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Filename: 20211025_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 25, 2021
3109 lines.

Alex Jones discusses battling against globalist forces that control various systems like energy, infrastructure, intellectual property, and information, emphasizing the importance of exposing their agenda, fighting back through political activism, and awareness. He promotes products available at InfowarsStore.com before they sell out while discussing topics such as globalism, corporate fascism, vaccination mandates, tyranny, truth-spreading, collaboration against the globalist's agenda, private school hypocrisy, blockchains, free speech, gun rights, and resistance to oppressive regimes.

InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
From Canada to Australia, from New Zealand to the United States, from the UK to the EU, world leaders are now announcing permanent lockdowns for the, quote, unvaccinated.
Even as mainline governments admit the vaccine is not a vaccine that's causing incredible health problems, including heart attacks, strokes, and death.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the globalist New World Order assault.
So here is the New Zealand Prime Minister bragging about making unvaccinated people second-class citizens.
Here is the CDC director saying unvaccinated government workers to be sent to education camps.
Yes, you just heard me, for education and counseling.
And of course, here's Hillary demanding that the UK roll out the passport to set the precedent worldwide.
This is their holy grail, a worldwide UNID vaccine passport, carbon tax, and here they are back-to-back admitting it.
We have seen that these mandates are getting more and more people vaccinated.
Here's what we know.
The most disruptive thing that you can do to a workforce is to have a COVID outbreak in that workforce.
That will most definitely not only send people home, but it will send people to the hospital and some may pass.
What we know from the police workforce is that there have been more deaths from the coronavirus over the last year and a half than all other causes of death for that workforce combined.
So we believe it is very important to get these people vaccinated.
There is a plan, should these people not want to be vaccinated, towards education and counseling to get people the information they need so that they are feeling comfortable in getting vaccinated.
So you basically said this is going to be like, well it's almost like, you probably don't see it like this, the two different classes of people.
If you're vaccinated or if you're unvaccinated you have all these rights.
If you are vaccinated... That is what it is, so yep, yep.
You described that you were previously hoping not to have to do that, I guess, when we still looked like we could maintain elimination across the whole country.
I guess that has now changed because... I think it was less because, necessarily, of the elimination determining that, and more because we, of course, maintained it.
And actually we have managed very high vaccination rates, generally, without the use of certificates.
But actually what it's become clear to me is that they're not just a tool to drive up vaccines.
They're a tool for confidence.
People who have been vaccinated will want to know that they're around other vaccinated people.
They'll want to know that they're in a safe environment.
It is a way that we can give confidence to those who are going back into hospitality or events.
And so that is something that I think we should offer to people who have been vaccinated.
That confidence that we're doing everything we can to keep them safe and that they can come back out and start enjoying those things safely.
I do think it's imperative that
I don't know.
Yeah, and employers.
I mean, part of what we've done in New York, for example, is all of the big health systems, hospitals and the like, they've mandated vaccines.
And so, for example, one very large one, 77,000 employees, a thousand refused to get vaccinated.
They were fired.
And I think you've got to make it clear that we're not going to go back to lockdown.
That is not going to happen.
But if you don't get vaccinated and if you don't have proof of vaccination when you go into a club or a restaurant and employers don't enforce vaccines, we may see some problems here in the UK as the weather gets colder and people are forced back inside again.
So this is a criminal declaration of war by the megacorporations controlling the United Nations against humanity.
So you don't have to wait for it to be rolled out.
It's now here.
And then once you submit and take the world ID, then they start the carbon tax and tell you where you can go and when you can go and tax you for that pleasure.
The entire planet
Converted to a huge prison with checkpoints the whole nine yards, contact tracers coming to your home.
In New York City, the UK, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Canada are now the hubs, the launch points for the tentacles to go out and take over our world.
This is World War Three.
Alex Jones here on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021, with a very important update for supporters of InfoWars.
Several of our best-selling products are back in stock, limited supplies, and are 40 to 50% off.
Like DNA Force Plus, that is 40% off right now, and that sale is going to have to end on Monday.
It helps your telomeres, it helps your
Very sells engines, the mitochondria, it's got the PQQ, the CoQ10, it really is incredible.
It's 40% off.
Some of the best-selling products are 50% off as well.
And we got a very limited supply, very limited run in, because I told the manufacturer, whatever ingredients you can get, whenever you have enough to make some, even if it's a smaller run, do it.
We've got a very small run in of the products that's been sold out, and that is RainForce Ultra.
It's 25% off at FullWorksStore.com.
That's going to end up selling out by Monday as well at current sales rates.
So get great products and support the M4 at m4store.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's Monday, October 25th.
The year is 2021 and I come to you from the embattled InfoWars headquarters in Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide to millions of people.
And you know who you are.
In defiance of the globalist operations.
Here we are.
What an incredible time to be alive.
Let me break down what we're going to be covering here today.
And then of course, this entire transmission will be archived at BandaiVideo and FreeWorldNews.TV.
We have the entire huge story that again broke last week and is now developed of Eco Alliance, Peter Daszak, Fauci on the payroll of Bill Gates.
Creating COVID-19, proposing the release of COVID-19, releasing COVID-19, rolling out the deadly shots on the back of COVID-19, and of course the worldwide travel passports, checkpoint police state passports based on the vaccine passport, which they now admit is a carbon tax passport.
We have that incredible information.
And we have Democrat and globalist fellow travelers around the world
Announcing that yes, the unvaccinated are second class citizens and you will not be allowed to have a job or live.
And finally, when you're homeless, you'll be taken to re-education centers where you will be forcibly inoculated.
CDC director, unvaccinated police and government workers need to be sent for education and counseling.
Hillary Clinton insists it's imperative Boris Johnson mandate vaccine passports in the UK to force everyone else worldwide.
She says the Democrats are doing it in their cities.
Australia threatens new lockdown for the unvaccinated.
So does New Zealand.
Of course, we predicted this all 21 months ago because it's all in operation lockstep.
After clamor, New York restrictions modeling says COVID cases set to plummet in the UK.
They want more tyranny.
They don't care.
That is all coming up just in that area.
We also have people fighting back anti-COVID vax protesters march with BLM in support of NBA star refused the jab and was quote not allowed to play.
And the police ended up attacking.
The individuals that were there protesting and the media announced headlines that they had tried to attack, like the insurrectionists of January 6th, and that a terror attack had happened.
And then there was a lockdown at the basketball facility.
And of course, no one did anything.
The police and security guards got in the face of some of the people and then the police responded and arrested a few folks.
But meanwhile, there were police at the very time and firefighters and nurses protesting in New York against being fired for not taking the experimental poison injections.
We're going to be getting to that, both those clips, here in just a moment.
But let me continue to tell you what's coming up.
This is super huge, and I'm going to be covering this at the bottom of the hour.
Obama gets wrecked over lies about culture wars.
Says they're trying to unify America, and that we're trying to divide America, and that they shouldn't get sucked into Republicans and conservatives.
Culture wars, when they're the ones that have declared war on America's very existence.
We're going to be playing that clip as well.
And this dovetails into this huge stack
That is so amazing.
United Nations to Texas.
Stop drilling for oil.
The carbon taxes are going to shut you down.
Investors should not invest in Texas.
Texas needs to accept electric cars and the end of oil drilling.
But the UN encourages Saudi Arabia.
We're good to go.
United States of America is under globalist attack.
And then I've got just so much more here on the economy and on inflation that we're going to be breaking down today.
But the first thing I want to say, and we can put the live show headline up there, and the first big issue I want to announce is this.
When you read into Army War College and Navy War College and Air Force War College and special operations research,
It's admitted that America is under attack and that the globalists are winning that war.
There's the headline for today's show at InfoWars.com.
World War III has already begun and America is losing because our leaders have sold us out.
The Great Reset is nothing less than a declaration of war by megacorporations working through the United Nations against humanity.
Tune into the Alex Jones Show now and be part of the resistance today.
And that's a literal statement.
So I want to say this.
You know, I took my wife last night to see Dune because I'm a fan of Frank Herbert's books.
They're pretty powerful, especially the first one.
You know, he was a big leftist.
And it's all about struggle and tyranny and control and how there's a psychic dictatorship and secret societies.
And the book mirrors and is an analogy or a parable about real things going on in our world today.
And when I read the book, I knew that when I was a young man, but I later read writings where Herbert basically admitted he was quite the historian and ecologist and a lot of other things.
Very, very, very well read, very smart individual.
But Herbert also said that by the year 1999, the world went in because of environmental crises.
That wasn't true.
So he fed into that because he was made a darling out of what he promoted and what he pushed.
But it's the idea that we're evil and we've got to be depopulated.
But then who decides who does that, even if you go along with that idea?
And then you look at who the globalist are, they're the very worst people.
that you could have running the civilization and the society.
And, you know, the film first part basically deals with the genocide taking place on this desert planet that has this hallucinogenic life extension spice that allows people to take their minds to higher dimensions.
But that's not my point.
My point was watching the ads, because I don't go to a lot of movies, watching the ads
We're all about fantasy and aliens attacking and humanity rising up together and defeating the outside enemy.
And so our minds are so filled with that ethos of other people's struggles and other people's fights and these big grand wars that are going on and happening and these heroes that rise against it.
And then here we are facing a world government carrying out the implanting of poisons in us that are binary weapons to depopulate us.
And you could look at the globalists and they behave, and Klaus Schwab even looks like a skinnier version of Baron Harkonnen.
But that's the real world, so people's subconscious knows all this is going on and are super upset.
So you feel good when you go see a movie like this where heroes are rising to the occasion and defeating the great evil, but it's all a simulation.
While here in the real world, we're in a coma, sleeping, while the globalists win the war.
So, World War III has already begun, and the average American isn't even aware of it.
So when we come back, yesterday, before I went live at 4 p.m.
for the Alex Jones Show Sunday version, I was in the little coffee room, the break room, and getting a glass of ice water, and my mouth was hanging open to watch OAN.
It just gets better and better and better.
I think we're good to go.
Former top insiders studying how the intelligence agencies and systems actually operate admitting that there were stay-behind networks before the 2016 election and during Trump's administration and currently using Pentagon technology and CIA technology and servers and systems to attack the American people.
And of course, I told you about Obama putting $2 billion in there before he left in the Defense Authorization Act of 2017.
He signed that in December 2016.
I mean, I've told you about all this and how we're actually up against criminals that have hijacked the government using systems of war against us.
But there it was with insiders talking about it on OAN.
So that's coming up in the next segment.
Stay with us.
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The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware that there's a war between free individuals and nation-states on one side, and the globalists on the other, who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
From the United States to Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations were pulling out of the private, corporate, and fascist world government.
That's why they launched their Great Reset, and their program after collapsing us of Build Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down, vertical consolidation of the world economy.
And because they couldn't take our guns, and because we wouldn't bow, because the left, which is the ideology of this world government system, couldn't win, they released a biological weapon on us.
Now we know two years ago.
We learned about it about 20 months ago.
It's that simple.
They can't beat us because of our free speech and our guns.
So the Global Corporate Combine released COVID-19 and you know the rest is history.
Expose this paradigm and we win.
We've all heard about the pastor and his famous statement from inside a concentration camp in World War II that when they came for one group he wasn't part of that group so he didn't stand up.
And then when they came for another group he wasn't part of that group so he didn't stand up.
And finally,
And they can't apprehend those, nobody else to stand up.
Well, the global social credit score that China's putting in that's banning people to three hours of video games a week, and if you criticize the government, you can never buy or sell again.
Well, that's being brought here and all over the world under the guise of COVID vaccine passports.
They're saying there's going to be a carbon tax attached to it.
They even admit it now.
They're going to track where you go and what you do and decide where you can go and what you can do.
That's what the lockdowns are about.
You'll accept that, you'll accept anything.
So again, the left is having fun right now with all the censorship and tyranny, pretending like they're part of the power structure.
But they're all going to be targeted by this nightmare as well.
We need to get back to basic human rights and promote them, or all of us will be enslaved by this horrible technocracy run by the globalists.
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888-253-3139 888-253-3139 888-253-3139 That's InfoWarsStore.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, I just saw a clip during the break and was given a news story that's going up on Infowars.com right now that will hit next segment on the whole COVID front.
But we knew this was coming, but it's just next level.
We'll tell you what the head of the CDC just said.
It's getting almost no attention.
That is coming up next segment.
OK, let's get into how to stop the new world order.
We don't know that there are megacorporations that set up the United Nations and are taking control of nation states and issuing a UN approved world ID under the auspices of a carbon footprint tax.
And also, of course, based on a COVID-19 vaccine passport system, that that's now been announced and that's rolling out.
And you've got all the different globalists out there pushing how every city, every county, every state, every nation must adopt this.
Right now.
And then everything will be fine.
Everything will go right back to normal once you do that.
Of course, that's a lie.
They're now admitting, oh, sorry, even once you're fully injected, you'll still wear a mask.
You'll still have to get authorization to leave your house under the COVID passport.
And the big news is that's now being announced or is about to be announced here in the U.S.
That's coming up next segment.
So this is moving very quickly.
The bad news is
The average member of Congress, the average senator, even if they're a conservative Christian Republican...
Won't touch all this.
Even Rand Paul won't go there.
Even Ted Cruz hardly goes there.
And so, we're having a foreign multinational corporate takeover, giving us all IDs to live and have a job and travel.
They're saying they're going to watch every bank transaction we take, which they're already doing, to be tied to the social credit score.
They're going to open our borders at the same time, teach all this evil stuff to our children, push a horrible globalist agenda that'll be a hundred times worse than it is now, once they've got us by the short hairs with this.
And internal globalist documents admit that our Pentagon and CIA is run by this multinational group that's waging war against this psychological war, and censoring and controlling us, and that we're now an occupied country.
And that we're the last big country they've got to take down, along with Australia and New Zealand.
Canada's fallen.
And then that's it.
I mean, this is real, worldwide, UN-directed martial law.
And senior analyst who's been at the very top of the psychological warfare, political warfare system and strategies is Michael Waller, and he was on OAN.
Here's part of that interview.
You definitely want to share this information.
This is Scott Wheeler interviewing Dr. J. Michael Waller, one of the top insider experts.
I'm not going to read his whole bio.
Here's the clip.
You need to.
Psychological operational tactic developed by the U.S.
military to use against terrorist organizations abroad.
It appears to have ended up as a Democrat Party strategy to defeat President Trump in the 2020 election.
Dr. J. Michael Waller is a defense expert and was the first to spot it.
What is defeat disinfo?
Defeat Disinfo was an entity run in the spring and summer of 2020 by military people, former military people, supportive of Joe Biden.
And it was designed to enhance a disinformation narrative about Russian collusion and all these other things that have been disproven.
But they were using their military prestige to make their own disinformation seem like it was anti-disinformation.
Using their own disinformation to wrapped in a cloak of this is anti-disinformation.
To confuse the public, to get people angry, to make people fearful.
To energize a base for Biden that really wasn't there because he was so bland and out of touch that there was very little enthusiasm.
So it was like a psychological warfare operation aimed at the American public by former military officers who had been involved in counterinsurgency to treat the American public as an insurgency and to squash it as one would squash an insurgency.
Dr. Waller would know because he helped develop these techniques to be used against America's enemies abroad.
As a civilian, I was involved in helping prepare elements of what became a counterinsurgency manual issued by the military under Nagel.
Most of my parts were removed.
They related to psychological warfare.
And using psychological warfare to a more robust way against the enemy.
Well, Nagel didn't use that in the Army Manual, but he did use it in 2020 against the American public.
John Nagel is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and a leading expert on military counterinsurgency tactics.
These are guys who know how to use that?
Former General Stanley McChrystal was on the board of one of the firm that was manufacturing this.
John Nagel, former Lieutenant Colonel and another former Lieutenant Colonel of his name, Yingling,
We're good to go.
According to Waller, the retired military officers created a sophisticated computer algorithm that tracked pro-Trump messages on social media and paid influencers to counter those messages with anti-Trump propaganda.
But that's not all they did.
Two lieutenant colonels, Nagel and Yingling, they wrote a letter
Yes, this letter showed some type of an internal network of former military officers and what one presumes were still active duty military officers to literally remove President Trump from office.
They were anticipating an electoral
Okay, we're going to come back to this next segment and tie it into all the insurrection talk and the Democrats saying it was all organized and basically run by me and the rest of it when it was run by them.
They tried to hijack and did partially our million-person march that was peaceful at the Ellipse.
But this fellow is being very measured and very careful and just talking about a few groups of this that are known.
But if you actually look at the funding from Obama and you look at the Countering Disinformation Propaganda Act he signed into law on December 4th, 2016 for funding over the next several years, this was put into law
So it's not even an informal group of people in and out of government.
It's the same folks that bragged in that Time Magazine article, if you remember, about a month after January 6th, how they basically stole the election and how they hijacked the protesters that day on January 6th.
So this can be pulled up in the original articles at Infowars.com and Zero Hedge and all over the place.
Here's some of them.
Obama to Open Ministry of Truth Propaganda Agency News Punch.
December 12th.
That's when he had signed the bill.
establishes Ministry of Truth to combat fake news.
January 4th.
Now it's implemented.
And it goes on from there.
Obama quietly signs the Counter Disinformation Propaganda Act into law.
And that puts the funding into all this.
And there was a lot more of this going on.
And they trained big tech people on it.
They trained a lot of law firms in it.
They really organized millions of people into this to wage war on America and to demoralize us and attack us.
And then Obama has got the nerve, after activating Black Lives Matter with 50-something million in Soros money and the rest of it, to turn around and say that
Democrats aren't part of the culture wars, and they're trying to unify everybody when they're doing the exact opposite?
We'll finish up with this really powerful report from OAN.
Kudos to them, but that is the tip of the iceberg, what you just heard.
That is just the very surface of this, and it's totally illegal, completely criminal, and the people working for it are part of the globalist UN consortium, and are overthrowing this country.
We'll be right back.
Hey everybody!
We're good to go.
Thank you.
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world that's very, very simple but that most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure,
Intellectual property, energy, they're using it to buy people, to buy influence, and in the past they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything.
Not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
Warn everyone.
It's the only way to stop it.
The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons and chemicals added to the foods.
It's all come out.
And they're doing that not because we're weak, but because we're made in the image of God, the Creator, and we are powerful.
And the social engineers fear that so much.
So that's why I repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up with, but boy, is it true.
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all their propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death because they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on the god of this world who is a loser.
And that's why it's so important that everybody keep Infowars in the air now more than ever.
Because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting and setting up is safe habit.
And we are opposing the one world government and the Mark of the Beast they just announced.
By now you've heard me talk about the BioPros and how they're creating amazing products.
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Visit thebiopros.com and see for yourself.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, everybody kept believing Q that was using some front people at 4chan and 8chan, but that was not Q. Q was
Globalist using Pentagon brainwashing, disinformation, technology on the public.
And I told you, and I told you they were going to steal it from Trump.
And I told you they were going to use the Red Mirage system before they even announced it.
And I told you that I knew who first started Q, who meant well, but it got taken away from them very quickly.
And people just wanted to say, oh, Alex is jealous of Q.
No, I don't want to be a slave of the New World Order.
And I can basically talk to anybody I want to in the quote power structure and I know what's going on in the world and I was proven right yet again.
You see, the entire Pentagon operation that everybody thought was going on for America was going on against America.
And then the former special ops commander that Trump appointed as the Secretary of Defense that everybody thought was, you know, there to oversee Trump's victory was, you notice, there to stab Trump in the back.
This has all been a PSYOP against America.
And we know Trump's for real, because this group went up against him and stole the election from him.
Doesn't mean Trump's perfect, but he means well and is the real deal.
And tried to turn this country around.
And I hope we can get him back into office in three years.
The globalists never intend to let us get to that point.
If you just joined us, I'm going to finish up with this very powerful piece from OAN, and they should have this gentleman they had on for two hours.
In fact, if he'll come on our show, we'd love to have him.
I've studied how the globalists operate, and Michael Waller is one of the top people that actually overthrew governments around the world and ran insurgencies and counter-insurgencies.
Okay, and he's explaining to you systems he developed
That are weapons of how to lie and manipulate populations and how to take populations out of a fight and how that technology was used against the American people and is being used.
And a lot of this is secret.
That's why I had to be very careful.
I only talk about stuff that's public.
So, I mean, you need to go read his bio.
Senior Analyst for Strategy for Center for Security Policy.
That's the top group.
His areas of concentration are propaganda, political warfare, psychological warfare, and subversion.
He is the former Walter and Laurene Annenberg Professor, Annenberg Professorship's the top of the neural order, of International Communication at the Institute of World Politics, a graduate school in Washington, D.C., and former instructor with the Naval
Post-graduate school, he is the instructor-lecturer at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg.
Dr. Waller holds the Ph.D.
in International Security Affairs with the University Professors Program at Boston University.
He received his military training as an insurgent.
With the Nicaraguan Contras.
He was the co-founder of Blue Team on China in the 1990s for 13 years.
He was the Walter and Lerone Annenberg Professor of International Communications at the Institute of World Politics, Washington, D.C.
I'm only a little bit through his bio.
I'm going to stop right there.
You get what I'm saying.
And he's telling you that a multinational illegal group
Is hijacked the country and is engaging in warfare operations against you and your family.
But we don't need to listen to him to know this is true.
You're experiencing it.
And so here's the original launch of all this back in December five years ago.
Obama to open ministry of truth.
And the first thing they tell you is we're going to lie to you.
establishes Ministry of Truth to combat, quote, fake news.
That's what you're seeing here.
And I was the first target, remember?
And Julian Assange told you what was coming.
It's for everybody.
Let's talk about what it is.
The OODA loop.
The OODA loop.
I suggest you go read it.
This is not even classified.
It's on Wikipedia, but it's how they take normal communication of citizens and target Christians, conservatives, nationalists, members of Congress, members of the House and Senate, governors, legislatures, everyone
That's fighting for America and how you censor them, how you demonize them, how you attack them, and how you fund millions of...
Influencers to make it look organic and to attack and swamp them and tattle on them and shut them down.
This is the Pentagon and the military attacking America.
And so people are like, here's military intelligence and here's, we got them all in prison and we're all going to win.
Because if you'd have known how much trouble Trump was in and how much trouble we were all in, you'd have gotten the fight and marched and demonstrated.
But you just sat back going, we're invincible.
And I'm not putting down folks that bought into this.
I understand.
You got caught up by serious psychological warfare.
The only way to defeat this is to know the historical truth, the current truth, who the players are, and read documents.
Because the globalists know you're not reading these documents.
This is all basically public.
No, America is in World War III, and America is losing.
I don't say that to demoralize you.
I don't think you're a coward.
I think you're like me.
When you know you're losing a fight and they're not going to give you a quarter, they're going to beat you to death, well you just better open up a can of whoop-ass politically and get them off your back and start pounding their head in the concrete politically, non-violently.
That's the analogy.
They're not going to stop until they gouge our eyeballs out and pull our guts out of our rear end.
So you better decide whether you're going to be a slave or you're going to stand up and say no.
And the big thing is speaking out, demonstrating, protesting, saying no, suing people, going to church, speaking up, calling to talk radio, praying to God every night.
Just be vocal.
Take action.
And stop thinking the military is going to save you because the military at the top is captured by the globalists.
And you see that now.
And here's how they do it.
Here's how they orient you.
Here's how they control you.
Here's how they brainwash you.
The OODA loop and how they come in and block your communications and shut you down.
Okay, this is real stuff.
This isn't fantasy land.
This isn't 8chan.
This isn't all the BS.
This is the real deal.
And it's run by Obama currently.
It tells you no borders, no walls, no USA at all.
It's launching the millions of invasion forces, 100,000 more, out of Central South America and the Caribbean.
Marching that ran through two days ago through the Mexican troops on the border.
And are coming here 100,000 plus strong.
And that image is seen worldwide of the total collapse of our borders.
And the program and invasion port is South Texas.
And the man that ran the 10-year invasion of Europe was hired by Soros and brought in to run the collapse of the North American border right now.
This is war!
This is attacks!
This is going on now!
This isn't going and seeing Dune, a fantasy movie, or it's not going and seeing historical fiction like The Last Duel.
It's not the new Marvel Comics franchise where aliens attack and supermen rise up and beat them.
This is the new world order coming for you and your family.
This is the end of the country.
And the reason I say all that is because it's true.
Where is the Republican leadership?
Well, they know if you start talking about Soros and the State Department and the treason, and if you start talking about the funding, and if you start talking about what's going on with the money laundering, and if you start talking about the child sex trafficking that's confirmed in the Senate report, and you start talking about how this is all a UN world government corporate takeover with a world ID, you start talking about that, your airplane blows up.
Or you get shot at, your ribs get broken, and your wife and kids get killed in a car wreck.
And that's what's going on, and that's why we don't have leadership.
America's head has been cut off.
Trump was surrounded by double-dealing traitors.
He was removed.
And now, we are a decapitated, floundering, dying country, with our enemies devaluing our currency, and selling out our birthright, and preparing to run massive, sustained, decades-long collapse and forced re-education, the likes of which the Chinese, the North Koreans, and the Russians did not even begin to imagine the depths of.
So, if you think they're just collapsing things and taking things over because they want to be in charge, think again.
They want to shut all the churches, put us under permanent martial law, and conscript your sons and daughters into their new global paramilitary UN force.
You're going to live under Hunger Games on steroids.
And most men have decided to join with this, that are actually informed.
But, there are a lot of people who've been big insiders at the top of this thing, going public like Michael Waller, and we salute him.
Better decide which side you're on, because God's watching.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll come back with the rest of the clip.
I am taping this update on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021.
Listeners who've already tried and really seen the powerful effects of RainForce Ultra should be excited to know that we've got a limited supply of it in stock, but it'll be sold out at current sales rates by Monday morning.
Despite that fact, we're still offering a major discount of 25% off.
It is an amazing nootropic.
I went to one of the top labs in the country and I said, I want very powerful, quick acting, extremely clean nootropic that wears off quick because I want to be able to take it, if I've got to work till 10 at night, take it at 7 and for it to wear off by 10.
And that's exactly what they did with Brain Force Ultra.
Now we have other great products like TurboForce that last for 10 hours.
It's a different formula.
It's over-the-top powerful.
So strong I can't even take it.
By the way, it's sold out right now.
The BrainForce Ultra is really something special.
It's 25% off, limited supply.
We'll sell out early next week.
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead with their full operational deindustrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda, but we've also got to get personally prepared.
And one of the number one things to do is high quality, storable food.
We've got the best food ready to ship at very affordable prices.
We're good to go!
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It uses a unique, quick-release capsule system to ensure fast delivery of deep sleep support ingredients like melatonin and magnesium.
Rocket Rest helps you fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested.
So get the new Rocket Rest formula from Dr. Jones Naturals right now at InfoWarsStore.com so you're ready to take off!
If you only knew the power of the dark side.
Join Bill Gates and together we will defeat humanity.
Then our gods will reward us with eternal life.
That's basically the ethos of the globalists.
They must first play God.
They must first prove that they are the fittest in their social Darwinistic system.
And, in a way, they're right.
If we let them lie to us and dumb us down and poison us and destroy our children's futures, the evidence is overwhelming and out in the open.
We really deserve what's happened to us.
So I ask you now, are you going to step up and expose the New World Order even more?
I know I'm pledging to step up and redouble my efforts.
The front lines of the fight is InfoWars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back.
Again, we have some huge COVID martial law world government news.
I'll get to in a moment that just broke last 15 minutes that we just covered and it's now on Infowars.com.
It just broke to me.
It just happened yesterday.
It's getting almost no attention.
I want to get back to
How much trouble we're in.
I'm not telling you America is decapitated to demoralize you.
I'm not the enemies telling you that.
Our beloved country is under attack.
Super evil authoritarians are taking over.
And when a country is decapitated, it's not like when a person gets decapitated, you die.
Decapitation with a country, as most of you know,
Means there is no leadership of the real American Republic.
It's a consortium of different corporate globalist criminals that are presiding over the selling out and the pimping out of the nation.
And governors and legislators and members of Congress in the House and Senate could easily come out and haul all this out because it's all out in the open.
I mean, the United Nations is on the national news today saying, Texas needs to stop drilling for oil.
Texas is bad.
What is it the UN's business?
Well, they say global carbon taxes.
But they're not calling for those for China, or Saudi Arabia, or India.
Oh no, they're all exempt, along with 100 plus other countries.
Like 160 plus that are exempt.
It's only the EU, it's only the UK, and Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the US.
That's it.
No one else follows it.
Think about that power.
Think about that control.
Because they don't want the West to be wealthy anymore.
The West that built the industrial society.
So you bring down the West, you bring the third world to the West.
Now the whole world's a giant police state hellhole with third world populations brought in to be a permanent underclass.
And so that's their program.
People tell me, they go, you know, Q's really bad now.
You're right.
It's Blue Anon.
Yes, I saw Blue Anon, you know, back during the campaign.
I saw it after when the Democrats put out their own ridiculous conspiracy theories and things.
But QAnon's always been Blue Anon.
It's always been Blue Anon.
And I'd sit there and I'd talk to people that believed it.
They'd say, Trump is Q, Alex.
And Q says, you're bad.
And I said, listen, I talked to Trump.
He doesn't even know what Q is.
He thinks it's some weird thing that his followers are into.
Trump is surrounded, in over his head.
He's a good guy that means well.
He cares about the country, but he's going to be removed.
Alex, you're just jealous of Q. But then when you get real former heads of sign-offs that wrote the manual on this coming out on TV, people are like, well, I'm not going to listen to him.
He's not an 8chan guy.
So that's how this works.
So let's go ahead and go back and finish this clip, the very important report on OAN today.
Yes, this letter showed some type of an internal network of former military officers and what one presumes were still active duty military officers to literally remove President Trump from office.
They were anticipating an electoral
Uh, confusion about the vote and about the tallying of the vote.
They were predicting that perhaps President Trump would not leave office because there was no real tally of a real vote.
Now, this is in July and August of 2020.
This was way before the November crisis about accuracy of the counting of votes.
They said there's going to be a red mirage.
It'll look like he wins, but we'll have the extra ballots, the mail-in ballots that they had set up to send out, so they'd have whatever amount they needed to then create that spike all over the country in Michigan and Pennsylvania and Georgia.
They closed the counting at 1, 2 p.m., and then suddenly, bloop, the blue goes all the way up past Trump in the red, and then right when it gets past the point it needs, it stops.
And that was their strategy.
That was their plan.
Have the reserve ballots.
Have what you need from people that died or people off the rolls or people that double vote.
Have those printed and ready.
Pull out your briefcases.
Pull out your suitcases.
Have your trucks pull in at 1 a.m.
Say there's a water main break.
Bring them in and run them over and over again.
The same ballots.
It doesn't matter until you get enough in there to defeat Trump.
Then distract everybody with electronic voting machines and say it was done from outside.
When really you did it from the inside.
And they sent disinfo operatives and spies in to the different liberty groups to manipulate them and to focus again on external fraud instead of the internal fraud.
And that's how they scripted the whole thing.
It was always about mail-in balance.
It was always about all those fraudulent ballots they put out.
That was their strategy.
They told all their people that was their strategy.
But again, we were caught flat-footed and Trump didn't know what hit him.
Now Trump's fighting back.
Now Trump's speaking out.
Now he understands.
And now they're panicking, knowing there'll be such a giant landslide this time, and in the midterms, that they will be removed.
But even if they got removed, everyone's scared of exposing them.
They're going to leave all the Democrats, stay behind networks and all the agencies and let them continue their bureaucratic dictatorship.
And so that's the problem I go back to.
Where are our leaders pointing all this out?
Well, finally, I'm starting to see a lot of guests on OAN that get it.
Like Michael Waller.
Go ahead and finish up.
They were saying in July and August, we need to be prepared to remove Trump militarily.
And the
Basically saying Trump is an enemy of the American people.
But it wasn't just this group of retired military officers saying this.
In August of 2020, Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called not only Trump an enemy, but Republican members of the House of Representatives as well.
And sadly, the domestic enemies to our voting system and our honoring our Constitution are right at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue with their allies in the Congress of the United States.
What would they say now, do you think?
Do you see evidence that it ended after the election?
Or do you think there's still this ongoing operation taking place?
Well, these operations just don't stop.
You have people who have either a political or a financial interest in having them continue.
It appears they haven't stopped.
In January of this year, Pelosi again called her Republican colleagues the enemy.
When the enemy is within the House of Representatives.
Applying counterinsurgency tactics to politics in the U.S.
may explain Democrats labeling their political opposition and Trump supporters a dangerous insurgency.
Whether or not it will continue to be effective as a political strategy remains to be seen.
For One America News in Washington, I'm Scott Wheeler.
Well, that's really powerful.
I mean, I don't mind the info babes reading, you know, real news off a teleprompter.
That's fine.
But man, some of those expert guests are getting on are amazing.
So that gentleman needs to be briefing Trump right now.
Trump needs to host a two hour roundtable with that former spy chief that wrote the book on modern disinformation and propaganda for the CIA and the Pentagon.
He's on record and he should be testifying in front of Congress.
But instead, he's relegated to OAN.
You see, we're in a war.
This is a real war.
And if we don't know it's a war, we don't have a hope.
If we know it's a war, it's over.
Do we choose America and freedom and justice or this foreign, multinational takeover that's dissolving the country that hijacked the Pentagon and is using propaganda against us illegally to then declare us to be the enemy?
Remember, they're the ones that are going to steal the election with the mail-in ballots and the fake ballots.
They're the ones that are going to remove Trump by saying he's a foreign insurgency if they have to.
So everything they said about Trump is what they themselves were doing.
You understand that?
They were the military group.
They were the coup group.
And Trump finally got it this weekend and put out a statement saying the real insurgency was in November, on November 3rd by the Democrats.
Now Trump's starting to know what happened to him.
Snowden tells Tribunal, if you love truth, you're as much of a criminal as Assange, and I risk sharing his fate.
And they're trying to do the same damn thing to me, folks.
That same Pentagon group said, we want Assange, and we want Jones.
And I'm still here.
I'm not in solitary confinement by the grace of God.
But they're trying.
So get the level of the war this is.
This is the real war right now.
This isn't patty cake or, you know, blue on on or any of that.
I'll come back and hit the huge cub of news that broke just as soon as we come back.
I'm behind here.
I got the UN takeover of our energy systems.
Briefly, today is the last day.
Just came back in a week and a half ago, DNA Force Plus with the PQQ, the CoQ10, the Rolls-Royce for your immune system and your body and your health.
Great for children, adults, especially folks over 40.
Talk about the fountain of youth.
This is as close as you're going to get to it.
It is 40% off at Infowarsstore.com, and that sale ends today.
Also, that small run of Brain Force Ultra.
Quick-acting, fast, clean energy that's so nootropic.
It's not just energy.
It just really stimulates the mind.
It's something special.
For me, it burns off in about two, three hours.
So Ultra goes for a couple hours.
TurboForce goes for 10 hours.
They're all different nootropics.
And it is about to sell out.
BrainForce Ultra is amazing.
So is BrainForce Plus, but it's been sold out for, you know, six months.
So we'll be right back.
But your last chance to get BrainForce.
At 25% off, Brain Force Ultra.
It will sell out today at current sales rates.
I want to thank you all for your support.
Also get a Save the Frogs t-shirt while you're at it or some activated Dr. Jones Naturals charcoal toothpaste and mouthwash.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones.
I think so.
I think so.
It's time to protect your privacy.
It's time to come to grips with the fact that even though you don't have anything to hide, criminals, hackers, corporations, big tech, government are stealing all of your data and creating a map and a database of where you go and what you do.
So in the future, under their globalist takeover, they can shut you down.
Protecting your privacy, protecting your credit cards, protecting your bank accounts, protecting your photos, protecting everything that's on your phone is paramount.
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It's amazing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Why is the People's Republic of China, which is supported by the extension of its communist propaganda in the treasonous American left-wing media, bragging about missile technology that the United States engineered few years ago?
Well, as usual, the real story damages their narrative.
There's new concern tonight about China's military capabilities amid a report the country recently tested a nuclear capable hypersonic missile.
A report of a Chinese missile test which shows progress with an advanced weapon called a hypersonic missile.
Financial Times reported over the weekend that China tested a hypersonic missile in August showing a capability that caught US intelligence by surprise citing five unnamed sources.
On Monday, U.S.
Disarmament Ambassador Robert Wood told reporters in Geneva he was concerned about what China is doing on hypersonic missiles, adding, quote, we just don't know how we can defend against that type of technology.
Neither does China or Russia.
As part of its conventional prompt global strike program, the United States has actively pursued the development of hypersonic weapons since the early 2000s.
Maneuverable weapons that fly at speeds of at least Mach 5.
You have the ability to accelerate to more than five times the speed of sound.
That's Mach 5, which is equivalent to 3,836.35 miles per hour.
Despite this ludicrous speed, hypersonic weapons are not fast enough to be undetectable by radar.
But they move at speeds that are so fantastic that most missile defense systems will be unable to react in time to counter such an attack.
To get an idea of just how fast they are, a hypersonic missile could travel from San Francisco to Washington D.C.
in about 30 minutes.
And we can all thank the Bill Clinton administration for transferring our missile secrets to the Chinese.
Clinton administration's policies on satellite exports facilitated legal or illegal transfers of military-related technology to China.
Thailand and the Philippines, our democratic allies in Northeast Asia, are for this.
If you want to reduce tensions along the Taiwan Strait, if you want a more stable Asia, if you want to maximize the chances of avoiding proliferation of dangerous weapons and a new arms race, a yes is the right vote.
In 1998, the Justice Department began a criminal investigation into Laurel Space and Communications and Hughes Electronic Corporation for the violation of export control laws.
The firms had shared their findings of a PRC rocket explosion with the Chinese, circumventing the U.S.
China then used this knowledge to improve their ballistic missile and guidance systems.
The chairman of Laurel was the largest individual donor to the Democratic Party.
Despite strong opposition from the Justice Department,
In 1998, Bill Clinton issued a waiver of sanctions that undermined the investigation by allowing the issuance of licenses for the export of technology or expertise similar to that in question.
The hypersonic arms race is a goldmine for the defense industry and it is the future of warfare.
Congress should immediately begin investigating the communist sympathizers inhabiting the Pentagon.
This is Darren McBreen reporting for John Bowne.
Don't act so surprised, Globalist.
You didn't think you could silence the American people, did you?
Join Bandot Video, and I will complete your training.
Together, we can overthrow the Emperor and restore the Republic.
Well, that's flipping the script.
All right, we're gonna go to break for one minute, join some stations, and then I'm gonna come back with the big news.
Yes, wait till you hear what the head of the CDC just said.
We'll be back on the other side again in T-minus 60 seconds.
Please tell everybody you know, tune in now.
That's part of the fight.
I am taping this.
Alex Jones here on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021, with a very important update for supporters of InfoWars.
Several of our best-selling products are back in stock, limited supplies, and are 40 to 50% off.
Like DNA Force Plus, that is 40% off right now, and that sale is going to have to end on Monday.
It helps your telomeres, it helps your
Very sells engines, the mitochondria, it's got the PQQ, the CoQ10, it really is incredible.
It's 40% off.
Some of the best-selling products are 50% off as well.
And we got a very limited supply, very limited run-in, because I told the manufacturer, whatever ingredients you can get, whenever you have enough to make some, even if it's a smaller run, do it.
We got a very small run-in of the products that's been sold out, and that is RainForce Ultra.
It's 25% off it at FortWorthStore.com.
That's going to end up selling out by Monday as well at current sales rates.
So get great products and support the M4 at m4store.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back into our number two, but not because the globalists helped us.
They've been trying to take us off air.
But thanks to you and thanks to all of our great affiliates, InfoWars in many ways is stronger than we've ever been, especially because, unfortunately, what we talked about is here, just exactly as we said it would be.
And that's what's so frustrating and so sad about this.
The general public thinks about things in little short mental packets.
The attention span has been shrunk down so much.
And so, you can have Fauci say, you don't need masks, masks don't protect you.
I authored a study in 2008 saying masks actually give you bacteria and pneumonia and don't protect you from flu or cold viruses.
Then he says, oh yes, wear a mask.
And then he said, oh, you need to wear three masks or two masks or 15 masks.
I went to the grocery store yesterday afternoon.
And I still saw about a third of the people wearing the stupid mask, including those, because I talked to a few of them.
I said, have you taken the experimental shot?
A couple of them said, yeah, but I'm still wearing a mask.
This is a cult programming system.
And so at the start of the show, I played you the Australian leadership, the New Zealand leadership, Hillary Clinton, all of them, the UK leadership, all saying we need vaccine passports to buy and sell.
And that even if you are vaccinated, you've still got to wear the mask.
But don't worry, the CDC director, we played the clip, said you need to be sent for education and counseling.
And the Pentagon, especially the Navy, is putting sailors that are saying no, well, they're putting them on a list of sex offenders.
That's not a joke.
So they're now creating a list of people.
They're now doing this for a shot.
It's still experimental.
And on the FDA's own website, I showed you this last week, on Tuesday and Wednesday, it's not an approved vaccine, the Pfizer shot, when they tell you it's approved, until 2026, under another name.
But they said, oh, it's now approved!
It's fine print.
In 2026.
So all this is lawyer jargon, it's just incredible.
Welcome to the Hunger Games!
More Chicago officers summoned as City Council moles vax mandate reversal.
And God bless the police in Austin, in Chicago, and in Miami, and in New York, and in Portland, and in LA, and just everywhere.
In the blue cities, they're saying, this thing doesn't even protect you.
It actually erases your immune system.
All these countries are banning it.
No one will take the Pfizer and Moderna outside of Western countries.
And they're saying no.
And if enough of them say no, the globalists fail.
They just want some to say no, so they can then fire a good portion of them and bring in globalist scabs.
But if enough do it, well, then it will end up totally removing the Democrats.
A great example of that is California is working with the insiders to cause a chain reaction collapse for small retailers.
Only certain ships tied to Amazon and tied to Walmart and others are even being allowed in.
And so, again, that's another way of saying your small business is not essential, but we're essential.
Your church is not essential, but the shopping mall is essential.
Or the Walmart is essential.
And as soon as Governor DeSantis said, just go ahead and bring those ships around to the other passage, around Africa and up into the Atlantic.
And we've got ports ready to take your goods in Florida.
Suddenly, California goes, oh, no, no, no, no, don't leave.
Don't leave after some ship's waiting four months.
You can
Land in a few weeks, maybe, just to stall them more.
This is war.
The border collapsing, all of it's war.
The devaluation of the currency is war.
And so it scares the globalists to see police and firefighters and nurses and doctors and BLM and the Trump supporters and the patriots, the M4 supporters, all rallying by the thousands in cities everywhere.
That scares them.
And that's why they try to have provocateurs start a fight so the police can start attacking the select police, the police that follow the orders, and the private security to start attacking some of the peaceful demonstrators.
I think it's wrong that they've suspended a basketball player because he wouldn't take the shot when two basketball players can never play again because of heart inflammation and heart attacks.
So here's the big news.
Here is the CDC director
Dr. Walensky telling the world what we knew was coming next because it's global UN policy.
Telling the world that if you've taken all the shots, it doesn't matter, you still gotta wear a mask as they target our children for cold brainwashing.
You know, our case numbers are coming down, and that is so encouraging.
We still have 75,000 new cases a day of COVID, and we are still having death rates of about 1,200 to 1,500 deaths per day.
As we roll out these vaccines for our children, and we are hopeful that we will be able to, it's also critically important that our kids are able to stay in school.
We saw just a couple of weeks ago new science that demonstrated that schools that masked
Had three and a half times less likelihood of having outbreaks than schools that didn't.
And so, in my mind, the most important thing right now, as we work to get our cases down, as we work to get our children vaccinated, is that we continue the masking to keep our kids in school.
I want to play something.
That's enough.
I can't listen to any more of it.
You know, that's a fake study.
Just like what Fauci said, 99% of deaths are in the unvaccinated.
That was just made up.
It's like when Fauci said, there's never been gain of function by the US government, or by me, or by the NIH, or by the CDC, and if anyone did ever do it, it was in North Carolina!
There was a big controversy in 2005 where they were doing it in a function and Obama, 2015, they ordered it removed to Wuhan.
So he knew that was established fact because only North Carolina.
No one ever did it, but if it did, North Carolina.
All a lie.
And so there she is.
Oh, there's a statistic.
Oh, you're three and a half times more likely to not get sick if you have the damn mask.
Just made up crap.
We actually have the federal government's own VAERS reports, and we have the numbers put out by the Pentagon that did an AI scan, and oh, it gets worse.
We have the British surveillance system finding, on average, you are twice as likely to get sick if you have had the COVID vaccine, per capita.
And of course, you're more than twice as likely to die or develop cancer.
And these are the numbers they're hiding.
Hell, let me give you a few sources right now.
This is the news just last few days.
mRNA vaccine weakened immune system even after COVID recovery, according to UK data.
And you're weaker to other viruses once you've had it.
It paralyzes your white blood cells, the killer T's.
There's another one.
That's from the COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report by the UK government.
It's linked right there.
Right there is the UK government link in that article.
Here's another one.
Sweden suspends Moderna shot indefinitely after VAX patients develop crippling heart condition.
And I saw somebody sharing this on Twitter.
And they go, oh, that's Alex Jones.
That's not true.
Oh, really?
You can link right through to the Swedish government or the Daily Mail.
Yes, it's real.
All of it's real.
Notice I give you a source.
Notice she didn't give you a source.
Oh, but
Once you've been injected, you still need to wear your mask, but I thought it protected me.
Oh, no, it doesn't stop you from getting it or spreading it or getting sick.
In fact, it makes you a bigger spreader.
Oh, but now it's mutated enough that they don't call it COVID-19.
But more importantly, what just happened?
What just happened a few weeks ago?
Remember what they announced six months ago?
That in six months, they can no longer use the PCR test.
And now the PCR test, as of this month, has been withdrawn.
It hit the deadline.
So they're not using the PCR test anymore, so suddenly the thing that gave you 94% false positives gone.
Oh, but there's plenty of people sick in the hospital from ADE, Antibody Dependency Enhancement, and autoimmune diseases and heart attacks and strokes, so that's...
But don't worry, she says they're going to send you for education when you don't take your shots.
The reality.
And Hillary says she insists that it's imperative that Boris Johnson mandates vaccine passports in the UK so they can force this in worldwide.
We are in a battle to stop this.
And InfoWars is the tip of that spear.
This is the whole future, all the marbles for the whole shoot and match, for the farm, for everything.
This is it.
And just fight, fight, fight and spread the word and do not comply and support those that are standing up and standing strong.
We salute you all.
What if you could cut?
If you're listening to this message in the weekend of Friday, October 22nd, 2021, this is your last chance to get some of our best selling amazing products at Infowarsstore.com before they sell out like DNA Force Plus, that is the
Ultimate formula out there for strengthening your telomeres and the very engines of your cells.
I mean, it's got a big dose of the highest quality PQQ and CoQ10 and a bunch of other key ingredients that God gave us through nature that are simply amazing.
It's 40% off.
This product's been sold out for six, seven months because of supply chain breakdowns, because we would not cut the quality of the ingredients.
We could cut the quality all day and buy crap from China and never be sold out, but we're not doing that.
This is the highest rated.
It's 40% off the sale-ins on Monday, 40% off DNA Force Plus and a limited supply of Brain Force Ultra as well.
It'll be sold out on Monday.
It's 25% off.
So support the M4 while getting great products at the same time.
Thank you all for your support.
The COVID-19 face diaper is a symbol of subservience, a symbol of slavery, a symbol of the change that the medical tyranny combine controlled by the global private corporations has put in place.
It is the symbol of the permanent emergency from which we will never emerge.
It is the symbol that we are diseased and evil and bad and must cover our diseased criminal faces from the light of the sun.
It is the symbol of our complete and total absolute surrender to evil.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We are crossing the Rubicon now.
The entire future destiny of humanity is upon us.
Klaus Schwab and the UN admit they're coming out with implantable microchips as part of the World ID and carbon taxes.
Things only get worse from here if we submit.
They only get better if we resist and say no.
Noncompliance, noncompliance, noncompliance.
It was almost 15 years ago that I released my seminal film, In Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
In that documentary, I predicted the globalists would establish world government by releasing a virus, demanding that there be worldwide lockdowns, and then triggering a collapse of our industrial society.
And now they've done it.
How did I know they would do it?
Because they wrote books and white papers, and many of their own reports and internal meetings were leaked.
You see, then I was tracking the Bilderberg Group, whose head at the time was Klaus Schwab, and our sources inside were confirming to us that they were indeed planning to launch this Great Reset.
Well, we're now living in it.
The purposeful collapse of the third world and the first world, on its ass, is a tyrannical corporate world government.
The total censorship, no due process,
The structure of the family, and then incrementally more and more deadly injections of poison mass creating these vaccines to poison us and depopulate us.
This is what Infowars is fighting.
We're fighting for the future.
If you're ruthless megacorporations who've taken over almost every government on earth and who are trying to destroy the middle class in any form of upward mobility, you've got to divide and conquer the public so they don't know they're being targeted.
And that's why the Fortune 100 have wrapped themselves in the name of LBGT and African-American rights and all the rest of it all over the world.
That's now their corporate face while they run slave camps in Africa and in Communist China and many other areas, while they undermine our basic liberties here and spy on us through the big tech and the central banks and other zone.
So this is a criminal takeover, and when you look at the new superclass, it's the politicians, it's the corporate media, it's the police, it's the bureaucrats, it's members of Congress and their staff and their families, it's the White House, hell, it's postal workers who were all exempt from the poison shots, but not the general public and everybody else through corporate rule.
So this is the true discrimination that's going on.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
What a time to be alive right now.
And let's drill right into what's happening.
Our country is being attacked by outside globalist corporate forces that don't want a United States of America to exist where you have property rights, where you have low taxes, where you have a right to travel, where you have a right to free speech, a right to religion.
We have a right to defend yourself physically with firearms as well.
They just don't like it.
They want the American system out of the way since the days of the British Empire over 200 years ago.
Thousands of headlines have been written about the American problem.
And then by World War One, the British Empire had the German problem.
Because Germany was more productive than the Empire.
And so the very same financial interests that have run the UK are the very same interests that are running America down right now.
That's the heart of the global corporate system that enslaves the Brits, enslaves the Scots, the Irish, us, everybody.
It's not the British people that are doing it.
It's that model and what came out of there and the black nobility that fled 800 years ago out of Italy.
And went to Scotland.
And it's been that system of control that's been in control ever since.
So let's give you a real-world example of this right now.
The Keystone Pipeline costs $16 billion.
Some estimates are $20 billion.
Some are $14 billion.
But it cost $15 billion.
Let's just round the middle.
$15 billion to build.
It was scheduled to bring down gas, oil, and gasoline.
Both refined oil, gasoline, non-refined oil, natural gas and a lot of other things.
It took a decade to build and spanned all over many areas of Canada and right down to the Midwest, down to Houston and to Shreveport, Louisiana.
It was going to again bring billions of dollars in those old numbers, tens of billions of dollars a week in oil to be refined and gas to be sold.
Cementing America's position as the number one oil and gas producer in the world.
You know who funds the anti-keystone movement?
You know who funds the UN movement for carbon taxes?
British Petroleum, Dutch Royal Shell, owned by the Queen of the Netherlands, and the Saudi Arabians.
You can look it up.
They fund the carbon taxes, the environmental movement.
Evidence is BP blew up that well in the Deepwater Horizon on purpose to be able to demonize all the oil companies and bring in international regulations.
So those are oil companies owned by even older, powerful banking dynasties that don't want oil to be cheap and want to use expensive fuel to basically depopulate the planet.
And so that's the world we live in.
And that's why this last winter in Texas, now just about 10 months ago, 11 months ago, we saw the power out for several weeks because Texas was ordered under federal law to not up its use of coal power at the few coal power plants we had left.
And the other plants could not provide the power.
They already shut down so many because Texas made a 2.3 cut this year.
Compared to what they had done previously, and it finally just was not enough.
Texas could not stay open.
But India, and Mexico, and China, and 160 other countries have to make zero carbon cuts ever.
But every western country does.
And here's the headline out of WFAA out of Dallas, United Nations to Texas.
Curb Reliance on Oil and Gas to Remain Prosperous in the Era of Climate Change.
Oh, keep your freedom.
Take the vaccine and wear a mask, and then you don't have freedom.
It's the same thing.
And the UN has come out at a summit and said that Texas must cut its oil production by half, its gas production by half, its carbon production by half.
The leader of the United Nations says Texas must end its reliance on oil and gas production to remain prosperous.
Oh, they want us to be prosperous.
Aren't they nice?
At a UN Summit next month, world leaders will be asked to rapidly cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030.
A vast increase in the production of renewable energy will be required to reach these targets.
It doesn't work.
It doesn't happen.
It's a fraud.
It's why they use diesel generators in the UK to run the charging stations for the cars that take more carbon to build and more carbon to power.
And it's all a fraud, but the globalists don't care.
Secretary General says Texas is well positioned to lead the way in the production of renewables.
Oh, yes!
So Texas needs to cut what it's doing and diversify into these systems that the globalists own and control that don't work.
Here's another one.
calls on OPEC and its allies to pump more oil, as Biden calls on the U.S.
not to pump more oil.
Remember that in Reuters just a few weeks ago?
White House calls on OPEC to boost oil production as gasoline prices rise.
With a pen stroke, President Biden cancels Keystone XL Pipeline project.
Remember that?
Seven, eight months ago?
Biden cancels Keystone XL Pipeline and rejoins Paris Climate Agreement.
Did that January 20th, the first day after he stole his way into office.
Gosh, I guess that was...
Eleven months ago, man time's flying.
First thing was cut off America's energy, another act of war.
Well, we've got to cut carbon.
Carbon's poisonous.
We're all carbon-based life forms.
Well, that's a lie.
Carbon dioxide is what plants absorb to create oxygen.
They don't care, you see, because China has no scrubbers on their power plants.
Neither does Mexico.
So now Texas, South Texas, gets its power from Mexico.
The globalists own those plants too.
It's America and Europe and Canada that aren't allowed to operate.
That's the nature of this control system.
That's the nature of this economic war.
So you can't have clean coal plants that put on nothing but carbon dioxide and water.
You can't have that renewable energy.
And now they're even coming after clean burning natural gas.
So what happens?
You collapse.
You shut down.
You become non-essential.
You become a, what was it?
A service economy, they promised in the 90s.
But now, oh, services are not essential.
Doing nails and doing people's lashes or giving massages is not essential.
Your little restaurant's not essential, but all the big box stores, they are essential.
You see how that works?
You see how they positioned it?
And this new feudalist reign of terror they're bringing into the world?
So there's the UN.
Running the refugee centers, ordering the global lockdown that caused the collapse of the third world, then people start starving to death, hundreds of millions start surging Europe, surging into the Middle East, out of other areas, surging into North America, and the UN's there organizing them and bringing them in and handing them over to the Democratic Party that are their clients.
Go ahead and show them the footage.
I don't think so.
taxpayers with the State Department, U.S.
aid, gives you $3,000 debit cards with no name on them, and then you can have a kid you kidnap, you can do whatever you want, you just break right across the border and you come on in.
But Americans can't go in restaurants unless they've had a deadly shot and show a vaccine passport that's now a carbon passport.
Americans have got to be stopped.
Attention radio listeners.
Alex Jones here on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021, with a very important update for supporters of InfoWars.
Several of our best-selling products are back in stock, limited supplies, and are 40 to 50% off.
Like DNA Force Plus, that is 40% off right now, and that sale is going to have to end on Monday.
It helps your telomeres, it helps your
Very sells engines, the mitochondria, it's got the PQQ, the CoQ10, it really is incredible.
It's 40% off.
Some of the best-selling products are 50% off as well.
And we got a very limited supply, very limited run in, because I told the manufacturer, whatever ingredients you can get, whenever you have enough to make some, even if it's a smaller run, do it.
We got a very small run in of the products that's been sold out, and that is RainForce Ultra.
It's 25% off at InfoWareStore.com.
That's going to end up selling out by Monday as well at current sales rates.
So get great products and support the M4 at m4store.com.
I am taping this update on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021.
Listeners who've already tried and really seen the powerful effects of RainForce Ultra should be excited to know that we've got a limited supply of it in stock, but it'll be sold out at current sales rates by Monday morning.
Despite that fact, we're still offering a major discount of 25% off.
It is an amazing nootropic.
I went to one of the top labs in the country and I said I want very powerful, quick-acting, extremely clean nootropic that wears off quick because I want to be able to take it, if I've got to work till 10 at night, take it at 7 and for it to wear off by 10.
And that's exactly what they did with BrainForce Ultra.
Now we have other great products like TurboForce that last for 10 hours.
It's a different formula.
It's over-the-top powerful.
So strong I can't even take it.
By the way, it's sold out right now.
But BrainForce Ultra is really something special.
It's 25% off, limited supply.
We'll sell out early next week.
Well, Commander, here was an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at megacorporations.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
And then you'll get that special shot of venom from Cobra.
It will remove your immune system, so you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your miserable lives.
You deserve a deep, restful sleep with Knockout by InfoWarsLife.
Our organic formula is made from high-quality natural ingredients such as valerian root extract, L-tryptophan, lemon balm leaf extract, and melatonin.
Knockout packs a powerful punch to get you through the night and achieve proper sleep.
Millions of people around the world experience daytime drowsiness, but with the rapid speed of life, we need to be able to keep up the pace.
Our natural mixture harnesses the power of 10 known ingredients to let your body relax and get the sleep you need.
Wake up refreshed and take on the day.
InfoWarsLife wants to bring you a sleep support formula that goes above and beyond other leading brands at an affordable price.
Get the sleep you deserve and experience the power of knockout.
Head on over to InfoWarsLife.com and say goodbye to fatigue.
That's InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Look, I don't want to sound arrogant here because that's not what this is.
This is just a fact.
I know how to defeat the globalists.
It's very easy to defeat them.
But because we've got a real deficit in courage, we are going to lose our ass, and it's going to be absolutely horrible.
And it's also going to blow up in the globalist's face and bring them down in the end.
But it's going to be biblical, and it's going to look just like Armageddon.
Funny that's actually coming true with the Mark of the Beast and all of it.
So no matter who you are, a Christian or not, mainline analyst, even for the bad guy side,
Say they're not going to make it through this.
So then why are they doing it?
Why don't they stop?
It's because it's a spiritual situation.
So let me just be very clear here before I get back into all this news and information.
Then I've got some huge news next segment dealing with Senator Rand Paul.
I'm not stupid.
You're not stupid.
We know what's going on.
Trump's sons are smart and they both know exactly what's going on.
I'll leave it at that.
Trump knows what's going on now.
He didn't fully before, but he definitely understands things now because he's gotten to experience it.
Senator Paul, they've tried to kill him repeatedly.
He knows what's going on.
Scalise, they tried to kill him.
He knows what's going on.
Jim Jordan, he knows what's going on.
Devin Nunes, he knows what's going on.
Ted Cruz knows what's going on.
Josh Hawley knows what's going on.
Senator Cotton knows what's going on.
And even Mnuchin, who's had his problems, now really gets how evil the Democrats are and is like, this is so out of control.
You people are so nuts.
I'm going to be an American Independent.
Get away from me because they're threatening him.
And there are a lot of people in the government that go along with the system to be survivors, but they don't like what's happening.
Joe Biden is a front man.
He knows he's a placeholder to get the blame for all the horrible stuff that happens.
He knows his approval rating will go down to almost zero.
He knows he stole the election.
He volunteered for this.
It's why he was put in this position.
He's a high-level insider.
He's not just a puppet.
He runs nothing, but he is an empty vessel that does what he's told.
But he talks to the people that are at the top of it.
They like that.
They like people like Biden.
And they're making their move.
So of course they're unpopular.
They know that a foreign army attacking and taking over and conquering people is going to be unpopular.
So conservatives go, oh, look, their approval rating's way down.
Oh, there'll be a big landslide in the midterm.
They're going to hype the COVID up next year, just as sure as the sun came out this morning.
They're going to release a new deadly variant.
I predict much, much worse than COVID.
And they're going to have mail-in ballots again, and it doesn't matter how many votes we get, unless we stop that fraud, they are going to hold the line right where they're at.
They can steal even more, but that would be too obvious.
So they're going for broke.
And we need people to do what we saw with that former head of CIA, Pentagon,
Propaganda said on OAN last night that I aired last hour that this is a foreign group that runs people at the top of our military that are engaged in psychological warfare using deception, working with big tech and hundreds of thousands and then indirectly millions of influencers to engage in the takedown of this country.
And again, they wrote a Time Magazine article about it six months ago bragging how they did it.
So, I know what's going on, you know what's going on.
The leadership that's not evil in this country, I'm saying the leadership that isn't evil, most of it is evil, understand what's going on and they just don't know if the American people got what it takes to really wake up and put a stop to this.
They also know the globalists are capable of releasing a new bioweapon as soon as we start trying to arrest them.
And so here's what I say we do.
We stop all the tactics, and we stop all the Machiavellian coulda, shoulda, woulda, and all the overthinking this, and we say, justice be done, may the heavens fall.
I'm gonna do the right thing, and I'm gonna go after the globalists, and I'm gonna expose them, and I'm gonna call for their arrest, and their prosecution, and their imprisonment, or their execution, legally and lawfully, once adjudication is done.
And I'm not going to stop going after them, and I'm not going to compromise, and I'm not going to back down, and I'm going to go after them.
And I'm not going to sit there and worry about what happens to me, or my family, or anything else, because we're going to lose it all if we don't.
Besides, God's watching, and that's really all that matters.
And I'm going to say this again to all the men on the fence out there.
I know discretion is the better part of valor, supposedly, but not at a end-of-cycle type point that we're at right now.
We've gotten here by a bunch of candy-ass behavior.
We've gotten here by going along with the mainstream media.
We've gotten here by being afraid of the power structure.
The power structure is insane.
The power structure is satanic.
The power structure has gone to seed.
The power structure is the threat to everyone, including the power structure that is not insane, that subgroup.
And so,
They want to destroy the West and bring in their world government.
And in the process of that, they're going to trigger a chain reaction that they mean that's going to take us down, that is going to take us down and them down with us.
And it must stop.
And so it's very, very simple what we need to do.
And I'm going to talk about it when we come back on the other side of this break.
Everything the enemy does is an inversion of truth.
Obama came out and said, we're not involved in culture wars as Democrats.
We want to unify the country.
The right wing are involved in culture wars.
Don't engage them.
That's to gaslight you while they fund Pentagon run culture wars to say that there's not even a war happening.
And that's so conservatives hear that and think, oh, they don't want to fight.
That's why they've got Jon Stewart on TV saying, let's not fight with Republicans.
Let's have peace.
Let's be friendly.
So that their leaders say they're not attacking us while all their operatives attack us.
That's a good cop, bad cop tactic.
You need to be in the culture war 18 hours a day, seven days a week, because this is America fighting for its life.
And we've got a really good shot at stopping these people.
If we simply expose the known on-the-table facts that Fauci with Bill Gates and Peter Daszak created the bioweapons, released it, then brought out the deadly vaccine, then brought in the World ID, and are behind the agenda, running the agenda, running the censorship, running the response, and if that's all just
Pointed out for people by folks that have respect and gravitas like Senator Paul and like Tucker Carlson who's starting to do it, and many others, it's over for the New World Order.
So, who does have testicles in this fight?
Tucker Carlson's got testicles.
I don't mean that to be crude, it's just true.
Who's got guts?
Because it didn't really come from your testicles, it comes from your spirit.
Who's got a spirit?
You notice as the chips go down and stuff gets bad, Joe Rogan's got spirit now, he's fighting hard.
Tucker Carlson, Senator Paul, Alex Jones.
Who else?
Who else are we talking about here?
We got this fella from the Pentagon, the big insider, going public saying, you know, everything that happened, Michael Waller.
You know, we need more people that have been at the position of Michael Waller to start going public right now.
There won't be time soon to reverse this, okay?
And if everybody wants to kill each other and have a civil war globally and burn everything down and devalue global currencies, have a world ID to travel and live and starve to death and all the rest of this, if you think that's a good place you want to go, then sit there on your hands.
As for me, we can't do it.
We must expose what really happened with COVID-19 and what went down, bare minimum, that it was cooked up by Fauci and them and that was released so they all go to prison and so that these programs get shut down that endanger the planet.
That's the bare minimum.
We're going to go to break and come back and get more into an interview that, again, I saw Paul just do today on OAN.
OAN's knocking it out of the park.
Everybody should tell their friends and family, tune into OAN.
You should also tell your friends and family, tune into this broadcast.
And you should also remember, we're supported by you, and we're fighting harder than InfoWars has ever fought.
And we're working with a lot of great folks, with a lot of great projects, and a lot of big things.
That you're going to be seeing pop up in the very, very near future.
So I need your financial support more than ever.
Plus, we've got products you need.
Today's the last day to get DNA Force Plus for 40% off, and we're selling out right now the new incredible, over-the-top, nootropic product, Rain Force Ultra.
That will sell out today, but it's still discounted.
I'm sitting here.
Why do my enemies hate me so much?
Why do the globalists hate you so much?
Why do they hate America so much?
Because it's an idea of freedom that their tyrannical system that they're pushing cannot coexist with.
It's very, very simple.
For their world government, their anti-human, post-human, eugenic system to flourish, freedom and liberty and due process and justice and God-fearing systems must fail.
So sure, you didn't start a fight with Bill Gates.
You didn't start a fight with David Rockefeller.
You didn't start a fight with the UN.
They started a fight with you.
And they're not gonna back down, and they're not gonna go away, and they're not going to ever stop their attacks until they have the fear of God put into them.
The average person still doesn't even know about the New World Order, or about globalism, or about corporate fascism.
And it's not until people understand that, and that we're under attack, that we have any chance of beating these people.
In the state of California, people are asleep and program-controlled.
I agree.
How do you make the sleeper awaken, William?
Oh, hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Can I plug, uh, Alex real quick?
Yeah, go ahead.
Hey, I'm in my 60s, uh, and I do the work of 25, 30-year-olds, and I work them into the ground, and you wanna know why?
And I've tested this, and I've taken your B-12, and let me tell you, when I don't take it, I pay a price.
I really do.
I-I take that B-12, and I'm electric, man.
I can run 10 miles.
I do some pretty heavy work with the highway department, and my friends will attest to the fact that, yeah, for a guy in his 60s, you know, pushing 70, I'm not just blowing smoke here.
The B-12 saves my life.
So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Grip on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it was
We're good.
For the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It'll literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
It works.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
By now you've heard me talk about the BioPros and how they're creating amazing products.
They've done it again and have just released an entire suite of bioremediation products, bringing industrial-level technology to the everyday consumer.
They're literally changing the industry with a revolutionary patented delivery system.
The BioPros are excited to release BioPortaPro, a product specifically designed to establish healthy waste tanks and pits.
Digest grease, fats, oil, sludge, paper, and organic matter with ease.
It contains no chemicals, no GMOs, and is safe for all portable restrooms, porta-potties, outhouses, and pit toilets.
It is also human and animal safe.
Get up to 20 treatments with the scoop for easy applications.
Just pour in flush.
It's that simple.
Say goodbye to septic problems, gas buildup, and odor.
Visit thebiopros.com and see for yourself.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, we are back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you again for joining us.
I intend to open the phones up next hour and cover a bunch of other economic news.
People are really rising up and protesting, not just overseas, but big time now.
Across the United States, and it's the firefighters and police and teachers and the nurses and doctors and Black Lives Matter and Trump supporters, and it is just beautiful.
We're showing footage right now from today of what looks like 50-something thousand people in New York.
So this is really starting to get rolling.
And people said months ago, why aren't there more protests in America?
Well, they hadn't done the forced injections yet.
They hadn't rolled out what was already happening in Australia and Europe.
But I told you, we're one year behind them.
I have Dr. Ryan, the head of the UN Rapid Reaction Force, saying that we're doing tests in continental Europe, Canada, and Australia, and we're going to be rolling this out in other areas of the world in 2021.
By the winter of 2021, it's all a takeover!
It was all premeditated in lockstep from the Rockefeller Foundation 11 years ago, this whole plan!
Wow, look at this footage.
If you're a radio listener, you're missing this.
In fact, post a bunch of these videos under the live show feed today, because I want everybody out there to be able to see this.
This is so heartening.
This is so amazing, and I promise to go to New York and protest soon at the Australian Embassy for what's happening over there, so we've got to get to New York soon.
But yeah, this is just, wow, that looks like hundreds of thousands.
This is so beautiful and exciting.
And it's what it's going to take.
And I get so excited about this, I start talking faster, start stuttering.
It's just so epic what's going down.
And our whole history is being stolen from us.
Our whole
Movement of human liberty over thousands of years that people had to fight hard for is being taken from us right now.
So if I saw somebody stealing my grandmother's painting that my mother loved that she gave me out of my house, I'd get way more pissed about that than if I caught a thief stealing my car.
Well, my birthright, my children's freedom being stolen makes me a hundred times more angry than I would be about that painting.
And then when I realized how evil the globalists are and how they want world government and to depopulate me,
Well, I'm not going to apologize for extremism and defensive liberty, because extremism and defensive liberty is no vice, to quote Barry Goldwater.
And he said, if you don't stand up and fight for your freedom and fight for your country, sometimes silence isn't golden, it's yellow.
I used to call folks yellow bellies that wouldn't fight in a war, because they'd get in a fetal position and piss themselves.
They'd have piss on their clothes.
I'm not saying I'm not going to take a big piss before I get in a fight.
But at the same time, I ain't pissing while I'm fighting, I'll tell you that.
Oh boy, I gotta tell you.
I'm not gonna get into fighting stuff, but I tell you, have you ever been known you're going to a real big fight?
And you're gonna absolutely go wild?
Body just gets everything out of it before you do that, ladies and gentlemen.
So that's where we are, and I see stuff like this with Rand Paul.
He's finally saying he needs to be fired.
He needs to be arrested.
He's a criminal.
Yes, do a Senate speech, filibuster, and speak for 10 hours and read the gain-of-function documents where he ordered the making of COVID-19, and then when he wanted to release it, open-air China, and the Pentagon said, no, protect us from these killers, because here's the most important thing I've ever said on air about COVID-19.
The same globalists that cooked up this third-party bioweapons stash have systems that are thousands of times more deadly than COVID-19.
They have 80% or higher kill rates.
That's confirmed.
And they've been doing this whole thing about, oh, other universities have it and other groups have it and we're worried terrorists may have stolen out of Wuhan or out of Chapel Hill North because they're getting ready to release it.
And they're holding us hostage.
So people say, aren't you afraid of getting killed by these people?
Aren't you afraid of them coming after you, Alex?
Well, of course I don't like taking on murderers, but I can't just sit here and not fight them, because they're releasing it on old people.
My parents almost got killed.
They're blocking treatments for people.
They're censoring us.
Screw them!
Why are we bowing down to them?
It's safer to fight them!
It's safer to say no, while we've still got communications, and while we've still got somewhat of a country!
They're devaluing the currency at maximum speed.
They're collapsing the borders.
They've got pedophile rings all over the country doing pervert story time.
This is damn serious.
Okay, great.
A vindicated Rand Paul calls for Fauci's firing, with NIH admits to funding gain-of-function research.
Red state.
That's not enough!
Start impeachment of Biden now, because they will not prosecute for this.
It's incredible.
Paul says Fauci lying.
Fire him now.
And you see it all over the news that he lied and did this, but instead they're all obsessed with, oh, they chained down dogs like beagles and put their heads inside cages where flesh-eating bugs could eat their flesh down to the bone.
They cut their
Vocal cords out so we don't have to listen to them beg for their lives over a week as the bugs ate them from the inside out.
Fauci funded that.
But you don't care about secret experimentation on kids or now public experimentation.
Oh, that's all okay, isn't it?
None of it's okay.
None of it's right.
We got a ton of news next hour and your calls, but I want to get to part of this OAN interview with Rand Paul and he's the one doing the best job and it's not enough.
Here it is.
You mentioned some of the proof of gain-of-function, and I gather that this pause that the Obama administration put in gain-of-function research, and they cited that gain-of-function research specifically might be too dangerous to continue, but then somehow it got turned around, and explain how that tends to prove what was going on here.
Well, here's a very interesting question.
How do you pause something that doesn't exist?
So he says that he never ever funded this research.
Well, he said he didn't fund it here either.
He says he's never funded gain-of-function research.
Well, how come we had a pause then on the funding?
We paused it because, in fact, they were funding gain-of-function research.
The research in North Carolina was gain-of-function, and so was the research that was going on in the Wuhan lab.
All of it was gain-of-function.
And you know the thing is is they're changing and parsing words on the definition is what they're doing.
But I repeated back to him the NIH definition of this and it is very clear if you look at the research they took viruses that do not normally infect humans
They molded or adapted or mutated or recombined this with another virus and they came up with a virus that is not known in nature.
So what they've created is a super virus.
It's not a virus known in nature.
It doesn't exist.
They've created it only in the lab by merging two different viruses
And then they put it into human cells and see if it infects human cells.
So they're doing the definition of gain and function.
There's no dispute at all on this.
If people were not afraid of Dr. Fauci, we'd have scientists lining up by the droves.
But almost every university professor in our country gets their money from him.
So you can see how there's a hesitancy to speak out.
So that's where the power is to maintain people... Absolutely.
How do we get so many people all on one side of things and no real discussion and no skepticism?
It's the same with climate alarmism.
Climate alarmism is all funded by the government.
There are no skeptics.
There are no other side of any issues in climate science.
There's only one side and it's the party line.
It's the same way with COVID.
Nobody speaks out.
There are no skeptics because their funding will dry up.
Is there gain-of-function research going on in this country at this time?
Yes, in North Carolina in a lab and also in Galveston in a lab.
Should people be concerned?
See, this is my point.
It isn't just about the pandemic that we're in.
It's about the pandemic that could come from this.
The type of viruses they are merging, one of them is the SARS virus.
This is from 2004, and it had a 15% mortality.
COVID-19 is a bad bug, but it has about a 1% mortality.
Four million people died.
If you had a 15% mortality, we're talking about 60 million people dying.
So we're talking about something horrific, closer to the Spanish flu of 1918.
They shouldn't be experimenting with a virus that has a 15% mortality
And adding to it proteins that make it more transmissible.
They're purposely taking... See, the good thing about SARS, it was deadly, but not very transmissible.
They're taking something in the lab to make it more transmissible.
Something that Mother Nature gave us that was horrible, but wasn't very transmissible, they're monkeying around in the lab to make it more transmissible.
It's a terrible idea.
And where is this going on?
Going on in North Carolina and Galveston and Wuhan.
They're all doing similar experiments.
All three of these labs have been doing experiments with the coronavirus.
Yes, still goes on.
And this is potentially one that's 15 times more deadly than COVID.
And the thing is, is that they were set up a commission to have special scrutiny for this type of research after that pause.
It was supposed to be paused, but even during the pause they were giving exemptions to a few labs, probably the two labs we were talking about.
Some of this they won't release even to us, but I'm pretty sure there were exemptions given to North Carolina and to Galveston.
And so we gave exemptions, but then after 2017 there was a special committee.
And you would think, well, what about the Wuhan lab?
Did it go before the special committee?
No, they just said it wasn't gain of function, so it didn't have to go before it.
So they just precluded the whole debate by saying, oh, nothing to see here.
But the thing is, is there are esteemed academicians, scientists, professors who look at this and say,
This is very worrisome, very dangerous, and it is gain of function.
We're not getting any of that debate, and it's really something, if we can draw some of these people out of the universities and get them to respond.
You know, a few of them do, but we haven't been able to have hearings because the Democrats control the hearings, and they don't want to hear any of this.
Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, thank you for talking to us on One American News, sir.
It's good to catch up with you.
I am taping this update on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021.
Listeners who've already tried and really seen the powerful effects of RainForce Ultra should be excited to know that we've got a limited supply of it in stock, but it'll be sold out at current sales rates by Monday morning.
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The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda, and with spiritual warfare, and with poisons, and chemicals added to the foods.
It's all come out.
And they're doing that not because we're weak, but because we're made in the image of God, the Creator, and we are powerful.
And the social engineers fear that so much.
So that's why I repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up with, but boy, is it true.
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all their propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death because they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on the god of this world who is a loser.
And that's why it's so important that everybody keep Infowars in the air now more than ever.
Because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting and setting up is satanic.
And we are opposing the one world government and the Mark of the Beast they just announced.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, I promised myself this morning when I came in here, I was going to be calm today.
And I didn't do it.
Because there's a certain frustration on how many stacks of news and all the things I have to cover here.
And when I'm all hyped up, that's good.
It's good talk radio.
People tune into it.
It's important information.
But man, the stuff I'm saying here, the stuff I'm laying out is so heavy.
So big that I just sink in because I mean, this really is where we are.
This is really going down.
This is really happening.
And I want to open the phones up for the balance of the hour ahead of Geraldo Salente taking over, to ask all of you, the listeners, what do you think we should all be doing to stand up against Fauci and Gates and the rest of them?
Because I legitimately don't want somebody going to their house and shooting them in the head.
That's the only way these guys could not go down.
Or I guess they could release another bioweapon on us and pose as a savior again and gaslight us so much that they never get in trouble.
And then I guess we kind of deserve it if that's how dumb we are.
I don't want that to happen.
I don't want somebody to go put a bullet in Fauci because there's people a lot worse than him above him that call the shots on this.
I want him arrested.
I want to find out what he knows.
I want to stop this.
I don't want this to ever happen again.
That's what Rand Paul's been saying all these interviews is, hey, they're still doing all this gain-of-function stuff all over the world with stuff a lot worse, including at 40-plus BioShield sites.
That's what George W. Bush called it when he got
I forget what it was, like $28 billion.
You guys pull up Congress Passes BioShield.
It was like 2004.
I think it was $28 billion and then there was another $10 billion.
I'm just going off memory.
Just type in Congress Funds BioShield Program.
Congress Funds Bush's BioShield Program.
And then just click web and it should come up.
It doesn't matter.
We all know about the BioShield program.
We all know that went on and then they just started doing incredible weapons level research all over the place at labs that were level 2 and level 3.
And I've got children!
I've got parents I love.
I mean, these people are assaulting us.
They're crazy mad scientists that are into depopulation.
I mean, Dr. Salk bragged in articles that there was
Live polio viruses in the polio and caused a lot of the polio and then it also caused cancer?
I guess the first part of the project was $5 billion, but I think total, in my mind, BioShield's gotten like $28 billion.
But I guess that was the first year.
Yeah, so let's do $5 billion a year.
Yeah, I guess the last time I saw $28 billion, that sounds about right.
In just 5-10 years.
But the point is, there it is.
Project BioShield Act.
So that's the one, ladies and gentlemen.
Guys, type this in.
Just say, total congressional spending on BioShield in the last 15 years.
You'll probably have an article up there.
It's probably more than $28 billion now.
So, this is going on.
And it's not to protect us.
I mean, taking
Four different animal viruses that don't get into humans, and then taking each one and make it to where it can get into humans by manipulating it, gain a function, and then merging those four viruses, and then adding the HIV delivery system from the HIV virus to it, so humans can get it even easier with a spike protein.
And then they say, oh, you're lucky it's just COVID-19.
We made stuff a lot worse than that.
Oh yeah!
We took a bunch of other viruses and made it where it kills 80% of you.
And we took mousepox and weaponized it.
Hell, it kills up to 90%.
And they're just like, yeah.
And by the way, we're all members of eugenics clubs and give speeches about depopulating.
And I'm just sitting there going, uh, uh, I mean, I mean, if somebody came to your house and pointed a gun at you and said they were going to kill you,
What would you do to them?
I mean, I'm just saying... And here's the other part about this.
I don't care if you're in the military, or you're in the FBI, or you're a cop, or you're a lawyer, or you're a judge, or you're a congressman.
Nobody's safe from this!
This is crazy!
And I just want you to stop!
Just stop it!
But they're not going to stop because they're evil.
So what are we going to do to stop them?
Because I'm not just going to get some farm somewhere and go hide out waiting for the end of the world.
I've got children and God's watching.
So what am I going to do about this?
I'm asking, what are you going to do about it?
What do we need to do about it?
We'll give the number out when we come back on AlexJonesInfoWars.com.
I am taping.
We're good to go.
Thank you.
I thought the leaden winter would bring you down forever, but you rode upon a steamer to the violence of the sun.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Broadcasting worldwide.
Oh, there's Eric Clapton, barely survived the Pfizer shot.
And he's saying, if you want people to wear masks and be vaccinated, be at my concerts, I will not play.
And Travis Tritt and countless others have joined him.
But a lot of other scum musicians have said, no, you must be injected to come to my event.
You must be part of the world ID, Margaret the Beast.
Like that guy that's a rip off of Frank Sinatra.
And isn't half as good.
So don't forget who those people are.
And don't forget not to support them.
And don't forget to support those that are standing up, like the police in Chicago, or New York, or Miami, or Austin, Texas, or Dallas, or Houston, or San Antonio, or Los Angeles, or San Diego, or Washington States, Seattle, or Portland, all over the country.
First they bully the police and say we're going to fire you if you don't become SJWs.
Then if you don't pledge allegiance to Soros and then get on your knees and lay down to Black Lives Matter.
And now they say, oh, we want the UN to take control of US police out of the strong cities initiative that Obama launched that Biden has brought back.
I mean, the UN is telling Texas to stop oil production and Biden's cutting off our pipelines to Texas.
And the federal government wouldn't up the amount of coal that can be burned this winter, this last winter.
So that our power went out and a bunch of people died.
That was all directly ordered by them.
And they think you're so stupid that when we came out and talked about it, they had fact checkers say we were wrong.
Even though I had the press release from the state of Texas five days before saying, the federal government won't let us up our coal power plants.
We've asked for emergency authorization to up it, to go above our carbon allotment, and the feds said no until the power grid went down on that Valentine's evening.
And then once it went down, they said, oh yeah, now you can use that coal and pay fines to use it.
Millions of dollars of fines a day per facility passed on to you.
Now we learned it was 30-something million dollars stolen from Texans in excess fees, just like Enron used to do to California during the controlled blackouts that were controlled.
Our energy system seized by the left.
And then terrorize America and Biden says America can't have oil.
America can't have oil production.
We can't be the world leader, but OPEC can and Saudi Arabia can now be the world leader again because American energy is literally being cut off.
And then Psaki says, yeah, it's for the earth.
Americans are paying more on purpose, she said at that arrogant press conference.
Because America hasn't gone along with the New World Order.
America hasn't turned all its children over and its guns over.
America still goes to church in the Midwest, and in the West, and in the South.
America isn't all those third-world people brought in on the East Coast and West Coast that can be enslaved and controlled.
They're shilling idea in some parts of America of having freedom, and so they're gonna brand that as white, and as Christian, and as evil, and as something that must be eradicated as the ultra-rich Hollywood trash wage war on you and your family.
But it's very, very heartening to see New York City workers march across Brooklyn Bridge in protest of COVID vaccine mandates.
At least 50,000 of them.
ABC 7 actually gets it half right.
50,000 people stretched for far as the eyes can see.
Just last night was a few thousand at the Brooklyn Nets.
And they tried to say it was terrorism on the news.
Oh, it was an insurrection.
Black Lives Matter with Trump supporters of the American flags.
Well, if there's American flags, it's worse than Pearl Harbor.
And look at all those, look at that insurrection.
They don't like foreign banks and the UN and Klaus Schwab saying, you'll own nothing, you'll have nothing.
We're going to give you a dangerous experimental shot.
And even after you take it, it's not going to work.
So you got to have more shots and more shots.
We own your body now.
You have no bodily autonomy.
And it goes on and on and on.
Chris Hayes and MSNBC and the rest of them are like, oh, a new insurgency!
They're attacking!
They're yelling!
And then the security guards come out and start a fight, show the media the enemy of the American people, literally, and sit there and try to misrepresent.
Oh, and don't worry.
Not just in Australia or Europe or Canada, but now here,
It's all over the news how good it is.
The left's very proud.
They're not letting people live stream on Facebook or Twitter or YouTube.
When the stream gets popular, when hundreds of thousands or millions tune in, oh, they kill your stream and say that you're giving out vaccine disinfo.
You're not allowed to show a demonstration in New York.
Hundreds of thousands of people, citizens, firefighters, police, nurses, doctors, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, old, young, men, women, children.
You're not allowed to show that, you dirty, filthy, evil Americans.
You can't show Central Park filled up with hundreds of thousands of people.
You can't show humanity.
No, no, no.
And we must silence Infowars.
We must silence Trump.
You know, I'm going to say this right now and then I'm going to give the number out and go to your calls.
President Trump's a great guy because I know the inside baseball.
I know people all around him.
I know what happens.
I know how he gets lied to.
I know how he signs executive orders and they throw them in the trash and later lie and say they don't know who did it.
And as somebody that's an executive over my own operation with just less than 100 people, I know how hard it is.
If people aren't on board with what I'm doing, I'm done.
So I know what happened to Trump, and he got sucked into a few things that were wrong and got scammed, and I understand that as well, but he tried to launch two different social media networks.
He tried to put in his own money, millions and millions of dollars of it each time, but all the major infrastructure, even down to software and hardware companies, would not give him access to servers or systems or anything, to where now he's having to get involved
With the multinational dyspora of Vietnamese and Hong Kong and right-wing Chinese and others to literally go offshore to try to build a social network because he can't even do it in America.
And that's what I've explained to listeners.
It's taken us tens of millions of dollars extra a year with the deplatforming.
Well, they didn't just take us off the systems.
They scanned everything we had, everything we did, every software we used.
Down to systems where, oh, you sign up for auto shipping and get 10% off, or oh, you're a member, or oh, hey, you get Patriot Points.
All those softwares we paid for, they said you can't have them.
All the softwares for websites, can't have them.
All the payment processors, can't have them.
All the credit card systems, can't have them.
I mean, we don't get up here and make a big deal about this, because it's just an ongoing war against us that we know is a beta test for you.
So now Trump has raised $2 billion.
To set up his own social network.
And I sure hope that they let Gab be on there and Rumble be on there and InfoWars.
But if it's the past stuff and the people around Trump, it won't be.
And so it'll just be building something else just like what censored Trump.
And if Trump does that, I'll be done with him.
But you know what?
We're not going to sit there.
We're not going to count on Trump.
We sure hope things go well and we like Trump and we'll see what he does, but we are going to do it ourselves.
And it takes a lot of money and a lot of energy and a lot of hardware to get things done.
And if I had $20 million extra.
We could give you something built offshore that would rival anything else you see out there and that would be next level.
Just as good as Rumble or better.
And I'm not in competition with Rumble.
I hope Rumble continues to grow and explode and it's amazing.
I'm not in competition with Gab.
They're wonderful and they go through hell to be there.
We support them all and we're on those platforms.
Be sure and follow us there and share the information there.
We've had to build our own infrastructure.
They know we've got a launch pad to go to the next level, but they're trying to shut it down and destroy it.
And we need money in now to make sure that happens.
So get a coffee cup.
Get a Save the Frogs t-shirt.
Get an InfoWars shirt.
Get some of the great supplements.
Get your storable food from us.
It's great quality.
The lowest price you're going to find for quality food.
Ready to ship right now.
Get in before all the inflation.
I'm sitting here, it's in the early morning hours, and I'm looking at mainstream news.
Reporting on the fact that even the controlled revolving door FDA has come out and said that the Moderna and Pfizer shots need to be held up and not authorized for children because in studies they did on children it caused myocarditis, that's heart swelling and heart attacks.
And then I noticed that even though this is even in the Associated Press, it's not getting any circulation, it's not on the national news, and it's very hard to even find on places like Instagram or Twitter.
It's just crazy.
And then Fauci was on TV just yesterday saying there's no damage from the vaccines, it doesn't hurt anybody, you're a conspiracy theorist if you say it.
It's just crazy.
And then we have all the scientists who over a year ago came out and said these vaccines are going to cause heart problems.
They gave the exact reasons why and now it happened.
That's why InfoWars is on air.
Because if we weren't on air, they'd get away with even more of this crap.
This is just insane.
These people are killers.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right.
I want to give the number out.
And I want to take your calls on specifically what you think we need to do to get out of this position where
The UN, the whole Bill Gates, globalist, Rockefeller combine, can make these deadly viruses, release them, and then hold us hostage with world government, world ID, while they depopulate us with the viruses and the injections themselves.
Because the only way to carry out depopulation like this is to pose as the saviors.
It's the perfect plan, and it's again in Operation Lockstep.
So we have a right and a duty to stand up against these people.
And as Malcolm X said, by any means necessary.
I mean, they're assaulting us, they're attacking us.
I mean, imagine 20 years ago, we told you they're going to come give you force inoculations that give you heart attacks and don't even protect you from the disease they claim they're giving it.
For a World ID to buy and sell, you'd say that's the Antichrist.
But this is a spiritual issue about changing the heart and the soul from the inside out.
Not about having a civil war where we just kill the police.
The police are the main target of the globalists because they're taking them over right now.
We have to get control of the central government.
And we're very close to doing that.
That's why they had to steal the election.
Trump was a big beachhead.
But he got the globalists off their butt and all their minions off their butt and all the spooks of the government off their butt to come and do a counterinsurgency on us as they call it.
And that is indeed what transpired.
So you see Obama in the news saying, oh there's an insurrection and oh they're trying to steal the election with voter IDs so we can't have all these fake mail-in ballots and people voting doubly in the name of their dead relatives or folks that moved out of the state.
And so now there's this big Rolling Stone exclusive article.
January 6 protest organizers say they participated in dozens of planning meetings with members of Congress and the White House staff.
And they by sleight of hand in the article, that's the big top story right now on all the establishment media disinformation platforms,
That oh my gosh, this is the proof that it was a premeditated war and a premeditated insurrection.
But of course, what they don't tell you is there were dozens of meetings planning the Ellipse event a mile and a half away down Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White House.
So it's always been that bait and switch.
Where Alex Jones admits he funded the insurrection.
Alex Jones admits he led the attack.
And then they'll show an edited clip of me going, from weeks before, yeah, I put down some of the money for the plaza.
And then, you know, Trump got involved and wanted to move the ellipse, so I didn't have the money, so donors contacted me, but I didn't take the money, I just gave it, you know, directly to the White House Connections, because that's how that works, you know.
When Hillary has a rally as co-president with somebody, back when she was with Bill, that's the party does that.
Well, the Republican Party wasn't putting up events to challenge the election, so I stepped up, but that didn't mean I wanted to go attack the Capitol.
But again, they misrepresent the entire thing.
Hijack 400, 500 people from the event to trick them into the building, believing they were under the command of Cube.
Blue Anon.
And the rest is history.
And now they're building their whole system around this.
But if you tune into conservative talk radio, they're laughing at it.
Oh, they're idiots.
Most people were waved in between the velvet ropes and federal officers directed them to rearrange furniture.
Oh my gosh, this is so ridiculous.
Bigger than Pearl Harbor.
The Democrats are a joke.
Bigger than 9-11.
If they're running their whole 2022 midterm election on this.
Until you realize the previous organizations.
And the CIA and the Pentagon Ops that were exposed here in the past and on OAN yesterday that we covered in the first hour, how they were labeling all Trump supporters and all patriots as insurrectionists and as enemy officers and as Russian agents for four years of Trump and preparing that if we ever tried to stop them, even peacefully, they would provocateur our events, set us up and say we were terrorists, and they indeed got away with it and did just that.
And so what does that tell you?
Instead of sitting back and laughing at them, they're going to detonate truck bombs.
They're going to attack other facilities and say, we did it.
They're going to provocateur other groups.
And that's why they're coming with forced inoculations.
And that's why they're coming with open borders.
And that's why they're coming with funding BLM to burn down cities.
So that enough people get angry in the grassroots that working through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,
And YouTube, these algorithm systems can recruit enough low IQ patriots, there's not a lot of you out there, but there's some, to be organized into militia camps.
To then be set up to be the American resistance against the globalist takeover, which sounds legitimate, and it is legitimate to stand up against this, except you're going to be led, like Operation Trust in the early Soviet Union in the 1920s, by the globalists to make sure that the resistance is led into destruction.
Because the best way to stop a resistance movement is to lead it.
And so that's what's happening.
And you know, it's not that I'm naive.
I thought Trump, I thought surely the Secret Service, I thought surely the rank and file Capitol Police will be beefed up that day.
And I saw Trump ask for double the National Guard and I was just, you know, certain, sure it was all being handled.
And then we start walking down Pennsylvania Avenue and we're getting the calls.
Hey, there's people attacking cops.
By the time we get there, people are climbing all over it.
They're breaking into it.
I'm telling people, come back.
Don't be part of this.
Don't do it.
People are going to get killed like Kent State.
An hour later, you know what happened.
Ashley Babbitt.
And so the police were involved.
They were ordered to stand down.
The Secret Service.
We're following orders of Trump to have a peaceful demonstration.
And that's why they got me out to go lead it.
I don't think Trump was like, send Alex to the head of this to lead it into failure.
No, I was being set up.
But not set up by Trump, but clearly set up by other people inside the White House that knew exactly what they were doing.
That's why they reached out to me.
That I needed to lead something because nobody else would.
No, they wanted to get Trump and Alex Jones and all of us there at once and then think the public was so dumb that they could point at that million people out there at the Ellipse and the Washington Monument and imply that that's who invaded the Capitol and that's who attacked it when it was FBI provocateurs leading useful idiots who thought they worked for Cube.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
And I'm going to go right to your phone calls in the next segment.
What do we do about this?
How do we counter it?
Here's the new article.
January 6th protest organizers say they participated in dozens of planning meetings with members of Congress and the White House.
To try to have a peaceful demonstration, to tell Congress to do a 10-day investigation, that the Senate was going to vote on that afternoon, and we wanted to show our numbers and the strength, and that the election was a fraud, and that Joe Biden couldn't get a big crowd, but we could!
But we thought, like other Trump rallies, it would be peaceful, because we're good people, but the provocateurs came.
And the FBI came.
And we got them all on video and caught them red-handed doing it.
So that's where we are, and now they're saying, witch hunt.
January 6th committee chair says capital riot.
Premeditated the attack, despite FBI confirming it did not happen.
Continuing, January 6th was not a riot, it was a war, says the CIA-run Atlantic.
This is a criminal foreign group taking over America and then calling us a criminal foreign group.
If you're concerned about the Alex Jones here on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021, with a very important update for supporters of InfoWars.
Several of our best-selling products are back in stock, limited supplies, and are 40 to 50% off, like DNA Force Plus that is 40% off right now.
And that sale is going to have to end on Monday.
It helps your telomeres.
It helps your
Very sells engines, the mitochondria, it's got the PQQ, the CoQ10, it really is incredible.
It's 40% off.
Some of the best-selling products are 50% off as well.
And we got a very limited supply, very limited run-in, because I told the manufacturer, whatever ingredients you can get, whenever you have enough to make some, even if it's a smaller run, do it.
We've got a very small run-in of the products that's been sold out, and that is RainForce Ultra.
It's 25% off at FullBarStore.com.
We've all heard about the pastor and his famous statement from inside a concentration camp in World War II that when they came for one group he wasn't part of that group so he didn't stand up and then when they came for another group he wasn't part of that group so he didn't stand up and finally
And they can't apprehend those, nobody else to stand up.
Well, the global social credit score that China's putting in, that's banning people to three hours of video games a week, and if you criticize the government, you can never buy or sell again.
Well, that's being brought here and all over the world under the guise of COVID.
Vaccine passports, they even admit it now, they're saying it's going to be a carbon tax attached to it.
They're going to track where you go and what you do and decide where you can go and what you can do.
That's what the lockdowns are about.
They'll accept that, they'll accept anything.
So again, the left is having fun right now with all the censorship and tyranny, pretending like they're part of the power structure.
But they're all going to be targeted by this nightmare as well.
We need to get back to basic human rights and promote them, or all of us will be enslaved by this horrible technocracy run by the globalists.
Why do my enemies hate me so much?
Why do the globalists hate you so much?
Why do they hate America so much?
Because it's an idea of freedom that their tyrannical system that they're pushing cannot coexist with.
It's very, very simple.
For their world government, their anti-human, post-human, eugenic system to flourish, freedom and liberty and due process and justice and God-fearing systems must fail.
So sure, you didn't start a fight with Bill Gates.
You didn't start a fight with David Rockefeller.
You didn't start a fight with the UN.
They started a fight with you.
And they're not gonna back down, and they're not gonna go away, and they're not going to ever stop their attacks until they have the fear of God put into them.
The average person still doesn't even know about the New World Order, or about globalism, or about corporate fascism.
And it's not until people understand that, and that we're under attack that we have any chance of beating these people.
What are champions made of?
Here's a man who can show you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I've got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
Well, I thought the day I met you, you were meek as a lamb.
Just the kind to fit my dreams and plans.
You know, I've heard music as good as this in Texas Honky Tonks.
And that, and a nice little lady sitting on your knee while you eat a chicken fried steak and drink cold beer is about as close to heaven as you're going to get in this world.
No, I won't be.
Yeah, I got a tiger by the tail.
Alright, I want to go to your phone calls.
Nate, and Sully, and John, and Jeff, and Henry, and Regina, and Josh, and Rock, and a lot of others here in just a moment.
Let me just read you a few other little headlines here for you.
Then I'm going to go right to you.
Fiona Hill, a member of Prince Valiant that runs the publication TheGlobalist.com that says she's never heard of globalism and testimony in Congress.
That's a good one.
Anti-Trumper Fiona Hill warns that Trump getting re-elected in 2024 will spark a civil war.
That means they're going to start one.
And they're just beta testing that.
See, that's what I told you.
They're planning big stuff, folks.
They're planning us wanting to take our country back, to label that terrorism, and they've done that officially.
And the Pentagon is running that operation.
And that's declassified now.
And even OAN has whistleblowers on about it.
I mean, where's Rand Paul?
They should be having hearings.
Where are the senators?
Haul these folks in.
This is illegal.
But you see, we don't have federal law enforcement.
The FBI's captured, the Justice Department's captured, and we are screwed, blued, and tattooed.
Until we have the state legislatures and others stand up and start moving ahead and having grand juries indict them, just like Jim Garrison, on their own.
And they may beat the rap, but they're not going to beat the ride.
There's another way to say it.
They S-H-T'd at me and missed.
No, that's not right.
It's, they shot at me and missed.
They shot at me and missed.
They shat at me and hit.
It's a good old Wisconsin saying, I'm told.
So, well, you know what?
They're shooting at us and missing, but shatting at us and hitting?
We need to start shatting at them and hitting.
We're not going to kill anybody, but it's time to start crapping on them.
And you know what that means.
It means just stop playing games.
Look at this.
They're just spending billions and billions buying off the media.
Canada passed a similar law.
University received $750,000 of federal funds to stop reporters from, quote, creating negative, unintended outcomes.
That's called state-run press.
Biden becomes most disappointing American president since World War II and national polls.
But it's designed to do that, folks.
Obama accuses Republicans of trying to RIG, rig elections by passing laws requiring voters to show identification, but he wants you to show identification that you've had a deadly shot in you to be able to go in and get a hamburger.
Okay, that doesn't make any sense.
And it goes on and on and on.
But let's go to your phone calls right now, then I've got some other big news on inflation that I'm going to hit before Celente takes over.
All right, up first here, ladies and gentlemen, is Henry in Chicago.
Henry, your police are standing up up there, and it looks like the city may have to back off.
Wow, that might set a precedent.
So maybe Chicago can lead us out of this.
Henry, what'd you call about, my friend?
I call about to let you know the treaties do not override the Constitution.
We need to call the Office of the Congressional Ethics, that phone number is 202-225-9000.
We're good to go.
By the people, not by corporations.
And Article 6, Paragraph 3, it says no treaties can violate the Constitution.
So what they're doing in Texas is illegal.
Were they telling you not to drill?
Where are we?
We're an independent country, a republic.
We should tell the United Nations to take a hike and tell Biden, who wouldn't let Texas up its power output in February, to burn in hell.
That's right.
Yeah, and he should be impeached, taken out of office.
He's incompetent.
I mean, I totally agree with you.
I mean, the Republicans had a slam dunk with how they wouldn't let Texas turn up its power output.
They all just played dumb and stuck their thumbs.
I appreciate your call, Henry.
Thank you.
Great points.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Sully in Connecticut.
Sully, welcome.
Hey, thanks for having me on, long-time listener, first-time caller.
Go ahead.
I just want to tell you an interesting story about my girlfriend's family and another couple of ours that we know.
Last year they all contracted COVID.
Adults and the only people who didn't get COVID were one of each set of twins and then my own girlfriend's daughter.
Her daughter was born with a problem of getting air from her lung into her heart.
One set of twins dry drowned when he was about two.
They're about 14 now.
Another set of twins, one of them had Bell's palsy from contracting Lyme disease before, and out of everybody who got COVID, those three kids were the only ones who didn't get COVID, and just wanted to tell you guys a story about the past year.
You know, we know there's a lot going on with the COVID itself and with the vaccine that does the same thing as COVID, just worse.
And it changes your body irrevocably and basically realigns your genetic code and lowers your immune system for general viruses and bacteria, but then boost it for any similar virus to COVID-19 and causes ADE.
So it is just a massive crime against humanity on its face and they know it.
Isn't that amazing?
They actually did it.
They actually are bioweapon attacking us.
I totally agree.
It's just weird for me for the ones who didn't get it but then of course every other normal healthy person who didn't have any problem were the ones who contracted it.
Thankfully everyone got over it and I don't think too many of them ended up getting the vaccine.
I really don't know.
I mean, out of all the stories I've heard from you and the news and everything, it's unlike anything I've ever heard.
Well, I'll tell you what the studies, the real studies, there's a bunch of them to show.
If you've already had COVID, then the vaccine doesn't hurt you very much.
Even though sometimes it can cause an autoimmune response, it's still statistically low.
Because your body learned what COVID is and beat it.
But if you get COVID and then have the COVID shot,
If you've had COVID to get the COVID shot, the COVID shot isn't as bad.
But the people that, again, haven't had COVID to get the COVID shot, then they get really sick from the COVID shot.
So your body learning how to defeat COVID beforehand helps you defeat the vaccine, showing again what all the scientists said, the vaccine basically is a souped-up version of COVID.
Does that make sense?
Yes, no, it definitely does.
This all happened before anybody decided to get a vaccine.
All the people who contracted COVID got it before any of them decided to get the vaccine.
And again, isn't it amazing when they know that if you have natural immunity, it's 27 times, quote, better they claim than even the vaccine.
And that's even, it's even better numbers than that.
And then they sit there trying to make you take a shot.
I mean, that is again, one size fits all criminal garbage.
Most definitely is.
I mean, I haven't changed any part of my lifestyle.
I smoke, I drink, I party, I hang out with friends and
I'm about as healthy as I can be.
That's great news, sir.
God bless you.
Let me just say this, though.
You must be getting enough vitamin D3 and enough zinc and enough C because let me tell you something.
Whatever they were spraying in Texas and Florida, and the experts I talked to say it was a simulant released, you know, to try to make us look bad.
And then it later was declassified that they'd approached the Pentagon in 2017 with this synthetic COVID-19 crystal they wanted to spray on people, separate from just the regular COVID-19, this delivery system that delivered COVID-19, that it has a half-life where it doesn't get too many people sick a couple generations in.
I don't mean generations of life.
I mean generations of the virus.
And then I guess I haven't seen the movie yet.
I heard it's a big leftist extravaganza, but the new James Bond movie basically has the same bioweapon that's race specific, but can get you sick and kill you.
And then you can also get like one more person sick, but then it has a half life and doesn't kill the third person.
And that's the type of bioweapon you would release.
It kills those you hit, but doesn't blow back on you.
That's exactly what they're doing.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I don't know.
By now you've heard me talk.
Alex Jones here on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021 with a very important update for supporters of InfoWars.
Several of our best selling products are back in stock, limited supplies and are 40 to 50% off like DNA Force Plus that is 40% off right now.
I don't
Because I told the manufacturer, whatever ingredients you can get, whenever you have enough to make some, even if it's a smaller run, do it.
If you've got a very small run in of the product that's been sold out, and that is Brain Force Ultra, it's 25% off at MFootwearStore.com.
It's going to end up selling out by Monday as well at current sales rates.
So get great products and support the MFootwear at MFootwearStore.com.
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The engineers at BioPros are very excited to announce a major expansion of new products into the retail consumer market.
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That's how powerful these naturally occurring microbes are.
If you only knew the power of the dark side.
Join Bill Gates and together we will defeat humanity.
Then our God Satan will reward us with eternal life.
That's basically the ethos of the Globalist.
They must first play God.
They must first prove that they are the fittest in their social Darwinistic system.
And, in a way, they're right.
If we let them lie to us and dumb us down and poison us...
Destroy our children's futures.
The evidence is overwhelming and out in the open.
We really deserve what's happened to us.
So I ask you now, are you going to step up and expose the New World Order even more?
I know I'm pledging to step up and redouble my efforts.
The front lines of the fight is Infowars.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
No borders, no walls, no USA at all!
But, you've got to take an experimental shot.
And you've got to do this, and you've got to do that.
The good news is the wheels are coming off, the fact that it was a bio attack is coming out.
The fact that Fauci lied and created the weapons coming out.
And so we've just got to keep pushing and exposing.
Or they're going to release another bio weapon on us.
But the more people point out they did it on purpose, the lower a chance they're going to get away with releasing another one.
They stood to gain.
They blocked the treatments.
They did it all.
They're the criminals.
That's one of the big solutions we've got here is just to admit how much trouble we're in.
All right, I got a bunch of calls.
I'm going to go about 10, 15 minutes the next hour to make sure I get to everybody that's been patiently holding here.
Let's go to Regina in Georgia.
You've got solutions to stop this.
What should we do to stop the next bio attack and the ongoing bio attack of the vaccines?
Hey, Alex, how are you doing, sir?
I'm doing all right.
Talking to you.
We're praying for you daily and your family.
Thank you.
Make no mistake about that.
Thank you.
But one of the ideas that my actual significant other had to try to raise money for your organization, which we treasure so much, is there's a lot of podcast people out there that charge, you know, whether it's whatever, $2.99, $4.99 a month to be able to access all of your platform.
And Alex, we know what you've done.
We know what you continue to do for us.
Maybe there's a way that your staff can, you know, look at that in terms of accounting and see if there's not a way that it could be, maybe it's certain people that you have on certain interviews, you know, go through all your daily news like you do, but to have that like last hour that, you know, we treasure so much to hear from people, the scientists, the doctors, maybe you can charge a monthly fee.
We, at my family, we would pay that all day long.
Well, Regina, let me just say,
The reason we don't have a subscription service is we want to get this out to the general public and we want you to be able to share everything and get it out to other folks to save lives.
But you're right.
We do need to create some type of subscription service for special events and for special film presentations and for other things.
But the system's trying to directly shut down everything that I own or run.
And so we are developing some partnerships and some things where other people own things, other people run things, and then Alex Jones is just a host on that system.
We've got a lot of things being developed, a lot of things going on, but here's an example.
I'm working with folks developing third-party systems where we can offer people a system that I want to offer other talk show hosts, other activists, other people, so they can go live and have that put out on a popular platform to circumvent all the major censorship and then to take those feeds and share them elsewhere because they are rapidly setting it up where no live streaming is allowed by any liberty-based system online.
But we are developing that and getting that ready for Bandai Video and the members that are going to be there and other systems.
And that takes a lot of money to have a really good robust system that does that and the things it takes to deliver that.
And so that is some of the projects that we're working on.
That's why we need the capital.
To be able to set up first rate stuff like that and to be able to work with others who are going to be partnering with us to be able to bring folks that information to do that.
So yes, that's why we have to rebuild everything and build infrastructure that costs big tech.
I mean, why do you think Twitter doesn't have a lot of good functions and extra functions that Google and Apple did and places?
Because that cost a lot of money.
And then imagine being blackballed and blacklisted by all the infrastructure, how much harder it is.
But we don't whine, we don't complain.
It's just that we're a ragtag operation.
So that's where we need a bunch of capital.
People buying books, films, t-shirts, all of that, supplements, is to be able to do that.
And there's a lot of stuff below the surface and a lot of things that will be announced soon that's right up that alley.
So I really appreciate your point on that.
That's awesome.
Well, we love you and we will definitely keep praying for you.
But the other thing I want to say is, I am so sick of all of this.
And instead of maybe playing the defense all the time, we've got to get on the offense.
Like, I wish, when you said the other day, I wish there was something more I could do, suddenly I was thinking, you know, maybe there is a way that you can develop some task force.
You know, meet face-to-face with Rand Paul.
What are these congressmen thinking?
What are they doing?
They're not doing.
This is all illegal bunch of crap.
And we need to go on offense.
We need to get a task force of people together.
We need to rise up all the sheriffs.
I wish you could meet with all of the sheriffs, all of the ones that are on board with you.
Listen, I totally agree with you.
First hour, I covered it.
The Pentagon, under Obama, and then still when Trump was in, under his nose, ran a counterinsurgency operation against Trump, against Infowars, and against everybody online.
Think of the scandal.
Rand Paul needs hearings right now.
The House needs hearings right now about how the Pentagon was used to undermine the President while he thought they worked for him.
Isn't that just evil?
And we don't mean the average troops.
We mean the bureaucrats and the generals are literal globalist chi-com agents.
And they need to be arrested.
We need to rise up enough sheriffs and rise up enough attorneys.
And you know what?
If the Supreme Court justices won't uphold the Constitution, they need to be arrested too.
No, I totally agree with you that folks, America is literally hijacked by criminals.
And it's not our military that's bad, it's not the Justice Department that's bad, it's the bad people they put in charge of it.
And I can tell you, the average FBI agent is totally freaked out and ready to quit as well.
I mean, and the police are waking up.
So, we're going to make it out of this together.
We're in deep, deep trouble.
And it's going to make victory that much sweeter when we turn this around.
But I'm really worried about false flags they're getting ready to pull off to blame us.
But God bless you, Regina, and thank you so much.
Our main focus is building systems that are hard to take off the air.
And they know that.
They've tried.
They've failed.
Thanks to the grace of God.
That's why they're doing default judgments after literal, what I call judicial stalking, demanding stuff nobody's ever demanded, giving it all to them so that we can fight them on appeal, knowing it's rigged, and then saying, you gave us nothing except all your depositions, all your everything.
And then they've never given us one deposition, one piece of document.
But they did that because they need to be able to get to a point to try to come in and shut this down.
They admit that's what they want.
They want to silence us.
This is a takeover.
That's out of their desperation.
And so the good news is I have my voice.
And as long as others sit there and build infrastructures, we're going to be able to stay on the air.
But again, it takes a lot of work and a lot of time and a lot of energy when they've already made it hard where you can't just go pay money for an infrastructure.
You've got to build the damn thing from scratch.
And that's what we're doing.
All of it.
Every day, and again, that's all they ask and all they want to know in these depositions is, what are your satellites?
How are you on air?
What is this?
How are you?
It's all, give us blueprints, tell us how your thing operates.
It has nothing to do with the stuff they sued us over.
It's the Democratic Party.
Folks, they bankrupted the same group, Remington.
Remington, the oldest gun company in America, couldn't stand against these people.
The same group is hounding the NRA and trying to shut them down in New York.
They've run to Texas.
I mean, folks, they removed the President of the United States who won in a landslide.
This is an all-out war and they've made their move.
Judicial tyranny, legal tyranny, Justice Department tyranny, just absolute annihilation of free speech, the Pentagon running the whole thing against America.
The Pentagon, at the top, runs an insurrection, counterinsurgency against America and against the Republican Party.
And the Republican Party is scared.
And I get it.
They already tried to kill Rand Paul.
They already broke his ribs.
They shot Scalise.
I mean, I get it.
I understand.
I understand why the best we got is Rand Paul.
I mean, it took a lot for him to say Fauci should be arrested and Fauci's a liar.
And that got bureaucrats to have the courage to tell the truth, that yes.
Indeed, he did do gain a function, he made the virus.
And so people leaked all the info and now we know.
Now we got to have more people whistleblow and more people stand up.
And so the government's not our enemy.
It's just like the general public.
Some are good, some are bad.
But it is run at the top by criminals.
So we need people in the families of the top globalists to expose what they're doing.
We need people in Fauci's family to expose what they're doing.
We need whistleblowers at point-blank range that are right up against them to tell the truth.
And see, when you do this, they come after you.
That's fine.
That's fine.
They're always threatening me, and they go, you know, we can really put you in prison.
We can really kill you.
And I'm like, you already released bioweapons and almost killed my dad!
You're already killing me!
It's dumb to lay down to killers.
It's dumb to be threatened by these people and go, you know, we run the country and we run the FBI and we'll just set you up, young man.
You mean you're evil and bad?
Wow, I thought I was fighting you because you were good.
I mean, don't you get, not everybody's for sale.
Don't you get, not everybody's yellow belly.
Don't you get, not everybody knows how to back down.
I don't know how to back down to you damn child molesters.
Cause my soul ain't for sale with you people.
You understand that?
This is not some heroic move.
I know God's real.
I know I'm being judged.
I know God's watching me right now.
So no matter what you do to me right now, I don't feel fear of you.
I feel God's presence looking right at me saying, you are going to carry this through.
And you know what?
I love that spirit.
I'm like, absolutely thank you.
Please, please energize me.
Please just take me completely over.
I don't want to feel nothing.
Except your spirit going through me.
And you know what?
God's been obliging.
So, that's it.
I'm past their control.
I'm turned over to the power of Jesus Christ and I love it.
And I'll be there forever.
This whole world's just a test.
Back in two minutes, we're gonna go right to your calls.
Stay with us.
Info Wars.
I am taping this update on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021.
Listeners who've already tried and really seen the powerful effects of RainForce Ultra should be excited to know that we've got a limited supply of it in stock, but it'll be sold out at current sales rates by Monday morning.
Despite that fact, we're still offering a major discount of 25% off.
It is an amazing nootropic.
I went to one of the top labs in the country and I said I want very powerful, quick-acting, extremely clean nootropic that wears off quick because I want to be able to take it, if I've got to work till 10 at night, take it at 7 and for it to wear off by 10.
And that's exactly what they did with BrainForce Ultra.
Now we have other great products like TurboForce that last for 10 hours.
It's a different formula.
It's over-the-top powerful.
So strong I can't even take it.
By the way, it's sold out right now.
But BrainForce Ultra is really something special.
It's 25% off, limited supply.
We'll sell out early next week.
The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda, and with spiritual warfare, and with poisons and chemicals added to the foods.
And they're doing that not because we're weak, but because we're made in the image of God, the Creator, and we are powerful.
It's all come out.
And the social engineers fear that so much.
So that's why I repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up with, but boy, is it true.
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all their propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural death because they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on the god of this world who is a loser.
And that's why it's so important that everybody keep Infowars in the air now more than ever.
Because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting and setting up is satanic.
And we are opposing the One World Government and the Mark of the Beast they just announced.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, let me jam at least two calls here in this segment.
I need to get to all these great people.
Let's go ahead and talk to Nathaniel in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Alex, how you doing?
Pretty fired up.
I mean, it's all right out in the open now, brother.
What do you think?
I don't blame you.
I agree.
It's actually exactly what I wanted to say.
It's all out in the open.
And the thing that you get so upset about is that's the good news here.
It's so absurd.
It's so out in the open.
The people see it, man.
And I mean that like on the ground floor here in Pittsburgh.
People are waking up.
I go out, I talk to people, plumbers, tech people, foreign students.
People are waking up.
And you don't go blidge on each one of them and start, you know, preaching to them, you know.
But people are open to this conversation now, and that's the good news.
So how do you think we supercharge this?
Because the globalists are destroying the borders.
They are destroying the currency right now.
So, yeah, we're kind of waking up, but I don't want to wake up too late once they've already chewed us up.
Well, it's kind of already too late in some regards, right?
But I mean, people are waking up, and I think the way to supercharge it would be to have those meetings that you're already having, but maybe...
Making public?
I mean, the fact you're talking to Lex Friedman and the guys like that, Michael and Joe, obviously.
I mean, we need to talk and have meetings that are calm, focused, take time.
Three, four hours, whatever.
People want to hear.
People want to wake up.
Well, obviously, it would be great to have all those guys on my show.
I mean, I'm friends with Joe.
We hang out quite a bit.
In fact, he sent me a clip about an hour ago.
I forgot to play.
We'll play it next segment of Bad Vaccine Reaction in Thailand.
But yeah, I mean, Joe's come a long way.
He's super hardcore.
I know he's about to give it to Fauci today, he told me.
So that'll be out tomorrow.
He's gonna really go after him full bore.
Uh, so tomorrow's news today, you heard that here, but I hear you, brother.
I mean, just stay sane.
Um, it's absurd, but again, that's the good news.
I mean, the imagery that I'm trying to give the people, right, is that the propaganda bus, I mean, the wheels fell off, like you said.
So now we have this chassis like screaming against the fucking pay, Oh, against the pavement.
Alex, how are you doing?
I think the solution here is to unbank ourselves.
I totally agree.
I'm just trying to run an operation that it's hard to operate without banks, but I totally agree that that's the way I'm going and that's the way of the future, especially if we don't turn this around.
I mean, it's to get ready for the Mark of the Beast.
I mean, we can go ahead and get ahead.
I mean, if we stop transacting in their dollar, don't they kind of lose all that power?
Well, sure.
I mean, it's not like all banks are bad or the dollar itself is bad.
It's that the big mega central banks are bad, but I hear you.
Right, so if we start taking that fiat and start putting it on a blockchain, like into a network like Celsius...
And transact amongst ourselves in stablecoin.
Doesn't that kind of speed this process up of taking their power away?
Yeah, I'm all for diversification and all sorts of new digital coins.
The issue is, is now the UN's coming out with their global carbon tax blockchain and their global eco coins and all the rest of it.
So, again, all these currencies are minefields.
I think the answer is learn how they all work, folks, so you won't get hurt by it.
I totally agree with you.
Right, right.
You know, they say there's thousands of currencies out there, but most of those, I mean, some of them are junk, like the Doge and all that.
That's all trash.
But most of these currencies are tech companies.
So the blockchain is the future of the Internet and how we transact.
There's centralized blockchains, there's decentralized blockchains.
And I'm all for decentralized blockchains, but what's your answer to the whole UN and the vaccine mandate tied with their new digital vaccine passport to blockchain?
I mean, that's on its own blockchain, so we just don't transact on it.
That's right.
You know, we just choose not to accept that.
I mean, you don't transact on their blockchain.
There's hundreds and thousands of other good blockchains out there that we can all use amongst ourselves.
We don't have to use theirs.
Just because it's a blockchain tech, I mean, that's just how they're using to track everything.
We can still choose to opt out of that system.
It's like saying, you know, that a gun's bad because somebody used it for something wrong.
The technology itself is not inherently evil.
Yes, the technology is good.
It just has to be in a decentralized
Used in a decentralized manner.
God bless you, brother.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Get ready.
All right.
Back in 60 seconds.
And I'm going to go to Jack, Debbie, Jeff, James and Josh.
I'm going to cram you all in a minute apiece.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
And please don't forget.
Spread the word about the broadcast.
Take the best interviews you think and share them.
Take the best articles and share them.
There's so many great people at Band.Video.
Check out all that band information.
UN-run contact tracers aren't coming, they're here.
All over the world, from Australia to the United States, from Canada to Germany, these tyrants are tracking everything you do, everywhere you go, and then coming to your house and threatening, in some cases actually, taking people away into the night to their facilities.
And they're planning in the next year to expand their shield process, where they come and take, quote, healthy people away and put them in facilities for their safety.
This is nothing less than martial law.
And one big thing you can do to fight back is to get high quality Faraday cages, many of which are made here in America and are very compliant, meaning U.S.
government military grade at InfoWarsTore.com.
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Again, we have big backpacks, we have special dry bags, we've got them for cell phones, we've got them for laptops, we've got them for iPads.
It's all there at InfoWarsStore.com.
So protect your privacy today and support the InfoWar at InfoWarsStore.com.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And it is that.
All right, final segment.
The great trends forecaster Gerald Cilente takes over.
I'm going to jam in five final calls here in the next 10 minutes.
But first, caller brought up Joe Rogan.
He just sent me this clip about an hour ago.
If you go to the live show feed of the show, World War III has already begun and America is losing because our leaders have sold us out.
If you scroll down below the live show feed, you will see this Thailand footage for yourself if you are a radio listener.
TV viewers, you're going to see it right now.
Thailand waiting to get the jab.
Go ahead and roll that video.
We're good to go.
How many thousands of those videos are out there?
And then when the doctor says, oh, you had a heart attack from it, Instagram says, you're not allowed to show that.
Yes, it's true you had a heart attack.
Yes, the vaccine did it.
But still, it causes vaccine hesitancy.
You can't.
I mean, just getting us used to that.
And now members of Congress get censored.
And we just put up with it.
Congress puts up with it because they're paid off.
Even the best people there know.
That's why they need to engage in massive leadership to say no to it all.
OK, let's go to Jack in New York and then Debbie.
Go ahead, Jack.
Hey Alex Jones, it's an honor.
I agree with the previous two callers, and to answer your question about solutions, I got these three paragraphs.
We need to spread the information first and acknowledge that the war is here.
Start small for our families, pursue them not to take the job, non-compliance, share information, and if they vehemently object, move on to other people.
We have like 8 billion people, we need to branch out to our neighbors, we need to talk more to each other, form communities, get radios, go to protests, and form militias.
Starting from communities and expanding outwards.
This is all legal and constitutional.
This needs to be done now.
We need to form our own forms to share our thoughts.
We don't need them.
They need us for everything.
Food, electricity, water.
We have the doctors, military.
Their power comes from us and us alone.
So there should be no compliance.
Get store owners to go out their way to tell you to wear a mask before you even think about wearing one.
Boycott all the stores that force you to take a vaccine.
The days of convenience is over, and will be over, whether we fight or not.
The COVID camps are coming, whether we like it or not.
So we need to act.
We cannot be sold to act.
We must be vigilant.
The war is here.
We need to form our own civilization, our trading system.
We have the people.
We need to build from the ground up.
We need to form our own courts, just like the scriptures say, and prosecute them, arrest them.
They fall into charge of treason, which the penalty is death.
The police is arguably on our side, so we have the enforcers and specialties.
So let us form our own civilization, starting from small communities to citywide, statewide, and then nationwide.
You don't take over a corrupt system, you build a new one.
Thank you so much, Jack.
Great points.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Jeff in South Carolina, then Debbie.
Jeff, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Big Daddy.
Man, yeah.
I had to switch phones to speak on all that.
Anyway, listen.
That was a good call.
And that video you showed was very disturbing.
Seen many of them on the internet.
And, um, I wouldn't mind succeeding.
If you just had the southern states, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi.
You got ports there.
You can, in Texas, you can have your own country that way.
Well, we'd have to put up a giant wall from the leftist cities because they're parasitic.
They're always going to invade you.
Well, that wasn't the reason I was calling because you asked for ideas, but that video showed that woman or girl getting paralyzed instantly.
Now, there are instances that have happened in America, and I hate to say it, the families, they probably have attained an attorney or something like that, but it probably needs to sue the individual
That's super bingo.
Notice that regular doctors and clinics won't give it.
It's only the big mega corporations that were given immunity as well.
And in Brazil, they tried to have them sign over the government's military bases to Pfizer to go to Brazil.
I mean, this is just crazy what they've had them do.
Right, and if you go to the smallest person on the chain, that'll freak a lot of people out, it'll freak the people that are doing it.
Exactly, just say, I'm going to sue you if you make me do this.
I know people who have children go to private school, suddenly private school says you've got to do it.
You go, okay, well when I find out some of the kids that belong to the administrators aren't having it, I'm going to sue you for discrimination.
And they just back off right away, exactly.
And we're not bullies like them, but they started the fight.
So it's not bullying to push back when they're bullying you.
No, we gotta get some attorneys just to go out there and start suing these smaller people, and I know that probably doesn't sound right, but it needs to happen to get information out.
We need to scare the hell out of the low-level people, I agree.
Yeah, and I consider you the human Google, and you know everything.
No, I don't.
I need you to answer this.
That woman, Tracy Edwards, is she still living?
Because I can't find out any information on her.
You know, she was a New York City Councilman, and she was on your videos, you know?
Are you there?
I'm listening to you.
You say I'm the human, the human gimbal, and I know who Tracy Edwards is, but I do not know the answer to that, and I will look into it.
I figured, I'd seen it one time, but she did pass, and I'm thinking that, well, maybe you would know.
So, but anyway, you still are the human Google.
No, I'm not.
The stuff I know about I know, and my memory used to be photographic, but not now.
Thank you so much, Jeff.
Sometimes it's good to get old, though, and stuff wears out.
I used to remember everything, and it was just super frustrating when I would think of one thing, I'd think of $10,000, but now it's kind of like, ah, a little bit foggy there.
Let's go ahead and talk to Debbie in New Jersey.
Thanks for holding, Debbie.
Hey Alex, take back control.
Stop complying.
That's number one.
Make yourself sovereign.
You register with commonlawcourt.com.
You send notary presentment.
It's a simple form, certified mail, notarized letter to every institution.
Get yourself out of their system.
I have no driver's license, no vehicle registration, no vehicle insurance.
And we're getting ourselves out of the school taxes.
Everybody needs to do this, okay?
Get the signs for the door.
The door knocker sign you have, we have it on the front door with another sign.
That we got from Freedom From Government.
Neighbors haven't come to our door taking pictures, everybody, because they want the same sign, okay?
Everybody needs to do this.
Help yourselves.
Put the stickers around.
And by the way, my motto song is Bourbon Crowe, the F.U.
Look it up, brother.
Boy, that is the song of all songs.
What's the song again?
Bourbon Crowe is the singer.
The F.U.
song, I can't say it, of course.
It is... I play it all the time on brightpeon.com.
Keep it up.
You're awesome.
What else is the solution, Debbie?
Just everybody get yourselves out of these institutions.
You gotta tell other people we've been doing it.
The t-shirts, the products, we've been giving everything out.
We've been helping everybody.
It's exhausting.
It's going to be a lot better than being a total slave.
God bless you, Debbie, and I appreciate your call.
I want to jam in two more calls here, but what she's saying is absolutely true.
James in Georgia and then Josh.
Go ahead, James.
Thank you for what you do.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
We appreciate you.
You mentioned earlier and commented on the Chicago Police Department as a retired law enforcement officer.
I totally support them, but I want to say to the rest of the police across this nation, it's time to stand up.
It is a violation of the law to violate an oath of office.
It is a criminal offense in every state in this country, and every time one of these public officials does it, they need to be put in handcuffs and hauled off to jail.
And what Lightfoot is doing, trying to force people to take an experimental shot, is illegal.
Biden never even signed an order.
And if he signed it, it would be overturned.
That's why he didn't sign it.
It's all just a giant bluff, a giant con.
It's all color law.
Like if you arrested somebody without due process or probable cause or reasonable suspicion, you get in trouble for false imprisonment.
But they're trying to imprison us under their vaccine mandate with nothing, nothing, not one order, not one executive order, not one law.
It's all
That's correct.
And I realize what you say when you say, well, I'm fixing to arrest my boss.
But at some point, you know, you have to draw the line.
Yes, sir.
And look, it's a domino effect.
And again, you know why they're out with the police?
Because the police at least stand up for something in this country and are controlled by local governments.
And the globalists want to bully the police to submit to them.
And if that happens, it's game over.
This country goes to a bloody civil war.
All right, I'm sorry to Josh.
Thank you, James, for the call.
What if you could cut your heating?
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
Keep us on air.
We'll continue to bring you the banned guests.
We'll continue to bring the information that no one else will touch.
Keep us on air.
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So that's just a great thing for kids.
I mean, we could just do marketing campaigns.
I think for kids, that'd be great.
Calcium, good for them.
The vitamin D.
So that's at infowarsstore.com.
And again, it's your support there that keeps us on the air.
So supplements, the shirts, the air filters, the water filters, the emergency food supplies, the emergency supplies at infowarsstore.com.
Your support there keeps us on the air.
We cannot thank you enough.
We're good to go.
Which is the ideology of this world government system couldn't win.
They released a biological weapon on us.
Now we know, two years ago.
We learned about it about 20 months ago.
It's that simple.
They can't beat us because of our free speech and our guns.
So the Global Corporate Combine released COVID-19 and you know the rest is history.
Expose this paradigm and we win.
I have the greatest sense of loss deep in my heart, deep in my soul I've ever had in my 47 years on this planet.
I've had a lot of loss.
Everybody else has.
And it's because it's a loss of ancestral freedom that so many people fought and died and bled and sweat for.
And now we're just throwing it all away.
And I see the general public in a medically-induced, scientifically-induced, behavioral-psychologically-controlled trance.
And I know we're being fed into this globalist meat grinder, and it's so incredibly sad.
But this is the process of birth, and then growth, and then falling apart, and then degenerating and collapsing, and then coming back to life again.
It's just the globalists are actively trying to steer and control this process of decadence and collapse to actually end the species as we know it.
The engineers at BioPros are very excited to announce a major expansion of new products into the retail consumer market.
Since their rollout of their first product almost a year ago, they've come out with four new products.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as he said, you have to do everything you can to support this.
It is robbing us of our freedom right in front of our eyes like no one would have ever believed.
And by the way, don't call these people that support
Vaccinations in a sense.
If you want to get vaccinated, get vaccinated.
But don't call these people that are telling you to get vaccinated, that are telling you what to do.
People keep calling them liberals.
They're not liberals.
The definition of a liberal.
Willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own.
Open to new ideas.
These are not liberals.
These are libtards.
Relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, free enterprise, tolerant, broad-minded, open-minded, enlightened, permissive, free and easy, easygoing, libertarian, unbiased, impartial, nonpartisan,
What people are calling liberals is the opposite.
These are narrow-minded little arrogant jerks.
You know, there's this, looking at Infowars site, Joe Rogan calls Don Lemon a dumb mother effer for continuing horse dewormer smear.
I've been calling this little lemon out for a long time.
Little lemon head.
But he's not a dumb mother effer
I would say he's a dumb father-effer.
All right?
Australia's rollout to get a massive booster as Victoria eyes more freedoms.
That's the headline from the New Daily, the Australian paper.
Freedom now means that if you get a vaccination, you are free.
You are not too free to be yourself, not to think for yourself, not to do what you wish.
Freedom is now obeying the authorities.
This is in direct violation of our Declaration of Independence and what our founding fathers fought for.
You ready?
The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.
The law of nature?
Why, how dare you?
Again, you look at the... Oh, this is Samuel Adams.
Oh, yeah, Samuel Adams.
It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men.
That's Samuel Adams.
That the natural liberty of man
Is to be free from any superior power on earth.
And look at these powers.
Little arrogant de Blasio over here in New York, Warren Willum Jr.
One little clown, arrogant boy and girl after another, Witless Whitmere over there in Michigan.
Newsome, Gruesome over there in California.
These are superior powers.
Over in Australia, little Danny Andrews.
And I had that Gladys Benjergen off over there.
Oh, they got rid of her.
Yeah, she was screwing some guy and paying him to screw her and giving him loads of dough in the terms of grants.
These are the clowns that are running and ruining our lives.
A little Garcon Macron, a little cojone-less little boy over there in France.
Draghi over there, there he is, Danny Andrews.
Could you imagine anybody taking orders from this little piece of nothing, garbage, scum, crap?
And he's doing it.
And that's a good picture of him.
So we have to join the, there she is, that's Gladys been jerking off over there, she's gone now.
And she had to pay some guy to screw her.
Because who else would?
So she quit.
Because she's got all this pressure now.
So what we're doing, oh here's an article that just came by by the way.
This is from New York Times a couple of months ago.
Plexiglass barriers, they won't stop the
The virus, the airborne virus, experts warn.
But yet you see these stupid plexiglass viruses everywhere.
Around New York, everybody's masked up.
It's not everybody.
I'm going to say a good 70% of the people I've seen.
You could go into a restaurant, but you got to put the red mask on when you walk in.
When you sit down, you can take it off because the virus doesn't come in a table light.
When you stand up, you got to put it back on because that's when the virus comes.
They're making this crap up.
They're making it up.
So now, very important notice.
As you know, I started a church.
The Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice.
It's for
Everybody who's God they believe in, believes in freedom, peace, and justice.
Whatever your religion, if that's your God, and the way you can go to the website, and it's all, it's a legitimate church, done!
Freedom, Peace, P-E-A-C-E, Freedom, Peace, Justice, FreedomPeaceJustice.com, and
We are offering a religious exemption for anybody that wants to join the church.
Again, we're doing everything we can to make this happen.
Here it is.
So, a lawyer did the part for Americans, the constitutional part.
We have two forms, one for overseas and one for here.
And it's
It's against the Constitution for anyone not to receive a religious exemption.
And we had a top constitutional judge write this.
So, it's available for everyone that wants it.
That's it.
Again, we're doing this.
We're using all the money we get, by the way.
Rallies, we're fighting, so the money, you know.
We don't get money from Buffets and Gates and Bezos and the others, you know.
So we the people.
That's right.
And we must unite under one umbrella, as I believe it.
United we stand, divided we fall.
So when Alex was asking what to do, what to do,
That's what we're trying to do.
Unite under one umbrella.
United we stand, divided we fall.
And supported for wars.
We're going to be right back.
You've got to buy those products to stay healthy.
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world.
It's very, very simple, but the most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world
Are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure, intellectual property, energy.
They're using it to buy people, to buy influence.
And in the past, they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything.
Not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force the collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
Warn everyone.
It's the only way to stop it.
By now you've heard me talk about the BioPros and how they're creating amazing products.
They've done it again and have just released an entire suite of bio-remediation products, bringing industrial-level technology to the everyday consumer.
They're literally changing the industry with a revolutionary patented delivery system.
The BioPros are excited to release BioDrain Pro, a product specifically designed to establish healthy drains, pipes, and overall plumbing systems.
BioDrain Pro digests grease, fats, oil, sludge, paper, and organic matter with ease.
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It is also human and animal safe.
Get up to 20 treatments with the scoop for easy applications.
We've all heard about the pastor and his famous statement from inside a concentration camp in World War II that when they came for one group he wasn't part of that group so he didn't stand up and then when they came for another group he wasn't part of that group so he didn't stand up and finally
And they can't apprehend those, nobody else to stand up.
Well, the global social credit score that China's putting in, it's banning people to three hours of video games a week.
And if you criticize the government, you can never buy or sell again.
Well, that's being brought here and all over the world under the guise of COVID.
Vaccine passports, they even admit it now.
They're saying there's going to be a carbon tax attached to it.
They're going to track where you go and what you do and decide where you can go and what you can do.
That's what the lockdowns are about.
You'll accept that, you'll accept anything.
So again, the left is having fun right now with all the censorship and tyranny, pretending like they're part of the power structure.
But they're all going to be targeted by this nightmare as well.
We need to get back to basic human rights and promote them, or all of us will be enslaved by this horrible technocracy run by the globalists.
You're listening to this message on the weekend of Friday, October 22, 2021.
This is your last chance to get some of our best-selling, amazing products at InfoWarsTore.com before they sell out, like DNA Force Plus, that is the
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It'll be sold out on Monday.
It's 25% off.
So support the M4 while getting great products at the same time.
Thank you all for your support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
Again, do what you can to support Echo Woods because it's a fight for freedom and they're robbing us.
Again, the natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule.
You look at the cover of this week's Trends Journal, again another Anthony Frieda work of art, what is it?
God and Nature verse Man and Science.
So who's your God?
We're not allowed to believe in nature anymore.
You're a conspiracy theorist believing in nature.
This is terrible what's going on.
I'm going to read you some back articles to show you tracking trends and understanding of where we are, how we got here, to see where we're going.
And in the COVID war, you can see where we're going and how we got here.
Vaccine passports are being compared to Yellow Star of David.
This is going back to March of this year.
Vaccine passports refer to documents that would allow those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 to access public spaces such as gyms, malls, museums, theaters that would require such proof in the future.
The Biden administration is working on creating a vaccine passport system as vaccination numbers ramp up, according to the Washington Post.
Israel, which has inoculated a majority of its population of 9 million, has been implementing a vaccine passport for about a month.
How ironic this is.
Where the people used to wear the yellow Star of David, that's why they created the State of Israel, to get away from the tyranny and Nazism, where the people were forced to identify themselves.
And that became the first place where it happened.
Israel, which has supporters say it will allow vaccinated people to enjoy a relative return to normalcy.
But some opponents have implied that the idea of opening recreational spaces to those who aren't at risk of COVID is similar to the Nazis' persecution of European Jews, which culminated in genocide.
Proposals like these smack of 1940s Nazi Germany.
We must make every effort to keep America from becoming a show your papers society.
Said this guy Cawthorn, a freshman Republican Congressman from North Carolina.
The Constitution and our founding principles decry this type of totalitarianism.
And now this type of totalitarianism
Is around the world in what used to be called places called democracies and republics.
Totalitarianism has taken over.
This is a violation of our religious and constitutional rights.
All the facts are here.
This goes back to April.
No, that's not April.
This is earlier.
Yeah, this is recently.
Fully vaccinated people who get COVID-19 breakthrough infection can transmit the virus.
This is from the Cartoon News Network, CNN.
Fully vaccinated people who get COVID-19.
It's from CNN, so it's not a conspiracy theory.
It's a Cartoon News Network.
You get COVID-19 breakthrough infection, can transmit the virus.
Oh, this is according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Yeah, this was several weeks ago, out of the news.
The agency released a study that showed
The Delta variant produced similar amounts of virus in vaccinated and unvaccinated people if they get infected.
Data that suggests vaccinated people who get a breakthrough infection could have a similar tendency to spread the virus as the unvaccinated.
Why are they forcing us to get this?
Totally ignored.
Not a comment after this.
CDC Group says there isn't enough data to recommend COVID booster shots.
This is from CNBC in June.
July, August, September, October, less than, because it's late June, less than three months, a little over three months later, now you got to get a booster shot.
They're making this crap up.
Another one.
This is from August of this year.
Totally ignored.
Again, on CNBC, so it's not a conspiracy theory.
Here's why herd immunity from COVID is mythical.
Achieving herd immunity with COVID vaccines
With, when the highly infectious Delta variant is spreading, is, quote, not a possibility, end quote, a leading epidemiologist said.
Sir Andrew Pollard, sir.
You kneeled down in front of the Queen and she made you a sir.
Well, you little boy before.
This sir crap, that's profanity.
Screw you, sir.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Up yours.
So Andrew Pollard, head of Oxford Vaccine Group, told British lawmakers that the COVID vaccines do not stop the spread of the virus entirely and vaccinated people are still able to be infected.
And transmit the virus.
Quote, I think we are in a situation here with this current variant where herd immunity is not a possibility because it still infects vaccinated individuals.
So why get vaccinated?
Oh, they told me it was 96 percent effective.
I forgot.
And going back to Israel Health Ministry, 39 percent effective.
And then they stopped reporting on effectiveness after that.
This is, this is demonic.
Any gun?
Goes back to April.
Current events form future trends.
Tracking trends is an understanding of how we got here, where we are, and where we're going.
So let's go back to the drug dealers, that morons, imbeciles, little brainless jerks off over there, call them Big Pharma.
They're drug dealers, they're drug lords.
And the drug lord for Pfizer, CEO Albert Broller,
Predicts normal life will return within a year.
You ready?
And adds, we may need annual COVID shots.
This is back in April.
Within a year, I think we'll be able to come back to normal life, Brola said on ABC this week.
Returning to normal life will have caveats.
I don't think that means that
The variant will not continue coming.
And I don't think that this means we should be able to live our lives without having vaccinations.
In secret vaccine contracts with government, Pfizer took, this is the guy with Pfizer, hard line and push for profit.
And this is according to the Washington Post.
The coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech has proved a success.
The shot has become more and more popular.
But the rapid proliferation of the vaccine...
Alex Jones here on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021, with a very important update for supporters of InfoWars.
Several of our best-selling products are back in stock, limited supplies, and are 40 to 50% off.
Like DNA Force Plus, that is 40% off right now, and that sale is going to have to end on Monday.
It helps your telomeres, it helps your
I think so.
Even if it's a smaller run, do it.
If you've got a very small run in of the product that's been sold out, and that is BrainForce Ultra, it's 25% off at MFullWarStore.com.
It's going to end up selling out by Monday as well at current sales rates.
So get great products and support the MFullWar at MFullWarStore.com.
God created each and every one of us with free will.
Well, we look at the world system now openly announcing the Mark of the Beast.
Everything that it's attempting to do is built around getting rid of our free will and making us bow down and submit and turn our very bodies, our very productivity, our very genetics, our very
Future over to them.
They want control of procreation.
They want control of the relationships between men and women.
They want to bring a form of living death to our society and our civilization.
All of us were formed and made in God's mind and God's image and given free will.
And make no mistake, all of you alive today were created by God to be alive in this special time so that you could make the right decision in free will and stand against evil.
And then, for eternity, win the great birthright prize of being aligned with God.
I am taping this update on the morning of Friday, October 22nd, 2021.
Listeners who've already tried and really seen the powerful effects of RainForce Ultra should be excited to know that we've got a limited supply of it in stock, but it'll be sold out at current sales rates by Monday morning.
Despite that fact, we're still offering a major discount of 25% off.
It is an amazing nootropic.
I went to one of the top labs in the country and I said I want very powerful, quick acting, extremely clean nootropic that wears off quick because I want to be able to take it, if I've got to work till 10 at night, take it at 7 and for it to wear off by 10.
And that's exactly what they did with Brain Force Ultra.
Now, we have other great products like TurboForce that last for 10 hours.
It's a different formula.
It's over-the-top powerful.
So strong I can't even take it.
By the way, it's sold out right now.
The BrainForce Ultra is really something special.
It's 25% off, limited supply.
We'll sell out early next week.
Silver Commander here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at megacorporations.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
And then you'll get that special shot of venom from Cobra.
It will boom your immune system, so you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your miserable lives.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show, and now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show, and as the cover of the Friends Journal says, you know, God and nature versus man and science.
Who's your God?
And it brings you back to the products that they're having available on InfoWars.
It's about nature.
And one of those nature products is VasoBeat from InfoWars and it's selling out fast.
They got like a, you know, 50% off VasoBeat from InfoWars.
It's a favorite from the fans.
It's a favorite beetroot-based formula.
So you get it off today, the VasoBeat, for 50% off.
And beetroot refers to the vegetable beets.
And that's a hearty root vegetable and it's used for hundreds of years in natural medicine.
It's nitrogen based benefits and delivering 1% of nitrogen for over 25 milligrams of nitrogen per serving.
So this health, or heart healthy I should say, nitrates and healthy antitoxins, antioxidants in each formula will help support your body and mind.
It really can.
So with a non-GMO, gluten-free formula with no sulfates or sulfites, VasoBeat is the most concentrated liquid extract of beet on the market.
And the liquid extract uses only water and no dangerous chemicals to provide you the naturally occurring potassium, folate, phosphorus, beta-carotene,
Vitamin C and more.
So, grab a bottle of VasaBeat.
You get 50% off today.
And this experience, it's a true potential of nature's bounty.
And it supports InfoWar for that true 360 degree win.
In other words, you win and it helps InfoWar keep doing what they're doing.
And again, it's about nature.
Yeah, I agree with science, it has its place, but so does nature.
And again, the book I worked on, the first book I worked on, I didn't write it, I worked on it, Natural Healing, back in 1986.
It was a Warner book, when there was Warner books.
But they tell us to hate nature and only listen to science.
We got this other jerk over here playing Governor, this Huckleberry, Huckle, Huckleberry, Huckle, yeah.
And Kathy Hochul, and a couple of, several weeks ago she was talking to this Christian congregation in Brooklyn, and she said, I prayed a lot to God during this time, and you know what?
God did answer our prayers.
You ready?
Here's what God did, you ready?
He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers.
God did.
He made them come up with a vaccine.
That is from God to us.
And we must say, thank you, God.
Thank you.
I would tell her to go F yourself.
Who the hell you think you're talking to?
God created this?
The Pfizer guys.
That we paid and the Germans paid to make it happen.
God had nothing to do with this.
Maybe you're evil, God, and you're ready for this?
I need you to be my apostle, she says.
These are the freaks running this show.
Got it?
And this is how, again, you look at the current events, slowing future trends.
This goes back a year ago, September 29, 2020.
Big story in the toilet paper record, the New York Times.
Super healthy college student dies of rare COVID-19 complications.
What are you telling me one person died for?
How about telling us all the people that are dying from the vaccine?
No, we're not going to do that.
That would be a conspiracy theory.
We have to sell fear and hysteria.
And there's stupid credit.
This guy Baldwin blowing it, killing that woman.
Oh, there's news?
Is there news?
Hey, how about all the people who are being killed in Yemen every day?
Thanks to Obama.
And Libya and Syria.
Oh, you like the Afghan war?
Don't talk about that.
It is that story.
Soup healthy college student dies of rare cocaine.
Why not tell us what's going on?
That woman and her boyfriend that they just found that died?
What do I care?
What the hell do I care?
I'm sorry they died.
That's not news!
That's not news!
It's terrible it happened.
Hey, how about all the people's brains are getting blown out by the homicides since the COVID war began that I had forecast.
When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
But of course, who isn't losing it?
Ah, the equity markets.
So quickly with that, Dow hitting another high.
Corporations are making money.
Yep, because they have no competition.
That's why the profits are going up.
Bitcoin, we nailed it.
We nailed it in the Trends Journal.
We said when the breakout points would happen, they're happening.
And where's it going?
Again, we're putting this in the Trends Journal.
Hit it.
Today, gold up about $13 an ounce.
It's back over the $1,800 mark.
It has to get stronger over this.
If the money wasn't going into crypto, gold would be now, poof, about $2,200.
$2,200 an ounce easily.
Silver would be like $80 an ounce.
But the money's going into cryptos and it's going to keep going in there.
Until they stop it.
And the Chinese are going to be the first ones to stop it.
As they stop it, now the United States is the biggest Bitcoin miner in the world.
So as long as there's no regulations to stop it, it's going to keep going.
And this inflation is real.
Remember that clown Powell?
The guy playing our
Federal Reserve Chairman?
That also did dirty inside dealing?
Yeah, that one.
Along with that scumbag Kaplan over there, who just retired from the bank over there, the Fed Bank in Texas?
The president of that?
And Rosengren up here in Massachusetts?
Yeah, yeah.
Dorsey warns a surgeon?
Well, if Dorsey warns it, then I guess I must be right.
I said this in the Jones Journal over a year ago, while Powell was saying it was temporary.
Then it went to transitory.
And now they're saying, well, they're blaming it on supply chain disruptions.
Hey, it's not supply chain disruptions.
It's all the cheap money you pumped into the markets that nobody talks about.
It's your zero interest rate policy and negative
Interest rate policy in Europe.
And that guy Draghi, the Italians, I'm ashamed of them.
They brought him in, the former head of the ECB, as their prime minister.
Prime crap.
Prime murderer.
This is going back to, again, going back to old articles.
Pandemic condemns $38 million to poverty in East Asia, World Bank warns.
You know what that was?
A year ago.
December 2020.
And here's another one.
New survey.
September 28, 2020.
A year ago.
Yes, Americans will give up liberties to fight the coronavirus.
You got it.
And this is... We surveyed more than 12,000 Americans asking them whether the government should have the power to enact policies that restrict rights and freedoms to protect public health during a coronavirus pandemic.
And this is Qualtrics.
The robbing us of our freedom.
We're uniting, the Universal Church is uniting for freedom, peace and justice.
We don't want these people.
We want that irate, tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men.
Freedompeacejustice.com and we're offering religious exemptions and again the Constitution part
The First Amendment stealing our rights from us, our religious rights, was done by a top judge, constitutional judge.
This is the real thing.
And again, support InfoWars.
Do anything you can to keep the truth alive, because they're going to keep trying to steal it from us.
Thank you for tuning in.
See you next week.
I'm sitting here, it's in the early morning hours, and I'm looking at mainstream news reporting on the fact that even the controlled revolving door FDA has come out and said that the Moderna and Pfizer shots need to be held up and not authorized for children because in studies they did on children it caused myocarditis, that's heart swelling and heart attacks.
And then I noticed that even though this is even in the Associated Press, it's not getting any circulation.
It's not on the national news.
And it's very hard to even find on places like Instagram or Twitter.
It's just crazy.
And then Fauci was on TV just yesterday saying there's no damage from the vaccines.
It doesn't hurt anybody.
You're a conspiracy theorist if you say it.
It's just crazy.
And then we have all the scientists who over a year ago came out and said these vaccines are going to cause heart problems.
They gave the exact reasons why and now it happened.
That's why InfoWars is on air.
Because if we weren't on air, they'd get away with even more of this crap.
This is just insane.
These people are killers.
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead with their full operational deindustrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda, but we've also got to get personally prepared.
And one of the number one things to do is high quality, storable food.
We've got the best food ready to ship at very affordable prices.
We're good to go.