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Filename: 20210428_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 28, 2021
3469 lines.

Alex Jones discusses topics including election fraud investigations, vaccine mandates, censorship, Nick Fuentes being placed on a no-fly list, Joe Rogan, conspiracy theories surrounding vaccine passports, open borders, forced inoculation, and the New World Order. He urges listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their store and spreading the message about the dangers of vaccines and the New World Order. Nick Fuentes explains his situation being placed on a no-fly list without explanation or reason. Alex Jones criticizes the current administration for waiving essential legal processes and addresses recent developments in the ongoing global crisis. Jones promotes various products available on InfowarsTore.com, including water filtration systems, air filtration devices, seeds, books, films, and apparel.

Tomorrow's news.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's April 28th on this live Wednesday edition.
We've got so much huge breaking news coming up in the next segment.
And I want to run a special report put out by Jon Balvin, Van.Video, that the mask is almost entirely off and that we'll be right back to kick off the main transmission.
If you want freedom, take pride in your country.
If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty.
And if you want peace, love your nation.
Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first.
The future does not belong to globalists.
The future belongs to patriots.
For me, this is all really old news.
But I gotta remember, hey, you got a lot of folks tuning in every day.
They need to know the basis.
People ask, like, how did Jones know this?
I love how they attribute it to, like, all these psychic powers and things.
No, it's attributed to reading the globalist documents and then watching it all come true later.
This is not rocket science, folks.
You just got to admit to yourself that it's happening and then say, do I just want to be like concrete it rolls over?
Do I just want to be this passive thing that goes along with this?
And I really don't think you're that.
And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny.
Fight and you may die.
Run and you'll live.
At least a while.
I'm dying in your beds many years from now.
Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!
Are you gonna be ready?
Are you gonna say no?
Are you gonna stand up for yourself?
That's really the big question.
I'm a gorilla.
I've got my primitive sides.
And I get mad at our enemies and I get hyped up to have the strength to crush them.
But, you know, I'm transcending that, and so are you.
Because as long as we've got our eyes on God and justice and love, we will automatically transcend them as Christ did, and our spirits will resurrect above whatever they do to these bodies.
And I've seen, just as Martin Luther King talked about, the future.
And that vision of us together, with our children, living an incredible, loving future together.
And all the attempts that we see to turn us against each other, all this great evil that's unfolding, is only because evil wants to keep us from God, and keep us from exercising our deed, our paperwork, our promise, our guarantee.
This planet is an egg, it's a seed, and the enemy knows that.
But as the energy of Christ is poured into the planet, the enemy is going to try to block that,
And it's going to run around like cockroaches, scared to death.
And it can be disgusting, it can be horrible to watch them vomit their poison and spew their lies and engage in all their psychotic behavior.
But don't let them get you down with their poison.
Don't even let them get you to the point of hating them.
Forgive them and pray that God can change their heart before they're destroyed forever.
The way out of this is getting ready and admitting the universe is big and deep and broad and long and strong and getting into it and stop being afraid and looking down at the dirt.
You should be staring into your grandmother's eyes and up at the universe.
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Ladies and gentlemen, it is Wednesday, April 28th.
I'm going to be live here the next four hours.
The year is 2021.
I'll be hosting the fourth hour as well.
And I do intend dumping the phones up today.
And so we will get that done, especially in the fourth hour.
We have a lot of big guests here on the Alex Jones Transmission today.
It's big national news.
That Nick Fuentes was put on a no-fly list.
He was told that by American and by Delta.
Then National News wanted proof.
He went back last night and shot footage of Southwest telling him he is banned from boarding any flight on a no-fly list.
This is a big deal.
He did not enter the Capitol.
He did not call for entering the Capitol.
He is a very well-spoken, I'd say, mainline classic conservative.
So they call him a Nazi.
They call Tucker Carlson a Nazi.
They call me that.
It's just incredible.
And this is a true turning point for our country.
And the left is now celebrating online.
In fact, some quote journalists are saying, the word is, is that I'm on a no-fly list as well.
And so today or tomorrow, I'm going to, I guess, book a flight.
I think?
Going on in earnest, Maricopa County, Arizona, for the election fraud investigation.
That is in the third hour, open phones, 100% in the fourth hour.
In fact, probably halfway into the third hour, I'll open the phones up after we have Daniel McCarthy give us an update and breaking news, a lot of big news on that front.
I'm overprepared for this broadcast.
And I think lately I've really turned the heat up on the New World Order.
I've been covering more than I normally do.
I've committed to do that.
And so I'm going to have to really space all this news out and make sure that I cover each big piece per segment so I get to everything.
But I told you Joe Rogan's a good guy.
I've known him 22 years.
I told you Tucker Carlson's a good guy.
He first wanted to come visit with us and said he was starting to wake up and thought I was right, that he'd been wrong 10 years ago.
I don't take pleasure in him saying he was wrong and I helped wake him up.
And, you know, now I've
I think really helped wake him up, but now he sees clearer than I do.
But that's one of the things I'm proud of is that I was instrumental in deprogramming Tucker Carlson.
I think that's the right word.
He thought I was crazy.
He thought I was nuts.
Then he thought, well, I was just a little bit off, but right about some things.
Then he found out that my worldview was absolutely basically dead on.
And so he's come out, he's being demonized for saying, hey, if the vaccine works, why do I got to wear a mask?
Or if the vaccine works for you, why do I have to have a vaccine?
Well, they now admit that the vaccines don't work, and you need five to ten of them a year, and they're super dangerous, and they're hurting a bunch of people.
Joe Rogan looks at the studies and says, young people die less from COVID than the flu.
Why should somebody, you know, below the age of 45 take it?
Plus, you have bigger autoimmune responses when you do.
Take these mRNA vaccines and the other vector virus delivery systems like J&J and of course AstraZeneca.
And they're getting banned all over the world, but the media gaslights it like you're weird if you say it.
Or a member of parliament in Australia says, hey people are dying all over the world from the vaccine, the lockdowns don't help, studies show, boom, Facebook bans them.
It's not just Trump that's banned now, it's members of parliament in the UK, they're censoring members of Congress here.
This is dangerous.
And now it's no fly list.
Better confirmed.
We'll play the video coming up when Nick Fuentes joins us in the second hour.
So, here's Tucker defending Joe Rogan, which is a great thing.
Other talk show hosts generally, even if you're another conservative or another libertarian, they won't defend you because it's all business.
It's not about business for Tucker.
Tucker doesn't want to run for president.
I've talked to him personally.
He doesn't want to be part of the power structure.
He wants away from it.
That's why he's so powerful.
That's why Rogan's powerful.
He doesn't want to be part of the power structure.
Neither do I. We want to be left alone.
And the media's freaking out.
I was top trending with Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson last night.
It was Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes, all number one, number two, number three, number four, despite all the censorship.
And the left was panicking, saying, oh my God, Carlson and Rogan are both becoming Alex Jones.
If we're going to beat this, we're all going to become Alex Jones.
It isn't about being Alex Jones.
I read the documents 30 plus years ago.
I got on air 27 years ago.
I knew it was coming because I studied who ran things.
I'm not that special.
The minute you become me, that just means start looking at the facts.
It's game over for the New World Order.
The New World Odor.
It's death.
Smells like death because it is death.
Ooh, that smell.
We've got to come back with Leonard Skinner next segment.
Here is Tucker Carlson knocking it out of the park.
I'm going to shoot some special reports on this, but the whole thing's a fraud.
They're creating a phobia over cold viruses, claiming we've got to have you be prisoners until the cold is solved and it'll never be solved.
Here's the report.
If you've gotten the vaccine, why is other people's refusal to get the vaccine a problem for you?
If the vaccine is so effective, why are the people who choose to get it mad at the people who choose not to get it?
Do people who've slimmed down from gastric bypass yell at fat people on the street?
You wouldn't think so.
It's not really their business.
Your body, your choice, remember?
But your body, your choice is definitely not the standard with the COVID vaccine.
With the COVID vaccine, it's your body, MSNBC's choice.
Watch this guy explain.
I don't know how we get to herd immunity unless we normalize the framework around vaccine certification.
Listen, we're doing it in colleges.
Some organizations are doing it.
We're in a global crisis.
We have to reach herd immunity.
And the carrot and stick of, you get the vaccine, you'll be able to participate in travel, restaurants, you name it, because that's frankly easier for small businesses to adhere to.
Herd immunity?
Boy, it seems like not so long ago.
Maybe it was back in the 50s or like last week that using the phrase herd immunity was enough to get you yanked off the air as an anti-vaxxer!
Now we're bragging about herd immunity.
But again, people who've got the vaccine and are totally safe are angry at the people who haven't gotten it because somehow they're endangering the people who are already vaccinated.
So to protect people who've voluntarily taken the risk of not getting the vaccine, we have to hurt those people.
We've got to burn the village to save the village.
As the doctor on television put it, we've got to use the carrot and the stick, but especially the stick.
Colleges love this idea.
Many of them are acquiring proof of vaccination as a condition of returning to campus in the fall.
In the state of California, both of the big state school systems, University of California and the Cal State system, are forcing students returning to campus to prove they've been vaccinated.
Schools in New York, places like Columbia, Fordham, Syracuse, the big ones, are doing exactly the same thing.
What's interesting is that no one has bothered to explain why we're doing this.
Virtually no college-aged kids have died of COVID.
In fact, according to an April report by the CDC, a total of 587 Americans between the ages of 15 and 24 died of the virus last year, most with profound underlying health conditions.
Many times that thousands and thousands and thousands died of suicide over the same period, which we're not concerned about.
In the state of Michigan, which now requires two-year-olds to wear masks outside, there were just 13 coronavirus total last year for people aged 15 to 24.
Compare that to overdose deaths in Michigan.
It's a tiny fraction.
Not that we care about those either.
So the coronavirus doesn't kill a lot of young people, but it does infect quite a few of them.
And that's the other problem.
Many thousands of college-age kids already have been infected.
They have antibodies from previous corona infections they're now recovered from.
Science suggests these kids are highly unlikely to be reinfected with COVID.
So why are they being forced to get the vaccine?
That's a serious question.
It's not an anti-vaxxer question.
That's a question people who support vaccines and care about them would ask.
Because we don't give medicine to people unnecessarily.
That is unethical.
Meningitis, for example, kills a fair number of people every year.
But we don't require everyone to start a regimen of antibiotics before they return to work.
That would be crazy.
We wouldn't do it.
It would be wrong.
But we are requiring universal vaccination, even of kids who have already been infected.
Is that a medically sound idea?
Some physicians are concerned that it's not.
Joe Rogan, over on the podcast, voiced his concern on the air the other day, and here's what he said.
People say, do you think it's safe to get vaccinated?
I've said, yeah, I think for the most part it's safe to get vaccinated.
I do.
I do.
But if you're like 21 years old and you say to me, should I get vaccinated?
I go, no.
Are you healthy?
Are you a healthy person?
Like, look, don't do anything stupid, but you should take care of yourself.
If you're a healthy person and you're exercising all the time and you're young and you're eating well, I don't think you need to worry about this.
So if you're at risk, get the vaccine.
Protect yourself.
Be happy with it.
Be grateful we have the vaccine.
And if you're not at risk, maybe you don't.
Is that a crazy point?
Yeah, it is.
That's crazy.
Joe Rogan's idiotic advice.
Healthy young people don't need COVID-19 vaccine.
Steered a headline, a representative headline, in the DailyBeast.com.
We're going to be right back.
Stay with us.
People are now getting paralyzed from the shot.
The federal government commissioned secret radiation experiments on thousands of non-consenting patients.
Hundreds of hospitals in the U.S.
injected healthy men, women, and children with uranium and plutonium at dosage levels ranging from non-therapeutic to lethal, killing many of the test subjects.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Got a monkey on your back.
Just one more fake slut might do the trick.
One hell of a price for you to get your kick.
Ooh, that smell.
Can't you smell that smell?
Ooh, that smell.
The smell of death around.
The smell of death surrounds you!
You fool, you stuck a needle in your arm!
You fool!
Another drink would drown you!
Stick a needle in your arm!
Just a fool.
Alright, I got so many exclusive stories, that during the break I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off getting them all ready for you.
Believe me.
And a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes you don't even know about.
But Tucker ended that monologue last night saying, you know, vaccine passports to be able to get on a plane or have a job, that's Alex Jones stuff!
But it's all coming true.
We're going to be rolling through a lot of that as well as the global awakening explodes and the population of the planet awakens to the poison vaccines.
A lot of good pushback is beginning.
Only about 15% of Americans have been vaccinated, but CNN runs the headline
Up to 60% of Americans have been vaccinated, sub-headline, or plan to be vaccinated.
I saw that similar headline in CNN, ABC News, CBS, New York Times, Washington Post.
Because all I do is scan news headlines.
And I see when they're pushing a narrative.
You see it as well.
But it's not 60%.
It sounds like 60% took it.
60% didn't.
It's 15%.
As of a week ago, new numbers are now.
It's stalled out.
They're closing all the big injection centers.
Now they're coming into churches, coming into schools, coming to airports, trying to push it on you, trying to make you, because they got to buffalo you, because they got to depopulate you.
Hell, I got CNN and Vogue today.
Don't have children.
It vandalizes the earth.
You're bad.
It's all coming up.
This article went up last night.
I'm going to ask them to repost it under the live show feed today.
With the headline that we have at the top there about the global awakening to poison vaccines explodes under the live show feed.
We're going to repost this whole article right under if you can share it.
Woman paralyzed from neck down following second dose of Pfizer COVID jab.
Now, why is that so important?
The minute I saw the headline last night, I said, let me watch this newscast because I had a sneaking suspicion.
Almost everyone that is getting paralyzed from the Pfizer who isn't old, old people just have heart attacks and die or strokes.
Already had COVID.
And what did medical doctors and scientists on this show say?
And what does the medical report say?
And I printed off a whole list of what Mike Adams talked about yesterday, that ADE, if you've already had COVID, and you take this stuff, you have a giant allergic reaction to it.
And your body starts just attacking everything.
It's insane.
Just type in COVID vaccines, mRNA vaccines, and ADE, and you'll get hundreds of studies before they did this saying don't do it because they've been studying this stuff for decades.
Tennessee woman is attributing severe side effects that paralyzed her from the neck down to a second dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
Yeah, lady, that's bad enough.
You already had COVID.
She says it.
They should have told you not to take it.
Plus, you have supposed immunity.
But they go against all the science.
And then they're like, we're not saying don't take it on the show, because you'll get bullied, you'll get censored.
Everybody's been told political correctness.
First you don't say the N-word, next you don't question the UN and Fauci and Bill Gates.
See how it works?
Once you agree that you don't have one form of speech, you don't have the other, or even TV shows.
News programs have to, oh we apologize, we're going to tell you this.
But any idiot knows that.
So almost every young person I've seen die or get paralyzed, because you know the symptoms, is either an autoimmune response, an allergic response, and I guess the ADE is part of the autoimmune response.
I'm not a scientist.
I just read this stuff.
I mean, I just know.
I just know that major European countries are banning all the vaccines basically and saying they're all worse than the damn COVID!
Number three jiu-jitsu black belt in the world.
I'm not a UFC or jiu-jitsu expert.
I was sent this by an expert.
I won't say his name.
You probably know it.
Wrote an article about it.
It's a household name.
I mean, National File did.
And it gets into how it almost killed him.
We'll cover all that coming up.
But first, here is the poor lady paralyzed from the neck down in the great state of Tennessee.
New tonight, a Nashville woman is speaking out tonight from her hospital bed, unable to walk.
Less than 24 hours after receiving her second dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, she was unable to move from the neck down.
As News 2's Alex Dennis shows us, she is encouraging others to advocate for their health.
It's just like the worst nightmare I can ever imagine.
Brandi Parker McFadden is confined to her hospital bed at Vanderbilt.
Can you walk right now?
No, I can't walk.
Less than 24 hours after receiving her second Pfizer COVID shot, she explains she lost her ability to move from her shoulders down.
I thought maybe if anything I'd probably get like flu-like symptoms because I'd already had COVID, but I never in a million years thought I would never be able
Get up and go to the bathroom, or get up and walk to the other side of the room, or...
The usually active mother of three is speaking out, not with the intent of causing fear.
I'm not saying don't get your vaccine.
I'm just saying that COVID is really real.
And still, really new, she continues, including the vaccine, which is why she feels any possible adverse side effect should be investigated, even if it is extremely rare.
There's been, I don't know how many people have been vaccinated and been fine, right?
But we have to tell everything.
Brandi advocates for women's health on a daily basis.
Following a diagnosis of epilepsy, she created a non-profit called My Epilepsy Story.
Now, her fight has shifted from her hospital room, warning of other women with similar symptoms to hers.
We do know there's been a couple of cases of a couple other women.
Um, but those women did not have epilepsy.
She applauds the investigation into the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which involved six women and rare blood clots.
And she's hoping research will be done into these cases of paralysis.
This is why I say, we need government funding and NIH for all these things.
Oh my gosh, we don't have turn it off!
Total Stockholm Syndrome!
Hey lady!
Since they began giving inoculation 600 years ago in the Netherlands, sometimes people died from it and the doctors would say there's a risk.
Now these are gene therapies.
The NIH knew this.
They did animal trials under other names and knew it killed most of the animals, including all the ferrets in the Pfizer study.
All of the ferrets died!
Not good!
But we're a lot tougher.
Oh, we need more funding!
I mean, I'd still get it though!
I'm glad I took it!
I'm glad I can't walk now!
It's so wonderful!
They lied to you!
They said that 4% would die!
They said 2.5 million would die!
They lie!
They lie!
They lie!
They lie!
They lie!
They lie!
They lie!
They lie!
They lie!
And then they lie again!
And they lie again!
And they lie again!
And they lie again!
And they lie!
And now...
It's not just people that already had COVID take the shot and get really sick.
If you take the vaccine, then you're going to come into contact with other viruses similar, and it's going to cause an autoimmune response.
They admit we're going to have millions of dead now!
I'm not going to sit here and waste your time or my time and rattle off the successes and the worses that if you're paying attention, you know we've done together.
But I'll tell you this.
The technocrats are really upping their game and they are trying to destroy all independent forms of media.
They're trying to shudder and silence the human resistance.
So, now is the time to understand that everything we've talked about has been proven accurate.
Everything you warned your friends and family about is going to be true.
So it's now that your credibility is way up.
The power structures are to silence those of us that they can.
But it's up to all of us to not let them silence any of us.
We have the power.
But the sun is setting on humanity and setting on free speech.
We have to make sure that we fight hard right now to make sure that long, dark night doesn't come.
So be the polar bears you are.
CNN has almost no viewers.
The ADL is reviled and hated across the United States and the world as a pack of anti-free speech liars.
But that doesn't mean that they don't have power, just like the Southern Poverty Law Center that's just as bad.
They represent the globalists, the big power structure that wants authoritarianism and backs communist China and its death camps.
And they backed bringing those similar systems here to America and they even officially called the ADL for my arrest for my speech and for Mark Zuckerberg to be arrested for free speech as well.
These are very, very dangerous times.
They don't want us to be on air.
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And it keeps us on air, despite what the tyrants want.
I one trillion percent believe what I'm saying.
Hell, everybody knows that.
I'll just tell you what I'm really thinking.
People say, Jones, why the hell did you just say that on air?
That's embarrassing.
Well, I'm not going to stop with only the good stuff about me.
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One of the most popular memes on the internet in the last decade has been, Alex Jones was right.
But it now routinely trends number one on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, making the globalists pull their hair out in anger.
But let me tell you, we are tomorrow's news today.
And thanks for your support.
We're still on air at InfoWars.com and Bandon Video, radio stations and TV stations across the country.
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm your hero!
Global Awakening deploys its vaccine.
Watch live.
And I've got two big stories.
That we have posted to InfoWars.com.
And a
Special editor called me, we don't normally have editors around here, but a special editor called to correct the UFC story that I contributed to at National File, that he's not a UFC fighter, though he's fought in the UFC, he's number three jiu-jitsu fighter in the world, and one of the top commentators out there corrected me on that.
So UFC fighter, it's just so cool to have all these people listening to the show in real time, UFC fighter Craig Jones unable to fight after
COVID vaccine causes fluid buildup around his stomach.
Well, National File has updated it to video.
Jiu-Jitsu black belt Craig Jones unable to fight after COVID vaccine causes fluid buildup around his stomach.
Now they tell you the side effect is tumors, liver swelling, kidney failure, menstruation, lack of menstruation, tumors in the uterus, tumors on the testicles.
Uh, and so, uh, it was excruciatingly painful for him and a lot more.
So I got some more details of what happened to him.
We're going to be adding that to the article.
I sent it over to the great Tom Pappert.
We're also going to change the headline to number three jiu-jitsu fighter in the world.
And that's all because, again, I contributed some of the story and rushed it through this morning.
I collaborate sometimes with the great folks, uh, over at NationalFile.com.
But let's play this clip of Tucker Carlson, because I didn't get to it earlier, where he makes the point about
COVID passports!
I mean we said over a year ago they're going to have COVID passports to leave your house or have a job and a global social credit score and they're going to tie it into a no-fly list because the UN and Bill Gates said so.
So again I keep getting attributed for like having a crystal ball when I know how to put the information together and I mean I've got a large historical palette, a large historical spectrum and I have a lot of guests and I immerse myself in this and I work hard
And I'm on fire for freedom, but I did not imagine everything that just magically came true like I'm Jesus Christ or something.
I don't have God-like powers.
I have the good brain God gave me.
This is all out in the open, and it only gets worse, and it's never going to end.
I mean, I talked to FBI agents and top lawyers and all sorts of people.
You know, they're smart people that I respect and know.
They're like, Alex, come on, the mask will be gone in a few months.
Oh, Alex, they're not going to have rolling lockdowns.
Oh, Alex, come on, the mRNA doesn't change your body.
And then I talked to one of the top lawyers.
They go, my God, the owner of this giant biotech company tells me it's deadly and a gene-ripe takeover and part of a plan to corrupt the human DNA and it's super dangerous.
I mean, it's the truth, ladies and gentlemen.
And just because you're not a psychotic mad scientist doesn't mean you can project
Your normalcy on to other people.
Because they're not normal.
They want to rape you.
You know, low-level retail perverts just want to rape women or children.
But see, scientific ones want to rape everybody and change your very DNA.
And they've got all these Stockholm victims that are cowards and are chicken necks and believe in the system to take care of them who are domesticated, and they can't believe they're being enslaved.
Their subconscious knows they are.
And so they go into Stockholm syndrome like the woman paralyzed from the neck down and says, oh, take your vaccines.
They're wonderful.
Just get more funding and more vaccines is the answer.
Instead of, they lied to me.
They said it was totally safe.
But it isn't.
No, she can't come to grips with the predatory.
It's like some black people, I guess with Tuskegee, I never read this, but I guess they weren't as dumb as this lady.
They're like, oh, thank you for giving me syphilis.
Thank you for torturing me and killing me.
I mean, these are bad people.
And the same folks that were running Tuskegee trained Fauci.
He's an extension of that.
And so is Bill Gates.
So, here's Tucker Carlson talking about it last night.
You'll notice that the piece never explained why exactly Joe Rogan's advice was so idiotic.
It just dismisses him as a moron.
He's crazy!
Don't listen to him!
He's probably a Nazi!
Or worse, a Trump voter!
That's MSNBC's concern.
I don't know how the right got so far ahead on creating such a political connotation around the conversation about vaccine passports.
There are all sorts of things you have to do to travel to all sorts of different places.
How has that debate become so corrupted so early?
I don't know, but it's bad.
I live in a state that is, the state legislature is dominated by Trumpers and they are busy making it illegal for a business to require a passport, a vaccine passport.
And now they're politicizing the appropriate way to encourage people to get vaccines, which will cost lives.
How did it get so political?
Says Jeb Bush's former flack and the longtime governor of Missouri.
See that?
All the mouth breathers, the dumb people, the hillbillies, and inbreds, and extra chromosome folks, the Trumpers, are all spun up with their conspiracy theories about vaccine passports.
Come on!
There are no vaccine passports.
That's insane.
It's Alex Jones stuff.
And by the way, just so you know, as proof, if you want to get a job, you'll need your vaccine papers.
And then the left's like, well, it's just corporations doing it, except the state of Hawaii.
Well, now the European Union says you have to have one to go to Europe.
It's an admitted takeover plan, and remember, doesn't protect you from COVID, even the current variants, doesn't protect you from other variants, and can give you horrible autoimmune disorders or allergic responses or other things that kill you or make you deathly ill when you come in contact with another coronavirus.
Oh, and by the way, that's in all the literature.
It will blow your mind.
In fact, it's in the article that's on InfoWars.com.
Joe Rogan is right.
Science shows young people have mild COVID symptoms but horribly violent vaccine reactions worse than even the elderly.
Can we pull up the full article on InfoWars.com because I updated the headline.
Joe Rogan is right.
There it is.
Science shows young people have mild COVID symptoms
Worse vaccine reactions than the elderly.
And I made the headline even more hardcore for InfoWars.com.
Rogan attacked for saying young healthy people don't need COVID vaccines even though the death rate for people above, I mean below the age of 45 is less than the seasonal flu.
So yeah, they've used things like, oh you want to go to Vietnam or oh you want to go to Paraguay
Well, those are basically authoritarian states, so they say to go there, you've got to have this shot for yellow fever, or you've got to have this or that.
And people I know have had violent reactions.
A lady worked here, she told us when she got the job, she said, oh, in about six months, I'm going to go to Vietnam.
We said, that's fine, when she took the job.
I'll be gone for a month.
Got the vaccine for whatever it was, I forget.
Almost killed her.
Said it shut down her immune system.
So she was wearing a mask around the office for a few months.
And then got so sick she had to quit.
We never know what happened to her.
Well, that's fun, huh?
Or my grandma that got polio from the vaccine.
They told her that was really fun to be partially paralyzed from like 1954 until she died three years ago.
It was wonderful for her.
Total torture.
Or my uncle that almost died of a vaccine.
Or how about two of my employees?
Who lost their children from vaccines.
The 12-month-old baby is totally happy, walking, takes a shot, starts convulsing and dies a week later.
One was 18 months, one was 12 months.
I'm going to leave it right there.
I'm going to stop right there because they get pissed off when I talk about it.
But, I mean, listen.
I'm around people losing their children.
I've got family being crippled by it.
I live it.
I've got Reuters admitting the main cause of polio is Bill Gates' vaccines.
They're killing us!
And I'm not going to sit here and take it anymore!
And I'm not intimidated by the FBI trying to set me up and put me in prison if I don't shut up about this.
I'm not shutting up about any of it, because I've been told, you shut up about gays, we're going to set you up.
Then feel your goddamn hand, because you've got God to deal with, and you're going to burn in hell for what you've done, you Nazis!
So burn in hell, burn in hell, burn in hell, burn in hell, burn in hell, burn in hell, burn in hell!
Granny Do-Right.
Granny Do-Right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
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So anyway, it worked wonderfully and it really has totally cleared up my skin.
When listeners call into the show and thank me for all I've done, I always stop them and I say, thank you for what you've done.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The globalist's great error is to believe that as they collapse humanity, they end up on top.
The truth is, humanity is coming down fast, but we're miles above them, on our journey to hell.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
By the way, not a correction here, but I know how the left operates.
Everybody knows that I am non-offensive violence, and I don't wish any violence against
Anybody in the Russian FSB or our equivalent of the KGB, the FBI, when I say fill your hand, I'm saying the system threatens me.
You better back off, Bill Gates.
You better back off what you're doing or we're going to get you.
You're already getting me.
My God, global lockdowns, poison vaccines.
Bill Gates is my doctor.
Kids wearing masks can't breathe.
You already got me real good.
I can't lay down to this, like the lawyers that run this country.
I don't think open borders and human smuggling is funny.
I don't think them giving waivers so that hundreds of thousands, millions of kids in total, soon to be, it's hundreds of thousands now, in just the last few months, can just be given to anybody.
And we just randomly walk into these places and there's a guy going, I want that woman, I want that woman, I'm going to show her the real power of the Lord.
Don't want any that have a husband.
I want women and children.
We're going to make them work.
And, uh, you know, I paid to get them in the world.
Yes, sir.
We'll load them up for you.
I mean... The bottom...
Has fallen out, ladies and gentlemen.
So I say metaphysically, I've got God on my side.
I cannot sit here and take being assaulted with forced inoculation and GMO and 5G and the New World Order and have this attitude of putting my tail between my legs, rolling over on my back and pissing all over myself like I'm a dog.
That is not the American spirit.
That's not the spirit of a Christian.
And the reason we're falling apart is people have
Stop taking action.
Now, I should have started the show with this, but I got so much big news, I didn't.
And if I don't do some fanfare for it, no one will care.
If I say, I'm not going to cover this today, I'm going to cover it tomorrow at noon, it would actually have an effect, save lives, and turn things around.
If I cover this now, no one is going to care.
But who knows, I'll even be here tomorrow.
I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
I'm going to settle down.
I had one cup of coffee, folks.
Maybe a second cup will help me.
I'm pretty wired.
I told you I was going home to rest and take naps this weekend.
I usually work seven days a week.
This is what two days off did.
Climbing the walls, man.
The old Alex Jones is here.
Of course, not drinking might help, too.
I mean, here we are, ladies and gentlemen, in this insane, out-of-control system.
And bowing down to it has gotten us here.
I suggest we stop bowing.
I suggest we start saying no.
So here's what I'm going to do.
Nick Fuentes is going to join us about the no-fly list for segment two and three.
Maybe a little bit more.
If he's got more to say, he's always a well-spoken gent.
And then I'm going to hit this.
And I've got
A video from the Drifting Springs school board meeting outside Austin, big suburb of Austin.
Nice to live out there.
And I've got the transcript of what the lady, Amanda Bell, or Beal, had to say.
Then I got the Texas law right here.
And I'll tell you about it in the fourth segment of the next hour.
And then we'll get an article up.
On Infowars.com.
They have similar laws around the country.
I'll just go ahead and let the cat out of the bag for you.
It's illegal under Texas law to forcibly put a mask on a child's face because it turns out at some orphanages around the country in the 20s and 30s, eugenicists would torture children putting mouth gags on them or facial coverings.
And so you're not allowed to punish someone for not wearing a mask.
It is a crime.
But of course it is, because we weren't insane 50, 60 years ago like we are now.
So I'm going to show you the Texas Code, show you the law, show it all to you, coming up in about 45 minutes from now.
The video with the basics is already up.
Austin suburb unanimously rejects masks for public school children.
That's on Banned.Video.
But the rest of the story is what's in it is the law.
It's an hour and a half video.
Just every parent was against it.
And so they would just turn their mics off.
And say, I'm against this!
You hear the mic turn off.
Or you hear them shuffle papers.
Like we're walking out there with Rush Limbaugh.
Oh, sorry, can't hear you.
People even say, hey, stop doing that.
And people got in their cars and drove theirs.
Went on for like five hours.
And they go, hey, I saw you at home on the cable.
Every time somebody gets up or against it, you turn their mic down.
Stop doing that.
And hey, who?
Stop doing your papers like that!
I mean, people are getting it, man.
The left are a bunch of passive-aggressive scum.
Must have been 60, 70 parents spoke.
We boiled it down to an hour and a half.
And all of them were pissed.
Not one person!
But oh, here's the mask!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Globalist Sharia law!
Bill Gates law!
Burn in hell, Bill Gates!
And I know there are good people in Big Pharma, there are big people in law enforcement, there are good people that work at the grocery store, but if you don't say no to the corruption, you're part of it.
Just like the former Pfizer chief scientist came out and said, this is a takeover, this is evil, this is going to kill a bunch of people, this is wrong.
Back in December, when they finally were doing the first releases in England and he saw the death, he saw the carnage, he analyzed what they admitted was in it and said, why in tarnations would you have jellyfish genes in here?
For bioluminescence.
Why would you?
And they go, we're not going to tell you, it's a proprietary secret.
We're going to try to force you to do it, and it's a secret.
It's like... I re-watched last night, at least part of it, because I remember it as a kid.
I guess it's free on YouTube.
It's funny he posted it.
Invaders from Mars, the 1986 version.
Because a guest here on the show, Steve Quill, mentioned the 1958 one.
I haven't watched it yet.
With a mom and it's smoking.
I think I'm going to have to watch that one tonight.
But... Old bombshell blonde.
But the damn aliens land in the backyard and they're injecting people with a thing that turns them into zombies that have remote control chips to control them.
I mean, they're 60 minutes actually saying that on TV now.
This is crazy town, folks!
And a lot of people have gotten on board with the transhumanist because they believe it's the future and you just have to accept it.
Well, I'm not going along with it.
And Joseph Mingala, you know, said, oh, it's just science.
I'll cover that too.
In fact, get sake ready.
Old rancid sake.
She said, hey, you know, you guys are selling baby parts, you know, keeping them alive is what they're doing until they're ready to harvest them.
And she goes, it's just science.
It's like Jeffrey Dahmer.
Or Joseph Mingala.
It's just science.
Oh, I'm just torturing thousands of people in medical experiments.
It's just science.
And they said that at Nuremberg.
It's just science.
It's just science that you can't see what's in the vaccine.
It's just science we didn't do the trials.
It's just science we've lied to you about everything.
It's just science.
It's just science.
They used to call it science when they'd stick an ice pick in the front of your head and slice the front of your cerebral cortex and you'd be brain dead or you'd be a zombie, you'd be a vegetable.
And they called it science.
It's just science sticking an ice pick in the front of your head.
Electroshock therapy.
It's just science.
30 million, 40 million of our kids on Ritalin, brain damage, it's just science.
The mass suicides, the death, the collapse of civilization, depression off the charts, it's them running it by design, the wreckage of society, the artificial takedown, it's just science.
We'll play that coming up as well.
In fact, here she is, it's just science.
In the U.S.
Conference of Catholic Bishops, the leaders of the President's own faith said in reaction,
It is deeply offensive, quote, to millions of Americans for our tax dollars to be used for research that collaborates with an industry built on the taking of innocent lives.
How does the White House respond to that criticism?
Look, I think the White House respectfully disagrees, and we believe that it's important to invest in science and look for opportunities to cure diseases, and I think that's what this is hoping to do.
Oh yeah, by devaluing humanity, by industrially keeping babies alive and then harvesting them?
Hell, why not just keep them alive and milk them for their blood?
Oh, that's big and out!
And merging them with monkeys and pigs and cows, which was going on 50 years ago, it's now all out in the open.
But it's all just science.
Like, 90-year-old women, it's in the news, are having menstrual cycles.
They haven't had menstrual cycles in 40, 50 years.
But boy, they get that COVID shot and that blood starts pouring.
Women that haven't had menstrual cycles, who've been around people that got the vaccine, it's coming back.
You're 75 years old, and your husband gets the COVID shot?
You're gonna, you're gonna have a period again, sweetheart!
And young women suddenly have periods all the time!
And they tell you it grows tumors in you.
They say, never mind if you get an x-ray and they find tumors after a COVID shot.
That's normal!
It's liberal!
It's fun!
It's good!
That's right.
Oh, the Bay Area?
ABC News says it's normal to have screwed up menstrual cycles, and your baby might die if you breastfeed when you get it, but it's okay, because Tim Cook's gay.
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CNN has almost no viewers.
The ADL is reviled and hated across the United States and the world as a pack of anti-free speech liars.
But that doesn't mean that they don't have power, just like the Southern Poverty Law Center that's just as bad.
They represent the globalists, the big power structure that wants authoritarianism and backs communist China and its death camps.
And they back bringing those similar systems here to America, and they've even officially called the ADL for my arrest for my speech, and for Mark Zuckerberg to be arrested for free speech as well.
These are very, very dangerous times.
They don't want us to be on air.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
So you've got it.
Alright, here I go.
You got it.
Alright, here I go.
Waging war on corruption.
Well, you know who's not on the no-fly list?
Air Force under Biden has been preparing to do 50-foot flyovers to scare crowds during starvation in upcoming future lockdowns.
The U.S.
They even had him fired up and ready on the tarmac a few months ago in Swalwell's jurisdiction where he wants to use nuclear weapons on American gun owners.
Here it is.
The fact that you're tuned into this transmission means you're awake.
It means you're informed.
It means you're involved and you want to save yourself and your family.
My friends, we're all in this together, but I can tell you this right now.
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California is absolutely descending into madness.
According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, a California Air National Guard F-15C Strike Eagle was put on alert for a curious domestic mission last March, causing pilots to be concerned that they would be ordered to buzz over U.S.
According to the report, California National Guard members awaited orders from the Sacramento headquarters
...to make preparations for any civil unrest that might arise from the outbreak of the coronavirus.
But then came an unusual order.
The air branch of the Guard was told to place an F-15C fighter jet on an alert status for a possible domestic mission, according to four Guard sources with direct knowledge of the matter.
Those sources said the order didn't spell out the mission, but given the aircraft's limitations,
They understood it to mean the plane could be deployed to terrify and disperse protesters by flying low over them at window rattling speeds with its afterburner streaming columns of flames.
Fighter jets have been used occasionally in that manner in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, they said.
The jet was fueled and ready to go at a moment's notice with the possibility of also intimidating George Floyd protesters and those disputing the November 3rd presidential election.
The sources said the directives from guard headquarters made their way down orally or in text messages rather than in formal written orders, which was unusual and heightened their concerns that the jet would be used inappropriately.
Major General David Baldwin, who leads the California Guard, did not respond directly to interview requests from the Los Angeles Times, but a spokesman for Baldwin, Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Sharoma, denied that the F-15C was placed on an alert status for a potential response to civil disturbances.
Sharoma claimed that no F-15s were contemplated,
But then released a list of aircraft that he said were postured to support any potential civil unrest missions leading up to the election.
It included two planes, a C-130J and an HC-130J.
But the LA Times investigated other internal guard documents that revealed that the jet had been placed on an alert status for an election week mission
And that officers had discussed in March 2020, as well as during the summer, about using the F-15C for domestic purposes, including to intimidate civilians.
The week before the presidential election, a lieutenant colonel also sent messages to guard members who maintain the F-15C, advising them that it must be ready to take off within two hours time.
Beginning the day before the election.
That meant a pilot and a launch crew had to be available to reach the Fresno base within 90 minutes of receiving an order to deploy the jet, according to sources.
The message also said something about aircraft availability for a domestic mission, which would be at a premium next week with the election.
Saying that they may have to work over the weekend for the potential mission.
And sources said that the aircraft in question was indeed the F-15C.
This is no longer a drill, this is a harbinger of totalitarianism growing amongst the ranks with the American people in its sights.
John Bowne reporting.
This entire new world order system is about making you dependent.
Making you obsolete.
Making you a domesticated animal they control.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, when I tell you this, it is not to say, oh, I'm like a movie star, or oh, I'm famous, this is so much fun.
I tell you this because you need to know how awake people are getting so you have some hope.
I'm like a gauge.
In a car, like a probe that's in the radiator to tell you how hot the water is.
Or a speedometer telling you how fast the wheels are turning.
The average person is not a public figure, which is a big plus, believe me, it's not fun.
It's got some pluses, but a lot of minuses, okay?
Your privacy being gone really sucks.
Even more so than what we see in the surveillance state.
And people lie about you, they make stuff up, it's got a lot of negatives.
But, because I'm well known,
I get to see the reactions of people.
And let me tell you, I could be in black neighborhoods, white neighborhoods, Hispanic neighborhoods, poor neighborhoods, rich neighborhoods.
I get mobbed everywhere.
I've gotten mobbed for a long time.
And since, you know, Trump got in, I got attacked quite a few times as well.
I might shake a hundred hands, but then somebody knocked my cup of tea over, pour coffee on me, or spit on me, or say they want to kill me.
And then when I told them, F off, they'd start videotaping and say that I assaulted them, for the people to go find the surveillance footage and prove that I got assaulted.
So when I tell you this, it's not to brag, it's to let you know.
Now, everywhere I go, everywhere I go, I mean, if I go in a gas station to buy a bottle of water, it could be an old black man, it could be a guy from India, it could be a white dude, Alex, appreciate what you're doing, keep it up, you know, we're all Alex Jones now.
And you see that trend every week now, we're all Alex Jones, Alex Jones was right.
On even Twitter, even though I'm banned from there.
And so I was back there getting a coffee during the break, or during that John Bowne report, and...
One of my oldest producers has been here, John Harmon has been here, I don't know, 18 years.
He said, man, he goes everywhere.
On the streets and on cyber stuff, all I see is Alex Jones is right.
Well, now they're saying Nick Fuentes was right, and Tucker Carlson was right, and Joe Rogan was right.
So what I'm saying is, these tyrants aren't invincible.
They're trying all this intimidation, and blackballing people, and taking bank accounts, and no-fly list, not because they're strong, but because they're weak.
Hitler was bad, but he was popular.
Joe Biden had to steal the election.
Hitler was elected.
Stalin had to overthrow another authoritarian monarchy, set up his own communist monarchy, and he called himself the next czar.
Told his mother, I am just a new czar.
And so we are fighting a classical fight of good versus evil.
We promote open American, free market, renaissance ideas.
We're under attack.
We're America first.
So Nick Fuentes
Has never gotten more support than he's getting now.
That's good.
And even a lot of liberals are saying, whoa, this dude didn't call for violence at the Capitol.
Why is he on a no-fly list?
He went back to a third airline.
People are denying he's on a no-fly list.
Even the Democrats have all called for it.
And he shot Southwest Airlines admitting, yeah, you're on a no-fly list.
TSA says you cannot fly anywhere.
That's three airlines.
Tucker Carlson covered it last night as well, so he'll be with us until about 45 after.
Last segment of this hour, I'm going to hit this huge news with the Texas state law.
Hiding in plain view, says putting masks on kids and forcing them to wear them is illegal.
That's still the damn law.
That's coming up.
But I want to play a few clips of Chuckie Schumer and others calling for no-fly list after January 6th.
And then all over Twitter, they're calling for me to be put on one.
And they're celebrating Nick Fuentes.
Being put on one.
This is so dangerous, because we're all Nick Fuentes now.
They'll put everybody on these.
That's what the social credit score is.
That's what the vaccine passports are.
And these fools are going along with it.
But a lot of liberals are finally waking up.
It's finally gone too far.
Even Bill Maher is against the COVID lockdown and admits it's exaggerated fraud.
And the Democrats think 20 million people died.
Some think 200 million died.
Biden says 200 million died in the U.S.
2 million haven't died worldwide.
So here's the no-fly list being called for by the leader of the Senate, but then they say Nick Fuentes is making it up.
Democrats celebrate Nick Fuentes on the no-fly list, but it's Kafkaesque, they won't tell you why.
But then the Democrats say, it's great, we love it, plus you weren't.
You understand, that's the double thing.
Oh, you deserve it, you little bastard, we hope you go to prison, we hope Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones are put in prison, it's all over Twitter.
Top trending, put us in prison.
Kill us, murder us, all this.
But all it does is bring more attention to what we're doing, you little monsters in your little sick echo chamber.
So here's the imaginary.
Nobody's being censored.
Nobody's being put on no-fly list.
5G doesn't cause cancer.
The vaccines work.
Here it is.
All of it lies.
So we know that many stormed and breached the Capitol just days ago, and then they traveled afar.
They were on airplanes.
And some were arrested when they arrived at airports.
One person was arrested as far away as Hawaii.
And there are many examples of travel.
And we have seen online, and the authorities have seen online, desires to come back to Washington and to go to other places to cause more trouble and more violence.
And there are many examples of this kind of travel.
There are many examples of this kind of travel.
So, here we are today, and we are concerned about these people getting back on airplanes and doing more violence.
And so, he today, ahead of a concern for, ahead of the concern for possible future attacks, and with the law on our side, we are to say,
That these insurrectionists, many of whom are known to be at large, should not be able to hop on a flight.
We are here today because the folks, the people, the insurrectionists who breached the U.S.
Capitol fall under the definition of threats to the homeland and should be immediately added to the TSA no-fly list.
I'm not going to play the other Congress people, because we've got Nick Fuentes here, and he's really the man of the hour, the first big domino to fall here.
But understand, all the big apparatus of enemy combatants, secret arrests, torture, is now us.
And then now it's, oh, not just if you went to the Capitol.
I mean, if you're convicted, and then they think you're going to plan another terror attack, you still have due process.
Now people that are under suspicion can't fly.
But now Nick Fuentes wasn't even inside.
He's on a fly list.
This is what they want.
This is the control.
The real threat to the homeland is Chuckie Schumer, that un-American monster.
So I guess they're getting what they want.
Nick Fuentes, this is a big national, international story.
Right now, give us the latest developments.
When we come back, we'll show the footage you shot at a third airline, telling you you're on a no-fly list.
For those in denial, this is insane.
Thanks for joining us.
Yeah, well thank you so much for having me here again today.
Well, the latest development is that a lot of people are investigating this and looking into it.
I saw that in particular Elijah Schaffer has called the TSA, the DHS, and the FBI, and he's a reporter there at Blaze TV, which is formerly CRTV and Blaze Network, and I guess that he talked to all these different alphabet agencies and not one of them could confirm or deny my placement on the no travel list.
Every single one of them said
It's confidential information, and we can't share that with you.
Yeah, that's confidential!
We can't tell you why you're on the secret list.
Right, well, and they can't even tell you that you are on the secret list.
I mean, that's the thing.
You know, I tried to produce proof yesterday of me being on the no-fly list because some had doubted me.
But I actually went out and booked another flight at a different airport with a different airline to a different destination.
And they wouldn't let me on that flight, and I filmed it to confirm beyond a reasonable doubt that I am on some kind of a list.
But the thing is, even I called the TSA and I asked the people who refused me boarding on the plane, and they say they can't confirm or deny that I'm on a no-fly list.
And I guess this is just the standard procedure.
They put you on a list,
They don't have to charge you.
They don't have to convict you.
There's no due process.
They don't have to tell you that you're on the list.
They just tell you you can't board a plane.
And then even then, they can't confirm or deny.
I guess it's just up to the imagination.
So it is Kafka-esque.
And we're in this weird situation where we're in limbo.
We have no redress.
You know, there's no way to get an appeal on this.
You don't even know that you're on a list like this.
So it's me, a private citizen, a private individual, going up against the entire bureaucracy, the entire national security apparatus of the United States.
And I guess I just got to figure it out now for myself.
Well, I forgot until you got here live with us that my lawyer, he's a famous criminal lawyer, also a civil rights lawyer, Norm Pattis, is authorizing practice law all over the United States.
He actually wants to represent you and I think it's for free.
We should definitely try to get him on with you today, probably here on air in the last segment, if that works.
We're going to go to break and come back with Nick Fuentes.
We're going to play the footage and I'm going to try to give him the floor to talk about what this means to him, where this is going.
Didn't go in the Capitol, didn't call for the breach of the Capitol, but because he went all over the country with me, calling for an election fraud investigation, which is totally normal, they say they want him to never fly again.
They're also all over Twitter, we've got some examples we'll show you, calling for him to be put in prison and killed.
And that is allowed to stay up on Twitter.
So this is very, very dangerous mob psychology, malice, Russian Revolution type crap.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to fix this planet.
We're going to fix our country.
By fixing ourselves first, in the place of God.
It's an inside job.
Like it always is.
Nick Fuentes is here, placed on a no-fly list by American and by Delta.
Then he went to Southwest Airlines last night to shoot the video.
He wasn't obnoxious about it.
He didn't shoot it right in their face.
But I think he should probably go back and wear a hidden camera.
I know Tucker Carlson and others want to see this footage for themselves.
We had a reporter up there right now.
We would go with him.
He went to a third airport, I mean, third terminal at the airport in O'Hare.
But he got it done.
And this is the footage of them confirming what he told us.
Here it is.
You guys got that?
I'm sorry, who did you say to talk to down there?
You could try talking to them.
We're not saying that they're going to give you an answer or they have an answer.
But you pointed down there, who's down there?
There's probably a guy with a blue shirt.
Oh, just like a security guy?
Yeah, but I'm not sure.
I don't have an answer for you.
And there's no way I can get on this plane?
You cannot allow... They're not letting you fly with Southwest.
With Southwest.
I'm not sure about other airlines.
Delta maybe?
I'm not sure.
I know that was a TSA number.
I'm not sure if you're blocked from all... just a no-fly list.
Did they give you a reason?
It's a no-fly list you said?
I'm not sure.
They just told me that you're not allowed to fly.
That's all they told me.
Thank you.
So there's the proof.
Great job, Nick Fuentes, part of that long day yesterday.
And Obama did this to members of Congress, if you remember, to see if he could get away with it.
And they were told, you can't find out why you're on it or if you're on it.
Lay out what's happening here, where this is going, what you think should happen.
Because obviously it's a test.
If Congress doesn't take action, if we don't take action, your civil rights, your rights as a citizen have been raped by a secret agency, a secret process.
This is the real terror threat.
This is the real evil.
My God, this is true tyranny.
Well, yeah, it's the true terror from the government.
And, you know, we define terrorism these days in terms of non-state actors or militant groups or something.
But we know that in the French Revolution and in the Russian Revolution, the terror comes from the state.
And that's what we have right now is a state of terror.
And I talked about this a little bit yesterday when Michael Sherwin, who was handling all the capital charges, went on 60 Minutes.
He said it himself explicitly.
They were charging the Internet celebrities
First, in connection with the Capitol, to create a shock and awe effect.
And he said that they did that deliberately to intimidate people to not protest.
And this is an extension of that.
This is an escalation of that.
Taking people, like you said earlier, who have not been convicted, people who have not been charged,
People who have not even done anything wrong.
You know, in my case, I'm somebody who didn't even get inside the Capitol.
And the FBI knows that, and the DOJ knows that.
They know that because they looked at people's geolocation on their phones, and they looked at all the surveillance footage.
If they could place me at the Capitol, they would have by now, and they would have charged me and convicted me.
So they know that there was no wrongdoing on my part of the Capitol.
Nevertheless, like you said, they went through this shadowy process.
Nobody knows how it works.
There's no due process.
They don't even tell you about it.
They put me through the shadowy process where now I'm on some kind of a watch list or a no-fly list.
I don't know the half of it, but all I know is that now I can't travel domestically on an airplane.
And this is something where, you know, I saw some liberal people and some other people on Twitter saying, well, you know, flying on an airplane is a privilege, not a right.
And I'm thinking of privilege.
We're talking about the freedom of movement here.
We're talking about the ability to travel across the country in a short and a reasonable amount of time.
I mean, what if I wanted to go and visit a friend of mine in Phoenix?
What if I wanted to go and, you know, whatever, whatever reason, whatever... What if you had a business arrangement you had to go deal with?
What if you had to visit a sick family member?
This is...
Absolute internal passports, internal checkpoints, but the borders are wide open and they give children to people that are child molesters with no background check.
This is a defunct, bankrupt, criminal government.
That's right.
And it is internal checkpoints.
That's right.
That's exactly what it is.
They're creating sort of this tiered system where you've got some people who have all the rights and privileges and the laws don't exactly apply and they don't have to pay their taxes and everything.
And we know who that is.
You know, Black Lives Matter is out there and they storm capitals.
They stormed the Iowa State Capitol earlier this month, earlier in April.
And I don't think that even got any press coverage.
But they could storm that Capitol.
They don't have the FBI breathing down their necks.
And I don't even think they get charged for that.
Trump supporters fly out to Washington, D.C.
Some of them enter.
Some of them don't enter.
It doesn't matter.
Nevertheless, those people are not now allowed to buy firearms.
Those people are not allowed to fly on planes.
Those people are often the subject of FBI raids, surveillance, investigation.
And so what it is now is if you are a political dissenter,
And that's what it is.
If you dissent against the American regime, against the Biden government, against the liberal consensus and their ideology, now you are a target and an enemy of the government.
And, you know, that happens in Russia.
That happens in China.
That happens in authoritarian countries.
That happens in North Korea.
But America was supposed to be different.
And I think a lot of people still think that.
When we lecture China and Russia about, you know, Alexei Navalny in Russia, or we lecture China about the Uyghurs, there's this perception that here we are rocking in the free world and they can't handle our freedom over there.
They can't handle all our liberty and freedom in Eurasia where they have to deal with autocratic tyrants and
And they have a controlled media and everything.
And with each passing day in America, we wake up and it's more and more like the Soviet Union.
It's more and more like China or North Korea.
And so they're really losing that moral authority.
And the good thing about America is that when they do this, it undermines the foundational sort of ideological core of the country.
They're undermining the social contract.
And you alluded to this earlier.
As they press dissidents, this has a huge capacity to backfire.
Because unlike China and unlike Russia, the entire American nation, the entire American project, is founded on the social contract of the Constitution.
That's right.
It's one thing to take Russian peasants or Chinese peasants that have been under slavery
For 5,000 years in the case of the Chinese, 300, 400 years in the case of the Russians.
Great people, but no history of freedom.
And to take us, spoiled rotten, a history of freedom, used to these rights, there's going to be a large portion of people that aren't going to go along.
Sure, the little moron, leftist, drug addict devil worshippers are, but not us.
It's not going to go well.
Exactly right.
The American people
They, through the consent of the government, because they support the government, that's what gives the government legitimacy.
The government's authority rests on two things, and that's their ability to exercise power, which is they have guns, they have the military, so if they want you to do something they could force you to a gunpoint.
The other, and this is foundational, the other main thing is the legitimacy of the government.
The government requires people to believe that their authority
And their exercise of authority is legitimate.
That is the basis of their power, is that they've got the means to compel people and that people believe that when they compel people, there's legitimacy to that.
When the American regime, run by bureaucrats, run by national security apparatus, starts to target political dissenters,
Specifically the 75 million people that voted for Trump or the thousands of people that rallied on January 6th.
You're undermining the legitimacy of the government to rule.
Undermining its authority.
And this is actually a very positive thing.
And I think you said this earlier too.
People are recognizing you and they're saying, hey, Alex Jones was right when he was talking about the chemicals in the water and he was talking about people transfusing the blood of younger people.
Hey, he seems to be right.
More and more people are waking up.
And when they see that political dissenters are being targeted, they say the government has no legitimacy.
And then people start to open their mind to what needs to happen.
That's right.
Nick Fuentes is here with us.
He's on the no fly list.
And when we come back, remember,
The Republican ranking member of the Health Intelligence Committee, Nunes, said that they are having the CIA spy on Americans to plan to attack us.
It's totally illegal.
It's totally criminal.
We'll come back and talk about that on the other side.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You walk into this room at your own risk.
Because it leads to the future.
Not a future that will be, but one that might be.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of these superstitions, there is one iron rule.
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth.
In his last 48 hours on Earth, he's a citizen of the state, but will soon have to be eliminated.
Because he's built out of flesh, and because he has a mind.
Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.
I have been told, and I talked about it earlier last hour, that they are intending to indict Trump.
And I know people in the Justice Department that are absolutely saying we live in the Soviet Union.
Biden DOJ raids Rudy Giuliani's Manhattan apartment and offices up on Infowars.com.
Federal investigators in the Biden Justice Department, they didn't raid Hunter Biden, they didn't raid
Biden for the president for his, uh, saying, you know, I told him I'd take a billion dollars away unless they dropped the investigation of me in Ukraine and son of a bitch they did.
No, no, not for all those criminal admissions.
Federal investigators in the Biden Justice Department issued a search warrant on Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani's Manhattan apartment and office Wednesday morning.
The DOJ employee seized the former NYC mayor's electronic devices and hopes to learn more about any dealings he may have had with Ukraine.
The New York Times broke the story.
Prosecutors obtained the warrant as part of an investigation into whether Mr. Giuliani broke lobbying laws as Mr. President's personal lawyer.
So they're going to try to flip him against Trump just like others.
This is incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
So there you go.
And of course, Giuliani knows all the secrets about 9-11, you name it, but the globalists don't care.
This is about persecution.
It's about scorched earth.
It's insane.
Nick Fuentes,
Put on a no-fly list here in the new Soviet Union, the U.S.S.A.
I was thinking about Rahm Emanuel, the clips on YouTube where he said 12 years ago, he said, listen,
We'll put conservatives on a no-fly list, because they're conservative, and if you're on a no-fly list, we'll take your Second Amendment.
Well, that's kind of like the red flag laws on steroids.
No judge, no jury.
Now that's what they're doing with this, and Laura Loomer can't get a gun.
She's beyond the no-fly list.
No judge, no jury.
When she flew back into the United States a month ago from visiting friends in Costa Rica on a vacation, they interrogated her about her political views.
She wasn't even at the Capitol or D.C.
So, this is really, really dangerous.
And Congress won't act on the censorship.
They won't act on anything.
They just sit there, dead in the water.
Nick Fuentes, why is that?
Well, ultimately the people that are in Congress aren't facing the same things that we are here on the ground.
You know, I think we have to consider that the people in Congress are a part of the American regime.
And you take a look at somebody like Liz Cheney in particular, and other Republicans in the House and the Senate, these people aren't even conservative in any meaningful way.
You might as well just call them Democrats, and you might as well call them all a part of the same globalist regime that are doing these things.
Elected, not elected, they're all part of the system, they're all a part of the DC cartel.
You know, actually, those are the last people that I would have expected to be advocates for this kind of stuff, advocates for civil rights, and particularly it was interesting after the...
Capitol situation on January 6th.
It was both Republicans and Democrats that condemned the protests and specifically condemned Trump for the aftermath on January 6th.
And I think it was very noteworthy that Chuck Schumer said, well, we're putting people on the no-fly list because they were able to fly from somewhere as far away as Hawaii to our Capitol.
We're going to put them on the no-fly list.
And in other words it was almost like a vindictive thing because of course all the politicians are in DC and they were in that Capitol when people started breaking down the doors and the windows and everything and so it's almost like this
Petty, vindictive, vengeful thing where they say, oh, you think that you're going to come into the people's house without permission?
You think that you can rally outside the Capitol and force our hand, at that time challenging the electors on January 6th?
Well, we'll show you, you can't buy a firearm.
And now you can't get on a plane.
Good luck getting to our Capitol if you can't get on a plane.
And they're doing it outside of law.
If someone's convicted of a felony, okay, then they're restricted, but no.
Not from flying on a plane.
Illegal aliens are allowed to come in with kidnapped children and the FBI just waives it because they're God.
This is literally dictatorship of the Democrat bureaucracy.
It is, well and that's a very important contrast with what's happening at the border in particular because, and I pointed this out on Twitter a couple of months ago, at the end of the day what the people did at the Capitol amounted to trespassing.
There were some actions, you know, there was some vandalism, they did assault some police officers, but by and large there's been over 400 people charged so far, for the most part, and I would challenge anybody to contest this,
Almost all those people were charged only for trespassing and obstruction of justice or disorderly conduct.
These are misdemeanor charges.
What do you call it when a foreigner from Nicaragua or Honduras walks across our border illegally?
It's trespassing.
The people at the Capitol, the worst crime that they committed, for the most part, was that they were somewhere where it's illegal for them to be.
Is that not what all these people from Honduras and El Salvador are doing in our country?
But when it comes to people trespassing in the people's house, trespassing in the people's house, you know, and in the Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate, well in that case, FBI is going to come and raid your house,
They're going to arrest you with a hundred marshals with guns pointed at your head.
They're going to throw you in solitary confinement while you await trial before you're even convicted.
And when you trespass into our country, when you trespass into America at the southern border in some place that doesn't matter to politicians like Texas or New Mexico or Arizona, well in that case they put you up at a hotel, literally.
And they put you on a plane and they fly you to Michigan and Minnesota and Wisconsin.
And our own employee, Sam Montoya,
Who went into the Capitol and shot footage, didn't do anything violent, and did it as his own, as a citizen.
That's just a fact.
I'm not protecting myself, I guess he did it on his own.
I would have told him not to, but he didn't commit any crime, in my view.
They sent 30 FBI agents and federal marshals to his house in the raid on him.
I mean this is just, this is just out of control.
Well, and on that in particular, I saw that story and it was outrageous because there were other journalists inside the Capitol too.
I remember there was footage that came out, I think it was a Washington Post journalist or New York Times, but somebody was inside the rotunda of the Capitol, one journalist from one of these mainstream publications.
National Geographic, all of them.
Well, in this one in particular, he was caught on a hot mic saying like, wow, I didn't think we'd get in here.
Now, to my knowledge, none of these journalists from National Geographic or Washington Post or any of the mainstream media that was involved in this, none of those people got charged.
And what that tells you is that it's political.
People that are documenting this thing from, if you want to say it's Gateway Pundit or InfoWars,
Sam Montoya.
People that are not approved by the system, well those people, they're going to throw the book at them.
And those people, they're going to send the marshals to their house, guns pointed at their head, raid their stuff and everything.
If you're in the New York Times, well then you're okay.
You make a phone call.
Point is, they're all in on the system.
The politicians, the media, the bureaucrats, they're all a part of the American regime.
It's a big club and we're not in it.
And by the way, I'm not ignoring what you're saying, Nick.
You're absolutely right.
I was just talking to Roger Stone about the whole Giuliani thing.
Roger, I'll call you right back.
What do you make of this whole climate?
I mean, this is like a Soviet takeover.
It is.
It's exactly like a Soviet takeover.
And there used to be the pretext in this country.
There used to be this facade or this, you know, this premise that this is a free country.
This is America.
And it's laughable.
Even Joe Biden, when he's running for office in 2020, he says, this is America, man.
Come on, we're better than this or whatever.
And it's like, no, we're not better than this.
We're really not that much better than Russia.
We're not that much better than China.
Compare the treatment of Alexei Navalny and the Uyghurs to me and the Trump supporters at the Capitol.
Virtually no difference.
Well, and he also told, when he was in office two weeks, he also told CNN, he said, oh, let them take over Hong Kong, Taiwan.
Let them put the Uyghurs in camps.
That's just what China does.
We'll be right back with Nick Fuentes and a top lawyer who wants to talk to him.
Stay with us.
We're good.
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The cavalry is here!
Gerald of South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Try to move quicker.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee, and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
Last week I had a caller to my radio slash TV transmission, and he said to me, he said, Alex, there's all these facts and all these numbers and vaccines being recalled and people dying from it and people getting sick.
How do I reach out to my friends and family and explain to them and to warn them about the danger?
And I said to him something very profound, because it's so true.
Trust your gut, trust your spirit.
That's what the Bible tells us.
And I said, ask those friends, those family, those neighbors, do you feel good about this vaccine?
And his answer was, no, they don't feel good about it.
So, go with your gut.
Well, let me ask you again.
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How does your gut feel about getting guns and ammo to protect yourself?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Our republic really is ending before our very eyes.
Every basic system of freedom is being abolished, is being abandoned, is being thrown overboard.
Due process, the right to self-defense, the right to have a border, the right as a nation to even exist.
The government's giving tens of thousands of dollars to illegal aliens to come here.
Democrat jurisdictions are letting them vote.
The FBI gives small children, many of them kidnapped, to pedophiles and waive the background checks.
I mean, the bottom has fallen out.
We're being looted.
Nick Fuentes is here with us, constitutional lawyer.
Norm Pattis is here.
He knows the procedures and process to fight the draconian Soviet Kafkaesque 1984 Orwellian no-fly list that was for the terrorists, remember?
Now it's for peaceful journalists like Nick Fuentes and I guess Alex Jones.
This is a big test.
I mean, we already let all the other tests fail.
We already let all the censorship out and everything else.
So now it's like a parrot testing the perch.
They'll put their beak on it first and see if it'll hold the weight.
They're getting ready to climb up on top of us even more.
We'll talk about ways to redress this.
Where are the courts?
Where are the states?
In a moment.
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Nick Fuentes, other points you'd like to add briefly?
I want to bring Norm Pattison here.
He can question you, he can talk about the law, talk about history some of the time we have and what the redress is.
Anything else you'd like to add, Nick Fuentes?
You should also tell folks about your excellent nightly news show.
Yeah, well thanks a lot.
So you can check me out at americafirst.live.
I do a nightly show Monday through Friday at 8 o'clock central time.
And I guess I'd just like to add, you know, and I said this on my show last night too, it's very outrageous that the government has put me on a no-fly list without due process, without committing a crime and everything.
But what's a little bit more interesting is that conservatives, I think a lot of them, have been even reluctant to say anything about my situation.
They've been reluctant to say my name, reluctant to say anything about the fact that I've been put on a no-fly list, and even the ones that do, I've noticed a lot of them say something to the effect of, you know, it doesn't matter what you think of Nick Fuentes or his reprehensible views, I don't agree with him on everything, but, and I'm thinking, we're under attack!
We're being crushed under the heel of the federal government and all of their corporate backers, right?
The bankers and everything like that.
We're being crushed to dust for our political views and people say, well, I'm not racist, but I think that's a bad thing.
I don't agree with this guy, but that's a bad thing.
So, I mean, to me, that's almost even more outrageous that
And put on a no-fly list for my political views, and conservatives won't talk about me being put on a no-fly list for my political views.
Because they're afraid of getting banned themselves.
That's how this coward thing works.
They pick somebody, they watch people not stand up for them, just like the old Nazi Germany story of the guy that didn't stand up for this group, that group.
By the time they got to him, there was nobody left.
Exactly, exactly.
And that's just it.
It's that old trope of, you know, at first I didn't say anything about this one because I wasn't a groiper.
I didn't say anything about Alex Jones because I wasn't an info warrior.
And then when they came for you, nobody had anything left to say, right?
There was nobody left to say anything.
And for conservatives in particular, that's very salient because it started with, years and years ago, people that nobody really liked.
It started with people that were really out there.
And now it's President Trump.
And now it's people like James O'Keefe and Stephen Crowder.
You know, in other words, it went from people that a lot of people found distasteful or controversial, and now it's people that are moderate.
Now it's people that are, now it's people that are... Now it's people that are America first, and 20 years ago you'd be just a moderate Republican, now you're a super evil person because you don't want to sterilize five-year-olds.
Let's bring in Norm Pattis, famous criminal and civil rights lawyer.
I know he wants to work with you, so I'll give you his number when you're off in about 10 minutes.
Norm, watching this, watching this unfold,
What do you make of this?
I'm stunned.
Again, you and I spoke last night.
I haven't spoken to Mr. Fuentes.
Nice to meet you, Nick.
My understanding is that he appeared at an airport and was not permitted to board a plane.
So he went to another terminal and was not permitted to board and then was told he's on a no-fly list.
And now he got it on video.
He went back to another airline last night at O'Hare and they said, no, you're on a no-fly list.
So, and my understanding is he was present in the Capitol on January 6th, but no one has alleged he engaged in criminal behavior.
He wasn't in the Capitol, he was outside the Capitol.
Okay, he was at the Capitol but not in the building.
So he's exercising his right to petition for redress of grievances and to associate with others on the Capitol under a lawful permit.
There is no justification for placing him on the no-fly list.
These lists were created in the wake of the September 11th controversy and they have grown over time.
There is something called the Terrorist Screening Database and it is an aggregation of intelligence service reports that are shared with one central office and presumably some bureaucrat somewhere has made a finding that Mr. Fuentes is a threat to national security or a potential terrorist.
Mr. Fuentes has no right to cede a report.
He has a limited right to challenge this.
The law is that the government can hide by neither confirming nor denying his presence on the list.
By neither confirming nor denying... And by the way, journalists have called and done this and recorded it and they will neither confirm nor deny.
Well, that's a famous dodge that was once used to hide the identity by which the CIA used a submarine to recover, a ship to recover, I think the Gomara, excuse, to recover parts of a sunken submarine, I believe a Chinese submarine, but I don't recall.
But the point is that we have this secret infrastructure that is unchecked and is unreviewable.
Now, typically, a person who wants to appeal their designation on this list has to take their appeal to the DC Circuit Courts.
There's a statute that limits that.
But I'm wondering whether, because this is such a fundamental due process violation, in other words, Mr. Fuente's liberty interest, his right to travel,
Has been limited without any due process, without any notice, without any hearing, without a right to review.
And the claim is that somehow giving him access to data about himself violates national security.
Is that what we've come to?
When I heard this last night my jaw dropped because I thought my...
Goodness, Chinese social scorings have arrived in the United States.
If you have disapproved views, you're not going to be able to fly.
What next?
You're not going to be able to get your prescription filled?
Or you're going to get a little bit of extra tax assessed on your gasoline when you use your credit card?
Let's not forget for a moment that enormous sums of electronic data, our digital footprints, are gathered, harvested, and now aggregated and shared with government.
And now we learned it's the Post Office, and now we learned the airlines on their own are banning people.
I mean, we are falling off a cliff of authoritarianism.
Norm Pattis, and I'm going to ask Nick this next segment, you as well, what needs to happen?
What does the Supreme Court need to do?
How the hell do we?
What do you need?
Because the left didn't want this for Al Qaeda, and I didn't either because I knew it would be for us.
Now it's for Nick Puentes!
Well, here's an unusual wrinkle.
Although the United States Supreme Court has held that interstate ground travel is a liberty interest, a protected liberty interest under the Due Process Clause, no case has thus far held that
Air travel is a protected liberty interest.
So somebody's got to bring that case to the court and press it to the United States Supreme Court and say, look guys, this is a small country and at least prior to COVID there were millions of flights per day.
And that's my next question.
So let me ask you this.
We're going to do this segment and part of the next, but we're almost out of time.
You and Nick need to get together or if he doesn't use you another lawyer, what is the action here to create a case to stop this?
Right, so Nick has two options, and whether it's me or not it doesn't matter, but Nick, talk about this with somebody that you trust and whose advice you can rely on.
You should consider filing a notice with the Department of Homeland Security challenging your designation and ask for a hearing.
When they ignore that or don't give you a hearing, then you should take an appeal to the District of Columbia Appellate Court, the Federal Circuit Court.
There's a statute that says that's the exclusive remedy.
Additionally, you should consider filing a lawsuit under something called the Ku Klux Klan Act, 42 United States Code Section 1983, which gives any person in the United States aggrieved by a statute or the federal government the right to bring an action for money damages and injunctive relief in the federal courts.
There was a decision and I'll tell you where it was.
There was a decision in 2000 and
13 in Oregon, Latif V. Holder, that was highly critical of the manner in which names were gathered for the no-fly list.
Stay there, we gotta come back in two minutes.
But yeah, they're putting three-year-olds on no-fly list, folks.
And then they won't let them fly and the kids cry when they make a mistake.
I mean, it's out of control, it's un-American, it's beyond Soviet, it is a load of crap.
We have a tyrannical government that stole the election, that's trying to intimidate us to shut up, and we won't do it.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021.
And I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years and is truly an answer to prayer.
And I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter.
You've got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together.
And it has just been an incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
Again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support him for the worst.
God bless.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Nick Fuentes is leaving us here in five minutes, put on a no-fly list.
Norm Pattis just said he's got breaking vaccine news on a case that he is on that just broke.
He's one of the top lawyers in the country.
He's got irons and a thousand fires.
But I wanted to just get you guys together to talk about this and how we get pushback.
Again, oh, for terrorists, 9-11, oh, a magic group of bureaucrats, like out of the movie Brazil, they just put you on a list, and now you're just on a list.
Encapsulating this is an American...
Norm, we need Congress, we need the states, we need the courts to act.
This is outrageous.
I mean, and we know Chuckie Schumer called for basically Trump supporters to be put on no-fly lists because we might try something in the future, but they support Black Lives Matter and Antifa burning the country down.
Norm, a few comments on that.
I want closing comments from Nick Fuentes.
People need to stand up and be counted, and if it smells like BS, it looks like BS, it is BS, and you need to say something.
And there is no such thing as a double standard in the United States.
Freedom of speech is freedom for all.
A Black Lives Matter or Maxine Waters can call for violence if they don't get what you like, and you can call for anti-violence if they try to take from you what you've earned.
The courts are what I know.
I don't know politics, but my view is you need to litigate cases in court, press the judiciary to make hard decisions, and take your appeals.
The soul of the country is up for grabs, and right now the courts are still open.
I defy them to close in our face, because we'll continue to bring writs every time we see a violation of a fundamental right.
And Mr. Fuentes' rights were violated.
Make no question about it.
And him today, you tomorrow.
That's right, Nick Fuentes, we're all with you.
Where do you go next?
What do you do next?
Well, I'll be looking into my legal options on this.
Obviously want to push back against the TSA and hopefully get this overturned.
I'd like to be able to fly again, but where we go from here is keep on keeping on, you know?
I mean, in a lot of ways, and I said this earlier, this is an escalation of the same old tactics, and you said it too.
The censorship has been going on for four years.
We weren't able to stop that.
The Trump administration didn't do much to stop that.
People didn't cover it as much as they should have.
And now it's people being put on no-fly lists, being banned from buying firearms, in some cases being raided by the FBI.
So it's a continuation of the same struggle that we've had for a long time, which is against the American regime, against the national security apparatus.
So immediately I'll be, I think Michelle Malkin actually filed the Freedom of Information Act request.
I'll be talking to my lawyers to figure out a solution to this, try and get me back on an airplane sometime soon.
And hopefully we could start to roll back some of this tyranny.
I think that, and I said this yesterday on the show, the state governments are going to be the place to do this.
Unfortunately, you look at the American regime, it's almost ubiquitous.
It's omnipotent in some ways.
And I think the thing that we're going to have to count on, and this may sound controversial or something, is that I look at countries like China and Russia, I look at countries like Iran or even Hungary or something, and I think that it's sad to say as other countries rise proportionally in global power compared to the United States, that'll actually be a good thing for American dissidents.
Because the problem you have now is there's nowhere you can run, there's nowhere you can hide, there's nowhere you can go in America where
American government can't get your stuff, can't get you, can't find you.
There's nowhere, I believe, in the Western Hemisphere you could go to unless it's a country like Cuba or Venezuela.
And there's really nowhere in the world unless you go under the umbrella of a rival power to America.
So we have to completely rethink our relationship with the state.
It really is sort of the regime against the American people.
And a lot of people don't see it that way.
That's right.
The people running our government hate the country, hate God, hate veterans, hate children.
They're just Hollywood trash.
That's right.
And people, for whatever reason, they still see the government as us.
They say, you know, we, when they talk about the government, we need to do things.
It's not.
It's us and it's them.
It's those people in that faraway capital governing us with an iron fist, and it's us out here under their thumb, totally vulnerable.
So people have got to stop rationalizing the system.
Stop rationalizing the police, the military.
Stop rationalizing the State Department and the American regime.
We're on our own.
It's the American people against the world now.
All right, Nick Fuentes, Godspeed.
We'll talk to you soon.
All right, thanks a lot.
Talk to you soon.
Thank you.
I'm going to send your number to Norm Pattis and vice versa, and I'm going to also try to get you in touch with Carlson.
There goes Nick Fuentes.
All right, thank you.
I'm going to play Rahm Emanuel when he was shoot and stabbed at the White House calling for no-fly list for gun owners.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And we are under the emergency
We are in the grip of a scientific dictatorship.
Our old republic is being dissolved by the spider's venom in front of us.
Here is Rahm Emanuel, the White House Chief of Staff, 12 years ago, saying that they were going to put gun owners basically on no-fly list, vice versa.
And then, extra-judicially, take your guns.
And that's their plan?
Now they call it the Red Flag Laws?
Here it is.
What do we gotta do?
Because let's be, um, and Sarah's right.
People's intimidation on this issue is not defined by just Republicans.
There are Democrats intimidated by this issue.
Wrongly, but intimidated, and they think their politics and their community is such that they can't do this.
The truth is, what we need again, to get moving on this legislation, is put together a crime strategy like we had before, which is why we passed the bill today on the cops.
Putting money back into putting police officers on there, getting voices for change, and then making sure that we have a president, I cannot put my partisanship aside, a democratic president,
Who will take that office and use it to protect the streets and the kids that grow up on those streets and make sure that we once again have an assault weapon ban, a Brady Bill with the full force of the law on the land, because we need somebody in the Oval Office that moves this Congress.
We had an election about change.
People are clear about the special interests.
They are tired of that gridlock the special interests cause in Washington.
And I think the most simple thing we can do, and we've got to make this a number one issue, as a test vote and then take it into the election.
That is, if you are on the no-fly list, because you are known as maybe a possible terrorist, you cannot buy a handgun in America.
Norm Patus, I appreciate you joining us.
We've got one of the main guys on the inside of the recount in Maricopa County joining us with the big developments there next segment, but I want you to finish up with the
End of due process.
The whole terrorism apparatus now to be used against the American people.
The Democrats said we're going to use the CIA against the American people.
We're going to use the FBI to dismantle Trump supporters.
I mean, these are criminal declarations.
The U.S.
prosecutor that was first running things, he had to step down over it, said we want to intimidate people.
And so these guys are very, very arrogant, full of chutzpah, whatever you want to call it, bravado.
Just closing comments on that.
And then you've got some big breaking news on the issue.
Well, go and give us that breaking news as well.
I mean, just to round out the discussion about the no-fly list, this should terrify everyone.
I heard that and I thought, my goodness, am I going to be able to get on my next flight?
I mean, yesterday, you know, I had a Patreon account that I asked people to support me on.
I post that on Facebook periodically.
It was taken down last night.
Is it because I'm outspoken?
Is it because I appear on InfoWars?
Am I going to be able to get on a plane?
Are you going to be able to get on a plane?
We permit government in the name of national security to keep secret lists of Americans.
And those lists, we're not told we're on those lists until we're on our way to our child's wedding.
Or on our way to sit with a loved one who may be on death's door.
I don't think we the people want to tolerate being governed by secrecy.
And I think there ought to be challenges to the no-fly list.
What's happened to Mr. Fuentes is breathtaking.
If he's on that list because of his viewpoint, we really have reached a breaking point.
On the breaking news front, Alex, we're going to announce at a press conference in a couple hours that there will be a legal challenge to Connecticut's decision to ban the religious exemption for children on vaccination.
Prior to yesterday, if you were a parent of a child who, for religious reasons, did not want your child vaccinated, you could make a declaration and they could go to a public school.
Governor Ned Lamont signed legislation yesterday passed by both houses of the Connecticut General Assembly to bar or ban the religious exemption.
We've been retained by a group of people who believe that our beliefs about ourselves and the universe come first, government comes second.
And, you know, among the challenges we will raise is we will ask the courts the following.
How is it that the substantive due process clause has been manipulated in such a way now that it's all right for us to engage in consensual sodomy?
It's all right for men to pretend to be women.
But it's not alright for mom and dad to say I don't want you sticking a needle in my son or my daughter for religious reasons.
The door cannot swing both ways.
The government is limited in its power.
The left wants to be able to have sex with their dog and marry it, but they want to put an experimental secret mRNA vaccine in our children that's already been banned in dozens of countries.
That's right.
That's right.
And so we're going to be announcing at a press conference this afternoon at 5 o'clock that we will soon file litigation.
We're working on it right now.
Hope to have it filed on Monday.
And we're going to seek to vindicate the fundamental right of people to believe as they will regardless of what the government says.
There is no public health exception to freedom of belief in the United States and that's our position and we're going to fight for it.
Well, they're saying that now about guns.
Oh, it's public health because somebody might do something wrong, you all lose your right, and they're really setting up a medical tyranny.
You know, the Soviets did that, so did the Nazis.
A tyranny of virtue.
Let me, you know, I've told you this before.
I think I said it on your very show.
I used to be opposed to the Second Amendment.
I'm a criminal defense lawyer.
I've seen handguns destroy so many lives.
It made my heart ache.
But I'll tell you what makes my heart ache even more.
Watching on national news while cities burn and people are encouraged to engage in mostly peaceful protests at the same time that some of these protesters say, well, we're coming out to your house now.
Yeah, how do they not put Maxine Waters on their flight list?
She says basically go burn down cities.
She says get violent.
Maxine Waters calls for violence.
She should get convicted.
She shouldn't get put on a no-fly list.
I don't think Black Lives Matter should be put on a no-fly list.
I don't think anybody should be put on a no-fly list.
The freedom to travel is fundamental in this country and I don't want to have to be licensed by the United States government as fit to travel from one state to another.
I don't want to have to have my speech vetted by the government before I enjoy the privileges and immunities of citizenship.
We fought a revolution against Britain over far less than what's going on in our country on a daily basis.
I probably would have paid a few pennies tax on tea, and maybe it'll cut my tea consumption down or just paid a little more because it's only a tax on tea.
But what I can say, where I can travel, who I can associate with, how I can educate my children, these are fundamental rights.
And by the way, the Redcoats were doing all that.
The tea was just the final straw because they put taxes on everything.
Norm Pattis, tell people how they find you.
Is it pattisblog.com?
Yeah, there's planetpattisblog.com.
The law firm is Pattison Smith.
We're in New Haven, Connecticut, and I've got a new podcast called Law and Legitimacy.
So stop in.
We need to build a community of people who are speaking out, speaking together, and joining together.
Norm, we're doing it.
We love you.
Thank you, Norm.
Really smart guy.
Great guy.
Great patriot.
I'm going to go on a break, and I've got our next guest on.
I'm told he's a very well-spoken guy.
I've seen him on other shows.
Daniel McCarthy is a prime mover in the middle of the recount in Maricopa County and the Republican Party and all the battles and the inside stuff.
He's been drafted by the Republican Resistance, you know, to help, I mean, lead a lot of this.
So he's a great guest.
He'll give us the latest on the Democrats trying to block this and how hysterical they are.
And why are they hysterical?
Well, it's because they say that no one, you know, showed any evidence of fraud.
The courts never allowed that.
All we have is evidence, like a USPS driver saying I have a truck full of marked the same for Joe Biden, uncreased ballots in Pennsylvania.
I mean, people pulling out ballots from underneath the deals when they shut things down so there's a water main broke, and then they're just cramming the same ballots in over and over again for Biden in Georgia.
They stole it!
And we're not going to go away no matter how you censor us or the FBI blows the doors open.
I'm not scared of that.
I'm scared of not standing up and not speaking out.
So if you want to burn me up like Waco, I'll just pour gasoline on me.
I won't resist, FBI, because I'll be a martyr.
If they come and kill me, I did not resist them.
I will not resist.
I will sit here with the FBI.
I can just blow my head off, slit my throat, gouge my eyeballs out.
Pour gasoline on me.
I will just Christ-like take it, FBI.
They're probably going to come kill me, though, and say I resisted.
It's a lie.
They'll shotgun my ass up against the wall.
I win.
I'm not a pedophile.
They lose.
You'll burn in hell.
They think I'm crazy because I don't love Xi Jinping, because I don't love Biden, that skeleton, because I don't love all their Satanism and all their devil worship and their lawyer cowardly behavior.
I'm an American and I will not submit to you or your crap, you murderers!
The whole damn government's a bunch of...
We do not submit to your tyranny.
One of the most popular memes on the internet in the last decade has been, Alex Jones was right.
But it now routinely trends number one on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, making the globalists pull their hair out in anger.
But let me tell you, we are tomorrow's news today.
And thanks for your support.
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We're good to go.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I tell you, fighting the globalists has really got me.
I'm so committed to this fight, there's no way I'm backing down or pulling out now.
These tyrants have got to go down.
Well, a lot is happening in Maricopa County.
That's the place where we're finally getting an audit, a real one, not the same crooks running just a computer simulation.
There's been so many developments, so many people fighting it, so many people trying to block it.
And this gentleman, Daniel McCarthy, is a very successful
We're good to go.
So Alex, I can tell you with certainty that the audit that's taking place here in Maricopa County is another shell game.
It's another smoke-and-mirrors campaign to distract the public from what's really going on.
Let me paint the picture for you in your audience.
First and foremost is that this audit is a meaningless audit.
Meaning that, let's say that every one of these ballots is from China, which they probably are.
We know that they, for example, Alex, this is a great example.
One of the county board of supervisors here in Maricopa County
His chicken coop warehouse mysteriously burnt down a couple months ago, right?
And now all of a sudden we have images from Korean Airlines of ballots coming into Maricopa County, and we're supposed to expect this audit to be anything but smoke and mirrors.
So it's the GOP on the ground in Arizona, which the leader of the GOP here in Arizona, a very corrupt system in Arizona,
They just admitted to it yesterday that it doesn't matter what the results are from the audit, it's going to have no effect on the election results.
So what this is, is another shell game.
So why did the Democrats, I'm not disagreeing with you, you're the guy on the ground, why are they fighting it so hard?
Well because it's the same attorneys, so for example, there's one case right now that's being seen by the Supreme Court that actually has the ability to overturn the election results.
I'm not saying it's going to, but there's only one case.
The same attorneys
We're good to go.
We need a vaccine passport ban.
We have a few state senators that are standing in the way of history in Arizona, and what we're doing on the ground is basically muscling them and saying, no more, it's over.
This is not a game anymore.
You're talking about putting an experimental vaccine in my kids.
So what do you think a guy like me is going to do?
I'm going to stop everything I'm doing.
Listen, I'm very wealthy.
I can do anything I want to do.
These guys have a big problem on their hands in Arizona.
And let me tell you what else they're distracting us from, Alex.
These guys are trying to put the next governor
In place, which is worse than Doug Roscoe or Doug Ducey as you guys call him.
Doug Roscoe is his real name.
The next guy that they want to put in is a cartel asset, Marco Lopez.
And that's what we're standing in the way of.
So the problem they've got is that the smoke and mirrors is no longer working.
The games, the shell games are no longer working.
We're able to decipher this stuff very quickly now.
And we're ripping them to shreds is what we're doing.
Well, OK, specifically, I mean, I knew that you've been in the middle of all this.
So what is going on with the audit?
What's unfolding?
And because I mean, I believe you that it might be more smoke and mirrors.
That's all we've seen so far.
I've seen a lot of the Republican folks that I think are pretty smart gateway pundit and others have thought it was, you know, pretty good.
I really respect Joe Hoft.
Are you saying they're wrong?
What I'm saying is, it's clearly a Smoke and Mirrors campaign because they didn't even allocate enough money to do it.
The Coliseum's wide open.
We have reporters here, local reporters on the ground, doing segments on local TV, showing them going in with their cameras and laughing because they can touch ballots.
They can go in there.
There's no real security.
No, I did see Democrats brag that there's no real security and they're running around doing whatever they want.
So you're just saying, they're just taking the same old ballots and running them back through again?
They're not checking if they don't have creases?
They're not checking if they've been scantroned in by a machine?
Alex, Alex, they're not even trying to audit the down ticket like the Senate race or any of those other things.
They're only doing the presidential race, which you and I both know.
Article 2, Section 1 of the United States Constitution.
Those ballots have no merit on deciding who the President of the United States is.
It doesn't matter if they're all from China, like I'm saying.
They probably are.
And look, there's really good patriots out here doing the right thing, and there's really good operatives thinking they're doing the right thing.
More power to them.
I'm just telling you that
The reality is that it's another distraction from what's really important, which is right now we have three state senators, David Livingston, T.J.
Shope, and Tyler Pace.
These three establishment swamp monsters in Arizona, these monsters, okay, are standing in the way of history in Arizona where we were trying to make it a felony
If you tried to implement a vaccine passport, and they just watered down that bill, by the way, it was because of your guys' show, it was because of Owen's show on Monday, because we put the pressure on them, that they said, okay, we gotta do something, well what they did was, they watered down our bill, and now we're sitting here and we're saying, okay, we don't care, listen,
We're going to fix the voting.
Before I run in 2022, you know, for the governor's seat in 2022, before I do that, we will have valid elections here in Arizona.
We're taking control of Arizona from the cartels and CCP.
This is all happening.
But right now, we have a couple of knuckleheads standing in the way of a very important piece of history, in my opinion.
Alright, well I wanted to get you on, my friend, about the auditing process, but I think we've got the answer from you, and you're probably going to be right.
It's going to be a fraud.
If people want to know about Arizona politics, which I know is extremely important, what is the best place for them to visit to find the work you're doing, Daniel McCarthy?
Yes, StopTheRhinos.com.
We have the largest mobilization.
This is John McCain's CIA umbrella here in Arizona.
This is the tip of the spear.
They've had their way in Arizona for so many years and what we're doing is we're reversing that tide very quickly with very sophisticated tactics.
This is, listen, the Patriot Party of Arizona.
The Patriot Party of Arizona, StopTheRhinos.com, what we're doing is we're mobilizing the hundreds of thousands of people that supported me, and we're taking our government back in Arizona, and we're gonna, we're not, my kids are not living in communism, Alex, I assure you of that.
Well, I'm glad you're there, but that's a real bummer, because I know you're right in the middle of it, that they are, I mean, how are they, I mean, because, I mean, they are checking to see if they were creased, they are checking to see if they were done by hand, right, or they're doing nothing.
I mean, what are they doing in the audit?
Well, they're doing, you know, they're doing some type of forensic audit where they're doing ultralights and all that stuff.
Yes, the ballots are fake.
We know the ballots are fake.
We saw them fly in the ballots.
We know it's all garbage.
But that's not gonna, then if they find they're fake, that's proven.
What you're saying, the state officials are saying they don't care what the audit does?
Legally, they don't have any, there's no grounds for them to do anything.
So, for example, according to our two sections... Politically, if it's found that Trump really won Arizona, even if the state doesn't act on it, that's a pretty big deal.
I totally agree with you.
We already know they stole the election.
But we already know that.
These are all things we already know.
I know you know that, and I know I know that.
But the Democrats are fighting this for a good reason.
Listen, let's do this.
How long until the audit's over?
I would suspect that they're going to drag this thing out for months, Alex.
I would I would dare say that this thing is going to take months.
Yeah, I mean, the word is 40 days right now is what I'm hearing.
And it does look like they've got a bunch of turtles and they're doing it like they're moving, moving like sloths.
When we saw in Georgia and the CNN Center where they're just everybody's out, broken water main.
Then they start grabbing the ballots and just shoving them in the same ballots over and over again.
They were acting like they were
Uh, you know, sped up or something, but that's definitely not happening here.
All right.
Thank you so much.
Very exciting.
We appreciate you.
When we come back, ladies and gentlemen, I've got that news for you on the state of Texas.
Staying masked for children is illegal.
I'm not going to sit here and waste your time or my time and rattle off the successes and pull wars is that if you're paying attention, you know, we've done together, but I'll tell you this.
The technocrats are really upping their game and they are trying to destroy all independent forms of media.
They're trying to shudder and silence the human resistance.
So, now is the time to understand that everything we've talked about has been proven accurate.
Everything you warned your friends and family about is going to be true.
So it's now that your credibility is way up.
The power structure should have silenced those of us that they can't.
But it's up to all of us to not let them silence any of us.
We have the power.
But the sun is setting on humanity and setting on free speech.
We have to make sure that we fight hard right now to make sure that a long, dark night doesn't come.
So be the Paul Revere's you are.
CNN has almost no viewers.
The ADL is reviled and hated across the United States and the world as a pack of anti-free speech liars.
But that doesn't mean that they don't have power, just like the Southern Poverty Law Center that's just as bad.
They represent the globalists, the big power structure that wants authoritarianism and backs communist China and its death camps.
And they back bringing those similar systems here to America, and they've even officially called the ADL for my arrest for my speech, and for Mark Zuckerberg to be arrested for free speech as well.
These are very, very dangerous times.
They don't want us to be on air.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The United States is being swallowed by a demonic, communist, globalist, boa constrictor.
That's a metaphor.
Well, the mainstream media says that I believe an actual intergalactic snake is eating the planet.
And the country.
They have an AI world government takeover plan, a technocracy that will direct humans like robots, those that are allowed to live, that is, that is beyond any nightmare science fiction fantasy that we could ever imagine.
And it's now out in the open.
And everyone that thinks they're going to serve the system and get ahead are fools.
You might survive a month longer, a year longer, maybe a decade longer, but the bottom has dropped out.
Everything that made us great and strong and secure and safe and healthy and happy,
Has been abandoned.
Now a lot of people are upset, a lot of people are saying no, a lot of people are resisting.
But it is the societal rot that has allowed us to get to this point.
And it's the fact that people don't see themselves as leaders, don't see themselves in a position to take action.
Now, I mentioned this in the second hour, and I said it was coming up in the third, and sure enough, we're going to take some time to cover this now, and then later we're going to get an article, a blurb, written about this and get it up on InfoWars.com.
And it's a big deal whether you live in California, Texas, or New York.
It doesn't matter where you live.
There are similar laws on the books everywhere, but it's just an illustration how common sense, due process, the law,
Has been totally thrown aside for the whole COVID rollout.
I mean, there's a federal law.
You can't give people vaccines without animal testing in a long period of stuff because of secret testing and experiments before.
They just waived all that.
And now the FBI waives.
Hundreds of thousands of kids being handed over, many of them to complete strangers.
No background check.
There's no law they can do that, but they have what you call waiving it because they're God.
That is the Justice Department.
That is the horribly corrupt and evil Attorney General.
And the horribly corrupt and evil FBI Director.
I mean, these are bad, bad, bad men.
These are the bad guys.
And they are just getting away with bloody murder.
And we're only 100 days into Biden.
About 102 days.
And you notice it just gets worse every day.
Because no one has stopped them.
Everyone's too busy.
There's still golf courses, still movies.
Yeah, you're wearing masks.
Yeah, the economy's falling apart.
Yeah, there's homeless camps everywhere, but yeah, the border's collapsing, but it's okay.
I got stacks of news here I'll get to in a moment about the shutdown of the country, but the good news is
This is being done because the globalists know that it's their system that is collapsing and they hope to collapse us with them so they won't get repudiated so they can actually pose as the saviors as they let you know the global reset, the financial reset, the accelerated collapse that's a month off, a year off, two years off.
It's coming.
I'm not sure when.
So that you will think it's your fault or you will think it's your fault because of the universal income or all this crap.
We're in serious trouble.
I don't say that to be negative.
I say that to be honest with everybody.
These tyrants have an instinct to control.
They're control freaks.
They cannot help themselves.
When you look at them and their children and the systems of people like Bill Clinton or Chuckie Schumer or any of these people, they are mental patients.
They are control freaks.
They are
And so, yesterday after the show, one of our great editors and researchers, Rob Deuce, said to me, he said, you know, we moved out to Drippin Springs to get outside Austin.
It's a big suburb of Austin.
He said, so I, so his wife was trying to watch online, because she's a teacher, but teaches college kids, and
I used to live out there.
Seniors, but that's a side issue.
She's an education person.
She's watching the school board in the big, fancy Drumming Springs Auditorium with all the property taxes.
And it went on for hours and hours and hours and hours.
Every person was against making the children from first grade, kindergarten, all the way up to 12th grade wear masks for another year.
They've already announced, basically, it's permanent, it's forever.
I told you that a year ago, but now it's official.
But always another year, always another year, always another year.
You're dirty, you're bad, you're evil.
It's a sign you're in the cult.
Gives you bacterial pneumonia.
It dehumanizes.
It's a way to make everybody bad if you don't submit to the cult.
It's a peer pressure cult exercise.
And so Rob boiled it down to about an hour and a half, and we posted it to Band.Video.
Parents reject mask mandates.
And maybe we should change it to all parents.
It's incredible.
Austin suburb unanimously rejects masks for public school children.
Now, every time somebody gets up, they don't like what they're saying, they just fade their audio down and start shuffling papers on the microphones in front of the school board.
So you're like, well, why do we care about one school board in Texas?
This is happening everywhere.
This is all UN-directed, Bill Gates-directed, above Congress.
It doesn't matter if governors say reopen things.
It just never ends because they're not going to let it in.
It's the corporations and the bureaucracies and the school boards dominating.
But one lady got up and spoke, and you can hear them fade down her audio, so we boosted it.
Sometimes they would just completely cut people's mics off.
And she reads the Texas Code that says it's illegal
To make children or young adults wear masks.
And then if you punish them, it's even more illegal.
And then it is a form of torture because they've actually had it before where they gag students and make them wear masks.
And it's against the law and the education code to do it.
And I'm going to show you that on the Texas Code in a moment.
But isn't that amazing?
We used to have common sense in this country.
Like Sharia law for women?
Now we all wear the burqas, the beehives.
No, thank you.
And you notice you took the shot, a lot of you, and now, hey, you still gotta wear the mask.
They're never gonna let go like an alligator until they've eaten us.
Or until we get free.
So here is a parent, Amanda Beal, tells Texas School Board to end mask mandate and brings up the law.
Here it is.
Make masks optional and return school to normal.
Texas Education Code section 37.0023 prohibited aversive technique states
In this section, aversive techniques means a technique or intervention that is intended to reduce the likelihood of a behavior reoccurring by intentionally inflicting on a student significant physical or emotional discomfort or pain.
The term includes a technique or intervention that impairs the student's breathing, including any procedure that involves obstructing the student's airway, including placing an object in, on, or over the student's mouth or nose, or placing a bag, cover, or mask over the student's face.
When I reached out to you, Board of Trustees, on March 7th about violating this code, I received the following response from the President of the Board of Trustees.
Your inquiry should probably be addressed to TEA.
I assume this code provision is not applicable because masks are not being used as an aversive technique.
That is simply untrue.
Masks are being worn to prevent a student or adult from expelling respiratory droplets that may reach others.
The masks are causing physical harm and emotional discomfort.
For months, teachers, administrators, and even you have received countless phone calls and emails from parents sharing the details of the harm caused by the one-size-fits-all mask policy.
Additionally, failure to comply with this policy
Results in unjust punishment.
If you take the mask off in elementary PE, you sit in the penalty box.
If you speak too loudly in the middle of school classroom, you lose your mask break.
If you're caught without your mask on, it is not assumed you needed a break.
Instead, someone reminds you to put it back on.
If an individual feels you've taken your mask off too frequently, they threaten to send you to the principal's office or ban you from riding the school bus.
There is a reason that requiring a student to wear a mask has been specifically prohibited by the Texas Education Code for years.
If it is wrong as a disciplinary tool, it is wrong.
That is not a school.
That is a giant re-education camp brainwashing facility.
Right out of Handmaid's Tale, which they said Christians would do, and was Islam doing it, and right out of so many other Hollywood films like Avatar.
They are flaunting it.
Here it is, Title II, Public Education, Subtitle VI, Safe Schools, Chapter 37, Discipline, Law and Order.
It is a crime
To do what they're doing.
Section 37.0023.
But they don't care.
They're pushing the entire thing.
Subsection 17A and B. Look it up for yourself.
It's illegal.
It violates the law.
And it's what cults do.
And it's all a fraud and it gives you bacterial pneumonia.
But they don't care if the parents are unanimously against it.
They're a pack of knuckle-dragging criminals.
Again, I don't like to lecture people.
I'm a very private person, but because of the globalists and their attack on humanity, I've been forced the last 27 years to be a public figure, and we've given the globalists one hell of a run for their money because of God.
And I know some of our listeners get mad when I talk about God all day, but just give me a break.
The Satanism's out in the open.
I've always been a Christian, but now the fact that it's a fight between good and evil is so clear.
And I get it.
A lot of you have been turned off by big churches.
A lot of you have been turned off by the corrupt.
I think?
When listeners call into the show and thank me for all I've done, I always stop them and I say, thank you for what you've done.
Thank you for keeping InfoWars on the air.
Thank you for praying for us, and thank you for spreading the word.
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I one trillion percent believe what I'm saying.
Hell, everybody knows that.
I'll just tell you what I'm really thinking.
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That's embarrassing.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm hosting the fourth hour today.
Roger Stone was out at the grocery store about an hour ago.
When he called me back, I was texting him.
And I said, hurry home because we need to talk about Rudolph Giuliani getting raided.
By the loving New York Feds.
So he's going to be joining us coming out.
I've got a lot of other stuff to hit as well.
A lot of news I haven't gotten to.
I meant to get the calls today, but we've had so many surprise guests and so many developments.
Definitely in the next few days, I'm going to do a couple shows with pretty much only calls, because I enjoy those broadcasts.
I know you do as well.
Brings up a lot of issues, a lot of topics, a lot of questions that I would not remember to cover.
So I enjoy the calls.
But let's show this right now.
We had, a few weeks ago, a Connecticut track coach who got fired because he said, I'm not going to make them wear masks.
It makes them have blackouts.
It makes them have lower oxygen.
You get spit all over your face.
It's not normal.
It's not healthy.
And he even showed a medical literature.
They said, fine, you're fired.
And he's doing the right thing.
He's got land of his own.
He's going to start his own private track and field thing, and people are going to leave for that.
You've got to get out of the public schools.
You've got to get out of the system.
That's why they're trying to force everybody now, so we capitulate now.
And then Katie barred the door.
But there's a new article up on InfoWars.com.
Shock video.
High school runner collapses.
Blacks out, the coach said.
She was knocked out.
At finish line, it says mass-restricted breathing.
Yeah, up to 25% less oxygen, the studies show, depending on the mask.
And then also you get a bunch of spit in there.
Once the spit gets on it, it's even less oxygen.
And so, this has happened in Oregon.
So, humans gotta wear masks, you're dirty.
Men can be women.
A penis is a cervix.
They want us to believe things that aren't true.
That's what cults always get you to do, to make sure you've suspended your belief, because they're about to get you to do things that aren't good for you, that go against your common sense.
Stop rebelling against your common sense.
Stop rebelling against your gut and your spirit.
Start rebelling against the globalist.
The facts are all there, but also, go with the gut.
The facts show the gut's right.
Start rebelling against evil.
Start going with your spirit.
So here's the shock video.
High school runner, young lady.
Shocking footage from last Thursday's 800-meter race at Summit High School in Ben's Show's Masked Runner, Maggie Williams.
And by the way, our Lord and Savior, Biden, already said, you don't need to do this.
But the school board's saying, we're going to keep doing it.
We want to stay closed.
They're a bunch of spoiled brat commies.
There's still a lot of good educators, but Bill Gates has always wanted to get rid of school boards.
I don't like school boards either, and I don't like the, you know, they're supposedly local, but they're globally controlled now, being an escrow policy.
But what I really don't like is the teacher unions.
But the dumb teacher unions don't understand that Bill Gates has wanted to get rid of them forever and bring in corporate control.
They'll still be called
Public schools, but they're going to be globalist schools.
And they're walking into his trap for him to get rid of all of them, and to lay them all off.
But they don't care because they only think a week out, a month out, how many Netflix programs they want to watch, and how many Prozac pills they want to take, and how much red wine they want to drink.
That's your average liberal woman.
A lazy, stupid, selfish idiot.
And don't worry, Bill Gates will game the hell out of you, sweetheart.
He'll take your mRNA vaccine and get a bunch of tumors and die, and you'll love it.
You'll be too stupid.
You'll be on your deathbed going, I take it still.
I just, we need more funding for vaccines.
That's why it killed me.
Like the woman paralyzed from the neck down.
I think they're good.
We need more funding.
The CDC needs to protect me.
That's Stockholm Syndrome.
Break her neck, and she's like, oh, please protect me, doctor.
Like, I'm the guy breaking your neck.
It's just, they're so wedded to lies, spiritually, that they've been given over to great delusion.
So, very, very sad.
But here it is, I mean, my daughters, my son, have been in sports, and I mean, now they're telling them in Spain, wear a mask in the pool, and people are doing it!
It's all about... I mean, if they told liberals, walk on one leg or stand on your head and stick your thumb in your rear end, I'm sorry, they'd do it.
They would.
They'll do anything.
That's the thing about Stockholm Syndrome.
They drink Kool-Aid full of cyanide!
They always compare me to Jim Jones because my last name is Jones.
I'm the opposite of Jim Jones.
I'm not out at some compound with thousands of people telling them I'm God and drink Kool-Aid.
I'm saying be free, be individual, have a personal relationship with God and don't join the globalist cult.
I'm the individualist.
I'm promoting freedom.
And I got a stack of articles right here in front of me.
Where they're going, Nick Fuentes and Alex Jones are the generals with General Flynn.
It was like trending on Twitter.
Arrest him!
Put him on no-fly list!
It's just, they're like, I'll bet Jones is scared now.
I'm real scared for my children, for the future, and for dumbasses like you that think tyranny's cute.
I remember.
The New York Times one time tricked their way in here.
They claimed, oh, we want to talk about your family court trial.
We want to get your side of the story out.
Door closes.
We're hearing about Sandy Hook.
We're hearing about how you made your fortune off of it.
I go, I don't even talk about that hardly ever.
I didn't make any money off that.
And then, like, she calls her Uber.
And I'm looking at the surveillance camera to go, okay, yeah, your Uber's not here yet.
And it turns out in the New York Times, Jones was hiding in the dark, staring at surveillance cameras in fear.
No, that's you guys!
I'm out leading hundreds of thousands of people, millions in peaceful rallies against mask and tyranny and election fraud with no body armor.
I'm all over the place, everywhere.
I'm blocking smuggler vehicles.
I'm at the front lines, leading from the front.
But they gotta make me a lying, sneaky hunchback in the dark creeping around because I'm nice and like, okay, you got your car coming to get you.
Well, which side of the building is it pulling up to?
I don't know.
Well, let's look on surveillance camera.
Okay, not here yet.
That's how they work, though.
They don't totally lie.
They take something and twist it.
But that's because they're fallen.
They're neurotic liars that serve evil.
So here's the shock video.
High school runner collapses at finish line.
Says mass restrictions, uh, restricted breathing.
Well, it does in the damn literature!
Here it is!
A moment of glory.
Overshadowed by this moment of concern, Williams finished in two minutes and eight seconds, collapsing as she crossed the finish line.
I felt like I just wasn't being able to get a full breath, and multiple times of that happening, not being able to get enough air, it just, I just felt super dizzy, and then eventually... Hit pause again.
But she's got a virtue signal in the damn interview with her frickin' mask!
Take the mask off!
Yesterday, I had some dental work done in a little Mexican food restaurant right next door to it.
I said, let me have a little extra lunch.
So I stepped in the Mexican food restaurant, and I watched people come in and sit down and wait for their food before they took the damn mask off.
They'll do whatever Fauci the liar says.
It's Stockholm Syndrome, and it was in a poor area of Austin.
And it's like the poorer people are, the more they do it.
And that's just how it works.
It's very, very sad, folks.
We've got to lead these people out of darkness.
They're trying to bully us.
They're trying to tell us that we've got to take shots and do all this.
Then Tucker says, hey, just say to them, take your mask off.
Don't make children wear them.
With these virtue signalers.
They say, oh, we're bullying them.
No, you're the bullies.
You're the control freaks.
You're the politically correct.
You're the ones that ruined the colleges and ruined the society and are collapsing and all.
I'm going to cover that next hour after Roger Stone leaves us.
I've got incredible evidence of it.
But let's finish up with a young Stockholm Syndrome victim still wearing her face diaper after she almost killed her.
Times of that happening, not being able to get enough air, I just felt super dizzy and then eventually passed out.
Williams blames her lack of oxygen on the mask she's required to wear during competition.
Clearly in the past this has never happened, and then this race that I was wearing a mask, it did happen, which I don't think is a coincidence.
Her coach echoing that belief, saying this was not a conditioning issue, it was a mask issue.
It was a different response than I've seen for kids who have collapsed to the track just because they were exhausted.
She wasn't sure where she was.
She wasn't sure where she was.
All right.
But don't worry, mommy and daddy tell her they're good, because they like, people don't have a good spirit, they don't have a connection to God.
And then they want to outwardly show they're good.
I'm not saying she doesn't have a connection to God or her folks, then other people see that and they follow that, but this is all the emptiness.
You don't have privacy, you don't have your health, you don't have your future, you're being poisoned, you're being robbed by the globalists, but you've got face diapers to show how good you are, to show how you're better than other people.
It's sick!
It's disgusting, and it's evil, and it's all illegal mass medical experimentation on the old, the young, and others, and all of you that went along with it are at one level or another guilty of what you've been involved in.
All right.
I had news from the United States and today that I didn't get to, and I got a bunch of other news.
I haven't hit, but Roger Stone's going to join us first, but I want to show you
The evidence of the globals being losers and failures and how they're collapsing things because they're already collapsed.
That is coming up.
And I was going to come in tonight and do a live show and cover the joint session of Congress.
They don't call it anymore the State of the Union.
They do everything different now with the puppet.
But you know what?
No one's going to watch it.
No one cares.
And I don't think you want to see that, do you?
Because he's not even the president.
He stole the election.
So we'll have highlights of it on American Journal tomorrow morning.
And we'll also have highlights of it on my broadcast and I assume the War Room that comes on at 3 p.m.
Central, your daily dose of the Star Spangled Banner that I love so much.
Just not so much to play it every time at the beginning of the show.
Ha ha ha ha!
But we did make a beautiful one for Owen.
McBrain did it.
The best Star Spangled Banner you've ever seen is at Ban.Video.
But that's coming up in one hour with The War Room.
But the fourth hour of yours truly, Alex Jones straight ahead.
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Gerald of South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Trying to move quicker.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Take the highway to the end of the line.
End of the line.
All right, Rudolph Giuliani got raided by the feds this morning and he's supposedly going to go live here in a few minutes on ABC News.
We'll take that feed.
Uh, even when he ends up coming on.
But Roger Stone is here with us.
This is a short segment.
Some stations join us next segment.
But man, Nick Fuentes on a no-fly list trying to fly to Florida for a DeSantis rally to call for a stop of censorship.
Laura Loomer can't buy guns even though she has no criminal records.
She's been told she's on a no-gun-buy list.
We're good to go.
It's the total weaponization of the U.S.
Justice Department.
I mean, we've seen it before.
I have been a victim of it.
General Flynn has been a victim of it.
And we're told that this investigation is about Giuliani's relationships in the Ukraine.
Wait a minute.
What about Joe Biden's relationships in the Ukraine?
What about the actual recordings of Joe Biden talking about
Uh, uh,
This is right out of Nazi Germany.
This is right out of Soviet Russia.
This is not the kind of thing you expect to see in the United States.
This is one one billionth.
I mean, Nixon only thought about doing some stuff like this.
They've been doing it.
Obama did it, but now it's on steroids.
Well, this morning, a terrific story.
Joe Biden's asked for an additional $80 million for the IRS to go after, quote, rich people who haven't paid their taxes.
Well, I know where they can start.
Why don't we start with Hunter Biden?
He just moved into a $4.5 million house in California that rents for $25,000 a month.
My wife and I are having trouble scraping together the money for rent next month.
Those are the rich people that the Biden Justice Department should be going after.
But Alex, as you know, there's two standards here.
John Kerry can get caught red-handed in both sedition and I think treason in giving classified information to the Iranians.
And there will be no repercussions.
He won't be prosecuted.
Yet they make up fake allegations against people like you and I and General Flynn and others.
It's outrageous.
The question is, how much of this crap will the American people take?
The politicization of the DOJ, the weaponization of our justice system, is obvious for all to see.
And when the laws are not applied equally to every person, they are no longer the law.
Now they're an instrument of political torture.
Well, what's incredible is, and that guy's pulled the clip up, the crew's been doing the yeoman's work today, the famous clip of Biden saying, son of a bitch, I said fire the prosecutor and they did.
I mean, he went on national TV on C-SPAN and said, they were investigating me and my son, so I said, I won't give you a billion dollars if you don't fire the prosecutor, you get one hour, and son of a bitch, they fired him.
He brags about criminal activity beyond a gangster movie on TV.
I always hear the gangster tapes of like them in their restaurants talking about crimes and stuff where I watch Project Veritas videos and I go, why do people talk like criminals in front of folks even though they're criminals?
But this is like on TV saying I'm a criminal and he doesn't get in trouble, Roger.
No, we actually have heard recordings of Joe Biden discussing extraordinarily lucrative criminal activities with Ukrainian President Poroshenko.
Where is his prosecution?
Why is he allowed to walk?
Meanwhile, the U.S., pardon me, the State Attorney General in New York is having a field day rooting through all of Donald Trump's tax returns and business records.
They have no evidence of a crime, but their attitude is that there must be one.
Giant dragnet fishing expeditions.
They ought to call the Justice Department jaws.
We're going to come back in 60 seconds to recap this and play the famous clip of Joe Biden admitting crimes.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, here's Joe Biden, out of office, on C-SPAN, this was about four years ago, memory serves, saying, they were investigating my son, investigating me, should I call them, said that prosecutor had fired, you don't get a billion dollars, and I'm gonna be leaving in a few hours, and son of a bitch, they fired him.
I mean, that is illegal on every front, as illegal as it gets, and again, he was talking about when he was in office,
What he did as the Vice President of the United States.
Bragging in front of a bunch of CFR lawyers that have sold us out to China.
This is the outrageousness.
There's probably 10 crimes.
I've talked to top lawyers and prosecutors about this that he committed right there.
That they held U.S.
policy a billion dollars over whether they stopped investigating him.
And then he brags about it in front of the world.
And now Giuliani for investigating it
They're trying to indict him.
Same thing they did with Manafort.
You know, going after him because he done stuff decades ago.
Oh, but the Podesta brother, who was involved in the same deal, he was allowed to.
Involved in the same deal with Manafort.
That's how they knew about the deal.
Roger can tell you all about it.
He used to be at that place 30 years ago.
He got out of it.
Long before it went that way.
But here is the admission of crime right now by the public president.
I remember going over convincing our team, our brothers too, convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees.
I went over, I guess the 12th, 13th time to Kiev and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar loan guarantee.
And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they didn't.
So they said they were walking out to the press conference.
I said, no, we're not going to give you the billion dollars.
They said, you have no authority.
You're not the president.
The president said.
I said, call him.
I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting a billion dollars.
I said, you're not getting a billion.
I'm going to be leaving here.
I think it was, what, six hours.
I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Oh, son of a bitch.
You're fired.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see the smug look of Richard and Haas and the other guy.
I mean, these are the parasites that sold the country out.
That now that they can put conservatives on the fly list, can take our bank accounts, can put us in prison.
Roger Stone, watching this, seeing it unfolding, Rudolph Giuliani, rated for investigating.
Uh, doing his job.
Uh, you know, and I saw Giuliani on January 6th.
I'm not putting him down.
I've seen him before.
He looks super old.
Uh, I know he's still a smart guy, but I mean, they're really targeting an old guy here that lost everything he had back in the president.
Uh, and it's just a hellish situation.
A very, very bold move.
Cover the waterfront for us on this because you know the inside baseball on this.
Yeah, look, there's no crime here.
The crimes have to do with Joe Biden, who, by the way, if you listen to that tape carefully, implicated Obama in his illegal activity.
Last July, Biden himself was named in the criminal action regarding the firing of the prosecutor, Victor Shokin, who was investigating Hunter Biden.
Just this past week, as you know, I was accused of hiding a lavish lifestyle, having millions of dollars in unpaid taxes, hiding assets.
I think they have me confused with Hunter Biden.
He's the guy doing that, yet there's no prosecution of him and the media is not even allowed to cover or they're blocked from covering the corruption of the Biden family.
It is outrageous, but you can see the direction that this is going.
They are going to demonize and attempt to prosecute any political opponent of this administration.
Talk about hysteria.
Why are they so upset about a simple recount in Arizona?
Why are they trying to move mountains to stop a recount if they're so entirely confident that the results from Arizona are entirely legitimate and that there was no corruption?
No, I think that this is in many ways meant to distract
From the potential of the dominoes falling regarding Arizona.
Because if you look too closely in Arizona, you're going to find similar situations in Georgia, in Wisconsin, potentially in Michigan.
The question about the election is not over.
Now, if you went on mainstream media and you said that,
Or if you went on any social media platform other than, say, Parler, Gab, Bitshoot, and a handful of others, Telegram, you would be immediately banned for life.
It's extraordinary the extent to which they will go to silence truth-tellers.
You've experienced, Alex.
You've experienced.
I've experienced.
Our friend Laura Loomer has experienced.
It is mind-boggling the extent to which they will go to take away any criticism of the formal narrative.
That's right.
It's meant to be a chilling effect to everybody.
That's the only way they're going to win.
But it's so dangerous.
I can't believe that what's left of the Western ruling class would put in a tyranny this bad.
Don't they get it'll bite them in the ass?
Getting rid of due process?
Evidently, they do not.
What's interesting now is you're starting to have a number of foreign leaders from other countries, both allies of the United States and not our allies, questioning the mental stability of Joe Biden, questioning whether, in fact, he has dementia.
It's not so easy to censor and to close down those foreign voices.
So look, I think that this stunning raid on Rudy Giuliani's apartment and his office, where they took all of his electronic equipment, is going to be about as effective as when they raided my house at 5 o'clock in the morning and took all of my electronic equipment and found absolutely nothing.
So, will they fabricate some crime by Giuliani?
Couldn't possibly be as bad as the crimes already committed by Hunter Biden and his father.
I just don't see how they have Hunter Biden on a make-up tour rebuilding him up as a guy that exposes fake news when he admits the laptop's real when he talks about working for the head of Chinese intelligence.
I mean, they literally have a crackhead on tour
It's gaslighting.
I mean, you've been a big politico.
You've been a big analyst.
What do you make of this?
I mean, the huge joke that Bill Maher told last week.
I know you've been on the show.
I think he's a smart guy.
One week, he's saying the COVID thing's exaggerated.
We need to end the lockdown.
And then the next week, he says Joe Biden's better than ever.
We should follow him.
He's incredibly wise.
Joe Biden can't even freaking talk now.
Well, first of all, Bill Maher has a very, very difficult time separating his elbow from his derriere, if you know what I mean.
But I had to chuckle today when I saw that Hunter Biden is going to be at Tulane University talking about fake news.
Guess what?
I'll be in New Orleans that day.
I'll be at Tulane that day.
We're going to talk about fake news.
In fact, we're going to talk about the crimes of Hunter Biden.
That's a great idea.
I guess they put us on a no-fly list.
We've got enough supporters.
Maybe someone will pick us up with a power prop or something.
But when is that date?
Maybe I should join you.
I saw that on screen.
They have not announced the date of the class.
I'm waiting for that.
You know, I live in Florida.
It's not that long a drive to Louisiana, if that's what it takes.
Of course, I don't own a car, but I hope to soon.
Kind of shopping for something used with low mileage on it.
Look, this is a campaign of harassment.
As you know, Alex, last week they announced a civil indictment of me, a legal case, because they said I owed back taxes.
Yeah, I owed $800,000 in back taxes from 2007-2008.
I have paid $890,000 for those taxes.
What they are suing me over are the penalties and the interest, which are virtually always either diminished
Well, you can usually make a deal with the IRS if it's a big enough number and you can't pay for 20% of it.
You actually paid it all back and now they came back.
I knew about your problem years ago.
And then they indicted you, you spent every dime you had, sold your house, and then, again, it's total vindictiveness.
It is.
People who want to help me can go to stonedefensefund.com.
I was hoping to close that down.
I was hoping to get back to a normal life.
I've been producing some great videos for BNTV.
You can go there and look at them.
I thought life would return to normal, but now I have to fight once again to clear my name.
I know, because I was talking to you months ago, and you were like, no, no, I don't need to plug the Defense Fund.
I've got a book coming out, and I'd like to do some reports for you guys, and I'll do some speaking engagements.
And bam, you're right back in it again.
They literally hate our guts.
They want to destroy us, but thank God for the listeners.
They keep us on air.
I want to do another segment with you or more.
I want to get into big picture.
And what the governors can do, trying to draft General Flynn again, the great job he's doing, and just hope for people about a wish list, a quarterbacking plan from a great American strategist on how we can turn this around with Roger Stone on the other side of how they've now metastasized the censorship Congress did nothing about, the no-fly list.
So we said Trump will probably be taken off Twitter.
I said it two months before the election.
Ended up happening.
Now will Trump be put on a no-fly list?
We'll be right back.
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Granny Do-Right.
Granny Do-Right.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
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You know, I don't, I don't have to put on Dermablend anymore, you know.
So anyway, it worked wonderfully and it really has totally cleared up my skin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the dreaded Alex Jones broadcast.
Here only because of your support, your prayers, your word of mouth.
Embattled but stronger than ever.
Thank you all.
All right.
We're going to get into how to fight back, how to save the republic, how to build a coalition against the globalists, how to draft General Flynn, what Trump can do, next segment.
But this segment, I want to get back to Joe DiGenova, who's the guy you'd see on Hannity all the time.
About two weeks, the indictment's coming by Bill Barr and all the rest of it.
A hard-fighting lawyer, helped ferret out a lot of stuff.
Word is, he got raided along with his wife today in the Ukraine situation for investigating
Corruption into Hunter Biden and Burisma and Joe Biden.
This is direct political persecution.
What they claimed Nixon was just dreaming of.
And so this is outrageous.
I mean, the FBI's name is already bad.
But I've known some good FBI agents, you know, they cover some real crimes.
That's the rank-and-file FBI.
The political FBI, the top, and I'd say the top couple bottom as well, I mean, they just love it.
They enjoy it.
They hate America.
They hate freedom.
They love tyranny.
They love Chinese spies.
They love open borders.
It's just incredible.
So FISA court ordering target list shows it suspects patterned FBI seeking political dirt.
Joe Giovino says,
And that was back in April of last year, a year ago.
So, going to Roger Stone, this is just incredible naked political persecution.
That's exactly what it is, Alex.
This is something you'd see in a foreign country.
In other words, we are now going to demonize and prosecute our political opponents based on fabricated crimes.
Rudy Giuliani is one of the greatest men I've ever known.
He single-handedly cleaned up the city of New York, turned it from a slum to a shining city on the hill.
And of course, liberal policies have undone that.
It's unlivable today.
The New York City Rudy Giuliani left behind is long, long gone.
But now we have a full-flow witch hunt.
Let's call it Witch Hunt 3.0, because 2.0 is trying to tie patriots who had nothing whatsoever to do with the stupid, ineffective, illegal, harmful activities at the US Capitol on January 6th
That has failed, so now we're going to invent crimes pertaining to Ukraine.
There's a lot of crimes involving U.S.
policy in Ukraine.
Unfortunately, they were committed by Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, apparently with the approval of Barack Obama.
Again, a two-tiered justice system.
By the way, Alex, something else for the Infowarriors.
I'm going to be on The War Room today with my old co-host,
Rowan Schroyer.
I'm so cranked up about this, I want to talk about it some more.
Every American out there needs to know what's being done here.
This is the destruction of our democratic system.
It is a farce.
The Justice Department is involved in political prosecutions where there are no crimes.
And now they're putting people that even go in the Capitol...
And by the way, it was trending yesterday, my friend.
They were all over the place saying, we want Roger Stone, we want General Flynn, and we want Alex Jones on the no-fly list.
And I used to laugh at it a couple of years ago, and you're like, you know, they're coming after me for Russia.
And I said, you didn't do anything, because I was there.
And you'd say, watch, you got indicted.
I'm not laughing now.
Well, as you said, when that mob calls for it, the FBI clicks its heels, jumps, and says, how high, master?
And so they are really calling for us to get it.
Yeah, what happens here is, once the vitriol and the hatred reaches critical mass on Twitter, then the newsrooms at the New York Times and the Washington Post, who are in a fierce competition to see which one can be the worst newspaper in America, Wall Street Journal coming up third, close third, they immediately grab this as a story.
That, in turn, nudges prosecutors to start looking for non-existent crimes.
How much of this will the American people put up with?
That remains to be seen.
I know this.
Roger Stone has done nothing wrong.
And I will not be silenced.
I will not have my First Amendment rights stripped from me.
They have tried now three times.
I suspect they'll try a fourth time.
But I'm not going to stop fighting because I love this country.
Well, that's right.
Let's explain this.
There is a path back for us, there absolutely is.
You see, Google, Apple, Amazon, they're very, very influential on the Internet, but they don't own it.
And you can build a platform on the Internet which is difficult to de-platform, which cannot be censored based on ownership.
Roger, I want to talk about solutions, and I know you're absolutely right, the censorship is the key to everything, but I just want to go back to this for a moment.
Doesn't the average leftist understand that Trump was actually doing policies to help the economy and help them?
No they don't.
But now he's gone out of the equation and they're still supporting policies that are going to destroy their future.
Don't they understand that if you can put non-violent demonstrators on a no-fly list that no one is safe?
Don't they get the system wants to target everybody?
Don't they have common sense?
I don't want to see Black Lives Matter on a no-fly list.
I don't want to see anybody until they've committed a crime or said they're going to blow an airplane up.
I want due process.
I want America.
Why would anyone want to shred all of the safety nets that our forebearers fought and died to build?
Well, because everything is backwards, Alex.
Remember, it used to be that liberals were supporters of civil liberties.
Liberals were the proponents of free speech.
Liberals were the proponents of civil rights.
Liberals were opposed to endless foreign wars.
Now liberals are authoritarian.
Oh, I disagree with him.
Silence him.
Censor him.
Lock him up.
You know why?
Because they are devoid of ideas.
Because they can't win an honest debate over policy or over principles or over ideology.
And they also like the power of 40 FBI agents, helicopters and boats at your house, pointing guns at you and your wife and your little dogs, because they get off existentially or like reflected glory by it.
It's very sick.
It's very bizarre.
Well, I think it's designed to instill fear in patriots, you see?
They figure if they raid my house, they'll silence other people.
Well, they haven't silenced Tucker Carlson.
They haven't silenced Sean Hannity.
They haven't silenced you.
They haven't silenced dozens of other patriots.
Even though we are disadvantaged on the internet, we're going to keep fighting.
We're not going to give up because America is too great.
Well, let's talk about that before we go to break.
You're a smart cookie.
If we all capitulated, how bad would it get?
How far would the left take us?
Because they said they want to collapse the whole country.
They have such a weird hatred of the country.
They've hijacked.
If I was a robber and I hijacked a car, I'd take it and sell it.
I wouldn't burn it down just because I thought it was beautiful.
I don't get why there's such chicken shits.
It's a very difficult question because what they don't seem to understand is today it's us.
Tomorrow it will be them.
Ultimately, no one will have free speech.
Because if you ban the free speech of one individual, in essence, you're banning the free speech of all of us, ultimately.
That's the part they don't seem to get.
So today, they can hate on Roger Stone, but wait until it comes to their door.
And it will.
It most definitely will.
So let me ask you, in the one minute we have to break, we'll come back with solutions.
And also, the weird explosion right by your office that looks like Beirut.
How far would they take us?
It just seems like they just have a mission to take us to hell.
Well, you know, look, I have friends who are Democrats.
I have friends who are actually moderate Democrats who assured me that once Joe Biden was president, that he wanted to have a peaceful nation, that he would rein in the more radical elements.
You even went on air and said, I wish him well.
You tried to just say stop.
Well, look, I want the country to succeed.
I want a booming economy.
I want a job for everyone who wants one.
I want a good education.
Oh, look there, this is too important.
They reached out and said, don't worry, Roger, just let our lordship in.
You didn't help him, but you know, you said, and then boom.
No, because they're a bunch of weird, crazy people.
And a bunch of people that never really had real power that just have some weird existential hatred of America.
I mean, I would liken it to what Sigmund Freud claimed, that women have penis envy.
I don't think that's really the case, but they definitely have America envy.
We'll be right back with Roger Stone.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic.
Because I sit there and I beg you for support constantly.
For prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth.
And we're all in this together.
And it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
That is not beholden to the big corporate sponsors.
And they've harassed and almost shut down everybody else.
They've crippled all the other groups.
And as this whole new world order comes out in the open, our credibility is going up.
And we're still here.
That's why we've got to be taken off air.
That's why America has got to be taken down.
You can't have all these other nations enslaved.
You know, it's crazy to get to this point.
It's very bittersweet.
Everything we've talked about has happened just like we said it would.
And now we have a lot of credibility.
But I don't care about that.
I care about beating the new world order.
And it's because we have so much credibility, they can't allow us to stay on air much longer.
And I don't have time to tell you all the stuff they're doing to us for a lot of reasons.
I can't tell you what's going on.
But let's just say this.
We're going to see this through to the end.
We're going to stay on air as long as we can.
So, please pray for us and please buy the products at InfoWarsTore.com.
They're great products.
Plus, they fund the operation.
So, you know, unlike other products you can buy, they're still great.
No, a lot of them don't.
Do they fund freedom?
These are great products that fund freedom and fund justice when the whole world's waking up and looking for truth.
That's why the globalists are censoring.
They can't bring in all this tyranny and leave people like us on the air.
So while you're at it, don't just financially support us and spread the word.
Download everything we've done you can find and save it, because who knows how long we're going to be on the air and the enemy is trying to destroy everything we ever said.
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They want to dumb you down.
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One of the most popular memes on the internet in the last decade has been, Alex Jones was right.
But it now routinely trends number one on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, making the globalists pull their hair out in anger.
But let me tell you, we are tomorrow's news today.
And thanks for your support.
We're still on air at InfoWars.com and Bandai Video, radio stations and TV stations across the country.
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Alright, we got about 25 minutes left, 26 minutes left in this transmission.
The war room's coming up.
Of course, Rodgers will be joining him again then.
I'm with Schroyer.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
There was two minutes left of the break.
My coffee was cold.
I said, I'm going to go stick it in the microwave because I'm going to work after I get off air.
I wanted another half cup of coffee.
And I literally stumbled into the break room, fell against the wall, the cup popping out of my hand, splattering all over my face, all over me.
So I don't have time to change shirts.
The coffee's on me.
There you go.
It's all real.
Who cares?
It's a new accoutrement.
Ladies and gentlemen, we got the big fashion critic Roger Stone here with us, but let's get serious.
I was just asking you that question.
I'm going to do some of these news stories, get your take on them.
But you were hoping that Biden would just
Be an American, not sell the country out.
Be rational.
And you even hope that he would do well, because I guess you said you had some liberal friends, you know, that were telling you, oh, don't worry, once Trump's gone, all this tyranny will end.
You know, we only had to do all this tyranny to get rid of the great evil.
But as that always works, now it's actually intensifying now that they've gotten in.
So expand on what you were saying.
First of all, let's be very clear about who's really running the country right now.
You have a power-sharing arrangement between Ron Klain.
Ron Klain was Biden's Chief of Staff when he was in the Senate.
Ron Klain was Vice President Al Gore's Chief of Staff.
Ron Klain ran the disastrous Florida recount for Al Gore in 2000.
I'm very familiar with Ryan Klain.
He is sharing power with Susan Rice.
That's the woman who illegally masked and unmasked a number of Americans during the Russian collusion hoax.
These are the two people running the country.
Joe Biden, I suspect, is locked in a room where they send in gruel every once in a while.
Those folks are running this country today.
No way, Ron Kling ran the crimson contagion that was the globalist drill for the whole COVID lockdown, shut down two years before.
And if you notice, Biden, he did it again yesterday.
He says, I'm going to get in trouble if I talk more.
Am I allowed to talk?
Am I allowed to speak?
We're putting a compilation of him doing it like 30 times together.
He really acts like he's got dementia and doesn't know who he is.
This is a real crisis, isn't it?
It really is.
And I must tell you, if Susan Rice continues to treat Vice President Harris the way Jack and Bobby Kennedy treated Lyndon Johnson, I think she may regret it if Joe Biden and the actuarial tables turn out to be true.
And by the way, I don't wish Joe Biden any ill health.
I don't wish him anything but success.
I'm an American.
I'd like to see a booming economy.
I'd like to see jobs for everyone who wants one.
I'd like everyone to have a safe neighborhood, a good education.
I think we all want that.
And yes, I had moderate Democrat friends who assured me all this radicalism, all of this hate, that was all churned up by Donald Trump, they said.
The country will get back to normalcy.
The more radical wing of the Democratic Party will be in retreat and will return to centrist policies.
I don't see that happening.
What I see are FISA courts issuing, allowing warrantless searches.
I read a story just last week in the Washington Times that they have legalized drone strikes against American citizens.
Oh, let's raise that next point.
Let's show some of the HD footage.
I've been to your little office, another little restaurant right there, the Italian restaurant.
I saw that building, literally a stone's throw from you.
What the hell happened there?
It's really quite extraordinary.
The old, what used to be the Infowars studio in South Florida, now where I'm doing business in an industrial area in Oakland Park, Florida, and 250 feet from my front door, there was a massive explosion.
You see right there what is left.
Now, Eric,
Man, Kyle Mueller, a radio legend, who you introduced me to, Alex, truly a great American, he was with me and he said, we gotta go film this.
People have to see this.
Look at this devastation.
We have no explanation as to what happened here.
Now, for the crazy leftists over at Media Matters for America, no, I didn't say that this was a drone strike.
Others have
Uh, have speculated that that is a possibility, but something blew up here.
There's some reason why this building exploded, and we still don't have any official reason.
The devastation here is really extraordinary.
And people can see all the HD footage at Band.Video.
Click the left-hand nav bar and go down to the Roger Stone Zone page.
And expanding on that though, Roger, you have it coming out in documents.
That the Air National Guard under Biden's orders scrambled fighter jets to buzz and harass citizens.
You have giant barriers up around the Capitol.
You have calls for the CIA to treat Trump supporters like Al Qaeda.
You have Psaki in hearings saying, you have Congressman Nunes warning he's in hearings where they said they're going to use the CIA on Trump supporters and that we're terrorists.
So we have to ask that question when Swallowswell says he wants to use nuclear weapons on gun owners.
I mean, I guess this is a logical extension.
No, and you also see it in the harassment of Matt Gaetz.
I have still not seen any actual proof or evidence that Congressman Matt Gaetz has done anything wrong.
They want to destroy him.
Because he's not afraid to take on the deep state.
Because he's not afraid to take on the critics of the America First agenda.
It's a smear job.
They're trying to destroy this guy, the way they tried to destroy me, the way they tried to destroy General Flynn.
General Flynn was in South Florida last week, this past week, Alex, and he gave an extraordinary speech on Saturday to the Defend Florida Rally in Bredenton.
I was honored to speak just before him.
I'm telling you, this is a man of destiny.
This is a man of courage.
This is a man of principle.
If Donald Trump wants to run in 2024, I'm with him.
He can count on me.
But if he elects not to run, I think we, the American people, have got to draft General Flynn.
By the way, did somebody tape that speech?
Because I'd love to air it.
I will get you a copy of it.
I'm absolutely convinced.
Upload it to the Roger Stone Stone Zone on Bandawg Video.
Let's do this.
All right, we will do that immediately after the show.
And we can talk about it on the war room.
All right.
I'm convinced that if the president elects not to run again, and again, if he does, I'm in his corner 100%.
But if not, we have to find somebody, one individual who can hold together.
Well, let me say, I had a chance to meet
We're good to go.
In speech to Congress, everything's the opposite.
He's destroying our families with debt and control.
Critics of California governor gather enough signatures to force recall of Newsom.
Oscars plunge to lowest ratings in history despite panoply of stunts pandering as audience flee suffocating wokeness.
Oscars, bombs, lowest ratings ever, Black Panther actually gets zero awards.
IRS data shows Democrats are the party of the rich.
Yeah, they are the elite, but they claim that they're not.
Here's a bizarre Schumer watching it.
Senator Schumer says, excited to be watching the Oscars with an ice-cold plant-based beer.
Hey, dumbass, they're all plant-based.
Thanks, Joe Biden.
What the hell does that mean?
Coming this summer, gas stations running out of gas because of the year-long lockdown.
The people are out of business and bankrupt.
They've only got about 60% of the gas they're going to need.
Total hell.
And it goes on and on.
The point is, the public and the world is rejecting the left all over the planet.
Rejecting Hollywood.
And they're trying to implode us the way they're imploding.
Is there any way to stop their self-destruction?
Well, and they're apoplectic about any kind of honest recount of the Maricopa County, Arizona vote.
That's 60% of the statewide vote in one county.
Why are they so obsessed with this?
Why are they so upset?
If they're so certain that there's no improprieties, that there's no irregularities,
Then let's just let the count proceed.
But Mark Elias, the number one criminal in the Democratic Party, is in Arizona trying everything in the book to stop an honest recount.
What are they afraid of?
What are they trying to hide?
It's so obvious it's ridiculous.
By the way, this just came in.
We'll have it on the other side.
Owen Shore is going to join us as well ahead of the war.
I'm starting with yours truly, Roger Stone.
And that's they just passed by a large majority in
Florida, the ban on vaccine passports.
Vaccine passports are officially outlawed in Florida.
Now the bill passes 76 to 40.
Alright, we'll be back with Roger Scott on the other side.
Do not forget, I forgot to plug last hour, without your support we won't be here, we make it easy, a lot of great t-shirts, I'm gonna go change into one, I just spilled coffee on myself, that got all sorts of wonderful pro-liberty messages to spread the word in the third dimension.
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When listeners call to the show and thank me for all I've done, I always stop them and I say, thank you for what you've done.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're about to end the fourth hour of our global transmission.
Owen Stroyer is going to pop in in a moment and tell us what he's got loaded for bear coming up today, and Roger Stone, the former political prisoner, will be riding shotgun with his old co-host.
I really appreciate the listeners.
You know, they call in thanking me, and I just want them to know that I want to thank you.
I'm deep into this fight.
I want to stay in the fight.
I don't fear getting put in prison or killed or any of that.
I fear the globalists winning and having their way with humanity.
I really instinctively associate with humanity.
I'm like a baby duck that imprinted, you know, on the family dog and it thinks it's its mommy.
Except I'm not imprinting on a dog, I'm imprinting on humanity.
My species, the species I came from, I really love you.
And the psychos, they all think hating people is cool.
They think screwing people over is cool.
That's not who I am.
And I just want to say this, because I thought about this earlier today, and I want to say it now with Roger, because they take out of context everything we say and lie about us and say that Roger wants violence or I want violence.
Violence is how the globalists win.
I don't want any offensive violence.
I want to fix this peacefully.
I want people to come out of the trance they're in.
Who are serving evil.
But I'll tell you this, they sent 40 SWAT team people to Roger's house hoping he'd do something so they could kill him.
They had their fingers on the trigger when you watch that video.
And he's a guy in his shorts with his little dog with no history of violence.
And I know that they want to raid us.
And I'm not scared of that.
It's going to work in favor for God in the end.
And I'm totally resigned to any of it.
In fact, the sick level, fine.
That's the way it is.
Let it be.
Because the children are being killed.
They're being aborted.
They're being molested.
They're selling the baby body parts.
They're keeping them alive.
That's all coming out.
They have animal and human clones.
At a certain point, you've got to say no.
But I want to take this away from the secret police or their crazy people or some mental patient they wind up like Sirhan Sirhan or something.
I will never offensively kill anybody.
I will never kill myself.
I love life.
I will never hurt my family.
I will never attack federal officers if they raid us, which they're all over the news saying they want to do.
We have nothing to hide.
We're wide open.
They want to plant stuff, go ahead.
So if I ever get raided at home or here, and they kill me, they 100% killed me.
Because there's no gun right here, we've got licensed security people, that's that.
We are law-abiding, loving, good people.
We are not the criminals at the FBI that give, um...
I'm not the one that blew up Oklahoma City.
I think?
I'm really worried, Roger.
I was talking to a very well-known friend of ours, who's, let's just leave it at that, who's, let's just say, even more prominent than us.
He really feels the next step is they're going to try to kill all of us.
That's how bad this is, Roger.
So, let's just get it out there.
We're not going to commit suicide, and if the feds raid us, we are not going to pull guns on them, because the word is they just want to kill us.
Well, Alex, I've already lost everything.
I've already lost everything in this struggle.
And now I'm being harassed by the IRS, who know I have no assets.
I paid every penny in tax that I owed them, to date.
But now they want to torture me over penalties and interest, because they know they bankrupted me in their phony investigation.
You know, I've got to be honest with you.
At almost 69 years old, I didn't expect to be working this hard.
No, you didn't tell me to say this and nobody asked me to.
But if I wasn't using Brain Force, one of the best products in the Infowars line, every single day, I wouldn't be able to put in sometimes 16, 17, 18 hour days.
This is a great product.
I'm not being paid to tell you this, folks.
I'm being paid.
I'm telling you this because it works for me.
So, InfoWars needs your support.
Very soon, we're going to see the revamped version of StoneColdTruth.com, where I'm going to have a daily video podcast.
You'll be able to hear it on audio.
You'll be able to see it, because I want to reach more people.
But these are the fountains of truth.
And by the way, nothing against my fellow guy.
I'm going to talk to him soon.
He's a great guy.
He's a great guy, but he hasn't launched it yet.
Trump said he launched a thing, he hasn't launched it yet.
You're not the type of guy to talk about something until it's up and going.
You are really working with some top people to launch a real social network.
We really need to have that happen.
It's absolutely true.
Look, I'm very excited about what Mike Lindell is building, but I think he's being undermined from the inside.
Technologically, I mean.
But we need a thousand flowers to bloom, as Chairman Mao once said.
I want to see hundreds of social media sites that allow everybody to speak.
Left, right, center.
Including those who are non-political.
And what we need is a Patriot crowdfunding site.
They're taking banking away and crowdfunding from us.
Whoever successfully launches that
Is really going to turn the tide because they are financially involved in economic war against us.
Roger, let's bring in your former co-host.
You'll be co-hosting again with today, Owen Schroer.
Owen, hearing the Giuliani raid, the raid on others that exposed the Hunter Biden corruption, they're literally raiding them for exposing the corruption that they were involved in.
This is unprecedented.
What else you got coming up on the war room?
Well, honestly, it's just it's kind of hard to
Even cover this stuff.
I mean, we're living in a totalitarian regime right now.
We're living in an authoritarian regime right now.
This is creeping tyranny.
We're living in the twilight of America.
I mean, the gates are closing.
The walls are closing on everybody.
Go ahead.
So what commentary am I to do, Alex?
I mean, that's what's so crazy about this.
I mean, what commentary am I supposed to do?
You've got Roger Stone on here, who we've had the federal government destroy his life.
We've got them raiding Rudy Giuliani.
They're obviously going to try to intimidate him to flip on Trump.
We've got Nick Fuentes added to a no-fly list, never committed a crime.
We've got Laura Loomer not allowed to own a gun, never committed a crime.
We've got the feds up our ass 24-7.
I mean, that's the story!
That's what's happening!
That's the commentary!
That's fascism!
This is tyranny!
This should be red alert sirens!
So I don't know what it's going to take.
The problem is, most of the media that likes America, most of the media that wants prosperity or the individuals on it, they're still in their comfort zone.
They haven't had the Feds come after them.
They haven't been banned on social media.
Well, they don't know that they're rapidly devaluing all the global currencies.
There's about to be a huge collapse.
That's why this is all happening.
They're getting ready to collapse everything.
And to cover up for the crimes that they committed, to cover up from the theft that they committed from our piggy banks.
That's what this is all about.
Oh, build back better.
It's birdie-made-off types to the next level that are just going to bring in global tyranny to cover up what they've done.
The Great Reset is to cover up their financial fraud.
Roger Stone, any comments on that?
I think that's exactly right.
Look, I'm not an economist, but you can see where this is all headed.
I had hoped that Biden would pursue a more moderate course.
I had hoped that he would put America first.
But now America is clearly last.
And the Chinese insult our diplomats with impunity.
They're laughing at us.
They know half the Democratic Party's on the take, on their payroll.
Yet, the Attorney General in New York State is combing through Donald Trump's tax returns.
Meanwhile, Eric Swalwell, who is actually a red Chinese spy, or at least was sleeping with one, and who had an actual Russian asset working in his office... He's on the Intelligence Committee!
Where he has full access to classified information.
This is Alice in Wonderland time.
This guy should be removed from the Congress, never mind the committee.
Well, America's in trouble.
We're being set up for a fall.
The Chinese are launching three warships a day.
We're decommissioning ships.
They're decommissioning everything.
We're just falling apart.
I don't say that to be negative.
I say it so we know how much trouble we're in.
Pray to God for a global awakening.
Biden's dubbing illegal banned AstraZeneca vaccine on India.
It's incredible.
Guys, you're both going to be hosting today.
The War Room only got 30 seconds.
What else are you going to be covering when your show starts in three minutes?
Well, I think Donald Trump, who I believe is the president, he was rightfully elected, but we all know those shenanigans.
Donald Trump wants to get back on the scene.
He wants to get back out in front.
He wants to lead from the front.
The problem is, he's being harassed behind the scenes.
As Roger just said, they're, you know, going after his finances.
But not only that,
An interesting story from Politico, which you know is the mouthpiece for the deep state, how Trump's renewed election rhetoric is complicating Capitol Rider's legal fight.
So they're trying to gag Trump by saying, oh, if you say anything, we're going to use it against your supporters.
Oh, that's exactly, you'll be covering this today, but that's exactly what's happening.
When Trump said, I'm going to go ahead and do rallies, go ahead and get Republicans elected, now they're going after Giuliani.
The message is, we're going to get you.
Trump's doing the right thing.
He's fighting.
We're fighting.
We're never going to give up.
Thank you, Roger Stone.
Thank you, Owen Troyer.
That's it for this four-hour edition of the Alex Jones Show.
All right.
Lord willing, I'll be back tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Pray for us.
Thanks for keeping us in fighting position.
Pray for America.
It's your prayers, your financial support that keeps us here.
We love our affiliates.
We're patriot Americans.
We're going to win this together.
The enemy's in deep trouble, but they're trying to take us down with them.
Everybody's fleeing Hollywood.
They're fleeing New York.
They're fleeing L.A.
But the globalists are trying to bring us down with them.
So be strong and know that's how we defeat it.
And please go to InfoWarsTore.com.
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That's it for this transmission.
Fabulous job to the crew, guests, and everybody else.
And now, we'll be back in two minutes on the InfoWars Network with the kickoff of The War Room!