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Filename: 20210426_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 26, 2021
3235 lines.

Alex Jones discusses taking a break from technology and spending more time with family, leading to increased clarity about the current state of the world. He argues that people need to transcend evil forces behind the New World Order rather than focusing solely on resisting them. He advises listeners to trust their gut instincts when making decisions, such as choosing durable food supplies, getting out into nature, and acquiring guns for protection. Jones also emphasizes the importance of supporting local radio and TV stations that provide important information about the New World Order and Satanism. He further discusses the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on the global population, stating that tens of millions have starved to death due to restricted access to food. The speaker talks about how the globalists are using a fake virus to push for a great reset agenda. They claim that people in Africa and India are starving to death and that COVID-19 is responsible for it, but argue that the true cause of starvation is malnutrition and that the media is manipulating the narrative. The speaker promotes their products such as "bodies" and "VasoBeats," encourages listeners to buy them to support their operation, and talks about the federal government's secret radiation experiments on thousands of non-consenting patients. They recommend Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement, a film that documents the Bilderberg Group's activities and their plan for a great reset. Alex Jones discusses high-quality food products available at Infowarstore.com, encourages listeners to take advantage of 10% discount on entire catalog by using code "SUPERCELL" before stock runs out. He criticizes the idea of bowing down to royals and aristocracy and urges listeners to stand up for themselves and not act like sheep

Alright, I took off Saturday and Sunday, at least about 90%, actually unplugged myself from the computer, spent more time with the family, and it just intensified my clarity about where we are and what we're facing as a species on this planet and the big transformation, for the worse, that is taking place.
And here's the final equation.
If we don't have a total awakening to the fact that we're under threat and we're under attack, that the globalists are building what they call a post-human world, then we don't have any shot at changing this or fixing this.
And it's been the process of industrialization, it's been the process of modernization, that has really turned us into these domesticated, ignorant creatures that don't even know how to defend ourselves or take care of ourselves.
And each generation going forward is less human.
Now, there is a rediscovery of our humanity taking place, and you see the system countering that scientifically with censorship, with social control, with chemicals, with electromagnetics, to suppress the normal human system to adapt and overcome.
Instead, we're being trained to adapt to being slaves and adapt to being phased out.
And that is the entire process that is taking place.
I've gotten to the point where I can't watch a CNN piece or even a Bill Maher piece or any of these propaganda pieces because I see the writing that's involved in it and I see the multi-layered deceptions that are involved.
The level of propaganda has gotten even more sophisticated
And these are very skilled, very destructive people doing this to their own interest, even short term.
And so this is real evil.
This is real, conscious, destructive evil that is satanically influenced, inspired,
And all I can tell the general public is you better get ready.
Because where they're taking us goes one place, and that's mass war and mass death.
And I can tell you right now that I hope people like Bolsonaro and Trump and others could try to turn this around.
And you've seen a big awakening, and that's a good thing.
But things are going to get so bad, ladies and gentlemen, that I just
I'm just blown away personally, because things are moving so quick.
You know, there's also a lot of positive things happening, because there's always, for every action opposite, an equal reaction.
But I, I've really, I don't want to say transcended, but I have risen above my enemies.
I've always been disgusted by them, I've always disliked them.
But I haven't wanted to defeat them so that I could be the top dog and you know be above them in this pile of skulls they sit on top of.
I mean I transcended them a long time ago.
I guess from the time I was born.
The time spirit entered my body.
But now I've really transcended them and I think what I'm saying is the answer is transcending these people.
We have to really transcend
The New World Order and still resist it and still say no to it, but not even give it energy when we do it.
These are like sad, mad dogs with rabies foaming at the mouth out in the street.
And you know they're already done for and it's over for them.
So you need to just stay away from them and just try not to let them bite your children.
And I think that's really what it comes down to.
Because if you look at the New World Order, you look at mainstream media, look at Hollywood, these are desperately unhappy, desperate people, virtue signaling and spewing their propaganda, hoping to find peace and absolution and completion because they serve the system that is the opposite of that discord and chaos and pain and agony and betrayal and aloneness and failure.
Last week I had a caller to my radio slash TV transmission and he said to me, he said, Alex, there's all these facts and all these numbers of vaccines being recalled and people dying from it and people getting sick.
How do I reach out to my friends and family and explain to them and to warn them about the danger?
And I said to him something very profound because it's so true.
Trust your gut, trust your spirit.
The Bible tells us.
And I said, ask those friends, those family, those neighbors, do you feel good about this vaccine?
And his answer was, no, they don't feel good about it.
So, go with your gut.
Well, let me ask you again.
How does your gut feel about getting storable food?
How does your gut feel about getting out in the countryside?
How does your gut feel about getting guns and ammo to protect yourself?
Well, I know what your gut's telling you.
We have the best durable food, the highest quality, at the lowest prices you're going to find, 10% off at InfoWarStore.com right now, or PrepareWithAlex.com.
Go with your gut and fund the Info War.
Tomorrow's news today.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, April 26th.
The year is 2021.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones, promising you that this already important, informative avant-garde transmission is now going to go to the next level.
And I'm going to shake the transmission up with more of your calls, more quick guests, and more special reports, and more live, commercial-free podcasts.
You've got my commitment that here in the homestretch of going into the next level,
That I will work even harder because things are moving very, very quickly and it is essential.
And because I'm going to shake things up, something I never do, I always come on the show and hit the big stories and dive right into the breaking, censored and suppressed information, the systems fighting to make sure your family and others don't get it.
And I usually just barely plug at the end of the hour, but a couple big things have happened.
A, you need these products, they're amazing.
And B, if you don't buy them, we won't be here.
And it's that simple.
We don't have the big corporate sponsors.
We don't have the sugar daddies.
We don't have things like that.
We have people like you supporting us.
And without you supporting the broadcast, we will not be here.
So please support our local radio stations and local TV stations.
Tell them you appreciate us.
Sponsor them.
Make a donation to them.
I guarantee you this show is doing more in your local church to fight abortion, Satanism, and the New World Order.
And that doesn't mean I'm a preacher on some high horse, just we're doing more to expose the Satanists than most of these churches, so you should support local stations.
And I gotta tell you, how many stations take us from being on rebroadcast at night to during the day because of your support.
So great job on that front, but keeping this venue alive
While they're shutting almost everybody else down, it's so critical because as things get more and more intense, as the New World Order Depopulation Program gets more out in the open, people are looking for this truth now more than ever, but it's being blocked on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google, and hundreds of other platforms.
People need to go directly to Band.Video and of course InfoWars.com forward slash show.
People are very hungry for that truth, but separately,
Here's an example that illustrates what's happening with the COVID lockdown for the last 14 months around the world.
Because here in the U.S., we're only locked down in the blue states and blue cities still.
But if one employee in your factory or warehouse says they have COVID, they usually shut the whole thing down.
So most of the U.S.
is still partially crippled and partially shut down.
In Europe and the U.K., they're still almost completely shut down.
Tens of millions extra, it's just a footnote, have starved to death.
In the third world, in Africa, in India, even in China, in Latin America, in areas of Asia and the Middle East.
We've got those numbers.
When people get malnutrition, any virus will kill them.
And I said this a year ago, I said when the massive numbers have increased, starve to death because of the global lockdown, a lockdown in the first world starves people to death and kills them in the third world, a collapse in the first world kills the third world,
A depression in the first world is a death sentence in the third world.
I said it probably 5,000 times on air until listeners complained.
And now here you are.
They're starving to death in Africa.
They're starving to death in India.
And when they starve to death and die of malnutrition, when you look at the Indians dying tens of thousands a week right now extra, they all look like concentration camp victims.
And the common cold is killing them.
And then the media tells you that COVID-19 did it.
When India is starving to death now.
You can argue, well, there's a billion, 300 million Indians.
There's too many of them.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, they've always had outdoor cremations.
They've always had mass cremations for the poor.
I've had friends and family that have gone to India.
There's documentaries about it.
CNN complains they shouldn't be able to burn their dead outside.
It's bad for carbon.
But now CNN shows
The burning masses of people and says, oh, look, for the first time ever, they're burning people outside.
Well, I pulled a stack of articles and videos showing CNN two years ago complaining how they burn people in mass outside.
But are there more people dying in India?
Of malnutrition.
You know, in Venezuela, it was a thousand, five, six years ago, dying a day extra.
Then it was 2000.
Last numbers that came out were estimated at 5000 people a week.
Starved to death in Venezuela, but the government passed a law that you can't call it starvation and you can't gather those numbers.
If you're a statistician or a doctor, you'll be arrested.
And they don't even call it malnutrition.
So that's how they work, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, look!
The Indians are starving to death.
You can't even find aid groups saying they're starving to death.
But by the time it hits CNN, look, there's mass graves!
They're burning people outside!
That's how they get rid of people over there.
And anybody that has any knowledge knows that, but not the average CNN viewer.
So it's lie upon lie upon lie upon lie.
But let me get back to what I was talking about.
We haven't had bodies, our ultimate turmeric formula, in five, almost six months.
It's 95% curcuminoid.
It's the strongest you're going to find out there anywhere.
It is a best-seller.
It helps fund your operation.
Plus, it's great for inflammation, your immune system, everything.
It's a win-win.
And finally, about two months ago, I said, why is it unavailable?
They said, well, we can't get bottle caps.
I said, change the bottle.
That's all gone, too, with the breakdown.
I said, buy U.S.
No, we're trying.
Everything's shut down.
I started making phone calls.
And while all these little companies that manufacture high-end supplements go out of business, these big companies are buying them up.
And so we're having to go through... And I'm not complaining.
I'm explaining when the first world collapses, the third world dies.
Look at bodies.
I said, we'll then get whatever color cap they have available.
They go, oh, they got yellow ones, but not enough.
So I said, put a white cap on it.
But that's an example right there of how
In World War II, they were running out of copper, so they came out with steel pennies for a while.
Well, it's the same thing.
Here's your bodies.
It doesn't have a black cap.
It has a white cap, but it's the same bodies formula.
In fact, we changed manufacturers.
It's the same formula.
They wanted me to plug this, but it's a long sheet.
I'm not going to do it.
It's even stronger curcuminoid now.
This is now curcuminoid crystals.
It's so strong.
So, this is just amazing.
Back in stock, 50% off, and it funds our operation, and it's not cheap to produce.
I could give you 5% curcuminoid.
That's what average raw turmeric is.
It works great.
People love it.
This is 95% curcuminoid.
My wife has aches and pains from playing a lot of tennis and sports.
She's like, yeah, I got to take three or four horse pills of turmeric for it to work.
I said, just take mine about three years ago when it came out.
She goes, oh my gosh, one pill works better than three big ones.
So she said, why?
This bottle says more turmeric than you.
I go, because technically we just call it turmeric, but it's a turmeric extract.
And she takes it every day and loves it and has a lot less pain because of it.
So that's why it's so important.
50% off, back in stock, and hopefully now that it's back in stock, this will help fund the operation.
This is a great product.
You already need.
Separately, Vazobeats is a super concentrate beet concentrate.
We know it's one of the strongest ones out there.
Beets are obviously all the rage.
And it's got potassium, folate, phosphorus, beta-carotene, chlorine, vitamin C, and a lot more.
Helps support healthy liver, helps support athletic performance, supports healthy blood vessels, cardiovascular and heart health support, helps support the body's
Natural Nitric Oxide Production.
That is so important.
Grab a bottle of VasoBeats 50% off today and experience the true potential of nature's bounty and support the info war for a 360 win.
And by the way, I've been exhausted working too much and eating too much and all the rest of it.
This stuff all came in on Friday.
I took VasoBeats and I took bodies and I remember to take X2 this weekend.
And I feel so great this morning.
I'm energized.
My skin looks more radiant.
This stuff is just so good, and it's back in stock.
Vasovage, 50% off.
Also, Prostagard, great for your prostate, but great for all your glands.
Great for women as well, and it's got a bunch of vitamins and minerals in it.
Looks like a multivitamin.
That's back in stock, 50% off.
We're good to go.
The federal government commissioned secret radiation experiments on thousands of non-consenting patients.
Hundreds of hospitals in the U.S.
injected healthy men, women, and children with uranium and plutonium at dosage levels ranging from non-therapeutic to lethal, killing many of the test subjects.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement, is one of the most important films ever made.
14 years ago, we tracked and documented the Bilderberg Group's activities and their plan for a great reset using the threat of a fake virus.
The film now is more important than ever.
When it shot to number one on Amazon last year, they banned it.
We have it back in print, available now at Infowars4.com, selling them as low as $3.95 a piece when you buy them in bulk, and there's a zero country code, so anywhere on the planet, you can make copies.
In fact, I want you to make copies.
You are the Paul Reveres.
1776 Worldwide.
1776 Worldwide.
In game.
Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
Available now at InfoWareStore.com.
Again, I don't like to lecture people.
I'm a very private person, but because of the globalists and their attack on humanity, I've been forced the last 27 years to be a public figure, and we've given the globalists one hell of a run for their money because of God.
And I know some of our listeners get mad when I talk about God all day, but just give me a break.
The Satanism's out in the open.
I've always been a Christian, but now the fact that it's a fight between good and evil is so clear.
And I get it.
A lot of you have been turned off by big churches.
A lot of you have been turned off by the corrupt.
We're good to go.
And so that's what InfoWars is really all about.
So thank you all for your word of mouth.
Thank you for spreading the word about InfoWars and thank you for supporting us to keep us on air by visiting InfoWarsStore.com.
Because without your daily and weekly and monthly purchases, we'll be taken off the air.
So thank you for the support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I've got a lot of really important news, obviously, to cover here.
Thanks for joining us on the Alex Jones Broadcast.
But I really think it's important to always reset and just pull back and look at who the Global Star, what they stand for, and where they're taking us before we look at all this breaking news.
Greg Reese on Friday filed a report that we barely even promoted or pushed.
We should probably post it back in the live feed area of Infowars.com today so people can share it.
It's the pedophile propagandist roots of Netflix, and it's got a million plus views right now.
And, you know, I knew this information.
I know a lot of you know this, but your friends and family and neighbors probably don't know that Sigmund Freud, one of the modern fathers of psychology, was a valid pedophile.
And that most of the founders of modern psychology were pedophiles, and they still are today.
I mean, this is a group of pedophiles.
That's who they are, and what they are, and what they do.
They destroy innocents.
They're psychic vampires.
And so that's why you see the sexualization of children all over Netflix particularly, but it's on the other channels as well.
That's the cult of ghouls we're up against.
And the good news is the majority of Americans believe that there's an elite running things that are pedophiles.
Q exaggerated it, put dates on it to discredit it.
But that doesn't mean that most of what Q was saying was true.
It absolutely was true.
But they were just putting dates on it and discrediting it by exaggerating or misplacing it.
It's the only hope they've got to discredit it.
But that's okay if
You followed the whole Q thing because you meant well.
People come and they say, but Alex, Q exposed Bohemian Grove and the Federal Reserve.
Q exposed the pedophiles.
I'd be like, uh, no, that was people 60 years ago and that was myself and Ted Gunderson.
Oh, you just want the credit?
Q's getting it.
I'm like, no, this is controlled opposition to discredit you.
You need to listen to me.
And now you see what's happened.
The real stuff is all right there.
It's like on Friday.
That guy's pulled from a stack for me, thanks.
I showed you State Department Memorandum 200, and I showed you a bunch of other public documents of world leaders saying they want to kill you through vaccines that they claim are a cure, but are really the disease.
And I showed you quotes of world leaders saying that, and I showed you government documents.
I just want people to look at the proof and not some nebulous thing so that you have the facts to show people.
So that's the mind studies individual.
So here is Gregory's report.
It's at band.video on the left-hand side.
And just imagine, the truth lives there.
You go to band.video or bandthis.tv is another URL.
Takes you to the same place.
Not as censored as band.video.
Bandthis.tv isn't censored yet on Facebook or Twitter.
It will be soon.
So we'll have another URL we share that gets around the censors.
You go to the left-hand side.
There are three lines.
You click on the nav bar and you pull down all the different channels.
You'll see Gregory's right there.
And you'll find his special reports.
You can share his latest one.
But they don't want you to see.
Here it is.
Known as the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud claimed his father molested all of his siblings.
Freud was a cocaine addict, as well as a pedophile advocate, who taught that children sexually lusted after their parents.
And that children who reported sexual abuse by adults had either imagined or fantasized the experience.
He believed that women were the problem with society and all their problems stemmed from not having a penis.
Freud's grandson, Sir Clement Freud, has been accused of molesting multiple young girls and was suspected in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.
Sigmund Freud's sister, Anna Freud, whom Freud claimed was regularly molested and abused by their perverted father, gave birth to Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda.
Bernays took his family's work in psychology and used it to help governments and corporations manipulate the minds of the public.
Hired by the American Tobacco Company, Bernays manipulated women into buying more cigarettes by convincing them that smoking was a form of feminist liberation.
During this propaganda campaign, he dubbed cigarettes, torches of freedom.
Thanks to Bernays and his family's twisted legacy, social engineering became big business.
Modern psychology was used to exploit mankind's mental weaknesses.
Nurture the public's lower desires and turn people into mindless consumers.
Is it any surprise then that the great nephew of Edward Bernays is none other than Mark Bernays Randolph, the co-founder and original CEO of Netflix.
Does anyone really think this is a coincidence?
Netflix has not only replaced network television as the premier home of pop culture,
It is also continuing the degenerate, depraved social engineering of the Bernays-Freud legacy.
In 13 Reasons Why, Netflix was accused of romanticizing suicide during a recent increase of teenage suicides.
In The Devil Next Door, they were accused of rewriting history to deceive viewers into believing that Poland was responsible for establishing Nazi death camps.
In The First Temptation of Christ,
Jesus Christ is depicted as a homosexual.
And a Texas grand jury indicted Netflix for depicting child sex in the movie Cuties.
Netflix and chill.
The new preferred method for brainwashing the masses.
Brought to you by one of the most depraved, degenerate families of the modern era.
Turn it off and wake up.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Very important report at band.video and bandness.tv.
And when you study Skinner and you study all these people, Kinsey, I mean it is all humans are animals, they have no rights, we need to have sex with children.
This is just a group of people that want to rule over others and engage in mass mind control.
And a lot of them were later involved in MKUltra and other mind control operations.
But as they got deeper into it, they found that it was backfiring on them.
And so they decided to just drug out and poison the public.
And then finally, that humanity needs to be completely eradicated and that they're going to be gods and merge with machines.
And that's what most of the big tech heads believe.
These are insane megalomaniacs who are following a very, very dark spirit.
Okay, we have some huge, every day they get more insane, stories that came out Saturday, Sunday, and today with the COVID hoax.
And the fraud.
There is a real virus with the rollout.
The response is all a fraud.
But there's some hidden daggers in the dark that I want to break down for you as well, coming up on the other side of this break.
This is so important for your friends, your family, your neighbors, for strangers to know this information.
Please stay with us.
The word apocalypse means the revealing of what was once hidden.
And now that all the lies are being revealed, what will you do?
We know that millions will do absolutely nothing.
They will do whatever they are told, as if obedience is a virtue.
It is the patriots of the world versus everybody else.
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
That I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.
That I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
And that I will well and faithfully discharge my duties as best as I can.
So help me God.
Actually bought this.
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Now, with the Infowars Privacy Pouch, you can go dark wherever you choose.
Now I have my own compact Faraday cage I can take wherever I want.
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Government agencies, identity thieves, tech giants, and now contact tracers are all tracking your every move through your mobile phone.
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I one trillion percent believe what I'm saying.
Hell, everybody knows that.
I'll just tell you what I'm really thinking.
People say, Jones, why the hell did you just say that on air?
That's embarrassing.
Well, I'm not going to stop with only the good stuff about me.
But I'll tell you this right now.
You're nuts if you don't get storable food.
And I've got the biggest, best sponsor with the highest quality food at the lowest price you're going to find.
Can you spend triple or four times it and get like gourmet stuff that tastes even better?
Most of this stuff tastes amazing.
Some of it tastes okay.
The point is it's high quality, it's nutritious, and it lasts a long time.
And compared to other competitors, they can't even get close.
We've got three-month, six-month year supplies right now, and I twisted their arm so hard to give you 10% off again, because you're so conditionally fun or Supercell, we're doing it one more time.
10% off the entire catalog of my patron supply.
Get ready while you still can.
One of the most popular memes on the internet in the last decade has been, Alex Jones was right.
But it now routinely trends number one on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, making the globalists pull their hair out in anger.
But let me tell you, we are tomorrow's news today.
And thanks for your support.
We're still on air at InfoWars.com and Bandai Video on radio stations and TV stations across the country.
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I remember.
Seems like a hundred years ago.
But I guess it was back in 2009.
I made the film.
The Obama deception.
And in the film I said, in the future, you'll only get meat once a month.
Well, that was actually in the UN proposed documents.
And that's what they proposed.
And then they said, that's for adults.
Within a generation, you'll get meat once a year on your birthday.
And that's now taught officially in UK schools.
And you say, well, it'll be a while till that gets here.
Well, here it is, Michigan University study, Biden's climate plan.
But fourth, Americans who reduce their red meat consumption by 90% mean they can only consume four pounds of red meat a year, equivalent to one burger a month.
We'll be talking about that coming up.
You know, people think we just say this stuff to sound shocking.
It's a plan.
And they know that there are the same amount, roughly, of other bovine, water buffalos, plains buffalos, and others all over the planet.
There were even, on the Serengeti, more similar animals to cows, creating just as much methane gas, methane gas as part of our atmosphere.
The plants, the humans, the animals, the bugs, the insects, the plankton, we create our atmosphere.
But they tell us
But a global food council will decide who gets food and when, so they just go ahead and starve the third world with a global lockdown that's still ongoing for the third world, then organize them into giant hordes of people brainwashed against the West, then be brought here.
But already for a decade in cartoons for children, in public schools in Europe, now in Canada and Australia, they are teaching you'll get meat once a year.
If you're a TV viewer, I just showed you the British
Government-sponsored cartoon funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Rockefeller and UN Foundation.
Notice Bill Gates is on the news now.
He was at the big global Earth Day event last week.
He addressed the world leaders and they said he was in charge and none of the world leaders wore masks, but Biden did, showing he's a good gimp, a good little cuck.
And Gates said, you will only get synthetic meat made out of bug protein.
You see, you can grow bugs in a warehouse.
Where are cows grown?
That's what they call it, growing beef, cattle.
They were flying around in a helicopter over Texas or anywhere, beautiful farms and ranches, little farmhouses, big farmhouses, happy swimming pools, happy tractors, and happy little cows.
You can fly up in Nebraska or Wyoming, you can fly in Illinois, they got cows.
You can fly in Florida, they got cows.
We'll rent a helicopter.
Hell, they're only a couple hundred bucks an hour for the smaller ones.
And just go fly around and see it for yourself.
But you see the news that shows them on a feedlot going, look, they're held in captivity like chickens.
No, they're not.
Maybe 3% of the beef that they call prime, when you pay them more, they fatten them up for about a month before they slaughter them at a feedlot.
And they sit there and gorge and get fatter, just like they do that to geese to create
Different types, so what is it, pate or I forget all the names of it, to swell their livers up.
But that's the ignorance, ladies and gentlemen.
The cows are happy.
They're out there.
They produce calves that you sell a certain number a year to pay your property taxes.
And they've got the actuaries out that if you took beef production away from the U.S., it would be the final nail in the coffin of American independent agriculture.
Which is Bill Gates' plan.
And they're going ahead with regulations.
That will not even allow all the school lunch programs, all the other systems to buy beef.
And then they go on to say there'll be carbon tax on poultry.
There'll be carbon tax on fish.
There's carbon taxes on everything.
Oh, I said I'd get to that later.
I'll get to that next hour.
We're going to open the phones up throughout the transmission today.
The Health Ranger joins us in the third hour with some huge news.
You will eat synthetic meat.
You will eat bugs.
You will eat weeds.
And you will drink sewage.
These are all quotes from Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.
And if you put up with it, well, that's then what you get.
You know, let me cover this now, and then I'll cover the huge cover in this next segment.
I was thinking this weekend about Prince Philip dying, and Prince Philip talking about
How he wants world government, how he wants world depopulation, the rest of it.
And then everybody bows down to him, so in a way we deserve Prince Philip and Ted Turner and Bill Gates to behave like this, because they're all in the same club.
Oh, Gates met with the royal family quite a bit.
I mean, they're behind a lot of it.
And then the left attacks the royals.
People go, oh, the royals must be good, the left's attacking them.
And that basic reverse psychology works like a charm on people.
But I digress, ladies and gentlemen.
You see, they've got big palaces that are taxpayer-paid for.
They've got big yachts.
They've got private yachts the size of major cruise lines.
But the reason I bring up Queen Elizabeth and all the rest of these people, the Dutch Roll family is probably even worse.
The reason I raise them
Is they stand up for themselves.
They wear royal regalia.
They wear a crown.
They tell you to address them as your highness.
Well, our American system was about us kicking them out and saying, we don't address people off titles.
We address people off what they stand for and who they are and what they do, not what color they are, but the character of their deeds, the content of their deeds, how smart they are, how productive they are, how honest they are.
And that produced the most wealth the world's ever seen.
We were 5% of the population in 1955.
We had half the world's wealth.
Because we were strong and rugged individuals and upright compared to everybody else.
And we didn't bow down to somebody because they were wearing a crown.
We thought that was disgusting.
We thought that somebody's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great,
William the Conqueror, you know, conquered something in 1066 that we've got to bow down to his 20th, 50th, whatever it is, grandson.
But see, we don't stand up for ourselves.
I'll go ahead and kill those old people.
I'll go ahead and kill those babies.
Go ahead and euthanize those folks.
Yeah, go ahead and treat me like I'm dirty.
Make me wear a mask.
I'll get ahead acting like a sheep.
I'll obey the system.
It likes me.
And you're lower than a cow out there in that field that doesn't even know it's going to get slaughtered come sale time.
It's going to get turned into hamburger meat.
Oh, that old cow's already had about 10 calves.
She's getting a little old.
I'm going to go ahead and sell her off.
And they go to an auction and they buy that cow as hamburger meat.
But she gets a 10-year lifespan out there.
Oh, it's the little yearling.
Of course, the three, four month old cat that gets all massaged and fed cream that's going to be in a fine Italian restaurant is veal.
And so we don't stand up for ourselves.
We don't stand up for others.
We think we get ahead by not standing up for other people.
And all we do is get rid of the social safety net, get rid of the
Social contract.
All we do is get rid of the chivalry, and now we're wide open, and there's nobody to stand up for us, and nobody to stand up for them, and the globalists have checkmate, and have won.
And part of that was how much wealth and power we had.
We became decadent.
We're the grandchildren of people that were more decadent than their grandparents.
And more decadent than their grandparents.
And so we're soft.
And it's time for us to be slaughtered.
I just want to point out that I understand some of the arguments about mass culling.
I just want to point out that Ted Turner and Prince Philip and Bill Gates, for God's sakes, are not the best specimens of us.
And this is not even true eugenics.
And so I would respect them more if they'd all kill themselves first.
But see, they're not going to do that.
They want us to kill ourselves.
First, wear a mask.
Oh, you don't get meat anymore.
Oh, you can't travel anymore.
Oh, we're going to put this experimental shot in you.
And then you go, oh, it's safe.
I'm going to do it when it's killing you.
Start respecting yourselves.
Instead, they're building a post-human world to sabotage with the race, and the sex, and the men and women's sports, and all of this, admittedly, Tavistock Institute, CIA, all out of England.
The CIA was set up by British intelligence to sabotage the United States.
The globalists are purposely collapsing our world.
They are creating insecurity, crime, war, and famine.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The essence of tyranny is feudalism, keeping people at a subsistence starvation level.
I'm going to cover it for the next hour, then give the phone number out.
And where we're going, where our trajectory is, you're in the first world versus the third world.
Because you're going to wake up and you'll realize you're in the third world, and you are in the crosshairs as well, then you might want to just break the spell that the globalists have put us under.
They've got us under mind control.
They've got us in a fantasy land.
So let me just show you headlines.
I'm going to drill back through these for you.
This is just the latest the last few days on COVID.
Health experts, that means people on the Bill and Melinda Gates UN payroll, the ones that lied to us about every single thing, gave us all fake numbers and stand again to make money off of it, total frauds, need to go to prison.
Health experts encourage CDC to implement permanent
Mask mandates.
That's an Infowars.com article, and it links to BBC, CNN, all of them.
Well, I could have told you that.
Bill Gates said last year, well, over a year ago, when it all started, he said, oh, it's never going to end, and masks will be like wearing seatbelts, and you'll get five shots a year at least.
People are like, how did you predict it?
I didn't predict it.
They got a plan.
You know, I know a major cattleman.
I know people that own steakhouses, and they're smart folks, but
You tell them, hey, they're really coming to shut you down with regulations and controls.
They're like, Alex, America's never going to put up with that.
Oh, like phasing out regular cars?
Several states are passing laws banning the sale of non-electric cars in nine years?
The level of tyranny we'll live under is the level we put up with.
I'm sorry, I said I'd just read you the headlines.
Stanford study results face masks are ineffective to block transmission of COVID-19 and actually can cause health deterioration and premature death.
But who cares about the facts?
New studies suggest wearing a mask is ineffective.
New study highlights face mask problems with safety and efficacy.
Oh really?
It's a total damn cult.
Risk of dying from AstraZeneca vaccine higher
And here's a new article.
Than that of COVID.
Norway finds Norwegians run a greater risk of dying from being inoculated with AstraZeneca's vaccine than from COVID-19.
The National Institute of Public Health concluded in its analysis recommending the vaccine previously linked to serious complications form of rare blood clots and hemorrhaging amid low platelet counts.
Same deaths are happening with the other vaccines here.
All of the virus vector systems.
Where he uses a virus to deliver another virus and then reprogram your DNA.
Let's continue.
It's all attesting to how many of you they can kill.
CDC investigating another woman's death after J&J vaccine.
There's stacks of these.
Germany, France, back EU push to sue AstraZeneca over botched vaccine rollout.
Rats leaving the sinking ship.
Remember, why did Merck pull out three months ago?
They said you cannot produce a safe vaccine for the cold virus.
If you do, it causes autoimmune responses and allergic reactions in a large number of people.
Because they said, we don't care if you waive lab tests.
We're doing lab tests.
And even corrupt Merck said, we suggest you don't take vaccines and you just get herd immunity.
Oh, really?
Because if you make a vaccine that is broad enough for the protein that's in a cold virus, then it's going to attack your own damn body.
That's what all the top scientists said.
That's why I keep saying, why would they do something this reckless?
Well, we've done the analysis, and it's bone-chilling.
I mean, I'm not somebody that scares easy, because I'm ready to die, but I love my children.
But, I mean, I'm beyond pissed off at the globalists, okay?
Let's just say this.
I'm not afraid to die, but if a big forest fire is coming with 80 mile an hour winds, and in five minutes I'm going to be burned up, I'm going to haul ass away from it.
I'm not scared, but I'm not stupid.
Every instinct I've got is just run to the hills right now.
I mean, these people are psychotics.
Because let me explain something.
If they're killing and maiming this many people, they'll only do that if they've got something bigger planned that you'll remember this is a fond memory.
And I've got a pretty good idea of what they're doing.
In fact, it's coming into view now.
I'll explain in a moment.
I got a sick sense of humor, though, but all you leftists and all you liberals and all you FBI agents that are out there persecuting folks from the Capitol and thinking you're part of the system and all you dumb lawyers.
I mean, it's all over, folks.
It's game frickin' over.
Civilization is gone if this goes through.
And I know why God's got me on air.
It's so you devils out there that laughed at this will later repent to God.
And for the people now that are going to listen, just whatever you do, I'd get ready.
Because my gut and my intellect tells me, just, it's off the chart.
It's off the chart.
Germany, France back EU push to sue AstraZeneca over botched vaccine rollout.
Report Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines could trigger Alzheimer's, morbid studies, ALS, and other neurological degenerative diseases.
And the new report on microbiology and infectious diseases.
Oh, but look, CNNs, here's all the free stuff you get.
Krispy Kreme, Junior's Cheesecake, Nathan's Hot Dogs, and White Castle.
Wow, if you get the vaccine, you get all this free goodies.
You also get blood clots and Alzheimer's and death.
As long as I get a free hot dog, it's okay.
Here's this big article.
Let's pull this one up.
India's public health ambassador dies
Day after taking COVID vaccines, the country's top comic, one of the top movie stars in the country, popular actor and comedian, Vivek.
He received it one day, died the next of a heart attack from arterial blockages, which is in the studies.
You take an mRNA vaccine or other ones, it causes an autoimmune response.
Your body can attack your own body where you have plaques.
Similar proteins in heart plaques that can cause inflammation or you can have an autoimmune response and other things happen or you can have an allergic response.
But needless to say a lot of the folks that take it end up having these big heart attacks like DMX and others.
And so it's getting serious ladies and gentlemen.
It's getting serious and that's not the guy that died.
That's somebody going in and talking about it.
Can we pull up the article?
There it is.
There is the
Public health spokesperson telling you the vaccine is safe.
He took it on TV, and he wasn't smart like Merkel or Boris Johnson or Biden or Netanyahu.
They actually put it in him, and well, you know what happened.
He's deader than a doornail now.
Merck pulls the plug on COVID-19 vaccine program after disappointing test trials.
This is from January.
I just wanted to remind you of that and show you that.
See, they don't want to get the blame for what's coming.
Indian vaccine makers jack up prices as outbreak worsens.
First COVID triple mutant identified.
And they go on to admit that they believe, this is out of Zero Hedge, that the vaccine is causing mutations in the cells.
Oh, that's what the top scientists warned of six months ago.
In fact, here it is out of NPR of all places.
Vaccines could drive the evolution of more COVID-19 mutants that are actually deadly.
But that's okay because
Governor Cuomo didn't just kill 5,000 or 8,000 or 14,000 or 16,000.
Now it's 20-plus thousand old people died when their families couldn't come see them and they locked up the nursing homes.
And who knows what really killed them?
Because he was getting $53,000 for the companies that allowed the old people to die.
Every time somebody died of COVID.
So there you go.
What a criminal.
What a mastermind.
The cover-up continues as Governor Andrew Cuomo refuses to release COVID nursing home death numbers.
Thousands in London protesting its vaccine passports.
I love the left is talking about, hey, it's only private companies that are going to make you have the vaccine passports.
No, it's not.
It's never been the plan.
First, they make corporations make you do it, and then governments do.
Here it is.
Fully vaccinated Americans will be able to vacation to the EU this summer.
European Commission president tells New York Times they're going to make you have the vaccine to travel.
Of course, they don't tell you about little waiver forms or PCR tests you can pay for and claim you don't have it.
We have Hawaii saying people now that want to come to Hawaii have to have it, or those that travel island to island.
This is the takeover.
But I haven't even scratched the surface yet of the COVID-19 news.
Vaccine zoomed in with microscope appears to show living cells, organisms mixed in.
Mike Adams has found even more information.
He'll join us in the third hour.
I've got the really big news on what's really happening in India, how they're really dying of starvation.
And the media even claims, oh look, they're burning bodies, there's so many.
That's how they get rid of dead people over there, this cremation.
That's going to be critical information next hour and so much more on the Supreme Court to take up.
Banning concealed carry.
Now they've got a good list of who's got the guns.
Now they can ban, ban, ban.
As the Ninth Circuit just said, all concealed are banned.
So I've been saying that's a setup for a long time.
I've got a concealed carry myself.
I just said it's a stopgap to protect yourself.
It turns a right into a privilege though, and down the road they're going to be coming for that.
So that's coming up.
FBI documents bombshell.
Undisclosed entity could have paid for Seth Rich's murder.
Now the Democrats sue everybody.
They don't even ask basic questions.
It's all coming up in hour number two.
Please don't forget.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
On the first part of the journey, I was looking at all the life.
There were plants and birds and rocks and things.
There was sand and hills and rain.
Alright, this next report makes me really, really angry because it was 100% preventable.
And 100% premeditated and admitted by these monsters.
So guys, find me the UN Food Director a year ago saying this is going to starve 286 million people to death.
The left loves it.
Now it's happening.
But first, here's a very important clip from American Journal, weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
right here at InfoWars.
You're watching the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
Just look at Endgame.
I watched Endgame this weekend for the second time, really diving into it.
I mean, it talks about everything now.
I just recommend everybody just watch that and pray.
That's the biggest thing you can do right now is to make sure that you pray.
And that you just stay focused right now, because they want to attack your mind.
And that's the greatest tool that you have, and you must... Oh, my kids are trying to break in on me.
That's the greatest thing.
Yeah, congratulations to you, too.
I have a one and a three-year-old, so... Oh, congratulations.
Yeah, as a matter of fact, I can let you hear him real quick.
Y'all hear him?
Oh, I hear him.
We'll let you go.
All right, all right.
I'll go ahead and go.
Vitamin, mineral forest, lung cleanse,
Uh, the D3, man, get it everybody.
I appreciate you, Harrison.
I'll talk to y'all soon, man.
It's like banging your head against the wall.
The thing I always said about Alex Jones was, you know, when he's out there sort of being bombastic, being loud, I mean, it makes people uncomfortable.
But what he's yelling is, the bombs are falling.
We are under attack.
So while it may seem crazy, this guy's running around flailing his arms going, ah, we're under attack.
It's like, yeah, but
But what if you could hear the bombs?
What if you could see them careening towards your village about to explode and obliterate all of you?
Wouldn't you also be running around screaming?
Isn't that the correct response, actually, if you're under the threat that Alex Jones is talking about?
And now that the bombs are falling around us and dropping and exploding, everybody's going, huh, there were bombs falling this whole time?
We were under attack this entire time.
Who knew?
Why didn't anybody tell us?
That's sort of the situation.
You know, I used to say, you know,
If you don't like Alex Jones, you have to recognize that the bombs are falling and being outrageous, being loud, being angry about that is the correct response.
Is absolutely the correct response.
The fury and anger and energy that comes out when you understand the threat that you're truly under.
It is absolutely appropriate and actually necessary.
And now the bombs are falling.
People still don't get it.
Their houses are being blown up and they're like... That Alex Jones guy says bombs are falling.
Just like...
And they still don't understand, so.
Alright, but we'll keep trying.
We'll keep pushing out the message.
We'll keep trying to awaken them.
And once they're awake, let them know, yeah, the bombs are falling, but we've got a bomb shelter.
It's called liberty.
We have a shield, a magnificent iron dome protecting us from the bombardment.
And it's called activism.
It's called human engagement.
It's called the freeing of the human mind from all forms of tyranny over the minds of man.
It's called the First Amendment.
It's called the Second Amendment.
It's just that we've allowed these bulwarks to be undermined.
You know where that term comes from, right?
Undermining a wall of a castle.
Undermining defenses.
You literally mine under them to disrupt the foundation and collapse a wall so you can then get in.
That's what's happened with our bulwarks.
Every aspect of the
The facade that protects our liberties has been dismantled for a long time, so now the attack happens.
Once the wall is down, the troops invade.
That's how war works.
Information war and regular old-fashioned war.
So I'm so glad that people out there realize that and that I pray for discernment on behalf of everybody else out there that doesn't seem to recognize what's happening.
Last week I had a caller to my radio slash TV transmission
And he said to me, he said, Alex, there's all these facts and all these numbers of vaccines being recalled and people dying from it and people getting sick.
How do I reach out to my friends and family and explain to them and to warn them about the danger?
And I said to him something very profound, because it's so true.
Trust your spirit.
Trust your gut.
That's what the Bible tells us.
And I said, ask those friends, those family, those neighbors, do you feel good about this vaccine?
And his answer was, no, they don't feel good about it.
So, go with your gut.
Well, let me ask you again.
How does your gut feel about getting storable food?
How does your gut feel about getting out in the countryside?
How does your gut feel about getting guns and ammo to protect yourself?
Well, I know what your gut's telling you.
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Go with your gut and fund the Info War.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government Cover-Ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, I'm going to lay it on you right now with just one story that illustrates an entire universe of information.
And this is how my brain works, and as the Bible says, the people perish for lack of knowledge.
I took off Saturday, I took off Sunday, spent time with my family, with my children, and I said I'd put my phone away, wouldn't get on the computer, but I got some phone calls, had to go get something off of the email, and I go and can't help it, I just want to see what the enemy's up to, I type in CNN.com.
And boom, it shows New Delhi.
And it shows Indian cities and it says they're having to burn bodies outside, there's so many bodies.
I go, wait a minute, India's always for thousands of years, especially the Hindus, get rid of people via, or their bodies via fires.
And I knew about the normal death numbers and statistics in India.
And so I went and did an hour of research just to refresh my memory.
And sure enough,
The sites of cremation they were showing are the public areas, but they don't just burn people individually, they burn poor people in big, giant, mass piles.
So, they're CNN fear-mongering that India's in this big, giant crisis, and there's all this incredible fear, and we better take all our vaccines here, because everybody is dying in India, and they've got an oxygen tank
Deficiency and the U.S.
military is going to fly over there to the aid of India to save them because COVID is so real.
And then I spent more time this morning going and drilling through about two hours.
Got up at about 4 a.m.
I've got a whole giant stack of articles I'll show you right here.
I can spend the next three hours on this.
Where they actually admit that there's massive deaths in the millions, millions
They estimate over 2 million extra Indians have died of malnutrition.
That means you get skinny, you get weak, you get sick, and then any virus or bacteria can kill you.
That's what malnutrition does.
That's all the Soviets had to do was send you to a gulag and not feed you enough and you just die of any regular cold.
So I'm going to get into that in a moment.
But they estimate, I've got the numbers right here, that an extra 2 million Indians have starved to death during the lockdown, and that millions more are set to starve to death, and that people are going into sex slavery to pay their bills and all this, and that's known fact!
But now when people die, they don't even test them!
They're just saying they've got COVID, and then when they go burn their little shriveled skinny bodies that starved to death,
Under the lockdowns and under the breakdown of the supply food chains, they tell you it's COVID and then continue the lockdowns and intensify lockdowns, which then cause more people to starve to death.
See how it works?
And by the way, the left hand or the right hand doesn't know what the other one's doing.
The UN Food Director says the lockdowns are killing, in his words, 10 to 20 times what COVID is, even if you believe the inflated COVID numbers.
So this is not even debated.
That the lockdowns in the third world are starving people en masse and now Biden can be the savior to send aid of oxygen tanks when what they need is food, they need vitamins, they need minerals.
Yeah, that was early on in April last year.
They went up to 200 plus million they said was starving to death.
World Food Program warns at least 30 million people could die of starvation during pandemic.
Not from the virus!
And now, you look at the people and the dead bodies, I watched it.
Last night and this morning.
And they are little and they are shriveled.
They weigh like 90 pounds.
The men weigh 90 pounds.
The women weigh 70 pounds.
And they are burning them.
Now, let me go over these headlines for you.
I'm going to move quick.
World Food Program's David Beasley, he's the head of it, we have a clip of him in a moment, warns of dire famines in Africa, Mideast, Asia, if COVID-19 supply change damage continues, and also in India.
World Food Program warns at least 30 million.
I just showed you that.
So 130 million people could starve because of the lockdowns.
That was a few months after April.
The numbers went up.
Now it's up to 280-something million.
COVID-19 can see over 200 million people pushed into extreme poverty.
New UN development report finds starvation.
That's theun.org.
Instead of coronavirus, the hunger will kill us.
A global food crisis looms.
New York Times, back in April last year.
And we made a big deal about this.
You made a big deal out of this.
And so, top scientists came out and said, and even the UN envoy on COVID said, we should end the lockdowns.
It's starving ten times the people that COVID's killing.
But they never really ended it.
So here we are, watching people starve to death from malnutrition.
They're saying it's COVID.
They're lying and saying, look, they're burning people outside because there's so many dead.
They always do that.
They're lying to you at every level to then use that fear to keep the lockdowns going there and here that make us become poor and make them die.
Yeah, even there's the Washington Post.
Lockdowns will starve people in low-income countries, but they don't care.
It goes on.
Delhi announces lockdowns as India cases surge.
This just came out a few days ago.
So more of the lockdowns that cause starvation.
Go in your house and starve to death.
That's all they're doing is depopulating India and their government is going along with it.
You see that?
The virtue signaling dumb liberals with your dumb mask and your dumb checkpoints and all your crap.
New Delhi announces lockdowns as India cases surge.
The cases surge.
There's the fake PCR test.
And here it is, the State Department Memorandum 200, 1974, Henry Kissinger, on how to starve to death and how to kill the third world 47 years ago, the year I was born.
So let's keep moving through this, and this death sentence.
And of course, they're going to get us here now.
They're going to shut us down over the next few years.
They're going to start starving us.
They're already announcing you won't get meat anymore.
I mean, this is a real dystopia.
These people aren't playing games.
Coronavirus, India's lockdown turning into humanitarian crisis, German news, DW.
That's from six, eight months ago, admitting mass starvations, millions already starved to death.
Lockdown or starvation?
Poor economies weigh impossible choice.
Foreign policy.
Even the left admits this, but goes ahead with it.
You monsters.
Lockdowns will starve people in low-income countries.
Washington Post, again, over a year ago.
But a year later, they're not telling you why there's all this death.
Oh no, the virus did it, not the starvation.
Did the lockdowns in America kill people in Africa?
Answer is yes.
Tens of millions in India face calamitous situation due to the lockdown.
March of last year, a year ago.
And now they're dead.
Millions dead.
Got the numbers right here.
UN warns number of people starving to death could double amid pandemic.
May of last year.
130 million people could starve because of the lockdowns.
And the latest numbers are 280 plus million.
A tenth of the world could go hungry while crops rot in fields because everything's locked down.
COVID-19 linked hunger could cause more deaths than the disease itself.
New report finds.
They even tell you, but then go ahead with it.
Time Magazine.
We'd rather die of COVID than starve under the lockdown, they say in India.
And Africa.
And boy, are they starving.
COVID-19 lockdowns.
Eight-year-old dies of hunger as family struggles to make ends meet.
The wire.
Feel good about yourselves, leftists?
Well, you're like, well, there aren't too many people.
It's about your sick power and your control.
UN warns of biblical famines as coronavirus threatens to leave three dozen nations starving.
And what do they do?
Including India.
It's the number one nation per capita death.
They say it's COVID-19 and then scare us back.
So a year ago, it was China doing all that kabuki theater with all the fake stuff in the streets.
And then hyping up the regular thousands of deaths since they have those big cities of 15, 20, 30 million apiece.
And then now they're going to have us all locked down again, watching the Indians starve, that we're helping starve to death!
Raped in India, minor girls forced to trade bodies during lockdown.
Now we'll show you the rest of the fraud when we come back and explain how this can be defeated.
But this is a mass crime against humanity, killing way more than Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin did combined.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
This is incredible.
The left doesn't care about third world populations.
They want them dead.
They're a eugenics death goal.
They want everybody dead.
They're murdering criminals that must be stopped.
A hundred and seventy years ago, the British royal family financed scientists to develop a plan for scientific dictatorship worldwide.
That grew into the robber barons, and then into the eugenics movement, Hitler, and of course the rest is history.
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The Globalists are purposely collapsing our world.
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All of us should do everything we can to get prepared and get ready for ourselves and our families' sakes, but also our community.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
How many times, my friends,
So I just showed you a Henry Kissinger document that's public about killing the third world, using starvation, and dumping toxic waste on them.
Might want to go read it.
But I get it, you've got green hair, and you support Apple that runs death camps in China, and you're gay, so it's okay.
Well, I don't care that you have green hair, it's not impressive, and I don't care what you're doing with your giggling.
The issue here is that the American people had ancestors that fought for basic freedom.
That's why we're told all day how bad we are, and how we're evil, and how we can't be the model of anything, because Communist China has to be the good guy now.
And they have to dictate how we're supposed to live.
And in India, that has a huge population, the second largest in the world, their elites have the same attitude about needing to depopulate.
And maybe you can argue that that's the case.
But don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
They're killing these people.
And they have cut their food off.
And I just showed you your precious New York Times and your precious Washington Post, if you're a leftist, admitting all of this.
And so then CNN goes, look, they're burning bodies outside because there's so many dead bodies.
And there are an increase of dead bodies.
And they're calling them COVID, but they're always burning bodies outside.
But there's been an increase in bodies, several million, that they admit have starved to death.
And now there's another lockdown that will cause more starvation yet again.
This is depopulation.
So it was wrong when Hitler did it.
It's wrong when Klaus Schwab does it.
It's wrong when Bill Gates does it.
But I'm not just going to blame all the trendy authoritarian eugenicists left.
They're just cannon fodder.
They're just brainwashed.
They're just in a cult.
Where are the Christian leaders?
Where are the conservative leaders?
Where are the members of Congress?
This is a serious issue.
Yeah, they found CNN 10 years ago complaining, look, India has public mass burnings of dead people.
This is bad.
Carbon dioxide is poisonous.
You can't burn bodies.
Well, that's part of the life cycle on the planet.
And yeah, they use the ash for fertilizer.
But wait a minute.
It's the exact facilities, the exact places, that they're now showing you going, look!
They're burning bodies out in the open!
It's like War of the Worlds!
It's like... I am legend!
It's like The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price!
Where they're burning bodies!
Look at it!
That is the prescribed place in that city where they burn the bodies.
There's lines of them lined up!
Yes, because they're dying from starvation, and old age, and a mix of things, because there's 1 billion, 300, in fact, I forget the population.
I think it's 1 billion, 300 million now.
Will you guys please look up India's population?
China's what?
So it's just lie upon lie upon lie.
1.5, 1.6?
Most of them are dying of starvation from malnutrition.
That's the reality of what's going on.
All right, let's continue here.
Overhead shot, please.
India, coronavirus.
Bodies piling up at deli crematoriums as human remains burned next to the pavement.
And then these are just the open crematorium areas with the pavement around it designed to do it.
Oh, it's by the pavement!
They're burning them by the side of the street!
They defecate in the street there, too.
You know, I've never been to India, but I've got friends and family there.
I know a lot of Indian folks.
They tell me they're never going back.
They're proud of their Indian heritage, but it's a hellhole.
India is a hellhole.
One of our crew members, once on their vacation, went alone, and he was walking through, he was Jakari Jackson, he was writing a comic book about India, so he was enamored by a slum dog millionaire, and he was just walking through a street, and he fell into like seven feet of sewage, just through the ground, just through what looked like the walkway.
And so they can show you images of that.
Oh, it's bigger than I thought.
It's 1,391,000,000.
I said 1,300,000,000.
And so yeah, they're like, yeah, we got to lower the population.
Well, they're trying to do that now here to us.
Ladies and gentlemen, they're importing third world populations that they control and now forcing the farmers off of the land.
So let's continue.
India coronavirus bodies piling up at
New Delhi crematoriums, as human remains buried next to pavement.
Open air cremation, there's articles demonizing it, saying they shouldn't do it, but CNN is telling you it's a new thing.
India's burning issue with emissions from Hindu funerals.
95% of cremations in New Delhi still open air, using wood.
Oh my gosh, evil wood.
Hindu cremations, big breakdown of that from a university.
This is the reality.
How they lie to you at every single level.
And yes, could we industrialize India?
Could we educate them?
Could we slow the increase in their population?
Is the earth not sustainable at some levels?
But the globalists are suppressing new technologies.
And the globalists fly around on their private jet airplanes and live lavish lifestyles and openly say they want a post-human world, want to get rid of humans entirely, and say we're a failed species.
Because they're psychotics that have a bad attitude and are projecting their own self-loathing onto us and are not the people to carry this out, even if you believe their arguments.
These arguments are an excuse to carry this out.
And so now you know why they're giving you the vaccines that sterilize you, that aren't vaccines.
Now you know why they're covering up the fact that it's killing so many.
Now you know why they're euthanizing the old.
Because there's an agreement between governments worldwide to kill the poor people and the old people and then use the fleeing poor
That are starving the third world to then rush us, were then organized and brought into the United States.
There's a National Geographic story from what, five years ago, complaining about the big mass burning pits in the cities where they burn the people.
Not a new thing.
CNN lying to you.
But not just CNN.
I typed in India.
There were hundreds.
CNN, ABC News, NBC News, National Geographic, NPR.
Just everyone reporting that it's the end of the world.
Openly burning bodies.
Blah, blah, blah.
COVID's killing everybody.
Oh my gosh!
Worst thing we've ever seen in the world!
And meanwhile, it's the mass starvation from a lockdown and a new one that's gone in.
So let's just be honest.
The globalists are murdering millions of Indians.
Let's be honest, they're murdering millions of Africans.
Let's be honest, they're murdering millions of Latin Americans, and millions of Middle Easterners, and millions of Asians, and they're doing it, and their argument is they're doing it to save the Earth, when the globalist-owned admission is a post-industrial world, where they trigger the crisis, they trigger the collapse.
And then bring in total world government with AI control with combat robots policing us in a post-human planet.
And where even the rich in America and the world will be made poor and only a tiny super elite will have wealth.
The globalists say, after all, that's fair.
They're going to kill everybody when they're done.
So, I nominate Bill Gates.
And I nominate Prince Charles, who heads up the Great Reset, and Klaus Schwab to go first.
I don't wish you any harm myself.
I'm not calling for violence against you.
I think Bill Gates should publicly hang himself.
I think Prince Charles should publicly hang himself.
I think Ted Turner should publicly hang himself.
And if they would all go,
To one of their ranches and just have a public, international thing and say, we want to kill you, we want to save the Earth, we're going to start with ourselves?
And if Bill Gates just took an ice pick and just started ramming it in his throat?
I hate humanity!
With blood spewing, I would say, well, I respect that man.
Maybe he's right.
Then we can have the drones launch with the nerve gas and start the operation.
Which is the final mop-up operation.
Which I told you about a long time ago, now they're admitting it.
The drones are ready with the nerve gas for you and your family.
We'll be right back.
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InfoWars.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm sick and tired of giving in my own way.
Nobody rides for free on this planet.
And you got people like Bill Gates that thinks he's saving the planet, dumbing us down, poisoning us with fluoride, GMO, mutating our genetics, destroying our future, and at the very end, or the beginning,
Of their takeover operation, they admit, we want to post human world entirely.
We pray to the God of death.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I am very, very thankful that you have joined us here on this live Monday broadcast.
And I want to illustrate what's happening.
In the third world, the engineered collapse, the engineered starvation, the engineered war, the engineered death, versus Hollywood, and the left, and all the rest of them, the big banks, the big media, the big tech, giving 10.6 billion dollars to quote, Black Lives Matter groups, as a smokescreen.
What did Brandon Tatum say?
He did a great job on British program, just a few days ago.
In fact, maybe I didn't watch the show last night.
I know I sent it over to Owen.
Can you guys grab that random Tatum clip that I sent over to the show yesterday, please?
It was on British TV.
I want to play that next segment.
They said they've ridden in on a wave of dead black people.
That's what Joe Biden's done.
That's what they've all done.
That's absolutely true.
And so they use a few dozen black people, maybe shot wrong or whatever.
OK, I'm sad about that.
To cover up massive killing of old people, massive killing of people, period, all over the world, but particularly in Africa.
And you try to tell some virtue signaling leftist that, and they'll just laugh at you because they don't care about really being nice or being good.
They only care
About playing us off against each other so these globalists can steal the future.
And all these PR people and media people and tech people are auditioning for the globalists to be kinsmen in the future nightmare dystopia.
They know there's an extermination coming.
They know there's a depopulation coming.
They know the One World Government's here.
And they are all auditioning to Satan
To try to prove how good they are in the implementation of this mass culling that Prince Philip called for in five different interviews.
So they're going to tell you they're taking your guns and your free speech and your privacy for diversity.
They're going to tell you they're getting rid of your borders for diversity.
They're going to tell you they're brainwashing your kids for diversity.
They're going to tell you they're running your life for diversity, but really they're enslaving you with ruthless megacorporations and communist China and all of its mass murderers to model.
So let's start playing some of these clips.
This is Regina King, some actress that won an Oscar, who's all pissed off up there with an angry looking face because she's a good person and she's up against those bad white people.
And I tell you, if there hadn't been the proper ruling,
She'd have been putting her boots on to march against those white people.
She'll never march against Bill Gates or Hollywood.
She'll never actually stand up for any black people.
No, she'll just make millions of dollars and wear fancy $5,000 dresses and drive around in Ferraris and fly around in private jets and then bitch about evil America that produced so much wealth.
She lives like this while Africans are starving to death by the tens of thousands every day.
But she's not gonna go to Africa and see how they live.
She's not gonna go help anybody like the Christian missionaries.
She's gonna sit around and bitch about some cop making $52,000 a year.
Here she is.
It has been quite a year, and we are still smack dab in the middle of it.
We are mourning the loss of so many, and I have to be honest, if things had gone differently this past week in Minneapolis, I might have traded in my heels for marching boots.
I know that a lot of you people at home want to reach for your remote when you feel like Hollywood is preaching to you.
But as a mother of a black son, I know the fear that so many live with and no amount of fame or fortune changes that.
So, 14 black men wrongfully shot by the police a year.
It's the rarest way for a black man to die.
More than half of black men die in their mother's womb getting chopped up, but she doesn't say anything about that because she's so good.
They tell her what to say to divert while they're killing everybody.
She's an actress.
That's what's so sick about this.
Oh, we got to help India.
They're dying over there because we starving to death.
Oh, we don't have to march on the white people and burn down our own neighborhoods.
Here's another one of the idiots up there getting an award.
Telling people that there's an epidemic and disproportionately police shoot black men when it's actually the other way around.
Here it is.
On average, the police in America every day kill three people.
Which amounts to about a thousand people a year.
And those people happen to be disproportionately black people.
And, you know, James Baldwin once said, the most despicable thing a person can be is indifferent to other people's pain.
And so I just ask that you please not be indifferent.
Please, don't be indifferent.
I mean, that guy's literally up there wearing a clown suit.
He goes, police shoot three people a day?
But police shoot and kill a thousand people a year!
I mean, how many black babies do they abort a day?
He doesn't give a damn.
It's a bunch of Hollywood pedophiles and scum up there shaking their asses, hiding behind black people.
And you've got all these Oscar winners up there bitching and complaining when millions of people are starving to death every few months from the COVID lockdown, and a new one's on in India, but you don't care because it's not the prescribed thing you're supposed to say.
Well, here's video.
Here's video, ladies and gentlemen, out of Tennessee.
And this police officer
You know what, I'm going to come back from break and I'm going to get to this because I've got to find my article.
There's so many damn articles here and so much happening.
This is just crazy though to watch this unfold.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Earlier today, I heard a clip from American Journal, the Harrison Smith host.
Three-day morning, 8 a.m.
here on the InfoWars Network.
I'm listening to Alex Jones.
If you just tuned in, I'm here 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
weekdays ahead of the War Room with Owen Schroyer at 3 to 6 p.m.
and he was talking about the fact that I get upset, I get angry.
Well, yeah, because if
We know the globalists are starving hundreds of millions of people to the edge of death.
Over 10 million, the UN admits, starved to death.
That number is four or five months old in just the last year.
And India has millions starving to death.
And it's even in the news.
But then they go, oh, look, the people are dying from COVID and they're dying from starvation.
It's even in the UN literature.
They admit they're dying of starvation and malnutrition.
Then they say they died of COVID.
And then that gets India aid, which isn't used to actually save the people.
A lot of folks will then say, well, there's too many people.
But who are you to sign on to that and kill these people, folks?
And again, the left and the minions of the globalists, they always pretend like they're part of the power structure, like you're playing God.
The average leftist knows the virus is overblown.
They know the massacre hoax.
They are part of the guild of power, and they believe they're bringing in a utopia through all of this.
That's how many evil people we've got in this country and in this world that have actively joined with the bad guys.
Now, I just played, if you just joined us, just some of the ridiculousness.
I've got like a five-minute compilation.
Of black Oscar winners tearing down America, tearing down white people, talking about war, talking about the epidemic of blacks being killed by police.
You mean the media grabs a few instances and runs it over and over again?
And I'm not going to play this whole press conference, but I did watch the whole 15 minute video this morning, and they're asking the black sergeant who's talking about the white cop that shot the black guy that had two butcher knives running at him, chasing him down the street.
The officer needs to be charged.
The media's like, shouldn't he have used his taser?
And the press conference cop goes, well, no, it's actually a lethal weapon, you don't want to do that.
Yeah, somebody's running at me with two big butcher knives, and then I'm going to taser them, most of the time it sticks in the clothing so I can die, so I can virtue signal.
Brandon Tatum, who's a former police officer, makes the point, we have an issue with people going crazy, white, black, you name it.
People taking bath salts and literally eating their neighbors.
All sorts of mental illness is exploding.
We're becoming demonic.
We're falling apart.
They pull over a car.
It's got fake plates on it.
It's probably stolen.
Before we can do anything, a guy with butcher knives jumps out, tries to pull the driver out.
The cop thinks it must be a carjacking.
They don't know the facts yet.
It's a stolen Mercedes, it looks like.
And then he tries to get break in the cop car, the cop starts running from him, like 30, 40 feet back, and the crazy black dude chases the cop with a butcher knife.
And the media is like, well, maybe he should get in trouble.
And the media is still trying to cover up what happened in Columbus with the crazy black girl.
This is the breakdown of society.
Look, there's plenty of crazy videos of white people going crazy and Hispanics going crazy.
But the point is, when a black person goes crazy and the cops shoot him, it's the end of the world.
Here is the video and audio of what just happened.
Nashville cop fatally shoots a man charging him with two giant butcher knives.
Here it is.
We're giving the air.
Uh, car's still playing.
He's got a knife.
Get out of the car!
Get out of the car!
Drop the knife!
Drop the knife!
What are you doing?
Dude, what are you doing?
Drop the knife!
I don't want to shoot you!
I don't want to shoot you!
He's got a knife.
Hey, give me some cars up here.
Give me some cars.
He's got a knife.
Drop it!
Thirteen shots fired.
Give me some cars up here.
Cars to a bike just passed.
Buena Vista.
Hey, stay over there!
Stay over there!
Black people charging police with butcher knives.
I mean, this guy could have run to the neighborhood.
First, he tries to steal a police car.
Then he charges the cop who's running from him, who kills him.
And the media, by the way, once the cop said, who would take a job like that?
Where you're supposed to pull over cars that have fake license plates.
You pull them over and a crazy guy pops out like,
Jack-in-the-box with two butcher knives and starts chasing you like he's Freddy Krueger or Jason from Friday the 13th.
This is the mass mental illness.
Brandon Tatum was on national British television in Nocturnal Park.
He is going to be joining us next week.
Here it is.
Mr. Larry there.
Right, we can speak now to Brandon Tatum, a former police officer and founder and CEO of the Officer Tatum.
Thank you very much for coming on the program.
My pleasure.
So we're going to talk about lots of the wider issues just in a moment, but first of all, just wanted to get your reaction to the conviction.
Well, first of all, I think most of what I heard on the broadcast all the way here is confusing to me.
I think we're living in the twilight zone.
This conviction, in my personal opinion, did nothing for our country.
I mean, people are living a lie.
I mean, this was one police officer, one person in the community,
They found him guilty.
This was the swiftest justice I've ever seen in my life.
The day after the film came out, he was arrested.
He was tried.
Ten hours of deliberation, he was convicted.
I'm not really sure why people are acting like this is monumental.
Also, he did not get a fair trial, in my personal opinion.
There was a lot of obstruction that happened.
They paid the family out $27 million before the jury could be selected.
I mean, they're going to have a case and appeal.
So I don't know why people are celebrating and I don't know why this is such a big focal point other than people are making money off of the pain of people in our country.
So you're objecting firstly to some of the things that happened around the trial which now that there is a conviction I think we should probably park that but secondly you're upset that there's a amalgamation here of a wider sense of a landmark case and this one specific court case.
Yeah, this is not a landmark case.
I think people are, this is a political agenda.
They're pushing lies in our country.
Policing in America is not inherently racist.
We don't live in a racist country.
This was an interaction between a police officer that I thought did the wrong thing and a black man who was on drugs, high, resisting arrest.
So you reject President Biden's comments about systemic racism and it being a stain on the whole nation?
Yes, President Biden is an idiot in my personal opinion.
And he's just talking because he's a politician.
Systemic racism.
I mean, if you look at Joe Biden himself, you know, he spoke at a Ku Klux Klan member's funeral and did the eulogy.
Of course not.
We don't have a problem with racism in our country.
We have a problem with people not following the law.
We also have a problem with politicians making up things so they can get re-elected.
And that's exactly what has been happening.
That's why you never see anything change.
Alright, the full video is up on Infowars.com.
That's right.
Foreign corporations are looting the nation.
We're falling apart.
And they'll use a few sad mistakes and a few things that go wrong to try to create racial division as a distraction from what's going on.
But I'll tell you something.
They admit that they're encouraging homelessness and drug use to break down society so that as a financial collapse happens, the public will put up with it.
We're being prepared for total collapse.
The CIA has had leaked documents on that.
Today, driving to work, there are now homeless camps on every major highway on both sides everywhere.
And I was looking at the homeless camps while I was driving here to the office, and I saw crazy-looking white people.
And I'm not giving black people a pass.
I'm just saying, talk about crazy.
I saw a guy drop like a Folgers can on 290.
Some crazy old white dude climbs down in the highway, almost gets run over on the other side of the church, crawling back up the embankment.
Looked like Day of the Dead.
Looked like a zombie apocalypse.
That's what the cops deal with all day.
I wouldn't want to be a cop during the collapse of America, but it gets worse.
They want everybody's guns during this collapse so we can't protect ourselves while the Democrats all have private bodyguards and secret service and the FBI and federal marshals and they live behind big fences with the National Guard.
By the way, this footage we keep showing, this is nothing.
I'm going to go out with a camera.
I could go out for an hour and I could show you 10,000 tents in
What do they call that?
I mean, you'd have to take an hour time-lapse drive around Austin.
I mean, there's so many damned homeless people.
And here's the deal.
These aren't like hobos that are just drunks or people down and out or veterans.
They are out of their mind on hardcore drugs, running around like Day of the Dead zombies.
Civilization is collapsing.
We're a demon-possessed nation.
I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021.
And I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years.
It is truly an answer to prayer, and I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter.
You've got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together, and it has just been an incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
Again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support InfoWars.
God bless.
As negative as times are right now, and as depressing as things can be, you have to understand that this is all a test.
This experience, this life on this planet, is a reckoning.
It's God giving us a chance to work things out in the third dimension, so we can decide where we want to spend eternity, and what level we want to go to.
And it really does come down to that.
As sad as things are and as evil as things are, look at all the good in the world as well and realize that God is the author of our consciousness.
God is the author of us having our own will.
God is the author of us having free will.
And that free will is a beautiful thing.
When you look at mainstream media in Hollywood and this whole evil culture in Washington DC and Fauci and the mass cult, it's all about dominating your free will.
It's all about telling you you're dirty, you're ugly, you're in bed.
Because Satan hates you because you're made in the image of God, the creator of the universe.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live, from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
How's the newspaper committee?
It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.
You won't have seen the dictionary, 10th edition, yet, Smith?
It's that thick.
The 11th edition will be that thick.
That's where the revolution will be complete, when the language is perfect.
The secret is to move from translation to direct thought to automatic response.
No need to start, is it, woman?
Language coming from here.
The slow decay of individual identity and the cancer of guilt in a society losing its grip on free speech is spiraling out of control.
You may recall when leaders in the House of Representatives announced a rule package for the 117th Congress that included a proposal to use gender-inclusive language and eliminated gendered terms such as father, mother, son, daughter, etc.
On page 5 of the 45-page package,
Strike Chairman and insert Chair.
On page 6, strike Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, Husband, Wife, Father-in-law or Mother-in-law and insert Parent, Child, Sibling, Spouse or Parent-in-law.
And then strike Himself or Herself and insert Themself.
The House Democratic Caucus Chair was asked about the new language.
Gender-neutral language is just consistent to reflect the gorgeous mosaic of the American people in the most sensitive fashion possible.
Peace even in this chamber, now and evermore, we ask it in the name of the monotheistic God, Brahma, and God known by many names by many different faiths.
And a woman.
People in Congress are, but instead of doing something that could actually help save people's lives, they're choosing instead to say, well, you can't say mother or father in any of this congressional language.
It's astounding.
Well, now the Biden administration, in all of its neo-cultural Marxist lunacy, has decided that instead of illegal aliens, which was still being used by some government officials in press releases and elsewhere, Border Patrol and ICE should now instead use undocumented non-citizen or undocumented individual, according to the memos.
This from the Washington Times.
So what we're doing is we're putting together an entire organizational structure so that within seven days you're able to get on the phone, contact that number, find out whether there is a mother or a father.
The term alien has been used in the United States at least since the Alien and Sedition Act of 1798.
And as the dictionary continues to get smaller, according to the word police over at Thesaurus.com,
You can no longer refer to your iguana or your pet goldfish as your spirit animal due to cultural appropriation.
Throwing the term guru around is now highly offensive to Buddhists and Hindus, according to Thesaurus.com.
And the same goes for Ninja, Nazi, and Sherpa, because we aren't taking their origins serious enough.
And forget about binge-watching.
Binging is highly offensive to people with serious eating disorders.
If they can police the words you use, they can change the way you think.
And if we let this happen, eventually the word freedom, which is the basis of our republic, will be on the chopping block.
John Bowne reporting.
This is a systemic, systematic assault on reality.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Last week I had a caller to my radio slash TV transmission.
And he said to me, he said, Alex, there's all these facts and all these numbers of vaccines being recalled and people dying from it and people getting sick.
How do I reach out to my friends and family and explain to them and to warn them about the danger?
And I said to him something very profound, because it's so true.
Trust your gut, trust your spirit.
That's what the Bible tells us.
And I said, ask those friends, those family, those neighbors, do you feel good about this vaccine?
And his answer was, no, they don't feel good about it.
So, go with your gut.
Well, let me ask you again.
How does your gut feel about getting storable food?
How does your gut feel about getting out in the countryside?
How does your gut feel about getting guns and ammo to protect yourself?
Well, I know what your gut's telling you.
We have the best durable food with the highest quality at the lowest prices you're going to find.
10% off at InfoWarStore.com right now or PrepareWithAlex.com.
Go with your gut and fund the Info War.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I've been interviewing Mike Adams.
It's gotta be more than 12 years or so, maybe 14 years.
NaturalNews.com and a lot of other great news sites as well.
He also owns a big food and product testing facility here in Central Texas and a farm.
He's a good friend of mine, a smart guy.
People don't really need to have him introduced to them.
But there is so much that we're going to be talking about with him today.
But the first thing I want to get to is just a larger
A larger overview of the COVID lockdowns, the breakdown of civilization, the lockdowns they admit causing 10, 20 times the starvation, that COVID is causing death, and what he thinks they're going to do next.
Because as it comes out that the vaccines don't work, and are causing mutations, and are causing real viral shedding of really dangerous COVID viruses,
How do they think they're going to get away with that?
Well, I believe with another crisis even bigger.
That's how they normally do it.
But clearly we've gone over the edge.
They're fully committed to their operations and just how many people are dying to take the vaccines that aren't vaccines and just all the craziness.
Wow, we are really inside the new world order now.
And then also we've got a new story out that's at naturalnews.com.
It's also on InfoWars.com.
Health Ranger posts new
Microscope photos of COVID swabs, COVID masks, mysterious red and blue fibers.
And others have scanned them and found similar weird things that appear to be, well not appear, they are moving.
And then there's also German researchers have tested what's in the Pfizer shot and it appears to have things moving around in it.
And so we're going to get a hold of some samples and work with some labs like
Mike Adams to test this themselves, but clearly this is getting weirder, and weirder, and stranger, and stranger.
And we've got all these studies that the masks are actually causing all sorts of diseases.
Mike Adams, thank you so much for joining us.
What do you want to tackle first?
Well, first of all, Alex, it's very clear that there is an extermination agenda that's been unleashed against humanity.
And so every element of this COVID pandemic has been weaponized.
The vaccines are bioweapons.
The original COVID, which was designed to have a high transmission rate, was also a bioweapon.
But the real weapon is the vaccines.
And now it's clear they're going to repeat this.
They're going to say, well, your original vaccine expires now.
Those of you who signed up for a vaccine passport, the government has tracked you, but now that that vaccine has expired.
So they're going to require a booster shot to handle the new strains, the new mutants.
Well, the strains and the mutants are being created by people who get vaccinated.
You know, so they're shedding all these different strains, and that's then being targeted by the vaccine companies.
And by the way, you were one of the first people to say that a year ago.
Even NPR and the New York Times admit it's creating new strains.
It's insane.
Yeah, well, and I want to say something really important here.
If they had done nothing, no vaccines, no masks, no lockdowns, no social distancing, this thing would have already been over.
Because natural innate immunity would have already conquered this.
People would be healthier.
We wouldn't have all the suicides of children.
We wouldn't have all the bailout money, the tens of billions of dollars to the vaccine companies.
It is, in fact, the vaccines that are perpetuating this pandemic on purpose while they lock us down and they crush human economies, crush the human spirit, and crush humanity.
And this, by the way, Alex, I know you've covered this,
Combine this with the engineered food scarcity that is now accelerating across the world.
This is designed to starve people into begging for FEMA camps where the real extermination acceleration takes place.
And I'm not going to mince words here, not on your show, you know.
This is an extermination agenda against humanity, and if we don't rise up peacefully and stop this, they will enslave us all and they will kill billions of people on this planet.
We're saying that is our plan, so let's tackle that.
Let's tackle that in the five minutes before break.
The UN admits the COVID lockdown is causing 10, 20 times the starvation.
They admit that it's really mass starvation killing people in India.
Explain how this artificial food scarcity works.
Bill Gates buying up all the farmland, trying to outlaw beef.
What's going on?
Well, they have to drive people into the FEMA camps and into destitution and desperation.
They're going to use palm scanning, Mark of the Beast, grocery store tracking systems to give you your allowable quota of food purchases.
This is being experimented on right now in the Seattle area by Whole Foods, owned by, of course, Bezos.
So it's going to be Mark of the Beast, and if you don't agree to take the vaccines, your food quota will be reduced.
So it's worse than Venezuela.
They will require you to take your shots, or they will starve you to death unless you can grow your own food, or do home hydroponics, or gorilla gardening, or food storage, or something like that, right?
So this is the plan.
They know that if they can drive people into destitution, homelessness, and also joblessness because of the economic shutdowns and the lockdowns, then they can control people and exterminate them.
And by the way, the infertility effects of the vaccines are now beginning to explode.
Have you seen the stories of women
We're having insane menstruation cycles, effects, you know, incredible bleeding because of what's happening after these vaccines.
They're having spontaneous abortions.
They're having infertility.
They're no longer able to have babies.
That's in addition to the deaths that are being caused by the vaccines directly with another major death wave coming later this year, most likely in the fall due to antibody dependent enhancement, ADE.
So this is a death machine and we have to opt out of that machine in every way possible.
We've got to learn to be more self-reliant.
We've got to learn to say no to masks and no to vaccines.
I know after the break here, we're going to show the photos of what's in the masks.
I took these myself with my digital microscope.
It's mind-blowing, Alex.
There are little hooks.
There are little gripper fibers, red and blue fibers, in these masks and in the nasal swabs.
I did ultraviolet photography.
I did iodine staining on some of them to show the contrast.
It is mind-blowing what's in these masks.
And this is all getting inhaled into your lungs.
And the little hooks are grabbing on to your lung tissue.
These things are designed to cause harm, not to help.
And they do not block the virus transmission.
So that's kind of the summary of where we are, Alex, right now.
Tell folks more about what, because Wolfgang Wudar, back in December, wrote a big paper with the former chief scientist at Pfizer saying what you just said.
But explain what that ADD is for people.
That's important.
Antibody-dependent enhancement means that after you've been vaccinated, your immune system is pathogenically primed to overreact to subsequent exposure to regular pathogens in the wild, such as an influenza or a harmless coronavirus that you might get exposed to later on in the year.
Your immune system will overreact.
You'll have a hyper-inflammatory reaction that can lead to death.
And this, by the way, doesn't even cover the prion risk.
I mean, they admit in mainline science that this can cause a massive autoimmune response like the Spanish flu to any other regular virus.
Alex, you're going to see the hospitals in the fall or the winter probably filled with people who are dying from this antibody-dependent enhancement side effect of the vaccine.
And they're going to say it's a new COVID variant and not even point out that it's been vaccinated.
You nailed it.
They're going to blame the unvaccinated for that wave.
But if you check, it's only going to be people who have been vaccinated that are in the hospitals at that time.
And they're going to be dying in waves.
It's not a good situation.
This is part of the depopulation agenda.
This is going to play out over the next two to three years.
And people who have already been vaccinated, there is no undo.
Sadly, there's no undo.
Listeners, let me just tell you this.
My spirit, my instinct, my intellect says get to the country, get dug in now.
I've waited too long.
I'm so busy on air.
I haven't done it.
But I'm going to be away some in the next few months because I have to get ready.
I mean,
It's a miracle if it doesn't go to the next stage.
Bill Gates and the UN have set things in motion now that I don't think they can turn off, Mike.
Yeah, you can't turn this back.
Because once your immune system has been compromised and quote pathogenically primed, then everything else just falls like dominoes upon your subsequent exposure.
So this is already set in stone.
There's nothing that we can do except pray for those who have taken the vaccine and avoid those vaccines ourselves if we want to live.
And avoid those that have had the vaccines.
We're seeing major literature on that now.
We'll talk about shedding.
Dr. Sherry Timpini and others are exposing that.
We got Mike Adams is our guest.
Stay with us.
One of the most popular memes on the internet in the last decade has been, Alex Jones was right.
But it now routinely trends number one on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, making the globalists pull their hair out in anger.
But let me tell you, we are tomorrow's news today.
And thanks for your support.
We're still on air at InfoWars.com and Vandock Video, radio stations and TV stations.
We're good to go.
The equation is very simple.
The bank of banks control the media.
They control big pharma.
They control academia.
They control the military, industrial complex, they control big tech, and everywhere that they have been in control in the third world, they have established absolute total despotism and dehumanization.
It is the Western Christian idea of human freedom that ended slavery and that promoted women's rights and so much more that actually threatens them.
So because they can't defeat that empowering ethic, they instead co-opt it, turn it upside down, and use
The idea of equality to actually destroy human freedom and the free market that threatens their monopolies of control.
That's why they target InfoWars, because we understand the keys to defeating them.
But the only way our transmission gets out is if you promote InfoWars and ban that video.
So we double your efforts.
We're all in this together.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, welcome back to the most censored, most lied about, most demonized broadcast in the world.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Mike Adams, the health ranger, incredible investigative journalist, is with us.
And I want to get into what he found in the mask.
A lot of people were asking questions about these.
He went out and bought new ones so that it was controlled.
He has a highly certified lab.
He looked at them, and it's just bizarre.
And again, the whole thing's a fraud.
These things grow bacterial pneumonia.
They don't protect you.
That's in a lot of studies, but they're the symbol of the ongoing slavery, so the system pushes it.
So, for TV viewers, when we put the article on screen, it's at naturalnews.com and infowars.com.
You need to share this with folks, especially for children, so they understand that a lot of people are collapsing, they're passing out, they're dying in car wrecks, they have lungs that are collapsing when they make runners wear these.
This is all a giant Milgram experiment to see what we will put up with.
So, COVID swabs and masks appeared to have
Hooks and strange fibers that can be inhaled directly into the lungs.
So let's go ahead and go back to Mike Adams.
Mike Adams, what's going on here?
Well, first of all, I took these photos myself on a digital microscope, so it's clear.
This microscope is also capable of capturing video.
I know people have asked me, the number one question is, did you see anything moving?
Because there are other videos out there that appear to show little fibers and elements moving.
Maybe in response to environmental changes of humidity and so on.
I did not see anything moving, so I did not take any video on this.
These are all still shots, but if I do, obviously I'm doing more research on this.
I have more samples coming in.
We're also going to be looking at the actual cells in the vaccines themselves.
So I'm using some staining techniques and some, you know, microbiology laboratory techniques to be able to visualize those with a better definition.
I'll be publishing those in the weeks ahead.
But so far, no, I have not seen anything moving, which is good.
I would hope there's nothing, you know, alive in a mask or a swab, but who knows?
So I'm always going to be on the lookout for that.
What I have seen, as you're showing on your screen there,
And especially the purple images show the ultraviolet light imaging of these, and it shows very bizarre structures.
The one you're showing right now is in a mask, and that's a carbon fiber matrix surrounding objects that, to me, look like egg sacs.
I'm not saying that they're actually larvae or eggs or anything.
That's just the shape.
They look like little matrix cocoons.
I think that's very bizarre.
I don't know what that's doing in there.
Other images show these blue and red fibers.
Many people might associate that with Morgellons.
I'm not claiming that that's Morgellons.
I don't know what they are.
I'm just saying that these are all unedited, no Photoshop.
I just took the images.
I may have adjusted contrast and brightness a little bit, but this is raw microscopy of what's in the masks and what's in the swabs.
That's an iodine stained swab right there.
I use iodine as a stain in order to show more contrast, and you can see then the synthetic fibers coming off the swab that appear to have something on the tips, some kind of
I'm not sure what that is.
We're going to be able to zoom in more soon and get more definition.
That's also on the swab right there using ultraviolet illumination and time-lapse photography using some depth of field techniques.
And it shows weird kind of glowing, sparkling, reflecting of the ultraviolet light.
So these are all raw images.
I don't claim to know what all these things are, but I do say they are real.
This is what's in your mask.
This is what's in your nasal swab.
And we know from all the studies that it's really bad for you.
It turns out Fauci wrote one in 2008 saying most of the deaths from the Spanish Flu were from bacterial pneumonia because people were wearing the mask.
Yeah, it's very clear, Alex, that these masks contain materials that will be inhaled into the lungs.
And some of these materials appear to have little gripper heads that may be able to hook onto the soft tissue of the respiratory tract.
Let me ask you this.
I called you a few days ago and said, what do you think of the footage from a microscope on screen out of Germany?
I don't
Billionaire Bill Gates says no to sharing vaccine recipe with poor countries.
Well, that's because he doesn't want people to know what's in them.
These are experimental.
They're not even telling us.
They're saying it's proprietary.
This is a recipe for total disaster.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
And I do want to urge caution when we see things moving under the microscope.
Just a microscope light is a source of heat, and sometimes heat can cause some convection in the liquid.
So sometimes things could appear to be moving.
That's why I'm being very cautious about this.
But I'm going to do more investigations, and we do need to be on the lookout for what's in the vaccines, the masks, and the swabs.
Well, Mike, what you need to do... What you need is you've got a certified lab.
We can do this too, but you've got a lab.
Why don't you wear a mask for a day, show a clean mask under an electron microscope or under a microscope, and then show a dirty one.
Now that's what we know is going to be growing in that sucker.
I don't know that I want to wear a mask, but I'll do it for science.
Just for a day.
Just to run the experiment.
Why not?
That's a great idea.
Well, please come back home when that happens, but we've got the rest of the hour with you.
I want to pick your brain on other subjects now.
What do you make of Bill Gates wanting to keep, in all these vaccines that he's helped produce, secret?
I mean, A, how does he have the power to do that?
It shows he's in charge of everything.
And then B, I mean, that's just another illustration of how secretive this is.
Well, it's very clear that they're putting things in these vaccines that if people knew what was in there, they would not take them.
And by the way, part of the emergency authorization use that was granted by the FDA allows vaccine manufacturers to not tell the public what ingredients they're using.
That's actually part of that emergency authorization protocol.
So they can skip the normal requirements for complete disclosure, which means that we absolutely do not know what's in these vaccines.
They are withholding that information.
And we could assume, though, that there's a nefarious reason for this, because they're probably putting things in there that are designed to accelerate vaccine reactions, vaccine viral shedding, as well as infertility effects, which Bill Gates has been an advocate of for, you know, a decade or more, and also possibly to cause all of these blood clots, which end up causing heart attacks and strokes and lung problems.
You know, blood clots, which are caused by all the four vaccines approved in the United States right now,
Blood clots, they appear as different symptoms in different parts of the body.
So, a blood clot in the brain might be diagnosed as a stroke.
A blood clot in the heart might cause a heart attack.
You know, blood clots in the lungs would have a different diagnosis.
So, blood clots are circulating in the body and then that's the diagnosis that's given so that doctors say, well, it wasn't the vaccine.
No, it was a heart attack.
The heart attack was caused by the blood clots from the vaccine, from the antibodies, which cause blood platelet aggregation in the body.
Well, guess what?
So even the antibodies themselves are biologically active.
Mike Yeadon, formerly from Pfizer, he talked about this.
They're biologically active.
So the antibodies themselves are causing coagulation of the blood that's leading to blood clots and deaths.
And let's let that sink in.
Let's let that sink in when we come back.
All four of these vaccines are banned in dozens of countries apiece, from the Pfizer to the AstraZeneca.
But then they act like we're kooks when we say, look out, when we said look out before.
So this is all a process, just like with autism, to see how bad they can hurt us and can they get away with it.
And to cover up the autism with an even bigger crisis, what will the next crisis be that they cover things up?
Well, that's
Uh, that A.D.E.
that Mike Adams was just talking about.
He knows what he's talking about.
There is a lot to go over, a lot to break down.
Please tell everyone you know on Twitter, Facebook, everywhere, while you still can, to tune in now to infowares.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com
But I'll tell you this.
The technocrats are really upping their game.
And they are trying to destroy all independent forms of media.
They're trying to shudder and silence the human resistance.
So, now is the time to understand that everything we've talked about has been proven accurate.
Everything you warned your friends and family about is going to be true.
So it's now that your credibility is way up.
The power structures are to silence those of us that they can.
But it's up to all of us to not let them silence any of us.
We have the power.
But the sun is setting on humanity and setting on free speech.
We have to make sure that we fight hard right now to make sure that long, dark night doesn't come.
So be the polar bears you are.
Gerald in South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Trying to move quicker.
Would like to say, first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee, and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
That's right where we're at.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it, because God created this country.
I one trillion percent believe what I'm saying.
Hell, everybody knows that.
I'll just tell you what I'm really thinking.
People say, well, Jones, why the hell did you just say that on air?
That's embarrassing.
Well, I'm not going to stop with only the good stuff about me.
But I'll tell you this right now.
You're nuts if you don't get storable food.
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Some of it tastes okay.
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And if you take that action, I demand you tell others you've given a copy to that they make copies and share it as well.
That will trigger distribution by proxy, meaning we the people cannot be stopped.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Capitol Police Department in order to foment a false narrative for the power-hungry cowards of the U.S.
We will carry these heroes and their families with us for the rest of our careers.
Their deaths will not be in vain.
Capitol officer Sicknick, who has died in the line of duty.
Our sympathies and our concerns go out for his family.
And the people responsible should be held accountable.
He faced down terrorist attackers and sacrificed himself, his own safety, his own security, and ultimately his life.
On January 6, 2021, he joined his fellow police officers to defend the Capitol from invasion by a violent mob.
He was attacked by the invaders, pepper sprayed twice and reportedly hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.
He later collapsed in his office as a result of his injuries and was transported to the hospital.
Or he died the next day.
On January 6th, Brian Sicknick texted his brother twice after being hit with pepper spray, telling him he was in good shape.
But sometime after 10pm, Sicknick collapsed and was taken to a DC hospital where he was put on a ventilator after suffering from two strokes and a blood clot.
Around 9.30 p.m.
on January 7th, Sicknick died.
Immediately, the Capitol Police released a statement claiming Sicknick died due to injuries sustained while on duty, saying Sicknick was injured while physically engaging with protesters and that he was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.
Then the Fourth Estate got to work, turning Sicknick into a martyr for the Democrats' big lie.
The New York Times began the onslaught of lies, falsely reporting that Sicknick had died after being struck by a fire extinguisher.
The propaganda floodgates had been opened.
I swear I'll stay there, and they just can't beat that.
Stop the steal!
The New York Times is reporting that the FBI has now zeroed in on an unnamed assailant in the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who died after he fought with protesters.
According to the Times, the FBI suspects Sicknick may have died because of a bad reaction to being hit with
Bear spray or mace.
This new video showing one of the rioters heave a fire extinguisher at a line of police, striking several in the head.
Homicide investigators probing the death of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick
...have been looking into reports that he may have been hit with a fire extinguisher.
Capitol Hill cop Ryan Sicknick was killed by a blow to the head with a fire extinguisher.
On March 14th, Julian Eli Cater, 32, of Pennsylvania, and George Pierre Tanios, 39, of West Virginia, were charged with assaulting Sicknick with a substance similar to bear spray.
But unlike the still unknown Capitol Police officer who had all charges dropped after killing Air Force veteran Ashley Babbitt in cold blood without a vocal warning or even a warning shot, Cater and Tanios were awaiting the results of the medical examiner to see if they would be charged with Sicknick's death.
On April 19th, 2021, over three months after the autopsy, the office of the Chief Medical Examiner of the District of Columbia, Francisco J. Diaz, released its report concluding that the manner of death was natural and that the manner of death was due to two strokes and a blood clot.
Diaz then told the Washington Post that there was no evidence that Sicknick had an allergic reaction to chemicals or was otherwise injured.
And that all that transpired played a role in his condition.
And now as the Washington Examiner reports, Senator Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, on Thursday sent a letter to Acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman contending the determination from Chief Medical Officer Francisco Diaz, who told the Washington Examiner last week that Sicknick's cause of death was a stroke.
...raises more questions about what the Capitol Police knew and what actions they took to confirm certain facts regarding Officer Sicknick's death before it released its January 7th statement.
The massive cover-up by those that cowered and hid behind their lies rather than face their concerned constituents is a prime example of the rot at the core of our Republic.
I knew those are people that love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law, and so I wasn't concerned.
Now, had the tables been turned, Joe, this could be in trouble, had the tables been turned and President Trump won the election and those were tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned.
John Bowne reporting.
Alright, we had a little technical difficulty.
Doesn't seem to happen but a couple times a year.
It's happened twice today.
Our relaying computer system for the radio network conked out for about 10 seconds, but we are back!
And I appreciate Mike Adams holding through that longer break.
That was a very important report.
That's a whole other separate issue I was actually going to raise to Mike Adams in our final segment coming up about the destabilization campaigns, the collapsing border, how we can counter this, strategies to get on the offense, or do we just have to dig in now to the long, horrible collapse of the U.S.
into the mark of the beast?
World Government System.
You know, we fought so long.
We're so vindicated at this point.
We're so thankful for all of our radio and TV stations out there and all the great folks that know what's happening.
Mike, let's talk about that.
Let's talk about big picture.
Because, I mean, it's all out in the open.
Animal and human cloning, government-run pedophilia, just pure evil is upon us.
Studying history, studying these cycles of decadence that we've gone into.
How do we combat this?
Well, it's very clear that the media, the mainstream media, is a psychological terrorism operation.
That's their job, is to terrorize America.
This was even admitted by a CNN executive with the Project Veritas expose.
And James O'Keefe is an American hero, of course, for his work.
So what we need to do is understand that anytime that we feel a rising hatred or fear, we need to recognize that is a manipulated reaction and emotion.
So the media is trying to make you afraid of COVID, make you afraid of other races.
They're trying to push a racial, you know, they want a race war is really what they want.
They want a riot.
They want shootings in the streets of blacks and whites shooting and killing each other.
So the answer to this
is to reject the racial hatred and to embrace those who have earned it with merit.
To embrace those of other colors and other religions and other genders, male and female.
There are only two genders, but let's welcome women into groups that are traditionally men and the other way around.
I'm not saying bathrooms, you know, keep the men out of women's bathrooms, obviously, but let's men and women work together to restore freedom and liberty.
And we have to learn to, believe it or not, express love to people rather than hatred that is invoked from the media, and to not play a part in their massive nationwide false flag effort that they're trying to push.
Because that's what they want.
They want a race war, and then they want to be able to invoke the military to be deployed domestically to confiscate the guns, throw everybody into FEMA camps, and then basically from that point forward, it's a totalitarian military dictatorship.
And that's communism.
That's their plan.
Now, of course, we must also practice self-defense in our homes and with our families and on our property and so on.
I'm not saying to express love to an attacker who's trying to kill you.
Sometimes you have to shoot in self-defense.
But do not allow the media to control your emotions to go out and invoke violence or to provoke hatred toward anyone else because the media has made you mad.
Monitor your emotions.
Control what you're thinking, what you're feeling in your heart.
Be stoic.
I mean, defend the country, have courage, but do not allow yourself to be a puppet of the media.
That's my message.
And I'd also just add, bottom line, get the hell out of major cities, right?
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Yeah, because there it almost doesn't matter how much love you have in your heart for humanity or America, they are going to try to hunt you down and harm you or kill you in some of those blue cities and they will unleash
Black Lives Matter or Antifa mobs against you.
And at that point, you know, even if you're the most wonderful person in the world, you need to get out of Dodge and get to a safe place, a red state, a red county.
Second Amendment is insured and connect with a good church there.
And, you know, read the Bible, practice those protocols for scripture and be willing to stand up.
I totally agree.
All right, let's get back into COVID and the next step and how we fight back with Mike Adams.
Every product you hear me on air advertising, we have in stock in our warehouse in Austin, Texas.
Every product.
So if you order it, we've got it shipped out in a couple days, sometimes the same day.
Listeners get confused when they hear me talk about the fact that the supply chain's breaking down and it's future orders.
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I mean, I'm talking about double, triple, quadruple delivery times.
And it's across, not just the supplement vitamin mineral industry, it's across every industry.
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A hundred and seventy years ago, the British royal family financed scientists to develop a plan for scientific dictatorship worldwide.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Coming up in the next hour, Gerald Cilente takes over, but I'm going to host for about 10-15 minutes first, and it's some big Republican news.
You know, they just had a
Big event announced in Florida, the Republican Leadership Summit, and President Trump's not invited.
The lead speaker is Liz Cheney.
Super unpopular with the Republicans, super unpopular with the American people, but that's who they're going to force-feed us with.
And CNN's created a new special board of neocons who will judge whether the Republican Party is moral or not.
I mean, this is all just sick, disgusting gaslighting.
But we showed this article over the weekend.
It's totally freaking India out, Mike Adams, the health ranger here with us.
India's public health ambassador dies a day after taking COVID vaccine.
One of the top stars in Bollywood.
The top comedian in the country.
He took it and died of a heart attack a day later.
Well, it's right here in the literature.
What is mycocardias?
Heart inflammation in some Pfizer vaccine patients probed in Israel.
Well, that's what's happening to a lot of people.
They're dying of heart attacks.
Reportedly, MDX is what his family said, died of a heart attack a day after he took the shot.
That's on the inserts.
It can cause your heart to swell up.
What's really happening here, Mike Adams?
Well, right.
I believe the rapper DMX did die from the COVID vaccine that was then diagnosed as a heart attack, right?
So this is what I talked about a couple of segments ago.
Once you have blood clots, those blood clots get circulated through your body and they can end up in your brain, your lungs, your heart, or other organs or tissues, and there they can be fatal.
And this is caused by these vaccines.
So a lot of people who thought they were going to be vaccine advocates or even celebrities who have been paid by the vaccine industry to take a vaccine shot on camera, sometimes days or weeks later, those people are dead.
And then, you know, you're supposed to forget that they came out and touted the vaccine and took a shot on camera.
But the vaccine industry has killed.
Just this year, you know, baseball legend Hank Aaron and and famous boxers and celebrities and even a financial, I think, or legal analyst on CNN, a black woman in her 40s was killed by the vaccine, I believe.
So, this is happening.
The deaths are being covered up.
So, remember, last year, before the vaccine, if you died of anything, it was called a COVID death.
But this year, if you die from the vaccine, it's called a coincidence.
So, coincidence is the number one leading cause of death now in 2021 because it's really vaccines killing people.
The cover-up is here.
They're going to blame the unvaccinated for the variant strains.
And they're going to keep pushing vaccines until they exterminate as many people as possible.
Their goal is billions.
This is going to continue until people rise up peacefully and stop this.
This is medical tyranny.
This is an extermination agenda.
Just to kind of wrap up my appearance on your show today, this is an extermination agenda.
They will come for you sooner or later if they haven't already.
You need to get out of the blue cities, get out of the blue states, get to someplace where you can have some self-reliance.
You need to get real assets because an economic collapse is coming.
They're going to confiscate all the dollars in bank accounts.
That was my next point.
John Hopkins seems to be the head group that comes up with the talking points in their different SPARS events and their other different events.
But another big one that they're now foreshadowing came out two years ago, and that is a, quote, cyber attack that brings down the world currency.
The globalists have created trillions of fake derivatives.
They need a way to convince us it's our fault.
They're using the Great Reset as the cover.
They now admit they're actually doing that.
I mean, why are they being so obvious about this?
Well, they realize that they've lobotomized so many people with the vaccines because many strokes are caused in people's brains who take these vaccines.
The many strokes are like little mini lobotomies.
And I really ask your audience to hear me on this point.
People who are taking these vaccines are losing cognitive function.
I've heard reports of people who cannot do their jobs anymore.
They come back to work after taking a vaccine.
Their brains don't work anymore.
They can't do their job functions.
So there are many strokes happening, which is taking away cognition.
So one of the main goals of the vaccine is to brain damage people enough to accept the global reset agenda.
You see?
Or to accept other vaccines, or to accept Biden as the fake president, or to, you know, to watch a Biden green screen glitch where a man passed in front of a microphone.
And then the CDC, exactly, and then the CDC that's actually running it all, then is the group investigating it.
I mean, it's incredible.
But do you agree with me that it's not going well for them overall?
The globalists are still moving forward, they've initiated something.
Like rolling a snowball downhill that can't be reversed at this point.
But I'm seeing a giant awakening.
People are talking about the deaths.
In fact, here's an example of seeing a deception.
Headline this weekend.
60% have taken the vaccine or plan to.
They don't want the CDC's own numbers.
USA Today had the real numbers.
15% of Americans have been vaccinated.
Now they say almost everyone else is refusing.
So they're lying by saying 60% are thinking about it.
They're going to try to force it.
Or have had it.
That's a deception.
So all over the world, people are refusing it.
They may be able to vaccinate something between 40 and 50 percent of people who are misinformed so much that they're willing to commit vaccine suicide.
But beyond that 50 percent or so or whatever it is, they're not going to be able to convince those people to take vaccines because people are informed and aware and they don't want to die from vaccine side effects.
So, right now they're closing down vaccination sites in certain states across America.
Some states are saying they no longer need the full allotment of vaccines from the federal government.
And now, by the way, Alex, the big thing here is the government's going to shift into coercion mode.
That's what CNN said.
They said, now the hard part, you can't go to 4th of July unless you've had a shot.
You can't leave your cage unless we say so.
That's right, that's right.
So they're going to have to go into arm-twisting, or what one person called a hand-to-hand combat mode, going door-to-door trying to coerce you into getting a vaccine.
That's what's coming now.
In fact, that has already begun in some states.
And that's the beginning of the Clinton Foundation-run contact tracers to get the giant contracts.
Next, they're going to demand to come on your land and test you.
The UN has said that.
Well, I wonder if someday the Supreme Court might hear a self-defense case of somebody who defends their body against a vaccine attack using the Second Amendment.
That could be a future legal case.
Because I got to tell you, an attack with a vaccine that kills people is an attack with a deadly weapon.
And that's with intent to cause harm.
So, yes, you do have the right.
You own your body.
And you have the right to defend your body and to defend your home against those who are trying to cause you bodily harm.
So that's going to be an interesting thing to see what happens.
But I suspect most of the coercion will come in the form of trying to starve you to death unless you agree to take the vaccine, weaponizing the food supply.
That's the plan, is the economic collapse, weaponize the food.
Well, you certainly saw this a long time ago.
You know, you're dug in in Central Texas.
I'm way behind the curve on that.
I mean, I knew it was needed.
I've given that advice out, but I feel really sorry for just the average hard-working person that doesn't have any means to try to get outside the city.
But if you've got family in rural areas, folks, it's better to be poor than dead, because I'm telling you, the globalists are making their move on this country.
And remember, folks, assets are things that you can see and touch, things that are under your control.
If you think you have assets because you're looking at a computer screen and there are numbers on that screen, whether those numbers are bank account numbers or stock numbers, those don't count because those can all be confiscated.
Real assets are things that you can touch, gold and silver, land, firearms and ammunition, things that are real that are under your control.
That's what's going to survive this global reset.
So mark my words, that day is coming.
I'm telling my friends.
I'm telling my family.
Everybody needs to get ready now.
Mike, you are really doing a great job.
That site's been banned by a lot of big tech media, but you've got a lot of backup sites that are excellent as well.
Give us some of the other wonderful URLs you've got.
Well, you know, I'm the founder of Brighteon.com and that's doing really well as a YouTube alternative.
We have live streaming features coming soon for that.
We also have Newstarget.com, but basically everything that I've built is banned by big tech, but that's okay.
A lot of alternatives are launching now and there's an alternative ecosystem of truth that you are a big part of, Banned.video, and all the new social media platforms that you're using.
The truth cannot be suppressed.
We are winning in the information war.
That's right.
We are winning.
Well, we don't have a choice.
I mean, the globalists, now the now's over.
It's worse than I thought it would be.
And wow, we can pat ourselves on the back, but that's not the issue.
The issue is surviving and overcoming this.
Thank you so much, Mike Adams.
Thank you, Alex.
And like you said, we need to love each other no matter what color we are and realize the enemy is dividing and conquering us.
That doesn't mean you don't call out racist, out-of-control black people, or racist, out-of-control white people, or whatever group it is.
Doesn't mean you don't call them fools, LeBron James.
It's nothing but like a black David Duke on steroids.
But you don't hate other black people just because he's a racist pig.
You expose the whole thing.
Now, I'm gonna do a few segments on a bunch of breaking news, and then we got the great Gerald Celente taking over.
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We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
We are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
Well, here's a big article up on InfoWars.com.
Republican leaders snubbed Trump during policy retreat headed by Liz Cheney and they picked Florida as the place.
Trump has been at these events before.
I remember a train going to one a few years ago got knocked off the rails.
People thought it was sabotaged.
Republican leadership snubbed President Trump for the party's policy retreat in Orlando, Florida, headed for some reason by notorious anti-Trumper Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming.
She's got like a 15% approval rating in her state now.
Cheney, who had voted to impeach Trump in February, is spearheading the multi-day GOP retreat.
As the conference chair specifically didn't invite the former president to speak, I didn't invite him.
Cheney bragged to reporters last week.
And boy, she is a piece of trash.
Man, this country is so screwed up.
Absolutely sad.
And I've got a bunch of other articles that go right along these same lines.
CNN's reporting on, oh, there's a special group of Republicans headed up by all these neocons.
Here's a story right here.
Anti-Trump conservative group to grade GOP lawmakers on whether they uphold or undermine democracy.
Well, Biden stole the election, funds tyranny worldwide, launches all these wars, does all this crap.
I mean, it's just sick.
Here's another one.
We all know who cannot trust what the Democrats say.
They are hypocrites and they are liars.
Arizona Republican Party chairwoman Dr. Kelly Ward said, and I've got a whole stack of news here.
We'll be watching it in the next few days.
We're the ongoing recount in Maricopa County and the Democrats are flipping out.
They've got Democrats trying to break in.
Trump's called for National Guard to protect it as Democrats are threatening violence.
I mean, why?
There was no fraud, right?
But no court ever allowed any forensic auditing.
They'd have the same criminals rerun the same procedure.
Trump demands National Guard in Arizona as legal action continues against Maricopa Audit.
That's just some of the news.
And then we've got this big story.
Remember Seth Rich?
We heard from Wikileaks that there was a good chance that he's the guy that gave the info.
If you talked about that, they filed hundreds of lawsuits, the DNC funded, to stop anybody discussing this.
Well, now we have FBI document bombshell, undisclosed entity,
Could have paid for Seth Rich's murder.
The FBI on Friday finally released the requested documents on murdered DMC operative Seth Rich.
He was shot twice in the back.
For years, the FBI didn't know if there were any documents on the Seth Rich unsolved murder.
Oh, really?
But we got them in this lie.
This is GatewayPundit.com.
Breaking exclusives.
Christopher Wray, FBI caught another lie.
I'm saying Pinocchio was caught in one.
And cover-ups.
FBI emails on Seth Rich uncovered.
Then they released the documents Friday.
But they were highly redacted.
The FBI, it goes on, reports via OAN, the FBI released a record of murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich, which the agency had previously claimed didn't exist.
The FBI documents released over the weekend appear to show that an undisclosed entity either wanted to pay or actually pay a lot of money to get Seth Rich killed.
An undisclosed entity?
What, like the DNC?
The files show that top DOJ officials
In 2018, he discussed Rich's murder and investigators found no suspicion of conduct by Rich before he died.
You have top DOJ officials meeting about that.
Rich was shot in front of his Washington, D.C.
home in 2016.
Democrats and mainstream media have baselessly dismissed Rich's murder as a conspiracy theory, claiming it was a robbery, although none of his valuables were taken.
However, FBI documents appear to suggest that Rich
Could have been the victim of foul play tied to the DNC politics.
All right, I'm going to come back and hit a few final little giblets.
I got to a lot of it.
Man, I think it's all this robot news.
Air Force Base deploys pack of robot dogs to enhance security.
Farming robot kills 100,000 weeds per hour with lasers.
Carbon killing robots.
And we're going to also get to more on the other side.
I'm so blessed to be here.
So honored to be here.
Uh, we made it this long.
We're into the New World Order now.
We got a fighting chance.
Because we've been on air, thanks to you.
I mean, I cannot believe the responsibility we've got.
I just want to thank you all for keeping us in attack formation.
Last week, I had a caller to my radio slash TV transmission.
And he said to me, he said, Alex, there's all these facts and all these numbers and vaccines being recalled and people dying from it and people getting sick.
How do I reach out to my friends and family and explain to them and to warn them about the danger?
And I said to him something very profound, because it's so true.
Trust your gut, trust your spirit.
That's what the Bible tells us.
And I said, ask those friends, those family, those neighbors.
Do you feel good about this vaccine?
And his answer was, no, they don't feel good about it.
So, go with your gut.
Well, let me ask you again.
How does your gut feel about getting storable food?
How does your gut feel about getting out in the countryside?
How does your gut feel about getting guns and ammo to protect yourself?
Well, I know what your gut's telling you.
We have the best storable food with the highest quality at the lowest prices you're going to find.
10% off at InfoWarStore.com right now or PrepareWithAlex.com.
Go with your gut and fund the InfoWar.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the bottom has fallen out.
Total world government is now out in the open.
We had a major election stolen from the real elected president.
Of the United States and I have issues with Trump and I'm not abandoning him just because if I do, the globalists would leave me alone.
They fear Trump.
They fear the populist movement.
They fear you.
And that's why we've got to stay on air and continue to expose this.
Gerald Solympe is about to take over.
Here's a few minutes.
Here's some of the headlines.
We'll do a special live broadcast during this and analyze it.
Congress faces busy week of negotiations as Biden prepares for joint address.
We're not calling it the State of the Union, they're calling it a joint address.
That's going to be on Wednesday, which will serve to a kind of call to action for lawmakers.
Ugh, so they'll be watching that and analyzing it, the special live, commercial-free transmission Wednesday night.
Then another disgusting article from CNN, how Biden's anchored his first hundred days on two simple principles.
Shots in your arms and money in your bank account.
It's fairly simple.
He got elected to solve problems with shots in your arms and checks in your bank account.
He promised 100 million vaccine administered in the first 100 days and delivered 200 million.
Really, how is it that only
50% of the population is vaccinated, then CNN lies and says 60%, then they go, oh, 60% say they'll get it.
With Democratic-controlled Congress, he sent out $1,400 emergency checks that never arrived in our ex-President Donald Trump, and a Republican Senate.
They were voting against those.
I mean, it's crazy just how they lie in every word.
The level is just unprecedented.
But don't worry, health experts encourage CDC to implement permanent mask mandates.
Boy, weren't we right again.
Maybe one of our archivists can find where I said the masks are never coming off.
It'll be permanent.
I even said how they would cycle it on and off.
And here you go.
It'll never end until you say no.
Speaking of the devil, before I play the sake clip, let's play this clip.
Cringe propaganda, liberals sing pro-Dr. Fauci, pro-vaccine jingles.
And they've got children's books, and they're handing out Kamala Harris books to all the kids in little gift packs.
And I guess money's being spent out of the no-bid contract to buy those, to give them to the children that Kamala is their mommy for life.
The mommy that saved them.
This is so exploitive.
This is so sick.
So here's one of the new library jingles, Worshipping Fauci.
Doctor Fauci, give us vaccines.
Help all the people who have been quarantined.
We'll wear our masks and we'll have to stay distant.
We'll wash our hands and we'll be more resistant.
Fauci, yes, promise us please.
We'll have a cure that can fight off this disease.
Restrictions we'll lift with some ease.
Dr. Fauci, don't forget me.
And that is it for autistic victims, seriously, of the system that they now trot up to ask for more brain damage.
Very, very sad.
Here's Saki, the delicious kind you get at Japanese restaurants, the press secretary, will circle back on why immigrant children, illegal alien invaders, were given copies of Kamala Harris' book.
Here it is.
Last couple days in the New York Post that every migrant child being brought to a shelter is being given a copy of her children's book, Superheroes Are Everywhere.
Do you know why that is and if she is making any money off of that?
Of the President's?
Of the Vice President's book, yeah.
I'd have to check with our Health and Human Services team.
You're talking about if they go to shelters or if they go to... Yeah, in the Welcome Kit, apparently, there's a copy of her 2019 children's book, Superheroes Are Everywhere.
I'd have to certainly check on that.
Here, it's a good book.
Oh, I hear it's a good book.
What nice people.
All right, Joe Salente, the Top Trends Forecaster, a good friend of mine, is about to take over.
Please remember, without your support, we're not going to be on air.
Plus, we make it easy.
We have privacy pouches for your iPhones and Droids so that they don't track you, they don't watch you, they don't control you, except when you take them out.
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These are the really good ones.
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It'll still beam through, but 99% of the area, it is effective.
Those are at InfoWarsTore.com.
And we have VasoBeats, sold out for months, back in stock.
So good for your heart, your brain, your liver.
And we have BODY's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, 95% curcuminoid, back in stock.
Now with a white cap, because you can't even get black caps with the supply chains broken down, but it does have the super high quality curcuminoid in it for your immune system, for your joints, for everything else at InfoWarsTore.
Oh, I almost forgot.
We have a shirt of the day being sold for $9.95.
That's basically at cost.
The media is the virus.
Shirt of the day.
The media is the virus.
On the back, InfoWars.com is the cure.
And on the right-hand shoulder, InfoWars.com.
A great way to spread the word and fight back and to support the broadcast.
The media is the virus.
T-shirt, InfoWars.com.
All right, Gerald Cilente, my friend.
Is that a masked man?
Gerald Celente.
Who is that?
I saw that guy, you know, you just put on there and he was singing.
So I don't want to get the virus.
I don't want to give anybody the virus.
Oh, that's in California.
They said don't sing.
That's because it'll give it to people.
What a bunch of crap they're shoving down our throat.
And and, you know, all these people that are using this
You know, washing down everything.
You know, the CDC came out last week saying that disinfecting surfaces to prevent COVID, often it's all for show.
It doesn't do anything.
The chances of picking it up from a hard surface are like 1 in 10,000.
I'm not making that number up.
Yet, the freaks keep doing it everywhere.
At least when you're down there in Texas, you got some freedom.
I'm in lockdown, Landovia.
I got imbeciles and morons walking up and down the street, not a soul around them, and they're all masked up.
They're afraid.
But again, forget the MIT study that came out last week that said your chances of picking up the virus outside are basically slim and none.
And now CNN says, sir, that we should wear them forever.
We knew that was coming.
Well, the Cartoon News Network here.
MIT researchers say you're no safer from COVID indoors at 6 feet or 60 feet.
A new study challenging social distance policies.
This is not, this is not from conspiracy theorists.
This is out of CNBC.
And then the guy goes on to write on and on, you know, that
There are very few recorded instances of outdoor transmission.
It's right here.
Because sunlight kills it!
Because sunlight kills it!
But they tell us, don't go to the beach!
It's the worst place, isn't it?
Even though studies show it's the safest place, Gerald!
It's why Florida basically didn't have it!
Oh, oh, oh, Alex, don't you remember?
They had all the spring, you know, uh, people out there in the spring break and how, and how the infection rate was going to skyrocket.
Oh, you forgot?
It didn't skyrocket.
They would have people in Grim Reaper outfits out there trying to scare people.
This is a load of crap.
They're robbing us of our freedom.
Look at this ridiculous kabuki theater idiots in hazmat suits.
And look how tough they are.
You know, they're little tough boys and girls, and they have all their others around them.
But when they're one-on-one, you know, they don't know whether... I can't say the two words, but it has to be going to the bathroom, number one and number two.
You know, when you call them out.
So this whole thing... You're saying they're big pieces of shit.
We'll delay that, I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
Gerald Splint Day, take over.
I'm going to be listening.
We love you.
Gerald Splint Day, coming back.
We're going to break.
Gerald Splint Day.
Gerald, which is the best website?
Because I know you've got several websites, but TrendsJournal.com, there's another URL that takes you to the same place.
Everybody bookmark it and share it.
Big Brother hates it.
I'll tell you about the website, TrendsJournal.com.
The top trends forecaster, straight ahead, telling you what's coming next.
The federal government commissioned secret radiation experiments on thousands of non-consenting patients.
Hundreds of hospitals in the U.S.
injected healthy men, women, and children with uranium and plutonium at dosage levels ranging from non-therapeutic to lethal, killing many of the test subjects.
Endgame, blueprint for global enslavement, is one of the most important films ever made.
14 years ago, we tracked and documented the Bilderberg Group's activities and their plan for a great reset using the threat of a fake virus.
The film now is more important than ever.
When it shot to number one on Amazon last year, they banned it.
We have it back
The equation is very simple.
The mega banks control the media.
They control big pharma.
They control academia, they control the military, industrial complex, they control big tech.
And everywhere that they have been in control in the third world, they have established absolute total despotism and dehumanization.
It is the Western Christian idea of human freedom that ended slavery and that promoted women's rights and so much more that actually threatens them.
So because they can't defeat that empowering ethic, they instead co-opt it, turn it upside down, and use
The idea of equality to actually destroy human freedom and the free market that threatens their monopolies of control.
That's why they target InfoWars, because we understand the keys to defeating them.
But the only way our transmission gets out is if you promote InfoWars at Band.Video.
We're all in this together.
So redouble your efforts.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
It's great being on the Alex Jones Show.
I want to thank Alex Jones, the staff, all that they do to keep the truth alive.
And it's so important to support them and all of us that are fighting for freedom.
Because the facts are showing that they're stealing it from us and they're making stuff up just to gain more power.
I was talking about the study that came out.
The MIT researchers say you're no safer from COVID indoors at six feet or 60 feet.
A new study challenging social distancing policies and
They go on to say, what our analysis continues to show is that many spaces that have been shut down in fact don't need to be.
I think if you run those numbers even right now for many types of spaces, you'll find there is no need for occupancy restrictions.
Six feet distancing rules that inadvertently result in closed businesses in schools are just not reasonable.
Now remember, this is coming from MIT.
It's barely reported, this was in CNBC last week, the emphasis on distancing has been really misplaced from the very beginning.
The CDC or
World Health Organization have never really provided justification for it.
You got it?
It's right here.
Now, I want you to listen to this video of an arrogant little daddy's boy, an arrogant little daddy's boy, a nothing, nothing of an arrogant governor,
Who would be shoveling crap if daddy was in Mario Cuomo and I'm gonna rename the Tappan Zee Bridge after my daddy and all you little pieces of scrap New Yorkers have to pay for the change of the name on the bridge that only cost about 20 million dollars.
Listen to this crap spewing out of this arrogant boy's mouth
Last April, when he, the governor, decided we have to wear masks outside.
I'm going to issue an executive order that says all people in public must have a mask or nose covering, mouth and nose covering, and they must wear it in a situation where you cannot or are not maintaining social distancing.
Meaning what?
Meaning the same thing we've been saying from day one.
If you're going to be in public and you cannot maintain social distancing, then have a mask and put the mask on when you are not in socially distant places.
You're walking down the street, you're walking down the street alone.
You're now at an intersection and there are people in the intersection and you're going to be in proximity to other people?
Put the mask on!
Your right to go out for a walk in the park?
Go out for a walk because you need to get out of the house?
The dog is getting on your nerves?
Don't infect me!
You don't have a right to infect me!
If you are going to be in a situation in public where you may come into contact with other people in a situation that is not socially distanced, you must have a mask or a cloth covering nose and mouth.
That is by executive order.
Listen to that little piece of garbage talk to us like we're third graders.
An arrogant nobody.
He goes on to say, if you're going to be in close proximity to somebody outside, you have to put a mask.
A piece of garbage, boy.
MIT studies says you're full of crap.
Because that's all that comes out of your mouth.
Actually, it's not coming out of your mouth.
It's coming out of your butt.
That's all you're doing is spewing crap.
Right here.
There are very few recorded instances of outdoor transmission.
Yet this little slime ball is telling executive... I'm giving you an executive order!
Take that executive order and shove it up your ass!
You are not my leader!
You should not tell me what to do!
I'll tell you what.
Come over here.
Try to put a mask on me.
Man to man.
And people put them on.
They follow the executive order.
There are very few recorded instances of outdoor transmission.
And then the little scumbag, the arrogant little boy goes on to say, if I'm wearing a mask and you're not, then you're infecting me.
Hey, moron!
Hey, little imbecile!
Hey, little fat mouth!
You're in a restaurant in New York, right?
And a lot of stupid other places.
And people are sitting down there at the table.
They're not masks on.
But the waitstaff comes.
And they have a mask on.
You said you're infecting me if you don't have a mask on.
So hey, hey fat mouth, when you go to a restaurant, little boy Cuomo, arrogant little Cuomo, try to come and give me orders.
I'll shove that executive order, when you hand it to me, right down your fat mouth.
If you're in a restaurant, do you wear a mask?
When you eat?
Yeah, you probably do wear a mask when you eat because nothing is coming out of your mouth.
It's only coming out of your butt.
And you shove the food up there too.
What stupid crap!
Oh, the waitstaff has to wear a mask.
But you don't when you're eating.
You're making this stuff up.
And the morons and imbeciles are following it.
I'm having a rally.
On May 29th.
Come on and try to shut me down, Cuomo!
May 29th rally to unite for freedom, peace, and justice at the Four Corners of Freedom in Kingston, New York.
3 p.m., food, alcohol, fun, music, live music, and speakers.
Go to OccupiedPeace.com.
Come here.
If you can't make it, donate.
We can't win this without your help.
I'm fighting for freedom.
I will not live by executive order!
You're not my executive!
You're a piece of scum!
Daddy's boy.
Born on Third Basin, thought you had a home run.
We'll be right back.
You know, listeners call into the show and they thank me, and it makes me feel pathetic, because I sit there and I beg you for support, constantly.
For prayer, for financial support, and for word of mouth, and we're all in this together.
And I, you know, it gets old having to come to you and say, hey, I got great products, please buy them or we won't be here on air.
But it's true.
We're the only media organization in the United States that promotes liberty at this level.
We're good to go.
In the early 1990s, there was a really funny movie that came out called Wayne's World.
Even before I had access to his show in the mid-1990s, I went and saw that movie and thought, man, that looks fun.
In fact, you speak out and have your own ideas, and even if you're a nerd, you're still entertaining because you're real.
Well, what do they say in Wayne's World?
We're not worthy!
Every day when I cover these huge topics, I don't feel worthy to talk to you.
Because these topics are so huge, they're so real.
But I'm trying to tell you the truth.
I'm trying to get it right, and most of the time we do.
The globalists love lying to you.
They love manipulating you.
They enjoy destroying humanity.
They enjoy manipulating ideas and using people's ignorance against them.
That, for me, is really satan.
And disgusting.
So you've got to pledge for myself and the whole InfoWars crew
We will never join the Globalists.
We will never knowingly manipulate you.
Because we know we're all in this together.
I one trillion percent believe what I'm saying.
Hell, everybody knows that.
I'll just tell you what I'm really thinking.
People say, Jones, why the hell did you just say that on air?
That's embarrassing.
Well, I'm not going to stop with only the good stuff about me.
But I'll tell you this right now.
You're nuts if you don't get storable food.
And I've got the biggest, best sponsor with the highest quality food at the lowest price you're going to find.
Can you spend triple or four times it and get like gourmet stuff that tastes even better?
Most of this stuff tastes amazing.
Some of it tastes okay.
The point is it's high quality, it's nutritious, and it lasts a long time.
And compared to other competitors, they can't even get close.
We've got three months, six months of your supplies right now, and I twisted their arms so hard to give you 10% off again, because you're so conditionally fond of Supercell, we're doing it one more time.
10% off the entire catalog of my favorite supply.
Get ready while you still can.
One of the most popular memes on the internet in the last decade has been, Alex Jones was right.
But it now routinely trends number one on platforms like Twitter and Facebook, making the globalists pull their hair out in anger.
But let me tell you, we are tomorrow's news today.
And thanks for your support.
We're still on air at InfoWars.com and Band.Video, radio stations and music
I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Yeah, yeah, hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And, you know, as I keep saying, you better put your money where your heart is and support InfoWars, because they're stopping freedom, and we're fighting for freedom.
And that's why, you know, I enjoy being on this show and on InfoWars.
So do what you can to support them.
And they just restocked and reloaded on some very great products and up to 50% off.
It's back in stock specials.
So the wait's over and you can get your favorite things that they weren't in stock after being sold out for weeks, even months on some items.
And so these products never last long, especially when they're giving you these deep discounts, so you better act before it's too late.
Bodies, 50% off.
Just back in stock.
VasoBeat, 50% off.
All the storable foods, 10% off.
And you need those storable foods because things are going to keep getting uglier and uglier.
Alpha Power,
Back in stock, 40% off.
Prostagard, back in stock, 40% off.
Wintersun Plus, back in stock, 40% off.
Rocket Rest, back in stock, 40% off.
Pure Turmeric Liquid Extract, 40% off.
And it's selling out fast.
Oh, and those great t-shirts, and Alex showed you one of the new ones.
And the sale doesn't end here.
They're also extending Operation Endgame.
You warned the word.
Stopped the general reset.
Get the film.
I predicted it all.
Now available for as low as $3.95.
So visit InfoWarsStores.com and get these best-selling items and more.
For a true 360 win.
So shop now.
Put your money where your heart is.
You know, I'm talking about the fight.
I'm a little guy.
I'm only, I'm under about five feet, six and a half inches.
I was born in the Bronx, in Napolitano, born in the Bronx, born to be free.
Learn how to fight right away.
You didn't go home crying.
I got in a fight when we moved from the Bronx to Yonkers.
And I got in a fight with a kid.
And I'm 10 years old and I stick my finger and I ripped it.
His mother calls up the principal.
And I'm sitting there with my little blue tie on in Catholic school.
Christ the King school.
Yeah, Christ the King would have never loved what this nun did to me.
She grabbed me by my little blue tie.
It's a BAM!
Blew out my middle ear and broke my eardrum.
I can never get my ears wet again and go swimming.
And in those days, I used to go water skiing in the Hudson River over the wakes of ships with just a belt on.
I was a great athlete, the fastest kid forward in basketball.
I lost my balance.
I lost my confidence.
Then she left me back.
I became the stupidest kid in the school.
People say, oh, that's terrible what happened.
I say, yeah, it's bad.
I'm just happy Father Foley was a ladies man.
You know, what's going on in the church has nothing to do with Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
You know, I barely got out of high school.
I got my fight back.
When I started with Tai Chi and then I went to Okinawa and took out the middleweight champion of the Dominican Republic, came back and my teacher told me, you better forget everything that you learned.
I found somebody else.
This is my teacher.
I'm with him for seven years.
Constantly, constantly working out.
Go if you want to see it, it's attackproof.com.
It's close combat.
You are who you are, you fight the way you want to fight.
So here's a video that proves it.
You don't have to be big and you don't have to be strong.
Take a look at this video of this little dog, two of them, chasing a bear out of the house.
There's no form to the fight.
The fight is freedom.
The fight is for you to be you.
You don't know what's gonna happen.
You don't go into a form.
They've taken the fight out of us.
I've been in fights before.
You know what?
Never looked at the size of the guy.
You're on them and boom!
And I don't get in one to get in a fight.
Because in close combat, you only fight to kill.
You stay away from the fight.
I'm mentioning this because we have to get the fight back into us.
It's in the human spirit.
You don't, you now, you learn, you have to go and learn how to fight because they sucked it out of us.
They, right away, look what they've done in school.
No bullying, son?
What are you talking about, no bullying, son?
It's time to get the fight back.
We all have it in our spirit.
It's been brainwashed out of us.
I had my own school for many years teaching close combat.
Guys coming from Baltimore, blasters coming up.
You know, you're respectful when you're working out with guys.
And they try to take you out.
I'm only me.
And the fight has to end like that.
It's not this stuff where you keep punching away.
I'm not going to punch anybody out.
I'm on you, my fingers are going through your eyes, knocking that little shield, you're gonna blow your brains out, your nose is going through your brain, ripping out that carotid artery with my... You get the fight back into you.
Those little dogs show what's going on.
The bear is the government.
We are the little terriers.
And we'll beat them.
Not in a fight for violence, but a fight for freedom, peace and justice.
The fight that no one's there to tell us what to do, how to do it, when to do it.
If we don't fight for our freedom now, as a visionary,
He's written a number of books, Trends, 2000, Trend Tracking, Far Better Than Megatrends, Time Magazine, Best Selling, a magazine, a weekly magazine, the Trends Journal.
I'm a visionary.
I see ahead.
And ahead is hell on earth, if we don't fight for our freedom.
And again, I'm not talking about violence.
That's my other book, What Zizi Gave Honey Boy, that's my favorite.
But anyway, that's about growing up in the Bronx and being an Italian, American.
Born to be free.
And now they're stealing that from us.
So we're in a fight, a fight for freedom.
Those little dogs could chase that bear away.
Can you beat a Biden?
I know.
I know.
Chuckie Schumer could take you out.
No, no, no.
Who else we got?
Mitch McConnell.
Oh, little Lindsey Graham.
Oh, he could do it real easily.
As we'd say in the Bronx, when you call these guys out, they wouldn't know whether to piss or shit.
And we have to call them out for what America stands for.
Freedom, peace, and justice.
So join us on March 29th in Kingston.
3 p.m.
Live music.
And you be there.
Be right back.
In just a couple of minutes.
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Go to the InfoWars store.
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Super Male Vitality at InfoWarsStore.com.
Gerald in South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Trying to move quicker.
Would like to say first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at, brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it.
Because God created this country.
This entire New World Order system is about making you dependent.
Making you obsolete.
Making you a domesticated animal they control.
They want to censor you.
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And if you take that action, I demand you tell others you've given a copy to that they make copies and share it as well.
That will trigger distribution by proxy, meaning we the people cannot be stopped.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging War on Corruption.
It's Gerald Celente.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Hey, hey, hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show.
And as I keep saying, and I'll keep saying it over and over again, buy these great products from InfoWars.
Support the truth because the sick people that are in charge are trying to kill it.
And when I say sick people in charge, check out the cover of the Current Trends Journal.
The new one will be out tomorrow, but this is the latest.
Check out the prince over there, Prince Philip.
The prince is dead, long live the prince.
And there's a quote down below where he says if he comes back, by return, I'd like to come back as a deadly virus to do something to solving overpopulation.
All right?
I'm not making that up.
You could Google it up.
He wants to come back as a deadly virus.
What kind of sick person is that?
A deadly virus?
That's how sick he is.
Man, I want to come back.
I want to come back at the hottest time of my life where there's nothing but
You know, liberty, love, joy, and beauty every second of my life.
But the sick people that are running and ruining our lives want to come back as a deadly virus.
You got it?
What do you think Mitch McConnell wants to come back as?
What do you think Lindsey Graham wants to come back as?
Oh, I know.
Maybe a man.
Hey, how about Lola?
L-O-L-A, Lola.
Yeah, Rachel Levin, our health secretary.
Wonder what he, she wants to come back as.
How about Diane Not-So-Feinstein, a little Chuckie Schumer.
What would they come back as?
Look at that, Lola.
Get back, get back where you once belonged.
Get back.
These are the people running our lives.
You got it?
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
It's a fact.
Look at that creepy dead guy.
I hope you come back as a virus.
I really do.
And that's what's killing us.
The virus that's alive.
And it's not only in the United States, so get off the trip that it's just screwed up here.
A new Trends Journal is going out tomorrow, I'm working on this story just before I got on the air.
Japan, COVID state of emergency, they just called it, right?
So I look up the numbers.
It's a country of 126.3 million people.
Over the course of 14 months, 14 months!
9,800 deaths.
What the hell are you telling me?
Out of 126 million people, 9,800 died of the virus.
With a grand total of 0.00775%.
And when you break it down monthly, over the course of 14 months, that equates to
And then we went on to write in the Trends Journal in November, that last October, more people died of suicide in Japan in just one month than from the COVID of all of that year up until November.
And suicide rates among women is a 15% spike.
Yet they're closing it down.
Germany locked down again.
Oh, and the average age of the Germans that died of the virus, it's over, the highest number is over 79 years old.
It's over half.
Moving on.
Real quick.
The Dow's down a little bit today.
The only thing that's keeping the markets up are low interest rates.
You see the cryptocurrencies are bouncing up again, even though they keep trying to talk them down.
Cryptos to us are going to stay high until central banks, along with the governments, and they're one and the same, outlaw them.
And will they outlaw them?
Yes they will, just like they did when FDR took the gold from the people back in 1933.
You can't own this stuff.
They'll do it again, they did it before.
They don't want competition, because the whole world is going digital.
This way they know every penny you spent, how you spent it, where you spent it, and they're going to make up a new currency, so that they can say, we're getting rid of that debt we had, we have something new now.
Because they're only making it up anyway.
28 trillion dollar debt.
Debt to GDP ratio is the highest it's been since World War II.
So they're going to come up with something new.
At the end of World War II.
I'm still bullish on gold and silver.
Gold and silver are both up a bit today.
Particularly silver because silver is the greatest electricity conductor.
Far better than copper.
And you use it in high tech to heavy industry.
So we see the prices there keep going up.
They're artificially pushing them down.
I'm not making it up.
The Goldman Sachs gang was caught last year rigging the precious metals markets.
I'm not making that up.
They could look it up.
They got a measly fine of $900 million after screwing people out of hundreds of billions of dollars by rigging the market.
On another note, art is dead.
I surround myself with art.
All the plants, you see some of them.
I got over a hundred plants in my office.
I take care of all of them.
I have art everywhere.
Art is the way of finding the true meaning of the human spirit.
It's gone.
You saw the Oscars last night, right?
Here's the headline.
Of course you didn't see it.
Oscar ratings crashed to an all-time low.
Then you go back to the Grammys 2021 TV broadcast rating hit record lows according to Nielsen.
All right?
Then you had Mick Jagger come out making fun of people that don't believe in the COVID war and telling people to get vaccinated.
When the artists were anti-establishment.
By the way, you know why the Oscars are going down?
You gotta change the name Oscars.
That's too male.
We gotta change it to, uh, you know, a transgender name.
And maybe they'll like it if it's not Oscar.
We can't call it Oscar anymore.
I mean, let's be stupid.
Can't say blackballed anymore either.
It was blackballed.
I say he was whiteballed while you were being dirty there, Salenti.
White ball, black ball, Oscar, Greenberg, Iceberg, what's the difference?
Art is dead.
And art is the way to me of finding the true meaning of the human spirit.
People are fed up with the crap they're pushing out there, it shows it.
And they're listening and watching to what's out there, because that's all that's out there.
As Trend Forecasters, and people subscribe to our magazine, the Trends Journal, we give them suggestions on what to do.
There's never been a better time right now than a renaissance in art.
You know, a renaissance followed the Black Plague.
The people got in their head that they were really stupid, and that's why they were killing themselves.
Alla Romana, Alla Antica.
Alla Antica, the manner of the Romans and the Ancients to describe the quality of their work.
And that's what we need to bring back.
A renaissance in art.
From Mick Jagger to Willie Nelson,
To Lady Gaga and all the rest.
They all sold out for the COVID war.
It's not art anymore.
The artists were anti-establishment.
They knew what a fraud the establishment is.
It's not an establishment.
It's a corrupt gang of people.
That are running the show.
Daddy's Boys and Daddy's Girls.
It's one big club.
Daddy's Girls.
Look at Nancy Pelosi.
She'd be nobody if her daddy wasn't the mayor of Baltimore at the height of when Baltimore was booming.
One after another.
Name the place.
Name the state.
You're a member of the club.
So art, they're not artists.
They're sellouts.
QR tells you to create what you want to be and be what you want and to bring it to the highest level.
Again, the numbers are showing in the Oscars and the Grammys and the others.
People are fed up with it.
There's never been a better entrepreneur opportunity now for new styles, products, sounds, to be marketed, created, marketed,
I'm up here working on a Thursday night in mid-April 2021.
And I just want to say something.
I am so blessed and honored to work with this incredible crew that has come together over the years and is truly an answer to prayer.
And I am so blessed and thankful for all of you, the listeners of this show.
I want you to know that I love you and I appreciate you.
Whether you are old, whether you are Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter.
You've got red blood.
And if you love freedom and justice, and if you love our innocent children, we are brothers and sisters together.
And it has just been an incredible experience to work with you over the years.
And as crazy as things are, I want to keep working into the future.
But again, that's really up to you and up to God.
So please, I hope God works through you and puts a message in your heart to support us.
Again, that's up to you and your relationship with God.
I just want to thank you all for the years of support you've given us and what you've done.
And just ask you again to pray to God and ask what God's vision is for you.
And hopefully God will touch your heart to continue to support him for the worst.
God bless.
You know, it's crazy to get to this point.
It's very bittersweet.
Everything we've talked about has happened just like we said it would.
And now we have a lot of credibility.
But I don't care about that.
I care about beating the new world order.
And it's because we have so much credibility, they can't allow us to stay on air much longer.
And I don't have time to tell you all the stuff they're doing to us for a lot of reasons.
I can't tell you what's going on.
But let's just say this.
We're going to see this through to the end.
We're going to stay on air as long as we can.
So please pray for us and please buy the products at mfulworthstore.com.
They're great products, plus they fund the operation.
So you know, unlike other products you can buy, they're still great.
Do they fund freedom?
No, a lot of them don't.
These are great products that fund freedom and fund justice when the whole world's waking up and looking for truth.
That's why the globalists are censoring.
They can't bring in all this tyranny and leave people like us on the air.
So while you're at it, don't just financially support us and spread the word.
Download everything we've done you can find and save it, because who knows how long we're going to be on the air and the enemy is trying to destroy everything we ever said.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.