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Filename: 20210827_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 27, 2021
3284 lines.

On The Alex Jones Show, host Alex Jones discussed with guest Dr. Peter Breggin about a predetermined plan for vaccines and loss policies. They argued that governments and philanthropic organizations would fund pharmaceutical companies' indirect costs and create vaccine platforms, with major figures like Bill Gates, Fauci, and Rick Bright involved. Dr. Breggin raised concerns about the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines being used as a weapon to exploit and control humanity, tracing their origins back to 2016 when entities like Gates, Schwab, and WHO outlined plans for drug companies to make profits while serving their own interests. He emphasized the importance of parents protecting their children from dangerous vaccines and encouraged support for individuals like Dr. Zev Zelenko who share his vision for a freer America. The discussion also touched on processing overwhelming information, believing in something higher than oneself, Trump's impact on accelerating globalists' plans, spreading awareness and educating others, and the need for preparedness and self- sufficiency in uncertain times.

InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
It's Friday, August 27th, the year is 2021.
And the Surgeon General of the United States has gone on TV four times in the last week that I've personally seen and said, natural immunity is not good and will not protect you from COVID-19.
And you've already had it.
Despite the fact that we have a new Israeli study out, this ends the debate.
Israeli study shows natural immunity 13 times more effective than so-called vaccines stopping Delta.
Which is supposedly the most virulent variant.
But we already know that.
So what does it mean to have the Surgeon General in his little admiral outfit up there lying to us like this?
What does that signify?
It signifies that he's at war with us and at war with the truth.
And if you try to disagree with him, big tech that spies on you and surveils you will come in and censor you.
It's just unbelievable.
In fact, everybody knows natural immunity is better than normal inoculation immunity.
But normal inoculation technology works.
It's got side effects.
It's got problems.
It can be contaminated.
They've got liability protection.
There's been a lot of major damages throughout history.
The last hundred years, a lot of secret experimentation through vaccines, including lethal testing of syphilis on poor people.
So why do they do that?
Because they're at war with us.
Now, when planets align, this is what happens.
I was studying last night, as the family went to bed, and going back and looking at old patents.
Because Bill Gates and Fauci did massive animal testing on these current vaccines that aren't vaccines.
That's why they didn't want public animal testing when they tried to get approval, because they'd already secretly done the testing under other names to make sure it was a deadly bioweapon, the vaccine, the so-called vaccine, the injection.
And so I came in here this morning ready to cover this topic, and it was in my stack already.
And I thought, this is strange.
I didn't send this to the producers.
These patents and documents and articles.
And then about 30 minutes ago, I'm walking down the hall, getting myself a glass of orange LaCroix, and Harrison Smith's on the wall, live, we got TVs on all the place, talking about what I was about to cover.
And I said, hey, I'm about to cover that.
Well, why is he covering it?
They said, no, it's Harrison put that in your stack today.
So this is meant to be covered.
He'll be with us at the bottom of the hour.
He just finished doing American Journal.
He'll be in studio with us.
And what am I talking about?
And again, I'm a guy that can handle myself.
I'm a pretty smooth operator when it comes to being calm under pressure.
But last night at about midnight, I literally had an anxiety attack.
And was just out under the stars in the backyard crying, not sobbing, just crying, saying, God, what do I do to protect my family?
My God, because we have the plan here.
What they did with the chickens is what they're doing to us.
They knew when they gave chickens a cold virus vaccine that it created super viruses that killed 100% of the chickens.
And then that's what they're doing, and by the time they take the third round with the booster, that's what happened with the chickens, it creates variants that kill 95% of the chickens.
They kept giving them shots, so it got up to 100% of the chickens.
You give people four or five boosters, it's 100% death rate.
And what's crazy is we're going to watch everybody take the shots?
We're going to watch everybody die?
I mean, this is even PBS reporting this.
So, just at this point,
We're going under judgment, and if we let them do this to us, we deserve it.
But, you know, our children don't, though.
They didn't ask for this, and they haven't come of age yet, and they haven't committed all the sins we've committed, and so we have to protect our children, but that's coming up.
And then there's the even just as big a news that just freaks me completely out, and that's the suppression of ivermectin that's now 100% confirmed to be a miracle drug.
In these insane times, I wouldn't mess around.
I wouldn't screw around with your health and your immune system.
I would do everything you can to boost your body's natural defenses and, at the same time, support those that are fighting the globalists and fighting to stop new lockdowns and tyranny.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
All right, we have a lot of really incredible news out of Afghanistan.
A lot of unbelievable economic news here domestically.
We have a lot of social news with General Milley teaming up with the left to promote transgenderism in the military.
We have Ashley Babbitt's killer bragging about how he's a hero on TV and how he saved countless lives shooting a five-foot-two unarmed woman.
And Ashley Babbitt's widower, did a great job last night on Tucker Carlson, will be joining us from work today for about 10 minutes at the start of the next hour to respond to this rubbing it in our faces, the execution of his wife.
But before we do all of that, let me just tell you something.
The people running things are depopulating us on purpose.
And there's no doubt about that.
And even more evidence is coming to focus now on three massive fronts.
And one of those is a huge area of science dealing with the fact that they gave anti-cold virus, anti-coronavirus, anti-bird flu virus vaccines the last 20 years.
to poultry farms around the world.
And it created a super virus that kills 100% of the birds, but first it grows metastasized cancers throughout all its limp nuts.
And by the third round of shots, 95% of the chickens are killed by the super virus.
That these so-called vaccines give rise to.
And it turns out Bill Gates specifically tested all this and knew all this.
That's why he got animal trials skipped because they had already done animal trials under other names with basically the exact same injections.
And we covered this a year and a half ago off all the patents on poultry for geese and turkeys and chickens and the rest of it.
It turns out it's all hiding in plain view.
And now they're saying, oh, we've got to have a vaccine to counter the spike protein of the vaccine.
But once you take that, you're colonized by the final vaccine that's not a vaccine and have to keep taking it for life or the tumors consume your body.
Now, I want you to understand something.
I'm not just saying that.
Overhead shot, please.
I've got a stack of articles here.
From 2015 when this was a big scandal.
This chicken vaccine makes this virus more dangerous.
Marek's disease in chickens causes, symptoms, and prevention.
They admit it's caused by a vaccine.
Marek's disease in chickens.
Leaky vaccines enhance spread of deadlier chicken viruses.
National Geographic.
And I got a boil down synopsis and I got studies on the diseases, Marek's disease right here.
The big journal of biology, U.S.
government reports, all right there.
That's coming up bottom of the hour with Harrison Smith, who's doing a great job breaking it down.
But this is only one facet
of what they're doing.
Now, it gets worse.
This all ties together.
Researchers ready lab-grown COVID-19 Delta variant for human trials.
We're going to tie that together.
This is the exact same path they followed with the chickens.
And by the fourth or fifth round of injections, the body is completely taken over and colonized by the virus.
And the body becomes a collection of tumors.
But then they have another vaccine that they give the chicken that makes them basically an undead chicken.
Their heart beats and things, but they are now a colonized creature.
When they give this final fifth or sixth shot, depending on how they do it, depending on the variants, the chicken now becomes a living tumor.
Now the Japanese just found what we already knew.
The mRNA vaccines are loaded with liquid metal.
Liquid magnets.
The Japanese have probably the best medicine in the world, if not the second or third best.
They're smart people, they have high IQs, and they have very good medicine, and they are not as easy to buy off as we are when it comes to things like that.
They'll follow orders corporately and stuff, but when it comes to medicine, they're not known to follow orders.
And their top scientists have come out, the head of their main medical board in Tokyo, and said that, A, we gave ivermectin to everybody, 100% cure rates.
It stops the prion from dividing.
And they said we tested, of course they don't trust now, the electron microscope, the Merck shots, and they found that it is basically liquid, some type of liquid metal that's magnetized.
This is not a mistake.
This is war, ladies and gentlemen.
Now remember, if you turn on the nightly news, or the late night comics, or the Young Turks, they're like, ha ha ha, these idiots are taking horse medicine.
Well yeah, horses take ivermectin.
I worked for a large animal vet several years back in high school, and sometimes you'd go out there and take care of the horses.
They'd pay you to deworm them, and you'd just jam the plastic syringe in the corner of their mouth.
It wasn't a needle.
It was just like a, like a, like a same thing you'd put like putty in the corners of windows with, but it was ivermectin, and you'd squirt it in its mouth, and then the horse would get rid of any worms or parasites.
But ivermectin for humans has a bunch of uses as well.
But they found very early on that it's been good for antiviral stuff as well.
And in Africa, the Japanese found that every African country that hands out Ivermectin twice a year and tells people to take it has basically no COVID deaths.
It's on national Japanese television, by the way.
And that in the African countries that didn't hand out Ivermectin, they have giant deaths.
Now, imagine, these are real medical doctors, but oh, the young Turks, they laugh at us.
So, you know, oh, the Surgeon General, he laughs and says, natural immunity's not good.
It doesn't help you.
That's like saying, you don't need water in the desert.
Cars don't need gasoline.
18-wheelers don't need diesel.
And engines don't need oil.
And plants don't need water, okay?
All right.
This is their criminal will against us.
Their disdain for us.
At that level.
So, we've seen the Delta variant, or whatever you want to call this, synthetic garbage, whatever it is, race through Austin, race through businesses, race through here, and people that would go home sick without seeing a doctor, or even going to see the doctor, they'd say, there's nothing for you, if you get bad enough, we'll put you on a breathing machine.
And within six, seven hours of taking ivermectin, everybody turned the corner and got better.
Including my parents and so many other people.
Just like, instant.
Take the ivermectin, three, four hours later, it's like, wow.
What just happened?
And not from a animal supply store.
Got it from a medical doctor.
Cost $10.
And that's the reality.
People I know that said they felt like they were hit by a truck.
And so this is coming off of the vaccinated.
This is the sloughing, this is the shedding, and I have the medical studies on that today.
So here's the huge stories.
Israelis study natural immunity to Delta or regular COVID, 13 times better if it's natural, but they want you to take a shot that ruins that immunity and makes you super sick.
They just want you to ignore science.
And then these so-called vaccines aren't vaccines and don't work, and lower your immunity, and then begin to create these syndromes that they've seen, not just in chickens, but in other animals as well, that they give them an inoculation, supposedly to stop the common cold.
It turns out the common cold is part of our body, and part of how we communicate with other creatures, and how we share information.
So we're creating an autoimmune response to ourselves.
And now humans are getting Marek's disease.
And you've got them lying and suppressing that, and then you've got them suppressing the natural immunity, and then you've got them suppressing that damn right, they've had Italian and Mexican doctors confirm that there is liquid metal in these shots, and now the Japanese have confirmed it.
The Japanese government just rejected it and said, what the hell is this?
This is full of some kind of weird metal.
What are you pushing on us?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All over the world, for more than 30 years, since the Japanese invented it again, ivermectin, this is longer than that, they've learned that if you give it to people in viral areas, it just knocks out viral infections.
It stops the dividing, just like zinc does, just like hydroxychloroquine.
And I know listeners, you've all known this for 18, 19 months, thanks to Dr. Zelenko and many others, but now you see the full court press all over the news saying, how dare these crazy people go on Amazon or wherever they go and get the horse ivermectin, which works great, by the way, it's on record.
It's the same stuff you get from the doctor, just in pill form.
Oh, the vitamin C isn't going to help you.
The vitamin D isn't going to help you.
The zinc isn't going to help you.
Just wait until you can't breathe, and then go to the hospital and we'll put a tube down your throat and blow your lungs out and kill your ass.
No, no, no.
I know people, personally, they wouldn't give any drugs or help at the hospital, and they went home and got on ivermectin and got on Robdue and got better very quickly.
Happened to my parents.
Go to a regular doctor.
We have no help for you.
Get on the phone with a well-known Texas doctor.
I'll soon have him on air.
Call the prescriptions within hours.
My dad went from looking like he was going to die to being up walking around.
The next day, he had chairs delivered a week before.
He had to put together for his pool.
He was outside putting them together better.
I thought he was going to die when I went over there.
He didn't tell me he'd been sick for a week.
Usually, you're sick, you just lay in bed and drink water.
Uh-uh, not with this stuff, because it keeps replicating, because it's synthetic.
And so think about these murdering criminals when you see the Surgeon General.
That's a person who has your good faith, who's supposedly the doctor of America, working for Fauci and Bill Gates, lying to you, and saying ivermectin is bad, don't take it, and saying natural immunity is no good.
Well, you want to play the clip again?
You've seen it.
Again, that's like saying you don't need water in the desert.
Or you don't need a life jacket if you're thrown in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
I mean, this is criminal behavior.
Not just negligence, but deliberately hurting people.
And it's because they represent the globalists and we are at war.
You know, Laura Ingraham and
Tucker Carlson are the only national talk show host on TV that have talked about Operation Lockstep or the globalists and their whole program.
We're going to play a clip of that in a moment.
But I'm going to start where I started again yesterday.
If we don't admit we're in a war, if we don't admit the globalists are our enemy, if we don't admit they fully captured the Democratic Party, if we don't admit they control almost all the national news, and if we don't admit that they're literally out to get us, we don't have any hope.
This is a premeditated plan.
The head doctor in Tokyo says he's talked to thousands of doctors that have treated tens of thousands of people with a 100% cure rate with ivermectin and those that don't have it die.
And then I personally
I've seen it with my own family.
And then I sit there and watch that evil surgeon general tell me natural immunity doesn't exist and ivermectin's no good.
That's like saying, don't give that baby mother's milk.
Babies don't need food.
Put it in the crib, close the door, go on a vacation for a week.
You come back, the baby's dead.
It's that level of lying.
Don't you give that baby milk.
Lock that baby in the closet.
You'd say, you're a crazy person, you're a criminal, but oh, it's a guy in an admiral outfit, so it must be okay.
What type of freak show, twilight zone world do we wake up in?
Well, these are globalists.
These are enemies of the country.
They're at war with us.
And you keep wondering why they keep attacking.
You keep wondering why they keep lying.
Chalky came out, in fact, she'll have that up for next segment.
Remember she came out two days ago and said, oh, we've got a plandemic, we're running a plandemic, because that's what they call it behind the scenes, it's funny to them.
It's their pretext for total martial law, it's their pretext for total societal control at every level.
They just announced in Australia, oh,
We're never going to end the lockdown.
Turns out there'll always be COVID, so you'll always be locked down.
Don't look at the sunset.
Don't talk to your neighbors.
You know, I told my mother last night, I went and saw her.
I told her they're on TV saying, don't look at the sunset.
Don't talk to your neighbors.
She said, come on, they're not saying that.
And I showed her Australia.
I mean, folks, this is cult programming and they know exactly what they're doing.
You understand that they need to have multiple viruses, multiple vaccines, multiple systems injected, and they want you in a ritual to come back over and over again, and when you get the third round of shots,
It absolutely boosts the level of mutations in you that you then release on the general public, just like they do in poultry populations, and that's coming up next segment.
So I just go back to how big this is.
The Japanese government, here's the articles, breaking update!
Foreign material containing, in Japanese Moderna jabs, a substance that reacts to magnets.
It could be metal.
That was yesterday.
Now they've come out and said it is metal.
Japan suspects contamination of Moderna vaccines is metallic, reacts to magnets.
Government officials told the Nikkei.
This is like the government saying this.
And here's the Japanese government saying, 100% of our patients cure with ivermectin, and then they show the African statistics as well.
By country, by country.
Now there's basically no deaths if you have ivermectin, preemptively.
And massive deaths if you don't have it.
But don't you try to share this on Facebook, or Twitter, or Google, or YouTube, because you'll get blocked!
Because these groups are eugenicists, murdering, transhumanists, committed to pure evil, to suppress knowledge, to suppress medical doctors, to carry out their bio-attack!
And that's why they're all over the news.
Now they have TV PSAs.
I saw one on Twitter saying, you're not a cow, you're not a horse, are you?
Then what are you doing taking ivermectin?
Don't you do that?
Oh, gee golly, you're not a horse, you're not a cow.
Talking to you like, oh, conspiracy theories, or they're crazy, or they wear tinfoil hats.
Yeah, all those medical doctors around the world, all those scientists, yeah, they're real crazy.
Those African governments telling their people, take it.
And imagine being signed onto this for a few thousand dollars.
That's what they pay the average influencer.
We're gonna go to break and come back with great details and the specifics drilling down in to how they're wounding us with these injections and what their master plan is.
That's coming up.
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Hey everybody, confused about staying healthy in a crazy COVID culture?
Me too.
But listen, after all the research, all the conflicting studies, after all the squabbling, there's one thing almost everyone agrees on.
It's that immune system health can literally be the difference between life and death.
You probably already believe that.
I certainly do.
So here's the thing.
I wanted to get past the craziness and find out which plant-based substances actually have studies that demonstrate some efficacy in immune support.
Now, you'll have to sign a waiver, but you can check out what I've discovered at StrongerDefense.com.
No cures or treatments there.
Instead, little-known but shocking immune system research.
Thank you.
There's one central fact of criminal psychology that criminologists all agree on, and that is criminals are extremely pathological.
Even more than the general public, they do the same things over and over again.
And criminals like to commit the same types of crimes over and over again.
Well, guess what?
It was Anthony Fauci, a eugenicist globalist, that ran the rollout of HIV and the mistreatment of it with AZT and other chemicals that actually killed more people than HIV, and they were the ones involved in viral research.
...of viruses that would actually go attack the T lymphocytes in the body and create autoimmune disorders.
The problem for them was, the viruses would then break down and would be non-lethal down the road.
That's why they need to roll out the COVID-19 and the vaccine, because now they admit the COVID-19 vaccine destroys your immune system, basically giving you the equivalent of HIV.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
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You know, it's crazy to get to this point.
It's very bittersweet.
Everything we've talked about has happened just like we said it would.
And now we have a lot of credibility.
But I don't care about that.
I care about beating the new world order.
And it's because we have so much credibility, they can't allow us to stay on air much longer.
And I don't have time to tell you all the stuff they're doing to us for a lot of reasons.
I can't tell you what's going on.
But let's just say this.
We're going to see this through to the end.
We're going to stay on air as long as we can.
So, please pray for us and please buy the products at InfoWareStore.com.
They're great products.
Plus, they fund the operation.
So, you know, unlike other products you can buy, they're still great.
Do they fund freedom?
No, a lot of them don't.
These are great products that fund freedom and fund justice when the whole world's waking up and looking for truth.
That's why the globalists are censoring.
They can't bring in all this tyranny and leave people like us on the air.
So while you're at it, don't just financially support us and spread the word.
Download everything we've done you can find and save it, because who knows how long we're going to be on the air and the enemy is trying to destroy everything we ever said.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know what I call that?
I call that united, non-compliant!
And it is the only solution to this problem.
There is no political solution to this problem.
I don't care what you want to believe.
If you believe there is, look me in the eye and name me one time in human history where the people have voted their way out of tyranny.
It doesn't exist.
So, I'm going to call on Maxime Bernier right now, and he's really for the people.
I invite you, come up on stage, stand beside me, and say you support United Non-Compliance!
That's the equivalent of giving power back to the people!
And that's what a real leader needs to do!
A real leader doesn't want to manage the takeover of society while giving you lip service.
A real leader will tell you the truth.
I can't save you.
That's the reality.
If I'm up here telling you I'm going to save you, vote for me, I'm lying to you.
You cannot vote your freedom back.
I'm going to tell you the truth.
I can lead by example and show you how to save yourselves.
That's what we gotta do!
And how do we do it?
We just say no!
Everyone's like, what do I do with this mandate?
What do I do with this VAT pass?
It's very simple!
If you have a VAT card, you burn it!
If you have it on your phone, you delete it!
If you have an appointment for a job, you just say no!
And if they want a man made into work, if they want a man made into school, they think we're going to shove it down your throat.
It's very simple.
You go on strike.
Teachers, lawyers, doctors, police, firefighters, paramedics, frontline workers, students.
Why don't you just stay home for a couple of days?
What do you think they're going to do, let it go for months?
After two, three days, Bill came to the power of the people, because that's what United Noncompliance is!
It is people power!
We are that power!
Look around!
They cannot stop what's coming!
Ladies and gentlemen, you know what's going to happen.
You know the solutions.
You have to get out of your house.
You have no excuse.
You have to take action.
We have to learn to stand up for ourselves.
We have to learn to stand up for ourselves.
That was Chris Skye in Canada.
He got arrested right after that speech and then released with another fake warrant.
This is a scientific... Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
This is a scientific takeover that's taking place and people have to recognize what it is and say no to it.
Submitting to it will kill you deader than a hammer.
Now I'm going to restart the transmission here in a few minutes because I got a lot of news to cover and a lot to go over here with Harrison Smith here on the Alex Jones Show.
But speaking again to the spirit of what Chris Sky was saying up in Canada a few days ago, here is Greg Reese's report on getting ready and getting prepared now and people now understand this.
It's causing a giant awakening, that's good, but
We need leadership in government to realize this is 21st century warfare, this is a globalist takeover, and that's the only way to stop it is fully admitting that it is completely warlike and predatory and exterminist.
It does not just want to conquer us to take us over.
It wants to conquer us to kill us.
Here it is.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.
Yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
These words, written by Thomas Paine about the American crisis nearly 250 years ago, are now felt more deeply than ever by so many of us, all over the world.
And thank God, because humanity needs us all more than ever.
Tyranny is having its final act, and if we don't stand against it, then all that is good shall be lost.
Things are very different than they were back in 1776.
We have become domesticated, soft, and weak.
But the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
The world we are saying goodbye to, what pop culture has been calling normal, was not all that great.
It was overblown consumerism, fueled by greedy corruption and lies.
What comes next, our new normal, is going to ultimately be decided by the people.
We know exactly what will happen if we do nothing.
The brainwashed, compliant masses will accept the lie that their natural immune system is insufficient.
They will accept the entire transhumanist nightmare trap.
And it all begins with the vaccine passport.
The vaccine passport is the ultimate offer of tyranny.
If we accept it, then it's all over.
They are the CCP's social credit score, but worse.
You will be required to have your body penetrated with whatever so-called vaccine booster shot
Or whatever your government decides to inject inside of you.
And if you refuse, then you won't be allowed to buy food.
And you won't be allowed to travel.
If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's your choice.
But don't think you can get on a plane or a train besides vaccinated people and put them at risk.
Because the vaccine passport will be linked to everything.
This is all happening right now.
But the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
And what could be more glorious than all of awakened humanity standing up, once and for all, against the tyranny that threatens our very existence?
Australia is rising up against the tyrannical lockdowns.
France is rising up.
More and more people joining every day because individual freedom ends with the vaccine passport.
There is no one coming to save us.
Which is how it should be.
Independence cannot be bestowed.
Their only weapon against us is mental.
They make us feel small, hopeless, and afraid.
To domesticate us to their will.
They encourage disease over good health.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.
But we know how to defeat them.
Fear no man, and have faith.
Do not mourn the lost days of a sick and diseased normalcy.
Celebrate it.
Be present.
Be healthy.
Be joyful.
Enjoy the sunset.
Hug your loved ones.
Love each other.
And rise up together against tyranny so that our children will know freedom.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Alright, very important report.
With us 15 minutes to the next hour, ahead of Ashley Babbitt's widower joining us to talk about the celebration her killer's been having on TV and what a hero he is.
Talk about rubbing it in.
It is Harrison Smith.
We're going to break here in a few minutes, but this really is a declared war against humanity.
We have all the pieces, we have the facts, we have them suppressing treatments, we have them pushing poisons on us, and we have marriage disease
Which we now see similar things happening to humans, and scientists warning this was coming.
So this is a very formulaic plan, and then under Marek's disease, the chickens must have a final vaccine, or they will all die, and then the government, or the controller of the chickens, has complete control over their lives.
Yeah, it's really sick.
And strangely enough, this was an anonymous post on a message board.
I don't know who wrote it, but it sounded interesting to me, so I started looking into it.
Turns out everything that they said was true, so of course I had to send it to you immediately.
Because when you look at Marek's disease and the path that that disease took in relation to the vaccines that were so-called leaky or allowed transmission, but didn't allow them to show any evidence of the virus, like no symptoms.
Uh, massively dangerous.
It really is everything coming together to explain exactly what's going on here.
And frankly, it's very worrying because just as you said,
It basically gets to a point where you have to get the vaccine, and if you don't get the vaccine, you really will die, because it basically just makes the virus more and more virulent, more and more dangerous.
So the more you vaccinate, the more dangerous it gets, and it's almost a feedback loop that is just in total death.
And there's a final vaccine for the super virus that kills 100% of what other animal has been through this, whether it be chickens, humans, it doesn't matter.
But then you are still, you still have it.
And so it colonizes you, and you become one big tumor.
I was reading it.
Oh, it's disgusting.
It's insane.
So, wow, folks.
No wonder everybody gets these shots and grows tumors everywhere.
That's what they're designed to do.
Thank you, Bill Gates.
You're such a sweet person.
It is through our five senses that we are kept fascinated and hypnotized by the lies we are told.
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I think so.
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So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds.
I was overweight.
I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe.
I was barely holding on to a job.
And I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1.
And it worked pretty good.
And then shortly thereafter, you came out with that studio, you know, with a deeper source, you know, and I got really excited about that.
So I took it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to like literally like my brain was enlightened.
You know, I could think again.
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
It works.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
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I'm not funded by the Democratic Party.
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Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
But the big corporations for a hundred years have told us that humans are bad and evil, and a pestilence on the Earth, so that we begin to believe we're bad, and we'll turn off our life force, and let the eugenics-based globalists take control of the planet.
If you go to Klaus Schwab, the head of the Davos Group's own Wikipedia page,
He brags on there about how they're capturing democracy and taking over governments worldwide to set up a corporate dictatorship under the UN.
They admit all of this.
They plan the lockdowns.
They release the viruses.
They think you're stupid.
And their plan is to slowly cut off the resources so they can dictate total social control over you and your lives.
That's how I was able to predict everything they did decades before they executed it, word for word, with total precision, because they have a detailed battle plan.
We cover it live weekdays, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Tell everybody to tune in now and warn the world.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we're back live on this Friday edition.
This is not an X-Files show.
This is not fiction.
This is the real world.
This information can save the country and the planet.
As soon as I saw this information, I was already researching it, and I'm really glad that Harrison Smith, riding shotgun with us here on the Alex Jones Show today, gave me this.
And then he was covering it this morning on American Journal that he hosts, 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m., so I was watching it.
And I remember, again, 16, 17, 18 months ago, covering all the Bill Gates and Fauci testing and all the amount of vaccines, quote, for poultry, particularly chickens.
And how they had the problems giving them these vaccines that would create a super vaccine that killed 100% of the chickens.
So they would then give them another super vaccine that would block that, but never got rid of the virus.
It's called a leaky vaccine.
Where you're a harbinger and hold it, and the whole body, the nerves expand, tumors grow everywhere.
And now I guess the FDA just a few weeks ago, that's why this is in the news, said, oh, the U.S.
can sell people chicken that's like 80% tumors.
And so that's what this is now.
They're supposed to kill all the chickens that have it, but they don't.
And so that's their plan.
Colonize us, take us over, because they're giving us basically the same shots.
So it's huge.
Tell us about Merrick's disease, because that's a...
A key answer here about what they're doing to us.
Yeah, it's a blueprint.
And just like you said, it's not fiction.
It's also not speculation.
I mean, this actually happened.
I have all the scientific articles that you could ever need.
So this is what actually happened.
Here, I'll just read this anonymous post.
I would love to credit whoever this is, but I looked into all of this and it seems to be exactly true.
Sure, it's the anonymous post that pointed you at NPR and Associated Press and PBS and National Geographic and all the science.
Yeah, exactly.
Go ahead.
And in the NIH, I'll show you the studies and everything.
But this post really ties in exactly how dangerous this truly is.
So he says, if the vaccine works as they say, which means it reduces symptoms but does not prevent transmission, then what you're looking at is the exact same scenario as Marek's disease in chickens.
This vaccine for poultry reduces symptoms but does not prevent infection or transmission, has promoted the evolution of a hyper-deadly strain.
Now all chickens must be vaccinated against this strain
Or they will die if they're infected, and infected they will be.
Mortality of chickens infected with Marek's disease is quite low.
Decades after the first vaccine was introduced, current strains of Marek virus cause lymphoma formation throughout the chicken's body, and mortality rates have reached 100% in unvaccinated chickens.
The Marek's disease vaccine is a leaky vaccine, which means only the symptoms of the disease
Are you sure?
Right, because this vaccine, being an mRNA vaccine, is totally unique and totally unlike previous vaccines.
And I'll explain again from NationalGeographic.com where they explain that perfectly.
But first, you've got CDC report shows that vaccinated people can spread COVID-19.
Remember that actor guy got all mad?
He was like, I got the vaccine and now I'm a super spreader?
And this was, this is what that was about.
It turns out you spread it more now.
Right, they had to admit it.
The newly released report shows that vaccinating people can still be super spreaders.
It drove the recent decision by the CDC to once again recommend masks for vaccinated people indoors where case counts are high, etc.
The viral load of vaccinated people with breakthrough cases is the same as in unvaccinated people, the CDC said Friday.
This was July 30th.
Of course, every week we're getting new updates where we learn that maybe things aren't quite as good as we think.
And NPR says it as well.
Vaccinated people with breakthrough infections can spread the Delta variant.
And now they admit this a week later, they're actually worse.
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, 250 times, or percent sometimes.
So, going to National Geographic, the story about Marix disease.
They say Marix is caused by a highly contagious virus related to the one that causes herpes in humans.
Remember, we've seen weird things with herpes.
People getting herpes and shingles that take the shot.
Yeah, so a lot of sort of similarities here.
It causes paralysis and cancer.
In the 1970s, new vaccines brought the disease under control, but Merrick didn't go gently into that good night.
Within 10 years, it started evolving into more virulent strains, which now trigger more severe cancers and afflict chickens at earlier ages.
Andrew Reid from the Pennsylvania State University thinks the vaccines were responsible.
The Merrick's vaccine is imperfect or leaky.
That is, it protects chickens from developing disease, but doesn't stop them from becoming infected or from spreading the virus.
Inadvertently, it made it easier for the more virulent strains to survive, which literally sounds to me exactly like how they describe the CDC vaccine.
And they point out that previously this was not a problem with human vaccines.
They say,
We're good to go.
An article from a long time ago before, you know, they had to start covering up for the current vaccine.
But they admit here that the previous vaccines against things like mumps and rubella and that were perfect.
They stopped transmission and they stopped infection.
This is 2015.
And of course, they're not really perfect.
They're contaminated with cancer viruses.
Most polio is caused by the vaccines.
But if you thought the old vaccines were bad, this is light years worse.
Likely vaccine enhanced spread of deadlier chicken viruses.
That is National Geographic.
Again, we have right here for you, marriage disease in chickens from a major university report.
Yep, totally well documented.
Here's PBS, this chicken vaccine makes its virus more dangerous.
Merrick's disease and chickens, and then the person online making a point.
You read about all this, and again it goes back to the testing.
That's why they skipped the animal testing, because they'd already done it under the name of other vaccines, but very similar, so they knew what it was going to do.
That's why they didn't want any testing.
And there's actually a clip that's been making the rounds recently of Dr. Fauci early on in the coronavirus outbreak, where he's saying, well, we have to be very careful with the vaccines because you can have ADE, which is anti-potty... Enhancement.
Enhancement, yeah, yeah, exactly.
So that's sort of another aspect of this.
And he says, you know, but this usually comes out in the animal testing.
Well, very convenient.
We didn't do animal testing this time, so it didn't come out.
So obviously the big plan is get as many people sick as they can.
They know those types of people, won't admit they've been set up and used.
Stockholm Syndrome.
Give them even more shots, use them to release even more variants, more death, and blame those of us that aren't injected as causing the mass death, and then create a total hysterical stampede towards
Checkpoints, authoritarianism, medical IDs, and the arrest and locking up of those that won't take the shots in the name of protecting the population, which you already see happening in Spain, Australia, and Canada, which is the beta test for us.
Right, it's practically inevitable.
I mean, you have enough of these people taking the vaccine, not showing symptoms of the virus, but still harboring the virus and transmitting the virus, you are going to inevitably have mutations that are going to get worse.
I mean, even yesterday, CNN had the headline that was like, COVID is worse than it's ever been.
It was worse than this time last year, and we didn't have the vaccine last year.
And it's like, all right, so you have a virus, you invent a vaccine, and the virus gets worse.
Something is not...
And all the scientists we had on warned, prestigious ones, virologists, the former head of Merck, said this will cause super strains just like they did with the Maritz disease and chickens.
I remember them saying this back in the time.
And so we covered this a year and a half ago about the chickens.
And so here it is now, back full swing, actually happening.
And what happens by the time they give them a third or fourth shot, that's when you get the rise of these viruses that basically kill everybody.
And then yeah, then they will have a vaccine for that.
And then you better damn well take it.
So see how they're walking us towards this trap?
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
It's almost inevitable.
Like, I don't even know if it's too late already because, you know, right now you can not take the vaccine and you have a 99 point whatever percent chance of survival.
COVID virus, especially for young and healthy people, not as dangerous as many, many other diseases.
But after a year or two or three or four where this has been going through the population and getting stronger and stronger, totally, you know, actually being empowered by the vaccine.
And then that's all the science.
And then the Young Turks lady goes,
We're going to have to have lockdowns again because of Alex Jones.
We're going to never be open because he wouldn't take the shot.
The variant grew in him.
She said this.
No, lady, all the science is it grew in you, dumbass.
It grew in you.
Yeah, no, of course.
I mean, it's almost baffling the way that they've gotten.
But she won't wake up until she's 100 percent tumors and kept alive like an undead creature by the final vaccine.
Even then, she'll still blame you.
That'll be your fault.
And I'm not against that poor woman.
I mean, she doesn't read all the science, obviously, or she's paid off.
I mean, it's all right here.
Let me ask you this.
We're coming back to cover this.
Well, we're gonna go to break, but Japan has recalled the U.S.
vaccines, saying they found metal in it.
Ivermectin, they say 100% cure.
Why is it being covered up?
This is all so hardcore.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
Please keep us on air.
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Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Can you hear me?
I sure can, sir.
Thank you.
Before I start, man, I just wanted to talk to you, bro, and it's a pleasure to be talking right now with you, man.
Hey, Alex.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I'm calling from New Brent, Connecticut, and I just want to plug in.
I'm a truck driver, and Turbo Force has changed the way I drive.
Me and my brothers that drive, there's a couple of us.
We're all Hispanics, Cubans.
Well, brother, we put more in this than any other long-term, high-quality energy powder there is.
So this was designed by one of the top guys in the country.
He didn't want his name on it.
Because obviously the political issues, but we had to pay a lot of money for this formulation just for the design of it.
And we believe it is the best, strongest, but healthiest energy out there.
And you're saying that it's made your life better.
Thank you to all your truck drivers.
So that means a lot to me.
We love you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Harrison Smith's riding shotgun with me here on the Alex Jones Show.
And he was just saying, hey, you know, Operation Lockstep's four parts.
And I love how we're simpatico.
I was rereading over some of the four scenarios this weekend.
It actually meant this week to cover it and didn't.
So yeah, why don't you explain if we don't capitulate to the lockdown and the carbon tax, then they're going to just turn the power off with a hack attack they run.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Hack Attack.
Perfect name, right, for Cyber Polygon and all this other stuff.
Essentially, the way you can look at the Lockstep document is there's four scenarios.
You can see them as Plan A, B, C, and D. And essentially, Plan A is clever together, and it's everybody willingly going into globalism, you know, just happily tricked into their own slavery.
If that doesn't work out, they will go to Lockstep.
Lockstep, it seems like, hasn't worked out fully.
People are not going 100% over into their little campaign of enslavement.
And so I think they've gone on to hack attack, which really lays out the cyber polygon type stuff, as well as the natural disasters that we're seeing all over the place.
You can also look into the people who wrote that document.
Global Business Network and its founder has connections to the Center for New American Security.
I was doing all this research about Afghanistan.
It's insane.
When you really start just typing the names into Wikipedia... Oh, they admit that they create crises to get control.
It's the same people that have kept us in Afghanistan are the same people that wrote the lockstep document and suddenly everything starts making sense.
It's literally one big spider web.
It's insane.
And they've got all the money because they just issued fiat currency, so they're buying off almost everybody.
I mean, most of the people you see with even 10,000 followers, folks, promoting injections, promoting censorship, they're being paid thousands of months to do that.
Facebook kicks people off for saying, you're paying this person to promote disinformation.
You can't pay somebody to promote medical disinformation on the same day that the White House announces they're paying children.
They're paying underage people to promote vaccines to underage people.
That's fine.
But if you try to do it, Facebook will eliminate you from the platform.
Well, they'll just lie.
They would say that about us and others.
A bunch of people they've banned.
They go, oh, you're running secret bot farms.
They told Roger Stone that.
I mean, Roger Stone's about as technical as I am about that stuff.
It's totally alien to them that people would just support us on their own volition.
He's not doing that.
Like, they don't understand.
Well, no, they know that.
I mean, they know that it's happening organically.
I just wonder about all the fools that have signed on to this who feel like they're part of the power structure.
Or maybe they don't even think like that.
They just think, hey, I'm getting a couple thousand dollars a month.
You know, I am really baffled at what is going on in the American mind these days.
Look at this guy.
They had a big British presenter die.
The government sent him a blood clot from the shot.
This guy had a heart attack.
He says he'd do it again.
Talk about Stockholm Syndrome.
Reporter hospitalized after jab caused heart inflammation.
Still urges Australians to get vaccinated.
It's not a vaccine, dumbass!
Yeah, and I think within an hour of that, there was a UK presenter that died of complications from the vaccine.
And, you know, both of them in the headlines say, rare condition.
Oh, both these people suffered a rare condition.
It's like, wow, imagine if it wasn't rare.
It's so rare that so many people I know have had heart attacks.
We actually have new studies out from around the world.
I've got them in my stack of what happens to people's hearts.
And the hearts just close when you do this.
Yeah, yeah, the blood clots are a major, major concern.
But, man, as soon as I started learning about Marek's disease and the way that this path took, it was like all of these little, all of these little things, all these little data points suddenly came together.
Like, you see the stars and suddenly you see the constellation and it's like... Oh yeah, this whole Marek's disease thing is as big as everything.
I mean, it's as big as anything.
Because, again, I didn't put all the pieces together.
I said, hey, this is important a year and a half ago.
Most of the testing has been in poultry.
In China and the U.S.
and other places, these big factory farms, trying to keep these animals alive, because common colds come through and wipe them all out.
But then when they keep giving them vaccines, that's what's causing the bird flu mutations, they admit.
So this thing that endangers humanity, and it's going to kill us, and it's going to come out of the bird, bird, you know, houses.
And then it's the vaccines doing it, which is the same thing now they're doing to us.
And it really never, it really didn't make sense or really didn't coalesce or finalize until they admitted that it doesn't stop transmission.
The fact that the vaccine does not stop transmission by the CDC's own admission is what makes it so dangerous.
If it was, you know, perfect, it would just be, it would be an aspect that we didn't have to worry about.
But since it is a so-called leaky vaccine or allows transmission, then that makes it the most dangerous thing.
We have to identify the globalists.
Let's play that Laura Ingraham clip.
We come back.
Stay there, Harrison Smith.
It's always critical.
It's always vital.
It's always essential to have enough high quality vitamins and minerals in your body.
That's why essential vitamins and minerals are called essential.
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Thank you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Far Left Rockefeller Foundation helped produce a shockingly prescient report on four possible future scenarios that could play out over the next 15 to 20 years.
One of them involved a global pandemic that's remarkably similar to what happened over the last year.
During this pandemic, quote, international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt.
Normally bustling shops and office buildings sat empty for months, devoid of both employees and customers.
National leaders around the world imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body temp checks.
Wow, that does sound familiar.
10, 11 years ago.
The report went on to detail how the powers that be would never let that imaginary crisis end.
Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified.
Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty and their privacy to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety.
Now despite the Rockefeller report predating this show by many years, none of what was laid out in that report should surprise any Ingram Angle viewers.
They want never-ending lockdowns and mandates for everything.
The elites want the U.S.
trapped in this forever pandemic.
How can Americans see this as anything but a naked power grab?
The pandemic porn will never end and they're going to use it to maintain total control over you.
Now here are a few of the big headlines that tie into what Laura Ingraham was just talking about.
We have Apple announcing that they're going to read and track and scan everything on your phone in live time to make sure you're not a bad person while they run death camps in China.
And then we have Big Tech wants you to live in a virtual world, prepare for real problems.
So now they admit, oh, we want you to only do Zoom for the carbon footprint.
Well, we want you
It's also where VR goggles, these little hand clips so we can all be in court together or all whatever and be these little cartoon avatars that are controlled again by big tech.
This is just a full and complete takeover of civilization at every level and
They admit it's a takeover, a hostile corporate takeover of the physical third dimension of your genetics, of your body, of your mobility.
In their own words they're doing this.
But it's all done by effeminate men in turtleneck sweaters.
And again, even that's done by behavioral psychologists so that you don't see them as threatening.
It's why their spokesperson are women and minorities.
And it comes out in their corporate documents that those are seen as less threatening.
But it's all a bunch of old white men
They're actually rolling this out because they can't conquer the free market, because they can't conquer Christians, because they can't conquer the human will to be free.
They are simply trying to conquer the entire environment and force us into their own false reality.
Sounds like what Satan tried to do with one third of the angels, Harrison Smith.
Yeah, I mean, the amazing thing about it is that it's not even speculation.
You don't even have to look anymore.
It's called the Great Reset.
I mean, the infrastructure bill that's now making its way through the Congress, they're literally calling it the Build Back Better bill.
I mean, it's literally the Great Reset talking point.
I mean, they couldn't get more obvious.
And it's blatant fascism.
It's the Great Reset.
It's more like the Great Merger.
It's the Great Combining.
Biden even calls it...
Build back better, he even calls it Operation Lockstep.
I think?
Time Magazine, which of course put out the great reset cover story and the cover story about how they stole the election in cahoots with Mark Zuckerberg.
I mean, you want to talk about a conspiracy, this is an open conspiracy at this point.
They're not even hiding it because that's just how well controlled I guess they have the media.
That they can just announce they're doing this and everybody just goes along with it and nods along.
It's really, truly incredible.
And they intend to get so many people sick that we're a victim class now.
People will get into being sick and having all these new disorders, and they're going to claim that, again, the unvaccinated caused it, when all the evidence and all the science shows it came from those that took the injections, and that we're seeing Marek's disease in humans on a mass scale.
Well, we're seeing the disease take the same path as Marich's disease, right?
Because Marich's disease is in chickens.
That's what I'm saying.
It's the same syndrome, just in humans given a new name.
It's the same sort of operation that's taking place.
Which, by the way, that's the reason this is important.
A year and a half ago, when we first covered it, why are they obsessed with chickens?
Why are they giving them the same shots?
It's causing super viruses to arise.
But now, a year and a half later, we have the proof in the pudding
This ends the debate.
Israeli study shows natural immunity 13 times more effective than vaccines.
Everybody already knows that.
Why is this Surgeon General lying and saying it's not the case?
And then bombshell study finds natural immunity superior to vaccination.
And then that ties in to the Japanese saying ivermectin works 100%.
And then you also have the Japanese recalling the Moderna shot, saying it's got liquid metal in it, it's magnetic.
That's the government had a press conference and confirmed the shot's magnetic.
How huge is that, Harrison?
Oh, absolutely, literally everything we've heard about COVID has been a lie.
The social distancing, they found out, not true.
They did the study.
Masks, they found out.
Don't, don't help me.
PCR tests were a lie.
PCR tests were a lie.
That means don't work.
From the very beginning we were trying to warn people about it and they were telling us we're racist for worrying.
Your immunity doesn't work, which is a lie.
Ivermectin doesn't work, a lie.
Sweden has the lowest death cases right now.
They never locked down once.
I mean people just can't, it's like, they don't understand temporal time.
They don't understand how to look at cause and effect.
It's literally... By the way, after you're gone, I know you're going to be covering a lot of this coming up next week when you host.
The Morning Show did a great job, American Journal, 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
I've got a whole stack out of India and out of Sweden and other areas where they're the lowest vaccinated and basically no more cases.
They're fine.
But Israel's the highest vaccinated.
They're literally dying in mass.
Same with Iceland and Gibraltar.
I mean, it's not speculation anymore.
We have the real-world evidence.
It's just a matter of getting people to open up their eyes and really shed the fear.
The fear of asking these questions, finding the right answers, and realizing things are not as you're told, and the people that you're trusting are not to be trusted.
And that's terrifying for people, so they just reject it outright.
Well, that's right.
I mean, let's take Israel.
Why would the Jewish state take its own people and then give them deadly shots that don't protect them and now go after their children?
Because it's not Jews that run Israel, it's the same globalist system that runs us.
I don't care if you're German, I don't care if you're Chinese, I don't care if you're Jewish, I don't care if you're Mexican, I don't care what your religion is or even where you came from.
The globalists want you off the planet.
They want a depopulated planet.
They don't want you.
They think humans are obsolete.
And they're coming after everybody.
So we better come together and realize that the social contract has been broken.
And that we are under attack, and that is a fact.
What are they going to do when they take the third booster, as Israel has?
It's already caused a bunch of deaths, and it's already causing even worse mutations.
And then they say another shot, and another shot, and another shot, Harrison.
The CEO of Pfizer has said that we'll need one every year for the rest of time.
He said it'll be like flu shots from now on.
That's a story that recently came out.
And then they asked, I think it was Walensky, the CDC, I think it was her who was being interviewed, and they said, how do you know the booster shot will work?
And she said, it's just a hunch.
I mean, they have no studies to say that they actually did already study it on animals.
It's not designed to stop and it's designed to make you sick and then give rise to a super virus so that you have to be under their control for the rest of your life.
It's satanic inversion.
That's literally what it is.
It's not just wrong.
It is the inverse of what is right.
That's right.
They are.
They are making it impossible for a mother to breastfeed, a mother to vaginally have a baby, for us to have our own immune system.
The Surgeon General says you do not have an immune system.
It doesn't work.
He's a liar!
He wants to enslave you at a basic level.
Big Pharma is involved in a corporate takeover of your body.
Harrison Smith, great job.
Weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
with American Journal.
Really enjoy the broadcast.
It's very fun.
Thank you very much.
I get a lot of really, really good calls from the Info Warriors.
It's really awesome to hear from the audience on a daily basis for most of the show.
And it makes my job easy, too.
Alright, brother.
We love you and we appreciate you and your wife and child.
Alright, we're fighting forward here against the Globalists.
Aaron Babbitt, Ashley Babbitt's husband, joins us.
Your voice counts.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, it was about seven months ago that we said on air the evidence pointed towards Lieutenant Michael Byrd as the shooter.
And then, of course, the family's got a lawsuit going against him, so we didn't want to bring the name up when he was on with us a few weeks ago.
But Aaron Babbitt is the patriot widower of Ashley Babbitt.
But I gotta tell ya, last night I watched Tucker Carlson when it was live and then I went back and watched the interview that Michael Byrd gave and it didn't make me hate Byrd, it made me feel pathetic as an American that there's people like this in this country.
And that we have a media that would put him up there to have him play a victim and whine and cry and talk about what a hero he was and he saved countless lives shooting a 5'2 woman.
Instead of just going up and pushing people back through or saying stop.
If somebody just gave opposition they would have stopped.
I mean, my God.
He just lays there and waits, and then executes her.
So, it's just next level, like Biden up there making jokes about what happened in Afghanistan.
It's the same attitude, the same thing.
And I don't know how Aaron Babbitt, who's at work right now, popping in via phone, can even handle this.
He's a better man than me.
I mean, this is just so insulting.
I don't even know what to say at this point, but we'll get his take on this.
But here's just some of the horrible stuff that Bird had to say.
I mean, the whole interview he acts like he's some damn hero or something.
Here it is.
And I spent countless years and preparing for such a moment.
You ultimately hope that moment never occurs, but you prepare as best you can.
I know that day I saved countless lives.
I know members of Congress as well as my fellow officers and staff were in jeopardy and in serious danger.
That's my job.
So, the idea that he was holding back like 300, you know, in the movie 300, which actually, you know, happened in real life, is just asinine.
Aaron, thanks for coming on.
This has got to be a nightmare for you.
I would never have imagined that he wouldn't go on air and at least apologize and say he wished it would have gone differently, but he, at the moment, instead, he, I mean, what would you say he did?
This is, this is just unbelievable.
Thanks for having me back Alex.
So that interview actually aired 7.30 my time.
So when I went on with Tucker and I was on Newsmax with Greg Kelly, I was actually being shown clips of this video for the first time.
Made my stomach turn, made my skin crawl.
When you saw me on Tucker, I had actually heard a clip that I did not hear previously and it was
I can't remember it verbatim, but it was like, would you have made the same decision knowing that she was unarmed and that I went live?
So when I said my agitation level was through the roof, I literally wanted to destroy that studio that I was in, having to listen to this guy say that, and knowing damn well that this interview has been probably set up for months now.
He's had these questions, he's had scripted answers, he's probably done the interview 30 times with a less than whole fill-in.
The only thing we were missing was Lester holding his damn hand throughout this thing.
So, it was a disgusting display of, um... Yeah, it was bad to watch.
I am speechless here that he wouldn't say he was sorry.
He wouldn't say he wish it would have gone better.
He wouldn't give any condolences.
He said, I'd do it again for Trump.
I saved countless people and it's all a lie and it's all a fraud and they're up there like a man cold-bloodedly shooting an unarmed woman is a beautiful, wonderful thing.
This is just next level.
Yeah, it really is.
And to add even more to the show, I mean, I don't know if you guys caught wind of it yet, but Fanon, the cop that was slamming his fist on the cable and crying, he was standing right off camera.
He was there with him.
And then there's rumors going around that the big guy saying everybody was calling him the N-word, he was there with him too.
So there's a real weird connection going on now that you got these two guys, two of the four that were on display,
Well, Aaron, that's a key point.
There's hundreds of cameras, thousands of cameras in the Capitol, thousands of hours of footage, all these witnesses.
Where's all the N-word video?
You know, if they had that video, we'd be seeing it, wouldn't we?
Yeah, we would.
We absolutely would.
But you're not going to see it because it doesn't exist.
There's so many cameras in there that I think... I can't remember exactly what judicial watch was... Put the FOIA request in.
Obviously, it's going to get denied.
But if you have 14,000 hours of footage, that's a lot of damn cameras, man.
And there's reasons why they don't want to give it out because it's going to show the truth.
I don't
Owen Schroyer, our reporter, who didn't even go into the Capitol.
They're trying to indict my wife now, who was outside the Capitol.
It just seems like they're very, very proud of themselves and want to say, we're all terrorists.
And they've tried to imply and basically said on the news that your wife was a terrorist.
But she wasn't.
She was a veteran.
She was a patriot.
She went there to protest.
And she's dead now.
And this is the left that says burn down cities, you know, most will peaceful protest.
But that's not the case when it's your wife.
She didn't burn a damn thing down, but she's dead.
What would you like to say
Now, because last time you were on, you didn't want to release his name at that time, it's out now.
What would you say to Lieutenant Michael Byrd about the arrogant things he had to say?
I mean, the one and only thing I really would have to say to him is I wish you would have left your gun in the bathroom on January 6th.
My wife would still be alive.
And of course, you're mentioning the fact that a year before or so, he'd left his gun in the bathroom already once.
Sure did.
He sure did.
He's got a clearly a marked history of, um, mishandling his firearm.
And it even leads up to that day, even before shooting my wife, you know, he, he left his gun in the bathroom.
Uh, and then you fast forward to the sixth when he's in the house chamber, he's flagging everybody with that gun.
I think we came out with a picture that has, you know, a direct red line laser.
And there's like seven people that he flagged with that weapon inside the house chamber before he walked around and executed my wife.
This guy doesn't need to be carrying a gun.
And then you go a little bit further and he's saying that during that interview, well, I didn't know what was going on on the other side of that door.
I couldn't see.
You still shot though.
I couldn't see.
So you could have hit one of your own officers.
You could have hit somebody else.
You shot my wife, but you could have shot one of your own guys, you know?
And I heard today that, I haven't seen the video, but apparently right after he shot Ashley,
A cop with a long gun points it directly at him and says, stop shooting.
No, that's right.
That all happened.
The police did not like it.
So, because they're all sitting there, like, they were about to control the situation.
You're at work.
If you've got to go, I understand if you do five more minutes, I want to talk about the Legal Defense Fund and taking action against this monster.
Because, look, I was, I didn't like what the cop did, but now that I saw this, I really hate his guts.
I mean, this guy is bad news, and you have the National Police Association saying it's a bad shoot, and he has the nerve to say he'd do it again?
We got that clip when we come back, man.
Why didn't you apologize?
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
After our guest leaves us, we've got a ton of news and information to hit today we haven't gotten to yet, but he is the widower of Ashley Babbitt, who was executed on January 6th by Federal Capitol Police Michael Byrd.
And, like I said last night, I saw Carlson first.
I hadn't seen the Byrd thing yet, because it happened about the same time I saw it later.
And I was watching it, and I was thinking about Mr.
I don't know.
Of course.
Here's another clip of him saying, oh, I would do this for Trump.
Well, I don't think Trump wants you to shoot an unarmed woman for him, Mr. Tough Guy.
I mean, my God, imagine if this would have been a white cop shooting a black unarmed woman.
The cities would be burning in America.
But because he's a conservative white woman and you're a black guy, it's supposedly okay.
And that's the political correctness in this country.
Let's go ahead and play the clip.
Here it is.
I've been yelling and screaming as loud as I was.
Please stop.
Get back.
Get back.
You're ultimately hoping that your commands will be complied with and unfortunately they were not.
Former President Trump has talked about you and this incident.
He says she was murdered.
What does it feel like to hear that from a former president?
Well, it's disheartening.
If he was in the room, or anywhere, and I'm responsible for him, I was prepared to do the same thing for him and his family.
Would you have his back today if you were so assigned?
I sure would, because it's my job.
Your job to shoot an unarmed woman
From a hiding position.
I mean, this isn't like the cops I've known in my life.
Okay, a woman's coming through a door, whatever.
Emotions are high.
Go up and say, get back, yell at them.
Or hit them.
But no, you sit there and you shoot them and you execute them and then you...
Talk about how you're a hero.
I noticed Aaron, again, a widower of Ashley Babbitt, Twitter at ForAshleyGiveSendGo.com forward slash JusticeForAshley so you guys can sue these monsters.
You need to raise a lot more money now.
There's no doubt this guy deserves to be sued into oblivion.
I saw you got really pissed also once you found out what he was saying about him whining and complaining about how he's a victim.
So what else would you like to impart to the viewers and listeners about this and where this is going?
Because if they can execute a veteran, an unarmed woman in America and make the man that did it a hero, none of us are safe is my point.
Yeah, I have a very hard time.
I will never be able to find a single ounce of sympathy for him, you know.
I don't think so.
We have the legal fund going.
I need to thank you.
Personally, I wanted to have the opportunity because you gave it a great bump the last time I was on, you and your viewers.
Your viewers are amazing.
We're pushing forward.
Obviously, it's been a busy couple days and a lot of people are coming out to help us.
I think the real story is coming out now that we've been out this whole time, the last seven, eight months.
Screaming for justice for Ashley and putting the work in and putting the time in for my wife deserves.
And now this clown just comes on one day and now America gets to see what's really going on.
So I think we're going to have a big shift in the tide here.
I agree with you.
How tone deaf is he in NBC to do this?
I mean, he should have said, hey, I felt threatened, it was emotional, but I think I did my job, but I'm at least sorry to the family and I wish it would have gone better.
Instead he says, I'd do it again.
I mean, who is advising this guy?
Yeah, I don't know.
I mean, you can look up his attorney.
I think he's got a colorful past.
Yeah, like I said, I don't have any sympathy.
I truly believe this is all orchestrated.
And, you know, my thoughts on why they decided to put him out is because for the last eight months, it's just been us out there talking.
And the common question has always been, who killed Ashley Babbitt?
Who killed Ashley Babbitt?
All the speculation's coming out, but it was always, who killed Ashley Babbitt?
So their side must now think, you know what?
Let's put him out there.
We're good.
But I think it's going to backfire big time in their face because it was hard.
It was terrible.
It was an awful, awful, awful feeling.
In closing, nobody can really speak for the dead, but your wife lives on and God's real, her spirit's alive, and she lives on today.
I agree with you.
But if anybody can speak for somebody, it's somebody's husband or wife, a spouse.
What do you think from heaven?
She thinks right now, or if she was alive here today, what would Ashley Babbitt, your great wife, think about what happened that day and where America is and where this is all going?
What would she say right now?
Oh, she'd be absolutely just mortified with the direction that this country's going.
It would completely break her heart, you know?
And then we lost those Marines yesterday.
As a former Marine myself, you know, we lost the Marines in that dock.
You know, I gotta say, God bless their family.
Nothing but love.
The way this administration is handling this country is we're going down the tubes very, very, very quick and we need a savior.
Something needs to happen quick.
It's a designed implosion, isn't it?
Yep, absolutely.
All right, Brother Aaron, I know you're at work.
We really appreciate you.
People should go to GiveSendGo.com forward slash JudgesForAshley and donate.
I know listeners gave about $40,000 last time.
It takes a lot to sue these monsters.
They've got hundreds of millions.
You guys need the money or we can just roll over and forget her.
If people claim they support her, which I know they do, they should go donate today.
We got like a minute left.
Any other closing comments, my friend?
No, I just want to keep putting it out there that I truly appreciate all the support.
For every five negative people out there, there's ten positive.
All the good Americans and the solid people.
I get mail from Australia.
I get mail from the UK supporting Ashley.
So this is an international thing.
Our life already meant something as a veteran and your wife, but she really means something now.
She'll be in the history books once you beat this effect.
Let me just say that though.
Is it that humbling to know how many people care about her and what she did and understand that what happened was wrong?
And I would just say, because I'm in the same position you are, I get the same threats, how dare them send a picture of your dead wife to hurt you?
Think about the level of leftist scum.
That's what we're fighting, brother.
And so it's as painful as it is to talk about, most people will just go away under that attack.
They did that to make you shut up.
You were strong enough not to shut up in her name and her memory.
So she's proud of you right now.
I'd never shut up, buddy.
My main goal for the rest of my life is to get justice.
You know, justification for my wife.
You know, get justice.
No, I agree.
So what do you want to say to the left that sent pictures of your dead wife to you to intimidate you?
You want to let them know that it didn't work?
Yeah, of course it didn't work, buddy.
Yeah, no, it didn't work.
Even talking about it is giving it too much credit, but I got to hear this guy talk about how he's got bad things to say to him.
Like, yeah, well, you know, join the club, buddy, and suck it up and get ready for the ride.
He killed her, now he's gonna pay politically.
Alright, Aaron Babbitt, we really appreciate you.
God bless my friend, and God bless your wife.
Thank you, Alex.
Talk soon.
I'm loaded with news here.
I did a lot of preparation for this.
Half the time, I'll be honest, I don't even cover this stuff because I just can't even handle it.
It's one thing to read it once and then tell you about it, but I'll tell you.
It's bad.
It's real bad.
It's bad, folks.
But the only hope we got is admitting what's going on and fighting it.
God, I can't imagine somebody murdering my wife and then talk about how they'd do it again on TV.
You killed an unarmed woman, you piece of crap!
You damn coward!
Stay with us.
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You've got so many great products and we're just really proud of the work you're doing, Mike.
The world is awakening.
The world is beginning to understand the globalist paradigm.
They are discovering the globalist, the elites, the manipulation, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove, the Club of Rome.
And so even though it seems like the globalists are winning,
The truth is, they've had to come out in the open to attack human freedom because they're actually losing.
We have forced them out in the open.
So as bad as these times are, and a lot of negative things are about to happen, realize humanity is winning.
You've got to trust in the plan of God.
Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
That's how I was able to predict everything they did decades before they executed it.
Word for word with total precision because they have a detailed battle plan.
We cover it live weekdays 11 a.m.
at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
to 3 p.m.
Tell everybody to tune in now and warn the world.
In these insane times, I wouldn't mess around.
I wouldn't screw around with your health and your immune system.
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And, of course, we have our concentrated activated charcoal toothpaste sold out for months.
So boost your body's natural defenses and help fight the globalists all at one place.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
I knew that the New World Order was real, but I really thought we could stop it.
I really thought humanity would turn it around.
And yeah, we've certainly exposed it.
We've gotten a position to fight it, but they're going ahead with it because evil has such an incredibly
Huge appetite for blood and sweat and tears.
So I've told the crew our main mission is to magnify all these incredible scientists, virologists, medical doctors, MDs, PhDs on the show.
And the crew's been doing a really good job.
Somebody I've been wanting to get for a while, Dr. Peter R. Bergen, who gave that incredible speech.
Up in Mount Vernon.
In fact, will you guys cue that up for me?
He's going to be coming on the show here today.
And we will continue on into the fourth hour as well.
I am going to come back tomorrow and tape a two or three hour special show that will air sometime tomorrow evening at Mandot Video.
And I really appreciate the listeners.
Taking action and some of those Saturday shows get 2 million viewers.
Most of them get about a million.
And I count that as very special.
It should be 50 million if we wanted to really save things.
But you're spreading it, you're sharing it.
You've got to get those you give it to to share it even more.
It's one thing to say, share this, and then somebody shares it.
They got to tell the next person to share it, and they got to tell them to share it, and they got to tell them to share it.
And I know I'm stating the obvious here, but everybody knows that archetypal thing of, hey, pass it on.
This is a scam.
And you tell the next person, you tell the next person.
That's how humans communicate.
It's how we override this information.
But I really need everybody's help right now more than ever because InfoWars is the Zeitgeist.
And I know God built this operation through you and through the crew.
And so we're meant to be on air at this historical point right now.
But the only way this incredible information gets out to people is if you share it.
And I know I'm stating an incredibly obvious thing here right now, but if folks don't get that, we have no hope.
I mean, the minute you really grasp that, the minute you really understand that, it's over for the New World Order.
Now, I'm going to play a clip here because I need to talk to the crew here, and then we're going to figure out what's going on with the guests coming up.
I've got some really important things that need to be done here on air today.
We're going to do it as best we can.
A lot of things here to cover.
Let's, uh, let's air clip 27.
That'll give me some time to get ready.
Here is, uh, clip 27 for you.
Pfizer will pay 2.3 billion dollars in civil and criminal fines.
The criminal fine, nearly 1.2 billion dollars, is the single largest fine in US history.
The US government will also supervise Pfizer's behavior for the next five years.
17-year-old Shamsu undergoes a DNA test to prove he's a victim of a failed drug trial by the pharmaceutical company Pfizer that happened 15 years ago in Kano State, Nigeria.
11 children were killed and several more injured when Pfizer tested out a drug called Trovan on 200 children.
The drug was supposed to treat a deadly regional outbreak of meningitis.
Pfizer agreed to pay $75 million in compensation in 2009.
Have you taken the vaccine, sir?
No, I haven't taken it yet.
We are having an ethical committee dealing with the question of who is getting it.
So they're going to plan on getting FDA approval for the COVID vaccine next week so they can try to push all these mandates on everybody because they're going to tell you how safe and effective it is.
Well, guess how they did it?
They got a woman named Janet Woodcock, who is the chief of the Center of Drug Evaluation Research, and they put her as the acting head of the FDA to give her the approval status.
And this woman is personally responsible for approving both Oxycontin, which is causing a friggin epidemic, and Fentanyl!
The two most dangerous drugs on the market today that got approved by this woman, Janet Woodcock, who's now going to be approving our COVID vaccines so they can push everybody with mandates.
This would tip businesses and colleges to consider mandating the vaccine once it gets full approval.
Would you urge them to do that?
I think it's a very reasonable thing to do.
The FDA has now granted full approval of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, making it the first COVID vaccine to transition from emergency authorization status to full FDA approval.
This is a game-changing moment.
We've been waiting for this for a long time, to have the full approval of vaccine.
We now have it.
This helps us move forward, and we're moving forward with our schools with this new vaccine mandate.
After a strict process, the FDA has reaffirmed its findings that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, and the FDA has given its full and final approval.
So let me say this loudly and clearly.
If you're one of the millions of Americans who said that they will not get the shot.
And his bio is so long and so lengthy and so prestigious, there won't be time for me to go over it all when he comes on with us.
But believe me, he's talking about global predators and global government and how to counter that.
If you want to see the full report that you were just witnessing, it's in the John Bowne section of Banned.Video.
COVID tyranny meets resistance worldwide.
A very, very important report indeed.
This is the globalist big move.
And when you see the type of stuff that is happening in Australia or in Afghanistan, all of that is just to train you to accept literal hell on earth, not just here in America, but all over the planet.
And I know it's really hard for people to be able to deal with this.
It's hard for me to deal with this.
I am processing all this just like you are.
There's no doubt they're infecting us with things that are designed to slowly kill us.
There's no doubt we are in the middle of World War Four.
World War Three, again, was the Cold War, and that was a light war compared to the war that we are in right now.
I don't know what I need to say or do to listeners to let them realize how important they are.
Everything InfoWars has done in the fight and the fact that our talking points are now the main dominant resistance worldwide to the globalists is because of your support.
So I cannot stress enough to listeners how important it is for you
To continue to spread the word about the live links at Band.Video and Infowars.com and to continue to pray for the show and to continue to financially support us.
I got a call yesterday from our big food supplier that's in our back end.
So you order from us, you get the best deals and then it gets right to you from my pantry.
It's our full catalog at Infowars.com.
They called us this morning, actually this morning and they said,
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Did you plug yesterday?
And I said no.
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They are so pissed we're still on air.
So remember, get great products you need while you still can, and stand up against these criminal networks that think they've got America down, and think they've won, and think they've demoralized us, and think they're going to finally destroy this Christian nation.
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So you cannot fund the Tip of the Spear anywhere more than you can fund us.
And I want to encourage you to get your storable food, your water filtration, your air filtration, your supplements there while you still can.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
All right, we'll be right back.
Coming up, we've got this medical doctor, Dr. Peter Bergen.
You don't want to miss the next hour.
Gerald of South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Trying to move quicker.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason, in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee, and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at, brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say.
And that's why the enemy hates it.
Because God created this country.
What are champions made of?
Here's a man who can show you.
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888-253-3139, 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Because that's what Americans do now.
They're always willing to trade away a little of their freedom in exchange for the feeling, the illusion of security.
What we have now is a completely neurotic population obsessed with security and safety and crime and drugs and cleanliness and hygiene and germs.
There's another thing.
Where did this sudden fear of germs come from in this country?
Have you noticed this?
The media, constantly running stories about all the latest infections, salmonella, E. coli, hantavirus, bird flu, and Americans, they panic easily, so now everybody's running around, scrubbing this and spraying that, and overcooking their food, and repeatedly washing their hands, trying to avoid all contact with germs.
It's ridiculous, and it goes to ridiculous lengths.
Fear of germs.
Why, these f***ing p***ies!
Hey, where's your sense of adventure?
Take a f***ing chance, will ya?
Besides, what do you think you have an immune system for?
It's for killing germs!
But it needs practice.
It needs germs to practice on.
So, so listen.
So listen.
If you kill all the germs around you and live a completely sterile life, then when germs do come along, you're not going to be prepared.
And never mind ordinary germs, what are you going to do when some super virus comes along that turns your vital organs into liquid sh**?
I'll tell you what you're going to do, you're going to get sick, you're going to die, and you're going to deserve it, because you're f***ing weak, and you've got a f***ing weak immune system!
Let me tell you a true story about immunization, okay?
When I was a little boy in New York City in the 1940s, we swam in the Hudson River, and it was filled with raw sewage, okay?
We swam in raw sewage.
You know, to cool off!
And at that time, the big fear was polio.
Thousands of kids died from polio every year.
In my neighborhood, no one ever got polio.
But you know something?
No one.
Because we swam in raw sewage!
You know why?
It strengthened our immune systems.
The polio never had a prayer.
We were tempered in raw sh**.
What George Carlin said is based in science and fact, and everybody knew 30 years ago the truth.
Thousands of studies were already out then that if you are a shut-in and aren't around germs, especially as a child, you don't develop an immune system like the boy that had to live in a bubble.
But your body's got to have the building blocks for its immune system.
The number one building block is vitamin D3.
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Winter Sun Plus, 50% off to give your body the building blocks it needs for a strong, vibrant immune system.
Winter Sun, mfulworthstore.com.
Thanks to you kids, we now know the virus is a hoax.
They included flu, pneumonia, and other infections to boost the numbers.
Let's find out who is really behind it all.
Like, President Trump is definitely behind one of these phantoms.
Shishi Ping?
Dr. Fauci?
Like, I thought doctors were supposed to help people, not scare them.
Microsoft's Bill Gates?
Not only a computer guy, he's a notorious vaccine pusher who wants to reduce the world's population.
So Bill Gates wanted to vaccinate everyone after Fauci convinced them there was a deadly disease outbreak.
I get it.
That's diabolical.
Yeah, that sounds pretty bad.
Don't worry, kids.
These globalists won't get away with their pandemic hoax this time.
Where they're going, they'll be locked up for a long good while in the big house.
Better than a rock round at home!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Info Wars has been banned.
Attacked and threatened.
Because we are effective.
The Great Awakening is here.
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Thank you.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show here in the third hour.
Dr. Peter Brigham needs no introduction.
I'm very honored to have him.
He's been called the voice of
Good psychiatry, basically.
I'm not going to go over his giant bio here, but he's Harvard-trained psychiatrist, former consultant to the NIMH.
He's been called the conscience of psychiatry for as many decades, a successful effort to reform the mental health field.
And now he's been turning his attention towards the anti-misuse of science surrounding COVID-19.
And so, Doctor, thank you so much for joining us.
I know you want to get into CEPI and Bill Gates and this whole agenda and what's really going on.
So you're really one of the top experts out there.
We're very blessed to have you.
We appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
Alex, my wife and I, Ginger, who wrote the book together, we're just so glad to be here.
Often when I'd get up in the morning, she'd already been listening to your show, and she describes it as her really, real deep cup of coffee, and she'd be debriefing me on what she'd been saying.
So you matter a lot to us.
We feel that you've just been far ahead of the curve on these issues, and you're a godsend.
Say it outright.
Well, sir, I've been watching a lot of your interviews and you're a godsend as well.
So God bless you.
Thanks for being here.
Please tell us big picture.
I mean, what's happening?
Well, we really have breaking news that we're breaking on your station for the first time.
And we have found what is the business plan of the Predators for COVID-19 developed in 2016.
Published among themselves.
We've sent you a copy.
It's the document with a big orange picture of an injection into a shoulder on the cover.
And it's an organization that's received very little attention, founded by Bill Gates.
And it's CEPI, CEPI, and the official name is Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness.
We first tracked this with later documents
And now we have the initial business plan.
And it really... Skype's an incredible technology, but occasionally it gives us a problem.
And here he is laying out the business plan for the takeover we're seeing right now.
So we'll be going back to our guest, Dr. Peter Brigham.
As soon as he's able to reconnect to us, and we have to, we'll go over the phone here today.
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations.
Doc, you were just, you only cut out for a few seconds.
You were saying we've got the business plan from 2016.
Please continue.
All right.
The plan is begun by guess who?
Bill Gates.
You know, I thought, oh, come on.
It isn't going to be so much about Bill Gates, is it?
Well, it is a lot about Bill Gates.
In 2015 and 16, Bill Gates got together with guess who?
Klaus Schwab, who is the great reset maven, you know, the so-called intellectual of the global predators.
And together they announced in 2017
At Schwab's big meeting, the World Economic Forum, that they were setting up this organization.
Its purpose was going to be to bring together the governments of the world, the industries of the world, the NGOs of the world, big philanthropic organizations.
But the real connection is between Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the World Health Organization, who
And you wonder why who was so tight with Fauci, who's basically small fry.
Fauci, by the way, was on Bill Gates's and still is on his very small vaccine, his elite vaccine committee, advisory committee.
So you've got Fauci in there way, way back, although he does not appear in the business plan.
Now, one of the stunning things about the business plan is it was actually making
Memoranda of Understanding.
That's a legal document.
It isn't final in law, but it's the understanding of how we're going to proceed in the future.
And Bill Gates developed this understanding, which we have now fully documented with the World Health Organization, complete literally with this legal agreement.
That they would basically divide up the world once they had a pandemic to do it with.
Four years ahead of time.
And that one of the big deals was that there would be a no loss policy for the pharmaceutical industry.
That's one of the words they use in their documents.
No loss for the pharmaceutical industry.
Meaning that they'd get the governments and the philanthropic organizations, mainly as it turns out to be the U.S.
Us taxpayers to fund not only their indirect costs, but their indirect costs for creating the vaccine platforms for then pushing through the viruses.
They worked with the FDA early on and some of the co-founders of Bill Gates and Fauci's CEPI.
Bill Gates and Fauci co-founders NIH, FDA, and BARDA.
Now BARDA is the organization that was run by Rick Bright.
Rick Bright is a tremendously important villain.
I think he is an apt, literally an apt place to be looking for legal cases, for doing research, deep dives.
Bright was the individual who stopped Trump from releasing
The huge stores that we had in America of hydroxychloroquine.
And Bright was in on the formation of CEPI.
He is the major figure clearly now from all the documents we've gotten now on CEPI.
And Bright actually reversed Trump's policy with a few slights of hand.
So instead of making hydroxychloroquine available to the public, which would have saved
Hundreds of thousands of lives, millions all over the world because people follow our example because hydroxychloroquine was part of the basic treatment for early COVID at home.
And when you use it in combination with other medications, all cheap, all extremely safe,
Government approved, I mean FDA approved hydroxychloroquine for malaria and other purposes.
This drug was relatively harmless.
I'm really an expert in adverse drug effects.
I research it.
It's a very, very, very safe drug.
And they found that this drug in controlled clinical trials, really mostly though looking just at large groups and studying the effects, reduced
Hospitalization by 85% if you use this treatment regimen at home and reduced deaths by 75%.
Now we already start with a disease COVID-19 that is no worse than the flu and in many ways is much less harmful
Because it doesn't kill children.
So you start with a drug that doesn't do deep harm to children very, very rarely.
And you have older people.
And it's very simple to not vaccinate anybody.
So this really shows the predatory nature that they're trying to block vitamin D in the news, vitamin C, hydroxychloroquine, now ivermectin.
I mean, because obviously they don't want people to know that.
They want them scared taking the so-called vaccine.
That's spot on.
And there's another legal issue here that has not been properly looked at in the media, which is they can't allow any effective treatments because the emergency measures, the EAU, the Emergency Use Authorization law says you cannot
Have the government doing the emergency authorizations if there are any any one effective treatment.
So if you have a treatment like hydroxychloroquine
Which is extremely effective in treating this disease in combination.
We've got to go to break.
Stay there, Doc.
This is riveting.
I want to talk about where we're going, how we stop him, your ideas, what you think is coming next.
Dr. Peter Breggin is our guest.
Amazing information.
Find him at breggin.com.
And remember, we can only bypass the sensors when you take action.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, he's one of the most prominent voices out there.
He's a very highly respected author, researcher, and psychiatrist, medical doctor, Dr. Peter Bregan.
We should also talk about his book, too, before he leaves us at the end of the hour, because it's important to get that information to bypass the censors, COVID-19, and the global predators.
And he joins us.
In fact, let's talk about the book itself, and then
The premeditation where Gates said a year and a half ago, oh, you'll need yearly shots.
And now they're going, oh my God, we need yearly shots now.
And as you said, you've you've reverse engineered it.
It's all been pre-programmed.
It's all been pre-planned.
And it's just so bold.
It's so criminal.
But it's all based on censorship and ignorance.
And I guess
Being able to intimidate the medical community.
But I don't want the medical community, who overall is good people, scapegoated.
It's been the doctors and epidemiologists and scientists and people like yourself that have been the vanguard, the vast majority of which have been saying no to this.
So please continue, Doctor.
Yeah, let me cut to the real essence that everybody out there needs to know.
Protein spike on COVID-19 is nothing more than a weapon.
And the weapon has two purposes to exploit humanity and to control humanity.
And that's why its origins are with Bill Gates, whose biggest impulse in the world is to exploit humanity.
And Klaus Schwab, whose biggest impulse in the world was to develop top-down government throughout the world that would be run basically through his organization and basically with Bill Gates and the World Health Organization.
And they engineered that.
They wrote it up in 2016.
And I've got these amazing PowerPoints that they gave out to various organizations that actually documented
The whole idea being the drug companies would never lose a dime, they'd make a fortune, and there's even a provision that if they make a lot, a lot of money, then it'll go back to SEPI itself, which goes back directly to Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
So we're talking about an intention that is as old as time.
It's the intention to control everyone.
To control people and to use them.
It's the feudal system.
It's the Middle Ages.
It's Genghis Khan.
It's Caesar.
I mean, it's all the people who have tried to rule the world.
And really interesting, Alex, that just you were so far ahead of all of us on this.
I'm Jewish.
I really do believe that this is work I have to do.
And Ginger and I believe that very, very deeply.
What we're finding is that almost all the opposition right now is from Christians and a few very believing Jews.
And these people really believe that the fight is between good and evil, it's between God and the devil.
I don't go to the devil theology, but I respect those who do.
This is a colossal fight going on and I think we should be proud to be alive today because
The sites of this COVID-19 spear are fundamentally on America and on liberty.
Klaus Schwab has actually written and said that America is incompatible.
Its existence as a free nation and as a nationalistic country and a liberty loving country.
Is in the way of all of his efforts to build... Oh, let me just back you up.
His own Wikipedia says he wants to get rid of Western democracies and wants to capture our countries and capture us.
I mean, talk about the second coming of Hitler.
This is as close as it gets.
Well, and the ambitions are much wider than Hitler.
And unlike Hitler, they are tied in with our biggest corporations.
I'll tell you, by the way, interesting new document from CEPI.
I don't think you've gotten this one from us yet.
No, we haven't.
This is 2022 to 2026.
Guess what they're putting their next $4 billion into?
The variant COVID-19 viruses.
These variants, which are, in fact, less dangerous, more contagious.
But when you do, when you vaccinate people wholesale, you just get more and more variants that are escaping the process of vaccination.
And so they're just lining it up now for one after another of vaccines.
And we have to stop it.
I want to make a comment on children, because I mean, I think we
What we really should start with is the mothers and fathers of the world protecting their children.
I agree, because you see like de Blasio licking his lips going, we've got to get the children.
And it's like a cartoon or something.
He looks like a villain, a wolf wanting to eat Little Red Riding Hood.
What the hell's going on there?
You're the psychiatrist.
What's happening with these people?
Well, they're predators.
They're no different from the people I work with.
I've had a lot of prison experience.
I've done a lot of medical legal work.
By the way, against the drug companies, a lot of product cases against the drug companies where I have a lot of my knowledge from to do this research.
But I've worked with a lot of people who were involved in mass murder and crime and so on.
And these people have they have the same kind of personality as the mass murderer.
They don't believe in God.
They identify with no one.
They do not think of themselves as Americans.
They don't think of themselves as patriots.
They think of themselves as people who are going to get even and going to plunder.
And this is who they are.
It's who Hitler was and Mussolini.
So they're megalomaniac predators on a power trip?
That's not a bad summary.
And I don't mean megalomaniac in terms of a psychiatric diagnosis.
I mean in its common use.
I'm not going to make diagnoses here.
They're megalomaniacal in that they
They have these grandiose, outrageous ideas.
Well, look at the things Bill Gates has tried to do.
I mean, they stopped him in Norway, but he's going to fire rockets.
Yeah, yeah, sorry.
Block out the sun?
Block out the sun in Norway and experiment whether maybe that would stop global warming.
Block out the sun.
It's like a Greek mythology.
And then he tried to block out the sun.
And, you know, I laugh, but it's so painful and so tragic and so bad.
This is a time when we should be glad to be alive, though.
It's amazing to work with people like you, and it's amazing to be working with some of the people.
I think you've had my friend McCullough on.
Oh, he's a great guy.
He's an amazing man.
I work closely with him.
I hope you've had Zev Zelenko on.
We love him.
He's amazing.
Yeah, and these are people with a vast vision.
They're doctors, they're scientists, but they see that it's now time for this country to join together because we are the last hope of the world.
We're the last hope of ourselves, of course.
And it's exactly the deplorables who we are.
We're the people who think there's something greater than ourselves in the world.
We don't believe in manipulating the human brain.
We don't think the government should be a propaganda machine.
We think it should be protecting our freedoms.
We have these simple ideas that go back to the founders.
I totally agree.
Dr. Peter Bergen, stay right there.
I love the URL because I was saying bergen.com, but wearetheprey.com.
That's the best site to visit?
We are ThePray.com.
If you go there in the next few days and you buy the book pre-purchase at a good price, you'll also get the manuscript.
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The book has already sold about 11,000 copies, so that's 11,000 manuscripts that have already gone out.
Hold on, tell us about this, because it's key to get these lifeboats out there and to challenge this system.
Head on with Dr. Peter Briggins.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
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So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it worked for
And then, shortly thereafter, you came out with that too.
Pretty good.
You had, you know, with a deep root source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened, you know?
I could think again.
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
It works.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
We have to break free of the globalist system.
And the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
Let's go back in time, say to the mid-1990s, and then imagine a science fiction movie set in the year 2020, where a world government's being established, where members of Congress and former presidents are censured by big tech, and where if you don't take an experimental injection that grows blood clots and prions all over your body, then you're not allowed to fly on an airplane.
Think about that, because that's where we are.
Imagine just 20, 30 years ago, hell, just 5 years ago, if somebody told you this would be happening.
But it is happening now.
And then they tell you, oh sorry, it's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, and it doesn't really work, so you've got to take it every few months.
And the people that have submitted say, great!
I want to take it all the time so I can go outside and not get sick from COVID.
Even though it gets you sick from COVID.
And now there's record numbers of really sick people from the sloughing, the shedding of the virus.
And that's in mainline studies.
Bill Gates and Fauci did this.
Need to go to prison for it right now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Imagine world government run by the United Nations and private corporations with big tech censoring anybody that asks any questions.
Let me watch the Canadian government, the German government and others ordering vaccines out five, six years into the future that aren't even vaccines.
You're saying we're going to put this in your body, or you're not going to go out, you're not going to have a job, you're not going to be able to get on a train or on a plane, and now they admit, okay, it doesn't really work, but it doesn't matter, we've got more shots.
And you see all the police state in Europe and Australia and the horses riding the women down and beating up fathers and grabbing their daughters.
I mean, this is...
Stuff you imagine in North Korea, but it's here all because Bill Gates and the big banks and the eugenics movement.
Who got discredited in World War II.
They all reconstituted.
And they went and they bought up Big Pharma.
They bought up the regulatory agencies.
And now they are coming at civilization and coming at society.
And their excuse is that, well, we're overpopulated.
We're doing this for the earth.
But we're joined by a well-known author and researcher, Dr. Peter Brigham, who's here with us today.
And we are the
Pray.com is the website, his new book.
It's on pre-order right now.
So we got two segments left with you.
I'd love to have you back for two, three hours or I'm gonna do a Saturday show tomorrow that's commercial free, so you're welcome to come on that if you want as well.
But just to impart to people, because you're a psychiatrist, so you try to get involved with the mind.
Those are very popular.
I knew this was coming a long time ago from their own documents, but I'm being honest with you.
As a father, as a person,
I'm having real problems dealing with this myself.
I don't want to say I'm depressed.
It's beyond even fatalistic.
It's beyond that.
It's more like...
I can't believe it, even though I knew it was coming, and it's more like my mouth's hanging open, and I just, I ask myself, how did we get here?
And then I have a feeling of guilt that I haven't done enough, and then I get frustrated to see people that don't know what's, how are you processing this?
Because for anybody out there, even somebody that's trained to know how their mind works,
How should the public, in your view, deal with something like this?
Because it's not exciting to give people horrible news, but it's a positive thing so we could do something, right?
Yeah, absolutely.
Alex, everything you just said about what you've been going through, Ginger and I support each other and help each other because we're going through this daily and sometimes especially with great difficulty.
I think that one of the things that psychiatry misses, and psychology in general, is that the best response to overwhelming oppression is overwhelming positiveness and determination.
And I think that's why most of the people who are doing this fight are people who believe in something much higher than themselves and their own lives.
They believe in God.
They believe in some higher ideals.
They love their families.
They're doing this for their grandchildren and children, but also just for the principle of liberty.
You know, the Declaration of Independence says that, you know, given by nature, given by God, however you want to view it.
We are treasures.
We are, we are, we are, we're much more than the biology they think we are.
We're beings.
We matter.
Each and every one of us, the old, the young, the black, the white, doesn't make any difference.
None of it makes any difference.
We're human beings.
These people hate human beings.
We have to declare our inherent value and our inherent fact that we're made by God, because that's what they hate.
That's right.
They want us just to be machines that they claim they control.
But then they claim they're sentient.
Bill Gates thinks he's sentient.
He just thinks we aren't.
Well, you know, every predator
Whether it's the person who loses his temper at somebody in a bar and kills them, or whether they're these giant organized predators, they all think they're doing the right thing, and the good thing, and the other people deserve it.
It's only the very few people who are driven to violence by
Brain damage, brain injury.
I see a lot of people who are driven to violence by psychiatric drugs.
We know people are driven to violence by alcohol.
But these folks who have a really good intact mind and I'm, you know, carrying out willfully these acts, they always believe they are doing the important, best, right thing.
And they justify it.
We have to know that, in fact, they are not.
They are filled with hatred, resentments, megalomania.
And we have to realize that this is not the worst moment in time.
This is the best moment in time.
This is the moment in time where, for the second time, liberty can dominate over evil and God can dominate over evil in the history of the world.
I mean, I agree.
This is a great opportunity.
You're right.
What would you call this historical moment, Doctor?
Well, I think of us as re-founders.
This is the re-founding of America.
Are we going to re-found our country or are we not?
And the more of us who sit by, the less hope there is and the more of us that join in.
I also want to say that in many ways, and I wonder if this is true of you too, Alex, I'd be interested to know, this is some of the most fulfilling days I've ever had in my whole life.
I have never shared with so many people a common goal.
When I was called the conscience of psychiatry, I was pretty much by myself.
There are no other consciences like that in the medical profession.
I am not the conscience of COVID-19 or the conscience of the world.
There are hundreds, thousands, probably millions of people
I totally agree that humanity's awakening, humanity's 50 times more awake than we were just 10 years ago, and it's beautiful, it's a paradox, but you're absolutely right.
I mean, the human consciousness and coming together, like racism and stuff is like to the side now.
For everybody I know, it's like people are coming together.
Yeah, this is absolutely true.
And one of the things we have found is that we have more friends now than we've had in our entire lives, even though they're all long distance friends, except for the people, of course, right around us and a few people in the community.
And this is just a wonderful experience.
I'm going to connect you with some people that you haven't been able to connect to.
You're connecting me with millions of people, and we're all doing this together, and it's just a remarkable time.
So that's how we should be positive, because I am overall in a lot of energy and feel energized, but I also just feel daunted with the magnitude of this evil.
I'm glad you're positive.
I'm overall positive too, Doctor, but I'm pretty shook up actually, too.
My wife is.
I'll tell you another thing that helps, Alex, and that is the fate of humanity has always been under the heel of oppression ever since we went into villages five or ten thousand years ago.
I mean, over our whole time period, we were hunters and gatherers, very independent, small groups.
I don't
We're going to be under the heel of oppression.
That's been a lot of people.
We are blessed with the degree of freedom we still maintain in America.
You're right.
Since the beginning of agrarian society, that set up the priest class and the oppressors that would always take advantage of that.
You're saying it's a coming of age we're going through here, and if we can make it through this challenge and Bill Gates, I think what you're saying is a real golden age is waiting.
Well, I think the Golden Age is up to God.
I'm sure you actually agree with me on that one.
Oh yeah.
But yes, a better time of more freedom is here when we win.
It's going to be a better time with more freedom, more people seeing the truth.
Do you agree that the globalists made their move out of weakness?
That they've been in trouble?
Well, you know, the plan, as I understood it, was really
To make their move in 2021.
But when Trump went after China, you know, and Trump went after the globalists, not too many people realize that some of his earliest speeches
Trump said, I don't care if the globalists don't pay me and support me and help me become president.
And he said, I don't care if the Koch brothers... No, I agree.
I agree.
Trump pushed their timetable up and got them behind.
Let's talk about that and give Trump the praise he deserves on the other side and talk about solutions.
And I want you to come back again, Doctor.
You're amazing.
And again, the website, wearetheparade.com to find the new book.
We'll be right back with our special guest.
And then the fourth hour is straight ahead as well.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Dr. Peter Breggin is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And we've got a guest host taking over in the fourth hour.
Stu Peters always does a great job.
So, Dr. Bregan, we want to invite you back again soon.
I can't wait to read your book.
But in the ten and a half minutes we've got left in this segment, you've got the floor.
Just let them have it with both barrels about what you think is happening, what's coming next and how we, the people, fight back.
Well, since the beginning of time, well, really the beginning of, as you and I both agree, of villages, towns,
The first big cities were about only 5,000 years ago.
So also new.
So in this very new era, humanity has been plagued by bullies, essentially by people who want to control us.
And the struggle over gradually has been for freedom.
And, you know, the Greeks experimented with freedom.
But the first really big experimentation is described in the Bible, and that is the
The Jews, the Micahans folk, deciding to go free of slavery and being led free of slavery.
And a lot in that discussion is warlike, violent, in a way that is actually typical of the time.
But it is about liberty and the symbol of the freedom of the Jews.
is very important in the American Revolution.
I was really surprised.
I wrote a little book called Wow, I'm an American and I look back on what the thinking was and it was all Judeo-Christian.
It was both about the liberation of the Jews and then about Jesus.
And then Jesus comes along and for the first time he announces that love rules the world.
He does it more clearly than the Old Testament does.
So one could argue nuances, but Jesus comes and he says with utter clarity, you know, love God and love one another as I love you.
He makes it very, very clear that love is what this world is about.
It's not about the Roman Empire, which the Jews were fighting on and off during that period of time.
And he was a Jew.
So it's always been difficult, but then there came the first real bright shining light in the world of government, and that was the founding of America.
It was unique, folks.
It changed the world.
It began the democracies we see around the world.
And we are the first long-lived democracy in the history of the world.
There's nothing like us.
And as you said earlier, that's why Schwab admits they want to discredit it because that system threatens the neo-pagan tyranny they want to set up.
It threatens the global bullies.
That's right.
It's as simple as that.
We are the threat to the global bullies.
As long as America is strong and honorable,
And really basing itself on individual freedom is the beginning, not the power of government, but the government to defend individual freedom, which has been lost in our education and in our lives now.
But as long as we exist, they can't do what they're doing.
And all they are doing is being predators on in the newest form of it.
So when we had clubs, they had clubs and spears and guns and
Now it's the technology, it's the instilling fear.
I think I should talk more about that.
My wife, Ginger, was the first very early in COVID to say, this is the systematic installation of fear.
And then she brought me a scientific article.
It's great research.
She said, honey, they've got a whole scientific study.
In public health, of instilling fear.
I was about to say, the British Ministry of Defence said, our job is to terrorize the public.
Oh God, and that is it.
You know, I'm enormously in sync with exactly what you're saying.
And that's right, and that is it.
And that's what Fauci does.
He terrorizes, he confuses, he gives contradictory statements.
But he's not the power everybody makes him out to be.
I mean, he's a man who survived four presidents.
That makes him a chameleon.
I agree, doctor.
So from your research, what is it, Gates?
I mean, obviously we can obsess over who runs the show.
Well, I think as far as we can go right now, it's Gates colluding with Fauci, colluding with who?
Oh, God, we haven't mentioned it.
Colluding with Communist China.
The ultimate power behind this is Communist China.
Communist China has been running WHO for decades.
They weren't even the major donator.
When Trump cut WHO off for defending China, lying about China, and letting China literally spread the disease around the world, Gates moved in and started funding even more heavily WHO.
Gates funds WHO, we've now counted, through three separate organizations.
It's not just his own foundation.
So I think that that's really where I need to get to toward the end here.
Yeah, let's talk about that.
Let's talk about that.
All of the predators are invested in China.
I evaluated the top 15 American billionaires.
They're all deeply invested in China, with the possible exception of one.
None of them are patriots.
None of them believe in God.
They all look at China as superior to America.
Gates has said it.
Fauci has said it.
The World Health Organization and the U.N.
has very active roles in CEPI.
WHO is very active.
The U.N.
is very active.
And that all leads back to China because the communists basically run the U.N.
And so that's the biggest ultimate threat we face right now.
And I'm glad we finally got to that.
Now, the thing that Gates doesn't realize and Fauci doesn't realize is once they empower China, if they keep empowering China to win over us, they've been doing it at conferences.
Another occasion, I'll talk to you about the conferences being held by people like Michael Bloomberg and Klaus Schwab.
And how they bring in the Chinese and co-sponsor with the Chinese communists, the communists.
I'm glad you're showing some of the pictures of this.
And that's the ultimate enemy.
But what China's going to do when it does have its empire, and it is trying, folks, to build an empire, we're the main people in the way.
They've just about destroyed Australia now with the COVID totalitarianism, because Australia is part of the southern route.
To get to the Western world and then to dominate us.
Once they dominate the world, they'll eat Bill Gates like he's a hot dog.
I mean, Bill Gates will be forced to be just one more slave or he'll be done with.
Same with Sao Chi.
Just like the head of Alibaba.
Gates can only operate because they came out of a free society.
They're getting rid of the very thing they live on.
Oh, it's so true.
And now, I'm a psychiatrist, but I tell you something, I can't explain such craziness.
It is really beyond... Let me ask you this, what do you make of Gates when he talks about starvation and collapse?
He starts giggling and getting really excited, like in every video.
It's very sickening.
It's very, very sickening.
I kind of, when I envision Bill Gates, I envision a 10-year-old in short pants that suddenly comes to run the world.
To rule the world, and he gets kicks and giggles and he gets uncomfortable, but he keeps hinting that we could do with less people, haha, and things like that.
And of course, his family comes from deep population control.
His dad was deeply involved in abortion, spreading abortion.
Doc, you've got to come back again.
I want to read your book.
We love you.
We appreciate watching all your videos.
In a minute and a half, closing comments here, Doc.
It's time to stand up, folks.
We have not got forever to save America.
And Alex Jones has been forever one of the great leader leading up to this time.
I mean, everything he's been saying for a very long time leads to this time.
Don't get overwhelmed.
Don't get overwhelmed.
Get together.
Have more love for this world we have.
For God, for nature, for your family.
And remember, we are fighting forces that
They hate us.
They call us deplorables.
They think of us as outside the realm.
They're the elite.
They genuinely all think they're the elite.
They're kind of an incompatible elite, but there won't be any great war among them.
The Chinese communists will rule the world.
So we really need to put ourselves together.
We need to be re-founders of the country, and we need to be inspired to know that we're honored.
We are honored to live at a key time in the history of the world.
And as Alex beautifully said, if we turn it around, we will make a huge difference in what happens ahead of our time.
So join us, folks.
Find your way.
Join at the Board of Education.
Join at the local Republican county and throw out the... Exactly, just get involved.
Dr. Peter Brigham, thank you so much.
I look forward to having you back on.
Thank you.
Maybe your wife will come on with us next time as well.
God bless you.
God bless you, sir.
All right, amazing.
All right, I'm going to introduce the next guest.
That was a great interview.
Great job getting him on.
I wanted him on for a while.
Stay with us on this Friday edition.
By the way, I think he's joining me on a Saturday special show.
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You've got so many great products, and we're just really proud of the work you're doing, Mike.
So, when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically, I was 275 pounds.
I was overweight.
I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe.
I was barely holding on to a job.
And I heard Dr. Grip on your show, and I listened to it.
So, the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1.
And it worked pretty good, and then shortly thereafter you came out with S2, you know, with a deep burden source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it, and man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened, you know?
I could think again, I could connect with people again, and over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It literally, like, if you want to
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, Stu Peters, great syndicated talk show host, he goes Fridays with us.
He's taking over here in just a few minutes.
But I didn't plug last hour, I need to do it right now or I won't be here.
I got the Democratic Party breathing down my neck, I got them coming after us, and I got a lot of plans to stay on air as long as God keeps this big red heart pumping.
But I need funding, so we got products you need.
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We have hundreds of amazing Made in America t-shirts like Save the Frog t-shirts, and Don't Tread on Me t-shirts, and Mass Murderers Agree Gun Control Works t-shirts.
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That's an amazing shirt.
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So I want to thank you all for your support.
And while you're at it, get things that boost your immune system like Vitamin Mineral Fusion with all the vitamins, all the minerals, and a bunch of amino acids.
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It's really a high quality, high-end, multivitamin, mineral system.
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As well, and that's what makes the broadcast possible.
So, I love you listeners, but I hope you realize how historic the moment is we're in.
Because I could have spent the whole show with images of Afghans falling off airplanes and suicide bombers and blood everywhere, and that's an important story.
I'm going to come in tomorrow and tape a whole show.
Probably four hours long, two hours of it, I intend to be all about that, and the drug dealing, and why the globalists did it, and all of it.
And some other special guests.
That'll probably air about five o'clock tomorrow.
Today's live, but I'm gonna start taping at noon tomorrow, so look for that.
But that's not a side issue, it's important.
But the biological war on us, and these poison inoculations, and all these governments ordering five, six, seven years of inoculations out, admitting it's not going to work, and admitting it's all a trap to take control of our bodies.
That's the big issue!
That's giant!
That's historic!
That's huge!
And that's why we're on air.
At this historic point right now, look at these headlines.
Endless shots, Canada just ordered seven doses of COVID vaccines for every man, woman and child.
It's not stopping, it's just ramping up.
And of course, the Israeli study, 13 times better to have natural immunity.
But they don't care, because they have the Surgeon General up there in his admiral outfit, telling you that you must submit to this system.
And of course, we had Ashley Babbitt's husband on.
We had to sit there and watch her kill her on TV last night.
Say, I'd do it again and I'm a hero and I saved countless lives from an unarmed woman.
You're like, why are they doing this?
Because they're getting you used to being enslaved.
They're trying to break your will.
Don't let them break your will.
Just like our last guest just said.
This is a historic time to be alive, like Dr. Reagan said.
And so, we should be blessed to be alive right now.
This is an incredible time to be here defending the Republic against real enemies.
Who don't even have a military or police.
They've just got propaganda and lies.
And if you wake up to their lies and their propaganda, they can and will be defeated.
But it is a spiritual war.
It is psychological war.
All right.
Stu Peters of StuPeters.TV is taking over.
And then Owen Schroyer, if he's not in federal court,
We'll be back in 55 minutes from now.
He's in federal court right now.
Owen Schroyer today.
3 p.m.
The War Room.
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It's always essential to have enough high-quality vitamins and minerals in your body.
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I think?
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So be sure and visit InfoWarsTore.com today and boost your body's natural defenses and give the gift of health to friends and family that are not informed.
It's up to us to take care of our friends and family.
Please take action now.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Talked about absolutely 100% dead on, as he always is.
I mean, the tinfoil hat of Alex Jones should be traded in immediately for an Excellence in Truthful Broadcasting Award, as the predictions that have been made on this platform for years
Are now coming to fruition.
And it is historically a great time to be alive.
I don't want to be a fatalist here.
But it would appear that we are losing some of our law enforcement.
We are losing the military.
I mean, look at Millie.
This guy ought to just dye his hair pink.
Become the purple-headed crackpot and join Antifa himself.
And as far as the police are concerned, we're going to talk about an arrest that was made in Florida in a little while.
But I just got confirmation from a very reliable source of mine.
I mean, this text is coming in right now.
Got confirmation from local health departments.
They were briefed on the shielding approach by the Ohio Department of Health, which is given by the CDC.
A parental revolution is starting.
However, when speaking to the schools, they admitted that they do see this coming.
547 kids in one school are quarantined.
Parents are sending their kids to school not caring.
The school stated they will use the police to force to take the kids back home.
When asking about vaccination coming for the kids, they said they would be, in fact, making it mandatory once allowed by the FDA.
And parents who remove their kids will be met with truance officers.
If parents do not quarantine their children, the CDC will enact the shielding approach.
It's coming.
The tyranny that we are being conditioned for, the slavery that we are being conditioned for, with police being mobilized against law-abiding citizens in countries all over the globe.
We oftentimes reference places like Australia.
We talk about the UK.
We look at Canada.
These are testing grounds
For what these globalist oligarchs are going to implement here in the United States, the only thing stopping them is our Second Amendment, which is why the Second Amendment is under attack.
And I have to caution you.
When you are watching young and healthy military-aged Afghanis pour into this country completely unchecked, we are being set up for Timothy McVeigh-type events to take place all over this country.
We are setting up for the opportunity with an open border at our south.
And we know that it's not just Mexicans coming in here.
We know that it's just not Latinos from South America coming in here.
What we know is that this thing is open to people coming from places like Pakistan, people coming from places like Afghanistan.
Radicalized jihadists are coming into this country at nauseam and it would be
Realistic and reasonable to suspect that there are dirty bombs, rocket launchers, RPGs, and all kinds of weaponry already cached here in the United States.
And there are cells strategically placed all over this country ready to rise up and implement these attacks to then give the power to this Biden administration, which many believe to be completely illegitimate,
That was prepared on day one with a historically unprecedented amount of executive action and orders, ready to reverse the efforts and initiative of President Donald J. Trump.
And as a result, we are watching the most rapid totalitarian power grab the world has ever seen.
But you don't have to go all the way down under and look at the tyranny happening in Australia.
Right to our north in Canada, it's happening.
Chris Sky joins us now.
He has been arrested two times in the last two days.
Two times in the last two days for thought crimes.
And he's with us.
Chris, tell us what's going on.
Hey guys, how are you?
Happy to be here.
So yeah, you're not lying.
I did get arrested twice in the last two days.
I'm actually currently now on six separate bails, all with their own types of conditions.
Things like not being able to drive, not being able to fly, not being able to speak at certain places.
We're good to go.
I wasn't sure or not if the warrant had been rescinded.
So I was coming back through the same area just a couple days ago, which was Winnipeg, Manitoba, on my way to Ontario.
So I had my lawyer call on August 23rd and verify with multiple police officers and multiple police departments that I had no warrants for my arrest anywhere in the country, especially in Manitoba.
That night they decided to do a flash rally the very next morning, because I was in town, and we had a few hundred people show up on a dime.
And then, sure enough, somehow, they came and arrested me and said I had a warrant.
And we identified the fact that the warrant just appeared on the computer, literally at the exact moment I was speaking, and they backdated it to a few months ago, yet it wasn't on the computer just the day before.
So we're witnessing real-time
Tyranny, communist-style corruption, where they literally can just manufacture a fake warrant, backdate it to whatever they want, so they can illegally arrest somebody.
And when they did arrest me, and I told them I knew exactly what they were doing, and I had made preparations like get documentation in advance, they literally treated me like a political prisoner, basically torturing me.
They took off my shoes and socks.
They tried to force me to wear a mask, which I wouldn't do, so they put a Hannibal Lecter-style spit hood on me.
And they just gave me really poor treatment compared to everybody else there.
They had to let me go because obviously everything is fraudulent and they're going to be answering for it in a number of ways.
And then less than 12 hours later, I was driving home with my wife and Z, the gentleman who bailed me out, and we pulled over so Z could pray.
And when he was praying, some cops showed up, about four cops, eight, four cop cars, eight cops, and they arrested me because they said, somebody said I pushed my wife.
And they've already taken virtually every one of my rights and freedoms away.
The only thing I still have is my friends and family.
And they tried to force me to sign a Form 10 release form that said I wouldn't be able to communicate or live with my wife.
And when I wouldn't sign that, they kept me overnight in jail and I had to wait for another bail hearing in the morning just so I could get out of jail.
Now with new charges of assault on my wife, when my wife vehemently denies this, the cameras at the gas station vehemently deny this, but because some random person called the police with some hearsay, that was enough to arrest me.
That's what's going on in Canada, and why?
It's because I've been predicting exactly what's going to happen for the last two years, and now it's gotten to the point where the Vax Pass is the thing that's going to unite the country together against the government.
Whether vaccinated or not, people do not like the Vax Pass.
So when I go around telling people, this is what's going to happen in the next few months, especially the vaccinated, because they're the ones that believe getting Vax would get them out of this.
In reality, this is Canada's future, and the U.S.
isn't far behind.
Justin Trudeau wins the election in September.
Justin Trudeau locks us down.
The vaccinated start getting sick.
They blame it on a new variant.
They blame the new variant on the unvaccinated.
They use that as an excuse to implement the vaccine passport on all of us.
That's our future.
We're not going to be able to change that in the short term.
But if you warn everybody about that, when it actually happens, you're going to bring more people, vaccinated and non-vaccinated, on the side of the fence of freedom against the vax pass.
And if people think that it's a fruitless opposition,
We're good to go.
That's our rights and freedoms that people fought and died for, gone for good, and now government-granted privileges.
That's why they're not satisfied with 75% of the population.
In Ontario, Canada, where I'm from, they just released new guidelines.
They want 100% of the adults vaccinated and 90% of all Canadians vaccinated, which means they're going to start vaccinating children under 12 to meet these so-called thresholds for herd immunity that they're literally making up.
And if you don't think that they're coming for you and for your kids, you're absolutely wrong.
We've seen these tyrannical school boards as they have this presumed power that came from only God knows where, but these pseudo-aristocrats that rule over you and your children and then as the elitist oligarchs that they are,
Complete hypocrisy, go and do something completely different.
But the fact that you were arrested in the middle of nowhere, just minutes after a so-called passerby happened to witness you allegedly pushing or hitting your wife, and the cops just happened to be staged in the area, not one of them, not two of them, but ten of them, and then treated you like a political prisoner is reminiscent of everything that happened on the 6th of January here, and it's exactly what's going to happen in the times to come.
Chris Sky, thank you so much for being here.
We really appreciate it.
More on the Alex Jones Show as we continue here momentarily.
And I gotta tell you, there is a story coming out of Minnesota right now.
A school board member just demonstrating this Pelosi-type hypocrisy.
We're gonna get to that coming up next.
Don't go anywhere.
My name is Stu Peters.
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I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021.
And I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew.
That has come together over the years and is truly an answer to prayer, and I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter, you've got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together, and it has just been an incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
But again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support him for worse.
God bless.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The most rapid totalitarian power grab the world has ever seen.
I'm going to continue referring to that.
Because we have been lulled to sleep and complacent over several decades.
We've never had a fair media, and now it's new media people that were formerly conspiracy theorists, radical right-wing extremists, that are the only ones left bringing you honest news.
As a result of that, Owen Schroer is in federal court right now.
Hopefully he'll be here in time to bring the war room next hour.
Alex Jones has been vindicated after being trashed by every mainstream media outlet really accessible or known to man.
And we think to ourselves, well, boy, this media is really corrupt and they've really gone after Trump.
We have never had a fair media.
And when the media continues to be the machine to prop up the conservative ink
You know, mainstream politicians, you know who they are, out here fundraising, talking about issues, rather than coming up with problem solutions, which they never want to do because it ends and cuts off their funding.
And the Great Awakening is also responsible for a great deal of pain.
It is causing serious problems in people's homes, at the dinner tables, in marriages, relationships.
People are not talking to their own brothers and sisters anymore.
I was in front of a group of roughly 200 nurses at a church last night in Rochester, Minnesota, not far from the Mayo Clinic, and that's where these people work.
And the amount of anxiety and stress that these healthcare workers are dealing with for so many reasons.
They're dealing with the fact that they know, they're awake, a certain group of them, to exactly what it is that's going on, but yet they're being asked to implement treatment like remdesivir and ventilators when they know that it should be quercetin or zinc, heavy loads of vitamin D and C, ivermectin and so on.
It could save these lives of these people.
The military is openly recruiting internment specialists.
The CDC is publishing about green zones.
I would encourage you to go look right at the CDC's website.
We can't be here to do all of this on our own.
You don't have to take our word for it.
We can guide you, but you have to see it for yourself and then encourage your neighbors, your church congregation, everybody around you.
To wake up and see it for themselves so that they can truly understand what we are looking at as we look around the world.
We've talked to people in Australia, we've talked to people in Canada like Chris Sky, but it's happening here in the United States as people are being conditioned and now they're targeting your kids.
Breaking today, for example, at nationalphile.com, a Minnesota school board member called Jennifer Kaiser-Tift voted to force children to wear oxygen inhibiting masks of psychological destruction
And then the very next day was caught unmasked at a concert with nearly 10,000 people in attendance.
The author of that article from National File is Andrew White.
He's a young patriot with the heart of a lion.
He joins us now.
You've been pummeling this false narrative and all of this propaganda with bombshell reports at National File, and you're right outside of the D.C.
You're based there, exposing this tyranny right from the belly of the beast.
What is going on with people like this Tiff?
What exactly happened here?
Well, glad to be back, Stu.
It's been a while since we last spoke.
But yeah, so this woman, Jennifer Tiff, she went on this entire tirade during this special school board meeting on August 23rd, and pathetically,
Disgracefully, hypocritically, went to this concert in Red Rock, Colorado.
The guy she went to go see with her family or friends or whoever it was, was Nathaniel Raitliff and the Nightswept Thor.
The Red Rocks Amphitheater in Colorado.
So, in this report by Westward,
They said the venue was packed, and in the photos that I got of her, she is standing around, no mask on, no slave mask on, her freedom, she can wear, you know, no slave mask for her, around thousands and thousands of people, disgusting stuff.
Listening to that excruciatingly insane stuff they're saying on this school board meeting, it just, it blows my mind, the hubris of these people.
They really think that they are overlords.
And I was watching the video of this meeting on YouTube, and I was hearing her say things like, we have to realize that we have to be able to sacrifice our freedom
For the safety of our community, for the safety of our children.
And she appeared to be just oh-so-frightened and oh-so-scared of this virus, the world-ending plague, while she made this seemingly incredibly difficult decision that she had to weigh about and she really had to think about so hard, and then ultimately rules that, yep,
We feel that for the safety of the community and for our kids, we just have to forego certain freedoms.
We have to lock down, we have to stay responsible, and then in turn, your children, despite the science, despite their proven ineffectiveness, despite the overwhelming long-term psychological damage that this thing is doing to kids.
We've all seen the viral picture of the kids walking like zombies down the hallway as they wear a mask and they social distance.
She votes for this.
And saying all those things, then in turn goes and sits with tens of thousands of people.
Hypocrisy all day long.
We see it with Nancy Pelosi, as she's waited on by her masked-up, brown-faced servants, and she sits unmasked with the rest of her crowd.
We see Barack Obama's birthday bash with thousands of people, and now this Jennifer Kaiser tift in Minnesota.
So other than the blatant hypocrisy, in about a minute and a half,
What do you think it is that we are really looking at here?
What is the root cause of all of this hypocrisy?
Well, really they've deified the ruling class, despite all their flaws, which we all know about.
Despite all the evil that they perpetuate, this kind of tendency for control emanated by our ruling elite, the globalists in power, is now kind of being replicated on a smaller scale at the local level.
And it's becoming a real problem.
And, you know, I just want to make a point that
She thinks that she can get away with this?
She thinks that no one's gonna see, no one's gonna notice that you can just do this to children with all the damages that it's doing, and you just have this impunity like Nancy Pelosi does, like Barack Obama does?
You think you can do this?
No, you're gonna get exposed, you're gonna get called out, and you're gonna be removed!
And I think that it is on
The shoulders of the parents in communities like this, that after something like this is exposed, that something gets done with it.
For far too long, we have been complacent and it's past time that Americans actually demand the removal of somebody like this.
I would suspect, and real quickly I'll just get your opinion on this, you've written stories like this in the past, I would suspect that you would think that somebody like Jennifer Kaiser-Tift
Would be more than likely resigning at this point.
The whole board should probably resign.
Your thoughts?
I think she absolutely should resign.
In disgrace.
Because what she did was disgusting.
And it's so evident.
It's so evident the hypocrisy on a whole nother level.
These people are living in an entirely different world.
I swear to God.
It's like something has literally come within the hearts and minds of these people where they think this kind of stuff is going to be permitted.
But as we've noted, it's not.
It's not.
And we're not going to take it.
Andrew White, thank you so much for being here.
You're doing a great job over at National File.
Good job exposing this.
Look at all those people!
Look at all of those people!
We were looking at her social media.
We see all the LGBTQ postings, all of her encouragement to associate with minorities.
I see a lot of white faces there, too, with her largely white group of friends and her husband there really enjoying their white privilege while they tell everybody else to do exactly the opposite.
Strap up!
Become enslaved.
Get used to it.
Put your kid in this muzzle.
Don't argue it.
It doesn't matter what you say.
Peer-reviewed journals do not matter.
Stats do not matter.
Data doesn't matter.
The opinions of experts does not matter.
The findings on doctors at Waterloo University and the experts there, those studies, none of that matters.
Put this mask on.
Go get injected.
Sit down.
Shut up.
While I go live like this.
Andrew White, National File, thank you so much for being here.
More of the Alex Jones Show continues with me, Stu Peters, right after this.
I don't know.
So prayer is essential, research is essential, getting prepared is essential, and warning others is absolutely essential.
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A lot of our products that have been sold out because of supply chain breakdowns are back in, like bodies, bazzo beats, and others.
So get them today at InfoWarsStore.com and I thank you for being part of the resistance.
So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds.
I was overweight.
I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe.
I was barely holding on to a job.
And I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1.
And it worked
Pretty good.
And then, shortly thereafter, you came out with X2.
You had, you know, with a deep root source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened, you know?
I could think again.
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It'll literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
It works.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
But the big corporations for a hundred years have told us that humans are bad and evil and a pestilence on the earth so that we begin to believe we're bad and we'll turn off our life force and let the eugenics-based globalists take control of the planet.
If you go to Klaus Schwab, the head of the Davos Group's own Wikipedia page,
He brags on there about how they're capturing democracy and taking over governments worldwide to set up a corporate dictatorship under the UN.
They admit all of this.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Looking at the website right there, stupeaters.tv, the first headline that you will note is, Senior Trump HHS COVID Advisor Drops Bombs Task Force Misled POTUS No Pandemic.
What that is, is that is Dr. Paul E. Alexander, and he joined me earlier today to discuss whether or not the coronavirus task force, meaning Vice President Mike Pence,
Tony Fauci, Dr. Birx, you remember all these people that were on television.
This thing was over in China.
And if you remember, back then, for any of you that were still tuning into Fox News, just holding on to any belief at all, just a shred of belief whatsoever that these people were still for you, before they just went out and out, propaganda communist tyrants, criminally complicit media, sold out to the deep state cabal and to the CCP.
They are the propaganda arm
Of course.
And the reason why this murder for money complicity is happening here with these doctors, we're going to get to that in just a moment, but there's all sorts of confusing rhetoric happening where Trump's base is very concerned about his speak around these so-called vaccines, these shots being falsely referred to as vaccines, and this incessant push like we've never seen, despite the fact that over four times the amount of people that died on 9-11, that anniversary coming up shortly, and we will never forget that day,
Over four times the amount of people have died and that is only according to one CDC monitored website called the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.
We know that only 1% of the real data actually appears there due to a Harvard study.
We know now that there are 11 other systems that track vaccine injuries and deaths that we can't look at.
Why can't we look at them?
Because we know and we can speculate that the amount of injury and death as a result, even if you only look at the 13,000, this is the most deadly incident on U.S.
More than the 1900 Galveston cyclone, the hurricane that killed anywhere between 5 and 12,000 people.
More than who perished on 9-11.
More people than died in the Titanic.
More people than died in the attack on Pearl Harbor.
These are events that will eternally be written about in history books!
And here we are with a vaccine rollout of, what, five months now this thing has been out?
And now supposedly approved by the FDA, but there is a slight of hand here, which is why we're going to talk to Dr. Jane Ruby.
Now, Dr. Jane, you have appeared on the Stu Peter Show multiple times as we have tried to make sense of this FDA approval.
Karen Kingston is a former Pfizer employee.
She's a pharmaceutical marketing person, a biotech analyst.
Dr. Malone is the so-called inventor of the mRNA technology that is used in these shots.
Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, a very brave doctor that is outspoken and has been targeted as labeled as one of the disinformation dozen.
And then you have a slew of other people that are very brave.
Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Zev Zelenko, a lot of these people who are just brilliant minds, yourself included, are coming forward, but everybody has kind of a different opinion.
Regarding the way this approval letter is written, some of you are saying, no, unequivocally it is not approved.
Some of you are saying, yes, absolutely, this is approved.
And then some of you are saying, well, part of it is approved and part of it is not.
On this, what is your take?
Is this thing FDA approved or not?
And if so, yes, what does it mean?
Well, Stu, it's a little bit of both.
And that's why the confusion ensues across the board and why people are wondering why can so many different highly educated people that are normally in sync with each other sound like they're not.
And let me sort of tease this out a little bit for the audience.
You have to remember that Pfizer is in a business relationship with the German company BioNTech.
They share the marketing authorization, in other words, the sales rights and things like that.
What we saw, there definitely was an approval, let's put it that way, of the drug called Comirnaty, and actually that's not a new name.
That name has been sort of floating around if you really look in and out in the weaving of the materials and the press releases over the last few months.
So there is an approval, and I'll tell you how I know.
There's a document called the package insert.
You can download it from Pfizer's website.
It is that document I've explained many times on various shows, including yours.
Like when you get the aspirin bottle from home from the drugstore, you open the box and you toss out that little piece of paper that's wrapped around your aspirin.
That's called the package insert.
That is a legal document that's been hammered out between the pharmaceutical company, whether it's a prescription drug or an over-the-counter, and the FDA.
Every dot, every number, every letter in there is part of a contract.
And it is meant to disclose all the possible risks, benefits, results from trials that led to the approval of whatever the entity is.
And that's how we know we have an approval for Comirnaty.
Now, what the Pfizer website goes on to say, and I want to quote because this is very important, in their news release, you can look at their tabs, there's press, investors, news release, it says here,
The FDA approved Comirnaty, okay, and in the parentheses, they're very clever, Stu, because they put both names.
They admit there are two formulations, and here's what they say, quote, they have the same formulation.
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination.
Look, we've got one formulation.
It's being divided into two titles or two names.
The Comirnaty was approved by the FDA for 16 years of age and above.
The reason they extended the
Emergency use authorization was because that was for 12 to 15 year olds because that age group of 12 to 15 did not get captured in the FDA approval of Comirnaty.
Now, there have been questions to me, Dr. Jane, you know, they say Comirnaty is not available yet.
It's all the same formulation.
They tell you that directly.
So this is really, I believe, a red herring.
And it leads to what I have deemed as an illegal approval.
And as well as, I believe the emergency use authorizations from day one, including this one they just extended, is illegal.
And that is the premise upon which I am working with America's Frontline Doctors Attorneys Group, one particular group that is focused on getting an injunction against the DOD as a start.
But the legal premises are based on the fact that when you look at the package insert, and I challenge anyone, I encourage you, get a package insert.
You can get it from any company's website for any approved drug, for your favorite diabetes drug, maybe for your favorite blood pressure medication.
Download the package insert, look at the categories, and compare what is missing in the Pfizer-Comirnaty package insert.
It's almost laughable, Stu.
And the absence of that information, the absence of disclosure, to me, and according to this legal group, is a strong argument for rendering these approvals and EUAs as illegal.
Now, where we're going to go, where they're going to go, is currently under strategic discussion.
You know, how the courts react.
But I can tell you that we are working on this day, literally day and night, and it is within days, several days, that this material will be filed.
And it looks to me like there's so much missing and there have been so many deviations from the FDA's own laws and regulations that this has to be deemed an illegal approval.
And I think the whole thing might get shut down, at least on an injunction basis.
If the Supreme Court were with us and had they looked into election fraud from 2020, which is now blatant.
Seth Kessler has proved it.
Mike Lindell has done a great job.
I mean, so many different people.
The numbers just don't lie.
Wendy Rogers, the people in Arizona coming up.
We know that the thing was stolen by the 38 circles that were on the ground versus 55,000 people at President Trump.
I mean, it doesn't take a rocket scientist.
We're all awake to that.
And then, combined with what Paul E. Alexander said about the misleading of the President by the Corona Task Force, is something that I want to talk to you about as a doctor, as a pharmaceutical researcher, and somebody who has experience in this, if you'll stick around with me.
But this military thing needs to be touched on as well when we return on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Stu Peters, joined by Dr. Jane Ruby.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
So that guy, Dr. Pauly Alexander, the former senior advisor to the HHS under President Trump, joined me earlier.
Pretty hard-hitting interview.
And I flat-out asked him, look, did the coronavirus task force mislead President Trump?
Remember now that that task force was led by none other than Mike Pence, the traitor.
And yes, the answer is unequivocally,
The task force did mislead President Trump.
Now, at first, he agrees that a lockdown or a temporary shutdown, the ban of travel, things like that, were required.
Nobody really knew what exactly it was that we were dealing with.
And as I alluded to earlier, when you were watching whatever your trusted so-called news outlet is,
You were watching as this thing started to bubble from China, and then it went to different areas, and then it came here, and I went, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Amongst so many other people who are awake to this, said, this is going to be politicized.
This is coming at the perfect time.
They're going to shut everybody down.
They're going to promote mail-in ballots.
We predicted this bioweapon would be used in the theft of the election, and it was.
But Trump was begging these people to open up the economy, to open the country back up.
And what was doing it was people like Dr. Paul Alexander were going to the government to the White House and saying, look, we have an unprecedented amount of kids committing suicide.
We are losing so many people to death who are shutting down their businesses.
We can't sustain a country that is shut down like this.
And so the tension began between that task force and President Trump.
And literally, Dr. Paul Alexander said when he was there at the pulpit in those briefings every day, as no other president historically has done, so many briefings as President Trump, and he was standing there trying to update the country.
These people were standing behind him, as we know now, stabbing him right in the back.
And these people were weaponized and Trump was dealing with not only battling his own HHS, his own coronavirus task force, his own deep state right here in the United States, but was also battling, you know, the CDC and the FDA, as well as China and all of Tony Fauci's influence, financial backers, Bill Gates, George Soros, all of these, you know, the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab.
I mean, dealing, he was up against
I don't
This guy, these are the people that need to join the parade of brave doctors like the Tenpenny's, like the Dr. Simone Gold's, like the Carrie Madej's, and of course joining us now is Dr. Jane Ruby, another one that has just done a fantastic job.
I can't tell you how much I appreciate how responsible you are with your finding and your reporting.
And it's unpopular!
Especially to people like Lead Stories and USA Today.
You're fact-checked all the time.
You were the first to break the findings of the Spanish researchers La Quinta Columna on the graphene oxide deal.
It's now pretty much widely known.
Karen Kingston said, in looking at the patent, am I convinced that graphene oxide is in this?
I'm equally as convinced of that as I'm convinced that gravity exists on Earth.
So, I want to talk to you about this.
I asked Dr. Alexander about the vaccine, specifically the rhetoric of the President.
And he had his own, you know, kind of hypothesis on that.
His basic thesis was the President, President Trump, specifically needs to come forward now and say, these vaccines are not needed.
Please do not give them to kids.
And that would be all that he would need to say.
He wouldn't really need to say much anything else other than that.
But in your findings, and in the studies, because I know that you have your finger on the pulse of the global community, and Israel is quite the testing ground for what we're going to see here, is that population is almost fully inoculated, but yet they seem to be seeing some of the most COVID-infected patients, and that why the vast majority of the people that are hospitalized there with COVID, or so-called breakout cases, are actually considered to be, quote, fully vaccinated.
Is this antibody-dependent enhancement?
And what are we going to see here as the fall comes?
Are we going to have a really dark winter?
Well, only if we allow the propagandists and the Biden regime to talk people into it, to use fear once again, like they did last year.
Look, in the very beginning, none of us really knew what this was, even those of us who are medically trained.
So we had to be cautious.
And I'm sure President Trump did as well.
And I'm going to tell you, Stu, I worked in the Office of Presidential Correspondence.
In the White House from 2017 through 2018.
And I can tell you directly from my own experience that there are saboteurs.
There were people keeping things from the President.
There were people who told me stories I couldn't believe.
In fact, I published two articles back in 2017 to tell people that people who were applying through President Trump's website were being throttled.
And that people who did get into the agency started calling me after that first article to say, hey, our bosses, our managers are Obama holdovers and they're firing the Trump appointees left and right.
So there was so much going on.
And also President Trump got, you know, pulled in by, you know, Reince Priebus and the RINO cabal to trust them initially to set up parts of the government.
So I watched firsthand.
I would love to see President Trump come out because we're at the precipice now and we need him to come out and really get the real story and acknowledge it.
But I can clearly understand how he, you know, stop, start, stop, start, and, and, and appears to be going along with it without really being a part of it.
Because the power of the sabotage was absolutely un, un, just immeasurable.
It was overwhelming.
And I was just watching it from the sidelines.
Well, and that continues right now, as what is the crumbling remains of that Trump administration are still hanging on.
I call them dingleberries.
People like Jared Kushner, and then you have the Conservative Inc.
people just holding on to that.
The only thing that they really want to conserve is their access to that Trump fundraising machine.
But as long as these pseudo-liberal people are around him,
Uh, you know, that's exactly what's going to happen is that he's going to be, these gatekeepers are going to protect him from the information.
But that aside, and I, I don't believe that President Trump is part of any cabal or that President Trump wishes ill on anybody.
I don't, I believe that President Trump loves our flag, loves God, loves America, and he would never do anything that would intentionally kill, maim, incapacitate, harm, handicap anybody, specifically kids.
I believe Barron is vaccine injured.
I mean, don't,
I don't know that for a fact, but I have heard those things.
But I'm sure that he's very aware of Big Pharma, the dangers associated with Big Pharma, and when somebody recently, just within the last two weeks, was with President Trump inside of Mar-a-Lago, the report that I got was, are you going to take down, or why didn't you take down Big Pharma, or what's it going to take to bring them down?
And he winked and said, that's a second term task.
And so, with that being said, the Trump part of it, I'm kind of putting aside and coming to my own conclusions about what he did and the tyrannical, you know, overtaking that he was confronted with.
But in about a minute and a half here, what do you expect this upcoming fall and in the winter specifically?
Because we're seeing respiratory, you know, transmission, RSV in kids, all kinds of really
Interesting breakouts happening that normally don't happen in the middle of the summer.
Is this a result of these jabbed, inoculated people?
I think we're going to see a combination of things, Stu, and you've really hit on a lot of it.
The antibody-dependent enhancement, which is kind of an over-priming of the immunity from people who have taken the injections, you're going to see an overreaction from those people when they're exposed again.
This is what we believe based on what happened in the animal studies for SARS-CoV-1.
When the animals were re-challenged in the natural environment, they reacted even in a more intense way, more robust way, and they got sicker.
What I also think is going to happen is that, you know, a lot of viruses are under the coronavirus umbrella.
So many of the people who have the natural disease will demonstrate and be protected by that natural immunity.
Why do I say that?
Because the variants or the additions, they're all sort of familial.
And your body's surveillance system will recognize them as such.
With that said, Stu, I want to give you one caveat.
My caveat is, we don't know what we don't know.
And we don't know if they are releasing a modified version of what was out last year.
Either it was out last year and they co-opted something naturally, or they gain-of-functioned it by ginning it up, or if they released something that they gain-of-functioned in Wuhan, China.
But whatever it is...
We don't know what we don't know, but I want a prediction out of you because we have 30 seconds left here.
Is the hospital, are the hospitals going to be overwhelmed with people dying because of this injection?
I do believe there will be a large number of people that, but Stu, it's going to be very tricky because it's not going to readily look like it's connected to the injections, and that's my concern.
We have to be very vigilant.
You know, these injuries are across a number of different body systems, and most people are going to say, oh, it has nothing to do with the shot.
Yeah, and we saw that coming because this thing attacks so many different organs.
You know, you have the myocarditis, you have the kidney stuff, you have stroke, blood pressure, all kinds of different things.
Dr. Gene Ruby, thank you so much for joining us today.
You're a wealth of information.
We really appreciate it.
Owen Schroer is up next on The War Room, right here on InfoWars.
My name is Stu Peters.
Love being here on Fridays in the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Come and find me at StuPeters.tv.
We'll see you next week.