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Filename: 20211015_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 15, 2021
3105 lines.

The FDA is considering authorizing COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5-11 in the next few weeks, despite concerns from some about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. The speaker argues that there have been multiple resignations from CDC officials and scientists who have spoken out against the vaccine, and accuses the government of wanting to take control over citizens' lives and ultimately depopulate the world. The speaker also discusses the idea of humans being guardians of the Earth but in a non-traditional sense, seeing the Earth as a resource to be used to undergo a metamorphosis into an "electrochemical synthetic computer". They warn that if we don't reverse the current trajectory, most of us will die soon due to various crises. Additionally, there are concerns over the globalists buying up companies and devaluing currencies in order to purposely sabotage production worldwide and cause a collapse of industrialized society, leading to widespread starvation and death. Alex Jones also discusses PQQ or Bio-PQQ, which is said to make telomeres last longer, and the Navy announcing plans to expel those refusing COVID vaccines and revoke benefits.

I know parents out there anxiously waiting for a vaccine for children ages 5 to 11.
The good news is the FDA and outside experts from the CDC are set to make its determination as to whether the vaccine will be authorized for that age range in the next few weeks.
If authorized, we are ready.
We have purchased enough vaccines for all children between the ages of 5 and 11 in the United States.
And it'll be convenient for parents to get their children vaccinated at trusted locations, and families will be able to sleep easier at night knowing their kids are protected as well.
Like a starving dog having a large piece of meat dangled in front of it.
Joe Biden literally drools on international television saying, soon we'll be able to get to your children.
5 to 11, I know parents really want this.
I know you're fighting to get this done.
I know you want your children protected.
And we've got experts, the CDC and outside experts that are about to authorize it.
Oh, this will protect you.
So let's unpack the lies.
Not just that he's now coming after our children, as we knew that was the primary target all along.
After it's been proven that these shots don't work, they don't protect you, they destroy your immunity, and if you're twice as likely to get COVID, more likely to go to the hospital, more likely to die.
That's in the British Medical Journal.
It's in the John Hopkins reports.
So he's telling you the big lie that it's safe and effective and it will quote protect you and that you really want this protection right now.
That's the number one giant lie.
Then he goes on and says, oh, it's going to get approved, if it gets approved, kind of jumped the gun there, by CDC experts and other outside experts.
Well, he knows that a bunch of CDC officials quit.
He knows the panel voted against it a month ago.
He knows that the two top scientists of vaccines at the FDA quit.
He knows a bunch of others quit.
He knows they said don't do booster shots for anybody.
He says they know don't give shots under the age of 16.
He knows all that.
And so he's like, oh, and the CDC experts, oh, and outside ones, meaning Fauci and all those that will say it's the best thing to slice bread regardless.
So again, this is the outright, total, complete assault that's going on.
And out of all the great people out there that are criticizing this tyranny, most of them always add the proviso, oh, I'm not against vaccines.
I just think we have a right to free speech.
Well, this isn't a vaccine.
This isn't traditional vaccines that have the classic issues with them, like being caned or, you know, the UN adding sterling hormones to it.
It's not that.
It's not the classic bad responses and then them covering that up, but it's on the inserts.
This is a system that literally goes in and manipulates and damages your body to start attacking a protein that is in the uterus, that is in the ovaries, that is in the testicles, that is in the heart, that is in the brain, that is in the lungs, that is in the arteries.
And they know damn well it's a slow death
Death sentence that will cause hundreds of different illnesses that again the criminal medical system will get incredible power out of.
So this is crossing the Rubicon.
This is throwing down the gauntlet.
This is coming after our children and you know damn well they've already had a bunch of people quit in Europe, in the UK, in Australia, in New Zealand, in the US and they don't care that the experts quit and said don't do this.
They've got experts like the current head of the FDA that legalized Oxycontin for children and legalized fentanyl.
Yeah, that lady.
They've got people that will do anything.
They'll sign our death warrant because America is under biological attack.
The same people that cooked up the Wuhan virus, the China virus, the same ones that released it, are the same ones that blocked the medical treatments for it.
And they're the same ones that are now censoring members of Congress when they speak about it, or members of Parliament.
Yeah, it's now come out YouTube is censoring members of the Parliament in the UK that are just against lockdowns, against vaccine passports.
This is a corporate takeover.
This is a corporate takeover for depopulation.
Climate change is the pretext to make all carbon-based life forms the enemy.
If I was writing a science fiction book about this, I'd say aliens are in our government that are anti-carbon, that are terraforming the planet to change it to the way they want.
But regardless, the facts are in.
Our governments are out of control and want to kill us.
We'll be right back.
I want to be very clear.
The fact that InfoWars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
It is the fault of the globalists.
When we can get enough of our great supplements and other products in, we're able to sell enough of it to stay on air and, quite frankly, even expand and to face the new world order.
But because of the supply chain breakdowns that were very easy to predict in the global lockdowns, they're designed to do that.
We have had real problems getting our best-selling products in.
Some of them take up to 10 months to get in.
We've had to discontinue some of our products because we just can't get the ingredients anymore.
It's pretty scary stuff.
So please take advantage of sales we're running for one week only.
There's only one week left from October 11th for seven days.
Kicks off October 11th.
We're good to go.
I'm watching the midterms.
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
I'm going to the president.
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
It's Friday, October 15th, 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'm about to lay out all of the incredible breaking news that's taking place on this planet today.
There is no doubt the Great Awakening has taken place, but the globalists are striking back with everything they've got.
And if we do not trigger a true understanding for those that have awoken to exactly the enemy they're facing and how to defeat that enemy,
This war will be a lot longer, a lot more protracted, and a lot more people are going to die.
I want to explain this again, and we're not bragging, we're just stating survival facts here.
This broadcast is the most hated, most demonized, most lied about pro-human transmission on earth and reaches the largest audience that any pro-human message has ever reached in the history of our species.
That's just a fact.
There are more people alive today, there are more people dialed into telecommunications, and quite frankly, even 40 years ago, maybe one out of a thousand understood the globalist plan because it was embryonic at that point.
Now it is operational.
Now it is in our face.
It is no longer in the Rockefeller's U.N.
It is a healthy, psychotic young man at 18 years of age with a battle axe wielding it at us.
So that's the allegory.
That's the analogy.
So here's the big news.
You notice William Shatner, who went to space yesterday,
And return back, said to Bezos when he returned, I saw death.
I see death down there.
Now the full quote is, he said, I saw how fragile the earth is and how much danger it's in.
And then when he looked at the earth, he said, I see death down there.
And then he finished his little satanic riddle.
And I'm not saying he himself is a bad person.
I don't know Shatner.
I can't judge him.
And the people that know him well, they say he's a very nice, smart, caring man.
And I certainly think he's entertaining and funny.
And I've been watching him since I was a little kid.
But that said, I've gone and seen his
One man show, several times.
So I like William Shatner.
But that said, what he said, whether he was told to say it or whether he heard people say it and didn't know exactly what they were talking about, but you have to understand these globalists have a religion that they are overseeing the earth.
That they are guardians of the earth, but not guardians the way you would think to save the earth and be good shepherds of the earth, as Genesis tells us to do, but that they are here to use the earth
It's like a chrysalis or like an egg yolk to basically use its energy and its populations, not just human, to have this metamorphosis from the caterpillar into the
Butterfly of whatever that's supposed to be, and they talk about it being this electrochemical synthetic computer that merges with silicon, and that's why they talk about the AI gods.
I mean, this is the real cult that they follow.
I've been talking about it 25 years, but it's come out in mainline literature in the last 15 or so.
And so, what did William Shatner say?
Let me just repeat this.
He said when he looked out the window, he saw how fragile the earth was and he saw death.
In fact, that's the order.
I see the earth is fragile.
I see death.
I contemplate death looking at the earth.
And then he went on NBC News and several other channels and made the statement that soon
A great catastrophe is coming.
In fact, the exact quote is even more chilling.
The coming catastrophic event.
Did William Shatner just mess up and tell the world something that we weren't supposed to know?
He was just doing an interview today with NBC News, and in that interview, he started talking about the quote, coming catastrophic event.
Here, listen for yourself.
The Coming Catastrophic Event.
The coming catastrophic event, looking down on the earth and seeing mass death because the earth is so fragile.
And the humans are hurting it.
You know, you could say these are just the ramblings of a 90-year-old man who's just been on top of a rocket, blasted into subspace, and then came hurtling back down, being born in popularity out of the Twilight Zone and Star Trek, and then actually living to the year 2021 and seeing that unfold.
It must be incredible.
And I have to say I'm envious.
It's not just Shatner saying all this apocalyptic thing of the world stuff.
He's not like some crazy guy with a beer on the side of the road saying it.
He's William Shatner and he goes to these globalist conferences, the transhumanist conferences.
I know people that are rich and powerful billionaires that have been to these.
They're kind of the outside
Feeder groups into the deeper levels of the New World Order, where they go and hear from Ray Kurzweil, the head of Google Futurist Programs, and learn how they must give up their humanity, and how humanity must be overwritten.
And then again, out of that comes this beautiful metamorphosis.
It's not just him saying it, it's the UN, it's all the major corporate media, it's AOC and Beto O'Rourke saying two years ago, the Earth ends in 12 years.
The Earth ends in 12 years.
Why would they say in 2019 the Earth ends in 11 years?
She said 11 years, he said 12 years.
And then they shortened it and said 10 years.
Why did they do that?
Because they've all been told the end of the world's coming in 2030 as we know it.
The third world's going to starve to death.
There's going to be mass famines.
There's going to be new deadly viruses that are created by global warming that are going to kill billions.
Because they're not being brought in on the fact that this is being done by design.
They're not being brought in on the fact that it's not global warming collapsing the third world, it was the lockdowns.
They're not being brought in on the fact that it's Peter Daszak and Gates funded programs with Fauci creating these viruses and releasing them in China.
They're just being told, hey, the end of the world's coming, we've got to cut off resources, we've got to dig in.
At the same level, you know, you would have a giant asteroid was coming that you knew was going to kill 3 billion people.
And the rest of the population is going to be running around like maniacs, burning and killing and stealing, and so you go ahead and decide to depopulate them before it actually hits.
This is the situational ethics they're using with these people, and telling them that the end of the world is imminent.
So you've got to accept global government, you've got to accept censorship, you've got to accept authoritarianism, you've got to accept forced inoculations, and you've got to accept
Mass death and carnage because it's all for a greater good because you've been let into the managerial class of the world government and you're going to be protected with those bunkers they built in Northern Canada and in New Zealand and in Kauai, Hawaii and in Tasmania and in all these other places.
But of course, you're really not going to be protected.
They want to keep the intelligentsia that isn't fully on board with them close to them, knowing only part of the story.
And so that's why this is so chilling.
That's why my film Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, is so important because it's their master plan laid out 15 years ago and now we've left beta and are in operational.
So just remember with all we're going to cover today, the backdrop of the fact is William Shatner sees death on the face of Earth, like the four horse in the apocalypse.
And he wrote on the white horse was named death.
That's what he sees in your future.
That's what he reads off that tarot card, seeing the planet.
And he tells you because the Earth's so fragile and the coming great catastrophe.
is about to take place, because this is their ethos.
This is the new myth they're being given them, that they're going to be on Noah's Ark, like Moonraker.
They're going to survive, but all the rest of us have to die, and there's going to be a nostalgia for us, but it was for a greater good.
And, oh, William Shatner and the elites didn't kill us.
The viruses came because of global warming, because we were bad.
That's why we died, not because it was cooked up in a lab and released on us, 12-monkey style.
The attack has already begun.
If we don't reverse it now, most of us listening and most of us watching this program today will be dead very, very soon.
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A little more than 20 years ago, Japanese scientists discovered and were able to isolate a compound that is naturally in nature and in foods we eat, but in very, very low amounts.
It's called PQQ or Bio-PQQ.
When you have the organic form of it, it does amazing things.
It actually makes your telomeres
Last longer.
Doesn't make them grow, but makes them last longer.
They're basically the same thing.
So it's as close to the fountain of youth as you're gonna get.
Well, DNA Force Plus has been sold out for six months.
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The highest quality PQQ, CoQ10, and so much more.
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Thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to this Friday edition.
Owen Schroer is about to take over here on the Alex Jones Show.
But if you're listening, this is a life and death emergency SOS for all of us.
The globalists are buying up all the companies.
They are devaluing all the major currencies.
They are undermining production worldwide to purposely sabotage the carrying capacity of the planet.
So that the industrialized society we've built cannot produce enough food and medicine for the general population.
This has been tested out under sanctions in countries like Iraq, where the sanctions were estimated over 15 years to kill more than 2 million people, most of them children.
And so, when William Shatner talks about the big cataclysmic event he's talking about, he's talking about the globalists pulling the plug on civilization and then throwing out some voodoo of how, oh, it happened because the Earth was too warm and new viruses emerged from the jungles that were really cooked up in laboratories.
If we don't figure this out, if we don't expose this, if people don't paradigm shift and realize this is a new type of warfare, they're going to win.
It's going to become increasingly obvious to everyone that this is real and not my opinion.
It's from their own documents.
Listen to me or prepare to die in the next decade.
I would not be laying these things out.
I would not be saying these things if they were not true.
And I know it sounded crazy 25 years ago or even 15 years ago when I made Endgame, but now it's out in the open.
The globalists have decided to carry this out.
They've already implemented so much of the collapse that it may be too late to even turn things back now for the general public.
And we're going to see billions starve to death in the Shane reaction, in the third world alone.
And the globalists, again, are going to organize those people through the UN.
They're going to pose as the savior over the survivors.
And use them as a political, cultural invasion force and a permanent underclass they're going to manage and control.
That's just one part of this organized global collapse that they're carrying out that gets more dystopic as it expands, not less.
But at each leg of it, they're going to promise to make things better if you just give up more rights and more freedom.
And you have to understand
That what I said earlier is the key to all of this.
A. Get close to God.
Realize it's a spiritual fight.
That's most important.
But B. They cannot carry this out.
There is a mass awakening and epiphany and understanding of governments controlled by major corporations in control of crisis management, creating and exacerbating crises to get more power and control and to sever and shut down and destabilize society.
That's why they block medicine, antivirals that end up killing tens of millions of people.
That's why they order lockdowns.
They know we're going to starve to death the third world where most people live hand-to-mouth.
All of this is very, very simple if you understand geopolitical systems, economic systems, and cultural systems.
And so we're already 10% into their operational phase.
We've been in beta since the end of World War II.
Now, in just the last few years, and they've said this at the UN, Biden said this, they've all said it, this will be a transformative decade to bring in the new world order,
They're bringing the Great Reset to quote, build back better.
And that means after they collapse our civilization, after they make you a pauper, after they make you extremely poor, if you're even lucky enough to live, they will then dictate biological control over your body.
And you're already seeing them put a deadly shot in your body, trying to make you have it to keep your job or travel.
You're already seeing where they want to take you with this in Canada and Australia and other areas.
And it's all directed by the UN.
So again, it's not coming.
It's here.
And it gets worse, not better.
But that's why they do it by increments.
They take a little freedom, they tell you it's okay, take a little more, pat you on the head, tell you don't rebel, don't stand up.
And by the time you turn around, everything has been taken from you and you've been chained down.
You've been prepared for extermination, which is their final plan.
They don't just want to have a big mass of poor people they control.
That was the old feudalist model of control.
This is a post-industrial, post-human, exterminist operation.
They didn't have votes at the UN in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 to put this in place.
They were playing games.
They didn't make all those quotes and make all those statements I put in the film Endgame because they were playing games.
These are the most powerful people on earth, but the only way they get away with it
is posing as the saviors while they implement this crisis.
And if they can sell the guilt trip on you and your family, that you're a bad person, that the super viruses are appearing, and that the fires are appearing, and the floods are appearing, not from weather weapons, not from bioweapon labs, but from you.
You having a car, you having a child, you living.
So, these people are absolutely evil, they are selfish to the core, they want life-assisting technologies, they want to use us as guinea pigs, and they've already been killing us en masse with these poison vaccines.
They've already been killing people en masse with these lockdowns around the world.
And now, that is just an hors d'oeuvre to the main course, and we are the main course.
Now, Owen Shorter is about to take over and balance the broadcast.
There's so much more to get to later, I may call into the show, because this whole thing with Joe Rogan and Gupta is so big and it's so important.
And there's so much other incredible news taking place and it didn't make national news but in Florida they're kicking the police chief Art Acevedo out in Miami because he tried to forcibly inoculate the police all over the country from Dallas to Chicago to LA the police are saying no that's good the firefighters are saying no the nurses are saying no the military trying to say no and Biden's threatening to court-martial him I mean humanity is struggling humanity's fighting for its life and that's a good thing but we have to
Come together.
Black, white, old, young.
We have to come together and realize that they're dividing us and they're conquering us.
We've got our own differences.
We can settle those later.
But the globalists are coming down on everyone and they're targeting everyone.
And it's up to us to realize that if we don't do it, nobody will.
So listen, listeners.
You know it's not a game.
That's why you tune in.
But your friends and family know it's not a game now, too.
They're ready to wake up.
So now is the time.
Now is the time to plant the seeds.
Now is the time to tell people about BandOnVideo and FreeWorldNews.tv and InfoWars.com and to be proud of those sites.
They've been proven right.
They've been proven correct.
You've been proven correct promoting it.
You've been proven correct supporting it.
And to give people that life-saving information, the people perish for lack of knowledge.
So again, however you can, whenever you can, tell people the truth lives at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Vandod Video.
And yes, help keep us on the air.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
The sale ends this Sunday.
40% off on DNA Force Plus that cleans out your mitochondria in your cells and helps your telomeres last longer with the PQQ and the CoQ10 and so much more.
It's 40% off despite the fact it's going to sell out in the next month.
I'm keeping it on that sale until Monday morning.
X2 is on sale.
So good for you.
The Essential Deep Earth Crystal Iodine.
Ultra 12.
Winter Sun.
If you haven't experienced what these things do and the fog that it personally takes me out of when I remember to take them, you need to experience it for yourself because you know
It funds this operation.
You know it keeps the tip of the spear on the air.
You know it's a victory there.
It could be a straight-up donation.
It'd be a victory.
But instead, you also get an incredible product back that makes you healthier, wealthier, and wiser, and for you and your family.
So I know you as an audience know this, but if your friends and neighbors and families and perfect strangers don't know how important vitamin D is or vitamin 12 or they don't know about iodine deficiency, it's up to you to warn people.
And up to you to let them know.
And they don't get it from us.
They get it somewhere else.
Just make sure it's high quality.
Make sure it's real.
Back when we started promoting real Deep Earth Crystal Iodine ten years ago, nobody even had it.
Now it's a huge industry.
A lot of other folks are putting it out.
That's great.
That's our job, is to be trailblazers.
Yes, now Joe Rogan, as I told you a year ago, is red-pilled.
He woke up really a year ago, a little over a year ago.
I told you he was going to get hardcore.
People thought I was making that up.
Now you see he's hardcore.
And it's the same thing with so many other people.
It's our job to be trailblazers.
It's our job to be icebreakers.
It's our job to hit the barbed wire first.
And that's what we've done.
So please support InfoWars and support your own future.
Remember, God's watching.
So whatever you do, let the Holy Spirit guide you.
Tomorrow's news today.
Now I hand the baton to Owen Schroer and the great InfoWars crew and the ATX.
Hey everybody, confused about staying healthy in a crazy COVID culture?
Me too.
But listen, after all the research, all the conflicting studies, after all the squabbling, there's one thing almost everyone agrees on.
It's that immune system health can literally be the difference between life and death.
You probably already believe that.
I certainly do.
So here's the thing.
I wanted to get past the craziness and find out which plant-based substances actually have studies that demonstrate some efficacy in immune support.
Now, you'll have to sign a waiver, but you can check out what I've discovered at StrongerDefense.com.
No cures or treatments there.
Instead, little-known but shocking immune system research.
Thank you.
People ask me all the time, Alex, the last three months or so you've had explosive energy on top of your already very intense level of energy.
What's happening?
Well, it's the things that are happening in the world right now.
That's got my blood up.
But also, I've gotten back in the groove of religiously taking three products every single day.
DNA Force Plus that's back in stock.
Also, X2, Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, that's essential for your immune system, your whole body.
And of course, at night time, Down and Out Sleep Aid, that makes me have deeper, cleaner, restful sleep, that again, boosts my immune system and is good for every cell in my body and great for the spirit.
All three of these products are in stock right now.
They are 40% off in the case of DNA Force Plus, and 50% off for one week only on Survival Shield X2.
And yes, until supplies last, we have down and out, 50% off at InfoWareStore.com.
This is the Trifecta.
I suggest you check it out and experience what this does for your body today.
InfoWars Emergency Supply Chain Breakdown Sale is only running for one week from Monday, October 11th for seven days.
That's because a bunch of these products that we have
In stock.
Our limited supply because obviously the supply chain breakdown that I've been warning you of now for 20 months because that's part of the Great Reset and part of the Global's plan.
That's what global lockdowns have been triggered.
So we've not lowered the quality of any of our products.
That means some of them have been sold out for more than six months like DNA Force Plus.
It is 40% off but coming up in one week it will go back to full price.
We probably won't have more for up to six
It was almost 15 years ago that I released my seminal film, In Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
In that documentary, I predicted the globalists would establish world government by releasing a virus, demanding that there be worldwide lockdowns, and then triggering a collapse of our industrial society.
And now they've done it.
How did I know they would do it?
Because they wrote books and white papers, and many of their own reports and internal meetings were leaked.
You see, then I was tracking the Bilderberg Group, whose head at the time was Klaus Schwab, and our sources inside were confirming to us that they were indeed planning to launch this Great Reset.
Well, we're now living in it.
The purposeful collapse of the Third World and the First World, not attached, it's a tyrannical corporate world government, the total censorship, no due process, destruction of the family,
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Okay, we are now live from the InfoWars World Headquarters here in Austin, Texas.
Owen Troyer now live from the desk.
We will be rejoined by Alex later.
And I've got just stacks and stacks of news on my desk here.
A lot, of course, as usual, dealing with the vaccines and with COVID, where now in Taiwan, I guess they're just being honest about everything in Taiwan, and they're saying, since they've been
Issuing the vaccines that more people have died from the vaccine than COVID.
Now do you think that's exclusive to Taiwan?
Or are they just the only country that's being honest about what's going on?
Do you really think there's only one country on earth that has been vaccinating its citizens
It's having more death from the vaccines than COVID.
Do you really believe that?
So I've got that news clip and that news report coming up.
Now, if you recall, they're doing everything they can to try to erase the past, which is Fauci and Daszak and the rest of these people and Michael Spector and we played the clips.
We replayed a lot of it on the American Journal this morning.
They're doing everything they can to erase their past of them bragging about the gain-of-function research, them bragging about the spillover research, them saying, this is a quote from Michael Spector saying, wouldn't it have been better if more people died during the swine flu so we could force more people to get vaccines?
It sounds shocking, you can't believe it, but he said it, and I mean, I've seen the clips, we've played the clips.
So they're trying to erase that, and they've been caught engaged in a lot of their criminal activity, but then they just kind of shrug their shoulders and say, oh, oh, we're sorry, hold on, we'll do better next time.
So they launched their investigation about a year ago into the Wuhan lab, where the virus originated, where Fauci is running operations out of, and it was all interior people, people that Dasik was friends with,
People that were interior in the Wuhan lab.
And so then even people in the World Health Organization and others said, well, wait a second, this is an investigation that is corrupted just on its face because this is the potential people that need investigation investigating themselves.
So obviously they're not going to find anything.
So the World Health Organization had to come out and say, OK,
We'll do it again.
You caught us.
We were investigating ourselves.
And so, yep, that's not good.
We'll just do it over.
And so they did it again, and they launched their new investigative team.
We'll just do it again.
But they did the exact same thing, and they hoped we wouldn't notice.
New World Health Organization COVID origin investigation team includes another Peter Daszak minion.
The World Health Organization recently put together a new team of researchers to investigate the origins of COVID-19 pertaining specifically to the lab leak theory and declared that this time conflicts of interest would be avoided.
However, one of the leading members is a scientist who signed EcoHealth Alliance head Peter Daszak's infamous Lancet letter, which attempted to shut down the theory before it had even been looked into.
And there's more on that from Steve Watson at InfoWars.com.
So, they get caught.
with an inside investigation to investigate themselves so nothing gets found and they say okay we're gonna do it again and then they do the exact same gambit
And they thought we wouldn't notice?
They really thought we'd bury our heads in the sand?
They really thought we'd trust them this time around?
So what are they going to do now?
Are they going to have a third one?
Or are they just going to let this one run its course and say, all right, we've just determined that no blame in the Wuhan lab, no blame to Fauci, no blame to Dasik.
Just, you know, shut up, live in fear of COVID, get your vaccine, and let us dominate your life.
But perhaps this is even more revealing.
Not in the same way
But in a curious way, because as we know, Joe Biden is not really managing things.
He is ceremoniously the President of the United States, but not really in practice.
He can't even read off a teleprompter.
He's reading off a teleprompter and he doesn't even remember people's names that he just had meetings with.
He falls asleep in the middle of meetings in the Oval Office.
And then he can't remember the President of Kenya's name and he just says, President Kenya.
So that's how big of a joke this guy is.
So who's really running this show?
Well, we've heard Ron Klain.
Is one of the main men behind the scenes running things.
Now this is a tweet from Ron Klain in February of 2019.
And it's in response to this tweet from Tom Inglesby.
And in fact, guys, see if you can find the full tweet from Tom Inglesby, because I just
I'm not sure if there's a thread here, but he says, "...if the U.S.
government deciding to fund experiments aimed at making bird flu or other lethal viruses transmissible between humans, it should publicly lay out its analysis of risks-slash-benefits, who made the decisions, and how at all, for public discourse."
And so, again, this was not a secret at the time.
We have the documents.
Fauci's name is on them.
They were doing gain-of-function research.
They were doing spillover research.
Gain-of-function, making viruses more transmissible, more contagious.
Spillover research, taking viruses out of animals and infect animals and making them infect humans.
This is what Anthony Fauci was doing.
It's on all the documents.
There is no debate.
He had multiple panels where they discussed this.
And Dasik discussed this.
And they bragged about it.
And they just don't want you to know that that went on.
They just want to bury that and act like it never happened now that it's their research and their virus, COVID-19, that has done all this devastation to the world.
So whether you think it was intentional or not is irrelevant.
It was Fauci, it was Dasik, and everybody knows it, even Ron Klain.
So there's Inglesby at the time, and this is when Fauci was doing some of these board meetings, by the way.
This is when Fauci was doing some of these public meetings, like the one that we covered the other night that we played replays of on the American Journal today with Michael Spector saying,
Don't you think it would have been good if more people died?
Wouldn't more death have been a good thing, don't you think?
And Fauci's, you know, sitting there nodding his head, and so, uh, this is the freak show we're dealing with.
But it wasn't a secret at the time.
Now, you can try to put all this together and make sense of it, but there's things that we know.
So you could say, hey, why is Fauci
In January of 2017, saying that there's going to be a surprise pandemic, a surprise outbreak that catches Trump off guard.
Why was he saying that?
Well, perhaps there's room for debate and discussion there.
But there is no room for debate or discussion.
Fauci and Dasik and all the people they were involved with, with the Wuhan lab, were doing gain-of-function
And spillover research with bat viruses, with SARS viruses, with COVID viruses, with flu viruses.
That is not up for debate.
It's on record.
It's done.
And so here's Ron Klain commenting on this, who's supposedly running the White House behind the scenes.
It's hard to overstate the risk of this if it goes wrong.
Oh, wow!
Just a reminder that the largest single mass death event in U.S.
history was not World War I or II or the Civil War, but the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic.
Experts like Tom Inglesby and his colleagues should be consulted.
So here's Tom Inglesby.
Commenting on the research that is on record being done by Fauci and Daschuk and others at the Wuhan lab because they had to move it out of North Carolina because it was deemed to be too dangerous.
So they said, we can't do this research in the North Carolina lab, shut it down.
But instead of shutting it down, they just moved it to China.
Everybody knew this was going on.
They had public panel discussions.
We have all the documents.
And now here is even the man running the White House, behind the scenes, commenting on it, saying, hey, this research is dangerous.
If something's go wrong, there could be a deadly pandemic.
So here's the guy running the White House.
Essentially incriminating Fauci and Dasik because they're the ones that made the virus that got released from the lab that's done the COVID pandemic!
You think the tyranny and oppression we're living under now is bad?
Wait till they've got their world ID in and that's exactly what the COVID passports are all about.
And Klaus Schwab and the UN and all the other globalist leaders own words they admit that once they've got you with that system, then they're going to carbon tax you everywhere you go and track what you do.
And publicly they're saying they're going to decide when you can travel and when you can't travel.
And MasterCard and all the other big companies are currently announcing they're going to track what you do and where you go and tax you with a carbon tax for it.
This is the holy grail of tyranny, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the takeover, and humanity better wake up and say no.
Finally, folks are starting to wake up.
Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and others are leading the charge, along with Infowars.
But it's not enough.
Every individual has to not comply, and we have to talk about bringing the globalists to justice.
You see, they need the fear of God put in them, legally and lawfully.
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I want to be very clear.
The fact that Infowars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
It is the fault of the globalists.
When we can get enough of our great supplements and other products in, we're able to sell enough of it to stay on air and, quite frankly, even expand in the face of the New World Order.
But because of the supply chain breakdowns that were very easy to predict in the global lockdowns that were designed to do that, we have had real problems getting our best-selling products in.
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Jacob in Ohio.
Welcome, go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Great last caller.
Good, Bob.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement.
It's basically the only way I get sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, demoralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone, man.
Alright, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
If I could, I just want to throw a quick plug out for one of the products.
The X-Tube does wonders.
I recommend it to everybody.
You're on the fence about it.
Get the product.
Get off the fence.
Support the Infowar.
Tyler in Maine.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, it's great to be on with you.
It's an honor.
Honored to talk to you.
So, first thing I wanted to do is to say I love the product, Alpha Power, even at 29.
If you ask my better half, she loves it and it helps in the bedroom.
So, just number one.
It definitely works.
It's not a joke.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
So I would say it's pretty significant that one of the White House Chiefs of Staff, I'm not sure his exact position off the top of my head, Ron Klain, but he's basically running things behind the scenes.
Was calling out the dangers of Fauci's research in February of 2019.
Now I don't have... I can't pontificate on this any further even though it probably warrants it.
This is pretty significant.
But I've got to get to the rest of this news.
But it just begs the question, is there no will at all, anywhere, to investigate Fauci and Daszak and their involvement with development of the virus known as COVID-19 and the Wuhan lab and the Chinese military?
Is there no will?
Are all of our people in our government that would be in charge of such investigations, are they just ignorant to all this?
Are they totally compromised?
Are they told that they're not allowed to investigate?
How is it to this point?
How is it to this point where
And this is kind of the beauty of it, where it's not just InfoWars that has all this information.
It's not just InfoWars that's reporting all this information.
I mean, dozens of outlets are reporting this information.
Tucker Carlson has reported on it.
The National Pulse has reported on it.
The Gateway Pundit.
The National File.
I mean, the list just goes on and on.
Hell, even mainstream news outlets are admitting all of this is real.
So where's the investigation into Fauci?
Where's the investigation into Daszak when even Ron Klain, who's one of the chief advisors to Biden, was calling out the dangers of Fauci and Daszak's research in 2019, and we have all the public panel discussions of Daszak, of Fauci, of the others, saying that, yes, we are doing gain-of-function spillover research, we have the documents, we have all of it.
We've presented the entire case!
All you need is one individual
With the prosecutorial power, or subpoena power, or indictment power, or whatever investigative power, to look into Fauci and Daszak, and it's all there, man!
It's all there!
But somehow, it's just... There's no takers?
There's no interest?
And now the World Health Organization is going to be... investigating themselves again?
I mean, look at this.
This is even in the Washington Post!
It was even in the Washington Post!
So how is it Fauci is above reproach?
Or beyond reproach?
How is it there's no investigation, nothing, when everybody knows he was involved?
And Rand Paul calls him out for lying under oath.
So see, I've got to move on, but we should never move on from this.
This should be it.
This should be where it goes.
But I've got to move on.
There's just more evidence that everybody knows it was Fauci that was making COVID-19 in a lab.
But there you go.
Everybody knows it.
Everybody knew it.
And yet, Fauci gets away with it, supposedly responsible for the biggest pandemic in world history.
If you believe that.
I mean, they're the ones selling you that.
So how does Fauci get away with it?
And now you have to suffer?
Now the countries of Earth have to suffer?
Now you have to take an experimental vaccine?
So you get faced with all the punishments from Anthony Fauci's research in a Wuhan lab and a virus getting out.
And you have to suffer.
Not Fauci.
He's more powerful and rich than ever.
And apparently above the law.
But I've got to move on.
And so...
You know, Chip Roy, I think, is a real good person, an honorable man from Texas who is in Congress, and he got called out by Jesse Kelly, who's a conservative commentator, radio host, about when the 15 days to slow the spread happened, how Chip Roy was all about it, and he called for shutting down businesses and everything.
Well, Chip Roy responded
The way an honorable man would, and he says, I admit my shame.
Against my gut, I accepted 15 days to flatten the curb out of deference to POTUS and the possibility the virus would be worse.
I immediately called for a firm reopen date and took heat for it, but I admit my error and I apologize.
Hashtag take back America.
So that's an honorable person right there who admits a mistake and is trying to right his wrong.
And he may be one of the only ones in Congress like that.
Which is sad, but true.
Now, getting more deeper into the latest COVID developments, leaked audio reveals Army doctor telling soldier with medical issue to take vaccine shot or fake course court-martial.
So you understand this precedent now is, you're gonna have, if this trend continues, and Biden basically asserted that it will, and I've got these clips coming up, the video clips coming up soon,
Basically, it's going to get to a point where you either take the vaccine or you're going to get arrested.
And I understand you don't think this could ever happen.
You don't think this could ever be possible.
Have you looked around lately?
Have you looked around lately at the things you thought you'd never see that you're seeing every day now and it's getting worse?
Empty shelves, intentional economic warfare against us.
I mean, how epic is that?
We have blatant economic warfare being launched against us right now, and it's just not even a big deal.
It's just, oh, okay, whatever, and we just take it.
So now you're in the military, you're going to face court-martial if you don't take a mandatory vaccine that is experimental, not as good as natural immunity, which most people probably have by now because they've already had COVID.
So hey, get a leg amputation.
Well, I don't need a leg amputation.
I just ran 10 miles.
Don't care.
You're going to face a court martial if you don't get a leg amputation.
Hey, you're going to have to have triple bypass surgery.
Well, I don't need triple bypass surgery.
My heart is in excellent condition right now.
Never had any problems.
Don't have a history of problems.
Doesn't matter.
Get that triple bypass surgery or face court martial.
So there's just so many different levels and angles of the absurdity here.
And we just have to sit here and take it.
This is what it would be like if you were a slave.
Navy announces plans to expel those refusing COVID vaccine and revoke benefits.
Total tyranny.
Total tyranny.
And then, this is exactly what Alex was talking about yesterday.
This is exactly what we've been talking about.
For I guess almost a year now since the vaccine rollout, and we started having the doctors on about this, saying that you're going to have immunodeficiency syndrome from this vaccine.
It's going to destroy your immune system.
And then anything that gets in there, your immune system won't be able to fight anymore.
And you're actually going to get really sick.
And then they'll just say it's COVID.
Because you can ramp up the PCR test or whatever to just say, oh yeah, everybody's got COVID.
So then they'll just say it's COVID and they'll say, see, it's a bad pandemic, you should have gotten a vaccine.
Or you need to get 10 vaccines.
A comparison of official government reports suggests the fully vaccinated are developing acquired immunodefensicity syndrome.
So what does that mean?
That means vaccinated individuals no longer have an immune system.
Think about that.
You've lived on this planet, let's say, for 40 years.
Or hell, I'm 32, so I've lived on this planet for 32 years.
I have a developed immune system.
That is very strong and resilient against a lot of different things that have come in and maybe got me sick, maybe not, and I build the immune system.
I have natural immunity to COVID.
I've been around all kinds of COVID people, had dinner with them, nothing.
I was being facetious yesterday, but I'm dead serious.
I will share a glass of water.
I'll share whatever.
I'll try to get COVID.
I'll try to get sick with COVID.
I won't because I have natural immunity.
I had somebody COVID positive staying at my house for a week.
Pretty sick.
Not that sick, but, you know, pretty sick.
Came to my house for a week and ended up getting sick.
I said, hey, just stay the week.
I'll take care of you.
Never got COVID.
Had dinner with this individual.
Never got COVID.
So, should I get the vaccine?
Well, if I did get the vaccine, what would happen?
I'd no longer have an immune system.
So all the things in my immune system
Or all the developments of my immune system that I have gone through from 32 years on planet Earth will all be wiped out with this vaccine.
And I think we're just beginning to see really the true effects of this.
Because maybe down the road, and this is more of a question to pose to a doctor, but you know, how bad can it really get with the elimination of your immune system
With things like the chicken pox or other such things.
I never got a chicken pox vaccine, but my neighbors got chicken pox when I was a kid.
I'm probably about five years old.
I remember my mom sent me over there.
Next week I had chicken pox.
Last about a week, now I'm immune to chicken pox.
But who knows?
That's what I'm saying.
How bad can it get?
Now, let's say an old person that has a natural immunity to chicken pox.
When you're elderly, chicken pox is actually devastating.
When you're young, it's fine.
Let's say now, elderly people that have gotten this vaccine no longer have immunity to chickenpox.
They get introduced to chickenpox.
They get chickenpox.
They die.
Those are some of the repercussions that are very potential here.
Uh, high potential.
Because the vaccines are killing your immune system.
But hey, hey.
Maybe one shot doesn't do it that bad, but two shots, three shots, four shots?
Your immune system is gonna be wiped out by these vaccines.
But it doesn't matter!
They're still pushing full throttle on the gas!
It's almost as if they want this!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You know, we think that, uh, human sacrifice is a thing of the past.
We don't do human sacrifice anymore.
Maybe we do.
I don't know.
Maybe we should check with Planned Parenthood on that.
Or perhaps this graphic is a little more... Little more hitting to the core of things right now.
Because it's now official out of Taiwan.
They're admitting it, at least.
I would say that there's zero chance Taiwan is the only country experiencing this.
They may just be the only country being honest about it.
More people in Taiwan are dying from the vaccine than from COVID.
Now, if you follow InfoWars, if you listen every day, you know myself, Alex, Harrison Smith, our guests, everybody, we cover this every day.
And so every time I see, you know, stacks of these stories, it's like, well, do I do I cover this again at the risk of being redundant?
Well, yes, I do, because nobody else is going to cover it.
It's very important.
21 year old fully vaccinated student dies of COVID as breakthrough cases continue to climb.
So are they really dying from COVID?
Or are they dying from side effects from the vaccine?
Because if the COVID vaccine gives you COVID and then you test positive for COVID when you die, well then you died of COVID when it could be something else.
Or, is it just the official NIH protocols that are killing people that just happen to be vaccinated?
Because it doesn't matter whether you're vaccinated or not, the NIH protocols of remdesivir and then blowing your lungs out on a ventilator are going to kill you no matter what.
That's what they did to this young boy, 21 years old,
Who was, uh, I mean, he looks like a bodybuilder.
He was, uh, he was studying fitness and exercise.
And, uh, you can tell from the pictures of him.
I mean, the guy looks like he was a professional bodybuilder or something.
And so, of course, he goes into the hospital.
They put him into a coma, put him on a ventilator, and then he's gone.
I can't believe this is happening.
I've had the doctors on
Months ago, saying this is exactly how they're killing people.
And there's a reason why 99% of COVID deaths are in hospitals.
It's not a coincidence.
Look at that young man.
Look at that strapping young man.
Put into a medically induced coma, put on a ventilator and dead.
Fully vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated dies of COVID.
So the vaccine doesn't work, but yet they mandate the vaccine.
Or did the vaccine kill him?
Or did the hospital protocols kill him?
I mean, I'm just at a loss because none of this should be going on.
None of this should be happening.
I shouldn't have to cover this news.
This should all be over with tomorrow.
But it's not going to be.
So, here's the headline from NTD News, and it's gone viral now.
Gateway Pundit's picked it up.
InfoWars has picked it up.
More die from vaccine than from COVID in Taiwan.
And here is the NTD News report.
In Taiwan, the number of people dying after their COVID vaccination is exceeding the number of deaths from the virus itself.
Taiwan's health authorities say that as of Monday, deaths after vaccination reached 865, while deaths from the virus are at 845.
Vaccines currently offered in Taiwan include AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Taiwan's own vaccine, Medigen.
Out of the 865 deaths after vaccination, over 600 were from AstraZeneca and nearly 200 deaths after Moderna's shot.
Now remember, they've come out and admitted now in the U.S.
that there have been more deaths, quote unquote, from COVID since the vaccine than before it.
How is that possible?
How do we have more COVID deaths after the vaccine than before the vaccine?
You know how.
So if you understand that this is not FDA approved, it's totally experimental, it's never been given to human beings before.
Some of the ingredients inside of these shots have never been injected in human beings before.
There are no long-term studies.
We don't know what's going to happen inside your body somewhere four to six weeks after your second injection or four to six months or even two years.
We have no idea.
Whether it's going to cause infertility, whether it's going to cause cancer, how bad your autoimmune disease is going to be.
My conclusion after looking at this for a long time and listening to the arguments for these masks, I've determined that if you believe, if you're a medical doctor or a scientist that is spouting, using these masks, you're either being played or you're being paid.
Secure your copy of COVIDland today at covidland.com.
If you order by October 6th, you get a free copy of Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
We're into the second hour now of the Alex Jones Show.
By the way, Alex Jones in route.
And I'm told he's going to be filing some emergency special reports.
Once he gets back in studio, uh, in just a mere hour or two.
In the meantime, I'm going to continue to try to pile drive through all this news.
If you're a radio listener that doesn't have that first five minutes, I just played the report out of Taiwan.
More die after vaccination than from COVID in Taiwan, the NTD news reports, and it has all the data.
It shows you all the numbers as well.
You can find it at NTD.com or we played the report here.
We're going to upload that to band dot video.
You can see it there.
As well, let me just try to continue down here with the COVID-19 news and the vaccine news.
I mean the stacks of this stuff.
It just it's just never stops in coming.
It's quite redundant.
I understand that but
We're still in this, and so we're going to keep telling you how the vaccines aren't working, how the vaccines are killing people, how the hospitalization protocols are killing people, and of course this should all stand in the face against the vaccine mandates, but it seems not to have any impact at all.
It's very odd to live in these times, is it not?
It's very odd to live in these nonsensical, illogical,
Deceptive times.
And you know, I don't even want to get into it, but... Folks, it's just, it's gotten so bad where... Well... I just don't even want to get into it.
It's just like...
Imagine, you're covering this, I'm covering this, Alex is covering this, whatever.
It's like, I'm just sitting here covering news, I'm sitting here playing video clips, I'm sitting here talking to doctors, I'm sitting here talking to people that have actually lost people from the vaccine.
But I'll be deemed as crazy or I'll be deemed as some sort of threat because I just live in reality.
Because I just cover news, because I just talk to dozens of doctors, because I just talk to victims of vaccines, and I just talk to victims of the hospital protocols.
And there's a whole force out against me because of that.
So it's like, okay, you're living in the twilight zone dealing with all of this, but then it's, oh, you're under attack, you're gonna be persecuted for that.
Is that intimidation to get me to shut up?
Is that intimidation to make an example of people that tell the truth?
So I'm going to continue down this road here.
And then also, Mike Adams is going to have a bombshell exclusive report coming up in the fourth hour today.
COVID relief funds.
Distributed to cities and states.
Require full compliance with the Biden-Vax mandates.
Counties can use money to bankrupt and replace local businesses.
And so that's the headline.
It's even worse than that.
Basically what they've done here is they have synthetically shut down the free market economy on all aspects.
So it's with the schools as well.
You say, why are the schools
Going along with all this medical tyranny because they've been told by the Biden administration they will not get any more funding.
They will be shut down.
So you want to know why you hear about the mask mandates?
You want to know why you hear about the vaccine mandates in schools and for kids?
Because the government has said we will stop your funding unless you force vaccinate and mask children.
So now the government has decided it's our daddy, it's in charge of our lives,
And it's going to run our lives now, the complete opposite of what America is supposed to be about.
The complete opposite of what everybody... I mean, this should be against our very instincts and will and common sense and logic and reasoning, and yet somehow this is still the case.
Something... This can't go on forever, folks.
I don't know.
Now, as you know,
InfoWars has been at the tip of the spear, the cutting edge, covering all of this.
Which quite frankly makes it even more frustrating, honestly.
But we're not going to give up, we're not going to give in, and as long as we're still here on air with your support, we will continue to spread the truth, unlike anybody else out there.
That's why we get banned more than anybody else out there, and attacked more than anybody else out there.
And you have two more days right now to take advantage of these huge specials at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's the InfoWars Emergency Supply Chain Breakdown.
Which the Biden administration is finally addressing because of all the outrage.
So we'll cover that later.
But we still have some of these supplements in stock.
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Limited supply of that.
It's all at InfoWarsStore.com.
You may also be thinking about emergency food supplies right now, for good reason.
Those are also available at InfoWarsStore.com and it's the best quality, the best price, a lot of different options for you.
So you should go check that out at InfoWarsStore.com as well.
The air filters, the water filters, it's all at InfoWarsStore.com.
It's your support there.
That keeps us on the air here.
All right, let me just continue down this stack of the COVID and the vaccine news.
The most vaccinated county or state in Ireland is Waterford.
And you have 99.7% of Waterford adults have now been fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
They eclipsed that, they posted that number a month ago in September.
Well now here you are today, and Waterford now has the highest incidence of COVID in Ireland.
So just like we saw in...
Israel, the number one most vaccinated country on earth, and then they had the number one most COVID cases on earth, now the same thing is happening in local counties and in areas in Ireland, Waterford to be specific.
The most vaccinated part of Ireland now has more COVID cases than any other place in Ireland.
Would any doctor care to explain that?
Would any doctor care to report on that?
Anybody in the mainstream news want to explain that or report on that?
Probably not, it goes against their narrative.
And yet, so it's just totally ineffective, not safe, and yet mandated.
This is levels of clown world that you just never thought you'd experience.
Hey, take this vaccine that doesn't work, and that isn't safe, and it's mandated, by the way.
So it doesn't stop COVID, it doesn't stop from spreading COVID, it doesn't stop you from catching COVID, it doesn't stop you from dying of COVID.
It actually increases your odds of catching COVID or dying from COVID or ending up in a hospital, but take it anyway.
I'd love to hear the why.
Well, we don't have to, do we?
They just, they just own us now.
And you know, a lot of people have made out like bandits during this pandemic, including Apple and Microsoft, because now all government activity is done over Microsoft technology and they've got their own little thing.
So Big Tech's making billions of dollars during the pandemic, Facebook and the rest, making billions of dollars as traffic is increasing on their website.
And their tools are being utilized now more than ever because of everything going digital, because of the fear of the virus.
And then you have this picture from the mirror.
Haunting picture of iPads used by loved ones to say goodbye to dying COVID-19 patients.
So all these hospitals also, they bought millions of dollars worth of Apple equipment and iPads and stands and all this stuff.
So, Big Tech, who controls the means of communication, they love this pandemic.
They're making out like bandits.
Everybody's buying their tech now, and the government has all this money in relief aid, and guess where it's going?
Big Tech.
Facebook, Apple, Microsoft.
So they love it.
So, of course, they're going to control the means of communication.
They want to keep this pandemic going.
They want to keep the fears of this virus going.
So, hell yeah, you buy more iPads with government money.
You put more money into Zoom technology or Microsoft technology or Facebook digital technology.
They love it.
They don't want this pandemic to ever end.
They're more rich and powerful than ever.
So, uh, well, maybe you can see your kid.
But no, only if you've been vaccinated.
New York City judge suspends dad's visit with kid over vaccination status.
Totally sick.
Totally deprived and depraved.
Totally satanic.
Your voice counts.
When you share information, be it over the internet or in person, it changes the world.
The globalists know their agenda is unpopular.
They know you're angry.
And now to get around big tech, it's more important than ever that we use every tool we've got.
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The COVID-19 face diaper is a symbol of subservience, a symbol of slavery, a symbol of the chains that the medical tyranny combine controlled by the global private corporations has put in place.
It is the symbol of the permanent emergency from which we will never emerge.
It is the symbol that we are diseased and evil and bad and must cover our diseased criminal faces from the light of the sun.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are crossing the Rubicon now.
The entire future destiny of humanity is upon us.
Klaus Schwab and the UN admit they're coming out with implantable microchips as part of the World ID and carbon taxes.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It feels like, uh, that's the energy of the New World Order, just... death, destruction, everything... everything black and deadly and... just inhumanity.
We hate humans.
Take this vaccine that doesn't even work and that's killed at least 17,000 people in the U.S.
already that we know of.
We'll court-martial you if you don't.
We'll fire you from your job if you don't.
Painted black!
Total darkness!
Total misery!
Total death!
Total devastation!
I work for Pfizer!
Oh, but see, not everybody at Pfizer's a bad guy.
We have an unbelievable video.
In fact...
I mean, folks, this is just... Again, I don't even know how to really handle this, because... InfoWars!
InfoWars and our humble crew here are in a position that I just can't even believe.
I just...
Like, there's no, I mean, where are all the world leaders?
Where are all the people in government?
Where are the people in law enforcement?
Where are the doctors?
I mean, they're all out there, we can get them on the show, but it's like, InfoWars?
Is it the head of the Truth Movement?
Like, InfoWars is the only people in media that wants to get the world back to normal and stop living in the clown world?
Like, were the big voice of reason on there?
So not everybody at Pfizer is a bad guy.
We've got the video from Banned.Video that we had to build because we're banned everywhere.
You can go see it right now.
And then we just keep adding other people to get banned, like LifeSiteNews.
You know, they just don't want millions of babies to be killed.
They just are against baby murder.
So they get banned on the Internet, so we have to give them a channel on Banned.Video too.
So you can go see it on LifeSiteNews.
I mean, this video should be everywhere.
It only has 83,000 views.
Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine glows contains toxic luciferase and graphene oxide compounds.
So that's what I'm saying.
He's like, I just can't come on air and calmly cover this stuff.
I can't just calmly sit here and cover this stuff like it's okay or it's normal or, oh, you know, I'm just a radio host.
I'm just a guy that reads news.
This is, I'm just giving you the news.
I'm impacted by this too.
I mean, it's just crazy.
And you just sit here like a hamster on a wheel.
So, again, not everybody at Pfizer's bad.
Pfizer whistleblower is warning the world what's happening with these vaccines.
She's a hero.
And then you had that other lady who, I guess, did she work for Pfizer or Moderna?
I can't remember, that Project Veritas caught on tape.
And Project Veritas, she's sending out emails.
She's sending out emails to the entire company saying, hey, stop talking about aborted fetal tissue in the vaccines.
Nobody is supposed to know about that.
That's our secret.
Yes, we use dead baby parts for the vaccines, but nobody's allowed to know that.
Yeah, we mandate these vaccines, but they're not allowed to know what's in it.
How dare you?
And the whistleblower?
Makes her emails public, shares them with Project Veritas.
Project Veritas sees that lady out on the streets, turns the camera on, and she runs like a cockroach!
She runs like a cockroach when the lights are turned on!
Because that's what they are!
Pfizer employee runs for dear life after being confronted by Project Veritas reporter.
She's never run that fast in her life.
Yeah, what are you running from?
You're running from the truth!
And that's the other thing, it's like, we shouldn't be struggling to win this information war.
This is a layup!
This should be a layup!
We've got it all!
Thanks to all the doctors we've had on, thanks to all the other doctors, thanks to Project Veritas, thanks to all the whistleblowers, thanks to other media outlets like Gateway Pundit and others, and yet we have to sit here and tear our hair out and just run on this wheel every day to try to win this info war, even though it's all out there?
And someone said that I, you know, there was something I said the other day that was really impactful and resonated with them.
And that's, you know, all these people that hate InfoWars or hate me or, you know, want to see us destroyed or want to see us, you know, the worst happen to us.
Don't you get it?
Infowars can disappear off the face of the earth.
Alex Jones and I can go tie ourselves to a tree and basically just rot away until we die.
We could disappear.
We could put cinder blocks on our feet, hop into the ocean, you'll never hear from us again.
Do you really think the world is going to be a better place?
Do you really think Infowars has anything to do with all the treachery and torment and BS that you deal with on a daily basis?
You really think Infowars is responsible for that?
You really think
Alex Jones or Owen Schroyer or all of our other reporters and hosts and guests, you really think us disappearing is going to help you?
You really think that that's the solution is getting rid of us?
Nothing will change!
InfoWars can disappear off the face of the planet.
We can tie cinder blocks to ourselves and hop into the Pacific Ocean, you'll never hear from us again.
But don't worry, the world will still be as corrupt and even more corrupt than it was before we disappeared.
And you'll sit there wondering, what the hell's going on?
I thought we got rid of the evil people at InfoWars.
We're not the bad guys.
We're not the ones that started the wars.
We're not the ones that lied about weapons of mass destruction.
We're not the ones that set up false flags.
We're not the people in government that lie to you.
We're not the scientists that make viruses in a lab that then get released and turn the whole world into a global government tyranny.
That's not us!
We're not the ones doing it!
We're the ones that are standing against it!
We're the ones standing in its way!
So yeah, you really think, oh whoa, let's get rid of Alex Jones, let's censor him off the internet, let's get rid of that pesky InfoWars.
Who do you think's bidding?
Whose bidding do you think you're doing by getting rid of InfoWars?
You're doing the bidding of the very corrupt establishment that you claim to be fighting.
I need to move on here.
I'm sorry.
That's just a rant there.
Alright, you know what, I'm going to come back and do that.
But you know, I'm just going to come back and cover all that.
But you know, here's the problem right here.
I've got all these people that work for government entities and then either go right to the private sector, like Michael Taylor goes from Monsanto to the FDA.
Oh, you wonder why Monsanto never gets in any trouble.
You have Julie Gerberding, who goes from the CDC to Merck, Big Pharma.
Oh, you wonder why Big Pharma never gets in trouble.
Scott Gottlieb goes from the FDA to Pfizer.
No, you know why Pfizer never gets in trouble, and they get their vaccines mandated.
You have Stephen Hahn, who goes from the FDA to Moderna.
You have James C. Smith, who ran Reuters, now works at Pfizer.
And you have Fauci, who's with the NIH, who works with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Yeah, you wonder why these big corporations, big pharma, big agriculture and all these people, and big media, you want to know why they never get in trouble for anything?
Because they're all in bed with the government that's supposed to be watching them.
And the list just goes on.
But you notice, you don't see anybody from InfoWars on these lists, do you?
No, you don't!
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I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021, and I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years and is truly an answer to prayer, and I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter.
You got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, then we are brothers and sisters together, and it has just been
An incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
Again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support InfoWars.
God bless.
I want to be very clear.
The fact that InfoWars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
It is the fault of the globalists.
When we can get enough of our great supplements and other products in, we're able to sell enough of it to stay on air and, quite frankly, even expand and to face the new world order.
But because of the supply chain breakdowns that were very easy to predict from the global lockdowns that were designed to do that, we have had real problems getting our best-selling products in.
Some of them take up to 10 months to get in.
We've had to discontinue some of our products because we just can't get the ingredients anymore.
It's pretty scary stuff.
So please take advantage of sales we're running for one week only.
There's only one week left from October 11th for seven days.
Kicks off October 11th.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
If you've thought of something in your head, most likely some form of a government entity, or the One World Government, or the UN, or whatever you want to say, has thought of it too.
So Thomas Massey puts out this hypothetical.
He says, Hypothetically, I believe if a person were to find a vaccine provider who would fake the administration of the vaccine,
This would be an ethical form of non-compliance for both the provider and the receiver, legality notwithstanding.
It would also be hard to prove this happened.
It would also be hard to prove this happened.
You don't think that the administrators of this vaccine and the people that are making it mandatory haven't thought of that?
Of course they have.
Of course they have.
That's why I guarantee you, and again, this is a conversation I should probably have with a doctor.
Maybe we'll get one on the war room or something next week.
In fact, we should probably do that because I got some questions that need to be answered now as we're learning more about this.
But I guarantee you there's already something in that vaccine that they can trace in your blood that will let them know if you've actually had it or not.
Guarantee it.
And we already pretty much have that confirmed without them actually admitting it, where people have done blood tests on the vaccinated versus the non-vaccinated, and all kinds of tests of vaccinated versus non-vaccinated, and it's easy to tell who's been vaccinated and who hasn't.
And then when you have all these different scientists, whether it's in Germany or the United States, that have done deep research on the ingredients of the vaccine, just putting the juice under the microscope, and they find all kinds of foreign contaminants, and all kinds of foreign objects and agents, and they just have no idea what it is.
There's all kinds of theories about what they might be, but nobody really knows.
So that's now in your body, that's now in your bloodstream, so it might not be a microchip or a tracking device, I'm not saying that,
But it's something!
It's something, so I guarantee you, the makers of this vaccine and the people that want to take over the world with medical tyranny...
I guarantee you that they already know, they already have a way to find out if you've taken this vaccine or not.
Yeah, there's just a report I did on the War Room.
Doctors shocked at blood test results from vaccinated individuals.
We also uploaded the entire video on the War Room channel.
It's got almost half a million views.
It needs 10 million.
And so they can already do blood tests on you.
With just normal blood test results, and they can find out just based off of stuff that would build an immune system.
If you have a deficient immune system, then they know you've taken the vaccine.
But that's just more of a scientific measurable, not necessarily an individual object or something that might be in the vaccine.
There might be that too, because we've seen the microscopic images of the vaccine juice.
So, just understand, if Thomas Massey or you can think, hey,
Which is a pretty easy thought pattern.
Hey, why don't I just pretend to get the vaccine?
Why don't I just find a doctor to pretend to get me the vaccine?
Believe me, the mandators of this vaccine, everybody involved with it, they've already thought of that.
And they already have a way around it.
So they haven't fully exposed themselves on that yet, but they will.
Someday they will.
Someday, when they do the mandates,
And someone in some situation says, yeah, I've taken the vaccine.
And then they do a test to see if they've actually had it.
And they'll say, nope, you didn't take the vaccine.
We just tested your blood.
You don't have what's in it.
And then that'll be, and see, that'll be a massive awakening when that happens.
And I do believe that will happen eventually.
Now, I want to go to a clip here of Biden, because this is just, it's just unbelievable.
Let's be clear.
Vaccination requirements should not be another issue that divides us.
That's why we continue to battle the misinformation that's out there.
And companies and communities are setting up there, stepping up as well, to combat the misinformation.
Southwest Airlines, at the head of the pilots union and its CEO, dismissed critics who claim vaccination mandates contributed to flight disruptions.
School board members, religious leaders, and doctors across the country are fighting misinformation and educating people about the importance of vaccines.
All these efforts are going to help us continue moving the dial to eliminate this disease.
Sorry, that's a 45 second clip that I've got to sit here and take notes on and boil down because it's amazing how much misinformation and lying can come from Joe Biden in less than a minute.
So first, he says mandates don't divide.
A mandate doesn't divide?
Even a logical, reasonable mandate would divide.
Any sort of forced or coerced activity is going to divide.
That is just inherent in mandates.
So to sit here and say, hey, this mandate is not, it shouldn't divide.
We shouldn't have another issue to divide us.
That's exactly what it's going to do.
Biden may or may not know that.
He's barely even able to read off the teleprompter.
He's barely even able to stand up for five minutes anymore.
But to sit there and say, oh, this mandate won't divide us.
Of course it doesn't!
Even if the mandate made sense.
Let alone mandates that are totally illogical.
Let alone mandates that are part of an experimental drug.
Let alone mandates for a drug that doesn't even work.
Of course mandates are always going to divide.
So boom, right out of the eights in a 45 second clip.
That's total BS.
Then he makes the false equivalency of talking about misinformation.
And he says, oh,
We're doing, you know, the mandate shouldn't divide and it's because of misinformation on the Internet.
Total false equivalency.
Any mandate is always going to have divisions and resistance.
But then he somehow sidesteps that into saying, oh, this is because of misinformation on the Internet.
What misinformation?
Notice how he doesn't cite any.
They'll never cite the actual misinformation they're talking about because the misinformation is actually real factual information that they don't want you to see.
Whether it's about Ivermectin or whether it's about Fauci and Daschuk and researching the gain of function.
But of course he's just reading off a teleprompter, but it's amazing how many lies you can cram into 45 seconds.
Then of course he's stumbling and fumbling and bumbling through his words.
And then he just blatantly lies about Southwest Airlines.
He didn't write that speech.
He's just reading off a teleprompter.
Can you believe how evil these people are, though, to do that to Joe Biden?
Again, I'm not standing up for Joe Biden.
I don't think he's a good person, but what a blatant lie to say that the Southwest Airlines problem is not because of vaccine mandates when they've admitted it and everybody knows it.
That's like putting something on Biden's teleprompter that says the sun
Rises in the West and sets in the East, and we're battling misinformation about that.
The whole world knows that's a lie, but he's just reading off a teleprompter.
So, I mean, it's almost a sick game that they're doing to Joe Biden at this point.
Making him tell these blatant lies for the public to hear.
Saying, oh, the vaccine mandate was not the problem with the Southwest Airlines.
Everybody knows that was the problem.
The CEO came out and said as much.
Multiple pilots have gone on record.
Flight attendants have gone on record.
And then he says, oh, it has nothing to do with the vaccine and it's not meant to divide us and we're battling misinformation.
Lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.
And yes, there is the video at InfoWars.com.
Where a bunch of workers on a construction site were told that it was 300 plus workers told that they had to have the vaccine or they'd lose their job.
They all walked off the site.
And then what happened?
The foreman said, wait, come back.
You don't have to take the vaccine.
Forget it.
We didn't mean it.
No, we didn't mean it.
Of course.
Perhaps Biden, perhaps Fauci, perhaps the Democrats would have preferred they walked off the job, because then the economy could keep collapsing.
Then the supply chain would keep collapsing.
And now they're trying to prop up Pete Buttigieg, who's supposed to be responsible for all of this.
Of course, he was just a plant.
And I'll have more information on that coming up in the next segment as well.
The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware that there's a war between three individuals and nation-states on one side, and the globalist on the other, who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
From the United States to Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations were pulling out of the private, corporate, fascist world government.
That's why they launched their Great Reset, and their program after collapsing us of Build Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down, vertical consolidation of the world economy.
And because they couldn't take our guns, and because we wouldn't bow, because the left, which is the ideology of this world government system, couldn't win, they released a biological weapon on us.
People ask me all the time, Alex, the last three months or so, you've had explosive energy on top of your already very intense level of energy.
What's happening?
Well, it's the things that are happening in the world right now that's got my blood up.
But also, I've gotten back in the groove of religiously taking three products every single day.
DNA Force Plus that's back in stock.
Also, X2 Deep Earth Crystal Iodine that's essential for your immune system, your whole body.
And of course, at night time, Down and Out Sleep Aid that makes me have deeper, cleaner, restful sleep that again, boosts my immune system and is good for every cell in my body and great for the spirit.
All three of these products are in stock right now.
They are 40% off in the case of DNA Force Plus, and 50% off for one week only on Survival Shield X2.
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This is the Trifecta.
I suggest you check it out and experience what this does for your body today.
It's time to protect your privacy.
It's time to come to grips with the fact that even though you don't have anything to hide, criminals, hackers, corporations, big tech, government are stealing all of your data and creating a map and a database of where you go and what you do.
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InfoWars Emergency Supply Chain Breakdown Sale is only running for one week from Monday, October 11th for seven days.
That's because a bunch of these products that we have in stock
Are you?
Coming up in one week, it will go back to full price and we probably won't have more for up to six months, ladies and gentlemen.
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They're going to go back to 10% off in a week as well.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, everything InfoWars forecasted is coming true!
And the World Economic Forum has just released a video that just
Vindicates InfoWars, maybe even more than ever.
And let me just say this before I pitch to the video, and I do have some B-roll of this, guys, if you just want to roll B-roll of clip 20.
Honestly, there was so much of this, I just didn't even bother sending it all to the crew, but it's Switzerland, it's Italy, it's France, it's just all across the planet in Europe.
Massive demonstrations, millions of people out in the streets against the COVID-19 vaccine mandates, against the vaccine passports, against all of it.
And in some places it's getting worse and more violent.
In other places the cops are saying, no, no, no, you have the right to do this, we're on your side, and they'll lay down their helmets and such.
But the resistance to this is definitely on, but you see there's a plan in place.
And so the new world order is not going to stop.
They're not going to just end their plan for a one-world government because of a bunch of peasants, as they see it, are out in the streets protesting.
So I don't know what they're going to do in response, but they're definitely not going to relent.
It doesn't matter that the world is rejecting it.
It doesn't matter the world is ready to go back to normal and done playing COVID.
They're never going to stop until their plan is complete for world government population control, total tyranny, by the year 2030.
And they need this.
So they're not going to stop just because we don't want it.
They've been ready for this.
They've been preparing for this.
And then also, as a side note, in Lebanon, things are really reaching a fever pitch, and really getting out of control in Lebanon, especially in Beirut, guys, you just roll B-roll of clip 22, where now there's just open gun rallies happening, where thousands of men are taking to the streets fully armed, locked and loaded.
As I'm perceiving as a message to their government to stop destroying their country.
So, this is the face-off of free humanity and citizens of planet Earth versus the one world, new world order, total tyrannical government.
And I don't want to see it happen.
I'd like to see us just stop this all today, tomorrow, and let's just get back to living life, living free, living prosperous.
Pursuing happiness.
Let's stop playing COVID.
Let's stop with the government tyranny wanting to run our lives.
But sadly, I don't think my wish is going to come true.
Now, this might be the most vindicative moment of vindication ever.
This video from the World Economic Forum.
And we can go back and show you clips, and we've done it of, you know, Alex Jones decades ago predicting this, or myself and others at the beginning of the pandemic predicting exactly this.
And so it's kind of a weird thing where I think that we may delay their plans a little bit just because they don't want to prove us totally right.
But eventually they have to come out and admit all of this is going on so InfoWars will always be vindicated on all this stuff.
So here is the latest video from the World Economic Forum totally vindicating InfoWars again.
This was always the plan.
COVID-19 passports, the mark of the beast, whatever you want.
This was always the plan.
This was always the agenda.
We told you this was coming.
Now here they are going public with it in the latest video from the World Economic Forum.
This app could help revive global travel and large events during the pandemic, enabling people to visit countries, conferences, and sports events safely.
Users will have their blood screened at an approved COVID pass laboratory before being issued with a secure QR health visa code via their phone, which they can present at airline check-in, borders, or event entrances.
The digital passport doesn't include tracing technology.
Preserving data privacy while saving time and money.
COVID Pass's creators say that by using blood test data, it is 100% reliable and could ensure only non-infectious people travel across borders while monitoring access to concerts, conferences, and pilgrimages.
It uses real-time automated epidemic epidemiological data that could help countries manage future waves of COVID-19 or other epidemics without the need for a total lockdown.
The COVID Pass plans to launch in September.
It commits to mandatory carbon offsetting for each of its passengers to preserve the environmental benefits of reduced air travel during the crisis.
Global travel and tourism have been devastated by the pandemic.
International arrivals are predicted to be down by 78%.
Airline passengers' demand may not recover till 2024.
While millions of jobs in tourism are at risk.
The virus has pushed back events worldwide, including Olympics.
But COVID Pass could help revive tourism and entertainment and make it safe from uplink.
So there you go!
I don't know when they produced that video.
It's the first time I've seen it.
And I was trying to read off the things there, so that's why I kind of scrambled that one part.
I was trying to keep up with the words in that video.
But so there you go.
Now see?
Notice how they said they had to take your blood to prove it?
They already had it in plan, folks.
They already had it in plan.
They already had a way to trade it.
The vaccine is just ceremonious, folks.
The vaccine does nothing.
That's just about the medical tyranny and setting the precedent that they can do whatever they want to your body.
They can experiment on you, put whatever they want in you.
That's all that is.
It's really all about being inside of your body and now forcing you to give blood anytime you want to travel.
And they just admit it right there in that video in the World Economic Forum.
And so see, that blood sample is going to be what it's really all about.
It's not about your vaccine card or your vaccine status.
It's about that blood sample.
And that blood sample will make sure that you've taken all your necessary vaccines.
So that you can now have freedom to travel again.
And again, the whole notion, and this is the biggest lie of all of it, that a pandemic or a virus has done this to a planet.
Governments have done this to the planet.
Corporations that have signed on with the governments have done this to the planet.
None of this had to happen.
Tourism never had to stop.
Borders never had to be closed because of a virus.
Vaccine passports were never necessary.
Shutting down of businesses, shutting down of the economy, ending shipping, all this stuff.
None of it had to happen.
Zero, zilch, nada.
None of it ever had to happen.
Not a single one of it ever had to happen.
And a virus didn't do it.
A virus didn't beam down from the sky and say, I'm shutting down planet Earth.
No, the government did this to us and they're blaming the virus.
The virus is their scapegoat.
The virus is their tool.
That's why they made it in a lab and released it.
Oh, man.
So you know what?
Let's go to this in clip 19.
There was a big rally in New York against vaccine mandates, and a lady got on the stage, got the microphone, and had some pretty choice words.
And so here she is in clip 19.
This is war.
Be prepared for war.
You have to have it in your heart.
You have to have it in your mind and your soul to be ready.
Just like our military does, and they do it every single day.
They don't think about, oh, I want to take a break today.
No, they do it every single day, every waking moment.
They're Minutemen.
They get up and go.
We have to be Minutemen for freedom.
We have to be Minutemen in New York City.
We have to stand for this and believe it.
The pettiness gotta stop.
The division has to stop.
Because that's what they're looking for.
They're looking for us to fight internally, to be divided.
We're not divided, we're united.
By every race, color, religion, creed, we're united.
And we have to walk by that, we have to talk by that, and our actions have to show it.
We stand for our children.
We stand for our educators.
We stand for our healthcare workers.
We stand for our law enforcement.
I appreciate every single one of you.
I know BLM.
Yeah, BLM, they had their run amok.
They destroyed the city last year.
I don't claim that.
But I do claim that you all put your lives on the line to protect us every single day, and I appreciate that.
Guys, give it up for the NYPD.
And just like the teacher said, he made a good point, eventually it's going to be a time that you're going to have to make a choice to serve your oath.
And I am hoping in my heart
That you guys serve your oath.
And if you do, 100%, you have an army of freedom fighters that will protect you every single day.
Whether we gotta wait outside your homes and protect you, whether we gotta walk your kids to school because you're worried about somebody messing with them, we got your back 100%.
Back to you all.
We have to support them.
We have to support our military.
We have to support our city servants who are going out there every single day that has stood up for what was right for them and their body and against what this mayor is trying to do to destroy us and divide us.
We won't have it.
We won't stand for it.
I know damn sure I'm not going to stand for it.
I'm not standing for division.
God did not create division.
God created us as one.
So what do you think about that video out of New York City?
Alright, when we come back, we will be entering the third hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm gonna really do my best to just news blitz as quickly as I can, because I'd like to take some phone calls now.
In fact, I'm thinking about just skipping all this news and just taking calls, but it's too important not to.
But I got a couple things I need to do first.
I'm trying to do at least two segments of calls here, just because I want to hear from you on all this epicness.
But first, did you know that there was an insurrection in D.C.
Well, I guess that depends on your definition of that and who you're asking, but no.
A bunch of leftists, being described as climate terrorists, tried to break into the Department of the Interior yesterday in Washington, D.C.
Physically tried to break in.
Did you hear about that in the news?
Did you hear major outcries?
Is there going to be a big investigation into that?
So here's the video yesterday.
Of climate activists getting into physical confrontations with police as they tried to force their way into the Department of the Interior.
Here it is.
Not at that tree!
Not at that tree!
Not at that tree!
Not at that tree!
Protect the water rights!
Protect the water!
Protect the water!
Shut down Line 3!
Shut down Line 3!
So there you go.
So how is it, again, think about it.
Every leftist group, whether it's BLM or Antifa or these climate activists,
All the summer of 2020 did over two billion dollars of property damage, burned churches, dozens of murders, thousands of hospitalizations, destroyed businesses, destroyed private property, destroyed federal property, no big investigation, no big claims, barely any outrage at all.
In fact, it was called peaceful, it was called a good thing, and the FBI says, no, we're not interested in monitoring any of that.
They just actually did real crimes and real damage, so the FBI's not interested in that.
How is that possible?
And now here you are today, perhaps the best juxtaposition
Against what we've seen as political persecution in this country, where leftist activists are now allowed to force their way into federal buildings, violently and physically force their way into federal buildings?
Do you think there'll be any charges there?
I'm going to be careful what I say here for obvious reasons, but you know, there are individuals that didn't even go into the Capitol building, didn't even do anything illegal that day.
That have had to be in court because of it, that have had charges against them.
Will there be any charges against that?
With no evidence, by the way.
No evidence of any of the claims, but charges against them.
Will there be any charges against those people that actually, violently, tried to enter a federal building and actually committed crimes?
Will there be any investigations?
Will there be any charges?
There won't be!
Because I guess the left gets to do whatever they want.
The left gets to live lawlessly.
We have a two-tiered justice system in this country where the left gets to riot, and murder, and loot, and burn, and destroy, and actually go into federal buildings, force their way into federal buildings, and not a damn word from the FBI, not a damn word from the media, not a damn word from the Department of Justice, and not a damn word from law enforcement, as none of them will face charges, none of them will be investigated, none of them will be called out by the media.
But you know what happens if you're a Trump supporter and you stand in the wrong place.
You're going to have multiple charges against you.
You're going to have the FBI coming at you.
And you're going to have to have your day in court.
But not these guys that actually committed the crimes.
Not these guys that actually did all the crimes that innocent people are being accused of.
No, not them.
They're allowed to do whatever they want.
They're allowed to violently force their way into federal buildings.
They're allowed to riot, and loot, and burn, and destroy, and murder, and everything else, all year long, whenever the hell they want, with no repercussions.
And you know, I got a video today.
Of a man appearing to get stomped to death at a gas station that I'm debating whether I should even show or not.
But see, this is what happens in a lawless community.
There is only one section of the country that is actually in fear of law enforcement right now, and that's American patriots because they're being persecuted.
You're a violent criminal in the street, you can literally curb stomp a guy to death in broad daylight and nothing happens.
You can rob till your heart's content in broad daylight and nothing happens.
Could you imagine a year ago walking into a bank with your face covered?
Could you imagine even going into the grocery store?
Do you think they would let you in?
Do you think they would be following you in the aisles to make sure that you weren't going to be shoplifting?
Could you imagine going up to a gas station and going inside the little mini mart to pay for your gas with a bandana on?
How far do you think that would get you?
Could you imagine as a teacher showing up to school with a shield that looks like a space
Those things are offensive to us because it interferes with normal human interaction.
The globalists are running a psychological war for operational humanity.
Only waking up to the Great Reset and its tyranny will save us.
And the mask is the sign of slavery.
We must inform the public that it's a fraud, and that it's dangerous, and that it causes major medical issues, and it's dehumanizing.
And the film COVIDland does that.
Secure your copy now at covidland.com and get a free copy of Endgame with your purchase.
Alright, here's what I'm going to do.
I am going to pile drive through this news because I want to take phone calls.
Just to get your reaction to all of this, your thoughts on the current state of the world.
So let me not delay any further.
Let's just get right down to business here.
We do have a story at Infowars.com covering this.
This is a big leftist who's worked with the New York Times, Washington Post.
He claims he's some tech secretary.
I'm not sure if any government official position has been confirmed from Chris Vickery.
But he has this long thread on Twitter.
Starts with this.
Set a date now.
After that date, no hospital services for the willingly unvaccinated.
Seriously, pick a date now.
Broadcast this fact widely.
After the chosen date, anyone choosing to refuse the COVID-19 vaccine can deal with the consequences of that choice alone.
And he goes on to say all this other stuff.
So yeah, you're all about freedom, aren't you, Chris?
You love freedom.
No, you're a fascist, is what you are.
You're a tyrant and a fascist.
And a sick freak at that.
But imagine this.
Chris Vickery, I guarantee you, at some point in his life, has spouted off some semblance of the words, my body, my choice.
Oh, I guess you're a liar and a fraud, Chris.
Chris Vickery, at some point in his life, has probably uttered some semblance of the words, healthcare is a human right.
Oh, I guess you're a liar and a fraud on that, too, aren't you, Chris?
That's all you are.
You're a liar, a fraud, a fascist, and a tyrant.
How does that taste?
And now the whole world knows it.
So, congratulations.
This is who they are.
This is who the left is.
They're total frauds and phonies, and they're fascists and tyrants.
Hey, my body, my choice, but take this experimental medication now!
Healthcare is a human right!
Unless you don't have a vaccine, then you don't get anything.
I'm anti-fascist.
Fascists are bad, but I want big pharmaceutical companies running our planet.
That's Chris Vickery.
Another lying, fraud, fascistic tyrant.
Posing as a liberal.
German state allows food stores to ban the unvaccinated.
I bet the left loves that.
Just going full Nazi.
Full Nazi.
The left has gone full Nazi.
Remember that hospital that got caught faking COVID patients by using mannequins?
Yeah, they got caught.
Now they've admitted it.
Error in judgment.
CBC Edmonton regrets mannequin use in COVID-19 news reports.
Yeah, nice try.
You got caught faking it.
And then they got caught lying again.
Dr. Dina Henshaw apologizes and says Albertitine didn't actually die from COVID.
So they lied about a kid dying from COVID to virtue signal about how bad it is to get you to take a vaccine.
Oh, they lied.
The family said, wait, they didn't die from COVID.
And then they had to come out and say, all right, we lied.
The kid didn't die from COVID.
We just wanted to lie to you to trick you into taking a vaccine.
We're sorry.
By the way, Bill Clinton is in the hospital, and they want you to know that it's not from COVID.
All the headlines, Bill Clinton hospitalized with non-COVID infection.
Former President Clinton hospitalized with non-COVID infection.
All of them say non-COVID infection.
Boy, it's really weird.
Of course, he's fully vaccinated, so they wouldn't want that to get out.
I could do this all day long with defiant L's on Twitter.
It's just all these leftists, all these liberals, all these Democrats that were against the vaccine last year, now they tell you you have to take the vaccine or you don't get any rights this year.
And so it's just another example like Chris Vickery.
All these liberal leftists are lying, phony frauds.
They're what would be equivalent to the modern-day Nazi, and everybody knows it.
And so I could do Defiant L's all day long, showing the lies and the fraud of these people, but we're just going to move on for now.
And I found this hilarious.
This is a new popular Halloween costume being promoted.
The sexy vaccine costume.
What a joke.
And it's really just a tiny little dress that makes you look like you're naked and then a headband with a vaccine on it.
So, uh, just more evidence of the clown world.
Boy, oh boy, oh boy.
Let's just move on here.
Now remember that the left was all about the Hatch Act when Trump was in president.
Oh, violations of the Hatch Act, violations of the Hatch Act, they wanted arrest.
Well, here's Jen Psaki violating the Hatch Act for now the second time.
First, they were stumping on the press conference room in the White House for Gavin Newsom.
Now they're stumping for Terry McAuliffe.
That is a blatant violation of the Hatch Act.
But there will be no punishment.
The Democrats are above the law.
Internal police documents reveal what was obvious.
Shooting of Ashley Babbitt was for no good reason, and yet her killer walks free.
That's the headline from the Gateway Pundit.
So even internally, the Capitol Police know that the shooting of Ashley Babbitt was for no good reason.
And of course, if the skin colors were reversed of Ashley Babbitt and Michael Byrd, cities would be burning to the ground and Black Lives Matter would be up in arms.
But that's just because they're controlled by the Democrat Party.
It's kind of like there's these headlines now, what happened to football players taking a knee?
What happened to Black Lives Matter activists in sports?
Well, it's not an election year.
That's a Democrat front.
So you're not going to see BLM activity on a non-election year.
Come on now.
Former FBI official Andrew McCabe win backs full pension in lawsuit settlement after getting fired for lying to feds under oath.
He gets his pension.
That corrupt fed, caught lying to feds, gets his pension back.
This country is so corrupt, man.
So corrupt at the top.
Infowars has the story from Zero Hedge.
Here is the hidden $150 trillion agenda behind the crusade against climate change.
Yes, just let the government steal your money and make you poor to fight climate change, as they say.
And then here's some of the dastardly effects.
Inflation is across the board.
People need to get used to higher prices, says Kraft Heinz, CEO.
Yeah, just get used to it.
Just get used to being poor.
Get used to being an indentured servant, get used to being a peasant, because that's what you are as a human.
And it's funny, Raw Egg Nationalist points this out, who I'm going to be interviewing next week.
Despite all of the shelves being empty with all the produce and the food, there's one section that always seems to remain full, and that's the fake meat section.
Somehow the fake meat never seems to sell, even when people are starving.
And so here's what's going on with Pete Buttigieg and the supply chain shutdown.
Pete Buttigieg was told, you obviously have political aspirations, so we're willing to help you, we're the Democrat Party, so we'll give you a position in the Biden administration that'll help build your political profile.
All you have to do is nothing.
That's it.
All you have to do is nothing.
Just accept the position and then just go away and we'll do whatever and just do whatever we tell you to do.
So he's been missing in action.
The headline covering the story on Politico, can Pete Buttigieg have it all?
So he's been MIA for six weeks.
He's on paternity leave with his husband.
And he's been doing nothing because that's what he was told by the Democrat Party.
Now they're trying to prop him back up and say, oh, no, no, no, no.
He's been raising his child.
He's been breastfeeding his child.
You know.
They've been trying to figure out how, you know.
And so he's been just taking care of his kid for eight months.
That's all.
He's been on paternity leave.
That's why he's been doing nothing.
But then now all of a sudden, as the ports are becoming the big story and the supply chain shutdown is becoming a big story, now he's on CNN.
Now he's on MSNBC.
Now all of a sudden he's working again.
Port of Los Angeles prepares for 24-7 operations to tackle massive cargo backlog.
Oh, now all of a sudden they want to get the shipping in.
Now all of a sudden they want to get the cargo in.
Yeah, because they got caught sabotaging the U.S.
economy intentionally, and then Ron DeSantis said, Florida ports are open, bring them all here.
So they all were about to go to Florida, and then they said, no wait!
No wait!
You can come into California.
It's okay now.
Come on in.
It's kind of like the workers that walked out after they got the vaccine mandate announced, and then they said, no wait, fine!
You don't have to take the vaccine, just come back!
Hundred million dollar border wall discarded in field while Biden still pays contractors not to build it.
So we spent the money on the supplies.
They got wasted.
We had a contract with the builders of the wall that we're still paying off to the tunes of hundreds of millions of dollars to do nothing.
And we're paying billions of dollars for all the illegal immigrants that are coming in that we have to feed and clothe and shelter.
More economic financial sabotage against this country by the Democrat Party.
They do it in elections, too!
Michigan nursing home employee, caregiver of legally incapacitated persons, charged with voter fraud.
That's right, folks.
A Democrat nursing home employee in Michigan, who is taking care of incapacitated elderly people, was voting for them.
Voted for them.
Oh, there's no voter fraud?
There's nothing to see here?
Uh, except this happens all the time.
And by the way, there were multiple employees that got charged with this.
It wasn't just the one.
So this is what they do.
Nursing homes, where there's elderly people that can't think for themselves but can vote?
The Democrats vote for them.
They've been caught doing it dozens of times, and here's another person charged with voter fraud, a Democrat.
But they say it doesn't exist, guys!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
What are the consequences of having an open border?
Well, beyond just the financial consequences, how about some of the dangerous individuals?
Islamic terrorists who planned Kalashnikov attack arrived in Spain as illegal boat migrant.
An Islamic terrorist with ISIS links who planned to carry out a deadly attack arrived in Spain as an illegal boat migrant.
Authorities have revealed that story from Paul Joseph Watson at Infowars.com.
How about in America?
Another convicted child molester arrested after illegally crossing the U.S.
Another, that's right, another, another rapist crossing the southern border getting into our country that we're paying for them to be here.
That story by Cassandra Fairbanks is at the Gateway Pundit.
Now, this story is so shocking and horrifying and disgusting, I can't even believe I have to cover it.
But you know what?
I forgot to give out the phone number.
I want to take calls starting in the next segment.
I'm going to be able to get through this news here, and I'll do a couple segments of phone calls before Mike Adams takes over with breaking exclusive news, and then stay tuned to InfoWars and Banned Out Video, because Alex Jones, upon arrival any minute now, is going to be filing special reports.
But the number to call in, 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, anything I've covered so far today is fair game.
I'm just wondering, what is your energy factor right now?
What is your energy factor?
How are you feeling about the current developments?
Are you feeling good?
Are you feeling bad?
Do you think it's just going to get worse?
Is there a glimmer of hope on the horizon?
What are you feeling today as I'm covering all of this insane news?
So, of course you've heard about this, we've been covering it at Ausium, but it shouldn't be stopped being covered.
This is unbelievable.
Loudon schools did not record multiple alleged sexual assaults, rapes, over a period of years, despite state law.
So apparently this has been a problem at this school for a long time and they haven't been reporting it and then it came out that they didn't want to report specific instances because it was involving a boy who would dress like a girl go into the female restroom and rape girls and this happened multiple times but they were trying to pass a transgender bathroom bill and they were trying to put in
They were trying to affirm that transgender individuals could go into whatever bathroom they like, boys or girls.
So they didn't want this story to go out.
So they knew that there had been a rape in their bathroom.
And instead of filing the report, which is the law, and common sense, to any good and decent person, they decided instead they were going to cover it up, not file a report, and they just transferred that individual to a different high school.
Well, then that individual did it to another girl.
And then of course the father of one of the girls that got sexually molested by this crossdresser in the girls bathroom ended up getting arrested.
He's had more punishment from law enforcement than the actual alleged rapist.
And they covered it all up.
Democrats covered it all up so they could pass a bill to let boys go into the girls' bathroom.
And they knew if there were stories out there of boys going into the girls' bathroom and raping girls, that it wouldn't pass.
So they covered it up.
These are sick, diabolical people.
Why would we trust them with anything?
As Drew Hernandez points out the irony,
The Loudoun County School District dismissed a teenage boy rape of a ninth grade girl and simply moved him to a new high school when they found out.
Yet a 16-year-old girl in Wyoming gets suspended and arrested for not wearing a face mask.
There's your clown world, ladies and gentlemen.
Loudoun County family to sue public schools over negligence in daughter's alleged restroom rape by gender-fluid predator.
You know, I'm actually fully against, I would say probably 99% of the time, non-violent offenders should not go to jail.
I don't like non-violent offenders going to jail.
I believe there's other means and courses that we can take to deal with this.
But to me, covering up an alleged rape
And then allowing that rapist to go free that ends up raping another person?
To me that's not a non-violent offender.
That is a violent offender.
People need to go to jail for what happened in Loudoun County.
But it's not just Virginia doing this, folks.
It's everywhere.
But thank God here in Texas we're not going to have boys raping girls in high school bathrooms and have it being covered up by Democrats.
Texas House passes bill banning transgender athletes from participating in school sports based on their gender identity.
Now you think
Imagine that.
You know what?
I think boys should compete with boys.
I think girls should compete with boys.
Why would you even say that?
That's a given.
Why are you saying that?
Oh, not a given anymore!
Now boys get to compete against girls and just run all over them and set state records in all these other states.
Won't be happening here in Texas.
Other good things coming out of Texas.
Federal judge in Texas says United Airlines must pause its vaccine mandate for employees seeking religious exemption.
Texas Supreme Court rules against San Antonio School District's vaccine mandate.
Texas Supreme Court temporarily blocks San Antonio School District vaccine mandate.
So our Attorney General Ken Paxson needs to be protected at all costs.
The man is a legend.
Fighting for common sense.
Let alone our rights.
Now you have another disturbing story coming out of Boeing.
Here's the story headline from the Seattle Times.
Boeing's former chief technical pilot on 737 Max indicted on fraud charges, but it's worse.
Here's from Mike Baker.
Earlier this year, the Fed signed an agreement that let Boeing executives off the hook for the 737 MAX catastrophes, which killed 346 people.
So the one guy took the heat.
The one technical pilot got the brunt of this.
The executives got let go.
You want to know what happened?
The lead prosecutor, Aaron Neely Cox, took a job with the firm that led Boeing's criminal defense.
They clearly cut a deal.
So the executives cut a deal.
I mean, this is so clear to me.
They cut a deal with the prosecution.
Hey, let us off the hook for this.
We'll give you a fall guy.
Let us off the hook and we'll bring you in to work for Boeing with a extremely lucrative deal.
And now that's exactly what has happened.
This is why you have to have small government.
I covered it earlier.
All the people that go from the CDC or the FDA or all these other places to Pfizer and Moderna and Monsanto.
Yeah, you want to know why big corporations never get held responsible and continue to get away with mass crimes?
Because they cut deals with the government!
And we just get let down every time.
Every time.
A couple of headlines here before I take calls in the next segment.
Nuclear-powered France has electricity prices nearly half of the green-powered Germany.
They don't want you to have cheap energy.
Yeah, they don't want that.
They don't want you to have any energy, actually.
They want it all shut down.
Biden begs OPEC and U.S.
oil companies to pump more oil as prices surge after he cracked down on U.S.
So imagine, their policies destroy the economy.
Their policies destroy the supply chain, and then in a panic, they reopen everything back up.
Their policy causes energy prices to skyrocket, and then in a panic, they beg the energy sector to cut their prices.
So it's like, they cause all these problems, and then they have to rush to try to fix them when it's so obvious that that's exactly what was going to happen.
And you know, this is how bad it is now.
Yes, the IRS wants to spy on every American's bank account to hold billionaires accountable.
That's their excuse.
600 billionaires in the U.S., so let's spy on every U.S.
citizen to hold them accountable.
What a BS lie.
But now you can buy pizza and pay over six weeks.
I'm not even kidding you.
They have payment plans for pizza deals with Uber Eats and others where you can pay out your pizza bill over six weeks.
Boy, when you're putting pizza on layaway,
Clearly there is economic struggle happening and coming.
Your call is on the other side.
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And you know what?
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world.
It's very, very simple, but that most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure,
Intellectual property, energy, they're using it to buy people, to buy influence, and in the past they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything, not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset, this is what's happening now.
I warn everyone, it's the only way to stop it.
I want to be very clear.
The fact that InfoWars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
It is the fault of the globalists.
When we can get enough of our great supplements and other products in, we're able to sell enough of it to stay on air and, quite frankly, even expand in the face of the New World Order.
But because of the supply chain breakdowns that were very easy to predict for the global lockdowns that were designed to do that, we have had real problems getting our best-selling products in.
Some of them take up to 10 months to get in.
We've had to discontinue some of our products because we just...
We're good to go.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Schroyer.
Well, it's a crazy time to be alive, is it not?
You're getting to experience and live through world government tyranny, medical tyranny, in a communistic, fascistic fashion.
You're living it.
You're experiencing it right now.
And we all have the choice if this is the future we want to have or not.
And so that's why you're seeing the resistance, but that's also why you're seeing the brainwashed masses go along with it.
It's typical whenever this paradigm plays out.
It's just on a larger scale than ever right now because of the technology that shrinks the world.
Now, I'm about to go to your phone calls.
I found this funny last night.
Just one of the forms of resistance, the Let's Go Brandon family-friendly version of F Joe Biden.
Is Let's Go Brandon.
In case you don't know the back story, there was a race that happened and after the race, the winner of the race was being interviewed and all the race fans behind the interviewer were chanting, F Joe Biden, F Joe Biden.
Clearly you could hear it.
It was all on live TV.
And she goes, oh look, they're saying Let's Go Brandon.
So that's become the family-friendly version of F Joe Biden.
And then this made it onto the baseball playoffs last night.
The MLB playoffs.
Somebody holding a Let's Go Brandon sign right behind home plate.
So, I understand people think this is weak.
I think it's fun.
I actually like it.
I think it's family-friendly.
And it'll cause people to look up, hey, what's this Let's Go Brandon thing?
And you can't just say F Joe Biden everywhere.
So, I like it.
I think it's fun.
And it penetrated the Major League Baseball playoffs last night.
Kind of like Trump won banners were held at playoff games.
And I have a feeling that you're going to see more of this in professional sports as we salute the great athletes that are standing up against the vaccine mandates.
Jonathan Isaac continues to fight the good fight, Kyrie Irving and others.
But let's go to your phone calls now.
And let's start with William calling in from California.
William, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Can you hear me, sir?
Hi, Owen.
Thanks for taking my call.
Um, you know, I, um, I have an interesting, I have a fun time doing a comparative analysis between you guys and, uh, the stuff that's, uh, enforced out here on the TV, uh, tongue-in-cheek.
Uh, you know, if it isn't, uh, Newt Gingrich, it's, uh, your lieutenant governor just last night being cut off when he's, uh, saying probably one of the most direct things we should be just saying over and over and over again.
All this, all this other fluff.
Really should just be set to the side window dressing.
You know the bottom line is we have a war at the border.
We have extermination going on with these deadly vaccines and we're too busy talking about you know Kamala's new makeup or whatever she's doing.
No see you just hit it on the head exactly and this is why I mean even I feel like I fall for this trick too.
I fall into the trap too but it's like
Oh, don't say that!
That's extreme!
Don't talk about war!
That's violent!
Don't say this!
No, there is a war at the southern border!
There is a war over body autonomy!
There is an economic war right now!
There is a geopolitical war!
There is a war for the future of humanity!
That's the reality, but it's, oh, don't say that!
That's too harsh!
We can't, no, no, no!
And I guess they cut off Ken Paxton last night, because he was talking about the reality of this.
Well, you know, I called in, better part of eight, nine months ago,
And I said, you know, we we need to have our Braveheart moment.
When are we going to say that's enough?
You know, when when are we going to say that is enough?
You know, when they're shoveling us into the FEMA camps, you know, when people are dropping by the thousands and they're trying to cover it up more and more because, you know, thousands are dying now.
But what happens when millions
Are, you know, are dying.
Well, they'll just blame COVID and they'll just say that that is their excuse to press down on humanity even more.
The lies will just never end, I know.
And, you know, we need to, I don't know, just cut it down to one thing.
You're being exterminated.
Start fighting back.
Push back.
This is not a game anymore.
You know, I don't understand why we're playing tiddlywinks when they're, when they're killing us, man.
Well, look, I mean, we know the hospital protocols have killed thousands of people.
We know the vaccines have killed thousands of people.
We have the numbers now.
More people have supposedly died of COVID since the vaccine rollout than before the vaccine rollout.
They just admitted it in Taiwan with the data.
They've admitted it in the U.S.
with the data.
But somehow, those stories don't seem to impact anything.
Well, you know, and when you turn on, uh, you know, I'm not going to mention any names, but, uh, you know, Tucker's the only one that really kind of skirts it.
I mean, you can almost hear what he's being told in the back room.
Um, but, uh, it's, it's really horrifying when, when they're telling them to pipe down or, Oh, don't let him say that.
Cut him off.
Cut him off.
Remember they told somebody they couldn't talk about George Soros on the air too.
Yeah, Gingrich, yeah.
I'm the Speaker of the House.
I mean, to treat the man like he's like, well, you know, I don't know.
I don't know, Owen.
I'm horrified, and I wish somebody would call me and say, we need people down here to help on the border.
I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs, waiting, just waiting, and I guess we're all going to hang separately.
I guess that's how it's going to work.
Well, there's no doubt there is a mass awakening happening.
It's just a matter of what is that going to mean?
What kind of impact is that going to have?
Because you know that the agenda for the New World Orders, they're not going to stop.
They're not going to give up just because there is a resistance.
They're going to remain strong in their pursuit of world domination.
So, we'll see what happens as the Great Awakening versus the Great Reset continues.
Thanks for the call, William.
Let's go to Taylor in Washington.
Taylor, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen the Liberal Destroyer!
How's it going?
Thanks for calling.
I'm good, Taylor.
Good, good.
So I can tell you as a FedEx courier here in a rural area, there's a lot of people that are awake, but a lot of people that are asleep as well.
And on your topic of the Let's Go Brandon, I was talking to one of my customers and she said that her shirts are already on order.
But I will go further and say that we were talking about what, you know, how did this all come about, and we both kind of agree that it's the people.
A lot of the people have fallen for a lot of, just a lot of disillusion, you know?
Yeah, it's sad that they still fall for all of it, but we unfortunately become victims of the left's ignorance and brainwashing.
Yeah, I like the previous caller's point about, you know, when is the line going to be drawn?
I've heard this everywhere.
It's nauseating.
I listen to a lot of Mike Adams as well, but it's just crazy when you go up to a customer and you say, crazy times, huh?
And they go, what do you mean?
I mean, that's the really odd moment.
Well, it's hard not to look around and see all this going on, but it also is something that's not new to humanity either.
Eventually, everybody's going to be involved in this in some way, shape, or form.
It's going to be impossible to avoid and ignore.
Taylor, thank you so much for the call.
Let's go to Harold in Arizona.
Harold, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Owen?
Just calling you to say I don't see this ship righting itself in any time soon, my friend.
Not without some major pushback from the majority of this U.S.
No one we look to for accountability seems able or willing to address any of these situations we find ourselves in.
The Republicans all seem like they're on the same party as the Democrats.
I think Orwell summed it up best with his future prediction is it's going to be a boot-stomping on the face of humanity.
And I just don't think without a major U.S.
uprising or a little bit of, I don't know, oomph from the U.S.
population that we're going to have a chance of stopping this.
Here's the juxtaposition to put this into a practical, applicable situation.
We had a fake Russian collusion narrative that had three years of an investigation, three years of media coverage, three years of being the biggest story in the media, and it was totally fake, and everybody knew it was fake.
There was nothing there.
We had undercover CNN tapes.
They knew there was nothing there.
We know the Democrats ran the whole thing.
Now we know it was all paid for by Hillary Clinton.
Everybody knew it the whole time, but yet that was the big thing.
We all played with that for three years.
Now we have a situation where we know, on record, Anthony Fauci, Peter Dozik and others doing the viral research in the Wuhan lab with COVID-19.
That's where the virus came from.
That's where the outbreak came from.
That's where all this tyranny has come from.
And we don't get any fair investigation.
We don't have any media outrage.
So that just shows you how ridiculous it's all become.
Russian collusion, a made-up bullcrap story for three years, gets all of our attention and all this investigation, but the real story with Fauci in the Wuhan lab gets nothing.
The COVID-19 face diaper is a symbol of subservience, a symbol of slavery, a symbol of the chains that the medical tyranny combine controlled by the global private corporations has put in place.
It is the symbol of the permanent emergency from which we will never emerge.
It is the symbol that we are diseased and evil and bad and must cover our diseased criminal faces from the light of the sun.
It is the symbol of our complete and total absolute surrender to evil.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are crossing the Rubicon now.
The entire future destiny of humanity is upon us.
Klaus Schwab and the UN admit they're coming out with implantable microchips as part of the World ID and carbon taxes.
Things only get worse from here if we submit.
They only get better if we resist and say no.
Noncompliance, noncompliance, noncompliance.
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Thank you.
The purpose of fear is to call us into action, and there is plenty to be afraid of today.
Half the population has lined up for an untested, deadly, and debilitating experimental injection because they were told to be afraid of an invisible asymptomatic disease.
The perpetrators of all this have clearly stated their goal of having 80% of the population hooked up to an artificial intelligence hive mind in less than nine years.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Real world consequences in Loudoun County.
One of the main perpetrators of covering up the alleged rape in the bathroom has just resigned from the school board.
I think they see the future.
Mass crimes that they committed, it's not going to be good.
They thought they could get away with it.
They could get boys to go into the girls bathroom for whatever sick, demented, perverted reason that was such a priority to them.
We go back to the phone calls now though.
Let's go to Oliver in Pennsylvania.
Oliver, you're on the air, go ahead.
How you doing, Owen?
Okay, the mandate.
I'm good, thank you.
He did this four to six weeks ago, this so-called thing, mandate, mandate, mandate.
OSHA was supposed to write it up as law, but they haven't done nothing yet.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Nope, it is still just a press conference, a press release.
That's all it is.
So I told my wife,
I said, why are all these major companies, the airlines, all the big ones, if you don't have the shot by this date, you're fired.
The hospital, if you don't have the shot by this date, you're fired.
It's not even law yet.
Is it a head shake by them, just to get more people to take the jab?
My wife's company is a Catholic company, and it has a lot of African Americans working there.
And 70% of the African Americans there haven't got the shot and my wife hasn't got the shot either.
Well let me explain how this works.
This is how they do an end around with these illegitimate mandates.
They do a press release and a press conference and a media blitz talking about the vaccine mandate even though it doesn't actually exist.
And then the corporate government that's actually behind the scenes running things, executing the tyranny, they bring out the mandates and they have the background or the framing that it was a mandate from the government even though it doesn't exist.
So that's the end around that we're experiencing right now in America and in the world where it's actually a fascistic corporate world government
People just wake up, don't take the jab.
I'm not going to take it.
My wife's not going to take it.
My kids aren't going to take it at school.
I had a meeting at my school about my kids.
I said, if you mandate them to take the shot, don't give me the exemption like I always use, they'll be homeschooled.
Well, homeschooling is just going to continue to take off.
Homeschooling and private schools that don't mandate vaccines and masks are just going to continue to grow.
Oliver, thank you for the call.
Let's go to Jay in North Carolina.
Jay, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Yes, I've been trying to get in touch with you about your vehicle's warranty.
It's not up to date.
How you doing?
Okay, I'm alright.
I'm a little confused at what you just said, but go on.
Anyway, I'm a driver and I guess I owe you a little bit of an apology.
I owe InfoWars an apology.
Last time I was on, I was pretty fired up and I was talking
I was talking bad business, let's put it that way, with doing the wrong thing.
The country needs to stand up like your first caller and do something.
And I had a couple of ideas and I mentioned them and maybe it was a bad thing and I apologize.
But I am curious that out in California there was a video and there was a driver showing trucks and unfortunately I didn't get to actually see the video because I was just listening to you guys.
And I was wondering, that man that was out there waiting for the cranes to start moving, he said the cranes hadn't moved in like all day.
I was wondering if there's any video of the cranes actually moving.
And that DeSantis thing that you mentioned, having all the ships go over to the port over there or in Louisiana or anywhere else.
More of a... Okay, well here's what I think is going on, because this is all developing right now, so I can't really answer with certainty your questions, but so basically...
It was intentionally done by the Biden administration as an act of war against our economy to shut down shipping and shut down the ports and stop all the cargo and everything from coming in for whatever reason.
I mean, I guess they just hate America.
But what happened was there was so much pushback and really what made them make a move was Ron DeSantis said, we're going to open up all of our ports in Florida.
So you notice
All the cargo, all the tankers, everything's sitting offshore in California for months, just building up, building up, building up, not able to get in.
They're lying about what's going on.
And then DeSantis says, all right, you know what?
Our ports are open.
Everybody who's waiting to get their goods delivered, come on in.
Florida's open for business.
Then all of a sudden, the Biden administration's opened up the ports in California.
Then all of a sudden, the Democrats in California opened up the ports.
Then they said, all right, we're going to be working 24-7 to get all these goods into the United States.
And then Pete Buttigieg starts going on TV doing interviews.
So they were going to let it all sit out there forever.
Thank God Ron DeSantis made the move that forced them to make a move and bring all the goods back in that we were sitting offshore, but as far as if it's actually happening yet or not, I don't know.
This has all just been in development for the last 24 hours, so we'll probably have a better idea by Sunday night when we're live, or definitely by Monday next week.
Jay, thanks for the call.
Let's go to Simon in Florida.
Simon, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hi there, Owen.
Thank you for taking my call.
I'd just like to point out to you that in the passage that you read out from the new video from the World Economic Forum, the key item that you kind of glossed over was the sentence that said, COVID pass commits to mandatory carbon offsetting for each flight passenger to preserve the environmental benefits of reduced air travel
During the crisis.
Yeah, I mean, I could have I probably should do a full 10 minute segment breaking down each little tidbit in there.
I did just kind of breeze over it, but really what they're already admitting now, and I played the clip yesterday of the World Economic Forum admitting.
That all the COVID stuff was just a test run for the climate tyranny.
They're now admitting it.
They're not even hiding it anymore.
They're saying, yes, COVID was just a test run for the real mandates and impositions that are going to come with the climate tyranny.
The guy who invented the app, who's called Mustafa Morkaz, and I sent a very, very detailed article about him to your show.
What was his name again, one more time?
Let me finish the sentence, but his name is Mustafa Morkas.
Mustafa Morta?
He went to university in Oxford, Harvard, and Paris, and he worked for the World Bank and the UN, and he was one of the World Economic Forum's young global leaders.
He now works for the World Economic Forum, and his speciality is climate change finance.
Yeah, people need to understand this.
And I think that this is what Simon is trying to get at here.
Everything that you're seeing and experiencing and dealing with because of COVID is all just a test.
It's all just a tool.
It's all just a gateway.
It's all just a portal to the world government, which the ultimate agenda, because they can't do, they can't do the virus tyranny forever.
They can't do the medical tyranny forever.
They can do you, they can do fear mongering right now, but I mean.
Unless they release an actual bioweapon that killed, you know, 90% of people or whatever, eventually the fear is going to give out, eventually the medical tyranny and the mandates are not going to be publicly accepted, and it's just not going to work.
But they can do it maybe for a year or two, they'll make it go as long as they can, but they're admitting it's all about the climate tyranny.
Telling you you're a parasite on planet Earth, you're killing the planet, you're bad, you emit carbon, therefore you shouldn't exist.
That's why they tell you not to have kids, but I'll come back.
But just understand,
This whole thing has just been a test run, a tool, to bring in the real-world government tyranny, which is about climate change.
That's why they fear-monger over man-made climate change more than anything else.
Alright, let's squeeze in one more call, if we can, from Dustin in Kansas.
You got 60 seconds, Dustin, go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
Thanks for taking my call.
I just want you guys to know you guys are doing a good job, and I know Christy Lee, she was getting down on herself a little bit.
Tell her she's doing a good job as well, please.
I will.
She's hosting the War Room for me today, so I'll let her know.
Yeah, okay.
One thing you said earlier, you said that Pete Buttigieg, he was talking, or you said that maybe he's at home breastfeeding his kid.
My wife breastfeeded both of our kids, and she's actually still breastfeeding.
That just makes me sick.
Seeing videos and stuff like that, and then thinking, you know, it just drives me crazy.
But anyways... Oh, get used to seeing Pete Buttigieg.
I'm telling you, this whole thing is, they're building him up.
He's going to run for president again.
That's crazy.
Anyways, the main topic I want to talk about, I never really heard about anybody saying our democracy as much as until when Trump came in.
I think that our democracy is just the New World Order's secret way of saying it.
You know what I mean?
Well, yeah, and it's all about defeating the concept of the Republic, which is what we really are.
Sure, we have a democracy in which we vote, but the Republic is over the democracy, meaning you can't vote me into slavery, you can't vote away my rights.
We'll be right back.
I have the greatest sense of loss, deep in my heart, deep in my soul, I've ever had in my 47 years on this planet.
I've had a lot of loss, like everybody else has.
And it's because it's a loss of ancestral freedom that so many people fought and died and bled and sweat for.
And now we're just throwing it all away.
And I see the general public in a medically-induced, scientifically-induced, behavioral, psychologically-controlled,
And I know we're being fed into this globalist meat grinder and it's so incredibly sad, but this is the process of birth and then growth and then falling apart and then degenerating and collapsing and then coming back to life again.
It's just the globalists are actively trying to steer and control this process of decadence and collapse to actually end the species as we know it.
People ask me all the time, Alex, the last three months or so you've had explosive energy on top of your already very intense level of energy.
What's happening?
Well, it's the things that are happening in the world right now.
That's got my blood up.
But also, I've gotten back in the groove of religiously taking three products every single day.
DNA Force Plus that's back in stock.
Also, X2, Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, that's essential for your immune system, your whole body.
And of course, at night time, Down and Out Sleep Aid, that makes me have deeper, cleaner, restful sleep, that again, boosts my immune system and is good for every cell in my body and great for the spirit.
All three of these products are in stock right now.
They are 40% off in the case of DNA Force Plus and 50% off for one week only on Survival Shield X2.
And yes, until supplies last, we have down and out, 50% off at InfoWareStore.com.
This is their Trifecta.
I suggest you check it out and experience what this does for your body today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I keep seeing the establishment and the New World Order telling you how bad it is to have kids.
How you're an evil person if you have kids.
How the greatest crime that you can possibly commit is to have kids.
I've covered dozens of these articles at nauseam and I found this video.
It's a big rig driver getting home from work.
And his little boy sprints after him to embrace him in a hug.
I even love the hat spike.
He means business.
He doesn't have time.
He's got to be fully aerodynamic to go hug daddy.
And to just see the evil, satanic nature that kids are a crime against the planet.
Or that having kids is the worst thing you can do.
You're sick!
How can you watch this video?
How can you watch this little boy run after his daddy to embrace him in a hug and say that that's evil?
That should bring joy to anybody's heart, maybe even a tear to your eye.
And how evil is it?
How sick is it?
How twisted is it?
That there's an agenda right now to demonize having children, to demonize starting a family, to demonize that bond that you'll have with your children.
Nothing can replace that.
Nothing is equal to that.
So we're not going to take it.
We're going to keep having kids.
We're going to keep loving kids.
We're going to keep trying to stop you from murdering kids in the womb.
And we're going to fight back against your lies that having kids is a crime against the climate or a crime against humanity.
You sick, twisted demons.
This is the most wholesome thing you'll ever see today.
And there's an agenda to wipe it out.
It really says a lot, I think.
Heart Start to Overflow from the great Eric Clapton.
He's a freedom fighter.
He's standing against vaccines and vaccine mandates.
The writer of this song, he knows a little bit about the importance of having kids.
He lost a son, wrote a song about it.
Here's in Heaven, one of his most famous works.
So yeah, we're not gonna sit here and take your satanic agenda telling us we can't have kids.
We're not gonna sit here and listen to you tell us that having kids is evil.
We're not gonna sit here and have you try to murder hundreds of millions of more babies in the womb into the future.
Not gonna happen.
Figured I'd sign off for the week with a little bit of a good uplifting message here as Mike Adams is about to take over.
I know, Mike, you've got breaking news that you're going to be covering here coming up in the final hour of the Alex Jones Show.
But you know, Mike, what do you make of this?
And the crew can pull up some of these headlines as I'm about to sign off and hand the baton over to you.
But Mike, I mean, what do you make of this agenda?
Oh, we don't have Mike on with us?
But he is coming on.
All right, I'm not sure what's going on.
I got confused.
I thought I was going to be able to talk to Mike, and I'm being told I'm not.
But that's okay.
Mike Adams is going to take over.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to sign off.
Mike Adams is going to take over the fourth hour.
I will tell you, for a programming note, Christy Lee is going to be hosting the War Room for me today.
I will do this.
I was in court this morning.
I was just going to wait and I was just going to give the update on my court situation at the beginning of the war room.
So I'm still going to do that.
But you know a lot of people are tuned in here that have been praying for me and supporting me and giving me words of encouragement.
I was in court this morning.
So I'll just let you know.
Kind of relatively uneventful.
The only real thing to come out of this is that basically I'm back in court in December.
That's really it is.
So everything is still standing pat as it was previously and I am due back in court in December and we may have another update for you then.
Of course this means that the other cases I'm involved with are pending on the results of this case so it's just all being delayed right now.
But that's just an update on that.
Again, can't thank everybody enough for the prayers, the words of encouragement, and all the support that I've been getting in this process.
So, Mike Adams now takes over with breaking news, and Alex Jones is coming in studio to file some exclusive reports that'll be on Banned Out Video tonight.
And in addition, we were really finding that we were stressing the cardiopulmonary systems of these employees.
Because when you cover the mouth and nose and you exert physical energy...
...and forcibly exhale.
That taxes the heart.
It taxes the lungs.
And we have given people heart attacks by allowing them to work with their mouth and nose covered with absolutely no regulation, no oversight, no medical oversight.
The globalists have told us we're a disease.
They've told us they want to eradicate us.
And all the studies show that when you wear these masks, it lowers your oxygen level up to one-third and gives you dangerous levels of carbon dioxide poisoning.
This is a sick cult and we've got to say no.
But the only way the real science gets out to the public is if we tell them, get your copy today of COVIDland and expose them.
It's covidland.com.
Go there now.
All right, welcome, folks, to the fourth hour of the InfoWars broadcast for today, October 15th, Friday.
I'm Mike Adams, filling in today.
For the rest of the hour, I've got two great guests coming up.
First, for the first half of this hour, we've got a guest who's blowing the whistle on the COVID relief fund money and how it's being distributed to states, cities, and counties across America.
And it comes with strings attached.
Everybody who receives the money or who even uses that money to fund contractors or subcontractors
Is beholden to Biden's illegal executive orders, including vaccine mandates.
You guessed it.
So we got a guest coming on that's going to detail that and break it down.
And right now in the state of Texas, the Senate and the House are moving forward the bill to distribute over 16 billion dollars in funds that comes with those strings attached.
So this is kind of a medical fascism, almost an economic communism.
It's an infestation of the Texas economy, and this is happening all across the country, with COVID relief money that's actually a vaccine mandate.
But there's even more to that story that I'll reveal shortly.
The second guest coming up at the bottom half of this hour, for the second half of the hour, is Dr. Brian Ardis.
There's been a guest here on InfoWars previously, and he has information warning us about the effects of these vaccines, as well as remdesivir, what's really happening in the hospitals, and where we are headed when all of these nurses and doctors who refuse to be injected with the spike protein end up being destroyed, harmed, or even in some cases killed.
I'm sorry, the ones that stay and take the vaccine end up getting killed.
The ones that leave
are the ones who have natural immunity and of course are living safely.
Now, we're going to bring in now our first guest here and let's bring in Sheila Hemphill from TexasRightToKnow.com.
Let's just do a check on that.
Sheila, are you with us here today?
Yes, hello Mike.
Hello, Sheila.
It's great to see you and I want to thank you for the work that you're doing.
You are on the scene at the Texas Capitol following the legislature and their decisions.
What's happening?
Give us a brief overview.
I just gave a little hint of it right there, but tell us what's happening right now in Texas.
And for those of you listening outside of Texas, understand that this is happening across the country.
So go ahead, Sheila.
Thank you, Mike.
I think everyone's been watching what the Congress has been doing, and they passed what is referred to as the American Rescue Act of 2021.
This is a document that allocated what are known as coronavirus state fiscal recovery funds.
In Texas, we are allocated $16.3 billion.
So the monies are distributed through state appropriation bills.
Currently, SB 8
Authored by Jane Nelson, has already made it through the Senate, it has made it through the House committees, and is on the calendars to go before a vote before the House of Representatives here in Texas.
Once that happens, the next step would be for the Senate Speaker of the House to sign off on it, the Lieutenant Governor to sign off on it, and then it goes on to the Governor's office.
What happens when this money gets distributed to the cities and counties and schools and so on?
Tell us about the requirements that come with that.
Our audience is maybe not that interested in the process of what's happening there because this is going to become law it seems.
What happens after this is signed and the money is distributed?
The individuals, the recipients, are going to be asked to sign a contract with the U.S.
Department of Treasury Awards Terms and Conditions.
And in these terms and conditions, on page 3, section 9, is Compliance of Applicable Law and Regulations.
The major concerning statements are that recipients also agrees to comply with all other applicable federal statutes, regulations, and executive orders.
And recipients shall provide for such compliance by other parties in any agreements it enters into with other parties relating to this award.
So this binds every recipient to the executive orders that describe vaccine mandates?
Well, this contract was given to me from a city council.
When I spoke to my county treasurer, she said the funds just showed up in their bank account.
They didn't ask for them and they're just receiving money.
People can go to the Texas Department of Emergency Management, edem.texas.gov, and if you click on the American Recovery Plan, you can see the allocations that are slated by counties and by also municipalities.
So this is what these appropriation bills are doing right now, and there's two other ones that are in the House that will still need to go through the Senate to be able to come into law.
All right, so this hasn't been legally challenged yet, but it comes with the presumption that they must comply with all of these executive orders.
Now, this grant money is also enforced by federal auditors, correct?
That's correct.
It's not uncommon at all for federal money to have federal strings.
But as your guest you had on your whistleblower with 24 years of experience, when asked if he had seen executive orders as a term of compliance, he said no.
All right, so adding executive orders to the strings of this grant money, that's a new thing that he has not seen.
And by the way, for those watching, what Sheila's referring to is an interview I did with a whistleblower who has 24 years of experience in federal grant money and grant money compliance.
But there's something else, Sheila, that's very concerning about all of this that came out of that interview, which is that this federal grant money can be used by local municipalities to set up their own service organizations that bankrupt local private sector businesses.
So, for example, they could set up a telecom
Mike, I have to admit, you brought up some things in that interview that I hadn't even really thought of and it was incredibly sobering.
To hear your oration of where we are and where we're headed, which I know to a lot of individuals is going to be very difficult to believe.
But when you're able to talk to people who are in the field, who are seeing the money come through here, and thank God we got a hold of this contract.
I'm asking the offices up here to investigate.
And in fact, today, I have a bit of a video on my website, texasrighttoknow.com, standing in front of the West Wing of the Capitol, where the House Republicans were in caucus, asking them to please pause and research what's happening here.
The session ends on Tuesday.
So everything is an incredible warp speed of what's happening right now and we can't
Well, I'm sorry to interrupt, but what is Texas supposed to do, or any other state?
Because there's so much money printing in Washington.
They're destroying the value of the dollar.
People see price inflation in food, in fuel, in used cars, everything.
So every city, every county, every school, every state desperately needs this money.
And if the money comes with strings attached, what are they supposed to do?
Say no to $16 billion for the state of Texas?
Who's going to say no at this point when the dollar is nosediving?
Everyone should be saying no until we get it right.
And what does getting it right look like?
That means the governor of the state of Texas, our attorney general, our congressman, to go to the U.S.
Department of Treasury and remove those words of compliance with executive orders.
It's not uncommon
To have to comply with statutes and regulations.
But those are fixed and known attributes that you can investigate and you can say, yeah, we can comply with that.
An executive order isn't moving.
Okay, so then the other thing is that Governor Abbott on October 11th signed his executive order outlawing or banning vaccine mandates even by private organizations and public organizations across the state of Texas.
So now we end up with this conflict where the governor of Texas says you can't have a vaccine mandate but
Federal money from the Biden regime says you must require vaccine mandates.
Now, Sheila, hold on with us.
We're about to go to break here in just a few seconds.
We're going to be right back with you after that break to explore that issue.
A Texas business.
Who are they supposed to follow?
The governor of Texas?
Or Joe Biden?
Or maybe follow the rules of God and just respect humanity?
Maybe we don't need governors and presidents to tell us to be human beings.
How about that?
We'll be right back after this break.
Stay with us here on InfoWars.
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I want to be very clear.
The fact that InfoWars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
It is the fault of the globalists.
When we can get enough of our great supplements and other products in, we're able to sell enough of it to stay on air and quite frankly even expand in the face of the new world order.
But because of the supply chain breakdowns that were very easy to predict for the global lockdowns, they're designed to do that.
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The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware that there's a war between free individuals and nation-states on one side, and the globalists on the other, who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
From the United States to Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations were pulling out of the private, corporate, fascist world government.
That's why they launched their Great Recess, and their program after collapsing us, of Build Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down, vertical consolidation of the world economy.
And because they couldn't take our guns, because we wouldn't bow, because the left, which is the ideology of this world government system, couldn't win, they released a biological weapon on us.
Now we know, two years ago.
We learned about it about 20 months ago.
They can't beat us because of our free speech and our guns.
It's that simple.
So the Global Corporate Combine released COVID-19 and you know the rest is history.
Expose this paradigm and we win.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, fourth hour today.
I'm Mike Adams, filling in for the rest of the hour.
We're currently talking with Sheila Hemphill of TexasRightToKnow.com, and Sheila is at the Austin Capitol every day, it seems, and she's on top of this developing news.
We're covering the fact that these federal COVID relief funds that are being distributed to states, and Texas it's $16 billion plus,
And this money then trickles down to the cities and local municipalities, counties, some schools, and even some private businesses in these states that this money comes with strings attached that requires compliance with federal executive orders, which are, as we know, unconstitutional and unlawful orders rooted in quack science when it comes to vaccine mandates.
So, Sheila, I want to thank you for taking the time to join us.
I know you scrambled to get with us here today because this is real-time breaking news.
So, quick question now.
This has already passed through the Senate Committee in Texas, correct?
And it's being discussed in the House?
There's three appropriation bills.
SB 8 is already through the Senate and it's on the floor today and will probably come out and be ready for signature to be turned into law.
HB 160 and 161 are two House bills that will then need to go to the Senate and so they will have a hearing.
So, I want your audience to stay tuned because of all, quote, rallies or things that people have ever attended, when these hearings take place, we need a call out and we need people so that they understand they must have an answer for us that the recipients of these funds
Will not be in jeopardy by having to comply with presidential executive orders.
You speak with the legislators on a daily basis.
Are the legislators aware of this kind of gotcha, the executive orders in the compliance that comes with this federal money?
Do they have any knowledge that this is in place?
Well, to their defense, none of us knew about it until last Tuesday.
So, this is what?
We're nine days into this?
To their defense.
Because the problem is not in the law, but it's in the contracts.
It's in the contracts.
And we know that it's in the contracts for cities.
We're not sure what's going on with counties, so I really need your audience.
If you have knowledge, please email info at texasrighttoknow.com and put in the subject line COVID city contract or COVID county contract or COVID school contract.
We need to see what these contracts are.
These are the documents that were delivered to every one of the offices and just did a call out and had some amazing people just show up and do whatever they could.
So this is a, you don't get more grassroots than this.
I'm sorry, Sheila.
Folks, go to TexasRightToKnow.com.
Get more information there and help make your local legislators aware of this.
But I want to mention, this is a way for Biden and his handlers to bypass the 100 employee threshold.
For requiring vaccine mandates because let's say you work locally at a local construction company.
You're an employee of, say, a drywall company.
That drywall company gets a contract from a county to go do drywall in a county building.
But it turns out that that contract is paid for by this federal money that came through these COVID relief funds.
That mandates you and all of your co-workers and your company and your subcontractors to take the vaccine, even if you have fewer than 100 employees.
That's what's astonishing about this, Sheila.
It's a workaround by Biden.
At this point, although it's so fresh, it's very difficult to have gotten accurate information, but I'm saying I want to hear from the U.S.
Department of Treasury.
I want to hear how they deem the recipients who signed these contracts.
By virtue of signing the contract, are you deemed a federal contractor?
I think the answer is very clearly yes.
Obviously the Biden regime is going to assume that in their favor so they can push vaccine mandates.
But I'm glad you mentioned we do need additional clarifications and the lawmakers in Texas and other states need to absolutely get answers on this and clarify it before voting on it.
But let me ask you about something else.
This is starting to feel like a universal basic income to counties and cities and states.
Where all of these municipalities across America are going to be dependent on endless COVID stimulus, bailout money, a money printing machine from Washington, from the swamp, in order to stay afloat.
And then, doesn't that mean their loyalties shift to Washington D.C.
instead of the loyalties being local where they belong?
They're not getting their revenues locally, they're getting them from Washington.
We're already seeing that situation with hospitals that are tied to CDC and NIH medicines because they receive Medicare funds.
We are already hearing from employees who are still having to be vaccinated even with the governor's explicit executive order.
So, the moral of the story is we need to get action from your audience
Visit TexasRightToKnow.com and there's a button to take action.
How to find your legislator.
And though this is only happening in Texas, I want your audience to understand it's not just Texas.
But you have to address your politicians at a local level.
We need to be asking right now for the governor to not proceed with these appropriation funds until we have confirmation from our congressional representatives
Our Senator Cruz, Senator Cornyn, give us these answers from the U.S.
Department of Treasury.
We must have protection for Texans.
We cannot turn over Texans to be subservient to a presidential executive orders.
This is economic Marxism, what's going on.
So I concur with what you just said, Sheila.
I'm sorry to cut you off.
There's a bit of a delay in our signal, but this is economic Marxism.
If you think about it, the federal government is printing COVID stimulus money and handing it out to individuals.
That's been going on for quite some time.
Free money, so they become dependent on the government and then they don't work, or many of them refuse to work because they make more money on the bailout.
uh... checks and then now this is bailouts for municipalities and you just mentioned something key that the hospitals the reason the hospitals are refusing to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine is because they have been ordered not to by the federal government because those hospitals take medicare money you just nailed it Sheila that's exactly right so these strings that are attached to this money are resulting in hospital homicide or medical
Murder by withholding treatments like Ivermectin from patients who need it to live.
And so, again, I just can't overstate this.
Your comments, Sheila.
Mike, we've had two hearings on proposed vaccination bills.
One by Oliverson in the House, and yesterday was Senate Bill 51 by Senator Hughes in State Affairs.
I will be putting up incredible testimonies that took place there.
Mine in particular addressed the aspect that we are currently violating FDA law of 21 U.S.C.
360, which is regarding authorization of medical products for use in emergency.
In this Section E, for healthcare professionals and individuals to whom the product is administered are to be informed, number three is of the option to accept or refuse administration.
I'm sorry to cut you off.
We're running out of time here.
We've only got a few seconds left.
Let me just encourage people to go to your website, TexasRightToKnow.com, and I want to thank you for bringing this to our attention.
This isn't where this ends.
Stay with us, folks, here on InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic, because I sit there and I beg you for support, constantly, for prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth, and we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And we're still here.
And as this whole New World Order comes out in the open, our credibility's going up.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved, and America's still quasi-free.
You can't have InfoWars.
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Because if you think stuff's bad now, just get ready.
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I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead
With their full operational deindustrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
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InfoWars Emergency Supply Chain Breakdown Sale is only running for one week from Monday, October 11th for seven days.
That's because a bunch of these products that we have in stock are of limited supply because, obviously, the supply chain breakdown that I've been warning you of now for 20 months, because that's part of the Great Reset and part of the Global's plan, that's what global lockdowns would then trigger.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Here on October 15th, 2021, the fourth hour of InfoWars.com broadcast today.
I'm Mike Adams.
Thank you for continuing with me.
We have a special guest, Dr. Brian Artis.
He'll be joining us here in just a second.
He has been a prolific speaker.
And I don't even like the term.
We'll talk about that.
But I want to thank you, Dr. Artis, for joining us today.
It's an honor to have you on, sir.
Where would you like to begin?
Well, I would just like to begin by saying, Mike Adams, you've done a great job of creating platforms and opportunities for people to spread truth throughout the entire world.
So I have loved and it's been an honor to be a part of that.
So thank you for all you've done.
Well, thank you.
I mean, look, you know, here I am on InfoWars.
Of course, you know, I have my own platform as well, but we are all working together
To get the word out, so that's why I invited you to join me here today.
InfoWars is the tip of the spear.
You know, a huge audience, real-time breaking news, listened to all over the world in real time.
What do you think is the most relevant breaking news today that the world needs to hear from you?
Well, let me just give you this.
I tried to give this to you already.
We're kind of doing this last minute today, and I'm glad you're on InfoWars.
We've been on there three or four times in the last month.
I just want you to be aware, Dr. Peter McCullough and I have been at multiple speaking engagements just in the last week.
And one of the things that are most pressing, it is still for me, and they keep telling me, all these medical doctors keep telling me, to keep the iron hot in the media because...
The protocols in hospitals are ill-advised currently and have been since May 2020, which is why I've been in the media.
Remdesivir is dangerous.
We have evidence now from CMS database that Remdesivir, when used in Medicare patients just in one state alone of New York, we know the actual death and mortality rates is up to 26.9% right now.
Of Medicare patients being treated with remdesivir for COVID-19.
That is not an effective mortality rate when the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus in and of itself, when it's gone around the entire world, has less than a 1% death rate.
Why would you ever pick a drug, which I've been conveying to the world, had studies proving that in four compared drugs used in an Ebola trial from 2018 to 19,
That Anthony Fauci used as a basis to select that drug for all COVID-19 Americans being treated in hospitals?
When you look at that actual study, remdesivir had a mortality rate or kill rate or death rate of 53%.
It was the only one of the four drugs that had an over 50% death rate of all they gave the drug to.
But this was the drug he said was proven safe and effective?
It was pulled from that study halfway through the study and wasn't even allowed to continue.
No, it wasn't.
So we knew he lied about that.
This is extraordinary, Dr. Artis, but it's not just that these interventions, which are pushed, are the ones that appear to be causing the highest mortalities.
It's also that they withhold interventions that could save lives, such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
So, in combination, this withholding of viable therapeutics and then the pushing of deadly therapeutics, how can any rational person look at this and not come to the conclusion that patients are being deliberately killed through both of these means?
They are being deliberately killed and deliberately being lied to about alternative therapies that are proven, have been FDA approved, safe and effective for all humans for the last 70 years, 20 years in respects to hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, which we know have better survival rates when treating COVID-19 patients than remdesivir does from the beginning and currently.
If anybody goes to C19Early.com, the letter C19Early.com, you can actually look at the comparisons from research studies.
Up until today, it gets updated daily.
You can see the success rates of every treatment given.
Remdesivir is at the very bottom of all of them, at only a 21% success rate at helping people get out of hospitals.
So the message has always been, stay out of hospitals.
They have set up protocols there to murder and maim and criminally kidnap patients from their loved ones and not give them access.
You said it.
This is hospital homicide on a global scale.
And now there's something else.
There's another phenomenon I want to ask you about that I just became aware of today.
A very, very concerning thing.
This is out of the vaccine surveillance data out of the UKPHE.
It shows that it appears that the immune response of those who have been vaccinated is dropping rather steadily by about 5% per week.
And in other words, you know, many months after vaccination, their outcomes are far worse in terms of hospitalization and deaths and symptoms that are often diagnosed with COVID or as COVID.
So if and we know that we have the vaccine companies have admitted that these vaccines do destroy immune response in many ways.
Where does that put us?
Let's say by Christmas or January or the spring of next year.
What are we looking at then?
You're going to be looking at huge amounts of autoimmune diseases, heart diseases, lung failure.
You're going to see tons of suppressed immunity challenged trying to handle common cold viruses, flu viruses.
This is what you're going to anticipate.
And this is what we've all been warning against.
It was already proven last year in the UK.
More people are being hospitalized with COVID-19 after getting the flu shots there.
Because of this thing called antibody-dependent enhancement that was coming from these shots and from the flu.
When you're exposed to the flu virus and have been actually injected with these COVID-19 shots, or exposed even to SARS-CoV-2, your risk of hospitalization and deaths went up in the UK.
You're seeing it right now also to complement what you just said about the UK.
About a month and a half ago, it was determined that healthcare workers who have been fully vaccinated in the UK
They found their viral loads in their respiratory pathways, nasal septums, and in their throats.
They found they were upwards of 250 times more viral load inside of them than there was in the unvaccinated.
And they suggested that this could be a threat to other healthcare workers who were not vaccinated and to patients who were not vaccinated.
Obviously, if there's a higher viral load in those being vaccinated, don't you think they might be coughing, sneezing, breathing out some of these particles that could infect others?
It's very problematic.
Yeah, sorry to interrupt, but I've also seen studies out of Israel and Israeli hospitals that showed exactly that.
So the breakthrough infections in a very tight hospital setting were documented to occur among those who took the vaccine, but also those who were wearing PPE.
And that included gloves and gowns and masks.
And because they got the vaccine and they carry that higher viral load, as you just described,
All that PPE protection didn't matter, and the only people who were really okay in that scenario were the unvaccinated who only experienced mild symptoms.
It's just extraordinary.
I mean, the data are very clear on this.
The vaccine makes you susceptible to death and hospitalization, period.
And now, so let's go to breaking news today.
So Dr. Peter McCullough, who's also been in the media as much as you and as much as me all over the place.
He's texted me this morning right after you actually texted me about coming on to the show today.
And this is from the CDC.
So let's go from the UK and let's go to our homeland, CDC.
There is actually a report in a graphic.
I'll send it to you, but if we can't put it up now, it's fine.
I'm going to read it to you.
This is on cdc.gov.
COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Case Investigation and Reporting.
When is it dated?
October 12, 2021.
Now, I have to tell you, they evaluated a small population of 7,178 deaths that were reported to the CDC.
These are the actual numbers of people who were fully vaccinated and had breakthrough cases of COVID and died.
Breakthrough cases in 7,178 deaths after getting fully vaccinated.
Of those females, 43% of them died.
People aged over 65 years old who were fully vaccinated had a breakthrough infection of SARS-CoV-2.
85% of them were over 65 years old or older, Medicare age group, and died after getting COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated.
This is the CDC's report.
Of those hospitalized with non-fatal issues, 67% of all of those with a group of 24,000 evaluated patients.
Those 65 years and older who got both shots were considered fully vaccinated, who got COVID-19 and were hospitalized but didn't die.
It's six, sorry, 57% of all of them were fully vaccinated.
Are these being successful?
Is it reducing the hospitalizations and deaths?
Obviously not, even from our own small population review here by the CDC.
It's on their website, October 12th.
Dr. Artis, I'm sorry to interrupt.
We're about to go to break here in a few seconds.
This is the first time any of us are hearing this.
This is breaking news right now, right out of the CDC just a few days ago, but only starting to get attention now.
I'd like you to re-summarize that, please, when we come back after this break.
I'm trying to get my head around what you just said as well.
What does this mean for where we're going?
Our guest is Dr. Brian Artis.
Stay with us here on InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
We are covering breaking news right now today here on InfoWars.com with our special guest, Dr. Brian Artis.
I'm Mike Adams, the Health Ranger of NaturalNews.com, stepping in here for this segment.
We have breaking news.
Dr. Peter McCullough was distributing this today, and it is astonishing.
Dr. Artis is with us, and I want to thank you, Dr. Artis, for sharing these data.
If I'm reading this correctly, and I was just parsing it over the break, if I'm reading this correctly, and please correct me if I'm wrong,
It looks like when females have a breakthrough infection after vaccination that 43% of those women die.
Is that what these data are showing?
That's exactly what you're reading.
So they actually do a graph of it here in this report.
They actually evaluated 7,178 deaths of breakthrough cases.
43% of the females did die within that group after having been fully vaccinated.
And there's the graph right there.
You see it?
Now, for people over 65 years, so this is male and female, this was just put up on the CDC's website, published October 12th, just a few days ago.
Look at the number of deaths for people older than 65.
That's your Medicare age group.
The producers are working on getting that graphic up here, so, well, I'm not sure that's the right graph.
They're working on it, so keep describing the graph you're talking about.
I'm looking at it, you're looking at it, it's real, it's from cdc.gov, but go ahead, just have a little patience with that.
Oh no, you're fine.
So the total amount of deaths they're evaluating for, they want to know what are the percentages of the individuals that were in this group of deaths that were considered breakthrough cases that were reported to the CDC.
Of that 7,178 people that died after being fully vaccinated, females represented 43% of the total deaths.
Of the people that were over 65 years old, that number represents 85 of all of those reported in the 7,179 group of people that died after being fully vaccinated.
That's a disturbing number.
And if you haven't seen it yet, if you go to the right side, they talk about a group of 24,000 evaluated breakthrough cases for people fully vaccinated that were reported to the CDC.
It's on this chart.
57% of them.
Nope, it's 67% of all of them were older than 65.
So is this helping our Medicare age group?
I don't think so.
You're vaccinating them and the majority of them are being hospitalized as a result.
And then the percentages of death of those from breakthrough cases after full vaccination for 65 years and older.
The profile is 85% died.
That's what the numbers represent are those over 65 years old.
We should be protecting our elder.
So thank you for clarifying that.
Perhaps I didn't state it exactly correctly at first.
It's not that 43% of women who got infections died, but rather of those who died, 43% were women and 57% were men, assuming that gender is binary, right?
It's reviewing a subset group that were supplied to the CDC that they were evaluating on of 7,100 people who died after being fully vaccinated.
And in that group,
Those represented, 43% were females, but 85% of the death totals for breakthrough cases in this group were those older than 65.
Now, I don't know if you've seen this, Mike Adams, but you're in Texas like I am.
We have actually been pulling using multiple CMS database whistleblowers, using Tom Rins, who's actually acquired these individuals.
We actually published and put up on a screen on Saturday, Peter McCullough and I were there speaking at an event in Frisco, Texas.
Just for Texas, the CMS database shows that for those 65 years and older, from the time they got the COVID-19 shots and 24, sorry, 28 days post the shot, I'm looking at the graph here, I've emailed it to you guys, if they can put it up, great.
But deaths for Texans alone is 6,558 Medicare age group people in Texas who have died within 28 days of the COVID-19 shots.
That's appalling, looking at the vaccine campaigns of old that have been removed when only 23 to 53 people died across the entire country.
You're looking at the graph right now on the screen.
This is ridiculous.
I also have to tell you, this list of adverse events that you see on this chart, when we went into the CMS database, they excluded anyone who had any of these issues in their medical record already stated before getting the shots.
Medicare reporting is not voluntary.
This is CMS data.
I supplied all of this with Thomas Renz just a week and a half ago to Senator Bob Hall in Texas to get this to the legislature during the special sessions.
And he was with me at the... This is extraordinary.
And I believe Thomas Renz has put out these data for multiple states.
So we have much more than Texas.
There's also California and other states.
And as you just stated, these symptoms or diagnoses appear to be caused by the vaccine themselves.
And notice that on that list, if you could put it back up to the crew there, there's paralysis.
You know, how do you explain paralysis as just a spontaneous thing happening?
No, this is caused by the vaccine.
Look at the diseases.
It's Bell's Palsy.
There's another neurological condition.
Of course, embolisms and blood clots are highly expected.
But look, myocardial infarction and so on and so forth.
But, you know, paralysis.
How can anybody look at this and not realize what's going on, Dr. Artis?
Yeah, just so you know, the paralysis is the most disturbing thing to a lot of us.
These are people who in their medical history in CMS databases have never had it in their medical record that they had parts of their body paralyzed.
Now, you've got these shots going out into the Medicare age group.
Remember, this is just Medicare age group for Texas.
Not those 15 years old and older that they're doing right now.
But people who have never been paralyzed before.
There's over 1,700 Texans, 65 years and older now, who now are paralyzed or parts of their body are paralyzed.
You have over 3,200 people who have no history of cardiac arrest or myocardial infarction, which is a blood clot causing a heart attack.
None of that's in their medical history until 28 days, within 28 days of their COVID-19 shots.
But nonetheless, you have 6,500 dead Texans in those nine states that Thomas Renz has been able to accumulate data for.
This, I cannot stand.
These data, by the way, I remember reviewing this.
These data are not that recent.
The real numbers today are far worse than this.
Are you aware of what date that these data are sourced from?
Yeah, these were actually done up until September, like, 15th of last month, because that's when we first put the CMS on this to get the data.
Okay, alright, so there's at least a couple, almost a month, of additional deaths and paralysis that will eventually be added to this.
And part of the problem here is the data lag time is, you know, it's making it so that the obvious effects are not so obvious to everyone yet.
But you've been tracking this, you're plotting the linear progression
I don't know about you, Dr. Artis, but I think even if all vaccines were stopped right now, we're looking at a vaccine holocaust across the world.
It's already baked in.
Mike Adams, I've called this the greatest genocide in American known history, starting with May 1st, 2020's memo by Anthony Fauci for the use of remdesivir only against all or with every hospitalized COVID-19 patients.
Mike, we're at 740,000 dead Americans considered dead from COVID-19.
I actually blame 90% of all those deaths on remdesivir poisoning.
We're good to go.
It's over 31,000 confirmed dead within 28 days of the shots for the 65-year and older group for these nine states.
When you multiply that times five, it's going to be up at 150,000 minimum.
Oh yeah, I...
Look, I've interviewed sources who believe we're already over 500,000 deaths from vaccines alone.
That doesn't even count the remdesivir deaths.
And those are credible, plausible numbers, by the way.
Not just pie-in-the-sky numbers.
But look, did you ever think, let's say two years ago in your life, that you would be here today talking about coordinated medical genocide in the United States of America?
No, I never thought I was going to do this at all.
I actually sold my practice three years ago after running it for 15 years, and I thought I was done.
And I just went off to make nutritional products.
It wasn't until an ill-advised protocol in February, the first week of February before COVID hit Texas in 2020, that they killed my father-in-law with ill-advised protocols using vancomycin that causes acute kidney failure in a percentage of people.
That's exactly how they killed him in nine days.
I called them out on all their stuff on day six and seven.
They had me escorted out of the hospital only to find out three months later, an ill-advised protocol already known to be dangerous to the majority of people given that drug in Ebola, an Ebola trial.
And then 30% of all patients given COVID-19 by Gilead, their own cohort study in March 2020.
When I found it confirmed 31% of everyone they gave that drug to for five to 10 days, it caused acute renal failure and multiple organ failure.
Never in my life did I anticipate trying to warn the entire world against an evil agenda put in place by our federal health agencies and our hospital administrators.
Give us your website, Dr. Artis.
We're almost out of time.
Where can people find you?
Go to thedoctorartistshow.com.
Put in your email.
We have a COVID resources there.
I have patient advocacy information to help you get someone to stand in for you to protect your loved ones in hospitals that are criminally kidnapping your loved ones and murdering them with ill-advised protocols.
All right.
Thank you, Dr. Artis.
Thank you for watching today.