed a Freedom of Information Act request and got this back today.
£10,464 to paint some colours on a road.
One wasn't enough, there are four of them right next to each other.
So did it actually cost £40,000?
40 f***ing grand!
Who painted it?
Doesn't look like it took a great amount of talent.
Where's the rest of the money gone?
How many freezing homeless people in Camden could have been sheltered for 40 grand?
The council deliberately ignored warnings that the crossings are dangerous to the blind, elderly and disabled people.
Both guide dogs and police horses often get spooked by the bright colours.
White dogs were reportedly confused by the sight of traditional zebra pedestrian crossings repainted in colours that symbolise trans rights.
There's one of them.
Police horses are said to have been similarly discombobulated, been waiting all year to get that word away, by zebra crossings which are no longer in black and white.
They were quite difficult, isn't it?
But in the colour of gay pride rainbows.
The Department of Transport also warned Camden Council that the woke daubings are not considered official road markings and therefore, quote, have no legal meaning.
This is the same council that can't find money to fund safety improvements after the tragic deaths of cyclists.
It could also cause serious accidents, because some drivers just won't clock that it's a zebra crossing as people are trying to cross the road.
But none of that matters, because apparently, quote, celebrating transgender awareness is more important.
So they're putting people's lives in danger, as well as making the lives of disabled people, people with learning difficulties, and the elderly more difficult, at a cost to the taxpayer of £10,000, if not £40,000.
Money that could be sent on actual road safety measures that prevent real accidents.
And all for what?
To satiate the woke mob.
Oh, but political correctness is just being nice to people.
No it isn't, and this is yet another example where it's actually dangerous and harmful to people.
Yet more London boroughs will continue to be defaced while ordinary people are left confused, alienated and endangered.
There you have it.
Also on Airstrip 1, headline, UK bureaucrats abandon term Christmas over fears it may offend minorities.
Civil servants wanted to use the word as part of a COVID-19 test drive aimed at students that was originally called Don't Take COVID Home for Christmas.
However, the phrasing was vetoed after bosses worried it would upset non-Christians because that's who we have to cater to every turn.
We've been advised by Cabinet Office we should not use the word Christmas as the government campaign needs to be inclusive and some religions don't celebrate Christmas.
And yet every single Christmas advert in the UK basically has Sikhs in it, has Muslims in it.
Very inclusive apart from when it comes to Christians and Christianity, then it's not inclusive at all.
Brian Stelter says anti-Biden memes need to be combated and that combines with the new announcement from Twitter today.
Where they've said they're not going to allow people to share images or videos of private individuals without their consent, which is basically the first salvo in the move to ban memes.
This will prevent the likes of Andy Ngo posting the arrest videos of Antifa individuals, the mugshots.
It will prevent the likes of the Libs of TikTok account posting videos posted publicly by these individuals on TikTok and then reposted on Twitter.
To basically own them by their own words, their own deeds, their own bizarre freakish behaviour.
That's now all going to be outlawed on Twitter and it's going to be a bannable offence.
Because again, we've shown the studies in the past.
The comments below articles have more impact in changing people's minds than the articles themselves.
What's the solution?
Ban comment sections.
Memes helped elect Donald Trump.
Literally, they had an explosive, weaponized effect in helping to elect Donald Trump.
What's the solution to that?
The solution, of course, is to ban all the memes.
That's going to wrap it up for the show.
Coming up next is War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Breaking news at Summit.News.
Keep it locked in.
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If you think the tyranny and oppression we're living under now is bad, wait till they've got their world ID in, and that's exactly what the COVID passports are all about.
And Klaus Schwab and the UN and all the other globalist leaders' own words, they admit that once they've gotten you with that system, then they're going to carbon tax you everywhere you go and track what you do.
And publicly, they're saying they're going to decide when you can travel and when you can't travel.
And MasterCard and all the other big companies are currently announcing they're going to track what you do and where you go and tax you with a carbon tax for it.
This is the holy grail of tyranny, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the takeover and humanity better wake up and say no.
Finally, folks are starting to wake up.
Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and others are leading the charge, along with InfoWars.
But it's not enough.
Every individual has to not comply, and we have to talk about bringing the globalists to justice.
You see, they need the fear of God put in them, legally and lawfully.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.