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Filename: 20210620_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 20, 2021
1675 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various issues including the Biden administration's push for cognitive testing, false flag operations, and Big Tech's involvement in funding gain-of-function research. He highlights the importance of supporting InfoWars by purchasing products from their store to fund their fight against tyranny. The show also covers topics such as law enforcement credibility, Jeffrey Epstein's connections with powerful individuals, and the ongoing investigation into corruption and blackmail networks. Further discussions include critiques on critical race theory, mask mandates, and media coverage surrounding Joe Biden's cognitive abilities; rumors about Russian influence on Putin-Biden summits; Chinese nuclear scientists found dead under mysterious circumstances; and a study suggesting women who received the COVID-19 vaccine may have difficulty conceiving children. The broadcast encourages listeners to support InfoWars, which offers various health supplements and new Biopros products as solutions to non-GMO pollution.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Sunday evening broadcast.
I am here in beautiful, and I mean beautiful, New York City.
The weather here is incredible.
Central Park is amazing.
You forget how much the globalists have run one of the greatest cities in the world into the ground.
And I've got a lot of news to cover today.
Here with Owen Schroyer, a lot of exclusive intel.
Let me give you the really good news.
I walked all six miles around
Central Park this morning and I was being very low-key wearing sunglasses and a ball cap and I then walked another mile and a half to a restaurant where I had late breakfast and then I walked back to my hotel where I'm staying obviously because they try to shun and destroy Trump so there's no secret where I'm staying here at Trump Tower in New York you see right out the window Central Park and I got mobbed
Absolutely mobbed by black people, by white people, by Hispanic people, by gay dudes.
I mean, it was just a totally diverse population of people.
Every restaurant I went into, because I wanted to use the bathroom, I went to a little rock shop, you know, to buy my children a few little, you know, rocks or whatever.
And the guy that owned it was a listener.
I mean, just simply amazing to get on the ground understanding of how many people are awake.
Just remember that.
When you're not prominent, when you're not on air, which is a positive thing, by the way, I'm not saying, oh, I'm on air, you're not.
I'm saying, I am like a gauge or an indicator.
Like, what's the temperature in the engine?
Just like a temperature gauge.
Or a wind gauge on top of a barn.
And I can tell you that I've been coming to New York my whole life.
Always liked visiting New York.
Back when I was a kid, my parents would take me here to see the famous museums in Central Park and things like that.
And I've been on here 27 years.
And I've never been mobbed like I've been in New York.
Extremely positive.
Nothing negative.
Not even hateful looks.
It's just been absolutely crazy.
And again, last night and today, I've gone to trendy restaurants, places where it's a bunch of blue haired liberals.
And they're all listeners, so a lot of really good positive feedback.
Oh, and I know you've got tons of news to cover today.
We've got massive false flag news.
We've got Google.
As I already told you, Google is heavily involved in the Wuhan lab.
So is Facebook.
Facebook, Google, and Apple are all larger position owners in big tech than even somebody like Bill Gates is.
And Gates owns a piece of basically everything as well.
He owns a piece of Facebook.
When you understand that big tech is the new government, it's the technocracy, it's the controlling system.
Big article by Jamie White on Infowars.com from his treasure trove of Peter Daszak emails that ran the Wuhan data function operation that Google 2017 was one of the main funders of taking these viruses out of the wild and weaponizing them.
So no wonder they censor you when you say it came out of the lab.
So we've got that incredible news.
I went over to Epstein's torture palace.
And we've got even more on that coming out.
Oh, and tell folks what you've got coming up today.
Well, everybody knows Joe Biden is obviously not all the way there.
And now a White House physician who worked with Obama and Trump, Ronny Jackson, has come out and said that it's time for Biden to take a cognition test.
And, of course, he uses the media against themselves, saying, hey, you called for Trump to do it.
You made Trump do it.
He did it.
You said all these things about Trump.
He passed.
He took it.
Let's see Biden do the same thing.
So, I mean, middle-of-the-road people that just care about this country and don't want to see it fall, Alex, are looking at the complete disaster that is the Biden administration, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the Vice President, and they're just like, look, I don't want America to go down like this.
They may not even understand how bad it really is, but they see that and they're saying, this is embarrassing.
We just had the G7, we had the Putin summit, and what did Biden get out of any of it?
Our energy's been cut off, Russia gets pipelines, the U.S.
Let's be clear, Owen.
Let's be clear.
When you watch Biden on these videos, it's not like we're picking a gaffe here or a gaffe there.
It's all horrible.
It's all embarrassing.
He acts like people that are very old in a nursing home.
On a scale of 1 to 10, some folks are there because they had a stroke, but they're all there mentally.
And some people are there because they had a really bad heart attack or they're partially paralyzed with their brains there.
There's a lot of folks in the nursing home who don't know really who they are.
Biden on a scale of 1 to 10 is about a 7.
And of course, a 10 is a vegetable.
We'll break it all down with Owen Schroyer.
Big broadcast on this Sunday evening.
I'm asking all the listeners and viewers, tell folks, tune in now.
InfoWars is live.
That's how we circumvent the censors.
InfoWars is live now.
I want to go to war, I want to go to war, I want to go to war.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you so much for joining us on this live, Sunday, worldwide broadcast.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
It is 6-20-21, the 20th day already.
And I am very blessed and honored to have you here with us this evening.
I'm coming to you from Trump Tower, overlooking Central Park this evening.
And I can tell you, New York is massively awake.
I've talked to a lot of police, firefighters, but I've also talked just to the general public, and they are seeing through the propaganda massively, unless they are
Single women, they tend to still be under the brainwashing and think they're in great danger from the overdriven, hyped up COVID situation that they are planning to bring back.
By the way, it's why it's important to keep exposing it, keep discrediting Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, or they're going to bring this back again later.
They like to launch an attack.
Then once opposition mounts, they kind of pull back for a while and then clamp down again later that every time we build enough opposition to throw them off, they will then
Release partially, only clamp down again later.
It's the basic psychology of the enemy.
If you understand that, you understand everything.
I'm just going to be here for 30 minutes or so.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, we're going to premiere here on Radio Slash TV, my visit to the seven story torture dungeon, the pedophile dungeon of Jeffrey
The White House physician coming out saying that Biden needs to take a cognitive test right now.
Because he clearly doesn't know what plan he's on.
That was always part of the plan to get rid of him via the 25th Amendment, but it's happening a little bit quicker than the deep state had hoped for.
They wanted it, I think, closer to the midterms, but that is falling apart right now in front of the world.
But first, the big issue.
There's two of them.
And they, like a binary star system, they orbit each other.
You have the great false flag of the COVID-19.
And the lockdown and the global starvation it triggered, and the fact that it's now come out, it's on Infowars.com, it needs to go super viral.
The direct Peter Daszak emails via another FOIA request.
We now know why Google, Twitter, and Facebook are criminally blocking that and trying to suspend any organization or group that legally gets these and puts them out.
Peter Daszak, ladies and gentlemen, on record, his number two funder was Google.
And it wasn't just some varied area of virology.
Daszak was studying dozens of areas.
It was specifically gain-of-function of weaponized zoological viruses out of wet markets and out of the jungles and caves of China and other parts of the world, bringing them all to Wuhan and then preparing the cover story that was going to come out of a wet market.
That's even in the documents.
That's why you saw Fauci four years ago saying Trump will be challenged by a major pandemic before his first term is out.
They scripted and battle-planned and prepared this entire criminal operation.
Remember, I'm not just saying that now.
I've been saying since this started, big tech is heavily involved.
If you study Google and Facebook, I don't know which one's more involved because they're both so involved.
Billions of dollars in nanotech.
Billions of dollars in genetic engineering.
Every year.
I mean, they are buying up everything.
They're not just big tech.
They're not just advertising.
They're not just surveillance.
They are buying up everything, and they're obsessed with big pharma.
Because if you're information control, you can suppress consumer reports.
You can suppress medical doctors, scientists, members of Congress, U.S.
Senators, governors having hearings.
If you can suppress off-the-shelf cheap drugs that are 100% cure for things, like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and rendezivir and other things,
If you can successfully suppress all that, well then you can push your poisons on people and make tut-tut-tut-tut trillions, but also get full control.
Then you can also suppress the deaths and the rest of it.
So, you can talk about antitrust legislation, getting rid of Section...
Two-thirty that gives them immunity and all the rest of it, but it's the racketeering, it's the organized crime, it's them being invested in Big Pharma and then censoring congressional hearings about corruption in Big Pharma.
This is just unbelievable.
This is next level racketeering, so we're going to be covering that.
But the first other big issue I wanted to hit, as I said this is a binary issue, two big issues that are the same issue that orbit each other, that are like identical twins, and that is the false flag of
January 6.
Do they provocateur some people into going in?
But the impetus, the police stand down, the infiltration of legitimate groups, good groups with good founders and good leaders, you know, like Stuart Rhodes and the Oath Keepers, great organization, great long history until that day.
They had so many people there, they were able to infiltrate it.
It was so big.
And along with Antifa and along with the Proud Boys,
To get in there and to basically have some actual real patriots who thought they were under Q's command going into the building.
But now as you notice, Tucker Carlson with the revolver story last Monday, and then beating the drum the last five days.
First just put out the question, let them attack him and say it was preposterous.
Now he's bringing out dozens of examples of the FBI setting people up, staging terror attacks, other false flags, and then knowing the names of the informants and of the FBI agents are actually already known and have already come out and are known to us as well.
And so I would look for sometime end of next week for that to be getting to be released.
We'd like to give you next week's news today, as you all know.
And I didn't give Tucker Carlson all this information.
I didn't tell him what to do.
I sat back, as this was being teed up, because I knew the people involved at Revolver and others.
I helped contribute some, it's true.
And then I just said, I think it'll be better for Revolver.
And that's what they did.
In my own mind, if I could have pushed to get Revolver on.
I thought, I think Tucker will do a better job teeing this up.
Because they'll take the bait from him to really go after him, just like the Wuhan lab we told you a year and a half ago, and Tucker told you six months ago that that was an inside job.
Now the question isn't, did it come out of the lab?
The question is, did they do it on purpose?
This is all coming up.
You've got Maxine Waters panicking.
You've got all these former FBI agents everywhere panicking.
We've got Frank Figliuzzi back on TV.
I think I forgot to send you guys this clip, but he was on MSNBC again saying, we're going to go after members of Congress.
He says, we're going to attack members of Congress.
So he says, I need to be arrested.
We all need to be arrested for the operation that the FBI hyped up and manipulated a bunch of anger.
But there were some real people that went in, so it was more of a provocative action.
It was a false flag atmosphere they created to allow it to happen, but not a pure, complete false flag, more of a leave the hot grease on the stove with the flame on.
And you can then kind of say, well, did we burn down the house or was it an accident?
But clearly, totally staged at the top with the environment.
That they set up.
We're going to be walking through all of that when we come back and the fact that that's about to come out.
And then, like Chinese water torture, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip.
You're going to hear about Fast and Furious and why Eric Holder had to step down.
Hundreds of thousands of guns knowingly shipped into Mexico to then be shipped to the Jihadi fighters.
We're going to be bringing out all the other, the original World Trade Center bombing.
We're going to be bringing out Oklahoma City.
You're going to be seeing all these big cases of staged false flag run by the ATF, run by the FBI.
And by the way, it was FBI agents that helped expose that Oklahoma City had been an inside job with the CIA, German intelligence, and ATF.
Actually, the FBI was involved at the highest levels, but there was good FBI agents who actually leaked the video of the second bomb going off.
Inside the building and then all that footage got seized again, but the LA Times reported on it So I'm up here attacking the FBI.
Let's let's not just single the FBI out the leadership.
It's all these agencies at the top Working with big tech to censor the information working with big corporations to suppress the people and that's that corporate global fascist alliance that's establishing the world ID the world social credit score allied with China and once America and the world awakens to that and
We use the constitutional role of government and of our free speech and of our political action and of our lawsuits.
And of our protest to say, no, we're going to remove this out-of-control corrupt cabal that is firmly entrenched.
But you notice, things I talk about 20 years ago, nobody understood it.
Now what we talk about is mainline understanding as the public is educated and informed, and we're going from crawling to walking to running to jumping to flying.
And so the acceleration of growth curve, the understanding of this is magnificent.
We'll be back with the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, hosted with Owen Schroyer.
I'll be here a little bit longer than Owen is going to take over.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Again, I don't like to lecture people.
I'm a very private person, but because of the globalists and their attack on humanity, I've been forced the last 27 years to be a public figure, and we've given the globalists one hell of a run for their money because of God.
And I know some of our listeners get mad when I talk about God all day, but just give me a break.
The Satanism's out in the open.
I've always been a Christian, but now the fact that it's a fight between good and evil is so clear.
And I get it.
A lot of you have been turned off by big churches.
A lot of you have been turned off by the corrupt.
We're good to go.
And so that's what InfoWars is really all about.
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People pat me on the back all the time, and I really, really appreciate it.
But I want you to understand something.
Don't put the horse in front of the cart here.
Don't put the wagon in front of the mules here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Ladies and gentlemen, it's Sunday night and that means we're live.
We've been doing the Alex Jones Show for 14 years in the Sunday slot.
4 to 6 p.m.
and of course the weekdays slot 11 a.m.
We've been doing that for about 23, 24 years.
to 3 p.m.
Been on air for now over 27 years.
And Owen Schroer has already been with Infowars four and a half, almost, no it's five years.
Hard to believe, five years for Owen Schroer.
In fact, coming up in July, it'll be five years that he's been here.
So congratulations, Owen Schroer.
And he, of course, hosts The War Room, 3 to 6 p.m.
And his show's really growing.
We're really proud of that.
Very thankful to all the viewers and listeners.
3 p.m.
weekdays, Central.
And then, of course, Harrison Smith also really doing a great job, 8 a.m.
weekday mornings with American Journal.
All times, everything posted at Infowars.com forward slash show.
It's a revolutionary act to share this transmission.
The media wants to be able to lie about me, take things out of context, misrepresent what I say and what I do.
They don't want people to actually hear what the man says, yours truly.
So please continue to help save the country and the world.
The enemy fears this broadcast because of the truth and our wide spectrum understanding.
So if you want to defeat the globalist, only you can prevent the new world order.
And one of the best tools we've got, thanks to God.
Thanks for your support.
We're good to go.
GOP Rep Fitzpatrick dismayed the right is disrespecting FBI with 1-6 false flag claims.
Since when are we not supposed to disrespect an agency that's protected Hillary Clinton, protected Honor Biden, protected Jeffrey Epstein we know, and protected the whole New World Order?
An agency that told us in the fifties LaCosta Nosfer didn't exist because they reportedly had compromising information on the founder of the FBI.
When the FBI deserves credit, they have some of the best statistics systems in the world, I'll give it to them.
And they came up with all that, and J. Edgar Hoover did, he was a librarian.
But man, come on.
If somebody kidnaps your kid, the FBI tries to help.
Unless they've been kidnapped by the insiders.
But to say you can't criticize it, or to say it's ridiculous, it's insane to say they might have had provocateurs inside the January 6th group.
You know Tucker and everybody could have just brought out all the proof right up front.
But instead, it's introduced, and we show you the history of it, hundreds of cases of it, and then the information is going to be coming out.
And that's just the best way to defeat the New World Order.
The best way to do it.
I mean, we knew exactly what happened at Wuhan Lab, day one.
We know exactly what the globals are going to do to the border.
We know exactly what Joe Biden's going to do, because they are enemies of this country, and they have a blueprint, they have an operation that they've launched against us.
And then Figliuzzi of the FBI is also on TV,
Remember he said two weeks ago, he said we need to understand that members of Congress are the ones running the radicalization.
We need to attack those congressmen with anti-terrorism tactics.
That means kill, basically.
So they're the ones talking about killing members of Congress.
When you understand the definitions that they're using, and this is the idea they're trying to introduce, because this is a coup group coming in and taking the country over.
But you've also got Republicans that fetishize the FBI, like this congressman out of Pennsylvania, who is a former FBI agent himself.
So he's either super naive, dumb as a boxer ox, or he is actively covering this up.
Because there were provocateurs on January 6th.
CNN was involved with Jaden X.
There was a consortium of leftist groups that were there trying to hype people into doing the wrong thing, an angry crowd.
And so the fact is, they did that, and now they've got this new national terrorism report they put out, that Tucker Carlson did a great job on Friday night with Greenwald, laying out how it's a declaration of war against America, declaration of war against anybody who quote, radicalizes someone, or anyone that's a racist, which they can define as anything, or here's the key,
Anyone questioning COVID lockdowns or the origin of COVID-19, did you know that if you say it came from a lab, it says that you need to be frustrated and blocked by the national security apparatus?
By the CIA?
By our military?
I mean, that right there is a total indictment of the FBI and the Justice Department leadership.
This is bald-faced, out of control.
So here's Congressman
Fitzpatrick out there carrying the FBI's water.
The corrupt group at the top of the FBI totally discrediting it, because we need a federal arm of law enforcement in this country.
That's a federal role.
We've always had federal lawmen.
This is not what we've got at the FBI now.
You've got a compartmentalized group of Ivy League leftists, CHICOM agents running this country on the ground, trying to criminalize their political opposition, and that is the clear and present danger.
Here he is.
Some of your fellow House Republicans are embracing a completely baseless conspiracy that the January 6th Capitol attack was actually a false flag operation carried out by the FBI.
You're not only one of 10 Republicans who voted to impeach former President Trump over the insurrection, you spent 14 years working for the FBI.
What's your response?
Well, Dana, I will tell you, being a lifelong FBI agent, I will tell you, you know, starting in New York, ending in L.A., and serving across the globe, when I got sworn into Congress in 2017, I've been very, very taken back and dismayed at the disrespect that law enforcement is being given across the board, both on the left and the right, quite frankly.
On the left with local police, and on the right with the FBI, in fact, just this week,
The FBI got attacked twice, once from my Democrat colleagues on the Intel Committee in which I sit, and then later by my colleagues on the right who are trying to come up with this theory that somehow the FBI
Was behind January 6th, which is incredibly irresponsible.
And anybody that understands the criminal code, understands law enforcement data, knows that a federal law enforcement agent cannot engage in a conspiracy.
It wouldn't be a conspiracy in that case if they're acting within the scope of their employment.
And if they're acting outside of the scope of their employment, they wouldn't be an unindicted co-conspirator.
They would be an indicted co-conspirator.
So the facts don't even follow.
And I think the rhetoric is very dangerous and it's got to stop.
Okay, uh, should I spend 10 hours here about the FBI illegally spying on Trump and his campaign and lying to Congress about it?
Or the fake FISA warrants they went and lied to the court 20-something times?
I mean, should I go on for 50 hours here about Fast and Furious and the ATF and the FBI covering it up?
Hundreds of thousands of weapons, tens of thousands killed?
I mean, this is ridiculous, ladies and gentlemen, to sit there and say, oh, it's disrespect to even question an event like this.
Like, where were the police?
Trump asked for the National Guard out there.
We should have had 10,000 troops just for crowd control and everything else because a big crowd can get out of control no matter who it is.
It's so easy to manipulate somebody like that and we know that happened.
And I've been honest about what happened.
There were some patriots that got suckered into this and were part of it and it was wrong.
But it wasn't the greatest attack in U.S.
It's not a reason to criminalize all opposition to the New World Order takeover that's taking place right now.
How long we got to break here?
We're going to go back to break.
We're going to come back.
With Figliuzzi, who again, these are spokespersons.
When Figliuzzi gets up there and he says, what do I think of what Tucker Carlson's been doing?
I think Congress is directing this claim that the FBI is involved because they know they're about to get arrested.
So at least he's not saying we need to attack Congress as a terror network for their speech like he did two weeks ago.
But he's still up there with that sick
Wouldn't buy a car from him.
Wouldn't let him babysit my kids.
But forget how he looks.
He's a piece of garbage.
A real fascist.
A real danger to this country.
And he's just sitting there, he goes right back to Congress and says, oh, we need to get Congress.
So I'm not saying get Congress.
I'm not saying storm buildings.
I'm not saying arrest people.
He's saying that.
It's the left burning down this country and attacking all of our real institutions so the feds that they control can come in and take them over.
That's what all this cop hate is about.
Everybody sees through it.
The FBI is a captured institution.
It's a captured agency.
Let's take it back legally and lawfully before it starts a giant civil war.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones, The Law Ensroyer.
All the evil men in power seem to flourish is that good men do nothing.
Well, I'm trying to be a good man.
I'm trying to stand up and do the right thing.
And I've seen huge effects with what we've done here at InfoWars.
Other good men and women getting together.
And tell them the truth and standing up to corruption.
But now the globals are coming after us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to this live Sunday transmission.
Owen Schroer is about to take over here in a moment.
I am Alex Jones.
You've got Sunday Live, another two hours, coming up in an hour and a half after that.
So please, again, understand the only reason we're still on air and changing the world is because of you.
So, you are changing the world when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you pray for us, and when you buy the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
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That's what allows us to be able to come to New York and break major stories and get out the original research and data that
Has the entire globalist system shaken to its very, very core?
And thanks to the blessings of God and the enemies attacking us so much, we've trended in the top five again on Facebook and on YouTube and on Twitter again in the last few days.
And so no weapon formed against us shall prosper, as long as that's God's plan.
But Owen Troyer, I want to play this clip.
I think it's the newest clip of him saying, oh, the Congress is the one saying the FBI might have provocateur because the FBI is going to arrest them.
I mean, just insane to watch this congressman, Fitzpatrick,
So-called Republicans say the FBI has never done anything wrong.
Really, what about the FBI and Whitey Bulger?
I mean, I can sit here for 50 hours and just rattle off where the FBI got caught murder for hire, or the FBI got caught involved in money laundering.
I mean, a lot of corrupt people get into the government with government power so they can do bad things.
Now what we have is the Democrats, since the Clintons control the FBI, and they run every type of crime and evil operation you can imagine, and Eric Holder had to step down over Fast and Furious because he were caught red-handed, but nobody got in trouble.
And so the idea that the same FBI and the same Loretta Lynch that protected the Clintons and all this, just how dare you disrespect us and say we might have had informants or provocateurs inside those groups when we already know they have them inside of there.
It's come out that a bunch of the leadership were federal informants, Owen.
Well, let's not forget that Comey perjured himself multiple times.
He talked about how he liked to leak things.
He basically told how FBI leadership leaks things out there to friends or media or professors or whatever.
First he testified they didn't, then he bragged he did.
Just like Ron Rosenstein testified that he didn't say he was going to wear a wire when he did.
Yeah, exactly.
These people are lying lawyers, man.
They're the most corrupt lawyers in America, probably the world.
Joe Biden brags on TV about how, oh, I said fire the
Prosecutor and son of a bitch, he was fired.
I mean, these people brag on TV about their criminal activity.
Where is the FBI?
And let's not forget that Donald Trump, President Donald Trump, declassified the JFK papers, which were being kept secret for so long, that came out and said the FBI lied about the assassination of JFK!
And had agents on TV!
And I find it hilarious that that individual goes on TV, and of course, you know, he tells you, hey yeah, I was former FBI, New York, LA, oh, now he's in Pennsylvania, maybe he's in the Happy Valley area, maybe we can look into that, maybe there's a connection there, but so yeah.
He's covering up.
He goes on CNN, of course.
He goes on CNN, declares, oh, I'm an FBI agent, and I say, no, the FBI does nothing wrong.
Never anything, never has.
But the rank-and-file Alex that would tune into this broadcast knows about the corruption at the top.
They're some of the most awakened listeners.
They'll even call in and tell you.
Well, exactly.
And I've had FBI agents on the show, retired and current.
Well, they've given us a lot of good info.
There are good men and women in all these groups, but to deny what's happening at the top is a fraud.
So let's go to this next clip.
Set the stage you've got Brian Williams that says he was shot down in a helicopter when they weren't even shot at Who's now the fact-checker at NBC and here they are on NBC News with
Figliuzzi, who is this former Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI, who is carrying the propaganda two weeks ago to quote, attack Congress because they're terror leaders off their words.
Not, not, oh they call for violence so they get in trouble, like the Democrats are doing.
No, no, no.
They're challenging the election.
They're challenging the lockdown.
That's in the new official directive of the President.
To all the intelligence agencies, the FBI, to stop people that question lockdowns, and stop people that believe in traditional families, and stop people that question the election.
It's in the damn report!
We covered it three days ago, Tucker covered it Friday night.
You ought to air it next hour if you've got time.
It's so insane.
But here's Figliuzzi countering, quote, Tucker Carlson, not challenging anything he said, going, oh, Congress is directing this, saying it's us because they know we're coming to get them.
That circular logic of him up there saying this is insane.
It should, because by that yardstick, the Democrats call for 50 times more violence in Congress than Republicans ever did.
And of course, they had the motive for January 6th.
They wrote that big-time magazine article, the secret conspiracy that helped get rid of Trump, where they brag that they basically suckered us on January 6th.
I mean, it's so incredible, and they're scared right now.
They're scared.
So I'm going to play this clip.
You're going to take over.
Next segment, please play the Jeffrey Epstein piece, which is going to be a bigger piece, but this is just one little intro piece I shot that Drew here with me, the great camera guy, thought was good.
And I think it is a good little four-minute piece of going and visiting that dungeon.
So that's coming up at the start of the next segment.
It's posted at InfoWars.com.
The way the dog hunts, folks, is you share the article.
You know, create this great research and get it out.
You're just as good, this is important, with you carrying the ball.
So that's coming up next segment.
But here is this sick little clip of this arrogant, dangerous man who doesn't just say criminal things.
He has a criminal look to him, just an unsavory sliminess.
Here he is.
So FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6th according to government documents.
And those two are not alone.
In all, Revolver News reported that there were, quote, upwards of 20 unindicted co-conspirators in the Oathkeeper indictments, all playing various roles in the conspiracy, who have not been charged for virtually the exact same activities, and in some cases, much, much more severe activities, as those named alongside them in the indictments.
So it turns out that this white supremacist insurrection was, again, by the government's own admission in these documents organized, at least in part, by government agents.
Frank, it's all yours.
Over to you.
Well, Tucker can pick one of two choices.
He can plead total ignorance of what undided co-conspirator means, or he can admit that he's trying to deceive the public.
It's one or the other.
Maybe both.
That's not what undided co-conspirator means.
In fact, if there were FBI operatives inside the crowd and they would never be charged as undided co-conspirators, this makes absolutely no sense.
But I'll tell you what does make sense, Brian.
We've learned just today through MSNBC and NBC News reporting that at least one of the defendants in the January 6th case has been asked by FBI agents, do you know anyone in Congress?
And so now when you put those two things together, there's some interest in the GOP and Congress spreading this disinformation that it was the FBI who did all of this on January 6th.
Because just maybe, just maybe, the FBI's looking at them.
And just maybe you're not a big fat lying evil demon with those other demons, Brian Williams, on that discredited channel.
Hey Frank, were you shot down in a helicopter along with Brian Williams as well?
Or maybe you're secretly the first man to walk on the moon.
So Owen, at least he's not like two weeks ago saying we need to quote, attack Congress because they're terrorists.
But they're really showing us who they are.
And again, they're so scared of this story.
But we've also got to understand
Remember, folks, the big Jamie White article with all the emails.
Get it.
Share it.
He's a great researcher.
And I love Jamie.
He has amazing jobs.
One of our best people.
But it's not even hardcore enough.
You know, the headline is, oh, Google was funding, you know, the head of the Wuhan operation.
It's much worse than that.
They were funding in getting zoological viruses that could jump into humans and creating the cover story.
Three and a half, four years ago, they were developing this whole plan.
So both of these
Things are coming out, and it's critical, continue to come out, to discredit the entire globalist rollout, because if we don't, they're going to just clamp back new restrictions with some new virus very, very soon.
That's been their plan.
Total siege, total war, total censorship.
But think about Google, Owen, censoring everybody.
All of these
Last year and a half when they, of course, were involved in the thing the entire time.
All right, I'm going to bow out.
Owen, thanks for having me on while you were supposed to be hosting.
I think you're doing a great job.
You've got the Jeffrey Epstein report coming up, the start of the next segment, and then so much more with Owen Schroer and the top White House doctor coming out and saying Biden needs a cognitive test.
Yeah, obviously.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
East 71st Street, in the middle of Manhattan, New York, USA.
And that is... St.
James Church.
We're at a very important site here.
This is a place I began to expose more than 15 years ago from sources I had who were telling me that there were powerful individuals that were running underage sex rings to compromise, not just politicians, but corporate leaders, particularly scientific leaders.
And that they had an island in the Caribbean where underage girls and others were taken where they did rituals and where children were even killed.
Well, as you know, in the last three or four years it's come out that Jeffrey Epstein was running that network.
But Jeffrey Epstein was just a pimp.
Jeffrey Epstein was just a frontman.
And when he died, the networks that he was the frontman for, that he was like the butler for, have continued on.
With the British Royal Family and others using these systems to compromise the leadership of not just the United States, but the world.
And so Bill Gates, Bill Gates and so many other
The titans of industry have stayed in the address I'm about to show you for months and months and months at a time.
They've also stayed at facilities in Paris, facilities in London, facilities in New Mexico like Zorro Ranch.
They have spent massive amounts of time inside buildings like this seven-story facility that just recently sold, we're told, for $25 million.
It's Jeffrey
Epstein's former headquarters in New York City.
And we're here producing a special report for freeworldnews.tv and infowars.com that's going to be out in the next few weeks.
And the question is, what is the center of the web?
Is it the Bilderberg Group?
Is it the Club of Rome?
Is it organizations like Bohemian Grove?
Well, Skull & Bones is corrupt and evil and set up by very vicious people.
So are all these organizations, but what is the center of that web?
So here we are, just a prelude for viewers of freeworldnews.tv at the famous keypad that so many pimps brought underage girls to, to bring them inside that seven-story building so that sex crimes could be committed, so that they could be compromised.
And it's the network that still controls Epsy today
That we are here to expose.
But Bill Gates, who took control of all the major world health departments of the planet.
Bill Gates, who is trying to force inoculations on us to bring in a world dictatorship, a world economy, a world social credit score, a world ID.
Bill Gates was, evidence shows, in charge of Jeffrey Epstein.
That's why Jeffrey Epstein had to die.
There were people above Bill Gates.
So we're here in New York City.
To investigate the roots of how the corruption and how the blackmail operates and to expose it.
But it is those doors that Prince Andrew was famously photographed staring out as young women came in and out.
It's those doors that, famously, Bill Gates was caught going into and having parties.
It's those doors that the system didn't want us to know about because they wanted to use that blackmail, that control, to control the people that control our lives.
And remember, many of the people that came to be compromised here and to engage in sex crimes did it as a gang initiation.
You've all heard of Crips and Bloods.
They got to either kill another member of the other gang or like shoot some innocent person that works at a liquor store.
You've heard about the Mexican Mafia.
You've heard of the Italian Mafia, the Hillbillies.
All of them have to commit a crime to be part of the club.
But in prison, you get killed if you're a pedophile.
Nobody puts up with that, going after children.
This is the ultimate cult, because to get in their cult, you've got to abuse children.
And that's what this facility's about.
That's why Bacchus, the Roman god of debauchery and evil, is above the door.
And up on the top, there's images of little naked children dancing.
Ladies and gentlemen, is that why Jeffrey Epstein picked this facility for his worldwide headquarters of evil?
And did he name that little island he bought in the Caribbean, Little St.
James after the church, St.
James that's just down the block?
This is part of our ongoing investigation that only you, by supporting us, have allowed us to continue on.
And thanks to you, we have the courage and the funding and the resolve to never stop.
So to the controllers of Jeffrey Epstein, you may have killed him, but you've not killed the secret of what he was doing, and you will be exposed.
And of course you can find that report from Alex Jones at band.videoalexjonesvisitjeffreyepstein's new york dungeon.
Boy oh boy, you know the Jeffrey Epstein story really isn't dead, is it?
Unlike Epstein.
Suicided in a jail cell.
And they expect us to believe that he hung himself with toilet paper.
I'm sure that's how it went down.
And of course he had the cloning lab in New Mexico.
He had the pedophile island.
He had the torture dungeon in New York where the elites would go hang out.
Media is not interested in that.
If anything, they're interested in covering it up, just like Amy Rohrbach had to admit the ABC News reporter.
Why would the mainstream media
Have an interest in covering up Jeffrey Epstein's massive industrial level sex trafficking operation.
Blackmail operation.
And you know I think it ties into something that we had in the last segment.
And guys if you can go back to that figliozzi figlioni whatever his name is that that
FBI, corrupt agent that goes on MSNBC.
In the last 15 seconds, he tells you what their next move is.
So guys, can we just queue up the final 15 seconds of that clip?
Is that possible?
So, I want you to listen, listen carefully.
Forget about the fact that he's still lying about the January 6th and everything.
Listen carefully to what he insinuates at the end of this clip
In his denial that there are federal agents involved in January 6th, which is just a fact.
We have the official documents that say that that's exactly what happened.
And we know that they ran similar things, like in Michigan, with the plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer.
A bunch of feds.
That came out too, so it'll come out with the January 6th deal.
But listen carefully to what Figliosi Figliusi says at the end of this, and understand the assertion that he's showing their hand right now about what is going to come next.
Listen closely.
So he's now saying, what he just said was that the FBI is now looking at people
Who communicate with individuals that were in D.C.
on January 6th.
If you communicated with somebody who was in D.C.
on January 6th, the FBI is looking at you.
That's what he just said.
Boy, whether there were FBI agents involved on January 6th or not, that's pretty aggressive, isn't it?
That is pretty totalitarian, isn't it?
Oh, you talked to someone that was in D.C.
on January the 6th.
We're going to investigate you now.
Doesn't matter that in Chicago you have record homicide rates.
Now, they literally, I wasn't going to cover it tonight, Harrison Smith might be covering it on Sunday Night Live, I was going to cover it tomorrow in the War Room, but in Chicago now, they stop the gangs, the white supremacists, yes, the white supremacist gangs, stop your car, pull you out of it in the middle of the street, and then execute you!
Mainstream media is not interested in covering any of that.
Record homicides in Chicago.
You had a mass shooting.
Eight people dead.
One shooting.
Where was the media on that?
You know why.
You know why they didn't cover that.
Because every person involved wasn't white.
So, black people shooting black people every day in Chicago is a non-story for them.
A non-interest for Black Lives Matter.
But the FBI can sit here and watch people get drug out of their cars in Chicago and murdered in the middle of the street.
A Juneteenth parade in Oakland resulted in a mass shooting.
Again, a bunch of white supremacists.
That's code word for, well, whatever you want it to be, I suppose.
But the FBI can't do anything about that.
They can't stop the record homicides in Chicago and Baltimore, and the record violent crime in all Democrat-run major cities.
They have no interest.
What they're doing is they're looking at anybody who was in D.C.
on January the 6th, and now, if Fig Lucey is telling the truth, they're also looking at who they communicated with.
And so, yeah, they'll be like, oh, you communicated with someone on January the 6th?
We're gonna bring you in now, too.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men do nothing.
Well, I'm trying to be a good man.
I'm trying to stand up and do the right thing.
And I've seen huge effects with what we've done here at InfoWars.
Other good men and women getting together.
And tell them the truth and standing up to corruption.
But now the globals are coming after us.
And so I need your prayers, I need your financial support, I need your word of mouth to stay in the fight.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, here's what's coming up next in the next three hours of InfoWars live transmissions.
I'm gonna be with you here the rest of this hour hosting the Alex Jones Show.
Harrison Smith will be hosting Sunday Night Live tonight.
I know he's got a lot of news to cover.
I am going to play a video clip now and then come back in the next segment.
cover all this news and then open the phone lines.
But first, let's go to another, this is trending now, another young American student who obviously parents are sick of it, friends are sick of it, students are sick of it, whether it's critical race theory or whether it's forcing them to wear a mask.
The students are sick of all of it, so now they're going to parent-teacher meetings and speaking or having like their own... I don't know what meetings you're seeing all the time now, where these students are speaking and where these parents are speaking, all against the masks and against the critical race theory.
It's just totally rejected, but you know, the liberals that run the schools want to run your life, so even though it's totally unpopular, they want to do it anyway.
And so here's another young American telling it like it is in front of her school board and in front of her classmates and in front of the parents of her school.
It's amazing.
It's amazing to have young Americans speaking out like this.
Here it is.
I'm here again.
The other day I was walking down the hallway at Lakeview Elementary School to give a teacher a retiring gift.
I looked up onto the wall and saw a BLM poster and an Amanda Gorman poster.
In case you don't know who that chick is, she's some girl who did a poem at Biden's so-called inauguration.
I was so mad.
I was told two weeks ago at this very meeting spot, no politics in school.
I believed what you said at this meeting.
So at lunch I went up to my principal to tell him about the BLM poster and that I wanted it down.
He said it's not coming down.
I was like, yeah it is, because the school board said on May 25th, no BLM or politics in school.
He said, that's weird.
They were the ones who made them.
I was stunned.
When I was here two weeks ago, you told us to report any BLM in our schools.
Apparently, you know they're in our schools because you made the signs.
I said there should be no BLM in schools, period.
Does not matter the color you make the posters and the font you use.
We all understand the meaning.
It is a political message about getting rid of police officers, rioting, burning buildings down while King Governor Walsh just sits on his throne and watches.
We all know.
Changing the font or the color of posters does not change the meaning.
I am nine years old and I know that.
You expect me to believe that you did not know what you were doing by making these posters?
Come on, people!
I do not judge people by the color of their skin.
I don't really care what color their hair, skin, or eyes is.
I judge by the way they treat me.
MLK said I have a dream that one day my four little children will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
That dream has come true.
I do not care or look at the color of skin, but you make me think of it.
I have Asian, Mexican, white, Chinese, black friends, and I don't care.
I like them because some of them make me laugh, some are sweet and kind, sporty, or share the love of God.
They are just my friends.
You have lied to me, and I am very disappointed in all of you.
You cannot even follow your own rules.
If you're going to do that, why do we follow any rules we deem unfit or ridiculous?
I'm not following your mask rule anymore, then.
Get the posters out of our schools.
Courage is contagious, so be courageous.
There's the story at Gateway Pundit.
Nine-year-old Minnesota girl obliterates school board over BLM posters.
And you know, you have all these videos.
You know, the left is creating
With their offspring, the next generation of victims, and just sexually deviant, confused people.
And that's what you see them celebrating with their kids.
You know, cross-dressing them, putting fake penises in their diapers.
I mean, literally, this is what they're doing.
I'm sorry, I'm just telling you.
And so that's what the left is raising in their kids.
And then look at what conservatives are raising.
They're actually raising the next leaders of America.
That girl is nine years old, and better spoken than most politicians that I hear speak.
So it's incredible to see this pan out.
So good on the parents of that girl, good on all the parents out there today, all the great fathers out there today, raising their kids right to be the next leaders of this great nation.
That's what we need.
So the left will have a bunch of confused victims, but we'll be strong.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, here we go.
I want to open up the phone lines and we'll start getting your calls lined up then I'm going to cover this news while the crew is getting your name and getting you up and on the board.
The number to get in this evening on the Alex Jones Show 877-789-2539 877-789-2539
And then Harrison Smith will take over.
He may take some calls too, but I know he's going to be loaded with news today.
He's been up here prepping all day, so he's going to be covering a swath of news in classic Harrison Smith style, as he does every morning on the American Journal.
All right.
Where to begin?
Because I don't have much news on my desk, but there are some very important stories that we have here.
So let's just start with this.
Now, I was stunned
When I found this out, I guess, Friday evening, maybe it was, that Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician for Obama and then for Trump, who came out and demanded, in scathing words, demanded a cognition test be done by Joe Biden, President Joe Biden.
And of course he makes reference to, at least with Trump, how when Trump was getting all this pressure from the media and attacked by his colleagues, he stepped up and he took the cognition test.
And physician Ronny Jackson, Dr. Jackson, said he aced it.
He aced the test.
President Trump was very proud of that.
And of course he did.
Here's a guy who for 70 years has done nothing but
Uh, work, which I think is actually good for your health.
Uh, you know, you can't overload, but never did drugs, never drank.
So he's got that going for him.
But see, that was a huge media story.
You couldn't turn on the TV or flip to your favorite internet, uh, or, or, or you couldn't go anywhere.
And it was all about Trump, the cognition test and everything, whether it was positive or negative.
I was stunned that I didn't even hear about this.
And in fact, I think he made this statement originally on Thursday of last week.
And the only reason I found out about it is just because I'm a media junkie and just listen to about 10 to 15 hours of talk radio all the time.
So, I mean, I feel like I can eventually find anything that's out there.
No coverage of this.
I didn't even see this covered on Fox News.
So, if you're listening and you're thinking, huh, how did I not hear about that?
I had the same reaction when I found out about it late Friday night.
Imagine if you had the same coverage of how they said Trump was mentally unfit and then he took the test and then they covered the test.
But see, that's the media protecting Biden.
The same effort, the same energy that the media had to attack Trump is now being applied to protect Biden.
So there won't be any media pressure for Biden to take the cognition test.
There won't be any media coverage of this next week.
Nobody will even mention it.
And look at this, see, this even goes back to last year.
Ex White House physician Rodney Jackson convinced Biden not fit for office.
That was October of last year.
So he already knew this.
Everybody knew this.
Everybody knows it today.
But there's the media protecting Joe Biden.
And we have journalists that actually crunched the numbers.
And that whole thing about Russian, you know, strong arming the media is probably just another Russian lie.
It's just, you know, how they just lie about Russia, the boogeyman here.
So Putin, after the summit, took 24 questions from the press for an hour and had no notes.
Biden took seven pre-prepared questions and it lasted 11 minutes and he also had his cue cards in hand for the whole thing.
So tell me, which one's a communist dictatorship?
Which is really a world leader and which is a total fraud?
Everybody knows that
Biden can't think, can't talk, is a total embarrassment, gets lost.
I mean, he shows all the signs.
He'll be in a speech, and then in the middle of the speech, he'll see someone he knows, and he'll be like, oh, hey, that's my guy over there.
Hey, yeah, that's my guy that works over at the place and does the thing.
Yeah, hey, hey, buddy.
Anyway, yeah, where was I here?
Oh, boy, I'm gonna get in trouble.
They tell me not to say this.
Oh, they gave me some note cards.
They won't cover Biden clearly not being fit.
And there's the media.
They won't cover White House physicians demanding he take a cognitive test.
So Biden won't have to take it and he would obviously fail it if he did.
In some international news, top Chinese nuclear scientists found dead under mysterious circumstances.
One of China's top nuclear scientists and the vice president of Harbin Engineering University died after falling from a building.
Boy, you think some foul play is being talked about in that situation?
Yeah, a lot of it, actually.
So there you go there.
In other international news, well, let's stick in China.
This is wild.
The crew handed this to me earlier.
It's like the lady who did that report saying, why are all these energy companies making steps to hire to basically replace their entire work staff in the next two years?
Is it because all these people who got vaccinated are going to die?
And then you have this.
So here's the headline, but the headline is not really the story.
Market closed.
Main Freight Chairman Bruce Plested sells $75 million worth of shares.
So that's just some random story.
But then in the story is an interesting little nugget that the crew found.
Hat tip to the crew.
Faihei, China's largest infant formula maker, said sales would drop sharply in the next one to two years since many women cannot bear children within six months of coronavirus vaccination and thus delaying births.
Is this an admitted side effect?
And how?
How would you even be able to know that it's only for six months?
Now you start to look at China
Who was making a COVID vaccine in 2019, before any of this came out.
So, maybe China's already had the COVID vaccine trials, and so maybe they know, yeah, for six months you can't have a baby, but then after that you can.
Or maybe they really don't know, they just know that now that the vaccine's been out for six months, and I guess no woman's had a baby since getting it, or they've had miscarriages, so they just say, well, we just assume if you get the vaccine for six months, you're not having a baby.
It's kind of the same thing of, yeah, uh, don't have a mammogram after getting the COVID vaccine.
It'll show up you have breast cancer.
Or for men, it shows up as all these cancers.
So, but don't worry, you're not, it's just, you know, that's just a side effect of it looking like you have cancer.
You don't actually have cancer.
Then you come back a year later.
Well, okay, maybe you did have cancer.
But it's mostly the blood clotting and the fainting and the Guillain-Barré and the Bell's palsy.
Little mix and a little death.
Most vaccine deaths already for this COVID vaccine hasn't even been out a year.
And so, you know, we have to give a big shout out to the NFL players right now that are standing against this one in particular, Cole Beasley.
Cole Beasley?
Cole Beasley?
He's a wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills now.
I can't remember.
I believe he's even from Austin, Texas.
And he just released a statement over the weekend basically saying, this is total tyranny.
You can't force people to take a shot.
Uh, you know, just basically stating all the signs and just saying, Hey, you know what?
I'm a free man.
I'm not going to be turned into a slave.
And so it's just incredible.
Cole Beasley.
And I think it was the GM or the owner of the team that said, no, we're going to force our whole team to vaccinate.
So good for him for taking a stand.
Others are taking a stand as well, but he's been the, he's been the vocal leader on the issue.
But I mean, yeah.
Yeah, don't go have a mammogram.
Oh, yeah.
Might show up you have cancer after you got the vaccine.
Oh yeah, don't worry, that's just a blood clot from the vaccine.
Oh yeah, your whole left side is numb.
Don't worry, just sleep it off.
Oh yeah, women get the vaccine and, you know, they can't have babies.
But hey, you know, force it on you.
And then there's this.
Jharkhand man, this is in India, claims he has magnetic powers after taking COVID vaccine, and then in this story, in India today, it's just, he's just covered, he's just a magnet.
He's literally just a human magnet.
And I did test myself, I'm not magnetic, still organic human.
I am a very humble person, but I'm also a bold person.
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And let me tell you, whether it's police chiefs or members of Congress, or even folks in Hollywood or mainstream media or industry, people are really, really away from the establishment.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Monday, worry of me means dry.
Today's Tom Sawyer, mean, mean fry.
Back here live, it's the Alex Jones Show!
Owen Schroer sitting in.
We are going to start taking your phone calls here.
There is an event happening today.
It's going on right now in downtown Austin.
I was, uh, kind of wish I could be there.
Not really, but there are some reporters there.
I'll just put it that way.
They're going to be asking these people some questions.
Some Democrats are rallying here at the Capitol to stop voter suppression.
That's the big Democrat issue now, is to get Whitey and stop voter suppression.
And so, we'll see how it goes, but let's just say I suggested, or I told them what my tactic would have been.
And that would have been to ask them, okay, so you think there was voter suppression in 2020, and, you know, these people are very predictable.
Oh, absolutely, so bad, you know, voter suppression, blah, blah, blah.
It's what the media told me to say.
It's what the Democrats told me to say, yes.
Voter suppression, really bad, horrible in 2020, worst ever.
So how was it that you had record voter turnout by 20 million votes?
Imagine that!
Voter suppression, even though on average, usually more people vote every four years in the presidential election.
On average.
But in 2020 it was, I mean, explosive!
You had two people receive record votes.
And that's if you just believe the false numbers, but I mean, so you had, imagine, you had 20 million, a record voter turnout by 20 million!
And all the media and the Democrats do now, as a political activism, is say, stop voter suppression.
They think their voters are stupid, and they are.
That they can run these shams, run these sham campaigns, and their voters eat it up, and don't even think to look behind the curtain.
Yeah, voter suppression, man!
Voter ID is racist!
The television and the Democrats told me voter suppression was really bad in 2020.
It was the worst ever!
Really, how did 20 million Americans, a record number of Americans by 20 million, how did that happen then, voter suppression?
And that's when the cult leader comes in and shuts the conversation down.
We may be seeing some footage from that before the end of the night at Band.Video.
Again, it's just going on right now.
I would have been there if I didn't have to be on air, but there's some good people out there with a camera and a microphone, so we'll see what happens with that.
Stay tuned at Band.Video to the Liberty Broadcast Channel.
We've got all these great channels.
On Banned Out Video.
Obviously, the Alex Jones Channel, the War Room Channel, the American Journal, the Reese Report, John Bowne Reports.
I mean, seriously, Banned Out Video is now the place to go on the Internet, I think, for the most hardcore news that you're going to find.
And wow, was yesterday's transmission powerful.
With Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes, Pete Santilli, Robert Barnes, and Steve Pchenik.
And now, let's go to the phone lines.
And we start with Dean.
Dean calls in from New York this evening.
Dean, you're on the air.
Happy Father's Day.
Go ahead.
Happy Father's Day.
Hey, thank you.
I want to say I'm happy you're always there on the front lines.
And also the graphics, the cartoons, everything you guys do, even the music, is always right on point.
And I was calling regarding Jeffrey Epstein's house and the history of it.
From what I've seen, it was given to a bishop
In New York.
And then it went to a school.
And then from the school, a bunch of national reporters or something used to go to that school.
And then it was given to some guy and he sold it to Jeffrey Epstein.
I think it was really cheap.
That is interesting.
It's on Wikipedia.
So, you know, the Catholic Church has had some problems with kiddie diddling.
And then you had the school there, and now you had Epstein running his facility there, too.
So, yeah, that's interesting, that history.
Yeah, yeah.
Anything else, Dean?
No, that's about it.
And the job you guys do is wonderful, you know.
Like I said, everything's quick.
Seeing the cartoons you guys do, and the news you guys do,
Graphics and the music and the music you guys run off, you know, it's really really good and entertaining and We all appreciate it.
Thank you on the front lines Well, thank you Dean and and and the truth is the truth is it's all possible with your support at Infowarsstore.com you know, I Mean I could be the best broadcaster in the world if I wanted, you know sitting here in this chair But it wasn't for the crew in there
Getting the graphics every day.
Look at this awesome studio we're in today.
Look at the background they made.
This is all original stuff.
I mean, that's awesome.
That's the crew that does that.
So, uh, it's, it's, it's, it's everyone from the people you see on camera to the, to the people that work here.
It's, it's, it's top notch and we're able to do it thanks to your support of InfoWarsStore.com.
Uh, it's really a miracle in a way.
But, uh, as the fate of InfoWars goes, so does the fate of this Republic.
Because InfoWars is the greatest test of free speech in America's history, I think, since its founding.
Let's go to Skye, calling in from Washington.
Skye, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Owen.
Good to talk to you.
I just wanted to mention the Fourth Amendment here, that we have the protection from unreasonable search and seizure, and how that's being violated by Big Tech, and it looks like, as you covered,
You too.
1-6 may be used as a pretext to go after maybe even people calling into this show just for communicating with people who were there on 1-6.
Yeah, I mean, it's clear what they really want to do with this.
I mean, you know, it's like, it's clear, you know, you know, you get kidnapped by Jeffrey Dahmer, what's going to happen?
So, I mean, if these people really get their hands on us, we know what they're going to do.
They're in a holding pattern right now, kind of feeling their oats, thinking, are we really about to do this?
Like, are we really about to go full totalitarian, just go public and just start arresting people we disagree with?
Like, are we really ready to go that far?
And I think that, you know, they know!
That's their next move, but now they're just kind of like, boy, I mean... Because that's major worldwide criminal activity.
I mean, that's gangster mafia activity.
They won't be able to hide it anymore.
At that point, that's when they cross the threshold of they can't even pretend to be anything other than totalitarians and dictators at that point.
So, they're still like, do we really want to arrest all these people, and run this false flag, and run this false narrative, and then arrest people over it?
I mean, so, yeah, these are serious times.
There's no doubt that they're on the threshold of just becoming active totalitarians, authoritarians, and just, they can't even deny it.
They'll just promote it and say, we have to do this now because look at all the white supremacists.
Yep, I think that's why we need to send more MAGA Congress people to Congress.
We need to elect them.
Like Joe Kent, for example.
The guy who's running in Washington.
Yeah, we gotta get Kent in there.
Shout out to that father today.
I know, I feel for his family.
Yeah, Joe Kent would be an absolute champion to get in there.
I just wanted to mention one other thing, Owen.
Uh, this Total Psy-Op, these people who are trying to crack down on us like we've just been mentioning, are the same people who produced the documentary Endgame 2050 at Total Psy-Op.
It's environmental extremism.
See, I'm blowing the whistle on this because I used to work for Greenpeace, and this environmental extremism needs to be called out.
Now, do you think they'll start to be climate extremists, like doing climate terror attacks?
And then they'll just say, oh yeah, but it's a good thing, because we're killing the planet.
No, I think environmental extremists are trying to get into your politics.
All the evil men and tyrants seem to flourish, as the good men do nothing.
Well, I'm trying to be a good man, I'm trying to stand up and do the right thing, and I've seen huge effects with what we've done here at InfoWars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Watch me!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, the left is telling you who they are.
They're telling you everything.
Yeah, we're arresting you if you're in D.C.
We're gonna come after you if you talk to anybody that was in D.C.
We're gonna look for your communications.
We'll do a guns drawn raid on you like Roger Stone.
We'll shut down your bank account.
We'll censor you off the internet.
We'll ostracize you from society.
We'll lock you up.
All cops are bad.
Tearing down America's statues.
Trying to raise our kids to be racist.
And now Macy Gray, who hasn't been relevant in decades, says it's time to replace the American flag.
And there it is.
Yes, the white bars offend her the most.
She doesn't like the white bars.
So she wants a new flag with off-white.
And she wants... I mean, that's the flag she wants right there.
It's totally ugly, but yeah, you know.
So they're telling you who they are.
They hate America.
They want to sexualize your kids.
And they want massive government to run your life.
Because they think they control it.
Which really just shows how dumb they really are.
Because if they were being honest, and you said, do you really want more government?
Do you really want a government restricting your freedom?
I thought you were a liberal.
Oh, but see, they think they control the government.
They control the CIA.
They control all these things now, and it's going after what they view as their political enemies, so they like it now.
Yeah, we want that big government going after our political enemies.
So yeah, that's, you know, they're just telling you.
They hate all police.
They're racists.
They hate America.
They want to get rid of the flag.
You can't say mother or father in Congress anymore.
I mean, yeah, that's where they're at.
That's unpopular, though.
It is very unpopular.
In fact,
The latest ratings are in.
Fox News draws almost three times as many viewers as CNN.
Which to me is just more evidence that Trump won the election.
Because the hate Trump media outlets have no real audience.
So where are all these Biden voters coming from by the record numbers?
Again though, the Democrats and the media are on this campaign of stopping voter suppression right now.
They show no actual statistics.
They cite no actual examples.
It's all just this strawman argument of voter suppression that they just rally around.
But they don't actually provide any statistics or facts, you know, a normal liberal's argument.
And so, again, if there's voter suppression, how did we have a record voter turnout in the last presidential election by 20 million votes?
That's astronomical!
Of course, we all know why, because there are about 20 million fake votes for Biden.
But see, they won't even actually get into the statistics and the numbers.
They just want to say, voter suppression, racist, and then feel good about themselves as they oppress and stomp out the actual functioning society and civilization that we have.
Let's go back to the phone lines and go to Julie, who's called in from Maryland.
Julie, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Good evening, Owen.
Thank you so much for taking my phone call.
Thanks for calling.
Yeah, I've got a short bucket list.
I've talked to Alex, I've talked to Harrison, and now I've talked to you.
Well, there you go.
All goals attained.
Listen, two points, and my first one is, is
Are we Americans so short-memoried?
Do we not elect a biracial?
Most people call him black, but he is.
I think he's biracial, folks, but did we not elect a black president for two terms?
I mean, you could go off on all these different ways to prove that America is not racist.
You can use Obama or all these other things.
Here's the problem, though.
We present
We present this logic assuming that all parties are being equal and fair intellectually.
They're not.
Liberals are just liars.
Democrats are just liars.
I hate that I'm that way.
I don't want to be divisive and like have to call... That's it!
Liberals and Democrats are just liars!
They don't live in reality.
They have this distorted worldview that they want to force on everybody else.
And they just lie!
So, yeah, you can sit here all day long and say, yeah, look, here's why America's not racist.
You can do it all day long.
But the liberal isn't going to listen to you.
They don't care.
They're liars.
I agree and I hear you, but we did elect a black president for two terms.
All right, my third and final point.
I watched the Saturday broadcast yesterday, the emergency broadcast, and I would not watch the last part with Steve Pachenek.
As far as I'm concerned, and I can't believe him.
I think he's a shill and I'm just disappointed and I'm afraid for Alex that why did he have Steve Pchenik on the show when he promised us hope and never, never delivered on it?
And I question that.
And I really think InfoWars has to question why they had him on.
And if there's a good reason why I should listen to the last
Part of it I will, but I do not like Steve Pachanik, and I do not like Infowars for having him on.
Well, you'd have to ask Alex about yesterday's show.
I didn't watch the show with Steve.
I know what you're talking about.
Steve said that Trump would be put in office and that they would find all these illegal ballots and then none of that has happened as of yet and I don't expect it to either.
I don't want to put words in Alex's mouth.
Steve has been coming on InfoWars for a long time.
He's always been, you know, one of the few people that has been supportive of Alex over the decades.
And so, you don't have to believe everything Steve says, obviously.
If you don't like Steve, then tune out.
I don't think Steve would take that personally.
That's fine.
But, you know, nobody makes us have Steve on, but a lot of people still like hearing Steve.
So it's kind of become this dichotomy of people that don't want to ever see him again versus people who still like every time he comes on, even though
Even though he may be saying things that don't come true.
So, I don't know.
I like Steve personally.
I know him personally.
As far as the stuff he's reported recently, it's not come true.
There's no doubt about that.
But, I don't know what happened on yesterday's broadcast.
I really took yesterday off, so I didn't watch that.
And so, I hope that you don't hold it against us that we have Steve Pucinich on, because really, if nothing else,
We just hear from all sides.
I mean, we don't censor anybody here.
We'll hear people that come on and disagree, tell us things we don't agree with, whatever.
So there's just no censorship, there's no agenda here, and we just hear all voices.
But again, as far as, you know, you ask why Alex would have him on, I mean, I'm not going to speak for Alex, but I mean, that's my answer to your call, Julie, and we appreciate you for calling in today.
Let's go to
Is it Alphonso?
Alphano in Indiana, go ahead.
Alphano, you got it the second time.
All right, Alphano, you're on the air.
I'm your Amish teacher, Belly Hengame Ibasa, if you remember that.
Yeah, that was, okay, you taught me how to say that.
I've forgotten it now.
Yeah, I got another good word at the end, I'll tell you.
But anyways, you know, a year ago, this didn't get any coverage, and nobody's really talked about it yet today, but they
They did a Luciferian march on Washington to usher in revelations in the end times.
Nobody reported on it.
I actually did a report on it.
I was there.
I got kicked off YouTube from it.
But I just wanted to get people aware of that.
I'm telling you, you could cut evil with... Glenn Woolley from Planetologic was here.
He did a podcast on me and had me on a podcast about it.
You could feel evil, Owen.
Feel evil there.
Well, I know the feeling.
I mean, I walk into an abortion rally.
Yeah, an abortion rally.
They have abortion rallies.
And the first lady that I see has a sign that says, Hail Satan.
Oh, yeah.
And, you know, I'll tell you, after yesterday and the last couple of days of listening, I think the Holy Spirit's moving.
I really do.
Well, there's no doubt there's a great awakening happening.
The problem is, it's like what Alex was saying, it's like, what is the real barometer?
What is the real gauge?
All the media is fake.
Almost all television is fake.
And so it's almost like InfoWars is really the only gauge.
So it's like, yeah, Alex getting swamped and recognized, or myself getting swamped and recognized.
That just shows the awakening is happening.
And it also shows that there's like a second booster waiting to fire, like on a rocket ship.
Because so many of these
People that recognize us say, I wish you were still on air or where can I find your stuff?
So like they've kind of just been lost in the abyss, not even knowing, thinking we've been shut down, but we're still here.
We're still operating.
We're still on air.
We're still resisting the new world order.
InfoWars is here because there's a war on for your mind.
That's why it's been our motto for more than 25 years.
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You know, it's crazy to get to this point.
It's very bittersweet.
Everything we've talked about has happened just like we said it would.
And now we have a lot of credibility.
But I don't care about that.
I care about beating the new world order.
And it's because we have so much credibility, they can't allow us to stay on air much longer.
And I don't have time to tell you all the stuff they're doing to us for a lot of reasons.
I can't tell you what's going on.
But let's just say this.
We're going to see this through to the end.
We're going to stay on air as long as we can.
So please pray for us and please buy the products at mfulworthstore.com.
They're great products, plus they fund the operation.
So you know, unlike other products you can buy, they're still great.
Do they fund freedom?
No, a lot of them don't.
These are great products that fund freedom and fund justice when the whole world's waking up and looking for truth.
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So while you're at it, don't just financially support us and spread the word.
Download everything we've done you can find and save it, because who knows how long we're going to be on the air and the enemy is trying to destroy everything we ever said.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
A couple more phone calls we're going to take here.
Let me cover a couple headlines, a couple stories before we do.
Yes, new evidence coming out of Georgia as if we don't have enough.
The election was totally stolen from Donald Trump.
Just outrageous, the theft.
Election worker Ralph Jones is now caught double-counting ballots at the State Farm Center on election night.
And so now the Gateway Pundit has identified three Democrat operatives that were double-counting ballots, and we have the tape of them doing it.
And there is also sworn affidavit testimony that they saw people double-counting ballots.
They cheated.
So that's what they did.
Donald Trump won.
He got at least 320 in the Electoral College.
So you want to know what real voter suppression is?
It's cheating to win elections.
That's all Democrats do.
And then they have these events like in Austin today at the Capitol with Beto O'Rourke.
And they say, we're going to stop voter suppression.
What about 20 million new record of number of votes in the 2020 election?
20 million.
How do you explain that if it's voter suppression?
You can't.
You're a liar.
And then you've got George Floyd statues going in across the country.
You've got them in Minneapolis, and you've got them in Brooklyn, and the one in Brooklyn, well this is quite ironic, it's a 3D printed statue of a six foot tall George Floyd head, and the problem is it's white.
I'm pretty sure they have a non-white 3D printing
Colors and coloring, you know, you could have probably had the right skin pigmentation For the six-foot tall George Floyd head, but hey, I mean the career criminal he's a hero now because he became a media darling and a Inciter his his will was destroyed, you know, you know, nobody really ever talks about it But I wonder if George Floyd would have liked all this stuff that's been done in his name.
Since he's been deceased.
Like starting race wars and burning cities to the ground.
You know, if he was this gentle giant, you know, lover of all things, like they explain, I don't think he would really like what's followed since his death.
You know, the violence and the destruction and the hatred and the crime and everything.
So, yeah, like, shootings break out at Juneteenth celebrations across the country.
Because it's been stolen from us.
So Juneteenth is no longer an American holiday.
Where we celebrate the fact that we freed the slaves and we set an example worldwide to make slavery illegal.
No, now the left has stolen it from us and it's just another leftist event for them to just go out and riot.
That's what Juneteenth is now.
Fed reverse repo surged to record $756 billion after rate tweak.
Now, I'm not the best person to cover this stuff.
I've read a bunch of different stories on this and I still don't fully get it.
So let me just boil it down to you like this.
The Fed has more cash on hand right now than it's ever had before.
So, I think that's really all you need to know about that.
Axios did a deep dive into unemployment fraud, and what did they find?
Hundreds of millions, hundreds of millions in unemployment fraud.
What do you know?
Taxpayer dollars being stolen, hand over fist, all day, all night.
But hey, let's keep taxing us.
Let's keep all this spending.
If the government has enough money to spend hundreds of billions of dollars, trillions of dollars on foreign countries, then they shouldn't be taxing us.
Let's go back out to the phone lines here.
Let's go to Mark calling in from New York.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
This is me.
And this is me.
Oh great!
Martin on the HZ, Buffalo, New York.
I love you guys.
And it is gonna be okay.
I promise, I promise, I promise.
And all the stuff you're talking about is I totally agree with.
And, you know, and I pay attention to everything.
And paying attention to everything
And I've been listening to Alex for, I don't know, before 9-11, all right?
And, you know, the hackles are sticking up on my back, and the hair on my neck is rising up, and my time constant has totally changed.
It's 6.52 p.m.
Buffalo, New York time, and I gotta tell you.
You know, stay on your best judgment.
Go with your gut, go with your heart, go with your soul.
Yeah, and that's why we need to have God's guidance and we need to pray for it.
We appreciate all the prayers we know we get.
Mark, you may need to do something about those hackles on your back.
I don't want you to get hurt.
But thank you so much for the call up there in Buffalo.
I know there's a lot of great patriots up there, including Cole Beasley.
Let's go now to Joshua in New Jersey.
You are on the air.
Joshua, go ahead.
Mr. Owen, how are you today?
Great to hear you.
Can you hear me?
Yes, loud and clear.
First of all, on Dean's point, Epstein also taught at the Dalton School, the Dalton Prep School, which was run by the Barr family, as in Attorney Bill Barr.
Yeah, that's right.
So that's one thing there.
Also, the New Zealand Herald put out the article you read about the birth rates dropping on the 11th of June of this year.
Also, this is what I really wanted to tell you.
A friend of mine got a screen capture of a conversation, there's no names involved, but with an insurance company and a client, and it says that the woman asked, post-vaccination, if I fly somewhere and have a blood clot following the trip, would I be covered?
And the response was from the insurance company,
We would look to cover the diagnostic testing, but if symptoms are related to the vaccination, then your coverage would stop.
So you don't even get health care coverage if it's caused by the vaccine?
Is that what you're saying?
That's what I'm gathering from this.
I mean, I'm going to email both of you.
Now see, that's one of two things.
That's either...
Just eugenics, just out in the public, just out in the open, which, okay, or that's their way of using that as a cover to say, oh, see, there are no vaccine side effects, just simply because there's none on record because they won't count it, they won't cover it.
Can I say one more thing?
Yeah, sure.
In the last year and a half being locked down in this hellhole that is the socialist state of New Jersey with a pedophile for governor, I've really turned back to the Bible and
Hosea 4-6 really means something.
My people perish for want of knowledge.
Since you have rejected knowledge, I will reject you from my priesthood, and since you have ignored the law of your God, I will ignore your children.
This is what's going on, sir.
We are in trouble, and we really need to turn our eyes to the Lord, and hopefully we can stop whatever this is.
Well, let me just tell you, I mean...
And thank you so much for the call.
I mean, my friends, my family, you know, and mostly with friends, though, I mean, they know I'm the most politically informed person they know.
And they know I'm obsessed with this stuff.
And they may not even necessarily be political.
And so this is kind of just another one of those gauge things.
And I'm getting more
Feedback, if you will.
It's not really feedback, but I mean, I guess just me talking about it all the time and they know that I host a show.
And so I'm getting more feedback about this vaccine and about the people becoming magnetized than I have about anything.
And these are just from just the average people, again, may not even be political, maybe apolitical, maybe left, maybe right, just that they, it's like, this vaccine is real ill.
They're being bullied into taking it.
They're seeing the side effects.
They're seeing meat become magnetic.
They're seeing their friends become magnetic.
And so they just send me this stuff and they're like, what's going on?
It's like, well, how do I explain that in a text message?
But so,
Yeah, this whole vaccine thing is really opening people's eyes and maybe getting them to finally question the reality of it all.
Let's go one more final caller here.
Ian in Utah.
Ian, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
Remember me from Barton Springs last year?
I was the guy that drove about 20 hours and did some weird dives off the
Oh, OK.
You mean when we hop the fence?
Ah, yes.
Yeah, we should.
You know, I was thinking about this.
I don't know.
We're so it's just.
Any any just like adding more stuff to our plate, but I was saying we should do another event this summer and just get a bunch of info with people, whether it's a Barton Creek or somewhere else here in Austin.
But things are just so crazy right now.
I don't know if we'll be able to do it.
But yeah, that was fun last year doing those events.
Oh yeah, I think that should be an annual thing for the InfoWars fans and everything, but on to my topic now.
I've just... I just really think that one of the best ways that we can counter this whole Great Recent and everything is actually going back to our old ways, which is just being pioneers and founding new towns and cities and all that.
Just rejecting all this modernity.
And you know, here's the only problem with that, because you're definitely right, and we've been talking about that.
The problem is...
The central banks control everything and, you know, they'll try to not allow you to... You'd have to have big investors and, you know, developers that are willing to do something like that, that are patriots and like-minded.
All right, that does it for the Alex Jones Show on this Sunday, but stay tuned because Harrison Smith coming up next, hosting Sunday Night Live.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.