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Filename: 20210909_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 9, 2021
3227 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Dr. Anthony Fauci's involvement in gain-of-function research, food shortages, and conspiracy theories such as the New World Order on his show InfoWars. Richard Fleming argues that vaccine uptake doesn't correlate with lower COVID-19 cases, suggesting countries should investigate vaccine components to understand their ineffectiveness against variants like Delta. Michael McDowell discusses news stories, including COVID-19 as a bioweapon created through genetic engineering and the use of remdesivir in hospitals for treating COVID-19 patients despite its complications.

Tomorrow's news.
You've been saying that your belief is, under oath, that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress.
Last time I checked, that's against the law.
Isn't it, Senator?
It's a felony, punishable with five years in jail.
We've referred it to the Department of Justice.
I don't think Biden's Department of Justice will do anything with it.
But yes, it is very dangerous to have public officials who we need to have trust in coming and lying to us.
But he has lied dozens of times.
Usually he tells us that it's for our own good.
But yes, he has dissembled, he has obfuscated his other nicer words.
But he has definitely lied to the American public.
And he should be held responsible, but not just that.
The judgment that we should continue to fund this lab, and that the virus in all likelihood came from the lab, I think is such incredibly poor judgment that he should be immediately removed.
Joining me now is Senator Tom Cotton, who was the first politician to raise the lab leak theory over 18 months ago.
Senator, your take on these new documents.
Well Laura, I've said for months that Tony Fauci should be fired.
Now it's clear that he lied to Congress.
So he should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
You know, for 18 months he's been saddling up his moral high horse and clucking his tongue at college kids who want to go celebrate a football game in an outdoor stadium on a nice fall day.
Parents who don't want their kindergartners to have to wear masks their entire lives, telling you you have to wear three masks, when all along he's been lying not just to Congress but to the American people about his role in funding the very reckless, dangerous research at a Chinese communist lab that unleashed this pandemic on the world.
It is a disgrace and it's time for Tony Fauci to be held accountable.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us today.
And I'm just going to be completely honest with you.
I have been on air 28 years, and I've never experienced what I'm now experiencing.
It's not because I'm old, not because I'm physically or mentally tired.
It's because there is hundreds of times smoking gun information that there was out there about the New World Order plan 25 years ago.
26, 27, 28 years ago.
I mean, the amount of news here is just, makes me become dizzy.
I'm just marveling at this.
They have announced all over the world that you must pledge allegiance to the New World Order and stay locked in your house forever and depopulate.
And that you are not essential.
Biden is set to announce forced inoculation for all federal workers.
They don't care if you already have immunity.
They don't care if you have a medical condition.
It's just total criminal subservience.
You have two U.S.
Senators finally calling for Fauci's arrest and how many years they want him to serve in prison.
Tom Cotton and Rand Paul have got more of the interviews you just saw coming up.
And there's even more documents in the... In fact, guys, bring in the 900 pages I have on my little desk out there, please.
I forgot to bring that in yesterday.
I want to show you the 900 pages here, or I'll get it during the break.
It's right outside that door right there.
So, this is the level that we're at here now.
And it's just out in the open.
It's so bizarre.
I mean, I haven't even scratched the surface.
We've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 stacks.
Some of these stacks are 30, 40 articles.
I mean, I've got 900 pages that says, quote, gain of function on it.
I mean, it's just absolutely insane.
We'll be right back.
There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class.
Not in Communist China, not in Mexico, not in the United States, not anywhere is there a real study of the planet's ruling class.
And that's done by design.
The large central banks that basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics
That look into, say, the Anglo-American establishment that founded the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission of the United Nations, the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Until ten years ago the media said, the control corporate media, the Bilderberg Group didn't exist.
Well now the Bilderberg Group is public and its former head, still on the steering committee, is Klaus Schwab and he has set up the Great Reset, a global government.
And if as a liberty movement worldwide we don't address the globalists head on about the fact that they are a worldwide authoritarian corporate takeover, we don't have a shot.
If we do expose them, we can beat them easily.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're live on this Thursday, September 9th, worldwide transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and we are all going through this attack, this globalist depopulation, the industrialization, agenda 21, agenda 2030, attack together.
And only realizing that this is a premeditated corporate planetary takeover, do we have any chance
of defeating these tyrants.
But we have a very good chance if we just wake up and realize that fighting back, speaking out, and not complying is the way forward, is the American way that led the world out of incredible oppression.
That's why our system's under attack.
It's why the National Archives, the Library of Congress are now saying, remove the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
They put trigger warnings on them saying they're racist and evil.
Because those ideas that are enshrined there, we don't get our rights from the Bill of Rights and Constitution, but it legally enshrines them.
And the idea of a true republic is a countervailing system to the globalist, anti-human, depopulation, transhumanist tyranny.
Now, if you're a TV viewer, you can see that stack right there.
There's two stacks.
That's 900 pages.
I read 500 plus pages of it.
Two nights ago and I tried to read more last night and I just couldn't do it because I started getting so angry.
So I get why Steven Crowder and others laugh about the stuff that's in there because we already had this in some emails and Fauci had conferences called Gain of Function.
He signed on to U.S.
grants saying we need to have gain of function and he defended gain of function research at Chapel Hill when Obama had it moved to China in 2015.
So it would be like saying
Troy Aikman never played for the Dallas Cowboys.
You just say that's a bald-faced lie.
Or red lights aren't red.
So these new 900 pages that are right there, that the intercept student got, has a lot of the same thing in it.
I mean, we've played clips of Fauci at conferences that are called gain-of-function conference defending it.
So when he gets up and purges himself under oath to Congress, and says it's preposterous, no one's ever done that and it's not true,
It's because he knows he has the FBI in his pocket.
He knows he has the Justice Department in his pocket.
He knows he was greenlit by the global establishment and the UN to cook up that virus and to release that virus and to come out with a vaccine that would create a mutated virus that was far more dangerous and that spread faster.
And that's Delta.
And so, and we told you all this 18, 19 months ago was going to happen.
This is mainline science.
It's not like we're just telling you this now.
So, we now have Senator Cotton, we now have Senator Paul, and I know that's because our listeners have been hammering him, great job, keep it going, saying it's time to arrest Fauci.
The penalty for each time you lie to Congress is five years in prison.
They tried to put Roger Stone in prison for, quote, two lies to Congress for ten years.
Five years per count.
And he had lied.
He said, I know an intermediary talking to Julian Assange.
Well, back then, Julian Assange was on the New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, Fox News.
He wouldn't give us the time of day.
Think the guy's a hero?
Want to get him out of solitary confinement?
We were just, you know, little conspiracy people over there.
I mean, he wouldn't give us time of day.
So we were, Roger Stone basically was a pundit here.
He wasn't paid yet to host the War Room, but we were trying to get Julian Assange on.
I know!
He said, I talked to Randy Credico, this New York talk show host, he knows him, and we're going to try to get him.
He says it's big, it's Hillary stuff.
Then I saw him indicted for saying he lied to Congress that he was in control of WikiLeaks and that he lied about that.
He wasn't in control of it, he couldn't even talk to them.
They were trying to put him in jail for 10 years.
I had a bunch of other charges too, it should be longer than that.
For nothing, and then there's Clapper saying, as the head of national security, we've never spied on any American with the NSA.
That's like saying a bear has never defecated in the woods.
Fish have never swum in the sea.
And then now he gets up there, Fauci, and does all this, and it's just over the top.
But it's because that little arrogant monster has been running depopulation and poison vaccines and cancer-filled vaccine operations for over 40 years.
He's got the U.N.
and the Bill and Melinda Gates and all these major institutions behind him.
The good news is all these regulators are quitting and leaving him.
Because they're saying what you're doing is wrong.
Even the U.N.
came out and said don't give booster shots.
Because it's going to make people so damn sick.
This weapon works too well.
And they're getting scared.
Their own scientists are saying, you better quit or I'm going public.
Like they did in 2019 in December when the head of the vaccine program had an emergency conference for two days saying the vaccines don't work.
They're hurting people.
Doctors don't believe in them.
Our front line is wobbly.
What are we going to do?
We're just given this stuff untested and said use it on people by the foundations.
She's talking about Bill Gates.
So I like Steven Crowder a lot, and I get it, he has a fun show, and with stuff this depressing, you gotta laugh about it.
But here's just one of the new emails that is in this 900 pages, where the email's called, Developing Gain of Function.
And that was the whole point.
He says, I want you to take five viruses, I want you to combine them with a spike protein, so they can infect humans.
I've read that the last three days on air to you.
We're now three days into this story.
So, let's go ahead and roll a piece from The Battle with Crowder.
Do you remember Fauci's email to the Deputy Director of NIAID?
It was a Hugh, what was it, Hugh Auchincloss?
I don't know.
We have the source here.
The attachment read, Nature Medicine SARS Gain of Function PDF.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
It's the title of it!
It's on the slide of the PDF!
And the whole purpose to a PDF, as opposed to say, like a Google Doc or Word, is that it can't be edited!
It's the digital version of a Sharpie!
If he was just wearing a gain-of-function sweater, he wouldn't look like a big liar.
Just has an arrow, I'm with gain-of-function.
It just makes common sense.
All references are available at ladderwithfeder.com.
The attachment, once again, Nature Medicine, SARS Gain of Function, dot pdf.
It's like Hillary Clinton naming it.
You're going to want to delete this.
So I get it's all funny and everything, and it's a comedy show, so I'm not mad at him for laughing, but I'm not laughing.
Let me show you what's really going on here.
These are new numbers.
They mirror what's happened in Singapore, Gibraltar, and all these other massively, quote, vaccinated areas, which it really, again, isn't a vaccine.
Now they have numbers, this is from John Hopkins of the United Nations, on Palestine and then Israel.
And Israel has 2,000 times
More cases and more deaths.
2,000 times what the highest spike is in the Palestinians.
So they're at 500.
And, of course, the numbers are the same all over the world.
They're at 2,500.
Here's a bunch of countries compared.
And there's another one, Israel versus Sweden.
And you can see Sweden throughout its history.
And now look at Israel after they got the shots, boom, all-time high.
And now Sweden's totally open because they got very low vaccination rates and got natural immunity.
See that?
Oh, here's another one.
And it's the same.
You can see it all over the world.
You can even superimpose that.
See how humans are the same?
Look right here.
Let me show people.
See how you see Sweden?
Boom, boom.
Two big mountains and then it goes down.
What happens in Palestine?
Two mountains, goes down.
You compare Israel, still way higher.
Because they're injecting people.
See the two mountains in Palestine?
Same thing.
See the two mountains in Sweden?
Again, for radio listeners, you can just type it anywhere.
Israel versus Sweden, COVID.
Palestine versus Israel.
Because Israel is the most scientifically surveilled and controlled and injected group.
They're even worse and more of a police state than Australia and are leading the way.
Which, of course, it's a new world order.
So let me hit that first and I'll get back into Fauci.
Australia's health minister announced that it's a new world order.
And then Twitter and others put out warnings saying, well, they don't mean the new world order Alex Jones talks about.
You know, a world government medical tyranny.
This is just the UN-directed world medical system helping you.
We'll be right back on this huge Thursday show.
Got big guests as well.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
The nature of evil is that it must dominate, it must control, it wants to lock you in dungeons, torture and rape you.
That is its main spirit.
It wants you to believe God isn't real and give up.
And then submit to it, and agree to embrace evil, to be let out a little bit of your cage, to then go out and enslave other innocents.
And so the cycle is continued, you're cut off from God, your soul is attached to that army of failure.
Of losers.
Of belial.
Now, evil always grows and always makes its move when people become dormant, become asleep, become decadent.
And this is a grand assault.
This is the big takeover.
It's never going to stop until the New World Order is defeated.
Until Klaus Schwab and the bankers and the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are brought down, they're never gonna stop.
This is a depopulation, planetary collapse, where they organize the collapse, they pose as the saviors, always getting more power while things fall apart, promising to fix things if you just submit and become a slave, which they're now officially doing.
So that's where we are right now.
And Vladimir Zelenko,
The accomplished doctor that really first started pushing hydroxychloroquine and then ivermectin from the studies and so much more, treats over 30,000 patients successfully in upstate New York.
He was on Australian TV a few days ago and put out information that I'm separately aware of from my sources that none of the globalists are taking these shots.
In fact, the head of Pfizer says he's not going to take it.
He said, oh, I'm 50-something and healthy.
I have that video.
I don't need it.
He said, if you're not healthy, you need it.
See, he uses his surrogates, though, to then try to make us take it.
But, oh, he's the good guy.
He doesn't want to make you.
It's like the Australian Prime Minister is a conservative, a evangelical, a Christian man.
I take one look at that guy and tell you, he's evil.
And then he lets all the premiers in the states enslave and suppress.
So it's the same thing.
Oh, the U.N.'
's like, oh, don't do the booster shot, it might hurt you.
While the surrogates of the U.N., Biden, said to give a speech at 4 p.m.
Central, 5 p.m.
Eastern during the war room today.
We'll have live coverage of that.
And CNN's got the leaked plans.
And it's just what I told you.
He's going to say we may have to do another lockdown if you don't all take the shot, even though the shots make you more apt to get sick and spread the virus and create mutations.
And he's going to say, all federal workers must take it.
And then of course, then you've got to take it next.
So it's everything we warned of.
It's coming today, 4 p.m.
So they're never going to stop.
Everything you see in Australia and the U.K.
and Canada is coming here.
We're just a year behind.
Vax for all federal workers.
No testing option.
Doesn't matter if you already had it.
The natural immunity is 13 times better.
Doesn't matter.
If you've already had it, they can kill you to take a vaccine for it.
They don't care.
You're going to do it!
Going back to your treatments that you've done, in the early days obviously there was great controversy about what you've done, but isn't there now?
They say, we say, proof in the pudding, or the results are in, or the runs are on the board.
Your scoreboard is there.
Why isn't there other politicians or people from Australia coming to your doorstep and saying, Dr Zelenko, we are now having the COVID infection numbers like you experienced in New York and in the US.
What can we learn from you?
What can we tell us?
There seems to be none of that whatsoever.
Well, that's not true.
For themselves and their families, they are doing exactly what I've advocated for.
For example, I know the whole executive staff of Google are on hydroxychloroquine and nivromectin.
I'm aware of their doctor who put them on it.
So what you're saying, that's just one of the preventative, there's like a prophylaxis.
Yeah, so they're taking for prevention not to get COVID.
They're not taking the vaccine.
You know, the White House, the CDC, the FDA, they're not mandating for their employees the vaccine.
So the hypocrisy is that there's a double standard.
There's the people that are in power that know the truth, that are doing it for themselves and their families, but for the rest of us mindless sheep, they're advising to stay away from life-saving measures.
I'm sorry, but the data is clear.
Dozens of studies have shown an 85% reduction in hospitalization and death if you treat this thing early, within the first few days of symptoms.
That means out of 600,000 dead Americans, for example, 510,000 could have not even gone to the hospital.
You see, the crimes here are so
Massive that the human mind cannot accept or comprehend the scale of the malfeasance and the malevolence.
Now you see, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko comes to the exact conclusions I do because you actually have Bill Gates and Ted Turner and Prince Philip and Prince Charles and all of them saying it years ago in the Rockefeller plan and now you see it.
But that's the key.
What he just said.
Too evil to fail.
Too evil to fail.
Too big.
The man in charge of rolling out HIV and suppressing the good treatments and running depopulation operations all over the world.
The man that goes to the depopulation private meetings.
At the Rockefeller facilities, that's been in the news, Fauci, one of the few scientists allowed in, maybe three or four, maybe 50 people go to these Bill Gates meetings held by David Rockefeller.
It's been in the news, to quote, set up world government, to quote, carry out depopulation.
That guy's printed me a few of those Wall Street journals, you name it.
Billionaires meet in secret to curve over population.
He's the guy!
He's above Gates when it comes to actually running things.
Gates is the globalist that sits in control of the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Annenberg, and all the rest of them that are carrying this out.
They're robber barons.
And so the mind of the lawyers and the doctors and the media, people sign on, they go take the shots, and they say, I just want to go to the ballgame.
I just want to go back to the mall.
I want to go to the restaurant.
But notice there's always more.
And it doesn't work.
And it gets rid of your immune system.
And it turns you into a factory creating escape mutants.
That's the name for it.
Super viruses.
It creates the Merrick effect.
They don't call it that in humans and pigs, but it's known when you give them shots, it does the same thing in chickens, where it makes more and more deadly viruses that spread easier and easier.
Instead of naturally getting stuff, viruses get less powerful.
But when you artificially do it, they get more powerful.
This is all known science.
That's why you never used to give people vaccines during a pandemic, because it would create mutants that were worse.
That's 101.
You know, my wife's a smart lady, but she doesn't read all the literature like I do, and she was at lunch yesterday with a female medical doctor from her tennis group.
And the woman was telling her all this stuff, didn't even know who I was, medical doctor, about how they're creating super viruses.
This is what's happening.
They're going to create one that basically kills massive numbers of people.
That's going to be hundreds of times worse.
They've got to stop.
It's out of control.
I'm thinking about quitting my practice and moving to the countryside.
And my wife came home yesterday.
She said, Oh my God, this doctor was saying everything you said, because it's science.
And then they go, oh, just trust the science, do this, when they're launching it all.
A world government forcing these medical controls on you.
That's the New World Order.
And when we come back, I'll show you the Australian Health Minister saying, get used to it, contact tracers, come into your house, you'll be locked in your home.
If you don't take the vaccine, you'll be on permanent lockdown.
It's a New World Order.
A New World Order.
A New World Order.
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I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead
With their full operational de-industrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
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The scientific dictatorship that I've been warning you about for 27 years has now gone from beta testing to operational.
The globalists are out in the open with their planetary depopulation takeover, their robot takeover.
But the good news is we've been working, and you've been working, and others have been working across the planet for decades to get ready for this, to be able to fight it off.
Humanity is strong.
We're incredible.
And if we're aware of the attack that's happening, we have a real chance of defeating it.
If we ask God for guidance, we will defeat it.
So prayer is essential, research is essential, getting prepared is essential, and warning others is absolutely essential.
And at the same time, supporting InfoWars by buying high quality products to keep us on air is essential because they're great products for you and your family, and they're also funding our operation.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, Dr. Kerry Chant, and John Kerry, and Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton, and David Rockefeller, and basically every major leftist world leader, Tony Blair,
Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, they've all called, except for Putin, for a New World Order.
And they're very specific.
A New World Order is the UN, with NATO controlling the US military, invading every country and putting people on a carbon regimen, cutting the amount of food and energy they get to, quote, save the Earth, when really it's just neo-feudalism.
The most ancient form of imperial control of populations.
And that's all the Great Reset is, and Klaus Schwab's own words is, teaching you to have less.
And of course, the ubermensch and they all have giant palatial houses and yachts and helicopters and jets.
But you don't have a car, you don't have air conditioning, you don't have anything.
In fact, once they do that, they're going to kill you with deadly shots that slowly kill you and then blame the unvaccinated for it.
And they always said they would do that.
Bill Gates said, we're going to depopulate humans and bring
Population growth down to zero with vaccines.
He said, and we'll actually finally bring that carbon number to zero and get rid of all humans, and the TED talk crowd laughed.
So here's Wikipedia.
They probably need to update it.
New World Order Conspiracy Theory.
This article's about the conspiracy theory of the New World Order.
It's a conspiracy theory of a secretly emerging totalitarian world government.
Well, I got the mayor of Chicago
Talking about locking people up in their houses and she can get a haircut but you can't.
And you've got to pledge allegiance to the New World Order.
So I always said the New World Order would be a medical tyranny through the UN using the fear of a virus to control the planet and lock things down.
It's in my two and a half hour film.
500,000 copies sold.
Endgame blueprint for global enslavement.
Seen 100 million times on Google Video before they took it down.
Seen 20 million times on YouTube.
Not bragging, I'm just saying, it's a major film.
I mean, it's right up there with Blockbuster, you know, top movies.
Thanks to you spreading the word.
I mean, you want me to play the videos of me 10 years ago, 15 years ago, saying specifically they'll do exactly what happened?
And again, I'm not Nostradamus.
I don't have a crystal ball like Gandalf the Grey.
They said they'd do all this exactly, and I've just been here warning you and trying to stop it.
Now we're inside of it.
And how do they respond with bots all over Twitter and Instagram?
Alex Jones admits he's an actor.
Alex Jones says it's all an act.
Alex Jones says he's a performance artist.
And you can't find me saying that anywhere.
You can't find my lawyers saying that.
You cannot find it anywhere.
It's not true.
But they just don't want you to look at what I'm saying, and that's how they respond with that bot.
He's fake, he's fake, he's fake, he's fake.
No, no, no, they're fake.
They're fake bots, most of them.
And then idiots regurgitating and repeating it.
And so I just counter that because people need to learn how to see that you see it everywhere.
Tucker Carlson admits he's just an actor.
Really, where's the video?
Tucker Carlson admits he's not news.
Really, where is it?
Well, it's because most states with defamation lawsuits only let you, under the law, file certain boilerplates.
And so, you'll file all the defenses for it and say, it's punditry and it's my opinion.
And they go, oh, that means you're an actor.
That's the type of games they play, ladies and gentlemen.
But I can show you everything I say is going on.
That's the difference between us.
You're like, oh Joe Rogan, he's got COVID, really sick.
Yeah, he's taking horse tea warmer.
No, no, he got better in two days with it.
It wasn't horse tea warmer, it was the human type prescribed by a doctor.
But you notice Jim Acosta and Fauci left that out.
Just like they lied about the story, and they're still running the story.
That the poison control is full of people, and the hospitals are full of people with ivermectin.
Not one person at the hospital with ivermectin poisoning.
The hospitals went public.
So you see,
That's how this works.
So, we always said a world government run by the UN and corporations with tracker systems in your phones, locking you down in your houses, shutting down small businesses, and kicking you off rural areas, and establishing camps for the quote, people they're protecting from the disease.
That's now official U.S.
government policy.
They're readying those.
And the response is, hey, let's not organize together as Christian and agnostic and Jewish and Muslim and whatever.
No, it's, no, arrest the conservatives.
Censor them all.
And the left pretends they're liberals while they work for big tech and the system suppressing everybody and supporting evil.
They're destroying themselves but pretending they're part of the establishment.
When Arnold Schwarzenegger
A husk of a man comes out and says, F your freedom.
And Howard Stern says, F your freedom.
Say, we're glad, Howard Stern said he's glad people that were unvaccinated have died.
Well, it was the vaccinated created the Delta variant, which gets them sick and kills people that aren't inoculated.
That's real science, you old man, Howard Stern.
Posing like you're some young rock star with your bozo the clown hair.
You're a disgrace.
You're as close to a Nazi this country's seen.
And so is Arnold Schwarzenegger, who does actually admire Hitler.
What a disgusting person.
Howard Stern's against the First Amendment?
Oh, you know, he can spew all his filth before it when he doesn't, but nobody else gets it.
So here it is.
New World Order conspiracy theory.
Emerging totalitarian world government.
You know, I don't blame Howard Stern.
He's just like Jimmy Kimmel.
They're giving a talking point just like Schwarzenegger.
That's come out.
What does Jimmy Kimmel say?
Deny healthcare to people that aren't shot up ahead of the fake president announcing it today at 4.
So this is Wikipedia.
A big, giant, 20-something page document saying it doesn't exist.
But when you go read the document and everything we say the New World Order is,
It's all happening.
We talk about the corporate roundtable groups like the CFR.
We talk about the brave new world they're building.
We talk about gradualism.
We talk about the coup d'etat.
And you can go to Wikipedia's own page on Klaus Schwab where he's quoted as saying, we are going to seize control of the infrastructure.
We are seizing control of once elected governments and creating a dictatorship of the elite and stakeholders.
Oh look, mass surveillance.
We claim there's going to be a mass surveillance state.
Oh gee, aren't we in that?
We claim the globalists are into the occult, which they are.
This is like 20 years old on Wikipedia.
Oh, we claim the New World Order conspiracy theory is about population control, but they say it's not.
Oh, and David Rockefeller and Klaus Schwab, they're alleged, they're alleged conspirators, and now it's all out in the open.
But don't worry, Wikipedia has come out and said,
It doesn't exist.
And Twitter has come out and said, oh, you're seeing New World Order?
Well, she doesn't mean that.
She just means a new system.
Yeah, where you're locked in your house and gotta have an app to leave your house, and you're gonna be put in a camp if you don't take these deadly shots that don't work and are poisonous.
I mean, just everything we said because that was the plan.
That's in Operation Lockstep and all their other damn documents.
Before Lockstep came out, I'm in a film called Endgame that has it all.
And yes, the way the internet's censoring everything, everybody should get a hard copy of it for $9.95.
We got them in stock right now and it supports the broadcast.
It's got a bunch of extras.
The film's more important than when I made it 14 years ago.
It's at infowarstore.com, made right here in America, printed in Chicago, ready to ship to you right now in Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Get it, make copies, and share it because it's all happened.
Oh, by the way, each one gets 10 free bumper stickers like
Vaccines kill.
COVID-19 is a hoax.
And I'm talking about the whole system, not the virus itself.
Arrest Bill Gates.
Arrest Fauci.
Legalize freedom.
Alex Jones was right.
Freedom lives.
And there's even more stickers get thrown in there.
100% reviews on the film.
And Vitamin Mineral Fusion is going to sell out by Monday or Tuesday.
But despite that, I'm keeping it.
On sale at 33% off, so get it.
All the vitamins, all the essential minerals, a bunch of key amino acids, and it tastes great.
Fruit punch, all-natural, great for adults, great for children, really important for old folks.
Vitamineral Fusion, selling out at InfoWareStore.com.
Please keep us on air.
Our work is absolutely critical.
It is through our five senses that we are kept fascinated and hypnotized by the lies we are told.
And the only way to see through this illusion is with our higher senses, which is why fluoridated water is a big problem.
Consuming too much fluoride forms phosphate crystals around the pineal gland and shuts down its natural functions.
Natural functions which have been known for millennia.
The Hindu chakras align with the endocrine system.
The chakra aligned with the pineal gland is the third eye.
Also described as the seat of the soul.
The pineal gland is what connects us to higher levels of consciousness.
We're good to go!
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead
With their full operational deindustrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda, but we've also got to get personally prepared.
And one of the number one things to do is high-quality, storable food.
We've got the best food ready to ship at very affordable prices at infowarestore.com.
So whether it's a month, or a six-month, or a year supply, or specialty diets,
It's ready to ship right now.
Lock your orders in before food prices go up and before there are long lines and waits.
Because believe me, serious times are coming.
Get ready at infowarestore.com.
This headline is not a joke.
This is America in September of 2020.
Court sends man to jail for watching conspiracy theory videos online.
Yes, it says the police did a spot check for, quote, compliance at his home and found him in his garage watching Rumble social media site, which they say is a conspiracy site.
Also, he admitted to watching Mike Lindell's three-day cyber symposium.
Yes, it was part of the conditions of his bail.
The judge said he could not look at any videos questioning the election.
No joke.
And so they sent the Stasi to his house and caught him doing it.
So now he's going into solitary confinement.
Communism has come to America.
The Republic has fallen.
The world is awakening.
The world is beginning to understand the globalist paradigm.
They are discovering the globalists, the elites, the manipulation, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove, the Club of Rome.
And so, even though it seems like the globalists are winning,
The truth is, they've had to come out in the open to attack human freedom because they're actually losing.
We have forced them out in the open.
So as bad as these times are, and a lot of negative things are about to happen, realize humanity is winning.
You've got to trust in the plan of God.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The way trauma-based mind control works is you apply the pressure, and say give up your rights, and release part of the pressure, but then squeeze down even harder, and say now give up even more rights.
By the time you've done it about ten times, the people will blow their own heads off in order to do so.
This is total enslavement.
You are the resistance.
Prepare yourselves.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
A new world order.
Ministry, in a year of Bush Sr.
making that speech in 1990, came out with this song.
So now let's hear from George Bush Sr.
from the grave with Rockefeller protege in his own words.
Then we'll hear from Aussie Public Health Chief says COVID contact tracing is part of the New World Order.
That's Dr. Terry Chant, who looks like a psychotic demon.
But her actions are psychotic.
But don't worry, Wikipedia and the New York Times says it doesn't exist.
You know, it's a conspiracy of a world government medical tyranny using viruses to take control and total surveillance.
And then she's saying we're going to lock you in your houses in another club.
And the leaders are saying that same thing's about to be announced basically by Biden.
It's already being done in Europe.
But don't worry, Twitter and Facebook are putting alerts up when you share her video saying, this is not the new world order that Alex Jones talks about.
She just means a new system.
No, no.
Oh, where you're a total slave.
So let's go ahead.
We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations a new world order.
A world where the rule of law
Not the law of the jungle governs the conduct of nations.
When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order.
An order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders.
Will exposure sites be put back in place, especially with reopening and people going back to pubs and stuff?
Will they be put back in place to be enlisted once we are reopening?
Because they're not at the moment.
We will be looking at what contact tracing looks like in the new world order.
Yes, it will be pubs and clubs and other things if we have a positive case there.
Our response may be different if we know that people are fully vaccinated.
So we're working through a number of those issues, but we will have to reflect and work.
Can you pick the people to run those agencies and the deputies that are pledging allegiance to the New World Order and good governance?
And then I think you have... Pledging allegiance to the New World Order.
The Rockefeller Rothschild Dream.
And once the New World Order is in place...
They inject you with vaccines that remove your immune system, they're not injected, and then they kill you with the next weapon.
Which Bill Gates said last year, he said, oh, this is just a test.
Terrorists are about to release the real weapon, which is the mutants, which is the Merrick effect.
Look up Merrick's disease.
Similar systems are seen in mammals, and they are developing Merrick's in you and your family.
Now there's Alexander Soros taking over for daddy with George Soros and Pelosi all looking like the ghouls that they most certainly are.
God help us.
They are attacking us viciously.
Bunch of Aleister Crowleyites on record.
Look it up.
So there you go.
The New World Order is here.
It's officially announced.
I've got more clips of them saying New World Order.
They're not allowing, quote, zero COVID cases.
They say they will lock down all of New Zealand forever if there's ever one case.
Well, that's impossible because you have pools where these coronaviruses can get, which is birds, pigs, everything else.
So it's an excuse just to have martial law whenever, however you want.
And Melissa Tate put out a tweet that said, when you've been telling people for ages they'll engineer a global crisis to enforce martial law and create a worldwide police state, and this person responded, SocialistXXX saying, Are you really looking at Alex Jones, the man who is a legal case, said that all his shows were comedy and in no way real, and if he's some kind of intellectual, God, you have sunk into a new level of grift and idiocy.
You know what goes on with all these fake legal cases the Democratic Party runs against me?
The judges have said we're not going to let you have a jury trial on the facts because stuff they said in the news is all made up.
We're just going to default you as soon as we've acted like we've gone through enough court with you so that you go to a trial with a jury just to decide that you are guilty.
They just decide how much money you pay people.
Death penalty stuff.
Well, here's the good news.
I don't care about money.
And I can be on air anytime I want, whenever I want, despite all the stuff you've done, and you've only made us bigger, and people listen more by what you've done.
So, I just leave it all in God's hands.
No weapon formed against us shall prosper.
But that's why it's so important to fund this operation to keep it stronger than ever.
And just know this, a lot of stuff is going on where you can be absolutely assured with a lot of great people that are going to keep us on air regardless into the future until they indict me criminally or kill me.
And that's in God's hands.
I don't want to die.
I'll never commit suicide.
But it's all happening.
We're right about everything.
We're going off our own documents and now it's here.
And so our credibility has already hit stratospheric folk hero levels.
And I'm not on a power trip about that.
I'm very humble about that.
I know the incredible danger I'm in.
I'm walking a tightrope here.
But it's all in God's hands.
But we're going to go to levels not seen really ever.
In modern history, because we have the internet and technology and everybody knows what I said, they know what I did, and the persecution just adds rocket fuel.
And God is really, the Holy Spirit has touched my heart and said, listen, you've said a lot of prayers over the years, including on air.
You've all heard me 20 years ago, 25 years ago, a year ago, that God, I know it's going to be rough and I know it's going to be tough, but raise me up.
I don't know.
I mean, I can't, the problem is, I look at one thing and basically see thousands of things just like you do, or millions.
And I have such deep knowledge of all this now that it's hard with words to even articulate it because just every thought is like millions of pages of data.
But you see it now, you understand it now as well, and we're going to be given even greater discernment as the enemy comes against us, and it's going to cause a metamorphosis in humanity.
Not the metamorphosis these Satanists think, not the metamorphosis of them becoming gods, but their persecution of us is like heating up metal in a furnace and separating the gold, you know, the platinum from the crap, from the clay.
The wheat from the chaff, so this is a greatly foretold time, this is a magical time, this is an amazing time, and it's a time to run under the wings of Jesus.
It is a time to run under the wings of God, because death is always there.
That's why we have this symbolism.
Death is always there, the threat of death is always there, like that dagger, the sword.
But Christ, and the greater dimensions, and all of eternity, and the greatness of time and space, He is transcendent, and flies on the wings of angels.
And so yes, death is there, and humans have a clock, and we have a time that we operate by, but there is something greater above the clock, something greater above the sword, something greater above our mere bodies, that are but vessels to hold our spirits, and this is all a great test so we transcend.
That's what the symbolism of that is.
That's my art.
That's what I stand for.
Accepting death of the body.
Accepting the sword to be thrust into you.
And knowing that in that, there is the transcendence to go to the next level.
That's my dream.
That's the globalist nightmare.
All right, we've already had a lot of them, but I wanted to get Roger Stone on.
He came out two weeks ago and several articles have said Trump must run.
He's been talking a lot to Trump.
He doesn't get into that on air, but you know, I'm going to leave it at that.
But they talk almost every day, and they talk at length, and I'm going to leave it at that.
They hang out quite a bit because Roger lives by him, and Roger's lived there for decades.
But he's got the inside baseball, and I can tell you
Trump was really planning not to run, but they messed with him too much, and so it looks like he's really planning to.
This isn't a game.
It isn't a joke.
You've now seen that in the news.
Roger told me this a week ago, and I saw it in the news pop up a few days ago.
Other confidants saying, no, he really intends to run.
This is pretty big news.
We'll get into that, and then we'll get into all this other stuff.
I mean, I've got such preparation here.
What's in the Fauci documents?
Senators calling for his arrest and so much more.
Don't forget about a mineral fusion selling out by Monday.
It's still 33% off.
Get it.
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And it was only half of the order we wanted to get.
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All the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals, and a bunch of key amino acids at InfoWarstore.com.
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So get that as well for your immune system.
It's great for women, great for children, but it's designed for men.
In late August, InfoWars saw an explosion of orders because our audience understands that the globalists are destabilizing the planet by design and are attempting to cause an economic and financial collapse worldwide.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, storable food has always been something that's important to have.
It's a checkbox that everybody needs to have taken care of, right along with water filtration, self-defense, and a relationship with God.
But now more than ever, you need to get your storable food orders in now.
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Because in the future, you're going to see more food supply shortages and you're going to see food supply price increases that are already taking place.
So lock in your storable food now at a lower price and fund the InfoWar at InfoWarStore.com.
That's how you fight the Great Reset, is by being self-sufficient and not under their control.
So get prepared now at m4warstore.com!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm going to be taping a bunch of big interviews tomorrow and Saturday, and let's put a time on it.
5 p.m.
Central, 6 p.m.
Eastern will air, looks like it's going to be like a four-hour special report on 9-11, on the new 9-11, of the release virus and the mutants, a bunch of doctors, a bunch of experts, a bunch of huge guests.
I'll just leave it at that.
Dr. Zelenko is joining us on the Friday show tomorrow, but we just are going to be working really hard on Friday and Saturday.
For you, and I'll be back Sunday as well, 4 to 6 p.m.
live, oh, and 6 to 9 p.m., because every day we're on air is precious.
Every minute we can talk to you is precious.
And remember, you're so awesome supporting us, supporting yourself, your own future, running this together, and spreading the word absolutely overrides the enemy.
Absolutely devastates them.
So more important than even listening to this broadcast, because you're already awake, a lot of you know more than I do, is spreading the word.
Whether it's on the back of cards, freeworldnews.tv, hey, here's the forbidden information.
Or whether you spray paint on the side of your barn.
Or whether you climb up and spray paint on some vaccine sign.
Don't do that, I'm joking.
We're in a war, folks.
Civil disobedience.
Take action now, like Gregg Reese is doing.
Gregg Reese has done another great report.
Find it at the Gregg Reese section there on the left-hand side.
Click it at Band.Video.
And it's very, very important what Gregg has to say here.
Never forget how they lied to us.
Never forget how they lied to us.
Went up last night, got a quarter million plus views.
Needs to have 10 million views.
You guys are doing a great job sharing the videos, the articles.
I think Greg's got some of the best work on the site, so please share it.
Here's the report.
We'll come back with Roger Stone.
As we near the 20th anniversary of 9-11, never forget how thousands were killed and we were sold a lie from day one.
If you still believe the story that Osama Bin Laden directed 19 terrorists to hijack airplanes and destroy skyscrapers specifically designed to absorb airplane collisions, then I recommend you start with architects and engineers of 9-11 truth.
But for those of us who can see past the lies, let us never accept them again.
Never forget how we were sold the whole story before the sun ever set that day.
And never forget what followed.
Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, the destruction of nations, and the weaponization of civilian refugees.
As the nation is preparing for the memorial of 9-11, never forget how the CIA and their media spin the lies.
With the recent catastrophe in Afghanistan, the stories we are told through the mainstream media are either that the president is incompetent or that it was a huge success.
But what else are they showing us?
We were shown pictures of the Taliban trolling Joe Biden with ice cream cones, reminiscent of the popular use of memes in conservative American politics.
And we were shown how the Taliban is critical of American social media censorship, just as American conservatives are.
Call me suspicious, but it almost seems as if they are creating the appearance of an alliance between Islamic terrorists and American patriots.
We have witnessed the power of brainwashing.
Many will simply believe whatever they are told to believe.
MSNBC compares American Christians to the Taliban, and we have seen the recent public warning made by Homeland Security ahead of the 20th anniversary of 9-11 that describes American Christian conservatives as a terror threat.
While our borders are being flooded, we are being told that terrorists are coming in disguised as refugees.
Like millions of others, I hope and pray to live through the 20th anniversary of 9-11 without incident.
But a story is being laid out, and the story seems to be leading to another major false flag event wherein American patriots are framed.
Never forget the lives sacrificed.
Never forget those responsible.
And never forget the way they lie.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class.
Not in Communist China, not in Mexico, not in the United States, not anywhere is there a real study of the planet's ruling class.
And that's done by design.
The large central banks that basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics
That look into, say, the Anglo-American establishment that founded the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission of the United Nations, the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Until 10 years ago, the media said the controlled corporate media, the Bilderberg Group, didn't exist.
Well, now the Bilderberg Group is public, and its former head, still on the steering committee, is Klaus Schwab, and he has set up the Great Reset, a global government.
And if, as a liberty movement worldwide, we don't address the globalists head-on about the fact that they are a worldwide authoritarian corporate takeover, we don't have a shot.
If we do expose them, we can beat them easily.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
So many giant events are taking place so fast, it's just simply incredible.
But really, the biggest of all is the 900 pages of the Intercept suit and God.
Three days ago, released, and I've read over that one right here, SARS gain of function, an email from Anthony Fauci to his underlings, and they're discussing how they're merging five viruses to create COVID-19.
Now you've got Senator Cotton.
And the rest of them, like Rand Paul, saying he deserves to be put in prison.
But they control the FBI.
Former war crimes prosecutor lays out blueprint to prosecute Fauci and co.
for creating COVID-19 at the state grand jury level.
I suggest if you want to stop this nightmare, folks, you share this video.
Here's another one.
Rand Paul calls for five years in jail for Fauci lying to Congress.
So does Senator Cotton.
The media is blacking it out.
And when Jen Psaki got asked about it, she ran off the podium.
So joining us right now is Roger Stone.
I saw that a little over a week ago, he put out a video, Roger Stone, Trump must run in 2024.
Video's up at Band.Video.
And then a few days later, I saw Donald Trump is 9900% likely to run for president.
New York Times.
When will Trump answer the big 2024 question?
And the word is he's very close to actually deciding to do it now, when before he wasn't.
And so we have his confidant, the guy that got him to run for office, began with his former chief financial advisor, he's always very humble about that and good friends with Trump, was pardoned by Trump.
And so Roger, I know you're on about
Trump running and that's important, but I'm glad you raised this during the break when we talked to my producer and said you want to go at Fauci because you are a Great juxtaposed to Fauci openly lying to Congress Caught red-handed with them then trying to put you in prison and wrongfully convicting you of lying to Congress So let's tackle that first Roger Stone.
Thanks for joining us Absolutely Alex.
I'm delighted to be with you You hit it right on the head.
I mean
I was charged with lying to Congress despite the fact that any misstatement that I made was immaterial.
I hid no underlying crime.
Dr. Anthony Fauci lied to Congress and he covered up the death of thousands of Americans, a very serious crime.
So my question for you is a simple one.
When will 29 heavily armed FBI agents storm his home?
Uh, in the predawn hours.
When will he be taken into custody?
When will the CNN cameras be allowed to focus on his arrest?
And how soon is that going to happen?
Because he's lied about something truly monumental here.
He's busted.
And either we do have a two-tiered justice system or we don't.
Let's find out right now.
Roger, how can they not indict him?
This is like someone videotaping, torturing their wife to death, and then delivering it to the police, and then the police do nothing.
I mean, this is open and shut.
I couldn't agree more.
I mean, I think he is busted.
As you point out, the mainstream media blackout is not helpful because it stops the critical mass
I mean, for two years, as you know, I was vilified, smeared, gagged, lynched, deplatformed, bankrupted, censored, essentially ruined.
This guy has cost thousands of Americans their lives.
It's unfathomable that there'll be no consequences.
It's just, it's extraordinarily hard to believe.
Well, let me be clear.
I have on my desk here 900 plus pages that they got.
We already have conferences he held on gain of function.
We already have emails where he said, do the gain of function.
I just showed one coming into the segment.
I'll show it again over to the viewers.
But he's in there saying in 2019 early, okay, merge these five viruses of this civet and this bat and this
And then create a vaccine for it and make sure it can jump into humans.
That's gain of function.
It's there.
It's absolute, complete confession.
And then he sits there with that whole arrogant, smug act.
He's an evil little creature.
I tell you, he even looks evil.
He's just an arrogant S.O.B.
Well, as you know, this is not the first time that he's pulled this act.
So if you go all the way back to the HIV crisis, when he was the head of the CDC, it was very clear that there were drugs such as Bactrim, a simple, inexpensive, long-approved drug for viral infections that could have treated people with the specific pneumonia that was caused by the HIV virus.
Yet Fauci would not approve Bactrim for that official use because he was holding out for a vaccination.
A vaccination on which he could not only make his name but to make millions.
And therefore doctors were not able to prescribe Bactrim for men who had HIV and again thousands died.
So it is amazing that
He's pulling the same act all over again.
And frankly, Alex, my hat's off to Rand Paul.
Rand Paul has shown enormous courage going after this little weasel, Hammer and Tong, while the rest of the Republican caucus just remains silent, strangely silent.
Which I think leads us to our next topic, which is yes, a very definite shift in my opinion.
Previously, when I've been asked about Donald Trump in 2024,
I've been more cautious.
First of all, in politics, three and a half years is a lifetime.
That event is far from us.
And frankly, if I were the president, I'm not sure that I would want to stick my head back in the pressure cooker.
I mean, this poor man, for us and for our country, was the target of
An avalanche of vituperation and hatred and abuse, smeared and belittled.
He still achieved an enormous amount.
Now you and I agree, he's human like we all are.
He has his flaws.
I disagree with his continuing to push the safety of the COVID-19 vaccination, but
To his credit, he also said that each individual should be allowed to decide for themselves.
That's right.
He says it's up to you, which is light years better than Biden, who CNN's reporting because they have the inside scoop.
I do believe CNN when they report on Biden because it's the same group.
They're saying he's going to order all federal employees, even if you have immunity or medical issues, to take it.
That is truly Nuremberg violating Joseph Mengele crap.
Yeah, look, Anthony Fauci makes Dr. Mengele look like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
Makes her look like Florence Nightingale.
I mean, before this is over, Anthony Fauci could in fact be a mass murderer in the same league as Stalin or Mao or even Hitler.
I hate to use that because it's so overused, but there's no question whatsoever
That at this juncture, in my opinion, Trump has to run.
It's no longer a question of whether he wants to or whether he should.
I don't see anyone else who can reach critical mass.
I don't see anyone else who can rally the people.
I don't see anyone else who has risen to fill what could be a vacuum if the president decided not to run.
Let's cut right to it.
It makes me admire Trump more, all the heat he's under.
Because I know he kind of wanted to sell off at the sunset and leave him alone, and he sees them butchering the country.
He saw what happened in Afghanistan when he actually had a real deal, would have left special forces there for a while.
He sees that, and is that what shifted him?
I know you talked to him quite a bit into now being ready to run again.
I can't really say what the determining event has been here, but I think the systematic
I mean, let's start with the economy.
They tried two totally fake impeachments to try to remove him.
That failed.
Then they took advantage and weaponized, politicized this so-called pandemic.
And I think that he's just reached his saturation point.
I think he understands that he's the only one who can step forward and do something.
The only one who can say... Well, he looks great.
It looks like he's lost 40 pounds.
He looks 10 years younger.
Roger, I know you're in a car.
I know he got you on late.
But to do one more segment on this, it's such huge news.
Roger Stone with us.
This is exclusive info.
And by the way, our sly fox friend here knows a lot more than he's letting on, too.
Looks like Trump's gonna run, folks.
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I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead.
With their full operational deindustrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, final segment with Roger Stone, and then I've got so much global news.
Some really good Second Amendment news, and some really horrible Second Amendment news.
Wait till you hear this.
Next segment.
But getting back to Roger Stone here on the Alex Jones Show.
He's, again, a busy guy driving down the road in a car right now, or they just stopped.
This is such huge news.
I want to give you the floor here to recap what you said before the break, to talk about Trump's demeanor.
I know you don't want to get into private conversations with him, but you live right there in the area.
You guys talk a lot and are good friends.
And his shift and why he is right now, basically from the word, and you're saying that looks like it, right now he is intending on a run for president in 2024.
It sounds like we're kind of giving people their answer right now.
And when might he announce that?
So start over and you've got the floor here.
Thank you, Alex.
First of all, I would note that in the immediate period after the election, I was among those who urged the president to get out around the country rather than staying at Mar-a-Lago and sulking about the outrageousness of the post-election period and the record number of anomalies and irregularities in the election.
As you've seen in the polls, you now have almost a quarter of those who voted for Joe Biden with buyer's remorse.
It's not, not, not, not understandable given the state of the country.
And I think as Donald Trump looks around the globe, he sees the Iranians raining missiles on Israel.
He sees the Russians hacking our biggest pipeline and giving us back the password kind of just to show us that they can do it.
He sees the Chinese hassling American flag vessels in the South China Seas out of the question under President Donald Trump.
He sees the Russians massed on the borders of Crimea.
He sees the specter of further lockdowns to further destroy the once robust economy that Donald Trump alone brought us.
I think he's reached his saturation point.
I also think he's looked at the rest of the party and he just hasn't seen, as I have not seen, anyone else who can rise to the occasion.
I don't see another viable candidate who can hold together all of those in the America First coalition, who can raise the money.
But let's get right to it.
Who has the balls to take these people on?
Because it takes enormous courage.
And the one thing you know about Trump is the man has ice water in his veins.
He's tough as nails.
I worked for Richard Nixon.
I worked for Senator Bob Dole, great American hero.
Both those guys were very, very tough guys.
But neither one of them is as tough as Donald Trump.
The guy's resilient.
You've seen this during his first term, where he let the hatred and the vituperation and the attacks on him roll off his back, and he went right back in to do combat.
He's a true American patriot.
The one thing that's predictable about Donald Trump, he's completely unpredictable.
Roger, let's talk about this.
Let's talk about strategies.
Some have talked about him running for the Senate or running for the House of Representatives.
Coming up next year, he would probably win any seat wherever he ran.
Then the House could elect him Speaker of the House, which would effectively make him President again.
Because I don't think the globalists and people that control Biden, Obama, and people like
Bill Gates and people like George Soros are ever going to let Trump run in three years.
I mean, I know the campaign would start in a year and a half, but I just don't see, they know they're in trouble.
They know they stole the election.
They know the world's turning against them.
And so I think they want to finish us off with a new lockdown and stage a race war or something as the cover for a great reset collapse.
I think Trump needs to run for the House of Representatives and become the Speaker.
Well, the problem with that line of thinking is, of course, he could win a seat in the House.
But there's no guarantee that in a caucus controlled by Kevin McCarthy and the RINOs that they would make him Speaker.
Oh, but think about him in the House.
He would dominate the whole place.
He'd suck all the oxygen out.
He'd be in charge.
Yes, on paper.
On the other hand, if we don't have a free, fair, and transparent, honest election in 2022 either,
Then how are you sure we retake a majority?
And a Congressman Donald Trump in the minority, that would be painful to watch.
So there's a lot of ifs there.
On the other hand, if we don't fix the election mechanism so that it's honest and fair in 2022, why can we expect an honest presidential election in 2024?
That's problematic as well.
All those things said, I still think his best course is to do what he's doing.
You notice he's visiting Iowa, the site of the first caucuses in the presidential contest.
He's then going to Georgia, one of the earliest primaries.
He's doing the things one needs to do to become a candidate.
Roger, I know that you don't...
Kiss and tell.
And that's a good thing.
But Trump isn't going to mind if you talk about some of the stuff about all the meetings you're having with him and what he's saying and what he's doing.
I mean, all the other media that meets with him and people talk about it.
I'm sure he tells you, don't say this, it's incompetence.
But overall, how's he doing now?
People like tidbits about the real president of the United States who had the election stolen from him.
You know, he's in the best mood that he's been in since the election.
You're absolutely right.
He's dropped weight.
He feels better than he's ever felt.
It's always been a question, I think, of whether he felt good, whether he had the energy, whether his health was sufficient.
I think the guy feels 25 years younger just being out of office and getting a chance to catch his breath.
If you go back and look at our epic interview with him, there's three amazing things.
I look much older today.
You must look much older today.
And he looks pretty much the same.
I think his head's in a great place.
I think he has the energy and the zest for this.
He's still very pissed off about 2020.
He should be.
And I think that is very much a motivating factor.
But look, he's a force of nature.
He is a life force unto himself.
Politics has never seen anything like him, nor will they ever see anything like him again.
He's our best candidate.
I've come to that conclusion.
If you'd asked me this three weeks ago, I would have put a bunch of caveats on it.
But not anymore.
There is no one else.
He is the leader.
He remade the Republican Party in his image, and that's not going to change anytime soon.
We're never going back to being the country club party of the Bushes.
You can forget that.
That's been destroyed.
That's why they want to have a revolution, a globalist revolution, and totally turn this into a tyranny, because they know they will lose in an open, free society.
In closing,
Is it safe for me to put a headline on this live interview and we archive it to band up video?
That Roger Stone, yes, Trump is running 2024 or Trump is energized, planning to run.
What should the headline here be?
I think Trump, Roger Stone says Trump must run in 2024.
That's the takeaway.
I mean, I'm a political scientist.
I'm a veteran, as you know.
But Roger, you're basically saying he is going to run.
He's fired up.
He's ready.
You said he's pissed off about what's happening.
So, I mean, the takeaway is, that's your old headline last week.
You're right.
I mean, I think Trump planning to run, Trump strongly considering running in 2024.
What's the headline?
Roger Stone says Trump must run.
I still think it's the same.
Roger, let's get down to brass tacks.
Trump told you he's gonna run.
I would never say that on the air.
But if you said it, I wouldn't contradict you.
You're killing me.
I can't.
Yeah, we gotta.
Come on.
You got the big story, bro.
Release it.
Hey, how do people find you and your great work, Roger, and all their frivolous... Stay there.
Start driving.
If you gotta go, I don't care if you're driving.
Come back and plug what you're doing.
They're suing you.
They're suing you for the Capitol attack!
My God!
You were totally against it.
Dude, two minutes on the other side about that.
We're not even part of it.
Because you gotta raise some money.
So do I. My God, the Democrats are suing our asses.
We'll be right back.
So many people say to me, Alex, please stop being so negative.
Well for me, admitting I've gotten a rotten tooth and going in a root canal is not negative.
It hurts, it stinks, it's got pus coming out of it.
I go to the doctor, they fix it.
That's not negative.
I'm not living in denial.
And so think of globalism as being hidden, as an infection that we didn't feel yet, but now it's come to the surface.
That's actually a positive thing.
And so, yeah, Trump did overall a great job.
They stole the election.
We can't get down about that.
We have forced them out in the open.
So now they're trying to suppress us because they know they've been exposed.
That's why, instead of saying, oh, we're a bunch of losers, look what happened.
They're scared.
No, we're a bunch of winners.
They're trying to suppress us.
Let our light of truth shine and tell everybody what's happening.
Your own website, your own show, my show, other articles, other videos.
Just keep sharing however you can and realize we're in an information war.
We're going to win this together and the fight starts at InfoWars.com.
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead
With their full operational de-industrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda, but we've also got to get personally prepared.
And one of the number one things to do is high-quality, storable food.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones, your host, and Roger Stone, former Chief Political Advisor of the 45th President of the United States, the guy that's credited for helping get him to run, tried to draft him back in 2000, is Roger Stone.
Former political prisoner, convicted of lying to Congress, he really got Fauci, openly lying to Congress, and Clapper, pardoned by President Trump.
Trump was planning to not run, he told a lot of people that, he was done with it, but now seeing them wreck the country, seeing all the things that happened,
And seeing all the support he's getting, he is planning to run again.
His loss looks like 30, 40 pounds.
He looks better than when I interviewed him five, six years ago in that interview.
As Roger Stone points out, I look a lot older, Roger looks older, but man, Trump has really just re-energized and they are so damn scared of that.
Also, if he's openly announced he's running soon, that'll make it harder for them to do these fake indictments because then it'll be purely political.
So many angles to this.
Roger, I know you know.
I know from other folks, he's decided to run.
So this is a big, huge news story.
He might change his mind, but I don't think so once Trump makes up his mind.
Tell us as succinctly as you can.
And then, I notice you're being sued for attacking the Capitol when you never called for violence, and we're in your hotel room, and the Democrats are doing that.
They're also suing Trump.
So let's talk about all that, Roger.
Alex, let me put this as succinctly as I can, and I think answer the question in a way that makes news.
Until recently, I was not sure that the president was going to run.
I've not only come to the view that he must run, I think it's essential for the country.
Based on my communications with him, I now believe that he will be a candidate.
I believe he's crossed that Rubicon in his mind.
I think that's proved by the fact that he's headed to Iowa and Georgia, two of the earliest contests.
And I'm on board.
He's my first choice.
Even with all his human flaws, and we all have them, he's still the greatest president in my lifetime since Abraham Lincoln.
And he's the only one with the cojones to take on the globalists.
He's the only guy who doesn't shrink from the fight.
So yes, I now believe that Donald Trump has decided to run and that he will be a candidate.
And I say hallelujah and thank God.
And God bless America.
To your second point, yes, unbelievably.
Last week, a group called Lawyers for Civil Rights Under Law, which is a left-wing Obama-affiliated organization, brought a lawsuit against me and President Donald Trump.
Claiming that I conspired with others to deny the civil rights of seven Capitol Hill police officers and that my actions endangered their lives.
This is called lawfare.
That's the filing of a baseless, groundless, unsubstantiated lawsuit without any evidence to support it as a means of harassment.
My lawyers estimate that this lawsuit's going to cost me a quarter of a million dollars to defeat.
It's outrageous, but it's being heard in the District of Columbia.
So people who want to help, we can go to StoneDefenseFund.com.
I was hoping to close the defense fund and get back to having a normal, productive life and making a living to support my family.
But between my wife's epic battle with stage four cancer and this whole new raft of phony lawsuits, I have no choice but to fight.
So, yeah, the cupboards are bare, and like InfoWars, they have pinpointed me as the tip of the spear.
They want to silence me desperately.
One of the points of these phony suits, of course, is to try to prevent Donald Trump's name from ever being on the ballot.
But that's not going to happen.
And they're not going to win these suits.
Victory is not their point.
Harassment is their point.
And no, I know nothing about the illegal events of January 6th.
Had nothing to do with them.
I know you didn't either.
But the fake news media just doesn't stop.
They just won't stop.
And therefore, either will I. Well, Roger, I think that's a key point.
And you've told me a lot of stuff on Confidence.
I've talked to others that have had a lot of conversations with Trump.
And he was
Bummed out, but he hoped Biden wouldn't be that bad, and he really just wanted to ride off to the sunset and play golf.
And then when he saw them persecute the country and critical race theory and butcher the borders and just actively try to destroy it, then he went from being angry to really wanting to fight it and is now in that really excited mode.
And again, looks 15, 20 years younger.
In fact, guys, put that picture back up of him.
In 2020 versus now.
And I saw that photo a week ago and I went and watched some of the new footage of him on the golf course.
I mean, he had a big old potbelly bigger than mine.
Mine's gone down some too.
He got rid of like 90% of it.
It's not even there.
And he seems really genuinely happy and energized now.
And so that is so exciting to hear that while CNN's telling the truth when they said they hear he's planning to run.
Well, you heard it confirmed here from Roger Stone.
So Roger, in closing.
You forgot, you're also being sued by the IRS, even though you had an agreement with them, and basically almost paid everything down.
So I want listeners to know, we're not victims.
We are warriors in the field, fighting for the republic.
If Trump wasn't going to run, trying to get General Flynn to run behind the scenes.
Our phones are all tapped.
They know that.
That's why they're trying to destroy us.
You have no idea.
And I'm not being, oh, I'm so great here.
I mean, we're calling for Fauci's arrest and getting traction.
So we are your warriors.
We are your champions.
And so this isn't just, oh, please help me.
I know Roger lives in a tiny apartment.
Mancow told me he went to it.
I know he doesn't have but one car.
This guy has lost everything in the fight.
I have basically been pounded down to almost nothing financially.
I don't care.
I'm selling my nice house because I always did it as an investment so I'd have money on the road because I'm gonna buy more product and more things and more equipment to make sure we can stay on into the future.
I don't care, but I need the funds.
So, how do people support you financially in your fight, Roger, as you help get Trump ready to take off again and win the presidency?
Folks can go to StoneDefenseFund.com.
You're absolutely right, Alex.
I have two major lawsuits to fight.
One against these phony lawyers in D.C.
trying to blame me for January 6th.
And the other one, an IRS suit that is entirely bogus.
Which implies, but doesn't say, that my wife and I have evaded taxes, when in fact, we've declared taxes on every penny that was due.
This is, again, an outrageous
Press release.
These are both sensationalized, but none of them have any factual basis.
At the same time, it's going to cost me a half million dollars in legal fees between the two of them.
So yes, folks can go to StoneDefenseFund.com right now to help us out.
If you want to help my wife in her struggle with cancer,
Yes, the very best all-natural and homeopathic remedies like vitamin infusions and THC and CBD therapy.
They're very expensive, but they're tailored.
Thank you so much.
All right, Roger.
Big news.
Thanks for breaking it with us and Godspeed.
And with that, is Skype cut out?
Let him know we didn't hang up on him.
Skype is cut out.
Let me just tell you a little story.
I'm always in a catch-22 where we're buying just enough product of our best sellers to fund things, but then a lot of times don't have money to buy more product.
And that's why I'm selling my house because I bought it.
Austin prices have like doubled since I bought that house and I'm going to use that money to buy product and hopefully get out of this cycle.
Where I'm spending hours a day trying to fund this place.
And you never know what a big seller is going to be, even though you know it's a great product.
Sometimes I think something's going to be incredible and nobody really wants it.
Sometimes it's just something we get to try it out and everybody loves it.
Rainforest Plus, we got a very limited order of it.
It's basically be sold out by tomorrow.
It's so strong.
It's so good.
It's got all these herbs, all these compounds and really high quality organic caffeine, a bunch of different types.
In three days.
It's been two and a half days we're selling it.
It's going to sell out.
Because we made a limited purchase.
Now we're going to take all the money that comes in from the sale of this...
Try to buy even more and get a lower price so we can offer it for a little bit lower to you as well.
But that's an example of, wow, this thing's really hot.
Oh, it's gone.
And now it'll be, you know, weeks and weeks, six weeks, God knows, till we get more.
That's the catch-22.
Also, we don't discount stuff.
People are used to discounts.
They don't buy it.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion has all the vitamins, all the minerals, amino acids.
It's 33% off.
Just spilled some hot sauce on it.
This is my personal stash right here.
It's gonna sell out by Monday, but I'm still keeping it at 33% off at infowarestore.com or toll free 888-253-3139.
And yes, we are fighting hard.
We are taking action.
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They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
It works.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
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This headline is not a joke.
This is America in September of 2020.
court sends man to jail for watching conspiracy theory videos online.
Yes, it says the police did a spot check for, quote, compliance at his home and found him in his garage watching Rumble social media site, which they say is a conspiracy site.
Also, he admitted to watching Mike Lindell's three-day cyber symposium.
Yes, it was part of the conditions of his bail.
The judge said he could not look at any videos questioning the election.
No joke.
And so they sent the Stasi to his house and caught him doing it, so now he's going into solitary confinement.
Communism has come to America.
The Republic has fallen.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Chris Masterjohn, PhD, had this to say on Instagram.
Today we will find out if the administration cares about transmission or obedience.
If those previously infected who are 13 times more immune to being infected and 27 times more immune to becoming seriously ill than those fully vaccinated, according to current data, are treated the same as or better than vaccinated, I will conclude that they care about transmission.
If previously infection is not given recognition as equally or more immune and fully vaccinated, I will conclude that they do not care about transmission and only care about obedience.
We know that NYC just wants obedience.
We know that Rutgers, who bans unvaccinated students from Zoom classes, only care about obedience.
In a matter of hours, we will find out what the administration cares about.
Well, we already know
And it's all federal employees, even if you have immunity or get tested, you must take a shot, even though all the science says it can kill you.
I mean, you're something like 20, depending on the vaccine, 30 times more likely to have a violent reaction.
There's a whole bunch of them.
You can have a bunch of different disorders.
If you have immunity to something, and they give you another shot of it.
This is crazy.
I mean, they are just throwing science out the damn window and going, science, science, science, science, and just lying.
Oh, we didn't leave anybody behind.
It turns out they're blocking people getting out, confirmed.
Because they have a deal with the Taliban.
They protected them in the 70s, the 80s, the 90s, the 2000s, and now China's taking over Bagram Air Base.
It's just absolutely insane.
Let's talk about Howard Stern.
You know, I've tried to be nice to Howard Stern.
He says he was a First Amendment guy, a bunch of vulgar stuff, but it's an adult show, he can do what he wants.
I've been on his show, I've been on his network probably 15 times or so.
But I haven't been on in probably... six, seven years.
But, they had a poll when I was on his show, and he went, oh my God.
It was like 89%.
He said even movie stars get like 70%.
One's like Quentin Tarantino or somebody.
I'm the most popular guest he ever had on a show.
He's like, I'm the second most popular and third most popular and fourth most popular.
Elon Musk has more views.
On Joe Rogan.
He's got all the other side videos Joe posted, like 20.
My interview is bigger than his.
It's my clips together.
But yes, I have the biggest podcast ever if you have the clips.
But it's not about taking credit here.
It is about the reality that people are hungry for truth.
And so to watch Howard Stern, Mr. First Amendment, who championed it and wrapped himself in it, just like Sacha Baron Cohen and so many others, as comedians, then turning around and saying, F people that died, F people that died, these talk show hosts, and then saying, oh, before they died, they wanted the vaccine.
No, none of them said that.
And some of them were vaccinated.
There's more people getting sick that are vaccinated and more dying.
That's in the numbers now.
I showed it last hour.
And this is experimental.
It was never approved by the FDA.
They just lied three weeks ago, a month ago, about that.
And just said, we're calling it approved, making a new standard.
And they had their own scientists, the number one and number two, over the vaccine program resign, Howard.
But Howard, we know you're getting paid hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
We know you're a whore.
We know you're an old man with a stupid Bozo the Clown wig on.
Just like Arnold Schwarzenegger, a real damn Nazi, just like you, trying to force something experimental in my body.
Now Howard Stern's show is a shadow of itself, it doesn't have any ratings, and his YouTube videos are a joke, unless I'm on there.
But man, what an enemy of America, what a piece of trash, at the end of his life, because he's like an ancient old man now, to sit there and act like that, just like that other piece of trash, Schwarzenegger, that said, F your freedom, F you.
Well you know what, Howard Stern?
I pray for God to bring judgment on you, because you may not believe in God, and I pray for God to bring judgment on Fauci and Schwarzenegger and all you monsters, and Jimmy Kimmel, who also reads off a teleprompter that says to deny someone health care for a heart attack if they haven't had your damn shots that make you have heart attacks.
Howard Stern is literally a spokesperson for the spirit of Joseph Mengele.
Illegal, Nuremberg-violating crap.
Shame on you, you Hollywood garbage!
You soulless maggot!
Burn in hell, Howard Stern!
Burn in hell!
In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask for judgment to be delivered upon you.
I don't have anything violent to him.
But I want us all to pray for Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jimmy Kimmel, and Howard Stern, and their master, Fauci.
and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab to have judgment brought against them in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Will it with me in the name of Jesus!
Let's show them the power of God!
Let's see how they like it.
In the name of Jesus.
See how strong your God is now.
We'll see what happens.
We know what's gonna happen.
Wouldn't be one of them.
Wouldn't ever want to be in God's crosshairs because vengeance is the Lord's.
So let's go to the next clip here.
This is Howard Stern.
Praises the death of people that were anti-vaxxers.
Here it is.
But it's really funny when these radio, the radio guys are the best.
Like four of them died.
Four of them we were like ranting on the air they will not get vaccinated.
They were on fire, these guys.
It was like day after day, they were all dying.
And then their dying words are, I wish I had been more into the vaccine.
I wish I had taken it.
You know, I have trouble drumming up compassion.
And I think that's a terrible thing.
To not be able to drum up compassion for people that stupid that they wind up dying.
Where do I have that clip of that Mark Berniari guy, Bernier, the guy who died?
Oh, I got it.
Here it is.
This is the guy, you know, I'm not getting the vaccine.
That's the guy who died.
That's a great question, and we were going to talk about that as far as the vaccine goes, you know.
What about you?
I'm not taking it.
Come on!
Are you kidding me, Mr. Anti-vax?
You're not taking it?
And he died?
Mr. Anti-vax.
Yeah, he's dead.
He no longer walks.
There were three other guys, too.
I don't have tape of all of them.
And they're on the radio preaching this s**t. I'll tell you what, as far as I remember, when I went to school, you had to get a measles vaccine, you had to get a mumps vaccine, you had to get, there was a ton of them you got.
You still have to!
In order to go to school, you have to have certain vaccines.
That's not true.
When are we going to stop putting up with the idiots in this country and just say, you now, it's mandatory to get vaccinated.
F**k them, f**k their freedom.
I want my freedom to live.
I want to get out of the house already.
I want to go next door and play chess.
I want to go take some pictures.
So he said F your freedom, F you.
Hey Howard, the people that have had the shot created the Delta mutation, that's on record.
And notice that they're saying you don't get out of your house now.
So you're held hostage, and so now you're blaming people's medical freedom.
By the way, my grandmother got polio from the second polio shot and was paralyzed from age 27 or whatever until 92 when she died a few years ago.
And that's on record.
Hey, put up the AP article for Howard's dumbass.
Majority of new polio cases worldwide are from the vaccine.
You understand that, you stupid bozo-the-clown creep?
You stupid person.
And he's not even as bad as Jimmy Kimmel, reading off a teleprompter, he still said it.
Somebody's dying, don't give them medical care.
But Schwarzenegger's the worst.
They're all a bunch of Nazis now.
Wow, Howard!
Never knew growing up you'd turn into a Nazi, did you?
But you are.
You're a Nazi pig with a Bozo the Clown hairdo.
You're a joke.
You're an enemy of humanity.
Alright, I gotta go to break.
I'm gonna come back with all the rest of these clips.
We got a special guest joining us.
I got so many damn clips here, but man, I tell you, these people are the scum of the earth.
Absolute trash.
Wishing for our deaths.
F your freedom.
F you!
And that stupid Robin Quivers.
Hey, you dumb lady.
They're trying to make vaccines mandatory and force them.
It's all a fraud.
There's a vaccine waiver to go to school because there is no law.
You dumb witch.
You ugly hag.
You sit up there.
You're a bunch of old, creepy leftists.
Sitting there in your rotting New York City.
Wanting us to take a bunch of GMO filth out of these damn big pharma companies?
That lady that heads up the FDA?
Legalize oxycontin for children and fentanyl?
They should all be in prison!
And Fauci will be soon!
He cooked up the crap at the lab!
Remember, Howard, you made fun of me last year about the puppets?
And now it's happened!
Yeah, you're gonna pay.
I'm serious.
I think God's gonna level Howard Stern and level Arnold Schwarzenegger and level Jimmy Kimmel.
And he's gonna level Fauci and Klaus Schwab and all of them.
You watch!
You see it happen!
Gerald of South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Trying to move quicker.
Would like to say first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24, verse 9.
That's right where we're at, brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country, no matter what they say.
And that's why the enemy hates it.
Because God created this country.
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead
With their full operational de-industrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda, but we've also got to get personally prepared.
And one of the number one things to do is high-quality, storable food.
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Get ready at InfoWareStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
One of the most outspoken, on-target doctors is going to be joining us next segment.
We'll announce him then.
And I want you to know, Roger Stone has been hanging out with former President Trump on a weekly basis.
And Trump was not planning to run until about a month ago, but now everything he's seen happening, he told Roger he's running.
He's in.
So you saw Roger about a week and a half ago.
Oh, Trump needs to run.
He's probably going to run.
Well, Roger said today, you can say it, but I'm not going to say it, Alex.
So there you go.
That's big.
That's exclusive.
And that video will be up from last hour, as soon as we can get it up to Bandop Video and Infowars.com.
But I want to play this again.
I played at the very start of the show, but this is so important.
This is Senator Rand Paul and Senator Cotton.
And the full interviews are up there saying that Fauci got caught in gain-of-function.
He got caught lying in the new documents that the Intercept sued and got.
We have videos down here at conferences, sort of funding it and saying it's good.
So this is smoking gun stuff.
You bring him down, he is the kingpin with the U.N., the Chi-Coms, and all of them.
They're a bunch of China-philes with Bill Gates.
So let's play a clip of Rand Paul and a clip of Tom Cotton.
It's a felony, punishable with five years in jail.
We've referred it to the Department of Justice.
I don't think Biden's Department of Justice will do anything with it.
But yes, it is very dangerous to have public officials who we need to have trust in coming and lying to us.
But he has lied
Dozens of times.
Usually he tells us that it's for our own good, but yes, he has dissembled, he has obfuscated, there's other nicer words, but he has definitely lied to the American public, and he should be held responsible, but not just that.
The judgment that we should continue to fund this lab, and that the virus in all likelihood came from the lab, I think is such incredibly poor judgment that he should be immediately removed.
Joining me now is Senator Tom Cotton, who was the first politician to raise the lab leak theory over 18 months ago.
Senator, your take on these new documents.
Well, Laura, I've said for months that Tony Fauci should be fired.
Now it's clear that he lied to Congress.
He should be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
You know, for 18 months, he's been saddling up his moral high horse and clucking his tongue at college kids who want to go celebrate a football game in an outdoor stadium on a nice fall day, or parents who don't want their kindergartners to have to wear masks their entire lives, telling you you have to wear three masks.
When all along he's been lying, not just to Congress, but to the American people about his role in funding the very reckless, dangerous research at a Chinese communist lab that unleashed this pandemic on the world.
It is a disgrace and it's time for Tony Fauci to be held accountable.
They are propping him up because he is the manager of all this, the bag man.
Because the whole house of cards goes down as he goes down.
And it's even in the news today, even the New York Times, oh well it doesn't matter if the regulators quit at the FDA over virology because they don't want under-16s to have it and they don't want booster shots and they're being bypassed.
Fauci decides.
Whatever Fauci wants, Fauci gets.
It's like he's our doctor, he's our father, he's our mother, he's our God, he's our master.
He rapes us.
It's like he's our husband.
And he puts in us what he wants.
I mean, this is absolutely out of control.
And it's just getting wilder and wilder.
It's what happens when you have a captured
Justice Department that'll let Clapper get up there and say when he was the head of the Director of National Intelligence, we've never spot on one American with the NSA.
The NSA has never intercepted one phone call or email.
That's like saying the ocean has no water in it.
I mean, it's just, bananas are not yellow when they're ripe.
I mean, apples are never red.
Cherries are never red.
You know, green lights are not green.
The sky is not blue at noon.
Mountains are not tall.
The level of gaslighting is something that is next level.
But it's starting to work on some people where they just go, I'm giving up.
I'm giving up.
I was telling my wife a week ago, I said, you know the Delta variant came from a vaccine mutation.
And she's like, really?
She talked to her medical doctor and told her that.
She's like, it's true!
I can't believe it!
But we've got Dr. Richard Fleming joining us.
He's one of the most prominent people out there fighting.
And he's really predicting a lot of what's going to come true.
He's got huge news.
When we come back, we'll tell you about it straight ahead.
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We're good to go!
Well, you've got your diamond and you've got your pretty clothes.
And the chauffeur drives your car.
You let everybody know.
But don't play with me, cause you're playing with fire.
Dr. Richard Fleming is a cardiologist, nuclear cardiologist, certified in positron emission
Tomography, I guess that's like cyclotrons, I don't know what that is.
Jurisprudence, doctor of law, researcher, inventor, and author.
And I'm not going to go over all of his long bio, but he's a prestigious individual, he's got a bunch of patents, you name it.
The Fleming method patent covers all methods and devices, able to measure metabolic and
We're good to go.
He also has knowledge and patent enables previously undetectable inflammation to be seen and measured in levels of accuracy not found in most common scanning and technologies.
So he's a big expert on all the CAT scans and MRIs and has a bunch of patents and I've been watching him fight this whole thing for last year and seeing him speak out.
We're really glad to finally get him on the broadcast with us.
He has huge
News on the Delta variant, and a lot of other big developments we'll get his take on Fauci, everything.
So, thank you for joining us, sir.
FlemingMethod.com, and you can start wherever you'd like, because you're the expert on this.
Wow, what a time to be alive!
Alex, thank you for the invitation to be here.
I'm delighted to be here.
I'd like to say that it's a news bulletin that people are catching on to the fact that Anthony Fauci and other people in the U.S.
government have helped pay money for the development of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses using what's called gain-of-function viruses.
I don't want to do a commercial, but we did just release a book called Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?
A Scientific and Forensic Investigation, which will walk readers through all the information that you need to know.
I wanted to get to the book, too.
Oh, exactly.
I think I've read the book.
It's amazing.
Please continue.
I'll thank you.
It simply lays out in detail where much of the money came from through NIH and Department of Defense and other federal agencies through Peter Daszak at EcoHealth and subsequently Peter Daszak at the University of North Carolina and Xu Zhang Li at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
It's very clear that they have been manipulating
The development of a weapon like this, a bioweapon, SARS-CoV-2, is in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention Treaty.
It's a violation of the Nuremberg Code, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Helsinki Documents.
And the President of the United States, people that have appointments to the United States, like Dr. Anthony Fauci,
All right.
We're good to go.
Yes sir, let me just stop you.
In fact, when I wanted to try to get you on a few weeks ago and last week it was because of your book, and then I don't want to say I got distracted because you wanted to break the big news about the...
I mean, this is really open and shut.
The question is,
What is the mechanism?
State grand juries?
The FBI?
They won't do anything?
International law that you alluded to?
But let's start over now and get into the Delta variant and the big news you've got there.
Right, so the interesting thing about these vaccines is that they actually circumvent our very immune system in the way it's designed.
We talk a lot about antibodies, but our immune system is two-layered.
It has what's called innate, or T-cell,
Which is critical to see something coming into our body so that it can alert the second part, our adaptive humoral or antibody component, to really make that system work.
And the data shows from the research that's been published on these vaccines, first off, if you look at the emergency use authorization documents themselves, the evidence within them show that there's no difference in the people who develop COVID or die
Do they get vaccinated or not?
Now that's in the EUA data.
It's not my data.
It's their data.
So the very documents that they're using to promote these drug vaccines in and of themselves show they don't work.
In the past, we have always taken viruses, let's say rubella, and we've taken all of the variants, every type and all of the parts, and then we've weakened it and injected it into people.
So what you see is the way a virus would normally come into you, but it's controlled.
And so if you get one variant or another variant, you're making antibodies, you're making T cell responses to all of it.
What they did with these drug vaccines was to circumvent
Our actual immune system and try to do an end run to the second part of it and they did it with only a single part of one type of variant spike protein and that type is called SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan HU1.
So if anybody's confused about where the virus comes from, the very name given to the virus tells you it's Wuhan HU1.
They took that type of spike protein and
used it for these drug vaccines and it's the same thing as you've probably heard the term antibiotic resistance where we indiscriminately use antibiotics and then pressure the bacteria to live only if they're able to resist the antibiotics.
The same thing has happened with this mass vaccination and I have it on the website.
If you look at 33 countries
And when they started the vaccines, and it didn't matter which of the eight vaccines that they used.
You will see an increase in the number of SARS-CoV-2 cases, and you will see the pressure selection away from Wuhan HU1, initially through the one that everybody heard about, which was Alpha in the UK, and then to the Beta strain, and then to the Delta strain.
In fact, if you march them out, and you can go to FlemingMethod.com, look under that first tab that has
I think so.
Specific variants like Delta and now Mu, as all of you are beginning to hear about most recently in the last few weeks, with Pfizer making statements that give them 91 days and they can come up with any type of vaccine for anything that breaks through.
What we have is vaccine chasing.
It just appeared to me that it's like a, you know, a couple of days ago that this is like a dog chasing its tail.
All right, stay right there, Dr. Richard Fleming.
We're going to come back and talk about all this on the other side.
We're going to talk about what made the Delta variant.
And what are these new injections going to create?
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
So folks, you know, tune in right now.
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I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead with their full operational deindustrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda, but we've also got to get personally prepared.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The whole reason I wanted to get Dr. Richard Fleming on is he's written one of the most powerful books.
I've read four or five on the same subject and learn more each time I read another book because there's so much evidence.
Is COVID-19 a bioweapon?
Well, are ducks birds?
Are eagles birds?
A Scientific and Forensic Investigation, Dr. Richard M. Fleming, Ph.D., M.D., J.D.
And it's powerful and I think everybody should get it from Simon & Schuster, a prestigious publisher.
And you've got all these other scientists saying the same thing.
And we had Fauci in conferences in the last decade called gain of function and him arguing for it in his letters and emails.
Now we've got 900 more of them.
I've shown you dozens on air.
With his name saying, I want gain of function, merge these five things, and you look at it, it's what COVID-19 is.
And so doctor, let's get into the science for people.
I know you're a smart scientist, you move quick.
Like we're graduate students or something, but just for everybody out there, layout!
All I know is you never give somebody a vaccine during a pandemic.
Even I know that causes mutations and superviruses.
I know about Marek's disease in chickens, where you keep giving them cold virus vaccines and it creates a supervirus, kills them all.
I know there's similar Marek-like effects in mammals that get them.
So, you're saying they don't know what they're doing.
It looks to me like they know what they're doing.
They're getting us caught and we gotta have more shots for the problem they created and they think we're so dumb that we don't realize it.
I mean, for me, the timing of the release from Wuhan to make Trump look bad and have the Great Reset, I mean, I just see premeditation written all over this.
But we've now reached the point where we know they did cook it up, they did lie to Congress, and now there's calls for Fauci's arrest.
Please continue.
Yeah, no, it's very clear that for the last two-plus decades there's been a tremendous amount of research
I think?
Even during the times when we stopped gain-of-function research, when it became obvious that there were problems with H5N1 outbreaks that were leaked out, well, presumably accidentally, but you know that followed after the
Search already started and and Ralph Baric and she's saying Lee and Peter days act have their names on a whole series of research papers that you know
You turn it over to a researcher like myself, which is what happened at the end of 2019, and I will go digging into the details, not only for the purpose of answering the question of what do we need to do to treat this virus, but where did this come from?
Because you have to understand that to fully be able to treat it.
So, I simply, after we started our research protocol, looking at data on what drugs work for viruses, what drugs don't.
I mean, there's a ton of data on the website.
I think it's 213 papers right now, which represents about a third of what I use to develop our research.
But once I got through that part where we're running the research, my mind as a research scientist and also as an attorney really turned to where did this come from?
This did not happen by accident and there's way too many
Insertions and changes that occur that have tracked me along parallel my research career dating back into the early 1990s where I was working on dietary components and really brought out the theory in 1994 that said heart disease and cancer and diabetes and high blood pressure, these are all inflammatory diseases
In some cases brought on by all the stuff you've heard, like cholesterol and triglycerides and homocysteine, a variety of things.
But in 94, I also said viruses and bacteria can do that.
And at that point in time, Xu Zhangli and the others were working on adding HIV... By the way, let me just interrupt you.
My dad's an oral surgeon and a dentist, and I remember back in the 90s...
Reading medical papers he had, and your name being in there, and that's when they started learning that it was bacteria in the gums from gingivitis getting into heart valves.
I even remember that.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, I mean, yeah, I'm always stunned when somebody says that they read some of those papers, because I, you know, I kind of think nobody's reading the papers, but that's okay.
That's not why I'm writing.
I'm trying to advance and field forward.
And you know, at that point in time, that was paralleling what they were working on with this virus for an attachment site, which is what's called a cialic acid receptor raft site, which just attaches the virus
University of Texas at Galveston.
Yes it is.
We're both here in Texas and we're dealing with the ramifications of some of our work.
And Nebraska, University of Nebraska, University of Wisconsin, and even the University of Iowa.
I mean there were
What we know and what we've shown in the book is that they went from just tweaking it with a couple sites to make it more infectious and more dangerous.
That's Shi Zhengli on the left and Peter Daszak of EcoHealth on the right.
There they are.
And then they went and they took the spike protein of one coronavirus and they combined it with the backbone of another.
And that's usually the research paper that people talk about.
But when you dig into the back material of that paper, you will find out, as we talk about in the book, that they not only did that, but they inserted five separate nucleotide bases that are critical
For these coronaviruses to infect people.
And then there's data that's published back in 2016, 2017, where they also took and they found a new component to a virus called Open Reading Frame 10, that if you put that into a coronavirus, allows the coronavirus to bypass the human immune system, so that we don't make that interferon, which is part of that innate or first step
Part of the protection for our immunity.
So they gave him a cloaking device.
So in layman's terms, they're claiming they're trying to make... Sorry, go ahead.
Go ahead, doctor.
No, I mean, so they've been playing around with it.
That's kind of the smartest that they got on the whole thing.
And just from my perspective, as somebody who's done 53 years of research, I don't consider that smart.
Because it got away from them, is my perspective.
The more they got into it, the less I think they fully understood what they were doing.
But they were having a great time playing God, to be honest.
And then they came up with a scenario where they wanted to try to address
I think so.
More RNA vaccines that they're using.
I mean these things have been used for cancer research for more than a decade.
Let's talk about that Dr. Fleming and the new big news on the Delta variant straight ahead and your book exposing all of this.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Well, he's an amazing guy.
He's a cardiologist.
He also is a nuclear cardiologist.
He's a lawyer.
Got a bunch of patents on that.
And he's here with us until the end of the hour.
I really appreciate him coming on.
And he was just getting into the fact that these mRNA systems have been around for over a decade.
No one in the world ever approved them because you had so many people having problems with them.
And look at this headline today.
The CDC suddenly changes the definition of vaccine and vaccination.
They've been kicking even New York Times journalists and people off of Twitter who come out and say this isn't a vaccine, this is a gene therapy.
You gotta have it all the time.
And then here's the actual CDC document.
The basics.
The act of introducing vaccine in the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.
Now they say it doesn't give you immunity, it just lessens it, which it turns out is not true.
The act of introducing vaccine in the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
So they've changed it.
They're playing God.
So, Dr. Fleming, you got caught up on the break getting into the fact that they rolled out this mRNA through this emergency.
Now they say a month ago, oh, it's approved now.
But then it turns out it wasn't approved.
It was just them saying it's approved.
They said in 20...
Well, you know, as far as the federal government doing something like that, there was a Supreme Court case out of Missouri several years ago where the Supreme Court ruled that an American
Could not be legally forced to take a treatment that it was unconstitutional.
So this is nothing more than another example of people overstepping their authority and deciding that they're going to make decisions that are way above their pay grade or IQ grade.
The facts, the data, the research speaks to whether these people have a thorough understanding of what they're actually doing.
The mRNA vaccines themselves, in 2017, Moderna, no less, which is one of the vaccines now that we're talking about, the drug vaccine biologics,
Moderna published a paper on lipid nanoparticle, that's the same type of technology, influenza vaccines.
And what they discovered in that paper in 2017 was that the lipid nanoparticles did not stay at the site of the injection.
They spread to the brain, the heart, the liver, the spleen, the bone marrow, every body organ that there was.
In fact, the data shows that within a matter of two to five hours, once this injection is given, these lipid nanoparticles spread around the body and can be found for several days.
The problem here with using this technology, above and beyond the fact that the EUA documents show that they don't work, is that
When your immune system works to be fully operational, your body has to see the virus actually coming into it so that certain types of cells in the first part of your immune system can attack it, eat the virus, tear it apart, and expose it to the surface so that other cells in your immune system say, hey, wait a minute, this isn't supposed to be in our body.
We need an immune response to that.
Now that part is called the innate.
I-N-N-A-T-E, and it occurs in three to five days, and it is critical.
It is the foundation of our immune system.
So, with the lipid nanoparticles of Pfizer and Moderna, they're circumventing that by sticking a genetic code, that's a human genetic code, by the way, because we know this gain-of-function research is human, it's not natural, and it goes straight into the cells that it infects.
By the way, let me just stop you.
They said it only stayed local and didn't leach.
But I could pull up hundreds of prestigious reports where they have all sorts of drugs and treatments that use nanoparticles or lipid particles to go through the blood-brain barrier.
So again, sir, they had to know what they're doing.
I know you don't want to speculate, but my God, the timing of the leak, the cover-up, the power grab, I mean, and the fact that you and others warned it would cause all these problems and now it's done it?
And now they're just demanding more power?
This whole thing looks extremely premeditated to me.
Yeah, you know, and the two problems with this spike protein, when everybody gets down to the spike protein, rather than chasing tails again, I think what the federal government does is it plays squirrel game.
And I don't know if that makes sense to you.
But, you know, you see the dogs and you say squirrel.
And what's the dog do?
It stops.
It goes after the squirrel.
So every time you see a distraction, this is the government saying squirrel.
And the general public starts off to something else.
Graphene oxide is a classic example of misinformation that's out there on these vaccines.
So let me walk you and your viewers through this.
Graphene oxide has been in vaccines for years.
This is not new.
Silverware hasn't been sticking to people for years, so this is not new.
The cause of whatever people think that they're saying.
What we have on the website, and again I would encourage people to go there because it's a wealth of information, is information that shows that graphene oxide prevents the spike protein from attaching to your cells.
And that should raise a fundamental question.
Why would you want to do that?
What would be the benefit?
Well, there's two things that this spike protein and this virus do.
They cause an inflammation of blood clotting, or what I called inflammatory thrombotic response in 1994.
That's when I brought this whole theory out to the American Heart Association.
It got presented the following year at American Heart.
It got published in a cardiology textbook in 99.
We did the bacterial studies from 2000, 2003.
And then I talked about it on 2020 and 2004.
So I kind of thought that everybody had heard about it, but they never applied this.
And beyond the inflammatory response is something very, very critical, which Kevin W. McCarran had talked about out of Japan.
He's probably one of the best neurobiologists, animal researchers on the planet.
He's in Japan right now.
He's from the UK.
And he saw the neurologic damage, and there's plenty of studies have been shown that when this spike protein crosses the blood-brain barrier, it causes what's called prion diseases, or diseases where proteins get malfolded, and one of those is Alzheimer's.
Med-Cal disease is another one, and the animal models show that the animals are experiencing this.
So what's really happening?
Yes, sir.
What are you saying?
What are you saying?
By having graphene oxide in the vaccines and preventing the spike protein from attaching to cells,
It makes the spike protein available to go across the blood-brain barrier to cause the prion diseases.
Absolutely, so it's protecting the spike protein to get into the brain and that's clearly then deliberate.
Well, again, I'm not in their minds.
I can't speak to the intention of somebody else doing it, but it's clearly documented that this is the consequence.
Elaborate on that because I've seen the studies on that and I'm glad you, because you're a doctor and a scientist and an expert I guess in tracking things in the body, with your particular degree.
Is there any other reason they put the graphene oxide in there other than using it to get things across the blood-brain barrier, which again is a prion to cause the neurological disorders?
Well, I'd like to ask a different question.
If it wasn't what you wanted to happen, and you knew it was happening, and you knew it was that detrimental, wouldn't you do something about it?
What do you make of... So the fact that they're not correcting the problem says, we're good.
What do you make of what's happening with the Moderna shot?
From all your research, which vaccine is the most dangerous?
Oh, that's a question.
All of them.
There isn't a safe vaccine out there.
None of these vaccines have been proven to be safe or effective.
The EUA documents show that they do not cut down the number of COVID cases.
They do not cut down the number of deaths.
The EUA documents show that themselves.
They're filled, all of them, with different adverse effects.
The real problem, in addition to the fact that they're not useful, they're not helping anybody, and they're causing harm to
Thousands and millions of people for some of the adverse events is that they're putting pressure selection on the variants to drive the changes that we're now seeing.
And if you have a question about who's the problem right now, it's not the unvaccinated, it's the vaccinated that have been driving the variants the direction that they're going.
And that's the big thing you wanted to get to.
We'll cover that on the other side.
Stay with us.
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Beautifully said, brother.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, time flies when you're learning critical things about your survival and the freedom and future of humanity.
Dr. Richard Fleming is our guest.
FlemingMethod.com, very prestigious guys in all over international news, you know, author, researcher, patents, and he's laying out science here.
And now we see all these regulators quitting, we see all this incredible stuff coming out, we see the EU side, the UK, the head of the UN says don't do booster shots.
So it looks like they're scared of something, like Fauci might be going too far, but everybody says Fauci is in charge.
I want to get into the Delta variant with you, Doctor.
I want to get into the mutations, other doctors I've had on, the evidence that it came from India, you know, how a vaccine knocks out the weak variants, makes the strong go forward.
I want you to explain to people the 10 minutes we have, but I wanted to ask you about this.
These graphs we see from the CDC, from Israel, from the UN, from John Hopkins, they all show the same thing.
Huge record deaths per capita in Israel, hospitalizations, and it follows when they're given the injections.
You look at Palestine right next door, it's not even one-tenth of the same numbers.
Same thing goes.
For Sweden, same thing, country after country.
The more shots they take, the more they say they have COVID.
I mean, this should end the whole fiasco right now, like Sweden and some other countries have done.
What do these graphs mean?
Same graphs in other heavily injected areas, like Singapore, Gibraltar, as you know.
What does this signify?
Right, so what it signifies is a dismal failure of the vaccines.
It shows that they do not work.
In fact, it shows that they are producing more of a problem.
On FlemingMethod.com, if you go to the first tab, which is COVID slash heart slash cancer, and you drop down one, you'll see International Criminal Court.
The second one is vaccine chasing.
And on that, I show you exactly how the EUA documents prove that there's no benefit.
If you slide down on Pfizer, you'll see the results of Pfizer, which shows no benefit to the Pfizer vaccine.
In the graphic, the EUA shows, if you keep scrolling down there, that there's no benefit.
In fact, the absolute risk reduction is 0.88%.
Between the vaccine and no vaccine, but there's a lot of side effects.
Moderna has the same sequence, and you can slide down through that.
Wow, I've been on your site, but on this, this is incredible information.
If you go, if you go down to the next one, you'll see Janssen.
Janssen reported on its shots.
It reported at two weeks that their statistical difference, but two weeks later, if you drop down to the next one,
That benefit was completely lost.
So you get all of that data and then you can keep scrolling down because I want your viewers to see it.
Then we look at the mass vaccination pressure.
What you're going to see are 33 countries here graphically show up.
This is from published data.
You'll see all these countries and you will see the color codes of the actual viruses, the variants.
I think so.
You can see exactly what happened every country.
But sir, you predicted this over a year ago.
Everybody, all these other scientists did.
So don't tell me that the UN and all these people didn't know what they were doing.
It looks like they're trying to create a Merrick-type disease in humans.
And it looks like if they keep trying to now have a vaccine for the Delta, will that make something even more deadly?
And how long until it produces the super virus that they're finally looking for to depopulate us?
Well, here's several components to think about.
First off, the question is what's actually in the drug vaccines?
And back in March, I pointed out that the vaccines that were used, if they only put the spike protein part of the genetic code in there, that was insufficient to get the type of immune response that has happened.
And that means that they have to have something else in
The vaccines that they're not telling us about.
And when I showed people and talked to people back in March and gave presentations, I pointed out something called self-amplifying mRNAs, where they include other parts of that genetic material to amp up the response.
And then I showed that the animal model in which they were testing SARS, which is the virus, for self-amplifying mRNA wasn't dog, wasn't cat, wasn't horse, wasn't mouse.
It's human.
It's published on the website.
Human is the animal model being used.
And so that's why they skipped the trials.
They were doing it right on us, right?
You know, one of the very cute comments that somebody posted once, and they posted on another video, is the slide that I have of two rats looking at each other.
And one rat's saying, are you going to get the vaccine?
And the second rat looks at the first and says, they haven't finished the human trials yet.
And that's really where we're at with everything flipped on its head.
They're doing human experimentation.
So you're either part of the experimental group or you're part of the control group, one way or the other, but you're one of the two groups.
Well, Dr. this is incredible.
I've seen hundreds, not hundreds, I've seen hundreds of clips of you, seen several interviews with you, been watching you over a year.
I know you're in Texas.
Where are you in Texas?
Well, I would love to pay for a hotel or fly you down here, your gas to come down here.
I'd love to do a commercial-free podcast.
Our podcasts get two or three million views.
This show has millions of viewers as well.
It's a big syndicated radio TV show, but it has breaks.
I would love to have you come down here and load all this in our computer and then do a slideshow or even a presentation because, man, your site is incredible how you put it all together.
It is invaluable.
I hadn't clicked on that tab of vaccine chasing and the way you put all those graphs together
Every radio lister, everyone needs to go to FlemingMethod.com and you need to go to that vaccine chasing area and look at those graphs from the UN and the country's own numbers.
It is just devastating.
I mean, how the hell would anybody keep taking more shots when it shows it makes record death and record illness?
So what are you expecting to do next?
Just keep doubling down with the lie and then specifically, I know you're already getting there, but get to your point on the Delta variant.
Well, they're going to keep doubling down as long as people allow them to double down.
And the reality is that the only thing that's going to happen that's going to make a difference in that is for people to stand up and take responsibility.
I work with doctors all over the world.
We research that, but I have people all over the world and they come back to me with one very specific question.
What are the Americans going to do about this?
Because they're looking at U.S.
citizens to make determinations about what needs to be done.
And we need our elected officials that we put in there, Senator Rand Paul, and the other elected officials that are here in Texas, to stand up for the citizens of this country and say, enough is enough is enough.
You can't, by executive order, mandate this vaccine.
And you've got Anthony Fauci
Telling people that our personal freedoms are less important than his vaccination program that's being rolled out.
He did not trump the U.S.
The current president does not trump the U.S.
The way this is done under the Constitution of the United States is that the elected officials in the legislative body, Congress, has to pass laws and legislation that then is either approved by the executive branch or rejected and they go back and they vote on it to make it a law.
That's right.
That's what the FDA head scientist said over vaccines.
They said, you're just even bypassing the FDA.
You just can't have Biden be America's doctor and do all this.
Please come down to Austin next week or whenever you can, doctor, or please come back on our other shows.
I want to go over all your graphs.
In a minute, we've got left, though, anything else on the Delta variant.
We see the graphs.
It's clear.
All over the world, it's made the Delta variant take over.
The vaccines have done that.
They've done a great job of putting the pressure.
So this is like antibiotic resistant bacteria.
When you indiscriminately use antibiotics, you breed out the bacteria that can survive.
And so what the Delta variant is nothing more than a variant that has changed enough that its spike protein is dissimilar enough to the original HU1 that
The immune response does nothing, so our body doesn't recognize it as the SARS virus.
It recognizes it as it's something else.
Because instead of doing what we've always done, take all the variants and weaken them and inject them into somebody for a vaccine, somebody decided to take just the genetic code that they wanted to play with for
A spike protein and see what that would do.
And congratulations, it was a dismal failure.
It proved evolution theory on the way that things survive.
Survival of the fittest.
This is when you go out there and you attack.
And by the way, the way that you deal with antibiotic resistance is you quit overusing the antibiotics.
You stop and you pull it back and make an intelligent decision.
Hold on, Doc.
We got a two-minute break.
We'll do five more minutes with this.
I want to be able to put bookends on this.
Jacob in Ohio.
Welcome, go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, Bob.
Great last caller.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement.
It's basically the only way I get sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, demoralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a twilight zone, man.
Alright, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
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Tyler in Maine.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, it's great to be on with you.
Thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
It's an honor.
Honor, talk to you.
So, first thing I wanted to do is to say I love the products.
Alpha Power, even at 29.
If you ask my better half, she loves it.
And it helps in the bedroom.
So, just number one for a few days.
Well, it definitely works.
It's not a joke.
I've been fighting as hard as I can for almost 28 years against the globalists.
I wanted to stop their agenda.
I wanted to wake up the world and stop them dead in their tracks before they went operational.
But we failed.
Yes, a lot of people are awake.
Yes, we're not getting caught flat-footed.
But they are going ahead
With their full operational deindustrialization, Great Reset.
And that's why it's more important than ever that all viewers and all listeners tell everybody they know about the show, because people are ready to wake up and ready to hear the truth.
So we've got to information warfare the enemy and try to stop their agenda, but we've also got to get personally prepared.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Dave Dally, syndicated radio host, is going to be hosting coming up next segment.
I got a few stories I'm going to hit first of major breaking news.
It's exclusive.
You know, Roger talked to him.
He said, yeah, look, you can say it.
I'm not going to say it.
I talked to Roger, obviously, off air about he's been meeting with Trump.
Trump's running.
He says he's running.
He wasn't going to run just a month ago, but now he's running.
Exclusive information on that.
Exclusively breaking.
Next segment.
The video's now live from when he was on last hour, but I'm now authorized to say even more.
Next segment.
Dr. Richard Fleming, we've got to get him in studio.
He's down here in Texas with us.
He's in Dallas, my hometown.
His book, which I've read, is excellent.
I'm going to try to get a few thousand copies.
Just to sell at InfoWarsTore.com.
It's published by Simon & Schuster.
He's a prestigious guy coming out asking the question.
Is COVID-19 a bioweapon, a scientific and forensic investigation?
We've got four minutes till we end this segment.
You got cut off by the break on that key subject about getting government motivated, getting them taking action, and the main point you were hitting about, just like with antibiotics creating drug-resistant things, the same thing happens with these vaccines, and just like with Marek's disease and chickens create super viruses, you show the graphs from the UN's own site, and it's conclusive that it's going straight up
Logarithmically, and they're still not hitting the brakes, they're doubling down.
I mean, you talk about watching the establishment destroy themselves, I don't see how they're going to get away with this, Doctor.
Yeah, it's just a matter of how much you can convince people and gaslight them and get them to not communicate with each other.
And when you do that, you have an ideal setup for the ability to manipulate people and get them to do whatever you want.
And it's pretty clear that a lot of people got very concerned, very stressed, and they got vaccinated because they were concerned about family members.
They didn't want to make somebody else sick that they loved and cared about.
And that type of manipulative type of
I think is part of the most disgusting part of this, which is the manipulation of not only Americans, but people around the world to sell them on the concept that if they didn't get vaccinated, they were putting somebody that they love their life at risk.
Vaccines have never prevented people from getting infected and they have never prevented people from spreading infection.
That's not how it works.
And anybody who remembers or has studied that and has that basic understanding realizes that it's designed to expose you to what you're going to see so that when you become infected or sick, you recover faster.
But we've always done it intelligently.
We've always taken all the variants and all the different types and all the parts so that once we injected that into you, your body had a fighting chance to
So that no matter what variant came into you or what part of a variant came into you, you had an immune response.
What they have demonstrated very clearly is that if you select out just a part of it, you can force the virus into the direction that this virus has been forced into, which is the further it is from what you started with, the more likely it's going to survive.
With antibiotic resistant
You don't keep hitting people with antibiotics.
You'll kill the patient.
What you do is you stop doing what's causing the problem.
This hasn't changed in medicine.
It doesn't change in science.
It doesn't change in anything.
You know, if you run through a red light and you hit people, the next time you come to a red light, you don't say, I think I'll run the red light.
You kind of go, well, I think I'm supposed to stop.
That's how we don't
We're good.
Anthony Fauci does not represent science.
I find it offensive.
That he represents himself as science, he has prostituted science, and he's become a major pimp for anti-science.
Science is done by people who are methodical and are looking at the outcomes, and when the outcomes are bad, they say it's time to stop this bad behavior.
The drug research project known as these vaccines have demonstrated a dismal failure, and an intelligent scientist would pull it back and say, stop what we're doing, let's figure out what's next.
Well, even the main UK's advisory group said Yellowcard didn't pull it a month ago.
Sir, thank you so much.
This headline is not a joke.
This is America in September of 2020.
court sends man to jail for watching conspiracy theory videos online.
Yes, it says the police did a spot check for, quote, compliance at his home and found him in his garage watching Rumble social media site, which they say is a conspiracy site.
Also, he admitted to watching Mike Lindell's three-day cyber symposium.
Yes, it was part of the conditions of his bail.
The judge said he could not look at any videos questioning the election.
No joke.
And so they sent the Stasi to his house and caught him doing it, so now he's going into solitary confinement.
Communism has come to America.
The Republic has fallen.
You won't get what you're after until you get on your knees and take the Holy Spirit.
Not true.
I love the Who, but it just isn't true.
All right, we have a very special guest host who's doing a great job hosting once a week, katedalleyshow.com, Kate Dalley, D-A-L-L-E-Y.
She's got a lot to cover and always a great guest.
She's taking over in just a few minutes.
But I gotta just tell you, the video from an hour and a half ago is now live.
I don't know.
And now Trump's going to travel all over the country to try to win the midterms for other people, which he does when he gets behind people.
And now he's really close to coming out against the vaccine.
The stuff you did see him say, you know, on TV shows about, yeah, this triple shot Pfizer runs everything.
And yeah, it looks like a scam to me.
And, you know, you shouldn't be made to take the vaccine.
That's all Roger talking to him.
And so he told Roger, he said, look, I, I'm going to run.
I'm going to run.
I'm going to get, you know, he's, he's lost like 30 pounds.
He looks like he's 10 years younger or more.
So the exclusive interview, Roger Stone confirms Trump will run for president 2024.
And usually Trump doesn't change his mind.
He's the guy that does it.
So, uh, he's not perfect.
Nobody is, but he's a hell of a lot better than the rest of the Republican field.
And should his running mate be Rand Paul?
Should his running mate be DeSantis?
I know the two are kind of got a rivalry going.
As much as I like DeSantis, I think Trump will trounce him.
So that's the exclusive news.
That's a big story.
And you know, Roger told me a week ago, he goes, no, Trump's going to run.
He's happy now.
He's doing it.
But don't tell anybody I'm not ready yet.
And then like, more.
And then now Trump's telling other people.
And so Roger's not going to get completely, you know, scooped here on this.
So I don't usually agree with CNN, but when CNN says Trump planning to run, that is accurate.
We're about to go to our special guest host, but I told you last hour, never got to it, get to it now, the good Second Amendment news.
White House to withdraw town hall reports.
It's also in the Associated Press.
Shipman nomination.
This is a guy that helped slaughter everybody at Waco and he's an anti-gunner and said that 50 cows shot down helicopters.
No helicopters were hit by bullets.
He is a damn liar and oversaw the barbecuing of those children.
Some bad news.
Lying on an ATF form 4473 is a federal violation and can lead to severe penalties and jail time, even if you get one number wrong on your address.
Don't lie and buy!
But Hunter Biden specifically lied on his, so he's allowed to.
And then continuing the bad news, Biden admin aims to sign UN gun regulation
Treaty to register all guns on earth for confiscation.
That is bad news on that front for the UN.
More and more running our society and running our country.
It's a catch-22.
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You want to fund us.
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So thank you all for your support.
Kate Daly is a cutting-edge nationally recognized radio host.
She is a nationally syndicated multiple markets live in Chicago and read state talk radio drive time in the world's largest political online 24-hour station 1 million listeners all their online outlets as well and listeners from around the globe listen and stream her three-hour political talk show first for Utah topics
And then the two-hour nationally syndicated show.
Kate Daly just went through fighting the CDC COVID-19 protocols in Southern Utah Hospital when her husband was admitted for pneumonia and she battled him and saved his life.
That's key because most hospitals won't give you the treatments.
They give you nothing.
Thank you so much.
Take over, beautiful.
Hey, how are you?
Thank you, Alex.
I really appreciate this.
There's so much information to go over.
And you know what?
I don't even know where to start.
Do you feel like that every day?
Do you feel a little exhausted?
I feel a little beaten up.
It is overwhelming.
I mean, one of these stories would be, you could talk about it for a month, and there's hundreds of them.
It's insane!
It's insane!
Oh my gosh, I'm getting emails from all over the country, and guess what, Alex?
The story's the same.
It's the same everywhere in the hospitals.
People are fighting for their loved ones.
And this Kevorkian Protocol is not working.
It's killing people.
And people need to know this.
I was appalled at what I saw.
And if we can really kind of get a handle on that too, I'm going to be talking about Afghanistan and a little bit about, gosh, everything.
I just shot everything today.
But I'm horrified at what's going on in our hospitals.
I really am.
All right.
Let's start here.
Red or Pisaki.
I don't know what to call her.
What do you call her?
I don't know.
It's tough to pick one.
Pisaki comes on and says, you know, it depends on if you're vaccinated or not, our new steps that we're going to be doing, the new things we're going to introduce to you, whether you get a life, whether you don't.
Whether you, I don't know, get to have any freedom at all.
It's all up to us, the powerful.
And we've got, you know, Biden in the background, little Mr. Puppeteer.
And we have decided that we are going to protect the kids in school by making them wear bacterial cloths on their face, you know, to breathe in all their toxins.
And so we have Psaki promising us new dictates from the king.
I always love it.
I always love to know we got a king and they're in charge and they're just going to take over our lives.
So that's just beautiful, isn't it?
You know what, though?
Let me just give you the good news first.
The good news is, people are fighting.
And when I say fighting, I mean fighting.
I put together a reel that I will post on the Kate Daly Show site, katedalyradio.com, and it's a reel of protests going on in the United States right now.
Firemen, policemen, last week I talked to a fireman on this show, and let me just tell you,
We have such a situation with protests and people with hospital jobs.
70% they say are polled.
Now, I don't really believe the polls all that much, but they did say 70% of the unvaccinated will lose their job.
They said, we'll walk away.
You can fire us.
And you know what?
It's better to be fired than walk away.
Make them fire you because then you'll have a suit to do this.
That's probably the biggest advice that comes from Kris Ann Hall, the Constitutional Attorney.
She says, make them fire you.
Don't just walk away.
But we have so many things to talk about.
When we come back, I want to talk about Dr. Michael McDowell bringing forward three smoking guns.
I also want to talk about Rem, well I call it Remdethivir.
Remdethivir is the drug that was approved by Fauci.
And right before all of this came about in 2020, right?
Right as it was just launching and said, this is the drug of choice.
And Dr. Brian Artist did some great pieces on this and some great exposing on this, too.
So I definitely want to tackle that.
And I also spoke to somebody on the ground in Afghanistan, a woman, actually.
A woman who is just a medical person and she kind of tells, she tells from her perspective what is going on.
And I like this because I want to hear from people on the ground.
I want to know, what is our news media feeding us?
I don't trust our news media at all.
I don't trust the talking heads.
They have nice teeth and nice hair and that's about it.
And I want to get down to the right kinds of stories, the right kinds of things that, you know, that are actually happening.
So we'll, I'll talk about this at the end of the hour.
But I do want to go through some clips with you, and I even want to play Klaus Schwab.
I know, he gives me the chills with that German accent every time he comes on the screen.
But he's more in charge of what happens to us than you think.
So I'll be right back, of course, on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Kate Dally, katedallyradio.com.
I will be right back, and we have a lot to talk about.
I want to talk about some scandals in the past, too.
Let's introduce some history into this, too.
I always want to bring history in the backstory.
All right.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Hi there, I'm Kate Dally from The Kate Dally Show and happy to be guest hosting today for Alex Jones.
Okay, I want to get to some clips.
I want to show you some things because this is kind of a mind-blowing hour, if you will, because this is going to talk about the shot, what they found, some smoking guns, and also the drug they're using in the hospital that was exposed by Dr. Brian Artis.
I love that guy.
All right, so first of all, is the shot a bioweapon?
Well, I think the next several clips here, the next three clips here, are going to really tell the tale of that.
Is it a bioweapon?
That's what everybody wants to know.
Okay, let's talk about this.
Dr. Michael McDowell, so we have him on video, and let's play his first clip.
This is going to be a quote from Dr. Francis Boyle, author of the Anti-Terrorism Act in 1987, and this was quoted in February 2020.
The Framer of the Anti-Terrorism Act says this, international law expert, bioweapons expert, SARS-CoV-2 is an offensive biological warfare agent made in a lab and engineered with gain-of-function properties.
He said that in February 2020.
I have quoted this in a documentary I did.
It's on YouTube called Watchmen What Have Denied Part 1, where I spelled this out very clearly.
And he has come to the conclusion, and this is going to shock you,
Put on your seatbelts, this is going to shock you.
He has come to the conclusion that SARS-CoV-2 is a tripartite chimera.
And it is composed of one, SARS, the original SARS, and he says SARS is already weaponized.
And then that SARS virus was enhanced by gain-of-function properties.
And step three, they were all then genetically recombined with an HIV virus.
That's the virus that causes AIDS.
So a tripartite chimera.
If you think I am kidding,
I have some notes here that I could refer to, and I call them Smoking Gun 1, 2 and 3.
Francis Boyle, quoting from an article called Antiviral Research February 10, 2020, written by three French scientists and one Canadian scientist from Montreal, said the Wuhan coronavirus genetic analysis may provide a gain of function to 2019 novel coronavirus,
The Wuhan coronavirus genetic analysis may provide a gain of function to 2019 novel coronavirus for efficient spreading in human population compared to other beta coronaviruses.
He says that is a smoking gun.
It was genetically engineered for efficient spreading in human population.
That's recorded.
Wow is right.
So the second smoking gun he had was the North Carolina team, Dr. Jinglei Shi.
Don't be surprised.
The University of North Carolina Labs at Chapel Hill brought a team together to do an experiment.
And part of the North Carolina University team was, they were joined by a gentleman from China called Dr. Zheng Li Shi.
Dr. Zheng Li Shi.
He was from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
And in fact, Wuhan gave a grant to the University of North Carolina so that scientists could be involved in this experiment.
They imported SARS cells, SARS viruses, from the Fort Detrick labs.
For those of you who know geopolitics and covert geopolitics, very necessary for any Bible prophecy teacher or any pastor in this state to know, Fort Detrick, the Fort Detrick labs are the U.S.'
's main BSL-4 labs where they research, stockpile, and test genetic bioweapons.
And so this team, given a grant by China, we're working on increasing the pathogenicity of the SARS samples that they got from Fort Detrick.
All right.
I don't know if you can ignore this.
Can you?
Can anyone?
So, the next clip is about 45 seconds, and this is the Australia Health Lab and Wuhan Experimental, the weaponization of SARS.
The weaponization of SARS.
When you heard gain of function, gain of function was really kind of to accelerate the results of said, you know, bioweapon.
So, here we go.
This is clip three.
And Dr. Michael McDowell, here we go.
I think?
The initial weaponized SARS virus, enhanced it with gain-of-function properties, and then coalesced it genetically to an HIV virus, therefore forming the tripartite chimera.
And so I'm listening to you, where these experiments took place.
Let me go a little further.
All right, fourth one.
This is an India lab, and they found HIV in the virus.
Because they use the mRNA delivery system to get this in the cell, just like Dr. Judy Mikevitz said, just like all the frontline doctors have been saying, and it actually can change your DNA.
This is CLIP4.
Indian scientists did an analysis on the SARS-CoV-2 virus and they said they've definitely found elements of the HIV virus in the genomic sequencing.
So this was confirmed by a team from India.
And let me mention to you that HIV is a retrovirus.
Retroviruses use mRNA to inject their stuff into the cell.
And when the mRNA is injected into the cell, there is something called retrointegration that takes place.
And that means that the mRNA... Wow.
You know, I don't know that somebody can not take all that in and feel like, what?
Wait a minute, what's in the shot?
These are all documented, all of the things he mentioned.
He is actually a doctor of theology, bringing these things out.
And I don't mind who the whistleblower is, or the credentials they have, when they're bringing forth something that lays it out so succinctly, just like he did.
And in the order he did, I loved it.
And I wanted to share that with you, because you need to know that we are dealing with a bioweapon.
This is something that is a DNA,
And he said, you know, they'll keep telling you it can't do anything to your DNA.
But it can.
It can.
And so, when we come back, they obviously, well, they obviously want us to take the shot.
Let's just lay this out.
They want us to take the shot.
But how do they get a populace moved to take the shot?
How do they get them emotionally invested to go around and save everybody else, right?
I'm going to wear a band-aid because you might get cut.
You know, that kind of thinking.
So, what do they do?
If people do start actually dying in the hospitals, and maybe something is making that happen, that would be one way to provoke fear, to get people to take a shot, because they have to have this in everybody, right?
And so, when we come back, I want to talk about the big exposing.
I expose the protocol.
I expose that in the hospital because it actually
Happened to my husband.
My husband, they said, had COVID pneumonia.
And I tell the tale of what happened there, but Dr. Brian Artis does a fantastic job at saying which drug is the drug of choice for our country, which drug was installed into all of our hospitals with horrific studies behind it.
And I mean horrific.
Just wait till you hear this.
And I'll play it when we get right back from the break.
Kate Daly, katedalyshow.com.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic, because I sit there and I beg you for support, constantly.
For prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth, and we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And we're still here.
And as this whole new world order comes out in the open, our credibility is going up.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved and America still quasi-free.
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Granny Do-Right.
Granny Do-Right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
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There is very little contemporary study in the world of the planet's ruling class.
Not in Communist China, not in Mexico, not in the United States, not anywhere is there a real study of the planet's ruling class.
And that's done by design.
The large central banks that basically control the planet will penalize and target any academics
That look into, say, the Anglo-American establishment that founded the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission of the United Nations, the whole project of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.
Until 10 years ago, the media said, the control corporate media, the Bilderberg Group, didn't exist.
Well, now the Bilderberg Group is public, and its former head, still on the steering committee, is Klaus Schwab, and he has set up the Great Reset, a global government.
And if, as a liberty movement worldwide, we don't address the globalists head-on, about the fact that they are a worldwide authoritarian corporate takeover, we don't have a shot.
If we do expose them, we can beat them easily.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Hi there, I'm Kate Dally from The Kate Dally Show.
Happy to be with you today and bringing you some very, very important information that you really need to know.
You know, they, they're so desperate to get this shot in you, they're willing to kill you.
They're willing to put a drug on the market that they know will most likely kill you.
You're just collateral damage, guys.
We're all just collateral damage.
And the unfortunate ones that die, that's how they're looking at it.
Well, too bad.
We want this shot.
So the shot better.
Well, it must be pretty damn important, right?
It has to be.
So we're learning what's in it.
And this is really important.
I want to play Klaus Schwab.
I swear.
Who is this guy?
It's hard to nail down his exact history.
Every time I hear him speak, I'm thinking, papers, please, you know.
And let's hear from Klaus Schwab, talking about DNA changing, 2015.
Listen very carefully to what this man says.
The difference of this forced industrial revolution is it doesn't change what you are doing.
It changes you.
If you take genetic editing, just as an example, it's you who are changed.
And of course this has a big impact on your identity.
And offers certain kinds of...
Possibilities that have to be careful about, you know, when you began to do that kind of gene editing.
Some people worry that you are changing what it means to be human.
That's the problem.
Of course, the new Industrial Revolution offers us many opportunities, but it raises manifold questions on the ethical, but even legal, implications.
And we have to be prepared for it, and that's what we want to do in Davos next year.
Wow, what is he, Hitler's son?
Anyway, um, yeah, gives you the creeps, right?
He's almost like, he's almost like got saliva dripping down his face, he's so excited, you know?
So excited about this.
So let's, I want you to hear Dr. Brian Artis because his clip is very, very important on telling you what's going on in the hospital.
They want the shot very bad.
The good old Klaus there is really excited to do this DNA changing thing.
And so let's hear what they're willing to do in the hospitals to make this happen.
This is Dr. Brian Artis.
They are still doing it today, and they are... I'm telling you right now, anybody who's got a loved one in ICUs, please listen to me.
Anybody who's got COVID-19, you're going to be threatened with death if you go into a hospital.
They have set this up where they're going to use remdesivir.
31% of people treated for COVID-19 will have acute kidney failure.
Their lungs will fill with fluid.
Right now they're adding dexamethasone, which has 4% reported kidney failure for all those who get it.
So now you're up to 35%.
If anyone listening to this has a loved one in a hospital and they have added to that protocol a drug called vancomycin, which is an antibiotic.
Antibiotics don't treat viruses, by the way.
If they put them on there, upwards of 10% of all of those individuals will experience even worse acute kidney failure.
It will stop their heart, pressure on their heart, make them go into a coma, make them unconscious, and they will die.
And they will say it was because of COVID-19.
This is not true.
Yeah, they're doing it to all of them.
All right, so this is the mass genocide that they're using, remdesivir.
There's a reason why.
You guys, he's right.
He's right.
When I was, with my own experience, we were confronted with remdesivir and I said, no, no way.
Are you kidding me?
And all I got was shocked looks, you know, shocked looks on the faces.
Why would you not want this wonder drug?
Let me just tell you, Fauci, when he put this through, I don't know if you guys remember, but April of 2020, there was an article where they were approving this, right?
For the big mystery that they had planned.
And what happened was, this actual drug was used in the Ebola testing, okay?
They did a study.
The problem was, they had 56% mortality.
56% mortality.
Yeah, that's bad.
It didn't even make it through the study, folks.
They had to pull it.
So then what happened was they put out an article...
And Fauci said, oh, this is fabulous.
In fact, this is what he said.
Let me read it to you.
This will be the standard of care, Fauci said.
And when you know a drug works, you have to let people in the placebo group know how they can take it.
Oh, yes, please.
Let's rush it over to them, too.
And he also said, what it has proven is a drug that can block the virus.
It actually can't.
There's no properties in it, from what I'm told.
And then also, check this out.
Gilead Sciences, who put this out, announced earlier in the day that the study had met its primary endpoint, but then didn't provide any other details.
Wait, what?
Yeah, didn't provide any other details.
In fact, you couldn't find an article with any details about it.
So then they said, well, they worked on it for SARS.
I mean, they studied it for SARS.
But they didn't say they studied it for Ebola.
They didn't want really anybody checking that out.
So, more than half the people die, right, on remdesivir, and now we have a problem.
But, here's the deal, the hospitals, right, the hospitals get this, and they're told that, hey, this experimental drug, this investigational drug, you just go, now you need to go use this.
They're not, they're not told that it can physically shut down the liver, the kidneys, it's causing death, none of those things.
And so they went forward with this, and the hospitals can't make the connection between using this experimental, horrifying drug that couldn't even pass the studies they put it in, and Fauci picks this drug.
He says, this is the one I want.
Well, of course it was.
Do you even know that they said that the group that they used it on, right?
Well, half of them left the hospital in 14 days.
They never said what the other half did.
So I'm getting letters all over the country, you guys, from people all over, and all the stories the same.
They went up, they got into the ICU, they were told remdesivir,
They were given these steroid decks that Dr. Brian Ardis, what a hero, his own father-in-law died.
And he's also coming forward with that news, too, that his own father-in-law died of this.
And I have a friend that was actually given double doses of rem, death severe, and passed away right afterwards.
They're using this drug.
They're not making the connection that, hey, people in our ICUs are having kidney problems.
They're drowning in their own fluids.
We have all these issues.
They're even calling pneumonia, pneumonia when they should be calling it, when they should be calling it the fluid in the lungs, just pulmonary edema from what Dr. Brian Artis was saying.
So what they're doing, basically, is they're taking this investigational drug, hasn't been out of the gate, Fauci,
Little Hitler Man said, this is the drug we like.
All the hospitals are not allowed to question it.
They're not allowed to tell you that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine work.
And of course, right now, they're going to call Ivermectin the horse-fringy... What are they calling it?
The horsey-fringy medication?
You guys, it won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for being amazing in the human form!
He is letting people know that, you know what, you have got to fight for your loved ones.
And if you go into a hospital, remdesivir is not the drug you want to put your loved one on.
People are falling fast, let's say.
I'm getting letters from all over the country.
And it's really getting to me, actually, because it's getting sad that I'm getting all of these death stories.
And then, of course, there are people going in.
And say, no, I want the vitamin C if they're allowed to do it, right?
And so, I'm telling you, we have a huge problem here.
They are willing to kill people using a drug they know is horrifying.
They know it's bad.
But they're willing to do it.
To cause fear.
So that you think you've got to go get the shot.
A shot that
That you don't need.
You can get over this 99.9% of the time.
Anything respiratory, they still don't even have a sample of it.
And it's all about fear.
When we come back, there's so much else I want to bring to the table with you because there's so much to talk about.
There's always so much to talk about right now.
It's like raining stories.
Anyway, I'll come right back.
Kate Daly, katedalyshow.com.
Be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Hi there, back with you.
So glad to be here with you today.
So, the FDA published this, but I don't think anyone really heard about it.
And I don't think those morons on mainstream are ever going to tell you about this.
The FDA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Surveillance Planning from October 2020.
This is a really important document because it talked about the fact that they knew about all of the adverse outcomes.
So when I talk about remdesivir, it has some of the most severe adverse outcomes because it causes organ failure.
That's the biggest thing that kills people in the ICUs.
And so now we're looking at, look at this list.
Pregnancy, birth outcomes.
What do you mean, like stillborn deaths?
We have death.
Oh, you know, death.
Kawasaki disease, arthritis, multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children.
I'll talk about that in a second.
Vaccine-enhanced disease.
I'm sorry, what?
Vaccine-enhanced disease.
Guillain-Barre syndrome.
And you name it.
I mean, look at stroke, convulsions, seizures.
Were you told any of this?
Were you told any of this?
Of course you weren't.
And so when you went to get the shot, they even had the phrase on the FDA sheet that said, basically, hey, if you want to have a family, you might not want this shot.
How comforting.
How comforting.
I'll talk about that too.
Dr. Lee Merritt, a friend of mine,
She said that it was obvious that a patient had received a vaccine.
A teenager immediately went into Guillain-Barre Syndrome and looked at the door, who was actually trying to, you know, get her up on the gurney.
And the doctor is the one who was treating this patient.
She said, when did she receive her vaccine?
And it was only an hour earlier.
And of course, she said, well, you're going to report this to VAERS.
And the doctor said, what is VAERS?
It's only the
Adverse reporting site for death and adverse reactions.
The government site that all the doctors are supposed to use.
That's lovely.
So, they knew.
And what is multi-syndrome?
What is this multi-system inflammatory syndrome?
Well, it's a severe inflammation of multiple organs in the body, including the brain, the kidneys, the spleen, the gastrointestinal tract, the skin.
And this is, honestly, this is huge.
What are they doing right now?
They want to open up everything for children now, right?
They want to jam these shots into their arm.
And let's not, you know, maybe we should mention infertility, right?
The same folks that came out with Gardasil, that lovely shot for boys and girls.
Boys don't have a cervix, do they?
No cervix.
Anyway, they started giving Gardasil and now we have 20-somethings that are having a little harder time getting pregnant, trying to have a baby.
So infertility, do they know?
Do they know what's going on with this?
Are you going to try to get pregnant, your children, and try to have a family and not be able to?
Can you imagine injecting this monstrosity into kids' arms?
I can't.
And the hospitals are told they cannot question.
And this is really and truly one of the biggest smoking guns is that the PrEP Act of 2004, they actually quietly changed that PrEP Act to include COVID.
To include COVID.
And basically, the hospitals are off the hook.
No tort liability.
If they follow the NIH protocol to the letter, now you know why people are dying.
Now you know why they're acting like the Gestapo, like they're the warden and you're a prisoner in the hospital.
By the way, you're not.
Did you know you can actually go out of that hospital?
You can actually walk out.
And so, I just wanted to mention that we're seeing a lot of these adverse reactions
We're seeing a lot of the things now that they listed, they knew.
And the numbers have shot up.
The graph has shot up on death and adverse reactions leading to death, all kinds of things.
Ever since, we started getting the shots.
And that should tell you volumes.
So, I was doing a little research and I found this to be kind of interesting, so I thought I would share this with you.
The swine flu killed 53 people and they took it off the market.
We have tens of thousands of deaths right now.
in America.
Tens of thousands.
The VAERS reporting only really reports like 1-10%.
So, it's huge.
We have a lot of death, a lot of reasons not to take it.
And a few months ago, they already had 12,000 on the books.
They took swine flu off the market for 53.
I'm a research hound.
I love research.
I'm usually doing it till 3 o'clock in the morning every single night.
I know, it's like an addiction.
What can I say?
But I wanted to share with you polio for just a minute because everybody sort of goes to polio.
The doctors go to polio.
Everybody goes to polio and says, what about polio?
And then it's a conversation stopper, right?
You know, I just wanted to mention that 70% of the people that had polio and were considered a case didn't have any symptoms at all. 70%.
25% had a fever and sore throat.
5% had stiffness, not forever, just stiffness, along with the other things.
It was under 1% that actually had the paralysis in the nervous system.
Think about that.
It was a very, very tiny percent.
And back in 1916, when they had a single year spike in it,
There was an article I found that there was a paragraph that was really kind of telling and it said, it said, with spikes like these, then foundations will need to be formed to be able to do some sort of immunization campaign, some sort of immunization to help with this later on.
Now, if you've read the book Dr. Mary's Monkey, it's when people ask me what was one of the most fascinating shows I've ever done in 10 years of doing this, I swear Dr. Mary's Monkey ranks in the top three.
And this was Ed Haslam telling people that, look, when they put out the shot for polio, we had about 200 million people in our country.
Well, 90 million of the shots were infected with the, they grew the cells in monkey kidneys, and the kidney cells were infected, the monkeys were infected.
They knew it.
They knew it.
They finally admitted it later on.
2000, I think it was 2007, they finally said it on their website, on the CDC website.
But it took that long.
And at the time, when that happened, all of a sudden, all of the cancers started going through the roof too.
Cancer just started going through the roof, and Nixon declared war on cancer in 1970.
But I just wanted to tell you, the guy that started the foundation
That did the shot.
Started in 1943, okay?
In 1943, his name was Basil O'Connor.
He was super good chums with those Rockefeller clan, right?
With the Rockefeller clan.
And did a lot of work with him.
And befriended the president at the time, who then, of course, had, you know, polio at Roosevelt.
And became good friends.
And then all of a sudden, he was sitting on a mountain of money, dedicated to getting a vaccine.
And if anyone knows anything about Jonas Salk, do you know where Salk came from?
He came from the very organization.
Isn't that a coincidence?
Like a coincidence theorist would say, that's just a coincidence.
I don't think so.
This guy decided that and kind of put it out there too, that, wow, I'm getting a lot of money.
I'm getting a lot of money.
It was the first time money was dedicated from government
from institutions into this campaign, right?
And it was just before, right?
They just happened to have polio come out and strike in 1944, right?
Big spike.
They were spraying DDT.
They were also working on penicillin for the first time, too.
That had some side effects, too.
And so, all of a sudden, you saw a spike.
Spikes just don't happen.
It's always a cause and effect.
And so, you have to say, okay, well, what caused the spike in polio?
Don't just talk about polio spike.
Talk about what caused it.
But this guy comes along, has a foundation all ready to work on an immunization, and then voila!
It just falls into place.
It just falls into place.
Polio is right there.
Now, I want to also tell you that at its height, it had 35,000 cases in a year.
35,000 cases.
But as I just told you, 99.5, 99% of those cases were not lethal.
They didn't result in the paralysis.
It was a really small number.
But what did they do?
They started a campaign for a shot for everybody.
And everybody went in to go get it.
And then, of course, it was infected.
Did that infection cause cancer?
You tell me.
We have, what, one in three gets cancer now?
And in a couple more years, with the same kind of campaign, they never change their game plan.
Now, with the same kind of campaign going, we're going to even see more of it in three years.
Two to three years.
With a population that they had back then, when they were doing all the vaccinations, they started the vaccinations in the mid-50s, and they had 200 million.
When they started this, they had 146 million people.
But it was Basil O'Connor, and no one ever talks about Basil O'Connor.
But he worked with the Rockefellers, Rockefellers put on his funeral.
Very, very, very chummy.
I find that kind of interesting, don't you?
I always find this stuff interesting, you guys.
But when I was looking at the numbers, I thought, 35,000 cases.
We do cases right now, too.
That doesn't mean people are all dying, right?
So it's always perspective and context that's the most important thing.
I just see them doing the same game plan again.
It's just bigger and more lethal this time.
If you get into a hospital, do not let them do Remdesivir, says Dr. Brian Artis.
Don't let them do it.
Shut down their kidneys.
Horrible drug.
Dex too.
Budisinide from Dr. Richard Bartlett was the game changer.
That was the one.
And vitamin C, high dose, all of those things.
Thanks, you guys.
I go live in just a few minutes and live for three hours.
And I'll see you.
See you next time.