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Filename: 20211006_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 6, 2021
3440 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses the COVID-19 pandemic situation and argues that governments are using it as a tool for globalist agendas. He encourages people to share information and resist vaccine mandates while promoting his own product for deep restful sleep. The video also includes calls from listeners discussing their experiences with healthcare during the pandemic, expressing concerns about vaccine mandates, medical exemptions, and protests against lockdowns and mask mandates for children. Additionally, the speaker warns about the symbolism of face masks and promotes non-compliance with mandates. The video covers topics such as vaccine mandates in military and police forces, corruption, conflicts of interest, and the importance of standing up against these issues. A caller also praises Alex Jones for his dedication and shares information about a new film "Endgame" that will air for free on Band tonight at 7 p.m. Central. The main focus of this summary is the promotion of the film and supporting filmmakers who have not been paid in over a year. There is also an ongoing sale at InfowarStore with up to 50% off on various products.

So here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
I think we should all take stake of how many people the globalists have already killed.
And how many people they're going to kill and how many are already walking dead.
That the left is only the foot soldiers of a scientific corporate elite that are taking over the whole planet and preparing to bankrupt the world currencies on its ashes bring in their global carbon tax.
And their global reset.
Can we wake Congress up?
Can we wake the governors up?
Because if we don't move against this, we're going to go through hellish pain.
Already it's going to be stratospherically bad.
A lawyer, who's prominent, who just pointed out and put a story out that's gone viral, that Mike Adams expanded on it, with the Pentagon's AI, main AI project, that was monitoring COVID-19 worldwide, but particularly in the US, that was launched last April,
And its findings.
When this started out according to the curve and what they're saying, you know, you had a really high death and hospitalization rate when COVID first came out.
And then typically that drops off with any disease.
Now, you're seeing it really bumping back up.
And it's really, you know, it looks very much like what we were all afraid of, that we'd have a massive ADE type situation going on this fall, where we had a stronger, more dangerous variant, especially for the people who went out and got the shot.
And the findings are very conclusive.
That the individuals that have taken the mRNA injections that they call vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, are having their immune systems erased within five to six months and then are developing ADE.
And ADE is something you don't want.
Because if you come in contact with any other type of cold virus, you have a violent cytokine storm and generally die.
And when they see this happen, they're claiming it's COVID killing you and they're blaming the unvaccinated.
Well, first of all, Alex,
This is OSINT, or Open Source Intelligence.
This is DOD.
This is their JAIC, their Artificial Intelligence Program.
So, no one can argue that this is not some secret source somewhere.
This is Open Source Intelligence.
What it shows, a couple of very important things.
One is that the
Negative side effects from the vaccine get worse over time with each passing week.
And so the negative outcomes, which includes hospitalizations and ICU outcomes, as well as deaths, it's very bad at three to four months, but it roughly doubles in about six months.
Now, this looks like a flatline projection, so if we continue to project this out further in time to, let's say, nine months or twelve months, which is coming up in our immediate future, this is my estimation, this is not in the report, but by my estimation, we're going to see millions of Americans suffering severe hospitalizations and deaths over the next six months.
If you plan to get vaccinated,
According to these data put out by the DoD, the number one thing that you can do to survive the vaccine is to get COVID before you take the vaccine.
That's in the data.
But also notice the last slide of this, slide 17, it also shows the ethnic groups that are most affected by this.
That's slide 17 and it shows that Native Americans have the highest rate of increased odds of negative outcomes.
So if you're Native American and you're getting this vaccine, you have about a 1.5 times higher risk of death and negative side effects compared to Caucasians.
If you're Hispanic, it's about a roughly 1.3 to 1.4 times greater odds.
If you're black, it's something more like 1.25, roughly in that range.
But the point is, this vaccine has ethnic effects.
That, you know, there have been many people out there warning about the possibility of this vaccine being a biological weapon.
For example, you know, Louis Farrakhan warning about this.
And I have to say, whether or not you agree with Louis Farrakhan on other things, this theory is plausible based on these data.
They give you free shots of toxic waste.
Yes, sir.
You own a death watch.
If you don't understand it, you're not gonna be here to do all the wonderful things you talked about.
Remember the EcoHealth Alliance proposal to DARPA and the coverage of that by DRASTIC, that organization?
And they confirmed there were hundreds of variants of SARS-CoV-2 that had been created through the NIH Fauci funding of that whole operation.
So, folks, this has only just begun.
So the placebo that they have used, that the FDA has allowed them to use, has often been another vaccine.
A vaccine with a known adverse reaction profile that's causing death and damage in its own right.
That it's the
Aluminum, as an adjuvant in the vaccine, a known neurotoxin, a known immunotoxin, a known poison in human beings, that is in the supposedly inert placebo.
Totally inappropriate.
This is not good science.
It is not science at all.
It is an effort to cover up the true adverse reaction rates to these vaccines so that they can get through the low barrier of constraints put there by the FDA and onto the market.
That is the only concern.
Dr. Wakefield is just one of many informed voices in the film, Covidland.
Secure your copy of Covidland today at covidland.com.
And if you order by October 6, you get a free copy of the film, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, absolutely free.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We are living in historic times.
We are living.
The Crossroads of Human Destiny.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live, Wednesday, October 6th, worldwide transmission.
I'll be hosting four hours of the broadcast today, and we have cleared the deck of guests so we can take your phone calls and cover the incredible amounts of news.
It's now official that they're getting rid of all the major world currencies very soon and creating a worldwide digital UN world government currency.
And any wars that start are going to be over the three major global power blocks fighting over who's going to be dominant in that system.
We have that huge stack of critical great reset news and that's why they're launching all the different things you see and the bioweapon war to so distract us and demoralize us and put a police state grid in place so that we will accept the new global cashless society based on the COVID-19 vaccine passports that will then be the global carbon passport that tracks and traces and taxes everything you do and decides where you can go and what you can do at a level never before even dreamed of until now.
That is one stack.
Then, thank God, it's starting to happen.
Documents are now out.
I've got a whole stack on that.
It's mainstream news.
NIH Director Francis Collins resigns after documents reveal he lied about his involvement with gain-of-function research at Wuhan Lab, specifically with Fauci and Peter Daszak creating COVID-19.
I think?
To provide police with geotrackable selfies to prove they're quarantining, and that's the new vaccine passport, the model of the entire planet.
Hospital systems say they're going to deny you healthcare if you don't take the deadly shots.
This is beyond Nuremberg Code violations.
This is complete criminal medical tyranny stampeding civilization.
Then we've got this, it all ties together.
I mean, Biden had been in office a week, and I was on vacation.
Remember in June?
With my family, a workcation in Utah in Park City.
And I remember coming on the show and playing clips of it.
I host the show from there, where they had Psaki and they had Biden and they had the head of the Justice Department and the head of the FBI all in press conferences saying, the number one threat is those that question elections.
And the number two threat isn't just those that
Question elections.
It is anyone that doesn't want to be locked down during a, quote, lockdown.
And then in June, they put out the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
And it says all of that and more.
Just questioning the government is now terrorism.
If you fight back against Antifa or leftists attacking you, that's terrorism.
If you're Rand Paul and don't like getting shot at, that's terrorism.
If you don't like your ribs being broken, that's terrorism.
And that's why I told you this is the declaration of war by the globalists against us.
They're not Americans.
The Democratic Party works.
For the globalist crime syndicate.
And they're just introducing the idea that we're all criminals, that we live under martial law.
So of course, the National Association of School Boards comes out.
And of course, the National Association of Teachers comes out.
That's the on-the-boots, on-the-ground federal globalist takeover system.
And says, and we've got the quotes, we've got the videos, we've got the letter from the so-called Attorney General, wild-eyed globalist maniac, that it's terrorism to raise your voice or yell at people
At a school board meeting, or if you don't want your child to wear a mask, or if you don't want forced inoculations, or if you don't like your school teaching that white people are inherently evil and have an original sin and must pay a special tax because of who they are.
That is in the actual letter, and now they're sending out FBI on the news looking for people they can arrest.
They'll probably arrest some provocateurs that'll just be informants that pose for the arrest.
We catch the FBI doing that all the time, and that that will be used to create fear and more division, but this is all part of the globalist takeover.
They've hit us with a bioweapon.
They're denying us cures and treatments that they know are basically 99 to 100 percent.
They've flooded the borders.
They've imploded the nation.
They don't believe the country should exist.
The National Archives has said the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Constitution is racist and has put trigger warnings on it.
The very essence of the country is being abolished with a multinational murderous takeover of current corporations running slave camps in Africa, China, and other areas who are then funding critical race theory to distract from what they're doing and divide and conquer us.
We have all of that
And that's just four of the stacks.
Then we have LGBT Movement.
It is now called 2SLGBTQQIA+.
Sorry, I said it wrong.
You misidentify, you go to jail in California.
Let me say it right.
It is now 2SLGBTQQIA+.
That's cult programming, ladies and gentlemen.
It's meant to sound ridiculous.
Wear a mask.
Don't go outside.
Don't look people in the eyes.
Don't look at the sunset.
Don't talk to your neighbors.
This is all being done in Canada and all over.
It's coming here now.
It's to see when they say jump, how high will you jump?
You'll ask how high.
And so that's cult programming, like, like the Borg took over and this is the new language.
Like 1984, everybody talks in double plus good, Q79 or 438, that.
So that it's not real language, it's all just weird, bizarre, computer-sounding slogans.
This is behavioral psychology.
This is brainwashing and they know it.
People boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo-boo
And just women shaving their heads and, you know, stinking and saying, I stink and love to be ugly and I'm lazy, I'll do nothing, ha ha ha.
This is all designed arrested development as they prepare to implode the society for the mass culling.
They invoke the spiritual malaise, the spiritual decadence, so that
We become the animal creatures they say we are that can then be destroyed.
We are at the great moment of truth, and archetypally, we have the perfect puppet president who stole his way into the election, who can't even talk now, and there's video on Infowars.com, and we'll play it coming up, of John Kerry in France saying, he doesn't know anything, he doesn't know what happened, he's not really at home anymore, so we're sorry.
The perfect excuse that, oh, it's mismanagement, that's why we screwed you over on the submarines, which is all pure bull.
Who's running the show?
Kerry tells French TV.
That Biden's literally, quote, not aware, literally not aware of international crises.
And then separately...
Because of supply chain breakdowns, it's been sold out for six plus months.
And it is now, ladies and gentlemen, back in stock.
We will not cut the quality.
We will not downgrade what we've got.
And so we could have already downgraded the quality and gotten this in a month.
We didn't.
Six plus months later, DNA Force Plus with the PQQ, the CoQ10, you're not going to find anything out there near this price for this quality.
This is the best stuff you're going to find.
It's got EL, EV, ATP.
It's got PQQ, CoQ10, Organic Reishi, Astragalus, Root Extract, and a bunch of other key ingredients that you can actually say makes your telomeres last longer.
Doesn't make your telomeres in your DNA grow, it makes them last longer.
That's basically the same thing.
And essentially does the same thing.
I mean, this is truly the closest you're going to get to Fountain of Youth.
The PQQ and the CoQ10 can regrow nerves.
So you may have an area that hurts for a long time and then the pain went away because the nerve died.
I had that happen with a finger I had that was chopped off, it was reattached.
Until I took this for about six months.
When I first came out with it seven years ago, boom, feeling completely back in the finger.
Also back pain I had that had gone away because the nerve had gone away, boom, the back pain came back actually and then got better.
It'll do some wild stuff.
It's no joke.
It's no game.
And to boost your immune system and everything else, your body, this is the platinum standard at a price people can afford.
But it does cost a lot to put the PQQ and the CoQ10 in it at this level and this type that's not synthetic.
So, it's back in stock.
40% off.
DNA Force Plus.
That's great news.
A lot of people love it.
And I've been wanting to reorder it, but we haven't had it, so that also funds our operation.
And we are, again, as I said, running out of the new, very, very popular second run of Brain Force Ultra.
Also discounted for just a few more days at InfoWarscore.com.
We'll come back with the big enchilada, what's behind all this straight ahead.
If you're concerned about the power grid and want to generate your own supply of off-grid electricity, this will be the most important message you'll hear this year.
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I got some good news.
All the items in front of me are back in stock and are 40-50% off at Infowarshore.com.
The bad news is, a lot of them are about to sell out.
So this sale is only going from one week starting on September 29th.
And in the case of green fiber capsules,
These will be sold out in just a couple days.
50% off.
We have knockout sleep aid.
Sold out for months.
50% off.
Very popular.
Twice as strong as knockout.
Probably too strong for some people.
Totally different formula.
Down and out is back in stock.
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12, 50% off.
We're good to go.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Wednesday, October 6, 2021.
The bad news is, globalists, depopulationists, have seized control of the world's resources and are trying to carry out a collapse to which they pose as the saviors, where at every level they get more power and control, they just tighten up the noose around our necks, incremental enslavement.
The good news is, humanity's waking up to it and figuring it out, and beginning to organize against it.
And here's a new email being sent out by CNN.
It's on their front page by Sanjay Gupta.
Well, we actually know that.
You show people a shot of that place.
We know that because Fauci made a whole bunch of them and it's in the documents that he even gave to the Pentagon that have come out.
And that's why the director of the NIH had to resign.
That's coming up next segment.
But who in operation lockstep in the Rockefeller Foundation, who is in control of this?
Well, a handful of private families, mainly European banking families and royalty, along with the Rockefellers here and a handful of families, like the heir to one of the most powerful, and that of course is Anderson Cooper.
One of the richest men in the world, but he, you Google his wealth, it says he has no money.
That's how rich he is, he quote, has no money.
And he's the heir to some of the biggest families in the country, who all intermarried.
He's not just with the Vanderbilts, but the Astors, and all the rest of it, and the Rockefellers.
So it's all one big family, and they're waging war on us.
They release HIV, and they release Ebola, weaponize it, and they've now released this, and it's all come out.
But what's the endgame?
Well, depopulation of at least 90% of us in our own public documents.
But to get there, again, they have to create crises, stage crises, organize a collapse to then get a global cashless society tied to your vaccine passport, which will then be your carbon passport in their own words.
Tell you where you can go and what you can do.
This is everything.
This is being announced all over the world.
It's all over TV now.
It's not just Alex Jones telling you 20 years ago.
And then once they've got that, they can social engineer you even more.
And then accelerate the cutting off of the resources.
Outlawing most beef production.
Family farms, you name it.
Just total feudalism.
Make you poor to make you die.
Here's some of the headlines.
Unrelenting political brinksmanship edges U.S.
closer to default.
Trillion dollar platinum coin could be minted at the last minute, Democrats say.
And again, the head of the Budget Committee says the government can make all the money they want.
Sounds like Zimbabwe.
International shipping group issues red alert
Letter warning of imminent global supply chain collapse, widespread famine, power grid failures, and economic ruin are right around the corner.
That's what they're saying.
It's all the Great Reset, ladies and gentlemen.
It's all the Great Reset.
Your face taking us to the point of the Zimbabwean dollar.
We're going to lay all this out in more next segment, but the heart of it is these private bankers that get the world through fraud.
But they've got to bankrupt everything now to make you have to take their universal income that is their global fraud.
Instead of going to jail like Bernie Madoff, they've done something thousands of times bigger.
They get the whole world.
Because they buy up the media, they buy up the politicians, they buy up the infrastructure, they buy up all the major companies basically for five times what they're worth because they have all the fiat money.
Then they just turn off most of those companies to create the collapse and then vertically integrate what's left into the few major combines that are going to make you face scan and have a vaccine passport like Walmart in Canada.
And Amazon Whole Foods in Canada to make you, again, be able to eat food.
This is the plan.
This is their operation.
And it's not me telling you 28 years ago.
It's here.
You're living it.
You're being fed into the wood chipper.
You're being fed into the fire.
Your feet are now in it, and you're moving fast down it.
There's the report.
It's live on Bandot Video.
I suggest you share it.
It hits the nail on the head from Greg Rees.
The big banks are guilty of crimes against humanity.
The big banks are quarterbacking our destruction.
At this point, anyone who isn't an imbecile or mentally disturbed has figured out that COVID-19 is the biggest fraud of our lifetime.
Several nations figured this out months ago and have mandated the life-saving Ivermectin protocol with consistently outstanding results.
Multiple countries distributed packets to all of their citizens with everything they need to survive the asymptomatic virus with an already 99% survival rate known as SARS-CoV-2.
Denmark, Sweden and Norway have completely reopened and are ready to accept life with this novel asymptomatic virus with a 99% survival rate.
And Japan is moving on as well.
But not Australia.
Not the UK.
Not Canada.
And certainly not the USA.
Where today's global currency is being printed by the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System.
The spearhead of this great reset.
Only nations with vibrant free markets and cultures that still value independent freedoms are being targeted by the globalist elite.
Who instruct their loyal minions to push endless deadly experimental injections and denounce any and all life-saving solutions, such as ivermectin, vitamin C, and even natural immunity.
They want death because they want to mandate a vaccine.
They want to mandate a vaccine because they want a social credit score.
And they want a social credit score because they are planning on resetting the global currency to the digital blockchain.
What millions of people in these Western nations under attack would call the mark of the beast, known today as the Chinese social credit system, wherein each citizen is completely reliant upon the government.
Absolute tyranny.
There is no global pandemic.
And the only virus that threatens humanity is the big banks, their offshoots, and whomever or whatever they serve.
This is quite simply the parasitic top of the global pyramid feeding off all of humanity.
A former Vatican Bank president has recently warned that the COVID pandemic is nothing but a fraud to bring in the Great Reset.
We reported that this was the case back in March of 2020 because it's happened before.
And now, unless we stop them, it's going to happen again.
Biden's nominee for comptroller of the currency, Sally Omarova, is a proud communist who wants to end banking as we know it.
The worldwide banking cartel, who gets rich off the fractional reserve banking scam and by charging interest on loaning people their own resources, has no problem exterminating anyone opposed to their Great Reset agenda.
To the big banks, we are all livestock.
This is greed on its most realized level.
They are passing laws to restrict travel and to seize private property.
Police and military not willing to go along are being forced out via vaccine mandates.
And nurses not going along are being replaced by the military.
The system has already been hijacked.
No one is coming to save you.
The only way out of this mess, without losing everything that's worth fighting for, is for humanity to stand up and say no.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Hey everybody.
Confused about staying healthy in a crazy COVID culture?
Me too.
But listen, after all the research, all the conflicting studies, after all the squabbling, there's one thing almost everyone agrees on.
It's that immune system health can literally be the difference between life and death.
You probably already believe that.
I certainly do.
So here's the thing.
I wanted to get past the craziness and find out which plant-based substances actually have studies that demonstrate some efficacy in immune support.
Now, you'll have to sign a waiver, but you can check out what I've discovered at StrongerDefense.com.
No cures or treatments there.
Instead, little known but shocking immune system research and a breakthrough immune support product based on that research called Immune 10X.
And the best part?
You can go to the Stronger Defense website right now and claim your own supply of Immune 10X without paying anything today.
Crazy, right?
Learn more about this unusual limited time offer at StrongerDefense.com
That's StrongerDefense.com
That's the way herbs work.
You go off it a while, come back on it, it works again.
So what did I do?
I went to the developers and I said, make a totally different formula with a lot of other known natural healthy compounds that makes you sleep deep and restful, because that's what helps your immune system, and I want it to be at least twice as strong as knockout.
Okay, be careful when you take it.
It's incredibly strong.
It's named Down-N-Out.
I don't have time to get into all the ingredients in it, but it is extremely strong and we are extremely proud of it.
It is exclusively available at m4warstore.com.
50% off right now.
Sold out for more than four months.
Now back in stock.
Get your Down-N-Out and your Knockout at m4warstore.com today.
I thank you for your support because it keeps us on the air.
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world and it's very, very simple but that most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world
They're artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure, intellectual property, energy.
They're using it to buy people, to buy influence.
And in the past, they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money
...to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything, not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
Warn everyone.
It's the only way to stop it.
It was almost 15 years ago that I released my seminal film, M Gang Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
And in that documentary, I predicted the globalists would establish world government by releasing a virus, demanding that there be worldwide lockdowns, and then triggering a collapse of our industrial society.
And now they've done it.
How did I know they would do it?
Because they wrote books and white papers, and many of their own reports and internal meetings were leaked.
You see, then I was tracking the Bilderberg Group, whose head at the time was Klaus Schwab, and our sources inside were confirming to us that they were indeed planning to launch this Great Reset.
Well, we're now living in it.
The purposeful collapse of the third world and the first world, not its ashes, the tyrannical corporate world government, the total censorship, no due process, destruction of the family,
I remember when I remember I remember when I lost my mind
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to keep covering the news for the rest of this hour, interspersed with other huge news and breaking news.
Throughout the next three hours after that, and I'll open the phones up for hour two, three, and four.
There's been a shooting at a Texas high school.
It's a top story everywhere.
They don't have a lot of details yet.
But again, when two or three people get shot, it's international news.
All gun owners are at fault.
But when hundreds of thousands are killed a year in Mexico, barely a blip.
When hundreds of thousands are missing, many of them caught, tortured, and murdered on the Texas border by the Mexican coyotes, almost not a word.
So it's, we've got a lockdown in Texas school amid reports of a shooting.
And it's the end of the world.
Four injured in a high school shooting in Arlington, Texas.
We will have something for you on that next segment.
I'm going to tie it into what's happening in Mexico and how people don't care about that, but how they hype up mass shootings.
I actually had that in my stack today.
This stack right here was already about how they hype up mass shootings, they hype up every once in a while when some racist white person goes and shoots some black people.
But when it's brown people killing brown people or it's black on black or Hispanic on Hispanic, it's like, not like, it's hundreds to one what whites do.
Hispanics kill Hispanics, blacks kill blacks, whites kill whites.
That's the way criminology works.
It's insane.
I'm going to cover those numbers.
In fact, we'll do it next segment.
But let me get back to where we were.
with the Great Reset.
You just saw Gregg Reese's report, The Big Banks Are Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
It's at man.video in the Gregg Reese section.
We'll make it the featured video.
Everybody needs to get it.
They need to share it.
It just went live.
You can also share it from newsworks.com.
The Big Banks Are Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity.
But you notice partway into the film, or partway into the little four minute report, he shows a screenshot of early March
2020, saying that COVID-19 is going to be for the great reset of the UN World Economic Forum to collapse the society.
Well, here it is right here in Klaus Schwab's great reset that came out months and months and months and months after Greg and I put out that report.
I did research on it as well.
It's not about credit, it's about us knowing what we're talking about.
And he says this book is being published and going to print in July of 2020.
And he brags how avant-garde it is.
They had this already pre-planned.
So notice, we're already saying this is going to be the great reset.
They're going to use this to bring in carbon taxes before he even came out and said it.
Because that's how much we watch them.
It's how much we are on them.
And again, if you go to that...
Just fast forward through it, you'll see a screenshot in there where you can find the Gregg Reese Report on the Great Reset.
Or you simply go to Bandot Video, click on the left-hand tab, find the Gregg Reese area, and you go down until you find the Gregg Reese video.
The perfect storm for a global currency reset.
Only 135,000, 136,000 views.
That needs 10 million views.
We could turn the world around.
You could turn the world around if people like Joe Rogan on his Instagram would put that out and get 10 million views.
But Joe's put some of what I sent him out.
What did Joe put out about 9-10 months ago when I was on his show last?
Well, I said that the majority of people getting polio worldwide are getting it from Bill Gates's vaccines.
And they said Joe was a liar.
They said I was a liar.
But on the show, I pulled up Reuters saying it, and I pulled up clips they said I was lying about, where Bill Gates came out and said that he wants to basically depopulate the planet.
And of course, other clips where Bill Gates says that he wants to give us all of these, quote, booster shots in the future, and that 80% of the people that take the vaccine in the early emergency trials they were doing last year were getting serious side effects.
Now, those were all quotes out of Bill Gates' own mouth, admitting it, hiding it in plain view.
They said I was lying.
But then Joe put out a little three-minute Instagram
With him saying it.
And we're going to actually do that next segment.
That's another one of my stacks I've got right here.
The next hour I'll get into the whole so-called school shootings and them saying those are the biggest events in history and all gun owners are to blame while they ignore all the real crime and real carnage, not just here but around the world.
But here it is in my stack.
To go over next segment, Bill Gates said healthcare and vaccines could reduce unsustainable population growth in 2010 TED Talk.
Fact checkers say that well he did say it but he didn't exactly mean it.
Bill Gates never said 3 million people need to die.
Well not that exact quote, that's out of Associated Press.
So what they do is they build straw men
of what we didn't say and then claim it's false and Bill Gates wants us all to live happily ever after.
Well, let me show TV viewers something very, very important.
We'll get to this next segment.
Here's Bill Gates in a detailed 10-minute report at Bandot Video with 818,000 views.
Watch Bill Gates admit to human depopulation program.
Now that's the 10-minute report.
We've got a four-minute boil down
That we're going to play for you coming up next segment.
Ultimate Bill Gates quotes, four minutes, 39 seconds.
Because that's what this whole cult is about.
In fact, guys, go ahead and print me, and gals, print me the Wall Street Journal and London Guardian articles.
I only need two, I know there's 50 of them.
From 2009, Billionaires Meet in Secret to Discuss How to Reduce World Population, Billionaires Meet
To discuss how to solve the overpopulation problem.
Print me a couple of those.
Because I'm going to show you AP saying it's not true.
And I'm going to show you them saying we're lying and you're lying.
And then I'm going to show you them quoted in the news saying all that.
And then I'm going to show you what he actually said out of his little evil mouth.
And I want to make sure in the shorter compilation, I'm sure it's in here.
If not, I'm just going to play the whole ten minute one.
Where they give the Bill and Melinda Gates Award for reducing population at one of these rich, trillionaire snob fest.
Because that's what they do in their off time.
Let me see.
It's got Bill Moyers issues.
Where he talks about how he wants to reduce population.
Him and his dad did.
Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control.
Yeah, that's the second clip.
So that's in this clip.
We'll have it for you next segment, because we show you what we say.
Not like mainstream news.
Oh, Alex Jones found guilty in court of libel, must pay, he's committed defamation.
A judge says, find print.
It's fraud.
It's lies.
They've run headlines saying I lost a lawsuit for quote writing Nobody Died at Sandy Hook book.
I'm not in the book.
Didn't ever read the book.
Not quoted in the book.
They just said that to create the NLP programming.
Alex Jones is guilty.
Alex Jones is guilty.
Alex Jones is guilty.
And now...
They're scared to go to trial with me because they know I didn't say what they said and I have the first woman on my side.
So they just default me and they're going to do it in Connecticut too, folks, after they get a blueprint of our operations to shut us down.
They think we're stupid.
All you did was light a fire under my tail and you got a tiger by the tail.
And America and the world's waking up, and now the rats are leaving the sinking ship of the bioweapon attack that was COVID-19.
I'm going to go to break.
Ladies and gentlemen, to stay on air, and to launch new operations, and to get around all the deplatforming and all the globalist attacks, I want to encourage you to get great products that make your life better, make your immune system better, hell, make your telomeres and your very DNA better.
You know, CoQ10 and PQQ, especially PQQ, the type we have that the Japanese discovered,
If you eat like a whole, you know, half a truckload of blueberries, basically you get the same that's in the amount of PQQ and CoQ10 that's in here.
But the PQQ helps regenerate nerves.
It helps telomeres last longer.
That make them grow makes them last longer, which is the same thing.
It's back in stock.
After six months sold out because we wouldn't cut the quality with the supply chains.
Well, it's back in.
40% off.
We're only running that for one week.
Winter Sun Ultimate.
Highest quality.
Vitamin D. It's 50% off.
Ultra 12.
About to sell out.
Still 50% off.
The highest quality B12.
Survival Shield.
God created each and every one of us with free will.
Well, we look at the world system now, openly announcing the Mark of the Beast, everything that it's attempting to do is built around getting rid of our free will and making us bow down and submit and turn our very bodies, our very productivity, our very genetics, our very
Future over to them.
They want control of procreation.
They want control of the relationships between men and women.
They want to bring a form of living death to our society and our civilization.
All of us were formed and made in God's mind and God's image and given free will.
And make no mistake, all of you alive today were created by God to be alive in this special time so that you could make the right decision in free will and stand against evil.
And then, for eternity, win the great birthright prize of being aligned with God.
Back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
It's been out of stock for a while.
It's one of three sleep aids we have at InfoWarsTore.com.
This one has been very popular.
It's sold off the shelves.
It's back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
This is probably the strongest sleep aid that we have, I would say.
Knockout, RocketRest, both great.
Comes in pill form.
This is the liquid tincture, and I think this is probably the most powerful one.
Survival Shield Execute Nascent Iodine.
This is, if you haven't done an iodine challenge yet, if you haven't done the iodine challenge, what are you waiting for?
Now is the time.
Super male and super female vitality.
Living Defense Plus and the Organic Greens Fiber Caps.
We have a limited supply of these right now, but we want to sell them all out so we can order a new batch.
It was very popular.
The Organic Greens Fiber Caps, but we have all kinds of other great supplements.
That are great for so many different things.
Take advantage of those.
So if you understand that this is not FDA approved, it's totally experimental, it's never been given to human beings before.
Some of the ingredients inside of these shots have never been injected in human beings before.
There are no long-term studies.
We don't know what's going to happen inside your body somewhere four to six weeks after your second injection or four to six months or even two years.
We have no idea.
Whether it's going to cause infertility, whether it's going to cause cancer, how bad your autoimmune disease is going to be.
My conclusion after looking at this for a long time and listening to the arguments for these masks, I've determined that if you believe, if you're a medical doctor or a scientist that's spouting, using these masks, you're either being played or you're being paid.
Secure your copy of COVIDland today at covidland.com.
If you order by October 6th, you get a free copy of Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
So, when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1.
And it worked pretty good.
And then shortly thereafter, you came out with F2, you had, you know, with a deeper source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened, you know?
I could think again.
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
It works.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Life's so strange when it's changing your speed.
I've seen the hard times and the pressures been on me.
But I keep on working like a working man should.
Ain't gonna see more damage done.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're gonna hit the hardcore information right now.
So one of the kingpins of global government depopulation who works for the Rockefeller Foundation, and whose mother worked for the Rockefeller Foundation and IBM Foundation, to carry out the beliefs of John D. Rockefeller I and his children, and of course Thomas Watson of IBM, who was the top advisor to Hitler, won the highest award in Nazi Germany, even above awards that Hitler, Hermann Goering, Heinrich Himmler, and others got.
Established a global consortium of tax-free foundations that have quadrillions in dollars today via their fraud, via their fractional reserve banking and derivatives.
And so they own hundreds of times all the real wealth in the world via fraud, and now they're shutting down the world economy in the Great Reset in their own words to quote, cut off the carbon and depopulate.
So, they've got a big push
From AP, Reuters, People Magazine, CNN, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, saying Bill Gates wants you to live.
He wants you to be healthy.
Yeah, he's involved in vaccine programs worldwide.
He just, he loves you.
And he never said he wants to reduce population.
Not on Bill Moyers 20 years ago.
Not his dad running Planned Parenthood.
None of it.
He didn't say any of that.
Here it is.
Bill Gates said healthcare and vaccines could reduce unsustainable population growth in 2010 TED Talk.
Fact checkers say.
And then it goes on to say, well, not really.
But hell, Reuters goes further.
They just say, fact check Bill Gates quote about vaccines and population growth has been taken out of context again.
Here's AP.
Bill Gates never said three million people need to die.
No, just him and
Prince Philip and all the rest of them met, and so they want to get us down to $500 billion, and so that would be $7 billion dead.
But back when the quote was, that would have been over $5 billion dead.
Of course, the Georgia Guidestones and the rest of it, so there's Bill Gates, never said $3 billion.
Well, that's right, they said at least 80%.
You're right, it's much worse.
So let's show you some of the previous propaganda, back when they wanted to sell us on the idea that they were heroes.
2009, I've got a list of them who met.
They met at Einstein University, a subgroup at that time of the Rockefeller-funded foundation.
Another year they met at the Rockefeller headquarters in New York.
I'm going to show you the articles.
And they actually told the news, we're here to set up an alternate world government, outside of governments, because they won't do it.
We're going to have corporations carry out depopulation.
Remember the Fauci thing I've been playing the last few days?
Where they say we need to blow up the system and have corporations take over.
We need a new deadly virus, avian flu, coronavirus, bird flu, out of China to do it.
Remember, Robin, they just tell you up front.
So, Billionaires Try to Shrink World Population Report says that's out of the Wall Street Journal.
Wall Street Journal, right there.
Here's another one.
Billionaires Hold Secret Cabal in New York.
Billionaires Try to Shrink World Population Report.
NBC News.
Top Billionaires Hold Secret Meeting.
Read the article for depopulation.
A quiet meeting of America's very richest.
New York Times, same story, to depopulate.
They're called the Good Club and they want to save the world.
Very revealing Guardian article, again, that came out the same week, about how wonderful they are and how they're going to depopulate you with a global elite.
Here's ABC News, top millionaires' whole secret meeting for depopulation.
Go read it for yourself.
And here's the list the New York Post got of Bill Gates, Ted Turner,
Warren Buffett, George Soros, Oprah, all the different Rockefellers.
It's all there.
Even minutes of the meetings.
So, let me show you some of this, because you know, AP says it doesn't exist.
He really loves you.
Here's Bill Gates and the video that's 10 minutes long that's on Man.Video.
Watch Bill Gates admit to Human Depopulation Program.
This is 10 minutes long.
I'm going to show you a 4-minute version here in about 30 seconds.
But first, remember this.
This is out now.
NIH Director Francis Collins resigned after documents revealed he lied about his involvement with gain-of-function research at Wuhan Lab, specifically making COVID-19 a plan to release it on the Chinese open air the Pentagon killed.
But they just went ahead and did it anyways.
So, here they are actually depopulating us and bringing in the Great Reset and bringing in the world government with these systems.
And of course Fauci's been caught lying in the rest of it.
They need to be arrested.
They've done it.
They actually carried it out.
12 Monkeys for real.
Not a movie, not fiction.
It's happening.
Now they're bringing in the World ID.
They're bringing in the total control.
They're going to tie all this slavery and death to this vaccine passport that becomes the global carbon passport.
They admit it.
It's not coming.
It's here.
So it's up to you whether you want to live or die.
It's up to you whether you want to understand they're going to hold up medical care if you don't take these shots.
But it doesn't matter because the shots slowly kill you.
They're called soft kill weapons.
If you don't want to kill somebody right away, they'd know.
But it kills you later.
It's already happening.
Here's the shorter compilation on Bill Gates titled Ultimate Bill Gates Quotes.
One issue that really grabbed me as urgent were issues related to population.
Issues related to population.
In 1998, Dr. Zabin became the founding director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control.
Dr. Zabin became the founding director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control.
We see a lot of things that are going very well.
Things like reducing childhood death and... Things like reducing childhood death and... Things like reducing childhood death and...
First, we've got population.
Now, the world today has 6.8 billion people.
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient, would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade-off in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
Today, the greatest risk of global catastrophe doesn't look like this.
Instead, it looks like this.
If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war.
If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it's most likely to be a highly infectious virus.
So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
Now malaria is, of course, transmitted by mosquitoes.
I brought some here so you could experience this.
We'll let those roam around the auditorium a little bit.
I brought some here so you could experience this.
We'll let those roam around the
Auditorium a little bit.
But did you come to reproductive issues as an intellectual?
When I was growing up my parents were always involved in various
Uh, volunteer things.
My dad was, uh, head of Planned Parenthood.
My dad was, uh, head of Planned Parenthood.
The ultimate solution, the only thing that really lets us go back completely to normal and feel good about sitting in a stadium with lots of other people is to create a vaccine and not just take care of our country but take that vaccine out to the global population.
Take that vaccine out to the global population.
We clearly need a vaccine that works in the upper age range because they're most at risk of that.
And doing that so that you amp it up so it works in older people and yet
You don't have side effects.
You know, if we have, you know, 1 in 10,000 side effects, that's, you know, way more 700,000, you know, people who will suffer from that.
Way more 700,000.
What else are we not listening to that we need to take action on now?
The idea of a bioterrorist attack is kind of the nightmare scenario.
The idea of a bioterrorist attack is kind of the nightmare scenario.
It's time to protect your privacy.
It's time to come to grips with the fact that even though you don't have anything to hide, criminals, hackers, corporations, big tech, government are stealing all of your data and creating a map and a database of where you go and what you do.
So in the future, under their globalist takeover, they can shut you down.
Protecting your privacy, protecting your credit cards, protecting your bank accounts, protecting your photos, protecting everything that's on your phone is paramount.
That's why everybody should visit InfoWarsStore.com.
We're carrying a huge new line of very compliant, made-in-America products that have 100% reviews and are simply incredible.
It's a 360 win.
Protect your privacy and shop at InfoWars to support the overall InfoWars against the globalists.
A true 360 win.
Get your Faraday cages at InfoWarsStore.com.
Check out the new line.
It's amazing.
I got some good news.
All the items in front of me are back in stock and are 40 to 50% off at InfoWareStore.com.
The bad news is a lot of them are about to sell out.
So this sale is only going from one week starting on September 29th.
And in the case of green fiber capsules,
These will be sold out in just a couple days.
50% off.
We have knockout sleep aid.
50% off.
Sold out for months.
Very popular.
Twice as strong as knockout.
Probably too strong for some people.
Totally different formula.
Down and out is back in stock.
50% off.
We've extended the sale on Winter Sun and Ultra 12.
50% off.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
YouTube is now a communist state.
YouTube is the vanguard of tyranny.
YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki scuttles around drawing in her prey so that she can suck the life out of free speech.
We've seen Mark Zuckerberg, we've seen Jack Dorsey now testify before Congress multiple times, and I've heard it said that YouTube is getting a pass.
Do you think you should be up there testifying?
Well, I think we do get a lot of scrutiny.
Russian Foreign Ministry denounces aggression that aims to silence RT after YouTube bans two German-language channels for talking about natural immunity existing.
That's like saying, RT is banned for saying birds fly in the sky, or grass is green.
Would Google ever leave Russia like it left China?
I think we really want to make sure that we're working and serving audiences as much as we possibly can.
The web of YouTube has more than 1 billion users who watch more than 1 billion hours of video every day.
It wasn't hard to see them slowly censoring starting four years ago.
But even if you slowly censor, pretty soon, even if you slowly drink a glass of water, pretty soon you're at the bottom of the glass.
It's old dinosaur media working with big tech that's owned by the big banks that owns Big Pharma.
And Big Pharma is their system to assault us and to depopulate us, to sterilize us.
They all go together.
We're going to recommend companies that we know have a long tradition of delivering reliable news.
Dr. Gupta mentioned about, you know, not putting masks on kids.
That's not effective, not necessary.
That, YouTube told the Wall Street Journal, violated the consensus of local and global health authorities regarding the efficacy of masks.
To prevent the spread of COVID-19.
A DeSantis spokesman told Fox News, YouTube's action is another blatant example of big tech attempting to silence those who disagree with their woke corporate agenda.
Noting the panel featured world-renowned scientists from Oxford, Stanford and Harvard.
The resolution before the Clark County Commission today would declare all misinformation and disinformation related to the coronavirus a public health crisis, potentially clearing the way for more concrete policies to come.
The resolution does not define what misinformation is, but says that the practice has significantly undermined public health efforts and created a culture of mistrust.
Listen, banning all anti-vaccine content, it's not going to be easy.
It's a complicated content moderation problem because anti-vaxxers are very good at evading the platforms.
And so we're just going to have to wait to see how well they do.
And so before they launched COVID-19 on us, they got control of all the major health departments in the world, except a few.
They put out the lie that it didn't come out of the Wuhan lab.
They put out all those lies.
They sold all that propaganda.
And when people tried to speak out against it,
Prominent doctors, prominent scientists, the heads of their fields, Nobel Prize winners, they were universally censored and blocked out and blacked out.
YouTube has now banned any COVID vaccine videos that don't succumb to the narrative, including Dr. Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who they claim are partially responsible for the skepticism contributing to the slowing vaccination rates across the country.
Back at home in the United States, the newspapers are saying that I came here today to speak to about 5,000 Nazis.
But I look at this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism.
People who want open government.
People who want leaders that are not going to lie to them.
We want health officials who don't have
Financial entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry who are working for us and not Big Pharma.
You are not going to take away our freedom.
You are not going to poison our children.
We are going to demand our democracy back.
Thank you all very much for fighting.
YouTube stated its tyrannical demands, saying, specifically, content that falsely alleges that approved vaccines are dangerous and cause chronic health effects, claims that vaccines do not reduce transmission or contraction of the disease, or contain misinformation on the substances contained in vaccines, will be removed.
This would include content that falsely says that approved vaccines cause autism, cancer, or infertility, or that substances in the vaccines contract those who receive them.
If you want to talk about adverse reactions in the measles or chicken pox vaccine, then the ban is non-existent.
Just don't dare utter a word about the New World Order inoculation.
John Bowne reporting.
That's a powerful report.
It's on Bandot Video.
Save lives, share it.
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world.
It's very, very simple, but the most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world
...are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure, intellectual property, energy.
They're using it to buy people, to buy influence.
And in the past, they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money
...to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything, not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
It's the only way to stop it.
Warn everyone.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in incredibly historic times.
Welcome to hour number two on this October 6th Wednesday broadcast.
Coming up next segment, I'm going to give out the toll-free number, and I'm hosting the fourth hour today as well, so we're going to have two hours and at least 30 minutes of phone calls here on the transmission.
And you heard a lot of what I covered last hour, the outrageous claims by the Associated Press, Reuters, and others that Bill Gates never wanted depopulation.
He wants a bigger population.
He wants more people.
And his shots are so safe, and he loves you.
And then, of course, I showed all the documents and his own videos and his own statements.
They want to depopulate by 90% and use tainted vaccines to do it.
Absolutely insane.
We can get into that.
We can get into the incredible footage I'm going to get to here next segment of Biden not knowing who he is and Kerry telling French TV that Biden, quote, literally not aware of what's going on or what he's doing.
That's all coming up.
But I want to hit this right now.
It was actually in my stack already today before we had a shooting in Arlington, Texas, a suburb of Dallas and Fort Worth.
It's between the two of them, one of my old stomping grounds growing up, where I moved down here in late high school, but side issue.
I already had in my stack that they will take a shooting where two or three people get injured, or one person dies, and it will be on the news for days if not weeks, and it will be the end of the world, and it will be every gun owner's fault that that person died, or some
Ritalin Prozac head, shoot-em-up video game, devil worshipper, who loved the Columbine operation, goes in and shoots little kids in Connecticut, and then every gun owner is to blame, and Remington is to blame, because Adam Lanza illegally got the gun from his mother.
I mean, that's just preposterous.
Like, if somebody stole a Ford truck and ran over a bunch of people like the Muslims do, would Ford truck be to blame, or would it be the radical jihadi?
So it's the same story over and over again.
So I already was planning to talk about that today because of the big announcement and the big letter that was sent out by the Attorney General that actually agrees with the National Education Association and the National Teachers Union and the National Association of School Districts that are supposedly independent but are about as globalist and communist as Lenin's left toe.
Absolutely out of control.
And then sure enough, there's another shooting in Dallas, four injured, gang related.
And as soon as it turned out that the reported shooter was black, that went off the TV faster than you can say twinkle in your eye.
So what's really going on here?
Well, they said as soon as Biden stole his way in, white supremacists are the number one terror threat in America.
And they said, and what are white supremacists?
People that question the election, people that question lockdowns.
And they started saying that in late January, early February of this year.
And then they segued over by June and put out this big, giant report that I know you've gotten sick of me since June showing probably 300, 400 times.
I mean, every couple of days I show this.
National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, June 2021.
Executive policy and directive of the Pentagon, of the CIA, of the FBI to illegally, domestically surveil white people.
And you've seen General Milley and General Austin and all up on TV saying, yes, January 6th was a white supremacist attack, and white supremacism is the number one threat, the head of the FBI, the head of the Justice Department, and just anybody.
A, white supremacists aren't even on the radar screen as statistically as a threat to anybody, okay?
Most of them are FBI agents, provocateurs, or ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center operatives.
B, certainly people that question the election or don't like lockdowns or question the vaccines that aren't vaccines, clearly they're not white supremacists.
This document says
That they are white supremacists, that you are a white supremacist, that I'm one.
Hell, they said that Larry Elder was the leader of white supremacists in California.
That's an LA Times headline.
A black lawyer who's been a conservative icon for decades.
You didn't know that?
He's a white supremacist.
Not Larry Elder?
So that's this asinine insanity, but people are like, oh, this is a joke.
No, it's not a joke.
It's our hijacked country with the same globalists that cooked up the Wuhan bioweapon, the China virus, that released it on us, they used it for a lockdown that wouldn't let us have treatments, that now is bringing out other variants they're clearly spraying that we learned from sources in the Pentagon was happening, now confirmed they've created these prion crystals that are synthetic but actually replicate from the spike protein, and we're spraying it on the Chinese people, not just us.
People keep saying the Chinese government did it.
No, the Globalist Consortium did it, and their target is all of humanity.
So, National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, June 2021.
Go read it.
In here, word for word, it says, questioning elections, questioning lockdowns, you are a white supremacist, you are a terrorist.
It actually says, this is white supremacist activities, white supremacism is terrorism.
Well, now?
The head of the Justice Department comes out two days ago, issues a letter, within 48 hours of the teachers' unions coming out and saying, we're being attacked by terrorists, we've gotten death threats.
Probably called it on themselves.
Oh my God, people yelled at us, we want anyone getting loud or saying things like, you'll be stopped, we want them arrested.
At the same time that they're attacking Rand Paul repeatedly, and death-threatening, and shooting Scalise, and burning down billions of dollars of buildings, and shooting people on the back, and saying Antifa's good, and protests, you know, are mostly peaceful, or whoever said they've got to be peaceful.
These are all quotes by these people, and you've got Maxine Waters and all of them, and Biden a couple days ago saying people being attacked in elevators and chased into bathrooms, that's just part of regular behavior.
When it's done to people, they oppose.
But if Owen Schroer is standing outside the Capitol with me as a press person covering January 6th and trying to stop it, he faces two years in jail for quote trespassing on the Capitol grounds.
So this is a system rolling out and saying the American people are the enemy, saying that the American people are the problem.
And that the whole focus of the federal government and the teachers' unions locally is to watch the terrorists.
And then we also have quotes by major Democrat leaders all over the news that education should be left to the school, not the parents.
Those are real quotes.
I've got them coming up.
It's all over the place.
A few months ago I was showing headlines.
People thought they were fake out of Newsweek and the New York Times and others saying it's time to get parents out of the school.
What do you think the lockdowns were last year?
Not letting parents in the school or people in to see their parents in nursing homes.
Children can't see their parents in nursing homes.
Parents can't see their children in first grade, fifth grade, tenth grade.
You understand?
It's a prison system.
It's a bureaucracy declaring we're slaves in a giant Stanford research prison experiment or Milgram experiment.
Look them up.
To see what orders will follow.
And at first, a lot of folks followed the orders.
But now they're not.
They're figuring it out.
They're sussing it.
They smelled the rat.
They saw the rat.
And now they're being told, oh, you're terrorists.
Here is the letter put out by the Attorney General directing the FBI and other agencies to go meet and do threat assessments and to be there and work with local law enforcement to stop the terrorists.
Garland asked the FBI to address threats against school board.
All the rest of it, as they teach.
Your child is racist because they're white.
And we're going to teach your five-year-old they're really a girl or they're a boy.
If they're a girl, they're a boy.
If they're a boy, they're a girl.
All of this crap.
This is the externalization of what they've done on the campuses, onto the streets of America.
Same thing in the military, everywhere.
It's how the communists brainwash people in any nation that they control.
It is a politically motivated abuse of power.
GOP representative rages at AG Garland's weaponization of the DOJ against dissenting parents.
Now do you get it?
It is the weaponization.
The COVID is the weaponization, the open borders, the devaluation of the currency, the no borders, the no wall, the purging the military of smart people that won't take the experimental shot of getting rid of the smart nurses.
They're getting their army of subservient minions together that'll do what they're told and who are going to be hopping pissed as they start getting sick from the shots and they're going to be blaming us, which they already are, I predicted 20 months ago.
Oh, we didn't take the shot.
It's our fault they're sick.
You see?
We're terrorists.
Remember, they saw the news.
It's terrorism.
You're like a suicide bomber, said Kathleen Sebelius, former head under Obama of Health and Human Services, if you don't take the shots.
Your children are little murderers.
They're terrorists when they don't take the shots or wear the mask.
You're all bad.
You're bad.
We're good.
All the whites are racist.
And everybody else is dirty and mad and needs these shots.
We gotta surveil you and watch you, and don't talk to your neighbors, don't look at the sunset, and just do whatever we say.
It's an absolute revolution of big banks and corporations and bureaucrats and slime bags and pedophiles and trash against us as they try to absorb us and take us over.
When we come back, I'll actually get to some of these clips and break down what's coming next in all of this.
Stay with us.
Your voice counts.
When you share information, be it over the internet or in person, it changes the world.
The globalists know their agenda is unpopular.
They know you're angry.
And now to get around big tech, it's more important than ever that we use every tool we've got.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you sign up for our free news and show alerts, you can then take those alerts, those articles, and those live feeds, both the regular shows and special reports, and share them with everyone you know.
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Hey, everybody.
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That's StrongerDefense.com.
The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware that there's a war between free individuals and nation-states on one side, and the globalists on the other, who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
From the United States to Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations were pulling out of the private, corporate, fascist world government.
That's why they launched their Great Recess, and their program after collapsing us, of Build Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down, vertical consolidation of the world economy.
And because they couldn't take our guns, because we wouldn't bow, because the left, which is the ideology of this world government system, couldn't win, they released a biological weapon on us.
Now we know, two years ago.
We learned about it about 20 months ago.
It's that simple.
They can't beat us because of our free speech and our guns.
So the Global Corporate Combine released COVID-19 and you know the rest is history.
Expose this paradigm and we win.
My business model is very, very simple.
I want to bring you products that work really, really well at affordable prices that are competitive so that you'll shop with us and so we form a relationship so we're able to stay on air and fight the globalists and have good products that make us healthy, make us wiser, that boost our immune system.
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Now one area of the immune system we don't talk enough about is deep restful sleep.
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InfoWarStore.com, Down and Out, now back in stock, 50% off.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, we got some good news.
The Gateway Fund is huge.
They have millions of visitors a day.
And when I shot this emergency report Wednesday night, I knew it was incredibly important and I knew if listeners got it out, it would go chain reaction.
Just like last Friday, we helped boost Mike Adams' story and he gets a lot of stuff out without our help.
That's great.
I'm glad he's there.
But our listeners really took that report that the Pentagon had put out, that a lawyer had discovered on the Pentagon's website with their AI software saying the majority of people dead and dying in hospitals have had the so-called vaccines and that it's destroying their immune system and giving them ADE.
Now that's hit mainstream news today.
That's in major newspapers today and people are freaking out.
It's hardcore numbers, you can't disagree with them.
Well, Gateway Pundit saw it and thought it was compelling.
Explosive video emerges of Fauci and HHS officials plotting for a new avian flu virus, that's a quote, to enforce universal flu vaccination.
And I love how Jim Hoff did a better headline than I wrote Monday night, because he just has better headlines than I am.
Because that's really what it says.
Our headline was powerful, but not that powerful.
So we're going to cover that a little bit next segment.
I want to give the number out on anything you want to ask, anything you want to say, you agree, you disagree, any subject you want to discuss.
on this Wednesday edition.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539.
But, we've got to flip the computer system on.
It's a computerized phone system.
I think I've got to flip it on.
So call in a few minutes, or you'll just sit there calling into oblivion, and we will get you up and on the air.
And I ask for one more thing.
Let's let first-time callers on today.
First-time callers today, but free for all.
I want to hear from first-time callers or folks that haven't been on in a few years.
And if you're calling from someplace still under martial law, like New Zealand or Australia or blue cities in the U.S., I'd love to hear from you as well.
And we'll put you ahead of the line.
877-789-2539 or International Country Code, 01512-646-1776.
Let me just finish up with what I was getting into, though.
The federal government has officially been captured by the globals.
They've been there a long time, but now they're in control.
And they've had the FBI and the CIA, it's their official directive that the American people doing anything nationalistic or anything patriotic are terrorists, okay?
And so then you wonder why they then go, oh, well, we want you to come after people at school boards.
That's to intimidate you.
And they'll surely now claim that, oh, we got chatter that some, you know, dad that got mad was planning something, and they'll be busted as a terrorist that was planning to blow up the school.
I mean, you see where this goes, folks.
But then they do a mass shooting at a school and say they were mad about the vaccines, or they were mad about the masks, or they were mad about critical race theory to make everyone that opposes their takeover the bad people.
Just like the baby that died in Roe v. Wade in 1970 did not die.
She's alive.
It's all confirmed.
Family admits it.
Mother admits it.
That was staged.
Usually they want to control any big PR event, like babies in incubators were not thrown out and killed by Saddam to launch the whole Iraq war that killed millions of people later from starvation.
That was all made up PR firm.
Gulf of Tonkin gets into Vietnam.
That was staged.
But the millions that died out of it, though, that was real.
Operation Northwood was a staged operation, and we catch them all the time.
That's why I've questioned other events that have anomalies, because you just don't know.
I'd say 95% of the time, these big giant events are staged.
And are we going to get it wrong sometimes?
But now in hindsight, on the one or two I've said I might have got wrong questioning, I have a right to question.
And now that I get more into it, I'm like, wait, there are anomalies I didn't even know about.
Maybe those things.
Maybe those things are staged, or they're certainly staging something.
I mean, once you go through Jesse Smollett and Bubba Wallace and ABC News saying, here are the Syrians blowing up a major city with 5,000-foot flames and mushroom clouds, and it's the machine gun shootout at Knob Creek, and they're 5-foot flames.
Might as well have dioramas of army men killing each other.
I mean, once you've been lied to, I mean, if I have a neighbor that lies to me two or three times, I never believe them.
If they lie to me twenty times, I move out!
I mean, they lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, and then, oh, Alex Jones is liable!
He questioned these events, and you're not allowed to do that, and they misrepresent what I said or what I did.
And then, well, let me have a jury trial.
Oh, you didn't give us any of the stuff in depositions and in the meetings.
You didn't give us discovery.
So now, you're forfeit.
You don't get a jury trial.
On if you're guilty or not.
A jury decides how much money you pay.
As a message to others, it shuts your mouth.
When we gave them more discovery than anybody's ever seen.
All of it lies.
But that's okay.
Because that's all they got?
That's what the system's got?
So they're fighting old battles, trying to discredit those of us that have credibility, when it is now a pop saying everywhere.
I walk in to a grocery store.
I walk in to get my teeth cleaned.
I walk in to places I've never been and you know what people say to me?
Alex Jones was right.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex Jones was right.
And it's not about Alex Jones having an ego or Alex Jones being this big superstar.
That's not what it is.
It's about the truth and Alex Jones being a symbol of the truth that they tried to make a symbol of lies and they have failed.
They have failed big time.
They have failed to suppress you and your family.
They failed to suppress me.
Yeah, I did a really good interview with Elijah Schaefer.
I think they did a great job.
And Savannah Hernandez, formerly with InfoWars.
I'm glad she's up there to play.
She does a great job there.
And it's an hour and 20 minutes long.
They cover a lot of the history of what we've done.
It's excellent.
It's a really in-depth interview.
I think it's one of the best interviews I've given.
They let me talk.
And I was also in a very calm mood because I'd already been doing so much.
And that's now live at Infowars.com.
I hope you share that as well.
But getting back to this, coming up later video, Tucker Carlson warns, it's now criminal to disagree with your kids in school.
Well, it's now terrorist!
That's how desperate and outside and alien the globalists are to the American Republic way of life.
There's a meme going around that shows, again, the parents that were being called terrorists, holding up signs saying, parents' choice, let the parents decide, no mass mandate, parents' choice, our children, our choice.
And then here, ladies and gentlemen, is the mostly peaceful protest of billions of dollars destroyed, more than 30 people killed and thousands injured.
That is the peace of the left.
That is the love of the left.
That is what they're doing.
And then, after I take calls and we get more of this later, everybody's focused on four injured in a high school shooting in Arlington, Texas, until it came out he was black and they had a big problem saying white supremacist strike again.
But if he'd have been another...
Incel type or whatever, you know.
Then, oh my god, a white supremacist!
Whites are all able to enter the world!
Oh my gosh!
Meanwhile, over a million people in the last decade have died in Mexico in killings and murders at the hands of other Hispanics.
Now, 100,000 in the last year are missing on the Texas-Mexico border.
Almost all of them killed by the coyotes, like this man that was hung and killed.
He wasn't lynched by the white supremacists.
He was lynched by the Hispanic coyotes.
And I'm not bashing Hispanic folks.
It's Hispanic folks being killed by Hispanics.
But that's the facts!
Mr. Machete Kills?
Unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen, but they got you focused on a few shootings and focused on a few white supremacists as if we're all killing each other when it's people killing people and it's evil that's causing all this.
We're going to come back with your phone calls and the big news that is the top of GatewayPundit.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
So many people say to me, Alex, please stop being so negative.
Well, for me, admitting I've gotten a rotten tooth and going in a root canal is not negative.
It hurts.
It stinks.
It's got pus coming out of it.
I go to the doctor, they fix it.
That's not negative.
I'm not living in denial.
And so think of globalism as being hidden, as an infection that we didn't feel yet, but now it's come to the surface.
That's actually a positive thing.
And so, yeah, Trump did overall a great job.
They stole the election.
We can't get down about that.
We have forced them out in the open.
So now they're trying to suppress us because they know they've been exposed.
They're scared.
That's why, instead of saying, oh, we're a bunch of losers, look what happened.
No, we're a bunch of winners.
They're trying to suppress us.
Let our light of truth shine and tell everybody what's happening.
Your own website, your own show, my show, other articles, other videos.
Just keep sharing however you can and realize we're in an information war.
We're going to win this together and the fight starts at InfoWars.com.
Back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
It's been out of stock for a while.
It's one of three sleep aids we have at InfoWarsTore.com.
This one has been very popular.
It's sold off the shelves.
It's back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
This is probably the strongest sleep aid that we have, I would say.
Knockout, RocketRest, both great.
Comes in pill form.
This is the liquid tincture, and I think this is probably the most powerful one.
Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine.
This is, if you haven't done an iodine challenge yet, if you haven't done the iodine challenge, what are you waiting for?
Now is the time.
Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
Living Defense Plus and the Organic Greens Fiber Caps.
We have a limited supply of these right now, but we want to sell them all out so we can order a new batch.
It was very popular.
The Organic Greens Fiber Caps, but we have all kinds of other great supplements.
That are great for so many different things.
Take advantage of those.
I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021 and I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years.
It is truly an answer to prayer and I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know
That I love you and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter, you got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together, and it has just been an incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
Again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support him for us.
God bless.
Could you imagine a year ago walking into a bank with your face covered?
Could you imagine even going into the grocery store?
Do you think they would let you in?
Do you think they would be following you in the aisles to make sure that you weren't going to be shoplifting?
Could you imagine going up to a gas station and going inside the little mini mart to pay for your gas with a bandana on?
How far do you think that would get you?
Could you imagine as a teacher showing up to school with a shield that looks like a space
Those things are offensive to us because it interferes with normal human interaction.
The globalists are running a psychological war for operational humanity.
Only waking up to the Great Reset and its tyranny will save us.
And the mask is the sign of slavery.
We must inform the public that it's a fraud, and that it's dangerous, and that it causes major medical issues, and it's dehumanizing.
And the film COVIDland does that.
Secure your copy now at covidland.com, and get a free copy of Endgame with your purchase.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The threat is real, my friends.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
All right, I want to go to your phone calls.
Riley, and Charlie, and Cody, and Nelson, and Rick, and Wayne, and Kevin, and Bob, and so many others.
Here's somebody to hang up.
Call free number 877-789-2539.
That's your chance to get on.
I'm sure you're all amazing callers.
I'm just going to try to go to each person for a minute and a half or so, because if I go long-winded with you, and no matter how great you are, I'll never get to the next caller.
So it kind of ends up hurting everybody.
Again, it's wide open phones.
Any subjects you want to raise, I just want to state one more thing.
I'll take a bunch of calls and cover a bunch more news I haven't gotten to next hour and the next hour after that.
But the private central banks are totally ruthless.
They've taken the world over by fractional reserve banking, then derivatives, and now global carbon tax system that will track and trace what you do and control what you can do.
It's all now official.
It's not coming.
It's here.
They mean to use this to artificially shut down development in the world.
And starve the third world to death, but let some of them escape and overwhelm the first world, because the UN will then direct those giant migrant flows that are to be bigger than the indigenous population inside the country.
The UN report from 2001 says by 2050, they want 600 plus million people in the US.
No, 600 million to migrate to the US.
So the US would be close to a billion people.
And it talks about 200 million from Africa alone, just in France.
Just type in replacement migration, we'll be on the UN website.
Here we are, 20 years later, and we're living.
So, the big banks are flooding everything with currency right now, to buy up real assets before they implode it, leaving us with the debt, the devaluation, and then bringing in their new digital currency that totally controls us.
This is not a good scenario, this is a market-to-be scenario, and
Things you do now will affect you greatly in the future to be able to survive.
If you don't get ready, you will be starved to death in the future.
This is a long-term, decade game.
They want to be massively depopulating by 2030.
They already are, but this is all just testing it, seeing if we buy it, seeing if we go along with it.
If we identify the globalists, if we identify they're behind COVID-19, if they start getting arrested, if everybody wakes up to their agenda, even a large portion will do it, of the Great Reset, how they operate, how they... It's over!
That's why they want us off air.
But if people don't get this is a new type of war, it's over.
And that's why it's so good that Gateway Pundit has linked to what we did in the emergency broadcast Monday night.
And if we can, let's pull up that emergency broadcast from Monday night.
I don't know how many views it's got now on Bandai Video.
But it had like 600,000 when I saw it last night.
It needs 50 million.
I mean, it's Fauci on TV with the head of HHS bragging about releasing bioweapons.
So it's up to 1,000,006 since last night.
That's great.
We're 10% of the way to 10 million.
We need 100 million.
Monday night emergency broadcast.
Video emerges of Fauci and his HHS plotting to stage massive health scare using new virus.
Gateway Pundit does a better job.
They put out a very short boil down.
of the 40-minute video that's in their article.
They linked to our larger one.
Explosive video emerges of Fauci and HHS officials plotting for a new avian flu virus to enforce universal flu vaccination video.
Now why do you think they're doing for the first time in a case like this where people actually showed up and did depositions and gave people the evidence?
Gave them the discovery when they gave us nothing in Texas.
Why would they say you don't get a trial?
Because they want us shut down.
They want us closed.
Everybody's ringing my phones off the hook.
Are you going to still be on air?
Well they still have to have the kangaroo operation.
They already have a kangaroo show trial in my view doing this, so I would imagine they're going to try to seat a kangaroo jury to decide how much I owe.
See, it's not you're guilty until proven innocent.
No, no.
It's not innocent until proven guilty as it's supposed to be.
It's you're guilty, and then now we're going to decide how guilty.
From a political operative that's been reversed by the Texas Supreme Court, that tried to block the Texas abortion law, and a bunch of other stuff.
A Soros minion.
I take that as an extreme badge of courage.
That I've got the radical leftist operatives seeing me as the enemy.
I mean, I expect that.
That's why John Hancock signed his name so big.
I mean, I'm not looking for the trouble, I don't enjoy it, but I expect it.
So all I ask is for you to keep us on air and you will continue to see us deliver, deliver, deliver, deliver, thanks to God.
Empowering us and giving me the discernment and the direction and the will to do this.
And people can notice that I've upped my energy and my focus and my clarity.
Because I have absolutely got on my knees and asked God to hold me up.
And I'm asking you to pray for me to hold me up.
And I pray for you that we all be held up and be strong against the enemy.
That God hold us up in the face of this onslaught.
Empower us.
And so, it's a hell of a time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen, and it's time to get close to God.
Very important article, and we'll go to your calls.
Explosive video emerges of Fauci and HHS officials plotting for a new avian flu virus to enforce universal flu vaccination.
See, what happens if you get excited about this video?
What happens if others do?
You see, they can take you off YouTube or Twitter or Facebook, but they've got Bandot Video to deal with.
And Rumble.
And Gab.
And others who are all under massive attack.
Congressional hearings about us all.
Wanting us all silenced.
Wanting to silence the blaze.
Got a lot of good hosts over there.
Beck's gotten a lot better and woken up.
Tucker Carlson awake.
Joe Rogan awake.
Wait till you see the next few podcasts coming out tomorrow and the next day.
I'm not going to tell you who's going to be on, but it's going to be big.
I'll just leave it at that.
So, so much happening, ladies and gentlemen.
So much going on as people realize that they're going to lose everything if they don't fight this.
And realizing it's just as evil as Alex Jones said it was, and then some more.
And then some.
Alex Jones of Infowars made a special broadcast on Monday night regarding an explosive video of Fauci and his HHS officials and other health experts discussing how to enforce universal flu vaccination in a summit organized by Milken Institute of Washington, D.C.
And they're talking about flu earlier.
He goes on to say we need something like a bird virus out of China.
That's actually COVID.
Alex Jones highlighted three clips from the hour-long video of the summit from C-SPAN which proved the COVID-19 pandemic was planned and that Big Pharma worked with the U.N.
and other corrupt government officials to develop and release the COVID-19 virus ahead of the Great Reset.
The first clip featured Michael
Specter, a journalist, is a specter alright, from the New Yorker, and also an adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University.
Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.
In the video they conceptualize having a new outbreak of a novel avian flu virus from China so they can bypass the method of FDA approval and enforce mRNA vaccine to the masses.
And it goes through all the quotes and everything else for you.
Thank you so much.
Because I stayed up here till 8 at night with Don Salazar writing a little blurb and getting it out.
Some of the crew, but they took it and made it even better.
So thank you, Gateway Pundit.
Go to gatewaypundit.com and get it out.
Thank you for fighting with us.
We're fighting with you.
We are together.
I'm not in competition with the Gateway Pundit.
I'm not in competition with Tucker Carlson.
I'm not in competition with Joe Rogan.
I'm not in competition with any of these people.
I'm in competition with evil.
I want to stop it.
I'm in competition with those who want to kill me and my family and depopulate me.
And we are going to defeat them.
All right, we're going to go to break.
And I promise we're going to write two of your phone calls on the other side, and then for the next two hours after that, bam, bam, bam.
But in the third hour, OAN has got this one particular talk show host and analyst.
He is Pearson Sharp and I recorded him like two weeks ago saying some stuff about COVID that was really well done and true and then again today I was getting a coffee before I went live and he was on there again knocking it out of the park and so I want to play some clips of this guy.
More soldiers, more leaders rising, more people engaging as they figure out how real this is.
I just keep seeing these amazing men and women pop up and in many cases outpace me and that's my job.
Become obsolete and grow old watching the globalists defeated.
But something tells me that's not what's going to happen.
They'll be defeated but I don't think I'll be growing old, do you?
The engineers at BioPros are very excited to announce a major expansion of new products into the retail consumer market.
Since their rollout of their first product almost a year ago, they've come out with four new products.
BioDrain Pro.
BioRV Pro, BioMarine Pro, and BioPortaPro.
For decades, oil companies and other major chemical corporations have been using patented, naturally occurring, specially bred bacteria to eat oil spills and other toxic waste disasters.
That's how powerful these naturally occurring microbes are.
The BioPro system is light years better than traditional enzymes that only work once.
These bacteria begin to breed and live in your septic tank.
And now it's available for the general public's use for the first time on the retail market.
Exclusively available at TheBioPros.com
I got some good news.
All the items in front of me are back in stock and are 40-50% off at InfoWareStore.com.
The bad news is a lot of them are about to sell out.
So this sale is only going from one week starting on September 29th.
And in the case of green fiber capsules,
These will be sold out in just a couple days.
50% off.
We have Knockout Sleep Aid.
50% off.
Sold out for months.
Very popular.
Twice as strong as Knockout.
Probably too strong for some people.
Totally different formula.
Down and Out is back in stock.
50% off.
We've extended the sale on Winter Sun and Ultra 12.
50% off.
Thank you.
If you're ruthless megacorporations who've taken over almost every government on earth and who are trying to destroy the middle class and any form of upward mobility, you've got to divide and conquer the public so they don't know they're being targeted.
And that's why the Fortune 100 have wrapped themselves in the name of LBGT and African American rights and all the rest of it all over the world.
That's now their corporate face while they run slave camps in Africa and in Communist China and many other areas, while they undermine our basic liberties here and spy on us through the big tech that the central banks and others own.
So this is a criminal takeover, and when you look at the new superclass, it's the politicians, it's the corporate media, it's the police, it's the bureaucrats, it's members of Congress and their staff and their families, it's the White House, hell, it's postal workers who were all exempt from the poison shots, but not the general public and everybody else through corporate rule.
So this is the true discrimination that's going on.
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world that's very, very simple but that most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world
We're good to go.
...to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything, not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
Warn everyone.
It's the only way to stop it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Alex Jones Show.
It's not supposed to exist, but because of you, it does.
So while you still can, it's the twilight of the republic.
Maybe it's the dawn.
It's up to you.
Share the article, share the video, share the links.
From freeworldnews.tv, Infowars.com, Bandai Video.
We're gonna go to your phone calls, and I forgot.
I said to the crew, no guests today, a few days ago, because I had a special guest flying in, and I meant to have time to make sure they could be on, and I wasn't sure what time they'd be able to fly in, because they were having to change some flights.
And then, I was wondering today, why do I have no guests?
You know, I'm hosting all four hours.
And I sat there, and I thought, and I didn't know why, and I said, well, it'll click in my head in a minute, and then, Bob Barnes just walked through the door five minutes ago.
One of the smartest guys I know, a great patriot.
So we will open the phones up now and right through the next hour.
So everybody on the board, we'll get to you and more.
And then we're going to have Bob Barnes here and he's got a lot to talk about and hell, he'll probably want to open the phones up as well.
And I am going to play those clips I also mentioned of Pearson Sharp and what he's been saying that's over the top, smart and informative.
So right now, thank you for holding.
I really appreciate everybody holding and calling in.
Let's go in the order that the calls have been received.
Charlie is in FEMA Region 5.
Let's talk about Stockholm Syndrome, COVID mandates, and protests globally.
Thank you, Charlie.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Brother Jones, how are you?
I'm great talking to you.
Every day above ground is a great day.
Nice, nice.
I agree.
Well, like you were saying, you know, with, um, I've seen, um, I think it was Darren McQueen that had a video about Australia and the protests and all that good stuff.
And I just see masses of people, hordes of people just flooding the streets.
And I'm just thinking to myself, when is that going to happen in the USA?
Like, I don't see that happening here.
I mean, if this is supposedly, you know, there's lots of patriots, whatever, 100 million that have yet to be vaccinated, then where are those people taking to the streets?
Well, what's happening is things aren't as bad here yet, but they're planning on doing that in their own documents, their own admissions.
The Senate's had introduced bills to block Biden creating domestic checkpoints.
So we're getting there.
There's been some big demonstrations in New York and California and all over.
Just the media doesn't cover it and big tech blocks it.
But it doesn't matter.
The people still get out there together, but I hear you.
We need everybody.
Hell, I've been demonstrating for 20 months, since February of last year, but you're right.
We need to do more, and I tell you what, coming up...
Towards the end of October, we need to have a demonstration against future lockdowns because they're certainly trying them and against mask mandates of children.
And so let's just pick a date.
By the end of the show, I'll pick a date for us to have a demonstration downtown Austin, then we'll march down the road peacefully.
But we may do some civil disobedience, go ahead and block some roads and see what happens.
So great points.
Thank you, Charlie.
All right, let's take another caller.
Let's talk to...
Wayne in Washington.
Wayne, welcome.
Your wife's a nurse being forced to get vaxxed or lose the job.
That's what you say.
That's right, Alex.
Yeah, hey Alex, I want to tell you, we pray for you every day.
You're the man, that's all I can say.
My wife was pretty down hearted yesterday when she came home from work, so I played her that Ted Nugent clip and that definitely lifted her spirits there.
Yeah, Ted's always great, but Ted was just, you could feel the energy and commitment and anger there, but very controlled.
Ted, that was the best, yeah.
Yes sir, yeah.
You know, they had her, they had her
I had a document that they sent home that was a religious exemption and we have been devout Christians.
We love the Lord.
We love Jesus.
And she spent days and evenings going through two or three pages that she had typed up and articles.
And then after she turned that information and they said, oh, well, that's fine, but still it doesn't matter.
Nobody's going to work in this clinic unless they've had two doctors that are leaving as well.
Actually, one's already left.
Well, sir, that's the process, is doctors and nurses that want freedom have to get together and form your own clinics.
My wife's cousin, they funded this school for generations, a private school in Omaha, and they said that all the teachers have to be given injections and that all the kids have to wear masks.
And so they pulled out, about a third of the kids left, and ended up getting a building down the street, and they're all having a great school there.
So the answer is, pull out of it.
But if she wants to fight it,
She can say, you have no right to violate my First Amendment and say if my religious exemption is good or not, A, B, it violates the Nuremberg Code, and C, that hospital or clinic won't give her the shot.
They're going to make them go to a Walmart or a CVS that's been given liability protection.
They won't even give it.
So have them give her the shot at the clinic and have them sign a waiver that they have liability.
They won't do it.
And if she tells them, OK, I'm going to sue you, they'll probably back off.
But we need to start pushing back, OK?
Thank you, Alex, so much.
Anything else, brother?
You got a question or comment?
Well, I just wanted to say the other thing.
I'm a grandfather of five, and my daughter is homeschooling.
The kids are absolutely brilliant.
As a matter of fact, the last three of her babies we've had at home.
With midwives.
So we don't do hospitals.
I'm a pancreatic cancer survivor.
I'll be 10 years cancer-free next Tuesday.
For folks that don't know, that's one of the rarest ones to survive.
How'd you do it?
I'm a 2% survivor, Alex.
10 years out.
How'd you do it, sir?
Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ did it.
That's the only way I did it.
I can't take any, I can't take any credit for doing that.
I guess, I'm one of these busy bee guys.
I have no off, so it's kind of like you, and so my attitude in my head was, I don't have time for this.
I have things to do, and my prayers, and my family's prayers, and prayers of our friends is how I did it.
Beautiful, Wayne.
Thanks for the call.
Alright, let's go to Cody in California.
Welcome, Cody.
Yes, sir.
Yes, how you doing, Alex?
I was calling about yesterday.
I took my wife to the emergency room and the security guard stopped me at first.
He said, well, you can't go in there.
You got to go back out.
Only your wife's patients can go into the hospital.
I said, well, she suffers seizures.
I have a magnet.
She has a BNS.
I have the swiper.
So she let me go into the back.
So we go in the back of the hospital.
All the nurses knew what was going on.
So one nurse was in the room with us.
She was like, have you been tested positive for COVID?
I said, no.
Then she said, have you had the vaccine?
She said, you have to leave the hospital.
I said, no.
You can't be back here.
I said, why not?
She said, because you haven't been tested.
So she came back and left.
She bought me a chair.
She said, we don't have a chair for you because we don't allow people back here.
She said, it isn't fair that you be back here and all these thousands of doctors that died and lost their jobs.
And the nurses lost their job because they want to take the shot and you're still back here.
That's not fair.
But then she went later on, she went and talked to a supervisor and said, you got to leave.
So I said, well, first of all, I told her, first of all, you're the one that spread the vaccine.
The people that got the shot, not me.
I'm healthy.
And she left me alone after that.
You got to push back, and that's what all the medical doctors I've had on.
You got to demand of your families in there that they get hydroxychloroquine, that they get ivermectin, that they get IV vitamin C, and say you'll pay for it.
And again, they need Budesedine, sir.
But how's your wife doing now?
Oh, she's doing good.
She had to go get stitches.
She didn't want to go to the hospital.
That's the only reason.
She said, I don't want to go.
I don't want to get COVID.
I told her to call an ambulance.
She said, no, I don't want to go in an ambulance.
I don't want to get COVID.
So when we got there, she was bleeding and everything.
And they took us like almost right away.
Well, your wife's smart.
The place you don't want to be is the hospital, folks.
Right, right.
Yeah, because I was looking at the lady.
She kept bothering me.
The nurse kept coming back, bothering me, talking about, oh, you got to leave.
You can't be back here.
It ain't fair to you.
And it's not fair to the other workers, because other workers have lost their jobs, so they wouldn't take the shot.
I got so tired of her.
I was angry.
I was like, look.
I said, you're the one transmitted it.
You got the shot, y'all.
And she sat right there and left me alone.
Beautiful, sir.
All right, we're going to go to break in a few minutes, and I'm going to come back with Bob, Kevin, Jim, Scott, Brian, Larry, Stan, Riley, all of you.
Thank you, Cody.
Took, like, what, four calls that segment?
Did a pretty good job.
We're going to come back.
We're just going to take call after call after call, and then I've got some of the other news here we haven't gotten to.
What is 2SLGBTQQIA+.
We'll tell you about that coming up.
And Merrick Garland's got caught in some big trouble.
Along with the former head of one of the major federal agencies for being involved with the creation of COVID-19.
We've got that for you coming up separately.
Please remember, we can't stay on the air without your help.
Plus, we've got great products you and your family need.
DNA Force Plus, sold out for six months.
Back in stock with the PQQ, the CoQ10, the highest quality of that.
There's just some other stuff out there that's synthetic that's basically workless.
Organic Reishi, ELV, ATP, Astragalus, root extract, and even more.
And this stuff cleans out your mitochondria, cleans out your cells, gets the garbage out.
The platinum, super diamond, jewel in the crown standard for your immune system.
The telomeres can even regrow damaged nerves.
I mean, you're about to say that about PQQ and CoQ10, especially the PQQ.
So it all works together synergistically and little bitty bottles of these cost as much as this does when it's the real stuff.
Infowarsstore.com, it's 40% off and we've got
If you think the tyranny and oppression we're living under now is bad, wait till they've got their world ID in, and that's exactly what the COVID passports are all about.
And Klaus Schwab and the UN and all the other globalist leaders own words they admit.
That once they've got you with that system, then they're going to carbon tax you everywhere you go and track what you do.
And publicly they're saying they're going to decide when you can travel and when you can't travel.
And MasterCard and all the other big companies are currently announcing they're going to track what you do and where you go and tax you with a carbon tax for it.
This is the holy grail of tyranny, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the takeover.
And humanity better wake up and say no.
Finally, folks are starting to wake up.
Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and others are leaving the charts, along with Infowars.
But it's not enough.
Every individual has to not comply.
And we have to talk about bringing the globalists to justice.
You see, they need the fear of God put in them, legally and lawfully.
People ask me, Alex, why did you come out with a new natural organic sleep aid when you already have knockout that works so well with eight natural ingredients?
Well, because when you've taken a certain organic blend for a decade, like I've taken this product I came up with, it doesn't work as well anymore.
That's the way herbs work.
You go off it a while, come back on it, it works again.
So what did I do?
I went to the developers and I said, make a totally different formula with a lot of other known natural healthy compounds that makes you sleep deep and restful, because that's what helps your immune system, and I want it to be at least twice as strong as Knockout.
Okay, be careful when you take it.
It's incredibly strong.
It's named Down-N-Out.
I don't have time to get into all the ingredients in it.
But it is extremely strong and we are extremely proud of it.
It is exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com.
50% off right now.
Sold out for more than four months.
Now back in stock.
Get your down and out and your knockout at InfoWarsTore.com today.
I thank you for your support because it keeps us on the air.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
At this point, anyone who isn't an imbecile or mentally disturbed has figured out that COVID-19 is the biggest fraud of our lifetime.
Several nations figured this out months ago and have mandated the life-saving Ivermectin protocol with consistently outstanding results.
Multiple countries distributed packets to all of their citizens with everything they need to survive the asymptomatic virus with an already 99% survival rate known as SARS-CoV-2.
Denmark, Sweden and Norway have completely reopened and are ready to accept life with this novel asymptomatic virus with a 99% survival rate.
And Japan is moving on as well.
But not Australia.
Not the UK.
Not Canada.
And certainly not the USA, where today's global currency is being printed by the privately owned Federal Reserve Banking System, the spearhead of this great reset.
Only nations with vibrant free markets and cultures that still value independent freedoms are being targeted by the globalist elite.
Who instruct their loyal minions to push endless deadly experimental injections and denounce any and all life-saving solutions, such as ivermectin, vitamin C, and even natural immunity.
They want death because they want to mandate a vaccine.
They want to mandate a vaccine because they want a social credit score.
And they want a social credit score because they are planning on resetting the global currency to the digital blockchain.
What millions of people in these Western nations under attack would call the mark of the beast, known today as the Chinese social credit system, wherein each citizen is completely reliant upon the government.
Absolute tyranny.
There is no global pandemic.
And the only virus that threatens humanity is the big banks, their offshoots, and whomever or whatever they serve.
This is quite simply the parasitic top of the global pyramid feeding off all of humanity.
A former Vatican Bank president has recently warned that the COVID pandemic is nothing but a fraud to bring in the Great Reset.
We reported that this was the case back in March of 2020, because it's happened before.
And now, unless we stop them, it's going to happen again.
Biden's nominee for comptroller of the currency, Sally Omarova, is a proud communist who wants to end banking as we know it.
The worldwide banking cartel, who gets rich off the fractional reserve banking scam, and by charging interest on loaning people their own resources, has no problem exterminating anyone opposed to their Great Reset agenda.
To the big banks, we are all livestock.
This is greed on its most realized level.
They are passing laws to restrict travel and to seize private property.
Police and military not willing to go along are being forced out via vaccine mandates.
And nurses not going along are being replaced by the military.
The system has already been hijacked.
No one is coming to save you.
The only way out of this mess without losing everything that's worth fighting for
Is for humanity to stand up and say no.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
And in addition, we were really finding that we were stressing the cardiopulmonary systems of these employees.
Because when you cover the mouth and nose and you exert physical energy during your work, during your tasks, whatever it might be, you're really stressing the cardiopulmonary system because you change the way that you breathe.
You have to forcibly inhale and forcibly exhale.
That taxes the heart.
It taxes the lungs.
And we have given people heart attacks.
By allowing them to work,
With our mouth and nose covered, with absolutely no regulation, no oversight, no medical oversight.
The globalists have told us we're a disease.
They've told us they want to eradicate us.
And all the studies show that when you wear these masks, it lowers your oxygen level up to one-third and gives you dangerous levels of carbon dioxide poisoning.
This is a sick cult and we've got to say no.
But the only way the real science gets out to the public is if we tell them.
Get your copy today of COVIDLAND and expose them.
Go there now.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Generals gathered in their masses
All right, we've got some major breaking really good news, and then we've got some expected bad news for you, and then right back to your calls.
Wow, here we go.
Sweden halts use of Moderna's COVID vaccine.
Sweden halts use.
A Moderna's COVID vaccine.
Remember, Moderna's, DARPA, and Bill Gates.
For younger adults, amid concerns over rare heart inflammation, side effects that's no longer rare.
That's RT.
Here's one out of Yahoo News.
Sweden holds use of Moderna COVID vaccine in under 30s.
And the Pfizer's doing the same damn thing, but Moderna's even worse for the heart is even stronger.
Disgraced NIH director Francis Collins to resign for Wuhan lab lies exposed that he did gain a function and was involved creating the virus.
That's mainstream news breaking all over the place.
Why he resigned.
And then I've got some other
Shocking news.
Conflict of interest.
Garland's family sells critical race theory material to schools across the nation.
As A.G.
6 FBI on critics.
You know, they pay these bottom feeders like the Attorney General and even these Senators hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
They buy them for nothing.
Remember Trump used to say, I know all these people.
I've given hundreds of thousands each one of them over the years.
Hell, you buy them cheap.
Like that senator I bought for $5,000.
He goes, I'm not for it.
It's how the system works.
It's legal bribery.
If you don't pay them all money, they come after you.
You pay them money, they will kiss the ring.
Pull up the clips of him saying that.
So he said, hey, I want to make my ties here in America.
They cost like $200 to make one here, a silk tie.
That's this nice.
I can make them for 30 bucks in China.
And I still gotta sell to you for 200 to make my money off the taxes, the regulations, the unions, the... I love that clip.
In fact, see if you can find them.
I'm gonna go to calls.
We'll play it later.
From... What's the Rodney Dangerfield movie?
Back to school.
Where he's in the professor's class on economics that's never run a business.
And he's like, let's have our fictional building here.
We'll need this lot and the cement and the stone and the building and the wood and the windows and the plumbing and the electrical.
And then we're ready to open our building.
He goes, well, you haven't thought about all the politicians you got to buy and all these people you got to grease.
He goes, calm down, be quiet.
Let's talk about where we're going to build our building.
And he goes, how about fantasy land?
I'm sorry.
It's just, it's just, it's ridiculous.
They buy these people off for nothing.
Well, the bankers control trillions, but it's all just made up money.
They can use it to weaponize.
Yeah, here it is.
So do you guys have it ready?
I'll go ahead and play it.
Not yet.
They're downloading it.
It's hilarious.
So let me go ahead and hit this news.
Remember Kamala Harris?
They all do this.
They bought tens of thousands of her books to give them to the migrant children.
A lot of them kidnapped kids being brought across from the UN collapsing their own countries and now they're flooding into us organized by the UN.
And they were giving them that book written by her, a children's book.
I mean, it's just direct criminal activity.
So just days after Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered the FBI to investigate parents speaking out against critical race theory, a journalist pointed out that Garland's family sells CRT materials to public schools.
Specifically, Merrick's daughter is married to the co-founder of an education service company that pushes the material.
The conservative treehouse reports and it goes on to tell the books where whites again are devils and evil has to be dealt with.
So, of course he's going to sick the FBI on folks who don't want to have their kids told that they're evil because they're white.
Because it's a race-based cult of evil.
A bunch of old evil white people trying to manipulate brown people and white people to all kill each other while they run off and rob us.
Alright, let's go back to your calls here.
Who's been holding the longest?
That would be... Bob in New York.
Bob, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, man, love you, man.
It's been a long time since we spoke.
Welcome, sir.
Thank you.
Listen, I was thinking as you were chatting before that we marched across the Brooklyn Bridge one time, you and I, with the 9-11 Troopers in 2007.
I remember that.
I love that.
Thousands of people.
It was amazing.
Oh, yeah, it was.
It was thousands of people and then it's dwindled and, you know, it is what it is, but we're still out there doing
Fighting the same sort of thing now, you know.
Genocide, basically, with these shots.
Yeah, we were against those illegal wars then.
We weren't against the military or the police.
We were against the globalists.
And it's the same thing.
They thought I was a liberal back then.
I wasn't a liberal.
I'm just... I follow whatever the main justice issue is.
My job's easy.
Yeah, yeah.
We're having... It's growing in New York anyway.
You guys should come back.
I want to come protest those businesses.
They're still trying to lock down and they won't make people have shots.
Oh, there's a small group.
I mean, there's so many little groups that are doing their own thing.
One of them is our friends of mine.
I mean, we're all friends now.
It's become 500, 2,000 new friends of mine.
And on Friday nights, we've been doing sit-ins in different restaurants that won't serve us so-and-so.
Well, let me tell you, I promised to come protest at the Australian Embassy, and they've got one in New York and one in D.C., and I don't like D.C.
I actually like the city of New York despite all its issues.
It's got a great feel in many areas.
I like it compared to L.A., I'll say that.
I want to come.
I want to protest the U.N.
I want to protest.
That's who's running it.
And I want to protest at the Australian Embassy.
So yes sir, there's a good chance, not a good chance, I will be to New York this year to join you guys to go do some protest and some sit-ins at these restaurants that won't let the uninjected in.
Like Bolsonaro, wouldn't let him in.
So God bless you and thanks for the call.
Alright, we're going to go to break, come back with more calls.
And then Robert Barnes is in next hour, so stay with us callers.
Can't wait to talk to you, you're awesome.
But they found the clip from the movie.
Is it back to school?
Okay, back to school, where Roddy Dangerfield at least explains how the East Coast and other areas work.
Not so much in the South and the West, but it's becoming that way with corruption as well.
Here it is.
Try to settle down, people.
We've got a lot to cover, and time is short.
There are two kinds of people in business today, the quick and the dead.
So rather than waste your time this semester with a lot of useless theories, we're going to jump right in with both feet and create a fictional company from the ground up.
We'll construct our physical plant.
We'll set up an efficient administrative and executive structure.
Then we'll manufacture our product and market it.
I think you'll find it very interesting and a lot of fun.
So let's start by looking at construction costs of our new factory.
Uh, what's the product?
That is immaterial for the purposes of our discussion here, but if it makes you happy, let's say we're making tape recorders.
Tape recorders?
Are you kidding?
The Japs will kill us on a labor course!
Okay, fine.
Then let's just say they're widgets.
What's a widget?
It's a fictional product.
It doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter.
Tell that to the bank, you know.
Take it easy.
Take it easy.
It's the first day, you know.
On the board, you will see a cost analysis for construction of a 30,000 square foot facility, which will encompass both factory and office space, and is fully serviced by all utilities, a railroad spur line, and a four bay shipping dock.
Hold it, hold it.
Why Bill?
Hey, you're better off leasing it at a buck and a quarter, a buck and a half a square foot.
Take your down payment and put it into CDs.
Or something else you can roll over every couple of months.
Thank you, Mr. Mellon.
But we'll be concentrating on finance a little later in the term.
For the time being, let's just concentrate on the construction figures, shall we?
You will see the final bottom line requires the factoring in of not just the material and construction costs, but also the architect's fees and the costs of land servicing.
Oh, you left out a bunch of stuff.
Oh, really?
Like what, for instance?
Well, first of all, you're gonna have to grease the local politicians for the sudden zoning problems that always come up.
Then there's the kickbacks to the carpenters.
And if you plan on using any cement in this building, I'm sure the teams would like to have a little chat with you.
And that'll cost you.
Oh, and don't forget a little something for the building inspectors.
Then there's a long-term course, such as waste disposal.
I don't know if you are familiar with who runs that business, but I assure you it's not the Boy Scouts.
That'll be quite enough, Mr. Mellon.
Maybe bribes and kickbacks and mafia payoffs are how you do business.
But they are not part of the legitimate business world.
And they're certainly not part of anything I'm teaching in this class.
Do I make myself clear?
Sorry, just trying to help, that's all.
Now, notwithstanding Mr. Mellon's input,
The next question for us is, where to build our factory?
Hey, everybody.
Confused about staying healthy in a crazy COVID culture?
Me too.
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So here's the thing.
I wanted to get past the craziness and find out which plant-based substances actually have studies that demonstrate some efficacy in immune support.
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That's StrongerDefense.com.
Your voice counts.
When you share information, be it over the internet or in person, it changes the world.
The globalists know their agenda is unpopular.
They know you're angry.
And now to get around big tech, it's more important than ever that we use every tool we've got.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you sign up for our free news and show alerts, you can then take those alerts, those articles, and those live feeds, both the regular shows and special reports, and share them with everyone you know.
Take action now by texting the word NEWS, N-E-W-S, to 833-470-0438.
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Take action now, break the chain reaction, and tell others to share those texts.
Get news alerts at 833-470-0438.
Back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
It's been out of stock for a while.
It's one of three sleep aids we have at Infowarstore.com.
This one has been very popular.
It's sold off the shelves.
It's back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
This is probably the strongest sleep aid that we have, I would say.
Knockout, Rocket Rest, both great.
Comes in pill form.
This is the liquid tincture, and I think this is probably the most powerful one.
Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine.
This is, if you haven't done an iodine challenge yet, if you haven't done the iodine challenge, what are you waiting for?
Now is the time.
Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
Living Defense Plus and the Organic Greens Fiber Caps.
We have a limited supply of these right now, but we want to sell them all out so we can order a new batch.
It was very popular.
The Organic Greens Fiber Caps, but we have all kinds of other great supplements.
That are great for so many different things.
Take advantage of those.
The COVID-19 face diaper is a symbol of subservience, a symbol of slavery, a symbol of the change that the medical tyranny combine controlled by the global private corporations has put in place.
It is the symbol of the permanent emergency from which we will never emerge.
It is the symbol that we are diseased and evil and bad and must cover our diseased criminal faces from the light of the sun.
It is the symbol of our complete and total absolute surrender to evil.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are crossing the Rubicon now.
The entire future destiny of humanity is upon us.
Klaus Schwab and the UN admit they're coming out with implantable microchips as part of the World ID and carbon taxes.
Things only get worse from here if we submit.
They only get better if we resist and say no.
Noncompliance, noncompliance, noncompliance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the show that should not be the nameless one.
The name that must not be said, Wired Magazine said four years ago with RD Platforming.
But I knew it was going to be an attack on everybody.
I knew it was coming because I'd read the gloveless white papers that are public.
It'll be their arrogance that is their undoing.
Already so many have resigned from the federal government for running the Wuhan lab by a weapon attack.
Now only Fauci stands.
How long until he
Has to resign.
How long until, in the court of public opinion, he's so hated and so hunted by the crimes he's committed and haunted that he is indicted?
How long can the Justice Department be run by the criminals that are in control of it?
Explosive video emerges of Fauci and HHS officials plotting for a new avian flu virus to enforce universal flu vaccination.
I saw this information Monday.
It was already six at night and I said we got to get this together to report on it because it was so out of control, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's only got a million views.
It's not.
That sounds like a lot.
Yeah, that's 10 sports stadiums full of 100,000 people apiece and then a high school football game of 23,000 on the side.
It needs to be 10 million views.
Get it?
Send it out on your email.
Send it out on your text message if you want these criminals to pay.
We're not going to tell them it'll turn them into martyrs.
That's the only way they could win.
Lovells are probably going to false flag themselves soon.
Already said that's in the cards.
Obviously, you know that too.
You don't need me to tell you.
But we want to politically annihilate them and expose them for what they've done.
They think threatening and intimidating and they think threatening to kill me.
They think threatening to harm my family.
They think saying all these other things they've done to us is going to stop us.
You see what's going on here?
The opposite.
For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
Newtonian physics, third dimension, God law.
And if you're prepared to fight evil, God's got his hand on your shoulder.
You're going to do incredible things.
And those of you tuned in are here for a reason.
You've got God watching you and God's hands on your shoulder right now.
All right, let's go to the calls.
Who's been holding the longest?
I'm going to go in the order these are received.
That would be Riley in North Carolina.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Just wanted to say I'm a first-time caller.
Hey there, Alex.
I'm praying for you and your family and your crew.
Thank you.
You inspire me daily.
You know, fighting against these false accusations.
We all know, as Christians, who the great accuser is.
So thank you for all you do.
Thank you.
I wanted to jump in regarding
Last week's article with the New York Times talking about the redesigning of the American flag.
I don't know if you've already covered this or not.
I barely mentioned it.
They've got a trillion dollar coin.
They're saying America's evil, so we've got to rewrite it.
Tell folks about it.
We'll show it on screen.
I briefly read the article.
I'm not subscribed to the New York Times.
I went to another website and to Fox News, unfortunately.
Basically, there's these designers.
based and some are from like South Korea, Berlin, Denmark saying that the flag needs to be redesigned because the loss of America's values are imminent and the power of America has fallen.
Therefore, we need to redesign the American flag.
And to me, that convinces the normies in this country per se.
No borders, no wall, no USA at all.
Everything is how the founding documents are bad and it's evil because once you get rid of that, you're under globalist law, which is no law at all.
Under the UN, you have no rights.
Oh, they have all these rights in their Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 30 articles.
But in the last two articles they say, you have no rights under the UN or stakeholders.
And Klaus Schwab that ran the whole UN eugenics operation and their sustainability project says, only the UN and corporations should have power.
We are capturing your governments now.
That's on his Wikipedia.
Yep, so thank you so much for all you do, Alex.
I also just want to give a quick plug for BodEase.
I took that about a week or two prior to... I was trying to jump off of a tree into a river for fun, you know, and actually slipped and fell on a rock.
Was healed in like a week and I'm firmly convinced or I'm convinced that it was because of bodies.
Whatever's in that, the turmeric, everything in there really helped me heal and I just thank you for all you do.
Your supplements are awesome.
Love the stickers and I can't wait to watch Endgame.
Absolutely, and I should plug this since you're saying it.
Tomorrow night, it's going to be free for everybody.
Band.video, freeworldnews.tv.
So if you want to promote that it's going to be live tomorrow, you can't promote Band.video on Twitter or other places.
You have to quote and promote freeworldnews.tv.
7 p.m.
tomorrow night, I'm going to have the producer and the
Director on, I've been a producer as well, but the real producer that financed it, the producer who's very well spoken, and the director who's amazing, on, it's a first-rate film, multi-million dollar budget, almost 50 top experts interviewed, like Robert Kennedy Jr., Tenpenny, the list goes on and on, Dale Bigtree.
We're very, very, very, very proud of the film.
It'll premiere for everybody free, and everybody that ordered it, it's begun shipping out today on DVD.
We always said we're going to air it for free, but people want to support the filmmakers because the director and the crew have not been paid in the last year making this, and this is only part one.
They've got four other parts coming out that really expose the whole Great Reset and the rest of it.
So thank you so much.
That's going to air tomorrow, 7 p.m.
Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, 6 p.m.
Mountain, 5 p.m.
We're good to go.
For everybody to get a free copy of Endgame Blueprint for Global Enslavement when you get a copy of that film.
And again, this is all about information and the funding to be able to get the information out.
And so you're going to notice that used to I plugged once an hour and things like that.
Now I'm doing it about twice an hour because we need funds to get around the de-platforming.
We need funds to launch some major operations we've got that we're not telling the enemy about obviously yet.
That are going to massively increase what we do.
We're not just going to fight here and stay at one level.
We're going all out.
Because we're either going to get bigger and do more or we're going to be destroyed.
I'm going to leave it at that.
We're either going to expand or shut down.
Because the level of attack we're under, you don't get smaller in the face.
Big fish defeat other fish.
Big fish eat little fish.
They're trying to eat us.
We're going to politically eat them.
And believe me, I am a busy beaver.
It's like an ant hive here and other places.
And we just have alliances and organizations and groups coming together now and doing amazing things.
And so I liken it to contact where
They blow up the one facility that's about to contact the aliens, get the advanced technology, the free energy or whatever, and doesn't matter, they're going to hold another one built.
And so, that's what this is all about, ladies and gentlemen.
So, we need major capital to InfoWarsTore.com, plus we got products you need.
Today is the last day.
I extended a few days to get t-shirts at cost.
Like Alex Jones was right.
Totally triggers the left.
They can't stand.
I think that'll be the new t-shirt everybody gets.
People are already getting it.
I asked, what's the best seller?
They said, well, it's not the same the frog shirt anymore.
It's now this.
And I said, great.
We're going to keep selling it at cost.
We're going to promote that.
So when the other t-shirts and things go back to the same regular already discounted price tomorrow, we're going to have Alex Jones was right shirt is going to be sold at cost.
at InfoWarsTore.com.
That's the big shirt I think everybody should get, but it's up to you.
And again, I just go off what you think when it comes to products, because you already like Alex Jones was right.
That's already the best seller right in front of a Save the Frog shirt.
So, hell, we'll have Save the Frogs at cost, too.
Save the Frogs at cost and Alex Jones was right.
I'm going to trigger the left with a big InfoWars.com in the back.
Okay, no more plugging.
I'm done plugging.
We're going to come back and go bam, bam, bam to your calls, Stan and Kevin.
And Scott, and everybody else, your calls are straight ahead on the other side of this break.
And remember, what angers the globalists?
What defeats them?
Sharing the articles and videos, especially the one that shows Fauci plotting the bio-attack!
If you're concerned about the power grid and want to generate your own supply of off-grid electricity, this will be the most important message you'll hear this year.
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Yours free at MySolarBackup.com.
I got some good news.
All the items in front of me are back in stock and are 40-50% off at InfoWareStore.com.
The bad news is, a lot of them are about to sell out.
So this sale is only going from one week starting on September 29th.
And in the case of green fiber capsules,
These will be sold out in just a couple days.
50% off.
We have Knockout Sleep Aid.
50% off.
Sold out for months.
Very popular.
Twice as strong as Knockout.
Probably too strong for some people.
Totally different formula.
Down and Out is back in stock.
50% off.
We've extended the sale on Winter Sun and Ultra 12.
And also on Deep Earth Crystal Iodine.
50% off.
Survival Selects, too.
It's a win-win.
These are things that make you healthy, make your life better, and they fund the InfoWar.
Again, the only way we lose is if you don't take action right now.
All of the experts agree that getting proper sleep is the cornerstone of good health.
It has been proven that a poor sleep schedule is linked with numerous health problems including weight gain, memory issues, mood changes, poor concentration, and even a weakened immune system.
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It uses a unique, quick-release capsule system to ensure fast delivery of deep sleep support ingredients like melatonin and magnesium,
Rocket Rest helps you fall asleep fast, stay asleep, and wake up feeling rested.
So get the new Rocket Rest formula from Dr. Jones Naturals right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
UN-run contact tracers aren't coming, they're here.
All over the world, from Australia to the United States, from Canada to Germany, these tyrants are tracking everything you do, everywhere you go, and then coming to your house and threatening, in some cases actually, taking people away into the night to their facilities.
And they're planning in the next year to expand their shield process, where they come and take, quote, healthy people away and put them in facilities for their safety.
This is nothing less than martial law.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I've got an NPC, I'm a man, and I've got a spirit and a soul, and I'm alive, and I interface with the beautiful universe God made, and I worship God.
I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive!
We roll across the oceans of time.
The endless reaches of God's mind.
Big moments of truth are coming.
Evil's making its move.
Are you scared?
Or are you alive?
Because for every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction.
Choose your destiny now.
All right, here we are.
Big news, and I'm gonna hit it next hour with Robert Barnes, but let me tell you what it is.
Vaccinated Vermont.
75% of September COVID deaths were jabbed, and they've got internal documents now coming out that it's causing massive levels of death.
My jaw dropped.
Blood test before and after COVID jab, proof shot, obliterates immune system.
And that's what the Pentagon reports already say, but now they've got video and documents of it all.
This is just unbelievable.
They have attacked us.
They have absolutely gone for broke.
And in this video, ex-Biden Border Patrol chief claims 400,000 illegals escaped in the U.S., 90% never deported.
Hell, that's a very low number.
That's just in one area, though.
That's all.
Coming up.
Yeah, it's not 20,000.
It's not 30,000.
It's massive.
Folks, we talked to War Patrol whistleblowers.
They said it's millions already.
We explained how they claim that they were turnbacks.
So they're saying 80% are turnbacks when they're almost none are turnbacks.
They're just flooding across.
So the real numbers are 7 to 10 million by fiscal year 2021.
That's October 31st.
There's a real number.
I'll just count on Fox to just water it down and give you some kind of... We're going to get to it all coming up next hour, but my God, that's a joke.
Hell, the official numbers are two million in Texas sector this year.
That was like four months ago.
All right, let's go to your phone calls.
One hell of a time to be alive, that's all I can tell you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin in Pennsylvania.
Welcome, sir.
Hello, Kevin.
Wonderful to talk to you.
Alright, Kevin is gone.
Let's go ahead and take another caller.
Let's talk to Scott.
Scott in Michigan.
Go ahead, sir.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to talk today about Janet Yellen, this demon from hell, and what she and this new nominee for the Comptroller of the Currency are trying to do.
These people are basically trying to tax this country, everybody in the middle class, in a complete
Just ridiculous.
They want to take half your income, and they want to tax unrealized capital gains, which means that if you buy a house and your house goes up in value, you have to pay taxes.
They're going to make you sell it.
Yeah, they're going to make you sell it to pay the tax.
Yeah, it's absolute enslavement.
Yeah, no, I only have a couple minutes here, but I just wanted to remind everybody that, you know, everybody's focusing on forced vaccination and all that, but people have to focus on what is happening
In the economy with all these Biden nominees, all these people, it's a really sad thing.
So I would just encourage people.
Well, sir, I'm not going to cut you off.
I want you to start over because what you're saying is the whole focus of the show today.
When I began the broadcast, I played the Gregory's Report and I said, the mega banks are bankrupting the world.
They're getting rid of all the systems that allow people to own homes.
They're going to bring in a universal income after and totally control us.
You are dead on of all the Federal Reserve caught insider trading, them waging war.
Let's put it back on screen, please.
Gregory's Report is exactly what you're saying.
We put that back on screen, please.
Thank you.
And people need to share it.
The big banks are guilty of crimes against humanity.
Start over and explain what they're doing.
Okay, so basically, Janet Yellen, the former chairperson of the Federal Reserve, and the current Secretary of the Treasury under Biden, wants to tax unrealized capital gains.
So if you buy an asset, including a home, and that asset goes up in value, even if you don't have the money to pay for it,
They want to tax you on that increase in value.
So that completely eliminates homeownership.
And her crony, Jay Powell, who was just caught basically buying the same assets that the Federal Reserve is buying, you know, he says it's by coincidence, which, you know, you decide if you're going to believe that.
But basically, they are trying to bankrupt the people through yelling is going to bankrupt the people.
And Powell is going to buy up all their assets.
So the Federal Reserve is basically going to own everything.
We're going to own nothing.
It's the exact plan.
You know, so even independently of the forced vaccination and the complete medical martial law, the economic situation, these people that Biden is put in charge and Powell, Trump put in charge.
But, you know, these people are coming for everything that we have.
And it is very important that people pay attention
To what, you know, they need to call their Congress people and tell them this new comptroller currency, a Soviet-born communist, they need to call their Congress people and tell them, you cannot vote for this person.
You're right.
So tell people specifically as you're dead on, tell folks what they need to do and what's happening again and what they need to tell Congress not to do.
Well, there's a woman.
We're good to go.
Yeah, I would agree with that.
And I would just, on one final note, I would say Bitcoin just a couple minutes ago went over $55,000 again.
And you know, whatever you think of that, that is the value that people are putting on, on assets outside of this central banking.
The communist Chinese tried to kill cyber systems.
They tried to kill cryptocurrencies.
All the systems are trying to put it down because it shows how weak the other stuff is.
So even if you don't like cryptocurrencies, folks, and obviously they want to have a global one they control with blockchain to control us, but any technology can be used for evil or good.
People ask why a year ago I finally started getting into Bitcoin.
I said, I've been watching it 10 years.
It's going to be adopted.
I'm not saying it's a sure investment.
I would get into a lot of different ones and not be speculative and just learn how it works because it's good to have something outside the system.
And of course, they're going to try to outlaw it.
But I said, look,
Three years ago, Max tried to get me into it.
It was $5,000.
Then it went up to, you know, $50-something thousand.
And I said, when it went down a few months ago, people go, oh, look, you're an idiot.
It's gone down.
I said, I didn't get into it for it to go up or down.
I got into it to hedge bets and just to learn how it works myself instead of just watching it from afar.
And absolutely, that shows you how pot... I mean, look at this, sir.
A trillion dollar coin, Axios is selling this, I mean, pushing it.
The Democrats are all saying they want it.
Oh, I mean the Romans did this.
The Romans, when they were about to collapse 1,600 years ago or whatever, they were sitting there issuing coins that they said paid off the debt and created all this stuff.
This is insanity what they're doing.
Yeah, no.
If we have a Federal Reserve that is just making complete clown money, like trillion dollar coins,
Then we do not have a serious country.
As long as the Federal Reserve is still in control of all this, you know, economic policy, that's communism.
That marks this central economic planning, and people need to keep their eye on the ball when they talk about it.
Well, I mean, do you remember, I forget his name, the Democrat head of the Budget Committee said on national TV, we can spend any amount of money we want, we have unlimited money.
Yeah, it's the total clown economy.
It's really not a serious country as long as we have people who are thinking like this.
Now there it is, House Budget Chairman Yarmouth to progressives.
The federal government can afford anything.
Great points.
Thank you, Scott.
More calls straight ahead.
Stay with us.
I should have blown a whole segment on him.
That was a great caller.
It's important.
He's damn right!
These people are freaking criminals!
They hit us with a bio-weapon!
The average person on the face of this incredible planet is still unaware that there's a war between free individuals and nation-states on one side, and the globalists on the other, who are literally trying to create a post-human world.
From the United States to Brazil, and of course triggered by the Brexit in the UK, nations were pulling out of the private, corporate, fascist world government.
That's why they launched their Great Recess, and their program after collapsing us, of Build Back Better.
This is nothing more than a top-down, vertical consolidation of the world economy.
Because they couldn't take our guns, because we wouldn't bow, because the left, which is the ideology of this world government system, couldn't win, they released a biological weapon on us.
Now we know, two years ago.
We learned about it about 20 months ago.
They can't beat us because of our free speech and our guns.
It's that simple.
So the Global Corporate Combine released COVID-19 and you know the rest is history.
Expose this paradigm and we win.
My business model is very, very simple.
I want to bring you products that work really, really well at affordable prices that are competitive so that you'll shop with us and so we form a relationship so we're able to stay on air and fight the globalists and have good products that make us healthy, make us wiser, that boost our immune system.
And that's what we've done.
Now one area of the immune system we don't talk enough about is deep restful sleep.
Look it up for yourself.
The effects of deep restful sleep on health and the immune system.
And so with everything we're doing out there to boost our immune system with vitamin D and zinc and all of it, that's great.
But deep restful sleep is just as important, maybe more important,
So, InfoWarStore.com now can announce 50% off on our best-selling product, Down & Out, that just came back in after four months being sold out.
It's 50% off, it's super strong, so be careful with it.
If you want deep, restful sleep, this will do it.
Everybody loves it.
Five stars.
InfoWarStore.com, Down & Out, now back in stock, 50% off.
It was almost 15 years ago that I released my seminal film, In Game Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
And in that documentary, I predicted that globalists would establish world government by releasing a virus, demanding that there be worldwide lockdowns, and then triggering a collapse of our industrial society.
And now they've done it.
How did I know they would do it?
Because they wrote books and white papers, and many of their own reports and internal meetings were leaked.
You see, then I was tracking the Bilderberg Group, whose head at the time was Klaus Schwab.
And our sources inside were confirming to us that they were indeed planning to launch this Great Reset.
Well, we're now living in it.
The purposeful collapse of the third world and the first world, on its ass, it's a tyrannical corporate world government.
The total censorship, no due process.
The structure of the family and then incrementally more and more deadly injections of poison mass creating these vaccines to poison us and depopulate us.
This is what InfoWars is fighting.
We're fighting for the future.
I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world.
It's very, very simple, but the most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world
Are artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure, intellectual property, energy.
They're using it to buy people, to buy influence.
And in the past, they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money
...to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything, not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
Warn everyone.
It's the only way to stop it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Coming up next segment, Pearson Sharpe, my favorite person on OAN now that Jack Posobiec left him, is just incredible.
We're going to play that and Robert Barnes is in studio.
We'll cover the economic collapse that they've now implemented, the bioweapon confirmed they released.
I mean, we are just living in insane times with Robert Barnes and how he thinks we can bring these scumbags down.
We don't have a choice.
They're going to keep squeezing us and killing us until we do.
We don't have a choice, do we?
Let's go right to your calls now with all these patient awesome folks.
Larry in Florida.
Welcome, Larry.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Appreciate you taking my call.
Yes, sir.
And I had really two suggestions, excuse me, and one question.
First suggestion is real basic.
It's what we could do as Patriots and listeners, and that is go buy a couple of poster boards, a couple of dollars, the 18 by 30 or the 24 by 36.
And do like I do and put China Joe time to go and I call it the 10,000 Corners or the Freedom Corners program and get on street corners at rush hour and let folks know what's going on.
I put those together first back in April.
And they're still valid.
First one says, China Joe, time to go.
And absolutely.
And then you can hand out business cards for a local, you know, Liberty group or Save America group and then organize for other events to go out and be with other groups.
And it's fun and it's something you're supposed to do.
And in the world we're entering, it's going to be lifesaving to expose these people.
So you're absolutely right.
We've got to exercise third dimensional demonstrating and third dimensional information warfare with the truth on the street.
And it's getting to the folks that, you know, we don't know, that aren't in our normal loop, which is, I think, what we've got to do at this point.
Otherwise, we're talking to each other and, you know, I promoted the video Monday night, posted it a bunch of places, but it's mostly places I go to, like Gab.
Well, I'm not sure, you know, so that's one suggestion.
The second suggestion is we've got a program here in Florida, a guy does a thing called Coffee and COVID, 5,000 members, local Florida thing.
On masks and vaccine mandates?
What about on the InfoWars website you put up a one-paragraph script and three to five contact
Phone number?
Sir, I totally agree.
And also, we did this back when they were trying to push flu shots and trying to make it mandatory 10 years ago with that particular flu bug.
We had a contest for little posters that were just regular paper print size, not legal size.
And then people hung them everywhere and they got all over the news all over the country and educated millions.
So we're about to do that again.
Thank you so much for the call, Larry.
We need to create a system on InfoWars that helps people organize and go to these things.
I'm just, I'm trying.
We're working around the clock.
We're trying, folks, so please.
You keep fighting as well.
The good news is people are ready to wake up now.
It's not hard.
And those that don't want to hear you, just move on.
All right, up next here is Isaac.
Isaac in Texas, welcome.
Hey, Alex, I wish you and your crew and your audience well.
Thank you.
I do want to say something that I'm sure a lot of your audience may realize or have not yet realized.
There's more discrimination than going on out there than just the mandates.
I kind of did an experiment and it turned out to be, you know, turned out to be my worst fear here.
I went in to several, recently, several places that I knew that I could get, you know, hired.
What I didn't realize is that the general managers or the managers are all wearing masks still.
Now, Texas, as you know, you can, in most places anyway, in South Texas here, you can go into a location and they cannot tell you to put on a mask.
Most locations, right?
Well, I realize.
Yes, sir, I agree.
Well, I can say this.
I went to five places, five places.
One still is, you know, on the line.
I could get later this month, but here's the deal.
As soon as I met the GM, some of the managers in some of these places didn't have the mask on and took it off when they were talking to me.
Very, very, very nice people.
But the GM always had the mask, and I realized once the calls weren't coming in, or when I would call them and say, hey, I was just in there a few days ago, I'm checking back, you know, I would just get the runaround.
That's right.
The mask is the symbol of subservience and now they're creating databases of your subservience.
It's called the social credit score.
That's why we've got to get online while we still have some social media and build alternatives like Gab and others and come together.
And Gab should create, they probably already have it, a job posting area where all these doctors and scientists and nurses that have gone.
I know a lot of doctors and people in Austin are going to start their own clinics and I'm going to go to their clinics.
They'll be my doctor now.
So that's what this is about.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate your call, Isaac.
Yeah, it's really serious.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Who is up next in the order of the calls being received?
That would be Jim in Michigan.
Jim, welcome.
Hello, Alex.
First time caller.
Been following you for more than 15 years.
I just wanted to touch on, you know, the Scott from Michigan that also called.
The financial collapse and the supply chain collapse.
Um, and if these guys get away with what they're doing, um, with the dollar devaluation and, you know, folks should be hedging and getting into different things to protect their, their, their dollar, get their house in order.
And most importantly, me and my, uh, great lady, um, we've been supporting you for the whole, the whole time for years, and we literally don't have
I think so.
Alex, we've given stuff, products lately within the last year to folks, vitamin Merle infusion, and we gave some D3 to a couple of folks that traveled on some planes that just couldn't shake.
They didn't take the vaccine, but they couldn't shake what they had and they got better.
And we were, Chris and I were really excited, but it takes us like nearly 10 minutes together to take everything we take religiously every morning.
We've mixed up vitamin Merle infusion.
And then we chase down our Prostagard, our Krill Oil, our DNA Force, our bodies, our brain force, and then we do our Winter Sun, our B12, our X2.
We do all that stuff, and every day, religiously, and we are not afraid, dude.
We are ready to fight like you, and we're ready for this to happen.
And so, the best thing that people can do, we're not gonna have our money,
Buy these products and keep M4s online.
Oh, sir, absolutely.
Everybody should be not worried about entertainment, not worried about how fancy your car is, not worried about keeping up with the Joneses.
People better be getting ready because I didn't want to come out here and say we're probably going to be in a total depression and war.
Now it looks like it's a certainty.
I mean, we have a communist globalist takeover.
They hit us with a bioweapon.
They're waging war.
They're wrecking the country from the inside.
It doesn't matter.
Get right with God.
It's your soul.
That's the most important thing.
Get prepared physically and get prepared with other people that are like-minded.
Groups of people are powerful.
God bless you and I love you and I really appreciate you calling in, sir, and your support.
So, here's to you and your family.
I don't want to cut these callers off.
We only have a minute and a half to break.
I'm going to come back and we're going to air this very important little five minutes with Pearson Sharp and I've got other reports he's done.
This guy on OAN is just amazing.
And OAN has always been great.
They are just amazing now.
They are killer.
And they're getting sued and attacked by the globalists.
But that's okay.
They got good cheer.
They know they're in a war for their country.
And they're moving forward.
And they're going to rig it all against them too.
That's okay.
Because their whole evil Hollywood devil worshiper pedophile system is coming down.
They just want to take us down with them as if we care about them pulling their crap or doing whatever.
We're going to continue to fight no matter what and God is going to provide to us if we just trust in God and move forward.
Or if I get killed next week!
That's what God wants.
I don't want to die.
I'm not going to commit suicide.
I love life.
But you've got to get past fearing these people and start fearing God.
And by fearing God, I don't mean fear you think God's going to get you.
The fear of being separated from God's Spirit that these people don't have.
You want to be turned into one of these demon zombies?
You want to act like and look like these people?
I don't care if they're black, white, who they are.
You look at those folks.
They are living death.
They are death today, death tomorrow, death forever.
It's very sad.
It's not that they're physically dead, it's that their spirit is dead.
They never bloomed, and it's so sad.
What a loss.
So don't even get angry at them.
Realize they're just Wraiths.
We'll be right back with our number four.
Your calls, Robert Barnes and big breaking news.
By now you've heard me talk about the BioPros and how they're creating amazing products.
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Visit thebiopros.com and see for yourself.
Back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
It's been out of stock for a while.
It's one of three sleep aids we have at Infowarstore.com.
This one has been very popular.
It's sold off the shelves.
It's back in stock, down-and-out liquid sleep support.
This is probably the strongest sleep aid that we have, I would say.
Knockout, RocketRest, both great.
Comes in pill form.
This is the liquid tincture, and I think this is probably the most powerful one.
Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine.
This is, if you haven't done an iodine challenge yet, if you haven't done the iodine challenge, what are you waiting for?
Now is the time.
Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
Living Defense Plus and the Organic Greens Fiber Caps.
We have a limited supply of these right now, but we want to sell them all out so we can order a new batch.
It was very popular.
The Organic Greens Fiber Caps, but we have all kinds of other great supplements.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
A temporary halt to the cash-grab forever war in Afghanistan, but it looks like the cash-grab for the forever virus is here to stay.
The head of BioNTech, the makers of the wildly successful and profitable Pfizer vaccine, says he thinks it's pretty likely we'll need a new vaccine by next year to tackle the next generation of China virus variants.
You know, because this vaccine worked so well.
I don't remember needing a new polio vaccine every year because the polio virus kept coming out with new variants.
But I guess having an effective vaccine you only need to take once wouldn't bring in $60 billion a year for Pfizer and Moderna.
BioNTech's CEO said there's no reason to believe the next generation of the Fauci flu will be any easier to deal with.
So, by the middle of next year, it's likely a whole new vaccine will be needed.
And then a whole new round of secondary doses, followed up, of course, by more booster shots.
We're stocking up on Pfizer, so we can send Pfizer's stock up.
It's a tight little arrangement, but it means the American people can look forward to endless injections with leaky vaccines for the rest of our lives.
The problem with this news is that it clearly demonstrates the vaccines aren't that effective to begin with.
A recent study shows the vaccines have a ten-fold drop-off in antibodies after just seven months, and that's following the second dose.
That drop in antibodies means your own body will have a harder time fighting the virus if you get infected.
And that's for all the variants, including Delta, Beta, and Mu.
And this is backed up by the latest expose from Project Veritas, which caught scientists working at Pfizer admitting, on camera, that the vaccine isn't as effective as your own natural immunity.
What the vaccine is, is like I said, that protein hole, so that's just on the outside.
So it's just one antibody against one specific part of the virus.
When you actually get the virus, you're going to start producing antibodies against like multiple pieces of virus.
And not only just like the outside portion, like the inside portion of the actual virus.
So your antibodies are probably better at that point than the vaccination.
It might be shocking for some to hear, but we want to point out, this is what One America News has been reporting the entire time, since the beginning of the pandemic.
But our reports were covered up, censored online, banned by big tech as dangerous misinformation.
Even though it's backed up by science.
The latest study the mainstream media isn't talking about and politicians with stock in Pfizer are trying to cover up shows people who have previously been infected with the coronavirus continue carrying antibodies for at least 12 months.
But likely for much longer.
The peer-reviewed study from Finland was published in the European Journal of Immunology on September 24th, and found after 8 months, 96% of the subjects still had neutralizing antibodies.
After 12 months, the number of people carrying antibodies only dropped by 7 points, down to 89%.
And that includes protection against the virus variants as well, with the vast majority of subjects having antibodies against the Delta variant,
No booster shot needed.
This is supported by data from Israel, where the largest real-world study of the vaccine ever conducted found that natural immunity affords longer-lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease, and hospitalization from the coronavirus than the COVID vaccine.
But none of this matters, because it contradicts the media and medical establishments' narrative about COVID.
And you don't want to contradict the high prophet of Big Pharma, the good doctor and dog murderer, Anthony Fauci, do you?
The bottom line is, natural immunity doesn't pay the bills.
And with tens of billions of dollars on the line, our civil liberties are up for grabs.
But our health, our freedoms, our rights as Americans are not for sale at any price.
Certainly not for the illusion of security offered by a rushed vaccine that doesn't work as well as our body's own immune system.
For One American News, I'm Pearson Sharpe.
Could you imagine a year ago walking into a bank with your face covered?
Could you imagine even going into the grocery store?
Do you think they would let you in?
Do you think they would be following you in the aisles to make sure that you weren't going to be shoplifting?
Could you imagine going up to a gas station and going inside the little mini mart to pay for your gas with a bandana on?
How far do you think that would get you?
Could you imagine as a teacher showing up to school with a shield that looks like a space
Those things are offensive to us because it interferes with normal human interaction.
The globalists are running a psychological war for operational humanity.
Only waking up to the Great Reset and its tyranny will save us.
And the mask is the sign of slavery.
We must inform the public that it's a fraud and that it's dangerous and that it causes major medical issues and is dehumanizing.
And the film COVIDland does that.
Secure your copy now at covidland.com and get a free copy of Endgame with your purchase.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
You know when political debates are the highlight of the political year, like boxing matches?
Everyone would watch them.
It doesn't happen anymore.
The ratings for the last presidential debates were terrible, and there's a reason for that.
They're boring.
Everything is scripted.
You know what they're going to say before they say it.
But if you keep watching the lower tier, the debates lower on the fight card, sometimes you see something interesting.
It happens invariably by accident.
I think?
Apparent indictment.
The Washington Post is always telling you he's about to get indicted.
He never was.
Instead, he ran Virginia, and he ran it into the ground, and now he wants to hurt it even more.
So he wants to be re-elected.
And at the debate last month, Terry McAuliffe announced, just kind of welled up within him, and he told us that parents no longer have a say in their own children's education.
The one that they pay for.
Instead, Terry McAuliffe informed the state of Virginia, the government is in charge of your child.
I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.
You know, I get really tired of everybody running down teachers.
I love our teachers.
And what they have done through COVID, these are real heroes that deserve our respect.
Well, he's a hack, a liar, and a demagogue.
But ignore the second part of the sentence.
I don't think parents have any right telling teachers what to teach, really.
So parents don't control their own kids.
Do you have a right to tell the pediatrician what kind of medical treatment your kids should get?
This is the new rule.
The government makes all key decisions about your children.
That's not just true in the state of Virginia.
It is now orthodoxy throughout the entire Democratic Party.
And as of yesterday, this idea, unprecedented in the history of America, has the full backing of the Biden administration, in other words, of the entire federal government.
And if you disagree with that,
If you're one of those troglodytes who thinks you should have some say in what your children are taught in the schools that you pay for, you should know the Biden administration now views you as a domestic terrorist.
And they are fully willing to use armed agents of the state to compel you to shut up.
Joe Biden's Justice Department has made that very, very clear.
Attorney General Merrick Garland, remember the moderate, soft-spoken one who turned out to be not moderate at all, but a wild-eyed, radical, crazy person?
He's now the Attorney General.
He issued a memorandum yesterday calling on the FBI to crack down on parents who complain about their school board.
Now keep in mind, at this exact moment that Garland wrote that, we learned that murders in the United States since the advent of Black Lives Matter have gone up 30%.
So that's thousands more dead people.
This is the Attorney General, our Chief Law Enforcement Officer.
He did not issue a memo about that.
He issued, instead, a memo about people who are committing wrong-think.
Garland directed, quote, federal, state, tribal, territorial, and local law enforcement leaders to discuss strategies for addressing this disturbing trend.
This disturbing trend being parents complaining.
In the coming days, Garland wrote, the department will announce a series of measures designed to address the rise in criminal conduct directed towards school personnel.
Criminal conduct?
What does that consist of?
It is now criminal to disagree with your kid's school.
What have we learned from this?
Well, among other things we've learned, the Biden administration no longer believes in the most basic precepts of liberal democracy.
Among them, your freedom of speech should never be abridged, the government must convince you, not compel you, almost always, and you, and not the government, is in charge of your children.
Merrick Garland did not give birth to your kids.
They're yours, not his.
But they don't acknowledge that anymore.
So they're happy to use armed agents of the state to enforce their ideology.
And they have to.
Because that ideology is deeply unpopular with most Americans.
Now why did the DOJ issue this letter?
Well, because they'd received a complaint from the National School Boards Association, huge donors, of course, to the Democratic Party, and that complaint cited citizens who were upset over the teachings of, quote, critical race theory and of masking of children, which is medically unnecessary.
So the group wrote to the Biden administration and said that some of the actions against school boards, quote, could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.
Oh, so school administrators are now a protected group.
If you disagree with them, you're committing a hate crime.
Not voicing an opinion, which is constitutionally protected.
No, it's an act of violence to disagree with them.
Let's get specific.
According to the National School Boards Association, it's things like this, quote, Earlier this month, a student in Tennessee was mocked during a board meeting for advocating masks in schools after testifying that his grandmother, who was an educator, died because of COVID-19.
Now, the Association went on to say that the Feds should use, quote, the Patriot Act, created after 9-11, to the regret of most thinking people, and that postal inspectors should probe the, quote, cyberbullying school board members claim they have faced.
So where does this leave us?
Really simple.
Mocking someone who calls for medically unnecessary mask mandates is now domestic terrorism and a chief concern of the FBI.
What you're not allowed to do going forward, because it's a hate crime, is point out that children and teens actually aren't dying from COVID.
Well, there's the great Tucker Carlson and Robert Barnes.
They're dying from a lot of things.
Another great constitutional lawyer and patriot is here with us.
He's going to be on the War Room today in the first hour, 3 p.m.
Owen's got a bunch of other huge guests there as well.
And he'll be on the American Journal tomorrow morning.
And he's here in Texas on a secret mission he can't tell you about.
But let's just say all the news coming out and all the insiders coming out and exposing what happened with Big Pharma and what you've seen with Project Veritas and all that.
There's a lot of that going on.
Barnes, I look at Fauci bragging three years ago on TV that they were going to release a deadly virus to bring in total control.
That's now the top of
GatewayPlanet.com and just all this insanity and the major federal regulator resigning because he was involved in it.
I mean, this is an amazing time to be alive, isn't it?
Oh, no doubt about it.
I mean, it's an extraordinary effort.
It's a culmination of sort of decades of efforts where the goal and objective and the idea has been to have, you know, complete control over the body and of the mind of the ordinary citizen and ordinary person around the world.
And they're trying to achieve it and accomplish it by a wide range of objectives and they're closer to achieving that than ever before.
But they're also the greatest pushback in the history of this is also occurring.
That's greater than ever before.
So you combine that and it's an extraordinary time to be alive.
It's the old Chinese proverb, may you live in interesting times.
Robert, where should we start?
I mean, there's just so much insanity.
Taiwan and China on the edge of war.
Vaccine mandates in California and New York and L.A.
County saying, oh, you can't go in any buildings now without a shot.
Not grocery stores, not anywhere.
That's beyond France's.
I mean, this is just insane.
Multiple levels.
I filed suit this week against Tyson Foods because they decided that anybody who had a pro-life belief, anybody who had a religious objection to the vaccine, and there's many reasons why someone may have a religious objection to the vaccine.
It may be because aborted fetal cells was used in the production or development of these vaccines.
It may be because the body is a temple, according to many religious beliefs, and putting foreign toxins of uncertain long-term effects is not something that is consistent with someone's religious beliefs.
Or it may be because informed consent
Is somebody's religious belief or like it?
It's important for people to know legally, your belief just has to be something that is a deeply held moral belief that is like a religion.
It doesn't have to come from a recognized religious belief.
The EEOC, Biden's own EEOC, admits this right on their own site.
So look at something like informed consent.
There are people who believe that any medicine that is done in violation or contravention of informed consent offends their core spiritual moral beliefs.
It's a violation of their bodily temple.
And so it's my religion is I'm my own property, not made by you.
And look at something like informed consent.
Informed consent is one of the deeply held moral beliefs that's so strongly held, we killed people over it, who violated it.
I mean, that's what Nuremberg was all about.
We went in and we said these people, there was no existing treaty, there was no existing Nuremberg Code prior to the Nuremberg trials.
We said those universal moral beliefs are so strongly shared amongst the civilized world.
And we're going to break your neck.
And if it's, how many, could you have a more deeply held moral belief than something that allows you to execute someone for violating it?
And so under those circumstances, the federal government is trying to, and a bunch of employers are trying to limit religious accommodations.
There's multiple grounds for those religious accommodations.
You can list all of the grounds, and I recommend people
Uh, listing all of the grounds they have a religious objection to, because if they violate those religious accommodations, that's a violation of Title VII, that's a violation of their constitutional rights as a state actor, violation of the Religious Freedom and Restoration Act if it's the federal government.
And we need to keep talking about people's rights.
I know as an audience, most of us know this, we need to remember these and stand up and say no.
Just like Dr. Bartlett said yesterday, most of these hospitals won't give you Budesodine and Ivermectin that are on record curing people until you get in their face.
You've got to start standing up for yourselves.
And I know as an audience, you're doing that.
But this is serious.
This is war.
We'll be right back with Robert Barnes.
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That's DanPilla.com.
Cobra Commander here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks and I also need you
We're good to go.
The engineers at BioPros are very excited to announce a major expansion of new products into the retail consumer market.
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Exclusively available at TheBioPros.com
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
InfoWars has been on the air for 28 years.
Everything we've done.
Thousands and thousands of shows.
Thousands of interviews.
Hundreds of thousands of calls.
Every step on the path is to this moment where humanity is now.
The global scientific elite of eugenicists carrying out the beginning of depopulation, hiding the very attack, supposedly a life-giving injection to protect you from what they themselves created in a lab.
And now the Pentagon's own report shows those that have had COVID and then are forced to get the vaccine don't really have a lot of problems.
It's people that never had COVID and took the vaccine, get COVID and die.
Because the COVID vaccine creates in the body, at a much higher level, what is in COVID itself.
And now it's all coming out.
Robert Barnes is here.
And during the break, he was really tying it all together.
I said, there's so much to cover.
What do you want to hit next?
He said, what Biden did in June, what we talked about and how the critical race theory, the forced inoculations, all of it is about bringing in.
And then he elaborated.
I said, please say that on air.
So from a legal, historical perspective, explain how this we were saying during the break, this is all part of a concerted move.
I mean, basically it's a political purge on steroids.
Because what you're looking at is all of these things achieve the same objective.
The domestic terror label started with January 6th.
Anybody that was associated or affiliated with anybody who had problems with the election, all of a sudden is a potential domestic terrorist.
Then it goes to critical race theory.
Anybody who disagrees with these radicalized ideas that not only Milley is preaching within the military, so there's an effort to purge people within the
Military establishment and the federal government, if they disagree with these radical ideas, but now it's reached out to school boards and to where if parents or students disagree with it, now they get put on a domestic terror list, potential list.
And now who else is it going to extend to?
It's going to extend to people who question the efficacy, the safety or the necessity of the vaccine from either a philosophical, religious or medical perspective.
And what's happening is anybody who refuses the vaccine is getting put on a list.
What people don't realize is that anybody who gets vaccinated, in order to validate the identity cards of those vaccines, the information is going into a centralized database so the government knows who has taken the vaccine and by inference who has not.
And consequently, they are ultimately going to get added to the same potentially dangerous list.
Potential domestic terrorist list.
So it's the same objective of
Purging, one, identifying those people that are dissidents, those people willing to challenge and question the system, those people willing to be potential neos in the matrix.
And in the same level, it is purging them from institutional influence, denying them employment, denying them education, denying them military service, all of it.
So it's a massive Stalin-esque political purge in the guise of public health, in the guise of public education, in the guise of domestic terror risk.
It's the cover, as Klaus Schwab says, for their global police state digital tracking carbon tax takeover, and then they admit it.
What's insane for new listeners tuning in, people that make fun of us, this is all books they've written, articles, this is here.
It's like the fact-checking saying Bill Gates never said depopulate the earth, then I show you articles him quoting saying he wants it in video clips, and then his foundation giving awards for depopulation.
Oh, precisely.
I mean, Gates hasn't hidden what his agenda has been.
Nor did his father.
Nor did his grandfather.
I mean, they've long been eugenicist supporters at one level or another.
It's the real reason he's hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein.
He's not likely hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein to chase young women.
He's hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein because Epstein's also a eugenicist.
Well, they were using the young women to compromise top scientists.
Not only that, they're also, I mean the whole idea was to create a superior race.
I have no idea that, I would not be surprised at all if Bill Gates shared Epstein's belief that a certain group of elite should create a super class.
Yeah, that was the plan.
I told people this before I was on the news, I was told this by sources, that they wanted to quote, breed elites with women to create more of the super race.
I mean, Epstein was setting up to do exactly that at his camp in Arizona.
Of course the women would have to be chosen for their stimulating attributes.
There would be a ratio of 10 women per male in the bunker.
Animals would have to be bred and slaughtered.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, it's Dr. Strangelove.
I mean, the reason why all of those films was Dr. Strangelove, Space Odyssey 2001, all the other films that Kubrick did, they had a common theme.
All he was really detailing and describing is the actual belief structure and goals.
And his daughter told me that, because they tried to get, obviously, they tried to get him into everything.
He said, hell no.
But yeah, Eyes Wide Shut, all that stuff's real.
I mean, Dr. Strangelove was based on inside information he had from high-ranking defense people.
On real people?
I mean, we now know... L.L.
Leibnizer and Curtis LeMay, and then a German scientist.
And people forget.
I mean, all you have to do is really read the Operation Northwoods documents to understand the mindset of those people.
I'm Santa!
I can walk!
I mean, how do you deal with something so horrific, so unbelievable, like the end of the human race, because you've got a couple of nutjobs?
This is about Operation Northwoods.
Lemnitzer wasn't just like General Jack T. Ripper, the launch plan R. They were going to get the Soviets to attack us by staging attacks on ourselves, so the U.S.
could attack them and then start World War III.
And so this film is about Operation Northwoods.
And people wonder, you know, how could you get to that mindset?
You get to that mindset when you don't really believe in all of humanity.
When you believe that a small elite group is all that... Well, I didn't say we wouldn't get our hair musk!
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, it's... 20, 30 million jobs!
People would be shocked at the degree to which that whole George C. Scott routine was the actual belief structure of people in high levels of power during that time period.
And all you have to do is, like I said, read something like Operation Northwoods that they kept secret for 36 years.
That tells you the mindset, the mentality of these people.
They really thought Kennedy would sign off on it.
And guys, you've got to search web or images to find Northwoods.
It's ABC News, April 9th, 2020.
Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff plan to attack U.S.
personnel for pretext for war with Cuba.
That's the headline.
A lot of popular film and popular books, when you're talking about John le Carré or others, James Elroy, you're talking about people who are ceding the truth.
I mean, Elroy used to say if they honestly sold his American tabloid trilogy, the guy of L.A.
Confidential, they would put it in the history section, not in the fiction section.
And his goal and objective was to be able to filter out truth in ways that you could only disguise as fiction.
And John le Carré did the same thing, from the spy who came in from the cold, to Russia House, to Taylor of Panama, to Constant Gardner.
I mean, what's Constant Gardner about?
It's about bogus clinical trials being done, medically experimenting.
Did you mention The Quiet American?
Yeah, The Quiet American is another fantastic one.
So, I mean, that's a Graham Greene.
And you go to Our Man in Havana, another great Graham Greene book and movie.
And where did he learn that from?
He learned that from actually witnessing it in Africa, watching spies just make up stories.
Because that's how they monetize their information.
I mean, that's what Russiagate was.
Russiagate was just the retelling.
Well, that's a whole other issue.
People ask me, oh, respond.
They've now indicted people.
It's all fake.
Folks, they had congressional hearings saying I am a Russian agent with no proof and I'd be outside trying to come and they wouldn't even let me, you know, face my accuser.
Yes, I know Russiagate was fake.
Believe me.
Oh, completely.
I mean, what's amazing about that is John Durham had that information for a year.
And why did he sit on it?
I mean, what if that indictment had been brought in September of 2020 rather than almost a year later?
You're right, but they still would have stole the election.
Oh, I mean, in all likelihood, but it helped facilitate.
Each level was required.
Oh, absolutely.
Yeah, I mean, yeah, just the censorship stole the election.
I mean, just the Hunter Biden story.
If that story had received free and fair coverage, then they'd lose.
And remember, it wasn't just Democrats working for Hillary at law firms that made it all up.
It was FBI agents creating fake emails.
Well, it raises an interesting story about Perkins Co., which is the big corporate law firm that represents the Democrats.
Mark Elias suddenly left about a month and a half ago.
He claimed to be doing it because he said he's starting his own firm, he's doing his own thing.
Now you have to wonder whether it's connected to these subpoenas that have been issued to the law firm.
What criminal activity has Mark Elias potentially been involved in on behalf of the Democratic Party?
So there's a lot of questions that are going to be raised and hopefully we at least get some answers because so far those answers... Next you're going to tell me Avinati's not a good guy.
We'll be right back with Robert Barnes.
Stay with us.
What a hell of a time to be alive.
Got a bunch of news we haven't hit yet.
Stay with us.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic, because I sit there and I beg you for support, constantly, for prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth, and we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And we're still here.
And as this whole New World Order comes out in the open, our credibility's going up.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved, and America's still quasi-free.
You can't have InfoWars.
It's been proven right being on air with all the craziness that's about to unfold.
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That's how you fight the Great Reset is by being self-sufficient and not under their control.
So the placebo that they have used, that the FDA has allowed them to use, has often been another vaccine.
A vaccine with a known adverse reaction profile that's causing death and damage in its own right.
Aluminum as an adjuvant in the vaccine, a known neurotoxin, a known immunotoxin, a known poison in human beings that is in the supposedly inert placebo.
Totally inappropriate.
This is not good science.
It is not science at all.
It is an effort to cover up the true adverse reaction rates to these vaccines so that they can get through the low barrier of constraints put there by the FDA and onto the market.
That is the only concern.
Dr. Wakefield is just one of many informed voices in the film, Covidland.
Secure your copy of Covidland today at covidland.com.
And if you order by October 6th, you get a free copy of the film, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, absolutely free.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And we are back.
Boy, we got some breaking news here.
Stuff on InfoWars.com.
Vaccine passport passes in Wales after dodgy vote.
Just happened.
They're ramming it through, folks.
Told you they wouldn't do it, and they snuck a vote through.
Vaccinated Vermont, 75% of September COVID deaths were jabbed.
I've got some incredible graphs I'm going to show you.
We got calls.
Final segment, Robert Barnes riding shotgun with me.
We're going to go to Nathan and others here coming up.
But I wanted to get Arthur Polosky.
On StreetSearch, StreetChurch.ca, Diesel Introduction.
He's been arrested multiple times for keeping his church open when everything else like the grocery stores can stay open, just he can't.
So this is happening in the U.S., it's happening around the world, it's absolute tyranny, and he is set for sentencing, I guess, for one of the arrests.
He just got arrested a week ago or so, flying back in.
Thank you so much for having me in.
I mean it's total craziness.
Tyranny like I have never seen before, even growing up behind the Iron Curtain.
I mean, the communists, the socialists, would at least admit that's what we want.
We are tyrants and we are taking it over.
But here, you have a hybrid.
You got lying, manipulating politicians that pretend that everything they're doing is under the scrutiny of the law.
However, it's total lawlessness.
Tell us what's happened to you, sir, and tell us just your overall view of the world and the persecution of the church.
Well, I have been warning people since 2005 that this is going to happen unless the people will rise up, stand up.
If the church is going to continue playing a game of self-centeredness and, you know, lukewarmness, then that's what's going to happen.
God is going to start shaking the whole earth, and that's exactly what we're seeing right now.
And my answer to the problem is always the same, has always been the same, and it's going to be the same tomorrow.
Rise up, stand up, take it to the streets, surround the houses of those politicians, demand your rights back.
They are never, ever going to give it back.
To you, your freedoms.
You have to demand those freedoms.
You have to take it from their throat.
They will never, ever going to give them back to you unless you rise up and stand up.
Petitions do not work, phone calls do not work anymore.
The only thing that will work is putting pressure on those corrupted, evil, wannabe tyrants.
We have to bring Nuremberg trial number two.
We have to get them accountable, charge them for treason, for murdering people, because that's exactly what they're doing right now.
They are bloody murderers and they will not stop.
Evil never stops.
Bully will keep bullying until you and me will say no more.
That's right.
This is the UN-directed world depopulation.
Now it's even in the Pentagon's own report.
So tell people, and Robert Barnes is a lawyer here, he goes to show the prominent lawyer in Canada why they're persecuting you, how they've closed other churches, put fences up around them, people tried to dare go in but everything else is open.
I mean this is just unbelievable criminal activity.
Yes, it is.
And the hypocrisy, the level of hypocrisy is unbelievable.
I was charged with my brother David for inciting people to come to church, officiating a church service, participating in illegal gathering.
And we have been found guilty on two accounts, facing potentially four years prison for that crime.
At the same time, Jason Kenney, the Premier of Alberta, with the Minister of Finance, Keeves, with the Minister of Environment, Nixon, and the Minister of Health, that sent those wannabe Gestapo, KGB agents to hunt us down.
They broke the same rules, the same court injunction, and do you think they get tickets?
Do you think they're in front of the courts?
No, it's one law for me and one law for thee.
Those people are showing left and right that they have total disregard to the law and order of the land.
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, out the door.
Constitution, out the door.
They are the tyrants, wannabe pharaohs, and the rest are the slaves.
So Pastor, hypothetically, potentially, next week you can start serving a four-year prison sentence in the northern gulag that's north of the United States right now for keeping your church open and serving and feeding meals
To your community while everything else, topless bars, you know, grocery stores, Walmart, they could be open and you're faced with four years in jail for contempt by having church.
I mean, this is like communist China.
I mean, my God, they send the Uyghurs for having, you know, their mosque church for five years to a labor camp.
Robert Barnes, this is incredible.
Oh yeah, no doubt about that.
I mean, I guess today the Premier in Alberta said that the unvaccinated won't be allowed to even have Thanksgiving.
So, can you, I mean, in terms of, what have you been able to do in terms of legal defense?
Because one concern in Canada has been... And listen, unvaccinated cannot have people in their homes.
And they're going to put you in jail too.
That's exactly right.
I mean, these people are flaming criminals.
Arthur, go ahead and tell us what's happening there.
Well, there's more to the story.
The Prime Minister, this wannabe tyrant, I mean now full-blown tyrant, he just announced that you will not be able to use bus, car, rail, you will not be able to fly outside of the country if you don't have the vaccination.
So a total lockdown just like in North Korea.
I mean there is no difference.
Between North Korea right now and Canada.
They can do whatever they want.
There is lawlessness.
There is no rule of law anymore.
The judges are corrupted.
The court systems are corrupted.
I know who officiated the court proceedings.
For me, it was a personal friend to the judge that issued the court order.
We never stood a chance with my brother David.
We were
charged and sentenced before even the trial started.
We never had a chance.
We have four lawyers, a constitutional lawyer, criminal lawyers, and they are just shaking their heads.
Well, they just got rid of my jury trial here in the U.S.
They've arrested Owen.
He's facing two years in jail for peacefully, Owen Schroyer, for peacefully being at the Capitol.
I mean, this is the system.
They built the gulags.
They're coming for us.
So what can we do, Pastor, for you and your great church?
I mean, I guess when you're in jail, if that happens, which I guess is probably going to happen, I guess the next preacher does it, they'll arrest him too.
My God, Canada just cries out to be saved.
I mean, like it's Nazi Germany.
Do we have to have a D-Day invasion?
I guess we have to.
I mean, if Americans will not come to our rescue, you still are the power horse of the freedom, the liberties around the world.
If America will fall, the rest of the free democratic world will follow.
I mean, we don't stand a chance unless Americans become
To the rescue.
And you're right.
We need another D-Day.
There is no other way.
Those people are not stopping.
Every month, there is another thing that they're implementing and pushing.
So what people can do?
Well, you can come to our website, www.streetchange.ca, and you can help us.
If I'm going to prison, at least for my family to
Oh, we need demonstrations against what's happening in Canada and Australia.
I mean, because the Democrats admit this is coming here.
This is UN directed.
So folks, this is like having our arm being chewed off.
They're coming for our heart.
I mean, people in Texas and South Dakota and Florida, you better not feel safe.
This is a global plan.
No doubt.
I mean, if you look at the attack on religious accommodations for vaccine objections in the United States, it's part of the same parcel of what the pastor is talking about.
It's this constant, continuous attack on people who hold beliefs they don't want to have held.
And part of it is they use the lockdown as a pretext to attack the church and to attack religion and to attack people who have religious beliefs that are different than the establishment.
And his example is just one of the more extreme examples, but it's where the whole world is going unless people stand up and fight back.
And on top of it, it's experimental and it's killing a bunch of people, confirmed, and Fauci cooked it up in a lab and then released it on purpose, and there's video of it.
I mean, this is war.
They know they can't assault us straight up, so they're doing it with soft kill weapons.
Arthur, I didn't know you were facing jail in just a few days.
Let that sink in.
Please join us again tomorrow when we've got more time.
I want to get you on the other shows, and people should go and support your church.
And they should pray for your church, and they should donate to your church, streetchurch.ca, YouTube, arthurpelowski.tv, or pelowski, P-A-W-L-O-W-S-K-I.
God bless you, sir.
Give your mission to Africa, Europe, the Caribbean.
Also passes a church inside a building called the Cave of Adulam.
Thank you, and again, come on tomorrow with us.
Before, I guess, you're sent into the dungeon.
But Paul wrote, you know, the New Testament in a dungeon, so that's the way it is.
But my God, he's in the dungeon this week.
We're in the dungeon next month.
God bless you, Pastor.
We'll talk to you soon.
We'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?
Thank you.
God bless you.
God bless you.
I want to get him on, like, 30 minutes of the show tomorrow, right at the start.
All right.
This is a big deal.
We're going to come back and jam in these calls for Robert Barnes and myself in the final segment straight ahead.
And the war room starts.
He'll be on the first hour there.
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I thank you for your support because it keeps us on the air.
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Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
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I want to explain something that is absolutely key to understanding our world.
It's very, very simple, but the most people don't know.
The privately owned central banks of the world
They're artificially creating thousands of trillions of dollars in other major currencies and using them to buy up infrastructure, intellectual property, energy.
They're using it to buy people, to buy influence.
And in the past, they created thousands of trillions so that they could leverage that, manipulate markets, but they never allowed that money
...to get into the general circulation or it would cause massive inflation.
Now they've gone ahead and weaponized it and are flooding every sector of the world economy, buying up everything, not to have the companies operate, but to actually shut them down and force a collapse of civilization, making the companies they do fund be the only things left standing.
This is the Great Reset.
This is what's happening now.
Warn everyone.
It's the only way to stop it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
They knew what they were doing.
This was a takeover.
Imagine if I told you two years ago.
They'll be locking preachers up in jail for four-year sentences in Canada because Walmart was open, the grocery stores were open, and the auto parts stores were open, but their churches still aren't allowed to be open.
Because they're nice people in Canada and the system is making a move on them.
Same thing in Australia.
They're not pulling that in areas of the Midwest and Texas because they know it wouldn't work.
But the Democrat cities?
Just as bad.
I'll take a few final calls here.
You're about to take a 15-minute break.
You'll be on 15 minutes into the war with a lot of news you've got to cover.
But Barnes, I know you're here in Texas working on some big cases.
You can't say what it is, but it's going to be big.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, what's happening is extraordinary, and what Project Veritas is doing is very important.
And people are starting to put the dots together.
You see what Project Veritas has been able to show in Uncover Reporting.
You look at all these high-level resignations.
Well, you know, why is it we have two of the top FDA people, one of the top NIH people, all retired now, resigned from office now?
You look at interesting TV shows that are happening right now.
The show Goliath.
Had a great breakdown of what the big pharma industry is really like in the beginning of their x-ray episode.
So you're seeing cultural recognition, political recognition, that something very unusual is taking place.
Yeah, I mean, they skipped the trials because they'd already studied other vaccines.
They knew what would happen.
They covered up what happened.
I think we're going to find more and more evidence that everything that's gone into this process was not a scientific method.
And we're starting to see more and more reports of problems related to the vaccine, seeing more and more people pushed back, and that's why we're getting this oppressive reaction from the state and the institutions.
Why were they so reckless to execute this?
Because we knew their plan day one.
We already read it in Operation Lockstep.
Why would they?
I guess because they're scared of populism and this was a desperate elite move.
I mean, think about all the shenanigans they had to pull to pull off Biden getting in the White House.
And they still barely got it.
I mean, they had to have massive censorship of unprecedented degree.
They had to have massive propaganda of unprecedented degree in America.
They had to have an extraordinary degree of election irregularities or anomalies, whatever you want to call them.
They had to accumulate all that, and yet they still could barely win within the margin of fraud.
And now they're running...
Propaganda corporate news wide bulletins that Bill Gates loves you and doesn't want to depopulate you, that's because their whole agenda is coming out.
And people know they're liars, so now people that never even thought that now know it's true.
Because whatever the system says, it's the opposite.
Well, just look at the data you're talking about from Vermont.
The most vaccinated state in the United States is having an explosion of COVID.
How is that possible?
If the vaccination was supposed to reduce the presence of COVID, was supposed to prevent infection and transmission, was supposed to be the solution, and yet the most vaccinated state in the Union is having one of the biggest problems with COVID right now.
And you're on fire right now.
And in about 20 minutes, you'll be on with Owen Schroeder.
You're on the show within 15 minutes.
I want to jam in some calls, I promise to, but you guys are awesome.
Thanks for holding.
Just tell us your story.
We'll move to the next person so everybody gets in.
Nathan wants to talk about what happened to his mom with COVID and what happened with Budestadine.
Hello, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
Just quick plug, X2, everything's great.
Mineral Fusion, Fizzy Magnesium.
I love it all.
Buy everything.
Keep buying products.
Keep InfoWars on air.
Thank you.
Last Friday, my mother had got sick.
She's very stubborn.
Tuesday, she started feeling really bad.
Didn't let me know.
I said, Mom, do you think you got COVID?
She said, I don't know.
She went and got one of those quick tests from the pharmacy.
It came back positive.
She called her doctor and her doctor said,
She asked me, I said, well, ask them if they do any early treatments, what they do.
And they do monoclonal antibodies, they do the Regeneron in Michigan, but they said, you have to have it within 10 days.
This is four days into it.
They waited two days to give her a PCR test, so she couldn't get it.
So my wife got on the internet, searched and searched and searched, and actually I talked with Rob Dew, he sent me Synergy.
It was a little bit high.
We did a little more searching.
I ended up sending the site we went.
We went through Budesonide Works.
They linked us.
We wound up getting a prescription for Ivermectin, Budesonide, and they sent us an antibiotic for the COVID pneumonia afterward.
And my mother asked the doctor, said, well, you guys aren't going to do the Regeneron.
Am I supposed to just die now?
And they said, we're really sorry, ma'am.
I have had a hard time not calling that doctor.
Yeah, that's because they're rationing and they have plenty of Regeneron.
And so what happened to your mom once she got the medicine?
That very next day she was feeling really bad on last Friday night and foggy head.
As soon as she took the first pill of Ivermectin the next day she said the fog was gone.
She's still, she's still really weak right now.
She's doing one treatment, a few deaths tonight in the morning.
Today's her last day of ivermectin.
She's not running a fever.
Her oxygen's staying above 92 right now.
So, so far, so good.
Hopefully we caught it early.
I was told by Bartlett, you want to do at least four of the inhaled steroid treatments a day.
And the reason they used to be really cheap and it's gone up is they're trying to kill the supply.
And so for suppliers to get it, it's gone up.
But God bless you, because it said your mom's a lot better.
Is that accurate?
Yes, and it was $300 for an inhaler, a few deaths a night.
That's how much it cost.
Wow, you're getting... I paid $20 when I was sick a few months ago.
These people gouging folks during a crisis are going to be in trouble.
God bless you, sir.
That doesn't mean the reseller's gouging you, but up the chain is doing it.
One of our guys...
He's up in North Carolina, works for us, really great page for a former special operations guy.
And he tried to get an inhaler for him and his family that had it, and it took them about five days.
And then finally they said, you can rent it for, I think it was like $500 a week or something.
Just a little inhaler that normally costs 50 bucks.
Yeah, I mean, it's amazing.
I mean, what's extraordinary is that what used to be, it shows a culmination.
All the attacks on alternative health were leading up to this place.
Because they wanted to be able to have a state monopoly on what medicine you could get.
And censor everybody.
So they could control your body.
They get to decide what goes in your body and what doesn't.
Even though the whole Nuremberg Code of 1947 was supposed to stop this from ever happening again, we're seeing it happen again.
And people say, why is it so over the top?
Because they're making a criminal run at us.
They think we're weak.
They think even if they get stopped, at least they get a bunch of slaves that are scared under their control.
They kill a bunch of people.
They make trillions of dollars.
And then they never get in trouble.
That's why they did this.
I mean, this had been a project, really, centuries in the building of it.
And they were scared they were never going to get an opportunity again to implement it.
So they lost it.
In fact, this was their endgame to take us all down.
Now it's just to stay in power.
And it was necessary, in their view, because of the rise of populism around the world.
I want you to cover that theme when you're on with Owen.
I'm going to be watching that.
It's so powerful.
You're going to be on with me tomorrow night, 7 to 10.
We're going to air the two-hour film, but Barnes will be with me, the director, the producer of the new film, COVID Land.
We're going to air it for free at Band.Video and FreeWorldNews.TV at 7 p.m.
Share it.
Be part of the giant chain reaction so millions see it, and all of you help finance it again in the next version.
We're going to put out 2, 3, 4, and 5 by buying the DVD to make copies.
They have a hard copy they can't censor.
You can download a copy from Banned.Video tomorrow as well, so we thank the filmmakers.
And of course, we thank InfoWars and the viewers for supporting us so we can help make this film.
We are producers as well.
And so that'll be out free tomorrow.
Get your copy of COVIDland at covidland.com for $19.95.
Get a free copy of the in-game blooper for Global Enslavement with it.
And we're going to end that deal very, very soon.
Let's go to Enrico in Canada.
And I'm sorry to Marie, Maureen, Mike, and Jonathan.
Get their numbers and we'll call them tomorrow first to show.
But Enrico, you're our tail gunner.
Go ahead.
I just have a quick question.
Do you think that the resignation of the Premier of New South Wales, do you think that's going to cause a real domino effect around the world?
Do you think we're entering an actual phase of investigations?
Well I know that she stepped down and she was paid off by Pfizer and others and that's now coming out that all these Fauci people and the heads of agencies are resigning because they were involved in creating the bioweapon.
Robert Barnes?
I think there's people in power who know certain information is going to be coming out over the next month or two.
Who are trying to make sure they're not in the firing squad on the wrong side of that firing squad when that information comes out.
So I think it tells you that people in high-ranking positions of power know things about what's happening that they know is going to ultimately likely to be disclosed that they know will embarrass and undermine and crush this Fauci-Gates agenda.
Yeah, and here's the danger.
They can set off a nuke, they can kill the president because they want to get rid of him and blame us.
The puppet president we wish no harm upon.
So when I say D-Day, I mean cultural D-Day.
Velvet Revolution, not physical, because that would help them.
If they keep pushing and put people on camps and are killing us in ditches, we're going to physically fight.
But right now we've got a good chance of beating it peacefully.
Barnes, how are you worried they might try to grab victory from the jaws of defeat?
I think you have to expect any kind of staged event.
I mean, you look at January 6th.
It was building and culminating into a meaningful audit review of what happened in the election.
The constitutional process of elector challenges taking place within the halls of Congress.
And they were able to sabotage that by the events of January 6th, which now have been proven to overwhelmingly be involving FBI informants and FBI agents.
And Roe v. Wade never happened.
The girl wasn't aborted.
That was all fake.
That's why we question things.
All right, Enrico, you have 30 seconds.
Finish up, brother.
No, that's about it.
Thanks, sir.
Do you think that we can place hope on this becoming like a domino effect?
If you pray and if you spread the word, nothing can stop us.
You are the power.
It's up to you, brother.
Thank you.
And you're doing it.
You sat on hold.
You came on.
You said that.
It changes the world.
All right.
I'll call the Russell's College back tomorrow.
You're going to be taking a quick break for a little bit of lunch.
I'm going with Owen Schroer, who starts now at Infowars.com forward slash show and band dot video and on stations across the country.
That show's getting really popular.
Owen Schroer is awesome.
Owen the Cuck Destroyer is coming up with Robert Barnes and more at 3 p.m.
And then tomorrow, American Journal, 8 a.m.
to 11 p.m.
before me with Harrison Smith.
Barnes will be on there as well.
Great job to this crew.
All right.
God bless you all.
Copenland tomorrow, 7 p.m.