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Filename: 20210825_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 25, 2021
3113 lines.

In the Alex Jones Show, various topics related to COVID-19 vaccines, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, boosting immune system through Vitamin Mineral Fusion supplement, globalist conspiracy theory involving mega corporations and depopulation plans are discussed. The show also features Dr. Lee Merritt discussing her views on the pandemic's origins and accuses China and Russia of not vaccinating their troops against using bioweapons technology. Anonymous listeners share their experiences with various supplements and health products sold by the show, emphasizing the importance of taking personal responsibility for one's health. Dr. Leigh Merritt discusses the possibility of self-spreading vaccines and antibody-dependent enhancement being used by globalists to control populations and establish an authoritarian world government. The doctors also discuss false positive tests for COVID-19 and the need for proper treatment. Finally, Alex Jones talks about taking personal responsibility for one's health and well-being in order to break free from globalist systems and promotes various products available at InfowarsStore.com.

It's Wednesday, August 25th.
The year is 2021.
And what an incredibly exciting and dangerous time to be alive.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And we have world exclusive information so powerful.
So over the top that I've got a frog in my throat, and I'm having basically an anxiety attack, unable to even cover it at this point.
And I've been on air 27 years, that might have happened five times.
I was less nervous watching my children be born.
This is such an incredible time we're in, we've passed the point of no return.
I have been doing a lot of preparation today, and I got so busy I didn't have time to go out there during the beginning of the show and write the live show headline.
We put out every day that kind of gives you a flavor what the main theme of the transmission is and I'm just sitting back thinking about how huge this is and I don't know how to phrase it but we have all the evidence we have all the documentation we have all the background and we know what's going on and we know that it is the vaccinated
They're the majority of the sick and dying and the ones releasing and sloughing these new variants.
And I've got a ton of mainline science and documents and news proving that.
And we also know that it's not just the quote Delta variant out there, but that they have, the smart money believes and people I really trust, released out of a laboratory what they're calling SARS-4.
And that's why the vaccine is 100% ineffective.
Whether it's the Pfizer, or the Moderna, or the J&J, or the AstraZeneca, or any of it.
And so, this is a big, big deal.
And I talk to people all over the country and all over the world.
Things are coming to a standstill.
Half the warehouses and other businesses and even public schools are having trouble reopening because so many people are sick from the inoculations.
In fact, I actually covered this some on the show yesterday.
We had a guest on, a PhD educator, who was exposing the fact that a lot of schools around the country this year couldn't open because so many of the people were sick.
When they started taking the inoculations in January and February, and those numbers are continuing.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
But the big news is, I've talked to a lot of really smart people, a lot of medical doctors, a lot of people in high-level, in former high-level in U.S.
intelligence agencies, and others.
And they've all concurred with the fact that this is an ongoing globalist bio attack and that we're facing a cocktail of attacks.
And that's actually what the universities and other researchers are finding.
So before we get into all of that, let me just show you something from the vault here.
This is Fauci in March of 2020.
18 months ago, 19 months ago, Fauci already knew about antibody-dependent enhancement and briefed about it in March of 2020 press briefing.
ADE, how vaccines can enhance the disease and make things worse.
And that's one of the things we see causing these problems.
And now our own Kellan McBreen discovered yesterday that
And nobody else has discovered this, that they're not counting people that have had the vaccine who die as if they had the vaccine.
They just say they don't.
So the numbers are even higher.
Wait till we show you all this.
It's just over the top.
Let's take a break with Fauci saying the vaccine can be worse than the disease.
The issue of safety is something that I want to make sure the American public understand.
It's not only safety when you inject somebody and they get maybe an idiosyncratic reaction, they get a little allergic reaction, they get pain.
There's safety associated
Does the vaccine make you worse?
And there are diseases in which you vaccinate someone, they get infected with what you're trying to protect them with, and you actually enhance the infection.
You can get a good feel for that in animal models.
So that's going to be interspersed at the same time that we're testing.
Oh, well you test it on the general public and skip the animal models because you've already secretly done animal models.
Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are equal.
Many of them are synthetic.
Many of them have fillers and additives.
Many of them just pass right through the body and are not absorbed.
Well, that's not the case with our incredibly popular, because it's so effective, product that has now been sold out for months, but it's finally back in stock.
And that is Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals,
A bunch of key amino acids to help it upload better into your body and your cells.
It's in powder form.
It's great for children.
It's great for adults.
It's really important for folks that are older, because they don't absorb as well through their gut.
So this liquid formula really, really does it.
You mix up a pitcher of it every couple days, put it in the refrigerator or keep it out in the kitchen.
And just remember to drink it in the morning and in the evening.
It tastes great.
It makes your body healthy.
It boosts your immune system.
And it's fun.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, I have confirmed with multiple former heads of US intelligence agencies
That there is a multinational bio-attack happening on the United States right now, and that multiple deadly viruses, one of them SARS-CoV-2, has been released in the last three months in the United States to bring us down.
A year ago, I told you that they were counting everybody that was dying of heart attacks and car wrecks and gunshot wounds and pneumonia and the flu as COVID.
That was basically overblown BS.
The COVID was a real virus.
A new chimera that they could own to then roll out a vaccine against it that would actually cause a live virus event and massive shedding.
Well, I've known this for a few weeks and Mike Adams has alluded to it as well from his sources and deep research, but I in the last 48 hours have talked to a lot of high-level sources who have confirmed with current high-level individuals at Fort Detrick, Maryland,
And in the Pentagon and in Interpol, that major universities are being told to suppress the isolated viruses they found that are SARS-4.
And I already knew this information, again, a few weeks ago.
I got more information a week ago and then I got even more information last night.
And it was from basically the same quarters.
And so this is a serious bioweapon attack on the United States, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not sure how they're releasing it, maybe into air conditioning systems at grocery stores, shopping malls, but they are definitely deploying it, probably at airports.
And this is the takedown of America.
We're at war with China and China's sympathizers.
And it is Biden's job to basically collapse the U.S.
empire, bankrupt the U.S.
dollar, bankrupt the middle class, bankrupt small landlords.
And then have a permanent socialist communist class that'll burn the cities down if they're not giving all the free goodies.
I'm going to be talking more about that coming up at the bottom of the hour.
And folks, no, I don't just say things to sound official and stuff like that Q crap.
But I tell ya, I got intel and I got research.
It's bonafide.
I make a mistake about 2% of the time.
About 98% of the time we're dead on.
And believe me, I wish I was wrong about this.
So you need to get ready to start burying a lot of your family.
We are not wrong.
You need to get yourselves healthy as fast as you can.
And you gotta get ready for the total breakdown of society and civilization.
Because if you thought the supply chains went down the last year and a half, this is the beginning of the end.
And I'm not somebody to be negative, I'm just going to be honest with you that you better brace for impact.
When I say the end, the end of the world as we know it.
Don't need to worry about that mortgage anymore.
Don't need to worry about the stupid neighbor that dog craps in your yard.
I wouldn't be worried about the 401k.
You better be worried about getting ready and getting right with Jesus.
Because this is it.
China's going to invade Taiwan a whole nine yards.
We're going to be busy over here dying.
The enemies are not taking the shot.
Because they know that's what gives it to you.
That's why they're saying, get your third shot.
When they take the third shot, that's when the really deadly mutations start being released.
They've already tested all these viruses, and they know how they mutate in the body to actually mutate to be more deadly and more contagious.
So they're using us as the factories to release it, but they're also releasing novel viruses themselves.
We are under full bioweapon attack.
Just like we're under full fentanyl attack, just like they're collapsing Afghanistan, collapsing the family.
They are coming for you.
Now, as usual, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand's doing.
There's a lot of good medicine in this country.
A lot of good doctors in this country.
A lot of good people that are operating on their own track.
You have the evil track and the good track.
And then the track of people that don't know what they're doing that are the majority.
Three tracks.
The idiots, the good guys, and the bad guys.
It's not the good, the bad, and the ugly.
It's the good, the bad, and the asleep.
And all hell's breaking loose.
I want to play part of Tucker Carlson last night talking about how the globalists want you to be a slave and keep your mouth shut.
Because it's an important piece, plus I've got one more phone call I need to make before I talk about this.
And then we're going to come back and hit it all today.
You do not want to miss this broadcast.
I suggest you tell everybody you know, tune in right now.
But again, the most important thing is getting right with God, okay?
Here's Tucker Carlson.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Ever get the feeling we've been here before?
Oh, we have.
At the height of the worst pandemic in American history, that would be the Spanish flu of 1918, cities across America did something that the rest of us would find familiar today.
They issued mandatory mask mandates and they punished anyone who didn't comply.
Quote, the man or woman or child who will not wear a mask now is a dangerous slacker, reads a typical announcement from the Red Cross at the time.
The city of San Francisco took these rules very seriously.
So seriously that a city health agent in San Francisco shot a man who refused to wear a mask.
He hit the two bystanders who happened to be standing behind the man.
Now that seemed a bit much to some people, but many other people thought it was fine.
They went along with it.
They were very afraid of the virus.
They wanted to do their part to stop it.
But most of all, they trusted their leaders.
And if their leaders put a mandate in place, they assumed it was for a good reason.
And they wanted to help.
And then a single picture changed everything.
A photographer who happened to be attending a boxing match in San Francisco snapped a shot of several high-ranking city officials, that would include the mayor of San Francisco, a member of Congress, a senior health administrator, all sitting at the event, all completely unmasked.
The photograph went national.
Americans were shocked to discover that the people making and enforcing the rules had no intention of following those rules.
Within a short period, mask mandates across the country ended.
It turns out the public was willing to endure inconvenience, but not hypocrisy.
This country is facing a similar moment again now.
Once again, officials in California have been caught on camera exposing their own contempt for their own public health measures.
This is footage shot at a Democratic fundraiser yesterday morning in Napa, Napa Valley.
That's just north of San Francisco.
Nancy Pelosi was there.
She's got an estate right nearby.
So were other Democratic officials and the party's biggest donors.
They paid $30,000 per ticket to be there.
Now, looking at the picture, the first thing you notice about the group, other than how strikingly homogenous and non-diverse it is, is that none of them are wearing masks.
They're breathing all the fresh air they like, as if it's 2019 again.
The only people there who are wearing masks are their servants, the faceless brown serfs scurrying back and forth to bring them things.
There's nothing worse than having to help breathe on you.
But that's not a problem for Nancy Pelosi, as you can see.
It's repulsive, but revealing!
It's pretty clear at this point that Nancy Pelosi, our chief COVID enforcer, doesn't believe a word she says about the virus.
Now, Pelosi is 81 years old.
That's deep in the risk range for coronavirus.
She's standing at a crowded event in Napa, which according to the Biden administration's color-coded map of the country, is one of the riskiest places in America for coronavirus transmission.
And yet Pelosi is not social distancing, she's not wearing a face shield, she doesn't even have a mask on.
Why is that?
Well, clearly she understands she's not in danger.
And since there are no Republicans present, she has no reason to pretend otherwise.
As a reminder, here's what Nancy Pelosi sounds like when she's back in Washington.
Members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times.
This is a mask.
From all over the country, I'm getting these masks.
Real men wear masks and these masks are essentially important.
The chair views the failure to wear a mask as a serious breach of decorum.
I had no advice for them except when they come here they have to wear a mask.
But in any case, I'm a big believer in wearing the mask and not sharing any, shall we say, air unnecessarily.
So the real justification for mask mandates was right in the middle of that montage of clips.
Quote, Failure to wear a mask is a serious breach of decorum, Nancy Pelosi says.
And she means it.
And that's why in Napa, her little brown servants wear masks as they bring her wine.
Decorum demands that they do.
If there's ever been a clear window into their plans, into the society they are trying to build, now we're not aware of it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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The world is awakening.
The world is beginning to understand the globalist paradigm.
They are discovering the globalists, the elites, the manipulation, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Bohemian Grove, the Club of Rome.
And so, even though it seems like the globalists are winning,
The truth is, they've had to come out in the open to attack human freedom because they're actually losing.
We have forced them out in the open.
So as bad as these times are, and a lot of negative things are about to happen, realize humanity is winning.
You've got to trust in the plan of God.
Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
But the big corporations for a hundred years have told us that humans are bad and evil and a pestilence on the earth so that we begin to believe we're bad and we'll turn off our life force and let the eugenics-based globalists take control of the planet.
If you go to Klaus Schwab, the head of the Davos Group's own Wikipedia page,
He brags on there about how they're capturing democracy and taking over governments worldwide to set up a corporate dictatorship under the UN.
They admit all of this.
They plan the lockdowns.
They release the viruses.
They think you're stupid.
And their plan is to slowly cut off the resources so they can dictate total social control over you and your lives.
That's how I was able to predict everything they did decades before they executed it, word for word, with total precision, because they have a detailed battle plan.
We cover it live, weekdays, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Tell everybody to tune in now and warn the world.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, you said it.
A man and his will to survive.
You better decide you want to survive now.
Because the globalists took the planet over by fractional reserve banking and fraud.
They put Hitler in.
They put Lenin and Stalin in.
They put Mao in.
They put Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez in.
They put Justin Trudeau in.
And they took over the planet by fraud.
And we tried to take it back with populism and Brexit and Trump and Bolsonaro.
And they said, no, you don't.
We're going to hit you with a bioweapon.
And that'll sure change the subject.
And then they bring in the vaccine that lowers your regular immunity, puts off mutants, and now I've got a stack of news stories next segment about polio's back, and all these weird viruses are killing people that aren't COVID, and why is this record illness?
Because they've released the plagues on us.
And the bottom line is the vaccine lowers your immunity, so it can take your body over and kill you.
And I've got the articles right here.
Majority of the deaths in hospitals, the vaccinated, and that's even when we caught them, removing a large number of the vaccinated deaths from the rolls.
An exclusive article by Kellan McBreen last night, and I'm gonna ask we repost to the front page of InfoWars.com.
But let me just start over here, because I literally have hundreds of articles.
Documenting all this.
Let's play Fauci from March of last year.
How many months ago is that?
That's a lot of months ago.
Over a year and a half ago.
And here is Fauci talking about antibody
Issues, antibody-dependent enhancement.
It's one of the main things killing people.
You take a shot, if you ever come in contact with a virus like it, you have a horrible autoimmune response and your body attacks itself and your organs liquefy.
But don't believe me, here he is.
Now, the issue of safety is something that I want to make sure the American public understand.
It's not only safety when you inject somebody and they get maybe an idiosyncratic reaction, they get a little allergic reaction, they get pain.
There's safety associated
Does the vaccine make you worse?
And there are diseases in which you vaccinate someone, they get infected with what you're trying to protect them with, and you actually enhance the infection.
You can get a good feel for that in animal models.
So that's going to be interspersed at the same time that we're testing.
We're going to try and make sure we don't have enhancement.
So the worst possible thing you could do is vaccinate somebody to prevent infection and actually make them worse.
And that's what all the scientists say has happened, but now he doesn't want to discuss it because they skipped the animal trials and went right to the general public, and now the FDA won't release any of the trials that they've done in the last eight, nine months here or in England.
They said they'll release it in 2025, and then they'll back it up.
It'll be like the Kennedy assassination files.
Are folks tracking this?
But see, the left just dumps it down to save lives, take the shots, save lives.
It doesn't.
It doesn't protect you.
We're going to document it all here in a moment.
But here is Dr. Sachak Bhakti.
He speaks with Dr. Mercola about India.
Less than 10% are vaccinated there, last time I checked.
And they have way, way lower death and illness rates than we do.
And it's the Vax people that are actually having the problems in India.
Here it is.
Anyway, so we've got the experience with Israel, and they are getting, I believe, most of the people, the cases there are people who have been vaccinated.
And India has hardly anyone immunized.
I don't know if it's just this current status, but it's very low.
It's well under 25 percent, maybe as low as 10 percent.
And we're not seeing a lot of cases in India at all.
Well, I talked to Indian colleagues a couple of weeks ago.
Okay, so why don't you update us on your perspective on that?
And they said that, of course, less than 10% of India is vaccinated, but there are an awful lot of Indians, you know.
Yeah, over a billion, yes.
So, you know, if 100 million have been vaccinated,
That's a damn lot.
And they are in fact seeing very severe cases, very severe cases of true corona infections.
And they are among the vaccinated.
What we're witnessing in India and probably also in Israel is the immune-dependent enhancement of disease.
Which we have always warned against, you know, together with Dorothy Cahill a long time ago.
And I think also in our book.
It's bound to happen.
So the people who are getting vaccinated now have to be fearful of the next wave of genuine infections, whether it's COVID-19 relatives or not, or any other coronaviruses, because they're all related and they will all be subject to immune-dependent enhancement, obviously.
And they knew exactly what they were doing.
But instead, I didn't have time to watch it all last night or this morning.
I just got sent the clips.
I watched one half of a Young Turks clip where they literally call me a murderer and say, why won't he follow science?
Why is he telling people don't take the shot?
No, it's 39% Pfizer claims now.
It's 100%.
And then the majority of deaths are people in the hospital took to Pfizer.
I have the damn graphs.
I'll show them to you next segment.
But see, they don't show you graphs on the Young Turks.
They're just George Soros funded punks.
They just sit up there and say I'm a murderer!
I just showed you Fauci, I just showed you other medical doctors saying the same damn thing, and I've got all the articles and all the proof right here.
They knew when they did this what was going to happen.
And they're also going, oh, Jones said this wasn't a big threat and now everybody's getting sick.
Yeah, like I predicted after you take the injections.
But it's worse than that.
China and the globalists are making their move.
They plan to bring the U.S.
They want to get us all dependent on universal income, get rid of the rent so BlackRock and the Chinese can buy everything up.
And this is the takedown.
More lockdowns are coming.
There's so much pressure on Biden, they haven't officially announced it yet, but that's the plan.
This is the breaking of the country.
And I don't sit up here and issue dire emergency warnings for no reason.
I'm the one a year and a half ago telling you, this is overblown hype, this virus is man-made, and it does have gain of function, but it doesn't replicate very fast.
And that's what I told you two months ago, well, everybody's sick, this is real.
And we predicted all that.
You heard us predict it.
You heard the scientists we had on predicted.
You just heard them predict why.
It's the antibody-dependent enhancements, one of the big ones, but there's also the shedding.
And then, by the way, I don't just have sources telling me this.
I can see it.
I read hundreds of articles a day.
There's all these new weird viruses.
They won't even, they're like, we don't know what, it's like polio, but it's not.
Oh, there's some other thing killing babies.
And we don't know, we don't know why suddenly everybody's dying.
Because of the mutants.
Because the mutant viruses that come off of this, and then Fauci goes on TV, Gerstein goes, oh, it's the unvaccinated creating mutants.
All the literature says it's the vaccinated.
They are going against mainline science because this is a war.
We're under a bio-attack, and the enemies on TV, like Tokyo Rose or Baghdad Bob, telling us everything's fine, telling us they're taking care of us, when they're lying to us because they're an enemy force.
You understand this?
All I can say is boost your immune system, watch out, but what's going to get us is to collapse the economy.
Because now it's just people get sick, then they get sick again, and they get sick again because they've got a cocktail of viruses they're hitting us with.
God, help us.
And God did give us the vitamins and minerals and nutrients that we need.
We all got to boost them right now.
Hey everybody, confused about staying healthy in a crazy COVID culture?
Me too.
But listen, after all the research, all the conflicting studies, after all the squabbling, there's one thing almost everyone agrees on.
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Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are equal.
Many of them are synthetic.
Many of them have fillers and additives.
Many of them just pass right through the body and are not absorbed.
Well, that's not the case with our incredibly popular, because it's so effective, product that has now been sold out for months, but it's finally back in stock.
And that is Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals,
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It's in powder form.
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This liquid formula really, really does.
You can mix up a pitcher of it every couple days, put it in the refrigerator, or keep it out in the kitchen, and just remember to drink it in the morning and in the evening.
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We're good.
Let's go back in time, say to the mid-1990s, and then imagine a science fiction movie set in the year 2020, where a world government's being established, where members of Congress and former presidents are censored by big tech, and where if you don't take an experimental injection that grows blood clots and prions all over your body, then you're not allowed to fly on an airplane.
Think about that, because that's where we are.
Imagine just 20, 30 years ago, hell, just 5 years ago, if somebody told you this would be happening.
But it is happening now.
And then they tell you, oh sorry, it's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, and it doesn't really work, so you gotta take it every few months.
And the people that have submitted say, great!
I want to take it all the time so I can go outside and not get sick from COVID.
Even though it gets you sick from COVID.
And now there's record numbers of really sick people from the sloughing, the shedding of the virus.
And that's in mainline studies.
Bill Gates and Fauci did this.
Need to go to prison for it right now.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
As everyone...
And see, we're not in normal times.
A new world order, a new global system, based on carbon taxes, based on depopulation, based on pedophilia, based on Satanism, is being established as we speak.
Megacorporations believe there's too many people, they believe they own and control the world, they believe they're doing an emergency action to protect the planet.
That's what they say to their mid-level minions.
In truth, they don't even care about the planet.
They believe they're going to be AI gods.
They're going to merge with machines.
They'll be able to create all the planets they want.
And they are in a rapid move to try to become a new species.
If you actually study their writings, and again, I've been talking about this almost 30 years, Elon Musk is now, quote, warned of the globalists believing they're AI gods.
He said that four years ago, but then two years ago said, actually, he's all for it now.
So that's where we are.
Let me just explain something.
They didn't steal the election and put their puppet Biden in because they were just going to let us take things back at the midterms that are now only 14, 15 months out.
They're going for broke.
They're going to take Taiwan.
They're going to take Hong Kong.
They're going to have Afghanistan handed over to them.
Some of the Chinese were the tip of the spear for the globalist.
And they intend to finally break the will of America.
And the way to do it,
Is to destroy the immune system and poison the people and break down the society so much that the social safety net breaks down and the civilization collapses.
That's how the Communists, the Democratic Party on record, just via one plan, cloward and piven, look it up, said they would do it.
And then you see them not forgiving rents at big mega high rises in places, but ordering small businesses and people that only have a property or two
For years now, to give out free rent while they go bankrupt and then are forced to sell.
Ploward and Piven, a political strategy to overload the American public welfare system, creates a crisis and bankrupts the nation, leaving the country no choice but to adopt a socialist communist agenda.
The universal social credit score, all of it.
While the big mega-rich are the ones that will then finance and control that out of fiat.
So here it is.
The big money wants all the real assets.
It's not enough they've got thousands of trillions of fake dollars they created.
They need to implode the irregular economy to force people out of real property to consolidate it.
So let's go over before I drop the major bombshell.
This is out of Israel.
Exact same numbers come out of New Mexico.
Same numbers come out of Hawaii.
Same numbers come out of Gibraltar or Singapore.
Singapore's now paying out multi-hundred thousand dollar payments to folks that are dead and dying from the shots.
Unvaccinated rates of new COVID cases.
And you look at people that have taken two doses, it's almost exactly the same line and track as vaccinated, unvaccinated.
And why is that?
Because it's entirely new viruses.
I'm going to show you that in a moment.
Here is the new Israeli Prime Minister.
He says we're doomed.
People who received two vaccine shots want to walk around feeling like they're protected.
They don't understand that it's the second vaccine has faded against the Delta.
They must quickly get vaccinated with the third dose.
But Gates said a year and a half ago you'll get a third dose and started giggling.
All the evidence says that's the one that really releases the super strain.
They got to lower your immune system with the first two shots down to one-sixth of what it was.
Then they give you this new one and it takes your body completely over and releases the real weapon.
That's what all the scientists are telling me.
Here's another report.
This is out of four countries from the UN's own numbers.
They show TV viewers this.
I'll read it for radio listeners.
All the vaccines, all the rest of it, look.
They're very low-level vaccine.
They don't trust the vaccines.
Almost no cases, no illnesses.
Same thing out of India.
Less than 10% of the public vaccinated.
Almost no cases now.
Same thing here out of Colombia.
They don't trust the system.
Now, a year later, almost no one's sick.
They don't take the shots.
Romania, even more evidence.
See that?
But there's so much illness in the surrounding countries from the vaccines, it's starting to leach in.
Do you see it going up a little bit?
This is the same everywhere.
But see, the young turds, when they call me a murderer, we'll play that next segment, they don't, they don't talk about, they just get upset and say, murderer, he's killing people, silence him!
How many people need to die, Alex?
I don't know, how many people need to die?
Tell me, young turds.
Your organization's named after a genocidal group that killed a million and a half Christians, hunting them down, the Young Turks.
Look at this.
52% of Southern Nevada COVID-19 deaths were fully vaccinated.
That's out of the CDC's own numbers.
Swine flu program halted in nine states after three die after shots.
That was back in the 70s, you see?
Here's the New York Times.
Oh, but...
We have over 20,000 deaths in the VAERS and we're told it's okay.
And today the FDA announced they approved a drug whose phase three clinical trials are not expected to be completed for two years.
If there ever were evidence to believe the FDA is a captured agency simply doing the bidding of trillion-dollar industry it's supposed to be regulating, this is it.
And next up, COVID-19 vaccines for children under 12, even though they're not even getting sick from it.
A true crime against humanity.
But they will get sick once it lowers their immunity to the other stuff they've released.
See, it's a binary weapon.
They gotta lower your immunity, then hit you.
Delta did impose $200 monthly fines on vaccinated employees.
How about violation of the Nuremberg Code?
FDA approves vaccines but won't release studies until 2025.
And it goes on and on and on.
Protection against COVID infection for two vaccines falls within six months, says Pfizer.
Oh, they're now telling us what they already had planned a year and a half ago and told us about.
And here's the big one I mentioned.
Here's the big story that nobody else has, because I showed you that graph in Israel.
It's the same in Hawaii, same everywhere.
The vaccinated track, with the unvaccinated getting sick and dying, and in most places it's actually higher.
But then what was discovered by Kellen McBreen on InfoWars.com?
Which we don't like.
We don't want to be discovering things.
We want to be reporting on others discovering them.
So much, half the time we discover stuff.
That's not good.
We need to be superseded.
We need to be made obsolete.
We're under major attack because we are the vanguard.
We're the flagship.
That's not good.
Tucker's becoming the flagship.
That's good.
We need other flagships.
This needs to get out.
Don't give us credit.
All you blogs and stuff, we don't want the credit.
Just get this out.
Trust the science.
CDC counts people dying within 14 days of jab as unvaccinated.
So they're taking out people that die within 14 days, even though a lot of them do, and taking that out of the number and adding it to vaccinated.
So if you did that, what would this graph be?
Well, we know what it would be.
It would be the vaccinated way higher, not just tracking with the vaccinated, because they're taking that two week out.
Clearly, that makes the graph change.
See how that works?
It's got all the statistics right there, InfoWars.com.
We've got the same lying Surgeon General that says natural immunity's no good.
That's like saying platinum's no good, sunlight's no good, mama's milk's no good.
He's out saying, oh yes, vaccine passports in businesses and schools would be reasonable.
How about putting you on a rocket to the moon and you never come back will be reasonable?
New York City Mayor de Blasio defends vaccine mandates.
Human beings do well when they have a carrot and a stick.
Yeah, well, you don't fear the people.
You don't have any stick.
You're out of control.
That's the problem.
Some good news, though.
Spain's Supreme Court rules against using vaccine passports to restrict access to public spaces.
Israel to grant green passes only to triple vaccinated.
UVA banishes over 200 students for failing to get the COVID shots.
And it just goes on from there.
But when we come back, I'll give you the big news.
Then we have a huge guest.
I'm very excited about her coming on.
Dr. Lee Merritt, one of the most hardcore, smartest people out there, former military doctor as well, going to be covering the waterfront with us in the next hour.
But I told you they're releasing new bioweapons.
We'll hit that on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, Tomorrow's News Today, and FreeWorldNews.tv.
The purpose of fear is to call us into action, and there is plenty to be afraid of today.
Half the population has lined up for an untested, deadly, and debilitating experimental injection because they were told to be afraid of an invisible asymptomatic disease.
The perpetrators of all this have clearly stated their goal of having 80% of the population hooked up to an artificial intelligence hive mind in less than nine years.
For those of us who have awoken from the spell, we know this is all really happening, and it's unbelievably unsettling to see.
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Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are equal.
Many of them are synthetic.
Many of them have fillers and additives.
Many of them just pass right through the body and are not absorbed.
Well, that's not the case with our incredibly popular, because it's so effective, product that has now been sold out for months, but is finally back in stock.
And that is Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals,
A bunch of key amino acids help it upload better into your body and your cells.
It's in powder form.
It's great for children.
It's great for adults.
It's really important for folks that are older because they don't absorb as well through their guts.
This liquid formula really, really does.
You mix up a pitcher of it every couple days, put it in the refrigerator or keep it out in the kitchen, and just remember to drink it in the morning and in the evening.
It tastes great.
It makes your body healthy.
It boosts your immune system, and it funds the
We're good.
Let's go back in time, say to the mid-1990s, and then imagine a science fiction movie set in the year 2020, where a world government's being established, where members of Congress and former presidents are censored by big tech, and where if you don't take an experimental injection that grows blood clots and prions all over your body, then you're not allowed to fly on an airplane.
Think about that, because that's where we are.
Imagine just 20-30 years ago, hell just 5 years ago, if somebody told you this would be happening.
But it is happening now.
And then they tell you, oh sorry, it's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, and it doesn't really work, so you gotta take it every few months.
And the people that have submitted say, great!
I want to take it all the time so I can go outside and not get sick from COVID.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we were hit by a bio-weapon last December, December before last.
And we know Peter Daszak was heading up the program for Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates bragged that they had taken five viruses and combined them and were developing a vaccine for it.
He said that in December of 2019, once they'd already released the virus.
He went out and did interviews as a cover story.
So later when it came out, he'd say, well, I didn't do it on purpose.
I mean, why would I be giving speeches about it?
But we now have the emails from Fauci to him in December.
Months before this news came out saying prepare the vaccine, prepare to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine, which had already tested and had ready on animals.
And by the way, they knew it lowered the immunity of the animals and made them really sick and caused the antibody situation.
And I just played you multiple medical doctors and others saying all of that last segment.
So let's just look at some of all the crazy stuff we're being told popping up.
This is out of Florida news, out of the federal government's own website, CDC.
warns of polio-like illness outbreak in four months.
And they don't say why, they just say magically, we're just going to get paralyzed now, it's like polio.
The National Public Health Agency, United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the same folks that brought you Tuskegee Experiment, said on August 17th, alerted of an expected outbreak of the polio-like disease, acute flaccid myelitis, AFM, in the next four months.
It's a common but serious neurological condition.
It causes the muscles and reflexes of the body to become weak.
Parents and doctors should suspect AFM in patients with sudden limb weakness, especially during August through November of the vaccines.
Go back to school.
It said, repeating a warning of the agency's latest vital signs report.
So when you get the shot and get sick, oh, it's just a new thing.
But you know, look for it, even though they admit it's even ministers and major governments like Australia and the UK have gotten really sick with stuff like this from the shots.
Here's another one.
What to know about unusual RSV outbreak?
The biggest ever in the U.S.
Making children and babies get sick and die.
Of course, the mask created it causes bacterial pneumonia, so much more.
But no, it's the cocktails of virus mutants being released, being cooked up in the bodies of the people that have taken these Franken-shots.
Texas children and children's hospitals are under siege from two viruses, RSV and COVID-19.
And it goes, it goes on and on from there.
So I've made a lot of phone calls.
I've talked to a lot of really smart people and I've seen the numbers of what they're isolating.
And there are all sorts of new viruses never before seen all over the place.
And that's from the 150 million plus people that took
These mRNA shots and viral vector shots that just go in and order your body to create viruses.
That's what the spike proteins are.
And it just creates all new horrible forms of super toxic garbage that people then release, they breathe, they defecate it into the sewage lines, COVID lives in the sewage, it gets in the air, and it's just everywhere.
And then you notice we have way more people dying, way more people sick, way more problems,
Then we had a year ago, but what did Gates say on Colbert a year and a half ago?
He said, well really COVID's just a drill.
Soon terrorists will release a real bioweapon.
Well he sees us humans as a terrorist.
They give us the shot, we incubate it, just like they did at Wuhan testing COVID-19 in pigs, they would then create even more deadly variants.
And you ask why?
Usually viruses get less deadly and more viral.
It means they spread faster but are less deadly.
That's nature.
This is a five-stage chimera.
They've already tested the mutations in animals.
That's why they wanted to skip animal testing publicly, because they already did it for decades and knew it would show massive death.
That's why all the experts that looked at it, all these procedure scientists said, you're going to have infertility, you're going to have strokes, heart attacks, you're going to have
All these antibody problems.
And now you see all of that has happened.
But that doesn't stop George Soros' minions.
That doesn't stop the Hollywood scum.
That doesn't stop them from attacking us.
Here's Sean Penn.
I've had dinner with Sean Penn.
I've talked to Sean Penn.
I know Sean Penn.
Sean Penn is literally mentally retarded.
When he played the guy in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, everyone sits there and says he's smart like a stone statue is.
I mean, Sean Penn literally cannot tie his shoelaces.
Sean Penn would prefer it if unvaccinated people don't see his movies.
Well, you're a total failure, Sean.
Don't worry.
We won't.
But let's go to some even bigger failures.
The Young Turds have been attacking me because, you know, I guess they love the Armenian genocide or whatever, and I'm against it.
But the Young Turds funded by George Soros and Hillary and the rest of them,
Here they are, ladies and gentlemen, saying, I want death, and I'm criticizing Trump for saying the Pfizer shots are effective and they work.
They don't!
I've got the head of Pfizer saying it doesn't work, you gotta take booster shots, and those won't work either.
That's the facts!
And it lowers your immunity.
But they don't care, because they can act all emotional.
Here it is.
Now Alex Jones
Is getting his loony people to think that Trump is an idiot.
I mean, yeah, okay, that part is great.
But they think that's because Trump's not crazy enough.
So they're going to look for the next crazier person.
Yeah, I want to know how many Americans need to die before Alex Jones is happy.
That's a real question.
It's not a sarcastic question.
It's not rhetorical.
I'm genuinely curious.
So Alex Jones, how many Americans need to die because we're past 620,000 from coronavirus?
I guess that's not enough for you.
How many of them do you want to see dead?
How many children do you want to see robbed of their parents because of your talking points and because of your disinformation campaigns?
How many would make Alex Jones happy?
I just want to know, because clearly he's gleeful at the thought of more Americans needlessly dying from a virus that they don't need to die from if they just get vaccinated.
I'm curious, can you please tell me?
Because shockingly, Donald Trump, who I am not a fan of, had a brief moment of clarity there.
Where he encouraged people to do the right thing, not because Trump actually even cares about anyone, but because he realizes, like, hey, I'm vaccinated.
All the elites in this country are vaccinated.
All the people who are discouraging you from getting vaccinated are vaccinated themselves, as they live in their castles and they live their great lives.
So, like, maybe I should tell my supporters to get vaccinated.
Maybe I should encourage that.
No, Anna, you're actually being too kind to Trump.
The reason he's doing it is to brag about how he did Operation Warp Speed, and he deserves credit for the vaccine.
That's right.
It's all about Trump.
It's always about Trump.
That's enough.
And so he's trying... And that part's true.
That's all right.
Trump's pig-headed and wants to take credit.
This is not a regular vaccine.
So that's the guy that said he wants to give animals pleasure.
He wants to pleasure... I think it was horses he said?
So, uh, okay.
There you go.
Um, we have over 25,000 deaths in the VAERS reporting system.
Here's the New York Times in 76.
Swine flu program is halted in nine states after three die.
52% of Southern Nevada COVID-19 deaths were fully vaccinated.
You see that?
And again, here's the statistics out of Israel.
Basically the same number of deaths of those in hospitalizations that have had the vaccine.
And then we then discovered that they are not counting, there or here, people that have been vaccinated who die within two weeks.
So the number is actually higher of those vaccinated dying.
I mean, these are numbers.
I'm not just using words like, oh, Alex's Looney Tunes.
Alex Jones is Looney Tunes.
I've got all these countries that are like 10% vaccinated with much lower death rates and hospitalization rates.
That's the facts!
This is an experimental garbage.
It doesn't work!
I'm not funded by George Soros.
We're gonna go to break.
I'm not funded by the Democratic Party, I'm funded by you.
We got great products you need, we got great stuff for your immune system and your body, and just stuff that's essential for general health, like Vitamin Mineral Fusion, all the vitamins, all the minerals, and all the key amino acids for adults, children, old folks, you absorb more of it than pills because it's liquid form and it tastes great, ready to ship to you now, 33% off, and VazoBeats back in stock!
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And of course, we have X2.
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All right.
Hour number two, coming up with Dr. Lee Merritt, strap yourselves in.
Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are equal.
Many of them are synthetic.
Many of them have fillers and additives.
Many of them just pass right through the body and are not absorbed.
Well, that's not the case with our incredibly popular, because it's so effective, product that has now been sold out for months, but it's finally back in stock.
And that is Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals,
A bunch of key amino acids to help it upload better into your body, into your cells.
It's in powder form.
It's great for children.
It's great for adults.
It's really important for folks that are older, because they don't absorb as well through their guts.
This liquid formula really, really does.
You can mix up a pitcher of it every couple days, put it in the refrigerator, or keep it out in the kitchen, and just remember to drink it in the morning and in the evening.
It tastes great.
It makes your body healthy.
It boosts your immune system, and it funds
So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Grip on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it worked
Pretty good.
And then, shortly thereafter, you came out with that stew.
You had, you know, with the deep-roasted source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened.
You know, I could think again.
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I liked recently
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
People should not be afraid of their governments.
Governments should be afraid of their people.
100,000 people.
Did you really want to know?
Mike, it's all broken!
I hear them inside!
Several party members have been murdered, Chief Inspector.
We're interrupting your regularly scheduled program to bring you this terrifying report.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building and its collapse?
New York very much a city still in chaos.
The phones are not working properly, the subway lines are not working properly.
The sky now blank with smoke in front of us, just across the Tigris River here.
This is shock and awe, Tom, to the population of Baghdad.
Shock and awe, indeed.
The people you liberate will witness the honorable and decent spirit of the American military.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
Come on!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
I love my dad.
I'd kill for him.
I'd go to prison for him because I love him so much.
I love Bill Clinton.
What does that make Hillary Clinton to the Bush family?
My sister-in-law.
When you are subverting the power of government, that's a fundamentally dangerous thing to democracy.
What do you think of Edward Snowden?
I think he's a traitor.
Obama is the one that kills the U.S.
troops if the Russians bomb any of them.
Obama is the one that put them in harm's way.
Obama is the one using them as human shields.
It is the most corrupt, degenerate, criminal government in American history.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
Welcome to America, ISIS!
This is what we do!
We got people that have taken your asses out in this building right now.
We're armed to the teeth, and we're not scared.
You got that, you sons of bitches?
In 2012, your agency was saying, quote, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qaeda in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgents in Syria.
In 2012, the US was helping coordinate arms transfers to those same groups.
Why did you not stop that?
Why didn't you come forward before?
What were you waiting for?
Well, for you, Inspector.
I needed you.
I suddenly had this feeling that everything was connected.
We're all part of it.
Are we ready for it?
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, that's an old promo from like six, seven years ago.
And it certainly rings true today as we see the empire dying.
And we see really the third administration of Barack Hussein Obama.
What a time to be alive.
I am really excited about this lady coming on.
I've known about her for years before she even got involved in this.
Dr. Lee Merritt, TheMedicalRebel.com, and she's got a long bio.
Some stations join us in a moment, so I'll go through her bio when we come back on the other side and get into the forced inoculation of the military.
They're now coming for the children, this unprecedented authorization of an untested
Frankenshot, it's all coming up today with our special guest.
I would tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, perfect strangers, tune in now, however you're listening.
Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are equal.
Many of them are synthetic.
Many of them have fillers and additives.
Many of them just pass right through the body and are not absorbed.
Well, that's not the case with our incredibly popular, because it's so effective, product that has now been sold out for months, but is finally back in stock.
And that is Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals,
A bunch of key amino acids to help it upload better into your body and into your cells.
It's in powder form.
It's great for children.
It's great for adults.
It's really important for folks that are older because they don't absorb as well through their guts.
This liquid formula really, really does it.
You mix up a pitcher of it every couple of days, put it in the refrigerator or keep it out in the kitchen, and just remember to drink it in the morning and in the evening.
It tastes great.
It makes your body healthy.
It boosts your immune system.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, we have a really amazing lady on who I want to try to just give the floor during the 50 or so minutes we have left here.
Going into the second hour today, Dr. Leigh Merritt, here on the Alex Jones Show, began her medical career at the age of four, carrying her father's black bag on house calls along the back roads of Iowa in the 1980s.
She graduated in 1980 from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York.
Where she was elected to the life membership of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society.
Dr. Merritt completed her osteopathic surgery residency in the United States Navy, then served nine years as a Navy physician and surgeon before returning to Rochester, where she's the only woman to be appointed as the Louis A. Goldstein Fellow of Spinal Surgery.
And I'm not gonna go over the rest of the long bios, we'll run through all her time.
But she has been really exposing SARS-CoV-2 and more and gets the big picture.
That this is unconventional warfare, TheMedicalRebel.com.
Doc, so much to cover.
I just, I could ask questions all day, but I want to go where you want to go first.
So great to have you here and please speak to our audience.
Well, thank you, Alex.
It's really an honor to be on.
I mean, I've watched you for years.
I think the biggest thing to say today is the unbelievable tragedy of what they're doing to the military.
You know, this isn't, I've been, I said in October, if you don't vaccinate our, in October last year, I said, if you don't vaccinate our troops, I can guarantee you we'll have a standing army in three months.
But if you vaccinate people with an unknown, you know, untried experimental genetic therapy, never used on humans, didn't make it well through animal trials, who knows what it's going to do?
Well, that's exactly what we're seeing.
And so today they're saying everybody must be vaccinated today.
Now, quite frankly, that's not a readiness point.
That doesn't work that way.
If you've already got 60% vaccinated, why does it have to be today?
There's something else at work here.
I just hope we're not on somebody else's invasion timeline.
That's what I'm hoping.
This sounds like a logistics timeline.
But, you know, the real issue of national security isn't a small one here.
The first thing to say is that
China and Russia are not vaccinating their troops against using this type of technology, by the way.
So we are.
In 2020, there were only 20 deaths from COVID in all the military services put together.
Now, we've already probably killed over 350 people
From one side effect, and that's myocarditis.
You know, usually in the military every year there's about 800 cases and I think they're almost at 1,400 this year.
When you take the mortality, the five-year mortality of that, it's not good.
So the risk benefit, number one, doesn't justify any of this.
You know, and the second point to make, which should be clear to everybody why this is not
It's not in the interest of our national security, nor the valiant troops that we should be taking care of, that we owe a debt to.
You know, the pilots, we've had civilian pilots die, and these civilian pilots are dying because of sitting in the cockpit for long periods of time, immobile, and we know just going on a long flight can do it to anybody.
You know, when you sit for long periods of time, you're at risk of blood clots in the legs that can go to your lungs and kill you.
That's always a risk.
But now, after you take this non-vaccine, this experimental genetic agent, you sit in those cockpits for long periods of time and we've had, I think, up to nine pilots, civilian pilots, die already.
And the airlines, some of them have issued statements or something saying, we don't think passengers should get on the plane right after they've had a vaccine because they're at risk.
So what are we doing in the military?
We are, I think about 75% of military pilots are vaccinated and now they want the other 25%.
Now keep in mind, these are guys that don't sit in the cockpit where they can stand up and move around many of them.
Many of them sit in single seat ejection seats or dual seat ejection seats.
For those that don't know, they're jammed in there super tight, especially if they're above average size.
And they're not carrying passengers, they're carrying armaments.
I mean, they could be carrying passengers, but a lot of these guys, the combat pilots, they're practicing with armaments, including nuclear weapons.
What are we thinking?
And this violates every principle of military safety for pilots that we've ever seen.
You know, I was never a flight surgeon, but I spent 10 years as a Navy surgeon.
And I served on the Navy Research Advisory Committee after that as a civilian, where we looked at defense strategy things.
And I'm going to tell you, one of the things that you knew, a lot of my friends were flight surgeons, and I was stationed with the Marine Air Wings everywhere I was when I wasn't in training.
And I will tell you, one of the things, I mean, the thing that military pilots hate to see at any time are their flight surgeons.
Because these guys are super healthy, they're super screened.
And they're so afraid they're going to have a sniffle in front of the flight surgeon and be, you know, knocked off the flight schedule.
There is no indication for vaccinating these people with anything.
Even if it were a good vaccine, these people are too healthy.
They're not at risk.
Well, Doc, I said I wouldn't interrupt you, but you're so smart and you mentioned it's like we're on an invasion timeline.
You pretty much said it all up front.
China is our enemy.
They're not taking this experimental injection.
India is not our enemy, but they're less than 10%
They're not stupid.
They have really low rates.
And so it's really only the Western world doing this and there's a desperate timeline.
Australia under martial law until quote the public takes it and just a desperate is just take it just take it then they admit it doesn't even work and now there's all these new weird viruses.
So flesh out what you were getting at there because clearly this is how you would soft kill America.
This is how you would shut us down where people are so sick.
We can't stand up when China takes Taiwan.
You know, I think that's not an outrageous statement at all.
I think that we are, let's say, I think we're in a national security nightmare here because our standing army, you know, is being vaccinated and we've seen, you know, before they shut down all the communication out of Australia, there were some squeaking guys in the Navy.
They vaccinated all the Australian ships and there were some guys squeaking onto Facebook to their relatives and friends saying,
That their readiness is down, that they've lost 25% of their crew to either illness or death, and then they kind of shut it all up.
Now I can't verify that number, but certainly there's a problem.
And we know already, just the myocarditis, there's a problem with our military readiness with this.
What a genius to get China files like Gates and Fauci to literally get us to take this, that it debilitates us, we fall apart.
I mean, it's a perfect plan to get your own enemy to take a bioweapon themselves.
Well, and that's what I keep telling people, you know, if you think you're fighting a virus, then you're going to be a victim.
If you think you're fighting a war, then you'll have a big picture here of what's going on.
We're in a, you know, and I find myself as kind of funny as a physician now, instead of reading, you know, medical texts, I'm reading the Colonel Zhao and Wang textbook on unrestricted warfare, their book that they wrote in 1999.
You know, it outlines the point about unrestricted warfare.
You know, we think of warfare as having a battlefield.
We can see the enemy.
We know how many troops we have.
We know what they have.
Classical warfare.
That's the old wars.
All new wars are what we're seeing now.
This is the first modern war.
That's exactly right.
Old news.
So, we know about this.
We actually have written texts on strategy of synthetic biology.
And that's the world we're in right now.
But beyond that, it's a psyop.
We're in economic war, cyber war.
The multi-dimensions are in your brain, in your child's crib.
They're fighting this everywhere.
There is no
No, no, Doc.
You've got the floor here.
Like, we've got you for the next 40 minutes.
If you want to go longer, this is exactly where I want to go.
Because on other shows, you're with other people and it's hurried.
Come back and you've got all the time.
We're going to go to break and you can cover it all.
We've got 30 seconds left.
Keep going.
Well, I'll talk about that, about was this ever an airborne viral outbreak?
And I will just say that I can't prove what I'm going to say, but I'm going to say the numbers don't add up for a viral outbreak as much as they do as something that was a contact genetic pathogen and was spread.
Well, that's what my sources, who are really smart folks, are saying is that the Pentagon knows that this was basically deployed and that it's not just one bioweapon, it's a cocktail of bioweapons.
One of them being the vaccine.
That lowers the immunity, too.
All right.
Doctors, stay there.
Dr. Leigh Merritt, TheMedicalRebel.com.
She can flesh all this out.
The Chinese war paper, synthetic biological war, all of it straight ahead.
Tell folks to tune in now.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
No one knows what it's like to be the bad
Well, Dr. Leigh Merritt's our guest here on the Alex Jones Show.
She's normally rushed, but we've got some time with her, so I want her to go wherever she wants and get into what she really thinks is going on here and what's coming next and why.
She's a medical doctor and a great lady.
Okay, so please continue, Doc.
Well, I was just, so here's what happened.
You know, every year we have a winter death curve.
Call it, you know, if it's a viral death curve, we don't know.
But every winter we blame it on flu and pneumonia and all these things, picking off old people and people at risk.
And it's just like a bell-shaped curve.
But when this started, and I have a friend that used to work at USAMR at our bioweapons lab, and I used to call him and say, hey, should I watch this one whenever like SARS or MERS came out?
He used to always say no until this one.
So he said, watch this one.
So I did.
And quite frankly, this looked really bad at first.
It didn't look like that curve.
It was going up hyperbolically.
And you had epidemiologists all over the world saying, this is the worst thing we've ever seen.
Remember that R0 value, the worst R0 value.
This is the worst.
You know, it really looked bad.
And if you'd projected that out, we would have lost 2 million people by the middle of July.
But we didn't.
That isn't what happened, right?
What happened was, it just went right down into the normal curve we see every winter.
But then we started talking about cases.
Suddenly, we redefined cases.
From the time of Hippocrates, we defined a case as a sick person.
But now, it was a case based on a flawed PCR test, which we will talk about.
But it started going up.
It got everybody afraid.
But the death curve kept going down, and it kept going down just like it does every winter until the vaccination.
And now we have, like you can see, the difference between Albania and Gibraltar.
Albania and Gibraltar followed that death curve through the winter, and then it kind of went down, went down, got to about zero.
Albania continued at zero because they're not vaccinating.
Gibraltar is one of the highest vaccinated places in the world, and the death curve has gone up.
Along a pretty steep curve now, so that's so that's the overall picture now.
Here's here's what you have to ask yourself What started it all if we actually started?
Looking at An airborne virus, you know, we have some experience with airborne viruses, especially in our bioweapons understanding of smallpox Now, you know, it's the most deadly airborne virus known to mankind at this point
And they did the idea that this could take over a huge, you know, world, cities, if it ever broke out, was done in a war game called Dark Winter that you keep hearing being alluded to, but it was like 1996, I think.
And it showed that within, it was an army war game using smallpox, and they said within two weeks or three weeks, it'd be all over the world, and within three months, it could kill 60% of the population.
It's a high.
I mean, that's real contagion.
But this isn't that.
So what if this were that?
We would have seen France.
We've said Paris.
This would have ripped through Paris.
It would have ripped through Omaha, Nebraska.
It would rip through Pittsburgh.
Didn't do that.
It ripped through three cities.
Wuhan, the Lombardi area in Italy and New York City.
And then it kind of fizzled out into this normal curve.
What do we call a virus?
We call it a little bit of genetic material, RNA usually, or DNA, wrapped in a lipoprotein coat that gets into your mucous membranes, like in your nose or your eyes, and it makes you sick or kills you.
What would we call a contact genetic pathogen?
A little bit of genetic material wrapped in a lipoprotein coat, synthetic genetic material wrapped in a synthetic lipoprotein coat that gets into your mucous membranes and can make you sick or kill you.
Now, in 2015 there was a paper that came out and it had to do with getting rid of mice population in Australia.
And it used what they called self-disseminating vaccines.
And if you look at how they were made, they were made very similar to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine with a replicant-deficient virus that was specific to the mice population.
And the way it worked is they had a mathematical formula that they worked out how many mice they had to vaccinate in order to kill off a certain percentage of the population.
And what they did is they gave the mice the injection or the vaccine.
I don't remember how they administered it.
They gave them the injection.
It sterilized them by going to their ovaries and sterilizing the female mice.
Then they went out, they were released and they went out and they rubbed up against a whole bunch of other mice and they got the vaccine and then they became sterile and then they rubbed up against a whole group of mice and then the same thing happened and then it kind of petered out.
That's the self-disseminating property of this vaccine.
Now let's just say we're dealing with something like that.
You take a, and I can tell you there's lots of history of us being involved in potential studies about this.
You take this potential pathogen, this pathogen, and you put it in a lipoprotein coat that you can put out places, and then you just spread it around the cities you want to go down.
And then you watch what happens.
And some people get really sick and die.
They spread it to other people.
It looks like it's infectious, but it's really not.
And it's controllable in that it doesn't have to go everywhere.
It just has to take down enough cities to make us afraid.
And then you come out with the very same pathogen and you repackage it as a vaccine.
Because let's look, we figured out
You know, coronavirus has 30,000 base pairs, they claim.
But the part that makes you sick has less than 300 base pairs.
It's the spike protein head on this virus.
So you're saying they have like a viral spike protein chemical simulant that does the same thing, you have all the studies, and I know the UN's obsessed with vaccines that self-spread, that depopulate, and so here we are.
Here we are.
And if you look at what Ralph Baric, all the people that I'm sure you've talked about.
I know you've talked about Ralph Baric in North Carolina.
There was Dr. Hsu with Dr. Frank Plummer, who's dead now, from Winnipeg.
Talk about and explain Obama and this program going on in North Carolina, moved to Wuhan.
I mean, it's just crazy how they were all involved running this.
Well, yeah, and I don't just point my fingers at the Chinese.
Quite frankly, this is a super national... Oh, I agree.
They're globalists.
They were all involved.
They're part of the action arm here.
To understand that, you've got to understand, Tony Fauci's the bag man.
That's what I call him.
He's the bag man.
Everybody right now, you're watching him being thrown under the bus, but he's really just the bag man, meaning the mob term, I think.
When you take the big mob boss money, you spread it out to the people to do these jobs, and then you make sure they do the jobs or you break their legs.
So, Dr. Fauci and his career at the NIH, and why we're listening to him about medical advice, by the way, I have no clue, because as far as I know, he went from medical training to being administrator and researcher at the NIH and has never done anything else.
We should be listening to people that are actually saving people's lives, but that's another part of the story.
He's the bag man.
So he spreads out all this money and over his career at the NIH, he's actually had about $800 billion go across his desk.
I mean, who in the government has that kind of allocation authority?
And what he did with that is he did a couple things.
One is he spread it to these hospitals.
And these university research places, and it allowed them to overbuild.
So they're dependent on that money.
So now, if they want to talk to you about hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, oh no no no no, it's got to be remdesivir or we jerk your funding for next year.
So that's a control mechanism.
But the other thing that has happened over a long time, this many decades, that money was put out to people that were essentially
Taking, studying natural genomes.
They love the coronavirus genome, and especially this bat coronavirus, because I guess it was very manipulable.
Dr. A. Merritt, stay there.
This is riveting.
Back in just a few minutes, a couple of long segments coming up.
Wow, you could just listen to me for days.
This is so true.
I know what you're saying, Zachary.
So I've researched it all.
You've got even more knowledge.
So everybody, tune in now.
I also want to go through the evidence and talk about how do we stop it?
What do we do?
How does she think we counter this?
Straight ahead.
Find all her great work there.
She's a great lady.
So many people say to me, Alex, please stop being so negative.
Well, for me, admitting I've gotten a rotten tooth and going in a root canal is not negative.
It hurts.
It stinks.
It's got pus coming out of it.
I go to the doctor.
They fix it.
That's not negative.
I'm not living in denial.
And so think of globalism as being hidden, as an infection that we didn't feel yet, but now it's come to the surface.
That's actually a positive thing.
And so, yeah, Trump did overall a great job.
They stole the election.
We can't get down about that.
We have forced them out in the open.
So now they're trying to suppress us because they know they've been exposed.
They're scared.
That's why, instead of saying, oh, we're a bunch of losers, look what happened.
No, we're a bunch of winners.
They're trying to suppress us.
Let our light of truth shine and tell everybody what's happening.
Your own website, your own show, my show, other articles, other videos.
Just keep sharing however you can and realize we're in an information war.
We're going to win this together and the fight starts at footwars.com.
So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds.
I was overweight.
I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe.
I was barely holding on to a job.
And I heard Dr. Gurp on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1.
And it worked
Pretty good.
And then, shortly thereafter, you came out with that studio you had, you know, with a deep root source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it.
And, man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened, you know?
I could think again.
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I liked recently is Knockout.
It literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It works.
It's amazing.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021, and I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years and is truly an answer to prayer, and I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter.
You got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together, and it has just been
An incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
But again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support him for us.
God bless.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So Dr. Leigh Merritt's an amazing medical doctor, author, researcher.
She's with us now.
You understand, she's being very moral here.
She's reverse engineering it all herself, going over evidence.
But you can go to John Hopkins.
You can go to the Rockefeller Foundation.
You can go to all these places and have them talk about bringing in an authoritarian world government using a virus and the fear of a virus and ending free societies and bringing in technocracies that use computers to control you in the name of stopping viruses.
Here's a report out of all places.
John Hopkins, Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risk.
And it talks about self-spreading vaccines, self-amplifying mRNA vaccines.
And, of course, then Germany passed a law letting these things be shutters.
I mean, they admit that's what's going on.
And we have Fauci.
Let's play a clip of Fauci talking about antibody-dependent enhancement in March of last year, but then when Dr. Merritt or Dr.
He doesn't
Does the vaccine make you worse?
And there are diseases in which you vaccinate someone, they get infected with what you're trying to protect them with, and you actually enhance the infection.
You can get a good feel for that in animal models.
So that's going to be interspersed at the same time that we're testing.
We're going to try and make sure we don't have enhancement.
It's the worst possible thing you could do.
59 years old, in good health, I'm not working in the front line, so my type is not recommended to get vaccination.
Dr. Lee Merritt, so clearly this is the way the Globalists take over.
They admit it.
It's out in the open.
I want to get into the nuts and bolts of this, go wherever you want to go now, but also later just give us the big picture and how you think we defeated.
Please continue.
Well, I was just, I had talked about Fauci being the guy that distributed the money, and that's important later, but then it went to all these labs around the world.
You know, there's a Dr. Xi in Wuhan that was collaborating with Ralph Baric and Frank Plummer, Dr. Xu and her husband up in Winnipeg, and it reads, when you know all the details, I won't go into it, like a John LeRae novel.
I mean, just one fact here is that Dr. Plummer brought some stuff back that looked like MERS, but it was some lung stuff from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
And he has this PLA urologist working in his lab, Dr. Xu.
And at some point, some of this stuff gets back to China and people start complaining about it.
And the only thing that really happens, there wasn't a great big investigation, but what happened is that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police came in, escorted her and her husband out, and they went back behind the bamboo curtain just before all this happened.
And February 4th goes down to give a lecture in Africa and just he's my agent, he's in good health, but he drops dead of a heart attack.
So there's a lot of that going around that looks a lot like cutting your tail, you know, cutting your ties.
But at any rate, a lot of this money went out.
So now this now, you know, the two things happened on October 19th, 2019.
One is we had Event 201, which I think all your listeners know about, where they did a war game with a pandemic with something they came up with.
Oh, I know, let's just come up with a novel coronavirus as the pathogen.
They did that.
But the other thing that people don't talk about was that on October 19th, the International World Military Games started in Wuhan, China.
And so the Chinese claimed, by the way, after this, that the disease came over with athletes.
And they did have some evidence about this.
What I can tell you is there is no evidence that came from the food market.
And there's actually, it's interesting that you cannot, what they claim is this virus cannot reinfect bats.
So this is, it goes along with what we now believe is that this is a lab created pathogen.
Not that it didn't come from bat DNA, or RNA, but it's... Sure, they took it so far away that it then couldn't reinfect bats, and exactly.
Not that we defend the QICOMS, but clearly the globalists put the QICOMS in power.
They were trying to use this and move it to China to have plausible deniability.
When they released it on America, their real target.
Now, here's what I tell people about worldview.
This is what happened.
After the whole thing broke out,
And, you know, the question is how we deal with it.
You know, you heard, everybody knows now about Cary Mullis saying that this is not the right test, you don't use PCR tests for diagnosis.
He also, by the way, called Fauci an idiot and then he was dead.
I'm not suicidal, by the way.
But anyway, what happened is they started using these PCR tests and, okay, we'll agree it's not the right test.
But how they use them is very enlightening as to what we think about the worldview that happened in 2020.
Lab managers are trained professionals.
They really understand how to set up tests.
They know how to train their staff.
They know how to read the brochures.
If they had a test that was routinely 90% false positives, they'd be fired from a hospital lab, right?
So what happened in 2020?
Every lab of any size took these tests in with the brochure and I read the Thermo Fisher brochure that says you you cycle it 20 to 30 times Maybe 20 to 35 if you want some false positives, but never over 35 We have a whole world of lab managers now setting up to cycle these from 40 to 50 times you know 35 above to 50 times and maybe more so I
You have to either believe that in 2020, you had a world psychosis of lab managers.
Everybody just lost their way all of a sudden.
They had some kind of brain blivet and they all did the wrong thing.
And interestingly, they all did the wrong thing in the same direction.
None of them accidentally under-cycled.
That's one worldview.
Or you have to believe that they were all told to overcycle the test.
And so that means there is the criminal blueprint of that, where is the FBI?
There is a group saying, fraudulently do this, shut the country down.
And who could that group be?
It couldn't be, you know, a hospital CEO, because all the hospitals do.
No, it's only the NIH and it's only the CDC.
And it's the UN.
Well, it has to go bigger than that because it isn't just our states and our country, it's worldwide.
So somebody at a transnational level told people to overcycle all these tests.
And what could the purpose be?
The purpose, because I don't believe and I don't think most people believe in the group psychosis theory of lab managers.
So what could the purpose of this be?
There's only one outcome of it.
To make this disease look scary and worse, to get everybody in fear for the second stage of the takedown, which really follows, you know, Biederman's chart of coercion.
The psychologist that looked at prisoners of war coming back of Korea said if you want to get them what they did, because the government said, did the Chinese give them some kind of potion or the Koreans?
You know, what happened to these guys that they now hate their country?
That was where we got the term brainwashing and Manchurian Candidate.
And what Dr. Biederman said is, no, it was just standard psychological techniques.
First, you isolate people, think the lockdowns.
What do you do?
The second thing you do, yep, there it is, the second thing you do, you monopolize their perception.
You constantly, these people that might have listened to half an hour of the news every night,
Now we're listening to non-stop CNN or whatever, and they're getting this constant fear drummed into them that the whole world is dying, and if you go outside your house without a mask, you're going to have a problem.
And then, I'm going to shorten that, there's a lot of other things you do, but including one we should watch out for, and that is you get more freedom for a while, and then they clamp it down again.
Look at Australia.
But the real next step was creating confusion, because when you add fear and confusion, you get Stockholm Syndrome patients.
You get people that will bend to your will just to get out of this anxiety zone you've created.
And I learned this from a child psychiatrist friend of mine in LA.
Doctor, this is riveting.
We've only got one more segment.
Hopefully you can do a little bit in the next hour because I want to give you the floor.
You're right.
I call it mass Stockholm Syndrome.
What are the ways to deprogram people out of that?
Because you can see this is literally the Manchurian candidate.
This is happening for real.
Dr. Lee Merritt, amazing lady.
Find all her information there on that site.
And remember us, InfoWarsTore.com.
Only way we stay on air is you support us.
We appreciate you.
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Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
But the big corporations for a hundred years have told us that humans are bad and evil and a pestilence on the earth so that we begin to believe we're bad and we'll turn off our life force and let the eugenics-based globalists take control of the planet.
If you go to Klaus Schwab, the head of the Davos Group's own Wikipedia page,
He brags on there about how they're capturing democracy and taking over governments worldwide to set up a corporate dictatorship under the UN.
They admit all of this.
They plan the lockdowns.
They release the viruses.
They think you're stupid.
And their plan is to slowly cut off the resources so they can dictate total social control over you and your lives.
That's how I was able to predict everything they did decades before they executed it.
Word for word with total precision because they have a detailed battle plan.
We cover it live weekdays 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Tell everybody to tune in now and warn the world.
So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Group on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it worked for
We're good to go.
Over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It'll literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It works.
It's amazing.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
The scientific dictatorship that I've been warning you about for 27 years has now gone from beta testing to operational.
The globalists are out in the open with their planetary depopulation takeover, their robot takeover.
But the good news is we've been working and you've been working and others have been working across the planet for decades to get ready for this, to be able to fight it off.
Humanity is strong.
We're incredible.
And if we're aware of the attack that's happening, we have a real chance of defeating it.
If we ask God for guidance, we will defeat it.
So prayer is essential, research is essential, getting prepared is essential, and warning others is absolutely essential.
And at the same time, supporting InfoWars by buying high quality products to keep us on air is essential because they're great products for you and your family, and they're also funding our operation.
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A lot of our products that have been sold out because of supply chain breakdowns are back in, like bodies, bazzo beats, and others.
So get them today at InfoWarsTore.com, and I thank you for being part of the resistance.
Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are equal.
Many of them are synthetic.
Many of them have fillers and additives.
Many of them just pass right through the body and are not absorbed.
Well, that's not the case with our incredibly popular, because it's so effective, product that has now been sold out for months, but is finally back in stock.
And that is Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
All the essential vitamins, all the essential minerals,
A bunch of key amino acids help it upload better into your body and your cells.
It's in powder form.
It's great for children.
It's great for adults.
It's really important for folks that are older because they don't absorb as well through their gut.
So this liquid formula really, really does.
You can mix up a pitcher of it every couple of days, put it in the refrigerator or keep it out in the kitchen.
And just remember to drink it in the morning and in the evening.
It tastes great.
It makes your body healthy.
It boosts your immune system and it funds the
So the whole thing's hiding in plain view.
You have the big global corporations.
They set up Communist China.
They set up the EU.
They took control of the US.
There were major movements against their takeover.
And in their own white papers, like lockstep by the Rockefellers, the Rockefeller Foundation now officially runs the White House response to COVID and runs the UN response.
Gates was the front guy for them, but he's been partially removed.
And they're doing this.
And now, last year, I want to ask our expert doctor friend, it was gunshot wounds and car wrecks and heart attacks and regular flu and pneumonia, and the numbers were basically the same as she said in the curve.
Well, before the numbers came out in the last month, I could see it, because we deal with warehouses and we deal with a lot of things, and I've got family that works in the medical sector, and I talked to people all over the country and the world, and they said, my God,
compared to anywhere.
Especially the U.S.
It's hospitals full, all sorts of weird viruses, people super sick, and now it's in the news, oh there's something like polio, but it's different, and oh there's these other diseases, and oh there's super viruses, and then I've been talking to some former heads of U.S.
intelligence agencies and a lot of medical doctors, and they say the consensus is what you just said, doctor.
That they're releasing a synthetic protein that has the viral effect, but it's not the virus.
It's basically a biological poison so they can cover it up.
And that's why they did a few cities to scare the pathologists and people around the world to get behind the lockdowns.
But then you also have the viral shedding going on.
So looking at that, Dr. Lee Merritt, how do we, again, counter something like this?
And what do you expect to come next?
And what numbers are you actually seeing on the ground?
Because I can tell you,
Eighty percent of the people I know have been sick the last two months.
I mean, it's been hell here in Austin.
I've got family that sold out of a bunch of stuff, but they owned a bunch of dental offices.
Half those are closed right now because of this.
I mean, on the ground, we're seeing devastating real-life numbers.
What are you hearing?
Well, yeah, I think a couple of things about the numbers.
You know, last year we didn't build one new cemetery.
I mean, that tells you something.
If you look at the world data, which they don't make our data that easy to find.
They're always two years late to tell you how many people died in the U.S.
But world data shows it was basically the same death rate last year as it was the year before, and the year before, and the year before.
It was dramatically different.
Now, that isn't to say there isn't something going on.
But it's not perhaps what we have been told.
I don't think it is what we've been told.
And all this nonsense about... Well, let me just say, I talked to you about the cycling of the tests and they claim they're going to correct that as of January 1st or whatever and they're going to change the test.
But I think one of the other things to say about these tests, and this makes everything suspect about what's going on and why people are dying now,
I took, you know, these tests were developed by three different places, the Louis Pasteur Institute in Europe, the CDC, and the Drosten tests.
And they give you, it turns out I just found, you can find the genomic sequence on these tests that they're using for the different, they each have three proteins they're looking for.
They developed these to theoretically diagnose COVID, right, to diagnose SARS-CoV-2, a virus they say.
I ran those genetic sequences through BLAST.
BLAST is the, if you have a little, if I see a squished something on the floor and I want to know what it is and I scrape it up and I prime it, I put primers down there and figure out the genetic sequence of the stuff, I can put it into BLAST and it tells me the closest fit.
Oh, that's a banana or that's a chimpanzee, you know, gene 3.
Well, I put all these PCR tests, they're theoretically testing for SARS-CoV-2, expecting that I would get some SARS-CoV-2 pop-up.
Everyone popped up homo sapiens, different genes.
In other words, we're being tested to ourselves, it looks like.
Now I'm waiting for somebody else... Well, you're the doctor, so quantify that for those of us that are ignorant.
What does that mean?
They're not testing for the gene of SARS-CoV-2, they're testing for our own human genetics.
So they're going, oh, you're human, that means you're positive, you're the disease.
No, it's creating this year, in other words, another huge, huge, vast falsehood.
We haven't really isolated the virus, we don't know what we're dealing with, and we have false tests.
So now here's the problem, and I can tell you, this is a problem that hit my family.
Both my husband and I were very sick, and he ended up in the hospital in spite of my best efforts.
That's what I'm saying, I'm saying nothing was going on last year, all hell's breaking loose.
I don't need to read the newspaper, I can see it.
So there's a couple things that could be going on.
One is, and I think this may be part of it, there may be spreading something else.
We don't know.
Can't prove that, but what I can absolutely prove is that there's a double head fake going on with physicians.
And what's happened is now everybody is thinking we're all treating COVID.
We're all treating a virus, okay?
Thank you.
What would have happened 10 years ago, if you came in short of breath, coughing, having a chest x-ray that's got infiltrate, what would they treat you for?
They'd treat you with antibiotics for pneumonia.
And many people were saved by that, okay?
That's a classic treatment.
One of my own crew members, Rob Dew, went, they wouldn't even get him antibiotics.
He got out, took them, and got better.
They wouldn't even give him that in Austin.
Default would be give antibiotics.
They don't do it now.
Because they probably gave him a test, said, oh, you're positive for COVID, so we don't treat that with antibiotics.
He had what sounded like a bowel obstruction.
He was a 50-year physician.
He went into the hospital, positive for COVID, and they took him into isolation room and had no workup for his bowel and died.
I mean, I have to say, this is part of the takedown.
I don't think- Sure, it's a takeover of medicine where they don't do regular tests, they just say it's COVID and you die.
And one of the problems here, this is a big problem, so I'm not saying there isn't something out here, but if it is one of these nanoparticles that we've been infected with, similar to the ones we've already been infected with, we now have some strategies.
I've got them outlined on my side, but good doctors like Dr. Zelenko and Didier Raoul and Dr. Corey, you know, all these guys, they figured out things.
And Dr. McCullough put, bravely, at the cost of his job, put all these things together.
We're listening, our hospitals are listening to people like Tony Fauci that are not treating physicians.
And they're not listening to people like Brian Tyson, my friend in El Centro.
He's seen, he has treated over 6,200 patients.
The people that came to see him, he's only had seven deaths and two hospitalizations.
But those are people that, those and those all were people, the deaths were all in people that came too late.
They came after seven days.
So the issue here is,
We have lots of treatments.
We've got to get immediate treatment.
We've got to, yeah.
We've got to remind doctors to treat people like you did.
Remember how you treated people 10 years ago, or even 3 years ago, when we had the maximum medicine?
It's one thing to miss untreatable disease, but don't ever miss treatable disease.
Well, Doc, let's go back.
I'm not a doctor like you, but I remember a year and a half ago, when COVID was going around, they'd say, stay at home until you can't breathe.
Well, regular folks with pneumonia weren't getting anything.
They're still doing it.
They go to the hospital, they say you're not sick enough for treatment yet.
Now, you know, the idea of the hospitals being full, I haven't observed that.
I mean, I'm not working anymore in a hospital, somewhat thanks to this, but I hear people that do.
There are a lot of nurses squeaking out there and they say, no, we're not overwhelmed.
No, I agree.
A lot of places aren't.
A lot of nurses have quit over forced speculation.
I'm just saying, last year was quiet compared to even the year before from what I saw.
This year, there's a lot of crazy stuff going on and the evidence, I've got all the articles right here.
Doc, can you speak to this?
That most of the people dying, or most of the folks in the hospital have been vaccinated.
Yeah, and that's another thing they're not telling you the truth about.
You know, Pfizer, when they first vaccinated the Israelis, okay, it's kind of a good test because it's one country, kind of homogeneous, and they used one vaccine, the Pfizer vaccine, at a time, and the government released data like mid-February.
It was reviewed by some Israelis living in France.
Dr. Seligman, who's an epidemiologist from Marseille, and his partner Yativ, who's an engineer.
These guys reviewed the data.
At the time that 12.5% of the Israelis had been vaccinated, 51% of the deaths from COVID, the disease we're supposed to be vaccinating against, were in vaccinated people.
And then when they looked at, they broke it down by age, Dr. Seligman and his partner came out and they said, look it,
Yeah, the government tells you it's 95% effective.
That's a talking point.
You know, again, every time you hear this 95 number, I swear, that's just propaganda from our intelligence services.
The real number was if you were over 65 and you took the vaccine, you were 40 times more likely to die of COVID.
And if you were under 29, it was even worse.
I mean, the damage versus if you've just been left alone, because under 29 year old people don't die to begin with of COVID.
And so, that's happening all over now.
I think I heard Massachusetts, there was something like 70% of the people that were in the ICU were vaccinated.
Part of the problem, they're going to lie to you about these numbers.
Don't be confused.
And don't be confused about Delta variants.
I mean, even if there is a Delta variant, their own numbers show it's the least deadly out there.
So, you know, you had my friend Kate Daly on here, and she's very funny, and she calls anybody that believes in these variants as a member of the Lambda Delta Nu fraternity for morons.
Sure, stay there then.
Thought we had two more segments with you.
I want to hear you just lay out what you think we should do, how we should counter.
Should we see the indictment of Fauci, the bag man?
Because that's the way to shut down these guys being the authority is to expose they're the authors of this takeover.
Hour number three, stay with us.
I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021, and I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years.
It is truly an answer to prayer, and I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you, and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter.
You got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together, and it has just been
An incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
Again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support him for worse.
God bless.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back into our number three in the last segment of this hour.
Project Veritas is going to join us with exclusive details of DHS insider blows whistle on global child sex trafficking cartels exploiting immigration loophole.
This is big.
And then we have another special guest coming up in the fourth hour.
But Dr. Lee Merritt, this is a short segment, long segment coming up that you're going to leave us.
We really appreciate your time.
Please continue to impart your great knowledge on folks.
Well, I guess in the short segment, I'm going to say to people, you know, there's kind of three phases here to take our world back.
The first one is you have to take safety for your own family.
And I want to talk a little about that.
And then the next thing is how to how to prepare for the future.
And then the last and how to deal with the mandates, because
I get calls on that all the time, on the mandates.
And then we can finish up with how to take the world back, I guess.
But the first thing is, you have to figure out, when you look at who you're going to trust, again, don't trust the government officials and the hospital officials.
Thank you.
Why, after all the billions of dollars we gave the CDC, did they not tell you to take vitamin D?
You know, Alex, you got it in the shop.
This is, you know, it's so, it's so simple, it's not expensive, but the biggest, the Indonesians looked at this and they realized the biggest risk to ending up in the ICU or dead is having a vitamin D level below 30.
And I'm just going to tell you, the sun doesn't do that for you.
That's right.
That's right.
That's why I say I'm not suicidal either.
And then the other thing is Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
There is just no question they work.
Now, if you're sick, you need to be treated early.
And I'm going to tell you, even if you go to a doctor that cares and that knows about the protocols and writes for you for Ivermectin,
Pharmacies may be out.
There's a shortage of everything, and the price has gone up considerably.
I mean, for 120 tablets now of the Ivermectin, you'll pay $500 if you don't have insurance.
So a lot of people can't afford that.
So there are ways of getting these things offline.
You don't have to see a doctor to get them over the internet.
People that worry about getting drugs from overseas, I point out that the Chinese have been supplying our pharmaceuticals, over 90% of them, for the last decade.
Yeah, or India.
You know, I was an Indian.
I went to a dirt floor pharmacy and got stuff that was wrapped by cereal.
I mean, come on.
So it worked.
And so let me just mention about one quick thing on mandates because their kids are going back to the schools and their masks and all that sort of stuff.
Nobody can give you a little hall pass.
Your doctor can't do it.
If you ask your doctor for a vaccine certificate or a vaccine pass or a mask
What's going to do is put your doctor on the ridgeline to the medical board in his state or her state.
So don't expect, there are only five, Dr. McCullough just said this the other day, that he thinks there are about 500 doctors trying to stand up against this whole tsunami.
It is time to realize people that we are at war.
It's not a virus.
They're coming after you.
They're coming after your children.
And when it comes to mask mandates in the school, they don't care about your children.
They don't care about education of your children.
They care about the money of your child sitting in that seat.
That's the only thing they care about.
And I would, I would recommend that you just get with your friends, get all together and go down and put down your homeschooling paperwork.
You know, the collectivists among the school people would probably have a real hissy fit if 20, 30 people suddenly pulled their kids out of school.
That's a lot of money to the school district.
That's the kind of action that's going to make a difference.
All right, Doc, we're back in 60 seconds.
You're on fire.
I want to get back into action and back into what you're saying and back into how we stand up against this.
As you just said, there's a lot of great material on your site, TheMedicalRebel.com.
That is scary.
It is about 500 doctors.
We've got to boost and support every single one of you like our lives depend on it because they do.
Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are equal.
Many of them are synthetic.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Well, another impressive soul.
A great lady, a great patriot.
As she said, she's been training to be a medical doctor since she was four years old.
With her daddy, who was a doctor, going around seeing his patients.
You know, that's how I grew up.
Becoming a large animal vet.
Never got a degree in it.
Was working on the ranch at four, five, six years old.
Going around and working on cows and horses.
That's how you get the real knowledge.
And here she is, all those years later, exposing this great tyranny.
So, Doc, you've been on a roll.
Please continue.
Well, the next thing people need to know is, and I usually never in my whole life did I tell people, don't do a treatment or don't do a vaccine.
I used to say, look, you need to educate yourself and make your own decision.
This is what I know about it, blah, blah, blah.
But now I'm going to just tell you, I believe the vaccine is part of the bioweapon or the big bioweapon right now.
And we don't know the long-term consequences.
I can tell you we are seeing cancers break out, and that's because they dumbed down your innate immune system.
How crazy is it to do this?
You've had COVID, you're immune, you take the vaccine, and it now takes away all that immunity to this God-given natural great immunity to COVID, or to the SARS-CoV-2, whatever you want to call it.
Thank you.
We're trying to ameliorate the problems.
I've got a thing on my side about what to do if you have vaccine remorse.
I think we're going to get better at this.
I don't think it's the kiss of death that Luke Montagnier said.
And he was misquoted, by the way.
What he really said is if you take this vaccine and then you wear a mask, you might be dead in a couple of years.
Or if you get another vaccine, you may be dead in a couple of years because they're additive.
They're super additive.
So, don't take the vaccine.
And I think, here's, I guess, we were talking, we started with the military, and I just want to say this one point quickly about that.
One of the saddest vaccine stories in the military was the anthrax vaccine that gave people, it was one batch of the anthrax vaccine, no question, had squalene as an adjuvant, pushed through an emergency use for the Gulf War, and that's what gave these guys Gulf War syndrome.
Now, one of my great friends and neighbors works in the VA.
He took the vaccine years ago that gave people Gulf War Syndrome, and it had squalene in it.
But fortunately, he hasn't been damaged yet that we know of, but he gets a letter from the VA saying, you know, make sure if you have any neurologic signs and symptoms, you remember that you're at risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or Lou Gehrig's disease, fatal neurologic disease, at four times the baseline rate.
And they remind him of that and that he
We're good.
Keep that in mind when you want to trust these guys.
I have, you know, I give a talk and some little old lady will come up, little old lady being a couple years older than me, will come up and say, well, what about the shingles vaccine?
And I say, listen, you heard what I just said about what's been going on.
I don't even trust my toothpaste.
How are you going to take another vaccine?
The other thing is don't wear a mask.
I'm going to tell you, I don't care what they do.
I mean, they're talking about a $600 fine in Omaha or six months in jail.
I think I'm going to go down and look at the Douglas County Jail and see what it looks like.
You know, the masks are evil.
They're just pure evil.
In fact, this is, I came, I ended up on your BandDot video when I gave my mask lecture for AFLDS, America's Frontline Doctors.
Why are masks so important?
Because they are the psychological underpinning of the psyop of this terrible event.
When people put a mask on, it's a symbol of obedience, transformation.
It's a slave mask.
It says, I'm going to obey you and do all this crazy stuff.
And so now, if people take them off and they go, hey, nothing happened to me.
Hey, that was just all that crazy Dr. Fauci, the disinformation guy, telling me to do this.
Nothing's happening out here.
Life's going on.
That would be a problem for them.
So they want to keep it going.
They want to keep their control going.
They're going to try and remask us.
And if you really look, I've got to tell you something.
Oh, right here in Travis County, they're trying to order all the schoolchildren to do it, despite the fact the governor blocked it.
Well, and despite the fact that we have the WikiLeaks of Fauci's emails that tells he knows it didn't work, we have, you know, decades of history and science that show it didn't work.
The only science that purports to show it works happened after the outbreak.
And here's the big one, is that these masks, I mean,
The actual medical literature, I think it was in JAMA.
I don't remember if it was JAMA or New England Journal of Medicine.
In the midst of this, after Fauci kept changing his mind about whether medical people needed it.
No, they don't.
They need it, but you don't need it.
Then you needed it, then you couldn't.
Oh, it was just to keep your hand off your face.
I love that one.
Okay, I'm going to be mandated to keep my hand off my face.
It's just a simple amendment along the stock.
Let me shift gears here, because you raised a point that I meant to ask you about when I wanted to get you on weeks ago.
And that is, I see New York Times, Washington Post, eight months ago when the so-called injections began, the vaccines began, the gene therapies, they would say, it's gonna make your lymph nodes swell up, and it might make a uterus swell up, or your breast, but doctors, if it looks like a tumor, just don't worry about it.
Well then Roger Stone's wife takes the second Pfizer shot, they tell her she has lymphoma, non-Hobbskins,
Right in the limp know where it happened.
I know a bunch of other people.
Stage 4.
All the phones load up when I open the phones.
I see it in the news where women are 35, 40 years old, never had a problem.
Now their menstrual cycles all the time.
They have hysterectomies.
They're being told they have cancer.
So they said, oh, don't worry about the false cancer.
It's a false alarm.
But when they see their doctor, they say, no, that's cancer.
So this is dramatic.
Well, what's going on there?
Well again, they dumbed down our immune system.
What do you have your immune system for?
You have your immune system for not just infectious diseases, but to keep the virus and the cancer genes in check that we all have in our DNA.
So those killer T's are going around eating cancer all day, and when you take the vaccine they admit it lowers it by one-third at least, the Pfizer, and so you don't have the troops on call.
So if you almost had cancer in a breast, or almost had cancer in a lymph node, I guess then it happens?
Well, it actually allows, yeah, it's not specific I think, but it allows cancer genes to be expressed because you've lost the ability to methylate, which is a chemical process.
You can help it by taking betaine or dimethylglycine or things we can talk about, but the point is it stops this process of stabilizing that DNA segment for the cancer.
So these things are coming out.
They should have, and that's what, you know, the informed consent, if we'd gotten real informed consent, informed consent in their mind is roll up your sleeve.
Oh, you might have a little itching or swelling.
If people got told this might turn your immune system off and give you cancer, they wouldn't do it.
But they don't tell them that.
They wouldn't be doing it.
And if you remember, if you go back in history, and I studied this extensively, there were seven Nazi physicians that were killed, that were hung, for crimes against humanity, mass murder.
That's right.
Most of them, I think almost all except at least one, didn't commit murder themselves at all.
What they did was they allowed a system to be in place that allowed coercion for people to be in experiments, in other words, the prisoners,
And they did not apply informed consent.
What does that sound like today?
We are coercing people.
You can't shop in this place or you can't go to... First it was little stuff like you couldn't go to the zoo.
But now they're saying you won't be able to buy groceries.
You won't be able to travel on airplanes.
This is absolute coercion.
Nuremberg violation 101.
And so, you know, so that's why you need to not accede to this.
And by the way, people are, you know, now it's the
You know, cut time here on the military, apparently.
But the problem is, what do they... If they take this one, it won't be over.
Anybody that accedes to this thinking, okay, I know it doesn't make a lot of sense... Well, they're already saying in Israel, oh, the two shots is enough.
Now you must have the third, and now they're talking about a fourth.
And Trudeau up in Canada already bought like five years out.
So whether it's masks, or whether it's the vaccine, or whether it's, you know, stupid anti-social distancing.
I don't care what you pick.
These are nonsense things that are put in place as part of Biden's chart of coercion, by the way.
Let me ask you this.
You've been gracious to stay this long.
Do one more segment.
Until 30 after.
I want you to talk about detoxing, because you just brought up people that have taken the frankenshots.
From your research, what might be good, or what physicians they can contact, or any ideas you have about detoxing, or what people should do to protect themselves and any other points, you're amazing.
TheMedicalRebel.com, Dr. Leigh Marin, she's a real champion, we love her, we appreciate her, and she's going to do one more segment with us.
Is that okay, Doc?
Thanks for having me.
Yeah, sure.
All right.
It's great to have her.
I am so excited.
And then the last segment of this hour, Project Veritas.
I'm not sure if it's O'Keefe or who's joining us, but one of them's joining us with other details of this breaking news.
DHS insider blows whistle on global child sex trafficking cartels exploiting immigration loophole, which we've now learned Hillary's involved in evacuating Afghans, just like she was in Haiti.
Yeah, this woman's evil.
We'll be right back.
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Tell everybody to tune in now and warn the world.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Ton of news next segment in Project Veritas.
Dr. Lee Merritt is amazing and the interviews I've seen really great to join us today with so much time and I get
Ask questions at the grocery store.
I get asked questions in email, on the street.
Hey, I got forced to take the shot.
I got really sick when I took it.
Most people say, but what do I do to detox?
And I'm like, I'm not a medical doctor.
And I've tried to research it.
I don't know.
And so, Dr. Merrick, you were getting to that a little bit earlier.
Is there anything with these Franken shots that you know from research people could do, if it's turning off your immune system as they admit it does, to try to turn your immune system back on?
And quite frankly, we're talking about the vaccine, but it could also apply to people that have been shed on.
I had that experience, which gives you bleeding and menstrual irregularities and rashes and viral-like syndrome.
So there's the people that were vaccinated, the people that have been shed on, the people that got COVID, which also, again, if it was created by this bioweaponized stuff, we don't know the long term on that either completely.
But so some of this applies to all of that.
But the first thing to do is one of the reasons people die is they get these hyper inflammatory
Yeah, absolutely.
Don't eat what man made.
If man made it, don't eat it.
Eat what God made.
In other words, it isn't the large... That's what I've been hearing is people have been fasting, actually, and not eating meat, and they're saying it's helping, too.
Well, I'm not opposed to meat, but I am opposed to artificial anything.
Oh, listen, I'm a huge meat guy myself.
I'm just saying that's something that's hard for the body to process.
I'm just talking about what people have been saying has been working is people that are pro-meat, but they're just going to a very, very, very low, raw diet.
Right, and I think when you're sick, your body kind of tells you to do that.
So that's one thing.
The second thing is, and you know, it's important, there are supplements that everybody should take.
Like 50% of people that died of COVID, they found were zinc deficient.
So I talked about vitamin D, there's zinc, there's selenium, vitamin C. You know, one of the things I do is just take some chewable vitamin C and put it by my desk and just, you know, when I'm at work every hour or so, I take one.
So I get about four grams a day.
It's probably good for your artery.
Well, the weirdest thing is true.
I got a lot of supplements, but if I don't leave them on my desk or on a lazy Susan at the dinner table, I don't take them.
You've got to leave them out front.
Yeah, that's my husband, too.
I mean, husbands are cute.
Everyone ought to rent one, and they don't tend to take their supplements.
The other one's N-acetylcysteine.
N-acetylcysteine is specifically good.
It's great.
It makes glutathione in the brain and things.
It's a good thing to take anyway, but in this particular case, apparently, it helps block the
Or something, the interaction with the H2 pathway where the spike protein hooks in.
So NAC seems to help, especially with the diarrhea stuff we're seeing.
And then lysine.
In the Dominican Republic, they just gave people lysine.
Lysine is an old-time, it's cheap, it's an amino acid.
It's an old-time treatment for like cold sores and things to prevent cold sores.
The dermatologists have used this for a long time.
And they just, it's like two grams, two and a half grams a day, but the Dominican Republic used it and they prophylaxed with it and their people have very low problem with COVID.
So in the hospitals, I think that's a good one.
Now, one of the ones that we talked about for your particular situation where somebody's vaccinated and now they have vaccine remorse and they're worried about this cancer thing, you need to have a methyl donor.
And the two big ones that I'm aware of, and maybe somebody can come up with a little better one, dimethylglycine or DMG,
Which I used to get in a powder form, but now the new stuff tastes horrible.
So I'm just going to get in a capsule.
And then the next one, betaine, which is trimethylglycine.
And so I think take methyl donor a couple of times a day makes a lot of sense in this situation.
The other thing, we don't know what else.
Look at the people and I carry my day and she's talking about the, I want to say the nanoparticles.
The spions, the superparamagnetic iron oxides.
I tested people in my office early on and I found about 60% were magnetic to a paperclip, the positive paperclip test.
And no, it wasn't just sticking on their sweat.
I did know how to do the exam.
So there's that.
And I think that we might consider things like ozonation, chelation.
I mean, I haven't worked this all out, but ozonation
For the graphene, that's the other thing we're finding in here, graphene.
So the graphene, yeah, there you go.
You know what's amazing is how... Let's talk about that.
What do you think's doing that?
Is it some nano chain reaction?
Well, I would follow Dr. Charles Lieber's work.
Dr. Charles Lieber is the Harvard guy, Chief of Chemistry and Biochemistry, who got arrested in February because he was working for the Chinese, as well as for our Department of Defense, think DARPA.
And he developed nanotechnology, part of which is what they need for this vaccine, but to make it work, it's like silver impregnated nanogels, I think.
We're good to go.
And this is what Colonel Zhao and Wang said years ago about where the war was going to go with Chinese war planning, was going to be looking at the brain electronic interface, and that's what Charles Lieber apparently gave them, but it also applies to this.
So I don't know what's in there, but we know that this is something that a lot of people have been working on.
The brain, the neural electronic interface, and in general, communicating.
You know, you've heard of Internet of Things?
Well, they also talk about Internet of Bodies.
Well, how do you do that?
You've got to have a receiver in the box.
Sure, exactly.
So they're putting the plug in.
That's what this, the big push is.
That's what I've heard.
We've seen things that I don't, I'm not an electron microscopist and I can't verify this, but you know, the people in Spain saw the stuff they show is graphene.
They sound pretty legit.
Um, I know that other one, you know, there are some doctors I know have looked at this under the microscope.
They put magnets on the, or they put, um, paper clips on the jars and that some of the vials of the vaccine are magnetic.
You know, so, who knows?
I mean, again, we're playing the dark.
This is a giant Manhattan-level project thing.
A hundred times bigger than that.
And they're desperate on a timeline, like you said, for some big event.
I don't think it's going well for them.
27% of Australia, 10% of India, only half of America.
I think they're really upset right now, Doctor.
I think that's the end game for them if we stand up now.
We have to stand up.
We have a window of opportunity to take our world back.
Ultimately, we're in a spiritual war here.
And at some point, you have to realize that this is after your children and your future children.
It's just not about going to be able to take a trip to the Dominican Republic or someplace.
Don't accede to evil.
Tu ne se ne malus.
You have to stand up now, and we have to resist this.
People think you give up and then you get through.
It wants more, more, more, more, more.
Can't do it.
Well, Doc, I'm really impressed.
Dr. Lee Merritt, we've got 30 seconds left.
Closing comment, TheMedicalRebel.com.
Well, again, like I say, I think it's a spiritual war.
I think you need to get back in touch with your own spirituality, with God, and realize we're in a big problem here unless we all work together.
We cannot do this.
Don't wait.
If we wait, what's going to happen is, just like in the old Soviet Union, when the Cheka would come along in the middle of the night and say, come quietly, neighbor, or come quietly, don't disturb the neighbors.
We cannot let them pick us off singly.
It's now our time to stand up.
Now or never, guys.
That's right, Alexander Schultz and Itza Gulag Archipelago.
Dr. Lee Merritt, TheMedicalRebel.com.
Thank you for your time.
Come back again soon.
What an amazing lady.
Thank you.
All right, I got a segment of articles, and then we've got the folks from Project Veritas with breaking news.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Tomorrow's News Today.
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So when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Grip on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it worked for
Pretty good.
And then shortly thereafter, you came out with X2, you had, you know, with a deep root source, you know, and I got really excited about that, so I took it.
And man, in two weeks, I went from brain fog to, like, literally, like, my brain was enlightened, you know?
I could think again.
I could connect with people again.
And over the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
Let's go back in time, say to the mid-1990s, and then imagine a science fiction movie set in the year 2020, where a world government's being established, where members of Congress and former presidents are censured by big tech, and where if you don't take an experimental injection that grows blood clots and prions all over your body, then you're not allowed to fly on an airplane.
Think about that, because that's where we are.
Imagine just 20-30 years ago, hell just 5 years ago, if somebody told you this would be happening.
But it is happening now.
And then they tell you, oh sorry, it's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, and it doesn't really work, so you gotta take it every few months.
And the people that have submitted say, great!
I want to take it all the time so I can go outside and not get sick from COVID.
Even though it gets you sick from COVID.
And now there's record numbers of really sick people from the sloughing, the shedding of the virus.
And that's in mainline studies.
Bill Gates and Fauci did this.
Need to go to prison for it right now.
Not all vitamin and mineral supplements are equal.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, we all lived long enough to be inside the attempted New World Order global government takeover.
They used the virus just like they said they do in so many of their battle plans.
That was what they always settled on.
They said this would be the best thing to do and they did it.
They want to use race war and economic collapse as well.
They're getting us pretty close to that.
I got a big stack of economic news I want to hit in a moment.
But first, look at this article out of Fox News.
Larry Elder surges past Gavin Newsom in Google searches and exit polls that are being done from people that have been asked about their mail-in ballots are saying it looks like 70% of people are voting to recall Newsom.
And then it's a whole bunch of candidates.
Whoever gets the majority wins.
Or whoever gets the most votes out of the majority wins.
So it's an up or down vote.
Whoever gets the largest number.
And so they're calling him a white supremacist and all this other ridiculous crap.
But that doesn't seem to matter because there's an ace in the hole.
Just like there was an ace in the hole in the presidential election against President Trump.
And that's all these felons riding around, grabbing the mail-in ballots and throwing the ones away that are for Trump.
Making sure the ones for Biden get voted on.
They just got somebody doing it again yesterday in California for Newsom.
Want to play the clip?
Wondering tonight, so was it a voter fraud scheme or something else?
Investigators are now trying to determine why it is that more than 300 recall ballots were found inside a man's car at this 7-Eleven in Torrance.
More than 300 mail-in ballots for the Governor's recall race were found inside a car parked at this Torrance 7-Eleven with a man sleeping inside of it.
So that's kind of the part where we're at now with this investigation is everyone wants to know two questions.
Why were the ballots in his vehicle?
What was his intent with those ballots?
And that's what we're trying to figure out.
It was an employee at the convenience store on Emerald Street near Hawthorne Boulevard that alerted police last Monday around 10.45 p.m.
about the man sleeping in his driver's seat.
And stolen ballots weren't all police found inside the car.
There was Xanax, a gun, meth, and other mail.
He was arrested on several charges related to possession of the firearm, the narcotics, the theft of identity theft, as well as receiving stolen property and some other charges as well.
Several agencies, including Torrance Police, the U.S.
Postal Service, and the L.A.
County District Attorney's Office are now investigating how these stolen ballots ended up inside a convicted felon's backseat.
Police say most of the ballots were for Lawndale residents and a few for Compton.
We have been working with the registrar's office to get them a list of all those names that were on those ballots so they can be notified and then new ballots can be re-sent to them in time.
The election to recall Governor Gavin Newsom is set for September 14th.
Hopefully the election isn't rigged this time or if it was last time I'm not sure but hopefully there is no fraud ballots out there.
Reporters are also looking into whether this incident is connected to any other theft of recall ballots.
For now, reporting live here in Torrance, Mary Beth McDane will send it back to you guys in the studio.
So, there you go.
We hope it isn't rigged like last time.
You mean like last year, eight, nine months ago.
And you know, that brings me to my frustration.
I did not
Attack Trump on Sunday night, something the audience has been overwhelmingly supportive of, by the way.
They think it's been too long and that I haven't done enough.
I did that because I'm genuinely upset about these so-called vaccines.
I'm genuinely upset that they don't work, other than making you sick, and that we've invested so much in Trump, and that he's up there saying that it works great, he'll tell you if it doesn't work.
Hey Trump, they admit it doesn't work, it's why they've got the booster shot.
Which is then the next booster, the next booster, the next booster.
Last week he was on Fox & Friends, and said he thought it was a scam.
And he thought the Pfizer CEO was wanting to make $10 billion off the booster.
And I thought, wow, that's great.
Trump's waking up.
I was right about Trump.
He's a good guy.
And then that didn't happen.
And I saw folks boo him, and so I'm spontaneous.
We don't have committee hearings.
We don't have focus groups about what I say or do.
The Democrats sue me all the time.
They're always like, where are the focus groups?
Where are the committee meetings?
Who tells you what to say?
My gut, my brain, I mean, I'm pissed off.
Trump last week comes out and says this vaccine was like a scam.
I'm like, thank God he was a good guy.
We weren't wrong about it.
And then he goes to Alabama and says, I took it at work grade, I'll tell you it doesn't work.
We know it doesn't work, other than to make us sick.
So I said, I know you're a smart guy, so are you evil?
Or maybe you're a dumbass.
I mean, it's a rhetorical question.
It's better if Trump is just ignorant about this, than if he did this on purpose.
Because then he's my enemy.
But look at his enemies.
Look at how the globalists hate him.
I mean, he did a lot of good things, and I think Trump meant well.
But I'm not in a cult here.
I'm not going to just sit here and support what Trump does.
But at the same time, the audience really liked me attacking Trump.
And I don't just go off what the audience wants, though I do respect you and listen to you.
Because you usually agree with me anyways.
But sometimes I'm wrong and I bounce that off of you.
Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
He's getting good Republicans elected, the globalists hate him, they're persecuting his family, he's a lot better than Biden, and we want to keep him as a vehicle to get populists elected.
So, sure, I get a lot of attention and twenty-something million views and all this big extra audience tuning in because a lot of my audience
Has gotten mad at me over the years?
I mean, we lost a lot of audience supporting Trump.
We lost a lot of money supporting Trump.
One of my big pet peeves is people saying, Jones supports Trump because he gets money from it.
No, I got deplatformed and sued over Trump.
But I knew that he was the real deal in many ways and was trying to secure the borders and standing up to China and got way better trade deals and the list goes on and on.
So I'm not going to explain myself.
The audience gets it.
I think you're in the same boat as me.
It's just that I'm not going to sit here like a bitch.
I don't mean like a woman.
I mean just like a bitch.
Like a punk.
While Trump does whatever he wants and I sit there and support his ass with that corrupt ass Pfizer that has a business model to take over our very genetics and run our lives and give us all these damn poisons.
So that's where I am on that.
But the Biden administration urges the Supreme Court to preserve eviction moratorium.
That'll further bankrupt the small
Small landlords.
Ken Blackwell, Biden's eviction moratorium has small landlords on the brink.
Well, don't worry.
The Chinese are buying it all up.
Ploward and Piven, here we go.
Moderate Dems strike deal over $4.1 trillion economic plan.
Economist warns you can't print money.
But you can't print stuff, yeah.
You can print money, you can't print stuff.
Speaking of that, we're having real trouble with our supply chains.
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All right, Project Veritas has gotten a big story.
And we'll talk to them on the other side.
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You can mix up a pitcher of it every couple days, put it in the refrigerator, or keep it out in the kitchen.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Mario Balaban of Project Veritas joins us here in one moment.
And I really called this last night to my wife and to my lawyers.
The FBI basically said they dropped charges on Owen Schroer for attacking the Capitol and going in and all the stuff he didn't do.
They just want our phones!
And I'm like, I even told my lawyers, I said, yeah, they drop it.
I'll actually give them our phones because there's no coordination to attack the Capitol on them.
But why don't they just get warrants?
It's getting really weird.
And then the judge comes out and says, you shouldn't be targeting journalists and all this.
There's like literally 20 national news articles on that.
I didn't even want to talk about ourselves today on air.
I've just got them.
And then I just got the news.
Pelosi specifically is targeting me and wants me investigated.
That's been released by her in some weird congressional subpoena.
These people are nuts.
I mean, look at her.
My God.
She had sex with King Tut.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Let's get to our big story right now.
I'll cover this at the start of the next hour, then we have a guest host.
DHS insider blows whistle on global child sex trafficking cartels exploiting immigration loophole.
Mario Balaban of the great folks over Project Veritas joins us to break this down.
Absolutely amazing.
The full 70-minute report is obviously at projectveritas.com.
It's on infowars.com.
But just the magnitude of this and how
Our government under Democrats uses NGOs.
This isn't the first time Democrats have done this.
They've done it in Haiti.
They've done it in the Balkans.
But this is a big coup.
I mean, I don't know how you guys keep topping yourselves, but this is so historic and so important.
Thanks for joining us, Mario.
Alex, thank you so much for having me.
Like you said, it is truly frightening what's going on.
What we uncovered with this latest whistleblower is that criminal migrants that are coming through the border, they're using something that they call, it's a technical term, a government term, reasonable fear or credible fear.
It's a loophole according to this insider.
To avoid deportation.
And these are the same people, according to the Insider, that are causing the violence at home and abroad.
So basically, you know, by claiming that they're in danger, right, when they come through the border, you know, they are basically allowed to be removed from something called the Transnational Organized Crime Watch List.
So, criminal migrants are even trained to tell these officials from the DHS and from the CBP that they're afraid to go home, they're trained to say that, because they know that they might be able to seek asylum and even be removed from the transnational criminal organization watch list.
Wow, so the literal traffickers are being told by insiders how to cloak themselves and how to protect their identity and pierce the United States.
They're allowed to do that.
And with this done, it gets worse.
So while they're awaiting their asylum decision, they're allowed to file here for what's called an Employment Authorization Card.
That grants them the right to not only stay in the United States, but to work in the United States.
And they can stay in the U.S.
and do that legally.
So, we're not talking about just illegal immigrants crossing.
We're talking about actual criminal migrants who are on the watch list, then are removed from the watch list.
I've been down there probably ten times in the last year, and you see men and women who are clearly not the parents, because you see them day after day with the groups of little kids by themselves.
Oh, absolutely!
And that gets to my other point, is that after getting all these benefits from the government, some of them are even attempting to sponsor under-company minors in the United States.
And as our insider said, all of these transnational criminal organizations are directly or indirectly involved with sex trafficking, oftentimes of children.
So, we have here on record, before the interview, eight of these criminal migrants applied for what's called, to sponsor Unaccompanied Alien Children, UAC.
A ninth one came out after our release, after the interview took place.
And what's most shocking is that one of these nine criminals
Uh, actually has on record, uh, crimes against 27 children.
I mean, 27 children, and this person was still allowed to stay in the country under the reasonable fear loophole.
One, one, one person had 27 crimes against children and was allowed to stay.
That's just insane.
Yes, exactly.
I mean, it's a very powerful story.
We have more whistleblowers inside the DHS.
And I wanted to bring up something you talked about with James O'Keefe when he was in studio with you.
This video has gotten so much traction online and it's because of distribution by proxy.
It's because people are tweeting out this video even though we're banned from Twitter.
After, you know, you give a powerful endorsement to our, you know, cause of click-to-tweet, this video has across platforms about over a million views already.
So, kudos to you for promoting that.
Oh, beautiful job viewers and listeners.
This is a war and the children are counting on us.
And these are literal drug gangs, convicted drug criminals, smugglers, and as you know, DHS admits, many children are passed back and forth over the border and used as a football.
No, and it's especially frightening in this moment also as we look at what's happening abroad.
For example, in Afghanistan, you know, think about how vulnerable just generally our border is in so many different ways.
What is to say that, you know, not only, you know, these criminal organizations like MS-13 we know are coming through the border, but now that, you know, these terrorists have taken over an entire country, what's to say that they won't create, you know, further chaos and have more abilities to bring in their allies
Through the border and this chaos and this crisis.
There's certainly a lot of political interest here.
I mean, we know that, you know, there's money involved, there's drugs, there's a lot of money.
And, of course, there's the voting issue that many bring up.
So, there's that concern that's ongoing, but another concern I think that with this vulnerable border is certainly the terror threat that this might, you know, incentivize or encourage foreign actors to come and actually, you know, easily access our country.
What else is Project Veritas?
I know you guys are working on a lot of stuff, but in this field, what else can we expect to be coming out?
Well, I can tell you we have more whistleblowers inside the government, DHS, other institutions, so stay tuned for that.
They'll be coming out very soon.
And, you know, we're looking also for whistleblowers who are working in big pharma or whistleblowers working in health agencies, government health agencies.
We're seeing, you know, this avalanche of mandates and unconstitutional orders taking place across the country.
People are reaching out to us desperately asking for help.
How can they, you know, keep their job?
How can they, you know, avoid certain fines or all sorts of punishment if they don't want to take the vaccine, for example?
The mask mandates, it's truly frightening and we encourage anyone with information in those institutions, be it health agencies or Big Pharma, to come forward to us and, you know, help save our country.
I mean, clearly they've broken the border.
Clearly this is treason.
We have the leaked DHS head, what, two weeks ago saying, it's all broken, it's a failure, but wasn't that the plan to break the border to begin with?
I mean, it certainly looks like it.
I can't speak to what my administration wants to do, or what their intentions are, but it's clear that in the last six months, not only from what we've seen in the news, but from the insiders that have come to us directly, there's chaos at the border, there's instability, and people certainly are not sure, you know, who work at CBP and Border Patrol, are very upset about what's happening.
They're trying to make America a failed state.
And if we can't control our borders, and we can't control even exiting Afghanistan, I mean, it's really intentional to make us a failed state.
Are you familiar with the Cloward and Piven strategy?
I've heard of it, yeah, but I'm not too familiar with it.
It's just a Democratic Party plan to implode economies, to collapse societies.
It's a welfare state, correct?
It's imploding the society to then make everybody dependent on a welfare state.
Yes, sir.
Okay, yes, I am familiar with it.
Yes, absolutely.
No, I was going to say, you know, not only is that happening in the United States with, you know, some American citizens, but they're also expanding that idea to what it looks like illegals that are coming to the country.
They're trying to bring in a permanent underclass they control.
In closing, Mario, how do you think we counter that?
I mean, like James says, the only solution that Project Veritas sees is exposure.
We need, you know, undercover footage of people saying things that they don't want to go public, and most importantly, we need whistleblowers in these powerful institutions that are willing to, you know, do the brave thing, to be brave, be courageous, and come forward with information, and know that we at Project Veritas will publish it, you know, given the severity of the situation.
Mario Balaban from the great folks at Project Veritas.
Great job.
I can't wait to see what you guys break next.
Thank you, Alex.
Appreciate it.
All right.
We've got another medical doctor expert on the vaccine and on the psychological warfare.
He's also a psychiatrist coming up to host the next hour.
But I've got the big news.
This is the next leg of the witch hunt.
We'll put it on screen when we come back.
It's from Gateway Pundit, but it's from the press release.
The request of the
Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
We're good to go.
We're good.
We're good.
So, when I first started taking Survival Shield, basically I was 275 pounds, I was overweight, I had brain fog like you wouldn't believe, I was barely holding on to a job, and I heard Dr. Gurp on your show and I listened to it.
So the first one I got was the original Survival Shield, the X1, and it worked
We're good to go.
For the course of the next couple of years, I got my health back, and I religiously take basically all of your supplements.
They're all absolutely amazing supplements.
The one I like recently is Knockout.
It'll literally, like, if you want to sleep, just take it.
It's amazing.
It works.
But anyway, so the point is, we have to get ourselves clean.
We have to break free of the globalist system, and the only way to do that is to take our own health into our own hands.
Beautifully said, brother.
I thank you so much for your call, and Godspeed.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, when they arrested Ellen Schreier, they wanted to know
We're good to go.
January 6th committee requests communications between Trump, White House officials, and top conservatives including reporter Jack Posobiec, Scott Pressler, Alex Jones, Brenda Strzoka, you name it.
And Posobiec's got a great point here.
Jack Posobiec responded, this is completely illegal and my lawyers will make short work of it.
These ugly communists want to go full Stalin and Gestapo as they flail about
To distract from the failures of the dementia patient they have as a president, who even Obama called a F-up.
Be cautious.
Yeah, so I'm sitting there to the FBI, through my lawyers, going, okay, you want my communications with Republican leaders?
Drop your charges, because there are none.
But at the same time, I guess Postelbic's right.
We shouldn't be giving them that.
We're journalists.
And that's a big, huge thing now.
Owen would not bullhorn once we got to the Capitol.
He wanted to be a journalist when he was there, for a lot of reasons, but also he had that non-prosecution agreement that arrested him for saying something to Nadler in the Capitol.
The left can do that all day.
We can't.
But he really was there as a journalist that day.
So here's the big national Washington Post, New York Times, they all have headlines.
Judge wants Justice Department to detail decision on charging InfoWars correspondent accused of January 6 riot.
InfoWars host case judge calls out Biden DOJ for investigating media.
That's Newsmax.
This other one was
Washington Post.
Judge questions DOJ's media policy in case Capitol riot against InfoWars host.
Wall Street Journal.
I mean, are you getting how big this is, folks?
InfoWars host Owen Schroer released after turning himself in to FBI.
Political persecution is now happening on a mass scale.
And it goes on and on.
Here's one out of Raw Story calling for my wife's arrest.
Because she was outside the Capitol.
I mean, this is...
You think that scares me?
Like, now you want to arrest my wife?
I mean, it's just, you guys are bad.
You're bad people.
You run a bunch of child molestation rings.
You're devil worshippers.
You ship fentanyl into the country.
The government is bankrupt.
It's out of control.
I'm not at war with it.
I want you to leave me alone.
You're going to collapse the border.
But you're not.
You're going to bring in the kidnapped kids.
You're going to devalue the dollar.
You're not going to stop because you're crazy people.
You're not going to stop until you've run us in the ground.
So, there you go.
They're talking about having us testify.
You know, I've never testified to Congress.
I get to sit there and watch them attack me in hearings when I'm in the room and I never get a chance.
But their plan is to then say I lied to Congress and arrest me like Roger Stone, even though I wouldn't tell a lie.
They would just misrepresent it.
So, you can't polish a turd.
You just get crap on you.
But pray for Owen, pray for InfoWars, and keep us on the air, and realize they want us off air because we're exposing their criminal activities.
So tell everybody to tune in if you're listening on a local radio station, or watching on a TV station, or watching us at band.video or freeworldnews.tv.
Just realize you're everything.
When you get excited and when you decide to take the links to whatever videos or articles or live feeds you think are the most informative, and when you decide to get excited and tell others, hey, here's the forbidden, verboten information,
If you think it's interesting and deserves to be seen, you should share it and then tell others to share it, and then tell them to share it, and then tell them to share it, and then tell them to share it.
And that's called a chain reaction.
And that's what the tyrants don't want, is a human chain reaction of love and justice and renaissance and freedom and coming together against this
Neo-fascist, neo-liberal, crazy town orgy of corporations using behavioral psychology on us and wrecking society in the process.
Because they're like Hitler using nerve gas in World War I. He thinks he's invincible, it blows back on him.
Nobody can do stuff like this and not have it destroy them.
Alright, we have a special guest taking over straight away.
There'll be big news in the War Room today.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Hello, and welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host of the fourth hour, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, and I have a very interesting show today and with an interesting guest, if we can get our technical challenges worked out.
And as advertised today, I'm going to talk to you about the psychological aspects of what's been going on with the pandemic situation.
And we've entitled the show COVID Gnosis, How Empire Has Brainwashed the World.
And I want to bring up, first of all, that there are many names used to describe this process, including mass psychosis, mass hypnosis, mass formation, crowd formation, etc.
But what I'm really talking about is how you can march a society towards a totalitarian state.
And of course, we've seen many examples of this in the 20th century.
So far to learn from and overall there are two main techniques that one can use and the first we've seen implemented in some of those totalitarian states over the 20th century and what I'm talking about is using brute force, threats, intimidation, silencing people, murdering people, preventing resources to essentially by force take control of a society.
And then you have the countervening approach, which is to establish a situation to obtain consent over society.
And this is what I think is going on right now in our current situation.
And we can look at two famous literary examples to highlight this contrast in approach.
The first example would be 1984 by George Orwell.
And in this example, we see, you know, the famous quote about a boot being permanently on the face of the citizen who is the subject of this tyranny.
So we can see that through the use of torture and force and endless war, you can achieve this type of control over the members of society.
And then we have a very different type of dystopian future that's presented in Aldous Huxley's A Brave New World.
And Aldous Huxley really is an important figure to look at in what is going on in the world today because he predicted that this would be occurring and kind of laid it out in advance for us.
So there are many, many lessons to be learned.
And warnings to be heated about what's going on, but essentially the dystopian society we see in a brave new world is one where people participate willingly and they use various methods of providing pleasure and distraction to the members of the society in order to keep them content and compliance without having any of the normal freedoms that they would have.
And this plays out one through the use of a drug in the book called Soma, which essentially induces a happy, distracted state.
So if you're experiencing the loss over a sense of identity or purpose in life or a feeling that something is stressful about the repetition, then taking that drug is encouraged.
And this makes you essentially, you know, happy enough and satisfied enough that you don't question things further.
And, of course, we see that that society also was stratified, as presented in that image, into different groups named after, interestingly, Greek letters, similar to the fake variants that we're seeing now paraded as signs of danger.
And, of course, people were brainwashed from birth, and also in this depiction, children were not created through families or marriage, and, in fact, they totally separated that and taught
Thank you.
So what I'm going to talk about in the topic for today's show is about how can the governments of the world or the empirical organizations of the world actually manipulate the psyche of the people en masse towards this willingness to accept a totalitarian state and willingness to give up their freedoms.
And there seems to be a universal exchange that goes on here
Related to safety when and the emotion of fear and so when people are in a state of fear they're willing to trade their freedom for safety and we've seen this happen over and over again historically and this is exploited and known to be a very important technique so if we could pull up the first slide because I want to talk about in the UK government they've actually created a group that strategically
Creates ways to increase and generate fear in the population.
And what I'm talking about here is a group called the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behavior, or SPI-B.
And they were reconvened on February 13th of 2020.
As a group, they were previously in place during the swine flu pandemic of 2010, I believe.
Which we know has been completely debunked at this time.
But they reconvened in order to provide recommendations to the UK government how to increase compliance with various interventions and policies such as lockdown, social distancing, mask wearing, and ultimately toward the vaccine and the vaccine passports.
And what we found is that several psychologists who are on this group decided to blow the whistle
And that's what we see in that Telegraph article, where they essentially realized that what they were doing was unethical and immoral.
And I want to quote one of the psychiatrists who not only came out to the newspaper and the Telegraph, but actually was interviewed for a very important book that describes this in detail.
And I'm sorry, I'm giving you the title of this book.
in just a minute but let me read you the quote and this is from Gavin Morgan is the name of the psychologist and he stated clearly using fear as a means of control is not ethical using fear smacks of totalitarianism it's not an ethical stance for any modern government by nature I'm an optimistic person but all this has given me a more pessimistic view of people and there were several other
Whistleblowers that contributed and with similar sentiments and essentially what we're saying here is that there is a government dictated strategy to generate fear among their population in order that they will trade that fear for safety and go along and be compliant with all of these measures that are not in their best interest even when these measures result in direct harm to themselves, economic harm, social harm, etc.
And this brings me to discussing more general what is the overall technique to prepare a population in order to be manipulated with the hypnotic techniques that my guest is going to describe coming up.
And there seem to be three facets that are talked about in much of the literature and you can find this in the writings of Mir Lou as well as Jacques Ellul who wrote on propaganda.
And more recently, there is a professor of psychology who was interviewed by Rainer Fulmisch, I believe the name is Mespeth, who talked about this.
And these three conditions are, firstly, isolation.
And this is really important to cut people off from their normal social contacts.
The second aspect is create a state of confusion.
Where there are changing rules and instructions, repetitive slogans that seep into the conscious awareness.
And the third aspect is to create a general state of dysphoria or anxiety or of disenfranchisement among the people and especially if it's a general state and doesn't have a specific cause.
Because then you're able to introduce a cause of this distress along with a strategic solution
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Hello and welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host for this fourth hour, Dr. Andrew Kaufman.
I want to remind people or essentially announce that I will be doing a live webinar this Saturday the 28th and you can find out more about that on True Medicine
Sorry about that.
That will be the inaugural live webinar, and it will be all question and answers about any topics related to the science of the pandemic, as well as natural healing.
So I hope to see some of you there.
Before the break, I was talking about mass hypnosis of our society in a way to get people to consent to the totalitarian takeover of our collective population.
And I want to just point out two things before I introduce my guest, who's an expert in this area.
And if we could bring up the slide on the TV, because television plays a central role and the mass media in the ability to manipulate society.
And we can see from the studies of Krugman in the 1960s,
That television actually puts the viewer into an alpha brainwave state.
And what this means is that they are open to hypnotic suggestion.
And the programming that follows, coming from only a few companies who repeat the same messages over and over again, is taken in much more saliently because of this hypnotic state.
And if we could go to the next slide, please.
I also want to point out that hypnosis is quite a powerful technique.
In fact, it's so powerful that when someone is under hypnosis that you can cut into their flesh with a knife like through a surgical procedure and they will not feel it.
And they've actually done hundreds of surgical procedures only with hypnosis and no other anesthesia.
So, now that I've set the stage, I'd like to introduce today's guest, Michael Grady, who is a professional hypnotist and stage hypnotist, and also does therapy with people using neurolinguistic programming.
So, Michael, welcome to the Alex Jones Show!
Hi, Andy.
Thanks for having me on.
Pleasure to be here.
Thank you so much.
We should be able to conclude that many hypnotists or people with your expertise should see what's going on right now, but you are one of the very few who is speaking out about this.
Can you tell the audience, how did you come to be sort of a whistleblower or talk about this controversial topic?
Honestly, I did not even plan on doing this.
You know, for many years, I've been sharing this information with my followers, family, and friends, and it's just been so hard for everybody to see that no one ever really wanted to listen to it, right?
Like, so once I saw this cartoon that the Los Angeles Unified District put out, and it was so blatantly obvious, I think some of us have seen it, you know, it introduces a guilt trip into the kids, and it's, uh,
A lot of hypnotic elements into it.
So many hypnotic elements, that it took me 20 minutes to describe... A clip of Barbara, huh?
It took me 20 minutes to describe just some of the elements in this cartoon that we later found out the school district hired an infomercial giant behind the George Foreman Grill, the Juice Man Juicer,
NordicTrack and a bunch of other mega successful products.
So it's kind of hinting, is this a product that they're selling?
Are they trying to help their kids be safe?
And clearly they're using, you know, the strongest marketing type of strategies.
So are you saying that really the techniques of hypnosis are actually applied to marketing and advertising for commercial purposes as well?
Oh my goodness.
You talk to any salesman, you know, you'll know that anytime they make a sale, they have to have a rapport with the customer.
They have to be a place of authority.
They have to be an expert of some sort to gain that trust, right?
And the same goes for hypnosis.
When I go on stage to do a show or I do therapy with somebody, they need to know that I'm the real deal and I know what I'm talking about.
So there's ways to demonstrate that and, you know,
I could go on and on.
There's so many aspects to sales and hypnosis, accepting an idea, being sold something.
It's really one and the same.
Well Michael, why don't you help us out perhaps by laying out some of the principles or techniques used with hypnotic suggestion that you've seen applied here and then perhaps during the next segment we can show some examples.
So one of the
Biggest hypnotic concepts everyone needs to know that's being used on us in the media and with anybody who can be manipulative, really, is, you know, we have this chart here that us hypnotists use.
We have the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the critical factor, right, which is the gateway into the subconscious mind.
Now, anytime you feel an emotion, that is an unconscious response.
So if someone gets you to feel fear, right?
Worry, that means that you are believing it, right?
And so that also means that your critical factor, the gateway to the subconscious mind opens.
And so after they induce you with some kind of scary image, like in the beginning of the pandemic, when we had the people fainting, right?
And we realized that, you know, that actually didn't happen, but those were scary images, right?
They got fear into people.
And so,
They're very persuasive, edited videos.
From the point you feel fear, all the way through the segment, you just accept those suggestions straight to your subconscious mind.
And then it's no surprise when we talk to everybody who's in the COVID-nosis, right?
It's all the same set responses, right?
Over and over.
It's like I'm on the, like I'm on the stage at the hypnosis show and I'm going up to the microphone with the microphone and you know, it's all the same responses.
Very predictable, right?
And we saw this with Mark Dice when he went up to people with a petition, you know, sign the petition to incarcerate anti-vaxxers, you know, and people are just like, yeah, okay, right?
And I'm like, this is like a hypnotic skit, right?
That's right, because the anti-vaxxers have been specifically labeled among domestic terrorism documents, right, if there's a guidance from FEMA that lists this specifically.
But I think you make a very important point for psychology, which is when you can induce someone into a feeling state, like fear, that the natural way that our mind works is it wants to find thoughts that explain that fear response, like it's looking for a source of danger if you feel fear.
And whatever is presented to you, right, like, you know, through a mass media message, is going to be incorporated into your belief system.
And then you'll, especially through repetition, right?
I mean, how important is repetition for the hypnotic process?
It's very important.
Here's the power of what they've been able to do.
Okay, so they've been indoctrinating us heavily just on this one topic for
What, over 500 days, right?
A year and a half.
And so what happens is, when you put an idea into the subconscious mind, it kind of gets planted like a seed, right?
And it grows.
And we call these pillars of belief, once they really do hold.
And so, imagine the person who's been watching the news every day, many times a week, you know, throughout this whole time.
They have a pillar, pillar, pillar, pillar, pillar.
They have hundreds of pillars holding up this concept of the convid.
And so, you know, you go up to talk to them with a little fact from the area.
The CDC said this or OSHA says that about masks or any kind of real bit of bit of information.
They just can't accept it.
It's like when I have someone up on stage and we do, you know, us hypnotists, we do the routine of like, you know, one of the stars of the show.
They couldn't say their name.
Michael, this is a very powerful.
Listeners call into the show and they thank me.
And it makes me feel pathetic.
Because I sit there and I beg you for support constantly.
For prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth.
And we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And we're still here.
And as this whole New World Order comes out in the open, our credibility is going up.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved and America still quasi-free.
You can't have InfoWars.
It's been proven right, being on air, with all the craziness that's about to unfold.
Because if you think stuff's bad now, just get ready.
So thank you all, and get into InfoWarsTore.com.
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Thank you.
I don't like coming to you and saying this could be our last broadcast.
Hell, I've been on there 27 years, and only the last year or so have I said that.
But let me tell you, the New World Order is breathing down our neck.
The big globalist publications are coming after us, and they're doing everything they can to shut us down.
So please pray to keep InfoWars on the air and please support the local station you're listening to as well.
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Thank you so much.
Let's go back in time, say to the mid-1990s, and then imagine a science fiction movie set in the year 2020, where a world government's being established, where members of Congress and former presidents are censored by big tech, and where if you don't take an experimental injection that grows blood clots and prions all over your body, then you're not allowed to fly on an airplane.
Think about that, because that's where we are.
Imagine just 20, 30 years ago, hell, just 5 years ago, if somebody told you this would be happening.
But it is happening now.
And then they tell you, oh sorry, it's not a vaccine, it's a gene therapy, and it doesn't really work.
So you gotta take it every few months.
And the people that have submitted say, great!
I want to take it all the time so I can go outside and not get sick from COVID.
Even though it gets you sick from COVID.
And now there's record numbers of really sick people from the sloughing, the shedding of the virus.
And that's in mainline studies.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Hello and welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Dr. Andrew Kaufman.
I have an excellent guest here, professional hypnotist Michael Grady.
Before the break, we were talking about some techniques
Right, so the depth of which someone makes you feel an emotion
This is the same depth that they're getting access to your subconscious mind.
That's a really big concept to just like digest.
And which is why we see everyone regurgitating the same type of answers as if they are hypnotized.
And so one of the big aspects that got people to go from, oh, maybe this is something I should be fearful about, to now I'm not going to hear information and I'm going to allow experimental medicine to be put on me.
Is something called, something where you're complying, really.
So the more you comply, the deeper in a trance you get, right?
It's kind of like when I do street hypnosis, I can just walk up to somebody, Hey, would you like to take part in an imagination experiment and test your mind?
Okay, sure.
All right.
So I have them imagine magnets in between their hands, right?
And the feeling, which is similar to an emotion, their hands will slowly touch
As an unconscious response.
Then I'll make them have their hands stuck together.
Then I'll make them, they can't bend their arm because they imagine a steel bar.
Then I'll make their hands stuck to their head.
Then I'll make them so they can't remember their name.
And that's the point where they reach subnambulism and I can say, sleep, they drop, it's over.
It's in the bag.
Just because they complied, I exercised their imagination
They became convinced that what I was saying was real.
When it's not, right, you can bend your arm, you can take your hand off your head.
But, you know, those procedures just hack the mind.
Just like you can get into a computer behind the firewall.
Us hypnotists know how to get past the critical factor into your subconscious mind.
And if a guy like me can just do it,
In 10-15 minutes to anybody walking down the street, imagine the billion-dollar media complex and all the studies they've been doing, right?
It really puts it in perspective.
Well, they certainly do have the resources and, you know, they've infiltrated in a systematic way into our collective conscious.
And, you know, I think there's important psychological aspects that accompany why these hypnotic ideas take such a strong root, as you described, because
We have the fear situation.
If we look at that a little more closely, there has been a specific cause of the fear, right?
That is part of the main narrative, right?
Which is this elusive imaginary virus, right?
But if you believe that, then you have the solution to alleviate that fear has been offered, right?
And it's essentially to comply with the policies.
If you wear a mask, if you stay away from people, if you isolate yourself,
If you subject yourself to the experimental jab, then you will be safe and no longer need to be in fear.
And so not only does it reduce the fear and provide that relief, but now, in addition, it makes you part of a new social group or collective.
Whereas you were isolated during the initial
I think?
Environmental hypnosis, right?
Social pressure.
It's hardwired into us as to get love from people.
You know, if you're not accepted by your friends and family, you lose that feeling of love, right?
And most people aren't really strong enough in themselves to stand up like we do, you know?
That's right, and that is a real effect because, you know, I've faced that in my personal life from friends and family members that they have really withdrawn because they cannot accept, you know, an alternative viewpoint because of this emotional attachment and degree, you know, of hypnotic trance state.
And we look at experiments like the ASH experiment, right?
A simple kindergarten display.
of different size lines on a piece of paper and with a group of people that are in on the experiment and one person to answer, right?
The person can't even pick out or he after the third whether the second or third try he will tell the wrong answer as far as the length of the line.
I gave a slide for that we can show it.
Yes, the one with the different lines on it.
And, you know, so this is a famous experiment, right, where the subjects are instructed.
First they're asked which is the longest line, is that correct?
What is the similar line, right?
So we have one line on the left side, and then, you know, obviously the right answer is three, right?
But because all the five people, all the people around him, right, are saying the wrong answer, he will eventually say the wrong answer every time.
Even though it doesn't make sense, he will comply.
There's also another social conditioning experiment where there's people sitting in a waiting room with the tone going off and everybody's in on the experiment that stands up every time the tone goes off and the person has no clue eventually will start standing.
And what's even more amazing is when new people are introduced to that one person, they will also comply along as well.
So really this kind of aspect of peer pressure is a very strong motivating force and perhaps you can also tell us about the famous Milgram experiment which is kind of an even more astonishing example of what people will do under the instructions of authority.
You have someone just taking part in an experiment where they think they're doing a learning exercise, where we're going to ask this person who's in the other room who has an electrode on their wrist, and if they get the answer wrong, we're going to shock them, right?
We're going to see if this works, right?
But really, the experiment is on the person doing the shocking.
And as the test goes on, they start off with very low voltage.
There's just a little zzzz, right?
You know, like a 9-volt battery or something.
The experiment continues on to over 300 volts, you know, which could blow the guy's hand off, right?
And so, just with a person in authority telling them, no, we need to continue the experiment, continue on, and they're kind of, you know, like, distressed and, all right, I guess I'll keep doing it, while the guy is yelling in the other room and they can hear him yelling, ah!
Please stop!
Someone, you know, people will just cower to authority.
They'll just do what they're told.
This goes back to our school system, right?
If I wanted to hypnotize the nation, I know I gotta get ideas in the subconscious mind.
So if I can make this critical factor very weak, have them regurgitate information instead of coming to their own conclusions, do what they're told by being threatened and coerced without thinking about it during their developing years, creating the neural pathways and neural nets so they're hardwired for the rest of their life, it's gonna be easy for a guy like me to tell people
On the news, what to do with a script and everyone just complies.
It's really amazing.
You know, Michael, I'm glad you brought up the school training because I've often thought of the situation where with fire drills, where right suddenly everyone is disrupted from their activity, no matter what it is.
And an authority figure orders them to, you know, really comply seriously with their behavior, right?
They have to be in a single file, be completely silent, and follow every single instruction.
And it's like, when we hear the sound of that fire drill, we jump to attention.
Thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, hello and welcome back to the Alex Jones Show and please do join me for my True Medicine Live webinar this Saturday as you just seen up on the screen.
It would be great to have you ask some interesting questions and stimulated discussion about topics like you hear me speak about on Alex Jones and many others.
Today, we have been talking about mass hypnosis and how the elite powers and governments of the world have been manipulating the psychology of the populations across the world towards a totalitarian state.
And I have guest expert, professional hypnotist and neurolinguistic programming practitioner, Michael Grady.
Welcome back, Michael.
Thank you.
So, you made a really great... Okay, go ahead.
No, please.
Take us where you like.
I was going to say, you made a really great point bringing up the fire drill, right?
So you get the sound, you have no critical thought, you just react immediately, go, you know, get in line and follow directions, right?
Because you believe that's going to help you with your safety, right?
And so same thing with like the, the tones, right?
Just like that tone experiment where people would stand just because of the tone going off and seeing everyone else do it.
What happens in between classes at school, right?
We hear the bell.
That's right, right?
Okay, get up, go to the next class, right?
Same kind of thing.
And this is behavioral conditioning also is another way to, you know, describe some of these things, right?
Where you pair a desired stimulus like the sound of a bell with the response to, you know, stop what you're doing, get up and leave the room, right?
And we also know that behavioral conditioning techniques like this that were, you know, developed by Pavlov as well as others are much more effective when the subject is in a state of fear.
So once again, we have the emotional aspect.
Right, the last video I just posted a couple days ago on my YouTube, definitely find me, Michael Grady, on YouTube.
I'm getting this information out so people can really understand it.
And actually, a lot of people are showing their kids and their kids are really enjoying it.
And now, it's like showing the magic trick, right?
If I can make a handkerchief disappear in my hands, you're gonna be amazed.
But then I show you it's just a $5 plastic thumb.
You're like, oh, well that's kind of silly.
It's kind of the same stuff, really.
It's just a psychological trick being played on us continually, you know, throughout all our lives.
Absolutely, and I would encourage people to look at the work of John Taylor Gatto, who talks about this indoctrination program in the compulsory school and how it was really developed out of the Prussian education system.
Prussia is part of what Germany is now.
Like I meant to say was
I just released a video where I showed how the L.A.
school system, they opened their whole 2021 school year, their opening ceremony, was literally, they started it like a funeral, okay?
To get used to thinking, okay, you know, think about the people who passed away.
And then they had this funeral wreath in the center of the stage with the dim lights.
And they focused on this funeral wreath for like a minute after they induced the state of death and grieving.
And then they placed this funeral wreath right behind the podium so when all the crooked people of the administration are speaking, there's this feeling of death looming in the background.
Do what you're told.
Be safe.
Or that could be you.
You know, that's the unsaid thing.
It was really striking, you know, the ceremonial aspects of that because they even had a moment of silence.
And, you know, I think that this is another aspect and I know that hypnotic suggestion is part of this, but we essentially have rituals and ceremonies.
Right, that are being done and you can look at the mask wearing actually as an initiation ritual, right, where the covering of the face de-identifies the person from their previous life and when they emerge they'll have a new identity as part of this new group, right, which is those indoctrinated to COVID, right, and so we have this kind of thing play out on multiple levels all using these strategies.
Right, like in that hypnotic cartoon that the L.A.
school system hired the infomercial giant to put together, they use specific colors throughout the whole thing.
You can see the little girl, the cartoon girl, she has a heart on her hair, right?
And it's a red heart.
And she's also wearing a red mask, right?
Kind of having that association, right?
There's a red heart and later she has the mask on.
And that just puts
More ideas than your mind.
I love my family is really the end concept.
And right here in this clip, there's a lot of things going on where she's talking to the dad and she ends up saying, well, before, you know, I'll admit I was really afraid.
And they had this past kind of disassociated from her.
And then, you know what?
And now I feel okay.
And they break the past closer to her.
This is an NLP concept.
I love you so much!
They anchor in the feeling with that little animation, a little bit of sounds, all the beautiful music.
And now, like I showed in one of my videos, all the students regurgitate all the same answers.
I'm doing it for my family.
I do it for my family.
I want to make my family safe.
It's just like being up on stage and handing the microphone to the kids and asking them what's going on.
It's all the same set response.
What's been deposited into their subconscious mind.
I mean, it's very obvious.
This was really striking because you saw, as you pointed out, the red heart, the red mask, and then also the red eyeglass frames on the father, right, representing the love of the parents.
And if you really look closely, even if you believe the official narratives, right, we know that children have not been affected by this illness.
And the real justification that they would say for requiring the children to undergo all these procedures is so that they don't get the adults sick.
It's putting that weight of that responsibility on them.
They're responsible for their parents' health.
They're responsible for their teachers' health.
And imagine the burden that a child would experience related to that pressure.
That is what allows this sort of expression of love to be so, so comforting because it alleviates that unfair burden put on these young children.
Yeah, that was the big hypnotic induction in that cartoon where the mother has that face of disconcern, right?
That worry, right?
And they even use a little symbol on the mother's mouth
That's a heart with a line through it.
Kind of a symbol of a broken heart.
And the girl's wearing the yellow glasses.
That's the look, you know, focused on school.
Just like the father's wearing the red glasses.
Focused on love.
All these little manipulation tactics that, you know, they seem like little bits and pieces here, but it's kind of like when you make a soup and you add a pinch of salt.
It's not really going to do much, but if you add 10 pinches of salt, it's going to change the soup a lot, right?
So when you add in all these little hypnotic concepts, it makes a huge change.
That's right.
And it also, you know, really is instructive because it tells you the degree to which whoever planned that video, right, had to consider all these little details and put them all together so that there's a consistent theme to lead the viewer, right, to this hypnotic suggestion that it's portraying.
As I went down the rabbit hole on this and saw it and was just mortified, you know, I kind of came out of my shell of not really sharing this information.
Just so concerned for the kids, man.
It's so manipulative.
And then we learned it was an infomercial giant behind, you know, Tony Robbins and the George Foreman Grill.
And like, really?
You're hiring not a professional doctor who knows about health?
You're going to hire this guy to sell the products, right?
And then if you go down the rabbit hole,
Absolutely, and we've also seen this kind of material play out with, you know, an intended audience of children by using various pop culture figures, right?
We've seen TikTok videos, we've seen music videos put together by, you know, some famous acts as well.
So, Michael, I just want to thank you so much for coming on the Alex Jones Show today to educate us really about the techniques of hypnosis
And how they're being used and specifically not just targeting people in general but targeting our children and used by the organizations and agencies that we're supposed to trust like the education departments.
So that about wraps it up.
Don't forget to register for my True Medicine Live webinar this Saturday.
And, of course, I will continue to be back every Wednesday to guest host the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you very much.
Humanity is the main stakeholder on this planet.
But the big corporations for a hundred years have told us that humans are bad and evil, and a pestilence on the Earth, so that we begin to believe we're bad, and we'll turn off our life force, and let the eugenics-based globalists take control of the planet.
If you go to Klaus Schwab, the head of the Daedalus Group's own Wikipedia page,
He brags on there about how they're capturing democracy and taking over governments worldwide to set up a corporate dictatorship under the UN.
They admit all of this.
They plan the lockdowns.
They release the viruses.
They think you're stupid and their plan is to slowly
We're good to go.