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Filename: 20210328_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 28, 2021
1804 lines.

Alex Jones discusses globalist conspiracy theories related to vaccine passports, QR codes for identification, and the COVID-19 pandemic. He criticizes Communist China's model of loss of individual freedoms and the establishment of a social credit score. Jones encourages listeners to resist this globalist takeover by educating their representatives. Jason Jones hosts The Alex Jones Show and discusses topics such as Skull & Bones, Lil Nas X, immigration, and human dignity. He promotes Infowars products and interviews the Secretary of State of the Kingdom of Hawaii about food security issues in the region. Five principles for uniting against the New World Order are presented. The video highlights divisions in America and the role of the media in exacerbating them. It emphasizes the importance of data privacy and control, as well as health and fitness during the ongoing pandemic. The host expresses concern about Hollywood's promotion of Satanism and division along racial lines. A discussion on Holy Week and its relevance to modern society is presented. Love and unity are emphasized as the main priorities for humanity. The speaker shares a story about possible exploitation in the entertainment industry and discusses the ongoing struggle against globalists and authoritarians. Alex Jones talks about year-long lockdowns being pushed by the UN and World Bank, and encourages listeners to support InfoWars products during a sale. He criticizes race and ethnicity segregation and promotes love and unity as key priorities for humanity. The passage discusses global vaccine passports for businesses in tourism, COVID passes, China's increasing freight shipping to Europe via Russia and Central Asia, and the need to focus on local communities rather than submitting to global IDs and passports. The hosts discuss Lil Nas X's satanic shoes controversy, Skull and Bones special, transhumanism, and Hollywood rituals and parties. They question why such content is being consumed by children and express concern over its influence.

It's Sunday, March 28th.
The year is 2021.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and it's now official.
A world government UN-run planetary ID is being rolled out as we speak.
The Bible, every dystopic novel warning of a future authoritarian state.
Every future is worth their salt.
Every common sense person has always understood.
That once a planetary government is erected, and once it brings in a world ID, and a world tax, and a world army, and a world court, it will be able to control every facet of our lives.
And now it's here.
Communist China is the model of the globalists.
They set it up, they gave it one side of trade deals to build it up, and now it's global social credit score.
Announced six months ago by Xi Jinping, based on a QR code, is being adopted in the state of New York by the United Kingdom.
About the European Union.
And they're all acting like magically all this happened.
But I told you back a year ago, when they closed all the restaurants, I said, watch.
Next, they'll have a QR code instead of a menu, claiming it's dangerous to have menus.
But really, it's there to acclimate you and prepare you.
How did I know that?
Because Stanford and Yale and other major universities here in the U.S., but also Oxford and others in the U.K.,
We're on record being hired over a decade ago to prepare the public for the rollout of this planetary system.
So they tie it to having vaccine records.
So you can't travel if you haven't been vaccinated, that's bad enough.
But what it really does is establish that global government and gives the UN the authority to administer the IDs and then has all the nation states
And now you see all the PR firms.
Getting on board.
There's a big Zero Hedge article out on it as well.
It's on Infowars.com saying, oh, there's just so many different IDs and so many different QR codes and so many different systems and countries for these vaccine passports that we all agree we have to have to reopen.
See, we're held hostage all based on a hoax.
And so we need the UN to bring in the QR code.
And oh, it's exactly what Xi Jinping proposed.
And so China's already done it, we'll follow what they do.
Total dystopia from the beginning.
Notice they said, oh, get your vaccine, you can travel, not wear a mask, not social distance.
Now they say, oh, sorry, you still do.
Not until there's a global standard ID system tied to a social credit score.
Can anybody have any freedom?
And then of course, next phase, in the next year or two, you'll start hearing, or seeing it.
Oh, if you haven't been vaccinated, if you haven't been vaccinated, you're the reason everybody isn't free to travel still.
Once they've all had the inoculations, once they're all being tracked, once they've all submitted, they're going to point to 20, 30, 40% of people that haven't and said, it's them.
They didn't give us herd immunity, even though they're now admitting.
The vaccine will never protect you.
There's constant new mutations.
They picked a cold virus because they could never make a vaccine for it because there's too many mutations.
They picked a problem they can never fix.
And it's also based...
On the PCR test, which they're standardizing, that's a fraud, so that when they don't want you to be able to travel, they simply say, sorry, the PCR test says you have a new variant or a new virus, so it doesn't matter if you've had 10 gene therapy inoculations a year.
Remember, it was going to be 2, then 5, I told you it'd be 10 a year at least.
This is a dystopia.
Submitting only makes it worse.
We must get our governors, we must get our Congress.
educated on this and to have them stop going along with it because if they don't, it's game over.
Senator Paul attacks Fauci and says, well, these people have had vaccines.
We don't need to wear masks.
We need to be rewarded.
We need to be given our passports.
Of course, Fauci says, sorry, you never get to anyways, because it's a bear trap.
You never get out of it.
You don't play along and argue each new point of their fraud with them and show how they lied over and over again.
You have to counter them with the fact that it's all a great reset.
Globalist takeover with the UN and Communist China as the model in their own admissions to lower carbon footprint and that they're now all admitting in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, London Guardian, that it's a global reset for carbon and we need carbon lockdowns.
That's what this control grid and digital system is is the global lockdown control system.
They admit it is there's no debate It's all here.
It's biblical.
It's dystopic and the churches are all scrambling to implement it so they can quote reopen Then next comes the chips and the neural link.
I'm Alex Jones.
It's the live Sunday transmission Stay with us key guest host Jason Jones coming up and a lot more
If you're watching or listening to this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you don't spread the word, we're lost.
You take action, we win.
Now get on your knees and ask God for guidance.
It's so hard for me when I'm cutting ads to not get overly excited.
People ask me all the time, they go, Jones, are you on cocaine?
Are you on meth?
How are you so excited?
How do I not get excited about world government?
Forced masks.
Forced inoculations.
Open announcements that our country is going to be dissolved.
I'm sorry.
I'm a fighter.
And I know many of you out there watching and listening are fighters as well.
And so I'll just say this.
I try to be calm.
I try to be focused.
I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't still on air right now.
But I just really want to thank you for keeping us on air.
Because you have to realize, when I tell you that you're the InfoWar, that's not me patting you on the head.
You are 99% of the equation.
So when you decide to spread the word, when you decide to buy the products at InfoWarStore.com, when you decide to share the articles and videos we produce, it changes the world.
So, you are the InfoWar.
Thank you so much for the fight.
Thank you for all you've done.
Now let's take action together and take down the Globalist.
Tomorrow's news.
What I would do as president is several more things, because things have changed.
I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum.
They deserve to be heard.
That's who we are.
We're a nation that says if you want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.
It's Sunday, March 28th.
The year is 2021.
The Texas border, the California border, the Arizona border are collapsing.
Hundreds of thousands of people a week, not a month, are pouring across.
That's what our border patrol sources are telling us right now.
Upwards of half of them are children under the age of 15, many as young as two.
Unaccompanied and in many cases kidnapped.
Senator Ted Cruz valiantly has gone to the facilities and is confronted by a leftist high-level appointee of Biden saying that he's treating the children badly by showing what's happening to them.
And it is incredible squalor, worse than a third world prison, way beyond what Obama did and of course Trump cleaned it up.
Here is that shocking footage and I hand the baton to Jason Jones hosting this important Sunday transmission.
Please give dignity to the people.
Please give dignity to the people.
So you work for the commissioner, your senior advisor, you were hired two weeks ago, and you're instructed to ask us to not have any pictures taken here because the political leadership at DHS does not want the American people to know it.
You keep standing in front of the pictures, so you don't want the pictures taken.
The rules are arbitrary and they're designed to keep the American people in the dark.
That's all we ask.
Dignity and respect.
Please give dignity and respect to the people.
I respectfully ask you, sir, with full heartedly, I ask you, please respect the people.
This is not a zoo, sir.
Please don't treat the people as such.
Please don't treat the people like this.
That's all I ask.
That's all I ask of you.
That's shocking.
That looks like a camp in Xinjiang.
That looks like the Uyghur camp in China.
It's shocking.
Aloha, my name is Jason Jones, and it's a privilege to be here, to be a guest, special guest host of the Alex Jones Show.
You know, Alex is a hero of mine.
Ted Cruz is a hero.
That man cares about those people.
That's really heartbreaking.
You know, a nine-year-old child drowned in that river.
Drowned coming to country this week.
Senator Ted Cruz wants the truth.
Senator Ted Cruz cares about those people.
If you care about migrants, you want a secure border because you don't want vulnerable ethnic, you don't want vulnerable immigrants exploited.
You don't want children to drown in a river.
You don't want them trafficked.
Well, we have a... First of all, I hope you watched the special yesterday, the Skull & Bones special.
I watched it twice, brought my wife in.
She watched it, her jaw dropped.
And it kind of leads into what we're going to be talking about today.
We're going to be talking about Lil Nas X. You know, they used to... I remember watching Alex Jones as a college student, and when he was on Public Access in Hawaii, Alello I believe,
And I would watch Alex and I'd say, this guy, they're not doing that inside.
They're not doing that inside the Skull and Bones Temple.
There's no way that is over the top.
And now, Lil Nas X takes what they used to do, in shame and in secret, and they put it out there for the world to see.
We're going to talk about Lil Nas X. That comes out on the weekend that is... This song is disgusting.
This is Palm Sunday.
You know, the one day where we remember that people celebrated
The crowd celebrated Jesus coming into Jerusalem.
You know, he wept.
He wept before he went to Jerusalem because he knew what was coming, but the crowds were cheering.
The crowds were cheering, and Hosanna, and in a couple days they'd be yelling, Crucify Him!
And now, even on that day where we're supposed to be celebrating Christ, they come out with a satanic shoe.
The music video looks like a ritual that they would do
20 years ago, only in secret in the Skull and Bones Temple.
We're going to be talking with television and movie producer Darius Garland on Lil Nas X, his video.
This tragedy that happened in Washington D.C.
with the Uber driver.
We've had a week of tragedies.
We've had the shooting in Atlanta.
They wanted to make that about race.
We had the shooting in Denver.
By God's grace, I was worried people were going to want to make that about his religion and his ethnicity.
I haven't heard anyone do that.
And then now we have this tragedy.
Two children, 14 and 13 I believe, kill an Uber driver.
Last night with my 14-year-old son and four of my other children, we played foosball.
We played foosball and watched a movie, ate popcorn.
Here's what I know.
Those two girls weren't with their father watching a movie last night.
And so we're going to talk to Darius Garland about how they... Whenever there's a shooting, look at this tragedy.
Whenever there's a tragedy, the first thing they do, the first thing they do,
As they look, how can they cover the story to divide us?
Has it not become completely obvious?
How can they cover the story to divide us?
You can guarantee every time there's a shooting in this country, every time there's some horrible tragedy or crime, the mainstream media will look at that story and say, how do we divide the American family?
Let's make it out to be black men are violent, white men are violent, Muslim men are violent.
But no, America, we have a problem.
We have a problem with violence.
Then it's Infowars that gets kicked off of every social media platform that is uniting America, that gets to the truth of these tragedies.
And so we're going to interview Darius Garland, a television producer, movie producer, and my buddy since we were five.
And then we're going to go all the way to Hawaii.
If you want to know how the elite see you, how they want to treat you, you have to ask yourself this question.
How are the Uyghur being treated?
Are they being treated well?
Does Nike seem to care about 3 million ethnic and religious minorities in concentration camps making shoes?
Do you think they care about you more?
How did we treat Hawaii?
How did we treat Hawaii for the past 100 years?
Right now, 50% of families with children in Hawaii, as reported in the Star Advertiser, are food insecure.
We are going to have the Secretary of State of the Kingdom of Hawaii on the show today.
We're going to talk about that, and at the end of the show, we're going to bring it to East Turkestan.
We're going to talk about the Uyghur, because I truly believe that the Alex Jones audience, the Infowar audience, can play the key role in getting Nike, Apple, and Costco to abandon East Turkestan, to cease working with China,
You know, when our Lord entered Jerusalem, when our Lord entered Jerusalem, the religious leader said to him, have your followers shut up.
And Jesus said, if even if I did that, the rocks would cry out.
Well, the Pope, I'm Catholic, has not said a single word for the Uyghur in their defense.
The bishops, the Catholic bishops of the United States, silence.
So you know what?
I think Infowars, me being on here as a filmmaker, Alex Jones leading the way for the Uyghur, is our Lord saying, I will get the stones to cry out.
I will have, from the most unexpected places, voices ring out, and we're going to, and Nike made a big mistake.
Nike and China made big mistakes, we're going to get to that.
Which I think we can capitalize on those mistakes to get the concentration camps closed.
In East Turkistan, and in today's show, this week it has been so obvious, the gaslighting and division that I'm going to have the secret.
I'm going to share with you the secret that can unite us as a country, the secret that has been with us from the very beginning, and I'm going to go over five principles that I have talked about before when I've been on the show.
Five principles.
I promise you that if we as a nation just hold to one of these principles, the New World Order and the Great Reset is broken.
It's broken.
And, you know, they're falling apart.
They're saying things now that they hadn't even prepared us for.
This week alone, I saw Bill Gates.
You think you're wearing a mask forever is Bill Gates' worst plans for us and for you?
Bill Gates said he wants to pump in chalk.
Litter the atmosphere with chalk to block out the sun.
You don't believe it.
It sounds like a conspiracy theory.
It's being reported in the mainstream news.
You think filling the atmosphere with chalk is the worst thing yet?
He wants you to eat bugs.
The World Economic Forum wants you to eat bugs.
And you think it doesn't get worse than that?
The guy that wants you to eat bugs is buying up all the farmland.
We might have to eat bugs.
Well, we're coming back with my buddy Darius Garland after this break.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I don't know about you, but I didn't see that Ted Cruz clip until right when I saw Alex's special report.
And it's really heartbreaking.
My first movie was a little movie called Bella.
It won the Toronto International Film Festival.
Made it with my partner Eduardo Verastegui.
And we made that film.
We didn't realize at the time that it was the first movie in Hollywood history.
This is 2005.
Now think about this.
You're gonna rack your brain.
It's the first movie in Hollywood history that showed a Latino male as a hero, not as Superman or Batman, but just as a hero, as a good man, as a family man.
This is what the neoliberal elites really think.
You can tell by the stories they tell, how they cast people, how they use them for political gain, victimism, feigning concern for the vulnerable so you can use them for wealth and for power.
And so that was the first time I saw that clip with Senator Ted Cruz at the border.
And by the way, when our movie Bella came out, I think Senator Cruz was just starting to run for office, was like 3% of the polls, was a big supporter of our film.
As a Cuban man, he loved how it, there's Eduardo right there, loved how it showed the Latino man as a hero.
And this scene actually sets it up with the stereotype.
It was playing into prejudice, knowing that you're going to be afraid of this guy, but then at the end you discover he's a real hero.
This immigration issue is very important and we have allowed the neoliberal left to control the narrative on this.
And here's the reality.
Securing the border, we must secure the border first and foremost to protect the vulnerable from economic exploitation, from nine-year-old children from drowning in rivers, from women being dragged into the sex industry to be trafficked.
We need a mandatory verification system, because right now in this country we need a verify system that's mandatory and simple to use.
Because in this country right now, there are those who have this huge architecture of legal protection, this huge architecture of protection, and then there are those, these migrants who are lured across the border, trapped into an underground economy, exploited, right?
It's robber baron stuff.
So this is what we have right now.
What we want is to make sure everyone living and working in this country has the same architecture of legal protection.
And so what we see down there at the border, what we've seen with the immigration issue all along is using migrants for economic gain, using migrants for political gain.
This is what we have seen.
And so we cannot allow
With the Trump movement started, we must secure the border.
Not only to protect vulnerable migrants from exploitation, but they lure vulnerable migrants into the economy to undermine working class Americans at the same time.
We're using the vulnerable, exploiting the vulnerable, at the expense of the vulnerable.
And what we've just seen at the border is really heartbreaking and catastrophic.
You probably don't even know a nine-year-old boy drowned this week.
The media is not even reporting it.
And you'd have to ask yourself, if this happened under President Bush, it's all you, I'm sorry, President Trump, this is all you'd be hearing about.
I got President Bush in my head because I watched that Skull & Bones special three times in the past 24 hours.
And you need to watch.
And I want to also cut to this, and I'm really hesitant to show this to you, but I think we must see it.
The crime we're about to see, this is this Uber driver.
This Uber driver is being held up with a taser.
And it goes horribly wrong.
These, I believe it's a 14-year-old and a 13-year-old, are holding this gentleman up.
And then what is about to happen is a tragic crime and a murder.
A murder.
This is the third horrible tragedy we've seen, I believe, in less than two weeks.
And now we can see the media is gaslighting it.
They call this an accident.
They call this an accident.
What appears to be a sex crime that happened in Atlanta, they're calling racism.
By God's grace, no one right now, I haven't seen anyone trying to turn what happened in Denver into anything more than what appears to be a mentally ill man.
Started out as an angry youth and grew into being a very ill man.
But we must acknowledge as a nation, children did this.
I have a 14 year old.
I mean, 14, 13, these are 8th grade, these are junior high students.
We have to ask, where is this coming from?
Well, the obvious answer is the breakdown of the family.
Lonely and lost children.
Look at this.
And now, you know, a man died and two children will lose their, they'll spend the rest of their life in prison.
And you have to ask yourself, how did this happen?
So, we need to unite as a country around, and in my film, Divided Hearts of America, we saw
Two years ago when we started making this movie, we saw that they are going to try to use the 2020 election to split a wedge between us as Americans.
And we need to see what will unite us.
What will unite us as a country?
And we discovered that our principle of unity was with us from the very beginning before the Constitution.
Embedded in the Declaration of Independence,
As a vision of the human person, as having an inalienable dignity, equal dignity, given not by the government but by God.
The Constitution was written to protect the truth about the human person.
We are the only country in the history of the world founded on the truth of the human person, on our equal dignity, our incomparable beauty and worth.
Of course, we know the weed of slavery grew with that wheat.
That weed of slavery was growing in the world for centuries before our founding fathers planted the seeds, that weed of the Declaration Principle.
And that weed was a brutal denial of the truth of the human person.
And then we had segregation.
And then we had, after 100 years of battling against legal discrimination, we had Roe v. Wade.
So what Divided Hearts of America looks at is, well, the truth is, the only thing that will unite us is assenting
To the Declaration Principle.
And we've had these relentless, brutal denials.
You know, we're canceling everything in this country.
Slavery, segregation, and abortion on demand for all nine months for any reason have
Those three denials of the founding principle have three things in common.
Say it!
We all know it.
What are the three things?
It's slavery, segregation, and abortion on demand for all nine months, for any reason.
What do they have in common?
It's the Democrat Party.
It is the Democrat Party.
And now the neoliberal elites and the media, they seek to take everything they can get their hands on to divide us.
The immigration issue, any crime that happens anywhere in the country,
If you want to know how it's... you will know before it happens.
Do this as an intellectual exercise.
Write down a crime.
Write down a bunch of crimes.
Then wait as the new cycle unfolds over the years.
And then look at the crimes that you wrote down.
And then you can anticipate how each of those are going to be covered.
What would be the best way to cover this issue?
Not to get to the root cause.
Not to get to the truth.
But to divide the American people amongst themselves.
How do we do that?
That's how the story is going to be covered.
The places where you find the truth, they're getting kicked off of every platform.
I heard Alex say yesterday, Infowars may not be here forever, but he's throwing seeds like Johnny Appleseed.
There will be too many trees that they can chop down.
Evil is a deprivation.
Good exists.
Evil is the absence of being.
All ideologies of evil collapse.
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But since taking Urex 2 for the last couple of years, my skin is just really gorgeous, actually.
People think I'm 55 years old.
And I was already taking your other supplements, but I thought, you know, well, maybe that's what I need to do because I just thought it was a hopeless situation.
But when I started taking it, I mean, it doesn't happen immediately, but you know, over a period of time, I started noticing, okay, you know, this is a ticket.
This is working.
This is wonderful.
You know, I don't, I don't have to put on Dermablend anymore, you know?
So anyway, it worked wonderfully and it really has totally cleared up my skin.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
I would be remiss.
So, we're opening up.
I've been open up since July, since I left Hawaii and got to Texas.
We've been open up.
But I would have to be honest.
I was eating a little too much, drinking a little too much, and not in the best shape of my life.
But about two months ago, I committed myself.
I'm going to work out, I'm going to eat right, I'm going to take the proper supplements, and so I want to make sure I get this out.
There is a mega blowout sale right now.
There's 50% off, plus free shipping on the top selling products at InfoWars.
A lot of things are selling out.
The Vasto Beats sold out, Alpha Power sold out, but you still can get the Living Defense Plus, 50% off.
All iodine products.
50% of all of it.
The Brain Focus Plus.
I need to try that.
You know, you can probably tell.
I need the Brain Focus Plus.
Everything is there.
And things are close to selling out.
If you like that charcoal toothpaste, you got to get that now.
But as America's opening up, and what made me think of this is I was looking at my buddy Darius.
We've been friends since we were five.
This guy is in shape.
This guy is healthy.
He takes his health seriously.
He's been locked down in LA, which is, you know, horrible.
Um, but as your city, especially those of you who live in blue cities, uh, now as you're finally, they're letting you out of your house to play.
You need to play, you need to eat right, you need to get these supplements.
But, uh, you know, working in Hollywood, I got some stories, maybe I'll share some with you, Darius.
There's not a lot of people you trust.
There's some strange rangers out there, some weird things going on.
We've been friends since we were five.
When I saw this Lil Nas X video, which I must confess,
I knew he did that country rap song.
That's all I knew about Lil Nas X. Saw this video.
And I thought, I need to have Darius on to talk about this.
And then I saw the Uber.
And I said, they're trying to divide us racially.
And they're promoting Satanism on television.
This is the worldview of Hollywood.
Let me get Darius Garland, TV producer, writer, movie producer on.
Aloha, brother.
Good to see you.
Can you hear me, Darius?
I think I'm having trouble with Darius.
Yeah, we're having a bit of a technical problem.
I want to go through while we're waiting for Darius.
But here's the thing.
I want to talk about what this week is.
Because I was an atheist when I was 30.
My mother was a Scientologist.
Can you believe this?
And my grandfather
Didn't know anything about it.
You give me the Bible.
I didn't know there was a New Testament, Old Testament.
I didn't.
I knew Jesus Christ.
I knew Christians something Jesus.
I knew more about Santa and the Easter Bunny.
Didn't know a lot.
But I want to tell you about the story of this week, Holy Week, that begins today with Palm Sunday.
It's very important to know because this story repeats itself.
This Holy Week story repeats itself over and over.
It begins with Jesus comes into town and He's cheered.
He's celebrated.
Then, on Monday, the day after he enters Jerusalem, by the way, he weeps because he knows what's coming for Jerusalem.
He enters, they cheer him.
The religious leaders say, hush up.
You know, tell your people to not celebrate you.
He goes, I can't, because even if I do, even if I do, they'll be celebrating me on Alex Jones and InfoWars.
I can't tell them to shut up.
So he just lets them celebrate him, but he knows they're going to yell, crucify him in just five days.
Then on Monday, the day after, Mary's anointing his feet with oil and Judas is like, what a waste of money!
Why are you doing that?
And then Judas betrays Jesus Christ.
Then he goes to Gethsemane to pray.
He asks his followers to just stay awake, but they fall asleep.
And then they come and arrest him.
The crowd that celebrated Jesus
Cheers for his execution, his brutal execution.
And why do I say this is a story that you don't have to be a Christian, you need to know this story.
I tell my friends, whether they're celebrities, you know, the people who cheer you, the people who wave palms at you, those are going to be the ones to crucify you.
And maybe we'll just look at President Trump and the Q movement.
So many in the Q movement now have turned on Trump.
Ann Coulter made a god out of Donald Trump.
Matt Drudge made a god out of Donald Trump.
And then they turned on him.
See, this is what happens.
Now, the people in Jerusalem wanted to make a man out of Jesus.
See, it's Passover week too, right?
Passover is the Jews made it from Egypt to Jerusalem.
But the new Passover with Jesus Christ is that we go from Jerusalem, we go from this earth to heaven.
That's the new Passover.
But the crowd wanted a political leader.
And he wasn't about politics.
He wasn't about making them healthy, wealthy, powerful, getting rid of the Romans.
He was about getting them right.
He was about getting them right.
But so many times, people do make their political leaders, or their favorite actor, or their favorite podcaster, new show.
They'll turn that person, they want that person to be a god, and they're just a person.
And so they'll crucify them.
But it's the same story.
They want you to be what you're not.
They pretend you're something else, and when you're not that, they want to crucify you.
But what we, as Christians, and it's always so interesting to me, you know, when you look at what the founder of Stop the Steal, Ali Alexander, if you saw what they did with this guy, they were saying in the media, his real name is Ali Akbar, baiting us, trying to, thinking Christians and conservatives would go, oh, no, that was his given name, we hate him now.
That's what they thought, right?
They tried to bait us, but we're Christians.
We love people.
We transcend.
We transcend these narrow bigotries and narrow tribes that they lay out.
And so, as this Holy Week is the week that of all things, and by the way, I wanted to talk to Darius about this.
I'm just going to talk to you about this.
I have some weird stories.
I've been at a party.
I was at a party with Harvey Weinstein.
Talked to him for 30 minutes.
Didn't know who he was.
But once I was at a party,
And I was told, this guy does music videos for Beyonce.
You know all those creepy music videos you see in the industry?
This is the guy that, this young woman who worked for me, wanted me to come to her parties.
She said, you gotta meet this guy.
He's a genius and he does all these videos.
And I'm like, those videos are disgusting and satanic.
So I met with this guy.
Are you there, Darius?
I met with this guy.
I met with this guy.
And he was vaping, you know, pot the whole time.
But dumb as rocks.
Dumb as rocks.
So, when I saw the Lil Nas video, I'm thinking, was Lil Nas X, was he the one that said, let me make a music video where I dress up like a woman and give Satan a lap dance?
Do I think Lil Nas X, Lil Nas, by the way, I know nothing about his name.
I know about Nas.
I know about Malcolm X.
And I know that Malcolm X would not approve of this video.
How about that?
Nas would not approve of this video.
I would almost guarantee that.
But I know Malcolm X would not.
So I don't know why.
His name should be Lil Alistair Crowley.
Or maybe Lil Madame Blavatsky.
Lil Yale Skull and Bones.
But I've seen nothing to do with Malcolm X in that video.
You know, he died a Sunni Muslim.
I don't think he would approve of that video.
So I don't know where his name comes from.
But I don't think that that young man, by the way he is a young man, I'm almost 50, I became a father at 18, right?
High school dropout, had my son at 18, when I was a soldier, infantryman, and so now I have a 31 year old son.
I think my son is older than him.
I have two grandchildren.
I have a daughter older than him, too.
That, to me, is a young man.
Do I think that young man said, hey, let's make a spectacle.
Let's take my image, my likeness, my name, and associate it with pedophilia because they winked to that movie, Call You By My Name.
Call Me By My Name, right?
Did you catch that?
That's the little wink at pedophilia.
So I hope to God that he didn't.
It's probably some creep, like this creep I met at this party.
Let me tell you.
It's how dumb he was.
I'll tell you a story.
He's pontificating on politics, the whole party.
Well, he's vaping away.
And I had just come back from Iraq, where I was documenting the ISIS genocide against the Christians.
And he's like, why are there Christians there anyways?
It's a Muslim country.
And I said, well actually the Muslims there call the Christians their older brothers.
Because the Assyrians and the Christians that have been there have been there forever.
In fact, the oldest Christian community in the world is in Iraq.
And he like laughed like I was telling him a joke.
He's like, yeah, a lot of Baptists running around Iraq.
I'm like, uh, no, they're Assyrians.
Alright, do we got you Darius?
Alright brother, I can't wait to get Darius back on.
But yeah, again, this is the exploitation of a young man.
I hope, I pray, I don't know.
I don't know if this was his thinking.
Pray God it wasn't.
I pray God forgives them all.
Alright, after this break we'll be joined with, I think I hear the music coming in.
Make sure you go and check out this mega blowout, because as we come back, as your cities are opening up, those blue state city folks, let's get in shape, let's get healthy.
And let's have a beautiful year.
They're not taking our year.
Humanity has been domesticated, by and large.
The population has been trained to submit, do what you're told, and it's all gonna pass.
But if you study authoritarians, if you study the globalists, you understand that they reach a point where all the training is just beta.
And you go into the point of being culled, being totally enslaved.
And because the globalists see us as weak and see us as stupid, they are now making that move.
And they are collapsing the third world with their economic weapons to then flood us with a third world that the UN will use as a weapon to then have us under such a crisis, under such a load, capitulate to the UN, whatever agreements they want us to sign, hoping that they will stop the flood of tens of millions of refugees.
Not fleeing COVID or climate change, as the UN and Klaus Schwab are saying, and Bill Gates is saying, but fleeing the year-long lockdowns that the UN and Bill Gates ordered them to institute or they wouldn't get more IMF and World Bank money.
And that's why we have to really get educated about the globalists.
I cannot remember the time that I did 50% off on Emerson Central because these are private-labeled
Shampoo, organic deodorant, organic body wash, and more.
And so there's not a lot of markup in them.
So when we do 50% off, that is almost a loss leader.
With free shipping, ladies and gentlemen, it is a loss leader.
You can get it right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
But they're selling out quick, and I'm doing this to introduce people who have been on the fence to Emrix Essential.
This is part of the Big Mega Blowout Sale.
It's got to end on March 31st, 2021 in just a few days as of me taping this.
So take advantage of it.
Experience it.
Emrix Essentials is part of the Big Mega Blowout Sale and free shipping on select items at InfoWarsStore.com.
Makes great gifts as well.
So thanks for your support.
Thanks for visiting InfoWarsStore.
You kept us on air.
These are great products you need.
So please take action now.
You know, it's crazy to get to this point.
It's very bittersweet.
Everything we've talked about has happened just like we said it would.
And now we have a lot of credibility.
But I don't care about that.
I care about beating the New World Order.
And it's because we have so much credibility, they can't allow us to stay on air much longer.
And I don't have time to tell you all the stuff they're doing to us for a lot of reasons.
I can't tell you what's going on.
But let's just say this.
We're going to see this through to the end.
We're going to stay on air as long as we can.
So please pray for us and please buy the products at mfulworthstore.com.
They're great products, plus they fund the operation.
So you know, unlike other products you can buy, they're still great.
Do they fund freedom?
No, a lot of them don't.
These are great products that fund freedom and fund justice when the whole world's waking up and looking for truth.
That's why the globalists are censoring.
They can't bring in all this tyranny and leave people like us on the air.
So while you're at it, don't just financially support us and spread the word.
Download everything we've done you can find and save it, because who knows how long we're going to be on the air and the enemy is trying to destroy everything we ever said.
Gerald in South Carolina.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Try to move quicker.
Hey, Alex.
Would like to say first off, thanks for being the voice of reason in amongst all this stupidity.
Wanted to warn people, I've been trying to get a hold of you for a year, okay?
I'm a double amputee and I have bacteria infection on my lung that'll never go away.
Living Defense saved my life.
They had me on antibiotics for two years that almost killed me.
Living Defense brought me back.
I wanted to just quote from the Bible Jesus is saying as to where we are right now.
This is Matthew 24 verse 9.
Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
And then shall many be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.
That's right where we're at, brother.
And that's because God's name is on the founding of this country no matter what they say, and that's why the enemy hates it.
Because God created this country.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Jason Jones sitting in, and it looks like we may not be getting Darius, but I want to take some time to talk about breaking the Great Reset, because sometimes
We look at the challenges, we look at all the ways they're coming at us, the gaslighting mainstream media, all the people that we trust and look to for our news, they're being shoved off of easy-to-access outlets.
But as a young man, in the mid-90s, I saw this coming.
That's why I was attracted to Alex Jones when I was in college, a grad student.
I'd watch everything he made.
Because I knew we were heading to a catastrophe.
Now it's here.
And it seems almost really unbelievable.
I mean, doesn't it seem unbelievable that Bill Gates would publicly advocate muzzling your children for eight hours in school, changing their DNA, filling the air with pollution to cool it down, eating bugs?
It seems unbelievable.
So I wanted to know.
I'm never going to be able to unravel every conspiracy.
Every secret society.
I'm never going to know their plans.
I'm never going to know their players.
But do I need to know them?
I need to know the mechanisms they use to control us and the principles that we can advance to subvert those mechanisms.
So I'm going to name the five mechanisms that really are being used to control us.
There are five ideologies.
First of all, they're all rooted in subhumanism.
Subhumanism has lots of names, right?
Transhumanism, they want to make you less than human.
What they really want is they want to keep you locked in, think of Plato's cave, they want to keep you locked in the cave for eternity.
They don't want you to go from Egypt to Jerusalem.
They don't want you to go from here to eternity with God.
They want to keep you trapped in their transhumanist cave because they want to dissolve you in an acid bath.
Destroy you, obliterate your personality, right?
They're all subhumanism.
And what do they use?
What are the mechanisms they use to control us?
Number one is total war.
Total war.
Look what's happening in Yemen.
Look what we did to the people of Iraq.
We sat on our hands.
We sat on our hands.
Well, ISIS, the JV team, as President Barack Obama called them, and I'm going to tell you the truth, they were the JV team.
But that doesn't make it better.
That makes it much, much worse.
We allowed the JV team to commit several ethnic cleansings and genocides.
Total war.
Shattering order.
Changing borders.
And Alex's special on the Skull and Bones, the granddaughter and daughter of a bonesman, said they change nations.
They change borders.
Yes, they do.
Think of the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
In the Middle East, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire, there was a Sykes-Picot Agreement.
War was used.
To change all the borders!
Okay, Total War is the first one.
We're going to come back because we have Darius.
And Darius, welcome back to the Alex Jones.
Jason, thank you for having me.
Now, I know what you're thinking.
I want to be on with Alex, not you.
That's what you're thinking.
So it's good to see you, brother.
I'm happy to be on with you.
So look, you and I, we grew up together.
You and I, first of all, there's no such thing as race.
No such thing as race.
There's ethnicity, there's culture, there's tradition, right?
There's all this, but race isn't a thing.
But you and I, like as pals in our neighborhood, we grew up kind of learning about this together, right?
Yeah, I agree with that, absolutely.
We grew up learning about this with our friends, and we were like friends before... I was your friend before I was your white friend, before there was even a concept, and vice versa.
When you've been looking at, and I want to get to the Hollywood thing, I don't know if we're going to have time for that, but
Do you notice whenever there's a mass shooting or a tragedy, it is covered in a way, the news covers it in a way, to create maximum division?
And that's just the icing on top of the cake.
I think the real intention is to take our arms away from us.
But adding racism to it makes it a little bit more sexy and spicy.
So, you know, a week or so ago, we had racism against Asians.
And here in California, there's billboards and public service announcements and all the celebrities are speaking out against this racism.
And then, you know, a few days ago in Boulder, Colorado, which is not a Colorado state, which is no stranger to mass shootings.
You know, several, several, what we say are false flags have taken place in the state of Colorado.
We had the shooting at a grocery store.
And that young man was of Syrian descent, but I believe he struggled with tremendous, tremendous mental illness.
And then there's this whole thing that came out about how all mass shooters are white.
You know, no one's of color.
And I think that was debunked right away in social media with a show, a collage of all these faces that were Latin, black, white, Asian, etc.
And why did they bring that up except to divide us?
To make us fearful of each other?
It's all about division.
You know, we can take, COVID has divided us to a point where we're divided and separated from our own families, so to speak.
But now we want to, the media is manipulating us with this fear of this group is racist, that group is racist.
And it's all a myth, man.
It's no truth, there's no honesty to it at all.
Yeah, what happened in Washington, D.C.
on January 6th is another, you know, great example of division, you know, manipulated division at its finest, as to where, you know, the individuals that perpetrated that crime, I don't believe at all were really Trump supporters.
I believe they were for somewhere else and their agenda was something else.
But the point I'm making is it was all about racism, racism, racism, and the propaganda that's still
I pulled out post that event with people being on camera saying that I was called the N-word and they treated me like this and it's all about this group of people are so racist.
It's really getting nauseating and frustrating to exist nowadays with how division is so heightened and so out of control.
And to divide us, they cannot tell the truth.
And then we have this new thing, it's anti-racism.
It's not enough for you yourself not to be racist.
You have to go around sniffing everyone out.
And looking for subtle, subtle, subtle clues that they may be racist, and as soon as you smell something, you better quickly be very cruel to them publicly, right?
Like, it's not enough to like, you yourself, oh yeah, you yourself, but are you an anti-racist?
Anti-racism is really kind of racism, isn't it?
It's very racism, you know, and these companies with the
Well, teaching people how not to be white is the craziest thing I've ever seen.
You know, it's like the Black Mirror episode where everybody was walking around with their mobile phone and hitting the like button for every interaction.
And it's almost to the point where we're getting to this place where, like you said, there has to be a sniff or a smell test to really see what we are is all about, what we are all about as human beings.
But you know, we were created by a benevolent God that wants nothing for the best,
Or every human being that walks this planet.
So all of this divisiveness and this race-baiting really goes against what I believe is the reason why we're here.
It's just to love each other, you know, unconditionally.
Isn't that what most Americans believe at most times?
Like, we can allow ourselves, all of us, I'm a very emotional person, but all of us can be manipulated from time to time.
We can be whipped into frenzies and enthusiasms.
But don't you think most Americans, most human beings on this planet,
At most times, when they're not pushed into fear, whipped into frenzies, gaslit and lied to, they love people.
You know, they want to do normal human things.
When Alex said, hey, can you guest host the show?
And my first thought was,
I'm having a barbecue with a bunch of my friends.
Ah, well, yeah, this is an opportunity of a lifetime, of course, but I wanted to do normal human things that any human would, every human wants to do.
Love each other, watch our kids play with each other, ride their bikes around the cul-de-sac, like you and me, we play wiffle ball and football all day, every day, right?
This is what people want for their family, for their friends, and for their children, like most people.
I cannot disagree with that.
And that's what it's all about.
You know, I believe that we're at a point where, we're at a tipping point where if we don't get back to the fundamentals of caring for and loving each other, that we're going to be lost.
Not as Americans, but as humans, period.
You know, is what you were talking about with Alex's, I don't want to say 3-2-2, special skull bones.
You know, we have been
Manipulated by design.
For millennia.
For a very, very, very long time.
And we were made to believe that we're supposed to be separated.
We're supposed to be divided.
We were groomed to believe... They're having a... Darius, I don't know if you know about it, they're having, like right now, they're segregating graduations.
Not only by ethnicity, they're calling it race.
There's no race!
Can we stop even calling it that?
By ethnicity, by culture, by heritage, by gender, by sexual orientation.
How many graduate... Why don't we just have each kid go off somewhere in the forest alone, have his own ceremony?
I mean, how many... How are we gonna keep slicing this pie?
I don't have words for that.
You know, I really don't.
I don't.
It's unconscionable, man.
It doesn't make any sense.
It sounds like you say these things.
There it is, National Review.
It sounds like we're lying, Darius.
Well, thank you.
I'm going to have you on my podcast.
You and I have a movie we're making.
I can't wait to share it with Alex and the world.
It's good to see you, brother.
Good to see you too.
You're coming on.
Thank you.
We're going to have the Secretary of State of the Kingdom of Hawaii join us.
It was six years ago that Dr. Group helped us develop Living Defense.
And he told me, Alex, this is going to be one of your most popular products.
And I go, really?
A bunch of black walnut?
A bunch of these herbs?
He said, listen.
This stuff flushes out parasites.
This stuff is beyond probiotics.
From the bacterial on up, it's amazing.
It's got Indian science, Native American science, ancient European herbology.
It's all there.
And it's become a bestseller.
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It's amazing.
If you've been on the fence and haven't taken it,
It is a big bottle with more than two regimens in it.
So this will cover you basically for a year.
But you want to do it every six months.
And the cleanse is incredible.
Everybody gets benefits from it.
Plus it funds the InfoWar.
And it's part of our mega blowout sale.
50% off and free shipping on Living Defense.
But the sale has to end Wednesday night, the last day of March.
The sale has to end March 31st, 2021 in just a few days.
Get it while you can at InfoWarStore.com.
It's massively discounted and it funds the InfoWar.
We have until Wednesday, March 31st, 2021, to take advantage of one of the biggest sales of the year, the InfoWars Mega Blowout Sale.
More than 20 of our top-selling items are all 50% off with free shipping.
That makes some of them
Almost lost liters.
In fact, we're breaking even on the Emrix Essentials.
15 different high-quality organic essential oils.
3 different organic hand sanitizers that smell great and are amazing for your body and don't toxify you like the alcohol-based ones do.
We also have the organic
Shampoo, the organic body wash, the organic deodorant.
It goes on and on.
All of these are set to sell out.
It's going to be months until more comes in.
And they are 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com with free shipping.
And we have Brain Force, the great brain-focused nootropic.
50% off free shipping.
All supplies last.
It all ends Wednesday night.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
The people of the world submitted to United Nations directives on their health, on their right to travel, on how to raise their children.
And the UN told us that the family was bad.
And the UN told us that capitalism was bad.
And the UN told us that they were good and would direct us.
There was no discussion or question about who created the UN, and who was behind it, and how did it have so much power.
Sure, it had been in the back of the newspaper that the virus came out of the Wuhan lab, but that was okay.
It didn't matter that Fauci had been involved with Bill Gates actually funding the very virus that was released.
Because now there are saviors.
And here's the zero-hedge headline up on InfoWars.com.
Here come the global vaccine passports.
For businesses who rely on tourism, the passport is seen as a route to salvation, close quote.
That's right.
You see, it's not the lockdown that caused them to go bankrupt.
It's not the fraud of the virus and the global hoax that caused that.
No, no, no.
If they just submit and take the vaccine and have the passport, then they'll be allowed to travel.
Then they'll be allowed to trade.
But that's not true.
It's the global digital passport that's actually the trap.
Once it's in place, the restrictions will only intensify.
Klaus Schwab, the Davos Group, the UN have all said they want less travel.
They want to lower our carbon footprints.
They want yearly and bi-yearly global lockdowns to lower our carbon footprint.
That's the sick part is they brag about it all, but here's the business owners of the article in Greece.
We're putting our hopes on the vaccines and the COVID pass, said the hotel manager.
Instead of saying, this is a fraud, this is a lie, they counted all the other deaths of other things, this is not very contagious, this is just like the flu, they're teaching us to have phobias of normal activities so that we run into our houses and never leave again, we're all being trained to live on house arrest and be prisoners, all the big tech companies doubled or tripled their profits, China made more billionaires in one year than all billionaires in the rest of the world combined.
No, there's no discussion of the takeover, no discussion of how it's an economic war, using fear, using psychological systems, no.
It's all just the way forward is submit with your global ID and your global passport.
And here's another microcosm example also on Infowars.com.
China reportedly doubled freight shipping to Europe via Russia and Central Asia before the Suez Jam up.
Belt and Road.
So globalists shipped all our jobs to China and but suppose the American could buy the goods back and then sell them to others but now that's all over and since the Suez Canal got jammed up with thousands of ships blocked
They're now reporting that China isn't just going to double, not just quadruple, but quintuple their trade, and that people will then be basically addicted to doing that.
There's also a magical shortage in shipping containers.
And so, as you can see, those boxcars are perfect, and so now their Belt and Road initiative is taking over the planet, where JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and all the globalists have been investing.
Because business is over in Europe.
Business is over in Australia.
Business is over in the US and Canada.
And they're going to do everything they can in economic warfare to block us.
Isn't it funny that every accident, every disaster, every problem helps China, where the globalists put all their eggs, because they're the authoritarian model of the future.
I get the articles from Sputnik, it's on Infowars.com, Belt and Road, China reportedly doubled freight shipping to Europe via Russia and Central Asia before Suez jam up, and then a Japanese ship
Just magically wedges itself in there, and there's just no way to fix it.
Look for it to take weeks or months.
This is just the new way of life, and that'll further put the U.S.
into depression, which Joe Biden is working around the clock to do.
You know, we have more than 10 supplement manufacturers that are all the highest grade in the U.S., and four of them we can't even get products from anymore.
They've just shut down because of COVID and gone bankrupt basically permanently.
And that's just an example of the economic warfare America's under.
And that's why I tell listeners, you need to get storable food now at preparewithalex.com at the highest quality at the lowest price.
That's why you need to get the supplements and things now so that you're stocked up and so that we're also funded somewhat into the future because this is the beginning of the collapse, not the end of the collapse.
The globalists have us in their trap and the more we submit and the stupider our lawyer politicians are, not realizing what's happening, the worse it's all going to be.
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And thanks for tuning in to this live Sunday transmission.
Jason Jones is about to take over in the second hour right now.
And then Owen Schroer with Sunday Live, 6 to 8 p.m.
Remember, only way this transmission gets out is you share it.
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It's a privilege to live in, you know, having lived in the two states now that were countries.
And maybe, maybe they'll be countries again.
We're gonna have a Secretary of State of the Kingdom of Hawaii on.
I don't know.
But I put the map of Texas out for my children and I said, they tried to take a year from our life.
But this is a big, beautiful state.
Look at all these lakes.
Look at all these rivers.
Look at all these towns with great histories, rich histories.
The Hill Country, the Guadalupe River, the German immigrants and the Comanche.
There is so much to do.
It's important that we live our life for our community, that we share the truth about what's happening to us.
But for those of us, especially fathers and mothers and families and friends, we need to have barbecues, festivals, we need to have wiffle ball games, kickball games in the parks.
We need our kids out on the street playing football, yelling, CAR!
This is what we need.
This is what life is.
Do we have Darius back?
I see him smiling there.
Because that was, you know, when Darius and I were kids, that's what we did.
That light post over there,
And that VW over there with the muffler hanging off of it, that's an end zone, and that's an end zone.
And then we'd play, and then a car would come.
And we'd yell, car!
Then the dudes, the old men, would sit on their stoops, and they would cheer for us.
They would watch us like it was Monday Night Football.
And they would beam!
And they would cheer!
And it was just six kids playing in the street all summer long.
That's what we need.
They want to take away our leisure, they want to take away our joy, they want to take away our communities.
But, I have a saying, think local, act local, live local.
It's your neighborhood, it's your block, it's your community, it's your family, it's your friends, it's your church community.
Live there, love there, celebrate there.
Darius Garland, welcome back to the show.
Thank you much, Jason Jones.
I want to go to this little Nas, little Nas X. Now, I was talking to you on the phone and you saw the shoes.
You didn't see the video.
And I said, I said, you need to watch this because nothing you've ever seen in your life, nothing you have ever, you could have watched Eyes Wide Shut 27 times, Clockwork Orange back to back with no sleep, eating mushrooms.
And that would not have prepared you for this video.
Was I exaggerating?
No, you weren't exaggerating.
The end of time.
And satanic symbolism is off the charts, you know?
And I think about the demographic or the age of the kids that are fans of this artist and how they're consuming this, how they're perceiving it, right?
And that's just a big head-scratcher to me, you know?
It's a lot to unpack.
Uh, with this content that this young man has created.
And, um, I'd be remiss to say that the intention is to, you know, to brainwash and to have children start thinking in that direction, you know?
Well, it's on the shoes, Darius.
It's on the shoes.
It says, it has the Bible verse on the shoes.
That Bible verse is, I see Satan fall.
Imitated Satan when she rebelled.
And Adam rebelled.
They rebelled.
They were watching Satan.
Imitating Satan.
Now we're watching Lil Nas.
And they want our children to imitate them.
Going back to Plato and Aristotle, they understood that human beings learn through imitation.
Nike does not spend millions of dollars for commercials because people don't imitate what they see on television, right?
If that didn't work...
So clearly young people are going to imitate this.
That's the goal, right?
That's the goal and that's the intention.
Yeah, I think it goes past the capitalistic point of view of generating revenue.
It's more in gaining a customer for life.
It's gaining a follower.
And I don't say a follower like a social media follower.
I say like a cult follower where you're
There's no investment into anything culturally positive or benevolent with any of these companies and how they're... There's no truth?
Right, no truth.
No beauty, no goodness?
I got excited when I first heard about it, Darius.
I thought, oh, is this... I heard about the shoes first.
And I thought, is Lil Nas X criticizing Nike because they're selling you Satanic Shoes 666 with blood, drops of blood.
You get blood on the shoe.
And I thought, well, you know, the dope, this is the dope of the Uyghur.
Right here?
And I thought maybe, maybe, this is a stand in solidarity with the Uyghur because we have all the NBA players, you know, taking knees, but yet they have, they're repping Nike that uses slaves to make their shoes.
So at first I got hopeful.
Like, is this truth in advertising?
Like, he's saying that these shoes were made with the blood of slaves.
No, that's not what's going on here.
That's not what's going on here.
Luke 10, 18.
I see Satan fall like lightning.
And this comes out tomorrow.
The shoes will come out tomorrow.
It was announced on Friday, a week before Good Friday.
This was not an accident.
There's no accidents.
Like Alex said, was it an accident?
Man, it startled me.
Did you see the Skull and Bones special?
I watched some of it, and a lot of that stuff I've researched, and I have familiarity with it.
You know, what I saw in the Skull and Bones didn't really surprise me.
It kind of validated a lot of things that I believed that I was a little bit unclear on.
What I didn't know, and maybe you knew, that Genesis 3-2-2 is the verse with the Tree of Life, where they want to live forever.
And so much of this is in transhumanism.
What I find with people that are seduced by transhumanism,
Is that they don't even live the life they have now.
The transhumanists, I know.
You meet these folks.
They're living lives.
They're not even living lives.
Because life is about love.
Love is about sacrifice.
And they live lives of desperation.
This week, it was tragic, I believe, a prominent transhumanist committed suicide.
They live lives of despair.
Why would they want to extend into eternity
Living in this cave, living in this life of despair.
You know, that tragedy with that juice world, that young man went to the high school I went to, right next to where we grew up.
And he lived a life of desperation and sadness.
And that's, we don't need to know.
Young people, young people don't think that Lil Nas X is happy.
He's living a very sorrowful life.
This always leads to sorrow and despair.
No, he can't be happy.
I don't know the guy personally, but I think anybody that, lack of a better term, sells their soul for fame and riches cannot be happy.
I don't think there's any happiness with any of that.
Something I thought about, I want to ask you before we go to a break.
When I saw this, there was a lot of gender dysphoria going on in this video, and transgender, and Cat Williams does, you know, he's a really great critic of Hollywood, and he talks about how every black man to be successful in Hollywood has to wear a dress.
He also says, don't, you know, be careful when you go to a party in Hollywood, you might go into the wrong room.
That happened to me like two times.
I went to a party, I said, I think I'm at the wrong party.
I want to ask you about those two things.
Have you ever, I guess first, what do you think about Cat Williams, what he noticed?
He discovered this idea that you have to wear a dress to be successful.
That's always been a joke.
In order to be successful, you have to dress in drag.
And there's been a lot of Hollywood stars, black and white, that have all done drag.
Like Kurt Russell in Tango and Cash.
Jude Law in 2009.
He played Minx in the movie Rage.
Johnny Depp in Ed Wood.
John Travolta in Hairspray.
You know, Martin... John Travolta?
I didn't know that.
Yeah, John Travolta in Hairspray.
Robin Williams, Mrs. Doubtfire, Justin Hoffman, Tootsie, the Wayans brothers were white chicks.
Stephen Dorff played
It's like an initiation.
It's like a ritual.
It's like an occult ritual.
Yeah, I believe so.
I believe so.
It's the shame and humiliation to be in that circle or that club.
Now, you talked about parties.
Yeah, have you ever gone to the wrong room at one of these parties and go, oh no, I gotta call my Uber?
I'm a couple of degrees of separation.
I've had a lot of close friends tell me stories about being
I'm out!
Hey, I'm good.
Good to be on.
Good to talk to you.
We'll talk soon.
Aloha, brother.
All right, guys.
All right, love.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I am Jason Jones, sitting in for the day, and what a privilege to be here with you, the InfoWars audience, because I know when the history books are written on how the Great Reset was crushed, how the Trans-Liberal New World Order was a fantasy, was a republic in the sky that vanished, was a wisp, the Alex Jones Show and his audience
are going to be chapter one of that book, and it is a privilege.
You know, today we're going to talk about the Uyghur.
But you can't love people on the other side of the world if you do not love your own.
And when I told my friends when I left Hawaii, I said, I'm not leaving Hawaii, I'm deploying.
Because in July, if you remember, I was arrested, or you may not remember, I was arrested in the very first reopen rally.
Maybe I was the first person in the world arrested at a reopen event.
And I had friends in the state government and they said, Jason, do you know that we were in meetings and they're going to keep the state shut down until there's a vaccine?
And then if you don't get the vaccine, the state will still be shut down for you.
And when I heard that, I said, you know, I'm a student of political philosophy and I know that a regime forms your children.
Where you live shapes your children.
That's why I lived in Hawaii for 31 years.
Because I wanted that community to raise and shape my children.
There was no place in the world that I would rather be my partner.
We laugh at Hillary Clinton when she says it takes a village to raise your child.
Your village raises your child.
And right now, folks, your village is showing your kid Lil Nas X, right?
So you need friends and family and neighbors that celebrate community, solidarity,
Family, faith, and I'm telling you that's why, especially where I lived on the west side of Oahu, that's those values.
But when the state locked us down, said you can't leave your house, kids, you can't go to swimming competition, dance class, hula class, no, no, that's over.
And if you go to school, you gotta wear a mask, we homeschool.
And if you want, no, that's gonna change my children.
What we need to understand is this 12 months of a shutdown,
Going on and on, when is it going to stop?
Those of you who live in these blue states and blue cities, it is changing, almost going to change the very nature of your children and you.
So I had to get out of there.
But my big concern, and if you saw there when I was in handcuffs, people said, were you there for the First Amendment?
I was there because of my fear for food security.
I run a human rights organization.
We focus on famine, genocide, democide, war, and abortion.
And all of the great famines of history, in history, were caused by government.
And so I knew that the furthest place in the world from any other place in the world is Hawaii.
We import 90% of our food not because of the farmers, that we're an agriculture community.
We had ag ripped from us.
Not because we wanted to destroy our ag industry, because it was destroyed.
I feared food insecurity.
And so that's why I wanted to have on my guest today, Leon Su.
Leon Su is the Secretary of State of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
And, uh, I don't know, is he coming back?
Leon, brother, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Can you hear me?
Yes, yes, I can hear you fine.
Thank you, Jason.
You know, the people of Hawaii, you know there's this canary in a coal mine.
If you want to know how the skull and bones and those folks treated the people of Africa or China or Asia or how the Hawaiians were treated, they don't see
Folks in Iowa or New Hampshire or Boston, they don't see them any different.
And I thought I wanted to have you on to address this great catastrophe that people in the world don't know.
Our own paper in Hawaii, the Star Advertiser reported this week that 50% of families with children are food insecure in Hawaii right now.
Can you kind of set up what is happening in Hawaii and how did we get here?
Well, it all defines how you define secure.
We've actually been food insecure for a long time because, as you said, 90% of the food in Hawaii is imported, as well as energy and most of the other materials that we need to survive on.
They all come in from the United States.
And the way it got there is that the United States
I think?
I don't
...of the United States because of the United States' superiority, of course, as far as in arms.
But what the United States was doing was that it was supporting an insurrection by a few disgruntled local white businessmen who were actually sugar barons.
The Ag industry?
Big Ag, right?
This is the 19th century version of Big Ag.
Yes, Big Ag, exactly what it was.
They had turned Hawaii into this huge agricultural production state, but not producing food, but producing sugarcane for export, and then later pineapple.
But these sugarcane barons
wanted a better market for their sugar and the McKinley tariff had put some severe limitations on the pricing of sugar in the United States.
So this was part of reconstruction.
I mean it's part of the history of the Civil War and then we look to Hawaii for sugar during the Civil War.
Can you bring us up to speed on we had the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom, which is undeniable.
It was an illegal overthrow.
Where we go from here with that, maybe even you and I disagree and we're close friends, shared office for years.
Can you hear me, Leon?
I just wanted to establish a couple of other things.
Right, yeah.
One is that there were two motives for the overthrow.
One was the sugar planters wanted bigger profits.
Because they were used to getting really rich on sugar and now the McKinley Tariff is throwing them their way.
The second part is the United States wanted to expand its influence out into the Pacific and Hawaii had Pearl Harbor.
The United States had recognized Pearl Harbor 20 years earlier and said this is the most ideal port in the Pacific if we want to expand into the Pacific.
And so these two
Motives collided, or collaborated, and cooked up this scheme to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom, annex the Hawaiian Islands to the United States.
Therefore, the tariffs would be gone, and secondly, the United States would have access, open access, to the port of Pearl Harbor.
And that's what happened.
They concocted this scheme in 1893, overthrew the government, took over,
Even though President Cleveland decried that action and he said this is an act of war against a friendly nation, we cannot do that.
The United States did an international wrongful act in the United States by invading.
I'm going to bring you back after this break, Leon.
I want to make sure after this break we bring it up to how the folks in Hawaii today are food insecure and how we got there.
Alright brother, I'll bring you around.
I'll bring you back on the other side of the break.
And yeah, Social Engineers brought people from all over the world.
Created a new community around agriculture.
And then just as they overthrew the Hawaiian Kingdom, they ripped out the industry that knit together this new community that we know today is the people of Hawaii.
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I've been thinking a lot lately about playing devil's advocate on air.
About looking at the world from the perspective of the globalists.
That the public's so dumbed down that they don't care that we're stealing their future from them, that we're poisoning them, that we're sterilizing them, that they deserve to be killed.
Yes, that's the position of the globalists, they play God.
And they think because we don't stand up, they have a right to do this to us.
And I've told you.
That the globals have tried to hire me, they've tried to get me to join them.
But metaphysically, at a spiritual level, I have the Holy Spirit.
I have a connection with God.
And I know that God does not like that, so I cannot join the enemy.
But I'll tell you, at a selfish level, I get very, very mad at people that go along with the system, believing you're part of it, or believing you're getting power out of it.
Whether you're just a steel worker, or a school teacher, or a Henry Kissinger, you're not God.
And treating other people like they're animals and you're God is something that the real God of the universe doesn't like.
And that's a fact.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am your guest host, Jason Jones.
You may not be able to go to Hawaii without a vaccine passport.
But today on InfoWars, you are going to Hawaii with the Secretary of State for the Kingdom of Hawaii, Leon Hsu, and here's what folks need to understand.
Leon, the people of Hawaii didn't decide to get rid of their agriculture industry.
When you and I were young, the farm fair was the biggest thing in Hawaii.
We were an agriculture state.
When the sugar plantation owners overthrew the Kingdom of Hawaii, they reached out around the world.
Okinawa, Japan, the Philippines.
We even had cowboys, the Paniolo from Mexico.
They all came to Hawaii.
Puerto Ricans, we made a new community built around farming.
Then the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, those same groups through international trade agreements decided in 1994, Hawaii no longer will be an ag state.
So now the furthest place in the world, from any other place in the world, requires ships to bring in 90% of its food.
Now if you think that sounds bad, it's about to get worse, folks, because of something called the Jones Act.
The Jones Act, which I think is actually a good act, it supports domestic shipbuilders and shipping, which means that all ships going to Hawaii have to come from U.S.
ports and U.S.
The problem is that Hawaii should be exempt.
Hawaii should be exempt because it's in the middle of the ocean, halfway between Asia and the United States.
So the Jones Act, on top of the destruction of our ag industry combined, will, I promise you, sometime in the 21st century... Leon, it's unimaginable that in our lifetime, in the lifetime of our children and grandchildren, there will not be a major food catastrophe in Hawaii.
Isn't that true?
Yes, absolutely.
And just the irony of it was when Hawaii was discovered, Hawaii was a fully self-sustaining system of agriculture.
And so we basically were able to take care of ourselves.
And some estimates are up to a million people at the time.
So the 1.4 million people in Hawaii right now, but they've destroyed the agriculture.
The United States policies has destroyed agriculture in the islands and we import everything.
But we can make causes to return so we can raise our own foods and be self-sufficient once again.
But if we can't do it under the United States, this is why there is a
A strong movement to restore the Hawaiian Kingdom as a sovereign, independent country.
Because we have to be making these types of decisions ourselves.
What's going to be best for our people?
Not what's going to make the U.S.
economy more money or extend its power into the Pacific.
You know, Leon, you and I have been friends for 30 years.
For 30 years, you and I have agreed that the... You can't deny that the Kingdom of Hawaii was illegally overthrown.
We've been having this discussion.
I've been telling you for 30 years, Leon, changing political communities and political structures is dangerous and can create chaos and poverty and war.
But this present situation, this COVID year, has made me really think there's not one political leader that I see in Hawaii that has put the interests of the people of Hawaii first.
They're behaving as administrators
To distant, unelected bureaucracies, not even in the United States.
So, Leon, I am very close to saying maybe the people of Hawaii need sovereignty.
The Founding Fathers were conservatives.
They didn't take leaving England lightly.
They wrote the Declaration of Independence.
They made their case.
Am I missing something?
Is there anyone in Hawaii, any elected official, that is acting more than just an administrator to a global bureaucracy?
Did you say no?
Did you say no?
Separate ourselves from the United States so that we can make our own decisions and become part of the international community.
But most of all, so that we can restore our nation to being a self-sufficient and self-sustaining society like we were before.
And we were not a pagan or a backwards society.
We were a very progressive society in the 19th century.
Hawaii was the most literate country in the world by 1850.
You abolished slavery, the Kingdom of Hawaii abolished slavery before the United States.
The palace, the Queen's Palace had electricity before the White House.
It was, if a slave made it to Hawaii, they were free automatically.
Isn't that true?
That's correct.
You touch Hawaiian soil, you're free.
And many did.
So, anyway, going back to the food sovereignty issue, the only way we can see us going back and restoring our ability to feed ourselves is to become in control of our own government and to alter the priorities, to put the priorities back on the health of the people, the health and welfare of the people.
To serve the people.
We do not need to have a huge military presence in Hawaii in order to feed our people.
You know, we do not have to have tourism to feed our people.
What we need is we need to return back to our lands.
Now, there is a huge movement that has been going on for years and it's starting to peak now, particularly with the pandemic.
So there's a huge movement of people realizing that we need to grow our own foods.
There was a weird phenomenon I want to ask you about, Leon.
A lot of the sovereignty movement, for people out there in the world, you don't know, there was a big movement, especially in the Hawaiian community, that was built around what was happening with the telescope at Mauna Kea.
I saw trucks where I live flying the Mauna Kea flag.
Those same trucks were flying Trump flags.
What is the connection between the sovereignty movement in Hawaii
So many Hawaiians, Native Hawaiians and others, and explain to people the Kingdom of Hawaii was a multi-ethnic community.
It wasn't based on ethnicity.
It was already a very multi-ethnic kingdom.
What is the connection?
What was the Trump movement?
Why did President Trump appeal to so many folks who support Hawaiian sovereignty?
I think it's the basic principles.
And the principles was that of freedom.
That people should be able to decide to do what is best for themselves.
And I think that's what a lot of Hawaiians responded to.
That they saw Trump as a person who was talking about freedom and law, under rule of law and all that, and to release the oppression.
You look at these pictures, we don't look like we're being oppressed, but we actually are.
We're being prevented from running our own country, from serving the needs of our own people.
And that is the issue of this.
And that is freedom.
As we saw, the United States is losing its freedoms.
And so we're saying to ourselves, we don't want to go there either.
The United States does not have, apparently not working on the solutions, or does not have anything in place right now to solve our problems.
We need to take control of our own destiny.
Leon, confirm this for me, because I think I remember seeing on Ni'ihau, the Hawaiian island, where 100% Hawaiian, Native Hawaiians live there,
All but one person voted for Trump.
Something like that.
Is that correct?
Something amazing like that.
The small Hawaiian towns have been profoundly Republican for many, many years.
But the state of Hawaii has been under strict Democratic control for 65 years now.
And this has been a real
This has not been good for the Hawaiian people and in fact there are lots of issues now rising up on race about racism because It's it's appearing that many of the policies that are installed by the United States and by the Democratic power in Hawaii are racist they have their their roots in keeping Hawaiians down and keeping their own interests and
Basically, they're greedy interests.
Not necessarily racist, but they're basically saying, our American culture, or our Japanese culture, or whatever is in control, is the one that should be ruling Hawaii.
And Hawaiians are always getting the short shrift of it.
As we're wrapping this segment up, I've known you for 30 years, to be relentless.
Not only here, but around the world, going all over the world, you're fighting for the people of Hawaii.
The people of Hawaii deserve leaders that fight for their interests,
Thank you.
Thank you.
And you can go to hawaiifoodsecurity.com if you want to find out more on how we can help make Hawaii food secure.
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The entire New World Order system is about making you feel pathetic, making you feel weak, making you play the part of a victim so you don't take your birthright as being made the image of God and the incredible mission and destiny we have being given free will.
Being given free will, being given consciousness is literally the seed of an entire universe, an entire system.
And the fact that you're able to commune with God, the fact that you're able to see the beauty of a sunset, or the beauty of the waves in the ocean, or the beauty of your wife or your husband, or the beauty of your child learning knowledge, the beauty of music,
As negative as times are right now, and as depressing as things can be,
You have to understand that this is all a test.
This experience, this life on this planet is a reckoning.
It's God giving us a chance to work things out in the third dimension so we can decide where we want to spend eternity and what level we want to go to.
And it really does come down to that.
As sad as things are and as evil as things are, look at all the good in the world as well and realize that God is the author of our consciousness.
God is the author of us having our own will.
God is the author of us having free will.
And that free will is a beautiful thing.
And when you look at mainstream media and Hollywood and this whole evil culture, and Washington D.C.
and Fauci and the mass cult, it's all about dominating your free will.
It's all about telling you you're dirty, you're ugly, you're in the bad.
Because Satan hates you because you're made in the image of God, the creator of the universe.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am your guest host, Jason Jones.
You know what the plan is?
You're the plan.
You are the plan.
We are going to break the Great Reset.
We are going to crack this little New World Order of theirs, because life depends on it.
Right now, already, 15% of children in Hawaii are food insecure.
3 million ethnic and religious minorities in Chinese-occupied East Turkestan are in concentration camps.
And if that's not bad enough, they're making shoes for Nike!
This is where we are.
Sometimes we can feel lost.
We watch the media gaslighting us and dividing us.
Well, the secret to unite us is what I just heard Alex say in the break.
The secret that can unite us is the truth.
And the truth is that you, you are the most precious created thing in the cosmos.
You are made in the image and likeness of God.
That is a profound mystery.
Guess who else is made in the image and likeness of God?
Lil Nas!
What a great tragedy that this young man
Would allow himself to fall so far and participate, because I don't believe he was the engine driving that disgusting music video.
He is a commodity.
He is a commodity no different, no different than the Uyghur in a concentration camp in China making shoes for Nike.
That is how they see him.
That is how they see me.
That is how they see you.
But, but we know the truth.
That we're made in the image of God.
And that truth, by God's grace, is embedded in the Declaration of Independence and we have a Constitution.
And the Founding Fathers were clever.
They're warring at us.
Pushing in at every side, but they run into the Constitution.
But it won't hold forever, so we need to step up.
And there are five principles that we can advance to smash the Great Reset.
I would ask that you take a pen.
Pen or pencil, notepad, write these down.
You can go to my website, thegreatcampaign.org and get my book right there.
It's on the front page.
I wrote this book, The Race to Save Our Century.
It took me 20 years.
Turned it into the publisher.
It was 600 pages.
They said, that book is way too big.
Get it down to 200.
John Zmirak, I said, John, I can't do that.
He goes, I'll get it down.
It's 600 pages and 190 pages.
And this is the plan to defeat the Great Reset.
Number one,
The first and foremost thing we need to do everywhere we go is tell the truth about the human person.
I hear Alex doing it all the time.
We're made in the image and likeness of God.
That truth right there, if your friends, your family, your neighbors knew that, they wouldn't allow themselves to be treated like slaves.
That's the first, that's the biggest truth.
What's the other truth?
The transcendent moral order.
What does that mean?
That's simple.
It just means there is a law above public opinion.
There is a law above the mob.
The mob is fickle.
The mob is waving you in with palms one day, nailing you to a cross the next day.
One day I'm a part of the mob, the next day the mob's against me.
No, no.
Then one day you're a part.
We don't want to be a part of the mob.
We want to look to the truth.
The Reverend Martin Luther King always used to say, a just law is a man-made law that conforms to the divine will, to the transcendent truth.
So that's number two.
Number three, this is the key one.
What is subsidiarity?
Local power, local control.
That you don't give power to distant, unelected bureaucracy.
Who does Bill Gates think he is?
Changing the Earth's climate.
Who gave him?
You ever had a friend in your car and he's fiddling with your heater?
He's turning the heat on, the air conditioning.
Who gave him control?
Bill Gates.
Who gave you the thermostat for the world?
Who told you you can control that?
Who told the WHO?
That they're going to mandate what a local business does in my neighborhood.
Why are our elected officials acting like bureaucrats in a global bureaucracy?
We need to take back control and say, my neighborhood, my state house district, this is our state senate district, this is my township.
Go away.
Subsidiarity is key.
That alone would stop them.
All the great tragedies of the 20th century.
The rise of National Socialism in Germany or Totalitarian Socialism in Russia or in China.
How did they commit such great crimes?
How did Mao starve 60 million Chinese?
He obliterated the free institutions of civil society.
He made every elected official, every bureaucrat and government, they all were controlled by him.
No, no, no.
And so 60 million people starved until the farmers in China, through corruption and force, took back their farmland.
Subsidiarity is key.
And then what's the next?
Humane economy.
That's very simple.
A just social order is grounded in private property rights.
Set within a commonwealth.
We live in a lot of commonwealths.
I make money, but I'm a steward of that wealth for my neighbors, for my family, for my friends.
I'm a steward of that wealth.
I can't be reckless.
I can't buy a river and pour toxins into it.
But I'm the steward.
I am the steward of that property for my posterity.
And I might be a horrible steward.
But when you give the state, you let Stalin steward all of the property of Russia, that's going to be a horrible steward.
Some people will be good stewards of their wealth, their property, and others won't.
Private property and thoughtfulness of the commonwealths we're a part of, our family, is the foundation of a just social order.
And five, solidarity.
And that's what InfoWars has always been about.
You look at InfoWars, this incredible staff, it's like nothing I've ever seen, or Alex Jones, what drives him to walk up
To the skull and bones and bang on their door and say, I'm a contact tracer.
What drives him to do that?
Thoughtfulness, love, solidarity for his community, for the Uyghur.
Why are you watching InfoWars right now?
Thoughtfulness to your children, your grandchildren, your posterity, your family, your friends, your neighbors.
That is solidarity.
And solidarity begins closest to home.
Again, that goes back to subsidiarity.
We gotta care for our family, our friends.
One thing I said earlier in the show is we have to celebrate.
We have to have festivals.
We have to play baseball on the street, basketball with our kids.
We have to fill our lives with joy and have barbecues.
That's important.
That's starting local, bringing life, right?
Care for others.
But we can't forget those on the other side of the world because we do know and we do participate whether I like it or not.
When I use an Apple product,
If I have Nike shoes on my feet, I have benefited from the exploitation of slave labor in China.
And so, as we end the show, I want to put on your heart to reach out to your senators and tell them to support Senate Bill 65, the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.
Because China made a big mistake this week.
Nike feigned concern about having their products made by slaves.
They've known it, now they're feigning concern.
China then announced they would be boycotting Nike products.
So now Nike's stock fell five points.
So now, like all criminal conspiracies, they begin to turn on each other.
You know what I love about InfoWars?
This great privilege of being on this show.
Thank you Alex Jones.
As I know that there are executives, there are people watching this show that own a heck of a lot of Nike stock right now too.
Nike needs to make a decision.
You're an American company that makes free, you have free people make shoes for free people, or you are, or you make slaves, you make shoes for slaves, buy slaves.
Let's free the Uyghur folks!
There's a special report coming here from Alex, and I'm going to be throwing it there, but it has been a privilege to guest host this show, to address such a wonderful audience of folks that are thoughtful, that are posterity, and I hope I get a chance again.
And that's it for this live Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, I want to thank
Filmmaker and author and talk show host Jason Jones doing a great job in the last two hours Also want to thank the great crew all of our affiliates the listeners the course number one God who is the creator of the universe?
Coming up next is Owen Schroyer and Sunday Live.
It is a powerful transmission.
It's only got six minutes of commercial breaks an hour.
That's for the local stations.
A lot of great stations are picking it up.
A lot of people are tuning in.
Owen has a lot of great guests, takes a lot of calls.
So Owen Schroyer coming up next with Sunday Live.
For being part of the right side.
For being part of the solution.
For being informed.
For not being lazy.
For being engaged.
And for standing up for humanity, not just America.
The globalists and their whole satanic system is now right out in the open.
You see Nike coming out with pentagram pale Satan shoes.
You see almost all the mainline music videos openly showing the most bizarre satanic rituals imaginable.
Evil makes its move over and over again throughout history.
Then it loses after a huge battle, a huge war, and a lot of pain.
And then it recedes into the background and claims it doesn't exist anymore.
That's the devil's greatest trick is convincing the world it didn't exist.
Well, now the devil is making his move with world government, world ID, the attack on the family, the attempt to disarm us, the attempt to destroy our nation that was founded with godly principles of liberty and freedom.
So that's why all of you are more important than you've ever been and I thank you.
And I just beg you to understand that without you, we don't have any hope.
Please take the live feed of the show, the archives, the articles, the videos that you think are most important from InfoWars.com and Band.Video, and share them continually on your email, your text messages, by word of mouth, and while you still can, on Twitter and Facebook and other systems, because that's how we bypass the globalists.
Their entire system is based on silencing we, the people.
That's why we, the people, must come together and say no.
Alright, quick two-minute break, and
We'll have two hours of live radio slash TV with hard-hitting truth with Owen Shroyer and Sunday live straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
God bless and good luck.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!