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Filename: 20210927_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 27, 2021
3188 lines.

In a recent episode of Alex Jones' show, various news topics are discussed including Pfizer's CEO declaring that life will never return to normal unless people take forced vaccinations and Australia's chief health officer stating that the country will never go back to normal. The Australian election audit proved that Trump won by more than five times what he needed but reports from Cyber Ninjas were edited with damaging statements removed. Alex Jones questions why there is no investigation into election fraud when there is evidence of it. A commission investigating horse racing claims that a recent race was clearly fraudulent as the horse had been given steroids and amphetamines prior to the race, which goes against the rules. The media keeps spinning information to deceive people. In Maricopa County, thousands of ballots were found that were not issued by the state, meaning they are counterfeit. The author discusses multiple articles that share the same message of discouraging critical thinking and promoting blind obedience to authority figures. They mention an article from the New York Times advising readers not to engage in critical thinking, CNN suggesting that questioning vaccine information is misinformation, Forbes stating not to do your own research when it comes to science, and more. The author also discusses their views on these articles as well as other news topics such as border control, trans rights clashes in Britain, fake hate crimes, COVID-19 data from Israel and the CDC, and vaccination mandates. They argue that these sources do not want people to use critical thinking or question their information, instead relying on emotions and fear tactics to manipulate public opinion. The text discusses multiple articles that share the importance of immune system health and introduces a product called Immune 10X, which claims to have studies demonstrating efficacy in immune support. It then shifts focus to criticism of Facebook and its Instagram Kids project, stating that it preys on children, manipulates their behavior, and provides predators with access to them. The text also discusses the negative impacts of social media on society and individuals, highlighting former Facebook executive's statement about social media ripping society apart. In this episode, Alex Jones discusses how the left is being manipulated and controlled by predatory systems set up to stun and control them. He talks about the dangers of allowing children to watch Blue's Clues instead of spending time with their families or being taken care of by responsible daycare centers that don't expose them to TV. Jones also highlights the issue of leftists bullying nationalists, patriots, Christians, and families on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. He emphasizes the need for forgiveness and understanding towards these individuals, as they are victims of gaslighting and have succumbed to conformity. Jones touches upon the simulation-like virtual world we live in and how it is a reflection of real- world problems caused by psychopaths and sociopaths who engage in corrupt behaviors like launching wars or releasing bioweapons. He warns about the dangers of conformity and the need for independent thought, urging listeners to question their beliefs and actions. The topic of DHS and Biden's response to the border situation is discussed, with Jones pointing out the negative perception being created by

Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
They say that John, the revelator on the Isle of Patmos, when he was given the revelation, marveled at the beast and the beast system.
Well, you're living it, ladies and gentlemen, so you can certainly, certainly marvel now.
I'm going to cover all this news and information today.
If the Hairlips, the Admiral, as they used to say, more of the
Water doesn't rise over Bear Creek.
I guess that's an old Western saying.
But let me just tell you what we got here in the hopper for you.
Our leader, our king, our master, since Bill Gates receded in the last six months, is the CEO of Pfizer.
And Trump has come out and said basically the CEO of Pfizer has more power than the U.S.
President and runs the world today, which is true.
He's now the head guy.
What he says goes and Fauci's like his little demonic ventriloquist doll.
And he said a few weeks ago, oh, we don't care what the FDA scientists say or the CDC scientists say that shouldn't have boosters and the vaccines aren't working and shouldn't give it to under 16.
He just said, we're going to go ahead with it.
And sure as hell, they went ahead with it because he's our ruler.
He's our boss.
Going back six, seven years ago, Klaus Schwab at Davos, it was in the front page of Bloomberg, said, hey, in the future, very near future, in the next 10 years, we will have CEOs running the planet and corporate leaders and national leaders will be vestigial and ceremonial if they're even still existing.
That's basically a paraphrase.
That's what he said.
Hell, you can go to his Wikipedia page, he says it.
He says, we're going to take over all your governments and have captured your governments.
So that's where we are, and then they just have this peanut gallery of leftists empowered on social media just gaslight everybody and say it's not happening, but it is happening.
So Pfizer CEO says the lockdown will never end, normal life won't come back for those that refuse to take the shots, and he goes on to say you will not be able to live without the vaccines.
I don't think this means we should be able to live our lives without having vaccinations basically.
What an announcement!
Corporate dictator of the world, CEO of Pfizer,
Thank you very much.
They can't make you live forever, but they can make you live 30, 40, 50 years longer if they start you by 40 or 50 years old, the science shows.
You know they're more advanced than what they're even telling us, so that's just what we currently know.
If you can then have an extended 20, 30 years, well you can certainly then extend it to 500 years, 1,000 years.
You won't really be a human anymore, but they think that's a form of life when it's really a form of fancy high-tech taxidermy.
In my view.
So we're going to lay it all out today and I can tell you that I am particularly aligned today with the big spirit, as they say, the great spirit.
And so I'm going to really try to just cover as much information as I can today.
Also, the National Health Minister of Australia went further than the Pfizer
I don't know.
And then we've got a lot of election Arizona news, it's huge.
And then an amazing consortium of articles gaslighting people saying, don't believe the truth, believe lies.
I'm not kidding.
They're now saying embracing the lie is good.
We'll cover that when we come back in T-minus 60 seconds on this live September 27th Monday transmission.
I have the greatest sense of loss, deep in my heart, deep in my soul, I've ever had in my 47 years on this planet.
I've had a lot of loss.
Everybody else has.
And it's because it's a loss of ancestral freedom that so many people fought and died and bled and sweat for.
And now we're just throwing it all away.
And I see the general public in a medically-induced, scientifically-induced, behavioral, psychologically-controlled...
We're good to go.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns.
Where are you?
Just when I'd stopped opening doors.
Finally knowing the one that I wanted was yours.
Making my entrance again with my usual flair.
Sure of my lines.
There's today's live show headline, Nightmare Announcement.
Pfizer CEO says COVID emergency will never end.
Pharma giant issued statement saying you will not be able to live without the vaccines.
Australia's health minister went even further saying the lockdowns will never end.
As an alliance between the world's megacorporations and government bureaucrats officially announces a medical planetary dictatorship.
Thank you for joining us on this live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Here in defiance of the enemy's attacks, here because of your support and patronage.
And so let me just tell you what's coming up today.
I'm going to go over all the stacks I currently have.
More is coming in as we speak.
And we have some guests as well.
Let me just go ahead and tell you.
Pfizer CEO says normal life won't return ever and that you must take forced inoculations and quote, must have the injections to live.
What an incredible statement.
We can do the whole show on that.
Here's another one.
Australia's chief health officer completely dashes any hopes the country will return to normal ever.
And let me give you the exact quote.
We're never going back to normal.
I'm going to play that video for you and Paul Joseph Watson's report on it in just a moment.
So we've got that.
And that's a whole giant stack.
And I've got a bunch of actual government reports and research surveys from around the world.
Showing that the most sick people are those that have taken the vaccines.
In fact, the highest death rate are of the, quote, vaccinated, of, quote, COVID-like illnesses, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, you name it.
So we've got all of that coming up.
Then we've got the Arizona audit that was very scientific and proved that Trump won by more than five times what he needed to carry Maricopa County there, where Phoenix is based.
That was only an audit of that county.
And that it clearly showed it.
And now we're learning it's far worse than what we were shown.
Arizona audit final report was watered down.
Reports from Cyber Ninjas were edited.
Most damning statements removed.
What else was removed?
We're going to be looking at all of that today.
And how there's big recounts in other parts of the country like Texas now beginning.
It's a very important process of exposing the fraud.
CNN calls it the end of the country.
Incredible danger.
They were the ones that promised
Not to accept the election until Biden won.
They were the ones that said there's going to be a red mirage where it looks like Trump has won.
And then, quote, he'll be gone one way or another, even if the military asks to remove him, quote, from Nancy Pelosi.
And he said, Chuckie Schumer and others said that, again, one way or another, that Trump would be removed.
Why are we not allowed to question, especially when there's so much evidence of incredible fraud?
And now it's been proven.
The Arizona audit completely delivered, and that's why we witnessed on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, ahead of them releasing their audit information, you saw the headline, Biden won election.
Audit of Arizona found.
That was put on every channel and every news item out there.
And then when they released it on Friday, turns out the Democrats had spies inside.
They'd seen the headline put out by the audit and it was Biden won the election by 50 plus thousand fraudulent votes.
And if you remove those, he lost by 40,000 plus votes.
That's how you state an investigation, is if the FBI got somebody indicted, they'd say he had $10 million in his account, and we have evidence that $2 million of it was stolen.
You don't say he's got $8 million in his account and $2 million stolen.
You say there's $10 million, and we're saying $2 million stolen.
It's the same thing.
They said, well, okay, Biden won the election by cheating.
You know, when a boxer wins, and later you find out they tested positive for steroids right after,
You think?
The commission that's over horse racing says it was clearly a fraud.
So the scientists test the blood and they say, okay, this is a week after the race.
This shows us that a week before the race, the horse was given steroids and amphetamines and things and given more the day of the race after we tested them.
And so our findings are they cheated.
They won the race by cheating.
It's exactly what the Arizona audit did.
It's not their job to come out and overturn the election and say Biden doesn't get it now.
They came out and said he won the election with 50 plus thousand ballots that were fraudulent and that were duplicates and where people already voted and on and on and on.
And so the media spun that semantical point to deceive everyone.
And they do it over and over and over again.
So I'll get into that coming up.
And so this whole thing marches on.
That's good to expose the midterm elections coming up.
You know, why were they covering up the windows so people couldn't see what they were doing?
Because they pulled out briefcases and suitcases, run to the tables with the same stacks of ballots in Georgia and Atlanta and ran it over and over and over and over again.
And first they said you can't be in here because of COVID.
And they said, well, you can't look through the windows because the water main broke.
But it wasn't true.
Now, did they want us focusing on the ballots and the fake ballots and on the millions of ballots around the country printed up?
They actually found in Maricopa County thousands and thousands of ballots that were not ever issued by the state, which means they were counterfeits.
No, they don't want you focusing on how it's all about the machines, the fraud.
It was done to the machines.
Yeah, fraudulent ballots fed into the machines.
They got everybody to focus on how the machines can be hacked.
And certainly some of that went on, but the way they stole it and made sure that their tracks were very hard to catch was physical ballast, because then you've got to do a physical recount of everything.
That's very hard, but it's being done, and now they are in full panic mode.
That's coming up.
CNN says Trump's new interviews and appearances show that the storm is brewing.
Our country will not survive this, says CNN.
Brian Stelter.
Our country won't survive this!
You mean it won't survive the globalists getting rid of the borders, bankrupting it, destroying our military, forcibly injecting people with poison shots, the hospitals collapsing, not from COVID cases, but from smart people resigning and leaving?
600 Navy SEALS are about to be thrown out of the Navy!
Because they won't take the shots!
Yeah, I thought they were smart and elite and know what they're doing.
And they are.
And they're saying they don't want it.
Why is that, Brian?
Because they know others that took the shots and had heart attacks and serious problems.
The better shape you're in, the worse these injections are.
So that's all coming up.
We've got such a giant broadcast for you today, but the first thing I'm gonna hit when we come back is going down the rabbit hole.
I already walked in here this morning before I looked at all the giant stacks that my producers had printed for me and the big stacks that I'd sent to them to print for me.
I noticed a stack I hadn't asked for.
It was funny because I just asked the producer, get me a bunch of articles
Where there's suddenly all of the news saying, don't question, believe lies, be emotional, noble lies are good.
And Scott goes, oh I already thought of that, it's a major trend in the news, here it is.
And he gave me a stack of the news, the so-called news, the enemy of the people, the enemy of truth, the enemy of freedom, saying it's time to lie, it's time to cheat, it's time to be emotional.
It's not time to look at facts, don't read the fine print.
I mean, would you buy a used car from somebody that said don't read the fine print?
Much less take a shot from somebody that wants you to do that?
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What was the most important point in Joe Biden's declaration of war against America on Thursday, September 9, 2021?
Was it the announcement of forced inoculations of 80 to 100 million Americans?
Was it the announcement of federalization of all the major cities, the bypassing of state governors, the threat to basically remove them?
No, it wasn't.
That was all bad enough.
It's the fact that he's following a UN globalist Great Reset blueprint that Australia, the UK, Europe, and the rest of the Western world is, and that this is just the beginning.
More lockdowns.
National medical IDs approved by the United Nations.
Carbon taxes that don't just track and trace who attacks you, but actually tell you when you can go somewhere and what you can do.
It's all been announced at the UN level.
This is a UN, world government takeover, corporate revolution through global governments.
It's illegal and Congress must stand up and stop it now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Tyranny always makes its move, because it sees a weaknessly population.
But it always takes our kindness for weakness.
And in the end, it falls.
The question is, how bad is this going to get before we wake up and say no?
So let's hit this first before I plow into all of this just earth-shaking information.
And let's just look at this group of articles that is a small sampling that has just come out in the last few days.
Here's a headline.
Don't go down the rabbit hole.
New York Times says do not engage in critical thinking.
This is just one of dozens of articles they put out the same type of message.
Here's CNN last week.
These four words are helping spread vaccine misinformation.
Do your own research.
They're saying let us think for you.
Wear a mask over your face.
You're non-essential.
Stay six feet apart from each other.
Take these experimental shots.
Oh, they totally protect you, but they don't.
You'll be safe when you're shot, but people that don't take the shot are gonna make you sick.
This is all cult programming.
Here's another one.
It's time to give up on facts, says Slate.
Jess Zimmerman.
Or at least to temporarily lay them down in favor of a more useful weapon, emotions.
Defeat the right-wingers.
Make them all take the shots.
That was years ago they were saying that, you see?
That's how you defeat Trump, is you lay aside facts and you start lying.
There were so many articles back in 2017, we'll defeat Trump by lying.
So there's an older article, I'll give you an example.
You must not do your own research when it comes to science, Forbes.
And it goes on to say, don't look at fluoride research.
It's good for you.
Calcium fluoride is part of what you need.
Is hydrofluorosilicic?
Oh, really?
Is hydrofluorosilicic?
Because it's an acid-based fluoride that's deadly poison and is an adjuvant to accelerate the effect of toxins in the body and is not linked.
Is it good?
It directly causes infertility and cancer.
Oh, here's another article.
This is one Al Cross.
This is out of the Northern Kentucky Tribune.
Questioning authority has become too much of a good thing and it's killing people.
This is a new article out this weekend.
Al Cross is a professor of the University of Kentucky School of Journalism and Media Director of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues.
And he's coming in to tell us we need to take our shots.
And we need to do what they say.
And that we need to not question anything.
Don't question the media.
Don't question elections.
I mean, this is sick.
Don't question anything.
Because what they're feeding us is a lie.
You know why?
Mayorkas, the border is secure.
Also, 12,000 Haitian illegal immigrants were just released in the U.S.
Now they're building a permanent center at that bridge.
Says, you get here, you're legal.
So that means they released 60% of those, and it's probably a higher number.
Remember two weeks ago I said, folks, when they say they're shipping them back to Haiti, that's not true.
And the same guy has been on the news saying that the Border Patrol was whipping people with bull whips, and he said on CNN, I'll play it in a moment,
Over the weekend, he said, well, even if they didn't whip anybody, it was just the reins of them whipping the horse, which they're investigating as well.
You're not supposed to whip a horse, unless what you do with the reins, because they've got really thick hides.
That's what spurs are for.
That's a big animal you're controlling.
He said, even if they didn't, it's what people saw, so we've got to decry what people thought.
See, that's mind control.
Reality doesn't matter.
Our lives matter.
And CNN's already run this lie for a week, so now their own Jake Tapper backtracks and says, oh, this is preposterous.
The Border Patrol did nothing.
So, you know, they run with the big story, then act like they didn't push it.
It's not really a retraction.
It's a double think.
That's why they don't want you going down the rabbit hole or asking questions or looking at facts.
Here's another one.
Trans rights clash in Britain.
Conservatives and Labour can't decide who has a cervix.
They've had a bunch of cases now by trans activists where they demand that mammograms be done by female nurses of their penises.
And when the women nurses particularly say, I'm not going to do a mammogram, you don't have a vagina or a cervix, they are fired.
See, that's mind control.
That's don't go down the rabbit hole.
There's another one, I told you that was fake last week on The View, where they go, oh my god, we just tested positive, grab them, get them out of here.
That's to show you hysteria and fear, like China dragging people off, and it turns out it's all fake.
They were right back the next day, it was all fake.
Ana Navarro busted, testing negative right after supposedly testing positive live on TV for the Kamala interview.
It's all just teaching you to be tested, living in a technocracy.
Here's another one, remember I questioned Jesse Smollett with a noose around his neck, bleach poured on him.
With 20 below zero in Chicago at three o'clock in the morning.
And it was all fake.
And 95% or more of hate crimes are fake.
And here it is.
Another hate hoax.
Black Emory University employee arrested for vandalizing autism center with racist anti-Semitic graffiti.
So he could be the hero and expose the Nazis that are everywhere.
And it happens everywhere, all the time, thousands of cases.
Here's what else they don't want you looking at with critical thinking.
This is right out of the UN zone numbers in Israel.
Israel highest inoculation rate, highest death rate, highest infection rate, highest hospitalization rate.
And then I've got this shocking numbers.
This is directly out of the CDC.
Death rates among fully vaccinated Americans who contracted COVID-19 is alarmingly high.
It's twice as high as those hospitalized who are not vaccinated.
Hospitalized are fatal COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases reported to CDC as of September 20th, 2021.
Here's the blow-up of the number.
If you go to the hospital after you've been inoculated, it's a 23.5% chance you're going to die.
That's twice as high as somebody going to the hospital who's not inoculated.
You can look it up.
But it gets worse.
They don't count people that die within 14 days of the inoculation.
So many estimates are it cuts about half of that out, so the number is much, much higher.
Oh, that's why they don't want you going down a rabbit hole, right?
Oh, let's keep going down rabbit holes here.
Here's the actual article, COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases investigated and reporting.
Remember, I just showed you from the CDC.
But again, don't go down that rabbit hole.
These articles say, you're not a scientist, you can't read them.
Oh, really?
I can't read it?
I mean, I guess I don't have a business degree, so I can't run my own operation.
Or I guess I don't have a degree in finger painting either, but I can go home and paint if I want.
Or there's a lot of... Bill Gates doesn't have a degree, but he runs his own companies.
I mean, this idea...
That you can't look at it.
They told us the vaccine was 95% effective.
Now it's 39.
Their own scientist said, don't give booster shots.
They don't do anything except make you sick.
And they overrode that.
They go, that's the science.
That's the science.
Is corporate CEOs now run your body and your life.
Not even government bureaucrats.
And then here's another example of going down the rabbit hole.
They've got this article circulating force-fed everywhere.
Biden's vaccine mandate for workers is supported by legal precedence, experts say.
Well, you don't read the legal precedence.
It's from 100 years ago and 115 years ago, Supreme Court rulings that they could forcibly inject and forcibly sterilize poor whites and black people.
And I just so happen to get the New York Times article about it from 1897 for you.
So we'll give you that information that's so important as well.
And I'll also play that Jake Tapper thing going, oh, it was all a lie about the Border Patrol.
Doesn't matter, the left still has their emotion.
Switch off brain, switch off facts, and use emotion as a weapon against your enemy, your fellow country folks that want to keep the country going, want to keep the pipelines going, want to not have our children taught by pedophiles.
Wait till I hit this other news too, some big news on the terrorism front.
Hey, everybody.
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General Lee, it's General Milley.
I just want you to know that Trump tried to overthrow the U.S.
government two days ago on January 6th, and I just want you to know I've taken control of the nuclear weapons, and if Trump tries to launch an attack on you, we'll let you know first the attack's coming.
That is from the transcript.
Then he called Pelosi, Schumer, and others to say, I'm loyal to you.
I'm going to protect Trump from using nuclear weapons.
When Trump was going for detente with China and North Korea at the time, and Trump's respondents saying it's a total lie.
Pelosi's come out and admitted it happened.
Hell, she bragged back on January 8th that it took place then, and is saying that she honors Milley and that he's this courageous person.
So are all these other Democrats.
So this is the permanent deep state coup that's been in control for a long time, now coming out of the shadows publicly.
Remember, these people literally hate you and your family.
Now they're injecting you with poison, soft kill injections.
Wake up America or be destroyed.
We're already halfway through September 2021.
It's just incredible.
And now the world is waking up that InfoWars was the tip of the spear and was dead on.
That's why it's more important than ever to keep us on air.
And I thank you all for your support, your prayers, and your word of mouth that is key.
I think so.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Du, du hast, du hast mich.
Du, du hast, du hast mich.
You got me now.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live worldwide transmission, September 27th, 2021 on this Monday.
Okay, let's just plunge right back into all of it here because there's so much to hit.
I'm going to cover every one of these stacks.
We've got some really bad news coming up at the end of this segment, but we knew it was coming, so that's the good news.
We know how to deal with it.
They're following an exact plan.
It should be easy to beat once people figure out how much trouble they're in.
But if people are delusional, they can kiss their asses goodbye, and their children goodbye as well.
But here's some good news.
Speaking of children, Facebook scraps Instagram kids.
As backlash intensifies, a system for them to prey on your children, make them depressed, manipulate you, isolate them with peer pressure, using behavioral psychology weapons, this is in their own admissions, and then give predators access to your children.
Now remember, Sean Parker, who worked at Facebook at the highest levels with Mark Zuckerberg, came out five years ago and he said,
Look, when I was there, it was weaponized, and we wanted to make people alone, we wanted to control them, and we wanted to have avatars that were fake friends that would then lead groups of people into the types of worldviews and things we wanted.
And he said, and that was when I was there, it's far more advanced now.
So, it's designed to mimic addiction to painkillers.
It's designed to manipulate dopamine in your brain
And then it basically, you only have so many decisions in your mind every day, in the conscious mind.
And so after so many little mindless decisions, you're burnt out.
You can't make good decisions anymore, but you're still there clicking and going places and doing things, and they're able to basically take control of your life.
It is a face-sucking system.
That's why now, even though I see beautiful stuff when I go for hikes, I leave the damn phone.
Or I turn it off, put it in a drawer, and then I have a much better day.
Except when I use it for work.
You have to know what it is.
It's a radioactive device, culturally, spiritually, and quite literally, it radiates microwave radiation.
So it is radioactive in the literal and in the system in that
It is culturally radioactive and destructive.
There it is, former Facebook executive, social media is ripping society apart.
And now if you want to be on Facebook and trying to create these communal dorms where nothing you have is private and with Apple, all of everything you do is on the iCloud.
They told Apple employees a few months ago, oh, everything you do on the iCloud, including your private phone calls, your private messages, your private photos, are going to be looked at by executives.
But Apple employees were like, well, you can do that to the general public, but not us.
We're part of the elite.
And of course, four years ago, China was given all access to all codes, to all iPhones and Apple products on the world.
And that was in Reuters.
And they said, of course, we give the Chinese government access to all of the code keys to all Apple devices worldwide.
They said, quote, that's what you do when you're in China.
So they'll do this stuff with the San Bernardino Christmas shooting, where they're like, oh, we won't give the FBI the code to get in the phone.
That's all kabuki theater.
Like when Apple has billboards everywhere saying, Apple equals privacy.
That's the billboard, Apple equals privacy.
You mean Apple equals delete privacy?
Apple equals clear privacy?
Get rid of privacy?
Because it certainly doesn't protect it.
So Facebook scraps Instagram Kids as backlash intensifies after being asked by a cadre of 40 state attorney generals to abandon the project on the grounds it would be bad for psychological development and also create a predator's paradise.
Facebook and Instagram announced Monday in a blog post that it was finally abandoning the ill-fated Instagram Kids service, which was supposed to create a parallel version of the service for children under the age of 13.
But they're already all on there and they're already being hurt by it.
And you've got to intervene with your children and take it away.
I know it starts when they're three years old and you're at the Mexican food restaurant or the steakhouse and you took the little one and you just let them watch Blue's Clues.
They'll leave you alone enough for you to eat dinner with your wife.
You should just get a babysitter and not let them put the child in front of that.
If you don't want the child there, take them over to mama's house or daddy's house or daycare and take them to a daycare that doesn't put them in front of a TV.
It destroys their minds.
It rewires them.
It lowers their IQ.
You might as well beat them with a baseball bat.
I don't mean that literally, but it's the same effect.
So that's where we are, and that is a big victory.
But these are purely predatory systems set up to stun and control the dumb American down.
So when you see leftists on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, bullying nationalists, bullying patriots, bullying Christians, bullying families, remember, these are the minions that have succumbed to the gaslighting and who fell to the zombie horde.
So don't hate them.
Forgive them and lovingly try to help them if you can, if not, move on.
And I'm speaking to myself when I say this, because they disgust me and I can't stand them as well.
But remember, they are, at the end of the day, victims.
They wanted to be victims and they are victims now.
Victims of the system they serve, and all the statistics show it.
Many, many more times we're more likely to be depressed or to commit suicide or to be mentally ill or to steal or to lie or to virtue signal.
They are the conformist.
They completely bought into it.
It doesn't mean that all of us don't have our own problems.
It's just that we are conscious of that fact and trying to be better.
Trying to live in that virtual world.
People 20 years ago used to make fun of those simulation video games where people would, you know, pay for a real Ferrari that wasn't real in cyberspace or pay for a mansion.
So they can be cool in the simulated world.
Well, now that's what this is.
And you say, well, why would they do that?
Because there's always going to be predators that know that we have weaknesses who want to get ahead.
And so they'll do corrupt, bad things.
They'll launch wars.
They'll release bioweapons.
They'll pose as your savior.
They'll propagandize.
They'll target your children.
They'll do anything because it's their nature.
They're psychopaths and sociopaths.
And then they breed a bunch of followers that are gremlin-like and try to emulate the psychopaths and sociopaths above them, but have low IQs.
So it creates the blue and green and purple hair phenomenon that we see everywhere now.
And I'm not shocked by their blue or purple hair.
My point is that they don't have any real independence in them or any original thought, so they adopt all of the festooned symbols of what they see as being independent, when actually it's the symbol of their slavery.
And I don't mean you should then drive a Tahoe and have short hair and wear, you know, navy blue sports jackets all day and play golf.
That's other people conforming to their own system.
If you love golf because you love it, great.
If you love blue hair because you love it, great.
But is it your identity?
There's something beyond blue hair, something beyond golf, something beyond just going to church.
Is your church speaking out against world government?
Is your church speaking out against partial birth abortion?
Is your church speaking out against
The Global ID?
And the answer is no, because it's not a church.
It's another conformist system of the world, which is run by the very worst people historically, because we let them run it.
And that is the human process that happens over and over and over again in that cycle.
All right, I didn't get to the border stuff yet.
I want to play this amazing
Interaction between the head of DHS and Tapper.
I'm going to explain what's really going on there in my view.
And then Biden saying, oh, quote, those people will pay that bullwhip the black people.
Of course, didn't happen.
Doesn't matter.
Because the head of DHS says it's a perception that's horrible and will be investigated.
That perception will be punished.
But yeah, we know they're innocent, but we can't say they're innocent.
We're just going to let this fade away.
This is mind control.
This is reception over reality.
By the way, you've only got a week and a half left or less.
You've got nine days left to get a free copy of Endgame, my seminal film.
So you have your archives, you can share it and spread it for free at covidland.com with your purchase of the new film that starts shipping October 6th.
We've all heard about the pastor and his famous statement from inside a concentration camp in World War II that when they came for one group, he wasn't part of that group, so he didn't stand up.
And then when they came for another group, he wasn't part of that group, so he didn't stand up.
And they can't apprehend those, nobody else can stand up.
Well, the global social credit score that China's putting in, it's banning people to three hours of video games a week.
And if you criticize the government, you can never buy or sell again.
Well, that's being brought here and all over the world under the guise of COVID vaccine passports.
They even admit it now.
They're saying it's going to be a carbon tax attached to it.
They're going to track where you go and what you do and decide where you can go and what you can do.
That's what the lockdowns are about.
You'll accept that, you'll accept anything.
So again, the left is having fun right now with all the censorship and tyranny, pretending like they're part of the power structure.
But they're all going to be targeted by this nightmare as well.
We need to get back to basic human rights and promote them, or all of us will be enslaved by this horrible technocracy run by the globalists.
So the placebo that they have used, that the FDA has allowed them to use, has often been another vaccine.
A vaccine with a known adverse reaction profile that's causing death and damage in its own right.
That it's the aluminum, as an adjuvant in the vaccine, a known neurotoxin, a known immunotoxin, a known poison in human beings, that is in the supposedly inert placebo.
Totally inappropriate.
This is not good science.
It is not science at all.
It is an effort to cover up the true adverse reaction rates to these vaccines so that they can get through the low barrier of constraints put there by the FDA and onto the market.
That is the only concern.
Dr. Wakefield is just one of many informed voices in the film, Covidland.
Secure your copy of Covidland today at covidland.com.
And if you order by October 6, you get a free copy of the film, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, absolutely free.
I'll tell you what's life and death.
If you don't have freedom of speech, if you don't have the right to be able to communicate, then you don't have a future.
Always when governments take away speech, they then enslave the population, and then they finally start exterminating the population.
In America, the entire world is going down the tubes because the UN Global's directed Great Reset.
That's why it's more important than ever that InfoWars stay on the air and that all of us stay healthy.
That's why I'm offering a bunch of our best-selling products at 50% off for a limited time only until the end of the month of September.
That's only about 12-13 days as of the time we're taping this.
And that means all these amazing products.
We have Ultra 12, highest quality B12, taken out of the tongue.
We have Winter Sun, highest quality organic vitamin D3, taken out of the tongue.
We've got Knock Out the Sleep Babe.
We've got Hair and Beard Formula that's got all the vitamins and minerals as well, not just for your hair and beard.
And we've got our great liquid turmeric formula.
All 50% off at infowarestore.com.
And it keeps us on the air.
Take action, and I thank you.
Gerald in South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Trying to move quicker.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24, verse 9.
That's right where we're at, brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
That's the URL that they're not blocking that takes you to Bandai Video to share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, everywhere.
That's where the free world is fighting back against globalist tyranny.
All right.
We've got a lot of news and a lot of information to cover in the next hour.
On seven different big subjects that I'll tell you about at that time, but believe me, you don't want to miss this information.
Here's just one of them, and we have...
The audio of this, put out by the New Yorker magazine, calling for blowing up gas pipelines around the U.S.
and putting a book out explaining how to blow things up and kill people.
This is on Infowars.com, literally platforming a terrorist.
The New Yorker takes heat for hosting climate activists arguing for blowing up pipelines.
Now folks, I've been subpoenaed by the FBI.
I've been investigated for eight months.
They've interviewed people and tried to get them to say that I commanded them to attack the Capitol.
They're trying to put me in jail right now for trying to stop the attack by their provocateurs of the Capitol.
If I got up on air and said, blow up pipelines and then put a book out on how to do it, I would be arrested and I should be arrested.
I mean, if you're teaching people how to blow up pipelines and telling them to do it, you'd be in a supermax prison.
And by the way, most of the FBI agrees with me.
They're not bad people.
They'll rank and file.
That's really true.
Some of the most awake people in my experience.
But it doesn't matter.
The Justice Department lawyers are all a bunch of criminal scum at the top now.
I mean, it's like 90% bad people.
And so, wait till I hit that.
Speaking of scum, Mayorkas, the border is secure.
Also, 12,000 Haitian illegal immigrants were just released into the U.S.
And that was this weekend.
Now, they're now saying it's, oh, 16,000 are in the U.S.
and more are coming because they know Biden's going to let them in, which we told you.
Oh, no, they're all getting sent back.
That's the gaslighting.
But what's the big story, Ben?
Not the kidnapped kids, not the rapes, not the deaths, not how the worldwide lockdown made Haiti and other countries collapse, so they're all flooding out now to come here.
Not how the very same U.N.
did that, that now organizes them.
No, none of that.
Nothing about replacement migration.
We have the so-called president, who everybody knows stole the election, Joe Biden, saying those people will pay.
Those people will pay.
Who are told, when you've got tens of thousands of people, now it's over 30,000 came across, multiple sides all around the border, they're just being let go now.
Now it's no longer a spectacle, nobody cares two weeks later.
The people that run from the Border Patrol are being stopped, because they have big satchels, and the Border Patrol's asking, why aren't they turning themselves in?
We just let them in.
We're going to chase them, and we're going to whip the horses so they go into the water.
Because horses don't like to chase men, chase people.
Horses are scared of a piece of trash blown along the ground.
Horses are scared of dogs.
These horses aren't wanting to run up on these people, so they're having to whip them with the reins.
Trying to make a horse go up a hill, you gotta kick him with your spurs and hit him with the reins.
That becomes Django the White Man is chasing down Django and all the rest of this crap while the Haitians are battling to get into the evil country set up by white people.
I mean, it's just crazy.
And America's had its problems, but compared to others, it's been the best.
So this is globalists conquering us.
This is what's going on.
And you've got this criminal, Biden, up there.
But listen to what the head of DHS says on Fox News Sunday.
He says, yeah, OK, I'm not going to say they're innocent, even though now
The people that took the photos are saying that and everyone admits it's not true because it's emotional and I have to decry what people thought and just worship this evil white person whipping a black person with a bullwhip.
You know, it's like Jussie Smollett or it's like Bubba Wallace.
Oh look, there's nooses on the garage because people tied a rope on it to pull it down.
This is who the left is.
They're gaslighting frauds.
Here's the clip.
I promise you those people will pay.
There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences.
There will be consequences.
I will not prejudge the facts.
I do not in any way want to impair the integrity of the investigative process.
But, Mr. Secretary, you also said that the images, quote, horrified us.
How can DHS claim to have an independent investigation into these Border Patrol agents when the President says, quote, those people will pay, and you say the images horrified us?
Jake, I think it's quite clear that what the images suggest
Some of the initial descriptions
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
But that's the thing.
Some of the initial descriptions of those images were just patently false.
There's now video out there that provides more context.
Having seen the video, are you certain that there was actually wrongdoing?
I am going to let those investigators make that determination, and then that determination will drive the outcome of the investigation.
Can the Border Patrol count on you and President Biden, who has said the people will pay, to come to a determination based on the facts and not based on Twitter outrage?
They sure can, and let me say something about that, Jake, because I worked very closely with him.
I don't want to hear any more of this.
Shut it down.
And of course, he came out days before and said, it's horrible, we're going to punish the people.
And Biden said, oh, they will pay.
They're guilty.
We're going to have an investigation, and the investigation is going to find them guilty.
That's what Biden basically said, because there's nothing worse in the world than a white person in a fight with a black person.
I mean, white people are bad, black people are good, and the government and the megacorporations that run slave camps in China, they're gonna save brown people in America from the dreaded white people.
Because you know, when you're, you know, at the shopping mall and you see white people, you know they're the bad ones.
Or you're at church, you see them, you know they're the bad ones.
Folks, this is all very simple.
This is divide and conquer.
And this is the Globalist saying, all of you are suspecting how to wear a mask over your face because you're dirty and have viruses.
All humans are bad.
And the emergency's never going to end.
You've got to take shots every few months or everybody's going to die.
You can't live without these shots.
Those are statements I'm going to read next hour by the head of Australian Health System and the head of Pfizer.
And now Fauci's saying, gotta have the shots all the time to be safe.
All of it's a lie.
There is no natural immunity.
All of that's a lie.
We're overriding all the scientists, that's the science.
They're lying to you and we all know that, but we, the listeners of this show, the guests of this show, the crew of this show, this family, has to come together as we've done already and others have come together to see the defied and conquer strategy of the globalists that are taking us over, taking our freedoms and destroying our futures.
It is so incredibly simple what is happening and what is unfolding.
And so, oh, we're all dirty, we've all got COVID, we've all got to be suspect, but the government and the corporations will watch us and track us and test us and make us non-essential and lock us in our houses and make us all prisoners.
And, oh my gosh, the white people are bad, they're going to get you.
And so we can discriminate against them and charge them more for things because they deserve it because they're white.
They're introducing the idea of persecution of minorities, which is always bad.
I was against it when brown people were the minority.
Now I'm against it when white people are the minority, and we knew that's where this was all going.
They don't want to bring in all these foreigners to make them part of the melting pot.
They want to bring them in to turn them all against each other.
Like in a prison, you have the warden and his staff, and you've got the Hispanics, the blacks, and the whites, all kept in racial groups.
If you don't want to be in a racial group, they make you get in one.
Or the warden basically puts you in solitary confinement.
You pledge allegiance to the Hispanic supremacist, the black supremacist, or the white supremacist.
That's how they control a prison.
With the prisoners, with the great game divide and conquer.
I'm going to go to break.
That was a jam-packed first hour.
They did a decent job covering a lot of news.
I'm going to do even better next hour with the incredible information hour in Arizona that they're suppressing.
The amazing information about where that's going and with the leftist terror groups openly calling for mass terror in America.
Now they're working with the big corporations and how that's going to unfold.
And separately, today's the last day to get Ultra 12, the highest quality V12 at 50% off, take it under the tongue, so good for your whole body, so good for your immune system, and Winter Sun 50% off, highest quality D3 for your immune system, both 50% off with a bunch of other items at infowarestore.com.
But that sale does end tonight, last day of the 50% off sale at infowarestore.com for Winter Sun and, of course, Ultra 12.
Stay with us.
We're already halfway through September 2021.
It's just incredible.
And now the world is waking up that InfoWars was the tip of the spear and was dead on.
That's why it's more important than ever to keep us on air.
And I thank you all for your support, your prayers, and your word of mouth that is key to circumvent and override the censors.
And get great products at InfoWarsStore.com at the same time
We're good to go.
Knockout, back in stock, InfoWarsTore.com.
And the hair and beard formula for men.
It's also great for women.
It's really a multivitamin.
Back in stock.
All 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
We can't stay on air without you.
Please continue to support us.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Plus, these are great products.
Please take action.
So if you understand that this is not FDA approved, it's totally experimental, it's never been given to human beings before.
Some of the ingredients inside of these shots have never been injected in human beings before.
There are no long-term studies.
We don't know what's going to happen inside your body somewhere four to six weeks after your second injection or four to six months or even two years.
We have no idea.
Whether it's going to cause infertility, whether it's going to cause cancer, how bad your autoimmune disease is going to be.
My conclusion, after looking at this for a long time and listening to the arguments for these masks, I've determined that if you believe, if you're a medical doctor or a scientist that's spouting, using these masks, you're either being played or you're being paid.
Secure your copy of COVIDland today at covidland.com.
If you order by October 6th, you get a free copy of Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Stand with Oz or suffer.
I've been focusing a lot on Australia because it's the globalist test ground and now Pfizer admits that's coming to America.
I've been interviewing a lot of the people in the resistance in Australia.
We're all Aussies now.
Stand with Australia or suffer.
Here's John Bowne's latest report at Bandot Video.
Please get it and share it.
Australia has become ground zero for the Great Reset Tyranny.
The free people of Australia are under total assault by power-mad tyrants hell-bent on returning the heart of Oceania into a third-world prison by spreading the great COVID lie through its federations.
I now give the floor to the Distinguished Representative of Australia to introduce an address by the Head of Government.
High vaccination rates are the pathway to taking back so much of what we have lost.
None of us is safe unless all of us is safe.
So this is the most urgent priority.
Australian politicians within the bubble of its constitutional monarchy have over the years revealed that they are not exempt from the criminal perversions of the global elite.
Extraordinary claims coming out of Canberra tonight with a former Prime Minister allegedly on a list of suspected pedophiles.
Liberal Senator Bill Heffernan, who is pushing for the Child Abuse Royal Commission to include the legal profession, told an explosive Senate hearing he has a police list of 28 prominent suspects.
There's a former Prime Minister on this list and it is a police document.
Throughout my childhood, I was a victim of Australia's VIP child sex trafficking ring.
For example, I was prostituted to pedophile parties at Parliament House Canberra and to an international leader at Fairbairn Military Airport.
The people involved in this elite pedophile ring included high-ranking politicians, police and judiciary.
And so it is the message of the elite that is dominating Australia.
We believe in a world order that favours freedom and that supports the dignity and free expression of all people.
We believe in human rights, in gender equality and the rule of law and we back that up with how we pursue these things in our own country, in our own society and how we raise our own children.
Australia was one of eight countries only involved in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
And we continue to strengthen the international human rights system.
And we will continue to raise our voice on important issues like the rights of women and girls, the rights of Indigenous peoples.
Because respecting the rights and freedoms of the individual is intrinsically important.
It is fundamental to our values as a people and as a nation.
It lifts all societies and nations too, delivering better outcomes through economic inclusion.
So if you get vaccinated, there will be special rules that apply to you.
Women's empowerment, environmental sustainability, rising living standards and so much more.
Australia's actions are guided by our belief in the inherent dignity of all people.
The edicts of social engineering waged upon the once free, isolated nation as it becomes the proving ground for the Great Reset.
The United Nations' de facto imperialism has even managed to threaten the very lifeblood of the Australian economy, coal.
Fewer than 10 years, that's all the UN has given us to close down our mining industries here in Australia.
Assistant Secretary General Selwyn Hart released the UN roadmap at ANU's 2021 Crawford Leadership Forum today.
Hart warned OECD countries have until 2030 to close their coal mining industries, commit to a net zero target by 2050 and lift their ambitions to cut greenhouse gas emissions more swiftly.
The Greens and their mega super profits tax, going after the tycoons around every corner.
If the UN gets its way and we get out of coal, we won't have any companies to be taxed.
So the Greens will defeat their own agenda.
If we stand up for Australia, we stand up for our own sovereignty, and in the long run, deliver the global elite, the true enemy of all free peoples on this rock spinning on the same polar axis around the same sun, a defeat they will never forget.
We the people are the true masters of the universe.
John Bowne reporting.
I have the greatest sense of loss deep in my heart, deep in my soul, I've ever had in my 47 years on this planet.
I've had a lot of loss.
Everybody else has.
And it's because it's a loss of ancestral
Freedom that so many people fought and died and bled and sweat for.
And now we're just throwing it all away.
And I see the general public in a medically induced, scientifically induced, behavioral, psychologically controlled,
And I know we're being fed into this globalist meat grinder and it's so incredibly sad, but this is the process of birth and then growth and then falling apart and then degenerating and collapsing and then coming back to life again.
It's just the globalists are actively trying to steer and control this process of decadence and collapse to actually end the species as we know it.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
That's right, this whole New World Order is nothing more than a satanic ritual against humanity.
And I want to thank you all for joining us.
There have been incredibly huge developments that we knew were coming that have now transpired and now unfolded in front of the world.
We are now into hour number two.
I want to hit a very important story that was in New Yorker magazine and also on their podcast.
Literally platforming a terrorist, the New Yorker takes heat for hosting climate activists arguing for blowing up pipelines.
So Howard Stern can say he wants to rape the dead Columbine children or rape them to death.
That's okay.
But I get sued for questioning big public events, as we should all question big public events, and another mass shooting.
And if I got up here and said, let's blow up federal buildings, I would go to prison, and I should.
But when they do it, it's okay.
This isn't just literally platforming a terrorist.
This is having a terrorist on who says they've engaged in violence and burned things down to then be able to recruit people and to sell a manual on how to blow up pipelines.
We're going to get to that first in a moment.
And then this ties into the entire planet, not just Australia, not just the United States.
Pfizer CEO says normal life won't return without regular COVID vaccinations.
We've got his quote.
He goes on to say, you won't be able to live without these shots.
That is saying you cannot live without me.
That's being held hostage.
That's the definition of not being your own person, of being domesticated.
Australia's chief health officer completely dashes any hope the country will return to normal one day.
Says it's a permanent lockdown.
She already said that two weeks ago, but now she said it specifically.
That's coming up.
But good news, another hip-hop superstar fights back against mindless compliance.
Rihanna follows Nicki Minaj and saying, think for yourself on the vaccines.
That ties into this is completely avoidable.
New York hospitals prepare for staffing crisis as vaccination mandates force match firings.
And I forgot to cover this on the Sunday night show.
Will you guys queue this up for next segment?
The governor of New York, the installed governor, the unelected governor, even worse than Cuomo now,
First said we're going to bring foreigners in to replace the large portion of doctors and nurses that are smart and won't take the shots, the experimental shots.
Now she says they'll just put National Guard in as your nurses and as your doctors.
Wow, with no training.
So talk about turning the hospitals into prison gulags.
These are military camps now that she's announcing.
So we've got all of that.
Oh, and guess what else happened, ladies and gentlemen?
Incredible videos.
We're going to be getting to at the bottom of the hour.
Not just the black folks being thrown out of restaurants because they don't have vaccine passports in New York.
But we've got them going around in New York with all those little stands selling apples and oranges and tomatoes and potatoes from little farms outside town that have always been left alone, as they should be.
They're small family operations.
Well, under the guise of COVID, they've now rounded them all up, saying they don't have COVID passports, they're not enrolled in the COVID business program, they're not scanning people's
Phones to make sure they've got the COVID passport so they throw away the thousands and thousands of dollars of good produce in those food deserts.
Any excuse for tyranny, any excuse for cracking down, let us put this experimental shot in your body that causes heart attacks and cancer and blood clots and strokes, or you can't buy or sell.
The mark of the beast is here.
It's all coming up, but let's hit this right now.
Literally platforming a terrorist.
The New Yorker takes heat for hosting climate activists arguing for blowing up pipelines.
Now I'm going to read this article and I'm going to play the audio for you.
But I want to explain something.
PETA is the Animal Liberation Front.
That's come out in court.
And the Animal Liberation Front goes around burning down primate research facilities and other animal research facilities and then groups connected with it burning down ski resorts and Earth First spiking trees with big spikes so when you cut it with a chainsaw it flies out and kills you and sabotaging bulldozers so they blow up.
They're Extinction Rebellion.
They're a post-human group but they're funded by the big mega banks that have stolen all the money to control everything that are a thousand times more corrupt than Bernie Madoff.
Who now own the world through fraud, who want to train you to hate yourself, and train you to basically be depopulated, and train you to voluntarily be sterilized, so that you then get a carbon credit ration if you agree to be sterilized or not have children.
That's all being proposed.
I told you decades ago it was coming.
Now it's mainstream news.
So, continuing.
This whole group doesn't care about the animals.
This whole group doesn't care about humanity.
They care about power.
They want to guilt you into joining their cult of hating fellow humans.
That's how they wrap their Nazi ideology, their uber-mentioned ideology, into something they claim is altruistic and helpful.
And so, you don't see Earth First and all these groups calling for stopping Chinese pipelines.
Or Syrian pipelines, or Iraqi pipelines, or Russian pipelines.
They only want to shut down Canadian, American, Australian, and New Zealand pipelines, because those are all countries that had some freedom, and they're a bad example of the world.
You want to get rid of those, so the whole world is under a new globalist corporate tyranny that basically looks like communist China.
And so,
When you hear all this, oh, we want to help the little people, that's why you block commuter trains in London.
That's why you block the highways and make people crash and die.
That's why these environmental groups have been caught all over the country derailing trains.
And in almost every case of derailments, it's the left derailing trains because they're seen as bad, Antifa, Earth First, others.
And then the feds who are in on it, they cover it up while it happens because they believe in what's going on.
And so that's why they're literally platforming a terrorist who's written a book.
Let's start reading the article.
Literally platforming a terrorist.
The New Yorker takes heat for hosting climate activists arguing for blowing up pipelines.
See, they've got free speech, but when you then have a manual and say it's time to get violent,
While if you walked into the Capitol on January 6th and you're an old lady with no criminal record, because the police waved you in, well you get eight months in solitary confinement without a trial.
It says the New Yorker is accused of promoting violence after its podcast featured a climate change activist who called destruction of property the most efficient protest tool, praising the violence that marred the George Floyd protests.
Well, the Chinese shipment of fentanyl in that he died of, that's okay.
The borders we opened is totally fine.
The third world, you know, being running all these dirty coal power plants, that's fine.
It's America you're focused on.
Because you're supported by the establishment, by all the big publications, by the big media.
You're not censored, you're boosted.
Online commentators are up in arms over the recent edition of the New Yorker's podcast discussing whether the climate movement should embrace sabotage, which saw one of the featured guests, ecology professor, Lund University in Sweden, Andres Malm, arguing that pipelines can be attacked for the sake of saving the environment.
Malm, who released a book titled How to Blow Up a Pipeline, Learning to Fight
A world on fire by starting fires earlier this year appeared to endorse the ransomware attack that shut down Colonial Pipeline in May causing gasoline shortages in the U.S.
and appeared to call for attacks against a total
And China's CNOOC 3.5 million crude pipeline in Uganda and Tanzania.
So in earnest to him, he is saying go after China.
If people in that region were to attack the construction equipment or blow up the pipeline before it's completed, it would be a favor of that.
I would be in favor of that.
I don't see how the property damage could be considered morally illegitimate, even what we knew of the consequences of the projects he said.
And he goes on to endorse it.
I'll explain what's really behind all this when we come back and actually play you this and more what you just heard from that transcript straight ahead.
But I'm asking you, are you going to roll over to this?
Are you going to fight back for these people that want to enslave you and your family?
Are you going to tell everybody you know to tune into this broadcast right now?
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
So let me try to calm down as I attempt to rush through all this information and expose it and just pull back here on the Alex Jones Show for a moment and have us ask ourselves, what's happening?
Well, we've got a lot of advanced technology we've developed and we have a global establishment that believes there's too many people.
You can certainly agree with some of those arguments.
But they have turned loose a bunch of psychotic, satanic leftists who are running around actually saying humans are parasites and that we should all be extincted and that we are a failed evil species.
And that's the Wall Street Journal, that's the New York Times, that's who these groups are.
These are very hateful, horrible people who are almost always associated with occultism and child molestation.
The Jacobins, the French Revolution, the Illuminati.
And then you've got the New Yorker magazine, the sycophantic fop factory that takes itself so incredibly seriously, along with all the other mainstream news, promoting and endorsing Black Lives Matter and Antifa, burning down billions of dollars and killing and wounding countless people.
And you've got them worshipping and just, oh, promoting the overthrow of local governments because they're bringing in their corporate global government.
They are the establishment.
They are the leading edge of the system.
And then you've got New Yorker Magazine and so many others about drastic actions needed.
We've got a book about how you blow up a pipeline.
Which ends up producing thousands of times the damage that a pipeline would ever create.
They hardly ever leak or have problems, but you're going to blow one up.
It's going to leak for days, if not weeks.
But you're not worried about that.
You're just worried about your power, your control, and claiming the carbon dioxide that comes from oil and gasoline and natural gas is so bad that you're doing it.
But it's only
The Colonial Pipeline and the Keystone Pipeline and all these systems being shut down by Biden.
And now America has to import Russian and Middle Eastern oil.
Which the globalists control.
It was just about not having small operators and small oil wells and small gas wells because here we've got thousands of people, thousands of companies that go drill for oil.
There's only a handful in the Middle East, a handful in Russia, a handful in Africa with the Chinese running it.
And it's big monopolies.
You actually go look at who funds these environmental groups.
BP's the biggest.
Dutch Rochelle are the biggest funders of the carbon taxes.
It was Enron that developed the plan in the late 80s for the carbon taxes.
They control their opposition as they block new energy and new free energy systems, bring in windmills that don't work, act like they're giving you new technology and electric cars that use more carbon.
Even if you believe their argument that carbon is bad, what you see is not really what's going on.
Remember, I made films like Endgame 14 years ago about carbon taxes, and the media wrote articles saying, Jones is crazy, nobody's planning carbon taxes, but that was always where this was taking us.
So here's the big New York establishment publication saying, if people in that region were to attack the construction equipment or blow up the pipeline before it's completed, I would be all for that.
I don't see how property damage could be considered morally illegitimate.
Well, when people don't have jobs, they starve to death there, just like the lockdown did.
Given what we know about the consequences of such projects.
Oh, all your fake BS numbers?
Mom boasted about his role in property destruction campaign for the sake of a noble cause.
What if I say it's noble and come burn down your house?
I'm not going to do that.
I'm just saying.
Mom boasted about his own role in a property destruction campaign for the sake of a noble cause, saying that his group slashed the tires of thousands of SUVs in 2017 in Sweden, arguing that the acts of vandalism led to a drop in demand for the vehicles from your terrorism.
Yeah, I've had somebody knock out my SUV's windows twice in Austin.
Speaking about peaceful climate protests, including the school strike movement led by Greta Thunberg, Mom said he doesn't not mind these tactics, but is frustrated about activists' dogmatic commitment to non-violence.
The left's all about violence when it's them, but if we get tricked into any type of violence, it's not called misdemeanors, it's called insurrection, the greatest crime in history.
Let's go to some of the podcasts.
Which I agree with their free speech.
He should be selling a book saying go out and blow up pipelines.
I don't agree.
That's a call to terrorism.
But remember, I'm censored.
He's not.
Look at this little demented tool of the establishment.
Now you've gone from deflating tires to writing a book now in 2021 called How to Blow Up a Pipeline.
What was the moment that you realized that your next book would have to be about targeted sabotage and why?
That moment was very much the summer of 2018, which was unprecedented in northern Europe for the wildfires and the drought and the heatwave.
And during that summer I felt panic and desperation, as a lot of people did.
This was the summer that led Greta Thunberg to start her later very famous school strike movement.
And that sort of changed the picture because in 2019, all the way up to the outbreak of the pandemic, the climate movement of the Global North reached its zenith of mobilization, really its peak of popular force out on the streets.
So the book became a product of the moment of 2019, but it's also a core for escalation,
What actions are you recommending for the movement?
Well, I am recommending that the movement continues with mass action and civil disobedience, but also opens up for property destruction.
So I'm not saying we should stop strikes or square occupations or demonstrations of the usual kind.
I'm all in favor of that.
But I do think we need to step up because so little has changed and so many investments are still being poured into new fossil fuel projects.
So I am in favor of destroying machines, property, not harming people.
That's a very important distinction there.
And I think property can be destroyed in all manner of ways.
Or it can be neutralized in a very gentle fashion as when we deflated the SUVs.
Or in a more spectacular fashion as in potentially blowing up a pipeline that's under construction.
That's something that people have done.
So you are recommending blowing up a pipeline.
You use the phrase intelligence sabotage.
What does intelligence sabotage look like in this context?
Well, let me give you a very concrete example.
Right now, Total, the largest single private company headquartered in France, is constructing what will be the world's longest heated oil pipeline in Uganda and Tanzania.
And displacing in that process about 100,000 farmers,
All for the sake of carrying even more oil to the world market.
Okay, let's stop right there.
What displaces the farmers is not building the pipeline.
They either put them above ground or below ground.
Towns build up around it.
The property goes up for everybody's value.
And the Africans are all begging for this.
They want to be industrialized.
Absolute pure crap.
So again, and I guarantee you, research this guy, he's a post-humanist, they all are.
They sell you to be guilty so they can engage in whatever activity they want, which is terrorism.
I mean, just look at that fruitcake.
I mean, let me tell you, I'm not saying he's a child molester.
I'm just saying, if I was going to cast money for a Hollywood movie that, like, kidnaps kids and eats them, it'd be this guy.
Him and Brian Stelter.
We'll be right back.
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You want to have a double-blind, randomized placebo testing.
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I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021, and I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years and is truly an answer to prayer, and I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you and I appreciate you.
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I think so.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I have a very special guest that heads up a very large national organization that supports Trump.
And she is a friend of a friend of the show.
And they couldn't get any medical help in Dallas when she was traveling and had COVID.
This is the new COVID, the real COVID.
Or whatever it is they released, and she was deathly ill and couldn't even move.
And if she'd gone to the hospital, they'd have killed her, probably.
And so, we got a doctor to call in subscriptions to her, prescriptions to her, of Ivermectin, Budesodine, and the rest of it.
And they, in Dallas, wouldn't give it to her.
So we got in a car and drove it up to her, called to see how she was the next day.
She was back on the road, driving home, 90% better, just like my dad.
So, this stuff works.
I'm not selling Budesedine or Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin.
And it just shows what these criminals are doing and how they're suppressing people.
So it's not just all the studies saying this stuff works.
I've experienced it.
She's gonna join us for 30 minutes next hour, then we'll continue with news and information today.
But let me just finish with that story I was just covering.
You have New Yorker Magazine
Promoting someone who has written a book on how to blow up pipelines and saying you should go out and blow up things and do all this.
And notice he says, now is the time to get violent.
It's like Klaus Schwab told the left, now is the time to get violent.
And now is the time to crack down on the general population to cause violence, which they believe they can then steer in control to bring down the nation states and on its ashes build a one world government.
That's why Ricardo Bossi, former head of the
Special Forces of Australia, a very prominent, respected guy, he came out and said, we do not want to be covertly or overtly violent.
We don't want to be offensively violent.
We don't want to be violent.
We want to go out in civil disobedience, and when they're violent to us, that hurts them.
That's why they're getting more violent, not to intimidate, they know it's going to make more people come out, but to try to finally get you to be violent.
That's how Gandhi kicked the British Empire out.
It's how the Civil Rights Act got passed.
So everybody out there commenting on Infowars, I see a minority of folks going, oh, you're just a wimp, Jones, you and Ricardo Bossi, we need violence.
You know, nothing ever gets fixed without it.
The founders for 20 years tried to fix things and woke a large part of the public up.
Then the British got violent, started shooting people and confiscating guns.
And when they started shooting people, then it started.
And yeah, if the cops start actually shooting people, then it's going to go there.
And I'm just saying it's very important that we realize it's the globalists that ran this.
You want to go after the head of the snake.
I'm not proposing violence like the left is and carrying it out.
I'm saying it's a fight they're starting.
It's a fight we're trying to avert.
They know we're winning politically and culturally.
That's why they're engaging in election fraud and trying to stop us from stopping their fraud.
That's why they're trying to go ahead and get a civil war going, depending on the demographics and sociology of each country they manipulate.
It's tailor-made for each one.
This is all public.
It's in the damn WikiLeaks.
They don't hide it.
Paul Schwab admits they're doing this.
Discretion is the better part of valor.
We're right to try to avert violence, but everyone should be prepared for every eventuality.
Now here's John Kerry in a report by John Bowne that I already aired last week.
I want to play a clip out of it.
Dealing with the fact that the tyranny is just beginning, is the name of the piece, where John Kerry was on TV last week and said, oh, we don't care if people get re-elected to governments and stop carbon taxes or the shutdown of pipelines or the shutdown of coal power plants that India and China and Mexico are building more of.
Only us in the West are shut down.
He said, because the corporations are going to implement this.
And they're foot soldiers.
So they have their leftist, communist, anti-human, exterminist, depopulation, 12-monkey army.
And then they've got the big corporations.
Pressure from above, pressure from below.
This is what they're doing.
This is an elitist revolution where they have all the fiat money.
Now they want to make us all poor so they can get control of our lives.
This is about social engineering.
I met with a very respected CPA that's known nationwide as one of the best.
And he said, Alex, you know the U.S.
tax code is not about raising money.
It's about social engineering.
I said, I do know that.
He said, well, the public doesn't.
And he was explaining to me stuff I didn't even understand, but that's why I'm always learning.
And so this is a known thing.
This is social engineering, and now they're bullying you.
Now they're saying you're not essential.
Now they're locking you up in your house.
Here's what John Kerry had to say.
Not some people.
Russia and China, for example, say, well, you know, history tells us that he can make all the promises he wants for 2030.
There's a good chance the Republicans will be back in power by then and change everything.
Well, let me tell you why that won't happen.
Because the major corporations of the world, including in the United States, are all moving in this direction.
And no politician is going to turn them around once they've committed trillions of dollars to this endeavor.
That's just not going to happen.
Alright, Paul Joseph Watson from London has another report that's up on InfoWars.com.
We're never going back to normal, says Australia's national quote health head.
And that's what Pfizer head is also saying.
Think of the level of this.
How they're just announcing it like it's no big deal, and we have to accept it.
15 days to flatten the curve.
Now is a millennium of slavery under us, putting in your body what we want, when you want, and telling you when you can leave your house according to an app.
Here's part of the report.
The scowling face of Australia's dystopian Covid nightmare has let slip the truth.
No matter how hard you comply, no matter how much you humiliate yourselves, life is never returning to normal.
Dr Kerry Chant, who previously ordered Australians not to even talk to each other... Don't start up a conversation.
...now admits that some restrictions will remain in place even if everyone takes regular booster shots.
I stress, we will not be ever having to go back to pre-COVID levels.
We're always going to have to be mindful that COVID exists.
We're going to have to engage with booster shots.
We're going to have to engage with advice from time to time.
When we see outbreaks, we're going to have to respond.
So it's not going to go back to normal.
We can't deny that we're going to have to live with COVID.
Um, but having those very high vaccination levels will allow us to have more minimal restrictions or more minimal, um, public health measures in place as we, as we navigate the future years with COVID.
Keep complaining, idiots.
Meanwhile, huge packs of police continue to hunt down dangerous criminals for not wearing masks outside.
Two guys in Sydney were pursued by a cop car after being spotted out not wearing masks.
They desperately tried to duck into a gas station to buy them.
And even though they were wearing them when they stepped outside, the cops aggressively pounced and arrested them.
A news station reported that by the end of the incident, 50 cops were on the scene.
They got pounded.
They got belted.
One down in handcuffs.
The other, cops five knees to his ribs.
They're quickly outnumbered by the police backup.
All the Sydney police are here.
I have 50 police.
Over 50 police.
They block everything.
50 cops in response to two guys seen not wearing masks.
In Melbourne, another guy was surrounded and arrested for the crime of not wearing a mask outside.
Look, I know that you're right, okay, but we have a situation where there's a coronavirus out there and the survival rate is slightly below 100% and I'm not willing to accept that the government's willing to shut down businesses, destroy people's lives, and to enforce abusive policy that's carried out by you guys.
We can agree to disagree all day, alright?
Why don't we need a rule in the United States where the feet are asked to be moved off the ground?
I don't need you.
I'm not in the right to be here.
I was born in Melbourne.
This is my city.
You've got no right to influence me.
I'm not committing any of this.
I'm not committing any of this.
Yeah, you should probably tell me why before you f***ing grab me.
You're f***ing doing this?
You're under arrest.
You're under arrest.
Alright folks, the full report is, quote, we're never going back to normal.
And you're like, oh that's just Australia, why is Jones so obsessed with it?
No, Australia admits they're a beta test.
And I even had a guest on again, a former leader of Australian Special Forces, explaining from their own documents how they planned all this.
So, it's unbelievable.
When we come back, Pfizer's CEO says,
That without vaccine, you are not going to be able to live.
That's a quote.
So talk about holding people hostage.
That's it.
It's now official.
They're going to put in your body what they want, when they want.
And it doesn't protect you.
And you're a prisoner forever.
That's the wages of sin.
It's death.
Stay with us.
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So the placebo that they have used, that the FDA has allowed them to use, has often been another vaccine.
A vaccine with a known adverse reaction profile that's causing death and damage in its own right.
That it's the
Aluminum as an adjuvant in the vaccine, a known neurotoxin, a known immunotoxin, a known poison in human beings, that is in the supposedly inert placebo.
Totally inappropriate.
This is not good science.
It is not science at all.
It is an effort to cover up the true adverse reaction rates to the vaccines so that they can get through the low barrier of constraints put there by the FDA and onto the market.
That is the only concern.
Dr. Wakefield is just one of many informed voices in the film, COVIDland.
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I'll tell you what's life and death.
If you don't have freedom of speech, if you don't have the right to be able to communicate, then you don't have a future.
Always when governments take away speech, they then enslave the population, and then they finally start exterminating the population.
In America, the entire world is going down the tubes because the UN Global's directed Great Reset.
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That's why I'm offering a bunch of our best-selling products at 50% off for a limited time, only until the end of the month of September.
That's only about 12-13 days as of the time we're taping this.
And that means all these amazing products.
We have Ultra 12, highest quality V12, take it out of the tub.
We have Winter Sun, highest quality organic vitamin D3 taken out of the tongue.
We've got Knock Out the Sleep Aid.
We've got Hair and Beard Formula that's got all the vitamins and minerals as well, not just for your hair and beard.
And we've got our great Liquid Turmeric Formula, all 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com and it keeps us on the air.
Take action and I thank you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Coming down fast, but a mile above you.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the Alex Jones Show.
We have a special guest, Kimberly Fletcher, who heads up momsforamerica.us, and she got super sick from COVID, and we got her a doctor, and they wouldn't fill the prescription, so we had to give her our medicine, and she got better in one day.
She does also talk about Trump coming back, the election news, I'm gonna hit all that, CNN saying, this is a dangerous time!
America can't survive if we question election integrity!
You're not supposed to do that!
Said Brian Stelter.
That's coming up next hour as well.
But let me talk about something really, really, really serious here for everybody.
We are in an information war.
And the New World Order would not be censoring everybody and trying to take control of civilization and society if
Our speech wasn't powerful.
They wouldn't be trying to restrict our speech and what we say and what we do if we didn't have a very good shot of defeating them.
And in fact, they know they've been unable to suppress us now.
So now they've gotten to the point.
Of where they sit there and just say, don't listen to facts anymore.
Don't investigate.
Don't read the fine print.
I showed you six news articles at the start of the show that aren't tongue-in-cheek from mainstream news saying, do not question reality.
Do not question government or corporations.
Again, that'd be like if you went to see about an elementary school for your son or daughter, and they said, you can't come in.
You can't talk to the children.
You can't be involved.
You can't come to anything at the school.
You can't ask to see a report card.
You just turn your child over to us, into this black box, and then just hope we raise them right.
You would never put your child in that situation, willingly.
But that's what this whole New World Order, this whole vaccine, all of this is telling you to blindly trust, and that that will make you strong.
And I read you news articles from
The New York Times and CNN and others saying it's good to not question, it's good to turn your brain off, it's good to do what you're told.
No, it's good to question these known liars and when you know they're lying, it's good to not comply with them and not submit to them and to pull yourself back and away from them.
I want listeners to understand that this broadcast and this audience of activists is the core of the resistance.
You are the tip of the spear.
And the entire future of humanity is in your hands.
And you're incredibly powerful.
And the fact that you care and have that connection to God, and that connection to curiosity, and that connection to wanting to build a better future, means you are the salt of the earth.
You are the future seeds that are going to sprout into a great harvest of awakening.
And so everything we do here by itself is not going to save the world.
But our action to save the world, our caring to save the world, our moral resistance to tyranny, and our standing up will be part of that continuum of the struggle.
And in the end, with God's help, we'll save our species and take us to levels never before even dreamed of.
And so I want to encourage listeners now, while you still can, as the censorship intensifies, who knows how long we'll even be here, to get hard copies of films for your archives, so you can burn digital copies and share them in the future, and so you can make DVD copies, and so you can re-upload them when and where you can in resistance, because as things get worse,
Whereas people wouldn't listen to us 20 years ago, they listen now.
And as things get 10 times worse, people will take what you and I and others speak about that's come true as gospel and will use that information to defeat the globalists.
So our greatest work isn't even in our lifetimes.
Our greatest work isn't even for those of us living today on September 27, 2021.
It will be for those that carry the torch forward as we carry the torch from those before us into the present into the future and we hand the torch over as we collapse into dust.
But our life goes on through those individuals true eternal life through the genetic line.
But continuing at levels above as well.
Only one facet of our eternal spirit manifest in front of us in this dimension as we know it to be called life.
Flowing through the space-time continuum as the living water and the will of God, the genetic creation that we are.
And all the beauty and the conception and the worship that comes from it.
And so in that, we need to take action.
And so all of you, all of you need to not wait and go to infowarestore.com or covidland.com and get your copy of COVID Land, the Lockdown Part One that chronicles their lies, their fraud, how they locked us down and then what they were going to do in the future so that people will have it.
To educate others to understand how these criminals carry this out because they're expunging off the internet the old history of their old lies for new because when the compendium of lies is shown, it wakes up basically everybody that sees it.
This is designed to wake up the general public.
Get your copy.
We've made the films.
We've taken the action.
Now the rest is up to you.
The ball is in your court.
Do you choose to resist and not roll over and die?
Do you refuse to submit to the tyranny?
Or will you lay down?
It really is a very simple equation.
I know you choose action.
And so I've been very excited to get out 40,000 plus copies of Endgame in the last few months without even trying because people have figured out that it all came true.
Well, learn how they're doing it now and what's coming next in COVID land and how to stop them.
This five-part series is the battle plan, the blueprint of exposing these criminals and bringing them to justice.
This needs to be seen by every city council, every county commission, every lawmaker.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And up until October 6th, if you order, you'll get a free copy of Endgame.
After that, we are not going to have a free copy of Endgame with COVIDLAND Part 1.
Today is also the last day to get 50% off on Winter Sun and hold for 12.
That sale will end tomorrow morning.
That, again, is what funds our operation.
It will also end the sale for Knockout, the eight different natural ingredients for great, deep restful sleep.
And, of course, the t-shirt sale will end today.
I should have mentioned that. $9.95.
We're good.
The abortion and the satanic pedophile rings in your mainline church.
And I'm not putting your churches down, but most of them are cowardly.
I'm just saying that your local station, secular station, putting us on the air, is doing light years more than probably most of the churches in your town combined.
So I would mail them $20 a month, $100 a month and tell them it's because Alex Jones Show is on.
I can't tell you how that has gotten stations to take us from being on at night to being on during the day.
And we've reached so many new people.
So if you're listening to us on station, spread the word about the station and support them and don't count on others to take action.
You're taking action is what's going to win this war.
And again, I thank you for your support.
We are trying to fund ourselves, and last year we dug out of a big hole we were in, thanks to you.
And then, because of the COVID lockdowns, the supply chain broke down, and so you've noticed most of our best-selling items have been sold out for six months, eight months, nine months, even a year, because we have high-quality organic ingredients in our supplements.
And so, when something's got a bunch of ingredients and you can't get one of the ingredients, you just can't put it out.
And so, I don't know what we're going to do.
That's been a big problem, and so I've tried to bring on some sponsors.
You know, plug some other things, but I'm just T-shirts and coffee cup sales, you know, don't cut it.
So I want to thank you all that continue to get the products that we do have in and winter sun is excellent.
So is vitamin B12, the ultra 12, but that's going to run out too.
So we have to end that sale tomorrow.
It'll be months till more of that comes in, but because they're one ingredient items, very high quality, we're able to get them.
It's the 5, 6, 10, 20 ingredient items that are really, really rough.
Because again, the globalists are invoking a worldwide depression by design or zero hedge.
Panic buying could leave 90% of UK gas stations dry.
And here in the U.S., Costco limits purchase of toilet paper, paper towels, and bottled water amid inflation supply chain issues.
It's not just people panic buying.
I think more lockdowns are coming, because they are.
It's because the supply chains are breaking down.
I know that's hitting you all.
I know it's rough.
So that's why we've got to come together as families, you know?
No shame in moving in with your parents, or moving in with your kids, or whatever.
We've all got to huddle together now, support each other, and not support the big globalist corporations.
Alright, we've got a very special guest and a testimony that's going to save a lot of lives.
And we've got the news of the election, and them panicking, and what's going to be coming out next, and so much more.
We'll be right back with hour number three.
I'm 59 years old, in good health, I'm not working in the front line, so my type is not recommended to get vaccination.
That was the current CEO of Pfizer, just a few months ago, on a national TV interview saying, oh, he doesn't need to take the so-called mRNA vaccine, it's really a gene therapy.
He said, you know, he's 57 years old, he's healthy, he doesn't need it.
It's at risk, people, but that's not what his PR firms that have bought off the politicians of over 100 countries say.
They say you've got to take it to have a job or leave your house or get on a plane or a train or even get outside your home for one hour a day if you live in Australia.
So remember,
The White House is exempt.
Congress and their staff are exempt.
The Postal Service is exempt.
All these big corporate heads are exempt.
They're not taking their poison vaccine.
They're pushing it on you.
Wake up, folks!
Wake up!
When Bob Woodward's new book came out, alleging that General Milley had called the head of the Chinese military and said Trump might nuke you, he tried to overthrow the U.S.
government, but basically I'm protecting you and I'll warn you if we launch an attack, which was the greatest treason in U.S.
history that has ever been committed.
People said, oh, Alex, it must not be true.
And I'm like, wait, Bob Woodward's former Naval Intelligence.
He's a big insider globalist.
He wouldn't have put this out unless they wanted to put it out, say that Billy was a hero, to set the precedent that you can have a permanent bureaucracy, stay behind network, deep state, basically that has its own bureaucratic coup over America.
That's why they put Biden in.
He's so incredibly weak.
He's to undermine the idea of the presidency.
Well, people said I was making it up or that Bob Woodward was lying.
Well, now Millie admits he did it.
You see, I didn't need to trust Bob Woodward.
I remember Pelosi on January 8th bragging that she'd gotten a call from Millie that he'd taken control of the nukes.
So this treason was hiding in plain view back then, and we covered it.
See, I have a memory, folks.
I remember all this stuff.
That's why I know what's true and what's false.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday at 8 a.m.
Harrison Smith and American Journal knocks it out of the park and I go live at 11 a.m.
Central 3 p.m.
then a nice big dose of freedom with amazing guests and research with Owen Schroer 3 to 6 p.m.
Central and I do a lot of new live shows weekend shows I'm gonna start a podcast soon three days a week that's basically commercial free I have a few breaks in it some of it's gonna be a live podcast something a lot of people don't do just like this live radio slash TV show that's all
Coming up, we're going to be joined by a lady who has quite a testimony to tell.
Coming up next segment, Kimberly Fletcher of momsfortrump.us.
But I want to go to this report to remember that they're trying to glaze over the fact that it's confirmed that Peter Daszak and Fauci created the bioweapon that is COVID-19.
Here's the report.
Bats have a higher proportion of zoonotic viruses than any other group when you correct for all the underlying biases in the literature.
So they really are a risky group.
The Peter Daszak EcoHealth Alliance ruse is disintegrating after the smoking gun was discovered.
In fact, the chairman of the Lancet COVID-19 Origins Task Force, tied to Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance, just disbanded.
Time to learn about the EcoHealth Alliance.
What is it?
Well, we're a non-profit, a typical charity.
501C3, right?
Yeah, 501C3 in the US.
Funded by federal government and other sources, but then try and take the science and do something with it on the ground.
So that's the charity side, that's the 501C3 side of it.
But will Congress properly address it without it just becoming a debate on the national stage between the scientific jargon of researchers?
And if so, will they be able to explain it to the rest of the world in layman's terms?
Or will it just remain in the groundbreaking Intercept article quietly reimagining the origins of COVID-19?
In 2018, a proposal was rejected by the U.S.
Military Research Agency from Peter Daszak, president of the non-profit EcoHealth Alliance.
The proposal described the insertion of human-specific cleavage sites into SARS-related bat coronaviruses.
Essentially, Daszak had proposed the research of a radical new way for SARS-related coronavirus to be transmitted to human beings via what is known as the furin cleavage site, weaponizing the virus to more efficiently bind to and release its genetic material into human cells.
Do you do that?
Do you go out in the field?
Yeah, I still do.
I have two countries that I still kind of am in charge of in the organization, China and Malaysia.
You're saying these are diverse coronaviruses and you can't vaccinate against them, they're no antivirals.
What do we do?
Well, I think that coronaviruses are pretty good.
I mean, you're a virologist, you know all this stuff, but you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily.
Spike protein drives a lot of what happens with the coronavirus, zoonotic risk.
So you can get the sequence, you can build the protein, and we worked with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert it into the backbone of another virus and do some work in the lab.
So you can get more predictive when you find a sequence.
You've got this diversity.
Again, DARPA rejected the proposal.
Yet, two years later, DASAC's proposal appears in what we now know as COVID-19, which originated from the vicinity of the Wuhan lab in China, where the EcoHealth Alliance SARS research continued.
Furthermore, this odd new feature that DASAC had previously proposed on the spike protein of the virus had never been seen in SARS-related beta coronaviruses.
The class to which SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes the respiratory illness COVID-19, belongs.
Further layman's terms, there is now plenty of evidence that DASAC may have laid out a method by which to commit mass murder with a bioweapon.
The NIH funded it.
The NGO-based United Nations Agenda 2030 War on Free Humanity prepared for it, and the think tank's untouchable leading superpower, China, unleashed it, while government lobbyists worldwide are using DASAC's smoking gun to make the vaccine industry's billions with vaccines that don't work, while ushering in a tyrannical New World Order lockdown.
John Bowne reporting.
We're already halfway through September 2021.
It's just incredible.
And now the world is waking up that InfoWars was the tip of the spear and was dead on.
That's why it's more important than ever to keep us on air.
And I thank you all for your support, your prayers, and your word of mouth that is key.
I think so.
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Please take action.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back and now into our number three.
I'm your host Alex Jones and Kimberly Fletcher of Moms4America.us is joining us.
I was familiar with her group reaching millions of people, but then a mutual friend of ours contacted us a few weeks ago and they said, listen, she's really, really sick and she can't get any help.
The regular doctors won't help her.
So we put her in touch with the Texas doctor that helped me and my family with the hydroxychloroquine with the
A different things like the Budesodine with the Ivermectin and my dad was like 82, 83% oxygen, couldn't get up.
He had gone to the hospital, they intubated me to die.
The next day he was up, putting together lawn furniture that he'd gotten delivered in boxes that wasn't put together yet.
His mind was gone for about a week after that, but you know, he's basically bounced back down.
But physically, it was just dramatic.
And they're trying to suppress that now that Regeneron,
It's helping so many and it's even approved for COVID.
Biden's been trying to ration that from the from the red states.
And so we sent up a crew member to Dallas from Austin.
To give her and her husband the medicine, because the doctors wouldn't give her the prescription, the medical doctor gave her.
And within a day, we called to see how she was, and she was already back on the road.
So she's here to tell that story.
I appreciate her to tell that story, because people need to hear this.
It's not just the studies they're suppressing about this stuff, Udecidine and the rest of it.
It's that, and the fake stories they're putting out about it, where, oh, the hospitals are full of people on ivermectin.
None of that was true.
It was all fake.
It's the anecdotal evidence that I experienced with a lot of my crew and my family and myself and my wife.
So it's really important we get this out so people know.
So Kimberly Fletcher, again from Moms4America.us and joining us.
Thanks for coming on.
Thank you for having me.
I am really excited to actually tell this story.
More moms, more families need to know about this, what there is out there that can help support them.
So let's just start at the beginning, because a lot of people last year, the statistics were COVID was overblown.
They were people that died in car wrecks or gunshot wounds.
They were saying was that people with three types of cancer they were saying was COVID.
But then this year, I told people about five months ago, hey, real stuff's going around.
This is serious.
And then I experienced it two months ago.
You experienced it a few weeks ago.
Not like the flu, not like a cold, you know, worst thing I've ever been hit with.
And I'm pretty tough.
Almost killed my dad.
Describe what happened to you.
So, first of all, I did not know that I had COVID for several days.
And the reason why I didn't even consider that I had COVID is because I took the test last March, and it came back negative the first time, but then they said, we want you to come back and take it again.
So I went back and took it again, and they said it was positive.
And I had, you know, flu symptoms, and I think I had the flu.
There's no way in heck I had COVID last year.
And so when I started to get sick this year, it immediately started with a high fever and chills and body aches.
And I thought, oh, I'm getting something.
And so I came home and I rested and I actually, okay, because so many people, so many of my friends have been telling me, you've got to take this seriously.
I thought, okay, just on the chance that maybe it's COVID, but I was pretty sure it wasn't.
I contacted a local friend here in Nebraska on the way home.
I stopped at her house and she gave me hydroxychloroquine.
But I only had three days worth.
So I took it for those three days and I was like doing pretty well.
I'm like, OK, I don't know what that was, but obviously it wasn't COVID.
And so I just went on, you know, with my life and my daughter was with me and we made it.
We went to Nashville and had some events there and we started to get really sick.
And I'm like, OK, we got to get home.
And we had a flight to Dallas.
So I said, OK, let's
Let's get the flight to Dallas.
I think we've got the flu.
We were wearing masks and for the first time didn't mind.
And we're like, okay, we just got to get home.
And so we got to Dallas and we couldn't make it any further.
My daughter, when she got off the plane, could not breathe.
And she already has asthma.
And so we were, I was very concerned.
And I said, don't even tell me where the hotel is.
Get me to a hospital.
And I was adamantly, adamantly opposed to hospitals because of everything that I'd been hearing.
You go in there and they give you a disappear, put you on a ventilator and you're either there for weeks or you die.
And I'm like, we can't go there.
They're not going to treat us.
But a God thing.
She put in emergency room, not hospital.
And it sent us to a 24 hour ER clinic.
And when we got there, my daughter, when her symptoms first started, she was within the 10-day window.
And so they put her on Regeneron, but I wouldn't let them give her anything until I understood what it was they were doing.
So I have one of our moms is a nurse practitioner in Florida.
And so I'm sitting there texting her while the doctor's trying to tell me what my daughter needs.
And I said, they want to give her this antibody IV thing.
What is that?
And she said, is it Regeneron?
And I asked the doctor and the doctor said, yes.
And she said, take it.
And I'm like, okay.
So I'm just trying to get the best information I can in an emergency situation.
So we both tested positive for COVID.
They gave my daughter Regeneron.
And then they said, you're outside the window of when it works, but you're like right on the edge.
So we're going to go ahead and try it anyway.
And I'm like, okay.
So we were able to get back to the hotel and we just slept all night long.
And it was the first time in days that we'd been able to really sleep.
And then the next morning, oh my gosh, we were so, so sick.
And there are all kinds of symptoms of COVID.
I was about to say, it's when you lay down and sleep that it really gets you.
But continue.
Yeah, and I had no idea.
So we get up the next morning and we, it's
I can't even explain it.
It's like you're not inside your body.
Like your body's out there doing its thing and you're like, where is my brain?
And when I was explaining to people, I said, the only way I can explain it is it's like being on a merry-go-round nonstop and you can't get off.
And you're dizzy, you're disoriented.
We were nauseous, we were vomiting, we had diarrhea.
All kinds of things they don't say anything about COVID.
That doesn't sound like the flu.
And we never had sore throats.
We were running fevers that would not go away.
And so the night before, I called my husband and I said, we got to figure something out.
We got to get home.
We can't get on a plane.
And so he said, we decided that the best thing was for him to just drive down and then drive us back home.
So when he came down, he came in the room and all the lights were off and we're in bed going, oh, you know, and he's like, oh, my gosh, it's like a tomb in here.
What is wrong with you?
And I'm like, I mean, we're going to have to go to the hospital.
I don't want to go to the hospital, but I don't know what to do.
I can't breathe.
Cassie can't breathe.
She was taking albuterol because she has asthma, but it wasn't helping.
And we just we were in a very, very bad place.
And my friend had texted me right around that time.
And I had texted her a few days earlier before I realized I was sick and asked her a question.
And so she was responding back to me.
And I said, I'm so sorry.
I can't talk right now, Julie.
I have COVID and I'm really sick.
She went crazy.
She was like, oh, my gosh, what are your symptoms?
And so I started telling her and she said, I know exactly what you need.
And she mentioned Ivermectin.
I've never even heard of Ivermectin.
Why have I not heard of Ivermectin?
If that's something that's treating people and it's successfully treating people with COVID, why is that not all over the place?
And then she was telling me about Bradesodine and all these things.
And I can't even think straight.
And she said, we need to get you medicine.
We need to get you medicine right now.
Next thing I know, one of your awesome guys is driving up from Austin and bringing us a bag of all the medications we need.
And we were able to get, because of you guys, thank God, we were able to get a hold of a doctor who just happened to be in Dallas.
He's from another area in Texas, just happened to be there, was able to get all the medications we needed.
So both myself and my daughter were able to get the medications that we needed.
And this is going to sound crazy.
I know it is going to sound crazy.
But we got these medications, it was around, I think, one o'clock in the afternoon.
And by five o'clock that evening, Cassie and I were like, it's gone.
It's gone.
How can it just be gone?
The brain fog is gone.
Stay right there, because that's why I wanted people to hear this from you.
My dad was at 82 oxygen, blue.
I told my mom, you gotta get up.
She was real sick.
I said, dad's gonna die.
You gotta say bye to him.
And I said, he gets any lower, he's gotta go to the hospital.
They're intubating.
And literally, he was a lot better six, seven hours later after the Budesedine and the Ivermectin.
Next morning, put together four chairs that my mom had ordered that were in boxes.
Again, to put together, it was like 90% better the next day.
We'll be right back, folks.
Remember, the murdering criminals on the news in Fauci and in Rolling Stone, all of them, don't want you to know this, so you and your loved ones die.
They're a bunch of Joseph Mingelis.
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And they can't pretend there was nobody else to stand up.
Well, the global social credit score that China's putting in, it's banning people to three hours of video games a week.
And if you criticize the government, you can never buy or sell again.
Well, that's being brought here and all over the world under the guise of COVID vaccine passports.
They even admit it now.
They're saying there's going to be a carbon tax attached to it.
They're going to track where you go and what you do and decide where you can go and what you can do.
That's what the lockdowns are about.
You'll accept that.
You'll accept anything.
So again, the left is having fun right now with all the censorship and tyranny, pretending like they're part of the power structure.
But they're all going to be targeted by this nightmare as well.
We need to get back to basic human rights and promote them, or all of us will be enslaved by this horrible technocracy run by the globalists.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Kimberly Fletcher of Moms4America.us is our guest and she's reached millions and millions of people.
One of the biggest groups out there really energizing the Trump campaign.
We're glad she didn't die.
We're glad her daughter didn't die.
And again, we have a mutual friend, Julie.
We won't say her last name.
And she called us and I knew at first we called in and had a doctor calling in from Texas, but then the pharmacy wouldn't do it.
So then we went ahead and got one of my crew members volunteered to drive up to Dallas because he'd had it and seen the devastation and seen what the drugs that Dr. Bartlett put us on did very quickly for him.
And then by the time they got there, they'd gotten another doctor so they could get the other prescription they needed.
And again, she's saying within five, six hours, dramatic
You got cut off by the break.
Lay out what it was like because exactly what you described is where you're like out of your body, you're dizzy, you can't breathe.
And then personally for myself, within about five, six hours of the Ivermectin and the Rudesidine, I felt about 50% better.
But I waited so long to get on it.
I probably had it four or five days before I went and got tested and figured it out.
And so then the crystals, the prions, already done some damage.
But I went from not being able to breathe in a day to just being uncomfortable three or four more days.
And again, that's because I waited long into it.
But please continue with what happened to you and your daughter.
So it literally was like night and day.
And I know it sounds crazy.
And that's the reason why I want everybody to know.
And I'm I'm on a mission now to make sure that every family out there knows that there is a way to treat this, especially moms, because moms are very concerned and they're actually considering giving their children a vaccine.
And I'm like, no, there is a treatment and your children are going to be fine.
But why would they not do this?
And that's what I kept questioning.
So my daughter and I, when we went into the clinic, I thought they'll do something that will take care of us.
And once we got the medication, and it was like night and day, I could not figure out why would they not just prescribe that?
And so when we got the prescription for Dr. Bartlett for the remaining medication we needed, the pharmacies wouldn't fill it.
And so we had to go, we went to Palmer Pharmacy in Dallas, Texas, and they filled it, God love them.
Walgreens wouldn't fill it, CVS wouldn't fill it.
And Walgreens said, because that's where my husband's prior military, and we had military insurance.
And so when we went in, when he went to get the medication for us, they said we would have to, the doctor would have to fill out this form to explain why it was he was prescribing this medication if we wanted the insurance to pay for it.
And I said, well, pay cash, thank you.
I'm like, that's crazy!
Well just pay for it, just give me the tank!
But still they wouldn't because they're ordered not to buy Fauci.
And even when the scientists say give it to people, which the NIH and others are saying, Fauci says no, Pfizer says no.
Who made Fauci and the CEO of Pfizer in control of our lives?
Because again, they're killing a lot of people suppressing this.
Just like the ivermectin, just like the hydroxychloroquine, just like the vitamin D, just like the zinc, just like they're trying to block Regeneron right now.
Right, so the really interesting thing is I could not remember the name of the IV medication that they gave my daughter and I. And so I called the clinic to get the name of it because I wanted to make sure I had that because I was like, well, if that made a difference, I want to make sure this is on here.
And so I called the clinic and they sent me back to the doctor who was on the floor.
And as she was looking up what it was, what the treatment was that they gave me,
She said, so how are you doing?
Are you still sick?
Are you getting better?
And I said, oh, my gosh, I am so much better.
I got ivermectin and it changed everything.
And she hung up on me and I was like, what?
So I called back because I still didn't have the name of the of the medication she gave me.
And so I said, well, you know, why would why did you hang up on me?
And she said, well, that's not an approved medication.
And I said, well, neither's the vaccine.
You guys are shoving down our throats, but you want us to take that?
And she hung up on me again.
And so I was like, wow, why do these people not want to know?
Because they made medicine political.
Science and medicine was always about asking questions.
It was always about doctors finding out what works, doesn't work.
That's how most medications were discovered, was by just random.
It's well known that ivermectin is antiviral.
It's well known that hydroxychloroquine is antiviral.
It's well known vitamin D is antiviral.
It's well known, that's why they used to put
You know, in the gin they used to put naturally occurring chemicals in there that were known to keep them from getting malaria.
And that's the same chemical that is in the hydroxychloroquine.
So they've been doing this over and over and over again and it's absolutely disgusting.
I even saw articles 20 months ago when it was first coming out that the same stuff in tonic is the same stuff in hydroxychloroquine.
I don't know.
Well, and it is really infuriated me because we hear from moms all the time who are concerned about all kinds of issues that you address on the show.
And we can't even answer questions because social media shuts you down.
That goes against their standards.
So moms are out there hungering for information and truth and the whole entire medical industry
Has turned into this weaponized political... I don't even understand why American Medical Association is telling doctors what they're supposed to say and what they're not supposed to say.
When I looked at my records from when I was at the clinic,
It said, there is no medicine to treat the virus.
That is a bald faced lie.
Why are they telling people that?
They told me immediately, big, bold, all capital letters, stop taking hydroxychloroquine.
Well, I'd been out by then.
So, but I told them I'd taken hydroxychloroquine and then would you take the vaccine?
No, I didn't take the vaccine.
I have no idea what's in that vaccine.
And there's just certain things.
That they're going to push at you and you go to these doctors and these medical professionals because you trust them and you're looking for information and they are not giving it.
And that just literally infuriates me.
And so I want to, I'm going to get this out.
I'll create videos.
I'll go on any media source and I'll tell people, listen, we are being lied to.
And we as moms, if no one else is going to handle this and take care of this right, we as moms are going to make sure that other moms know so that our children, our families, our parents are taken care of.
Ivermectin saves lives.
It saved my life.
It saved my daughter's life.
And now I have a whole bunch of it in my house.
In case any of my other family members get it.
My husband got it.
We have him on everything.
So we have to make sure that we are taking care of ourselves.
If the media is going to lie to us, if Dr. Fauci is going to turn this into a political issue, then my goal is to take the politics out of things that should not be political and make this about what really does make a difference.
And we should start with what works to treat people with COVID.
And start telling the truth.
There are treatments.
They are out there.
I was very blessed and lucky because I had friends and a great support team that when they found out, they were able to help me.
What about everybody else?
We've got to get this information out as far and wide as we can.
You're right.
It's a life and death situation.
And you find out that Big Pharma and Big Media and Big Tech are together.
When Senator Paul comes out and says natural immunity is way better than the immunity for the vaccine, they censor it, saying the UN doesn't allow that.
When a young man in college has a heart attack because of the vaccine, they say, well, he told the truth, but still we're going to censor his post.
He might scare people.
That is tyranny.
And Fauci and others know what they're doing.
It is extremely criminal.
We're good to go.
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So the placebo that they have used, that the FDA has allowed them to use, has often been another vaccine.
A vaccine with a known adverse reaction profile that's causing death and damage in its own right.
That it's the
Aluminum as an adjuvant in the vaccine, a known neurotoxin, a known immunotoxin, a known poison in human beings that is in the supposedly inert placebo.
Totally inappropriate.
This is not good science.
It is not science at all.
It is an effort to cover up the true adverse reaction rates to these vaccines so that they can get through the low barrier of constraints put there by the FDA and onto the market.
That is the only concern.
Dr. Wakefield is just one of many informed voices in the film, Covidland.
Secure your copy of Covidland today at covidland.com.
And if you order by October 6, you get a free copy of the film, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, absolutely free.
Around the world, the general public has woken up to the fact that this isn't a left or right issue.
This is a global, corporate, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Great Reset, Takeover.
This is a technocracy.
But very few leaders, Orban, Bolsonaro, and just a few others, are addressing it for what it is to their people.
A foreign, anti-human, anti-family, anti-God takeover of the very biological system of humans.
This is a corporate takeover of our bodies, of our cells, with the World ID, the medical tracking system, that'll be tied to the carbon taxes.
It's all been announced.
It is a dystopic
Nightmare, and humanity is starting to organize, but our leaders aren't.
We need Senator Paul, and Senator Hawley, and others that have shown some understanding of this, and Senator Cruz, to organize against this foreign, multinational, corporate takeover through Big Pharma, Big Banks, and Big Tech, or we have no hope!
I have the greatest sense of loss, deep in my heart, deep in my soul, I've ever had in my 47 years on this planet.
I've had a lot of loss, like everybody else has.
And it's because it's a loss of ancestral freedom that so many people fought and died and bled and sweat for.
And now we're just throwing it all away.
And I see the general public in a medically-induced, scientifically-induced, behavioral, psychologically-controlled,
And I know we're being fed into this globalist meat grinder and it's so incredibly sad, but this is the process of birth and then growth and then falling apart and then degenerating and collapsing and then coming back to life again.
It's just the globalists are actively trying to steer and control this process of decadence and collapse to actually end the species as we know it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, here is the National Health Minister saying it's a permanent lockdown in Australia, and that you'll have to take shots all the time.
The CEO of Pfizer said it will all end except for those that aren't inoculated.
You will not be able to, quote, live your life.
He said you'll have to have these shots to live your life.
So that's called being held hostage.
Biden just got his, quote, third shot, and I guess it'll be his fourth, his fifth, his tenth, his twentieth.
And, you know, here he is supposedly getting protected when Israel did the booster shots two months ago and found it gave you, quote, 48 hours of more protection.
So it'll be like an aspirin soon.
You'll get four hours of protection.
I mean, they say, oh, trust the science.
But then, oh, don't look at the science.
Don't go down the rabbit hole.
You're not smart enough to be able to figure this out yourself.
Here is again a clip of the Australian Health Minister, shady, shady lady, and then we've got the head of Pfizer making the new announcement as well.
We will not be ever having to go back to pre-COVID levels.
We're always going to have to be mindful that COVID exists.
We're going to have to engage with booster shots.
We're going to have to engage with advice from time to time when we see outbreaks.
We're going to have to respond.
So it's not going to go back to normal.
We can't deny that we're going to have to live with COVID.
But having those very high vaccination levels will allow us to have more minimal restrictions or more minimal public health measures in place as we navigate the future year.
I agree that within a year I think we will be able to come back to normal life.
I don't think that this means that variants will not continue coming and I don't think that this means that we should be able to live our lives without having immune
Without having vaccinations, basically.
But that, again, remains to be seen.
The most likely scenario for me, it is that because the virus is spread all over the world, that we will continue seeing new variants that are coming out, and also we will have vaccines that they will last at least a year.
And I think the most likely scenario is annual revaccinations, but we don't know really.
We need to wait and see the data.
Dr. Bourla, thank you for your time this morning.
Oh, it was a great pleasure speaking to you, George, and we are sharing common heritage.
Yes, we certainly do.
And so now he's more powerful than Bill Gates.
The head of Pfizer tells you what you're going to do, when you're going to do.
And, oh, the vaccine lasts at least a year, but you get boosters as well.
And then you'll be allowed to maybe do a little bit of this, a little bit of that.
Oh, we see the regulators say, don't take boosters, don't give children.
It will happen.
Then this week here on the same show, I am very pleased that they are overriding the scientists.
It's very good for our company.
Who died and made this guy God?
While they control big tech and big media to block ivermectin and the rest of it, and don't tell you that
84% of hospital admissions and deaths.
This is now a CDC study they put out last Friday.
80 plus percent were vitamin D deficient.
Oh, but don't say that from the rooftops.
Yeah, if you don't have vitamin D, any virus will kill you.
But notice, oh, there will be no variants of the cold.
Oh, this is our new life.
But COVID is their own little creation of five viruses combined with an HIV delivery system.
So there's a real one out there where they can set the PCR test to whatever they want.
So Kimberly Fletcher, I like your spirit.
In that you see what this is, and you're saying they're trying to suppress this.
They can't suppress this if we all go out and warn people, and then find doctors that know the truth, find pharmacies that know the truth, and never again support the big pharmacies that wouldn't help you and your daughter when you were dying.
Support that little pharmacy, even if you live in another state.
Find the local people and make them successful.
That's what America's all about.
We need to pull out of the establishment.
What do you say to that, Moms for America?
I'd say absolutely.
We are creating a landing page on our website and we hope to have done early next week.
And we're going to be saying exactly that thing.
If these pharmacies are not filling the prescriptions, call them out.
Go to those local pharmacies.
Let's help these small businesses who are standing up and doing the right thing.
I think we need to start rewarding those organizations, those individuals, those entities, those corporations that are doing the right thing because too many of them aren't.
And it really goes back to the local community.
And there's nothing more local than home and family.
And right now, families, mothers particularly, are struggling trying to find out what are the answers, what is the truth.
Where do we go to find these things?
So, Moms for America has become a trusted source that moms can come to, and now we're going to be adding all of the information we're finding on COVID.
And I just, but try not to choke up here, but I just want to thank you, because you and your team, you saved our lives.
You've done it for somebody who has a lot of passion.
And so, this story is not going to end.
And we're going to do everything that we can at Moms4America to make sure that moms know about this.
And thank you for what you did.
Well listen, please don't thank me because it's the same thing.
When I saw the statistics and the studies and knew that people that got on this early have like a 100% recovery rate, you know, the combo, the budessodines, very important as well, and the zinc and all the rest of it, but obviously the ivermectin is incredible, along with hydroxychloroquine, probably even better than hydroxychloroquine, but you get what you can get.
We're in this together.
This evil group wants to successfully kill us and control us.
It's a great victory every person we save.
It's just like Dr. Bartlett literally has worked tirelessly through the night with so many other medical doctors at the risk of their own license.
You know, they get persecuted to save lives, but they didn't violate their Hippocratic Oath like these other people that
Don't just refuse to give you the medicine and the medical care.
They hate you because they deep down know you are right, and Dr. Bartlett's right, and the studies are right, and so they're mad that you're not just going along with their charade because they're staying in an unconscious mode.
It's up to us to shake them out of that unconscious mode into the conscious mode.
And they're going to be the ones, like this medical nurse that blew the whistle.
Her friend died in the hospital, another nurse.
They wouldn't give her ivermectin.
They killed her.
And she saw them saying, no, it's the vaccine killing people and killing our staff.
But we're not supposed to say the people dying, the majority have had the shot.
Well, the numbers are out now.
So again, they're now asking medical staff to cover up their friends' deaths.
I mean, how far are we going to go with these insane looking medical heads?
These are not Photoshop photos on screen.
This is what the British and other top health ministers look like.
Look at these people.
They don't even think they're human.
I got to tell you that there are a lot more of us than there are of them.
And when we start uniting together, I really believe that when moms start to get the truth and we start to unite together and we stand up,
You don't stand against that.
You don't mess with Mama Bear.
And the more that these moms are realizing what the truth is, and these are moms who are teachers, they are medical professionals.
As I said, one of our moms in Florida, she is a nurse practitioner.
And they, a few weeks, I guess about a month ago, they got word that they were mandated.
They have a really big clinic, 5,000 in their clinic, and they were mandated they were going to have to have the vaccine by November 1st.
So she's like, this is enough.
So they held a medical freedom rally.
And the day before, one of the moms posted, who was the wife of the doctor, posted flyers on all the cars in the parking lot and said, what are you going to do on November 1st when 1,000 of your medical staff doesn't show up?
And the next day, they held the Medical Freedom Conference, which we had our media team get involved in, so they were all over the media.
On Tuesday, they issued a new letter with new information saying, if you want the vaccine, you can get it.
If you don't, you don't have to.
So it was a big win because they stood together and they united together.
And that's what we need to do.
They are threatening doctors with their licenses.
They told our mom there in Florida and everybody in that clinic, if you don't take the vaccine by November 1st, you'll lose your job.
If you want to put in a religious exemption, you can, but you'll have to wear a different colored badge so everybody knows.
Literally like Nazi Germany, and they pushed back and they had victory.
Listen, I really like you, Kimberly Fletcher, momsforamerica.us.
Come back soon as we're out of time and talk about your movement.
You've reached millions of people.
Where you see Trump going, what you think about the election fraud, everything else.
Join us again soon, and please join us on our other broadcast.
Will do.
Alright, thank you so much.
Speaking of everything she said, I got a bunch of articles about that.
It's only been in the last 60 years that we've had satellites that can decently measure what's happening in the atmosphere.
But if you look at all the different studies and reports brought by NASA and other governments and other agencies,
They all disagree on what's really happening with the climate.
The only constant, the only great truth is, change is the only constant.
So yes, climate change is totally real.
But notice, first they called it global freezing back in the 70s and 80s, and then it's gonna be global warming, and that didn't really happen the way they wanted it to.
Okay, now it's just climate change.
But did you know that man-made climate change
is a real thing when it comes to the United Nations and the Department of Energy and Bill Gates and the UN.
They have weather control treaties from 1979.
Bill Gates has been manipulating the weather for a very long time.
In fact, back in 1994, two scientists won a Nobel Prize for an idea of spraying different particles out of jet engines to control the weather.
So yes, man-made climate change is real.
So if you understand that this is not FDA approved, it's totally experimental, it's never been given to human beings before.
Some of the ingredients inside of these shots have never been injected in human beings before.
There are no long-term studies.
We don't know what's going to happen inside your body somewhere four to six weeks after your second injection or four to six months or even two years.
We have no idea.
Whether it's going to cause infertility, whether it's going to cause cancer, how bad your autoimmune disease is going to be.
My conclusion, after looking at this for a long time and listening to the arguments for these masks, I've determined that if you believe, if you're a medical doctor or a scientist that's spouting, using these masks, you're either being played or you're being paid.
Secure your copy of COVIDland today at covidland.com.
If you order by October 6th, you get a free copy of Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement.
Granny Do-Right.
Granny Do-Right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Oh baby, I'm tired of talking.
Grab your phone and let's start walking.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Grab your phone and let's start walking.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on
Well, we covered it earlier.
Mainstream news, like New Yorker Magazine, is calling for burning down oil refineries, blowing up pipelines, basically killing people.
And the media is venting and saying, well, of course we're going to blow everything up and burn everything down.
Except our businesses.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Let me hit this news.
Suddenly, I cannot train.
I cannot play.
Tennis pro, 34, in season.
He's ranked one of the top players in the world after COVID vaccine left him with violent pain.
In the heart, of course.
French tennis player, Jeremy Charty, says he regrets having taken the vaccine and suggests he may retire early next year.
The problem is that we have no hindsight on the vaccine.
Not a vaccine, it's an experimental injection.
Tennis pro, 34, says he may never play again after taking the shot because he's so incredibly sick now and what it's done to his body.
And of course, they admit that that's what it does.
We've got a side-by-side here of Reuters articles in the last nine months of the rollout of the shot.
April 27, 2021, US CDC has not seen link between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines.
Is that why in your October 2020 report that's on the CDC website?
Oh, really?
You list everything that happened, microcarditis, all of it?
Why is that in the CDC report?
Oh, but here they are months later.
November, December, January, February, March, April.
Here they are five months later, weaponized, lying to you.
CDC has not seen link.
Even though it was in a report five months before, buy them officially on their site.
CDC has not seen a link between heart inflammation and CDC-19 vaccines.
Because they're the ones putting it out and making money off of it.
CDC has not seen a link between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines.
Here they are a few months later in May.
CDC looking into heart inflammation in some young vaccine recipients.
And here they are in June.
FDA to add warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer-Moderna vaccines.
That's an older meme.
Now you can say, even by September, early September, hell, late August, they were saying, okay, it's not rare.
You can pull those headlines up.
Heart inflammation and problems not rare, like previously thought.
Evidence grows stronger for COVID vaccine linked to heart issue.
That's in June.
Now it's all confirmed with a warning on it.
But back in December, when we learned about the CDC documents, they shut us down.
That was another reason.
Jones has got to be banned.
He's going to cost lives.
It's like the young man that had the microcarditis on the golf team, missed the championship, may never be able to play while he's in college again.
Could have died.
They said, well, you really did have a heart problem.
It was caused by the shot.
has decided you're not allowed to have that video.
But the U.N.
We took it down.
That was Yahoo News last week.
The U.N.
says an American college student and his doctor can't be interviewed and can't be heard from because the U.N.
said so.
You wake up and the United Nations is in control.
And the airlines, oh, get him off the screen.
We're not allowed to show him.
The U.N.
said take it down.
Take it down.
That's right.
Let's play Biden with his mask on.
He's had three shots, but he's not protected, and he could get you sick.
Gotta keep wearing the mask.
Gotta take booster shots every few months.
Gotta stay locked up.
Gotta do it.
Here, go ahead and play it with audio.
Here's Biden a few hours ago getting his booster.
It just, we just, the government and the big pharma just puts in us what they want, when they want.
Doesn't matter if it causes heart attacks and infertility.
Oh, there's big studies.
In fact, give me the Edon clip I forgot to play from yesterday.
The former head of Pfizer science, actual scientist, virologist, talking about attacking the ovaries.
And they knew that a year ago too, the shot, but you don't need those pesky ovaries!
Uh, here's Biden.
We are helping, we're doing more than every other nation in the world combined.
We're going to have well over a billion, 100 million shots and we're going to continue going.
We're going to do our part.
We've also given a great deal of funding to COVAX.
Which is the vehicle that does this, so we have a plenty, plenty of opportunity to make sure we get everyone in the world to play our part.
The largest part of the world is getting everyone vaccinated.
And if you believe they really put that in his arm, I got a bridge on the moon I want to sell you.
That's enough, get that skeleton off the screen.
And again, we're meant to hate him, and I do hate him, and I want to see him go to prison with the rest of his dirty family, but a pedophile scum, but
He's a puppet.
So my hate for him is a one.
My hate for Schwab and Bill Gates and the globalists is a trillion.
We're meant to hate him.
We're meant to focus on him instead of the people controlling it all.
He's designed to run down the country.
He's designed to bring it all down so the globalists can take over.
Let's not let that happen.
Again, we need to talk about the globalists.
The politicians do as well.
Where do you hear Rand Paul?
Where do you hear Josh Hawley?
Where do you hear Ted Cruz?
About the New World Order and the Great Reset and how this is a global carbon tax.
Mark Moreno used to be the Chief Advisor to the Republican Senate on global warming.
They all know him.
He's saying it's a global carbon tax takeover.
Here's MasterCard.
Here's Bank of England.
Here's JPMorgan.
All saying it starts now.
Not a word out of Republicans that I've seen.
I mean, we're being attacked by global corporate government that says we're going to be locked down forever, that's in full control of the EU and Australia, partial control of the UK and us, and we just sit here under corporate governance, global governance, with our captured nations, as Klaus Schwab goes, we have captured America, we have captured the other countries.
It is quite good that we are now in control.
We will change your body.
We will control your body now.
I'm not saying you'll have a job.
Not everyone can polish robots.
Well, that's not a very good German accent.
He's German, but I mean, he speaks French.
He speaks it all.
I mean, it's like a... It's a Bond villain voice.
You're like, is that Russian?
Is that French?
Is that German?
Every time he talks, it's different, like Kissinger.
I mean, look, he might pull a mask off.
It's like Mars Attack.
There's an alien under there.
I mean, that's how he acts.
The Great Reset will never end.
It is a cut.
The economy will never come back.
Very angry world coming.
Very angry.
Here's Dr. Yidan, former chief scientist at Pfizer, telling you about your ovaries and the COVID shot.
Last month, we know of four people who died shortly after vaccination.
None of them were particularly old.
None of them were older than 70.
And we know another half a dozen people who are... Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you.
This is like a six-month-old clip.
It's in the hundreds of thousands now.
He is specifically talking about those they admit the vaccine killed, like the BBC presenter.
Well, let's continue.
I agree.
I'm a toxicologist as well as a pharmacologist and I just couldn't believe what the design of these vaccines is stupid for one of the reasons you just described.
But separately from that, it was known for years, maybe decades, that
The spike proteins of coronaviruses are so-called fusogenic.
They prompt cells to clump together.
There's a feline peritonitis vaccine which has a spike protein and coronavirus.
And we know that the spike protein itself is biologically active.
So it's just a stupid idea that you would present that into people without, for example,
Mutating it so that it would lose its biological activity but retain a lot of its immunogenic structure.
So that was a stupid idea and I've also recently discovered in the last month or so that for the mRNA vaccines that use a lipid nanoparticle formulations in order to protect the payload, unfortunately those lipid nanoparticles themselves have had a more than a decades-long
Technical problem, well known to specialists in the industry, which is that they concentrate in ovaries.
There's a paper I quoted, which is on the website for the Truth for Health Foundation, for whom I'm Chief Scientific Advisor, the paper in 2012 that actually talks exactly about that.
These lipid nanocarriers and ovarian toxicity, an underappreciated human toxicity risk.
And yet in 2019, 2020,
Moderna and Pfizer both chose lipid nanoparticles.
I'm in a war.
You're in a war.
The truth will trump lies, but you've got to get it out.
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Biden and his corporate controllers are lying to you.
This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
This is an engineered virus in a lab that they then injected into the public using their poison vaccine, so the body then created mutations that actually spread even worse, like the Delta variant.
That is scientifically admitted.
That is mainline science and not even debated.
But the general public does not even know that.
So when that criminal with his pedophile crackhead son gets up there on television and tells you that you are to blame because you didn't take your poison shot, that is a giant lie.
Countries like Israel and Singapore with the highest vaccine rate have the highest death and highest illness rates.
That is the facts.
Get that information out to your friends, family and strangers like your life depends on it because it does.
General Lee.
It's General Milley.
I just want you to know that Trump tried to overthrow the U.S.
government two days ago on January 6th, and I just want you to know I've taken control of the nuclear weapons, and if Trump tries to launch an attack on you, we'll let you know first the attack's coming.
That is from the transcript.
Then he called up Pelosi, Schumer, and others to say, I'm loyal to you.
I'm going to protect Trump from using nuclear weapons.
But Trump was going for detente with China and North Korea at the time, and Trump's respondents saying it's a total lie.
Pelosi's come out and admitted it happened.
Pelosi bragged back on January 8th that it took place then, and is saying that she honors Milley and that he's this courageous person.
So are all these other Democrats.
So this is the permanent deep state coup that's been in control for a long time, now coming out of the shadows publicly.
Remember, these people literally hate you and your family.
Now they're injecting you with poison, soft kill injections.
Wake up, America, or be destroyed.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, well you ain't been to the other dimension, brother.
I got the answers.
I got God.
I got what I'm after.
I got what I'm after long before I died.
And I didn't find it in some fake church.
You found the devil there.
I found it in opening myself up to God and the universe.
And studying history and challenging evil brings you closer to the Creator.
Gerald Cilente is taking over from Kingston, New York.
Coming up in T-minus five minutes.
And I did a decent job today.
I covered about 80% of the news I wanted to get to, but there's a lot I haven't gotten to.
So what I'm going to do is...
Catch some of that now, and then I am going to be back in a special report we're going to file tonight, because this is really a big deal.
Globally, they're cutting off the resources.
That's the great reset to artificially collapsed society.
One big way is devaluing currencies.
Another big way has been the global lockdowns that have just decimated the third world.
Now there is spike proteins being released by the vaccinated, causing real illnesses.
And so 90% of fuel pumps run dry in major British cities.
After panic buying, there were already shortages last week.
It's not the panic buying, like mainstream news is saying.
When you read deeper, it's because
The fuel companies are refusing to pay what the crude oil and the refining actually cost.
Same thing in China.
Power outages hit China, threatening the economy and Christmas.
New York Times.
So much inflation is happening that they're unable to make deals quick enough to up the price and so it's breaking down supply chains.
If you read deeper in the New York Times, they actually admit
As electricity demand has risen, it has also pushed up the price of coal to generate that electricity.
Well, at least they're allowed to have coal.
If not, they've shut our plants down.
But Chinese regulators have not let utilities raise rates enough to cover the rising coal costs.
So the utilities have been slow to operate their power plants for more hours.
And so we can't get all our little slave goods and plastic goods that break before they're out of the box from communist China.
Meanwhile, Costco limits purchases of toilet paper, towels, and bottled water amid inflation supply chain issues.
Yeah, it's supply chain and it's inflation, right?
Mark gets it right.
Over the weekend, it's like people are panic buying.
That's why there's not enough TV dinners and enough of this, that, no.
I am in the business of selling a lot of products at Infowarsware.com that are quality, that let us fund ourselves, because we don't have George Soros funding.
We're funded by you.
And everything's been breaking down for over a year and a half, and now it's getting worse and worse, and now there's real stuff going around getting people sick, and when one person gets sick, they shut whole factories down.
This is how you sabotage and have a great reset.
Just like the low-level leftist blow-up pipelines, the high-level globalists turn them off, the big banks just simply
Pass regulations and carbon taxes where you can't even extract or use it.
Then they sit back as society implodes and go, well, we better depopulate.
Let's start with Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.
I'm not going to kill them.
But your guys are in New Yorker Magazine, how you're going to firebomb and blow up refineries and blow up all this stuff.
And I'm just saying, we're going to identify who's behind it, and you're not going to get away with it.
Yep, now they want to call the army out to the gas pumps.
And now, oh, New York doesn't have enough doctors and nurses because half of them quit, so we'll put the military in there.
How's the military going to take care of when you have a heart attack?
This is destabilizing the economy of the world to collapse it so the big megabanks can come in and buy it all at the pennies of the dollar.
Instead of going to jail at JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs, like Bernie Madoff, they've done crimes thousands of times bigger, conservatively, so they get to run the world and give us a great reset.
And the left wants free universal income, so they sit there and toady around and grovel to it.
All right, I'm out of time.
Today is the last day to get Ultra 12, B12 at 50% off, and Winter Sun at 50% off.
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Infowarsstore.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
Gerald Cilente of the Trends Journal and Trends Research Institute takes over in 60 seconds, so tell folks to tune in.
I'll tell you what's life and death.
If you don't have freedom of speech, if you don't have the right to be able to communicate, then you don't have a future.
Always when governments take away speech, they then enslave the population, and then they finally start exterminating the population.
In America, the entire world is going down the tubes because of the UN Global's directed Great Reset.
That's why it's more important than ever that InfoWars stay on the air and that all of us stay healthy.
That's why I'm offering a bunch of our best-selling products at 50% off for a limited time, only until the end of the month of September.
That's only about 12-13 days as of the time we're taping this.
And that means all of these amazing products.
We have Ultra 12, highest quality B12, taken out of the tongue.
We have Winter Sun, highest quality organic vitamin D3, taken out of the tongue.
We've got Knock Out the Sleep Aid.
We've got Hair and Beard Formula.
Let's do it!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show.
Thank you, Alex, and thank you for all you're doing and the staff at InfoWars.
And as I say over and over again, you better put your money where your heart is.
Because what's going on now is unprecedented in recorded history.
And if we don't do something to change this, it's hell on earth is where we're living.
So do what you can to support InfoWars.
They have great products.
I'm going to follow up on a couple of things Alex was talking about.
He was talking about how they're having trouble now staffing hospitals.
This is from the toilet paper of record today.
The New York Times.
They got this arrogant line, by the way, in the front.
All the news that's fit to print.
You mean all the crap that spews out of your BS mouth that you want to shove down our throats.
All the news that's fit to print.
Who the hell are you to say what's fit to print, you little prostitute slimers?
But here's the article.
As vaccine-weary staff prepare to lose jobs, New York hospitals brace for strain.
How come you're the little low-life boys and girls that have been pumping the crap out that the people that don't want to get vaxed are right-wing Trump supporters?
Conspiracy theory believers.
Do you know why these people don't want to get vaccinated?
Which the Slimers will never say.
Because they've seen the dangers of what the vaccinations have done to people.
And they don't want to take the jab.
But nobody talks about that.
They've seen it firsthand.
They live with it.
But yet you got these little gutless clowns spewing the crap out of their mouth like Chris Rock and all the other junior little comedians blowing out their crap.
About why you should get vaccinated as BS Two Shots Rock got the virus again and still telling people to get it.
This is why they won't get it.
They've seen it.
And again, Operation Warp Speed.
You got to be warped to believe that a warp speed is a tested vax.
And again,
It ain't chicken pox.
As the info was, they had about the whole DNA, what they're doing now to change the DNA, India leading the charge.
It's a gene therapy shot, first ever injected into humans.
And you're a conspiracy theorist and a moron for not getting it.
And again, you saw that stupid story they had about the view.
About how
Oh, they had to change everything because... The view of disarray before Vice President.
Anna Navarro described chaos on the set of The View after she was rushed off stage just minutes before Vice President Kamala Harris was set to appear.
All of a sudden, it turned into an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
You see?
It's a comedy show!
Navarro told Anderson Cooper.
Anderson Cooper, the little daddy's girl, born on third base and thought he had a home run.
Another arrogant piece of garbage scum.
Yeah, look at those two getting up.
You think losing a couple of hundred pounds might help?
You think maybe getting in good shape might help?
You didn't run out.
You can't run.
Maybe you rolled off stage.
Oh, don't be disrespectful.
I don't want to pay for your bad health.
Read the data in the Milliken Institute.
A little daddy's girl.
There he is.
A little clown of a nothing.
I remember when he went to the Arab Spring, when he ran out of Egypt.
Somebody hit me!
Somebody hit me!
Yeah, did they shove it up you?
Did they hit you?
If mommy wasn't Gloria Vanderbilt, you arrogant piece of garbage, you wouldn't be anywhere other than shoveling the crap that comes out of your mouth!
Gloria Vanderbilt, Vanderbilt, you got it!
Or maybe that's for you, yeah.
Or this is better yet.
Anyway, despite being vaccinated up the wazoo, as Joyce Behar put it,
Navarro and fellow host Sonny Huston rejected from the show on live television just minutes before Harris' interview.
This is the clown show!
The presidential reality show!
What view?
A view of stupid garbage!
Your little tiny view of the world!
False positives, huh?
Oh, you mean the fake PCR tests that they keep using over and over again?
That they keep saying cases are rising?
Who would believe this thing?
Blimped out people.
Look at this thing.
One of the dots over there.
Well, you'll lose some weight.
Maybe you won't get so sick.
Stop shoveling crap down your mouth.
Oh, and it's not the poor people that are blowing up.
It's America.
You look at the Trends Journal, not this week, but last week's.
I went into
Cape May into Jersey.
You go over the bridge and there's a thing that says, Whale Watching.
You take a boat.
You don't have to take a boat to watch the whales.
They're walking up and down the broadwalk.
They're all over the street.
What do people look like?
Whale City.
42% of Americans are obese.
78% of the people.
78% of the people, according to the CDC, that were hospitalized were either obese or overweight.
False positives.
Stupid news.
Selling fear and hysteria.
Now, follow up on what Alex was saying before about oil.
You're looking at Brent Crude now hitting almost $80 a barrel.
All right?
Remember that clown Powell?
Yeah, yeah, the guy, the Fed share.
What Fed?
That's the other thing Alex was talking about.
The banksters get off with a free ride.
They get a slap on the wrist.
Nothing happens to them.
Yeah, Powell said it was only going to be temporary.
What temporary?
It ain't temporary.
It's going on.
Yeah, just came out.
Wells Fargo pays $37 million to resolve Justice Department claims it defrauded currency customers.
A lousy $37 million for screwing up the lives of how many millions of people?
This Wells Fargo, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, it's a gang.
Remember, Jesus Christ drives the money changers out of the temple.
Three days later, he's on the cross.
That's right.
That's right.
The bank allegedly overcharged 771 businesses on foreign exchange transactions from 2010 to 2017.
This is only the beginning of what they've done.
They've done so many other things.
And we're going to get into some more of them.
And one of them is
Robert Kaplan was trading like a hedge fund kingpin for five years, while president of the Dallas Fed.
A dozen legal safeguards failed to stop him.
A right that's from
Who I very much respect, Pam Martins and Russ Martins of Wall Street on Parade.
Just came out and we'll be back in just a few.
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We're already halfway through September 2021.
It's just incredible.
And now the world is waking up that InfoWars was the tip of the spear and was dead on.
That's why it's more important than ever to keep us on air.
And I thank you all for your support, your prayers, and your word of mouth that is key.
I think so.
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Plus, these are great products.
Please take action.
This message is not for our regular listeners who are informed and understand about the value of essential vitamins and minerals, meaning if you don't have them, you die long term.
It's for new listeners.
The power structure works around the clock to try to debilitate you and try to make you sickly.
Please research, because this is life and death.
Vitamins that are essential and minerals that are essential.
Just type that into a search engine.
You will see the top universities, CDC, all of them telling you this.
But you won't see this on the nightly news because they don't want you at the big pharma companies to understand how to protect yourself to a great extent from what's going on in the world on a routine basis.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as I said, do what you can to support InfoWars.
You just heard of great products that they have.
Alex was just talking about, you know, Winter Sun and on and on, you know, one great product after another.
I want to keep going on with what's going on with the Feds.
Murderous banksters.
You know, they're too big to fail, remember that?
They're too big to fail after screwing people out of their life savings.
And we had to bail them out?
Too big to fail.
All we are, plantation workers on Slavelandia, they're too big to fail.
They're better than us.
They get hit with a fine.
They're slapped on the wrist.
Like JPMorgan Chase rigging, rigging, rigging the precious metals markets.
A fact.
Committed a fraud at least four times.
How come Jamie Dimon isn't in jail?
But boy, do those cops get rough on other people like they do down there in Australia.
You saw the videos of the cop, this guy standing there, the guy coming up from behind him and bashing him down to the ground, splitting his head open, firing rubber bullets at the people, protesting against being locked down.
How dare you protest?
But yeah, you guys suck up!
You salute, you salute the Jamie Dimons!
Yeah, here's a salute for ya!
Rigged the precious metals market.
Right in front of your eyes.
The whole game is rigged.
Going back to Pam and Russ Martin's article today.
Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan
Robert Kaplan, Robert Krap, arrogant, arrogant, gangster, bandit, slimeball, wasn't just trading like an aggressive hedge fund kingpin in 2020.
Now, in 2020, as the scum locked us all down, he's been doing it for some time, for five years, at the Dallas Fed,
Yep, it goes on.
They're looking at his financial decisions trading in and out of S&P futures, a highly speculative form of trading used by hedge funds and day traders.
Each of Kaplan's S&P 500 transactions, you ready?
Are listed at over $1 million.
So the phrase means 1 million.
It could mean tens of millions, which it probably was.
But you don't get the real truth because they're the banksters.
They're the murderers.
Did it to Christ.
They're doing it to us.
This guy should be in jail.
Along with the other little clown, arrogant boy over there.
This is from CNBC Today.
Boston Federal Reserve President Eric Rosengren announced Monday, today,
He's stepping down from his position on Thursday, retiring nine months earlier than he had planned.
In his announcement, which came weeks after an uproar over his trading in individual stocks in 2020, Rosengren revealed that he has a kidney transplant.
He's on a list since June 2020.
So that's the reason he's giving his quitting, but here's the quote from CNBC.
The Fed has come under criticism in recent weeks, following revelations that several of its officials, now that's a curse word, calling these little scumbags officials.
How about official pieces of crap?
How about official lying little boys?
How about official members of the club?
That screw us and steal our money as the Federal Reserve dumped 29 trillion dollars.
29 trillion dollars!
29 trillion dollars into the bankster system between 2007 and 2010 according to the Levy Institute at Bard College.
Several of its officials had
The Federal Reserve has come under criticism in recent weeks following revelations that several of its officials had owned and been trading individual stocks.
A potential conflict with the Fed's role in the financial markets.
How's that for crap language?
A potential conflict.
You get it?
As George Collins said, it's one big club and you ain't in it.
And going back to that little clown boy, little freaky little arrogant boy, Powell, that slime ball crap coming out of his mouth since last February.
Oh, inflation is temporary.
Inflation is temporary.
February, March, April, May, June, July, September, going into October.
Oh no, now look at this!
Look at this!
Look at that!
Look at who's telling us what to do!
Look at who's telling us what to do!
A little cojone-less, arrogant boy.
Member of the club.
Member of the Banks the Bandit Club.
Now they're saying it's transitory.
Get this in your head, everybody.
Median household income in the United States declined
At its highest rate since they've been doing the numbers in 2020 as the Bankster criminals, the Bankster slime balls.
Like Kaplan and Rosengren.
Keep making millions and enriching the bigs.
You look at the data.
Right about in the Trends Journal.
Coming out all the time.
Bigs keep getting bigger.
We have a whole special column.
This is from today's Wall Street Journal.
That's how I underline the salient points of the story.
So I know what I'm talking about.
You think I want to read this crap every day?
Tons of it.
Tons of it.
Every day.
Every day.
And that's why the Trends Draw is not magazine-like and nothing touches it.
Corporate buyout lending soars.
The buyout boom fueled by easy money and a looming increase in capital gains tax, blah, blah, blah.
Companies have issued $119.8 billion in leverage loans this year through September to finance corporate buyouts
By private equity firms.
You got it?
The money printing like they showed you?
The cheap money for the bigs?
Look what the banks the criminals get.
They borrow money at 0.35%.
And what do they charge us for interest rates?
Eh, only about, what, 27%?
I'll charge you whatever you want.
Yeah, thanks to that low-life peanut farmer, Billy Carter.
He's the one that started the whole deregulation.
We're gonna be right back.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic, because I sit there and I beg you for support, constantly, for prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth, and we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I've got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And we're still here.
And as this whole New World Order comes out in the open, our credibility is going up.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved and America still quasi-free.
You can't have InfoWars.
It's been proven right being on air with all the craziness that's about to unfold.
Because if you think stuff's bad now, just get ready.
So thank you all.
And get into InfoWarsStore.com.
Get some great 2020 election shirts, supplements, and so much more.
They're wonderful products.
Yeah, they support the InfoWars.
Thank you.
You want to have double-blind, randomized placebo testing.
What that means is you give 20,000 people the vaccine when it comes to phase 2, phase 3 trials, and you give 20,000 people a placebo, and then you really look at health outcomes for a long period of time, not four weeks.
A lot of these injuries, the autoimmune injuries, you're not going to see in four weeks.
The cancer, you're not going to see in four weeks.
And many of the neurological injuries, you won't see for four weeks, if the experience with other vaccines is instructive.
You look at the other vaccines that are currently in the schedule, and there's about 400 injuries, illnesses, chronic illnesses that are listed.
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I have the greatest sense of loss deep in my heart, deep in my soul, I've ever had in my 47 years on this planet.
I've had a lot of loss, like everybody else has.
And it's because it's a loss of ancestral freedom that so many people fought and died and bled and sweat for.
And now we're just throwing it all away.
And I see the general public in a medically-induced, scientifically-induced, behavioral, psychologically-controlled tranche.
And I know we're being fed into this globalist meat grinder, and it's so incredibly sad.
But this is the process of birth, and then growth, and then falling apart, and then degenerating and collapsing, and then coming back to life again.
It's just the globalists are actively trying to steer and control this process of decadence and collapse to actually end the species as we know it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show, and now your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
As I said, you know, we're in the fight for our lives.
I was a speaker at Ron Paul's War on Us event in D.C.
back in the beginning of the month, and
RFK Jr., Robbie Kennedy Jr.
was one of the speakers.
I preceded him, actually.
And as he's walking off stage, we're talking about the loss of our freedom, he said, I will fight to my death with my boots on.
Very emotional.
And that's what we're in.
We're in the fight for our lives.
That they're destroying us like this and robbing our freedom.
Can you imagine forcing us to get vaccinated?
That God now is science.
God isn't nature anymore.
Natural healing is not permitted.
So, I say this because there are very few of us out there that are fighting for this freedom.
It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority.
Keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men, says Samuel Adams.
And Info Wars is that part of that.
I rate Tyler's minority, as am I. So you need to do what you can to support Info Wars.
And one of the ways to support them and get a great product in the meantime is this wonderful movie that they just did.
And it's called COVID Land.
And it's the first InfoWars original documentary production in nine years.
And I was on a number of the other ones, and they teamed up with Paul Wittenberger from Framing the World Productions to produce a five-part documentary series called COVID Land.
And episode one is called The Lockdown.
And it chronicles the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic and shows how big tech, mainstream media, and governments deceive the world into accepting lockdowns using fraudulent cases, inflated data, and, you know, fake news.
There's the fake news freak himself.
And there he is.
And then you also, you can pre-order COVID Land, the lockdown, on high quality DVD at Infowarsstores.com.
Or, covidland.com, and it's only $19.95.
And each order comes with a free copy of Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
And now the elites, as you well know, they're gearing up for lockdown too.
They wait till the winter comes.
And one way to stop them is by getting a physical copy of this DVD.
It has a zero country code, so we'll play anywhere, and you can make your own copies.
For educational purposes, share it with your local election officials, friends, neighbors, and other people that can think for themselves.
So we must stop lockdown too.
So in order to do that, and help do that, get this DVD.
And get it out to everyone, you know, because we're we're in the time of our lives here.
And because the filmmaking team really wants you to get this DVD and share it.
If you order a second copy of Covid Land, it only costs you ten dollars extra and you get a second copy of Endgame for free.
And they can't censor physical DVDs and people are ready to
Awaken and to take action.
We're seeing it.
So it's nineteen ninety five for one copy of Covid Land DVD and a free end game DVD.
Twenty nine ninety five.
You get two copies of Covid Land plus two free end game to DVDs to go to covid land dot com.
And let's help stock stop.
Lockdown number two, because it's coming.
When the winter comes, they're going to start blowing this thing up again and stealing more of our freedom from us.
And as I said before, you know, the rich have taken over everything.
So we have to support each other and doing what we can to stop this.
And I'm not making it up.
I'm reading the facts over here.
We put them in the Trends Journal every week.
The big's getting bigger here.
America's richest 400 families pay a lower tax rate than the average taxpayer.
This isn't a conspiracy theory.
This is from CNBC.
As I had forecast in the very beginning of this, when this thing is going to go out, you're going to see homeless and crime rate rise spikes like we've never seen before.
This is from Sunday's New York Post.
The garment district is turned into a lawless shooting gallery of smack addicts getting high in broad daylight.
All right.
It's all over the place.
Yeah, Big Pharma helped turn him into him, too.
Plus all the lockdowns that put people out of work.
So, two things.
Number one, if the COVID was so deadly, how come it's not killing all the homeless people and all these drug addicts?
And killing 78% of the people, according to the CDC, that are hospitalized are obese,
And overweight.
And 94% have 2.6 pre-existing comorbidities.
How come they're not saying that?
And number two, as for the homeless, I have a solution.
The Salenti solution for the homeless.
It is moronic and stupid to house these people
In hotels and single occupancy housing centers.
Look at this.
It's all over the country.
More and more.
It's never like this.
Get them out.
Get them out.
Get them out.
And give them a life.
By putting them in a room or letting them sleep outside is not going to help them.
Up here where I am in Kingston,
We're at the foothills of the Catskill Mountains.
Used to be called the Borscht Belt.
It's where the great comedians and bands used to play back in the day when this whole area was thriving with the big hotels out there, groceries, one after another, Brown.
Now these places are empty.
All that was caught, they're empty.
I just drove around yesterday at the top down of the car.
I wanted to get the last in there.
It was a beautiful day.
I was driving around.
And I thought to myself, why not build hometowns?
Not homeless towns, hometowns.
Instead of wasting tens of billions of dollars
Putting these poor people in one room in the winter, staying in a room, build a hometown.
Not a homeless town, a hometown for the homeless.
And now you can give them things to do.
In the winter they could garden, they could do crafts, they could do arts, they could be busy, they could be working.
Like a boy's town, like they used to do.
To me that's the easy solution.
Because this thing's going to keep going down bigger and harder.
With all these vax passports they've imposed, people aren't going, I can't go, I can't go, I can't go to the Senate Garage to listen to jazz.
I can't go to the Bearsville Theater in Woodstock to listen to jazz.
I can't go to the Falcons to listen to jazz, places I used to go to.
Because I don't have a vaccine passport.
And I'm not alone.
So the homeless situation is going to get much worse.
Because businesses are going to get much worse.
People are going to be out of work much worse.
So that's my solution.
Hometowns for the homeless.
This is moronic what they're doing.
We got stupid little freaks, little scum, that are politicians making these rules up, just like they made the COVID war start, all the other wars.
They don't know what they're doing.
They're morons and imbeciles.
Here, there's the imbecile delight right over there.
An arrogant little Warren Wilhelm Jr.
Ya Nazi little freak!
Nazi boy!
Warren Wilhelm eating crap and spewing it out of his mouth.
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So the placebo that they have used, that the FDA has allowed them to use, has often been another vaccine.
A vaccine with a known adverse reaction profile that's causing death and damage in its own right.
That it's the aluminum as an adjuvant in the vaccine, a known neurotoxin, a known immunotoxin, a known poison in human beings, that is in the supposedly inert placebo.
Totally inappropriate.
This is not good science.
It is not science at all.
It is an effort to cover up the true adverse reaction rates to the vaccines so that they can get through the low barrier of constraints put there by the FDA and onto the market.
That is the only concern.
Dr. Wakefield is just one of many informed voices in the film, Covidland.
Secure your copy of Covidland today at covidland.com.
And if you order by October 6, you get a free copy of the film, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, absolutely free.
The scientific dictatorship that I've been warning you about for 27 years has now gone from beta testing to operational.
The globalists are out in the open with their planetary depopulation takeover, their robot takeover.
But the good news is we've been working and you've been working and others have been working across the planet for decades to get ready for this, to be able to fight it off.
Humanity is strong.
We're incredible.
And if we're aware of the attack that's happening, we have a real chance of defeating it.
If we ask God for guidance, we will defeat it.
So prayer is essential, research is essential, getting prepared is essential, and warning others is absolutely essential.
And at the same time, supporting InfoWars by buying high quality products to keep us on air,
It's essential, because they're great products for you and your family, and they're also funding our operation.
InfoWarsStore.com is incredible.
A lot of our products that have been sold out because of supply chain breakdowns are back in, like bodies, vasovets, and others.
So get them today at InfoWarsStore.com, and I thank you for being part of the resistance.
We're already halfway through September 2021.
It's just incredible.
And now the world is waking up that InfoWars was the tip of the spear and was dead on.
That's why it's more important than ever to keep us on air.
And I thank you all for your support, your prayers, and your word of mouth that is key.
I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Gerald Celente.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show, and thank you for tuning in.
You know, I was mentioning what little stupid, low-life, pieces of garbage, scum crap
Politicians and, quote, officials and authorities.
Authorities, officials, that's profanity.
And dignitaries, those are dirty words.
They're better than us.
To show you the stupidity, ignorance, arrogance.
These are the same imbeciles as when I was a kid.
They had me in my generation hiding under a desk in case an atom bomb went off.
Like that was going to make a difference.
Scaring the hell out of us.
Just like they scare the hell out of us now.
Look at this promo by the Oregon Health Commission.
Look at it.
COVID-19, now you could, you could make, you could, you could, you could, you get vaccinated.
Everything's going to go back to normal.
And you look at this thing.
Look, look at the cartoon.
Look at the cartoon.
This is who they're talking to.
And that's the minds of the people.
The health, Oregon Health Authority.
If you're both vaccinated and taking COVID-19 precautions.
Intimacy is likely to be safe.
Yeah, how about if you get it up your... Oh, you stupid... Look at this.
Look at this stupid crap.
Look at this moronic junk.
American people don't believe anything's real until they see it on TV, said Richard Nixon.
That's how dumb the people are.
And he knew it.
Again, going back to the view.
What view?
A view of garbage!
A view of arrogant, arrogant, arrogant people!
You can only think like me!
If you don't think like me, you have no right to think at all!
We know every... Oh, crap!
I put out a magazine!
I'll go against anybody in the world!
Anybody in the world on data!
Whether it's war,
Or the covid war.
The economy.
On and on.
I'll go against anybody.
Show me your books.
Your trends.
Two thousand.
Show me your your your natural healing.
Honorary doctorate from the National University of Health Sciences that I have.
Show me your trend tracking.
Far better than Megatrends.
Time Magazine.
Screw you!
And look at my magazine.
Last week, 142 pages.
The week before, 162 pages.
As you're spewing out crap.
More crap.
More crap.
The New Daily.
Here it is.
This is out of Australia today.
Life will return to almost completely normal in New South Wales for the COVID-19 vaccinated.
However, the unvaccinated will be shut out while the fully jabbed will be busy living near normal lives.
Could you imagine?
This, this is, Hitler would have been proud of you.
No, no.
Maybe Stalin is your kind of cat.
New South Wales reported 787 cases.
Cases mean nothing.
They have 336 deaths in 18 months out of 8.2 million people.
What's that per month?
All right.
It's nothing.
The three-stage plan builds on the freedoms, the freedoms, catch this word, freedoms, to be restored for the fully vaccinated residents.
Unvaccinated North South Wales residents, which are not in lockdown now, may find life becomes more restricted after that pivotal date.
There will be individuals, as a quote, in regional and rural New South Wales who choose not to be vaccinated, who will lose their freedoms on October 11th.
Deputy Premier John Bolerero, John a bull crap, said on Monday today.
And you got that other one, that Gladys been jerking off over there.
Today is a very disappointing day for those who aren't vaccinated.
I think they assumed once we hit 80% double dose, they would have certain freedoms.
Look at this.
How could you be so damn stupid to listen to this?
Gladys been jerking off.
How could you be so dumb?
Where are the people?
Oh, the people can't come out because the commie COVID cops over there in Australia, they'll beat the hell out of them.
Like they did to that guy standing up, this guy coming in from the back and throwing him down on the ground, splitting his head open, shooting rubber bullets at people, peacefully protesting.
And then you got that other clown over there.
Look at this video.
This guy's just standing there.
Look at this clown.
Look at this.
And look at how they jump on top of him.
Look at this.
Look at this.
Look at this.
Look at this.
Look at that arrogant guy.
Look at them.
Look what's happening to our world!
And look how they all gang up!
Look how they gang up!
You take these guys on one by one.
Look at him!
Look what he's doing!
Look at him!
Look at him!
Look at him!
If we don't fight for our freedom, we are finished.
We are finished, police commander.
Police crap!
You little, look at these little freaks.
Look at them.
You better, look at them.
Look how they're dressed.
Look what they did.
Peaceful protesters.
In a country near you.
If we don't unite, we're finished.
You better support InfoWars, subscribe to the Trends Journal, if you want to know what's going on, what's next and what to do.
As bad as we see things, we tell you, even the bad, we tell you what the good or the bad is and, you know, if you're going to invest or whatever you want to do.
If we don't unite, we're finished.
Danny Andrews, look at the clown over there, the other guy over there in Victoria.
Another little jerk of nothing.
A little clown.
Little Danny Andrews.
Look at this guy.
How could you listen to this little nothing?
Cajoneless little boy.
Anyway, that's where we're at.
Made it as clear as can be.
Yep, here we go.
We're 97% to 90%.
He will allow!
He will allow!
He will allow the country!
A little boy that's been sucking off the public titters his whole life and never worked a day in his life.
Look at the people running and ruining our lives.
How low can it go?
Much lower if we don't stop them.
It's time to unite for freedom, peace, and justice.
United we stand, divided we fall.
You can't make this stuff up.
Look at him.
Look at him.
Never worked a day in his life.
Look what they have.
All we are are plantation workers on Slavelandia.
The trillionaires got eight trillion dollars richer.
The bigs are buying up everything.
When I was a young boy, there were hardware stores, grocery stores.
Drug stores!
Stationery stores!
And now there are stationery chains!
Hardware chains!
Grocery chains!
Drug chains!
And we've been chained by the bigs!
They are in control!
Look at this little jerk!
Off over there!
Thank you for tuning in.
We'll see you next week.
Do everything you can to support it.
They're fighting for the truth, as we are.
And again, you just saw it.
No Vax.
No Freedom.
Thanks for tuning in.
The puppet leaders of nations across the planet are declaring their allegiance to the New World Order and Democrat politicians have been announcing it here as well.
That means allegiance to a tyrannical world corporate government.
Established by the Rockefellers through the U.N.
And they want inside your bodies to put in you what they want, when they want, and to have the global digital tracking COVID passes or vaccine passes to form the backbone of their new world ID.
And now they're Puppet Biden.
When Bob Woodward's new book came out,
Alleging that General Milley had called the head of the Chinese military and said Trump might nuke you, he tried to overthrow the U.S.
government, but basically I'm protecting you and I'll warn you if we launch an attack, which was the greatest treason in U.S.
history that has ever been committed.
People said, oh Alex, it must not be true, and I'm like, wait, Bob Woodward's former Naval Intelligence, he's a big insider globalist.
He wouldn't have put this out unless they wanted to put it out to say that Milley was a hero to set the precedent that you can have a permanent bureaucracy, stay behind network, deep state, basically that has its own bureaucratic coup over America.
That's why they put Biden in.
He's so incredibly weak.
He's to undermine the idea of the presidency.
Well, people said I was making it up or that Bob Woodward was lying.
Well, now Milley admits he did it.
You see, I didn't need to trust Bob Woodward.
I remember Pelosi on January 8th bragging that she'd gotten a call from Milley that he'd taken control of the nukes.
So this treason was hiding in plain view back then, and we covered it!
See, I have a memory, folks.
I remember all this stuff.
That's why I know what's true and what's false.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.