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Filename: 20211012_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 12, 2021
3054 lines.

The passage discusses vaccine mandates in workplaces like healthcare settings and how they infringe on bodily autonomy, freedom of choice, and medical freedom. Nurse Dani shares her experience of being pressured to take the COVID-19 vaccine due to mandates and eventually resigning from her job. The speaker emphasizes the importance of informed consent in medical decisions and its impact on healthcare professionals who value patient health and truth. The Alex Jones Show discusses various news topics, including John Gruden's cancellation, NBA player Kyrie Irving refusing vaccination, concerns over the state of the Navy, and Kamala Harris' use of child actors in a NASA space video. The show also promotes discounts on health products available at InfoWarsStore.com but warns that stock is limited and may not be restocked for months.

It's Tuesday, October 12, 2021, and we have massive COVID-19 tyranny news for you here today, much of it exclusive.
Let's just start with the first guest coming up in T-minus 33 minutes.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, advisor to Rick Perry, advisor to
Governor Abbott, a very respective and managing doctor in an emergency room in Texas, a real pioneer of the budesonine treatment and other things that have made their way now into accepted scientific knowledge.
He's a very, very credible individual.
He contacted me this morning.
and sent me a photo and information and confirmed that indeed at a hospital group, a major hospital group in Texas, when a quote new COVID patient comes in or someone's being transferred inside the hospital to a different room, a plastic bag
is placed over their head and then tightened around their neck.
People become very, very distressed at this and if they resist, well, they get restrained.
I'm not joking.
But to make things worse, the bags they use are hospital equipment bags that say, do not place over someone's head.
Now, if you're asking why they do this, they claim the masks don't work, which we all know already.
And so this is going to protect people from the COVID.
But really, it is a Milgram experiment or Stanford Research experiment operation.
We don't know what the Milgram experiment was and the Stanford Research prison experiment was.
Both of them were to see if people would basically torture and actually kill people, finally, if they were ordered to do so.
And in both studies,
One was delivering shocks, the other was torturing people in a prison.
They found that if an authority figure told moral people with no criminal record, churchgoers, you name it, told them to finally kill somebody, they would.
Or torture them.
So that's what this is.
This is all a giant Milgram experiment.
Oh, keep people away from their family members.
Don't let people go into nursing homes or hospitals.
Keep families out while mama has a baby and then suddenly 90% of the births are cesarean in Austin at major hospitals.
It's all about tyranny.
It's all about control.
It's about corporations in control of medicine now around the world repeating what happened in the Soviet Union and what happened in Nazi Germany.
Dr. Bartlett's going to be coming on, naming the hospital, naming names.
He just sent me, minutes ago, actual copies of the transcript and messages with the hospital admitting all of this to the hospital chain.
So that's coming up with a whistleblower who witnessed all this ongoing and is concerned about it.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour now in 30 minutes.
Separately, even Mainline News now is admitting that the quote, the facts are in and the COVID mystery injections, the Franken shots, the death shots, as Dr. Zelenko calls them, are making things worse and are making people sick and are killing people in all over the world.
John Hopkins' own data has been again put to that graph we showed last week.
All over the world, two-to-one hospitalizations, illnesses, and death, if you really crunch the numbers.
And when you pull out the fact that they don't count somebody as dying who's been vaccinated, that they die in the first 14 days after being injected with the experimental Frankenshock, you add those numbers and it is just massively more probable that you're going to get sick or die from these injections.
That's exactly what the real experts, like Dr. Yidan and Dr. Woodard, and so many others, warned would indeed happen once this all basically transpired.
So there's no doubt it's depopulation.
Are we surprised it's Bill Gates running, along with Klaus Schwab, who said they want to depopulate us?
It's just an incredible time to be alive.
So that's all coming up.
With some other COVID news I haven't hit yet concerning the military.
That's right.
More members of the U.S.
military have died in the month of September.
That's the latest numbers they have.
Than in all the months of COVID combined.
And they're trying to spin that.
And we'll tell you how they're trying to spin it straight ahead.
But this is depopulation.
This is human sacrifice brought back on the mass scale.
Humanity's doing it again.
The same evil force is possessing us yet again.
Tomorrow's news today.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I want to be very clear.
The fact that InfoWars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
It is the fault of the globalists.
When we can get enough of our great supplement selling products in, we're able to sell enough of it to stay on air and, quite frankly, even expand and to face the new world order.
But because of the supply chain breakdowns that were very easy to predict with the global lockdowns that were designed to do that, we have had real problems getting our best selling products in.
Some of them take up to 10 months to get in.
Just continue some of our products because we just can't get the ingredients anymore.
It's pretty scary stuff.
So please take advantage of sales we're running for one week only.
There's only one week left from October 11th for seven days.
Kicks off October 11th on things like DNA Force Plus at 40% off, Winter Sun at 50% off, Ultra 12 at 50% off and more at Infowarstore.com.
One week left.
Check out these incredible deals.
Tomorrow's news today.
This is the Alex Jones Show live on this Tuesday, October 12th, 2021.
Owen Schroer sitting in studio for Alex.
He is coming up just shortly.
With more updates on what he just mentioned in the first segment.
And then we have a loaded guest list today.
Dr. Richard Bartlett with some breaking exclusive news for this audience coming up shortly.
And then a story that just shows you how society is breaking down into complete illogic and disregard for common sense and rationality where
A family was forced to put plastic bags over their heads to be in the hospital.
I mean, this is... This is beyond clown world at this point, but, I mean, it's about as... clown world as you can be.
Hey, put this plastic bag over your head!
Okay, dude!
I mean, do I even have to explain how insane that is?
So we'll have that family on with us as well, explaining what it's like to live in the clown world at a hospital.
Hey, put this plastic bag over your head.
Well, how can I breathe?
Who said anything about breathing?
And then we have a nurse who is standing against the vaccine mandates, who has walked out of her job, joining us in the third hour.
And then I've got videos of other nurses and pilots.
And then you have social media influencers who are told, hey, promote the vaccine, take the vaccine.
Now they have Bell's palsy.
Here's the situation that I have.
Imagine the craziest Super Bowl ever.
Just crazy game, back-and-forth action, and then you have the three-hour post-game show.
Okay, that's in full wars every day now.
Every day is the craziest Super Bowl of all time, and then every transmission here
Is trying to recap all the craziness from the last game, except it's every day now.
So that's what's coming up today on the Alex Jones Show with myself and others.
But first let's go back to Alex Jones with more.
Thank you everyone for joining us today for this very important transmission.
I want to encourage all of you to realize that the real power you have is your word of mouth and your will to take action.
So however you're listening or watching this broadcast, it is essential that you share it now via text message, via email, via word of mouth, via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, it doesn't matter, via Gab, via Telegram, Telegraph, it doesn't matter.
Just take action now.
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
If the situation was hopeless, they would not be pushing us and trying to censor us and trying to brainwash us, as the saying goes.
Okay, let me lay out the incredible news that's coming up today.
First off, the Great Reset is now out in the open.
CNN has now come out with this incredibly Orwellian term.
And has said, get used to never having enough food on the shelves, get used to not being able to go on vacations, get used to not being able to have gasoline for a car, get used to all of this because of COVID.
It broke the world.
And so now you're going to live in austerity and we're going to control you, but don't worry.
You're going to have a universal basic income.
They are calling it before time.
They're not calling it.
End times.
They're calling it before time.
This is not a joke.
This is not a game.
This is real, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the world that they have created.
CNN uses creepy, dystopian, before times rhetoric to justify empty shelves.
What is that?
Well, it's like Klaus Schwab 20 months ago at the kickoff of his takeover saying, you will own nothing, you will have nothing, and you will be happy.
And that's what they've done.
Of course they're going to have private jets and giant palatial mountain top castles.
They're going to have private islands.
They're going to have everything.
But you're not going to have air conditioning or a car.
In fact, Paul Watson has just done a report on the fact that major European governments inside the EU and the British government are coming out and now saying you're not going to be able to charge your electric car.
You're not going to be able to have a gas car.
This is total control.
That's why they say in Australia, don't look at the sunset, don't talk to your neighbors.
They say the same thing in Canada.
We've got to keep the lockdowns going because people might meet in groups and challenge our narratives.
This is worldwide martial law.
And so later in the broadcast, I'll get more into the before times, but this is the post-industrial world.
Remember, Klaus Schwab also last year ran TV ads on Twitter.
Saying, and they also ran them in the UK on national television, saying, isn't it great that the lockdowns made the animals come back out and have fun?
Isn't it great that we use less carbon?
We need carbon lockdowns on a routine basis.
And their foot soldiers, the Extinction Rebellion, go and block blue collar workers driving to work or getting on trains.
And they're all basically a bunch of rich trust fund kids.
This is the elite
Waging war on the general public that they see as an enemy that is using their resources and then claiming that they are the avant-garde and they are the underdog and they are fighting the establishment when they are the establishment.
That is the very nature of this system.
Total, absolute hypocrisy.
COVID-19 is the cover, the smokescreen for Agenda 21, Agenda 2030.
And I know as a hardcore audience, you understand that.
That's why it's key that you share that information.
What hope do we have of ever turning this around and stopping the globalists?
If our governors and our legislatures and the good members of the House and Senate we have, and the good corporate leaders we have, and the good religious leaders we have, they're there.
And all it takes is a few leaders with the truth, people will follow.
But how are we going to oppose globalism when Ted Turner and Prince Philip and Prince Charles and the Queen of England and George Soros
And all of these people, Bill Gates, are saying we are launching this to take over.
We are using this to take over.
We are using this to set up a worldwide corporate tyranny where you can't even have a job or basically go on vacation, where you're non-essential, and where you don't even get meat.
And we don't even get medicine or healthcare.
This is a nightmare system and all these pathetic people that call themselves liberal are jockeying to have power positions in this rationed, dystopic, carbon credit system that isn't coming, ladies and gentlemen.
It's now here.
We must identify that we are in a war.
We must identify that it's coming after our basic liberties.
We must identify that submitting to it
Will literally sign us on to our own destruction and sign our children on to a fate worse than death.
Because at the core of this, these globalists are mad scientists.
And you look at what they're doing to the relationship between men and women.
If you look at how Target and Legos and the state of California are all saying, we're going to have genderless toys, no boys, no girls.
That's a total cult!
Attacking what it is to be human itself, the very bedrock of humanity, men and women together.
He watched Married with Children 35 years ago and, you know, the dad's a moron and the son's an idiot and nobody cares and the women are all whores.
That was all sold as an idea on purpose so we would accept that image and not respect each other so we could be isolated and made alone so we could be fed on by this predatory system.
When you see the internal documents coming out years ago about Facebook trying to make their users depressed, trying to make them only communicate with false avatars that aren't real people, but are AI personalities.
That's what they've done to our children.
They've plugged us into the television, now the iPhones, and now they're frying us with 5G.
They're literally killing us like they're an outside alien force.
And whatever they are, they're definitely anti-human.
Whatever this force is, the best description of it is in the Bible.
It's in the Old Testament.
It's in the New Testament.
It's in Revelations.
It's in Daniel.
It's in Ezekiel.
It's in Genesis.
But the good news is humanity's starting to realize that the entire green movement is about power and control and dehumanization.
And now, governors are becoming incredibly popular, like DeSantis and others, that tell the truth.
And Governor Abbott has come out and said no to the forced vaccine mandate by any of these companies.
And the airlines are basically shut down right now because the people are on strike.
But the corporate media won't admit that because they don't want to show the power we still have if we just exercise it.
All this and more is coming up today.
When we come back, I'm going to lay out some really horrifying news, but the good news is, at least, it's coming out.
All right, we go to a break now.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones.
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The COVID-19 face diaper is a symbol of subservience, a symbol of slavery, a symbol of the chains that the medical tyranny combine controlled by the global private corporations has put in place.
It is the symbol of the permanent emergency from which we will never emerge.
It is the symbol that we are diseased and evil and bad and must cover our diseased criminal faces from the light of the sun.
It is the symbol of our complete and total absolute surrender to evil.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are crossing the Rubicon now.
The entire future destiny of humanity is upon us.
Klaus Schwab and the UN admit they're coming out with implantable microchips as part of the World ID and carbon taxes.
Things only get worse from here if we submit.
They only get better if we resist and say no.
Noncompliance, noncompliance, noncompliance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, we're back here in the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Alex Jones rejoining us here shortly, working on vacation as usual.
Now, I have such a loaded broadcast coming up.
If I don't do this now, I'm not sure it's ever going to happen and we won't even be on air.
So, folks, remember InfoWarsStore.com.
We have the best supplements that you can find on the market.
We have the best air filters, we have the best water filters, we have the best emergency food, not to mention the apparel, the hats, the t-shirts, everything else is at InfoWarsStore.com and of course that's what keeps us on the air so we can build these platforms and still be on air live.
Ten plus hours a day plus emergency broadcasts like one we have coming up tonight.
Myself and Rob Dew will be live from 7 to 9 p.m.
tonight, breaking exclusively some new developments or putting together some pieces on the Anthony Fauci corruption, taking a look at what he said over the years, applying it to what he's saying and doing now, putting all these pieces together.
That'll be a special live tonight from 7 to 9 p.m.
But all of that is only possible with myself banned on everywhere, Rob Dew banned on everywhere, Alex Jones banned on everywhere, InfoWars banned on everywhere.
It's only possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
I urge you to take advantage of these specials and we have the best supplements.
You can read the reviews for yourself.
DNA Force Plus, 40% off.
Brain Force Ultra, 25% off.
Down and Out Liquid Sleep Support, 50% off.
Survival Shield X2, 40% off.
Super Male and Super Female Vitality, 40% off.
Living Defense Plus, 40% off.
And Organic Greens Fiber Caps, 50% off.
We still have a little bit of that.
Before I go back to Alex, let me just try to lay all of this out here.
The insanity.
COVID should have been long over by now, but now we're just in the clown world.
And so COVID has all of these crazy things where they're making people in hospitals put plastic bags over their heads.
This is like one of those things like, oh, you don't run with scissors.
You know, you don't play with guns.
You don't put a plastic baggie over your head.
Well, that's what they tell you to do in hospitals now.
That's that image you see.
So we'll be talking with the family about that coming up as well, and Dr. Richard Bartlett about that hospital.
But that's just the beginning of the madness.
All of these people dying from vaccines.
Social media influencers that were told, promote the vaccine, we'll give you a payout.
Now they're suffering from Bell's Palsy.
You heard about that.
So just all kinds of news on that front.
It's just insane.
I don't even know how to break all of this down.
Then you have an unbelievable situation in Loudoun County, Virginia, where they covered up a rape in a bathroom of a young girl.
They covered up the rape of a bathroom in a young girl so they could pass transgender bathroom policies, and the individual that raped that young girl has now raped a second girl!
A lot on that front.
Fulton County fires people for shredding voter applications.
Anti-Trump people in the Navy selling nuclear secrets to foreign powers.
Total treason.
It's just unbelievable.
And then Kamala Harris, I knew there was something weird about it, now we know, posing with actors for a fake NASA video.
It's all insane.
But first, let's go back to Alex with more.
Remember, the global social engineers are betting everything on the fact that we won't adapt and overcome to their tyranny, but that we will submit to it.
That's why with the leftist teachings, the transgenderism, and all the rest of the cultural brainwashing, and the forced inoculations that aren't inoculations, it's all comply for the greater good of society, and then we'll let you go back out and go back to normal again.
But now, 21 months into this nightmare,
What is the BBC and CNN and MSNBC and ABC News and Gerspiegel tell us?
They say the new normal is that we're never going back to normal.
The before time of being able to travel and have a car and have air conditioning and have children is over.
We're going to cut the resources off so that you can't live.
Oh, you think you save money to be independent from us?
We're going to crash the value of every major currency in the world very soon.
It's already happening.
And then we're going to demand you accept a new global app on your phone so that all the other currencies that are now devalued will suddenly have decent value again.
But with it comes social credit surveillance.
I think?
And the entire project of the Rockefeller Rothschild Anglo-American Combine.
So the dream of Cecil Rhodes 140 years ago is now coming to fruition.
And you can read the writings of Cecil Rhodes.
You can read the writings of Zbigniew Brzezinski.
You can read the writings of Henry Kissinger, State Department Memorandum 200, about the official U.S.
government policy starting in 73.
There was always a eugenics group, but they took over in 73 to establish a planetary world government to carry out depopulation.
So that's where we are.
And that's why you see the John Hopkins data that's being reported on everywhere now, where you are way, depending on the country, up to three times, so on average about twice, more likely to get sick, hospitalized, or die if you've had these shots.
They are desperate that we the people not learn the truth of what they've done or they're all going to go to prison.
The globalists made their move.
They've been testing their chemicals and biologicals on third world populations for 60, 70 years.
But now they're going for broke with their Great Reset.
And now they've targeted our military with a system that poisons the troops that stays in and that runs out the forces that are actually informed and smart enough to understand that this is a death sentence.
Because even if these shots don't get you, the future injections they're already rolling out will.
And they've announced, indeed, that this is a litmus test to see who will submit to this cult of death and who won't.
Separately, there's no way we can stay on air without your support.
InfoWars is really trying to launch a lot of new initiatives to fight the New World Order.
You've seen the new film we produced, Coven Land, having a huge effect.
We've got really seven or eight big projects in the hopper that are partly completed or almost completed that are really going to give the globalists a run for their money.
That's why they're so angry at us.
That's why they're trying to shut us down.
That's why they're demonizing us.
That's why they're doing things that are unprecedented in the legal world in America and killing the process because they know what we're up to.
It's all legal and lawful, but it's all extremely effective at taking on the new world order.
So please go to InfoWarsTore.com.
This is the last week to get the emergency blowout sale, supply chain breakdown sale.
And it's 40% off DNA Force Plus that's now back in stock.
It's the last week to get 50% off on Winter Sun and Ultra 12 that we've extended.
That's so good for your whole body and immune system.
And we've got Living Defense that flushes out your guts and any unwanted visitors.
And so many other great products.
But the big one is also X2, the Deep Earth Crystal Iodine.
It's so good for your cells and so good for your body.
It's unbound.
Over 2 billion people are deficient in iodine.
It's caused a lot of the mental and cognitive problems we see out there.
It's all available between 40% and 50% off.
And the sale is running until Sunday.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
I'm going to hand the baton back to Owen Schroyer and this live broadcast.
Please stay with us.
Hey everybody.
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Me too.
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That's StrongerDefense.com.
People ask me all the time, Alex, the last three months or so you've had explosive energy on top of your already very intense level of energy.
What's happening?
Well, it's the things that are happening in the world right now that's got my blood up, but also I've gotten back in the groove of religiously taking three products every single day.
DNA Force Plus that's back in stock.
Also, X2, Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, that's essential for your immune system, your whole body.
And of course, at night time, Down and Out Sleep Aid, that makes me have deeper, cleaner, restful sleep, that again, boosts my immune system and is good for every cell in my body and great for the spirit.
All three of these products are in stock right now.
They are 40% off in the case of DNA Force Plus and 50% off for one week only on Survival Shield X2.
And yes, until supplies last, we have down and out, 50% off at InfoWareStore.com.
This is the Trifecta.
I suggest you check it out and experience what this does for your body today.
InfoWars Emergency Supply Chain Breakdown Sale is only running for one week from Monday, October 11th for seven days.
That's because a bunch of these products that we have in stock
Our limited supply because, obviously, the supply chain breakdown that I've been warning you of now for 20 months, because that's part of the Great Reset and part of the Global's plan, and that's what global lockdowns have been triggering.
So we've not lowered the quality of any of our products.
That means some of them have been sold out more than six months, like DNA Force Plus.
It is 40% off, but coming up in one week, it will go back to full price, and we probably won't have more for up to six.
Months, ladies and gentlemen.
So it's a chance to support the broadcast and get incredible products at the same time.
Winter Sun Ultra 12, they're both 50% off.
They're gonna go back to 10% off in a week as well.
They're 50% off right now.
Find these and more at InfoWarsTore.com and fund the info world, making your life a lot healthier.
In late August, InfoWars saw an explosion of orders because our audience understands that the globalists are destabilizing the planet by design and are attempting to cause an economic and financial collapse worldwide.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show, and now your host, Owen Troyer.
And we are joined by Dr. Richard Bartlett now to talk about
What has to be one of the most asinine, insane, illogical things that we've seen from this COVID insanity, and I know that's saying a lot, and even though this is kind of a lower level, more trivial thing, it just highlights the insanity of all of it, where hospitals are now forcing people to put plastic bags over their heads.
What's next?
Stick your finger in a light socket?
Run around with scissors and knives?
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
So, Dr. Richard Bartlett, I don't even know... I don't know how it gets more insane than this.
I don't even know how to properly respond to this.
I mean, how do you even digest that this is happening in hospitals, you know, medical facilities?
They're putting plastic bags over people's heads?
I mean, how do you analyze this?
Well, I think it was said best by Del Bigtree.
He said, speechless.
There's no words for this.
There really aren't.
I'll tell you what my impression is.
This is a picture of medical tyranny unchecked.
There's no logic behind putting plastic over someone's face that's already fighting to breathe.
That is fighting a respiratory virus that causes anxiety and shortness of breath and hypoxia?
It makes no sense.
And I guess, like you said, this is just the image of the whole COVID response that makes no sense.
Whether it's the CDC-NIH guidelines for COVID protocols in hospitals, whether it's the vaccine mandates, whether it's the lockdowns, all of it.
I mean, I guess, like you said, this image just encapsulates all of the insanity into one image.
It really does, and I've talked to
Uh, some of the critical care doctors there about different issues, uh, specifically, uh, had family members call me and add me to phone calls with, uh, several doctors.
One's Dr. Azarov, and, um, they, uh, vehemently, adamantly are opposed to, uh, Budesonide use for ARDS, which is originally triggered by COVID, but it's acute respiratory distress syndrome.
They're against that, which there is science for that.
The NIH database has studies showing that studying just budesonide nebulizer treatments for patients on the ventilator in the ICU with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
That's end-stage disease and they show overwhelming success with that, but you have these doctors refusing that because they follow and quote the CDC protocol, but this is happening in their hospital for months apparently is my understanding.
And I just saw the picture last night.
I couldn't believe it.
And that they would do this to Americans.
You know, it makes me think of the movies where they put bags over people's head and kidnap them, bags over their head for an extradition.
But putting a plastic bag over someone's head that is having trouble breathing from a respiratory disease that causes anxiety and hypoxia?
I don't have an answer for that.
But it is a perfect picture.
This is what happens when you have bad advisors, when you follow bad guidelines, when you start doing things whatever you're told you do that because who are all the other people that put the bags over people's head and watched as this was being done to teenagers?
Is that criminal?
Well, the fact that this has been going on for months, I think is even worse now that we see this image that we didn't even hear about this.
But you're right, it is that energy.
It's the energy of a kidnapped victim getting the bag over their head, tossed into the van.
You're now in a criminal's custody.
That's the same energy here.
I mean, this poor girl, I guess not the only one.
I mean, how many people have done this?
This is elementary stuff.
This is like, hey, you know, your mom says, don't put that plastic bag on your head.
Don't run with knives.
Don't stick your finger in a pencil sharpener.
It's just total common sense, and yet, I mean, how do you even, I don't know if you've talked to doctors at this hospital, how many people work at this hospital that are watching people put plastic bags on their heads and not saying anything?
How does nobody say anything about this for months?
I don't know.
The administrator's name is Russell Tippin.
He's probably a good guy to ask.
I mean, what is going on under his leadership?
I think time's up on craziness.
I think this COVID crazy phenomena, I think there's enough pushback in Texas that Governor Abbott even had to buckle to the pressure and say, OK, nobody's going to have to lose their job.
And to take the jab.
But I can tell you, many people have felt coerced up until the last minute and many people have received the COVID shot because they felt like there was no way out.
And that could have been done months or even a year ago by the same gentleman who finally did that yesterday.
And I think there's time for a change.
I'll tell you, I had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know
Lieutenant Colonel Allen West, who's running for governor, that's a gentleman who's going to bring common sense to anything that he's involved in.
A war hero, he served our country on many levels, even a U.S.
He would be a great governor for Texas.
And he's made it very public on social media that he's beaten COVID with nebulized budesonide and monoclonal antibodies, and there's a place
For a different strategy than Fauci.
Fauci said, shelter in place and wait for me to make a vaccine.
That was the strategy at the very beginning, January 2020, that he told the whole world.
And I thought, what?
This is a rapidly mutating virus.
There's no way that they're going to be able to make a one time one shot, even though that's kind of what was implied at the beginning.
And we have another rapidly mutating respiratory virus called influenza, and we don't get that right every year.
As a matter of fact, we consider 40% success with that.
And we don't shut down the country and collapse the economy because of it and just go completely insane putting bags on people's heads in hospitals.
But I really want you to weigh in on something else.
We got about two and a half minutes to break because this is something that should have been the top story and it kind of just came and went in a flash.
We have had more cases of COVID and they say more deaths from COVID since the vaccine than prior to the vaccine.
What is your response to that?
What does that signify?
I think there are many factors but definitely the solution is not the vaccine.
I was asked on a Friday if I would help with a project
That's run by the Texas Division of Emergency Management, setting up a monoclonal antibody infusion center in Odessa across the street from this same hospital that these images of plastic over teenagers' heads is from.
And at the infusion center, we infused 1,200 patients in one month.
That was breakneck speed.
And we caused that hospital census of COVID patients to go from 110 down to 42 in one month.
And at the same time,
Uh, every other person in that, uh, monoclonal antibody infusion center was angry they were there because they had been vaccinated, quote-unquote.
They had received their shots, they had done what they were told to do, because they were told to do it.
Just shut up and roll up your sleeve and do it because we say so.
Your body, our choice.
And so they complied, and now they're angry that they're sick, that they're elderly, that they have diabetes and high blood pressure, that they're at risk of dying from COVID.
Why are they needing this infusion?
And, you know, for even some federal leadership to say, to imply at one point that we shouldn't give the COVID or the monoclonal antibodies to those who have received the COVID shot, that's further betraying these people who did what you told them to do.
And so I'm going to say, just by looking at the people in the infusion center, how many people were vaccinated that were angry they were there because it failed them.
That the vaccine is not a winning strategy.
There's a better way, which is what Colonel Allen West is talking about, early effective outpatient treatment, which is also Governor DeSantis's message.
It's my message.
We've always used early effective outpatient treatment for every disease.
This is insane to tell us to hold our breath for a vaccine when the guy that was in charge of this, Fauci, has been in charge of trying to chase a vaccine for HIV.
All right, we're going to break now.
And there's some other developing news on this that we'll get into with Dr. Richard Bartlett.
Basically, there is no vaccine mandate.
It's just a press release.
I have the greatest sense of loss, deep in my heart, deep in my soul, I've ever had in my 47 years on this planet.
I've had a lot of loss.
Everybody else has.
And it's because it's a loss of ancestral freedom that so many people fought and died and bled and sweat for.
And now we're just throwing it all away.
And I see the general public in a medically-induced, scientifically-induced, behavioral, psychologically-controlled,
And I know we're being fed into this globalist meat grinder and it's so incredibly sad, but this is the process of birth and then growth and then falling apart and then degenerating and collapsing and then coming back to life again.
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Cobra Commander here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors.
For the next 15 days, to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at megacorporations.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
Oh, and then you'll get that special shot of venom from Cobra.
It will remove your immune system, so you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your miserable lives.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There is so much developing right now that it's going to spur or should I say accelerate the mass awakening that's happening but in response to that...
The globalists, the criminals that think they own this planet are going to have a response of their own and we are just in the middle of it right now, like being in the middle of the Hadron Collider or something.
And so it's just incredible to have Dr. Bartlett on breaking this down where they're putting bags on people's heads.
We're about to have that family join us as well to talk about the experience.
Apparently they're doing it normally.
And so Alex Jones is on the line.
Alex, you know, my head is spinning.
I just, I can't even believe this.
Every day I was explaining it at the top of the broadcast.
It's like every day I'm recapping the most epic Super Bowl of all time and just trying to break it all down.
But it's every day.
It just never stops, Alex.
And I'm on a supposed vacation in Florida, but I just can't drag myself away.
Well, that's right.
And I just want to say a few things to get off here quickly, because I know I've got a bad cell connection.
You and Dr. Bartler are doing a great job.
I just wanted him to be able to elaborate on the fact that the mask in the studies I've seen boost levels of carbon dioxide a lot higher than they're supposed to be, and it can cause problems and headaches and some brain damage over time.
But if you put a whole plastic bag over somebody, down to their chest or down to their stomach, that's going to recirculate carbon dioxide and is going to cause brain damage.
I'd like him to speak to that because the stories on InfoWars.com, Paul Watson wrote about it, but Dr. Bartlett, you don't confirm this is going on.
The hospital admits they do it.
This just shows like it's a mass Milgram experiment or a Stanford experiment where they see how far they can push this.
That's A, I want him to speak to that and then I'll make it off.
You guys did a great job.
And then B,
More about these two young kids that went in to get a flu shot.
They were given the COVID injection and both had serious heart problems.
I mean, that is just amazing.
So I'm going to go ahead and turn the baton back over to you guys to see what you have to say.
And thanks for coming on, Dr. Bartlett.
Yes, sir.
Well, I'll tell you, number one, our immediate concern is low oxygen hypoxia.
And Alex is exactly right.
The lungs exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen.
And so when you get COVID and inflammation in the lungs, the swelling and the inflammation in the lung tissue, those two to three cell layers that are used to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen have swelling in between those cells and it's harder to exchange the oxygen.
So people come into the emergency room short of breath, hypoxic, low oxygen.
You want to give them oxygen and you don't want to decrease their supply of oxygen.
Putting a mask on or putting a
A plastic bag would be the opposite of giving supplemental oxygen.
I have no explanation other than he touched on that on the second point.
It seems like they're pushing as far, how far will they, how far will we let them go?
They're trying to figure out how far can they go with these issues.
How much will we allow?
And at this point, I think that Governor Abbott has heard enough is enough and decided
To do what a political windsock would do to say, OK, it looks like the polls are saying better do something different.
And I'll tell you, it's evil to try to force people to take a injection or have a surgery or start taking medicines that have great risk without giving them a right to choose and weigh the risk and benefits.
And this whole thing with the propaganda of telling, just roll up your sleeve because we say so, damn it, and not saying there's a risk.
There is absolutely a risk.
I've been the ER doctor taking care of my ER patients who have had strokes, Guillain-Barre syndrome, ascending paralysis, become pulmonary cripples as a result of the COVID shot.
And other problems, too.
Transverse myelitis.
An older lady who tried to stand up two hours after she got the shot falls flat on her face and is my patient in the ER.
And she was on blood thinner.
She didn't need that problem, too.
And so I think that it does seem like they're almost testing to see how far they can push us until we say, no more.
I'm not going to take it anymore.
And there are enough people rising up.
A global awareness, I believe, of what's going on that's rising up that is saying, enough is enough.
There's a line in the sand and we really mean it.
And don't cross that line.
As a matter of fact, back up.
And Alex has been a leader.
Owen, you've been a leader on this.
But the war isn't over, but there is a turning that's happening right now.
And when they get this ridiculous to put plastic over teenagers' heads who are fighting for their breath,
I think that they're outing themselves.
There's no science behind this.
Show me the randomized controlled trial that this makes sense.
A lot of things are said, they just do a lot of things just because they're told to.
But enough is enough.
Respiratory therapists and nurses and doctors need to stand up and say, I'm not going to do that because it's not medically sound.
It doesn't make sense scientifically.
It's against my conscience.
I'm not going to follow an order just because they tell me to.
That's what happened with Nazi soldiers in World War II who just were doing their job.
They were just doing what they were told.
I'm just putting people on this railroad car.
That's what I'm doing.
I'm told to do it, so I'm doing it.
And why is that okay?
Because I was just following orders?
Enough is enough.
And I think that there are a lot of doctors and nurses who have been resounding that they're not personally going to get the COVID jab just because people say to.
And they're willing to lose their jobs.
And that was an imminent threat.
Actually, I believe a lot of people did lose their job in Houston.
Methodist, if I think about it for a moment, like over 150, 160 who lost their job.
We'll see how this turns out.
Now, if the governor said that you can't force private, private entities cannot force Texans to get the shot or lose their job.
They lost their job.
They were fired.
Let's see how that goes.
Well, we already have a lot of legal battles happening right now, specifically here in Texas with our great Attorney General, Ken Paxton.
But yeah, how is this going to go with all, I mean it's thousands across America, but definitely here in Texas.
How is this going to go where they've already laid off all these workers and nurses because of a vaccine mandate that doesn't actually exist?
It was literally just a press release from Biden.
There is no executive order, there is no law, there is no legislation.
There's nothing except a press release, and yet everybody's enforced it.
You also have Southwest Airlines that is stationed in Dallas, I believe is their headquarters.
They're mandating the vaccine for their pilots.
But talk about the image of the woman with the bag over her head is a good optical illustration of the insanity from COVID.
Talk about why we would force people to have medical procedures that they don't need.
I mean, that's like somebody saying, you know, OK, I'm 32 years old.
I have a healthy heart.
We're going to give you bypass surgery even though you don't need it.
We're going to mandate it.
Or we're going to give you a kidney transplant.
You don't need it, but we're mandating it.
I mean, talk about the idea of medical procedures that are unneeded, unnecessary, and mandating that.
This has never happened.
I've never heard of this before.
It's never happened before.
It's totally illogical.
It's non-scientific.
There is no science to back it up.
We've never done these things before that are being done.
It was all started, some of these strategies were started in a communist state, in a communist nation, the most populous nation on the planet.
And then those strategies were
Absorbed and touted and repeated by the World Health Organization and the CDC for the most part.
But there was no precedent for this before.
It was not science to wear a surgical mask for a respiratory virus of a flu outbreak 20 years ago.
And it certainly
You know, the plastic over the head almost makes you think, well, I guess they figured out the mask doesn't work and maybe they need to try to do something else.
Maybe that's the logic behind it, but I could think of some better ideas.
There's early effective outpatient treatment for COVID.
Treat people early and make them not contagious with the monoclonal antibodies, the budesonide.
And aspirin and antibiotic and it works and people recover and they become, they have natural immunity and then they add to the community's herd immunity.
That has been how we get out of every pandemic.
January, let's see, 2019, 2009 we had the H1N1 pandemic and we didn't have one vaccine that was mandated.
There is a lot of things that are happening right now that are purely an agenda that have no science behind them.
You know, they even admit if you get the vaccine, it's not going to protect you.
They're not guaranteeing that it will protect you.
You could still get COVID.
But it's to protect other people is what they say.
The logic.
There's no, there's such a major gap in the logic here that I'm surprised that so many people have swallowed it.
But, you know, we've been taught to follow.
And so many people have been, they felt coerced, they felt intimidated, they felt like they were betraying other people and putting other people at risk because that's what they were told.
And they just did what they were told.
And so I have taken care of some of those people in the emergency room that are damaged.
We're good to go.
And we're about to go to break here.
We're going to be joined by the family that has made this story go viral with the bag over their head, but apparently it's been going on.
But I mean, imagine, imagine hospitals just actually, nurses or doctors actually putting their hands around your neck and suffocating you and choking you.
Well, that'd be a crime, but they do it with a bag and it's okay.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are now in the second hour of the Alex Jones Show, Dr. Richard Bartlett on the phone line.
We are now joined by the mother of the 17-year-old girl who was humiliated and, I mean, you could say tortured.
I mean, if you did this in a jail or, you know, you had a prisoner you're trying to get answers from, they'd call this torture, suffocating them with a bag over their head.
But they're kind enough to just call it humiliation.
And so, Dr. Richard Bartlett, do you want to introduce the mother of this young girl that, in my view, got tortured
Inside a hospital, forced to suffocate under a plastic bag.
Dr. Richard Bartlett.
Natalie is the mother, and Natalie's 17-year-old daughter was sick with COVID.
And so, Natalie did the right thing.
She sought medical help.
Unfortunately, many people are being, it seems like many people are being betrayed.
They look for help, but they get a bag over their head.
Or they're being deprived from potentially life-saving medicines, like e-desmide nebulizer treatments.
If you're a retired state senator who can call the governor of Georgia, then you might eventually get it after the doctors deny it over and over.
But Natalie's daughter, she brought her daughter to the emergency room, and to her shock and horror, a plastic bag was placed over her daughter.
I have no explanation for that.
Natalie was there.
I was not.
As an ER doctor, I have never done that to anybody.
Natalie, can you tell us what in the world is going on?
Yes, that was my question.
They said they were going to keep her.
And then they were going to transport her and they came with a bag.
And they said that they had to put it over her head.
And I said, are you serious?
Like, she can't breathe.
She has her mask.
I figured the mask would be enough.
And they said, no, it was protocol.
They had to put the, I guess they were going to be in the halls with other people.
I'm speechless.
I think Del Bigtree summed it up really well.
Speechless was his one word.
This is insanity.
This is unethical, immoral.
Some people would call it child abuse.
And for people that are complicit with that, complying with it,
I have no explanation for putting a suffocating hazard over a child's head.
Or, I think that we'd probably react quickly if we went into the ER and we saw someone with a pillow over someone's face.
But this is insane.
I have no excuse for this.
It's inexcusable, and it needs to be held accountable.
Thank God we have people like Ken Paxton, who's our Attorney General of Texas.
Who is interested in protecting the Texans, the individual Texans' rights.
And so I'm so grateful that he's our Attorney General.
Everybody should listen to what he says.
He's a real hero.
But we, it's time for a change in Texas.
If this is what can be done under the current leadership, if this is what can be done under the current leadership of that hospital,
If this is what is acceptable to the orderlies, and the lab techs, and the x-ray techs, and the nurses, and everybody that sees a kid getting rolled down the... anxious, short of breath, with a plastic bag over their head, somebody should have reached over there and pulled that off the child's head and helped them.
I have no excuse for this.
It was like a normal thing for them.
Everybody seemed to have accepted it.
Yeah, it was just like, okay, you're just walking by with a bag over your head.
I guess four years in Nazi Germany, people started to think certain things were normal about people coming off of trains and then not appearing again after they go in for a shower.
This is not acceptable.
Owen's right.
You're right.
I'm right.
Common sense.
This is not acceptable.
This will not fly.
I didn't see this in the CDC protocol, but I wouldn't be surprised, by the way,
Early effective outpatient treatment with Budesonide has not been acknowledged by CDC or the FDA has not emergency use authorized Budesonide.
But this is allowed?
I say no more.
By who?
This is crazy.
What is your advice, Natalie, after this happened to your daughter?
I don't think that they should put a bag over their head.
She got really anxious.
She couldn't breathe.
It's just, I think it makes it harder for them.
If they can't breathe already and you put a bag over their head, like, when you were little they told you don't put bags over your head.
Yeah, it even says on plastic bags, keep out of reach of children because of suffocation.
We're going to break, we'll be right back.
So if you understand that this is not FDA approved, it's totally experimental, it's never been given to human beings before.
Some of the ingredients inside of these shots have never been injected in human beings before.
There are no long-term studies.
We don't know what's going to happen inside your body somewhere four to six weeks after your second injection or four to six months or even two years.
We have no idea.
Whether it's going to cause infertility, whether it's going to cause cancer, how bad your autoimmune disease is going to be.
My conclusion, after looking at this for a long time and listening to the arguments for these masks, I've determined that if you believe, if you're a medical doctor or a scientist that's spouting, using these masks, you're either being played or you're being paid.
Secure your copy of COVIDland today at covidland.com.
If you order by October 6th, you get a free copy of Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
And we have Dr. Richard Bartlett on the line, and Natalie, the mother of a young girl who went to a hospital for COVID treatment, and she was told to put a plastic bag over her head.
If you're hearing this just now for the first time, you're probably thinking this is a joke, or this is insane, it can't be.
No, we have the images, it's a real thing, and apparently that was normal protocol there.
Boy, I hope we're reaching rock bottom of this COVID insanity, but somehow I doubt it.
And I'd like to see, and maybe Natalie can give us more information on this, I think that you should probably even try to find another one of these bags.
I wouldn't be surprised if on the bag it even says suffocation risk on it, like many plastic bags do, because it says it's an equipment cover on the bag, so it's obviously not intended for humans.
But Natalie, let's just draw back.
Tell the audience what happened that day.
Your daughter gets sick.
You take her to the hospital.
She goes to the hospital for treatment.
Just break down just how the day went.
You go to the hospital, you're talking to doctors, and then you see your daughter with a bag over her head.
Just try to relive that.
I know it's traumatizing.
I know it's emotional.
We'll be patient here, but just try to explain to the audience what it was like that day.
It was very hard.
Her oxygen was already low.
Her oxygen was in 85, 86 when we got there.
They tested her for COVID.
We already knew she was positive, and they still tested her again.
And then they said that she needed to be on oxygen, so they put her on oxygen.
And then they said they were going to keep her just to make sure she was okay, because she was low on oxygen.
And then they came to transport us, and then she brought a bag, and I'm like, okay, what's that for?
She says, we have to put it over her head.
And I said, for what?
She says, anytime we transport them through the halls where there's other patients, we have to put it over their head.
I'm like, okay.
So she had the mask on already and the bag, but she kept saying she couldn't breathe, so she took off the mask.
And they told her she had to put the mask back on.
So she put the mask back on, and then they took us to the room, but the way to the room, she had to wear the bag.
When she got in the room, she could take off the bag, but she had to keep it, so if she had to do any x-rays, CAT scans, she had to put the bag back on, anytime she was in the hallways with other people.
And then they tested her and all of that, and then we stayed the night.
And then the next morning, they came in and said they were taking her to ICU for her DKA.
And then they put the bag back on her and took her to ICU.
And she had to wear the bag until she was in the room.
Once she was in the room, she didn't have to wear the bag.
It was just anytime she left the room, she had to wear the bag.
And what hospital was this at again?
Medical Center in Odessa, Texas.
And you're to be understood that this is the protocol for this?
That's what she said, that anytime any patient had COVID and being admitted, they had to wear the bag.
Anytime they were in the hallways with any other people.
Did you see anybody else in the bag like your daughter that day?
But they said that that was normal protocol, so we're to assume that hundreds or potentially even thousands of people were put in a bag to suffocate and that was considered protocol?
Yes, sir.
Well folks, I know that this sounds...
But you can go to InfoWars.com right now.
We have the story, we have the images of this, so you can see it for yourself.
And I know that this was tough for you, Natalie, but good job with your instincts to take a picture of this for the world to see.
Who knows, you could be saving people from this treatment in the future.
So maybe some good will come of this torture your daughter and you have had to go through.
But again, folks, you can see the images at InfoWars.com, the headline, Dehumanized.
COVID patient in Texas hospital had plastic bag placed over her head.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, I mean, now we're supposed to believe that this is considered a protocol there, which is even perhaps harder to believe.
So what?
They've been doing this to hundreds, maybe thousands of people.
And I mean, how do you even have this going on for so long?
And it takes Natalie to be the first one to show it's happening.
Well, you know, this is not the only thing that I disagree with at that hospital.
I've been promoting early, effective outpatient treatment and late care for ARDS patients with Budesonide, and patients' loved ones have been denied repeatedly the Budesonide, and it's just a nightmare.
I think whoever the administrator should be held accountable.
Harry Truman, I was born in Missouri, Harry Truman had on his desk, the buck stops here.
He was going to be responsible and be accountable for anything that happened on his watch, is what that implies.
I think that whoever is running the hospital should be held accountable.
And if taxpayer dollars are paying for his leadership, and this is the fruit of his leadership, I think that maybe we need different leadership.
And the doctors that have been complicit in this, involved in this,
I'm not sure if they were trained in the United States.
Where did they go to medical school?
Where are they from?
This is not how we do things in America.
So, I'm saying doctors that are involved in this, I don't know how they could keep their license once it's proven that they're involved in this, that this is their recommendation, that this is their protocol.
I don't know how the medical board would stand by for this when they're attacking doctors for doing early effective outpatient treatment.
We're good.
But this is crazy.
And those doctors should be held accountable.
If they're on a contract with that hospital, I don't know how they could justify keeping them on the contract with the hospital.
People need to be held accountable.
This is that time in human history where atrocities like this need to be called out and held accountable.
This is insane.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
If someone's hypoxic, they could have a heart attack.
They could have a stroke.
There's all kinds.
You can have all kinds of problems with hypoxia.
They could suffocate to death!
I mean, people have suffocated to death in plastic bags.
So well said, Dr. Richard Barlett.
Let me ask you this, though.
You're at the hospital, you're in a room, you're treating a patient, you leave the room, you get out in the hallway, and you see a patient with a plastic bag over her head.
What would your response be?
What would you do?
I'd rip her off her head.
I'd do exactly what... You do the immediate thing.
You take care of people.
You do... It's your training.
It's your instinct.
I've had people hit by cars on the side of the road.
I've had to run over there and rescue them, open their airway, and eventually call for an ambulance.
And I started IVs on the side of the road.
I'd take my belt off and tie it around so-and-so's
I think so.
If there's doctors, critical care doctors, they're experts, quote unquote, that said that this is their protocol that they've come up with.
Well, this is evidence that just because a doctor says something doesn't mean it's true.
As a matter of fact, it might be the opposite of the truth.
This is not good for patients to put plastic over their head when they're hypoxic.
And if a doctor says that this is what they're recommending, that doctor should not be practicing medicine.
He should be doing something else.
Find something else you could do appropriately.
Do something else.
But this is not contributing.
This is harming people and putting them potentially in life-threatening situations.
This is insane.
If I saw this in a hallway, I'd immediately rescue the patient.
Yeah, if you saw your kid running in the kitchen with a plastic bag over your head, you'd rip it off.
If you saw anything like this, you'd... I mean, it's just, this is so common sense, and I'm just curious, in 30 seconds to break here, the bag says equipment cover on it.
I'm guessing this is a common thing in hospitals.
I mean, so, they just have equipment cover bags?
I mean, there has to be some warning on it too, like keep out of reach of children?
I mean, do you know anything about these bags that they're putting on people?
No, but I hope that more comes out.
Now that this has leaked out, that this has been happening right under our nose, what else is happening?
You know, we hear about human trafficking happening underneath our nose in our communities.
This is an example of something else.
You see just a glimmer of things that are totally inappropriate, totally wrong, and you cannot look the other way.
I'm asking the list.
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The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware that there's a war between free individuals and nation-states on one side, and the globalists on the other, who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
From the United States to Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations were pulling out of the private, corporate, fascist world government.
That's why they launched their Great Reset, and their program after collapsing us of Build Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down, vertical consolidation of the world economy.
And because they couldn't take our guns, and because we wouldn't bow, because the left, which is the ideology of this world government system, couldn't win, they released a biological weapon on us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones with us on the line, Dr. Richard Bartlett as well, and the mother of the 17-year-old girl who was forced to put a plastic bag over her head against all logic and common sense.
And we're now learning that this has been the policy at that hospital for over a year!
This has been going on for over a year!
You put a plastic bag over a child's head as a parent, you could be responsible for crimes, for child abuse, but oh, this is policy at a hospital?
Dr. Richard Bartlett, you were making such an eloquent call to action, you were cut off by the break.
Pick it off where you left off there, pick it up where you left off on this call to action right now, for nurses, for doctors, for people in hospitals, for just all Americans.
For all Americans at this point, we have to call out abuse of power.
This is abuse of power.
This is a picture of medical tyranny, but it is abuse of power at the core.
And so, as these things are uncovered, I think of Arthur Polowski, the pastor up in Canada, who's been arrested and he's been mistreated and abused by the government.
Abuse of power needs to be held accountable from this point forward.
And if people have been governors, senators, congressmen, and stood silently by while all this stuff has been happening to Americans, they need to be removed.
Vote for someone else.
Vote for a change for freedom.
Vote for freedom.
But we need to also hold local hospital administrators accountable, local doctors accountable.
Enough is enough.
And so, that is my message.
Hold accountable abuse of power and doctors have abused this greatly.
I'm just listening to you and I'm totally agreeing.
That's why I called in as you hit the break.
You were saying I have a call to action to the listeners and I just hope people understand that
It looks like the globalists are losing because the truth is coming out, and at one level they are, but their original plan is to break down our industrial society and create a post-industrial world.
And so that's what they're really doing right now, and so I think it's very important people understand that none of this makes sense, none of this
Uh, on the surface looks good because it's not designed to be good.
It's meant to destroy trust in our institutions.
It's meant to bring our country down and on the ashes of it, they're going to build world governments.
That's what's so sophisticated about the racial division and all the other divisions that are taking place here is they're using our own institutions against us.
And the people inside the system that are going along with it think that they're just part of a collective and actually helping people, but they're not.
So it's the minions that also think they're doing good following orders that need to wake up and see how they're part of a larger plan to bring down the civilization.
I just want to thank this lady for having the courage to speak up.
Think how many people didn't speak up when they were putting, you know, these bags over their bodies.
I mean, all the way down to their stomachs.
This is all, again, just a raw exercise of power.
And I'm just tuning into the show.
I just had to call in and ask that question.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, let me ask you a quick question here and then we'll get a final word from Natalie.
If somebody came in with a child that you saw was suffering from hypoxia and you found out that the child was having a plastic bag put on their head at home, what would you do in response to that as a doctor?
We would absolutely immediately call law enforcement.
That is child abuse.
And that doesn't even take a moment's thought.
That's what should happen.
And if I see that happen in a hospital, you know, it's not impossible to believe.
It has happened before that there has been abuse in hospitals and nursing homes.
That's been in the history of the United States.
Bad things sometimes happen.
And if I saw someone putting a pillow over someone's head in a hospital bed, I would intervene.
If I saw someone put a plastic bag over someone's head that was hypoxic, I would intervene.
And I would probably not be on the same page as the doctors that say that this is their policy.
I have not been on their page about early effective outpatient treatment or using eudecinide nebulizer treatments for ARDS in the hospital, which has rescued many people.
Just yesterday, Lieutenant Colonel Allen West made it public on social media.
He was rescued with monoclonal antibodies and eudecinide nebulizer treatments in his hospital in Plano.
That should be available for everybody.
I have locked horns with doctors in this same hospital that are okay with plastic bags over children's heads.
I'm not okay with... I'm not on the same page with them on several things.
Natalie, thank you for joining us.
I know this must be tough, just enduring it, seeing this treatment of your daughter as well, especially at a place, a hospital, that you think you should be able to trust fully and now you can't.
You don't probably ever want to leave your kid in the hospital ever again unattended, sadly, because of this.
Final words, Natalie, thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, it was hard, but hopefully this will help and it'll stop because it's
Very hard seeing your kid in a plastic bag when they can't breathe.
And them telling you, you have to leave it on.
So thank you very much.
Natalie, thank you very much, and I can't believe that it took over a year of this treatment for somebody to blow the whistle on it, for somebody to take a picture of it, for somebody to call it out, but that's the case.
It was you, Natalie, and, you know, hopefully this will not be, the treatment of your daughter will not be in vain, and we can stop this torturous treatment of people at this clinic so that they don't have to endure putting a bag over the head.
I'm sorry, hold on, the crew, what was that?
What about your husband?
Natalie, there was another family member who had her 16-year-old son and her husband sick with COVID, and they came to the ER, and the husband was put on the ventilator and passed shortly after that, but the son
Had the same plastic bag treatment.
I've heard about and talked to that family today as well.
I can't believe this is happening over and over again at that place.
This is a county hospital with county taxpayer dollars.
This is a county hospital that should be providing care for the community and be a safety net for the community.
This should not happen.
And if these doctors are from other countries and have different philosophies of the value of human life or the value of patient rights,
That's not acceptable in Texas, putting plastic over children's heads.
Are you going to be looking further into this, Dr. Bartlett, about how long this has been going on, how many people have had to endure this?
I expect that this is something the whole community is going to take a close look at.
And as a community, we need to respond.
And we should not allow the same
That has allowed this.
If they've been aware of it and they've allowed this, what do you call that if such a thing as child abuse and you're watching it happen?
If this is deemed child abuse.
I don't think it's healthy, to put it mildly.
It's insanity.
Yeah, child abuse in the home, but protocol in a hospital.
It makes no sense.
Natalie, how is your daughter right now, by the way?
Is she getting better?
Yeah, she's getting better.
Well, our prayers are with your daughter, our prayers are with you and your family.
I just can't even imagine what this experience has been like for you and folks, we just, we can't, I hope the community does
Make a fuss about this, because again, this would be considered child abuse in the home, but somehow it's considered policy in the hospital.
Dr. Richard Bartlett, thank you so much for joining us today.
Natalie, thank you so much for joining us today.
And folks, I know that this sounds crazy to believe, I know, but you can go to InfoWars.com and see it for yourself.
We have the images, and I think that this is probably just the beginning of this story getting exposed.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to InfoWarsStore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Free Press needs your help, Frank!
I want to be very clear.
The fact that InfoWars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, what a crazy story we just covered.
Remember folks,
This doesn't get out.
This story doesn't get out.
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Spread the videos wherever, however you can.
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Distribution by proxy, as James O'Keefe has coined the term.
And it's your support that keeps us on the air, and then it's your effort to get the information out that makes it have a greater impact.
Now, I'm going to start piledriving through all this news, and more news is just coming in as I'm sitting here.
It's just building up on my desk.
So let me just turn into a news piledriver right here on air and get this out.
So, alright, we just covered the story about how it's a hospital policy to put a plastic bag over people's heads.
I mean, it's just total insanity.
This has to be rock bottom, but they'll find a way to go lower, I'm sure.
You know, potential suffocating of its patients by forcing them into a plastic bag.
Child abuse at home.
Hospital policy for COVID.
But we've covered that, so let's move on.
Marjorie Taylor Greene is a great American and this story is now becoming the main story as CEOs and major companies that have been devastated by this vaccine mandate are all blaming Biden.
But here's the catch.
There is no mandate.
It doesn't even exist.
It was just a Biden press release.
It was just a dictate of the Democrat Party and Anthony Fauci.
Here's Marjorie Taylor Greene on Twitter.
There is no federal law mandating vaccines.
We never voted on it because it does not exist.
There is also no rule under OSHA that allows for companies to be fined for not wearing or for not mandating vaccines.
Corporate communism needs to end now.
Biden is not a dictator.
No, he can barely even pull his own pants up or tie his shoes or walk.
Moving on.
New studies.
Natural immunity and COVID-19.
29 scientific studies to share with employers, health officials, and politicians.
29 studies now, all showing natural immunity works.
Natural immunity works.
You don't have any studies that show the vaccines are safe and effective.
You have the exact opposite.
The vaccines are killing people.
The vaccines are causing vaccine variants to spread.
And then the studies that they do do, they find out, oh, well, it looks like immunity lasts for maybe 30 days, or maybe it's 70% effective max with some of these vaccines.
But you are the experiment, so they're figuring all that out now.
Rob Schneider turns out to be one of the good people in Hollywood.
We salute him.
Take a stand with your fellow Americans for freedom and fight this authoritarian tyranny while we still can.
And he shares the video of the pilot who talked about how he's being forced off the job because of the vaccine mandate.
By the way, I've got a new development on that as well coming up.
Richest man in the world, Elon Musk.
Elon Musk leaves California describing lockdowns as fascist.
Yes, the left has always been the fascists.
That's why Antifa has been such an ironic joke, going after Trump or conservatives or free market capitalists, ignoring the actual fascists at Google and Apple and Big Tech and in the Democrat Party.
Now, you have to understand, when you see these headlines about the vaccine, it's all marketing.
So, oh, black people aren't taking the vaccine, let's do a marketing push for black people.
Oh, and so now it's, oh, pregnant mothers don't want to take the vaccine, let's do a marketing push for pregnant mothers.
And they do it in a disguise, a camouflage of a news story like this on ABC News.
This is a vaccine marketing scam.
Disguised as a news report, families speak out as COVID-19 Delta variant proves dangerous for pregnant people.
But what about the vaccine?
No, see this is all about making you afraid of COVID or Delta or whatever, the vaccine variant, so that you go get that vaccine because they know pregnant mothers aren't taking it because they know the risks and they don't want their baby to have the side effects.
And they don't want their baby to have potential side effects if they get it and they breastfeed.
So they say, oh look here's a
It's basic marketing.
Just think marketing.
Where is a group of people that we're not reaching?
The vaccine manufacturers ask.
And then they say, oh, well, we don't have very many pregnant people that are getting the vaccine.
So they say, OK, let's pay for a story in ABC News to make pregnant mothers afraid of COVID so that they get the vaccine.
And we'll camouflage it as a news story so they don't know it's just a marketing campaign.
Two more hospitals demand mandatory vaccination before allowing organ transplants.
The story is at Infowars.com.
So that's now three hospitals.
But remember, Democrats tell you, Socialists tell you, healthcare is a right!
Healthcare is a human right, they say!
Healthcare is a human right!
Nobody should be denied healthcare for no reason whatsoever!
Oh, but now, unless you don't have a vaccine, then it's okay.
Oh, I see, I get it.
You're tyrants, actually, is what you are.
You're authoritarians, actually, is what you are.
Oh, here's the science on the other side of the vaccine effectiveness versus natural immunity effectiveness.
Researchers see fading vaccine effect as 7 in 10 COVID deaths in Sweden are fully vaccinated.
70% of COVID deaths in Sweden fully vaccinated.
And you have all different data sets that are coming out now that prove the vaccine is either not effective and or killing people.
As you have more COVID deaths since the vaccine than prior to the vaccine.
Oh, but they're not blaming Biden for that.
That's pretty amazing.
We don't even have the common sense to say, hmm, where were the variants for the first year of this virus?
And how come they just started happening after the vaccine?
Ah, that's because the vaccine causes the variants.
More from the pilot that had that viral video.
We played it yesterday.
It's growing by tens of thousands.
Pilot behind viral anti-vax pro-freedom video says thousands are joining the US Freedom Flyers organization every day.
So something's going to have to give here.
And the egg is going to end up being on Biden's face, I think.
Because of the pilot standing up, the nurses standing up, the doctors standing up, the average American standing up, and then Biden is going to be the scapegoat for the vaccine mandates.
And these CEOs, who they were all about the mandates, they're going to act like they had nothing to do with it.
They were all about it.
They're all corporate fascists as well.
But they're going to use Biden as the scapegoat and say, he said we had to do it.
It's Biden's fault.
So the demise of Biden will continue.
And then, you know, I don't have time to get into it because it's just such a redundant thing.
But every day I have stacks of news, whether it's Nancy Pelosi of the Democrat Party, when Trump was in office saying, don't take the vaccine, it's being rushed for political reasons, it could kill people.
Whether it's David Axelrod, big liberal reporter, saying the exact same thing, fast-tracking this vaccine to get elected Donald Trump, you're going to kill people.
Just stacks of these news, defiant L's as an account that just documents all of this.
And it just shows how they're all liars, it just shows how they're all frauds.
When Trump was in office, they all said the vaccine was going to be deadly and not to take it.
And then as soon as Biden got in, they told you you have to take it.
So what does that tell you about these people?
At least one, you shouldn't trust them.
Now, this is a hilarious self-own by the left that they just haven't figured out yet, and I hope this isn't the reality of the case, but there's a meme that's going around, or a cartoon that's going around, of liberals making, and they think it's some sort of an own of the unvaccinated.
And guys, if you want to do a doc cam here...
It's a, it's a group of basically stick figures, and all of them are standing on the ground, or laying on the ground in grey, and then one of them is red, and the caption says, standing up, the one that's red is standing up, the grey are all on the ground, and the caption says, this is Bob, Bob isn't vaccinated and apparently has superpowers which enable him to infect and kill vaccinated people while preserving his own life, Bob is selfish, and they somehow think this is an own of the unvaccinated, when if anything this is a total cell phone!
You're admitting that the vaccines don't work and or are killing you and that the only people that will survive COVID are the unvaccinated!
But these are not bright people that we're dealing with, so I shouldn't be so surprised that that is the case.
But hey, Nancy Pelosi came out the other day.
We have the video at InfoWars.com.
In a article, Megalomaniac Pelosi admits she thinks a lot about ruling the world.
Oh yes, we know Nancy.
We know that you and your fellow communists and fascists and totalitarians and authoritarians in government, we know you think you want to run the world.
We know you've made deals with the Chinese communists.
We know you've made deals with the UN.
We're just waking up to it.
And you think it's all a big game.
You think it's all a big joke.
It's not going to end so well.
Alright, more news on the other side and then we have a whistleblower nurse who's standing up against the vaccines joining us as well.
It's all coming up on the Alex Jones Show.
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I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe.
I was barely holding on to a job.
And I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1.
And it worked
Pretty good.
And then, shortly thereafter, you came out with XT, you know, with a deeper source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened, you know?
I could think again.
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
It works.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
InfoWars Emergency Supply Chain Breakdown Sale is only running for one week from Monday, October 11th for seven days.
That's because a bunch of these products that we have in stock
Our limited supply because obviously the supply chain breakdown that I've been warning you of now for 20 months, because that's part of the Great Reset and part of the Global's plan.
That's what global lockdowns have been triggered.
So we've not lowered the quality of any of our products.
That means some of them have been sold out more than six months, like DNA Force Plus.
It is 40% off, but coming up in one week, it will go back to full price.
We probably won't have more for up to six.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Now, we have just highlighted a level of evil that's going on in response to this COVID.
Where they have a policy to put plastic bags over people's heads in a hospital.
It'd be called suffocation or child abuse anywhere else, but in the hospital for COVID, somehow that works.
But as evil as that is, this story might be even worse.
And you want to try to make sense of this in your head, you only reach the worst conclusions possible.
But it's always the same people doing these evil, dastardly deeds.
So, in Loudoun County, for some odd reason, there are school boards, which are obviously Democrats, that are desperate and it's a top priority to have transgender bathrooms and or have the access of transsexuals to any bathroom be a policy.
And so this is a top priority for them, who knows why.
But Democrats on school boards in Loudoun County have been trying to get either transgender bathrooms and or let transsexuals into whatever bathroom that they want to identify as, and this has been a top priority.
So, back in June, I guess, months ago, there was a situation in Loudoun County where a transsexual individual, a male, biologically, went into the female bathroom
As a transsexual, allegedly, or pretending to be, and raped, and raped a girl!
Here's a headline in the Daily Mail.
Loudoun County father who was dragged out of woke school board meeting reveals his daughter was raped in the girl's bathroom by a skirt-wearing male who was arrested for assaulting a second girl months later.
Now, so you say, whoa, a second girl?
Well, I'm jumping forward.
So, the transsexual biological male rapes a girl in the woman's bathroom at this school.
Now, the Democrats on the school board are in the middle of trying to pass the official policy at the school to let men go into the bathroom with women if they claim that they are women, if they identify as female, or have transsexuals be able to go in whatever bathroom they want, just blur the lines of reality.
So they covered up a rape.
For a political purpose.
The Democrats on the Loudoun County School Board covered up a rape of a girl in the women's bathroom so they could get the policy they wanted passed.
And they had the father of the girl who was raped removed from school board meetings because they didn't want that information getting out.
Because, hey, yeah.
You're trying to pass policy to let men go into the female bathrooms and you just had a rape.
You just had a man rape a girl in the female bathroom.
Boy, that doesn't work well for that argument.
That doesn't work well for that policy push, does it?
No, it does not.
So what did they do?
They covered up a rape.
Does it get more evil than that to cover up a rape for your own political agenda that on its face doesn't even make sense?
To want to have boys in the girl's bathroom already doesn't even make sense?
But that's such a top priority to you?
You cover up the rape of an innocent young girl?
And so what happens?
The individual that raped the young girl has now raped a second girl in the girl's bathroom.
Good job, Democrats!
Good job, liberals on that school board!
Because of you and your priorities and your policy, two girls have been raped!
How many rapes happen in this country because of leftist policy?
How many rapes happen at the southern border and people crossing the southern border illegally in that caravan?
How many rapes happen because of the Democrat open border policy?
How many rapes are going to happen in female bathrooms because Democrats want men going into them?
Well, we know of two at one high school.
How evil, how sick, how twisted, how diabolical, how disturbed, how satanic can we get?
Hey, we really want to pass policy at our school to let boys go into the girls' bathroom.
Uh, hey, a boy just raped a girl in the girl's bathroom.
Are you sure you want to do that?
Well, let's make sure nobody finds out about that.
Let's ban the father from speaking at school board meetings.
Let's call the local media and make sure nobody reports this.
And let's bury the rape of an innocent girl so that we can get more boys in the girl's bathroom.
Uh, okay, whatever you say, Democrats.
And then what happens is they cover up one rape, a second rape happens.
That's what happens.
A second rape of an innocent girl in a girl's bathroom.
A girl can't even go to the bathroom in her own high school without being worried she's going to get raped?
Because of Democrats' psychosis policy?
This should make you sick.
This should make you outraged.
I mean, this is so diabolical, I can't even believe I'm covering it on the air.
I can't even, and we know how diabolical these people are.
We know how diabolical our politicians are.
We've seen the loony left.
We've seen the loony tunes, psychotic, disturbed left.
But this?
You don't even have enough of a soul?
To be upset that a girl got raped in her bathroom?
You put your own sick political agenda ahead of stopping rape of innocent girls, high school girls, in bathrooms?
You are seriously disturbed.
You are not recognizable anymore as a human.
That's demonic.
And now a second girl has been raped.
And we know who is directly responsible.
It's that Loudoun County School Board run by Democrats.
You are now directly responsible for two girls being raped.
Every media outlet should be on this story making a big deal out of it.
But they won't because all the liberal media wants boys and girls bathrooms anyway.
So how many girls have to be raped in the girls' bathroom by biological males claiming they're females until this becomes a big story?
Alex Jones joins me on the line to talk about this outrage.
Alex, how do you even cover this?
Well, I'm sitting here with my wife and with my older children and my four-year-old daughter at the beach.
And I just can't help pull myself away because I'm listening to the show and I'm pulling up the articles as you talk about them, and I just wanted to call in with the answer to why this is happening.
Take the Catholic Church.
In the last 40 years, we know leftist pedophiles got into seminary, got into priesthood, and then used higher level groups trying to cover it up because they said, oh, this will bring down the church.
So the higher level folks at that time, the evidence does not come out.
We're not involved.
This sex cult, this global satanic order, was able to get in and get control because they put their people in.
Well, it's just like the Boy Scouts 10 years ago began to pay for condoms to even be handed out to people as young as six at the Boy Scout Jubilees.
And I said back then, watch, they're setting it up just like the Catholic Church.
They are going to have massive amounts of pedophilia and just basically a huge homosexual orgy at these big Boy Scout world events.
Within four years of that happening, it came out that there were thousands of rapes of children as young as six years old, just like they'd done, so they would do, including Cub Scouts, by teenagers, by men, you name it.
The system sued the Boy Scouts.
Now they're bankrupt.
Now they're basically shut down.
And it's the same thing with every other institution they want to take over.
So this is how they put these operatives in.
They know that once they do this, there's going to be a bunch of rapes and a bunch of abuse.
They encourage male predators to say they're women, to get women pregnant in prison, you name it, saying they're women.
They then rape the women.
They've been raping little girls, just like Andrew Cuomo said famously on CNN, hey, if your 10-year-old daughter doesn't like seeing a man's penis, well, you know, she's a hate monger.
Because people said on CNN, hey, they're wanting to put full-grown men in the girls' showers.
They're wanting to have the male soccer coach, the male basketball coach, say he's a woman in the showers.
Because if they get you to do that, you'll accept anything.
So this is how they corrupt institutions.
This is how they come in and take over groups.
Same thing with COVID.
They're getting hospitals to go under U.N.
control and deny people life-giving care.
The U.N.
is telling them the type of care with a ventilator to then kill them.
Then they take $53,000 for each person they intubate.
Now that whole hospital chain has been part of the corruption.
Now the nurses and doctors are part of it.
And that's how you corrupt civilization.
That's how you take over society.
So this targeting of our children with
I think so.
Oh, Alex, I've got a story on that testosterone right here I'm going to cover, but Alex, I think that maybe we're the problem here, you know?
I guess if a transsexual person walks into the men's room or the girls' room and says, hey, I'm going to have my way with you, and you don't want that, I guess that makes you the bigot.
I mean, the trainees going in the bathroom, I guess they should just be allowed to do whatever they want, Alex.
I mean, how dare us?
Remember the convicted rapist who went into the women's spa in L.A.
and went into the hot tub with the naked women and said, you know, this is my genitals, I want to have sex with you.
And the left came out and Antifa came out and beat up Asian people who protested having their wives have a convicted rapist that basically assaulted them.
I mean, that's assault when a man comes into a woman's bathroom with a hard-on and gets in the bathtub with them or gets in the jacuzzi with the grandmother, the mother, and their young daughter who wanted to have private time in a hot tub.
So that's what all this is about.
It's about them getting in our space, them bullying us.
The puppet leaders of nations across the planet are declaring their allegiance to the New World Order and Democrat politicians have been announcing it here as well.
That means allegiance to a tyrannical world corporate government.
Established by the Rockefellers through the UN, and they want inside your bodies to put in you what they want, when they want, and to have the global digital tracking COVID passes or vaccine passes to form the backbone of their new world ID.
And now their puppet, Biden, has announced the forced inoculation of 100 million Americans to keep their jobs in total violation of the Nuremberg Code.
This is criminal.
And he's lying, saying it's an approved vaccine, when they did not approve it.
They say that's a 2025 maybe.
They just expanded the emergency authorization.
That's why the two top scientists quit a week and a half ago.
Well, you live to see it.
Absolute New World Order world government.
If you submit, they will totally enslave you.
Back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
It's been out of stock for a while.
It's one of three sleep aids we have at InfoWarsTore.com.
This one has been very popular.
It's sold off the shelves.
It's back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
This is probably the strongest sleep aid that we have, I would say.
Knockout, RocketRest, both great.
Comes in pill form.
This is the liquid tincture, and I think this is probably the most powerful one.
Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine.
This is, if you haven't done an iodine challenge yet, if you haven't done the iodine challenge, what are you waiting for?
Now is the time.
Super Male and Super Female Vitality Living Defense Plus and the Organic Greens Fiber Caps.
We have a limited supply of these right now, but we want to sell them all out so we can order a new batch.
It was very popular, the Organic Greens Fiber Caps, but we have all kinds of other great supplements.
That are great for so many different things.
Take advantage of those.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, I got cut off by the break.
Owen Troyer is hosting the show.
Alex Jones here.
I just wanted to add final pieces to the puzzle.
Big picture, while all this insane stuff's happening that doesn't make sense, that doesn't have logic, is that we're being conditioned to be raped.
Raped with experimental deadly shots that make us sick, that don't help us.
Raped with propaganda.
Raped with the LGBTQ, whatever it is today.
Raped by all of this corporate culture that runs death camps around the world and is incredibly oppressive, but gives us the new religion that we're bad and we're not good.
So we've got to listen to the mainstream media and atone to them and their priesthood that make up the psychologists, the psychiatrists, and the, that are on the globalist side, and the academics, and the corporate bankers, and the military leaders.
This is a ruling class using behavioral psychology against us.
And training us to accept a new authoritarian nightmare future and overthrowing our Christian values.
And a lot of the right-wingers and people that don't like Israel say, we're not Judaic Christian history.
No, I mean, yes, Christianity came out of Judaism and the common law that's in there.
And also a lot of ancient Germanic common laws, also Norse law.
A lot of our laws come from the Norse.
So I really like our Norse law as well.
So we have a mixture of those.
And the globals don't like Northern European law.
They don't like Judaic law, Old Testament law.
They don't like our Christian ethos.
And so it's all being overthrown right now.
You know, trials by juries, that comes from the Norse.
But that comes from the Vikings.
The Norman actually began to introduce that.
This is all being overthrown.
This is all being annihilated.
And they're coming for our children, and now they want to inject our children with something that gives them heart attacks.
So, and you're just totally kicking butt, and I got this big whistleblower coming on.
I just want to remind listeners, because it's everything.
It's like gas in an engine.
It's, you know, it's like bullets in a gun.
Without the listeners, we're nothing.
We're all in this together.
Folks, we're fighting hard.
You're fighting hard.
Keep spreading the articles.
Keep spreading the videos.
Keep telling folks the truth lives at InfoWars.com and FreeWorldNews.tv.
And yes, buy a t-shirt.
Buy a book.
Get your storable food with us.
We've got the best and lowest prices.
Get the supplements.
Get the DNA Force Plus, sold out for over six months, now back in stock.
So key to your mitochondria.
So key to your cells with all that's going on.
Get the X2, get the Winter Sun, get the Ultra 12.
That's all 50% off, by the way.
That will end this week as it's almost sold out, the Ultra 12 Winter Sun.
DNA Force Plus, that will end on Sunday because it will be halfway sold out just because of supply chain breakdowns.
So, thank you all for your support, and we're just fighting hard.
We're all being vindicated right now, so now's the time to not sit on our laurels, push even harder.
Back to Owen Schroeder.
It really is an incredible thing to sit here and see what the future of humanity is faced with, or America is faced with, and just the lack of resistance, the lack of obstacles making them just railroad us to the point where they can shut down businesses, they can mandate experimental medicine that is unnecessary for most of the population.
They can cover up sexual abuse industrial level by Jeffrey Epstein.
They can cover up sexual abuse on a local level because they want to have transgender bathrooms.
New numbers are now coming out that since Biden announced the vaccine mandate, which doesn't exist, it's just an edict, 4.3 million Americans have lost their jobs.
So, like I said,
I can't even get through all the news here on my desk that's so important without important news just stacking up on top of it.
Now, we're going to be joined by a nurse, Dani, who is going to come on and talk about the vaccine mandates and why she chose not to get it and the tyranny happening at hospitals.
And I've just got so much more here to cover, including
I don't even know how to analyze this.
Just give it to you raw.
The other day, you may recall, I said Kamala Harris just had the weirdest video, the weirdest thing I've ever seen Kamala Harris involved in, which is saying a lot.
She's a very weird, phony individual.
Well, now it comes out.
That video I was talking about where she's with children talking about space was all fake.
Literally a Hollywood production.
Every child in that video was a paid actor.
Is everyone at NASA a paid actor?
Is everything Kamala Harris does some sort of weird skit?
Is anything that woman does real?
Is anything our government does real?
How can I trust anything when Kamala Harris is paying children to be actors for some weird video where she's talking about space and planets and we're going to space and it's all fake!
Everything about that woman!
Could you imagine a year ago walking into a bank with your face covered?
Could you imagine even going into the grocery store?
Do you think they would let you in?
Do you think they would be following you in the aisles to make sure that you weren't going to be shoplifting?
Could you imagine going up to a gas station and going inside the little mini mart to pay for your gas with a bandana on?
How far do you think that would get you?
Could you imagine as a teacher showing up to school with a shield that looks like a space
Those things are offensive to us because it interferes with normal human interaction.
The globalists are running a psychological war for operational humanity.
Only waking up to the Great Reset and its tyranny will save us.
And the mask is the sign of slavery.
We must inform the public that it's a fraud, and that it's dangerous, and that it causes major medical issues, and it's dehumanizing.
And the film COVIDland does that.
Secure your copy now at covidland.com and get a free copy of Endgame with your purchase.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
And we are joined by Nurse Dani.
Very long resume here.
I won't get into all of her work.
We'll just boil it down.
She's worked in the medical field for two decades.
Sixteen of them as a registered nurse.
And she has decided to no longer work as a nurse, at least for now.
In the hospitals because of the vaccine mandates.
So we're going to ask her some questions, but we'll start with the basic.
Nurse Dani, thank you for joining us.
Why did you decide to leave your job as a nurse?
What is it about the vaccine or the mandates that made you get to that decision?
Well, that's actually a twofold answer.
First of all, the medical system as it
Stands is so broken.
I could no longer do my job as it's designed to do.
And then secondly, yes, the mandates go against my sincerely held spiritual beliefs, but it also go against what's best for me and my body.
I am a recovering vaccine injured person and to add anything more to my body would just be wrong for me.
What vaccine was it that you suffered an injury from?
The H1N1 and the flu vaccine.
And what kind of health complications did you have after receiving those vaccines?
I had chronic migraines.
I had total left-sided weakness on my body.
My tongue paralyzed in my mouth and I couldn't speak for a period of time.
And then for years and years, I had neurological issues that no one really could figure out and it wasn't until I had my last dose of the flu shot many years ago.
That I put it all together, that this is exactly what's causing all of these symptoms.
Wow, so they wouldn't even label that as a potential.
You had to figure it out for yourself once another vaccine came in and made it all worse?
It took me about 10 years to figure it all out and regain my health.
Right, yeah.
Wow, that must be brutal and yet you continue your work as a nurse throughout that.
I also see here that you had a friend who was also a nurse with you that was bullied into taking the vaccine that now has a vaccine injury.
Tell us about that.
Yes, so she had plenty of reasons, plenty of medical reasons not to.
She went through the medical exemption process, which was a joke.
They subsequently denied her medical exemption when she chose to take the shot because she couldn't afford to leave her job.
Within 24 hours of that shot, she came down with crushing chest pain, was taken to the emergency room, and later diagnosed with myocarditis.
And so obviously this was something that she was peer pressured and bullied into doing.
Was it the hospital that did that?
Or what are the tactics, the bullying tactics that they use to get the nurses to take the experimental shot?
The bullying tactics really came from enterprise wide.
It was a consistent onslaught of propaganda and coercion from top down.
And it was by way of the emails that we were reading every single day, and then it just permeated the culture of our workspace.
One of the most outstanding things that I can point to that caused a serious division or an attempt to divide us is the badge tags.
These badge tags were
To be worn in a very visible area on our badges and and it literally said COVID-19 vaccinated and the language behind that coming from the higher ups was that how we know you're safe to be around is when you're wearing that badge tag.
That's how we know you're safe.
While marking you, I mean, I don't need to go into the history of where that type of treatment comes from, but treating you like a second-class citizen or even worse, I would say, we know where this goes throughout history.
I'm curious though, you know, obviously you probably knew you weren't going to get this vaccine.
Did you attempt to get any sort of exemption, medical exemption, religious exemption?
If so, what happened?
I did.
So, because of my medical history, I went for the medical exemption first, and then as they drug out the process, I was advised to go ahead and go for the religious exemption as well.
When I sat down to write the religious exemption, I had a righteous indignation come over me.
And it just did not sit well with me that some unknown group of people were going to judge my relationship with God.
I just couldn't do it.
So instead of writing my religious exemption, I wrote my resignation letter.
And what state do you work in?
Is this a common thing in Florida right now?
I think my hospital
Was the leading the charge on this, but I'm hearing it trickle down in other areas as well.
Now I'm curious, let's juxtapose the treatment of nurses from a year ago.
Nurses were our heroes.
Frontline nurses.
I mean, just the praise all the time.
You know, I mean, we don't need to go into too much detail.
I think people understand what the praise and the treatment of nurses was back then.
You were heroes.
You were America's frontlines.
You were dealing with this.
And now here we are a year later and you're just being disposed of like there's no big deal to it.
How do you analyze that?
How do you respond to that?
What do you think of that?
Well, honestly, when that all happened, I really did feel like it was more of the propaganda and it was the setup for the takedown.
So I didn't hold any of that to any large weight at all.
I honestly don't view myself as a hero in any stance before or even now.
I am just literally doing what's right.
And I'm just standing by that.
What do you make from being on the inside perspective of this in the hospitals?
What do you make of all the COVID madness?
What was it like for you last year?
What was it like for you this year until you had to resign?
It really was a whirlwind of fear mongering and propaganda, really.
Because if you just
Put that to the side and use your critical thinking and just assess what was right in front of you.
For us, anyways, in the pediatric hospital, there was nothing to see.
It didn't make any sense to cancel surgeries on patients that needed treatment, but we were canceling surgeries.
We were working in the ICU during that time, but we weren't taking care of COVID patients.
We were taking care of regular ICU patients.
None of it really made sense, but I mean, that's what it was.
It was just a whirlwind of madness, really.
I'm curious because, you know, the media loves to humanize people and turn them into victims whenever it works for a political advantage.
I don't see anybody doing that to you.
I don't think you're claiming you're a victim, but I think your story does need to be humanized here because you're one of hundreds or even thousands, maybe tens of thousands of nurses that are going through this.
What is it like personally for you to have to go through this now?
It is really hard.
I honestly never thought that I would be put in a position to make this choice.
I've wanted to be a nurse ever since I was six years old.
I was living out my dream to be a pediatric nurse in a hospital here in Orlando.
So to have to choose to step away from that has been really, really difficult.
But again, it was the right decision to make
To stand for bodily autonomy, to stand for freedom of choice, for medical freedom for myself and for others.
If I'm not going to stand, then who will?
Well, we salute you for standing, and I know you're not alone, and hopefully this is not going to be something that lasts forever, I'm hoping, especially in Florida, where your governor there is trying to stop the vaccine mandates from costing people their jobs.
And I think we have an interesting phenomenon approaching us where
Nobody can cite the law for a vaccine mandate.
So how are they able to enforce this without existence of any law?
I mean, it's quite a phenomenon here from the dictator Joe Biden, and now he's the scapegoat.
We'll be right back with Nurse Danny.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We're back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer sitting in studio.
We have Nurse Dani with us.
I've got a couple more questions from her.
We thank her for coming on the air with us to tell this story and we do salute you for your courage.
I know you don't consider yourself a hero but you will be a hero to many and at least for your courage to stand up for what you believe is right despite the bullying is commendable.
A couple more questions for you here.
Let me just ask you this.
What was the internal
Discussion like or the internal debate like when it was the realization for yourself and for your other nurses that the vaccine mandates were coming.
I'm sure you knew out of the gates you weren't going to take it, but I'm sure there was some discussion some debate there.
What was that like?
Well, it was really just like open family discussion.
Honestly, like that's the kind of culture we had cultivated in our unit.
And there were people who were like, oh, for sure, I'm going to take it right away.
And they did.
And then there were people who were like, I am, I may take it, but it's going to be at least a year.
And then there were people who were on the fence.
And then there were a few like me who were an absolute no for it.
What was really cool about the whole thing was that we were open to hearing
From each other without a whole lot of judgment or criticism, which is a testament to who we are as human beings, because what the hospital was creating was definitely an environment of division.
And I'm sure that a lot of information was shared.
I'm sure you were sharing a lot of information as well.
How did that get digested by some of your fellow nurses?
I mean, did they start to rethink the vaccine?
Did they start to question it?
Were they unwavering?
There was a lot of rethinking.
I remember a time where we all sat at the nurse's station where there was no patients to take care of in that moment.
And we just had an open discussion.
And I started sharing about the Nuremberg Code.
And no one knew what that was.
And so after I started to discuss with them what the Nuremberg Code was, how it came to be, and what our rights are underneath the Nuremberg Code, you could see the lights were coming on and people who were on the fence started really questioning whether or not that they were going to take it or not.
Two decades you've spent in health care.
Have you ever seen anything like this?
I have never seen the red carpet rolled out for a shot like this in my life.
No, I have not.
My body, my choice.
We've been hearing this for decades.
My body, my choice.
My body, my choice.
I won't get into the irony of that statement when it's applied to abortion, but that was a concept that has been branded about by the left.
My body, my choice.
All of a sudden, it's the same people that chanted that for decades telling you you don't have a choice anymore.
What does that represent to you?
Just more of the propaganda and confusion that is mainstream media, honestly.
How has this experience, dealing with first the propaganda during the COVID year, and now all the following propaganda plus the vaccine mandates with this rollout that we've never seen rushed before, how has all of this changed or reshaped or made you think about your worldview?
Yeah, I've grown a lot in this last two years, having to really question and face the things that I've had to face.
And what it's done for me is make me a stronger stand for freedom, a stronger stand for what I stand for, for my beliefs.
And it's given me a boldness.
That I didn't know that I had before.
What would you say to nurses that might be tuned in that are faced with this pressure and haven't had to make the decision yet and are thinking about it?
Or, I know you're a mother as well, or what would you say to mothers that are in a similar position here or thinking about their kids?
What advice would you say to them?
I would say do your research.
Informed consent is not happening.
You are going to have to dig and do your own research and then stand together.
Start to talk to people who are like-minded.
You are not alone in this and there is power in numbers.
So come together soon and rise up against the tyranny that is this medical mandate.
Well, we thank you for joining us.
We thank you for your boldness.
Believe me, folks, it's not an easy thing for people that have worked their whole careers.
Like you said, Danny, it's been your dream job to just give it all up because you believe in body autonomy.
You actually believe in My Body, My Choice.
Some of the nurses
Made the other choice to get the vaccine.
Maybe now they're regretting it.
They've had side effects, but we believe you made the right choice despite all the hardships, and we salute you for that.
We salute you for your courage, and we salute you for your boldness for coming on with us today.
Thank you, Dani.
Thank you.
All right, there goes Nurse Danny, yet another great nurse here.
The best nurses are the ones that are getting laid off, go figure.
Of course, nurses that actually care about people's health and care about the truth when it comes to how people need to be treated for diseases or how the media is reporting on diseases.
Notice, they are the ones getting fired, they are the ones getting laid off.
These are the nurses that we really want and we really need, and these are the ones that the system is purging right now, perhaps
Intentionally being done.
And by the way, Alex mentioned this earlier and I kind of got into this yesterday with my guest, but here's the headline from CNN.
Synthetic chemical and consumer products linked to early death.
Study finds.
Our synthetic world, our unnatural world is literally killing us.
And this used to really be at the root of InfoWars broadcasts and political coverage, but we've evolved over the years and now the audience is so big and these surface political issues are so key to fight back against the fake news on and to expose the truth on that we've kind of evolved out of that
Just all the unnatural synthetic things on our planet that are killing us by design.
But it's still there, folks.
It's still at the very foundation here.
And that's why Infowars forever, really, until Trump wasn't considered conservative or liberal, it was just considered centrist, populist, just anti-establishment.
But the Trump shakeup kind of just moved people away from common sense and logic.
And so we've evolved with it, though.
And now the Southwest Airlines CEO is blaming Biden for the vaccine mandate, says he never supports him.
Oh, that's a lie.
In fact, I'm pretty sure that the CEO, Gary Kelly, is on the World Economic Forum.
Guys, will you look that up for me?
Because this is all coming from the World Economic Forum.
So if he sits here and says, oh, I don't know about the vaccine mandate.
I had nothing to do with that.
I didn't like it.
I'm pretty sure he's on the World Economic Forum.
And so that's just BS.
But this just shows that they're going to use Biden as their scapegoat.
They're going to use the guy that can't think, can't talk, can't walk, can't even wipe his own butt.
And they're going to use him as their scapegoat for all this tyranny and the collapse of the economy and the collapse of the southern border and just the collapse of America.
Biden is going to be the scapegoat.
And then the New World Order, world corporate government is going to come on top of us and take over.
And they're just going to say, well, it's Biden's fault.
He destroyed America.
But this is where you're at.
Yeah, there he is.
Gary Kelly.
I knew he was on the World Economic Forum.
Oh, but he knew nothing.
He knew nothing of the vaccine mandates.
They're just the ones that write the books about the Great Reset, and they're just the ones that write the books about how they're going to reset the planet with a virus.
But he knows nothing, he knows nothing.
So yeah, Biden will be the scapegoat, ladies and gentlemen, and it's all by design.
Alright, still tons of big news to get to when we come back.
And don't forget, InfoWarsTore.com, five days left for the big specials we have right now.
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I want to explain something that is absolutely not understanding our world.
It's very, very simple, but that most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world
are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure, intellectual property, energy, they're using it to buy people, to buy influence, and in the past they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money
...to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding a sector of the world economy, buying up everything, not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
Warn everyone.
It's the only way to stop it.
I want to be very clear.
The fact that InfoWars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
It is the fault of the globalists.
When we can get enough of our great supplements and other products in, we're able to sell enough of it to stay on air and, quite frankly, even expand in the face of the new world order.
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We have had real problems getting our best-selling products in.
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It's pretty scary stuff.
So please take advantage of sales we're running for one week only.
There's only one week left from October 11th for seven days.
Kicks off October 11th.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
So I wasn't really going to cover this today, but we got more news out of the sports world when it comes to the vaccine mandates and players rejecting it.
But you had a story with John Gruden.
Who is a famous Super Bowl champion football coach, well known as a great football coach, gets along well with the players, and he's just now another victim of the left-wing hate mob cancel culture.
And so he was obviously a target.
I don't know why.
I wasn't going to cover this today, but I saw this funny joke, and there's other news developing, so I thought I'd bring it up.
Breaking, John Gruden identifies as Hunter Biden, so media will ignore his emails.
And look, I can give you some more details on this.
Basically, you've had multiple investigations into football teams like the Washington Redskins that went on for years to try to find racism and they never found anything.
There wasn't even an investigation going on into John Gruden.
It was some side investigation and they just so happened to come across his emails and I guess they shared him with the media and so now he's canceled because he's a crass talker.
We're talking about a sport where you're trained to basically annihilate people.
Called football.
I don't know if you've ever been field level at a football game, but it's like a car crash every 30 seconds.
So, he's cancelled now, and we'll see how that goes.
Obviously a political target, but in more relevant news...
Kyrie Irving is another basketball player now who is refusing to get the COVID vaccine and is being mistreated by the media and by the National Basketball Association.
And he's not allowed to work, he's not allowed to practice, he's not allowed to be with the team, travel with the team, just like Jonathan Isaac and others.
Total discrimination, total segregation.
And so this is the same party that said, oh, it's Jim Crow to have voter ID.
Which is just standard common sense practice.
But, oh, that's Jim Crow.
By the way, it was the Democrats that wrote the Jim Crow laws, but that's neither here nor there.
I guess they don't want to talk about their own history.
They will erase their own history, but they don't talk about it.
It's their history.
And so the same people that said, oh, Jim Crow laws, having voter ID, are now telling black people they can't work unless they take an experimental medicine that they don't need.
So, who's really Jim Crow?
You know, I don't know what kind of awakening process we're going to see in the coming months here, but I think one thing has to be undeniably accepted at this point from anybody who's a reasonable thinker or a logical person, and that's that the Democrat Party, the leftist liberal progressive agenda side of the aisle, are nothing but phonies and frauds and liars and deceivers.
All they have is hypocrisy.
All they have is double standards.
This cannot be denied.
This cannot be ignored.
This is so clearly the case now.
I think that, undeniably, it will be fully recognized by the midterm elections.
Now, what does that mean for the elections?
Who knows?
You saw Biden couldn't get 10 people at a rally, but somehow got 81 million votes.
And we do have election news here, by the way.
Which, let me just segue it with that.
Well, let me just start here, actually, and we'll get through this stack of news.
So, I've always asked this.
This has been a number one issue of mine that I don't see anybody else talking about, and that is, what in the hell is going on in the Navy?
What in the hell is going on in the Navy?
Ships crashing into one another, ships crashing into random objects, ships docking in the South China Sea so China can invade.
I mean, just insanity going on in the Navy.
Who's leading this?
What is happening with the Navy?
It's out of control.
It's not even our Navy anymore.
And if it is, it's like they have no real leadership.
It's like they're low IQ or something.
Oh, here's another one.
Navy helicopter recovered off California.
So I'm telling you, man, there is something fishy in the Navy.
No pun intended.
But there is something drastically wrong with our Navy right now.
But here's the latest.
Maryland couple, Navy nuclear engineer and his wife, are facing espionage related charges.
And it turns out, this Navy engineer, this nuclear engineer, who is sharing nuclear secrets, naval intelligence, with foreign countries, I believe that's treason, well guess what?
Turns out, they're big Democrat activists!
Big Black Lives Matter activists, big anti-Trump activists.
Do you see?
Are you putting the pictures together?
Are you putting the numbers together?
Are you getting the conclusion?
Are you understanding the formula here?
Anti-Trump, anti-American leftists in the Navy shares nuclear secrets with foreign countries.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is no debate here.
The American left is doing anything and everything they can to sabotage and destroy our country.
This must be understood.
This must be digested.
This must be accepted.
Everything flows from there.
Oh, don't even get me started on that.
FBI documents that say Nikola Tesla was in touch with space people.
I'm not even kidding you, that's an FBI document.
I don't know why the crew just put that thing up on the screen there, but that's what led me to that thought.
Anyway, a new Nikola Tesla engineer devises UFO patents for the U.S.
Yeah, there's FBI documents that say Nikola Tesla was in communication with space people, but I'm digressing.
The point is, the left
At the top of the political level and at the bottom to their activist level are all actively sabotaging the United States, where even Navy nuclear engineers are committing what appear to be treason, selling nuclear secrets to foreign powers.
They all do it!
Clinton did it!
Pelosi does it!
Waters does it!
All the Democrats do it!
Biden does it!
They are actively and consciously sabotaging the United States of America, because they hate you!
And they know you love freedom, and they know you love prosperity, and they know you want to have grandkids that are free and grow up with everything that you grew up with, and so they're trying to destroy it!
From the top of the Democrat Party to their low-level activists and minions, they're all on the same energy field.
Destroy America, destroy freedom, destroy prosperity.
We don't care if we destroy ourselves in the process.
We will destroy the people we hate, and that is enough.
And perhaps this is why.
The Pentagon's first software chief has resigned, saying the U.S.
has already lost to China in the cyber war.
It's already a done deal.
Yeah, because Democrats are sold out to China!
Because Democrats work for China!
So he's like, why would I go on a team?
This is like, if you're a, or you could know about the old World Series story with Shoeless Joe Jackson, Eight Men Out is the name of the movie.
Where Shoeless Joe Jackson is the only member of the 1918, I don't remember what team it is, the White Sox.
And everyone else on the team has made bets against their own team, so they were throwing the World Series.
Everybody except Joe Jackson.
So, but that'd be like, you know, Joe Jackson saying, well, I never had a chance to win the World Series.
Everyone on my team quit because they betted on the other team.
That's what the Democrats are doing with China!
They've given up on America!
They've sold out America!
They bet in China!
They're in bed with China!
So now people who are in the know at the Pentagon are like, why am I here every day playing this game for America when all of our politicians have sold us out to China?
I'm not playing anymore.
I'm wasting my time.
And then you have this.
You know what?
I'm going to have to get to this on the other side.
It's too important to try to breeze over here in 60 seconds.
So I'm going to come back and do a major news blitz in the next segment here.
And then Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, let's do a News Blitz here, and then I'm going to try to play some videos in the first five minutes of the next hour before Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
Let's just get down to it here.
Amazon developing smart fridge to monitor what you eat.
That's right, and this will be part of the new climate tyranny.
You'll have a smart toilet, you'll have a smart fridge, you'll have a smart everything.
It'll keep track of your carbon emissions so that you can be a good slave and get to eat that day and get a nice little small portion of water that day too because you will now be a prisoner on planet Earth of the New World Order.
So it's smart everything to make sure that you can't live free and prosperous and you will just eventually fade out and die so that the New World Order can conquer the planet and get rid of those pesky humans.
California makes it illegal to remove condom without consent, an act they call stealthing, but oh, you can knowingly give somebody AIDS in California, but you take a condom off in the middle of sex, they say that that's not consent, and you will be charged.
Uh, okay?
California continues to get more asinine by the day.
For Dave Chappelle, punt lines are dares.
His new special, The Closer, goes too far.
Oh, oh, this is NPR.
Oh, the left is now upset.
The left is now upset because they don't like comedy because it pokes fun at them and shows how mentally disturbed they are, so they don't like it.
But you want to see how really mentally disturbed they are?
Go, you flip through this story and check this out, guys.
I'm not even kidding you.
This is a direct quote from this NPR story.
Now, you know who Dave Chappelle is, obviously.
A black man.
I don't think anybody's denying Dave Chappelle is a black man, right?
I mean, last I checked, this is an exact quote from the NPR article.
Too often in the closer, it just sounds like Chappelle is using white privilege to excuse his own homophobia and transphobia.
White privilege?
So Larry Elder's a white supremacist, Dave Chappelle now has white privilege.
Black men that don't want to be mined slaves to the Democrats and the liberal progressives are now considered white supremacists and having white privilege.
Boy, you people on the left really, you really don't see how you have become extremely disturbed, have you?
Calling black men white just because you don't like their politics?
You're messed up in the head, bud.
Really messed up.
And this is going to be an interesting one.
We talked about the trans bathroom issue earlier.
A very disgusting thing the Democrats are doing in Loudoun County, but it's not just there, it's everywhere.
There's going to be an interesting cultural fight between trans and between all these different genders now.
This is just someone who identifies as trans, and then this post kind of stirred a conversation.
I'm trans, and I think only if you transition before male puberty, then you can compete.
But if you transition after male puberty, get out.
So basically, the trans community and the LGBTQIA, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N... 29, 9er, 6'2", Submarine, Hot Air Balloon, Panda, Porcupine, 9er Plus...
Uh, community is gonna start infighting about who's the bigger victim, and who's really a genderqueer, and who's really a two-spirit, and who's really a unicorn, you know, donkey, you know?
So that's gonna be kind of, uh, funny and entertaining to watch, I suppose.
This is just wild stuff.
It has to make you question NASA, too.
Kamala Harris hired child actors to be a part of her widely mocked NASA space video.
As fake as Kamala Harris is, this was by far her phoniest attempt at being real that you've ever seen in your life.
It was just so weird and disturbing to watch it.
Well, now we know why it was so weird.
It was literally actors.
And apparently NASA does this all the time.
I'm wondering, are there any real astronauts or are they all just actors?
Maybe the moon was just in a basement in a studio in California.
So, boy, that doesn't look good for NASA or Kamala Harris.
What an embarrassment.
Hiring actors for some fake publicity stunt video.
But it turns out...
One of the actors is a regular.
Child actor in Kamala Harris' space video starred in a video earlier this year with Michelle Obama.
So apparently Democrats are always hiring child actors for these videos.
Very strange.
Very, very strange.
$100 million in border wall materials rusting away in Texas.
Yes, I've seen it.
Just rusting away.
Hundreds of billions of dollars because the Democrats want to have an open border policy for
A litany of reasons.
But now you also have $54 million, last I checked, in a private funding account to build the border wall.
We already have $100 million of materials down there that we're not using.
More money is now coming in to build a wall.
None of it's going to happen.
Because our governor is just a lot of talk on this issue.
No action.
Okay, now into some more news when it comes to the mysterious
Complexities, if you will, of the 2020 presidential election.
Well, I guess this is one of the people that works for Dominion, or maybe the head of Dominion, Eric Coomer, who said only idiots voted for Trump, and I'm cleaning that up from the curse words.
Eric Coomer admits under oath that Dominion executives share his extreme left beliefs, is the headline at the Gateway Pondent.
And so these are the people that are running our voting machines that hate Trump, and we're supposed to trust them.
Okay, got you.
And now the fake Facebook whistleblower that's actually a Democrat Party activist has been put in charge of an oversight board!
Oh ho ho, how convenient!
The Fake Book Whistleblower says, I have accepted the invitation to brief the Facebook Oversight Board.
Oh, there's a Facebook Oversight Board.
Oh, yes, that's not going to be used to censor out dissenting opinions at all, I'm sure.
About what I learned while working there, Facebook has lied to the board repeatedly and I am looking forward to sharing the truth with them.
And, you know, this is going to result in just more censorship.
They're just pandering like it's a good thing.
Edward Snowden puts it pretty well, I think, in this statement.
There is something miserable in the figure who enjoyed in their youth the freedom of speech, but from the comfort of age seeks to deny it to others.
Some deformity of the soul.
That's what it is.
It's a deformity of the soul.
We are dealing with soul-sucked demons.
And people are really starting to realize how evil this is.
Fulton County, Georgia fires two election workers accused of shredding 300 voter applications.
Oh, there's people getting arrested for voter fraud and ballot harvesting and shredding votes and throwing votes away.
But, oh, nothing to see here.
No irregularities.
It's all fake news.
Arizona State Representative Wendy Rogers wants less letters, more arrests.
Well yeah, that's how you deal with criminals.
You don't write letters, you arrest them.
And that's why we have so much criminal activity in our country because we just talk about it, we talk about the illegal immigration, we talk about the illegal vaccine mandates, and it just continues.
Again, Loudoun County Schools tried to conceal sexual assault against a daughter in the bathroom, against a girl in the bathroom, so that they could get the transgender bathroom bill passed.
Really sick stuff.
Outrage after man who stabbed high school sophomore to death and watched him die, then hid the murder weapon, gets acquitted.
Now, can you imagine, again, if the roles were reversed?
I won't even tell you what the racial deal here is, but I bet you can guess.
And I bet you can guess what would be the case if the roles were reversed and instead it was Trey Adams who got stabbed to death, not doing the stabbing.
And it was his murderer that got acquitted.
Can you even imagine?
Just like the suspected, suspected is the known, Texas high school gunman from last week got released within 24 hours and got a welcome home party!
So there's still political prisoners that don't get bailed, don't get released, who didn't hurt a fly.
But oh, you shot up your high school?
You get released immediately!
Oh, you stabbed your high school classmate to death?
You get acquitted!
Thomas Massey is a great American in Congress.
He says, end the federal department of re-education, that's it exactly, or indoctrination probably better yet.
It's time to divorce our children from the federal department of education.
And then he has released a statement on that to abolish the federal government from running our education into the ground is what they're doing.
I mentioned this earlier.
Average 22-year-old male has same testosterone levels as 67-year-old 20 years ago.
How do you figure that?
Well, this ties into the CNN headline from earlier.
It's the chemicals in the food.
It's the chemicals in the water.
It's the addiction to porn.
It's the lack of exercise, lack of sun, video game head, destruction of men.
And so, yes, that is what's happening.
Feeding the gods!
Hundreds of skulls reveal massive scale of human sacrifice in Aztec capital.
The human sacrifice party is back and they are now mandating experimental vaccines with no necessary medical reasons that are killing people.
And then I guess they'll be put into these camps in Australia called quarantine camps.
Maybe that's where you'll find the mass death sites like you see with the Aztecs.
Oh, happy Indigenous Peoples Day!
We're going to murder 100,000 people because we're a good Indigenous Peoples Day.
And we're just so woke that the indigenous people were just so much better than Columbus, right?
That's the one.
All right, I'm going to come back and do the first five minutes before Paul Joseph Watson takes over.
And I'm going to play a couple videos here.
But there you go, folks.
Take this vaccine that's experimental, killing tens of thousands of people, not because you need it, but because we want you to.
The COVID-19 face diaper is a symbol of subservience, a symbol of slavery, a symbol of the chains that the medical tyranny combine controlled by the global private corporations has put in place.
It is the symbol of the permanent emergency from which we will never emerge.
It is the symbol that we are diseased and evil and bad and must cover our diseased criminal faces from the light of the sun.
It is the symbol of our complete and total absolute surrender to evil.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are crossing the Rubicon now.
The entire future destiny of humanity is upon us.
Klaus Schwab and the UN admit they're coming out with implantable microchips as part of the World ID and carbon taxes.
Things only get worse from here if we submit.
They only get better if we resist and say no.
Noncompliance, noncompliance, noncompliance.
People ask me all the time, Alex, the last three months or so you've had explosive energy on top of your already very intense level of energy.
What's happening?
Well, it's the things that are happening in the world right now that's got my blood up, but also I've gotten back in the groove of religiously taking three products every single day.
DNA Force Plus that's back in stock.
Also, X2, Deep Earth Crystal Iodine, that's essential for your immune system, your whole body.
And of course, at nighttime, Down and Out Sleep Aid, that makes me have deeper, cleaner, restful sleep, that again, boosts my immune system, and is good for every cell in my body, and great for the spirit.
All three of these products are in stock right now.
They are 40% off in the case of DNA Force Plus, and 50% off for one week only on Survival Shield X2.
And yes, until supplies last, we have down and out, 50% off at Infolwerestore.com.
This is the Trifecta.
I suggest you check it out and experience what this does for your body today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm about to hand the baton over to Paul Joseph Watson here in five minutes.
But I've got all these videos, I'm not going to be able to get to all of them.
I'm going to cover them a lot tomorrow morning on the American Journal.
I'll be hosting that.
Christy Lee is going to host the War Room for me this afternoon.
But I mean, crazy stuff happening in Israel.
You've got crazy stuff happening where people that work in the ports where they can't get the cargo in are doing videos explaining what's going on.
Social media influencers that were paid to promote the vaccine and then got the vaccine now have Bell's palsy.
Just massive crime waves happening in Chicago.
Pilots dying mid-flight.
Vaccinated pilots dying mid-flight from heart attacks from the vaccines too.
So I just don't have time to cover all of it today.
We got to a lot but we couldn't get to all of it.
But I will play these two videos.
You know what?
Actually, let me play the video, guys.
Let's actually do this.
This is too big to pass up.
Let's play this report in clip 7.
American Airlines pilot, fully vaccinated, dies from a heart problem mid-flight.
Here it is, clip 7.
American Airlines pilot died in mid-flight of natural causes.
That's according to this morning's autopsy report.
The jet was heading early Monday from Phoenix to Boston.
The co-pilot took command when the captain got sick.
He made an emergency landing in Syracuse, New York.
Chris Van Cleave at Washington's Reagan National Airport has audio of the crisis in the sky.
Chris, good morning.
Good morning.
Situations like this, where the pilot dies mid-flight in the cockpit, are very rare.
The FAA says only six... Not going to be that rare much longer.
...pilots have died mid-flight in the last 21 years.
I bet six will die in the next year.
...on board that American Airlines flight.
They had no idea of the drama unfolding behind the flight deck door.
Medical emergency.
Captain has been capacitated.
Request handling for runway 10, landing.
That's the co-pilot of American Airlines Flight 550 preparing to divert to Syracuse, New York's airport.
Alright, are they going to have a way to get in the airplane quickly, or do we need to go to a gate?
They will have a way to get in the airplane quickly.
As long as they have a way to get on the airplane quickly, we'll need them to get to the captain.
Thank you.
Syracuse police say when medics boarded the plane, it was too late.
They found the flight's 57-year-old captain, Michael Johnston of Phoenix, Arizona, dead.
147 passengers and 5 crew were on the overnight Phoenix to Boston flight.
The plane, like, all of a sudden started descending pretty quickly, and no one really thought anything of it at first.
All we saw was the fire trucks, the EMS, everything out there, and we're like, well, we thought it was just sick, but then we find out later on that it's passed.
I think the airlines need to... I know, wait, wait, wait, hold on.
None of us will know, but that copilot did a great job.
Johnston's wife BJ says her husband's got a history of heart problems.
And Jane Ruby said she talked to people that worked on that airline and that they told her that the pilot was vaccinated.
So I don't know if our lines are getting crossed and I played the wrong report or if they were covering something else or maybe they got bad information.
So I apologize if that's the case.
We don't fake news here.
So we'll make sure we get that figured out.
I wanted to play that anyway.
But there you go.
So I'm not sure what the case with that is.
I was going off of Stu Peter's Jane Ruby report that said that that pilot was vaccinated and died.
And they did say he died from a heart problem.
But I must have missed the date on that video.
So again, we don't fake news here.
That's just the case.
So there we go.
We'll just pull back from that.
Guys, but go ahead.
This is definitely from recently.
This is clip three.
A nurse who was escorted out of her job for not taking the vaccine.
Here it is.
I'm being escorted out of UCLA for standing up for medical freedom, despite coming to work, willing to work.
And I just can't believe that this is what they're doing right now.
And I'm going to fight for all of us out there.
And I will continue to fight.
And this is not OK.
Came to work despite being unvaccinated, willing to work for patients, to help out staff, and this has helped.
And so here's the lesson to be learned here.
Oh, nurses, heroes last year, now zeros, and treated like dogs and slaves the next year.
That's the new world order approach.
Oh yeah, we love you, you're great, you're great, and you think you're buddy-buddy with them, and then oh,
Next turn of the calendar and all of a sudden you're the zero and you're getting replaced.
We'll be right back with Paul Joseph Watson.
And in addition, we were really finding that we were stressing the cardiopulmonary systems of these employees.
Because when you cover the mouth and nose and you exert physical energy during your work, during your tasks, whatever it might be, you're really stressing the cardiopulmonary system because you change the way that you breathe.
You have to forcibly inhale and forcibly exhale.
That taxes the heart.
It taxes the lungs.
And we have given people heart attacks.
By allowing them to work,
With their mouth and nose covered, with absolutely no regulation, no oversight, no medical oversight.
The globalists have told us we're a disease.
They've told us they want to eradicate us.
And all the studies show that when you wear these masks, it lowers your oxygen level up to one-third and gives you dangerous levels of carbon dioxide poisoning.
This is a sick cult and we've got to say no.
But the only way the real science gets out to the public is if we tell them
Get your copy today of COVIDLAND and expose them.
It's covidland.com.
Go there now.
Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over and I wanted to say hi to Paul quickly here and before he takes over because Paul had a tweet yesterday that caused so many liberals' heads to explode that there were measurements on the Richter scale across the planet.
Here was the tweet that I almost spit my coffee out reading.
Christopher Columbus was merely spreading diversity!
Oh my gosh!
That grand old phrase of spreading diversity, but if it's Christopher Columbus it's no good because we all know what the indigenous people were doing here in the West was much more sane and palatable than what Christopher Columbus was doing or would have done.
So Paul, congratulations.
You blew the Liberals' mind with that tweet, and you made me spit out my coffee, but I wanted to salute you for that hilarious comedy.
Paul Joseph Watson takes the Alex Jones Show over.
Thanks, Paul.
Thanks, Owen.
Yeah, there was actually a TV show on Irish broadcast television last week where one of the guests celebrated diversity, but he made clear that diversity, specifically in Ireland, meant
No white people.
He literally laughed and said white people are going extinct in Ireland.
And that's a good thing.
So if you talk about that in a way in which you ask the question, is importing, for example, the third world into Europe going to change European countries, maybe in a bad way, then you're an evil racist, a white supremacist, even a domestic terrorist.
But if you praise that and say it's a good thing, then you get rewarded.
You get invited to Davos, the World Economic Forum.
Very interesting dichotomy on demographic replacement, how it's talked about, how it's discussed in the media.
And in fact, I've got a story on that as it relates to the French presidential election, which I'll get into later on in the show.
Also, we've got an update on Dave Chappelle being cancelled.
Surprisingly, Netflix has stood by him despite the fact that pink-haired social justice warriors, pink-haired obese social justice warriors are literally marching into Netflix headquarters and demanding his cancellation, the deletion of his Netflix special.
We're going to get into that later on in the show, though.
Of course, we're going to start with this little matter of this virus that's been circulating the world for the past 18 months that you may have heard of.
And the fact that it's never going to end.
People think if they just took the shot, they'd get back to normal.
If they just social distanced, they'd get back to normal.
If they took the vaccine, if they wore the mask, they would get back to normal.
Doesn't appear to be the case.
This is a headline which went up earlier today.
We're still in phase one of the pandemic, Yale University professor warns.
This is Nicholas Christakis,
Who said in an interview with Sky Television on Monday night, to be safe now, because with the original screening, we could have gotten by within a much smaller percentage, but the virus has become much more infectious.
And he basically says that the pandemic is only in the beginning of the end of the first phase and that the pandemic is going to last until at least 2024, another three years at least.
Quote, when the world will have suffered a lot more casualties, that seems to have been said with some kind of bizarre fetishist relish, than it would have with a better exit strategy.
And of course he blames the people who didn't get the vaccine.
Not enough people are getting the vaccine.
Not enough people are complying.
So they're going to extend this for another three years just to punish you.
But wait a minute.
The majority of people in most European countries and now in America have got the vaccine.
They did roll over and comply.
No, they're going to still wear the mask.
They're going to still social distance.
In Canada, we see domestic travel being banned for the unvaccinated and they're going to roll it on.
They're going to continue it for at least another three years because not enough people complied.
Meanwhile, in Australia,
Where, in fact, I saw a video clip about an hour ago of Kerry Chant, that is the scorning public health official of New South Wales, who says you can't talk to your friends and neighbours because it might spread Covid.
Now coming out and saying that mask wearing, at least indoors, is going to continue for, quote, years longer.
Bearing in mind now in Australia, in Victoria, in New South Wales, in Queensland, in these other states.
They're at least starting to lift the COVID restrictions, at least for the vaccinated.
But now we see that the plan seems to have a factor of continuance that's going to go on for a number of years yet.
Headline out of Summit News, Australia building quarantine camps for quote, ongoing operations.
Why are the camps being built?
And this one in particular, by the way, is not even going to be completed until next year.
So think about that for a second.
They're starting to lift the lockdown restrictions in Australia, in New Zealand, having admitted that the zero Covid strategy is completely impossible, unobtainable and disastrous.
Yet they're building quarantine camps that won't even be completed until next year.
If you thought this was winding down, then you can think again.
But who are these camps being built for?
Well, they asked the officials there in Queensland, and one of the categories of population who the camps were being built for was, quote, those who have not had access to vaccination.
In other words, the camps are being built for the unvaccinated.
Despite some states tentatively beginning to lift lockdown restrictions, Australian authorities are building quarantine camps that won't be completed until next year.
In order to prepare for, quote, ongoing operations and to house those who have not had access to vaccination.
This is in relation to a 1,000 bed quarantine facility and it's called Wellcamp.
Outside Toowoomba, which is an area in Queensland, Australia, is going to be fully completed by the end of March 2022.
So you're talking at least another five months time
They're going to roll out 500 beds by the end of December, according to this report.
And it's going to be used for domestic travellers returning from Covid hotspots.
Which again indicates that those restrictions are not going to be lifted anytime soon.
The camps are split into different zones and they accommodate singles, doubles and family rooms.
Yes, you can stay at the detention camp with your family members.
They're nice like that.
And they'll be patrolled by police and security guards 24-7.
Queensland Deputy Premier Stephen Myles said the camps were for people who, quote, have not had access to vaccination.
He added, quote, we anticipate there to be a continuing need for quarantine facilities.
Bearing in mind we had the Yale technocrat, who I just mentioned before, who said the end of sight of the pandemic wouldn't even come into view until at least the end of 2024.
They've got a 12-month lease on the land for this new quarantine camp with an option to extend it for 12 months after that.
Another 1,000-bed quarantine facility is also being built
Outside Brisbane Airport!
So again, we've seen this massive tyranny in Australia.
We've seen pregnant women being arrested in front of their kids for posting about a protest on Facebook.
We've seen, as I mentioned before, Kerry Chan talking about people not being allowed to talk to their friends and neighbours.
We've seen police brutality on a scale that you haven't seen in a developed country for decades and decades.
Australians finally thinking that's going to be coming to an end.
No, it isn't.
They've got the camps ready for years to come.
Meanwhile, over here on Airstrip One, Sky News, bearing in mind here in the UK, or at least in England, the coronavirus restrictions have largely been lifted, at least if you want to stay inside the country.
If you want to leave the country, you've got to jump through 20
30 flaming hoops, but at least they've been almost entirely lifted in England itself.
And yet we see headlines like this.
COVID-19 New Year's Eve firework display over Thames in London cancelled due to coronavirus.
But wait, there aren't any coronavirus restrictions.
Why are they cancelling the fireworks display set to take place on December 21st?
We've got football stadiums in this country full of 70,000 people.
I went to a Sea Life Marine Centre about a week ago, which is underground.
They ridiculously claim that you have to maintain social distancing.
Everyone's packed in there.
The vast majority of people in there weren't wearing masks.
It's kind of blown over to a large extent in England.
Again, because the restrictions have been lifted.
And yet the annual New Year's Eve firework display over the River Thames in central London has been cancelled for a second year because of Covid.
100,000 people usually attend the event.
Again, we've got 70,000-60,000 people attending football games in central London, in Manchester, in all these other major cities, and yet they're saying the fireworks event for December 31st in October has already been cancelled.
Gee, why do you think that could be?
Could it be because they're planning another winter lockdown?
Surely not!
We'll talk about that and more on the other side.
Don't go away.
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I want to be very clear.
The fact that InfoWars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
It is the fault of the globalists.
When we can get enough of our great supplements and other products in, we're able to sell enough of it to stay on air and, quite frankly, even expand and to face the new world order.
But because of the supply chain breakdowns that were very easy to predict for the global lockdowns, they're designed to do that.
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God created each and every one of us with free will.
Well, we look at the world system now openly announcing the Mark of the Beast.
Everything that it's attempting to do is built around getting rid of our free will and making us bow down and submit and turn our very bodies, our very productivity, our very genetics, our very future over to them.
They want control of procreation.
They want control of the relationships between men and women.
They want to bring a form of living death to our society and our civilization.
All of us were formed and made in God's mind and God's image and given free will.
And make no mistake, all of you alive today were created by God to be alive in this special time so that you could make the right decision in free will and stand against evil.
And then, for eternity, win the great birthright prize of being aligned with God.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Transmitting worldwide from the Summit.News studios in the United Kingdom, you're listening to Paul Joseph Watson.
Alongside the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine passport in many different countries all over the Western world, of course, the rollout of the QR code.
Which was initially tied to the NHS Track and Trace system back a few months ago.
That's no longer compulsory, at least in England.
But we do have the convenience now of the QR code, which is now being ensconced as the new norm when it comes to table service when you go to a restaurant or a pub.
Instead of having to queue at the bar, instead of having to fight for the attention of the waiter at the bar or at the restaurant,
You can just go and sit down, scan the QR code on your phone, get up the menu, select what you want to order, and pay for it all on your phone.
Very convenient!
Very convenient, apart from when you think about it.
With the social credit score that we now have in the West, and bearing in mind it's not coming, it's already here, we literally have hospitals in the United Kingdom saying that if you're designated as a racist, a sexist or a homophobe, you'll be denied health care.
In the United Kingdom, that was passed last year, we have people in America and now numerous different hospitals being denied
Kidney transplants because they didn't take the coronavirus vaccine.
Well, how far does that go?
It's not coming.
It's already here.
They're going to use the QR code, which everyone is going to get dependent on in this cashless society with bars, restaurants, museums, shops, everywhere in major cities, banning cash, not accepting cash.
That's going to be the only option.
But when you've said something spicy, maybe about the next president, Kamala Harris, maybe on Facebook, maybe you've done a tweet, which some people deem racist.
Maybe you're no longer allowed to own a phone because you're on the social credit score blacklist and then you can't use the QR code.
If you have to use the QR code to buy and sell and you don't have the approved mark of the beast, well maybe you can buy and sell.
At the moment it's very convenient but in the future if you're literally banned from owning a phone
If your cell phone company says, well, you've been banned by Facebook, you've been banned by Instagram, you've been banned by Twitter, why should we provide you service?
Just a private company, right?
They can do what they want.
No cell phone service for you.
No phone for you.
No QR code access for you.
Now you can't buy food.
It's a slippery slope and it's already here in terms of literal health care.
They're denying people health care because they haven't complied with the vaccine and in fact we have a headline about that today out of Summit.News.
Of course we had the story last week of the hospital in Colorado denying the woman who's in stage 5 renal failure a kidney transplant.
And two more hospitals demand mandatory vaccination before allowing organ transplants.
It's all very progressive.
Two more hospital systems, the Cleveland Clinic and University Hospitals have announced they won't perform organ transplants unless both the donor and the patient have received the COVID-19 vaccination.
Again, you don't have the option to provide a negative test despite the fact that people who are vaccinated can still spread the virus.
And people who have antibodies are 27 times more protected than people who've just had the vaccine.
No, the negative test option has been removed.
Which again goes to the point that it's not about public health, it's about mass compliance.
The revelation follows the news that Colorado's UCLH Health denied a woman who was in stage 5 renal failure a kidney transplant because she refused to take the clock shot.
Now, Cleveland Clinic has followed suit, as well as the UH Transplant Institute, releasing a similar statement saying it will begin requiring COVID vaccinations for its patient population.
So, it's not even whether you're allowed to buy or sell, it's whether you're allowed to have healthcare.
And I linked to the article, by the way, from last year in the United Kingdom, because some people didn't believe it.
They actually passed the new rule in NHS hospitals, government socialised healthcare,
Where the nurses and the doctors can deny health care to patients deemed sexist, homophobic or racist.
Which of course, you know, by this point is basically anyone.
There's a video I saw earlier today where people, I think it was an NFL game, began chanting F Joe Biden and a woman in the stands complained that that was racist.
So maybe in the future, if you criticise Kamala Harris, you'll be called racist because she's what, half Indian, half black?
You'll be denied healthcare.
You'll be denied access to the QR code.
You won't be able to buy and sell.
But it's not mandatory!
Meanwhile in Wales, they've just imposed the tyranny of the Green Pass, the vaccine passport, based off a completely dodgy vote.
We've got a video on this, the truth about the Welsh vaccine passport.
Let's go to this clip right now.
Here it is.
In what's being called a shambles, the vaccine passport scheme passed the Welsh Parliament by a single vote after a Tory representative was unable to log in to a Zoom call.
People in Wales will now have to present their medical papers as a condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues from Monday onwards.
All because of a dodgy vote that the government won by 28 to 27.
But one that should have been a tie if Conservative Member of the Senate, Gareth Davies, had been able to vote.
I'm sorry, we still have a member who is desperately trying to get into Zoom, but cannot get into Zoom.
No, no, no, no, Darren Miller.
That is, we are holding the vote.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
What kind of democracy is that?
To be clear, if the vote had been 28 to 28, which it should have been, the vaccine passport scheme would have been defeated.
The government would have lost the vote.
But they didn't let him vote.
No, no, no, no!
Some of the blame also has to lie with Gareth Davies himself.
If it's such an important issue, which it is,
Don't rely on technology.
Stop being lazy and show up in person to vote.
Nighttime Industries Association Wales, which opposes the plans and represents 100 venues in the country, called it a shambles and said there should be an urgent re-vote.
The spokesperson said it was a democratic outrage that one MS who wanted to vote and who would have voted against the proposals could not due to a mere technical error.
This shambles will cause even more uncertainty for our businesses.
After they won the dodgy vote, the Welsh Government justified it by asserting that England's going to introduce vaccine passports anyway, despite the fact that a cross-party committee concluded they'd be discriminatory and should be scrapped, and despite the fact that a similar scheme in Scotland completely failed on the first day of its intended rollout.
Remember, they're trying to eliminate the option to provide a negative test.
Despite the fact that people who are vaccinated can pass on the virus anyway.
Proving yet again that vaccine passports are about enshrining mass compliance.
While moving the West towards a social credit score system that makes communist China look tame in comparison.
There you have it, that's what happened in Wales.
If the vote had been tied, as I said in the video, the government would have lost the vote, the vaccine passport would not have been implemented.
Yet because this one member had a technical snafu and wasn't able to vote, they just went ahead and implemented it anyway.
And now, as of yesterday, anyone entering a nightclub or a large venue in Wales has to prove that they've taken the clock shot.
Absolute purebred tyranny.
We'll be back on the other side.
Don't go away.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic, because I sit there and I beg you for support, constantly, for prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth, and we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
But it's true.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And we're still here.
And as this whole New World Order comes out in the open, our credibility is going up.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved and America still quasi-free.
You can't have InfoWars, it's been proven right, being on air, with all the craziness that's about to unfold.
Because if you think stuff's bad now, just get ready.
So thank you all, and get into InfoWarsTore.com, get some great 2020 election shirts, supplements, and so much more.
They're wonderful products, and they support the InfoWars.
Thank you.
Back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
It's been out of stock for a while.
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Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
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Take advantage of those.
It's time to protect your privacy.
It's time to come to grips with the fact that even though you don't have anything to hide, criminals, hackers, corporations, big tech, government,
Are stealing all of your data and creating a map and a database of where you go and what you do.
So in the future, under their globalist takeover, they can shut you down.
Protecting your privacy, protecting your credit cards, protecting your bank accounts, protecting your photos, protecting everything that's on your phone is paramount.
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InfoWars Emergency Supply Chain Breakdown Sale is only running for one week from Monday, October 11th for seven days.
That's because a bunch of these products that we have in stock
Part of limited supply because, obviously, the supply chain breakdown that I've been warning you of now for 20 months, because that's part of the Great Reset and part of the Global's plan, that's what global lockdowns have been triggering.
So we've not lowered the quality of any of our products.
That means some of them have been sold out for over six months, like DNA Force Plus.
It is 40% off, but coming up in one week, it will go back to full price, and we probably won't have more for up to six.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You're listening to the Summit.News Radio Hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
So we've had a lot of hysteria and fear-mongering, as have you over in America, about empty grocery shelves, about fuel shortages, about rolling blackouts.
They've blamed the pandemic over in the UK.
They've blamed Brexit, despite the fact that grocery shelves in Brussels and numerous other European countries are also empty.
And they've tried to make out that maybe it's a temporary thing, but maybe not.
Maybe it's a longer term thing, and maybe it's part of the new normal.
They're kind of shifting out the narrative of blaming the temporary reasons of Brexit, of the Covid pandemic, into socially engineering Americans and Europeans that empty grocery shelves
Rolling energy blackouts, low energy in general, fuel shortages, petrol gas shortages are going to be part of our lives going forward.
This is not by accident.
This is part of the great reset that they've had as a plan in place for many, many years.
And I made a video earlier talking about this.
We'll come back and talk about it as it relates to how CNN is covering it on the other side.
But here is the video, the truth about the green economy.
Here it is.
The UK shut down most of its coal plants due to global warming.
Because fossil fuels are bad and cause global temperature increases.
But because there's a polar vortex coming, marked by severe cold temperatures, we won't have enough energy to get through the freezing winter.
Because global warming caused us to shut down the coal plants.
If you're trying to figure that one out, don't bother because it makes no f-
...sense whatsoever.
Being dependent on expensive foreign imports of natural gas simply to heat our own buildings because renewable energy is completely useless and can't meet the demand.
We get a few weeks of the wind not blowing and we're forced into an energy crisis.
We're trying to power a nation on glorified windmills and subpar solar panels while China burns half the world's coal.
China is tripling its capacity to make fuel out of coal.
Well, we're freezing our bollocks off.
And who do the environmentalists, Greta Thunberg, Extinction Rebellion, insulate Britain?
Who do they blame?
Where do they say the problem lies?
With us.
Zero-carbon policies are hurtling us towards three-day weeks and pensioners dropping dead like flies with hypothermia.
While China emits more CO2 than the United States and every single European country combined.
And yet we're still to blame.
Blah, blah, blah.
Blah, blah, blah.
But electric cars are here to save the day!
Problem being, they shut down all the coal plants to stop man-bear-pig, and now our country can no longer generate enough electricity to meet the demand.
Under a new law set to be brought in next year, your home EV charger will be switched off during peak hours to avoid blackout.
The proposed law stipulates that electric car chargers installed at home or at the workplace may not function for up to nine hours a day to avoid overloading the national electricity grid.
In addition to the nine hours a day of downtime, authorities will be able to impose a randomised delay of 30 minutes on individual chargers in certain areas to prevent grid spikes at other times.
In other words, the government will ration your energy use, deciding when and how far you can drive.
Doesn't matter, I hear you say.
I drive a petrol car.
Not from 2030 you don't, because to save the planet the government is banning them.
So no electricity for the electric cars and no petrol for the petrol cars.
Guess you'll be staying at home.
Kind of like being under lockdown.
And to top it all off we're still being lectured by this eco-mentalist that we're not doing enough.
An unelected activist who holds more power in Downing Street than the Prime Minister she's politically cuckolded.
Meanwhile, CNN has created a creepy new phrase, before times, to normalise the sight of empty grocery shelves.
Can you see where this is all heading?
This is some proper third world shit.
Welcome to the Great Reset!
Government approved travel hours, carbon rationing limits, food shortages, climate lockdowns, rolling blackouts.
Sounds like a barrel of laughs.
Also sounds like a technocrat control freak's wet dream.
So there you have it.
As I mentioned in the video, we've got China, which emits double the amount of CO2 that America as a whole emits.
The biggest emitter of CO2 in Europe is Germany, and that's less than 10 times the amount of carbon dioxide that China emits.
And who is Greta Thunberg talking about?
Who is she chastising?
Who is she lecturing?
Friggin' New Zealand!
A tiny little country which emits an infinitesimal amount of carbon dioxide compared to China.
It's a drop in the ocean.
It's a drop in the ocean for the United Kingdom, and yet she's lecturing us.
We literally have a Prime Minister who's married to an eco-mentalist, environmentalist wacko who's pushing through this green economy, which is a complete disaster.
Just look at what it did to Spain.
25% unemployment in Spain due to the green economy.
50% youth unemployment.
It's a complete jobs killer.
It's a quality of life killer.
Which is why we see in the UK now petrol shortages, gas shortages, because they've shut down all the clean burning coal plants.
So we have to import it all from foreign countries.
They're talking about a three-day week.
They're talking about school kids only being able to go to school for three days a week because they don't have the energy to heat the frigging buildings because they've shut down all the coal-fired plants.
And yet we're being lectured!
We've already shut down the entire industry and we're still being lectured.
Meanwhile, as I said in the video, China literally accounts for half of the global coal burning emissions.
Half out of the entire world.
And Greta Thunberg has next to nothing to say about China.
She's lecturing New Zealand.
Because everyone knows China's never going to change.
And that's why they're going to become the new economic and military power.
And yet they're not being called out for their
Drastically worse CO2 emissions.
Of course, we know CO2 is plant food.
The Earth thrived when we had higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, but the facts don't matter.
It's all about you sacrificing your quality of life, while the technocrats can still fly on their private jets to Davos to lecture you about having a bath every single year.
As I mentioned in that video, CNN uses creepy dystopian before-times rhetoric to justify empty shelves.
This is social engineering to make you believe that this is now normal.
As I mentioned in the article, usually the out-of-stock percentages in U.S.
grocery chains and big-box stores are about 7-10% depending on the product.
After the pandemic, and in recent days, they've risen to 18%.
They're saying despite, supposedly, the lockdown restrictions being lifted, that is now the new normal.
Questions are being asked of CNN after the network used the creepy dystopian phrase, before times, to describe a time pre-COVID when grocery shelves weren't empty.
So again, they're trying to normalise this, they're trying to get people used to this, trying to get people to realise
Or to hide it under the rug, the fact that this is how your life is going to be from here on out.
As I mentioned in the video, they've literally passed a law, or are preparing to pass a law in the UK, where the government will ban you from using your home electric charger to charge up your electric vehicle at peak hours for nine hours during the day.
Now, these electric vehicles can't even travel more than a certain distance because you have to constantly charge them over and over again.
Now, for half of the day during the daytime, that's going to be banned entirely.
And they're banning petrol and diesel cars from 2030 onwards.
This is the Great Reset.
This is the total control of your life.
Tax by-the-mile surveillance tracking to make sure you don't go over your carbon emission allowance.
This is about engineered scarcity.
This is about absolute technocratic control of your life.
As Robbie Starbuck tweeted, they say that before times like COVID is equivalent to Jesus.
Absolute lunatics.
Harrison Crank said, interesting way of saying we will have food shortages in Joe Biden's America.
Another respondent warned CNN would use the term to distract from the Biden administration's incompetence and blame any problems on the pandemic.
Interestingly, that tweet has been deleted, which happens a lot of the time when I embed it in an article.
Sometimes it says, this account has been suspended.
Another respondent said they are laying the narrative groundwork to prepare you for a world of shortages, scarcity and incompetence.
This isn't an accident.
That's precisely what it is.
Seeing empty grocery shelves isn't something that should happen in Europe or America.
This is third world crap and the fact that they're trying to normalise it should be a massive red flag at the back.
I don't like coming to you and saying this could be our last broadcast.
Hell, I've been on there 27 years, and only the last year or so have I said that.
But let me tell you, the New World Order is breathing down our neck, the big globalist publications are coming after us, and they're doing everything they can to shut us down.
So please pray to keep InfoWars on the air, and please support the local stations you're listening to as well.
At the same time, go to InfoWarsStore.com while you still can, and get a book, get a film, get a t-shirt.
Get some supplements, because it's that money that helps us stay on air in the face of this thing.
I need your help more than ever now.
I want to keep fighting the globalists, but I can't do it if you don't support us.
So, pray for us.
Word of mouth.
Tell folks about the broadcast, however you can.
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Whether it's high-quality coffee, or supplements, or books or films,
All of it nurtures the soul, all of it empowers humanity, all of it is pro-human and pro-God.
Thank you so much.
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I want to be very clear.
The fact that InfoWars is having trouble funding itself is not the fault of our amazing listeners and supporters.
It is the fault of the globalists.
When we can get enough of our great supplements and other products in, we're able to sell enough of it to stay on air and quite frankly even expand in the face of the new world order.
But because of the supply chain breakdowns that were very easy to predict for the global lockdowns, we're designed to do that.
We have had real problems getting our best-selling products in.
Some of them take up to 10 months to get in.
We've had to discontinue some of our products because we just...
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It's pretty scary stuff, so please take advantage of sales we're running for one week only.
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One week left.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
You're listening to Summit.News with Paul Joseph Watson.
Yeah, we're doing the final segment and we are pushed for time, so we're going to dive into this Dave Chappelle Netflix special issue because there are some updates on it.
Of course, this new special, The Closer, came out at the end of last week.
What most people don't know, if they haven't seen the whole film, is...
Most of it is Dave Chappelle basically genuflecting and prostrating himself to the LGBT movement but there was two jokes that he made against them and that's what the controversy is based around because of course they can't take a joke because it threatens their power monopoly.
Many such cases throughout history of dictatorial movements that can't be made fun of because it threatens their very core.
I'm going to come back and talk about some updates on this story, but first, here is the video, Dave Chappelle versus the mob.
Screeching far-left mobs are lobbying Netflix to delete comedian Dave Chappelle's new special, The Closer, claiming it's transphobic.
Wait a minute, what did Chappelle say?
Must have been really bad, right?
This is a fact.
Every human being in this room, every human being on Earth, had to pass through the legs of a woman to be on Earth.
Oh my God, I'm literally shaking!
He said what?!
Gender was a fact.
Cancel him!
Civil rights groups and irate Twitter activists reacted with a perfectly calm and measured response by claiming that Chappelle was inciting the mass murder of transgender people.
With 2021 on track to be the deadliest year on record for transgender people in the United States, the majority of whom are black transgender people, Netflix should know better!
Have more than a quarter of transgender people tried to commit suicide because of Netflix comedy specials?
Or is there another reason for that figure being so high?
Jacqueline Moore, who stars in Netflix's series Dear White People, threatened to stop working with Netflix as long as they continue to put out and profit from blatantly and dangerously transphobic content.
Making fun of white people for their ethnicity remains perfectly fine though.
Dear Dave Chappelle,
Transgender comedians can take a joke, but why are yours so unfunny?
Can take a joke?
Yeah, normally people who can take a joke don't literally lobby to ban jokes about them.
Meet the new Dave Chappelle, misogynistic, anti-trans and socially irresponsible.
And there I was thinking comedy was about being funny.
Now it must amplify the deranged identity politics activist dogma of the mob.
Or they'll organize to have it censored.
You know, because they're so good at taking a joke.
But how did the general public respond to Chappelle's new special?
96% positive audience score on Rotten Tomatoes.
Read it and weep, losers.
Dave Chappelle has lost his way!
Doesn't look like it.
Oh, but the mainstream critics don't like it.
You mean the same mainstream critics who fawned over Cutie's illiteral pedo movie while claiming that Joker was slightly above average at best?
They gave Chappelle's previous special the same treatment, but the ordinary punters still loved it.
Given that they banned audience reviews of the Fauci propaganda movie entirely, I'm surprised they didn't do the same to Chappelle.
Can't get any bad reviews if you don't allow reviews?
Part of the backlash to people like Chappelle and Ricky Gervais challenging the increasingly monopolistic cultural power of the alphabet people is woke comedians asserting that they're punching down
...and attacking helpless, underrepresented minority communities.
Take a look at this example from British comedian James Acaster, who, despite not being funny, has been lavishly rewarded with a big mainstream platform.
They walk straight on stage, top their specials sometimes, do ten solid minutes just slagging off transgender people.
Oh yeah, because you know who's been long overdue a challenge?
The trans community!
Oh, they've had their guard down for too long, if you ask me.
They'll all be checking their privilege on the way home now, thanks to you, you brave little cis boy!
The entire foundation of this joke is based on the premise that the LGBT lobby is some kind of persecuted anti-establishment underground resistance movement.
Now that is funny.
In reality, the LGBT movement is the establishment.
Their flag is literally flown over every government building and cultural institution, and now even outside US embassies.
The Trams flag literally flew over Parliament Square in London for an entire month this summer.
Because what could be more edgy and anti-establishment than having your colours proudly displayed in the capital city of a major country by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors?
Oh my god, so edgy.
In the UK.
You can literally be arrested and thrown in prison for making playful jokes about trans people.
A 50 year old mother in Scotland was charged with a transphobic hate crime after she retweeted an image of a suffragette ribbon.
People face scorn, intimidation and harassment.
For merely insisting that women's spaces in sports shouldn't be dominated by biological men.
Glenn Greenwald was savaged by Twitter mobs merely for discussing the results of a Gallup poll on trans identification.
In the UK, our two major establishment political parties,
There are some people that should be afraid of me.
Um, and that they are, because I represent, uh, moderation and diversity.
I have power.
They can't take it away from me.
So no, people like Ricky Gervais and Dave Chappelle aren't punching down if they make a joke about trans issues or express an opinion on gender.
They're punching up.
These groups wield enormous political, cultural, and sensorial power.
They are the new establishment.
Let's be clear, just like J.K.
Rowling, it's not like Dave Chappelle's some right-wing bigot, is it?
Last year, he devoted an entire Netflix special to George Floyd, BLM, and the history of slavery.
Chappelle has made fun of white people, black people, everyone!
You know, like comedians are supposed to, which just goes to show, you take on these people merely by cracking a joke about them, and you're in the firing line.
No matter what you do in your artistic expression, you are never, ever allowed to upset
But here's the good news.
Despite Chappelle being viciously targeted by an extremist minority mob, a faction which, despite being relatively small in number, can rely on the institutionalized protection of government, the entertainment industry, Silicon Valley, and even the military-industrial complex,
Chappelle's view is shared by the vast majority of sensible people.
By daring to be a voice for those people, and by proudly proclaiming himself to be Team Turf, Chappelle threatens to disarm their power monopoly.
And that's what really threatens them.
I'm Team Turf!
I agree.
I agree, man.
Gender is a fact.
Well there you have it and we have updates on this vital pressing cultural issue today.
Post Millennial reports Netflix fires three employees who tried to force their way into an executive meeting over Dave Chappelle's alleged transphobia.
And again, I've seen other clips of this special and people who've watched the entire thing have told me he spends half of the special genuflecting
And basically, bigging up transgender people and saying he doesn't want to offend them, he loves them.
And then there are two little segments where he has a little poke at them and basically says, no, people should still be able to argue that biological gender exists.
And they've literally had purple-haired obese social justice warriors, as you can see in this article, try to force their way into an executive meeting where the company discussed how they should handle comedian Dave Chappelle's stand-up special.
The good news is that Netflix stands by Dave Chappelle after calls for censorship.
This is out of reclaimthenet.org.
In a rare win for free speech in the current online climate, Netflix co-CEO Ted Sanderos said that the Dave Chappelle special release last week will not be cancelled because of artistic freedom.
Bearing in mind that people like Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais are, because of their massive platform, kind of privileged outliers, the vast majority of comedians, the vast majority of political commentators,
Who poke fun at the alphabet.
People who try to argue with them are viciously defamed or pursued on social media or demonized or monstered.
In some cases in European countries are literally arrested by the police.
So Dave Chappelle is going to be fine.
Ricky Gervais is going to be fine.
The people who don't get that kind of media attention aren't going to be fine.
And that's where the battle really lies.
Meanwhile, we'll go through a few rapid fire headlines here at the end of the show.
Ryan Bowman, Shrewsbury Town striker in hospital after heart palpitations.
He is a footballer in England.
Mysteriously, a 29-year-old healthy fit athlete suffered heart palpitations in the middle of a match.
Gee, I wonder what happened there.
Wonder why that happened.
Meanwhile, a quarter of football league players say they won't get vaccinated.
That's a very big problem because, of course, they're high performance professional athletes.
They are obsessed with health and fitness and what they put into their bodies.
If they're not being the example for how everybody should take the coronavirus jab, then that is a big problem for the establishment.
But there are still many holdouts, including people in the NBA.
Brooklyn Nets ban Kyrie Irving from playing until he gets the COVID-19 vaccine.
We've seen a lot of eloquent NBA players speak out on why they have a greater chance of having serious complications from the vaccine compared to the virus itself.
Coming up is War Room Summit Dot News.
That's it for the show.
Goodbye Ian.
Klaus Schwab and the UN and all the other globalist leaders own words they admit that once they've got you with that system, then they're going to carbon tax you everywhere you go and track what you do.
And publicly they're saying they're going to decide when you can travel and when you can't travel.
And MasterCard and all the other big companies are currently announcing they're going to track what you do and where you go and tax you with a carbon tax for it.
This is the Holy Grail.
...of tyranny, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the takeover, and humanity better wake up and say no.
Finally, folks are starting to wake up.
Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and others are leading the charge, along with Infowars.
But it's not enough.
Every individual has to not comply, and we have to talk about bringing the globalists to justice.
You see, they need the fear of God put in them, legally and lawfully.
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And you know what?
I'm going to keep it at 50% off until it sells out, even though we've already sold out a half of it in just the last month, and we probably aren't going to have more for about five months.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.