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Filename: 20211124_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 24, 2021
2917 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses recent events including the false flag provocateur event on January 6th, Ghislaine Maxwell trial, Energy Secretary raising gas prices, and media manipulation. He emphasizes preparing for potential food shortages by stocking up on storable food. Additionally, Jones addresses his personal beliefs, criticizes the media's portrayal of recent events, and discusses the globalist conspiracy to control the world's population. He also talks about segregation and encourages black people to take control of their own lives and communities to break free from systemic control by the globalist elite. Jones mentions a sale at InfoWars for discounted and back-in-stock nootropic products. Lastly, he discusses the government's manipulation of the narrative surrounding the January 6th Capitol breach and the importance of continued investigative work to expose the truth.

Dr. Darren J. Beatty will be joining us with major breaking news concerning the false flag provocateur event that was January 6th and how the Deep State is attempting to use that event
As the pretext to trigger a open purge of loyal good Americans and use a civil war they will then trigger, and they will actually carry out attacks against themselves, a full spectrum dominance operation that they believe will deliver them victory
Over this country and then the world, because if you can capture the United States, you're able to capture the world.
This is all about global domination.
And the globalists running the country are, again, amongst the very nastiest people on the planet.
A lot of incredible information has come out in the Ghislaine Maxwell pedophile trial.
And I got to some of that yesterday, and I forgot to tell the crew to pull that out of the Strata of Yesterday stack.
And I've also got all the new news that is coming out of that trial, but there's not a lot because they're trying to suppress it.
But what is coming out is just confirming just how horrible and bad this whole system was and how the criminal corporate deep state uses sex crimes against children as the filthy glue that holds this whole house of cards together.
So that is coming up at the bottom of the hour.
We'll be detailing it.
Mr. Beatty will be joining us, Professor Beatty, one of the former advisors of President Trump, in the second hour today.
And then things got so busy in the last week that I never released part two of the General Flynn interview that's just as powerful as part one.
And the part two, we also interviewed Patrick Berg and
General Flynn's very articulate, smart brother, Joe Flynn, filmmaker, and more.
So that is all coming up in the third hour today, and Owen Schroyer as well.
I have been hit with just such epiphanies of how crystal clear all these things are now.
We have all the documents.
That early this morning, doing some research, and then later driving into work, I just sat back and saw their whole plan so crystal clear.
And a lot of this we've already covered, but man, this is just horrible.
This is absolutely horrible.
And once the eye of Sauron is upon you, you're either gonna push it back and stop it, and vanquish it, or it's going to destroy you.
I mean, this is a...
Death battle to the end.
They're never going to stop until they've shut this show down and put me in prison.
There's no doubt about that.
And I don't feel sorry for myself for that going on.
It just makes me really be concerned for the country and the world because they are literally trying to take me off the air to get to you, as Trump always says.
They're coming after me because they want to get to you and they are just
Absolutely out to get you because your ancestors were Christian.
Even if you aren't Christian, you have to understand this is, this is spiritual.
And the birthright this country has.
And that's why I've got to get to all the news that's on the play today, but also talk about the big picture here.
But the fact that the Energy Secretary is just a PR front person.
And she said,
A few weeks ago that, oh, it's a good thing we're raising your gas prices.
And then now she says, oh, no, we're not the ones doing it.
It's just incredible.
I mean, these criminals know exactly what they're doing.
So we'll look at that as well and more today.
This is a big broadcast.
Last day before such an important Christian holiday that the Satanists hate, Thanksgiving.
But I give thanks to all of you and your support and our brotherhood and sisterhood that we have together.
We are family.
Infowars get
Again, so many toxins in them.
All of the nootropic products that we sell at mfolwarestore.com are clean, are pure, are highest quality, and they're long-lasting, and they help focus your mind.
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RainForce Plus, RainForce Ultra, and TurboForce are back in stock at InfoWareStore.com.
TurboForce has been sold out for more than six months.
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Clean energy without the big crash.
It's available right now and it funds the InfoWare 360 win.
You know, when Dylann Roof went into a church in South Carolina and shot and killed nine innocent black worshippers,
I hated him.
I was disgusted by him.
But then when the media blamed me and said it's because white people are just evil in general, it made me really disgusted by those monsters aiding and abetting the hate that that young man was involved in and helping that blossom and grow so that there would be more racial attacks on white people and vice versa, getting a civil war started.
But then last night and this morning I was thinking about CNN and MSNBC and ABC and NPR and the New York Times and the Washington Post and every other BBC, you name it, all up there working so hard to cover up what Daryl E. Brooks did, who drove zigzag trying to hit as many people as he could like it was a video game, who ran over children, another of which died last night, little boy.
And then all his postings about somebody needs to start killing white people, and whites are inherently evil, and his support of the Democratic Party and BLM, and to have them cover that up makes them accomplices to the murder.
Do you understand that if somebody murders people, your neighbor, let's say, murders their wife,
And you try to cover it up to the police and say, oh, I saw it.
It was an accident.
She slipped down the stairs.
He didn't bash your brains out like the police say.
And you're lying about that.
You now are an accomplice to the murder after the fact.
Because you're covering it up.
That's in law.
If you know your neighbor is shooting child porn, and you help cover it up, you're now an accomplice to child porn.
The funny thing was I wasn't talking about this this morning and I went for a hike with my son who came over and visited.
He doesn't live with me, he's 19.
Went for a hike early morning.
Got back, my wife was up making breakfast for my four-year-old daughter and I'm sitting there drinking coffee at about 7 30 in the morning looking at my four-year-old daughter drink orange juice and my son had just left to go back to his house and I'm sitting there
And I'm thinking about how sick it makes me that we live in a country where we've allowed these type of criminal organizations to sit up there and foment and say whites are inherently evil and cover up all the black-on-white crime that used to be 10 to 1 black-on-white.
Now it's over 20 to 1 in many cities and growing.
It's so sad because that rips communities apart.
But it is a minority of black people that are literally on like a jihad against whites.
And it's all psychological warfare.
It's all psychological programming.
And it's the manipulation of the weak minded.
And you have the culture and just the evil and the darkness and the drugs and just what's going on.
And it's scary.
For everybody.
Because this is being done by design.
And it's in the WikiLeaks.
Hillary talking to the head of the University Psychology Department about how they've got to intensify the culture wars to divide the country to control them.
Because poor people want a better life.
And she's like, yeah, these damn poor people, remember?
These stupid baristas, what do we do?
They want a better life.
Well, just intensify culture war so they're all fighting with each other.
That's in the stinking emails.
And we sit here like fools and watch this unfold.
So that's their plan and that's what they do.
And I was sitting there.
Thinking about how sick this makes me and my wife comes over and starts putting food on my daughter's plate and then she burst into tears and sits down and starts sobbing like I've never seen her cry.
I've been with her seven years.
Girlfriend I met during my divorce, you know, after I got married and had a child with her.
And I said, what's wrong?
Did somebody die?
Did you just hear families?
What the hell's going on?
She goes, it's the children.
Why would you run over children?
And she's just retching and pouring, crying.
And then she grabs my four-year-old daughter and goes, no, I don't want to hurt you.
And that was a normal response of a woman knowing there's psychotic killers running around, killing people because of what color they are.
Because a four-year-old little girl or a five-year-old little boy, whether they've got brown skin or white skin or whatever color skin they got, they don't deserve some drugged-up devil worshipper, and that's what this is, to run around selfishly, acting all cool, playing their gangster rap, running over the white devils to, you know, get some in on Rittenhouse, the white supremacist.
And so Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden and
All the MSNBC hosts and the CNN hosts, every one of them is your enemy.
Every one of them hates your guts.
Every one of them is part of a criminal, globalist cabal, along with the Democratic Party, and the Justice Department, and the lawyers, and just all of them.
They're trash.
They're scum.
Using psychological warfare to do this, and then to cover up what this guy did.
Because if we use this as an example,
of what not to do and created some shame in the hearts of evil haters.
Whether it's a black guy killing white people or a white guy killing black people, then this would stop.
But they don't do that, just like with school shootings.
They hype every school shooting up and give incredible attention to the killers, knowing that it's going to create copycats.
And in all the Democratic jurisdictions, they cover up people planning the shootings, they protect people planning the shootings.
Hell, the Walmart shooting in Texas and others, it turned out, were leftist.
In almost every case, it's black trench coats, devil worshippers, people into death.
Instead of committing suicide, they don't commit suicide by cop.
They don't commit suicide.
It's another option now.
It's go out and just kill some people at Walmart.
And the media sits there and then misappropriates it almost every time and says, well, they were white, so they did it because they were racist.
And then it turns out it's the
They're just a devil worshipper.
Or they're an antifa.
But then when it's cut and dry, a black supremacist crazy person who goes out and zigzags through a town parade they have where the middle schoolers and elementary students and everybody can go out and run around and be recognized by the town and have fun and get their adrenaline up and just have a event.
But here's this guy programming a tribal thought, hey there's that town that's mainly white.
Twenty miles away, I'll drive out of Kenosha, I'll drive out of Milwaukee, and I'll go over there and I'll just run my car through a bunch of people, and when I do it, when I kill six people and injure over forty, they say more are probably going to die, some are brain dead.
He's a hero!
He's a good man!
The left settled over Twitter!
Well, this will teach you white people, and it was mainly weird, white professor types, programming who know exactly what they're doing.
Even though it'll come back on them.
So they're planning to launch a civil war in this country.
And they're planning to brand January 6th as a premeditated attack on the Capitol by myself and Trump, so they can try to arrest me in the near future, so they can then detonate bombs around the country and claim that it's the resistance doing it, when it's going to be them to roll out full-on martial law.
They've just gotten started with the COVID martial law and gotten that idea introduced.
This is what they're going to do in the next 10 and a half months before the midterms.
They're going to end the country because they know they've lost the public.
The public's coming together.
Black Lives Matter has a 20% approval rating.
The Democrats have a 30% approval rating.
They're the occupying foreign evil force.
And all they've got is race war left as the cover for martial law.
So no one should be violent, no one should go out and offensively attack anybody, and anytime you see one of these events, you're going to need to go out and document it, knowing that it might be your footage that gets the truth out of what happened, because if there wasn't all the footage of this, they would say a white supremacist attacked that crowd, and they would say the victims were black.
In the UK and in Germany, when Muslims and others attack and kill Europeans, they will say and lie on the news and say it was a German or say it was a Brit.
That's the next level of this.
Because they want to keep those groups stirred up and angry and attacking because they can use them anytime they want with the media to snap the fingers and have a mostly peaceful protest where major cities burn down and people get killed.
And who leads it?
White people in black uniforms with their faces covered out stirring up the inner city crowds.
We even got the IMF World Bank documents on that.
And the Soros documents five years ago, where they actually planned that with the local police in blue cities they control.
So this is it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I know you're humble.
I know you're like me.
But I really want you to sit back and cogitate or meditate
On the fact that those of you that have supported my broadcast and InfoWars over the years have changed the world in incredible ways.
And now, as 2021 prepares to end and 2022 begins to dawn, it is more important than ever that you realize how important you are and that you be more active than you've ever been.
The tip of the spear is BAM.billion.
The very front lines of the fight for human liberty is InfoWars.com.
And we can't stay on air without your support, so thank you all for your support.
Donate to our legal defense fund to stay on the air at SaveInfoWars.com.
That's SaveInfoWars.com.
And continue to go to InfoWarsStore.com, where right now we've got Turbo Force, sold out for months, 10 hours of energy, back and stock with free shipping, 40% off, and so many other great products.
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world.
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The privately owned central banks of the world are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure,
Intellectual property, energy, they're using it to buy people, to buy influence, and in the past they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything.
Not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, in the second hour, I'm going to get more into what I was just covering with Dr. Darren Beattie, who's been at the center of Tucker Carlson's in-depth investigation into the provocateur Deep State actions on January 6th and that false flag event that
Was triggered, but misfired.
It was meant to be at least 50 times to 100 times worse.
So they already had their scripts ready about, this is as bad as Pearl Harbor, this is terrible.
They tried to trick Q people under federal command, that they were actually under Q's command, the President's command, to actually go in with weapons, but they didn't do it, and to actually attack members of Congress, but they didn't do it.
And that's why the feds have dropped, at the low level, the official story that it was commanded by Trump and myself,
Is because they know if the investigation continues into a higher level group, it's going to run right into the FBI running it.
And the same FBI agents that ran the attack on Governor Whitmer and that whole staged event were also brought in to run this one.
And we know their names, we know who they are.
So, I'm risking my life exposing all this because I can't be a coward.
But you know, they've subpoenaed myself and Rogers so they can then say, oh, you lied and your response is you're going to jail.
And they will indict us in D.C.
with a kangaroo court that has the same value as North Korea.
So that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
And people say, well, you should need to back off.
Look at you.
You stood up to evil.
It's coming after you.
You know, God's real and God's watching and that's who I'm afraid of.
And I did some bad things when I was younger.
And so I get put in prison or I get killed fighting evil, hopefully that takes the
Dark mark to evil mark off of me and I can be with God in the future.
So I'm not worried about these fake judges and the corrupt FBI.
They got God to deal with too.
Because believe me, God's real.
God's 100% real.
And you better get your relationship right with God.
Because that's what this is all about.
People say, how are you handling all these attacks and all the things?
I expected to be attacked.
Every day I'm not in prison or pushing up daisies is a good day as they say.
But I'm not going to do things that
Appease the system so I could sit there in some mansion on the beach somewhere and have some plastic wife and fake friends and be part of this evil.
It's empty.
My life is so incredibly full being real.
Food just tastes so much better.
Music sounds better.
Everything is just so much more intense because I'm walking with God.
And that doesn't mean I'm up here on some high horse like some holy man and I'm telling you, listen to me, I walk with God.
I mean, I have got discernment now.
I have understanding.
I have been read in to the higher order at a low level.
But I can see the steps now up to the white throne.
And I want to be on my knees before it.
I want to be beside God.
I want to be there under the fire of God's glory and strength.
Like Jimi Hendrix says, let me stand next to your fire.
I don't want to be in hell with the fire of evil.
I want to be with God in the fire of love and justice and completion.
I'm sorry I'm preaching, but there are no atheists in foxholes.
And make no mistake, it is our children that are under the attack.
Fauci's back on the news saying we're going to start injecting newborn babies as early as the first quarter.
That's two months away!
That's less than two months away!
They're making their move for our children, and he frickin' licks his lips when he talks about it, and he's so damn evil, and the cover matches the interior.
That guy just is Hitler 2.0, man.
And you notice that's why they radicalize and make everything race, and
People that work for the corporate media should be so ashamed of themselves, and the people that serve this system are just absolutely cut off from God.
I mean, you people are crazy.
But again, you never figured out that there's a good side.
You just serve evil, and you want to be at the top of the charts, and the heavyweight champions are being bad.
So you've got the big guy to deal with.
I'm going to stop right there.
When I read the media, and I see the national news, I mean, I've got dozens of clips here.
You've seen them where they're like, oh, this is an accident.
He just came off the side of the highway and accidentally did this.
And Chuckie Schumer's like, well, the Democrats passed an infrastructure bill.
This won't happen once we've got these racist roads dealt with.
He actually said that.
Imagine the implication.
This black man didn't know how to drive a car, and so that's why he came off the highway and ran everybody over.
Oh no, that was the Black Lives Matter earlier this year in Seattle, or was it late last year, when hundreds of people ran out at 1 a.m.
onto the highway in front of drivers, and by the grace of God, it was a black driver, I feel sorry for him, running over people that ran in front of his car like deer do, or, you know, geese will fly in front of your car too, buzzards, and I've had a buzzard fly into my car and break the windshield back when I worked on a ranch.
The point is, is that
Oh my God, a white person killed him!
Oh my God!
Because they were all out there trying to get hit by cars, basically, so they could say, oh, it's a replay of Charlottesville!
And then, oh my God, all white people are to blame for one woman dying at Charlottesville!
On and on and on.
Now they've run over 40-plus people, six of them have died, another little boy's died, and we get to hear all over the news, oh, it was the vehicle crash, it was the car crash, it was the SUV crash.
He was really bizarre.
He shared Hitler memes.
That's the weird thing about the super left too.
They have a weird Hitler fetish.
These are their pedophiles.
He said he was a pedophile.
He was an evicted sex trafficker.
But Daryl Brooks, Daryl E. Brooks,
Now the police are reporting that they had the video, he zig-zagged.
Oh, but we're not going to see the video of the up-close.
Oh, it's Charlottesville when the car crashes into people.
Oh, the photos, it's all over the news, it's everywhere.
But in this case, we don't humanize the little kids he ran over, people he zig-zagged through.
No, no, no.
And it gets worse.
We'll show you these photos coming up.
They've lightened his face on CNN and the Washington Post, where he's whiter than porcelain.
They actually put a filter on the mugshot to subliminally, again, say it's a white person doing it.
There it is on screen.
Again, it'd be like if the white guy goes in and shoots the poor black people in South Carolina at the church, and then you say a black dude did it.
It's the same level of lying, but it shouldn't matter.
It's a crazy, bad, evil person that did this, and we say it's wrong, and we try to stop it in the future.
But in Europe, it happens so much.
In all the major meeting places, in town squares, they put up the freedom barricades because of these people attacking.
So it's hard to look at the victims, because it inhumanizes them and hurts my heart, but... Waukesha Christmas Parade suspect appears in court as 6th victim, 8-year-old boy, dies.
Waukesha suspect shared social media post promoting violence towards white people.
8-year-old Waukesha terror attack victim Jackson Sparks died from injuries sustained on Sunday.
Look at the big man that killed him!
Oh, such a big man.
You ran over a little kid.
You showed that white devil.
Boy, I bet he was an evil... You know what?
I bet his family starts getting a little racist now.
See how that works?
Darryl E. Brooks.
What a moron.
What a big, tough guy.
No, he didn't go find Kyle Rittenhouse, who he thought was evil, and said was.
Said needed to die.
No, no, no!
He went to find a little kid!
Too bad there wasn't a Kyle Rittenhouse there to kill your ass!
You murdering racist scumbag!
Daryl E. Brooks, you monster!
Got a bunch of other little girls fighting for their lives, too!
Look at this little girl fighting for her life right now!
We'll tell you about her coming up!
All you big, tough people, man!
Gonna take out the evil white devils!
Under the orders from Klaus Schwab.
Hey everybody!
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Clean energy without the big crash, and it's available right now, and it funds the InfoWare 360 win.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You keep saying you've got something for me.
Something you call love, but confess.
You've been a-messin' where you shouldn't have been a-messin'.
And now someone else is gettin' all your best.
These boots are made for walkin' And that's just what they'll do One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you Yeah You keep lyin' when you oughta be treatin'
And you keep losing when you ought to not bet.
You keep saving when you ought to be a-changing.
Now what's right is right, but you ain't been right yet.
And that's what Daryl E. Brooks thought.
He thought, well, this evil white supremacist, you know, just killed three black people.
That's what Mainstream News says.
Kyle Rittenhouse thought, I've got to go out and strike back.
Well, there's a predominantly white suburb close to here.
Let me go kill them.
That's what he said all over the internet.
He said, why don't cowards just go kill these people?
And again, that's the same evil spirit that was in Dylann Roof when he went into a black church, people didn't even know, they'd done nothing to him, and he killed nine innocent black people.
I mean, if he hates black people so bad, why did he go find, like, black pedophiles or black criminals or people that had done something wrong?
If he hates blacks so much, you know, no, no, it's gotta be black churchgoers worshipping Jesus.
It's an evil spirit, folks.
That hates Christians.
And it just happened again.
You've got a brown-skinned demon doing what a white-skinned demon did.
Now look at that demon.
Mentally ill demon.
And then going to a parade and running over elementary and middle school kids.
Oh, that's real, real manly right there.
I mean, it's hard to top shooting nine adults at church just because they're black and Christian.
This guy wants to kill kids.
And he tells you in videos, yeah, I'm a pedophile.
Big deal.
I pimp out little kids.
What's up with that?
He thinks being exploitive is powerful.
He thinks sex trafficking in people is cool.
And you know what?
Biden agrees with him.
Because that's who these people are.
Psychic vampires.
They are a pedophile army.
And they got pink skin, and they got brown skin, and they got black skin, and they got yellow skin, but they all got the devil inside.
Like those old chips you say, Intel inside, or you know.
No, no, no, devil inside!
Devil inside.
Devil inside.
Every single one of us has the devil inside.
Yeah, that's why you want to get it out of your life and push it down as small as you can get it, instead of letting it grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, grow,
And so it's a symbol of Thanksgiving.
It's an old Greek symbol, but it moves in as a symbol of the bounty.
Well, what comes out of Klaus Schwab and the New World Order and Bill Gates?
You'll have nothing, you'll own nothing, you'll eat bugs and you'll drink sewage water, and you'll live in big, ugly, government housing buildings where they can control you and dumb you down and force-feed you murder music and ship drugs in so you all kill each other.
And that very same group that took the black community, that had a lower illegitimacy rate 60 years ago than whites, and now has the highest illegitimacy rate in the world.
That's scientific control.
The black folks, you know, Nietzsche said, that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
So I don't defend segregation or any of that.
But black folks understood, this is about a class thing.
If we get our own businesses and our own money,
and and and dress nice and and believe in ourselves we defeat people saying that we're inferior which was a minority of white people but it was still the system still in place it's hard to change that system now
What are black people like?
On average, with the type of gangster stuff you've seen, people that commit these crimes, the opposite of what black people were 60, 70 years ago.
The polar opposite, and the media did it.
And now the media is promoting that culture that is not black culture, that is not American culture, with Colin Kaepernick showing a bunch of black men, saying they're all slaves because they're in the NFL, and it's so fake and so ridiculous, it looks like a two-year-old's doing the acting.
But people like numbskull Daryl E. Brooks, he thinks he's a hero.
He thinks he went out and showed the white people that, hey, next time we're in a multiracial neighborhood burning down your houses, you better not fight back or we'll run you over at parades.
Wow, you really showed us, Daryl.
You really showed this little boy
You killed eight-year-old Waukesha terror attack victim, Jackson Sparks, died.
He fought on a few days because his head was run over and his guts were hanging out of his body.
He's dead now.
But you know what?
You sure showed him.
You're a real man.
Six victim dies, an eight-year-old boy after Black Lives Matter supporter barrels his SUV through Waukesha Christmas Parade.
What's worse than that, the police now say he drove diagonally through people, like in a zigzag.
When people would run, he would chase them down.
Media refers to black extremist deadly ramming rampage in Waukesha as a parade crash and an accident.
They're still doing it!
Christmas parade killer drove in zigzag pattern to hit as many people as possible.
Infowars.com, the link to the police reports.
Which you'll never see on the news unless you share it.
Look at this white devil.
Waukesha Christmas parade victim, Julia.
Julia's in the fight of her life.
She's a victim of the senseless violence at the Waukesha Christmas parade.
Julia was
Marching with the parade with her dance team.
Oh my gosh.
Bringing a smile to everyone's face because this is who she is.
Everyone that knows the little girl knows the joy she brings to the world.
She has a heart of gold, a smile that can light up the room and is lovely by so many.
Julia has suffered brain trauma and is currently in the ICU at Children's Hospital.
Any donation, large or small, will help the family.
There's the link at GoFundMe.
I'm surprised GoFundMe hadn't taken it down.
I mean, she's a white devil!
Good Lord!
She's a... I mean, what is the New Black Panther Party totally funded by the Southern Property Law Center and others?
What do they say?
They say, you know, you say don't kill the white babies.
Well, that little baby will grow up even if it's a woman to be a military manufacturing center.
And every nine months she lays down on her back and reinforcements roll out.
That's all ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center venom.
The globalists are exterminating Africa right now.
Collapsing it.
And then, meanwhile, running around telling black people, go kill white people, go rob white people, be a thug, exploit women.
All of it
is a vector point, because the enemy will attack the weakest point where they think they've got control.
Well, black folks were oppressed in this country, and so they hit the point where they had control, where the state could come in and help the black people.
And boy, they sure helped them, didn't they?
I don't want any of that help.
I don't care what color you are.
You don't want the New World Order's help.
You don't want the government's help.
You don't want NPR's help.
You don't want CNN's help.
You don't want to be anywhere near these people.
You want to be on your knees before God with a relationship with the creator of the universe that made you and knows you're amazing.
Because you're a transcendent being that's more than what color you are.
That's what you need to be!
You're not going to get
You're not going to get satisfaction.
You're not going to get anything out of worldliness and devil worship.
But death and destruction.
And a civil war.
When we come back, I've got more.
I've got the Energy Secretary, but I've got to hit this.
I'm going to show you actual video.
There's hours of this.
Of worship.
The left worshipping pedophiles.
Pedophile worship straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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So many great products available at InfoWarStore.com, so please take advantage of these great products that enrich your life and fund the Info War.
All right, ladies and gentlemen,
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So that's just a great thing for kids.
I mean, we could just do marketing campaigns.
I think for kids, that'd be great.
Calcium, good for them.
The vitamin D.
So that's at Infowarsstore.com.
And again, it's your support there that keeps us on the air.
So the supplements, the shirts, the air filters, the water filters, the emergency food supplies, the emergency supplies at Infowarsstore.com.
Your support there keeps us on the air.
We cannot thank you enough.
The CEO of Pfizer just came out and said that.
People talking bad about the vaccines are working for, quote, dark forces that the FBI and CIA have been advising him on who these evil groups are.
They know that all over the world their poison shot is being banned by major governments.
And Moderna's in trouble as well.
They know that the people are starting to get wise to the depopulation agenda.
In fact, evidence is starting to mount that the shots were supposed to be soft kill weapons, but they're so deadly, they're killing a higher percentage up front, and so people are waking up.
The weapons work a little too good.
They're supposed to be silent weapons for quiet wars, but instead, they're making too big of a noise!
But it's too late for them to turn back now.
They're coming after our children.
So it's up to us to protect our little children, or God will not look favorably on us.
Remember, God is watching.
Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
Three years later, and InfoWars is still thriving, thanks to the support of our audience.
But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A.
But we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court with your support.
Go to SaveInfoWars.com now and give your donation to save the First Amendment.
SaveInfoWars.com and God bless America.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, it was about a year and a half before they launched the COVID-19 Great Reset Operation Lockstep program that I've been desperately warning you was imminent.
And so now, next hour, I'm going to tell you what's imminent again.
It's race war.
They've been desperately trying to trigger it.
There is a way to stop it.
We can do it together.
They have to recognize the enemy is the New World Order.
It is the corporate media.
They're the ones playing us off against each other.
Yeah, we got differences.
Everybody's got beef.
There's been problems.
Things have happened.
We've got to forgive each other.
Go to the next level.
Or, they're going to be able to pick us off one by one.
You must unify now.
Unify under God.
Unify under truth.
Unify under our republic that's not perfect.
But it's a shining example of where humanity could go.
And it's something that's an example against the globalists that they want to get rid of!
We're not going to let them do it.
This challenge is not our defeat.
This challenge is our greatest moment preparing to happen.
This is the time that people of old wish they lived in.
This is a great time to be together.
This is an amazing time to be born in and to live in, to have a chance
Okay, pedophile worship!
I'm not going to list all the City Council videos we've got, and County Commissioner videos, and Blue's Clues on PBS, and all of it, where they promote children having sex with adults, or women in a satanic ritual, that's what it is, in public schools and libraries and other facilities, bringing little children in to sit on the laps of horribly disgusting looking men in clown outfits, and saying, this is a woman.
It's one thing to say a man is a woman,
If the man looks like a woman, has a proclivity to be a woman, had some idea, that's what they want.
And they're not after children.
That's their choice.
This is disgusting men in clown outfits, big fat pedophiles and pedophile supporters literally coming after our children.
And the not even subliminal messages of Moloch in the video with children being given to the devil to be sacrificed to it in the blues clothes.
It's everywhere.
And then footage out of Kenosha.
And footage out of Portland.
And footage out of New York.
And footage out of Seattle.
And I just saw footage out of Dallas!
It's on Bandai Video, one of our contributors.
Of people out there defending JoJo Rosenbaum, who raped at least, you know they only catch one out of ten or so, so you didn't, obviously I would guess much more, five little boys as young as what, eight years old?
He would grab children out of parks, throw them in a gully, and sodomize them.
And now, Andy Nego, a hunted man, but he got the footage, and it's not just his.
I mean, this morning at like 5am, I watched like 7 of these videos, or 8 of these videos.
It's up close of them just worshipping Rosenbaum.
Say his name!
They didn't say the name... You don't see the Antifa scum saying the name of...
The little eight-year-old that got run over and died, took two days to die.
Eight-year-old Waukesha, Taratech victim, Jackson Sparks.
They don't want the name of Jackson Sparks said, no, no, no!
Or the names of all these other people, like this little girl, Julia, fighting for her life.
Ran over her head, on purpose!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
They don't want you doing it.
No, no.
They want you to say his name.
Joseph, child rapist, coward, scumbag, Rosenbaum.
Here it is.
And notice the symbol of these evil ringwraiths is the mask they all wear.
That way they can all wear their masks and go out and commit their crimes and promote pedophiles and everything else.
And this is another group of people under slavery, under satanic bondage, marked for death by their masters.
Remember, these people are all being destroyed by the globalists.
They're all the ones taking the shots, they're having the heart attacks, they're having the blood clots.
They don't care, because they'll do anything their God wants.
They'll hand their children over to it, they'll go to drag queen story time, they'll do whatever they have to.
Because they love death.
Let's play this clip.
Reporter asking to leave the Jihadi squad lady.
Have you wrestled with any potential downsides?
Of releasing into society every single person who's in federal prison.
Everyone like, oh my god, we're just not releasing, we're just gonna release everybody.
To lead.
That's not what I'm saying.
Reporter, that's what your bill says.
But they're gonna be selective.
Oh no no, Alex Jones and Roger Stone!
Oh, there'll be no clemency there.
It's their people.
That's what communists do.
Remember General Benton Parton, former head of Air Force Weapons Development, head of the HAARP program, head of secret space operations.
I mean, he read it at the highest level.
And he said, on my show many times with Percy, he said, listen, Jones, there's a communist program.
Powerful corporate forces are using communism as a takeover.
And he just explained that
It's a program.
And when you see them try to legalize and release violent offenders, that's when you know they're about to have a violent uprising, because they're promising to their people, you can commit all the violence you want, and once we get into power, we're going to let you go.
He said, that's when you know they're making their move.
He said that on my show 25 years ago.
And here we are today, and it's happening.
So here is one of the horsemen.
Getting caught even on mainstream news and BS.
Here it is.
To what extent have you wrestled with any potential downsides of releasing into society every single person who's currently in a federal prison?
Yeah, again, I think that everyone's like, oh my god, we're going to just release everybody.
That's not what I'm... Yeah, but did you see how many people are mentally ill that are in prison right now?
No, I know, but the act that you've endorsed actually says release everyone in 10 years.
But in 10 years, but think about it, who will release you?
Because they're not going to release this everybody.
Only the hardcore leftists that will commit crimes and murders under their orders.
That's why Pelosi said a few years ago, oh I love MS-13, they're God's children!
Because they're running the child kidnapping rings, they're running the slavery, they're doing it all.
Dr. Darren Beattie is going to be joining us to talk about the globalist plan to trigger martial law through a civil war next hour, the latest on January 6th.
The garbage subpoenas against us and so much more.
I meant to get to the footage, but I'll get to it after he leaves us.
I don't know.
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It is
Why do my enemies hate me so much?
Why do the globalists hate you so much?
Why do they hate America so much?
Because it's an idea of freedom that their tyrannical system that they're pushing cannot coexist with.
It's very, very simple.
For their world government, their anti-human, post-human, eugenic system to flourish, freedom and liberty and due process, injustice and God-fearing systems must fail.
So sure, you didn't start a fight with Bill Gates.
You didn't start a fight with David Rockefeller.
You didn't start a fight with the UN.
They started a fight with you.
And they're not gonna back down, and they're not gonna go away, and they're not going to ever stop their attacks until they have the fear of God put into them.
The average person still doesn't even know about the New World Order, or about globalism, or about corporate fascism.
And it's not until people understand that, and that we're under attack, that we have any chance of beating these people.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It just might go down as the biggest media malfeasance to date.
The way the mainstream media handled the Steele dossier nonsense.
Unable to turn a blind eye or cover up for being complicit in the conspiracy any longer, some outlets are being forced to address the issue head-on in the wake of more Durham indictments and arrests.
Axios describes it as a reckoning hitting news organizations and admits it's one of the most egregious journalistic errors in modern history.
The media spreading lies for years.
It relents it was outsized coverage of an unvetted document.
Many journalists resented the former president for running more than half of the country against the media, frequently repeating... Fake news!
Fake news.
A phrase Hillary Clinton actually coined.
Fake news and false propaganda.
But was it the media that created the monster?
Fake news.
It's fake.
Was it the media that created the contention?
By pushing a thinly sourced story based on rumors and lies?
As more truth comes out, The Washington Post has corrected and removed large portions of two articles.
But will CNN or MSNBC revisit or correct their coverage around the Steele dossier?
Since the Axios article, other outlets are acknowledging the malfeasance.
New York Times says, many of the dossier's allegations have turned out to be fictitious, or at best, unprovable.
It goes on to make some thinly-veiled excuses for the coverage, but says the distinction between what journalists assume and what we verify is often the difference between fiction and reality.
However, when you don't toe the line for the approved narrative, it seems you might just end up raided by the FBI.
It's looking more like the DOJ has been weaponized against dissenters.
And worse yet, did the New York Times collude with the FBI to target Project Veritas?
While some journalists don't approve of James O'Keefe's style, he is following the tenet of journalism to hold those in power accountable.
Kudos to the journalists speaking out against the FBI raids against him and the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press for filing a motion to unseal the search warrant application.
As the ACLU statement says, the precedent sent in this case could have serious consequences for press freedom.
And in Biden's own words...
It's simply, simply wrong.
So you won't let your Justice Department do that?
I will not let that happen.
He said that in May, and yet here we are.
Despite the intrusion, Project Veritas is still exposing unethical conduct.
As listed in the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics, expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their own organizations.
And that's just what one CBS insider was doing in exposing Tegna.
You know what's not listed in the SPJ Code of Ethics?
This unethical advice.
I challenge you to stop thinking in terms of objective journalism.
In fact, the Code of Ethics advises ethical journalism should be accurate and fair.
It also says support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.
But is the current state of journalism even concerned with serving the public anymore?
I don't really care if people trust us or not.
You've still got to do your job.
So, I mean, that's the least of my concerns, whether they trust me or not.
Is this who you want to receive your news from?
Playing PR for the current administration, check out these headlines.
America needs higher, longer-lasting inflation.
Washington Examiner.
White House thinks inflation and supply chain woes are high-class problems.
Inflation's silver lining.
Higher salaries.
Wisconsin Examiner.
Inflation boogeyman scares only the extremely wealthy.
Are you extremely wealthy?
I know I'm not.
And this
Scares me.
Pain at the pump.
God-awful grocery bills.
We can all feel that.
And what good are higher salaries if the cost of goods has risen by a much higher percentage than your paycheck?
And another fact check fail after Bill Gates' own words were used against him.
We got vaccines to help you with your health, but they only slightly reduced the transmissions.
Reuters stepped in for damage control and claims Gates was taken out of context.
It also plays the game of saying, no, Bill Gates did not say the vaccine is ineffective, but that wasn't the claim being made.
The claim was that the vaccine isn't working well because it doesn't block transmission.
And that is true.
That's exactly what Bill Gates said.
You know what is missing context, Reuters?
The conflict of interest here.
The fact that the founder and former CEO of Reuters was elected to Pfizer's Board of Directors in 2014 until his retirement just last year.
Bringing you what's ignored, sensationalized, unbalanced, misleading, or just plain false.
For KLIM.News, that's your media maleficent.
Alright, we'll be back.
Info Wars.
Info Wars.
Get prepared.
Mega blowout sale 2021 is live right now.
The biggest sale of the year.
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And now we have Super Coral Calcium Toothpaste.
Similar to our previous Coral Biting Toothpaste, but even stronger, even more concentrated, it's now back in stock and discounted with free shipping at InfoWareStore.com.
So many great products available at InfoWareStore.com, so please take advantage of these great products that enrich your life and fund the InfoWare.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And here we are, into hour number two on this live, Wednesday, November 24th, worldwide broadcast.
Brought to you by We The People, not big corporations, not Bill Gates or George Soros.
What we like to be next year's news, or next decade's news today, or tomorrow's news today, is our actual slogan.
And I told you that with Operation Lockstep and everything we were seeing with the pre-programming, that they were going to release a virus, and they were going to have lockdowns worldwide, and they were going to use that for total control, and then that it wouldn't be a vaccine, it would erase your immunity, and then they would have all these extra boosters they wanted to give you because they bragged about it in prospectus papers in the deep state, talking about prospective viruses or scenarios.
Well, that wasn't even
Dead reckoning by me.
We had the proof.
We knew we were right.
Well, if dead reckoning is one thing, where you have the evidence and your experience, then you make a prediction and it tends to be right, this is certainty.
Well, we're about to talk about right now, and that's that multinational corrupt interests want to use American power for world hegemony.
They don't like the Western Christian, Judaic Christian ethos of due process and liberal ideas.
They want corporate fascism.
So they took over the liberal movements.
I don't know.
That there is a global populist awakening.
They've tried to brand nationalism itself as racist and evil and horrible, but only the big globalist combine corporations will save us.
And we do that by having them be the new religion, as Pelosi said last week, of we're all racist and we're all bad, and the Earth is dying, and carbon-based life forms are evil, and we must do what the priest class and the media say for absolution.
Or, we're going to be in a living hell here and the world will end in 2030.
That's what they've been saying, that's what they've been doing.
Well, Dr. Darren Beattie is a former professor of political science at Duke University who went on to serve in the White House as a speechwriter and advisor to President Trump.
He is now the founder of Revolver.News and has been really the driving force behind getting Tucker Carlson and many others to really look at what really happened on January 6th and now
What's coming out of January 6th and that whole narrative is, I'm giving you the next year's news today, not having a midterm election as we would think of one.
Creating racial division, exacerbating trials, fanning the flames, hoping to get racial violence going to then legitimize this supposed censorship and controls and the Justice Department saying the number one terror threat when Biden first got in in January and then since then in the official US government
Policy on terrorism, that those that question elections, those that question lockdowns, those that question censorship are terrorists and must not just be silenced, but arrested.
Hillary Clinton, I've got the clip coming up later in this hour, actually went on national TV with Rachel Maddow and said they're losing, they want to shut us all up.
We've got the head of Pfizer saying the same thing.
So the ruling corporate takeover isn't going too well.
Opposition's exploding worldwide.
Millions protesting daily in Europe and other areas against what's happening.
And so the system is now going to double down.
So Dr. Beattie joins us at Darren Beattie, Darren J. Beattie on Twitter, revolver.news, to give us the latest.
He's got a big article out that he'll tell you about here in a moment.
Then we'll obviously ask the big questions.
Why aren't we getting Ray Epps and these people that clearly are provocateurs of the Feds, why aren't we getting them subpoenaed?
Why aren't we hearing about the admitted FBI agents leading some of these groups?
Why aren't we hearing about the FBI agent that ran the whole fake Whitmer kidnapping plot being involved in January 6th?
Why are we hearing Roger Stone and Alex Jones?
Well, that's the new narrative that again, oh, we did it on purpose, we attacked the Capitol, we're terrorists, it was an insurrection, which even the FBI admits is not true, and so
We've got to have a war with ourselves.
We've got to have an authoritarian purge.
That's quite the intro, but that's where we're at.
Dr. Beattie, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Great to be here.
Thank you.
Well, you heard me play out the waterfront.
You can start wherever you'd like.
I know there's a lot of news.
Well, if your readers are familiar, I'd like to talk a little bit more about the Ray F situation.
And this is a very live story.
It recently gained attention on none other than the Joe Rogan podcast.
Joe Rogan brought up the Revolver.News article on air, scrolled through it.
And he talked to his guests, and the remarkable thing is his guests were, I must say, not incredibly informed, assuming that their intentions were good.
These were representatives of Google, I believe, and other disinformation industries that serve the interests and the narratives of the regime.
But Rogin, to his credit, said,
Look, are you going to call the conspiracy theory, the idea that there was some false flag aspects to 1.6?
I'm going to pull this up.
I'm going to show you this individual, Ray Epps, who's seen multiple occasions.
In fact, the day before January 6, he's seen all over the place going to different groups, redirecting their energies and focusing them on a singular mission.
And that mission is to go in to the Capitol.
And because Trump supporters are a peaceful people, there had been hundreds of Trump rallies without anything remotely resembling that level of vandalism, the Trump supporters immediately identified something was off.
And in fact, in one occasion, chanted fed at him.
They knew there was something off with him, but he was persistent.
He wasn't just there the day before.
He was a Where's Waldo figure on January 6th.
But dedicated to the mission that he adduced the previous evening.
And that is going to the Capitol.
He's corralling the crowd saying, let's go to the Capitol.
He goes around for days like a robot parrot saying, attack the Capitol.
He goes around for days like a robot.
I mean, this is insane.
And where's his subpoena?
Where are his subpoenas?
Well, no, no.
So just to emphasize, and this is so, you know, there's some other aspects that I think are equally, if not more damning as it pertains to the federal role in 1-6, but the advantage of the EPS story is it's all caught on tape, and there's something about video evidence that's inherently viral, and it's really
Seized people's attention to say, what the hell is going on with this guy?
Because from the time, the evening before 1-6, when he's saying, let's go into the Capitol, to literally two seconds before the initial breach on Capitol grounds, two seconds before, the same individual, Ray Epps, is whispering in somebody's ear.
And two seconds later, that guy bursts down the fence.
And the thing is, it's not like the Feds had zero interest in him from the beginning.
As I believe I pointed out in my last appearance here, the FBI originally put Epps on its first of 20 most wanted January 6 figures.
And they said, just like they do with the pipe bomb thing, just like they do with everything else, they pretend to care.
They say, we really need the public's help in identifying this guy.
Then the internet, being what it is, identified him in like a day, and then crickets from the feds, they knew who he was, it was clear they knew who he was, they just didn't do anything.
And they waited months and months until Revolver.News ran a report, a report, I must say, on Stuart Rhodes, and the day after that report was published,
The FBI quietly scrubs Epps' name and information from their public database and they haven't said anything about him since.
And after this major piece that came out from Revolver, a very detailed expose of Ray Epps, who he is, where he's from, what his activities were, some of the other people it looked like he was coordinating with.
After we ran that piece and this blew up and it gained national attention,
Two intrepid citizen journalists actually tracked down Epps at his ranch in Arizona.
And they asked him, so what's the deal with this?
And frankly, in my opinion, he looked guilty as hell when confronted that way.
He scurried off back into his property.
But the amazing thing is, the day after those two citizen journalists confronted Epps, guess who knocks on their door?
None other than the Arizona FBI.
So the FBI is more interested in anyone who would dare to ask questions about Epps than Epps himself.
When in the mountains of video documentary evidence of 1-6, here's the only guy repeatedly calling... That's right.
Dr. Darren J. Beatty.
Stay right there.
We'll come back.
You're definitely over the target and they're scared.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When the evening sun goes down You will find me hangin' down The nightlife ain't a good life But it's my life Many people just like me
And the nightlife...
Welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Dr. Darren J. Beatty is our guest, advisor to Trump, speechwriter, and a guy who really was seminal in investigating January 6th and really codifying the fact that it wasn't just some anti-FUD dressed up like Trump supporters.
It wasn't just, no, no, no.
It was the deep state.
It was the Pentagon.
It was the Justice Department.
It was all those groups, same groups that ran Oklahoma City event.
They were there, and we know that, and they're not being touched.
But boy, they're all over the news saying they want to put me in jail, and we've got the former Deputy Director of the FBI, we'll get that clip ready from yesterday, here in a few minutes, saying Alex Jones and Roger Stone are right at the red hot center of what happened on January 6th.
Yeah, I'm at the center, almost getting totally set up.
The whole damn thing was a setup, thank God that we figured it out and tried to stop it.
But oh, I'm at the Red Hot Center, ladies and gentlemen.
Abs, no, no, no, no.
Mr. McCabe is at the Red Hot Center.
And so, Doc, our listeners know about Ray Epps.
We'll play a Joe Rogan clip here, too, in a minute.
In fact, let's just play the clip you were talking about.
Here it is.
Ray Epps.
Meet Ray Epps, the Fed-protected provocateur who appears to have led the very first January 6th attack on the U.S.
So let's watch some of this because it's crazy.
It's really weird.
This guy is doing this like over and over and over again.
There's a video of it, but this is an article about it.
Oh, so this is an article that's in Revolver.
I'll get the video.
We'll find the video, because the video is f***ing strange.
Ray Epps' video.
Here it is.
Well, that's 20 minutes long.
We'll see some of it.
And again, I'm not going to play the whole thing here.
I wonder who told Joe about all this.
I wonder if Joe...
is more interested now that they're trying to put his friend in jail for January 6th.
I wonder if Joe's going to be talking about that more soon now.
Because again, there's not just the evil Justice Department and the universe, there's also America waking up.
And so that's where we are.
Going back to Dr. Beatty.
You know, Epps is important.
The fact that he's not been subpoenaed is important.
But there's so many other things coming out.
And the fact that this January 6th committee officially says, up front in their investigation, we know this is an attack.
We know it's an insurrection.
It was a plan to overthrow the government.
But no, it was really a plan to demonize their opposition, we now know.
How do you have a fair investigation when it's purely political, and up front they say, we know this was a plan to overthrow the government, and so now here's who we say are guilty.
Guilty until proven guilty.
Well, I mean, clearly there's never any intention of having a fair investigation.
From the beginning, this is meant to be a political type of show trial, meant to advance a political narrative,
Whose result, in effect, justifies demonizing over half of the country of American patriots, Trump supporters, but not just Trump supporters, really anyone, including left-wing dissidents who find the abuses of the regime intolerable, just to lump all of those people together and declare them domestic terrorists because of their political beliefs and
Weaponize the full force of the American national security apparatus against them.
That's what's at stake in this false January 6th narrative.
It's not just the people who are being held in solitary confinement for trivial offenses while the big fish swim free still to this day.
It's not just for them.
It's for all of us because the narrative is being used
To point to all of us as domestic terrorists.
That's why it's so important.
And that's why getting to the bottom of this, getting to the truth of 1-6 is so important, because the whole thing, its only purpose is to be exploited and used politically toward that end.
That's the only purpose.
And that's why, of course, they're going after you because you're one of the most effective people in media who isn't part of the controlled media.
That's why they're going after Steve Bannon because he's another profoundly effective person in media.
And they're going after Roger Stone because he's known as an effective advisor to President Trump and so forth.
This is all political.
Because any other explanation would require the Feds to have a good answer for why some of the key people who take place in this event, in the case of Ray Epps, it's not just some guy saying, oh, go into the Capitol.
He is, by all accounts, by all this video evidence, very evidently, one of the key orchestrators of the initial breach of the Capitol, which set off this whole event.
And they don't want him?
So it just doesn't make any sense unless we very seriously entertain the darkest of dark possibilities, which is this is part of a long and really dirty narrative, very dirty practices going back decades, as you said, to the Oklahoma City bombing involving many of the key players from back in those days, including Merrick Garland.
Who was the key, quote unquote, domestic terrorism guy in the DOJ under Clinton in the early 90s, just as the government was kicking off into high gear its practice of infiltrating domestic so-called militias.
Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City.
Nothing's changed.
And so it's clear, I know you don't like to speculate, Doctor, but they're saying that the right-wingers are going to be terrorists with Fed terms.
No, we're winning.
We're 10 points ahead even in mainline polls, the biggest Republican lead since they started taking modern polls 100 years ago.
So they're in full disaster mode.
And remember Bill Clinton said on Air Force One, after re-election in 96, to over 50 pool reporters, he said, I owe my re-election to Oklahoma City.
That helped bring the country together, really repudiated the Republicans.
So, they played the card before, it's the same criminals in there again, and if we don't think they're going to stage false flags and exacerbate racial division to legitimize them saying that the Christians and the Conservatives and the Trump supporters and those that question elections and vaccine mandates are terrorists, if we don't think they're not going to stage a provocateur or something, we're dumb.
That's the final ingredient in this, Doctor.
And you know what?
The silver lining in this is that I think a large swath of the American public is ready and they're on to the game.
And the remarkable thing that I've seen, and you've probably seen this too since you've been studying this in much greater depth and for a lot longer than I have, but from what I've seen on the basis of my investigation of the history of these types of federal operations is
They're remarkably uncreative.
They're remarkably resistant to modifying their techniques.
And so you see the same patterns over and over and over again.
Extremely formulaic.
Yes, exactly.
And you see a lot of the same, you know, paint-by-numbers approach to these domestic ops.
You see these elements in 1.6.
And the thing is, is that unlike in the 90s where Clinton was around and the Oklahoma City thing, even though the oligarchs have done a pretty good job at shutting down the internet, they haven't done it completely.
And the internet age, albeit censored post-2016, simply makes it very difficult for them to pull off these ops.
Stay there, we've got to go to break.
Let's come back and get your expertise on what you think they're going to pull next.
But Dr. Beattie, stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, when I was younger, I'd read a lot of history books.
I knew about false flags.
I think World War II started with false flags.
Hitler saying the Poles had attacked their military base at Gleiwitz.
That's what kicked it off.
And that later came out in the Nuremberg Trials.
I knew about the Reichstag that Hitler used to become a dictator.
But then, I was just getting on air in 95.
On local access TV, and General Benton K. Parton had been the former head of Air Force Weapons Development.
He'd run the secret space program, Star Wars.
I mean, high-level three-star general.
And he was on local TV and even traveled to Austin to come on AXS television and say they had bombs in the building, here's the feds, here's how they did it.
They're using this to declare the American people the enemy, to start setting up a secret police.
And so I got to sit there and got to know the guy.
I probably interviewed him 50 times.
Went out to dinner with him five or six times.
And so I sat at the feet of that type of person.
Former head FBI agent in the LA sector.
Ted Gunderson was running around exposing all this at the time.
And so that's where I got my knowledge.
I didn't just develop this out of some, you know, magic wand.
And now we're here and I'm telling you...
Dr. Beatty doesn't like to speculate, he's going off the facts here, but they are so scared of just him pointing out that this should be investigated, because it messes up their whole narrative, that doesn't end with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and Steve Bannon in jail, claiming we ran some insurrection.
It's saying the American people themselves are an enemy of the state, and have to be targeted.
I mean, this is a real...
I don't
Get your view on where this is going, the expanded show trials, and how you think we stop this.
I mean, obviously, exposing it, sunlight's the best disinfectant, but what else can we do?
Get members of Congress talking more about this?
I know they're starting to send letters and things after you and Tucker's work.
Yes, well, first of all, it's quite fitting that you should mention the term Kulak.
Our most recent piece on Revolver.News, which is up there live right now on the very top, is titled, Are You Ready to Be an American Kulak?, which draws upon the very real, very visceral, and very dark and disturbing historical parallels between the deplorables, broadly speaking, the American patriots,
And the Kulak class, which was the enemy political class of the Bolshevik revolutionaries.
And so I'd encourage anyone who wants to learn more about that historical parallel in order to understand more deeply the dire situation that we're in now is to go to Revolver and read that.
Well, that wasn't a mistake.
I mean, I read the article.
I saw it this morning.
So spend some time next segment on that.
Right now, getting back to the main central area.
So the question is, you know, where are things going from here?
How do they stop it?
Well, from my perspective, I consider my duty to continue with our investigative work.
And we have a lot of major pieces in the works.
And just to provide a little bit of teaser as to what's coming up.
There's so much more to the Ray Epps story that people know.
The Ray Epps story, there's a reason why the Feds are so obviously sensitive to anyone touching the Ray Epps issue.
It's really the key that unlocks the whole thing and we've taken an extremely deep
Extremely meticulous dive into not only Ray Epps, but all of the various people that he seemed to be coordinating with on that day.
And it's interesting to point that out because the New York Times, in a damage control piece, falsely reported that, oh, Ray Epps is this lone actor, he wasn't coordinating with anyone.
That is very clearly false when you look at and study the video evidence.
There are many people that he's communicating with, that he seems to be working with,
And believe it or not, many of those people who themselves have pretty egregious records when it comes to the initial breach, a lot of these people are also curiously unindicted.
So we're going to tell the full story of that whole breach team, that whole assorted issue leading up to the initial breach, because really this is what kicked it all off.
And the feds seem to have zero interest in all of these events and all of the key players who are instrumental in that initial capital breach that set it all off.
So we're going to tell that story in full and in detail.
And the follow up piece from that is we have a major smoking gun piece that's going to show beyond any doubt that the feds knew in advance of some
I think so.
The news cycles can be so fast.
There's this phantasmagoria of novelty, of new information, the new thing to be outraged about, the new thing that, you know, AOC wore a new dress that's outrageous, and all of these things, and it's so easy for people to get distracted.
And it's so easy for people just to latch onto the wrong narrative, to latch their justified indignation onto the wrong narrative.
And that's why when we shifted the narrative from the Antifa stuff onto the false flag, that's why the regime freaked out so much.
What they can't stand is when people are right over the one narrative that they don't want, and when we hold on to it persistently and demand answers.
So that, I think, can go a long way.
Just not dropping the ball.
Stay in focus.
They want to arrest some of the soccer moms and folks that came in and didn't know what was going on.
I mean, this is so obvious.
So aren't they kind of building a trap for themselves, trying to have even this kangaroo court in Congress and all this?
Because by bringing this back up, it's going to bring up the truth of what they did.
Well, in many ways they are.
And again, I've looked at this from so many different angles and looked at the kind of strategic dimensions of it.
And in certain respects, I'd be happy to elaborate on this if you like, but there are many respects.
It's preposterous, but that's politically the most kind of salacious thing and that's what they want to focus on.
But there are other elements I think within
I don't know.
I don't think every element that you see pursuing one six investigation is fully briefed on what exactly happened.
And so that accounts for some of the interesting mixed messaging.
Like we've seen some messaging coming out saying, oh, actually, this wasn't some preplanned event.
This wasn't some preplanned.
Didn't by accident tell Reuters, Roger Shiller and Alex Jones, we've investigated, did not coordinate with Trump and were not involved in an attempt to overthrow things.
Which is true, and they did investigate us.
So why would they tell the truth and then on the other hand they're attacking?
Well, that's exactly, in my view, that's exactly what I'm talking about, is that there are elements within the Feds whose view is, look, we've already set this off, we've pulled it off successfully, we've successfully created a narrative that is now going to be used to weaponize the national security apparatus against American patriots.
Now, let's quit while we're ahead, because if we pursue this, first of all, it's going to come out that the whole notion that you had involvement or Stone or anyone else, there's just going to be no evidence there, just like the Russiagate stuff.
But secondly, there's only downside, in fact, extreme downside, because continuing to pursue that, there are so many landmines around here, and again, because of the compartmentalization,
The political operatives on the congressional side and others aren't necessarily briefed into the full story of what the Feds did.
And so they can unwittingly step on those landmines.
And so... Exactly.
Dr. Beeney, stay there.
Stay there.
I'm going to come right back and talk more about this.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ahmed Aubry.
Verdict has come in by the jury.
Guilty, guilty, guilty.
They're going to prison for a long time.
When the man was running around constantly robbing the neighborhood.
On video, in houses.
I'm not glad the guy's dead.
I personally wouldn't want the trouble.
I wouldn't chase after somebody.
That was a bad move.
But people get pissed off.
Guilty, guilty, guilty, ladies and gentlemen.
So the left won't have a reason to burn everything down.
We'll be covering that next hour after Dr. Darren J. Beattie leaves us.
You got caught up on the breakup.
Other points you want to make about what's currently happening with the January 6th kangaroo court, where you expect that to go, obviously they're trying to provocateur racial division in America.
That seems to be backfiring on them.
And then let's talk about your new article that's excellent and very lengthy at Revolver News.
Are you ready to be an American Kulak?
Because that is the model these authoritarians are using.
So tell us about that as well, Doc.
Yeah, just a little bit about this.
This is a follow-up on an earlier piece that we did, which was one of the darkest pieces we ever ran, but it's very important and it circulated very widely.
And this piece explored the parallels between our current situation and the Bolshevik revolutionary situation.
And this Kulak piece, which is up right now on revolver.news, sort of is a compendium to that.
I'm good.
Um, political enemy class within the Soviet regime.
The Kulaks were kind of peasants hated by peasants, so to speak.
And any type of peasant revolt that was attempted was always blamed as, oh, these are Kulak wreckers.
The Kulaks are ruining things.
The Kulaks is why this latest Soviet industrial program didn't work.
They're the only acceptable victim class, and every failure of the regime on the basis of its corruption and incompetence simply cycled into an intensified and more vigorous political persecution of the Kulaks.
And I think that's, in many ways, what you see in the United States, only instead of Kulaks, you substitute it for, frankly, mostly white middle class working class.
White is certainly a demonized term.
I'm good.
It's an ever-expanding term that's used to encompass all the enemies of the regime and to blame them for the regime's failures when really the failures result from the corruption and incompetence.
So I think for people to really understand the situation that we're in politically and understand maybe that there are some limitations to thinking that we can solve this through some kind of ordinary process.
Let's talk about how we do it because how we do get that done because I totally agree with you.
And so the entire globalist, corporate, fascist system is using communism as the operating system, but they're really offshore and above it.
Obama, before he left office, gave speeches saying, well, we need a mix of communist countries and capitalist countries, so slave countries, then quasi-free countries, so the powerful money interests don't have to live under what they themselves have installed as a control system.
But it's breathtaking.
It's extraordinary.
I don't have words to describe how, in a historical lens or yardstick, to say whites are inherently evil and it's inherently bad is the only thing to compare- it's Hitler, but the other way around.
And then to have a ruling class of rich white people pushing this as their operating system for divide and conquer is just overtly criminal.
Overtly discrediting, and I'm surprised it's had as much success as it has, but the polls, the numbers, and what I see show, it's rapidly losing its effect and backfiring now.
A, do you agree with that?
Then B, how do we counter something this dirty, this nasty, like social war they're trying to stoke?
Well, it is remarkable.
As illuminating as historical antecedents can be, and as illuminating as it can be to describe contemporary situation in terms of existing ideologies, isms, communism, capitalism, and so forth, the condition in the West, and particularly in the United States, is remarkable, I think, principally for its newness.
I'm not aware if there's any other time in history that the dominant ideology of the country is connected with the political demonization and dehumanization of the basically majority and founding stock of that very country.
You have cases where nations can be extremely vicious.
Yeah, they usually target a weak minority as the scapegoat, exactly.
Why is it starting a fight with one of the most powerful groups?
Well, I think power isn't always power in numbers, and I think we do have an elite in this regime, or I hate to use the term elite, maybe a corrupt ruling class that is in the minority, and the Kulak population could be quite
Thank you.
Really, the deplorables have zero institutional power.
There's not a single major important institution in this country that's principally controlled by the deplorables.
And so that's why we're here, is the corrupt corporate establishment has taken over all the major power positions.
And so now it sees that it's done.
As long as it can annihilate any populist opposition, it will stay in power forever.
And it even wants to use the process of starting a fight with that populist movement as the excuse of putting in a permanent police state.
And, you know, this is a very difficult situation.
As I said, there's no real historical precedent for this particular type of regime.
There are many different ways that I think that wokeness is the dominant ideology, maybe even the religion of the United States.
I think that wokeness is deeply ingrained into the incentive structure and the ecology of our economy.
It's deeply ingrained into the nature in which the United States exercises power.
Hillary admits, Hillary and all of them, Pelosi, that liberal leftism is the religion and the operating system they want to basically send around the world.
It doesn't matter if Apple runs slave factories.
It doesn't matter if the U.N.
is killing Africans by the tens of thousands of their land.
In Central Africa, it's okay because they say they're liberal and Tim Cook's gay.
I mean, it's literally just a horrible corporate system wrapping itself in the camouflage of limp-wristed liberalism when it has nothing to even do with that.
Right now, but there is like real method to the madness.
And if you look, for instance, at the phenomenon of woke capital, all the major corporate enterprises embracing the woke ideology, we had another piece on revolver.news, I think is really important.
And it basically exposed this whole, I think it's kind of a
That's a great question.
Doc, do five more minutes with us.
We've got to go to break.
I want to ask you how we get out of this again.
I want to go back to that central question.
You're absolutely right.
The global operating system of these corporations is woke-ism.
It's a religion, a system they're forcing on us.
How do we counter that?
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I'm no stranger to the rain
I want to invite Dr. Beatty of Revolver News to do a one hour, two hour podcast with me in studio in Austin as soon as we can fly him down here.
And Joe Rogan's pet peeve is don't push guests on it, but I got a sneaking suspicion we could probably get him on Joe, because Joe's really awake when he was over here at the studio.
Tim Pool was really here.
He stayed here the whole time.
We didn't want to say that on air.
He talked about the Capitol.
He's really starting to get it.
And Joe's really awake now.
Before, he would project his own niceness onto the establishment.
Now he's... They've got a big problem on their hands.
As smart as I am, we're smarter and he now is on the case.
That's using these historical Hegelian principles on people, and folks better get this, because you're right, everything else is a side issue, compared to the official policy of the U.S.
government is people that question elections and lockdowns are terrorists.
I mean, I know people in the CIA, in the FBI, they've all gotten out, because they say, no, we're training to take on the American people.
I mean, I know a lot of folks, I'm going to leave it at that, and they're all just getting out, which again, is a purge, naturally.
Where the good people get out, now the bad people are in.
I mean, this is really a formula, I think, is what you're saying.
And people need to know, this is very methodical and very dangerous, and I think what you're saying is, only grasping the full attack is what can empower us, and that Congress needs to get this understanding very quickly.
So three minutes left, and give us your closing comments.
Yes, I think first of all, we can only hope to succeed on the basis of a sober understanding of what our situation actually is, what our government actually is, and what our country actually is in its current state.
So it would be, you know, very pretty to just dismiss all of these and pretend like politics can go on as usual.
But the real fact is, I've said this in other occasions, is that politics as we know it will continue to be fake and performative until the national security state is brought to heel.
You simply cannot have any organic, successful, real, effectual political movements if you have major swaths of our own national security apparatus doing infiltration operations and setting up and doing all sorts of things to tee off narratives with the assist of the apparatchik media to demonize half of the country for their political beliefs.
So I think
Just being conscious of the role that the national security state plays, which is new to a lot of people, especially conservatives, who are, I think, dispositionally deferential to the security state.
That's one thing.
I think the second thing, and what we can do is, as bad as the regime is, and as overt as its abuses are, it still depends on our belief in its legitimacy.
And so it's really important for us to understand how illegitimate the regime is, how evil it is, and how corrupt it is.
And I think, again, this is a special task for conservatives who haven't really figured out in these present conditions, which are very different from what we've had before, how to be patriotic, but at the same time, don't give the corrupt and evil regime the legitimacy that it needs to engage and to
Conduct its war on you politically.
And that's a task that it's not an easy solution, but that's absolutely what conservatives, American patriots and dissidents of all stripes need to do.
Stop giving the system the legitimacy that it needs in order to crush you.
Well, please come back on after Thanksgiving, and I definitely want to get you down here.
I just know that Joe's way overbooked months and months out, but I know that he's going to probably want to get you on.
I just want this great truth to be understood, because once you understand the false flag, once you understand how so many corrupt regimes use this to take over, you understand everything.
Revolver News, ladies and gentlemen.
Revolver.News, Dr. Darren J. Beatty.
Doctor, great work, and have a great Thanksgiving, and God bless you.
You too, Alex.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
So you want next year's news today?
You're getting it right now.
They're planting false flags next year, guaranteed.
They're going to want to put me in prison.
They're trying to frame us.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, we are back.
Man, I tell you, part two of the General Flynn interview, I'm not going to say it's better, but it's as good as part one.
But because we had other guests on with us,
I was going to release it last week and then I just got so busy.
I'm like, Hey, we never aired that.
So it's still very timely.
And we're going to be airing that coming up in the fourth hour today.
And Owen Schroer is going to be introducing it and co-hosting it coming up at the bottom of the hour.
He's gonna be in the other studio.
When you are hyping up something really, really important, it's extremely important to really get it right and to not turn it into a carnival barker type situation.
But at the same time, when you're exhausted and fighting hard, I'm just going to do it how I need to get it done.
Um, it's when you're exhausted, it's easier to sound like a carnival barker because a carnival barker is exhausted.
Their job is to sit there and tell you something over and over again and try to get you to come play the game or, you know, try to win the teddy bear.
I'm not trying to sell you playing games and getting a teddy bear for your girlfriend or kid.
I'm trying to get you to come to Jesus.
Because we need people to wake up, this is a spiritual battle, and we need to understand how much trouble we're in, we need to take action.
So don't you ever think, listeners, that I don't know sometimes I look and act like a damn train wreck.
But it's because seven days a week, some days I feel good, some days I feel exhausted, some days I feel down, some days I feel like I'm on top of the world, but I'm here hammering because I can't sit here knowing this evil's going down,
And not stand up to it.
And one of my greatest frustrations, and I'm not just telling you about my personal life.
I want you to understand this so you get this.
And I think you already probably think like this.
I just want you to know I think just like you.
I get physically pissed off when I see average people getting screwed over by corrupt shysters.
I don't like it.
And because I have empathy.
I know that's being done to me.
My neighbor's house gets broken into, it's mine next.
But it's not even that I have to, like, think of that.
Like, that could be me.
It's empathy.
I'm pissed off.
I'm pissed off when a white dude goes in a church and shoots black people because he's a racist scumbag.
And I get really pissed off the same way when a crazy racist black person goes and kills a bunch of innocent white people.
But then I get more pissed because the media covers it up!
And yeah, because it's white people being killed.
And that makes me, at a very fundamental level, get even more angry.
But that's what Klaus Schwab said.
He goes, we're having an angrier world so we can take over.
So, here's what I'm trying to get at.
In February, that big blue northern was coming down, that arctic hammer, that super chill,
That Northern Blast, I forget the technical term for it, and Polar Vortex, thank you.
People think, folks are in my ear telling me this all the time, but the crew does occasionally pop in and help me.
Polar Vortex, thank you.
And so the Texas Weather Bureau and the U.S.
Weather Bureau, NOAA, six days before it hit, said we got an estimate of the computer models in six days.
That's going to hit the Midwest and Texas and it's going to cause massive power outages because people are going to try to heat their homes and we don't even have enough power right now with the federal rules on what we're allowed to do.
And so four days before, Texas sends an emergency letter to the EPA and to the Department of Energy and said, please let us up the power on these coal power plants.
They're the only plants where we've got
Boxcars full of coal, and if you allow us to fire them back up to full capacity, we'll have enough power.
And the Feds said, no!
And on that Valentine's Day, at midnight, the power went out over most of the state, and then I was out of power at my house for two weeks.
My parents were only out a few days.
I went over to their house and showered, but the point was, we were on backup generators in here in the dark.
You saw it.
If you had power.
Hundreds of people died.
And it turned out that ERCOT, the same as Enron, stole twenty-something billion dollars, but they know we don't have a memory, so who cares, by charging up to four billion dollars extra a day by not letting Texas generate its own power, but buying it from Mexico and other areas that had coal power plants.
And I showed you the letter on air from my studio with, like, limited power, barely on air.
I showed you the letter from the state saying, let us up the power, and the Fed's saying no.
And they had fact-checkers come out and say that I was a liar and that nobody cut our power.
I've got the damn document!
And then you see Saki and all the rest of them going, a month ago, well, gas prices are going up, it's good, you'll use less.
It's for the Earth!
Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm sat up there and said just a few weeks ago, well yeah, we're in a transition, you're not going to have power for a while.
They're not building the transition, it doesn't exist.
They're like, let's just charge people double-triple for the power and give them power half the time!
You're going on the Venezuela model!
Let me tell you why I got pissed.
I didn't just get pissed that I was here in the dark or that I was washing my ass in my swimming pool.
It was that this is just the beginning and I told you months before, get ready they're going to turn the power off because they follow an exact formula.
The power never goes off to them.
You know in Tarrytown and the elite areas of Austin, they have grids where they never don't have power.
The super rich government districts of the country, they never have run out of power.
Just like Ceausescu's Romania.
These people act the same over and over again no matter what color they are or where they're at.
It's tyranny.
And so we had the documents, and I showed them on air, where Texas has to up power, and we're told no.
And it wasn't until the power went off a day later, they said, no, you're allowed to do emergency power.
People go, well, why didn't Texas just ignore them?
Well, we're under federal regulations, and Governor Abbott got awards from them for signing us onto this years ago, and the state's not bucking it.
You know, the cities say, well, let illegal aliens and murderers be here.
We're going to ignore federal law.
When it comes to turning our power off, oh, we've all got to follow the law to have our power turned off.
You know why?
They'll put the engineers that give the orders and the power plants to up power in jail for 10 years.
Look it up.
10 years for not following the federal order.
One time.
And so people said screw it, power goes off, I'm not going to prison for 10 years.
You understand the people at those places had the boxcars, had the fuel, had the power, ready to, you're not getting it.
Because a bunch of horrible scum want to sit there and starve you out and control you because they're globalists.
Because they're at war with America.
Yeah, there's down the street from the office a line down the street of people trying to get into Wendy's to eat a hamburger after the power had been off for a week.
This is training you to live like a slave.
Here's this monster.
Who said she doesn't even know how many barrels of oil we use.
She just needs to wear glasses and, you know, touch herself and act all, I'm a woman.
She doesn't care.
Oh, is it cool?
A woman runs the agency.
Oh, we're cutting your power off.
Oh, it's because if a man was cutting it off, people would just think, oh, that's an evil man cutting my power off.
But it's mommy.
Oh, look, I have lipstick on.
You don't get any power.
You don't get any power.
And my frustration was, we had the document and never even got out there other than the fact check.
I mean, even my fellow Texans don't know it's coming again, and it's deliberate, and they got effed over!
So because we won't wake up and have basic instincts, we're slaves!
Here's this monster pig admitting this is a transition, and they're doing it on purpose.
Here is your enemy!
But the bottom line is that this president and this administration are looking at every single tool to shield American families from the impact of rising energy prices, and we're working through
We're working through an energy transition.
And we've got to start by adding energy.
And the reality is, we have to take some time to get off of oil and gas.
This is a transition.
We recognize this.
There's various figures about this.
I'm curious if you know, how many barrels of oil does the U.S.
consume per day?
I don't have that number in front of me.
Some suggest it's about 18 million, which would suggest you're releasing less than three days' worth of supply from the petroleum reserve.
Yeah, it used to be over 30 million, but they got better engines.
This woman is insane.
She's the energy secretary and doesn't know the most basic fact.
It'd be like being Santa Claus and not knowing what Christmas is.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hey, everybody.
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The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware.
There's a war between free individuals and nation-states on one side, and the globalists on the other, who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
From the United States to Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations were pulling out of the private, corporate, and fascist world government.
That's why they launched their Great Reset, and their program after collapsing us, of Build Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down, vertical consolidation of the world economy.
And because they couldn't take our guns, and because we wouldn't bow, because the left, which is the ideology of this world government system, couldn't win, they released a biological weapon on us.
Now we know, two years ago, we learned about it about 20 months ago.
It's that simple.
They can't beat us because of our free speech and our guns.
So the Global Corporate Combine released COVID-19 and you know the rest is history.
Expose this paradigm and we win.
I'm sitting here.
It's in the early morning hours and I'm looking at mainstream news.
Reporting on the fact that even the controlled revolving door FDA has come out and said that the Moderna and Pfizer shots need to be held up and not authorized for children because in studies they did on children it caused myocarditis, that's heart swelling and heart attacks.
And then I noticed that even though this is even in the Associated Press, it's not getting any circulation, it's not on the national news, and it's very hard to even find on places like Instagram or Twitter.
It's just crazy.
And then Fauci was on TV just yesterday saying there's no damage from the vaccines, it doesn't hurt anybody, you're a conspiracy theorist if you say it.
It's just crazy.
And then we have all the scientists who over a year ago came out and said these vaccines are going to cause heart problems.
They gave the exact reasons why and now it happened.
That's why Infowars is on air.
Because if we weren't on air, they'd get away with even more of this crap.
This is just insane.
These people are killers.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So I got bigger generators now to run the whole Infowars operation for weeks without power for the days.
And I've just now sold my house so I'm getting dug in in the countryside.
My shotgun, my rifle, my four-wheel drive, my trailer, my root cellar.
Now look at the average yuppie.
The average trendy having no idea what's about to hit him.
As the globalists devalue the dollar and destroy the border and sell our nation out as fast as they can.
Look at these headlines.
Dozens of ships stuck in Arctic ice freezes early.
Contradicting global warming claims.
Yeah, the Arctic's bigger than it's ever been since they started having satellites.
So is the Antarctic.
Oh, but London Guardian, climate crisis pushes albatross divorce rates higher.
No, it's the chemicals in the actual study show that's causing this.
But it doesn't matter.
Hillary, the horrible, child-molesting demon.
Oh yeah, she gets in on it.
I mean, I've known that.
I've been exposing Hillary and her.
Her first job, as you know, the Chicago Mafia is based in Hot Springs.
In fact, people that haven't been to Hot Springs or don't know about Arkansas don't know that the Mafia
used that from New York, New Jersey, everywhere as their headquarters until Vegas got really going.
But it was a mafia headquarters until the 80s.
And Hillary's first job was a defense lawyer for child molesters.
And not just child molesters, brutal child kidnappers.
Rich, powerful men that like to rape and kill children.
She famously brags about it and laughs how, you know, she'd know they'd kidnap a 10-year-old girl off her front porch and take her and rape her for a couple days until her guts fell out, she never could have babies again, and how she'd get them off and how funny it was.
I mean, I could play the clip.
Would you like me to play the clip?
But see, that's who she is.
She knew to go right to the bottom first with her daddy that was the deputy head of the mafia under Mayor Daley in Chicago.
Imagine you're a daddy and you send your daughter to go work for the mafia headquarters in Little Rock and Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Hot Springs, really the main center.
Oh, here's a photo coming out of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.
Here she is with Bill Clinton getting on the Lolita Express, which they flew on hundreds of times, on the logs 26 times.
Something the media tried to cover up.
Remember the ABC News reporter Ralph Ayres says, yeah, we've been ordered to cover all this up.
And she laughs about it.
She goes, man, I wish I could run it and I'd be really big.
It's funny.
She doesn't care about saving kids.
She cares about attention.
Hey, dumbass, they try to kill you when you expose it.
You don't do it for fame.
You do it for the children, you dumb wench.
So Hillary went on Mr. Maddow Show.
I'm not going to play the whole thing.
And everything she says is an inversion.
Everything she says... Oh my gosh, there's all this fake disinfo and hackers.
We've got to go after them.
We've got to shut them down.
Same thing they had at Pfizer and all of them are saying.
Arrest people that question them.
Arrest people that don't go along.
That's your answer.
The PTA.
Make them terrorists.
The moms at the school boards.
Alex Jones.
Just have the FBI get us all.
Hey FBI!
Why the hell do you want the job working for these people?
That's a ship that's sinking!
And I'm the torpedo!
You're not going to scare people by destroying me.
You're going to encourage them.
You're going to inspire them.
And if that's what God wants, that's what's going to happen.
But I'm not signed on with Jeffrey Epstein and the giant, government-level-run sex rings they use to blackmail the intelligentsia and take control.
That system's going down.
And I wish everybody
Liberal, conservative, old, young, black, white, doesn't matter, would join me in saying, this corrupt ruling establishment needs to go away.
We need to find God again and have a revival.
And stop lying and stop being evil.
Here's Hillary.
Hit the emergency button.
Hit the emergency button.
Here it is.
She says, you know, not only what's going on in the United States is a reversal away from democracy, but we should see it as part of a global problem.
She identifies in particular that the authoritarian strongman regimes around the world are all helping each other, including, you know, personally supporting other corrupt leaders and their corruption and helping them evade sanctions and stuff.
And it does feel both global
And very hard to fight.
It feels almost inexorable.
And speaking with Ann Applebaum about that, I found myself sort of in a dark place for a few days.
And I wanted to put that to you to find out whether you see that through a lens darkly as well, or whether you're feeling more optimistic about strategy against it.
Well, Rachel, I am very worried, concerned.
I spent a lot of time thinking about exactly what Ann Applebaum and you and others are worried about and trying to point out.
Because I do think that we are facing a crisis of democracy, a crisis of legitimacy, a crisis that really goes to the heart of what the future of our country and many others around the world will be.
So I spend my time trying to figure out what we can do about it and
I am not ever going to give up because there's just too much at stake.
But first and foremost, we have to make sure more people, besides people like you, me, Ann Applebaum and others who share our concerns, see what we see.
Because I think that the role of disinformation, the way that propaganda has been really weaponized, and the increasing ability to manipulate people through algorithms and other forms of artificial intelligence will only make this harder to combat.
Okay, that's enough.
The full clip's on Infowars.com.
It's on YouTube.
It's titled, Hillary Clinton, we have got to end impunity for people who undermine American laws.
Oh, you mean how you harass me and all that?
Because I'm fighting you, the tyrants that have all the big tech and all the systems and the slave colonies in China and everything you're doing.
And you point at us and go, look, there's the big powerful, because there's some men
What, in Eastern Europe, that don't want to go bankrupt and see their kids starve?
Oh, there's some men in South America, aren't there?
Like Bolsonaro?
Oh, there's a few men like me?
There's a few men that actually stand up to you monsters?
Yes, they're worried about the few men.
Because they're the evil men with these women as their front people.
Who are enslaving and hurting everybody and building an anti-human world.
And so, yeah, they're pissed they don't have Russia under their full control.
They don't have Romania and Hungary in place under their full control.
They don't have Brazil under their full control.
And this is just the beginning!
You monstrous, child-molesting, devil-worshipping, sack of filth!
Your expiration date is gone!
And it is my distinct pleasure
To be here and to politically be the signpost that points out that your political funeral pyre burned down a long time ago.
You aren't dying.
You are politically already dead.
And I wish no harm upon Hillary Clinton.
I want her to slowly rot in front of everybody's eyes as that portrait of Dorian Gray so everybody can see it for themselves.
Now listen.
Owen Stroyer's taking over the big new General Flynn.
Part 2 of the interview just went live at Bandot Video.
Wake people up.
Share it!
It's a blueprint for victory.
Bandot Video.
He's going to air it next hour.
But Owen's about to take over from the other studio.
He's got a ton of news.
Have a great Thanksgiving and God bless you all.
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They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It'll literally, like, if you want to
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
Three years later, and InfoWars is still thriving, thanks to the support of our audience.
But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A.
But we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court.
With your support, go to SaveInfoWars.com now and give your donation to save the First Amendment.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to be sitting in here for the remainder of the Alex Jones Show.
Got a couple segments here, I'm gonna get into some late breaking news right now.
And then we're going to be debuting here on the Alex Jones Show a roundtable with General Flynn, Patrick Byrne, Alex Jones, and others that is just such key information.
And you have these powerhouse individuals fighting against tyranny that have a military background, a media background, a business background.
And so they see all the angles.
They see all the aspects.
They see how the New World Order is being laid out, attacking the individual, attacking the individual rights, and attacking the country.
And everything that it stands for, that's put us in such a position to be so prosperous here in the United States of America, for the individual to be so prosperous here in the United States of America for so long, it's the New World Order, it's the Great Reset, it's COVID, it's climate change, it's all an attack against you.
And so to have a bunch of great men and women waking up to it, standing up to it, putting themselves in the line of the fire,
And that's why you see the subpoenas, that's why you see the persecution, that's why you see everything that's going down, because look...
The global elite have an agenda.
And for them, failure is not an option.
They want to conquer the planet.
They want to monopolize all the operating systems and infrastructure into the New World Order.
They want to turn planet Earth into a farm, essentially, that they control, controlling all human movement, controlling all carbon, life cycles, everything.
And they have to have full, 100% compliance
To complete this satanic, demonic agenda.
So that's why they're going after the individuals that are standing on the front lines against it, including many of us here at InfoWars.
So that's going to be coming up in about 30 minutes.
And I just got to tell you this as well.
Before I start to get into some of this news, and maybe we'll just even open up the phone lines, because I'm going to be with you here not just on the remainder of the Alex Jones Show, but then carrying through to the War Room as well.
And we'll be taking phone calls.
But, there is some breaking news I want to get into here, and I just got to say though,
You know, Alex is working harder than ever, I'm working harder than ever, the crew is working harder than ever, and we really do look at that as just paying it forward for your support.
You support us, you keep us on air, you pray for us, you shop at InfoWarsTore.com, you make the donations on our legal fund, defense fund, crowdfunding sources, and so we pay it forward by working even harder, putting out new content, and so
I will just tell you and you're starting to see some of the plans that we had for the future, the near future now, starting to manifest, starting to bear its fruits.
And of course, you know, all the best plans of mice and men go astray.
You know, we had an idea.
Hey, we're going to make, we're going to do these great projects.
We're going to launch them in December and January.
And then boom, we get hit with more lawsuits.
Boom, we get hit with subpoenas.
Boom, we get hit with more censorship.
And so we're...
Having all these little side skirmishes and side fights and side battles as we're marching forward to expand in the Info War, as we're marching forward to keep this operation alive.
And that's all of us.
That's me, that's Alex, that's this great crew, that's you in the audience.
We're all in this together.
We're all in the crosshairs of the New World Order takeover.
We just are standing at the front lines of it.
But that bullet will rip through us and go through everybody behind us as well.
There's the great crew right there.
Everybody here wishing you a happy Thanksgiving.
And we will be having a happy Thanksgiving here as well.
And so we're glad that you'll spend this Wednesday with us.
We're glad for all the time you've spent with us over the years.
So remember though, shop at infowarsstore.com.
Over the holiday weekend, get your emergency food supplies if you haven't done that yet.
I know that we're girding ourselves for more future attacks, power grid shutdowns, food shortages.
We're preparing for all that.
So yes, we suggest you do it as well.
Get the water filters.
Get the life straw.
So you can have a straw if anything really goes to crap, you can just have this life straw.
At least you know you can have a clean water source with the life straw.
The food, the emergency food supplies, the emergency gear, everything at
And let me just do this too, so I can even have a better idea of what we're going to do here for the next five and a half hours.
Guys, how long is the roundtable discussion with Alex and with Patrick Byrne and General Flynn and everybody?
Do we have an exact time on that?
So we should have time then to maybe take some phone calls before we go to that exclusively, correct?
See, everybody thinks there's like some grand master plan of Infowars and we're working and scheming behind the scenes.
No, folks, this is all live, never scripted, never telepromptered, just flying from the seat of our pants.
I mean, I've literally been actually shooting promos and ad reads and all kinds of stuff since 10 a.m.
this morning.
I just got back in studio from doing all that, just out in the scenes, out in the field.
I just got back in studio like 20 minutes ago, so I'm trying to absorb this and get this prepared as well.
So let me just do this as kind of
Just to have prepared, and I'll at least be able to take calls in the next segment, and if you want to hold, we can take them in the War Room, too.
So the number to call in, 877-789-2539.
Not even mentioning that this isn't even my normal studio, so I'm not even used to how this studio runs.
I don't have my normal board in front of me, I don't have the other elements and the things that I'm used to.
So, uh, but that's all good, folks.
We'll play in the rain, we'll play in the snow, we'll play in the hail, we'll play in a hurricane, we'll play while we're under attack.
That's just what we do here at InfoWars, and that's why your support at InfoWarsStore.com, keeping us on air, is so important.
So we'll definitely take some calls next segment, maybe another segment after that, then we're gonna go to the roundtable discussion.
I'll be coming in and out of it, then hosting the War Room, where I'll be taking a lot of calls as well.
But maybe I'll wait to get into that when the War Room comes up here, because I've got three big stories, really,
And there's about six or seven stories I'm going to get into, but there's really three big stories that I really want to highlight today, and two of them are kind of a two-in-one package.
Comparing and contrasting, in a short window of time, the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict and media coverage versus the
Ahmaud Arbery verdict and media coverage.
There is a big story here that you already probably know or assume, but that we can now lay out and flesh out as both of these cases have been closed.
Looking at how the media covers it, and looking at how the verdict is reached, and then looking at the public's response, there's a big story there.
And it leads up to the larger story, which is this headline in the Washington Times
Which has been rewritten and remade probably dozens of times now.
George Soros-backed district attorneys are ruining America.
Justice in this country is under serious threat right now.
And it's not just the threat of left-wing ideologues that want to take justice into their own hands because they're just Democrat Party activists on a bench.
They want to take justice into their own hands and they have preconceived notions and they have biases that they take right to the bench with them.
These are the people Soros is trying to get into power.
But there's also the fact that they are just buying justices.
Soros is just buying benches and judgeships with all the funding that he's doing, the fundraising that he's doing.
And so you have to understand, when judges in this country are bought and paid for by people like George Soros, or enter the bench with their Democrat Party activism, fueling them to take justice into their own hands, thinking they're the social justice warrior heroes, using their bias, acting like it's a good thing, that is a serious problem for America that a lot of people aren't talking about it.
But we'll talk about it right here at InfoWars when we come back from this break.
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If you only knew the power of the dark side.
Join Bill Gates and together we will defeat humanity.
Then our God Satan will reward us with eternal life.
That's basically the ethos of the globalists.
They must first play God.
They must first prove that they are the fittest in their social Darwinistic system.
And in a way, they're right.
If we let them lie to us and dumb us down and poison us and destroy our children's futures, the evidence is overwhelming and out in the open.
We really deserve what's happened to us.
I know you're humble.
I know you're like me.
But I really want you to sit back and cogitate or meditate
On the fact that those of you that have supported my broadcast and info wars over the years have changed the world in incredible ways.
And now as 2021 prepares to end at 2022.
It begins to dawn.
It is more important than ever that you realize how important you are and that you be more active than you've ever been.
The tip of the spear is Band-Aid.
The very front lines of the fight for human liberty is M4Wars.com.
And we can't stay on air without your support, so thank you all for your support.
Donate to our legal defense fund to stay on the air at SaveM4Wars.com.
That's SaveM4Wars.com and continue to go to M4WarsStore.com where right now we've got Turbo Force, sold out for months, 10 hours clean energy, back in stock with free shipping, 40% off and so many other great products.
Alright, we're back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer sitting in.
I'm going to do two segments of calls, and then we're going to play the roundtable discussion with Mike Flynn and Patrick Byrne, Alex Jones and others.
We're going to debut it here on the Alex Jones Show.
I found this sarcastic comment from Gigi Lavange, pretty on point, before I go to your phone calls here.
The silent outpouring of support from Hollywood for the victims of the Christmas Parade Massacre is heartwarming.
Of course, there has been no outpouring of support.
Nothing at all.
Complete silence.
But oh, when a career criminal who's held a pregnant woman at gunpoint, overdosed on drugs, resists arrest, and then dies in the complications.
Every athlete and their mama has to comment and tell you how great of a hero George Floyd is when he was anything but.
Doesn't mean his death was justified that day.
It was still sad.
It was a bad day for America, obviously.
But oh, when a radical, bigoted leftist, it's now confirmed now, he was an anti-white bigot.
We have all the information.
And I'm going to cover all this coming up on The War Room.
I'm going to take some calls now.
But think about that.
Nothing from Hollywood, nothing from professional athletes, nothing from the media that covers them.
Zero zilch nada on the Christmas parade massacre that injured 50 people at least, killed 6 people that we know of.
And just nothing!
Just absolutely nothing.
But oh, everyone's going to comment on how bad Kyle Rittenhouse is.
Everyone's going to comment about George Floyd.
But then when you have a radical
Bigoted leftist terrorist that murders six people so far, injured 50 others.
Complete silence.
From all those same voices that were quick to rush to judgment of Kyle Rittenhouse or of the George Floyd situation.
So, wow, just so much heartwarming support from Hollywood and our professional athletes about the Christmas parade masker.
You guys are just such great role models.
You really care about the truth in America so much.
No, you're dirtbag, communist scum.
That falls for the same mainstream media propaganda that you would probably prop yourself up against, claiming you're anti-establishment, when you do the bidding of the very establishment you claim to fight.
But, let's go to some phone calls here.
And we've got... Let's see what we want to do here.
Let's go to Jack, who is in Wisconsin, as we talk about this case.
Jack in Wisconsin, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, uh, Mr. Breuer.
I was, um, wondering if I could use your platform and maybe you could help or your crew could help.
I was looking at the pictures yesterday of when, uh, Mr. Brooks was in court for his initial appearance and on his shoulder, uh, he has a tattoo that says, uh, in one picture, it looks like B-S-E, uh, Bravo Sierra Echo.
Uh, then another, it looks like B-S-B, uh, Bravo Sierra Bravo.
And I looked on the FBI gang registry list for tattoos.
And there's, you know, black supremacist, extremist and brotherhood used before.
But, you know, I really wanted to see if maybe you could, or your staff could find out about that.
Because I think that would be
Well, let's just put it this way, because I don't have these images or this information in front of me, but I have enough information in front of me
Where they'll come out, if it's Kyle Rittenhouse or something else, and they'll immediately say, oh, white supremacist, white racist, with no evidence, no proof, nothing, just jumping to conclusions, when we have all kinds of anecdotal evidence that the Christmas parade massacre was motivated by left-wing radicals on mainstream media and in the Democrat Party, and that he was indeed an anti-white bigot.
We saw it in his social media posts.
We saw it in his rap songs.
I mean, even the Daily Mail is covering it.
It's just so obvious.
While Kesha, suspect, shared social media posts promoting violence towards white people.
To old white people, knock them the F out.
And so there's all this other stuff.
So I'm not sure about the tattoos that you're speaking about.
I haven't seen them.
Maybe there is something there.
It would just be, you know, adding on to the pile of evidence that this was a radical left-wing terrorist whose hatred was fueled by the left-wing politics of mainstream media and the Democrat Party.
And so, and I'm going to get more to this on the War Room, but I've got all the stories here, and I did the compare and contrast.
And there's all these headlines talking about the Ahmed Arbery murder, where there was a decision made today that all three of them were found guilty of murder.
And all these headlines are white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men, white men.
But you look at all the stories from
Darryl Brooks.
And nobody wants to mention that he's black.
Nobody mentioned he was a black terrorist.
Nobody mentions he was a black man.
So when it's whitey, make sure everybody knows that the bad guy's white.
And make sure people think it's white supremacy.
But oh, and it's the black guy that actually talks about how he's a black supremacist.
That actually talks about how racist he is towards white people.
Then they don't want to mention that he's a black man.
Now, a criminal is a criminal.
A bad guy is a bad guy, no matter what color his skin is.
That should be how we approach all of this stuff.
And I feel dirty even getting into the racial aspects of this because it's so antithetical to what I want to do here.
But that's just the case.
The media protects black terrorists, and the media treats white people like every single one of them is a terrorist.
So as far as the tattoos you're talking about, I can't really comment, I haven't really seen them.
But it's pretty clear now, more than ever, based on the media coverage of these two incidents, Kyle Rittenhouse and Ahmaud Arbery, the media is racist, it's blatantly racist against white people, and for whatever reason, it feels the need to protect people from, or protect black people that commit crimes,
With all their coverage.
So, white person commits a crime, they make sure everybody knows it's a white person, and then they spin the narrative that it's a white supremacist.
Black person commits a crime, and he's not even black.
In fact, he didn't even commit the crime.
I've got the headlines, they're officially calling it CBS News, ABC News, Wikipedia, a car crash!
They're calling it a car crash!
So, the media is just so evil, and so racist, it's just unbelievable.
Jack, thank you for the call.
Alright, let's go to...
Kim, Kim's calling in from Arkansas.
Kim, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Yes, I was just wanting to say that there's a side effect of the vaccine that they're now calling with the acronym B-I-E-T, you know, vascular intravenous thrombotic transfer, something like that, that occurs after you take it.
Um, and that's my last name because I'm a little bit nervous there.
Commentary and rumors about what's happened to Wendy Williams.
You may remember famously one day she just like zoned out and passed out on live television.
It was one of the weirdest things in live TV history.
Well, apparently
And there's a lot of commentary out there.
I don't know what can be confirmed at this point.
But other than she, it looks like Wendy Williams is no longer going to be able to host her TV show anymore.
And some people are saying she has dementia.
Some people are saying she's having horrible side effects from the vaccine.
And so she just can't do it anymore.
So it's just another incident.
Where you didn't see any of this last year.
I mean, celebrities dying left and right, athletes dying left and right, all kinds of health problems left and right, and nobody's making the obvious analysis, which is, how come this is happening post-vaccine, but not pre-vaccine?
There is a relevance there.
Yes, and it could be danger code, you know, but yeah, it makes me a little bit nervous,
Well, look, thank you for the call, Kim.
I hope the best for Wendy Williams.
It's sad she's not gonna be able to host her TV show anymore.
But, I mean, how evil is it that the media will do everything they can, even when it's their own people getting hurt by these vaccines,
Their own children!
The left is literally watching their children get damaged by these vaccines.
They're watching their loved ones die of these vaccines.
And in the greatest example of Stockholm Syndrome in modern history, Oh, my kid got the vaccine and died.
That's why you should get the vaccine.
Oh, my grandfather got the vaccine and died.
That's why you should get the vaccine.
Oh, this person got the vaccine and died, but it could have been worse if they didn't get the vaccine.
What's worse than death?
The hoops that they'll jump through, the levels of lies that they'll tell to protect this rollout of the vaccine, it's the greatest example of Stockholm Syndrome in modern day history.
It's putting a gun to your head, pulling the trigger, blowing your brains out, and then as your soul is going up to heaven or down to hell, you're saying, I love blowing my brains out!
It's the greatest thing I ever did for my life!
You should do it too!
And then it's Bill Gates and Fauci wringing their hands saying, Yeah!
Blow your brains out with that gun!
It's gonna be good for ya!
And then the electric heats it up!
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RainForce Plus, RainForce Ultra, and TurboForce are back in stock at InfoWareStore.com.
TurboForce has been sold out for more than six months.
It's back in stock with free shipping, 40% off.
It is 10 hours of clean energy, clean energy without the big crash, and it's available right now, and it funds the InfoWare 360 win.
I know you're humble.
I know you're like me.
But I really want you to sit back and cogitate or meditate on the fact that those of you that have supported my broadcast and InfoWars over the years have changed the world in incredible ways.
And now, as 2021 prepares to end, and 2022
It begins to dawn.
It is more important than ever that you realize how important you are, that you be more active than you've ever been.
The tip of the spear is Banned.Billionaire.
The very front lines of the fight for human liberty is InfoWars.com.
And we can't stay on air without your support, so thank you all for your support.
Donate to our legal defense fund to stay on the air at SaveInfoWars.com.
That's SaveInfoWars.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, I have to tell you, I have just had a major epiphany in the last 90 seconds.
I'm not even kidding you.
You notice, and the latest here is Rob Reiner, but these leftist liars, they're everywhere.
They're a dime a dozen.
But they keep promoting all of these myths.
And let's just focus on the Kyle Rittenhouse.
But I mean, they promote the lies of Russian collusion.
They promote the lies of the vaccine safe and effective.
I mean, you can name it.
Whatever lie that they promote on the left, it just never ceases.
It never stops.
And so Rob Reiner just put out a tweet saying the grand lie that got disproven in court that Kyle Rittenhouse crossed state lines with a rifle, never happened, literally never happened, but they just keep lying about it.
And I had a major epiphany.
Now, I've always looked at it self, you know, respectively as probably a detrimental thing for my personality.
Perhaps not if I'm doing this as a job, but I've always had an obsession with being right.
Again, maybe it's a detrimental thing for a personality to have, to just constantly have to be right.
Everybody knows, he just has to be right.
He just has to be right.
Well, that's something that I've had.
I've always had that.
I've always just had to be right about everything.
And I recognize that, and you try to have a sense of that pride and not make it an issue socially.
But it just hit me.
If I have this overwhelming desire and drive to be right about everything, because everything has an opposite, it's the yin and yang of the universe, it's the duality of man, do people have the same desire to be wrong?
I'm not even saying this facetiously.
I really believe that we might be witnessing something that we've never realized before,
That cuts to the core of the mental illness known as liberalism.
I have a need to be right all the time.
Maybe many of you out in this audience can relate to that.
Are there people that are on the opposite side of this spectrum, in the dichotomy of man, in the duality of man, that need to be wrong?
Is that, seriously, is that what we're dealing with?
Does Rob Reiner have a weird desire to be wrong all the time?
I mean, should I start naming it?
Rachel Maddow?
Chris Hayes?
Joy Reid?
Don Lamon?
I mean, the list just goes on and on and on.
Do they have a desire to be wrong?
Do they have to be wrong?
Is there some weird psychological operating procedure behind them that they just want to be wrong all the time?
Is it a gag?
Is it a weird, like, gotcha thing that they just get enjoyment out of lying to people and deceiving people?
I really think that there might be something to this.
So, I think we have to now start understanding this to be the case.
Whether or not it's something psychologically that they're doing consciously, or whether it's something they can't even perceive in their subconscious,
Liberals have a desire to be wrong.
They really do.
And the evidence is everywhere.
Look at all the polls that I cover all the time.
Where they do pulls and they pull Democrats and they pull Republicans.
One of the latest examples is they pulled Democrats and they said, did Kyle Rittenhouse kill black people?
50% of Democrats believe that Kyle Rittenhouse shot black people.
Well, Kyle Rittenhouse didn't shoot a single black person.
They were all white people.
But there's that desire to be wrong.
Democrats and liberals have a desire to be wrong.
They have a need to be wrong.
And I look at it as a personality defect that I need to make sure I'm not overwhelming people with socially my desire and need to be right all the time.
But at least it's healthy in a sense of...
Communication and in a sense of human activity.
Liberals have a desire to be wrong.
I am now completely convinced.
I am having a revelation here right now as we speak.
Liberals have a desire to be wrong.
They really do.
I have a need to be right.
It's my own thing I have to recognize and deal with.
They have a need to be wrong.
And whether it's conscious or subconscious, we're seeing it every day.
Democrats think cops kill a thousand unarmed black men a year.
It's 20.
Democrats, seriously, they have a desire to be wrong about everything.
The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons and chemicals added to the foods.
It's all come out.
And they're doing that, not because we're weak, but because we're made in the image of God, the Creator, and we are powerful.
And the social engineers fear that so much.
So that's why I repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up with, but boy, is it true.
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all their propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death because they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on to the god of this world who is a loser.
And that's why it's so important that everybody keep Infowars on the air now more than ever.
Because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting and setting up is satanic.
And we are opposing the one world government and the Mark of the Beast they just announced.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, here's what we're going to be doing.
Let me give you a programming notice.
I have a lot of callers on the line.
I got a lot of callers on the line.
I'm going to be with you for the next four hours, finishing the Alex Jones Show into the war room.
If you're on the line and you want to hold, I apologize for making you hold, but I will take your calls right at the beginning of the war room.
So I'm leaving it up to you.
If you want to hold, hold.
If not, go ahead and hang up.
I don't want to keep you on the line wasting your time.
But I will take your calls if you hold at the beginning of the war room.
Now, we are debuting right now on the Alex Jones Show, a powerful roundtable discussion between Alex Jones, Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne, and others.
A meeting of the minds, experts in media, experts in military, experts in business, sitting down to talk about how we can defeat the Great Reset and save human freedom worldwide.
It debuts right now on the Alex Jones Show.
Here it is.
Well, now we're joined by Patrick Byrne and, of course, Joe Flynn, brother of the General, and super active in making films and exposing the globalists.
And, wow, we're going to start back right where we left off, Pat, and that's with the whole January 6th so-called investigation they've got going.
And then the big question is, how do we get this guy to run for president?
Oh, that's a good, that's a... Well, on the January 6th thing, I heard Mike close off saying, why don't they send my subpoena to Pat Byrne?
I think he's drawing attention to an odd phenomenon, which is, I, since the middle of December, January 6th wasn't my idea, but I was out there on the radio since mid-December encouraging people to come for January 4th through January 6th peaceably rally.
Peace, I emphasize peace, I wrote about it, but I did all these interviews for a month.
And yet, no one's asked to talk to me, and I've taken out a full-page ad, actually, about, hey, Congress, I asked for this, why don't you talk to me?
They're mounting this whole big investigation, but for some reason, Alex, they're leaving, they won't, and I've even, I took out this full, the Washington Post turned down the ad, so I put it up on the internet, and the Examiner let me take out a front-page ad pointing to it, and it's saying to Congress, hey, if you want to talk to, if you want to get to the bottom of January 6th, come ask me.
Do you, you know, sometimes remember the Matrix when the black cat stutters?
It's your little hint that you're glitching the Matrix, that something's wrong.
Isn't it odd that the guy who is probably out there second only to Trump calling for this and I'm out there saying, hey, I did it.
I acknowledge it.
For some reason, they won't.
Have me in.
They dare not mention my name.
What do you think that's about?
Well, you're the expert.
Tell us why they don't want you to be there.
Oh, I wouldn't even know where to begin to explain why they don't want me.
Give us a synopsis.
Uh, there's a lot of things, there's so many reasons they don't want, well, but one reason is I'm going to take the position, so first of all, I have said, you know, I've very clearly asked for it to be peaceful, and I do condone the actions of any MAGA people who got unruly.
By the way, every time you were on my show, previous January 6th, you would obsess on, let's be peaceful and let's not be violent and let's not be racist.
Just like you were, on January 6th.
But you were smarter than I was at really hammering.
I mean, that would happen as a footnote, but you were like, hammer, hammer.
Well, I was afraid of a PSYOP.
Which happened?
Well, I would welcome a real honest investigation.
And I think we don't know yet for sure what happened.
I'd love a welcome.
I would welcome an honest investigation.
And I do want to condemn the people who got, you know, they may say we got suckered into it by Antifa dressed as MAGA.
Could be, but in any case, they got suckered.
And MAGA, you know, the old saying is fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Never get suckered.
There's going to be opportunities right now, starting this week, to rally.
Never be a sucker again.
You got suckered on January 6th.
We're not going to let it happen again.
But I'm also going to take the position, if Congress asks, that the concerns of the rally-goers have been vindicated.
Not their behavior, but their concerns have been vindicated because of the Maricopa audit and numerous other things that have come to light.
And there are other reasons Congress does not want me in front of them.
So it's so odd that they will not invite, of all the people, although they're making such a big show of getting to the bottom of January 6th, here I am.
I'm the guy who was on television and radio asking for it.
I'm ready to take responsibility.
Well, I had a blind spot because I've been to so many Trump rallies.
Everybody's been so peaceful.
We got a million people there.
Maybe 500 got tricked into doing some things they shouldn't have.
But I was really blindsided by the fact that Secret Service told us to go meet the president there, but there was no Secret Service or extra military there.
And I know Trump requested a week before 10,000 National Guard.
I think that's what the game plan was.
I truly think that was the game plan.
It makes no sense to me.
They knew there was going to be, there was probably a million people in Washington that day.
We were all there.
It made no sense to me that that Capitol building was not already surrounded by National Guard or extra marshals or whoever it was.
They knew there were going to be that many people.
And they probably had some intel that some of those people were going to be unruly.
Or they planted them.
Or they planted those people.
We know this.
You know, there's a lot of video evidence, and if they ever truly do this correctly in the court of law, where all evidence is brought to bear, especially for some of these defendants, you know, all the video that has not been exposed, video cameras,
Everywhere in Washington, D.C.
Trust me, folks, there's video cameras on every building and every corner, especially around that Capitol.
They have all this stuff.
I mean, if somebody jumped through a window, grabbed a cop and threw him on the ground, I got it.
But there's a lot of people right now that are in pretrial who haven't even been charged yet.
And they're in this horrible prison that Marjorie Taylor Greene has done an extraordinary job of starting to expose.
And they were fighting a congresswoman, in this case, they were fighting to keep her from being able to even go in there to see it!
Isn't there a legal tradition of Congressional people being supposed to be able to be inspecting prisons?
Well, I mean, they should be able to.
What are we hiding?
There should be no problem.
This is the United States of America.
I mean, we're talking about, these are, the justice system, the Department of Justice, right?
The Department of Justice owns the Prison Bureau.
And so they should be able to open them all up.
In fact, they're responsible for making sure that the conditions are fine and all that.
So I don't want to go down the rat hole of that because I think that there are a couple of congressmen that are actually pointing that out and exposing it.
But the bigger issue is this attack on our basic right to be able to speak freely about what I feel.
If I feel like there was fraud in the election, and in some cases it's been proven, I should be able to say that.
And even if it hasn't been proven, if I feel like there's fraud in the, you know, if I feel like saying something, you know, about you,
And I want to say it publicly, I can say it.
You might smack me in the face, but that's the consequence.
But in this case, what we're talking about is we're being told to shut our mouths, go home, and don't tell us what rights you have.
And they're going to put the fear of all of this stuff, so when they subpoena all these people for this type of activity that they describe,
What they're really doing is they're saying to the American people, it's like what happened to me early on, they're saying to the American people, we can do this to him and we can do this to you.
So if you do this, we're going to come after you.
So you just shut your little mouth and you go back to, you know,
Whatever, middle America.
And don't worry, we'll tell you what to do.
And we're going to tell you what the outcome is going to be.
That's a total attack on all of our rights.
It's an inversion of the most basic principle in our system.
In our system, we are the principle, government's the agent.
Like if Joe is the homeowner and I'm mowing his lawn for him, he pays me to mow his lawn, he's the principle.
I'm the agent in that relationship.
I'm doing what he says.
That's why if I am reckless and I break a neighbor's window or something, they can come for him because he was the principal.
I'm just the agent.
Where your real estate is your agent.
In our political system, we, the citizens, are the principals and government is the agent.
It's something we formed in order to do some things we couldn't do ourselves or as states.
And there's a nice
A discreet list of them, called Article 1, Section 8.
And the common thing, the thing they all have in common are the things that we could not do as individuals or as states.
And so that's the basis of the relationship.
But what you're seeing across the political spectrum is this inversion.
And it's happening everywhere from the looking at election audits to the school boards.
Here you have, you know, Tara McAuliffe practicing what looked like a very well rehearsed line.
Focus group tested line about we have to get over this idea that parents should get to decide what their children are taught.
That was a real crossing of the Rubicon.
That's inverting... Alright, ladies and gentlemen, you're seeing it right here.
This is a very powerful roundtable.
I am sitting here listening along with you at home or on the road, wherever you may be, and we are going to come right back with it.
Right after this short break, Alex Jones, Michael Flynn, Joe Flynn, Patrick Byrne breaking it all down when we return.
If you're ruthless megacorporations who've taken over almost every government on earth and who are trying to destroy the middle class in any form of upward mobility, you've got to divide and conquer the public so they don't know they're being targeted.
And that's why the Fortune 100 have wrapped themselves in the name of LBGT and African American rights and all the rest of it all over the world.
That's now their corporate face while they run slave camps in Africa and in Communist China and many other areas while they undermine our basic liberties here and spy on us through the big tech in the central banks and other zone.
So this is a criminal takeover and when you look at the new
It's the superclass.
It's the politicians.
It's the corporate media.
It's the police.
It's the bureaucrats.
It's members of Congress and their staff and their families.
It's the White House.
Hell, it's postal workers who were all exempt from the poison shots, but not the general public and everybody else through corporate rule.
So this is the true discrimination that's going on.
Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
Three years later, and InfoWars is still thriving, thanks to the support of our audience.
But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A.
But we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court.
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Jacob in Ohio.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, Bob.
Great last caller.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement.
It's basically the only way I get sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, demoralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone.
All right, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
Go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call.
If I could, I just want to throw a quick plug out for one of the products.
The X-Team does wonders.
I recommend it to everybody.
You're on the fence about it.
Get off the fence.
Support the Infowar.
Get the product.
Tyler in Maine.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
It's great to be on with you.
Honor, talk to you.
It's an honor.
So, first thing I wanted to do is say I love the products.
Alpha Power, even at 29, if you ask my better half, she loves it.
And it helps in the bedroom.
So, just number one for a few weeks.
Well, it definitely works.
It's not a joke.
We're back live on the Alex Jones Show, but we now go back to the round table with General Flynn, Patrick Byrne, Alex Jones, and more right here live.
That thought because so so what you just said what he just said okay and this is this is like this is the essence of why this country right now this is what gives me the the hope that I have because that crossing of the Rubicon that crossing of that line moms mothers
And their children, they don't see politics, they just see their children.
And so, I'll bet you, and I don't know the data, but you go look at the data in Virginia, and I'll bet you there's a lot of people that are on the other side of that center line because they care about their children.
And they said, you know what?
I don't like this particular guy because he crossed that line.
That's a huge thing.
And that's national.
That is going on nationwide.
And it's going on nationwide because of what we talked about earlier, Alex, about the Justice Department describing moms, primarily moms, as domestic terrorists because they care about taking care of their damn children!
Never in American history would we ever see it.
I think it's important.
One thing we're missing also is
Think about how much the Democrats screamed and yelled in 2016 about how the election was stolen.
How the Russians stole the election on behalf of Trump.
You mentioned the documentary earlier, Mike.
It's called Kill Chain.
Everybody should watch Kill Chain.
The stars of Kill Chain are Senator Ron Wyden from Oregon, super liberal, Amy Klobuchar, and others talking about... Blumenthal!
Dick Blumenthal.
The fake, the fake...
That movie talked about how they were deeply investigating the flaws in election voting machines.
Now, all of a sudden, fast forward to 2020, here are conservatives, or pro-America people, dealing with a situation where we saw obvious fraud, and we're talking about it.
Fighting about it.
We're exercising our First Amendment rights.
And we're domestic terrorists.
We're white supremacists.
All kinds of labels being thrown at us.
This cannot stand in this country.
Our First Amendment rights and our voting rights are the most sacred things we have, Alex.
Expand on that, too, just briefly, because... I've only got two mics here today, folks.
Expand on that, because I know you help make Deep Red and a lot of other things.
They've been trying to censor films and even censoring clips of the Democrat film you talked about off Twitter and Facebook, their film about fraud, because it's not something we're allowed to discuss.
This is unprecedented tyranny.
Yeah, I don't think a lot of people know about that movie Kill Chain.
You can get it actually on Netflix.
I encourage everyone, Democrats, Republicans, whoever, watch that movie because what it talks about is election fraud.
And this was 2018, 2017.
So we decided to do the deep rig because we said, you know, we experienced all this stuff after the election.
We saw all these affidavits, thousands, I don't know, 3,000?
Four thousand affidavits in six or seven states across the United States.
All this evidence coming forward that the courts punted.
You know, there's no standing here.
And we decided, you know, we need to memorialize this in a movie, in a documentary.
So Patrick and I actually thought about it.
God bless Patrick for helping finance it.
And we created the Deep Rig, which talked specifically about the book that he wrote,
Where there was fraud, probably everywhere, but there was fraud perpetrated in six particular counties in those swing states.
Where they knew they could, you know, win Arizona by 10,000 votes.
Win Georgia by whatever it was, 18,000, 14,000.
Those are, especially with all these mail-in ballots, there was a concerted effort there.
And listen, we have every right in the world, in this country, to say we don't believe the election was valid.
It's not a crime to say that.
And we want to look into it.
And we want to look into it, exactly.
You know what Mark Zuckerberg's doing?
It came out more than five years ago in his own company documents, but whistleblowers
We're good.
claiming ownership of the metaverse and buying up hundreds of VR companies and now trying to force its users and employees to solely live in a fantasy world controlled and orchestrated by Zuckerberg and the organizations that he works with.
This priest class wants to lock us in our five senses here in the third dimension and to do that they're creating an artificial electronic prison or matrix
To seduce us into giving up control of our bodies and our minds.
This is the greatest deception ever.
Evil is digging in because it knows humanity is waking up and that group consciousness is forming and that we are beginning to transcend the third dimension.
Everything that's being launched against us is an attempt to hold us in the third dimension and not just enslave us, but finally completely destroy us and absorb our energy into this system they're building.
This is beyond a satanic ritual.
This is beyond anything you've read about in science fiction.
Because this is actually happening in the real world today.
And we have discovered their secrets.
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And we have put it all together in an easy-to-understand system that gives you the tools to not just defeat the globalists, but to transcend to the next level.
It's so important for all of you that already know this innately and have already witnessed this for yourself to understand.
You are the leaders of the future that must go to the next level so that you and I and others working together can free the rest of humanity before they get trapped in this artificial matrix system the globalists are building.
All I'm offering is the truth.
The film The Matrix made in 1999 is not original.
Documents came out in 1990, from the late 1970s, where NASA and DARPA were developing a plan very similar to The Matrix.
And all that information is now public.
They're attempting to seduce us to give up our five senses, not just holding us in the third dimension, but actually creating an artificial slave system so that they can turn us into their programmable slaves.
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But they are trying to turn us into robots.
That's why in December of 2021, we are launching Reset Wars.
Find out more information at ResetWars.com.
General Flynn and I stood with the President on December 18th saying what we want is to just open the ballot boxes in six places.
Six places.
You know, we've got 3,006 counties in America, let's just look six places.
Count them on live stream TV.
Well, through a bunch of fighting, we finally got to open, you know, and
I didn't know that was such a crime against humanity, to want to open a ballot box and look.
I thought that happened all the time.
For some reason, when we wanted to do it this time, they treat it like it's a war crime.
But when they want to look at audit elections, they could, you know.
Anyway, so we opened it and look at the, we finally got one of them opened.
That was Maricopa.
And what do you know?
Maricopa County, Arizona.
Yeah, it took six months to get them to open it, and we get it open, and what do you know, the night before they finally get their arms twisted and have to deliver, they delete a million election files, nothing else ticks or ties, there's 284,000.
That was my next question.
All the evidence to count in Maricopa, that proved that Trump won, and now you don't hear anything about it.
Yeah, it's like this.
I've never seen such a clear suppression of the truth in the U.S.
as what they did on that.
Because what that audit really shows is if, if you, you know, there's 284,000 ballots they made up here and 253,000 that just appear here and 57,000 illegal and 34,000 photocopies.
But if you count all of them, Biden wins by 10,000, which the press portrayed as, you see, the audit showed Biden won by 10,000.
Well, that only worked for a little bit.
That was the stupidest reaction.
Talk about gaslighting!
Today, anyone who is awake can clearly see why Alex Jones was deplatformed.
InfoWars was right above the target, and the globalists were a year out from launching their attack.
Three years later, and InfoWars is still thriving, thanks to the support of our audience.
But we are now facing the fiercest battle yet, and we need you to help save InfoWars.
The enemies entrenched within our government are breaking the justice system more than ever in their attack against Alex Jones.
No crime, no evidence, no jury, no trial?
We don't think so.
They want to kill the messenger in a kangaroo trial with their new U.S.S.A., but we won't let them.
Alex Jones will have his day in court.
With your support, go to SaveInfoWars.com now and give your donation to save the First Amendment.
SaveInfoWars.com and God bless America.
Jacob in Ohio.
Welcome, go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, Bob.
Great last caller.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement.
It's basically the only way I get sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, demoralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone, man.
Alright, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
If I could, I just want to throw a quick plug out for one of the products.
The X-Team does wonders.
I recommend it to everybody.
You're on the fence about it.
Get off the fence.
Get the product.
Support the info war.
Tyler in Maine.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, it's great to be on with you.
Honor, talk to you.
It's an honor.
So, first thing I wanted to do is say I love the products.
Alpha Power, even at 29.
If you ask my better half, she loves it.
And it helps in the bedroom.
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And let's go back to Alex with Mike Flynn, Patrick Byrne, and more.
And I think that they're going to continue to focus on how do they maintain control or how do they get better control.
So I believe that we're going to see a couple of things.
I think we're going to see, and I call it a controlled depression, but some type of financial, you know,
I think number two, we're going to see an uptick
In other aspects of the COVID.
We got the various variants.
There might even be another form of a SARS that's imposed on the international system.
Because their little plan with COVID didn't work because too many people
You know, the world of what I call the digital warriors or the citizen journalists that are out there, they are fighting for the truth.
And so the truth has been exposed about all the COVID tyranny that we are facing.
So I think what we're going to see is potentially another type of virus that's imposed on the public.
And I hope that that's not the case, but I've seen some indications of that in some of the statements by some of these global elite type of people.
The third thing I do think that
You know, you mentioned sort of a cyber thing.
I actually think it could be a very targeted type of a shutdown.
Like last summer, last August I saw, this past August, I saw where the government did a test of the emergency broadcast system.
And we may have shared some of that.
You may have talked about that.
It was in early August and it ran for a couple of days, but they did one specific day.
The government will say, oh we do that all the time, it's routine.
But this particular one was a little different.
It was a little bit longer, it was done in very specific locations.
And that got my attention because the emergency broadcast system in this country is where they could shut everything down, everything, and now the government is going to tell you what you need to know.
And they do that for, you know, a nuclear strike, right?
If we're going to have a nuclear strike, if we're under some sort of military threat.
They could take the entire thing.
I mean, the FCC, the Federal Communications Commission, works for the federal government.
And the FCC?
They should send you all to one website.
I mean, everything.
You'll have none.
That's why ham radio operators of old used to be the ones that could defeat any kind of communications shutdown.
So I do think that we could potentially experience that.
These are the worst case scenarios.
So as a guy who has served at multiple levels of intelligence and has faced our enemies and has studied our enemies, one of the things we always have to look at and consider
Is what are the worst case scenarios that we could face?
And those are just a couple.
There's probably some others, but this point about this controlled depression, I'm really concerned about because we are moving in that direction right now.
As Patrick predicted, you know, I think in like 2008 maybe, I may have my numbers wrong, but about an economic collapse of the system.
Well now they're in charge of
Of course.
The us's of the world, people like, you know, the have-nots, and they're going to crush the have-nots to a point where we further divide this country and take it over at the federal level.
Let me back up what you're saying, and I know Patrick's an expert on this, and I want both of you to take on it, because this is the most important issue that's actually on my list.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but I do notice patterns, and I've noticed the Davos groups, the former head of the Bilderberg group runs it, and me, obviously, they're at the top of the corporate food chain around the UN, and they represent the Fortune 500.
They openly brag that they're going to use cyber attacks to bring in their reset, that they're going to use a collapse in the world economy to bring in this new global currency, universal basic income.
They've now announced, as of a month ago, that they're officially with the UN.
They have the world ID now through the vaccine passport that also ties to a carbon tax passport and a social credit score.
So they've got this thing all set up.
And then they foreshadowed, as you know, in some of their drills, Operation Lockstep, and then SPARS 2023 that you talked about.
They war game all of this so they have a way to have the battle plans, but everybody finds it and they go, oh, that's just a drill.
But really, it's the battle plan, as you know.
Maybe you can explain this to people.
And now they're battle planning, and Suave has said the next thing will be a giant cyber attack.
They're going to save us by taking over, but the cyber attack may take down the old currency.
So they're already foreshadowing this.
Can you speak to why they do that?
What you're saying is, Schwab has said, we're creating an angrier planet by creating a depression on purpose to then bring in basically globalist control.
Yeah, there is going to be a financial crash.
The question is, do we emerge from the rubble as the U.S.S.A., the United Socialist States of America, or maybe we emerge as the U.S.A.
stripped of the bad eye, the stuff that's really been going on since FDR that got us here.
They punched some holes in the Constitution under FDR when they threatened to pack the court.
And the result has been a federal government that got three times the size it should have, and we're reaching the end of that play.
So the question is, are we going to emerge?
I've always wondered all my life how that, my father was an actuary, and that's the math, the mathematicians under insurance.
So it kind of taught me this idea of something being actuarially sound.
So all my life I've looked at these programs and thought, how could, how could the left
Well, when we get back to election fraud, I'll tell you why.
Because I think we're going to get some big changes soon.
I'm actually, I think, as opposed to my brother here, I'm not as, I am also optimistic like you.
And the reason what makes me optimistic is the asset that we have, which is the American people.
I think the American people are truly, truly waking up.
I think actually the far left, the far left communist, people who want to go communist, in numbers, is a smaller number, way smaller number than maybe the mainstream media or people feel is out there.
I actually think 70-80% of this country does not want to go in that direction.
And I think the left has
Very much overplayed their hand.
Now, will they continue to try to stuff things down our throat and do things to try to crush us?
They may very well do.
They may.
But my opinion is, my personal opinion is, if we get through this winter, if we get through this winter and we get moving towards the summer where we're gaining more momentum with
In the exposure in Maricopa and other states, by the way, and more economic malaise comes in, I think that they're going to know that their goose is cooked.
What they do when their goose is cooked is what I fear, and I think this is what you fear, Mike.
They wanted to have Cloward and Piven, and then Pozes and Sanders, but if we all know they did it on purpose, it destroys them, not America.
Well, and I think that something key has just happened yesterday and today.
Their imposition of tyranny is coming through medical tyranny.
Mike is right.
But we have, through an open source lawfare movement, and do you know Tori, by the way, the podcaster Tori?
Anyway, there's this woman out there with this big podcast that has created an open source lawfare movement.
Got 50 Supreme Court, state, state Supreme Court cases filed against Matt Vax.
Read the filing.
Post that online because the judge is masterful in his filing.
And he supported the CRO that he granted a week or ten days ago.
He supported it with a blistering decision.
The decision spanks.
I actually felt a little bad for the other guys.
It spanks them so badly for outrageous constitutional overreach.
Well, the signal that that federal decision sends across all the DOD and everywhere else means that battle, we've broken their momentum in that battle.
That's a big win.
Yeah, and read that, I mean, and post that decision, because the judge, and I actually, you know, when I get some time here in the next 24 hours, I'm going to go look at who that judge is, because to me, that's a judge that is actually using the Constitution the way it was designed to be used.
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Klaus Schwab and the UN admit they're coming out with implantable microchips as part of the World ID and carbon taxes.
Things only get worse from here if we submit.
They only get better if we resist and say no.
I totally agree.
What about the big question?
You asked me to ask about if it's got to run for president.
He's handed the microphone, why don't we do that?
Well, I can tell you that I know elements in the Republican Party who are already talking about if Trump doesn't run, it's a Draft Flynn movement.
There's a Draft Flynn movement latent in the Republican Party just waiting for Donald Trump to make his decision.
And I think that we could not find a
I'm not going to say anything because I'm still his little brother and he can smack me upside my head while I'm sitting next to him.
My dream job is going to be to go work for Mike Flynn and his brother the Chief of Staff.
The next 18 months is going to be crucial to this country, and I think that your audience, which is a great audience, and others out there, realize what's happening.
I think the people of the state of Virginia, we saw it in the state of Virginia, we saw it in New Jersey, we saw it in these local elections.
This this this they have played they have overplayed there and the question is can we take it back from them before they do something very drastic very authoritarian or some type of black swan event that is created in order for an authoritarian move to take place that's what my big concern is probably you know it's probably you talk about this kind of stuff a lot
And unfortunately, those things can happen.
They can be manufactured.
That's why I think Tucker Carlson's documentary exposing false flag aspects is important.
Yeah, I mean, and I've said this in the last 24 hours, if people haven't watched those documentaries, there's three of them, there's three parts, that they need to look at, they need to watch them, because I think he did a really good job of exposing exactly what it is, this assault on our liberties.
You know, if the destiny of America is to continue to be a free country,
I don't know.
I think?
You know, these are the times now when you have to, you have to rise up and say, look, I'm not going to put up with any more.
I'm going to get involved in my, as Patrick has been so adamant about, and all of us get involved in the, in the civic, your civic duty as an American citizen to protect
Not you, to protect it for the generations that are going to follow us, because our founders did an amazing job, had an amazing vision, knowing that we would be at a point like this in the future, and they protected it for the better part of 240 years.
So now, it's our turn to protect it for maybe another 240 years.
We're in a very historic moment.
We are.
We are.
Do you want to talk about some good news and some reasons to be optimistic?
Yeah, let's spend some time on that.
And General, want to bring your sandwich over?
You've been working really hard today.
I want to tell you, so we've had, the way we think of it, so we've formed the America Project, which we've talked about and I'll be pitching that later.
There's a ground game, and the ground game is four yards in a cloud of dust.
Between now and 51 weeks, we are less than a year from the next election.
Absolutely no reason to go violent.
In 51 weeks, we are building the nationwide system that can do what just happened in Virginia.
And the truth is, Bishop Leon Benjamin, who was behind what happened in Virginia, this wonderful man who set up hundreds of volunteers, who went into the precincts and the
African American pastors.
300 churches in Virginia.
Got them all on board.
They're the ones who brought integrity to the Virginia election.
And that's why what happened in Virginia happened.
And historical numbers of African Americans voting red for the first time in probably generations.
Historical percentages.
And we funded that.
We funded that 100% frankly.
And we're prepared to do it in 49 other states.
Great job.
However, that's the four yard and a cloud at dusk plan.
There's a 30-yard pass right now this week for people to get involved with.
The big lawsuit that Mike Lindell has promised is coming on November 23rd.
This week, with the 26 federal, 26 state attorney generals, Republican state attorney generals, are being approached, being asked to participate in this lawsuit.
We want the people of the 26 states
To be peacefully, peacefully letting their Attorneys General know that they're expected to study this case and if appropriate to study this case and consider signing on.
It's just like December, only that case was the result of three weeks of investigation.
This case has far more work and all kinds of dimensions the public has had no idea about for this year are included in this case.
And the good news is, national polls continue to show what, 87% of Republicans and 40% of Democrats think it was stolen, so we're winning the election.
The momentum is there.
60%, 60%, we do our monthly polls, 60% say significant or very significant fraud, another 10% are unsure, so there's 70%.
So only 30% of Americans think Biden, actually 28% will say Biden won the election.
There's a reason why his poll numbers, I mean, other than the disastrous job that he's doing, poll numbers, which are 38%, there's a reason for that.
The moderates, the people didn't vote for Trump because they hated Trump.
For only one reason, they didn't like the man, so they decided, they know now that they made a massive mistake.
They know now that, you know, they left the country in the hands of these people that are
They cannot be this incompetent, Alex.
It has to be, parts of it have to be planned.
What they're doing at the border, that's not incompetence.
Oh, the UN's organizing it, and then Biden works for them.
It's all a U... That's not, it can't be incompetence, and that's what's the sad part.
They collapsed our southern border deliberately.
And they're blocking people from trying to...
Well, let's say this in closing.
Listeners need to understand that are watching this, you are the vanguards.
What the General's been saying, it's what we've all been saying here over and over again.
And so, take this video, and take their speeches from this event and others, and share it with everyone you know, and tell them to share it.
That's the Chan reaction.
So let's all talk about where folks find our forbidden pro-America, pro-freedom information.
And then talk about the initiatives, what you guys are doing.
So I'm going to give the plug.
I want everybody to visit theamericaproject.com.
That's an organization that General Flynn advises us on, but Patrick and I are on the board of and founding members of.
People have to get behind it now.
Tell them again.
We have to get behind the America Project now.
It's www.theamericaproject.com.
Go on the site.
It's free of charge.
Become a member.
Get involved with us.
Get connected.
It's a network of networks.
We are the guys who know everything from all the different networks of doctors who are fighting medical tyranny, lawyers, you know, Latinas for America.
Grassroots organizations across the country.
Moms for America.
Concerned citizens defending freedom.
We want to be free.
And it's non-partisan.
It's non-partisan.
It's not a partisan play.
We are pro-freedom, pro-America.
That's pro-Constitution.
I don't care if you're white, black, orange.
He's a libertarian.
We used to be Democrats.
It doesn't make any difference.
This is about this country's future.
Get involved in this country and figure out how you're going to get involved.
Not everybody has the fiber to serve in the military, but you have got to figure out how you're going to serve this country.
And you do it by, if no other reason, if you just want to be kind of meek and quiet at home, but you're like, I know I got to do something, join this organization and find out what they're doing and then help them in ways that you never thought you'd help.
Now, what they're saying right now is so key, as we're about to conclude this Alex Jones transmission, the Alex Jones Show heading into Thanksgiving weekend, we need to be thanking the individuals from doctors and nurses and truckers and teachers and everybody else who have refused to submit to the vaccine mandate.
That's a level of grassroots activism and pushback that everybody can
And so it's little resistance factors here, and little pockets of resistance there, and just standing firm as individuals against this tyranny.
Now, you've seen most of the video, but there is still a little bit more that we can't play as we're running out of time.
Go to band.video right now if you want to watch the conclusion of this, or share it, or see the whole thing without the breaks.
General Flynn, Patrick Byrne talk January 6th, 2022 election and more, and you can see it there on the Alex Jones Show page.
I think so.
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Vitamin Mineral Fusion back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
So, that does it for this Alex Jones Show.
Obviously we will be off for Thanksgiving, but we will be running replays with a lot of powerful information if you want to still tune into that.
And though I conclude this Alex Jones transmission, I'll be back in two minutes to host The War Room.
So don't miss it.
We'll be right back.
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I know you're like me.
But I really want you to sit back and cogitate or meditate.
On the fact that those of you that have supported my broadcast and InfoWars over the years have changed the world in incredible ways.
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The purpose of fear is to call us into action, and there is plenty to be afraid of today.
Half the population has lined up for an untested, deadly, and debilitating experimental injection because they were told to be afraid of an invisible asymptomatic disease.
The perpetrators of all this have clearly stated their goal of having 80% of the population hooked up to an artificial intelligence hive mind in less than nine years.
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