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Filename: 20210617_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: June 17, 2021
3090 lines.

In this episode, InfoWars discusses foreign attacks on America, Biden's intention to use military force against citizens, globalism driving tyranny, media manipulation, and the importance of unity and information. Alex Jones talks about emotionally weak individuals carrying out attacks and the American Gulag in D.C. where arrested Americans are held in solitary confinement. The show promotes their products and encourages listeners to share the information.

Tomorrow's news.
When foreign interests blatantly steal a U.S.
election and seize control of the executive branch, they have no choice but to attack the nation on all fronts.
And they are.
While law-abiding citizens organize for the next election, the new Democrat Party is waging their own modern-day version of a communist revolution.
And that means eliminating the opposition.
The mainstream media is no longer effective.
The masses are beginning to awaken from the brainwashed trance.
And those that aren't are risking their lives with the dangerous experimental jab.
Next comes starvation.
Known as the Holodomor, which means to kill by starvation, the Soviet communists destroyed the Ukrainian independence movement by starving millions to death.
The party declared that food is a weapon, then took control of the people's food, restricted their movement, and refused them aid, killing millions in less than two years.
We can see this in play again today, under the guise of environmentalism.
Right after they stole the election, the Colonial Pipeline and JBS Meat was attacked by hackers.
Raising gas prices and wiping out nearly 20% of America's beef production.
And you can expect the airlines to be attacked next, just like in India.
California is now being subjected to a man-made water shortage.
In only two weeks time, 90% of their fresh water was dumped into the ocean.
The reason?
To potentially save 1,000 salmon a year.
Depleting their once ample reserves, residents are now being warned that they will soon be limited to only seven gallons a day.
And behind the scenes, the Fed is printing money at breakneck speed, pushing the U.S.
economy into unsustainable levels of overinflation.
They have waged war against the citizens of this country.
And if you dare suggest we fight back, the media will label you a traitor.
And now they are poised to openly arrest and eliminate all American patriots.
The enemy-occupied White House has unveiled a de facto plan to aggressively go after what they call domestic terrorism.
And that means any patriotic American who still defends the U.S.
Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And they want the brainwashed masses to turn us in like criminals.
A recent bombshell report has revealed how federal agents were responsible for staging the so-called insurrection on the U.S.
Capitol, setting up patriots like they've been doing for decades.
The unlawful U.S.
government is already holding hundreds of political prisoners in solitary confinement, like terrorists, for doing nothing more than exercising their First Amendment rights.
They know that there will no longer be any fair elections in this country.
And so their only option is total annihilation.
Liberty or death, this is where we are today.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Ladies and gentlemen, the report is now live at band.video and at InfoWars.com.
And I suggest you get it.
The globalist revolution, ladies and gentlemen,
He is here.
Thank you for joining us on this live Thursday, June 17th broadcast.
That short report is absolutely critical, and it needs to be gotten out to everyone you know and needs to be shared, because if you don't raise the alarm about what's happening, the globalist-run Deep State is going to trigger massive false flag attacks to launch their attack on the American gun owner, the American Christian,
And it's going to trigger a bloody civil war that the globalists are going to try to sell as a race war.
This is Hollywood, this is the New World Order, this is Satan attempting to fully destroy the country.
America's fighting for its lives.
Infowars is here because there's a war on for your mind.
That's why it's been our motto for more than 25 years.
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It's Thursday, June 17th.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And the facade that is the corporate media, the facade that is Hollywood, the rotting edifice that is emboldened and embodied at really a visceral archetypal level is the ongoing disintegration in public of Joe Biden.
Last night,
I ended up spending about an hour and a half looking at just some of the gaffes that he was involved in yesterday, and they were so legion and so continual that it gave me a headache.
But I've got just a small smattering of them here.
Biden viciously attacking a female reporter for no reason.
Biden saying, in America, we yield our rights to government.
He's really externalizing the tyrannical method right now.
And then when it comes to human smuggling of women and children, many of which disappear into sex slavery, he has now launched a new policy outside of law, the Senate's demanding to hear from him why he has this authority.
He doesn't.
To let judges legalize anyone they want, whenever they want, outside of law, if they've been sex trafficked.
Well, they're all being sex trafficked.
So, he sex traffics a man, and then lets them be delivered wherever he wants.
And if they happen to end up in front of a judge, which is rare, the judge can wave a magic wand and be dictatorial.
This is so dangerous.
I've got that whole stack.
We've got Merrick Garland, who was heavily involved in the Oklahoma City false flag
Saying that white extremists are the greatest threat, as black extremists go on shooting spree targeting white men, and it looks like that's what happened in Austin as well.
And the point is, this is what the left is pushing, what they're producing, and the mainstream media dutifully won't even show that these are racial attacks.
There is so much that we're going to be getting into in this huge
Report put out, Biden asked Americans to report they're potentially radicalized.
Not to say you've been radicalized and they say that's being pro-gun, pro-God, pro-border, pro-military, whatever they say is bad, pro-Christian.
It's potentially radicalized and here is the actual report.
Background press call by senior administration officials on the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
And they say the President's directive is to take on white people because they are the number one threat to the United States and that they are terrorists.
They then go on to basically list what it is to be a terrorist, and that's being God-fearing, pro-gun, pro-America.
So this is the captured federal government openly preparing to go to war with the American people using the pretext of the provocateur January 6th event that they got caught provocateuring with FBI informants with Antifa fooling 500 people or so afterwards to go peacefully into the building.
Off of that they intend to launch their new war
against America by cutting off our resources.
That's why I told you they'll start cutting the coal power plants off, they'll start cutting the pipelines off, they'll start pushing up the gas prices, because they are in economic war with us.
This is globalism's big assault.
This is the globalist revolution that is the Bolshevik Revolution 2.0.
And that is the title for today's live broadcast, that the world is awakening to the Bolshevik Revolution 2.0, that is the globalist revolution of the most powerful, richest people on earth, against the middle class, against farmers, against families, against God, against everything decent.
That is the entire New World Order program.
So again, I'll just ask the listeners,
To go to Infowars.com and to go to the live show feed of the broadcast, Thursday live.
Biden's disastrous European performance is accelerating the Great Awakening.
And then the sub-headlines, the global revolution is nothing more than the Bolshevik Revolution 2.0.
Tune into this critical live Thursday edition of the most banned broadcast in the world and please share it.
And then under each new live broadcast, there's the last live broadcast.
In this case, Harrison Smith American Journal.
They did an excellent job this morning.
I watched about an hour of it.
That is archived for you on that same page as well.
That's a good new page for you to share each day that describes the main thrust and main focus of the show we're engaged in.
That is only a small area of what we're covering.
They have more studies out.
They're just flooding out about blood clots, heart attacks, and just hellish death taking place for those that have been injected with this Franken-poison that is called a vaccine.
We're going to be getting into all of that today.
Texas GOP governor signs permit-free gun-carrying legislation in Texas.
So the Second Amendment is on the march in a big, big way there.
Also, we have the devastating reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit.
Bernard Couric's written a big article about it, detailing why it's got the deep state so insanely concerned right now.
We're going to spend some time on that today.
And then we've got two really great guests joining us, Jesse Lee Peterson,
At the same time with Larry Pinkney in the third hour today, and then Matt Bracken will be hosting the fourth hour to give his expert perspective on the false flag of January 6th and where that's all going.
I want you to recognize that Tucker Carlson, not just two nights ago, but last night, we're going to play that for you coming up as well, did heroic work with
The investigative journalist from Revolver detailing the overwhelming evidence of federal informants and federal officers that we know were inside.
I'm just going to tell the media this because the trap's already been strung on you.
It's already been sprung.
You think you've built this pit for us, but you're the ones that are politically going into the ash heap of history.
I want you to know that
You really took the bait, and I appreciate that.
Because Tucker Carlson knows who the FBI agents are, and Tucker Carlson knows who the other intelligence agency people are, and that information's been being leaked out of the government by folks that are concerned.
So just like we first exposed four years ago that Trump was being illegally spied on, five years ago now, and how it was being done, and the whole media attackers said it was insane, that exactly as we said was the case,
So, Tucker came out and said, look, evidence points towards the feds inside provocateuring.
And then the media comes out and says that's preposterous, just like, oh, COVID-19 coming out of Wuhan lab, that's preposterous, when we've had the documents and the reports going back to 2015.
I mean, just like Jon Stewart said a few nights ago, the name of the lab, of the 11 labs funded by Fauci and Obama,
Continuing on through Trump, and Trump killed it when he first got into office, but of course they struck back by releasing it.
It's called the Coronavirus Gain of Function Wuhan Lab.
I mean, that huge complex had whole sections that were lab for this, lab for that, and on the doors of the labs they tell you what they're funded for and what's going on in that lab.
And so Stuart's damn right about that, but we had all that
Before Trump even got in office, this was a scandal.
And so we knew all the names, all the players.
A lot of this is public intelligence.
And a lot of these leftist people run their mouths all day.
And they think we're stupid.
We don't know how to find out.
We know what agencies were involved in the Capitol.
We know who did it, who funded it, who ran it.
The Democrats.
All of you.
You're going down, okay?
So try to blow up any federal buildings you want.
Try to blame it on us.
Everybody knows it's you, murderers.
It's you, you dirty scum!
Your voice counts.
When you share information, be it over the internet or in person, it changes the world.
The globalists know their agenda is unpopular.
They know you're angry.
And now to get around big tech, it's more important than ever that we use every tool we've got.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, if you sign up for our free news and show alerts, you can then take those alerts, those articles and those live feeds, both the regular shows and special reports, and
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, let me boil it down like this, because I want it to sink into you, I want it to sink into me, I want it to sink into everybody around the world, I want it to sink into the people that work for the system, that work for the corrupt usurpers that have hijacked our nation.
And I want them to know what side they're on right now and how dangerous that is for everybody.
People should really think about what they're getting into and what's unfolding right now and here it is.
You remember 2009-2010 Obama announced the pivot towards China because China had double-crossed the globalists and was expanding their military operations.
Remember that?
That was a big deal.
That was a very, very, very
Huge deal when that began to unfold.
My little receiver here for my earpiece has been giving me problems, so I've got to get a new one.
Anyways, not right now, it's fine.
That's why I was sticking my hand in my pocket to get that out for TV viewers.
And this is just such a huge deal, such a gigantic moment in world history, in human history, that they have officially announced
Within days of Biden stealing his way into office in late January, that they're going to use the military and the CIA against the American people, which is the old telltale sign of total tyranny.
When a domestic government announces that there's an enemy within that is their political opposition, you know that you are in deep tyranny.
Then when they announce that a domestic group is the enemy and that domestic group is the majority and are loyal, good, Christian, hard-working people, you've got an even bigger issue because the globalists are not even for the country's existence.
So it's bad enough to have a tyranny in your country that's at least your own tyranny that's trying to outlaw its political opposition.
That's cancer.
But when you've got this globalist run outside power that has come in and that is trying to outlaw opposition and that is shutting off the resources to break the public and to bring them to their knees so they can be re-educated, you have the worst type of tyranny.
Now, I want to play what Tucker Carlson had to say about this last night in his part two of introducing the American people, the fact that you're now the enemy.
And I want to go through all the documents and all the new announcements and Biden saying, watch your family members.
You know, basically, if they're a Republican, call Homeland Security on them.
They are trying to start a civil war because the Chai Koms want the country broken up.
But Biden and these Democrats are so stupid, they actually think they're going to start this war, intimidate the American people, intimidate the states, and basically have everybody submit and go along with them.
So, this is a very, very, very big deal.
And the most dangerous moment this country has basically ever been in.
But this is globalism's takeover.
This is the New World Order's revolution.
This is an assault, and it only gets worse from here.
And that's why no matter how much heat they get and how bad they look and no matter how much everything they do falls apart, they are moving towards staging massive terror attacks and other crises to blame their opposition and frame us for terror so they can move directly against us.
And that's why exposing January 6th as a false flag is so important.
We know what agencies were involved.
We even know the names of some of the people.
And Tucker Carlson came out with that last night and was very measured so the media would attack him, say it wasn't true just like the Wuhan lab leak and everything else, and then it will all be brought out.
And it will all be brought out.
Nothing's going to stop that now.
There are at least 20 publications that have all the names, all the people who did it, how they did it, ready to release it.
But it's best to let these things simmer a bit, isn't it?
And let the system deny it, so we can discredit it that much worse, you little terrorist!
So, we're willing to risk our lives.
Tucker Carlson is.
Others are.
I am.
And so all I can say to the New World Order is, this is a game of chicken.
And we're not going to turn off this road.
We're not going to let you have our children.
We're not going to let you destroy the country.
If you want to fight, you found one.
And it's information warfare.
Here's Tucker Carlson last night.
When foreign interests blatantly steal a U.S.
election and seize control of the executive branch, they have no choice but to attack the nation on all fronts.
And they are.
While law-abiding citizens organize for the next election, the New Democrat Party is waging their own modern-day version of a communist revolution.
And that means eliminating the opposition.
The mainstream media is no longer effective.
The masses are beginning to awaken from the brainwashed trance.
And those that aren't are risking their lives with the dangerous experimental jab.
Next comes starvation.
Known as the Holodomor, which means to kill by starvation, the Soviet communists destroyed the Ukrainian independence movement by starving millions to death.
The party declared that food is a weapon, then took control of the people's food, restricted their movement, and refused them aid, killing millions in less than two years.
We can see this in play again today, under the guise of environmentalism.
Right after they stole the election, the Colonial Pipeline and JBS Meat was attacked by hackers.
Raising gas prices and wiping out nearly 20% of America's beef production.
And you can expect the airlines to be attacked next, just like in India.
California is now being subjected to a man-made water shortage.
In only two weeks time, 90% of their fresh water was dumped into the ocean.
The reason?
To potentially save 1,000 salmon a year.
Depleting their once ample reserves, residents are now being warned that they will soon be limited to only seven gallons a day.
And behind the scenes, the Fed is printing money at breakneck speed, pushing the U.S.
economy into unsustainable levels of overinflation.
They have waged war against the citizens of this country.
And if you dare suggest we fight back, the media will label you a traitor.
All right, folks.
This is the Greg Reese report that's very, very important called Globalist Revolution.
We only have $500,000 computers, not $10 million ones like Fox News and people.
So occasionally with live TV, a clip that works fine and is supposed to play will not play.
So that's why you saw that dead air earlier.
It's part of the live.
No big deal.
Thank you.
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You know, it's crazy to get to this point.
It's very bittersweet.
Everything we've talked about has happened just like we said it would.
And now we have a lot of credibility.
But I don't care about that.
I care about beating the new world order.
And it's because we have so much credibility, they can't allow us to stay on air much longer.
And I don't have time to tell you all the stuff they're doing to us for a lot of reasons.
I can't tell you what's going on.
But let's just say this.
We're going to see this through to the end.
We're going to stay on air as long as we can.
So please pray for us and please buy the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
They're great products.
Plus, they fund the operation.
So you know, unlike other products you can buy, they're still great.
Do they fund freedom?
No, a lot of them don't.
These are great products that fund freedom and fund justice when the whole world's waking up and looking for truth.
That's why the globalists are censoring.
They can't bring in all this tyranny and leave people like us on the air.
So while you're at it, don't just financially support us and spread the word.
Download everything we've done you can find and save it, because who knows how long we're going to be on the air and the enemy is trying to destroy everything we ever said.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Sooner or later gotta cut you down.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me start over where we were last segment.
You're on the Alex Jones Show on this Thursday, June 27th, 2021.
Anyone that studied political science, anyone that studied history, if you just, as an academic, sit back and look at what the left is doing with its corporate backers, the Communist Chinese and Hollywood, and they will tell you this is a
Bolshevik revolution being carried out by the ultra-rich against what's left of the political system in the United States that has checks and balances that would challenge their hegemonic total control.
They're saying being white is inherently bad on every channel.
Thousands of programs and shows have been produced saying whites are inherently evil, need to be killed.
If you don't submit to what the Democrats say, you're a white supremacist, so you deserve to die.
You are a terrorist if you think there was any type of election fraud, and you're not going to go along with drag queen story time, and illegal aliens allowed to bring kidnapped children in, and criminals allowed to rob stores, even with weapons.
And George Soros has literally taken over almost every town and city, thousands of them, with his district attorneys and his judges and his county attorneys.
And so they prosecute you if you're a Christian or a conservative.
They let you commit murder, commit armed robbery if you're with them.
This is a complete, total takeover.
And then they bully the police and say, we're going to indict you if you do your job unless you work for us.
So in Portland,
They're on video throwing Molotov cocktails at the police and burning down the police station.
A riot patrol officer hits one of them in the head with a baton who had been attacking people.
He has been criminally charged.
The entire Portland Rapid Reaction team just resigned last night.
But that's a microcosm of this.
This is a real takeover.
And once they make all the real cops get out, then they can put their political officers in, and they're going to have the district attorneys, the attorney generals of the states, the police, the judges, everything.
And then you are in big trouble.
They want a communist purge, ladies and gentlemen, and that's what this is.
Overnight, Biden comes out and says,
The main threat is conservative Americans.
They are terrorists.
And we are going to go after them.
And the biggest threat is white people and white supremacists.
And they define white supremacists as challenging the election, believing in the Second Amendment, believing in family values.
The cover of a multinational corporate takeover is using communism with its grassroots soldiers, but its corporate fascism on top, tax exempt, offshore.
And then targeting their political enemies with an unjust judicial system that puts people that walked into the Capitol when the police opened the doors in solitary confinement for almost six months, beating them half to death.
And former deputy directors of the FBI on TV saying, it's scary to say this, but we've got to use counterterrorism to take out members of Congress, to stop their networks.
That's all counterterrorism talk.
That's war talk!
And they're actually doing it!
And when the FBI comes to visit you about January 6th, they come with their anti-terrorism card.
So that's where we are.
They're really making their move.
And you say, well, this is preposterous.
No one's going to buy into this.
They are going to stage a cascade of events and some very large events.
That's the next card to play.
That is 2 plus 2 equals 4.
They say these giant attacks are imminent and coming, and when they provocateur or stage these events, they'll either wind up crazy to do it or do it themselves.
When they do this, they are then going to try to stampede everyone to getting on board with mass arrest of their political opposition, including President Trump.
Including Tucker Carlson, myself, and many others.
And we all know that's where this is going.
General Flynn knows that's where this is all going.
Because we're going to peacefully take back the country in a year and a half.
We're going to win the House, win the Senate.
We're winning all these governors.
Governors' coalitions are forming.
We're coming together.
We're winning hearts and minds.
Now numbers of black Americans are over 40% that want to vote Republican.
It was 10% five years ago.
There's a complete political realignment happening to the foreign globalist takeover.
And so the globalists aren't going to let that happen.
They're never going to let us get to the midterm elections.
We're less than a year and a half out now from the midterm elections.
And so you know the clock is ticking.
That's why, ladies and gentlemen,
If a federal building blows up, or there's a shooting at a church or something, you've got to get there with cameras, you've got to interview witnesses, you've got to talk to local police to get the local surveillance footage, because you're going to have Deep State's fingerprints all over this.
The same people that carried out Waco, Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, and other events, and that covered up the first World Trade Center attack, have been involved protecting radical Islam and working with MS-13,
Specialists in stage terror have been brought to the Justice Department and are being put in all the main positions of power.
So, false flag is here.
We are in the season of the false flag.
We are in the house of the false flag.
We are in the time of the false flag, ladies and gentlemen.
And everybody better decide what side they're on, because violence is not the answer.
Race war is not the answer.
Killing feds is not the answer.
Feds attacking us is not the answer.
But I mean, a lot of feds get killed doing real jobs, like delivering a search warrant to child porn den, and two of them get killed.
So, black people aren't our enemies.
It's terrible.
Federal agents aren't our enemies.
White people aren't our enemies.
It's the small globalist cabal that wants to drive us apart and play us off against each other.
That is the enemy.
And ignorance is the enemy.
We all need to come together with a massive awakening and understanding of false flags, of provocative events, of staged events, and we have to work like hell to expose January 6th.
As I said two weeks ago with several guests here on the show, Nick Fuentes and Pete Santilli,
Both of which the Feds have tried to set up falsely and put in jail, myself included.
We need to have summits and ongoing programs about January 6th being a staged event.
We need to get Tucker Carlson to talk about it.
We need to get everybody to talk about it, which Tucker's now doing.
Revolver's doing a great job.
We have to get all this out so that people aren't caught flat-footed when the staged events take place.
Because I don't see any other card they've got.
They can't really start a war in the Middle East.
China controls the left to a great extent.
Russia hasn't been suckered into a war.
Are they going to claim hackers shut off the power and that that's a big distraction from their political evil?
That'll still go back to their incompetence.
What are they going to pull?
I'm going to open the phones up in the second hour ahead of Jesse Lee Peterson and Larry Pinckney joining us to talk about this same subject.
But I want to open the phones up specifically for the military.
active duty, specifically for law enforcement, state, local, federal, to tell us on air what you think is going to happen, and if you disagree with me or agree, and how do we short circuit this and stop the left from trying to trigger a civil war that is the smoke screen for their complete takeover of the nation?
Because every play they're running, every announcement they're engaged in, everything they are doing,
Is what you do when you're starting a war with your own population to have a giant political purge.
And they're saying that's what they're doing.
And they're saying that whites are about to kill millions of people and that we're the number one terror threat.
Not China, not Al-Qaeda, not Russia, not MS-13, not Latin American gangs.
No, all over TV.
The white people are evil.
They're going to kill you.
Only the ATF and FBI and CIA can stop them.
And all we are is loyal Americans trying to stop a globalist takeover of the country.
They know we know.
They know they're in trouble.
They know that people are throwing their asses out.
They know it's over with them politically.
All we gotta do is stand up, tell them we know the game, tell them we're not gonna play it with them, and they will be removed permanently and we'll save this country.
If not, it's over, folks.
It'll be just like in Russia.
Eighty years of hell.
They're gonna kill probably half the population.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, on this live Thursday, June 17th, 2021 transmission.
A lot of people are going to
Ask, why would the political ruling elite want to bankrupt the country, cut off the power, and cause a race war?
Well, that's what they say they're doing.
It's what they say they want to do.
They want a post-industrial world.
They want to make us poor.
They don't want a prosperous country and a planet now.
They want depopulation.
And to get that going, they've got to take the richest, most powerful countries in the world and break their backs.
That's what's happening here.
The globalists are involved in a final revolution, and they're using a communist model as their control system, but really it's a globalist model.
And in that short three and a half minutes, Gregg Reese's latest report, Globalism's Revolution, lays it all out so succinctly and so perfectly.
And the answer is information.
If people are decompartmentalized, and I mean people in the government, people in the private sector, I mean Christians, I mean Muslims, I mean Jews, I mean agnostics, we're all going to see our way of life and freedom destroyed.
This is not going to be good for anybody.
I go back to From Russia With Love, where you've got Spectre, and he's calling in a European agent, he's calling in an American agent, and he's calling in a
Russian agent, but really he's playing them all off against each other.
That is, they represent all those governments that they're going to play off against each other with Spectre's agent inside of those governments.
And the analogy is the tank with two Siamese fighting fish.
They go in and start killing each other.
One gets killed, the other gets tired and sick, and then he opens up a door and a third one comes in and kills it and wins easily.
That's all this is!
And we sit here like morons about to have a giant civil war in this country when Biden announces the gun confiscation.
So, it's all coming to a head.
And I'm sitting here trying to figure out how to not have this happen.
And fighting my instinct of preservation to get with my wife and children,
And to do the broadcast from some other country.
But the globalists are in control of the whole world, folks.
And they're going to hunt everybody down in the end.
So there's no running from this.
But I don't want to stupidly be roped in to a moronic physical war with the federal government when they plan to wipe all them out in the fight with us to then bring in the United Nations troops under 7277 and their other plans.
When I tell you 7277,
Folks, look up State Department Memorandum 7277.
I've been studying this, and I was advised by General Partin, and by Ted Gunderson, and by all the guys that were on the inside of this.
This has been a long-term plan to take down America, and they're finally about to do it because we were kicking the globalists out with Trump, and kicking the globalists out with Brexit, and kicking the globalists out with Bolsonaro.
So they're now desperate!
This is their counter-offensive and what they're doing is absolutely ridiculous and absolutely outrageous to say all white people are evil and America sucks and we're going to abolish the police.
They're not going to abolish the police.
They're going to have the police fired and then bring in their own police.
So hell is on the other side of this and we've got to stop it.
We've got to say no.
And there is a political realignment.
And so people were electing patriots at record levels.
And the governors and others were waking up, and so they launched their complete takeover plan, because they know their time is short.
And they know that there's election fraud that is about to be overturned, and so they can't allow there to be another real election in this country.
So we have a really dangerous group of authoritarians that actually think they're going to be able to carry this out and win this thing, and it's historical and cultural suicide for everybody, including them.
But the Chinese and others, they're sitting back going, if America wrecks itself and does this, that's great.
My issue with the left and my issue with the Justice Department and these lawyers is, they're following orders from people up above them, in the corporations and in the intelligence agencies that have cooked up this plan that are globalist.
And anybody that's smart can look at this and say it's not going to work.
It's going to blow up in your face.
You're being tricked into going into this plan of announcing America's your enemy, and Christians and whites are all your enemy, and you're going to take the guns, and anybody that challenges elections needs to be put in solitary confinement.
You're going to push things into physical confrontation on an out-of-control scale.
So, I'm washing my hands.
I'm not in the middle of any of this with you crazy feds, and you globalists, and all the people that want a war with the feds.
I'm not in the middle of this.
You idiots want to go ahead and tell yourselves, go ahead and do it.
You're fools.
Absolute idiots.
This is a runaway train out of control.
And it's beyond explosive, it's beyond dangerous, and the bad guys are the left and the globalists because they're the ones starting it and pushing it and never stopping.
Instead of letting us have the will of the people and making America great again and promoting capitalism and freedom, you people want your dystopic
Drag Queen story time, New World Order, 50 genders, leftist crap that everyone is rejecting!
And so you want to force us to go under your control and it's not going to work!
There's part of Tucker Carlson last night doubling down because again, just like we knew all the Wuhan players and the name of the lab and what they did, it wasn't like I speculated a year and a half ago and, oh, how was Alex Wright again?
It's all right there and we know the names of the feds!
It's all gonna come out!
We're just letting you say we're liars and letting you attack us and then we're gonna release it!
Nothing can stop that now.
So... Here's Tucker Carlson.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson Tonight.
Last night we opened this show with new information about what happened at the Capitol on January 6th.
No day, it's fair to say, in recent American history has received more media attention or been used for greater political effect by partisan actors.
Because of January 6th, our Attorney General told us this week, we've got to change our country forever.
And yet, given all the talking, the endless talking about January 6th, it is remarkable what we still don't know about what actually took place that day.
Until this Monday night, for example, when it was reported by Revolver News, we had no idea that at least 20 organizers and participants in the events at the Capitol have not been indicted, despite the nationwide dragnet for people who were there.
The government knows exactly who these people are, but has refused to charge them with crimes.
This is interesting.
Why is that?
Well, because it seems like they may have had some connection to the government.
Some of the people who broke into the Capitol, committed crimes while inside, and encouraged others to do the same appear to have been in contact with the FBI before the event.
Let that sink in for a moment.
The events of January 6th that you keep hearing about endlessly, events that Democrats in Congress describe as an act of war carried out by white supremacists, as dangerous and historically significant as Pearl Harbor and 9-11,
Those events, apparently, were at least in part organized and carried out in secret by people connected to federal law enforcement.
It's hard to think of a bigger potential scandal than this one.
Now it's clear why the government won't release more than 14,000 hours of surveillance footage shot at the Capitol that day.
People they know are on the tape.
Well, last night, clips from our show began to circulate on social media.
The tech monopolies, which helped get Joe Biden elected, continue to work closely with the administration to control the news and information that you are allowed to see.
Because it's America, right?
Well, this piece of news, the one on our show last night, was a problem for them, so they tried to make it go away.
Twitter appended the following note to our clip last night, quote,
Federal law does not permit cooperating witnesses or informants to be charged with conspiracy, despite a baseless suggestion by Tucker Carlson that some co-conspirators of the January 6th attack were not charged because they were undercover FBI agents.
Let's think about this.
Now leave aside for a second the most obvious question that arises from the statement, which is, how would Twitter
Which is a media company, not as far as we know, a law enforcement agency, being able to confirm our reporting last night was, quote, baseless.
How would they know that?
Does Twitter somehow have access to the FBI's personnel files?
We don't know.
We hope someone finds out.
But consider the statement more broadly.
Twitter is saying that people who are secretly working with the FBI cannot be charged for encouraging others to commit crimes.
Well, yes.
That's the very point we made on this show last night.
That's why they haven't been charged, because they were secretly working with the FBI.
So in an effort to shut us down, Twitter just confirmed what we suggested was true.
Thanks, Twitter!
They are morons!
It's pretty funny.
Less funny, though, is the Justice Department's role in January 6th.
Federal law enforcement appear to have played a role in what happened that day.
We'd tell you more about it, we'd love to, but we don't have subpoena power.
We're just a cable news show.
Congress does have subpoena power.
Let's hope they use it immediately.
That's why they don't want a real congressional hearing on it.
The Democrats don't want it.
That's why they don't want a trial for Trump on it.
Because they know.
That's why they dropped it.
Because they know it'll come out when we have a real trial that they all did it.
They just want to arrest a few of the patsies that followed the feds into the building.
But it's all going to come out.
You guys aren't going to start your bloody revolution on the back of January 6th.
We're going to expose you.
I'll give the number out when we come back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, folks.
Again, I don't have words to describe how much danger we're all in and how crazy it is.
I mean, we have lived to see multinational corporations that sold us out to China
That are shutting off our power, brainwashing our children, trying to create a race war, now saying there are white supremacists everywhere, and Homeland Security's main mission is not radical Islam, or the Chinese, or anybody, or the Mexican cartels, it's white people.
I mean, this is just fabulously evil, fabulously ridiculous, but it means they're going for broke.
For the start of the next segment, I'm going to open the phones up specifically for police, military, active duty, to give me your take on this.
And my concern about where this is going, and any points you've got or you agree or disagree about where we're going, because clearly they're saying that this is the biggest threat ever.
And the entire posture of the U.S.
government is to fight its own people now.
They're going to stage something.
These very people have been caught doing it before, and I just don't even know what to do except expose historically what's going on and who these players are, because
We're so close to getting this country back.
We've got so many problems, but if we just get the country back and have basic pro-America values and basic things that we know work, everybody already wants that.
I mean, 99% of people actually don't want to be on this crazy train, and we could just not have this nightmare scenario that's coming.
I don't want this nightmare scenario.
There's a lot of pissed off people across the country, though, that have been pushed around and told they're bad and had their jobs taken.
And I'm telling you that it's disgusting what's going to happen.
I really and truly am super concerned because, again,
Let me give you a microcosm.
The left will cause a crisis in a city, funding communists, funding Antifa, funding BLM, and then they'll cause crises with the police by getting the two groups to fight, and then they will scapegoat the police and get rid of the good cops and bring in bad cops.
It's the same thing.
If we have a civil war, it's going to wipe out federal agents, U.S.
military, and others.
And out of that will come a vacuum where they bring in U.N.
troops, which is the official real plan.
And this is so obvious, it's admitted.
It's in State Department memorandum 7277.
It's in Strong Cities Initiative that then Attorney General Loretta Lynch six years ago was pushing.
And so it's not like I'm even speculating.
We have the playbook, where we see them carrying the playbook out, and
We need to get off this train.
We need to turn this thing around.
We do not want to go down this road.
And then if you look at the type of war they're going to start, I guarantee you, once this thing kicks off in the United States, the U.S.
dollar is done.
And this will make America become a third world country.
And again, the people running the country are Joe Biden, who is a total puppet.
And so this is all being done by design.
There are powerful forces creating this collision that most really smart analysts believe the pro-globalist Fed arm is going to lose very quickly.
But that's part of the plan.
It will discredit the United States for at least a decade and it's going to result in a gigantic bloodbath.
So, that's my point.
And I really don't want this to happen, and I'm just asking the listeners, how do we stop this?
How do we get the word out?
And I want to ask military, police, and others, because you're going to be the ones, in between the communist BLM rioters, with the feds coming in trying to direct you to go after American gun owners, and it's all going to just kick off, and you're going to be in the middle, and on the ashes of that, they're going to bring in this new multinational world government stabilization force.
And the U.S.
is conquered.
See, we couldn't fall from without.
We had to fall from within, as the Roman historian Cicero warned.
We'll be right back.
Infowars is here because there's a war on for your mind.
That's why it's been our motto for more than 25 years.
And if you research even the UN's own admissions, over 2 billion people on planet Earth out of 7.5 billion have cognitive disabilities, lower IQ because of lack of iodine.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're now into hour number two right here on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you so much for joining us on this June 17th transmission.
I want to open the phones up specifically for military, specifically for police, because you're going to be in the middle of this civil war that the big banks are trying to orchestrate between their Bolshevik armies they've created, they've protected, they've trained, and
The American people who are going to be being arrested and rounded up and picked up, and at a certain point, they're going to start fighting back.
And it's not going to be old ladies walking through the Capitol in between the velvet ropes.
It's going to be real people throwing themselves at the feds.
And I would not want to be the people inside those courthouses.
I would not want to be the feds at their houses.
I would not want to be them in D.C.
You are really poking the bear.
And that is not a threat, because I'm not on either one of these sides.
I want to save the Republic.
I don't want the globalists to have their civil war that they mean to destabilize and bring down the country.
But it is the left, it is the globalists that are starting the fight, that have put in all of Soros' prosecutors around the country, who they just think are just going to have their way with us now.
While they release child molesters and murderers, but arrest Christians and conservatives and preachers for jaywalking, and shut down churches across the world.
I mean,
This is a Marxist-Leninist-Bolshevik takeover run by Big Tech.
And it's a medical tyranny with the whole backdrop of the poison vaccine that is targeting all Americans, and the lockdown that's targeting all Americans, and the system telling you that you're non-essential.
This is full-spectrum war, cutting off the pipelines, jacking up the gas prices,
Turning the money, putting prices up on high, so the big banks get first use of that to buy up real assets, and then all you and I get is the inflation.
We are living in an incredible time, a super dangerous time.
So police, military, you're the real people
Caught in the vice grip between this attempt to cause a civil war.
What is your ideas?
What is your view?
Where do you see this going?
The good news is all the internal polls and external polls show a mass awakening across the board to critical race theory and the new world order and transgenderism and the globalists.
People know Biden's a puppet of foreign powers.
People know America's fighting for its life.
And more and more they're waking up to that despite all the censorship.
There's got to be a way to stop this.
And I think it's a coalition of governors coming together and being open about all this.
I think it's leaders in the Senate and the House speaking out.
And I think Tucker Carlson is leading the way at the highest level of mouthpieces of freedom to say that.
And I think President Trump has to address January 6th as the provocateur false flag, the attempt to set him and the liberty movement up.
We have to address January 6th as a false flag head-on, knowing that the entire threat posture of the hijacked federal government is now against the American people.
And to legitimize that, they will stage false flags.
They say terror attacks are coming from white supremacists that are everywhere.
And again, they define anyone that wants political recounts, anyone that wants to expose what's happening in the government, anyone that questions open borders, anyone that questions any other policies as a terrorist.
This is the attempt to outlaw dissent in this country.
This is classical tyranny on steroids.
Here's the toll-free number to join us, 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex.
And again, that's just callers for police and military, or if you were at the January 6th Capitol event and want to give
Your testimony to what you saw, but I saw groups of men stacked up in military gear on the videos, as I got there after this happened, as I was down at the Ellipse with Trump, stacked up, rushing in to break in and overpower the police.
And then the police opened the doors and they waited everybody in, and so they could then demonize that giant throng of people, and the media could project the false image that that million people in DC were there to attack the Capitol, when again, now they estimate maybe 600 went in.
They've arrested right at 500.
But there's these 20 that haven't been, and because we know it came out, some of them are active duty FBI agents.
Their names are actually known.
It's come out in the news.
Just like the Wuhan lab was run by Fauci and Gates.
That was in the news five years ago.
People are like, how did you know all this?
The frickin' lab was called gain-of-function coronavirus lab.
Just like Jon Stewart said.
So, that's where we are.
And they think we're so dumb, we're not going to figure this out.
Well, I'm not going to be scapegoated into a civil war.
I don't want to see feds killed.
I don't want to see cops killed.
I hated seeing those officers get beat up and attacked.
But that was provocateurs manipulating a giant mob to get just a fraction of them to do something.
Trump was deserted.
The Secret Service, the Capitol Police were understaffed.
No Secret Service was sent to the Capitol.
Even though Trump had said for days he was going there, I had announced that.
That was the plan.
And the left spins that all over the news.
Jones admits he planned the attack with Trump.
Jones admits he got donors to fund the attack.
At the Ellipse?
With the bulletproof glass?
And the porta-potties?
And the metal detectors?
We went and got donors because Trump wanted a rally about election fraud.
So imagine how they manipulate the public.
Imagine how they get up there and lie just this week and go, look, new footage of Alex Jones confessing.
This is leaked video of him confessing to planning the attack with Trump.
That's how, and it trended number one on Twitter.
How incredibly deceptive is that?
But it didn't go as violent as they wanted.
They had tried to provocateur those groups to actually go kidnap members of Congress.
But that's why, as soon as there was almost hearings, it stopped.
Because those feds were like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You can't have real hearings.
You can't have real trials.
We've got to string these other trials along for years, so everybody kind of forgets about what happened here.
And by then, we'll stage bigger events.
Everybody will forget about this staged event.
But that's why they don't want real hearings.
That's why they started to impeach Trump and then dropped it in the Senate.
Because this would have all come out.
We were ready.
We had the evidence.
Feds posing as Trump Q operatives told
Hundreds of thousands of people in online chat rooms that they were secretly with Trump, the storm was here, and the cue was Trump, and the cue was ordering them to be ready to take action and storm the Capitol that day.
The feds knew all about it for weeks before, and then went and led it and made sure it happened.
Now, were there some morons that went along with it?
But the people that came up with the plan, and you know who they are, it's the people running the Justice Department right now.
They are the truly guilty ones at the end of the day.
Alright, Jonathan in New York works with Homeland Security on what happens next, and then Joe's Air Force, where we're heading.
Let's go to Jonathan in New York.
What's your view on this?
Hey, Brother Alex, man.
How's it going?
I'm pretty freaked out.
What do you think?
I'm freaked out also.
I'm very low level when it comes to the Department of Homeland Security, but I have a feeling that I wouldn't be surprised if the United States Supreme Court in D.C.
gets attacked somehow.
After, like, the whole election and everything, if the Supreme Court decides to strike down Trump for becoming president again, then the operatives or Deep State might use that as an excuse to blame the patriots to destroy or do something with the Supreme Court building.
And then questioning the Supreme Court, making leftist rulings, I'll be Prasad Nangrata.
I'm sick to my stomach.
I just have a sick feeling that that's probably going to be it.
Hopefully I'm wrong, but...
I'm sick of my stomach just thinking about it.
Jonathan, I have a sick feeling too, because when they're openly saying the main mission of the federal government is white people, as we have a racially based government run by white lawyers, I'm not blaming black folks, telling the world that white people are the main law enforcement angle, imagine if law enforcement said black people were, or whatever.
I mean, it's so racist, it's so obvious, it's so criminal, but you can see where it's going.
I hope I'm wrong, I hope we're all wrong, but I've been listening to you since 2007, and these guys are predictable, so I don't know.
And that's the only good news, is they're predictable, so we know what they're doing, and Tucker's doing a great job exposing them.
We need everybody else to get on the January 6th story and expose that the Fed's provocateur at bare minimum.
Thank you so much, Jonathan.
Alright, Joe, Jessica, Dennis, Chief, Captain, and others.
We'll be right back on the other side, right to your calls.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
And of course, the news site that takes you right to Bandai Video, that is FreeWorldNews.tv.
Gerald of South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Trying to move quicker.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24, verse 9.
That's right where we're at, brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
All the evil men and tyrants seem to flourish is that good men do nothing.
Well, I'm trying to be a good man, I'm trying to stand up and do the right thing, and I've seen huge effects with what we've done here at InfoWars.
Other good men and women getting together,
And tell them the truth and standing up to corruption.
But now the globals are coming after us.
And so I need your prayers, I need your financial support, I need your word of mouth to stay in the fight.
We've got a big sale going right now, pre-shipping double patriot points on three items that have been sold out.
Ultimate Krill Oil, 40% off.
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It is you that have built this operation, and we're now needed more than ever.
So please continue to shop at Infomercial.com, and please share the fact that this is an incredible line of products with your friends, your family, neighbors, strangers, you name it, at the same time.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Again, if you're a new listener and you tune in and I'm talking about false flag attacks and how the federal government's declared war on the American people, I know that sounds shocking, but it's really true.
I mean, they've officially done it.
And said the number one threat is not China, is not Russia, is not the border collapsing, it's not MS-13.
No, it's white people and white supremacism.
And then they define that as supporting borders, supporting God, supporting America, Constitution, Second Amendment, questioning the election fraud.
And they just say, Biden's got a new statement out saying, you need to spy on your neighbors and your family.
And if they
Do any of these things, call the police on them.
So the entire Homeland Security anti-terrorism apparatus we always warned was really for us, it now is.
So we're taking your phone calls from Joe and Steve and Matt and Dennis and Chief and Jake and Captain Matthew and Vincent and Matt and so many others.
Let's go to Joe in Colorado.
You're in the Air Force.
You want to give us your take on where we're heading.
Hey Alex Jones, how are you doing today?
I mean, I'm watching the federal government declare war on the American people and literally turn the country off.
So, I mean, it's all happening now.
I'm a seven-year veteran of the Air Force.
I got out in 2019.
Love serving my country.
Love everything that they offered and could do for me.
Definitely wakes you up to the world.
Alex, I have a question.
Why is it that the vampires, according to their law, they're allowed to carry out any atrocities?
As long as they somehow transmit what they're doing ever so cryptically or blatantly right in your face.
Why do they think that?
I think it's a metaphysical law that just like if you go back to fencing, before somebody attacks you, they say, on guard, because they're about to attack you.
And I mean, that's a really good question.
Why do they metaphysically tell you what they're going to do to you?
That's a great question.
Is it the bravado?
Well, what do you think about Biden?
Saying that the main enemy is the American people.
Oh, that's a horrible, horrible point.
It's a horrible point.
But how do you think they're going to sell that?
I'm really concerned about false flags.
They're going to tell us that they already went along with it and that we agreed to give them the keys to the kingdom a long time ago, and it's for our best interest, but it'll always be BS, like usual.
I hear you, and I appreciate your call.
Here's what's happening.
The system needs something embarrassing.
So they just say, hey, if you support Trump, you're a white supremacist.
If you support fair elections, you're a white supremacist.
If you support Second Amendment, you're a white supremacist.
If you're pro-life, you're a white supremacist.
And then there's a big terror attack.
And Biden says, well, I'm going to take the guns.
Well, I'm going to arrest this group of people.
And if you don't support that, I'm going to arrest you, too.
America's in a war.
I mean, that's what they're bringing martial law in.
And that's what, ahead of kicking Trump out, the lockdowns were about, and the checkpoints, and the medical IDs.
All of this.
I mean, I was reading here today, in the NFL, members of the NFL that don't take the poison injection have to wear masks all the time, and have to do all these other things.
That other members don't.
I mean, it's total discrimination.
So they're introducing it to us through the virus that they released, but then on top of it, expanding it just to everyday life.
I mean, this is a societal revolution by the globalists.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chief in South Carolina.
You're in the Navy.
Let's talk about what's happening in the civilian lockdown.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, long time listener, first time caller.
I hope you and your family are well, and I wish God to bless them and you.
So what I really want to talk about is something that a lot of militia groups don't really seem to understand well, is that the federal government has an almost entire monopoly on communication and transportation in the continental U.S., so anything really were to ever seriously go down, their capability to shut down internet traffic, phone traffic, road traffic, is absolute
What are your thoughts on that?
Well, that's it, and I've noticed the last decade every major highway has put the big cable dividers in it.
They've stockpiled the concrete barriers.
There is an admitted plan to shut down the highways and systems very, very quickly.
Yep, I agree.
That's all I wanted to say, Alex.
Thanks for your time.
Thank you.
I really appreciate your call.
Well, they intend on trying to trigger a race war, and then have Antifa and BLM start burning down cities.
And then they want to use that as the cover to send the feds out to start arresting high-valued patriot targets, trying to connect us to the violence or any counter-events that take place.
Like blowing up a federal building, shooting up a black church, that type of thing, to then demonize their opposition to just hope everybody just bows down to not the COVID lockdown, but the emergency civil emergency, a civil unrest lockdown that redirects all your phones, your computers to official announcements.
I mean, this is really the end of the country you're witnessing right now.
And they have 100% intention of carrying it out because the governors and Trump and myself and you
We together are challenging the election.
We have the evidence.
It's coming out.
All the evidence shows landslide victories for Republicans in a year and a half.
And so they're not going to let that happen.
All right, let's continue here with calls.
Let's talk to Jake, who's a Marine, on where he thinks it's going.
Go ahead, Jake.
How you doing, Alex?
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was just, uh, calling, um, I just want to thank you for being the Supreme Allied Commander in the Info War, getting everybody together.
And, uh, I think it was last week when you had on Judge Joe Brown and you brought Larry Pickney in there.
It was just, it was exactly what I was thinking, brother.
But, uh,
And if we could just have those two guys be on national TV and address America, we'd turn this around.
But note, they're not on national TV.
Only Tucker Carlson is.
That's why what Tucker's doing, exposing the false flag of January 6th, is so important.
Exactly, exactly.
Yeah, just those guys that come from that era, that venture that stuff, was just amazing.
They're both amazing men.
I've gotten to hang out with them both in person.
They're both, both amazing.
I believe in your false flag theory.
I think the point's going to be Camel.
And they like to go Michael Bay with the explosions and everything.
That's what I see.
I don't know if anybody else sees it out there.
And just to let you know, you do have a lot of Marines on your side.
I know, brother.
Listen, I know the average military and police and even feds are good people.
But the ones at the top are globalists.
That's what I'm saying.
I don't want this civil war.
How do we stop it?
We gotta keep putting the word out there.
Everybody that's listening, you gotta keep putting that word out there.
Mr. Jones ain't doing this stuff for stuffing gigs here.
I mean, we gotta get the word out.
You gotta let everybody know that this is... Well, we're all in this together, brother.
God bless you, and I appreciate your call.
Thank you.
Alright, look.
We're gonna break in one minute, and I'm gonna come back and just rush through your calls again.
Captain, and Matthew, and Scott, and Dennis, and Matt, and Steven, and Ray, and everybody.
A lot of these folks attended the Capitol rally, either you're police, military active duty, or you were at the Capitol on January 6th.
I want to get your take on just the staggering nature of it.
Because I've really been absorbing it.
I've really been thinking about it, not just academically, but really absorbing it.
The announcements that white people are inherently bad, and that white supremacy is the main enemy, and we've got to tear it out by the roots, that means America, the flag, Constitutional Bill of Rights, and to really know we're this close to America's deathbed, with these ridiculous globalist scum running things, how do we ever let ourselves get to this?
And how do we stop the false flag?
Well, we expose the last false flag.
January 6th.
And now is the time to do it like our lives depend on it, because it does.
Also, I'm going to play a clip of Biden when we come back.
You'll want to see.
Granny Do-Right.
Granny Do-Right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, George Soros and his media matters, the voice of Obama, is really upset.
Here's the headline.
Tucker Carlson's leading the One Sixth Truth Movement, and it's got lots of demonization of yours truly.
Oh, they're so upset.
That we know how they provoked and turned that operation and we know the names of the FBI agents and the informants and that it's all coming out.
Just like the Wuhan lab did, just like all of it.
We already know all of it.
We're just gonna let you sit there and freak out and say we're wrong and then just release it all.
There's nothing you can do about it.
That's the way it is.
And so you're going to have a lot of trouble staging your next big terror attack to blame the American people and have your ridiculous race war you're trying to have, you monstrous cold-blooded globalist.
You look at Big Tech that runs this whole thing.
They run death camps in China.
They're the most oppressive bosses ever.
These are evil people.
And so now they're saying that the million people that showed up in DC
We're all terrorists!
We went to see Trump at the elliptical.
We went to show our numbers that we didn't support Joe Biden.
And then, again, maybe 100 people attacked the Capitol Police.
500 or so went in.
Most of them non-violent.
They're in solitary confinement.
And then you want to say that we're this giant white supremacist group that attacked the Capitol and they show video of the million people and say that about them?
That's insane!
So they criticize what they're afraid of.
They are so afraid of this coming out, because then they'll have trouble staging other events.
But meanwhile, they've got bigger problems than that.
Joe Biden's come out and said, we yield our rights to government in America.
That's a video where he said that.
Here's another one.
Biden blows up at a female reporter, and this has been removed off Twitter, off Facebook, and off C-SPAN.
C-SPAN is even removing embarrassing videos now to protect the system.
What a culture of censorship, almost like we're becoming an authoritarian country that now wants to follow the last step of any tyranny and arrest and kill its political opposition.
Here it is.
The families of the detained Americans came up and we discussed it.
We're going to follow through with that discussion.
I am not going to walk away on that.
Why are you so confident he'll change his behavior, Mr. President?
Yeah, I'm not confident he'll change his behavior.
What the hell?
What do you do all the time?
When did I say I was confident?
I said, I said, what I said was, let's get it straight, I said what will change their behavior is that the rest of the world reacts to them and it diminishes their standing in the world.
I'm not confident of anything.
I'm just stating the fact.
You don't understand that.
You're in the wrong business.
Calls her an idiot.
The point is, is that he's obviously on amphetamines there.
So he's either totally bumbling, doesn't know who he is, or he's a crazed, hopped-up-on-drugs jerk.
Okay, who's been holding the longest here?
Let's start talking to folks that attended the DC event, and others that are holding.
Let's go to Matthew in Arizona.
Thanks for calling, go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my calls.
I just want to start by saying I want to congratulate you and all the Infant Warriors for all the hard work that they've done, exposing the truth over the years.
But unfortunately, I think we're past that now.
And I learned that on January 6th, I showed up with at least two or three hundred patriots from California, thinking we were going to have a great day listening to the President.
And then at night, we were going to get ready and we were going to stand up against Antifa.
They had different plans.
We've won the Info War.
We've won it many times over.
And we've forced the enemy into a position where now they have to use violence and threats of violence to try to stay in power.
And I'm, for one, not going to be one of those people that lays down my weapon and turns myself over to the enemy.
I'm not going to do it.
Not for the sacrifices that all of our forefathers have done.
All the lives that have already been lost to try to protect this country.
I'm not laying down my weapon when the feds come for me, or when they try to take over, or when they march in UN troops, or when they march in Chinese troops, or anything like that.
All they pass, I don't care what kind of agent they put in the local government, I'm not listening.
I'm not laying down my weapon.
Not one day.
Not one day of my life.
The answer is...
So that day doesn't come where we've got to fight, be politically active, and expose the January 6th false flag provocateur action, and that will short-circuit the globalist plan to provocateur or stage other events that give them the political smoke screen to shut down our peaceful movement to secure the elections in this country.
I appreciate your call.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see the footage we were just playing.
We'll roll the video again of the Q people.
Once they open the doors, the cops on the outside open the doors, then mainly people wearing Q-Guard garb, a Q-Group, believe they were there for Trump because they were told on 8chan.
No, they were told by the FBI.
And so they believe they were on a secret mission, they were about to arrest Pelosi, all of this, and they walked right into a trap.
So that's why I've been critical of Q the whole time because I said it was going to be used to set us up, and it did.
Everybody else were FBI informants or Antifa or FBI.
We now know that.
But it was the Q people, 500, 600 of them, that are almost all in jail now, who actually believe this crap.
They were set up.
They don't deserve to be in prison.
Most of them have no criminal history, no criminal records.
But they thought they were being commanded by Trump to do this, and they weren't.
And Trump was set up and believed he was going to speak at the Capitol, and none of that was even prepared or ready, and so was I. So the idea that I led this idiotic, provocateur disaster is ridiculous.
I'm not ashamed of a lot of things in my life, but this is one of them, that I didn't see this coming.
But I sure as hell didn't do it on purpose and didn't want it to happen.
That is ridiculous.
And I tried to stop it outside as soon as I got there, but they were already in the building.
I went to the police.
I said, I'm not going up on that Capitol until I get permission.
They gave me permission to go up there.
That's all on video.
The left goes to Bandot video, edits out hours of stuff down to like 30 seconds and says, here's Jones admitting he led the attack and was paid to do it.
And I tried to get the police to then let me get on the PA system.
I'm like, why aren't you using your PA system?
Which they were using the next day to say you'll be arrested if you're anywhere near the Capitol.
I said, get on there and tell people to leave the Capitol.
I said, or let me do it.
They'll leave if I tell them and they wouldn't let me do it and it's all on five or six different camera shots we have.
It's not about defending myself at this point.
They don't want to arrest me because I will bring up the feds that are involved.
I will expose the whole operation.
They instead want to burn a bunch of the dumb patsies that meant well and believe the Q stuff.
Remember Q then said, oh, January 6th, Biden will be arrested on the dais?
I told you that wasn't going to happen.
Q from the beginning was set up by some people in the White House to be able to expose Hillary in the deep state with real intelligence they had in Obama.
And not get sued like I did.
Within three weeks of them launching Q, it got taken away from them by the bad guys.
And I told you that from the beginning.
I know the players.
Like, I'm a real guy around 27 years.
Like, I don't make this stuff up.
Some people are like, oh, you're just bashing Q because it's so cool.
I'm like, no, it's going to set us up and set up a violent confrontation.
And of course, I was right.
And now we need to get our minds around, what are they going to pull now?
Because the FBI is already like, oh Q is going to attack federal officers.
You mean your agents and foundation operatives, some are probably lost in their ADL and others.
You mean you're going to try to provoke a terminally ill people to think they're with Q to attack your own people.
Well, let's be honest.
You're trying to find some McVeigh Patsy's to attack yourself.
Let's not, let's not lie about that FBI.
The scientific dictatorship that I've been warning you about for 27 years has now gone from beta testing to operational.
The globalists are out in the open with their planetary depopulation takeover, their robot takeover.
But the good news is we've been working, and you've been working, and others have been working across the planet for decades to get ready for this, to be able to fight it off.
Humanity is strong.
We're incredible.
And if we're aware of the attack that's happening, we have a real chance of defeating it.
If we ask God for guidance, we will defeat it.
So prayer is essential, research is essential, getting prepared is essential, and warning others is absolutely essential.
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All the evil men in towers seem to flourish as the good men do nothing.
Well, I'm trying to be a good man.
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And I've seen huge effects with what we've done here at InfoWars.
Other good men and women getting together and telling the truth and standing up to corruption.
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Take the highway to the end of the line.
End of the line.
Welcome back, taking your phone calls.
We were there on January 6th at Narbin told you're a terrorist.
He went there to burn it down and kill everybody.
Even though 99% of you didn't go in the building.
There's a big article in Media Matters, again that's the mouth of the deep state, very upset at Tucker Carlson, calling him the father of the 1-6 Truth Movement.
And they try to create a controversy where Jones claims he told Tucker everything he knows, but held off until Tucker broke it.
What I said was, is the revolver guy I've been talking to for weeks sent me the info, and then I talked to him on Monday, and I knew that Tucker was going to cover it, because I was talking to him about it, talking to the writer about it, I knew it was going to end up coming out, and I waited, so they do a great job putting it out.
Because we've already been covering this since the day it happened!
But it isn't about credit.
It's not about who covered it first.
Like, Jones claims he's the reason Tucker's saying it.
Tucker Carlson understands the Feds have been caught over and over and over again staging false flags.
They've been caught over and over and over again provocateuring events.
But that's a well-known fact.
So, very, very par for the course by Media Matters trying to divert off into that, like, oh, who made this up?
Because they're so scared, folks.
There are obviously Feds crawling all over that thing and trying to provocateur people and trying to convince them to attack the Capitol and posing as Q. And the Feds have stopped going any higher because they know it'll come out that there were Feds at those training sessions and at those meetings in the weeks before because this was being planned, the ellipse event, and an anti-corruption rally for a month or so.
And the last thing we would have thought of is a Trump rally going violent because they've never gone violent except for Antifa trying to attack.
And of course, Hillary back during the campaign in 2016, remember in Chicago?
She had people dressed up like Bernie Sanders supporters attacking Trump supporters.
So, this is a staple of politics.
I mean, hell, they caught Democrat Party operatives, remember when Rand Paul was running for Senate the first time in Kentucky, dressed up like racists.
And we have the video of the Antifa dressing up like Trump supporters.
So it's all coming out, and just like Tucker was right about the Wuhan lab, and we were right about it, we're going to be right about this.
And the system's going to have a lot of egg on its face.
So you see how much they're freaking out about it?
Well, now they've got more articles out on Twitter saying, oh, look at these statistics.
Of how less people that we banned online, how their traffic went down, and so they say de-platforming works, you know, let's get Tucker Carlson and everybody else.
You see, and they've got big scientific university reports out about how to do it.
These people, bread and butter, is silencing dissent and authoritarianism, and now they're trying to list the American people as terrorists,
If they question the incredible election anomalies and problems.
Just like we're not supposed to question vaccines.
Remember that?
Well, I happen to have a video here, then I'm going to go to your phone calls.
Clip three, compilation of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris questioning the safety of vaccines when Trump was president.
We also, which is whether you're right or wrong, you're right to do, right?
You shouldn't be banned, shouldn't get in trouble.
But once it came out, we were right, then we were banned.
But they were doing it up front because they didn't want Trump to get credit for the vaccines.
They were playing politics.
But now you're not supposed to see this video.
Here it is.
You get it?
Well, I think that's going to be an issue for all of us.
If and when the vaccine comes.
It's not likely to go through all the tests and the trials that are needed to be done.
When we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, who's going to take the shot?
Who's going to take the shot?
You're going to be the first one to say, put me, sign me up.
They now say it's OK.
And the question of whether it's real when it's there, that requires enormous transparency.
You've got to make all of it available to other experts across the nation.
So they can look and see.
So there's consensus.
This is a safe vaccine.
If the president announced tomorrow we have a vaccine, would you take it?
Only if it was completely transparent that other experts in the country could look at it.
Only if we knew all of what went into it.
If Donald Trump can't give answers and the administration can't give answers to these three questions, the American people should not have confidence.
But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it, I'm not taking it.
And now thousands and thousands and thousands of top scientists, medical doctors, virologists, epidemiologists, they've all been banned or blocked online from being able to talk.
And Senate hearings with experts get banned off Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
But now he says, oh, no transparency, you're not allowed to have that, and the American people are terrorists they want to go to war with.
I mean, what a dangerous group of crazy people.
And see, the power structure can get Biden to make these decisions that cause a civil war.
He'll historically get the blame, but they won't.
That's what's even more dangerous about not having a real president.
Even if he was evil, he wouldn't do stuff that might destroy him.
But see, if he's an idiot and senile, he can be set up.
Danger, danger, danger, danger.
We are in grave danger.
So you see Media Matters, you see them all wanting to shut us down.
We've got Jesse Lee Peterson.
At the same time, we've got Larry Pickney together to talk about all that's going on and how we try to turn it around, coming up next hour.
But I want to go to more of your calls.
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That I haven't had time to put on and show you yet.
Maybe during the break I'll run out and put one on and show you the next shirt.
But a lot of new shirts are out at the store.
Okay, who's been on the longest here?
Let's go to Amy in Texas.
Thanks for calling, Amy.
You were at the Capitol event.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm finally on.
Just thank you, first of all, for what you've been doing.
I want to thank you, Amy, but what is it like to learn you're the number one terror threat in the world?
I can tell you it's really...
It's hard to believe because it's almost like we're already in a communist state.
I can't believe that all I did, in fact, in November, December, and I was there January 6th, I went to all of those rallies.
And I never thought, I felt uneasy that day when we were walking down to the Capitol.
In fact, the shaman was actually walking with my group.
He was screaming freedom and freedom and people just walking down to the Capitol.
And it was weird when we first got there.
Trump was still speaking.
You know, we walked down because we wanted to have a good area to, you know, be there to rally and fly our flags.
Oh, you weren't a white supremacist planning to kill everybody?
Because Biden says every person there was a terrorist.
Oh, no.
And I know.
And the thing is, is there were no, at that time, whatever happened before the instigators or whatever, all those bike racks were gone.
You literally were walking straight up to the Capitol.
You had the Capitol Police, you had people in the riot gear of the police, and they were just standing back.
And we were just standing right there at the Capitol doing nothing.
And then all of a sudden the flashbangs started and different.
And I remember you,
I turned around and I remember when you got there and you were on top of those chairs and you were trying to get people's attention and then I walked with you and your group.
We walked to the other side and we just stayed.
I never even entered that Capitol.
Well, they're saying everyone there's a terrorist to chill us from demonstrating, to chill us from going to Trump rallies that are coming up.
And the answer is, peacefully go out, march more than ever.
A million people showed up in D.C.
It was a giant victory.
Maybe 600, we now know, went to the Capitol.
And a large portion of those Antifa and FBI dressed as patriots.
Shame on them!
Alex, I was visited by FBI last week, on Wednesday.
I am at my home, working from home.
I was on a conference call all day, and so I couldn't answer my door.
Um, later when I went through my front door, a card fell and it was the FBI and I was shocked.
Like, what?
So I went back and looked at my ring footage and saw that there were two at my door.
And how I'm on their list, I guess, because I don't know.
I didn't go in the Capitol.
Well, it's all about chilling effect.
It's all about a police state dragnet to really test for roundups in the future.
Once they blow up some federal buildings and blame it on us, they want to just get everybody used to seeing large numbers of folks being taken away to trigger the civil war.
I mean, the feds aren't thinking why they're being ordered to do this, but it's meant to trigger a civil war.
Did you ever call them or do they ever come back?
In fact, I went and sought out legal representation to ask, you know, what do you do?
And they said, of course, don't talk to him, you know, unless.
But if they do, this is the thing that some of the lawyer.
Hold on.
I'll come right back to you, Amy.
And I'll get the captain.
I'll get the Vaughn.
I'll get the Gary Scott.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're back live, going right back to your calls.
Amy in Texas, you got a visit from the FBI, you were making a point, we went to break.
You know Alex, what the lawyer told me, he said good news, you know, there's nothing for you to worry about, you didn't go in, there shouldn't be, there's no video of you, you're on the outskirts, but he said the bad news is what he's carrying is, as you know, they're trying to make, we're all domestic terrorists, and what they're trying to do is find ways
To indict people as a conspiracy to invoking political riot and finding a way to then get, you know, federal charges, which then takes away people's votes.
So there's a lot of end games.
I'm very much aware.
I've been listening to you for a long time.
I do want to make you aware in regards to, I totally believe it was a setup.
I remember February 5th, the night before, I stayed at the Marriott, at the Capitol Marriott, and that evening as we were going to make our way to the Freedom Plaza, we stopped at a food truck that's right there by the Marriott, and I remember all these guys there in their uniforms, and I thought, I asked one of the guys, I said, oh, are you a National Guard?
And he says, no ma'am, I'm, you know, federal officers.
And I'm like, federal officers?
And I looked down, and I'm so mad I wish I had taken a video.
And down in the parking garage below at the Capitol Marriott, there was like a command post set up, and there was like groups of six of these federal officers like getting their orders or getting something, and then they would walk up the ramp from the parking garage, and then they headed straight down to the Capitol.
I don't know why.
When I look back, it was just, it wasn't right.
Well, that's why they don't want any real investigation of the Capitol is because federal fingerprints are all over it and it's going to come out.
God bless you, Amy.
I appreciate your call.
Powerful testimony.
All right.
Who's been on the longest here?
That would be... Captain Matthew in California.
Welcome, Captain Matthew.
Greetings, Alex.
I was there on the 6th, probably.
No apologies.
I had a theory that if we get people singing together, we could transform it.
I drove my own motorhome across the country via Michigan.
I had a DJ rig.
It was kind of like a portable stage.
I wheeled it up there.
And I told somebody about a year and a half ago, I was called, go to D.C., go to D.C.
every day for months.
And I finally, I went across the country.
I got up there and I figured between 50 and 70, at least 80,000 people were singing the National Anthem, God Bless America, Amazing Grace.
We were singing, we were joyous.
I remember it happened a lot and it was beautiful.
I think I remember you would sing your RV.
And we were just a million people saying, we're Americans, we know Trump really won, and the corrupt, shy, calm, deep state didn't like it, so they provocateur-ed people through 8chan, the Q people, along with FBI and Antifa to go into the building and then open the doors so they could put innocent people in prison.
Shame on them.
That's right.
I can say that we kept people from going in, and we even drew people out.
Some of them said, we heard the music from inside the Capitol, and we came out.
When you hear... I mean, they cut off our internet.
I couldn't access my playbacks or anything, so it was just pure acoustic.
I was standing on there with my full Patriot uniform and a Trump guitar, Trump electric guitar, singing acoustically, and it was awesome.
Before I went, my motorhome got flagged by the Secret Service several times.
I played by the White House, and they interviewed me for an hour.
Who are you?
Why did you come here?
I said, I was sent here to bring music, and I said, on the 6th, you will hear the people singing.
Then on the 7th, I got a call from them.
Mr. Wood, did you go inside?
No, sir.
He said, we heard the people singing, Thank You.
That was beautiful.
Wow, that's amazing.
Well, that's the thing.
This was a beautiful day.
Until that damn Q thing controlled by the Deep State told people that it was the storm and they were going to take over and that there was Antifa and a few feds leading some of the people they'd infiltrated in the Oath Keepers and in the Proud Boys and the Boogaloos and the rest is history.
And I'm not against those organizations and groups, but you have to admit when your group gets infiltrated.
And so that's what happened.
But Alex, our response, this is what's different.
I've seen you struggle for this for a couple years and I've really thought about it.
When the Pope brought millions of people on the streets of Poland, he was asked, what is this movement?
He said, this is a movement of love.
And when we have, in this country, millions of people on the streets, because our streets should always remain free, singing out of joy.
We have stadiums filled with people singing out of joy.
I can tell you right now, I've taken on... No, it's beautiful, sir.
God bless you.
We got Jesse Lee Peterson and Larry Pinckney coming up.
For more of your calls, stay with us.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones!
This threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race.
According to the intelligence community.
Terrorism for white supremacy is the most lethal threat to the homeland today.
Because of this growth in polarization in the United States and domestic violence in white supremacist groups.
So I know looking forward that the members of the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed.
Are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we've seen overseas.
The rise of domestic violent extremism is a serious and growing national security threat.
The Biden administration will confront this threat with the necessary resources and resolve.
In order to really tackle terrorism, and this time domestically, you've got to attack and dismantle
The command and control element of a terrorist group.
And unfortunately, and I know this is painful to hear, that may mean people sitting in Congress right now.
People in and around the former president.
That's how you do this.
Otherwise, recruitment, inciting, and cult-like leadership continues to recruit people to violence.
Our initial work on DVE will broadly fall into three areas.
The first is a tasking from President Biden sent to the ODNI today, requesting a comprehensive threat assessment coordinated with the FBI and DHS on domestic violent extremism.
You can be darn tootin' that we are focused very, very hard on how can we get better sources, better information, better analysis, so that we can make sure that something like what happened on January 6th never
Well, I've been watching Jesse Lee Peterson for more than 20 plus years since I was on AXS TV, and so was he.
I was here in Texas, he was out in California.
Like, I played his shows on my show before he ever even talked to me.
I'm really honored to have him with us, and I wanted to get him on with another man I've known for probably almost 20 years.
That's Larry Pickney, one of the founders of the original Black Panther Party, and became a political prisoner, and one of the most eloquent
...spokespersons for Unity and against the new Black Panther Party, BLM, Antifa and others.
And so I just want to introduce Jesse Lee Peterson first.
Does not need any introduction, but jesseleepeterson.com, rebuildingtheman.com.
He now reaches hundreds of millions of people from his humble beginnings, just like I did the same thing.
We have a similar path.
His whole story is very powerful of his awakening and getting out of the victimhood.
And I want to ask him straight up first, before we go to Larry, watching the announcement that the number one enemy is white supremacist, and that the whole homeland security is now for the American people,
And the definition of white supremacy is being pro-America and pro-border and pro-sovereignty.
What do you think Biden's doing?
Where do you think this is going?
I mean, Democrats saying they want the CIA to arrest me, arrest Trump, all of this trying to frame us for January 6th, where we now know the feds were provocateuring a tiny minority of people that did get out of hand and should get in trouble, but I don't think are terrorists.
What is your experience and view on this?
Because it looks to me like they're getting ready to try to create a race war, which is just so idiotic.
And what's your view on that?
Well, first, Alex, thanks for having me on.
I appreciate it.
They are definitely trying to create a race war, and they are doing it because they want to stay in so-called perceived power.
And they're using this word racism in order to divide and conquer.
And it just, it's evil.
It's pure evil because we all know that there's no such thing as racism.
It's a made up word in order to divide and conquer.
The unfortunate thing is that they have used that word, I mean, day after day, day in and day out.
And many, if not most, most blacks are starting to believe it.
That there is such a thing called racism.
And they have fallen away from parents.
They have fallen away from God.
And they have fallen for this lie that they are suffering due to white people.
And it literally has nothing to do with white folks at all.
And the Democrats are too glad to use blacks.
In order to destroy America.
They really want to turn America into a communist, socialist society.
And they'll use, they'll divide into races, pretending that it's white folks who are doing it, when in reality it's black people who are committing most of the violence.
The violence against Asians, the violence against whites.
The violence against one another, black-on-black violence, is out of control.
And the Democrats, and that means the liberal whites and the black ones, and the right-wing Republicans, they're using black people in order to take away our right to speech, the Second Amendment rights, all our rights.
They want to control all of us.
And I just think it's so unfortunate
That one person in America would allow our government to deceive us, well not me, but deceive most people and use them to destroy America.
This is about power.
It has nothing to do with racism.
It has nothing to do with what white people are doing to blacks.
But it has everything to do with the lack of God in their lives, the lack of parents.
Most black people don't have good parents anymore.
It has everything to do with the desire for reparations, affirmative action.
They are literally turning America into South Africa.
And I've been warning white people for a long time that South Africa was coming to America.
Now it's here, where the blacks in South Africa have taken over.
South Africa, and now they're taking the land away from the whites.
The same thing is starting to happen here in America.
Clearly the globalists are trying to use black people as pawns for their agenda.
We need to wake up to that.
There's no doubt about that.
I want to ask you, how do we short circuit that from your experience?
How do we stop an attempt at this race war?
And then we'll get Larry Pinckney's take on it.
Number one, everybody that know that this, who know that this is wrong, you gotta start speaking up.
Do not, do not be afraid to speak up.
We gotta tell the truth, no matter what color, because this is evil, and only the truth can defeat evil, so we gotta start speaking up.
We gotta vote out the RINOs and these Democrats, and vote in men who are gonna stand for what is right.
It is we the people, not we the government.
We have to take back control of our government by voting in people who are going to work for us and not against us.
So we got to start telling the truth.
Have no fear because anytime you have fear, they will conquer you.
And that's what's happening right now.
All right.
Powerful words, Jesse Peterson.
We're going to go to break in a few minutes.
We'll come right back to both you guys.
But the minutes we have, great to have you here with us, Mr. Pinckney.
My big concern is they're trying to build toward some big event that really triggers a crisis.
What is your view?
Do you agree, A, and B, how do we counter that?
Of course, that's obvious.
The bottom line is this.
When we start talking, and first of all, much love to you, my brother Alex.
Much love to Infowars.
All power to the people.
Black, white, brown, red, and yellow.
Now, let me get right to the point.
The bottom line is, let's understand who the real terrorists are.
Let's understand what the background of Joe Biden is.
Let's understand that his close buddy and close friend was none other than a great big terrorist by the name of Robert Byrd, the former head, okay, of the Ku Klux Klan and recruiter, okay?
Let's be real, okay?
Let's not be stupid, alright?
Now, let's also understand that this man, in quotation marks, Joe Biden,
Spoke like a terrorist when he said you ain't, quote, black unless you vote for me.
Well, my God, that could have come out of the mouth of Benito Mussolini.
All right?
Adolf Hitler.
Francisco Franco.
Let's be clear about who the real terrorists are.
I want to say that to you, my brother, right off the bat.
Go ahead, Alex.
Right off the bat.
No, no, that's powerful.
We've got to go to break.
I want to come back and give both you guys the floor, because I admire both of you, and you're both really smart from close perspectives, but a little bit different.
Let me come back real fast, Larry.
I think it's imminent.
They're saying armies of white supremacists are about to kill everybody.
With no evidence of that, I'm worried about a false flag.
I am, too.
And they are the armies of white supremacists.
They are the neoliberal fascists!
I agree with that statement that they are the weirdos using race to divide, and I get what Jesse Lee Peterson is saying is they've got a lot of blacks on board with it, but at the end of the day, it is a bunch of weird old white people that are trying to orchestrate and keep them along the Democrat plantation.
Jesse Lee Peterson, jesselepeterson.com, rebuildingtheman.com, and then of course Larry Pinckney was challenging the election fraud, so they banned his popular Twitter.
You can find him at blackactivistwg.org, and the book saying no to power, autobiography of 20th century activist and thinker
Stay with us, we'll be right back on the other side.
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Again, I don't like to lecture people.
I'm a very private person, but because of the globalists and their attack on humanity, I've been forced the last 27 years to be a public figure, and we've given the globalists one hell of a run for their money because of God.
And I know some of our listeners get mad when I talk about God all day, but just give me a break.
The Satanism's out in the open.
I've always been a Christian, but now the fact that it's a fight between good and evil is so clear.
And I get it.
A lot of you have been turned off by big churches.
A lot of you have been turned off by the corrupt.
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Monday through Friday, it's the Alex Jones Show, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m., and we've got two other great talk show hosts here, Jesse Lee Peterson and Larry Pinckney, and they're both Americans, and they've both been through a lot, and they've got a lot to teach us.
I'm going to go back to Pinckney here in a moment, but I wanted you to have a chance to respond.
Clearly, when Biden announces that 65 percent of Americans, Jesse, are
Terrorist or bad or being a color is bad.
That's an attempt to basically intimidate those people to politically do what we say or we're going to call you this horrible name.
So now calling people racist if they don't submit to Democrats doesn't work.
So now they're going to say we're a terrorist.
How do we counter something of that magnitude?
Because to me, that is just outrageous.
Well, number one, we must not be afraid.
And when you don't have fear, you always see how to deal with issues and overcome them.
Again, this is all about keeping Donald Trump out.
They don't want Donald Trump back or anyone that's strong like Donald Trump.
So anyone that voted for him, they are against him because they hate Donald Trump.
In America today, and I heard you mentioned this during the commercial break, our battle is a spiritual battle.
It's a warfare between good and evil, right versus wrong.
And it's clear today that the Democratic Party and the right-wing Republicans represent evil.
They are not on the side of good.
And so we got to realize that it's not about black or white.
It's not about male or female.
It's a warfare between good and evil.
And those who are on the side of good, which should be the conservative Christians, Republicans, right?
We gotta stand up and say no to evil.
They have destroyed the family.
They have destroyed men.
And if you want to destroy a family or a country, you've got to destroy the man first.
Because men represent God on Earth.
They are sons of God.
And the real power comes through the man.
And so that's why they have attacked the man first.
They did the same thing to the black family.
They went after the black man.
And they took him out of the family because they knew... And now they're saying it's the white male.
Just like they said the black man's bad, now the white man's bad.
They're doing the same thing to the white man.
Remove that man from his family, you can take over the women and children and do whatever you want to them, right?
But we got, there's an order to God, to life, and that order is God in Christ, Christ in man, man over woman, and woman over children.
And men got to return to their fathers so they can overcome the fear, the nature of the woman.
They gotta overcome their mothers and return to their fathers so they can overcome emotions and fear, and God will develop a logical mind.
Did you notice how the British Prime Minister said, we need to get rid of men and have women run things?
He doesn't mean women run things.
He means the state controls the women and children as slaves.
That's what they want.
And once you do that, you can create a communist socialist society.
In this last election, it was reported that single women voted for the Democratic Party, where married women voted for Donald Trump, to re-elect Donald Trump.
And so the single women are relying on the government.
They're looking to someone to free health care, free everything.
But if they had a man, they would not have to look to the government.
We've got to bring men back to the United States.
I totally agree that that is the long-term goal, the total goal.
The attack on the family, Black Lives Matter says get rid of it.
I totally agree.
I'm going to go back to you in a moment, but I want to ask Larry Pinckney.
We're good to go.
Well, I'll tell you what else they're going to pull.
They've got a media, or I should say a propaganda machine, that is working overtime for them.
And by the way, let me say and apologize to Brother Peterson.
I should have recognized you, brother, and it's great to be on this show with you.
And I just want to thank you, my brother.
Now, getting back to
To what we were talking about, the fact of the matter is that these people are maniacal.
I said maniacal, alright?
So, it's very interesting to me because I watch it and I say, you know, this is a case of asking the fox, alright, to protect the chicken.
All right.
We know the fox is not going to tell us who ate the chickens, but now they're trying to pretend because they are the foxes.
All right.
They are the foxes.
Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and all the rest of these neoliberal fascists.
And as Brother Peterson pointed out, the rhino Republicans.
Oh, yes.
The bottom line is, and I like what Mr. Peterson, Brother Peterson said, stand up.
Stop being afraid!
Do not be intimidated!
You see, that's the name of their neo-liberal fascist gang.
So what are the big moves now?
What do we do before they... They're clearly planning something huge.
I mean, they're saying imminent white terror attacks.
We gotta arrest all the whites.
We gotta ban free speech.
I mean, this is insane announcements that the U.S.
Main mission, the military, the CIA, need to be used domestically right now, that the whole posture isn't China, it's the American people, clearly that means they've got to have a pretext.
Well, of course they have a pretext, Brother Alex.
The bottom line is, when they start saying, they actually tell us in advance, if we look at it and think about it, they tell us in advance what they're planning to do.
They really do.
So what are they planning to do?
They're planning to, shall I say, push a very anti-people, anti-white, anti-black, anything they can.
That's what, just pay attention to what they're saying!
That's their plan, that's their endgame, alright?
So we, we the people, black, white, brown, red, yellow, citizens of this country, must say, we know what you have in store, and we are not going to accept it!
And we know what they say, like Jesse Lee Peterson just said, and what you're saying is dead on.
I open up the New York Times to read it.
Every ad is a man is a woman.
It's all over every TV channel.
They fear men, don't they?
You're damn right, Jesse.
They do.
The worst thing that they can have is a real man.
They hate it.
And it's because they hate the image of God.
And so they hate that.
But the one thing that needs to happen, too, is, you know, when that thing happened at the Capitol, I said from day one that that was a setup.
Some of those supporters of Donald Trump walk right into a trap and that's why I tell them don't be angry.
Stay away from anger so you can see what you enjoy.
You've been saying that for 20 plus years.
Don't ever get angry because you don't think when you get angry.
That's right, you don't think straight, and you'll be controlled when you have anger.
They can make you feel good, or they can make you feel bad.
So if you overcome that anger, it's harder to set you up.
And I knew a few of Donald Trump supporters ran, and I call Donald Trump the Great White Hope, by the way.
Ran into a trap it was a setup and now it's starting to be Revealed that it was FBI's or some other people involved Government workers involved in that trap that was set up.
So you got to stay away from anger.
We got to start educating everywhere We go we got to tell the truth about what's really really going on by educating the people telling the truth about it and
And then we need to organize because come election time, we gotta vote these people out.
We gotta vote them out because they're moving really, really fast in order to keep control over the people.
And we cannot afford to allow them to go.
We love you both.
You're absolutely right.
Stay there.
Less than a year and a half to the midterm.
Democrats don't want that election to happen.
How are they going to try to stop us?
What do we do?
Now is the maximum effort.
We'll be right back with Jesse Lee Peterson and Larry Pinckney.
I'm Alex Jones.
You can find Larry Pinckney's channel at band.video.
And by the way, if Jesse Lee Peterson wants a channel, we'll give him one as well.
We'd be very honored to have him.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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All the evil men and tyrants seem to flourish is that good men do nothing.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, Jesse Lee Peterson and Larry Pinkney have basically said the same thing.
They're trying to divide and conquer us.
They're totally cold-blooded and they're trying to cut off our communication.
That means everybody listening has to really get
They've got to speak out.
They've got to share websites.
They've got to share a Jesse Lee Peterson video or tell people to tune in.
They've got to share a Larry Pickney video or an article.
They've got to share a Infowars.com article and not be ashamed of the truth and not let the Democrats shame you into not speaking up.
So going back to Jesse Lee Peterson and Larry Pickney, I can ask questions all day, but there's so much happening in the world.
Jesse, what else is front and center for you right now?
Because I just see
The incredible urgency of a Democratic Party knowing they're being rejected.
Communists and Socialists knowing they're being rejected.
All over the world, not just here, trying to create division.
It should be so simple to beat that.
No, I grew up on, as you know, on a plantation down in Alabama.
I grew up under the Jim Crow laws.
And the one thing that we had going for us at that time, and when I say we, all people, family, we loved God with all our heart, soul, and might, along with nothing else.
And we loved our neighbors as ourselves.
We knew that it was a spiritual battle.
It wasn't all white people were not against the blacks the way the Democratic Party was at that time as it is today.
And so we knew
And so the Christian churches, Christian men, they stood strong against evil.
But even the churches have become secularized by the evil ones in our country.
The Southern Baptist Christian Convention announced that they believe in this critical race theory thing and now they are allowing these liberal black pastors to come in and teach
Thank you.
Because they're weak.
They're weak, pathetic, poor excuses of men.
They're beta males.
They have not stood for what is right.
They don't believe in God.
Because there's no way you could believe in God.
You cannot be a son of God and give in to evil.
Christians know there's no such thing as racism.
They know why most blacks are suffering.
They know it has nothing to do with white folks, but everything to do with the destruction of the family and turning away from God.
But the men who are leading the churches now are turning them over to the women.
They're turning them over to the radical blacks.
They're turning them over to
Drag queens and homosexuals, they're not standing for what is right, and that's because they do not believe in God.
They love the world, their material things, more than they care about the souls of the congregation and of our country.
Men are just weak now, even in the churches.
That's got to change in order for things to get better.
Well, it's so biblical too, and I want to get your take on this, Larry Pinckney.
To just see the fruits of the Democrats today is destroying everything they touch.
What do you think we should do, Larry Pickney, at this critical juncture we're at right now?
Expose, expose, expose.
As Brother Peterson said, expose, expose, expose.
Stand up!
Stand up and be clear about it.
You know, one of the things that Brother Peterson said just now that I just got all chills running through my body, brother, was that, you know, the so-called black church, it ain't black no more.
It has become something that is unrecognizable.
What would Dr. King or Medgar Evers or Rosa Parks
Say, if they saw the so-called Black Church today, alright?
And what it's about, I'll tell you what it's about.
They'll sell their grandmamas out, their mamas out, their sisters and brothers out, for money!
We are beyond that, or we must be beyond that.
Okay, let's be honest with ourselves, alright?
And, you know, I am disgusted and ashamed, frankly, of what I see that they dare, by they I mean the so-called media, the propaganda machine, dares to call the black church
And Brother Peterson, and Brother Alex, thank y'all for making that very clear.
No way.
Well, let me ask you both this, man.
Obviously, it spun itself up, Jesse Lee Peterson, and then Mr. Pinckney.
The system has spun itself up.
The left's trying to take over right now.
Is it death throes, or is it in power, or why is it acting so crazy?
Because it seems to me it's actually waking a lot of people up.
Because they know that if they don't do it this time, they might not get another chance.
They know that because we have seen what they have done to Donald Trump, the great white ho.
And so they know they got one more chance and that is this chance.
And if they don't do all they can to change the laws, to usher in socialism, to bring in all this crap that they're bringing in, they might not get another chance.
And I believe that they are right about that too because the people are suffering now
They have had a taste under Donald Trump what it is to be free.
Now they're really suffering.
So evil is showing us what it would do if you completely turn your life over to it.
And so they think they believe that they would not get another chance when they're working overtime.
We're good to go.
And there was no one really speaking up against Jackson and others saying that they were lying.
And as a young man, because I didn't hear an opposing view, I thought that they were right about what they were saying about racism and all that crap, right?
And what's happening now because the children of God are not speaking up.
Young people who are hearing all this crap, all this lie, these lies, are starting to believe it.
We're awake, we're older.
They're targeting young people who might not ever get to wake up like you did.
So what do we do?
Again, we got to tell the truth.
We got to, as you have done, we got to create our own media.
We got to put the truth out there to say, hey, no, these people are lying.
If someone had said out loud years ago that they were lying about racism, that is no such thing as racism, I guarantee you we wouldn't be, these people wouldn't be able to use racism in the manner that they're doing it.
At first, they would call it racism.
Then they call it systemic racism.
Then they call it police brutality.
Now they're calling it critical race theory, where they're outright teaching young children that because they're white, not any other reason, but because they're white, they're evil.
And the parents are sending their children to these schools and allowing Satan's children to brainwash their children.
I've never seen anything like this in my whole life.
Parents gotta take back their children, take them out of these schools, and don't let their children be brainwashed into what's wrong with the parents, especially the white parents.
I've heard of fear, but this is ridiculous.
You don't have to send your children to this school.
And by the way, I know a lot of people, I have children too, but they're in private school, but it's happening there too.
Everybody I know all over the country says they are telling kids, you're really a girl, you're really a boy, and white people are bad.
And by the way, it's almost all white teachers teaching this.
This is outrageous.
I've never seen nothing like this before in my whole life.
We got to take it back by being honest and creating our own media and getting out there holding rallies and just fighting against this stuff in the right way before they create this race war.
And once they do that, they're going to take away all of our rights.
It's ridiculous.
We're about to go to break.
Final segment with both of you guys.
Talk about solutions when we come back and how people find your great work.
But real quick, Larry Pickney.
What would Martin Luther King, who said, don't judge people off their color, but off their deeds and what they do?
That makes perfect sense.
What would he think today when they are literally teaching 65% of the country, you are inherently evil because of the color of your skin?
That sounds like Hitler!
You know what, brother, brother... Come on, bro.
You know what he's doing.
He is rolling over in his proverbial grave.
He talked about the content of character versus the color of skin.
And these neoliberal fascists, and that's what they are!
They are neoliberal fascists!
Take back our children!
Take back our families!
Take back our republic!
Our republic!
And I'll leave it at that.
I know you're going to go to break, but that's where I am.
Well, let's come back and talk about that, because I agree.
We can't just say you're full of it.
We've got to repudiate these people.
I mean, this is literally the closest thing to Nazis I ever heard of, but it's being done from the left's perspective.
These people, they have the right to speech, but there needs to be major political sanctions against these groups trying to make everybody kill each other.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
All right, ladies and gentlemen, final segment with our guests.
I'm going to take some more calls.
And Matt Bracken is going to be taking over.
Former Navy SEAL terrorism expert, he's been predicting false flags.
He's been pointing out the Capitol as a staged event.
And we're going to talk about where that's going next.
Jesse Lee Peterson is here, talk show host, author, researcher, filmmaker, and of course, Larry Pickney, also author.
Researcher and frequent contributor to InfoWars and FindLarryPinkney's videos at Band.Video.
He had millions and millions of views on Twitter, but they deleted him because he dared challenge the election.
FindLarryPinkney's section at Band.Video.
And they're also banning that URL.
So the URL to search the FindLarryPinkney's video site is FreeWorldNews.TV.
And it goes all back to you, the listeners, carrying the ball down the field in this fight.
So, going back to Mr. Peterson.
Looking at this, it seems like there's such an urgency and such an attack going on, and I agree with you that the system is corrupt.
It knows it's in trouble.
How else do you think the listeners should get involved?
And what should I do?
What should you do in this critical time to make sure that evil doesn't win?
Well, number one, not to freak out.
We should never freak out.
If you want to overcome any situation, you must stay calm.
Because if you overreact, you're definitely going to make the wrong decision.
Whether that's in a marriage or a business ship or any kind of thing, don't overreact.
Be still and know God and He will guide you.
Number two is that we gotta rebuild, as we're doing at Barnes for 31 years, we are rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man.
We gotta turn men back to their natural state of being by returning them to their fathers.
If you don't love your father, you're never gonna know God.
You're never gonna love God.
So we're turning men back to their fathers.
And women too, because so many children have been turned away from their father, and that's due to the spiritual battle that we're having.
But if you love your father, your earthly father, you're going to love God and you will overcome fear.
We must rebuild families.
We also have to tell the truth about what's happening, and you will once you overcome that fallen state, once you overcome the fear, because they have done a number on men today.
As you mentioned earlier, they're telling them that they're a boy, that he's a girl, a girl, that she's a boy, and they're deceiving the children in schools and hospitals and everywhere.
There was a man up in Oregon somewhere,
Who took his teenage son was experiencing suicidal thoughts.
So he took his son to the hospital and got checked out.
And he left him there overnight so the hospital can take care of his son.
The next morning he got a call according to the report from the hospital telling him to come and pick up your daughter.
They have convinced the boy in his teen that he was a girl.
We can't allow that to happen.
And the father had to flee the state or they were going to take the child?
Yeah, he had to take his whole family.
That happened to a family friend of mine, a 13-year-old girl, a close family friend.
She's doing great, straight A's, but you're supposed to go to the counselor once a year.
This is in Rockwall, Texas, where I'm from.
This just happened.
It's family friends there.
They called her in.
The male counselor told her, you know what?
You know what?
I think you're a boy.
I want to send you to this clinic.
She said, I'm a girl.
I got a boyfriend.
I'm happy.
And she looked at her shirt.
She finally said, I'm a girl.
And he, for an hour, bullied her, saying, you are a boy trying to send her to this gender clinic where they make money off of.
This is satanic.
Yeah, that's why we have to return men to their natural state of being.
Long story short, when I was 18 years old, I was taught
Growing up, at 18 years old, you are an adult.
You gotta get out of here.
You're gonna be out on your own.
So they taught me to work while I was growing up, how to treat other people.
They said, buy a home, buy some land.
And so I grew up with that mentality.
And at 18, I left home.
I moved to L.A.
And the first thing I did was got a job.
I made money.
I bought some land at 25 years old.
I worked hard.
But today, they're not teaching men to do that.
Boys are living at home in a
I was about to say, Biden showed the discrepancy of black families versus white families, and they had to admit it was almost all because black families were not brought up to try to buy property.
They had the money to do it, but nobody told them to do it, and if they just would have done that, it would have been different.
They used to do that when I was growing up.
Matter of fact, I grew up under the Jim Crow law.
I had an aunt who got married.
She and her husband had like
19 kids, I think.
They had a truckload of black children.
But they had a truckload of land, even under the Jim Crow.
And none of those kids had to work the cotton field the way I did, right?
They all went to college.
They're all professionals.
They all bought more land when they graduated.
And that was the mentality of black people and whites during that day.
So I'm telling these men, when you turn 18, you got to get out from under the skirt, tell a mama, you got to go out and deal with the issues of life.
My mom walked in there and she said, get your ass out of here.
That's right, but my grandparents used to tell me, when you're 18, you're leaving here.
I'm like, where am I going?
They said, I don't know, and I don't care, but you're out of here.
And I haven't looked back since because I've been dealing with the issues of life, and that's what men should do.
They should not be living at home.
So the answer is, people have to be humans again, get back to what works, and realize there's an attack on all of us.
All right, I want to get a final comment from you, Jesse Lee Peterson, on fire as usual.
Larry Pickney, solutions to where we are right now and other key points.
Curtis Mayfield, back to living again.
You dig?
Curtis Mayfield, back to living again.
You dig?
And that's what it's all about, my brother Alex and brother Peterson.
You know it as good as me, if not better.
Y'all know it.
So the bottom line is, and I was so glad to hear brother Peterson talking about how he was raised, because I was raised the same way.
You see, both of my parents came from farms.
And both of my parents were school teachers, you dig?
And it's like, it's not about what you can't do.
It's about what you want to do.
All right?
And what you're going to do.
That's what Kanye said.
Show you right.
Show you right.
So, you know, I guess all I can say in this last segment, right, is that I love both of you brothers.
Y'all are all that and then some.
I love the wonderful brothers and sisters, be they black, white, brown, red, yellow, citizens of our republic.
All right?
I love y'all.
Stand up for this republic.
Do not be bullied down and intimidated.
By these neo-liberal fascists!
And I don't use the word fascist lightly.
Believe me.
I taught university.
I taught political science.
I do not use that word lightly.
They are neo-liberal fascists.
When you call them maniacal, the level of their evil is just completely insane.
Because they're devils.
It's unbelievable.
It's unbelievable.
You know, Brother Peterson, is it?
Am I telling the truth?
You're absolutely right!
That's what happens though Larry, when you don't deal with evil.
You have to overcome evil within yourself and then you have to deal with it in the world.
There's no such thing as racism.
It's a battle between good and evil, right versus wrong.
And I do want to say that we are having a conference, a men's conference, our annual men's conference
In Orlando, Florida, August 14, 2021.
And I want the guys to go to RebuildingTheMan.com.
It's going to be an amazing conference!
Hold up a second.
Everybody get your pens and paper out because who knows, I might even come to this.
Tell me about this Rebuilding The Man conference.
Everybody needs to go to this.
We have it every year, and normally we do it here in L.A., but because of the Chinese virus, we decided to go to Florida.
And there's immense comfort for all men of all races, and we're going to be dealing with all kinds of issues so that we can help turn men back to their natural state of being down in Atlanta, Florida.
August 14, 2021 and they can go to RebuildingTheMan.com and I have to say that they need to rush and do it because the tickets are selling like hotcakes and we get a discount.
We have a discount on the hotel room.
So go to RebuildingTheMan.com.
You're a real leader and to watch you, you've been very successful for a long time, but you are really kicking butt.
It shows you're saying the hunger.
I mean, I think this whole Democrat attack, this satanic attack is because they know humanity is waking up.
Yes, absolutely, and that's the last thing they want you to do.
They do not want you to wake up.
You've got to wake up, drop the anger, return to the Father, and life is amazing, because you would know that God is with you, and you operate from perfect love.
All right, JLPTalk.com, find his great show daily.
Thank you so much, sir.
I love watching you on The War Room.
Thank you.
Thank you.
We got 60 seconds for you, Larry.
Thank you so much.
Closing comment.
Only comment I can make is, I love you, and I keep saying this, and love is a struggle.
It's a battle.
It's not about, nah, nah, nah.
It's a battle.
It's a struggle.
Black, white, brown, red, yellow.
All of my brothers and sisters at InfoWars, stand up!
Because we're going to win this, and we're going to win it by standing up proud as American patriots of power to the people.
Thank you, Brother Alex.
We're going to go to break.
We've got callers that have been holding from the last hour.
I really appreciate holding, like Gary, an Arizona police sergeant.
I know it's busy.
I'm going to go right to you in T-minus two minutes.
And then we're going to get to Matt, Dennis, Aaron, and Ray.
And then I've got a few final things to hit.
And then we're going to have the takeover here with Matt Bragg.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, folks, Alex Jones here in the hour number four of this Thursday edition.
I appreciate the callers holding.
We got 20 phone lines because I got 15 calls or so in that hour, but then it couldn't get to the rest of it.
It's catch 22.
I appreciate you holding.
Gary is a police sergeant in Arizona, and he's on January 6th.
He says he has a warning to the people.
Thank you for holding, sir, and welcome.
Yeah, hey, Alex.
Hey, everybody.
First thing I want to do is let you guys know that Arizona really needs a lot of prayer right now.
We have about 3,000 volunteers at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
They're getting all kinds of harassment, intimidated, but they're getting, they're being taken care of.
We just need prayer for them right now.
No, you're right.
For those that don't know, there's massive intimidation and harassment of the folks that have, the word is they've got total proof of election fraud.
This is going to be a pretty big bombshell when it gets released.
Yes, sir.
And the police officers in Arizona,
For the most part, they're good, good people.
Most of them.
However, there's a county here in the state I don't want to talk about.
They're kind of a captured operation right now.
And again, I think prayer is about the only thing.
So, I just want to remember everybody to get in their Bible.
Romans 9 keeps coming to me a lot.
Alex, I just want to thank you for all the prayers and talking about Jesus Christ to us all.
I'm really worried about a false flag.
I mean, that's their next move.
You think I'm wrong?
Or what do you think they're going to hit?
How do we stop them doing it?
I pray to God that we're all wrong.
I pray to God that they're a captured operation now.
However, you know, being a Christian man and
Doing the prayer that I'm doing right now, you can feel it.
I think we all do.
Yeah, I feel physically sick, and I'm not guilty, but my soul is, do something!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
I don't know what to do!
To be able to tune in to you right now, and I'm praying for you.
I'm praying for Tucker Carlson, praying for all these people right now that are keeping us in this fight.
It's so important to be able to do that.
Oh, by the way, brother, how great is Tucker Carlson?
How much courage has he got?
You know, that guy does not need to do this.
Like you, he could have been promised an island somewhere and on and on.
But you guys are true patriots.
Jesus Christ is working for you guys.
I don't care what people say about Donald Trump.
Jesus Christ is working through him right now.
I don't care what he's done in the background, whatever.
This is a whole new deal now, guys.
Evil versus good.
Well, this is THE attempt to take... I mean, we are witnessing THE take down of the United States.
And it's just out, and again, people go, well let's get violent.
They've got it set up to do that.
No, we don't want violence.
We've got to politically and culturally expose them.
There's one more huge thing that I really wanted to ask everybody.
You know, you go on YouTube and you have people telling you people have been arrested, they've been executed, they've been charged for treason, on and on.
It's really so much disinformation right now.
I'm very thankful you let us know about this a long time ago because that's really gonna hurt a lot of people.
All right, I'm going to go to break because I can't jam a call in in 60 seconds, so I'm going to come right back to Dennis and then Scott and then Matt and Aaron and Ray, all of you.
And then we've got Matt Bracken coming up, who is a smart guy.
I want to get his take on this because I just constantly just, you know, that feeling of
For me, I'm not scared of the globalists.
It's actually the opposite of that.
I'm scared of, like, I'm supposed to be doing something.
It's like, what am I supposed to do?
What am I supposed to do?
I'm on air.
You keep us on air.
Tucker Carlson's exposing it.
We're covering it.
Others are exposing it.
And that's a good thing.
It's just that you can feel the evil.
I mean, my goodness, the U.S.
government's captured announcing that white people are the enemy and the police are the enemy and they're going to over... I mean, this is it!
I mean, the thing is, they want to get you used to a takeover.
To the point where they actually take over and you don't do anything.
Well, they're doing it now.
But then if we get violent, what do you do?
You fight the feds and the police that are compartmentalized?
It's mind control.
They don't know they're part of a takeover, so they're not an enemy.
But then they want to have a terror attack to then get the cops and military after us to really start the war.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here.
We're down six minutes into hour number four on this Thursday, June 17th transmission.
We're trying to spotlight false flag events and people that were at the Capitol on January 6th.
Or law enforcement and military to give us your take.
We're going to take five or six final calls right now very quickly.
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Okay, we got nine minutes left.
Let's go through the calls, the order they were received.
Let's talk to Dennis in Texas.
Go ahead, Dennis.
Hi, Alex.
It was fascinating listening to you and Jesse and Larry.
One of the takeaways I got from that discussion was that the government wants us to be fearful and they want us to be angry.
We should deal with the government from a point of strength, and we should be very brave with them, but we shouldn't use any force.
They're prepared for force.
They're just itching for a fight.
We should not give that to them.
We need to go to God, and prayer is a wonderful thing, and one thing that will make prayer even more effective is if we approach God
From a humble position.
I agree with that, but what are we going to do about them staging violence on the Feds to get the fight going?
Obviously, we're not going to offensively do that.
It's dumb, and it's not going to hurt the globalists.
But the thing is, the obvious move is false flag.
So that's the $64 trillion question is, what do we do about the false flags?
We need to go to God, and we need to demonstrate peacefully
One thing that scared the crap out of these people was when we showed up in Washington, D.C., they never expected it.
Oh, the first two big events really got them upset because they were peaceful, they were great, and then that's why they set us up on the big one, yeah?
Yes, absolutely.
What we need to do is we need to throw this and put it in God's hands.
I agree.
January 6th has intimidated a lot of people.
I don't want to say it's intimidated me, but it made me pull back to where I certainly haven't gone out and done a bunch of demonstrations.
I've done a few.
Trump's coming back out.
It's time to come back out.
We're going to be peaceful.
We've learned how they set us up.
We're not going to get set up again.
We need to go to God.
Well, brother, I've lost my pride and my ego a long time ago.
I've told God, take me over decades ago, and I guess God kind of has, but I agree.
I'm totally humble.
I'm ready.
I want to do whatever God says, and I try to do whatever God tells me to do.
I appreciate your call, and God bless you.
We need to do it.
You're right.
That's what I pray for.
I don't ask God for something.
I just say, will you please have me do what I'm supposed to do?
That's my prayer.
Matt in Missouri, you're on the air.
Alex, my birthday is 6-1-72-6-1-1-6.
My sweetheart down in Georgia is a patriot as well, and your birthday is epiphany also.
6-1 and 1-6 were meant to be together.
Good to have you with us, brother.
What's your view on this?
Let me tell you something.
I was at the Capitol, Alex, and as I was getting, as you're walking over that knoll where the Washington Monument is, and you're heading down towards the Ellipse, the crowd was so huge you couldn't really hardly get very close because of the barricades and the restrooms.
Well, as I was heading down there, uh, it was still, uh, Trump Jr.
was speaking, I think, and Giuliani.
Well, as I was heading that way,
I looked back at the Washington Monument, and there was a tour bus, and these guys jumped out of the tour bus all in perfect military alignment.
They were wearing all black, perfectly matching uniforms with helmets, goggles, elbow pads, knee pads, black boots.
They were in perfect synchronicity.
They'd obviously drilled together.
There was two columns of 20s, okay?
And they started jogging towards the Capitol.
Well before Trump even spoke, okay?
So probably about 11.30.
And what are they chanting?
F. Antifa.
F. Antifa.
That's what all the witnesses told me, and they're the ones that attacked the police first.
Like a locomotive.
They went up there and they broke through the first barriers.
I tried to hear Trump's speech.
You know as well as I do, the rain the day before messed up all those amplifiers and speakers out there.
And you couldn't hear anything.
And that's why the Feds won't release the hundreds of hours of footage, because there's hundreds of cameras.
Because the word is it's the federal units running over the police.
They don't want that seen.
Okay, so I left early.
I went on my own.
I came from Independence, Missouri.
I tried to get people to go with me.
But I went on my own.
No one would go.
I went on behalf of Jesus Christ.
I went on behalf of my First Amendment being completely trashed.
All these cowards.
The churches would not stand up.
And say, this is satanic government, this is an illegitimate government, it's going in the wrong direction.
I understand, so what did you see?
What did you see?
Well, okay, so I started going up, and I remember you said, George Washington said, you know, don't wait for orders from headquarters, go to the sound of the cannon.
So as I was going up there, the first barricade that was at the road was gone, and everybody was up for a general grant statute, okay?
And by this time, I guarantee you that
Whenever that group, that squad that went up there, I mean, they broke through that first barricade.
They had to have.
I wasn't there, but I mean, the way they were... No, that's it.
Those first groups broke through to try to lead the crowd to assault.
So, as I'm heading up there, I'm hearing these cannons going off.
Boom, boom, boom.
What is this, you know?
And I'm seeing a stream of people coming down that had been gassed, that had been maced, that had been clubbed over the head by batons.
I'm going,
What the heck's going on here?
This is peaceful.
We're up here singing, chanting, singing God Bless America.
Everybody's high-fiving and selfies.
This is a really peaceful thing going on.
I'm starting to notice as I'm inching up and we're filling up, people are saying, fill it in, fill it in, fill it in.
And as we're filling in, now, they're really, I mean, we ran them out of tear gas bombs, okay?
They completely ran out.
Those booms stopped because they ran out of those characters.
But at that west entrance, where there's a slum, sorry, 50 guys turned up that way and I was about 20 feet back from that.
And I was thinking to myself, this stinks.
This smells like a trap.
I'm not falling for this crap.
I'm here as a representative of Jesus Christ.
I'm not here to commit any crime.
I'm here as a witness.
So what else did you witness?
I understand.
What else do you want to say?
Well, I tore my chin before I left.
I'm going as a diplomat, I'm not going as a warrior.
But when I go back, I'm going as a warrior.
And what I'm saying to you right now, stay with 276ers, is now, we will go peacefully, but we will peacefully assemble until they give us what we want, and we want justice.
All right, brother, I appreciate your call.
All right, let me jam in another call here.
Let's talk to Ray in New Jersey.
Go ahead, Ray.
Yeah, I'm here.
I live there on 6th.
And one thing I noticed that was very strange.
We were ready for Antifa to intimidate us, but there was no Antifa around.
But we didn't realize until later, they weren't there to intimidate, they were there to infiltrate.
And another thing I noticed, I haven't heard anybody say this, out by the Capitol, there was this large tower, about 25 feet, I guess it was a media tower, where TV cameras are supposed to go?
And there were guys up there with a megaphone.
These guys were the ones- Oh yeah, they were total liberal theater types, saying, attack, attack, Alex Jones says attack.
Yeah, and I was like, I'm looking at the... I was told by everybody about him.
Did you see him say Alex Jones does attack?
I didn't hear Alex Jones, but I just heard them talking about press forward.
Yes, press forward, yes, yes.
Break through the line, go up on the bleachers.
And so if the government really didn't want inciting or infiltrating the Capitol,
There's your guy.
It's right there.
Yeah, it was totally ridiculous.
I mean, I actually wanted to go up on the tower.
And, uh, and drag him down or something, but it did.
I was down on it.
Brother, I'm glad you held to tell us that.
We got Vaughn and we got Aaron, but I'm gonna try to get to you, but Matt Brackins coming up here on this live Thursday, June 17th broadcast.
Only reason we're on air is because of you.
Thank you, Lesher, for keeping us on air.
They don't want this here.
They don't want us to be a focal point to do research.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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But the only way our transmission gets out is if you promote InfoWars and ban that video.
So redouble your efforts.
We're all in this together.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Hell, the Democrats and the Global still hide it.
Well, Matt Bracken's about to take over, former Navy SEAL, author, researcher.
I remember him in the months before.
January 6th saying, watch out, they're gonna do a false flag.
I thought a mass shooting, maybe a car bomb, maybe St.
Patrick's blew up a federal building.
Well, no, they just provocateured with FBI operatives and others and antifa into the building and the rest is history.
And that's all coming out now.
But with the announcement officially, I mean, they said it five months ago when Biden got in, but now it's official that the main enemy is Americans, that 65% of the country are white supremacists.
That the CIA, FBI must interdict us, even members of Congress.
These are chilling statements that are being made, and now official policy has been put out.
Obviously they're going to need a false flag, or a group of false flags, to submit this new domestic war.
So they're trying to start an official civil war, branding Americans that are faithful to the country as Nazis, they themselves as Captain America.
Matt Bracken predicted it all.
And I want to see how he thinks they're going to strike next, how we expose this, what we do.
Obviously, Tucker Carlson, congressional hearings, jubilatorial commissions.
They're really getting freaked out by Tucker Carlson coming out with that revolver article and a lot of that collated evidence.
And so we want to stay on that.
Matt Bracken, take over.
I'll be listening to get your take on all this.
OK, Alex, thanks.
Boy, it's almost impossible to know where to begin after that.
I would say what's coming next is the big cyber attack and maybe also a UFO revelation.
You know, we're going to find out about the UFOs and they're probably going to have some advice for us, some friendly advice that we'll be told the globe has to unite and listen to the aliens.
That's probably coming.
But in the shorter term, I think we're going to see a huge cyber attack and something to always look for.
It's sometimes described as predictive programming.
I'm not really keen on that phraseology, but they do drills.
The globalists do drills and then suddenly that exact same thing happens.
Like they did a pandemic drill, then suddenly there's an accidental lab release and we have a pandemic.
And now they're doing a bunch of these cyber attack drills and then doing real ones to beta test and see how it will respond.
I totally agree with you.
They did this with Operation Red Mirage.
For months before the election they said, don't worry about election night returns because it's going to take days or weeks for all the votes to come in.
Exactly what happened.
So the next thing that's going to happen is a big cyber drill.
This is where they're going to try to convince the world that we just can't get along as independent sovereign nations fighting each other.
We're all going to need to row together in unison.
We saw some of this at the G7.
We all know on this program that Build Back Better is a Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum mantra.
It's like a code word, a code phrase.
And not only did Joe Biden use it during his campaign, both Boris Johnson and Joe Biden, and I didn't watch every minute of all their meetings, but I'm sure that some of the other leaders said it.
They're all saying it like parrots.
It's constant.
Right, Build Back Better is their salute to the globalists.
That's their way of saying, Klaus, we're all on board with the globalist plan.
So, really, we're just seeing actors or mannequins out there in Cornwall, England.
What's going on is a synchronization for globalization.
Now, at the very top, the Chi-Coms and the Klaus Schwab George Soros globalists, they probably each think they're going to come out on top.
I think that they each believe that, you know, that the globalists think that they'll be able to control the CHICOMs.
The CHICOMs think they're using the globalists to wreck America and the West, and then they'll rule the ashes.
But it doesn't really matter, you know, who wins between the two of them, because in either case, you know, Western Europe, Western civilization, America will all be destroyed.
So it's even money whether we're going to see the big white supremacist mass attack
Or we're going to see a cyber attack to convince us that, you know, the dirty old dollar greenbacks, we've got to get rid of that.
We're going to have to go to a global digital currency.
And a part of the cyber attack will also be to convince people and this is coming right from Klaus Schwab.
It's really creepy.
He sounds like a James Bond villain when he's when he talks in German, French or English.
And he's up front about it.
That we can't all have privacy, because any Russian hacker could take down critical infrastructure.
So part of the return to normalcy after the big cyber attack is going to have to be everybody's digitally plugged in with their common... A global internet ID for taxation, tracking, and control.
Which he says will then be a chip under the skin, finally.
And they went in another direction that's related during this Cornwall, a 15% global tax.
The beginning will just be G7, but you know they're going to pressure countries, they're going to say, oh countries that aren't doing the 15% global tax, of course 15% that's just the starter, but they're going to say any countries that aren't kicking in the 15% global tax,
They're not going to have friendly relations.
They're not going to get the first level of tariffs.
And where's that 15% soon to be raised and raised and raised?
It's going to some form of a global government, which is going to of course have to have a global military to enforce it.
Because clearly our own military is not orienting towards fighting the Chinese or the Russians or the Iranians.
Our military is reorienting to fight the American people.
That's as clear as it can be.
They don't care if our destroyers run into tankers.
This is the famous U.N.
occupation we always heard about, Matt.
I mean, it's all here.
It's all happening.
I don't think they'll need a U.N.
Our own military will do it.
And in fact, our current Joint Chiefs of Staff
In a year, they could turn around and say, all American soldiers were now putting on a sky blue UN helmet.
That would be an order.
And they're preparing us for this by getting rid of the legacy, heritage, traditional American soldiers, driving them out.
And replacing them only with social justice warrior, you know, pink haired trans lesbian albinos.
And that's all they want.
And that type of a troop will be glad to put on a blue UN helmet.
They won't need to invade with the UN.
They'll just say the US military is now under global control.
Absolutely, this is what they're setting up with our military.
They could care less about if Taiwan is conquered.
They don't care about any of that.
All they want is for America to be subservient to the globalists.
This is the top ranks of our FBI, CIA, NSA, and now our military.
This is the message that they're getting at West Point and Annapolis and the Air Force Academy.
That national sovereignty, you know, is an evil old legacy we have to get rid of.
Perfectly said, man.
I'm going to shut up now and let you take over, but you are absolutely on fire.
And I just appreciate it.
I mean, what is it like for you as a veteran, as a patriot, just to actually watch it happen?
Isn't it surreal to now be inside the New World Order?
It's surreal, but you know, knowing their playbook gives us so much power.
You know, imagine before a big game if you had the opposing team's game plan.
And that's the importance of this information war.
And you were talking about this, you know, explicitly with Larry Peterson and Paisley the last hour.
We know their plan.
And sharing this information is the key.
We know their plan with Matt Bracken.
We know their plan with Matt Bracken.
That's the name of this interview.
You take over right now.
I'm going to shut up.
Matt Bracken, EnemiesFarmerDomestic.com.
Stay with us.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic, because I sit there and I beg you for support, constantly, for prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth, and we're all in this together.
And I, you know, it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And we're still here.
And as this whole New World Order comes out in the open, our credibility is showing up.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved and America still quasi-free.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Matt Bracken.
You know, I wrote my first novel.
This one doesn't do real well on the green screen.
I wrote this after 9-11, because
I've long understood that false flags are so effective.
And like I was just discussing with Alex, exposing their playbook is the best way to take away the play's power.
So exposing the concept to people of the false flag operation, this is really critical.
That's why I wrote a book that involves federal agents trying to expand their budget and power, shooting into a stadium,
Knowing that it's going to lead to the banning of semi-automatic weapons, which won't be respected or obeyed by millions of Americans.
So anyway, because of this and the topicality of false flag operations, I put this book on a free run today on Kindle.
So if you go to Amazon and you look for Enemies Foreign and Domestic, you can download it today and tomorrow for free.
You know, on Amazon Kindle.
Now, the book has 1,400 some reviews.
It's been well-received for years, and I think it still provides a lot of insights.
Now, what's important to know about false flags?
It's being used in a very broad, generic manner currently, but what happened in January 6th was a variety of a false flag.
It's called what I call a buffalo jump.
This is where a well-meaning herd of patriots or buffaloes can be misdirected and stampeded by feds straight off of a cliff.
And that's what we saw on January the 6th.
A year earlier, something similar was lining up for a kill shot in Richmond
But we talked about the danger of it being a buffalo jump, you know, with armed Second Amendment supporters descending on the Richmond Capitol.
And the Virginia State Police Commandant was very smart.
He put a big temporary fence all the way around the Capitol.
You could have the guns outside.
You couldn't take any guns inside.
There were magnet and magnetometers and so forth.
So they had clear rules of engagement, clear delineation, and nothing bad came off.
Alex was there with the tank.
Everybody remembers.
I had been warning about the potential for this being a buffalo jump.
I got a lot of criticism for this because it came off well.
A lot of the reason it came off well was because of the worries about what would happen if it didn't come off well.
But think about how easy it would have been to turn the January 2019 Richmond Capitol into a fiasco like the Capitol last January 6th, the Washington Capitol.
So, this type of an event, a false flag, buffalo jump false flag, we have to be very, very wary of this.
Now, this leads to a discussion of federal informants that come in a variety of flavors.
You've got badged feds, FBI, ATF, etc., that for the weekend or for the week, they're just not wearing a uniform, they're not identifying themselves.
Some of these guys are allowed to wear their hair long, grow beards, etc.
Then you've got actual undercover feds who are assuming a complete false identity for a long period of time to go undercover.
But that takes some doing.
That's not easily accomplished.
That's the Donnie Brasco kind of a scenario.
Then you have a variety of paid snitches, contract informants.
These are guys that will pretty much sell their mother for money or drugs.
And then they're often used by police and feds to target the enemies of the feds.
So these guys will somehow come back to the feds and say, oh, there's a drug house.
This is why they have so many wrong address raids.
These guys are not very competent.
They're not very reliable.
Sometimes they're just trying to settle their own scores.
The last group is by far the most dangerous.
This is the group of patriots or former patriots who have been trapped by the feds in some situation where they're then pressured or coerced into cooperating with the feds to stay out of prison themselves or for their family members to stay out of prison.
The deal is, you know, if you don't want to spend the next 20 years in solitary confinement or your wife or your kids,
You're going to do what we tell you to do.
And it's not usually put forward that starkly.
It's usually a smooth breaking-in process.
By the end of it, the guy thinks he joined the Feds, but they really have the guy on the hook.
The reason these type of informants are by far the most dangerous is because they were patriots before they were traitors and informants and snitches.
So you already know them.
You already trust them.
When your inner circle of patriots says, we're not going to invite anybody in that we haven't known for 10 years, well, you did know this guy for 10 years.
It's just that they put the squeeze on him and he's now working for the other side.
And this is something that's going to be very important to be aware of going forward into what could easily turn into a dirty civil war, Northern Ireland style.
Very easily.
So when we look at the capital situation with the I think it was the Oath Keepers 2 and 3 at the hotel not arrested.
Who paid for the hotel?
When you're looking for the federal snitch or stooge often it's the helpful guy that is introduced by a third party so that they may have a slight squeeze on a member of a group
Just enough for him to give an introduction to some new guy.
If the new guy seems to have lots of spending money, lots of connections, he's IT savvy and he can really help with your comms, that's really dangerous.
Odds are great you're being set up.
Another type of an informant that you're going to come across, and you'll see these guys on social media quite a bit where it's tolerated.
I post on Gab all the time.
It's the best free speech platform and it's running great nowadays.
But for a while they had a big problem with just rabid Nazis.
Most of whom, I think, aren't really Nazis.
They're fed trolls.
And what they do is, they'll slime any group or platform just by posting, you know, gas the Jews type memes.
That slimes the entire platform.
And then they'll try, they'll be looking for somebody that's emotionally weak that they can send into a synagogue in Pittsburgh or into a church in Charleston.
That's when these guys get their payoff, when they can troll and sucker somebody into something that will slime the entire conservative movement.
So be especially wary of these guys who pretend to worship Adolf Hitler.
Of course they can't come out and say it, but they'll talk about, you know, white pride in terms of everything is always, you know, the fault of a particular religious group or
And what they're trying to do is draw out the weakest person to send them into a synagogue or a church.
And that is absolutely the worst poison for the patriot movement.
Every time something like Pittsburgh or Charleston happens, it sets the patriotic cause back
Light years.
So you absolutely have to shun these people.
They're almost invariably, if they're not completely clinically insane, they're just fed trolls trying to pull people into doing something evil.
Now, on the other side of the break, and for the last section, I want to talk about maybe what I think is the most important thing since January 6th.
It's these people who are guilty, supposedly, of trespassing, who have been in solitary confinement for up to six months in the United States of America.
And I'm calling this now the American Gulag.
This is something I can't ever remember seeing in America.
Maybe it happened in some small southern jail, you know, back in the 30s or even the 50s.
Certainly not in the era of modern communications, where it's known that this atrocity is going on, but nobody seems to do anything about it, or really care.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, for the rest of the time today, I want to talk about something that I consider extremely, extremely serious.
And that's the American Gulag that's being tested right now in Washington, D.C.
Americans from just about every state have been arrested and dragged to this one prison complex in Washington, D.C.
It's like a real Mordor-looking urban prison, multi-story urban prison, where they're being kept in solitary confinement 23 hours a day in a steel box that's 7 feet by 10 feet.
That's about the size of a parking space.
So, next time you see the parking space between two white lines, imagine that's a box and you're living in it 23 hours a day.
During the other hour, at most,
That's your time for hygiene, any phone calls, and exercise, which is also by yourself just in a bigger pen instead of in your 7x10 cell.
It's not like they're taking you out on a field trip to run in a park.
You're just being put in another dog kennel where you can walk back and forth a little further.
This is all being done very deliberately.
This is beta testing a gulag.
If Americans will just lie down for this and accept it, it's going to grow like a cancer.
And it's being rubbed in our face that hundreds of Antifa and BLM terrorists, guilty of arson attacks, blinding federal agents with green lasers intentionally, throwing firework grenades, the type of fireworks that are meant to detonate 800 feet up in the air,
Taking that instead of putting it in the mortar tube to fire it in the air, just lighting it and throwing it in amongst the crowd of police?
These are deadly weapons.
They're all released.
Charges are dropped.
So it's very clear that the FBI and the DOJ have just become the American Stasi.
They're rubbing that in our face and saying, what are you going to do about it, punk?
We don't even know how many people are being held in solitary confinement.
We don't even know all of their names.
One of them is the Q Shaman.
His name is Jacob Angeli.
Jake Angeli.
He's, you know, probably got some emotional things going on.
I get it.
He's sort of a combination of a performance artist and a new age, you know, free spirit.
And he likes to be on camera, obviously.
He went from rally to rally.
But the guy's in solitary confinement.
He walked into the Senate chamber like, wow, what's up?
We'll take care of it.
They've got him in there carrying a deadly weapon because on the end of his flag there's a little plastic spear point.
Anyway, on the end of his flagpole.
The guy who put his feet up on the desk, same thing.
Solitary confinement.
And I'm not sure if it was Jacob Angeli, but in some of the reporting, somebody was having a breakdown in the cell, and the goons, the guards, the D.C.
jail guards, went in and beat him and maced him at close range in the cell to calm him down, I guess.
This is putting it right in our face.
Oh, you're a bunch of patriots.
You're so brave.
We've grabbed your guys.
We put them in solitary.
We beat them at will.
When there's news stories that come out, we take away their hour a day.
And you guys do absolutely nothing.
You don't even know where they're being held.
It's a complex, you know, acres and acres complex, prison complex.
We don't know where they're being held.
It became important, during the troubles in Northern Ireland, the British and the Northern Ireland Police, they opened up a prison called The Maze, Long Kesh.
They didn't arrest and try people, I mean obviously there were IRA convicted terrorists in there,
But just people related to IRA suspects.
They were interned, they were picked up and arrested, basically for being related to people that they didn't like, that they thought were suspicious.
They were thrown into jail for years, like preventive detention.
This is what these guys, after the January 6th Capitol riot, they're in quote-unquote pre-trial detention.
No bail.
They're not able to see lawyers in private because they're gaming this COVID nonsense to say if any attorney is going to be in a room with you, they'll have to be in a two-week quarantine.
So the only time you get to speak to a lawyer is over a phone.
That means the government's listening.
Most of these guys can't afford any kind of an attorney.
They're dragged back from out west or some far distant state.
They have no contacts.
So imagine getting a Washington DC public defender and talking to him over a phone, a monitored phone, to get your legal advice.
This is just disgusting and cruel and a completely barbaric third world practice.
This is why Putin was basically saying, get the log out of your eye.
We can't say that we have a justice system when people are, you know, for
Misdemeanor trespass.
People are thrown in solitary 23 hours a day in a 7 by 10 foot steel box for trespassing.
No bail.
No lawyers.
No family contact.
Again, it's the COVID thing.
No visitation from your family.
By anybody's definition, this is torture.
This is Devil's Island stuff.
This is unworthy of a civilized country that claims to believe in the rule of law.
And believe me, it's not an accident and it's not a fluke.
It's a beta test.
They're looking right at us and saying, so what are you going to do about it?
You don't even know their names.
When I posted this on Gab, some people said, maybe it's time for a Bobby Sands.
He was an IRA guy in the maze in Longcaste who did a hunger strike to death.
But they wouldn't even allow that in this situation because we don't know who they are.
You can't have a Bobby Sands if you don't know their names.
And I have no doubt they would force feed.
They would just stick something down their throat like a pate goose and just inject the food into the stomach.
They'll go into the cell to beat these guys.
One guy may lose the eyes.
His orbit was crushed.
That's the bone around the eye by a beating in the cell.
And we don't even know their names.
Julie Kelly from American Greatness is one of the only writers in this country brave enough to put her name on articles about the American Gulag.
I mean, I love and respect Tucker Carlson, but we need to go much deeper on this.
If we don't stand up to this mistreatment of the Capitol riot trespassers, then you can expect it to be expanded.
There's going to be federal detention going up all over the place for people that they determine that they're guilty of sedition.
And you just are going to disappear.
No visitation, no legal representation, beatings at will.
When there was a Hanoi Hilton during the Vietnam War, it was very important to get the names out.
A young enlisted prisoner, he actually fell off a Navy ship and was picked up by a North Vietnamese boat.
He was paroled early because he was just like a teenage nobody.
The older prisoners had this guy memorize hundreds of names.
He could memorize them in alphabetical order, because it was so important to get the names of the detainees in the Hanoi Hilton out to America.
And six months after this Capitol buffalo jump, we still don't know all the names of who is in solitary confinement, being fed crap, beatings at will,
And believe me, this is just a test.
If we let this slide, it's going to grow like cancer.
And none of us will be safe.
You know that they would love to see Alex in that solitary prison.
They would be laughing their butt off if it was Alex or Tucker or me or lots of other people.
If we can't find out who's in there, and get them proper legal representation, I mean, if it takes standing outside the gates of the prison with signs, something!
But we're doing nothing!
They're rotting in solitary confinement!
This is mental torture!
Seven foot by ten foot steel box, not fit for a dog!
No sunlight, no window!
For six months,
And we do nothing about it.
Not even our reporters will talk about it.
Are they afraid they're going to wind up in a cell too?
If that's the case, then the deep state has already won and we've already been beaten.
Sorry to be blackmailed, but that's how I feel.