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Filename: 20210826_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 26, 2021
3218 lines.

In this discussion, Alex Jones covers a range of conspiracy theories related to vaccines, microchips, opium production, and globalism. He also mentions an upcoming guest, Robert Barnes, who will discuss the Bill Gates globalist combine and how to stop it. The speaker also introduces a conspiracy theory about the government releasing smallpox in order to control the masses, and suggests that natural remedies like Indian Cup and Saracena purpuya could be more effective than pharmaceutical solutions. He criticizes the FDA, NIH, and CDC for their corruption and fast-tracking of treatments.

Well, you've got your diamonds and you've got your pretty clothes.
And the chauffeur drives your car.
You let everybody know.
But don't play with me, cause you're playing with fire.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen and thank you for joining us on this live Thursday August 26th broadcast.
Well, the stars are aligning.
Everything is accelerating.
We are in the quickening.
You would think that as a normal talk show, TV slash radio, we would start with, oh, hey, we're on the Democrat enemies list.
And they're trying to subpoena the former president for our names and information.
But that's all just a side issue.
That's all just a side show.
Though we'll talk some about it today.
The big news is the fact that the vaccine is not a vaccine.
It's actually making the people that take it deathly ill and turning them into factories to release mutated viruses.
And that's even in mainstream news today.
Strangely enough, they're unable to suppress it.
Just like they're unable to suppress it came out of the Wuhan lab.
So we have all of that.
Then, of course, we have the fact that if they get the global vaccine passports in place, that is not the backbone.
It's the whole system for the global cashless society control grid, the carbon taxes, and all the rest of it.
And so, Gregg Reese has done another splendid job.
It just went live minutes ago at Bandot Video.
We're going to premiere it here on air on the other side.
With the headline, the vaccine passport is the end of freedom.
And I would add, and the beginning of the Mark of the Beast, or the beginning of total slavery.
So that is coming up, and I'm going to tie it into the NFL using AI computers to watch and harass their players if they've not been injected, and then define them.
But the same thing's being done in public schools, not just here, but around the world.
So that's all coming up today as well.
But even mainstream media is now asking big questions about the so-called COVID vaccines.
And then we've got two suicide bombings at the Kabul airport.
And Biden being arrogant and laughing and making more jokes.
People ask what this is really all about.
Well, the Taliban's agreed to keep opium production up so the United States won't need to be there.
So this is quite the moment to be alive where they're announcing implantable microchips to prove
You've been inoculated on mainstream news.
It's just all coming out in the open.
And we're also going to open the phones up today.
And we have some other special guests joining us.
I was talking to Robert Barnes last night.
While I was over at my parents floating around their pool with my children after dinner.
And he was just on fire crystallizing the Bill Gates globalist combine, how they aligned the takeover and how to stop it.
So he's going to be joining us.
And then we have a really interesting Aussie activist, the guy that drives all over the place, showing the illegal emergency camps and the checkpoints, Simone Boykoff.
We'll be joining us the Aussie Cossack like an Aussie Russian.
He'll be joining us from Australia in the third hour coming up today.
But first when we come back.
I was already going to talk about how the vaccine passport.
Is the key to our enslavement and stopping it's the key to our freedom and this is going to be the fight of the next 30 years.
This is going to be everything that was foretold thousands of years ago.
Everything is this issue and understanding it is everything.
So what we do now is going to echo into the future in this long hard fight.
People have to realize this is not a one-round fight.
It's not a 12-round fight.
It's like a 1,000-round fight.
We're already like round 200 right now, but this is all about the long game.
It's all about perseverance, and it's all about just not backing down and not stopping.
Resistance is victory.
Stay with us.
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You are either with the Republic or against it.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, the walls are closing in on me.
The enemy's spears and swords and daggers have already pierced me.
Literally and figuratively and spiritually for a long time.
But now I can feel them drawing and quartering me and preparing to tear me limb from limb.
But that's okay because that's the path I chose.
And that is the path to victory.
And so when they come for my head, I will not flinch when they swing the axe.
Because I signed on for this.
And I expected, knew all this would happen, and God didn't lie to me.
God let me know the path I chose.
Because the path I chose leads to victory for humanity.
So they're going to call me a loser.
They're going to drag me through the mud.
They're going to lie about me, and they're going to destroy my name long after I'm gone.
But in the end, their stinking, filthy, satanic, pedophile-run New World Order will fall.
Humanity will defeat them.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
And so, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the satanic forces of the New World Order.
I want to talk in the next segment, and I'm going to get right to it.
I tend to hesitate on subjects of such magnitude, even though we have the answers.
One does not feel worthy to impart such information to such a large audience, but who else is doing it?
Of how we could defeat them very, very quickly and bypass decades of bondage and hell that we are definitely slated for.
But you know, we've done so much to the innocent.
We've been so decadent and so corrupt, we've killed billions of unborn children, not just 60-something million here.
And so, God's given us a way out of this, but I don't think we'll take the way out, because at a subconscious level, we know we deserve to burn.
And if those of us that love God and love justice have to be the kindling which sparks the fire that burns down the house of world government, so be it.
If I need to be a Roman candle, just as the Christians were Roman candles in the Colosseum, to be the spark that brings down the satanic empire, so be it.
And I mean that, of course, metaphorically, metaphysically, archetypally.
But at the end of the day, the enemy is all about exercising their will against God's people.
So I'm gonna talk about how to defeat them.
And what's going to happen if we don't decide to defeat them?
And I'm going to talk directly to those in the establishment that think they're playing it safe and playing both sides.
I think it's become very clear at this point there is no way to play both sides of something this corrupt and this out of control.
But first, let's talk about the jewel in the crown, the fulcrum, the driveshaft, the progenitor,
The sun, the generator of this whole thing.
If they get their global digital QR code ID in,
In the name of, quote, tracking who's been inoculated with these frankenshots, they admit at the Davos Group and the UN and all the corporations, that will be used for the global carbon tax that'll track and trace everywhere you go and then control what you can do, and then a lot when you can fly, when you can eat meat, when you can travel, when you can have children.
I mean, it is feudalism to the next level.
It is slavery writ large at just an unspeakable velocity.
And so Greg Reese has put out a very important report.
It's on the front page of InfoWars.com.
It's at Band.Video.
And you can't share URLs on Twitter and Facebook, places from Band.Video.
They censor it, but right now the URL to get around that is FreeWorldNews.TV.
Folks are doing a great job doing that.
And it's simply titled, The Vaccine Passport is the End of Freedom.
And I would add, in the beginning of the end of humanity.
The vaccine passport is the end of freedom and the beginning of the mark of the beast.
So it just went live about 15 minutes ago.
It's already got 12,000 views.
It needs to go viral.
People need to understand what this is.
This isn't just some debate in a vacuum here.
Where, oh, you know, four vaccines against, or, oh, no, no, no, no.
It's the whole agenda of the globalists to have medical power over our bodies, be able to have our medical records to track, trace, control everything we do, and then on the back of that, build everything else that this system is deploying and setting up.
So, here is the report.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.
Yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
These words, written by Thomas Paine about the American crisis nearly 250 years ago, are now felt more deeply than ever by so many of us, all over the world.
And thank God, because humanity needs us all more than ever.
Tyranny is having its final act, and if we don't stand against it, then all that is good shall be lost.
Things are very different than they were back in 1776.
We have become domesticated, soft, and weak.
But the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
The world we are saying goodbye to, what pop culture has been calling normal, was not all that great.
It was overblown consumerism, fueled by greedy corruption and lies.
What comes next, our new normal, is going to ultimately be decided by the people.
We know exactly what will happen if we do nothing.
The brainwashed, compliant masses will accept the lie that their natural immune system is insufficient.
They will accept the entire transhumanist nightmare trap.
And it all begins with the vaccine passport.
The vaccine passport is the ultimate offer of tyranny.
If we accept it, then it's all over.
They are the CCP's social credit score, but worse.
You will be required to have your body penetrated with whatever so-called vaccine, booster shot,
Or whatever your government decides to inject inside of you.
And if you refuse, then you won't be allowed to buy food.
And you won't be allowed to travel.
If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's your choice.
But don't think you can get on a plane or a train beside vaccinated people and put them at risk.
Because the vaccine passport will be linked to everything.
This is all happening right now.
But the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
And what could be more glorious than all of awakened humanity standing up, once and for all, against the tyranny that threatens our very existence?
Australia is rising up against the tyrannical lockdowns.
France is rising up.
More and more people joining every day because individual freedom ends with the vaccine passport.
There is no one coming to save us, which is how it should be.
Independence cannot be bestowed.
Their only weapon against us is mental.
They make us feel small, hopeless, and afraid, to domesticate us to their will.
They encourage disease over good health.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.
But we know how to defeat them.
Fear no man, and have faith.
Do not mourn the lost days of a sick and diseased normalcy.
Celebrate it.
Be present.
Be healthy.
Be joyful.
Enjoy the sunset.
Hug your loved ones.
Love each other.
And rise up together against tyranny so that our children will know freedom.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
That's right, our enemies have ordered us not to talk to our neighbors and not to look at the sunset.
Little simple things like that.
A total cult of absolutely committed people that have sold out to evil and been turned over to a great delusion.
All right, so I'm going to talk about what you can do, what I can do, but also what leaders can do.
into the future, straight ahead.
And again, every day can be our last broadcast.
Things are so serious for all of humanity.
So thank you all for tuning in.
Thanks for keeping us on air this long.
And please don't take it for granted.
Spread the live links of the show from BandaiVideo and InfoWars.com and tell folks about those local radio stations and please support them.
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Let's go to Juan in Connecticut.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Can you hear me?
I sure can, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Thank you.
Before I start, man, I just wanted to talk to you, bro, and it's a pleasure to be talking right now with you, man.
Sir, it's an honor to talk to you, brother.
I just want to plug in.
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We used to be on Monster and Red Bull and all that and I have lost weight because I stopped drinking all that sugar and I just want to thank you
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back on this Thursday, August 26th broadcast.
We can, let's put on screen the headline for the live show today from Infowars.com so we can talk about it.
Top scientists confirm COVID-19 is a globalist bioweapon designed to take down the West.
And that is exactly what's going on.
Watch live.
If the world has any hope,
of defeating the Great Reset Takeover, they must fully awaken to its agenda and realize we are in a war for our survival.
So let me talk about solutions right now.
And let this be a message to Senator Rand Paul, and a message to Tucker Carlson, and a message to Bolsonaro, and a message to anybody else out there that understands what's going on.
You have to realize that you are leaders in this fight.
And just as Senator Paul, we'll play a clip in a moment, three weeks ago said, we need to resist, this is tyranny.
We need you to go all the way and not just have one dimensional debates about should we be forced to take an inoculation if we already have immunity.
Because everybody knows that's the best thing to have and it can make you sick if you already have it.
That's mainline science.
That's not debated.
But why are you even debating that with them?
They're criminals.
Or why are you debating the fact that there shouldn't be vaccine passports?
That's unconstitutional.
Instead, we need to cut right to the chase of the Great Reset on the Davos Group's own Wikipedia.
And then it links right to Klaus Schwab saying it, it says, we have captured the governments, these are quotes, and we're getting rid of democracy, and we're setting up a corporate world government.
I mean, I showed you that two days ago, on Tuesday.
Go to Klaus Schwab's own Wikipedia.
He's just the manager of it, but it's the Fortune 100, the big banks with China and the EU,
And they say, there it is, capture of democratic structures and institutions.
I mean, they declare, just like ISIS says, we don't believe in representative government, we believe in Islamic rule and Islamic dictatorship.
Okay, I'm against you.
Well, Klaus Schwab and the Davos, Klaus Schwab was the head of the Bilderberg Group.
He headed the steering committee.
He's the big manager for all the big globalists.
He headed up the UN Sustainability Board.
He headed up UNESCO.
That runs the planet.
And he says in four of his books, UNESCO and the UN will run who can have children, who can have jobs, a computer in your phone, an apple tell you when you can eat meat, what car you can drive, where you can go to school, who you can marry.
Go read it!
But I just showed TV viewers his Wikipedia with links to him saying, I don't want people having power.
I want a select group of shareholders, stockholders, stakeholders to run the planet.
And they do.
Remember just 10 years ago they were still saying Bilderberg Group didn't exist and we go show it to you and the New York Times would say, oh that doesn't exist, Jones is crazy.
Up until 10 years ago, they were still denying it exists.
Now you go to his Wikipedia, he's... Well, yeah, we need to have a world government and get rid of everybody, and the world government must save the earth by depopulating.
They have declared their criminal intent instead of even hiding what they're up to anymore.
Yeah, in their own words, a self-selected group of stakeholders, not voters, to control the planet.
Where's Senator Cotton?
Where's Senator Paul?
Where's Donald Trump?
He talks about globalists a little here and there, but I mean, this is the top corporations in liquid communist China.
Apple and Google are on record helping round up political dissidents all over the world in authoritarian regimes.
They're caught on record running the worst slave factories.
That the world's ever heard of, where if you misbehave, they shoot you in the back of the head.
Where people try to commit suicide, and they put suicide nets up.
I mean, of course Apple came out and said, we're reading everything on your phone and scanning all your photos.
They've been doing it.
Four years ago, they were in Reuters saying, we've given the total
We're good to go.
And so when you see a Jen Psaki, or you see the Young Turks, or you see any of these leftist groups, they're getting globalist corporate talking points.
They know they're on the side of the bad guys.
They know they're lying.
They know they're poisoning you with bioweapons.
They know they're taking over.
This is a systematic war to get rid of an industrial society.
At one level they claim because it's wasteful, but really it's because it doesn't put them in control.
They want to make you poor.
But their pretext through the Extinction Rebellion and the rest of it is, we're saving the Earth.
But when Extinction Rebellion, I'll show it next segment, just had a big rally with a bunch of weird, crazy women in London.
They left thousands of pounds of trash everywhere.
And they're almost all rich trust fund kids and devil worshippers.
Because they're the ruling class, and I'll tell you next segment what's really going on, but the ultra-rich are a bunch of Bernie Madoff types.
And they've created thousands of trillions of dollars, thousands of trillions, quadrillions of fake money.
And that's all coming down.
So they figured out a way to artificially collapse the world economy, say it's a virus, lock you in your house, have you happy you can go outside, then they take full control of the new digital currency with a new Ponzi scheme and you thank them for it.
They had articles about Extinction Rebellion funded by Soros.
The average member of Extinction Rebellion is worth over five million dollars apiece.
They live in, they have private helicopters and jets, but they try to block working people getting on a train to go to work.
Because they want to collapse society, a post-industrial world, to dictate your total surrender.
So, what is the solution?
When the Davos Group and the UN admit they're running this to collapse the world, and they ran the Wuhan lab and they released it,
The answer is, get us out of the UN, get us out of the WTO, get us out of the IMF, the World Bank, the WHO.
Start indicting these people.
But we don't have the Justice Department, so we can't.
And so we're captured, and so we're being de-industrialized, and set up and culturally divided, so the country fully falls, so they can bring in their cloward and pivot strategy.
I'll talk more about solutions and where we're going on the other side, but where is Senator Paul?
Where is all these so-called leaders when the enemy has a battle plan, says they're using environmentalism to take over, says the COVID lockdowns are about bankrupting the middle class, getting rid of small businesses to make us dependent, saying it's an economic war, saying that the shutting down people paying rent is about bankrupting small renters, and then we just sit there and take it when it's a criminal conspiracy?
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
So, the bankers took the planet over by fraud.
They bought up the media.
They entertained people to death.
They got the general public into massive debt.
Now they want to put you on a universal basic income so they can control your life.
Their admitted endgame is depopulating you and your family.
That's where we are right now, here today.
And so three weeks ago, Senator Paul comes out and I'd say goes 50% of where he needs to go.
And by the way, I'm giving him a commendation.
He went way further than other people have.
And Trump, I've been critical of Trump supporting these Franken shots and saying they're safe and effective when they're not.
But don't forget it was Trump starting to get us out of the WHO.
Started, you know, to expose the UN.
That was a really good thing.
And that's what we need is to recognize, if you just tuned in, that if you go to the Dabo's Cribson website, and Wikipedia owns links to them, they say, we want to get rid of freedom, we want to enslave the people, we want a small corporate group to rule the planet.
They don't want to rule the planet because they think they're better managers.
They want to rule the planet because they want to carry out depopulation.
And they want to carry out all this medical tyranny and testing on the general public.
I mean, it is a very, very, very scary scenario.
And I believe in humanity, and I spiritually cannot just sit back and watch this done to people.
And you know, I'll just say this to the listeners.
I don't sit there and tell you all the inside baseball or all the attacks that go on, but you've seen
The National News calling for my wife's arrest because she was at the Capitol as well, outside peacefully.
That's not a threat to me.
Indict her.
She's ready, it's fine.
We're not rolling over to you ever.
And your lies.
Owen Schroer arrested and criminally charged for doing nothing.
All the other grand juries they've got on me and all the rest of it.
That's because this is an evil, out-of-control, corrupt government.
It's illegitimate.
I mean, they're murderers.
They're pedophiles at the top.
And so, we just expect that.
I just want to be as hardcore and as strong as we can throughout this.
They've got all the Democratic Party-funded lawsuits that finally start hitting next summer.
Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
Virginia, from what happened there, where we just covered the event.
And what happened, they're mad about that.
Texas lawsuits, all of it.
But that's even off in the distance, even though that's like 10 months away.
The system does not intend to let us stay on air.
That's why the Democrats put us on an enemies list just in the last few days and are trying to subpoena Trump for records about us.
And of course there aren't any records I know of because I haven't been in any type of written communication with the White House other than
I had some law firms write up some plans, I guess three and a half, four years ago, on how to try to stop censorship and have that delivered to the White House.
So I guess that's about the extent of the records on that front.
But there's a separation of powers from the executive and the legislative.
They're not supposed to be doing that.
This is all a witch hunt.
But it just shows who these authoritarians are.
They're not doing investigations about the slave camps on the Texas border.
They're not doing investigations about all the smuggled children.
They're not doing investigations about the death camps in China that big tech runs.
No, no, no, no.
They're just, again, busy saying, I'm an insurrectionist that needs to go to prison.
So I need a lot of capital.
To be able to make sure into the future that this system is redundant and that we're able to stay on air and keep this crew, there's an amazing brain trust in place, as the censorship will obviously only intensify.
Nobody else has the satellite uplinks, the encoders, and the affiliates, and the radio stations, and the TV stations, and the infrastructure we've got.
Nobody else has it.
At our level.
And so that's why we're a very important brain trust.
Part of me would love to say, hey, I've done my job.
I exposed the globalist and disappeared.
To our family ranch in East Texas and just stop tuning in and stop watching and let you guys do the rest because I think I've done my part.
But we all know how history works.
I'm not going to do that.
So I've got to then raise as much money as I can.
I've got to work around the clock and I've got to do a lot of things that I obviously can't fill you in on here on air.
We don't want the enemy to know everything we're up to.
But I need a lot of money.
And so, we've proven we're the tip of the spear, and you've supported us a lot over the years.
But, you know, I'm talking to the wealthy donors, and I'm talking to the upper middle class people who always sit on the fence.
You need to go buy a hundred t-shirts at mfullwarrestore.com, and then hand them out to friends and family.
You need to go buy a hundred bottles of X2.
You need to go buy your self-storable food anyways.
It's high quality, lasts a long time.
You need to get water filtration and air filtration we already have.
That's the highest rated, the lowest prices out there.
Or you can just go to m4warrestore.com and you can become a sponsor with one-time or recurring donations.
That's how you become our sponsor.
For 10 bucks, 100 bucks.
But this is a revolution.
This is a war.
And we've proven we know what we're talking about, and we've proven we're right.
And so the big part of the solution is money.
Not just having Rand Paul or Donald Trump tell the truth and call out the Great Reset and how it's a criminal takeover plan and strike at the root that instead of debating all the vaccines and the drugs and the shots and the censorship that these people say they're taking over America.
They say they're taking over with the world government.
And rallying Americans against the foreign takeover.
But you gotta have places that are willing to do it.
And as things get darker and as things get worse, the credibility of InfoWars is only gonna go up.
I mean, it's white hot right now.
And that's why the system's circling us like sharks in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, because they do not want us to stay on air.
And they've telegraphed very clearly, you can walk away, Jones.
This is your last chance.
Well, you know what?
This is your last chance to repent to God for what you've done.
Because I'm not signing on to all the pedophilia and all the satanism that your bosses are involved in.
So if I roll over to them, I roll over to the stuff they do to children, and I will not do that in front of God.
So there's no debate for even a millisecond of fear for me, not even one second of questioning, not one second of being a doubting Thomas with me.
That's not who I am.
I am more committed than I've ever been and am so pleased to be attacked and lied about and persecuted because it means I'm over the target.
Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, my boss, my ruler, my master, the one I'm signed over to, the one that I am fully committed to, said, you will be persecuted for my name.
And that is a blessing.
I just want to finish strong.
I don't know if that means six months, a year, ten years, or maybe a week.
I don't know.
I just know the time for games is over.
I don't know how long we'll be able to sell you products or even be operating.
We need capital into the system, dispersed and ready for other operations, and I'll leave it at that, of information warfare.
And so flood me with the stinking money.
It's not going to be worth anything in the future anyways.
And I don't want it to be blue-collar hard workers that are already spending 10% of their paycheck with us.
I don't want that.
I want all the blue bloods and all the people on the fence to put your money in the game, to put your skin in the game.
You think you've been safe your whole life sitting on the fence, you see you're going to lose everything now because of it.
A lot of products back in stock.
We have Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 33% off for your immune system.
Great for adults, children, everybody.
We have X2, so good for your immune system and your whole body.
It's in, discounted.
We have Pollen Block for seasonal discomfort and allergies.
It's back in.
Ultimate Krill Oil, 40% off.
That's an amazing deal.
Living Defense to flush out all the unwanted parasites and visitors.
We have the Emrix Essentials Organic Hand Sanitizer.
We're good to go.
Spread the word about those local radio stations you're listening to and spread the links from Bandot Video and the live feeds or whatever archive or whatever article you think is most important.
That's how we bypass these damn censors and we're in a war with these globalists and they are so pissed about you and they want to shut me up because they want to shut you up.
And I'd also tell you, download everything off PrisonPlanet.tv and download everything off Band.Video, because who knows how long that'll be there.
I hope it's there in five years, but let me just tell you, we're in it right now.
It's going to get a lot worse.
Like I told you, get right with Jesus.
All right, folks, stay with us.
Hopefully we'll be right back on the other side.
Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
We're good to go.
He brags on there about how they're capturing democracy and taking over governments worldwide to set up a corporate dictatorship under the UN.
They admit all of this.
They plan the lockdowns.
They release the viruses.
They think you're stupid.
And their plan is to slowly cut off the resources so they can dictate total social control over you and your lives.
That's how I was able to predict everything they did decades before they executed it.
Word for word with total precision because they have a detailed battle plan.
We cover it live weekdays 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Tell everybody to tune in now and warn the world.
So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it worked for
And then, shortly thereafter, you came out with X2.
Pretty good.
It was a deep root source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it.
And, man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened, you know?
I could think again.
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I liked recently is Knockout.
It literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
It works.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
I'm not funded by George Soros, I'm not funded by the Democratic Party, I'm funded by you.
We got great products you need, we got great stuff for your immune system and your body, and just stuff that's essential for general health, like Vitamin Mineral Fusion, all the vitamins, all the minerals, and all the key amino acids for adults, children, old folks, you absorb more of it than pills because it's liquid form and it tastes great, ready to ship to you now, 33% off, and VasoBeats back in stock.
Great for your heart.
Great for your liver.
Creates nitrous oxide in the blood.
Super beet concentrate.
50% off.
Back in stock.
Pollen block.
Natural antihistamine.
40% off.
And of course, we have X2.
Totally essential.
Deep-earth crystal iodine.
It's discounted.
And pure turmeric formula.
The liquid extract as well.
It's discounted.
Back in stock.
Activated charcoal toothpaste and activated charcoal toothpaste.
Mouthwash with all the essential oils.
Those are 33% off as well.
You can call toll free.
888-253-3139 or you
Go to Infowarsstore.com.
We got a lot of great other products on the site as well, so be sure and check those out today.
Let's go back in time, say to the mid-1990s, and then imagine a science fiction movie set in the year 2020.
Where a world government's being established, where members of Congress and former presidents are censured by big tech, and where if you don't take an experimental injection that grows blood clots and prions all over your body, then you're not allowed to fly on an airplane.
Think about that, because that's where we are.
Imagine just 20, 30 years ago, hell, just 5 years ago, if somebody told you this would be happening.
But it is happening now.
And then they tell you, oh sorry, it's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, and it doesn't really work.
So you gotta take it every few months.
And the people that have submitted say, great!
I want to take it all the time so I can go outside and not get sick from COVID.
Even though it gets you sick from COVID.
And now there's record numbers of really sick people from the sloughing, the shedding of the virus.
And that's in mainline studies.
Bill Gates and Fauci did this.
Need to go to prison for it right now.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back.
Next hour, big developments in Afghanistan, big developments here domestically, the economy, the whole vaccine passport, the tyranny rollout, several big guests today as well.
And now finally, the police officer that shot Ashley Babbitt dead is doing a big TV show tomorrow.
Very proud of, I guess, of what he did.
And so now he will reveal his name, and he is who he said he was.
Seven months ago, we were able to accurately predict that.
It's Mr. Bird.
So that is, that's coming up.
I guess it'll be on TV as a poor little victim.
I guess now if you shoot an unarmed woman, you're the hero.
So we're gonna try to get her widower, her husband, on if not today, tomorrow, to respond to those developments today.
But getting back to what I was talking about, solutions.
The Democrats, the globalists, the socialists, the globalist parties around the world are bullying people, are attacking people, are bringing in millions of Islamic invaders, are dissolving borders, are openly trying to annihilate society, are constantly caught being involved in pedophilia, are constantly involved in narcotics trafficking.
They're simply criminal groups that use behavioral psychology to control.
And so Senator Paul and others need to come out and directly address the Davos Group, directly address that they said they'd use a virus in Operation Lockstep from the Rockefeller Group, that the Rockefeller Foundation is running the U.S.
COVID response, and that the Carnegie Group is running the CIA, and that it's the big foundations.
And as soon as they start getting exposed, they'll back off.
But no one exposes the globalists because the media preconditions everyone and attacks anybody that talks about how the world really works.
But I showed it to TV viewers in the second segment, again the third segment today.
Go to Klaus Schwab's Wikipedia.
It says, capturing governance, getting rid of the people's power, putting a small group in control of the world.
That's their plan.
That's the bad guys.
It'd be one thing if they were like some type of utopia dictators, because those guys always die, the philosopher king, then their kid or their grandkid or some other group takes over that's evil.
But these are evil people at the beginning taking over and saying, you're not a stakeholder.
So let's go ahead and go to this clip from a few weeks ago.
I've got all these other great new clips and the rest of it,
This is what we need to see, but double this.
And talking about the Davos Group, talking about Klaus Schwab, talking about how it's a power grab, talking about, hey, you said the vaccine would work, it didn't.
But see, Paul wanted to sound all scientific and, oh yeah, I believe in vaccines.
This isn't a regular vaccine.
And notice now it doesn't work.
Paul needs to admit, like Trump, that he was wrong as well and was lied to.
Here it is.
It's time for us to resist.
They can't arrest all of us.
They can't keep all of your kids home from school.
They can't keep every government building closed, although I've got a long list of ones they might keep closed or might ought to keep closed.
We don't have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and bureaucrats.
We can simply say no, not again.
Nancy Pelosi, you will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs.
We have either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine.
We will make our own health choices.
We will not show you a passport.
We will not wear a mask.
We will not be forced into random screenings and testings so you can continue your drunk with power reign over the Capitol.
President Biden.
We will not accept your agency's mandates or your reported moves towards a lockdown.
No one should follow the CDC's anti-science mask mandates.
And if you want to shut down federal agencies again, some of which aren't even back to work yet, I will stop every bill coming through the Senate with an amendment to cut their funding if they don't come back to work in person.
Local bureaucrats and union bosses, we will not allow you to do more harm to our children again this year.
Children are not at any more risk from COVID than they are from the seasonal flu.
Every adult who works in schools has either had the vaccine or had their chance to get vaccinated.
There is no reason for mask mandates, part-time schools, or any lockdown measures.
Children are falling behind in school and are being harmed physically and psychologically by the tactics that you have used to keep them from the classroom during the last year.
We won't allow it again.
If a school system attempts to keep children from full-time in-person school, I will hold up every bill with two amendments.
One to defund them and another to allow parents the choice of where the money goes for their child's education.
Do I sound fed up to you?
That's because I am.
I'm not a career politician.
I've practiced medicine for 33 years.
I graduated from Duke Medical School.
I've worked in emergency rooms.
I've studied immunology and virology.
And I ultimately chose to become an eye surgeon.
I've been telling everyone for a year now that Dr. Fauci
And other public health bureaucrats were not following the science, and I've been proven right time and time again.
But I'm not the only one who's fed up.
I can't go anywhere these days without people coming up and thanking me for standing up for them.
Whether I'm at work, or at events in Kentucky, at airports, in restaurants, or in stores.
People thank me for taking a stand.
They thank me for standing up for actual science.
For standing up for freedom.
for standing against mandates, lockdowns and bureaucratic power grabs.
I think the tide is turning as more and more people are willing to stand up.
I see stories from across the country of parents standing up to the unions and school boards.
I see brave moms standing up and saying, my kids need to go back to school in person.
I see members of Congress refusing to comply with petty tyrant Pelosi.
We are at a moment of truth and a crossroads.
Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm to our society, economy, and children?
Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not.
Not this time.
I choose freedom.
The problem is, who's directing the bureaucrats worldwide to do this?
And who's released in Florida and Texas more viruses to try to drive us into submission?
That's what all the experts I've talked to know is going on.
You see, you have to admit the people that launched it out of Wuhan are also running the bureaucratic response as the power grab.
And Paul knows all that.
He's exposed both parts of it.
He just hasn't put it together for people.
Fauci and the criminals, the Chai Khans, the Democrats, released this for the power grab.
Not just, oh, they're using it for a power grab.
They cooked it up, they developed it, they used it.
Let's listen to the dirtbag admitted communist, de Blasio, saying, humans do well with a carrot on a stick.
Saying, we're animals, he'll offer us goodies, we'll accept our vaccine pass, all the borders are wide open, here he is.
Look, human beings do well when they have carrot and stick.
So a mandate helps people to realize it's time.
FDA final approval on Pfizer said it's time.
Now, the Biden administration could do something else that would really help us all move forward.
Speed the approval of the vaccine for the 5 to 11 year olds.
It's time for that.
Look, if we can get that last piece done, because right now we can vaccinate kids 12 and up.
We're having a lot of success in New York City getting that done.
But we need that last piece.
And we need every child in America back in school.
So I know Joe Biden cares, to his great credit.
I know the team's working non-stop.
But they've got to make this a central priority.
Get that vaccine ready for the 5 to 11 year olds.
And then there's not even a question anymore about our schools.
Everyone in the school building at that point could be vaccinated, should be vaccinated.
Would you eat dinner with those guys?
Would you be in business with them?
You know they're disingenuous liars.
They're certainly not doctors.
And this is a dangerous shot.
What's it gonna do to children?
Here's two creepy men with Microsoft's MSNBC, Bill Gates' MSNBC, that he created it, wanting to put something in your child's body that lowers their regular immune system and doesn't even protect them.
Meanwhile, we have the news out of Australia, we'll play next segment, of the emergency camps they're building to go take people who've not been vaccinated and make you go live in a camp, which the UN said was the original goal.
Again, it all comes from the United Nations.
Attack it at the heart.
This is modern warfare.
This is how they take over.
And please, listeners, tell everybody you know, tune in next hour.
So much huge news I haven't hit yet.
Tell folks that are watching on local TV or listening to local radio or online, tune in now to Band.Video or InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Because we have huge news.
Japan recalls 1.63 million doses of Moderna COVID vaccine due to foreign material contamination.
Even mainstream media is now asking big questions about COVID vaccines.
Three big stacks here.
The latest suicide bombings from Kabul.
And a lot more in our number two.
And then we've got Robert Barnes popping in.
And we also have another huge guest as well from Australia today.
We'll be right back.
Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are equal.
Many of them are synthetic.
Many of them have fillers and additives.
Many of them just pass right through the body and are not absorbed.
Well, that's not the case with our incredibly popular, because it's so effective, product that has now been sold out for months, but is finally back in stock.
And that is Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals,
A bunch of key amino acids help it upload better into your body and your cells.
It's in powder form.
It's great for children.
It's great for adults.
It's really important for folks that are older, because they don't absorb as well through their guts.
So this liquid formula really, really does it.
You mix up a pitcher of it every couple days, put it in the refrigerator, or keep it out in the kitchen, and just remember to drink it in the morning and in the evening.
It tastes great.
It makes your body healthy.
It boosts your immune system, and it funds the end
The world is awakening.
The world is beginning to understand the globalist paradigm.
They are discovering the globalist, the elites, the manipulation, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove, the Club of Rome.
And so, even though it seems like the globalists are winning,
The truth is, they've had to come out in the open to attack human freedom because they're actually losing.
We have forced them out in the open.
So as bad as these times are, and a lot of negative things are about to happen, realize humanity is winning.
You've got to trust in the plan of God.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
So, all over the Western world, they're building permanent COVID camps, not just for folks that return to the country, but quote, people that don't take the vaccine.
They're going to quote, go to your houses with PCR tests set fraudulently, drag you away and keep you in the facilities.
We're good to go.
Coming up, but Greg Reese's report is so incredibly important.
I heard it at the very start of the show, but I'm going to air it again.
The vaccine passport is the end of freedom and the beginning of total slavery.
It's at Bandot Video.
Here is the report.
Please get it out to everyone you know.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.
Yet we have this consolation with us.
That the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
These words, written by Thomas Paine about the American crisis nearly 250 years ago, are now felt more deeply than ever by so many of us, all over the world.
And thank God, because humanity needs us all more than ever.
Tyranny is having its final act, and if we don't stand against it, then all that is good shall be lost.
Things are very different than they were back in 1776.
We have become domesticated, soft, and weak.
But the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
The world we are saying goodbye to, what pop culture has been calling normal, was not all that great.
It was overblown consumerism, fueled by greedy corruption and lies.
What comes next, our new normal, is going to ultimately be decided by the people.
We know exactly what will happen if we do nothing.
The brainwashed, compliant masses will accept the lie that their natural immune system is insufficient.
They will accept the entire transhumanist nightmare trap.
And it all begins with the vaccine passport.
The vaccine passport is the ultimate offer of tyranny.
If we accept it, then it's all over.
They are the CCP's social credit score, but worse.
You will be required to have your body penetrated with whatever so-called vaccine, booster shot,
Or whatever your government decides to inject inside of you.
And if you refuse, then you won't be allowed to buy food.
And you won't be allowed to travel.
If you don't want to get vaccinated, that's your choice.
But don't think you can get on a plane or a train besides vaccinated people and put them at risk.
Because the vaccine passport will be linked to everything.
This is all happening right now.
But the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
And what could be more glorious than all of awakened humanity standing up, once and for all, against the tyranny that threatens our very existence?
Australia is rising up against the tyrannical lockdowns.
France is rising up.
More and more people joining every day because individual freedom ends with the vaccine passport.
There is no one coming to save us, which is how it should be.
Independence cannot be bestowed.
Their only weapon against us is mental.
They make us feel small, hopeless, and afraid, to domesticate us to their will.
They encourage disease over good health.
Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.
But we know how to defeat them.
Fear no man, and have faith.
Do not mourn the lost days of a sick and diseased normalcy.
Celebrate it.
Be present.
Be healthy.
Be joyful.
Enjoy the sunset.
Hug your loved ones.
Love each other.
And rise up together against tyranny so that our children will know freedom.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Alright, that's a very important report.
The vaccine passport is the end of freedom.
Send it to everyone you know.
It's at man.video.
Share it now in your email, your text message.
I'm not funded by George Soros.
I'm not funded by the Democratic Party.
I'm funded by you.
We got great products you need.
We got great stuff for your immune system and your body.
And just stuff that's essential for general health, like Vitamin Mineral Fusion, all the vitamins, all the minerals, and all the key amino acids for adults, children, old folks.
You absorb more of it than pills because it's liquid form and it tastes great.
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And Pure Turmeric Formula Liquid Extract, as well, it's discounted.
And Back in Stock Activated Charcoal Toothpaste and Activated Charcoal Toothpaste Mouthwash with all the essential oils, those are 33% off as well.
You can call toll free, 888-253-3139 or you
Go to Infowarshore.com.
We got a lot of great other products on the site as well, so be sure and check those out today!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
Alright, I was talking to constitutional lawyer and really smart historian Robert Barnes last night and I'm just sitting there at my parents' house floating around the pool with my four-year-old daughter and he just, over like five minutes, laid out the best analysis I've heard of Gates and Fauci and the globalists and how they rolled it out and how it's their takeover plan and how it's out in the open and how to defeat it.
And I said, please come on tomorrow because I said I'm gonna talk in the first hour and hopefully you can come on then or in the second hour.
And really lay out Rand Paul's speech about three weeks ago was great.
Let's resist.
Let's say no from the bureaucratic power grab.
But let's go further and show where on the Wikipedia page of Klaus Schwab, he says, I want a dictatorship.
I want to capture governments.
I want to get rid of the people's power.
I mean, he says this himself.
Go to Klaus Schwab's own Wikipedia and it says it right there.
We put it on screen and then it links to his own book.
He's had the Bilderberg Group up.
And so why don't we get our leaders to realize
If it was the Russians trying this, or somebody, we wouldn't put up with it.
But instead it's the Chinese, working through the Globalist and the Davos Group, and they're calling it a silent coup.
They do!
And so now they admit the vaccine isn't a vaccine, it doesn't work.
Now they admit they want to keep giving you boosters, but they said that a year and a half ago.
This was always pre-planned.
And now they're coming out with their digital passports, here domestically, and Hawaii's the tip of the spear.
Meanwhile, huge Japan recalls 1.63 million doses of Moderna COVID vaccine due to foreign material contamination.
A governor says Hawaii's digital vaccine pass could be ready for Labor Day.
Even mainstream media is now asking big questions about COVID-19 vaccines.
I mean, this is a big deal.
So, so, Barnes, if you could repeat what you said last night when I talked to you for 10 minutes or so.
When you were getting into the big picture, laying out how they did it, why they did it.
Because to me, that's their Achilles heel.
They're very public.
I mean, why does Schwab give speeches and write books about...
We're using the virus to take control.
This is a new way of life.
We'll never let you get out of the lockdown.
Ha ha ha.
You're going to love it.
You're going to own nothing.
I mean, he's like a supervillain teasing Superman when he's tied down in kryptonite or something.
I mean, why are the criminals bragging and why aren't our leaders challenging them?
Is it because the Republicans have been paid off?
Well, I mean, the latest scam is the FDA approval itself.
So the FDA comes out on Monday and says they have now approved a COVID-19 vaccine, which for those of us that are watching this and we're filing suit against the FDA, we had to, you know, research it and know whether we had a reverse course.
And then when you dig in, you discover it's not really what they said it was.
Because once they legally authorize a COVID-19 vaccine, by law, they have to revoke all the emergency use authorization of all the other vaccines.
So once they said that Pfizer's vaccine was ready to go for FDA licensing, that meant they had to revoke Pfizer's emergency use authorization, revoke Moderna's emergency use authorization, reverse and revoke J&J's vaccine emergency use authorization.
That's right, Barnes.
I should have done a drum roll.
I forgot.
That was another main reason is, I called you to say, am I right that they're going to have to revoke the other ones because they have now authorized this, but they didn't really authorize it, and they're not releasing documents for three years?
And you said exactly, and then you let it out.
So start over.
This is really a giant deal, this no man land.
You called it a game they're playing.
It's a complete game because the problem for the FDA was if they were going to issue any kind of biologic license for any FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine, then first they had to revoke all the emergency use authorized vaccines immediately because under federal law, you're not supposed to issue any emergency use authorization for any drug if there's already an approved drug on the market for that.
The second aspect is, now the way they've got around that for ivermectin and everything else was they said they were only going to look at other vaccines.
That's the other game they've been playing for the last year.
But the second aspect is liability risk may completely change.
So right now an emergency use authorized vaccine has complete immunity from suits.
However, it's unclear if an FDA approved, biologic licensed vaccine is also immune.
It may not be immune at all, depending on how you read the law.
So Pfizer doesn't want
It doesn't want FDA approval.
What Pfizer wants is to keep making all this money off its emergency use authorized vaccine, not an FDA licensed one where they might be able to get approved.
So let's be clear.
Let's start over.
Let's be clear.
Let's start over.
Because people are saying, we're not going to take this.
It didn't get FDA approval.
So instead of actually doing approval, doing the studies, taking the time, they just call it approved.
But in the fine print, it's not approved.
You've talked about this, but most people don't remember the FDA's legal history.
The FDA is mostly a labeling company.
So their history was to make sure products were properly labeled, not to make sure they were safe or effective, not to control everybody's medicine.
It was about labeling.
And they've gone back to their old history.
So what they did, actually, on Monday, is they said, there is this vaccine that we approve now, but this vaccine's not available.
Which of course doesn't make sense because it's medically identical as the vaccine that's currently being injected into people right now.
But from the FDA's perspective, it's not identical unless the label is the same.
So legally, that's why they say these are legally distinct vaccines.
The reality is there is no FDA approved vaccine that is available currently and that may be available anytime soon because that requires a label be put on it according to the law.
And until that label is put on it, everybody's still getting experimental emergency use authorized only vaccine.
And Pfizer has no incentive to rush this process because Pfizer doesn't want the legal risk and the potential adverse effects that may occur for they can get sued if their actual FDA approved vaccine goes forward.
The FDA doesn't want it to go forward because the moment it's actually available is the moment they have to reverse and revoke all the emergency use authorized drugs, including Moderna would have to be off the market entirely.
J&J would have to be off the market entirely.
They don't want to do that either.
So they're playing a game of pretending that the vaccine you're getting is the FDA approved one when it's not according to the FDA's own terms.
The FDA said the approved vaccine is not available right now.
And that's why we're going to continue emergency use authorization.
So this is a trick meant to get people, get the military, get employers, to trick their employees into believing they're getting an FDA-approved vaccine, which would mean they would have legal remedies, potentially, against Pfizer, when they're not.
They're not getting that at all.
According to the FDA, that's not available.
It's pure gamesmanship, of course, because it's the same drug in the same bottle, but because the label is different, that means radically different things legally.
So this is the medical system.
Completely engaging in smoke and mirrors with the corporations that are funding it.
The social contract just completely and totally broken because they knew there was massive heat on them, pushing something not approved.
So now they've still not approved it, not releasing data, but calling it approved, just like the PCR tests were fake, just like the people dying of other things were being counted.
I mean, this is just a wall of criminal fraud.
It reminds me of the old Huey Long story about the snake oil salesman who sold one medicine that cured half your problems and another medicine that cured the other half.
And one was called Hypopalorum and the other one was called Lopapajara.
And somebody asked the salesman, well, what's the difference between these two?
And he goes, well, they're both made from bark off the tree, but one of them is made from bark off the tree that you skin from the bottom up.
And the other one is you make from a bark off the tree from the top down.
And so here you have an identical drugs, but because they want to protect big drug companies, because they want to continue Moderna and J&J having access to the market under their emergency use authorization, they are not actually, they are pretending that the approved vaccine is not available.
So if your employer says, well I want you to go out and get the FDA approved vaccine, you can come back to them and say that's not available according to the FDA.
It's not available until it has that label on it, that Comarnati label on it.
And that's not likely to happen anytime soon because Pfizer, remember is the company that paid the biggest criminal fine in the history of big drug companies, doesn't want to be legally liable for the adverse events that vaccine is likely causing.
We know it's causing it.
By the way, Texas governor issues new ban on vaccine mandates as FDA fully approves Pfizer jab.
ZeroHedge.com, article on InfoWars.com.
We're going to come back and get into Bill Gates and the big picture with Barnes and some huge developments that just broke.
There's more news breaking in Japan.
The Japanese government and scientists do not like these shots.
They're coming out against them.
Stay with us.
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Let's go back in time, say to the mid-1990s, and then imagine a science fiction movie set in the year 2020, where a world government's being established, where members of Congress and former presidents are censured by big tech, and where if you don't take an experimental injection that grows blood clots and prions all over your body, then you're not allowed to fly on an airplane.
Think about that, because that's where we are.
Imagine just 20, 30 years ago, hell, just 5 years ago, if somebody told you this would be happening.
But it is happening now.
And then they tell you, oh sorry, it's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, and it doesn't really work, so you gotta take it every few months.
And the people that have submitted say, great!
I want to take it all the time so I can go outside and not get sick from COVID.
Even though it gets you sick from COVID.
And now there's record numbers of really sick people from the sloughing, the shedding of the virus.
And that's in mainline studies.
Bill Gates and Fauci did this.
Need to go to prison for it right now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There have been basketball players and hockey players and golfers and football players, everybody, have come out, gymnasts, and said, we've been offered hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece to come out and endorse the vaccine, but secretly not tell folks we were paid.
And even low-level influencers with just a few thousand followers have been offered thousands of dollars.
People with millions of followers have been offered tens of thousands of dollars.
Some even more.
And so they've hired armies of people to come out and gaslight and say it's a great thing.
You should take the shot.
And even, it's been in the news, the federal government spent hundreds of millions targeting under 12s to have them beg for the injections.
And we now know that even outside of the emergency authorization, young people have been out there demanding it and getting it.
And I never got to this yesterday.
I said to the crew, ice cream trucks in Canada.
Yeah, we heard about it, but it was video of ice cream trucks pull up
At middle schools and elementary schools, and the children run up and they're giving them shots without parental consent.
So see if you guys can find that from yesterday.
I want to play that next segment.
I mean, you just cannot make this level of garbage up.
Now here's the news right now.
Japan recalls one point
Six three million doses of Moderna COVID vaccine due to foreign material contamination.
That article is up on Infowars.com.
It links to the Japanese.
Kyoto News reported that the nation's health ministry is suspending the use of the million plus doses of Moderna's COVID shot, saying it's full of some type of foreign contaminant.
Here's another one.
Now is the time to use Ivermectin.
Tokyo's Medical Association Chairman recommends Ivermectin to all doctors to treat COVID, says he's had great, almost 100% response, and points out in African countries where they take it prophylactically for worms, they have basically no COVID.
Wow, so they're so desperate to suppress treatments.
And we'll talk about that with Barnes, why the system wants to suppress known treatments and why it's criminal.
But first, even though it's in Japanese, let's get this video on record.
Here it is.
They just showed us all the statistics.
He says countries that don't distribute Ivermectin in Africa have a way higher death rate.
He goes on to say you should take Ivermectin prophylactically.
If COVID's running through your country, you should take it, it's totally healthy, you should do it.
All right, let's go to Robert Barnes.
I mean, Barnes, one of the biggest crimes here for me is not just that they cooked it up in the lab and released it, or sent sick people to nursing homes to get higher death rates.
Now we know another 12,000 than what the governor had said, so now it's at 30-something thousand.
New York.
But the suppression of things like ivermectin that suppresses the growing of these spike proteins, they know it, they're doing it, this is criminal.
Why are they doing this?
Oh, I mean, the goal is, I believe, ultimate governmental control of the person's body.
I mean, this is basically... I mean, for example, Obama's FDA commissioner, both of her parents were members of a society of social biology, but that was just renamed.
The original organization was the American Eugenics Society.
That was the FDA commissioner.
Both of her parents, leading eugenicists, disguised as something else.
And that was just a few years ago.
So, our current FDA Commissioner is the one who green-lit all the opioid epidemic.
So, I mean, the idea... Let's take some time.
You've got time here.
Explain that the current one gave us Oxycontin and Fentanyl.
She was the one who approved all of this.
I mean, that she's the one who pushed through massive opioids that ended up devastating large parts of Appalachia and communities that have been devastated by bad trade deals, in particular, over the last two decades, that just ravaged those communities.
She was the one who... And so people ask, why are they doing this?
They've gotten away with murder before, and they've all got a taste to kill us!
I mean, the NPR itself admitted just a few years ago that a third of all major drugs approved by the FDA had serious safety problems that were only revealed by the FDA years after the FDA had approved it.
You have over 8,000 drugs that have been recalled because of its dangerousness that the FDA just missed.
When you're hitting it that low a rate, you have an idea for how bad this agency is because it's not about protecting public health.
So let's be clear, they ban or try to ban a totally safe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or oral steroids that save people, and I've seen it happen, people that are on death's door are better today, but they'll give you Oxycontin and Fentanyl.
These people really deserve to be on death row.
Well, I mean, and you saw, I mean, they went after anybody who talked about not only those alternatives, but talked about vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, talked about silver, talked about anything that could help.
It turns out that we're now finding again and again and again these things could in fact help.
They went after those people and threatened criminal prosecution against them!
While they're rushing, I mean, this FDA approval was done in the shortest time period I know of for any major vaccine in history.
Three months!
I mean, Pfizer only applied three months ago.
And Pfizer's data was all based on pre-Delta data!
So they use pre-Delta data based on a three-month-old application to approve a novel technology that, by the way, there's been a lot of mRNA-tested vaccines in the past.
The reasons why they never succeeded is because they couldn't pass stage 3 clinical testing.
So how did the FDA resolve that?
They're just not going to do any of stage 3 clinical testing before approving it.
That's what they did.
They went and rushed into approving, knowing that's where the risk is, knowing that's where the data is, knowing that's where the problem is, knowing that's where the concern is.
And this goes all the way back to the history of the FDA.
The original founder of the predecessor agency to the FDA, to the first Food Drug and Control Act of 1906, he was the guy who had tight ties to eugenicists.
So this goes all the way back.
There's a long history of FDA's ties to people who believe in eugenics, who believe in population control.
Do you remember Bayer?
Remember Bayer knowingly with the Clintons for 10 years getting HIV, Hepatitis, blood over a million hemophiliacs, got sick and it was in the corporate documents.
They said, fine, there's too many hemophiliacs, let them die.
That's how these people think.
Just look at what's happening on social media right now.
Where you have doctors cheering not providing medical treatment to unvaccinated people.
Nurses cheering people not getting treatment.
Hospitals cutting people off of donor lists for critical organs that they need to get.
Cutting them off based on their vaccination status.
An elderly man cut off from getting an emergency surgery.
I mean, they're openly saying it at this point.
Australia is going to be putting people in separate COVID camps.
The whole goal, I mean, you saw, you were quoting Trudeau, talking, being proud about segregating people based on their status.
This is just eugenics all over again.
And they want the power of eugenics.
And that means they want the power.
This isn't just about COVID.
This is about permanently the government getting to control what goes into your own body.
Because if they control your body, they control everything.
It's their ultimate agenda.
It's the century-old Nazi eugenics agenda.
Just come back disguised in Bill Gates' face, but it's the same agenda, same goal, same idea, new form of fascism.
Barney, stay there.
I want to know how you think we fight back on the other side of some of the latest news, but I mean, man.
I thought I could even handle this all the years knowing it was coming, but watching this actually unfold, I am just so upset to now see him coming for the children with the deadly injections and the poor little things.
Nobody's standing up for him.
So many people say to me, Alex, please stop being so negative.
Well for me, admitting I've gotten a rotten tooth and going in a root canal is not negative.
It hurts, it stinks, it's got pus coming out of it.
I go to the doctor, they fix it.
That's not negative.
I'm not living in denial.
And so think of globalism as being hidden, as an infection that we didn't feel yet, but now it's come to the surface.
That's actually a positive thing.
And so, yeah, Trump did overall a great job.
They stole the election.
We can't get down about that.
We have forced them out in the open.
So now they're trying to suppress us because they know they've been exposed.
They're scared.
That's why, instead of saying, oh, we're a bunch of losers, look what happened.
No, we're a bunch of winners.
They're trying to suppress us.
Let our light of truth shine and tell everybody what's happening.
Your own website, your own show, my show, other articles, other videos.
Just keep sharing however you can and realize we're in an information war.
We're going to win this together and the fight starts at InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, I can't give out the details yet, but I should be able to soon, as soon as I get a green light.
Incredible eyewitness information from the military about what's going on in Afghanistan and the U.S.
Two suicide bombings
At the Kabul airport today.
We haven't hit that yet.
I want to get constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes's take on that because he's also smart on geopolitics.
But finishing up on the whole COVID rollout, I mean, we know and last night you and I were talking and I just thought you did a great job for just three or four minutes while we were talking for like 20 minutes.
When you laid out Gates and the globalist plan and the rollout, and then how to stop them, I just thought it was like perfectly set.
It was like a movie trailer.
And I said, don't forget that, Barnes.
Say that again tomorrow.
So can you say that again?
I mean, this goes back, when we started talking about this last March, last April, last May, said that if you wanted to know what the agenda was going forward, just look at what Bill Gates has been up to over the last decade, going back to his meeting with Rockefeller and Soros and Bloomberg and Oprah and the rest in New York, that secret meeting in 2009.
That from that meeting forward, Bill Gates started to spend a lot of money in the public health space around the world.
Became the biggest private contributor equal to the United States to the World Health Organization.
Started buying off influence, so much so that even Politico in 2017 ran a piece from whistleblowers
Saying they were concerned about how much influence Bill Gates had in the public health space.
That's how bad it was.
He basically got to the point where he completely dominated the public health space all around the world.
The only one he really didn't buy off were the suites.
Every place else, countries that would surprise people, like China, he had major influence over and major influence in.
And so he said about this agenda, his agenda going back generations, father, grandfather, mother, grandmother, have deep ties to eugenicists.
The reason why Bill Gates is close friends with Jeffrey Epstein is because of their shared interest, not in underage girls, but their shared interest in eugenics.
Which Epstein was a huge fan of, huge supporter of, huge believer in, and of course the Rockefellers.
Bill Gates' father went out and said, our goal is to emulate what the Rockefellers did.
And who were the number one champions of eugenics, including the eugenics experiments in Nazi Germany?
The Rockefeller Foundation.
So this has a long, ugly, notorious history.
Bill Gates is on record as saying the only reason he cares about vaccines is not because of public health, but because he believes it will reduce the world's population over time.
And you can argue about what he means by that, but there's no doubt that he has said so.
So now you look at, okay, where else has Bill Gates been spending money?
Where has he been investing his cash?
Because unlike almost every other foundation, the Gates Foundation is a public-private hybrid that basically invests heavily in a bunch of companies.
So it often leverages its public policy influence for its private interest.
So you dig into Bill Gates' history and look at where has the Gates Foundation been investing money, and then look at where Bill Gates has been developing or supporting patents.
And when you dig in, you start to see a very clear pattern.
This is a guy who believes in digital identification.
He's a control freak at heart.
He wants complete control over the whole society, to change how society looks, to make it look more like what he wants it to look like.
And just like the original founder of the FDA, who was all obsessed about purity.
That purity wasn't just for foods and drugs, folks.
So that same obsession, you find that he has developed digital currency systems that can be put on a chip inside your body.
Digital identification, he was the primary backer of the Indian system to create biometric and digital identification through a chip in your body.
Also is big about creating quantum tattoos, which is basically just a chip in your body that would not only have identification for vaccines, but that could release a vaccine or medicine into your chemicals into your body.
And not only could it could do so, it could do so by remote control.
And ask yourself, why would you personally need a remote control for your own chip?
Or is that somebody else who's going to be exercising that?
And remember, you and I were on
Eighteen months ago with his patents and they attacked us by name, you and I on national news saying we were crazy.
He then got on TV with his wife six months ago and said, oh, it wasn't true.
Then their divorce started.
But now they're all over TV admitting he's got chips with DARPA.
They want to put an inject in us.
So they just didn't want us to build opposition to it.
Now they're out in the open.
Yeah, I mean, all you did was track patent applications.
I remember working with your team, just let's track every patent application that has either Bill Gates' name on it or a Bill Gates-funded organization on it.
And that's how we found the quantum tattoos.
That's how we found the quantum tattoos, number one.
That's how we found the digital identification, the medical identification, the vaccine release system, the remote system, all of that.
And remember, Gates has been caught doing this, some version of this, using vaccines to experiment on populations in ways that are meant, things like involuntary sterilization.
Yeah, let's not forget, he's been banned in, last time I checked, like 34 countries.
Over and over again, Africa to Asia, he has repeated Latin America, they have caught him or his foundation doing something very problematic.
Either with the manipulation of the body through vaccines and drugs, or through manipulation of agriculture.
Because remember, this is the biggest farmland owner in America.
So how do we counter him?
Because you already filed some suits, and I know you and Bobby Kenner Jr.
on record, you had your suits ready, and now they did this weird no man's land authorization that isn't an authorization.
So we're going to recast our suit.
We're going to file it on Monday, next Monday, because we had to figure out what the FDA was really up to.
They finally issued an answer to the citizen petition that was a non-answer, but they answered it on the same day they authorized the FDA vaccine.
So they had designed a whole goal just to try to defeat our suit, because we're the only citizen petition that I know of that got any answer at all, was the Children's Health Defense petition that I was about to file suit with Bobby Kennedy on.
So we just had to go back to revisiting our suit, recrafting our suit.
Once we figured out what they're actually up to, that this is just one big scam to make it appear that people will be getting the FDA approved vaccine when they're not, according to the FDA, because it's only what's on the label that matters legally.
That's what we're going to go back into and say they should revoke all the emergency use authorizations immediately and it should be re-examined this FDA approved vaccine as well because they didn't follow the requisite safety testing mechanisms they're supposed to and they didn't answer the citizen petition in detail the way they needed to.
They did no assessment of all of this data from around the world concerning this Pfizer vaccine about whether or not it was actually effective.
You have data out of Israel saying it's dropping to 16% effectiveness.
You have information.
Israel right now has the worst outbreak.
It's one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, using the Pfizer vaccine overwhelmingly, and yet it's experiencing one of the worst outbreaks it's ever had on this.
How is that possible if the vaccine is effective?
How is that possible if the vaccine is safe?
Well, that was my next question.
It's at 39% here in the U.S., down to 20% in Israel.
Which means it's not effective.
People just haven't gotten sick yet.
In fact, it just lowers your immunity, the studies show.
So, they knew this a year and a half ago.
Gates said, oh, you'll need boosters, and started giggling and laughing.
Especially, you can tell Barnes, what's really going on here.
Well, basically, the goal is, again, permanent control.
Well, from the Bill Gates perspective, it's conditioning people to accept the government and private corporations having complete control over your body.
Because if they control your body, especially in an age where we're developing artificial intelligence, an age where we're developing chemicals and medicines that can change the neurochemistry in your brain, like SSRIs.
I mean, just listen to Michaelia Peterson or Jordan Peterson talk about how much damage SSRI drugs did to them.
So the and that their ability to get off of them through diets and an alternative health mechanism.
And this is one of the top, you know, brains in the world.
So this is a system that's designed so they can have complete control over you.
I mean, Bill Gates even laid it out how this kind of chip basically you control how much money a person.
Obviously, stay there.
We're going to learn about solutions, but I want to get it.
I wasn't clear about my question.
They could have rolled out a placebo and set the precedent for forced inoculation.
Why'd they roll out something that doesn't work that makes you so sick as the volley for their new takeover of society?
You'd think you either wanted something that worked really well or did nothing.
Why would you put such a lemon nightmare out up front?
Stay there, Barnes.
Robert Barnes, attorney at law, also smart guy, friend of mine.
He's going to come back and talk more about what I just asked and solutions.
I've got some other news.
We have a special guest from down under who's been fighting back against the tyranny.
Joining us as well.
And remember, what's happening in Australia today is coming here tomorrow.
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Jacob in Ohio.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going, Alex?
Good, bro.
Great last caller.
I just wanted to start with plugging your sleep supplement.
It's basically the only way I get sleep anymore with all the gaslighting, demoralization, and absurdity.
It's like we're living in a Twilight Zone, man.
All right, Eric in New Hampshire.
Eric, thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Go ahead.
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Tyler in Maine.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, it's great to be on with you.
Go ahead.
It's an honor.
It's an honor to talk to you.
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So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Griff on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it worked for
Pretty good.
And then, shortly thereafter, you came out with X2, you know, with a deep root source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened, you know?
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And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently,
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, Japan just recalled 1.63 million doses, saying there's some type of bizarre substance in it.
And the head of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association, very respected, said they've treated a lot of patients with ivermectin and it's had an incredible cure rate.
And he pointed out in Africa,
Where they hand it out prophylactically, where folks have worm infestations, they basically have no COVID death, and the countries that don't have high COVID death.
And I have personally had friends and family that have had COVID this year, and they were very ill until they went on ivermectin.
And within 12 hours of going on ivermectin, they went from not being able to breathe and wanting to go to the hospital, to running around the house feeling great and being 90% better.
Then they had a little bit of laryngitis and we're over it.
And we've had it happen with crew members and many others.
So I've experienced it for myself and it pisses me off at a very deep fundamental level to know that the system is suppressing this because they didn't want a bunch of drugs that were cheap and inexpensive.
Ivermectin, $10 a box.
The oral steroids, $20 a box.
Total treatment, maybe $100.
They didn't want you knowing that.
They wanted you to take their experimental shot that they know actually lowers your immunity.
Here's Jen Psaki yesterday slipping up in a bizarre Freudian slip.
Because it's one thing whenever I call Biden Obama, because he is Obama.
It's the third administration.
That's a real Freudian slip.
But it's a super Freudian slip when you call it a planned-demic.
She didn't just accidentally say that.
She knows it's a planned-demic.
Here it is.
Sure, I know we did a briefing call to provide a preview of that last night or I believe yesterday at some point in time.
I will say that the President is looking forward to welcoming
The Prime Minister, who's already in town, as you know, having a variety of meetings today.
I would expect, we expect, their conversation to be wide-ranging, to cover a range of topics of mutual interest.
Everything from COVID-19 and our efforts to address the global pandemic to regional security issues, which could include a range of topics, including security within Israel, as well as Iran and other issues of mutual concern.
And I expect we'll have a readout once the meeting concludes of anything coming out of the meeting.
Planning the global pandemic.
So, Robert Barnes, here we are two hours into the show, or an hour and 50 minutes in.
We've gone full circle, you've been on the last 50 minutes.
I began the show by saying we need to go all the way and admit it's a pandemic.
Show where Bill Gates bragged.
Show where Fauci bragged.
Show where they moved the illegal project under Obama in 2015 to Wuhan.
Show how they suppressed the treatments.
And just get our leaders, whether it's going to be DeSantis, or it looks like the Texas governor is finally getting better, or whether it's going to be President Trump, or whether it's going to be Rand Paul, or Tucker Carlson, or whoever, to strike the final blow and point out that, my God, on Klaus Schwab's Wikipedia, he says he's using this to take over the planet and end our freedom.
I mean, we have these bastards.
Barnes, give me your ideas on this and how we take action.
Yeah, I mean, there's no question what their agenda is, and you've been predicting it all year long, all the way back to the beginning, as to where this is going, what the direction is, who to follow, what to track, what the risks are, and what the fight is going to be.
And this is going to be the biggest fight on this issue.
I mean, again, we have never had in our history
A nationwide forced vaccine on the whole population.
Never happened.
We've never had a forced vaccine by employers for a novel technology for a novel virus.
Never happened.
We are mass distributing and mass administering a vaccine that has not yet received FDA approval.
At least the vaccine that's being actually used by according to its legal label.
So these are all unprecedented events and that makes them perilous events.
I was about to ask, why are they so desperate?
Why are they acting like a gun to their head to do this?
Because it's an experimental shot.
They've never violated rules like this.
You heard me before the break.
Answer this question.
Why not put out a placebo?
Why not put something out that works?
We know they've got fabulous drugs like Regeneron.
That's a, you know, 40-year-old company.
Or what?
35-year-old company.
Why won't... Why are they forcing something so horrible?
It's like you want a rebellion.
I mean, that's one interpretation.
Another interpretation is that they're wanting to cause certain effects and they're wanting to be able to establish mRNA technology in particular as the basis for this.
I mean, is it a big coincidence that the only technology, the primary technology approved in these vaccines is this novel mRNA technology that Bill Gates has been obsessed with for a better part of a decade?
And why is that?
What is that about?
What's in the mRNA technology?
The reason why prior mRNA drugs failed.
The reason why they shifted to vaccine.
Because a large portion of folks died.
The more you took it, the worse side effects you got.
And now they're craving vaccine.
And then he's like, remember him a year and a half ago?
He goes, oh, you'll need three or four.
He starts giggling because he knows that's what kills people.
And you look at it further, you're talking about a subscription, like it's going to be like a Netflix subscription service.
It's going to be every if you look at the underlying medical reasons they are giving for why it's failing.
Well, then the booster shot will also fail three or four months afterward.
Basically, it only creates antibodies for a short period of time.
And they've already got problems now with the third one.
And people are starting to wake up.
So what are they going to do on the fourth and fifth?
Or or number 25th or number 50th or number 100.
I mean, again, every time, the more people take an mRNA, historically, the worse, the more severe the side effects.
So, I mean, it's almost, and we still don't know the degree, I mean, this is a gene therapy.
That's what this is.
They've relabeled it vaccines because gene therapies developed a controversial reputation.
I agree, but you're not just a smart guy.
You have a lot of sources.
I know you do.
What's the big money on this?
What's really going on?
Well, I mean, it's Bill Gates' agenda and big drug companies that get to profit with a massive shift to big tech in terms of economic power, on top of a shift to modern monetary theory that's going to bring about digital currency that's then going to be implemented.
This is the cover for the societal collapse of their Ponzi scheme, and on this new digital passport, they'll roll out of their new global currency.
That's why they want to wreck everything.
That's the distraction that they should all go to jail for their Ponzi schemes.
You just nailed it.
That's what this really is, is the Great Reset.
And that's why, like, the whole vaccine passport, this is all set up so that there'll be, quote-unquote, failures in the system, so they have to go back and give digital passports instead.
So they had to come up with... Oh, we had fraud with paper ones, and that's why the virus kept mutating, but now there's a global authority that guarantees it.
Exactly, and that's the other thing.
Going back to your question about why this vaccine, this vaccine has the risk of enhancing the infection, of enhancing the virus, of increasing the number of people who get the virus.
This was a built-in risk.
This is why Robert Malone, the guy who helped create mRNA vaccines, said they should not be mass-published.
This is why Van Den Bosch, a huge vaccine advocate, said we should be very careful because this could actually amplify and intensify the worst possible effects
And right now, that's what we're seeing.
The places that get the most vaccination, for the most part, are seeing explosions in the virus, whereas places that have very low levels of vaccination rate are not seeing big increases in the virus.
I totally agree with you, and that's what the numbers all show.
And then you have the most leftist people that used to not trust Big Pharma demanding we all take secret shots and calling us murderers if we don't.
Yeah, it's about a mindset.
It's about pure social conformity.
They've unleashed the latent statism in the left.
You know, the left has always been split between the commie left and the civil liberties left, and the commie left has just taken over.
And these are people who believe in the state, who idolize the state, and this is the ultimate pretext and excuse for state power, is that in the name of your own health, they have to control what goes into your own body, and goes into your own kid's body, and goes into your own parents' bodies.
I know you've got to go, but hold for five more minutes.
I want to get your take on Afghanistan and plug your weekly show you're doing that's so popular.
I've got to plug something right now or we won't be here.
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We'll be right back with hour number three.
Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
We're good to go.
We're good.
We're good.
Granny do right.
Granny do right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
First of all, let me say I love your products.
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Actually, people think I'm 55 years old.
And I was already taking your other supplements, but I thought, you know, well, maybe that's what I need to do, because I just thought it was a hopeless situation.
But when I started taking it, I mean, it doesn't happen immediately, but, you know, over a period of time, I started noticing, OK, you know, this is a ticket.
This is working.
This is wonderful.
You know, I don't I don't have to put it on Dermablend anymore, you know.
So anyway, it worked wonderfully and it really has totally cleared up my skin.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Can't make this up!
At least 13 dead after a second suicide bomber attacks Afghan airport.
Multiple U.S.
soldiers injured.
Now there's reports of more attacks.
Up to 100 Afghans seeking resettlement of the U.S.
flag by terrorism.
Watchlist, though they're going to wave them in.
Canada's Women and Gender Equality Minister calls Taliban militants our brothers.
I guess she wants to top Pelosi calling MS-13 all God's children.
And we've got military sources ready to document literally thousands
And thousands of Afghans, mainly military age men, coming into the U.S.
Barnes, in the four minutes we have left, what is your take on what really happened in Afghanistan and why Biden did this?
I mean, I think a couple of things are in play here.
I think, I mean, one, of course, this, the Afghanistan was the big neocon and neoliberal experiment.
Started out as the neocon experiment and then transitioned under Obama to the neoliberal experiment.
And the whole sort of mindset, mentality, people forget Obama was all for staying in Afghanistan.
He was critical of the Iraqi war because he said we should have focused more on Afghanistan.
So that was always part of the, the goal is, hey, look at what, how great we are, our colonial empire, our global empire is, that we can go to a backwater like Afghanistan and remake them into a happy liberal image.
And this played into the left adapting
The Islamist cause as part of their own.
That's how you have people like Rashid Tlaib and Omar and the rest of them part of the left, which is just insane when you study the nature of the Taliban, the nature of Islamist fundamentalism, of Islamofascism and its political history and heritage.
It's insane that anybody that cares anything about the traditional values of liberalism would be anywhere near this group.
But part of it was to prove this is how great we are.
We are able to remake Afghanistan.
And one way he could prove that was to do this sudden withdrawal that would prove, hey, look, look at how great the military is that we left behind.
Look how great the civil institutions are.
Look, they're not just a bunch of World Bank grifters.
They're actually just a bunch of honorable, honest leaders in the liberal tradition, in the global tradition.
We can remake Afghanistan.
And this proves how great we are.
This is why the Brits were climbing a wall.
Because the sudden collapse exposed all of that as a joke, as a crock, as a bunch of nonsense, as just waste of money, a waste of power, as basically just a way to make sure the drug operations got up and running.
We shifted from Air America in Vietnam to a different version of Air America in Afghanistan.
Their number one export is opium.
Has been for a while.
And that's all we really did.
We made democracy safe for opium distribution.
Part of their motivation, I believe, was they wanted to show the world how great Afghanistan was as an expression of Obama's policies more than it was anybody else's.
Well, Barnes, I couldn't say it any better.
They really thought, because they made a deal with the Taliban, that they were going to work with them and still do the drugs with them.
I think the Taliban has completely double-crossed them now, because they realize what a joke Biden and these people are.
And so now they're just rubbing it in their face.
It really is a corrupt empire that wants to dominate gun owners and veterans and Americans, but can't run their own blue cities and, you know, can't run Afghanistan.
I think it's emblematic of the collapse.
Oh, completely.
I mean, they expected, and I guess the Taliban was going to come out and talk about climate change.
They're going to come out and talk about women's rights.
They're going to have a diverse opera.
I mean, this is ridiculous nonsense.
But I mean, this goes back to the whole Arabist influence on the CIA back to the 1940s.
Kermit Roosevelt, who was a big Arabist.
They all think they're Lawrence of Arabia.
And so because of that they have that long-standing belief.
They told Carter that Khomeini was going to be a great Democratic leader.
Very sophisticated what you just said.
They actually sit there while those Muslims lie to them and believe it.
Absolutely, because they all think they're Lawrence of Arabia at heart.
And now we get to see what that looks like.
All right, Robert Barnes, great job as usual.
Thank you so much.
All right, folks, we've got one of the top activists from Australia fighting back against martial law joining us in 60 seconds.
Oh, be sure, just Google Barnes, you'll find his radio show.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
The city of Fairfield, multicultural hub of Sydney, is sprawling with military now.
With the military in Australia, we've got troops walking around.
What are you backing for?
Senior Constable Baywoods.
Got me?
All good?
Not yet, mate.
Before, when you pulled over, alright, Norwood asked if you, before you forwards put your mask on.
I said I don't need to.
You had a medical exemption, but then you didn't speak to us any further and you drove off, mate.
I wasn't detained, was I?
Show me your exemption, please.
Was I detained?
I wasn't detaining you.
Well, I drove off because I wasn't detained.
I was asking if you had a medical exemption.
So now you're detaining me.
So now you need to show me your medical exemption, okay?
Knock yourself out.
Thank you.
They say it beat the cops at their own game.
Look at these cops.
Welcome to the police state.
I think you're playing games.
I think you're wasting police resources.
You're wasting police resources.
Mate, you're inciting.
There you go, that's how you win.
That's how you win, ladies and gentlemen.
Hey boys, I'm in the monastery.
Alright, that's Simeon Boykoff.
He joins us, Ossie Cossack, a Russian, Eastern Russian, now in the beautiful land there of what's left of Australia.
And you look at what's happening in Australia, the globalists admit they're the beta test for everything about a year behind for us.
Now it's already happening in the UK, it's already happening in Canada.
And so he joins us right now in the middle of the night.
It's very late there.
We are very early there.
So, Simeon, thank you so much for joining us.
People really like what you're doing.
We want to hear from you all over the world.
So we salute you and it's good to have you here, brother.
It's great to be on the show.
Thank you very much.
Well, tell us what's happening there in the land down under and where you see it all going.
Well look, it is very alarming.
This has never happened in Australia's history.
Australia is a very lucky country in that it's never had any war on its own territory or any major civil unrest.
And we see now that our government is hopelessly unprepared and it looks like they're following someone's instruction.
We see our Premier talking.
You know, it's easy to see when she's lying because her mouth is moving.
And the Prime Minister and the Premier, they look hopelessly, hopelessly out of their depth, out of their league.
And it's almost as though they're working to a script.
What they're doing and the lockdowns and the dictatorship that they're putting on us and the censorship and the police state, it's almost as though they're following some plan.
So it's very, very alarming.
It's very worrying.
I've been saying that all day.
Well, you hit the key.
It is a great reset.
It is a plan.
And if we don't recognize it's a foreign multinational takeover and authoritarianism, it wins.
As soon as the people realize it's an outside plan and not your government, it's game over for them.
Yes, absolutely.
I mean, the kind of laws and the kind of conditions that Australians are living under now, they're absolutely ridiculous.
You know, Australians in some places are only allowed to exercise for one hour a day, and the exercise must be strenuous.
You know, the Victorian Premier has gone on the TV to do press conferences to state that watching the sunset is now illegal.
And they're targeting minorities, they're targeting the multicultural groups, and they're targeting the people
We're religious, the Christians, the Muslims, because they know that it's those communities that will put up a resistance that will be the most problematic in conforming to their new world order.
Well, the whole world's watching.
I mean, this is true martial law.
It's riveted by it.
This is like North Korea came to your great country that I was planning to visit.
I love it.
My family goes there.
They love it.
Aussies are great people.
But obviously, if they can break you, they can break anybody.
I'm also proud of the fact you guys are very low vaccinated rate, which is one reason your leaders admit they're keeping you locked down.
So for folks that don't know, what is it really like living under a year and a half of martial law and where is it going?
It's quite surreal when there are military helicopters circling the residential areas.
We know that a lot of police...
Are actually against this.
There are some police that take pleasure in this.
And there are police that open fire on protesters using high-powered rifles with rubber bullets.
There's a lot of police intimidation, harassment, police assaults.
There are police acting unlawfully.
And the police minister in New South Wales, David Elliott, he's gone on the TV and he makes fun of his citizens by calling them halfwits and wolfheads and clowns.
And it's just that's complete disrespect to the people.
The suicide rate is extremely high.
There are more people dying from suicide than from COVID because the people have just had enough.
And more importantly, and notably historically, Australia has now forever lost the high ground, the high moral ground.
The Australian Foreign Minister, the Australian Prime Minister, do not have the right anymore, ever again, to criticize any other world leader, any other world country,
Uh, for crimes against, uh, you know, humanity or, uh, crimes against human rights and so forth.
So the next time the foreign minister goes on the record to criticize Russia, she should shut her mouth because what's happening in Australia is absolutely disgraceful.
It's un-Australian and Australia has lost the moral high ground.
Tell us about yourself.
You're a really interesting guy.
We see all these amazing other wonderful people fighting back.
It's just beautiful to see all these groups together too.
Very, very, very diverse groups are pissed off and angry and really starting to fight back.
Look, there is one really beautiful thing that's coming out of this crisis in Australia and that's the unity of the Australian people.
And we're a very multicultural country.
We've got all sorts of different nationalities and religions that live in Australia.
And it's amazing to see how all the people are coming together.
Against the police intimidation, against the government oppression.
And I've never seen, for example, the Serbian community and the Croatian community in Australia be so friendly towards each other.
And the Turkish community and the Greek community, you know, historical, you could say, you know, enemies for hundreds of years.
But in Australia, all of these groups and communities are coming together.
Veterans groups, you know, construction industry, truck drivers.
And then, you know, I'd like to take the opportunity to say that 31st of August, our truck drivers are
Going on strike throughout the whole country and Australia, you know without struck without trucks.
Sorry, Australia stops So that's a very key date to keep an eye.
It's just like the US a big country a lot of small towns You gotta have drugs and that's very exciting.
So it seems like their attempt to dominate you is actually awoke in the sleeping giant Yes, absolutely.
That's something that I
Australians are very laid back usually.
They'd much rather have a shrimp on the barbie and have a beer and relax on the couch than go to a protest and become activists.
But now you see the everyday Aussie, they're being drafted into this civilian defence movement, this resistance movement.
And it's not only about people who are not vaccinated, it's even those who are vaccinated.
Because many of those who are vaccinated, they were forced into it.
They were forced into it because they would lose their jobs, they would lose their livelihood.
And even though the Honorable Prime Minister Scott Morrison promised there would be no mandatory vaccinations, that's a lie.
Because they're doing everything they can to dangle the carrot in front of the donkey, to force people, to trick people, to coerce people, to blackmail people into taking vaccinations.
I was about to say, Scott Morrison seems like a good conservative against China, against carbon taxes, but then he lets the premiers run roughshod.
Is he playing good cop right now or bad cop?
Well, Scott Morrison, he is delusional.
He goes on the TV to talk about how it's so important to defend freedom in Afghanistan and how freedom is worth fighting for, and he's sending troops to Afghanistan again, back, whereas the Australians are thinking, well, what about defending Aussie freedom?
What about defending the freedom of true blue Aussies, you know, in Sydney and Melbourne?
He'd be a hero if he was stopping these premieres, but he's not.
It would be.
I have to say that in the last sort of seven days, because of all the pressure and because of all the, you know, courageous good Australian citizens who are finally waking up, getting up off their knees, we are noticing, we are witnessing that they are starting to, you know, buckle.
And, you know, it wouldn't be a surprise.
Simeon Boycott, stay there.
I meant to go first.
I noticed as soon as you had those giant demonstrations this weekend, suddenly your Prime Minister said, whoa, we need to stop the lockdowns.
So let's come back in a few minutes and talk about standing up gives you freedom, laying down gives you slavery.
Submission is death.
Resistance is victory.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Grip on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it worked pretty
We're good.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
Beautifully said, brother.
Gerald in South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Trying to move quicker.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at, brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, Scott Morrison's like a Donald Trump type.
He's got a lot of good rhetoric, but he's going along with the system.
And so, yeah, he's a lot better than the actual Qaikom globalist minions they've got in a lot of their territories or provinces.
But he's been going along with it.
But I did see him after this weekend and the incredible events in Australia, all around the coast, where most of the population is just like us, that he started saying, whoa, you got to learn to live with the virus.
Well, plus, once you take the vaccine, it creates a lot of false positives for supposedly having it.
I mean, it's just, it's untenable, it's impossible, it's ridiculous.
And I look at the police in Australia, and I watch this behavior.
If the cops acted like this on a mass scale in the US, the country would burn coast to coast.
I mean, this is just incredible.
I don't hate police for hating police.
I hate corrupt governments, but a corrupt government, the police become where the rubber meets the road.
They become the implement of that corrupt government.
So I'm really concerned about this.
We have Simeon Boykoff.
From Australia, joining us.
We really appreciate him coming on.
You haven't talked much about yourself.
Spend a few minutes telling us about yourself and then let's get back into where Australia is and where the rest of the world is and where we expect this fight to go.
Because if we can free Australia, I think we can free the rest of the world.
I someday, I've been invited there so much to speak, never had the time to do it.
But I swear, next time it's open and there's not quarantine FEMA camps being built and I want to see Australia freed again so we can go there and drink a beer together, brother.
Alex and thank you very much to InfoWars for allowing Australia to have a voice.
By giving us air time, we're breaking the censorship blockade.
The mainstream media are blocking and censoring any criticism of the government.
Aussies are trying to speak out.
They're getting shut down on social media and Facebook and YouTube and so on.
So thank you for that.
In regards to myself, I was born in Australia and I'm the great-grandson of white Russian emigres who left
The Russian Empire.
They were fighting against the Communists.
They were fighting on the Tsar's side, the Russian Tsar.
And they were the Cossacks.
The Cossacks from the Zaboykal region, which is in Siberia.
So there's a big Cossack community in Australia.
And of course, being a Cossack, you know, we will always, just as our great-grandfathers did, we'll fight for our freedom.
Beautifully said, and you talk about the blockade of information.
For those that don't know, we've seen the videos.
They arrest people that organize demonstrations or even criticize and give them long prison sentences.
I mean, this is, like I said, North Korean, Nazi-level stuff.
So talk about the blockade that Australia is under, and how they need people around the world to take what Aussies are able to say and do and amplify it outside.
The whole world needs to stand with Australia right now.
There's been a lot of talk that Australia, because of the fact that it's so laid back and the people are so placid, they're unarmed, they don't have weapons and high-powered weapons, it's an easy target and it's a great place to do an experiment.
So this could be a big experiment to see how far people can be pushed.
That's why anyone who's considered a ringleader or a protest leader or anyone who speaks out on the media, anyone who pulls up a radio station and tries to speak out against the government in any capacity is shut down.
Now, protest organisers are arrested even before protests occur.
It's like a conspiracy to commit protest against the government.
And it goes against everything that this country stood for.
And this is a historical low in the history of Australia.
We see the Eureka flag being brought back.
The Eureka flag is a flag that the Australian miners in the 1800s used when they had a rebellion against the government.
There's a lot of anti-government sentiment now.
There's huge anti-police sentiment.
And people are unifying amongst each other.
I think in the next election, if we have an election, I mean, going at this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if elections are banned.
But if elections are allowed, the major parties will lose.
Definitely will lose.
And we'll see a rise in independent parties and minor parties.
How do they get the police to go to a woman's house who's protesting online and say, we've all seen the video, you're being arrested for organizing a protest.
I mean, that's what the West is about.
But I guess in Australia they passed a law outlawing protest a few years ago and people thought, oh, it'll be okay, but it's not.
Yes, it's very alarming.
There's a video where a pregnant woman was arrested in her home and police stormed in and arrested her even though she was pregnant and she wasn't at a protest.
She was just talking about maybe we should protest.
So Australia at the moment, the Australian people are looking at Afghanistan people and thinking, well, maybe I should move there.
It looks like people in other countries have a lot more freedom than Australia.
And in fact, people in Australian prisons
are allowed to have four hours of exercise a day.
Now people who are not in prison in Australia can only have one hour of exercise.
And it's absolutely outrageous.
Let's expand on that.
I mean I could air hours of footage of police running people over with cars, running them over with horses, stomping their heads into concrete.
I mean, they got a lot of will, because, I mean, in America, the cop did that for no reason, people are going to come after him later.
There's just, like, where is the hate of the Aussie people by the police?
Like, why would you run over people?
Why would you stomp their head into concrete?
Why are the police like this there?
Well, in my opinion, the police are motivated by fear.
They fear the people, and they are fighting the people using fear and intimidation tactics.
Now, instead of sending social workers and people to help those communities who are affected by the lockdowns, they're sending police and army.
And they're driven by fear, and they're in fear of the people.
Don't they see it's starting a war?
It's not intimidating people.
It's like you said, it's getting them off the couch.
The thing is, after September 11, Australia, just like many other Western countries, increased its anti-counter-terrorism budgets and its intelligence budgets to unprecedented levels.
They were given billions of dollars all of a sudden.
Now, of course, there are no terrorists in Australia.
And what we see now is all of these resources, all of this funding, all of these new powers and unprecedented police powers that were given under the pretext of fighting against terrorists,
All of these powers, resources and funding are now being used against ordinary Aussie citizens, against ordinary Australians, against mums and dads, against construction workers, against people who are just on the brink of suicide.
The people are protesting, not because they want to protest, it's because they're crying out for help.
And instead of helping them, instead of talking, mediating with them and trying to mitigate the circumstances, the government, you know, they're sending police, they're shooting people with rubber bullets, pepper spraying them, choking them, detaining them.
And this is just what we see on video.
Now, imagine how many times this has happened where the people haven't been as fortunate to get this on video.
It's very alarming.
I totally agree, but don't you see what I'm saying?
As you said earlier, doesn't the power structure know that the people weren't intimidated?
They were on the couch.
This attack is summoning them now, and I think they're starting to figure out now that, like I said, the sleeping giant is rising.
Yes, you could definitely say that, that there is a huge anti-government sentiment all around the country.
And people that would never ever think of criticising police in normal, peaceful times, are suddenly in a position where they're speaking up and they're speaking out, they're rising up and they're rising to defend their rights.
Because we all know that if we don't do something now, history will judge all of us.
And we want to end up on the right side of history.
Now, I personally am convinced that the people now who are fighting for freedom, even though they're copping pepper spray, even though they're being threatened and intimidated by police and being sent to jail, that the time will come when these people will be remembered as Australian heroes.
They'll be the liberators.
They'll be the liberators.
Simeon Boykoff.
Stay right there.
I'll be right back, my friend.
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Beautifully said, brother.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, our guest is with us for the rest of the hour, because you don't understand, I don't understand, we're not living through it, how incredibly controlled and censored Australian news is.
When we open the phones up from Australia, they just load up, even though we're on 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, that's the middle of the night over there, the opposite time basically, you know, 3, 4, 5 in the morning, and they just say, listen, we can't get any information.
Well, that's what's coming here.
And then after he leaves us, I'll host some of the next hour.
Unbelievably huge news is breaking right now on InfoWars.com.
The Japanese government came out.
You saw the headlines that they suspended the Moderna shot.
Well, the Japanese government has now spoken.
Here's the article right here.
It's magnetized substances.
That's the Japanese government.
And you've got the head of the Tokyo Medical Association saying ivermectin has basically cured everybody.
Then he shows African countries where they hand it out to stop worms.
No deaths, basically.
Massive deaths in African countries that don't.
Think about that.
They're trying to suppress that information.
So they're not going to stop the truth coming out.
This is such a huge moment to be alive.
Okay, so I've been asked a lot of questions of
Our guest here, Simeon Boykoff, who again was born in Australia, I guess grandparents or great-grandparents fled, white Russians, which meant
Pro-Russia, pro-Tsarist.
When the takeover happened there in Australia, I know there's a lot of communities that have fled there, and he was saying it's unifying the people.
So I can ask a lot of questions, I can say a lot of things, but you're the man in the arena and what you're witnessing.
What else do you want us to know about our future?
Because you're basically in the future.
You're a year or two ahead of us.
You said it earlier, it's a UN program, it's a globalist operation.
Let me ask this question and you'll have the floor.
Why do you think, with a supposedly good Prime Minister, why do you think you guys have become the beta test, other than maybe Spain or Germany, but even more than them, is because you're an island, folks can't escape?
Why were you chosen as the beta test and how do they get control of your government?
So I think that in response to your question, Australia
Australia is a very laid back country in terms of its citizens not putting up a struggle, not putting up a fight.
There's a saying in Australia, she'll be right.
And she'll be right is basically slang for, you know, it's all good.
We're not going to put up a fight, you can say.
And that's the she'll be right attitude is obviously, you know, that's a key component of being an Aussie.
But now they're using that.
They're targeting our, you know, that's a weakness really.
We never expected as Aussie people to be coerced and tricked and attacked by our own government.
So a lot of Aussies, they've trusted their government and this is what's happened.
Now what's most concerning is the government is giving itself powers, police powers.
There is no parliamentary process.
Parliament's closed.
The police
I think so.
I think?
Yes, we see the absolute annihilation of all small business.
The only shops that are allowed to stay open, the huge supermarket chains, the huge, you know, it's like coming to a warehouse to buy things, you know.
I don't want to give anyone any extra advertising, that's why I'm not going to mention any names, but I think your listeners and your viewers know what I'm talking about.
Yeah, only Walmart, only Target, only the superstores stay open, everything else is shut down.
They're killing off all small business.
They're giving small business some peanuts just to make sure they don't revolt.
The government's handing out money.
But the way the Australian government is handing out money at the moment, it's almost as though they know that in a few years the money's not going to mean anything or they don't intend to pay it back.
They're paying people $750 a week to just stay home and do nothing.
And this is, you know, quite a lot of money.
People at the moment, a lot of them are, you know... Remember, the mega banks have quadrillions.
They stole all this money, so they want to train us to, again, to become vestigial.
Yes, they're training us to become weak.
And of course, by limiting people from having physical exercise, by limiting people visiting friends and family and communicating with each other, they're actually weakening people's immune systems, they're weakening people's mental health.
So what's important to know here, COVID hasn't actually hit Australia yet.
We've got isolated cases.
There are some regions and towns where there's no COVID, but there's lockdown.
Tweed Heads, no COVID, there's lockdown.
Cairns, one case, lockdown.
New Zealand, our neighbours, one case, they send the whole country into lockdown.
So COVID hasn't hit.
Now when COVID hits,
That's when it's going to get very interesting.
Now, by that stage, obviously, the people will be so weak and that the government intends to weaken us.
But in fact, quite the opposite is happening.
The people are awakening.
The people are rising up.
There are actually government employees.
Police are walking off the job.
Firemen, firefighters are actually joining protests.
There are army and defence personnel who have already said they will refuse to shoot at their own people.
They will refuse to comply with orders.
That's good to hear.
When I say Nuremberg 2, I mean we're going to bring everybody to account.
If we manage to win, if the people manage to take back their rights, take back Australia, stand up for themselves, we're going to hold everyone accountable.
We're going to hold Health Minister of New South Wales Brad Hazard to account.
We're going to hold Police Minister David Elliott to account.
We're going to hold everyone to account that was involved in the intimidation and harassment of Australian citizens.
And all the people
The thousands and thousands that have committed suicide, their blood is on the State Minister's hands.
They were driven to suicide.
In fact, it's actually a crime to drive somebody to suicide and the Government is guilty of that.
And my heart goes out to all the families who have suffered and the mental health factor.
The real pandemic is the fear, the mental health and the intimidation.
COVID actually hasn't hit yet.
When we get to 80% vaccination, they're going to open everything up.
And the people, the 20% who refuse,
They're going to be vilified.
The government's going to say, it's the unvaccinated's fault.
Mark my words, I'll be happy to come back on your show in a few months when this occurs, but I guarantee that it will be a witch hunt against those who are unvaccinated, and they'll be blamed for the spread of COVID.
I totally agree.
They've been saying on the news, some of the premiers, oh, those of you in the suburbs think you're safe, we're going to come test you and grab you.
I mean, they've been saying that.
Yes, yes, indeed.
There'll be a, my prediction is, the way things are going here, there'll be a campaign of a witch hunt.
So once COVID hits, and of course, the vaccines don't prevent COVID.
And the government lies to the people by saying, get the vaccine, because you'll be safe from COVID.
Oh they don't!
I mean the majority of people, I have the articles right here, have taken the shot.
The majority of people that are sick have taken it.
Yes, yes.
So the Australian government in its controlled media, in the mainstream media, spins these lies and spins a lie to the people saying get the vaccine, it'll protect you from COVID.
Well, of course, it's not true.
The people who are vaccinated are still going to get COVID.
And COVID is going to spread all around Australia, just like it has all around the world once we open up.
But once we open up, of course, the unvaccinated, they're going to be blamed.
They're going to be blamed.
They're going to be hunted down.
They're going to go from house to house.
There's already talk of military being used to enforce not only compliance, but
Also, to run the vaccination program.
And again, for listeners that are self-centered, and I know you're not, but I still get the comments like, why do we care about Australia?
Because it's the model for us, just like Canada.
They admit what they're doing there is a test, and they've said they want to bring that here.
Just like they're building emergency FEMA camps there, they're building them here, it's now admitted, we'll talk about it when we come back, we've got to stop it.
We've got to free Australia.
Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
But the big corporations for a hundred years have told us that humans are bad and evil and a pestilence on the earth so that we begin to believe we're bad and we'll turn off our life force and let the eugenics-based globalists take control of the planet.
If you go to Klaus Schwab, the head of the Daedalus Group's own Wikipedia page, he brags on there about how they're
We're good.
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Let's go back in time, say to the mid-1990s.
And then imagine a science fiction movie set in the year 2020.
Where a world government's being established, where members of Congress and former presidents are censored by big tech, and where if you don't take an experimental injection that grows blood clots and prions all over your body, then you're not allowed to fly on an airplane.
Think about that, because that's where we are.
Imagine just 20, 30 years ago, hell, just 5 years ago, if somebody told you this would be happening.
But it is happening now.
And then they tell you, oh sorry, it's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, and it doesn't really work, so you gotta take it every few months.
And the people that have submitted say, great!
I want to take it all the time so I can go outside and not get sick from COVID.
Even though it gets you sick from COVID.
And now there's record numbers of really sick people from the sloughing, the shedding of the virus.
And that's in mainline studies.
Bill Gates and Fauci did this.
Need to go to prison for it right now.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, we have a special guest host next hour, but I'm going to take 15 minutes now.
I was just sent exclusive footage of U.S.
forces outside of Biden's command saving 400 U.S.
We have the exclusive footage.
We also have people exclusively on the ground at two bases where Afghans are being disgorged off of aircraft without anybody knowing.
I've got to make phone calls during the next break to see if we can even show you this footage, but this is all exclusive.
And then we've got the bad news.
At least a fourth bomb now has gone off.
11 Marines killed by ISIS bomb attacks at Kabul Airport.
We're going to be covering all that at the start.
Now it's 12.
The death number is going up.
So ISIS and Al Qaeda striking because the incredible weakness of Joe Biden signing a peace deal with them should have just pulled out, not counted that they would not use that intelligence to attack.
Wow, what a time to be alive.
We have Simeon Boykoff, who is just a citizen and an activist witnessing the fall of Australia under the COVID lockdown.
As he said, there's not really COVID cases there.
My God, wait till they actually get there.
It's definitely real, but lockdowns don't save people.
Ossie Kozak is our guest.
Really great to have you.
Again, we're all Ossies today because tomorrow we're going to be under the same system.
Other points you'd like to add or points you'd like to cover?
Yeah, thank you.
Look, the support from the international community for the Australian people is really appreciated.
Our friends and our allies in the Commonwealth and in America and in Europe and all around the world who are standing with the Australian people speaking out.
It's very important you guys do that and ramp the pressure up if you can.
I'm sending a Mayday call, an SOS call.
Ramp the pressure up.
The Australian people are under attack.
The Australian people are suffering under a dictatorship.
We have to call, we have to name it a dictatorship.
Enough's enough.
You know, calling a spade a spade.
Now, what the Australian Government is doing is, if you had a checklist to tick all the boxes.
Police powers?
Police state?
Banning protests?
Harassing citizens?
Arresting citizens?
Using force against citizens?
Using military against citizens?
So they've ticked all the check boxes.
Now, if the Foreign Minister of Australia, Maurice Payne, is watching this transmission
The Honourable Foreign Minister, you have lost all rights for the future to criticise any other country on behalf of Australia for human rights abuse.
The activities of the Australian Government have actually now stopped the Australian Government from ever, ever speaking up.
May the Australian Government hang its head in shame and never again criticise other governments around the world for human rights abuses.
Australia has lost
The high moral ground.
And until we get a new government in, until we have elections, and until normal Aussies, Aussie patriots come to power, Australian patriots, you know, under the Australian flag, under the Eureka flag, Australia is not in a position anymore, as it was before, it's not in a position to criticise other nations.
And Australia was always the first to point the finger
Point the finger at other countries around the world and call out human rights abuses and most notably, you know, my historical homeland, Russia.
You know, Australia was putting sanctions against Putin and Russia and so forth.
Well, look at what Australia is doing now itself.
Australia should never, ever, ever criticize any other country, should never send troops to any other country under the guise of enforcing democracy.
We have lost the moral high ground.
But that's okay, because it's a globalist coup against you.
You will regain your country and regain your former glory, just like we will.
We're all in this together.
This is a global... Spend a few minutes on your own research, Simeon Boykoff, on who the globalists are, what they're doing, because Rand Paul's a great senator.
He's like, oh, it's a takeover, oh, it's evil, oh, it's bureaucrats.
Who's commanding them?
Who cooked up the plan?
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the New World Order.
Yes, certainly we see that in the Australian political system.
The Liberal and Labour Party, who are the two major parties who hold roughly about 80% of the votes, they have been compliant and complacent.
The majority of the Senators and the MPs, Members of Parliament, have been silent and they've sold out their people.
Now, all of the smaller parties, we've got parties like, you know, Clive Palmer, Rod Cullen, Liberal Democratic Party, we've got Pauline Hanson.
All these smaller, minor parties and micro-parties, in fact, are actually going to see a surge in support and a surge in
The Australian political landscape will certainly change.
The Aussies are rising up.
They are getting off the couch.
Australians have been pushed to wit's end.
They're facing the question of either we win or we lose.
Now if we lose, the whole world will lose because Australia is just the first.
It's like an experiment.
The Australian people who are now protesting, they're doing this not only for Australia, they're doing this for the people of the United States, for the people of the United Kingdom, the people of Europe.
Because Australia is an experiment.
There's not one Western country, not one democratic country, which has
Such tough dictatorship rules.
I totally agree.
I mean, look at your bureaucrats and don't look at the sunset and don't talk to your neighbors.
I mean, where did they find this scum?
Where did they find people like this?
Obviously, this is destined to fail, but because people were asleep, this elicited this attack, and now I think Australia will be better for this in the end, once people rediscover their liberty and realize that freedom isn't free.
Let's not underestimate the role of China in all of this, because although I can't confirm anything,
But a lot of everyday Aussies are very suspicious of China's role.
Now the Australian military is being used against its own people.
The Australian military is very small.
It's only got about 49,000 active personnel.
Now out of that 49,000, if you tie down our troops enforcing martial law, it opens up Australia
Well, it turns the people against their government, which is what the globalists want.
Klaus Schwab says we want to get rid of nation states.
We want governments to do things that make them unpopular, so they love world government.
It's like the UN calls out against lockdowns.
They're the ones that instituted lockdowns.
So exactly, they're having your government do things to make themselves unpopular, and your government, just like ours, is so stupid, they're following it.
It's these people, but they got hired as politicians because they follow orders, not because they are smart.
All right?
Simeon Boykoff, we really appreciate you give us updates.
Patreon.com Aussie Cossack.
YouTube Aussie Cossack.
We love you brother.
Thank you so much for the time.
We appreciate you.
Thanks very much and my regards to all of our friends all over the world.
And you know, well done for having this channel.
You're a voice for the Australian people.
And by us broadcasting this information and having this transmission, we're running the information blockade.
And thank you very much to all of your listeners and followers.
All the best and God bless.
God bless you.
Yeah, I've been sued by the Democrats quite a bit.
They want to figure out how we operate and shut us down.
And they'll ask, why didn't you pay for shortwave and satellite into Africa and Europe?
You're not selling products there.
We want minds.
We want freedom.
An Australian brain is just as important as a Texas brain.
A Nigerian brain is just as important as a New Jersey brain.
A Mexican brain is just as important as a Canadian brain.
A German brain is as important as a Russian brain or a Japanese brain.
They all got souls, they're all people.
We care about people and freedom and God.
We don't care about products.
Products and wealth and it all flows from freedom.
That's a side product.
I got insane news, man, of how the routing of the U.S., by design by the globalists, bombing the airport to make us run off in fear is happening, a bunch of dead Marines.
An exclusive footage of our military saving people despite the fact they weren't supposed to.
I was sent this exclusive footage.
We're going to start that next hour.
But listen, we won't be here in a year if we don't get extra funds in.
I can keep operating for a year, probably, right now.
But there's a lot of extra things cooked into that.
I need support now.
So it's simple.
Take action.
Get a book, get a film, get a t-shirt.
We're already a supplement buyer.
That's great.
Buy Restorable Foods with us.
We got the best prices and high quality food ready to ship right now.
Get a water filter.
Get an air filter.
Whatever you do, go to InfoWarStore.com today.
Vita Mineral Fusion has been sold out for months.
It's great for your immune system.
It's back in stock.
We have a lot of other great products as well, like Pollen Block.
I don't
Tap out right now because I've already done a lot.
But we all know I'm not going away, folks.
I just need your help right now.
You need my help.
Flood me with money right now.
Energize me.
You know I will never betray you.
The purpose of fear is to call us into action, and there is plenty to be afraid of today.
Half the population has lined up for an untested, deadly, and debilitating experimental injection because they were told to be afraid of an invisible asymptomatic disease.
The perpetrators of all this have clearly stated their goal of having 80% of the population hooked up to an artificial intelligence hive mind in less than nine years.
For those of us who have awoken from the spell, we know this is all really happening, and it's unbelievably unsettling to see.
But there is only two things to do.
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The best product.
I'm not supposed to be biased, but I'm gonna tell you all now, if you haven't tried TurboForce, you need to try it.
I've tried TurboForce with everything.
Sometimes, you know, I went a little bit crazy.
I put TurboForce in my coffee.
That was a crazy week.
I don't remember sleeping, but... As far as the products go, TurboForce is my favorite, and all the Infowars products are down to taking control of your life, taking control of your health, and not relying on other people to do it for you.
Nobody wakes up in the morning...
I don't
I want to take control of my life.
I want to take control of my health.
And that's why you need to go to Infowars.com and take control of your health right now and support the resistance.
Don't buy into the groupthink.
Don't drink the Kool-Aid.
Drink the TurboForce.
Kool-Aid's bad and the TurboForce is good.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So whether you live in continental Europe or Latin America or the United States or in the UK and Ireland, they're coming to act like you're a devil
And that any cold virus makes you a prisoner and makes you a suspect.
That's how the system makes you the enemy.
This footage came out a week ago.
We never aired it because there's so much cussing.
But we have cut the cussing out.
This is the people in their little suits, their little outfits.
Oh, they don't care when their borders are wide open and Zodiac boats are landing daily by the hundreds in Ireland of illegal aliens from the Middle East.
They don't search them or freak out with riot gear.
But oh, when somebody might have COVID and didn't tell the police, then they come and raid them.
Here's the footage.
Get off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f*** off him!
Get the f
Nobody's touching me!
We're not touching you!
We're not touching you!
You're not... Nobody's touching you!
Let me pass.
Let me pass.
She's squealing.
Who's squealing?
Daniel, you're alright.
It's alright.
Daniel, it's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
No, really!
Leave him!
Let her f***ing pass!
So this is the pretext and the excuse to come in their goon outfits, to come in their little medical outfits and then drag people off.
This is the UN program.
This is how they get their world government.
This is how they do it.
And you have to understand, the system is parasitic and it wants control.
All right, look, we're going to come back.
We've got 11 Marines and a Navy medic that are dead.
A big bomb's gone off in Kabul.
We don't have Owen Schroyer here to host today.
He's got a guest host.
Because Owen's in federal court right now.
They're trying to put him in prison for peacefully being at the Capitol and covering what happened.
And now they want to arrest my wife.
That's on the news.
That's okay.
What do you expect to happen to people fighting this?
We expected this.
We just wanted you to know, though, this is a real war.
We're not here playing patty cake with these people.
Because as Trump used to say, and he's dead right, it's not me they want to get, it's you they want to get, they just got to go through me.
And it really is true folks, they got to go through me.
I'm not a parasite, I'm not a pedophile, I'm not a devil worshipper, and I'm not somebody that sits around wanting to join the globalists.
And so I've expected this a long time.
Now, I didn't think when I started out 27, 28 years ago, that we'd be this prominent in the fight.
I didn't know we'd be right at the center of the resistance, but that's even better.
That's gravy, ain't it?
Because I can sit there now, think back on my ancestors that were some pretty cool people, both men and women, who I look back in the history books on and thought, man, that's crazy.
Those were some really good people.
And now,
I can see all the good they created for us and me, and I can create the next good future for the people before us, and the people during us, and the people after us.
And it's just a real blessing to be alive right now in this time.
But it also scares the hell out of me.
Because I fear God and I can't believe there's enough people on this planet that would go against God and go against justice and go against common sense and screw their fellow humans over like this.
Because I'm not scared of George Soros or Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton.
In fact, let's show that photo I talked about and come back to them at the beach a few days ago.
I would be scared of God and to be committing these type of crimes.
All right, we've got some exclusive footage I was sent of U.S.
forces as they were about to save hundreds of American citizens.
This is exclusive footage nobody else has got.
And we got a bunch of other exclusive stuff I'm not allowed to release yet.
It's coming very, very soon.
So it's all coming up today.
On the other side of this break, we have a special guest host.
I'm not funded by George Soros, I'm not funded by the Democratic Party, I'm funded by you.
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So the plan would be after having the United States build up Afghanistan, put over $2 trillion into it, to hand it to Communist China, the opium, the rare earth minerals, the tens of trillions of dollars of value, and then have the United States humiliated on its way out by setting Biden up and saying, oh, there's a deal, and then having the Taliban break the deal and then suicide bomb and kill 11 Marines, a Navy medic,
And others so that with five days left to pull out on the 31st, four to five days, we can be further humiliated.
No borders, no walls, no USA at all.
Terror at Kabul airport.
Suicide bomb hits crowd.
Second blast rocks hotel.
11 Marines about to get killed.
Casualties count unclear.
ISIS claims responsibility.
The same ISIS that Obama released in the Arab Spring against Libya and against Egypt and against Syria.
The proxy army doing it again.
Obama controlling it like Fast and Furious.
Shipping guns from Mexico to Syria and the Middle East.
And now to discredit his own puppet Biden and prepare Kamala to come in.
They've done this as the coup against Biden.
As much as I hate Biden, I'm not dumb enough to just buy into hating him.
He was put there because he was a puppet.
And here is footage of the suicide bombing.
The Islamists is blowing up their own people in a sewer channel, trying to get on to the airplane.
Now, I was sent exclusive footage, and I have a lot of other exclusive stuff, but I've not been asked not to show this yet.
Thousands of Islamists out of Afghanistan, mostly military age men, being thrown into secretive bases in the United States.
Why would you bring in people with no vetting?
Well, so they can stage more terror.
Last night,
Some U.S.
contractors conducted an operation to recover U.S.
citizens and allies in Kabul.
They recovered 400, mostly women and children, and the 82nd Airborne 1st Brigade Commander, Kleissner, kicked them out because he was unhappy with how it went down.
His position and his Chief's, Joint Chief's position is that the
State Op and the Ambassador Ross Wilson ordered it.
This was hours before bombs started going off.
Here is the video.
This is exclusive video of right as the U.S.
military was actually saving U.S.
citizens and others, and then they were refused on the tarmac and bombs followed.
Here's the exclusive footage.
That's only a little bit of what we got.
We're not authorized to give you the rest yet because they want more to be able to get out.
We don't want to have the location known, but we've got multiple sources sending us information.
So at least 11 people killed in an explosion outside Kabul Airport.
11 Marines, 1
Navy, medic, and that's where this country and where this world is right now.
And obviously, I don't like Joe Biden.
I can't stand him.
But Obama is behind this with his sick, evil controllers.
And they, in the mainstream media, are discrediting Biden.
Doesn't mean I don't want to get rid of Biden.
Doesn't mean I support him.
I'm saying we see the setup.
There's Gateway Pundit.
At least 60 dead now.
150 wounded in Kabul after horrific suicide bombings.
Majority injured in critical condition.
The latest numbers coming out, we'll cover it all live here today, right through this hour, into the War Room today, 3 p.m.
Owen's not here.
Owen has been arrested.
Owen has been indicted for peacefully standing at the Capitol trying to stop the violence.
You've seen the government enemies list that's been issued.
Bob Pelosi says she wants all my records.
She wants me indicted.
They want my wife indicted.
It's all over the news because they're making their move against America.
Pray for us.
Pelosi's January 6th committee requests communications between Trump White House officials and top conservatives, including reporter Jack Posobiec, Scott Pressler, Alex Jones, Brandi Strzoka,
And many, many others.
What do they think we were doing?
We had a demonstration at the Ellipse to call for a 10-day investigation of the Senate.
We didn't want to attack the Capitol.
We wanted a 10-day investigation.
And everybody knows that.
We're not the ones that burn down cities.
We're not the ones that call for violence.
But it doesn't matter because they want to continue to name us as the enemy.
But seriously, ladies and gentlemen, before I hand the baton over, the next guest host is an amazing lady.
Kate Dolly today.
I'm just going to leave this again for you because we have products you need.
And we have products that we need to sell to stay on air, and you can see we're not in normal times.
And I've gotten to the point where I have to buy products out in the future, not even knowing if we're going to still be here, and there's supply chain problems.
So we finally got a bunch of products back into stock, and I want to get a war chest of a couple million dollars.
That sounds like a lot.
It's not.
With our bills, that would be like a month's funding.
Because I've got a bunch of really important projects and things I can launch, but I have no extra money.
We're maxed out right now.
So I need you to go to Infowarshore.com and get a historic shirt.
A Save the Frog shirt.
Or the new Don't Tread on Me shirt.
Or the Arrest Fauci shirt.
Or the Arrest Bill Gates shirt.
Or any of these.
Or the classic Mass Murders Agree gun control shirt.
Who doesn't want an Infowars shirt?
A piece of real history.
Get it.
Buy a few as gifts.
And while you're at it, get Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 33% off, with all the vitamins, all the minerals, everything you need for your immune system.
And to get all the other products that are there as well.
I would not wait.
Get the women's gold foil Molon Labe shirt.
God, that's a good looking shirt.
Click on Liam McAdoo right there.
My wife wore that shirt the other day, it was amazing.
Go back up, guys.
Scroll up right there.
It's at Leanne McAdoo.
That's like a 10-year-old shirt now.
I love that.
My wife wore that the other day.
I was like, my God, that's an awesome shirt.
They've got a men's shirt.
Yeah, click on the women's shirt.
And they got the women's shirt.
The gold foil looks amazing.
Moe and Lombe.
Made in America.
That's what funds our operation.
I want the energy to fight and it's you.
Videos go viral when you share them.
Articles go viral when you share them.
We win when you get excited, when you take action.
And when you decide to go to infowarestore.com and get the media is the virus shirt, or get the living defense to flush out your gut, or the toothpaste, the concentrated
Charcoal, activated charcoal toothpaste, or the Pollen Block, or the X2.
That's what makes the whole thing possible.
So again, I want to fight harder than ever.
There it is, Women's Gold Foil Moulin Labe.
A lot of our shirts are okay.
I designed them, so most of them aren't that good.
The messages are great, but that shirt, that Women's Gold Foil Moulin Labe,
It's only got 20 reviews, 95% review, 4.6 stars.
But man, that is a fantastic shirt.
We've got them in stock right now.
I think every woman should have one.
And it funds the InfoWars.
So get your Women's Gold Foil Poe Anlabe shirt today.
Get your Living Defense.
Get your X2.
Get your Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
Get your Polyblock.
Get it all at InfoWarsStore.com so that we can be strong
And stay on air into the future with them trying to shut us down.
We can't do it without you.
But financially supporting us is one part of the equation.
Pray for us and spread the word.
Tell everybody about the guest host who's about to take over the next 45 minutes.
She's a firecracker, a flamethrower, and she's ready to go.
And then I've got a bunch of exclusive stuff for you.
I'll probably co-host with Harrison Smith.
The War Room in 45 minutes, because so much is breaking and so much is happening with this Afghanistan thing.
This is clearly meant to get rid of Biden.
I hate Biden, but it's meant to put somebody even worse in.
We'll be covering it all after our special guest leaves us in 45 minutes on The War Room.
Great job, crew.
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You've got so many great products, and we're just really proud of the work you're doing, Mike.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hi everybody, I'm so happy to be here!
A big thank you to Alex and I cannot wait to get rolling on this.
I've got so much to talk to you about, truly.
So, I was on Alex's show initially because my husband was in the hospital and I wanted to give you a little update on that, if you will.
So, I had a lot of emails all across the country and it's a huge amount of views, right?
And I want to tell you a little bit about what I want to talk about in this hour.
I want to talk a little bit about the remnant.
I want to talk a little bit about the shot.
I want to talk a little bit about what's coming and maybe a big warning for all of you so that you can get a little bit more prepared for what might be coming our way.
That scared me.
It actually made me nervous a little bit because I've been studying this and I've been doing radio for 10 years, but I've been studying this COVID thing for 19 months, 20 months straight.
And I want to share some of the insights with you that I have found.
Actually, in just receiving emails from all over the country, it's been a little crazy.
So I have a huge portion, probably over a hundred doctors and nurses, that have reached out to me saying, please, please, please keep talking.
Please keep talking, you know?
And that really keeps me going because they're mostly RNs, they work in the ICUs, and they're telling me something bad is going on here.
They are unable to talk about it.
They're unable to speak about it, they feel.
They feel like they can't stand up for themselves.
And so they want me to keep talking about the protocol.
And it's the protocol killing people, not COVID.
This is a big piece of the puzzle with the shot.
And this is why I wanted to talk to you about some of the letters I'm getting.
All across the country, people have been emailing me and have been asking me, oh my gosh, you know, what am I, what can I do?
Because the hospitals are lying to me.
The hospitals are lying.
And they're saying they don't have vitamins and minerals to give a patient.
And then they're also saying, oh, hey, just go on this ventilator.
It'll give your body a rest.
They're not doing anything for them.
And then they're telling them, hey, you know, just do this.
This will work out so great for you.
And the person will feel, your loved one will feel refreshed and ready to go.
And you, of course, want this for your loved one, right?
And they're pushing the ventilator, talking people into the ventilator.
And before I had that experience myself, I would have never guessed that they were being so, frankly, ghoulish about it, okay?
I had to see it for myself in the ICU to understand why they're pressing this, why they're trying to talk people into this.
It's a huge piece of the puzzle because even like Dr. Lee Merritt said, you know, on the show, she's a friend of mine and I know that Alex just interviewed her.
Wasn't she amazing?
She's an amazing doctor.
And she said, confusion is the art, right?
So you see that the numbers were fabricated the whole year of 2020.
Then we see that, you know, maybe somebody that has been prematurely put on a ventilator and died.
And you're thinking, well, now I know somebody that was really sick.
That doesn't mean everything, because we all know somebody that was sick.
But here's the key.
When they're talking people into this ventilator, when they're telling people this is the only thing you have, it's part of a treatment plan.
Can you even imagine this?
Part of a treatment plan?
Ventilators were used for trauma.
Ventilators were used as a last resort.
But they're throwing people on this, and when the spouse walks out of the room, they're saying, oh, your spouse wanted this.
Your spouse wanted this.
We talked to them, and they said they wanted to go on it.
And I'm hearing from people all over the country saying, my spouse would have never wanted to be on a ventilator.
They were afraid of a ventilator.
And the hospital's lying.
And I've even seen hospitals transfer patients once they realized that the spouse was knowledgeable or was saying, why did you do that?
I know for a fact, even in text message, that my spouse did not want this.
So we have what I am going to call, without trying to, you know, go over the top with this, a mini genocide going on in the hospitals.
And there's a lot of nurses and doctors that seem to go right along with this protocol.
And then we have a lot of doctors and nurses in the system that are getting it.
And you know what's crucial about this to understand?
Is that this is a piece of the confusion puzzle.
I think, because I've talked to many, many doctors on this, and many doctors have agreed with me,
And researchers that they have some shots that are sailing, some shots that are loaded with things.
So you're going to have both, right?
You're going to have all kinds of different shots out there.
Because if everybody had the same reaction, deadly reaction, or whatever the case may be, to a single shot, then it would all of a sudden be dialed down to that, right?
So what I'm finding is the art of confusion is again part of the playbook that they've always used.
In all the different events of the centuries.
I mean, it's the art of confusion.
So you have people that are dying in the hospital prematurely, that should never be on a ventilator.
And then you have people that are just fine, which is the majority, right?
And then you have this very low rate of death, really.
And then you also have things kind of speeding up a little bit, right?
And they're trying to tell everyone, look, you know somebody in the hospital that's dying, you know, you know,
Make sure that they get to the hospital and get on a ventilator knowing it's the kiss of death.
When I said 80% death rate, actually a lot of nurses and doctors will tell you it's up to 90% death rate.
So why are they doing it?
Why are the doctors and nurses forgetting everything they know medically and going along?
Well, it's their job and it's their paycheck.
But it's a big piece of what's happening right now, and we're only going to see more of it as it comes into the fall.
As the fall happens, and we have a normal even flu cycle, right, or pneumonia cycle in the fall, you're going to see this happening in droves.
Blame the protocol.
Call out the protocol.
You have rights.
And make sure that you are doing something for your loved one.
I would do everything not to go to the hospital for COVID.
I mean, I would do everything in my power.
And I think that's really the message.
You can go to katedallyshow.com and you can get the protocol that we use.
And I'm not giving medical advice.
I'm just saying, please be careful when you go in there because they're not letting people in to see their loved ones.
They're lying to them about having vitamins.
They're lying to them about not giving the person vitamins.
They're also lying about the fact that they have to go on a ventilator to rest.
That's not a resting machine, you guys.
It's a death machine.
And they never used to use it for treatment plans for pneumonia, ever.
If you treat it like simple pneumonia, that's why my husband walked out.
But I just wanted you guys to know that we are in a really strange sort of genocide right now that's happening in our hospitals, and they seem to be going along with it for the COVID dollars.
And this is a product of Obamacare.
Again, please, I'm getting so many letters of hospitals lying and hospitals doing all these things.
Just make sure that you are protected.
Make sure you take a video of your spouse saying, I will not go on a ventilator unless it's like the very worst case scenario.
But I will not do that.
You know, there's a lot of things in these shots too.
Per Dr. Judy Mykovitz,
It's like a my somatic machine.
You've got HIV, GP 120, you've got SARS, you've got XRMV in the shot.
And what happens when you have a shot with all of these things in it?
What is going to happen to all of us?
Will those viruses stay in our bodies?
Does every cell become a manufacturing plant now because of the mRNA?
What are we looking at three to five years from now?
A lot of cancer?
A lot of death?
They're going to blame it on variants, right?
The Delta, the Lambda, the Lambda Delta Nu variants for morons.
The constant influx of confusion.
So I think it's actually going to be coming from the shot.
But I'm going to come right back.
I want to talk to you about a couple of things coming up and then also something to be like a little warning for you.
Something to get prepared for.
Possible smallpox.
And so I want to talk about why I feel so strongly about this and what happened to me in studio that made me pursue this.
I'll be right back.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic, because I sit there and I beg you for support, constantly, for prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth, and we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I've got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And we're still here.
And as this whole New World Order comes out in the open, our credibility is going up.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved and America still quasi-free.
You can't have InfoWars, it's been proven right, being on air, with all the craziness that's about to unfold.
But if you think stuff's bad now, just get ready.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Hi, glad to be back with you.
I have so much to say.
It's going to be hard to kind of narrow this down a little bit, but I'm going to try.
So the reason I brought up the shot and I wanted you guys to really kind of think about what happens in our hospitals, which are a big component that are going along with all the crazy.
I also wanted to say I went out of that last clip with
Probably some shocking news.
Dr. Judy Michovitz, who used to work on all of these vaccines and all of these different medications and everything, worked with Fauci.
She talked about the fact that HIV, GP, 120, SARS, XRMV, which is like a mice, like a leukemia, travels through mice.
We were, all of these things are mixed together and
I love it!
What's going to happen is, in about three to five years, with the mask too, we're going to be looking at a lot of cancer.
We're going to be looking at a lot of childhood cancer.
I was reading last night that they're even saying, hey, there might be cases of 10-year-olds with Alzheimer's.
I was talking to a friend who works in this medical industry of research, and back in 2020, they were talking about all the booster shots they already were creating for this vaccine.
I think so.
When I started getting emails in, and only a small percentage of them were actually haters that I guess wanted my husband to die.
I would have made them happy if we just worshipped the hospital and done what they wanted, I guess.
I noticed that there was a clear line in the sand, and I wanted to share this with you.
There was a clear line in the sand about how people feel about worshipping the hospitals, doing every single thing they say, worshipping government, or not.
You know, I'm not a feminist.
I can't stand feminist women.
I think they're awful.
Three shades of awful, right?
And, you know, they're wearing their combat boots, and they got the vagina hats, and they're crazy.
And I've talked about this before a lot on the air, my feelings for these types of women.
And they would never fight for women under the Taliban.
You know, they march around and they act like, oh my gosh, you know, we're so harmed, okay?
But it's, what it is, it's the belief in government.
It's the belief as kind of their God.
And I, you know, I believe in God.
So, so I'm going to look at the information a lot differently, aren't I?
And when they're looking at information, it's all about what the government tells me to do.
They believe in climate change, which has never truly affected them.
Has it?
Every 10 years, they tell us we're going to die.
Have you ever truly been affected by climate change?
In the way that they say, in the way that you're going to burn up and die, or just natural climate, you know, climate changes.
So, they believe in a lot of things that are very strange.
I call them coincidence theorists, okay?
But they believe in things that are strange.
Everything's a coincidence, and all these things are gonna come get me, and I'm gonna die from them, and they also believe that germs are gonna get them, and that medical, everything they've ever known medically actually just vanished, and all of a sudden now it's just the belief that the immune system you wear on your face every day, but it's actually a
Thank you.
Thank you.
It really has to have the government as their God.
You know, I used to always wonder why in the Commandments, I'll go off a little spiritually for a second, in the Commandments it talks about the idols, right?
You shall have no other idols.
And I thought about that.
There's a lot of people out there idolizing the government, and it's not even idolizing, but a belief, a belief system that the government will save you, that the government wants what's best for you, and that they're going to be like right there, you know, in the thick of it, you know, happy for you if you live.
And they're depopulationists.
You can't have a government that cares for you, that sprinkled stuff on you for years, that has experimented on you for years, and then also say that these people right now in the year 2021 are going to help you out.
These people are avowed depopulationists.
How many times has Bill Gates said, if the vaccinations work, you know, by golly, we're going to get rid of a lot of you.
That's not how vaccinations are supposed to work.
So we have a big problem in belief and in
Love and worship for our government and worship for the medical establishment.
If people realized and saw what I saw in there, and I wish I could get everybody that understanding, we have a severe problem in America of everything being centralized at its core now, and education and everything else.
And so we have a big problem.
And with education and the medical system,
We're looking at having to probably develop an underground at some point with doctors that can truly help you with kind of passing around names, where you can go, you know, get off the coast.
There's a lot of things that you can do to kind of wade your way through this nightmare that we're in right now of losing our country.
But I still feel like the remnant prevails.
I always feel like there's always going to be a segment of society that gets it.
And as small as that can be, you get it.
That's what's really important is that you do see this.
And that can be really hard sometimes.
I've also felt like the spiritual components of this.
Do you remember FunVax?
The 2005 meeting they had about FunVax and they wanted to get rid of the
I think that's a great question.
There's, of course, the profit mechanism.
Of course, they're making a lot of money.
Of course, there are all kinds of layers, but I wonder how much is a spiritual numbing layer.
I wonder how much of this gets us to do the things that we would never do.
I remember when I first started radio, I was talking to a reporter from LA Times, actually, who was doing big stories on DARPA.
And how they were already inserting these implants into the military, into sharpshooters, to get them and to see if they could forget, see if they could actually channel that to forget the memories so they wouldn't come back harmed.
And a lot of people, by those memories, and a lot of people were thinking, oh, this is great, you know, they'll be able to do things and then forget about them.
So they'll be fine when they get home.
And, and the question we kept posing was, but what about the ethical concerns about what we're turning somebody into and how they can be manipulated into the, in memory?
And I thought, you know what, it's a good question.
So that's been sort of lingering in the back of my mind.
But I've been thinking all along the spiritual components of this.
Where do we find ourselves after the trickle system of boosters?
What are they injecting into us that's going to remove us from that God imprint, from that God access?
And I'm being so serious about this.
This is really weight on my mind.
There's a lot of you out there that believe in God, right?
And you realize probably what I'm talking about.
There has to be some sort of spiritual component to this.
They wouldn't be so desperate to do this.
They wouldn't be so out and out, just crazy, desperate, doing everything they can, even a mini genocide in the hospitals, to get you to take this shot, to convince you.
That's what's scary.
They are desperate.
I'm going to come right back and share something with you about smallpox that I think you might need to understand.
It's a little scary, I think.
I'll be right back.
My name is Kate Dally from The Kate Dally Show.
Happy to be here.
Be right back.
I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021, and I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years.
It is truly an answer to prayer, and I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you, and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter.
You've got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together, and it has just been
An incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
Again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support M4 Wars.
God bless.
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Let's go back in time, say to the mid-1990s, and then imagine a science fiction movie set in the year 2020, where a world government's being established, where members of Congress and former presidents are censored by big tech, and where if you don't take an experimental injection that grows blood clots and prions all over your body, then you're not allowed to fly.
On an airplane.
Think about that, because that's where we are.
Imagine just 20, 30 years ago, hell just 5 years ago, if somebody told you this would be happening.
But it is happening now.
And then they tell you, oh sorry, it's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, and it doesn't really work, so you gotta take it every few months.
And the people that have submitted say, great!
I want to take it all the time so I can go outside and not get sick from COVID.
Even though it gets you sick from COVID.
And now there's record numbers of really sick people from the sloughing, the shedding of the virus.
And that's in mainline studies.
Bill Gates and Fauci did this.
Need to go to prison for it right now.
I'm not funded by George Soros, I'm not funded by the Democratic Party, I'm funded by you.
We got great products you need, we got great stuff for your immune system and your body, and just stuff that's essential for general health, like Vitamin Mineral Fusion, all the vitamins, all the minerals, and all the key amino acids for adults, children, old folks, you absorb more of it than pills because it's liquid form and it tastes great, ready to ship to you now, 33% off, and VasoBeats back in stock.
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And pure turmeric formula.
The liquid extract.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Hi there, back with you, Kate Dally from The Kate Dally Show.
It's pronounced like Valley.
It's Dally with a D as in David.
You can go to katedallyshow.com and you can get so many different podcasts and so many different, gosh, I think there's like 8,000 hours of show.
I mean, it's amazing on the podcast.
So go there.
Get the podcast daily and then also show notes.
If you go under show and show notes, you'll find a lot of the links I'm going to be talking about right now because they're very, very important.
I want to share something really, really important with you.
The reason that I wanted to talk a little bit about having a little bit more spiritual eyes on this and being able to do that with all of those faculties, to be able to access that
You know, all through history, it's the one thing that allowed all the people in every century, right, to be able to get through what was right before them, just like what we're facing right now.
It was the one thing that helped.
It was the miracles, you know, in the Revolutionary War that helped.
It was really a divine thing, okay?
And so when I look back on all of this, and I'm looking back on my radio career, and I'm thinking about all the times I've had these little feelings or nudges to look in certain places or make myself very aware of information.
I remember the first time I saw the Ashley Babbitt shooting on film, and my first inner thought, my first thought on that was, something's wrong with this.
Something is
They're not, something's off, and I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, and I'm usually pretty good at dealing with false flags, now there's been so many.
But I just remember thinking, something's very off.
And then when you watch the video on Lou Rockwell, you realize, as they go frame by frame by frame, how coordinated, how acted it was.
You know, it was, you have to just give that a look.
It was just insane how coordinated, acted, how fake that whole thing was.
And I remember I should have, you know, thinking that way I should have gone with my gut feeling at the time because usually those little gut feelings, that little inner voice will kind of lead you more to the truth than anything.
So one day I was coming into studio and I was for some reason thinking about smallpox and I had this gut feeling to look and see what the Indians used.
Thank you.
This article was claiming that they had a cure for smallpox.
They had a cure.
And I thought, a cure for smallpox?
I was looking on the CDC website.
I was looking at all these different places that we have, and I was thinking, no, wait a second here.
They say there's nothing for smallpox.
And Bill Gates had been talking about it this year.
Bill Gates had been saying all these things about smallpox.
You know, what if we had, I mean, in his Kermit the Frog voice, what if we, what if we had smallpox?
Can you imagine?
And I thought, we don't, we don't have that in this country.
Nobody has it.
We have it at the army bases.
We have it in Russia, but we don't have it here.
Like nobody has this.
And so I thought, why in the world am I looking this up?
Well, come to find out that the, uh, the Mi'kmaq Indians of Nova Scotia, I had no idea about this.
I was just going on a gut feeling.
Had a botanical infusion extract that they used against smallpox, and this would inhibit the variola virus, so it would stop it in its tracks within about 12 hours.
And all it was was a plant extract.
It actually goes by the name Northern Purple Pitcher Plant, but they call it Saracena purpuya.
Saracena purpuya.
And these links are also on my show too, katedallyshow.com.
What's interesting about this is that they said, or Indian Cup is what they called it, this was a native plant of Nova Scotia.
And it said, look, we're begging you, this is in the Chicago Medical Journal in the mid-1800s, we're telling you we have a cure for this, measles, typhoid, so many other things, and if you just use this plant extract, these drops in water, you can actually eradicate smallpox, right?
It's done.
It doesn't grow in your system, in other words.
I just remember thinking, wow, I would have never known this.
I would have never known this.
So I did a little show on it.
I talked about it.
And I thought, why am I talking about this?
Nobody has smallpox, right?
And boy, they're making so much headway with the whole, you know, COVID-19, SARS, whatever the hell it is, you know, whatever the masses or asses, whatever you want to call them, are going for right now.
This is kind of crazy.
Well, smallpox can kill up to 40% of a population, right?
If they, if it were to, it's pretty contagious if it were to go.
So lo and behold, after I did that show,
June 6th or June 9th, the FDA, they went ahead and all of a sudden used an emergency authorization to put through a treatment, fast-tracked, for smallpox.
And I saw the headline, and no one was talking about it, and I saw the headline and I went, wow, why are they doing this if nobody has this?
If nobody has this thing, what in the world
Why would they use an emergency authorization that's been eradicated, right?
We don't even get the smallpox in the arm anymore.
Why in the world would they be putting this forward right now?
Is Bill Gates, you know, Bill Gates is not shy about telling us what's coming.
I think he's, I think they mock us at this point and just tell us and think, okay, well, if you go out and say it, you're going to sound crazy, right?
But they are saying it.
Never forget they're saying it.
So this plant extract is a really important thing.
This plant can grow in really wet areas.
People can grow this, they can make an extract of it, and no one's talking about it.
Why are they not talking about it?
If they unleash smallpox in this country as another, because maybe people get so tired of the Lambda Delta Nu fraternity,
of variants that they finally get numb to it.
But when you start seeing people die, actually die of smallpox, then what?
So I could see them doing this.
And he keeps warning about it.
He keeps warning about it.
So right now they say, Oh, we don't have anything.
We don't have anything.
We don't have anything for this.
But then I had that little feeling, look up what the Indians did.
And those Indians in Nova Scotia had the answer.
So in the mid-1800s, doctors were saying this from the rooftops, well before John Hopkins and Big Pharma came along, right, to co-opt everything.
And next time I'll have to tell you a little bit about the history of Johns Hopkins because it's kind of frightening how public health took over the ability for doctors to be able to be doctors.
And that was in the low 1900s.
But what I find kind of scary about this whole thing is that
You've got something that could probably actually help people.
We have got to get the word out because if they were to unleash this, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say when the FDA comes out and fast tracks a treatment, their treatment that I would never trust because the FDA is so corrupt, the NIH is so corrupt, the CDC is so corrupt, why would you trust anything they had to give you?
At this point?
After what I witnessed in the hospital for the draconian, Kevorkian methods by which they're treating simple pneumonia, I realized, you know what?
There is nothing they wouldn't do.
So if we got a little sick and tired of this whole COVID narrative, I'm sick and tired of talking about it.
I've talked about it every single day, three hours a day for 20 months.
I can't even imagine, okay, what another six months of this is going to look like for us.
But guess what, folks?
We listen to that little inner voice.
We tap into that source, and whether you believe in God or not,
There was no way I would have even ever looked for something like that several months back.
I would have not even thought about it.
But that little voice, we've got to be open to that.
And I really do feel like there is something in the shot that's a spiritual component that is going to numb us or take parts of that away that enable us to act maybe in ways that we wouldn't act.
Because what's the one thing that keeps you from doing a lot of things that we know aren't very good?
Well, probably that core belief, right?
Or the guy in the foxhole, the soldier in the foxhole that maybe isn't some big believer, but then all of a sudden he is at the end of his life, you know?
There's some kind of knowing in there that God exists.
But you know what, though?
That's what gave me that little feeling, because I would have never thought about that.
And I wanted to share that with you, because I thought, you know, we have got to stay open to all of the remedies, the things that can help us, because I think
As pharma has been so co-opted, has been so taken over, and all the governors are bought by big pharma, we are going to have to look out for ourselves and understand things that we've never understood before.
And I really feel strongly about that.
Saracena purpuya is one of those things, and have it on hand.
Grow a plant!
They're pretty!
You guys, I thank you.
Go to katedallyradio.com, get the podcast, get the show notes.
I link everything and sure, appreciate your time and maybe we can all learn something today.
Maybe some things will click and some big picture pieces will come together.
Really appreciate you guys and appreciate Alex for the opportunity to speak with you guys today and to talk with you because this is huge.
We've got a lot of stuff coming here to prepare for.
Bye, you guys.