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Filename: 20210502_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: May 2, 2021
1520 lines.

The speaker discusses various concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccines, including their potential effects on the human body, political influence on CDC guidelines, and an upcoming economic reset. They also mention inflation and rising food prices, leading to global unrest. The importance of free speech is emphasized while criticizing Canada's attempt to pass a law banning it. The speaker promotes products such as the Ultimate Turmeric Formula and sleep aids, which are currently on sale.

Joe Rogan, you may have heard about this, made comments about young people getting vaccinated.
It's getting a lot of buzz.
He said, if you're like 21 years old and you say to me, should I get vaccinated?
I say no.
I just said, I don't think that if you're a young healthy person that you need it.
Their argument was you need it for other people.
So you say young healthy people should get vaccinated.
A top Washington Post investigative journalist has come out and pointed out what Dr. Francis Boyle and others said on the show a year ago, but with the evidence that Fauci's covering up the Wuhan lab leak because he was running the secret illegal operations there, which is documented!
But the fact is the Washington Post has come out with this, that means big changes are afoot.
So Robert Redfield, who was the CDC director at the time, a trained virologist, he says, I took a look at this virus and I concluded that it's so
Powerful that it must have been evolved in a lab setting and he pointed to the gain-of-function research and they called him a racist, a conspiracy theorist, and all the rest.
The godfather of that industry, the head of the pyramid, is a guy you may have heard of called Anthony Fauci.
Anthony Fauci, the hero of the pandemic, is the most important person in the world of gain-of-function research there is.
In other words, he is, not just him, there's Francis Collins at the NIH and some other people, but basically...
He is the one dispersing all the grants for this.
He is the one who pushed to turn it back on after Obama turned it back off.
That's a whole other crazy story.
He turned it back on without really consulting the White House.
That's breaking news.
Gain-of-function experiments.
And what that means are experiments that make the virus more dangerous or more deadly.
It's a sort of research that we don't do in Canada that is frowned upon in most parts of the world.
A former spy chief says the lab idea shouldn't be dismissed as conspiracy.
It's an engineered escapee from the Wuhan Institute.
It was the result of an accident.
And that the virus is the consequence of, you know, gain function experiments.
And now it's a two-front war.
First it was against COVID-19.
And I'm not trying to excuse the Chinese government.
This was a predictable leak.
I've been saying that for years.
And then China, this communist dictatorship, covered it up.
Right from the very get-go, clearly a crime against humanity.
They could have brought it under control immediately, and they did not.
Out of 500,000 U.S.
troops who were forcibly inoculated with the original frankenshots, 11,000 were killed and 100,000 were disabled.
And those were healthy young men and women in our armed forces.
Just extrapolate when they're going to give these frankenshots to everyone.
There are seven and a half plus million people on this planet.
The globalists see themselves as guardians of the Earth, guardians of the galaxy, and that they are doing an emergency stunning, poisoning, dumbing down, and then culling of the human population.
So you've got a thing on the left, CO2, that you want to get to zero, and that's going to be based on the number of people,
The services each person's using on average, the energy on average for each service, and the CO2 being put out per unit of energy.
So let's look at each one of these and see how we can get this down to zero.
Probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty near to zero.
Back from high school algebra.
But let's take a look.
And they have decided that they own the world because they created all this digital made-up garbage.
And now they need to get us in debt.
They need to get rid of our local economies.
They need to bankrupt us and put us into a position of total control.
After the second dose, at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect, ranging from severe chills to fevers.
So, are these vaccines safe?
Well, the uh... Brandi Parker McFadden is confined to her hospital bed at Vanderbilt.
Can you walk right here?
No, I can't walk.
Less than 24 hours after receiving her second Pfizer COVID shot, she explains she lost her ability to move from her shoulders down.
I thought maybe if anything I'd probably get like flu-like symptoms because I'd already had COVID, but I never in a million years thought I would never be able
Let's get up and go to the bathroom.
The globalists are moving us into a post-human world.
The scientific dictatorship that I've been warning you about for 27 years has now gone from beta testing to operational.
The globalists are out in the open with their planetary depopulation takeover, their robot takeover.
But the good news is we've been working, and you've been working, and others have been working across the planet for decades to get ready for this, to be able to fight it off.
Humanity is strong.
We're incredible.
And if we're aware of the attack that's happening, we have a real chance of defeating it.
If we ask God for guidance, we will defeat it.
So prayer is essential, research is essential, getting prepared is essential, and warning others is absolutely essential.
At the same time, supporting InfoWars by buying high quality products to keep us on air is essential, because they're great products for you and your family, and they're also funding our operation.
InfoWarsStore.com is incredible.
A lot of our products that have been sold out because of supply chain breakdowns are back in, like bodies, basil beets, and others.
So get them today at InfoWarsStore.com, and I thank you for being part of the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, if I discovered that, let's say, in North Austin, I'm broadcasting from Austin, Texas, there was a field with a thousand dead bodies buried in it recently,
I would not stay on air right now.
I would just go off air and I would go to the police department right now.
I wouldn't talk about how there's a field with a thousand dead bodies in it because that's such a magnitude that it's not just something you sit there and basically commentate on like it's a football game.
But I have officially reached that point here on air where I officially cannot just go on doing this radio show anymore.
The crimes of the globalists are so out in the open that the response of just talking about it is not what you can do.
You got to do more.
And I don't know what I'm going to do.
But I'm just saying they've crossed the Rubicon.
And I sit here every day reading what top scientists, the most respected in their fields have been saying.
And I've been watching what they warned about starting 14-15 months ago in February of 2020 come true!
Take December 1st document, now 5-6 months ago, with Wolfgang Wudarg, one of the heads of the major EU advisory commissions, and the former head of Pfizer, scroll down there and see both their names,
Michael Yedon, former chief scientist at Pfizer over their vaccine program, saying, you must not release the Pfizer vaccine.
It's experimental.
We've looked at the protein that it supposedly trains your body to have an autoimmune response to.
And when your body goes and attacks that, it's going to attack the brain.
It's going to attack the uterus.
It's going to attack the plaque buildup in the cells in your heart and cardiovascular system.
And they said, we don't know how or why you do this.
101, this will do this.
You tested hundreds of previous mRNA vaccines on every animal you can imagine.
Poultry, pigs, cows, lab rats, everything.
And you know it caused autoimmune responses in them, and caused brain frog, brain damage, heart attacks, strokes, and infertility in the females.
Why are you doing this?
This is insane.
And Edan was in the news again this week saying, this is a depopulation bioweapon.
He's now confirmed it's killing masses of people, which we already know.
So I'm just sitting here calmly,
Well, the UN and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, who are on record saying they want to depopulate the Earth, have gotten liability protection from all the major nations.
A bunch of countries have banned their vaccines.
And top scientists, five and a half, six months ago, said exactly what was going to happen, and then it gets worse.
It gets worse.
This stuff's coming in so fast.
I got in here 45 minutes before the show time.
I've been doing research at home.
I was reading over stacks of news.
I sent the guys to print.
And then a national talk show host, that's not name-dropping, that's who sent it to me, sent me this text message.
He said, have you seen the SALT research on how the vaccines are now causing an attack on the cardiovascular and the proteins?
And I said, no, I haven't seen that.
I said, please send it to me.
So he sent it to me.
So it shows how people are on the job doing the research.
And, my God, I read this and it's the exact same thing Wolfgang Wudart said, except it's now a major study of people that took the damn things, and it's causing massive heart attacks, and massive strokes, and massive cardiovascular shutdown.
And it's all written dryly about what it does, and they go, oopsie!
It's not what's in the virus that's killing everybody, it's the spike protein delivery system, which is what
Everybody said on this show, and what Dr. Francis Boyle said 14 months ago, he said, you cannot have a vaccine for the common cold, the coronavirus, because the coronavirus is a basic protein in most of your body.
And so just like peanut allergies weren't around until the 80s, and then they grew,
In a peanut protein, measles, mumps, rubella shots.
And then you saw people had an autoimmune response to that, like a bee sting.
Once you get allergic to a bee sting, it can kill you.
I used to laugh at people that were scared of bees.
I finally got attacked by a swarm when I was like 20 years old, and now if I get hit by one, I gotta get an EpiPen.
I swell up and can't breathe.
Well, it's the same damn thing with peanuts.
Because your body has an autoimmune response, because it's not just getting learning immunity from measles, mumps, rubella viruses, but peanuts.
And now they don't grow it on peanuts anymore.
So it's just people born in the 80s, up until like 2005, they stopped doing peanut allergy, growing stuff on peanuts.
The vaccines, you know, they grow the attenuated viruses on there, or they grow them on the peanut and then they radiate in other ways to attenuate them.
That's old-fashioned vaccines.
It's the same thing here.
So I'm going to say it again very, very slowly.
This system, it doesn't matter if it is the
Virus vector vaccines, it doesn't matter if it's the mRNA vaccines, they're all programming the cells to have an autoimmune response to the protein that is in a virus.
They're not creating it for the actual RNA of the overall virus.
The scientists that looked at this said, this looks like depopulation to us.
This isn't going to protect you from a cold virus, or an pneumonia virus, or an influenza virus.
This is going to attack
The protein, they said, well here, let's look where this protein is.
Okay, it's in your cardiovascular system, your heart, your brain, your lungs, all the vessels in the heart.
It's in the placenta, it's in the uterus monthly, when the woman grows the bed that the zygote sits in and then forms a placenta.
That's why when a woman doesn't get pregnant, she sloughs that off each month and grows a fresh, fertilized bed.
And it's going to attack a bunch of other areas.
And sure as hell, it's doing it.
It's attacking fast-growing cells in the body.
And what are the fastest-growing cells in the body?
Well, it's the skin.
But what else?
The testicles.
Testicles are growing sperm constantly.
And that's why it's coming out that suddenly men are basically becoming infertile.
Their testicles are shriveling up.
God, they hit us and they hit us super hard.
It's on.
They think they're saving the Earth?
They had to do it.
They launched the attack.
And it gets worse.
When they inject you with these, it makes your body go in and produce what even NPR and the Wall Street Journal say.
Oh, Scientist Warren, this will cause super viruses and shedding.
And now, that's Chicago Tribune!
Okay, yeah, professors and scientists found, people are shedding, and so it's great!
You'll get immunity now, but you won't, because it's synthetic.
And so even if you try to stay away now, and that's why 80-year-old, 90-year-old women are having menstrual cycles, it's why they're importing everywhere that suddenly men are sterile, their testicles will swell up and they'll never have kids again, it just eats your testicles, and that's why it's eating women's uteruses,
It's causing a huge autoimmune response.
I mean, it's incredible.
And it's all happening right now.
And because they got everybody to get into the fear and wear the mask and be scared and take the shots, they know as many people as they get to take the shot will Stockholm Syndrome, because people are very weak-minded now.
We have a delusional world population, especially in the West.
They won't say they got hit.
They won't admit they got hit.
No, no.
They'll defend it and take more.
I've showed you all the paralyzed people on TV, black and white.
And they're like, I'll do it again, I'm paralyzed, but I just think we should all take it and the government needs more funding.
The CDC, it just needs more money, that's why I'm paralyzed.
It's an accident.
Remember that HBO show about pimps?
I forget the name of it.
And he's run over, cigarette burns, beat her up.
She's in the hospital, the pimp's there.
She's like, baby, I'm gonna get up quick, get back to work for you.
I'm sorry you beat me up and gouged my eye out.
And the mother looks at the pimp, she goes, what have you done to my baby?
People love Stockholm Syndrome.
They love being slapped around out of their teeth, knocked out by Bill Gates.
I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021.
And I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years and is truly an answer to prayer.
And I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter.
You've got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together.
And it has just been an incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as your things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
Again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support InfoWars.
God bless.
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CNN has almost no viewers.
The ADL is reviled and hated across the United States and the world as a pack of anti-free speech liars.
But that doesn't mean that they don't have power, just like the Southern Poverty Law Center that's just as bad.
They represent the globalists, the big power structure that wants authoritarianism and backs communist China and its death camps.
And they back bringing those similar systems here to America, and they've even officially called the ADL for my arrest for my speech, and for Mark Zuckerberg to be arrested for free speech as well.
These are very, very dangerous times.
They don't want us to be on air.
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Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Let yourself go.
Thank you for joining us on this Sunday, May 2nd, Global Transmission.
Cool it, baby.
You ain't got no place to go.
Love that Elvis.
Here is the bottom line, as they say.
The globalists are making their move.
I had thought that they would keep beta testing and wouldn't go with a super deadly bioweapon vaccine up front.
They would probably just go with a bio-tracker simulant, which they admit is in the vaccines, so-called vaccines, the Frankenshot GMO mutation operation.
But all the evidence is coming in that they're going ahead and hitting us with a very deadly weapon right up front.
And the death toll and the carnage is just stratospheric.
They're reporting that about one out of 100 people that dies gets reported.
So if you go off that number, we've got 300,000 dead in the United States, 250,000 dead in Europe for the vaccine so far.
It just goes on and on and on.
But let me just stop for a moment.
I'm going to explain something here.
I can see the total rollout going on everywhere.
And I could see it years ago without even reading the documents.
But when you read the documents, and you know what's about to happen, and then you witness it for yourself, it's incredible.
And I'll tell a story about that later if I have time, when I try to take my daughter, my four-year-old daughter, to the botanical gardens today in Zilker Park.
And before I got there, I meant, you know what?
I saw that Smirconish CNN piece where he said, make people have vaccine passports to have access to any museums or city buildings, and then make it free for folks to do it first, but then make it basically regulatory and bully people into it.
And I said, I bet when we get there, I bet there's people blocking the gates, even though the COVID thing is supposedly over.
It won't be.
And when we got there, they said, you can only register online to come to the big giant
You know, 30, 40 acre botanical garden.
It's in the middle of Zilker Park.
You know, the guy 100 years ago gave free to the city.
A place I've been going since I was a kid.
Guess I'm telling the story now.
And I walk up, there's the two green haired women.
And they're with my daughter.
And she wanted to go see the koi fish.
The lady said, oh, do you have your reservation?
And I said, well, she's never had reservations.
It's just come in and go.
She goes, well,
You gotta have a reservation.
And I said, let me guess, and you're full.
She said, that's right.
We only allow a certain amount in now.
Now, I remember reading the Nature Conservancy 25 years ago when they were proposing taking over Zilker Park and another state park that has just become a state park that was privately owned, Hamilton Pool, outside Austin, Texas.
A place I really liked, that I took girlfriends in high school and in college.
And it was the Nature Conservancy talking about the whole country and the world, and they said, just like we've done in Bali and other areas, we're just going to make all the state parks and things off-limits once computers get up to a level to track everybody.
And then we're going to say that national parks as well can only have limited amounts because there's too many people.
And that's how we'll train the public, if they only get a few visits in their lifetime, to places like this.
Now, that has officially now been done at Hamilton Pool.
There's a two-year waiting list to even get in to see it.
It's a cenote, a caved-in cave with a waterfall.
And you can't go there anymore.
They only allow a few people in a day.
Now, that's all about power and control.
And I happen to have
That advisory board report, remember two weeks ago, Fox News reported, Biden says you only get five pounds of beef a year, according to his eco plan.
Well, that's the official advisory group from the UN.
He signed on to that policy and said he wants to implement their policies.
And in their official list of policies, it's get rid of your cat and dog or tax you, what is it, 5,000 pounds a year in the UK.
That's like $8,000 here.
And that you'll only get five pounds of beef.
In fact, I've got newscasts all play for you where they're now announcing they're going to take your cat and dog away in the UK.
Who's about three years ahead of us.
And you're like, oh, they won't take my cat and dog.
They won't take my beef.
Do you stay in your house and they lock you down?
Oh, really?
Do you wear the damn mask?
Do you submit to the system?
Yes, you will!
Until you decide to say no and realize things only get worse until you start saying no.
They want an authoritarian model and they believe that you're so domesticated and stupid you'll put up with it.
And it's about total control.
They have bills introduced in two states to make you have a license to have a garden now, not just man, all livestock.
I'm going to show you that.
You see all these stacks over here?
All these stacks of news aren't props.
Every one of these is nightmare serious, okay?
Every one of these is nightmare serious.
You see this?
Written in 1974, the year I was born.
The man decades later became the White House science czar, John P. Holdren.
Paul Ehrlich and Ann Ehrlich work for the Rockefeller Foundation.
They wrote more than 20 books calling for world government and total human depopulation, saying the human species is a disease that should be completely eradicated.
You might want to read Ecoscience.
I read the whole thing.
Oh, but there's a new book you can read that's a lot shorter, which is completely out in the open, and that's COVID-19, The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab.
He already had it written right before
The whole operation he's running, and all the world leaders wear the little pin that is a sun symbol, rainbow swastika, and it shows the total takeover.
In fact, guys, go to this tweet and print me the actual subpage.
I want to show people the wheel of death.
And Bill Gates is wearing it, and all the other world leaders are wearing it, the UN chiefs are wearing it, the UK Prime Minister, the French President, they're all wearing it.
They all wear it, and it's the Great Reset.
Great Reset.
And it is a manifesto of a post-human world.
Oh, and here's the other big thing you might want to know.
In fact, that's what I think I'll hit first when we come back, before I get into all the heart attacks and strokes that are happening.
You hear about the blood clots?
There's a lot more blood clots with Pfizer and with AstraZeneca.
And I keep forgetting, what's the name of Bill Gates' vaccine company?
He's got a company, too.
He's invested in the other two, too, but I keep having trouble remembering it.
Yeah, your mic's overblown.
What was it?
No, it's not.
Okay, so, um, we're gonna, we're gonna come right back on the other side.
There's a new article, Norwegian doctor claims to find link between AstraZeneca vaccine and rare blood clots.
Although that, that was really months ago that came out.
Now it's all, now it's all confirmed.
They've banned it in 21 countries in Europe and many other places.
But, oh, it's all safe and effective and you should all roll your sleeves up and take it right away.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I recently ran an ad where we played a cavalry bugle call in the background, and I made the point that, hey, the cavalry is here.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
I have the ideology because I believe that it is the best way of coming at the world and what type of policy.
What is the proper relationship, what should be the proper relationship between a chairman of the Fed and a president of the United States?
Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.
Again, it is Sunday, May 2nd, 2021.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And there are a lot of reasons this is happening, a lot of reasons this is unfolding.
The social engineers of the planet have come up with a plan to basically get rid of the general population, who they see as ugly and stupid and lazy, and hand the rest of the planet over to themselves.
And that is the process that is now taking place.
Of course, these globalists are the most ruthless, out-of-control, sinister people you can imagine.
And they sell us on hating ourselves, and we're dirty and bad, because we are, quote, hurting the Earth.
And they make us have a guilt and a loathing of ourselves so that we will hate ourselves and roll over and let the globalists run the planet and won't stand up for ourselves, won't stand up for our own personal rights so that we can be completely run over.
And that's really the easiest way to boil us down.
And I understand that the industrial modern world has made people
Very lazy, very soft, very stupid, and that most people are just shuffling through life from one entertainment to the next.
But I also know the modern world has been designed and set up to accentuate our weaknesses and make sure
We never really ignite psychically, mentally, spiritually, physically, financially, because that would get in the way of the globalists and their plans.
And so the public doesn't deserve to be fried with all this GMO and these deadly vaccines.
The public doesn't deserve it.
And it's not being done to save us or help us or make us live longer.
It's being done because we're so passive and in such a trance and put up with so much corruption.
That they now see us as a bunch of people that are eating resources that are theirs.
Because they have successfully stolen the planet.
We have not stood up to them.
And they have no respect for us now.
Because we don't respect ourselves.
And so the decision has been made to slowly but methodically
Dumb us down, sterilize us, and then kill us.
And I know the folks listening to this show do not want to be poisoned.
And do not want to die.
And do not want to see your children only live to be 10, 15, 20 years old.
And you know that Bill Gates
And Klaus Schwab and the Rockefellers and Rothschilds don't have a right to do this to you, even if they think they're God.
And so we've got to figure out a way to expose them, and to stop them, and to then bring them to justice.
And that's really what this broadcast is all about.
You know, they say only a dog goes back to its vomit.
And after I've read these news articles three or four times, scanned over the rest, there's always an excitement when I'm first reading them, and then more excitement as I research and cross-reference them.
But then, once I'm about to get on air and cover these, it's like remembering a bullet wound in your compatriot, or remembering a car wreck where somebody you knew got their arm chopped off.
It's reliving it, because that's the thing.
I know that's why people don't want to deal with this.
It's pretty frightening.
And boy, do I wish it wasn't true.
I just want to be away from these people.
I just want to be far away from what they've done to society, but also how
How weak people are, how dumbed down they are, and how much, even when they're shown how they're being enslaved, they don't have an instinct to fight back against it because the system has built a very soft extermination grid that just sucks your soul out and poisons you and puts you into a trance before it finally sinks its big long spiritual
spider fangs into your soul and sucks you dry.
But the reason I fight it is because my soul is fulfilled by fighting.
But it is painful watching people being sucked dry all around me.
And then I think about the people that serve Satan who actually get off on all this
I think that they're getting great power out of serving this system, and they have no idea the majesty, the completion, the peace, the true power of the Creator.
They have not even an idea of the fulfillment of being in the presence of God.
They're cut off from God.
I know how they were seduced.
I understand.
I have entered the orbit of the spirit that they follow, but I never landed.
I never sat down and bent a knee to it.
And I can just tell the Satanists and Luciferians and the servants of the fallen one, you think you're on the winning team?
You think you know what power is?
You have no idea.
I guess that's okay, because God gave us free will, and that's what you resonate to, and that's what you want to be part of, and that's what you want to be with, but you just have no idea about the power that God is.
All right.
I'm going to try to cover all this.
There's so much.
It's all so important.
I've got the TV ads, the different ads to ban the beef and ban the chicken and ban the fish and ban vegetables that you grow.
Those are bad, too.
They want to cut trees down.
They say trees are bad now and bury them because they're carbon-based.
I told you that was coming.
It doesn't make sense.
Your submission is what makes sense to them.
I mean, the whole Western world, I see full-grown men in their cars in Texas still wearing masks as a virtue signal.
And then the vaccine.
We're good to go.
Have a heart attack immediately.
I mean, I've got like 20 articles a day of well-known people dying, children dying, women dying.
You can't even keep track of it.
It's in the hundreds of thousands.
15-year-old boy dies of heart attack two days after taking Pfizer vaccine, had no history of allergic reactions, no heart problems.
But you see, it causes an autoimmune response and has your body attack the cells in the heart and the arteries because the proteins are identical
To what is in the vaccine.
The so-called vaccine.
And we even knew this was going to happen before they even rolled it out.
We specifically showed you this paper.
Overhead shot, please.
You know, I spent about three days reading this whole thing.
You're like, it took you three days to just read 40-something pages?
Well, there's links to studies.
And I read the studies, and watched the videos, and all of it's like well-known science here.
All these top scientists.
And they said, uh, it's gonna make people have heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, and it's gonna attack the uterus, the testicles, and the lymph nodes, and the brain.
And of course, it's all happening now.
I mean, they said, they said, I mean, the guy that wrote it's the former, I mean, yeah, the former chief scientist advisor.
And he said, this is to kill people.
It's gonna kill you with heart attacks, strokes, it's gonna sterilize women.
And it's all happening.
I mean, that's just sick.
I mean, just... And everybody loves it!
Everybody loves it!
And they're gonna come forcibly shoot you up next.
I got videos of that when we come back.
They're announcing forced inoculations.
The scientific dictatorship that I've been warning you about for 27 years has now gone from beta testing to operational.
The globalists are out in the open with their planetary depopulation takeover, their robot takeover.
But the good news is we've been working, and you've been working, and others have been working across the planet for decades to get ready for this, to be able to fight it off.
Humanity is strong.
We're incredible.
And if we're aware of the attack that's happening, we have a real chance of defeating it.
If we ask God for guidance, we will defeat it.
So prayer is essential, research is essential, getting prepared is essential, and warning others is absolutely essential.
At the same time, supporting InfoWars by buying high-quality products to keep us on air is essential, because they're great products for you and your family, and they're also funding our operation.
InfoWarsStore.com is incredible.
A lot of our products that have been sold out because of supply chain breakdowns are back in, like bodies, vasobeats, and others.
So get them today at InfoWarsStore.com, and I thank you for being part of the resistance.
Again, I don't like to lecture people.
I'm a very private person, but because of the globalists and their attack on humanity, I've been forced the last 27 years to be a public figure, and we've given the globalists one hell of a run for their money because of God.
And I know some of our listeners get mad when I talk about God all day, but just get me up right.
The Satanism's out in the open.
I've always been a Christian, but now the fact that it's a fight between good and evil is so clear.
And I get it.
A lot of you have been turned off by big churches.
A lot of you have been turned off by the corrupt.
We're good.
And so that's what InfoWars is really all about.
So thank you all for your word of mouth.
Thank you for spreading the word about InfoWars.
And thank you for supporting us to keep us on air by visiting InfoWarsStore.com.
Because without your daily and weekly and monthly purchases, we'll be taken off the air.
So thank you for the support.
One of the most popular memes on the internet in the last decade has been, Alex Jones was right.
But it now routinely trends number one on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, making the globalists pull their hair out in anger.
But let me tell you, we are tomorrow's news today.
And thanks for your support.
We're still on air at InfoWars.com and Bandai Video on radio stations and TV stations around the world.
We're good to go.
Fourteen months ago, I began to sit on the broadcast every day.
When the first world collapses, the third world dies.
We have such a complex civilization with so many billions of moving parts that when you shut down the first world, it causes a chain reaction that will devastate the third world and really hurt the first world.
Well, now you're hearing about gas shortages all over the United States.
That's because the companies and the systems and the drivers that can barely get the job done before delivering gas have been shut down.
Plus, the Keystone Pipeline's been shut down, along with other pipelines.
The left is now blowing up dams across the U.S.
We're being shut down.
Our coal power plants are off as well.
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be a total slave.
The third world is imploding as well.
The borders have been removed.
Until you wake up and this is a globalist shycom takeover, Great Reset, you have no hope.
They're announcing that there will be less than two-thirds the guests needed this summer.
So they told you that you're under lockdown one way or another and CNN laughed at you and your family.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
So it was eight months ago that we began to specifically get more documents that were leaked out of governments that are now confirmed about how they were never going to end the lockdown and how the lockdowns were designed to create permanent carbon taxes and to shut down small businesses and consolidate corporate power.
But we didn't need those documents.
I'll show you some of those next hour.
I'm gonna show you all of them.
Because we had Klaus Schwab talking about the Great Reset three years ago, you'll own nothing, you'll have nothing, you'll love it.
And then publishing a book one month into the quote pandemic that was already written, saying this is all about world government, all about carbon taxes, all about getting humans to stop consuming so much.
And we have videos of him admitting that.
And him saying, you won't eat beef anymore.
You'll drink sewage water.
You'll eat weeds.
I've got Bill Gates saying that too.
And you're like, why would they sell something so dystopic?
Because they've learned if they hit you with something horrible, people will Stockholm Syndrome and submit to it.
If you tell somebody something good or happy, they don't believe it.
Hey, I got you the winning lottery ticket.
But if you tell them, you know, you're a bad person, it's for the good of the earth, I'm gonna take something away from you, you're a hero, the left especially has a sadomasochistic vein.
But also, they want to administer it over everybody so they also know that they like to be masochistic to you.
So, let's do this.
Remember this from eight months ago.
Fact check!
World leaders are not encouraging a second wave of coronavirus to push a global vaccination strategy, nor is there an IMF-backed program to steal everything you own.
Really, they're funding the build back better, get rid of the middle class, universal incomes, bankrupt everybody, make us poor, to control us.
I mean, that's all officially there.
I'm going to show you them saying that.
But here's the actual email.
When I saw this last October, the crew was saying, is this real from a government official laying out how it's all a power grab?
And I said, of course, it's real.
This is all directly out of Klaus Schwab and the UN.
He used to be the head of sustainability at the UN, and he works for Henry Kissinger.
But I said, regardless, somebody either took all the real documents, put it together to get attention, or it's a real document.
Well, later, we saw a month later, Canadian government officials reading from this and announcing permanent lockdowns and COVID centers and mass arrests.
You'll have to have a COVID passport to have a job or get on a plane.
So, yes, we knew this was all coming.
People were asking me, is this real?
Bill Gates was on TV saying you'll never go back to normal until you have a vaccine passport and take at least five shots a year.
But now, eight months later, nine months later, what's going on?
Well, let me just show you four of these articles from the last two days.
CNN analyst says White House should tell Americans the moment of freedom for you is when you get vaccinated.
Here's the USA Today.
It's time to start shunning the vaccine-hesitant.
They're blocking COVID herd immunity.
And they go on to say, don't let them travel, don't let them do anything until they have it.
Here's the latest one, InfoWars.com.
CNN government business should leverage power to force Americans to take the COVID-19 shot.
And it is a shot, it's not a vaccine.
Mutagenic system.
People used to freak out about them changing the genes of a tomato we eat.
This is changing our genes.
This makes our body attack proteins in our own body.
They're giving us giant autoimmune disorders.
This is the most uncool thing, evil thing ever.
And they're all saying it lockstep.
Here's the New York Times.
Why you shouldn't skip your second COVID shot.
Says public official soon
Are going to make you have this for workplaces, college campuses, airlines, Border Patrol agents, for proof of vaccination.
It's everywhere.
Oh, no one will ever make you have a passport.
No one will ever make you take it.
That's Alex Jones.
Don't listen to him.
What did Tucker Carlson say last week?
He said, well, looks like Alex Jones is right.
I told Tucker, and I told Joe Rogan,
And I told them all, in February and last year, I said, this will never end.
They'll ratchet it up, dial it back, ratchet it tighter, dial it back, ratchet it tighter, always closing the noose.
It's not about me being right.
It's in the damn Operation Lockstep and Crimson Contagion and Event 201.
They don't even hide it.
Bill Gates got up and laughed on CBS News and went, and on Colbert, he said,
This is all just a drill.
Soon, terrorists will be releasing something far worse.
They're laughing.
It was funny on both shows.
And see, they call us the virus.
Remember, the head of the UN goes, we need to control the virus.
That means us.
And when Gates says terrorists are going to release it, he means we're terrorists on the Earth, his Earth.
He's a guardian of the Earth.
We're known as terrorists and viruses by them.
That's what they call us, virus and terrorist.
That's their names.
So when he says terrorists are going to release the next bioweapon, that's because the COVID mutagenic system goes in and makes your body slough real deadly viruses.
So you see, now the new bio attack has started and people are getting more sun now.
It's still bad.
A lot of people are dying, getting ill, having heart attacks, strokes, blood clots.
But when the next winter comes, you don't have vitamin D3 for the public doesn't know, it's going to be mass death and there'll be new viruses.
From the COVID-19, which even NPR and the Wall Street Journal and Nature Magazine admit, it's causing the real viruses.
Like he said, soon the terrorists will attack you with new viruses.
You are the terrorist attacking the other terrorists.
See, they make us the engine of our own destruction.
Very funny, Bill.
Very funny.
That's how they describe us.
I'm described by CNN by three of their hosts as a virus.
And I've talked to folks that have been in Bilderberg.
When they refer to depopulation, they talk in code.
They go, we must get the regime in place to eradicate the virus.
And other scientists that are there that aren't in on it, they go, eradicate?
You can't eradicate a virus.
You just get immunity.
They go, the virus is people, dumbass.
So remember, oh, none of that was coming eight, nine months ago.
That was all made up.
It wasn't, I mean, now we're in a lockdown three around the world.
Oh, none of that's going to happen.
None of that's going to happen.
Don't worry.
So here is Samir Khanesh yesterday talking about how everyone needs to pressure you.
Government with corporations.
That's called fascism.
Here it is.
It's the unvaccinated to do their part is the best approach to show them those who have had their shots
Are still wearing masks?
Or would displays of our foregone freedoms in a pre-COVID world be more effective messaging?
That's the carrot.
Here's another.
In Chicago, the Public Health Commissioner just introduced a Vax Pass, which residents can use to gain access to summer concerts.
According to ABC, Dr. Allison Arwati, Chicago's Public Health Commissioner, stressed that the forthcoming pass, quote, is not a vaccine passport,
Nor is it an app that businesses check before patrons can enter.
Instead, it will be more similar to city passes that give residents the discounts, free admission to museums, or let them skip lines to city attractions.
But if this sort of encouragement fails, there's also the stick, which could be wielded by government and the private sector.
Businesses have particular leverage as they can require employees to get vaccinations and restrict public access to private spaces like airlines, mass transit, most sporting and cultural venues, restaurants and movie theaters.
Writing in USA Today, Michael Stern, a former federal prosecutor, said this,
Businesses should make vaccination a requirement for employment.
A COVID outbreak can shut down a business and be financially devastating.
Shut him up.
All right, that's enough.
They hold you hostage.
They tell you're not essential.
They lock you down.
And now you're a prisoner.
You'll be a trustee, the prosecutor tells you.
If you do what he says, we'll let you out of the prison.
That's how they hold you hostage.
And so it's here.
It's the global passport.
It doesn't protect you.
They still wear the mask.
I read an article on Infowars where Democrats are still wearing it, saying it's their religion, it's their cult.
They don't want to be associated with Trump.
This is mass Stockholm Syndrome, as I say.
Here is one of the other CNN medical correspondents saying the same thing.
Here it is.
When we can reduce the level of infection in the community, increase vaccination rates, that's when, at some point, hopefully soon, but at some point, we can relax the restrictions.
I don't know if that works for many Americans.
For many people, it probably does work to say, yes, we're in this together, it's patriotic, we're doing this together.
But I think a lot of people are thinking kind of selfishly, thinking what's in it for me?
And they're not willing to wait until this elusive herd immunity.
If we can tell those individuals who otherwise would not get vaccinated,
If we say to them, the moment of freedom for you is when you get vaccinated, when you reach the two-week mark.
These are people who otherwise might not be vaccinated.
So let's give them that incentive.
Remember, remember they said that was false just eight months ago.
Now it's all admitted.
They're following the plan exactly.
Stay with us.
Gerald of South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Trying to move quicker.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
I recently ran an ad where we played a Cavalry bugle call in the background, and I made the point that, hey, the Cavalry is here.
But it's really true.
Listeners are incredible.
And when we're able to keep these great products in stock, we were able to fund ourselves last year and actually dig ourselves somewhat out of a hole that we've been in because I expanded so much for the 2020 election.
But thanks to you, we're still on air.
But now because of the shutdown in production and because of slowdowns with the whole COVID lockdowns with the supply chain, a lot of our best-selling products have not been available for months and months and months.
Some for six months.
Some have been discontinued.
But the cavalry is here now in our funding.
Because a lot of these products are finally coming back in.
Prostagard, Vazobeats, Alpha Power, and of course, Bobby's Ultimate Tumor Formula are all in our top 10 best sellers.
Our second best seller is Bobby's Ultimate Tumor Formula, 95% curcuminoids.
It is back in stock right now, 50% off at Infolarestore.com.
So really, you are the cavalry when you order these products at Infolarestore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
The virus hysteria and the deadly vaccines were the diseases.
A lot better than the cure.
It's just one prong of the attack.
The other prong is giant third world enslaved populations being brainwashed and weaponized against the West.
Dan Lyman from EuropeWars.com joins us on the big reports of top French generals saying that civil war is imminent, that Islam is taking over.
The government responded by saying we are Islam, literally.
So that's coming up.
Then we're going to continue after he leaves us.
With the incredible news of the Great Reset and some huge, big developments at the bottom of the hour.
But first, I wanted to play a short clip of Rebecca Carlson talking about UFOs.
The UFOs we're seeing are man-made and are owned by different governments.
And I can guarantee you from what I've seen, this is US, Russian and Chinese based systems.
Here's the report.
On this story, we should have spent a lot more time.
Because this could be the most consequential thing to happen to this country, to this world, maybe ever.
In June, the United States government is set to release a public report on everything it knows about UFOs.
Lou Elizondo was the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.
He's been on the show a number of times.
He just spoke to the New York Post about what that report will show.
According to Elizondo, we will find an intelligence failure on the part of the US Intel community on the level of 9-11.
Yeah, that's a problem.
And too few have considered it from that perspective.
Nick Pope is a former, from the UK, and perfectly positioned to answer the obvious question, which is, why didn't we see this coming?
He joins us now.
Nick, thanks so much for coming on.
I thought Lou made a very solid point, and I'm embarrassed I hadn't thought of it before, which is, this is among other things, whatever these objects are, a potentially
Very grave threat to nation states.
So where was the intelligence community in warning about this and learning more about it?
Where were they?
Well, that has to be answered.
I mean, we are under siege.
It's like there's a war of nerves going on.
And if this was drones belonging to a foreign adversary, there would be an absolute outcry.
And yet,
The situation we're in, that we don't know what these things are, and they might even be extraterrestrial, that's worse.
So I agree with Luis Elizondo on this.
This is a potential catastrophic failure of intelligence.
And if it happened because sceptical bureaucrats were just saying to themselves, it can't be, therefore it isn't, then there must be a reckoning.
So you say, and that is such a great point and nicely put, but you described it as a siege.
Give our viewers who don't follow this topic closely a sense of the magnitude of data coming in about these encounters.
Yeah, I mean this is absolutely extraordinary and every day it seems like new information drops, things that the public and the media weren't told.
So, for example, former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe just threw into the conversation the other day the fact that the satellite imagery of all this and some of the speeds being reported seem to blow the theory about foreign drones out of the water.
We must
be told what's going on here, and we should think of this upcoming report to Congress as an intelligence assessment of the phenomenon itself, and one that's long overdue.
There are a lot of these.
This is not like, you know, some drunk guy in a rural road in northern New Hampshire saw something weird.
I mean, is the US military regularly, very often, recording these objects?
Yes, absolutely.
It's pilots, it's radar operators, it's satellite data, it's measurement and signature intelligence.
There's such a lot of information now, so much that the US Navy has instructions for its pilots on what to do if they encounter these things.
Now, I think as we go into May, in the run-up to this report going to Congress, there's going to be a lot of things going on behind the scenes, a lot of politicking, jockeying for position,
Last week I had a caller to my radio slash TV transmission
And he said to me, he said, Alex, there's all these facts and all these numbers and vaccines being recalled and people dying from it and people getting sick.
How do I reach out to my friends and family and explain to them and to warn them about the danger?
And I said to him something very profound because it's so true.
Trust your spirit.
Trust your gut.
That's what the Bible tells us.
And I said, ask those friends, those family, those neighbors, do you feel good about this vaccine?
And his answer was, no, they don't feel good about it.
So, go with your gut.
Well, let me ask you again.
How does your gut feel about getting storable food?
How does your gut feel about getting out in the countryside?
How does your gut feel about getting guns and ammo to protect yourself?
Well, I know what your gut's telling you.
We have the best storable food with the highest quality at the lowest prices you're going to find.
10% off at InfoWarStore.com right now or PrepareWithAlex.com.
Go with your gut and fund the Info War.
Alright, Dan Lyman is a great investigative journalist.
He lives in Europe, but he's an American, and he heads up several big websites, but he's also the chief head and main reporter for EuropeWars.com, and he writes amazing investigative reports every day.
He routinely goes out in the field of no-go zones, Antifa zones, Islamic zones, that are far worse than what you even see here in the United States.
I'd say 50 times worse.
Just incredible scenes.
And so, a whole list of top generals, former and some current,
We're on the verge of total civil war.
The Muslims are taking over, they're attacking the police, they're burning hundreds of cars a week, burning buildings, raping people.
And a lot of French leaders have declared, no, we are under Islam.
They actually support it.
It's part of the cutting under the Great Reset replacement migration.
Macron has said they want 230 million
North Africans and Middle Easterners to quote, take over France alone.
They officially said that.
That's only what, 600 plus million people to come to the U.S.
out of the U.N., replacement migration as well.
And again, these are third world populations that the globals have helped implode, that they then load up and bring in for total destabilization.
And so it's a big deal to have the French military come out and say this.
Macron has promised to punish them.
Polled, majority of French agree with military generals that the country is heading towards civil war.
A new poll has found the majority of French people support the sentiments expressed by, in a letter signed by active duty and retired members of the military that warn the country is heading towards a civil war caused by failed multiculturalism and attacks on French identity.
1,000 service members including former and current top generals, you name it.
So I wanted to get Dan Lyman on about that because we don't just have
The global is devaluing our currencies, opening our borders.
We don't just have them creating fear over these exaggerated viruses and giving us poisonous vaccines that, you know, wound the population and further bankrupt things.
But they're also really trying to cause a civil war.
And in Europe, and now in the U.S., if you criticize it, even they were trying to put Le Pen, who's, you know, a very popular woman.
Her father was, you know, the leader, one of the main leaders over in France.
Trying to put her in prison for even talking about this.
The ADL has said, arrest me for talking about it.
If you say replacement migration, they want you arrested in America.
They've called for my arrest.
So this is just next level.
And so all this is very, very serious.
And then now they say, if you are against open borders and globalism, you're white supremacist.
And Biden said in his speech this last week, the joint address, not the State of the Union,
Everything's different now, you see.
He can't say republic.
Or he can't say union.
He said, if you oppose me, you're a white supremacist and we'll use the Pentagon on you.
So this has reached purge level.
It's not coming.
We're already here.
COVID is the martial law background, the excuse for being poor and not being able to leave your house.
But now they're going to bring in the next phase of this.
Dan Lyman joins us to talk about these incredible developments.
Dan, thanks for joining us.
Yeah, absolutely.
This is an incredible situation.
I think a lot of people have been wondering what would happen in France because they are kind of the furthest down the rabbit hole, so to speak, in terms of the amount of migrants that they've brought in and the Islamization of the country.
They have by far the largest Islamic population in all of Europe.
So I think a lot of people have been looking
We're good to go.
Thank you very much.
The police are never back when they're attacked, they're importing mobs that are protected.
So the police are told, attack the yellow vests that are working class French, attack any nationals group, same thing in the UK, same thing in the US, but then these anti-fab Black Lives Matter and Islamic groups, they can literally burn, murder, do anything they want.
Why is that?
Absolutely, that's true.
You know, we've covered Yellow Vest a few times on the ground when that was really raging a couple years ago.
And what I noticed was in general, Yellow Vesters are all, you know, working class, middle class type folks who are there peacefully voicing their opposition to what's going on in their country.
But it was almost always that the ne'er-do-wells who were using that as an opportunity to create chaos were either Antifa or migrants.
And I witnessed a lot of that.
Firsthand, especially after dark, I came upon multiple scenes where people had thrown Molotov cocktails into hotels and restaurants, and if the police were on hand and they managed to catch anyone, nine times out of ten it was migrants or Antifa-looking types.
So they are using both of these basically paramilitary forces on the ground in France to wreak havoc, as they did, of course, on Saturday, May Day.
They do that every year.
It's basically baked into the system at this point that France will burn on May Day, and we cover that basically every year.
It's nothing new, but this has become basically a daily occurrence now, depending on where you are in France at any given time.
And of course, it's a pincer attack.
For those who don't know, the Yellow Vest are popping up three, four years ago.
They're putting huge taxes on fuel, carbon taxes, huge taxes on fertilizer, carbon taxes, putting huge regulations on even organic farming to shut down production.
The people are going bankrupt that have lived there since Cro-Magnon.
I mean literally in those French areas.
And they even have the cave people going bankrupt.
They're not even allowed to cook food.
People don't know that people have been living in caves for more than 10,000 years, also in areas of France.
They're being driven out by the Islamists.
And so where are Europeans supposed to go?
Because we're being told that Europe's not even for Europeans anymore.
Again, this is a globalist pincer attack, shutting off the food, shutting off the energy, then bringing in all these outside groups and playing us off against each other.
What's the endgame stratagem of this pincer attack?
Well, I think the endgame ultimately has always been civil war.
But if you say that, or you hint at that, or you say what the root causes might be, then of course you get denounced as an extremist, a far-right, white supremacist, Nazi, blah blah blah.
But of course I think what they really want is kind of a low-energy civil war going on at all times in Europe.
To keep all the decent people, all the working class people, all the people who would really do care about their country, to keep them on their heels and afraid to say anything, and also afraid to leave their homes in many cases.
You know, I'll say the first time that I was ever in Paris was in 2012, and I was a bit more naive at that time, and I found myself getting off the train into a no-go zone.
There was not a single French appearing person in sight.
And I was shocked at what I encountered, and every time that I've been back to Paris since, reluctantly of course, I have found that the City of Light is degenerating at warp speed.
It really is incredible.
And everywhere you go in that city now is falling apart, of course, and the COVID situation and the lockdowns there have only made that worse.
And this is done by design.
The globalists control the printing presses.
They control all the money.
They want to depress things.
This is a form of war.
No matter where you are in the world, where leftists and globalists run things, piles of feces, homeless, fentanyl, murder, rape, collapse.
Towards a larger total civilizational collapse where we then basically beg for total fascism and control.
They admit that that's really the model they're carrying out.
And so France, what I've read, tourism is down before COVID more than 60% now down over 90%.
People are all going bankrupt.
Well, that's the plan.
Oh sure, absolutely.
Tourism has been bombing in France for years, especially with all of the protests that were going on during the Yellow Vest era because things were so tenuous there.
I would say downright dangerous many of the times that I was there.
I had to go there, you know, in a helmet and goggles and the whole deal and even kind of
Listen, I've talked to, I've talked to two
Contractors who've been in all the agencies, they've been all over the world.
They say France, especially Paris, is one of the worst places they've been in the world.
I mean, they said it is literally an Islamic capital.
And then you literally see the French women kidnapped, being sold as sex slaves, just like the grooming in the UK.
And the police are a bunch of cowards that go along with it.
This is the lepers' takeover.
We'll come back and ask you where all this is going.
Stay there, Dan Lyman.
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Fourteen months ago, I began to stay on the broadcast every day.
When the first world collapses, the third world dies.
We have such a complex civilization with so many billions of moving parts that when you shut down the first world, it causes a chain reaction that will devastate the third world and really hurt the first world.
Well, now you're hearing about gas shortages all over the United States.
That's because the companies and the systems and the drivers that can barely get the job done before delivering gas have been shut down.
Plus the Keystone Pipeline has been shut down, along with other pipelines.
The left is now blowing up dams across the U.S.
We're being shut down.
Our coal power plants are off as well.
Ladies and gentlemen, prepare to be a total slave.
The third world is imploding as well.
The borders have been removed.
Until you wake up and this is a globalist Chi-Com takeover, Gregory said, you have no hope.
They're announcing that there will be less than two-thirds the gas needed this summer.
So they told you that you're under lockdown one way or another and CNN laughed at you and your family.
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CNN has almost no viewers.
The ADL is reviled and hated across the United States and the world as a pack of anti-free speech liars.
But that doesn't mean that they don't have power.
Just like the Southern Poverty Law Center that's just as bad.
They represent the globalists, the big power structure that wants authoritarianism and backs communist China and its death camps.
And they back bringing those similar systems here to America, and they've even officially called the ADL for my arrest for my speech, and for Mark Zuckerberg to be arrested for free speech as well.
These are very, very dangerous times.
They don't want us to be on air.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I've got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
I'm losing weight and turning mighty pale.
And it looks like I've got a
Be sure to check out EuropeWars.com.
It's a totally different website, focused on the globalist takedown of Europe and the UK and how to fight back against it.
Dan Lyman's with us for another segment, then I'm going to get back into the incredible, I mean, just over-the-top news of what scientists warned in Europe last year these vaccines would do, and that would be attack all the protein in your body and kill you, and now it's happening.
Winston Churchill said there are times, paraphrasing him, when history runs over you.
And most people get run over by a big event.
They just kind of dust themselves off and forget it happened.
But there are those that decide to actually be part of history and not just let it run them over.
And we are in one of those periods of history right now.
Every generation has wars, their own crises, but they say every two or three generations there's a really big event.
And this is modern warfare.
This is globalist economic takeover by the technocrats, by the big banks.
Using immigrant populations they've already exploited in the third world, using the COVID lockdown to vertically integrate wealth and power, and they're just getting started.
They admit they're just getting started, and it's critical to expose the fact that it's officially the UN running the invasion of the Islamists and others.
It's essential
That we expose, that it's essential to expose the Great Reset, the COVID system is used for control.
Because the globalists are so arrogant, damn, they brag about it.
Can you speak to why they're so arrogant and how we put pressure on them to stop?
Because they're just committing incredible crimes out in the open.
I mean, is George Soros in the UN running the open borders and doing this?
We exposed a couple years ago, you probably recall, that many of the migrants that are entering into Europe, especially those that were coming up through the Balkans, were doing so with prepaid debit cards that were loaded on with MasterCard logos, they had UN logos on them, UNHCR.
And eventually, because of that report, it would turn into a really big international story and Hungary was able to pressure the EU into admitting that they were spending tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of dollars in loading these cards to basically fund the trip for all these people coming in.
And also we uncovered shortly before that a year or two before Soros announced exactly this article on the screen here that Soros and Mastercard were partnering up to basically fund a migrant invasion and of course we're seeing the same thing now coming up through the southern border of the United States many of them are being found to either be
Oh, it's the main guy that ran the Syrian invasion of the Balkans you just mentioned.
He's gotten billions, broken up into 530 million here, 200 million there.
It's already a billion bucks and this one guy runs the whole thing.
The same guy that ran the collapse of the European border.
Right, exactly.
And of course, you know, InfoWars has been down at the southern border of the United States recently.
Owen did all that great reporting there.
You have migrants that are getting on planes with envelopes full of cash.
And you have to ask yourself, where is that cash coming from?
Who is it being channeled through?
And of course, we could probably look to what has gone on in Europe to see a lot of the same players.
Sure, Nigel Farage tries to oppose it.
Some of the Republicans oppose it.
Trump did, but where are the conservatives in Europe and the US?
This is all illegal.
This is human smuggling.
This is destroyed.
Why are they still backing it?
No, absolutely.
And you know, what we've seen, though, is that the EU and these dictators here in Europe are so powerful.
You had Matteo Salvini, by a miracle, ended up, you know, at the very top of the Italian government, and they managed to be rid of him quickly.
They flushed him out.
And you also had Strzoka in Austria was doing a great job there.
They flushed him out with a fake scandal.
Le Pen probably should have won the last election.
Oh, stole the election from Trump?
Only guy hanging on is Bolsonaro.
Yeah, incredibly.
And of course they are out to get him 24-7.
And you know, even some of the heroes that we have had in Europe that have done a great job on the immigration situation, such as Viktor Orban in Hungary, have proven to be totally bowing down to the globalist agenda when it comes to COVID.
He's locked the whole country down and basically said we're not reopening until we hit so and so many vaccinations and everyone needs to be vaccinated.
Poland has been disappointing in their handling of COVID as well, locking down the whole country.
There are very few people that are standing up for Europeans, but I think that we're starting to see a shift.
The unfortunate thing is that no matter how it plays out, it's probably going to be what these generals warned about, because the globalists, not only are they not going to allow it to happen without a fight, but they also have their military wings on the ground already being incredibly violent, and they will obviously ratchet that up.
Well, that was my question I should have asked up front!
With generals finally bucking this and the French really pissing, even liberal political pundits saying this is too much, life is unlivable, why won't the system back off?
Your guess is as good as mine, but I feel like they're probably so deep in this now, especially with the progress that they've essentially made in the last year and a half, that they probably don't want to lose any ground.
They did lose a little bit of ground, of course, just because of what Trump was able to accomplish in the U.S.
and Brexit and some of these populist nationalist victories in Europe.
They did lose some ground, and I think that they probably brought in the entire COVID situation earlier than planned in order to regain some of their lost footing, and I don't think that they plan to give any of that up now.
As messy as all this looks, this is war, so they think they can clean it up later after they've already conquered Europe, because you conquer people, as the UN says, with migrant populations and with viruses.
Well, that's right.
They got documents 12 years ago, 13 years ago,
Blue Dobbs did, that actually stated all this.
In closing, Dan Lyman from Europewars.com.
What an important site to visit daily.
What an important site for everybody to share.
Where do you see this going with the French?
And now with these generals going public?
It took a lot of courage for them.
I know Macron is talking about punishing them!
He's talking about punishing the ones that he can punish, technically, the active duty, which there are only a few dozen of them.
I have seen some reports that the thousand or so soldiers that signed on has bloomed to 7,000.
I do need to verify that, of course, but I have seen that that number is growing.
And I would imagine the tide has to be turning in France because if the generals realize and the military realize their back is against the wall and they're willing to take this very dramatic step,
And put themselves out there and their necks on the line, then I would imagine the people are feeling the same as well, and that's borne out in the polling of course.
And so the situation in France has become so untenable.
The only problem is, in what these generals said is correct, I do fear that whatever the solution is, if they do work to take their country back, if for any reason Le Pen is able to have some success in the coming election, I do feel that it will be a dangerous and volatile and potentially deadly situation in France in the coming months and years.
I don't want to see another French Revolution, but they're begging for another storming of the Bastille.
I mean, they're already letting a Communist Revolution happen.
And so, I mean, I'm telling you, the establishment is really playing with fire over there.
The coup has already happened.
The globalists have affected that coup.
Anything beyond this now in retaliation would be considered a counter-coup in my opinion.
And if you do recall, Macron had to be evacuated at least once from his residence during the Yellow Vest protests because they did come up to the gates and they did pose a genuine threat to the property there.
And all it's going to take is the police shooting people and a real revolution is going to start.
Yeah, we don't want to see any violence at all.
I mean, that's just terrible.
But I think at this point, the globalists have invited so much violence that is occurring on a daily basis in France now that the blood's on their hands.
And the more they squeeze, the more they put carbon taxes in starving people.
It's just, it's just, it's what tyrants do over and over again.
What do they expect?
It's their psychotic nature.
Dan Lyman, great job.
We follow your reporting daily at Europewars.com.
Thanks for having me.
All right.
When we come back, still got two and a half hours coming up.
I'll try this.
I'm going to, I'm going to host a little bit with Tom Paver coming up, but we've got the rest of this hour left.
When listeners call to the show and thank me for all I've done, I always stop them and I say, thank you for what you've done.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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And we've proven track record of being accurate and they know we have that credibility.
And so we wear it like a badge of honor.
That we are so lied about and vilified by enemies of free humanity.
You know, a lot of these stacks I've got here, I'm going to start getting to right now, but some of this, there's so much research here.
I'll continue on tomorrow, but I'm going to do my best to run at this now and then cover some more of it next hour.
With Tom Pappert joining me, and then he will segue off and host the rest of the transmission.
Owen Troyer normally hosts Sunday Live, 6 to 8 p.m.
right after my 4 to 6 p.m.
He's taking a few days of rest well-deserved off, and Tom Pappert will be hosting the War Room tomorrow, 3 p.m.
Central as well.
Don't forget, Harrison Smith doing a splendid job, weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
with American Journal.
Find all the videos, all the live feeds, and the rest of it at Band.Video at Infowars.com forward slash show.
Okay, so let me redirect you back to where we were at the start of the show.
And this is so upsetting to me, all of this is so upsetting, that it's not like I want to give up.
It's the opposite of that feeling.
It's like I want to go
For like a month to the mountains by myself to decide what I'm going to do.
Because I'm not threatening violence.
I'm not even implying that.
I'm just saying we're being assaulted.
We're under military attack.
And we have to decide what are we going to do about this.
Legally, lawfully, and everybody listening, stick to Searsville.
They did two rounds of anthrax experimental shots
During the first Gulf War, and then again in 2001, and even mainline news, and then Congress estimates, 34,000 servicemen and women die in an experimental vaccine that the Pentagon just decided to give people.
Now, I'm not a biologist, but I am quite a voracious reader of biology.
I always knew that scientists believe anthrax may be the oldest life form on Earth.
I always knew they thought if there is life on Mars that could live there still, it'd be anthrax.
They've dug up 10,000-year-old anthrax that's still alive.
You can't kill anthrax.
You can't radiate it.
You can't cut it up with a micro knife.
All you can do is burn it at about 1,000 degrees, and if you totally desiccate it, then it's dead.
Now, I was on air when the second round of shots came around, and I had medical doctors and scientists on and whistleblowers at congressional hearings, and I watched Marine Corps captains and Army privates and corporals and you name it, die after they had the shots.
The French, none of them got sick because they didn't take the anthrax shot, because they'd done anthrax shots in Indochina.
Uh, and, uh, you know, back in the 50s and had a big problem with them.
Because you can't attenuate, you can't radiate anthrax, and then have a dead anthrax spore, it's like a plant, and then have your body not still get sick from it.
They were getting anthrax.
They get rotholes in their lungs, and rotholes in their body.
Some of the troops actually got anthrax, you know, bloody spots all over their bodies.
And the anthrax is tough.
It's as close to a zombie as you're gonna get.
And so, that was a beta test to kill 34,000 U.S.
troops, Marines, and sailors.
And they did it.
And it came out they did it.
And yeah, there's the Senate, the Department of Veterans Affairs on it.
And they had findings that they shouldn't have given an experimental vaccine
And that they wouldn't do it again.
And that's why now, they go, oh, we can force the military to take approved vaccines, because you have a lot of your rights to stop the military.
But you can't make them take an experimental vaccine.
Even Senator Jay Rockefeller's committee found that in hearings.
Of all people.
So here we are in 2021, and they've got way more experimental mRNA.
You've got all these top scientists saying it's going to cause problems.
You've got these vaccines banned all over the world because they're killing so many people, but none of them are banned here, baby.
No, they got more coming down.
Gates has just got approved.
A really sneaky mRNA.
And they won't even tell you fully what's in them.
They just tell you, oh, this will attack the spike protein of the virus, and then people go, the spike protein of the virus is one of the most common proteins in the body!
Riddle me this, Batman, you do that, it's gonna cause the body to attack itself, we're gonna have a lot of heart attacks, and a lot of strokes!
And that's right away!
Then we're gonna have cancer!
40-something pages long, it's got over 50 exhibits in it,
See this?
Top scientists from Pfizer and the EU went public in December and said it's going to cause heart attack, strokes, and women are going to have all sorts of problems in their uteruses because it turns out the uterus lining proteins exactly the same as the virus.
Just a fast-growing protein.
Dr. McCamp's shot, please.
Petition for administrative regulatory action regarding a confirmation of efficacy and points
And use of data in connection with the following clinical trials.
And then it goes in to the Pfizer vaccine.
And now what's happening?
Here is SALT.edu.
The SALT Research Lab is the most respected vaccine development lab in the world.
Named after SALT who created the polio vaccine and gave people cancer viruses on purpose.
And it says the novel coronavirus spike protein plays additional key role in illness.
There's all these articles already out going, gee, they're now admitting that it's the protein of the virus that's actually hurting people.
And then when your body has an autoimmune response to that protein, it's going to attack the heart, the brain, the cardiovascular system, the uterus, the testicles.
It's a very dry article.
It just says that the protein is already associated with that.
Well, your body then learns to attack that protein attack itself.
That's just one facet, I'm told, of a whole bunch of serious problems.
But see, they're not problems.
Like you start a chainsaw up and you cut a tree down.
It's like, man, that chainsaw's got a problem.
No, it's designed to do that.
Or I'll walk up and shoot you in the face with a 12-gauge shotgun and blow your head off.
My shotgun doesn't have a problem.
It's working quite well.
So let me come back and hit all the stuff I haven't gotten to yet, but let me show TV viewers and radio listeners something right now.
We had Dr. Francis Boyle, who is an international war crimes lawyer and expert on all this, and wrote the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law.
Who's been totally vindicated 14 months later with all his predictions.
He was on yesterday, and we reposted it in the live show feed of the show.
We put the live show feed up, please, with the headline, Sunday Emergency Broadcast.
Scientists across the world confirm COVID vaccines are deadly bioweapons.
Let's scroll down.
Keep scrolling, please.
And right under the live show feed, we have his notice to doctors and others about them trying to force the vaccine on you, which you're now announcing.
Notice by authority of the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation, I do hereby exercise my right to refuse to submit or to administer the use of COVID-19 vaccine.
The United States government has prosecuted, convicted, and executed medical doctors who have violated the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation.
Aiders and abettors of Nuremberg crimes are equally guilty and have also been prosecuted, convicted, and executed.
By the way, he used to be the former UN head prosecutor of war crimes.
He tried Slobodan Milosevic.
He's not
A lightweight.
Trainer Henry Kissinger.
That's what he says.
We also posted the entire Nuremberg Code 1947 for you underneath that.
That's what you get.
That's what you share.
That's what this is.
But they think you're so stupid, they're gonna... You hear Bill Gates tell there's too many people all day.
He's creating, you know, all these GMO mosquitoes, you name it.
This is their attack, folks.
We already let them kill 34,000 U.S.
troops who got away with it.
Then they got to maim millions and millions of kids with autism to the shots, and you didn't do anything.
So they go, okay, those beta tests work.
Kill hundreds of millions.
Hell, kill billions.
The attack is now live.
Stay with us.
The scientific dictatorship that I've been warning you about for 27 years has now gone from beta testing to operational.
The globalists are out in the open with their planetary depopulation takeover, their robot takeover.
But the good news is we've been working, and you've been working, and others have been working across the planet for decades to get ready for this, to be able to fight it off.
Humanity is strong.
We're incredible.
And if we're aware of the attack that's happening, we have a real chance of defeating it.
If we ask God for guidance, we will defeat it.
So prayer is essential, research is essential, getting prepared is essential, and warning others is absolutely essential.
I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021.
And I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years.
It is truly an answer to prayer, and I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you, and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter.
You've got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together, and it has just been an incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
Again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support InfoWars.
God bless.
A hundred and seventy years ago, the British royal family financed scientists to develop a plan for scientific dictatorship worldwide.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war... From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I want to be clear, and I keep harping on this.
We've had the former head of Rockefeller Hospital go public a year ago and lay all this out before it even happened.
We've had the author of the U.S.
biological weapons law and great contributor to the U.N.
world law on saying all this 14 months ago and again yesterday with me.
We've had Yidan, the former head scientist at Pfizer, just retired a few years ago, go public and say this is mass murder, this is pure evil, it's going to attack the protein in your body.
This is madness!
And all these other medical doctors and scientists coming out saying this, and I couldn't believe it was even that bad.
I thought they were being a little bit alarmist.
But it's all really happening, and now the mounting death and the heart attacks and the strokes and the blood clots, and the way they do it is they'll go, oh, there were six women got sick nationwide with blood clots from a vaccine.
And they go, actually, we had to shut down a Houston area Dick's Sporting Goods because
We vaccinated a couple hundred people and 30 of them went to the hospital.
Actually, one lady died.
Actually, down the street, another person died.
If you actually go to the adverse reactions page, almost 4,000 Americans have died from the vaccine, the CDC admits.
And remember, between 1 in 10 and 1 in 100, they're not sure, end up getting reported.
Because if you're Hank Aaron, or you're marvelous Marvin Hagler, or you're the rapper that took the shot and died a day later of a heart attack,
They just go, well, we don't know if the vaccine did it.
It's like being hit by a bus and they say, well, we don't know if that's what did it.
But the first two months of this year at VAERS, that's the adverse reaction site, they reported more than the whole past year of death.
Oh, and remember, roughly the same number of people died in 2020 as died in 2019.
And remember, no flu cases.
So it was all a fraud.
It was all a PCR test.
But now you're going to see big death.
And that's the big news that broke on Friday.
Mainstream News reporting.
60% of the people now in the hospitals.
With COVID, those are the bad cases, were vaccinated in the last month.
They're not there from COVID.
They're there from the vaccine, but they're testing positive.
Oh, you've got COVID.
Oh, it wasn't the shot.
No, no, no, the vaccine doesn't work.
So it either doesn't work or the vaccine caused it.
But of course the vaccine caused it.
But now
What they're doing is, when you've had the vaccine, is they are turning the PCR test down even lower than they normally would.
They normally did it 40 cycles or higher to get false positives.
Now they're going below 29 to get negatives.
It's all a computer scam.
Think Theranos.
Not Thanos from Marvel Comics.
Think Theranos.
Bill Gates front lady, billions of dollars.
They got a little scanner, a PCR test, tells you if you have cancer, tells you if you got all these things.
It's a fraud.
They got billions and billions before doctors went, this isn't real, of people going in and having surgeries, according to what this said.
See, they do whatever they want.
Now they tell you, oh, your uterus has got a bunch of tumors.
After the shot, you're bleeding.
You're 80 years old.
Don't worry.
You don't have cancer.
Because we're not calling what COVID grows in your ovaries or in your uterus cancer.
It's all sick.
PR agencies and big tech now are your doctors.
Bill Gates is your doctor.
Sleepy Joe's your doctor.
And they're going to put in you whatever they want.
And then people say, well, what's in it?
And they go, oh, sorry, proprietary.
It's secret.
But just what they admit these vaccines do teaches your body to attack a protein.
Not a virus, not a bacteria, a protein that's in your body.
And what did the top scientists say?
They said it will attack your whole body, we're going to see heart attacks, everything.
Because what happens when you have an autoimmune response, or an allergic response, a bee stings you, your throat swells up.
What happens when it's designed to attack your heart, your heart swells up, the arteries close, it's called a heart attack.
It's called a heart attack.
And I've got stacks of articles here
Of old people, young people, women, children having heart attacks and dying.
Here's one.
Fifteen-year-old boy dies of heart attack two days after taking Pfizer vaccine.
Had no history of allergic reactions and his parents put it in the VARS report.
Most people don't even know to go to the adverse event reporting system.
But remember what the law says.
Trying to make someone take
An experimental treatment violates the Nuremberg Code.
Since when did we allow this?
We have been totally and completely stampeded.
And it gets worse.
Look at this.
Nation's second largest teachers union influenced CDC on school reopening guidelines.
Delayed return to classes.
But it's more than that.
They were political.
They don't want things ever opening again.
These are monsters.
Pentagon's cancelled rolling thunder says the 30 plus year veterans pro-military group not welcome in the Biden administration.
We're domestic terrorists.
You better learn what the Great Reset is.
I'll cover it next hour.
I'm going to get into the economics of it.
What do all the charts show?
I'm going to show you.
Food prices are going to go up 76% in the next six months.
How do I know?
That's the Bloomberg Global Agra Index is dead on around the world on food prices at where they're being grown and delivery prices are already set at 76% higher on average globally.
That is going to cause massive world civil unrest.
And the UN is going to either direct those third world populations at our borders
It's going to be spectacular, and they're breaking the European and U.S.
borders now.
Also, we have Cyber Polygon, the economic plan to implode things, also by John Hopkins.
It's all coming together, and then we've got another big index over here called the Cobra Index, or the Cobra Effect.
And again, once you get superinflation coming, and they don't control it, it looks like a cobra head when it pops up.
And it's the same thing with food prices or cobra heading.
Same thing with overall indexes on inflation.
The same cobra head.
And it's a huge king cobra.
Biggest they've ever seen.
It's just now surging into the cobra head.
And so, Katie, bar the door on that one.
Now, that's why they want another reset, another lockdown, because if they're going to inflate and give themselves trillions, they get it, they get yachts, they get gold, toilets, they get, you know, giant palatial mansions.
Well, you go bankrupt, then that will keep inflation from happening if you don't get any of the money.
So, look for him to stall the economy again to try to stop that hyperinflation getting to the general public.
But it's already happening.
Big articles are here about Costco.
Big article on Infowars.com has shrunk the amount of food and other materials in all their packages, and they just give you more air.
So, that old-fashioned scam's not just happening at Costco, but there's a big article about it at Costco.
But Costco's owned by a big liberal globalist, so of course it's one of the worst.
Remember, the more loving they are, the more savage they are.
The more anti-racism they are, the more pro-racism they are.
Everything they say, it's inverse.
It's always the opposite.
We're going to go to break, come back.
Also, Mitt Romney got beautifully booed.
We've got nullification, taking our cities and counties back is the way.
The left takes over cities and ignores constitutional law.
We take the cities over and ignore their garbage.
And if they've already got the big cities, we move to small towns and we basically maintain control because this is going to be a long, hard fight.
All right.
Sunday Live is usually Owen's show.
Tom Papert's hosting.
I'm going to co-host with him.
That is coming up.
A lot of stations carry it.
Some stations don't.
Just go to InfoWars.com, Ford's Live Show, or Band.Video, and you'll see Sunday Live continuing on all the streams, which is supposed to be on all the network streams.
So that's coming up with the great Tom Papert, and I'll get into the economy and so much more of all of this for you.
They're also trying to pass a law
In Canada to ban free speech, put the government over everybody's post.
It's very, very serious.
Separately, talk about immune system, talk about the good for your joints and good for
Detoxify yourself.
Turmeric is amazing.
We have the Ultimate Turmeric Formula, 95% curcuminoid, been sold out for almost six months.
Because of the supply chain breakdowns, we've got a very limited shipment.
I still did 50% off.
That's just how I do it.
But I'm going to go back to regular price starting Tuesday, because it'll be months and months until we get more of Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula back in.
If you want it, I'm going to get that order in now.
Also, our great, super-powerful sleep aids.
Five milligrams of melatonin, so much more down and out.
And, of course, Rocket Rest is the powdered form.
They're both extremely strong.
Too strong for some of you, we got Knockout.
It's still a great formula as well.
But they're all 40% off, but are selling out.
I'm going to keep them at that until they sell out, because I want
They're new products.
I want people to experience how amazing they are, even though it's going to be a long time before we get more of that in, months and months.
So, Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Get some t-shirts, get some books, get some films.
Endgame, Blue River Global Enslavement, back in print.
It's available.
I'm going to end the Alex Jones Show, Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., and come back with Tom Papert and Sunday Live.
Straight ahead in two minutes.
Please join us and tell everybody you know to tune in because this is life and death situation.
Big Tech works around the clock trying to censor this because they'll never get away with their power grab if we expose them.
Evil always gets ahead first but gets its ass kicked in the end.
Stay with us.
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I recently ran an ad where we played a cavalry bugle call in the background, and I made the point that, hey, the cavalry is here, but it's really true.
Listeners are incredible, and when we're able to keep these great products in stock, we were able to fund ourselves last year and actually dig ourselves somewhat out of a hole that we'd been in because I expanded so much for the 2020 election.
But thanks to you, we're still on air.
But now because of the shutdown in production and because of slowdowns with the whole COVID lockdowns with the supply chain, a lot of our best-selling products have not been available for months and months and months.
Some for six months, some have been discontinued.
But the cavalry is here now and our funding
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!